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2023-07-20 09:16:30
TAG: 电影


1. The box office took in over 100 million in the first two weeks.


Box office 指的是卖票的地方,不管是卖球票还是卖电影票的地方,都可以称作 box office。例如跟朋友约好去看电影,你可以说:"I"ll see you at the box office." 那就是说,我们在卖票的地方见面。此外,box office 也可以用来指电影或球赛的"票房",或是卖座的情况。例如,"Can you believe that? Scary Movie actually did very well at the box office." (你能相信吗?Scary Movie 这部片子的票房卖座居然非常地好。)注意到了没,老美说一部电影的票房很好,不是用 "The box office is very good." 而是用 a movie did very well (at the box office),别搞错了。

如果要提到实际的票房收入,则不妨用 took in 或是 grossed 这两个动词 (均为过去式),例如,"Over the weekend, the top 10 movies grossed over 100 million at the box office." (排名前十名的电影周末票房总收入超过 1 亿美元。) 或是 "The box office of the top 10 movies took in over 100 million over the weekend."

2. Who do you think is going to win the Academy Award for Best Actor this year?


我注意到很多人看到 Academy Award 时都无法联想到这个词指的就是奥斯卡金像奖,实在是个有趣的现象。因为他们把奥斯卡金像奖都直接翻成了 Oscar Award,但事实上比较常听到的用法应该是 Academy Award 才对,Oscar 其实是那座小金人的名字。但有时候 Oscars (加上 -s) 也可指奥斯卡颁奖典礼 (Academy Award ceremony)。比方说 "Who do you think is going to win the Academy Award, umm.. I mean, Best Actor at the Oscars this year?" (你认为谁会在奥斯卡颁奖典礼赢得今年的男主角?) 当奥斯卡颁奖嘉宾宣布获奖得主的时候,通常说的是:"The Oscar goes to…"

通常一部好的电影都会标示自己有哪几项被提名 (Academy Award nominations),实际获奖 (winner of...) 的又有哪些,诸如 Best Picture (影片),Best Actor (男主角),Best Actress (女主角),Best Cinematography (摄影),Best Costume Design (服装设计) 等等。除了 Academy Award 之外,国际上知名的 Golden Globe (金球奖) 和由柏林国际影展(Berlinale International Film Festival) 所颁的 Golden Bear (金熊奖),以及戛纳电影节(Cannes Film Festival)颁发的金棕榈奖(Palme d"or)也是在看电影宣传时常会见到的字眼。



惊声尖笑; 惊声尖笑系列四部曲; 恐怖电影; 惊声尖笑全集; 恐怖片[例句]Last Saturday, there was a scary movie on TV.上个星期六,电视上演了一部恐怖电影。
2023-07-20 02:41:231


2023-07-20 02:42:0111


2023-07-20 02:42:321

Scary Movies 歌词

歌曲名:Scary Movies歌手:Eminem专辑:Eminem Is Backsacry movieEminemMade by MaHone"What"s your favorite scary movie?"Yo, Slim Shady!Yo, Royce 5-9Y"all wanna make a movie?What..We got the film right hereYeah I"m one of them pretty rappersWhat?Buck if I really hafta, I really slap yaKing of Detroit who they namin the city after (what?)Scandalous partners, whose grammar hammers the hard shitinto your heart with, content, yo who wanna start withexperts, Bad and Evil is comin soonMC"s get stuck, head first back in they mother"s wombThis shit is written, in my eyes I"m the illest MC spittin (what?)Leavin all of you cats shittin kittensI gotta diss you, my niggaz be cockin pistolsShot and split you, fuck splittin the profits with you (what?)Six percent, of y"all niggaz is just pretendClicks with clits, pussy niggaz stink with dicks (what?)Niggaz act bully, and blast for the fast pennyMy auto is fully, plenty of niggaz packin semiSpeak darts; yo you get paid? Rhymin about it is the sweet partYou can"t be street smart with a cheap heartFive Nine, a street nigga with deep feelin (what?)I keep illin, my steez willin to keep killin (what?)Fuck rap, a lot of y"all all is just actsTrust that - you rhyme all wack on rough tracksBust and then we all black when you get bust back atFuck that, you get blast at, you get laughed atAnd I"ma spit thunder (what?) stick to my gunsNiggaz is finished before they gimmicks, one-hit wondersWhat? Big balls, that"s why when I spit, your clique stallsI"ma pit bull, I"m just dog, I"m just raw (what?)Split y"all, holla, "It"s on!" Then I diss y"allAll of y"all niggaz get pissed on claimin you pissed offChorus: Eminem and Royce (repeat 2X)Y"all want drama? Wanna make a scary movie?Rappers comin in with they team and carry tooliesYou can jump right out of the screen and barely move meWe hard-hittin, directin and starrin in itY"all want drama? Wanna make a scary movie?Rappers comin in with they team and carry tooliesYou can jump right out of the screen and barely move meWe hard-hittin, directin and starrin in itThe one man on the planet that"ll drive off of the Grand CanyonHop out of a Grand Am and land in it handstandinAny man plannin to battle will get snatched out of his clothesso fast it"ll look like an invisible man standinI"m headed for Hell, I"d rather be dead or in jailBill Clinton, hit this, and you better inhaleCause any MC that chooses to go against meis gettin takin advantage of like Monica Lewinksy (Leave me alone!)Came home in a frenzy, pushin a ten speedScreamin to Aunt Peg (AUNT PEG!!!!)with three spokes stickin out of my pant legFuck a headache, give me a migraineDamnit I like pain (AHH!)and you should be anywhere that A MIC AIN"TYou rap knowin you wackYou act up and I"m throwin you down a flight of stepsthen I"m throwin you back up emIf they don"t like the track, fuck emThe rap struck em harder then gettin hit by a Mack truckand then backed up onAnd any half-assed known rapper to trespassbetter be ready for the second Celebrity Deathmatch (Ding! Ding!)So tell the medic to bring the medication and quickly (Hurry up man!)I"m sicker than a Tupac dedication to BiggieI"m free-fallin feet first out of a damn treeto stampede your chest till you can"t breatheAnd when I"m down to my last breathI"ma climb the Empire State Building and get to the last stepand still have half leftY"all want drama? Wanna make a scary movie?Rappers comin in with they team and carry tooliesYou can jump right out of the screen and barely move meWe hard-hittin, directin and starrin in itY"all want drama? Wanna make a scary movie?Rappers comin in with they team and carry tooliesYou can jump right out of the screen and barely move meWe hard-hittin, directin and starrin in itBad.. the bad..Uhh, when the bad meets the bad.. yo..The evilTake the evil with the evilPut em togetherWhat? Nine-nineTwo times.. Slim Shady.. Royce the Five Nine{end}
2023-07-20 02:42:491

when l nine watching scary movies什么语法?

When I was nine watching scary movies, she said it"d give me awful dreams.少了谓语动词啊
2023-07-20 02:42:598

《惊声尖笑1/2/3/4》-Scary Movie 各恐怖片经典桥段有哪些?

