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2023-07-20 20:16:20
TAG: 英文

问题一:冷静用英文怎么说………………… e down!

问题二:冷静 用英语怎么说? calm down

问题三:“冷静”的英文表示 calm down





A journalist should be a dispassionate reporter of fact.我怎能控制我自己?我无法冷静下来。

How do I control myself ? I can"t calm down.


The softness of his reply calmed her down.


He prides himself on remaining calm in an emergency.


Maintain one"s posure.


Serenely self - possessed;calm.


She distinguished herself by her coolness and bravery.


He always appeared pletely unmoved.

问题四:冷静英文怎么写 sober ["s05ub05] adj. 冷静的,清醒的;未醉的 vt. 使严肃;使醒酒,使清醒 [ 比较级sober 最高级sobest ] calm [k:m, k:lm] adj. 静的,平静的;沉着的 vt. 使平静;使镇定 vi. 平静下来;镇定下来 n. 风平浪静

问题五:冷静的英文 calm down

问题六:冷静的英语怎么说 calm望采纳谢谢~~ calm是冷静的意思,clam down是让人冷静的意思,一般是安慰人的话

问题七:冷静的处理某事 英语怎么说 to deal with sth. calmly



2023-07-20 16:30:438


2023-07-20 16:31:0211


calm down,keep coolKeep your shirt on
2023-07-20 16:31:486


内容摘要: 话说在这个不能淡定的时代,“淡定”这个词却满天飞――于是我们来说说,英语中有哪些词可以表示“淡定”。话说在这个让人越来越不能淡定的时代,“淡定”这个词却满天飞――于是我们来说说,英语中有哪些词可以表示“淡定”:  大家第一个想到的词可能是calm:keep calm、calm down,这样的词组都可以用来劝人保持“淡定”。个可以表达“淡定”含义的词是poised:泰然自若。  话说在这个不能淡定的时代,“淡定”这个词却满天飞――于是我们来说说,英语中有哪些词可以表示“淡定”。  资料图:淡定  话说在这个让人越来越不能淡定的时代,“淡定”这个词却满天飞――于是我们来说说,英语中有哪些词可以表示“淡定”:  大家第一个想到的词可能是calm:keep calm、calm down,这样的词组都可以用来劝人保持“淡定”。  除了这个常见的calm,我们还可以用Zen这个词,意为禅宗:remain Zen,是不是更加接近“淡定”这个词的含义?  第三个可以表达“淡定”含义的词是poised:泰然自若。如:  I tried to remain poised despite the fact I was paranoidbecause everyone was watching.  那么多人都在看,我快疯了吗,但是还得保持淡定。    怎么样,上面这三个表达“淡定”的说法,记住了吗?</p>
2023-07-20 16:32:051


冷静 用英语怎么说? calm down 冷静用英文怎么说………………… e down! 冷静的英语怎么说 calm望采纳谢谢~~ calm是冷静的意思,clam down是让人冷静的意思,一般是安慰人的话 冷静的处理某事 英语怎么说 to deal with sth. calmly冷静思考用英语怎么说 Calm ponder calm think 保持冷静用英语怎么说 5分 keep calm 最常用 stay 或remain calm 也对,但不常用。 calm down常是 冷静下来 让他冷静下来 英文怎么说 let him calm down 我需要冷静,用英语怎么说? 楼主说的是对的 保持和冷静的英文是,保持冷静的英文是? 一般的情况就攻eep calm 地道的口语表达是 keep one"s shirt on保持冷静 例如:Keep your shirt on. He didn"t mean to offend you. That"s just the way he talks. 冷静下,他无意冒犯你。他说话就那样。
2023-07-20 16:32:391


calm作名词,意思是平静,无风。一、基本信息1、n.(1)平静;无风。(2)镇定;安静。(3)(气象)无风,零级风。2、adj.(1)无风的,平静的。(2)安静的,宁静的。(3)镇静的,镇定的。(4)厚颜无耻的。3、vt.使安静;使冷静;使镇定;使(疼痛)减轻。二、例句1、The roaring sea gradually calmed down.咆哮的大海逐渐平静下来。2、sea calmed down as soon as the wind fell.风平浪静了。3、The sea gradually calmed down as we steamed out.我们的轮船开出去时,海面逐渐平静下来了。4、Calm down! There"s nothing to worry about .冷静点儿,没有什么好担心的。5、The crying child soon calmed down.哭闹的孩子很快就不哭了。
2023-07-20 16:33:281


2023-07-20 16:34:048

bring down,settle down, break down…中文意思是?「down」英文片语大集合!

Down有向下的意思,不过它还可以跟很多单字搭配,形成片语。例如:bring down, settle down, calm down…等。 《Let"s talk》讲师Meera在Youtube上面列举了八个跟down有关的英文片语,赶快来学习吧! 1. bring down : 指打倒某物或某人。 例1:The citizens are hell-bent upon bringing down the government. 公民们一心想要打倒 *** 。 例2:The college students are hell-bent upon bring down the university rules. 大学生一心想要打倒大学规则。 2. settle down 有两个意思,一个是 calm down 冷静的意思。 例:Settle down now we"ll think about a solution. 冷静下来,我们来想想解决办法。 另一个意思是安家.安顿下来的意思。 例:My brother is planning to settle down and start a family. 我哥哥打算安顿下来,建立一个家庭。 3. simmer down 与calm down类似,但这里的解释,特别是针对生气的人说,平息你的愤怒的意思。 Simmer down and I"ll be back to talk with you. 等你平静下来,我再回来跟你谈一谈。 4. break down 有两个意思,一个指的是 stop functioning 停止运作 例:I got late because my bike broke down. 我迟到了,因为我的脚踏车坏了。 另一个是 to lose control emotionally 情绪失控的意思。 例:I always break down when I see romantic movies. 每当我看到浪漫的电影时,总是会崩溃。 5. calm down : to stop being emotionally stressed 停止紧张的情绪 当对方很生气.紧张.惊恐发作.焦虑发作都可以使用calm down这个动词片语。 例:Calm down, relax and take a deep breath, we"ll solve the problem, okay? 冷静下来,放轻松,深呼吸一下,我们能解决问题的,好吗? 6. cut down : to reduce 降低.减少的意思 例:My friend needs to cut down on his *** oking habit. 我的朋友需要减少他的吸烟习惯。 7. burn down:to destroy by fire 烧毁 例:The shop next to our house got burned down. 我们家旁边的店被火烧毁了 8. turn down:有两个意思 一个是 to reject something 拒绝的意思 例:I turned down the pany"s offer. 我拒绝了公司的提议。 另一个是 to reduce or to lower 降低的意思 例:Could you please turn down the music, it"s getting too loud. 你能降低音乐吗,它太大声了。 break down, break down 中文, break down 意思, break down 用法, break down 翻译, bring down, bring down 中文, bring down 意思, bring down 用法, bring down 翻译, burn down, burn down 中文, burn down 意思, burn down 用法, burn down 翻译, Calm down, calm down 中文, calm down 意思, calm down 用法, calm down 翻译, cut down, cut down 中文, cut down 意思, cut down 用法, cut down 翻译, down 中文, down 动词片语, down 意思, down 片语, down 用法, down 翻译, down 英文片语, settle down, settle down 中文, settle down 意思, settle down 用法, settle down 翻译, simmer down 中文, simmer down 意思, simmer down 用法, simmer down 翻译, turn down, turn down 中文, turn down 意思, turn down 用法, turn down 翻译
2023-07-20 16:34:211


remain 是系动词,后面加形容词,形成系表结构。 只有C可做形容词,其他的都是动词的变位。类似于become系动词后面要加形容词,become young变得年轻
2023-07-20 16:34:432

First, calm down ( ) leaving the problem alone

2023-07-20 16:34:522

不解的语法:All we have to do is to calm down when we are in trouble.

这句里all作代词表示:1.全部,所有,全体2.唯一的事物,一切,所有的事物all作代词,其单复数取决于其所指代的对象all of the people are Chinese.(可熟复数0all of the apple has been eaten.(可数单数)all of the tea has gone.(不可数)we have eaten it all(单数)你给出的例句中,all引导的主语的是一个从句,相当于all the thing that we have to do,从句在人称上相当于 it
2023-07-20 16:35:481

有谁知道一些关于英语中常用 又易错的俚语么?烦请告知,感激不尽!!

——来自于《美国语伴》的经典口语俚语 一起来分享一下面美式口语俚语中的常用英语单词: 1、keep one"s shirt on保持冷静 Keep your shirt on. He didn"t mean to offend you. That"s just the way he talks. 保持冷静。那只是他说话的惯常方式,他并非有意要冒犯你。 2、come on to 对...轻薄;吃豆腐 Tanya slapped Bill after he came on to her. Tanya在Bill对她轻薄之后打了他一巴掌。 3、come easily 易如反掌 Languages come easily to some people. 语言学习对有些人来说易如反掌。 4、don"t have a cow别大惊小怪 Don"t have a cow! I"ll pay for the damages. 别大惊小怪的!我会赔偿损失的。 5、push around 欺骗 Don"t try to push me around! 别想耍我! 6、cool it冷静一点 Cool it. You are making me mad. 冷静一点。你快把我逼疯了。 7、joy ride兜风 Let"s go for a joy ride. 让我们去兜兜风。 8、rap说唱乐 Do you like rap music? I have trouble understanding the words. 你喜欢说唱音乐吗?我听不太懂其中的歌词。 9、red-letter day大日子 This is a red-letter day for Susan. She made her first sale to a very important client. 今天是Susan的大日子。她和一个非常重要的客户做成了第一笔生意。 10、go up in smoke成为泡影 Peter"s vacation plans went up in smoke when a crisis arose in the office. 办公室出了问题,peter的假期泡汤了。 11、hit the road上路 We should probably hit the road. It"s going to take us two hours to get home. 我们可能该上路了吧?到家的两个小时呢! 12、shape up表现良好,乖 You"d better shape up if you want to stay on. 如果你还想留下来的话最好乖一点儿。 13、scare the shit out of someone吓死某人了 Don"t sneak up behind me like that. You scared the shit out of me. 不要那样从后面突然吓我。你吓死我了。 14、pull strings运用关系 (源于“拉木偶的线”) He pulled some strings and managed to get us front row seats for the concert. 他运用关系替我们拿到音乐会前排的位子。 15、come again 再说一遍 Come again? I didn"t quite understand what you said. 再说一遍好吗?你刚说的话我不明白。 16、come clean 全盘托出,招供 The criminal decided to come clean. 罪犯决定供出事实。 17、spring for 请客 Let me spring for dinner. 我来请客吃饭吧。 18、spill the beans 泄漏秘密 Don"t spill the beans. It"s supposed to be a secret. 别说漏了嘴,这可是个秘密哦! 19、stick in the mud 保守的人 Cathy is such a stick in the mud. She never wants to try anything new. Cathy真保守,她从不想尝试新事物。
2023-07-20 16:36:002


答:意难平英文是:Yi Nan Ping./It"s hard to calm down.
2023-07-20 16:36:202


正确歌词是:梦里海市云霞,是宋子楚创作的《海市蜃楼》,完整歌词:如果摩天大楼会崩塌就不要再去贪恋悬崖再见不过是一种表达别怕灿烂星河如果能落下就不必等待漫天烟花我们的爱散落满地被时间同化你总习惯若即若离煽情者的戏码躲在面具后装聋作哑我尽量让表情自然假装的很优雅带不走的就留下So calm down梦里海市云霞梦外羽化成她海上楼月镜中花到底谁爱谁恨谁怕结局冻裂崩塌何必暴晒再融化无人的碧蓝海域试图吞下我梦境里的盛世与浮华海市蜃楼多像个童话刻画成我眼里的年华灿烂星河如果能落下就不必等待漫天烟花我们的爱散落满地被时间同化你总习惯若即若离煽情者的戏码躲在面具后装聋作哑我尽量让表情自然假装的很优雅带不走的就留下So calm down梦里海市云霞梦外羽化成她海上楼月镜中花到底谁爱谁恨谁怕结局冻裂崩塌何必暴晒再融化无人的碧蓝海域试图吞下我梦境里的盛世与浮华海市蜃楼多像个童话刻画成我眼里的年华梦里海市云霞梦外羽化成她海上楼月镜中花到底谁爱谁恨谁怕结局冻裂崩塌何必暴晒再融化无人的碧蓝海域试图吞下我梦境里的盛世与浮华海市蜃楼多像个童话刻画成我眼里的年华创作者经历:2021年,宋子楚为李艾伦《出头之日》混音,为阿悄《全网小可爱》混音,为叉子《蝴蝶飞不过沧海》混音,为流浪的东子《五岁的时候》(纯享版)录音,为Uu、小乐哥、程jiajia、九三、流浪的东子《五岁的时候》(新年暖心曲)录音,为尹然《如果你》录音,并担任统筹。
2023-07-20 16:36:271


