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2023-07-20 08:28:06
TAG: skin in kin




skin [skin] n. 1. 皮,皮肤 2. 兽皮,毛皮 3. (果实的)表皮,壳 4. (任何物体的)外壳;外衣 5. (液体表面的)薄层,表层 6. 皮囊,皮制容器 7. 健康,人身安全;生命 8. [戏谑语]人,家伙 9. [俚语]吝啬鬼 10. [俚语](大麻烟的)卷纸 11. [俚语]骗子 12. [美国俚语]一元钱 13. [常用复数][口语](架子)鼓 vt. 1. 剥(皮),除去…的外皮(或壳): 例句: to skin a banana剥去香蕉皮 2. 剥掉(或除去)…的掩盖物: 例句: to skin the cover of the car除去汽车的护罩 3. 擦破…的皮肤: 例句: to skin one"s elbow摔破了肘部的皮 4. 给…植皮;在…上植皮: 例句: to skin the wound在创伤面上植皮 5. 使有外皮(或外壳),给…覆上外壳: 例句: to skin a boat with food给船钉上木制外壳 6. [俚语]欺骗,骗…的钱财: 例句: to skin someone"s money骗去某人的钱 7. [口语](用鞭子等)驱赶(牲口等): 例句: to skin a donkey赶驴 8. [美国俚语](在比赛中)彻底打败(对手): 例句: to skin somebody at a badminton match在羽毛球比赛中大胜某人 9. [美国俚语]训斥,严厉批评: 例句: to be skinned for doing something因做某事而受到训斥 10. [美国俚语]皮下注射(毒品等) vi. 1. 在表面结成皮(或薄层): 例句: The lake has skinned over.湖面已结薄冰了。 2. (伤口)长出新皮;愈合(over): 例句: The wound skinned over.伤口已愈合了。 3. 蜕皮: 例句: The snake skins every year.蛇年年蜕皮。 4. [口语]擦着皮肤地穿过;勉强通过: 例句: to skin through a underground pipeline勉强爬过一条地下管道    He skinned through last examination.他勉强通过了上次考试。 5. [口语]爬上(up);爬下(down): 例句: to skin up a tree爬上树 6. [俚语]急快溜走: 例句: to skin out of the door急忙溜出了门 7. [美国俚语]皮下注射毒品 adj. 1. 皮的,皮肤的;关于皮肤的 2. 露着表皮的;裸的 3. [主美国俚语]展示裸体的;裸体者的;色情的 短语: 1. (as) honest as the skin between his brows 再老实不过;极诚实2. be in a bad skin 心情不好,情绪恶劣3. be in someone"s skin 1). [常用于否定句] 2). 处于某人的地位 3). 站在某人的立场上4. be no skin off someone"s nose(或teeth) [口语]与某人毫无关系;对某人毫无妨碍5. (be)soaked to the skin 浑身湿透6. by(或with)the skin of one"s teeth [口语]好不容易,勉强;刚好7. change one"s skin 改变本性8. get under someone"s skin 1). [口语] 2). 使某人发怒 3). 使某人不能忘怀;引起某人兴趣9. give (me) skin [美国俚语](代替握手的) 相互击掌,以掌相贴10. have a thick skin 脸皮厚11. have a thin skin 脸皮薄12. in(或with)a whole skin 安然无恙地,未伤一根毫毛13. jump(或leap)out of one"s skin 1). [口语] 2). 大吃一惊;吓得掉了魂 3). 兴高采烈,欣喜若狂14. save one"s skin 免受责打;保全性命15. save someone"s skin [美国俚语]解救某人16. sell the lion"s skin before one has caught the lion. [谚语]狮子未捉,皮先卖。17. skin a flint 见flint18. skin and bone(s) 骨瘦如柴,皮包骨19. smack calf"s skin 发誓;(在法庭上)宣誓20. strip someone to the skin 把某人的衣服剥得精光21. under the skin 在外表下;在本质上;在内心22. wet to the skin 浑身湿透23. with the skin of one"s teeth = by the skin of one"s teeth 变形: vt. skinned , skinning
2023-07-20 00:36:591


skin 英[sku026an] 美[sku026an] n. 皮,皮肤;(蔬菜,水果等)外皮;毛皮 vt. 剥皮,削皮;擦破皮,擦伤;欺骗 vi. 使愈合,长皮 [例句]Caffeine can repair damaged skin.咖啡因能修复受损皮肤。
2023-07-20 00:37:331


skin的意思解释如下:1、skin什么意思皮,皮肤;兽皮,皮毛;(水果或蔬菜的)外皮;香肠衣;(液体表面凝结的)薄皮,薄层;(建筑物、飞机等的)外壳;<非正式>卷烟纸;(软件、网站等的)界面,皮肤;<英,非正式>光头;(盛液体的)皮囊;雪橇外皮,防滑底层(用海豹皮或其他材料做成,系于雪橇下侧以防攀登时向后滑动)。2、当词性为动词时,意为剥皮,削皮;擦破(身体某部位);(伤口)长出新皮;<古>皮肤愈合;<非正式>(选手)轻松过球;<非正式>彻底击败,轻易击败(对手);<非正式>骗取(某人的)钱财;<英,非正式>制作大麻香烟(skin up)。双语例句:1、A person dying in a fire—doesn"t it make your skin crawl?一个在火中垂死挣扎的人——难道那不让你毛骨悚然吗?2、It was the sheer effrontery of them which got under my skin.是他们的厚颜无耻使我生气。3、The falcons have a rapidly hardened scaly skin on their legs.猎鹰的腿上有能很快硬化的鳞状皮。4、The risk is magnified if there is any dirty material next to the skin.如果皮肤旁边有脏物危险性会增大。5、She was a disaster area in fake leopard skin and stacked heels.她穿着假豹皮衣服和叠层高跟鞋,不堪入目。6、He could skin an animal with a single cut of the knife.他可以只动一刀就把动物的皮剥下来。7、He still believes that all women are goddesses under the skin.他依然认为所有的女人实际上都是女神。8、The colours he wore emphasized the olive cast of his skin.他穿的衣服颜色突出了他橄榄色的皮肤。9、One of the things I had to do was to paunch and skin a hare.我必须要做的事情之一就是取出一只野兔的内脏并扒掉它的皮。10、The skin on the shins is often very flaky and dry.胫骨上的皮肤常常很容易起屑发干
2023-07-20 00:37:431


