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2023-07-20 09:27:31
TAG: 翻译


Gentleness is only for someone


Blandness only for the one which/that is in loved with



gentleness温柔双语对照词典结果:gentleness[英]["du0292entlnu0259s][美][u02c8du0292u025bntl:nu026as]n.温和; 和善; 彬彬有礼; 高贵; 以上结果来自金山词霸例句:1.When someone is unkind to you, try responding with gentleness. 当有人对你并不友善,试着回以亲切。
2023-07-20 03:01:282


docile英 [ˈdəʊsaɪl] 美 [ˈdɑ:sl] adj.温顺的;驯服的;易驾驭的;驯化gentleness英 ["dʒentlnəs] 美 [ˈdʒɛntl:nɪs] n.温和;和善;彬彬有礼;高贵meek英 [mi:k] 美 [mik] adj.温顺的;驯服的
2023-07-20 03:01:371


gentleness中文翻译:温顺;亲切;高贵;彬彬有礼英音 ["du0292entlnu0259s] ; 美音 ["du0292entlnu0259s] ;不可数名词: 温顺,柔和,亲切形容词比较级 gentler,gentlest副词 gently名称 gentlenessAnd a man shall arise like the sun... walking with the sons of men in gentleness and righteousness.翻译:神子会像朝日升起与众多人子同行带着尊贵和正义。一、用法及短语示例gentleness一般作为名词使用,在常见短语或俚语中出现较多。But seeing the two of you getting along so well together... has made me think that he has his mother"s gentleness... and maybe that gentleness, more than anything else... is his best quality.可是看见他和你两个人关系很融洽的样子我才发现他那是随妈。二、近义词、反义词gentleness作为名词的时候,其近义词以及反义词有s、gentlenesses等。
2023-07-20 03:01:451


多种说法:Gentleness is only for the lover Gentleness is only for sweetheart
2023-07-20 03:02:062


gentle graceful
2023-07-20 03:02:172


  大家有没有在一本英文书上读到这样的一句话呢?“愿你被世界温柔以待”。下面是我给大家整理的温柔的英文是什么,供大家参阅!   温柔用英语怎么说   英 [u02c8du0292entl] 美 [u02c8du0292u025bntl]   gentle   温柔的英语例句   1. She sighed, then continued in a soft, calm voice.   她叹了口气,然后继续用温柔、平静的声音说下去。   2. He began to comfort me with such unaccustomed gentleness.   他开始以那种少有的温柔安慰我。   3. Her aggressive moods alternated with gentle or more co-operative states.   她情绪多变,时而咄咄逼人,时而又显得温柔平和或乐于合作。   4. She admonished him gently, "You should rest, not talk so much."   她温柔地责备他:“你要多休息,少说话。”   5. He is a lovely boy, very gentle and caring.   他是个可爱的男孩,非常温柔体贴。   6. The man was crooning soft words of encouragement to his wife.   那个男人正温柔地轻声鼓励他的妻子。   7. "What is it?" his wife asked again, gently but insistently.   “怎么回事?”他妻子又问了一遍,语气温柔却坚决。   8. She"sa very sweet woman, as you no doubt know by now.   她是一个非常温柔的女人,你现在肯定知道了。   9. "Not to worry, Baby," he said, and kissed her tenderly.   “没关系,宝贝儿。”他说道,然后温柔地吻了她一下。   10. The gentlest of her caresses would contort his already tense body.   她最温柔的爱抚会让他已然紧绷的身体变得扭曲。   11. He was a very gentle boy at heart.   他实际上是个非常温柔的男生。   12. He was by nature affectionate.   他生性温柔亲切。   13. Mr. White tenderly embraced his wife.   怀特先生温柔地拥抱了妻子。   14. He looked angelic.   他看上去善良温柔。   15. She smiled gently at him.   她温柔地朝他微笑。   gentle的双语例句   1. The blustery winds of spring had dropped to a gentle breeze.   呼啸的春风已经减弱,成了习习的微风。   2. Place the omelette under a gentle grill until the top is set.   将煎蛋饼放在烤架下用文火烘烤,直到表面凝固。   3. It was too hot even for a gentle stroll.   天太热,连慢慢散步都吃不消。   4. Her aggressive moods alternated with gentle or more co-operative states.   她情绪多变,时而咄咄逼人,时而又显得温柔平和或乐于合作。   5. He is a lovely boy, very gentle and caring.   他是个可爱的男孩,非常温柔体贴。   6. There were two passes over 13,000 feet but the slopes were gentle.   有两个超过13,000英尺的山口,但坡度平缓。   7. Acupuncture treatment is gentle, painless, and, invariably, most relaxing.   针灸疗法柔和,无痛,而且总是令人非常放松。   8. His movements were gentle and deliberate.   他的动作舒缓而从容。   9. A rotund, smiling, red-faced gentle-man appeared.   一位身材圆胖、面带笑容、满脸通红的先生出现了。   10. His gentle manner and honeyed tones reassured Andrew.   他温和的态度和悦耳的语调使安德鲁消除了疑虑。   11. He was a very gentle boy at heart.   他实际上是个非常温柔的男生。   12. He was a gentle, soft-spoken intelligent man.   他是一个温文尔雅、语调轻柔、头脑聪明的人。   13. These endangered gentle giants are highly social animals.   这些濒临灭绝的、性情温顺的大型动物属于高度群居的动物。   14. Andy was a humble, courteous and gentle man.   安迪是个谦逊而且彬彬有礼的绅士。   15. They spoke in tones of gentle reproof.   他们的语气中稍带责备。   
2023-07-20 03:02:241