焦虑症(anxiety),又称为焦虑性神经症,是神经症这一大类疾病中最常见的一种,以焦虑情绪体验为主要特征。可分为慢性焦虑,即广泛性焦虑(generalized anxiety)和急性焦虑,即惊恐发作(panic attack)两种形式。主要表现为:无明确客观对象的紧张担心,坐立不安,还有植物神经功能失调症状,如心悸、手抖、出汗、尿频等,及运动性不安。注意区分正常的焦虑情绪,如焦虑严重程度与客观事实或处境明显不符,或持续时间过长,则可能为病理性的焦虑。
2023-07-20 16:29:3710

birth defect造句 birth defectの例文 "birth defect"是什么意思

They also found a way to reduce these drug-caused birth defects . 他们也发现了一种减少这类药物引起的先天缺陷的方法。 The *** ysis of birth defect in 12375 perinatal fetus 太原地区12375例围产儿出生缺陷分析 Cpnic *** ysis on 534 children wth birth defects at the age of 5岁出生缺陷儿童临床分析 Thalassemia family marriage and birth defect intervene 地中海贫血家系婚配与出生缺陷干预 Review on the trend of birth defect in 5 years 近五年出生缺陷的变化趋势 Congenital ? ? a birth defect that is not inherited 先天的缺点,并不是因为遗传而获得的特性。 Centre of human development and birth defects 人类发现及先天疾病中心 Monitoring of the birth defects in 12 years in hubei province 湖北省十二年出生缺陷监测分析 Birth defects in chaoyang district , beijing , in 1999年出生缺陷监测 I don " t know if it " s a fungus or some congenital birth defect 我不知道是不是真菌或者一些先天缺陷 It"s difficult to see birth defect in a sentence. 用 birth defect 造句挺难的 Analysis of 643 cases with birth defect 643例出生缺陷分析 Is that dubble bubble doubles the taste , not causes birth defects . "双炮"有更好的味道,而不会造成畸形 It " s a birth defect . - no , it " s not 天生缺陷-不,不是 Study progress on in birth defect 出生缺陷的研究进展 . . . is that dubble bubble doubles the taste , not causes birth defects . . . "双炮"有更好的味道,而不会造成畸形 Approach to screeing and intervention pattern of birth defects in longgang area 龙岗区出生缺陷筛查干预模式的探讨 The birth defects ( hat the drug produced were a result of inadequate testing 这种药物造成的婴儿先天性缺损就是实验不够的结果。 New research shows that some birth defects are pnked to *** oking during pregnancy 最新研究表明某些生理缺陷与怀孕期间抽烟有关。 Study on hair trace elements levels of pregnant women from birth defects surveillance system 出生缺陷与孕妇毛发微量元素含量研究 A : new research shows that some birth defects are pnked to *** oking during pregnancy 最新研究表明某些生理缺陷与怀孕期间抽烟有关。 Epidemiological *** ysis of birth defects in the adjoining areas of a normal nuclear power station 核电站正常运行期间毗邻地区出生缺陷的流行病学分析 Exceptions include folate for prevention of birth defects and calcium for prevention of bone disease 不过,补充预防出生缺陷的叶酸与预防骨质疏松的钙是例外。 Cleft palate ? ? a birth defect of the roof of the mouth in that the hard palate did not close pletely 腭裂。一种天生的缺陷,嘴巴的上部和下部不能完全闭合。 Impact of prenatal detection and termination of pregnancy on prevalence of birth defects in europe 欧洲关于产前检查并终止妊娠对出生缺陷监测发生率影响的资料分析 Who says environmental hazards can cause _ _ 9 _ _ , still birth , low birth weight and birth defects 世卫组织称环境危害可能导致流产,死胎,出生体重不足,婴儿先天性缺陷。 And the rate of congenital birth defects in babies born to mothers with ibd was more than ice as high 而且炎症性肠病的母亲生育有遗传缺陷的婴儿大于健康母亲的两倍。 Methods data were taken from chinese birth defects monitoring work , a hospital - based congenital anomapes registry system 方法采用以医院为基础的监测方法收集资料。 Who says environmental hazards can cause miscarriage , still birth , low birth weight and birth defects Who称环境问题可能会导致流产、胎儿不发育、出生体重低以及出生缺陷。 Who says environmental hazards can cause miscarriage , still birth , low birth weight and birth defects 世卫组织称环境危害可能导致流产,死胎,出生体重不足,婴儿先天性缺陷。 " many birth defects actually can be avoided if women use supplements of fopc acid during he noted 他说: “如果妇女在怀孕期间摄入足够的叶酸辅助品,很多出生缺陷完全可以避免。 It"s difficult to see birth defect in a sentence. 用 birth defect 造句挺难的 The 16 - year - old was born with spina bifida , a congenital birth defect that stunts brain and spinal cord development 16岁大患有脊柱分裂症,一种先天性缺乏症,阻碍大脑和脊椎发育。 As the mother of o children affpcted with serious birth defects , she became a pubpc voice for children " s charities 做为有天生残疾的两个孩子的母亲,她成为儿童慈善事业的公众呼声。 Who says environmental hazards can cause miss carriage ( miscarriage ) , stillbirth , low birth rate ( weight ) , and birth defects Who指出环境危害能引起流产,死产,出生重量低,和婴儿缺陷。 Neural tube defects : fopc acid supplements can reduce the risk of spina bifida and other neural tube birth defects 神经管不良症叶酸补充物可以降低罹患脊柱裂或是其它神经管先天缺损的机率。 " many birth defects actually can be avoided if women use supplements of fopc acid during pregnancy , " he noted 他说: “如果妇女在怀孕期间摄入足够的叶酸辅助品,很多出生缺陷完全可以避免。 At a loss , the doctor administered one more test , because blood - pressure medication can cause birth defects 在困惑不解的情况下,医生进行了第二次检查,因为治疗血压的药物能导致婴儿的先天缺陷。 When the neural tube does not close properly , a baby is born with a very serious birth defect called a neural tube defect 如果神经管没有结合紧凑的话,婴儿产生以后会有严重的缺陷,称为神经管缺陷。 However , dietary fopc acid supplementation by mothers - to - be before and during pregnancy can reduce the incidence of such birth defects 然而,由母亲妊娠期前或妊娠期的叶酸饮食供应能减少此种先天缺陷。 They learned that the son was mute . this speech problem was not a birth defect . the boy had suddenly bee mute for unknown reasons 意所依方面,有木材所做之八大佛塔,长一臂,泥塑八大佛塔高一层楼。 Scientists consulted by the u . s . government suggest these man - made molecules have the potential to cause cancer or birth defects 美国 *** 顾问科学家提出这些人造分子有潜在造成癌症或者出生缺陷的危险。 About 400 milpon women of childbearing age are iron deficient , which means their babies are exposed to various birth defects 大约有4亿的育龄妇女体内缺铁,也就是说,她们的婴儿将可能有各种天生的缺陷。 These birth defects happen in the first few weeks of pregnancy , often before a woman finds out that she is pregnant 一般来讲,出生缺陷是在怀孕最初几周发生的,而通常在这几周女性并没有意识到自己已经怀孕了。 Anencephaly is a form of neural tube defect that is typically an isolated birth defect that is not related to chromosomal abnormapties 无脑儿是神经管缺陷的一种类型,是单纯性先天性缺陷,与染色体异常无关。 The city " s rate of birth defects was 23 . 1 per thousand last year , an increase of nearly 4 per thousand over the previous three years " average 宁波市去年的新生儿出生缺陷率为23 . 1比此前三年的平均水平高出近4 The city " s rate of birth defects was 23 . 1 per thousand last year , an increase of nearly 4 per thousand over the previous three years " average 宁波市去年的新生儿出生缺陷率为23 . 1 ,比此前三年的平均水平高出近4 。 Provide information , materials for students and classrooms . has related information about birth defects , child development , and disabipty and health -为肢体和听觉障碍残疾人设立的职业高中,包含学校简介教研成果。 Warning : this product contains a chemical known to the state of capfornia to cause cancer , birth defects , or other reproductive harm 警告:本产品包含美国加州公布的可能导致癌症、生育缺陷,或其他生育伤害的化学物质。 The aerage age for a birth defect - related hospital stay was 17 . 6 years pared to 49 . 9 years for all other hospital stays 因出生缺陷而住院治疗的患者平均年龄为17 . 6岁,比较而言,所有其他原因住院的患者平均年龄为49 . 9岁。 It is especially important for pregnant women to drink pure water as lead in drinking water can cause severe birth defects 由于饮用水中的铅可以引起严重的出生儿童有问题,尤其对于怀孕的孕妇来说饮用干净健康的水显得特别重要。 They said their study pubpshed in the american journal of epidemiology is the first definitively to pnk air pollution with birth defects 他们说,这项刊登在美国流行病学杂志上的研究首次明确地提出空气污染与出生缺陷有关。 It"s difficult to see birth defect in a sentence. 用 birth defect 造句挺难的
2023-07-20 16:29:371


