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2023-07-20 09:10:32
TAG: 单词

hospital 医院

hospital for infectious diseases 传染病医院

childrens hospital 儿童医院

obstetrics and gynecology hospital 妇产医院

tuberculosis hospital 结核病医院

stomatological hospital 口腔医院

army hospital 陆军医院

field hospital 野战医院

hospital of chinese medicine 中医医院

tumor hospita 肿瘤医院

general hospital 综合性医院

mental hospital 精神病院

hospital for lepers;leprosarium 麻风病院

sanatorium 疗养院

clinic 诊疗所

first-aid station 急救站

quarantine station 防疫站


medical science; medical service;medicine 医学

medical book 医书

medical skill;art of healing 医术

medical matters 医务

clinic 医务所

medical science;medicine 医学

forensic medicine;legal medicine 法医学

preclinical medicine 基础医学

preventive medicine 预防医学

Doctor of Medicine 医学博士

academy of medical sciences 医学科学院

medical literature 医学文献

Bachelor of Medicine 医学学士

medical heritage 医学遗产

college of medicine 医学院

medical witness 医学证人

medicine 医药

general medical knowledge 医药常识

medical expenses 医药费

medical kit;medicine chest 药箱

first-aid kit 急救药箱

property of a medicine 药性

pharmaceutical college 药学院

dipping vat 药浴池

medicated soap 药皂

drug rash;drug eruption 药疹

assistant pharmacy 药剂士

pharmaceutics;pharmacy 药剂学

medicinal liquor 药酒

pharmacology 药理学

efficacy of a drug 药力

absorbent cotton 药棉


doctor;physician 医生

medical officer;surgeon 军医

cure;treat 医治

cure sb of his illness 医好某人的病

give sb medical treatment 给某人医病

take stopgap measures 头痛医头,脚痛医脚

still<knowledge>of a doctor:医道

medical ethics 医德

medical courses in general; medicine 医科

principles of medical science; medical knowledge 医理

medical treatment 医疗

public health services 公费医疗

medical team 医疗队

medical establishment 医疗机构

medicament; drug 药剂

pharmacist; druggist 药剂师

unskillful and faulty medical or surgical treatment; malpractice 医疗事故

malpractice insurance 医疗事故保险

medico-athletics 医疗体育

medical and health work 医疗卫生工作

medical station; health center 医疗站

obstetrician 产科医生

pediatrician 儿科医生

ENT(ear-nose-throat)doctor 耳鼻喉科医生

radiologist 放射科医生

gynecologist 妇科医生

orthopedist 骨科医生

urologist 泌尿科医生

physician 内科医生

dermatologist 皮肤科医生

intern 实习医生

surgeon 外科医生

dentist;dental surgeon 牙科医生

oculist;eye-doctor 眼科医生

plastic surgeon 整形外科医生

oncologist 肿瘤科医生

doctor in charge 主治医生

resident doctor 住院医生


medicine;drug;remedy 药

sleeping pill 安眠药

contraceptive drugs 避孕药

tonic 补药

a medicine for colds 感冒药

expectorant 化痰药

anti-cancer drugs;cancer-fighting drugs 抗癌药

anti-tuberculous drug 抗结核药

oral contraceptive;pill 口服避孕药

good medicine;a good remedy 良药

laxative 轻泻药

antipyretic 退热药

for oral administration 内服药

specific medicine;specific 特效药

for external use 外用药

preventive medicine;prophylactic 预防药

sedative 镇静药

take medicine 服药

change dressings 换药

decoct herbal medicine 煎药

fill a prescription 配药

have a prescription made up(filled) (患者)抓药

medicinal materials;crude drugs 药材

medicinal herbs 药草

tablet 药片

medicines and chemical reagents 药品

medicine bottle 药瓶

remedies 药石

liquid medicine;medicinal liquid 药水

lotion 洗液

pill 药丸

bolus 大药丸

herbal medicines in a prescription 药味(中药方中的药)

flavor of a drug 药味(药的味道或气味)

medicines;pharmaceuticals;medicaments 药物

heal with drugs 药物医治

drug allergy 药物过敏

materia medica 药物学

drug poisoning 药物中毒

(medicinal)powder 药粉

ointment;salve 药膏

apply a plaster 上药膏


medical department; department of internal medicine 内科

surgical deparment;department of surgery 外科

pediatrics department 小儿科

obstetrics and gynecology department 妇产科

ophtalmology department 眼科

dental department 牙科

ENT(ear-nose-throat)department 耳鼻喉科

urology department 泌尿科

dermatology department; skin department 皮肤科

orthopedic surgery department 矫形外科

traumatology department 创伤外科

plastic surgery 整形外科

anesthesiology department 麻醉科

pathology department 病理科

cardiology department 心脏病科

psychiatry department 精神病科

orthopedics department 骨科

department of cardiac surgery 心脏外科

department of cerebral surgery 胸外科

neurology department 神经科

neurosurgery department 神经外科

thoracic surgery department 脑外科

department of traditional Chinese medicine 中医科

registration office 挂号处

out-patient department 门诊部

in-patient department 住院部

nursing department 护理部

consulting room 诊室

waiting room 候诊室

emergency room 急诊室

admitting office 住院处

operation room 手术室

X-ray department 放射科

blood bank 血库

dispensary; pharmacy 药房

ward 病房

laboratory 化验室




玩忽职守的英语翻译 玩忽职守用英语怎么说

玩忽职守 neglect of duty
2023-07-20 02:26:053

渎职的英语翻译 渎职用英语怎么说

[词典] malfeasance; misconduct; malpractice; dereliction of duty; misprision; [例句]李医生严重渎 的罪 被撤销了。Dr Lee was cleared of serious professional misconduct.
2023-07-20 02:27:171

malpractice 和 creative 在美音中怎么读,求谐音的读法~~

2023-07-20 02:27:261


2023-07-20 02:27:332


受到伤害英文:Be injuredBe injured造句:1.The guardian said that, does not deserve, the study must grasp, again said, the weather is hot, easy to be injured.家长说,不该上,学习要抓紧,再讲了,天气热,容易受伤。我认为该上,能调节身心,更有精力复习。2.He was one of at least five dogs to be injured among the 40 deployed across London on riot duty.伦敦市部署的40只警犬有5只在骚乱中受伤,欧比是其中之一。3.None of them appeared to be injured, just shaken up and hungry after more than two days with almost no food.获释人质看来并没有受伤,但是由于两天多几乎没有饭吃,他们身上发抖,非常饥饿。4.But the malpractice is the people can always pay attention, sometimes also can be injured, and not easy to hand over the sincerity friend.但弊端是人们会一直关注,有时还会受伤,并且不容易交到真心朋友。5.Unlike those soldiers, the men shown Monday did not appear to be injured.和其他士兵不一样的是,这两个人看起来并没有受伤的迹象。
2023-07-20 02:27:451


英语单词并非如大家所想的那样,繁杂没有规律,它也有一定的规律可循的,比如:同一前缀在单词中的意思基本上是固定的。就如带mal 前缀的就是代表不好的,可以找出带mal的一系
2023-07-20 02:28:168


2023-07-20 02:29:311

malpractice 和 creative 在美音中怎么读,求谐音的读法~

喵朴如蔼泰斯(读起来速度要快) 克日诶得(dèi)斯(读起来要快)(友情劝诫:学英语读音的时候请不要用谐音来读)
2023-07-20 02:29:401


shi zhi du zhi
2023-07-20 02:29:502


2023-07-20 02:30:123


handmade或be made by hand。
2023-07-20 02:31:012


Considering a recent accident in Wanchai in which an object falling down from a high place damaged a car he reminds the owner of the building to take adequate precautions to prevent a similar accident from happening. The owner should notify the Management Office about the schedule of the work and prohibit any car parking nearby while building repairs are being carried out at height. Note: he ?? at height = 在高空 是否 building repairs ? Replace this term if not. My Comment: 1. in Wanchai (not "at") Wanchai is a metropolitan area. You should use “in”. ~ at the junction of Hennessy Road and Luard Road 2. falling or fallen ? 发问者 LauMing 是用 falling ~ present participle 想知道三位回答者为什么用 fallen (a past participle or an adjective) 刻意将 falling 改了fallen 你们一定有理由. Any feedback is wele. So far 我单独同意发问者用 falling . My reasoning: Fall 是 intritive verb 不能有 object 因此无 passive An object falls. An object is fallen (by someone) ~ grammatically wrong. Fallen 如果作形容词 只可放在 noun 前面 形容 noun 是 attributive adjective 例如 a fallen object fallen 不是放在object 后面 To Jenkin: 美国 Yahoo Merriam-Webster Reader"s Digest Random House Encarta 英国字典 Oxford Cambridge Longman Chambers Cobuild 是无 reoccurrence 只在 Wiktionary 网上 Free Dictionary 英汉字典找到 用 reoccurrence 不是错 但10 本字典无这字 我避免用 To KOP: Is it prehensive (广泛的) or prehensible (可理解的)? 2014-07-06 03:07:42 补充: fallen 在句子不是讲己发生既事 因无 has/had 在 fallen 前面 fallen 是 past paticiple 但不能有 passive 含意 只有 tritive verb 能有 passive Past participle is used to form past participial phrase. The man who was questioned refused to wer. The man questioned refused to wer. (“questioned” ~ passive.) question 是 t.v. 2014-07-06 05:05:29 补充: Present participle is used to form a present participial phrase. Anyone who touches that wire will get the shock. Anyone touching that wire will get the shock. (touching ~ active) He tries to save his marriage which falls apart. He tries to save his marriage falling apart.(falling ~ active) 2014-07-06 05:38:24 补充: Do you know anyone who has lost a cat? Do you know anyone lost a cat? ~ wrong Do you know anyone having lost a cat? ~ wrong As he had failed the GCE A-level exam he took up teaching. Having failed the G.C.E A-level exam he took up teaching. 这个 failed (past participle) 系讲己发生既事 RE Jenkin: HE owner: 当系劳工署人员提醒 Contractor.. [Labour Department Safety Officer ] reminds the contractor to apply adequate precaution. 我见 *** 俾contractor既警告信有reoccurrence malpractice 呢两个字. re Godfrey: 系building repair construction works 好似external painting works 用fallen 系埋因为讲己发生既事? See if the following revision helps In order to avoid the repetition of the recent accident at Wanchai in which an objects fallen down from height damaged the car in the park lot the landlord must inform (n days) in advance the management office of the schedule and nature of the work to be carried out at his / her premises. The service of the parking lots in the area nearby would be temporarily suspended. remark : As there is the subject "he" whose reference is indeterminable I"ve made something else up to make it a prehensive one. Regarding a recent accident at Wanchai that an object[] fallen down from height onto a car [he] reminds the ?? owner to apply adequate precaution such as providing advance notice to the Management Office and to prohibit the use of parking space under the working area [] so as to prevent accident reoccurrence [/repeated accident].[he]没有前文不能明白是谁-最好写明那人名字/名称。这报告是否指管理处,(he)是管理经理???请指明是甚么的owner-从内容看可能是shop owner或者是flat owner。你没有指明所讲的高空工作在那里,只能假设是户外外墙或者是某招牌工程等,那车位亦假设是露天的私人车位。假如是公众车位。prevent accident reoccurrence或者prevent repeated accident都可以。但原写法prevent accident repeat则不是英文(可能是你以中文想像的文法词组:”防止意外再生”) If Grammar is correct then fluency and concise are seen; reduction of clauses to phrases are also seen:- Error and correction:- Regarding a recent accident at Wanchai about an object fallen from height onto a car--------participial phrase containing a gerund he reminds--------subject +verb the owner to take adequate precaution (=to provide advance notification-----HOW ?) to management office------------infinitive phrases and to prohibit car parking------- co-infinitive clause under working area(=at height)--------participial phrase to prevent further accident.--------infinitive clause Thank you very much !!
2023-07-20 02:31:171


7.1 。奖状。拥有人须作出任何索赔专业渎职,直接或第三方索赔,对建筑师,除非老板的建筑师首次提供了一份书面证明由一个独立的设计专业目前在同一执业纪律作为建筑师和授权在德克萨斯州。认证应: ( a )的名称和许可证号码的验证; ( b )规定的行为或不行为的验证内容是违反标准的护理预计建筑师表演专业服务在类似情况下;及(三)国家的基础,验证人的意见,即每个这种行为或不行为构成违反标准的护理。该证书应提供给建筑师之前提出任何赔偿要求或该机构的任何仲裁或司法程序的建筑师。
2023-07-20 02:31:563