  温柔的英语单词1:   gentle   英 [dentl] 美 [dntl]   温柔的英语单词2:   tender   英 [tend] 美 [tnd]   温柔的英语单词3:   meek   英 [mi:k] 美 [mik]   温柔相关英语表达:   tender and gentle   温柔敦厚   tender looks   温柔的神情   tender and amiable   温柔可亲   温柔的英语单词例句:   他温柔而伤感的歌曲   His gentle,melancholic songs   他只是温柔地笑了笑,没说一句话。   He just smiled a gentle smile but said nothing.   他开始以那种少有的温柔安慰我。   He began to comfort me with such unaccustomed gentleness.   他的声音低沉而温柔,几乎可以说是性感。   His voice was deep but gentle,almost sensuous.   他实际上是个非常温柔的男生。   He was a very gentle boy at heart.   驯象有两种主要的`方法,我们分别称之为强硬法和温柔法。   Two main techniques have been used for training elephants,which we may respectively the tough and the gentle.   轻粉红色玫瑰:钦佩,同情,温柔,优雅,高兴,快乐,友谊和甜度。   Light pink roses: admiration,sympathy,gentleness,grace,gladness,joy,friendship and sweetness.   我是昔日圣诞鬼魂,幽灵用柔弱、温柔的声音回答说。   " I am the ghost of Christmas Past," replied the spirit,in a soft,gentle voice.   梅格是艾美的知己和监护人,也许是一种性格上的异性相吸吧,乔和温柔的贝思又是一对。   Meg was Amy"s confidant and monitor,and by some strange attraction of opposites Jo was gentle Beth"s.   与我温柔、充满希冀的心血来潮不同,她开始迫切地、频繁地需求性爱,甚至在一些我从来不敢尝试的场所也如此。   Unlike my meek,hopeful forays,she began to demand it,urgently and often and in places I never dared.   扩展:手指里的温柔英语作文   The gentleness of the palm,in my heart,it is the blue sky.   Memory,the mother is favourite than the palm of your hand with me. She always put her left hand with my right hand,after careful observation contrast,smiled and said: "my baby"s hand is big,is really good." I can feel her hand in the mind have a special kind of gentle,let me warm,but I don"t know the reason why she do this,ask her,she just laugh,too.   Grade life let me become very busy,I spend less time with my mother,no longer and she repeated the repeated one thousand times more than the palm of your game. Even if occasionally say a few words with my mom,content are all related to learning. My eye with the mother"s eyes met once in a while,I will quickly escape,because the heart ? in her eyes.
2023-07-20 03:02:311


you are gentle
2023-07-20 03:02:517


Tender eyes expression
2023-07-20 03:03:063

noone understand me

1.No one could understand me alone 是副词,在这里修饰动词 understand 了,意思成了“没有人能够单独地懂得我”.understand 后应该改动如下: 宾语从句—— undestand that I am alone (或者lonesome) and gentle. 直接宾语—— undestand my loneliness and gentleness 2.I tender, tender 侧重于脆弱,形容词最好用gentle,名词用 gentleness. 3.I am weak, weak 意思是虚弱,表示身体欠佳,如果用形容词,改为 effeminate,名词则用 effeminacy 4.because I pretended to pretend to be strong. 1)两个 pretend 意思重复,删除一个; 2)改为进行时态 because I am pretending to be strong 整体修改如下: 第一种:现在时态 * No one can undestand that I am alone ,gentle and effeminate,because I am pretending to be strong. * No one can undestand my loneliness,my gentleness and my effeminacy,because I am pretending to be strong. 第二种:过去时态 * No one could undestand that I was alone ,gentle and effeminate,because I was pretending to be strong. * No one could undestand my loneliness,my gentleness and my effeminacy,because I was pretending to be strong.
2023-07-20 03:03:141

Grateful , all the gentleness .语法上有没有错误?

Grateful , all the gentleness感激,所有的温柔
2023-07-20 03:03:233


2023-07-20 03:03:322


问题一:温柔英语怎么说 温柔 [wēn róu] [释义] gentle; meek; pleasingly affectionate; gentle and soft; blandness; [例句]我的妻子非常温柔。 My wife is very gentle. 问题二:温柔的用英语怎么说? gentle 温柔的 the prince of gentleness 温柔的王子 问题三:温柔女人用英语怎么说 温柔女人 翻译: Gentle woman 问题四:请温柔的对待它用英语怎么说? 10分 Please treat it gently 问题五:温柔用英语怎么说 tender gentle 问题六:温柔用英语怎么写 一般说来gentle and soft(形容女的)和sweet用来表示温柔的 但具体什么情况怎么用温柔还是有区别的 声音温柔 soft and sweet voice 性情温柔 have a mild disposition/be mild in disposition 温柔的女孩 tende户-hearted girl 温柔的神情 tender looks 温柔的情歌 tender love ballads 温柔地一笑 give a tender *** ile/give a sweet *** ile 对某人温柔体贴:be gentle with *** /be tender and considerate towards *** 问题七:拍摄像拍摄的视频是存储的介质是不是叫做DV带? DV带是摄像机的存储媒介,如果是数码相机的话并不需要DV带,拍摄的短片都是存储在储存卡里的,也就是你存放照片的那个媒介 问题八:你很温柔 用英语怎么说? You are very tender.
2023-07-20 03:03:501


一楼的那个翻译里有几个语法错误,如thankyouremembermyname这个句子就是错的,应该是thankyouforrememberingmyname.然后thanksteacherthissemestertoteachme应该是thanksforteachingmethissemester.还有一些其他的。~~~Goodmorningteacher___!I"mXiaoMing,thanksforrememberingmyname.ThesemightverywellbemylastfewEnglishclassesever,soIwantedtothankyouforallthehelpyou"vegivenmethisyear.EventhoughIwon"tbetakingEnglishnextyear,yourclassimpactedmesignificantly.Didyouknow?Youinfluencedmebynotonlyteachingmeknowledgefromthebook,butalsoreallifelessons.Soteacher___,canIgiveyouahug?You"reaveryimportantteacherinmylife.~~~在 空格里 请填上老师的姓。一般英语里称呼老师不是用Mr.Wu就是teacherWu,一般没有直接称呼老师为teacher的。那样听起来反而很别扭。以上的英文是我自己翻译的,保证没有语法错误。有什么问题可以追问,希望对你有帮助u2665——
2023-07-20 03:04:017

温柔 英文五月天

走在风中 今天阳光 突然好温柔天的温柔 地的温柔 像你抱着我然后发现 你的改变 孤单的今后如果冷 该怎么渡过 天边风光 身边的我 都不在你眼中你的眼中 藏着什么 我从来都不懂没有关系 你的世界 就让你拥有不打扰 是我的温柔 不知道 不明了 不想要 为什么 我的心明明是想靠近 却孤单的黎明不知道 不明了 不想要 为什么 我的心那爱情的绮丽 总是在孤单里再把我的最好的爱给你 不知不觉 不情不愿 又到巷子口我没有哭 也没有笑 因为这是梦没有预兆 没有理由 你真的有说过如果有 就让你自由这是我的温柔 Walk the gentleness of the suddenly very gentle and soft day of sunlight of today is in the breeze The gentleness of ground is like you to embrace me then discover your change If how should solitary aftertime"s ising cold pass through the horizon scene Nearby of I don"t hide what in the your eyes in the your eyes I have never understood the world which didn"t relate to you to let you own not to bother Is my gentleness don"t know not to understand not to want why My heart clearly is want to close to but solitary of the dawn doesn"t know not to understand Don"t want why my heart that love of attractive Always in the loneliness again my best of love to you imperceptibly Not the feeling doesn"t wish and arrive lane son me to didn"t cry nor smile because this is the dream to have no omen There is no reason, you really have already said if have and then make you free this is my gentleness
2023-07-20 03:04:161