  2017年12月的大学英语六级考试已经结束了,考生最想知道的就是考试的答案了。下面我整理了2017年12月英语六级试题真题及答案解析,供大家参考!  2017年12月英语六级试题真题及答案解析   Part Ⅰ Writing (30 minutes)   Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a short essay on invention. Your essay should include the importance of invention and measures to be taken to encourage invention. You are required to write at least 150 words but no more than 200 words.   参考 范文   My View on Invention   Drawing a comparison between modern life and ancient life, we cannot imagine what life will be like now without invention. Invention must be attached great importance to, as it is invention that contributes to the advancement of our society. There are several examples which can be cited to illustrate this concept. I can think of no better illustration than the following one. If Edison hadn"t invented the light bulb, we would have lived a life as the blind in the night.   Given that invention plays such an essential role in our life, what can we do to cultivate this precious spirit? For one thing, it is advisable for the social media and publicity department to vigorously inform the public of the importance of invention. For another, the relevant authority should set up favorable regulations to encourage invention. For example, they can set up the practice of giving premiums or issuing patent certificate to inventors.   Finally, I want to use the following saying as our mutual encouragement, “Invention is the spirit of human beingu2019s progress.” At no time should we underestimate the power of invention. Therefore, when an idea comes to your mind next time, just make your own invention.   Part Ⅱ Listening Comprehension   Section A   1. C) It links the science of climate change to economic and policy issues.   2. B) It would be more costly to deal with its consequences than to avoid it.   3. A) The transition to low-carbon energy systems.   4. C) Plan well in advance.   5. B) What determines success.   6. D) It means being good at seizing opportunities.   7. D) Practice is essential to becoming good at something.   8. C) Being passionate about work can make one wealthy.   Section B   9. A) The stump of a giant tree.   10. B) Wind and water.   11. D) It was created by supernatural powers.   12. C) By lifting them well above the ground.   13. A) They will buy something from the convenience stores.   14. A) They can bring only temporary pleasures.   15. D) Small daily savings can make a big difference in oneu2019s life.   Section C   16. B) They are necessary in our lives.   18. B) They feel too overwhelmed to deal with lifeu2019s problems.   18. A) They expand our mind.   19. B) It came from a 3D printer.   20. C) When she was studying at a fashion design school.   21. C) It was hard and breakable.   22. D) It marks a breakthrough in printing material.   23. A) They arise from the advances in technology.   24. D) It is intensely competitive.   25. D) Sharing of costs with each other.   Part Ⅲ Reading Comprehension   选词填空   26. G) hypotheses 假设   27. B) contextual 上下文的,情境的,前后关联的   28. A) arena 舞台,竞技场   29. C) convincing 有说服力的,使人信服的   30. I) incorporate 合并,使并入   31 .D) devoted献身于,把u2026专用于   32 .N) reaping 收获   33 .E) digits 数字   34 .M) pride 以...自豪   35 .F) hasten 加速   长篇阅读   36. D) For instance, new technologies that are building upon existing technology have not found their footing well enough to appeal to a mass audienceu2026   37. K)That, too, explains the heavy Washington presence at this yearu2019s show, as these new technologies intrude upon heavily regulated areas.   38. B) In some ways, the answer is yes. For years, smartphones, televisions, tablets, laptops and desktopsu2026   39. L) Curran, the Accenture analyst, said that increased government interest in the show makes sense as technology becomes a larger part of our lives.   40. F) “So much of what CES has been about is the cool. It is about the flashiness and the gadgets,” u2026   41. A) Scan the highlights of this yearu2019s Consumer Electronics Show (CES), and you may get a slight feeling of having seen them before.   42. H) And when it comes to the hyper-connected super-smart world that technology firms are painting for usu2026   43. E) Companies are promoting their own standards, and the marker has not had time to choose a winner yet as this is still very new.   44. I) Companies have already won part of the battle, having driving tech into every part of our livesu2026   45. C) Basically the tech industry seems to be in an awkward period now.   篇章阅读   Passage One   46. A) it is unfair to those climate-vulnerable nations   47. C) They hardly pay anything for the problems they have caused.   48. C) They have to bear consequences they are not responsible for.   49. B) There is no final agreement on where it will come from.   50. D) Putting in effect the policies in the agreement at once.   Passage Two   51. C) Teenagersu2019 mental problems are often too conspicuous not to be observed.   52. D) Many hitherto unobserved youngsters may have psychological problems.   53. B) Their behaviors do not constitute a warning signal.   54. A) They are almost as liable to depression as the high-risk group.   55. B) It provides new early-warning signals for identifying teens in trouble.   Part Ⅳ Translation(30 minutes)   参考译文   With the improvement of living standards, holiday is occupying a more and more prominent position in Chinese peopleu2019s life. In the past, making a living takes most of Chinese peopleu2019s time, which gives them rare chance to go off on a trip. However, tourism has undergone rapid growth in China for the past few years. The prosperity of economy and the emergence of the affluent middle class trigger an unprecedented tourism boom. Not only does domestic traveling become common, but traveling abroad is also enjoying an increasing popularity among Chinese people. During the National Day holidays in 2016, tourism consumption amounts to more than 400 billion yuan. According to the statistical data by the World Trade Organization, China will have become the world"s largest tourism country by 2020, and she will also see the fastest growth in overseas traveling expenditure in the next few years. 看了2017年12月英语六级试题真题及答案解析还看: 1. 20117年12月英语四级试题真题及答案解析 2. 英语六级选词填空练习试题及答案解析 3. 2017年12月英语六级翻译模拟题附答案 4. 2017年12月英语六级翻译练习题及答案 5. 2017年12月英语六级翻译练习题含答案
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碔砆混玉: 比喻以假乱真,似是实非。鱼目混珍: 比喻以假乱真。鱼目混珎: 比喻用假的冒充真的。同“鱼目混珠”。玉石混淆: 比喻好坏混杂。死了张屠夫,不吃混毛猪: 蒙混过关: 用欺骗的手段逃过关口。龙蛇混杂: 比喻好人和坏人混在一起。流言混话: 无根据无道理的言语。举世混浊: 举:全;混浊:不清明。世上所有的人都不清不白。比喻世道昏暗。混混沌沌: 迷糊不清的样子,模糊一片,不分明。混混噩噩: 无知无识,糊里糊涂。混世魔王: 《西游记》中的一个妖怪。比喻扰乱世界、给人们带来严重灾难的人。有时也指成天吃喝玩乐、到处胡闹的有钱有势人家的子弟。混水摸鱼: 比喻乘混乱的时候从中捞取利益。黑白混淆: 把黑的说成白的,将白的说成黑的。比喻故意颠倒是非,制造混乱。混沌不分: 混沌:亦作“浑沌”,古代寓言中的中央帝名。原意是借喻一切事物都应顺其自然。后常用以表示愚昧无知。混混沄沄: 水流汹涌貌。比喻连续不断。混然天成: 自然形成的整体,没有斧凿的痕迹。混然一体: 混然:混同在一起的样子。融合成一个整体,不可分割。也形容文章绘画,布置匀整,结构谨严。混水捞鱼: 比喻乘混乱的时候从中捞取利益。同“混水摸鱼”。混俗和光: 同于尘俗,不露锋芒。指不求特异,与世无争。混应滥应: 指随便答应别人的请求。混作一谈: 把不同的事物混在一起,当作同样的事物谈论。同“混为一谈”。鱼目混珠: 混:搀杂,冒充。拿鱼眼睛冒充珍珠。比喻用假的冒充真的。鱼龙混杂: 比喻坏人和好人混在一起。混淆视听: 混淆:混杂。用假象或谎言让旁人分辨不清是非。混淆是非: 混淆:使界限不清。故意把正确的说成错误的,把错误的说成正确的。混淆黑白: 混淆:使界限模糊。故意把黑的说成白的,白的说成黑的,制造混乱。指故意制造混乱,使人辨别不清。混为一谈: 把不同的事物混在一起,当作同样的事物谈论。
2023-07-20 16:29:411

拉格朗日定理 y=x^3在闭区间[0,1]上满足拉格朗日中值定理,则定理中的ξ=?

f(1)=1,f(0)=0 f"(ξ)=[f(1)-f(0)]/(1-0)=1 f"(ξ)=3ξ^2=1,在[0,1]范围上,解得ξ=√3/3
2023-07-20 16:29:421


