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on the school show还是at the school show

2023-07-20 20:50:25





在哔哩哔哩还有大部分的资源可以观看《每日秀》(The Daily Show),是由美国喜剧中心频道(Comedy Central)于1996年开播的深夜政治吐槽节目,尤其在乔恩·斯图尔特担任主持人期间,它已经成为美国最真实的讽刺声音,被称为最受美国大学生欢迎的节目。
2023-07-20 17:35:391

polish that turd 是什么意思 the daily show 指的是什么方面的

the daily show 每日秀
2023-07-20 17:35:481

美国看 The Daily Show with Jon Stewart 的人多么?

我个人觉得囧司徒的秀还不错,“每日秀”是一档深夜脱口秀,以幽默、讽刺、自嘲的手法对新闻故事、政治人物、媒体机构进行“吐槽”,包括美国总统奥巴马、诺贝尔和平奖获得者马拉拉等名人都曾上过节目,接受 “囧司徒”的访问。司徒是美国脱口秀节目中较偏左的主持人,能把节目做成这样,揭露资本主义全球化体系对第三世界国家国民的侵害,已经很不错了。节目甚至还有一些对第一世界国民生活方式的反省。只是节目中有些事实是有问题的,比如中国有说过组织工会可能入狱12年吗?毕竟美帝国主义对中国的妖魔化已经很久了。The Daily Show with Jon Stewart每日秀,又名囧司徒每日秀。美国深夜类政治讽刺类节目,每周一至周四东部时间晚上11点在喜剧中心(Comedy Central) 频道播出,讽刺内容取材于新闻故事、政治人物、媒体机构。节目的最后一个环节会邀请一位名人上来进行访谈,嘉宾范围包括影星、音乐人、政客和作家等。The Colbert Report科尔伯特报告,又名扣扣熊报告,美国深夜类政治讽刺类节目(据说是站在共和党的立场,反讽右翼政见,主持人是每日秀的前任记者,语速更快,音量更大。每日秀是站在民主党的立场),每周一至周四东部时间11点30在喜剧中心(Comedy Central) 频道播出。主要内容为对时事政治点评。总结:喜欢的朋友可以看看,非常逗乐,有趣,而且比较真实。
2023-07-20 17:35:562

daily show是什么

2023-07-20 17:36:431


囧司徒每日秀中文网 ~
2023-07-20 17:36:512

谁有《the daily show》有中文字幕的视频迅雷下载资源和在线观看的都行

2023-07-20 17:36:595


2023-07-20 17:37:167


2023-07-20 17:37:334


【 #英语资源# 导语】六一到了,花儿笑了;童心醒了,忧烦没了;童真回了,惆怅消了;童趣有了,欢乐来了;童颜笑了,生活美了。宝贝,儿童节快乐!以下是 为大家精心整理的内容,欢迎大家阅读。 1.六一儿童节英语祝福短语   1、儿童节,祝愿你重回童年,快乐相连!   Happy children"s day, I wish you were a boy again, connected!   2、儿童节到了,送你一颗快乐的童心!   Children"s day is coming, send you a happy heart!   3、祝愿你拥有一颗纯真、快乐的童心。   Wish you have a pure childlike innocence and happy.   4、六一儿童节,祝愿你节日快乐无比!   June 1 children"s day, wish your festival happiness!   5、童年真好!连回忆都是如此美好!   Childhood is really good! Even the memories are so beautiful!   6、去到孩子们中间,找回童年的欢畅!   Go between the children, back to childhood.   7、今天儿童节,祝愿超级儿童节日快乐!   Today is children"s day, I wish the children happy holidays!   8、愿你像孩童般开心,像孩童般幸福!   I wish you happy like a child, like a happy childhood!   9、愿你六一心情妙,开开心心每一秒!   You would like to children mood, happy every second!   10、祝愿快乐无比、幸福无比、甜蜜无比。   May joy and happiness, and sweet.   11、送你一些童趣,愿你忧愁消,欢乐多。   Send you some tong qu, let you sorrow, joy.   12、儿童节到了,祝愿你快快长大免我牵挂!   Children"s day is coming, wish you to hurry and grow up don"t need my care!   13、祝福你,祝愿你儿童节快乐,一切如意!   Bless you, wish you a happy children"s day, all the best!   14、祝愿现在的儿童节日快乐,健康成长!   Wish now children a happy holiday, healthy growth!   15、送你一张童颜,愿你青春驻,笑开颜。   Send you a dance the peacock, the youth"s to you, you happy. 2.六一儿童节英语祝福短语   1、your life has just opened a first page and is willing to rising of the sun shining your beautiful poem years. Tomorrow belongs to you.   你的生命刚刚翻开了第一页,愿初升的太阳照耀你诗一般美丽的岁月。明天属于你们。   2、Under the sun butterflies fluttering all over the sky, remember that you can be in. This time playing chase? The smiling faces of naive like flowers attract butterflies away! Children's Day is approaching, you would like to spend as smile! Happy Children's Day!   阳光下漫天飞舞的蝴蝶,可曾让你记得那追逐嬉戏的岁月?天真的笑脸好似花儿,引得蝴蝶流连忘返!儿童节到来之际,愿你永驻花般笑颜!儿童节快乐!   3、Children's Day is approaching, I wish you had children: youth are not old, and maintain pure heart, has a sweet smile, a child-like skin, carefree life, have no illusions about the future and look forward to! Happy holidays!   儿童节到来之际,祝曾经是孩子的你:青春不老,保持纯真的心,拥有甜美的微笑,孩童般的皮肤,无虑的生活状态,对未来抱有幻想和憧憬!节日快乐!   4、Today is Children's Day, the fun do not you play phone, play your collection on the other messages received on your reading of this article do not. Hey, you read. In addition, I wish you a happy holiday, the just want to say: listen to your children so?   今天是儿童节,贪玩的你今天别玩手机,玩了你就别收短信,收了你就别读这条。哎,你还是读了。我除了祝你节日快乐外,只想说:你这小孩子咋不听话呢?   5、Ignorance was young, had rash juvenile; silent over the years in the fingers, when the Children's Day walk in the street, realized that the past does not look back. Expenditure of red wine, for this does not belong to our holiday cheers! Happy Children's Day!   曾经年幼无知,曾经莽撞少年;岁月于指间无声滑过,当儿童节走在街头,才意识到过去的日子不回头。开支红酒,为这不属于我们的节日干杯!儿童节快乐!   6、Because of the wind moving the leaves, young seedlings due to soil and long, falls due to flow from the sky and vivid because of the birds, corals and mysterious ocean due to the desert oasis and angry because, due to the young and beautiful life! Happy Children's Day wish! Happy every day!   树叶因风而动,雏苗因土而长,瀑布因流而成,天空因鸟儿而生动,海洋因珊瑚而神秘,沙漠因绿洲而有生气,生活因年轻而美丽!祝儿童节快乐!天天开心!   7、The annual, all the world blessed in our children a happy Children's Day of this day, let us return to childhood every adult with the most sincere sentiments of the most pure heart of a happy Children's Day! Happy holidays!   一年一度,在我们祝福天下所有的孩子儿童节快乐的这一天,也让我们每一个成年人回到童年,用最纯真的情怀最纯洁的心灵过一个快乐的儿童节!节日快乐!   8、Aspiration is the wind, is a fan happy, blessed is the ship. Aspiration of the wind, blowing fan happy, the children carrying the blessing of the boats, drift to the happiness of you, gently greetings: Happy 61!   心愿是风,快乐是帆,祝福是船。心愿的风,吹着快乐的帆,载着对小朋友祝福的船,漂向快乐的你,轻轻地问候:六一节快乐!   9、Children's Day approaching, I, on behalf of the leadership struggling in the chat line to the children expressed the most profound greetings! And hope that we bear in mind when I give you to live the teachings of: a good Internet access, every day online! Happy Children's Day!   儿童节将至,我谨代表领导,向奋战在聊天一线各位小朋友们表示最深切的问候!并希望大家牢记住当年我给你的教导:好好上网,天天在线!儿童节快乐!   10、Kindergarten teacher, said: a fine three bed-wetting, the second five yuan, three times seven dollars. I would like to ask the teachers how much money monthly, we see you a show of hands, said: teacher, I would like to do the year VIP membership card! I wish you a Happy Children's Day!   幼儿园老师说:尿床一次罚三元,二次五元,三次七元。我正想问老师包月多少钱,就看见你举手说:老师,我要办VIP会员年卡!祝你儿童节快乐! 3.六一儿童节英语祝福短语   1、心愿是风,快乐是帆,祝福是船。心愿的风,吹着快乐的帆,载着对小朋友祝福的船,漂向快乐的你,轻轻地问候:六一节快乐!   aspiration is the wind, happy is the sail, the blessing is ship. wish of wind, blowing happy sail, carrying the blessing to juniors boats, drift to the happiness of you, gently greetings: happy children!   2、六一儿童节,祝你脸上挂满童真的笑脸,生活如童年般,事事如童年般简单,遇上数不尽的童心。愿你天天过六一,天天好心情。   june 1 children"s day, wish your face hung childlike smile, life is as easy as childhood, everything as simple as childhood, met countless childlike innocence. wish you children, every day a good mood every day.   3、六一到了,花儿笑了;童心醒了,忧烦没了;童真回了,惆怅消了;童趣有了,欢乐来了;童颜笑了,生活美了。宝贝,儿童节快乐!   june 1, the flowers smiled; the child woke up, worry not; childlike innocence back, melancholy; tong qu, joy came; dance the peacock smiled, life beautiful. baby, happy children"s day!   4、六一六一,回味童年,想想趣事,找找欢笑,觅觅童真,叙叙旧事,欢笑没减,快乐无限,笑声可爱,祝福依然,问候到了:儿童节快乐!   6161, aftertaste childhood, think of the fun, laugh out, find a find a childlike innocence, fung, not losing laughter and joy, laughter and lovely, still, greetings to: happy children"s day!   5、暖的阳光;春天的小屋里,装着缤纷的花朵;春天的小屋里,装着绿色的希望;春天的小屋里,装着童年的欢乐,共同祝愿:儿童节快乐!   warm sunshine; spring little room, with a profusion of flowers; spring little room, filled with the hope of green; spring little room, filled with the joy of childhood, wish: a happy children"s day!   6、放下你的成熟,收起你的稳重,脱掉你的圆滑,穿上你童真,释放你的压力,冲出你的焦虑,绽放你的活力!儿童节,给自己心情放个假吧!   let your mature, pack up your steady, take off your sleek, put on your childlike innocence, release your pressure, out of your anxiety, blossom your energy! children"s day, give oneself mood put one false!!!!   7、和儿童在一起,会使人变得单纯,变得年轻,变得富有爱心,富有灵感。难怪我变了,原来是因为和你在一起,呵呵,祝你六一儿童节快乐!   and children together, can make the person becomes pure, become young, be caring, and full of inspiration. no wonder i changed, because with you, ha ha, i wish you a happy children"s day!   8、无论时光怎么改变,我都会记得爱笑的你;无论岁月怎么流逝,我都知道你一直保持纯真的心;亲爱的超龄儿童,祝你六一儿童节幸福开心!   no matter how time change, i will remember love smile of you; no matter how time goes by, i know that you always keep a pure heart; dear over age children, i wish you a happy children"s day happy!   9、岁月流逝,淡忘了儿时的记忆,繁华落尽,远去了旧时的困惑,转眼间我们已经长大,在岁月的路途中我们并肩一起走,好朋友儿童节快乐!   in the childhood memories, time passes, the prosperities, far away the old confusion, we have grown up in a twinkling of an eye, in the way of time we walked together, good friends happy children"s day!   10、阳光下漫天飞舞的蝴蝶,可曾让你记得那追逐嬉戏的岁月?天真的笑脸好似花儿,引得蝴蝶流连忘返!儿童节到来之际,愿你永驻花般笑颜!   the sunshine flying butterflies, ever let you remember that time to chase? naive smiling face like flowers, butterfly linger! children"s day coming, may you be always spend as smile! 4.六一儿童节英语祝福短语   1、六一儿童节,愿你童心常在,笑口常开!   June 1 children"s day, wish you often in the childlike innocence, smile!   2、提前祝岁数大、心态小的朋友儿童节快乐!   Early to wish old big, small friends happy children"s day!   3、童年一去不复,祈愿童心永固。儿童节快乐!   Childhood, not come back again wish childlike innocence is formatted. Happy children"s day!   4、儿童节,跟着快乐的节拍,演绎快乐的幸福!   Happy children"s day, follow the beat, deductive happy happiness!   5、儿童节又快到,不管年龄多少,快乐最重要!   And fast to the children"s day, no matter what age, happiness is the most important!   6、像孩童一样释放五彩缤纷的气球,释放压力。   Like children release of colorful balloons, release pressure.   7、快点擦擦鼻涕,把它收好,祝愿你儿童节快乐!   Hurry up wiping your nose, put it away, I wish you a happy children"s day!   8、让童年的快乐延续,让浪漫的童话伴你一生!   Let the joy of childhood, let romantic fairy tale with you a lifetime!   9、快乐很简单,简单才快乐,祝愿你六一节快乐!   Happiness is very simple, simple happiness, I wish you a happy children!   10、愿你永远怀揣一颗天真烂漫的童心快乐地生活!   May you always carries a childlike heart happy life! 5.六一儿童节英语祝福短语   1、在我们祝福天下所有的孩子儿童节快乐的这一天,也让我们每一个成年人回到童年,用最纯真的情怀最纯洁的心灵过一个快乐的儿童节!节日快乐!   we wish all the children a happy children"s day in this day, also let us each a adults back to childhood, with the most pure feelings the purest heart a happy children"s day! a happy holiday!   2、儿童节日到了,祝曾经是孩子的你:青春不老,保持一颗纯真的心,拥有甜美的微笑,孩童般的皮肤,无虑的生活状态,对未来抱有幻想和憧憬!   children festival arrived, wish you used to be a child: young, keep a pure heart, has a sweet smile, child-like skin, carefree life, fantasy and vision for the future!   3、儿时的誓言:好好学习,天天向上;如今的誓言:努力赚钱,好好养家。忙碌的生活中,迎来六一儿童节,放松心情,送上美好祝愿,祝你儿童节快乐。   childhood oath: good good study, day day up; today"s oath: trying to make money and have a good family. busy lives, bringing in the june 1 children"s day, relax and send best wishes, i wish you a happy children"s day.   4、儿童节到来了,祝愿曾经是孩子的你:青春不老,保持一颗纯真的心,拥有甜美的微笑,孩童般的皮肤,无虑的生活状态,对未来抱有幻想和憧憬!   children"s day arrived, wish you used to be a child: young, keep a pure heart, has a sweet smile, child-like skin, carefree life, fantasy and vision for the future!   5、我们的生活每天要继续,出生成长成熟衰老死亡是不可逆转的自然规律,但如果时光倒流,谁又会拒绝这遗失的童年的美好?儿童节到了,祝节日快乐!   our lives every day to continue, born to grow mature aging death is inevitable law of nature, but if the clock back, who can refuse to the goodness of the lost childhood? children"s day arrived, i wish a happy holiday!   6、儿童节,成人心灵的节日。愿被红尘所包围,被名利所困扰,被柴米油盐所侵蚀的我们,在今天忘记一切不快与烦闷,让心灵沉浸在快乐吧!儿童节快乐!   children"s day, the adult mind. may be surrounded by a world of mortals, is obsessed with fame and fortune, we have been eroded by the daily necessities, today forget all the unhappiness and boredom, let heart immersed in the happiness! happy children"s day!   7、可曾记得童年飞舞的风筝,可曾记得童年飞驰的滑轮,可曾记得童年飞翔的美梦,可曾记得童年飞逝的纯真。又是一年儿童节,祝你童心永驻、快乐永恒!   remember childhood fly a kite, a driving pulley, remember childhood fly remember childhood dream, remember flies the innocence of childhood. is a children"s day, i wish you a perpetual childishness, eternal happiness!   8、儿童节,很是回味童年的生活吧?建议你:口咬小奶嘴,上穿红肚兜,下身尿不湿,手拿手绢边擦鼻涕边咬奶嘴边走大街,怎么样,是不是很值得回味啊?   children"s day, is very aftertaste childhood life? suggest you: small mouth to bite the pacifier, wear red chinese-style chest covering, and diapers, holding a handkerchief to wipe your nose while mouth bite milk walk street, how, whether very memorable?   9、朋友,我一直愿与你形影相随,肝胆相照。但是今天不行。我不能抢你的风头,夺你所爱。因为今天你做主人,六一是你最开心的日子,祝你儿童节快乐!   friend, i have always been willing to work with your shadow, sincere treatment. but not today. i can"t steal your thunder, you love. because you do master today, june 1 is your most happy day, i wish you a happy children"s day!   10、你已不在童年的江湖,可是童年的江湖依然流传着你响亮的名号——“武当”大侠!因为你总是捂着尿湿的裤裆向教室外跑去!可爱的大侠,儿童节快乐!   you are not in childhood river"s lake, but the river"s lake of childhood is still circulating you loud name -- "wudang" warrior! because you are always wu wear wet crotch to run outside the classroom. lovely warrior, happy children"s day!
2023-07-20 17:37:401