我们每天都应该充满活力和热情的赞赏,以优雅的姿态去生活,而这些往往是在无休止的时光里被我们失去的东西。We should live each day with gentleness, vigor and a keenness of appreciation which are often lost 【定语从句】对于这些我们需要的东西(gentleness,vigor,appreciation) 他们丢失了(lost)when time stretches before us in the constant panorama of more days and months and years to come.【状语从句】
2023-07-20 03:04:242


  知道笑的英语单词smile,它的笑脸的英文是什么,我们也相应地知道了。下面是我给大家整理的笑脸的英文是什么,供大家参阅!   笑脸的英文是什么   a smiling face   a smiling face的英语例句   1. A man without a smiling face must not open a shop.   不开笑脸就不要开店.   2. He had to present a smiling face though heavy - hearted.   虽然忧心忡忡,但他还得露出一副笑容.   3. The laughter a child, a smiling face a parent"s love.   从孩子的笑声, 他的笑面中忆记父母的爱护.   4. Relaxation enhances and mental health, and a smiling face promotes friendship.   放松能使我们身心健康, 带笑容易增进彼此友谊.   5. A manwithout a smiling face must not open a shop.   人无笑脸,不要开店.   6. Man without a smiling face must not open a shop.   没有笑脸,不要开店.   7. You have every reason to face your life a smiling face.   您有充分的理由去笑面人生.   8. Heaven at last, It"seemed, had turned a smiling face upon him.   上苍似乎终于向他展示了笑脸.   9. A smiling face is half the meal.   一张笑脸就能抵半顿饭.   10. A smiling face is a welcoming face.   要微笑,一张微笑的脸总是受欢迎的.   11. It is my considered opinion, that irony is insult with a smiling face.   我个人的看法是, 讽刺即带着微笑侮辱.   12. Let her sleep one good feel, the man"s mouth Cape a smiling face of gentleness.   让她睡个好觉吧, 男人嘴角浮现出温柔的笑容.   13. Rejoice and be glad and add a smiling face to all that I have given you!   你们要喜悦,并且,你们要在我赐给了你们的所有一切上加上一个微笑的面孔!   14. But woo a smiling face, for it will bring sunshine to you, enlightening you life long.   追求一个能经常让你微笑的人吧, 因为微笑会让你灰暗的世界豁然开朗 、 阳光明媚!   15. Truly blessed you! Maintain a smiling face and a healthy back. We wait for you!   真心祝福你! 保持笑脸,健康的回来. 我们等你!   smiling的双语例句   1. In the background, in soft focus, we see his smiling wife.   在背景部分,我们可以看到他妻子面带微笑的蒙影像。   2. I found myself smiling back instinc-tively when our eyes met.   我发现当我们的目光相遇时,我本能地还以微笑。   3. Smiling for the cameras, the two men strained to make small- talk.   两名男士微笑着面对镜头,东拉西扯着。   4. Luke"s mother stopped smiling and looked reproachfully at him.   卢克的妈妈收起了笑容,用责备的眼光看着他。   5. Smiling and laughing has actually been shown to relieve tension and stress.   事实证明,微笑和大笑能够缓解焦虑和压力。   6. Veronica looked at him, smiling, as they bowled along.   他们的车快速前行时,韦罗妮卡面带微笑地看着他。   7. He was marvelously cool again, smiling as if nothing had happened.   他又变得出奇地冷静,微笑着,好像什么也没有发生过。   8. He sat back, smiling complacently at his own cleverness.   他身子往后一靠,为自己的聪明得意地笑了。   9. His smiling face appears on T-shirts, billboards, and posters.   他的笑脸出现在T恤衫、公告牌和海报上面。   10. It was worth it to see all those smiling faces.   看到所有那些微笑的面庞,这么做是值得的。   11. Maybe you had visions of being surrounded by happy, smiling children.   也许你曾幻想过被快乐嬉笑的孩子所包围的情景。   12. "Hello there," said the woman, smiling at them.— "Hi!" they chorused.   “嘿,你们好!”那个女人笑着对他们说。——“你好!”他们齐声说。   13. The most beautiful thing is to see a person smiling. And even more beautiful is, knowing that you are the reason behind it.   最美好的事,是看到某人的微笑;更美好的事,是TA因你而微笑。   14. A rotund, smiling, red-faced gentle-man appeared.   一位身材圆胖、面带笑容、满脸通红的先生出现了。   15. She looked up at me, smiling.   她抬头笑眯眯地看着我。   
2023-07-20 03:04:311


On a second still in the aftertaste the tenderness you gaveThe next seconds bear alone can only divide between fantasy and reality
2023-07-20 03:04:406