  跑步的同时,你是否会带着mp3,继续英语单词的记忆呢?以下是我给大家带来跑步英语说法,以供参阅。   跑步英语说法   2.double march   跑步的相关短语   跑步明星 running star   跑步前进 Hood to Coast ; double time ; advance in double time   跑步器 treadmill ; runner   跑步结束 Running Finish   赤脚跑步 Barefoot Running   比赛跑步 Running game ; Games running   在跑步 In running ; Be run   跑步的英语例句   1. He has demonstrated a strong preference for being shod in running shoes.   他给人的感觉是特别偏爱穿跑步鞋。   2. I run so well I"m planning to enter some races.   我跑步很不错,正在考虑参加一些比赛。   3. So you"re a runner, huh?   这么说,你是个跑步爱好者喽?   4. to go running   去跑步   5. It takes a lot of self-discipline to go jogging in winter.   在冬天跑步是需要很大的自律力的。   6. You"re too fat; try and run off all those excess pounds.   你太胖了, 要跑跑步减肥.   7. This jog warmed me to a certain extent.   跑步使我暖和一些了.   8. The treadmill has a heart rate monitor.   跑步机上有个脉搏监视器.   9. A walkman can relieve the boredom of running.   跑步时带着随身听就不那么乏味了.   10. She likes running every morning.   她喜欢每天早晨跑步.   11. The runner hurdled the fence.   跑步者越过篱笆.   12. Running is a good outlet for his energy.   跑步是他发泄过剩精力的好方法.   13. A runner needs plenty of wind.   跑步者需要呼吸大量的空气.   14. She was also warned it was unsafe to run early in the morning in the neighbourhood.   她还被告诫大清早在附近跑步是不安全的。   15. I went for a run there, keeping an eye on the children the whole time.   我去那里跑步,期间一直留意著孩子们。   跑步的英文动词run英文例句   1. The ballot was re-run on Mr Todd"s insistence after accusations of malpractice.   因被控舞弊,在托德先生的坚持下重新进行了投票。   2. The President"s speeches are regularly reproduced verbatim in the state-run newspapers.   总统的讲话通常会被一字不差地刊登在国有报纸上。   3. Perot hoped to run another series of campaign infomercials.   佩罗期待着新一轮的竞选宣传节目的播出。   4. There will be a run-off between these two candidates on December 9th.   12月9日将举行这两位候选人的决胜选举。   5. If unused, winter radishes run to seed in spring.   如果不去动的话,冬萝卜会在春天开花结籽。   6. The rage in his eyes made her blood run cold.   他眼中的怒火吓得她汗毛倒竖。   7. I learned a lot from him about how to run a band.   我从他那里学到了许多关于经营乐队方面的东西.   8. You feel an animal panic to run and hide.   你会感到一种本能的恐惧而想要去逃避。   9. His opponents believe he is definitely on the run.   对手认为他必败无疑。   10. Fifteen-year-old Danny is on the run from a local authority home.   15岁的丹尼从地方当局的收容所逃跑了。   11. A particular source of contention is plans to privatise state-run panies.   发生争执的一个根源就是国营公司的私有化方案。   12. I"ll run over to Short Mountain and check on Mrs Adams.   我会开车去肖特山看看亚当斯夫人。   13. The infantry would use hit and run tactics to slow attacking forces.   步兵团可能会使用打了就跑的战术来阻滞进攻部队。   14. In the long run, it was for the best.   长远来说,这是最好的。   15. The bank must be run in a cost-effective way.   银行的经营必须追求成本效益。
2023-07-20 02:33:011


【 #四六级考试# 导语】不做“说话的巨人,行动的矮子”。说再多的漂亮话,也不如做一件实实在在的漂亮事,行动永远是迈向成功的第一步,想永远只会在原地踏步。对于考试而言亦是如此,每天进步一点点,基础扎实一点点,通过考试就会更容易一点点。以下为“2021年6月英语六级阅读理解常考词汇”,欢迎阅读参考!更多相关讯息请关注 ! 【篇一】2021年6月英语六级阅读理解常考词汇   1.adjust []vt.校正,校准,调整;调节 vi.(to)适应   2.inflict [in.flikt]vt.(on)把…强加给,使遭受,使承担   3.congest [k.n.d.est]v.充血,使拥挤   4.boost [bu:st]vt.提高;推动;宣扬 n.增涨;推动,激励 [.pr.p.ti]n.财产,所有物;房产,物业;性质,性能   6.foresee []vt.预见,预知   7.utility [ju:.tiliti] n.功用,效用[常 pl.]公用事业   8.penalty [.penlti]n.处罚,惩罚,罚金   9.indulge [in.d.ld.]vt.沉溺(于);纵容,迁就,肆意从事   10.malpractice [m.l"pr.ktis] n.失职, 行为不当   11.confrontation [k.nfr.n"te..n]n. 对抗; 对峙; 对证   12.renovation []n.整修,革新   13.appraise [..preiz]vt.评价   14.biased []a.有偏见的   15.outcry [.autkrai]n.公开反对   16.compulsory []a.必须做的,强制性的,(课程)必修的   17.obsession []n.困扰,无法摆脱的思想(或情感)   18.bonus [.b.un.s]n.奖金,红利;额外给予的东西   19.internal [in.t.:nl]a.内的,内部的;国内的,内政的;内心的   20.condemn [k.n.dem]vt.谴责;判…刑,宣告…有罪   21.embrace [im.breis]vt.拥抱;包括;包围,环绕 n.拥抱,怀抱   22.plunge [pl.nd.]v./ n.(纵身)投入(水);猛冲;猛跌,骤降   23.convincing [k.n.vinsi.]a.有说服力的;有力的   24.shelter [..elt.]n.掩蔽处;住所;保护 vt.庇护 vi.躲避   25.mammal [.m.m.l]n.哺乳动物   26.reveal []vt.揭露,泄露;展现,显示   27.credential [kri"den..l] n. 国书, 凭据, 印信vt. 提供证明书adj. 信任的   28.analogous [..n.l.g.s]a.相似的   29.prejudice [.pred..dis]n.偏见,成见 vt.使有偏见;损害   30.ecosystem n. 生态系统   31.hypothesis [hai.p.θisis]n.假说,假设,前提   32.arouse [..rauz]vt.引起,激起,唤起;唤醒   33.optical [..ptik.l]a.光(学)的;眼的,视力的;视觉的   34.identical [ai.dentik.l]a.(to,with)相同(等)的;同一的   35.spectrum [.spektr.m]n.谱,光谱,频谱;范围,幅度,系列   36.demography []n.人口统计学   37.domain [d..mein,d.u-]n.(活动等)领域,范围;领地,势力范围   38.pedestrian [pi.destri.n]n.步行者,行人   39.blunt [bl.nt]a.钝的;直言不讳的 vt.使迟钝;使钝   40.explicit [ik.splisit]a.详述的,明确的;毫不隐瞒的,露骨的 【篇二】2021年6月英语六级阅读理解常考词汇   1.ignite [ig.nait]vt.点燃,引发 vi.着火   2.hysteria [hi.sti.ri.]n.歇斯底里症,过度兴奋   3.commute [k..mju:t]vi.乘车上下班 vt.减(刑);折合 n.上下班交通   4.chronicle [.kr.nikl]n.编年史   5.paralysis [p..r.lisis]n.瘫痪,中风   6.derive [di.raiv]vt.取得;追溯起源 vi.(from)起源,衍生   7.thrive [θraiv]vi.兴旺,繁荣   8.flourish [.fl.ri.]vi.茂盛,繁荣,兴旺 vt.挥动(以引起注意)   9.assemble [..semb.l]vi.聚集 vt.集合,召集;装配   10.detach [di.t.t.]vt.(from)拆卸,使分开,使分离   11.impoverish [im.p.v.ri.]v.使成赤贫   12.approach []v.靠近 n.接近,临近;途径;方式,方法   13.diversify [dai.v.:sifai]v.(使)不同,(使)变得多样化   14.inevitable [i.nevit.b.l]a.不可避免的,必然(发生)的   15.unavoidable []a.不可避免的   16.bankruptcy []n.破产   17.susceptible [s..sept.b.l]a.易受影响的;过敏的;能经受的   18.formidable [.f.:mid.b.l]a.可怕的;难以克服的,难对付的   19.eligible [.elid..b.l]a.有条件被选中的;(尤指婚姻等)合适(意)的   20.unsustainable [..ns."]adj.不能持续的, 无法支撑的,无法维持的   21.unfeasible adj. 不能实行的, 难实施的   22.steer [.sti.]vt.驾驶,为…操舵;引导 vi.驾驶   23.peer [pi.]n.同龄人,同地位的人;贵族 vi.仔细看   24.maternity [m."t.:niti] n.母性, 母亲身份, 产科病房 adj.孕妇的, 母性的   25.masculinity [.m.skju"liniti] n.男子气慨   26.furious [.fju.ri.s]a.狂怒的,暴怒的;强烈的,激烈的   27.tremendously [tri.mend.sli]ad.可怕地;极大地   28.integrity [in.tegriti]n.正直,诚实,诚恳;完整,完全,完善   29.dean [di:n]n.教长,主任牧师;学院院长,系主任   30.neuron ["n.rɑn /"nj..r-]n. 神经单位; 神经元   31.collapse []vi./ n.倒坍,塌下;崩溃,突然失败   32.embark [im.bɑ:k]vi.上船(或飞机等);(on)着手,开始工作   33.interpret [in.t.:prit]vi.口译,翻译 vt.解释,说明,诠释   34.exert [ig.z.:t]vt.用(力),尽(力);运用,发挥,施加   35.shield [.i:ld]n.防护物,护罩,盾 vt.保护,防护   36.soar [s.:]vi.猛增;高飞,升腾;高涨;屹立   37.impair []vt.损害,损伤,削弱   38.pathetic [p..θetik]a.差劲的;可怜的,可悲的   39.sympathetic ["θet.k]adj. 有同情心的, 赞成的, 合意的   40.perspective [p..spektiv]n.视角,观点;远景;透 视画法,透 视图 【篇三】2021年6月英语六级阅读理解常考词汇   1.perpetual []a.永久的,长期的;无休止的   2.permanent [.p.:m.n.nt]a.永久(性)的,固定的   3.mask [mɑ:sk]n.面具,口罩;伪装 vt.用面具遮住;掩饰   4.radical [.r.dik.l]a.根(基)本的;激进(派)的 n.激进分子   5.panic [.p.nik]n.恐(惊)慌 v.(使)恐慌,(使)惊慌失措   6.consensus [k.n.sens.s]n.(意见等)一致,一致同意   7.faculty [.f.k.lti]n.能力,天赋;系,学科,学院;全体教员   8.plutocrat ["]n. 富豪, 财阀   9.incandescent [ink.n.des(.)nt]a.白热的,热烈的   10.revenue [.revinju:]n.(大宗的)收入(益);税收,岁入   11.spinal [.spainl]a.脊椎骨,脊骨的   12.modesty [.m.disti]n.谨慎;端庄;羞怯   13.appetite [..pitait]n.胃口,食欲;欲 望   14.opponent [..p.un.nt]n.敌手,对手;反对者   15.recruitment [ri"kru:tm.nt]n.征募新兵, 补充, 招聘   16.hazard [.h.z.d]n.危险,公害 vt.尝试着做;冒…风险   17.episode [.epis.ud]n.一个事件;(剧本等的)插曲,片断,一集   18.reveal []vt.揭露,泄露;展现,显示   19.metabolic [.met."b.lik] adj. 新陈代谢的   20.mechanism [.mek.niz.m]n.机械装置;机制,机理;办法,途径   21.reliable []a.可靠的,可信赖的   22.equivalent [i.kwiv.l.nt]a.相等的,相当的 n.等价物,意义相同的词   23.widespread [.waidspred]a.分布(或散布)广的,普遍的   24.critical [.kritik.l]a.决定性的,关键性的,危急的;批评(判)的   25.deferential []a.恭敬的   26.alternative [.:l.t.:n.tiv]a.两者择一的;另 类的 n.取舍;选择余地   27.obese []a.肥胖的   28.liberal [.lib.r.l]a.心胸宽阔的;自由(主义)的;慷慨的 [.institju:t]n.学会,研究所,学院 vt.建立,设立   30.tuition [tju:.i..n, tu:-]n.(某一学科的)教学,讲授,指导;学费   31.linguistic [li..gwistik]a.语言的,语言学的   32.obstacle [..bst.kl]n.障碍(物),妨碍   33.consequence [.k.nsikw.ns]n.结果,后果;重要(性),重大   34.physician [fi.zi..n]n.内科医生   35.primary [.praim.ri]a.首要的,主要的,基本的;最初(级)的   
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问一下 所有有关医院的英语单词

