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2023-07-20 22:56:48
  General Growth Properties 1954年成立,1993年在美国纽约证券交易所上市。在美国境内共拥有160座各类商业房地产。其中90家为公司全资拥有,40家为合资项目,其他商业物业由其他投资机构投资,委托GGP地产公司代为管理。GGP地产公司曾经收购了美国JP Realty地产公司,一举获得其旗下所属的18家MALL和26家商业房地产,从此GGP地产公司在美国占据了商业房地产第二的地位。截止2001年底,公司市值达到31亿美元,年度收入8亿美元,资产收益率为4.8%。其旗下160家商业物业,总面积达1301万平方米,出租率达89.2%,上述物业每平方米平均年度销售额达3870美元。2001年收购金额达13亿美元,在美国房地产建商业投资2亿美元。
  “美国最大的SHOPPING MALL营运商” Simon Property Group
  Horton公司是四大美国房地产公司中成立最晚的,但也是发展最迅速的,短短20多年就走完了其他三家50年的路,成为美国售房量最大的公司。 Horton主要从事首次置业、二次置业居民住房业务和房地产金融业务,2003年销售额达到89亿美元,利润7.5亿美元,在22个州44个市场开展业务。
  Donald Horton先生从1972年开始进入房地产行业。1978年,Horton开始他在Dallas的建筑生意。当时恰值“可变利率抵押贷款”在房地产行业逐渐被美国各州应用。金融创新降低了消费者购房的成本和风险,引发需求爆增,1978年,美国现房销售达到创纪录的398.6万套,这个纪录一直保持到 1996年。Horton先生抓住机会,迅速拓展房地产生意,到1990年代初,他已拥有或控制25个新屋房地产发展商。
  从1978年到1991年,Horton公司一直以一个家族企业的形式存在和发展。1992年,Horton公司实现第一次公开上市,随之成为股份制公司。1996年,Horton公司挂牌纽约证交所。为了适应纽约交易所上市的要求,Donald Horton缩减了董事会的成员数量,家族企业的成员逐渐从董事会淡出。通过上市,Horton公司从一个家族公司蜕变为公众公司。1950-1960年代美国出现了所谓“婴儿潮”。后来这个群体中年龄比较大的被称为“活跃长者”,他们接近退休或者已经退休,但仍然充满活力,积极追求生活品质。而比较年轻一部分人已经成为美国社会的中坚力量。体现在房地产行业的发展,“婴儿潮”一代人开始显现出强大的市场购买力。未来美国房地产市场机会主要向二次置业和活跃长者市场倾斜,而普通住宅市场走向低落。Horton公司抓住市场机会,从1999年开始关注活跃长者市场,提供多元化的产品线。
  “唯一一家三次被专业的建筑商杂志评为年度优秀建筑商” Lennar
  Lennar公司,创建于1954年,位于美国佛罗里达州迈阿密的Lennar公司,是美国四大顶级住屋建筑开发商。公司于1971年在纽约上市,总资产逾67亿美元,年营收逾89亿美元,年销售房屋3.2万套,雇员超过一万人,在东部、中部、西部的24个州开展业务。 Lennar公司是唯一一家三次被专业的建筑商杂志评为年度优秀建筑商的公司,多次荣获全国性的建筑设计大奖, 是全美最佳的前20名退休人口社区建筑开发商。Lennar公司的使命:为人们建造一个更好的家,让人们能够在这个家里享受他们生命中最值得眷恋的时光。
  1954年, Leonard Miller 投资一万美金建立F&R Builders ,在迈阿密开始进入建筑行业,专建家居住宅。1969开始发展并管理商业建筑和多单元住宅。1970年,公司正式更名为Lennar Corp。1971年,Lennar公司在纽约证交所上市。1972年,进入亚利桑那州市场,开始成为全国性公司。1984年,Lennar公司借美国政府放宽房地产金融政策之机,建立Universal American Mortgage Company,提供住房抵押贷款服务。至今,Lennar公司已拥有6个房地产金融服务机构,负责不同的房地产金融服务业务。1990年代中期,Lennar公司开始展开频繁的并购活动。从1996年到2003年,Lennar公司并购了19家公司,其中2000年并购US Home,让公司的规模翻了一倍。
  2000 年以后,美国房地产行业整合的市场趋势进一步明朗,Lennar公司通过不断打造自己的核心竞争能力,继续实施以并购为核心的规模化扩张战略。到2001年,公司建造的住房数超过50万套。公司的销售额从1992年的4.27亿直线上升到2003年的89.08亿美元。
  “美国零售业最优秀的发展商” Taubman Group
  美国专业郊区商业房地产投资、经营及管理的营运商,1950年由私营企业家创建,该公司被认为是美国零售业最优秀的发展商、所有者和管理者之一,公司的财产也是全美国最有生产价值的资产之一。总部在密尼苏达州,至今经过了50多年的发展,1992年在纽约证券交易所挂牌上市。 2001年,Taubman中心平均每平方英尺的销售额为456美元。相比较,整个地区购物中心每平方英尺的平均销售额仅为225美元。Taubman公司在美国郊区购物中心领域内的统治地位使得公司在吸引购物中心租户、百货公司和专卖店方面有很强的竞争力和优势。为了支持发展,兼并和资产管理等活动,使公司保持了租借、结构、设计、财政、市场、顾客调查、公共事务、市场营销、零售分析和中心经营等方面的综合能力。目前该公司在美国正参与投资、经营及管理的郊区商业房地产总计31家 。
  “保持53年的持续盈利” Pulte Homes
  成立于1956年的Pulte Homes公司是美国四大房地产公司之一。Pulte Homes公司过去50年里累计建筑了33万套住房,客户市场地域遍及美国大陆本土、阿根廷、墨西哥、波多黎各,总计44个,年销售额高达90.5亿美元,拥有42.94亿美元土地储备。
  Pulte Homes公司的主营业务是居民住房业务,几乎涵盖所有的居民住房市场,包括首次置业、二次置业、三次置业住房,老年人住房以及国际房地产市场。同时,Pulte Homes公司还经营地产金融服务、建筑材料生产、物业服务业务。PulteHomes公司奉行一贯的价值理念:在最佳的地点为居住者提供超一流的住房和服务!公司的口号是:一旦加入我们的家庭(购买Pulte住房),客户就将享有Pulte提供的终生服务!
  作为最优秀的美国房地产公司,Pulte Homes公司保持了53年的持续盈利,在近十年间保持了两倍于市场的销售增长,销售规模从1992年的12.24亿美元迅速增长到2003年的89.3亿美元。
  “美国最大服务于多户家庭式地产商” Related
  1972,史迪文·罗斯创立了 Related 公司,当时被称为 Related 住宅公司。主要开发政府补贴的多户家庭住房,并为其修建筹措长期投资。在当时甚至直到现在,这都是一个独特的视点。Related 很快就称为全国范围内经济房的领先开发商和融资人。
  到70 年代末,仅仅8 年之后, Related 的资产净值已达到了4000 万美元,支持了其超过50 个开发项目,总市值超过2.5 亿美元。在上世纪80 年代,公司多样化发展迅速,极大地扩展了其业务及持有股权的种类。新项目包括大规模、商业化住宅以及大型城市办公楼和其他商业项目。同时,融资服务能力也取得令人瞩目的成长,成为美国房地产开发商资产负债资金的一个主要提供者。公司还开发了新的融资策略,包括直接销售债券和创建公共基金。为了要抓住全国各地不断增长的机会,Related 先后在迈阿密、洛杉矶和芝加哥开设了办公室。继90 年代初纽约地产市场低迷之后,Related 引领了一个城市和商业的复苏,组建新合作关系,完成了好几个新的住宅和多功能开发项目。1998 年,公司中标开发人人垂涎的位于曼哈顿哥伦布商圈的著名时代华纳中心项目。
  随着21 世纪的到来, Related 继续在新的市场、合作伙伴和能力取得蓬勃地发展。不仅如此,公司继续在城市市场上开发知名的豪华住宅项目和大型多功能地产项目。2003 年Related 将它的融资板块, Related 投资公司,卖给了CharterMac,也就是现在的Centerline投资集团(简称:CHC),一个全面服务于房地产融投资公司,六年前被Related 推上市。作为这次交易的结果之一, Related 现在是全国最大服务于多户家庭式房地产的最大的投资者之一。
  在2007 年,公司已开发或并购的美国房地产资产已达315 项,总值超过150亿美元,其中包括84,000 多个住宅单位 和1030 万平方英尺(约100 万平方米)的零售或办公项目。另外90 亿美元的开发项目正在进行中。这种规模的成绩使公司将竞争者远远拉开,提供许多明显的优势,包括创造大规模的采购以及拥有谈判话语权;降低建筑成本并且更有效地管理其营业资产。