温柔的、tender, gentle温柔的王子 gentle prince
2023-07-20 03:04:572

请教大家 介绍一下辜鸿铭大师。

2023-07-20 03:05:313


一,我想你的温柔更适合别的女孩子吧.I think your gentleness is more suitable for other girls.二,承蒙厚爱但是很抱歉不能愿闻其详.With all due respect, but I"m sorry I can"t hear it.三,你的热情应该给你值得的人.Your enthusiasm should be given to someone who deserves it.四,每个人都会有属于自己的宇航员很抱歉那个人不是我哦.Everyone has their own astronaut. I"m sorry. It"s not me.五,“我觉得我好像喜欢你 “这次对我不确定没关系下次遇到真正心动的女孩子“记得一定要语气坚定一点啊”"I feel like I like you." This time I am not sure about me. It doesn"t matter if I meet a girl who is really heart-warming next time. "Remember to be firm六,如果我不能给你和你给我一样的温柔与喜欢我就不可以一直享受你对我的好抱歉啊.If I can not give you and you give me the same gentle and like, I can not always enjoy your good to me sorry ah.七,承蒙厚爱我的温柔已经承包给别人了所以我不值得你的温柔 但是我想总会有一个女孩值得你把温柔给她她也会给你全部的温柔.Thanks to the love, my gentleness has been contracted to others, so I am not worthy of your gentleness, but I think there will always be a girl worthy of you to give her gentleness, she will give you all the gentleness.八,抱歉我并不喜欢你 出于礼貌一直没有跟你断开联系这可能让你产生一些误会 我不想吊着你也不值得你喜欢.I"m sorry. I don"t like you. I haven"t been out of touch with you out of courtesy. It might have caused you some misunderstanding. I don"t want to hang you, and it"s not worth it. 我会找到别的星星 你也会拥有你的月亮I"ll find other stars and you"ll have your moon九,我始终不是那个值得你狂奔的人I"m still not the one worth running for十,我总不能一身伤痕弄脏了你的白衬衫I can"t stain your white shirt with all my scars十一,学业未成 岂能谈儿女情长Can you talk about your children"s love when your studies are not successful
2023-07-20 03:05:501

愿你被这个世界温柔以待,愿你目之所及,心之所向,满满都是爱,愿你绽放如花,愿你常开不败 英文翻译

May you be the world gentleness, let you look, the heart is full of love, wish you a blooming flower, wish you gave
2023-07-20 03:06:171


1、善良既是历史中稀有的珍珠,善良的人便几乎优于伟大的人。 Kindness is a rare pearl in history. Kind people are almost superior to great people. 2、永远保持善良,拥有善良,你会成为世上最受眷顾的人。 Always be kind and have goodness, and you will bee the most cherished person in the world. 3、善良是弱点,但坚守善良是伟大。 Kindness is a weakness, but sticking to it is great. 4、做一个善良的人,为群众谋幸福。 Be a kind person and seek happiness for the masses. 5、善良的人不应该说假话,聪明的人不应传假话。 Good people should not tell lies, and wise people should not tell lies. 6、但善良不善良的男人,伤害起人来也都一样。 But good and bad men hurt people as well. 7、成功诱出所有人的坏性情,而不成功培养善良的性情。 Success induces all bad temperaments, but fails to cultivate good temperaments. 8、一颗善良的心就是一席永恒的筵席。 A good heart is an eternal feast. 9、善良也分时候的,把握好就是善良。 Kindness is also time-sharing, and good grasp is good. 10、善良就是对的吗,难道你都不知道因为善良究竟死了多少人吗? Is kindness right? Don"t you know how many people died because of kindness? 11、没有单纯、善良和真实,就没有伟大。 Without simplicity, kindness and truth, there can be no greatness. 12、因为我们善良,所以我们快乐。 Because we are kind, so we are happy. 13、善良,是一种世界通用的语言,它可以使盲人感到,聋子闻到。 Kindness is a universal language in the world. It can make the blind feel and the deaf *** ell. 14、善良很简单,但是让别人认可你的善良,很难。 Kindness is simple, but it"s hard to get others to recognize your kindness. 15、优秀的书籍像一个智慧善良的长者,搀扶我一步步向前走,并且逐渐懂得了世界。 Excellent books, like a wise and kind elder, help me to move forward step by step, and gradually understand the world. 16、信任别人的善良是自己善良的明证。 Trust in the goodness of others is the proof of your goodness. 17、权力会使最善良的心陶醉,正如美酒会使最强健的头脑陶醉。 Power intoxicates the best hearts, just as wine intoxicates the strongest minds. 18、精神的高雅在于思考那些善良和优美的事物。 The elegance of spirit lies in thinking about those good and beautiful things. 19、善良并不是软弱,温柔并不是妥协,在这个嘈杂的世界中,不慌不忙地成长。 Kindness is not weakness, gentleness is not promise, in this noisy world, grow up in a hurry. 20、交善人者道德成,存善心者家里宁,为善事者子孙兴。 A good man is a man of virtue, a good man of peace at home, and a good man of prosperity for his descendants. 21、善良的人犯了错误,只有在正视并坦白后,才能放下负担,继续善良。 Good people make mistakes. Only when they face them squarely and confess, can they put down their burdens and continue to be kind. 22、对别人的善良的信任,足以证明自己的善良。 Trust in the goodness of others is enough to prove one"s goodness. 23、我愿证明,凡是行为善良与高尚的人,定能因之而担当患难。 I would like to prove that anyone who acts kindly and nobly will be able to bear hardships. 24、感人肺腑的人类善良的暖流,能医治心灵和肉体的创伤。 The moving warm current of human goodness can heal the wounds of mind and body. 25、在现实中,善良不是力量,但是善良需要力量。 In reality, kindness is not power, but kindness needs strength. 26、善良是很珍贵的,但善良没有长出牙齿来,那就是软弱。 Kindness is very precious, but kindness does not grow teeth, that is weakness. 27、如若善良只会任人欺凌,那我宁愿冰冷得让人不敢靠近。 If kindness can only be bullied, then I would rather be too cold to be approached. 28、有时,爱也是种伤害。残忍的人,选择伤害别人;善良的人,选择伤害自己。 Sometimes, love is also a kind of injury. Cruel people choose to hurt others; kind people choose to hurt themselves. 29、善良是历史中稀有的珍珠,善良的人便几乎优于伟大的人。 Kindness is a rare pearl in history. Kind people are almost superior to great people. 30、善良的人永远是受苦的,那忧苦的重担似乎是与生俱来的,因此只有忍耐。 Good people are always suffering, and the burden of suffering seems to be innate, so there is only patience. 31、善良和谦虚是永远不应令人厌恶的两种品德。 Kindness and modesty are o virtues that should never be abhorrent. 32、真心觉得善良是一种美德,而过份的善良却是无可救药的愚蠢。 Really feel that kindness is a virtue, and excessive kindness is hopeless stupidity. 33、当一个人的心情愉快的时候,他便显得善良。 When a person is in a happy mood, he appears to be kind. 34、比起做伤害别人的人,做一个被伤害的人,善良的人这样便很幸福。 Being a good person is happier than being the one who hurts others. 35、什么是善良?善良就是别人家的墙要倒你不去推,这就是一种善良! What is kindness? Kindness is that other people"s walls do not fall down you do not push, this is a kind! 36、极端公正和善良的心是不属于庸俗的人的。良心的觉醒就是灵魂的伟大。 Extreme justice and kindness of heart are not vulgar. The awakening of conscience is the greatness of the soul. 37、好心对待你不喜欢的人,不仅需要本性善良,而且需要非常机敏。 Being kind to people you don"t like requires not only kindness in nature, but also great tact. 38、善性是难能可贵的,也是高尚和值得称赞的。 Good nature is precious, noble and mendable. 39、我一向认为,只有把善付诸行动才称得上是美的。 I have always believed that good is beautiful only when it is put into action. 40、真正有才能的人总是善良的,坦白的,爽直的,绝不矜持。 Really talented people are always kind, frank, straightforward and never reserved. 41、善良并不是真正的善良,正确的才是真正的善良! Kindness is not the real kindness, the right is the real kindness! 42、心地善良的人,富于幻想的人比冷酷残忍的人更容易聚合。 Kind-hearted people, fantastic people are easier to get together than cruel people. 43、世间没有美丽的天使,只有善良的女人。 There are no beautiful angels in the world, only good women.
2023-07-20 03:06:241