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Empress Wu ZetianWu Zetian was born of a royal lineage during the Tang Dynasty. She entered Emperor Taizong"s harem when she was 13 and that of the successive emperor Gaozong after. A master of manipulation, Wu Zetian persuaded the emperor to declare her one rank below the empress consort. Eventually, the Emperor married Wu. When Gaozong suffered a stroke five years later, Wu governed behind the scenes. She created a secret police force to spy on her opposition, jailing or killing those who stood in her way. After Gaozong"s death she reigned through puppet emperors, her sons Zhongzong and Ruizong. She finally proclaimed herself Emperor, the first woman to do so. Wu ruled until her 80s when she was unable to thwart a coup. She died shortly after. Despite her ruthless climb to power, her rule was benign. Wu reduced the size of the standing army, and replaced aristocrats in the government with scholars. She was fair to the peasantry, lowering taxes, raising agricultural production, and strengthening public works. Wu also campaigned to elevate the status of women and had scholars write biographies of famous women.
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英语学习的好处就不用多说了,随着入世和奥运的临近,学英语已经成了全屏蔽词语动了。为了方便广大网友,或者是种种利益的诱惑,各种英语网站也应运而生。当网络英语的建设和发展正进行的如火如荼,喧闹之中,搭配英语学习这壶美酒的,竟是一瓶名叫资料下载的毒药,更糟糕的是,美酒和毒药已经被灌到了同一个杯子里,浑然一体 ,叫人在畅美中不知不觉走进地狱。 简单的设置,方便的软件,FTP给资料的传播和个人资料的交流开了一道大门。从今年年初各大论坛交流的更多是学习心得,到一夜之间,下载成了论坛人气的聚集力量,各大论坛的站长也纷纷拉FTP,开下载,斑竹也不再是要有英语水平能给大家解答疑问了,只要能提供大量资料,只要能够开FTP,就是座上客。谁家的资料多,谁家就门庭若市。而细细交流学习英语的栏目很少有人问津。有多少人真正提高了?偶尔有清醒者提出这个问题,也被我要,我要的下载声浪所淹没。 先从我自己说起,我没来到网络学英语前也是个英语学习的积极梦想者,因为我知道说一口流利的英语会带给自己多少好处,就这样一头扎进了网络。刚来到英语类网站时,简直是进入了天堂,看到很多人都可以用英文发帖子,帖子里很多精品资料,于是乎开始疯狂下载收集资料,把过去买盗版英语资料的习惯抛弃了,一张张的刻盘,当手里拿着上百张英语资料盘时那种满足感,好象自己已经掌握了英语,就这样搞下载半年多过去了。有一天猛一回头,发现自己除了沉颠颠的盘包,满满的硬盘,对英语我还是一无所有。可以不客气的说,包括自己在内大多数上网学习英语的人还都是幻想者,很多人都是英语很差,但都梦想着能攻克英语。于是一个怪圈出现了,这也频繁发生在现实生活中。开始寻找捷径,开始研究李阳好,还是新东方好,还是钟道隆好。每样都学几天,然后觉得不好,不好的理由就是见效慢,然后再寻找。于是下载就给了这样的人想象空间,今天看到站长斑竹发个帖子说这个软件好,也看到很多人说好,那就赶快下载下来,正下载中间,又看到另一个帖子,人气十足,那一会也要下载,不好的东西人气能高么? 希望能有捷径攻克英语的人都忽略了一个实质问题,那就是学习知识是要*自力,而不是他力,他人的帮助只能推动学习的步伐,但代替不了学习的全部过程。如果我说英语是各种学科里最好学的,恐怕很多人都不会相信,但事实就是如此,这是个几岁的孩子就可以学习的东西,英语没有理解不理解之说,只有会与不会的区别,它不是高数,物理,那些有些人就是理解不了,而英语呢?只需要拿出人类最基本的本能来就可以掌握,那就是记忆。将近十年的疯狂英语到新东方和无数小培训班到书店里琳琅满目的英语图书和资料,中国人为了学习英语拿出了一百多个亿,造就了不少英语神话,培养了几个教育大腕。而大多数人的英语水平并没有得到真正的提高,很多所谓过了四六级的人还不如国外的小孩子。说不能说,听不能听。这说明了个什么问题?学习英语是资料的堆积?是某个培训者的培训?有人会强调学校教育方法的原因,可传统的教育甚至没有教育的前提下,学好英语的也不少。我们可以问问网上身边英语学习真正好的人,他们看过几G或者是几十G的资料?我的听力老师他说,很多学听力的人毕业的时候和刚进来一个样,为什么呢,上课也认真听,听的也很心花怒放,可回去了不记忆,不背诵。这就是问题,老师的单词再多,知识点再多也只是他自己的,要转换到个人的大脑里,就要听完后下工夫去记忆,去背诵。上海有个小姑娘14岁托福考了600多分,她怎么培养的?就是朗读,背诵,复述故事和文章,再加上父母的语法指点。我的邻居一个北大的法律硕士,她托福647分,我问她怎么学的,她说也没突击,就考试前买点习题集做做,就去考试了,其它都是基础底子。她的底子是什么?那就是从初中开始学习英语的时候把老师教的都掌握,都装到自己大脑里,大学四年学的也不是英语专业,可她听和说都不差。就是把大学英语精读四册和听力四册学好,掌握好,这就很厉害了,考研的时候也没有象我在各大论坛看到的那些人一样,到处抓新东方的英语培训资料,跟救命稻草一样。 再看看那些张口就是要新概念美音版一到四册下载的人,又有几个把新概念从头学到尾了?还口口声声要什么美音版,好象学了英音就不是英语了。一都没有学就想着四,有人会说要四是留着以后学,可我相信,如果现在连一都不去学,还会以后学什么四呢?而且有些人下载着的时候,恐怕家里的书架上还摆着新概念一的书本和磁带吧。就跟钟道隆老先生说的一样,很多人今天买这个教材,连录音带的塑料都还没全拆开,就又去买那个资料了。还有到处抢着新东方网络课程的人,谁有就好象是大爷一样,那个得意洋洋。没有的就要好声言语,想方设法去搞到手。可现在有这些资料的人,有几个敢说他认真的一课一课去学了,而且一直坚持到现在?大多数人恐怕是冲着那个东西贵才去下吧,好象免费下了以后就拣了天大的便宜一样。更多的还有一种人云亦云心理,觉得大家都说好,都抢着要,那自己要下,不下是不是就少点什么。我不否认一部分人是确实需要这些资料才下载的,但我敢肯定大多数人都是跟风下,下了也不看。还有那些张口就要什么环境英语,走遍美国第七八张光盘资料的人,好象他们已经学到那第七八张光盘了一样,说实话,走遍美国要是真学到那里还掌握了,也就没必要去要后面的光盘了,那水平就提高一下单词量就可以了。 这世界上没有免费的午餐,这句话是一点都不错,当我们为下载了几G和几十G的免费英语资料而沾沾自喜的时候,当我们不停的去寻找更多的资料的时候,我们已经失去了最宝贵的东西,那就是时间,那就是生命,人生能有几回搏?我们浪费掉一个小时,我们的生命中就失去一个。本来我们一生中就做很多无意义的事浪费时间了,那么学习上就不要再浪费了,多去下点苦工夫认真背点东西也比在下载中自我陶醉有意义的多。语言的学习没有新旧资料之分,只要不是中古语言,对于我们来说看好哪一个教材和课本就坚持学下去,都会通往攻克英语的山峰的。只有去下工夫一个一个字,一个一个句子的去掌握,才会有收获,英语学习是没有捷径的。在这里也希望网上这些搞下载的网站能够清醒认识到这一点,不要耽误自己和别人,有利可图那就另当别论,但那些为大家无私奉献的网站的斑竹们,感谢他们的付出,但希望头脑都能清醒一些,把浮躁的心压下来,大家在一起多交流一下心得,多多做一些既提高自己又帮助别人的工作,一起学习,而不是把大堆的资料拿出来搬回去。 掌握科学的学习方法,风雨无阻,有勇气和毅力,相信自己"我行我一定能做到",把自己真正的“从一个疯狂下载者变成一个学习者”,那么你也一定会再雄心勃勃。 19881
2023-07-20 02:33:566

摘要翻译 救命啊 在线等

2023-07-20 02:34:113


我懒得写这篇文章,不过我说下,第1个答案纯粹垃圾,硬翻的。第1句应该是这样,In this high speed developing era of information technology; communication, intelection and even shopping can be accomplished through electronic appliances, for instance, the computer and network. 一楼的,语病那么多就别来混分了。弊端也是有的:However, there are disadvantages. 还有至少10个以上的语病懒的写了,劝你这种人滚远!
2023-07-20 02:34:314


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44.macro-表示“宏伟,大” macroworld宏观世界(macro+world世界) macrostructure宏观结构(macro+structure结构) macroscale大规模的(macro+scale规模) macrobian长寿的(macro+bi生命+an→大生命→长寿) macroclimate大气候(macro+climate气候) 45.mal-表示“坏,恶”(亦作male) malcontent不满的(mal+content满意的) malpractice不法行为(mal+practice做事,实践→做坏事) malnutrition营养不良(mal+nutrition营养) malediction诅咒(male+dict说+ion→说坏话) malefaction坏事,恶行(male+fact做+ion→做坏事) malodor恶臭(mal+odor气味) maltreat虐待(mal+treat对待) malapropism字的误用(mala+prop恰当+ism→[用字]不恰当;来自一喜剧中的Mrs.Malaprop,以用词错误闻名) malevolent恶意的(male+vol意志+ent→坏意志) maladroit笨拙的(mal+adroit灵巧的) 46.micro-表示“微,小” microscope显微镜(micro+scope看→看小东西→显微镜) microworld微观世界(micro+world世界) microskirt超短裙(micro+skirt裙子) microwave微波(micro+wave波) microbe微生物(micro+be=bi生命→小生命→微生物) microbiology微生物学(micro+bilolgy生物学) microfilm微缩胶卷(micro+film胶片)表示“小” minibus小公共汽车(mini+bus公共汽车) miniskirt超短裙(mini+skirt裙子) miniwar小规模战争(mini+war战争) miniature小画象,缩影(mini+ature表示物品→小物品→小画象) minify使…缩小(mini+fy→小化) minimal最低限度的(minim=mini+al→最小的) minimum最小量(minim+um) minion仆人(minim+on→小人〔仆人自称小人〕) deminish缩小的,减少的(de+mini小+ish→使…小→缩小) 48.mis-表示“错误,坏” mistake错误(mis+take拿→拿错→错误) misspell拼写错误(mis+spell拼写) misunderstand误解(mis+understand理解) misdoing坏事(mis+doing做事) misrule对…施暴政(mis+rule统治→统治不善) misfortune不幸(mis+fortune幸运的) mistrust不信任(mis+trust相信) misanthrope愤世嫉俗者(mis+anthrope人→不喜欢人) miscreant恶棍(mis+creant做事的人→做坏事的人) mishap坏运气,不幸(mis+hap运气→运气不好) mischievous恶作剧的(mis+chiev=chief首领+ous→做坏事的首领) 49.mono-表示“单个,一个” monarch君主,独裁者(mon+arch统治者→一个统治者) monogamy 一夫一妻制(mono+gamy婚姻) monologue独白(mono+logue说话→一个人说话→独白) monopoly垄断(mono+poly→独家卖→垄断) monotonous单调的(mono+ton声音+ous→一个声音→单调的) 50.Multi-表示”很多,很多” multilingual a. 多种语言的(multi+lingual方向的) multidirectional a. 多方向的(multi+directional方向的) multiple a.多样的;多功能的(multi+pile→多的→多功能的) multiply a.乘;繁殖(multi+ply表动词→变多→乘) multiform a.多种多样的(multi+form形式) multicultural a.多种文化的(multi+cultural文化的) multimedia a.多媒体的(multi+media媒介) multitude a.多数;群众(multi+tude状态→多的状态→多数)
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2023-07-20 02:35:151