1. 写一篇150字的英语作文 关于对电子信息科学与技术这个专业的认识 Good Manners Good manners are very important in the munication of daily life. Everyone likes a person with good manners. But what are good manners? How does one know what should do and what should not do when trying to be a good - mannered person? Well, here are some mon examples. A person with good manners never laughs at a people in trouble. Instead, he (she) always tries to consult or offer help to the person. When he (she) takes a bus and sees an old man or a sick man, he (she) always gives his (her) seat to him. He doesn"t interrupt other people when they are talking. He uses a handkerchief when he sneezes or coughs. He does not spite in public places. Ideas of what are good manners are not always the same in different regions. For example, people in Western countries usually kiss each other to show their greetings, whereas in China, kissing in public is something of unusual and sometimes be regarded as impolite to somebody else. So it is important to know what is regarded as polite and impolite before you go to a region. But remember that it is always right to be kind and helpful to others. 2. 对电子信息工程这个专业的英文介绍 Electronic and Information Engineering电子信息工程Electronic and Information Engineering is the information industry and the important foundation for one of the pillars. It circuits and systems, signal and information processing, microwave and electromagic field theory, to study various information, such as voice, text, images, radar, remote sensing and other information processing, exchange and wireless, cable, fiber optic cable and other tran *** ission.Based on this study and development of electronic and information systems. 电子信息工程是信息产业的重要基础和支柱之一。 它以电路与系统、信号与信息处理、电磁场与微波等理论为基础,研究各种信息如语音、文字、图像、雷达、遥感信息等的处理、交换及无线、电缆、光缆等的传输,在此基础上研究和发展各种电子与信息系统。Professional training with the electronic technology and information systems knowledge base, be engaged in all kinds of electronic equipment and information systems research, design, manufacture, application and development of high-level engineering talent. May engage in signal processing, tran *** ission, switching and detection technology research and teaching work, electronic equipment and systems development, production and application, electronic technology, puter technology and the application and development of microwave technology, application and development. 本专业培养具备电子技术和信息系统的基础知识,能从事各类电子设备和信息系统的研究、设计、制造、应用和开发的高等工程技术人才。 可从事信号的处理、传输、交换及检测技术的研究与教学工作,电子设备与系统的研制、生产与应用,电子技术及计算机技术应用与开发,微波技术的研究、应用及开发工作。Trunk disciplines : electronic science and technology, information and munication engineering, puter science and technology. 主干学科:电子科学与技术、信息与通信工程、计算机科学与技术。 Main courses : Series circuit theory courses, puter technology courses, information theory and coding, Signals and systems, digital signal processing, electromagic theory, control theory, sensor technology. 主要课程:电路理论系列课程、计算机技术系列课程、信息理论与编码、信号与系统、数字信号处理、电磁场理论、自动控制原理、感测技术等。Major professional experiments : the professional pleted at least one direction of a team of professional experiments.要专业实验:至少完成本专业某一方向的一组专业实验。 拓展资料:电子信息工程专业是一个电子和信息工程方面的专业。该专业学生主要学习信号的获取与处理、电厂设备信息系统等方面的专业知识,受到电子与信息工程实践的基本训练,具备设计、开发、应用和集成电子设备和信息系统的应用基本能力。 电子信息工程专业培养具备电子技术和信息系统的基础知识,能从事各类电子设备和信息系统的研究、设计、制造、应用和开发的高等工程技术人才。参考资料:电子信息工程专业-百度百科。 3. 英语作文:为什么选择电子信息工程专业 Why did I choose electronic information engineering? The future of student is a mystery, the professional is the answer! Selection of electronic information engineering is the result of my careful consideration from all aspects. Electronic information engineering is an application of puters and other modern electronic information technologies and information processing control subjects, mainly on accessing and processing information, electronic equipment and information systems design, develop, applicate and integrate.Nowadays, electronic information engineering has covered many aspects of society. Along with the social informatization, the industry of electronic information engineering specialty talents are needed,and salary is very high. After graduate,we can engaged in electronic equipment and information systems design, development and application of technology management. For the fun of it, as a living master a skill, for future development better and faster. I choose electronic information engineering. I am willing to use my youth, work hard, achieve the brilliant future!!! 4. 英语作文在电子信息时代你喜欢用哪种工具来拓宽视野电脑 In modern times,the Inter is being more and more 在摩登时代,上网正变得越来越流行,popular,especially,for the middle school students。 Some students think it is good 特别是对于中学生而言。一些同学认为网络对他们很有帮助。 for them to get the useful imformation and study on the Inter。 Besides(另外),他们可以上网查有关学习的有用的资料,在网上学习。 另外they can know about the latest news,widen their field of vision,and gain their 他们还可以了解最新消息、开阔视野,扩大知识面knowledge。 On the other hand,some students chat, paly puter games even scan the bad neork raher than study。 但是,有的同学却不是用来学习的,而是用来聊天、玩游戏,甚至是浏览不良网页。 Meanwhile,a long-time searching on the inter makes their health badly。 而且,长时间的上网会对他们的身心健康造成严重伤害。In my opinion,every coin has o sides,that is to say ,one is bad ,the other one is good。 在我看来,上网没有好坏之分,每一个事物都有两面,一面是好的,另一面就是不好的。So I think bining the entertainment with the study is the best。 因此我认为把娱乐与学习结合起来是最好的。 5. 小学英语看图作文 [小学英语看图作文]小学英语看图作文 (经典文章,与大家分享!)Please look at the picture carefully and tell the class what you see in the picture and how you understand it. Write what you would say on the lines below.Possible version:I think the picture shows us our beautiful earth on which we live. I can see in the picture green grass, trees and butterflies flying happily here and there. What a peaceful and beautiful sight! I can also see a hand, which, I think, stands for every citizen. As is known to all, our earth is being polluted. A lot of animals are endangered. To protect our environment and live in harmony with animals is every citizen"s duty. Only when we realize the importance of our environment can we really do something to solve the problem of pollution.春蚕到死丝方尽,人至期颐亦不休,小学英语看图作文,小学生作文《小学英语看图作文》.一息尚存须努力,留作青年好范畴. —— 吴玉章但愿每次回忆,对生活都不感到负疚 —— 郭小川人的一生可能燃烧也可能腐朽,我不能腐朽,我愿意燃烧起来! —— 奥斯特洛夫斯基你若要喜爱你自己的价值,你就得给世界创造价值. —— 歌德社会犹如一条船,每个人都要有掌舵的准备. —— 易卜生 〔小学英语看图作文〕随文赠言:【失败是什么?没有什么,只是更走近成功一步;成功是什么?就是走过了所有通向失败的路,只剩下一条路,那就是成功的路.】。 6. 考研英语看图作文怎么 看图作文在英语作文中是大家普遍缺乏练习的一种类型,一个提高的方式就是看范例和点评,针对其中的错误进行自我修正。 养老“足球赛”: 写作原文 As is depicted in the picture, a poor old man, rolling like a football, is kicked beeen(改为among,注意beeen和among的区别,beeen表示在两者之间,among则表示在三者或三者以上之间) his three sons and daughter(改为a daughter)。 Unwilling to be responsible for their father ,the daughter and sons spare no effort to kick the old man as far as possible。 We are irritated to see in the picture(建议放到句首或句末) the pathetic fact that these people go to any length to avoid surporting(拼写错误,改为supporting) their parents。 Unfortunately, what we have seen in the picture isn"t a rare phenomenon。 However,what factor it is that results in this situation? (汉语式英语,改为what is the cause of this situation?) For one thing, in my opinion, the decreased importance attached to the moral education contributes to the lack of ethnic conception,leading (建议改为定语从句,which leads)to the consequence that paople(拼写错误,改为people) don "t esteem and(改为or,肯定句中用and,否定句中用or) value their parents。 For another, faced with the pressure of work and house installment, young people can hardly make ends meet, let alone taking good care of their old parents who is(改为are,定语从句的先行词为parents,从句中的谓语动词应用are) fragile to a sudden disease such as heart attack。 There is no denying that further attention must be paid to the problem by the government。 To handle this worsening situation, more money should be involed(拼写错误,改为involved) in the pension to guarantee the daily life of old people。 In addition, instead of merely focusing on the scores, schools ought to put more stress on moral education。(结尾较为仓促,可适当添加总结性的话语) 总体点评 考研作文的整体思路你已经基本掌握;但还存在个别简单的语法错误、单词拼写错误及汉语式英语的问题。 建议作者多读、多积累好的词汇及句子;之后可按照佳句进行模仿,以达到用地道的英语表达方式描述自己想法的目的;再者,写完之后一定要认真检查,减少失分点。 参考分数(满分20分):12 英语写作水平的提升需要不断地练习,在改正错误中不断取得进步,不怕犯错误,怕明知道犯错误却不面对。 看了范文和点评,希望大家有思考,有提高。 7. 英文作文:介绍电子产品 电脑,是所有家用电器之王。 电脑是工作所需要的工具。电脑能给我们带来娱乐;电脑可以上网查找资料;电脑可以帮助我们学习;电脑可以上网聊天…… 以前的电脑是不能够上网的,只能做些简单的计算。 可现在不同了,不仅可以上网,还可以发电子邮件呢!电子邮件可比写信要方便.快捷.省钱多了,还很安全呢。在当今这个大世界里,电脑可不止一家生产了,什么牌子的都有,什么LG.海儿呀,多得数不清。 这还不算什么呢!你看现在的电脑大小,简直就是…… 回忆一下,世界的第一台电脑,竟然有一个足球场那样大呢。在看看现在吧,电脑只有一本书这样薄。 两个相比较,真是天壤之别啊。说了那么多,可还没有了解电脑的外形和用法呢!电脑的外形颜色一般是银.灰.黑这三种颜色。 电脑是由主机.键盘.显示屏.鼠标音响等组合成的。如果你想打开显示屏上的任意一个文件的话,你就右手拿着鼠标双击两下就可以打开你想要的那个文件了;如果你想输入什么或想打字进入电脑,那就需要用键盘了。 键盘上有26个英文字母和一些数字还有功能。一但要打字,你就按那26个英文字母;需要数字的话就按你要的那个数字就行了。 只要你认真的去学,不管多困难多可以克服的!电脑是多么的神奇呀!它为人们提供了方便,也给人们的生活增添了无穷的乐趣本(至于事件,自己在中间穿插一件就可以)。
2023-07-20 17:38:001


