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怎么用cmd查看某一个ip 的locally administered address值

2023-05-19 17:33:31

现在上网不是需要一个 你自己电脑上 的 locally administered address吗? 其实就是电脑的 ID
怎么用cmd可以查看某一个 ip的 这个数值


你说的应该指的是GUID吧?(电脑的 ID ),俗称:全局唯一标示。







在CMD里输入ipconfig,里面有windows ip



administered经管;给药;下辖;实施的对象ou can then customize how each class can be administered by adding classattributes to this subclass. 然后可以通过为这个子类添加类属性来定制如何对每个类进行管理。很高兴第一时间为您解答,祝学习进步如有问题请及时追问,谢谢~~O(∩_∩)O
2023-01-04 01:58:141


2023-01-04 01:58:204


2023-01-04 01:58:348


在Win10系统中,有时我们在打开或者修改C盘一些系统文件的时候,经常会提示权限不足,导致无法打开或者更改。这种现象的主要原因在于Win10默认启用的是是System系统管理账户,而非拥有最高权限的Administrator超级管理员账号的。那么,Win10怎么打开超级管理员账户呢?Win10开启Administrator超级管理员账户方法:1、在Win10左下角的开始图标上点击鼠标右键,在弹出的“菜单”选项中,点击打开“计算机管理”2、打开计算机管理设置后,点击左侧的“本地用户和组” 3、点击打开右侧的“用户”4、在右侧的“Administrator”名称上鼠标右键,然后点击打开“属性”5、打开Administrator属性界面,可以看出默认Administrator管理员账户是禁用的,我们只要将“账户已禁用”前面的勾去掉,然后点击底部的“确定”就可以了注意:注销电脑或者重启电脑之后才会生效以上就是对Win10打开Administrator超级管理员的方法的介绍,这样修改或者打开一些涉及到系统安全的文件时,就不会出现权限不足等提示了,因为Administrator属于超级管理员账户,拥有最高权限,类似于安卓手机的ROOT或iPhone手机的越狱功能。
2023-01-04 01:59:063


1、右键开始--管理员员命令提示符,键入 net user administrator /active:yes,输完后按一下回车键。看到“命令成功完成”信息,说明系统管理员Administrator账户已启用,重启系统选择Administrator登录。2、以后如果想停用系统管理员Administrator账户,键入命令net user administrator/active:no 即可。
2023-01-04 01:59:361


2023-01-04 01:59:442

Not administered 什么意思?

2023-01-04 01:59:525


manager的意思:n. 经理;管理者;管家。一、读音:英 ["mænɪdʒə(r)],美 ["mænɪdʒər] 。二、例句:The manager let us cut the cackle.经理让我们不要闲谈。三、词汇用法:1、manager可以指一个企业、公司、球队的“经理”,也可指演员、运动员等的“经纪人”,还可指“善于理财管家的人”。2、manager的阴性名词为manageress。近义词:administer一、意思:vt.管理;执行;给与;用(药)vi.执行管理人职责;给与帮助二、读音:英 [əd"mɪnɪstə(r)],美 [əd"mɪnɪstər] 三、例句:He administered a large pension fund.他管理一大笔养老金。四、词汇用法:1、administer的含义有二:一是“管理”,指监督、管理、处理他人的事物。二是“给予”,可以给予有帮助的东西,也可给予惩罚。2、administer可用作不及物动词,作“管理”解时常接介词upon; 作“给予”解时常接介词to。3、administer也可用作及物动词,接名词或代词作简单宾语。作“给予”解时可接双宾语,其间接宾语由介词to引出。
2023-01-04 02:00:122

office365 administered怎么用

使用office软件方法:使用 Office 办公软件帮助系统。帮助”是一个软件“说明书”,上面记载了大量的。非常全面的官方说明和使用方法,是学习者不可忽视的学习途径。以 Word 帮助系统为例,通常有以下三种使用方式。  ①在Word界面中按下F1键调出“Word帮助“任务窗格,在”搜索“文本框中输入关键词,然后单击搜索框中的放大镜即可搜索到相关信息;  ②直接在Word程序界面右上角的输入框中输入关键词按回车进行搜索即可;  ③相接点击Word界面中的问号按钮也可以。
2023-01-04 02:00:281


2023-01-04 02:00:341


2023-01-04 02:00:402


系统,眼睛及相关结构,以及相关的诊断系统conditions.i美国光学会(农产品) , 1997年。今天,专业的验光 涉及不仅仅是处方及装修眼镜和隐形眼镜。验光医生进行培训,以评估任何patientís视觉条件,并确定 最佳治疗这一条件。他们被认为越来越多的初级保健提供者寻求治疗眼或Visual照顾。条件一般的照顾,医生 视光是:角膜擦伤,溃疡,或感染;青光眼;和其他眼部疾病,需要治疗药剂,管理和转诊时 必要;视觉技能的问题,如无法移动,调整,固定和集中眼机制等方面的工作阅读,驾驶,计算机使用,并在 任务有关的爱好和就业;不能正确处理和解释的信息,需要观念,可视化,并保留,如 最需要的学习任务;视力低下体协调作为一个互动的环境,在体育,职业,和其他日常活动的需要 空间判断;和明确的问题,如简单近或远视或并发症由于衰老过程,疾病,事故或故障。医生 验光还工作:诊断,管理和指全身性疾病,如高血压,糖尿病,和其他人,往往首先发现的眼睛;提供产前和 手术后护理的白内障,屈光激光治疗,视网膜的问题,和其他条件,要求前和术后护理鼓励预防 措施,如监测婴幼儿和childrenís视觉发展,评价工作/学校/嗜好有关的任务,并促进营养和卫生教育。二。 展望专业验光是nationís第三大独立保健专业。优越的工作条件,经常小时最低 紧急呼叫,它提供了许多伟大的职业选择和自由选择居住地点和实践。视光师提供的大多数小学视力保健 管理。超过一半的人在美国戴眼镜或隐形眼镜。甚至谁可能不需要矫正眼镜需要定期的护理,预防,检测 和管理的眼病。
2023-01-04 02:00:482