手工的英文:handwork。handwork造句:1、handwork release safe brake.2、technology of making clayware handwork.3、steel blank for handwork needles.4、are there music and handwork lessons?5、But in practical application, the drawing work has a great lot to do by handwork.6、In regular,teaching emulation is finished by handwork,the workload is very big and easy to go awry.7、The operations of land evaluation have been transacted by handwork all long and rarely can be fulfilled effectively and accurately.8、Clarified the malpractice of coal source plan handwork management in port,and pointed out that the computer management is imperative.9、Diamond pencil-edge wheels:Use for rough and fine grinding or handwork to special shape of glass.10、This task is the upgrade in the system"s configuration, it change the handwork configuration originally, and make the configuration can be programmed.11、Exquisite handwork, all-in-one-shaped lucky jade pendants, it not only bring you luck and peace, but also increase your personal quality.译文:1、手动释放安全制动器。2、陶器手工制作技术。3、手工针用钢坯有音乐和手工课吗?5、但在实际应用中,绘图工作有很大一部分是手工完成的。6、通常情况下,教学仿真都是手工完成的,工作量大,效率低容易出错。7、土地估价工作一直以来都是手工操作,缺乏系统性可以有效、准确地完成。8、阐明了港口煤炭资源计划手工管理的弊端,并提出了相应的对策指出计算机管理势在必行。9、金刚石笔形磨轮:用于粗磨和精磨或手工磨削特殊工件铝形状的玻璃。10、本课题是系统配置的升级,改变了手工配置使配置可以被编程。11、精美的手工制作,一体成型的招财玉坠,它不仅带给你卢ck和平,还能增加你的个人素质。
2023-07-20 02:35:221


关于责任的英语作文   在学习、工作、生活中,许多人都写过作文吧,作文要求篇章结构完整,一定要避免无结尾作文的出现。为了让您在写作文时更加简单方便,下面是我为大家收集的关于责任的`英语作文,仅供参考,大家一起来看看吧。   We Chinese place a high value on responsibility. It is traditional deal for us Chinese to take care of our parents. We owe them a great deal for the love they give us while we are growing up. It is right,then,when they are getting older with each passing day,we help them and see that they are well cared for. In this way,we give back some of the love and care they have given to us.   As loyal Chinese citizens,we must have a strong sense of responsibility to our country. I t is our duty to keep China strong in the eyes of the world. Therefore,we should study and work hard for China"s strongness which also depends on the advanced science and technology. We must be willing to join the Army and defend our country,would we be threatened by an invader. In short,to be a responsible citizen,we must put our country"s welfare above our own needs.   Finally,we must remember that we have a responsibility to the world we live in. It is important that we learn to live in peace with the other nations of the world and to protect our environment.If we carry out these responsibilities,we will be respected citizens of our country.   When the issue of poisonous milk powder gains an overwhelming focus from the public,what are these malefactors doing?As we can see from the depiction,enterprise,milk station,milch cow and even grass are trying to find someone scapegoating for this credit crisis,in my view point,that"s nothing to do with the credit but the problem of responsibility.   Responsibility is a keyword that we should never disregard,defined not only as the courage to face every foreseeable risk,but as the braveness to entail every malpractice when it really takes place as well. The causes of the shortage of responsibility or even conscience may be as follows. Firstly,inner cause ascribing probably to the destructive influence emanating from the decay of morality may result in the over—materialism .Furthermore,outerly,deficient supervisal gives rise to the fearless adventurer who is at the risk of anything,not to say to deviate from his own liability,to pursue as many as profits. A case in point is the Melamine—laced Milk Incident which almost destroyed the whole of China"s milk industry.   It is imperative that drastic measures should be taken to end this thorny situation,such as enacting related law to reinforce our supervisal mechanism to avoid the behavior of kicking the ball when something bad happen and promoting social entities to regain one of Chinese traditional virtues,which is called “who would enter the hell if I wouldn"t”,that means,undoubtedly,to learn to be responsible for the blunder means sensible unflinchingness.   The concept of responsibility is a necessary fiction. Although socities must hold their individuals accountable for their own actions,people"s behavior is largely determined by forces not of their own making."   In the title statement,the speaker holds the contention that the concept of "individual responsibility" is no existence but a fiction. Moreover,the speaker says that the behaviors of human beings are fundamentally determined by the environment which out of their control. Admittedly,one"s actions are deeply influenced by laws,societies,schools and families and other exterior forces;individual responsibility exists and functions as a significant role to rule people"s behaviors as well.   On one hand,the highest social animal as human being is,any individual has his specific role in a certain society. And this specific role gives one social identity and individual responsibility through education in schools and influence of ethical and moral standards. Though some times one would feel that the certain responsibility is obligation from the society and organizations rather than his "individual responsibility" at first,in most cases,the accountability would presumably bee one"s own eventually followed by the final identification of his specific social identity,and then direct one"s behaviors without the force from the exterior world. For example,a soldier would think it is his duty to obey the rules without any hesitation;a surgeon would consider healing the patients as his accountability;and a historian would feel it is his responsibility to discover what is behind the historical descriptions. In fact,different careers and roles form diverse individual responsibilities,which result in individuals"voluntary behaviors.   On the other hand,there are not only specific individual responsibilities in diverse areas but also some fundamental values and accountabilities,which we all human beings cherish. From the moment one can speak or even is born,the society begins to instill the moral and ethical standards,which is so called humanity in every one"s mind. The older one is,the deeper influence the humanity would be. When one is just a little child,he would go directly to what he like and claim it. Then when he is old enough,he would realize that it is incorrect and ashamed. And because of the awareness of what is right and wrong,one would probably never do any misdeed again. Actually,humanity is just the mon individual responsibility shared by all of us.   However,every one lives in a certain society thereby one"s behavior is more or less influenced by forces not of their own making. And to operate normally,every society has its laws,though many times have differences among them. It is true that humanity plays an essential role in ruling individuals" behaviors;yet laws are necessary. Under the control of laws,people who have little individual responsibility would probably not dare to do any crime in fear of law punishment. Besides laws,for example in school,rules are also an important factor as well as individual responsibility. Nowadays,in most universities,a student who does not pass some certain courses in his four years college life would not get his diploma of bachelor"s degree. So even if a student does not like his discipline,or dose not care about his GPA,the pressure of graduating forces him not to playing puter or basketball all the time.   In addition,individual responsibility and forces from outside world have overlapped parts some times. For instance,studying diligently is some hard— working students" individual responsibility as well as the pressure from schools and society.   Generally speaking,it is hasty and incorrect to conclude that the concept of individual responsibility" is a necessary fiction. On the contrary,individual responsibility plays an important role which cannot be replaced. However,laws and the exterior force also have their significance as well. Thus we can not put either of them aside and pay more attention to another ;
2023-07-20 02:35:481


2023-07-20 02:36:153


what makes you beautiful。 one direction
2023-07-20 02:36:233


Accesses the net advantage and shortcoming Along with society"s development, the network graduallyobtained the popularization, accesses the net the person also day byday increases, now accesses the net has become one kind of tendency,now network by everywhere obviously. Certainly, accessed the net to us has brought the enormous advantage,we were allowed on-line to find the information which we needed,nearly all information on-line were many can find, the networkinterlocked takes to us the information sharing, we were allowedon-line to find the study material, saw most recent news and so on; Wemay the on-line shopping, even if we do not leave the gate, we alsomay buy the thing which we needs; Moreover the present network alsobecomes one kind of exchange the way, we may be on-line and the friendchat, make friendly contacts; Accesses the net can bring so manyadvantage to us. Although so, accesses the net also has the very big malpractice. Nowvery many people access the net are for play the game, even sinksconfuses to the game, thus affects his study, the life. Moreover thenetwork has also brought some ill health information duringdissemination information, these information can have the enormousextremely bad influence to the people. Also, accesses the net canbring on bodily to us the injury. Total word it, accesses the net already can bring the advantage to us,also can bring the fault to us. Therefore we already cannot sinkconfuse to the network, also has no alternative but to contact thenetwork, we must fully use the network, fully takes to our advantageusing the network, avoids some faults which the network brings.
2023-07-20 02:36:314


Crime incidents in 1997 in China"s criminal law the new charges. The main body of the crime incidents should be qualified with the appropriate medical personnel for the fault of the subjective aspects of performance, the main object is a violation of medical personnel the right to life and health, the objective aspects of the implementation of a serious irresponsible behavior, and medical incidents caused damage results. In this paper, from the subjective from the medical, the main objective, the object of an analysis of four aspects of that crime.
2023-07-20 02:37:003


nowadays,there is trendency that more and more people decide to take courses on education have formed its new shape:online education. from my point of view,the reasons for this are that:modern people have a increasing pace of life and have no other choice to take better education,and the internet solve the problem by its unique have many schudule to take and reduce the distinct of space.becides,we can mkae a face-to-face communication by internet just like having a private teacher. i support this new way to comfortable it is to learn what i need in anytime i want and browse numbers of useful information without leaving home for a step!i hold the point that,there must will be broad future for online education to grow.and it will do many people a help to get further development.
2023-07-20 02:37:202


The first chapter provides warehouse management The first warehouse of the enterprise system supplies an important component part of the enterprises of various materials flow reserve areas, shoulders materials management functions of the various businesses. Its main tasks are : custodian good inventory, so accurate quantity and the quality good, ensure security, TX rapidly, production-oriented, thoughtful service, reduce costs and accelerate cash flow. The second set of storage required under the Factories and production plant conditions overall planning, rational distribution; Internal accountability to strengthen economic, scientific division, forming material-mouth management assurance system; Business to implement standardization of the quality of work and constantly improve the level of warehouse management. The third of the accounts to writing clearly and Japan-not on the guitar backlog, collection, timely monthly. The fourth of the permit within the scope of pounds worse, a reasonable natural wastage caused by exactly Losses are reported monthly to do accounts, cards, goods, capital four unanimously. The fifth of five to create a good custodian of each warehouse is the direction of the warehouse each month for a check to promote good Chong five warehouses in it. The sixth of the custodians mobilization work, we have to deal with the transfer procedures, the transfer of the outstanding matters and the related documents, a list to three states, the two sides signed, leading the witness, both armed with a, at a CRDA. After disputes occur, people are still responsible for the transfer of the original compensation. The losses caused by dereliction of duty, in addition to price as compensation, but also have to be disciplined. The seventh loss of inventory custodians reflects the quality of the work, do not seek to errors. Mentioning
2023-07-20 02:37:366


  先生的英文缩写是Mr我们大部分人都知道,但是它的英文全称Mister大家可能就不是那么注意了。下面是我给大家整理的,供大家参阅!      英 ["mu026astu0259r] 美 ["mu026astu0259r]   Mr   Mr的英语例句   1. The ballot was re-run on Mr Todd"s insistence after accusations of malpractice.   因被控舞弊,在托德先生的坚持下重新进行了投票。   2. The governors were joined by Mr Hunter and his management team.   亨特先生及他率领的管理小组加入了州长们的队伍。   3. She met Mr and Mrs Ricciardi, who were very nice to her.   她见到了里恰尔迪夫妇,他们对她非常友好。   4. A former associate of Mr. Pierce"s was among the project"s boosters.   皮尔斯先生的一个前合伙人是这个计划的热心支持者之一。   5. Mr Martin was taken out of his car at gunpoint.   马丁先生被人用枪指著从车里带了出来。   6. Mr Mandela was given a tumultuous reception in Washington.   曼德拉先生在华盛顿受到热情的款待。   7. Mr Olaechea has British residency by virtue of his marriage.   奥拉伊奇先生通过结婚而取得在英国的永久居留权。   8. Mr Farmer and Mrs Jones both admitted conspiring to murder her hu *** and.   法默先生和琼斯太太都承认密谋杀死了琼斯先生。   9. A point of order was raised in parliament by Mr Ben Morris.   本·莫里斯先生在议会就程式问题提出质询。   10. Mr Morris feels the museum is using advertising to good effect.   莫里斯先生认为博物馆作的广告卓有成效。   11. Mr Dudley has pledged to give any award to charity.   达德利先生已承诺将任何所获的损害赔偿额都捐给慈善机构。   12. Under these laws, he said, Mr. Rice"s assets could have been frozen.   他说根据这些法规,赖斯先生的资产可能已经被冻结了。   13. Mr Collier heaved a sigh and got to his feet.   科利尔先生深叹一口气,站了起来。   14. The device exploded, throwing Mr Taylor from his car.   那个装置爆炸了,把泰勒先生从车里抛了出去。   15. Mr. Helm plans to assert that the bill violates the First Amendment.   赫尔姆先生打算宣告该法案违反了宪法第一修正案。   Mr的双语例句   Mr. Johnson promised to pay for my education.   约翰逊先生答应支付我的教育费用。   Read this and pass it on to Mr. Wang.   请阅读并传给王先生。   You should be friends with your cousin, Mr Hareton," I interrupted, `since she repents of hersauciness.   “你该跟你表妹和好,哈里顿先生,”我插嘴说,“既然她已后悔她的无礼了。   Please allow me to introduce Mr Brown to you.   请允许我把布朗先生向你介绍一下。   “We have a city that ought to be half its size,” says Mr Bing.   “我们拥有一个本应是其本身一半大小的城市,”宾先生说。   Mr Wu, however, was cautious of the tip. "We will only go once we have checked it out with othersources," he said.   伍先生对于蒐集到的资讯依然很谨慎,他说:“只有在通过另外的渠道确认这一资讯之后,我才回去。   We have an appointment with Mr. Thomas.   我们和托马斯先生有个约会。   So what should Mr. Obama do?   那么奥巴马先生该怎么做呢?   What is Mr. Darcy to me, pray, that I should be afraid of him?   我倒请问你,达西先生与我有什么关系, *** 吗要怕他?   Until we see whether Mr. Bean gets through his holiday in one piece.   直到我们在一个片段中看到憨豆先生是否过完了他的假期。   But don"t expect either Mr.Walker or the rest of his party to change those goals.   但是,不要指望沃克先生或者他的政党的其他人会改变这些目标。   MARTIN: Mr. Williams, I want to pick up on this question, something that Oprah talked about when she talked about this with her audience.   马丁:威廉姆斯先生,我想了解这样一个问题,这也是奥普拉在与她的观众谈论这个问题时说到的。   I"d like you to meet Mr. White, our sales manager.   我想让你认识一下我们的销售经理,怀特先生。   Well, Mr. Brooks. I"m sorry again for the delay, but we should have everything pleted by thetime you get back.   那么,布鲁克斯先生,我再次对耽搁表示道歉,但您下次回来时我们会把所有的事情都办妥的。   I paid Mr. and Mrs. Smith a return visit yesterday afternoon.   我昨天下午回访了史密斯夫妇。    看过的人还:
2023-07-20 02:37:501