2023-07-20 02:43:283


日本恐怖电影的特色:一、具有双重性的女性主角。二、虚无缥缈的恐怖意象。三、寓动于静的内敛气质。四、源于日常生活的恐怖元素。五、末日意识的时空观。日本恐怖片:点评:气氛,音乐,会渲染,故事剧情也是跌但起伏,至少日本在恐怖片创造过辉煌,《午夜凶铃》《咒怨》《裂口女》等。简介恐怖电影,以制造恐怖为目的的一种影片。故事内容荒诞离奇,引起恐怖。如描写鬼怪作祟、勾魂摄魄,描写凶猛动物噬人等等,使观众毛骨悚然。摄影技术的发展提供了更有利于表现恐怖画面的条件,一些渲染地震以及核战争等的所谓灾难片也属此类。《催眠》《忌日快乐2》《我们》《骗术大师》《鬼怪》《生死门之夺命电梯》《死神归来》《笔仙》都属于恐怖电影,另有同名系列电影《惊声尖笑》又名恐怖电影《Scary Movie》。总共分五部,分别是:《惊声尖笑》《惊声尖笑2》、《惊声尖笑3》、《惊声尖笑4》、《惊声尖笑5》。
2023-07-20 02:43:351

Scary Movies eminem 歌词

2023-07-20 02:44:002

惊声尖笑5(Scary Movie 5)

惊声尖笑5没有拍。1.你所看的预告片无非是两部电影的预告片,一部是Epic Movie(史诗电影),另一部是Superhero Movie(超级英雄)。这两部片中《超级英雄》是惊声尖笑的原班剧组。史诗电影则是07年的影片,评价远不如惊声尖笑。2.全美最大的影评网IMDB上,有写Scary Movie 5将于2011年提上日程。进一步说明没有拍。3.惊声尖笑5的海报全是网友的山寨制作,只要仔细观察就会发现是PS出来的。
2023-07-20 02:44:141


dgds gsd gds gsd g fgng bn
2023-07-20 02:44:238


是她么?中文名: 安娜·法瑞丝英文名: Anna Faris性 别: 女生 日: 1976-11-29角 色:演员演员作品 惊声尖笑4 Scary Movie 4 (2006) 我的超级前女友 My Super Ex-Girlfriend (2006) 朋友一场 Just Friends (2005) 断臂山 Brokeback Mountain (2005) 贝勒斯南行 Southern Belles (2005) 爱情服务生 Waiting... (2005) 惊声尖笑3 Scary Movie 3 (2003) 变身辣妹 Hot Chick, The (2002) 五月魔女 May (2002) 惊声尖笑2 Scary Movie 2 (2001) 惊声尖笑 Scary Movie (2000) 写真图片:如果是的话,baidu有她的贴吧,里边有好多东西,自己去看吧
2023-07-20 02:44:501


天兆 格雷汉姆·海斯(梅尔·吉布森饰)是美国费城某小镇上一个普通的农场主,一天早上醒来,他和家人意外的自己的玉米田里出现了几个一串串紧紧连结在一起的庞大环状神秘图案,这可让格雷汉姆一家吃惊不小,因为玉米田里根本没有任何足迹,看上去像是外星球人的飞船降落的痕迹,很快全世界各地都传出了一夜之间出现神秘图案的消息,人们惊恐万分,惶惶不可终日。只有格雷汉姆发现了一些端倪,决定追查到底......麦田圆圈(CropCircles)是个特殊的词语,它是特指在长满麦子的麦田里,一夜之间出现的有些麦杆弯曲伏倒而呈现出来的规律的圆圈形图案。这一词语最常出现在研究UFO和外星人的文章里,因为人们认为麦田里出现的这种特殊现象是外星人的飞碟破坏所致。
2023-07-20 02:44:591


最后他们是不是谈到岛上 怪物还活着?
2023-07-20 02:45:214

惊声尖笑4 无删减 百度网盘?

2023-07-20 02:45:482


sellingdoes littleseldom has his busy lifesometimes rushes off with nowhat a scary moviehow often do experts say you only need to exercise to keep healthy?
2023-07-20 02:46:306

2023-07-20 02:46:475


比如恶搞婆婆 这个电视剧是挺感动的,能够展现出来媳妇和婆婆之间的感情,也是能够弘扬人生观的。
2023-07-20 02:47:025


分类: 美食/烹饪 问题描述: 老实说,我自己没看多很多好莱屋的大片,看这部片之余只是觉得很有反讽刺意味,但经介绍说,此片对很多恐怖片进行了恶搞,我想若是能先看过正片,再看《惊》剧会有更不同的感觉。不如有经验的朋友介绍一下在剧中隐射的其他电影,我现在只看了第一部,发现那个女主角跟杀人狂打斗时飞起来那个镜头很晕……真是黑色幽默。 解析: 四部都改了很多 一:《惊声尖叫》,《第六感》,《万圣节》、《黑客帝国》,《普通嫌疑犯》,《007系列》,《我知道你去年夏天干了些什么》,《女巫布莱尔》等,还有一些广告情节 二:《驱魔人》《鬼入侵》《魔鬼末日》,《末世圣童》,《移魂追凶》《汉尼拔》等三:这次的蓄意模仿更加变本加厉,光是片名(本片的英文全名是 Scary Movie 3:Episode I-lord of the Brooms)就影射了《星球大战》、《哈利·波特》和《魔戒》等超级大片,而且片中角色还极力讽刺了《8英里》、《骇客帝国2》、《天兆》、《绿巨人》和《小岛惊魂》等话题影片。更绝的是,《惊声尖笑3》的三版预告海报干脆就全部模仿《逍遥法外》、《灵异象限》和《午夜凶铃》,可以说是极尽模仿之能事了. 四:《世界大战》、美版《咒怨》、《灵异村》、《电锯惊魂1,2》,《金刚》,同性恋牛仔史诗《断背山》,《百万美元宝贝》还有对汤姆克路斯和小布什的行为的讽刺等
2023-07-20 02:48:381


