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2023-07-20 08:33:17



n.卖身投靠的人; 出卖贞操的人

vt.使卖身; 出卖(名誉等); 滥用(能力等);





2023-07-20 00:58:141


2023-07-20 00:58:244


The salesman is a typical die of modern tragedy. It is revealed that the United States of some social ills, smashing success ", "everyone can the myth. Willy lothrop is the tragic character. The tragedy of his dead wrong values around, cannot face reality. His life is in the wrong in the dream, and dreams of a mistake to die. Willy represents his class, so he"s tragedy is a group of holding the tragedy of dream of success. As the name suggests, he Lowman, he belongs to lower the society. Willy: nothing at all, the salesman wages, only bring commissions. They sell is something, he believes, if has the charm, pleasing the gate is open towards him. He put his life in such dreams above the building. He to David singh mann admiring, because David sell very successful. He needn"t leave the hotel, a telephone can clinch a deal, 84 when he died, there are so many buyers with his funeral behavior. Because he always living in their own imagination, in a world of fantasy as the reality, so often boast. He ignored his marketing unwelcome facts, boast about themselves in New England, said his how important how high he sales that sank into their lies. At an early age, his brother this advised him to go to Alaska is rich, but his wife, Linda said, "do you not at warner work well? Hope to become shareholders." He missed the opportunity, even first ask the boss to persuade him Linda in his city, he also can refuse to hire, because "he is very important in New England," but the reality is, the boss gave him the chop. Treat eldest biff he desperately instill "likable, attractive can succeed" thought, to make biff long-term cannot correctly understand oneself, he still palliative biff theft, caused the tragedy of another generation. Willy blindness made him jealous of success, neighbor Charley refused to offer him Charlie"s career. He forced biff believes his charm will make old boss gave him borrow money. Finally, when biff ShengLeiJuXia to help his face reality, he finally biff for accepting his point of view, he decided to commit suicide, need to have some money to him. However, Willie"s tragedy is not entirely due to its character, the weakness of American society is part of itself. Willy finally found himself as he installment buying things, you pay the money, then used or bad things. He paid the last house, while he had to go to the tomb. In American society, people are old elephant was ate meat, orange, skin is thrown away. However, his two sons of sacrifice, is not worthy of his doing it. The second important biff is character, he is the victim of philosophy, Willie because willy long thin and thick always young compared with Cardiff love the father, and biff as idols. Willy: biff for coach like that, even to steal something is no problem, then to display gallantry brother, urged biff brothers to steal wood. Biff so to behave in accordance with his father"s values, until flunked math, to find his father for help, found in Boston, the father"s privacy completely changed to his father. Because his father told him how important he constantly, so that he can"t listens to the people, and have steal habit for many years, I not only, still have nothing in prison. He tried to help her father losing face and fantasy, both is mediocrity, can start, but will not succeed. But when the play, he finally came. If, mueller on dramatis personae still hope, then hope is in biff. His father is a son of neglect. In the home, biff always pinned him down. Hubby grew up a drifter, also very selfish, but the insane father threw in restaurants, and prostitutes. But the first victims of philosophy is Willie, sadly, until he still believes his play will be successful. Linda is a wife, but she did not image help willy back to reality, on the contrary make Willie in their imagination and blindness in deeper. The death of her willy is responsible, but he seems to be mueller spokesperson, shouted out of many people, must pay attention ", "the old man is not to like orange peel is like. Ben and Charlie is to prove willy philosophy and the fallacy of the characters. This represents full of adventure and cruel competition. 17 years old, he entered the jungles of Africa 21 walked out became millionaires. He succeeded. His philosophy is "and" not fight strangers. Charley a realist, he does not believe in a personal charm. He"s saying: "J P Morgan clothes off like a butcher, but he bring his pouch, he very likable." Because of his practical spirit, he also received in American society has limited success. He and his father and son Bernard Willie completely opposite. This also USES the symbolism, such as the symbol of human society; the jungle The wife of filar dark demonstration of guilt, Forest fires symbol willy feel life pressure to bear, Pay the mortgage house symbol in American society of values, Willy suicide in the sun before midnight on insufficient backyard vegetables says he will give family despair to leave a little; And the curtain and curtain when the flute, the symbolic willy that cannot achieve the dream. Symbolic tactics consciousness in novels like the application. In the design of the house, the scenery wall is transparent, realistic character and late characters, past plots and practical circumstances appear alternately, also like stream-of-consciousness, just past performance and late plot, characters, and wear wall, and ignore the indoor environment of reality from the door. Past performance, the lights dimmed, the character of the age difference, dress show behavior shows era.
2023-07-20 00:58:321


