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2023-07-20 10:37:54

第一单元 A 试想:你是二十一年岁和有前途的研究生最关心的问题之一,在大学world.one一天,你的医生告诉你,你有一个不治之症,不得有多于12个月live.how你会作何感想?你会怎样做呢?我们大多数人可能会感到十分伤心,放弃我们的梦想和希望为future.here是什么斯蒂芬霍金思想: (似乎没有)多点,在工作对我的博士生,我并没有期望生存long.yet说,两年过去了,我没有太大worse.in事实上,事情将会相当好,我和我曾从事了一个很好的女孩,简wilde.but在为了结婚,我需要一份工作,并且为了找到一份工作,我需要一个博士学位。 而不是放弃,贩卖到就与他的研究,获得博士学位和已婚jane.nor他,让疾病阻止他的生活什么样的生活,他一直梦想of.he继续他的探索宇宙和走过的周围世界给 2002年,霍金访问中国,以对大学生在杭州和beijing.as他的病已经停用,他摆卖已坐在他的现在著名的轮椅和发言,通过computer.he说,学生对他的理论与思考一些最大的问题:什么是时间,怎么宇宙的开始,究竟是黑洞? 霍金成为国际知名在七十年代初期,当他和美国的罗杰彭罗斯取得了新的发现,有关大爆炸和黑色holes.since然后,摆卖继续寻求问题的答案约性质的 1988年,他写了简短历史上的时间,迅速成为最佳seller.readers感到高兴和惊讶地发现,科学家可以写,他的工作方式,一般人可以理解。 在book.hawking解释,都意味着什么成为一名科学家,以及如何科学works.he告诉读者如何发现是,以及他们如何改变 ,根据摆卖,往往是误解:人们往往认为科学是关于“真”的事实,从来没有change.scientists ,另一方面,摆卖写道,知道他们的工作是从来没有完成,即使是最好的理论可以变成是错的。 一种科学理论,是由于科学method.scientists看看世界上,并尝试描述和解释什么是他们see.first ,他们仔细观察什么,他们有兴趣in.to解释什么,他们看到,他们建立一个理论有关以何种方式和事情的起因和effects.finally ,科学家测试的理论,看它是否符合他们看到的话,可以预见,未来events.if他们所观测,可以测试在一个实际可行的方法,科学家们将使用experiments.but如果像摆卖,他们正在研究的东西是过大,或难以直接观察,他们会使用一个模型来测试的理论。 人谁听霍金的讲座,有时很难了解他,因为他的想法和意见往往似乎大如宇宙,他正试图describe.the讲话的电脑是不是problem.in事实上,人们谁听到它常常说,它听起来就像是人类voice.hawking很高兴有了它,太“ 。唯一的麻烦,说: ”摆卖,谁是英国人, “是它给我的美国口音” 。 ⅰ 。选择的最佳答案,每个问题。 1 。阅读引述在文本中again.when是斯蒂芬霍金说,关于他的病呢? 答: 12个月的早些时候。 b.当他结婚。长提早两年。 d.当他会见了简王尔德。 2 。据摆卖,科学is________________ 。 答:从来没有真正的乙变化多端的长永远都是TRUE 3 。科学理论是好的, if_______________ 。 答:是很难B.它可以测试C.它可以预测未来事件 ⅱ 。回答下列问题。 1 。据摆卖,如何做人民的误解,科学? 2 。什么是基本步骤的科学方法呢? 3 。它是什么小贩并不喜欢他的演辞的电脑吗? B 作出差异 这是没有必要成为一个伟大的科学家作出的差异,但有一些事情我们可以学习最好的头脑,在这world.great科学家史蒂芬霍金一样,总是想知道more.they是永不满足一个简单的答案是一直在寻找新的questions.the意大利天文学家伽利略是如此好奇,他用显微镜和望远镜,以便能够采取细看的东西都伟大和small.by问为什么,怎样和什么如果,好奇的头脑找到新的思路和解决办法。 如果知识就是力量,正如主席先生培根曾在1597年,那么也许创造力可以被形容为有能力使用该power.scientists必须创造性和利用他们的想象力所有time.when张恒,中国的天文学家和地理学家,通缉画地图的老天爷,他并不感到满意,一个简单的文件map.instead ,他建立了一个模型,可以动议,以示如何的立场,该颗星改变,从本赛季赛季。 我们必须相信,在我们做什么,甚至当别人做not.both伽利略和张恒发现很难使人们相信他们的理论correct.people嘲笑张衡时,他首先介绍了他的地震仪,这是后来才说,世界上公认的,他greatness.galileo奇摩观测表明,哥白尼,又一次伟大的天文学家,是正确的和地球的举动绕太阳,而不是其他方式 ,当时,教会说,地球是该中心的宇宙和伽利略不得发表或讨论他的 ,无论是张衡和伽利略被称为科学的开拓者谁帮助我们更好地了解世界。 也许是最重要的事,如果我们要作出不同的是,找到一些我们喜欢做,而且我们是好的, at.knowing我们是谁,就是不知道如何,我们认为和我们想do.everyone有他或她的特殊技能和利益,只有发现我们做什么最好,我们才能希望达到我们的目标和真正使有差别。 C 整合的技巧 爱因斯坦 当斯蒂芬霍金正在撰写一本时间简史,他的编辑告诉他,他将失去他的一半的读者为每个方程(方程式) ,他提出,在book.despite这项警告,摆卖发现有必要,包括一equation.his选择是世界上最著名的方程。爱因斯坦的E = mc2.as简单的方程式,似乎,它代表了理论如此重要,它改变了科学和物理completely.in事实上,爱因斯坦的发现作出了这么大的差异,他认为他已致歉牛顿“原谅我, ”爱因斯坦写道: “你发现的唯一途径,在您的年龄,只是可能为一名男子的最高思想和创新能力。 “爱因斯坦已取代牛顿的理论与他自己和改变了我们了解宇宙。 爱因斯坦之前,科学家认为,光穿过空间在一个直line.but爱因斯坦能够证明轻未来,从星级一意孤行,因为它通过sun.as结果,似乎地球上的科学家认为,星级已迁居。他刚才有多大轻将排架;他也可以工作如何,到目前为止,星级似乎有感动。 他的发现完全是新的;有人说,只有3人可以理解它在时间的困难是,他如何能证明他的思想对其他scientists.many ,他们不接受他的科学ideas.but爱因斯坦到就与他的研究。由1919年,科学家谁已看星级,相信在他的工作和他迅速成为世界- famous.from ,当时对爱因斯坦十分尊重,作为领导的科学家在本世纪。 第一届世界战争( 1914至1918年)带来了他的伟大sadness.he采取了瑞士国籍,在1901年,因此没有加入军队,因为瑞士没有采取双方在war.einstein认为,战争是一个可怕的事情并认为,战斗和杀戮在战争中被wrong.he并敦促美国建立一个原子弹打败纳粹,但是当看到爱因斯坦的影响,该炸弹,他感到遗憾,他actions.what他希望看到是一个完所有两军的世界。 当希特勒上台,在1930年代初,爱因斯坦,谁是犹太人,发现它无法继续生活在germany.his朋友被毒打,或带走,或自己的家园被摧毁。虽然他是做研究在美国,爱因斯坦写了一封信给一家报纸说,这些行为是wrong.it意味着他将永远无法访问德国again.that就是为什么爱因斯坦和他的家人离开欧洲,为美国在1933年。 第二单元 A 背后的新闻标题 报纸和其他媒体做更多的不仅仅是纪录,什么happens.experienced编辑和记者作出明智的决定,关于什么事件的报告,以及如何报告them.they同时确保读者可以涉及到stories.we提出了两项中国的许多人才的记者,陈颖和朱琳,告诉我们更多关于新闻和newspapers.the两名记者通过开关的作用,因为一旦和受访者,而不是在采访,为了让我们知道他们的工作和如何的消息,我们读到是。 问:你如何决定什么是你会写吗? 朱琳:在我决定什么我要去write.i要讨论的文章与我editor.he听我的想法,让我和他的suggestions.for久的重要文章,例如一个功能的故事,编辑器会告诉我,我应该如何发展story.the编辑的工作是把报纸平衡和有趣的读者。 陈颖:很多记者的工作是做之前,他或她,其实开始writing.a记者开始联络人被采访,然后准备questions.interviewing有人difficult.a记者必须知道如何提出正确的问题,以及如何为了让人们谈论topic.after采访中,记者必须出示的材料,有组织的方式,并且一定要知道的文章反映的事件和意见,如实反映。 