barriers / 阅读 / 详情


2023-07-20 07:54:53
TAG: 英文



  推迟 hold off

  推迟 put off

  推迟 set back

  推迟场 {电磁} retarded field;

  推迟电位 [电势] retarded potential;

  推迟购买力 deferred purchasing power;

  推迟基线 retarded baseline;

  推迟偏置 retarded offset;

  推迟时间 retardation time;

  推迟势 {物} retarded potential;

  推迟弹性 retarded elasticity;

  推迟寻址 deferred addressing

  推迟中断 pending interrupt ; deferred interrupt

  装运推迟 Shipment Delay

  推迟电势 retarded potential ; retarding potential

  推迟地址 deferred address

  推迟常数 deferred constant

  推迟判决 reserve a decision ; delay sentence ; reserve decision

  推迟作用 retarded action ; retardation function ; delayed action ; retardation

  会议推迟 The meeting was postponed ; Meeting postponed

  时间推迟 occurrencewas delayed ; time delayed ; time was delayed


  be postponed for six months;


  defer making a decision;


  put off the meeting till Friday;


  The ball game was postponed because of rain.




  We agree to postpone the shipping date, considering (that) there is no steamer recently.


  The party was postponed until 8 o"clock.


  It will be put off no more than one week.


  He postponed the meeting to tomorrow.


  Dismissals and suspensions have often taken place on the flimsiest of evidence.


  The meeting was held up for about half an hour.


  Should we delay the attack until you arrive?


  The negotiations were held back for a week by the illness of the prime minister.


  Results have been delayed owing to a malfunction in the computer.



retard 的名词意思里面,是禁用语:If you describe someone as a retard, you mean that they have not developed normally, either mentally or socially. 笨蛋; 傻子第一个,retarded,过去分词,相当于一类人。相当于 傻*。
2023-07-19 23:15:362


问题一:智障人士英语怎么说 智障人士(智障者)retardee=A person whose intellectual capacity remains undeveloped. [Example sentence]: providing a secure and sometimes happy life for the retarded. 为智障人士提供无虑有时是幸福的生活。 问题二:智障,用英语怎么说 英文原文: retarded 英式音标: [r??t?d?d] 美式音标: [r??t?rd?d] 问题三:英语骂人“你这个智障”怎么说? “你这个智障” You retard. You moron You idiot Fucking retard “真不愧是智障!不错嘛!” What a moron! 埂o *** ing nice! “我真佩服你这个智障!” You the monron, *** ing stupid! 这样的话语太烂,会降低个人的品味,尽量少说或不说。 问题四:弱智用英语怎么说? 书面表达: You are foolish/silly! 你真蠢(弱智)! 口语表达更随便: You fool/idiot! 你个傻子! 问题五:智障的英语怎么说 mental retardation 问题六:你是智障吗英语怎么说 你是智障吗 Are you mentally retarded 你是智障吗 Are you mentally retarded 问题七:你是智障用英语怎么说 You are mentally retarded.
2023-07-19 23:15:431


2023-07-19 23:15:525


2023-07-19 23:16:089


2023-07-19 23:16:453


2023-07-19 23:16:591


l yfgF 的意思是:我的野蛮女友其他两个是骂人的, retarded是弱者的意思。
2023-07-19 23:17:092


fall behind
2023-07-19 23:17:179

Mentally retarded.是什么意思

释义智障;智力迟钝网络mentally retarded 智力迟钝,智障,智力落后mentally-retarded children 弱智儿童少年mentally-retarded rat 智障大鼠
2023-07-19 23:18:031


I am mentally retarded, leave me alone.
2023-07-19 23:18:113


retarted 就是非常苯的意思,noob是一般玩儿游戏的人用表示,不知道玩儿的人相当很笨。
2023-07-19 23:18:201

英语暴力狂 和 SB 怎么说? 要口语一点 不要直接翻译的 retarded 和 dumb 有什么区别

English mad violenceSB还用翻译吗
2023-07-19 23:18:315

mentally retarded什么意思

2023-07-19 23:18:476

you are absolute retarded什么意思

2023-07-19 23:19:011


2023-07-19 23:19:312

英语翻译 英译汉

2023-07-19 23:19:413


retarded 大脑发育不健全 head damaged 直译脑残
2023-07-19 23:19:493


供参考mentally retarded children智障儿童mentally 智力方面的﹐精神方面的retarded 发育迟缓的by a skeleton framework以最小规模的架构(结构)by:以skeleton﹕一般解为骨骼﹐但这里可以理解为"小无可小‘ 或最细规模skeleton很多时就是这个解释 如果语境不是在说动物或人的身体的构造而是组织的架构例如负责提供什麼服务便可以理解为...由仅仅可以应付(小无可小)的架构(来负责)
2023-07-19 23:20:004