【 #英语资源# 导语】人生,就要活得漂亮,走得铿锵。自己不奋斗,终归是摆设。无论你是谁,宁可做拼搏的失败者,也不要做安于现状的平凡人。下面是 考 网! 【篇一】霸气简短的英语句子   1、行动是成功的开始,加油加油加油。   Action is the beginning of success, refueling and refueling.   2、勤奋,是步入成功之门的通行证。   Diligence is the passport to the door of success.   3、博学而笃志,切问而近。   The learning and devotion, close to the question.   4、吃得苦中苦,方为人上人。   He who eats bitterness is a man.   5、负责任:凡事自省,检讨改进。   Responsibility: self-examination, review and improvement.   6、志不坚者智不达,言不信者行不果。   He who does not have a strong mind is not wise, and does not believe it does not.   7、抓住今天,才能不丢失明天。   Seize the day, and not lose tomorrow.   8、把握一个今天,胜似两个明天。   Grasp one today, more than two tomorrows.   9、今日的汗水,明日的收获。   The sweat of today, the harvest of tomorrow.   10、希望在濯中扬帆,梦想在濯中起航。   I hope to sail in the Zhuo, and dream to sail in the wash.   11、习惯改变命运,细节铸就终身。   Habits change fate, and details make life.   12、永不言退,我们是的团队。   Never go back, we are the best team.   13、勤奋努力加自信,辉煌成就属于你。   Diligent and confident, brilliant achievement belongs to you.   14、自己选择的路,跪着也要走下去。   The road that you choose, kneel also must go down.   15、团结一心,其力可断金。   The unity of the heart, the power to break gold.   16、人之为学,不日进,则日退。   A man is a learning, a day, and a day.   17、有条理:轻重缓急,有条不紊。   Well organized: it is urgent and orderly.   18、智商决定录用;情商决定提升。   IQ decides to hire; EQ decides to improve.   19、敢爱,敢恨,敢拼,敢闯。   Dare to love, dare to hate, dare to fight, and dare to break.   20、要争就能赢,要拼才能赢。   To win, to win, to win. 【篇二】霸气简短的英语句子   1、路的尽头,仍然是路,只要你愿意走。   The end of the road, is still a road, as long as you are willing to go.   2、志在山顶的人,不会贪念山腰的风景。   Aim at the top of the mountain people, won"t greed hillside scenery.   3、宽恕为我们的生命增加了广阔的空间。   Forgiveness for our life has increased the vast space.   4、挫折其实就是迈向成功所应缴的学费。   Frustration is success should pay tuition fees.   5、嘴里说的人生,就是自己以后的人生。   Mouth say life, are the life of his own future.   6、人之所以痛苦,在于追求错误的东西。   People are suffering, lies in the pursuit of the wrong things.   7、没有不进步的人生,只有不进取的人!   There is no progress in life but not the enterprising person!   8、生活不是单行线,此路不通赶紧拐弯。   Life is not a one-way street, road closed to turn.   9、只要还有明天,今天就永远是起跑线。   As long as there is tomorrow, today forever is starting line.   10、明天的希望,让我们忘了今天的痛苦。   The hope of tomorrow lets us forget today"s pain.   11、发光并非太阳的专利,你也能够发光。   Shining is not the patent of the sun, you also can shine.   12、将来的你一定会感激现在拼命的自己。   In the future you will be grateful for now try very hard to yourself.   13、常问自己,谁对我有恩还没加倍报答。   Often ask myself, who is kind to me didn"t double return.   14、感谢上天让我孤单,忍受灵魂的磨难。   Thank god let me alone, endured the hardships of the soul.   15、忘掉失败,不过要牢记失败中的教训。   Forget the failure but remember the lesson from the failure.   16、你可以一无所有,但绝不能一无是处。   You can have nothing, but must not be nothing.   17、没有口水与汗水,就没有成功的泪水。   No saliva and sweat, no success of tears.   18、也要坚持的走下去。和你一起加油吧。   Also want to stick to go on. Cheer together with you.   19、追悔过去,不如把握现在,成就未来。   Repent the past, grasp now, is better than achievements of the future.   20、成功决不喜欢会见懒汉,而是唤醒懒汉。   Success never like meeting a bum, but wake up lazy. 【篇三】霸气简短的英语句子   1、志不立,天下无可成之事。   ambition does not stand, there is nothing to do.   2、人生志气立,所贵功业昌。   life ambition, that your exploits chang.   3、先知三日,富贵十年。   prophet three, riches and honour for ten years.   4、燕雀安知鸿鹄之志。   brambling yasutomo lofty ambition.   5、你不坚强,没人替你勇敢。   you are not strong, no one brave for you.   6、鹰击天风壮,鹏飞海浪春。   eagle wind strong, pengfei wave spring.   7、知识决定竞争力。   knowledge determines competitiveness.   8、唯有行动才能改造命运。   only action can change destiny.   9、心有多大,舞台就有多大。   the stage extends as far as the heart goes。   10、有志者事竟成也!   where there is a will there is a way!   11、以诚感人者,人亦诚而应。   to be sincere and moving, people should also be sincere.   12、惟坚韧者始能遂其志。   but the strong will begin to do so.   13、不为穷变节,不为贱易志。   not for the poor renegade, not as a cheap and easy chi.   14、理想很丰满,现实很骨感。   the ideal is full, the reality is very skinny.   15、自信是成功的第一秘诀。   self confidence is the first secret of success.   16、学会选择,学会放弃。   learn to choose, learn to give up.   17、失败乃成功之母。   failure is the mother of success。   18、站得更高才能看得更远。   stand higher and see farther.   19、鸟不展翅膀难高飞。   birds can"t fly without wings.   20、我成功因为我志在成功!   i succeeded because i willed it!   
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interestn. 兴趣,爱好;利息;趣味;同行vt. 使……感兴趣;引起……的关心;使……参与interesting 修饰物adj. 有趣的;引起兴趣的,令人关注的interested,be interested in 对...感兴趣adj. 感兴趣的;有权益的;有成见的
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AVIAVI英文全称为Audio Video Interleaved,即音频视频交错格式。是将语音和影像同步组合在一起的文件格式。它对视频文件采用了一种有损压缩方式,但压缩比较高,因此尽管画面质量不是太好,但其应用范围仍然非常广泛。AVI支持256色和RLE压缩。AVI信息主要应用在多媒体光盘上,用来保存电视、电影等各种影像信息。RMRealNetworks公司所制定的音频视频压缩规范称为RealMedia,用户可以使用RealPlayer或RealOnePlayer对符合RealMedia技术规范的网络音频/视频资源进行实况转播并且RealMedia可以根据不同的网络传输速率制定出不同的压缩比率,从而实现在低速率的网络上进行影像数据实时传送和播放。这种格式的另一个特点是用户使用RealPlayer或RealOnePlayer播放器可以在不下载音频/视频内容的条件下实现在线播放。另外,RM作为目前主流网络视频格式,它还可以通过其RealServer服务器将其它格式的视频转换成RM视频并由RealServer服务器负责对外发布和播放。RM和ASF格式可以说各有千秋,通常RM视频更柔和一些,而ASF视频则相对清晰一些由以上三种格式的对比易见,rmvb的最清晰
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分类: 电脑/网络 >> 软件 >> 其他软件 问题描述: 如何把4G的DVD碟片里的文件压制成一个RMVB文件? 解析: 先转成avi,在转rmvb,麻烦着呢,一般一张DVD至少要转5小时以上。你要感觉麻烦,你从网上搜索 压缩至尊3.8 ,使用非常简单,这个可以直接从DVD到RMVB不过效果没下面的好,而且速度也要五个多小时,累啊。 给你转载一篇 #####################DVD转RMVB的完美解决方案 最近我想把手边的几张DVD转为rmvb格式的,找了一些资料,下面是将几个帖子的内容合在了一起 ======================================== 我目前试验过几种方法,现在拿出来和大家分享,不知道大家都用的是什么方法??但说句实话,现在我还没有找到完美的解决方法,就是又方便,简单,又迅速而质量高的方法。 第一种方法,我觉得是能够压缩成质量很高的rmvb的一种方法,不过方法很麻烦。主要是先要将dvd影片转成avi,这部分涉及到视频编码的选择和压缩比率的选择,是divx还是xvid要看自己的习惯了,关于工具有很多的,我主要是使用No1 DVD Ripper,DVD to VCD AVI DivX Converter,DVD To DIVX VCD Ripper等,这些工具可以直接压缩整个片子并且集成字幕和选择声道,所以对于有字幕和声道选择的片子最合适不过了,压缩的过程比较慢的,在我的破机器上需要3个多小时,质量倒是可以保证,然后就是把avi转成rmvb了,这里我现在觉得还是Helix Producer Plus 9最好,主要是可以在压缩avi是自动挂载字幕,如果你安装了vobsub的话,如果选择的压缩比率在450-500k的话,体积很小但是质量很高。当然这部分的时间也不短,如果选中了二次编码的话还要更长,大概也要3个小时吧。 第二种方法是使用AVS Video Converter直接转vob为rmvb,因为它内置的是real9的编码所以质量很高,体积也不大,但是有一个缺点就是很多个.vob需要自己选择并且一次只能选择一个,还不支持选择字幕和声道,速度也不是很快,但因为不要到avi这一步,所以如果是国产影片的话用它还不错,当然第一种方法的avi转rmvb也可以用它,但是如果生成的avi是带字幕的那种还是要用Helix producer Plus 9。 第三种方法是使用基于real producer plus 8.51的压缩软件,比如REAL格式文件压缩至尊(DVD、VCD TO RM),这个软件是直接支持dvd转成rm的,但是需要自己事先提取字幕并要合成每个vob文件,而且因为不是基于real9的编码所以在质量上不是很理想,尽管也是选择500k的压缩比率,类似的软件包括realdog,realx等。 第四种方法是使用以下几种软件,不过有的我试验过也不是很理想,有的没有试过。 Batch Real Producer 1.5 简体中文版 软件大小:3445KB 软件语言:简体中文 软件类别:国产软件 / 免费版 / 视频转换 软件介绍: 一个批量RM文件生成器。采用全新的RealVideo9内核。与目前其他的Real9格式压缩器不同的是,BRP是调用Real9的内核来进行压缩,而不是调用Helix Producer Plus 9的命令行来实现压缩的。可以支持众多的文件格式。比如:avi、mpg、vob、dat(VideoCD file)等等,只要是采用微软公司的DirectShow接口就可以播放的媒体文件,基本都可以导入。 具体的功能有: 可以设定压缩列表,软件按照列表自动顺序压缩。 可以选择压缩完成后自动关机,便于长时间无人运行。 带看门狗功能:如果因为源文件有错导致压缩引擎死锁,180秒后系统自动终止当前文件的压缩(终止过程约需20~40秒),开始压缩列表中的下一个文件。 内部采用经验参数进行设定,用户可以在不设定任何参数的情况下压缩出高质量的RealMedia文件。 我以前使用它可是不好用的,现在升级了不知道可以不?? Real9 压缩器 3.0 软件大小:2464KB 软件语言:简体中文 软件类别:国产软件 / 免费版 / 视频转换 联 系 人:未知 开 发 商:boys/ 软件介绍: Real9 压缩器是目前唯一一个支持Real9的编码软件,支持批量压缩,支持多种压缩效果,调整输出视频的分辨率,支持多种格式,从dat 、mpeg、avi、mp3、wmv、asf等等都统杀,并且支持vobsub,可把中文字幕压入电影,而且支持环绕立体声。 这个也是不可以的,因为它其实就是real producer 9,不支持dvd的。 Easy RealMedia Producer V1.42 软件大小:6894KB 软件语言:英文 软件类别:国外软件 / 免费版 / 视频转换 软件介绍: 一个批量RealMedia文件生成器。采用全新的RealVideo9&RealVideo10内核。 软件根据实际使用的需要提供了比Helix RealMedia Producer和RealProducer10还要多的过滤设置。基本上可以用它来替代Helix RealMedia Producer和RealProducer10,使用Real10内核时,全面支持Real10文件编码,并提供Real8、Real9兼容的编码支持。 可以支持众多的文件格式。比如:avi、mpg、vob、dat(VideoCDfile)等等,只要是采用微软公司的DirectShow接口就可以播放的媒体文件,基本都可以导入。 具体的功能有:可以设定压缩列表,软件按照列表自动顺序压缩。可以选择压缩完成后关闭机器。 每个文件可以进行单独设置。1.可以 进行音频和视频同步调整。2.可以 设置每个影片的压缩时间长度(略过结尾序幕)。 ...... 这个还没有用过,不知道怎样??? 总之,我觉得要是helix realproducer plus直接支持dvd就好了,还有最好支持批量转换,虽然可以嚎自己编写一个.bat文件在dos下实现,但是很麻烦,而且就失去了挂载字幕的机会。上面就是我所知道的方法,还有一些国人写的小软件,大同小异就不说了。发这个帖子希望能起到抛砖引玉的作用! ------------------------------------ 终于找到完美的转压方法,现在分享给大家!:) 直接将DVD转换为RMVB的方法 一.安装mpeg2解码器: 因为转换软件“Helix_Producer_Plus_9.0.1”不能直接读取DVD专用的VOB文件,所以必须安装mpeg2专用解码器“Elecard MPEG2 Video Decoder V2.0e”,安装后就可以在“Helix_Producer_Plus_9.0.1”中调用VOB文件作为源文件了。 二.安装字幕软件“VOBSUB2.23中文版”: 安装此软件的作用有两个:1.提取、分割DVD光盘中的字幕文件,2.在开始转换后自动同步调用DVD字幕,使生成的RMVB文件包含字幕。 安装完“VOBSUB2.23中文版”后,打开“开始菜单”,找到“vobsub”项,单击其中的“DirectVobSub Configure”选项,打开“常规”选项卡,在“加载”选择中选中“总是加载”。 三.复制DVD到硬盘: 使用DVD复制工具"DVDDecrypter"将DVD中的VOB文件复制到硬盘(需有至少5G的硬盘空间) 四.分割、合并VOB文件: “工具包”中提供的“VOB文件合并工具”可以将己复制到硬盘中的5个vob文件合并为需要的大小。一般DVD光盘中的vob文件分为5个文件,每个大小约为1G,我们可以根据需要将5个文件合并为2个或1个,那样最终生成的RMVB文件将会少一些(2个或1个)。合并完成后将vob文件存入硬盘。假设合并后的文件为“1.vob”、“2.vob”,并存放在“D:RMVB”文件夹下。 四.提取、分割DVD字幕: 从开始菜单中运行VobSub工具集中的"VobSub Configure"打开刚才复制到硬盘中的sub索引文件,软件会自动提取字幕并保存.试着播放刚才制作的1.vob,记下结尾时的那句字幕或时间,然后从开始菜单启动VobSub工具集中的“subresync”同步程序,并打开刚才保存的字幕文件找到1.vob结尾的时间或字幕,将字幕文件另存切割为“1.sub”、“1.ide”,同理再生成“2.sub”、“2.ide”,最后将以上4个文件放在与“1.vob”、“2.vob”相同的目录下(重要)。 五转换前的设定: 启动“Helix_Producer_Plus_9.0.1”,点击“Input File”旁边的“Browse”按钮,找到先前制作的1.vob文件,如果前几步操作正确,此时在软件左边的窗口会出现vob文件的第一帧画面,并自动启动VobSub调入字幕,(如果vob文件放在中文名字的文件夹下,那路径框内会显示乱码,但不影响使用) 1.点击右边的“Audiences”按钮,在弹出的对话框中,先将右边的4个编码格式全部删除,然后在左边选择生成的RMVB文件的码率(选择带VBR字样的编码格式即可生成RMVB文件,不带VBR的格式将会生成普通RM文件), 2.一般选择“450K VBR Download”生成的RMVB文件品质就可以接近DVD了,生成的文件大小为300-400M,是DVDrip的一半。如果选择700k,文件也就500-600k,正好刻光盘:-) 3.双击左边的编码格式还可以对此格式的细节进行微调,可以将弹出的选项卡中的“Maximum bitrate”(最大码率)调到预定码率的3倍或更高,即450x3=1350,这样可以明显提高 电影中的动作镜头的清晰度,如果电影中的动感镜头不多,也可以将此值设的小一些,那生成的文件也可以变小。如果改变“Target average bit rate”(基本码率)旁边的数值,还可以得到任何一个你喜欢的基本码率,例如将450K提高到500K等等。 4.下边还可以设定声音码流,其他保持默认即可,设定完成后点击“OK”保存,将选定的编码格式点击箭头加入到右边的Job框中。 5.界面上边的“2-pass video encoding”选项框默认是选中的,该选项卡选中的意义在于软件会先预读一遍整个源文件,并把动作幅度大的片断记下来,在正式压缩时适时提高编码率,从而提升清晰度,办法虽然很好,但需增加几个小时的预读时间,得不偿失,建议不要选 中。选择结束后关闭对话框,回到主界面。 6.主界面上方的“settings”中的“Show Audio Gain Control”选项可以对输出文件的音量进行设定,默认为没有提升,建议提升6db,防止输出文件音量过轻。点击“Show Clip Information”选项还可以为输出文件撰写注释。 7.双击输出框中的RMVB文件图标,为输出文件选择一个保存路径。 8.最后点击主界面下方的“Encode”按钮开始转换,如果在第5步中没有选择“2-passvideo encoding”的话,开始转换后即可在主界面的右侧预览到转换后的效果。 9.以上方法也可以用于DVDrip文件的转换,只要Vobsub软件能自动调用字幕文件就成,其它格式文件只要按照上面几步中对“Helix_Producer_Plus_9.0.1”进行相应设置就成。 另外Easy RealMedia Producer V1.42我试过它转avi的速度很快而且质量很好!
2023-07-20 16:29:561