win8.1电脑 在administered账户中 将自己禁用了 然后换了一个别的账户 普通的标准帐户

第一步:进入系统,同时按住 ctrl+shift+f3 重启(先选择好重启界面)第二步:这时不能进入安全模式的问题解决了,选择数字进入安全模式。第三步:进入安全模式后就简单了。设置-控制面板-用户账户-更改用户账户控制设置-改为管理员,OK ,重启。第四步:(我做这一步是因为我的资料都是在内置管理员这个账户上,所以我要启用内置管理员,也可以不做这一步的)重启后,使用“Win+X”,输入“gpedit.msc”命令并回车,选择“计算机配置”|“Windows设置”|“安全设置”|“本地策略”|“安全选项”分支,其次从该分支下面找到“用户账户控制:用于内置管理员账户的管理员批准模式”选项,并用鼠标双击该选项,最后改为“启用”就OK了。
2023-01-04 02:00:561

window10 我已administered登陆,为什么还是没有修改houst的权限

2023-01-04 02:01:012

centrally-administered state-owned companies是什么意思啊??

centrally-administered state-owned companies家中央国有企业==========================================柳浪闻莺各位芝麻竭诚为您解答您的采纳是我们坚持百度的动力
2023-01-04 02:01:162


2023-01-04 02:01:2412

论美国的正式宪法通过 本杰明.富兰克林 写的那个的翻译

主席先生,   坦白地讲,这部宪法中有若干点是我目前所不能同意的,但我不敢说我将永远不赞成它。因为我活了这把年纪,我有过许多经验,在这些经验中,由于有了较好的资料或者经过较充分的考虑之后,即使在一些重大议题上,我当初曾以为是正确的见解而其实是错了的, 我就改。因此,我的年纪愈大,我就愈倾向于怀疑自己的判断,同时更尊重别人的判断。实际上,世上大多数的人和宗教里的大多数教派一样,以为自己拥有全部的真理。凡是和他们意见不同,就认为是谬误。一个叫斯蒂尔的新教徒在一次献辞中对天主教教皇说过这样一句话,在对宗教教义的解释上,我们两个教会唯一不同的地方是罗马教会是“千真万确的”,而英国教会则是“永远不会错的”。就连许多平民,也都像他们信奉的教派一样认为自己是“千真万确”的。这种自以为是,曾被一位法国太太表现得极为自然。 她在和妹妹发生争执时说:我也不明白这是怎么回事,妹妹,可是我从来也没有遇到过永远正确的人,除了我自己。   先生,从这种感觉出发,我同意这部宪法,连同它所有的瑕疵,如果它们确实是瑕疵的话。因为我们的人民需要一个总体政府,而现在我们还没有。如果政府治理有方,对百姓来说也许是个福音。我甚至进而相信,这一次可能天下大治若干年,然后以专制收场,就像以前那些共和国一样。当世风堕落到其它任何形式的政府都无能为力时,就会需要专制政府。但我也怀疑,无论召开多少次制宪会议,也未必能制定一部更好的宪法。当你集合一群人来利用他们的智慧,同时你也就免不了在集合这些人的同时,集合了他们的偏见,他们感情上的冲动,他们的观点中的错误,他们的地方性的利益观念,以及他们自私的观点。从这样的集合中,难道能期待完美的结果吗?因此,主席先生,让我惊讶的是,现在制定的这套方案,如此地近乎完美。我认为,这部宪法也会使我们的敌人大吃一惊的。他们正在那里自信地等着看我们的好戏呢,他们以为我们开会,也和巴比伦人造通天塔一样,每次都是劳而无功;以为我们各邦正处在分崩离析的边缘,此后每次见面,都不过是为了彼此掐断对方的喉咙。   所以,主席先生,我同意这部宪法,因为我不指望还有更好,也没有把握说它就不是最好的。为了公众利益,我决定牺牲自己认为宪法中还有谬误的私人之见。我从未在外面窃窃私语。我的话语在此四壁之内诞生,也将在此消失。如果我们每个回到选民当中去的人,都向他们报告自己对宪法曾有过的反对意见,并努力获得党人对这些意见的支持,我们就可能阻挠宪法被普遍接受,从而失去所有的有益影响和巨大好处,这种影响和好处,是从世界各国和我们人民中间对我们自然的好感中产生的,而这种好感,只能从我们的全体一致中产生,不管这种一致是真实的还是表面的。任何政府,为了获得和保障人们的幸福,必须有力量和效能。大部分力量和效能,取决于民众对政府、对治理者智慧和人格的良好印象。为此我希望,作为人民的组成部分,为了我们自己,为了子孙后代,我们采取全心全意、高度一致的行动,尽我们力所能及推荐这部宪法(如经会议批准并签署),以便将我们的思想和努力转向安邦治国。   最后,我希望制宪会议中每位对宪法或许还有异议的代表和我一起,就此机会略为怀疑一下自己的一贯正确,宣布我们取得一致,在这个文件上签下自己的名字。
2023-01-04 02:02:041


