barriers / 阅读 / 详情


2023-07-20 11:08:46
TAG: is te st ten IST list



1.I love listening to his tales of life at sea.我喜欢听他讲述他的海上生活。

2.Sorry, I wasn"t really listening.对不起,我没注意听。

3.I listen to the radio on the way to work.我在上班的路上听广播。《牛津高阶英汉双解词典》

4.Listening is an important part of the job.倾听是这项工作的一个重要部分。

5.Half the time you don"t even listen to what I say.你大部分时间甚至没听我说的话。

6.Listen, there"s something I have to tell you.听着,我有事要告诉你。


7.Since when did he ever listen to me?他什么时候听过我的话?

8.Can you just listen for a change?换你当一回听众,好吗?

9.It"s no good complaining ─ they never listen.抱怨毫无用处——他们根本不听。



listening[英]["lu026asu0259nu026au014b] [美]["lu026asu0259nu026au014b] 生词本简明释义adj.收听的,收听无线电广播的;助听用的v.倾听( listen的现在分词 );留心听;听信;(让对方注意)听着
2023-07-20 07:07:191


listen 英[u02c8lisn] 美[u02c8lu026asu0259n] 过去式:listened 过去分词:listened 现在分词:listening vi. 1.倾听; 留心听 2.听信, 听从 3.(让对方注意)听着,注意听 n. 1.听 不及物动词 vi.1.倾听; 留心听 He listened, but could hear nothing.他侧耳静听, 但什么声音也听不见。It doesn"t listen reasonable.这听上去并不合理。2.听信, 听从3.(让对方注意)听着,注意听名词 n.1.听
2023-07-20 07:07:482


listening的读音为 /u02c8lu026asu0259nu026au014b/。listening是动词listen的现在分词形式,表示“听”的意思。除了常见的听力测试和英语学习中的听力练习外,listening还有一些其他的用法和固定搭配。listening skills:听力技能。在职场和英语学习中,拥有良好的听力技能对于沟通和理解很重要。active listening:积极倾听。指在交流中全神贯注地聆听对方,理解和回应对方的言辞和情感。listening comprehension:听力理解。指在听取他人讲话或录音时,能够理解其意思和内容的能力。listening station:听力站。指用于测试和练习听力技能的设备或场所。listening center:听力中心。指专门用于提供听力练习材料和设备的地方。listening room:听力室。指专门用于进行听力测试和练习的房间。listening tour:听觉之旅。指通过听觉体验不同的声音和音乐,来感受不同的文化和风俗。总之,listening是一个非常常用的词汇,除了在英语学习和职场中使用外,还有一些其他的用法和固定搭配,需要我们在实际使用中不断积累和运用。
2023-07-20 07:08:291

listen 和listening的区别和用法?

2023-07-20 07:08:521


原形:listenlisten[英][ˈlɪsn][美][ˈlɪsən]vi.倾听; 留心听; 听信; (让对方注意)听着; n.听,倾听; 第三人称单数:listens现在进行时:listening过去式:listened过去分词:listened
2023-07-20 07:09:011


2023-07-20 07:09:201


你是不是少打一个“,一般来说,这句里的listening前面要加,的. 用listening是因为这是一个伴随状语,表示伴随“sit”而发生的动作
2023-07-20 07:09:431


2023-07-20 07:09:512


LISTENING 正在侦听当前端口 ESTABLISHED 连接已经建立 TIME_WAIT 等待,将发生TCP/UDP中的状态转移 显示listening项的Local Address会显示IP:端口,意思是别的电脑可以连接该端口,本地电脑会主动接受并执行一些服务,并返回结果给连接的客户端。你要注意该端口号,可以到GOOGLE中搜索该端口对应的服务。 小于1024的端口都是常用端口吧,但也不能说就安全,但大于1024的端口就一定要小心了。
2023-07-20 07:10:001


