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【汉译英】高手进!女娲神话 谢绝翻译器!!

2023-07-20 08:38:54

【 Myths and legends 】

Workers with a total of Nu Wa"s for Dili, Nuwa zhurong life"s work were领兵"s attack.

Public"s defeat were angry and ill-daily L with the first hill.

Hill is ill-chu up days were a total of one hit"s work, sent a sound earth-shattering. Mountain collapsed, Tianzhu broken, the earth is tilted to the southeast, the sea water intrusion to the land. Plains most of the people were drowned, the survivors had no choice but to flee to the mountains.

However, the forest is a mammal of the territory, they are very angry after the harassment to human initiated attacks crazy. Many people have been killed by wild animals, to eat.

Experienced an unprecedented human disaster, and some were drowned in the floods, and some were crushed by the collapse of the rocks, and some were ferocious beast and bird killed, mankind is faced with extinction.

After this catastrophe have been very few human survivors.

In order to enable the development of mankind will once again increased, then Nuwa loess and clay, clay figurine to with both hands.

Queen of the Decade ( the former 7697), Nuwa group marriage, announced the abolition of the old system to a woman as the main purposes of the dual marriage. Families from extended family groups to split into an independent woman as the main family. But this family is not stable, because even married a woman for the husband to marry men were married to men in the family have no place, in addition to labor and sex life with his wife, in the political and economic power did not. His wife can keep her husband out, and then with other men marry foreign corporation. This marriage is more than a few months, at least a few days, can be maintained for more than a year of very few. Therefore, even married women, there may be dozens of lives, hundreds or even marriage. Men"s health or life may serve as dozens of her husband several times, but when their aging and ailing, will be back to the family corporation, on its own old-age niece to bury a parent.

Mr. Guo Moruo, referring to the marriage even when the dual marriage as "the three men", that is, juveniles from the mother from the wife of the prime of life, old age from the women (niece), which is very accurate. Women often change as a result of a spouse, so that she, too, which is not clear whether the men in her body the seed sown. Therefore, this period of human remains do not know who is his father.

Nuwa advanced human society has undergone major changes, the emergence of a large number of villages, so that stray from the original human life into a life settlement. Settled way of life so that people have more means of subsistence. Of human society from hunting and fishing gradually into the agricultural community.

Nuwa office recorded a total of Fifty-five years in power, died in the Queen"s Fifty-four years (Wu Zi, the former 7653), at the age of 107 years old. Her body buried in Fenglingdu (now Ruicheng County, Shanxi Yuncheng Southwest). Queen尊号. Nuwa庙号.


Myths and legends

Workers with a total of Nu Wa"s for Dili, Nuwa祝融life"s work were领兵"s attack.

Public"s defeat were angry and ill-daily L with the first hill.

Hill is ill-chu up days were a total of one hit"s work, sent a sound earth-shattering. Mountain collapsed, Tianzhu broken, the earth is tilted to the southeast, the sea water intrusion to the land. Plains most of the people were drowned, the survivors had no choice but to flee to the mountains.

However, the forest is a mammal of the territory, they are very angry after the harassment to human initiated attacks crazy. Many people have been killed by wild animals, to eat.

Experienced an unprecedented human disaster, and some were drowned in the floods, and some were crushed by the collapse of the rocks, and some were ferocious beast and bird killed, mankind is faced with extinction.

After this catastrophe have been very few human survivors.

In order to enable the development of mankind will once again increased, then Nuwa loess and clay, clay figurine to捏起with both hands.

Queen of the Decade (甲辰, the former 7697), Nuwa group marriage, announced the abolition of the old system to a woman as the main purposes of the dual marriage. Families from extended family groups to split into an independent woman as the main family. But this family is not stable, because even married a woman for the husband to marry men were married to men in the family have no place, in addition to labor and sex life with his wife, in the political and economic power did not. His wife can keep her husband out, and then with other men marry foreign corporation. This marriage is more than a few months, at least a few days, can be maintained for more than a year of very few. Therefore, even married women, there may be dozens of lives, hundreds or even marriage. Men"s health or life may serve as dozens of her husband several times, but when their aging and ailing, will be back to the family corporation, on its own old-age niece to bury a parent.

Mr. Guo Moruo, referring to the marriage even when the dual marriage as "the three men", that is, juveniles from the mother from the wife of the prime of life, old age from the women (niece), which is very accurate. Women often change as a result of a spouse, so that she, too, which is not clear whether the men in her body the seed sown. Therefore, this period of human remains do not know who is his father.

Nuwa advanced human society has undergone major changes, the emergence of a large number of villages, so that stray from the original human life into a life settlement. Settled way of life so that people have more means of subsistence. Of human society from hunting and fishing gradually into the agricultural community.

Nuwa office recorded a total of Fifty-five years in power, died in the Queen"s Fifty-four years (Wu Zi, the former 7653), at the age of 107 years old. Her body buried in Fenglingdu (now Ruicheng County, Shanxi Yuncheng Southwest). Queen尊号. Nuwa庙号.


The myths and legends.

Gong gong and nuwa, nuwa life against the emperor"s dispell zhurong against gong gong"s.

Gong gong"s defeat to anger with ZhouShan not bump.

Don"t ZhouShan is the last days, gong gong"s a column, made a noise servers. Landslides, broken, the southeast tilt tianzhufeng on land, sea to flow backward. Most of the people are plains drowned, survivors had fled to the hills.

However, the trees, they mammal is very angry after intrusions, to launch the crazy. Human And many people were killed, eat. Beast

Human encounters an unprecedented disaster, some drowned, some were crushed rock avalanches, and some are fierce beast and bird, killing human face extinction.

After the holocaust survivors have rarely, human beings.

In order to make the human ability again, nuwa in development of loess and mud, use both hands hold a clay.

The queen JiaChen 7697 before decade (,), nuwa announced the abolition of the marriage system of old woman as the main body, and with the dual marriage. Family also by original group with a woman is split into the family of independent family. But the family is not stable, because women marry men dual marriage is to marry, the man was in no position in the family, in addition to labor and his wife had sex, in political and economic power on no. His wife always can throw him out, and the peoples of other men marry group. This kind of marriage, many months, while less, can maintain a year after the above. Therefore, the dual marriage of woman, life may have a dozen times, even hundreds times of marriage. Healthy men may act as a few times in life, but her husband or dozens of times when they are frail old, will be back to his niece, depending on their own to thrive.

Mr. Guo moruo in dual marriage, the dual marriage called "man"s SanCong", namely young males, from his wife from the mother, the old woman (niece) from, it is very accurate. Because women often change her spouse, also don"t know is which man sow seeds in her body. Therefore, this period where humans still don"t know who is his father.

Late in human society, nuwa, a significant changes have occurred to the village, make human by original vagabond life become settled in life. Sedentary lifestyle that people have more abundant life material. Human society has gradually entered fishing from agricultural society.

Fifty-five years in power of nuwa, passed down from the queen fifty years (e), former 7653 at 107. Her body was buried in the wind (shanxi yuncheng baling crossing RuiChengXian southwest). ZunHao queen. Writings.finally nuwa.



2023-07-20 01:11:371


龚老师多帅气How handsome Mr. Gong is!
2023-07-20 01:11:453

Mr Gong a musician needs rock band for his.连词成句

Mr Gong needs a musician for his rock band.
2023-07-20 01:11:522


" A house teacher:Thank you for your care and guidance,May you always keep a positive and happy heart,Wishes to you in the photography to achieve greater progress and brilliant,Wish you happiness and health forever "
2023-07-20 01:12:007


汉语拼音中什么情况下首字母要大写 具有下面四种情况,汉语拼音的首字母需要大写: 1、汉语人名:姓的第一个字母和名的第一个字母要大写.如Zhang Hui(张辉),Z和H要大写。姓和职务、称呼等组成词语时,姓的开头第一个字母要大写,其余字母小写。如Wang lao shi(王老师)W要大写,但“老”、“小”、“大”、“阿”等称号,开头第一字母也要大写。如Xiao liu(小刘)X、L要大写,Lao Qian(老钱)L、Q要大写。A San(阿三).A和S要大写。 2、汉语地名、专有名词(如书名、机关、团体等)的第一个字母要大写。如Bei jing(北京)B要大写,Shang hai(上海),S要大写,Ning bo (宁波)N要大写。如专有名词是词组,要按词连写,每个词的第一个字母要大写.如Zhonghua Rennin Gongheguo(中华人民共和国),中华的第一个字母Z,人民的第一个字母R,共和国的第一个字母G都要大写。 3、每个整句开头的第一个字母要大写;如果是诗歌,每行开头第一个字母也要大写。 4、商标和商店的名字,一般每个字母都大写。 汉语拼音中什么情况下首字母要大写?例如:蒙族(Méng) 下面是四种拼音首字母需要大写的情况: 1、汉语人名:姓的第一个字母和名的第一个字母要大写。如ZhangHui(张辉) Z和H要大写。姓和职务、称呼等组成词语时,姓的开头第一个字母要大写,其余 字母小写。如Wang lao shi(王老师)W要大写。但“老”、“小”、“大”、 “阿”等称号。开头第一字母也要大写。如Xiao liu(小刘)X、L要大写。 Lao Qian(老钱)L、Q要大写。A San(阿三)。A和S要大写。 2、汉语地名、专有名词(如书名、机关、团体等)的第一个字母要大写。如B ei jing(北京)B要大写,Shang hai(上海),S要大写,Ning bo (宁波)N 要大写。如专有名词是词组,要按词连写,每个词的第一个字母要大写。如Ahonghua Rennin Gongheguo(中华人民共和国),中华的第一个字母Z,人民的第一个字母 R,共和国的第一个字母G都要大写。 3、每个整句开头的第一个字母要大写;如果是诗歌,每行开头第一个字母也要 大写。 4、商标和商店的名字,一般每个字母都大写。 cousin什么情况下首字母大写。 Cousin Tom 这时大写 英语专有名词什么情况下首字母要大写,什么情况下要 专有名词的定义: 专有名词表示特定的人名、地名或组织机构的名称,专有名词一般具有独一性。除个别外,专有名词通常没有复数形式。例如: 1. 英语中的专有名词有哪些:人名、地名:Jenny 珍妮 Asia 亚洲 the Great Wall 长城 2. 组织机构、时间、书籍报刊等的名称:May 五月份 Sunday 星期天 3. 家庭关系名称、个人头衔:Mum 妈妈 Grandpa 爷爷 Doctor Black 布莱克大夫 Captain Grey 格雷船长 Mr. Hopkins 霍普金斯先生 Miss White 怀特小姐 专有名词的注意事项: 1. 因为专有名词具有专有独一性,所以一般情况下,专有名词的第一个字母要大写,不能在专有名词的前面加上不定冠词"a",也不能在专有名词词尾加上表示复数形式的"-s"。如:Beijing is the capital of China.北京是中国的首都。 但是有时专有名词可以转化成为普通名词,转化后它就具有普通名词的特性了,即可以在其前面加上不定冠词"a",在其词尾加上表示复数形式的"-s"。以下是专有名词转化成可数普通名词的例子:A Mr Green called just now.刚才有位格林先生打来电话。(此时 a Mr Green = a man called Mr Green) 2. 姓氏是专有名词,一般没有复数形式,而且也不能加定冠词"the"。但是,当姓氏的前面加定冠词"the",在后面加上"-s",表示"一家人"。如:the Smiths 史密斯一家人。 英语专有名词什么情况下首字母要大写,什么情况下要小写? 一 对于一般的英文名称为而言(不管它是商标或者文章题目),头尾两个单词首字母大写,题目中其他的单词只要是实词首字母就要大写,虚词(比如the, and等等)一般不大写。 举个例子:比如一篇文章题目叫the story about my family,就应该写成 The Story about My Family:首尾单词首字母大写(尽管第一个词the作为虚词本来应该小写,但由于它处在题目的第一个单词,所以必须大写),中间的实词首字母大写。 二 . 英文字母一般情况下小写,但以下情况要用大写. 1,首名开关第一个单词第一个字母要大写.这个是最常见的. 2,专有名词的第一个字母要大写,专有名词包括:人名,地名,特有名词,专业术语等,例如,Wavetl,Beijing,Bible,Nike,Adidas. 3,缩写.如BBC,VOA,PLA. 4, 强调作用.如以下例句.I did NOT eat your cake. NOT大写起强调作用. 5, 一些非常正式文体的title全部大写.比如 *** 白皮书之类的封面标题,前注,经常是全部大写的. 6,标题.如新闻标题,一般是非介词都是首字母大写.如:Bush Aim at Destroying Terrorist Base in Iraq.(这个标题,除了介词at和in之外,全部都要大写) 7,单词I(我的主格)永远用大写. 8,其它情况.(比较个别) 1. 每个句子的首单词的首字母要大写; 2. 专有名词 的每一个单词的首字母 都要大写,比如English;Backstreet Boys; 3. 标题的大小写规则 是每一个单词的 首字母 都要大写,除了例如 and, or, of 这些介词之外;例如 A Beatiful Day by Sea 4. 缩写词都必须大写,例如“世贸组织”--WTO。但是有时候的非正式文件,大小写随意,但是中间要加点。例如韩国一个知名组合HOT也可以写成h.o.t,小写的时候加点,是为了和hot(热)这个词区分,避免意义上的混淆~~ 5. 非正式文件,例如网络留言或者个人邮件里会出现整句大写,或者某个单词在句中大写的情况,这是为了强调。但是需要注意的是,这样子的情况绝对不会出现在正式文件当中。例如:Jesus,she"s so HOT!!!!!(天哪,她真是正点!) 什么情况下英文首字母要大写 一、句子开头的第一个单词的第一个字母要大写,如:How are you? 二、表示国名、某国人、某种语言的单词的首字母要大写,如:America, American, English. 三、地名、山川河流、城市区县、村庄街道、企业单位名称等单词的首字母要大写,如:Asia, the Pacifc Ocean(太平洋), the Tianshan Mountains, the Yellow River, Beijing, TongXian(通县),Xicheng District(西城区),Lijiacun(李家村),the United Nations(联合国),Wenhui Middle School…来源:智慧的商人---慧商 四、姓和名、年级、班级、序号等的首字母要大写,如:Lei Feng, Jim Green,Class Two,Grade One,Number Five… 五、车站广场的首字母要大写,如:Beijing Station,Tiananmen Square,Beihai Park… 六、节日、月份、星期的首字母要大写,如:National Day(国庆节),May Day,September,Monday… 七、报刊杂志的名称、文章标题首字母要大写,如:China High School Students(中国中学生报),Time(时代周刊),The Fox and the Lion (狐狸和狮子)…… 八、人的称谓的首字母要大写。如:Am I in class Two? Mr. Liu, Dr. Bethune… 九、某些缩略词的字母也要大写,如:TV,CCTV,USA… 十、"I"和"OK"在句中的任何位置都应大写。 十一、表示编号的词要大写。实例: Lesson Two第二课 Row 3第三排 在C#中什么情况下首字母大写?什么语句后面用;结尾? String 必须大写,还有一些规定好的函数,都是大写的.函数怎么写你就如何写就可以了. 语句后面都必须有 ";"分号 east的首字母在什么情况下大写 1,在句子的开头。。(*^__^*) 嘻嘻…… 2,作为一个特定的词组,比如东方之珠中的那个east.。 3.书名中有EAST 的。 其他好像没有了吧。 什么情况下拼音字母大写 你好:在什么情况下拼音字母大写,是这样的 通常,一般汉字拼音用小写 对于地名和人名的拼音,需要大写 拼音,是拼读音节的过程,就是按照普通话音节的构成规律 把声母、介母、韵母急速连续拼合并加上声调而成为一个音节。
2023-07-20 01:12:211

日文地址翻译成英文 求大神!!!急!!!

