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2023-07-20 20:43:25
TAG: 读音 ate te


英 [et] 美 [et]




例句:1、We ate a pizza between us.


2、Paradoxically, the less she ate, the fatter she got.




The weather is very nice in April, the temperature is around 15-20C,I think this is the best temperature through out the whole season. I feel very comfortable in this kind of weather. A lot of people start having outdoor activities. Young kids playing sports in the park, and also there are people taking their vacations during this time. People start putting on their nice light dresses instead of big heavy winter jackets, and waiting for the summer to come
2023-07-20 17:30:431

大一的题,Why do people keep pets?70个词以上

With the increasing improvement of our life,many people have developed the fever of keeping pets.Nowadays,it is commonly that along the streets towards evening people in cascal wear can be seen taking a stroll leisurely,not for themselves but for their dear pets.At social gathering gossips revolve around the experience on taking care of pets.One is not surprised if a pet costs as high as one"s earnings.However,why do people keep pets? The answer to this problem involves many factors.For one thing,pets provide company.Considered human companions,pets make us happy and far from loney.For another,pets give us a sense of being important and needed because they depend on us for home,food and drink. Still another,a pet in a family keeps us in touch with te more natural,animal world.Paradoxically,some people keep pets as suggesting their social status.Some problems can"t be ignored and the growing number of pets may cause serious hygiene problems.In many public places pets should beforbidden to enter in case the spread disease and interfere with other people.As for as I am concerned,I maintain that we should do what we can to keep our environment clean.
2023-07-20 17:30:521


  在平时的"学习、工作或生活中,大家都不可避免地要接触到作文吧,借助作文人们可以反映客观事物、表达思想感情、传递知识信息。为了让您在写作文时更加简单方便,下面是我为大家收集的英文作文4篇,欢迎阅读,希望大家能够喜欢。 英文作文 篇1   In my impression, I don"t seem to have ever received a Christmas gift. But this year I have received several pieces of Christmas gifts, gifts received the moment, indescribably happy!   It happened on Christmas day, I came to the school with the joyful mood, suddenly found his pocket which turned out to have a lot of lessons for Christmas, I sat on the seat quickly put out gifts found above the names of many students, I am excited golden beans are falling out, everyone looked at me and said "Zhao Runze, don"t cry. This is a token of our ah! Again, you have to go, we are not allowed to send you ah (in fact, forget to tell you, I actually have to transfer)! We don"t have anything to send you. It"s Christmas day, and we"ll have to give me a Christmas gift. Haha, don"t be sad, our school will always welcome you! " I didn"t cry when I heard them.   The second day I was going, and when I went, everyone was sending me off, and some of my good classmates were crying. I don"t think I"m crying too. They cry and comfort me. I think this is the best Christmas gift!   Now, I am learning in the new school, the new school atmosphere and the new environment. My classmates are treating me very well. I hope to write this composition so that my former classmates can see it. I want to tell them, "I miss you!" 英文作文 篇2   When did sport begin? If sport is, in essence, play, the claim might be made that sport is much older than humankind, for , as we all have observed, the beasts play. Dogs and cats wrestle and play ball games. Fishes and birds dance. The apes have simple, pleasurable games. Frolicking infants, school children playing tag, and adult arm wrestlers are demonstrating strong, transgenerational and transspecies bonds with the universe of animals - past, present, and future. Young animals, particularly, tumble, chase, run wrestle, mock, imitate, and laugh (or so it seems) to the point of delighted exhaustion. Their play, and ours, appears to serve no other purpose than to give pleasure to the players, and apparently, to remove us temporarily from the anguish of life in earnest.Some philosophers have claimed that our playfulness is the most noble part of our basic nature.   In their generous conceptions, play harmlessly and experimentally permits us to put our creative forces, fantasy, and imagination into action. Play is release from the tedious battles against scarcity and decline which are the incessant, and inevitable, tragedies of life. This is a grand conception that excites and provokes. The holders of this view claim that the origins of our highest accomplishments ---- liturgy, literature, and law ---- can be traced to a play impulse which, paradoxically, we see most purely enjoyed by young beasts and children. Our sports, in this rather happy, nonfatalistic view of human nature, are more splendid creations of the nondatable, transspecies play impulse. 英文作文 篇3   Tanabata, to mention the name will make people think of the story of the Cowboy Weaver Tianyuan meet. How wonderful it is.   Today, I went to the streets to play, did not expect the streets full of people everywhere, the vehicle coming and going, crossing the road are very difficult. Looking around, everywhere are hand in hand, shoulder to friends. Girl"s hands are holding a boyfriend to send flowers and chocolate. I think today is their most happy and happiest day, especially for girls.   My mother and I are shopping around the street. We first came to the shoe store. Just go in and see a man is a female confession, that woman is also embarrassed it! That man has been in the chase is willing to, that woman still dare not say. I do not know who called out "promised him", so everyone followed to say that the girl was shyly agreed.   I and my mother bought the shoes out, is talking about just that thing, suddenly I saw in a small alley, a man from the back out of a bouquet of flowers, give a girl, and then out from his pocket A small box, open a look, is a gem diamond ring. The man holding the ring kneel down to see that scene is sure to marry him. The girl soon agreed. Finally they hugged together.   Really Tanabata, I love you! 英文作文 篇4   (In front of the meridian gate)   Ladies and Gentlemen:   I am pleased to serve as your guide today。   This is the palace museum; also know as the Purple Forbidden City。 It is the largest and most well reserved imperial residence in China today。 Under Ming Emperor Yongle, construction began in 1406。 It took 14years to build the Forbidden City。 The first ruler who actually lived here was Ming Emperor Zhudi。 For five centuries thereafter, it continued to be the residence of23 successive emperors until 1911 when Qing Emperor Puyi was forced to abdicate the throne。 In 1987, the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization recognized the Forbidden City was a world cultural legacy。   It is believed that the Palace Museum, or Zi Jin Cheng (Purple Forbidden City), got its name from astronomy folklore, The ancient astronomers divided the constellations into groups and centered them around the Ziwei Yuan (North Star) 。 The constellation containing the North Star was called the Constellation of Heavenly God and star itself was called the purple palace。 Because the emperor was supposedly the son of the heavenly gods, his central and dominant position would be further highlighted the use of the word purple in the name of his residence。 In folklore, the term “an eastern purple cloud is drifting” became a metaphor for auspicious events after a purple cloud was seen drifting eastward immediately before the arrival of an ancient philosopher, LaoZi, to the Hanghu Pass。 Here, purple is associated with auspicious developments。 The word jin (forbidden) is self-explanatory as the imperial palace was heavily guarded and off-explanatory as the imperial palace was heavily guarded and off-limits to ordinary people。   The red and yellow used on the palace walls and roofs are also symbolic。 Red represents happiness, good fortune and wealth。 Yellow is the color of the earth on the Loess Plateau, the original home of the Chinese people。 Yellow became an imperial color during the Tang dynasty, when only members of the royal family were allowed to wear it and use it in their architecture。   The Forbidden City is rectangular in shape。 It is 960 meters long from north to south and 750 meter wide from east west。 It has 9,900 rooms under a total roof area 150,000 square meters。 A 52-meter-wide-moat encircles a 9。 9-meter—high wall which encloses the complex。 Octagon —shaped turrets rest on the four corners of the wall。 There are four entrances into the city: the Meridian Gate to the south, the Shenwu Gate (Gate of Military Prowess) to the north, and the Xihua Gate (Gate of military Prowess) to the north, and the Xihua Gate (Western Flowery Gate ) to the west, the Donghua (Eastern Flowery Gate) to the east。   Manpower and materials throughout the country were used to build the Forbidden City。 A total of 230,000 artisans and one million laborers were employed。 Marble was quarried from fangshan Country Mount Pan in Jixian County in Hebei Province。 Granite was quarried in Quyang County in Hebei Province。 Paving blocks were fired in kilns in Suzhou in southern China。 Bricks and scarlet pigmentation used on the palatial walls came from linqing in Shandong Province。 Timber was cut, processed and hauled from the northwestern and southern regions。
2023-07-20 17:31:141


英语填空的技巧和方法 英语填空的技巧和方法,在英语考试中,英语填空是比较难的一种题型。如果在英语考试中遇到语法填空题,可能就很容易写错了。那有哪些技巧方法呢?现在分享几种实用的英语填空的技巧和方法。 英语填空的技巧和方法1 英语语法填空解题策略 1、给出动词基本形态,填写词性词形转化(转为名词、形容词),或填写谓语部分,或是填写非谓语动词; 2、给出词语,词性的变化,如名词、动词、形容词、副词之间的转化,名词的复数形式,给出形容词,需要填写比较级、最高级,或词性词形转化,转化为副词,或是填写反义词(前缀); 3、给出副词,填写比较级、最高级,或是填写反义词; 4、不给词语填写限定词的时候,很可能是填冠词、人称代词主格宾格形式,物主代词、反身代词的单复数形式。形容词性物主代词或some、any、other、another等限定词;有的名词前有限定词,比如:序数词,形容词的最高级等,其前用定冠词。 语法填空答题方法 1、名词形式变化 名词的形式变化主要有单数、复数、所有格的变化。 例:there are many students living at school,the(child)houses are all far from schoo1. 由students一词可以判断出横线处应填复数,且作为houses的定语,所以应用其所有格形式,故答案为child的复合变化形式——复数的所有格children"s。 2、动词形式变化 动词的形式变化比较多,有谓语的变化(时态、语态、语气),有非谓语的变化(不定式、动名词、现在分词、过去分词)。 例:a talk(give)tomorrow is written by profess or zhang. 句中的iswritten是整句的谓语,所以横线所在的动词应当用作非谓语。从tomorrow可以看出,报告是“将来”作的,故用不定式;且报告是give动作的承受者,故可以判断出横线所在处用give的不定式被动式——to be given。 3、代词形式变化 代词形式变化通常是与人称变化有关的三大类五小类,即人称代词(主格和宾格)、物主代词(形容词性和名词性)、反身代词。另外还有几个不定代词的形式变化,如noone/none、other/another等。 例:the kingd ecided to see the painter by(he). 由介词by可以看出,横线处应填反身代词himself。 4、形容词、副词比较级变化 英语中大部分形容词和表方式的副词都有原级、比较级和最高级的变化。构成比较级和最高级的方式,或通过加后缀一er和.est,或在词前imore/less和most/least,且形容词的最高级还要冠以the。 例:i am——(tall)than liu wen.he is the tallest students in myclass. 此题后句交代了liuwen是班上最高的学生,那“我”肯定比他矮,所以不能用taller,只能用表示程度不如的“lesstall”。 英语语法填空口诀 1、接不定式作宾语的动词 三个希望两答应:hope,wish,want,agree,promise 两个要求莫拒绝:demand,ask,refuse 设法学会做决定:manage,learn,decide 不要假装在选择:petend,choose 2、句子种类口诀 句子按用途分四大体,陈述疑问感叹和祈使。 陈述用来叙述一件事。疑问主要用来提问题。 祈使表达命令和请求。表达强烈感情感叹句。 上述九是句种之定义。祈使主语you被抛弃。 若将其变成否定形式,动词之前加don"t是正理 3、冠词基本用法 名词是秃子,常要戴帽子, 可数名词单,须用a或an, 辅音前用a,an在元音前, 若为特指时,则须用定冠, 复数不可数,泛指the不见, 碰到代词时,冠词均不现。 冠词是中考必考的语法知识之一, 也是中考考查的主要对象。 英语填空的技巧和方法2 1、重复的基本规律:点对点 2、攻其一点,不及其余 3、读题干的策略:先读主干,再读分隔 4、分析的策略:a、分析句子结构b、定位中心词和逻辑关系c、选词d、理解句意 5、分析的具体方法——分隔与粘连 6、分隔结构通常为定语从句,同位语从句,分词结构,大的介词短语结构,GRE英语填空方法总结。分隔结构一旦出现,则成为其前空格的"答案,或者这些分隔中本身有空格,则应该从分隔前的结构中寻找信息。 7、如果分隔中或者分隔前都没有空格出现,这个分隔就是一个无用的分隔,一个冗余的信息,阅读时跳过去。 8、有时分隔结构会出现在主从句中,比如因果句中的because之后为逗号,不直接出现原因从句,而先出现分隔;或者although之后先出现分隔,然后再出现真正的转折从句等等。一律先跳过分隔,将真正的因果,转折,并列等主干逻辑读出来。 9、粘连指以分号,逗号,冒号分开的上下两句中的各种重复关系。她包括: a、直接重复 b、肯定与否定重复双重否定的标志:“it is wrong / presumptuous / irony / paradoxically / foolish to say that...”或者将paradoxically, irony, puzzingly, surprisingly等单词提前。 c、主动被动重复一般用by来引导,A-àB,Bàby A;或者将by换为三个短语代替:is the result of,is the outgrowth of,is the product of、此句基础上还可以变化为:非a->非B;Bàby A、 d、逆否重复AàB,B―>A、没有by,the result of,the outgrowth of,the product of等,其它考试《GRE英语填空方法总结》。 e、比较句重复 f、手段和目的A by BàB for A;by=in thems of; g、特殊并列句包括宾语从句,原因从句,同位语从句等一切从句的并列。此时解题就应该在两个并列从句之间进行推理,不必要考虑从句和主句之间的关系。 h、时间对比句 before, once, formerly, initial, pristine, erstawhile, hereto, hitherto, now, furture或者beging, start, create,或者until, no longer等。时间相反,一切对称成分相反。比如相反的时间有相反的动作,目的,原因,状态,观点等等。No longer,until要特别注意。 10、小连接:and,but,rather,even,,so as to连接对称的两个形容词,动词,副词或者不定式短语。 11、注意粘连中的人称代词,指示代词,定冠词。特别注意such,this,that,it,them,the这种词,可以帮助迅速找出对应关系。 12、粘连中的主体词汇:主体动词,表示人物身份的名词,描述人或者事物性质或者特征动作的词。 a、continue,remain这种转折是程度转折,引起程度上升用递进结构表达(even,almost),所以此处只能够是程度下降的转折。一般都是although dimilish/in retreat,之类的词,比较固定。与continue对应的主体动词还有shift,oscillate between...and,turn to,reconcile...and...等表示反面转折的动词。 b、critics的动作是judge,evaluate,praise,criticize,assail;doctor是salvage;scientist是disinterested, unbiased, impassive,下级对上级的指令永远服从。
2023-07-20 17:31:231


