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谁知道stumble across,Golden Fleece,samose,schwarma怎么解释

2023-07-20 10:08:37

stumble across (类似新视野中学的come across)

偶然发现 happen to discover sth./accidentally discover sth.

Golden Fleece

n.Greek Mythology (名词)【希腊神话】

The fleece of the golden ram, stolen by Jason and the Argonauts from the king of Colchis.


samose 应该是人名或食物名,还不是英译名

schwarma 又不是英译名,某种中东食品

A wrap done by Middle Eastern street vendors.

* 回复内容中包含的链接未经审核,可能存在风险,暂不予完整展示!


Golden Fleece






stumble[英][u02c8stu028cmbl][美][u02c8stu028cmbu0259l]vi.跌跌撞撞地走,蹒跚; 结巴; 弄错,失足; 偶然碰见; n.绊脚,失足; 差错,失误; 过失,失败; 第三人称单数:stumbles过去分词:stumbled现在进行时:stumbling过去式:stumbled例句:1.Which economy will be the first to stumble on its problems? 哪个经济体将是头一个在自己的问题上栽跟头的?2.Here"s the scenario I see: china"s economy will stumble under a real estate bubble. 我的预测是:中国经济将在房地产泡沫的压力下重挫。
2023-07-20 04:44:511


stumble 英[u02c8stu028cmbl]美[u02c8stu028cmbu0259l]vi. 跌跌撞撞地走,蹒跚; 结巴; 弄错,失足; 偶然碰见;n. 绊脚,失足; 差错,失误; 过失,失败;[例句]He stumbled and almost fell他差点被绊倒。[其他] 第三人称单数:stumbles 现在分词:stumbling 过去式:stumbled 过去分词:stumbled
2023-07-20 04:45:001

英语分别怎么说 。。。 被绊倒 。 绊倒某人 。

be tripedtrip sb.
2023-07-20 04:45:102

stumble 后面接什么介词

2023-07-20 04:46:085


22.Bstumble over:被...绊倒她被一块石头绊倒了。23.Astumble over:结结巴巴地说他每句话都说得结结巴巴的。24.Dstumble onto:偶然遇见 有时我们会偶然遇见熟人。
2023-07-20 04:46:342

英语翻译【失足】 lose one"s footing; to slip; to trip; to stumble; to miss one"s take a wrong step in life3.a trip; a slip; a stumble; a false step
2023-07-20 04:46:453


2023-07-20 04:46:537

sometimes we do just stumble onto an important find when doing field research.

有时候我们是在实地研究的时候有一些重要的发现。stumble和on ,upon,onto连用常表示偶然遇到偶然发现
2023-07-20 04:47:251

stumble across 、upon、 on 的区别

都可以表示 偶遇,恰好碰到的意思,upon是on的书面用语形式:I was hoping I"d stumble across the key to your heart.我希望我偶然发现了你的心灵的钥匙I didn"t stumble on books I liked until my second pregnancy.直到我第二次怀孕的时候我才偶然遇到我喜欢的书。Sometimes you stumble upon an even better idea.有时候你会偶然发现一个更好的主意。但是stumble across/upon则多专门指 偶遇,邂逅,偶然发现,而stumble on有时候也有 绊倒 的意思例句:Which economy will be the first to stumble on its problems?那么谁会首先被问题绊倒呢?
2023-07-20 04:47:331

stumble across是什么意思

v. 偶然发现
2023-07-20 04:47:422

stumble over是什么意思

stumble over 英[u02c8stu028cmbl u02c8u0259uvu0259] 美[u02c8stu028cmbu0259l u02c8ovu025a] [词典] 给…绊倒,结结巴巴地说; [网络] 结结巴巴地说; 结巴; [例句]Number of times winners will take out crumpled, handwritten notes and stumbleover their acceptance speeches: 5.得奖人拿出褶皱的,手写的小纸条,颤微微地念出获奖感言的次数:5次。
2023-07-20 04:48:331


stumbling 英["stu0259mblu026au014b] 美["stu0259mblu026au014b] adj. 摇摇晃晃或跌跌撞撞的; v. 绊脚; (不顺畅地) 说( stumble的现在分词 ); 跌跌撞撞地走; (说话、演奏等) 出错; [例句]His stumbling attempts at colloquial Russian amused her.他结结巴巴地学说俄语,把她逗乐了。
2023-07-20 04:48:401


