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breath of heaven 歌词

2023-07-20 21:58:09
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歌曲名:breath of heaven
歌手:Donna Summer
专辑:christmas spirit

And gabriel appeared to mary and said
"do not be afraid mary
You have found favor with god
You will be with child
And give birth to a son
And you are to give him the name jesus
He will be great
And will be called the son of the most high
And the lord god will give him the throne of his father david
And he will reign over the house of david forever
His kingdom will never end"
I have traveled many moonless night
Cold and weary with a babe inside
And i wonder what i"ve done
Holy father you have come
And chosen me now to carry your son
Donna Summer
I am waiting in a silent prayer
I am frightened by the load i bear
In a world as cold as stone
Must i walk this path alone
Be with me now
Be with me now
Breath of heaven
Hold me together
Be forever near me
Breath of heaven
Breath of heaven
Lighten my darkness
Pour over me your holiness
For your are holy
Breath of heaven
Do you wonder as you watch my face
If a wiser one should have had my place
But i offer all i am
Help me be strong
Help me be
Help me
Breath of heaven
Hold me together
Be forever near me
Breath of heaven
Breath of heaven
Lighten my darkness
Pour over me your holiness
For you are holy
Breath of heaven
Hold me together
Be forever near me
Breath of heaven
Breath of heaven
Lighten my darkness
Pour over me your holiness
For you are holy
Breath of heaven
Breath of heaven
Breath of heaven



the Kingdom of Heaven是什么意思

the Kingdom of Heaven天国; 1.Jesus says this childlike nature is necessary to enter the kingdom of heaven. 主耶稣说,这种小孩子的天性是进入天国的必备条件。 2."The kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these," jesus said of little children. 耶稣基督说,“天堂是孩子们的归宿”。
2023-07-20 20:07:142


天国的解释 (1) [Clestial city;Kingdom of Heaven]∶ 基督 教称一切 服从 上帝的无形的人类 社会 (2) [paradise]∶ 天堂 ; 比喻 理想 世界 (3) [the Taiping Heavenly Kingdom]∶太平天国的省称 详细解释 (1).宗教家谓神所统治、人死魂归的 欢乐 国土。常用以比喻理想的世界。 柳亚子 《一九四八年 元旦 试笔》 诗:“ 自由 平等 谈何易,天国原从血泊成。” 孙犁 《谈作家的立命修身之道》 :“文坛虽小, 也是 一个社会……并不象年青人所通常 想象 的那样,是个乐园,是个天国。” (2).特指基督教所称的“上帝之国”。一般指以上帝为中心,众得救 灵魂 安居之所。有时又指天堂,谓上帝的在天居所。 (3).太平天囯的省称。 太平天囯 杨秀清 《 果然 英雄 》 诗:“英雄盖世出 凡尘 , 天囯 人才萃聚均。” 词语分解 天的解释 天 ā 在地面以上的高空: 天空 。天际。天罡(北斗星)。天渊(上天和 深渊 ,喻差别大)。 天马行空 (喻气势豪放,不受 拘束 )。 在上面:天头(书页上面的空白)。 气候:天气。天冷。 季节,时节:冬天。 日,一 国的解释 国 (国) ó 有土地、人民、主权的政体(古代指 诸侯 所受封的地域): 国家 。国土。国体(a.国家的 性质 ;b.国家的 体面 )。国号。国度(指国家)。国策。国情。国法。国力。国防。国威。国宝(a.国家的宝物;
2023-07-20 20:07:211

英汉双语小故事:上帝之国 Kingdom of God

亦称“天国”(Kingdom of Heaven) 基督教用语,上帝以王者身分统治或最后实现上帝对世界之意志的神灵国度。上帝之国一词常用于《新约》,也是施洗者圣约翰与耶稣布道过程的中心主题。对于耶稣意指王国随他而来或被预期为未来事件,神学家们持不同意见。如今,基督教正统派坚持:王国藉着世界上教会的出现而部分实现,而最后审判之后将会完全实现。 In Christianity, the spiritual realm over which God reigns as king, or the eventual fulfillment of God"s will on earth. The term is often used in the New Testament, and it was a central theme in the preaching of John the Baptist and Jesus. Theologians differ as to whether Jesus implied that the kingdom had arrived in his person or whether it was expected as a future event. Christian orthodoxy now holds that the kingdom has been partially realized by the presence of the church in the world, and that it will be fully realized after the Last Judgment.
2023-07-20 20:07:281


2023-07-20 20:07:491

like father like son like master like man for the kingdom of heaven是什么意思

Han bin`s tattoo
2023-07-20 20:07:574

求ヤンデレ HEAVEN 【病娇天国/天堂】的翻译_(:зゝ∠)_

heaven n. [常用复]天, 天空 [常作 Heaven ]天堂, 天老爷, 神 极大的愉快, 高兴之极 至福; 极乐世界 (伊丽莎白女皇时代某些剧场 用来覆盖舞台的)天篷 宇宙法则, 天道 宇宙伦理原则 the kingdom of heaven 天国 I was in heaven when I heard the good news. 听到这个好消息后我兴奋异常。 god n. [God ]上帝 神, 男神 神像, 偶像, 神化人物; 极受崇拜[极有影响]的人; 极受注意的事物 [the gods](戏院)最高楼座(观众) 习惯用语 blind god (=god of love) 爱神 By(my) God ! 的的确确! depart to God [婉]去见上帝,
2023-07-20 20:08:111


Germany. A Winter"s Tale A novel song, a better song, My friends, I"ll have you try! Let"s make a heaven here below, Not wait for one in the sky. We want to taste of bliss on earth, No longer starve and wait, Make gready drones stop squandering What toiling hands create. This earth produces bread enough For all who on it dwell, And roses and myrtle, beauty and joy, And sugarplums as well. Yes---sugarplums for everyone To sweeten bread and curds! The kingdom of heaven we gladly leave To the angels and the birds. --- The Songs of Love & Grief, Heinrich Heine.
2023-07-20 20:08:205

天国王朝 英语感悟

What"s Jerusalem Nothing..Everyting!
2023-07-20 20:08:422

伊娃格林的电影有哪些 惊艳吐舌的伊娃格林10部电影

1、《戏梦巴黎》The Dreamers (2003) 豆瓣评分:7.8 看过《戏梦巴黎》的人,都不会有忘记出生在法国巴黎的伊娃·格林主导的一幕惊为天人的场景,以及她与男女对手的床戏大胆奔放、毫不扭捏,以断臂粿体维纳斯造型更令世界惊艳吐舌! 2、《天国王朝》 Kingdom of Heaven(2005) 豆瓣评分:8.3在这部电影,她美的令人窒息,倾国倾城不是形容词,她只需沉默不语,国土重臣换手之间! 3、《007:大战皇家赌场》 Casino Royale (2006) 豆瓣评分:7.6 她向敌方出卖情报是为了给情人续命,将自己沉入水底与歹徒同归于尽是为了给邦德续命,她的神秘与野性让人感到危险又兴奋,也让情场老手邦德久久不能忘怀,年年给她扫墓。 从此以后,“蛇蝎美人”就成了目光锐利的伊娃·格林身上最重要的标签之一,个个都坏透了,美得摄人心魂让人只想跪舔,就像自然界里的有毒植物一样,妖冶而致命,却让人忍不住要以身试毒。 而且,听说烟熏妆和伊娃·格林更配哦。 4、《裂缝》 Cracks (2009) 豆瓣评分:7.9 太多人将《裂缝》当做一个讲述变态的迷恋、情欲、嫉妒的故事,可以理解投资方商业化和噱头化的苦心。无法否认,这当然是一部女同大作。 在电影中,她的眉毛、眼睛都仿佛为Miss G而生,盯着你时,过分大的白眼仁如一个巨大的漩涡,牢牢地困住了你的所有感官。 5、《圣城风云》 Camelot (2011美剧) 豆瓣评分:6.7 对于制作了《斯巴达克斯》这样威震四方的美剧的Starz公司来说,尺度大只是基本操作。 伊娃·格林在里面的一组出场情景,就像从伯恩·琼斯的画里走出来一样。 故事讲的是女伊娃·格林谋害了身为国王的父亲乌瑟企图谋权篡位满足自己登上王位的野心。 难怪,有人说伊娃·格林出身就浸淫着魅惑、邪恶和死亡的气息。 6、《300勇士:帝国崛起》: Rise of an Empire (2014) 2011年,伊娃·格林出演美剧《圣城风云》。随后,在13年,她加入了《斯巴达300之帝国崛起》剧组。 这部历史题材的战争大片中,伊娃格林大胆上阵,肉搏格斗,出演嗜血成性的波斯女将军阿特米西亚,作为一个好身材遮不住、深色眼影的女魔头,充满野性。 7、《完美感觉》 Perfect Sense (2011) 豆瓣评分:7.6 这是一场发生在世界末日即将来临时的末世之恋。流行病学家苏珊伊娃·格林与餐厅主厨麦克相识、相恋,但无奈此时此刻的世界正在遭受一场新型流行病的侵袭。随着流行病的蔓延,患者会伴随着情绪失控逐渐丧失味觉、嗅觉 、听觉、直至最后丧失视觉。 8、《罪恶之城2》 Sin City: A Dame to Kill For (2014) 豆瓣评分:6.8 一部为了暴力而暴力,为了酷炫而酷炫动作、惊悚、犯罪电影! 9、《佩小姐的奇幻城堡》 Miss Peregrine"s Home for Peculiar Children (2016) 豆瓣评分:7.6 这可能是盘点作品中唯一不露的,听听她怎么说这个问题: 虽然曾多次在电影中裸露,裸戏对于她来说却并不是理所当然,演戏对伊娃·格林来说,不是为了大红大紫,也不是为了功成名就,她表示就是因为本性害羞,所以才更容易被阴暗的角色吸引 “这是释放每日人性之恶的好方法”。 10、《低俗怪谈》 Penny Dreadful 19世纪末,维多利亚末期的伦敦,肮脏昏暗街头总是流传骇人听闻的怪闻:年轻少女无故消失,醉汉被开膛破肚,在迷信愚昧与科学启蒙并存的时代里被人们津津热道,化为酒吧聊资,剧院剧本和报刊小说,那就是Penny Dreadful。 老冒险家马爵士千方百计寻女,召集灵媒绿姐,快枪手钱哥,黑人仆人,医生小弗一票死党,共同面对神秘对手——埃及来的吸血鬼。但队员合力抗魔背后都有不可示人的秘密,随着深入吸血鬼老巢,慢慢解开他们背景。。。 片中最为抢眼必定是伊娃妹子以哥特造型示人,时而性感妩媚,时而脆弱痛苦,时而疯狂癫狂,在多重性格中变化,特别是第二集附体那段简直是经典表演之作。
2023-07-20 20:09:021

电影Kingdom of Heaven(天国王朝),几处看不懂的的地方 求教

What man is a man who does not make the world better?不能造福人类的男人算什么男人?这句话在剧中的拉丁语是 Nemo vir est qui mundum non reddac meliorem?后一个就不知道了
2023-07-20 20:09:091

歌曲Shawn Mcdonald——Hallelujah中英文歌词对照翻译。 Blessed a

2023-07-20 20:09:162


你所说的RAP部分的歌词是yo yo yo come oh yeah在你的心上自由地飞翔灿烂的星光永恒地徜徉一路的方向照耀我心上辽远的边疆随我去远方 翻译过来就是 yo yo yo come oh yeahSoars on yours heart the brightstar light to wander about freelya group direction to shine eternal on my heartdistant border area to go to the distant place along with me希望能帮到你,如有疑问请补充追问,艹VIP丶飞车团Paris丶柒。真诚为你解答!
2023-07-20 20:09:251


嗯,首先他从2000多名中竞选成功艾伦角色是在《一级恐惧》 《人人都说我爱你》和《性书大亨》然后我看了《搏击俱乐部》饰演双重性格 很不错。《面纱》 还有很多,我直接黏贴给你吧。Pride and Glory (2006) 《自尊与荣誉》 Motherless Brooklyn (2006) 《无主布鲁克林》 The Illusionist (2006) 《魔术师》 Down in the Valley (2005) 《地狱深谷》 Kingdom of Heaven (2005) 《天堂王国》 The Italian Job (2003) 《偷天换日》 25th Hours (2002) 《25 小时》 Red Dragon (2002) 《红龙》 Frida (2002) 《弗里达》 Death to Smoochy (2002) 《杀死斯魔奇》 The Score (2001) 《大买卖》 Catch Her in the Eye (2001) 《慧眼识她》 Keeping the Faith (2000) 《保持信仰》 诺诺饰演的都很经典,嘻嘻个人认为。
2023-07-20 20:09:331


Mileage歌词ub9c8uc77cub9acuc9c0(Mileage) (with YDG)uc791uc0ac :uc815uc6a9ud654, YDGuc791uace1 : uc815uc6a9ud654ud3b8uace1 :uc815uc6a9ud654,uace0uc9c4uc601作词 :容和, YDG作曲::郑容和编曲:郑容和,高镇英Baby uc720ub09cud788ub3c4 uc608ubed0 ub298 ud558ub358 uc598uae30ub610 ud558uae30ub3c4 uadc0ucc2euc544 uc8fduaca0uc5b4Ooh baby ud560 ub9d0uc774 uc788ub294ub370 uac00ubccduac8c ub4e4uc5b4ubd10Baby 你如此漂亮,我i一直在说的话又是再次提起会让人很烦躁的话Ooh baby 有句话想对你说,你听听就好uba70uce60uc9f8 uac15ud589uad70 uc624ub298ub3c4 ucd2cuc601 All nightuc9d1uc5d0uc120 ub625 uae30uc800uadc0 Shower uc5b4ub9b0uc774uc9d1 Rideuc6d4uc138 uad6dubbfcuc5f0uae08 ub300ucd9cuc774uc790 uc6d0uae08uc0c1ud658uc8fcuc720ube44 uc0ddud65cube44 uace0uc815 uc9c0ucd9c Schedule tight这些天一直都在拼,今天也是拍戏 All night家里是屎 尿布 Shower 幼儿园 Ride租金 国民年金 贷款利息 原金偿还加油费 生活费 固定支付 Schedule tightuad70uc18cub9ac uc548 ud558uace0 uc794uc18cub9ac ub2e4 ubc1buc544uc8fcuba70ucc28uace1ucc28uace1 uc313uc774ub294 ub9c8uc77cub9acuc9c0uc6a9ud654uac00 uc548uc8fc ub098ub77c uc0bcud569 uba39uc73cub7ec uac00uc790ub294ub370uc5ecubcf4 ub098 uc5b4uca4cuc9c0?对于你的唠叨我从没有二话积累起来的 mileage容和约我去喝酒吃三合老婆,我怎么办?uc624ub298 ub0b4 ub9c8uc77cub9acuc9c0 uc368ub3c4 ub418uaca0ub2c8ud55c ub2ecuc5d0 ud55cubc88 uc788uc744uae4c ub9d0uae4c ud55c ub0a0uc774ub2c8uc624ub298 ub0b4 ub9c8uc77cub9acuc9c0 ub0b4uc77cubd80ud130 ub2e4uc2dcub2c8 ud488uc5d0uc11c ucc28uace1ucc28uace1 uc313uc744 ud14cub2c8今天我能用我的mileage吗?一个月都不一定能有这么一天今天我的mileage,从明天重新开始在你的怀跑中慢慢再积累起来Shabillab shabillab shabillabShabillab shabillab shabillabBaby uc810uc2ec ubb50 uba39uc744uae4c?ub2c8uac00 ub9e4uc77c uba39ub358 Menu ub9d0uace0 ubb50ub4e0uc9c0 ub9d0ud574ubd10Ooh baby ud560 ub9d0uc774 uc788ub294ub370uadf8uc804uc5d0 ub0b4 ub9c8uc74c uc804ud558uace0 uc2f6uc5b4Baby 我们今天中午去吃什么?除了你天天吃的 Menu,不管你想吃的什么都说出来吧Ooh baby 有些话想跟你说说之前我要先表达我的心意uc0bcubc31uc721uc2educ624uc77c 247Just 4. U uae30ub984uc744 ucc44uc6b4 YDG airline ucd9cud56dud569ub2c8ub2e4ubc1cuc774 ub2ffuc744 uc218 uc5c6ub294 uacf3 To the kingdom of heavenYes this is itFirst class upgradeud560 uc218 uc788uc73cuc138uc5ecud3b8ud788 uc26cuc138uc694No doubt without doubt hell no brotheruc2dcuc6d0ud55c uac00uc2b4 No brother365天 24小时7天Just 4. U 加满油的 YDG airline 飞行了无法到达的地方 To the kingdom of heavenYes this is itFirst class upgrade可以吗?请你休息吧No doubt without doubt hell no brother爽快的心情 No brotheruc624ub298 ub0b4 ub9c8uc77cub9acuc9c0 uc368ub3c4 ub418uaca0ub2c8ud55c ub2ecuc5d0 ud55cubc88 uc788uc744uae4c ub9d0uae4c ud55c ub0a0uc774ub2c8uc624ub298 ub0b4 ub9c8uc77cub9acuc9c0 ub0b4uc77cubd80ud130 ub2e4uc2dcub2c8 ud488uc5d0uc11c ucc28uace1ucc28uace1 uc313uc744 ud14cub2c8今天我能用我的mileage吗?一个月都不一定能有这么一天今天我的mileage,从明天重新开始在你的怀跑中慢慢再积累起来Shabillab shabillab shabillabShabillab shabillab shabillabuadf8 uc5b4ub5a4 Practical medical scientific knowledgeubc14ube4cub860 ud0d1ubcf4ub2e4 ub192uc740 Luv uc55euc5d0 uc2f9 ub2e4 ubc1cub9acuc9c0ub2e4ub4e4 ub9d0ub9acuc9c0 But ub2c8 Smelluc740 ub0b4 ud53cub97c ub9d0ub9acuc9c0uc5f4uc2ecud788 uc313uc544 ub9c8uc77cub9acuc9c0比起任何的Practical medical scientific knowledge在比巴比伦塔要高的 Luv 前,没有可以胜得过的大家都在劝阻 But 你的Smell让我心焦如焚努力积累mileageuc624ub298 ub0b4 ub9c8uc77cub9acuc9c0 uc368ub3c4 ub418uaca0ub2c8ud55c ub2ecuc5d0 ud55cubc88 uc788uc744uae4c ub9d0uae4c ud55c ub0a0uc774ub2c8uc624ub298 ub0b4 ub9c8uc77cub9acuc9c0 ub0b4uc77cubd80ud130 ub2e4uc2dcub2c8 ud488uc5d0uc11c ucc28uace1ucc28uace1 uc313uc744 ud14cub2c8今天我能用我的mileage吗?一个月都不一定能有这么一天今天我的mileage,从明天重新开始在你的怀跑中慢慢再积累起来ub110 uc704ud55c ub9c8uc77cub9acuc9c0 ud3c9uc0dd uc601uc6d0ud788ub108ub9ccuc744 ud5a5ud574 ucc44uc6b8uac8c Please baby stay with meuc57duc18dud574 Promise ub0b4uc77cubd80ud130 ub2e4uc2dcub2c8 ud488uc5d0uc11c ucc28uace1ucc28uace1 uc313uc744 ud14cub2c8唯有为你的mileage一生一世只为你累积 Please baby stay with me与你约定 Promise 从明天开始重新在你怀抱中慢慢积累起来Shabillab shabillab shabillabShabillab shabillab shabillab这首歌是讲婚后妇男诉苦自己整天柴米油盐酱醋茶,看小孩工作还款什么的各种日程排得很满,然后向老婆申请能不能出去跟朋友吃个饭放松一下,mileage本意是里程,在这里是个象征意义吧。容和跟杨东根是拍拍三剑客认识的,因为杨东根总喜欢说mileage,是他的口头禅,有时可能会聊一下婚后男人的琐碎的事情,所以容和就把这个通过歌曲表达出来了。
2023-07-20 20:09:451