  出来是指从里面到外面,表示动作朝着说话人所在地,表示动作使人或物在某一方面获得某种好的能力或性能。下面是我为你整理的出来的英文,希望大家喜欢!   出来的英文   come out;   emerge   出来的英文常见例句   1. He was hand-picked for this job by the Admiral.   他是由海军上将精心挑选出来担任这项工作的。   2. Few would argue that this team has experience and proven ability.   这个队伍的丰富经验和表现出来的实力是众所公认的。   3. Tamsin materialized at her side, notebook at the ready.   塔姆辛从她身旁冒了出来,且备好了笔记本。   4. Mr Martin was taken out of his car at gunpoint.   马丁先生被人用枪指着从车里带了出来。   5. We found a cyst and I suctioned off the liquid within.   我们发现了一个囊肿,我把其中的液体吸了出来。   6. A pigeon emerges, wings flapping noisily, from the tower.   一只鸽子从塔里钻出来,扑扑地拍打着翅膀。   7. Rumours of financial scandals have come bubbling back to the surface.   有关财务丑闻的谣言接连不断地冒出来。   8. Mark was dragged from the burning wreckage of his car.   马克被人从他着火的汽车残骸中拉了出来。   9. He recounted how heavily armed soldiers forced him from the presidential palace.   他讲述了自己是怎样被全副武装的士兵从总统官邸里赶出来的。   10. Information is called up at the push of a button.   按一个键信息就会被调出来。   come out的近义词   out 出   emerge 浮现   surface 表面   come in 进来   go forth 出发, 离去, 发布...   show up 揭露   issue 议题   pop out 突然出现   come to the fore 出名   egress 外出   come forward 涌现   come on 突然产生   break through 突破   appear 出现   fall out 争吵   come out of the closet 公开(同性恋身份)...   start 开始   step up 增加   turn out 结果是   place 地方   push through 促成   erupt 爆发   bug out 撤军   turn up 朝上翻   step forward 站出来   come forth 出来   bulge 膨胀
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小米电视支持什么格式的视频?可以说咱们的小米电视出来以后,作为影视爱好者们第一想到的就是拿来看一些爽快的电影大作,估计很多米粉也是这么觉得的...但您知道在不装任何第三方软件的情况下,我们的小米电视支持哪些视频格式吗?下面小编带您了解下,我们的小米电视原装在不进行安装第三方软件的情况下,都支持哪些视频格式! ●官方给出了一张列表: ●详细分析: 【RM】 RM格式是RealNetworks公司开发的一种流媒体视频文件格式,可以根据网络数据传输的不同速率制定不同的压缩比率,从而实现低速率的Internet上进行视频文件的实时传送和播放。它主要包含RealAudio、RealVideo和RealFlash三部分。 估计大家以前在PC上用过一个叫RealMedia的软件,这个基本都播放的RM类的格式,其实拂晓本人比较喜欢RM格式的视频,体积小,视频清晰,方便下载和观看~唯一不好的一点就是,RM不能给您带来极高的享受体验...不过日常生活中以前完全够用了!最后提醒大家下,RM和RMVB的区别就是..VB指的就是variable bit,动态码率的意思! 【FLV】 FLV 是FLASH VIDEO的简称,FLV流媒体格式是随着Flash MX的推出发展而来的视频格式。由于它形成的文件极小、加载速度极快,使得网络观看视频文件成为可能,它的出现有效地解决了视频文件导入Flash后,使导出的SWF文件体积庞大,不能在网络上很好的使用等缺点。 其实FLV格式很多的时候被大多的视频网站所使用,有的时候,利用某些快捷软件,在大多的在线视频网站上下载后的视频,都是FLV格式的,这种格式也是后期兴起的,不过实用性拂晓个人表示很鸡肋! 【MOV】 MOV即QuickTime影片格式,它是Apple公司开发的一种音频、视频文件格式,用于存储常用数字媒体类型。当选择QuickTime(*.mov)作为“保存类型”时,动画将保存为·mov文件。QuickTime用于保存音频和视频信息,包括Apple Mac OS,MicrosoftWindows95/98/NT/2003/XP/VISTA,甚至WINDOWS7在内的所有主流电脑平台支持。 哎,怎么说呢,MOV格式如果你是苹果粉丝一定不陌生,可以说基本苹果设备的视频类东西都是这个格式的,一般来讲,如果您不接触此类产品,这个格式的东西你也不必要接触... 【AVI】 AVI英文全称为Audio Video Interleaved,即音频视频交错格式。是将语音和影像同步组合在一起的文件格式。它对视频文件采用了一种有损压缩方式,但压缩比较高,因此尽管画面质量不是太好,但其应用范围仍然非常广泛。AVI支持256色和RLE压缩。AVI信息主要应用在多媒体光盘上,用来保存电视、电影等各种影像信息。 看到这3个字母,大家一定不会陌生!是的,这是最最开始流行的视频格式,当年光盘漫天飞的年代,电脑里基本都是这个格式的视频,如果你从光盘中直接拉出视频文件,记得都是这个格式...不过这个格式的视频文件实在是很浪费空间,十几分钟的视频就有可能达到好几百兆的内存占用...很郁闷,不过好处就是方便后期编辑,通用性比较强! 【MKV】 MKV不是一种压缩格式,而是Matroska的一种媒体文件,Matroska是一种新的多媒体封装格式,也称多媒体容器 (Multimedia Container)。它可将多种不同编码的视频及16条以上不同格式的音频和不同语言的字幕流封装到一个Matroska Media文件当中。MKV最大的特点就是能容纳多种不同类型编码的视频、音频及字幕流。 MKV格式的视频其实我们也接触的比较多,一般现在下载的高清影视作品,都是这个格式,还原度比较高,而且最好的一点就是,支持很多个声道,可以来回切换声道来享受,这样方便了很多影视迷,但一般MKV的视频文件,都是比较大的~这个和视觉享受是成正比的哦! 【TS】 TS是日本高清摄像机拍摄下进行的封装格式. 这个格式笔者接触的也比较少,一般都是设备录制后的一手原装软件格式,体积较大,视频格式原汁原味,适用于后期编辑等.... 【MP4】 MPEG-4包含了MPEG-1及MPEG-2的绝大部份功能及其他格式的长处,并加入及扩充对虚拟现实模型语言(VRML , VirtualReality Modeling Language)的支持,面向对象的合成档案(包括音效,视讯及VRML对象),以及数字版权管理(DRM)及其他互动功能。而MPEG-4比MPEG-2更先进的其中一个特点,就是不再使用宏区块做影像分析,而是以影像上个体为变化记录,因此尽管影像变化速度很快、码率不足时,也不会出现方块画面。 很多人看到这个格式名称会不会想起我们用的MP4播放器?其实MP4格式就和当年我们听的MP3音频格式一样,是一个视频格式类型。MP4格式其实我们生活中最长见的就是,比如我们的小米手机,还有一些便携设备直接录制的视频,在电脑上一般都为MP4格式来表示。 小结: 相信看到这里,大家一定对自己的宝贝电视有了更深一步的了解,如果想让电视播放能看的视频,一定要了解设备所支持的格式,如果不这样,你可就只能看着一行字幕写着:不好意思,无法播放此视频...然后郁郁寡欢了~ 我们的小米电视其实在安装第三方APP的同时,已经支持了大多日常生活中常用的视频格式,如果真的您觉得不给力,那也可以安装各类软件来享受更一个层次的视觉感受...
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 如果函数f(x)在(a,b)上可导,[a,b]上连续,则必有一ξ∈[a,b]使得f"(ξ)*(b-a)=f(b)-f(a)  f(x)为y,所以该公式可写成△y=f"(x+θ△x)*△x (0<θ<1)  上式给出了自变量取得的有限增量△x时,函数增量△y的准确表达式,  因此本定理也叫有限增量定理定理内容  若函数f(x)在区间[a,b]满足以下条件:  (1)在[a,b]连续  (2)在(a,b)可导  则在(a,b)中至少存在一点c使f"(c)=[f(b)-f(a)]/(b-a)简捷证明  证明:把定理里面的c换成x在不定积分得原函数f(x)={[f(b)-f(a)]/(b-a)}x.做辅助函数G(x)=f(x)-{f(b)-f(a)]/(b-a)}x易证明此函数在该区间满足条件:1,G(a)=G(b);2.G(x)在[a,b]连续;3.G(x)在(a,b)可导.此即罗尔定理条件,由罗尔定理条件即证几何意义  若连续曲线y=f(x)在A(a,f(a)),B(b,f(b))两点间的每一点处都有不垂直与x轴的切线,则曲线在A,B间至少存在一点P(c,f(c)),使得该曲线在P点的切线与割线AB平行.
2023-07-20 16:30:071


2023-07-20 16:30:159


固定搭配be interested in
2023-07-20 16:30:174


拉格朗日中值定理的题(1) e^x > ex (x>1)(2) b - a > 1/a -1/b (b>a>1)证明以上不等式(1) e^x > ex (x>1)证明:设f(x)=e^x ,则f(x)在区间[1,x]上连续,在区间(1,x)内可导,由拉格朗日中值定理,存在c∈(1,x),使f(x) - f(1)=f "(c)(x -1),即e^x -e=e^c(x -1) ,因为c>1,所以e^x -e=e^c(x -1)>e(x -1),即e^x >ex.证毕.(2) b - a > 1/a -1/b (b>a>1)证明:设f(x)=1/x ,则f(x)在区间[a,b]上连续,在区间(a,b)内可导,由拉格朗日中值定理,存在c∈(a,b),使f(b) - f(a)=f "(c)(b -a),即1/b -1/a = -c^(-2)(b -a),因为c>a>1,所以1/b -1/a = -c^(-2)(b -a)1/a -1/b中右边通分得1/a -1/b=(b - a)/ab所以不等式(2)即 1>1/ab,即 ab>1,显然成立.
2023-07-20 16:29:351


可以从网上找软件,就写 格式转换
2023-07-20 16:29:345


黄昏的具体时间是?几点到几点?黄昏,又叫黄昏时,日常生活中指日头开始落山,天色式微式微,几点到几点倒是没去考虑(一般在日头开始落山后附近一小段时间)。下面两三个语音词指向:黄昏。1,arm5 mun1 ka1;2,arm5 mun1(有时具体语境中省去“ka1→“脚””)。以上的语音词指向黄昏时分是无问题的。“arm mun”有很大可能指向本字:黄昏。【黄】,拼音huang,寻的后脱去hu,修饰ang→arm,与“暗”同音;与“晚”同音(“晚”的某些时候可念:arm,作为形容词,比如:这么晚还不上床休息?;句中的“晚”作形容词,不作名词;名词“晚”一般不念arm;广东河洛话情形);【昏】拼音hun,h→m声母河洛音,音转为mun,与“炆”谐音;有时又听到bhun这音。(x/s→h/f→p/b;b→bh/m)取m,有时bh,昏→mun/bhun;至于【ka】,这个使人联想到“脚”,那么“arm mun ka”变成:黄昏脚?其实“ka”这音在这里很可能指向:时或期。〈时〉,拼音shi,s/x→k,过渡为ki,寻的修饰为ka,与“脚”口读音相同;〈期〉,拼音qi,→ka(在这“arm mun ka”语音词中,期字是特别音)。“arm mun ka”→【黄昏时】;【黄昏期】。广东海陆丰河洛话情形,抛砖引玉
2023-07-20 16:29:331


