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会计英文报表difference in foreign currencies converted 是什么科目?

2023-07-20 22:23:06
资 产 负 债 表

For the year ended December 31,2006年度


现 金 Cash on hand
银行存款 Cash in bank

有价证券 Marketable securities
应收票据 Notes receivable
应收账款 Accounts receivable
减:坏账准备 less:Provision for bad debts
预付帐款 Advances to suppliers
委托银行收款 Collections entrusted to bank
其他应收款 Other receivables

待摊费用 Prepaid expenses
存货 Inventories
减:存货变现损失准备 Less:Provision for loss on realization of inventories
一年到期的长期投资 Long-term investment maturing in one year
其他流动资产 Other current assets
长期投资 Long-term investments

一年以上的应收款项 Receivable collectible after one year
固定资产(及临时设施): FIXED ASSETS (AND facilities on aites)
固定资产原价 Fixed assets-cost
减:累计折旧 less:Accumulated depreciation
固定资产净值 Fixed assets-net value

固定资产清理 Dispoal of fixed assets
在建工程 Construction in progress

场地使用权 Land occupancy right
工业产权及专利技术 Industry property rights Proprietary technology
其他无形资产 Other intangible assets
开办费 Organization expenses
筹建期间汇兑损失 Exchange loss during start-up period
递延投资损失 Deferred loss on investments
递延税款借项 Deferred taxs charges
其他递延支出 Other deferred expenses
待转销汇兑损失 Unamortized exchange loss
附注:1.委托加工材料 Customers" materials to be processed_____
3.代管商品物资 Good held for others_____
5.租入固定资产 Fixed assets under operating lease_____








美亚 new used collectible 什么意思

new used collectible新的二手的适宜收藏的东西collectible[英][ku0259"lektu0259bl][美][ku0259u02c8lu025bktu0259bu0259l]adj.可收集的,可代收的; 适于收藏的; n.适宜收藏的东西,业余爱好的收藏物; 传统收集之物(如:邮票,辅币,艺术品等); 非传统收藏品[亦作collectable]; 复数:collectibles例句:1.Ickee stikeez, tiny, squishy, collectible monster figures, have tiny suctioncups for feet. Ickee Stikeez外形是小小的、黏乎乎的的怪兽形象,非常适合收藏。
2023-07-20 21:17:541


collectibles 收藏物,收藏品collectible adj 可收集的,可代收的collection n.收集; 收取, 领取;收藏品, 收集的东西;募集的款项, 捐款;积聚物; 集中在一起的人
2023-07-20 21:18:012


2023-07-20 21:18:107

collect pebbles怎么读

collect[英] [ku0259u02c8lekt][美] [ku0259u02c8lu025bkt]vt.收集,收藏;收到;收款,收帐;聚积vi.聚集,集合vt.& vi.征收,募集adj.由受话人付费的(美国英语)adv.(电话、电报等)由受话人付费pebble[英] [u02c8pebl][美] [u02c8pu025bbu0259l]生词本n.卵石;水晶;水晶透镜;卵石花纹vt.用卵石铺;用石子扔;使纹理粗糙
2023-07-20 21:18:252


collection[kəˈlekʃn]释义:n. 收集,采集;征收;收藏品;募捐变形:复数. collections短语:collective集体,集体的collectible收藏品collect收集,搜集
2023-07-20 21:18:424

美国亚马逊 used 和collectible有什么区别

2023-07-20 21:18:571

“可回收市价”“减值准备” 英语怎么翻译

reclaimable market valuedevalue preparation
2023-07-20 21:19:067

A non-collectible assembly may not reference a collectible assembly异常

在netcore更新到3.x之后,我们开始打算迁移到这个平台去,但是总会出现一些奇奇怪怪的问题 A non-collectible assembly may not reference a collectible assembly at System.Reflection.Emit.ModuleBuilder.GetTypeRef(QCallModule module, String strFullName, QCallModule refedModule, String strRefedModuleFileName, Int32 tkResolution) at System.Reflection.Emit.ModuleBuilder.GetTypeRefNested(Type type, Module refedModule, String strRefedModuleFileName) at System.Reflection.Emit.ModuleBuilder.GetTypeTokenWorkerNoLock(Type type, Boolean getGenericDefinition) at System.Reflection.Emit.ModuleBuilder.GetTypeTokenInternal(Type type, Boolean getGenericDefinition) at System.Reflection.Emit.ILGenerator.Emit(OpCode opcode, Type cls) at System.Xml.Serialization.CodeGenerator.Castclass(Type target) at System.Xml.Serialization.CodeGenerator.InternalConvert(Type source, Type target, Boolean isAddress) at System.Xml.Serialization.SourceInfo.InternalLoad(Type elementType, Boolean asAddress) at System.Xml.Serialization.XmlSerializationWriterILGen.WriteElement(SourceInfo source, ElementAccessor element, String arrayName, Boolean writeAccessor) at System.Xml.Serialization.XmlSerializationWriterILGen.WriteElements(SourceInfo source, String enumSource, ElementAccessor[] elements, TextAccessor text, ChoiceIdentifierAccessor choice, String arrayName, Boolean writeAccessors, Boolean isNullable) at System.Xml.Serialization.XmlSerializationWriterILGen.WriteMember(SourceInfo source, String choiceSource, ElementAccessor[] elements, TextAccessor text, ChoiceIdentifierAccessor choice, TypeDesc memberTypeDesc, Boolean writeAccessors) at System.Xml.Serialization.XmlSerializationWriterILGen.GenerateTypeElement(XmlTypeMapping xmlTypeMapping) at System.Xml.Serialization.XmlSerializationWriterILGen.GenerateElement(XmlMapping xmlMapping) at System.Xml.Serialization.TempAssembly.GenerateRefEmitAssembly(XmlMapping[] xmlMappings, Type[] types, String defaultNamespace) at System.Xml.Serialization.TempAssembly..ctor(XmlMapping[] xmlMappings, Type[] types, String defaultNamespace, String location) at System.Xml.Serialization.XmlSerializer.GenerateTempAssembly(XmlMapping xmlMapping, Type type, String defaultNamespace, String location) at System.Xml.Serialization.XmlSerializer..ctor(Type type, String defaultNamespace) 看问题描述大概是序列化成xml时候出现的问题,我用的System.Xml.Serialization.XmlSerializer类,就随便写了个控制台去debug一下,发现怎么搞都出不了这个异常了。也就是说异常出现还有一些必要条件。 再重审下异常描述,看起来涉及到了反射字样,大概是和动态加载有关系了。 在netcore3.0之后,微软开始支持了可回收程序集 (Collectible Assembly),我们可以创建一个可回收的 AssemblyLoadContext(类似于原来的AppDomain,已过时),用它来加载与卸载程序集。 那么用两个条件一起搜索,就发现GitHub上已经提有这么一个bug: 总结起来就是: 原因:未知,推测是由于XmlSerializer创建的动态的non-Collectible Assembly,与我们输入的类型产生了不良反应,由此导致异常的发生。 作者说等到NET5,在这之后再合并入NET3。 办法: 1、如果继续用AssemblyLoadContext+XmlSerializer的话,需要将AssemblyLoadContext的collectible 属性设置为false。 2、使用Newtonsoft来做序列化,可以回避掉这个问题。
2023-07-20 21:19:321