2023-07-20 07:10:081


2023-07-20 07:10:313


listening to the radio 在这里是当名词来用,所以得用listening.
2023-07-20 07:10:382


2023-07-20 07:10:451

听 listen与listening的区别

2023-07-20 07:11:053

hear 和listen有什么区别?求大神帮助

2023-07-20 07:11:131


单词辨音4.A5.B填空1.enjoys, listening2.Does,read3.are4.don"t come5.draw,can"t单选1.A
2023-07-20 07:11:297


listening[英]["lu026asu0259nu026au014b] [美]["lu026asu0259nu026au014b] 生词本简明释义adj.收听的,收听无线电广播的;助听用的v.倾听( listen的现在分词 );留心听;听信;(让对方注意)听着以下结果由 金山词霸 提供柯林斯高阶英汉词典 同反义词1.VERB(注意地)听If you listen to someone who is talking or to a sound, you give your attention to them or it. He spent his time listening to the radio...他听收音机打发时间。Sonia was not listening.索尼娅没有用心听。listenerOne or two listeners had fallen asleep while the President was speaking.总统讲话时有一两名听众睡着了。
2023-07-20 07:12:073


  动词加ing时,发音要满足“辅原辅,要重读”的要求,listen的重音不符合要求,所以不用双写。 扩展资料   释义:(注意地)听,倾听。   语法:listen to表示“留心听,仔细听”,接名词、代词或疑问词引导的从句作宾语,还可接以不带to的`动词不定式、现在分词充当补足语的复合宾语。   例句:He spent his time listening to the radio 他听收音机打发时间。
2023-07-20 07:13:061


thank for your listening
2023-07-20 07:13:155


举两个例子你就明白了:Listening to music is one of my favorites. (听音乐是我的爱好之一,此处是动名词)I am listening to music now. (我现在正在听音乐,此处是现在分词)
2023-07-20 07:13:493


2023-07-20 07:13:561


listen加ing的形式是listening  动词的现在分词:由动词原形加词尾-ing构成。其构成方法如下:  (1)一般情况下,直接加-ing:    go----goingstand----standingstudy----studying  (2)以不发音的字母e结尾的动词,去掉e,再加-ing:  Come----comingwrite----writingtake---taking  (3)动词是闭音节的单音节词,或是以重读闭音节结尾的多音节词,而末尾只有一个辅音字母时,这个辅音字母须双写,再加-ing:  sit---sittingrun---runningbegin---beginningforget---forgetting  (4)少数几个以-ie结尾的动词,须将ie变作y,再加-ing:  die----dyingtie----tyinglie----lying
2023-07-20 07:14:041


2023-07-20 07:14:121


hear 与 listen 这两个词都是动词,都有“听”的意思。但意思有区别,用法也不同。 hear 是及物动词,表示“听见”,“蝗到”,可能是有意识的听,也可能是无意误解的听。 Louder , please , I can"t hear you . We heard someone laughing in the next room . hear 还可作不及物动词,后接 of ( about ) 表示“听别人说” ( 指间接听到 ) ;后接from 意 思是“收到 ( 某人 ) 的来信”。如: I have never heard of such a thing . 我从未听说过这种事。 Have you still not heard from him ? 你还没有收到的来信吗 ? listen 是不及物动词,表示有意识或注意地“听”,交不说明是否听见的结果;必须加 to 才能接宾语。如: He often listens to news on radio . I listened but heard nothing . 我注意听了,但什么也没听见。
2023-07-20 07:14:271

Morten Harket的《Listening》 歌词

歌曲名:Listening歌手:Morten Harket专辑:Out Of My Hands"Listening"Your skin attached this fragile clicheOf my broken heart attackYou should swallow your teeth and hang outStay for a whileIf your heart"s still beating it must be the bloodIf your lungs are still working it must be the mudIf its still light out than a kick in the ribstoday"s worth livingI don"t see anything nowSo just say what you wanna sayIt"s kind of funny how I"m not listening anywayLights out, I can"t stand to hear you screamWhile we were making love I was fast asleepand the night sky better give something up (give something up)I don"t see anything nowSo just say what you wanna sayIt"s kind of funny how I"m not listening anywayI don"t see anything nowSo just say what you wanna sayIt"s kind of funny how I"m not listening anywayLights out, lights out, lights out, lights out...Lights out! I can"t stand to hear you screamWhile we were making love I was fast asleepIf your heart"s still beating it must be the bloodIf your lungs are still working it must be the mudIf its still light out than a kick in the ribsAnd today"s worth living, it probably isI don"t see anything nowSo just say what you wanna sayIt"s kind of funny how I"m not listening anywayI don"t see anything nowSo just say what you wanna sayIt"s kind of funny how I"m not listening anywayI"m not listening anywayI"m not listening anywayI"m not listeningListening, I"m not listeningI"m not listeningI"m not listeningI"m not listening
2023-07-20 07:14:341