计划 主要系列的3 OPV疫苗应该的样子 根据进度表全国免疫 节目,例如在6周, 10周,14周,或在2个月,4个 6个月。此外,应给予生育剂量 在出生后不久时尽可能的潜在的小儿麻痹的疫情 输入是非常高的或高和传播 可能是高或中度(见图1)。这个 间隔OPV或IPV剂量应 ≥4周。给出了intramuscularly IPV(最好)或皮下注射, 可提供,作为一个固定的组合 疫苗。主要系列产品的使用3次 在2月是开始的时候。如果 主要系列开始之前(例如,用 六、10-week和14-week时间表)然后大增 应该给予服用过了 6月(≥为4-dose计划)。 在连续IPV / OPV使用,世界卫生组织建议吗 这IPV管理两个月的年龄(例如一个 IPV-OPV-OPV时间表)或在2个月,3-4数月 年龄(例如一个IPV-IPV-OPV-OPV时间表);在双方 IPV时间表应遵循至少2个剂量的 OPV。每个剂量的主要系列,是否IPV或 OPV,应该被4-8周,依靠 小儿麻痹症的风险暴露在童年时期。 IPV和OPV都可以同时接种的 与其他疫苗接种国家童年 节目。 旅客接种 旅行者对小儿麻痹流行国或地区 以前收到≥3剂量的OPV或IPV应 提供另一剂量的小儿麻痹疫苗作为once-only 出发前剂量。没有免疫的个人意愿 旅游目的地,小儿麻痹流行 完成初级的时间表,使用小儿麻痹疫苗 要么IPV或OPV。对于那些经常出差 小儿麻痹流行的地区,但留下的只有短暂的时期, 一次只额外的小儿麻痹疫苗剂量 主要系列应足以防止疾病。 到国外旅游前,居住在小儿麻痹流行 国家应该完成全部课程 小儿麻痹症疫苗,最好有OPV、提高 粘膜免疫和降低风险的WPV脱落。 旅客们应该得到额外的剂量 几个月前,1-12 OPV每个国际旅行社。 万一紧急旅行,最低1剂OPV 应在起飞前,最好是4周。有些 无小儿麻痹国家(例如,沙特阿拉伯) 从小儿麻痹流行国旅行者的要求 使小儿麻痹疫苗以取得入境 签证,或者他们可以得到额外要求旅客 剂量的到来,或两者兼而有之。
2023-01-04 02:02:102


这个巨大的扩展不能全赖愿意遵守所得税法和有效管理中,许多国家 凡履约差和管理基础薄弱,因此是极不情愿地依赖所得税. 在这个国家, 记录遵好--虽然它仍然可以得到改善和实用的方法已制定了管理质量 所得税(按成本仅约1 / 2 1 %的税款) . 在1930年底的很多人,甚至高级官员设置的国内税收服务表示怀疑所得税涵盖几乎人人 可以有效管理. 尽管一些问题依然存在, 在一个先进的国家行政上的可行性,是个人所得税的几乎全面普及已不再质疑. 有良好的经济原因而使用的个人所得税作为一个主要收入来源. 该自动灵活的税收收入,促进经济稳定和累进税率有助于防止过分集中的经济 权力和控制. 有的认为,所得税,还需要适度的增长,私人储蓄高收入的人, 这是可能保有私人需求的货物和服务.其他人相信高所得税,降低工作 投资诱因,因此,降低了国家的经济增长. 这是一个困难的问题将在晚些时候讨论. 但是,它说是正确的现代个人所得税. 如果经过精心设计和良好的管理,是一个有力而必要的经济手段,为现代知识经济工业 . 结构的联邦所得税
2023-01-04 02:02:191


2023-01-04 02:02:244


Ordos is one of the twelve major subdivisions of Inner Mongolia, China. It lies within the Ordos Loop of the Yellow River. Although mainly rural, Ordos is administered as a prefecture-level city.The most populous municipality is Dongsheng which had a population of 582,544 inhabitants as of the 2010 census. Another urban area is the conglomeration of Kangbashi District and the township of Altan Xire.The district is on the north side of the Wulan Mulun River, a tributary of the Yellow River while the township on the south side of the same river is the county seat of Ejin Horo Banner.Ordos is known for its lavish government projects, including the new Kangbashi District, a large District with abundant infrastructure, seldom used by residents and frequently described as a "ghost city".But this status has been improving and, as of 2016, Kangbashi had become more populated, with a daytime population of 100,000 and around one-third apartments occupied. It hosted the 2012 Miss World Final.In 2011, a 49,400-square-meter museum, entitled Ordos Museum (鄂尔多斯博物馆), was opened in Kangbashi. The museum, designed by China-based architectural practice MAD Studio, focuses upon the history of the Ordos area, as well as on the culture and traditions of Inner Mongolia.Travel within Ordos City is primarily made by car or bus, using the city"s network roads. Two tolled expressways, the G18 Rongcheng–Wuhai Expressway and the G65 Baotou–Maoming Expressway, provide connections with other towns and cities including Dongsheng.There are no direct rail lines to the city. The closest is the Baoshen Line in Dongsheng.Ordos Airport is located in Ejin Horo Banner.
2023-01-04 02:02:383


更改IP地址 广域IP:1、如果是PPOE上网只需断开连接再重新连上就好了,服务器会从IP地址池中随机分配一个IP地址给你。 2、固定IP上网那你要找运营商更改了,这样改是快不了的。局域IP:网络邻居右键属性,我的连接右键属性,打开tcp/ip更改。改网卡物理地址:1、直接改:可以在桌面上的“网上邻居”图标上单击右键,选择“属性”,在弹出的“网络连接”的对话框中,在“本地连接”图标上单击右键,选择“属性”,会弹出一个“本地连接属性”的对话框,单击“配置”按钮,选择“高级”,选中左栏“属性”中“Network Address”Intel的网卡便用“Locally Administered Address”来描述,只要在右栏框中可以找到“值”这个选项就可以了),然后选中右栏框“值”中的上面一个单选项(非“不存在”),此时便可在右边的框中输入想改的网卡MAC地址,形式如“000B6AF6F4F9”。点击“确定”按钮,修改就完成了。 2、修改注册表: 第一步,单击“开始”,选中“运行”,键入“regedit”调出注册表。 第二步,在HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESYSTEMCurrentControlSetControlClass{4D36E972-E325-11CE-BFC1-08002BE10318}000、0001、0002 等主键下,查找 DriverDesc ,内容为要修改的网卡的描述,如Intel的网卡会被描述成“Intel(R) PRO/100+ Management Adapter”,3Com的网卡会被描述成“3Com EtherLink XL 10/100 PCI For Complete PC Management NIC (3C905C-TX)”等。
2023-01-04 02:02:531

怎么翻译这篇简历成英文简历 急!