  在日常的学习、工作、生活中,大家都跟作文打过交道吧,借助作文可以宣泄心中的情感,调节自己的心情。你知道作文怎样才能写的好吗?下面是我帮大家整理的英语话题作文8篇,仅供参考,欢迎大家阅读。 英语话题作文 篇1    一、英语话题作文写作的四大要素   1.点睛的结尾   俗话说,“编筐编篓,全在收口”,最后一段在整篇文章中也是占有举足轻重的位置。在英语话题作文的结尾段不能有拖泥带水的现象,要确实的表明作者的观点,并提出较为深远的深刻含义,最好是能够提出个人的见解,并给读者以启发,引发读者和评卷人的深思。此段的写作还对学生的总结及概括能力进行考核,争取用最简练的语句来表达清楚自己的观点和见解,最好还可以运用到实际的例子进行阐释和分析,这样更具有说服力,也更能使阅读者产生共鸣。   2.漂亮的句式   一篇优秀的英语话题作文文章,不仅要有新颖的主题思想、清晰的文章结构,与此同时,还要有漂亮的句式作为点缀和修饰。漂亮句式的运用不仅可以增加文章的结构感,还可以使文章具有可读性,这就要求同学们在日常的英语学习中勤加练习、提高文笔、熟练的造句。首先,在文章中要运用多个句型,随时的变换句式,给阅读人以新鲜感,这样作文的句子也增添了许多色彩;其次,使学生更加熟练的掌握各种句式的运用,在简单句式的基础上,使用一些定语从句、强调句以及倒装句来提高整篇作文的水平,使自己的文章更上一个档次,更具有可读性;再者,还可以在写作过程中多采用谚语以及名人名言等句子,这样即可以增加文章的逻辑性,又可以梳理段落之间的顺序主次。    二、创新教学模式   1.增加师生之间的交流   从教学角度来讲,活跃的课堂气氛是学生学习效率的至关因素,增加课堂中的师生交流是创新教学的新模式。以教师为主体,学生也为主体,以师生互动的方式进行主动的交流和学习,这样可以缓解学生紧张的情绪。在课堂中,教师组织学生进行话题作文的分析,引领学生主动的参与到情景教学中来,充分的发挥想象力,结合实际的应用和热点话题,进行交流和学习。促进全体师生学习和讨论的意识,在思考中得到提升和发展。互动教学是师生交往的一个平台,教和学要均衡发展。   2.小组之间的互相学习   教师在课堂教学中可以采用分组的教学学习方法,充分发挥小组学习的优势,这样不仅可以更容易的集中学生的注意力,还可以活跃课堂的气氛,减少学生的紧张心理。教师在授课过程中提出一个话题,让同学们以小组为单位进行讨论,分析话题作文之后,每个小组选出代表将分析的结果进行讲诉,最后由教师进行总结和点评。在不断的讨论中师生共同进步和学习。随着英语这一语种的不断发展,越来越多的人重视学习英语的重要性,随之而来的是对英语写作水平的不断提升。英语的作文水平可以反映出个人的英语整体水平,而其中的话题作文写作更是考验学生的创新思维和应变能力,其写作水平不是一朝一夕就能够得到提高的,它需要长时间的积累和学习,同学们通过阅读大量的优秀的文章,进行临摹和分析,积累经典的句式和句型,在不同的话题作文写作中运用到,为自己的作文增添色彩。    三、结语   综上所述,通过以上的分析和策略,为我国学生的话题写作水平提供了参考和依据,同时也为我国的英语教学事业提供了发展的方向。 英语话题作文 篇2   About three decades ago, China was known as the “Bicycle Kingdom”. But the two-wheeled mode (方式) of transport"s popularity began to fade, with many bikes soon replaced by their fuel-powered competitors.   大约在30年前,中国被称为“自行车王国”。但随着自行车不久被燃油驱动的汽车所取代,这种双轮交通方式的热度开始衰退。   But recent months have seen a revival (复兴) of the humble (普通的) bike across China, with an increasing number of people choosing cycling instead of driving to schools, to workplaces or to do   sightseeing. The introduction of bike-sharing schemes, pioneered by start-ups (新兴公司) like Ofo and Mobike, has brought the trend to a new level.   但在近几个月中,中国大地上见证了一场普通自行车的复兴,越来越多的人选择骑车上班上学、游览观光,而非驾车出行。而由Ofo、摩拜单车等新兴公司发起的共享单车计划,则将这一趋势带向了一个新高度以共享单车为话题的精选英语作文以共享单车为话题的精选英语作文。   According to data compiled (编制) by iResearch Consulting Group, the first week of this year saw 5.85 million active users of Mobike while Ofo had 1.4 million active users.   根据艾瑞咨询集团整理的数据显示,在本年度的第一周中,摩拜单车共有585万活跃用户,而Ofo则有140万。   People can unlock the shared bikes by simply using their smartphone. The bikes are equipped with GPS and can be left anywhere in public for the next user. They"re popular among many Chinese people as they provide an effective solution to the “last mile” problem, which refers to the final leg of a person"s journey.   仅凭自己的智能手机,人们就能解锁这种共享单车。这些单车都装有全球定位系统,可以被放在公共场合的任何地方,等待下一位用户使用。它们受到了许多中国人的.欢迎,因为它们有效地解决了“最后一公里”难题,即个人行程中的最后一段。   “In places where the subway doesn"t extend (延伸到), where it"s difficult to change from one kind of transport to another, it"s so easy to get where you want to go with Mobike,” Hu Hong, 29, told AFP. She pedals (骑自行车) to her Shanghai real-estate (房地产) job.   “在地铁线路覆盖不到的地方,很难换乘其他交通,用摩拜单车去你想去的地方就简单多了,”29岁的胡红(音译)在接受法新社采访时表示。在上海从事房地产行业的她都是骑自行车去上班的以共享单车为话题的精选英语作文作文。   However, the schemes have also led to problems such as illegal parking, vandalism (故意破坏) and theft.   然而,这一计划也出现了一些问题,如非法停车,故意破坏和偷窃等。   免责声明:本文仅代表作者个人观点,与本网无关。 英语话题作文 篇3   例:假设你叫李华,你的外国朋友John想了解中国的春节,请根据以下提纲,给他写一封短信:   1、春节在中国人中的地位   2、春节前,人们……   3、春节期间,人们…… 参考词汇:对联couplet 爆竹firecracker   Dear John,   How time flies! Four moths have passed since we saw each other last time. I cannot helpbut miss you. You asked me about Chinese Spring Festival. Now I would like to tell yousomething about it.The Spring Festival is a Chinese traditional festival. It is the most important and enjoyable one. A few days before the festival, houses are cleaned and red couplets are put up on the doors of every household. They are said to frighten away the ghosts. On that day, people are dressed up. Firecrackers ring out in the air, which adds to the atmosphere of the festival. People after a year"s hard work begin to relax and visit one another. Presents and dinners are given to celebrate the happy reunion of friends and relatives. Families get together. They have jiaozi and enjoy the New Year TV show. Customs may vary from place to place, but the same happy atmosphere is to be found everywhere in the country.   Now, I hope you have some idea of Chinese Spring Festival.   Best wishes,   Yours,   Li Hua   亲爱的翰,   时光飞逝!自从我们上次见面以来,四个月过去了。我不能不想你。你问我关于春节的。现在我想告诉你一些关于它。春节是中国的传统节日。它是最重要和最令人愉快的。节日前几天,房子都打扫干净了,每个家庭的门都贴着红对联。他们被说要吓跑鬼魂。在那一天,人们打扮起来。鞭炮在空中响起,这增加了节日的气氛。人们经过一年的努力工作开始放松和互相拜访。礼物和晚餐都是为了庆祝朋友和亲戚的幸福团圆。家庭聚在一起。他们吃饺子,享受新年的电视节目。不同的风俗习惯会有所不同,但在全国各地都可以找到相同的欢乐气氛。   现在,我希望你有一些想法的中国春节。   最美好的祝愿,   你的,   李华 英语话题作文 篇4    约定 The Appointment   Last night, my best friend and I see a funny movie. In the movie, the little boy made an appointment with his friends in ten years. So I was inspired, we also decided to make an appointment. We wrote something in the books and we hided it. We promised to see it in five years. It must be very interesting when we see it.    【参考译文】   昨晚,我和我最好的朋友看了一部有趣的电影。在电影中,小男孩和他的朋友有个十年之约。因此,我受到了启发。我跟我朋友也决定来个约定。我们在书上写了一些话,并且藏起来。我们承诺五年后再看。当我们看的时候,一定会非常有趣。 英语话题作文 篇5    作文话题:   Sex Education   1. 现在人们越来越重视性教育   2. 开展性教育的意义   3. 家庭、学校、社会应该怎么做    范文:   Sex Education   China has long been considered a conservative country where people try to avoid talking about sex, especially to children. But things have started to change as people attach more importance to sex education. Now an increasing number of schools begin to offer sex education to students.   Sex education, especially at an earlier age, is vital for childrens growth. First, sex education provides children with the information they need to understand their bodies and gender roles in positive ways. Second, it boosts the likelihood that teens delay having sex. Third, it helps to prevent unwanted consequences such as premature pregnancy, HIV infection or AIDS.   To launch sex education correctly, parents, schools and the whole society should make joint efforts. At home, instead of telling the children that they were picked up on the street, parents should answer childrens questions honestly. In schools, especially high schools, sex education needs to go further, focusing, explicitly if possible, on safe sex. As for the society, it should lift taboo on sex and provide more channels for children to learn about sex. 英语话题作文 篇6   There are four seasons in a year, and I hate winter the most. In my hometown, we don"t have heating system to get warmed, so indoor just as cold as outdoor. The icy wind is blowing on your face and you just feel like you would become a Popsicle. Getting out of bed just become harder and harder as the temperature drops lower. What"s worse, when you try to write your homework, you just can"t feel your hands anymore because of the cold weather. I really envy the people who live in the north for they can stay inside to enjoy the heat, just like living in the spring. Oh, how I wish the winter can pass quickly!   一年有四个季节,而我最讨厌冬天。在我家乡,我们没有暖气系统来取暖,所以室内室外一样冷。凛冽的寒风吹在你的脸上让你感觉自己就要变成了冰棍。起床也随着温度的降低变得越来越困难。更糟糕的是,当你要写作业时,你都感觉不到自己的手了!因为太冷了!我真的很羡慕那些住在北方的人们,因为他们可以在室内享受暖气,就像春天一样舒服。噢,我真希望冬天能快点过去啊! 英语话题作文 篇7   政府缩短了“五一”黄金周,增加中秋节等传统节日为假日。China Daily对此作了调查。请你根据调查结果写一篇短文,并在文中表明你的观点。   支持 69% 反对 31% 你的观点 1 “五一”黄金周旅游景点门票价格飙涨、人多, 导致交通拥挤 1 “五一”黄金周促进旅游业发展 …… 2 缩短假期有效缓解交通、旅游压力 2 对经济增长有积极作用 3 传统节日内涵丰富,定为假日有利于传承中华文明 3 频繁放假影响生产秩序   注意:   1. 对所给要点,不要简单翻译,要有适当发挥;   2. 字数150。短文开头已写好,不计入词数。   One possible version:   Recently the government has shorten Labor Day Golden Week holiday and included some traditional holidays such as Mid-Autumn Festival. China Daily conducted a survey about it. Opinions are pided on this decision.   69% of the people involved in the survey are strongly in favor of the holiday proposal. There are many reasons for the adjustment of holidays because it is obvious that Labor Day Golden Week holiday contributes to many problems. Firstly, during Labor Day Golden Week holiday, ticket fees are overcharged. And tourists flood scenic spots, thus causing serious traffic jams. Secondly, shrinking the lengthy holiday is a most effective way to release the great pressure on traffic and tourist systems. Besides, it is well-known that Chinese traditional festivals are rich in content. So making them into holidays helps to carry on the Chinese civilization.   However, there are 31% against the shortening. They argue that Labor Day Golden Week holiday can promote the tourist industry and add fuel to the economic development/growth. Worse still, high frequency of holidays will affect the current production order.   In my opinion, Golden week holidays benefit people"s lives, make people feel refreshed and also promote domestic consumption. Meanwhile, Chinese festival holidays help to preserve Chinese traditional civilization. All in all, more holidays are always welcome.   最近政府缩短劳动节黄金周假期,包括一些传统节日如中秋节。中国日报的情况进行了调查。在这个决策意见有分歧。参与调查的人69%都强烈的建议假期忙。因为很明显,劳动节黄金周假期有很多问题是节假日调整的原因很多。首先,劳动节黄金周期间,门票费多收。和游客涌入景区,造成交通严重堵塞。其次,减少假期对旅游交通系统释放的巨大压力的最有效途径。此外,众所周知,中国的传统节日内容丰富。所以定为假日有助于进行中国文明。然而,有反对缩短31%。他们认为,劳动节黄金周假期可以促进旅游业和添加燃料的经济成长。更糟的是,节假日高频率会影响当前的生产订单。在我看来,黄金周期间惠及百姓生活,让人感到神清气爽,同时促进国内消费。与此同时,中国的节日有助于保存中国传统文明。总之,更多的假期总是受欢迎的。 英语话题作文 篇8   In order to support Beijing to hold the 20xx Olympic Games and protect our environment, an activity was organized by the Young League and Student"s Union of our school during the week from June 3rd to June 8th. All the students in the senior grades took active part in it. Some students cleaned the playground, watered the young trees andflowers, and removed weeds. Some students collected waste paper, old books, empty cans and old toys. They had them sorted and sent them to the recycling center.The activity is really instructive. Now we all have realized how important protecting the environment is.
2023-07-20 17:38:101