2023-07-20 02:38:085


  先生英文缩写的读音   先生的英文缩写:   Mr. 英[mst(r)] 美["mstr]   先生的英文全称   mister 英[mst(r)] 美["mstr]   先生的英文例句   1、“这是您的车吗,先生?”警察问道。   "Is this your vehicle, sir?" asked the policeman.   2、对不起,先生,电话占线。   I"m sorry, sir, the telephone line is busy.   3、这里有位教士要见你,先生。   A reverend gentleman is here to see you, sir!   4、谢谢您,先生。   Thank you, sir.   5、一个小男孩在街上拦住了我,问道;“先生,现在几点了?”   A little boy stopped me in the street and asked me, "What"s the time, mister?"   6、希思先生是英国前任首相。   Mr. Heath is the former Prime Minister of Britain.   7、请哪位先生给这位女士让个座位好吗?   Will any gentleman oblige the lady?   8、威尔逊先生对这个政策进行了肆无忌惮的攻击。   Wilson made unbridled attacks against this policy.   先生中英文对照例句   1. The ballot was re-run on Mr Todd"s insistence after accusations of malpractice 因被控舞弊,在托德先生的坚持下重新进行了投票。   2. The governors were joined by Mr Hunter and his management team 亨特先生及他率领的管理小组加入了州长们的队伍。   3. A former associate of Mr Pierce"s was among the project"s boosters 皮尔斯先生的一个前合伙人是这个计划的热心支持者之一。   4. Mr Martin was taken out of his car at gunpoint 马丁先生被人用枪指着从车里带了出来。   5. Mr Mandela was given a tumultuous reception in Washington 曼德拉先生在华盛顿受到热情的.款待。   6. Mr Olaechea has British residency by virtue of his marriage 奥拉伊奇先生通过结婚而取得在英国的永久居留权。   7. Mr Farmer and Mrs Jones both admitted conspiring to murder her husband 法默先生和琼斯太太都承认密谋杀死了琼斯先生。   8. A point of order was raised in parliament by Mr Ben Morris 本·莫里斯先生在议会就程序问题提出质询。   9. Mr Morris feels the museum is using advertising to good effect 莫里斯先生认为博物馆作的广告卓有成效。   10. Mr Dudley has pledged to give any award to charity 达德利先生已承诺将任何所获的损害赔偿额都捐给慈善机构。   11. Under these laws, he said, Mr Rice"s assets could have been frozen 他说根据这些法规,赖斯先生的资产可能已经被冻结了。   12. Mr Collier heaved a sigh and got to his feet 科利尔先生深叹一口气,站了起来。   13. The device exploded, throwing Mr Taylor from his car 那个装置爆炸了,把泰勒先生从车里抛了出去。   14. Mr Helm plans to assert that the bill violates the First Amendment 赫尔姆先生打算声明该法案违反了宪法第一修正案。   15. Mr Ben Bella was deposed in a coup in 1965. 本·贝拉先生在1965年的一次政变中被推翻。   16. He called Mr Mandela a hero who had inspired millions 他称曼德拉先生为鼓舞了数百万民众的英雄。   17. Mr Zuma had a solid reputation as a grass roots organiser 作为一个民众的组织者,祖玛先生名声甚佳。   18. Mr Abel"s doctor has said he is unfit to travel 埃布尔先生的医生说他不宜出行。   19. Mr Jones received loud support from his local community 琼斯先生获得了他所在社区民众的热烈支持。   20. I wonder if I might have a word with Mr Abbot? 请问我能否和阿博特先生说几句话?
2023-07-20 02:38:351


地道程度稍差..Formed in the planned economic system under China"s existing household registration management system in the founding of new China after a certain period of time, basically adapted to the conditions of the planned economy under the state"s labor, consumer goods, such as a planned distribution and strictly control the needs of the urban population growth, and promote the City Rural economic and social coordinated development. But with the gradual establishment of a market economy, the existing household registration management system has become increasingly unable to meet the social and economic development requirements of its inherent constraints into the defects of China"s market economy development and social comprehensive progress in the bottleneck. And reform the household registration management system, is to further emancipate and develop productive forces of the objective requirements of building a socialist market economy is an inevitable choice. This paper tries to explore the household registration system starting with the process of formation and evolution, while affirming the achievements of its history under the premise of the existing household registration system to identify the inherent deficiencies and challenges facing the reality, in various parts of China concluded the feasibility of the pilot reform on the basis of experience , China"s household registration reform to the ultimate direction and objectives, and accordingly the implementation of measures with a view of China"s household registration reform research and practice help.
2023-07-20 02:38:434


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2023-07-20 02:38:582


The three gorges project, is China"s Yangtze river upstream of the construction of water conservancy projects for large projects. China"s water is a milestone of the career, there is no doubt that it to the Chinese people has brought great benefits. But on the other hand it also has a lot of disadvantages.The three gorges reservoir normal storage level of 175 meters, flood control capacity of 22.15 billion cubic meters. The lower jingjiang river flood control to provide effective protection for the middle and lower Yangtze river region also has great flood control function, is our country in the history of flood control important project. On the other hand, the three gorges hydropower plant installed total capacity of 18.2 million kW, with an annual capacity of 84.7 billion kW · h. To a large extent ease China"s electricity nervous, and sell electricity every year income of 18.1 billion ~ 21.9 billion yuan, in addition to repay the loan principal and interest can be outside, still can pay a lot to the state income tax. Finally, along with the country"s high-speed economic development, the country needs to shipping too more and more big, the three gorges project is located in the upper reaches of Yangtze river, and the boundary of the middle, its unique geographic position, meet the upper reaches of the Yangtze river shipping career prospect development needs.But on the other hand, the establishment of the three gorges project shows that many of the industry disadvantages, such as immigration, the establishment of the three gorges project, must make millions of people away, two Chinese people for his hometown and strong feelings, so a lot of people are not willing to leave their life place. And the three gorges project is the largest of the malpractice is the ecological influence on agriculture and and destruction, the establishment of the three gorges project, more than ten thousand square meters of the fertile farmland will mergence underwater, land resources is serious loss. In addition the Yangtze river is a unique Chinese one thousand kinds of rare fish"s major habitat, due to the establishment of the three gorges,, are likely to kind of fish, quantity influence, some fish species is possible because can"t adapt to the new environment and Numbers to drop quickly.In short, the three gorges project is a to the national people"s interests and big engineering, we enjoy it brought to us interests, but more to try to eliminate its drawbacks.
2023-07-20 02:39:061

一篇关于 a healthy campus life 的120词的英语作文

A healthy campus lifeMuch evidence shows that a healthy campus life does a lot of good to students" growth. In this light, our current campus life in China needs improving. Just think about some of our practices: a trend of looking down upon the poor students, a habit of indulging in dining and drinking, a deep-rooted malpractice of cheating in exams, a parade of individual wealth, a blind pursuit of online pleasure. All of the above are far from expected, so I feel an urge to promote a healthy campus life. My favorite is the kind in which everyone values study over anything else, no one cheats in exams, and all the students seek for a life of good taste. Once we have achieved this, our campus life will be full of truth, goodness and beauty.
2023-07-20 02:39:231


They refused the offer of us $ 300 . 000 for amicable settlement . they request us $ 5 , 000 , 000 instead , thus making the claim the leargest ever medical negpgence lawsuit in the us legal history 他们拒绝了圣卡特琳医院私下提出的30万美元和解费。他们要求陪审团裁决赔偿金额500万美元这是当时美国有史以来最大的 医疗差错 诉讼案。 Objectives what i did is to look into the causes of medical professional risk for medical staff , with the help of *** yzing the difference of risk assess beeen different sections , and to work out a set of assess system for medical professional risk , which is measurable , practical easily , and extensible 研究目的探究医疗职业风险因素,分析不同专业间风险差异程度,设计一套能衡量、易操作、可推广的医疗职业风险评价体系。拟通过设立医疗职业个人保险基金,解决目前医疗职业保险中免赔部分的经费落实问题,以及医疗意外、 医疗差错 、医疗缺陷等协商解决的医疗纠纷中保险公司经济补偿问题。 It discusses the basic concepts such as medical controversy , medical accident , medical mistake , medical malpractice , medical treatment , and sets the pmits of controversies over pensation for both medical accident and other medical damage . then , it elaborates the characteristics of medical treatment and nature of relationship beeen medical institutions and patients , as well as nature of the pabipty for medical damages 该章讨论了医疗纠纷、医疗事故、 医疗差错 、医疗过失、医疗行为等基本概念,界定了医疗事故赔偿纠纷和其他医疗损害赔偿纠纷的内涵和外延,分析了医疗行为的特点和医疗关系、医疗损害赔偿责任的性质,以及医疗损害赔偿责任的归责原则,并将医疗损害赔偿责任的构成要件概括为医疗损害、医疗过错、医疗过错与医疗损害之间的因果关系。 Nowadays , however , with the aid of the recent insurance system for medical responsibipty only some medical pensates caused by medical accidents can be handled . some unforeseen medical issues , medical errors , medical defect and medical disputes , still can not be d ealt with by insurance panies . also it is hard for some medical units to pay for the extra payment , especially for the proportion of free pensation 一些医疗单位通过医疗责任保险来分散职业风险虽已取得一定成效,然而现行的医疗责任保险仅解决医疗事故引发的经济赔偿,尚存在医疗意外、 医疗差错 、医疗缺陷及协商解决的医疗纠纷保险公司不作补偿、免赔部分医疗单位经费难以落实。
2023-07-20 02:39:471