Personal profiles: Name: Zhao Haiting Gender: Female nation: Han Date of birth: March 1, 1987 accounts area: Haidian District, Beijing Political landscape: the marital status of party members: it has Education: Professional college: Human Resources Management Height: 160cm Weight: 44 kg The current annual salary: 2 - 40,000 yuan Intention job: Assistant - Administrative / Human Resources Commissioner - clerks Contact: E-mail: phone: 13485774152 Address: Haidian District, Beijing Su Jia Tuo River Town an large industrial village on the 10th Postal Code: 10095 Education background: The highest academic qualifications: the highest post-secondary school education: Shougang Institute of Technology Professional: Human resources management: from September 2005 to July 2008 Positions: Management Department of Human Resources Management 052 class squad leader Administered by the Department of Science and Technology students, liaison, Sports Director Administered by the Department of the Office of the Director of the Student Union Majors: Human Resources common law, English, Western economics, public relations, labor relations, recruiting and hiring, training and development, performance management, financial management practices, social security, computer-based, and so on the basis of the law. Awards and certificates: 2005-2006 academic year. Awarded the "outstanding student cadres," a 2006-2007 school year. Awarded the "outstanding member" first 2007-2008 school year. Awarded the "third-class scholarship," a December 2006 was awarded the "higher learning English Test" class B certificates June 2008 was awarded the "National Public English English PETS" certificate Foreign Language: English proficiency: good Others: Work experience and job description: April 2008 - this industry, Beijing Hongda Trading Company sales From September 2005 to July 2008 Shougang Institute of Technology Economics and Management Department of Human Resources Management 052 squad From September 2005 to July 2007 after another student in the Department of Management Science and Technology Department of Physical Education Served as liaison officer The main functions: Minister of organizations with activities 2007 9 menstrual control system as the Office of the Director of the Office of Student Union March 2006 -6 Nestle Nutrition on the weekend breakfast cereal part-time sales staff In June 2006 outside the Beijing Foreign Studies University Institute of the Child and Social Science courses are members extracurricular practice 2006 7 --- August Ding Hao Express part-time staff of the times 2006 9 - 12 Yue Kodak digital camera over the weekend Cu Xiaoyuan June 2007 - 2007 10 in Beijing McDonald"s Food Co., Ltd. (Summer Palace shop) Part-time employees Personal: In the school during the years of management I have gained a better understanding of the importance of this experience. This Is a sense of responsibility and the need for more carefully to the completion. It let me raise the management capacity of personal communication skills And the comprehensive capacity; students during my proficiency in the use of the Microsoft Office (such as: Word, Excel, Powerpoint, etc.); because of a variety of organized activities, so I entered the community Good for social activities, be able to communicate with others very good collaboration; part-time out-of-school activities, let me earlier The school has access to the outside world, I learned how to submit to management and to fulfill their duties; in McDonald"s Let me work experience to improve the English listening and speaking skills and self-confidence. Now I realize that the work of the competition The fierce and cruel, I know I need more training in terms of personal or professional skills I am sincere and trustworthy, warm and others. And good humor, moderate, kind-hearted, stable and vigorous; Xing Wide range of interest "to the cause of a strong sense of responsibility and mission, the work of a serious and responsible, conscientious and meticulous, Strong understanding of the ability to endure hardship and communication skills, teamwork and the idea of pragmatic and innovative spirit. Are highly motivated to quickly adapt to the environment, and the integration of which I will cherish each of the front of opportunities and make every effort to do our best
2023-01-04 02:02:581

如何修改笔记本的MAC地址,Locally Administered Address”找不到这一项了,怎么办,请高手指点!!!

我也碰到了这个问题,我电脑上也没有NETWORD Address这一 项,但我电脑上有Locally Administered Address 这一项,修改后就可以了!非常感谢上一个回答!
2023-01-04 02:03:072


tidy management messy management
2023-01-04 02:03:152


nationally 英[ˈnæʃnəli] 美[ˈnæʃənl:ɪ] adv. 在全国范围内,全国性地; 作为整个民族; administered v. 给予; 执行; 管理( administer的过去式和过去分词 ); 治理(国家); [例句]Father Stephen Lea administered the last rites to the dead men.史蒂芬·利神父为死者主持了临终圣礼。[其他] 原型: administer
2023-01-04 02:03:461


2023-01-04 02:03:512

India-administered 什么意思

2023-01-04 02:03:592

manage 什么意思

manage[英]["mænɪdʒ] [美][ˈmænɪdʒ] 生词本简明释义vt.使用;完成(困难的事);经营;明智地使用(金钱、时间、信息等)vt.& vi.办理,设法对付vi.能解决(问题);应付(困难局面等);凑合着活下去;支撑
2023-01-04 02:04:074

self-administered 什么意思?

2023-01-04 02:04:233


2023-01-04 02:04:332


Independence National Historical Park is a United States National Park in Philadelphia that preserves several sites associated with the American Revolution and the nation"s founding history. Administered by the National Park Service, the 55-acre (22 ha)[1] park comprises much of Philadelphia"s most-visited historic district. The park has been nicknamed "America"s most historic square mile"[3][4][5] because of its abundance of historic landmarks, and the park sites are located within the Old City and Society Hill neighborhoods of Philadelphia.The centerpiece of the park[6] is Independence Hall, a UNESCO World Heritage Site, where the Declaration of Independence and the United States Constitution were debated and adopted in the late 18th century. Independence Hall was the principal meetinghouse of the Second Continental Congress from 1775 to 1783 and the Constitutional Convention in the summer of 1787.[7] Across the street from Independence Hall, the Liberty Bell, an iconic symbol of American independence, is displayed in the Liberty Bell Center. The park contains other historic buildings, such as the First Bank of the United States, the first bank chartered by the United States Congress, and the Second Bank of the United States, which had its charter renewal vetoed by President Andrew Jackson as part of the Bank War. Carpenters" Hall, the site of the First Continental Congress, is located on Park property as well, however the building is privately owned and operated. It also contains City Tavern, a recreated colonial tavern, which was the favorite of the delegates, and John Adams felt was the finest tavern in all America.[8][9]Most of the park"s historic structures are located in the vicinity of the four landscaped blocks between Chestnut, Walnut, 2nd, and 6th streets. The park also contains Franklin Court, the site of a museum dedicated to Benjamin Franklin and the United States Postal Service Museum. An additional three blocks directly north of Independence Hall, collectively known as Independence Mall, contain the Liberty Bell Center, National Constitution Center, Independence Visitor Center, and the former site of the President"s House. The park also contains other historical artifacts, such as the Syng inkstand which was used during the signings of both the Declaration and the Constitution.
2023-01-04 02:04:411