天安门 Tiān"ānmén [Tian An Men (Gate of Heavenly Peace)] 中国北京市重要古建筑。位于北京市区中央,其前的广场是世界最宽广、壮观的广场。2. 天半 tiānbàn[Sky] 高空,如在半天之上。俱秀出天半。——《徐霞客游记·游黄山记》3.天宝tiānbǎo[The title of the Emperor Tang Xuanzong"s reign] 唐玄宗李隆基的年号(公元742——755年)。开元天宝之际。—— 宋·苏轼《教战守》4. 天边 tiānbiān[The remotest places as the ends of the earth;Beyond the horizon] 无限的空间。你从哪里来的,亲爱的小东西?从天边来到这里。5. 天兵 tiānbīng(1) [Invincible army as troops from heaven]∶神话中指天神的兵。比喻英勇善战所向无敌的军队。(2) [Imperial troops]∶指帝王的军队。6. 天禀 tiānbǐng[Native endowments] 天资;天赋。文词虽少作,勉强非天禀。——苏轼《监试呈诸试官》天禀聪颖7. 天朝 tiāncháo(1) [Celestial;Imperial court]∶封建时代臣下称本朝的朝廷;藩属尊称宗主。(2) [The Taiping Heavenly Kingdom]∶太平天国自称。8. 天大 tiāndà[Extremely big;As large as the Heavens] 非常大;极言其大。天大的事我顶着。9. 天道 tiāndào[Spritual principles;Divine order of things] 自然规律。天道变化。——[英]赫胥黎著、 严复译《天演论》10. 天敌 tiāndí[Natural enemy] 自然界中某种动物专门捕食或危害另一种动物。猫是鼠的天敌,寄生蜂是某些作物害虫的天敌。11. 天底 tiāndǐ[Nadir] 从观测者垂直向下与天球的交点或与天顶相距 180°的点。12. 天底下 tiāndǐxia[In this world;Under the sun] 指世界上。天底下竟有这样的事。13. 天地 tiāndì(1) [Heaven and earth;Universe;World]∶天和地。指自然界和社会。天地山川。——宋·王安石《游褒禅山记》天地之闻。——清·黄宗羲《原君》天地之大震动天地。——明·张溥《五人墓碑记》(2) [Scope of operation;Field of activity]∶比喻人们活动的范围。(3) [Nature;Be tween Heaven and earth] 指天地之间,自然界。天地之精也。——《吕氏春秋·慎行论》天地百法乎。——清·洪亮吉《治平篇》。天地调剂之法也。天地不能生人。天地之所以养人也。14. 天帝 Tiāndì[Celestial Ruler Supreme God] 神话传说中天上的主神。15. 天电 tiāndiàn[Static;Atmospherics] 大气的电现象。16. 天顶 tiāndǐng[Zenith] 在地球表面任一观测点的铅垂线向上延长,与天球相交的一点。17. 天罚 tiānfá(1) [Punishment meted out by God;Stand condemned by God]∶上天的诛罚。旧时帝王自谓禀承天意行事,其诛罚不臣常以此为名。(2) [Lose one"s parents]∶旧称遇父母丧。18. 天分 tiānfèn[Genius;Gaft;Talent] 天资;天赋19. 天府 tiānfǔ[Land of abundance] 天然的府库,比喻物产富饶。天府之土。——《三国志·诸葛亮传》20. 天父 tiānfù(1) [Heavenly Father;Our heavenly Father]∶视为始祖的男性代表或阳性本源的天国的神。(2) [The emperor]∶天子(3) [Father]∶对父亲的尊称。(4) [God]∶太平天国以天父称上帝。21. 天赋 tiānfù(1) [Innate;Inborn;Be endowment by nature]∶天资;资质。数学方面的才能……主要来自天赋。(2) [Native;Gifted]∶生来具有的;禀受于天的。天赋的艺术才能。有着天赋的优美嗓子。为了适应学术上的需要,一定的天赋智能是必要的。22. 天干 tiāngān[The ten Heavenly stems to designate marks of order] 用于表现次序的符号,常和“地支”连用,包括甲、乙、丙、丁、戊、己、庚、辛、壬、癸。23. 天工 tiāngōng[Work of nature;Formed by nature] 天然形成的高超技艺。24. 天公 tiāngōng(1) [The Heaven]∶天。以天拟人,故称。(2) [The ruler of heaven;God]∶神话传说中指自然界的主宰者。天公不作美25. 天宫 tiāngōng[Heavenly palace] 上帝或诸神在天上的住所;天国。26. 天沟 tiāngōu[Gutter] 用于屋顶的排水沟,多用白铁皮或石棉水泥制成。27.天钩tiāngōu[Skyhook] 荒谬的事物,想象为从天上挂下来的钩子。28. 天光 tiānguāng(1) [Daylight;Skylight]∶日光;天空的光辉。我们且离了这个地方,外面见见天光,可好不好?——《儿女英雄传》水色天光(2) [Daytime]∶白昼来回九十里,天光又短,一霎就黑天,…。——《老残游记续集遗稿》(3) [Time of the day]∶天色(4) [Morning;Daybreak] 〈方〉∶早晨;天亮。(5) [Time of the day and landscape of lakes] 天色与湖光。上下天光。——宋·范仲淹《岳阳楼记》29. 天国 tiānguó(1) [Clestial city;Kingdom of Heaven]∶基督教称一切服从上帝的无形的人类社会。(2) [Paradise]∶天堂;比喻理想世界。(3) [The Taiping Heavenly Kingdom]∶太平天国的省称。51,天庭饱满,地阁方圆,形容人物气度不凡。 天下无双 天下无敌 天长日久天花地坠 天罗地网 天昏地暗 天南地北 天高地厚天旋地转 天崩地裂 天寒地冻 天翻地覆天经地义天理难容 天涯海角 天时地利真龙天子 海阔天空 天之骄子 天理难容 遮天蔽日 天马行空 滔天大罪 叫苦连天昂头天外 冰天雪窖 呼天唤地 天道酬勤 天真烂漫 漫天遍野 天高地阔 弥天大谎1.天崩地坼tiānbēng-dìchè(1) [Natural disasters like giant earthquakes and landslides] 天倾塌,地开裂。比喻异常灾祸、不测变故。形容震天动地的巨响。只听得海外一个大炮如天崩地坼的一连响了百余响。——《水浒后传》(2) 亦作“天崩地裂”、“天崩地坍”、“天崩地塌”、“天崩地陷”、“天崩地解”。2. 天不绝人 tiānbùjuérén[Heaven would not fail a man;Find one"s way out from an impasse] 人生的道路千条万条,只要努力进取,总不致陷入绝路。多指绝望境地摆脱之后的感慨。3. 天不怕,地不怕 tiān bupà,dì bupà[Fear neither Heaven nor Earth;Fear nothing at all] 只要走得端、行得正,天地间的事全然不惧怕。形容大无畏的精神。原来姑娘天不怕,地不怕,就怕膈肢他的膈肢漥。——《儿女英雄传》4.天不转地转tiān bù zhuàn dì zhuàn[Well meet some day] 意指以后总有见面的机会。5.天才tiāncái[Genius;Talent;Endowment;Gift] 天赋的才能;卓绝的创造力、想象力;天然的资质。他有艺术天才少有的幸运的天才如居里夫妇、达尔文、牛顿。6. 天差地远 tiānchā-dìyuǎn[Poles apart] 天上与地下,相距遥远。形容差得太多、太远、太大。她俩的隔阂与生俱来,天差地远,很难谈得拢。7. 天长地久 tiāncháng-dìjiǔ[Be enduring as the universe;As long as the world last] 天地的存在最为长久。用以比喻情感、友谊等与天地共存。天长地久有时尽,此恨绵绵无绝期。——白居易《长恨歌》8. 天长日久 tiāncháng-rìjiǔ[After a considerable period of time] 天之长,日之久。比喻长期下去,时间久远。天长日久,这等几间小屋子,弄一对大猱头狮子,不时的对吼起来,更不成事!——《儿女英雄传》9. 天赐之福 tiāncìzhīfú[Mercy] 被认为是一种天赐的恩惠或怜悯的仁慈。好像全部忘记了他日常生活中的许多天赐之福。10.天赐良机tiāncì-liángjī[Heaven-sent chance] 天给的好机会。可能使因天赐良机而可以写得充实出色的巨大的题材变得索然无味。11. 天从人愿 tiāncóngrényuàn[Heaven carries out the desires of man] 如愿以偿,好似天助其成。形容客观自然条件与主观上要做的事恰好相一致。“你没带伞怎么没淋着?”;“天从人愿,我一下车雨正好停了。”12. 天地良心 tiāndì-liángxīn[From the bottom of my heart] 表白自己的用语。意为:天知地知,自己也问得过良心,确实没有说假话、做坏事。13. 天翻地覆 tiānfān-dìfù(1) [State of extreme confusion as the sky and the earth turning upside down;Earth-shaking]∶形容彻底的变革 。虎踞龙盘今胜昔,天翻地覆慨而慷。——毛泽东《人民解放军占领南京》(2) [In total disorder;Extreme upheaval;In sheer pandemonium]∶形容秩序极为混乱。宝玉一发拿刀弄杖寻死觅活的,闹的天翻地覆。——《红楼梦》14. 天方夜谭 Tiānfāng Yètán(1) [The Arabian Nights ]∶书名,又名《一千零一夜》,是一部阿拉伯民间故事集,其中有不少荒诞不经的地方。(2) [An incredible story;A fantastic talk;Boastful words]∶比喻虚诞夸饰的议论;荒诞不经的说法。郑子云的话在他看来是书呆子的呓语,咬文嚼字、天方夜谈、理想主义。—— 张洁《沉重的翅膀》15. 天府之国 tiānfǔzhīguó[Land flowing with milk and honey;Land of plenty] 指肥美险固、物产饶多之地。16. 天高地厚 tiāngāo-dìhòu(1) [Profound;Deep]∶感恩戴德之词。天高地厚,未酬万一。——《醒世通言》(2) [Complexity of all thing as immensity of the universe]∶犹言高低轻重。想起幼年这些不知天高地厚的话来,真愧悔。——《儿女英雄传》17. 天高皇帝远 tiān gāo huángdì yuǎn(1) [The emperor is far away as the sky]∶旧指王法所难以顾及的边远地域。(2) [One may do whatever he pleases without fear of the interference]∶比喻不听管束、无法无天。18. 天高气爽 tiāngāo-qìshuǎng[The sky is high and the weatherfine] 形容秋天天空高远明朗、气候凉爽宜人。19. 天各一方 tiāngèyīfāng[Live far apart from each other] 通常指家庭或朋友分住在各处。20. 天公地道 tiāngōng-dìdào[Be absolutely fair reasonable] 意即十分公平合理。
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姓名:Orlando Bloom 译名:奥兰多.布鲁姆昵称:Orli、开花(缘于Bloom的意思)家乡:英国坎特伯雷郡(Canterbury, Kent)生日:1977年1月13日(因为时差,也有版本说是14日)星座:摩羯座身高:180cm 眼睛:深褐色 头发:深褐色爱好:表演、摄影、雕塑、极限运动最爱的宠物:黑色的拉布拉多犬Sidi(他在《天国王朝》片场拣来的宝贝)刺青: 他有二个刺青,一个是十五岁时刺的太阳还有手腕上的精灵语"九" (护戒队里每个人都有一个这样的刺青,只是位置不同) 最喜欢的颜色:黄色 最喜欢的食物:意大利粉、披萨、麦片、米饭、蔬菜和烤土豆最喜欢的蔬菜:菠菜最喜欢的足球队:曼联(同时也喜欢皇家马德里因为贝克汉姆) 最喜欢的运动:滑雪、冲浪 最喜欢的明星:约翰尼·德普、爱德华·诺顿、保罗·纽曼、丹尼尔·戴·刘易斯最欣赏的女孩类型:和蔼、甜美第一份工作:13岁时,在一个鸽子射击场当过看门工第一个银幕角色:《王尔德》中一个小配角第一部汽车:一辆深绿色的大众汽车,价值160英镑第一次听音乐会:蝎子乐队坎特伯雷的演出第一份工作是在一家鸽子射击俱乐部中当服务生为射击者设陷阱第一张CD是《艾德·布里克尔和新波希米亚人》(Edie Brickell and the New Bohemians--Thriller)第一个参与的45分钟短片是摇滚巨星迈克尔·杰克逊的《战栗者》第一次看电影:超人
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"Kaaba" author Baliaosi. As a result of the historical origin, South America must first link up for person"s impression with Spain: Intense warm Spanish guitar, rough bold disposition and hot spicy Tango. Although has South America"s music element, however receives the program music from the topic to be possible to look that is different with South America"s traditional style, this is one has rational, regarding the highest principle thinking and the search program. Perhaps this is classical guitar"s charm, it may in the different space and time, different national, in the middle of the different cultural person cause alarm. "Kaaba" was calculated that makes in the Baliaosi 4 kind of works one of Baroque style works, however the song itself unfolds causes it regarding the human nature concern and the intense picture dielectric to have the romantic time extremely the humanities color. the entire tune is divided three parts: The first part: The D major book belongs to the lively rhythm the accent nature, actually unfolded slightly had the melancholy feeling. The pray person stands as if in the spacious church central committee, slow step, the sunlight penetrates from the giant colored glass, caused the tranquil church to take to bring with variegated and the warm tone. The second part: This belongs to the heaven sound. The grave chord displays God"s law which loftiest, cannot be defied. As if while described the heaven to outline the world hardship. The world misery is numerous, but low and deep, the steady low register played the strong even somewhat solemn and stirring notes: Is going against the wind and rain advance: This is our only choice. This part is most can cause the person innermost feelings moved at the same time most to be able to give the manpower quantity a part. Fukuda is good. Good. Good cannot use the language to describe. The third part: Enters the church pray people, men and women, both olds and youngs. Various person has various people"s misfortune, but obtains the answer is similar: Because God"s comfort cannot be different from person to person.
2023-07-20 20:11:392