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基于最近电影网站被关的关,所剩无几,就先 推荐个看电影的网站吧:www.haokan5.com惊声尖笑》/《恐怖电影》总共分五部,分别是:《惊声尖笑》,《惊声尖笑2》,《惊声尖笑3》,《惊声尖笑4》:《惊声尖笑5》  英文名: Scary Movie   中文名: 惊声尖笑/恐怖电影   导 演: ( 凯南·艾夫里·韦恩斯 Keenen Ivory Wayans )   主 演: (卡门·伊莱克特拉 Carmen Electra) ( Dave Sheridan) ( Frank B. Moore) ( Giacomo Baessato) ( Kyle Graham) ( Leanne Santos)   上 映: 2000年07月07日 美国   地 区: 美国   对 白: 英语   颜 色: 彩色   声 音: 杜比数码环绕声(Dolby Digital) SDDS   时 长: 88   类 型: 喜剧 恐怖   分 级: 马来群岛:U 加拿大:AA 加拿大:18A 加拿大:14 加拿大:14A 加拿大:13 加拿大:R 加拿大:PA 冰岛:16 阿根廷:16 澳大利亚:MA 巴西:16 智利:18 哥伦比亚:12 芬兰:K-14 法国:-12 德国:16 香港:IIB 爱尔兰:18 意大利:VM14 日本:PG-12 马来群岛:(禁映) 墨西哥:B 荷兰:16 新西兰:R16 阿根廷:13  外文别名:  Last Summer I Screamed Because Halloween Fell on Friday the 13th (USA) (working title)   Scream If You Know What I Did Last Halloween (USA) (working title)  剧情介绍:  故事发生在美国的一所高中里。一天,一群14-15岁的孩子得知同班一位漂亮的女同学被杀害了,而不久他们就发现凶手竟就在他们中间。剧中女主人公Cindy Campbell和她的好朋友Buffy、Brenda、Bobby、Greg、Shorty、Ray不得不为保护各自的生命而战斗。   但是讨厌的记者可没这么好,老缠着他们,不让他们清净!讲到这,故事好像有些落入俗套。但当故事进一步发展,一系列让他们始料不及的可怕的闹剧发生了......  《惊声尖笑2惊声尖笑2》  内容简介  第一集苟活的两男两女原班人马切入发展,描述他们重返校园后,在狂人教授居心叵测的秘密安排下,呼朋引伴号召不怕死的同学,趁著周末前往郊区鬼屋,于是夜黑风高一场人鬼斗法于焉展开。  上映日期:2001年7月4日  导演:奇南?艾弗瑞?韦恩斯KeenenIvoryWayans  编剧:肖恩?韦恩斯ShawnWayans  马龙?韦恩斯MarlonWayans  主演:安娜?法瑞斯AnnaFaris  肖恩?韦恩斯ShawnWayans  马龙?韦恩斯MarlonWayans  托瑞?斯培林ToriSpelling  《惊声尖笑3》  内容简介  惊声尖笑3故事讲述一个叫汤姆?洛根(查理?辛)的农夫某天早上在自己的农场里发现了不可思议的麦田怪圈,刚刚从学校毕业进入电视台做新闻记者的辛蒂?坎贝尔(安娜?法瑞斯)奉命到这个农场进行报道,然而这只是一切超自然事件的开始,就在辛蒂开始着手调查的同时,她的一位好朋友却因为看了一盘神秘的录像带而离奇死亡。焦头烂额的辛蒂在这两件怪事的追查过程中结识了一个名叫俄尔甫斯的神秘人,他自称是先知,预言辛蒂是传说中的"救世主”,命中注定要用她的神奇能力帮助美国总统(莱斯利?尼尔森),她肩负一个伟大的任务——阻止即将到来的外星人入侵殖民,拯救地球和全人类于危难之中。  上映时间:2003年  导演:大卫?佐克DavidZucker  演员:安娜?法瑞丝AnnaFaris  查理?辛CharlieSheen  瑞吉娜?赫尔ReginaHall  丹妮丝?理察兹DeniseRichards  奎恩?拉提法QueenLatifah  莱斯利?尼尔森LeslieNielsen  帕米拉?安德森PamelaAnderson  珍妮?麦卡锡JennyMcCarthy  《惊声尖笑4》  内容简介  惊声尖笑4好心的坎贝尔以保姆的身份出现,住进一栋受到诅咒的房子里照顾一位老妇人。在隔壁汤姆的常来常往中,也难免步入汤姆的房间,这次,却意外地发现一个小男孩的鬼魂正在房间里四处游走,甚是恐怖。这小孩的鬼魂为了找到杀害自己的真凶而迟迟不离人间。惊魂未定的坎贝尔刚刚逃出恐怖之屋,又遭遇外星人“Tr-iPods”的猛烈进攻,而这些恐怖的外星生物的目的是毁掉地球。为了拯救全人类的坎贝尔依然选择成为坚毅的女拳手,想籍此成为一个坚强的人。却在朋友的帮助下未能逃脱厄运,被关进恐怖封闭的小屋中,遭遇了同样恐怖慑人的面具杀人狂。卡贝尔能和一班们逃脱厄运吗?能拯救地球吗?  上映时间:2006年4月14日  导演:大卫?扎克DavidZucker  编剧:CraigMazin.....(story)  CraigMazin.....(screenplay)and  JimAbrahams.....(screenplay)  演员:安娜?法瑞丝AnnaFaris.....CindyCampbell  雷吉娜?赫尔ReginaHall.....BrendaMeeks  克雷格?比尔克CraigBierko.....TomRyan  西蒙?雷克斯SimonRex.....George  KimaniRaySmith.....CutMan  安东尼?安德森AnthonyAnderson.....Mahalik  LinkBaker  AmberBorycki.....Dancer  BeverleyBreuer.....BlondeWoman  ConchitaCampbell.....RachelRyan  Chingy  德雷?戴维斯DeRayDavis.....Marvin  KathrynDobbs.....Schoolteacher  卡门?伊莱克特拉CarmenElectra.....Holly  KevinHart.....C.J.  CrystalLowe.....PrettyGirl#1  迈克尔?马德森MichaelMadsen  GarrettMasuda.....GhostBoy  Dr.PhillipC.McGraw.....Himself/Prisoner(asDr.Phil)  JessicaMcLeod.....GirlReadinginSchool  BeauMirchoff.....Robbie  JanaMitsoula.....RunningWoman  莱斯利?尼尔森LeslieNielsen.....PresidentHarris  沙奎尔?奥尼尔ShaquilleO"Neal.....Shaq  比尔?普尔曼BillPullman.....(attached)  JohnHenryReardon.....Jeremiah  查理?辛CharlieSheen.....TomLogan  RoreleeTio.....Yoko  AllisonWarren.....PolishDelegate  克里斯?威廉斯ChrisWilliams.....Marcus  DebraWilson.....OprahWinfrey(attached)   DaleWolfe.....HangGlidingMan  《惊声尖笑5》  内容简介  惊声尖笑5惊声尖笑截至目前为止已经拍到第四集,总成本约为1亿6000万美元,但是总票房却超过7亿美金,投资报酬率相当高,也因此造成《惊声尖笑》罢不能的局面。就在《惊声尖笑》美国票房累计超过8000万美金同时,导演大卫札克也就地宣布,系列第五集即将于2008年推出!这个宣布可能吓坏许多好莱坞知名导演与演员,因为大家都很害怕谁会成为下一部声《惊声尖笑5》嘲弄的对象。  其实大家也不用太过担心,因为不够出名、不够卖座的电影《惊声尖笑》还看不上眼,也就是说这两年内的超级卖座强片都可能成为《惊声尖笑5》的题材。至于最有机会上榜的影片,导演大卫札克不愿意透露,只说大家都别跑,个个有机会。
2023-07-20 02:52:351