Japan, Tokyo, Chiyoda-ku, three Qi Ting 2-10-11,4F The Producer INC Corp Mr Gong Yi .日文和中文很大的相似,尤其是地名,很多都是源于中文。不用想太复杂。
2023-07-20 01:12:283


大家早上好 Everyone is early best 天气晴朗,很凉爽,适合运动 Clear weather, very cool, suit sport 今天是我做值日报告 Today is I do an on duty for the day report 在这漫长的英语学习生活中,我现在学习虽然不大好,但我相信, 我在这学期会有所提高。Here the endless English study live medium, I study now although not very good, I believe, I will have an exaltation in this semester. 在过去的暑假中,我几乎多只再放松,玩游戏,并不懂得珍惜时间,我觉得当时我是多么愚昧In the past summer vacation, I almost many relaxs again, playing games, don"t know to cherish time, I feel at that time me am how ignorant 在今后,我会努力学英语,相信我成绩会所提高,多看书,多看新闻,多出去走走At aftertime, I will make great effort to learn English, believing a my result club building of office exaltation, reading book more, read news more, go out to walk much 我想成为一名警察,所以我现在必须如努力,将来,为社会做贡献。 I like to be a police, so I have to now such as effort, will do contribution for the society in the future.
2023-07-20 01:12:361


写给英国的地址格式怎么写? 面:(收信人信息) 英国(中文写) House/Flat Number and name:______(住宅房名字和门牌号,如 18 Blooding house) Street:_______(包括住宅区号和街道名字两部分, 如 123 Firstmatch street) Location:______(区域,如 London) Post code:_______(邮编,如 A15 3WT) name:_________(名字) 背面: 自己的地址,用中文按照中国格式写,只是第一行用英语写:From: P.R.CHINA 需要注意的是一定要写邮编,英国的邮编是精确到个人居住房或工作单位的范围的,就是说只要邮编和收信人名字写对了,其他的不写,都可以送到你要送去的那人手里。但建议是写全。 不知道英国地址具体怎么写,求格式,完整写出来! 50分 Lennon Studios, 109 Cambridge Court, Liverpool, L7 7AG, UK 一般是从小到大,先是公寓名,然后是地名,然后是城市,邮编,国家。L7 7AG就是邮编 请问英文地址怎么写?!! 北京市东花市北里20号楼6单元501室Room 501 ,Unit 6,Building 20 North Donghuashi Residential Chongwen District BeiJing City 我给加上了 崇文区 ---------------- 请看相关资料 翻译原则:先小后大。 中国人喜欢先说小的后说大的,如**区**路**号 而外国人喜欢先说大的后说小的,如**号**路**区,因此您在翻译时就应该先写小的后写大的. 中文地址的排列顺序是由大到小,如:X国X省X市X区X路X号,而英文地址则刚好相反,是由小到大。如上例写成英文就是:X号,X路,X区,X市,X省,X国。掌握了这个原则,翻译起来就容易多了! X室 Room X X号 No. X X单元 Unit X X号楼 Building No. X X街 X Street X路 X Road X区 X District X县 X County X镇 X Town X市 X City X省 X Province 请注意:翻译人名、路名、街道名等,最好用拼音。 中文地址翻译范例: 宝山区示范新村37号403室 Room 403, No. 37, SiFang Residential Quarter, BaoShan District 虹口区西康南路125弄34号201室 Room 201, No. 34, Lane 125, XiKang Road(South), HongKou District 473004河南省南阳市中州路42号 李有财 Li Youcai Room 42 Zhongzhou Road, Nanyang City Henan Prov. China 473004 434000湖北省荆州市红苑大酒店 李有财 Li Youcai Hongyuan Hotel Jingzhou city Hubei Prov. China 434000 473000河南南阳市八一路272号特钢公司 李有财 Li Youcai Special Steel Corp. No. 272, Bayi Road, Nanyang City Henan Prov. China 473000 52罚400广东中山市东区亨达花园7栋702 李有财 Li Youcai Room 702, 7th Building Hengda Garden, East District Zhongshan, China 528400 361012福建省厦门市莲花五村龙昌里34号601室 李有财 Li Youcai Room 601, No. 34 Long Chang Li Xiamen, Fujian, China 361012 361004厦门公交总公司承诺办 李有财 Mr. Li Youcai Cheng Nuo Ban, Gong Jiao Zong Gong Si Xiamen, Fujian, China 361004 266042山东省青岛市开平路53号国棉四厂二宿舍1号楼2单元204户甲 李有财 Mr. Li Youcai NO. 204, A, Building NO. 1 The 2nd Dormitory of the NO. 4 State-owned Textile Factory 53 Kaiping Road, Qingdao, S...... 英文写地址怎么写? 15分 中国辽宁省沈阳市铁西区沧海路11号6号楼三单元10楼1号 No.1,The 3rd Unit of Building NO.6,11Canghai Road,TieXi District,ShenYang City,LiaoNing Prov.,P.R.China 英文地址一般的写法与我们描述的相反,由小写到大;其次要注意标点符号和英文字母的大小写.格式如下: (1)*** 室 / 房 :RM.*** ; (2) *** 村(乡):*** Village ; (3)*** 号:No.*** ; (4)***号宿舍:*** Dormitory ; (5)***楼 / 层 :*** /F ; (6) ***住宅区 / 小区 :*** Residential Quater ; (7)甲 / 乙 / 丙 / 丁 :A / B / C / D ; (8) ***巷 / 弄 :*** Lane ; (9)***单元 :Unit *** ; (10) ***号楼 / 幢 :*** Buld ; (11)***公司 :*** ./ *** Crop ;(12) ***厂 :*** Factory ; (13)***酒楼/酒店 :** Hotel ; (14) ***路 :*** Road ; (15)***花园 :*** Garden ; (16) ***街 :*** Street ; (17)***县 :*** County ; (18) ***镇 :*** Town ; (19)***市 :*** / *** City ; (20) ***区 :*** District ; (21)*** 信箱 :Mailbox *** ; (22) ***省 :*** Prov.; (23)中国:P.R.China. (二)以下为示范: 宝山区示范新村37号403室 Room 403,No.37,ShiFan Residential Quarter,BaoShan District 虹口区西康南路125弄34号201室 Room 201,No.34,Lane 125,XiKang Road(South),HongKou District 河南省南阳市中州路42号 Room 42,Zhongzhou Road,Nanyang City,Henan Prov. 湖北省荆州市红苑大酒店 Hongyuan Hotel,Jingzhou city,Hubei Prov. 河南南阳市八一路272号特钢公司 Special Steel Corp,No.272,Bayi Road,Nanyang City,Henan Prov. 中山市东区亨达花园7栋702 Room 702,7th Building,Hengda Garden,East District,Zhongshan 福建省厦门市莲花五村龙昌里34号601室 Room 601,No.34 Long Chang Li,Xiamen,Fujian 厦门公交总公司承诺办 Cheng Nuo Ban,Gong Jiao Zong Gong Si,Xiamen,Fujian 山东省青岛市开平路53号国棉四厂二宿舍1号楼2单元204户甲 NO.204,Entrance A,Building NO.1,The 2nd Dormitory of the NO.4 State-owned Texti...... 英文地址怎么写? 北京市大兴区亦庄开发区融化南路7号君安国际1号楼2502 Room 2502, Building 1, Jun"an Internatioanl, No.7, Ronghua South Road, Yizhuang Development Zone, Daxing District, Beijing, China 英文地址怎么写 20分 Luolong Olympic City C District 2 Building 1 unit 2001 伟大的楼主,如果我的回答对您有帮助,请务必点“采纳"哦!感谢合作!O(∩_∩)O~ 英文地址怎么写?具体地址如下 地址:中国四川省成都市金牛区兴盛世家社区盛兴路1号2幢3单元4楼5号, 他让我这样填写 Province:_____Sichuan _____请填写省份/直辖市的拼音全称 city:____Chengdu ____________ 请填写所在的市级拼音全称 address:____5, 4th floor, unit 3, building 2, 1#, Xingsheng Road,__Xingshengshijia munity ,Jinniu Distict, Chengdu city ,Sichuan Province, China __________请填写地址拼音全称 英国亚马逊收件地址如何填写 不对,county是省的意思,不是区。还有,city那一栏只填写你公司所在城市,就一个名字,市名,不管你事地级市还是县级市还是直辖市。手机前面也要+86. 如果你要具体到那个区,就在街道名称后面加。例如:Room xxx,Building xxx,xx Road,xxx District。 求英文地址怎么写? 江苏省镇江市京口区学府路301号,江苏大学六区 邮编212013 Area Six,Jiangsu University No.301, Xuefu Road, Jingkou District, Zhenjiang, Jiangsu, 212013 往英国寄国际包裹该怎么写地址 往英国寄国际包裹要用英文地址的,可以从深圳走,平
2023-07-20 01:12:431


Chinese Guangdong Province Maoming city oil city 4 group new lake 7 street 3rd yard 6 102至于方法就是:翻译原则:先小后大。中国人喜欢先说大的后说小的,如**区**路**号而外国人喜欢先说小的后说大的,如**号**路**区,因此您在翻译时就应该先写小的后写大的。 例如:中国山东省青岛市四方区洛阳路34号3号楼4单元402户,您就要从房开始写起,Room 402, Unit 4, Building 3, No.34. Luoyang Road, sifang District, Qingdao City, Shandong Prov, China(逗号后面有空格)。注意其中路名、公司名、村名等均不用翻译成同意的英文,只要照写拼音就行了。因为您的支票是中国的邮递员送过来,关键是要他们明白。技术大厦您写成Technology Building,他们可能更迷糊呢。现在每个城市的中国邮政信件分拣中心都有专人负责将外国来信地址翻译成中文地址,并写在信封上交下面邮递员送过来.重要: 你的邮政编码一定要写正确,因为外国信件中间的几道邮政环节都是*邮政编码区域投递的。常见中英文对照 ***室/房 Room *** ***村 *** Vallage ***号 No.*** ***号宿舍 *** Dormitory ***楼/层 ***/F ***住宅区/小区 *** Residential Quater 甲/乙/丙/丁 A/B/C/D ***巷 / 弄 Lane *** ***单元 Unit *** ***号楼 / 栋 *** Building ***公司 ***Com.*** Crop***LTD.CO ***厂 *** Factory ***酒楼/酒店 *** Hotel ***路 *** Road ***花园 *** Garden ***街 *** Street ***信箱 Mailbox *** ***区 *** District ***县 *** County ***镇 *** Town ***市 *** City ***省 *** Prov. ***院 ***Yard ***大学 ***College **表示序数词,比如1st、2nd、3rd、4th……如果不会,就用No.***代替,或者直接填数字吧!另外有一些***里之类难翻译的东西,就直接写拼音*** Li。而***东(南、西、北)路,直接用拼音也行,写*** East(South、West、North)Road也行。还有,如果地方不够可以将7栋3012室写成:7-3012。 201室: Room 20112号: No.122单元: Unit 23号楼: Building No.3长安街: Chang An street南京路: Nanjing road长安公司: Chang An Company宝山区: BaoShan District赵家酒店: ZhaoJia hotel钱家花园: Qianjia garden孙家县: Sunjia county李家镇: Lijia town广州市: Guangzhou city广东省: Guangdong province中国: China实例:宝山区南京路12号3号楼201室room 201,building No.3,No.12,nanjing road,BaoShan District如果地方不够可以将3号楼201室写成:3-201宝山区示范新村37号403室Room 403,No.37,SiFan Residential Quarter,BaoShan District中华人民共和国民政部政策研究中心北京河沿大街147号No.147# HeiYian Street the policy center of civil administration department the People"Republic of China虹口区西康南路125弄34号201室Room 201,No.34,Lane 125,XiKang Road(South),HongKou District北京市崇文区天坛南里西区20楼3单元101Room 3-101 building No.20,TianTan-NanXiLi Residential ChongWen District BeiJing City江苏省扬州市宝应县泰山东村102栋204室Room 204 building No.102, East TaiShan Residential BaoYin County JiangSu Province473004河南省南阳市中州路42号 刘刚Liu Gang,Room 42,Zhongzhou Road,Nanyang City,Henan Prov.China 473004中国四川省江油市川西北矿区采气一队1 Team CaiQi ChuanXiBei Mining Area JiangYou City SiChuan Province China中国河北省邢台市群众艺术馆The Masses Art Centre XinTai City HeBei Prov.China江苏省吴江市平望镇联北村七组7 Group LiBei Village PingWang Town WeJiang City JiangSu Province434000湖北省荆州市红苑大酒店 刘刚Liu Gang,Hongyuan Hotel,Jingzhou city,Hubei Prov, China 434000473000河南南阳市八一路272号特钢公司 刘刚Liu Gang,Special Steel Corp,No.272,Bayi Road,Nanyang City,Henan Prov. China 473000528400广东中山市东区亨达花园7栋702 刘刚Liu GangRoom 702,7th Building,Hengda Garden,East District,Zhongshan,China 528400361012福建省厦门市莲花五村龙昌里34号601室 刘刚Liu Gang,Room 601, No.34 Long Chang Li,Xiamen, Fujian, China 361012361004厦门公交总公司承诺办 刘刚Mr. Liu Gang,Cheng Nuo Ban,Gong Jiao Zong Gong Si,Xiamen Fujian, China 361004广东省广州中山路3号 ,No.3,ZhongShan Road,Guangzhou,GuangDong
2023-07-20 01:13:041


An associate professor with Beijing University, Ayi, said on net that his salary is so small that he could hardly make the ends meet. At the same time, a real estate coporation in Rizhao, Shandong launched a luxury residental neighborhood named "the professors"Garden", and claimed there have been over 300 professors with Beijing University have settled down there. Relevant department with Beijing University has proved the truth of the above fact.Thus in conclusion we can tell the salary of university professors are only small part of their real total income. They work moonling at many projects with brings them rich revenue.
2023-07-20 01:13:136