2023-07-20 17:38:182


尊敬的Bool 先生,我们很乐意地邀请您参加我们的年会。今年的年会将在八二十日至二十四日期间在诺丁汉大学举行。我们随函附寄了关于本次年会的详细说明,住宿安排自己商业活动计划。去年您给我们带来了一场题为“学术之标准与展望”的精彩演讲。若您能给我们带来关于该主题的更新内容,我们将不胜感激。愿您能在百忙中回信确认参加。
2023-07-20 17:38:264

求一篇英语daily report 字数在300子这样、内容有趣、少用高级词汇

Good morning,today is my turn to do a daily report.We all know that an important issue of language is the translation. Because there are many differences in customs and cultures in different countries,translation content will be poles apart from that.Light may simply cause a misunderstanding joke,but in the important occasions,a small translation error may cause many serious consequences.Therefore,today I would like to discuss translation issue. First please appreciate this poem.This is one of very familiar ancient poem.Now I would like to show this poem in English translation.After reading,I wonder if you would like that translated versions.In fact we do not have many opportunities for translating the ancient poetry,but like translating dish name and film name is still very common. So how will the country"s cultural essence of the Natural translated into the languages of other countries,so that people will not feel nonsensical,this should be studied in depth.At this point,some Chinese tanslators do very good.Because of their translation,we could read Jane Eyre,read floating masterpiece,and people of all countries can communicate with each other in the the spirit. I hope some of our students can be translators in the near future,at that time It"s your turn to solve this problem.
2023-07-20 17:39:011


保持一个健康良好的心态。这对一个有品位的男人来说,是最重要的。在这个鱼龙混杂的社会中,感情上受到伤害在所难免,但是应该学会正确的看待感情挫折,能够保持一个健康良好的心态对你颇为有益。 Keep a healthy mind. This is the most important thing for a man with good taste. In this mixed society, it"s inevitable to be hurt emotionally, but it"s good for you to learn to treat emotional setbacks correctly and keep a healthy and good attitude. 要有孝心爱心和同情心。这是最后一条,品位其实最重要的还是看内在的东西,外在的东西可以短时间内改变,而内在的东西不是短时间内培养出来的。显而易见,一个衣着干净时尚的帅哥,如果对自己的父母不孝顺,自私自利,没有半点同情心,只能说他连最基本的人都没做好,品位就更谈不上。一个有品位的男人,除了应该注意自己的穿着相貌之外,还应该有孝心爱心和同情心。一个内心温和,心存善念的男人是大家都欢迎的。 Be filial, loving and compassionate. This is the last one. In fact, the most important thing is to look at the internal things. The external things can be changed in a short time, while the internal things are not cultivated in a short time. It is obvious that a handsome man in clean and fashionable clothes, if he is not filial to his parents, selfish, and has no compassion, can only say that he has not done well with the most basic people, not to mention taste. A man with good taste should not only pay attention to his appearance, but also have filial love and compassion. A man with a gentle heart and a good heart is welcome. 饮酒要适度。现在的生活中完全不喝酒几乎不可能,但是喝酒要适度,如果可能,以红酒为最好。即显的高档,又有情调。白酒是应酬用的,日常就可免则免。啤酒适度就好,反正如果喝酒到吐,则不免酒后丑态百出。 Drink in moderation. It"s almost impossible not to drink at all in our life now, but drink moderately. If possible, red wine is the best. It is not only high-grade but also emotional. White wine is used for social intercourse, which can be avoided in daily life. Moderate beer is good, anyway, if you drink to vomit, you will be ugly after drinking. 他肤色白皙,五官清秀中带着一抹俊俏,帅气中又带着一抹温柔!他身上散发出来的气质好复杂,像是各种气质的混合,但在那些温柔与帅气中,又有着他自己独特的空灵与俊秀! He has a fair complexion, handsome features with a touch of beauty, handsome with a touch of gentleness! His temperament is very complex, like a mixture of all kinds of temperament, but in those gentle and handsome, he has his own unique spirit and handsome! 他地耳朵白里透红,耳轮分明,外圈和里圈很均匀,像是一件雕镂出来地艺术品。 His ears are white and red. The earrings are clear. The outer and inner rings are very even. It looks like a carved work of art. 保持适度运动,锻炼肌肉身材。作为一个男人来讲,有肌肉线条充满阳刚之气的身材还是十分有吸引力的,而且健康的身体是良好生活的基础。如果时间和金钱允许,可以去健身房锻炼一下,这也是几乎每个小资的有品位的男人日常生活的一部分。 Keep moderate exercise and build muscle. As a man, it"s very attractive to have a muscular body full of masculinity, and a healthy body is the basis of a good life. If time and money allow, you can go to the gym for exercise, which is also part of the daily life of almost every petty bourgeois man with taste. 穿衣打扮要合适整齐。不管是运动装西装还是休闲装,搭配要合适,衣服要合身整齐,还有你的鞋,如果是球鞋和休闲鞋,保持干净,如果是皮鞋,注意经常擦油,使之变得光亮。 Dress properly and neatly. Whether it"s a sportswear suit or a casual wear, the matching should be appropriate, the clothes should fit neatly, as well as your shoes. If it"s sneakers and casual shoes, keep them clean. If it"s leather shoes, pay attention to frequent oiling to make them bright. 对香烟的态度。我自己的态度是香烟可免则免,当然,如果你有抽烟的习惯,那也不妨碍你做一个有品位的男人。其实有时候,手中一只香烟,嘴里吞云吐雾,也显得很man,有种独特的味道。当然,抽咽的男人不要让自己有一股很难闻的烟味,这个可以用勤洗澡和加点男用香水解决。 Attitude towards cigarettes. My own attitude is that cigarettes are free, of course, if you have the habit of *** oking, it does not prevent you from being a man of taste. In fact, sometimes, a cigarette in your hand, with a puff in your mouth, is also very man-made and has a unique taste. Of course, the man who *** oked does not allow himself to have a very bad *** ell of *** oke, which can be resolved by frequent bathing and some male perfume. 墨蓝色的碎发被风吹乱,却添了几分不羁。菱角分明的轮廓深邃绝美的眼粉红的薄唇肤如凝脂外加黄金比例的模特身材,天吖,那是人么? The broken black blue hair is disturbed by the wind, but it adds a bit of unruly. Water chestnut clear outline deep and beautiful eyes, pink thin lips, skin like curd and golden proportion of the model"s figure, tianacra, is that a person? 适当多了解一些时尚信息。毕竟社会在发展,时代在进步,男人也是处在这个社会和时代最前沿的一个群体,所以,如果经济条件允许,可以多了解一些时尚的信息,包括最新的电影时装手机,比较有名气的衣服鞋袜的品牌,一些常用的网络语言等等,但是,关注时尚不等于盲目崇拜,不要以为花费大量金钱穿名牌用名牌就是有品位,那就错了。 Learn more about fashion. After all, the society is developing and the times are advancing. Men are also a group at the forefront of the society and the times. Therefore, if the economic conditions allow, you can learn more about fashion information, including the latest movie fashion phones, more famous clothing, footwear brands, some common work languages, etc., but paying attention to fashion does not mean blind worship. Don"t It"s a mistake to think that spending a lot of money to wear famous brands is tasteful. 浓密的眉毛叛逆地稍稍向上扬起,长而微卷的睫毛下,有着一双像朝露一样清澈的眼睛,英挺的鼻梁,像玫瑰花瓣一样 *** 的嘴唇,还有白皙的皮肤。 The thick eyebrows rise up a little rebelliously. Under the long and curly eyelashes, there are a pair of eyes as clear as the dew, a strong nose, lips as pink as rose petals, and white skin. 经常看看书,增加自己的内涵。经常看看各类书,包括人文社会经济时尚等,多看书对你只有益处,他会使你懂的更多,看得更开。一个肤浅的人是无论如何不会变的有品位的。 Read books often to increase your own connotation. Read all kinds of books regularly, including humanities, social economy and fashion. Reading more books is only good for you. It will make you understand more and read more. A superficial person will never change to have taste. 敢爱敢恨,敢怒敢言,敢说敢做,敢做敢当。真正的男人可以一无所有但却拥有天下,真正的男人也会借酒浇愁但却不会一蹶不振。真正的男人豪爽坦荡但并不缺乏谋略,真正的男人可以诡秘而不鬼祟。真正的男人未必是成功的男人,但真正的男人即使是失败了也绝不气馁。真正的男人狂放而不傲慢,真正的男人谦逊而不自卑。真正的男人果断刚毅,真正的男人百折不挠。 Dare to love, dare to hate, dare to anger, dare to say, dare to do, dare to do. A real man can have nothing but the world. A real man can drink and drown his sorrows, but he will not fall down. The real man is straightforward but not lack of strategy. The real man can be secretive but not furtive. A real man may not be a successful man, but a real man will never be discouraged even if he fails. The real man is unrestrained but not arrogant, and the real man is humble but not humble. The real man is resolute and resolute, the real man is indomitable. 他身材魁梧,浓眉方脸,相貌威武。那身穿水墨色衣头戴一片毡巾的,生得风流韵致,自然是个才子。 He is a big man with thick eyebrows, square face and powerful appearance. The man in the ink color suit and a felt towel is naturally a talented man. 他穿一身惨绿罗衣,头发以竹簪束起,身上一股不同于兰麝的木头的香味。天边晚云渐收,淡天琉璃。惨绿少年的脸如桃杏,姿态闲雅,尚余孤瘦雪霜姿,少年瞳仁灵动,水晶珠一样的吸引人。 He was dressed in a miserable green robe, his hair was tied up with a bamboo hairpin, and his body *** elled different from the wood of blue musk deer. In the sky, the clouds are gathering in the evening and the glaze is fading. Pale green boy"s face is like peach and apricot. His posture is elegant. He is still lonely, thin, snowy and frosty. His pupils are flexible and crystal beads are attractive. 人可以诡秘而不鬼祟。真正的男人未必是成功的男人,但真正的男人即使是失败了也绝不气馁。真正的男人狂放而不傲慢,真正的男人谦逊而不自卑。真正的男人果断刚毅,真正的男人百折不挠。 People can be secretive rather than furtive. A real man may not be a successful man, but a real man will never be discouraged even if he fails. The real man is unrestrained but not arrogant, and the real man is humble but not humble. The real man is resolute and resolute, the real man is indomitable. 他站在阳台上出神。深邃的目光藏在袅袅的烟气中,不知所踪。那午后的阳光却已经早早爬上了他古铜色挺拔的脊梁,用深红色的热情努力将流连不去的水珠儿通通扫光。 He stood on the balcony entranced. Deep eyes hidden in the curl of *** oke, I do not know. The afternoon sun had already climbed up his bronze back early, and with deep red enthusia *** , he tried to sweep away the lingering water drops. 少年坐在盛开的樱花树下,头发黑玉般有淡淡的光泽,脖颈处的肌肤细致如美瓷。一阵微风,花瓣轻盈飘落,晶莹如雪,细细碎碎,仿佛听到了她的脚步声,少年轻轻侧转回头来。 The youth sits under the blooming cherry tree, the hair has a light luster like black jade, and the skin at the neck is as delicate as porcelain. A breeze, petals light falling, crystal like snow, fine pieces, as if to hear her footsteps, the youth gently turned back. 可以有适当的佩饰。可以选择一枚精巧的戒指,一条恰到好处的项链等,适当的佩饰能彰显您对品位的追求,但是,佩饰的佩戴也有学问。一般,男士的项链不要过粗,戒指一枚就好,以银和白金为最好,黄金的就有点俗气。 There can be appropriate accessories. You can choose an exquisite ring, a just necklace, etc. appropriate accessories can show your pursuit of taste, but the wearing of accessories also has knowledge. Generally, men"s necklaces should not be too thick. A ring is good. Silver and platinum are the best. Gold is a bit tacky. 光清白净的脸庞,透着棱角分明的冷俊;乌黑艰深的眼眸,泛沉迷人的光华;那稠密的眉,高挺的鼻,绝美的唇形,无一不在声张着崇高与优雅,这,这哪里是人,这根柢就是童话中的白马王子嘛! The clear and white face is full of and sharp edges; the dark and hard eyes are full of charming brilliance; the dense eyebrows, high nose and beautiful lips are all noble and elegant. This is where people are. This is the prince charming in the fairy tale! 一张坏坏的笑脸,连两道浓浓的眉毛也浮现柔柔的涟漪,好像一贯都带着笑意,弯弯的,像是夜空里雪白的上弦月。白净的皮肤衬托着淡淡桃白色的嘴唇,俊美突出的五官,完善的脸型,出格是左耳闪着粗通亮光的钻石耳钉,给他的阳光帅气中插手了一丝不羁。 A bad *** ile, even two thick eyebrows also appear soft ripples, as if always with a *** ile, curved, like the white moon in the night sky. The white and clean skin sets off the pale peach white lips, the beautiful and outstanding facial features, the perfect face shape, especially the rough and bright diamond earrings shining in the left ear, which gives him a touch of unruly in the sunshine and handsome. 爱护自己的容貌,保持清爽干净的脸和发型。这是很重要的,也是有品位的男人区别于邋遢男人的最明显区别,当然,对于阳光男人而言,好像都特别注重自己的容貌,男用祛逗的洁肤产品和一些常用的保养品,一般是他们必备的。其实,只要保持自己的脸清爽干净就好,但是,不要过于浓妆艳裹,把自己弄的很女气反而不好。同样的,香水可以用,淡淡的香水味可以增加你的魅力,如果刺鼻的味道就会让你变成另类。发型可以多变时尚,但是不要夸张,精干的毛寸绝对比爆炸头和乱发强。 Take good care of your appearance and keep your face and hair fresh and clean. It"s very important. It"s also the most obvious difference between a man with good taste and a slovenly man. Of course, for a sunny man, it seems that he pays special attention to his appearance. The cleansing products and some commonly used maintenance products for men are generally necessary for them. In fact, as long as you keep your face fresh and clean, but don"t make up too much, it"s not good to make yourself very feminine. Similarly, perfume can be used, and subtle perfume can increase your charm, if pungent taste will make you an offbeat. Hairstyle can be changeable and fashionable, but don"t exaggerate. The fine hair size is better than explosive head and random hair.
2023-07-20 17:39:081