2023-07-20 04:48:591


有两种方法:1、输入IP地址联机  玩家登录游戏后选择双人模式,点击创建房间后把IP地址发给好友,让好友点击加入房间,然后输入房间IP,即可成功联机。  2、局域网联机  玩家登录游戏,选择双人模式创建房间,让联机好友连接同一个网络后,点击加入房间,找到局域网下创建的房间后加入即可。扩展资料:Stumble Guys联机版特色:1、在这个游戏中有很多的竞技关卡,每一个关卡都是可以给到玩家不同的体验的。2、每次关卡中都是会淘汰掉很多的角色的,而玩家要保证自己能够不被淘汰掉。3、超多的竞技关卡能够让我们感受到竞技的乐趣,让我们在竞技中加深彼此感情。Stumble Guys联机版优势:1、游戏关卡多多趣味十足,闯关冒险的乐趣是无穷的,玩家可以痛快自在玩不停。2、上线签到就能够领取丰厚的游戏奖励,利用游戏道具闯关冒险的快感和乐趣是无穷的。3、游戏商城里面的各种道具和皮肤都是可以直接使用游戏里面的金币购买直接使用。
2023-07-20 04:49:061


2023-07-20 04:49:161

与stumble on同意的词组,还有什么?

stumble upon
2023-07-20 04:49:324


名称 : 横、 竖钩、 提、 点、 横、 撇折、 撇折
2023-07-20 04:49:394

警示牌 小心摔倒 英文说成BE CAREFUL OF STUMBLE 正确吗?

其实警示牌应该以简洁为主吧,而且小心摔倒好像也不常用,多的是小心地滑之类的,可以说成Caution wet floor
2023-07-20 04:49:475

wisely , and slow . they stumble that run fast 是什么意思啊? 字面上翻译的好糊涂.

字面意思是:明智并慢慢地进行,跑得快的会被绊倒的. 大概是枪打出头鸟,慢工才能出细活,不要太慌张,要有条不紊地进行的意思.
2023-07-20 04:50:011


1. 摔的英语怎么说 不完全是介词,用副词的时候多,fall over 脸朝下跌倒fall down 失去平衡而跌倒(另有未能达到预想的目的而失败的意思)fall out of 从。 掉下来cast oneself 摔到在地上slip down 失足/无意中滑倒stumble over (介词)被。绊倒,如 stumble over a stone 被石头绊倒 wrestle down 把别人摔倒例如: * He stumble over a stone and fell himself over.他被一块石头绊倒,脸朝下摔倒在地上。 * The thief fell down onto the ground as he ran away. 小偷逃跑时摔倒在地。 * The driver fell(或者cast himself)out of the cab when the traffic accident happened. 车祸发生时司机从驾驶室摔了出来 。 2. 英语,我摔了一跟头 怎么说 英语来,我摔源了一跟头百 怎么说??度I was stumbled to fall down to the ground I had a fall to the ground because of a stumble I plunged myself to the ground because of losing my balance I was flung to the ground due to absence of myc balance I fell down to the ground by an inadvertent stumble. Losing my bodily balance, I got /caught a big fall on the ground
2023-07-20 04:50:071

大乡野合唱团的《The Storm》 歌词

歌曲名:The Storm歌手:大乡野合唱团专辑:One In A MillionLook I can"t watch youSleep-walking through thisShould we find another partyI"m not shining tonight just radioactiveYou have carbonated my bloodstreamWhen I stumbleIt will be under your spell, at your commandAnd when I stumbleIt will be into your handToo much passion we wasteIn just trying to get it right one timeWith our clothes on we"re braveAnd mummified and out of sightWhen I stumbleIt will be under your spell, at your commandAnd when I stumbleIt will be into your handCan it beCan it be the storm has passedCan it beCan it be the storm has passedCan it beI"m not finished yet, I"m under constructionYou can peek behind the curtain if you wantYou watch, don"t stopMy reputation"s shotI just wanted to get it rightCan it be the storm has passedCan it beCan it be the storm has passedCan it be the storm has passed
2023-07-20 04:51:371