英文地址的标准怎么写? 英语的地址要从小到大的写: Room 9999, house 9, Rongke 30,000 ft apartment, No.448, Shaoshan road, Yuhua District, Changsha city, Hunan, China. 还有:你要是给国外朋友提供地址,没必要写英文的,因为从国外到国内这一段,只要有国名或者加上城市名就可以寄到。国内这一段英文就行不通了。只要有中文就可以了。 谢谢采纳。 英文怎么写地址 北京市东花市北里20号楼6单元501室 Room 501 ,Unit 6,Building 20 North Donghuashi Residential Chongwen District BeiJing City 我给加上了 崇文区 ---------------- 请看相关资料 翻译原则:先小后大。 中国人喜欢先说小的后说大的,如**区**路**号 而外国人喜欢先说大的后说小的,如**号**路**区,因此您在翻译时就应该先写小的后写大的. 中文地址的排列顺序是由大到小,如:X国X省X市X区X路X号,而英文地址则刚好相反,是由小到大。如上例写成英文就是:X号,X路,X区,X市,X省,X国。掌握了这个原则,翻译起来就容易多了! X室 Room X X号 No. X X单元 Unit X X号楼 Building No. X X街 X Street X路 X Road X区 X District X县 X County X镇 X Town X市 X City X省 X Province 请注意:翻译人名、路名、街道名等,最好用拼音。 中文地址翻译范例: 宝山区示范新村37号403室 Room 403, No. 37, SiFang Residential Quarter, BaoShan District 虹口区西康南路125弄34号201室 Room 201, No. 34, Lane 125, XiKang Road(South), HongKou District 473004河南省南阳市中州路42号 李有财 Li Youcai Room 42 Zhongzhou Road, Nanyang City Henan Prov. China 473004 434000湖北省荆州市红苑大酒店 李有财 Li Youcai Hongyuan Hotel Jingzhou city Hubei Prov. China 434000 473000河南南阳市八一路272号特钢公司 李有财 Li Youcai Special Steel Corp. No. 272, Bayi Road, Nanyang City Henan Prov. China 473000 528400广东中山市东区亨达花园7栋702 李有财 Li Youcai Room 702, 7th Building Hengda Garden, East District Zhongshan, China 528400 361012福建省厦门市莲花五村龙昌里34号601室 李有财 Li Youcai Room 601, No. 34 Long Chang Li Xiamen, Fujian, China 361012 361004厦门公交总公司承诺办 李有财 Mr. Li Youcai Cheng Nuo Ban, Gong Jiao Zong Gong Si Xiamen, Fujian, China 361004 266042山东省青岛市开平路53号国棉四厂二宿舍1号楼2单元204户甲 李有财 Mr. Li Youcai NO. 204, A, Building NO. 1 The 2nd Dormitory of the NO. 4 State-owned Textile Factory 53 Kaiping Road, Qingdao, Shandong, C......>> 英语的地址要怎么写? 北京市东花市北里20号楼6单元501室 你好,我是问问团队的“指尖菸草香”很荣幸回答您的问题,希望我的答案对您有所帮助,记得采纳哦Room 501 ,Unit 6,Building 20 North Donghuashi Residential Chongwen District BeiJing City 我给加上了 崇文区 ---------------- 请看相关资料 翻译原则:先小后大。 中国人喜欢先说小的后说大的,如**区**路**号 而外国人喜欢先说大的后说小的,如**号**路**区,因此您在翻译时就应该先写小的后写大的. 中文地址的排列顺序是由大到小,如:X国X省X市X区X路X号,而英文地址则刚好相反,是由小到大。如上例写成英文就是:X号,X路,X区,X市,X省,X国。掌握了这个原则,翻译起来就容易多了! X室 Room X X号 No. X X单元 Unit X X号楼 Building No. X X街 X Street X路 X Road X区 X District X县 X County X镇 X Town X市 X City X省 X Province 请注意:翻译人名、路名、街道名等,最好用拼音。 中文地址翻译范例: 宝山区示范新村37号403室 Room 403, No. 37, SiFang Residential Quarter, BaoShan District 虹口区西康南路125弄34号201室 Room 201, No. 34, Lane 125, XiKang Road(South), HongKou District 473004河南省南阳市中州路42号 李有财 Li Youcai Room 42 Zhongzhou Road, Nanyang City Henan Prov. China 473004 434000湖北省荆州市红苑大酒店 李有财 Li Youcai Hongyuan Hotel Jingzhou city Hubei Prov. China 434000 473000河南南阳市八一路272号特钢公司 李有财 Li Youcai Special Steel Corp. No. 272, Bayi Road, Nanyang City Henan Prov. China 473000 528400广东中山市东区亨达花园7栋702 李有财 Li Youcai Room 702, 7th Building Hengda Garden, East District Zhongshan, China 528400 361012福建省厦门市莲花五村龙昌里34号601室 李有财 Li Youcai Room 601, No. 34 Long Chang Li Xiamen, Fujian, China 361012 361004厦门公交总公司承诺办 李有财 Mr. Li Youcai Cheng Nuo Ban, Gong Jiao Zong Gong Si Xiamen, Fujian, China 361004 266042山东省青岛市开平路53号国棉四厂二宿舍1号楼2单元204户甲 李有财 Mr. Li Youcai NO. 204, A, Building NO. 1 The 2nd Dormitory of the NO. 4 State-owned Text......>> 英文地址的书写格式,怎样写英文地址 英文地址的格式是从小到大书写的.常见中英文对照:***室 / 房 Room*** ***村 *** Village***号 No.*** ***号宿舍 *** Dormitory***楼 / 层 *** /F***住宅区 / 小区 *** Residential Quater甲 / 乙 / 丙 / 丁 A / B / C / D ***巷 / 弄 Lane ******单元 Unit *** ***号楼 / 栋 *** Building***公司 ***./*** Crop/***CO.LTD***厂 *** Factory***酒楼/酒店 *** Hotel***路 *** Road***花园 *** Garden***街 *** Street***信箱 Mailbox*** ***区 *** District***县 *** County***镇 *** Town***市 *** City***省 *** Prov.***院 ***Yard***大学 ***College**表示序数词,比如1st、2nd、3rd、4th,也可以用No.1, No.2代替.举例:上海市华山路2018号汇银广场北楼14层Floor 14, Huiyin Plaza North building, No. 2018, Huashan Road, Shanghai.上海市浦东新区福山路450号英文地址的写法 Rm.203, Unit2, No.10, Shangdong Rd. 如果你还需要其他的请参见以下: ***室 / 房:RM. *** ***村(乡):*** Village ***号:No. *** ***号宿舍:*** Dormitory ***楼 / 层:*** /F ***住宅区 / 小区:*** Residential Quater 甲 / 乙 / 丙 / 丁:A / B / C / D ***巷 / 弄:*** Lane ***单元:Unit *** ***号楼 / 幢:*** Buld ***公司:*** . / *** Crop ***厂:*** Factory ***酒楼/酒店:*** Hotel ***路:*** Road ***花园:*** Garden ***街:*** Street ***县:*** County ***镇:*** Town ***市:*** / *** City ***区:*** District *** 信箱:Mailbox *** ***省:*** Prov. 英文地址一般的写法与我们描述的相反,由小写到大,以下为示范: 宝山区示范新村37号403室 Room 403,No.37,ShiFan Residential Quarter,BaoShan District 虹口区西康南路125弄34号201室 Room 201,No.34,Lane 125,XiKang Road(South),HongKou District 河南省南阳市中州路42号 Room 42, Zhongzhou Road,Nanyang City, Henan Prov. 湖北省荆州市红苑大酒店 Hongyuan Hotel, Jingzhou city, Hubei Prov. 河南南阳市八一路272号特钢公司 Special Steel Corp,No.272, Bayi Road,Nanyang City, Henan Prov. 中山市东区亨达花园7栋702 Room 702, 7th Building, Hengda Garden, East District, Zhongshan 福建省厦门市莲花五村龙昌里34号601室 Room 601, No.34 Long Chang Li, Xiamen, Fujian 厦门公交总公司承诺办 Cheng Nuo Ban, Gong Jiao Zong Gong Si, Xiamen, Fujian 山东省青岛市开平路53号国棉四厂二宿舍1号楼2单元204户甲 NO. 204,Entrance A, Building NO. 1, The 2nd Dormitory of the NO. 4 State-owned Textile Factory, 53 Kaiping Road, Qingdao, Shandong...>> 英文地址怎么写 20分 Luolong Olympic City C District 2 Building 1 unit 2001 伟大的楼主,如果我的回答对您有帮助,请务必点“采纳"哦!感谢合作!O(∩_∩)O~ 请问英文地址怎么写?!! 北京市东花市北里20号楼6单元501室 Room 501 ,Unit 6,Building 20 North Donghuashi Residential Chongwen District BeiJing City 我给加上了 崇文区 ---------------- 请看相关资料 翻译原则:先小后大。 中国人喜欢先说小的后说大的,如**区**路**号 而外国人喜欢先说大的后说小的,如**号**路**区,因此您在翻译时就应该先写小的后写大的. 中文地址的排列顺序是由大到小,如:X国X省X市X区X路X号,而英文地址则刚好相反,是由小到大。如上例写成英文就是:X号,X路,X区,X市,X省,X国。掌握了这个原则,翻译起来就容易多了! X室 Room X X号 No. X X单元 Unit X X号楼 Building No. X X街 X Street X路 X Road X区 X District X县 X County X镇 X Town X市 X City X省 X Province 请注意:翻译人名、路名、街道名等,最好用拼音。 中文地址翻译范例: 宝山区示范新村37号403室 Room 403, No. 37, SiFang Residential Quarter, BaoShan District 虹口区西康南路125弄34号201室 Room 201, No. 34, Lane 125, XiKang Road(South), HongKou District 473004河南省南阳市中州路42号 李有财 Li Youcai Room 42 Zhongzhou Road, Nanyang City Henan Prov. China 473004 434000湖北省荆州市红苑大酒店 李有财 Li Youcai Hongyuan Hotel Jingzhou city Hubei Prov. China 434000 473000河南南阳市八一路272号特钢公司 李有财 Li Youcai Special Steel Corp. No. 272, Bayi Road, Nanyang City Henan Prov. China 473000 52罚400广东中山市东区亨达花园7栋702 李有财 Li Youcai Room 702, 7th Building Hengda Garden, East District Zhongshan, China 528400 361012福建省厦门市莲花五村龙昌里34号601室 李有财 Li Youcai Room 601, No. 34 Long Chang Li Xiamen, Fujian, China 361012 361004厦门公交总公司承诺办 李有财 Mr. Li Youcai Cheng Nuo Ban, Gong Jiao Zong Gong Si Xiamen, Fujian, China 361004 266042山东省青岛市开平路53号国棉四厂二宿舍1号楼2单元204户甲 李有财 Mr. Li Youcai NO. 204, A, Building NO. 1 The 2nd Dormitory of the NO. 4 State-owned Textile Factory 53 Kaiping Road, Qingdao, S......>>
2023-07-20 01:13:271


昭阳替楚国讨伐魏国,消灭魏国军队,杀死魏国将领,占领了魏国八座城,又挥师攻打齐国。陈轸替齐王出使到楚军军营,拜见昭阳,向他行礼祝贺他的胜利,行礼完毕起身问道:「按照楚国的制度,消灭敌人军队,杀死他们的将领,封给什么样的官爵?」昭阳说:「官职为上柱国(官职名),爵位为上执珪(爵位名)。」陈轸说:「还有比这个更高的吗,是什么?」昭阳说:「只有令尹(相当于宰相)了。」 陈轸说:「令尹的职位很高了!楚王并没有设置两个令尹的位置,我给您打个比方。楚国有个人祭祀祖先,赐个他的家人一坛酒。家人们相互说:『几个人一起喝不过瘾,一个人喝还能剩下点。我们在地上画蛇,谁先画好谁来喝。』其中一人先画好了,拿来酒坛就要喝,于是左手拿着酒坛,右手画着蛇,说:『我能给蛇添上脚。』还没有添完,另一个人把蛇画好了,夺过他的坛子说:『蛇本来没有脚,你怎么能给他添上脚呢?』于是把酒喝了。给蛇画脚的人,最后却没喝上酒。如今您为楚国攻打魏国,打垮了他们的军队杀了他们的将领,获得了八座城,又挥师转战打算攻打齐国,齐国非常害怕您,您因此名声已经足够大了,您的官职不能再加封了。战无不胜却不知道停止,就会自寻死路,爵位也封不上了,就像给蛇添足的那个人。」 昭阳认为他说的对,解除了包围撤军走了。评论|赞同2
2023-07-20 01:13:575


bao gong
2023-07-20 01:14:133


2023-07-20 01:14:337


2023-07-20 01:14:569


英文地址: 41-3, Gonngenndou, ichihara-shi, chiba, Japan英文收货人: Mr. Ijiri你那个当之我不知道怎么说,我觉得你可能写错了。所以就写的井尻先生。另外,地址中你那个当也写错了,正确的日文地址是:日本国千叶県市原市権现堂41-3
2023-07-20 01:15:323


在冀州的南面,河阳的北面,有两座巍峨的大山,一座是太行,一座是王屋,方圆七百里,有万丈高。 山的北边住着年近90的愚公。由于家门被山挡住,每次外出全家人都要绕过大山,多走很多路。 一天,愚公把全家人召集到一起,商量着把两座大山移走。妻子说:“凭你的力量,连一座小山丘也移不走,何况这两座大山呢?再说,你就是能移走,那土石往哪里放呢?”愚公说:“渤海那么大,可以把土石扔到渤海里去。” 说干就干,愚公带领子孙们挖起山来。河曲的智叟看见了,笑着阻止道:“你真是太傻了!以你的残年余力,连山上的一根草都动不了,更何况大山?”愚公叹了口气说:“你错了。你想想,我死了以后还有我的儿子,我的儿子又有儿子,子子孙孙没有穷尽!可是山上的土石不会增加,还怕挖不走吗?” 愚公移山的事很快被玉皇大帝知道了。玉帝被愚公坚韧不拔的精神所感动,便派大力神把两座大山背走了。 这个故事告诉我们:只要有决心,有毅力,再难的事情也能办成。
2023-07-20 01:15:432

Damian "Jr. Gong" Marley的《Trouble》 歌词

歌曲名:Trouble歌手:Damian "Jr. Gong" Marley专辑:Mr. MarleyTROUBLE词曲:曹方Trouble all around the cityTrouble all around meTrouble all around the dark skyTrouble every everywhereI follow my wayBlue blue sky outsideWell,I could not explain itBut I Had to explainAh....Trouble all around your backsideTrouble when you kissing meTrouble when I fallen into youTrouble yes it"s everywhereI follow my wayBlue Blue sky outsideWell,I could not explain itBut I had to explainAh....(Trouble all around the city)Ah....(Trouble all around dark sky)Ah....(Trouble when you kissing me)Ah....(Trouble all around your backside)Ah....
2023-07-20 01:15:501

Damian "Jr. Gong" Marley的《Party Time》 歌词

歌曲名:Party Time歌手:Damian "Jr. Gong" Marley专辑:Mr. Marley李玟 - Party Time作词:周莹 作曲:周莹Baby Girl 穿上漂亮衣裳今天星期八 期待开心一场Baby Girl 不爱淑女靓妆最In的时尚 来我Twitter逛逛角落 That Boy 是不是 你喜欢的模样说著一口英伦腔中央 舞池的中央Long Hair 金黄色的头发是不是你姐妹来捧场It"s The Party Time赶快忘记你了不起的忧伤It"s The Party Time喜欢就来听听我的歌唱Let Me Rock Your Time心情好似发狂的惊涛骇浪Let Me Rock Your Time这里是你最美的天堂谁都别想 让魔鬼来砸场Come on Baby Let"s Rock Your Time
2023-07-20 01:15:571


孔侑个人档案性别:男生日:1979年7月10日星座:巨蟹座国籍:韩国地域:亚洲身高:184cm三围:家中排行:一男一女中最小的兴趣:健身、电影鉴赏、音乐鉴赏专长:英语会话、唱歌、篮球绰号:豆脑袋(暂译,小豆或是小头的意思)宗教:天主教座右铭:不做无胜算的事初次登场:m·net VJ (2001年)所属经纪公司:sidusHQ获奖经历:2003年SBS新人赏主持:2004 - MBC MC (MusicCamp,另一女MC为韩智慧)电视剧:2001- KBS 2TV (学校4)2001-KBS (总是忐忑不安)2002 -KBS 2TV (敢爱;挡不住的爱;无阻的爱)2003 -SBS (二十岁)2003 -网路连续剧 (你房我房,女主角为成宥莉)2003 -SBS (梦想的荧幕)2005 -SBS (饼干老师星星糖)电影:2003年我的同龄家教、我的野蛮女教师2004年间谍女孩、你所不知道的她2004年Mr.Gam`s Victory、甘先生的胜利2004年S日记2005年潜伏任务、校园卧底、逃学威凤其他:2004年rogatis服饰2004年koolhaas服饰2004年春夏装目录CA Storm,Spoon,ONGMV Zoy project 1stShow 安德烈 金2000年 Fashion show
2023-07-20 01:16:053

谁能给我份MR 的《森林》这首歌用国语拼音标注的歌词

静静凝视窗前jing jing ning shi chuang qian脑海的思绪像花 在冬季睡眠nao hai de si xu xiang hua zai dong ji shui mian天边已泛彩霞tian bian yi fan cai xia这一刻都市像画 但始终一个归家zhe yi ke du shi xiang hua dan shi zhong yi ge gui jia转眼间 太多的变化zhuan yan jian tai duo de bian hua人潮内听这闹市的笑话ren chao nei ting zhe nao shi de xiao hua瞬间所有悲伤 都只觉渺小shun jian suo you bei shang du zhi jue miao xiao慢慢学会 世界若暂停 仍不再重要man man xue hui shi jie ruo zan ting reng bu zai zhong yao其实 命运就像大厦qi shi ming yun jiu xiang da xia如都市幻化 凌乱如灯火中的密码ru du shi huan hua ling luan ru deng huo zhong de mi ma露台 看看世界吧lu tai kan kan shi jie ba这个天下 闪烁风光不再吗zhe ge tian xia shan shuo feng guang bu zai ma经过几多变化jing guo ji duo bian hua夜幕来袭森林ye mu lai xi sen lin这朵花 不会盛开 但始终想再喧哗zhe duo hua bu hui sheng kai dan shi zhong xiang zai xuan hua花与花 再不懂去爱吗hua yu hua zai bu dong qu ai ma活在大世界化做敌人 如此冷酷吗huo zai da shi jie hua zuo di ren ru ci leng ku ma其实 命运就像大厦qi shi ming yun jiu xiang da xia如都市幻化 凌乱如灯火中的密码ru du shi huan hua ling luan ru deng huo zhong de mi ma露台 看看世界吧lu tai kan kan shi jie ba这个天下 用尽方法建立这一个家zhe ge tian xia yong jin fang fa jian li zhe yi ge jia每朵 高高低低的花mei duo gao gao di di de hua为都市腐化 零落时找到它的代价wei du shi fu hua ling luo shi zhao dao ta de dai jia但仍有个美态吧 不怕倒下dan reng you ge mei tai ba bu pa dao xia天边的一颗碎花tian bian de yi ke sui hua为谁而腐化wei shui er fu hua其实 命运就像大厦qi shi ming yun jiu xiang da xia如都市幻化 凌乱如灯火中的密码ru du shi huan hua ling luan ru deng huo zhong de mi ma露台 看看世界吧.lu tai kan kan shi jie ba .这个天下 用尽方法建立这一个家zhe ge tian xia yong jin fang fa jian li zhe yi ge jia卑躬屈膝的花bei gong qu xi de hua为都市腐化 零落时擦亮这个家wei du shi fu hua ling luo shi ca liang zhe ge jia但仍有个美态吧 不怕倒下dan reng you ge mei tai ba bu pa dao xia花开花飞花似画hua kai hua fei hua si hua经得起变化jing de qi bian hua
2023-07-20 01:17:591