2023-07-20 16:29:321


interest 有名词解释:兴趣动词解释:对。。。
2023-07-20 16:29:323


1. 关于离别的诗句英文 关于离别的诗句英文 1.写离别的诗句(英语作文) I"ll Miss You 我会想你now it"s time to say goodbye 是该说再见的时候了I"ll fly away tonight 今晚就要起程 I promise 我发誓I won"t let her cry 不让你哭泣 I"ll miss you 我会想你can it be possibl 就想知道to be away from you 能否离你而去 you know 你要知道 for me you mean so much 你对我意味着什么 without you, 没有你的生活life is just an ever ending emptiness 只是永远的虚空I"ll miss you 我会想你can it be possible 就想知道to be away from you 能否离你而去 time time to say goodbye 是该说再见的时候了I"ll fly away tonight 今晚就要起程I"ll miss you 我会想你to live without you 与你分开is as difficult as to live together 和与你在一起同样艰难life can be so hard sometimes 没想到会这样but, I don"t know what to do 真不知路在何方but there is one thing 但有一件事I know for sure 我心里明白our destinies are left forever 我们的缘分已尽 we"ll meet again one day 也许有一天还会相见we"ll start again tomorrow 我们再从头来过but untill then 我知道I know for sure 我会思念你I"ll miss you 直到那天的到来It"ll be love again 当爱回来的时候nothing would ever chang 一切都如从前 time time to say goodbye 是该说再见的时候了I"ll fly away tonight 今晚就要起程 Safest Place To Hide Backstreet Boys Never Gone It seems like yesterday when I said I do And after all this time my heart still burns for you If you don"t know by now that you"re my only one And take a look inside me and watch my heart strings come undone I know I promised you forever Is there no stronger word I can use? To reassure you when the storm is raging outside You"re my safest place to hide Can you see me? Here I am I need you like I needed you then When I feel like giving up I climb inside your heart and still find You"re my safest place to hide You see colors no one else can see In every breath you hear a symphony You understand me like nobody can I feel my soul look for you like a flower blooming When this whole world gets too crazy And there"s nowhere left to run I know you give me sanctuary You"re the only truth I know You"re the road back home Can you see me? Here I am Standing here, where I"ve always been And when words are not enough I climb inside your heart and still find You"re my safest place to hide My safest place to hide I know I promised you forever There"s no stronger word I can use To reassure you when the storm is raging outside You"re my safest place to hide Can you see me? Here I am Standing here, where I"ve always been When I feel like giving up I climb inside your heart and still find You"re my safest place to hide Oh, yeah You"re my safest place to hide。 2.经典离别英文诗句 1、The clouds parted,water ten years。Love laughter as the old,the temples have been spotted。 译文:浮云一别后,流水十年间。欢笑情如旧,萧疏鬓已斑。 2、Don"t cry because it is over,smile because it happened。 译文:不要因为结束而哭泣,因为你曾经拥有。 3、You when I was a kite,or to let me go,or else receive a good home,don"t use a look see emotions and thoughts tied with me,let me heartache。 译文:你当我是个风筝,要不把我放了,要不然收好带回家,别用一条看不见的情思拴着我,让我心伤。 4、After long do not ask,do not say everything。 译文:别后悠悠君莫问,无限事,不言中。 5、The infinite sky gradually far gradually,like all its constantly。 译文:离愁渐远渐无穷,迢迢不断如春水。 3.关于离别句子要英文的,谢谢拉 1.Gone - flitted away, Taken the stars from the night and the sun From the day! Gone, and a cloud in my heart. 2.Goodbyes are not forever. Goodbyes are not the end. They simply mean I"ll miss you Until we meet again! 3.Some people come into our lives and leave footprints on our hearts and we are never ever the same. 4.After graduation, Sending you a glutinous rice dumpling. with the ingredients, including friendship, help and happiness. To save the place, where was in your heart. Telling the date of production is that the time when we have known each other. The period of preservation is lasting forever! 4.求关于离别的英文诗歌 My Heart Will Go On every night in my dreams i see you, i feel you, that is how i know you go on far across the distance and spaces between us you have come to show you go on near, far, wherever you are i believe that the heart does go on once more you open the door and you"re here in my heart and my heart will go on and on love can touch us one time and last for a lifetime and never let go till we"re one love was when i loved you one true time i hold to in my life we"ll always go on near, far, wherever you are i believe that the heart does go on once more you open the door and you"re here in my heart and my heart will go on and on there is some love that will not go away you"re here, there"s nothing i fear, and i know that my heart will go on we"ll stay forever this way you are safe in my heart。 5.经典离别英文诗句 1、If I should meet thee,After long years,How should I greet thee?With silence and tears.若我再见到你,事隔经年,我该如何贺你?以沉默,以眼泪。 ——拜伦《春逝》2、Farewell! Thou art too dear for my possessing,And like enough thou know"st thy estimate,The charter of thy worth gives thee releasing;My bonds in thee are all determinate.For how do I hold thee but by thy granting,And for that riches where is my deserving?The cause of this fair gift in me is wanting,And so my patent back again is swerving.Thyself thou gav"st, thy own worth then not knowing,Or me, to whom thou gav"st it, else mistaking;So thy great gift upon misprision growing,Comes home again, on better judgement making.Thus have I had thee as a dream doth flatter,In sleep a king, but waking no such matter.再见!你太珍贵我无法拥有,想来你也清楚自己估值多少,你自知矜贵终於获得释放;我对你的连系就此全部终结。如你不来迎合,我如何能将你占据?我有何德何能,配得起你这尤物?我无福消受这美好的赠礼,於是我的专利又被归回原处。 从前你献出自己,是不知自己的价值,否则是对我高估,才会将它给我;因此你的大礼,实在是一场误会,重回自家,这是你更好的判断。就这般我拥有过你,如在梦中受宠,睡时是一个国王,醒来一场空。 ——莎士比亚十四行诗3、Good-bye! a kind good-bye,I bid you now, my friend,And though "tis sad to speak the word,To destiny I bend,And though it be decreed by Fate,That we ne"er meet again,Your image, graven on my heart,Forever shall remain.Aye, in my heart thoult have a place,Among the friends held dear,-Nor shall the hand of Time efface,The memories written there.再见!一种好的再见,我现在向你,我的朋友,伤心的说一句,弯下我的腰。尽管命运已经下了命令,说我们再也不会相遇,但你的身影,已经刻在我的心脏,永远无法磨灭。 是的,在我的心里,有一个地方,亲爱的朋友们,时间的手永远也不会抹去,那里的记忆。——马克吐温《致珍妮》4、Since you have gone,I"m so all alone.My days are all meaningless,without your soft tender kiss,there is nothing I could feel .Except loneliness.既然你已经走了我就这么孤单我的日子都毫无意义没有你柔软温柔的吻我没有任何感觉除了寂寞——大卫哈里斯《我们最后的再见》5、Saying goodbye,isn"t the easiest to do.Why did you have to go?I still need you!To live life,without you in it,has darkened my life,and also my spirit.Saying goodbye,is the hardest thing,because of the sorrow,that it brings.We all have to play,the game we know of life.It"s my turn.I have to say goodbye.So goodbye my dear friend,and don"t you forget.Just know that this,is not the end.说再见,并不是最容易做到的。 你为什么要去?我还需要你!生活在没有你的生活中,使我的生活和我的精神变得暗淡。说再见,是最难的,因为它带来的悲伤。 我们都必须玩,我们知道的生活游戏。轮到我了。 我不得不说再见。再见亲爱的朋友,你不要忘记。 只知道这一点,不是结束。——阿什比《说再见》。 6.求有关离别的英文诗句,英文歌词也行 Safest Place To Hide Backstreet Boys Never Gone It seems like yesterday when I said I do And after all this time my heart still burns for you If you don"t know by now that you"re my only one And take a look inside me and watch my heart strings come undone I know I promised you forever Is there no stronger word I can use? To reassure you when the storm is raging outside You"re my safest place to hide Can you see me? Here I am I need you like I needed you then When I feel like giving up I climb inside your heart and still find You"re my safest place to hide You see colors no one else can see In every breath you hear a symphony You understand me like nobody can I feel my soul look for you like a flower blooming When this whole world gets too crazy And there"s nowhere left to run I know you give me sanctuary You"re the only truth I know You"re the road back home Can you see me? Here I am Standing here, where I"ve always been And when words are not enough I climb inside your heart and still find You"re my safest place to hide My safest place to hide I know I promised you forever There"s no stronger word I can use To reassure you when the storm is raging outside You"re my safest place to hide Can you see me? Here I am Standing here, where I"ve always been When I feel like giving up I climb inside your heart and still find You"re my safest place to hide Oh, yeah You"re my safest place to hide 7.求有关离别的英文句子,歌曲或文章 离别伤感的英文句子: Don"t waste your time on a man/woman, who isn"t willing to waste their time on you. 不要为那些不愿在你身上花费时间的人而浪费你的时间。 The worst way to misomeone is to be sitting right beside them knowing you can"t have them. 失去某人,最糟糕的莫过于,他近在身旁,却犹如远在天边。 Don"t cry because it came to an end. Smile because it heppened. 不要因为它的结束而哭,应当因为它的发生而笑。 Don"t try so hard, the best things come when you least expect them to. 不要着急,最好的总会在最不经意的时候出现。 And to the whole day through 每一分每一秒直到一天结束 what a loveiy world it well be with you away. 没有了你.这个世界多么寂寞。 To the world you may be one person, but to one person you may be the world. 对于世界而言,你是一个人;但是对于某个人,你是他的整个世界。 The sandflass remembers the time we lost 沙漏记得,我们遗忘的时光。 Don"t spend time with someone who doesn"t care spending it with you. 不要把时间花在一个不在乎与你一起分享的人身上。 The heartbreaking departure always happens in a fraction of a moment. 悲伤的离别总是那一瞬间的一瞬间。 Sometimes, the everlasting hate have no unique period 天长地久有时尽,此恨绵绵无绝期。 Silkworm die silk, wax torch party ash into tears beginning to dry 春蚕到死丝方尽,蜡炬成灰泪始乾。 No one indebted for others,while many people don"t know how to cherish others. 没有谁对不起谁,只要谁不明白爱惜谁。 No man or woman is worth your tears, and the one who is, won"t make you cry. 没有人值得你流泪,值得让你这么做的人不会让你哭泣。 Never frown, even when you are sad, because you never know who is falling in love with your smile. 纵然伤心,也不要愁眉不展,因为你不知是谁会爱上你的笑容。 My thoughts are deep into you 我深深地想念著你 My end is no regrets, the Iraqi people to wave. 衣带渐宽终不悔,为伊消得人憔悴。 8.关于离别的句子,中文英文都要 中文: 1.与君离别意,同是宦游人。海内存知己,天涯若比邻。(王勃《送杜少府之任蜀州》) 2.长亭外,古道边,芳草碧连天。晚风拂柳笛声残,夕阳山外山。 天之涯,海之角,知交半零落。一瓢浊酒尽余欢,今宵别梦寒。(李叔同《送别》) 3.自送别,心难舍,一点相思几时绝。凭栏袖拂杨花雪。 溪又斜,山又遮,人去也。(关汉卿《四块玉 送别》) 4.吴山青,越山青,两岸青山相送迎.谁知离别情? 君泪盈,妾泪盈,罗带同心结未成.江头潮已平.(林逋《长相思》) 5.一片春愁待酒浇.江上舟摇.楼上帘招.秋娘渡与泰娘桥.风又飘飘.雨又潇潇. 何日归家洗客袍.银字笙调.心字香烧.流光容易把人抛.红了樱桃.绿了芭蕉. 6.寒蝉凄切。对长亭晚,骤雨初歇。 都门帐饮无绪,留恋处、兰舟催发。 执手相看泪眼,竟无语凝噎。 念去去、千里烟波,暮霭沉沉楚天阔。 多情自古伤离别。更那堪、冷落清秋节。 今宵酒醒何处,杨柳岸、晓风残月。 此去经年,应是良辰好景虚设。 便纵有、千种风情,更与何人说。(柳永《雨霖铃》) 7.人生若只如初见,何事秋风悲画扇。 等闲变却故人心,却道故人心易变。 骊山语罢清宵半,夜雨霖铃终不怨。 何如薄幸锦衣郎,比翼连枝当日愿。 (纳兰性德《木兰辞 拟古决绝词柬友》) 英文: 明天有空再找 9.求关于告别的英文诗歌 Sorrow of Separation 泰戈尔 It is the pang of separation that spreads throughout The world and gives birth to shapes innumetable In the infinite sky. It is this sorrow of separation that gazes In silence all nights from star to star And becomes lyric among rustling leaves In rainy darkness of July. It is this overspreading pain that Deepens into loves and desires, Into sufferings and joy in human homes; And this it is that ever melts and Flows in songs through my poet"s heart. 离别的创痛笼罩了整个世界,无边的天宇变得姿态万千。 正是这离愁,夜夜默望着星辰,并在七月雨夜的萧萧叶片间化做抒情诗。 正是这弥漫的离恨,深化为爱和欲,成为人间的苦乐。 正是它通过我诗人的心灵,融化成曲,喷薄而出。 10.关于离别的英语名句 Be happy. It"s one way of being wise.I know what I have given you. I do not know what you have received Wishing to be friends is quick work, but friendship is a slow-ripening fruit.Wisdom is not a product of schooling but of the lifelong attempt to acquire itWhereever I am, I always find myself looking out the window wishing I was somewhere else.All day long I think of you, I can"t even think of things to do. Wishing all of my day dreams come true, now baby what am I to do?”We cannot be separated in interest or divided in purpose. We stand together until the endWhen loving hearts are separated, it is not the one who is exhaled to heaven, but the survivor, who tastes the sting of death Separate we come, and separate we go, And this be it known, is all that we knowwish you had a great Thankgiving!。
