barriers / 阅读 / 详情


2023-07-20 12:34:49


1.difficulty作“困难,麻烦”解时,指必须付出大量的思考和运用技巧才能解决的任何困难,当表示抽象的困难时,是不可数名词,既不能与不定冠词连用,也不能用于复数形式; 表示具体的难处、难事、麻烦时,是可数名词,既可与不定冠词连用,也可用于复数形式。difficulty引申还可作“困境(尤指经济上的拮据)”解,这时常用复数形式。

2.difficulty后常接“of+ n. / v -ing”或“in+ v -ing”作定语, in有时可省去,不用动词不定式。


Look at the difficulty in another way.


The tests in this book are arranged in order of difficulty.


4.get〔run〕 into difficulty 陷入困境

in difficulty 处于困境,在困难中

make〔raise〕 difficulties 刁难,提出反对



2023-07-20 10:40:004


difficulty,英文单词,名词,作名词时意为“困难,困境”。即是可数也是不可数。看是否用作可数名词和是否用复数形式。 扩展资料   (1) 表示抽象意义的“困难”,是不可数名词。如:Bad planning will lead to difficulty later。 计划不周会给以后带来困难。   (2) 表示具体意义的`“困难”(如难事、难点、难题等),是可数名词。如:He paused as if he found a difficulty。 他停下来,好像遇到了一个难点。He met with many difficulties when travelling。 他在旅行进遇到过不少伤脑筋的事。   (3) 在某些词组中是不可数名词(只用单数)。如:with difficulty 困难地 without difficulty 容易地而在某些词组中又是可数名词(且通常要用复数形式)。如:make difficulties 刁难 under difficulties 在困难条件下。   (4) 在某些词组中可用作可数名词或不可数名词,有时意义相同: make no difficultymake no difficulties 无异议,不反对有时意义不同:be in difficulty 有困难 be in difficulties 手头拮据。
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difficulty即是可数也是不可数; 用作不可数名词,意为困难、艰难; 用作可数名词,表示具体的困难,意为难事,难点,困境,难处。 扩展资料   One of the staff saw he was in difficulty and came to his aid.   一名工作人员见他有困难,便过来帮忙。   I think the problem can be got over without too much difficulty.   我认为这个问题不太难解决。   The government had to bail the company out of financial difficulty.   政府只得帮助该公司渡过财政难关。   He found the place without difficulty.   他毫不费力地找到了那地方。
2023-07-20 10:40:481


face the difficulty面对困难
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2023-07-20 10:41:063

have difficulty还是difficultyies (in)doing sth?

都可以have difficulty (in )doing sth
2023-07-20 10:41:179


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2023-07-20 10:42:2812


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2023-07-20 10:43:504


difficult 形容词 difficulty 名词,困难.也有其他形容词结尾加“y” 之後变成名词的例子,如:honest 诚实的的,加y 变成名词:honesty 诚实; 正直 difficultly 副词.很多情况下,形容词后加‘ly"‘会变副词,如slow-slowly; quick-quickly
2023-07-20 10:44:121


difficulty没有动词的形式 difficult[u02c8difiku0259lt] 形容词 adj. 1.困难的, 难懂的,费力的;难做的;难解的 Things become increasingly difficult. 事情变得日益困难. It is difficult for me to teach. 教书对于我是件不容易的事. 2.不易相处的, 难满足的,难以讨好的;难以取悦的;不愿帮助的 She was the most difficult customer the salesman had to deal with that day. 她是这个售货员那天所遇到的最难应付的一位顾客. 3.问题很多的;充满艰难困苦的;麻烦的 difficulty 名词 n. 1.困难; 难度 She has difficulty breathing. 她呼吸有困难. 2.难事; 麻烦 Where"s the difficulty? 困难在哪儿?
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different意思是不同的;各别的,另外的;各种的。是形容词。difficulty意思是困难,费劲;难事,难题;麻烦,困境。是名词。例句:different1、London was different from most European capitals.伦敦同大多数欧洲国家的首都都有所不同。2、Different countries specialised in different products.不同国家专门生产不同的产品。3、This recipe is certainly interesting and different. 这种烹饪法的确很有意思而且与众不同。4、If he"d attended music school, how might things have been different? 如果他上过音乐学校,事情会有怎样的不同呢?difficulty1、The country is facing great economic difficulties. 该国正面临巨大的经济困难。2、Do you have difficulty getting up? 你能站起来吗?3、You have to admit that you are, in fact, in difficulties. 你不得不承认,你事实上是陷入了困境。4、The injured man mounted his horse with difficulty. 受伤的男子艰难地上了马。
2023-07-20 10:44:493