latitude n. 言行自由(freedom of opinion, conduct, or action);纬度(an imaginary line around the Earth parallel to the equator) [记]词根记忆:lati(阔)+tude→纬度 [例]Even though in today"s Soviet union the leaders of the Muslim clergy have been accorded power and privileges, the Muslim laity and the rank-and-file clergy still have little latitude to practice their religion. lave vt. 为沐浴,洗(wash,bathe);慢慢冲刷(to flow along or against) [记]词根记忆:lav(洗)+e→洗浴 lavish adj. 浪费的(expending profusely);丰富的(profuse) [例]The commission of inquiry censured the senator for his lavish expenditure of public funds, which they found to be unjustifiable. legislate vt. 立法(to mandate, establish, or regulate by or as if by legislation) [记]词根记忆:legisl(法律)+ate→制定法律 legitimate adj. 合法的(lawful);正当的(reasonable;legal) [记]词根记忆:legitim(合法)+ate→合法的中华考试网(www.liuxue86。com) lenient adj. 宽大的(not harsh or severe);仁慈的(merciful, clement)来自 [例]Paradoxically, Helen, who had been a strict mother to her children, proved a lenient mistress to her cats. lethal adj. 致命的(fatal or deadly) [记]词根记忆:leth(死,僵)+al→致命的 [例]Natural selection tends to eliminate genes that cause inherited diseases, acting most strongly against the most severe diseases; consequently, hereditary diseases that are lethal would be expected to be very rare, but, surprisingly, they are not. [同]mortiferous, pestilent GRE,全称Graduate Record Examination,中文名称为美国研究生入学考试,适用于除法律与商业外的各专业。由美国教育考试服务处(Educational Testing Service,简称ETS)主办,GRE是美国、加拿大的大学各类研究生院(除管理类学院,法学院)要求申请者所必须具备的一个考试成绩,也是教授对申请者是否授予奖学金所依据的最重要的标准。 另有,Generic Routing Encapsulation(通用路由封装)也简称GRE。 感谢您阅读《2012年新GRE考试词汇词根记忆法总结(2) 》一文,(我部希望本文能帮助到您。
2023-07-20 17:31:391


死亡,名词。deathn.死, 死亡死因, 死状, 死法致死灭亡, 毁灭惨案, 谋杀, 流血[Death ]死神瘟疫无生气, 被夺公权suffer death 遭死feign[sham] death 装死sentence sb. to death 宣判某人死刑die a hero"s death 英勇牺牲avenge the death of his compatriots 为他的死难同胞报仇
2023-07-20 17:31:498


概述 《简·爱》创作于英国谢菲尔德,是一部带有自传色彩的长篇小说,它阐释了这样一个主题:人的价值=尊严+爱。《简·爱》中的简爱人生追求有两个基本旋律:富有激情、幻想、反抗和坚持不懈的精神;对人间自由幸福的渴望和对更高精神境界的追求。这本小说的主题是通过对孤女坎坷不平的人生经历,成功地塑造了一个不安于现状、不甘受辱、敢于抗争的女性形象,反映一个平凡心灵的坦诚倾诉的呼号和责难,一个小写的人成为一个大写的人的渴望。 《简·爱》是一部反响巨大的书。出版商在1847年10月就出版了这部作品。萨克雷称赞它是“一位伟大天才的杰作”。次年印行第三版时,《评论季刊》上提到“《简·爱》与《名利场》受到同样广泛的欢迎。乔治·艾略特则深深地被《简·爱》陶醉了”。写作特色 小说设计了一个很光明的结尾--虽然罗切斯特的庄园毁了,罗切斯特自己也成了一个残疾人,但我们看到,正是这样一个条件,使简·爱不再在尊严与爱之间矛盾,而同时获得满足--她在和罗切斯特结婚的时候是有尊严的,当然也是有爱情的。 这本小说告诉我们,人的最美好的生活是人的尊严加爱,小说的结局给女主人公安排的就是这样一种生活。虽然我们觉得这样的结局过于完美,甚至这种圆满本身标志着肤浅,但是我依然尊重作者对这种美好生活的理想--就是尊严加爱,毕竟在当今社会,要将人的价值=尊严+爱这道公式付之实现常常离不开金钱的帮助。人们都疯狂到似乎为了金钱和地位而埋没爱情。在穷与富之间选择富,在爱与不爱之间选择不爱。很少有人会像简这样为爱情为人格抛弃所有,而且义无反顾。《简·爱》所展现给我们的正是一种化繁为简,是一种返璞归真,是一种追求全心付出的感觉,是一种不计得失的简化的感情,它犹如一杯冰水,净化每一个读者的心灵,被认为是人生追求的二重奏。内容简介 这是一部具有浓厚浪漫主义色彩的现实主义小说,小说主要描写了简·爱与罗切斯特的爱情。主人公简·爱是一个心地纯洁、善于思考的女性,她生活在社会底层,受尽磨难。但她有倔强的性格和勇于追求平等幸福的精神。小说以浓郁抒情的笔法和深刻细腻的心理描写,引人入胜地展示了男女主人公曲折起伏的爱情经历,歌颂了摆脱一切旧习俗和偏见。扎根于相互理解。相互尊重的基础之上的深挚爱情,具有强烈的震撼心灵的艺术力量。其最为成功之处在于塑造了一个敢于反抗,敢于争取自由和平等地位的妇女形象。 《简·爱》是部脍炙人口的作品、毋庸置疑的名著。英国十九世纪著名的女作家夏洛蒂·勃朗特的代表作,当时人们普遍认为《简爱》是夏洛蒂·勃朗特“诗意的生平”的写照,是一部具有自传色彩的作品。一个有尊严和寻求平等的简·爱,这个看似柔弱而内心极具刚强韧性的女子也因为这部作品而成为无数女性心中的典范。 简·爱是个孤女,出生于一个穷牧师家庭。父母由于染上伤寒,在一个月之中相继去世。幼小的简寄养在舅父母家里。舅父里德先生去世后,简过了10年受尽歧视和虐待的生活。一次,由于反抗表哥的殴打,简被关进了红房子。肉体上的痛苦和心灵上的屈辱和恐惧,使她大病了一场。 舅母把她视作眼中钉,并把她和自己的孩子隔离开来,从此,她与舅母的对抗更加公开和坚决了。以后,简被送进了洛伍德孤儿院。 孤儿院教规严厉,生活艰苦,院长是个冷酷的伪君子。简在孤儿院继续受到精神和肉体上的摧残。由于恶劣的生活条件,孤儿院经常有孩子病死,她最好的朋友海伦在一次大的斑疹伤寒中去世了。这次斑疹伤寒也使孤儿院有了大的改善。简在新的环境下接受了六年的教育,并在这所学校任教两年。由于谭波尔儿小姐的离开,简厌倦了孤儿院里的生活,登广告谋求家庭教师的职业。 桑菲尔德庄园的女管家聘用了她。庄园的男主人罗切斯特经常在外旅行,偌大的宅第只有一个不到10岁的女孩阿黛拉·瓦朗,罗切斯特是她的保护人,她就是简的学生。 一天黄昏,简外出散步,邂逅刚从国外归来的主人,这是他们第一次见面。以后她发现她的主人是个性格忧郁、喜怒无常的人,对她的态度时好时坏。整幢房子沉郁空旷,有时还会听到一种令人毛骨悚然的奇怪笑声。 一天,简在睡梦中被这种笑声惊醒,发现罗切斯特的房间着了火,简叫醒他并帮助他扑灭了火。 罗切斯特回来后经常举行家宴。在一次家宴上向一位名叫英格拉姆的漂亮小姐大献殷勤,简被召进客厅,却受到布兰奇母女的冷遇,她忍受屈辱,离开客厅。此时,她已经爱上了罗切斯特。其实罗切斯特也已爱上简,他只是想试探简对自己的爱情。当他向简求婚时,简答应了他。 婚礼前夜,简在朦胧中看到一个面目可憎的女人在镜前披戴她的婚纱。 第二天,当婚礼在教堂悄然进行时,突然有人出证:罗切斯特先生15年前已经结婚。他的妻子原来就是那个被关在三楼密室里的疯女人。法律阻碍了他们的爱情,使两人陷入深深的痛苦之中。在一个凄风苦雨之夜,简离开了罗切斯特。在寻找新的生活出路的途中,简风餐露宿,沿途乞讨,历尽磨难,最后在泽地房被牧师圣·约翰收留,并在当地一所小学校任教。 不久,简得知叔父去世并给她留下一笔遗产,同时还发现圣·约翰是她的表兄,简决定将财产平分。圣·约翰是个狂热的教徒,打算去印度传教。他请求简嫁给他并和他同去印度。简拒绝了他,决定回到罗切斯特身边。 她回到桑菲尔德庄园,那座宅子已成废墟,疯女人放火后坠楼身亡,罗切斯特也受伤致残。简找到他并和他结了婚,得到了自己理想的幸福生活。
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陈冯富珍总干事在中医现代化国际会议上的主旨演讲 1