问:哪些文章你写了你最喜欢的呢? 陈颖:我最喜爱的文章是我写的一个关于努力,使被盗文物回到china.to写这story.i已联络著名的博物馆世界各地和面试两种中国和国际专家,在field.i一样的文章,因为它的两个新闻和有趣的故事。 朱琳:即使我采访了许多著名的人,故事我最喜欢的是关于一个普通的年轻女子谁试图去适应她的新生活后,经研究abroad.i一样的故事,因为它是第一次,我曾写信与真正的热情和,因为它使我明白,每个人的生活是不同的。 问:如果你可以写任何文章您想要的,你会怎样写,为什么? 朱琳:我想探讨的奥秘,在life.i想写音乐,美术,性质和重要性的精神圆满。 陈颖:我想写的人,你很少阅读有关,例如谁的人有爱滋病或谁成瘾者drugs.their的故事,必须告诉,如果我们要解决困难的社会问题,并帮助那些谁遭受them.for 1记者,基本任务是报告事件truthfully.we不应忽视发生什么事,即使是很困难的人接受一些故事。 媒体往往能帮助解决的问题和提请注意的情况下,帮助是needed.for例如,报纸一样,中国日报,或市民的日常帮助我们了解什么人生就像在中国其他地区和其余的world.carefully撰写文章可以帮助人们成为有兴趣的重要问题,围绕world.tv方案和印刷的文章也有利于其他国家的人民了解中国和中国people.the结果是更好地了解世界上各方面,导致了未来世界上的人来自所有国家的尊重和不同的看法和意见是不能容忍的。 B 1 。读了两份报告,对同一事件below.how是报告有何不同?谁,你认为写每 报告?您怎么看都是事实是什么意见? 2 。什么将是一个很好的标题为每个故事吗?什么图片你会使用吗?为什么? C整合的技巧 在公众心目中 她是中国的一个50最成功的商界领袖和她已被描述为“大于奥普拉” 。熟知的十亿观众,杨澜是中国最受欢迎的电视personalities.born在北京于1968年,杨澜开始她的职业生涯作为东道主,为广受欢迎的“郑大的电视节目” 。她只有21个在时间和刚毕业从北京外国语university.becoming东道国的表演与观众2.0亿,在这样一个从小是一个很大的挑战,但杨澜已经做好准备,它并迅速成为热门。 我们很多人可能会留在享受名利和金钱来与作为一个电视明星,但杨澜了更重要的plans.she离开表明,在4年后,前往纽约市获得硕士学位在哥伦比亚university.her国外经验的启发,她和她作出了她的心,以创建一个新的种电视站为中国viewers.when杨澜归还给中国,她决定发展她的兴趣business.together与她的丈夫,她开始她自己的媒体公司,阳光媒体。 当杨澜成长起来的,她的家人没有一个television.she记得她是如何和其他孩子在她的邻里坐在前面的一小黑白电视所拥有的另一位家庭在她的building.tv是一个新事物在时间,但杨澜认为,强大的媒介,可用于在一个不同的way.she通缉令显示,均是娱乐和educational.when她出国留学,她制作了一套功能显示(专题片)呼吁“地平线” 。展会介绍美国流行文化对中国viewers.viewers喜欢的第一个赛季的“乐土” ,但杨澜希望做一些更严重的和meaningful.the次年,她开始采访,重要的人,如董诚基辛格,并讨论社会issues.her观众高兴和显示变得更加popular.she稍后研制的“杨澜一对一”后,采访了300多名意见领袖,在世界各地。 尽管令人难以置信的成功,她的媒体公司,她并没有忘记什么,使她想成为一名记者在第一place.one的杨澜的目标是建立一个明显的中文显示,可以作为一种积极力量,在现实生活中。中国人民的今天,杨甘美华指出,想要观看表明,处理问题的经验,他们可能在自己的life.such如何,以适应瞬息万变的society.her梅萨公司的目标,她说,是“通过教育,娱乐,照亮(启发)通过信息“ 。 1 。什么""大于奥普拉“是什么意思? 2 。什么样的电视节目是否杨澜要创建? 3 。什么叫做“教育,通过娱乐,照亮通过信息”是什么意思? 第三单元 艺术和建筑 A 建筑设计着眼于人为制造的生活environment.every伟大的文化,在过去有其自己的想法,美容表示,在艺术和architecture.when你环顾四周,在建筑物,街道,广场和parks.you会发现他们的设计,筹划和兴建在不同的风格。 现代主义的发明在20世纪20年代由一组建筑师谁想要改变社会的建筑物,违反了人民的感情beauty.they希望他们建造的楼宇中的一种方法看看自然的。 而在传统建筑的材料,如地球,石料,砖和木材的使用,材料的现代建筑是钢材,玻璃和混凝土。很多人对现代建筑的平等的进展。发展中国家要建设的最现代化的前瞻性的建筑物,作为第一步,成为一个现代国家。 现代建筑留下深刻的印象我们,因为他们是巨大的,但很多人并不觉得他们美丽。建筑物样子盒与单位的屋顶,夏普来者不拒和玻璃幕墙,该法作为镜子。你不觉得邀请进入them.everything对这些建筑物似乎很难和不友好的。 古代建筑显示,美国许多美丽的buildings.these包括伟大的例子,如太和殿,天坛,或伟大的欧洲cathedrals.both在选择材料和形状的建筑物,古建筑的立场更接近的性质。 性质,没有任何直lines.antonio高迪,西班牙architect.was第一要了解that.there没有任何尖锐的来者不拒,或直线在他的任何designs.he只是想天然材料,如石料,砖和木材可用于和许多部分,他的建筑物样子的东西,我们发现在nature.in他的一些建筑,露台样子eyes.other部分样子骨,墙壁似乎是涵盖与皮肤的一条鱼,而屋顶好像回到一个dragon.most的高迪的作品,均建造在靠近barcelona.looking在建筑,由高迪一样,是一个梦想,充满神奇色彩和形状。 尽管事实上,他用传统的材料,高迪是一个现代architect.in事实上,还有其他现代建筑师谁使用的设计,从性质时,他们创造他们的buildings.frank劳埃德赖特,谁建立了一个艺术博物馆在纽约,发现自己的灵感由日本著名的seashells.another建设,使人们认为的贝壳是歌剧院在悉尼,虽然它使其他人认为,船舶航行。 2008年的奥林匹克体育场在北京是另一个设计,让我们想想nature.seen从上方,看来,如果大球场是由一种灰色的钢网,它看起来就像一个燕窝制成的树枝。鸟填补之间的空间分行巢,与软materials.just所以,位在结构大球场将充满巨大的塑料袋充满air.although大球场将作出的混凝土与钢,流线和圆的形状,使建设研究的热情友好。 B 第二次生命的工厂798 在世界各地的旧楼,如学校,医院,工厂,甚至教堂左边空,因为他们不再是needed.it通常是很难找到其他公司搬进旧buildings.because平面图-的大小和人数会堂-不适合他们的c ompany.often,这些楼宇拆卸后,站在空没有使用多年。 798厂在东部地区,北京是一个建设一样, that.once的一个重要军工厂在北京, 798厂设计了东德的建筑师和建造与俄罗斯的帮助,在早期1950s.it是其中最重要的例子,工厂建筑左从时间的巨大的工厂会堂砖和玻璃建造,在20世纪20年代的现代style.they装饰着小轮的窗口,提醒你,船舶,一意孤行,屋顶和20英尺高的玻璃墙,使他们特别时相比,与其他建筑,由同period.the朴实的作风的建筑物和事实,即他们是德国设定,预留非常不同的从中国建筑。 当军队的工厂提出了一些年前,工厂大厦已不再used.until大约一年前,大部分的讲习班,在工厂为空。有些艺术公司询问,如果他们可以搬进空的空间和租金部分的factory.this是开始发展这一领域成为一个中心,为艺术,汇集了中国艺术家,美术公司,音乐家,日本的茶馆,四川餐厅,书店及舞蹈俱乐部。 旧的工厂大厦有很多会堂及工作坊,不同sizes.painters和其他艺术家就可以迁入规模较小的房间,使用他们的工作室作画,而音乐带的租金空间的做法。规模较小的会堂,可以改为商店和餐馆,而主厂房大厅,可用于音乐会,当事方和舞蹈节。 青少年开始,艺术家和音乐家往往没有足够的钱租工作室或其他建筑物执业,执行,甚至工作和live.they一样,这些建筑物,因为客房和会堂往往非常大,这是很好的艺术家谁不想使大objects.besides ,许多这些建筑物的兴建远离城市,使人们在邻里不不安时,摇滚音乐家动议,并在练习了一场音乐会。 