求西城男孩的try again的歌词~~~~~

歌曲:try again 歌手:westlife 专辑:《westlife》try againhush now don"t you cry there will be a better day i promise you we can work it outbut only if you let me know what"s on your mind baby, i thought it was forever through any kind of weather but some day you will find what your searching for try again never stop believing try again don"t give up on your love stumble and fall its the heart of it all when you fall down (down)just try again so, lie down, let it go hey, you will never be alone i promise you if you can"t fight the feeling (oh yeah)surrender in your heart remember love will set you free baby, i thought it was foreveryou would always be togetherbut some day you will find what you"re searching for try againnever stop believingtry againdon"t give up on your lovestumble and fallits the heart of it allwhen you fall down (down)just try againbaby when a heart is crying its sometimes feels like dying the tear drops fall like rainbaby, i thought it was forever you would always be together but some day you will find what you"re searching fortry againnever stop believingtry againdon"t give up on your love try againnever stop believingtry againdon"t give up on your love stumble and fallits the heart of it allwhen you fall down just try again
2023-07-20 04:51:454


A: What"s the news on our website? How effective do you think it is from a marketing standpoint? B: We"ve been able to survey and track some of the information of our website users through some cookie technology and it"s surprising to see the results. A: What kinds of hits are we getting on our pany"s website? B: From the numbers it seems nearly half of the visitors who stumble onto our page pick up the link not from neork browsers or search engines but from our circular insert. That means our consumers are purposefully and actively seeking information about our products and services through the web format. Based on these findings I am pletely convinced the inter is the marketing power of the future! A: You really think that many people turn to the inter to find product about the old standbys of word mouth and print media? B: Well these mediums are still important.... they aren"t a thing of the I think they might be less important now than in the past. The technology age has arrived! 来源:恒星英语-口语频道 standpoint:a point of view or way of thinking about ideas or situations 立场;观点 See also: perspective Synonym a modern/political/theoretical standpoint 现代╱政治╱理论观点 He is writing from the standpoint of someone who knows what life is like in prison. 他从一个了解监狱生活的人的立场写作。 stumble across/on/upon something/somebody to discover something/somebody unexpectedly 意外发现;偶然遇见 Police have stumbled across a huge drugs ring. 警方无意中发现一个庞大的贩毒集团。 standby:a person or thing that can always be used if needed for example if somebody/something else is not available or if there is an emergency 后备人员;备用物品 I always keep a pizza in the freezer as a standby. 我总会在冰箱里放一个比萨饼应急。 a standby electricity generator 备用发电机 来源:恒星英语-口语频道
2023-07-20 04:51:521

In a small mounitain,have a shack on the slope,you can see a man slash the timber,and a cub squirrel

按顺序 is3.you之前加 where4.slash---slashing5.carefull--carefully6.wiggle--wiggled7make--making 8.Than--Then 9jump--jumped10.stumble--stumbling受不了,现在还有这种题目?
2023-07-20 04:51:592

大乡野合唱团的《The Storm》 歌词

歌曲名:The Storm歌手:大乡野合唱团专辑:Come Up Screaming CD1Look I can"t watch youSleep-walking through thisShould we find another partyI"m not shining tonight just radioactiveYou have carbonated my bloodstreamWhen I stumbleIt will be under your spell, at your commandAnd when I stumbleIt will be into your handToo much passion we wasteIn just trying to get it right one timeWith our clothes on we"re braveAnd mummified and out of sightWhen I stumbleIt will be under your spell, at your commandAnd when I stumbleIt will be into your handCan it beCan it be the storm has passedCan it beCan it be the storm has passedCan it beI"m not finished yet, I"m under constructionYou can peek behind the curtain if you wantYou watch, don"t stopMy reputation"s shotI just wanted to get it rightCan it be the storm has passedCan it beCan it be the storm has passedCan it be the storm has passed
2023-07-20 04:52:061