英语句子解析!求助!Your maoney pays to look after the animals.

第一句pay 的含义是有好处, 你的钱会对保护动物有益处。 第二句help protect 是省略了动词不定式符号to, help to protect the animals .
2023-07-20 17:39:206


Warring States, Song of a farmer, and every day when he went to the fields to work hard to maintain family life. One day, which seems to be quite the same to the farmers working in the fields when I saw a rabbit ran very fast. Immediately after darting out from the bushes, they were careful not to call of the head and knocked down at the field. "Look! How such a thing? I am really lucky. If such kind of a daily basis, presented by the rabbit, harvest more than a plow? busy busy work in the fields but also incomplete. It is much easier ah rabbit found in the tree? "The farmer confidence in, it picked up the rabbit went home. From then on, which farmers do not plow the fields, the daily sat on the edge of the large trees, plane trees waiting for the rabbit to suicide. One day weeks later, and did not wait for a rabbit, but that the farmer did not throw in the towel. Every day, I sat in trees or. "Hmm! I do not believe that! Not so today, tomorrow, always wait! "Over several months, it did not pick up the rabbit. Description of the shadow never even rabbits! It plots the farmers, but also because it"s been so long without farming, are lying fallow.
2023-07-20 17:40:063


1.Mr. Woods : I"d like a double room for tonight. Clerk : Do you have a reservation? Mr. Woods : Yes. I called you last week from New York. My name is George Woods. Clerk : Wait a second , please. (She checks the computer.) Yes, Mr. Woods, we have a room reserved for you. How long do you plan to stay? Mr. Woods : Probably two days. My wife will join me tomorrow. Then we"ll decide when to leave for Seattle. Clerk : Would you sign the register, please? Mr. Woods : By the way, does my room have a private bath? Clerk : Certainly. Every room in this hotel has a private bath. Mt. Woods : Does my room have twin beds or a double ? I prefer a room with twin beds. Clerk : Your room has twin beds, Mr. Woods. It also has a view. I"m sure you"ll like it....This is your key. It"s on the eighth floor, room 801. The elevator is over there. Mr. Woods : Thank you. One more thing, where is your restaurant? Clerk : The restaurant is on the second floor. We also have a cafeteria on the top floor. If you would like something to drink, you can either call room service or come down here. The bar is right behind the lobby. Mr. Woods : Thank you. You"re very kind. Clerk : You"re welcome.2.KATHLEEN: Are you cold?HANK: Yes, a little.KATHLEEN: I wonder if we can change the temperature.HANK: I tried before. There are no buttons on the air conditioning.KATHLEEN: There must be buttons. How do they turn it on and off?HANK: I think it is centrally controlled. They control it at the main desk.KATHLEEN: Well, they have it too cold in here.I want to be warmer. I won"t be able to sleep.HANK: I"m going downstairs for more drinking water. I will ask them.KATHLEEN: What did they say about the air conditioning?HANK: They said it is centrally controlled.All the rooms are the same. They can"t change it.KATHLEEN: That"s stupid. How can I sleep in this?HANK: You can wear more clothes.KATHLEEN: Did you ask them to send more blankets up?These blankets they use are too thin.HANK: No, I didn"t think of it.KATHLEEN: I will call them. VOICEOVER: Front desk.KATHLEEN: Hello. Yes. I would like some more blankets in my room. It"s too cold.VOICEOVER: And your room number, Ma"am? KATHLEEN: I"m in room 224. We need a lot of blankets.VOICEOVER: Alright, I"ll have someone bring them right away.KATHLEEN: Thank you. May I ask you one more thing?VOICEOVER: Of course, Ma"am.KATHLEEN: My husband and I would like a wake-up call tomorrow morning.VOICEOVER: What time would you like that?KATHLEEN: 7:30.VOICEOVER: Alright. A wake-up call at 7:30 AM. Room 224. Anything else?KATHLEEN: No, nothing else.凯瑟琳:你冷吗?汉克:有一点凯瑟琳:我在想可不可以调温度。汉克:我试过了,空调上没有按钮。凯瑟琳:一定有的,不然他们怎么开和关呢?汉克:我想这是中央空调,他们在主机上控制。凯瑟琳:这里太冷了。我要温度高一点,否则我会睡不着。汉克:我正要下楼再拿些水喝,顺便去问问看。凯瑟琳:他们怎么说?汉克:他们说这是中央空调。所有房间都一样,没办法只调这间。凯瑟琳:真是太蠢了,这样怎么睡呢?汉克:你可以多穿点衣服。凯瑟琳:你有叫他们多送一些毯子上来吗?这些毯子太薄了。汉克:我没想到。凯瑟琳:我来打电话好了。接线生:柜台,您好。凯瑟琳:喂,我想多要一些毯子,房间里面太冷了。接线生:请问你的房间号码是?凯瑟琳:224 ,我们需要很多毯子。接线生:好的,我立刻请人送过去。凯瑟琳:谢谢,可以再拜托一件事吗?接线生:当然可以。凯瑟琳:我先生和我想要明天早上的起床服务。接线生:几点钟呢?凯瑟琳:七点半。接线生:好的,224 号房,早上七点半起床服务。还需要其它的吗?凯瑟琳:不用了。3.Guest: Hello, I"d like to check in please. 你好,我想入住贵酒店。 Hotel staff: Certainly. Can I have the name please? 当然可以,能把姓名给我吗? Guest: Mr Harold Smith. Harold Smith先生。 Hotel staff: Ok, Are you checking out tomorrow?好的,您是明天退房吗? Guest: Yes, I am. That"s right. 是的没错,是明天退房。 Hotel staff: Will you need a wake up call, sir? 先生您需要唤醒服务吗? Guest: Yes please. At 6.30am. 是的,请在早上6.30唤醒我。 Hotel staff: Ok then, your room is 502 on the fifth floor. Breakfast is served between 6.30am and 9am. Enjoy your stay.好的。您的房间号码是五层的502房间。早餐是早晨6.30到9点。祝您入住愉快。 Guest: Thank you.谢谢你。 【对话2】: Guest: Good evening, I have a reservation under the name of Tomlinson.晚上好,我有预定,名字是Tomlinson. Hotel staff: Ok I"ve found it. Checking out on the 27th? 好,我找到了。是27日退房吗? Guest: That"s right. 没错。 Hotel staff: Can I take a credit card for the deposit? 我能用您的信用卡划账押金吗? Guest: Yes, sure. Also, I"d like a non-smoking room please. 当然可以。另外,请给我一间无烟房间。 Hotel staff: Certainly madam. Here"s your key. Your room is on the 7th floor and on the left. Room 781. Check out is at 12 noon. 当然可以,女士。这是您的房间钥匙。您的房间在7层左侧,房间号码781。退房需要在中午12点之前。4.1.I"ll take a look at the hotel"s booking situation. 我来查看一下本店房间的预订情况。 2.I"m glad that we"ll be able to accept your extension re-quest. 很高兴我们有办法接受您延长住宿的要求。 3. But I"m afraid that it will be necessary for us to ask you to change rooms for the last two nights. 不过,恐怕最后两天我们得请您搬到别的房间去。 4. We have already let your room to another gentleman. 我们已经把您住的房间租给了另外一位先生。 5. That"s no problem at all. 没问题。 6.And here is your key,Mr.Bradley.Your room number is 1420. 给您房间的钥匙,布拉德利先生。您的房间号码是1420。 7.It is on the 14th floor and the daily rate is$90. 房间在14层,每天的房费是90美元。 8. Please make sure that you have it with you all the time. 请务必随时带着它。 9. My business negotiation has progressed much more slowly than I had expected. 我的业务谈判进行得比我原先预料的慢了许多。 10. I wonder if it is possible for me to extend my stay at this hotel for two days. 我想知道是否可以让我在这儿多呆两天。 11.Yes, we do have a reservation for you. 对了,我们这儿是有您预订的房间。 12.Would you please fill out this form while I prepare your key card for you? 请您把这份表填好,我同时就给您开出入证,好吗? 13.What should I fill in under ROOM NUMBER? “房间号码”这一栏我该怎么填呢? 14.I"ll put in the room number for you later on. 过会儿我来给您填上房间号码。 15.You forgot to put in the date of your departure. 您忘了填写离店日期了。 Dialogue A (酒店对话英语大全之一)A: Good morning,sir.Can I help you? B:Good morning! I have a reservation for a single room with a bath here. A: May I have your name,sir, please? B:Bradley,John Bradley. A:Just a moment,sir, while I look through our list.Yes,we do have a reservation for you,Mr. Bradley.Would you please fill out this form while I prepare your key card for you? B:Yes.Can I borrow your pen for a minute,please? A:Sure.Here you are. B:What should I fill in under ROOM NUMBER? A: You can just skip that. I"ll put in the room number for you later on. B:(After he has completed the form) Here you are.I think I"ve filled in everything correctly. A: Let me see…name, address, nationality,for war ding address, passport number, place of issue, signature and date of departure.Oh,here,sir.Your forgot to put in the date of your departure. Here let me fill it in for you.You are leaving on…? B:October 24. A:Now everything"s in order.And here is your key,Mr.Bradley.Your room number is 1420. It is on the14th floor and the daily rate is$90.Here is your key card with all the information on your booking, the hotel services and the hotel rules and regulations on it.Please make sure that you have it with you all the time.You need to show it when you sign for your meals and drinks in the restaurants and the bars.You also need to show it when you collect your key from the Information Desk. B: OK.I"ll take good care of it. A: And now if you are ready,Mr.Bradley, I"ll call the bell-boy and he"ll take you to your room. B: Yes, I"m ready.Thank you. A:I hope you enjoy your stay with us. B:I"ll try.Dialogue B(酒店对话英语大全之二)A:Good morning!Can I help you? B:Good morning! I"m Mr.Doug lass in room 1208. My business negotiation has progressed much more slowly than I had expected.This makes it necessary for me to stay on here for another day.I wonder if it is possible for me to extend my stay at this hotel for two days. A: I"ll take a look at the hotel"s booking situation. Yes, sir,I"m glad that we"ll be able to accept your extension re-quest.But I"m afraid that it will be necessary for us to ask you to change rooms for the last two nights.You see,we have already let your room to another gentle-man.Is that acceptable to you? B: Yes, that"s no problem at all. A: Let me see… room 1111 Will be vacant. How about room1111? B:That is fine. A:When would you like to move tomorrow? B: I don"t know. A:The new occupant will be checking in a little after twelve. B: That means I have to move out before 12. Let me see. I"ll be leaving for the negotiation at 9∶30 tomorrow morning and I will not be returning to the hotel until sometime in the afternoon. So I"m going to have to do it before I go to the negotiation.Well,I think I will move at 9o"clock. A: Good.I will send a bellboy to your room and help youwith your luggage at 9 o"clock. And please remember to bring your key card to the reception desk when you pass it tomorrow so that I can change the room number on it. B:I will.Thank you very much. A:Goodbye. B:Goodbye. Words and Expressionsnationality n.国籍/forward v..发送,寄发for warding address 转投地址/passport n.护照place of issue 发照地点/signature n.签名departure n.离开/regulation n.规章,规定,条例negotiation n.谈判;磋商/extension n.延长日期
2023-07-20 17:40:221里面的音乐叫什么名字?