difficulty作“困难,麻烦”解时,指必须付出大量的思考和运用技巧才能解决的任何困难,当表示抽象的困难时,是不可数名词,既不能与不定冠词连用,也不能用于复数形式。 difficulty表示具体的难处、难事、麻烦时,是可数名词,既可与不定冠词连用,也可用于复数形式。 扩展资料   difficulty引申还可作“困境(尤指经济上的`拮据)”解,这时常用复数形式。   例句:   We found the house without difficulty.   我们轻而易举就找到了这栋房子。   The tasks have been ranked in order of difficulty.   按照困难程度对工作进行了分类。   Many clubs in the lower reaches of the league are in financial difficulty.   联盟下层的许多俱乐部都处于财政困难之中。   The difficulty of a problem was defined in terms of how long it took to complete.   问题的难易度是以解决这个问题所花时间的长短而定的。
2023-07-20 10:45:491


1.difficulty n.困难,艰难,难事;有可数名词和不可数名词两种用法ue003①用作不可数名词,意为"困难、艰难",常用在以下句型中ue004have no/find(some, any, much) difficulty with sth./(in) doing sth.ue004There is no (some, any, much) difficulty (in) doing sth.ue004I had no difficulty in learning English.ue004There was much difficulty (in) explaining it to him.ue004②用作可数名词,表示具体的困难,意为"难事,难点,困境,难处"。ue003This book is full of difficulties.ue004In face of so many difficulties, we never appeared to be afraid.ue003
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困难的副词英语:difficultly; difficulty: n.困难;难题;难事;困境;艰难;费劲;辛苦;困难程度;难度 复数: difficulties 扩展资料   He found the place without difficulty.   他毫不费力地找到了那地方。   The changes were made with surprisingly little difficulty.   这些变化几乎没有遇到阻力,简直不可思议。   We found the house without difficulty.   我们轻而易举就找到了这栋房子。   The tasks have been ranked in order of difficulty.   按照困难程度对工作进行了分类。   Many clubs in the lower reaches of the league are in financial difficulty.   联盟下层的.许多俱乐部都处于财政困难之中。   The difficulty of a problem was defined in terms of how long it took tocomplete.   问题的难易度是以解决这个问题所花时间的长短而定的。
2023-07-20 10:46:041


2023-07-20 10:46:484

have difficulty还是difficultyies (in)doing sth?

2023-07-20 10:47:263


difficulty后常接“of+n./v-ing”或“in+v-ing”作定语,in有时可省去,不用动词不定式。n. 困难; 难题; 难事; 困境; 艰难; 费劲; 辛苦; 困难程度; 难度;[例句]They showed great perseverance in the face of difficulty.他们面对困难表现了坚强的毅力。[其他] 复数:difficulties
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difficulty记忆方法如下:联想方式:di(拼音)弟,f(形似)钩子,i我,cul铜棍,t(形似)七,y(形似)树权记忆方法:弟弟拿着两把钩子,我拿着铜棍和7根树杈去征服困难。difficulty解析如下:一、读音英式发音:[ˈdɪfɪkəlti]美式发音:[ˈdɪfɪkəlti]二、释义n. 困难,难事;困境,困局;麻烦,不便三、词形变化复数:difficulties形容词:difficult副词:difficultly四、常用短语have difficulty (in) doing something:做某事有困难difficulty level:难度级别without difficulty:毫不费力地,轻而易举地五、用法difficulty作“困难,麻烦”解时,指必须付出大量的思考和运用技巧才能解决的任何困难,当表示抽象的困难时,是不可数名词,既不能与不定冠词连用,也不能用于复数形式; 表示具体的难处、难事、麻烦时,是可数名词,既可与不定冠词连用,也可用于复数形式。difficulty引申还可作“困境(尤指经济上的拮据)”解,这时常用复数形式。 difficulty后常接“of+ n. / v -ing”或“in+ v -ing”作定语, in有时可省去,不用动词不定式。 六、例句He faced the difficulty with courage.他勇敢地面对困难。A difficulty has cropped up at work.工作中突然出现困难。We accepted this arrangement without difficulty.我们毫无争议地接受了这个安排。Why do you come to me with every little difficulty?你为什么有一点小麻烦便来找我?But now she was in another difficulty.但现在,她又遇到麻烦。
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overcome numerous difficulties战胜无数的困难;战胜无数困难To Overcome These Difficulties克服这些困难overcome the difficulties克服困难overcome certain difficulties克服某些困难overcome current difficulties克服目前的困难Overcome Various Difficulties克服各种困难Overcome All Difficulties度一切苦厄Overcome Technical Difficulties攻克技术难关Overcome Many Difficulties战胜种种困难
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be in difficulty有困难 have difficulty in对...有困难 make no difficulty[-ties]无异议,不反对,不阻挠 with difficulty困难地; 吃力地 without difficulty容易地,毫不费力地 face the difficulty 面对困难
2023-07-20 10:49:131