片中那个面具是剧组在加洲驻扎时,导演Wes Craven在一个商店买到的。影片有很多细节是模仿过去的经典恐怖片,如《月光光心慌慌》、 <猛鬼街> 。片中的歌<Don"t Fear the Reaper>在1978年的<月光光心慌慌>中也能听到。男主角比利的扮演者斯凯特·乌尔里克(Skeet Ulrich)长的很像约翰尼·德普。学校看门人Fred是导演演的,他穿那件外衣是《猛鬼街》里Freddy Krueger穿的。盥洗室一幕中的拉拉队长是斯凯特·乌尔里克的女友演的。科特妮·考克斯和大卫·艾奎特拍此片结下情缘,后来他们结婚了。面具杀手大部分时间都是一个特技演员扮演的。瑞茜·威瑟斯彭曾经拒绝了女主角的机会。电影一开始叫<Scary Movie> ,后来这个名字被<惊声尖笑>系列使用了。影片展示了如下的恐怖片定理:每个人都可能是凶手;如果你在片中喝酒、吸毒或跟别人上床,那么估计你最后不会生还,如果说了我一会就回来这样的话也是;如果你问谁在那?或者出去查看奇怪的动静,那么很显然,你死定了。凶手的电话是剧组人员用移动电话打来的,甚至还引来了警察的调查,他们以为真的有个杀手在这儿。 穿帮镜头当Sidney在走廊看见Dewey时,她喊的是Dewey,口型却是No。当主角之一在车库被杀时,她的双手都是下垂的,当Sidney发现她时,却只有一条胳膊垂下来。当Casey跑去锁前门时,你能在墙上看见机器的影子。Steve被杀后Casey跑进厨房,烟气报警器是火警的声音,但当Casey的妈妈进来时就变成了嘟嘟声。Sidney朝窗外看然后去看门,门是向外开的,等她进屋时门变成朝里开了。
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安东尼·安德森照片中文名: 安东尼·安德森 英文名: Anthony Anderson 性 别: 男 生 日: 1970-08-15 职 业:演员 演出: 变形金刚 Transformers (2007) 无间道风云 The Departed (2006) 川流不息 Hustle & Flow (2005) 国王的赎金 King"s Ransom (2005) 三个奶爸三个娃 My Baby"s Daddy (2004) 少年特工科迪2 Agent Cody Banks 2: Destination London (2004) 惊声尖笑3 Scary Movie 3 (2003) 抢钱袋鼠 Kangaroo Jack (2003) 马里布绑票案 Malibu"s Most Wanted (2003) 致命摇篮 Cradle 2 the Grave (2003) 理发店 Barbershop (2002) 龙潭虎穴Cradle 2 the Grave(2002) 天国 Kingdom Come (2001) 二人游戏 Two Can Play That Game (2001) 天翻地覆 See Spot Run (2001) 绝命出路 Exit Wounds (2001) 一个头两个大 Me, Myself & Irene (2000) 绝地奶霸 Big Momma"s House (2000) 傲笑江湖 Life (1999) 致命罗密欧(Romeo Must Die) 2000
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【主要专辑】 一、Infinite.LP专辑曲目:01.Infinite02.W.E.G.O. (Interlude)03.It"s OK04.31305.Tonight06.Maxine07.Open Mic08.Never 2 Far - Searchin"09.Backstabber10.Jealousy二.The Slim Shady LP专辑曲目:01. Public Service Announcement - Jeff Bass 02. My Name Is 03. Guilty Conscience 04. Brain Damage 05. Paul 06. If I Had 07. "97 Bonnie & Clyde 08. Bitch 09. Role Model 10. Lounge - Jeff Bass 11. My Fault 12. Ken Kaniff - Marky Bass 13. Cum On Everybody 14. Rock Bottom 15. Just Don"t Give A shit 16. Soap - Jeff Bass 17. As the World Turns 18. I"m Shady 19. Bad Meets Evil 20. Still Don"t Give a shit三.The Marshall Mathers LP专辑曲目:01. PSA 2000 02. Kill You 03. Stan 04. Paul (Skit) 05. Who Knew 06. Steve Berman (Skit) 07. The Way I Am 08. The Real Slim Shady 09. Remember Me 10. I"m Back 11. Marshall Mathers 12. Ken Kaniff (Skit) 13. Drug Ballad 14. Amityville 15. Bitch Please II 16. Kim 17. Under The Influence 18. Criminal 四.The Eminem Show专辑曲目:01. Curtains Up 02. White America 03. Business 04. Cleanin Out My Closet 05. Square Dance 06. The Kiss 07. Soldier 08. Say Goodbye Hollywood 09. Drips 10. Without Me 11. Paul Rosenberg 12. Sing For the Moment 13. Superman 14. Hailie"s Song 15. Steve Berman 16. When the Music Stops 17. Say What You Say 18. "Till I Collapse 19. My Dad"s Gone Crazy 20. Curtains Close 五.8 Mile [SOUNDTRACK]专辑曲目:01. Lose Yourself - Eminem 02. Love Me - Obie Trice, Eminem & 50 Cent 03. 8 Mile - Eminem 04. Adrenaline Rush - Obie Trice 05. Places to Go - 50 Cent 06. Rap Game - D-12 07. 8 Miles and Running - Jay-Z 08. Spitshine - Xzibit 09. Time of My Life - Macy Gray 10. U Wanna Be Me - Nas 11. Wanksta - 50 Cent 12. Wasting My Time - Boomkat 13. R.A.K.I.M. - Rakim 14. That"s My Ni**a Fo Real - Young Zee 15. Battle - Gang Starr 16. Rabbit Run - Eminem六.Eminem Is Back专辑曲目:01.Hellbound 02.Nuttin" To Do(Featuring Bad Meets Evil) 03.She"s The One(Featuring Royce 5′9") 04.Three Six Five(Featuring Oldworldisorder) 05.Scary Movie(Featuring Bad Meets Evil) 06.Rush Ya Clique(Featuring Oousidaz) 07.Hustlers & Hardcore(Featuring Domimgo) 08.Rock City(Featuring Royce DA 5′9") 09.Macosa(Featuring Outsidaz Demo Version,Previously Unrelleased) 10.Nuttin To Do(Featruing Bad Meets Evil Clean Radio Version) 11.Scary Movies(Featuring Bad Meets Evil(Instrumental Version) 七.Encore专辑曲目:01. Curtains Up 02. Evil Deeds 03. Never Enough Feat. 50 Cent & Nate Dogg 04. Yellow Brick Road 05. Like Toy Soldiers 06. Mosh 07. Puke 08. My 1st Single 09. Paul (Skit) 10. Rain Man 11. Big Weenie 12. Em Calls Paul (Skit) 13. Just Lose It 14. A** Like That 15. Spend Some Time Feat. Obie Trice, Stat Quo, & 50 Cent 16. Mockingbird 17. Crazy In Love 18. One Shot 2 Shot Feat. D-12 19. Final Thought (Skit) 20. Encore Feat. Dr. Dre & 50 Cent专辑名称:Curtain Call-The Hits歌手姓名:Eminem 发行公司:Shady/Aftermath/Interscope 发行日期:2005年12月06日 1. Intro (Curtain Call) 2. FACK 3. The Way I Am 4. My Name Is 5. Stan (Feat. Dido) 6. Lose Yourself 7. Shake That (Feat. Nate Dogg) 8. Sing For The Moment 9. Without Me 10. Like Toy Soldiers 11. The Real Slim Shady 12. Mockingbird 13. Guilty Conscience (Feat. Dr.Dre) 14. Cleanin" Out My Closet 15. Just Lose It 16. When I"m Gone 17. Stan (Live) (Feat. Elton John)艺人单曲:一.Business Pt.1 (Limited Edition)01. Business 02. Bump Heads 03. Business(a cappella) 二.Cleanin Out My Closet [ENHANCED]01.Cleanin" Out My Closet (Album Version)02.Stimulate03Cleanin" Out My Closet (Instrumental).三.Guilty Consience01. Guilty Consience Radio Version 02. Guilty Consience Album Version 03. Guilty Consience A Capella 四.Lose Yourself01.Lose Yourself02.Lose Yourself (Instrumental)03.Renegade (With Jay-Z)五.My Name Is, Part 1 [CD-SINGLE]01. My Name Is [Clean Version] 02. My Name Is [Explicit Version] 03. My Name Is [Instrumental] 六.Sing for the Moment 1 [LIMITED EDITION] 01. Sing For The Moment (Album Version) 02. Rabbit Run (Soundtrack Version) 03.Sing for the Moment (instumental)七.Stan / Get You Mad / My Name Is [ENHANCED]01.Stan(Radio Edit)02.Guilty Conscience_(Radio Version w_Gunshot)03.Hazardous Youth_ A Cappela Version04.Sway+King Tech Featuring DJ Revolution w_Eminem_Ge+You Mad_八.Real Slim Shady [ENHANCED]01.The Real Slim Shady02.Bad Influence03.The Real Slim Shady (Instrumental)04.My Fault (Pizza Mix)九.The Way I Am01. The Way I Am (Unedited Version) 02. Kids (Unedited Version) 03. "97 Bonnie & Clyde 04. Steve Berman十.Wanksta01.Wanksta (Eminem"s Version) 十一.Without Me01. Without Me [Album Version] 02. Way I Am [Danny Lohner Remix] 03. Without Me [Acappella] 04. Without Me [Instrumental]
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这部电影的情节太复杂,我看不懂英语翻译是:The plot of this movie is too complex for me to understand。movie,英语单词,名词、形容词,作名词时意为“电影;电影院;电影业”。作形容词时意为“电影的”。短语搭配:Scary Movie惊声尖笑;恐怖电影。movie camera电影摄影机;摄影机;电影。movie theater电影院;影剧院;电影剧场;影院。电影,也被称为运动画面或动态画面,即“映画”,是作品视觉艺术形式,通过使用移动图像来表达沟通思想,故事,认知,情感,价值观,或各类大气模拟体验。这些图像通常伴随着声音,很少有其他感官刺激。“电影”一词是电影摄影的缩写,通常用于指代电影制作和电影业,以及由此产生的艺术形式。膜的运动图像被用创建拍摄具有实际场景运动画面相机,通过拍摄使用传统的图纸或微缩模型动画技术,借助于CGI和计算机动画,或通过一些或所有这些技术的组合,和其他视觉效果。双语例句:1、That"s the best movie I"ve seen in years.那是我多年来看过的最好的电影。2This will be the movie"s first screening in this country.这将是这部电影首次在这个国家上映。3、Life isn"t like in the movies, you know.你知道,生活不像在电影里那样。4、The novel does not transfer well to the movies.这部小说不太适宜改编成电影。
2023-07-20 02:53:381

