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keep doing sth 和keep on doing sth 有什么区别

2023-07-20 13:26:01
TAG: doin in do ng th st ep doing


keep doing something意思为:保持做某事, keep on doing something意思是:继续去做某事。




1 阅读记忆法 也就是把词汇的记忆融入阅读之中,在看一篇文章的时候,遇到不认识的单词先做记号,并猜测它们的含义,等到把全文看完后再从字典上把它们的意思找出来。


2 笔记记忆法 灵感来源于一篇文章,说某君从不背书,只抄书,每一本书都被他 抄了几遍,这样最后全数的内容都印在了他的脑海中。









keep on的中文意思: 继续雇用; 继续前进; 继续穿着; 重复。 The successful private businesswoman indicates that she does not keep track of how much she spends on philanthropy.. 扩展资料   例句   1. If I was sensitive at that time, I would keep silent on this matter.   如果当时我有点理智的话,我就会对这事保持沉默。   2. Maintain the good relationship with government and keep on knowing the relative law about safety and health.   与政府部门保持良好的`关系,并及时了解有关安全环保等的法律法规。   3. I have oily skin, what is the best way to keep makeup on?   我是油性肌肤,要怎样才能使我的妆持久?   4. I decided after your last visit, i"m going to keep my nose clean from now on, whatever it takes, I could be out of here in 10 years if I play my cards right.   从上次会面后,我就决定不再惹麻烦。如果表现良好,可能10年就出狱了。   5. And so on can keep pace with internationa advanced industrial electric furance manfacturing technology.   部分工业电炉出口到欧美、日本等发达工业国和亚洲地区,在国际上享有较高知名度。
2023-07-20 12:38:371

keep on 什么意思

继续进行,继续下去.有句型keep on doing something ....
2023-07-20 12:38:453

keep和keep on 的区别

一句话,keep没有间隔,keep on有间隔。
2023-07-20 12:39:0110

keep on是什么意思

keep on:重复;继续;继续雇用; 例如:Keep on your side of the bed! 扩展资料   He does keep on so!   他就是这样纠缠不休!   Don"t keep on interrupting me!   别老是跟我打岔!   The practice is to keep on record any analysis of samples.   习惯上要把所有的样品分析记录在案。
2023-07-20 12:39:281


2023-07-20 12:39:351

求:keep on的用法

常用短语keep an eye on监视,注视,照看,照料keep apart把…分开keep away避开,不使靠近keep back留在后面,不前进;阻止;隐瞒;留下keep down卧下;蹲下;镇压,压服,控制;缩减keep going继往开来,维持下去,坚持下去keep in抑制;隐瞒,隐藏;把…关在里面,不出去keep off让开,不接近;不让…接近,把…驱开keep onv.继续,穿着...不脱keep one"s distancev.保持疏远keep one"s eyes open注意,留心,警惕keep one"s eyes peeled注意,留心,警惕
2023-07-20 12:39:433


《Keep On, Fight On》是由冯允谦作词、作曲的歌曲。
2023-07-20 12:39:5414

keep up与keep on的区别?

2023-07-20 12:40:315

keep on有坚持的意思吗

keep on有坚持的意思。短语keep on with对峙;保持;跟上Keep on moving继续前行;继续舞动;继续前进Keep On the Sunny Side让生活充满阳光示例:They concluded that firing him would be more damaging than keeping him on.他们得出结论,解雇他会比留用他的损害更大。词语用法:keep可用作及物动词,也可用作不及物动词。用作及物动词时,接名词或代词作宾语(不可接动词不定式作宾语),也可接双宾语,其间接宾语可转化为介词for的宾语。keep用作不及物动词作“保存”解时,主动结构常含被动意义。keep还可接以形容词、副词、as短语、现在分词(短语)、过去分词(短语)等充当宾语补足语的复合宾语,但不可接含动词不定式的复合宾语。
2023-07-20 12:41:461

keep on除了+动名词还可以+什么?

keep on... 这个短语运用是要注意,如果后面跟名词或者动名词时,on是介词,因此可以接名词或者动名词做介词宾语。例句:He kept on talking all the time.他一直说个不停。The new owner kept Fred on as gardener.新业主继续雇用弗莱德做园丁。I"ve told you before not to keep your socks on if they get wet.以前我告诉过你,如果袜子湿了,就不要再穿了。He keeps his hat on even if he is at home.他即使在家也是一直戴着帽子。反之,on是副词,keep on 形成一个不及物的动词短语。
2023-07-20 12:42:162

keep 后面加介词ON时,后面加什么词? 也就是 keep on 后面加什么词?