智障:retarded智障的秘密:The secret of the mentally retarded
2023-07-19 23:20:082


这首歌叫什么名字? Chpimunk的 Until You Were Gone 希望能帮到你哈~~ 相关专辑下载歌曲也许你只是爱我的美-戴雪儿歌手:戴雪儿 专辑:泡泡糖 歌词:歌曲:也许你只是爱我的美 歌手:戴雪儿 词曲:刘洋 制作人:楚怡辰 歌手:戴雪儿 制作: 『简单男孩』 终于发现 你一直在表演 我的恐惧在黑暗中蔓延 我想选择看不见 可是一幕幕却在涌现 都怪我 瞎了眼 我曾幻想微笑到终点 我也一直努力向前 可是你说你已厌倦 忘了当初的誓言 也许你只是爱我的美 也许你只是想我的依偎 可是你从没 想过我的心 它只是想找个肩膀赶走疲惫 也许你只是爱我的美 一开始你就知道我会心碎 可是你依然 假装会为我流泪 可是baby 我的心再也经不起你的虚伪 编曲:林从胤 动画:崔冲 歌手:戴雪儿 制作: 『简单男孩』 终于发现 你一直在表演 我的恐惧在黑暗中蔓延 我想选择看不见 可是一幕幕却在涌现 都怪我 瞎了眼 我曾幻想微笑到终点 每个美梦就成真 到处抱拥送吻 合唱:穿新装 多风光 我也一直努力向前 Listen o our happy song 可是你说你已厌倦 跳舞姿态最向往 要快乐抑压要释放 忘了当初的誓言 也许你只是爱我的美 合唱:Everybody dancing now dancing to our happy song 也许你只是想我的依偎 Happy people dancing now 可是你从没 想过我的心 Everybody rock & roll 它只是想找个肩膀赶走疲惫 孤独啊(uc678ud1a8uc774uc57c,单身)-CNBLUE 晕楼上两个 歌曲名:Let"s Get It Started 歌手 黑眼豆豆 Black Eyed Peas BLACK EYED PEAS 的经典单曲 歌词 Let"s Get Retarded, in here... And the base keep runnin" runnin", and runnin", and runnin", and runnin", and runnin", and runnin", and runnin", and runnin", and runnin", and runnin", and runnin", and runnin", and runnin", and runnin", and runnin", and... In this context, there"s no disrespect, so, when I bust my rhyme, you break your necks. We got five minutes for us to disconnect, from all intellect collect the rhythm effect. Obstacles are inefficient, follow your intuition, free your inner soul and break away from tradition. Coz when we beat out, girl it"s pullin without. You wouldn"t believe how we wow shit out. Burn it till it"s burned out. Turn it till it"s turned out. Act up from north, west, east, south. [Chorus:] Everybody, everybody, let"s get into it. Get stupid. Get retarded, get retarded, get retarded. Let"s get retarded (ha), let"s get retarded in here. Let"s get retarded (ha), let"s get retarded in here. Let"s get retarded (ha), let"s get retarded in here. Let"s get retarded (ha), let"s get retarded in here. Yeah. Lose control, of body and soul. Don"t move too fast, people, just take it slow. Don"t get ahead, just jump into it. Ya"ll here a body, o peices to it. Get stutted, get stupid. You"ll want me body people will walk you through it. Step by step, like you"re into new kid. Inch by inch with the new solution. Trench men hits, with no delusion. The feeling"s irresistible and that"s how we movin". [Chorus:] Everybody, everybody, let"s get into it. Get stupid. Get retarded, get retarded, get retarded. Let"s get retarded (ha), let"s get retarded in here. Let"s get retarded (ha), let"s get retarded in here. Let"s get retarded (ha), let"s get retarded in here. Let"s get retarded (ha), let"s get retarded in here. Yeah. Runnin" runnin", and runnin" runnin", and runnin" runnin", and runnin runnin" and... Come on ya"ll let"s