许多大型城市,如利物浦和纽约,已经试验这种与旧工厂变成了成功的艺术centres.in几乎每一个城市,世界各地的新用途是给老buildings.it是一个伟大的方式,以节省结构由过去的。 C 整合的技巧 功能的艺术 我们看到艺术无处不在靠近us.in市民公园,城市广场,购物中心的街道和公共建筑物,我们发现现代艺术的对象display.classical艺术,如珍贵的画,珍贵的雕像和其他美术,通常是结束了在收藏博物馆,公司或丰富的people.although我们可以看到一些它在博物馆,对于其他艺术收藏,不向公众开放。 这两个艺术和建筑有一个历史的ages.all形式和途径,表达美已explored.in的情况下建筑,许多建筑物的设计,在过去已被证明是美丽的服务purposes.governments和公司可节省以百万元计的,由建设或复制的设计,建筑的建筑物从past.there仍然有很多设计的建筑物,取得了由著名建筑师认为,从来没有realised.besides ,有些人找到现代建筑ugly.so我们为什么要付了很多钱以建筑师为设计新的建筑物呢? 同时举行的现代艺术,无论是绘画和statues.many艺术对象已创建,在过去,现在所涵盖的粉尘在storerooms.these储物室包含足够的艺术装饰所有公共建筑物及其他公共places.there是没有必要创造更多的艺术作品,并作为与现代建筑,很多人找到新的艺术,很难理解或赞赏。 鉴于这些事实,为什么建筑师和艺术家的要求,创造新的艺术作品呢?为什么我们有兴趣在创造新的艺术和建筑,而不是使用或复制是什么过去所作的呢?这些问题的答案都与功能的艺术在今天的社会。 首先,功能的艺术是decorate.by配售艺术作品在公园内悬挂的画或画上墙壁我们,使我们的居住环境,更beautiful.when我们的眼中,跨越一个空墙,他们会为几分钟,其余的就一幅画或其他种的工作,洪there.it是一个时刻的舒适和使人们觉得good.sometimes ,绘画是不是在美丽的第一glance.but看他们和他们的思考了一会儿或反复观看将帮助我们学会欣赏他们。 另一项功能的艺术是丰富现实生活中,作为艺术的一部分,每天life.art帮助人们去学习认为creatively.in艺术的东西,并不总是什么他们似乎be.art物体在一个公园,有时funny.very往往你难以告诉他们are.people需要这种创造性的时刻,它可以帮助他们,以平衡他们的minds.when我们看到的艺术一样,所有靠近us.it帮助,使生活更有趣。 最后,艺术往往被视为一种方式指示audience.statues英雄,从过去,让我们想起history.paintings及其他艺术的对象也可以帮助我们实现这目标,我们应该为自己确定的和鼓舞,美国在我们的日常生活工作。 因为社会观念的变化和每一段时间,有自己的味道,始终存在着需要有新的art.we仍然可以欣赏艺术作品,在过去他们的美容,但他们往往过于宝贵的要放置在公共建筑物此外,他们还经常需要特别的保护。 1 。谁拥有收藏的古代雕像与绘画? 2 。我们为什么不能利用旧的艺术装饰公共建筑物? 3 。功能是什么一个在社会上呢? 第四单元 A 英语诗歌 读诗歌带来的人来自不同地方和不同时代together.more比任何其他形式的文学,诗歌扮演与声音,文字和grammar.that使诗歌很难写,但很有趣,以read.poetry还呼吁所有我的颜色,感情,经验和好奇的图像,一个梦想的世界。 中国有着悠久的历史,期间许多世界上最伟大的诗人active.poems杜甫,李白,王维等站出来,在大厅glory.when您已经阅读一些中文的诗歌,你会看到并听取了一些功能,所有好的诗歌shares.the形式是非常重要的: 行数和字符数在每个line.poetry往往如下特别模式的节奏和韵律。 尽管它的历史很短,有很多良好的英语诗歌around.the最早的英语诗歌写在一个种英语是现在很难understand.modern英语左右开始的时候,威廉莎士比亚,在接近年底时的16世纪。 17世纪是一个伟大的时间,英语poetry.shakespeare是最有名的,他plays.his十四行诗,不过,属于最好的英语poetry.in下一代伟大的英语诗人,我们满足约翰邓恩。中国读者欣赏他的作品,因为他使用令人惊讶的图像提醒他们的作品,诗人如苏dongpo.before到本世纪末,还有一个著名作家,约翰milton.once发表后,他的工作,成为著名的为没有押韵,在每年年底的line.in十八世纪,它是蒲伯谁写优秀的诗歌在英格兰。 今后一个时期,产生了大量的优良诗人是第十九century.greatly爱在中国是英国浪漫主义poets.although ,他们都出生于十八世纪,他们写道,他们的主要工程在最初几年的十九世纪。约翰济慈在一个非常年轻的年龄在1821年,而威廉华兹,谁花了很多他的时间,在英语湖泊区,活到80岁和R亡, 1850.the自然诗由威廉华兹,乔治戈登拜伦" s岛希腊和十四行诗和长期的诗歌约翰济慈已久favourites.the的风格和气氛,在他们的诗歌往往导致比较与诗人,如杜甫和李白。 最后,现代诗人,有其特殊的吸引力,因为他们的立场,最接近我们无论是在语言和图像,他们use.among他们,我们找到美国诗人罗伯特弗罗斯特。 引入英语诗歌到中国来late.towards年底,十九世纪的中国作家开始阅读更多的外国poetry.the伟大的时刻,为欧洲文学作品来中国是1910年之间和20世纪30年代后期,当著名作家,如鲁迅与郭沫若翻译都诗歌和小说译成中文。 越来越多的人有兴趣阅读现代诗在english.translations可以好的,但能够阅读在英语让您更choice.besides ,不管如何,以及一首诗是翻译,有点精神,原来的工作是lost.reading诗歌在英语,也开启了一扇大门,以寻找新的办法来表达自己在chinese.finally ,诗和文学可以之间架起桥梁,东部和west.they可以帮助我们了解对方更好,或作为穆旦写道: 悄悄地,我们的怀抱 在这样的世界点燃了由话。 阅读这些文字和仔细选择的最佳答案。 1 。现代英语应运而生,由有关的结尾部分------世纪 答:第十六乙第十七长第十八四第十九 2 。诗歌约翰多恩提醒中国读者对诗歌的________________ 。 答:杜甫乙李baj长苏东坡四郭沫若 3 。拜伦的外岛,希腊( 1824 )就是一个例子of_______________ 。 答:十四行诗乙浪漫主义诗歌长自然诗四现代诗 4 。广大市民在中国的发现,英语诗歌在开始的____________世纪。 答:十七米乙第十八长第十九四第二十 5 。的优势,读英语诗歌的中文译本is_______________ 。 答:您有更多的选择,乙说,一些精神损失 三,您知道它更好地四,您了解如何来表达自己在新途径 B 歌曲和诗歌 为什么读,有时甚至写诗?这个问题并不难回答,如果我们改变 这个词诗的歌曲。 歌唱时,我觉得good.when歌唱,我最喜欢的歌曲,我觉得即使better.sometimes当我 听音乐和歌曲的话,我觉得这是写在me.a良好宋总是 我觉得something.there是歌曲,我唱我的头部和阶级之间的歌曲我想 唱时,学校的钟戒指,到去年底的day.they帮我度过一天。 他们就像是光明和温暖的颜色,在中东的greys和shades.i喜欢的歌曲关于爱情 和friendship.the不平凡的事是,我的心情更是特别,当我唱我最喜爱的 在英文歌曲。 我也喜欢reading.i使用,以避免诗,直到电子帕尔告诉我,我要朗诵诗,而不是看 最多的含义的words.poetry用途很多困难的话,成语,但最好的事情是刚 忘记them.in开始我觉得相当strange.now我一直锁的大门,朗读 给您一个奇怪的感觉,但是当你有一些实践和陷入的节奏,韵律和 声音的话,实在是一个特别的经验。 我开始与小诗歌,但现在我认为我最喜欢的长期poems.i有不同的感受 不同的poems.when我有一个坏天在学校里,我读济慈和忘记everything.when我 可悲的我读华兹由轻一个candle.when诗完成后,我在结束这本书和我 悲伤是荡然无存。 阅读下面的诗在class.discuss与你的同学他们的意思给您。