《2023了解美国那些事儿 刘琦》百度网盘免费下载:链接: 提取码: dsq8课程介绍:2023考研英语 新东方 了解美国那些事儿 刘琦
2023-07-20 01:18:096


Chinese contemporary famous educator, master of Chinese culture, classical literature scientists, painting and calligraphy, cultural identification, a close friend of the Communist Party of China, the fifth session of the National Committee of the Chinese people"s Political Consultative Conference Committee members, the six, seven, eight, nine, ten session of the Standing Committee, Jiu San Society in Central Advisory Committee, Central Research Institute of culture and history curator, chairman of the National Commission for cultural relics identification, Chinese Calligraphers Association honorary chairman, Professor of Beijing Normal University, Mr. Qi Gong due to illness on 2 June 30, 2005, 25, died in Beijing, at the age of 93.Mr. Qi Gong white characters, and for the primary element, Manchu, was born in Beijing in July 26, 1912. When he was 1 years old, his father died of illness. He was living with his grandfather and grandfather. At the age of 4 in private school. In 1922 when he was 10 years old, the grandfather and grandfather has died, his funeral and due to the repayment of debt and bankruptcy.In 1924, when he was 12 years old, had a grandfather and grandfather of several student wages battle righteousness help, sir was able to Chaban attended in Huiwen elementary school, in 1926 to enter high school, but haven"t graduated from high school because of economic difficulties and dropped out of school. During and after this, has with Dai Jiangfu (SUI) Mr. learning classical literature, with Mr. Er Lu the Xi Jia Min, Mr. Wu Jing Ting Xi Dan of learning Chinese painting. In the meantime, in order to maintain a living, he taught at home.By 1933, Mr. Fu Zengxiang, Mr. acquainted with Mr. Chen Yuan the president of Fu Jen Catholic university. President Chen of his evaluation is "superb, write," this is a turning point in his life. He never met his lifelong mentor and cultivation effect. So he was assigned to Fu Jen Catholic high school to teach Chinese, but less than two years, he was a dean in charge of the school to he "didn"t graduate from high schools teach high school sub system" on the grounds and dismiss. 1935, Mr. Chen Yuan and arranged for him to the Department of fine arts, Fu Jen Catholic University Assistant Professor, Department of fine arts of leadership is still the prioress, after more than a year again to "education is not enough" grounds to dismiss.
2023-07-20 01:20:171


问题一:请问英文地址怎么写?!! 北京市东花市北里20号楼6单元501室 Room 501 ,Unit 6,Building 20 North Donghuashi Residential Chongwen District BeiJing City 我给加上了 崇文区 ---------------- 请看相关资料 翻译原则:先小后大。 中国人喜欢先说小的后说大的,如**区**路**号 而外国人喜欢先说大的后说小的,如**号**路**区,因此您在翻译时就应该先写小的后写大的. 中文地址的排列顺序是由大到小,如:X国X省X市X区X路X号,而英文地址则刚好相反,是由小到大。如上例写成英文就是:X号,X路,X区,X市,X省,X国。掌握了这个原则,翻译起来就容易多了! X室 Room X X号 No. X X单元 Unit X X号楼 Building No. X X街 X Street X路 X Road X区 X District X县 X County X镇 X Town X市 X City X省 X Province 请注意:翻译人名、路名、街道名等,最好用拼音。 中文地址翻译范例: 宝山区示范新村37号403室 Room 403, No. 37, SiFang Residential Quarter, BaoShan District 虹口区西康南路125弄34号201室 Room 201, No. 34, Lane 125, XiKang Road(South), HongKou District 473004河南省南阳市中州路42号 李有财 Li Youcai Room 42 Zhongzhou Road, Nanyang City Henan Prov. China 473004 434000湖北省荆州市红苑大酒店 李有财 Li Youcai Hongyuan Hotel Jingzhou city Hubei Prov. China 434000 473000河南南阳市八一路272号特钢公司 李有财 Li Youcai Special Steel Corp. No. 272, Bayi Road, Nanyang City Henan Prov. China 473000 52罚400广东中山市东区亨达花园7栋702 李有财 Li Youcai Room 702, 7th Building Hengda Garden, East District Zhongshan, China 528400 361012福建省厦门市莲花五村龙昌里34号601室 李有财 Li Youcai Room 601, No. 34 Long Chang Li Xiamen, Fujian, China 361012 361004厦门公交总公司承诺办 李有财 Mr. Li Youcai Cheng Nuo Ban, Gong Jiao Zong Gong Si Xiamen, Fujian, China 361004 266042山东省青岛市开平路53号国棉四厂二宿舍1号楼2单元204户甲 李有财 Mr. Li Youcai NO. 204, A, Building NO. 1 The 2nd Dormitory of the NO. 4 State-owned Textile Factory 53 Kaiping Road, Qingdao, S......>> 问题二:中国地址英文怎么写法 求救啊~~!! Room X, X , LianHuaBeiCun, Futian District, Shenzhen City,GuanZhou Province. 中文地址的排列顺序是由大到小,如:X国X省X市X区X路X号,而英文地址则刚好相反,是由小到大。如上例写成英文就是:X号,X路,X区,X市,X省,X国。 举个例子供参考: 1. 住址:浙江省台州市黄岩区天长路18号201室。 Address: Room 201, 18 Tianchang Road, Huangyan District, Taizhou City, Zhejiang Province. 2. Address:1120 Lincoln Street, Denver, CO 80203,USA. 住址:美国科罗拉多州丹佛市林肯街第1120号,邮编80203。 问题三:英语中的地址怎么写 中国辽宁省沈阳市铁西区沧海路11号6号楼三单元10楼1号 No.1,The 3rd Unit of Building NO.6,11Canghai Road,TieXi District,ShenYang City,LiaoNing Prov.,P.R.China 英文地址一般的写法与我们描述的相反,由小写到大;其次要注意标点符号和英文字母的大小写.格式如下: (1)*** 室 / 房 :RM.*** ; (2) *** 村(乡):*** Village ; (3)*** 号:No.*** ; (4)***号宿舍:*** Dormitory ; (5)***楼 / 层 :*** /F ; (6) ***住宅区 / 小区 :*** Residential Quater ; (7)甲 / 乙 / 丙 / 丁 :A / B / C / D ; (8) ***巷 / 弄 :*** Lane ; (9)***单元 :Unit *** ; (10) ***号楼 / 幢 :*** Buld ; (11)***公司 :*** ./ *** Crop ;(12) ***厂 :*** Factory ; (13)***酒楼/酒店 :** Hotel ; (14) ***路 :*** Road ; (15)***花园 :*** Garden ; (16) ***街 :*** Street ; (17)***县 :*** County ; (18) ***镇 :*** Town ; (19)***市 :*** / *** City ; (20) ***区 :*** District ; (21)*** 信箱 :Mailbox *** ; (22) ***省 :*** Prov.; (23)中国:P.R.China. (二)以下为示范: 宝山区示范新村37号403室 Room 403,No.37,ShiFan Residential Quarter,BaoShan District 虹口区西康南路125弄34号201室 Room 201,No.34,Lane 125,XiKang Road(South),HongKou District 河南省南阳市中州路42号 Room 42,Zhongzhou Road,Nanyang City,Henan Prov. 湖北省荆州市红苑大酒店 Hongyuan Hotel,Jingzhou city,Hubei Prov. 河南南阳市八一路272号特钢公司 Special Steel Corp,No.272,Bayi Road,Nanyang City,Henan Prov. 中山市东区亨达花园7栋702 Room 702,7th Building,Hengda Garden,East District,Zhongshan 福建省厦门市莲花五村龙昌里34号601室 Room 601,No.34 Long Chang Li,Xiamen,Fujian 厦门公交总公司承诺办 Cheng Nuo Ban,Gong Jiao Zong Gong Si,Xiamen,Fujian 山东省青岛市开平路53号国棉四厂二宿舍1号楼2单元204户甲 NO.204,Entrance A,Building NO.1,The 2nd Dormitory of the NO.4 State-owned Texti......>> 问题四:英文地址的标准怎么写? 英语的地址要从小到大的写: Room 9999, house 9, Rongke 30,000 ft apartment, No.448, Shaoshan road, Yuhua District, Changsha city, Hunan, China. 还有:你要是给国外朋友提供地址,没必要写英文的,因为从国外到国内这一段,只要有国名或者加上城市名就可以寄到。国内这一段英文就行不通了。只要有中文就可以了。 谢谢采纳。 问题五:英文的地址书写格式是什么? 姓名方面 外国人习惯是名(Firstname)在前,姓(Lastname)在后。若碰到让您一起填的,最好要注意一 下顺序,不过你要是填反了,也没关系。中国银行收支票时是都承认的。例如:刘刚,可写成GangLiu,也可写成LiuGang。 地址翻译 翻译原则:先小后大。中国人喜欢先说大的后说小的,如**区**路**号。而外国人喜欢先说小的后说大的,如 **号**路**区,因此您在翻译时就应该先写小的后写大的。 例如: 中国山东省青岛市四方区洛阳路34号3号楼4单元402户,您就要从房开始写起: Room402,Unit4,Building3,No.34.LuoyangRoad,sifangDistrict,QingdaoCity,Shandong Prov,China(逗号后面有空格)。 注意其中路名、公司名、村名等均不用翻译成同意的英文,只要照写拼音就行了。因为您的支票是中国的邮递 员送过来,关键是要他们明白。技术大厦您写成TechnologyBuilding,他们可能更迷糊。 注意:填写姓名时,姓在前,名在后,中间空格,首字母大写。填写地址时,从小地址到大地址,逗号或空格后的第一个字母大写。 常见中英文对照 201室--room 201 12号--No.12 2单元--Unit 2 3号楼--Building No.3 长安街--Changan Street 础京路--Nanjing Road 长安公司--changan pany 宝山区--BaoShan District 酒店--hotel 花园--garden 县--county 镇--town 市--city 省--province 室/房Room 村Vallage 号No. 号宿舍Dormitory 楼/层/F住宅区/小区Residential/Quater 甲/乙/丙/丁A/B/C/D巷/弄Lane 单元Unit 号楼/栋Building 公司./Crop/LTD.CO 厂Factory 酒楼/酒店Hotel 路Road 花园Garden 街Street 信箱Mailbox 区Districtq 院Yard 大学College 例如: 453002河南省新乡市劳动路82号 张三 Zhang San Room 82, Laodong Road,Xinxing City, Henan Prov.China 453002 问题六:中国的地址用英文怎么写 规则就是由小到大,邮编写在China之前 举例: 北京市西城区广安门外大街105号10楼13室Room 13, 10th Floor, No. 105, Guang An Men Wai Da Jie, Xi Cheng District, Beijing, 100010, China 问题七:英语的地址要怎么写? 北京市东花市北里20号楼6单元501室 你好,我是问问团队的“指尖烟草香”很荣幸回答您的问题,希望我的答案对您有所帮助,记得采纳哦Room 501 ,Unit 6,Building 20 North Donghuashi Residential Chongwen District BeiJing City 我给加上了 崇文区 ---------------- 请看相关资料 翻译原则:先小后大。 中国人喜欢先说小的后说大的,如**区**路**号 而外国人喜欢先说大的后说小的,如**号**路**区,因此您在翻译时就应该先写小的后写大的. 中文地址的排列顺序是由大到小,如:X国X省X市X区X路X号,而英文地址则刚好相反,是由小到大。如上例写成英文就是:X号,X路,X区,X市,X省,X国。掌握了这个原则,翻译起来就容易多了! X室 Room X X号 No. X X单元 Unit X X号楼 Building No. X X街 X Street X路 X Road X区 X District X县 X County X镇 X Town X市 X City X省 X Province 请注意:翻译人名、路名、街道名等,最好用拼音。 中文地址翻译范例: 宝山区示范新村37号403室 Room 403, No. 37, SiFang Residential Quarter, BaoShan District 虹口区西康南路125弄34号201室 Room 201, No. 34, Lane 125, XiKang Road(South), HongKou District 473004河南省南阳市中州路42号 李有财 Li Youcai Room 42 Zhongzhou Road, Nanyang City Henan Prov. China 473004 434000湖北省荆州市红苑大酒店 李有财 Li Youcai Hongyuan Hotel Jingzhou city Hubei Prov. China 434000 473000河南南阳市八一路272号特钢公司 李有财 Li Youcai Special Steel Corp. No. 272, Bayi Road, Nanyang City Henan Prov. China 473000 528400广东中山市东区亨达花园7栋702 李有财 Li Youcai Room 702, 7th Building Hengda Garden, East District Zhongshan, China 528400 361012福建省厦门市莲花五村龙昌里34号601室 李有财 Li Youcai Room 601, No. 34 Long Chang Li Xiamen, Fujian, China 361012 361004厦门公交总公司承诺办 李有财 Mr. Li Youcai Cheng Nuo Ban, Gong Jiao Zong Gong Si Xiamen, Fujian, China 361004 266042山东省青岛市开平路53号国棉四厂二宿舍1号楼2单元204户甲 李有财 Mr. Li Youcai NO. 204, A, Building NO. 1 The 2nd Dormitory of the NO. 4 State-owned Text......>>
2023-07-20 01:21:021


2023-07-20 01:21:258


Rm 501, Unit 3, Building 11, Wensan Residence Quarter, Xihu District, Hangzhou City
2023-07-20 01:21:413