get...Oohhoo! Aha, let"s get oohhoo... in here (right now yeah.) Cookoo, aha, let"s get, cookoo, in here... Cookoo, aha, let"s get, cookoo, in here...ow, ow, ow... ya, ya, ya, ya, ya, ya, ya, ya, ya, ya, ya... Let"s get ill, that"s the deal. At the gate, we"ll bring the bud drill. (Just) Lose your mind this is the time, Ya"ll test this drill, Just and bang your spine. (Just) Bob your head like epilepsy, up inside your or in your bentley. Get messy, loud and sick. Ya"ll mount past slow mo in another head trip. (So) Come then now do not correct it, let"s get pregnant let"s get hectic. [Chorus:] Everybody, everybody, let"s get into it. Get stupid. (Come on) Get retarded (e one) , get retarded (yeah), get retarded. Let"s get retarded (ha), let"s get retarded in here. Let"s get retarded (ha), let"s get retarded in here. (R-E-T-A-R-D-E-D) Let"s get retarded (ha), let"s get retarded in here. Let"s get retarded (ha), let"s get retarded (woah, woah, woah) in here. Yeah. Oohhoo! Aha, oohhoo... in here... Cookoo, aha, cookoo, in here (R-E-T-A-R-D-E-D)... Cookoo, aha, let"s get, cookoo, in here...ow, ow, ow... ya, ya, ya, ya, ya, ya, ya, ya, ya, ya, ya, ya, ya, ya, ya, ya, ya, ya... Runnin" runnin", and runnin" runnin", and runnin" runnin", and runnin" runnin" (fade) ████※-这首歌叫什么名字-※████ 这首歌是Tori Amos的The power of orange knickers 歌词如下: The power of orange knickers The power of orange knickers The power of orange knickers Under my petty coat The power of listening to what You don"t want me to know Can somebody tell me now who is this terrorist Those girls that *** ile kindly then rip your life to pieces? Can somebody tell me now am I alone with this This little pill in my hand and with this secret kiss Am I alone in this... A matter of plication When you bee a ist For their latest drink As they"re transitioning Can somebody tell me now who is this terrorist This little pill in my hand that keeps the pain laughin" Can somebody tell me now a way out of this - That sacred pipe of red stone could blow me out of this kiss Am I alone in this... Shame shame time to leave me now Shame shame you"ve had your fun Shame shame for letting me think that I would be the one Can somebody tell me now who is this terrorist This little pill in my hand or this secret kiss Am I alone in this kiss Am I alone in this kiss The power of orange knickers 这首叫The Power of Orange Knickers叫的歌是对”恐怖主义”这个词的一种探究。一天早上,我穿上一条橘黄色的裤子,然后觉得如果真去树立”何为恐怖主义”这样一个原本没有什么概念的想法的话,那我需要这橘色裤子。然后我走向钢琴,开始思考什么词语可以和” 恐怖主义”押韵,便越想越深….是的,我们很容易找出其他国度里的敌人,其他文化里的敌意,那找到自己文化和自己人群里的呢? 我们一部分人总是宁可去毁灭一种思想而不是与其对话,或许只是因为对话所需要的技巧远远比毁灭来得多吧。不过,这首歌里面我们不讨论这些,橘黄色裤子是唯一的元素。而接下来我开始明白任何对立的一方,如果没有了解和尊重另一方,并保持一种和谐的平衡,那么这个世界将会是一团糟。
2023-07-19 23:20:481