房地美 房利美,两大主要的,其它的比较小。去年这两公司有美国政府坐后盾注资,要不已经跨了。



home作名词 自然可加s但它可以作副词例;he came back home作副词不可加S不清楚的地方乐意继续回答~
2023-07-20 22:33:213


n.家庭(home的复数形式);房屋 住家 节能住宅
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home 的复数形式, 家的意思
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2023-07-20 22:35:171

house home family有什么区别 house home family区别在哪

表示的意义以及在句子中的用法不同,home表示“家”,包括住处和家人,是比较抽象的概念。house表示“房子,住宅”,指建筑的房屋;family表示“家庭成员”,指家里的人。Family强调由家人组成的一个集体或强调这个集体中的成员。词义广泛性不一样。1、名词:住宅;家庭;机构;议会;某种用途的建筑物,2、动词:覆盖;给?房子住;把?储藏在房内。3、副词:在家,回家;深入地,4、形容词:国内的,家庭的;有效的。二、变形词不一样1、house第三人称单数:houses复数:houses现在分词:housing过去式:housed过去分词:housed,2、home第三人称单数:homes复数:homes现在分词:homing过去式:homed过去分词:homed,3、family只有复数:families。词义辨析不一样。1、house n.房子,住宅;一家人〔辨析〕指住房,也指住在一所房子里的所有人。〔例证〕He bought a large house in the country.他在乡下买了一栋大宅子。2、home n.家,家庭〔辨析〕指居住的地方,也指家庭成员。〔例证〕The school is far from his home.学校离他家很远。3、family n.家庭〔辨析〕指家庭成员,而非住房。〔例证〕There are five people in my family.我家有5口人。
2023-07-20 22:35:241


恒生公司开发的【恒生Homs系统】是一款全托管模式金融投资平台,主要功能是可以将一个证券账户下的资金分配成若干独立的小单元进行单独的交易和核算,业内简称伞形分仓功能,也就是股民常说的拖拉机账户。 这一新的系统首先为公募基金带来了很多便利,可以方便基金管理人对交易团队各成员进行分仓管理、交易风控和业绩考核。更简单说基金经理在母账户上分出无数子账户,给予一定的资金,交给不同的盘手直接操作,但子账户的操作一定是通过母账户端口,并且得到认可后,才能发往母账户连接的券商进行真实的交易。 母账户可以随时终止子账户操作,也可直接参与子账户买卖,但子账户操作盘手看不到其他子账户的操作,也无法干预母账户任何操作。 母账户的基金经理可以一秒钟终止子账户的操作权利,也可设定每日每次买卖金额的限制,买卖股票和数量的限制等。 同理,信托公司具有一个总账户(母账户),与券商连接,下面分出无数子账户给不同名称的基金投顾团队来操作,这样再也不需要发送传真确认买卖,投顾团队下单后,信托公司如果同意,几乎没有延时就上传到了券商交易端进行实际交易。 【恒生Homs系统】不仅包括了上述分仓及风险控制,还有强大的统计功能,如某只股票的若干年的历史买卖价位、数量,可以在1秒钟之内统计出来。某个子账户盘手在某时间段的盈亏比率,操作频率等等一览无遗数据随时准确统计。
2023-07-20 22:35:321

如何删除群晖 home homes

你有强迫症吧,home 下面有 Download 和 Cloudstation 用过么,远程下载默认下载和同步的文件夹在里面 ,为啥要删呢,实话说,我买回来这两个文件夹都没敢删。。。
2023-07-20 22:35:392

( ) of animals.用home在括号里面填,那在这个括号里面可不可以填homes啊?