是Black eyed peas( 黑眼豆豆)的《My Humps》 gonna do with all that junkall junk inside your trunkI ma get get get get you drunkget you love drunk off my humpmy hump my hump my hump my hump my humpmy hump my hump my hump my lovely little lumpsI drop this stuffits crazyI do it on the dailythey treat me really nicelyThey buy me all these icysDolce and GarbanaCaring they be sharinAll their money got me wearing flyWhether I aint askinThey say they love mah ass inSurfin JeansTrue religionI say nobut they keep givinSo I keep on takinAnd no I aint fakinWe can keep on takinNow keep on demonstratinMy love my love my love my love you love my lady lumpsmy hump my hump my hump my humps they got you..Shes got me spending..Ohh..Spending all your money on me..and spending time on me..Shes got me spending..hh..Spending all your money on me..uh on me on me..Whatcha gonna do with all that junkall that junk inside that trunk..I ma get get get get you drunkget you love drunk off my humpWhatcha gonna do with all that assall that ass inside your jeansI ma make make make make you screammake you scream make you screamCoz of my humps my hump my hump my hump my hump my hump my hump my lovely lady lumpsCheck it outI met a girl down at the discoShe said hey hey hey ya lets goI can be ya baby, you could be my honeyLets spend time not moneyAnd mix your milk with my coco puffmilky milky coco mixyour milk with my coco puffMilky milkyRiiiiight...They say I m really sexyThe boys t
2023-07-20 17:40:291

my hump 中文歌词

My Hump歌词 看看中文歌词,就在这个网站里,这首歌以前听过挺有意思的,中文歌词在里面:)~ 歌名: My Hump 歌手: Black Eyed Peas 专辑: Monkey Business Whatcha gonna do with all that junk all junk inside your trunk I"ma get get get get you drunk get you love drunk off my hump my hump my hump my hump my hump my hump my hump my hump my hump my lovely little lumps Check it out I drive these brothers crazy I do it on the daily they treat me really nicely They buy me all these ice Dolce and Gabbana Fendi and then Donna Caring they be sharin All their money got me wearing fly Whether I aint askin They say they love mah ass in Seven Jeans True religion I say no but they keep givin So I keep on takin And no I aint takin We can keep on takin Now keep on demonstratin My love my love my love my love you love my lady lumps my hump my hump my hump my humps they got you.. Shes got me spending.. Ohh..Spending all your money on me.. and spending time on me.. Shes got me spending.. Ohh..Spending all your money on me.. uh on me on me.. Whatcha gonna do with all that ass all that ass inside your jeans I"ma make make make make you scream make you scream make you scream Coz of my humps my hump my hump my hump my hump my hump my hump my lovely lady lumps Check it out I met a girl down at the disco She said hey hey hey ya lets go I can be ya baby, you could be my honey Lets spend time not money And mix your milk with my coco puff milky milky coco mix your milk with my coco puff Milky milky Riiiiight... They say I"m really sexy The boys they wanna sex me They always standin next to me Always dancin next to me tryna feel my hump hump Lookin at my lump lump you can look but you can"t touch it if you touch it I"ma start some drama you don"t want no drama No no drama no no no no drama So don"t Pull on my hand boy you aint my man boy I"m just tryna dance boy And move my hump my hump my hump my hump my hump my hump my hump my hump my hump my hump my hump my lovely lady lumps my lovely lady lumps my lovely lady lumps In the back and in the front my loving got you.. Whatcha gonna do with all that breasts all that breast inside that shirt I"ma make make make make you work make you work work make you work So reeeal.. so real.... So reeeal...So reeeal.. So real.. So reeeal..(echoes and fades out)
2023-07-20 17:40:472


Accidents are very common in big cities as there are many modes of transport and road are narrow and over crowded. We hear of them and read about them in newspapers almost daily. Such accidents often result in lose of life and material. These are caused by the carelessness of the drivers and their ignorance and negligence of the traffic rules.Once, my brother and I decided to see a film at Golcha cinema at Daryaganj in Delhi. As we were getting late for the show, we began walking faster along the crowded road. All of a sudden there was a loud noise. I saw a man rolling on the ground He was knocked down by a car. The driver was driving it at a normal speed. He saw a lorry coming from the opposite direction It was being driven rashly. The car driver feared a collision. He tried to turn the vehicle aside, but his clutch wire broke and the machine got out of his control. It ran into a passerby and hit the pavement.The man was seriously wounded. He sustained injuries on the head and face. His nose was bleeding and his leg was badly bruised.A crowd gathered on the spot. The wounded man was removed to a nearby hospital. Some people started abusing and hitting the car driver. Someone tried to convince them that it was not his fault. It was just an accident.Luckily the victim was declared out of danger. His wounds were dressed and he was advised to rest in bed to get over the shock.The police also arrived at the place of accident. The car driver and the lorry driver were taken to the police station. Their statements were recorded. The car driver was let off but the lorry driver detained.
2023-07-20 17:40:541


2023-07-20 17:41:161

求《the daily show每日秀》在线观看的网址这边只有一个英文的官网。。练练英语也不错,中文的更新很慢
2023-07-20 17:42:001

写一篇中华传统美德英语作文。60~100字 有例文。 求~~快~~~~

Chinese Traditional VirtueChinese traditional virtue is the excellent moral heritage we inherited from the ancients. We learned many moral characters, such as, thrift, honesty, affection, filial piety, loyalty, humaneness and so on through many old stories and life practice. I summarized it into three aspects: humanity, courtesy and integrity.To begin with, Chinese culture advocates humanity. This thought does not only seek for human peace but also for the harmony between human and nature and other creatures. There are many examples that show humanity in the history. The emperors, who gain people"s great supports such as Tang Taizong, Kang Xi, complied with the philosophy that “Cultivate humanity, and then you could cultivate your family, administrate the country, and bring peace all over the world” (The Book of Rites). Additionally, there goes a famous saying, “honor the aged of other people as we honor our own, take care of the young of other people as we take care of our own” (the Analects). This important part of humanity makes great contributions to establishing a harmonious society. All in all, humanity makes us show respect to not only human life but also the environment and all kinds of life around us.In addition, China, a nation which has civilization of 5,000 years, puts courtesy at a very important position. From the old to the young, from the important events to the trivial things, it is common for people to use this rule to regulate their behavior. The traditional story of Kong Rong sharing pears is well-known by Chinese people. The behavior of KongRong to choose the smallest pear and leave the bigger ones to his brothers is a good explanation for the courtesy and comity. Courtesy makes us form many good habits in the daily life, for instance, saying hello to teachers, respecting parents, showing courtliness to our friends, giving up our seat on the bus to the people who needs it more. What"s more, courtesy play an important role in the Chinese diplo
2023-07-20 17:42:111


Saving energy doesn"t always take days of planning. There are many things we can do right now to start saving energy.As we are the generaton will face the most severe energy crisis, we should take actions on broadcasting the methods of saving energy. We can give out posters or give a speech on how to saving the resources. By what we are doing, we can persude people to minimize the usage of the energy like water and electricity.Moreover, we can act in a play. The play wil show the people how to save in the daily life. Just like to turn off the light when you leave a room, or switch off your computer when you don"t use it anymore. I think the play will be quite active and interesting. This will arise the awareness of saving energy. I believe we can make a successful play or a speech or a poster to call for people act for saving the energy.
2023-07-20 17:42:201

langwage is the carrier of the culture

Abstract: Language and culture are closed related to each other. Cultural acquisition in foreign language teaching in our country is a weak point comparing with language acquisition. The difference between Chinese culture and English culture requires both the teacher and the students to be aware of culture conflicts existing in the two languages. It"s an urgent task for teachers to cope with the problems of the culture acquisition in foreign language teaching. Key words: Language; culture; acquisition; awareness Ⅰ.Introduction Nowadays, cross-cultural communication has aroused more and more attention. A successful inter-cultural communication not only requires excellent foreign language competence, but also requires people to be familiar with the differences between or among cultures, and use that knowledge flexibly in proper ways in communication. Since culture and language has a so inseparable relationship, foreign language teachers in China nowadays are well aware that language learning cannot be separated from culture learning. They start to deal with intercultural communication in teaching and have undergone significant progress in the past two decades. A lot of excellent work has been done. On raising cultural awareness and pragmatic insights, there are at least three benefits: Firstly, it can help the students to be flexible and proper in real cross-cultural communication; secondly, the study of both culture and language can arose students" activity and make the learning of language more appealing, and then, the efficiency of learning language is improved; thirdly, if language teaching can improve both language skills and cross-cultural communication competence, the importance of language teaching will be paid more attention to by society, and meanwhile, the input of teaching will be raised. This essay tries to discuss the relationship between language and culture and offer some practical ways of how to deal with cultural element in foreign language teaching. Ⅱ.Language and culture Language is the carrier of culture. It is a part of culture and plays a very important role in culture. Without language, culture would not be possible. On the one hand, language is influenced and shaped by culture, on the other hand, language is the symbolic representation of a people, and it comprises their historical and cultural backgrounds as well as their approach to life and their ways of living and thinking. Language shapes perception and language determines culture. Culture patterns, customs and ways of life are expressed in language. For instance, the English word wife can be expressed with the following Chinese words: 老婆(informal),媳妇(informal),妻子(common),爱人(common),太太(formal),夫人(formal). It is difficult for one to find out the exact equivalents, though there are some other more words for wife in English. It is also hard to establish exact equivalent words between too different languages. Even the words with corresponding denotation may vary in connotation. Both happy and gay mean 快乐. No one in China will suspect a “快乐”man to be a person who practices homosexuality while gay makes people think so in the western countries. In this case, culture plays an extremely significant role in language learning. So the acquisition of a second or foreign language is also the acquisition of a second or foreign culture. Ⅲ.Techniques for teaching culture 1. Culture mistakes in culture acquisition It is always the case that the students have a perfect knowledge of vocabulary, grammar. But when they communicate with native speakers they may find themselves embarrassed even misunderstood because of making some culture mistakes. One of the typical mistakes is that the students often ask personal questions such as, “How old are you?” “Are you married?” “How many children do you have?” It is natural and customary in Chinese culture to talk about age, family matters, money, etc. But it would be unacceptable in western culture. They"re considered too personal if not taboo, could be annoying and may lead to misunderstanding or ill feelings. Culture mistakes can be categorized as follows: (1) Sociolinguistically inappropriate: ways of greeting and addressing people. (2) Culturally unacceptable: the use of self-deprecation strategies in expressing modesty. Chinese often deny compliments when other people praise them. (3) Conflict of different value systems invasion of privacy. Chinese like to show friendship and intimacy by inquiring other people"s privacy. (4) Over-simplification or over-generalization: Chinese students have stereotyped misconcepts about other societies. These cultural mistakes can"t be neglected because the native speakers can tolerate the pronunciation or grammar errors rather than cultural mistakes. The causes of these cultural mistakes are due to the speakers" lack of cultural knowledge. This can be seen from two aspects. Subjectively, the teachers, influenced by traditional teaching approach put much stress on vocabulary, grammar and writing without realizing the much less or no cultural knowledge input. Objectively, traditional text materials were in principle arranged for the competence of Grammar-presentation. So most of the textbooks available are grammar-centered, making little account to cultural context. 2. Techniques for Training Students" Cultural Awareness In order to develop the students" communicative competence and increase their cultural awareness, the measures taken as follows: (1) introduce culture by the way of lexicon Culture is the rich soil for lexicon since words carry cultural information. The core words of each nation generally share common properties. However, with the development of social communities, there produced cultural connotations in words and phrases, figures, idioms and many other linguistic phenomena gradually on account of different ways of life in each nation. There are many words in English with related denotations to Chinese ones, but with different connotations from Chinese ones. Different cultural environments may produce different connotations of the words with same denotations. Here are some instances of a “dog”. To Chinese people, “dog” is a word with negative meaning since people are quite contemptuous of a dog while it is a favourite pet in Western people"s mind since people like raising dogs and regard them as their good friends. In this case, a “running dog” is a very tiresome animal which is often compared to a person who is blindly faithful to his master in Chinese culture. Whereas in some other phrases or idioms in English, one can be sure that “dog” is a favouriable word: “a lucky dog”, “Every dog has his day”. (2) Culture Aside The teacher plays an important role in dealing with culture. Most students are living and studying in a monolingual and non-cultural community. It is difficult for them to make comparisons or contrasts between the two different cultures. Classroom is a significant place with limited time for students to learn English as well as something about culture. The teacher can be a go-between and a carrier of the two kinds of culture. He should try his best to create an environment in and outside the classroom so as to make his students suitable to it. For instance, when asking students to make a dialogue, the teacher should point out where and when the words may be used constantly. He acts as a role to address aside so that the students can acquire the cultural awareness. (3) Making good use of mass media Nowadays, mass media plays an important part in people"s daily life. The distance and space seem shortened with the development of science and technology. English, as a main communication means in the world, is widely spread. Students can get much more information of English now than ever. They should have easier access to visual aids such as films and videotapes. From which they can observe and notice some cultural features appeared in the films and videotapes with help of teachers. Students should be equipped with powerful portable radios to listen to the programs made by VOA, BBC, etc. Students are able to gain much knowledge about English culture by these authentic materials. (4) Making good use of native speakers of English There are more and more native speakers of English coming to China to teach, to study, to have tours and to trade. It is quite useful for learners to get in touch with native speakers if they want to learn to use English very well, because a native speaker often remains an authentic situation all the time. In the face-to-face contacts with native speakers, the students may learn much about verbal expressions of English-speaking people as well as non-verbal communication method, such as gestures, facial expressions, etc. Ⅳ. Conclusion In language teaching, we must aware that language and culture are intertwined and that it is not possible to teach language without culture or to teach culture without linguistic knowledge, we must lay emphasis on the introduction of culture in language teaching. Only in this way can we improve student"s linguistic skills and communicative competence. In this way can we achieve the ultimate goal of foreign language teaching and meet the demands of the new era.
2023-07-20 17:42:281