ing形式是:listening重点词汇:listening英['lu026asu0259nu026au014b]释义:n.收听;倾听动词listen的现在分词.例句:用作名词(n.)Listening is our unexploited potential.倾听是我们未开发的潜能。词语辨析:listen,hearv.(动词)这两个词的共同意思是“听”。1、hear强调听的结果——“听到”;listen强调听的动作——“倾听”,而不管是否“听到”。2、listen指有意识地听,而hear则不一定是有意地或注意地听。3、hear不用于进行体,而listen可用于进行体。
2023-07-20 07:15:042


  聆听,指集中精力、认真地听。语出汉杨雄 《法言·五百》:“聆听前世,清视在下,鉴莫近于斯矣。”多指下级对上级,晚辈对长辈。那么你知道吗?下面来学习一下吧。   聆听英语说法1:   listen    聆听英语说法2:   Hear    聆听的相关短语:   仔细聆听 LISTEN ACTIVELY ; Listening In ; listen carefully ; listening carefully   聆听音乐 Listening to Music ; Enjoy Music ; listening to music   积极聆听 active listening ; Positive listening ; Listening process   社群聆听 social listening ; Ipsos Social Listening   聆听我心 listen to my heart ; Touch Heart   聆听寂寞 Listening lonely ; Listen to lonely   幸福聆听 happy to listen to ; Happy listening   聆听古典 Listen to the classic    聆听的英语例句:   1. They got misty-eyed listening to records of Ruby Murray singing "Danny Boy".   聆听着唱片里鲁比·默里演唱《丹尼男孩》的时候,他们泪眼模糊。   2. Herbert sat quietly through the telling of this saga.   在聆听这个长篇传奇故事时,赫伯特自始至终安静地坐着。   3. He questioned Chrissie, and listened attentively to what she told him.   他询问了克里茜,并仔细聆听她所说的话。   4. Danny listened to the waves breaking against the shore.   丹尼聆听着波浪拍岸的声音。   5. The crowd listened in awed silence.   充满敬畏的人群安静地聆听。   6. They gave an ecstatic reception to the speech.   他们兴致勃勃地聆听了演讲。   7. Begin to listen to your own body rhythms.   开始聆听你自己身体的节奏。   8. She shouted on the mountaintop and listened for the echo.   她在山顶上大声喊著,然后聆听着回声.   9. She breathed in every word the professor was saying.   她全神贯注地聆听教授所说的每句话.   10. He shows keen interest in his friends, hearing out their problems and offering counsel.   他对自己的朋友表现出极大的关注,聆听他们的难题并提出忠告。   11. The audience was very partisan, and refused to listen to the points she was making in her speech.   观众们很有偏见, 拒绝聆听她发言中的要点.   12. Listen to the voice of illuminati.   聆听智者的声音。   13. The man, submerged in his overcoat, listened to the conversation.   那个人用大衣密密实实地裹住全身, 聆听谈话.   14. The whole world stills to listen, and God in His heaven *** iles.   整个世界都在屏息聆听, 就连天国里的上帝也开颜欢笑.   15. Years of listening taught him to distinguish subtle sounds of trouble.   多年的聆听使它能听出细微的故障声响.
2023-07-20 07:15:111

