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人类历史 英文的哦!

2023-07-20 20:28:37
TAG: 英文 历史
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Human beings, or humans, Homo sapiens sapiens (Homo sapiens — Latin: "wise human" or "knowing human"),[2] are bipedal primates in the family Hominidae.[3][4] mtDNA evidence indicates that modern humans originated in Africa about 200,000 years ago. Humans have a highly developed brain, capable of abstract reasoning, language, introspection, problem solving and emotion. This mental capability, combined with an erect body carriage that frees the forelimbs (arms) for manipulating objects, has allowed humans to make far greater use of tools than any other species. Humans currently inhabit every continent on Earth, except Antarctica (although several governments maintain seasonally-staffed research stations there). Humans also now have a continuous presence in low Earth orbit, occupying the International Space Station. The human population on Earth is greater than 6.7 billion, as of July, 2008.[5]

Like most primates, humans are social by nature. However, they are particularly adept at utilizing systems of communication for self-expression, exchanging of ideas, and organization. Humans create complex social structures composed of many cooperating and competing groups, from families to nations. Social interactions between humans have established an extremely wide variety of traditions, rituals, ethics, values, social norms, and laws, which together form the basis of human society. Humans have a marked appreciation for beauty and aesthetics, which, combined with the desire for self-expression, has led to cultural innovations such as art, writing, literature and music.

Humans are notable for their desire to understand and influence the world around them, seeking to explain and manipulate natural phenomena through science, philosophy, mythology and religion. This natural curiosity has led to the development of advanced tools and skills; humans are the only species known to build fires, cook their food, clothe themselves, and manipulate and develop numerous other technologies. Humans pass down their skills and knowledge to the next generations through education.

Human History


Human History



Humans是人类的意思,以下是解释:humans 是human的复数形式,human可作形容词:人们的也可作名词:人humans只可作名词:人类human resource读法:英[u02c8hjumu0259nriu02c8su0254s]美u02c8hjumu0259n u02c8riu02ccsu0254rs]释义:人力资源例句:The human resource management work include: Work analysis人力资源管理工作包括:工作分析;一、human[u02c8hjumu0259n]美[u02c8hjumu0259n]释义:1、n.人,人类2、adj.人的;有人性的;显示人类特有弱点的;人本性的二、resource英[ru026au02c8su0254s]美u02c8risu0254rs]释义:n.资源;物力,财力;办法词语用法:1、human是可数名词指包括男人、女人、孩子的“人人类”指有别于动物、自然景物、机器等的特殊群体也可指具体的“人”。2、有时human还可写成human being此时不仅与人以外的事物特别是动物相区别而且更强调与神、精灵等相区别的“人(类)”其复数形式是human beings。3、human的基本意思是“人的显示人本性的”指具有人的特征或气质使之区别于动物而仅属于人的好的或坏的特性。还可指某人富有仁慈之心善于体谅别人使人感觉到温暖即“有人情味的”。human humane这两个词都可以表示“具有或显示出人的特性的”。其区别是:1、human指有别于其他动物属于人的好的或坏的特性尤指人的感情或缺点2、humane意为“仁爱的人道的”主要指人对遭受苦难或不幸者的怜悯之心。例如We believe in humane treatment of prisoners of war.我们主张人道地对待战俘。
2023-07-20 16:41:451


human KK: [] DJ: [] a. 1. 人的;人类的[Z] This meat is not fit for human consumption. 这种肉不适合人食用。 2. 凡人皆有的[Z] It"s only human nature to want a comfortable life. 人的本性就是要过舒服的生活。 3. 有人性的 He is quite human after all. 他毕竟还是挺善良的。 n. 1. 人[C] Wolves will not usually attack humans. 狼通常不会袭击人。
2023-07-20 16:42:081


human 是集体名词. 当作为"人"来讲的时候,可以说复数是humans. 作为"人类"来讲的时候,没有复数形式,或者说复数形式就是human.
2023-07-20 16:42:241


re I was twel
2023-07-20 16:43:113

humans 什么意思

2023-07-20 16:43:496


mankindhuman being
2023-07-20 16:44:045


有,human是单数,它的复数形式是humans。human是集体名词,当作为"人"来讲的时候,可以说复数是humans。作为"人类"来讲的时候,没有复数形式,或者说复数形式就是human。human是可数名词,指包括男人、女人、孩子的“人,人类”,指有别于动物、自然景物、机器等的特殊群体,也可指具体的“人”。释义:adj.人的;人类的;有人性的;人本性的。n.人;人类。相关例句:The need to communicate is a key characteristic of human society.需要交流是人类社会最重要的一个特征。Scientists continue to push back the boundaries of human knowledge.科学家不断扩大人类知识的范围。
2023-07-20 16:44:531

human的复数是humen 还是humans

2023-07-20 16:45:204

human humans区别(满意追加)