nuts/you are mad
2023-07-19 23:20:598

你这个白痴 英语怎么说

you are a fool
2023-07-19 23:21:287


你好!智障retarded 英[rɪˈtɑ:dɪd] 美[rɪˈtɑ:rdɪd] adj. 智力迟钝的; 智力发育迟缓的; v. 使减速(retard的过去式和过去分词); 妨碍; 阻碍(某人/某事物)的进步或发展; [例句]Two major areas in which mentally retarded children require help are memory and attention.智障儿童主要是在记忆力和注意力这两方面需要帮助。
2023-07-19 23:22:051


retard是法语,表示迟到的意思。法语元音字母e在词首开音节发弱元音/u0259/的音,发音要领和元音/ε/相似,但双唇突出呈圆形,圆唇是关键。但是圆唇的时候呈自然状态,无需过于费劲。这个音只出现在非重读音节中,发音时无需过于用力。e在单音节的词尾,或前面有两个辅音,后面有一个辅音时,也发这个音:me 我te 你de 的que 什么retard 迟到revenir 回来tenir 握住mercredi 星期三vendredi 星期五。
2023-07-19 23:22:121


问题一:智障,用英语怎么说 英文原文: retarded 英式音标: [r??t?d?d] 美式音标: [r??t?rd?d] 问题二:你是智障用英语怎么说 You are mentally retarded. 问题三:智障的英语怎么说 mental retardation 问题四:你是智障吗?用英文怎么说 你是智障吗? Are you mentally disabled? 问题五:你是智障吗英语怎么说 你是智障吗 Are you mentally retarded 你是智障吗 Are you mentally retarded 问题六:妈的智障 各国语言发音 用翻译器 问题七:你家智障英语怎么说 你家智障的英文翻译_百度翻译 你家智障 Your mental retardation retardation_百度翻译 retardation 英[?ri:t:"de??n] 美[?ritr?de??n] n. 延迟; 留级; 制动; 光程差; [例句]The risk of mental retardation and disturbed behaviour. 智力迟钝和行为失常的可能危险。 双语例句 柯林斯词典 英英释义 问题八:弱智用英语怎么说? 书面表达: You are foolish/silly! 你真蠢(弱智)! 口语表达更随便: You fool/idiot! 你个傻子! 问题九:所以不要和智障说话用英文怎么说 你好! 所以不要和智障说话 So don"t talk to mental retardation
2023-07-19 23:22:271


问题一:智障,用英语怎么说 英文原文: retarded 英式音标: [r??t?d?d] 美式音标: [r??t?rd?d] 问题二:弱智用英语怎么说? 书面表达: You are foolish/silly! 你真蠢(弱智)! 口语表达更随便: You fool/idiot! 你个傻子! 问题三:智障的英语怎么说 mental retardation 问题四:你是智障用英语怎么说 You are mentally retarded. 问题五:你是智障吗?用英文怎么说 你是智障吗? Are you mentally disabled? 问题六:弱智用英语怎么说 idiot,fool 问题七:你是智障吗英语怎么说 你是智障吗 Are you mentally retarded 你是智障吗 Are you mentally retarded 问题八:英语骂人“你这个智障”怎么说? “你这个智障” You retard. You moron You idiot Fucking retard “真不愧是智障!不错嘛!” What a moron! 埂o *** ing nice! “我真佩服你这个智障!” You the monron, *** ing stupid! 这样的话语太烂,会降低个人的品味,尽量少说或不说。
2023-07-19 23:22:331


问题一:智障,用英语怎么说 英文原文: retarded 英式音标: [r??t?d?d] 美式音标: [r??t?rd?d] 问题二:你是智障用英语怎么说 You are mentally retarded. 问题三:智障的英语怎么说 mental retardation 问题四:你是智障吗?用英文怎么说 你是智障吗? Are you mentally disabled? 问题五:弱智用英语怎么说? 书面表达: You are foolish/silly! 你真蠢(弱智)! 口语表达更随便: You fool/idiot! 你个傻子! 问题六:英语骂人“你这个智障”怎么说? “你这个智障” You retard. You moron You idiot Fucking retard “真不愧是智障!不错嘛!” What a moron! 埂o *** ing nice! “我真佩服你这个智障!” You the monron, *** ing stupid! 这样的话语太烂,会降低个人的品味,尽量少说或不说。 问题七:你是智障吗英语怎么说 你是智障吗 Are you mentally retarded 你是智障吗 Are you mentally retarded 问题八:所以不要和智障说话用英文怎么说 你好! 所以不要和智障说话 So don"t talk to mental retardation 问题九:弱智用英语怎么说 idiot,fool
2023-07-19 23:23:091


retard是法语,表示迟到的意思。法语元音字母e在词首开音节发弱元音/u0259/的音,发音要领和元音/ε/相似,但双唇突出呈圆形,圆唇是关键。注意,圆唇的时候呈自然状态,无需过于费劲,也不要抬起舌根。这个音只出现在非重读音节中,发音时无需过于用力。e在单音节的词尾,或前面有两个辅音,后面有一个辅音时,也发这个音:me 我te 你de 的que 什么retard 迟到revenir 回来tenir 握住mercredi 星期三vendredi 星期五。
2023-07-19 23:23:161