But if, in your fear, you would seek only love"s peace and love"s pleasure, then it is bette



2023-07-20 05:58:141

Statue 这个英语单词 用谐音怎么读

2023-07-20 05:58:491

like greek statues p__?_and中间应填啥单词

2023-07-20 05:58:581

java web开发中 varStatues="status" 中参数status是啥作用和意思呢?这个参数的设置有啥要求呢?

c:forEach varStatus属性current当前这次迭代的(集合中的)项index当前这次迭代从 0 开始的迭代索引count当前这次迭代从 1 开始的迭代计数first用来表明当前这轮迭代是否为第一次迭代的标志last用来表明当前这轮迭代是否为最后一次迭代的标志begin属性值end属性值step属性值
2023-07-20 05:59:083

carve out of应该能看出石头的材质吧?carve from是什么意思呢?

carve sth. out of sth.用某物雕刻某物sth. be carved from sth.某物是由某物雕刻而成的主被动决定了介词的不同~
2023-07-20 05:59:212

单片机中@(unsigned ) &statues *8+0; 中*8怎么理解的?求解

2023-07-20 05:59:392


2023-07-20 05:59:563

1."Such as the statue of Five Goats."这句有什么语法错误!?2.“越秀公园”英文怎么说?(请在4.

statue加s或:If the goat statue of fiveYuexiu park
2023-07-20 06:00:203


1.hundreds of murals and statues和small towns all over the United States是被动的关系2.动名词作主语,用完成时是因为won在struggle to establish之前发生,且 struggle 用的过去式3.因为是主动关系,细菌生活在土壤里,play是谓语
2023-07-20 06:00:272


2023-07-20 06:00:495


select statues ,count(*) as number from FeedbackResultsgroup by statues
2023-07-20 06:01:064


泥塑的英文:clay sculpture。1.Clay figurine making is a unique folk handicraft of China.泥塑艺术是中华民族民间艺术的一种。2.Clay statues in the Maijishan Grottos include round carvings, deep relief, paste carvings, and wall carvings.麦积山的泥塑有圆塑、高浮雕、粘贴塑、壁塑四种。3.Only 194 grottos with about 7,800 clay and stone statues and some 1,300 square meters of murals are preserved.现存有194处,大小泥塑与石雕像七千八百余件,壁画有一千三百多平方米。4.She attempted to look reserved; her face put on a sculptural severity她努力装作不说不笑的样子,把脸绷得象石雕泥塑一样严肃。5.Rent Collection Yard is a good combination of traditional Chinese and Western sculptural techniques.《收租院》泥塑是中国传统民间塑像的手法与现代雕塑方法相结合的典范。
2023-07-20 06:01:131


2023-07-20 06:01:292

复活节岛石像之谜 英语资料

Hidden treat: The Easter Island heads also have BODIESThe enduring image in the public"s mind of the mysterious heads on Easter Island is simply that - heads.So it comes as quite a shock to see the heads from another angle - and discover that they have full bodies, extending down many, many feet into the ground of the island.The Easter Island Statue Project has been carefully excavating two of 1,000-plus statues on the islands - doing their best to uncover the secrets of the mysterious stones, and the people who built them.Inside the Easter Island statues: Experts have known about the bodies before, but when these images started circulating readers doubted their authenticityThe team also found large quantities of red pigment, some of which may have been used to paint the statuesProject director Jo Anne Van Tilburg said: "Our EISP excavations recently exposed the torsos of two 7m tall statues."Hundreds, perhaps thousands, of visitors to the island have been astonished to see that, indeed, Easter Island statues have bodies!"More important, however, we discovered a great deal about the Rapa Nui techniques of ancient engineering."Among their discoveries, the team have discovered:u2022 The dirt and detritus partially burying the statues was washed down from above and not deliberately placed there to bury, protect, or support the statues u2022 The statues were erected in place and stand on stone pavements u2022 Post holes were cut into bedrock to support upright tree trunks u2022 Rope guides were cut into bedrock around the post holes u2022 Posts, ropes, stones, and different types of stone tools were all used to carve and raise the statues uprightThe remote island - one of the remotest in the world, tucked away in the South Pacific Ocean - was once home to a Polynesian population, whose history remains mysterious.They likely sailed to the islands in canoes - a 1,500-mile journey over the open waters, and then, once they landed, they began relentessly carving the stone statues.This led to their own downfall: By the time Europeans discovered the island in the 1700s, the population had decimated nearly all the trees in the island to help with the statue construction, and the knock-on effect on the island"s ecology led to their decline.The team working on the dig as they unveil the secrets of the heads - excavations recently exposed the torsos of two 7m tall statues Here"s something not many people know: The Easter Island statues have bodies which go down many feetRemote: Easter Island, in the South Pacific sea, is a 64miles-square island - one of the most remote in the worldThe team also discovered that ceremonies were certainly associated with the statues.On the project website, Van Tilburg said: "We found large quantities of red pigment, some of which may have been used to paint the statues."Finally, and perhaps most poignantly, we found in the pavement under one statue a single stone carved with a crescent symbol said to represent a canoe, or vaka."The backs of both statues are covered with petroglyphs, many of which are also vaka. A direct connection between the vaka symbol and the identity of the artist or group owning the statue is strongly suggested."
2023-07-20 06:01:361


Describing a Route in EnglishWhen describing a route in English, it is important to use clear and concise language that is easy for the reader to understand. Here are some tips to help you write a descriptive and informative route description:1. Start with the starting point and direction: Begin by stating the starting point of your route, and include the direction you will be travelling in, for example, "Starting from the train station, head north towards the main square."2. Use landmarks as reference points: When giving directions, it is helpful to use landmarks as reference points, such as buildings, statues, or streets. This will make it easier for the reader to follow your route. For example, "Continue straight ahead until you reach the large fountain in the center of the square, then turn left onto Market Street."3. Give specific details about turns and intersections: When making turns or reaching intersections, be sure to provide specific details about which direction to turn or which street to take. For example, "At the traffic light, turn right onto Elm Street, then take the first left onto Oak Road."4. Include information about transportation: If your route includes the use of public transportation, be sure to include information about which bus or train to take, and at which stop to get off. For example, "Take the number 10 bus towards the airport, and get off at the third stop, which is just after the shopping center."5. Use transitional words to connect ideas: To make your route description flow smoothly, use transitional words such as "next," "then," "after," and "finally" to connect the different steps in your route. For example, "After crossing the bridge, turn left on Main Street, then continue straight ahead until you reach the park entrance."By following these tips, you can create a clear and informative route description that will help readers navigate their way to their destination with ease.
2023-07-20 06:01:452