一个是单数,一个是复数 那个题目是指 人类创造了世界 这里的人类是泛指,所以用复数 例如 person 和 people........................呃........那也许是说世界是最初的一个人创造的吧....我也搞不清楚咧....抱歉呀
2023-07-20 16:45:341


2023-07-20 16:45:501


2023-07-20 16:46:132


human"s人的 是个形容词human人 是个名词humans 是 human 的复数形式,复数形式的所有格用单加一个 " 来表示A dog"s home. 一只狗的家。Two dogs" home. 两只狗的家。
2023-07-20 16:46:351


2023-07-20 16:46:422

人类 英语用哪个表示啊?

2023-07-20 16:46:539


【human】作【人类】的意思时,谓语动词用单数。【Human has a better brain than other animals in the world.】但如果是【Human beings】就要用复数了。
2023-07-20 16:47:112


2023-07-20 16:47:312


2023-07-20 16:47:381

people 与human区别

2023-07-20 16:47:582

human/humans are clever选择哪个?原因?

human are clever.humans 没有这个用法 非要表示复数用human beings.
2023-07-20 16:48:064


people和human的用法及区别 people:“人,人们”,a people表示“一个民族”;the people表示“人民”。 该词people是一个集体名词。它不能表示单个人, 其单、复数相同。
2023-07-20 16:48:152


human是单数,它的复数形式是humans。作为"人类"来讲的时候,没有复数形式,当作为"人"来讲的时候,可以说复数是humans。 扩展资料   He"s really very human when you get to know him.   你若了解他,就知道他确实很有人情味。   Most of the problems were due to human error.   多数问题都是人为错误造成的。   Dogs can hear much better than humans.   狗的听觉比人灵敏得多。   He was studying the complex similarities and differences between humans and animals.   他在研究人和动物之间错综复杂的相似与不同之处。
2023-07-20 16:48:231

human 和people的区别是什么?

2023-07-20 16:48:3115


2023-07-20 16:49:002


2023-07-20 16:49:192


创建与歌曲同名的记事本,粘贴以下内容保存后,将扩展名改为lrc:[00:10.00]魔兽争霸 种族歌曲系列之二——人类联盟(Humans)[00:14.01]作曲:周杰伦(JAY)[00:27.50]编导、制曲、作词、演唱:任宇翔(FreeAgain)[00:41.16]古老的暴风城堡[00:42.47]见证着破碎和沧桑[00:43.89]无情的 战火洗礼散褪去了 和平时代的璀璨和辉煌[00:47.50]埃维爵士破碎的战枪[00:49.15]打磨出不灭的信仰[00:50.56]引领联盟抵御外族入侵 终止残暴杀戮的 最后争抗[00:53.56]迷失在沉落的大地[00:55.21]洛单伦最后的奇迹[00:56.52]将无穷神奇梦幻放入心中那最后的点滴[00:59.36]永远铭记[00:60.24]双手合十的牧师默读 远离硝烟祈祷文 经[01:02.54]四壁光芒 穿过虚无空气 连接着不对称的十字形[02:40.07][01:05.60]挥舞起手中的剑 鲜血模糊了双眼[02:46.20][01:11.29]呼啸过飓风闪电 守卫着故土眷恋[02:51.77][01:16.65][02:52.10][01:17.42]击溃邪恶与谎言 辉煌与和平重现[02:57.90][01:23.10]坚定着意志上前 支撑起永恒信念[03:03.59][01:28.90][03:04.25][01:29.33]吟诵凯旋的诗篇 拨动赞美的琴弦[03:09.93][01:35.14]神圣的荣誉加冕 和平到岁岁年年[03:15.40][01:40.60][03:15.84][01:41.04]追随着代改朝迁 映射出历史侧面[03:21.85][01:46.84]祝福庇护到永远 传唱着一遍一遍[01:52.31][01:52.57]借助卡嘉长萧无上法力[01:54.21]将封尘的往事静静回忆[01:55.73]那曾经残酷而壮烈的神圣战役[01:58.14][01:58.58]失控的高贵灵魂扭曲的宣泄着残暴杀戮的张狂[02:01.54]死亡的战斧划开血雨腥风历史的沧桑[02:04.48]战争践踏着和平安详庇佑的神圣勋章[02:07.55]嗜血的震荡撕裂开邪恶图腾旗下沸腾的战场[02:10.39][02:10.61]元素精神力量耗尽坐骑悲叹的凄厉[02:13.45]孤军奋战到圣盾破碎血染残阳[02:16.73]摆脱心智迷茫 唤醒生命信仰[02:18.93]抹鲜血谱写一曲战歌荡气回肠[02:21.55][02:21.88]天神下凡的曙光 燃起灵魂的争抗[02:24.62]雷霆一击 与风暴之锤迎风而翔,[02:27.68]断刃与鲜血 洒满了千百年前贫瘠土壤,[02:30.85]烈焰突击 泪中的暴风雪呼啸而扫过空旷[02:33.91][02:34.13]专著的圣光祈祷复活理想[02:36.13]静候着落雨 抚平洗褪一处处不堪的伤[03:27.77]点燃起心灵深处 沉睡的汹涌火光[03:33.67]放逐开堕落族人 迷失的灵魂影像[03:39.58]涅磐重生展翅于 沐圣光后的翱翔[03:45.49]振奋与凝重告别 一切悲凉与哀伤……
2023-07-20 16:49:271