The Contribution of Traditional Chinese Medicine to Sustainable Development 中医药对可持续发展的贡献 – Keynote Address at the International Conference on the Modernization of Traditional Chinese Medicine ——在中医现代化国际会议上的主旨演讲 Dr. Margaret Chan Director-General of the World Health Organization 世界卫生组织总干事 陈冯富珍博士 Singapore 23 October 2016 新加坡,2016年10月23日 Honourable ministers distinguished participants experts in traditional Chinese medicine ladies and gentlemen 尊贵的部长们,尊敬的与会者们,中医药领域的专家们,女士们,先生们: Every country in the world including an advanced nation like Singapore needs to be concerned about the sustainability of its health services. 世界每个国家,包括像新加坡这样的先进国家,都需要关注其卫生服务的可持续性问题。 Population ageing is now a universal trend affecting rich and poor countries in every region of the world. The globalized marketing of unhealthy products has made chronic nonmunicable diseases like heart disease cancer and diabetes the leading killers worldwide. 人口老龄化是当今一种普遍趋势,影响着世界各区域的富国与穷国。不健康产品的全球化营销已使心脏病、癌症和糖尿病等慢性非传染性疾病成为全世界的主要杀手。 Economic growth and modernization long associated with better health are now creating conditions that leave more and more people living longer sicker lives. 经济增长和现代化长期以来都与更好的健康联系在一起,而现在造成的局面是,越来越多的人虽然寿命延长了,却处于不健康的状态。 Most technology markets like those for flat screen TVs and hand-held electronic devices produce products that are progressively cheaper and easier to use. Not so for pharmaceuticals and medical devices where new products are nearly always more expensive and more plex to use often requiring specialized training. 大多数技术市场,如平板电视和手持电子设备市场,生产的产品越来越便宜和易于使用。但药品和医疗器械市场却不是这样,这类市场的新产品几乎总是更昂贵,使用起来更复杂,通常需要专门培训。 Even the richest countries in the world cannot afford new treatments for mon conditions like cancer and hepatitis C that cost from $50 000 to $150 000 per patient per year. 即使是世界最富裕的国家也负担不起用于癌症和丙型肝炎等常见病症的新治疗方法,这些疗法的费用每名患者每年为5万至15万美元。 This trend is the opposite of sustainable development. 这种趋势与可持续发展背道而驰。 At the same time a growing number of countries are reforming their health systems with the aim of reaching universal health coverage which is a key target under the Sustainable Development Goal for health. 与此同时,越来越多的国家正在改革其卫生系统,旨在实现全民健康覆盖,这是可持续发展目标下的一个主要卫生相关具体目标。 In other words countries are seeking to expand coverage with essential services at a time when consumer expectations for care are rising costs are soaring and most budgets are either stagnant or reduced. 换言之,在各国力求扩大基本服务覆盖面的同时,消费者对医护服务的期望在不断上升,费用在飞涨,而多数预算则停滞或缩减。 Faced with this dilemma and most especially the costs of treating lifestyle-related chronic diseases many experts see a need to shift the model for health service delivery away from a strictly biomedical model focused on individual diseases towards a more holistic approach. 面对这种困境,特别是鉴于治疗与生活方式相关的慢性疾病的费用,许多专家认为,需要将卫生服务的提供模式从注重个体疾病的严格生物医学模式转向更加全面的方法。 This is an approach that stresses prevention as well as cure offers integrated services that address the multiple determinants of health and asks people to take more responsibility for their own health. 这种方法不仅强调治疗也强调预防,并且提供综合服务以解决健康的多重决定因素,要求人们对自己的健康承担更多责任。 Apart from the need to do more for prevention some countries are looking for approaches that stop people with minor plaints from flooding waiting rooms at clinics and in emergency wards. 除了需要加强预防外,一些国家正在寻找办法,以避免有小病小痛的人蜂拥到诊所和急诊室。 In Europe for example pharmacists are trained to deal with mon aches pains sniffles and other plaints. They focus on symptoms not diseases and dispense over-the-counter products including herbal remedies to address these symptoms. In other words they act as gatekeepers. 例如,在欧洲,药剂师经过培训可以治疗常见的各种疼痛、感冒和其它小病。他们关注的是症状,而不是疾病,并分发非处方产品,包括草药,来治疗这些症状。换句话说,他们充当守门人的角色。 This is one way to reduce the burden on health services. Traditional Chinese medicine is another. 这是减少卫生服务机构负担的一种方法。另一种方法是中医药。 The World Health Organization weles this landmark conference on the modernization of traditional Chinese medicine. You seek in particular to give traditional medicine an evidence-based place within a health care system where mainstream modern medicine dominates. 世界卫生组织欢迎这次具有里程碑意义的中医药现代化会议。你们特别希望在主流现代医学占主导地位的卫生保健系统中为传统医学提供一个有证据基础的位置。 Your agenda says many things. You are looking at China"s experiences in clinics and hospitals where traditional and modern medicine offer integrated services at the role of health services and policy research and the use of biomedical knowledge to modernize traditional Chinese medicine. 此次会议议程的内容很多。你们要研究中国诊所和医院在提供中西医结合服务方面的经验,要审视卫生服务和政策研究的作用,并要讨论如何利用生物医学知识推动中医药现代化。 You are considering how more rigorous testing can meet the scientific standards needed for international recognition and acceptance. You are looking at the absolutely critical issue of safety as demonstrated in well-designed clinical trials. 你们要考虑如何通过更严格的检测来满足为获得国际认可和接受所必须的科学标准。从精心设计的临牀试验可以看出,你们在考虑极其重要的安全性问题。 You are also looking at the performance of traditional Chinese medicine for specific indications including digestive disorders and giving attention to the o forms of traditional medicine most often used in modern health systems namely acupuncture and herbal remedies. 你们还要查看中医药对特定适应症(包括消化系统疾病)的效果,并关注针灸和草药这两种现代卫生系统中最常用的传统医学形式。 All of these approaches can contribute to the modernization of traditional Chinese medicine. 所有这些方法都可推动中医药现代化。 I am Chinese and I have used traditional Chinese medicine throughout my lifetime. I have no doubt that these preparations soothe treat many mon ailments and relieve pain. 作为中国人,我一直都使用传统中药。我毫不怀疑这些药剂能缓解、治疗许多常见疾病,并减轻疼痛。 But if I have a bad toothache I go to the dentist. 但如果我牙痛难忍,我会去看牙医。 Ladies and gentlemen 女士们,先生们, One approach when exploring the modernization of traditional Chinese medicine is to look at the shortings of modern medicine both real and perceived. Paradoxically these shortings have created a situation where traditional medicine meets a perceived need yet earns a bad name at the same time. 在探讨中医药现代化问题时,可以审视一下现代医学的缺点,不论是真实的还是察觉到的。但奇怪的是,这些不足却导致了一种局面,就是传统医学满足了一种被很多人认可的需求,却得了个坏名声。 In wealthy countries the public often reacts in a negative way to health care that is seen as over-medicalized and over-specialized with the patient treated like a collection of specialized body-parts on an assembly line instead of a whole person. 在富裕国家,公众往往对过度医疗化和过度专业化的卫生保健有种消极反应,因为这类保健将患者当作装配线上一种专门身体部位的集合体而非一个完整的人来对待。 People want more control over what is done to their bodies. They want to self-regulate their own health. 人们希望能更多地掌控对其身体所作的治疗。他们希望对自己的健康进行自我调节。 As seen in the movement of vaccine refusal science is often mistrusted sometimes even vilified. Rumours spread via social media can carry more weight than hundreds of well-designed peer-reviewed research studies. 正如我们在拒绝疫苗接种的运动中所看到的,科学往往得不到信任,有时甚至遭到诋毁。通过社交媒体传播的谣言可能比上百份精心编写并获得同行审评的研究报告更具影响力。 People are suspicious that powerful new drugs may have side effects that have either not yet been detected or were never honestly disclosed. 人们怀疑效力强大的新药物可能具有尚未发现或从未诚实披露的副作用。 Some *** ysts attribute this dissatisfaction and mistrust to the system the infrastructure the training the incentives and the orientation of modern medical care. 一些分析师将这种不满和不信任归因于现代医疗保健的制度、基础设施、培训、奖励措施以及导向。 In many countries this system dictates that a doctor spend no more than around 20 minutes with each patient. In many outpatient clinics for primary care the time spent with patients is 5 minutes or less. 在许多国家,现代医疗保健制度要求医生用于每名患者的时间不得超过20分钟。而在许多初级保健门诊所,用于患者的时间仅5分钟或更短。 During these few minutes the doctor is expected to act not talk to order medicines tests and other interventions. This practice contrasts sharply with the approach used by traditional practitioners. 在这几分钟内,医生要行动,不要说话,要就药物、化验以及其它干预作出处方。这种做法与传统医学从业者的方法形成鲜明对比。 Moreover the number of doctors practicing family medicine continues to shrink dramatically in favour of more and better-paid specialists and sub-specialists. 此外,从事家庭医学的医生数量继续大幅减少,而出现了更多报酬更高的专科医生和亚专科医生。 Family physicians are a vanishing profession right at the time when the rise of nonmunicable diseases makes their skills essential for prevention and the continuity of sometimes life-long care. 随着目前非传染性疾病日益增多,家庭医生的技能对于这类疾病的预防和有时持续终生的连续护理至关重要,但这一职业却正在消失。 The phenomenal rise of the alternative medicine industry responds to some of these shortings in what modern medicine has to offer. In several North American and European countries the production and sale of herbal medicines dietary supplements and other so-called “natural” products have bee a huge and profitable industry amounting to $32 billion a year in the USA alone. 替代医学产业的惊人崛起弥补了现代医学中的一些不足之处。在若干北美和欧洲国家,草药、膳食补充剂以及其它一些所谓“天然”产品的生产和销售已成为一个巨大的赚钱产业。仅在美国,该产业的年业务额便达320亿美元。 The industry fiercely defends its territory its claims and its profits. Aggressive marketing that makes unsubstantiated claims has antagonized many in the medical establishment. 该产业极力捍卫自己的领域、权利和利润,通过一些毫无根据的声称展开积极营销,招致了医疗界中很多人的怨愤。 As medical professionals argue most alternative medicines are introduced onto the market via over-the-counter sales or the inter without any regulatory oversight. 医疗专业人士指出,大多数替代药物系通过非处方销售或因特网进入市场,不受任何监管。 These arguments point to the critical contribution regulatory authorities can make to the modernization of traditional Chinese medicine. A drive aimed at licensing and regulatory control can bring legitimacy to traditional remedies as has been done here in Singapore. 这些论点指出监管机构可以对中医药现代化做出重要贡献。针对许可证发放和监管控制采取行动可以使传统疗法具有合法性,新加坡已经这样做了。 Singapore has also pioneered some good policies that protect against some perceived dangers of traditional Chinese medicine. For example patients are referred for traditional treatments like acupuncture by doctors trained in Western medicine. 新加坡还开创了一些良好政策,帮助防止一些已察觉到的中医药危险。例如,将患者转诊给受过西医培训的医生进行针灸等传统治疗。 Having a doctor"s opinion as backup helps protect against the risk that what may seem to be unplicated plaints might actually be the early signals of a more serious condition. 征询医生的意见作为支持有助于防范风险,有些看起来似乎不太复杂的小病痛实际上可能是一个更严重病症的早期信号。
2023-07-20 17:32:271