“盲盒”,在英语中可以用mystery boxes或mystery toy boxes表示,里面装的通常是动漫、影视作品的周边,或者是设计师单独设计出来的玩偶(collectible figures)。之所以叫“盲盒”,是因为消费者在购买的时候看不到里面装的是哪一款(the packaging doesn"t allow buyers to see what"s inside),只有在打开之后才能看到。
2023-07-20 21:19:391


问题一:什么可以再利用什么可以回收利用 英文表达 What can be re-used? What can be recycled? 问题二:“废物再利用”用英语应该怎么表达 20分 “废物再利用”是不能直译成 Reuse of waste 的,英文里对此有专门的说法。 名词:recycling 动词:to recycle 问题三:我们应该给垃圾分类,以便回收利用用英语怎么说? we should sort garbages to recycle them. 问题四:有回收价值,可回收的 英语怎么说 可回收 recoverable 问题五:垃圾分类回收用英语怎么说 你好! 垃圾分类回收 Garbage sorting recycling 问题六:写关于回收利用旧物品的英语作文加翻译 The longing summer vacation is approaching, it is the best part of the school year for me. I cannot let the holidays elapse meaninglessly,my vacation should be a phase of harvest. The events in my plan should give me a sense of infinite potential. The following plan may reveal the intensity of my desire to travel, work and study in this vacation. In the first few days I want to climb Mount Huang Shan with several friends to refresh ourselves. Then I tend to visit relatives,senior school teachers and former clas *** ates. Besides,to find out the best ways to cultivate my abilities,I will find a part time job and conduct some social investigation. 问题七:回收利用是一个帮助减少污染的好办法用英语怎么说 英文原文: Recycling is a good way to help reduce pollution. 英式音标: [?ri??sa?kl??] [?z] [?; e?] [g?d] [we?] [t?; before a vowel; t?; stressed; tu?] [help] [r??dju?s] [p??lu??(?)n] . 美式音标: [?ri??sa?kl??] [?z] [e] [?d] [we] [tu?t?] [h?lp] [r??d?s] [p??lu??n] . 问题八:可回收用英文怎么说 Callablecollectible reciclaveis 三种都可以 问题九:文件发放回收记录 用英文咋翻译? Record of document release and reclamation 问题十:在处理垃圾方面,我们应该分类收集和回收利用用英语怎么说 In the dealing with garbage, we should be classified collection and recyclingIn the treatment of waste, we should be classified collection and recycling
2023-07-20 21:19:521


在游戏中有着非常多的收集要素,玩家要是不看攻略会遗落一些东西,那么渎神收藏品有哪些呢?还不知道的玩家快来看深空高玩带来的收藏品全收集攻略吧。收藏品全收集攻略全44个圣人遗骨。收集然后放进阿尔贝罗下方的藏骨堂可以获得赎罪之泪奖励,全收集可以开启二周目特殊选项。1、The Holy Line - 1 collectible圣途 - 1Clavicle of Dalhuisen, the Schoolchild学童道海森2、Albero - 2 collectibles阿尔贝罗 - 2Calcaneum of Persian, the Bandit土匪珀西安Phalanx of Brannon, the Gravedigger掘墓人布兰农3、Wasteland of the Buried Churches - 2 collectibles葬堂荒野 - 2Phalanx of Arthur, the Sailor水手亚瑟Capitate of Barock, the Herald司令官巴罗克4、Mercy Dreams - 4 collectibles慈悲梦境 - 4Maxilla of Tarradax, the Cleric教士塔拉达克斯Cervical vertebra of Zicher, the Brewmaster酒师齐赫Pisiform of Hernandez, the Explorer探险家赫南德斯Kneecap of Sebastien, the Puppeteer木偶匠塞巴斯蒂安5、Desecrated Cistern - 4 collectibles亵渎之地 - 4Scaphoid of Fierce, the Leper麻风患者菲尔斯Humerus of McMittens, the Nurse护士麦克米腾斯Hyoid bone of Senex, the Beggar乞丐森纳士Navicular of Kahnnghoo, the Murderer杀手坎尼忽6、Where Olive Trees Wither - 2 collectibles橄榄干枯之地 - 2Radius of Helzer, the Poet诗人黑尔泽Coccyx of Daniel, the Possessed狂人丹尼尔7、Graveyard of the Peaks - 3 collectibles群峰墓地 - 3Occipital of Tequila, the Metalsmith金匠特基拉Parietal bone of Lasser, the Inquisitor裁判官拉瑟Anklebone of Weston, the Pilgrim朝圣者韦斯顿8、Convent of Our Lady of the Charred Visage - 2 collectibles焦容圣母修道院 - 2Sternum of Vitas, the Performer演员维塔斯Phalanx of Miriam, the Counsellor参赞米里亚姆9、Mountains of The Endless Dusk - 1 collectible无尽黄昏山脉 - 1Metacarpus of Hodges, the Blacksmith铁匠霍奇斯10、Brotherhood of the Silent Sorrow - 1 collectible默哀同道会 - 1Metatarsus of Rikusyo, the Traveller旅人陆书11、Grievance Ascends - 1 collectibles怨念之崖 - 1Frontal of Martinus, the Ropemaker绳匠马丁努斯12、Patio of the Silent Steps - 2 collectibles静默台阶庭院 - 2Fibula of Rysp, the Ranger寻林客莱斯普Triquetral of Luca, the Tailor裁缝卢卡13、Mother of Mothers - 4 collectibles万母之母 - 4Trapezoid of Yeager, the Jeweller珠宝匠耶格Trapezium of Jeremiah, the Hangman绞刑官耶利米Femur of Karpow, the Bounty Hunter赏金猎人卡尔波Coxal of June, the Protitute妓琼恩14、Library of the Negated Words - 3 collectibles无言图书馆 - 3Sacrum of the Dark Warlock黑暗术士Phalanx of Aralcarim, the Archivist档案员阿拉卡林Tibia of Alsahli, the Mystic神秘人奥萨利15、The Sleeping Canvases - 1 collectible沉睡画布 - 1Nasal bone of Charles, the Artist艺术大师查尔斯16、Archcathedral Rooftops - 2 collectible大教堂屋顶 - 2Ribs of Sabnock, the Guardian卫兵萨诺克Lunate of Keiya, the Butcher屠夫凯亚17、Wall of the Holy Prohibitions - 6 collectible神圣禁忌之墙 - 6Ulna of Koke, the Troubadour吟游诗人柯克Phalanx of William, the Sceptic打假能手威廉Hamate of Vukelich, the Copyist书吏伏柯里希Temporal of Joel, the Thief盗贼约尔Jaw of Ashgan, the Inquisitor裁判官艾士甘Phalanx of Zeth, the Prisoner囚犯泽斯18、Jondo - 3 collectibles洪多 - 3Scapula of Carlos, the Executioner刽子手卡洛斯Vertebra of Lindquist, the Forger锻工林奎斯特Vertebra of John, the Gambler赌鬼约翰
2023-07-20 21:20:001