2023-07-20 12:42:232

keep up与keep on的区别

keep up 是继续,坚持Keep it up! You are doing well.keep on 是继续,保持The rain kept on for two days.
2023-07-20 12:42:393

keep和keep on的区别

两者均可后接动名词(不接不定式)。 表示反复发生的动作(即动作之间略有间隔)时,两者可互换。 表示持续的状态或连续不断的动作(动作之间没有间隔)时, 通常只用 keep doing sth。 表示将一直在做的事继续做下去,通常只用 keep on doing。 扩展资料   I go swimming every day in order to keep fit.   我每天游泳以保持健康。   You"ll need to keep a clear head for your interview.   你面试时需要保持清醒的头脑。   Keep on the right side of the road.   靠马路的右边行走。   Keep on until you get to the church.   一直往前走到教堂。
2023-07-20 12:42:461

keep on/carry on/go on/move on/stick to有何区别 能否给几个例题详细讲解一下?

这些词组意思比较接近,但各有异同,我们逐个来分析. keep on是指持续不断做某事,或者坚持做某事. 比如:If you keep on singing,they"ll ask you to leave.如果你继续唱,他们会要求你离开的. 这句中的keep on是不能用其它几个词组代替的. 或者:I kept on trying,but it still didn"t work.我不停地试,但还是不管用. carry on也有持续不断的意思,但与keep on有所不同. 比如:Rescue operations were carried on in spite of the storm.尽管有宝风雨但救援工作还是继续进行. 另外,carry on作“继续下去”讲时主要是指尽管发生了某些事情(悲剧)或遭受了挫折,但(生活、工作等)还要继续,是表达持续的状态. 比如:Her life carried on anyway after his husbend died.她丈夫死了但生活还在继续. 这句中的carry on是可以用go on/move on来代替的. go on指继续做某事,或者表达持续的状态. 比如:Go on working,it"s not time to have a break yet.继续工作,还没到休息时间呢. 另外,go on还有发生的意思,比如:What"s going on here?发生什么了? 有作为的意思,比如:Don"t go on like this!别再这么干了! move on是指move forward,向前发展或推移. 比如,As time moved on,he gradually left her behind his back.随着时间的推移,他慢慢把她忘记了. stick to则是坚持的意思,是指对承诺或者目标等始终坚持,跟其他几个词组有明显区别. 比如:He always sticks to what he believes in.他总是坚持自己的原则. 基本上是这样,
2023-07-20 12:42:531


2023-07-20 12:43:011

keep on 和go on的区别 用法上有何不同

keep on 是坚持,保持,克服困难继续坚持,不要停顿 go on 是很随意的坚持,继续就好的意思,可以中间有停顿 go on to do sth或者没有停顿 go on doing sth
2023-07-20 12:43:081

keep ongo on continuekeep doing sth.的区别

2023-07-20 12:43:151

keep 和 keep on 的区别,要详细的。

keep 保持 通常可以用作保持一种状态 楼上有举例子 keep on 继续
2023-07-20 12:43:442

keep ongo on continuekeep doing sth.的区别

2023-07-20 12:43:511

keepon doing还是keepon doing?

这两句英文单词的短语,侧重点是有所不一样的。keep doing something意思为:保持做某事, keep on doing something意思是:继续去做某事。所以在使用的时候,一定要注意仔细区分,才可以达到理想的使用效果。有效记单词,才可以提高英文,读写的整体能力,让写作更加流畅。记忆单词的方法如下:1 阅读记忆法 也就是把词汇的记忆融入阅读之中,在看一篇文章的时候,遇到不认识的单词先做记号,并猜测它们的含义,等到把全文看完后再从字典上把它们的意思找出来。这种方法不枯燥,记得比较牢,但缺点是记忆的词汇量比较少,而且耗时也比较长,不适合想求速成的同学。2 笔记记忆法 灵感来源于一篇文章,说某君从不背书,只抄书,每一本书都被他 抄了几遍,这样最后全数的内容都印在了他的脑海中。这大概是书上的铅字经自己用笔抄下来后,好象就成了自己的东西,对自己就没有排斥反应了。具体做法是找一本笔记本,把它的一页按中间对折,然后从字典上把英汉意思抄上去,英语单词或词组抄在左边,汉语意思抄在右边。然后对所有的词汇背三遍,先英汉对照背一遍,然后分别只看英文或只看汉语解释背一遍(把页面折起来,使自己看不到英文或中文部分,以免受干扰)。这种方法记忆的量大而且比较牢靠,只是需要不怕累的人才能做到。
2023-07-20 12:44:101

keep on/go on /continue/keep /carry on doing sth.的区别是什么

2023-07-20 12:44:171

keep doing sth和keep on doing sth区别是什么?