品牌SKIN Food是韩国一种化妆品。SKINFOOD韩国平价化妆品品牌,于2008年进入中国市场,主打“对身体有益的食物对肌肤也同样有益”的美食护肤主义,产品理念都来源于各种食材,“可以吃的化妆品”广告语曾吸引不少年轻人目光,如蜂蜜活颜、黑糖光彩、青苹果紧致、水蜜桃丝柔系列等。扩展资料SKIN Food假货印刷模糊纸很粗糙,甚至有些是反光的。瓶子背后:可以更加清楚地看到纸张的质地,并且印有环保标志;假货有些是没有环保标志的 而且印刷模糊。瓶盖:真货打开后盖子内部边缘都是做工很好的锯齿状,瓶口密封;需要比较用力才能打开瓶口,密闭性好;可以闻到淡淡的清香乳液是乳白色质地清爽;假货密封性差瓶口密封的小盖子易断裂,打开后是化学的香料味道,乳液过于粘稠偏黄或过白。参考资料来源:百度百科-Skin Food
2023-07-20 00:38:211

skin、 skII有什么区别?

2023-07-20 00:38:501


2023-07-20 00:39:153

skin是不可数名词,为什么在他们的皮肤中缺是in their skins,请高手指教!!

2023-07-20 00:39:311


2023-07-20 00:40:061


伊思化妆品。skin化妆品是韩国韩佛公司旗下生产的一款化妆品品牌。skin化妆品全名it"s skin,也称为伊思化妆品。2006年于韩国上市之后,其经典的蜗牛系列便成为了风靡亚洲的人气护肤品之选,更是从2014年2021年,伊思晶钻蜗牛面霜连续7年荣获世界品质评鉴大会(Monde Selection)特别金奖。品牌历史2006年伊思上市。2014-2016年连续三年获得世界品质评鉴大会大奖。2017年1月荣获韩国消费者论坛评选的“2017大韩民国第一品牌大奖”。2019年5月伊思晶钻蜗牛面霜连续6年荣获世界品质评鉴大会(Monde Selection)特别金奖。2020年5月伊思晶钻蜗牛面霜连续7年荣获世界品质评鉴大会(Monde Selection)特别金奖。2021年5月伊思晶钻蜗牛面霜连续7年荣获世界品质评鉴大会(Monde Selection)特别金奖。以上内容参考:百度百科-伊思
2023-07-20 00:40:381


《skin》歌曲表达了人生充满痛苦,但一定要坚强的情感。《skin》灵感来源于切尔诺贝利事件中一个叫sam小男孩被辐射患病,并且在爆炸中失去了父母,歌曲唱出了那种茫茫荒野中的孤独,但是仍然寻找自我的坚定。Rag"N"Bone Man独特的嗓音将这种痛苦和坚强表现的淋漓尽致,正如歌词中写的那样:当四周的墙壁倒塌,世界只剩下黑暗,我还是能听到那熟悉的歌声,然后想起最爱的那个人。整首歌曲给人一种思念和怀旧的感觉,充满了时空的寂寥,却又能直击灵魂,于孤独中绽放希望。《skin》歌词:When I heard that sound,When the walls came down。当这声音回响在我耳旁,当一切坍塌倾倒。I was thinking about you,About you。我脑海里想的都是你,都是你。When my skin grows old,When my breath turns cold。当我垂垂老矣,当我奄奄一息。I"ll be thinking about you,About you。我脑海里想的都是你,都是你。Seconds from my heart,A bullet from the dark。内心深处瞬间的动容,黑暗中你给了我致命一击Helpless I surrender,Shackled by your love。孤独无助我彻底屈服,被你的爱牢牢束缚。Holding me like this,Poison on your lips。像这样紧紧拥我在怀,如此甜蜜的吻让人欲罢不能。Only when it"s over,Silence it"s so hard。只有当一切结束之时,内心却再也无法平静。Cause it was almost love it was almost love,It was almost love。因为那几乎是全部的爱几乎是全部的爱,那几乎是全部的爱那几乎是全部的爱。It was almost love,When I heard that sound。那几乎是全部的爱,当这声音回响在我耳旁。When the walls came down,I was thinking about you。当一切坍塌倾倒,我脑海里想的都是你。About you,When my skin grows old。都是你,当我垂垂老矣。When my breath turns cold,I"ll be thinking about you。当我奄奄一息,我脑海里想的都是你。About you,When I run out of air to breathe。都是你,当我就要无法呼吸。It"s your ghost I see,I"ll be thinking about you about you。隐约间我看到了你的身影,我脑海里想的都是你都是你。Cause it was almost love it was almost,We bleed ourselves in vain。因为那几乎是全部的爱几乎是全部的爱,我们让自己遍体鳞伤可毫无益处。How tragic is this game,Turn around you"re holding on to someone。这场爱情游戏注定是悲剧,你转身离开投入别人的怀抱。But your love is gone,Carrying in the load wings that feel like stone。但你的爱已经逝去,身负重担无法自由飞翔。Knowing that we nearly fell so far now,It"s hard to tell。深知我们现在远隔千里,这一切难以诉说。And we came so close it was almost love,It was almost love。我们的心曾近在咫尺充满浓浓爱意,那几乎是全部的爱。It was almost love,When I heard that sound。那几乎是全部的爱,当这声音回响在我耳旁。When the walls came down,I was thinking about you。当一切坍塌倾倒,我脑海里想的都是你。About you,When my skin grows old。都是你,当我垂垂老矣。When my breath turns cold,I"ll be thinking about you。当我奄奄一息,我脑海里想的都是你。About you,When I run out of air to breathe。都是你,当我就要无法呼吸。It"s your ghost I see,I"ll be thinking about you。隐约间我看到了你的身影,我脑海里想的都是你。About you,While I reached out for your hand。都是你,当我想牵起你的手。When the walls were caving in,Oh I see you on the other side。当一切坍塌倾倒,你就伫立在彼岸。We can try all over again,When I heard that sound。我们可以重新开始,当这声音回响在我耳旁。When the walls came down,I was thinking about you。当一切坍塌倾倒,我脑海里想的都是你。About you,When my skin grows old。都是你,当我垂垂老矣。When my breath turns cold,I"ll be thinking about you。当我奄奄一息,我脑海里想的都是你。About you,When I run out of air to breathe。都是你,当我就要无法呼吸。It"s your ghost I see,I"ll be thinking about you about you。隐约间我看到了你的身影,我脑海里想的都是你都是你。Cause it was almost love it was almost love,It was almost love it was almost love。因为那几乎是全部的爱那几乎是全部的爱,那几乎是全部的爱那几乎是全部的爱。
2023-07-20 00:40:521