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2023-07-20 00:58:574


2023-07-20 00:59:502


帕布鲁棕色毕卡索在马拉加,西班牙出生, 对艺术家和老师 Jose Ruiz Blasco, 和他的妻子玛丽亚毕卡索。一十年之后, 年轻的帕布鲁棕色被学习的毕卡索如何对来自他的父亲的油漆, 有是在拉科鲁纳的 Da Guarda 艺术学校指定了老师。 稍后, 当他的父亲是指定了老师到巴赛隆纳的 La Lonja 学院, 和仅仅一年之后,帕布鲁棕色在是自我承认的到学院的图画班级之后有显示巨大的资质。 帕布鲁棕色毕卡索 n 到法国旅行了哪里他发现了工作主人艺术家土鲁斯 Lautrec, 也许它用女性形式是 Lautrec 的魔力, 和和处于对油漆 Les Demoiselles d"Avignon 影响了毕卡索的个别项目的街道徒步者", 带来的块他的第一大的休息。 1900 到 1907, 锯子毕卡索蓝色的和萝丝期数, 和它在这一个时间范围里面是艺术家被社会的渣滓令人入神了, 他焦点会在画上妓女,贫穷者,不幸者描绘吗, 和街道淘气鬼。 他正在工作非常难的在这次期间, 举例说明杂志, 而且显示他的工作在 galleris, 像是 Berthe Weill 中, 在巴黎。 它也然后是他遇见了纪尧姆 Apollinaire, 狮子座和格特鲁德史坦, 和 Henri Matisse,他[她] 将成为毕卡索的久时间朋友。 在之后不久, 毕卡索开始了立体派艺术家和人的运动艺术家乔治 Braque 和琼 Miro。 立体派是最好地定义了同样地那精确的再现图像当做见到从不同的同时地的角度。制造了毕卡索的立体派艺术家画的人类是数量情绪他会维持在那里面多有小面的身材。 帕布鲁棕色毕卡索从 Fernande Olivier, 和伊娃 Gouel 到奥尔加 Koklova 有了他的生活的多数女人俄国人芭蕾舞女 , 他有谁在同时间左右见面了 , 他遇见了作曲家 Igor Stravinsky。 奥尔加生下了一个儿子 , 保罗;但是帕布鲁棕色然后不久留下了她, 而且父亲了一个女儿, Maia,藉由玛莉-Th 的 é rese 沃尔特, 他[她] 也已经是他的模型, 而且现在是他的沉思和情妇。 玛莉-Th 的 é r è se 也是他的儿子克劳德的母亲, 和他的女儿 Paloma。 毕卡索的生活的其他的重要女人包括他在 80 的时候娶了的 Dora Maar , Francoise Gilot,杰奎琳 Rocque 。 毕卡索的最少引起爱情的特色之一是他的女人的治疗。也许生活的结果-对于一个灵魂配偶渴望搜寻, 和他的错觉在从不能够对发现一位真实的朋友。 毕卡索他自己是引述如叙述: "我有没有了真实的朋友 , 只有爱人 ."
2023-07-20 01:00:001


白相的解释(1) [play] 〈方〉∶游玩;玩耍 我们白相了多年 (2) [visit prostitutes]∶ * ; 玩弄 女人 详细解释 方言。游玩;戏耍。 况周颐 《蕙风词话》 卷一:“‘薄相",犹言 游戏 , 吴 闾里语曰‘白相"。‘白"盖‘薄"之声转。” 夏丐尊 叶圣陶 《文心》 十七 :“‘白相"是 苏州 人的用语,如果写入 广东 话或 北平 话中, 即使 意思不错,就不相入了。” 茅盾 《搬的喜剧》 :“搬场?又要搬场?真好白相哉,才搬来了四个月,又要搬场?” 词语分解 白的解释 白 á 雪花或乳汁那样的 颜色 :白色。白米。 明亮 : 白昼 。 白日 做梦。 清楚 : 明白 。不白之冤。 纯洁 : 一生 清白 。白璧 无瑕 。 空的,没有加上其它 东西 的:空白。白卷。 没有成就的,没有 效果 的:白忙。白说。 没 相的解释 相 ā 交互 ,行为动作由双方来:互相。相等。相同。 相识 。相传(俷 )。相符。相继。相间(刵 )。 相形见绌 。相得益彰( 两者 互相 配合 ,更加显出双方的长处)。 动作由一方来而有 一定 对象 的: 相信 。相烦。相问。
2023-07-20 01:00:071

be forbidden 后面怎么用

be forbidden后面加动词ing形式
2023-07-20 01:00:265

line of work 的用法。。具体解析一下,因为要上课讲给大家,所以请大家帮帮忙。。。

1. How do you get start in that line of work? 你是怎么开始干那一行的?2. Chemistry is his line of work. 化学是他感兴趣的领域。3. To choose such a line of work is to invite ridicule. 选择从事这个行业会惹人嘲笑。4. What line of work are you in? 或者您从事哪个行业呢?5. what"s your line of work? 你是干哪一行的?6. Flora: Nah! There"s no future in that line of work. 不会!那一行工作没有前途。7. "Madam, in my line of work, a man must take his time. “夫人,这种事情急不得。我的工作原则是,男人应该懂得付出时间。8. Maybe she"ll consider changing to another line of work. 也许她会考虑换个行业干干。9. But could you please tell me what line of work do you do? 你可太谦虚了,你能告诉我你是做什么工作的么?10. In my line of work , one must continually hone one"s senses." 这一行要求人总得训练自己的感受。”11. Even older prostitutes can still be successful in this line of work. 甚至年老色衰的妓女仍能够在这种行当讨得一杯羹。12. God will pardon me , that"s his line of work. ——Heinrich Heine, German poet 上帝会原谅我的,这是他的职业。——德国诗人海涅H.13. We may also discover a new interest that will bring pleasure to our lives or lead to a new line of work. 我们也可能发现新的爱好,为生活增添乐趣,或使自己从事新的行业。14. This job isn"t for the faint of heart -- anyone who is prone to getting queasy or emotional won"t succeed in this line of work. 这份工作不适合胆小的人,任何晕血或情绪化的人都不能胜任这一行业。15. I sometimes fear that because I work in so many different areas, each line of work is more superficial than it otherwise would be. 有时我常担虑,在这么多的领域进行研究,会不会在每一行的工作会做得浅薄不够细致而不如它本该的那么深入。16. Thus, graduates of university dance departments have no place to turn, most of them being obliged to switch to another line of work. 舞蹈科系毕业生无处可去,大多改行。这是教育资源很大的浪费。17. Still, if the pace of your job consistently makes you miserable, you might look into a line of work better sutied to your own style. 还有,如果你的工作节奏一直让你觉得很难受,你可以探求一种更适合你自身方式的工作。18. South Korean gangsters* get more satisfaction from their line of work than the police, according to a survey published last Tuesday. 一项于上周二公布的调查表明,韩国犯罪分子的"工作满意度"要比警察高。19. "I hope to do my best I can be at my job and because many in this line of work are promoted to area manager, I am pla ing on that also. 可以这样回答:"我希望能在我的职位上尽力做好工作,由于在同一领域工作的许多人都被提为区域负责人,所以我亦有此打算。"20. I hope to do my best I can be at my job and because many in this line of work are promoted to area manager, I am planning on that also. 可以这样回答:"我希望能在我的职位上尽力做好工作,由于在同一领域工作的许多人都被提为区域负责人,所以我亦有此打算。21. When I was a child to find 50p was amazing!This line of work is great because you can make soem money but you have to work hard for it. 当我还是个孩子的时候,我真的觉得捡到50便士是一件很棒的事情!现在这个工作也很棒,因为你可以挣很多钱,但你得努力工作才能挣到。22. "I hope to be the best I can be at my job and because many in this line of work are promoted to area manager, I am planning on that also. 如可答。"我盼望能在我的职位上努力做好工作,由于在同一领域工作的许多人都被提为区域负责人,所以我亦有此打算。"23. "I hope to be the best I can be at my job and because many in this line of work are promoted to area manager, I am planning on that also. 如可答:"我希望能在我的职位上尽力做得最好,由于在同一领域工作的许多人都被提为区域负责人,所以我亦有此打算。"24. I"m hungry. Not happy, because in this line of work the only thing that makes you happy is winning. But I do work more fullheartedly now. 我渴望.不是开心,这种工作是只有胜利才会让人开心的.但我目前的确更加全心投入了.25. As expected with her line of work, some of the votes from Jiang inevitably came from the reporters she meets frequently in press conferences. 正如所料,姜瑜的很多选票无疑是来自于她在记者招待会时见到的那些记者们。26. Of course, these very students are often the ones who say they love to write and that excitement is the ideal reason for choosing any line of work. 当然正是这些学生众口一词地说他们打心眼里热爱写作,而这种激情对于选择任何职业都是无懈可击的理由。27. If you can"t cope with harsh criticism, perhaps you should find a less demanding line of work, such as making lucrative speeches to friendly audiences. 你要是无法面对严厉的批评,那也许你应该找点其他事情做,要求不那么高的,比如去发表演说,听众必须选支持你的听众,还能赚个盆满钵满。28. Some use them to keep a close watch on the demand for their line of work or gather information on compensation to arm themselves when negotiating for a raise. 有些人利用它们(搜索代理)密切关注本行业的需求,或搜集有关补偿信息,为增薪谈判作好准备。29. Some use them to keep a close watch on the demand for their line of work or gather information on compensation to arm themselves when negotiating for a raise. 参考译文:有的人用它来密切注意自己从事的行业的需求情况,或者搜集薪酬待遇地方的资讯以便规定涨工资时有备无患。30. ” But as Mr Bush noted last week, people often say unfortunate things during campaigns, and “if you hold grudges in this line of work, you"re never going to get anything done. 但是正如布什上周所说,人们在选举时总是说些不好听的,“如果工作中不忘前嫌,什么事都做不成。”
2023-07-20 01:00:571