Look:These three statues were China ancient times in the fable luck, the wealth, the long-lived three deities.
2023-07-20 06:01:534


翻译:in lots of situation
2023-07-20 06:02:022


2023-07-20 06:02:104


Excuse me for disturbing you! You have bought something in my store.Now we have some statues of pine and stone, amber and coral which are on sell, 5 dollars each. If you are a collector ou you are interested in collecting these, please contace us by the methode, ;
2023-07-20 06:02:514


2023-07-20 06:03:025

zeplin mac切图怎么用

2023-07-20 06:04:583


2023-07-20 06:05:074


  Hello,boys and girls,I"m honored to give a speach here today.I want to say something about the great statues,The Terracotta Warriors.  The Terracotta Warriors(兵马俑)lies in the Mt.Li(骊山,读作mount Li)Xi"an City,Shannxi(陕西) Province.It"s one of the "Seven Great Wonders of the World".Every year,millions of visitors come to visit it,from China and other contries.  Who dig these big holes and who put so many statues into the holes?Let me tell you.The first emporor of China,Zheng Ying(嬴政)want to build a special tomb to show he is the greatest emporor in Chinese history.So he made o dot two million(20万) workers to dig four holes and put many statues of soidiers,horses and war-coaches(战车) into the holes.Then in the middle,they put the corpse of Zheng Ying into the casket.The anciant Chinese people thought the "Army" can protect the Qin emporor.They fill the holes with worth.At last they build a big tomb like a pyramid over the holes.And this is the tomb of the first Qin emporor(秦始皇陵).  In 1974,a farmer found the head of a statue sodier.Then Chinese goverment explored and found the whole tomb.In 1987,The Terracotta Warriors was included to the World Heritage List(世界遗产名录) by UN(联合国) according to level C.Today The Terracotta Warriors is a torist scenery of history.  That"s all I want to tell you.Thank you for listening.Good-bye!  翻译:  同学们好!我很荣幸在这里做演讲,我今天想讲一些关于伟大的雕塑群——秦始皇兵马俑的事情。  秦始皇陵兵马俑位于陕西省西安市骊山脚下,是世界七大奇迹之一。每年,数百万的游客从世界各国前来参观它。  谁挖了这些大坑?又是谁把这么多的雕塑放进坑里?让我来告诉你吧。中国历史上第一个皇帝嬴政想要修建一座陵墓以彰显自己是中国历史上最伟大的君主,于是他命令20万名壮丁挖了4个大坑,放进士兵、战马和战车的陶塑,在这个大工程的中心,他们把秦始皇的一体放进棺材。古代中国人认为这些“军队”可以保护秦始皇。他们用土把坑填实,在坑的上方修建了一座很大的坟,就像一座金字塔。这就是秦始皇陵。  1974年,一位农民在地里发现了一个陶俑的头,紧接着,中国政府发掘并开发了整个陵墓。1987年,秦始皇陵兵马俑根据世界文化遗产遴选标准C被联合国列入《世界遗产名录》。今天,秦始皇陵兵马俑是一处历史人文旅游景点。  我的演讲完毕。谢谢大家!再见!
2023-07-20 06:05:231

Status date 什么意思啊

2023-07-20 06:06:192


2023-07-20 06:06:281

Nina Nesbitt的《Statues》 歌词

歌曲名:Statues歌手:Nina Nesbitt专辑:Stay Out - EPNina Nesbitt - StatuesBy SwimmingYou"re just the statue of the boy I used to knowYou"re just a tattoo of the words that we once spokeYou"re the dry river, where the love used to flowBut it still runs through me, with you it had to goBut if you take this backI"ll be waiting to come alive, come aliveIf you turn your backI"ll be waiting to flyBut you"re like the falling leavesWhilst I"m still the oak treeCause you"re the one to leaveNow I"m falling asleepYou"re like the broken keysWhilst I"m just a broken homeCause as I breathe in deepYou"re looking at me like a statueOf the boy I used to knowYou"re just a lighter, with no fuel to light the flamesYou know I"ll fight for this, but you wouldn"t do the sameCause you"re just a diary, with a blank and empty pageBut the story we wrote, I can"t quite eraseBut if you take this backI"ll be waiting to come alive, come aliveIf you turn your backI"ll be waiting to flyBut you"re like the falling leavesWhilst I"m still the oak treeCause you"re the one that leavesNow I"m falling asleepYou"re like the broken keysWhilst I"m just a broken homeCause as I breathe in deepYou"re looking at me like a statueOf the boy I used to knowI"ll watch you fall to the ground"Cause there"s just stone in your eyes nowWe had it all, till we were foundWe"re just living these lies nowCause you"re like the falling leavesWhilst I"m still the oak treeCause you"re the one to leaveNow I"m falling asleepCause you"re like the broken keysWhilst I"m just a broken homeAnd I breathe in deepAs I watch you leaveYou"re the statueOf the boy I used to know
2023-07-20 06:06:441


Statues Around the World Statues have been erected all over the world, representing everything from historical events, religious icons, and a commemoration of an influental person or simply as a representation of an artist"s vision. Some statues, such as the Statue of Liberty on New York Harbor, invite visitors on a global scale. The Statue of Liberty is the most visited monument in the world. Other famous statues that are on a traveler"s itinerary include Brazil"s Christ the Redeemer statue, Thailand"s Wat Pho Buddha, China"s Leshan Reclining Buddha and Egypt"s The Great Sphinx of Giza. Most of these statues are mainly spiritual in their representation and embody the spirit of their locale.While some statues serve as a country"s great monument or landmark, other statues are commissioned to commemorate the life of an influential person. England"s Nelson"s Column was built to remember fallen war hero Admiral Horatio Nelson. While the Pointing Lenin statue was built to commemorate the 1917 October Russian Revolution speech given by Vladimir Lenin outside the Finland Rail Terminal. Commemorative statues do not simply serve as a remembrance of an influential person but also serve to remind its public of a specific moment of time where greatness transpired.Last, statues are also representative of an artist"s vision and simply commissioned for art"s sake. Three of the greatest sculptures are: Michelangelo"s Statue of David, Auguste Rodin"s The Thinker Statue and the Greek Venus de Milo. All three of these statues are recognized worldwide and have served as artistic inspirations for their public.Statues depict what cannot always be said in words. While every person may have a different interpretation or emotional response when viewing one of the many great monuments or works of art, clearly, statues are created to send a universal message of the event, idea, feeling or person it represents.You can replicate the magic of statuary in your own home, garden, or yard. Choose according to your taste; there is no right or wrong choice. Garden and Home Decor will enhance the beauty of your surroundings, select quality materials, craftsmanship, and a finish that will accent your exisiting decor. Enjoy! 这是一个概括的,具体要哪个人可以自己补充查找.
2023-07-20 06:06:521


Yungang Caves,which was originally built during the Northern Wei Dynasty in Datong, Shanxi Province,is known as world famous Treasure of Chinese Culture and Art.However,recently a large amount of industrial dust has attached into the surfice of the stone,which distroyed the Buddha statues.So we should take actions to protect the Buddha statues. Factories which seriously polluted the environment should be moved away .Moreover,local government can protect the Buddha statues with a glass wall to keep it new.
2023-07-20 06:07:111


2023-07-20 06:07:322


第一句话的改动方式和理由When after bleak and lonely years in an Englishpublic school,(时间状语) he retured to India,and (并列两句主句) he suddenly felt a strong desire wo write………………第二句From about AD 700to 1600,sculptors created nearly 1000 colassal rock statues on the remote and tiny Easter Island此句话是正确的,必须使用一般过去时过去完成时(had done)的使用情景是“过去的过去”,即一句话中出现了两个明显的时间先后,那么“先”的那个动词必须使用过去完成时,例如:He had finished his task before returning home.千万不要从中文去理解过去完成时,不要单纯地把它翻译成“做了”。过去完成时在英语中的使用是非常少的
2023-07-20 06:07:463


西安兵马俑 Museum of Terra Cotta Warriors; 兵马俑 [名] Terra-Cotta Warriors; Terracotta Army; Terra Cotta Warriors; terra-cotta figures; [例句]我想去西安和桂林。我想去看看兵马俑和阳朔的山。I"d like to go to Xi"anGuilin. I want to see the Terra Cotta Warriorsthe mountains of Yangshuo.
2023-07-20 06:07:573

关于名胜古迹介绍的英语作文 高中的120到150词就好了..