Capacity difference: With the development of the day after tomorrow, boys and girls in the perception, memory, imagination, language and thinking are all capable of the performance differences. Smart boys may be more likely to be summed up earlier so they can develop the ability to distinguish between primary and secondary. Girls while are studying at a higher accuracy, but the lack of integrity and the overall grasp of things. Thus, boys and girls in the way of thinking and way of thinking there is an obvious difference in depth.
2023-07-20 17:32:382


shit you mother
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  submit做动词有顺从,服从; 甘受,忍受等意思,那么你知道submit的第三人称单数是什么吗?下面我为大家带来submit的第三人称单数和用法例句,希望大家有所帮助!   submit的第三人称单数:   submits   submit的相关表达:   submit to   顺从   submit application   来进行提交   submit willingly   心悦诚服   submit第三人称单数例句:   1. Set this form"s properties so It"submits user input to the appropriate page.   设置表单的属性,使之将用户输入提交到合适的网页中.   2. Because psychology is scientific, It"submits its theories to empirical testing.   因为心理学是一门科学, 它主张其理论要服从于观察或实验.   3. According to Xun Zi"s utopia all under heaven submits to one ruler.   荀子的 “ 理想国”是天下定于一尊,万民匍匐于地.   4. Catalogue sheet submits with the bid must be original and not copy.   投标时所提供的产品样本必须是原件而不是复印件.   5. Every month, the accounting department submits a report of bills outstanding.   每个月, 会计部会提出一份未付帐款 报告 .   6. Moreover, even if an agency submits only scientific questions to a committee.   此外, 即使行政机构仅就科学问题向委员会咨询.   7. The son submits to his father"s strict control because of fear.   儿子对他爸爸的严厉家教很是慑伏.   8. Resolves worker grievances or submits unsettled grievances to Production Superintendent for action.   解决工人的委屈,如有解决不了的交由生产管理人员解决.   9. When you win a battle your partner submits, you have, paradoxically, lost.   当你赢得了一场口角, 使你的另一半屈服了, 你其实恰恰相反, 是输家了.   10. The applicant completes and submits information through the internet first.   请先在网上填写提交 申请书 .   11. CEO submits guaranty fund conditions of every bidding company.   总监提交各投标公司担保金情况.   12. Submits information for Management Review.   提交信息给管理层审核.   13. Remitter submits return of international balance of payment.   汇款人进行相关国际收支申报.   14. He always submits himself to another authority.   他总是服从于其他的权威.   15. A user submits the job to Condor.   当某个用户向Condor提交任务.
2023-07-20 17:33:121

爆发性成长 用英语怎么说

爆发性成长.英语:Paradoxically growing.
2023-07-20 17:33:331


国际旅行社已经不再是专属的富人。在未来的几十年间,数以亿计的新加入的中产阶层将不仅希望的东西-但也经历-那么多钱可以买到。 印度呼叫中心员工,俄罗斯石油化工工程师,中国的中层管理人员,和巴西的销售人员已经冲刷网络上进行交易,对多艘次。他们希望看到巴黎的艾菲尔铁塔,放松心情,在马尔代夫,并发挥21点在拉斯维加斯举行。据联合国世界旅游组织,国际旅游访问行程,预计将增加一倍很快,从约8.0亿, 2008年达到16亿,到2020年(见展品的"旅行爆炸" ) 。不过,只有这么多的人能访问某一特定建筑物或沙滩在某一年。如果将所有其他游客去?这种暴涨对旅游的需求将会导致一场"稀缺的地方" ,并以三个可能的市场反应: 首先,多数与旅游相关的价格,如酒店房间的价格,在热门城市,将继续升级,需求超过供应量。灰色市场的发展,因为他们已为稀缺的车票,以体育和娱乐节目。一种新型的黄牛可能出现的,提供酒店客房,航空旅行,甚至博物馆通行证-在什么价格,市场将承受的。此外,各国政府和机构可能设法控制需求施加沉重的附加费,旅费,以最热门的地方,或要求昂贵的签证,为他们进入。这种情况已经开始出现。举例说,厄瓜多尔政府关心的影响,增加旅游业对脆弱的加拉帕戈斯群岛的生态系统,正在讨论增加一倍公园的入场费,并进一步限制旅客人数。 第二,配给-以及由此而来的轮候名单-将变得司空见惯。一些团体,例如,已呼吁限制,对交通,以生态敏感地点,如以印加遗址,在秘鲁的马丘比丘。作为配给变得更为普遍,存在的等候名单,将矛盾的是,刺激需求。许多人会得到符合公正,以确保选择了来访的配给目的地,即使他们不行使。价值的一个地方线-任何线-会引起各种各样的商业机会,合法,否则10亿或两个额外的国际旅行者,代表既是一个巨大的潜在头痛及商机,是个机遇。其中,将取决于哪些公司现在要做的,然后某人开始售票,以新的纽约市。
2023-07-20 17:33:441


  努力指用尽力气去做事情,也用来指一种做事情的积极态度。那么你知道努力用英语怎么说吗?下面跟我一起学习关于努力的英语知识吧。    努力英语说法   effort   endeavor   make great efforts    努力的英语例句   尽管我努力劝说,他还是不同意。   In spite of my efforts at persuasion, he wouldn"t agree.   我们必须加倍努力来澄清这一神秘的事件。   We must multiply our efforts to clear up the mystery.   我希望我的告诫会促使她作出更大的努力。   I hoped my warning would stimulate her to greater efforts.   他们更加努力。   They redoubled their efforts.   医生们在努力保证早产婴儿成活方面热情很高。   The doctors were zealous in their efforts to ensure the survival of premature babies.   他为阻止她作出了极大的努力。   He made strenuous attempts to stop her.   所有这些都是努力分开注意力与努力当下的描述。   All of these are descriptions of trying to divide attention and be present.   他们正努力坚持工作。他们正努力坚持工作。   They are trying hard to hold their jobs.   我们的努力已赢得了客人的赞誉,并将更加努力使之发扬。   Our efforts have won praise from the guests and make them play even harder.   在保持原有教学水平的同时招收更多学生的努力   An effort to fit in more students while preserving standards   如果别人不如你能干,或者似乎不够努力,你会很生气吗?   Does it annoy you if others do things less well than you would, or don"t seem to try hard enough?   他明显是在努力控制自己的情绪。   He was making a visible effort to control himself.   如果说这次旅行获得了成功,那很大程度上要归功于格林先生的努力。   If the trip is a success, a lot of this will be due to Mr Green"s efforts.   为确保残疾人真正得到接纳而作出的努力   An effort to ensure that the disabled achieve real acceptance   这些努力不足以抑制迅速扩散的危机。   These efforts were insufficient to contain the burgeoning crisis.   他为给我们这个纷争不断的岛屿带来和平所作出的艰苦努力   His Herculean efforts to bring peace to our troubled Island   公司在降低成本方面付出了艰苦卓绝的努力。   The pany has made heroic efforts at cost reduction.   试图不让自己丧失理智的无谓努力   A forlorn effort to keep from losing my mind   德肋撒修女孜孜不倦帮助穷人的努力   Mother Teresa"s tireless efforts to help the poor   使克兰先生的努力变得难以理解的复杂动机   The mixed motives that muddied Mr Crane"s efforts   他作出了坚持不懈的努力去克服丑闻造成的不良影响。   He made determined efforts to overe the scandal.   经济上的回报证明付出的努力是值得的。   The financial rewards justified the expenditure of effort.   越努力运气越好的励志英文语录   If you don"t have ambition, you shouldn"t be alive. – Aliko Dangote   没有抱负的人生不值得过下去。——阿里科·丹格特   People in Tanzania look at my wealth and think I must be sunbathing and playing golf all day. But I work really hard. I put in a hundred hours a week. It"s a never stopped game. You can never say I"ve worked hard enough now. – Mohammed Dewji   坦尚尼亚人看到我的财富就会想,我肯定整天都在晒日光浴、打高尔夫。但我工作起来非常卖力,每周都要投入100小时在工作上。这是一场永无休止的游戏。你永远都没有机会说,现在我付出的努力已经足够了。—— *** ·德沃基   As you start out in life, it is important that you know at least something about everything, but as you get older it is important that you know everything about something. – Johann Rupert   初涉人世的时候,你有必要凡事都懂一点,但随着年纪的增长,你得就需要至少对一件事了如指掌。——约翰·鲁伯特   The harder you work, the luckier you get. – Mike Adenuga   你越努力,运气就越好。——迈克·阿登努加   In Life, you don"t get anywhere or do anything you hope to without some sort of sacrifice. – Stephen Saad   在生活中,如果不作出牺牲,你就无法达到任何成就、实现任何期望。——斯蒂芬·萨阿德   I think there are a lot of people with family connections but who are actually nowhere. If you are hardworking and determined, you will make it and that"s the bottom line. I don"t believe in an easy way through. – Isabel Dos Santos   我觉得,很多因家庭背景而人脉广泛的人都一事无成。如果你付出不懈努力并拥有坚定决心,你就能成功,这是最关键的。我不相信其中存在任何捷径。——伊莎贝尔·多斯桑托斯   One has to set high standards… I can never be happy with mediocre performance. – Patrice Motsepe   目标一定要高。我永远都不会满足于平庸的表现。——帕特里斯·莫特赛比   Money is not my objective. – De *** ond Sacco   钱不是我的目标。——德斯蒙德·萨科   I own quite a lot and I have worked very hard for it. – Sudhir Ruparelia   我拥有一大笔财富,而这些都是我辛勤努力的结果。——苏迪尔·鲁帕拉里亚   In today"s world, paradoxically, it is the boldest action that is often the safest. Remaining where you are in a world that is changing so rapidly is in fact the most dangerous of all places to be in. – Hakeem Belo- Osagie   说来矛盾,在当今世界上,最大胆的举措往往都是最安全的。在这个瞬息万变的世界中,留在原地其实就是留在了最危险的地方。——哈基姆·贝罗-奥萨吉   Failure is a good thing – Hakeem Belo-Osagie   失败是件好事。——哈基姆·贝罗-奥萨吉   It"s essential to draw up a “things to do” list on a daily basis and set priorities in executing them, making sure that any unfinished task get posted to the next day"s list. – Folorunsho Alakija   关键是要坚持每天都列出一个“待办事项”清单,并且排出轻重缓急,确保任何未完成的任务都顺延到第二天的清单。——佛罗伦索·阿拉基嘉   I grew up in poverty, but I always saw it as a challenge. The good thing is that you can surmount a challenge if you are willing to pay the price. The price is hard work. – Reginald Mengi   我在贫苦中长大,但我一直都将其视为一种挑战。好在,只要愿意付出代价,你就能战胜困难。而这个代价就是努力工作。——雷吉纳尔德·孟吉   Every morning when I wake up, I make up my mind to solve as many problems, before retiring home. – Aliko Dangote   每天早上起来,我都下定决心,要在晚上回家前解决尽可能多的问题。——阿里科·丹格特   A vision on its own is not enough. Hard work & dedication is required to make that vision a reality – Strive Masiyiwa   光有远见是不够的。你还需要努力地工作和全身心地投入来将这种远见变成现实。——斯特拉夫·马希依瓦   Today is the beginning of the Rest of your Life! You are the Pilot of your life! Lock in your destination; take off to it, from where you are! – Vimal Shah   今天是你余下人生的起点!你是自己人生的舵手!锁定目标,向前进发,就从你现在所处的地方开始!——维玛尔·沙阿   In business you have to know when to retire, before someone knocks you out.” – Lauritz Laurie Dippenaar   在生意中,你必须知道何时退休——不要等到别人把你踢出去。——劳里茨劳里·迪彭纳   In whatever you do, strive to be the best at it – Aliko Dangote   无论你做什么,都要尽力做到最好。——阿里科·丹格特   Whether you"re a farmer, builder or engineer, the opportunities are equal: Just add a little innovation – Strive Masiyiwa   不管你是农民、建筑工人还是工程师,机会都是均等的:只要加入一点点创新就行。——斯特拉夫·马希依瓦   Entrepreneurship without skills limits your growth potential – Strive Masiyiwa   没有创业技巧而空有创业精神,这会阻碍你的增长潜力。——斯特拉夫·马希依瓦 1.英语励志奋斗短语带翻译 2.关于励志的英语句子带翻译 3.关于学习励志英语句子 4.励志英语文章及翻译 5.人生英文励志语录带翻译的
2023-07-20 17:33:511