谭维维 listening 的歌词

I can almost see it / 眼前依稀浮现   That dream I"m dreamin" but / 萦绕心头的那个梦境   There"s a voice inside my head saying / 脑海里却响起一个声音   you"ll never reach it / 你永远也不会到达彼岸   Every step I"m taking / 我迈出的每一步   Every move I make feels /我做过的每件事   Lost with no direction / 无不使我迷失方向   My faith is shaking / 开始动摇的,是我的信念   But I, I gotta keep tryin. / 可我,我还是要继续求索   Gotta keep my head held high / 还是要挺胸抬头、阔步前行   There"s always gonna be another mountain / 总会有下一座山峦   I"m always gonna wanna make it move / 在等我去将它移开   Always gonna be an uphill battle / 总会有下一个山坡   Sometimes I"m gonna have to lose / 很可能令我无法越过   Ain"t about how fast I get there / 不在于我要用多久才能抵达峰顶   Ain"t about what"s waitin on the other side / 不在于山那边到底是怎样的风景   It"s the climb / 这就是攀登   The struggles I"m facing / 我面对的每次搏击   The chances I"m taking / 我抓住的每次机遇   Sometimes might knock me down but / 有时会令我一败涂地   No I"m not breaking / 却决不会磨去我的意志   I may not know it / 或许我不懂其中的意义   But these are the moments that / 但这些时刻却会成为   I"m gonna remember most, yeah / 我一辈子可以珍藏的回忆,啊   Just gotta keep going / 只管继续前进   And I, I gotta be strong / 我要,我要变得坚强   Just keep pushing on "cause / 只须奋力前行,因为   There"s always gonna be another mountain / 总会有下一座山峦   I"m always gonna wanna make it move / 在等我去将它移开   Always gonna be an uphill battle / 总会有下一个山坡   Sometimes I"m gonna have to lose / 很可能令我无法越过   Ain"t about how fast I get there / 不在于我要用多久才能抵达顶峰   Ain"t about what"s waitin on the other side / 不在于山那边到底是怎样的风景   It"s the climb / 这就是攀登   Yeah-yeah / 啊 -   There"s always gonna be another mountain / 总会有下一座山峦   I"m always gonna wanna make it move / 在等我去将它移开   Always gonna be an uphill battle / 总会有下一个山坡   Sometimes you"re gonna have to lose / 很可能令我无法越过   Ain"t about how fast I get there / 不在于我要用多久才能抵达顶峰   Ain"t about what"s waitin on the other side / 不在于山那边到底是怎样的风景   It"s the climb / 这就是攀登   Yeah-yeah-yeah / 啊 - -   Keep on moving / 继续前行   Keep climbing / 继续攀登   Keep the faith / 坚守信念   Baby / 宝贝   It"s all about / 这一切就是   It"s all about the climb / 这一切就是攀登   Keep your faith / 坚守你的信念   Keep your faith / 坚守你的 不知道对不对
2023-07-20 07:15:301


您好,hear表示听到了,但有没有听进去不知道,而listen表示听到了,并且听进去了。 举个例子来说,我可以听到有人在说话,那是用hear。而我听见我妈妈叫我去吃饭,那就是listen了,因为听进去了。 加上ing后,2个词的区别不变。麻烦,!
2023-07-20 07:15:371


2023-07-20 07:15:464


2023-07-20 07:16:046


listen现在分词: listening 过去式: listened 过去分词: listened 英 [lsn] 美 [lsn] v.(注意地)听;倾听;听信;听从;(让对方注意)听着,注意听 n.听 第三人称单数: listens 扩展资料 Listening is an important part of the job. 倾听是这项工作的"一个重要部分。 Listening to customers is now part of the mantra of new management in public services. 倾听顾客意见现在已成了公共事业机构每一届新管理层都会奉行的准则之一。 I love listening to his tales of life at sea. 我喜欢听他讲述他的海上生活。
2023-07-20 07:16:181

listening 和speaking 的相同点和不同点 请专家多给一些有用的观点,

两个单词的意思就不一样@!一个是听,一个是说.两个单词原乡分别是listen/speak.首先,listening名词 n.1.倾听2.收听广播;听录音.形容词1.收听的;留神听的2.助听的. 然后,speaking名词 n.[U]1.说话,谈话2.言语,演讲3.演讲术 形容词 a.[B] 1.说话的,谈话的;演讲的 2.说(某种语言)的 3.富于表情的;逼真的;雄辩的 -speaking 复合形 comb.form 1.(构成形容词)表示"说...语言的"(如:English-speaking说英语的)
2023-07-20 07:16:241