2023-07-20 00:41:101

翻译一下 “skin”

2023-07-20 00:41:183


2023-07-20 00:41:431


skin这首歌表达爱情其意义是思念至极,阴阳两隔,想再见你如水般的模样,然后紧紧拥抱你。没错这首歌就是胖胖的大叔演绎的,声音沧桑,感情深厚,每次听他循环about you的时候,几近崩溃。一份真挚的感情崩塌,总会有一个人走不出来,大叔唱歌时眼里含着泪花,心里装着深爱的人,这就是一个有血有肉的男人该有的样子。在这首歌的评论里看到一句话,她说“几天没联系了,很想他,却又不向主动去联系他”看了之后不免有点心酸,也有几分心急,人生在世属于我们真正的时间并没有多少,彼此珍惜,好好一起走下去才是该做的,而不是为了那一丝倔强和廉价的自尊心任感情肆意冷淡。好想再见你,在能和你在一起的日子,天下没有不散的筵席,如果爱人家人聚少离多,再次见面时请给对方一个紧紧地拥抱。这首歌我只想问一句,大叔一开口就哭了的人有多少。虽然这一版本不是现场版开口清唱那么吸引人,但是这版副歌极具震撼力,就像歌词一样。歌曲歌词When I heard that sound,当这声音回响在我耳旁。When the walls came down,当一切坍塌倾倒。I was thinking about you,我脑海里想的都是你。About you,都是你。When my skin grows old,当我垂垂老矣。When my breath turns cold,当我奄奄一息。I"ll be thinking about you,我脑海里想的都是你。About you,都是你。Seconds from my heart,内心深处瞬间的动容。A bullet from the dark,黑暗中你给了我致命一击。Helpless I surrender,孤独无助我彻底屈服。Shackled by your love,被你的爱牢牢束缚。Holding me like this,像这样紧紧拥我在怀。Poison on your lips,如此甜蜜的吻 让人欲罢不能。Only when it"s over,只有当一切结束之时。Silence it"s so hard,内心却再也无法平静。Cause it was almost love it was almost love.因为那几乎是全部的爱,几乎是全部的爱。It was almost love,那几乎是全部的爱,那几乎是全部的爱。It was almost love,那几乎是全部的爱。When I heard that sound,当这声音回响在我耳旁。When the walls came down,当一切坍塌倾倒。I was thinking about you,我脑海里想的都是你。About you,都是你。When my skin grows old,当我垂垂老矣。When my breath turns cold,当我奄奄一息。I"ll be thinking about you,我脑海里想的都是你。About you,都是你。When I run out of air to breathe,当我就要无法呼吸。It"s your ghost I see,隐约间,我看到了你的身影。I"ll be thinking about you about you,我脑海里想的都是你都是你。Cause it was almost love it was almost,因为那几乎是全部的爱,几乎是全部的爱。We bleed ourselves in vain,我们让自己遍体鳞伤 可毫无益处。How tragic is this game,这场爱情游戏 注定是悲剧。Turn around you"re holding on to someone,你转身离开 投入别人的怀抱。But your love is gone,但你的爱已经逝去。Carrying in the load wings that feel like stone,身负重担 无法自由飞翔。Knowing that we nearly fell so far now,深知我们现在远隔千里。It"s hard to tell,这一切难以诉说。And we came so close it was almost love,我们的心曾近在咫尺 充满浓浓爱意。It was almost love,那几乎是全部的爱。It was almost love,那几乎是全部的爱。When I heard that sound,当这声音回响在我耳旁。When the walls came down,当一切坍塌倾倒。I was thinking about you,我脑海里想的都是你。About you,都是你。When my skin grows old,当我垂垂老矣。When my breath turns cold,当我奄奄一息。I"ll be thinking about you,我脑海里想的都是你。About you,都是你。When I run out of air to breathe,当我就要无法呼吸。It"s your ghost I see,隐约间 我看到了你的身影。I"ll be thinking about you,我脑海里想的都是你。About you,都是你。While I reached out for your hand,当我想牵起你的手。When the walls were caving in,当一切坍塌倾倒。Oh I see you on the other side,你就伫立在彼岸。We can try all over again,我们可以重新开始。When I heard that sound,当这声音回响在我耳旁。When the walls came down,当一切坍塌倾倒。I was thinking about you,我脑海里想的都是你。About you,都是你。When my skin grows old,当我垂垂老矣。When my breath turns cold,当我奄奄一息。I"ll be thinking about you,我脑海里想的都是你。About you,都是你。When I run out of air to breathe,当我就要无法呼吸。It"s your ghost I see,隐约间,我看到了你的身影。I"ll be thinking about you about you,我脑海里想的都是你都是你。Cause it was almost love it was almost love.因为那几乎是全部的爱,那几乎是全部的爱。It was almost love it was almost love.那几乎是全部的爱,那几乎是全部的爱。
2023-07-20 00:42:081