2023-01-04 02:04:462


global warmingnatural reservegame snctuary/game reserveanimal protection zone
2023-01-04 02:04:543


  临床医学是研究疾病的病因、诊断、治疗和预后,提高临床治疗水平,促进人体健康的科学。是直接面对疾病、病人,对病人直接实施治疗的科学。那么你知道临床医学用英语怎么说吗?下面来学习一下吧。   临床医学的英语说法:   clinical medicine   临床医学的相关 短语 :   临床医学概论 Introduction to Clinical Medicine   临床医学影像 Images in Clinical Medicine   临床医学检验 clinical laboratory techniques   临床医学专家 Specialists in clinical medicine   临床医学专业学位 degree of clinical medicine   临床医学类期刊 Nature Clinical Practice Journals   临床医学的英语例句:   1. Topographic anatomy is a bridge course of clinical medicine with considerable practicability.   局部解剖学是实用性很强的与临床医学相衔接的“桥梁课程”.   2. Bachelor degree or above at Clinical Medicine with over 1 - year working experience.   临床医学专业,本科学历或以上学历,一年以上工作 经验 .   3. Immunology is a leading subject connecting the basic medicine and clinical medicine.   免疫学是生命科学发展的前沿学科,也是基础医学和临床医学的支撑学科之一.   4. Metformin hydrochloride is an orally administered biguanide widely used in clinical medicine.   盐酸二甲双胍是目前广泛用于临床医学的双胍类降糖药.   5. To cultivate clinical graduate students with high quality is the mentor"s duty.   培养高素质的临床医学研究生是导师们的职责.   6. Clinical biochemistry is an interdisciplinary course of biochemistry and clinical medicine.   临床生物化学是生物化学与临床医学相结合的一门边缘学科.   7. TCM is not only empirical medicine but also clinical medicine.   中医是经验医学,而且主要是临床医学.   8. Clinical research in surgery is an important part of clinical medicine.   临床外科研究是临床医学研究中的一个重要方面.   9. This journal is called Clinical Medicine.   这个期刊叫作《临床医学》.   10. Should clinical medicine learn to anatomize?   临床医学要学解剖 吗 ?   11. Images in clinical medicine Mycobacterium marinum.   在临床医学中的图像.   12. Evidence - based medicine is clinical medicine based on evidence.   循证医学是以证据为基础的临床医学.   13. Evaluation of human gait function is of great significance in clinical medicine and rehabilitation engineering.   人体步态功能的评定在临床医学、康复工程等领域中有着重要作用.   14. And the method with ultrasonic Doppler is popular, because ultrasound brings little hurt to fetus.   采用超声多普勒技术进行无创监护是目前临床医学中最常用的 方法 .   15. Bioactive ceramic coating is widely used in the field of medicine for its excellent biological compatibility.   生物活性陶瓷因其优良的生物相容性,广泛应用于临床医学领域.
2023-01-04 02:05:082


2023-01-04 02:05:233

please enter date of administration in appropriate area.where not administered,please mark "N/A".