用listening是因为动名词作状语,and本来是并联listening to my……和listening to the voice……但是第二个listening可以省略
2023-07-20 07:16:341

Is listening是什么意思

2023-07-20 07:16:424


listen是不及物动词,所以必须用介词作为桥梁,视之可以连接名词.watch是及物动词,可以直接连接名词. 在祈使句中,listen不用加to,如Listen!The baby is crying. watch不加to.
2023-07-20 07:17:151


2023-07-20 07:17:2610

listening to the teacher carefully in class does you much good为什么用listening

listening to the teacher 是主语,是名词,动名词做主语用to do或者doing形式
2023-07-20 07:17:594


like doing释义:喜爱做某事(经常性的)。这是固定搭配哦
2023-07-20 07:18:087

listening to the teacher carefully in class does you much good为什么用listening

2023-07-20 07:18:324


2023-07-20 07:18:423

listening to 和listensing for区别

2023-07-20 07:18:571

listening和listening to有什么不同?

2023-07-20 07:19:062

listening to music和listen to music的区别以及各自用法

2023-07-20 07:19:132


listen,hear和sound的区别:1)listen to+名词 听(强调听的过程)。例如:listen to the radio听广播Why should I listen to you?我为什么要听你的?Listen to me very carefully.请仔细地听我说。2)Hear+名词 听到(强调听到)。例如:Hear your voice.听到你的声音。Did you hear what I said?你听到我说什么了吗?I can"t hear you.我听不到你。3)Sound+形容词 听起来(强调听的效果)。例如:Sound good.听起来不错。You know who you sound like?你知道你听起来像谁吗?Does that sound crazy?那听起来很疯狂吗?
2023-07-20 07:19:5311


2023-07-20 07:20:423


2023-07-20 07:20:491

英文Listening问题 (10点)

Daniel went to a show about the environment she is talking about the show now. Listen carefully to Daniel when you hear a BEEP plete the note. "I went to see a show about the environment at Queen Elizabeth Stadium the other day. There were o main speakers at the show. One of them was Bobby Low and the other was Doctor Mimi Wong. (BEEP) I got there about half past ten in the morning and the chairman of Green Peace was already giving the opening speech. (BEEP) At around 11 o"clock there was a talk on pollution. (BEEP) The speaker talked about air noise sea and land pollution in Hong Kong. I thought it was a really good talk and I learnt a lot. At 12 o"clock I heard about the Tree Planting Project 2007. (BEEP) I have applied to bee a helper in this activity I can"t wait. In the afternoon I heard a presentation about Global Warming then a women told us how we could join Green Peace. (BEEP) At the end of the day there was a Q & A session. (BEEP) I learnt a lot from the show." 丹尼尔(Daniel)去了听有关环境的Show,她现在正在谈论有关Show的内涵。 仔细聆听,当你听到BEEP一次,完成你的Notes。 “当天我去了听在伊利沙伯体育馆举行的一个有关环境的Show。主要有两个发言者在会上发言,其中一人是鲍比低(Bobby Low)和另外的是黄 *** 医生。(BEEP)我去到时是大约10:30am 绿色和平的主席已在说开幕词。 (BEEP) 11点左右,有一个演讲关于污染。(BEEP)一位发言者谈到了在中国香港的空气,噪音,海上和陆地的污染,我认为这是一个好好的演说,我学到了很多东西。在12时,我听到有关植树项目 2007。(BEEP)我已申请成为在这项活动中的一个助手,我不能等待。在下午,又有一个关于全球气候变暖的演讲,之后,一位女士告诉我们,怎样可以加入绿色和平。(BEEP)在那天结束前,有一个答问会。 (BEEP)我学到了很多东西 。” 参考: Myself
2023-07-20 07:21:051


我认为 TCP LISTENING 这个意思是使用TCP协议的135端口处在监听状态。UDP 这个表示你本机使用UDP协议的123端口是开放的。
2023-07-20 07:21:141


2023-07-20 07:21:222