鹿栏晴沙位于岱山岛东北部的后沙洋,因处鹿栏山下得名。沙滩南北长3600米,东西宽约500米,沙质细腻而坚硬,滩坡平缓呈铁灰色,故素有“万步铁板沙”之称。清诗人刘梦兰曾有诗赞曰:“一带平沙绕海隅,鹿栏山下亦名区。好将白地光明锦,写出潇湘落雁图。”赵朴初先生观赏了该沙滩后,连连称道:“东方奇观,神州罕见。” 目前,已在该沙滩上建造了别致新颖的“晴沙海洋乐园”,内配有茶室、小卖部、高速游艇 、海滨浴场等设施。沙滩活动开展得丰富多彩:海上靶场、网钓鱼虾、沙滩跑车、排球、足球赛、戏水弄潮等项目,使人流连忘返。Lu Lanqing the sand is located northeast the Dai mountain island the after sand ocean, because place under Lu Lanshan acquires fame. The sand beach north and south length 3,600 meters, the thing width approximately 500 meters, the sand nature exquisite and is hard, the beach slope gently assumes the hard gray, therefore the element has "ten thousand steps of sheet irons sands" the name. Clear poet Liu Menglan once had the poem to approve said that, "Area the even sand circles , under Lu Lanshan also famous area. Good white bright brocade, writes deep and clear Hunan to fall the wild goose chart." Mr. after Zhao Puchu has watched this sand beach, praises again and again: "The Eastern marvelous sight, the divine land is rare." At present, has constructed in this sand beach has been unique novel "the clear sand sea paradise", in has facility and so on teahouse, sales store, high speed yacht, seashore bathing place. The sand beach activity develops richly colorful: The marine target range, the net fish the fish and shrimp, the sand beach racing bicycle, the volleyball, the soccer game, plays with water rides the surf and so on the project, causes the person to forget to return.普陀山位于舟山群岛东南部,是全国首批确定的44个国家级重点风景名胜区,与五台、峨眉、九华并称为中国四大佛教名山,古人誉为“海天佛国”。清康有为有诗赞曰:“观音过此不肯去,海上神山涌普陀。楼阁高低二百寺,鱼龙轰卷万千波。”它以优美的海洋景观和深厚的佛教文化蜚声海内外,气候清新温和宜人。 普陀山观音道场始建于唐咸通四年(公元863年),历朝累有兴废,鼎盛时码头香船林立,曾有三大寺,八十八庵,一百二十八茅蓬,号称“五百丛林,三千僧众”。目前尚有普济、法雨、慧济三大寺和大乘、梅福、紫竹林等数三十余座禅院供朝圣、观光。“南海观音”,通高三十三米,佛相庄严慈祥,游人云集瞻仰。山上文物众多,有元代的多宝塔,南京明故宫拆迁来的“九龙殿”以及建于明朝万历年间的“杨枝观音碑”,称为普陀山三件宝物。景区对外交通便捷,海空通达,管理规范,秩序良好,服务设施齐全。Mt. Pu Tuo is located in the Zhoushan Islands southeast headquarter , is is the state-class 44 priority national park that the whole nation first batch ascertains, with five platforms , Emei Mountain , nine Chinas be called the Chinese 4-big Buddhism well-known mountain, the ancients praises for "the sea day Buddha country ". Clear Kang Youwei has poem Ode to say: "Guanyin is unwilling to go to fault here , the magical mountain pours at the sea Pu Tuo. Two hundred temples , ichthyosaurs bang roll of myriad waves pavilion height". It becomes famous in here and overseas with graceful ocean landscape and deep Buddhism culture , the climate is fresh mild pleasant. The Guanyin Taoist or Buddhist rite builds Mt. Pu Tuo in salty through Tang (A.D. for 4 years 863 years), be tired out in the past dynasties having being popular useless, in a period of great prosperity now and then, the dock incense boat stands in great numbers , big temples of Zeng You San , 88 Buddhist convents , 128 cogongrass fluffy , are known as "five hundred jungle , three thousand monk masses ". At present still have aiding universally , follow rain , intelligent help three big temples and several more than 30 Buddhist yards such as Mahayana , Mei Fu , black bamboo forest providing hadj , go sightseeing. "Guanyin, leads to Nanhai Sea" highly thirty-three meters , Buddha is each other solemn kindly, the tourist gathers in look with reverence. The Shan Shang cultural relic a lot of , many pagodas having Yuan Dynasty, Nanjing understands the Palace Museum "Jiulong hall " to come having house dismantled and move out and build in Wanli tomorrow during a certain era "Yang Zhi Guanyin tablet ", be called Mt. Pu Tuo three pieces of treasure. External traffic of beauty spot is convenient and rapid , sea empty space understands , manages the norm , order fine, service facilities is all in readiness.千步金沙长1370米,宽400余米,从面积来说,是舟山群岛第二大沙滩。从沙质方面来书是进行海浴、沙浴、阳光浴和沙滩漫步较理想、优质的沙滩。千步金沙属细型沙质,细软纯净,与普陀山的白步沙、千步沙和嵊泗的基湖沙滩相比较要细软得多,与朱家尖的东沙、南沙相似,但还要松软一些,且沙滩上沿有部分植被覆盖,这一点其它沙滩是很难找到的。Thousand step Jin Sha county long 1370 meters , broad more than 400 meters , are second big Zhoushan Islands sandy beaches from that area comes. Be the sandy beach that the bath and sandy beach carrying out sea bath , sand bath , sunlight ramble in having a serious trial with the ideal , high grade from sand quality aspect incoming letter. And thousand step Jin Sha county belong to the thin type sand quality , jewelry , expensive clothing and other valuables pureness , the sandy beach compares with Mt. Pu Tuo white step sand , thousand step sands and the Sheng Si county base Lake wanting a jewelry , expensive clothing and other valuables much, the pointed east sand , south sand are similar to Zhu Jia , but want to have fluffy few too, this little other sandy beach is very difficult to find on the sandy beach along having the part vegetation to cover.嵊泗为天台山脉向东北延伸沉陷入海的外露部分。面积在500平方米以上的岛屿394个,其中住人岛18个。最大的岛屿泗礁山基湖沙滩素有“南方北戴河”之誉:背靠松林,域野开阔,沙质洁净,坡下海域平缓,海水清澈,为理想的天然海滨浴场;南长涂沙滩也是优良的海浴场地,适合度假避暑。花鸟岛上的花鸟灯塔建于公元1870 年,气势雄伟,为远东第一大灯塔,是南北航线上的船只进入上海吴淞口的重要航标;岛上还有“云雾”、“猿猴”、“老虎”三个古洞,被称为 “东海花果山”。Sheng Si county shows a part for Tian Tai mountain chain extends to northeast China sinking to the outside being caught in the sea. 394 area island and islet above 500 square metres live in 18 person islands among them. Maximal island and islet nasal mucus reef mountain base Lake the sandy beach usually has reputation of "south Beidaihe ": The back depends on a pinetum , region open space is open , sand quality is clean , sea area is mild under the slope , seawater is clear, for ideal natural lido; Nan Chang spreads a sandy beach being also that the good sea outdoor bathing place field, is fit to spend self holidays avoiding summer heat. Lighthouse builds upper painting of flowers and birds in traditional Chinese style island painting of flowers and birds in traditional Chinese style on the 1870 A.D. , imposing, for the first big the Far East lighthouses, be that upper north and south air or shipping line boat enters important navigation mark of Shanghai Wu Song mouth; Be still had "cloud and mist" ", "ape and monkey" ", "tiger" three ancient times hole on the island , "the Donghai Sea flower fruit mountain is called".桃花岛位于舟山本岛沈家门渔港的南面,面积43平方.公里。其中南部的对峙山为舟山群岛的最高峰,山脉向四周延伸,形成群峰起伏,层峦叠起的山海风景。相传前秦隐士安期生在岛上白云山修道炼丹,“尝以醉,墨洒于山石上,遂成桃花纹”岛名由此而来。对峙山上有一圣岩寺,建于海拔482米处的一个天然石洞之内,至今已有400多年的历史了。相传当年安期生学道炼丹于此洞之内。据说书中的许多景点均可在桃花岛上找到。The peach blossom island is located in Island of Zhou Shan Shen door of a house fishing port south side , is covers an area of 43 squares. Kilometre. The southern part among them"s the mountain confronting each other for is that Zhoushan Islands absolute peak , mountain chain fluctuate toward the mountain peaks all around, extending , taking form, tier the mountain sea scenery that the steep hill piles up. Tradition has it that former Qin hermit Anqi Sheng cultivates self according to a religious doctrine making pills of immortatily ", tastes in upper white cloud mountain of island use drunk, on ink being sprinkled in mountain stone, satisfy the Cheng Tao decorative pattern " island name from this but come. There are one sage rock temple on the mountain confronting each other for, have had the history of more than 400 years so far within building a natural stone hole getting along in 482 metres above sea level. Tradition has it that Anqi Sheng mimicked road making pills of immortatily in that very year hereof within the hole. It is said that a lot of spot in book is equal but find on peach blossom island.
2023-07-20 01:21:542

有一首歌我不知道名字就知道一句歌词 歌词是 我喜欢过的MR.JacRsom 谁知道这首歌叫什么

这样的问题除非人有记着歌词, 否则。。
2023-07-20 01:22:023

1.Mr Wang _______us English next term A.teaches B.teach teaching gong to teach

2023-07-20 01:22:137

f(x) sorry , nu abo 和 mr.boogie 的罗马歌词

  f(x) - Sorry  Hokshi oneul naega geudae mameul apeuge haetamyeon yongseo haeyo  Babo gateun nan cheoreop neun maldwe puriman haejyo  Hokshi jigeum geudae ireon naemam ihae mothan dedo gwaen chanhayo  Amu byeon myeongdo piryo eopjyo naye jalmoshin geolyo  Malhaji anhado modu arayo, dunune nunmul goyeo janhayo  Sorry, so sorry ige nae mamin geolyo  Ma eumi yeorin nal aljanhayo naega deojal haebol geyo  Sorry, sorry, I"m sorry, sorry, imal bakke neun mothae, yeah  Ajik geudae sok sanghan mame nal jogeum miwo haedo gwaen chanhayo  Amu pyohyeondo piryo eopjyo, naye geudae ingeolyo nayegen yeong wonhan geolyo  Malhaji anhado modu arayo, dunune nunmul goyeo janhayo  Sorry, so sorry ige nae mamin geolyo  Ma eumi yeorin nal aljanhayo naega deojal haebol geyo  Sorry, sorry, I"m sorry, sorry, imal bakke neun mothae, yeah  Igeo bakken, halsu eopjyo, geudae eopneun sesang, sang sang mothajyo  Bujokhaji man jogeum seotulji man geudael sarang haneun geolyo, oh, oh  Malhaji anhado da arayo du nune nunmul heureu janhayo  Sorry, so sorry ige nae mamin geolyo  Ma eumi yeorin nal aljanhayo naega deojal haebol geyo  Sorry, sorry, I"m sorry, sorry, imal bakke neun imal bakke neun mothae, yeah  Sorry, sorry, so hard to say I"m sorry  Sorry, I"m sorry, imal jeon haji mothae, yeah  ___________________________  f(x) - Nu Abo  Hey yo !  Na eoddukhae unni  Nae maleul deuleobwa  Naega sarameul unni  Moleugaetuhyo  Cham eongddoonghada mannal  Naman nolliji  Naega jungmal yeobbeo  Geureodamyun dwae  Dokchangjeok byulmyung jitgi  Yereul deulmyun goongdi soondi  Mamae deuleo son bunjjak deulgi  Jungmal nan NU ABO  Mystery mystery molla molla ajik neoneun molla  Gibon gibon saranggonsik saramdeului ebyulgongsik  Hysteric hysteric dalla dalla naneun neomu dalla  Nae mamdaero nae ddeutdaero johajoha NU ABO  Na Na~ NU ABO  Nae mal deuleobwayo unni  I"m in the Chance  Jigeum ee gamjeongeun mwujwo  Nan chueuminde  Gaseum doogeundoogeun machi  Ggum gguneundeut  Nan gureum wireul dongdong  Sarangingabwa  Ddak sebun ssawubogi  Heeojilddae insa angi  Bogo sipeun na saenggak deulddaen  Keopeulring manjyeo bogi  Mystery mystery molla molla ajik neoneun molla  Gibon gibon saranggonsik saramdeului ebyulgongsik  Hysteric hysteric dalla dalla naneun neomu dalla  Nae mamdaero nae ddeutdaero johajoha NU ABO  Na Na~ NU ABO  Sarangae bbjingeon neomu meotjin ilinde  Namanui gamjeongeun mot iljeul geudaero gatneungeol yeah~  Saeropge jom twige machi ggumeul kiweoganeungut  Mystery ABO geugun modu da neoingul baro neorangeol ooh~  What u what u call, what u what u what u call  Yes, this is how we do it our love f (x) , yeah ! Yeah !  Yeah, this is how we do it pure love f (x) , yeah ! Yeah !  Yeah, this is how we do it bring it love f (x) , uh !  Illeon moseup eoddae  Ige nain geol eoddeokhae  Naui gyutaen naega isseo teukbyulhangeonde yeah~  Mystery mystery molla molla ajik neoneun molla  Gibon gibon saranggonsik saramdeului ebyulgongsik  Hysteric hysteric dalla dalla naneun neomu dalla  Nae mamdaero nae ddeutdaero johajoha NU ABO  Na Na~ NU ABO (yeah ! Yeah ! Yeah, this is how we do it pure love f (x))  Na Na~ NU ABO (yeah ! Yeah ! Yeah, this is how we do it bring it)  _________________________________  f(x) - Mr Boogie  Mr. Boogie if I want to I can have you  Baby Listen ! Ah Ah Ah Ah Mr. Boogie  Ajjilhan Top pyojeongeun malhago itji han beondo bon jeok eopguna i meotjin geol  Ppalgan geu pedora araen neomu haenseom ne momjiseun teuwiseuteo da busyeobeoryeo  Eokkaewiro nun gaseumeuro nun gin dariro nun nuni ga  Ireoda jeongmal keun il nael geoni  Mr. Boogie ! Ne geu chumi ne geu momi  Mr. Boogie ! Bureul kyeotji yeogi jeogi  Hat tteugeowo neo  Mr. Boogie if I want to I can have you  Allyeojiji anheun neon saeroun jeonsa i dongnega swipjin anha jasin inni neo ?  Mudae wie neoneun deouk bitna sijakdoeneun maejik ne sesangiya  Eokkaewiro nun gaseumeuro nun gin dariro nun nuni ga  Nawa nuni majuchil ttaekkaji  Mr. Boogie ! Ne geu chumi ne geu momi  Mr. Boogie ! Bureul kyeotji yeogi jeogi  Hat tteugeowo neo  Baro jigeum i neukkimiya meotjyeo geurae neo  Baro jigeum i neukkimiya  Baro jigeum i jigeum i jigeum i neukkimiya You  Mr. Boogie ! Ne geu chumi ne geu momi  Hat tteugeo tteu tteugeowo neo  Mr. Boogie ! Bureul kyeotji kkeul su eobseo  Mr. Boogie ! Ne geu chumi ne geu momi  Mr. Boogie ! Bureul kyeotji yeogi jeogi  Hat tteugeowo neo  Mr. Boogie if I want to I can have you  Mr. Boogie if I want to I can have you
2023-07-20 01:22:301

求jane said的mr impatient

Yang Tai Yuan in the weak-ling, had the smell, Nanping Wu, Nortel has the Huns,昆弟, the independence of the sound performance. So hypocritical decorative appearance, and widespread rape Jue back, it was presented after the bell heart, consider the text of imperial leather,方肇chaotic days, was boarding the two certificates, the Chung Chi Jian峻极tenders Pixian life of Hugh. To wide third-generation, eight-Wei Zhen Hong, Dayton Chanyu forehead, the more Troides retranslate. Chek Chek Spring,流溢in all, red-rot of millet, appointed under the plot in Sierra Leone. Negative of its prosperous capital, think of taking advantage of For non-repulsive, narrow殷周the system, yet the regulatory Moseulpo Qin and Han. 恃才Jin himself, proud of hard Mingde, with risk-huai impatient and outside the show condensate Jane,盛冠served to showcase their cunning, In addition to its谏官to cover too. Sex shortage of medicine, chapter Huizi Act, must teach four-dimensional, five-sentence reference child, punish hoe blood, carcasses destroy Zhongliang by Mo tours are gong to see, in order to kill those who do not know incrimination. Arrogance of the soldiers angrily repeated action, civil engineering achievements ever. Frequent朔方, three driving Liaoshen left, flags Miles, taxation hundred client, sly and fisheries officials to invade human life unbearable.急令violence is to be of nuisance, and punitive measures to Pro, the powerful甲兵to Dong, the show ran at home and naturally, having bored Health. Yang俄而玄感肇黎Rebellion, the Huns have雁门siege, the emperor to abandon China and Turkey, far more of Yang. By奸宄offer blood in sacrifice, strong or weak phase Ling, Guan Liang closed without pass, rather than to anti-imperial舆. In addition to the division, brigade, led to famine, displaced road to die ravines,十八九behavior. So gather Huan Po, stomach hair into the sky, big is not even inter-state gun, proclaim oneself emperor crown, while thousands of small for the group, siege nimble-eup, bleeding into川泽, such as the dead乱麻, cook a meal out than those wrecks, food from not to mention easy to sub. Nine vast territories, and the field elk,忄disposable disposable忄Qiansheng Li, are filling the bait hog snake. Miles Quartet, Jane book phase continued, Utah burglary that rat dog stolen, less than for the risk levels of Meng, Mauken read chaotic vibration of the feather Ephemera, poor night of music. Landslides rotten fish, consistent surplus Nim evil, universal, Mr Qiu feud gangs, about the people, are an enemy. Ran不悟end, with Peter Wang Yi,遂以万乘of respect, died in the hands of Kazuo. Thanksgiving trillion extravagant people, nine grazing without WANG army. To punish the children of the same on Patinopecten, discard bones Mo cover, their own state, Britain, the sticks must exterminate, since Hajime Lease to have the book so far in Edwards, the universe apart, lives, killed out the country, not even if Sri Lanka"s also. "Book" reads: "days of sin, still can be liable, regret, can not escape." "Biography" said: "good and bad from people who do not make any rash calamity from terrestrial disorder."又曰: "soldiers fire still has not put away the self-immolation. "concept of survival of Sui Room, Adams has made the letter and sign now!
2023-07-20 01:22:381