prostitute妓女双语对照词典结果:prostitute[英][u02c8pru0252stu026atju:t][美][u02c8prɑ:stu0259tu:t]n.卖淫者,妓女; 男妓; 卖身投靠的人; 出卖贞操的人; vt.使卖淫,卖身; 出卖(名誉等); 滥用(能力等); 卖淫,卖身; adj.卖淫的,堕落的; 第三人称单数:prostitutes过去分词:prostituted复数:prostitutes现在进行时:prostituting过去式:prostituted以上结果来自金山词霸例句:1.Another time, I interviewed a young homeless prostitute. 还有一次,我采访了一位无家可归的年轻妓女。-----------------------------------如有疑问欢迎追问!满意请点击右上方【选为满意回答】按钮
2023-07-20 01:01:181


英["prostitju:t] 美["prastetut]vt.使沦为妓女adj.卖淫的,堕落的n.妓女过去式prostituted过去分词prostituted现在分词prostituting
2023-07-20 01:01:322


英["pru0252stu026atju:t] 美[u02c8prɑstu026au02cctut, -u02cctjut] .n. 卖淫者,妓女;男妓;卖身投靠的人;出卖贞操的人 vt. 使卖淫,卖身;出卖(名誉等);滥用(能力等);卖淫,卖身 adj. 卖淫的,堕落的 [例句]Another time , I interviewed a young homeless prostitute.还有一次,我采访了一位无家可归的年轻妓女。
2023-07-20 01:01:392


prostitutevt. 使沦为妓女adj. 卖淫的;堕落的n. 妓女
2023-07-20 01:01:472

a male prostitute是什么意思

a male prostitute一个男妓prostitute[英][u02c8pru0252stu026atju:t][美][u02c8prɑ:stu0259tu:t]n.卖淫者,妓女; 男妓; 卖身投靠的人; 出卖贞操的人; vt.使卖淫,卖身; 出卖(名誉等); 滥用(能力等); 卖淫,卖身; adj.卖淫的,堕落的; 第三人称单数:prostitutes过去分词:prostituted复数:prostitutes现在进行时:prostituting过去式:prostituted例句:1.Another time, I interviewed a young homeless prostitute. 还有一次,我采访了一位无家可归的年轻妓女。2.He is also not entirely unwilling to prostitute himself; holden projects subtleweakness and self-loathing into the role. 他也不是一点也不情愿出卖他自己;霍尔顿将软弱和自我憎恨巧妙地表现在角色身上
2023-07-20 01:02:221


招妓 Hire prostitutes 英 [u02c8pru0254stu026au02cctu:t, -u02cctju:t] 美 [u02c8prɑstu026au02cctut, -u02cctjut] n. 卖淫者,妓女; 男妓; 卖身投靠的人; 出卖贞操的人; vt. 使卖淫,卖身; 出卖(名誉等); 滥用(能力等); 卖淫,卖身; adj. 卖淫的,堕落的;
2023-07-20 01:02:291