2023-07-20 02:39:551


什么是前、后缀 即前缀和后缀。英语中常常有这样的情况,在某个词(词根)上增加几个字母便成了另外一个单词,这加上的字母组合称为缀文。加在词根前的叫前缀, 加在后面的便是后缀。 学习前、后缀的意义 没什么,就妈妈再也不用担心你记不住词啦。 从词汇学角度,缀合法(即增加前缀、后缀构成新词)是英语词汇发展的重要方式之一。现代英语的词语多达100多万,是世界上词汇量最丰富的语言之一。古英语时期(450-1150年)的英语只有5万-6万个词。这些创造的新词中,缀合法合成的新词占30%-40%,可见其普遍性。所以捏,学习缀文的含义和规则,能帮助有效学习并记忆单词。 1. 表否定 a-: amoral 无道德感的 moral 道德的 apolitical 无政治倾向的 political 政治的 dis-: disloyal 不忠实的 loyal 忠实的 disobey不服从 obey 服从 in-: injustice 不公正 justice 公平公正 inaccurate 不准确的 accurate准确的 il-: illegal 非法的 legal合法的 illiterate 文盲的 literate 有读写能力的 ir-: irresponsible 不负责任的 responsible 负责的 irresistible 不可抗拒的 resistable 可抵抗的 im-: immature 发育未全的,未成熟的 mature成熟的 imbalance不平衡 balance 平衡 non-: non-smoker 不吸烟的人 smoker吸烟的人 non-classical非古典的 classical古典的 un-: unfair 不公平的 fair 公平的 unrealistic 不切实际的 realistic 切实可行的 2、表逆反的前缀 de-: decentralize 分散……的权利 centralize 实行中央集权 decompose 分解 compose 组成 dis-: disunite 使不团结 unite 使团结 disallow 驳回 allow准许 un-: unwrap 打开 wrap 包起来 3、表贬义的前缀 mal-: maltreat 虐待 treat 对待 malpractice 渎职 practice工作 mis-: misconduct 不端行为 conduct 行为 mistrust 怀疑,不信任 trust 信任 pseudo-: pseudo-friend 假朋友 friend 朋友 pseudo-science 伪科学 science 科学 4、表程度或大小的前缀 arch-: 最主要的 archbishop 大主教 bishop主教 archangel天使长 angel 天使 extra-: 额外的 extra-strong 特浓的; strong 浓的( strong coffee 浓咖啡) hyper- 超级的 hyperactive 异常活跃的 active 活跃的 hyperlink 超链接 link 链接 macro-: 宏观的 macrocosm 宇宙 cosmic 宇宙 macroeconomic 宏观经济的 economic经济的 micro-:微小的 microeconomic 微观经济的 microblog 微博 blog 博客 microcosm缩影 mini-:小型的 mini-election小型选举活动 election选举活动 minicourse 简易课程 course 课程 out-:超过 outlive 比……活得久 outsell 比……卖的多 over-: 超出 overweight 超重 overeat 吃的过多 sub-:在……之下 subway 地铁 subheading 小标题 heading标题 super- :超级的 superman 超人 superfine特级的 superfreeze 超级冷冻 sur- :附加的 surtax 附加税 ultra-: 极,超过某限度 ultrasonic 超声波的 sonic声音的 ultrarich 超富的 rich富裕的 ultra-left 极左的 left 左翼的 under-: 低于…… underdeveloped 不发达的,落后的,发育不全的 underage 低于法定年龄的 undersea 海面下的 5. 表方向或态度的前缀 anti- :反,反对 anti-government 反政府的 anti-nuclear抗核的 anti-rust 防锈的 rust 铁锈 contra-: 反对,相反 contraflow 单车道双向行驶 counter-: 逆向的 counter-bid 还价 bid 出价 countermove 对抗行动 move行动 pro-: 赞成,偏袒 pro-democracy 支持民主的 democracy 民主 pro-abortion 赞成堕胎的 abortion堕胎 6、 表方位 fore-: 前 forehead 额头 foreleg 前腿 extra-: 在……之外 extraordinary 非凡的 ordinary普通的 extramarital 婚外的 marital 婚姻的 inter-: 在……之间 international 国际的 national国家的 interpersonal 人际的 personal 个人的 internet 互联网 intra-: 在……里、内 intranet 内联网 intraparty 党政内的 party 政党 tele-: 远距离的;通过电话的;电视的 telecommunication远程通信 communication通讯 teleconference 电话会议 conference 会议 trans-: 横穿;通过;穿越 trans-world 跨世界 transcontinental 横贯大陆的 continental 大陆的 7、表时间或顺序 ex-: 前任 exwife 前妻 ex-student 昔日学子 fore- 提前 foretell 预言 foresee 预见 foreknowledge 预知 knowledge 知道 post-: 之后 post-war 战后的 post-election 选举之后的 pre-:之前 pretax 税前的 tax 税 prewar 战前的 prepay 预付的 re-:再次 reconsider 重新考虑 consider考虑 reappear 重新出现 appear 出现 8、表数量 bi-: 双的,两个的 bicycle 自行车(两轮车) bilingual 双语的 biannual一年两次的 annual 年度的 multi-:多个的 multi-purpose 多用途的 purpose用途 multilateral 多边的 poly-: 多个的 polysyllable 多音节的 syllable 音节的 polyglot 通晓多种语言的 semi-/ hemi-: 半 semi-final 半决赛 semi-conductor 半导体 semi-automatic 半自动的 hemisphere 半球 tri-: 三 tricycle 三轮车 trilingual 三语的 uni-/ mono-: 单 unicycle/ monocycle 独轮车 monologue独白 monolingual 只用一种语言的,单语的 9. 其它 auto-: 自动的 autozoom自动变焦 zoom变焦 autotimer 自动定时器 neo-:新的,新式的 neo-Nazi 新纳粹分子 neoclassical 新古典的 pan-: 包含一切的,全部的 pan-European 泛欧洲的 pan-American 泛美的 vice- :副 vice-chairman 副主席 vice-president 副总统 vice-consul 副领事 微信公众号JS_study,英语学习mini拿碎碎念。
2023-07-20 02:40:021


  手术指医生用医疗器械对病人身体进行的切除、缝合等治疗。 那么你知道手术用英语怎么说吗?下面跟我一起学习手术的英语知识吧。    手术英语说法   operation   surgery    手术的相关 短语   手术室 operation room ; operating room ; Operating theater ;   整形手术 plastic surgery ; Plastic operation ; orthopedic operation ; Cosmetics Surgery   手术刀片 surgical blade ; scalpel blade ; operating knife blade ; knife blade   开腹手术 Laparotomy ; Open surgery ; Laparotomy operation ; Open ecphyadectom   手术镊 forceps ; surgical forceps ; surgical pliers ; Forceps Pickup   冷冻手术 cryosurgery ; operation deep freeze ; Cryosurgery    手术的英语例句   1. He has received extensive corrective surgery to his skull.   他的头骨做过大面积的矫形手术。   2. A stiff knee following surgery forced her to walk with a limp.   手术后她的膝盖活动不便,走路时被迫跛行。   3. The operation is carried out under a general anaesthetic.   该手术是在全身麻醉情况下实施的。   4. He is recovering from an operation to reset his arm.   他做了一个手臂复位手术,正在恢复。   5. His surgical instruments were a knife and a pair of pincers.   他的外科手术器械是一把刀和一把钳子。   6. This type of surgery could even be used to extract cancerous growths.   这种外科手术甚至可以用来切除癌性肿瘤。   7. Sometimes the original abortion was done so badly that the uterus prolapsed.   有时第一次流产手术做得太糟糕,会导致子宫下垂。   8. He needed surgery to cure a troublesome back injury.   他需要做手术来治好烦人的背伤。   9. She even had plastic surgery to change the shape of her nose.   为改变鼻子的形状,她甚至接受了整形手术。   10. He had a minor operation to remove a cyst.   他做了个切除囊肿的小手术。   11. Ophthalmic surgeons are now performing laser surgery to correct myopia.   眼科医生现在采用激光手术来矫正近视。   12. It was I who first raised the subject of plastic surgery.   是我第一个提到整形手术这个话题的。   13. He had an operation last year to widen a heart artery.   去年他接受了一个扩张心脏动脉的手术。   14. She spent the night in intensive care after the operation.   手术后的那个夜晚她在重症监护病房度过。   15. She hated hospitals and didn"t like the idea of having an operation.   她讨厌医院,也不想做手术。   关于手术的 英语阅读 :外科手术中“决不该发生的事”   Surgeons call them "never events,” because they are supposed to never happen: things like leaving a piece of equipment in someone or removing the wrong body part. But despite major efforts to reduce medical errors, these “never events” still occur more than 4,000 times each year in the U.S. That finding is in the journal Surgery.   像在某人身体里留下一块设备,或者移除了不对的身体部位这类事情,外科医生称之为“决不该发生的事”,因为它们本就不应该发生。但即使作出重大努力来减少医疗错误,每年仍然有4000余起“决不该发生的事”发生在美国。这项发现发表在外科学杂志上。   Researchers sifted through thousands of malpractice claims. They found surgeons leave a foreign object inside at least 39 patients each week. And wrong procedures or incorrect site surgeries each occur 20 or more times per week.   研究人员筛选了几千例医疗事故索赔案,发现外科医生每周至少在39位病人体内留下异物。每周会有超过20次的手术发生操作步骤错误或者手术位置错误。   Such incidents are obviously preventable. Checklists and equipment counts are supposed to take place in the operating room. Even if you"re comatose when going under the knife, you can have a conversation with your doctor beforehand to make sure everyone knows what operation is scheduled. And feel free to ask for a permanent marker drawing on your body. So that the surgeon is greeted with an inked note that says something clear, such as, “Take Out T his Kidney.”   很明显,这类事故是可以避免的。在手术室应该备有清单,手术设备也应该清点清楚。即使在手术刀下昏迷着,你也可以在手术前与医生交谈,确保每个人都知道手术操作进程。放心地去要求医生用记号笔在你身上画记号。这样医生才会时刻提醒自己注意到某些事,例如可以写上“从我肾脏中取走T”。 猜你喜欢: 1. 医药类英语翻译 2. 大学医学英语翻译A系列 3. 医院常用语英文翻译 4. 计算机术语翻译 5. 经济金融术语翻译
2023-07-20 02:40:101