你是最好的,如果真有人比你好,我就假装没看见。You are the best. If someone is better than you, I will pretend not to see it.你还想要一个妈妈嘛,我把我的妈妈分给你。You want another mother. I"ll give you my mother.愿你被世界温柔以待,实在不行,我做你的世界。May you be treated with gentleness by the world. If you can"t, I will be your world.春来夏往 秋收冬藏 我们来日方长。Spring is coming, summer is coming, autumn is coming, winter is coming.只要看到你的笑,世界就没有那么糟。As long as I see your smile, the world is not so bad.我不找你的时候是憋着想你,我找你的时候,是爆炸想你。When I don"t look for you, I miss you. When I look for you, I miss you by explosion.夏天已经过去 ,秋天也会再来,你要是没事做就陪我过冬吧。Summer has passed, and autumn will come again. If you have nothing to do, please accompany me for the winter.我是梅菜,你是肉,我想扣住你的手。I"m Mei Cai. You"re meat. I want to hold your hand.这个冬天可以当穿你外套的那个女孩吗?Can you be the girl in your coat this winter?说不出动人的情话,我只想让你带我回家。I just want you to take me home.你就是我的碳酸饮料,看到你我就开心得冒泡。You"re my carbonated drink. I"m so happy to see you.遇你之前 沉迷过往,遇你之后 盘算余生。Before I met you, I indulged in the past. After I met you, I calculated the rest of my life.我这个人不算太好,不算太坏,你姑且试试。I"m not too good. I"m not too bad. Try it.想跟你过凯里的冬天,不是冬天不行,不是凯里不行,不是你也不行。I want to spend the winter with you in Carey, not in winter, not in Carey, not in you.如果你放弃所有选择奔向我,那我就要成为你选择里最好的。If you give up all your choices and run to me, I will be the best of your choices.如果月亮会说话它会说,不可以看着我想着别人哦。If the moon can talk, it will say, can"t look at me and think of others.我刚刚亲了晚风一口,待会它就飘到你脸上了。I just kiss the evening breeze, it will float to your face later.快乐有很多种,见到你是第一种。There are many kinds of happiness. Seeing you is the first.连我都羡慕,你在我心里的位置。Even I envy your position in my heart.人间本不该令我这么欣喜的,但是你来了。The world should not have made me so happy, but you came.想不出文案,想你。I can"t think of a copywriter. I miss you.其实我不太懂喜欢,可我想走向你。In fact, I don"t know how to like it, but I want to go to you.你是我众所周知不言而喻的私心。You are my well-known and self-evident selfishness.想牵先生的手,也想被先生揉揉头。I want to hold my husband"s hand and be rubbed by my husband.
2023-07-20 03:06:311


学习英文,是为了让自己多一门语言,也让自己更好的和国际接轨,如今英语的应用很是广泛,所以我们要好好学习。那么,2020唯美英文句子有哪些呢? 温柔到爆的神仙句子英文 1、The gentleness of life will run into your arms. 生活的温柔总会哒哒哒的跑进你怀里的。 2、You are warm and back lighting. 你的温柔逆光而来。 3、But a glimpse of you was enough to delight me for years. 不过惊鸿一瞥,误见你眉眼,这欢喜够我喜欢好多年。 4、I"m not greedy, only a little wish: life always have you. 我不贪心,只有一个小小的愿望:生命中永远有你。 5、I yearn for life, less is more. 我所向往的生活,越简单越好。 唯美英文句子 1、Life is looking forward. 生活,就是昂首前瞻。 2、People who can be happy for the success of others are happy. 能够为他人的成功感到快乐的人是幸福的。 3、Broaden your horizon and look to the future. 眼界宽一点,看向未来 4、As long as we firmly believe in walking towards the bright, every day is sunny! 只要坚信向着明媚走,每一天都是阳光的! 5、Believe me, God will treat those brave, strong, affectionate people kindly and generally. 相信我,上天会厚待那些勇敢的、坚强的、多情的人。 坠入星河的温柔仙句 1、你是落日弥漫的橘 天边透亮的星。 You are the bright star of the orange sky in the sunset. 2、路遥天长,我是咫尺星光。 The distance of the road, I am a star. 3、你是踩碎星光落入我梦境的一袋幻想。 You are the bag of fantasies that break the stars into my dreams. 4、等风拂尽人间长留,你要记得和心上人去白头。 Wait for the wind to blow the world long stay, you must remember to go to the white head with the sweetheart. 5、山野千里,你是我藏在云彩的浪漫。 Mountains and wild Trinidad, you are I hide in the clouds of romance. 以上就是我整理的温柔到爆的神仙句子英文,感谢阅读。
2023-07-20 03:06:531