skin 的复数是什么?

2023-07-20 00:42:254


2023-07-20 00:42:341


1、应用程序启动,加载Skin++库;2、执行Skin++加载皮肤文件API函数;3、Skin++ 安装窗口过程等类型Hook,准备截获应用程序所有窗口的创建事件;4、Skin++ 收到窗口创建等消息,根据类名、风格等一些条件来判断是否对该窗口进行子类化;5、窗口子类化即可以收到该窗口所有的消息;6、根据不同的消息进行相应的处理。如:WM_PAINT消息,Skin++对其进行绘图的操作;7、绘图中需要用到图片、文字、字体等资源即根据ID、名称等条件到皮肤文件中去查找;8、控件运行过程中,各种界面行为的变化均可通过处理消息与API函数来进行;9、控件销毁时,Skin++即对其进行反子类化,将Skin++换肤前的消息过程地址重新设成当前的消息过程;10、控件所有的消息不再经过Skin++消息处理函数。控件执行其默认的窗口消息处理函数;11、应用程序退出,Skin++库被卸载,在卸载之前Skin++获得通知,Skin++便在内部执行Hook的反初始化与资源文件的清理。
2023-07-20 00:42:481

怎么加载不了skin. xml文件?

2023-07-20 00:43:011


2023-07-20 00:43:151

skin怎么读 skin的意思

1、skin单词发音:英[sku026an]美[sku026an]。 2、skin,英语单词,名词、及物动词、不及物动词,作名词时意为“皮肤;外皮”,作及物动词时意为“剥皮”,作不及物动词时意为“愈合;长皮”。 3、[例句]The skin on her feet had been rubbed raw.她脚上的皮磨破了。
2023-07-20 00:43:581


2023-07-20 00:44:454


2023-07-20 00:44:521


皮肤[简明汉英词典] cutis derma skin
2023-07-20 00:45:034


《Skin》——Rag"N"Bone Man  When I heard that sound  当我听见那句话  When the walls came down  当我的心墙崩塌  I was thinking about you  我时时不在思念你  About you  思念你  When my skin grows old  当我皮肤起皱褶  When my breath runs cold  当我的呼吸冻结  I"ll be thinking about you  我在思念你  About you  思念你  Seconds from my heart  那一刹,我的心  A bullet from the dark  被漆黑中的子弹击穿  Helpless, I surrender  无助,举降  Shackled by your love  被你的爱桎梏  Holding me like this  你这样抱住我  With poison on your lips  迷幻的毒唇  Only when it"s over  但一切都结束了  The silence hits so hard  寂静得如此冰冷  "Cause it was almost love, it was almost love  差一点就是爱了,差一点  It was almost love, it was almost love  差一点就是爱了,差一点  When I heard that sound  当我听见那句话  When the walls came down  当我的心墙崩塌  I was thinking about you  我时时不在思念你  About you  思念你  When my skin grows old  当我皮肤起皱褶  When my breath runs cold  当我的呼吸冻结  I"ll be thinking about you  我在思念你  About you  思念你  When I run out of air to breathe  当我缺氧抽搐  It"s your ghost I see  我晃见你的身影  I"ll be thinking about you, about you  我依旧在思念你,思念你  It was almost love, it was almost...  差一点就是爱,差一点  We bleed ourselves in vain  我们流尽鲜红血液  How tragic is this game?  这游戏如此悲剧收幕  Turn around, I"m holding on to someone  拥抱着别人重来一次  But the love is gone  但爱却已消散  Carrying the load, with wings that feel like stone  我的羽翼如岩石般沉重  Knowing that we nearly fell so far now  我们越飘越远  It"s hard to tell  我已看不清你  Yeah we came so close, it was almost love  曾经如此紧密,差一点就是爱  It was almost love, it was almost love  差一点就是爱,差一点  When I heard that sound  当我听见那句话  When the walls came down  当我的心墙崩塌  I was thinking about you  我时时不在思念你  About you  思念你  When my skin grows old  当我皮肤起皱褶  When my breath runs cold  当我的呼吸冻结  I"ll be thinking about you  我在思念你  About you  思念你  When I run out of air to breathe  当我缺氧抽搐  It"s your ghost I see  我晃见你的身影  I"ll be thinking about you, about you  我依旧一直思念你,思念你  While I reached out for your hand  当我伸手向你  When the walls were caving in  当那堵墙坍塌  When I see you on the other side  我看见对面的你  We can try all over again  我们重来一次吧  When I heard that sound  当我听见那句话  When the walls came down  当我的心墙崩塌  I was thinking about you  我在思念你  About you  思念你  When my skin grows old  当我皮肤起皱褶  When my breath runs cold  当我的呼吸冻结  I"ll be thinking about you  我在思念你  About you  思念你  When I run out of air to breathe  当我缺氧抽搐  It"s your ghost I see  我晃见你的身影  I"ll be thinking about you, about you  我依旧在思念你,思念你  "Cause it was almost love, it was almost love  差一点就是爱,差一点  It was almost love, it was almost love  差一点就是爱,差一点
2023-07-20 00:45:331