2023-01-04 02:05:331


  下面是我整理的英文药品 说明书 关于用量与用法的写法,欢迎大家阅读!   本项最常用的英语表示法有:   Dosage and Administration 用(剂)量与用法   Route of Administration 给药途径(用法)   Administration 用法   Direction for Use 用法   Method of (for) Administration 用法   Application and Dosage 用法与用(剂)量   Mode of Application 用法   Dosage 用(剂)量   How to Use 用法   Posology 剂量学   还可能有其他的表示 方法 。   本项也是阅读的重点,读者必须正确理解本项内容中的给药对象、给药方式、剂量及剂量单位、给药时间等。   1、每次给药次数的表示方法   daily (per day, a day, every day ) 每日   every …hours 每隔…小时   intervats of … 每隔…   once (twice) daily (a day) 每日一(二)次   every other day 每隔一日   three times a day (daily) 每日三次   three times a week 每周三次   once (twice) a week (weekly) 每周一(二)次   Divided into … doses 分…次   in two or three divided doses 分为二或三次(个剂量)   例1 Unless other wise prescribed by the physician, the average daily dose is 1 capsule 3 times daily.   如果医生不另开处方,平均日剂量为每日3次、每次1个胶襄。   例2 The suggested dose is 10 to 15 mg per kg dody weight daily in 3-4 divided doses orally, taken with meets.   日剂量最好每公斤体重10-15mg,分3-4次口服,与食物共服。   例3 The initial dosage recommended is 1/2 tablet of Madopa 250 three times daily.   开始剂量最好为每日3次,每次半片美多巴250。   例4 Children: The usual dose is 50 to 100 mg/kg/day total, given in four equally divided and spaced doses.    儿童 :常用总剂量为每日50-100mg/kg体重,均分为四等份,等间隔给药。   例5 The recommended starting dose is 20mg given as a single daily dose.   推荐的首剂量为每20mg,一次服用。   2、常用表示剂量的术语   average dose 平均剂量 minimal (minimum) dose 最小有效量   daily dose 日剂量(一日量) multiple dose 多剂量   divided dose 分次剂量 overdose (overdose) 过量   fatal (lethal) dose 致死量 single dose 一次剂量   indicated dose 有效蛴量 standard dose 标准(合适)剂量   initial (beginning, starting) dose 首次量 suggested (recommended) dose 推荐剂量   maintenance dose 维持量 therapeutic dose 治疗剂量   maximum dose 最大剂量(极量) usual (normal) dose 常用剂量   3、常用的剂量单位表示法   g=gram 克 l=liter (litre) 升   mg=milligram 毫克 ml=milliliter 毫升   kg=kilogram 千克 c.c. 毫升   mcg=microgram 微克 I.U.=international unit 国际单位   ug 微克 body weight 体重   per square meter of body surface 每平方米体表面积   4、给药对象:最常见的用词有   adolescents 青少年 intant(s) 幼儿   adult(s) 成年人 male 男性   baby (babies) 婴儿 newborn baby (babies) 新生儿   children (child) 儿童 patient(s) 患者,病人   debilitated patients 体弱患者 pediatric 儿科的   elderly patient(s) 老年患者 pregnant women 孕妇   female 女性 senile patient(s) 老年患者(病人)   5、给药方式的表示法:多用副词成或介词 短语 表示,例如:   intra-arterially 静脉内给药 by mouth (OS) 口服   intragluteally 臀肌内给药 by phleboclysis 静脉输液   intramuscularly 肌内给药 by intramuscular (IM) injection 肌肉注射   intraperitoneally 腹(膜)腔内给药 by intravenous (IV) injection 静脉注射   intrapleurally 胸(膜)腔内给药 by the intra-articatar administration 关节内给药   intrathecally 鞘内给药 by the intramuscular administration (route) 肌内给药   intravenously 静脉内给药 by the intranasal route 鼻内给药   locally 局部给药 orally 口服给药   parenterally 肠道外给药 by the intraperitoneal administration 腹(膜)腔内给药   subconjuntivally 结膜下给药 by the intravenous infusion (perfusion) 静脉输注   subcutaneously 皮下给药 sublingually 舌下给药   submucously 粘膜下给药 by the intrathecal administration 鞘内给药   by aerosol 喷雾给药 by the subligual administration 舌下给药   by drip phleboclysis 点滴静脉输液 per rectum 直肠给药   by enema 灌肠 per vaginum 阴道给药   by lumbar 腰椎给药 pro recto 直肠给药   此外还有许多其他的表示法,不一一列举。   6、表示“投药”的常用动词   administer (或be administered、give、be given、indicate、be indicated) 给药、投药   use (或be used 、employ、be employed) 用药   recommend (be recommended、suggest、be suggested) 推荐给药   7、表示不同的用药方式的动词:   take 服用 inhale 吸入 apply to 用于、涂于、敷于   spray 喷雾 inject 注射 swallow 吞服   例6 …the recommended single dose is 1 ampoule, given subcutaneously, intramuscularly or intravenously.   建议一次剂量为1安瓶,皮下、肌肉或静脉注射给药。   例7 I.M injections should be administered in the amount of 25-50mg daily per kilo of body weight, subdivided into injections every 6-8-12 hours.   肌肉注射:每日每公斤体重给药25-50mg,每6-8-12小时一次。   例8 For adults give intramuscular injection of 400 to 600 mg per day in 2-3 divided doses. For intants give intramuscular injection of 10-20mg/kg per day in two divided doses.   成年人:肌肉注射,每日400-600mg,分2-3次注射;婴儿:肌肉注射,每日10-20mg/kg体重,分2次注射。   例9 The tablets (or the syrup) are to be taken during or after a meal with a little liquid.   片剂(或糖浆)应于食间或饭后用少量液体送服。   例10 Apply the Nitro-Dur system firmly to the skin surface. The Nitro-Dur system may beapplied to any convenient skin area, a recommended side of application is the arm or chest.   把护心贴片紧贴在皮肤表面,护心贴片可贴在任何方便的皮肤区域,最好是贴在手臂或胸部。   例11 In general 1 to 3 metered doses should should be inhaled or sprayed onto or under the tongue at the every oneset of anginal pain.   一般应在心绞痛开始发作时就吸入,或向舌上或舌下喷入1-3个规定的剂量。   8、 其它 的短语或句型,例如:   according to 根据 be adjusted 调整 depend on 依据 adapt to 适合,修改   on the basis of 在…基础上 vary from…to… 变化范围由…至…,因…而异   range from … to … 变化范围由…至…   it is advisable to (it is recommended to、it is suggested to ) 建议…   例子很多,不一一列举。   例12 Dosage should be adapted to patients individually, on the basis of periodic tests of glycosuria and blood sugar.   在周期性检验尿糖和血糖的基础上,调整剂量,使之适用于不同的患者。   例13 It si advisable to initiate therapy with massive doses: 3x2 tablets daily after meals over 2-4 days.   建议开始治疗时采用大剂量,每日剂量为3x2片,饭后服用,持续2-4日。   例14 In severs chronic cases, treatment is started with daily 1 to 2 ampoules of Bilocid and continused with one ampoule every other day, injected slowly by the intravenous route.   治疗严重的慢性疾病时,治疗从每日1-2支利胆素注射剂开始,继续治疗时每隔一日1安瓶缓慢静脉注射。   例15 The number of injections required may vary from from patient to patient.   所需注射次数因患者而异。   例16 The dosage of Glutril must be adjusted by the doctor according to the individualmetabolic state.   格路特利的剂量需由医生根据每个患者的代谢状况调整。   例17 In such instance, it is recommended that the dose be reduced.   在这种情况下,建议减少剂量。   例18 The maintenance dosage is determined by response of the patient.   维持剂量视患者对药物的反应而定。   从上述例句可见,本项中英语的普通词汇较多,只要有一定的英语基础均可读懂,专业词汇多为医学词汇,可从英汉医学词典中查出。
2023-01-04 02:05:381

英语句子翻译 勿用翻译器

全文意思是:英国国民健康服务(NHS)成立于1948年,旨在为在该国人人平等的基本医疗保健,免费。在此之前,医疗护理,必须由个人支付。 如今中央政府直接负责的国民保健服务,虽然它是由当地卫生部门统一管理。约83对医疗服务成本的百分之都是由一般税收,其余是从全国保险工作的人在支付捐款支付光是你要那句是: 约83对医疗服务成本的百分之都是由一般税收,其余是从全国保险工作的人所缴纳的捐款中支付
2023-01-04 02:05:436