英语作文my opinoin on using smart phones

Nowadaysmobile phone has become requisite to our life.Undeniably mobile phone has various types of function and bring many benefits in our le phone is a great discovery to make our life more comfortable! Paradoxicallymost of the drivers are accustomed to using mobile phone while driving although they know it is risky.This is a risky action and might cause a serious traffic accident.Besides that this action will also affect to the third party which including the pedestriansmotorcyclists and the other drivers. People who occasionally use mobile phones while driving including mobile addictsbusinessmen and taxi drivers.Why they use mobile phones while driving?Mobile addicts play games in the carbusinessmen deal business with customerstaxi drivers carry passengers.In the nick of the timethey couldn"t focus on the traffica serious accident might happen out of the blue. Although mobile phones are essential and indispensable to our daily lifeusers must have regular intervals to use mobile phones. Moreoverdrivers should be in vigilance while driving.Other than thatdrivers can also use earphonesearpieceseven bluetooth in the lieu of using hand-held mobile if there is an emergency call.Moreover government should firmly restrict the public to use mobile phones while driving. Using mobile phones while driving not only inpairs the driver"s ability to focus but aiso competently distract the drivers.Thuswe should uphold for hand-held mobile. Telephone conservation might affect the driver"s emotion. The drivers will become furious upset wild happy ... those emotions will give the drivers effect and might go haywire. Chinese has an old quote"road such as the tiger"s mouth"we are sophisticated to the dangers of using mobile phones while driving. Government should declare illegal while the school teachers should educate the younger generations to avoid using mobile phones while driving. Thusparents should also set a good care of their example to avoid conveying the wrong demonstrations to the children. In a nutshell we should prosecute those unlawful drivers using mobile phones while driving.
2023-07-20 17:33:592


2023-07-20 17:34:172


GRE填空中常见的并列转折词有哪些:并列关系(等价/递进/因果)等价、递进、因果和并列关系虽然名称各异,却殊途同归,因为在句意都属于并列关系,很像同义词之间的关系。等价关系通常由定语从句,同位语(或同位语 从句),或解析性从句引出,起着修饰,限制或者补充的作用。而递进和并列结构通常由一些衔接连词连接而成,关系一般都比较明显。所以,我们可以通过这些等 价成分得出句子空格应该填入的词,即关键词的同义词。常见的并列连词有:in that, additionally, again, moreover, further, furthermore, in the same manner, as well as, along with, furthermore, in the same way, just as, also, likewise, in addition to, like, similar to, similarly, for example, for instance, as an example, namely, that is。常见的因果关系过渡词有:because, because of, as a result, therefore, consequently, in consequence, hence, thus, since, so that, in order to。转折关系转折关系正好与并列关系相反。如果说求解并列关系和因果关系句子的关键是寻找同义词的话,那么转折关系就是寻找反义词。只要你能识别这些转折关系词,问题就变得相当简单。转折关系词包括转折连词和负面语气词。常见的转折连词有:although, but, however, instead, nevertheless, on the other hand, rather than, though, otherwise, rather, despite, in spite of,whereas, even if, while.常见的负面语气词包括:curiously, ironically, paradoxically, far from, in deed, actually, in fact, compared with, unlike.
2023-07-20 17:34:271


My mother every day, busy, busy washing clothes, cooking, sweeping, trailers, also take care of our busy. My mother is my eyes the great cooks, she would cook our family"s favorite dishes, like a lot of food because I can not remember the past, but everything very tasty. Like mother, like doctors, whenever we fall ill when the mother Reguo very anxious as the ants, day care Bumianbuxiu us, until we restore health to comfort her, but she is wasting a lot of their own. Mother raising us, is a Suantiankula Changjin, the number of night, she Guandeng for us, was covered; number of days for us to solve her problems, ride out the storm. Sometimes she does not listen to our tears and steal . Mother"s love is so great, she"s my fault tolerant, caring for the complaint or regret, so that the moisture in maternal love, a stronger every day! I will always love you! Mother! My genius Mom
2023-07-20 17:35:191


胖[pàng]; 形 plump; stout; (人体脂肪多,肉多) fat; 瘦[shòu]; thin; lean; emaciated; tight; poor。 扩展资料   她不只是胖,她简直是五大三粗!   She"s not just fat, she"s positively gross!   起床吧,你这个胖懒虫!   Get out of bed, you fat slob!   她姐姐是个大个子胖姑娘,是吗?   Her sister is a big girl, isn"t she?   很矛盾的是,她吃得越少,就变得越胖。   Paradoxically, the less she ate, the fatter she got.   他很忌讳别人说他胖。   He"s very sensitive about his weight.
2023-07-20 17:35:261

浅议简爱中的人物性格← 这句翻译成英文 谢谢!-----()

A Brief analysis on characters in Jane Eyer
2023-07-20 17:35:372

《This is New York》的英语作文

New York City, built in 1624, is located in southeastern New York, under the New York state jurisdiction, under the jurisdiction of the five district. New York is the financial and economic center, the American biggest city, port and the most populous city, simultaneously is also the world "s largest city, in four the traditional" global city" in the first place, its every act and every move every hour and moment does not influence in the world. As the world "s largest metropolitan area -- one of the New York metropolitan area of the core, in more than a century, New York in business and finance plays an extremely important influence in the world, it influences the global media, politics, education, entertainment and fashion industry, which is also located in the city of United Nations Headquarters. Located in the Manhattan city Wall Street, since the Second World War the world"s leading international financial, New York stock exchange also is located here.希望采纳
2023-07-20 17:36:112


分类: 教育/科学 >> 外语学习 问题描述: 11月7日之前打 解析: 1 When sorrows e, they e not single spies, But in battalions.Give sorrow words; the grief that does not speak, Whispers the o"er-fraught heart and bids it break. Sorrow breaks seasons and reposing hours, Makes the night morning, and the noontide night. What private griefs they have, alas, I know not. My grief lies all within, And these external manners of lament Are merely shadows to the unseen grief That swells with silence in the tortured soul. It easeth some, though none it ever cured, To think their dolour others have endured. I will instruct my sorrows to be proud For grief is proud an"t makes his owner stoop. Day doth daily draw my sorrows longer, And night doth nightly make grief"s length seem stronger. What"s gone and what"s past help Should be past grief. Feed on her damask cheek: she pined in thought, And with a green and yellow melancholy She sat like patience on a monument, 2 Stopping by woods on a snowy evening Robert Frost Whose woods these are I think I know His house is in the village though He will not see me stopping here To watch his woods fill up with snow My little horse must think it queer To stop without a farmhouse near Beeen the woods and frozen lake The darkest evening of the year He give his harness bells a shake To ask if there is some mistake The only other sound"s the sweep Of easy wind and downy flake The woods are lovely, dark and deep But I have promises to keep And miles to go before I sleep 我想我知道这是谁的森林,尽管那人远在乡村 他不会看到我停留于此,欣赏这片属于他的 被皑皑白雪覆盖着的林园 我的小马必定奇怪,为什么要驻足在这里——远离人烟 游荡在森林和冰冻的湖水之间, 在一年中最阴暗的夜晚,那人摇响了他的马铃 询问一切是否平安 却只有风儿吹过,雪片飘零 这森林如此迷人幽深,可是我已许下诺言: 在我沉入梦乡之前,还要再走上一段, 还要再走上一段。 3 My favorite poem by Frost: Design I found a dimpled spider, fat and white, On a white heal-all, holding up a moth Like a white piece of rigid satin cloth-- Assorted characters of death and blight Mixed ready to begin the morning right, Like the ingredients of a witches" broth-- A snow-drop spider, a flower like a froth, And dead wings carried like a paper kite. What had that flower to do with being white, The wayside blue and innocent heal-all? What brought the kindred spider to that height, Then steered the white moth thither in the night? What but design of darkness to appall?-- If design govern in a thing so *** all. 4 Dylan Thomas Not really for me. I liked his "Before I Knocked", but unfortunately the wry sense of humor in this poem is more the exception than the rule. Too morbid, which is quite English; but the sober take-me-seriuosly earnestness is not English, at all. Because the English, from before Shakespeare"s time, has been known for a paradoxically life-affirming graveyard humor. which is not shared by Dylan Thomas at all. 5 Edward Thomas: Rain Rain, midnight rain, nothing but the wild rain On this bleak hut, and solitude, and me Remembering again that I shall die And neither hear the rain nor give it thanks For washing me cleaner than I have been Since I was born into this solitude. Blessed are the dead that the rain rains upon: But here I pray that none whom once I loved Is dying to-night or lying still awake Solitary, listening to the rain, Either in pain or thus in sympathy Helpless among the living and the dead, Like a cold water among broken reeds, Myriads of broken reeds all still and stiff, Like me who have no love which this wild rain Has not dissolved except the love of death, If love it be for what is perfect and Cannot, the tempest tells me, disappoint. 6 [This is the answer to your prayer, 隽饴] W. H. Davis: LEISURE What is this life if, full of care, We have no time to stand and stare? No time to stand beneath the boughs And stare as long as sheep and cows. No time to see, when woods we pass, Where squirrels hide their nuts in grass. No time to see, in broad daylight Streams full of stars, like skies at night. No time to turn at Beauty"s glance, And watch her feet, how they can dance. No time to wait till her mouth can Enrich that *** ile her eyes began. A poor life this if, full of care, We have no time to stand and stare. 7 Byron: "So We"ll Go No More a-Roving" So we"ll go no more a-roving So late into the night, Though the heart still be as loving, And the moon still be as bright. For the sword ouears its sheath, And the soul ouears the breast, And the heart must pause to breathe, And love itself have rest. Though the night was made for loving, And the day returns too soon, Yet we"ll go no more a-roving By the light of the moon. 8 This poem offers the rare bination of immediate appeal AND the potential for undiscovered depth, when you re-read it. For example, what is meant by these lines? Haply I may remember, And haply may fet. There are different ways you may read into these o lines. Amazing
2023-07-20 17:36:201