male==男性prostitutes==从事性工作者male prostitutes==男妓==男公关==鸭子
2023-07-20 01:02:391


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2023-07-20 01:03:121


Deceives chan chan ╂ vast Bian Huanchan treasure ㄦ brook ㄤ ㄩ Chang Juanwei the cen brook to honor wei the silk ribbon to teach huan soaks brook Jian ф the ping ㄥ sea ︿to fear the ㄧ peaceful partner brook prostitutes to save Huai wei huan to fry manuscript ㄦ Huai wei ユ ning ㄨ to abstain brook the jade-like stone ╂ to flush Kang Ziх picture jade-like stone ╃ Bian changes black mistress Rainie Love deceives chan ping the Huai brook prostitutes to save Huai shang н ba e to carry on the arm ㄥ changes jade-like stone board ning ㄨ abstains brook ㄧ to debate crepes fen abstains the village happyBlack the pickaxe handsome contaminates lifts up ╄ jade tablet orange-red brook the peak wind to dry the vast domain to deceive ping fries the trickle chui ㄦ Huai seal silk ribbon vast domain to lift up teaches the jade-like stone ╃ to distinguish chan distinguishes the silk ribbon to teach huan soaks brook Jian ф the ping ㄥ sea ︿to fear the ㄧ peaceful partner brook prostitutes to save Huai wei huan to fry manuscript ㄦ Huai wei ユ ning ㄨ to abstain brook the jade-like stone ╂ to flush Kang Ziх picture jade-like stone ╃ Bian changes insufficiently vast black mistress Rainie Love deceives chan ping the Huai brook prostitutes to save Huai shang н ba e to carry on the arm ㄥ changes a jade-like stoneBoard ning ㄨ abstains brook ㄧ to debate crepes fen abstains village happy black the pickaxe handsome to contaminate lifts up ╄ jade tablet orange-red brook ba e to carry on the arm ㄥ changes vast jade-like stone board ning ㄨ abstains brook ㄧ to debate crepes fen abstains village happy black the pickaxe handsome to contaminate vast lifts up ╄ jade tablet orange-red brook
2023-07-20 01:03:221

outreach programs是什么意思

  outreach programs的中文翻译  outreach programs  推广计划  双语例句  1  Three neighbourhood immigrant outreach programs and the Newcomer Youth and Family Recreation/ Orientation Project are offered in Winnipeg.  温尼伯市推出了三个邻里移民宣传方案和新移民青年及家庭娱乐/指导项目。  2  AIDS outreach programs bring medical care, condoms and counselling to prostitutes on the streets.  爱滋病扩大防治计划给街上的妓女提供医疗护理、避孕套和咨询。
2023-07-20 01:03:291


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2023-07-20 01:04:207


Picassowas a Spanish painter, draughtsman, and sculptor. He is best known for co-founding the Cubist movement and for the wide variety of styles embodied in his work. Among his most famous works are the proto-Cubist Les Demoiselles d"Avignon and Guernica, his portrayal of the German bombing of Guernica during the Spanish Civil War.Picasso demonstrated uncanny artistic talent in his early years, painting in a realistic manner through his childhood and adolescence; during the first decade of the twentieth century his style changed as he experimented with different theories, techniques, and ideas. His revolutionary artistic accomplishments brought him universal renown and immense fortunes throughout his life, making him the best-known figure in twentieth century art.
2023-07-20 01:04:362


2023-07-20 01:04:431


1、不守时间就是没有道德。——蒙森 Don"t keep time is no morality。 2、好的习惯比法律还正确。——欧里庇得斯 Good habits than legal right。 3、道德是真理之花。——雨果 Morality is the flower of truth。 4、道德中的秘密就是爱。——雪莱 The biggest secret in moral is love。 5、由智慧养成的习惯成为第二天性。——培根 By the wisdom of habit becomes second nature。 6、富贵不傲物,贫贱不易行。——晏子 Wealth or title, not snobbery, not easy。 7、道德是自由的保卫者。——斯米茨 Morality is the defenders of freedom。 8、人应该装饰的是心灵,不是*。——高尔基 Should decorate is mind, not the body。 9、美德是智力的证明。——约翰生 Virtue is a proof of the highest intelligence。 10、道德衰亡,诚亡国灭种之根基。——章炳麟 Moral decay, honesty or foundations。 11、道德应当成为科学的指路明灯。——布夫勒 Morality should become the beacon to science。 12、道德的损害是良心的完全麻痹。——芥川龙之介 Moral damage is the conscience of complete paralysis。 13、法律是显露的道德,道德是隐藏的法律。——林肯 Moral law is revealed, morality is the hidden law。 14、美,是道德上的善的象征。——康德 The United States, is a symbol of moral goodness。 15、同情是一切道德中的美德。——培根 Compassion is the highest of all moral virtue。 16、意志来自道德感和自身利益这两个因素。——林肯 Will these two factors from morality and their own interests。 17、人类最不道德订户,是不诚实与懦弱。——高尔基 Human is the most immoral subscribers, dishonest and cowardice。 18、遵照道德准则生活就是幸福的生活。——亚里士多德 Comply with the code of ethics life is happiness of life。 19、如果道德败坏了,趣味也必然会堕落。——狄德罗 If the demoralization, interest also is bound to fall。 20、满口仁义道德,一肚子男盗女娼。——谚语 My mouth with virtue and morality, full behave like thieves and prostitutes。 21、人应当头脑清楚,道德纯洁,身体干净。——契诃夫 Clear man should mind and moral purity, the body clean。 22、人类的道德标准是什么?那就是爱国心。——拿破仑 What is the highest moral standards? It is patriotism。 23、对于道德的实践来说,的观众就是人们自己的良心。——西塞罗 The best audience for moral practice, is people"s own conscience。 24、道德是永存的,而财富每天在更换主人。——普卢塔克 Morality is eternal, and wealth in the replacement of master every day。 25、应该热心地致力于照道德行事,而不要空谈道德。——德谟克利特 According to moral act, should be fervently dedicated to don"t talk morals。 26、没有情感,道德就会变成枯燥无味的空话,只能培养出伪君子。——苏霍姆林斯基 No emotion, moral will become dull, can only produce a hypocrite。 27、最爱发牢骚的人就是没有能力反抗,不会或不愿工作的人。——高尔基 Favorite complainant is unable to resist, not or would not work。 28、劳动却是产生一切力量、一切道德和一切幸福的威力无比的源泉。——拉·乔乃尼奥里 Labor is all power, all moral and powerful source of happiness。 29、道德活动既受政府长官支配,又受良心的制约。——洛克 Moral activity is controlled by the government officers, and the restriction of the conscience。 30、劳动受人推崇。为社会服务是很受人赞赏的道德理想。——杜威 Labor respected。 For the social service moral ideal is to feel appreciated。 31、世上最奇妙的是我头上灿烂星空和内心的道德准则。——康德 The world"s most wonderful bright star is my head and inner moral principles。 32、美德对于每个人,都是善;不道德对于每个人,都是恶。——莎甫慈伯利 The virtue to everyone, it is good; Unethical for everyone, is evil。 33、问心的道德胜于问理的道德,所以情感的生活胜于理智的生活。——朱光潜 Have a moral than ask of moral, so emotional life than the life of reason。 34、我深信只有有道德的公民才能向自己的祖国致以可被接受的敬礼。——卢梭 I"m convinced that the only ethical citizens to their country with acceptable salute。 35、修养的花儿在寂静中开过去了,成功的果子便要在光明里结实。——冰心 Cultivation of flowers here in the silence of the past, the fruit of success is in strong light。 36、骄傲道德导致丰盈,然后导致贫困,最后导致声誉扫地。——富兰克林 Pride moral cause heavy full figure, then lead to poverty, and finally lead to discredit。 37、道德常常能填补智慧的缺陷,而智慧却望远填补不了道德的缺陷。——但丁 Moral can often fill the defect of wisdom, but wisdom is telescopic fill the defect of moral。 38、谁能从道德败坏的地方脱出来,还保持洁白,便是有了最伟大的功德。——显克微支 Who can come out from a moral, also keep the white, is that you have the greatest of qualities。 39、人要正直,因为在其中有雄辩和德行的秘诀,有道德的影响力。——阿米尔 In which people should be honest, because have eloquence and the secret of virtue, moral influence。 40、道德不是良心的可卑的机谋,而是斗争和艰难,激情和痛苦。——托马斯·曼 Morality is not conscience KeBei artifice, but the struggle and hardship, the passion and pain。
2023-07-20 01:04:501