“human being ”是单数还是复数?

首先,HUMAN BEING是有单复数的,可以总指全人类。如果是用复数HUMAN BEINGS,那么其单数是指一个人,复数表示多个人。如果指全人类,则只用单数即可。例如robots can do some dangrous work instead of human being。 机器人能代替人类做很多危险的工作。~你的采纳是我前进的动力~O(∩_∩)O,记得好评和采纳,谢谢~祝学习进步!
2023-07-20 16:49:343

us humans等不等于our human?

不等同。us humans我们人类,our human我们的人类。
2023-07-20 16:49:422


2023-07-20 16:49:501


2023-07-20 16:49:571


2023-07-20 16:50:087


2023-07-20 16:50:516

human people区别是什么?robots will think like humans可以替换为 people吗

2023-07-20 16:51:0810


2023-07-20 16:51:421


human:既可以作形容词,也可以作名词; humans:只能用作名词; human:adj. 人的;人类的、n. 人;人类;(Human)人名;(英)休曼; humans:n. [人类] 人类(human的复数形式) 扩展资料   The cost in terms of human life was high.   付出了很大的生命代价。   Contact with other people is a basic human need.   和他人接触是人的.基本需要。   He"s really very human when you get to know him.   你若了解他,就知道他确实很有人情味。   Humans are the only animals to have developed speech.   人是唯一发展出语言的动物。   Humans take in oxygen and breathe out carbon dioxide.   人吸入氧气,呼出二氧化碳。
2023-07-20 16:51:551

humans怎么读 英语humans怎么读

1、humans英[u02c8hjuu02d0mu0259nz]美[u02c8hjumu0259nz],n.人;human的复数。 2、[例句]Hes really very human when you get to know him.你若了解他,就知道他确实很有人情味。
2023-07-20 16:52:141


1、humans英[?hju?m?nz]美[?hjum?nz],n.人;human的复数。2、[例句]Hes really very human when you get to know him.你若了解他,就知道他确实很有人情味。
2023-07-20 16:52:211


单复数的关系。human是人类、人群。humans是单个的人。It is like human fireworks.这就像是由人做成的烟火。当是人类统称的时候用human。但要注意第三人称+s的情况。two humans,两个人,因为human可数,所以复数加s。 human humans区别 一、表达意思不同 1、human:adj.人的;人类的、n.人;人类;(Human)人名;(英)休曼 2、humans:n.人(human的复数形式) 二、词性不同 1、human:既可以作形容词,也可以作名词。 2、humans:只能用作名词。 human是一个英语单词,名词、形容词,作名词时意思是“人;人类”,作形容词时意思是“人的;人类的”。
2023-07-20 16:52:281


human是人类、人群。humans是单个的人。It is like human fireworks.这就像是由人做成的烟火。当是人类统称的时候用human。但要注意第三人称+s的情况。two humans,两个人,因为human可数,所以复数加s。 human humans区别 一、表达意思不同 1、human:adj.人的;人类的、n.人;人类;(Human)人名;(英)休曼 2、humans:n.[人类]人类(human的复数形式) 二、词性不同 1、human:既可以作形容词,也可以作名词。 2、humans:只能用作名词。
2023-07-20 16:52:351