A stumble may prevent a fall,Shu Huaigu,Densely packed,Don"t start a new life in Myanmar.
2023-07-20 04:52:153

no stranger to shame 歌词

歌曲名:no stranger to shame歌手:Uncle Kracker专辑:No Stranger To ShameI"m no stranger to shameI"ve got little to blameYou sent for me and so I cameI"ll come runnin" when you call my nameCuz I"m no stranger, I"m no stranger to shameI said I"m no stranger, I"m no stranger to shameI might stagger and I might swayI might stutter just a bit but that"s okI"m not walkin" too good that"s trueI got a broke ass limp that"ll pull me thoughI might appear to be a pile of ragsUncle KrackerBut I"m a stack of hundreds in a paper bagI"ve been around this world and backI made a million bucks and put it all on blackSo if you see me stumble you don"t have to look awayIt"s not the first time, not the lastYou can leave me where I lay, becauseSo if you see me stumble you don"t have to look awayIt"s not the first time, not the lastYou can leave me where I lay, becauseI"ve been known to wake up in some dirty placesThe sun only shines on deserving facesThe mind erases, forgets the starsSee each and every city has corner barThat"s where I am in a world so grimSee I"m priceless in a class of my ownI used to stay out late but now I don"t go homeSo if you see me stumble you don"t have to look awayIt"s not the first time, not the lastYou can leave me where I lay, becauseHow do you feel when the birds are chirpin"When your in bed and everybody is workin"Are you down with the non believersMake the slackers look like over achieversThe dogs scratchin" on the door againThe cat"s out but he don"t wanna come inYou got a bed and you got a floorBut the couch is closer to your front doorSo if you see me stumble you don"t have to look awayIt"s not the first time, not the lastYou can leave me where I lay, because
2023-07-20 04:52:331


2023-07-20 04:52:553

要If I Could Fly的歌词,要带中文翻译的

帮你找到了歌词:No fear, no painNobody left to blameI"ll try aloneMake destiny my ownI learn to free my mindMyself I now must findOnce more, once moreIf I could flyLike the king of the skyCould not tumble nor fallI would picture it allIf I could flySee the world through my eyesWould not stumble nor failTo the heavens I sailSo here I amIn solitude I standI"ve got dreams insideI need to realizeMy faith has grownNo fear of the unknownNo more, no moreIf I could flyLike the king of the skyCould not tumble nor fallI would picture it allIf I could flySee the world through my eyesWould not stumble nor failI could revage my jailIf I could, if I could, flyIf I could, if I could, flyIf I could, If I could flyLike the king of the skyCould not tumble nor fallI would picture it allIf I could flySee the world through my eyesWould not stumble or failI could revage my jailIf I could fly翻译成中文:没有恐惧,没有疼痛 没有人离开咎由自取 我会尝试单独 使我自己的命运 我学习到免费我心目中 我自己我现在必须找到 再次,一旦更多 如果我能飞 像国王的天空 不能倒下,也不属于 我想它的所有图片 如果我能飞 看世界,透过我的眼睛 不会蹒跚,也没有失败 向老天爷i启航 所以我在这里 在孤独的我站在 我已经得到梦想的内 我要实现 我的信仰增长 没有恐惧未知 没有更多的,没有更多的 如果我能飞 像国王的天空 不能倒下,也不属于 我想它的所有图片 如果我能飞 看世界,透过我的眼睛 不会蹒跚,也没有失败 我可以revage我的监狱 如果我可以,如果我可以飞 如果我可以,如果我可以飞 如果我可以,如果我能飞 像国王的天空 不能倒下,也不属于 我想它的所有图片 如果我能飞 看世界,透过我的眼睛 不会蹒跚或失败 我可以revage我的监狱 如果我能飞
2023-07-20 04:53:021