我的梦想——编剧 小学英语作文

paradoxically, for any nation to preserve its unique culture heritages, she has to first embrace cultural difference in order to increase the awareness of its own culture for its citizens.travelling to a different culture can be an overwhelming,indeed,even an intimidating is very easy for misunderstandings to occur,and tourists are often deterred from places of cultural interest through fear of offending the indigenous
2023-07-20 17:36:521


2023-07-20 17:37:007

great outfit什么意思

great outfit很棒的衣服例句筛选1.Wow, Jean. Whoa! Great outfit.哇,简,哇!很棒的衣服。2.Paradoxically, wearing a great outfit can further inspire you in your weight-loss efforts.反乎常理的是,穿上一件很炫的运动服能更加激励你努力减重。
2023-07-20 17:37:151


Having been married for more than 40 years I can attest to the truth of the following statement: to excel in the art of domestic argument one must master the art of losing. 作为一个进入婚姻这座围城40多年的人,我可以证明下面这段陈述绝对是正确的——想要在家庭争论这门艺术中获得胜利,首先,你要掌握以退为进的艺术。   Modern psychologists are taken with the “win-win” solution. But in marriage success resides more in “lose-lose” solutions. Out of these both parties can win. For in the love configuration losing gives a gift that always returns. 现代的心理学家们都热衷于“双赢”的解决办法,而在婚姻中,成功者更多地采取的是“双输”的解决方案。通过这样,夫妻双方都可以是赢家。因为,在爱情的天空下,放低姿态永远是一份有回报的礼物。 One day shortly after my wife and I were married we set about picking new living-room wallpaper from a book of samples. My taste and hers were at odds. 婚后不久的一天,我和老婆正着手于从一本样品册子里挑选起居室的新壁纸。我和她有了分歧,我们各有自己喜欢的壁纸。 “I like this one ” she said. “That looks like a section of a diseased liver.” “How can you say that? This is a classical pattern that goes all the way back to the Veian.” “The Veian were blind. They named blinds after them remember? I like this one.” “I wouldn"t hang that in hell if I were the devil.”  “我喜欢这一种。”她说道。 “这种壁纸看起来就像一块患病的肝。” “你怎么能这样说?这种图案可是古典的古代威尼斯风格。” “威尼斯人是瞎子,他们以威尼斯来命名百叶窗(在英语中,盲人和百叶窗是同一个词——译者注),记得吗?我喜欢这一种。” “我死也不会用那一种壁纸来作装饰。”  As the argument went on my wife suddenly slammed the book shut. “There are over o hundred samples in this book ” she declared. “I say we spend our energy finding one that suits us both instead of bickering over the ones we don"t like.” 争论继续着,我老婆突然用力把册子一合,大声宣称:“这本册子里有200多种样品,我建议,我们还是花精力来找到一张我们都喜欢的样品,而不是用来对那些我们不喜欢的品头论足。”   And that"s how we settled it. Eventually we found a pattern we both liked. The “wallpaper book” became our symbol for settling the myriad issues that arise in marriage. “Well ” she"d say when we couldn"t agree on furniture or a place to vacation “there are plenty of samples in the wallpaper book.” 我们就这样解决了争论。最后,我们终于找到了一个我们俩人都喜欢的图案。壁纸样品册子成了一个典型事件,代表了我们解决婚姻中出现的无数问题的一个象征。当我们在购买家俱或去什么地方度假的意见不一致时,我的老婆就会说:“在壁纸样品册子里有大把样品可选。”   The issues that people argue over most in marriage such as how to spend money often aren"t the real ones. The key issue is: who is going to be in control? When I was younger my need to control arose out of fear a lack of trust insecurity. The day I finally realized I didn"t need to control my wife—that indeed I ought not control her that I couldn"t control her and that if I tried to I would destroy our marriage—was the day our marriage began. 人们在婚姻中争论的那些问题,诸如怎样花钱之类,往往并不是争论的真正问题所在。关键的问题是:谁是家里的当家人。当我比较年青的时候,我想当家是出于恐惧,是缺乏信任和安全感。当我终于意识到我不必支配我老婆的时候,我们的婚姻才算真正开始。确实,我不应该支配我的老婆,我也不能去支配她,如果我尝试这样去做,我将会毁了我们的婚姻。    Giving up control is often confused with weakness. But the winner in a domestic argument is never really the winner. When you win a battle and your partner submits you have paradoxically lost. 放弃支配对方常常与“妻管严”和“大男人”相混淆。但是,在家庭争吵中的赢家绝算不上是真正的赢家。当你赢得了一场口角,使你的人生伴侣顺从的时候,恰恰相反,你其实是输了。   What is it we want most from a marriage? To love and be loved. To be happy and secure. To grow to discover. A love relationship is the garden in which we plant cultivate and harvest the most precious of crops our own self and in which our spouse is provided the same rich soil in which to bloom. 我们在婚姻中最想得到的是什么?是爱与被爱,是快乐与安定,去成长、去增长见识。一段爱的关系就像一个花园,在这个花园里我们种植、培养和收获最宝贵的农作物——我们自己。在这个花园里,我们要给我们的配偶提供同样肥沃的土壤,让她或他茁壮成长。   We cannot obtain what we want unless our partner also gets what he or she wants. A woman may for instance want to go to the symphony. Her hu *** and might hate symphonies. But by spending a few hours listening to music he doesn"t care for he can bring joy to his partner. That"s a pretty cheap price to pay for joy isn"t it? 除非我们的人生伴侣也能得到他或她想要的,否则,我们不可能得到自己想要的事物。例如:一个女人可能想去听一场交响乐,而她的丈夫可能讨厌交响乐,但是,只要丈夫花几个小时去听一下他不热衷的音乐,就可以给他的伴侣带来欢乐,难道这不是一个换取快乐的很容易的办法吗?    But what if a hu *** and wants to go on a fishing trip with friends? Suddenly there aren"t a lot of samples in the wallpaper book: his wife either agrees or not. 但是如果丈夫想要和他的朋友们一起去钓鱼呢?突然之间,在墙纸样品册子中没有许多样纸可供挑选了——老婆只能选择“同意”或“不同意”。   Already you can hear the usual power strategies: “I"ll spend my money any way I please ” or “How e you"re such a millstone? Jim"s wife is happy that he gets to go.” 你应该已经听过以下常见的争权策略:“我可以按自己的心意来花我自己的钱。”或:“你怎么这样难缠?吉姆的老婆就很开通,他想去哪儿就去哪儿。” 想一想再看 n. 克制,控制,管制,操作装置 vt. 控制 想一想再看 vt. 培养,耕作,栽培,结交(朋友) 促进增长,教养 想一想再看 n. 软弱 想一想再看 n. 解答,解决办法,溶解,溶液 想一想再看 n. 声明,陈述 想一想再看 n. 图案,式样,典范,模式,型 v. 以图案 想一想再看 n. 搭档,伙伴,合伙人 v. 同 ... 合 想一想再看 n. 结构,布局,形态,格式塔心理完形 [计算机] 配置 想一想再看 vt. 获得,得到 vi. 通用,流行,存在 想一想再看 n. 不安全;不牢靠;无把握;心神不定
2023-07-20 17:37:241


告诉你个方法,先百度,在找个翻译软件 有道 什么的吧百度到的资料(百度百科很多),用翻译工具翻译一下就好了
2023-07-20 17:37:343


2023-07-20 17:37:413


paradoxically, for any nation to preserve its unique culture heritages, she has to first embrace cultural difference in order to increase the awareness of its own culture for its citizens.travelling to a different culture can be an overwhelming,indeed,even an intimidating is very easy for misunderstandings to occur,and tourists are often deterred from places of cultural interest through fear of offending the indigenous
2023-07-20 17:38:092


一.GRE填空答题过程中如何判断句子之间的逻辑关系GRE填空考察的就是整体逻辑语言的能力,考生的任务就是找出句子成分间的逻辑关系,并选择一个合理且必然的选项。句子成分间的逻辑关系对解题起着至关重要的作用,它们常常由一些明显的关键词提示。最重要的几种逻辑关系:因果关系:because, in that, for, therefore, thus, accordingly, consequently, hence, given, so…that, so…as to, when…then, as long as, in order to……转折关系:albeit, but, although, despite, however, in spite of, nevertheless, notwithstanding, while, whatever, regardless, even though, even if, yet……对比关系:in contrast, on the contrary, far from, on the other hand, rather than, instead of, not…but, paradoxically, ironically, surprisingly, unexpectedly……另外还有时间的不同体现相反的关系等。填空题的句子常出现陌生的专业术语,晦涩的思想观点等,但对解题并不构成真正的障碍。因为题目本身往往提供了足够的内容的重复线索帮助你找到正确的答案。e.g.Melodramas, which presented stark oppositions between innocence and criminality, virtue and corruption, good and evil, were popular precisely because they offered the audience a world _____ of _____.A. bereft theatricalityB. composed adversityC. full circumstantialityD. deprived polarityE. devoid neutrality题目的主干要我们填Melodramas提供给观众一个怎样的世界,同时又告诉我们它们表现了无辜与罪恶,美德与堕落之间的刻板对立,所以我们不需要知道Melodramas是什么东东就可以判断它们提供给观众的是一个刻板对立的世界,五个选项中只有E选项“全无中立的世界”表达了这个意思。The new biological psychiatry does not deny the contributing role of psychological factors in mental illnesses, but posits that these factors may act as a catalyst on existing physiological conditions and _____ such illnesses.A. disguise B. impede C. constrain D. precipitate E. consummate这道题粗看起来内容十分专业,空格要求填factors 对such illnesses 有什么样的动作。其实句子中有一个明确的重复线索,factors 起到了一个催化剂的作用,所以空格中填入一个表达催化意思的词语,就一定是正确选项。表示催化的感觉的词只有D项:precipitate二.GRE填空答题过程中如何判断语气和感情色彩有时,通过正常的阅读去理解句子比较难且费时间。但是用感情色彩去判断,处理起来就变得比较方便。e.g.Johnson never _____ to ignore the standards of decent conduct mandated by company policy if _____ compliance with instructions from his superiors enabled him to do so, whatever the effects on his subordinates.A. designed tacitB. attempted halfheartedC. intended directD. scrupled literalE. wished feigned句子的意思比较令人费解,但是从句末whatever the effects on his subordinates(不管对他的下级产生怎样的影响)看,我们知道Johnson做的是一件不好的事情。从第一个空格看,五个选项只有D的scrupled填入表达这样的意思。判断逻辑关系,寻找重复关系,判断语气及感情色彩这几步熟练的结合运用,几乎能解决所有的填空问题。
2023-07-20 17:38:161