2023-01-04 02:06:044


右击计算机 管理 本地用户与组 用户 administered右击属性
2023-01-04 02:06:172


幼儿英语:农民医生护士等各种常见职业的英语说法_好看视频 (2)
2023-01-04 02:06:252


原花青素。主要部件的原花青素 人类饮食,因为他们的广泛赋存于水果, 坚果、豆类、cocoa-based浆果、酒和beer.166产品 体内,他们的消费与提高抗氧化剂 status167和减少人类DNA损伤,168与 atherosclerosis169降低发展和延迟。主动脉 在动物试验系统的production170肿瘤。因为这些 和其他的生物效应的原花青素,171主要 来自葡萄籽提取物的摄入和消耗 cocoa-derived的食品、生物利用度的信息 这个化合物的原花青素,负责这些效应 体内是很重要的。 有许多喂食动物和人类的研究 说明不absorbed.172高分子原花青素 通过改变,他们在哪里catabolised大肠通过 结肠微生物产生多种酚acids144,173 包括3 -(3-hydroxyphenyl)丙酸(212)和4-Omethylgallic 酸(213)174都沉浸在促进血液循环 系统和排泄尿液中。有一份报告指出,基于数据 在体外模拟实验得出的胃肠道条件,那 原花青素降解产生flavan-3能够被吸收更容易 后来的研究monomers.175 ol没有支持 conclusion.176有两个较小的原花青素的数量 二聚体B1(127)及B2(31)被发现于人类 等离子体后的一粒葡萄核各自的消费 extract177和flavan-3-ol-rich cocoa.178进行研究,在后者 级别的B2二(31)在等离子体都不能低于。100倍 那些flavan-3-ols单体。 生物学效应的原花青素通常是由于 他们更容易被吸收,结肠分解产物 酚酸,尽管目前缺少详细的研究 区域。但是,有一点不一样的角度,痕量的原花青素 相反,(_)-catechin(22)和(+)-epicatechin (23)、血小板聚集在体外和抑制 endothelin-1多肽合成的血管收缩 培养cells.179支持这一观点是血管内皮细胞的研究 每个procyandins被送入老鼠之后二聚体吗 通过对pentamers血浆中被发现 用8 /尿素水解,而不是传统的 甲醇/乙腈,提出预防 不可逆转的约束力的原花青素,proteins.180等离子体的 原花青素是由gavage,然而,在一个 非常高剂量、1克/公斤体重,它仍然要小得多 如果原花青素可确定在ureaextracted类似 等离子体的摄入更多后营养有关 数量。 . . `-"""-"/ } 6 6 { =. Y ,= /^^^ . / ) ( )-( )/ "" ""
2023-01-04 02:06:332


nurse英 [nɜːs] 美 [nɜːrs] n.护士;(旧时雇主家中的)女保育员,保姆,女仆v.看护,照料(病人或伤者);调治,调养(伤病);怀抱;怀有;心藏;培育;搂抱;喂奶;吃奶
2023-01-04 02:06:412


2023-01-04 02:06:561


方法/步骤1、在windows10界面,点击设置,选择“网络和Internet”。2、在右侧窗口中找到“更改适配器设置”菜单项,这时会打开网络连接窗口。3、右键点击正在使用的网络连接,在弹出来的菜单中依次点击“属性-配置-高级-local administered address”。4、然后在右侧点击“值”,输入修改后的Mac地址即可。5、总结如下。
2023-01-04 02:07:011