2023-07-20 00:45:401


《Skin》——Rag"N"Bone Man  When I heard that sound  当我听见那句话  When the walls came down  当我的心墙崩塌  I was thinking about you  我时时不在思念你  About you  思念你  When my skin grows old  当我皮肤起皱褶  When my breath runs cold  当我的呼吸冻结  I"ll be thinking about you  我在思念你  About you  思念你  Seconds from my heart  那一刹,我的心  A bullet from the dark  被漆黑中的子弹击穿  Helpless, I surrender  无助,举降  Shackled by your love  被你的爱桎梏  Holding me like this  你这样抱住我  With poison on your lips  迷幻的毒唇  Only when it"s over  但一切都结束了  The silence hits so hard  寂静得如此冰冷  "Cause it was almost love, it was almost love  差一点就是爱了,差一点  It was almost love, it was almost love  差一点就是爱了,差一点  When I heard that sound  当我听见那句话  When the walls came down  当我的心墙崩塌  I was thinking about you  我时时不在思念你  About you  思念你  When my skin grows old  当我皮肤起皱褶  When my breath runs cold  当我的呼吸冻结  I"ll be thinking about you  我在思念你  About you  思念你  When I run out of air to breathe  当我缺氧抽搐  It"s your ghost I see  我晃见你的身影  I"ll be thinking about you, about you  我依旧在思念你,思念你  It was almost love, it was almost...  差一点就是爱,差一点  We bleed ourselves in vain  我们流尽鲜红血液  How tragic is this game?  这游戏如此悲剧收幕  Turn around, I"m holding on to someone  拥抱着别人重来一次  But the love is gone  但爱却已消散  Carrying the load, with wings that feel like stone  我的羽翼如岩石般沉重  Knowing that we nearly fell so far now  我们越飘越远  It"s hard to tell  我已看不清你  Yeah we came so close, it was almost love  曾经如此紧密,差一点就是爱  It was almost love, it was almost love  差一点就是爱,差一点  When I heard that sound  当我听见那句话  When the walls came down  当我的心墙崩塌  I was thinking about you  我时时不在思念你  About you  思念你  When my skin grows old  当我皮肤起皱褶  When my breath runs cold  当我的呼吸冻结  I"ll be thinking about you  我在思念你  About you  思念你  When I run out of air to breathe  当我缺氧抽搐  It"s your ghost I see  我晃见你的身影  I"ll be thinking about you, about you  我依旧一直思念你,思念你  While I reached out for your hand  当我伸手向你  When the walls were caving in  当那堵墙坍塌  When I see you on the other side  我看见对面的你  We can try all over again  我们重来一次吧  When I heard that sound  当我听见那句话  When the walls came down  当我的心墙崩塌  I was thinking about you  我在思念你  About you  思念你  When my skin grows old  当我皮肤起皱褶  When my breath runs cold  当我的呼吸冻结  I"ll be thinking about you  我在思念你  About you  思念你  When I run out of air to breathe  当我缺氧抽搐  It"s your ghost I see  我晃见你的身影  I"ll be thinking about you, about you  我依旧在思念你,思念你  "Cause it was almost love, it was almost love  差一点就是爱,差一点  It was almost love, it was almost love  差一点就是爱,差一点
2023-07-20 00:46:081

皮肤晒伤 英语

sunburned英[u02c8su028cnbu025c:nd]美[u02c8su028cnbu025c:rnd]adj. 晒黑的,日灼的;例句:I got you. But you"re sunburned?吓到你了你们被日光晒伤了?Unless you get sunscreen, you will get sunburned.除非你搽防晒油,不然你会晒伤的。Administer the salve to the sunburned area with a cotton swab.请用棉药签把药膏敷在晒伤的地方。sunburn 英[u02c8su028cnbu025c:n]美[u02c8su028cnbu025c:rn]n. 晒伤,晒太阳过量而引起皮肤灼痛;例句:You"re that sunburn!你就是那个晒黑的!
2023-07-20 00:46:172