keep doing sth 与keep on doing sth 是同义词,意思相同都是 一直做某事如He keeps writing in the morning
2023-07-20 12:44:252

stay和keep on的区别?

stay和keep on的区别? 您好,二者都可以表达“继续,保持”,但在用法上有差异。一般来说,stay常用作系动词,后接介词短语或形容词。例1,He stayed at home.例2 We should take exercise to keep healthy.keep on后常接动词ing形式。例句,They kept on working for a long time.
2023-07-20 12:45:112

go on doing与keep on doing区别

2023-07-20 12:45:202


2023-07-20 12:45:271

keep (on)doing sth与go on doing sth的区别

keep on doing的意思是保持做某事go on doing的意思是继续做某事
2023-07-20 12:45:373

continue go on 和keep on 的区别

go on doing sth.表示继续做刚才做的事例句:I go on reading my book after telling him the way我在告诉他路之后继续看我的书.(表示告诉他路之前和之后都在看书)go on to do sth.表示继续做另一件事例句:I go on to read my book after finish my handwring homework我完成了作业,然后接着看书(表示先写作业,然后看书)continue doing sth.表示继续做某事,和go on dong sth.一个意思keep on 表示坚持做某事例句:I keep on helping the poor student我坚持一直帮助贫困学生
2023-07-20 12:45:452