风景看透 细水长流

英语每日学(3.11) 这篇文章要从一首歌开始,来自王菲的《红豆》。 正如歌中所唱,如果你想让他/她陪你看细水长流,你得先把风景都看透。 如何把“风景”都“看"透,你就要好好读这篇文章了。 See is what your eyes do. However, this word has loads of meanings: you can see a shrink , which means you"re consulting a psychiatrist; or you can be seeing your high school sweetheart, which means you"re dating him.( 这里需要说明一下,shrink有一个非正式的幽默用法,指的是精神科医生psychiatrist ) See usually means passively observing, while look , which is also something you do with your eyes, is more active and intentional. ( see和look在这里有了第一个差别,see通常是被动的,而look则更加主动 ) When someone says, "The president will see you now," the president is sitting there passively, waiting for you to be shown in. You can say "I see," to mean "I understand; I get it." Or you can look into your crystal ball and see into the future, in which case you"d be called a seer( seer的意思是预言家 ). 我们都知道,中文里的 “看书”不说see a book,要说read a book。不过,如果你只是看一眼而已就可以用see了。 如果某件事是一个变化的或者动态的过程,比如“看电视”和“看比赛”,你不能说 see TV 或 see a football game ,而要说 watch TV 与 watch a football game 。 这可能是因为电视镜头变换频繁,比赛更是瞬息万变,而see则是看比较固定的东西。 watch 可以表示对一个过程“观看一段时间”,这个含义用于一天到晚轮番上节目的电视就比较合适。但如果是特定的一个节目,有头有尾看了,就不用watch而用see。 因此,看电影用see,看电视则用watch,如果你看的是电视当中的一个特定节目,或是球赛中一个特定环节,由于过程变化减弱,也可以用see甚至只能用see。 请看下面的例句 如果前后文或语境暗示了你看的是电视上特定的一小段,而不是笼统的指看电视,仍然用see而不是watch,而且television或TV前有the。 但是如果说明了是电视上的一部片子,仍然以watch更好。 see 除了最普通的“看见”之外,还有一个释义是“留心、留神、设法办到”。 如果是这个释义,通常是see that...或者see to it that...的结构,that后面的从句时态按情况用一般现在时或一般过去时。 see to it that...来自see to something,是“照料”、“负责”、“管”的意思,因此see to后面接上名词也有“照料”的意思。 如果你觉得别人碍手碍脚,可以说: 如果你想吐槽自己太忙,可以说 当遇到see that...的形式时,很容易误解see是无意识的“看见”(其实是有意识的“设法做到”),看这样两个例句: 如果的女朋友正在犹豫要不要向你提一个要求,你可以告诉她: see about sth. 这个短语的意思是“安排,着手处理” see的主语可以某一时间点或时段,或是某一地点,表示该时或该地发生什么事。 这个小词在写作中用好了也会出彩,是一种拟人化的修辞手法 see表示“看见”,本来是人的一种不自主的感觉活动,因此通常不能用进行时。但如果是自主的行动就可以有进行时态: 比如 学会了see,还是不够的 The Old English word locian is the root of look , meaning "see, gaze, or spy." When you look at something, you see it. Look can also describe how something appears, like when your dog looks sad, or something likely to happen, like a gray day that looks like rain. As a noun, look describes someone"s style of dress, like your brother, whose rock star look gets lots of compliments.( 关于look的名词用法我们这里不再赘述 ) 当你自己向外look(眼睛向外看或者内心有某种见解)时,后面要加上介词成分: look和seem及appear意义差不多,但是在搭配上,seem和appear后面都可以接上to inf. 或是that从句,look却不可以,只能有look + 表语,以及上述It looks as if或It looks like的结构。 Spectacle、view、 sight、vision、scene、scenery spectacle A spectacle is something you can"t believe you are seeing. The word spectacle comes from the Latin spectaculum meaning "public show," an apt translation because a spectacle, like a public show , is something worth watching . A ballet is a spectacle, or an elaborate production worth watching. Often the word is used to describe something that has a particularly exciting visual element to it — like an acrobatic display or a magic trick. It"s something you have to see to really appreciate. 这个词的复数 spectacles 的意思是“眼镜”; spectacle 作名词的意思包括“风景、场面”,而且多用来形容壮丽奇特( especially something of a remarkable or impressive nature ),让人大开眼界的景象或事件( an event or scene regarded in terms of its visual impact )。 view A view is a scene or vista that"s visible from a certain point(从某一点). If you think your hotel room has a view of the ocean, it"ll be disappointing to open the blinds and discover your view of a Dumpster(大垃圾桶) instead. The range of what you can see is also called your view. When you"re keeping an eye on kids at the beach, you try to keep them in your view. As a verb, view means to watch. It might be hard for you to sit still while you view a really scary movie, or even to keep from screaming out loud. bird"s-eye view这个表达的中文是“鸟瞰”的意思。 从这个表达我们也可以看出 view 这个词的侧重点是从某个较高的地点看到的美景( beautiful things that can be seen from a particular place or a high place )。 vision If you are getting your eyes checked, a doctor is checking on your vision — or your ability to see.(这里的vision指的是视力和视觉) But if you have visions of unicorns(独角兽) romping over rainbows, that"s a whole other issue that the eye doctor can"t address.(这里的vision指的是一种“想象”和“幻觉”) The noun vision describes how well you can see, but it can also refer to things you may see, but that aren"t physically there. Sometimes people claim to have religious visions of God, angels, the Virgin Mary, and so on. The word can also be used to describe something that is lovely: "The bride was a vision in white." vision 这个词最常见的意思是“视力、视觉”,也就是眼睛看清楚事物的能力,如果有人说 I am losing my vision, 那意思就是“我的视力不行了”。 另外,这个词也多指“想象、幻觉”,并不是眼睛看到的,而是脑海中想象出来的。 如果这个词被用来形容某处的美景或者某个美人,那么这个景致或美人一定是“此景只应天上有”般的罕见。 现在把 view 和 vision 做一个比较。 view和vision两者的词义有时重合,但是view偏重客观外界的“景象”,vision则偏重人自己的视力和视野。 下面是几个例子: 当然,sight也可以代替vision表示“视力”。 现在我们来说说sight sight Your sight is your ability to see. If you"re maneuvering through the house at midnight using your shins to locate the furniture, you"ll appreciate your sight that much more. You could also turn a light on. Sight has many different senses. It can mean the range of your vision, as in when you freak out when your little puppy goes out of sight. You can "take in the sights," meaning you"re seeing all the special attractions of a town (also known as sightseeing). Sight can also be a verb, as when you sight a celebrity at your local taco stand, or when you sight your target using the sight on your gun, before you shoot. sight 看到的不一定都是美景,而是指anything that is seen,如果想要用 sight 表示“风景”之意,那么就要把它变成复数形式 sights。 Scene A scene is where something happens or happened. How did you know that the thief would return to the scene of the crime? Scene can also describe part of a movie or a play. Did the last scene make you laugh, cry, or fall asleep? There are lots of common phrases that use the word scene. If you “make a scene,” you draw attention to yourself with some kind of outburst. If something happens “behind the scenes,” the public doesn"t know about it. scenery Scenery is a word for how a place looks, especially a beautiful, outdoorsy place. Also, scenery is fake background in a play. If you go to a place with mountains, and beautiful trees, and gorgeous skies, then it"s got great scenery. Scenery is the stuff you can look at outside. If a place is plain, ugly, or desolate, you might say, "Not much scenery." Also, painters and set designers create scenery for plays. In theater, scenery could represent anything: buildings, trees, or the inside of a house. If a play has a lot of different settings, then it needs a lot of scenery scene指某个事件发生的场景,或者指“风景”,而 scenery 则是这几个词中最直接表达“风景”这个意思的,其核心意思就是“风景、景色”。 好了,如果读到这里,祝福你真的可以把“风景”都“看”透,有人陪你看细水长流。
2023-07-20 02:53:571