difficult是形容词,无可数和不可数的说法,difficult的名词difficulty,才有可数和不可数的说法。difficulty作“困难,麻烦”解时,指必须付出大量的思考和运用技巧才能解决的任何困难,当表示抽象的困难时,是不可数名词,既不能与不定冠词连用,也不能用于复数形式。表示具体的难处、难事、麻烦时,是可数名词,既可与不定冠词连用,也可用于复数形式。difficulty引申还可作“困境(尤指经济上的拮据)”解,这时常用复数形式。difficulty后常接“of+ n. / v -ing”或“in+ v -ing”作定语, in有时可省去,不用动词不定式。扩展资料:difficult的用法:difficult可用作定语、表语或宾语补足语。作表语时,后面可接介词of或to引起的短语,也可接动词不定式,句子的主语是动词不定式的逻辑宾语。difficult的意思是“使人感到困难的”,而不是“人感到困难的”,因此一般不以“人”作主语,而如以动词不定式作主语,则常用于形式主语结构。difficult用作表语时其后接的动词不定式不能用于被动结构。difficulty in, in difficulty这两个短语的词序不同,意义和用法也完全不同。difficulty in接动名词,意为“在?方面的困难”; in difficulty则是介词短语,在句中作表语或后置定语,意为“处于困境”“在困难中”。另外, difficulty in中的difficulty只能用单数形式,而in difficulty中的difficulty多用单数,也可用复数,尤其是指“经济困难”时。difficulty, hardship两者均可表示“困难”。辨析如下:difficulty指必须付出大量的思考和运用技巧才能解决的困难; hardship用于抽象事物,指各种难以完成或处理的、需付出很大努力才能克服的麻烦,用于具体事物指疾病、贫穷等给人们带来的磨难。例如:That was a small matter after the hardships they had been through.经历过那么多磨难之后,这点事对他们来说就算不了什么了。
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difficult是形容词,用它来修饰名词;difficulty是副词,用它来修饰动词,difficulty 也可以当做名词的“困难度”来讲.祝你一路顺风.
2023-07-20 10:49:461

有difficult in doing sth吗?difficulty与difficult的区别是什么?

有difficult in doing sth吗?没有 。difficulty 是名词。difficult是形容词。
2023-07-20 10:50:102

have difficulty in doing sth是什么意思?

have difficulty in doing sth是什么意思?--------在 做事情方面有困难。
2023-07-20 10:50:201


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2023-07-20 10:51:371

have difficulty doing sth是什么意思

have difficulty doing sth的意思是做某事有困难。重点词汇解析:difficulty常用词汇英美n.困难;争议;麻烦He experienced great difficulty in getting a visa to leave the country.他申请出国签证经历了很大的困难。avoid difficulty 回避困难cause a difficulty 出难题,制造麻烦扩展资料词汇用法——difficulty作“困难,麻烦”解时,指必须付出大量的思考和运用技巧才能解决的任何困难,当表示抽象的困难时,是不可数名词,既不能与不定冠词连用,也不能用于复数形式;表示具体的难处、难事、麻烦时,是可数名词,既可与不定冠词连用,也可用于复数形式。difficulty引申还可作“困境(尤指经济上的拮据)”解,这时常用复数形式。difficulty后常接“of+ n. / v -ing”或“in+ v -ing”作定语,in有时可省去,不用动词不定式。
2023-07-20 10:51:461