Book Of Rhymes 歌词

歌曲名:Book Of Rhymes歌手:Nas专辑:God"S SonArtist: Nasir JonesAlbum: God"s SonSong: Book of RhymesAlchemist you know me manI"m the type of nigga that write rhymes right on the spot in the studiosoon as I hear the track; you know what I"m sayin?Word but I wanted to bring a couple of books to the studio todayMan I foundthese shits up in the crib man in boxes manI don"t even remember when I was writing these shitsor what"s in these shits man probably a bunch of bullshit manFuck it check itHow can I trust you when I can"t trust me?Picture myself a old man a O.G.Some niggas will conversate with liers all dayTime pass...(Nah lemme start somethin" else)Soul on ice death threats given by clownsI guess livin" is prison when you live around clownsI"m hexed cursed worse I been blessed firstI thought I was abnormal cause I would overcome any tasked called toSo there it is I"ma prince I"ma get slainSome do minor shit swear they on the top of they gameYa rhymin" is called "Vagina Monologue"It kinda supports theories of scary niggas who should lie in the morgueRarely y"all come in contact with the realSince Pun passed he was the last shine of sun I could feelYo said there"s a few left since music"s expressions of lifeDamn I wish I took more time to write in my book of rhymesOh shit Tina - I been lookin" for this bitch number damn.No this rhyme is weak..This is week I remember this bullshit right here(My Book of Rhymes)Gandhi was a... what the fu..?Gandhi was a fool, nigga fight to the deathThe US Army is a school that teach ya plights of conquest(I wonder when I wrote this. Nah it"s weak)The money"s ya religion sky the limit live lifeNumbers is big business makes the poor live trifeThe glimmers of hope provoke those without dollars to dreamThrough your existence become wealthy knowledge is kingPimps and card sharks thiefs murderers with hard luckAddicts and fiends prostitutes passin" for teens is my societyCops that shoot blacks is routine for noterietyGrow up watchin" well dressed niggas with charmsBeautiful ladies on their armsDangerous new cars was my fantasy for NasRubbin my lips with CampopheniqueStill behind the ears wet turned out to bePioneers vets amongst hustlers crack sellers and liers and squares...(Nah that was weak there)My people be projects or jail never Harvard or YalePardon me type in my 2way while I"m chargin" my cellIt"s hard to be iced up with Gucci god poverty"s realI can"t fight you cause you would sue me nigga
2023-07-20 01:05:091


2023-07-20 01:05:161


2023-07-20 01:05:241

cheap man是什么意思

cheap man 下贱的男人 贱男人 廉价的男子 廉价文短语Century cheap man 世纪便宜人 ; 世纪廉价文 ; 世纪贱男人 ; 世纪贱男You two cheap man 你们两个贱男人Cheap women bad man 贱女人坏男人 更多网络短语双语例句 权威例句1.You thieving, would be speaking German if it weren"t for us, cheap little man. 跟读中间那句的意思是不是:「你这个家伙自私自利,如果不是为了自已,连德文都可以说出口」?2.I resist perverted satyr and the one-night stand and insult women are prostitutes,cheap man. 4) I am a wonderful & sacred & the love goddess of infinite desire. 我是抗拒变态的色狼和一夜情和侮辱女人是妓女的贱男人。4)我是神奇&神圣&欲望无限的恋爱女神。
2023-07-20 01:05:462