关于薰衣草的几个传说 英文的

Flower lavender - Wait for Love Lavender is a fragrance of violet blue flowers. It"s like the same location it has romantic feelings. That Adams was born in the French Provence Flower & P, there is a beautiful love story: One legend: Ancient beauty of Provence has a girl, one day, she alone in the cold in the mining of the Moon Valley of the flowers, on the way to go home, met a traveler from afar injured road to her question. Girl holding a bouquet of flowers with, soulful eyes at the handsome youth, at thatAs soon as checks on, she has been the heart of passionate young people occupied smile. Regardless of family objections, insisting that young girls to stay at home until the full recovery of the healing rooms. Day by day as the day of the past, young people"s leg has been good, they are also the feelings of the rapid heating.Micro cool in a morning, bid farewell to young people want to leave, but girls do not want to have to object to their families as young people go a long way to distance the youth full of roses ... the village home of the grandmother in adolescent girls before they leave, shake with a lavender flowers open in early, so infatuated with this girl lavender flowers open in early youth the true test ... It is said that the aroma of lavender flowers make unclean thing ... is that the Valley edition of the morning full of lavender, While the hands of young girls readyPulls travel, the girls will be hidden in a coat of lavender flowers, throwing them at young people, it is so, then a purple Smoke Poly ... then scattered and vague valley of blow wind blow could be heard, such as young people ... I am theChanting in a low voice you want to travel the hearts of young girls ah ... lone figure left alone ... not long melancholy, girls have disappeared, someone said that she follow the flowers are young people go to look for, and someone said that she has been young people, turned into a journey into the disappearance of Smoke in the valley ... ... This one appears on the flower represents the love and commitment as it is the same as the Flower, Wait for love. Two legends: Lavender can be stylish these groups favor, because they are also much better romantic meaning. Lavender has a great deal of content, hiddenyun the right attitude to life. Lavender has been considered to be pure, clean, protect, a symbol of thanksgiving and peace. Lavender also means "Wait for love." Legend that one day Mary would wash the baby clothes of Jesus, hanging on in the lavender, lavender then be given the symbol of paradise on the meaning of taste. It was also noted that the direct use of Mary are soaked in lavender water to wash the baby clothes of Jesus, which is perhaps why the last person so to enjoy lavender washing clothes with the reasons for it. But someone said that the Virgin Mary had been at prayer lavender, lavender therefore not only have continued to leave the smell, the ability to have the expulsion of the Devil. "Lavender on behalf of true love" is the most representative of the time Elizabeth lyrics. Therefore, at that time will be popular lavender lovers give each other gifts to an IM conversation. In this period, Charles I of England is also a sentimental Han, Nell Gwyn in the pursuit of him when he will be a bag of dried lavender, golden line on the ribbon, to the people loved him. Provence is a love of poetry, no one could live in this rather than moving. As there is a folk custom is to use lavender incense bride dress. In Ireland, local people are at the bridge will be tied lavender in order to pray for the arrival of good luck. Fang is said to kill one of the lavender sachet in the body, allowing you to find her dream lover. And separation of lovers when you can be in possession of a sprig lavender lovers inside the book, at your next get together, then take a look at the color lavender, the smell of lavender smell to know how love you lover. Up at the wedding, you canSprinkles lavender flowers, you can bring happiness to your marriage. Three legends: Lavender Flower is waiting for the love, there is such a touching story: It is said that a long time ago, an angel with a woman namedWorld of mortals theFumigates the clothes love. For her to leave the first drops of tears, as her wings off an angel every day whileIs enduring the severe pain , but they are still very happy. Happiness can be a very short Angels were recaptured the kingdom of heaven, that he delete theFumigates the clothes happy time that was down underWorld of mortals tear before he left, tears into a butterfly to accompany him the most beloved girl.and still waiting for him to come back and accompany her only only butterflies. The days and nights at the park waiting for Angel to leave, finally, into a grass.Will start out lavender flowers each year. They fly around, looking for that to be derogatoryWorld of mortals under the angel. PlantThat people called "Lavender." Legend of four: Remember that one of the people called Andy said: "As long as you go the Provence, they will not want to leave. Because there"s something you want to have." Since this sentence is also to enable him to find their own happy. Years later, Andy is still clearly remember the first go-Provence summer. Yes, you might see vast wilderness, the sky deep lofty, low wind breeze, the distant valleys vaguely heard the bell sound of a flock of sheep, dense and quiet. The weather in June, the boundless from delicate lavender light green mature into dark purple. 18-year-old Andy was here all the deep attention. Him carrying a backpack, walk alone in the village between the streets and fields, Provence was a paradise, it is entirely false picture of the different Paris, everywhere is full of freedom and fresh air. He secretly thought, until suddenly a vision of romantic, like a vast ocean of purple lavender. He hurriedly ran to the display of this, did not pay attention to the arm has been bitten by an insect. Discrepancies in the actual pain of a hit, he can not help but stopped. "Rubbed with lavender essence of what the fine."Supple a voice came from the side, Andy found a small roadside inn sitting under the windows of a purple linen skirt wearing girl, she took out a bottle of cream, saying that it was Tiger Balm Provence, mosquito bites or scratches can drop a few drops of anti-inflammatory. When she gently wipe for him, he had a faint smell of lavender fragrance is very intoxicating. I do not know the role of drug or psychological, Andy had the wound does not hurt immediately. At the meeting, he knew that this small girl is the daughter of hotelier named Sofia. What he did not read the book, but there is a deep lavender interest. "You can guide me to do it? I am thinking to take a look at the hills in front of that. ""I, I. . . . . "Sofia"s blood red" in my childhood, my legs in a traffic accident in the loss of consciousness, can only sit here all day long look into the distance far from the ocean Almost purple. "Andy is found that Sofia was wearing a long skirt and ankle, to cover her legs. Him for his bold are very sorry, but it becomes incoherent; "ah? I"m sorry, I had太粗心." "In fact, it may not necessarily enjoy Provence day to day go barefoot at lavender flowers in ah! "Sofia smiled," far to appreciate the beauty of her, maybe give themselves more room for imagination! "" Well, you get to see me back it. "Andy epiphany:" look open heart you lookTurning one"s thoughts toward a loved one the Kingdom of the lavender. "Sofia surprised at first, and then took to a touching. When they finally arrived at the top of the hills, Sofia against Andy solid shoulder, shouted: "I saw, they would also like to than I imagined beauty, each one is a bud of shaking dance Yat Elven purple. " In the next few days to get along in Sofia feel Andy can be said to be a lavender expert. Andy at her bedside to help put a lavenderSachet , so that full house is full of faint scent that can ease emotional anxiety, sleep safely. She also put olive oil or vinegar bottle Lavender 12, fills the air with warmth of summer can make the Permanent Italy. . . She also said that if at the time of the advent of winter, put on dry lavender burning fireplace will be overflowing fragrance. Andy finds himself more and more like the girl, and she kind of lively and attracts him deeply. However, he found that he had fallen into a love being able to extricate themselves, he is sweet. At the same time also feel confused, because he knew he could not give this beautiful girl any commitment. The evening, silver-white moon hung in a dark blue sky, air dry, warm and filled with the smell of lavender. Adams is also quiet, filled with the smell of lavender, alsoRecites lightly wind. Andy talked about his home: "My family in Paris, with an investment company, the parents hope that I can cause them to inherit. And so I graduated from university, I will expand on in the market." Sofia looked gentle vision, he can not help but kiss her, love her like lavender him as calm and elegant, but he can not imagine that one day, when the elite become a shopping mall, the legs with a disability at theCountry girl dinner Cup staggered discs appeared on the scene. Sofia clever that his hesitation, he deliberately said to him: "I do not like big cities you go, here is my home. Every day sitting in the doorway, watching the distant hills on the lavender, that is, I am most happy to do ah. me away from my homeland. "Andy silent. Finally to the departure date. Sofia, do not put a lavender shirt in his pocket on, smiling at him: "In fact, people do not have to love aMornings and evenings . Must enjoy Provence is not to go barefoot in the day day of lavender flowers. Any time, any place, as long as the chance to see the ray of sunshine, a ray of fragrant smell can be aRipples purple hearts at the field. "Andy"s heart a sting that he hurt her so, and he has not the slightest resentment Instead, for his rescue. He hurriedly left the beauty of this field, there is no looking back, he saw her tears of fear. Andy returned to his own world, leaving the Provence has been a decade. The sea of hard to let him becomeSupercilious . But at the same time feel tired. The aromatic lavender purple skirt girl has been gradually fading out of his living circle. Her parents started to worry about his marriage, he and those who flirtDemure door, but he did not want to get married, because after each business, he will feel a sense of emptiness, he sometimes encountered by those enchanting aroma Miss will stop and sniff the smell on them. Sprinkle them with violets and red roses perfume, but he usually will not find the sense of lavender fragrance and irritability. Andy, when 34-year-old Paris has become the president of a large company, and he was prepared to invest in Provence a production base flavor. At the same time, a desire to have him, that is the hope of finding Sofia, regardless of whether she was married, he must tell her all these years, his only favorite lavender flower.Time flies enough to be a lot of things therein non-person, when he rushed to where, when the roadside near a small hotel long gone, replaced by a modern farm. 因文字数量限制,上述也许不够全面,还望采纳!
2023-07-20 20:12:093


How can you be in hell,when you are in my heart?
2023-07-20 20:12:191


There are lots of people who was need heiping. we can help others when their have really troubles. Some we can help ,but others we can" fact,they only lazy and make other people doing something they need to do .If someone ask for you help to have a job ,you will make he talk why he need the job at first.And remember:In fact,helping others is a pleasure!Everyone should like to do something to help people in need.however,we need to know why he ask for help,and heip he to help himself. 写的不好 现写的的 不过是初二的水平 之前没写过,呵呵 也许你可以挑点句子    搜索人人听力网rrting,然后再搜英语作文。·小学英语作文 ·初中英语作文 ·高中英语作文 ·大学英语作文 ·考研英语作文 ·中考英语作文 ·高考英 间:2010 语作文 ·英语四级作文 ·英语写作资料 ·gre作文 ·留学文书写作 ·雅思考试作文 ·英语六级作文 //rrting/english/yyxw/这里有近两千篇英语作文~!,作业考试都不用怕了。希望能帮到你,要给分喔   Helping Others Friends,Have you ever accepted any help from others?And have you ever offered a help to others? I know you may say Yes.Indeed we often get help from others around us.From example,if we are carrying a heavy box walking in the street,we may need someone to give us a hand.While taking a bus for work,we usually see an old granny standing beside us.Then we"ll give up our seats to her.To some degree,helping others is equal to helping ourselves. Meanwhile,helping others is a pleasure!I would like to do something to help people in need. (写得很辛苦啊)   Helping Others Friends,Have you ever accepted any help from others?And have you ever offered a help to others? I know you may say Yes.Indeed we often get help from others around us.From example,if we are carrying a heavy box walking in the street,we may need someone to give us a hand.While taking a bus for work,we usually see an old granny standing beside us.Then we"ll give up our seats to her.To some degree,helping others is equal to helping ourselves. Meanwhile,helping others is a pleasure!I would like to do something to help people in need. 只用于参考!   Instead of thinking of the people whom you have believed to be evil and an undesirable influence, think of the goodness of God in the life of all His children. Think of God as everywhere-present light, love, peace, power, and life. Think of all men, all women, all children as abiding in God"s presence and expressing God"s qualities. As you do this, you will touch the reality of individuals, and you will invite only the best from them. Spirit will respond as you expect it to, for the Spirit of God is in every person. Some persons have not yet wakened to this realization; but as you declare the Truth for them and expect it to express through them toward you, you will receive only loving and considerate treatment from them. As you read these explanations of the way in which a soul may lay hold of its inheritance from God and exercise its God-given freedom in the endeavor to develop and use its powers, pray for more light to enable you to see how precious these individuals are and how important it is that we all have freedom to correct our mistakes. The best way to help your brother is to pray for him to be spiritually illumined. Then if he has e to a place in his soul development where he is ready to accept Truth, he will have the understanding and desire to seek the indwelling Christ. It is never wise to try to force Truth upon anyone. Place your brother "lovingly in the hands of the Father," and know that his own indwelling Lord will take care of him until he is open and receptive to ideas of Truth. You are good, yes. But it is a negative goodness. You haven"t realized your powers and made positive and purposeful use of them. You have been made to feel that nonresistance, and righteousness, and Christianity, and loving service are all passive. You have allowed your personal ideas of love and goodwill to make you too sympathetic and inclined to give, without seeking and asking for wisdom and good judgment to direct you. Now while it is a virtue to be always ready to help others, we must be sure that we are truly helping them, and not hindering them by allowing them to continue in the unwise habits that have brought them to lack. The greatest help is to be able to show others how they may help themselves and bee self-supporting and resourceful. Study and prayer, along the lines of the Unity literature, will give you the knowledge and power to help others understand and bring forth their prosperity. You have a store. Have you taken God into partnership with you? Do you start every day with quiet, purposeful munion with God? Do you ask God to show you what to do in every transaction? Do you bless your store, the room, the stock, the accounts, the customers, the salespeople? Do you fill the atmosphere with thoughts and words of love and wisdom and prosperity? Do you demand of others that which you demand of yourself, that they use good judgment, and self-denial when necessary? Do you make them understand that God prospers those who do their part and that you expect them to do their part to pay their bills, so that you can pay yours and go on with the store, the service you feel led to offer? Or do you think of the sickness, and the poverty, and the inharmony about you? Do you let folks have merchandise because you think them in need, or because they are God"s children, and you are in this way helping God to prosper them and make them happy; and because your business is going to prosper all and result in greater blessings? Do you pray for their prosperity? Do you expect God in these people and God in you to prompt them in doing that which is right by you? By studying this matter you will e into a better understanding of the law of prosperity and you will be led into a much happier and more successful handling of your everyday problems. Don"t feel that you must open your hands and pass out everything that you have. Conservation is one of the rules of success. You must expect others to do their part. And everyone, no matter how many failures he has had, can do his part. You aren"t giving Spirit much credit for ability to work in your brother"s consciousness and affairs, are you? You say in the same breath that he has been upheld by the Spirit these months and that you feel he cannot stand the strain much longer! Don"t you see what a mixed state of consciousness that is, and how foolish it is to pray and to expect Spirit to express its harmony and order and light in yourself or another, and then to feel that you or the other may at any time collapse because of the lack of spiritual power or light or life or substance? Suppose "his mind," this tense, mortal state of mind that has been causing him the worry and anxiety and weariness, gives way! What then? Why, that"s the very thing that must e! This old fixed state of mind must give way, or be given up, that the Christ ideas may flow freely through his consciousness and give him the new life and light and poise and power and substance that he needs! Encourage him to let go, to place himself in God"s care and keeping. It is personal assumption of responsibility that makes him feel he must cling so tenaciously to some of his opinions and ways of working. This is the only thing that keeps him out of the kingdom of heaven and its blessings! The treatment he has had, if he were cooperating, would have raised him into the Christ consciousness of peace and order and success long ago. We are asking you to place him confidently in the care and keeping of his indwelling Lord and to take your mental hands off! Don"t treat him! So long as you are trying to force something into him, you keep his attention divided, and he doesn"t get within and quiet enough to let his soul mune with God. Leave him in the secret place, with the Father. Jesus has promised, you know, that those who go to the Father in secret shall be rewarded openly! The spiritual light ing to him from within will show him the utter foolishness of struggling and worrying and striving. It will reveal to him the right relation of things spiritual and things manifest. He will see clearly how the right mental attitude and physical poise and health will result in instant and constant progress and prosperity and satisfaction. You can"t give him this. Nor can we. It is the free gift of the Father within him. What are you believing about this Father, who Jesus Christ proved was willing always to hear and to answer every call in the name of His Son Jesus Christ? You are looking for a call. Do you know when you are called? You are to go straight to God to talk over these things. Go into your closet of prayer, into your "secret place of the Most High" (Ps. 91:1 A.V.) and shut the door; then pray. We are not promised the Father"s attention when we merely cry out, "Oh, I long so to do something for this ailing one." Did Jesus Christ perform any healing by wishing that He had the power? No. God gave Him the power; all He was required to do to lay hold of it was to recognize that "I and the Father are one" (Jn. 10:30). So, dear friend, if you believe in the works of the Father, believe also in His Spirit in the midst of you, waiting to be recognized and put to practical use. Through "Christ in you" you are the "beloved Son" in whom the Father is well pleased. All power is given unto you in all the affairs of mind and body. Exercise your God-given power, authority, and dominion and rise out of bondage to conditions of lack and discord. There is a saying that "God helps those who help themselves." You are God"s executive, and your indwelling Lord depends on you to make His glory manifest. Then be up and doing. Do the will of Him who sent you. In so doing you are not only helping yourself, you are helping others.
2023-07-20 20:12:331