1、DLS英文缩写:DLS英文全称:Dynamic Light Scattering中文解释:动态光散射缩写分类:生物科学、电子电工2、DLS英文缩写:DLS英文全称:Data Link Service中文解释:数据链路服务缩写分类:电子电工3、DLS英文缩写:DLS英文全称:Differential Lock System中文解释:差速器锁定系统缩写分类:交通运输4、DLS英文缩写:DLS英文全称:Data Loader System中文解释:数据装载系统缩写分类:交通运输5、DLS英文缩写:DLS英文全称:Digital Line Section中文解释:数字线路段缩写分类:电子电工
2023-07-20 10:52:021


2023-07-20 10:53:003


困难 difficulty; hard; trouble你听懂英语有困难吗? Do you have any difficulty in understanding spoken English?
2023-07-20 10:53:081

Save The Last Dance For Me 歌词

歌曲名:Save The Last Dance For Me歌手:BlackJack专辑:Du Och Jag Och Karleken (Digital)"Save The Last Dance For Me"(中英对照精准版)MICHAEL BUBLEYou can dance- 你可以跳舞——every dance with the guy 和每个Who gives you the eye 凝视你的男人跳舞let him hold you tight 让他紧紧拥抱你You can smile- 你可以微笑——every smile for the man 和每个Who held your hand 紧握你手的男人微笑(be)neath the pale moonlight 在暗淡的月光下But don"t forget 但是别忘记who"s takin" you home 是谁带你回家And in whose arms 谁的怀抱you"re gonna be 才是你的归属So darlin" 哦 亲爱的save the last dance 把最后一支舞for me 留给我Oh I know 哦 我知道that the music"s fine 这音乐美妙的Like sparklin" wine 就像是香醇的葡萄酒go and have your fun 去尽情尽兴吧Laugh and sing 尽情欢笑 尽情歌唱but while we"re apart 不过当我们分开时Don"t 别give your heart 把你的心to anyone 遗失在任何人的身上And don"t forget 还有别忘了who"s takin" you home 是谁带你回家And in whose arms 谁的怀抱you"re gonna be 才是你的归属So darlin" 哦 亲爱的save the last dance 把最后一支舞for me 留给我Baby don"t you know 宝贝 难道你不知道I love you so 我是多么爱你Can"t you feel it 难道你感觉不到吗when we touch 当我们彼此触碰时I will never, never 我将永远不会let you go 让你离去I love you oh so much (因为)我是这样的爱你You can dance 你可以跳舞go and carry on 跳啊跳Till the night is gone 一直从长夜跳到黎明And it"s time to go 跳到曲终人散时If he asks 然后如果他问你if you"re all alone 是否独自一人Can he walk you home 是否可以送你回家you must tell him no 你一定要告诉他"不""Cause don"t forget 因为别忘记who"s taking you home 是谁带你回家And in whose arms 谁的怀抱you"re gonna be 才是你的归属Save the last dance 最后一支舞for me 一定要留给我Oh I know 哦 我知道that the music"s fine 这音乐美妙的Like sparklin" wine 就像是香醇的葡萄酒go and have your fun 去尽情尽兴吧Laugh and sing 尽情欢笑 尽情歌唱but while we"re apart 不过当我们分开时Don"t give your heart别把你的心to anyone 遗失在任何人的身上And don"t forget 还有别忘了who"s takin" you home 是谁带你回家And in whose arms 谁的怀抱you"re gonna be 才是你的归属So darlin" 哦 亲爱的save the last dance 把最后一支舞for me 留给我So don"t forget 千万别忘记who"s taking you home 是谁要带你回家Or in whose arms 又或者谁的臂弯you"re gonna be 才是你的归属So darling 哦 亲爱的Save the last dance 一定要把最后一支舞for me 留给我Oh 噢baby won"t you save 宝贝难道你不会the last dance for me 把最后一只留给我么Uh 呜you make promise that you"ll 答应(我)你会save The last dance 把最后一支舞for me 留给我Save the last dance 留下最后一支舞the very last dance 一定要留下最最后的那一支for me 给我Save the last dance fo me--Michael Bublepie231 2010.10.30
2023-07-20 10:45:481

what the hell什么意思?