雅诗兰黛推出了MET 150 Collection 2020限定彩妆,主要是为了庆祝纽约大都会艺术博物馆创建150周年,雅诗兰黛截至2021年3月限量发售,雅诗兰黛纽约大都会博物馆限定彩妆都有哪些呢?感兴趣的赶快来了解一下吧! 1、THE MET 150系列 Pure Color Envy眼影盘 限定1种,售价52美元,醒目的设计、丰富的色调令人眼前一亮,精美包装盒的灵感来自MET系列的动态立体主义绘画的形状和颜色,该绘画来自FernandLger。珠光、哑光和微光营造出无尽可能。 2、The MET 150 Collection Pure Color Envy Full-Size Lipstick Trio 正装唇膏三件套套装,采用了富有色彩的金属外壳设计,精美盒子受到了MET收藏的立体主义绘画的形状和颜色的启发:The FernandLger。 包括色号: 450 Insolent Plum 520 Carnal 561 Intense Nude 这三种颜色均受原始绘画调色板的启发,并具有现代风格。 3、The MET 150 Collection Collectible Powder Compact 限定粉饼 闪闪发光的精美盒子以及醒目的设计灵感来自MET收藏的立体主义绘画的形状和颜色,由FernandLger创作的The Village绘画,精心设计,精巧制作的这款可收藏粉饼(0.09盎司/2.8克)。 称得上是一件精美艺术品。这款粉饼直径大约2英寸/ 5厘米,厚度刚好超过0.5英寸/1.3厘米。
2023-07-20 21:20:281


2023-07-20 21:20:351


In the snowy‘s nightWe watch the faraway togetherHand in hand I can feel warmIt"s so softBetween the warm blue and colorfulThat I cannot seeThat should forever in our heart originalBut now it‘s colorlessOnly stay by your side My heart will contentedNo matter what it be more distention Over the truth dream but I cannot feel thatNo matter what I here anywhereWe can must chose to the other sideIf this ardor will let our life be more flamingOnly for your love to me it is my allAnd yes"ll believe the ending won"t comeOnly for you You let me have a need want to see your face foreverThe intertexture words and time That will move its sharow,all right?From the pale‘s face can see that moon "s tears[Don‘t leave me,stay by my side a little] want to say to you everytime but my heart let me stop[We can meet again,right?]I often to talk to oneself I run here suddenlyOur destination is different Now I cannot stop my feet here againSilent used to the dream over and lacerationIf had someone can be the dream to realizeOnly want to say [sorry] this word to youNo matter what every thinking of my heart that cannot to send for youCould it be said that voice Must make the great things for you?To hide our secretsThat will be let everyone to forget,all right?So…Hum Come on,by my side…soon…Only stay by your side My heart will contentedNext meet you"s times ,havn‘t anymore smile?No matter what I here anywhereWe can must chose to the other sideIf it will get the zeal more scorching heat"s body temperature to dissolve Only for your love to me it is my allAnd yes"ll believe the ending won"t come Only for you You let me have a need want to see your face forever
2023-07-20 21:20:562


1. home station (subway station) sells the commemorative card only,ordinary cards are sold elsewhere.2. commemorative card needs a deposit of 20 Yuan, no refunds.3. transportation refillable cards" can go to a maximum of 1000 Yuan.4.After transportation refillable card has a sufficient value,it can be used to ride the subway,bus, ships/ferry, and taxi.5. home stations (subway station) does not refunds for card service, if you want to refund the card, please go to century park or the Pudong international airport6. your transportation refillable cards has gone bad/broke, if it needs fixing, is it convenient for you to get ten days after?7.go down and take the subway that goes the rainbow road direction , and get off at the people"s square
2023-07-20 21:21:286


  很多考生会在备考时背诵很多口语模板,但是一旦考试时遇到原题你完全按照背诵的模板来回答,反而不一定能得到比较好的分数。一方面,考官一听就知道你是不是背的,有些考官会不喜欢背诵的模板;另一方面,背出来的 文章 明显带有书面的感觉,跟口头表达是比较不一样的。因此,雅思口语的模板大家可以背诵,比如有一些 句子 确是很好的套句,既能帮你赢得思考时间,又不显得很刻板;但是考试时一定要灵活,巧妙地利用才能帮助你取得高分,这里给大家推荐一些雅思口语part2万能开头。    三个雅思口语part2万能开头让考官对你刮目相看   一、 提到考官,使之与话题联系在一起   在谈到“Describe a hobby you have”这一话题时,一位考生是这样开场的:   Today I am going to talk about collecting postcards—a hobby that is both fascinating and financially rewarding. I would like to explain the basic kinds of collectible postcards, why they are so valuable, and how collectors buy and sell their cards.   而另一位考生则给出了不一样的开场白:   It"s Saturday morning,and you are helping clean out your grandmother"s house.After working a while,you stumble upon a trunk,open it,and discover hundreds of old postcards.Thinking about getting to your driving lesson on time, you start tossing the cards into the trash can.Congratulations!You have just thrown away a year"s tuition.   对比之后,我们很快就发现,第二位考生的开场白效果比第一位考生的开场白好,因为它很好地将考官融入进来,抓住了考官的兴趣点,使之后主干部分的陈述更为顺利。   二、 强调话题的重要性   在谈到“Describe a traffic jam you had experienced before”这一话题时,一位考生的开场白值得大家借鉴:   Traffic jams are more than a nuisance.They are a worldwide economic problem.In Guangzhou alone,they cost 12 million yuan each year.In major U.S.cities,they are responsible for more than 21 billion liters of wasted fuel and 68 billion dollars in lost productivity.Traffic jams will soon cost the British economy more than 20 billion pounds sterling a year.   这个开场白很好地运用了数据,强调了交通堵塞在经济问题中扮演的重要角色,有效地吸引了考官的眼球。   三、 让考官惊讶   有时,令人惊讶的事实能够马上提高我们的兴趣。如以下一位考生的开场白,他在描述“an outdoor activity”前,先介绍了疾病的可怕:   As I speak today, there is a silent killer hiding near here.Who is this silent killer?Not a robber.Not a thief.Not a criminal. It is high blood pressure.   这样的开场白不仅让考官产生兴趣,也为后面描述为什么喜欢户外活动打下基础。   雅思口语优秀 范文 之 教育 变化   Question:   What changes took place in education in your country over the past decade?   过去十年,你所在的国家教育发生了怎样的变化?   Answer:   Well, everything is changing, so is education.   The most important change that took place over the past decade is this.   1. increased admission   It seems to me that more and more people are now able to go to college while in the past the competition was much stronger.   College admission is opening up, and this is a direct result of the state policy.   The consequence is that many students who have not reached the level of university education are also allowed to sit in the college classroom, therefore the quality of education has been declining.   2. master"s degree/overseas education   It is because this problem that an increasing number of people are pursuing more education after college graduation. These options include master"s program and possibly overseas education, just like what I"m doing right now. We"re fed up with the boring routine life in college, and we"re fighting for a better future for ourselves.   3. increased tuition   Unfortunately, not every child would have the opportunity to continue their education after college. Why? Simply because going to school is so costly.   The tuition has been almost tripled over the past decade and this presented serious financial pressure that some families cannot handle. So some of my classmates have to drop out just because their families ran short of money. Human tragedy! I"m lucky. My mom and dad are making enough money, so I can even go to college in Canada. But I"m not taking this for granted, I"ll be eternally grateful to them.   4. Private training institution   Wherever there"s need, there"s a solution. As more families realized the importance of making education investment in their kids, training demands has been soaring over the past 10 years. Private training institutions such as New Oriental flourished. So as long as you want you will always find a place to study and a class schedule that fits you. Opportunities for personal improvement are many.   雅思口语优秀范文之成功   A Success You Would Like to Achieve   Describe something that you would like to succeed in doing.   You should say:   - what it is   - how difficult you think it would be   - what you should do to prepare for this   and explain why you want to succeed in doing this.   Part 3   What"s your understanding of the word, "success"?   Do you think having lots of money equals success?   At what age do you think people are most eager to be successful? (Why?)   Who do you think works harder (at trying to be successful), old people or young people?   Do you think it"s important for everyone to feel that they have had some successes in life?   Do you think it"s a good idea to reward children after they achieve a significant success (such as high grades in a test)?   What do Chinese parents mean when they say their son or daughter is "successful"?   What are the benefits of success?   Are there any negative results of success? (Hint: The envy of others.)   Has the great financial success of some famous people ever made you feel envious? (Who? Why?)   How should parents reward their children for success, for example, for doing very well in exams at school?   Do you think this kind of reward is very effective?   Do you think rewards such as that are important (= necessary)?   How do teachers in China reward students for doing well? (What do you think is the best way for teachers to reward students?)   Do you think teachers should praise children when the children do well in school?   How would you (= how do you) define a successful teacher?   Who has the greater influence on children, teachers or parents?   How do bosses in China reward employees for a job well done?   Do you think financial rewards at work are the only or the best way for companies to reward employees?   范文   I want to learn how to drive recently. I bet it would be a hard time of learning how to drive since you have to prepare a bunch of things. First, you have to remember all the traffic rules and take a test before you touch the car. And then, taking driving lessons in a driving training school is a must. Only in this way can you take a final test and get a driving license. But the hardest part is when you drive in daily life because it is hard to get used to the real situation compared with practicing in the driving school.   People always equate driving with freedom and opportunities, and I agree. Knowing how to drive can bring people a lot of convince. For example, without a car you can"t take a job that is not on a bus line. Without a car, you can"t hang out with friends late at night, since there is no bus after 10:30 in Beijing. But when I succeed in driving I can ignore those issues.   雅思口语优秀范文之动物   Describe a time when you saw an interesting animal.   You should say:   - what animal it was   - where you saw it   - what happened when you saw it   and explain why you thought it was interesting.   Part 3   Zoos   Do you think zoos are good or bad?   Do you think it"s cruel to keep wild animals in zoos?   Why do you think so many cities have zoos?   In your opinion, what features should a good zoo have?   Do you think zoos might disappear in the future?   What future developments do you think we will see concerning zoos?   The Protection of Wild Animals   Why do you think wild animals should be protected?   In what ways does human activity result in the extinction (or near extinction) of some animal species?   At present, many animals are already facing extinction. How do you think average citizens could (help) protect wild animals?   Why do you think films or books for children so often include animals?   范文   I found there was a bat nest in my balcony recently, and one night I happened to see they flew across the patio under our apartment and hover in the sky. I was shocked, because it was dark outside but they knew exactly where to go without mistakes. Moreover, they went out only at night.   I thought bats are interesting not because they can fly in the dark since I know they are nocturnal animals. I always think the ability which aids bats fly and prey capture is their unusual eye-sight, like another nocturnal animal, owls. But the truth is because of their echolocation. Bat echolocation is a perceptual system where ultrasonic sounds are emitted specifically to produce echoes. By comparing the outgoing pulse with the returning echoes the brain and auditory nervous system can produce detailed images of the bat"s surroundings. This allows bats to detect, localize and even classify their prey in complete darkness.
2023-07-20 21:21:441