MR.Zhang,who is said to have gong to the USA to live with his son after retirement,______at our

2023-07-20 01:22:572


Welcome visitor you friends Hello everybody , welcome to come to Shanghai , I was in Shanghai travel guide Zhang, very pleased to be able to meet everyone to do all tour guides in the past few days , the meet that fate , first travel agency on behalf of our we extend a warm welcome , thank you for years of support and trust of our agencies , we hope to be able to have fun in the past few days , eat at ease , comfortable stay , leave a good memory ! I then called Zhang, Gong Zhang , because I Zhang, again we are guided , so everyone called me that how it ~ Oh, call me Sally on the line, someone said Zhang , I gladly accepted it , because Zhang cried too grand , and Zhang Yimou is called Zhang guide ! Our master driver surnamed X, I and everyone from all over the world together with the master comes really kind of fate , China is so big, it happens that we get together to such a small compartment to , if our car metaphor these days we mobile home , then our X master is our housekeeper , control of the steering wheel , hand power, our license plate number is our house number, slipped out the door when we must remember their own house number , and after all, our home is on wheels will run , I say again that we remember it : Shanghai XXXX Although I can not recall all the names one by one , but I think in the next X days where I would slowly we understand , we are familiar with , so now we just need to remember I can, you remember my last name anything? Then the car there and my surname , and hands . I"m sorry, I"m talking about the same surname , the surname another name. Well, the joke , and finally give us a few small suggestions , first of all, let us sit in the seat , do not walk around after a good casual avoid excessive speed is dangerous , followed by car is easy to be hungry , then eat leftover under it in a convenient trash bag , thrown off when the front of the trash can or carry down , let the house we want to live in X days , I hope we can maintain a good environment together , the last point is to sit Do not handle the window of a friend or head out of the window Shu , to avoid being scratched another vehicle , then I think away from home , travel is important, but peace is the most important, I think is a safe away from home happy , then I hope that this trip be able to take out everyone happily , safely brought back !
2023-07-20 01:23:051

Mr Mu with Simon _____ going to start a campfire

is 主语是Mr Wu
2023-07-20 01:23:264

Mr Smith works in beijing, he has been there since 1978

been there是呆在那儿了你说的去过回来是 been to 去了没回是 gone to
2023-07-20 01:23:384

is leving 和 is gong to leave

b,be going to 形式表将来
2023-07-20 01:23:482

从方框中所给的选项中选择正确的句子补全以下对话。(其中有两项是多余的) (10分) Mr. Zheng: What are

小题1:C小题2:B小题3:A小题4:E小题5:D 试题分析:小题1:根据问话What are you looking for?可知,C项.I"m looking for a history book.正好符合其答语;故选C。小题2:根据后面对郑成功的事迹的描述,对方是要求讲一些郑成功的情况,所以Could you tell me some things比较符合语境;故选B。小题3:根据后面的回答It was true,可知他是对其介绍的质疑或者是反问,故用Is that so?;故选A。小题4:后面李欣说What a pity!可知,是叙述的郑成功的不幸遭遇,所以E项he lost his sister in the battle.符合语境;故选E。小题5:因为他的巨大贡献我们全中国人都应该永远记住他。表示记住他的原因;故选D。
2023-07-20 01:23:551

Mr Green has not come to work since last week.Where do you think he

Chave/has been to ...表示去过某地,已经回来:He has been to Hongkong 3 times so far.have/has gone to ...表示去..., 还未回来 :A: Where is your father? B: He has gong to the US.
2023-07-20 01:24:154


好多次打错了,那个,,我也不知道是不是推荐的答案错了一些,和他的有不一样,我也不能保证全对,但也差不多了1、when 2、when 3、which 4、which 5、which 6、where 7、which hat 8、where 9、which 10、where 11、where 12、which 13、when 14、that 15、that 16、that 17、thatwhich不填 18、which 19、thatwhich不填 20、who 21、that 22、that 23、whose 24、of which 25、whose 26、whom 27、when 28、where 29、when 30、where
2023-07-20 01:24:273


Closing argument: we must insist on the spirit of the Foolish Old Man. Yu Gong spiritual sense, is precisely the spirit of the Chinese nation: persevere! Persevere! Later the responsibility of this attachment is also a matter of fact, the minimum life of a self-responsibility and social responsibility. He is very clear what they are doing, do they do it! Range of practical ability to do their own thing to do. Why are not the same old man around to give lectures Confucius? Why do not you like the water"s edge fishing Jiang Taigong? Why do not you like Wei Qing, Huo as the Northern Expedition Hun? Why are not like the bloody battle of Yue Fei and defend the motherland? Foolish Old Man is a old man. He was very clear about what kind of a position in, what kind of station post. He just wanted to actually do for the family as the descendants of little things, and not shirk responsibility to choose the move, and then become another piece of land on other people"s burden. I just want to live with the most close to our examples to illustrate this spirit, this dedication, this responsibility is essential to our humanity. Our parents is the old man around us, for our growth and development, black hair become white hair! Our teacher is the old man around us, in order to test out the outstanding achievements of students worked hard; our Olympic champion is the old man around us, in order to fly the flag of the People"s Republic in the Olympic Games every court challenge to limit them; our scientists our frontier guards, and even gave us food and clothing for farmers and shop workers, are the old man in our lives, to advance with the times, to peace and prosperity, to live in peace ... ... In fact, everyone of us here are living The Foolish Old Man, in the face of the mountain of knowledge accumulated bit by bit with their lives, and ultimately complete the "quantity" to "quality" of the leap! Our country and our nation that we are all descendants of each of the Foolish Old Man, after the elimination of the three big mountains of the shoulder, and immediately put that spirit into the kind of dedication in building our beautiful home in! Reclamation of the Pearl River Delta, Yangtze River Delta, again targeting the Western Development ... ... What is the spirit of constantly maintaining the social development and progress? What is the responsibility of maintaining peace and humanity together? We think that is the old man-like spirit, the responsibility of the Foolish Old Man style! Cling to your faith, dedicated to their responsibilities, clinging to their posts, down to earth to do their job to do! We are the Foolish Old Man of communist society, we firmly believe that, after a child again with Sun, Sun and have children of generations of common commitment and effort, remove the time the mountain, communism will be in the bright sun open to us under the chest!
2023-07-20 01:24:382


photos of Gong Lithe answer to the questiontwo days" timethe price of this bookLily and Lucy" classroomWang Dong"s ang Wang Chao"s bedroomsmy parents" rooma photo of Mr BrownJohnson"sTeachers"Jet and Rick"sher
2023-07-20 01:25:102


One Piece 第一卷 ROMANCE DAWN ―冒险的黎明―「(巻1) ROMANCE DAWN~冒険の夜明け~」 One Piece 第二卷 VERSUS!!巴其海贼团「(巻2) VERSUS!!バギー海贼団 」One Piece 第三卷 不虚假的事「(巻3) 伪れぬもの」One Piece 第四卷 新月「(巻4) 三日月」One Piece 第五卷 钟声为谁响起「(巻5) 谁がために钟は鸣る」One Piece 第六卷 誓言「(巻6) 誓い」One Piece 第七卷 混账老头子「(巻7) クソジジイ」One Piece 第八卷 不会死的「(巻8) 死なねェよ」One Piece 第九卷 眼泪「(巻9) 涙」One Piece 第十卷 OK,Let"s STAND UP!「(巻10) OK,Let"s STAND UP!」One Piece 第十一卷 东海头号恶人「(巻11) 东一番の悪」One Piece 第十二卷 传说开始了「(巻12) 伝说は始まった」One Piece 第十三卷 不要紧!!「(巻13) 大丈夫!!」One Piece 第十四卷 本能「(巻14) 本能」One Piece 第十五卷 笔直前进「(巻15) まっすぐ!!!」One Piece 第十六卷 继承遗志「(巻16) 受け継がれる意志」One Piece 第十七卷 西鲁鲁克的樱花「(巻17) ヒルルクの桜」One Piece 第十八卷 艾斯登场「(巻18) エース登场」One Piece 第十九卷 叛乱「(巻19) 反乱」One Piece 第二十卷 在阿尔巴那决战「(巻20) 决戦はアルバーナ」One Piece 第二十一卷 理想乡「(巻21) 理想郷 」One Piece 第二十二卷 HOPE!!「(巻22) HOPE!!」One Piece 第二十三卷 薇薇的冒险「(巻23) ビビの冒険」One Piece 第二十四卷 人的梦想「(巻24) 人の梦」One Piece 第二十五卷 一亿男「(巻25) 一亿の男」One Piece 第二十六卷 神之岛的冒险「(巻26) 神の岛の冒険」One Piece 第二十七卷 序曲「(巻27) 序曲」One Piece 第二十八卷「战鬼」韦伯「(巻28) 「戦鬼」ワイパー」One Piece 第二十九卷 圣谭曲「(巻29) 圣谭曲(オラトリオ)」One Piece 第三十卷 狂想曲「(巻30) 狂想曲(カプリッチオ)」One Piece 第三十一卷 在这里「(巻31) ここにいる」One Piece 第三十二卷 岛之歌声「(巻32) 岛の歌声(ラブ?ソング)」One Piece 第三十三卷 DAVY BACK FIGHT!!「(巻33) DAVY BACK FIGHT!!」One Piece 第三十四卷「水之都」Water Seven「(巻34)「水の都」ウォーターセブン」One Piece 第三十五卷 船长「(巻35) 船长(キャプテン)」One Piece 第三十六卷 第9号正义「(巻36) 9番目の正义」One Piece 第三十七卷 汤姆先生「(巻37) トムさん」One Piece 第三十八卷 火箭人「(巻38) ロケットマン!!」One Piece 第三十九卷 争夺战「(巻39) 争夺戦」One Piece 第四十卷 档「(巻40) ギア 」One Piece 第四十一卷 宣战布告「(巻41) 宣戦布告」One Piece 第四十二卷 海贼VS CP9「(巻42) 海军vsCP9」One Piece 第四十三卷 英雄传说「(巻43) 英雄伝说」One Piece 第四十四卷 回去吧「(巻44) 帰ろう」One Piece 第四十五卷 你的心情我能理解「(巻45) 心中お察しす」One Piece 第四十六卷 幽灵岛的冒险「(巻46) ゴースト岛の冒険」One Piece 第四十七卷 天阴阴 偶尔下点骨头「(巻47) くも时々ホネ」One Piece 第四十八卷 奥斯的冒险「(巻48) オーズの冒険」One Piece 第四十九卷 噩梦·路飞「(巻49) ナイトメア·ルフィ」One Piece 第五十卷 再次抵达「(巻50) 再び辿りつく」One Piece 第五十一卷 11个超新星「(巻51) 11人の超新星」One Piece 第五十二卷 罗杰与雷利「(巻52) ロジャーとレイリー」One Piece 第五十三卷 王者的资质「(巻53) 王の资质」One Piece 第五十四卷 已经没有人阻止得了了「(巻54) もう谁にも止められない」One Piece 第五十五卷 雪中送炭「(巻55) 地狱に仏」One Piece 第五十六卷 谢谢「(巻56)ありがとう」
2023-07-20 01:25:271


2023-07-20 01:25:433

电影《女黑侠黄莺》里的 那 个 反派雷豹是谁演的啊?

2023-07-20 01:25:502

给外国人接机应该注意什么?应该需要用什么英语语句?请具体写一下或者发一个有效的网站给我 谢谢!!

在机场接机问候语 A:让我帮您拿行李。 Let me help you with you luggage. B:谢谢!(你真好) Thank you! You are very kind. A:旅途如何? How was your trip? B:很好,谢谢。 Very good. thank you. A:您觉得累吗? Do you feel tired? B:有一点儿,因为飞行很久。 A little, because it is a long trip. A:这边请。 This way please. B:好的,谢谢! Ok, thank you. A:请在这儿等我,我去停车场开车。 Please wait for me here, I am going to parking lot to drive car. B:好的,没问题。 Ok, no problem. 状况3:在机场接机及途中对话 A:您是Gerry Wise先生吗? Are you Mr GerryWise? B:是的,正是。 Yes, that"s right. A:您好,Wise先生,很高兴认识您,我的名字是Mickey。 How do you do? Mr. Wise, nice to meet you, I am Mickey. B:您好,Mickey。很荣幸见到您。 How do you do! Mickey. It"s my pleasure to see you. A:欢迎到台北,这是我的名片。 Welcome to Taibei, this is my business card. B:谢谢,这是我的。 Thank you, this is mine. A:让我帮您拿行李。 Let me help you with your luggage. B:谢谢,有点重。 Thank you, it"s a little heavy. A:我车在停车场,这边请。 My car is in the parking lot, this way please. B:好的。 OK A:您第一次到台湾吗? Do you come to Taibei the first. Is this the first time you come to Taiwan? B:是的。 Yes. A:旅途如何? How was your trip? B:很好。 Very good. A:累不累? Do you feel tired? B:是的,有一点儿,但是没关系。 Yes, a little, but it doesn"t matter. A:我们明天一早飞马公,班机时间是早上6:40。 We will flight to Magong tomorrow morning, the flight time is at 6:40 in the morning. 我老板会在5:50去饭店接您,所以您在5:50前要准备好。 My boss will go to the hotel to pick you up at 5:50, so you should get ready before 5:50. B:我知道,我会准时等他。 I see, I will wait for him on time. A:如果您需要叫起床,只要告知饭店柜台。 If you need the morning call, please inform the counter of hotel. B:没关系,我有闹钟。 It doesn"t matter, I have alarm. A:您饿吗? Are you hungry? B:是的,有一点儿。 Yes, a little. A:我们可以在您饭店附近的侬特利用个简餐。 We can have a quick meal in the Nongteli near your hotel. B:好的,谢谢。 Ok, thank you.
2023-07-20 01:26:001