要对这句话作回答该怎么写,every day和did不自相矛盾吗。我的回答对了吗

2023-07-20 17:38:245

谁能介绍一下法国新艺术派Art Nouveau

Art Nouveau, 1890-1914, explores a new style in the visual arts and architecture that developed in Europe and North America at the end of the nineteenth century. The exhibition is divided into three sections: the first focuses on the 1900 World"s Fair in Paris, where Art Nouveau was established as the first new decorative style of the twentieth century; the second examines the sources that influenced the style; and the third looks at its development and fruition in major cities in Europe and North America.At its height exactly one hundred years ago, Art Nouveau was a concerted attempt to create an international style based on decoration. It was developed by a brilliant and energetic generation of artists and designers, who sought to fashion an art form appropriate to the modern age. During this extraordinary time, urban life as we now understand it was established. Old customs, habits, and artistic styles sat alongside new, combining a wide range of contradictory images and ideas. Many artists, designers, and architects were excited by new technologies and lifestyles, while others retreated into the past, embracing the spirit world, fantasy, and myth.Art Nouveau was in many ways a response to the Industrial Revolution. Some artists welcomed technological progress and embraced the aesthetic possibilities of new materials such as cast iron. Others deplored the shoddiness of mass-produced machine-made goods and aimed to elevate the decorative arts to the level of fine art by applying the highest standards of craftsmanship and design to everyday objects. Art Nouveau designers also believed that all the arts should work in harmony to create a "total work of art," or Gesamtkunstwerk: buildings, furniture, textiles, clothes, and jewelry all conformed to the principles of Art Nouveau.另一种介绍:Art Nouveau"An international style of decoration and architecture which developed in the 1880s and 1890s. The name derives from the Maison de l"Art Nouveau, an interior design gallery opened in Paris in 1896, but in fact the movement had different names throughout Europe. In Germany it was known as "Jugendstil", from the magazine Diejugend (Youth) published from 1896; in Italy "Stile Liberty" (after the London store, Liberty Style) or "Floreale"; in Spain "Modernista", in Austria "Sezessionstil" and, paradoxically, in France the English term "Modern Style" was often used, emphasizing the English origins of the movement."In design Art Nouveau was characterized by writhing plant forms and an opposition to the historicism which had plagued the 19th century. There was a tension implicit throughout the movement between the decorative and the modern which can be seen in the work of individual designers as well as in the chronology of the whole. Its emphasis on decoration and artistic unity links the movement to contemporary Symbolist ideas in art, as seen in the work of the Vienna Secessionists, but the movement was also associated with Arts and Crafts ideas and, as such, Art Nouveau forms a bridge between Morris and Gropius (recognized by Pevsner in his book, Pioneers of the Modern Movement, 1936)."In Britain the style was exemplified by the architecture of Rennie Mackintosh, and the design work of the Macdonald sisters. The lingering impact of Morris in England slowed down the progress of the new style in design although Mackmurdo, Godwin, Townsend and even Voysey were influenced towards Art Nouveau. It was in illustration that the ideas were most keenly felt, through the new periodicals and presses - the Yellow Book, the Studio, the Savoy, the Hobby Horse - and though the work of Beardsley, Ricketts and Selwyn Image."In France, despite Guimard"s famous glass and iron Metro designs, the movement was best expressed in the applied arts, especially the glassware of Lalique (1860-1945) and Galle (1846-1904). In Belgium, the style was promoted through the Societe des Vingts (Les Vingt) established in 1884, and including Ensor as well as the more characteristically Art Nouveau architects Horta and Van de Velde in its members. In Spain the style was concentrated in the eccentric hands of Gaudi in Barcelona. In Vienna, architects like Wagner, Hoffmann and Olbrich, and artists such as Klimt gathered to promote the style through the Secessionist magazine Ver Sacrum. In Germany, the movement split between the decorative tendencies of Otto Eckman (1865-1902) and the Pan magazine, and the streamlined design of Behrens. In America architects like Sullivan and Wright were influenced by European ideas but conceived Art Nouveau in different terms, whilst designers like Tiffany enthusiastically embraced the movement.
2023-07-20 17:38:422

Technology can make our life better演讲稿200字左右

Technology is so crucial to society that people rarely stop to think that, on its own, it doesn"t accomplish much. Integrating technology into everyday life is what makes it indispensable.When organisations tackle that kind of hard work, unexpected consequences can follow. They can have a broader impact on the world than they ever anticipated. Who, for example, would imagine that the first airline reservation system, developed in the 1960s for American Airlines, would pave the way for online banking and e-retailing transactions?Innovative organisations are thoughtful and imaginative about how to make the most of technology. These businesses, governments, and communities don"t just install new technology in their factories or employees" offices and expect it to be transformative. They rethink their operations and redesign the flow of work. Organisations reshape business models. They consider what it would take for a new device or service to make our lives more efficient, or productive, or fulfilling.This is how progress happens. IBM is celebrating its 100th anniversary, which provides a chance to delve into the past and gain a new understanding of how progress happens. One insight gained over the past 100 years is this: Successful organisations use a systematic process of thinking when they deploy technology to transform what they do. Here are some of the approaches that push progress forward:Connect the Data: Society relies on data. Companies organise themselves around it to beat out competitors. New business models spring from it. Communities use it to dramatically improve quality of life. All this data collection is powered by a dizzying array of sophisticated technologies: sensors, GPS, the magnetic stripes on credit cards, even MRIs.Yet, too often, this information is siloed off. It"s not available to the people who need it. It"s not combined with other data. It"s not digitised. The progress is breathtaking when institutions in society connect data together and open it up for use by a wider group of employees, customers and partners.Innovate through Analytics: As the world becomes more complex and interconnected, keeping track of events -- let alone making sense and acting on them -- becomes more difficult. Yet, paradoxically, the leading organisations are the ones tackling ever more complex challenges. They are leading the way in improving the lives of their employees, citizens and customers.These companies and governments are much more sophisticated and bold in how they use everything from analytics and supercomputers to search-engine technology. Rather than simply deploying analytical tools to cut costs and be more efficient, they use them to manage rapid response in day-to-day operations, run simulations of potentially paralysing problems and then suggest solutions to them. This seeds ideas for innovative new products and services.For example, the oceans and seas around the world face pressing challenges, including pollution, overfishing and climate change. In response, Marine Institute Ireland peppered Galway Bay with sensors connected in real-time to data-crunching analytics. The idea? Pioneer a new way of monitoring vast water resources, replacing manual data gathering with automated systems and monitoring the bay like the living organism that it is. That ensures a quickerresponses to critical issues, such as detecting pollution or alerting ships and citizens to dangerous wave patterns.Communicate: Developing a new idea or product in secret or based upon focus groups no longer guarantees success. Innovation happens so quickly, people share so much information with each other so easily, the best way to meet their expectations is through communication and open iteration. That means using pilots, continual adaptation and social media to reach out to consumers and business partners.It"s one thing to tell employees or citizens that a project or a product is good for them. It"s another to spur buy-in and innovation by involving these people in the creative process, acting on their feedback and suggestions and keeping them up to date about the problems and successes the project is having.When officials in Malta wanted to install smarter, more efficient water and electricity meters island-wide, they didn"t just set about rolling out 250,000 new devices. Instead, they started with pilots, beginning with 200 people, but eventually expanding to 10,000. By including the citizens in the development of the project, the project leaders kept the whole community informed. Now Malta has the community"s confidence.Technology can be innovative. But technology alone can"t improve our lives. Only we humans have the brains and creativity to do that. When we start thinking systematically about where technology fits in and what we need to change about an organisation or an approach to get the most out it, that"s when we leap ahead. That"s when we make progress. And we all benefit.
2023-07-20 17:38:571


paradoxically , for any nation to preserve its unique culture heritages, she has to first embrace cultural difference in order to increase the awareness of its own culture for its citizens.travelling to a different culture can be an overwhelming,indeed,even an intimidating is very easy for misunderstandings to occur,and tourists are often deterred from places of cultural interest through fear of offending the indigenous
2023-07-20 17:39:252

求一篇英语演讲稿,题为what can Ido for the world? 时间为3分钟

What we can do for the world?I often have such doubt, but at the same time in the heart told myself: to mind your own business, the world in the end what will become of no relationship with me.Yes, isn"t it? Although we are a part of this world, but the lack of one of our people and a person, the earth itself will not stop?Yesterday saw "Tower of Babel", very depressed a movie, the director used many seemingly separate storyboard a convoluted and confusing film. After seeing the film and seen its comments are almost a guess from the name of the movie and the start of the director and the writer want to express the meaning of communication, communication, understanding...... The world is so big, but no one willing to calm down and listen to my plea to listen to my talk, I want to tell you is you want to tell me.Of course, we all just speculation to the opinions of others, even for their own ideas sometimes do not understand the extreme, perhaps such as a movie to express human thoughts and feelings of the medium itself was used to initiate, will always exists in our side of the problem in the face up, some are we explore the question for a long time, but some are we tried to hide the scars do not touch. But no matter what kind of emotion, whether these are similar to review things can forget after you shut down your computer now?Touch our inmost soul, the so-called human thing boils down to whether the practice is similar to like me in the blog writing articles to express his own weakness and a sense of loss?What can we do for the world?Once again see the living conditions of Chinese social stratum at the bottom of the people in the online postings, my mood besides the heavy but also very complex...... This year also catch up with the South snowstorm, again showing "the human nature" has come, like the Indonesia tsunami, we Chinese people"s sympathy always than any other country in the world to much, is because most population cause? But in this case, thinking of deep layer of what we call the real human nature does not because it shows us more as a "giver" vanity can in some extent?Don"t escape from this idea, a weak knees or even stretched in front of you, what is a bent your hand movements exactly represent? How many people are from the heart want to own warmth to others, and not because of the shallow pity and sympathy or is a from the moment of sadness? More paradoxically so much about war, about crime, may not need to say so distant and grand, single from the side of things, we sometimes for their family, their friends, the people who hurt their loved ones for...... Have said that some even superficial "pity and sympathy"?Perhaps the real human nature is our extremely reluctant to admit "selfish".Shows like "Babel" in that way, in a strange and fear in a foreign land, in addition to communication barriers in huge and psychological barriers, each person itself has shown selfish in that special environment to be enlarged. Here, I think God is not because human delusion and he built the tower of Babel and communicate with the language barrier barrier of human beings, but because the man thinks this self righteous and God built the tower of Babel can communicate ideas to punish human beings.In the film American couples because marriage problem itself faces and came to Morocco to look for solutions to their answers, it is precisely because of this, it leads to the later Mexico nanny because want to attend his son"s wedding, but the couple to take care of the children unattended had to go to Mexico together with the dilemma; by the police in the back of the border on questioning led to her nephew for some extreme psychological uneasiness was abandon them in Mexico desolate desert...... If Kate Blanchett plays the wife not robbed shot will not lead a poor Morocco two brothers were killed one person had to face the consequences of bear the punishment for his crime, it will lead the gun registered person -- that his suicide of the Japanese man and his deaf daughter story and said, this story is from the beginning of the Japanese order rather than from that of thought American couple radiation in Morocco can be found on "communication tower" the beginning of the. Perhaps, the real "Tower of Babel" just that little bullet.What we tend to brag, but in the end we perhaps nothing. The United States is really the world"s superpower in the material can be a certain sense of "eternal giver", it is therefore produces a strange sort of pride, but also the existence of extreme insecurity, morbid sense of conceit and inferiority contradiction system. When the couple because had to rescue in the vicinity of the village, the other passengers including the couple itself leads to a nameless fear because of strangeness in different places, always in the international arena dominated the Americans showed rare timid. An impressive detail is Brad. Some money Peter play husband wants to give them help in time to take a helicopter to leave the local tour guide as a thank you, but that
2023-07-20 17:40:031