2023-07-20 03:07:011


As long as three ,don"t cheat you ,don"t hurt you ,and stay with you. 选爱人不需要太多标准,只要三样:不骗你,不伤害你,和陪着你。The first sight is a glimpse of the heart is you. 初见时惊鸿一瞥,初见是怦然心动。If you are full of hope ,you will be invincible. 满怀希望就会所向披靡。Be nice to yourself ,because growing up is really tired. 对自己好点,因为长大真的好累好累。Kindness and gentleness are the only antidotes in the world. 善良和温柔是这个世界唯一的解药。Please try to be better and then meet the right person. 请你一定要努力变得更加优秀,然后碰到那个对的人。Face everything sincerely ,even if life is a little bad right now. 真诚的面对一切吧,哪怕现在的生活确实有点糟糕。Don"t doubt whether the current efforts,we will all be successful. 别怀疑现在的努力,我们都会否极泰来的。May everything you do for it have romantic result. 愿一切为之努力的事情,都会有浪漫的结果。The gentleness of the world is the late goodwill and clean you. 世界的温柔,是晚来的善意和干净的你。Getting what you want is the best surprise in the world. 得偿所愿是世界上最好的惊喜。Accept yourself as ordinary ,and do your best to excel. 接受自己的普通,然后全力以赴的出众。I can"t give you the tenderness of the word ,but there is a word :do my best. 我给不了你全世界的温柔,但有个词叫:尽我所能。Live a good life meet slowly, 好好生活,慢慢相遇。To meet is to sign on. 遇见即是上上签。Everything wins. 万事胜意。Want to be your well-known joy, 想要成为你众所周知的欢喜。Late sun flowers also blossom. 迟到的向日葵也会开花。
2023-07-20 03:09:421

gentleness, vigor and a keenness of

gentleness, vigor and a keenness of温柔,充满活力和热情的
2023-07-20 03:10:032


宽仁,孝慈,温恭,淑慎Benevolence, filial piety,gentleness,gentle and respectful 相关单词学习:benevolence 英[bu0259"nevu0259lu0259ns] 美[bu0259u02c8nu025bvu0259lu0259ns] n. 仁慈; 善举; 捐赠; <史>恩税(旧时英王向民间征收的一种税金); [例句]We definitely do not apply a policy of benevolence to the reactionaries.我们对反动派决不施仁政。gentleness 英["du0292entlnu0259s] 美[u02c8du0292u025bntl:nu026as] n. 温和; 和善; 彬彬有礼; 高贵; [例句]He began to comfort me with such unaccustomed gentleness他开始以那种少有的温柔安慰我。
2023-07-20 03:10:121


  温柔通常用来形容一个人的性格或行为温和柔顺。那么你知道温柔用英语怎么说吗?下面我为大家带来温柔的英语说法,供大家学习。   温柔的英语说法1:   gentle   温柔的英语说法2:   meek   温柔的英语说法3:   tender   温柔相关英语表达:   tender and gentle;   温柔敦厚   tender looks;   温柔的神情   tender and amiable   温柔可亲   温柔的英语例句:   1. She sighed, then continued in a soft, calm voice.   她叹了口气,然后继续用温柔、平静的声音说下去。   2. He began to fort me with such unaccustomed gentleness.   他开始以那种少有的温柔安慰我。   3. Her aggressive moods alternated with gentle or more co-operative states.   她情绪多变,时而咄咄逼人,时而又显得温柔平和或乐于合作。   4. She admonished him gently, "You should rest, not talk so much."   她温柔地责备他:“你要多休息,少说话。”   5. He is a lovely boy, very gentle and caring.   他是个可爱的男孩,非常温柔体贴。   6. The man was crooning soft words of encouragement to his wife.   那个男人正温柔地轻声鼓励他的妻子。   7. "What is it?" his wife asked again, gently but insistently.   “怎么回事?”他妻子又问了一遍,语气温柔却坚决。   8. She"sa very sweet woman, as you no doubt know by now.   她是一个非常温柔的女人,你现在肯定知道了。   9. "Not to worry, Baby," he said, and kissed her tenderly.   “没关系,宝贝儿。”他说道,然后温柔地吻了她一下。   10. The gentlest of her caresses would contort his already tense body.   她最温柔的爱抚会让他已然紧绷的身体变得扭曲。   11. He was a very gentle boy at heart.   他实际上是个非常温柔的男生。   12. He was by nature affectionate.   他生性温柔亲切。   13. Mr. White tenderly embraced his wife.   怀特先生温柔地拥抱了妻子。   14. He looked angelic.   他看上去善良温柔。   15. She *** iled gently at him.   她温柔地朝他微笑。
2023-07-20 03:10:191


  温柔通常用来形容一个人的性格或行为温和柔顺,那么你知道温柔的 英语单词 是什么吗?下面我为大家带来温柔的英语单词和相关例句,欢迎大家一起学习。  温柔的英语单词1:   gentle   英 [u02c8du0292entl] 美 [u02c8du0292u025bntl]   温柔的英语单词2:   tender   英 [u02c8tendu0259] 美 [u02c8tu025bndu025a]   温柔的英语单词3:   meek   英 [mi:k] 美 [mik]   温柔相关英语表达:   tender and gentle   温柔敦厚   tender looks   温柔的神情   tender and amiable   温柔可亲   温柔的英语单词例句:   他温柔而伤感的歌曲   His gentle, melancholic songs   他只是温柔地笑了笑,没说一句话。   He just smiled a gentle smile but said nothing.   他开始以那种少有的温柔安慰我。   He began to comfort me with such unaccustomed gentleness.   他的声音低沉而温柔,几乎可以说是性感。   His voice was deep but gentle, almost sensuous.   他实际上是个非常温柔的男生。   He was a very gentle boy at heart.   驯象有两种主要的 方法 ,我们分别称之为强硬法和温柔法。   Two main techniques have been used for training elephants, which we may respectively the tough and the gentle.   轻粉红色玫瑰:钦佩,同情,温柔,优雅,高兴,快乐,友谊和甜度。   Light pink roses: admiration, sympathy, gentleness, grace, gladness, joy, friendship and sweetness.   我是昔日圣诞鬼魂,幽灵用柔弱、温柔的声音回答说。   " I am the ghost of Christmas Past," replied the spirit, in a soft, gentle voice.   梅格是艾美的知己和监护人,也许是一种性格上的异性相吸吧,乔和温柔的贝思又是一对。   Meg was Amy"s confidant and monitor, and by some strange attraction of opposites Jo was gentle Beth"s.   与我温柔、充满希冀的心血来潮不同,她开始迫切地、频繁地需求性爱,甚至在一些我从来不敢尝试的场所也如此。   Unlike my meek, hopeful forays, she began to demand it, urgently and often and in places I never dared.
2023-07-20 03:10:291


Nobody knows my loneliness,my kind and my weakness because i am pretending to be strong .本人英语六级已过,绝对人工翻译!!!
2023-07-20 03:10:499