2023-07-20 21:21:546


1.按new的价钱。除非你喜欢二手书。再说二手书的卖家是个人,不一定能运到中国。2,看你喜欢精装还是平装,hd精装pb平装。available from these sellers就代表亚马逊官网没有货,卖家是个人。个人一般无法运到中国。3,没有便宜的 都是原价加运费你自己买单还要多给代购一笔钱。书每本运费5美元 基础运费4美元。就是说你买2本,光运费就13美元。
2023-07-20 21:22:121


注册‎‎国际收藏级酒类咨询师(Certified International Collectible Liquor Consultant,简称CICLC)。简称注册藏酒师,响应‎‎国家“一带一路”战略,践行“白酒出海”,围绕中‎‎国联合‎‎国采购促进会发起的‎‎国际酱香型白酒‎团体系列标准,承担着中‎‎国白酒产业‎‎国际化的重任。注册藏酒师作为中‎‎国白酒文化的传播者,面向全球推介,
2023-07-20 21:22:191


2023-07-20 21:22:423


1.Automotive& Powersports 汽车及机动车辆2.Toys & Games假期内销售的玩具和游戏3.Amazon Custom亚马逊定制品4. Jewelry 珠宝类5.Beauty 化妆品6.Watches 手表7.Clothing& Accessories 服装类8.Shoes,Handbags & Sunglasses 鞋类、手提包和太阳镜9.AmazonExclusives 亚马逊独家产品10.Luggage& Travel Accessories 箱包及旅行用品11.SexualWellness 性用32313133353236313431303231363533e78988e69d8331333361306437品12.Carrier-BrandedLocked Cell Phones 品牌锁定手机13.SportsCollectibles 体育收藏品14.Cell Phoneand Accessories 手机及配件15.CollectibleBooks 收藏书籍16.CollectibleCoins 纪念币17.EntertainmentCollectibles 娱乐收藏品18.Fine Art 艺术品19.GiftCards 礼品卡20.Grocery& Gourmet Foods 杂货美食21.Health& Personal Care 健康及个人护理22.MajorAppliances 大型家电23.Services 服务24.Wine 酒类25.视频、DVD和蓝光光驱
2023-07-20 21:22:536


百度莱茨狗是由百度推出的一款区块链宠物,很多小伙伴知道了这个消息之后,都想要领养莱茨狗,但是不知道在哪里可以领养。下面我为大家带来了相关介绍,一起来看看吧! 百度莱茨狗在哪购买 用户领养“莱茨狗”需要以百度账号登录,莱茨狗一个百度账号可以领养两只,并首先需要下载百度钱包。 莱茨狗数字狗并不具备现金交易功能,领取时可获得微积分,未来用户可通过使用百度内部产品获得微积分,微积分仅可用于狗市中相应数字狗的购买,不具有任何其他功能。 而在宠物狗价格上升到一定程度,用户可以卖出。 可以看出,每只莱茨狗的价值由其等级决定,而决定其等级的因素就是上述身体属性的稀有度。 除此之外,莱茨狗基于区块链技术,可保证狗的唯一性,并对数据进行确权,令每一只数字宠物狗都不可复制,并且不可被修改和销毁。 据悉,该项目首页上,显示着这些宠物狗具有“唯一、值得收藏”的特性。 因此很明显,支持用户区块链上当狗奴的驱动力,就是每只莱茨狗的升值潜力。 在官方的定义中,小狗不是虚拟货币,更像是虚拟收藏品(cryptocollectible),对标现实世界的艺术藏品。 总的来说,从产品设计,到游戏模式,“莱茨狗”与前段时间火遍以太坊的养猫游戏CryptoKitties颇为相似。 就连尴尬也很相似:这个游戏在网络上传出几小时后,我亲测,购买已经异常,疑似区块链网络已经崩溃。 据介绍,百度金融区块链解决方案乃基于一直以高性能自诩的Hyperledger。
2023-07-20 21:23:231