以customs in the west and in China的作文

(1)中英婚俗文化及差异(2)美国社会与文化差异(3)商务礼仪差异(4)中西方餐桌礼仪差异customs in the west and in ChinaIn different ecological or natural environment, different nations created their own special culture as well as were modeled by their own culture. In brief, customs are the summations of consuetude, etiquette and faith which have been established for a long time in human society. They are also the social convention of folk life and culture model type. Customs vividly reflect the nation"s habit of public life and characteristic culture. To get a better understanding of the different culture, here customs in the U.S. and China are taken for comparison. Through the comparison, we may have a clearer idea about different cultures and understand the essence of modern civilization between East and West.The contents of customs are wide, including wedding customs, social etiquette, customs of entertainment and so on. Some similarities and differences of customs in the above aspects can be found.Wedding customs in both countries have gone through for a long time. As a most grand thing in people"s life, they are always attracted a high degree of attention. People will publicly ensure the relationship between husband and wife with the wedding.1. However, Western wedding is solemn and romantic, and the emphasis is sacred and simple------ "the wedding before God ", while Chinese wedding is particular about boisterousness and joyousness, also can give consideration to personal affection of the relatives of the bride and groom. It shows the significance of Chinese traditional cultural------ “the wedding before people”. 2. The traditional American bride wears a long white gown and a veil, armed with white flowers. In West, white is the symbol of purity and sincereness. In China, traditional bride wedding dress is red-----the symbol of festival and lucky.3. The American wedding is often an expensive affair. It"s usually paid for by the bride"s parents, although the groom and his parents help prepare the guest list. The dining costs of the wedding are generally shared by both sides. The bride and groom toast separately to each guest to express their thanks. (1)In both countries, funeral is the last etiquette of a person"s life, the dialogue and spirit contact between the living and the dead. People can express to the respect and concern to the departed.However, in China friends and relatives would come to the funeral to condolence the departed. After that, they wouldn"t visit the departed"s home, for there is taboo that people fear to have bad luck. In America, the call of condolence should be made as soon as possible after hearing of the death. If the friends are very close, people can offer services to help in any way he or she can. People also send plants or flowers to the family a few days after funeral. This shows the sympathy and love which is totally different from Chinese. (2)Social etiquette can smooth the paths between people and help people establish friendly and pleasant relationships. They aren"t a set of serious rules. On the contrary, they are a code of behavior, based on kindness and consideration. In both countries, respect is the foundation of interpersonal relationship.When making new acquaintances and introductions, there are three common basic rules in both countries: first, a man is always introduced to a woman; second, a young person is always introduced to an older person; third, a less important person is always introduced to a more important person.However, there are some differences in appellation in these two countries. In China, people like to call other with titles which are the symbols of the identity and status. While in American, people call other"s name directly to show their intimacy. In addition, when talking with people, American seldom talk about personal business, such as age, marriage, income, faith and so on. While in China, people don"t care about others to get a general understanding of his or her life. (3)Holding dinner party is essential activity to improve emotion in people"s social interaction. The social function of the party must not be overlooked in both countries.Although food is indispensable in daily life, the differences in concepts of food can be found in these two countries. Chinese pay attention to the color, taste and appearance of food in the dinner, while American focus on the nutrition. In China, people talk and laugh in the dinner. They also like to toast and service food to other guests. However, things are different in America. People keep quiet in the dinner and only help themselves for the food they like. They think it"s impolite to talk and service food to others. (4)With the comparison study, we can learn that different countries have their own customs which vividly reflect the nation"s life habit, human behavior, moral principles, etc. Customs are the principal part and core of the history of human social life. Divers as they are, customs are partly the essence of modern civilization, based on different backgrounds, having a impact on people"s thoughts and behaviors. No matter however different they are, customs havegradually formed their own characteristics after thousands of years of development and evolution. Nowadays countries all over the world have close connections with each other. People should simply understand different cultures, and customs are one of interesting ways to exchange and integrate different cultures. When promoting diversification in culture, every country should stick to the characteristic and independence of its own culture.
2023-07-20 17:42:361


英语单词 daily 是什么意思美 [u02c8deu026ali] 英 ["deu026ali] 百度翻译发音adv.每天;每日adj.每日的;日常的;每个工作日的;按日的n.(除星期日外每日发行的)日报;(不寄宿的)仆人网络每天的;天天复数:dailies使用例句How much of a role does the Internet play in your daily life? Fuyeor asked me.“在你的生活中,因特网带来了怎样的变化?”复玥问我道。This annual list provides an uncompromising look into one of the most intimate issues in our daily lives- how much money we make.这份年度排行榜详实地调查了人们日常生活中最为隐私的问题:收入问题。However, an article in the Youth Daily pointed out that it"s not easy to place individuals into one, fixed group.不过,《青年报》的一篇文章指出,将一个人归类到某个特定的群体是很难做到的。用法:1、daily的基本意思是“每日的”,指每24小时发生的一次或多次的事情,也可指每24小时就完成一个变化周期的行为。引申可指生活中普遍的事物和经常发生的事情。2、daily是表示限定意义的形容词,在句中只能用作定语。3、daily无比较级和最高级。
2023-07-20 17:43:571


"daily"和"diet"是两个不同的词,有着不同的含义和用法。首先,"daily"是一个形容词,表示每日的、每天的或每日发生的。它通常用于描述频率、时间或例行的活动。例如:- "I have a daily exercise routine."(我有每天的锻炼计划。)- "She reads the newspaper daily."(她每天读报纸。)- "The daily commute to work can be tiring."(每天上下班的通勤可能令人疲惫。)"diet"则有两个常见的含义。首先,它可以指一个人的饮食习惯或饮食方式。在这个意义上,"diet"用于描述一个人通常吃什么以及他们的饮食偏好和约束。例如:- "She follows a vegetarian diet."(她遵循素食主义饮食。)- "I"m on a low-carb diet to lose weight."(我正在进行低碳水化合物饮食以减肥。)其次,"diet"还可以指特定的饮食计划,特别是为了达到特定的健康目标或治疗目的。这些饮食计划可能是临时性的或为了特定的医疗需要而制定的。例如:- "The doctor prescribed a gluten-free diet for the patient with celiac disease."(医生给患有乳糜泻的患者开了无麸质饮食。)- "He is on a strict diet to control his diabetes."(他正在进行严格的饮食控制来控制糖尿病。)需要注意的是,虽然"diet"经常与减肥相关联,但它不仅仅指代减肥。它可以涵盖各种饮食习惯和目标,包括保持健康、管理特定疾病或追求特定的营养目标。总而言之,"daily"是一个形容词,表示每日的或每天的;而"diet"可以指一个人的饮食习惯或特定的饮食计划。它们在含义和用法上有所不同,分别用于描述不同的概念和情境。
2023-07-20 17:45:061

The class talent show 英语作文

2023-07-20 17:45:502


When is the art show this year
2023-07-20 17:45:572

daily news作文

Dear City Daily News: As we all know, it"s crucial to improve the city"s environment . As far as I am concerned, we can do so in the following ways. To begin with, it"s by educating our next generation the importance of protecting the environment that makes a difference. What"s more, every one of us should form the habit of not throwing rubbish. Last but not least, we can improve the environment by planting more trees, which can not only make the city more beautiful, but also reduce the dust in the city. Yours sincerely, Student A 最快回答的那封信是乱来的 你千万不要采纳他的。。。。。
2023-07-20 17:46:071


你好,很高兴在这里回答你的问题: . . 到了宠物表演节目的时间了.
2023-07-20 17:46:141


play in the snow在雪里玩They like playing in the snow.
2023-07-20 17:46:212

Rattling Snakes的《Go Away》 歌词

歌曲名:Go Away歌手:Rattling Snakes专辑:Transmission ImpossibleDelain - Go AwayUnderstand, you"ll never beWhat they expect;It"s out of reachYou"re not the kindTo reach that highIt"s nothing like you had in mindAnother act, another show you play, realize,It will not make your problems go awayYou cannot act your way out of your daily demiseGet real today to hell, just go awayUnderstand, the road aheadIs full of gapsGets harder yetYou"re not the kindTo lead us blindIt"s nothing like you had in mindAnother act, another show you play,realize,It will not make your problems go awayYou cannot act your way out of your daily demiseGet real today to hell just go awayAnother act, another show you play,realize,It will not make your problems go awayYou cannot act your way out of your daily demiseGet real today to hell, just go away
2023-07-20 17:46:281


2023-07-20 17:47:041

welcome to the show 什么意思

2023-07-20 17:47:146

the show is —10:00—11:30.

What time does the radio show start and how long does it last?
2023-07-20 17:47:291

the show 歌词英文是什么?

歌名:The show谱曲:Lenka/Jason Reeves填词:Lenka/Jason Reeves歌曲原唱:Lenka歌词:I"mjustalittlebit,Caughtinthemiddle,我只是有一点点,觉得左右为难,Lifeisamaze,Andloveisariddle,生活就像迷宫,而爱就像个谜,Idon"tknowwheretogo,Can"tdoitalone,我不知道该去向何处,我独自做不到,I"vetried,AndIdon"tknowwhy,我试图尝试了,但是我不知道为什么,Slowitdown,Makeitstop,放慢脚步,停了下来,Orelsemyheartisgoingtopop,"Cuzit"stoomuch,否则我的心将会像小鹿般乱撞,对我来说太多了,Yeahit"salot,TobesomethingI"mnot,是啊,有点过了,变成那个不一样的模样,I"mafool,Outoflove,我是一个跌入爱情,大笨蛋,CauseIjustcan"tgetenough,I"mjustalittlebit,因为我总是不满足,我只是有一点点,Caughtinthemiddle,Lifeisamaze,觉得左右为难,生活就像迷宫,Andloveisariddle,Idon"tknowwheretogo,而爱就像个谜,我不知道该去向何处,Ican"tdoitalone,I"vetried,我独自做不到,我试图尝试了,AndIdon"tknowwhy,Iamjustalittlegirl,但是我不知道为什么,此时我只是个,Lostinthemoment,I"msoscared,迷失方向小女孩,我虽然很害怕,ButIdon"tshowit,Ican"tfigureitout,但我没有显露于表,我无法弄明白,It"sbringingmedown,Iknow,为何爱让我失落不已,我知道,I"vegottoletitgo,Andjustenjoytheshow,是时候该放手了,只需尽情享受这人生,Thesunishot,Inthesky,阳光很灼热,划过天际,Justlikeagiantspotlight,Thepeoplefollowthesign,就像个巨大的聚光灯,人们都按照指引,Andsynchronizeintime,It"sajoke,随着指令摆挥,这场游戏,Nobodyknows,They"vegotatickettothatshow,没人能懂,他们攥着人生的门票,Yeah,I"mjustalittlebit,Caughtinthemiddle,我只是有一点点,觉得左右为难,Lifeisamaze,Andloveisariddle,生活就像迷宫,而爱就像个谜,Idon"tknowwheretogo,Ican"tdoitalone,我不知道该去向何处,我独自做不到,I"vetried,AndIdon"tknowwhy,我试图尝试了,但是我不知道为什么,Iamjustalittlegirl,Lostinthemoment,此时我只是个,迷失方向小女孩,I"msoscared,ButIdon"tshowit,我虽然很害怕,但我没有显露于表,Ican"tfigureitout,It"sbringingmedown,我无法弄明白,为何爱让我失落不已,Iknow,I"vegottoletitgo,我知道,是时候该放手了,Andjustenjoytheshow,Ohoh,Justenjoytheshow,只需尽情享受这人生,尽情享受这人生,Ohoh,I"mjustalittlebit,Caughtinthemiddle,我只是有一点点,觉得左右为难,Lifeisamaze,Andloveisariddle,生活就像迷宫,而爱就像个谜,Idon"tknowwheretogo,Ican"tdoitalone,我不知道该去向何处,我独自做不到,I"vetried,AndIdon"tknowwhy,我试图尝试了,但是我不知道为什么,Iamjustalittlegirl,Lostinthemoment,此时我只是个,迷失方向小女孩,I"msoscared,ButIdon"tshowit,我虽然很害怕,但我没有显露于表,Ican"tfigureitout,It"sbringingmedown,我无法弄明白,为何爱让我失落不已,Iknow,I"vegottoletitgo,我知道,是时候该放手了,Andjustenjoytheshow,只需尽情享受这人生,Dumdedum,Dudumdedum,Justenjoytheshow,尽情享受这人生,Dumdedum,Dudumdedum,Justenjoytheshow,Iwantmymoneyback,尽情享受这人生,我想要回到过去,Iwantmymoneyback,Iwantmymoneyback,我想要回到过去,我想要回到过去,Justenjoytheshow,Iwantmymoneyback,尽情享受这人生,我想要回到过去,Iwantmymoneyback,Iwantmymoneyback,我想要回到过去,我想要回到过去,Justenjoytheshow,尽情享受这人生,扩展资料《The Show》的mv俏皮可爱,极具个性色彩。Lenka在MV中是一个迷茫的小女孩,不知道去哪里好,于是没有目标、没有目的性的到处去,最后才回到家。这里用飞代表了走,表示Lenka是自由的,迷茫的,也反映了她的年轻俏皮。《The show》是“强生美肌恒日水嫩沐浴乳”和“强生美肌恒日水嫩润肤乳”广告的主题曲,被中国歌迷所熟知,因而这首歌在中国也相当受欢迎。
2023-07-20 17:47:361