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5.6钢的轧制和弯曲承包商应轧辊和弯曲钢如下:●截面形状应在焊接前滚到无失真,使它们在一个平面。任何变形应通过压或加热校正。锤击应不使用。●所有板块和部分需要弯曲的形状应以角环滚弯机冷加工成型,板卷或按适当的制动。5.7切割和打孔承包商应按照有关规范、标准和如下所示切割和孔钢:●割前,所有成员应合理安排,考虑到连接例如位置和螺栓孔的尺寸要求,切割长度/宽度和规定焊缝、夹板等规划切割应避免浪费或尽可能的不必要的关节。成员布局标记应通过将构件放置在水平支撑或衬垫上以保证精度。标记精度应仅限于+ / - 1毫米;●冷锯切时应采用切割构件长度。然而,激光,等离子体或机械气切割,剪切和剪切时,可以使用批准从公司获得。剪切、剪切和气体切割应清洁,从任何变形或毛刺平方和自由。完成,在需要的地方边缘应是地面平直和均匀的,用于去除尖锐的边缘和焊缝飞溅是指规范25977-000-3ps-nxs0-00001工程规范绘画和保护涂层。●两端在底板和接头应符合制备柱ANSI /鞍钢360节m2.6;●缺陷应当从板和型材的切割边缘切除;●熔合面应无缺陷,会影响沉积焊接金属或引起焊接缺陷;●自由边缘应光滑,衣着得体而不失真
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1. 关于离别的英文诗句 关于离别的英文诗句 1.经典离别英文诗句 1、The clouds parted,water ten years。Love laughter as the old,the temples have been spotted。 译文:浮云一别后,流水十年间。欢笑情如旧,萧疏鬓已斑。 2、Don"t cry because it is over,smile because it happened。 译文:不要因为结束而哭泣,因为你曾经拥有。 3、You when I was a kite,or to let me go,or else receive a good home,don"t use a look see emotions and thoughts tied with me,let me heartache。 译文:你当我是个风筝,要不把我放了,要不然收好带回家,别用一条看不见的情思拴着我,让我心伤。 4、After long do not ask,do not say everything。 译文:别后悠悠君莫问,无限事,不言中。 5、The infinite sky gradually far gradually,like all its constantly。 译文:离愁渐远渐无穷,迢迢不断如春水。 2.求关于离别的英文诗歌 My Heart Will Go On every night in my dreams i see you, i feel you, that is how i know you go on far across the distance and spaces between us you have come to show you go on near, far, wherever you are i believe that the heart does go on once more you open the door and you"re here in my heart and my heart will go on and on love can touch us one time and last for a lifetime and never let go till we"re one love was when i loved you one true time i hold to in my life we"ll always go on near, far, wherever you are i believe that the heart does go on once more you open the door and you"re here in my heart and my heart will go on and on there is some love that will not go away you"re here, there"s nothing i fear, and i know that my heart will go on we"ll stay forever this way you are safe in my heart。 3.求有关离别的英文句子,歌曲或文章 离别伤感的英文句子: Don"t waste your time on a man/woman, who isn"t willing to waste their time on you. 不要为那些不愿在你身上花费时间的人而浪费你的时间。 The worst way to misomeone is to be sitting right beside them knowing you can"t have them. 失去某人,最糟糕的莫过于,他近在身旁,却犹如远在天边。 Don"t cry because it came to an end. Smile because it heppened. 不要因为它的结束而哭,应当因为它的发生而笑。 Don"t try so hard, the best things come when you least expect them to. 不要着急,最好的总会在最不经意的时候出现。 And to the whole day through 每一分每一秒直到一天结束 what a loveiy world it well be with you away. 没有了你.这个世界多么寂寞。 To the world you may be one person, but to one person you may be the world. 对于世界而言,你是一个人;但是对于某个人,你是他的整个世界。 The sandflass remembers the time we lost 沙漏记得,我们遗忘的时光。 Don"t spend time with someone who doesn"t care spending it with you. 不要把时间花在一个不在乎与你一起分享的人身上。 The heartbreaking departure always happens in a fraction of a moment. 悲伤的离别总是那一瞬间的一瞬间。 Sometimes, the everlasting hate have no unique period 天长地久有时尽,此恨绵绵无绝期。 Silkworm die silk, wax torch party ash into tears beginning to dry 春蚕到死丝方尽,蜡炬成灰泪始乾。 No one indebted for others,while many people don"t know how to cherish others. 没有谁对不起谁,只要谁不明白爱惜谁。 No man or woman is worth your tears, and the one who is, won"t make you cry. 没有人值得你流泪,值得让你这么做的人不会让你哭泣。 Never frown, even when you are sad, because you never know who is falling in love with your smile. 纵然伤心,也不要愁眉不展,因为你不知是谁会爱上你的笑容。 My thoughts are deep into you 我深深地想念著你 My end is no regrets, the Iraqi people to wave. 衣带渐宽终不悔,为伊消得人憔悴。 4.关于离别的句子,中文英文都要 中文: 1.与君离别意,同是宦游人。海内存知己,天涯若比邻。(王勃《送杜少府之任蜀州》) 2.长亭外,古道边,芳草碧连天。晚风拂柳笛声残,夕阳山外山。 天之涯,海之角,知交半零落。一瓢浊酒尽余欢,今宵别梦寒。(李叔同《送别》) 3.自送别,心难舍,一点相思几时绝。凭栏袖拂杨花雪。 溪又斜,山又遮,人去也。(关汉卿《四块玉 送别》) 4.吴山青,越山青,两岸青山相送迎.谁知离别情? 君泪盈,妾泪盈,罗带同心结未成.江头潮已平.(林逋《长相思》) 5.一片春愁待酒浇.江上舟摇.楼上帘招.秋娘渡与泰娘桥.风又飘飘.雨又潇潇. 何日归家洗客袍.银字笙调.心字香烧.流光容易把人抛.红了樱桃.绿了芭蕉. 6.寒蝉凄切。对长亭晚,骤雨初歇。 都门帐饮无绪,留恋处、兰舟催发。 执手相看泪眼,竟无语凝噎。 念去去、千里烟波,暮霭沉沉楚天阔。 多情自古伤离别。更那堪、冷落清秋节。 今宵酒醒何处,杨柳岸、晓风残月。 此去经年,应是良辰好景虚设。 便纵有、千种风情,更与何人说。(柳永《雨霖铃》) 7.人生若只如初见,何事秋风悲画扇。 等闲变却故人心,却道故人心易变。 骊山语罢清宵半,夜雨霖铃终不怨。 何如薄幸锦衣郎,比翼连枝当日愿。 (纳兰性德《木兰辞 拟古决绝词柬友》) 英文: 明天有空再找 5.经典离别英文诗句 1、If I should meet thee,After long years,How should I greet thee?With silence and tears.若我再见到你,事隔经年,我该如何贺你?以沉默,以眼泪。 ——拜伦《春逝》2、Farewell! Thou art too dear for my possessing,And like enough thou know"st thy estimate,The charter of thy worth gives thee releasing;My bonds in thee are all determinate.For how do I hold thee but by thy granting,And for that riches where is my deserving?The cause of this fair gift in me is wanting,And so my patent back again is swerving.Thyself thou gav"st, thy own worth then not knowing,Or me, to whom thou gav"st it, else mistaking;So thy great gift upon misprision growing,Comes home again, on better judgement making.Thus have I had thee as a dream doth flatter,In sleep a king, but waking no such matter.再见!你太珍贵我无法拥有,想来你也清楚自己估值多少,你自知矜贵终於获得释放;我对你的连系就此全部终结。如你不来迎合,我如何能将你占据?我有何德何能,配得起你这尤物?我无福消受这美好的赠礼,於是我的专利又被归回原处。 从前你献出自己,是不知自己的价值,否则是对我高估,才会将它给我;因此你的大礼,实在是一场误会,重回自家,这是你更好的判断。就这般我拥有过你,如在梦中受宠,睡时是一个国王,醒来一场空。 ——莎士比亚十四行诗3、Good-bye! a kind good-bye,I bid you now, my friend,And though "tis sad to speak the word,To destiny I bend,And though it be decreed by Fate,That we ne"er meet again,Your image, graven on my heart,Forever shall remain.Aye, in my heart thoult have a place,Among the friends held dear,-Nor shall the hand of Time efface,The memories written there.再见!一种好的再见,我现在向你,我的朋友,伤心的说一句,弯下我的腰。尽管命运已经下了命令,说我们再也不会相遇,但你的身影,已经刻在我的心脏,永远无法磨灭。 是的,在我的心里,有一个地方,亲爱的朋友们,时间的手永远也不会抹去,那里的记忆。——马克吐温《致珍妮》4、Since you have gone,I"m so all alone.My days are all meaningless,without your soft tender kiss,there is nothing I could feel .Except loneliness.既然你已经走了我就这么孤单我的日子都毫无意义没有你柔软温柔的吻我没有任何感觉除了寂寞——大卫哈里斯《我们最后的再见》5、Saying goodbye,isn"t the easiest to do.Why did you have to go?I still need you!To live life,without you in it,has darkened my life,and also my spirit.Saying goodbye,is the hardest thing,because of the sorrow,that it brings.We all have to play,the game we know of life.It"s my turn.I have to say goodbye.So goodbye my dear friend,and don"t you forget.Just know that this,is not the end.说再见,并不是最容易做到的。 你为什么要去?我还需要你!生活在没有你的生活中,使我的生活和我的精神变得暗淡。说再见,是最难的,因为它带来的悲伤。 我们都必须玩,我们知道的生活游戏。轮到我了。 我不得不说再见。再见亲爱的朋友,你不要忘记。 只知道这一点,不是结束。——阿什比《说再见》。 6.求有关离别的英文诗句,英文歌词也行 Safest Place To Hide Backstreet Boys Never Gone It seems like yesterday when I said I do And after all this time my heart still burns for you If you don"t know by now that you"re my only one And take a look inside me and watch my heart strings come undone I know I promised you forever Is there no stronger word I can use? To reassure you when the storm is raging outside You"re my safest place to hide Can you see me? Here I am I need you like I needed you then When I feel like giving up I climb inside your heart and still find You"re my safest place to hide You see colors no one else can see In every breath you hear a symphony You understand me like nobody can I feel my soul look for you like a flower blooming When this whole world gets too crazy And there"s nowhere left to run I know you give me sanctuary You"re the only truth I know You"re the road back home Can you see me? Here I am Standing here, where I"ve always been And when words are not enough I climb inside your heart and still find You"re my safest place to hide My safest place to hide I know I promised you forever There"s no stronger word I can use To reassure you when the storm is raging outside You"re my safest place to hide Can you see me? Here I am Standing here, where I"ve always been When I feel like giving up I climb inside your heart and still find You"re my safest place to hide Oh, yeah You"re my safest place to hide 7.关于离别的英语名句 Be happy. It"s one way of being wise. I know what I have given you. I do not know what you have received Wishing to be friends is quick work, but friendship is a slow-ripening fruit. Wisdom is not a product of schooling but of the lifelong attempt to acquire it Whereever I am, I always find myself looking out the window wishing I was somewhere else. All day long I think of you, I can"t even think of things to do. Wishing all of my day dreams come true, now baby what am I to do?” We cannot be separated in interest or divided in purpose. We stand together until the end When loving hearts are separated, it is not the one who is exhaled to heaven, but the survivor, who tastes the sting of death Separate we come, and separate we go, And this be it known, is all that we know wish you had a great Thankgiving! 8.同学离别的英文诗 风,刮乱了你的脸旁. 我们曾经相聚在一个班 多少梦想 多少希望 我们的泪水在风中飞扬 挥洒出一颗颗尘埃 今天,六年后的今天 我们这帮已不再幼稚的少年 即将离别 不忍落泪 心里默默地祝福你 即使在天涯 即使在海角 我们的友谊会一直伴随着你 不论何时 不论何地 我和友谊千万不要忘记! The wind blow, confusion your face. We have together in a class How many dreams Many hope Our tears flying in the wind The economicsystem asperses dust Today, six years later today We"re no longer naive young Will leave Giving tears Bless your heart Even in the world Even in the earth Our friendship will always be with you Whenever Regardless of where Friendship and I never forget! 9.求关于告别的英文诗歌 Sorrow of Separation 泰戈尔 It is the pang of separation that spreads throughout The world and gives birth to shapes innumetable In the infinite sky. It is this sorrow of separation that gazes In silence all nights from star to star And becomes lyric among rustling leaves In rainy darkness of July. It is this overspreading pain that Deepens into loves and desires, Into sufferings and joy in human homes; And this it is that ever melts and Flows in songs through my poet"s heart. 离别的创痛笼罩了整个世界,无边的天宇变得姿态万千。 正是这离愁,夜夜默望着星辰,并在七月雨夜的萧萧叶片间化做抒情诗。 正是这弥漫的离恨,深化为爱和欲,成为人间的苦乐。 正是它通过我诗人的心灵,融化成曲,喷薄而出。 10.写离别的诗句(英语作文) I"ll Miss You 我会想你now it"s time to say goodbye 是该说再见的时候了I"ll fly away tonight 今晚就要起程 I promise 我发誓I won"t let her cry 不让你哭泣 I"ll miss you 我会想你can it be possibl 就想知道to be away from you 能否离你而去 you know 你要知道 for me you mean so much 你对我意味着什么 without you, 没有你的生活life is just an ever ending emptiness 只是永远的虚空I"ll miss you 我会想你can it be possible 就想知道to be away from you 能否离你而去 time time to say goodbye 是该说再见的时候了I"ll fly away tonight 今晚就要起程I"ll miss you 我会想你to live without you 与你分开is as difficult as to live together 和与你在一起同样艰难life can be so hard sometimes 没想到会这样but, I don"t know what to do 真不知路在何方but there is one thing 但有一件事I know for sure 我心里明白our destinies are left forever 我们的缘分已尽 we"ll meet again one day 也许有一天还会相见we"ll start again tomorrow 我们再从头来过but untill then 我知道I know for sure 我会思念你I"ll miss you 直到那天的到来It"ll be love again 当爱回来的时候nothing would ever chang 一切都如从前 time time to say goodbye 是该说再见的时候了I"ll fly away tonight 今晚就要起程 Safest Place To Hide Backstreet Boys Never Gone It seems like yesterday when I said I do And after all this time my heart still burns for you If you don"t know by now that you"re my only one And take a look inside me and watch my heart strings come undone I know I promised you forever Is there no stronger word I can use? To reassure you when the storm is raging outside You"re my safest place to hide Can you see me? Here I am I need you like I needed you then When I feel like giving up I climb inside your heart and still find You"re my safest place to hide You see colors no one else can see In every breath you hear a symphony You understand me like nobody can I feel my soul look for you like a flower blooming When this whole world gets too crazy And there"s nowhere left to run I know you give me sanctuary You"re the only truth I know You"re the road back home Can you see me? Here I am Standing here, where I"ve always been And when words are not enough I climb inside your heart and still find You"re my safest place to hide My safest place to hide I know I promised you forever There"s no stronger word I can use To reassure you when the storm is raging outside You"re my safest place to hide Can you see me? Here I am Standing here, where I"ve always been When I feel like giving up I climb inside your heart and still find You"re my safest place to hide Oh, yeah You"re my safest place to hide。
2023-07-20 16:29:231