  1.It seems like an awful lot of trouble to go through for intercourse. Don"t you have access to women that will do it for money?看来要经历一段性关系还真是麻烦得要命。你就不能花钱找个妓女吗?   2.You accidently stare at a helium-argon laser, lose one turn and a retina.你一不小心直视氦氩激光,暂停一轮并失去一只眼睛的视网膜。   3.Stop it! Both of you! All this fighting. I might as well be back with my parents. "Damn it, George, I told you if you didn"t stop drinking I"d leave you!" "W"all I guess that makes you a liar cause I"m drunk as hell and you"re still here." "Stop yelling, you"re making Sheldon cry!" "I"ll tell you what"s making Sheldon cry, that I let you name him Sheldon."别吵了,你们两个!听你们吵个不停简直就跟我爸妈一样“该死的乔治,我说过你要是再不戒酒我就离开你!”“这只能说明你是个骗子,我已经醉成这样,你还没走。”“别嚷了,谢尔顿快被你弄哭了!”“告诉你谢尔顿为什么哭吧,因为我让你给他起了这个破名。”   4.I"ve heard that before. Then the next thing you know, I"m hiding in my bedroom blaring a Richard Feynman lecture while my Mom is shouting that Jesus would forgive her if she put ground glass in my Dad"s meatloaf. And my Dad"s on the roof skeet shooting her Franklin Mint collectible plates.这话我听多了。但然后呢?接下来我躲在自己的卧室大声读着费曼(著名物理学家)的讲义,而我妈则在吼叫着说她即使在我爸的烘肉卷里放上玻璃渣,上帝也会原谅她的。还有我爸,站在屋顶上,用我妈的富兰克林珍藏版碗碟玩双向飞碟射击。   5.You keep in mind that my sharply worded comments on recently took down a muffin store.记住我在Yelp.com那些关于一家本地松饼店言辞尖锐的评论。   6.Mister Spock did not pilot the Enterprise. He was a Science officer. And I guarantee you if he ever saw the Enterprise"s check engine light blinking, he would pull the ship over immediately.史波克不是企业号的.驾驶员。他是科学家。还有我保证只要他看到企业号的检查引擎指示灯闪那么一下,他会下令靠边停。   7.According to the inexplicably irritable nurse behind the desk, you"ll be seen after the man who claims to be having a heart attack, but appears to be well enough to play Doodle Jump on his iPhone.那位莫名暴躁的接待护士说,你排在那个声称自己有心脏病的男人后面,但在我看来,他健康的很,还能在他的iphone上玩涂鸦跳跃呢。   8.Now remember, you were given powerful pain medications and a muscle relaxer. So, uh, don"t operate heavy machinery. And try not to choke on your own drool.记住,你刚吃了强力止痛药还有肌肉松弛剂,所以千万别去操作重型机械。小心别让自己口水噎到窒息。   9.Why are you such a stupidhead? That is also rhetorical. Sorry you had to hear that.为什么你是个笨蛋?这也是个比喻。真抱歉你们不得不听到这些。   10.Biologically speaking, Howard is perfectly justified in seeking out the optimum mate for the propagation of his genetic line, and if that propagation is in the interest of humanity is, of course, an entirely different question.从生物学角度上说,霍华德想找最佳伴侣繁衍后代完全合情合理,但这种繁殖如果站在人类进化的角度来看又是完全不同的问题。
2023-07-20 21:23:471


2023-07-20 21:23:598


2023-07-20 21:24:393

new collection是什么意思?

2023-07-20 21:24:545


collecting 收集 动词进行时 BE+V ING 表示正在干什么collect 收集 动词一般时 做谓语 S +V+O 什么干什么 collector 收藏家 名词 做主语或者宾语collection 收藏 名词 做主语或者宾语
2023-07-20 21:25:221


美国亚马逊这些类目需要审核:Automotive & PowersportsJewelryHoliday Selling Guidelines in Toys & GamesBeauty category: Requirements and applicationWatchesHealth & Personal CareAmazon CustomClothing & AccessoriesShoes, Handbags & SunglassesGrocery & Gourmet FoodsJoin Handmade at AmazonSexual WellnessLuggage & Travel AccessoriesSports CollectiblesVideo, DVD, & Blu-rayCollectible BooksCollectible CoinsEntertainment CollectiblesFine ArtGift CardsMajor AppliancesServicesWine
2023-07-20 21:25:473


2023-07-20 21:26:153


为了保证产品质量,亚马逊上经常出现的几种类型的审核如下:Brand (品牌审核):适用于申请销售某些特定品牌的商品ASIN (商品审核):适用于申请销售某些有特定风险的产品Category (分类审核): 适用于申请销售某些产品分类哪些类目需要通过分类审核才能在 Amazon 上销售(注意,具体以卖家后台为准):• Automotive Parts / Motorcycle & ATV(汽车摩托零配件)• Clothing, Accessories & Luggage(服饰、箱包周边产品)• Collectible Books(收藏书籍)• Entertainment Collectibles(娱乐收藏品)• Industrial & Scientific(工业和科技制品)• Jewelry(珠宝)• Shoes, Handbags & Sunglasses(鞋子、手提包、墨镜等)• Sports Collectibles(体育收藏品)• Toys & Games (holiday approval only)(玩具和游戏制品节假日需要申请)• Watches(手表)• Categories and Products Requiring Approval• 3D Printed Products• Amazon Exclusives• Automotive & Powersports• Beauty• Carrier-Branded Locked Cell Phones• Cell Phone and Accessories• Clothing & Accessories• Collectible Books• Collectible Coins• Entertainment Collectibles• Fine Art• Gift Cards• Grocery & Gourmet Foods• Health & Personal Care• Independent Design• Industrial & Scientific• Jewelry• Luggage & Travel Accessories• Major Appliances• Services• Sexual Wellness• Shoes, Handbags & Sunglasses• Sports Collectibles• Video, DVD, & Blu-ray• Watches• WineProduct Group (品类安全审核)适用于申请销售某些特定的有安全风险的品类的商品当您打算申请亚马逊的审核时,请按照下面的步骤提交申请:1. 单击“请求批准”按钮开始申请流程2. 选择适合您的卖家身份“转销商/分销商,生产厂家,两者都是”3. 根据卖家平台申请页面的提示,提交需要的文件4. 如果您想查看申请状态,可以在“添加新商品”页面,单击页面“销售申请状态”链接进行查看
2023-07-20 21:26:374


2023-07-20 21:26:452


全球开店注册时只需要提供:1、5 张款不同产品的图片在第三方平台的链接,图片要求:JPEG 格式,白底,像素 1000*1000,图片没有任何水印。3、其他平台链接或者具有可以结算购物车的 B2C 网站。如具体信息请与招商经理确认,政策会有所变动。
2023-07-20 21:26:567