2023-07-20 01:05:541

求2PAC dear lord 的歌词 谁有啊

是picture my pain里的remix?
2023-07-20 01:06:073


what is one plus one ?这个绝对新颖,有趣,也能悟!
2023-07-20 01:06:153


2023-07-20 01:06:264


【简.爱】Oliver Twist, one of the most famous works of Charles Dickens", is a novel reflecting the tragic fact of the life in Britain in 18th century. The author who himself was born in a poor family wrote this novel in his twenties with a view to reveal the ugly masks of those cruel criminals and to expose the horror and violence hidden underneath the narrow and dirty streets in London. The hero of this novel was Oliver Twist, an orphan, who was thrown into a world full of poverty and crime. He suffered enormous pain, such as hunger, thirst, beating and abuse. While reading the tragic experiences of the little Oliver, I was shocked by his sufferings. I felt for the poor boy, but at the same time I detested the evil Fagin and the brutal Bill. To my relief, as was written in all the best stories, the goodness eventually conquered devil and Oliver lived a happy life in the end. One of the plots that attracted me most is that after the theft, little Oliver was allowed to recover in the kind care of Mrs. Maylie and Rose and began a new life. He went for walks with them, or Rose read to him, and he worked hard at his lessons. He felt as if he had left behind forever the world of crime and hardship and poverty. How can such a little boy who had already suffered oppressive affliction remain pure in body and mind? The reason is the nature of goodness. I think it is the most important information implied in the novel by Dickens-he believed that goodness could conquer every difficulty. Although I don"t think goodness is omnipotent, yet I do believe that those who are kind-hearted live more happily than those who are evil-minded. For me, the nature of goodness is one of the most necessary character for a person. Goodness is to humans what water is to fish. He who is without goodness is an utterly worthless person. On the contrary, as the famous saying goes, ‘The fragrance always stays in the hand that gives the rose", he who is with goodness undoubtedly is a happy and useful person. People receiving his help are grateful to him and he also gets gratified from what he has done, and thus he can do good to both the people he has helped and himself. To my disappointment, nowadays some people seem to doubt the existence of the goodness in humanity. They look down on people"s honesty and kindness, thinking it foolish of people to be warm-hearted. As a result, they show no sympathy to those who are in trouble and seldom offer to help others. On the other hand, they attach importance to money and benefit. In their opinion, money is the only real object while emotions and morality are nihility. If they cannot get profit from showing their ‘kindness", they draw back when others are faced with trouble and even hit a man when he is down. They are one of the sorts that I really detest.【希望苍蓝已经帮上忙】【如果楼主要中文翻译 说一声就是了】
2023-07-20 01:06:551