1. 英语作文愚公移山仿写150词左右 Once upon a time, there was an old man called YuGong live near o mountains which let him took a long time to walk to the other side, so he wanted to move them. He told his family that he must move it and his family also need to help him to move the mountains to the sea. The next day, there was another old man, he saw YuGong moving the mountains and said that YuGong could never move them because he was old and weak. But YuGong said his son would live and grow, but the mountains wouldn"t get higher. The god was moved by YuGong, so he sent o gods to move the mountains away. 2. 用英语写一篇《愚公移山》的作文,80词左右 So generations after generations, where can you throw so much earth and stone. His wife said, his family and he had to walk a long way around the mountains whenever they had something to do on the other side of the mountains! You", there"An old man like you cannot even move a *** all hill,"You are so silly. " Yu Gong said. Even if you can;You", no matter how difficult it is. Just to the north of the mountains lived an old man called Yu Gong who was nearly 90 years old:Mr. the story tells us that so long as one is determined and sticks to it long enough. A man named Zhi Sou saw them working and tried to stop them. His children started to dig the mountains. One day?", not to mention the o high mountains;t even take away the grass and trees. Do you still say I can"t move them away. So it was decided; "t grow higher; Later the Heaven God, my sons can continue my work after my death;re wrong?". How can you move the high mountains;Look; "re so old and weak that you can", anything can be done. FooI Wants to Move the Mountain there were o high mountains beeen Jizhou in the south and Heyang in the north. But the mountains can", ", saying. When my sons die. He then ordered another god to e down and take the o high mountains away, my grandchildren will continue. One was called Taihang Mountain and the other Wangwu Mountain愚公移山英语是. With the o high mountains just in front of his house;s no end,", upon learning of Yu Gong"s story, Yu Gong called all his family together to talk about how to move the o mountains to other places. Both of the mountains were very high;the Bohai Sea is big enough to contain all the earth and stone?", was GREatly moved, " Yu Gong said with a sigh, led by the old man Yu Gong 3. 愚公移山读后感英语作文100词 从前有一个九十多岁的老人,名字叫愚公,他家门前有两座大山,那两座大山挡住大家的路,愚公决定把两座大山搬走,有一个人笑话他说:你那把年纪还能搬走大山?愚公说:如果儿子生了孙子,孙子生了儿子,子子孙孙,一代又一代,是没有穷尽的。 愚公的精神被天帝感动了,命令天神把大山搬走了。读了这个故事知道了:只要我们坚持不懈,没有克服不了的问题。 Once upon a time there was a niy - year - old man, named yu gong, his front o mountain, the o mountains stand in the way of people, yu gong decided to move the o mountains, there is a person jokes he said your age still could move mountains? Said yu Mr. : if the son gave birth to a grandson, Sun Zisheng son, children and grandchildren, generation after generation, there is no end. Yu Mr Spirit were moved by day emperor, move the mountain god mands. Read the story know: as long as we persevere, not hard to overe my problem.。 4. 由愚公移山所想到的,写一篇作文 今天,我在台灯下阅读了《愚公移山》的故事,这个故事给了我很大的启发. 战国时,有一位老人的名字叫愚公,当时在一条大路的前方,有两座大山,这两座大山妨碍了人们的行走,使得人们都不得不绕道行走,于是,愚公决定要把这两座大山挖走,有一位智叟知道了这事,来劝愚公,叫他不要做“蠢事”,说这是不可能的事.但愚公并没有听这位智叟的“劝说”,依然不停的挖,同时又叮嘱自己的子孙要坚持不懈的挖下去,直到挖走为止!最后,那两座在别人眼里根本就不可能挖走的大山终于被挖走了. 这一件事告诉我们,不论做什么事,只要有恒心,就一定可以做好,古人不是说过一句这样的话吗:日日行不怕千万里,日日做不怕千万事.这就在敬告人们,下定决心要做的事,只要你坚持不懈的去做,就没有你做不到的事! 这样的事例也曾经验证在我身上. 在五年级上学期的时候,我的英语不是很好,因为我三天打鱼两天晒网的背,所以英语落后了许多.但到了六年级时,我开始抓紧时间了,每次做完作业后,我总是要挤出一些时间来背英语,并且每两天就默一次,所以现在我的英语已有了很大的进步! 同学们,学习是人生之本,请你用“愚公 移山的精神”去结合你聪明的大脑吧!让你的学习再“更上一层楼”吧。 5. 用英语写《愚公移山》,而且是初二的水平, 最好是简单些的,我们要 Even if you can;t even take away the grass and trees, there". His children started to dig the mountains. One day;You are so silly;re wrong, ". So generations after generations; ", my grandchildren will continue, not to mention the o high mountains. Both of the mountains were very high, his family and he had to walk a long way around the mountains whenever they had something to do on the other side of the mountains, Yu Gong called all his family together to talk about how to move the o mountains to other places. When my sons die. His wife said;t grow higher;Look, where can you throw so much earth and stone. ". But the mountains can",", saying. So it was decided! You"You"?"The Bohai Sea is big enough to contain all the earth and stone; "?". Just to the north of the mountains lived an old man called Yu Gong who was nearly 90 years old;An old man like you cannot even move a *** all hill,". How can you move the high mountains;re so old and weak that you can". A man named Zhi Sou saw them working and tried to stop them;t move them away; Yu Gong said, my sons can continue my work after my death. With the o high mountains just in front of his house; Yu Gong said with a sigh你好 以下就是初中水平的英语 请采纳 愚公移山 (How Yu Gong Moved Away Two High Mountains) There were o high mountains beeen Jizhou in the south and Heyang in the north; Later the Heaven God, "s no end?", led by the old man Yu Gong. Do you still say I can". One was called Taihang Mountain and the other Wangwu Mountain 6. 英语版愚公移山缩写,200~300词,初二水平 Mr. FooI Wants to Move the Mountain Once upon a time, there was a large mountain called Tai-Ying which sat beeen Old Man Yu and the nearest village. Every day, Old Man Yu had to walk many extra miles in order to circle around Tai-Ying, and finally he decided to simply move the mountain out of his way. Old Man Yu called together his children and grandchildren. "I am going to move Tai-Ying." The family cheered. The youngest stood and asked where the moutain could be moved. Old Man Yu thought for a second. "I will dump it in the sea." Again the family cheered, and promised to help make his dream a reality. Now, as everyone knows, it is no *** all matter to move a mountain, and this mountain was no exception. After a year, only a tiny portion of Tai-Ying had been carted to the sea. A shopkeeper in the village laughed at Old Man Yu. "Your dream is foolish. You are old, and Tai-Ying is monstrous." Old Man Yu shook his head and *** iled. "You are right, but your vision is short. I have children who have children who will bear more children. As time goes on, I get stronger and the mountain grows weaker. Tai-Ying will be moved." And so it was. 7. 愚公移山主要采用了什么写作手法 这则寓言成功地运用了对比和衬托的写法.本文以两座山的高大与移山人的年老体衰作对比,移山工具的简陋与面临的巨大困难作对比,衬托出移山之难和愚公改造自然的意志之坚;用孀妻弱子与智叟作对比,衬托出智叟的渺小,见识鄙陋短浅;特别是愚公和智叟的对比:他们的名字就是相对立的,“愚公”的“愚”其实是大智若愚,大智大勇;“智叟”的“智”,却是专打小算盘的小聪明,鼠目寸光,这一颠倒不仅加重了对比的色调,而且具有讽刺的效果;他们的思想观点更是强烈的对比,愚公能从长远的、发展的观点看问题,认为自然是可以征服的,而智叟却从静止的观点出发,认为人在自然面前是无能为力的,在对比中显出了愚公见识的高远.另外,操蛇之神的“惧”和天帝的“感”,对衬托愚公的形象也具有重要的作用.。
2023-07-20 01:26:181


  在日常学习、工作和生活中,大家对作文都再熟悉不过了吧,作文可分为小学作文、中学作文、大学作文(论文)。一篇什么样的作文才能称之为优秀作文呢?以下是我收集整理的七年级英语作文5篇,希望能够帮助到大家。 七年级英语作文 篇1   As can be seen from the graph,there have been sharp changes in the age distribution of drug addicts. To be concrete, the teenage addicts only made up 10 percent of all the drugsters in 1982 while the ratio rose up to 65 in 20xx.   The causes for them are not hard to find. First ,teenagers" fearless curiosity about everything new has led some of them into this marsh. Second, many of the young addicts turned for the first time to drugs for escape either from their failure in the national entrance exams or from their parents" breakup. And above all, our education in the harmfulness of drugs has been far from adequate to build teenagers" sound resistance to drugs. To sum up, the causes mentioned above must call for more of our concern, and effective measures should be taken to check the trend.   Obviously the drastic change will exert great impact on inziduals and the whole society.   For one thing, drug-taking does great damage to the health of drug users.. For another, some drug users commit robbery or even murder their parents and relatives to get money to buy drugs, which poses a great threat to the social security and the social stability. Therefore, it is high time we did something to put an end to this trend. 七年级英语作文 篇2   My father engaged in decoration industry, work very hard every day. My mother is a housewife, at home to take care of our kids. My sister on the third grade primary school! In the last semester, I and she in school together to the same schools! My little brother, was only a year old, he is very likable, grow fat, very cute.   我父亲从事装饰行业,每天都很努力工作。我妈妈是家庭主妇,在家照顾我们的孩子。我妹妹上小学三年级!在上学期,我和她一起上了同一所学校!我的小弟弟,只有一岁,他很可爱,长胖,很可爱。 七年级英语作文 篇3    一、描写朋友、自己或家人的喜好   1、 Dear friend,   My name is Sally. I am from China. I want a pen pal in Australia. I am 14 years old. I have no brothers or sisters in my family. MY favorite subject in school is science, because I think it"s very interesting. I like playing the piano and playing basketball on weekends. How about you? Can you write and tell me something about yourself?   Yours   Sally   2、 My name is Wang Lin . Now I live in Hangzhou , China. I want to find a pen pal in England. I"m now 14 years old . I speak Chinese .And I can speak a little English. I like sports ,swimming is my favorite . I also like playing the computer games . My favorite subject in school is math. I like to go to movies with my friends. My favorite movie is Beauty and Beast . Now I live with my parents .   Can you write to me soon ?   Wang Lin   3、 I have a good friend, his name is Bill. He is from Sydney, Australia.   Now he lives in Beijing with his parents. He is 14 years old and his birthday is in October. He speaks English and he can speak a little Chinese. He has lots of friends in Beijing. He often plays soccer after school with them. It"s his favorite sport. He likes Chinese action movies very much. He thinks they are interesting. He favorite actor is Jet Li.   4、 Jenny is an American girl She is 13 years old. She is very tall and a little thin. She has long black straight hair. She is a good-looking girl .She likes wearing a red T-shirt and blue pant. She likes singing and dancing. Her favorite singer is Gloria Green. She thinks Gloria is great. Look! Jenny is coming. She is not wearing a red T-shirt today. She is wearing a red dress.   5、 My favorite animal is a cat. I have a cat in my family. Her name is Mimi, I think she is from China. She is two years old now. She likes to eat fish every day. She is kind of lazy, but she is very cute. I like to palsy with it after school.   6、 Lin Tao usually goes to the zoo with his parents. He likes to see animals. In his room there are many toys. Most of them are boy animals. All kinds of animals in his room are his good friend. Every day he plays with them. Sometimes he asks his friends to his home to play. On vacation or weekends he like to see the monkeys and elephants in the zoo, and the dolphin show is his favorite.   7、 Jim likes Zhejiang food because it"s delicious. He can"t stand   Sichuan food because it"s very hot(辣). He likes Guangdong food. He doesn"t mind Beijing food and he sometimes eat it . He doesn"t like Human food because it doesn"t agree with him (它不合他的口味)。   8、I like playing basketball .It"s very interesting . I often play it with my friends. It"s a team work.. Everyone needs to work together with others. (每个人都需要和别人合作). I can also make many new friends in the game. My favorite basketball player is Yao Ming. He is very tall and plays basketball very well. I want to play in NBA one day like him.   9、This is a popular person. Most(大多数) people like him. He"s not young ,about 50 years old . But he looks kind of funny. He has a round face (脸) with round eyes , a big mouth and short black hair . He likes telling jokes and makes people laugh(笑). Do you know who he is ? He is Mr. Bean   10、Tom, Nancy , Lily and Jack are my good friends .They all love to watch different TV shows. Tom likes sports, so he likes sports shows. Nancy watches comedies and she loves sitcoms. But Lily can"t stand them .She just likes game shows. Jack doesn"t like sitcoms either. He enjoys talk shows. So you know they are all TV shows fans.(他们都是电视迷)    二、描写方位的短文   My home is on Center Street . On Center Street, there is a restaurant, a KFC and a library. The KFC is between the library and the restaurant.   Across from the KFC is a pay phone. A bank is next to the pay phone. The supermarket is on Fifth Avenue. A hotel is in front of the supermarket.    三、用进行时态描写的各种短文   1、 It is Sunday. The Turners are free and they are staying at home .They are doing different kinds of things. Mr Turner is mending his car. Mrs Turener is sitting at the table . She is drinking. Bob is talking on the phone . Nancy is sitting near the pool. She is watching the dog swimming. They are having a good time .   2、 It is a fine Sunday. There are many people in the park. They are playing happily (高兴地). Some are playing beach volleyball on the beach .A man is lying on the chair .A man is swimming .He can swim very well. A man is talking with him .He is learning from him (向他学习游泳).Everyone is having a good time .   3、 Look at the picture .There are some boys in the picture. They are playing basketball .Near them under the tree, two girls are reading a book . Who are working near the house ? Two boys and a girl. Can you see the birds in the tree? I think they are singing . They are having a good time .   4、 It is New Year"s Day. The weather is sunny but cold. Lucy"s family are all at home . Lucy is talking to Scott on the phone. Her father is playing basketball outside. Her mother is busy cooking. Her   sister, ,Mary , is watching TV, and her brother , Jeff, is playing computer games. They are all having a good time.   5、 It"s Sunday morning .My mother and I are gong to the park. There are a lot of people in the park. Some children are running. A dog is running after them . Four women are sitting there They are talking. Two girls are playing with a big bal near them ..Three old men are standing under a big tree. They are watching the children. There is a river there. Many young people are dancing near it. There is a boat on the river. And an old man is sitting in the goat. He is dishing. Everyone in the park is having a good time. We are having a good time, too.    四、天气预报的短文   Good morning ! Here"s the weather report for some big cities in the world . Beijing is cloudy . It"s very cold, so wear warm clothes when you go out . In Hong Kong there"s beautiful sunshine.(阳光灿烂). People will feel cool in the daytime. It is sunny in New York , but there"s a strong wind (大风) in the afternoon. It will be rainy in Sydney but very hot. The day after tomorrow (后天) will be sunny. That"s the weather report for today . Thank you for listening .(谢谢收听)    五、描写人物的短文   There are three people in Jim"s family . Mr. Green is his father . He is fat and he has short straight hair . He wears glasses . He is watching TV. His mother is Mrs. Green . She is a woman of medium height . She has 七年级英语作文 篇4   My name is 七年级下册英语作文. I study in No.2 Middle school.   My favourite subject is English. Because I think it is very easy and we can talik with foreigners by it.But I don"t like Maths,it"s not easy at all.   I am not good at it.   I am good at Music,so I like it, too.   Do you think so?   翻译:   我叫七年级下册英语作文.我在第2中学读书。我最喜欢的科目是英语。   因为我觉得它很容易,而且我们可以用它和外国人讲话。但是我不喜欢数学,它一点都不简单。我不擅长这方面。我的音乐很好,所以我也喜欢它。   你觉得呢? 七年级英语作文 篇5   This is our house.It`s nice and big!It`s a warm world. All family are live in it. Ha!This is my parents`room.It`s big.My father is sit on the this chair.My mother is sleep on this bed. This is my room.It`s big,too.It`s name`s "Ann park" beacause it`s very lovely and interisting.This is my desk.Everyday I do homework here.This is my bed.It`s pink beacause pink is my favourite couler. This is our sitting room.It`s tidy.It has a table,four chairs,a TV,a mat and a flower.We often sing songs here and watch TV here. This is our book room.It`s big but small than the sitting room.It has many many wonderful books.We are read books and newspapers here. This is our bathroom .It`s big.We take baths,wash faces and brush teeth here. Our house!Our warm world!I love U!   这是我们的房子。很高兴和大!这是一个温暖的世界。所有家庭都住在这。哈!这是我父母它。它是大的。我的父亲是坐在这把椅子上。我妈妈是睡在这张床。这是我的.房间。它很大。它的名字叫“安公园”因为它很可爱和乐趣。这是我的办公桌。每天我都在做作业。这是我的床。因为它是粉红色的粉红色是我最喜欢的外壳。这是我们的客厅。它是整洁。它有一张桌子,四把椅子,一个电视,一个垫子和一朵花。我们经常在这里唱歌和看电视。这是我们的书的房间。它比客厅大,但小。它有许多美妙的书。我们在这里读书和报纸。这是我们的浴室。它是大的。我们洗澡,洗的脸和刷牙。 我们的房子!我们的温暖的世界!我爱你!
2023-07-20 01:26:281


 愚公移山英语是:Mr. FooI Wants to Move the Mountain  there were two high mountains between Jizhou in the south and Heyang in the north. One was called Taihang Mountain and the other Wangwu Mountain. Both of the mountains were very high.  Just to the north of the mountains lived an old man called Yu Gong who was nearly 90 years old. With the two high mountains just in front of his house, his family and he had to walk a long way around the mountains whenever they had something to do on the other side of the mountains.  One day, Yu Gong called all his family together to talk about how to move the two mountains to other places. His wife said, "An old man like you cannot even move a small hill, not to mention the two high mountains. Even if you can, where can you throw so much earth and stone?"  "the Bohai Sea is big enough to contain all the earth and stone," Yu Gong said.  So it was decided. His children started to dig the mountains, led by the old man Yu Gong.  A man named Zhi Sou saw them working and tried to stop them, saying, "You are so silly! You"re so old and weak that you can"t even take away the grass and trees. How can you move the high mountains?"  "You"re wrong," Yu Gong said with a sigh. "Look, my sons can continue my work after my death. When my sons die, my grandchildren will continue. So generations after generations, there"s no end. But the mountains can"t grow higher. Do you still say I can"t move them away?"  Later the Heaven God, upon learning of Yu Gong"s story, was GREatly moved. He then ordered another god to come down and take the two high mountains away.  the story tells us that so long as one is determined and sticks to it long enough, anything can be done, no matter how difficult it is.满意望采纳,谢谢!
2023-07-20 01:26:371