问题一:温柔用英语怎么写 一般说来gentle and soft(形容女的)和sweet用来表示温柔的 但具体什么情况怎么用温柔还是有区别的 声音温柔 soft and sweet voice 性情温柔 have a mild disposition/be mild in disposition 温柔的女孩 tende户-hearted girl 温柔的神情 tender looks 温柔的情歌 tender love ballads 温柔地一笑 give a tender *** ile/give a sweet *** ile 对某人温柔体贴:be gentle with *** /be tender and considerate towards *** 问题二:温柔英语怎么说 温柔 [wēn róu] [释义] gentle; meek; pleasingly affectionate; gentle and soft; blandness; [例句]我的妻子非常温柔。 My wife is very gentle. 问题三:温柔英文单词怎么写 gentle gentle 英[?d?entl] 美[?d??ntl] adj. 温和的; 文雅的; 高尚的; vt. 使温和; 使驯服; 问题四:温柔的英文怎么写 gentle温和的 mild温柔的 He was a very gentle boy at heart. 他实际上是个非常温柔的男生。 He is a mild man, who is reasonable almost to the point of blandness. 他为人温和,几乎通情达理到了令人乏味的地步。 问题五:温柔的用英语怎么说? gentle 温柔的 the prince of gentleness 温柔的王子 问题六:温柔女人用英语怎么说 温柔女人 翻译: Gentle woman
2023-07-20 03:11:121

Englishman In New York 歌词

歌曲名:Englishman In New York歌手:Sting专辑:Various - Michael Parkinson: My Life In MusicEnglishman in New York-StingI don"t drink coffee I take tea my dearI like my toast done on the sideAnd you can hear it in my accent when I talkI"m an Englishman in New YorkSee me walking down Fifth AvenueA walking cane here at my sideI take it everywhere I walkI"m an Englishman in New YorkOh I"m an alien, I"m a legal alienI"m an Englishman in New YorkOh I"m an alien, I"m a legal alienI"m an Englishman in New YorkIf "manners maketh man" as someone saidThen he"s the hero of the dayIt takes a man to suffer ignorance and smileBe yourself no matter what they sayOh I"m an alien, I"m a legal alienI"m an Englishman in New YorkOh I"m an alien, I"m a legal alienI"m an Englishman in New YorkModesty, propriety can lead to notorietyYou could end up as the only oneGentleness, sobriety are rare in this societyAt night a candle"s brighter than the sunmusic (Drum)Takes more than combat gear to make a manTakes more than license for a gunConfront your enemies, avoid them when you canA gentleman will walk but never runIf "manners maketh man" as someone saidThen he"s the hero of the dayIt takes a man to suffer ignorance and smileBe yourself no matter what they sayBe yourself no matter what they sayBe yourself no matter what they sayOh I"m an alien, I"m a legal alienI"m an Englishman in New YorkOh I"m an alien, I"m a legal alienI"m an Englishman in New York
2023-07-20 03:11:211


Hope the world"s gentle
2023-07-20 03:11:316

Fill Your Heart 歌词

歌曲名:Fill Your Heart歌手:David Bowie专辑:Hunky DoryFill Your HeartFill your heart with love todayDon"t play the game of timeThings that happened in the pastOnly happened in your MindOnly in your Mind-Forget your MindAnd you"ll be free-yea"The writing"s on the wallFree-yea". And you can know it allIf you choose. Just rememberLovers never lose"Cause they are Free of thoughts unpureAnd of thoughts unkindGentleness clears the soulLove cleans the mindAnd makes it Free.Happiness is happeningThe dragons have been bledGentleness is everywhereFear"s just in your HeadOnly in your HeadFear is in your HeadOnly in your HeadSo Forget your HeadAnd you"ll be freeThe writing"s on the wallFree-yea". And you can know it allIf you choose. Just rememberLovers never lose"Cause they are free of thoughts unpureAnd of thoughts unkindGentleness clears the soulLove cleans the mindAnd makes it Free!!Free-yea". Yeah-yeah-yeah, yeah-yeah-yeah
2023-07-20 03:11:471


organization educationsadnessdonation treatmentkindnessgentleness祝你学习愉快! (*^__^*) 请及时采纳,多谢!
2023-07-20 03:11:552

Fill Your Heart (Lp Version) 歌词

歌曲名:Fill Your Heart (Lp Version)歌手:Tiny Tim专辑:God Bless Tiny TimFill Your HeartFill your heart with love todayDon"t play the game of timeThings that happened in the pastOnly happened in your MindOnly in your Mind-Forget your MindAnd you"ll be free-yea"The writing"s on the wallFree-yea". And you can know it allIf you choose. Just rememberLovers never lose"Cause they are Free of thoughts unpureAnd of thoughts unkindGentleness clears the soulLove cleans the mindAnd makes it Free.Happiness is happeningThe dragons have been bledGentleness is everywhereFear"s just in your HeadOnly in your HeadFear is in your HeadOnly in your HeadSo Forget your HeadAnd you"ll be freeThe writing"s on the wallFree-yea". And you can know it allIf you choose. Just rememberLovers never lose"Cause they are free of thoughts unpureAnd of thoughts unkindGentleness clears the soulLove cleans the mindAnd makes it Free!!Free-yea". Yeah-yeah-yeah, yeah-yeah-yeah
2023-07-20 03:12:221


the damn gentlenessばかな优しさ 韩语我不懂
2023-07-20 03:12:302


It is gentle in one"s eyes./gentleness in one"s eyes
2023-07-20 03:12:371


day with gentleness, vigor and a keenness of appreciation which are often los
2023-07-20 03:12:441