2023-07-20 22:35:593

最后一句话中their new home为什么不是复数homes?

2023-07-20 22:36:074

people have homes.划分句子结构想主谓宾什么的?

2023-07-20 22:36:154

home和house的区别 是什么?

2023-07-20 22:36:248


homes 是指大一点的地方 houses是小地方
2023-07-20 22:37:301


home 家,指和家人共同生活额的地方,还可作副词,表示在家house 家,住宅, 强掉建筑物本身
2023-07-20 22:37:385


1.make predictions2. live to be 200 years oldPeople will have robots in their homes.划线部分为their homes(对划线部分提问)_Where______ __will___ people _have____robots?They will arrive in Shanghai in two days.划线部分为in two days(对划线部分提问)_How _____ _soon_____ _will____ they __arrive___ in Shanghai?
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2023-07-20 22:38:202


home的读音是:英[h??m]。home的读音是:英[h??m]。home的详尽释义是n.(名词)家,家庭收容所故乡疗养所,养育院发源地,发祥地 ,产地生息地家庭生活住宅祖国,本国【体】终点【棒】本垒栖息地大本营。home的意思是n.家;家庭;收容所;栖息地;发源地;adv.在家;回家;在国内;回国;正中目标;adj.家用的;国内的;总部的;(比赛)主场的;v.提供住处;朝向。一、详尽释义点此查看home的详细内容n.(名词)家,家庭收容所故乡疗养所,养育院发源地,发祥地 ,产地生息地家庭生活住宅祖国,本国【体】终点【棒】本垒栖息地大本营adv.(副词)在家;回家;到家深入地回本国,回国中要害向家在本国【棒】回本垒尽量地彻底痛切切实adj.(形容词)本地的家庭的,家的国内的,本国的总部的故乡的,家乡的在本地举行的本国产的内地的中要害的严厉的返航的家庭用的,家用的主场的在家里做的在家里的v.(动词)回家把...放在家中,把...送到家中回巢穴,回出生地区给...住处,为…提供住处归航按信号暗示回场【火箭】导航自动寻得【军】(飞机、导弹)自动导航朝向、移向、导向(目标)把(思想、注意力)集中于成家,安家二、英英释义Noun:where you live at a particular time;"deliver the package to my home""he doesn"t have a home to go to""your place or mine?"housing that someone is living in;"he built a modest dwelling near the pond""they raise money to provide homes for the homeless"the country or state or city where you live;"Canadian tariffs enabled United States lumber companies to raise prices at home""his home is New Jersey"(baseball) base consisting of a rubber slab where the batter stands; it must be touched by a base runner in order to score;"he ruled that the runner failed to touch home"the place where you are stationed and from which missions start and endplace where something began and flourished;"the United States is the home of basketball"an environment offering affection and security;"home is where the heart is""he grew up in a good Christian home""there"s no place like home"a social unit living together;"he moved his family to Virginia""It was a good Christian household""I waited until the whole house was asleep""the teacher asked how many people made up his home"an institution where people are cared for;"a home for the elderly"Adjective:used of your own ground;"a home game"relating to or being where one lives or where one"s roots are;"my home town"inside the country;"the British Home Office has broader responsibilities than the United States Department of the Interior""the nation"s internal politics"Adverb:at or to or in the direction of one"s home or family;"He stays home on weekends""after the game the children brought friends home for supper""I"ll be home tomorrow""came riding home in style""I hope you will come home for Christmas""I"ll take her home""don"t forget to write home"on or to the point aimed at;"the arrow struck home"to the fullest extent; to the heart;"drove the nail home""drove his point home""his comments hit home"Verb:provide with, or send to, a homereturn home accurately from a long distance;"homing pigeons"三、词典解释名词、形容词和副词用法(NOUN, ADJECTIVE, AND ADVERB USES)1.家;住宅;住所Someone"shome is the house or flat where they live.home的近义词e.g. Last night they stayed athome and watched TV...昨晚他们呆在了家里看电视。e.g. ...hishome in Hampstead.他位于汉普斯特德的住所2.(强调归属感的)家,家乡,祖国You can usehome to refer in a general way to the house, town, or country where someone lives now or where they were born, often to emphasize that they feel they belong in that place.home在线翻译e.g. She gives frequent performances of her work, both athome and abroad...她经常在国内外演出自己的作品。e.g. His father worked away fromhome for much of Jim"s first five years...父亲在吉姆5岁前的大部分时间里都在外地工作。3.向家;在家Home means to or at the place where you live.e.g. His wife wasn"t feeling too well and she wanted to gohome...他的妻子感到有些不舒服,想要回家。e.g. I"ll telephone you as soon as I gethome...我一到家就给你打电话。4.在家里做(或进行)的Home means made or done in the place where you live.e.g. but healthyhome cooking...便宜而健康的家常菜e.g. All you have to do is make ahome video.你要做的就是拍一段家庭录像片。5.本国的;国内的Home means relating to your own country as opposed to foreign countries.home是什么意思e.g. Europe"s software companies still have a growinghome market.欧洲软件公司的国内市场仍在增长中。e.g. ...the Guardian"shome news pages.《卫报》的国内新闻版6.养老院;疗养院;养育院Ahome is a large house or institution where a number of people live and are looked after, instead of living in their own houses or flats. They usually live there because they are too old or ill to look after themselves or for their families to care for them.e.g. It"s going to be ahome for handicapped children.这将是一家残疾儿童福利院。e.g. old people"shome.养老院7.家庭You can refer to a family unit as ahome .e.g. She had, at any rate, provided a peaceful and lovinghome for Harriet...她至少为哈丽雅特提供了一个安宁关爱的家。e.g. Single-parent homes are commonplace.单亲家庭很普遍。8.发源地;发祥地;产地;生息地If you refer to thehome of something, you mean the place where it began or where it is most typically found.e.g. This south-west region of France is thehome of claret.法国西南部的这个地区是干红葡萄酒的产地。9.适于存放…的地方If you find ahome for something, you find a place where it can be kept.e.g. The equipment itself is getting smaller, neater and easier to find ahome for.该设备本身正变得越来越小,越来越轻巧,也越来越便于存放。10.击中要害地;彻底地;深切地;切实地If you press, drive, or hammer somethinghome, you explain it to people as forcefully as possible.e.g. It is now up to all of us to debate this issue and presshome the argument.现在要靠我们大家对此问题进行辩论,并尽可能将论点阐述清楚。11.(比赛的)主场When a sports team playsat home, they play a game on their own ground, rather than on the opposing team"s ground.e.g. I scored in both games against Barcelona; we drew athome and beat them away.我在两场对阵巴塞罗那队的比赛中都进了球;我们在主场战平,在客场赢了他们。12.像在家一样舒适自在;无拘束If you feelat home, you feel comfortable in the place or situation that you are in.home的反义词e.g. He spoke very good English and appeared pleased to see us, and we soon felt quite athome...他英语说得非常好,见到我们显得很高兴,我们很快就不拘束了。e.g. I am not completely athome in any Protestant Church.我在任何一个新教教会都不是特别自在。13.