2023-07-20 10:45:495

teenie weenie和joanne

Teenie Weenie中文名“维尼熊”可不是英国的小熊维尼,它是韩国衣恋集团品牌持有人。韩国自创品牌“TEENIE WEENIE”的休闲装深受年轻一代的喜爱,除了卡通小熊顽皮多样的造型,它轻松自然的设计风格、舒适柔和的质地也深受年轻一代的喜爱。Joanne,韩国艺人,韩国组合TAKE成员李承铉的亲妹妹Joanne,十几年前在韩国出道,曾经与韩国SM.Entertainment艺人合作,并与神话组合、H.O.T.成员出演过红及一时的韩国周末娱乐节目。当年被称为宝儿接班人,后来因为公司内部问题一直没有签约新的公司。 另有台湾艺人曾之乔的英文名是joanne,曾之乔(1988年11月17日-),别名乔乔,红橘子国际娱乐公司旗下艺人之一。目前就读于国立台湾艺术大学戏剧与剧场应用系。望采纳,谢谢
2023-07-20 10:45:531


if读音:英[u026af];美[u026af]。双语例句:1、If I were you,I would take an umbrella.如果我是你,我会带把伞。2、If I knew his telephone number,I would tell you.如果我知道他的电话号码,我就会告诉你。3、If there were no air or water,there would be no living things on the earth.如果没有水和空气,地球上就不会有生物。4、If I had got there earlier,I should/could have met her.如果我早到那儿,我就会见到她。5、If he had taken my advice,he would not have made such a mistake.如果他听我的劝告的话,就不会犯这样的错误了。6、If he should come here tomorrow,I would talk to him.如果他明天来这儿的话,我就跟他谈谈。7、If there were a heavy snow next Sunday,we would not go skating.如果下周日下大雪,我们就不能去滑冰了。8、If I had worked hard at school,I would be anengineer,too.如果我在学校学习刻苦的话,我现在也会成为一个工程师了。9、If they had informed us,we would not come here now.如果他们通知过我们的话,我们现在就不会来这里了。10、If he were free today,we would have sent him to Beijing.如果他今天有空的话,我们会已经派他去北京了。11、If he knew her,he would have greeted her.要是他认识她的话,他肯定会去问候她了。
2023-07-20 10:45:531

Save The Last Dance For Me 歌词

歌曲名:Save The Last Dance For Me歌手:EMMYLOU HARRIS专辑:Portraits"Save The Last Dance For Me"(中英对照精准版)MICHAEL BUBLEYou can dance- 你可以跳舞——every dance with the guy 和每个Who gives you the eye 凝视你的男人跳舞let him hold you tight 让他紧紧拥抱你You can smile- 你可以微笑——every smile for the man 和每个Who held your hand 紧握你手的男人微笑(be)neath the pale moonlight 在暗淡的月光下But don"t forget 但是别忘记who"s takin" you home 是谁带你回家And in whose arms 谁的怀抱you"re gonna be 才是你的归属So darlin" 哦 亲爱的save the last dance 把最后一支舞for me 留给我Oh I know 哦 我知道that the music"s fine 这音乐美妙的Like sparklin" wine 就像是香醇的葡萄酒go and have your fun 去尽情尽兴吧Laugh and sing 尽情欢笑 尽情歌唱but while we"re apart 不过当我们分开时Don"t 别give your heart 把你的心to anyone 遗失在任何人的身上And don"t forget 还有别忘了who"s takin" you home 是谁带你回家And in whose arms 谁的怀抱you"re gonna be 才是你的归属So darlin" 哦 亲爱的save the last dance 把最后一支舞for me 留给我Baby don"t you know 宝贝 难道你不知道I love you so 我是多么爱你Can"t you feel it 难道你感觉不到吗when we touch 当我们彼此触碰时I will never, never 我将永远不会let you go 让你离去I love you oh so much (因为)我是这样的爱你You can dance 你可以跳舞go and carry on 跳啊跳Till the night is gone 一直从长夜跳到黎明And it"s time to go 跳到曲终人散时If he asks 然后如果他问你if you"re all alone 是否独自一人Can he walk you home 是否可以送你回家you must tell him no 你一定要告诉他"不""Cause don"t forget 因为别忘记who"s taking you home 是谁带你回家And in whose arms 谁的怀抱you"re gonna be 才是你的归属Save the last dance 最后一支舞for me 一定要留给我Oh I know 哦 我知道that the music"s fine 这音乐美妙的Like sparklin" wine 就像是香醇的葡萄酒go and have your fun 去尽情尽兴吧Laugh and sing 尽情欢笑 尽情歌唱but while we"re apart 不过当我们分开时Don"t give your heart别把你的心to anyone 遗失在任何人的身上And don"t forget 还有别忘了who"s takin" you home 是谁带你回家And in whose arms 谁的怀抱you"re gonna be 才是你的归属So darlin" 哦 亲爱的save the last dance 把最后一支舞for me 留给我So don"t forget 千万别忘记who"s taking you home 是谁要带你回家Or in whose arms 又或者谁的臂弯you"re gonna be 才是你的归属So darling 哦 亲爱的Save the last dance 一定要把最后一支舞for me 留给我Oh 噢baby won"t you save 宝贝难道你不会the last dance for me 把最后一只留给我么Uh 呜you make promise that you"ll 答应(我)你会save The last dance 把最后一支舞for me 留给我Save the last dance 留下最后一支舞the very last dance 一定要留下最最后的那一支for me 给我Save the last dance fo me--Michael Bublepie231 2010.10.30
2023-07-20 10:45:551