keep upkeep onkeep doing 的区别

keep的用法小结 keep是高考常考词汇之一,其含义丰富,与其搭配的短语也很多,其主要用法如下: A、用作及物动词 (1)保留、保存、保持、留下 e.g. We"d better keep a seat for him. 我们最好给他留个座位。 He kept all the money in the bank. 他把所有的钱都存入了银行。 (2)履行(诺言)遵守 e.g. One should keep one"s promise. 一个人应当遵守自己的诺言。 Everybody must keep the law. 人人都必须守法。 (3)赡养,养活,饲养 e.g. He has a large family to keep. 他有一大家人要养活。 The old man kept many animals like dogs, pigs and cats. 这位老人养了许多动物,像狗、猪、还有猫等。 (4)经营,管理 e.g. He kept a hotel in this city. 在这座城市里,他开了一家旅店。 She is good at keeping house. 她擅长管理家务。 (5)保守(秘密),记(日记、帐) e.g. All of the people keep the Spring Festival in our country. 我国所有的人都庆祝春节。 Some of them keep birthdays. 他们中有些人庆祝生日。 (7)使……处于某种状态(情况) 在这种情况下,keep常跟复合结构(keep+宾语+补语)。用作宾语补足语常见的词有现在分词、过去分词、形容词、副词以及介词短语。 e.g. He kept me waiting for half an hour. 他让我等了半个小时。 Keep your mouth shut and your eyes open. 少说话,多观察。 The doctor kept me in for a week. 医生一周没让我出去。 He always keeps his books in good order. 他总是把书放得整整齐齐。 B、用作不及物动词 (1)保持、继续(处于某种状态)(keep为连系动词) e.g. Please keep quiet. 请保持安静。 We"re keeping in very good health. 我们身体非常好。 (2)(食物)保持良好状态 e.g. Will this fish keep till tomorrow? 这鱼能放到明天吗? C、keep构成的一些短语 keep (sb.) away (from sth.)(使)某人离开(某物) keep sb. from doing sth. 阻止某人做某事 keep sth. in mind 记住(某事物) keep sb./ sth. out (of sth.) 不让……入内 keep back 忍住(眼泪),扣下,隐瞒 keep in touch with 与……保持联系 keep (on) doing sth. 继续做某事 keep off 远离,避开,让开 keep up 保持(不低落),继续 keep up with 跟上,不落在后面 keep boarders. 为寄宿生提供食宿 To raise: 抚养,饲养: keep chickens. 养鸡 To maintain for use or service: 备有:为利用或服务而持有: a city dweller who didn"t keep a car. 没有汽车的城市居民 To manage, tend, or have charge of: 管理、照管或负责…: Keep the shop while I"m away. 我不在的时候你要照看商店 To preserve (food). 保存(食物) To cause to continue in a state, condition, or course of action: 维持:使…保持某一状态、情况或过程的动作: attempted to keep the patient calm. 试图使病人镇静 To maintain records in: 记载,记入:保存记录于: keep a yearly diary. 记载年纪 To enter (data) in a book: 记录(资料)于书里: keep financial records. 记录财务记录 To detain: 留住,耽搁: was kept after school. 放学后被留下来 To restrain: 控制: kept the child away from the hot stove; kept the crowd back with barriers. 别让孩子走近热炉子;用屏障挡住人群 To prevent or deter: 阻止,制止: tried to keep the ice from melting. 防止冰融化 To refrain from divulging: 使…不泄露: keep a secret. 保守秘密 To save; reserve: 保存;积攒: keep extra money for emergencies. 攒下多余的钱以备急用 To maintain: 保持: keep late hours. 经常晚睡 To adhere to; fulfill: 坚持;完成: keep one"s word; keep a busy schedule. 履行诺言;按紧张的日程表完成 To celebrate; observe. 庆祝;欢度 v.intr.(不及物动词) To remain in a state or condition; stay: 保持,维持:保持某种状态或情况;保持: keep in line; keep quiet; kept well. 排好队;保持安静;保鲜 To continue to do: 继续做: keep on talking; keep guessing. 继续讲话;继续猜 To remain fresh or unspoiled: 保持新鲜或不腐败: The dessert won"t keep. 沙拉不易久放 n.(名词) Care; charge: 照顾;管理: The child is in my keep for the day. 今天这孩子由我照顾 The means by which one is supported: 生计:人生存所需物品: earn one"s keep. 挣钱糊口 The stronghold of a castle. 要塞:城堡的把守要点 A jail. 监狱 keep at To persevere in work or an action. 坚持做…:继续某项工作或行为 keep down To prevent from growing, accomplishing, or succeeding: 压制,镇压:阻止…成长、完成或成功: keep down prices; keep the revolutionaries down. 控制物价;镇压革命 keep off To stay away from. 躲开,避开 keep to To adhere to: 坚持,信守: keep to the original purpose. 遵守原定宗旨 keep up To maintain in good condition: 保持良好状态: kept up the property. 保存财产 To persevere in; carry on: 保持;继续: We asked her to stop talking, but she kept up. 我们请她别再说话了,但她依旧说下去 To continue at the same level or pace. 并行:按相同的水平或步伐继续下去 To match one"s competitors, colleagues, or neighbors in success or lifestyle: 不落后,赶得上:赶上对手、同事或邻居,指在成就或生活方式上: unsuccessfully tried to keep up with his associates. 没能赶上他的同事们 for keeps For an indefinitely long period: 永远地:无限长的一段时间: gave the ring to me for keeps. 把这个戒指永久性地送给了我 Seriously and permanently: 严肃而永久地: We"re separating for keeps. 我们从此一刀两断 keep an eye out To be watchful. 警觉 keep company To carry on a courtship: 相爱: a couple who kept company but never married. 彼此相爱却不结婚的一对情侣 keep (one"s) chin up To be stalwart, courageous, or optimistic in the face of difficulty. 乐观,坚定:在困难面前坚定、勇敢或乐观 keep (one"s) eyes open 或 keep (one"s) eyes peeled To be on the lookout. 警觉,小心 keep (one"s) nose clean【非正式用语】 To stay out of trouble. 避开麻烦 keep pace To stay even with others, as in a contest. 并列:与其他人并驾齐驱,如在比赛中 keep (someone) company To accompany or remain with. 陪伴:陪伴或与…呆在一起 keep time To indicate the correct time. 显示准确时间 Music To maintain the tempo or rhythm. 【音乐】 保持节奏或旋律 keep to (oneself) To shun the company of others: 避开其他人的陪伴: She kept to herself all morning. 整个上午她自己一个人呆着 To refrain from divulging: 使…不泄露: He kept the news to himself. 他对这个消息秘而不宣
2023-07-20 12:45:543