使清楚地领会;使深切地感到Tobring somethinghome to someone means to make them understand how important or serious it is.home是什么意思e.g. Their sobering conversation broughthome to everyone present the serious and worthwhile work the Red Cross does.他们发人深省的对话使在座的每个人都清楚地认识到红十字会所从事的严肃而有价值的工作。14.大功告成;稳操胜券If you say that someone is, in British Englishhome and dry, or in American Englishhome free, you mean that they have been successful or that they are certain to be successful.e.g. The prime minister and the moderates are not yethome and dry.首相和温和派还未大功告成。15.切中要害;使人接受(或认清)事实If a situation or what someone sayshits home orstrikes home, people accept that it is real or true, even though it may be painful for them to realize.e.g. Did the reality of war finally hithome?...人们终于认清战争的现实了吗?e.g. Israeli officials say that message struckhome.以色列官员说这一信息切中了要害。16.像家里一样舒适的地方You can saya home from home in British English ora home away from home in American English to refer to a place in which you are as comfortable as in your own home.e.g. Many cottages are ahome fromhome, offering microwaves, dishwashers, tvs and videos.很多度假屋都像自家一样,里面有微波炉、洗碗机、电视机和录像机。17.请别拘束;请随便If you say to a guest "Make yourself at home", you are making them feel welcome and inviting them to behave in an informal, relaxed way.18.平平常常;没有什么特别有趣的地方If you say that something isnothing to write home about, you mean that it is not very interesting or exciting.e.g. So a dreary Monday afternoon in Walthamstow is nothing to writehome about, right?这么说,在沃尔瑟姆斯托度过的一个沉闷的周一下午没什么值得大书特书的,是吗?19.击中目标If something that is thrown or firedstrikes home, it reaches its target.e.g. Only two torpedoes struckhome.只有两枚鱼雷击中了目标。短语动词用法(PHRASAL VERB USES)相关词组:home in四、例句She lives a long way from home.她远远地离开故乡在外地生活。My home isn"t very big, but very comfortable.我家不很大,但很舒适。He is planning to establish a home.他正计划建立家庭。The aged is taken care of in the old folks home.老年人在养老院里受到照顾。The lake is noted as a home to many birds.这个湖作为许多鸟类的栖息地遐迩闻名。New Orleans is the home of jazz.新奥尔良是爵士音乐的发源地。Is he home from work?他下班回家了吗?I bought the magazines on my way home.在回家的路上,我买了一些杂志。He punched out and went home at six o"clock.她六点钟打卡下班回家了。The delegation will be home next week.代表团将于下周回国。He struck the nail home.他将钉子完全打进去。This is my home phone number.这是我家的电话号码。These products are for home sale.这些产品是供国内销售的。Our home office is in New York.我们的总部设在纽约。Please let us know as soon as you hear from your home office?一收到国内总部的来电就请通知我们。The home team won the game.主队赢得了比赛。The referee just called a penalty on the home team.裁判判罚主场的球队。Someone will home you when you arrive there.你到那儿后,有人会给你安排住处的。The plane homed in on the radio beacon.飞机遵循导航台信号降落。五、常见句型用作名词(n.)This is the finest home in this city.这是该城市最好的住宅。If you buy that home, will you spend the rest of your life there?如果你买下那栋房子,你打算在那里度过余生吗?My home is in New York.我的家在纽约。My home is both comfortable and sweet.我的家既舒适又可爱。The poor man always wants to have a really comfortable home.这个可怜的男人一直想拥有一个真正舒适的家。England became his second home.英格兰成了他的第二故乡。He left home at the age of twenty.他20岁离开家乡。The old man looked forward to seeing the old home again.这位老人盼望能再看到老家。Neither beasts nor birds would have the bat as their friend, so he was afraid to leave his home.兽类和鸟群都不把蝙蝠当作朋友,因此蝙蝠不敢离开窝。Yunnan Province is the home of elephants and peacocks.云南是大象和孔雀的栖息地。The United States is the home of jazz.美国是爵士音乐的发源地。Some of them are home to rock wrens, swallows and great horned owls.有些地区是山鹪鹩、燕子、大角状羽毛猫头鹰居住栖息的地方。Paris is the home of women"s fashions.巴黎是妇女时装的中心。There is a home for the blind in this town.这个镇上有一家盲人院。The hundred metres champio
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home 表示“家”,包括住处和家人,是比较抽象的概念。house表示“房子,住宅”,指建筑的房屋;family 表示“家庭成员”,指家里的人。Family 强调由家人组成的一个集体或强调这个集体中的成员。而home 指的是家庭成员所在的地方,特别是家人日常生活的场所,不能指人。拓展资料home1、Last night they stayed at home and watched TV 昨晚他们呆在了家里看电视。2、She gives frequent performances of her work, both at home and abroad 她经常在国内外演出自己的作品。3、His wife wasn"t feeling too well and she wanted to go home 他的妻子感到有些不舒服,想要回家。4、All you have to do is make a home video. 你要做的就是拍一段家庭录像片。5、Europe"s software companies still have a growing home market. 欧洲软件公司的国内市场仍在增长中。house1、She has moved to a smaller house. 她已经搬进了一所小一些的房子。2、If he set his alarm clock for midnight, it would wake the whole house 如果他把闹钟设在午夜响,那会把全家人都吵醒的。3、Many of the clothes come from the world"s top fashion houses 这些服装中有很多出自世界顶级时装设计公司。4、I was to go to the very top floor of Bush House in Aldwych. 我正要去奥尔德威治的布什大厦最顶层。5、Some members of the House and Senate worked all day yesterday 一些众议员和参议员昨天工作了整整一天。Family 1、There"s room in there for a family of five 那儿能住下五口之家。2、They decided to start a family. 他们决定要孩子。3、Her family came to Los Angeles at the turn of the century. 她的祖先在世纪之交时来到洛杉矶。4、He returned to the family home 他回到自己家里。5、It had been designed as a family house 这房子的设计适合一家老小共同居住。
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home中文翻译如下:n.家;住所;(可买卖的)房子,住宅,寓所;家乡;故乡;定居地;家庭;养老院;收养所;生息地;发源地。adj.家的;家庭的;在家里做的;家用的;本国的;国内的;主场的。adv.到家;向家;在家;到正确的位置。v.归巢;回家。组词:1、bring/take someone/something home带…回家2、build a home修建住宅;建造家园3、buy a home买一处住所4、come home回家;归乡;回国5、drive home开车回家6、feel at home舒适自在;驾轻就熟7、fly home坐飞机回家8、get home抵家9、go home回家10、head for home向家前行例句:1、They had got too used to the soft life at home.他们实在是过惯了家里的安逸生活。2、Try his home number ─ he might just be there.试试他家的号码——他也许在那儿。3、Come on, it"s time to go home.快点,该回家了。4、I called in at my local on the way home.我回家途中去了我住处附近的酒吧。5、The program can model a typical home page for you.这个程序可以帮你制作一份典型的主页。6、What time did you get home last night?你昨晚什么时间到家的?7、I have no problem with you working at home tomorrow.你明天在家里工作,我没有意见。8、I must go home and get tea for the kids.我得回家为孩子们准备茶点。9、I must go home and get the kids their tea.我得回家为孩子们准备茶点。10、No one was at home.没有人在家。11、The system produced enough energy to heat several thousand homes.系统产生的能量足以给几千户人家供暖。12、Nowadays a lot of people work from home.如今有很多人在家工作。13、You must be home by 11 o"clock.你必须在11点之前回家。14、The child disappeared from his home some time after four.这孩子四点多的时候就离家不见了。15、I think of this place as my home.我把这个地方当成了家。
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记住at home其他时候都不能加介词 除非前面有其他成分修饰
2023-07-20 22:40:374