[ti:i try][ar:macy gray]i trysung by "macy gray"games, changes and fearswhen will they go from herewhen will they stopi belive that fate has brought us hereand we should be together babebut we"re noti play it off, but i"m dreaming of youand i"ll try to keep my cool, but i"m feenin"i try to say goodbye and i choketry to walk away and i stumblethough i try to hide it, it"s clearmy world crumbles when you are not heregoodbye and i chokei try to walk away and i stumblethough i try to hide it, it"s clearmy world crumbles when you are not herei may appear to be freebut i"m just a prisoner of your loveand i may seem all right and smile when you leavebut my smiles are just a frontjust a front, heyi play it off, but i"m dreaming of youand i"ll try to keep my cool, but i"m feenin"i try to say goodbye and i choketry to walk away and i stumblethough i try to hide it, it"s clearmy world crumbles when you are not heregoodbye and i chokei try to walk away and i stumblethough i try to hide it, it"s clearmy world crumbles when you are not herehere is my confessionmay i be your possessionboy, i need your touchyour love, kisses and suchwith all my might i trybut this i can"t denydenyi play it off, but i"m dreaming of you(but i"m dreaming of you babe)and i"ll keep my cool, but i"m feenin"i try to say goodbye and i choke (yeah)try to walk away and i stumblethough i try to hide, it"s clearmy world crumbles when you are not near(when you are not near aahh)goodbye and i choke (yeah, yeah, yeah)i try to walk away and i stumble (hey, hey, hey)though i try to hide it, it"s clear (say it lord)my world crumbles when you are not heregoodbye and i choke (i"m choking)i try to walk away and i stumbethough i try to hide it, it"s clearmy world crumbles when you are not near(when you are not near, yeah, yeah yeah)yeah, yeah..the end
2023-07-20 04:53:101


一句刺痛内心的英文句子,句句虐心,美到让人心碎! 一、Don"t realize too much which will let you down. 不要知道的太多,会难过。二、The past is never where you think you left it. 你以为已抛弃了过去,其实你从来没有。三、Love you is not my intention. I try to be alone, but I can"t stop missing you. 爱你,不是我有意的。我试着孤独,却止不住思念。四、My loneliness is a mirror, I can not speak but has no expression. 我的孤独是一面镜子,不会说话却拥有我任何表情。五、Nothing improves the memory more than trying to forget. 令记忆深刻的最好方法,就是试图去忘记。六、You are my youth in the story, you are my story, don"t go back once.我是你青春里的故事,你是我故事里回不去的曾经。七、Since know, why so sensational 既然心知肚明,又何必句句煽情。八、Used to the things are can be taken, especially when you have to face the change. 习惯这个东西很可拍,特别是你不得不面对改变的时候。九、If I stumble,I won"t crumble.若非爱的太勇,就不会摔得太惨十、Stop thinking too much, it"s alright not to know all the answers. 别想太多,很多事情你不知道答案也没什么。十一、Sometimes the hardest part isn"t letting go, but rather learning to start over. 有时,最困难的不是放手,而是学着如何开始。 十二、Carry away all the time, leaving only empty shell memories. 时间拎走一切,只留下空壳的回忆。十三、Never fell in love and not look back, we are all the way. 从此不再相恋不再回头,我们就都一路好走。十四、 I don"t have the strenghth to stay away from you anymore. 我再也没有离开你的力气了。十五、 If you are willing, I will always love you. Would you like, I will never miss. 你要是愿意,我就永远爱你,你要不愿意,我就永远相思。十六、Don"t fear you forsake, just afraid of losing you. 不是怕你丢弃,只是怕失去你。七、 In some cases, to leave, but did not dare miss .有些时候,想离开,却不敢错过。十八、And the fear in the heart with obtained after the betrayal. 最怕在用了心之后,得到的是背叛。
2023-07-20 04:53:161