没有购买渠道,截百至2020年4月荒野之息暂时不支持pc版。相关介绍:任天堂于2017年3月3日发行了《塞尔达传说:荒野之息》。这是《塞尔达传说》系列正统续集的第15部作品,将在2019年6月12日的任天堂E3展览会之前发布。在会议上,该游戏续集的第一张宣传视频正式发布。 该游戏于2017年12月8日赢得了年度TGA游戏,最佳游戏设计和最佳动作冒险游戏的称号。扩展资料:《塞尔达传说:荒野之息》的发行平台包括Wii U和Nintendo Switch。 2019年6月12日,在Nintendo Edition E3大会上正式宣布了续集的正式宣布。Switch“特别版”包含游戏机体,包含24首曲目的“ Game Music CD”,可容纳Switch机体的“ Hick Slate Case”和“ Hick"s Eye Collectible Coin”,一张“海拉鲁遗产:灾难盖侬挂毯和“雨蚀地图”以及“特别版包装盒” 。
2023-07-20 21:27:161


journal 流水帐,分类账,会计用语
2023-07-20 21:27:323


2023-07-20 21:27:435

英语50字作文写关于收藏体育用品的 快有急用

I have a great sports collection. I have three volleyballs, nine basketballs ,seven basketballs,...............................................................I like sports ,but i only play sports on TV.
2023-07-20 21:28:294

龙珠Z 布欧的愤怒 地图问题+箱子问题

2023-07-20 21:28:374


AI人像绘画潮玩卡通形象潮玩卡通形象篇Kawaii —— 可爱Chibi —— 萌小版Funko Pop —— Funko泡泡头Anime —— 动漫Mascot —— 吉祥物Plushie —— 绒毛玩具Vinyl toy —— 乙烯基玩具Cartoon character —— 卡通人物Superhero —— 超级英雄Action figure —— 动作人偶Miniature —— 小型摆件Stuffed animal —— 毛绒动物Pixel art —— 像素艺术Designer toy —— 设计师玩具Kigurumi —— 睡衣造型Squishy —— 慢回弹玩具Nendoroid —— 日本公仔Plush keychain —— 绒毛钥匙扣Toy collectible —— 玩具收藏品Character doll —— 角色娃娃Streetwear-inspired —— 街头时尚风格Glow in the dark —— 夜光效果Customizable —— 可定制的Limited edition —— 限量版DIY (Do It Yourself) —— 自己动手Cuteness overload —— 萌化了Playful —— 调皮可爱的Quirky —— 古怪的Colorful —— 色彩缤纷的Charming —— 迷人的Expressive —— 富有表现力的Whimsical —— 异想天开的Eye-catching —— 引人注目的Trendy —— 时尚的Adorable —— 可爱的Unique —— 独特的Lively —— 活泼的Fun —— 有趣的Vibrant —— 充满活力的Playful —— 爱玩的Dynamic —— 动感的Imaginative —— 富有想象力的Cheeky —— 调皮的Cartoonish —— 卡通的Lovable —— 可爱的Energetic —— 精力充沛的Silly —— 愚蠢的Captivating —— 迷人的Playful —— 嬉戏的Colorful —— 多彩的Bold —— 大胆的Joyful —— 快乐的
2023-07-20 21:28:451


为这个世界上有了男女之分,世界才会这么精彩的啊 ,你想一下,如果这个世界上只有同性别的人,那么人类怎么繁衍下去呢?再想想,如果这个世界上没有了爱与被爱,人活着还有什么意思呢? 世界是奇妙,无法想像的。人从那里来各有各的说法,无从考证。男人和女人的同时存在,从现代意义上是为了繁衍后代,世代相传。从本身意义是为了正常人的生活有乐趣,快乐。如组成家庭,性爱快乐这是男女存在的最大源泉之一。也是人生的意义所在。
2023-07-20 21:29:334


《变形金刚:毁灭》这款游戏一共有31个奖杯,其中包括金杯3个,银杯22个,铜杯5个以及获得金银铜3个奖杯之后的白金奖杯一个,下面小编就为大家带来变形金刚毁灭的奖杯列表一览,告诉大家白金奖杯的达成条件,希望各位玩家喜欢。奖杯图标奖杯名称及达成条件 All Trophies(全奖杯)Earned all other trophies.获得其他所有奖杯 Till All Are One(直到万众一心)Completed all chapters on any difficulty.在任意难度下通关所有章节 Supreme Commander(最高指挥官)Completed all chapters on any difficulty using Optimus Prime.在任意难度下使用擎天柱通关所有章节 Sting Like a Bee(像蜜蜂一样蜇人)Completed all chapters on any difficulty using Bumblebee.在任意难度下使用大黄蜂通关所有章节 The Wizard of Iacon(铁堡巫师)Completed all chapters on any difficulty using Wheeljack.在任意难度下使用千斤顶通关所有章节 Raging Bull(愤怒的公牛)Completed all chapters on any difficulty using Sideswipe.在任意难度下使用横炮通关所有章节 The King(大王)Completed all chapters on any difficulty using Grimlock.在任意难度下使用钢锁通关所有章节 All Clear(全通)Completed all Challenge Mode missions on any difficulty.在任意难度下完成所有的挑战模式任务 Halfway There(路途过半)Completed half of all Challenge Mode missions on any difficulty.在任意难度下完成一半的挑战模式任务 No Stone Unturned(用尽一切办法)Collected all collectible items.收集所有收集品 Avid Collector(狂热收集者)Collected half of all collectible items.收集一半的收集品 Synthesis 101(合成101)Synthesized 10 weapons.合成10件武器 Full Throttle(油门全开)Defeated 100 enemies with Vehicle/Dino Attacks.使用汽车/恐龙形态攻击击败100名敌人 (Don"t) Hit the Brakes!((别)踩刹车!)Defeated 100 enemies with Rush Attacks.使用突进攻击击败100名敌人 Platinum(白金)Completed all chapters, earning the highest rank, on difficulty COMMANDER or greater.在指挥官或更高难度下,获得所有章节的最高评价 Flyswatter(苍蝇拍)Finished the lift battle in Chapter 2 without taking damage from Insecticons.第2章无伤完成与机械昆虫的战斗 Catch this!(抓住这个!)Used parrying to catch the following from an enemy: a boulder, a missile, and both drill types.使用格挡来接住敌人扔来的以下物品:石块,飞弹,和所有钻头类型攻击 Pedal to the Metal(踩下油门)Used Focus 100 times.使用专注能力100次 Quick Reflexes(急速反射)After dodging, quickly countered with a melee attack 100 times.在闪避后,用近战攻击反击100次 Bullet Storm(子弹风暴)After dodging, quickly countered with a ranged attack 100 times.在闪避后,用远程攻击反击100次 Hawkeyed(眼光敏锐)Performed 100 successful head shots.成功造成100次爆头 Urban Landscaping(城市绿化)In chapter 1, on difficulty COMMANDER or greater, knocked Devastator into a building 3 times.在指挥官或更高难度下,于第1章将大力神撞进建筑3次 Roadblock(路障)In chapter 4, defeated Motormaster while racing him.于第4章的赛车环节击败汽车大师 Surround Sound(环绕立体声)In chapter 6, on diff. COMMANDER or greater, defeated Soundwave without defeating any cassettes.在指挥官或更高难度下,于第6章不击破任何磁带的情况下击败声波 Wrecking Crew(拆迁大队)In chapter 1, on difficulty COMMANDER or greater, defeated Devastator without taking damage.在指挥官或更高难度下,于第1章无伤击败大力神 HARD-Core(硬核)In chapter 2, on difficulty COMMANDER or greater, destroyed the shielding without taking damage.在指挥官或更高难度下,于第2章无伤击破护盾 Triple Changer(三变战士)In chapter 3, on difficulty COMMANDER or greater, defeated Blitzwing without taking damage.在指挥官或更高难度下,于第3章无伤击败雷电 Destruction Derby(破坏对决)In chapter 4, on difficulty COMMANDER or greater, defeated Menasor without taking damage.在指挥官或更高难度下,于第4章无伤击败飞天虎 Don"t Look Him in the Eye(别直视他的眼)In chapter 5, on difficulty COMMANDER or greater, defeated Shockwave without taking damage.在指挥官或更高难度下,于第5章无伤击败震荡波 Broken Radio(破收音机)In chapter 6, on difficulty COMMANDER or greater, defeated Soundwave without taking damage.在指挥官或更高难度下,于第6章无伤击败声波 Emperor of Destruction(破坏大帝)In chapter 7, on difficulty COMMANDER or greater, defeated Megatron without taking damage.在指挥官或更高难度下,于第7章无伤击败威震天
2023-07-20 21:29:401