home和family的区别 二者有什么不同

为了让各位同学在学习英语时更加轻松愉快,我整理了home和family的区别。 home和family二者有什么不同 home和family的区别主要表现在以下三方面: 词义广泛性不一样,home指家、住宅、家庭的、回家,family指家庭、亲属、家族。 变形词不一样,home第三人称单数为homes,复数为homes,现在分词为homing,过去式为homed,过去分词为homed,family只有复数families。 词义辨析不一样,home指居住的地方,也指家庭成员,family指家庭成员,而非住房。 home造句 Last night they stayed at home and watched TV. 昨晚他们呆在了家里看电视。 She gives frequent performances of her work, both at home and abroad. 她经常在国内外演出自己的作品。 His wife wasn"t feeling too well and she wanted to go home. 他的妻子感到有些不舒服,想要回家。 All you have to do is make a home video. 你要做的就是拍一段家庭录像片。 Europe"s software companies still have a growing home market. 欧洲软件公司的国内市场仍在增长中。 family造句 There"s room in there for a family of five. 那儿能住下五口之家。 They decided to start a family. 他们决定要孩子。 Her family came to Los Angeles at the turn of the century. 她的祖先在世纪之交时来到洛杉矶。 He returned to the family home. 他回到自己家里。 It had been designed as a family house. 这房子的设计适合一家老小共同居住。
2023-07-20 22:40:441

英语语法Over a hundred people must have been driven away from their homes by the noise

2023-07-20 22:41:006

英语heated homes怎么翻译?