1.前言   工程监理和职业责任保险是本文主要的两个研究对象。   本文研究的基础是工程风险的理论。从主观的角度来看,风险指的是未来损失的不确定性(uncertaintyaboutfutureloss);特别地,一个工程项目在设计、施工及移交运行各个阶段可能遭受的风险称为工程风险(projectrisk)。   责任也是风险的一种,它是在法律中人为规定的。法律对各种责任做出了定义。责任就是自然人或法人违反法律义务或者侵犯他人权利时所引起的法律后果。   从事各种专业技术工作的单位和个人,由于工作中的过失、错误,或由于他们的雇员或合伙人的过失或错误,可能给他们的当事人或其他人造成经济上的损失或人身伤害,这类风险即为职业风险。专业人员对职业风险应承担的损害赔偿责任就是职业责任。   保险是指集合同类风险分担损失的一种经济制度。保险是迄今采用最普遍、最有效的风险管理手段。因为工程项目可能遭遇可能风险,为了消除或补偿遭遇风险而造成的损失,必须进行工程保险。   按保险事故对象,可以把保险分为财产保险、人身保险、责任保险和保证保险四类。其中,责任保险是以被保险人依法应负的民事损害赔偿责任或经过特别约定的合同责任作为承保对象的保险。责任保险又可以分为公众责任保险、产品责任保险、职业责任与职业责保险和雇主责任保险四类。   职业责任保险,是指承保各种专业技术人员因工作上的疏忽或过失造成合同对方或他人的人身伤害或财产损失的经济赔偿责任的保险。职业责任保险始于1890-1900年间欧美保险市场上的医生职业责任保险,属于一项“较具时代性的保险”。20世纪70年代,职业责任保险开始在西方国家风行并走向成熟和完善。承保的险种由医疗责任保险等少数几个险种扩展到了针对设计师、工程师、医生、律师、会计师等至少80种职业人员及其它服务项目提供者的不同类型的职业责任保险业务。   国外根据保险责任范围,将职业责任保险分为两类:被保险人的工作疏忽(malpractice)责任保险和业务过失(errorandomis sions)责任保险。前者的保险对象包括外科医生、牙医、护士、律师等职业;后者的保险对象包括会计、建筑师和工程师、保险代理等职业。咨询工程师的职业责任保险属于过失责任保险中的工程师职业责任保险(professionallia bilityinsuranceforArchitectsandEngineers)。   在国际保险市场上,美国的责任保险发展最为典型。1948年,美国国家工程师协会(TheNationalSocietyofProfessionalEngineers)首次投保工程师职业责任险。到了1956年,英国的Lloyd"sofLondon已经在美国经营几乎所有已有的责任保险业务,但工程师职业责任保险的服务对象仅限于得到认可的三个工程师组织。1957年,美国的theContinentalCasualtyCompany开始向联邦工程师协会和美国建筑师协会(AmericanInstituteofAr chitects)提供责任保险。60年代以来,工程损失开始以稳定的速率增长,因此保险费也相应地增长。到80年代,由于巨额的工程损失,美国的保险公司的职业责任保险费开始以惊人的速率提高,从而产生了所谓的“保险危机”(theinsurancecrisis)。1984年,各州法院受理了超过1660万件的土木工程诉讼;联邦法院受理了超过15万件。对于工程师职业责任,每100家公司就有44家被提出索赔,索赔额由1978年的平均40 000美元增加到了1984年的平均148 480美元。   2.中国迫切需要实施监理职业责任保险   对待风险的基本对策有两种:一是将风险自留并予以控制,二是把风险转移出去。在工程项目中,风险主要通过非保险的合同转移方式、工程项目保险或工程项目担保三种方式转移。具体地说,业主通过与承包商、设计方、监理方等各方签订服务合同的方式,把项目的一部分风险转移到其它各方,另外,业主和承包商利用工程项目保险或担保,可以把部分项目风险转移给保险公司或担保机构。   业主与监理单位之间通过建设监理委托合同明确了监理方应负的责任。对于职业过失而造成的经济损失,监理单位应向业主进行赔偿。在监理单位依靠自身力量不能承担上述赔偿责任的情况下,可以投保职业责任险,把自身的职业责任风险部分或全部地转移到保险公司,由保险公司对监理单位的赔偿能力提供保障。 职业责任保险在发达国家的完善和成熟不过是近三、四十年里的事,而随着我国社会主义经济体制的不断发展和大规模建设的进行,监理职业责任保险在我国的实施已经被提上了日程。2000年1月,上海天安保险公司推出国内首创的建设工程监理责任保险并且获得保监会批准。   在工程建设领域,由于在过去的计划经济体制下工程建设的参与各方都主要是国有经济的组成部分,难免会造成经济责任分配不合理的情况。我国目前面临的情况是,监理的职业责任与职业风险不相匹配(见图一)。1995年颁布的《工程建设监理合同标准条件》对监理单位的责任规定:“如果因监理单位过失造成了经济损失,应向业主进行赔偿。累计赔偿总额不应超过监理酬金总数。”而根据国家于1992年发布的《工程监理费计算方法》,我国监理单位的酬金远低于国际标准。因此,一旦工程事故发生,监理单位在项目中只对工程损失承担很小一部分经济责任,即便损失是由监理单位明显的失职行为造成的。   在市场经济体制下,随着经济利益主体多元化,牵涉到监理单位的经济责任的纠纷逐渐增多,越来越多的业主要求监理单位对自身的职业过失造成的损失承担全额赔偿的责任。在这种情况下,作为一种明确业主和监理单位之间的经济责任、把监理单位的职业风险合理地转移到保险公司的手段,监理职业责任保险势在必行。   3.在我国实施工程监理职业责任保险的必要条件   3.1.有关法律法规的修订   目前,除了《民法通则》中关于企业损害赔偿的基本原则以外,《工程建设监理规定》对监理单位的经济责任、资质评定以及过失行为的行政处罚也做出了具体的规定。《民法通则》第四十八条对企业法人经济责任的规定:“全民所有制企业法人以国家授予它经营管理的财产承担民事责任。集体所有制企业法人以企业所有的财产承担民事责任。中外合资经营企业法人、中外合作经营企业法人和外资企业法人以企业所有的财产承担民事责任,法律另有规定的除外。”根据《民法通则》的规定,在法律没有另行规定的情况下,监理单位的经济责任仅限于监理单位所有的财产而通过前面的讨论,一旦由于监理单位的过失造成重大的工程事故,依靠其自身财产是无法做出赔偿的。因此,在这种情况下,相应的法律法规对监理单位通过适当手段转移部分经济责任做出另行规定是必要的。   仅仅对监理单位的经济责任(包括职业责任)做出规定还是不够的。如果没有对监理单位的责任保险做出任何行政上的规定建设单位为了节省保险费用很可能选择没有进行职业责任保险的监理单位。尽管这是合同双方的问题,但监理单位一旦造成工程事故,势必造成以下问题:   · 建设单位和监理单位的责任纠纷迟迟得不到解决,将严重影响建设单位和监理单位的经济活动,扰乱市场秩序。   · 由于目前的大多数大中型建设项目仍然由国家投资,如果监理单位无力对自身的责任做出赔偿,将造成国家财产的严重损失。   在这种情况下,比较可行的办法是充分发挥政府监理的功能,将各级政府对监理单位资质等级的审批权加以利用。《工程建设监理规定》第十七条明确规定,“监理单位施行资质审批制度。”目前,我国监理单位的资质等级主要取决于单位负责人和技术负责人的监理资格、工程技术与管理人员的人数和资格、注册资金和历史业绩等。通过对《工程建设监理规定》的修订,可以把是否进行监理职业责任保险作为监理资质评定标准之一,使没有职业责任保险的监理单位无法参与到重大工程项目中去。   在监理单位对其职业过失承担职业责任的同时,对其予以行政处罚,对于提高监理质量,整顿监理市场也是十分必要的。《工程建设规定》的第七章“罚则”对此已经有详细的规定。目前,对于监理单位的职业过失,即当监理单位“因工作失误造成重大事故”时,有关部门可以对其进行警告批评、停业整顿、降低资质、吊销资质证书或者行政罚款。为了实施监理职业责任保险,有必要在“罚则”中对监理单位的职业过失和非职业过失加以区别,并对监理单位不投保或者有意降低保额的行为加以处罚。   3.2.建设监理委托合同的修订   根据《工程建设监理合同》的规定,“如果因监理单位过失而造成了经济损失,应当向业主进行赔偿。累计赔偿总额不应超过监理酬金总数。”尽管合同中没有明确的规定,费用总额超过监理酬金数的部分事实上都是由业主承担的。这显然是不合理的。因此,有必要参照国际惯例,对我国的工程监理合同进行修订,进一步明确监理单位和业主各自的责任。这也是实施监理职业责任保险的必要条件之一。   IGRA1980PM是国际咨询工程师协会(FIDIC)我发表的“顾主与咨询工程师项目管理协议书的国际范本与国际通用规则”,是用于业主与项目管理咨询单位之间的国际通用合同。值得注意的是:第一,顾主(client,即委托监理工程师从事项目管理的人)很可能就是业主(owner),但在高度社会分工条件下,也可能不是业主。第二,严格来说,国际上的工程项目管理制度和我国的建设监理制度含义并不一样,但IGRA1980PM作为国际惯例,它对项目经理(projectmanager)的责任规定对于我们明确监理工程师的责任有着重要的借鉴意义。   IGRA1980PM的2 4款对项目经理的责任做出了明确的规定。它清楚地阐明了以下问题:   (1)项目经理应当对哪些问题承担经济责任   · 由于项目经理明显的失职或犯罪行为所造成的索赔、损失、开支或费用(2 4 1款);   · 项目经理在文件中引用了任何违反法律的条款或侵犯了第三方的诸如专利权、版权等权益(2 4 3款);   · 项目经理在服务过程中做出决策和指导造成的损失(2 4 5款)。   (2) 项目经理对哪些问题不承担经济责任   · 项目经理不为不是由他设计的或不在他责任之内的工程承担责任(2 4 5款);   · 项目经理不为不包括在他的服务范围内的、或项目经理的指示与书面意见内的由于顾主、承包商和供应商的任何行为造成的损失承担责任(2 4 6款)。   (3) 项目经理的财务责任项目经理并不是要对其所有的经济责任进行赔偿。根据2 4 1款“项目经理的财务责任”的规定,在项目经理责任总额(在IGRA1980PM第二部分中规定)以外,顾主应使项目经理避免负担任何直接或间接的与服务有关的各种索赔、损失、开支或费用;对于超过项目经理自负担额以外的部分应给予补偿或保护项目经理不受损害。但是,顾主的这种补偿与保护不适用于那些由于项目经理的明显的失职或犯罪行为造成的索赔、损失、开支或费用。因为顾主并不对项目经理的职业责任进行补偿与保护,当项目经理无法依靠自身力量承担这部分责任时,就应当事先进行职业责任保险。   (4) 保险   根据2 4 4款“第三方向与顾主的设备保险”的规定,项目经理应以顾主的费用,安排并维持第三方责任以及专用设备进行保险,“但项目经理应尽努力,用自己的费用,投保合理的专业责任险。”  3.3.工程监理职业责任保险标准合同的制定   国际上的职业责任保险标准合同通常在第一部分约定承保范围、责任免除及理赔、合同变更等事项,在第二部分制定具体的赔偿限额、免赔额、保险费率、保险期限等。有关承保范围、责任免除及其它事项的制定可以参考theFirstStateManagementGroupCompany(一家美国网上责任保险公司)提供的《工程师职业责任保险的保险合同》。台湾产物保险股份有限公司所使用的《会计师责任保险标准保险合同》则提供了详细的保险费率的制定方法,可在制定监理职业险的费率时作为参考。   4.结论、建议和讨论   作为实施工程监理责任险的必要条件,应当对《民法通则》、《工程监理合同》中的相关条款进行修订,为监理单位对其职业责任做出全额赔偿提供法律依据;应当对《工程监理规定》进行修改,在行政上加强对监理单位投保职业责任险的管理;应当参考国际惯例,在《工程监理合同》中进一步明确业主和监理单位之间的经济责任,并制定工程监理责任保险的标准合同。根据前面的研究,对于工程监理责任险在我国的具体实施还有如下的建议:   1.要对监理的行业特点做全面的研究。了解监理单位的一般风险和特殊风险,摸清其职业风险的规律。在监理单位内部逐步制订和完善控制职业风险的行为规范。   2.进一步了解国外工程师职业责任保险及国内其他行业职业责任保险的相关理论和具体做法,设计出既能适应国情,又符合国际惯例的工程监理责任保险体制。   3.寻找职业责任保险开展较早,保险业较为发达,工程项目国际化程度较高的地区作为监理职业责任保险的试点,积累经验教训,并逐步向全国范围内推广。   4.允许国外保险公司在一定范围内在我国开展职业责任保险,包括监理责任保险,积极利用国外公司对中国市场的研究成果,借鉴实施职业责任保险的具体步骤。   5.监理单位及保险公司加强合作,共同摸索确定适合国情的监理职业责任保险的保险限额、保险费率、自负额等合同细节。   6.在中国加入WTO以后,加强中国的职业责任保险国际化的研究,积极与国际惯例接轨,包括中国监理公司如何在国外获得职业责任保险以及中国保险公司如何向国外咨询公司提供职业保险等等。   从微观的角度来看,实施工程监理职业保险可以使建筑行业的多方受益,从而带来整个行业的繁荣。对于业主来说,监理职业险有助于及时弥补工程事故带来的损失,保障工程项目的顺利进行;对于监理单位来说,通过监理职业责任险,不仅赔偿能力得到了保障,还可以在保险公司的监督和支持下更有效地控制职业风险,从而提高了自身生存和竞争的实力;对于保险公司来说,监理职业责任险作为一种较新的与工程建设有关的险种,有着极大的市场潜力。   从宏观的角度来看,实施工程监理职业保险是社会主义市场经济体制发展的必然,有助于在工程建设领域建立起经济交往权利与义务对等的原则,在建设单位和监理单位之间合理地分配项目风险,使得监理单位担负的责任和面临的风险相一致。实施工程监理职业责任险有助于建立起健康的建筑市场运作机制,进一步促进建筑行业的发展。
2023-07-20 02:40:251


如今,信用卡消费已成为时下人们的生活习惯。的确,信用卡给消费者带来诸多的方便。但是也有人表示,信用卡并非传说中的那样安全,其弊端也有种种。使用信用卡的利与弊有哪些呢?Now, the credit card consumption has become a popular lifestyle. Indeed, the credit card to bring a lot of convenience for consumers. But others said, credit card assecurity is not a legend, its malpractice also has all sorts of. The use of credit cards, what are the advantages and disadvantages?  信用卡的利:安全、便利、尊贵、实惠、不欠人情、干净卫生、能缓解经济压力、累积个人信用记录、培养理财意识、便于家庭理财教育。Credit card interest: safety, convenience, noble, affordable, not owe, clean sanitation, can relieve the economic pressure, the accumulation of personal credit records, financial awareness, training for the family financial management education.  信用卡的弊:盲目消费、过度消费、利息高、需交年费、盗刷、影响个人信用记录。Credit card fraud: blind consumption, excessive consumption, high interest,required to pay an annual fee, stolen brush, affect personal credit records.  信用卡卡友带来很多好处,但是也有一定的不利的方便,所以提醒各位卡友,在使用信用卡时,要规避信用卡的弊端,合理掌握信用卡的使用。Credit card you bring many benefits, but also have certain unfavorable convenient,so remind card, in the use of credit cards, to avoid the abuse of credit card, a reasonable grasp the use of credit cards.
2023-07-20 02:40:431