IT WAS the best of times, it was the worst of times, it was the age of wisdom, it was the age of foolishness, it was the epoch of belief, it was the epoch of incredulity, it was the season of Light, it was the season of Darkness, it was the spring of hope, it was the winter of despair, we had everything before us, we had nothing before us, we were all going direct to Heaven, we were all going direct the other way- in short, the period was so far like the present period, that some of its noisiest authorities insisted on its being received, for good or for evil, in the superlative degree of comparison only.
2023-07-20 10:45:552

Save The Last Dance For Me 歌词

歌曲名:Save The Last Dance For Me歌手:Paul Anka专辑:My Way"Save The Last Dance For Me"(中英对照精准版)MICHAEL BUBLEYou can dance- 你可以跳舞——every dance with the guy 和每个Who gives you the eye 凝视你的男人跳舞let him hold you tight 让他紧紧拥抱你You can smile- 你可以微笑——every smile for the man 和每个Who held your hand 紧握你手的男人微笑(be)neath the pale moonlight 在暗淡的月光下But don"t forget 但是别忘记who"s takin" you home 是谁带你回家And in whose arms 谁的怀抱you"re gonna be 才是你的归属So darlin" 哦 亲爱的save the last dance 把最后一支舞for me 留给我Oh I know 哦 我知道that the music"s fine 这音乐美妙的Like sparklin" wine 就像是香醇的葡萄酒go and have your fun 去尽情尽兴吧Laugh and sing 尽情欢笑 尽情歌唱but while we"re apart 不过当我们分开时Don"t 别give your heart 把你的心to anyone 遗失在任何人的身上And don"t forget 还有别忘了who"s takin" you home 是谁带你回家And in whose arms 谁的怀抱you"re gonna be 才是你的归属So darlin" 哦 亲爱的save the last dance 把最后一支舞for me 留给我Baby don"t you know 宝贝 难道你不知道I love you so 我是多么爱你Can"t you feel it 难道你感觉不到吗when we touch 当我们彼此触碰时I will never, never 我将永远不会let you go 让你离去I love you oh so much (因为)我是这样的爱你You can dance 你可以跳舞go and carry on 跳啊跳Till the night is gone 一直从长夜跳到黎明And it"s time to go 跳到曲终人散时If he asks 然后如果他问你if you"re all alone 是否独自一人Can he walk you home 是否可以送你回家you must tell him no 你一定要告诉他"不""Cause don"t forget 因为别忘记who"s taking you home 是谁带你回家And in whose arms 谁的怀抱you"re gonna be 才是你的归属Save the last dance 最后一支舞for me 一定要留给我Oh I know 哦 我知道that the music"s fine 这音乐美妙的Like sparklin" wine 就像是香醇的葡萄酒go and have your fun 去尽情尽兴吧Laugh and sing 尽情欢笑 尽情歌唱but while we"re apart 不过当我们分开时Don"t give your heart别把你的心to anyone 遗失在任何人的身上And don"t forget 还有别忘了who"s takin" you home 是谁带你回家And in whose arms 谁的怀抱you"re gonna be 才是你的归属So darlin" 哦 亲爱的save the last dance 把最后一支舞for me 留给我So don"t forget 千万别忘记who"s taking you home 是谁要带你回家Or in whose arms 又或者谁的臂弯you"re gonna be 才是你的归属So darling 哦 亲爱的Save the last dance 一定要把最后一支舞for me 留给我Oh 噢baby won"t you save 宝贝难道你不会the last dance for me 把最后一只留给我么Uh 呜you make promise that you"ll 答应(我)你会save The last dance 把最后一支舞for me 留给我Save the last dance 留下最后一支舞the very last dance 一定要留下最最后的那一支for me 给我Save the last dance fo me--Michael Bublepie231 2010.10.30
2023-07-20 10:46:021