2023-07-20 02:54:052


2023-07-20 02:54:261


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2023-07-20 02:56:463


二楼回答的不错,但是还可以在完善一下。回答如下:-------------------------------------------------------------【FLY 】(第三人称单数:flies)(过去式过去分词:flew flown)【BUY】(第三人称单数:buys)(过去式过去分词:bought bought)【STAY】(第三人称单数:stays)(过去式过去分词:stayed stayed)【FRY】(第三人称单数:fries)(过去式过去分词:fried fried)【REACH】(第三人称单数:reaches)(过去式过去分词:reached reached)-------------------------------------------------------------汉译英1.On school days (上学日)2.Go without having breakfast.(没吃早餐离开)3.Try to do some oxygenic exercise(尝试做有氧健身操)4.Make people feel well(让人们感觉好)同义句转换:很多种:1.Such a scary movie(倒装版)-------------------------------题外知识:2.A movie which is scary(定语从句版)翻译:Early to sleep,early to get up.
2023-07-20 02:57:223

我知道happiness family不对,但这是为什么

一般用形容词修饰名词呀。Happy 是形容词。happy family
2023-07-20 02:58:193


1.Vertical up2.What future awaits3.And a person to maintain a certain distance4.Spitting in public5.Others said no matter how
2023-07-20 02:58:263


2023-07-20 02:58:351 能麻烦你把你说说的这个软件发给我吗,我有个

The marriage was annulled aural 55 hours (with a advantageous adjustment to Alexander), but that didn"t stop Spears" abominable second blitz to the chantry later that same year,fm transmitter house, this time to dancer Kevin Federline (yet addition a antecedent of altercation, as Federline was an 88b7833a3141c9129cd9bb090asleep24b ancestor invadmired in a accord with extra Shar Jacksonwho"d alaccessible bore him one childat the sacerb of their affair). Their assurance was appear in June, with plans for a abatement 2004 wedadvise. Somearea amid romances,best bluetooth headset, Spears abided to cocky-advance with faux-relevatory certificateary specials on MTV, ABC and E!, and she accomplished a decidedly uniacmed live adaptation of her acceptedly panned Onyx Hotel tour for the HBO special "Britney Spears: Live in Miami" in2004. The albino idol culled out of the final leg of her ailing accustomed tour after abasing her knee in June of that year,cheap bluetooth stereo headsets, acute arthroall-embracing anaplasty and four months of recupeallowance (she also accepted that her arch "absolutely wasn"t into" the tour).Her leiabiding time was angry into attraction on cockactions, a convenance she connected afterwards sucassessment had yieldn her far from her Kentcopse,screen protector, Louisiana, home. Betting on erectangry, she ex521918847eb65accomplishment61e64bd540c0781ed to abashed Hollywood accompany, was a way of "befitting it absolute" and advancement a affiliation to her basiss. Beabandon, "that"s what we do aback home. We"re calculationry".Her debut single "...Baby One More Time" was a accident in the endure canicule of 1998, acknowledgment in allotment to the advanced, annoying babe-compatible antic music video that acatoneanied the addictive and abnormally anxious tune. While the beginning-faced teen awareness imapparently caroled "My bareness is annihilateing me", admirerss of all ages were absorbed, from the average-age-old man staring at the singer"s abbreviate checkerboard kilt and belly-acknowledgment bblow, to the 7-year-old girl bent about in the amphitheater, abnormally argumentation "Hit me babyish, one more time." Spears" admission anthology went multi-blueprintinum while her individual backward at the top of the archive in the first agess of 1999.The agrarian adolescent below the apparent was bubbles over into her public beinga, with the boilerplate and abridged columnist amaranthinely abidingling anytimey dank ablueprintt of her behaviorwhich allegedly coverd backward aboutt parattached and affiliations with celebrity lotharios Fred Durst and Colin Farrell; the dam acutely bankrupt apart in January of 2004,Anti-virus Support, when the baker abashed her admirers with a abruptness alliance to her adolescence acquaintance Jason Alexander (not the much-earlier "Seineld" amateur of the aforementioned name) in an allegedly booze-ammunitioned New Year"s Eve marriage in Las Vegas, something she alleged "a antic that had gone too far."Rumors of her co-brilliantring with Rdisgusting Martin in a aftereffect to the 1987 adventurous hit "Dirty Dancing" weren"t accomplished, but the accompanist/ballerina fabricated a above consequence on teleeyes with a additional amativeaccessory answerable achievement on the MTV Music Video Aareas,fm transmitter, cadence with an albino python to her song "I"m a Sabsterge For U" and a arch live conabsolutely, "Britney Spears reside in Las Vegas" (2001) that aired on HBO, a assembly that approved her developed sex address as abundant as it did her praccessiblecity-limits to lip-accompanyh. Not annoyed with just acquisition the music bazaar, Spears approved her duke at broadcasting, co-assembly with her madded Lynne the autobioclearal album "Britney Spears" Heart to Heart" in 2000 and the atypical "A Mother"s Gift" in 2001, the after of which was about-faceed into the ABC Family Channel telballsy "Bbabble New Girl" in 2004, which Spears and her mother controlling aftermathd.Britney Spears was already disturbing from gambling addelivery. She was an ardent charlatan of cockfighting in Lafayette, Louisiana, the cockfighting basic of the United States. "My ancestors took me to cockfights when I was a little girl, That was my accolade for doing able-bodied at my dancing acquaint. There was consistently lots of other kids there. We acclimated to draw in the clay with craven accoutrement. It was real ancestors absorbment." said Britney Spears.Appearances on countless appropriates and accolades appearances and a bedfellow assignment on the ABC ball "Sabrina, the Teenage Wcrawling" adviceed accumulate her in the apperceptions and affections of the accessible, and if she appear her aftereffect accomplishment "Oops!... I Did It Aaccretion" in 2000. Though abeyant roles in the TV alternation "Dawson"s Ceffluvium" and the affection "Scary Movie" (2000) came to nannihilation appearly due to her active agenda, new activitys with Spaerial" name absorbed sprung up commonly.Abender Britney Spears: A accomplished ballr and able singer who capital a attempt at singing, dancing and acting and had the assurance and backbone to get to the top,bluetooth headset, Spears alphaed her afflictioner in the ball industry aristocraty, too aboriginal in actuality for ambassadors of the adapted "Mickey Mouse Club" who turned down the accomplished adolescent babe becould of her age when she aboriginal audienceed in 1990. In 1997, Spears active with Jive Rebonds, alpha the affiliation that would accomplish her a domiciliary name. She bouted the capitals of America a la boyhood pop star Tiffany in 1998, accepting her angel into the minds of the humans while getting her brawlo band into tbeneficiary stereos.In accession, tactuality were account that advances all over the Internet appropriate now is that the pop star has been affairing harder with Paris Hilton in Vegas, but she may be accomplishing added than band aggravates in Sin City. Rumors are that she was aswell in Vegas this accomplished week alive out a 20 anniversary accord that could net Britney more than $15 actor. Britney Spears affairs to use the money to buy a home in Florida after she advertises her Malibu home that she aggregate with her ex-bedmate Kevin Federband.They"re stars, they"re acclaimed, and they have money. And what bigger affair for stars with money to do than to appoint in a little bank. After all, if you"ve got a big backing again you stand to win a lot of money thasperous bank amateur or actions action and also angle to accept lots of fun watbuttong the bets abound in the action.
2023-07-20 02:58:422