《正当防卫3》的奖杯含有金杯2个、银杯10个、铜杯35个、以及解锁前面三种奖杯后解锁的白金奖杯,共计48个,这些奖杯如何解锁,下面小编就为大家带来正当防卫3奖杯列表一览,希望对各位玩家有所帮助。奖杯图标奖杯名称及达成条件 King of Medici(小岛之王)Earned all Just Cause 3 Trophies获得所有奖杯(Medici是本作的国家名字) ...Without Bullets!(。。。不需要子弹)Destroy every Chaos Object in a Military Base without using any weapons, grenades, or planted explosives.在一个军事基地内不使用任何武器,手雷或爆炸物来摧毁所有混乱对象 My Little Rocket Man(火箭飞人)Tether an enemy to a launched gas cannister. Adeo, amico!使用钩爪将敌人挂在天然气罐上 This was Supposed to be a Western(这就是西部)Destroy all Chaos Objects in a Base without leaving your vehicle.不离开载具摧毁一座军事基地的所有混乱目标 You"re Outta Here!Plant a Booster Explosive on an enemy soldier.Then send them flying. Bragging RightsBeat another player"s score in a Challenge. Getting it in GearEarn at least 3 Gears in a Challenge. You"ve Got GearEarn 5 Gears in a Challenge. A Real Gear-GetterEarn at least 3 Gears in one Challenge of every type. All the GearsEarn 5 Gears in every Challenge. (Just) Causin" ChaosGet 1,000 Chaos Chaos Is My Middle NameGet 100,000 Chaos Chaos MillionaireGet 1,000,000 Chaos Earth, Wind and SeaUnlock Rebel Drops for at least one land vehicle, at least one air vehicle, and at least one sea vehicle. Caught "Em All!Collect every vehicle available by bringing them to Mario"s Rebel Garages. Tomb RaiderPay your respects at every Ancient Tomb. Remember the FallenLight a candle at every Rebel Shrine. Diary of the MadmanGather all of Di Ravello"s tapes. Old School CoolFind every vintage weapon and vehicle part. Consummate DaredevilLaunch a land vehicle off of every Daredevil Jump in Medici. No Stone UnturnedFind every collectible strewn across Medici. Top of the WorldStand on foot at the highest point of Medici. Anything You Can DoBeat a score you were Called-Out on. Feat FetishPerform every Feat. Vive Le RevolutionLiberate a Province. Take That, You Pipeline JerksDisable the FOW in Insula Fonte. Baker"s DozenLiberate 13 settlements. Taming the DraconCompletely liberate Insula Dracon. Hope Springs EternalCompletely liberate Insula Fonte. Heart of StoneCompletely liberate Insula Striate. Unlocked and Fully LoadedUnlock every weapon and vehicle available in the Rebel Drop menu. Enjoy Your HomecomingComplete Story Mission: Welcome Home. What a DisasterComplete Story Mission: A Terrible Reaction. The Power of BavariumComplete Story Mission: A Long and Dangerous Road. These Mines are the PitsComplete Story Mission: The Great Escape. F!# YOU, MISSILEComplete Story Mission: Missile Cowboy. Finally on the OffensiveComplete Story Mission: Tangled Up In Blue. Mistakes and TriumphsComplete Story Mission: The Shatterer of Worlds. Son of MediciComplete Story Mission: Son of Medici. Winner Takes All, Again100% Just Cause 3. Can"t Touch ThisCall-Out another player in a Feat. Forgive Me, FatherTake sanctuary in a monastery to clear Heat Level 5. MOD InitiateUnlock your first Gear MOD, and then activate it. MOD SpecialistUnlock every Gear MOD in a single category. MOD TinkererHave every Gear MOD active for at least 1 minute each. First EncounterComplete an Encounter. Supply and DemandUnlock 10 Resupply Points by completing Encounters. Three Holy HideawaysUnlock 3 Heat-Clearing Priests by completing Encounters.
2023-07-20 21:29:471

俚语carebears 是什么意思?

爱心熊例句:Complete all the levels to unlock and print exclusive collectible Care Bears posters!完成所有的游戏就可以打印出唯一的爱心熊收藏贴!
2023-07-20 21:29:553


最近要上的一款龙珠手游《龙珠最强之战》,感觉比市面上的龙珠卡牌游戏好多了,还原度也很高,pve 和pvp玩法都有,而且战斗效果能自如操控
2023-07-20 21:30:423


2023-07-20 21:30:531


方法1:进行游戏配置文件修改模拟器的gameProfiles文件丙里拥有许多不同的ini文件,其中00050000101C9300、00050000101C9400、00050000101C9500分别代表《塞尔达传说荒野之息》的三个版本,在这三个ini文件的[Graphics]下面加上这二行:GPUBufferCacheAccuracy = 2disableGPUFence = true方法2:使用cemuhookcemuhook是一款视频加速工具,可以比较明显的提供游戏帧数,将其放到模拟器的根目录即可获得提速效果。
2023-07-20 21:31:031


只能在手机上 我用的百度钱包 登录了 就可以出售 用电脑 是无法出售的 唉 麻烦死啦。
2023-07-20 21:31:252


2023-07-20 21:32:2014


2023-07-20 21:32:492


在1992~2002年,zippo公司开始发行每一年的年度机型,在这期间的年度机型都有特殊的编号“Cxx”,举个例子:92年度机即为C92。在2003~2012年zippo停止了年度机的生产(其原因未知),而后从13起又有了年度机的出现,不过没有另起特殊编号,转而在盒子上印有“collectible of the year”。这些机型都亮点出众,题材与工艺都不错,加之又是官方发行,极具收藏价值。C92 60周年纪念 此款C92的黑铬拉丝工艺已于2000年停产。C92 60周年纪念套机C92 60周年纪念套机 C92套机这六款分别为:5、10、25、40、50和60周年纪念题材的单刻机型。
2023-07-20 21:33:071