《Skin》——Rag"N"Bone Man  When I heard that sound  当我听见那句话  When the walls came down  当我的心墙崩塌  I was thinking about you  我时时不在思念你  About you  思念你  When my skin grows old  当我皮肤起皱褶  When my breath runs cold  当我的呼吸冻结  I"ll be thinking about you  我在思念你  About you  思念你  Seconds from my heart  那一刹,我的心  A bullet from the dark  被漆黑中的子弹击穿  Helpless, I surrender  无助,举降  Shackled by your love  被你的爱桎梏  Holding me like this  你这样抱住我  With poison on your lips  迷幻的毒唇  Only when it"s over  但一切都结束了  The silence hits so hard  寂静得如此冰冷  "Cause it was almost love, it was almost love  差一点就是爱了,差一点  It was almost love, it was almost love  差一点就是爱了,差一点  When I heard that sound  当我听见那句话  When the walls came down  当我的心墙崩塌  I was thinking about you  我时时不在思念你  About you  思念你  When my skin grows old  当我皮肤起皱褶  When my breath runs cold  当我的呼吸冻结  I"ll be thinking about you  我在思念你  About you  思念你  When I run out of air to breathe  当我缺氧抽搐  It"s your ghost I see  我晃见你的身影  I"ll be thinking about you, about you  我依旧在思念你,思念你  It was almost love, it was almost...  差一点就是爱,差一点  We bleed ourselves in vain  我们流尽鲜红血液  How tragic is this game?  这游戏如此悲剧收幕  Turn around, I"m holding on to someone  拥抱着别人重来一次  But the love is gone  但爱却已消散  Carrying the load, with wings that feel like stone  我的羽翼如岩石般沉重  Knowing that we nearly fell so far now  我们越飘越远  It"s hard to tell  我已看不清你  Yeah we came so close, it was almost love  曾经如此紧密,差一点就是爱  It was almost love, it was almost love  差一点就是爱,差一点  When I heard that sound  当我听见那句话  When the walls came down  当我的心墙崩塌  I was thinking about you  我时时不在思念你  About you  思念你  When my skin grows old  当我皮肤起皱褶  When my breath runs cold  当我的呼吸冻结  I"ll be thinking about you  我在思念你  About you  思念你  When I run out of air to breathe  当我缺氧抽搐  It"s your ghost I see  我晃见你的身影  I"ll be thinking about you, about you  我依旧一直思念你,思念你  While I reached out for your hand  当我伸手向你  When the walls were caving in  当那堵墙坍塌  When I see you on the other side  我看见对面的你  We can try all over again  我们重来一次吧  When I heard that sound  当我听见那句话  When the walls came down  当我的心墙崩塌  I was thinking about you  我在思念你  About you  思念你  When my skin grows old  当我皮肤起皱褶  When my breath runs cold  当我的呼吸冻结  I"ll be thinking about you  我在思念你  About you  思念你  When I run out of air to breathe  当我缺氧抽搐  It"s your ghost I see  我晃见你的身影  I"ll be thinking about you, about you  我依旧在思念你,思念你  "Cause it was almost love, it was almost love  差一点就是爱,差一点  It was almost love, it was almost love  差一点就是爱,差一点
2023-07-20 00:46:531


skin的读音:英[skɪn] 美[skɪn]n.皮;皮肤;…皮肤的;(兽)皮;毛皮;皮张;v.剥皮;扒皮;削皮;擦破(身体某部位的)皮肤
2023-07-20 00:47:021


一般情况下,泛指的皮、皮肤是不可数的.指一个人、动物、果实等完整的皮时,是可数的. skins英 [sknz] 美 [sknz] n.兽)皮;毛皮;皮张 v.剥皮;扒皮;削皮 skin的复数 扩展资料   例句:   Do not add salt to beans when cooking as this tends to toughen the skins.   煮豆荚时别加盐,因为这常会使豆壳变硬。   oast hazelnuts on a baking sheet until the skins char   在烘板上将榛子烤至表皮微煳。
2023-07-20 00:47:101


是肌肤的意思。 skin 英文字面意思是皮;皮肤;皮肤的,在化妆品中引申为肤质,肌肤的意思,比如skin care ,就是肌肤护理,护肤的意思。 apply to skin是皮肤保湿的意思,combine skin所有肤质都可以使用,oily skin指的是油性皮肤 。dry skin指的是干性皮肤。 例句如:We use quality materials, hair lotions, and cosmetics for skin care.我们用品质好的材料、洗发液和护肤化妆品。 扩展资料 常见的护肤品化妆品英文: 一,化妆品/护肤品/洗涤护肤 skin care: 洗面奶: facial cleanser/face wash(foaming,milky,cream,gel); 爽肤水: toner/astringent;紧肤水:firming lotion; 柔肤水:toner/smoothing toner (facial mist/facial spray/complexion mist); 护肤霜: moisturizers and creams;保湿:moisturizer;美白:whitening。 露:lotion,霜:cream;日霜:day cream;晚霜:night cream; 眼部gel: eye gel;面膜: facial mask/masque; 眼膜: eye mask;护唇用:lip care;口红护膜:lip coat; 磨砂膏: facial scrub;去黑头: (deep) pore cleanser/striper pore refining; 去死皮: exfoliating scrub;润肤露(香体乳):lotion/moisturizer。 二,化妆品/护肤品功能: acne/spot(青春痘用品);active(赋活用);after sun(日晒后用品); alcohol-free(无酒精);anti-(抗、防);anti-wrinkle(抗老防皱); balancing(平衡酸硷);clean-/purify-(清洁用);combination(混合性皮肤); dry(干性皮肤);essence(精华液);facial(脸部用); fast/quick dry(快干);firm(紧肤);foam(泡沫); gentle(温和的);hydra-(保湿用);long lasting(持久性);milk(乳)。
2023-07-20 00:47:171

skin是什么牌子化妆品 skin化妆品是什么牌子

1、skin化妆品是韩国韩佛公司旗下生产的一款化妆品品牌。skin化妆品全名its skin,也称为伊思化妆品。 2、在2007年获得英国kifus化妆品有限公司技术配方支持,成为韩国时尚品牌新宠,其品牌理念为“专业、天然、独特”。its skin拥有自己的科学研发中心,针对不同类型的皮肤进行大量的科学研究。skin化妆品成分为自然成份粹取物,并使用DRF高科技手段,以求对肌肤保养有不同寻常的效果,官方称为了皮肤的安全,不使用防腐剂。 3、skin化妆品在韩国是一款平价化妆品品牌,于2008年进入中国市场,主打“对身体有益的食物对肌肤也同样有益”的美食护肤主义,如蜂蜜活颜、黑糖光彩、青苹果紧致、水蜜桃丝柔系列等。
2023-07-20 00:47:401