Keep on go on continue 有什么区别

2023-07-20 12:46:043

keep 与 keep on 的区别

keep doing sth继续做某事keep on doing sth是继续做某事且做现在做的事
2023-07-20 12:46:205

keep up与keep on的区别 keepup与keepon有什么不同

1、keep on后面接动名词。 She kept on working although she was tired. 她虽疲劳但仍继续工作。 2、keep up后面接名词。 例句: The enemy kept up their bombardment day and night. 敌军日夜不停地狂轰滥炸。
2023-07-20 12:46:572


2023-07-20 12:47:051

keep on/go on /continue/keep /carry on doing sth.的区别是什么?

keep on是指持续不断做某事,或者坚持做某事. 比如:If you keep on singing,they"ll ask you to leave.如果你继续唱,他们会要求你离开的. (keep on 在句中不可替换). go on指继续做某事,或者表达持续的状态. 比如:Go on working,it"s not time to have a break yet.继续工作,还没到休息时间呢. coniinue延伸,延续,继续,仍旧. carry on也有持续不断的意思,但与keep on有所不同. 比如:Rescue operations were carried on in spite of the storm.尽管有宝风雨但救援工作还是继续进行. ,4,
2023-07-20 12:47:121

Keep on go on continue 有什么区别?

keep,go on,last,continue 这几个单词都有持续的意思,通常依据个人的习惯应用不同单词.它们之间没有太多的区别. Keep和last 比较口语化.go on, continue 常见于书面文章.,7,keep on应该是继续做正在做的 continue和go on都要视后面跟的词决定: 如果是跟to do,应该是已经停下来后再继续做, 如果跟doing,应该是继续做正在做的,2,我个人实际应用中,这些用的都挺多的。 go on 延续某种状态的意思。 keep sth on sth 保持某种状态的意思。 sth last for...通常指该状态可以或将要保持多久 continue..在不同地方都可以表达go on 和keep的意思,2,keep on+doing形式 是保持做某事 go on+to do 是指继续做同一件事 continue+to do是指继续做另一件事,0,continue可作系动词后接表语;go on to do表示接着做另外一件事;keep on doing 表示一直在做..没有keep on to do这个用法;go on doing/continue doing/continue to do意思上没什么差别可互换,0,
2023-07-20 12:47:191

keep on后面加什么介词

keep on后面加名词或者是动名词。keep on指重复、继续。由于on是介词,所以keep on 后面必须跟名词、代替名词的代词、和名词共一样的动名词(-ing),以及名词短语、名词性从句---宾语从句。 扩展资料   keep的用法:   1、keep的.基本意思是“保留,保管,保存,留下,保持”,指使某人或某物继续保持某种状态。引申可作“管理,经营”“料理,照顾”“抚养,养活,饲养”“遵守,维护”“庆祝”“耽搁”“记”等解。   2、keep可用作及物动词,也可用作不及物动词。用作及物动词时,接名词或代词作宾语(不可接动词不定式作宾语),也可接双宾语,其间接宾语可转化为介词for的宾语。keep用作不及物动词作“保存”解时,主动结构常含被动意义。   3、keep还可接以形容词、副词、as短语、现在分词(短语)、过去分词(短语)等充当宾语补足语的复合宾语,但不可接含动词不定式的复合宾语。   4、keep作“保持,继续”解时还可用作系动词,后跟表语,该表语可由形容词、副词、名词、动名词或介词短语等充当,此用法keep有时可用于进行体。   5、keep后接介词from,再接名词或动名词,表示“使自己不做某事”,主要用于否定句或疑问句。   6、由keep构成的常用习语大多不用于进行体。
2023-07-20 12:47:391

keep doing sth 和keep on doing sth 有什么区别

keep doing sth.坚持做某事 强调状语的继续,常与表示延续动作的动词与静止状态的动词连用,如(hope,think,wonder,dream,sit,stand,lie,sleep等) He kept talking until the meeting was over.他一直在说,直到会议结束. He kept eating/ smiling/ walking.他一直在吃/笑/走. She keep running她一直在跑(没停过) He kept standing in the street .他一直站在大街上. Please keep sitting where you are. We"ll keep going forward. We kept hoping that they would chance to come to china (again) some day. keep on doing sth.表示动作反复,强调动作与动作之间有间隔,常与表示短暂动作的动词连用.“坚持做某事”,克服困难继续坚持. He kept on ringing me up,but I don"t want to keep in touch with him any more. 他不断地给我打电话,可我不想和他保持联系了. The boy kept watching the passing traffic at the gate. 这个男孩在门口不停地看着过往的车辆. She kept on raising her hand她反复举手(不是一直举着手) He kept on repeating these words over and over.他一遍又一遍重复这几句话.
2023-07-20 12:47:461