daily nelvs是什么意思

daily news每日新闻例句1.The Daily News once had the highest circulation of any daily in the country 《每日新闻报》的发行量曾位居全国所有日报之首。2.We depend on the newspaper for daily news. 我们靠报纸供给每天的消息。3.Likes charcoal drawing, the daily news, gloves, mondays and thursdays. 喜欢素描,每日新闻,手套,星期一和星期四。
2023-07-20 17:48:052

show sth for sb的翻译是什么?

show sth for sb的翻译是给某人看某物
2023-07-20 17:48:192

in the show与 at the show与on the show区别

in the show:参加演出at the show:在展示会上on the show:开始上演
2023-07-20 17:48:271

大好人~~!!请问你能帮我个忙吗?翻译和修改一篇小文章,是我要说的daily talk!

构思很好,很有说服力,所以才为好的英文奠定了基础。我花了一个半小时整理出来,远远超过了我的预想时间。我用了押韵的词结尾,以产生轰动效应。另外,“精神文化”千万不要改译成“spiritual culture”,否则在英语里面就是指宗教文化了。今后请留意,英文的标点符号后面往往是要空一格的。同时也请注意为什么要对原有的英文作或大或小的修改。Good luck with your presentation!希望这篇文章能成为百度精选文章。I"m honored to give you the daily talk for the second time.Well, when you do your homework until midnight and feel so tired, do you want to have a cup of coffee to refresh yourself? Coffee is an essential drink in people"s daily lives. It is not only students" favourite drink, but workers" favourite as well. .So today, I will present you a popular coffee house——do you know, what brand name does this logo stand fort?Yes, it"s the trademark of Starbucks. I"m a Starbucks fan, too. You must have been to a Starbucks coffee house at least once or twice, but have you ever had a close-up view of the trademark of Starbucks? In fact, the green mark of Starbuck is a sea-goddess image of a twin-tail mermaid. This logo was designed by Terry Herklor in 1971. He got the inspiration from a sea-god painting done in the Middle Ages.………….When this trademark was created for Starbucks 20 years ago, there was only one single coffee house. But now, the graceful green mermaid and the M of Macdonald"s have together become the symbols of American culture.The reason for Starbucks" popularity is its quality coffee. More than that in China--it is also the embodiment of a bourgeois venue for social gatherings. Indeed, Starbucks" name, environment, music, coffee and ambience all give people a very pleasant feeling, without exception. They enable city ladies to always take Starbucks as their sentimental home, with tasting coffee becoming a secondary consideration. That gives rise to the question: Does drinking coffee at Starbucks really make people feel romantic? I don"t think it"s true. We have to admit that the leaders of Starbucks were so clever that they chose China to develop their business, as it produces for them handsome profits. An auntie of mine who had been to the United States before told me that Starbucks are found everywhere in the United States, but that alongside the colourful stores, malls and restaurants, the green logo of Starbucks does not standout. In addition, the coffee houses are different from those you find in China. Most houses don"t look luxurious but are small and efficient; they are not fully packed but half empty; they are not chic but simple; the people there regard Starbucks as a place for ordinary people, not just for white-collar workers. This description took me by surprise! Why is the Starbucks that"s so popular in China so low-key and simple in America? In the final analysis, it all has to do with the cultural and economic difference between our two countries. The steadfast pursuit of sentiments precisely reflects the lack of them. In China, a country with too many responsibilities and obligations, too much fatigue and hurry, people"s intrinsic warm feelings have been suppressed by life. Finally, when they arrived at the 21st century, people who were able to catch their breath saw the lifestyle of the western world and mental pleasure it brought. Naturally, this pleasure has been exaggerated indefinitely.As I see it, using this argument to explain whey the Chinese associate Starbucks with sentiments makes most sense and is the most easily understandable. In different cities of various countries, you see the same green logo of Starbucks and, indeed, it looks so friendly and familiar. However, that after all is not a colour that belongs to all countries, but the United States solely. I am a Starbucks fan, and I will surely visit Starbucks when I am in a good mood. Of course I love the fact that it has the “sentiment” factor. But what I love the most is the fact that the Starbucks ambience allows me to generate ideas, and the warmth and joy there. To my mind, only when your love for Starbucks is elevated from loving it per se to loving its spirit and culture, then that is true love. Then, Our purpose in visiting Starbucks is no longer purely for drinking a mere cup of coffee, but rather hoping to share with friends, passing on our joys, keeping the good weekend in the cozy house and cementing all our good feelings in a cup of coffee.To conclude, I very much look forward to the day when a Chinese teahouse of a certain brand name is found throughout the world, when fashion magazines read: “Go and drink tea. How romantic it would be!”Thank you for watching!
2023-07-20 17:48:341

daily bugle showdown是什么意思

daily bugle showdown军号日报摊牌很高兴第一时间为您解答,祝学习进步如有问题请及时追问,谢谢~~O(∩_∩)O
2023-07-20 17:48:421


【篇一】小学升初英语短文   I like animals very much. I have a dog, It"s my favourite animal. It"s white, It looks like a snow ball. It has two big eyes and ears. But its nose and mouth are very small. It"s very naughty.   It often stares at my food when I have a meal. When I"m home it follows me all the time.   When I do my homework, it often sits beside quietly, but sometimes runs around me and shouts: wom wom.   I like my dog very much. 【篇二】小学升初英语短文   Autumn comes , it gets cooler and cooler. The sky is blue and the clouds are white. You would say autumn is blue and white.   Look ! Birds are flying from the north to the south. The leaves are yellow. Some are hanging on the trees, some are on the ground ,some are dancing in the wind. Someone would say autumn is yellow.   There are so many fruits in autumn in Xinxing . Pears ,peaches. Mangos, oranges and so on. They"re fresh and healthy.   Oh! I see. Autumn is a harvest season. Autumn is colourful. What a beautiful season ! 【篇三】小学升初英语短文   My classroom is nice and big . There are forty desks and chairs in the classroom. There are two black boards on the walls. And there are two pictures, too. My classroom has eleven lights and twelve fans. What colour are the fans ? They are blue. At the coner, there is a shelf , many books are in the shelf. I like the books very much.   This is my classroom , it is very nice. I like my classroom very much . Do you have a nice classroom, too ? 【篇四】小学升初英语短文   Hello,everyone! Today I"m very glad to tell you about my family. I have a happy family. There are four people in it. They are my father、my mother、my little brother、and me.My father is working in anther city.He is so busy that he has no time to come back to see us. We miss him very much. My mother is a housewife .Every day,she cooks delicious meals and does a lot of housework.My brother and I are both students.We work very hard.   In my family ,there are lots of happinesses around me.I love my family! 【篇五】小学升初英语短文   I am going to do many things and be very busy on the weekend. So I do my homework on Saturday morning. In the afternoon, I am going to do housework with my mother. Because I am a good girl, I am helpful at home. On Sunday morning, I am going to visit my grandparents with my parents. In the afternoon, we are going to the park together. Because there is a kite show. And my grandparents likes making kites. I think, we can see many beautiful kites there. And we are going to buy some beautiful kites, too. Then, we are going to fly the new kites, that"s fun. In the evening, we are going to have a big dinner. We are going to have fish for dinner. Because my grandparents likes eating fish. And my grandma cooks fish well. After dinner, we are going to watch TV together. We are going to be very happy.   This is my happy weekend. I like my weekend very much. What about your weekend? Can you tell me? 【篇六】小学升初英语短文   yesterday was father's day. i had planned to give my father a present. but i didn't remember it until in the was too late to post a card to him. so i decided to buy something. when i was in the department store. i found it was not easy for me to choose something right for him. suddenly igot an idea. i ran home and opened my computer. i made a beautiful card and mailed him through the internet. then i began to make supper. when father came home, he was very glad to find a big meal on the table. then i asked him to check his e-mail. he was amazed to find a beautiful card in his e-mail-box.   what a wonderful surprise!
2023-07-20 17:48:121


每年的6月6日是全国爱眼日。1992年,天津医科大学眼科教授王延华与流行病学教授耿贯一首次向全国倡议设立爱眼日,倡议得到响应并将每年的5月5日定为全国爱眼日。1996年,重新确定每年的6月6日为全国爱眼日。 每年的6月6日是全国爱眼日。1992年,天津医科大学眼科教授王延华与流行病学教授耿贯一首次向全国倡议设立爱眼日,倡议得到响应并将每年的5月5日定为全国爱眼日。1996年,重新确定每年的6月6日为全国爱眼日。
2023-07-20 17:48:131

Do As Infinity的《Aurora》 歌词

歌曲名:Aurora歌手:Do As Infinity专辑:TaoDo As Infinity - aurora作词:川村サイコ/D·A·I作曲:Do As Infinity编曲:亀田诚治流れ着いた古い木拾い集めて燃やす何も见えない夜の砂浜ここから旅立ってた若辈者の数だけ谁かが积み上げた石山酒を交わして笑いあい それぞれの星を探していた空6月は夏を待つ静けさ东へと南へと目指して足迹を消してゆく引き潮何一つ怖くない夜明け前は远い远い昔に确かここに立ってた皱だらけの指先见つめて傍らに置いてみた黒い山高帽は长い旅共にした友达种火消さずに守りたい 渡したい次の希望が来るまで沢山の辉いた花火で旅一座最终幕(フィナーレ)を迎える捕まえた梦は何故 何度も両手から 砂みたいに零れ落ちる酒を交わして笑いあい それぞれの星を探していた空6月は夏を待つ静けさ东へと南へと目指して足迹を消してゆく引き潮何一つ怖くない仆等は沢山の辉いた花火で旅一座最终幕(フィナーレ)を迎える捕まえた梦は何故 何度も消えてゆく 逃げてゆく夜明け前は
2023-07-20 17:48:171


麦金西 美国会计学者 被誉为美国管理会计的创始人著作《预算控制论》(Budgetary control)《管理会计》(ManagerialAccounting)1922年,麦金西出版了美国第一部系统论述预算控制的著作《预算控制论》,全面介绍预算控制的理论。1924年,麦金西又公开刊印了世界上第一部以“管理会计”命名的著作《管理会计》
2023-07-20 17:48:101

Do As Infinity的《Week!》 歌词

歌曲名:Week!歌手:Do As Infinity专辑:Do The A-side作词:D·A·I作曲:D·A·I编曲:D·A·I & Seiji Kamedaラッシュに飞び込んでく Monday気に入らないスーツで Tuesday, Wednesdayコピーにつまづいてる Thursday切り抜けただけの Friday ずっと待ち続けてても幸福のメール届くはずもないYour Sunnyday Carry the day 口づさんで何だかほら 軽くなるよ探して 梦见て 答え出して时々 um でも大丈夫选んだのは 私だもの会えないまま 过ぎてく Weekday空白になったまんまの Saturday突然 彼氏のTEL Sunday口ゲンカ だらけ BADな Holiday泣き虫だけれど涙でこの街透き通ってみえるYour Sunnyday Have a nice day 溢れ出して梦の途中 歩いてみて负けないで 泣かないで 頼らないで理想を今 イメージしていつかは ほら 强くなれる负けないで 泣かないで 頼らないで谁のせいでもない It"s your life探して 梦见て 答え出して选んだのは私だものYour Sunnyday Carry the day 口づさんで何だかほら 軽くなるよ探して 梦见て 答え出して时々 um でも大丈夫选んだのは 私だもの终わり
2023-07-20 17:48:101


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