英语作文大全the annoying orange

2023-07-20 17:40:291

How does fashion shape social identities? 英语作文1200单词 急!!!谢谢

Social thinkers have long treated fashion as a window upon social class and social change. Cultural theorists have focused on fashion to reflect on symbolic meaning and social ideals.5 Fashion has also been seen to embody representative characteristics of modernity, and even of culture itself.6Indeed, it is hard to imagine a locus of social life-whether in the arts, the sciences, politics, academia, entertainment, business, or even law or morality-that does not exhibit fashion in some way.7 People flock to ideas, styles, methods, and practices that seem new and exciting, and then eventually the intensity of that collective fascination subsides, when the newer and hence more exciting emerge on the scene. Participants of social practices that value innovation are driven to partake of what is "original," "cutting edge," "fresh," "leading," or "hot." But with time, those qualities are attributed to others, and another trend takes shape. This is fashion. The desire to be "in fashion"-most visibly manifested in the practice of dress-captures a significant aspect of social life, characterized by both the pull of continuity with others and the push of innovation toward the new.In the legal realm, this social dynamic of innovation and continuity is most directly engaged by the law of intellectual property. At this moment, fashion itself has the attention of federal policymakers, as Congress considers whether to provide copyright protection for fashion design,8 a debate that is sure to continue in the face of fashion designers" many complaints of harm by design copyists.9 Despite being the core of fashion and legally protected in Europe, fashion design lacks protection against copying under U.S. intellectual property law.10 Thus it has seemed sensible to posit that fashion design is relevantly different from literature, music, and art, where legal protection from copying is thought to be necessary to provide producers an incentive to create.11 Indeed, some commentators even suggest that perhaps fashion design is so different from other arts that its vitality, or even survival, paradoxically depends on the existence of the opposite kind of regime-a culture of tolerated rampant copying.
2023-07-20 17:40:503

单词cold 、warm、 cool、 hot 、weather,并用这几个词各造一个句子?

What"s the weather like in your countryuff1fIt is hot in summer .And it"s cold in winter.It is quite warm inside.In autumn, it is fine and cool.
2023-07-20 17:31:351

Spark应用 | Hive On Spark性能调优

我们公司yarn node节点的可用资源配置为:单台node节点可用资源数:核数33cores、内存110G。Hive on Spark任务的基础配置,主要配置对象包括:Executor和Driver内存,Executor配额,任务并行度。 配置参数为spark.executor.memory和spark.executor.cores。如果要最大化使用core,建议将core设置为4、5、6,且满足core的个数尽量可以整除yarn资源核数。yarn资源可用33核,建议spark.executor.cores设置为4,最多剩下一个core,如果设置为5,6都会有3个core剩余。 spark.executor.cores=4,由于总共有33个核,那么最大可以申请的executor数是8。总内存处以8,也即是 110/8,可以得到每个executor约13.75GB内存。 建议 spark.executor.memoryOverhead(spark的executor堆外内存)站总内存的 15%-20%。 那么最终 spark.executor.memoryOverhead=2.75 G 和spark.executor.memory=11 G 注意:默认情况下 spark.executor.memoryOverhead = max(executorMemory * 0.10, 384M),正常情况下不需要手动设置spark堆外内存,如果spark任务出现如下报错,可以手动提高堆外内存大小。 注意:默认情况下 spark.executor.memoryOverhead = max(executorMemory * 0.10, 384M),正常情况下不需要手动设置spark堆外内存,如果spark任务出现如下报错,可以手动提高堆外内存大小。 Container killed by YARN for exceeding memory limits. 16.9 GB of 16 GB physical memory used. Consider boosting spark.yarn.executor.memoryOverhead. 对于drvier的内存配置,主要有两个参数: Driver的内存通常来说不设置,或者设置1G左右应该就够了。需要注意的是,如果需要使用collect算子将RDD的数据全部拉取到Driver端进行处理,那么必须确保Driver的内存足够大,否则会出现OOM内存溢出的问题。 配置参数为spark.executor.instances。该参数用于设置Spark作业总共要用多少个Executor进程来执行。 executor的数目是由每个节点运行的executor数目和集群的节点数共同决定。我们离线集群27个节点,那么离线spark任务使用的最大executor数就是 216(27*8). 最大数目可能比这个小点,因为driver也会消耗核数和内存。 该参数可以结合spark.executor.cores设置,默认单个spark任务最大不超过60cores,spark.executor.cores设置为4,则spark.executor.instances不超过15。 设置spark任务的并行度参数为spark.default.parallelism。spark任务每个stage的task个数=max(spark.default.parallelism, HDFS的block数量)。如果不设置该参数,Spark自己根据底层HDFS的block数量来设置task的数量,默认是一个HDFS block对应一个task。spark默认spark.default.parallelism配置较少,如果task个数比较少的话,前面spark资源配置没有意义。官网建议:该参数设置为 num-executors * executor-cores的2~3倍较为合适。 当一个运行时间比较长的spark任务,如果分配给他多个Executor,可是却没有task分配给它,而此时有其他的yarn任务资源紧张,这就造成了很大的资源浪费和资源不合理的调度。动态资源调度就是为了解决这种场景,根据当前应用任务的负载情况,实时的增减Executor个数,从而实现动态分配资源,使整个Spark系统更加健康。 开启spark动态资源分配后,application会在task因没有足够资源被挂起的时候去动态申请资源。当任务挂起或等待spark.dynamicAllocation.schedulerBacklogTimeout(默认1s)的时间后,会开始动态资源分配;之后每隔spark.dynamicAllocation.sustainedSchedulerBacklogTimeout(默认1s)时间申请一次,直到申请到足够的资源。每次申请的资源量是指数增长的,即1,2,4,8等。 当application的executor空闲时间超过spark.dynamicAllocation.executorIdleTimeout(默认60s)后,就会被回收。 使用场景:同一个SQL语句需要同时更新多个分区,类似于如下SQL语句:
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2023-07-20 17:31:412

Spark原理 | 内存管理

Spark作为一个基于内存的分布式计算引擎,其内存管理模块在整个系统中扮演着非常重要的角色。 在执行Spark的应用程序时,Spark集群会启动Driver和Executor两种JVM进程: Spark管理的内存主要划分为4个区域: Executor作为一个JVM进程,它的内存管理建立在JVM的内存管理之上,Spark对JVM的堆内(On-heap)空间进行了更为详细的分配,以充分利用内存。同时,Spark引入了堆外(Off-heap)内存,使之可以直接在工作节点的系统内存中开辟空间,进一步优化了内存的使用。 堆内内存的大小,由 Spark 应用程序启动时的 executor-memory 或 spark.executor.memory 参数配置。Executor 内运行的并发任务共享 JVM 堆内内存,这些任务在缓存 RDD 数据和广播(Broadcast)数据时占用的内存被规划为存储(Storage)内存,而这些任务在执行 Shuffle 时占用的内存被规划为执行(Execution)内存,剩余的部分不做特殊规划,那些 Spark 内部的对象实例,或者用户定义的 Spark 应用程序中的对象实例,均占用剩余的空间。不同的管理模式下,这三部分占用的空间大小各不相同。 Spark 对堆内内存的管理是一种逻辑上的"规划式"的管理,因为对象实例占用内存的申请和释放都由 JVM 完成,Spark 只能在申请后和释放前记录这些内存,我们来看其具体流程: 为了进一步优化内存的使用以及提高 Shuffle 时排序的效率,Spark 引入了堆外(Off-heap)内存,使之可以直接在工作节点的系统内存中开辟空间,存储经过序列化的二进制数据。利用 JDK Unsafe API(从 Spark 2.0 开始),在管理堆外的存储内存时不再基于 Tachyon,而是与堆外的执行内存一样,基于 JDK Unsafe API 实现,Spark 可以直接操作系统堆外内存,减少了不必要的内存开销,以及频繁的 GC 扫描和回收,提升了处理性能。堆外内存可以被精确地申请和释放,而且序列化的数据占用的空间可以被精确计算,所以相比堆内内存来说降低了管理的难度,也降低了误差。 在默认情况下堆外内存并不启用,可通过配置 spark.memory.offHeap.enabled 参数启用,并由 spark.memory.offHeap.size 参数设定堆外空间的大小。除了没有 other 空间,堆外内存与堆内内存的划分方式相同,所有运行中的并发任务共享存储内存和执行内存。 Spark 1.6 之后默认为统一管理(UnifiedMemoryManager)方式,1.6 之前采用的静态管理(StaticMemoryManager)方式仍被保留,可通过配置 spark.memory.useLegacyMode=true 参数启用静态内存管理方式。下面我们介绍下两种内存管理模型的进化。 在 Spark 最初采用的静态内存管理机制下,存储内存、执行内存和其他内存的大小在 Spark 应用程序运行期间均为固定的,但用户可以应用程序启动前进行配置,堆内内存的分配如下所示: Spark 1.6 之后引入的统一内存管理机制,与静态内存管理的区别在于存储内存和执行内存共享同一块空间,可以动态占用对方的空闲区域。如下图所示: 其中最重要的优化在于动态占用机制,其规则如下: 新的版本引入了新的配置项: 凭借统一内存管理机制,Spark 在一定程度上提高了堆内和堆外内存资源的利用率,降低了开发者维护 Spark 内存的难度,但并不意味着开发者可以高枕无忧。譬如,所以如果存储内存的空间太大或者说缓存的数据过多,反而会导致频繁的全量垃圾回收,降低任务执行时的性能,因为缓存的 RDD 数据通常都是长期驻留内存的。所以要想充分发挥 Spark 的性能,需要开发者进一步了解存储内存和执行内存各自的管理方式和实现原理。
2023-07-20 17:31:421


英文原文:sunny warm hot cool cold rainy windy cloudy snowy foggy 晴朗的 温暖的 热的 凉爽的 寒冷的 下雨的 有风的 多云的 下雪的 有雾的英式音标:[ˈsʌnɪ] [wɔːm] [hɒt] [kuːl] [kəʊld] [ˈreɪnɪ] [ˈwɪndɪ] [ˈklaʊdɪ] [ˈsnəʊɪ] [ˈfɒgɪ] 美式音标:[ˈsʌni] [wɔrm] [hɑt] [kul] [kold] [ˈreni] [ˈwɪndi] [ˈklaʊdi] [ˈsnoɪ] [ˈfɔɡi]
2023-07-20 17:31:431

盈通YESTON H55 ProVer1.1主板支持x3460或x3470或i5760或750吗

i5 750、760是intel十年前出的第一代四核四线程cpu,支持与之相配套的1156结构的H55芯片主板。x3 460、470是amd的cpu,不支持intel的H55系列主板。
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