《Skin》——Rag"N"Bone Man  When I heard that sound  当我听见那句话  When the walls came down  当我的心墙崩塌  I was thinking about you  我时时不在思念你  About you  思念你  When my skin grows old  当我皮肤起皱褶  When my breath runs cold  当我的呼吸冻结  I"ll be thinking about you  我在思念你  About you  思念你  Seconds from my heart  那一刹,我的心  A bullet from the dark  被漆黑中的子弹击穿  Helpless, I surrender  无助,举降  Shackled by your love  被你的爱桎梏  Holding me like this  你这样抱住我  With poison on your lips  迷幻的毒唇  Only when it"s over  但一切都结束了  The silence hits so hard  寂静得如此冰冷  "Cause it was almost love, it was almost love  差一点就是爱了,差一点  It was almost love, it was almost love  差一点就是爱了,差一点  When I heard that sound  当我听见那句话  When the walls came down  当我的心墙崩塌  I was thinking about you  我时时不在思念你  About you  思念你  When my skin grows old  当我皮肤起皱褶  When my breath runs cold  当我的呼吸冻结  I"ll be thinking about you  我在思念你  About you  思念你  When I run out of air to breathe  当我缺氧抽搐  It"s your ghost I see  我晃见你的身影  I"ll be thinking about you, about you  我依旧在思念你,思念你  It was almost love, it was almost...  差一点就是爱,差一点  We bleed ourselves in vain  我们流尽鲜红血液  How tragic is this game?  这游戏如此悲剧收幕  Turn around, I"m holding on to someone  拥抱着别人重来一次  But the love is gone  但爱却已消散  Carrying the load, with wings that feel like stone  我的羽翼如岩石般沉重  Knowing that we nearly fell so far now  我们越飘越远  It"s hard to tell  我已看不清你  Yeah we came so close, it was almost love  曾经如此紧密,差一点就是爱  It was almost love, it was almost love  差一点就是爱,差一点  When I heard that sound  当我听见那句话  When the walls came down  当我的心墙崩塌  I was thinking about you  我时时不在思念你  About you  思念你  When my skin grows old  当我皮肤起皱褶  When my breath runs cold  当我的呼吸冻结  I"ll be thinking about you  我在思念你  About you  思念你  When I run out of air to breathe  当我缺氧抽搐  It"s your ghost I see  我晃见你的身影  I"ll be thinking about you, about you  我依旧一直思念你,思念你  While I reached out for your hand  当我伸手向你  When the walls were caving in  当那堵墙坍塌  When I see you on the other side  我看见对面的你  We can try all over again  我们重来一次吧  When I heard that sound  当我听见那句话  When the walls came down  当我的心墙崩塌  I was thinking about you  我在思念你  About you  思念你  When my skin grows old  当我皮肤起皱褶  When my breath runs cold  当我的呼吸冻结  I"ll be thinking about you  我在思念你  About you  思念你  When I run out of air to breathe  当我缺氧抽搐  It"s your ghost I see  我晃见你的身影  I"ll be thinking about you, about you  我依旧在思念你,思念你  "Cause it was almost love, it was almost love  差一点就是爱,差一点  It was almost love, it was almost love  差一点就是爱,差一点
2023-07-20 00:47:471


2023-07-20 00:47:561


皮肤英语单词是skin。skin的例句:The risk and severity of sunburn depend on the body"s natural skin colour(晒伤的风险和严重程度取决于人体的自然肤色)。 扩展资料 skin的例句:The blood supply to the skin is reduced when muscles stiffen(当肌肉变得僵硬时,皮肤的供血量就减少了);He had stumbled down and torn the skin from his knees(他绊倒在地,膝盖上蹭破了皮)。
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2023-07-20 00:48:591