1.Obsessive Compulsive Stole all loot and collectibles in a single chapter. 在单个章节中,偷到所有收集要素 这个奖杯建议在第一章解开,只有60个物品和4个收集物。2.Sleight of Hand Picked 100 pockets in a single playthrough 在单次流程中累计扒100个口袋 建议一周目的时候解开,每次从钟楼到开放世界,都能遇到好多卫兵,几乎都有一两个钱包,顺手拿走,加上剧情中偷的,很快就100个了。一定要是偷的,打倒以后拿的不算.3.Quickly Pick a Lucky Lock Picked a lock with masterful speed 以极快的速度撬开一把锁 极快速度就是三秒之内,我是无意间解开的。建议解法就是:在任意一个三个Pin的锁眼前先存盘,然后记住每个Pin的摇杆位置,快速**就能解开了,没跳杯就重来,开Focus不算。4.Something to Prove Finished the game with a custom difficulty of 700 points or more 完成游戏流程,要求自定义难度为700点以上 游戏中第二难的杯子,建议二周目熟悉游戏路线以后再开。基础难度选择Master(可以顺便解开Master难度通关奖杯),然后选择适合自己的选项,控制到七百分往上就好了。我能力有限,735分。不建议选择:1.慢速移动(极度影响游戏体验,跑起来都没有原游戏走这快) 2.射箭无准星(这个分值超低,但是很影响游戏,序章射个火把就傻眼了)3.只有特殊类型弓箭(有攻击力的箭只有火焰箭,第七章打将军的时候会欲哭无泪)4.章节存盘&铁人(章节存盘故名思意,只能游戏章节开头存盘,失败就重来;铁人是不能失败……Fail就Game OVER)5.Dark Archer Completed 10 optional Thieving Objectives 完成10个可选神偷任务 6.Legend in Leather Completed 25 optional Thieving Objectives 完成25个可选神偷任务 主线剧情中的每章都有几个任务,每次都有不被发现和全Loots,剩下的根据个人风格完成就行。不用都完成。7.Mint Condition Finished 3 consecutive chapters without taking damage 在无伤情况下连续完成3个章节 不用刻意刷,二周目自定义难度的时候,选择全程无伤,自然会解开。或者快速打过序章、第一、二章不受伤也能解开8.Focus on the Tasks at Hand Picked a pocket and a lock using the focus ability 使用精神集中能力扒一个口袋,撬一把锁 升级了Focus能力以后,打开Focus**时**界面会变化,偷钱包一次也能偷两三个。一周目必解。9.A Moral Victory Finished the game without a single kill or knockout 在不杀或不击倒任何人的情况下完成游戏 同样custom难度解开,选择全程不杀,不KO任何人。序章Erin杀死一个人后,你打晕的那个不算。第二章从通风管道落下要注意不要打晕那个拿火把的二货,还有第七章的boss,把将军打的单膝跪地以后,轻松的转动机关**走人。10.One Step Ahead Disarmed ten trap mechanisms 解除10个陷阱装置 一周目必解,记得去商人那里买剪线钳。11.Clear Headed Reached the final chapter without using the focus ability 不使用精神集中到达最后一章 Cunstom难度解开,选择No Focus。第八章开头跳杯。12.Hard Times Finished the game on Master difficulty 以大师级难度完成游戏 Custom难度的基础难度选择Master就ok了13.Modesty Denied Scored an epic 5,000,000 or more in a Challenge Map 在Challenge模式中,获得5000000分以上 挑战模式建议选择第二张图(主线剧情第三章“姬院”),模式选择Chain&Gain,物品都离得很近,把守卫全部干掉,轻松500w。14.Child of the Shadows Finished a single chapter without alerting anyone 在不被察觉的情况下完成一章 一周目没解开的话,Custom难度下选择No Alert就解开了。这个游戏的精髓,全程不被发现~!15.Hail of Glass Shot a bottle in mid-air with an arrow 用箭射中飞在半空中的瓶子 很无聊的一个杯,刷之前,先存盘,往天上直上直下扔一个酒瓶然后,拉弓放箭。没成功就Reload。16.Health Hazard Killed or knocked out 10 people using the environment 利用环境杀死或击倒10个人 游戏中有不少可以利用的场景,看到就刷一下。但也可以在剧情第三章进入姬院以后,来到场景右侧的锅炉房,看到两名**在那不知道鼓捣什么。先到二层的一个上锁的屋子里,从坑中跳到一层,剪断机关,然后拉动一个**旁边的把手,姬院里所有的人就都晕菜了,包括鸟。立刻跳杯。17.Priceless Completed a collectible set 完成一套可收集要素 完成一个收集套组,游戏中84个收集物,分成好多组,任意完成一个即可。18.What"s Yours is Mine Completed all collectible sets 完成全部可收集要素 不用解释了,全收集19.Happy Birthday Sweet 16. Snuff said. 16岁生日快乐 熄灭十六根蜡烛,不知道那个多根蜡烛台的怎么算……也是一周目必解了20.Hidden Agenda Discovered 15 secret areas 找到15个隐藏地区21.Finders Keepers Discovered all secret areas 找到所有隐藏地区 本游戏最蛋疼的奖杯,没有记录,没有指示,唯一知道这是一个隐藏点的方法就是会有一段特殊的音效。有些是需要你拾取物品以后才能算数,总之一定要听到音效。我特意去PowerPyx的网站,找了视频,大家按着这个视频做吧,总之一定要听到音效。 22.Cache Dispenser Used 40,000 gold 用掉40000金 全收集以后会奖励31900块,剧情中你还会偷到两万左右。没地方花钱买那个28000的升级就好了 23.Working Overtime Completed all client jobs in The City 完成城市中所有客户委托 客户委托就是城北的Ector和城南的马戏团主的任务,全部完成就好了。这些任务中也有收集品24.Dastardly Deeds Completed all Basso Jobs in The City 完成城市中所有Basso委托 Basso的支线任务大多很简单,很多地点只有接受了basso的任务才会开放,包括隐秘地点25.All That Glitters Stole 5 collectibles 偷到5个收藏要素全收集的道路上必得。26.Old Habits Die Hard Found all the secret stashes in Moira 在Moira找到所有秘密藏匿点第五章到了Moira精神病院时,会有一种价值10G的Pocket Portrait,位置都比较隐蔽,一共五个。27.Two Faced Uncovered Lyegrove"s secret 发现Lyegrove的秘密 第一章窃取面具的时候,发现展示品是个假的,真的在地下室的保险箱里。两个都偷走就ok了28.Predatory Drive Finished the game in 15 hours or more 使用15小时或以上完成游戏 一周目要全收集肯定要超过15小时了,什么你没到?站够15小时……29.The Drop Finished the Prologue 完成序章30.Lockdown Finished Chapter One 完成第一章31.Dust to Dust Finished Chapter Two 完成第二章32.Dirty Secrets Finished Chapter Three 完成第三章33.A Friend in Need Finished Chapter Four 完成第四章34.The Forsaken Finished Chapter Five 完成第五章35.A Man Apart Finished Chapter Six 完成第六章36.The Hidden City Finished Chapter Seven 完成第七章37.The Dawn"s Light Finished Chapter Eight 完成第八章
2023-07-20 21:33:491