The Great Wall of China: The Great Wall of China continues to attract millions of visitors from around the world.Many parts of this wall have been restored recently.Even then,certain parts are in a dilapidated condition.This wall was mainly built to prevent attacks from the Xiongu dynasty.It was continuously rebuilt and underwent maintenance particularly during the 6th century the 16th century.This wall extends to a length of over 6,400 km!There are many areas of interest along the Great Wall of China such as the North Pass,the West Pass etc. Forbidden City: The Forbidden City is yet another famous place in China.This imperial place was built during the period of 1406 to 1420.Today,the Forbidden City holds the Palace Museum.This place also has some collections that are highly prized and valuable.The Palace Museum has a beautiful collection of over 340,000 pieces of ceramics as well as porcelain.Apart from this,there are some exquisite artworks and bronze work that dates back to the Shang Dynasty.It also includes over 30,000 pieces in jade from the Ming and Qing Dynasty. Dazu Rock Carvings: Listed as one of the UNESCO World Heritage Site,the Dazu rock carvings are a series of some exquisite works of religious significance.These exquisitely carved sculptures were carved in the 7th century A.D.The Dazu rock carvings are located in the Dazu County on a steep hillside.This place includes 75 sites and it contains over 50,000 beautiful statues.All these works have a deep meaning and are influenced by various cultural beliefs. Summer Palace: The Summer Palace is a beautiful palace that is located in Beijing,China.The Summer Palace is also on the UNESCO World Heritage Site list!The beautiful landscape design and the exquisite architecture are a few reasons why this place is so popular and revered.This beautiful structure can be accessed from various areas of Beijing. Mount Tai: Mount Tai has great significance and is one amongst the many famous places in China.It is located on the northern side of Tai"an.This place is known to have beautiful species of trees that are also of religious significance.At the foot of Mount Tai,one can see the Temple of the God of Mount Tai.This is also known as the Dai Miao or the Dai Temple built during the Qin Dynasty. 随便选个把
2023-07-20 06:08:321


尼斯湖水怪 LOCH NESS MONSTER large aquatic animal supposed to resemble a serpent or plesiosaur of a lake in the Scottish highlands; the lake is the largest body of fresh water in Great Britain 狮身人面像 SPHINX one of a number of large stone statues with the body of a lion and the head of a man that were built by the ancient Egyptians 英国巨石阵 STONEHENGE An assemblage of upright stones with others placed horizontally on their tops, on Salisbury Plain, England, -- generally supposed to be the remains of an ancient Druidical temple. 恐龙dinosaur any of numerous extinct terrestrial reptiles of the Mesozoic era 麦田怪圈Crop Circles in a cornfield full with corns,no one knows when suffering a night, all the corns in the cornfield are in the shape of a cirle 纳斯卡线条Nazca Lines south Peru, Nazca district,exists a riddle,a line extends about several kilometers, composes all kinds of lively designs 复活节岛EASTER ISLAND马丘比Machu Picchu楼兰古国Site of Ancient Loulan City兵马俑Terra-Cotta Warriorsin Qin dynasty,a hard unglazed brownish-red earthenware warriors
2023-07-20 06:08:534


Location: datong Shanxi ProvinceHistory: built in the northern wei dynasty period, is the world famous art treasuresThe current situation: in recent years, a large number of industrial dust (dust) attached to the stone surface and eroding the ancient figure of Buddha in one thousand (Buddha statues)Advice: take measures to protect the grottoes, such as moving pollution of the factory, and the stone built around the glass walls, make the grottoes in appearance to look brand-new
2023-07-20 06:09:042


2023-07-20 06:09:123


四个网址可供参考 Confucius Temple Confucius, China"s legendary sage, has lost. The advocate of respect, restraint and order is now associated in Nanjingers" minds with one thing--shopping! Centered around the ancient Confucius Temple (Fuzi Miao), this neighborhood in southern Nanjing is the place to be on weekends and holidays. Clothing shops and restaurants dominate the main streets (closed to vehicular traffic) while street stalls in the alleyways sell stuffed animals, plants, CDs and even more clothes. The daily night market brings these stalls out onto Gongyuan Lu, the main drag between the Confucius Temple and Pingjiang Fu Lu, a lively scene even if most of the goods on sale are simple household items. Try the yuanxiao, jelly-filled dumplings whose round shape and sweet taste symbolize happiness and harmony. Tourists not interested in bringing a cactus and cheap hangers back home as reminders of their trip to Nanjing can load up on souvenirs at shops clustered closer to the Confucius Temple complex. In addition to the usual selection of jade goodies, teapots and paintings, vendors display yu hua shi, multicolored rocks special to Nanjing. Although some believe the colors come from Chinese blood spilled during the upheavals of Nanjing"s tumultuous history that then seeped into the local rock, the more commonly accepted (and nicer) story goes that a Buddhist scholar who preached in the hills of southern Nanjing so moved the gods that they showered flowers down from the heavens in praise. Upon touching the ground, these heavenly flowers transformed into the multicolored pebbles. With all the garish consumerism on display outside, it"s little wonder that the actual Confucius Temple is the quietest place in the neighborhood. The temple was first constructed in 1034 during the Song Dynasty to complement the Jiangnan Examination School (see below), where the imperial examinations were administered. Scholars came to the temple to pray for success and demonstrate their humble respect for Confucius. Burnt down and rebuilt several times, the current structure dates from after World War Two. Its traditional sweeping eaves give the architecture a Ming and Qing flavor. The temple"s most outstanding feature is a beautiful collection of 36 jade panels detailing the Sage"s life (551-479 BC)hanging on the walls of the main hall. Based on the famous set of Ming period paintings titled "Pictures of the Sage"s Traces," each panel measures about two meters in height and one meter in width. These panels, however, are new, donated by a local company in 1998. Fuzi Miao is perhaps at its best around the time of the Lantern Festival (fifteen days after the Lunar New Year), when a special exhibit of multi-sized and multi-colored lanterns themed around the twelve animals of the lunar cycle lend a festive air to the temple.If you think that your long, cramped flight to China was some form of torture, a visit to the Exhibition of the History of the Jiangnan Examination School (Jiangnan Gongyuan), should set your mind at ease. Founded in 1168 (the Song Dynasty), the school was used to administer the rigorous civil service exams used to choose officials during China"s imperial age. At the height of its prosperity, the complex contained 20,644 examination cells, each just one square meter in area. Candidates spent a total of nine days in their cell--the wooden desk plank turned into a bed at night--without the freedom to leave. Success was rare as only 200 of the 20,000 candidates passed. The modern exhibit contains forty examination cells plus a small museum that claims to be the only specialized museum in China dedicated to the imperial examination system. Unfortunately, all the explanations are in Chinese. The exhibit is a short walk east of the Confucius Temple at 1 Jinling Lu.
2023-07-20 06:09:392


颐和园 the Summer Palace故宫 the Imperial Palace紫禁城 the Forbidden City香山公园 Xiangshan Park天安门广场 Tian"anmen Square人民英雄纪念碑 Monument of the People"s Heroes长城 the Great Wall人民大会堂 the Great Hall of the People人民英雄纪念碑 Monument to the People"s Heros天坛 Temple of Heaven故宫博物院 the Palace Museumt布达拉宫 Potala Palace
2023-07-20 06:10:024