Glorious (Tait Version) 歌词

歌曲名:Glorious (Tait Version)歌手:Newsboys专辑:Born Again: Miracles EditionNewsboys - Glorious (Tait Version)And if I sing out in the dark of nightOr praise You in the light of dawnHear my songAnd lift me on Your wingsAnd if I worship You in solitudeOr join a choir ten thousand strongHear my songTill all creation singsGloriousShining so gloriousThough I stumble, though I fallYou remain gloriousTowards Your lightI come running, I come runningInto Your armsI come running, I come runningYou have searched meYou have known my heartYou"ve heard my every anxious thoughtHear my songIt"s all I have to bringThough the battles come, this much is knownThe victory"s won by You aloneHear my songMy Savior and My KingI"m singingGloriousShining so gloriousThough I stumble, though I fallYou remain gloriousTowards Your lightI come running, I come runningInto Your armsI come running, I come runningEvery faithless missionEvery false ambitionHere, I lay them at Your feetAs in heaven, as on earthI will ever sing Your worthYou alone make me completeGloriousShining so gloriousThough I stumble, though I fallYou remain gloriousTowards Your lightI come running, I come runningOh, into Your armsI come running, I come runningGloriousShining so gloriousThough I stumble, though I fallYou remain gloriousTowards Your lightI come running, I come runningInto Your armsI come running, I come runningOh, towards Your lightI come running, I come runningYeah, into Your armsI come running, I come runningOh~
2023-07-20 04:53:231


2023-07-20 04:50:193


亚洲航空公司,简称亚航,是马来西亚的一家廉价航空公司,是亚洲地区第一家低成本航空公司,也是马来西亚第二家国际航空公司,母公司是AirAsia Berhad。亚洲航空于2001年成立,共有192条国内及国际航线,覆盖20多个国家。2004年11月22日亚航在马来西亚大马证券交易所成功公开发行股票,成为上市公司。亚航一直致力于将低成本飞行带到新的高度,使“现在人人都能飞”的信念成为现实,并连续6年获得“世界最佳低成本航空”称号。
2023-07-20 04:50:201

biological techniques什么意思

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2023-07-20 04:50:231


1. 滑音 (Slide) 古典吉他2. 搥弦(Hammer-On)   3. 勾弦(Pull-Off)   4. 点弦 (Tapping)   5. 推弦 (Bending)   6. 柔弦 吉他常用技巧   7. 扫弦(Sweep Picking):多用于电吉他演奏,常见于重金属摇滚乐。  8. 打弦 (Slap):多用于低音吉他(Bass)。   9. 琵音   10.颤音  11.泛音    12. 颤指(轮指):古典吉他最迷人的演奏技巧之一。其中塔雷加(Tárrega)的《阿尔罕布拉宫的回忆(Recuerdos de la Alhambra)》是轮指奏法的代表作。   13. 打板 民谣常用技巧  14.制音 吉他(20张)  15.切音   16.摇把(摇杆)摇把颤音   17.拍泛,一种用手指在天然泛音的区域拍出来的泛音的技巧  18.闷音,一般用×标示出来。闷音和切音是不同的,闷音是在音还未发出时就止住,而切音时音已经发出只是马上止住。闷音演奏时,用按弦的左手稍微放松,但仍接触在上面。切音是用手指按住弦使音停止  19.Mute-Attack 由日本吉他演奏家押尾光太郎首创的演奏方式,在食指拨弦后顺势用中指和无名指指甲部分击打高音弦的一种技巧,可以使一把吉他演奏出来的声音更加立体和丰富.
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What do you have on Thursday? 你周四吃的什么?
2023-07-20 04:50:305

biological children是什么意思

试管婴儿 瞎猜的,不确定
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2023-07-20 04:50:341

biological replicates是什么意思

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  1、亚洲航空公司(AirAsia),简称亚航,成立于2001年;是马来西亚第二家国际航空公司,也是亚洲地区首家低成本航空。截止到目前,一共192条国内及国际航线,覆盖20多个国家。亚航一直致力于将低成本飞行带到新的高度,使“现在人人都能飞”的信念成为现实,并连续6年获得“世界最佳低成本航空”称号。   2、经过10年多的辛勤努力和奋斗,亚洲航空公司现已形成包括亚洲航空(马来西亚)公司、亚洲航空(泰国)公司、亚洲航空(印尼)公司、亚洲航空飞龙(菲律宾)公司、亚洲航空(印度)公司以及亚洲航空长途公司 (AirAsia X) 6家航空公司。
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2023-07-20 04:50:041

on thursday与on thursdays具体的区别

on thursday就是在星期四,比如 He went to swim on thursday在星期四他去游泳了只是在某一个星期的星期四去游了次泳on thursday就是在每周星期四 He goes to swim on thursdays每周四他都去游泳
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2023-07-20 04:50:034