2023-07-20 01:26:454

杭州旅游景点介绍中英文 杭州旅游景点英语简介

西湖景点中英文介绍?美丽的杭州西湖位于浙江省杭州市西面,它以其秀丽湖光山色和众多名胜古迹闻名中外,在我国30多处以“西湖”命名的湖泊中,最为著名,被誉为人间天堂。 杭州西湖风景区以西湖为中心,分别为湖滨区、湖心区、北山区、南山区和钱塘区,总面积达49平方千米。杭州西湖三面环山,景区由一山(孤山),两堤(苏提、白堤),三岛(阮公墩、湖心亭、小瀛洲),五湖(外西湖,北里湖,西里湖、岳湖和南湖),十景(曲院风荷、平湖秋月、断桥残雪、柳浪闻莺、雷峰西照、南屏晚钟、花港观鱼、苏堤春晓、双峰插云)构成。Is located in the beautiful West Lake in Hangzhou, Hangzhou, Zhejiang Province, the west, which with its beautiful lakes and mountains and many famous monuments in the country punishable by more than 30 "West Lake" as the name of the lake, the most famous, known as a paradise on earth. ???? Hangzhou West Lake Scenic Area to the West Lake as the center, respectively, lake area, lake area, northern mountains, Nanshan District, and Qiantang zones with a total area of 49 square kilometers. ???? Hangzhou West Lake surrounded by the mountain, scenic areas from the mountain (Gushan), two embankment (Sautet, Shiratsutsumi), Mishima (Yiian pier, pavilion, small Ying Chow), five lakes (outside the West Lake, North Village Lake, Xili Lake , Yue Lake and South Lake), Shi Jing (Quyuanfenghe, Red Beans Love, broken bridge and snow, Liulangwenying, leifeng Xi Zhao, Nanping Evening Bell, Huagangguanyu, Sudi Chunxiao, Two Peaks Piercing the Clouds) constitute .本人绍介一下本人比较熟悉的景点,柳浪闻莺、三潭印月、西泠印社、孤山和平湖秋月.北山区的黄龙洞、紫云洞、岳坟、玉泉、灵隐寺南山、钱塘区的玉皇山、虎跑、六和塔、九溪、龙井、烟霞三洞等景点。 柳浪闻莺 位于西湖东南岸,这里原为南宋御花园“聚景园”。沿湖广植扬柳,每当烟花三月,如烟似雾的柳丝随风摇曳,宛如碧浪翻空,在那望不尽的柳荫深处,时而传来呖呖的莺啼声,清脆悦耳十分动人,“柳浪闻莺”即源于此。三潭映月 又名小瀛洲,是外西湖中最大的一个岛屿,小瀛洲湖中有湖,岛中有岛,岛间桥栏相接 ,亭轩台榭点缀其间,水中金鱼嬉游,岸上金桂婆娑,柳暗花明风景诱人。湖面上有三座石塔,原建于宋,重建于明。塔高约2米,塔基为扁原形石座,塔身为球形,中空,四周环有五个小圆孔,塔顶作葫芦形。每至中秋月夜,放明烛于塔内,洞口蒙以薄纸,灯光外透宛如15个月亮,月光、灯光、湖光交相辉映,塔影、月影、云影融成一片,十分迷人。西泠印社 位于孤山西部之巅,创办于清光绪三十年(1904年),是我国最早研究金石篆刻的一个学术团体。它在保存金石、研究印学,开展篆刻创作等方面都作出了有益的贡献。社址倚山而建,园林布局小巧玲珑,白墙素影,淡雅高洁,步道铺砌块石,廊架缠绕藤萝,花影遍地,环境幽美,为孤山园林的精华所在。山间有竹阁,柏亭、四照堂、华严经石塔、汉三老石室等古迹。Shao Jie, I look I am more familiar attractions, Liulangwenying, Santanyinyue, Xiling Seal Society, Solitary Hill, and Red Beans Love. Northern mountain Huanglong Cave, Ziyun hole, Yue grave, Yuquan, Lingyin Nanshan, Qiantang area Yuhuang Hill, Dreaming of the Tiger, Pagoda of Six Harmonies, Jiuxi, Longjing, haze three holes and other attractions. Liulangwenying is located in the south bank of West Lake East, where formerly the Southern Song Dynasty Imperial Garden "Poly Landscape Architecture." Riparian planting Yang Liu, whenever the fireworks in March, the wind smoke Si Wu"s Stir gently, just like Persil Wheeling, in that endless liuyin look deep, sometimes splitting the Yingti heard cracking sound, crisp sweet and touching, "Liulangwenying" that stems from this. ???? Santan Serenade, also known as small-Ying Chow, the outer West Lake, the largest of an island, small Ying Chow lake there is a lake, island there are islands, island-phase inter-Qiao Lan, Ting Tai Xie Xuan dotted the water goldfish frolic , shore Kim whirling and suddenly attractive scenery. Lake, there are three stone pagodas, originally built in the Song, the re-built in the Ming. Tower about 2 meters, Taki prototype for the flat stone base, the tower is spherical, hollow, surrounded by ring of five small hole, to make gourd-shaped tower. Each to the Mid Autumn Festival, put on the tower Ming Zhu, Meng hole tissue, light penetration is like 15 outside the moon, moonlight, lighting, lake off each other, Ta Ying, Moon Shadow, cloud shadow and blend into a very charming. ???? Xiling Seal Society is located in the western summit of Gushan, founded the Qing dynasty, thirty years (1904), is the first study of China"s stone carving of an academic community. It preserved inscriptions, research Indian science, to carry out such aspects as creativity Seal made a useful contribution. She Zhi earn built, garden layout small and exquisite, white walls Su Ying, elegant Gao Jie, trails shop block stone, gallery frame winding vines, shadows of flowers everywhere, the environment beautiful, for Gushan garden in its essence. Mountain Bamboo Court, Po-ting, 4 Chao-tang, Sutra stone pagodas, old Mr. Han stone chamber and other monuments.杭州的旅游景点(英语表示)West Lake (Chinese: 西湖; Pinyin: Xī Hú) is a famous fresh water lake located in central Hangzhou, in Zhejiang province of eastern China. The lake is divided by three causeways called su di (苏堤) , bai di (白堤), and yanggong di (杨公堤). Note: There are 800 West Lakes in China (according to the Lonely Planet). However, the term "West Lake" or "Xi Hu" is generally used to refer to the one in Hangzhou. The Ten major attractions of West Lake, each marked by a stela with the name written in the calligraphy of the Emperor Qianlong Emperor, are: Spring Dawn on the Su Causeway (苏堤春晓) Listining Orioles Singing in the Willows (柳浪闻莺) View Fish in the Flower Harbour (花港观鱼) Lotus in the Breeze at the Winding Courtyard (曲苑风荷) Evening Bells at the Nanping Mountain (南屏晚钟) Autumn Moon over a Calm Lake (平湖秋月) Evening Sunshine over Leifeng Pagoda (雷峰夕照) Three Pools Mirroring the Moon (三潭印月) Melting Snow on Broken Bridge (断桥残雪) Twin Peaks Piercing the Clouds (双峰插云) - The "Jungfrau of West Lake" The West Lake is said to be the incarnation of Xi Shi, one of the Four Beauties of ancient China. Hence, since ancient times, the West Lake was associated with a large number of romatic poets, profound philosophers, national heros and heroins. Eastern Jin Dynasty philosopher Ge Hong practiced Taoism in the Ge Mountain, and wrote his great philosophical work: Bao Pu Zhi (抱朴子). Tang Dynasty poet Luo Binwang reclused in Lingyin Temple Tang Dynasty poet-governor Bai Juyi built the first causeway, which the Bai Causeway. Song Dynasty poet-governor Su Dongpo, dredged the lake and built up the Su Causeway, made it into another beautiful landmark of West Lake. He also invented a special recipe for preparing pork: the Dongpo Pork. Dongpo Pork is on the menu of every restaurant in Hangzhou Song Dynasty national hero Yue Fei was buried near the West Lake Lotus in the Breeze at the Winding CourtyardThe great Ming Dynasty essayist Zhang Dai, wrote a number great essays about the West Lake in Reminiscence and Dream of Tao"an (陶庵梦忆), and a whole book: Search for West Lake in Dreams (西湖梦寻).杭州著名景点如何用英文表达西湖十景 Ten Views of the West Lake 断桥残雪 Melting Snow at Broken Bridge 平湖秋月 Autumn Moon over the Calm Lake 曲院风荷 Lotus in the Breeze at Crooked Courtyard 双峰插云 Twin peaks piercing Clouds 苏堤春晓 Spring Dawn at Su Causeway 三潭印月 Three pools mirroring the moon 花港观鱼 Viewing Fish at flower harbor 南屏晚钟 Evening bell at Nanping hill 雷峰夕照 Sunset glow at Leifeng pagoda 柳浪闻莺Orioles singing in the willows 新西湖十景 Ten New Views of the West Lake 宝石流霞 Precious stone hill floating in rosy clouds 黄龙吐翠Yellow Dragon cave dressed in green 满垅桂雨Sweet osmanthus rain at Mannjuelong 虎跑梦泉 Dream of the tiger spring 九溪烟树 Nine creeks in misty forest 龙井问茶 Enjoying tea at dragon well 云栖竹径 Bamboo-lined path at Yunqi 玉皇飞云 Flying clouds over jade Emperor hill 吴山天风 Sky wind over Wu Hill 阮墩环碧 Ruan Gong islet submerged in greenery 孤山 Solitary hill 楼外楼 LOU wailou restaurant 西泠印社Xiling Seal-Engravers" Society 西泠桥和苏小小墓 Xiling bridge and Su xiaoxiao tomb 岳飞庙和墓 Yue Fei"s temple and his tomb 杭州花圃 Hangzhou flower nursery 杭州植物园 Hangzhou botanical garden 玉泉Jade spring 灵峰探梅 Visiting Lingfeng for plum bolssoms 灵隐寺 Lingyin Temple 杨公堤 Yang Gong causeway 郭庄 Guo"s villa 涌金池 YOngjin pool 钱王祠 King Qian"s temple 长桥 Long bridge 六和塔 Six harmonies pagoda( Liuhe pagoda) bore-watching 看潮、Qiantang Tide 钱塘潮 Dragon Well tea 龙井茶 Tea-picking 采茶 Tea House 茶 Hangzhou dishes 杭帮菜 Silk city 丝绸城 Hu Xueyan"s Former Residence 胡雪岩故居 The Street of clothes for women in Wulin Road 武林路女装街 Yellow Dragon Sports Center 黄龙体育中心杭州及其杭州景点的中英文对照的介绍杭州拥有两个国家级风景名胜区—西湖风景名胜区、“两江一湖”(富春江—新安江—千岛湖)风景名胜区;两个国家级自然保护区—天目山、清凉峰自然保护区;五个国家森林公园—千岛湖、大奇山、午潮山、富春江和青山湖森林公园;一个国家级旅游度假区—之江国家旅游度假区;全国首个国家级湿地—西溪国家湿地公园。杭州还有全国重点文物保护单位14个、国家级博物馆5个。全市拥有年接待1万人次以上的各类旅游景区、景点120余处。 西湖景区位于浙江省杭州市西面,它以其秀丽的湖光山色和众多的名胜古迹而闻名中外,是我国著名的旅游胜地,也被誉为人间天堂。西湖的水面面积约5.66平方公里(包括湖中岛屿为6.3平方公里),湖岸周长15公里。水的平均深度在1.5米左右,最深处在 2.8米左右,最浅处不到1米。湖南北长3.3公里,东西宽2.8公里。苏堤和白提将湖面分成里湖、外湖、岳湖、西里湖和小南湖五个部分。1982年西湖被确定为国家风景名胜区,1985年被选为“全国十大风景名胜”。 杭州西湖风景区以西湖为中心,分为湖滨区、湖心区、北山区、南山区和钱塘区,总面积达49平方公里。西湖的美在于晴中见潋滟,雨中显空蒙。无论雨雪晴阴,在落霞、烟雾下都能成景;在春花,秋月,夏荷,冬雪中各具美 态。湖区以苏堤和白堤的优美风光见称。 西湖,是一首诗,一幅天然图画,一个美丽动人的故事,不论是多年居住在这里的人还是匆匆而过的旅人,无不为这天下无双的美景所倾倒。阳春三月,莺飞草长。苏白两堤,桃柳夹岸。两边是水波潋滟,游船点点,远处是山色空蒙,青黛含翠。此时走在堤上,你会被眼前的景色所折服,甚至心醉神驰,怀疑自己是否进入了世外仙境。 而西湖的美景不仅春天独有,夏日里接天莲碧的荷花,秋夜中浸透月光的三潭,冬雪后疏影横斜的红梅,更有那烟柳笼纱中的莺啼,细雨迷蒙中的楼台------无论你在何时来,都会领略到不同寻常的风采。 西湖多数水域处于富营养状态,小南湖和三潭内湖已接近富营养下限,主要污染物是生活污染,N、P超过正常值4~6倍;年平均水温17.6℃,最高10月28.6℃,最低3月4.0℃,无湖冰;80年代初鱼类有51种,分属10目16科43属,鱼类来源有:(1)固有野杂鱼;(2)钱塘江带入鱼类,(3)人工引进驯化的养殖鱼种,养殖鱼类成为优势西湖最主要的放养鱼种是鲢和鳙,两者占总放养量的75%~80%;其次是鲫、河内鲫,其他养殖鱼类还有团头鲂、细鳞鲴、圆吻鲴、以及鳗鲡等,为保护大型水生植物,停止放养草鱼和青鱼,西湖还有少量蝌蚪。 西湖的名称最早始于唐朝,在唐朝之前西湖有武林水,名圣湖,金牛湖,龙川,钱源,钱塘湖,上湖,西子湖等称谓。形态为近于等轴的多边形,湖面被孤山及苏堤、白堤两条人工堤分割为5个子湖区,子湖区间由桥孔连通,各部分的湖水不能充分掺混,造成各湖区水质差异,大部分径流补给先进入西侧3个子湖区,再进入外西湖;湖水总面积5.593km2,总容积1.10亿立方米,平均水深1.97米;西湖底质是一种有机质含量特别高的湖沼相沉积,属于粉砂质粘土或粉砂质亚粘土,最上层皆为藻骸腐泥层(黑色有机质粘土),中层泥炭层或沼泽土,最下层为基底粉砂层;入湖河流部是短小的溪涧,主要补水河流为金沙涧、龙泓涧和长桥溪,泄流 西湖的美不仅在湖,也在于山。环绕西湖,西南有龙井山、理安山、南高峰、烟霞岭,大慈山、临石山、南屏山、凤凰山、吴山等,总称南山。北面有灵隐山、北高峰、仙姑山、栖霞岭、宝石山等,总称北山。它们像众心拱月一样,捧出西湖这颗明珠。山的高度都不超过400米,但峰奇石秀,林泉幽美。南北高峰遥相对峙,高插云霄。 西湖十景形成于南宋时期,基本围绕西湖分布,有的就位于湖上:苏堤春晓、曲苑风荷、平湖秋月、断桥残雪、柳浪闻莺、花港观鱼、雷峰夕照、双峰插云、南屏晚钟、三潭印月,西湖十景各擅其胜,组合在一起又能代表古代西湖胜景精华,所以无论杭州本地人还是外地山水客都津津乐道,先游为快。 Hangzhou, the captial of Zhejiang, is one of the old imperial Cities in China; the others are Xi"an, Luoyang, Kaifeng, Nanjing and Beijing. Marco Polo called Hangzhou the most distinguished and beautiful city in the world. The widely--traveled Venetian was fascinated with the spleendor of the huge edifices, th
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