2023-07-20 22:41:165

Over a hundred people must have been driven away from their homes by the noise.变主动语态

The noise has driven away over a hundred peope away from their homes
2023-07-20 22:41:334


1、We won"t speak English in the future2.There will be a party next Sunday3.Will homes be cool in summer? Yes, it will.4.What weather will there be like?5.It will be easy to heat our homes.
2023-07-20 22:41:565


在人们家里英语:In people"s homes.一、相关英语单词homes单词释义:家住所房子,住宅,寓所家乡故乡定居地归巢,回家home的第三人称单数和复数。n.家,住所,(可买的)房子,住宅,寓所,家乡, 故乡,定居地。in单词释义:在某一点在中在…内在…中进入在里面在内在家里在工作单位的时髦的执政者门路知情者。二、相关短语:失去他们的家园。Lose their homes.有很多的家。There are many homes.有些动物失去了家园。Some animals have lost their homes.你城市的九月。September in your city.大学里有很多社团。There are many associations in the University.在过去几年里。In the past few years.我在卧室里看书。I read in my bedroom.
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那个 “小样儿”
2023-07-20 22:43:513


名词 n.1.家; 住宅; 家乡, 故乡 This is the finest home in this city.这是该城市最好的住宅。The school is at convenient distance from my home.学校在我家附近。Everyone loves their homes.人人都爱自己的家乡。2.家庭3.产地, 生长地; 发源地 Yunnan province is the home of elephants and peacocks.云南是大象和孔雀的生息地。Paris is the home of women"s fashions.巴黎是妇女时装的中心。4.收容所, 养育院 There is a home for the blind in this town.这个镇上有一家盲人院。5.终点 The hundred metres champion managed to get home by a second.这位百米赛冠军好不容易领先一秒到达终点。6.家庭生活7.休息的场所;避难所8.本部,总部;基地9.舒适安逸的地方;让人流连忘返的地方10.(动物的)巢穴;栖息地形容词 adj.1.家庭的, 在家里的; 家乡的; 总部的 They enjoy home joys.他们享受天伦之乐。What is your home address?你的家庭住址是什么?A happy home life needs the effort from both sides of the couple.美满的家庭生活要靠夫妻双方的努力。2.家用的3.本地的, 国内的 My bike is a home product.我的自行车是国产的。4.主场的, 主队的 The home team was skinned alive this afternoon.今天下午主队输得惨极了。5.本部的,总部的;主要的6.打中目标的;击中要害的,中肯的;强有力的副词 adv.1.在家, 回家, 到家 The little girl wanted to take this toy home.这个小女孩想把这玩具带回家。You should send her home.你应该把她送到家。I"m home at last.我终于到家了。2.到正确的位置 He struck the nail home.他把钉子完全钉进去了。3.在家乡;向家乡;在本国,在国内;向本国4.打中目标地;击中要害地5.深深地,至深处地;彻底有效地,切实地6.充分地,尽量地不及物动词 vi.1.朝向,移向,导向(目标) 2. 把(思想、注意力)集中于 3.回家;回国;(动物)回窝,归巢 It"s time for you to home now, it"s too late.天太晚了,你该回家了。4.(导弹、飞机等)自动导航,自动寻的(常与on或in on连用) Plane F103 has homed in on the radio beacon.F103号飞机已按照无线电信号飞回基地了。5.有家;安家;居住;设立总部(或大本营、总公司等) He wanted to home in the suburb.他想在郊区安个家。及物动词 vt.1.把…送回家,送…回家 I wonder why you"re homed by the police.我想知道你为什么让警察送你回家。2.给…提供住处,使有安身之处 Someone will home you when you arrive there.你到那儿后,有人会给你安排住处的。
2023-07-20 22:44:002

have no home还是have no homes

2023-07-20 22:44:181


作为 “家” 时不可数作为 “房子,商品房” 时可数,形式为homes作为形容词时,意思是家用的作为动词时,意思为返回,主语是单三时要加S(ps:以上答案来源于网络,侵删)
2023-07-20 22:44:271

in the most pleasant of homes为什么加of

in the most pleasant of homes为什么加of加of是错误的。pleasant为形容词修饰homesin the most pleasant homes 在大部分愉快的家庭里。
2023-07-20 22:45:343

home怎么读 home如何读

1、英[hu0259u028am]、美[hou028am] 2、n.家; 住所; (可买卖的)房子,住宅,寓所; 家乡; 故乡; 定居地; 3、adj.家的; 家庭的; 在家里做的; 家用的; 本国的; 国内的; 4、adv.到家; 向家; 在家; 到正确的位置; 5、v.归巢,回家; 6、[例句]They had got too used to the soft life at home.他们实在是过惯了家里的安逸生活。 7、[其他]第三人称单数:homes 复数:homes 现在分词:homing 过去式:homed 过去分词:homed
2023-07-20 22:45:401


home的用法有:adj.家庭的;家用的国内的;本地的;本部的例句:Europe"s software companies still have a growing home market.欧洲软件公司的国内市场仍在增长中。例句:Notice the Guardian"s home news pages.注意《卫报》的国内新闻版。adv.在家;回家例句:His wife wasn"t feeling too well and she wanted to go home.他的妻子感到有些不舒服,想要回家。例句:Hi, Mom, I"m home!嘿,妈妈,我回家了!深深地;深入地例句:It is now up to all of us to debate this issue and press home the argument.现在要靠我们大家对此问题进行辩论,并尽可能将论点阐述清楚。n.家,住宅 [C]例句:I shouldn"t be such a wet blanket, but I"m afraid I have got to go back home.我真不该扫大家的兴,可是现在我必须回家了。例句:Last night they stayed at home and watched TV.昨晚他们呆在了家里看电视。家庭,家庭生活 [C]例句:After the quietness of home and school, university has been almost frightening.过惯了家庭和中学的平静生活之后,大学简直有些可怕了。例句:Single-parent homes are commonplace.单亲家庭很普遍。家乡 [U]例句:I only lived there until I was about 13, but I still regard it as my home town.我只有在那里住到大约十三岁,但是我仍然把它当作我的故乡。例句:She gives frequent performances of her work, both at home and abroad.她经常在国内外演出自己的作品。避难所 [C]例句:It"s going to be a home for handicapped children.它将成为一家残疾儿童福利院。例句:It"s an old people"s home.这是一家养老院。house,building,dwelling,shelter,habitation,home,residence这些名词均含有“居住处”之意。 house中性词,泛指一切供居住的建筑物,尤指适合一家一户居住的房屋。 building泛指一切建筑物,不限于居住的房子。 dwelling正式用词,仅指人们居住的任何建筑物。 shelter可指长期或临时的住处,也指简陋或临时搭建的躲避风雨的场所。 habitation指长久或固定的住所或居住地。 home指永久住家时,带有家庭所特有的温暖、情感等气息。 residence指大而堂皇的寓所或公馆,也指法律上的居住点。home相关短语at homeadv.在家,在本地,在国内,熟悉bring home the bacon成功地完成;养家;赢,取胜come homev.回家,被完全理解drive home把钉牢;讲明白,说清楚,使人明白foster homen. 抚养孤儿的家庭go homev. 回家hit home击中要害,触及痛处;说中,猜对,得要领home pagehome truth令人难堪的事实,逆耳的忠言mental home精神病院,疯人院nursing homen. 疗养院press home使一针见血,使打中要害
2023-07-20 22:45:491