电吉他音箱上的phones插孔就是耳机输出的口,可以外接耳机。aux in插孔是AUX IN 是混合输入的意思,是一个辅助性的音频输入接口,可以与各路的音频输入信号加以混合。音箱是整个音响系统的终端,其作用是把音频电能转换成相应的声能,并把它辐射到空间去。它是音响系统极其重要的组成部分,因为它担负着把电信号转变成声信号供人的耳朵直接聆听这么一个关键任务,它要直接与人的听觉打交道,而人的听觉是十分灵敏的,并且对复杂声音的音色具有很强的辨别能力。由于人耳对声音的主观感受正是评价一个音响系统音质好坏的最重要的标准,因此,可以认为,音箱的性能高低对一个音响系统的放音质量是起着关键作用。
2023-07-20 04:50:011

地道的英语口语:Might、 may、could用法区分

  下面是我整理的Might、 may、could的用法区分,以供大家学习参考。   情景对话 1:   John: Hey Mei, how are yougetting to Edinburgh next week?   嗨,Mei。你下周怎么去爱丁堡呢?   Mei:Iu2019m not sure yet. I may takethe train but then again I mighttake the bus.   我还不能确定呢。我可能坐火车去,不过也可以坐大巴去。   John: Yeah, but the bus takes a longtime. You could fly - itu2019s not so expensive these days.   可是坐大巴得好长时间。你也可以考虑做飞机去,现在机票也不是那么贵了。   Mei:Really? Maybe I"ll do that then.   是吗?那要不我坐飞机去吧。   注释   “Might、 may、could”都是可以用来表示可能性的情态动词,它们后面一定要跟动词原形。比如,“You could fly.你可以做飞机。”;“Don"t worry, I could give you a lift home.别担心我可以顺路开车送你回家。”。   这些情态动词也有它们的否定式,“might not, may not”;但单词could除外,因为“could not”这个否定表达强调的是“没有能力或被禁止”,和“可能性”没有直接关联。   我们一般不会在疑问句中使用 might 或 may。构成问句时我们通常会使用“Do youthinku2026?”。   Maybe 是一个副词,一般在 句子 中起到表达可能性的作用,但千万不要把它和“may be”混淆,因为“may be”是由“语气词may + 动词不定式be”所构成。   情景对话 2:   (Speaking on the phone)   Maya: Is your girlfriend coming to London next month?   你的女朋友下月来伦敦吗?   Simon:It"s possible but not likely that she will come here next month.   她下月有可能来这里,但是不是很肯定。   Maya: Why not?   为什么不肯定?   Simon:Well, she has a number of important exams coming up which she needs to prepare for. She might come in 2 monthsu2019 time.   她接下来有很多重要的考试需要好好做准备。   Maya:I see, I am sure she will do just great in her exams!   哦,是这样啊。不过她肯定没问题能考好。   语法小结:   1.可能性程度从高到低依次为probable/probably,likely,possible/possibly,maybe,may,might。   表示完全没有可能性的说法有以下几种:   It"s unlikely.不太可能。   It"s impossible.不可能。   Definitely not.绝对不。   2.表示“可能性”的基本句型:   It"s probable thatu2026 多半可能   It"s likely thatu2026 很可能   It"s possible that u2026 有可能   I may + 动词 我可能 + 动词原形   I might +动词 我也许 + 动词原形   Maybe I will + verb 我也许/可能 +动词原形   You can + verb 你可以 + 动词原形(建议对方)   You could +verb 你可以 + 动词原形(语气委婉地建议对方)   3. “可能性”大小的对比:   例句1:It is possible that it will rain, but with such a blue sky it doesn"t seem probable.下雨的可能是有的,但天空一片蔚蓝,可能性似乎不大。   例句2:I think she will probably be alright. I might fly over to visit her.我   觉得她应该会没事儿的。我可能会飞过去看看她。   例句3: Such accidents are not only possible but also probable. 这类意外不但可能,而目还会发生。   例句4: His success is not impossible but hardly probable. 他的成功并非完全不可能,但希望极小。
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