【 #励志名言# 导语】A gentleman acts on behalf of an understanding friend,as a woman makes herself beautiful for her lover. 整理“英语名人名言警句大全100例”,以供大家参考,希望可以帮助到大家,感谢大家的阅读与支持!   1) 有志者,事竟成。Nothing is impossible to a willing heart. /Where there is a will there is a way.   2) 千里之行,始于足下。The longest journey begins with the first step.   3) 积少成多。Every little helps.   4) 天涯何处无芳草。There is plenty of fish in the sea.   5) 大智若愚。Cats hind their paws.   6) 人不可貌相,海水不可斗量。Judge not a book by its cover.(Never judge from appearances.)   7) 有情人终成眷属。All shall be well, Jack shall have jill.   8) 海内存知己,天涯若比邻。The world is but a little place, after all.   9) 眼见为实。Seeing is believing.   10) 无风不起浪。Where there"s smoke without fire.   11) 哪里有压迫,哪里就有反抗。Where there"s oppression there"s resistance.   12) 祸兮福所依,福兮祸所伏。All the Evils to be considered with the Good, that is in them, and with that worse attends them.   13) Make your whole year"s plan in the spring and the whole day"s plan in the morning.一年之计在于春,一天之计在于晨。   14) 细节决定成败。Details is the key to success.   15) A man loves his sweetheart the most, his wife the best, but his mother the longest. 男人对他的情人最爱,对他的妻子,而对他母亲的爱最长久。   16) A big tree falls not at the first stroke. 一斧子砍不倒大树。   17) Early to bed, early to rise makes a man healthy, wealthy and wise.早睡早起身体好。   18) Ask not what your country can do for you; ask what you can do for your country.不要问你的国家能为你做什么,而要问你能为你的国家做什么。   19) Repent,for the kingdom of heaven is near.忏悔吧,因为天国已经不远了。   20) Rejoicing in hope, patienting in trabulation.从希望中得到快乐,在磨难中保持坚韧。   21) Never put off until tomorrow what may be done today.今日事今日毕。   22) Something attempted, something done. 没有尝试,就没有成功。   23) Hope for the best, prepare for the worst.好处着想,坏处准备。   24) Great hope makes great man. 伟大的思想造就伟大的人。   25) 满招损,谦受益。Pride hurts, modesty benefits.   26) 世上唯有贫穷可以不劳而获。Nothing is to be got without pain but poverty.   27) 伟业非一日之功/冰冻三尺非一日之寒。Romewas not built in a day.   28) 一寸光阴一寸金,寸今难买寸光阴。Lost years are worse than lost dollars.   29) 自助者天助。God helps those who help themselves.   30) 欲速则不达。More haste, less speed.   31) 台上一分钟,台下十年功。One minute on the stage needs ten years practice off stage.   32) 好的开端是成功的一半。Well begun is half done.   33) 酒好不怕巷子深。Good wine needs no bush.   34) 成功源于勤奋。Industry is the parent of success.   35) 英雄所见略同。Great minds think alike.   36) 熟能生巧。Practice makes perfect.   37) 静水流深。Still waters run deep.   38) 滴水穿石。Little stone fell great oaks.   39) 前事不忘,后事之师。The remembrance of the past is the teacher of the future.   40) 君子之交淡如水。A hedge between keeps friendship green.   41) 机不可失,时不再来。Take time while time is, for time will away.   42) 集思广益。Two heads are better than one.   43) 未雨绸缪。Provide for a rainy day.   44) 真金不怕火炼。True blue will never strain.   45) 必须相信自己,这是成功的秘诀。You have to believe in yourself. That"s the secret of success.   46) 燕雀安知鸿鹄之志。A sparrow cannot understand the ambition of a swan.   47) 身正不怕影子歪。A straight foot is not afraid of a crooked shoe.   48) A rolling stone gathers no moss.滚石不聚苔,转行不聚财。   49) When in Rome, do as the Romans do.入乡随俗。   50) Knowledge is a measure, but practise is the key to it.知识是珍宝,而实践是获取它的钥匙。   51) Lost time is never found again.光阴一去不复返。   52) Difficulties strengthen the mind, as labour does the body.劳动强体,磨难强智。   53) Behind bad luck comes good luck.塞翁失马,焉知非福。   54) All for one, one for all.我为人人,人人为我。   55) Treat other people as you hope they will treat you./Do not do to others what you do not wish them to do to you己所不欲,勿施于人。   56) Suspicion is the poison of friendship.怀疑是对友谊所下的毒药。   57) He laughs best who laughs last.谁笑到最后,谁笑得最美。   58) Follow your own course, and let people talk.走自己的路,让别人说去吧。   59) Initiative is doing the right thing without being told. 主动性就是在没有人告诉时做正确的事情。   60) Think twice before acting. 三思而后行。   61) Adversity reveals genius, fortune conceals it. 苦难显才华,好运藏天知。   62) The water that bears the boat is the same that swallows it up. 水能载舟,亦能覆舟。   63) Better be the head of a dog than the tail of a lion. 宁为鸡头,不为凤尾。   64) A stitch in time saves nine. 防微杜渐。/一针不补,十针受苦。   65) Diamond cuts diamond. 强中更有强中手。   66) The early bird catches the worm. 捷足先登./早起的鸟儿有虫吃。   67) Whatever you go, go with all your heart. 无论做什么事,一定要全力以赴。   68) The good seaman is known in bad weather. 惊涛骇浪,方显英雄本色。   69) Where there is life, there is hope. 留得青山在,不怕没柴少。   70) All thing are difficult before they are easy.万事开头难。   71) Life is not all roses. 人生并不都是康庄大道。   72) Heaven never seals off all the exits. 天无绝人之路。   73) Is it not a joy to have friends come from afar?   74) Reading is always profitable./Reading reriches the mind. 开卷有益。   75) A gentleman acts on behalf of an understanding friend,as a woman makes herself beautiful for her lover. 士为知己者用,女为说悦己者容。   76) Actions speak louder than words. 事实胜于雄辩。   77) Mastery of work comes from diligent application, and success deponds on forethought.业精于勤,行成于思。   78) 宁为鸡头,不为凤尾。It is better to be a head of dog than a tail of a lion.   79) 良药苦口。A good medicine tastes bitter.   80) 知识就是力量。Knowledge is power.   81) 金钱不是万能的。Money is not everything.   82) 时不我待。Time and tide wait no man.   83) 少壮不努力,老大徒伤悲。A young idler, an old beggar.   84) 趁热打铁。Strike while the iron is hot.   85) 天生我才必有用。Every man has his price.   86) 看破生死的人能成大事。He who sees through life and death will meet with most success.   87) 世上无难事,只要肯登攀。Nothing is impossible to a willing heart.   88) 不入虎穴,焉得虎子。Noting venture, noting gain.   89) 不鸣则已,一鸣惊人。It never rains but it pours.   90) 胜者为王,败者为寇。Losers are always in the wrong.   91) 谋事在人,成事在天。Man proposes, God deposes.   92) 众人拾柴火焰高。Many hands make light work.   93) 不经风雨,怎能见彩虹。No cross, no crown.   94) 没有付出,就没有收获。No pain, no gain.   95) 不进则退。Not to advance is to go back.   96) No way is impossible to courage.勇者无惧。   97) 闪光的不一定是黄金。All is not gold that glitters./All that glitters is not gold.   98) The strong pass of the enemy is like a wall of iron, yet with firm strides we are conquring its summit. 雄关漫道真如铁,而今迈步从头越。   99) My journey is long and winding, I will keep on exploring my way far and wide.路漫漫其修远兮,我将上下而求索。   100) 一分价钱一分货。You get what you pay off.
2023-07-20 20:12:441


heavenn.[常用复]天, 天空[常作 Heaven ]天堂, 天老爷, 神极大的愉快, 高兴之极至福; 极乐世界(伊丽莎白女皇时代某些剧场 用来覆盖舞台的)天篷宇宙法则, 天道宇宙伦理原则the kingdom of heaven 天国I was in heaven when I heard the good news. 听到这个好消息后我兴奋异常。godn.[God ]上帝神, 男神神像, 偶像, 神化人物; 极受崇拜[极有影响]的人; 极受注意的事物[the gods](戏院)最高楼座(观众)习惯用语blind god (=god of love) 爱神By(my) God ! 的的确确!depart to God [婉]去见上帝, 死
2023-07-20 20:12:541

一个深爱的女孩英文版谁能给我歌词 跪求!

一个深爱的女孩英文版谁能给我歌词 跪求! 一个深爱的女孩 A girl with a deep love 演唱:阿兴 Singing: A Xing 一个人站在熟悉的海边 A man standing by the sea 微风吹过了我的脸 The breeze is blowing through my face 勾起了我对你的思念 Brought back my thoughts of you Baby 你一个人在天国过的还好吗 Baby do you have a person in the kingdom of heaven I Miss You Miss You I 不知不觉你离开我已经快一年了 You"ve been away from me for almost a year before you know it. 在没有你的日子里我的生活少了快乐 In the days without you, my life is less happy. 整天傻傻的过着 All day and all day 不知不觉想着 Unconsciously thinking 想着我们曾经在一起 Thinking we were together 度过的每个时刻 Every moment spent 有欢笑 有难过 有快乐 有失落 There is laughter, there is a sad sad loss 你扔下我一个人去了天国 You threw me a man to the kingdom of heaven 那里没有悲伤和难过 There is no sad and sad 却只有幸福和快乐 But only happiness and joy 每当想起你的时候 Every time I think of you 我抬头望着天空 I looked up at the sky 希望能看到你熟悉的脸孔 Hope to see your familiar face 望着我听着我对你诉说 Look at me and listen to what I tell you 当年我失去你以后的生活 When I lost you later life 而我总是一个人难过 And I"m always alone 一个人失落 A person lost 那根本就是我自己懦弱 That"s just my own weakness. 无法面对失去你的结果 Unable to face the loss of your results 所以难过围绕着我 So sad around me 寂寞陪伴着我 Lonely acpany me 孤寂牵着我的手一起走 Loneliness is holding my hand 还记得小时候 经常在我家 Remember when I was a child in my home 我们一起玩过家家 We play together. 你在我耳边说 You said in my ear 你以后除了我谁都不嫁 You"ll never marry anyone except me. 我一直没有忘记这句话 I have not fotten this sentence 直到我们都长大还在一起玩耍 Until we all grow up and play together. 从来都不害怕 没有温暖没有家 Never afraid of not having a warm home 不想那么多 Don"t think so much 只管现在能够相爱在说 Just now to be able to love each other 在多痛苦挫折也决不退缩 In many painful setbacks will never retreat 一起加油一起努力的度过 Come together and work together. 你说你喜欢听我唱歌 You say you like to hear me sing 喜欢我在你面前饶舌 Love me before you rap 因为我的歌能够让你忘了难过 Because my song can make you fet the sad 能够让你快乐 Can make you happy 每当我们在一起的时候 Every time we are together 你总是躺在我怀里 You are always lying in my arms 听着我唱起我的原创歌曲 Listen to me sing my original song 一遍又一遍从来不会觉得厌倦 Again and again never feel tired 总是拍手说我唱的好听 Always clap your hands say I sing nicely 鼓励我继续努力 Encourage me to keep on working 以后当个大明星要找我签名 Then when a big star wants to sign me 现在你已经离开了我 Now you have left me 一个人去了天国 A man went to the kingdom of heaven 你离开了我的世界我的生活 You left my world my life 还叮嘱我一定要过的快乐 Also told me that I must be happy 宝贝不用担心不用难过 Baby don"t worry, don"t worry 好好在那边和你妈妈一起生活 Live over there and live with your mother. 我对你的思念 I miss you 就像大海无边无际一眼望不到边 Just like a boundless sea Olga 每当流星划过寂静的天边 When the meteor across the silent horizon 都会为你许下祝福的心愿 Will be for you to make a wish 每当夜深人静想起你的时候 When I think of you every night 眼泪总是忍不住的往下流 Tears always can not help but flow down 我努力的举起你牵过的那双手 I tried to lift the hands you hold 擦干眼泪等待时光能倒流 Wipe the tears and wait for the time to turn back 雪花随风飘飘过了我的脸 Snowflakes fluttering in the wind over my face 我依旧对你那么思念 I still miss you so much 不管我们的爱已经离我多么远 No matter how far our love has been 我对你的爱永远不会改变 My love for you will never change 每当夜深人静想起你的时候 When I think of you every night 眼泪总是忍不住的往下流 Tears always can not help but flow down 希望时光倒流回到我们的过去 Hope the time back to our past 保护着你不再让你离我而去 Protect you from me and let you go Baby 这首歌曲献给你 Baby this song is for you. 一个人在天国要过的快乐喔 A person in the kingdom of heaven to live a happy oh 一个深爱的女孩英文版下载 一个深爱的女孩英文版歌词 A beloved girl A person standing in the familiar with the sea. The breeze blew my face. Reminded me of your thoughts. Baby, you"re the one of the kingdom of heaven is good? I Miss You. Imperceptible you leave I have nearly a year. In a day without you in my life less happy. The silly all day with. Unconscious thought. Think we have spent together every moment of. Laughter is a sad, have the joy, have lost,. You dropped me to go to the kingdom of heaven. There was no sadness and sad. But only happiness and joy. Every time I think of you. I looked up at the sky. Hope to see you familiar faces. Look at me listen to you I say. When I lose the rest of your life. And I always a person sad, a person loses. That is fundamentally I coward 一个深爱的女孩歌词(韩文版) [ti:一个深爱的女孩] [ar:阿米] [by:绛色] 一个深爱的女孩 演唱:阿米 一个人站在熟悉的海边. 微风吹过了我的脸. 勾起了我对你的思念. baby,你一个人在天国过的还好吗. i miss you. 不知不觉你离开我已经快一年了. 在没有你的日子里我的生活少了快乐. 整天傻傻的过着.不知不觉想着. 想着我们曾经在一起度过的每个时刻. 有欢笑,有难过,有快乐,有失落. 你扔下我一个人去了天国. 那里没有悲伤和难过. 却只有幸福和快乐. 每当想起你的时候. 我抬头望着天空. 希望能看到你熟悉的脸孔. 望着我听着我对你诉说. 当年我失去你以后的生活. 而我总是一个人难过,一个人失落. 那根本就是我自己懦弱. 无法面对失去你的结果. 所以难过围绕着我. 寂寞陪伴着我. 孤寂牵着我的手一起走. 还记得小时候.经常在我家. 我们一起玩过家家. 你在我耳边说你以后除了我谁都不嫁. 我一直没有忘记这句话. 直到我们都长大还在一起玩耍. 从来都不害怕.没有温暖没有家. 不想那么多.只管现在能够相爱在说. 在多痛苦挫折也决不退缩. 一起加油一起努力的度过. 你说你喜欢听我唱歌. 喜欢我在你面前饶舌. 因为我的歌能够让你忘了难过. 能够让你快乐. 每当我们在一起的时候. 你总是躺在我怀里. 听着我唱起我的原创歌曲. 一遍又一遍从来不会觉得厌倦. 总是拍手说我唱的好听. 鼓励我继续努力. 以后当个大明星要找我签名. 现在你已经离开了我一个人去了天国. 你离开了我的世界我的生活. 还叮嘱我一定要过的快乐. 宝贝不用担心不用难过. 好好在那边和你妈妈一起生活. 我对你的思念就像大海无边无际一眼望不到边. 每当流星划过寂静的天边. 都会为你许下祝福的心愿. 每当夜深人静想起你的时候. 眼泪总是忍不住的往下流. 我努力的举起你牵过的那双手. 擦干眼泪等待时光能倒流. 雪花随风飘飘过了我的脸. 我依旧对你那么思念. 不管我们的爱已经离我多么远. 我对你的爱永远不会改变. 每当夜深人静想起你的时候. 眼泪总是忍不住的往下流. 希望时光倒流回到我们的过去. 保护着你不再让你离我而去. baby.这首歌曲献给你. 一个人在天国要过的快乐喔. i love you 跪求《一个深爱的女孩》1.8MB版本歌词 一个深爱的女孩 演唱:阿米 一个人站在熟悉的海边. 微风吹过了我的脸. 勾起了我对你的思念. Baby,你一个人在天国过的还好吗. I Miss You. 不知不觉你离开我已经快一年了. 在没有你的日子里我的生活少了快乐. 整天傻傻的过着. 不知不觉想着. 想着我们曾经在一起度过的每个时刻. 有欢笑,有难过,有快乐,有失落. 你扔下我一个人去了天国. 那里没有悲伤和难过. 却只有幸福和快乐. 每当想起你的时候. 我抬头望着天空. 希望能看到你熟悉的脸孔. 望着我听着我对你诉说. 当年我失去你以后的生活. 而我总是一个人难过,一个人失落. 那根本就是我自己懦弱. 无法面对失去你的结果. 所以难过围绕着我. 寂寞陪伴着我. 孤寂牵着我的手一起走. 还记得小时候. 经常在我家. 我们一起玩过家家. 你在我耳边说你以后除了我谁都不嫁. 我一直没有忘记这句话. 直到我们都长大还在一起玩耍. 从来都不害怕. 没有温暖没有家. 不想那么多. 只管现在能够相爱在说. 在多痛苦挫折也决不退缩. 一起加油一起努力的度过. 你说你喜欢听我唱歌. 喜欢我在你面前饶舌. 因为我的歌能够让你忘了难过. 能够让你快乐. 每当我们在一起的时候. 你总是躺在我怀里. 听着我唱起我的原创歌曲. 一遍又一遍从来不会觉得厌倦. 总是拍手说我唱的好听. 鼓励我继续努力. 以后当个大明星要找我签名. 现在你已经离开了我一个人去了天国. 你离开了我的世界我的生活. 还叮嘱我一定要过的快乐. 宝贝不用担心不用难过. 好好在那边和你妈妈一起生活. 我对你的思念就像大海无边无际一眼望不到边. 每当流星划过寂静的天边. 都会为你许下祝福的心愿. 每当夜深人静想起你的时候. 眼泪总是忍不住的往下流. 我努力的举起你牵过的那双手. 擦干眼泪等待时光能倒流. 雪花随风飘飘过了我的脸. 我依旧对你那么思念. 不管我们的爱已经离我多么远. 我对你的爱永远不会改变. 每当夜深人静想起你的时候. 眼泪总是忍不住的往下流. 希望时光倒流回到我们的过去. 保护着你不再让你离我而去. Baby. 这首歌曲献给你. 一个人在天国要过的快乐喔. I Love You《一个深爱的女孩》 英文歌词 A person standing in the familiar with the sea. The breeze blew my face. Reminded me of your thoughts. Baby, you"re the one of the kingdom of heaven is good? I Miss You. Imperceptible you leave I have nearly a year. In a day without you in my life less happy. The silly all day with. Unconscious thought. Think we have spent together every moment of. Laughter is a sad, have the joy, have lost,. You dropped me to go to the kingdom of heaven. There was no sadness and sad. But only happiness and joy. Every time I think of you. I looked up at the sky. Hope to see you familiar faces. Look at me listen to you I say. When I lose the rest of your life. And I always a person sad, a person loses. That is fundamentally I coward 求 一个深爱的女孩 歌词 一个深爱的女孩 一个人站在熟悉的海边. 微风吹过了我的脸. 勾起了我对你的思念. baby,你一个人在天国过的还好吗. i miss you. 不知不觉你离开我已经快一年了. 在没有你的日子里我的生活少了快乐. 整天傻傻的过着. 不知不觉想着. 想着曾经我们在一起度过的每个时刻. 有欢笑,有难过,有快乐,有失落. 你扔下我一个人去了里天国. 那里没有悲伤和难过. 却只有幸福和快乐. 每当想起你的时候. 我抬头望着天空. 希望能看到你熟悉的脸孔. 望着我听着我对你诉说. 当年我失去你以后的生活. 而我总是一个人难过,一个人失落. 那根本就是我自己懦弱. 无法面对失去你的结果. 所以难过围绕着我. 寂寞陪伴着我. 孤寂牵着我的手一起走. 还记得小时候. 经常在我家. 我们一起玩过家家. 你在我耳边说你以后除了我谁都不嫁. 我一直没忘记这句话. 直到我们都长大还在一起玩耍. 从来都不害怕. 没有温暖没有家. 不想那么多. 只管现在能够相爱在说. 在多痛苦挫折也决不退缩. 一起加油一起努力的度过. 你说你喜欢听我唱歌. 喜欢我在你面前饶舌. 因为我的歌能够让你忘了难过. 能够让你快乐. 每当我们在一起的时候. 你总是躺在我怀里. 听着我唱起我的原创歌曲. 一遍又一遍从来不觉得厌倦. 总是拍手说我唱的好听. 鼓励我继续努力. 以后当个大明星要找我签名. 现在你已经离开了我一个人去了天国. 你离开了我的世界我的生活. 还叮嘱我一定要过的快乐. 宝贝不用担心不用难过. 好好的在那边和你妈妈一起生活. 我对你的思念就像大海无边无际一眼望不到边. 每当流星划过寂静的天边. 都会为你许下祝福的心愿. 每当夜深人静想起你的时候. 眼泪总是忍不住的往下流. 我努力的举起你牵过的那双手. 擦干眼泪等待时光能倒流. 雪花随风飘飘过了我的脸. 我依旧对你那么思念. 不管我们的爱已经离我有多么远. 我对你的爱永远不会改变. 每当夜深人静想起你的时候. 眼泪总忍不住的往下流. 希望时光倒流回到我们的过去. 保护着你不再让你离我而去. baby. 这首歌曲献给你. 一个人在天国要过的快乐喔. I MISS YOU 这是我找到的歌词~~不知道是不是。望采纳哟~~(*^__^*) 嘻嘻 跪求 一个深爱的女孩 韩文版 歌曲 试听 下载 :songtaste./song/1542501/
2023-07-20 20:13:131