keep与 keep On的区别是什么

及物动词 vt. (长期或永久)持有,保有I kept it all the time to remind me of you. 我一直保存着它,以此唤起我对你的记忆。 2.(一时)拥有;保管Please keep the watch for me while I go swimming. 我去游泳,请代我保管这表。 3.存放,保留,保存还有很多的意思,可以自己积累。keep on 接的是doing,也就是说他后面的动词要加上ing.即现在分词。
2023-07-20 12:47:531

keep和keep on的区别

keep 后跟形容词或动词的ing形式keep on 后跟动词ing Please keep quiet. He keeps smiling. He keeps on smiling.
2023-07-20 12:48:301

keep on doing 与continue on 的区别

2023-07-20 12:48:391

keep on doing 和keep doing 的区别

keep doing / keep on doing 1) 均可表示“继续做某事,反复做某事”,可互换,只是 keep on 更加强调时间的间隔性和动作的反复性,及某人做某事的决心. He kept on working until midnight though he was tied. The boy kept /kept on asking some silly questions in class. 2) 若表示一连续不段的动作,或某一动作的持续状态,只宜用keep doing . She kept waving to her hu *** and until he was out of sight. They kept standing outside the room during all the meeting. Keep lying here; I will be back soon. 3) 若表示今后或将来继续做某事,则只宜用keep on doing . We must keep on working hard in the ing new year. He kept on *** oking though we advised him to stop to *** oke.
2023-07-20 12:48:461

keepup与keepon有什么不同 on的区别

1、keep on后面接动名词。She kept on working although she was tired.她虽疲劳但仍继续工作。2、keep up后面接名词。例句: The enemy kept up their bombardment day and night.敌军日夜不停地狂轰滥炸。
2023-07-20 12:48:541

keep doing sth还是keep on doing sth?

keep doing sth 和keep on doing sth的区别为:一、指代不同1、keep doing sth:保持做某事。2、keep on doing sth:继续做...二、侧重点不同1、keep doing sth:强调状语的继续,常与表示延续动作的动词与静止状态的动词连用。2、keep on doing sth:表示动作反复,强调动作与动作之间有间隔,常与表示短暂动作的动词连用。三、引证用法不同1、keep doing sth:keep的基本意思是“保留,保管,保存,留下,保持”,指使某人或某物继续保持某种状态。引申可作“管理,经营”“料理,照顾”“抚养,养活,饲养”“遵守,维护”“庆祝”“耽搁”“记”等解。2、keep on doing sth:keep可用作及物动词,也可用作不及物动词。用作及物动词时,接名词或代词作宾语(不可接动词不定式作宾语),也可接双宾语,其间接宾语可转化为介词for的宾语。
2023-07-20 12:49:011