有,human是单数,它的复数形式是humans。human是集体名词,当作为"人"来讲的时候,可以说复数是humans。作为"人类"来讲的时候,没有复数形式,或者说复数形式就是human。 human单词解析 human是可数名词,指包括男人、女人、孩子的“人,人类”,指有别于动物、自然景物、机器等的特殊群体,也可指具体的“人”。 释义: adj.人的;人类的;有人性的;人本性的 n.人;人类。 相关例句: The need to communicate is a key characteristic of human society. 需要交流是人类社会最重要的一个特征。 Scientists continue to push back the boundaries of human knowledge. 科学家不断扩大人类知识的范围。 The cost in terms of human life was high. 付出了很大的生命代价。 Contact with other people is a basic human need. 和他人接触是人的基本需要。 He"s really very human when you get to know him. 你若了解他,就知道他确实很有人情味。
2023-07-20 16:52:421


Human beings, or humans, Homo sapiens sapiens (Homo sapiens — Latin: "wise human" or "knowing human"),[2] are bipedal primates in the family Hominidae.[3][4] mtDNA evidence indicates that modern humans originated in Africa about 200,000 years ago. Humans have a highly developed brain, capable of abstract reasoning, language, introspection, problem solving and emotion. This mental capability, bined with an erect body carriage that frees the forelimbs (arms) for manipulating objects, has allowed humans to make far greater use of tools than any other species. Humans currently inhabit every continent on Earth, except Antarctica (although several governments maintain seasonally-staffed research stations there). Humans also now have a continuous presence in low Earth orbit, occupying the International Space Station. The human population on Earth is greater than 6.7 billion, as of July, 2008.[5] Like most primates, humans are social by nature. However, they are particularly adept at utilizing systems of munication for self-expression, exchanging of ideas, and anization. Humans create plex social structures posed of many cooperating and peting groups, from families to nations. Social interactions between humans have established an extremely wide variety of traditions, rituals, ethics, values, social norms, and laws, which together form the basis of human society. Humans have a marked appreciation for beauty and aesthetics, which, bined with the desire for self-expression, has led to cultural innovations such as art, writing, literature and music. Humans are notable for their desire to understand and influence the world around them, seeking to explain and manipulate natural phenomena through science, philosophy, mythology and religion. This natural curiosity has led to the development of advanced tools and skills; humans are the only species known to build fires, cook their food, clothe themselves, and manipulate and develop numerous other technologies. Humans pass down their skills and knowledge to the next generations through education. 详见 ://google/search?hl=en&q=human&aq=f&oq=
2023-07-20 16:53:401


2023-07-20 16:53:491


human 英[u02c8hju:mu0259n] 美[u02c8hjumu0259n] n. 人,人类; adj. 人的; 有人性的; 显示人类特有弱点的; 人本性的; [例句]Its rate of growth was fast — much more like that of an ape than that of a human.它的发育速度很快——更像猿,而不像人。[其他] 复数:humans
2023-07-20 16:54:081


2023-07-20 16:54:1712


1.People care about the earth. 2.要加.在大家所熟悉的、世界上独一无二的事物 前面加the 3.不要.human 是集体名词.当作为"人"来讲的时候,可以说复数是humans.作为"人类"来讲的时候,没有复数形式,或者说复数形式就是human.
2023-07-20 16:54:581


human和people 都有“人”的意思,但它们的用法不同。一、human 作为名词,意思 “人,人类”,复数是humans .作为形容词,意思是: ” 人的; 有人性的; 显示人类特有弱点的; 人本性的“。如:1. Its rate of growth was fast — much more like that of an ape than that of a human.它的发育速度很快——更像猿,而不像人。2. It is beyond the confines of human knowledge.这超出了人类的知识范围。3. He was the only human on the island. 他是那个岛上唯一的人。二、people 作为“人,人们”,是集体名词,单数与复数相同,可与 person 互换一般以复数形式出现; 作为“民族”,复数是peoples 。如:1. How many people are there in your family ? =How many persons are there in your famiyl ? 你家有多少人?2. There are 56 peoples in our country . 我们国家有56个民族。3. People wear colourful clothes. 人们穿着色彩鲜艳的衣服。
2023-07-20 16:55:072

human前能加 a 加上s 就表示"人类"吗

human 前决不能+a 应该为 a human being,其前可+a humans表示认为,为名词 human 则表示人类的,为形容词.
2023-07-20 16:55:141


2023-07-20 16:55:421

many humans用法正确吗

正确。一、1、human:adj. 人的;人类的、n. 人;人类;(Human)人名;(英)休曼2、humans:n. [人类] 人类(human的复数形式),人群。二、词性不同1、human:既可以作形容词,也可以作名词。2、humans:只能用作名词。
2023-07-20 16:55:491

请问human代指是用it 还是they

2023-07-20 16:55:593

他们不是人类,英语怎么说?they are not human.对嘛。还是humans?还是the

2023-07-20 16:56:099