有关how to save the aninals的英语作文6句话

there are many kinds of animals in the world,but not only the humans.we live in the same world,and we should be everybody knows,the humans are the rulers of the world today,so we should protect our friends--the animals!but how to protect them?as first,i think we must stop killing the rare birds and animals,especially the young ones.the second,we have to protect the environment,to make the sky blue,to make the grass green,to give the animals a comfortable space to"s not only for the animals but also ourselves.the last,we should tell more and more people why and how to protect the animals,make everyone do this
2023-07-20 10:45:411


2023-07-20 10:45:375

如何评价知名女装品牌小熊TW(teenie weenie)推出JK制服?

小熊TW(teenie weenie)推出JK制服很正常,他家定位就是学院风,推出JK制服其实就是想要品牌年轻化做的营销,无可厚非。从成立之初就一直专注美式学院风的品牌Teenie Weenie,首次破圈做尝试,将品牌经典的校园风和JK制服的青春活力默契融合,出了Teenie Weenie 春季校园系列。强调“校供感”,并邀请Bilibili 2020百大UP主“机智的党妹”担任品牌校园系列推荐官,带你回到青春校园,种草赵露思同款。teenie weenie品牌介绍TEENIE WEENIE于1997年创立,2017年被中国时尚企业锦泓时装集团(股票代码:603518)全资收购。品牌灵感来自于1950年代经典的常春藤学院风, 用熊卡通形象描绘50年代上流阶层的生活方式与穿着守则。 品牌以独特的熊CHARACTER形象,熊家族故事为品牌创作蓝本,主人公William & Katherine的形象已经深入人心。TEENIE WEENIE自2004年进入中国市场以来,在全国190余个城市开设超过1100家门店,营造高档独特的品牌形象,致力于为中国用户提供优质服务,TEENIE WEENIE在经典复古学院风格之外,融入更多潮流设计元素, 成为当代新复古学院风格的标志性品牌。2020年起,品牌启动IP战略,熊IP向多场景跨界延伸,条漫、潮玩、授权合作与生态圈优质伙伴伙伴分享熊IP资产。
2023-07-20 10:45:361

if only 和only if 各是什么意思?

if only 需要虚拟语气 表示要是怎么样就好了only if 就是普通的“只有 才能”句型
2023-07-20 10:45:352

角色扮演者 英文翻译是叫什么

role player
2023-07-20 10:45:335

求以How to Save Water为题的英语短文

Some people think there"s much water on the earth.In fact,there is only a little water for us to use now.If we don"t save it,it will surely be used out some day. Then what should we do? First,when we finish washing the clothes,we can use the water to clean the floor.Second,if we see the dripping tap,we ought to fix the tap as soon as possible.Third,we can have a shower instead of a bath because having a bath can waste a lot of water. In these ways,we can save not only huge amounts of water but also ourselves! Water is very important in our life. We drink it every day and use it to cook and wash things. We can not live without water. But how can we save water? There are several ways to save water. Firstly, take shorter showers and donu2019t leave the tap running when we donu2019t need to use water. Secondly, Try to reuse water . Itu2019s the most important way for us to save water. At last, We should not pollute water so that we willl have fresh water for years and years. If we do not save water, the last drop of water will be a teardrop. To protect water is to protect our life.
2023-07-20 10:45:312