2023-07-20 20:13:323

给我推荐 几部有宏大场面的战争片(像亚历山大)

2023-07-20 20:13:416


欧洲骑兵以重装骑兵为主,中国(包括少数民族)以轻装骑兵为主,但不是说中国就没重骑兵,欧洲就没轻骑兵,蒙古的轻重骑兵就是64开的.欧洲的一个重骑兵需要3个随从,而且从马上摔下了,靠自己的力量是站不起来的(有一次在十字军东征中,欧洲重骑兵和土耳其轻骑兵相遇,伤亡了3000人,大部分是从马上摔下后,爬不起来受的伤,当然因为盔甲厚,死的人也极少).他们冲击速度不超过20公里小时,而且容易疲劳.但他们冲击威力惊人,在人数相当的情况下世界上几乎没有一支军队能挡住他们.他们一般使用长矛和铁锤、马刀等拼刺武器,靠集体的冲锋和力量与盔甲的结合取胜。中国的骑兵,又很大部分是带投掷型武器如弓弩,甚至小型投石炮的轻骑兵。作战时,先由轻骑兵用投掷型武器打击敌人,发现敌军弱点,消弱敌人的防御,再投入重骑兵进行攻击。当然,总的来说欧洲的重骑兵在训练上,装备上,和经验上要胜过中国重骑兵(主要是汉族重骑兵)。中国对重骑兵的重视也不如欧洲,这是和两方所处的环境及历史有关。 重骑兵在中国的出现是与马凳的发明和广泛使用分不开的,目前中国考古发现最早的马凳是在西晋永宁二年的骑士俑上出现的。风衣对马凳的研究没有丝毫兴趣,所以在这儿只是简单的说两句:马凳为骑兵更好的控制战马提供了条件,也为中国重装马铠—— 甲骑具装的出现提供了必要的条件。   甲骑具装的历史说起马铠,对历史影片比较感兴趣的人会马上想起《Brave Heart》 和《敦煌》这两部电影。但是其中真实反映古代重骑兵的是《勇敢的心》,中日合作的《敦煌》历史错误太多,装备更是错的 一塌糊涂。   中国南北朝时期标准的马铠,历史上称为“甲骑具装”,由六个部分组成:面帘;鸡颈;当胸;马身甲;搭后;寄生。当然还配备有马鞍和马凳缰绳之类。“面帘”是一块狭长的金属制的护面,上面开有眼孔,主要保护马匹面部;“鸡颈”其实是一副马颈部的护甲,由甲片缀成,前面有搭扣可以扣上;当胸;马身甲; 搭后,就是马匹前中后的大片护甲;而寄生比较有特点,是一个放在马尾部的向上翘的扫帚一样的东西。这样装备的战马,除非是步兵不要命的冲上去砍马腿,否则很难直接杀伤它。那么步兵是否有这样的机会呢?这就要谈到甲骑具装重骑兵的使用了。   西汉时期中国只有轻骑兵,所有的战马都是赤膊上阵;到了东汉时期,开始在战马的胸部装上皮革制成的“当胸”,这个在《三国志。鲍永传》里有记载。到了三国时期,开始出现比较完善的马铠,但是当时这种装备非常的珍贵。曹操在《军策令》中说到袁绍有三百具马铠,然后伤心的说自己的军队连十具也没有。   到了官渡之战时期,袁绍上万骑兵部队加在一起还是只有几百具马铠,重骑兵的比率不过只占全部骑兵的百分之三。这时的马铠仍然用的是皮革甲片,长矛的正面狠命穿刺仍然可以洞穿护甲。   到了战争天下的五胡十六国时期,几乎所有的伟大统帅和伟大舵手都发现马铠是一样可爱的装备。这时在一场战役中出现的马铠甚至达到上万具!!!石勒消灭末邳的战役中缴获披着马铠的战马五千匹,在他老人家击败姬澹的战役中缴获了上万具马铠。另外 这时的中国马铠已经开始使用铁制的大型甲片来增加铠甲的防御力。   甲骑具装的使用 说到这个就不能不简单介绍一下南北朝时期骑兵的铠甲装备和武器。当时骑兵装备最普遍的是西汉时代就开始广泛使用的“两当铠”,前胸和后背各有一块铁甲,肩上有吊带系着。而“明光铠”就比较名贵了,防护效果也比较好。中国传统演义小说中出现的“护心镜”,其实是明光铠的变异。关于铠甲的详细情况另文撰述,这儿不多展开。当时骑兵用的武器中最有特点的就是“槊”。   《释名》上说的槊长一丈八尺;而南北朝时期的槊,比如南朝梁大同三年制成的槊长二丈四尺。我不太清楚汉尺与现代公制的比例,一般而言骑兵用的一丈八尺的槊估计在两米至三米之间,那么南北朝的槊就要四米多了,这只是我的估计,有清楚汉尺的读者还请自己换算一下,南北朝的槊究竟有多长?这样的话,铁骑兵的使用就比较清楚了。   《勇敢的心》中那些英格兰的骑兵在我们中国算起来是纯粹的轻骑兵而已,但是电影中关于骑兵冲阵的情节还是非常真实的。下面我来模拟一下南北朝时期铁骑兵冲阵的过程。 休息阶段:为了节省战马的体力,骑兵站在地上,也许在休息,也许抽出配备的弓弩来一两阵齐射。预备阶段:骑兵上马,提起长槊,大刀和长戟。开始调整队形。 缓行阶段:披着铁甲的战马开始往前移动,进入到敌军弓弩的杀伤半径之内。 小跑阶段:战马开始迈着沉重的脚步(负担实在不轻),开始前半段冲刺。冲锋阶段:面前就是敌阵!战马开始发力冲刺,铁蹄踏得地动山摇,骑兵们大吼一声,平端长槊冲入敌阵。   中国和欧洲的马铠比较跟中国相比,欧洲没有真正的马铠。他们最普遍的是在马身上围一块布,装饰作用大于实用价值。他们的骑士穿着龙虾式的铠甲,有空我会写一篇中国和欧洲的铠甲比较,证明他们的装备是多么的落后。最后说一下。《勇敢的心》中威廉。华莱士用木杆对付英格兰骑兵的那套对付中国的铁骑兵是死路一条。对了,英国人居然把只占领了一个苏格兰的威廉。华莱士称为威廉大帝,真是...... 早期的欧洲骑兵落后与我们。其主要原因是在欧洲马具落后,比如说欧洲马蹬出现在8世纪或9世纪(主要原因是为了lance-couching for knights)。马蹄铁最早出现在公元890年。欧洲正式马鞍的使用也不会早于12世纪。而我国的这几种装备的使用应早于欧洲。关于马铠的存在,欧洲是有的,早期以拜占庭重骑兵为代表,马匹备有scale armor。法军也为马匹备有plate armor 为了防范英军的长弓。人员盔甲方面:在中世纪的初期,西欧以chain mail(锁甲) 为主,在拜占庭是以scale mail (铠甲)为主, 并且重骑兵的战马上也披有铠甲。在中世纪的中晚期,plate armor (分德国设计和意大利设计两种, 通常一套重 40-50 公斤)开始站主导地位。在1214 年的Bouvines一役双方投入的兵力很多, 但伤亡却少的惊人。证明了 plate armor的防御之强。战术应用方面欧洲是把骑兵作为突击力量,以骑士为主, 强调少而精(原因在於装备昂贵,骑士人数较少)。并且很多时候是以“预备队”的方式存在。在合适的时间和条件下冲击敌人,或突击敌人的两翼。在面对纪律严明装备优良的敌人时, 通常会出现突击,战术性后撤,再突击,再后撤。 比如1066年的Hastings, 诺曼骑兵整整突击了一天, 最后还是要靠诈降来吸引英军步兵的追赶,这样才乱了英军步兵的盾墙阵容。在电影kingdom of heaven 中有一个俯视的场景,可以清晰的看到十字军的骑兵在冲击是的阵形转变。非常经典。
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强力 推荐 天国王朝。。十字军东征为背景的
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2023-07-20 20:14:573