keep on doing sth和keep doing sth的区别

keep doing something意思为:保持做某事,keep on doing something意思是:继续去做某事。keep on doing sth表示动作的反复,强调动作与动作之间有间隔;而keep doing sth强调状态的继续,常与表示延续性动作的动词和静止状态的动词连用。 keep on doing sth和keep doing sth的区别 一、指代不同 1、keep doing sth:保持做某事。 2、keep on doing sth:继续做... 二、侧重点不同 1、keep doing sth:强调状语的继续,常与表示延续动作的动词与静止状态的动词连用。 2、keep on doing sth:表示动作反复,强调动作与动作之间有间隔,常与表示短暂动作的动词连用。 三、引证用法不同 1、keep doing sth:keep的基本意思是“保留,保管,保存,留下,保持”,指使某人或某物继续保持某种状态。引申可作“管理,经营”“料理,照顾”“抚养,养活,饲养”“遵守,维护”“庆祝”“耽搁”“记”等解。 2、keep on doing sth:keep可用作及物动词,也可用作不及物动词。用作及物动词时,接名词或代词作宾语(不可接动词不定式作宾语),也可接双宾语,其间接宾语可转化为介词for的宾语。 keep的用法 1,keep的基本意思是“保留,保管,保存,留下,保持”,指使某人或某物继续保持某种状态。引申可作“管理,经营”“料理,照顾”“抚养,养活,饲养”“遵守,维护”“庆祝”“耽搁”“记”等解。 2,keep可用作及物动词,也可用作不及物动词。用作及物动词时,接名词或代词作宾语(不可接动词不定式作宾语),也可接双宾语,其间接宾语可转化为介词for的宾语。keep用作不及物动词作“保存”解时,主动结构常含被动意义。 3,keep还可接以形容词、副词、as短语、现在分词(短语)、过去分词(短语)等充当宾语补足语的复合宾语,但不可接含动词不定式的复合宾语。 4,keep作“保持,继续”解时还可用作系动词,后跟表语,该表语可由形容词、副词、名词、动名词或介词短语等充当,此用法keep有时可用于进行体。 5,keep后接介词from,再接名词或动名词,表示“使自己不做某事”,主要用于否定句或疑问句。 6,由keep构成的常用习语大多不用于进行体。
2023-07-20 12:49:171

keep doing sth.与keep on doing sth.的区别

keep doing 持续做KEEP ON DOING 坚持做
2023-07-20 12:49:362

keep doing sth 与keep on doing sth 的用法区别

keep on doing和keep doing都是说继续做.但两者存在微妙的区别. keep on doing是指中间有休息停顿的不停地做,比如keep on reading,并不是说一直不停地读书,这期间可以停顿或者已经休息过了等. 而keep doing是指持续不断的,一直保持这个状态keep reading,一直在看书,没有停过,没有休息,没有做其它事.
2023-07-20 12:49:462

keep on 和keep to的区别

He keeps the secret to himself.He keep on doing it.
2023-07-20 12:49:554

carry on, go on, keep on的区别

分类: 教育/科学 >> 学习帮助 问题描述: carry on, go on, keep on的区别!!详细解释 解析: carry on v.继续开展, 坚持, 举止失常 go onv.继续下去, 过去, 发生, 依靠, 接近, 进行, 依据 keep on v.继续, 穿着...不脱
2023-07-20 12:50:021

keep up 、keep on 、keep out 、keep from的区别、和例句

keep up v.不低落, 维持, 继续 vt.继续,不低落,跟上步伐;不为(疾病等)所屈 n.保持不落 shy:I always keep up my smile whoever I meet.keep on v.继续, 穿着...不脱 vt.继续进行,接连,反复,坚持下去 n.继续进行, 继续雇用(某人)shy: I always keep on smiling whoever I meet.***虽然keep on 和keep up都可作“继续”解,但是,keep on之后总是跟分词(keep on doing sth.),而keep up之后总是跟名词(keep up sth.)keep out : 1.把…挡在外边 2.使其等在外面,不让进入 3.不让…进入 4.防治 5.抵御 6.靠外,免入 7,禁止入内 shy: "Keep out! No one is allowed herekeep away from:远离,保持距离 克制 阻止;避开shy: You keep rabbits away from the fence.O(∩_∩)O~O(∩_∩)O~
2023-07-20 12:50:101

keep on doing 与continue on 的区别

没有continue on这个词组。continue to do sth是做完一件再做别的 continue doing sth是做一件事中断后再继续做这件事 v.>继续;连续 Meanwhile I continued my investigation. 同时我继续调查. <v.>继续;连续;连绵 The battle continued for several hours until darkness came on. 战斗持续了几个小时,直到夜幕降临. <v.>继续;依旧(处于某种状态) The weather continues cold and wet. 天气依旧寒冷潮湿.keep doing 和 keep on doing 1) 均可表示“继续做某事,反复做某事”, 可互换,只是 keep on 更加强调时间的间隔性和动作的反复性,及某人做某事的决心。 He kept on working until midnight though he was tied. The boy kept /kept on asking some silly questions in class. 2) 若表示一连续不段的动作,或某一动作的持续状态,只宜用keep doing . She kept waving to her husband until he was out of sight. They kept standing outside the room during all the meeting. Keep lying here; I will be back soon. 3) 若表示今后或将来继续做某事,则只宜用keep on doing 。 We must keep on working hard in the coming new year. He kept on smoking though we advised him to stop to smoke.
2023-07-20 12:50:191


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