问题一:英语游记怎么写。 问点有深度的问题 哈哈! 问题二:英语游记范文500字 I went to the Children"s Park with my parents last weekend. The park is in the south of our city, covering an area of 500 mu. Entering the park you can see statues of children in different races, hand in hand, which is the symbol of the world peace. In the middle is a lake, around which are all kinds of trees and flowers. There are many boats on the lake and some children are boating happily. To the south of the lake is a hill with a lot of monkeys on it. The Children"s Palace lies to the east, in which all kinds of exhibitions are on show. To the west of the lake is a place for children to play, where there are many recreational facilities. We had a very good time at the Children"s Park. 1 我不知道你在哪个城市哦,所以不知道儿童公园是在你们城市的哪个方位,根据需要你自己替换东西南北吧 2 也不知道你们城市的儿童公园占地多少亩,你可以在网上查一下,把那个数字替换了 问题三:告一下英语游记怎么写(不要太长)谢谢! Part(1) My cousin and I traveled across Canada by train from west to east. We saw many things on the way across. On the fourth day around noon, we arrived in Toronto. 第一段:简单介绍旅游报告的主题及你所去的地方.Who, when where, how… Part (2) Located in the northwestern shore of Lake Ontario, Toronto is known as the biggest and most wealthy city of Canada. In the afternoon, we went up the CN Tower, which is the world"s tallest building and one of the modern wonders of Canada. We also enjoyed the beautiful and charming Niagara Falls by the side of the Lake Ontario. And around dusk, we enjoyed good Cantonese food in the China Town. 第二段:按顺序列出所见所闻. Facts and information about the city Part (3) The train left for Montreal late that night. But we were unwilling to leave Toronto, one of the most livable and fashionable cities in the world. 第三段:对旅游的总结,抒发感情. 问题四:游记开头怎么写 英文的 森林公园游记 今天,我和爸爸,妈妈一起到森林公园去玩,那里的景色可美丽了! 一进公园,就看见有一块石碑,上面写着:生态森林公园。在石碑后面有一片草地,草地绿油油的,踩上去软绵绵的。这里,有人在草地上野餐,有人在和朋友做游戏,有人则静静地躺在那儿闭目养神或欣赏着蓝天白云。 Today, I and the daddy, mother go to Forest Park to play, where the scenery is beautiful! In the park, I saw a stone, writing above: ecological Forest Park. In the stone behind a piece of grass, grass green, step up soft. Here, a piic on the grass, with people playing games with friends, someone is lying there quietly close your eyes or enjoying the blue sky white clouds. 问题五:英语嵊泗游记怎么写? Last sunday. I and my father, mother, grandparents, brother went to Shengsi by bus. In the morning we came down the mountain. I saw wooded mountains, wild flowers bloom. We climb up the hill along the mountain path. e halfway up the mountain, I feel a little tired,it began to rain,My West Lake silk umbrella missed,. Dad said to me,“Jane, don"t do anything halfway.”at last,So I insisted reached the top, the top of the scenery so beautiful.We were flying kites, I was thirsty, my mother bought me a bottle of water, .finally we went home.finally,Since then, I"ve kept the umbrella。i was very happ 问题六:五年级水平的英语游记,四至五句怎么写? yesterday is sunday,our family go to the museum,we saw so many beautiful things,we are so happy i love them 问题七:真佛山英语游记怎么写 Travel notes for ZhenFo mountains.
2023-07-20 06:10:461

城隍庙 英语简介 70字左右

The City God Temple of Shanghai (Chinese:城隍庙; pinyin:Chénghuángmiào) [1] is a temple in the old city of Shanghai,China,and is today the central feature of a large retail and entertainment district.The temple is colloquially known in Shanghai as the "Old City God Temple",in reference to a later,"New City God Temple" which no longer exists. History Regardless of size,many walled cities in ancient China contained a temple dedicated to one or more immortal or god as the spirit(s) or protector(s) of the city. The City God Temple in Shanghai originated as the Jinshan God Temple,dedicated to the spirit of Jinshan,or "Gold Mountain",an island off the coast of Shanghai.It was converted into a City God Temple in 1403,during the Yongle era of the Ming dynasty. During the Qing Dynasty,the temple grew popular.Residents of the old city as well as nearby areas visited the temple to pray for good fortune and peace.The temple reached its largest extent in the Daoguang era.The popularity of the temple also led to many business to be set up in the area,turning the surrounding streets into a busy marketplace. In 1951,the Board of Trustees of the City God Temple was dissolved,and the temple was handed over to the Shanghai Taoist Association that converted it into a Taoist center.The institution made changes to the temple,removing statues representing folk Underworld personalities such as Yama,the judge of the dead,and placing an emphasis on Taoist spirituality instead. During the Cultural Revolution,the temple was closed down and used for other purposes.For many years,the main hall was a jewellery shop.In 1994,the temple was restored to its former use as a temple,with resident Taoist priests.The Temple,together with nearby Yuyuan Garden and the surrounding streets,are now part of a large pedestrian zone dedicated to restaurants and retail. The present structure was re-built in the 1930s during the Republic of China era in the traditional style,following two fires that destroyed the building.The main halls,however,are built with reinforced concrete. A second complete restoration took place between 2005 and 2006.In October 2006 the place of worship was reopened and reconsecrated by Taoist clergymen.[2] 注:不是用软件翻译的,不用担心了
2023-07-20 06:10:541

用there be 句型介绍校园(不少于6句)!急求……!!

There are some statues of leading personalities on my campus. There are a splendid auditorium and a cafeteria.Whenever we have an important ceremony or meeting,we hold it in the auditorium. The cafeteria is our favorite place. We can eat there. We can even study over the night there. There are a couple of classroom buildings with kinds of students in it. There are also apartment buildings. We have chest of drawers, desks, chairs and some other furniture in our dormitory. There is a big playground for us to play basketball,football and some other activities. There are many knowledgeable and academic professors stepping back and forth,and they make us wiser. There are also many beautiful flowers and big trees on the campus.
2023-07-20 06:11:155


<Night at the Museum>is a wonderful film.Everyone can have fun.It"s better to see with your family. Now let me give you an intersting summary:In New York, the unemployed divorced Larry Daley is a complete loser. His son Nick is very disappointed with his father that is gong to be evicted, and Larry accepts the job of night watchman in the Museum of Natural History as the substituted for three old security guards that have just retired to raise some money and pay his bills. In his first nightshift, Larry realizes that everything at the museum comes to life at night. The Museum transforms in a complete chaos with the inexperienced Larry, and he learns that since an old Egyptian stone came to the Museum in 1950, the was statues comes to life until dawn. When Larry brings his son to spend a night with him, the three old guards break in the Museum to stole the magic stone. Larry organizes the historic characters to help him to arrest the criminals and save the museum. I still remember the film for some reason.One the one hand I went to see the film with my family in spring festvial.We have a get-together.One the other hand,I like the story.As for this film, I thought it was really cute. So take your family to see this movie. Their imagination will go wild and they might even be curious to go to a history museum afterwards.
2023-07-20 06:11:443