你说的界面就是那些名言??othing is to be feared but fear.除了恐惧本身,没有其他事情值得恐惧。In order for a war to be just, three things are necessary. First, the authority of thesovereign. Secondly, a just cause. Thirdly, a rightful intention. 正义之战三要素:王权的威信,正义的理由和正当的意图。 Following the light of the sun, we left the Old World.阳光指引我们离开旧世界。War is delightful to those who have had no experience of it.未历战乱者好兵。Fortune favours the audacious.幸运青睐勇者。The most disadvantageous peace is better than the most just war.最糟糕的和平也好过最合理的战争。If you do not leave this pasturage, Saladin will come and attack you here. And if youretreat from this attack the shame and reproach will be very great.保护这片上帝的牧场,将遭受萨拉丁攻击。但避敌锋芒却会饱受羞辱和责难。Do you know, my son, with what little understanding the world is ruled?我的孩子,你知道吗,这个世界是被如此无知地统治着?A safe stronghold our God is still. A trusty shield and weapon.Totalwa上帝是我们的安全要塞,是庇护我们的剑与盾。Faith must trample under foot all reason, sense, and understanding.信仰必将一切动机、理性和谅解踏于足下。Nothing good ever comes of violence.暴力之树不结善果。War is the greatest plague that can affect humanity; it destroys religion, it destroys states, it destroys families. Any scourge is preferable to it.战争是人性的最大灾难;它摧毁信仰,消灭国家,毁坏家庭。没有什么灾难比它更糟糕。Since love and fear can hardly coexist together, if we must choose between them, it is far safer to be feared than loved.敬爱与畏惧一向难以共存,如果非要我们选择,被畏惧比被敬爱更安全。The princes who have done great things are the ones who have taken little account of their promises.成大事的君主只兑现小部分诺言。So far as he is able, a prince should stick to the path of good but, if the necessity arises, he should know how to follow evil. 君主应秉持善道,但在必要的时候,也应知道如何作恶。Men should either be treated generously or destroyed, because they take revenge for slight injures - for heavy ones they cannot. 要么善待他人,要么毁灭他们,因为人们只能报复小伤害,对于重大伤害只有承受的份。The prince must be a fox... to recognize the traps and a lion to frighten the wolves.君主必须是一头狐狸以便认识陷阱,同时又必须是一头狮子,以便使豺狼惊骇。The sinews of war are not gold, but good soldiers.战斗力取决于精兵而非金钱。Among other evils which being unarmed brings you, it causes you to be despised.手无寸铁带来诸多恶果,被蔑视即其中之一。The best fortress which a prince can possess is the affection of his people.君主所能掌控的最好要塞是民心。No enterprise is more likely to succeed than one concealed from the enemy until it is ripe for execution.瞒天过海的计策最容易成功。A prince should therefore have no other aim or thought... but war and its organisation and discipline.君主在组织协调战争时,无暇他顾。Whoever conquers a free town and does not demolish it commits a great error and may expect to be ruined himself.将军征服自由城镇而不将之彻底毁灭,是犯下了重大错误,这很可能毁了他自己 。Good order and discipline in any army are to be depended upon more than courage alone.勇不可恃,可恃者唯将令与军纪。Good order makes men bold, and confusion, cowards.正确的命令使人奋勇、混乱和怯懦。He who wishes to be obeyed must know how to command.深谙将道方能号令三军。One should never risk one"s whole fortune unless supported by one"s entire forces.如非全力以赴不可孤注一掷。ForumIt is not titles that honour men, but men that honour titles人使头衔荣耀,而非头衔使人荣耀To ensure victory the troops must have confidence in themselves as well as in their commanders.自信和信任指挥官是保证一支军队取胜的关键。Strike up the drum and march courageously.敲响战鼓,奋勇向前。Better to reign in hell than serve in heav"n.地狱称王胜于天堂为仆。For what can war, but endless war, still breed?战争的激化因素仍在不断增加?Will no one revenge me of the injuries I have sustained from one turbulent priest?难道没有人能帮我教训这个聒噪的牧师吗?Luck is the residue of design.好运随谋划不期而至 Peace hath her victories, no less renowned than War. 和平也是一种胜利,虽不及战争显赫。What does not destroy me, makes me strong. 毁灭不了我们的,将使我们强大。If some among them are innocent, it is expedient that they should be assayed like gold in the furnace and purged by proper judicial examination.如果他们当中有人是清白的,最好的证明方法是让他们经历金子在熔炉中那般的检验,并经过彻底的公正审查。He doth nothing but talk of his horse.此人只谈他的马。All the world"s a stage, And all the men and women merely players. 寰宇皆舞台,世人为优伶。I will kill thee a hundred and fifty ways.我要用150种方法干掉你。Here I and sorrows sit; Here is my throne, bid kings come bow to it.我在这儿和悲哀坐在一起;这便是我的宝座,叫国王们来向它敬礼吧。 Go, bid the soldiers shoot.去,命令那些士兵射箭。Come the three corners of the world in arms, and we shall shock them. 将世界的这三个角落武装起来,然后我们就能憾动全世界。A man can die but once. Totalwar,一个人只能死一次。Give me another horse: bind up my wounds.再给我一匹马!把我的伤口包扎好!A horse! A horse! My kingdom for a horse! 一匹战马!一匹战马!我愿以我的王国来换取一匹战马!The better part of valour is discretion. 智虑是勇敢的最大要素。To whom God will, there be the victory.神属意于谁,谁便能取胜。A victory is twice itself when the achiever brings home full numbers.全师而返的胜利是加倍的胜利。We are ready to try our fortunes To the last man.我们准备好碰运气直至最后一人。And many strokes, though with a little axe, hew down and fell the hardest-timbered oak.最坚硬的橡木,也终会在小斧的无数次劈砍中倒下。Upon his royal face there is no note how dread an army hath enrounded him;从他高贵的面容上,你完全看不出他被一支何等恐怖的军队包围。There"s daggers in men"s smiles. 人们的微笑之中暗藏危险。It is better to be on hand with ten men than absent with ten thousand.虚领万军不如实掌数人And ye shall hear of wars and rumours of wars, see that ye be not troubled; for all these things must come to pass, but the end is not yet.你们也要听见打仗和打仗的风声,总不要惊慌。因为这些事是必须有的。只是末期还没有到。Blessed be the Lord my strength, which teacheth my hands to war, and my fingers to fight.愿主赐福于我的力量,教导我用双手去打仗,还有用手指去战斗Inflict not on an enemy every injury in your power, for he may afterwards become your friend.对于可能成为朋友的人,下手需留有余地。No one conquers who doesn"t fight.无征战则无征服。An emperor is subject to no one but God and justice.除了上帝和正义之外,没人可以支配皇帝。Wars begin when you will, but they do not end when you please.战争招之即来,但却非挥之可去。Let the boy win his spurs.让小伙子自己建功立业吧!We who are the rest of the people raised our heart and eyes to heaven crying for God to have compassion upon us, and to turn away from us the power of the French.残存之人的心和眼在天堂哭泣,祈求上帝的同情,将我们从法兰西人之手救出。There are some defeats more triumphant than victories.有些战败比胜利更值得庆祝。Tis so much to be a king, that he only is so by being so.王之所以如此勤政只是因为他是王。The souls of emperors and cobblers are cast in the same mould. . . . The same reason that makes us wrangle with a neighbour causes a war betwixt princes.皇帝和鞋匠的灵魂都是一个模子铸就,邻里纠纷的起因也和王子们相互征讨的缘由别无二致。He who knows not how to dissimulate, can not reign.不善伪饰者不可为君。So many great nobles, things, administrations, so many high chieftains, so many brave nations, so many proud princes, and power so splendid; In a moment, a twinkling, all utterly ended.无数伟大的贵族、事物和Government,无数尊贵的酋长,无数勇敢的民族,无数高傲的王子,无数辉煌的强权,都转瞬即逝,终究归于尘土。It is more honourable to be raised to a throne than to be born to one. Fortune bestows the one, merit obtains the other.比起生而为王,胜而为王更荣耀。前者靠运气,后者靠实力He who defends everything defends nothing.处处设防等于不设防。I am the King of Rome, and above grammar.我是凌驾于语法之上的罗马之王。When you see contention amongst your enemies, go and sit at ease with your friends; but when you see them of one mind, string your bow, and place stones upon the ramparts.敌寇内乱,不妨壁上观;敌寇齐心,则应备战。Disasters teach us humility.灾难教会我们谦卑。I have loved justice and hated inequity; and therefore I die in exile.急公好义,吾亡于流途。It is easy to be brave behind a castle wall.坚壁之内,胆气易生。In a fight, anger is as good as courage.在战斗中,愤怒和勇敢是等效的。Undertake this journey for the remission of your sins, with the assurance of the imperishable glory of the Kingdom of Heaven!我保证这次征途可以使你们所有罪愆得到救赎,并让你们得到天国永不朽灭的荣耀。To carry on war, three things are necessary: money, money, and yet more money.战争三要素:钱,钱,多多益善的钱。Fight to the last gasp.奋战到底,不死不休。I"ll fight, till from my bones my flesh be hacked.吾将战至粉身碎骨。Once more unto the breach, dear friends, once more!好朋友们,再接再厉,向缺口冲去吧!]Let the world tremble as it senses all you are about to accomplish.让世界为你所要完成的事情而颤抖吧。Having done everything practical to make ready for so long a voyage, we prepared our souls to meet death, which is always on a sailor"s horizon.我们已经拥有了所有关于远程航行的实践知识,死亡的威胁对于水手来说如同家常便饭,我们已准备好让灵魂直面死亡。I speak Spanish to God, Italian to women, French to men, and German to my horse.我对上帝说西班牙语,对女人说意大利语,对男人说法语,和我的战马交流时则用德语。Had I been present at the creation, I would have given some useful hints for the better ordering of the universe.如果我参加造物,我会提出一些有用的建议使得宇宙的秩序更加和谐。Every man should arm himself as quickly as he could, and come to the King.所有人应尽快武装自己,奔赴国王旗下。Let those who once fought against brothers and relatives now rightfully fight against barbarians.那些曾与亲朋兄弟争斗不休的人,现在理直气壮地去同那些野蛮人战斗吧!On both sides the troops were commanded by royal princes and they massacred each other mercilessly.王子们各领一军,相互厮杀,血流成河。 只找到这些!
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英语介绍温州旅游景点 用英语介绍温州景点

温州的特色景点英文介绍5 Ma Street, the old city of Wenzhou is one of the oldest streets, is also famous commercial street. Since the liberation of East Street and Park Road phase grounding, west cicada Street and Fu Qianjie intersection, 400 meters long, 12 meters wide.英语介绍旅游景点的美文1000字,最好带翻译Wenzhou "paradise" -- -- - nanxi riverNanxi river is located in yongjia county, north of wenzhou, zhejiang province. It is a national AAAA scenic spot, known as "the first water of heaven". By beauty, jiang jian qu, waterfall, tam brigitte, the peak, YanXiu, strange stone, caves, Jane, the village is famous for its ancient trees, there are "thousand rock of TV, mountains and valleys flow", is with harmonizing natural landscape, cultural landscape in the integration of landscape pastoral area. It is known as "the cradle of Chinese landscape painting". The total length of the nanxi river is 145km, and it is a tree-like water system with abundant water and winding river flows. There are so-called "36 bay" and "72 beach". The river is smooth without delay, with a degree of urgency.On the dock, the workers are waiting for the visitors.The bamboo raft is made of large, brown, large, brown bamboo, which is made of large, brown and brown bamboo. It is made of a set of 15. 2 rows of bamboo chairs for tourists to take.The bow was up high, and the bamboo raft was drifting along the nanxi river and down the riverThe water was clear and clean, and it was green and close to the shore. You could see the pebbles in the shallows. The riverfront duck plays with water, and can still hear the cheerful "sip" of the duck.As the only scenic spot in China"s national scenic area with idyllic scenery, the unique landscape of its rich and stirring level makes visitors wonder.The green river is long and long, the wind is gentle, the water is like a mirror; The two sides of the cross - strait forest are stained, green and bright; Layers of smoke trees, hidden ancient villages, distant mountains such as dai, such as fairyland. The whole mountain water scene is very light and appropriate, the function is proper, is very infatuated.Two small lantau island in front of the wharf of zhanchuan village in yantou town. From afar, the strange rock in the river is like a lion"s play ball, hence the name of the lion rock. The lion rock, such as a lion, is full of jagged rocks, with its head held high and its head held high. The other lantau, known as "lion island", is covered with trees and trees, and the grass is luxuriant, and the wind is blowing, the crown swaying, like a lion"s ball rolling.You will be amazed when you visit the nanxi river. The distant mountains like the clouds, green mountains and water is heaven.The nanxi river is a beautiful scroll that is slowly rolled out, which is a classic of the jiangnan landscape and a peach blossom source in the traveler"s heart.温州“世外桃源”——————楠溪江楠溪江位于浙江省温州市北部的永嘉县境内,是国家AAAA级景区,素有“天下第一水”之称。以江美、涧曲、瀑多、潭碧、峰奇、岩秀、石怪、洞幽、树珍、村古著称,有“千岩竞秀,万壑争流”之说,是融自然景观、人文景观于一体的山水田园名胜区。被誉为“中国山水画摇篮”。楠溪江干流全长145公里,为树状水系,水量丰富,江流蜿蜒曲折,有所谓“36湾”和“72滩”之说。江水畅而不滞,缓急有度,常年不枯。码头上,梢工们在此静候游人。竹筏是用当地产的粗大的、黄褐色的大毛竹编制而成,约碗口粗,15根为一组,成为一只。2排竹椅,供游客乘坐。船头向上高高翘起,竹筏是沿着楠溪江漂流,顺江而下江水清澈洁净,呈翠绿色,离岸边近的地方,可以看到浅滩上大大小小的鹅卵石。江边草鸭戏水,不时地还可以听到欢快的“呷呷”鸭鸣。作为我国国家级风景区当中唯一以田园山水风光见长的景区,它那层次丰富、动静有致的独特景观令游客无不啧啧称奇。碧绿江水悠悠流长,清风徐来,水面如镜;两岸层林尽染,苍翠欲滴;层层烟树,隐隐古村,远山如黛,真如仙境一般。整个山水景浓淡相宜,虚实得当,令人如痴如醉。岩头镇下日川村码头前潭中的两座小屿。远远望去,江水中突兀而起的奇岩,酷似狮子戏球,故名狮子岩。狮子岩其中一屿如狮,浑身怪石嶙峋,昂首张口,迎流而踞。另一屿似球,名“狮子球屿”,其上树木丛生,百草丰茂,江风吹来,树冠摇曳,宛如狮球滚动。游罢楠溪江,您定会感叹不已:“清幽蜿蜒楠溪江,不见渔翁未见船。远山如黛云雾绕,青山碧水是天堂。”楠溪江,是一幅缓缓铺开的绝美画卷,这是江南山水中的经典,也是旅行者心中的桃花源。用英语介绍我的家乡温州带中文翻译100字左右My hometown, Wenzhou is a prefecture-level city in southeastern Zhejiang province, People"s Republic of China. The area under its jurisdiction, which includes two satellite cities and six counties, had a population of 7.7 millions. About 2 millions residents live in Wenzhou"s city proper. It borders Lishui to the west, Taizhou to the north, and looks out to the East China Sea on its eastern coast.我的家乡温州是一个中国浙江省西南部的地级市。该市管辖两个卫星城和6个县,有7.7 百万人口。大约有2百万人住在市区。四面个丽水接壤,北面紧邻台州,东面展望东海。The coast of Wenzhou is rich in natural resources. The long coastline gives the city abundant marine resources and many beautiful islands. Dongtou, one of the counties in Wenzhou, is also called the “County of one hundred islands”. Wenzhou also boasts wonderful landscapes with rugged mountains and tranquil waters, including three state-level scenic spots, namely the Yandang Mountain, the Nanxi River and the Baizhangji Fall-Feiyun Lake, and two national nature reserves, namely the Wuyanling Ridge and the Nanji Islands,温州的海滩富有自然资源。 长的海岸线提供了大量的海洋资源和很多漂亮的岛屿。 东头是温州的一个县,被称为百岛国。 温州还有很多迷人的风景,比如奇骏的山峰和恬静的水。包括三个国家级旅游景点,分别为雁荡山,南溪和百丈_。还有两个国家级自然保护区,分别为乌岩岭和南麂岛。Beside the nature resource and beautiful view, Wenzhou is also a prosperous foreign treaty port, which provide billions of dollar"s income to our country. I welcome everyone come to my hometown and hope you will enjoy here.除了自然资源和美丽的风景。温州也是一个国际贸易港口,为我国提供数以十亿计的收入。 我欢迎每个人都到我的家乡来并希望你们能够喜欢这里。介绍温州的景色的初中英语作文A southeast of Wenzhou landscape and rich tourist resources. Have been known as "sea mountains, in wan, must win," Hill, known as "Jiang"s best in the world," the Nanxi River, Lake, as well as the United States and the waterfall can Feiyun Lake - 3 Baizhang riverbank state-level key scenic spots and Named "China"s top 10 most beautiful islands", one of the Nanji Islands, "Kingdom of plants and animals," said Wu Yan Ling Nature Reserve, 2 National Nature Reserve, there are provincial-level scenic spots 7, 8 City-level scenic spot. Tourism area of the city"s land area accounts for 1 / 4 and named "China"s top 10 most beautiful islands", one of the Nanji Islands温州英文版导游词 温州属亚热带季风气候,著名景点有雁荡山、楠溪江等。温州 文化 属瓯越文化,是中国数学家的摇篮、中国南戏的故乡。接下来是我为大家整理的关于温州英文版 导游词 ,方便大家阅读与鉴赏! 温州英文版导游词1 Wenzhou, located in the southeast coast of Zhejiang, is the economic, cultural and transportation center of southern Zhejiang. The city now governs Lucheng, Longwan and Ouhai districts, Ruian and Yueqing cities, and Dongtou, Yongjia, Pingyang, Cangnan, Wencheng and Taishun counties, with a total area of 11783 square kilometers and a total population of 7 million. Wenzhou is located in the middle of China"s golden coastline, with developed transportation and communication. Wenzhou airport has opened 42 domestic routes and regional routes with Hong Kong and Macao. Wenzhou Railway Station is the terminal of Jinwen railway, the first joint-stock railway in China. Passenger trains can directly reach Beijing, Shanghai, Nanjing, Hangzhou and other major cities in China. Wenzhou port is a comprehensive natural port integrating estuary port and bay port. It is the throat of goods import and export in southern Zhejiang and Northern Fujian. The total mileage of existing highways in Wenzhou City is 4111 km. Highway transportation extends in all directions. National highway 104 and 330 run through the north and south. The Wenzhou section of Heilongjiang Tongjiang Hainan Sanya expressway is under construction. Since the Third Plenary Session of the Eleventh Central Committee of the Communist Party of China, Wenzhou has combined the party"s reform and opening-up policy with the local reality, carried forward the spirit of "independent reform, self risk, self-improvement and self development", took the lead in carrying out market-oriented reform, and walked out an economic development path with distinctive regional characteristics. Its development has gone through three stages: the first stage is the early stage of reform and opening up. Wenzhou"s economy started from family industry, developed a variety of economic components, solved the problem of economic aggregate, and formed a pattern of "small commodities and large market"; In the second stage, after the mid-1980s, with capital, talents and technology as the link, family industry was guided to joint-stock cooperation, and joint-stock cooperation economy was vigorously developed, which played the role of "small capital and large radiation"; The third stage is after 1992. Inspired by Deng Xiaoping"s southern tour talk and the spirit of the 14th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, the second pioneering work with the core of comprehensively improving the economic quality has been carried out. The reform and construction of the whole city has entered a new stage, creating a state of "small region and great development". Wenzhou is rich in tourism resources. It has two national scenic spots of Yandangshan and Nanxijiang, two national nature reserves of wuyanlin and Nanji, seven provincial scenic spots and eight municipal scenic spots. The area of tourist attractions accounts for more than 1 / 5 of the total land area of the city. 温州英文版导游词2 Wenzhou is located in the south of the southeast coast of Zhejiang Province. It is a famous cultural city with a history of 1620__ years. It has jurisdiction over 11 counties, cities and districts, covering an area of 11784 square kilometers. The population is 7.05 million. There are 250000 overseas Chinese in 62 countries and regions and 100000 compatriots from Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan. Wenzhou is a tourist resort with beautiful scenery, mild climate, no severe cold in winter and no intense heat in summer. Wenzhou is rich in natural landscape, cultural landscape and other tourism resources. There are four national scenic spots and nature reserves, including Yandangshan, Nanxijiang, Nanji and Wuyanling. There are nine provincial scenic spots, such as Xianyan, Dongtou, baizhangyou, Yaoxi, Binhai yucangshan, Zeya, zhailiaoxi, Oujiang and radon sp
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——暮光之城,魔戒专业的答案——伯特·霍华(Robert E. Howard 1906-1936) 主要作品: 《蛮王科南》(Conan the Barbarian)系列 克利夫·史戴普·路易斯(Clive Staple Lewis, C.S. Lewis) 主要作品: 《纳尼亚年代记》(Chronicles of Narnia): 《狮王女巫与衣橱》(The Lion, the witch and the wardrobr) 《王子复仇记》 (Prince Caspian) 《晨曦号探险记》 (The Voyage of the Dawn Treader) 《银椅骑士》 (The Silver Chair) 《双生王子》 (The Horse and His Boy) 《魔法师的指环》 (The Magician"s Nephew) 《最后的战争》 (The Last Battle) 托尔金(John Ronald Reuel Tolkien,也就是J.R.R. Tolkien 1892-1973) 主要作品: 《精灵之钻》(The Silmarillion) 《小矮人历险记》 (The Hobbit,1937,沿用台湾联经出版社译名) 《魔戒之王三部曲》(The Lord of the Rings,1954): 《旅 伴》 (The Fellowship of the Ring) 《双 塔》 (The Two Towers) 《国王归来》 (The Return of The King) 泰瑞·布鲁克斯(Terry Brooks 1944-) 主要作品: 《沙娜拉》(Shanara)系列: 沙娜拉三部曲(The Shannara Trilogy): 《沙娜拉之剑》 (The Sword of Shannara,1977) 《沙娜拉的精灵石》 (The Elfstone of Shannara) 《沙娜拉的希望之歌》(The Wishsong of Shannara) 沙娜拉遗产(The Heritage of Shanara): 《沙娜拉后裔》 (The Scions of Shannara) 《沙娜拉的德鲁伊》 (The Druid of Shannara) 《沙娜拉的精灵后》 (The Elf Queen of Shannara) 《沙娜拉的护身符》 (The Talismans of Shannara) 《第一个沙娜拉王》 (The First King of Shannara,1996) 《蓝道佛王国》(Kingdom of Landover)系列 雷蒙·E·费斯特(Raymond E.Feist) 主要作品: 《时空裂隙之战》(Rift War)系列: 时空裂隙之战三部曲: 《魔法师——学徒》 (Magician:Apprentice) 《魔法师——大师》 (Magician:Master) 《银 刺》 (Silverthorn) 《塞散农的黑暗》 (Darkness at Sethannon) 时空裂隙之战传奇:(Rift War Legacy) 《血之皇子》 (Prince of the Blood) 《国王麾下的海盗》 (The King"s Buccaneer) 《蛇人之战四书》:(Serpentwar Saga) 《暗后之影》 (Shadow of a Dark Queen) 《商业巨子的诞生》(Rise of a Merchant Prince) 《魔王之怒》 (Rage of a Demon King) 《王冠碎片》 (Shard of Broken Crown) 罗伯特·乔丹(Robert Jordan 1948-) 主要作品: 《时光之轮》(The Wheel Of Time)系列: 《世界之眼》 (The Eye of the World) 《猎寻千里》 (The Great Hunt) 《再生之龙》 (The Dragon Reborn) 《叛乱之影》 (The Shadow Rising) 《天堂之火》 (The Fires of Heaven) 《混沌之主》 (Lord of Chaos) 《剑之冠》 (A Crown of Swords) 《匕首之路》 (A Path of Dagger) 蛮王科南(Conan)系列: 《科南的新冒险》 (The new adventures of Conan) 《毁灭者科南》 (Conan the Destroyer) 《保卫者科南》 (Conan the Defender) 《胜利者科南》 (Conan the Victorious) 《无敌者科南》 (Conan the Invincible) 《不败者科南》 (Conan the Unconquered) 《凯旋者科南》 (Conan the Triumphant) 《华丽的科南》 (Conan the Magnificent) 法隆(Fallon Series)系列: 《法隆的遗产》 (The Fallon Legacy) 《法隆的骄傲》 (The Fallon Pride) 《法隆的血脉》 (The Fallon Blood) 崔西·西克曼(Tracy Hickman)和玛格莉特·魏丝 (Margret Weis) 主要作品: 《龙枪》系列: 龙枪编年史(DragonLance Chronicles): 《秋暮之巨龙》(Dragon of Autumn Twilight) 《冬夜之巨龙》(Dragons of Winter Night) 《春晓之巨龙》(Dragons of Spring Dawning) 龙枪传奇(Dragonlance Legends): 《孪生子的时光》(Time of the Twins) 《孪生子的战争》(War of the Twins) 《孪生子的试练》(Test of the Twins) 龙枪轶事(Dragonlanee Tales): 《坎德人、溪谷矮人和侏儒》(Kender, Gully dwarves and Gnomes) 《克莱恩的魔法》 (Magic og Krynn) 《爱与战争》 (Love and War) 《暗黑之剑三部曲》: 《暗黑之剑的铸造》(Forging of the Darksword) 《暗黑之剑的毁灭》(Doom of the Darksword) 《暗黑之剑的胜利》(Triumph of the Darksword) 《死亡之门》(Death Gate Cycle)系列 安·莱丝(Anne Rice) 主要作品: 《吸血鬼纪事》(The Vampire Chronicles)系列: 《夜访吸血鬼》(Interview with the Vampire,1976) 《吸血鬼自传》(The Vampire Lestat) 《诅咒皇后》 (The Queen of the Damned) 《窃身危机》 (The Tale of the Body Thief) 《恶魔契约》 (Memnoch the Devil) 《女巫一族》三部曲(Lives of the Mayfair Witches): 《巫异时刻》 (The Witching Hour) 《恶魔莱修》 (Lasher) 《非我族类》 (Taltos) 《骨 役》(Servant of the Bones) 《古墓疑云》(The Mummy, or Ramses the Damned) 《圣餐会》(The Feast of All Saints) 《天 泣》(Cry to Heaven) 《琴 欲》(Violin) 萨尔瓦托(R. A. Salvatore) 主要作品: 《冰风谷叁部曲》 (The Ice wind Dale Trilogy) 《黑暗精灵叁部曲》(The Dark Elf Trilogy) 《血脉四部曲》 大卫·艾汀斯(David Eddings 1931-) 主要作品: 《贝尔加雷德》(The Belgariad)系列: 《预言》 (Pawn of Prophecy) 《魔法女王》 (Queen of Sorcery) 《魔法师的赌注》 (Magician"s Gambit) 《巫术城堡》 (Castle of Wizardry) 《法师的最后游戏》 (Enchanters" end Game) 《马罗理安》(The Mallorean)系列: 《西方的守护者》 (Guardians of the West) 《穆尔古斯之王》 (King of the Murgos) 《卡兰达的魔王》 (Demon Lord of Karanda) 《达西瓦的女法师》 (Sorceress of Darshiva) 《开尔的女先知》 (Seeress of Kell) 《艾伦尼安》(The Elenium)系列: 《钻石宝座》 (The Diamond Throne) 《红宝石骑士》 (The Ruby Knight) 《蓝宝石的玫瑰》 (The Sapphire Rose) 《塔木里》(The Tamuli)系列: 《火顶之城》 (Domes of Fire) 《光之一族》 (The Shining Ones) 《密藏之城》 (The Hidden City) 其 他: 《莱文之书》 (The Rivan Codex) 《女法师波加拉》 (Polgara the Sorceress) 《男法师贝尔加莱斯》(Belgarath the Sorcerer) 《失败者》 (The Losers) 《急速猎杀》 (The High Hunt) 泰瑞·古德坎(Terry Goodkind 1949-) 主要作品: 《真理之剑》(Sword of Truth)系列: 《巫师第一守则》 (Wizard"s First Rule,1994) 《泪之石》 (Stone of Tears) 《圣血会》 (Blood of the Fold) 《风之圣殿》 (Temple of the Winds) 《烈火之魂》 (Souls of Fire) 乔治·马汀(George R. R. Martin) 主要作品: 《冰与火之歌》(A Song of Ice and Fire) 爱丽丝·波儿查特(Alice Borchardt) 主要作品: 《变形人》(The Shapeshifter Series)系列: 《银狼》(The Silver Wolf) 《狼夜》(Night of the Wolf) 水野良 主要作品: 《罗德斯岛战记》系列:(ロ—ドス岛战记) 正传: 《灰色的魔女》 《炎之魔神》 《火龙山的魔龙》 《王者们的圣战》 《罗德斯岛的圣骑士》 外传: 《妖精的森林——蒂德莉特的故事》 《黑衣的骑士》 《罗德斯岛传说》系列:(ロ—ドス岛传说) 正传: 《亡国的王子》 《天空的骑士》 《荣光的勇者》 《传说的英雄》 外传: 《太阳之王子,明月之公主》参考资料:
2023-07-20 20:15:251