1、没有什么很久很久,找个借口谁都可以先走。 It"s not a long time. Anyone can go first to find an excuse. 2、不想再听任何解释,心里已经承载不了。 Do not want to listen to any explanation, the heart has been unable to carry. 3、你既有能力让我心动,也有能力让我心痛。你真棒。 You have the ability to make my heart beat, but also the ability to make my heart ache. you are so good. 4、分手以后,我们形同陌路。 After breaking up, we are strangers. 5、就这样算了,做俩个没有交集的人罢了! Let"s just be two people without intersection! 6、有一种关心叫犯贱,有一种喜欢叫未完待续。 There is a kind of concern called base, there is a kind of like to call unfinished to be continued. 7、为了他喜欢上最讨厌的东西。结果他走了。我笑了。 For what he likes the most. As a result, he left. I smiled. 8、你说我难过你也不好受,可是你怎么不来温暖我。 You say I"m sad and you feel bad, but why don"t you warm me up. 9、我假装无所谓,却发现你是真的不在乎。 I pretend it doesn"t matter, only to find that you really don"t care. 10、世界上没有未完成的故事,只有未死的心。 There is no unfinished story in the world, only an undead heart. 11、你说过的那些永远,原来只是我自己的。 You said that those forever, originally is only my own. 12、当你喜欢上一个人时,总是会觉得自己哪里都不好。 When you like someone, you always feel that you are not good at anything. 13、宁愿一开始什么都没有,也不愿最后全部都失去。 I would rather have nothing in the beginning than lose everything in the end. 14、感情总是善良,残忍的是人会成长。 Love is always kind, cruel is people will grow. 15、能够预见的都不叫未来,能够避开的都不叫意外。 What can"t be foreseen is called unforeseen. 16、把收藏的黄昏、雪天和便利店都留给你。 Leave your collection of dusk, snow and convenience stores. 17、不爱了,心酸比爱更多,心累了哪还有力气奋不顾身。 Don"t love, sad than love more, heart tired which still have the strength to go all out. 18、总会有那么一个人。让俄又爱又恨。 There will always be one. Let Russia love and hate. 19、放逐自己流浪到远方,希望,时间能治愈好这道伤。 Banish oneself to wander far away, hope, time can cure this wound. 20、一直告诉自己,放弃你是最爱你的方式。 Always tell yourself that giving up on you is the best way to love you. 21、是你让我停止了脚步,然后再放任我四处漂泊。 You make me stop, and then let me wander around. 22、眼泪的背后是另一种明白,放弃的背后是另一种成全。 Behind the tears is another understanding, giving up is another completion. 23、谁都有选择,自己熬到头就好了。 Everyone has a choice, and it"s good to get to the end. 24、想要握住你的心、原来是这么的难。 Want to hold your heart, the original is so difficult. 25、总有一个人,一句话就能让你往死里难受。 There is always a person, a word can make you to die. 26、我的不主动联系,弄丢了好多人。 I didn"t take the initiative to contact and lost a lot of people. 27、幸福没有那么容易,才会让人特别痛心。 Happiness is not so easy, will make people particularly sad. 28、一个手机,一副耳机,一个人,一条长长的路。 A mobile phone, a pair of headphones, a person, a long way. 29、日子很长,过客很多,也不差你一个,就此别过。 It"s a long time. There are a lot of passers-by. It"s not bad for you. Don"t live here. 30、不管你信不信,我是真的想要与你好好在一起。 Believe it or not, I really want to be with you. 31、愿你最初的等待,也是最后的相爱。 May your first waiting be your last love. 32、曾几何时,滴墨成痴。 Once upon a time, ink became a fool. 33、男人苦点无所谓,别苦了跟你一辈子的女人。 It doesn"t matter if a man is bitter. Don"t be bitter with a woman you"ve been with all your life. 34、我那么爱笑是因为没人陪我哭。 I love to laugh so much because there is no one to cry with me. 35、我想留住你,你却从不在意。 I want to keep you, but you never care. 36、退后一步是孤独,往前一步是幸福。 One step back is loneliness, one step forward is happiness. 37、爱如此简单,匆匆离别的人,没有留恋,没有再见。 Love is so simple, people who leave in a hurry, no nostalgia, no goodbye. 38、我连自己都猜不透,怎敢奢求别人来懂我。 I can"t even guess myself. How dare I expect others to understand me. 39、那些日子那些寂与寞,都是为了让我遇见你。 Those days, those lonely and lonely, are for me to meet you. 40、水凉了还可以喝,心凉了连笑都寂寞。 Cold water can also drink, cold heart, even smile are lonely. 41、当阳光不再照射,向日葵也为之黯然。 When the sun is no longer shining, sunflowers are also gloomy. 42、散伙是人间常态,希望我们会是例外。 Breaking up is normal in the world. I hope we will be the exception. 43、很痛不是吗?为什么不哭呢?假装坚强不累吗? It hurts, doesn"t it? Why not cry? Pretend to be strong and not tired? 44、冷漠不减,温柔用不上,狠心过了头。 The indifference does not reduce, the gentleness does not use, the ruthlessness has gone too far. 45、被欺骗算什么,早已习惯一个人的感觉。 What is being cheated? I"m used to the feeling of a person. 46、就算是人间有风情万种,我依然情有独钟。 Even if there are all kinds of love in the world, I still like it. 47、我可以哭可以笑可以执着,却无法摆脱我的软弱。 I can cry, I can laugh, I can be persistent, but I can"t get rid of my weakness. 48、爱一个人最好的方式,是经营好自己。 The best way to love someone is to manage yourself well. 49、谁在一瞬间丢了伞,顾不得仓皇而落的雨。 Who lost the umbrella in an instant, regardless of the hasty rain. 50、无疾而终的爱情,伤人的很彻底。 The love that has no disease but end, hurt a person very thoroughly.
2023-07-20 03:14:191


1、The sun knows: the persistence of sunflower. Moved the soil.太阳知道:向日葵的执着。感动了土壤。2、The gentleness of life will run into your arms.从日月山河到皎皎星辰,都是我喜欢你的见证。3、From sun, moon, mountains and rivers to bright stars, I like your testimony.从日月山河到皎皎星辰,都是我喜欢你的见证。4、You are my dream of gain and loss, and I am your dispensable person. After all, this arrow across the mountains and你是我患得患失的梦,我是你可有可无的人。毕竟这穿越山河的箭,刺的都是用情至疾的人。5、Before meeting you, indulge in the past. After meeting you, I plan to spend the rest of my life.遇你之前,沉迷过往;遇你以后,盘算余生。6、How far I have to go in my life and when I can stop.我这一生要走多远的路程,什么时候才能停下。7、I"m not weird. I"m limited edition.我不是怪异。本人是限量版。8、Boyfriend to bring home to he a look, dad is not reliable.男朋友要带回家,给爸爸看看可不可靠。9、Always yield to gentleness.永远屈服于温柔。
2023-07-20 03:14:271

Aiways yield to gentleness是什么意思?

Aiways yield to gentleness总是屈服于温柔
2023-07-20 03:14:491


The gentleness of life will run into your arms.生命的温柔将闯入你的怀抱。
2023-07-20 03:14:561


Eyes are filled with / are full of your people, gentleness and prejudice.
2023-07-20 03:15:142


2023-07-20 03:15:2414


When it rains around the world, let"s make it clear in our hearts.
2023-07-20 03:16:275


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