iyu巨大打击的的的登 过voj5就看开机后就去玩气味儿童与iop健康4tvjovij4g噢诶参加哦覅阿百川蛋糕粉
2023-07-20 06:11:555


1. 英文作文要求:介绍一个你觉的最好玩的公园,公园里面的环境,星期 I went to the Children"s Park with my parents last weekend. The park is in the south of our city, covering an area of 500 mu. Entering the park you can see statues of children in different races, hand in hand, which is the symbol of the world peace. In the middle is a lake, around which are all kinds of trees and flowers. There are many boats on the lake and some children are boating happily. To the south of the lake is a hill with a lot of monkeys on it. The Children"s Palace lies to the east, in which all kinds of exhibitions are on show. To the west of the lake is a place for children to play, where there are many recreational facilities. We had a very good time at the Children"s Park. 中文翻译: 上个周末我和父母一起到儿童公园玩,这个公园在我们所在的城市南边,面积有500亩。一进入公园就能看到不同肤色的儿童雕像,他们手拉手,象征着世界和平。公园里有个湖,周围生长着各种美丽的花草和树木。湖里还有很多小船,小朋友们在湖中快乐地划着船。在儿童公园的东部还有很多的展览,引人注目,吸引许多小朋友观看。我和父母都玩得很开心,我们很享受那个美好的周末。 希望采纳,谢谢。 2. 一篇写公园的英语作文 There is a park called the "Natural Park" in my city.It"s very big and very beautiful.There are many nice flowers and green trees in the park.The air in the park is very fresh.I like to go to the park in the morning with my parents.We all like running slowly in the morning.The park has many attractions,just like a *** all amusement park.So on the weekends,many families enjoy going to the park to have a great time.译文:在我的城市里有一个叫“自然公园”的公园。 它很大并且十分漂亮。在公园里有许多美丽的花和绿树。 公园里的空气十分新鲜。我喜欢和我的父母在早上一起去公园。 我们都喜欢在早晨慢跑。公园有许多有吸引力的事物,就像一个小游乐园。 所以在周末,许多家庭都很喜欢到这个公园享受美好时光。(84个单词。 作文译文皆为原创。)。 3. 怎么用英语介绍一个公园 Park, is the open space of urban sustainable development, ecological infrastructure is necessary to the health of the people. It is the heart of the city, busy people can relax themselves in their spare time, they can also take some exercise which is good for their health. You can have nice feelings here because the scenery is wonderful and the air is fresh. In park,you just as a bird,a free bird.望采纳,谢谢。 4. 用英语写一篇介绍一个公园的文章,5到8句就行 5年级.0.0. There has a beautiful park near my home. There are tall trees and different kinds of flower in the park. Some children play with there parents and laughing loudly. I really like this park. 编不出来了,小学生词汇还不多啊。你在介绍点蓝天啥的,什么the sky is blue 什么的 5. 用英语描写一个公园,怎么写 I"d like totalk about “ZhongshanPark”, which is located in the western part of mycity, just alongside the moat. It is a lovely park,more than 50 species of trees and flowers are grown in it. This park is at its best from May to July, when all the trees are green and all the flowers are in full bloom.As for me, I usually go jogging in the morning and take a stroll in the evening with my parents. This park is always peaceful and lively. In the morning,you can see teenagers doing morning reading and elderly people playing TaiChi gracefully.You can also see some people singing and dancing, while others playing badminton.When dark falls, you can see many young lovers whispering under the tree or chatting with each other sitting on the grassland. And some old couples walk together in the sunset,hand in hand,shoulder by shoulder. Everytime when I see the scene, I would dream of my Mr.Right.Hope in the future,we can also hold each other"s hand and grow old together。 6. 用英文写你在公园的作文 Today, I went to a beautiful park. That didn"t impress me because I wanted to play but in this park, there is no fun equipments. Instead, eldery sat watching the goose swimming in the lakes. The trees moved their leaves under the bright shining sun. The only "fun" equipment in this park is an exercise object where you go on and move your legs and arms. Since it is the only "fun" thing, that is what I played. After a long time of "playing", I went and sat on a bench to view the mountains beside. They looked really natural and lively. Finally, after a long time sitting on the bench, my parents came to pick me up from this park which I really disliked. It is not a memorable day at all if I didn"t write this piece of homework. 7. 用英语描写一个公园,怎么写 I"d like totalk about “ZhongshanPark”, which is located in the western part of mycity, just alongside the moat. It is a lovely park,more than 50 species of trees and flowers are grown in it. This park is at its best from May to July, when all the trees are green and all the flowers are in full bloom.As for me, I usually go jogging in the morning and take a stroll in the evening with my parents. This park is always peaceful and lively. In the morning,you can see teenagers doing morning reading and elderly people playing TaiChi gracefully.You can also see some people singing and dancing, while others playing badminton. When dark falls, you can see many young lovers whispering under the tree or chatting with each other sitting on the grassland. And some old couples walk together in the sunset,hand in hand,shoulder by shoulder. Everytime when I see the scene, I would dream of my Mr.Right. Hope in the future,we can also hold each other"s hand and grow old together. 8. 请写一篇关于公园的英语作文 This afternoon I went to the park which was built recently near my home.The air was quite fresh and brids sang happyly. Some children were playing on the swings. Some were reading books on the chairs, others were flying kites.What a lovely place!。
2023-07-20 06:12:131

英语新概念第三册,第三课,题的问题:为什么是女神? 答案说是因为是在the most sacred room发现的

问题:How did the archaeologists know that the statue was a goddess? 考古学家怎么知道雕像是个女神?答案:In the most sacred room of the temple, clay fragments of fifteen statues were found. Each of them represented a goddess....在庙中最神圣的一间殿堂里发现了15尊陶制雕像的碎片。每一尊雕像代表一位女神...... (由此确定文章中描述的这一个雕像是“女神”)
2023-07-20 06:12:341


The Terracotta Warriors and Horses
2023-07-20 06:12:453

阅读理解。 The British Museum is the big?

1-5 DBADC,1,阅读理解。 The British Museum is the biggest museum in the world. Inside, you feel *** aller than usual. There are many things to see. The story of the British Museum goes back three hundred years to one unusual man, Sir Hans Sloane, doctor to King George II. The doctor collected books, drawings, clothes, money, animals, flowers, things from all over the world. The doctor wanted everything to stay together when he died, so that people could e and have a look. The British Museum began. King George II gave his library, and the museum started to grow. The British Museum opened in 1759, six years after Sir Hans Sloane died. At first the museum was only open three days a week and only ten people could enter in an hour. There wasn"t much time to see things. Visitors had to run though the rooms. By about 1800, things began to get better. Wonderful statues, three thousand years old, arrived from Egypt. King George IV sold all his books to the museum secretly. A hundred years ago not only old books but also new ones arrived at the museum, and more people came to read them. Since them many famous men have written and studied there. And the library is growing faster and faster. There are four kilometers of new shelves every year and there are about two million visitors every year. 1. Sir Hans Sloane was interested in ______. A. collecting all kinds of books B. collecting all kinds of drawings C. collecting all kinds of money D. collecting all kinds of things 2. When you go inside the British Museum, you feel *** aller than usual because ______. A. the museum is empty B. the museum is very big C. there are too many things in it D. you are too *** all 3. Sir Hans Sloane died ______. A. in 1753 B. in 1759 C. in 1765 D. in 1800 4. At first, the visitors had to run through the museum because ______. A. there are only several things to see B. the museum was the biggest one in the world C. they were not interested in the things in it D. they had only one hour to see all the things in it 5. The passage is mainly about ______. A. Sir Hans Sloane B. George II C. the history of British Museum D. the books in the museum
2023-07-20 06:13:191


uman effort. Temples and statues decay, but books survive. Time is of no account with
2023-07-20 06:13:282


In December 2008, the grand opening of commercial culture street, hardware industry in jieyang city land million dongshan invested a large commercial and cultural project, the construction of the 1,000 meters, have leisure shopping mall walking street, the traditional cultures of jieyang with statues of modern landscape with concentrated form of perfect combination of street, fully embodies rich traditional lingnan architecture style, extremely jieyang GuYi cultural characteristics.
2023-07-20 06:13:364


I always love to go to the park with my friends and family. The park is a great place to relax, spend time with loved ones, and enjoy the beauty of nature. Here"s a sample essay about going to the park:In my opinion, going to the park is one of the best things that can be done in a day. When you arrive at the park, you are greeted by the beautiful scenery of trees, flowers, and grass. You can enjoy a picnic, play outdoor games, or simply relax on a blanket with your friends.In the park, you can also find different types of activities to do. You can play篮球,足球,或玩各种游戏。 You can also enjoy walking, running, or taking a骑自行车。 You can also find a beautiful spot to rest and serenity.Another benefit of going to the park is that it helps you to reduce stress. When you spend time in nature, you get a feeling of calmness and contentment. It also helps you to be more physically active and healthy.In conclusion, going to the park is a great way to relax, spend time with loved ones, and enjoy the beauty of nature. It is a great place to make memories and create a happy time.
2023-07-20 06:14:171

well noted with thanks 和received with thanks 哪个适用于下级对上级

ples and statues decay, but
2023-07-20 06:14:254