哪首歌里有a kingdom of isolation,and it looks like iam

《Let It Go》(译名:随它吧)是华特迪士尼动画工作室的2013年动画作品《冰雪奇缘》当中的主题曲,
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蓝晶的魔法学徒,魔盗。 亵渎也很不错历史的尘埃 骑士的战争迷失大陆后面的上面也提过了
2023-07-20 20:15:424


The snow glows white on the mountain tonight;今晚白雪在山上闪烁的四耨nou 阁楼四 外昂芒~特耐Not a footprint to be seen;一个脚印没有脑特 付普润~ 土逼CA kingdom of isolation;与世隔绝的国土饿king等么外~艘雷神And it looks like I"m the queen;我就像是一个皇后按 t 卢克斯莱 爱么(亏嗯)The wind is howling like this swirling storm inside;狂风咆哮得像我内心一样的纷乱的win 滴思号令来可迪斯 死我领 四多么因塞~~Couldn"t keep it in, heaven knows I"ve tried;不能再困住我的感情了,只有上天才知逆我已努力过苦等ki屁因 还问no子爱物踹~~~的Don"t let them in, don"t let them see;不让他们走进来,不让他们看到东特来den木因 懂来den木CBe the good girl you always have to be;做一个好女孩,一直都要这样逼的古德(狗儿) 呦喂死 还无土逼Conceal, don"t feel, don"t let them know;掩饰、没有感觉、不要让他们知道肯修懂fiu 懂来den木no~~~~Well, now they know;好了,现在他们都知道了外奥dei no~~~~~Let it go, let it go;随心而行,随心而行来地沟~~来地沟~~~~Can"t hold it back anymore;不能再抑制了看~后低白 可爱你抹~~Let it go, let it go;随心而行,随心而行来地沟~~ 来地沟~~~Turn away and slam the door;转过身甩上门特恩为按死来的(多儿)I don"t care what they"re going to say;我不在乎他们会怎样说爱动凯尔儿 我(迪儿)勾引图塞~~~Let the storm rage on;让风暴怒吼吧莱特四多 锐志昂The cold never bothered me anyway;寒冷再也不能烦扰我了的口耐窝包则米爱你喂~~-----It"s funny how some distance makes everything seem small;可笑的是,距离令所有东西都变得渺小了一次烦你好萨姆第四ten~四 (没课) 艾薇性C木四抹And the fears that once controlled me can"t get to me at all;一度箝制我的恐惧再也不能控制我了俺的fi儿万斯看臭的米 看该求米爱(特噢)~~~It"s time to see what I can do;是时候看看我能够做什麼了意思太土c 我特爱看度To test the limits and break through;试验我的极限和突破图太斯特的 厘米按布瑞克死如No right, no wrong, no rules for me;没有对错,也没有规则规范我了no乳癌 no肉 no入寺佛米~~~I"m free;我自由了爱么(福瑞)~~Let it go, let it go;随心而行,随心而行来地沟~~~来地沟~~I am one with the wind and sky;我与风与天同在爱慕玩wi则win 按的(私改) ~~~ (这句要读顺再唱)Let it go, let it go;随心而行,随心而行You"ll never see me cry;你不会再看到我哭泣有耐窝C米哭(乳癌)~Here I stand and here I"ll stay;我就站在这里,我留在这里(hi 儿)爱(私单)~~按~(hi儿)爱塞~~Let the storm rage on;让风暴怒吼吧莱特四多 锐志昂~~-----My power flurries through the air into the ground;我的力量激荡空气深入地下买泡饿服落瑞 司入地 艾饿淫图的 (故昂)~~~~My soul is spiraling in frozen fractals all around;我的灵魂随着四周的冰片盘旋而上买艘第四 白鹅岭 因腐肉zing发科的哦饿(如昂)~~And one thought crystallizes like an icy blast;思想化为结晶如一阵冰风按完 扫特 库瑞斯特 的来京四 来ging 来Z 不来~~死(这句也要读顺)I"m never going back, the past is in the past;我不会再回去,过去已成往事按耐我勾引百科 的帕斯 踢死阴霾配~~~~Let it go, let it go;随心而行,随心而行来地沟~~~来地沟~~~And I"ll rise like the break of dawn;我像旭日从地上冒起按奥乳癌子 来客的 布瑞克多Let it go, let it go;随心而行,随心而行来地沟~~~来地沟~~哦 哦哦~That perfect girl is gone;那个完美女孩已不在了带特(普额)飞科 (够儿) 第四刚~Here I stand in the light of day;我就站在日光之下(hi儿)爱(私单)~引得来恶妇dei~~~~~~~Let the storm rage on;让风暴怒吼吧莱特四多 锐志昂~~~~~~~The cold never bothered me anyway;寒冷再也不能烦扰我了!的口耐窝包则米爱你喂~~
2023-07-20 20:16:021