请以Homes in the future为题,写一篇短文?

Homes in the future will be very nice and fortable. It will be cool in winter and warm in summer. There will be a robot at everyone"s home.And it will help people do housework, clean house and cook the meal.It will look after children and old people. It also can tell children stories. What a wonderful home! ,9,请以Homes in the future为题,写一篇短文 提示词汇:cool in winter, warm in summer, robot, everyone"s home , do housework , clean houses, wash clothes , cook the meal , look after children and old people, tell children stories 要求:1. 条理清楚、意思连贯、语句通顺、标点正确。 2. 60词以上。
2023-07-20 22:46:211


问题一:“养老院”用英语怎么说? 1. beadhouse 2. resthome 3. rest home 问题二:敬老院用英语怎么说? 敬老院Homes for the aged geraium The old folk"s homes, Homes for the elderly, Retirement room 都可以的,祝开心~ 问题三:美国的养老院 福利院用英语怎么说? 美国的养老院 American Home care center Ameri盯an Senior Center Nursing Home /rest home 福利院用英语怎么说 homeless shelter senior housing project 问题四:养老院的英语 nursing homes 网络 疗养院; 护理之家; 私人疗养院; 医护疗养所; 养老院 built resorts, nursing homes, hotels, guest houses, tourist reception facilities. 建有度假村、疗养院、宾馆、招待所等旅游接待设施 Nowadays when people grow old, we often send them to nursing homes. 如今,当人们随着年龄的增长,我们会送他们去敬老院。 问题五:敬老院英文怎么写 单词可以用geroium或者geraium.词组可以用home for the aged或者×× nursing home(某某敬老院)。 问题六:“养老院”用英语怎么说? aged home 问题七:在敬老院用英语怎么说 At the homes for the aged 问题八:英文中的“敬老院”怎么说 nursing home , old-age homes 例句: 1.我希望敬老院的人会很欣赏你。 I hope the people at the nursing home appreciate you. 2.你能讲讲康复中心或敬老院与医院有什么不同的地方吗? Can you tell me what the difference is between nursing home and hospital? 3.集中供养一般通过举办社会福利院、敬老院、疗养院、儿童福利院等福利机构进行; Concentrated establishments include social welfare homes, old-age homes,sanitariums, and children"s welfare homes. 4.不管我们是在教育方面帮助孩子们,还是在敬老院照顾老人们。 Whether we are helping children with their schooling, or caring for the elderly innursing homes.
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2023-07-20 22:46:341

beautiful homes 歌词

歌曲名:beautiful homes歌手:Chris Isaak专辑:san francisco daysIn beautiful housesWith beautiful gardensAnd beautiful friends insideAnd i stand all aloneThat rain falling downI stare at your window and i cryI love you so muchI love you too muchI love you so much so muchWill you be mineChris IsaakIn beautiful housesWith beautiful gardensWhere beautiful dreams have diedAnd you stand all aloneWith your friends all aroundAnd you stare at your window and you cryI love you so muchI love you too muchI love you so much so muchWill you be mineAnd i"m sorry for the things i saidSorry for the things i didSorry for the way i said goodbyeSorry for the things i didSorry that i ever made you cry-y-yWell in beautiful housesWith beautiful gardensAnd beautiful friends insideAnd i stand all aloneWith my world falling downAnd i stare at your window and i cryI love you so muchI love you too muchI love you so much so muchWill you be mineI love you so much so muchWill you be mineOh darling
2023-07-20 22:46:421

In many English homes people eat four meals a day. They have breakfast at any time from seven t...