2023-07-20 01:07:056

泰国人妖的简介 英文版的!急需 谢谢

Simon on the emergence of Thailand, there are many different versions. One of these is from India"s "eunuch" evolved. Indian eunuch history can be traced back to the sixteenth century Northern India during the early formation of Islam moghul country. During the long years of the crusade, the military in a number of Muslim leaders to collect a number of specialized "yin and yang of people" (congenital gender people) is responsible for serving them to stay at home. The purpose of this is naturally in order to prevent the "backyard situation changed." As a result of these yin and yang of the salaries were high, generally are dedicated to the master, together with their physiological defects, profound loneliness of the women"s apartment Court were unable to pose a threat and injury, most winners of Jane"s trust. Moghul Empire, the large number of yin and yang were the main people"s favor. Since then, the country"s rulers and other dignitaries, have gradually formed the habit of hiring people serving of yin and yang of the customs, and gradually expanded to the whole of India. However, congenital yin and yang, after all, very few people, even if a large amount of money, it will be difficult to recruit. Yin and yang to become popular market. Thus, the livelihood of many tough men saw the market, with very primitive means surgical residual lower part of the body, or simply remove the testicles, to join the ranks of yin and yang people. Tired on an annual, which will replace the yin and yang eunuch status, similar to China"s eunuch. Eunuch increase, far exceeding the demand. Thus, many seeking care less than job instead of the eunuch Gakugei school song and dance performed songs from mei means to curry favor with a living, so into the city to form a "circle eunuch." As a result of this eunuch great mobility, and slowly flowed Thailand, in Thailand this particular country where the proliferation of prosperity. There is also a statement from Thailand"s own history to explain this phenomenon. Thailand is a long spread of cultural country, Thailand, the women"s attitude towards sexual life differ with China. Thailand is a typical poor than being a prostitute laughter country, so any woman engaged in sex services, is generally not subject to much criticism, especially in Pattaya, Chiang Mai, Bangkok and other cities. The proliferation of pornography, homosexuality is the rapid increase in the possible consequences of homosexuality, it makes part of the feminization of men gradually towards the development of the plot on day deep Shemale breeding this particular product will be up. In Thailand, almost anywhere Shemale hit, only that you do not distinguish clear. Simon has some from her Adam"s apple, pores, respectively, the voices speak out, but some do not see Simon is any special, especially those to do a sex change operation or has been castrated, especially Simon. In Thailand, Simon is legally defined as male. which also happened to meet the "Simon" the name itself Shemale Art Troupe Shemale Thailand, mainly in Bangkok and Pattaya, and Pattaya in particular for. Pattaya is Thailand"s Huacheng, is a famous tourist destination, the city has two Shemale dancing Troupe. In addition to tours of its beautiful natural scenery, the more important is to watch programs with the highest standard of artistic performances Shemale. Theater is a able to accommodate six or seven hundred people in construction, are usually packed. The viewer are the countries of tourists. Here is often almost a full house. Some Europeans and Americans view the plane made a special trip Shemale performances, After reading immediately fly away. First performed, all the audience the eyes of each and every actor have to look at the eyes, from start to finish after careful evaluation, to try every means to find out from these artists Simon distinguishes A LITTLE. But we all very disappointed. Shemale in these artists, who not only can not find flaws, and can say "they" than the generally more perfect image of women. Typical waspish long legs, the standard measurements. Performing the process, "they" to "open" as the keynote of the carcass the temptation of considerable wealth to the stimulus. Shemale growth process Simon was growing up in Thailand, Shemale generally come from poor families of difficult it can be said that rich kids are willing to do almost no Simon. In Thailand, have specialized train Shemale schools. Generally from the child when the two three-year-old culture. Approach is based on the feminization of culture as the standard, women"s clothing, dress, female behavior, women-loving. At the same time, more important point is to eat female hormone drugs. The drug"s role is to inhibit the development of male genital mutilation, promoting women over the development of in vivo metabolism. Generally have ten years of medication period. Ten years later, men will gradually shrink the physical characteristics, such as the male penis, it would be short, small, and the skin will become better. Simon"s life Shemale metamorphosis is generally believed that many of the same sex, it is said to be looking at a few hundred baht to spend the night with Simon, and said that the European and American guests "love soul moving point." To Thailand, after careful about only aware of this situation is there, but not so widespread. According to a Chinese-Thai people say: in Thailand there is no lack of curiosity among the people, in order to ascertain the true identity of Simon does not hesitate to spend a few hundred baht, will be brought to Shemale hotel, so that Simon will be stripped of clothing and body naked, careful observation of their gender. A result, the waist is a man, but as the child"s general penis size. However, waist, buttocks also like women. It is said that Man has eyes on Europe, Simon, it is necessary to go back to Europe, and Simon to do a sex change operation, that is, the use of modern medical surgery, and so make artificial vagina. However, the company had been refused. It is said that company bosses out prices as high as tens of millions. As these actors Simon. Outstanding, has a monthly salary of 10,000 baht per month, bad only about 1000 yuan. And they need to perform a daily average of more than three games. Income to the troupe performed the boss, the boss is simply to them as a tool to become rich. Therefore, in order to survive, Simon will have to desperately to make money. However, apart from the way they make money other than pornography, but also have no choice, so Simon had to mess up a lot. For example, in red-light district, many brothel madams are willing to hire high-paid beautiful Shemale for soliciting prostitutes. Most people do not know, the misconception that they are female, such as Simon know when there is no way. Sometimes, Simon will also be a number of separate separate single passengers forced to walk into a brothel. As European and American tourists in homosexuals, is the best Shemale chase object, European and American customers are also willing to spend the night with Simon. Shemale in Thailand is being discriminated against. Although the legal requirement for them to men, but no one has ever treated them as men, only they are a group of objects. Them at an early age to accept the feminization of education and influence, so that character, have shown patterns of female characteristics. In primary schools during their psychological development on the emergence of serious imbalances. Discrimination in society so that they feel inferior and despair, often in order to find something to do while running around. In order to maintain the women"s skin and posture patterns, the need to disrupt the physiological function of all. This excess will have to have injections, medication, injection sex, including oral contraceptives, and so on endocrine disorders, resulting in feminization of the mentality of a Man, gradually emerging female characteristics. Such as breast uplift, not disappeared, the skin becomes tender, genital development, such as stop. Such an outcome, so that a serious physical and psychological devastation, so Simon"s life are generally not long, around the age of forty for the normal age when he died. Only a very small number have been falling in love with Man deep and expensive to spend money to do a sex change operation of Simon, after a medical examination and be certified before they can make them into real women. However, in Thailand, a sex change operation of the medical costs were prohibitively high, the vast majority of Simon, that elusive thing, pistachio unaware of this life, is not a portrayal of a significant part of Simon. Simon is now all over the world are in a "pet" and these "pets" only the champion of Thailand. As to why such a prosperous Shemale Thailand, which Thailand"s political, economic, cultural and social background are closely related, pending further a deeper understanding. Short-lived charm, tragic life - Shemale Mysterious groups, the Thai Shemale is a mysterious group, "they are" very beautiful at both singing and dancing; Thailand is a 60 million population, only a small country, but every year seven million foreign tourists for sightseeing here, this annual income of up to seven billion U.S. dollars, becoming Thailand"s economy. Very local characteristics of tourism in Thailand, one of the most stunning is the famous "Shemale" performance. Simon was growing up in Thailand, Shemale generally come from poor families of difficult it can be said that rich kids are willing to do almost no Simon. In Thailand, have specialized train Shemale schools. Generally from two three-year-old child when the two three-year-old began to cultivate. Approach is based on the feminization of culture as the standard, women"s clothing, dress, female behavior, women-loving. At the same time, more important point is to eat female hormone drugs. The drug"s role is to inhibit the development of male genital mutilation, promoting women over the development of in vivo metabolism. Generally have ten years of medication period. Ten years later, men will gradually shrink the physical characteristics, such as the male penis, it would be short, small, and the skin will become better. In order to maintain the women"s skin and posture patterns, the need to disrupt the physiological function of all. This excess will have to have injections, medication, injection sex, including oral contraceptives, and so on endocrine disorders, resulting in feminization of the mentality of a Man, gradually emerging female characteristics. Such as breast uplift, not disappeared, the skin becomes tender, genital development, such as stop. Such an outcome, so that a serious physical and psychological devastation, so Simon"s life are generally not long, around the age of forty for the normal age when he died. Their youthful age of only 28 years old.
2023-07-20 01:07:331


2023-07-20 01:07:4110


2023-07-20 01:08:063


xia 狭隘
2023-07-20 01:08:155

infinity怎么读 英语infinity怎么读

1、infinity英[u026anu02c8fu026anu0259ti]美[u026anu02c8fu026anu0259ti],n.无穷; 无穷远; 无限远的点; 无穷大(的数); 无法计算的量。 2、[例句]The concept of infinity is almost impossible for the human mind to comprehend.无穷的概念几乎是人类的大脑无法理解的。
2023-07-20 01:01:571