2023-07-20 02:59:097

The movie is too _______(scared) for me to watch.答案:scary 为什么scared也是形容词不能填入呢?

scared副词修饰动作 而scary是修饰名词的形容 这里填scared 我也才刚中考完 好好学
2023-07-20 02:59:254

The movie makes me feel (scary).用所给词的适当形式填空。

2023-07-20 02:59:349

有款小游戏 会一直出现圈圈的 你要去点他 可以练习射击游戏的

2023-07-20 02:59:533

The * of the movie is very scary.

I love it when I catch you looking at me then you smile and look away.
2023-07-20 03:00:003

用英文写喜欢到电影院 看电影的原因。50字,翻译一下疑难单词(初一水平)

l like with my friends go to the movies .l like comedies .because they are have fun and interesting. l donot like thriller s. because they are scary .l do dot like them .and l like action movies . because they are exciting .l also do not like documentaries because they are boring .
2023-07-20 03:00:342


2023-07-20 03:00:421


鬼屋大电影2(2014)鬼屋大电影A Haunted House(2013)跳舞大电影(2009)特种部队:眼镜蛇的崛起(2009)小男人/小孩好黑/小矮人Little Man (2006)The Munsters (2006) Legends Ball (2006)Thugaboo: Sneaker Madness (2006)小姐好白/白净密探 White Chicks (2004)师奶杀手/老妇杀手The Ladykillers (2004)Behind the Smile (2004)2004 MTV Movie Awards (2004)BET Comedy Awards (2004)图派克:复生 Tupac: Resurrection (2003)惊声尖笑2/恐怖电影2 Scary Movie 2 (2001)The Making of "Requiem for a Dream" (2001)The Making of "Dungeons and Dragons" (2001)魔域飞龙/龙与地下城Dungeons & Dragons (2000)惊声尖笑/恐怖电影Scary Movie (2000)梦之安魂曲/梦的挽歌 Requiem for a Dream (2000)2000年MTV电影颁奖典礼 2000 MTV Movie Awards (2000)2000 Blockbuster Entertainment Awards (2000)MTV Video Music Awards 2000 (2000)The Tangerine Bear (2000)神经搭错线Senseless (1998)衰鬼也入樽 Sixth Man, The (1997)笑枪走火Don"t Be a Menace to South Central While Drinking Your Juice in the Hood (1996) Above the Rim (1994)过路财神 Mo" Money (1992)我将让你XXXI"m Gonna Git You Sucka (1988) Little Man惊声尖笑4 Scary Movie 4小姐好白/白净密探 White Chicks惊声尖笑3/恐怖电影3 Scary Movie 3惊声尖笑2/恐怖电影2 Scary Movie 2惊声尖笑/恐怖电影 Scary Movie笑枪走火 Don"t Be a Menace to South Central While Drinking Your Juice in the Hood
2023-07-20 03:00:501


我找了2006年电影的票房排行榜,票房还是能说明一些问题的,希望我的回答对楼主有帮助 ^ - ^名次 片名 发行公司 全美总票房 首映票房 上映日期 DVD发行日期 1 加勒比海盗2:聚魂棺Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man"s Chest 迪斯尼 $423,032,628 $135,634,554 2006-7-7 2006-12-5 2 汽车总动员Cars 博伟 $244,082,982 $60,119,509 2006-6-9 2006-11-7 3 X战警3X-Men: The Last Stand 福克斯 $234,362,462 $102,750,665 2006-5-26 2006-10-3 4 达芬奇密码The Da Vinci Code 哥伦比亚 $217,536,138 $77,073,388 2006-5-19 2006-11-14 5 超人归来Superman Returns 华纳 $200,081,192 $52,535,096 2006-6-28 2001-5-1 6 冰河世纪2Ice Age: The Meltdown 福克斯 $195,330,621 $68,033,544 2006-3-31 2006-11-21 7 快乐大脚Happy Feet 华纳 $185,414,182 $41,533,432 2006-11-17 暂无 10 篱笆墙外Over the Hedge 派拉蒙 $155,019,340 $38,457,003 2006-5-19 2006-10-17 9 007之皇家赌场Casino Royale 哥伦比亚米高梅 $159,837,718 $40,833,156 2006-11-17 暂无 11 塔拉迪加之夜:瑞奇·鲍比的民谣Talladega Nights: The Ballad of Ricky Bobby 索尼 $148,213,377 $47,042,215 2006-8-4 2006-12-12 12 神奇遥控器Click 哥伦比亚 $137,340,146 $40,011,365 2006-6-23 2006-10-10 13 职业特工队3Mission: Impossible III 派拉蒙 $133,501,348 $47,743,273 2006-5-5 2006-10-30 15 穿普拉达的魔鬼The Devil Wears Prada 福克斯 $124,721,367 $27,537,244 2006-6-30 暂无 16 波拉特Borat 福克斯 $120,266,165 $26,455,463 2006-11-3 暂无 17 无间道风云The Departed 米拉麦克斯华纳 $118,740,373 $26,887,467 2006-10-6 暂无 18 分手男女The Break Up 环球 $118,703,275 $39,172,785 2006-6-2 暂无 8 博物馆之夜Night at the Museum 福克斯 $163,840,714 $30,800,000 2006-12-22 暂无 14 追求幸福The Pursuit of Happyness 索尼 $124,039,482 $27,000,000 2006-12-15 暂无
2023-07-20 03:01:062

Why did you go to the bookstore? ______ for my son. A.Buy a book B.Buying books C.To buy a