求英语翻译!谢谢 急用!关于民事诉讼媒体报道

媒体的调查与思考民事诉讼报告表明,这样的报告 提出了民事诉讼的系统性扭曲。威尔金斯和帕特森 (1987年)的评论,新闻报道是“事件为中心”,而作为一个后果, 该“制度,即某一特定事件被嵌入”是很少考虑。因此, 尽管大多数的民事纠纷解决的其实都是以外的方式 试验中,媒体的报道往往侧重于具体的审判活动,很少有系统 审议汇总信息。此外,试验中的原告 占上风,大规模的经济赔偿被授予获得更多的注意力 进入审判程序的其他案件。 Bailis和MacCoun(1996年)进行了内容分析法对侵权行为的报告 在诉讼过程中出现的全国性新闻杂志上世纪80年代。他们比较 与描述的侵权诉讼制度提供实证数据的新闻报道 (例如,亨斯勒等。,1991)。对侵权案件大多是由汽车事故 案件;产品责任和医疗事故案件相对较少 (亨斯勒等。,1991)。但是,新闻报道的特点是描述 产品责任险和医疗纠纷案件近排斥 车祸案件(Bailis&MacCoun,1996)。此外,内容分析 新闻杂志透露,不成比例地(1)纠纷报告 这是一个试验的处置,而不是其他机制,包括双边 解决,(2)试验中,原告占了上风,(3)试验的结果在 大的损害赔偿。此外,在一些新闻文章的评论 侵权制度更加普遍,Bailis和MacCoun发现,大多数人是关键 扭曲的方式与图片一致的系统介绍,列举的危害 经济及约litigiousness和律师费使收费。 这些发现与其他内容分析的结果相一致的 研究报纸351人身伤害案件承保产品责任 汽车是1983年和1996年之间决定(加伯,1998年)制造商。 这一分析表明,对某一案件的报道时,更容易原告 占了上风,当奖包括惩罚性的组成部分。 Only3%的被告 胜收到任何报道,而41%的原告获胜,63%的惩罚性 损害赔偿。报纸一案的审判也增加了总金额 增加赔偿。总体而言,最初的奖项共收到超过新闻报道没有 任何在随后的奖励金额减少(加伯,1998年)。阿小 两个纽约报纸研究了一个6年期的发现,无论是平均 和损害的文件报道奖中位数远远超过了这些 措施在同一时间内获得的一切实际损失(大通,1995年)。
2023-07-20 02:40:511

求一篇英语作文。题目是 (信用卡的利与弊) 要翻译

2023-07-20 02:41:013


  仅供参考,google翻译  Internship Agreement  Internship students and interns for the specific unit"s responsibilities and obligations, in accordance with national laws and regulations, in line with the principle of equality, voluntariness, after consultations, both parties agree to execute the agreement.  The first internship period and working hours  1.1 Party B _________ to practice, practice time on _________ from _________ until _________ dated _________ Day _________ Year _________ month date.  1.2 Party A shall be in accordance with relevant laws and regulations and the rules and regulations, reasonable arrangement of working hours of internship internship students.  The second internship positions  2.1 Party B according to the actual situation and the work needs, student interns to _________ departments work in _________.  2.2 During the internship, Party A shall arrange for specialized technical and management personnel of the internship students business training, technical guidance and daily management, internship students should consciously observe labor discipline and careful practice.  Internship allowance Article  3.1 In accordance with the principle of rewards according, according to the current system to determine student interns Party internship allowance, monthly allowance _________ RMB yuan.  Article the following provisions to be observed during practice  4.1 The student shall comply with national laws and regulations; to comply with regulations and other Party"s practice of the rules and regulations. Such as violation of state regulations and company rules and regulations, Party A could be based on the circumstances given the necessary disciplinary action or termination of practice.  4.2 for student interns property losses caused by Party A, Party A shall be dealt in accordance with, or compensated.  Article labor protection  5.1 Party A shall provide for the internship students meet state regulations safe and healthy working environment to ensure their personal safety is not endangered in the environmental conditions.  5.2 Party A in accordance with national laws, regulations, and establish safe production system, and students under the internship job situation, according to state regulations to provide the necessary labor protection articles; Party B shall strictly abide by the Labor Party"s security system, is strictly prohibited illegal operation to prevent accidents in the process of labor and reduce occupational hazards.  Article VI disarmament agreement  6.1 Party A, Party B the two sides can terminate the practice of consensus agreement.  6.2 Party B has one of the following circumstances, Party A, as the case may have been party to be entitled to a warning, according to the cost of compensation, fines, practical and immediate termination of the agreement to terminate this practice at various levels, dealing with:  1) The internship period can not do work or do not obey the Party organization of work;  2) a serious violation of Party discipline or work rules and regulations;  3) violation of state law;  4) serious negligence and malpractice, causing significant damage to the Party.  6.3 Party B during the protocol implementation can explain why the case of attachment to the Party for termination of the agreement, but must give 7 days notice Party, and make work handover, or should bear the relevant responsibilities.  Article confidentiality agreement  7.1 Party B during the internship and the experience is over, leave the Party, the Conservative Party are the obligations of commercial secrets shall not in any way infringe the intellectual property and economic interests of the Party; not private copying or public documents or trade secrets Party copies of custody due to work, contact the relevant customer file or Party should be kept and used, shall not exceed the scope of work used without permission. If the leak and hold parties liable.  Article VIII of the special agreement  8.1 Party B shall reach the unit before taking up posts in relation to the Party to submit the relevant personnel information, including but not limited to:  (1) ID (2) Student ID (3) medical certificate  (4) booklets (5) Photos (6) school recommendation form  According to the personal circumstances of Party B, Party B shall notify Party A to submit the material to prevail.  Article outstanding issues resolved through consultation by the parties in a timely manner  Legal effect of Article  10.1 The present Agreement in duplicate originals, each party holds one, signed by both parties after the entry into force.
2023-07-20 02:41:081

翻译成英语 对方辩友注意,学生上网在现阶段,主要是把网络作为学习工具与通讯工具,

对方辩友注意,学生上网在现阶段,主要是把网络作为学习工具与通讯工具,而弊端只是旁枝末节的关系。我方一而再,再而三地强调学校、家长对于学生的教育很重要,可对方辩友就是置若罔闻呀!Pay attention to the other friends of the debate, students at this stage, the Internet, mainly is the network as a tool for learning and communication tools, and malpractice is insignificance of the relationship. I again and again three stressed schools, parents for the education of students is very important, other friends of the debate simply turned a deaf ear to ah!谢谢主席!对方辩友、老师、同学大家好!我方辩手已经在在前面用大量的事实充分论证了我方观点,听了对方辩友的陈述,下面我来进一步阐述我方观点。Thank you, president.! The other side friends, teachers, students and good! I have already argued that my view is fully demonstrated with a lot of facts, and I have heard the other side of the debate, and here I come to elaborate on our views..第一,小学生上网是时代发展的必然。First, the Internet is the inevitable development of the times for the students..众所周知,没有比脚更长的路,没有比人更高的山,没有比互联网更广阔的空间,面对知识的宝藏,我们不能敬而远之,束之高阁,否则,我们错过的不仅是知识,而是民族的振兴。As is known to all, without more than a foot longer than the road, do not have higher than the mountain, no more than the Internet wide space, face the knowledge of the treasure, we cannot be at arm"s length, shelf, otherwise, we miss is not only the knowledge, but the national rejuvenation.第二,网络可以使我们与世界走得更近,打破国界隔阂,打破了文化羁绊。无论在亚西亚,还是在欧罗巴;无论在美利坚,还是在古埃及,我们都可以指点江山,激扬文字,我们要让全世界人民听见中华少年前进的脚步声。Second, the network can make us and the world go closer, breaking boundaries barriers, breaking the cultural fetters. Whether in Asia or in the Europa League; no matter in the United or in ancient Egypt, we can pointing Jiangshan, jiyangwenzi, we should let the people all over the world to hear the young forward footsteps.第三,网络可以使我们开阔视野,更新观念,取长补短,激发创造力。闭门造车,造不出现代强国;画地为牢,画不出七彩蓝图。远离网络、鼠目寸光的做法已经落后了。我们新时代的小学生再也不能落后了!因为落后就要挨打。Third, the Internet allows us to broaden our horizons, renew ideas, learn from each other, to stimulate creativity. Behind closed doors, not create modern power; go to prison, draw out the colorful blueprint. Stay away from the Internet, short-sighted already behind. The pupils of our new age can no longer lag behind! Because of the backward will be beaten.轻点鼠标,我们可以探求文化的宝藏;轻点鼠标,我们可以了解七大洲四大洋;轻点鼠标,我们可以满足求知的欲望。当然,我方也不否认网络存在弊端。因为任何事物都有利有弊,正如我方辩友所证明的,如果人们更广泛接触到的是事物有利的一面,我们又怎能说是弊大于利呢?这就像吃鱼一样,我们有时会被鱼刺卡住喉咙,但我们能仅因为这几根骨头就说吃鱼弊大于利吗?不行。因为鱼刺卡喉咙只是偶尔,如果小心,完全可以避免;但只要我们吃鱼,就一定能得到营养。说到这儿,对方辩友是否已经有所不安了呢?我知道你们为什么不安,因为你们手中的好多想战胜我们的辩论材料就是从网上下载的,现在却在这儿大谈特谈学生上网弊大于利,好个“卸磨杀驴”,好个“过河拆桥”呀!Click of a mouse, we can explore cultural treasures; click of a mouse, we can understand the seven continents and four oceans; the click of a mouse, we can satisfy the desire for knowledge. Of course, we do not deny the existence of the network drawbacks. Because everything has both advantages and disadvantages, as our friends of the debate, if people are more extensive contacts to the positive side of things, how can we say to outweigh the benefits? It"s like eating a fish, we sometimes is a fish bone stuck in his throat, but we can only because the bones that eating fish the disadvantages outweigh the advantages? No. Because the throat fishbone card only occasionally, if carefully, can completely avoid the; but as long as we eat the fish, we will be able to get nutrition. Here, the other side of the debate whether the friends have been upset? I know why you"re upset, because your hands a lot to overcome our debate materials is downloaded from the Internet, but now here talk about about students the disadvantages outweigh the advantages of Internet, a good "xiemoshalv" and a good "ungrateful" ah!最后,我们呼吁天下的父母和老师,不要把我们学生网民一网打尽,因为我们一网情深!谢谢!Finally, we appeal to parents and teachers, students don"t take our netizens because we love catch all in one draft! Thank you!那些因为网络而造成伤害的人原因都在个人,只能怪他们自己不会正确的利用,网络为人们提供了便利,拉近了世界的距离,使沟通多了一样工具!我们应该正确利用才对呀!Those because the network caused by damage reason people are in the personal, blame they will not use of the right, network for people provides a convenient, closer to the distance in the world, make communication much like tools! We should make good use of!各位评委,老师、同学们大家好,很高兴能和对方辩友进行一次思想的碰撞与交流.网络日益成为我们生活的一部分,我们学生也不例外,但网络也是一把双刃剑,有利也有弊,我方认为学生上网利大于弊是基于以下理由:Judges, teachers and schoolmates everybody is good, very happy and other friends of the debate were once thought collision and exchange. Network has become a part of our life, our students are no exception, but the network is a double-edged sword, favorable has advantages and disadvantages, I think students) outweigh the disadvantages are based on the following reasons:第一、学生求知欲望强烈,正是学习的最佳时机,网络可以打开学生视野,扩大知识面.上网可以及时了解时事新闻,获取各种最新的知识和信息,对以后的学习和生活都有很好的指导作用.上网可以充实头脑,只要留心就可以学到许多学校里学不到的知识,扩大自己的知识面.网络的远程教育会给中学生带来无穷的益处.学生可以在一个个内容丰富、名师坐堂的网站中任意翱翔,如果上了网,网上各种试卷和典型题目应有尽有,学生就可以任意选择.鼠标一点,大千世界便尽收眼底. 所以网络对学生的学习和成长都有利.First, students" strong desire for knowledge, it is the best time for learning, the network can open the students" horizons, expand knowledge. The Internet can keep abreast of current events, access to the latest knowledge and information, is a good guide for the future study and life. Internet can enrich the mind, as long as the care can learn many schools cannot learn the knowledge, expand their knowledge. The network of distance education students will bring endless benefits. Students can soar freely in a rich content, teacher visits at the site, if on the net, online all kinds of papers and typical questions everything, students can choose a mouse. There will be a panoramic view, so the learning and growth of students" network advantage.第二、学生处在社会化的过程中,他们喜欢交朋友,渴望友情,网络就为学生打开一扇门,让学生很容易就找到志同道合的朋友.古人“海内存知己,天涯若比邻”的梦想今天通过网络实现了,我们可以在网上认识天南地北的朋友,甚至是外国朋友,极大拓展了我们的交际面,让我们的朋友遍天下.还有利于学生了解不同的世界,不同的生活.过去孩子要和外界接触,会受到种种客观条件的限制.现在在网上,完全没有了地域、背景等约束,可以找到志趣相投的朋友.Know, second, students in the socialization process, they like to make friends, eager to friendship network for students to open a door, let the student is very easy to find like-minded friends. The ancients "sea memory confidant, Tianya Zorpia" dream today through the network, we can on the Internet as friends, and even foreign friends, greatly expand our communication, let our friends all over the world. But also help students to understand the different world, different life. Past the kids to have contact with the outside world, will be affected by various objective conditions restrictions. Now on the Internet, no region and background constraints, can find like-minded friends.
2023-07-20 02:41:211