2023-01-04 02:07:253


2023-01-04 02:07:364


怎么一样的,这是来自哪里的啊 太长了
2023-01-04 02:07:493


  Geography of Denmark  Map showing the location of Denmark including the Faroe Islands and Greenland (pdf)Denmark"s northernmost point is Skagens point (the north beach of the Skaw) at 57° 45" 7" northern latitude, the southernmost is Gedser point (the southern tip of Falster) at 54° 33" 35" northern latitude, the westernmost point is Blåvandshuk at 8° 4" 22" eastern longitude, and the easternmost point is Østerskær at 15° 11" 55" eastern longitude. This is in the archipelago Ertholmene 18 kilometres northeast of Bornholm. The distance from east to west is 452 kilometres (281 mi), from north to south 368 kilometres (229 mi).  Denmark consists of the peninsula of Jutland (Jylland) and 443 named islands (1419 islands above 100 m² in total (2005)).[11] Of these, 76 are inhabited, with the largest being Zealand (Sjælland) and Funen (Fyn). The island of Bornholm is located somewhat east of the rest of the country, in the Baltic Sea. Many of the larger islands are connected by bridges; the Øresund Bridge connects Zealand with Sweden, the Great Belt Bridge connects Funen with Zealand, and the Little Belt Bridge connects Jutland with Funen. Ferries or small aircraft connect to the smaller islands. Main cities are the capital Copenhagen (on Zealand), Århus, Aalborg and Esbjerg (on Jutland) and Odense (on Funen).  The country is flat with little elevation; having an average height above sea level of only 31 metres (102 ft) and the highest natural point is Møllehøj, at 170.86 metres (560.56 ft). Other hills in the same area southwest of Århus are Yding Skovhøj at 170.77 metres (560.27 ft) and Ejer Bavnehøj at 170.35 metres (558.89 ft).[12] The area of inland water is: (eastern Denmark) 210 km² (81 sq mi); (western D.) 490 km² (189 sq mi).  Denmark is split into 443 named islands which results in a long coastline, 7,314 kilometres (4,544 mi).[13] A perfect circle enclosing the same area as Denmark would have a circumference of only 742 kilometres (461 mi). Another feature that shows the close connection between the land and ocean is that no location in Denmark is farther from the coast than 52 kilometres (32.3 mi). The size of the land area of Denmark cannot be stated exactly since the ocean constantly erodes and adds material to the coastline, and because of human land reclamation projects (to counter erosion). On the southwest coast of Jutland, the tide is between 1 and 2 metres (3 to 6.5 ft), and the tideline moves outward and inward on a 10 kilometres (6 mi) stretch.[14]  Denmark seen from space.The climate is in the temperate zone. The winters are not particularly cold with mean temperatures in January and February of 0.0 °C and the summers are cool with mean temperature in August 15.7 °C.[15] There is a lot of wind, which is stronger during the winter and weaker during the summer. Denmark has an average of 170 rainy days. The greatest rainfall comes in November.[16]  Because of Denmark"s northern location, the length of the day with sunlight varies greatly. There are short days during the winter with sunrise coming around 9:30 a.m. and sunset 4:30 p.m., as well as long summer days with sunrise at 3:30 a.m. and sunset at 10 p.m.[17] The shortest and longest days of the year have traditionally been celebrated. The celebration for the shortest day corresponds roughly with Christmas (Danish: jul) and modern celebrations concentrate on Christmas Eve, 24 December. The Norse word jól is a plural, indicating that pre-Christian society celebrated a season with multiple feasts.[18] Christianity introduced the celebration of Christmas, resulting in the use of the Norse name also for the Christian celebration. Efforts by the Catholic Church to replace this name with kristmesse were unsuccessful. The celebration for the longest day is Midsummer Day, which is known in Denmark as sankthansaften (St. John"s evening).[19] Celebrations of Midsummer have taken place since pre-Christian times.[20]  Economy of Denmark  Denmark"s market economy features very efficient agriculture, up-to-date small-scale and corporate industry, extensive government welfare measures, very high living standards, a stable currency, and high dependence on foreign trade. Denmark is a net exporter of food and energy and has a comfortable balance of payments surplus and zero net foreign debt. Also of importance is the sea territory of more than 105,000 km² (40,000+ sq mi).  The Danish economy is highly unionised; 75% of its labour force are members of a trade union.[22] Most trade unions take part in the organized system of trade unions, the organization at the highest level being the so-called LO, the Danish Confederation of Trade Unions. However, increasing numbers in the labour force choose not to become members of a trade union or to become members of one of the trade unions outside the organized system (often referred to as the yellow, in Danish gule, trade unions).  Relationships between unions and employers are generally cooperative: unions often have a day-to-day role in managing the workplace, and their representatives sit on most companies" board of directors. Rules on work schedules and pay are negotiated between unions and employers, with minimal government involvement. The unemployment rate for September 2007 was 3.1%, for a total of 86,000 persons, a reduction by 101,600 persons - 2,300 per month - or 54% since December 2003.[23] The number of unemployed is forecast to be 65,000 in 2015. The number of people in the working age group, less disability pensioners etc., will grow by 10,000 to 2,860,000, and jobs by 70,000 to 2,790,000.[24] Parttime jobs included.[25] Because of the present high demand and short supply of skilled labour, especially for factory, transport, building and construction jobs, in addition to hospital nurses and physicians, the annual average working hours have risen, especially compared with the economic downturn 1987 – 1993.[26]Increasingly, service workers of all kinds are in demand, i.e. in the postal services and as bus drivers, and academics.[26]  Danish notes and coinsDenmark"s national currency, the krone (plural: kroner), is de facto linked to the Euro through ERMII.[27] The exchange rate is very steady at approx. 7.45 kroner per euro. Currently the krone converts to American dollars at a rate of about USD 0.20 per krone (about 5.1 kroner per dollar). (Exchange rates updated November 2007)  The government has met the economic convergence criteria for participating in the third phase (the common European currency - the Euro) of the Economic and Monetary Union of the European Union (EMU), but Denmark, in a September 2000 referendum, rejected The Monetary Union.  In the area of sickness and unemployment, the right to benefit is always dependent on former employment and at times also on membership of an unemployment fund, which is almost always -but need not be- administered by a trade union, and the previous payment of contributions. However, the largest share of the financing is still carried by the central government and is financed from general taxation, and only to a minor degree from earmarked contributions.  The Danish welfare model is accompanied by a taxation system that is both broad based (25% VAT and excise) and with high income tax rates (minimum tax rate for adults is 39.6%).  Denmark is home to many well known multi-national companies, among them: A.P. Moller-Maersk Group (Maersk - international shipping), Lego (children"s toys), Bang & Olufsen (hi-fi equipment), Carlsberg (beer), and the pharmaceutical companies Lundbeck and Novo Nordisk.  Education in Denmark  The Danish education system offers free access to primary school, secondary school and most kinds of higher education (universities etc.). About 99% of the general population attend compulsory elementary school (lasting 9 to 10 years); 86% attend secondary school and 41% pursue further education.  Primary school in Denmark is "den Danske Folkeskole" (translated: "the Danish Public School"). It goes from 1st-10th grade (10th grade is optional, as is the introductory børnehaveklasse ("kindergarten class")). In Denmark one can also go to Friskole ("free school") or Privatskole ("private school"): i.e. schools that are not under the administration of the municipalities; e.g. Christian schools or Waldorf Schools.  Following graduation from Folkeskolen, there are several other educational opportunities, including Gymnasium (academically oriented upper secondary education), Higher Preparatory Examination (HF) (similar to Gymnasium, but one year shorter), Higher Technical Examination Programme (HTX) (with focus on Mathematics and engineering), and Higher Commercial Examination Programme (HHX) (with a focus on trade and business), as well as vocational education, training young people for work in specific trades by a combination of teaching and apprenticeship.  Gymnasium, HF, HTX and HHX aim at qualifying students for higher education in universities and colleges. Denmark has several universities; the largest and oldest are the University of Copenhagen and University of Aarhus.  added: By law, all college education in Denmark must be free  Folkehøjskolerne, ("Folk high schools") introduced by politician, clergyman and poet N.F.S. Grundtvig in the 19th century, are social, informal education structures without tests or grades but emphasising communal learning, self-discovery, enlightenment, and learning how to think.[40]  Culture of Denmark:  Hans Christian Andersen is known beyond Denmark for his fairy tales, such as "The Emperor"s New Clothes", "The Little Mermaid", and "The Ugly Duckling". Karen Blixen (pen name: Isak Dinesen), Nobel laureate author Henrik Pontoppidan, Nobel laureate physicist Niels Bohr, the comedic pianist Victor Borge and the Philosopher Søren Kierkegaard have also made a name for themselves outside Denmark.  The capital city of Copenhagen includes the Tivoli gardens, the Amalienborg Palace (home of the Danish monarchy), and the The Little Mermaid sculpture.[41]  Historically, Denmark, like its Scandinavian neighbors, has been one of the most socially progressive cultures in the world. For example, in 1969, Denmark was the first country to legalize pornography.[42] And in 1989, Denmark enacted a registered partnership law, being the first country in the world to grant same-sex couples nearly all of the rights and responsibilities of marriage
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