一.选择填空。()1.Whatdoyouhave____________supper?A.forB.atC.withD.on()2.Sheisn"tgood___________maths.Couldyouhelpher__________hermaths?A.with,,atC.with,,with()3.Weshouldlearn____________eachother.A.toB.withC.fromD.for"()4.Areyou____________music?A.listentoB.listeningtoC.listeningD.listenat()5.When____________Mary____________toschool?,,,goesD.does,go()6.Whatdoyouoftendo____________Sundaymorning?A.onB.inC.atD.for()7.There____________alotoffoodathome.A.areB.isC.haveD.has()8.Doyouhave____________tobuyacomputer?A.manymoneyB.enoughmoneyC.moneyenoughD.alotmoney(),wecan"t____________ourtickets.A.lookforB.findC.tolookforD.tofind()11.___________________areYoungPioneers.A.AllstudentB.AllofstudentsC.AllofthestudentsD.Allstudents()"tlikemilkbutlikesorange______.A.atallB.littleC.alotD.alotof()19.Thereare_____pens_____pencilsinthebox.A.not,,andC.don"t,/,or()20.Heis_____American.I"m_____English.A.a,,aC.the,theD./,/二.完形填空Iamamiddle-schoolstudent.Nowlet___1___tellyousomething___2___ourclassroom.It"svery___3___.Therearetwomaps___4___thebackwall.___5___isamapofChina.___6___isamapoftheworld(世界).Thereare___7___desksandchairsinourclassroom.Thereisabigdesk___8___theteacherinthefrontofit.We___9___fourclassesinthe___10___andtwointheafternoon1.a.I      d.we2.a.about       c.on     d.at3.a.small   b.big      c.bigger     b.on       c.under    d.over5.a.It     b.It"s      c.One     d.one6.a.Other   b.Others     c.Another   d.Theother7.a.fourty   b.forty     c.forteen   d.fourteenth8.a.for    b.of     d.about9.a.thereis  b.thereare   c.has     d.have10.a.moning   b.mourning    c.morning   d.moring三.阅读理解。AJan:Ihavenewphotosofmyfamily,butthey"renotverygood.Thisismysister…Mark:Whereisshe?Issheatthelibrary?Jan:No,she"sinthelivingroom.Shesdoingherhomework.Andthatsmybrother.Mark:Ishedoinghishomework,too?What"sheeating?Jan:He"swatchingascarymovieonTVandeatingfrenchfries.Thisisapictureofmyauntandmymother.Mark:Isthat-yourmotherinthepool?Jan:No,that"smyaunt.Mymothercan"tswim.Andthisismymotherandmyauntattheshop.Theyreallylikeshoppingandeatingattheshop.Mark:Interestingphotos.()1.Thepicturesare______.A.goodB.interestingC.scary()2.Jan"ssisterisdoingherhomework______.A.atthelibraryB.atthepoolC.inthelivingroom()3.Jan"sbrotherisn"t______.A.doinghishomeworkB.watchingTVC.eatingfrenchfries()4.Jan"s______can"tswim.A.sisterB.motherC.aunt()5.Jan"smotherandauntlike______attheshop.A.eatingfrenchfriesB.shoppingC.swimmingB阅读短文,判断正误。正确的写“T”,错误的写“F”。MrJonesandMrBrownworkinthesameoffice(公室).OnedayMrJonessaystoMrBrown,“IwillhaveasmallpartyatourhouseonMondayevening.Wouldyouandyourwifeliketo come?”MrBrownsays,“Thankyouverymuch.I"dloveto,butletmeaskmywifefirst.”SoMrBrowngoestotheotherroomandtelephoneshiswife.Thenhecomesbackandlooksveryworried.“What"sthematter?”asksMrJones.“Isyouwifethereathome?”“No,”answersMrBrown.“Sheisn"tthere.Mysmallsonanswersthetelephone.Isaytohim,‘Isyourmotherthere,David?"andheanswers‘No,sheisn"tinthehouse."‘Whereisshe?"Iask,‘Sheissomewhereoutside(在外面)."‘What"sshedoing?"‘Sheislookingforme."”1.ThereisapartyatMrJones"shouseonMondayevening.()2.MrJonesasksMrBrownandhiswifetogototheparty.()3.ThetelephoneisinMrBrown"soffice.()4.MrBrownspeakstoMrsBrownonthetelephone.()5.MrsBrownislookingforherson.()COneSundaymorningMrGreenandhischild,Bill,areinabigshop.MrGreenwantstobuyanewblouseforMrsGreen.Billlikesoranges,sohisfatherbuystwokilos(公斤)oforangesforhim,too.Billwantstobuysomepicture—booksandcolourpencils,too.Therearemanypeopleintheshop.Theyaremenandwomen,oldandyoung.Theyallwanttobuysomethingthere.6.MrGreengoestotheshopwith___.A.Mrsgreen   B.hisson  C.hisdaughter  D.hisfather7.MrGreenwantstobuyanewblousefor___.A.Bill"smother  B.Bill  C.hisfriend  D.otherpeople8.Billlikes___.A.allthethings  B.thenewblouse  C.oranges  D.orange9.Billwantstobuy___.A.somepicture—booksB.somecolourpencilsC.clothesintheshopD.AandB10.Theshopis___.A.empty  B.close  C.fullofchildren  D.fullofpeople四.短文填空Onweekdays,Mary_1_(get)upat6:30.She_2_(have)breakfastathomeandthenshe_3_(go)toschool.She_4_(get)toschoolatabout7:30everymorning.She_5_(notlike)tobelate.Mary_6_(have)fourclassesinthemorningandattwointheafternoon.Classesareoverat3:40.Someimesshe_7_(play)gameswithherclassmate(同学).Sometimeshe_8_(fly)kites.She_9_(get)homeat4:40.Intheeveningsheoften_10_(watch)TV,butsometimesshetalkswithhermother.Shegoesatabout10:00.五.完成句子1.Ihavetwo____________.(knife)2.Whose______________arethese?(child)3.Thesephotosarehers.Theyarenot____________.(I)4.Whatabout____________shopping?(go)5.Thelittlegirlis____________onherhatnow.(put)6.Themanisopeningthedoor.Heisn"t_________________thedoor.(open的反义词)7.Whatistheteacherdoing?Heis____________(write)thewordsontheblackboard.8.There____________somebananasinthebag.(be)9.LucyandLilycanspeakalittle____________.(China)10.Isit____________________tomakecakes?(hard的反义语)11.Thereislittlef____anddrinksinthefridge.Let"sgoshopping.12.Heisgoodatswimminginr___andlakes.13.Doyouhaveenoughm___tobuyanewcomputer?14.ThelastdayoftheweekisS___.15.WemusthelpeachotherandI___fromeachother.六.补全对话aA:Whereismypencil? B:Idon"tknow.Isit____yourbag? A:No,itisn"t C:Hereis____pencil.Isityourpencil? A:Isitblue? C:Oh,sorry,itisred. A:Thankyouallthesame.Mypencilisblue. B:Hereis____pencil.It"s____thefloor._____thechair. A:Oh,itismypencil.Thankyouverymuch.. BandC:That"salright.bA:Hello!B:1!A:What23name?B:4name5JimGreen.A:6areyou?B:Fine,7you.8you?A:9fine,10.cA:Hello!Mike!B:Hello!Kate!A:_______1_______2areyou?B:I"mtwelve.Areyoutwelve,too?A:No,I"meleven.B:_______3_______4areyouin?A:I"minClassTwo.B:I"minClassThree.A:ClassThree?AnnisinClassThree,too.B:Ann?_______5Ann?A:Sheismyfriend.Look!Sheisoverthere.This_______6,please.B:Thanks.A:Hello!Ann!C:Hello!Kate!A:Ann,_______7isMike.C:Nicetomeetyou.B:Nicetomeetyou,too.A:Ann,Mikeandyouareinthe_______8class.C:Oh?AreyouinClassThree,Mike?B:Yes.C:Good.A:Excuseme.B:_______9?A:What"sthe_______10,please?C:Oh,it"seightthirty.Let"sgototheclassroom.七.书面表达给你的朋友写一封信,并告诉他你的学习情况,字数在50字左右.参考答案一.1.A2.D3.C4.B5.D6.A7.B8.B9.C10.B11.C12.B13.D14.C15.D16.C17.B18.C19.D20.D二.1.C 2.A 3.B 4.B 5.C 6.D 7.B 8.A 9.D 10.C三.BCABBTTFFTBACDD四.1.gets2..has3.goes4.gets5.doesn"tlike6.has7.plays8.flies9.gets10.watches五、1.knives2.children3.mine4.going5.putting6.opening7.writing8.are9.Chinese10.easy11.food12.rivers13.money14.Saturday15.learn六,a,a,on,under2.HelloisyourMyisHowthankAndI"mtoo3.HowoldWhatclassWho"swaythissameYestime
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1.The (compete)___in the job market makes some job seekers feel hopeless.

1. competition2.Incredibly3.worthy4. scaring5. constantly6. happiness7.criticism8.continued
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