你可以直接查姚贝娜唱的《随它吧》 这就是中文版的
2023-07-20 20:16:124

求爱伦坡的一首诗《Annabel Lee》

2023-07-20 20:17:042


1. let lt go文言版歌词翻译白话文 这个不用翻译成白话,译白了就索然无味;另外写文言版歌词的人显然是当诗来写的,从文言语法上评价的话,有不少不通的地方的。 这版歌词流传开来,除了唱的好听,还有重要的一点就是歌词比较有感觉——”感觉“,就像古歌词的意境,翻译成白话后就啥也没有了。 霜辄夜白 日暮尽苍生远 独游偶影江水寒 山门内外蜃城孑然 王于冰雪定萧山 风掣千刃 寒啸千载 慰我心安 身得托沧海 血以荐轩辕 勿近勿探 阴翳犹在 纲礼持之 也堪念存心善 昨日无常 今时无往 然 尽矣说 我如风 任去留 休将鸿鹄比伏囚 我如虹 任天阔 且听狂澜度三秋 毋言多 不敢同苟合 一霰风摊破 唯我 敢挑只身赴寒流 啼笑远烟皆邈末 屋舍俨若蚁蝼 时维往矣不胜惶恐 今非彼可制我 适于旦夕 何以为兮 假我之力 惊刹天地 谁是谁非 方圆无稽 肆意行 我如风 任去留 浩荡中天气无咎 我如虹 任天阔 初晴乍逢霁雨后 驾寒宫 划地为楼 不惧风萧索 力拔千钧气贯地 聚息摄魄冰 灵动珠齑腾霜起 重于游丝轻于絮 花晶盘郁撷绮思 玉宇观飞惊 过眼翻覆往昔 何必执于归去 我如风 任去留 愿化羲和驱夜魔 我如虹 任天阔 无暇过隙便无踪 驾寒宫 向阳高耸 一霰风摊破 唯我 敢挑只身赴寒流 2. Let it go文言文的那首歌,是哪一篇文言文 如释冰 Let it go 曲:Robert Lopez 词:Kristen Anderson-Lopez 翻词:棉里 翻编曲:棉里 翻唱:许晓云 录制:棉里 The snow glows white on the mountain tonight 霜辄夜白,日暮尽苍生远。 Not a footprint to be seen 独游偶影江水寒。 A kingdom of isolation 山门内外蜃城孑然。 And it looks like I"m the queen 王于冰雪定萧山。 The wind is howling like this swirling storm inside 风掣千刃,寒啸千载,慰我心安。 Couldn"t keep it in, heaven knows I"ve tried 身得托沧海,血以荐轩辕。 Don"t let them in, don"t let them see 勿近勿探,阴翳犹在。 Be the good girl you always have to be 纲礼持之,也堪念存心善。 Conceal, don"t feel, don"t let them know 昨日无常,今时无往, Well, now they know 然,尽矣说。 Let it go, let it go 我如风,任去留。 Can"t hold it back anymore 休将鸿鹄比伏囚。 Let it go, let it go 我如虹,任天阔。 Turn away and slam the door; 且听狂澜度三秋。 I don"t care what they"re going to say 毋言多,不敢同苟合。 Let the storm rage on 一霰风摊破。 The cold never bothered me anyway 唯我,敢挑只身赴寒流。 It"s funny how some distance makes everything seem *** all 啼笑远烟皆邈末,屋舍俨若蚁蝼。 And the fears that once controlled me can"t get to me at all 时维往矣不胜惶恐,今非彼可制我。 It"s time to see what I can do.To test the limits and break through 适于旦夕,何以为兮。 假我之力,惊刹天地。 No right, no wrong, no rules for me 谁是谁非,方圆无稽。 I"m free 肆意行。 Let it go, let it go 我如风,任去留。 I am one with the wind and sky 浩荡中天气无咎。 Let it go, let it go 我如虹,任天阔。 You"ll never see me cry 初晴乍逢霁雨后。 Here I stand and here I"ll stay 驾寒宫,划地为楼, Let the storm rage on 不惧风萧索。 My power flurries through the air into the ground 力拔千钧气贯地,聚息摄魄冰。 My soul is spiraling in frozen fractals all around 灵动珠齑腾霜起,重于游丝轻于絮。 And one thought crystallizes like an icy blast 花晶盘郁撷绮思,玉宇观飞惊。 I"m never going back, the past is in the past 过眼翻覆往昔,何必执于归去。 Let it go, let it go 我如风,任去留。 And I"ll rise like the break of dawn 愿化羲和驱夜魔。 Let it go, let it go 我如虹,任天阔。 That perfect girl is gone 无暇过隙便无踪。 Here I stand in the light of day 驾寒宫,向阳高耸。 Let the storm rage on 一霰风摊破。 The cold never bothered me anyway 唯我,敢挑只身赴寒流。 3. Let it go文言文的那首歌,是哪一篇文言文 如释冰 Let it go 曲:Robert Lopez 词:Kristen Anderson-Lopez 翻词:棉里 翻编曲:棉里 翻唱:许晓云 录制:棉里 The snow glows white on the mountain tonight 霜辄夜白,日暮尽苍生远。 Not a footprint to be seen 独游偶影江水寒。 A kingdom of isolation 山门内外蜃城孑然。 And it looks like I"m the queen 王于冰雪定萧山。 The wind is howling like this swirling storm inside 风掣千刃,寒啸千载,慰我心安。 Couldn"t keep it in, heaven knows I"ve tried 身得托沧海,血以荐轩辕。 Don"t let them in, don"t let them see 勿近勿探,阴翳犹在。 Be the good girl you always have to be 纲礼持之,也堪念存心善。 Conceal, don"t feel, don"t let them know 昨日无常,今时无往, Well, now they know 然,尽矣说。 Let it go, let it go 我如风,任去留。 Can"t hold it back anymore 休将鸿鹄比伏囚。 Let it go, let it go 我如虹,任天阔。 Turn away and slam the door; 且听狂澜度三秋。 I don"t care what they"re going to say 毋言多,不敢同苟合。 Let the storm rage on 一霰风摊破。 The cold never bothered me anyway 唯我,敢挑只身赴寒流。 It"s funny how some distance makes everything seem *** all 啼笑远烟皆邈末,屋舍俨若蚁蝼。 And the fears that once controlled me can"t get to me at all 时维往矣不胜惶恐,今非彼可制我。 It"s time to see what I can do.To test the limits and break through 适于旦夕,何以为兮。 假我之力,惊刹天地。 No right, no wrong, no rules for me 谁是谁非,方圆无稽。 I"m free 肆意行。 Let it go, let it go 我如风,任去留。 I am one with the wind and sky 浩荡中天气无咎。 Let it go, let it go 我如虹,任天阔。 You"ll never see me cry 初晴乍逢霁雨后。 Here I stand and here I"ll stay 驾寒宫,划地为楼, Let the storm rage on 不惧风萧索。 My power flurries through the air into the ground 力拔千钧气贯地,聚息摄魄冰。 My soul is spiraling in frozen fractals all around 灵动珠齑腾霜起,重于游丝轻于絮。 And one thought crystallizes like an icy blast 花晶盘郁撷绮思,玉宇观飞惊。 I"m never going back, the past is in the past 过眼翻覆往昔,何必执于归去。 Let it go, let it go 我如风,任去留。 And I"ll rise like the break of dawn 愿化羲和驱夜魔。 Let it go, let it go 我如虹,任天阔。 That perfect girl is gone 无暇过隙便无踪。 Here I stand in the light of day 驾寒宫,向阳高耸。 Let the storm rage on 一霰风摊破。 The cold never bothered me anyway 唯我,敢挑只身赴寒流。 4. 文言版冰雪奇缘歌词翻译 let it go》文言文版《如释冰》The snow glows white on the mountain tonight霜辄夜白,日暮尽苍生远。 Not a footprint to be seen独游偶影江水寒。A kingdom of isolation山门内外蜃城孑然。 And it looks like I"m the queen王于冰雪定萧山。The wind is howling like this swirling storm inside风掣千刃,寒啸千载,慰我心安。 Couldn"t keep it in, heaven knows I"ve tried身得托沧海,血以荐轩辕。Don"t let them in, don"t let them see勿近勿探,阴翳犹在。 Be the good girl you always have to be纲礼持之,也堪念存心善。Conceal, don"t feel, don"t let them know昨日无常,今时无往,Well, now they know然,尽矣说。 Let it go, let it go我如风,任去留。Can"t hold it back anymore休将鸿鹄比伏囚。 Let it go, let it go我如虹,任天阔。Turn away and slam the door;且听狂澜度三秋。 I don"t care what they"re going to say毋言多,不敢同苟32313133353236313431303231363533e58685e5aeb931333335346131合。Let the storm rage on一霰风摊破。 The cold never bothered me anyway唯我,敢挑只身赴寒流。It"s funny how some distance makes everything seem *** all啼笑远烟皆邈末,屋舍俨若蚁蝼。 And the fears that once controlled me can"t get to me at all时维往矣不胜惶恐,今非彼可制我。It"s time to see what I can do.To test the limits and break through适于旦夕,何以为兮。 假我之力,惊刹天地。No right, no wrong, no rules for me谁是谁非,方圆无稽。 I"m free肆意行。Let it go, let it go我如风,任去留。 I am one with the wind and sky浩荡中天气无咎。Let it go, let it go我如虹,任天阔。 You"ll never see me cry初晴乍逢霁雨后。Here I stand and here I"ll stay驾寒宫,划地为楼,Let the storm rage on不惧风萧索。 My power flurries through the air into the ground力拔千钧气贯地,聚息摄魄冰。My soul is spiraling in frozen fractals all around灵动珠齑腾霜起,重于游丝轻于絮。 And one thought crystallizes like an icy blast花晶盘郁撷绮思,玉宇观飞惊。I"m never going back, the past is in the past过眼翻覆往昔,何必执于归去。 Let it go, let it go我如风,任去留。And I"ll rise like the break of dawn愿化羲和驱夜魔。 Let it go, let it go我如虹,任天阔。That perfect girl is gone无暇过隙便无踪。 Here I stand in the light of day驾寒宫,向阳高耸。Let the storm rage on一霰风摊破。 The cold never bothered me anyway唯我,敢挑只身赴寒流。 5. let it go 文言文版的作者是谁 【如释冰】 作词:棉里 ;是一个网络填词人。 曲:Robert Lopez 词:Kristen Anderson-Lopez翻词:棉里 翻编曲:棉里翻唱:许晓云录制:棉里The snow glows white on the mountain tonight霜辄夜白,日暮尽苍生远。Not a footprint to be seen独游偶影江水寒。 A kingdom of isolation山门内外蜃城孑然。And it looks like I"m the queen王于冰雪定萧山。 The wind is howling like this swirling storm inside风掣千刃,寒啸千载,慰我心安。Couldn"t keep it in, heaven knows I"ve tried身得托沧海,血以荐轩辕。 Don"t let them in, don"t let them see勿近勿探,阴翳犹在。Be the good girl you always have to be纲礼持之,也堪念存心善。 Conceal, don"t feel, don"t let them know昨日无常,今时无往,Well, now they know然,尽矣说。Let it go, let it go我如风,任去留。 Can"t hold it back anymore休将鸿鹄比伏囚。Let it go, let it go我如虹,任天阔。 Turn away and slam the door;且听狂澜度三秋。I don"t care what they"re going to say毋言多,不敢同苟合。 Let the storm rage on一霰风摊破。The cold never bothered me anyway唯我,敢挑只身赴寒流。 It"s funny how some distance makes everything seem *** all啼笑远烟皆邈末,屋舍俨若蚁蝼。And the fears that once controlled me can"t get to me at all时维往矣不胜惶恐,今非彼可制我。 It"s time to see what I can do.To test the limits and break through适于旦夕,何以为兮。假我之力,惊刹天地。 No right, no wrong, no rules for me谁是谁非,方圆无稽。I"m free肆意行。 Let it go, let it go我如风,任去留。I am one with the wind and sky浩荡中天气无咎。 Let it go, let it go我如虹,任天阔。You"ll never see me cry初晴乍逢霁雨后。 Here I stand and here I"ll stay驾寒宫,划地为楼,Let the storm rage on不惧风萧索。My power flurries through the air into the ground力拔千钧气贯地,聚息摄魄冰。 My soul is spiraling in frozen fractals all around灵动珠齑腾霜e5a48de588b6e79fa5e9819331333337613133起,重于游丝轻于絮。And one thought crystallizes like an icy blast花晶盘郁撷绮思,玉宇观飞惊。 I"m never going back, the past is in the past过眼翻覆往昔,何必执于归去。Let it go, let it go我如风,任去留。 And I"ll rise like the break of dawn愿化羲和驱夜魔。Let it go, let it go我如虹,任天阔。 That perfect girl is gone无暇过隙便无踪。Here I stand in the light of day驾寒宫,向阳高耸。 Let the storm rage on一霰风摊破。The cold never bothered me anyway唯我,敢挑只身赴寒流。 6. 求let it go文言文版制作好的歌词,歌词已有,求制作LRC歌词 本人的回答已注上拼音,,谢谢! 霜辄(zhé)夜白,日暮尽苍生远。 独游偶影江水寒。 山门内外蜃(shèn)城孑(jié)然。 王于冰雪定萧山。 风掣(chè)千刃,寒啸千载,慰我心安。 身得托沧海,血以荐轩辕。 勿近勿探,阴翳(yì)犹在。 纲礼持之,也堪念存心善。 昨日无常,今时无往, 然,尽矣说。 我如风,任去留。 休将鸿鹄(hóng hú)比伏囚。 我如虹,任天阔。 且听狂澜度三秋。 毋(wú)言多,不敢同苟合。 一霰(xiàn)风摊破。 唯我,敢挑只身赴寒流。 啼笑远烟皆邈(miǎo)末,屋舍俨(yǎn)若蚁蝼。 时维往矣不胜惶恐,今非彼可制我。 适于旦夕,何以为兮。 假我之力,惊刹天地。 谁是谁非,方圆无稽。 肆意行。 我如风,任去留。 浩荡中天气无咎(jiù)。 我如虹,任天阔。 初晴乍逢霁(jì)雨后。 驾寒宫,划地为楼, 不惧风萧索。 力拔千钧气贯地,聚息摄魄冰。 灵动珠齑(jī)腾霜起,重于游丝轻于絮。 花晶盘郁撷(xié)绮(qǐ)思,玉宇观飞惊。过眼翻覆往昔,何必执于归去。 我如风,任去留。 愿化羲和驱夜魔。 我如虹,任天阔。 无暇过隙便无踪。 驾寒宫,向阳高耸。 一霰(xiàn)风摊破。 唯我,敢挑只身赴寒流。 7. 文言版冰雪奇缘歌词翻译 let it go》文言文版《如释冰》The snow glows white on the mountain tonight霜辄夜白,日暮尽苍生远。 Not a footprint to be seen独游偶影江水寒。A kingdom of isolation山门内外蜃城孑然。 And it looks like I"m the queen王于冰雪定萧山。The wind is howling like this swirling storm inside风掣千刃,寒啸千载,慰我心安。 Couldn"t keep it in, heaven knows I"ve tried身得托沧海,血以荐轩辕。Don"t let them in, don"t let them see勿近勿探,阴翳犹在。 Be the good girl you always have to be纲礼持之,也堪念存心善。Conceal, don"t feel, don"t let them know昨日无常,今时无往,Well, now they know然,尽矣说。 Let it go, let it go我如风,任去留。Can"t hold it back anymore休将鸿鹄比伏囚。 Let it go, let it go我如虹,任天阔。Turn away and slam the door;且听狂澜度三秋。 I don"t care what they"re going to say毋言多,不敢同苟合。Let the storm rage on一霰风摊破。 The cold never bothered me anyway唯我,敢挑只身赴寒流。It"s funny how some distance makes everything seem *** all啼笑远烟皆邈末,屋舍俨若蚁蝼。 And the fears that once controlled me can"t get to me at all时维往矣不胜惶恐,今非彼可制我。It"s time to see what I can do.To test the limits and break through适于旦夕,何以为兮。 假我之力,惊刹天地。No right, no wrong, no rules for me谁是谁非,方圆无稽。 I"m free肆意行。Let it go, let it go我如风,任去留。 I am one with the wind and sky浩荡中天气无咎。Let it go, let it go我如虹,任天阔。 You"ll never see me cry初晴乍逢霁雨后。Here I stand and here I"ll stay驾寒宫,划地为楼,Let the storm rage on不惧风萧索。 My power flurries through the air into the ground力拔千钧气贯地,聚息摄魄冰。My soul is spiraling in frozen fractals all around灵动珠齑腾霜起,重于游丝轻于絮。 And one thought crystallizes like an icy blast花晶盘郁撷绮思,玉宇观飞惊。I"m never going back, the past is in the past过眼翻覆往昔,何必执于归去。 Let it go, let it go我如风,任去留。And I"ll rise like the break of dawn愿化羲和驱夜魔。 Let it go, let it go我如虹,任天阔。That perfect girl is gone无暇过隙便无踪。 Here I stand in the light of day驾寒宫,向阳高耸。Let the storm rage on一霰风摊破。 The cold never bothered me anyway唯我,敢挑只身赴寒流。
2023-07-20 20:17:211


上帝禁区(The Forbidden Area of God)是什么呢?根据科学家研究表明,人类的大脑脑细胞通常只被应用10%,即使那些科技界的天才如爱因斯坦等人也只运用到20%,70%以上的脑细胞处于休眠状态。长期以来人们不知何故,于是假托说是上帝之手封存的,免得人类太聪明,破了天界的许多禁忌,因此习惯地称这部分未开垦的脑区域叫“上帝禁区”。   说简单点就是在不影响健康的前提下不断的思考,创造,实践,以下是一点资料   人人都在进行大脑开发,人人都想做得好些,再好些。有人以为学一些“秘诀”、“绝招”,就能眉头一皱,计上心来。其实不然,大脑能否开发得好,非要下一番苦功夫不可。这就需要练好以下几个基本功:“大脑要健康,家庭要和谐。实践再实践,读书再读书。”
2023-07-20 20:17:561

一个英文歌,一直是logo logo logo,求歌名

是不是let it go
2023-07-20 20:18:062

let it go歌词中文谐音注释

2023-07-20 20:18:275


黑执事 亚洛斯特兰西
2023-07-20 20:18:453

U000200caet it go !歌词

Let it goLet it goCan"t hold you back anymoreLet it goLet it goTurn my back and slam the door.The snow blows white on the mountain tonightNot a footprint to be seenA kingdom of isolation and it looks like I"m the QueenThe wind is howling like the swirling storm insideCouldn"t keep it in, heaven knows I triedDon"t let them in, don"t let them seeBe the good girlYou always had to beConceal, don"t feelDon"t let them knowWell, now they know.Let it goLet it goCan"t hold you back anymoreLet it goLet it goTurn my back and slam the doorAnd here I stand, and here I"ll stayLet it goLet it goThe cold never bothered me anyway.It"s funny how some distanceMakes everything seem smallAnd the fears that once controlled meCan"t get to me at allUp here in the cold thin airI finally can breatheI know i left a life behind but I"m to relieved to grieve.Let it goLet it goCan"t hold you back anymoreLet it goLet it goTurn my back and slam the doorAnd here I standAnd here I"ll stayLet it goLet it goThe cold never bothered me anyway.Standing frozen in the life I"ve chosenYou won"t find me, the past is so behind meBuried in the snow.Let it goLet it goCan"t hold you back anymoreLet it goLet it goTurn my back and slam the doorAnd here I standAnd here I"ll stayLet it goLet it goThe cold never bothered me anywayna na na na na naLet it go na na nayou goLet it goLet it goLet it go
2023-07-20 20:19:013