2023-07-20 22:46:491


家的英文一般是home或者family。home,英文单词,主要用作名词、副词、形容词、动词,作名词时意为“家,住宅;产地;家乡;避难所,人名;霍梅;霍姆”,作副词时意为“在家,回家;深入地”,作形容词时意为“国内的,家庭的;有效的”,作动词时意为“归巢,回家”。family,英语单词,主要用作名词、形容词,作名词时意为“家庭;亲属;家族;子女”,作形容词时意为“家庭的”。家的本意是屋内、住所,《史记·乐毅列传》:“乐羊死,葬于灵寿,其后子孙因家焉。”引申为安家落户、定居,家还可引申为自己家庭的住房、室内及机关部队等单位的住地等意。家,是让人想起来温暖的地方;家,是让人觉得安心的所在。无论我们在外面经受了什么,多大的暴风骤雨,多大的坎坷挫折,只要想起家,心里就踏实。例句:1、Their partners were then asked how much tension there was at home and how often the couple argued.(而他们的伴侣则被询问家庭生活中有多少矛盾,夫妻间多久争吵一次。)2、Software is a form of intellectual property and is entitled to just as much protection as real property like your car or your home.(软件是知识产权的一种形式,而且应该受到和你的不动产,如汽车或者房子等一样的保护。)3、The key to how much further home prices fall, Goldman Sachs economist Jan Hatzius said, is how fast the glut of empty homes is absorbed.(高盛经济专家JanHatzius指出,房价会跌到什么地步的关键,是这些供应过剩的空房子被消化的速度有多快。)4、Promising to help her return home, the clerk brought her to the government office who found her lodging in a civilian"s house.(何文书即答应想办法送她回家,并把她带到村公所,由村干部安置在一位老乡家里先住下来。)5、When I got home from work the next evening, the lawn had been mowed, the garden weeded , and the walks swept.(等我第二天晚上下班回到家,草坪已修整好了,花园除了草,人行道也清扫过了。)6、I try to have one with me at all times but sometimes I"ll forget it in the studio or leave one at home, so they can be a bit scattered.(我努力想要有一个和我在任何时候都可能会把它给忘了,但有时我在录音棚离开一个在家里,所以他们可能会有点分散。)
2023-07-20 22:46:561


从用法来说,1、HOME可以做副词,所以有GO HOME的用法,但必须用GO TO HOUSE。 2、 HOUSE 还可以是动词,可以是I HOUSED HERE,我住在这里。 从意思上讲,HOME是家,HOUSE,是房子的意思,HOME更有家的感觉。
2023-07-20 22:48:212


这个题应选C。句中The residents是主语,were given是谓语,help是宾语,by the government作状语,引出谓语动作的发出者。all of whose...flood是一个whose引导的定语从句,修饰The residents。这个从句里,all of whose homes整体作主语,其中whose则是homes的定语,这里whose代替的是The residents;had been damaged作谓语,by the flood则作状语,引出谓语动作的发出者。
2023-07-20 22:48:308


名词和副词。如stay at home.名词go home.副词
2023-07-20 22:48:556

Happy Homes 歌词

歌曲名:Happy Homes歌手:Kevin Coyne & Dagmar Krause专辑:BabbleGarbage - Happy HomeIn my happy home I barely breatheIn my lovers arms I find reliefAnd there"s a sky that"s changingand a bird that singsI never once in my wayward life was heading to run outIn my lovers arms I wait for morningI beg my god to speak and tear me apartI"d lay down my body I"d lay down my armsI never once in my sweet short life meant anybody harmIn my happy home i read the signsIn my lovers arms I move in timeThere"s no more crying and there"s no more liesI never once in my sweet short life was waiting for desireAnd there"s no more cryingAnd there"s no more painI never thought for one secondI"d have nothing left but shameIn my happy home I barely breatheI never once in my wayward life was heading to run out
2023-07-20 22:49:221

go home和in their homes的HOME一词有何区别呢?

in their homes?? 我没见过! 我只见过at home!不知道你是怎么制造的
2023-07-20 22:49:314


soul home译为:灵魂的归宿;精神家园。soul[英][su0259u028al][美][sou028al]n.灵魂; 精神; 幽灵; 人; adj.美国黑人文化的; 复数:souls例句:1.To help your mind and soul. 来帮助你的头脑和灵魂。2.Open your soul to them. 向他们敞开你的灵魂。home[英][hu0259u028am][美][hou028am]n.家; 家庭; 家庭生活; 终点; adj.家庭的; 家用的; 本地的; 本部的; adv.在家; 在家乡; 深深地; 深入地; vi.回家; 有家; 朝向; 自动导航; vt.把…送回家; 送…回家; 给…提供住处; 使有安身之处; 第三人称单数:homes过去分词:homed复数:homes现在进行时:homing过去式:homed例句:1.I don"t want to stay home tonight. 我今晚不想呆在家里。2.Your home is a big investment. 你的家是一笔巨大的投资。
2023-07-20 22:49:381


2023-07-20 22:49:496

一道初二英语阅读题Here are some facts about homes in the United State?

46. A 74% of the people in the US make their homes in or around cities. 47. B Dogs live in about 40% of all homes in the US.About half that number have cats. 48. D On the average (平均),2.64 people lived at home in early 1990s. 49. C Half of the teenagers in the US have their own bedrooms 50. D An American moves,on the average,twelve times in his or her life. in England a person moves eight times.,5,A :74% of the people in the US make their homes in or around cities B:About half that number have cats D:On the average (平均), 2.64 people lived at home in early 1990s. C:Half of the teena...,0,一道初二英语阅读题 Here are some facts about homes in the United States and the people who live in them. In the early 1990s, about 50% of the Americans owned their homes and the rest rented (租) their homes. The rented homes were usually apartments (公寓). 74% of the people in the US make their homes in or around cities. 26% live in the country. Dogs live in about 40% of all homes in the US. About half that number have cats. Families in the US are being *** aller. On the average (平均), 2.64 people lived at home in early 1990s. In 1960, the average was 3.5. Half of the teenagers in the US have their own bedrooms. An American moves, on the average, twelve times in his or her life. In Japan a person moves about five times, and in England a person moves eight times. 46. Most Americans live ________, according to the passage. A. in or around the cities B. in cities C. around cities D. in the country 47. Ho w many American families own a cat? A. About 40%. B. About 20%. C. About 74%. D. About 26%. 48. On the average, there were ________ people in an American family in 1994. A. more than 3 B. only 3.5 C. le ss than 2 D. about 2.64 49. ________ in the US have their own bedrooms. A. All of the people B. Most of the children C. Half of the teenagers D. Only some of the teenagers 50. What can we learn from the passage? A. In the early 1990s, most of the Americans owned their homes. B. Families in the US are being bigger and bigger. C. A Japanese moves more often than an American. D. An American moves more often than an Englishman.
2023-07-20 22:50:211