Skin 怎么读。

2023-07-20 00:49:071


我认为skin不是模仿skii。SKIN没有模仿 SKII。韩国平价化妆品品牌 SKINFOOD于2008年进军中国。品牌理念。SKIN FOOD以高质量、精致包装、合理价格、亲切服务为品牌诉求,受到广大消费者的认可。另外一个与众不同的地方就是广告。品牌创立后,为了让更多人了解“SKIN FOOD”这个品牌的概念,韩国的广告口号“别吃,让你的皮肤”迅速成为一种流行词汇,并被某一档喜剧节目所引用,它已经成为“SKIN FOOD”的一个特色。skin品牌介绍skin化妆品是韩国韩佛公司旗下生产的一款化妆品品牌。skin化妆品全名its skin,也称为伊思化妆品。skin化妆品在韩国是一款平价化妆品品牌,于2008年进入中国市场,主打“对身体有益的食物对肌肤也同样有益”的美食护肤主义。在2007年获得英国kifus化妆品有限公司技术配方支持,成为韩国时尚品牌新宠,其品牌理念为“专业、天然、独特”。its skin拥有自己的科学研发中心,针对不同类型的皮肤进行大量的科学研究。以上内容参考:百度百科-香蕉皮肤天使skin
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skin属于什么档次1. 什么是档次在消费领域,档次是指商品的质量、价格等方面的等级。一般而言,档次越高,代表的是商品的价值越高,价格也就越贵。2. Skin品牌档次Skin是一家国内较为知名的护肤品牌,成立于2005年。该品牌致力于打造原创高性价比护肤品,并且一直坚持原料的选取和技术的研发,同时也不断更新和完善自己的产品线。根据Skin品牌的定位和产品特点,其档次可以定位于中档护肤品牌。3. Skin品牌产品特点Skin品牌的产品广泛涵盖日常护肤、彩妆、面膜等多个领域,并且在产品研发方面尤为注重天然、安全、高效的原则。比如,Skin的明星产品“水光针面膜”,采用韩国进口的水光针原液,并在此基础上加入了玻尿酸、透明质酸等成分,可以帮助保湿、修复肌肤。此外,Skin的产品不仅口碑良好,而且价格也较为亲民。4. Skin品牌与其他品牌的比较与其他品牌相比,Skin品牌的定位更加接近于大众市场,而且在产品设计和选择上更注重日常实用性,不像高端护肤品牌那样“奢华”和“高冷”。相比之下,其他大牌如兰蔻、雅诗兰黛等则具有更高的品牌档次,在推广和市场营销上也有着明显差异,所以价格也相应偏高。5. 适用人群Skin品牌的产品适用人群较广泛,可以满足各种肤质和不同年龄阶段的需求。对于恢复肌肤弹性和美白肤色的需求有所需求的年轻女性群体,Skin品牌的日常护肤产品是一种不错的选择。而对于需要针对性处理肤质问题的人群,则可以选择Skin品牌的特殊功效产品。总之,Skin品牌既能满足人们对于美肤的需求,又不会因为价格问题而让大众望而却步。6. 档次与商品质量的关系档次与商品质量之间没有必然的挂钩关系。档次只是指代价值层次,而商品质量则是指商品本身的品质和使用效果。对于Skin品牌的护肤品来说,虽然其定位较为中档,但其原材料、生产工艺等方面却丝毫不逊于高端品牌,可以说价格亲民的理念与高品质的护肤效果形成了足以与其他品牌竞争的优势。7. 结论综上所述,Skin品牌的档次可以定位在中档护肤品牌,但其实际产品质量和使用效果不输于高档品牌,十分适合想要在美肤路上用较小预算获得高质量产品的消费者。
2023-07-20 00:49:461

Suisonic的《Skin》 歌词

歌曲名:Skin歌手:Suisonic专辑:Carnival Amongst The MachinesSkinMachinae SupremacyoverworldMachinae Supremacy - Skinin the corner of your eyeI can see into your mindA shadow beneath your smilesomething hidden deep insideSilently you wait for someone to see youclaw your flesh from off your bonesFace that fire on your ownEmbrace the life you thoughtthat you could never knowCan"t erase the pain insidewithout a storm withinThey left their lies like scars underneath your skinthe one you"re hiding inThe one you"re s"posed to live inand you gaze up at the sky as the clouds are passing byand you wonder for a while what it would be like to diesilently you wish for someone to save youclaw your flesh from off your bonesFace that fire on your ownEmbrace the life you thoughtthat you could never knowCan"t erase the pain insidewithout a storm withinThey left their lies like scars underneath your skinthe one you"re hiding inThe one you"re s"posed to live inbut you want to be alive. as the self-loathing subsidesand you will not be denied,as you push their lie asideviolently you burn for someone to feel youclaw your flesh from off your bonesFace that fire on your ownEmbrace the life you thoughtthat you could never knowCan"t erase the pain insidewithout a storm withinThey left their lies like scars underneath your skinthe one you"re hiding inThe one you"re s"posed to live inby 炫战熊猫
2023-07-20 00:49:531


中文发音:si gin 因为发音的时候字母“k”在“s”后面要变音的。。还有“p”"t"在“s”后面都要注意、、
2023-07-20 00:50:001

Madonna的《Skin》 歌词

歌曲名:Skin歌手:Madonna专辑:Ray Of LightDo I know you from somewhereWhy do you leave me wanting moreWhy do all the things I saySound like the stupid things I said before?Kiss me I"m dyingPut your hand on my skinI close my eyesI need to make a connectionI"m walking on a thin lineI close my eyesI close my eyesDo I know you from somewhereWhy do you leave me wanting moreWhy do all the things I saySound like the stupid things I said before?Touch me I"m tryingTo see inside of your soulI"ve got this thingI want to make a correctionI"m not like this all the timeYou"ve got this thingYou"ve got this thingDo I know you from somewhereWhy do you leave me wanting moreWhy do all the things I saySound like the stupid things I said before?Kiss me I"m dyingPut your hand on my skinI close my eyesI need to have your protectionI close my eyesI close your eyesDo I know you from somewhereWhy do you leave me wanting moreWhy do all the things I saySound like the stupid things I said before(Repeat until end)
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2023-07-20 00:50:455


skin神仙水是正品。 skin神仙水集合了补水保湿、抗老紧致美白淡斑、祛痘消炎的多种效果,淡灰色面霜质地轻薄好吸收,延展性也比较的好,配方成分安全温和,即使是敏感肌也可以放心使用。 上脸滋润但不油腻,吸收后非常润泽,没有什么糊脸的感觉,能高效修护,细腻平滑肌肤,提升弹性,抗老去皱的效果还是不错的。
2023-07-20 00:50:581

skin skins

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