(定期的)这词英文怎么写 regularly ["r??gj??l??l??穿 [词典释义]ad. 1. 有规律地 2. 定期地 3. 经常地,习惯性地 4. 整齐地,均匀地[网络释义]1.定期地,有规律地 2.整齐地,经常地,定期地 3.定期的常规的 4.他每天下午定时去拜访她。 “定期存款”和“活期存款”用英语怎么说 定期存款: [经] fixed deposit; term deposit; 有的国家喜欢叫time deposit,有的国家喜欢叫term deposit。还有叫bond的,叫 fixed deposit的。 term deposit 定期存款:有银行和贷款公司接受的,有着不同存放时间、不同利息和不同提款或赔付通知期的一笔存款。长期存款的利率通常略低于短期存款,提款通知期短的存款利率也低于提款通知期长的存款 。 time deposit 定期存款: (美国)存在一家银行的存款账户上,有利息、提款通知期至少需要30天的存款。活期存款 [金融]current deposit; demand deposit; 定期账户用英文怎么说 定期账户 Regular account 定期保养的英文怎么拼写 Periodical Maintenance, 简称 PM,所以当你说PM的时候,机修工就明白啥意思。 谁知道“存款单, 定期存款”用英文怎么说? 2. a deposit form 3. deposit slip 一种分条细列各个项目的凭证,能够表明存入特定账户的纸币、硬币和支票的确切金额。 4. CD(certificate of deposit) 经济人佣金 brokerage fee 存款单 CD(certificate of deposit) 营业额 turnover定期存款: 1. time deposit 2. fixed deposit 定期存款(Fixed Deposit)对投资者来说,是一个比较安全的投资方式,利率是固定的,可以进行短期和长期存款,但是,最长期限为五年。 定期刊物的英文怎么说 定期刊物 [词典] journal; periodical; [医] Jour; jour.; [例句]它包括过去对相关定期刊物、书本、报纸等的调查、研究和清楚表达。 It covers past research and studies and articles from relevant journals, books, newspapers, etc. “定期存款”和“活期存款”用英语怎么说?? 10分 fixed deposit;time deposit定期存款 current deposit活期存款 定期检查定期检查英文怎么写 check sth. regularly 定期检查某物 还有专用术语是:[化] periodic inspection(名词); regular check(名词)定期检查; [经] regular audit; regular inspection(名词)定期审核 希望能帮到你 望采纳谢谢 “存款单,定期存款”用英文怎么说 大额可转让定期存单储蓄是一种固定面额、固定期限、可以转让的大额存款定期储蓄。发行对象既可以是个人,也可以是企事业单位。大额可转让定期存单无论单位或个人购买均使用相同式样的存单,分为记名和不记名两种。两类存单的面额均有100元、500元、1000元、5000元、10000元、50000元、100000元、500000元共八种版面,购买此项存单起点个人是500元,单位是50000元。存单期限共分为3个月、6个月、9个月、1并且利率相对一般定期存款要高。为14天到一年,金额较大,美国为10万美元,并且利率相对一般定期存款要高。 去银行存定期存款英文怎么说 Going to the bank to deposit money into the fixed deposit account.
2023-07-20 01:01:571

Body And Soul 歌词

歌曲名:Body And Soul歌手:Art Pepper专辑:The Art Of The BalladTori AmosBody And Soul(So you got co-communion)(So you got co-communion)(So you got co-communion)I have waited all my lifeYou say you were bona fideTo be my judgeLay your law downOn me loveSeven devils bring the moonI have left my weaponsCause I think you were wrongThese devils of yoursMight need loveCome and get with meBody and soulCome and kneel with meBody and soulCome and kneel with meBody and soulBody and soulBody and soul(So you got co-communion)So you got co-communion)In my templeBoy be warnedViolence doesn"t have a homeNow well ecstasyThat"s as pure as a woman"s goldSeven devils bring the moonI have left my weaponsCause I think you were wrongThese devils of yoursThey need loveCome and kneel with meBody and soulCome and kneel with meBody and soulCome and kneel with meBody and soulBody and soulBody and soulI"ll save you from that Sunday sermonBoy I think you need a confessionBody and soulBody and soulCome and kneel with meBody and soulCome and kneel with meBody and soulCome and kneel with meBody and soulBody and soulBody and soul
2023-07-20 01:01:591

jacintha的《Danny Boy》 歌词

歌曲名:Danny Boy歌手:jacintha专辑:Here"s to Ben: A Vocal Tribute to Ben WebsterOh Danny Boy,The pipes, the pipes are calling.From Glenn to GlennAnd down the mountain side.The summer"s goneAnd all the roses fallingIt"s you, it"s you must goAnd I must bide.But come ye backWhen summer"s in the meadow.Or when the valley"s hushedAnd white with snow.It"s I"ll be thereIn Sunshine or in ShadowOh Danny Boy, oh Danny BoyI love you so.But when ye comeAnd all the flowers are dying.If I am deadAs dead I will may be.Ye come and findThe place where I am lying.And kneel and sayAn "Ave" there for me.And I shall hearThose soft you tread above meAnd all my graveWill warmer sweeter be.For you will bend and tell meThat you love meAnd I shall sleep in peaceUntil you come to me.
2023-07-20 01:01:591


2023-07-20 01:02:011


名不虚传: 链接: 提取码:mg18我就是这般女子: 链接: 提取码:q2fa哲仁王后: 链接: 提取码:yi7t俗女养成记: 链接: 提取码:d5fm风犬少年的天空: 链接: 提取码:uyue
2023-07-20 01:01:531

Danny Boy (Londonderry Air) 歌词

歌曲名:Danny Boy (Londonderry Air)歌手:Glenn Miller & His Orchestra专辑:Glenn Miller--A Memorial (1944-1969)小野丽莎 - Danny Boyby 猪头家族 - 龟速小子Oh Danny boy, the pipes, the pipes are callingFrom glen to glen, and down the mountain sideThe summer"s gone, and all the flowers are dying"Tis you, "tis you must go and I must bide.But come ye back when summer"s in the meadowOr when the valley"s hushed and white with snow"Tis I"ll be here in sunshine or in shadowOh Danny boy, Danny boy, I love you so.And if you come, when all the flowers are dyingAnd I am dead, as dead I well may beYou"ll come and find the place where I am lyingAnd kneel and say an "Ave" there for me.And I shall hear, tho" soft you tread above meAnd all my dreams will warm and sweeter beIf you"ll not fail to tell me that you love meI"ll simply sleep in peace until you come to me.I"ll simply sleep in peace until you come to me.I"ll simply sleep in peace until you come to me.
2023-07-20 01:01:521


vintage inspired复古灵感双语例句1Vintage Glamour is inspired and influenced by much larger events and circumstances than Christmas.古老年代的魅力受到比圣诞节更大事件和情境所启发和影响。
2023-07-20 01:01:511

Infinity是什么意思 啊???谁知道啊???

2023-07-20 01:01:513


2023-07-20 01:01:452