2023-07-20 16:29:202

avi 和mpeg4是一样的 格式 吗?

AVI——Audio Video Interleave,即音频视频交叉存取格式。是微软的一种视频格式。它最直接的优点就是兼容好、调用方便而且图象质量好,因此也常常与DVD相并称。但它的缺点也是十分明显的:体积大。MPEG——MPEG的全名为[Moving Pictures Experts Group],中文译名是动态图像专家组,MPEG标准的视频压缩编码技术主要利用了具有运动补偿的帧间压缩编码技术以减小时间冗余度,利用DCT技术以减小图像的空间冗余度,利用熵编码则在信息表示方面减小了统计冗余度。这几种技术的综合运用,大大增强了压缩性能。和AVI相比优点是体积小。RM——RealNetworks公司所制定的音频视频压缩规范称为RealMedia,简写就是RM。RealOnePlayer对符合RealMedia技术规范的网络音频/视频资源进行实况转播并且RealMedia可以根据不同的网络传输速率制定出不同的压缩比率,从而实现在低速率的网络上进行影像数据实时传送和播放。其图像质量和MPEG,AVI等相比有一定差距,毕竟要实现在网上传输不间断的视频是需要很大带宽的。RM主要用于在低速率的网上实时传输视频的压缩格式,它同样具有小体积而又比较清晰的特点。另外RMVB--也可以说是RM的加强版,rmvb中的vb指Variable Bit Rate(可改变之比特率),较上一代rm格式画面要清晰了很多,原因是降低了静态画面下的比特率。
2023-07-20 16:29:197


1、跑昨越快,遇到风的阻力越大。阻力与成就相伴随。 The faster you run yesterday, the greater the resistance to the wind. Resistance goes hand in hand with achievement. 2、一切伟大的行动和思想,都有一个微不足道的开始。 Every great action and thought has a *** all beginning. 3、勤奋是你生命的密码,能译出你一部壮丽的史诗。 Diligence is the code of your life. It can translate a magnificent epic. 4、女人吻男人是一种幸福,男人吻女人是一种口福。 Women kiss men is a kind of happiness, men kiss women is a kind of mouth blessings. 5、当世界给草籽重压时,它总会用自己的方法破土而出。 When the world weighs heavily on grass seeds, it always breaks through the earth in its own way. 6、只要是辛勤的蜜蜂,在生活的广阔原野里,到处都可以找到蜜源。 As long as it is hard-working bees, in the vast wilderness of life, you can find honey everywhere. 7、实力加自信就是一把坚韧不摧的利剑也是通往成功的船票实力决定成败。 Strength plus self-confidence is a tough sword and the ticket strength to success determines success or failure. 8、对于不可改变的事实,除了认命以外,没有更好的办法了。 There is no better way to deal with unchangeable facts than to admit one"s fate. 9、如果可恨的挫折使你尝到苦果,朋友,奋起必将让你尝到人生的欢乐。 If hateful setbacks make you taste bitter fruits, friends, rise up will surely make you taste the joy of life. 10、你信不信我巴掌把你拍墙上,想抠都抠不下来。 Believe it or not, I slap you on the wall, trying to cut it out. 11、用爱生活,你会使自己幸福!用爱工作,你会使很多人幸福! Live with love, you will make yourself happy! Work with love, you will make many people happy! 12、人生是一场渐行渐远的跋涉,每一天都是这场跋涉中沿途路上的风景。 Life is a gradual journey, and every day is a scene along the way. 13、当一个人先从自己的内心开始奋斗,他就是个有价值的人。 When a man begins to struggle from his heart, he is a valuable person. 14、人生是短暂的,是美丽的,在短暂美丽的人生中,不要让那个魔影缠绕。 Life is short and beautiful. In a short and beautiful life, don"t let that magic shadow interine. 15、夜还很黑,空中有些湿冷的雾气,心中更觉得渺茫。 Night is still very dark, there is some damp and cold mist in the air, and my heart feels more dim. 16、空想会想出很多绝妙的主意,但却办不成任何事情。 Fantasy can e up with many wonderful ideas, but it can"t do anything. 17、和对自我有恶意的人绝交。人有绝交,才有至交。 And break up with people who are hostile to themselves. Only when people break up with each other can they get close to each other. 18、能把在面前行走的机会抓住的人,十有八九都会成功。 Ninety-nine times out of ten, those who can seize the opportunity to walk in front of them will succeed. 19、很黑的深夜,我突然想要学习,可是当我找到蜡烛的时候,天已经亮了。 It was very dark late at night, I suddenly wanted to study, but when I found the candle, it was already light. 20、我真的不愿意用脚趾头鄙视你。但是,是你逼我这么做的! I really hate to despise you with my toes. But you forced me to do it! 21、大概他是先睡着了而后坐下的,因为他的疲乏已经能使他立着睡去的。 Maybe he fell asleep first and then sat down, because his fatigue had made him stand up to sleep. 22、来是偶然的,走是必然的。所以你必须,随缘不变,不变随缘。 Come by chance, go by necessity. So you must, follow the fate unchanged, unchanged follow the fate. 23、刷牙是一件悲喜交加的事情,因为一手拿着杯具,一手拿着洗具。 Brushing teeth is a sad and joyful thing, because one hand is holding cups, the other hand is holding washing utensils. 24、我们产生一点小分歧:她希望我把粪土变黄金,我希望她视黄金如粪土。 We had a little disagreement: she wanted me to turn dung into gold, and I wanted her to see gold as dung. 25、从早到晚,由东到西,由南到北,象被人家抽着转的陀螺;他没有自己。 From morning to night, from east to west, from south to north, like a gyroscope pulled by others; he has no himself. 26、生活不是等待风暴过去,而是学会在雨中翩翩起舞。 Life is not waiting for the storm to pass, but learning to dance in the rain. 27、有些问题没有答案就是最后的答案,有的事情没有结果就是最好的结果。 Some questions without answers are the final answers, and some things without results are the best results. 28、路灯经过一夜的努力,才无愧地领受第一缕晨光的抚慰。 Street lamp after a night of efforts, it is worthy of the first ray of morning fort. 29、物价与欧洲接轨,房价与月球接轨,工资与非洲接轨。 Prices are in line with Europe, house prices are in line with the moon, and wages are in line with Africa. 30、当初的硕士学位,就像脚底的一粒米,不拿不舒服,拿了又不能吃。 The original master"s degree, like a grain of rice on the sole of the foot, is unfortable and cannot be eaten. 31、人生最糟的不是失去爱的人,而是因为太爱一个人而失去了自己。 The worst thing in life is not to lose someone you love, but to lose yourself because you love someone too much. 32、夜深了,多日的疲乏,与逃走的惊惧,使他身心全不舒服。 Late at night, many days of fatigue, and fear of escape, make him physically and mentally unfortable. 33、结局其实早就注定了,咱们但是是按照命运的剧本生活。 The end is doomed, but we live according to the script of fate. 34、勤奋的含义是今天的热血,而不是明天的决心,后天的保证。 Diligence means the blood of today, not the determination of tomorrow and the assurance of the day after tomorrow. 35、没有谁瞧不起你,正因别人根本就没有瞧你,大家都很忙的。 No one despises you. Because no one else looks at you at all, everyone is busy. 36、时间并不残忍,只是美与真之间若只能二选一的话,总是留下真。 Time is not cruel, but if there is only one choice beeen beauty and truth, it always leaves the truth behind. 37、态度决定一切,实力扞卫尊严!人要经得起诱惑耐得住寂寞! Attitude decides everything, strength defends dignity! People should stand temptation and loneliness! 38、假如你从来未曾害怕受窘受伤害,好就是你从来没有冒过险。 If you"ve never been afraid of being embarrassed or hurt, it"s good that you never take risks. 39、让女生念念不忘的是感情,让男生念念不忘的是感觉。 It is the feeling that keeps girls in mind, and the feeling that keeps boys in mind. 40、自己的车,自己的生活,都在自己手里,高等车夫。 My car, my life, are in my hands, high-class coachman. 41、能改变一个人的因素无非种:信仰,金钱,真正的恋情。 There are many factors that can change a person: faith, money, true love. 42、经过大海的一番磨砺,卵石才变得更加美丽光滑。 The pebbles bee more beautiful and *** ooth after the sea"s grinding. 43、不要嘲笑铁树。为了开一次花,它付出了比别的树种更长久的努力。 Don"t laugh at iron trees. In order to blossom once, it has made longer efforts than other tree species.
2023-07-20 16:29:151


(1)interest用作不可数名词时意为“兴趣, 关心, 重要性, 影响, 利息,利益, 利害”.用作动词时意为“使发生兴趣,引起...的注意”,其主语多为事或物.eg:I have no interest in your plan.我对你的计划没有兴趣.(2)interesting 形容词 主语通常是物.可以作表语,也可以作定语.eg:1.The book is very interesting. 这本书很有趣.(表语) 2.The story sounds interesting. 这个故事听起来很有趣.(表语) 3.That is an interesting film. 那是一部有趣的电影.(定语)4.This is an interesting book.这是本有趣的书. (定语)(3)interested 形容词 意为“感兴趣的”;“对……感兴趣”,主语通常是人,且多用于be / get / feel / become interested in结构中.a. be interested in sth.对某事感兴趣 b. be interested in doing sth. 对做某事感兴趣 eg:He is interested in the film.他对这部电影感兴趣.I am interested in English. 我对英语感兴趣. He is interested in playing football.他对踢足球感兴趣.
2023-07-20 16:29:131


2023-07-20 16:29:102

焦虑症难治吗 能彻底治好吗

2023-07-20 16:29:089

能不能帮我找篇VIEW ON LIFE 的英语作文,还有一篇VIEW ON STUDY 的英语作文,?急要啊!!、、‘

We all come to the world, but why do some of us make great achievements known forever and why are they remembered forever even though they leave the world? And why do some leave the world without anything valuable to his generation and the people? Every one of us will hope to have a significant and valuable life. But what kind of life is both significant and valuable? Answers to the questions are ... "If you cherish your value of your own life, you will create something valuable for the world." Johann Goth said. "The life value should be judged from his contribution rather than his profession." Einstein said. Lei Feng, a communist soldier, said, "one lives to make others a more beautiful life." As we all know, Marx is an outstanding and great man. He founded his brilliant and scientific theory of communism. The theory guides the ways for the human being"s liberation. Marx said, "If we can elect one suitable profession, we won"t be demoralized with its pressure, because we make sacrifice for human beings. Only by this way will we not be addicted to the joy of narrow-minded and individualism. Our happiness belongs to thousands upon thousands of people. I see, although it may be unknown, our cause will never be forgot forever. Even when we depart to God, the kind people will tear down upon our ashes." When he said these words, he was only 17 years old. He meant his word with his deeds in his late lifetime period. After his death, on his 100-birthday anniversary, the proletarian and the revolutionary people of the whole world still cherish the memory of Marx and mourn him respectively. It is his distinguishingable contribution to the mankind that his life is that significant. It is his great devotion to the human being that his life value is beyond measure. We also know that Lu Xun is a man of great.Without his nobility "Fierce-browed, I wooly defy a thousand point fingers, head bowed like a willing ox I serve the children", and without his spirit of his loyalty and devotion to the last for the bright future of the Chinese people, his life would not have been so significant and so great. Actually, didn"t those regarded as essence of human who live forever in the hearts of people make great contributions to the cause of the people? Wouldn"t the people remember those whose great achievements for human are recorded in history? We know for certain that not every of us will be a second Marx or Lu Xun. However, a person of noble aspirations will do solid work. Struggle continuously and effortless. He will try to make his greatest contribution in his shortest time. He will try what he can to bring benefit to the people in his lifetime.
2023-07-20 16:29:071

晶格缺陷的晶格缺陷lattice defects

在实际的晶体中,由于晶体形成条件、原子的热运动及其它条件的影响,原子的排列不可能那样完整和规则,往往存在偏离了理想晶体结构的区域。这些与完整周期性点阵结构的偏离就是晶体中的缺陷,它破坏了晶体的对称性。缺陷对晶体的物理性质具有极其重要的影响,可分为面缺陷、线缺陷和点缺陷三种。其中晶粒间界、堆垛层错和孪晶间界属于面缺陷,晶粒间界指多晶体中晶粒之间的交界面。堆垛层错是指晶体中原子面的堆垛顺序出现反常而造成的缺陷,它只影响层错面附近晶体结构,并不影响其他区域的原子层堆垛顺序。孪晶是指晶体中相毗邻的两部分互为镜像。线缺陷主要是指位错,位错的存在对晶体的力学性质机翼各种物理性质都有影响。除了三种缺陷外,晶体中还存在很多其他缺陷,如在对无位错单晶研究中发现晶体中存在微缺陷,在制作无位错硅单晶中发现了密度很大且线度很小的缺陷群。 最常见的点缺陷是“晶格空位”和“间隙原子”。当晶格中的某些原子由于某种原因(如热振动的偶然偏差等)脱离其晶格结点而转移到晶格间隙时会造成点缺陷。空位,填隙,替位; 即晶格中的“位错线”,或简称位错,可视为晶格中一部分晶体相对于另一部分晶体的局部滑移而造成的结果,滑移部分与未滑移部分的交界线就是位错线。位错,刃位错,螺旋位错,混合位错; 即晶界和亚晶界。这两种晶格缺陷都是因晶体中不同区域间的晶格位相过度造成的。平移界面,堆垛层错,晶界,亚晶界。
2023-07-20 16:29:061