retard 的名词意思里面,是禁用语:笨蛋; 傻子 第一个,retarded,过去分词,相当于一类人。相当于 傻*。
2023-07-19 23:23:311


问题一:你是智障用英语怎么说 You are mentally retarded. 问题二:你是智障用英语怎么说 you are a handicap 问题三:你是智障吗英语怎么说 你是智障吗 Are you mentally retarded 你是智障吗 Are you mentally retarded 问题四:智障,用英语怎么说 英文原文: retarded 英式音标: [r??t?d?d] 美式音标: [r??t?rd?d] 问题五:英语骂人“你这个智障”怎么说? “你这个智障” You retard. You moron You idiot Fucking retard “真不愧是智障!不错嘛!” What a moron! 埂o *** ing nice! “我真佩服你这个智障!” You the monron, *** ing stupid! 这样的话语太烂,会降低个人的品味,尽量少说或不说。 问题六:你是智障吗?用英文怎么说 你是智障吗? Are you mentally disabled? 问题七:弱智用英语怎么说? 书面表达: You are foolish/silly! 你真蠢(弱智)! 口语表达更随便: You fool/idiot! 你个傻子! 问题八:智障的英语怎么说 mental retardation
2023-07-19 23:23:381


Larvas bee retarded in the mucus . 幼虫被阻留在粘膜内。 Small molecules are retarded from leaving the column . 小的分子被阻滞在层折柱上。 A retarded child needs help , not pity . 智力迟钝的孩子需要的不是怜悯,而是帮助。 A serologic reaction retards the growth of the pollen tube . 血清反应阻止花粉管生长。 Lack of science and education retards social progress . 缺乏科学和教育会妨碍社会进步。 The heart rate is regularly accelerated and then retarded . 心率有规律的加速而后减慢。 Numerous and extensive cavities retard the turbulent mixing process . 多而大的涡流区延迟了扰动的混合过程。 Numerous and extensive eddy cavities retard the turbulent mixing process . 多而大的涡流区延迟了扰动的混合过程。 Writing may retard the process of language change under certain conditions . 在某些情况下,文字可能延缓语言的变化。 China started special education for the mentally retarded children in 1979 . 中国于1979年开始对弱智儿童实施特种教育。 " cause they " re gay - don " t be a fucking retard -因为他们是同性恋-别那么弱智 Than all you retarded jerk - offs put together 也比你们这些弱智加起来的还要多 Are you retarded ? there " s laser technology now 你是弱智吗?现在有雷射科技了 Than all you retarded jerk - offs put together 也比你们这些弱智加起来的还要多 " cause they " re gay . - don " t be a fucking retard 因为它们是同性恋-别瞎说了你 Study of color naming in mentally retarded children 弱智儿童颜色命名能力的发展研究 - " cause they " re gay - don " t be a fucking retard -因为他们是同性恋-别那么弱智 That guy in the orange jacket is mentally retarded 穿橘红色夹克那个人精神有点问题 Ifthere was some sort of retarded oscar . . 如果有一项最佳智障的奥斯卡奖项… Like he was mentally retarded or something 或是他是个白痴或者是其他甚麼的 He can do anything . - she " s from the retard academy 他能做到任何事她来自智残学校 - what ? - yeah , they think you " re a retard -什么? -是的,他们认为你是个傻子 Administration retards : jumping from the trap of 跳出国家权力回归社会的陷阱 But the son " s a pttle bit retarded . kwang - ho 但那家的儿子康号有些智障 Are you fucking retarded ? what the hell " s the matter with you 你他妈的智障阿?毛病! - he can do anything . - she " s from the retard academy 他能做到任何事她来自智残学校 What are you , retarded ? get off the fucking car 你是什么啊,弱智啊?他妈的给我下车! Study on thermodegradation kiics of flame retarded pet 的热降解动力学 Cold weather retards the growth of the crops 寒冷的天气妨碍了庄稼生长。 Halogen - free intumescent flame retarded system for ldpe 膨胀型无卤阻燃聚乙烯材料的研究
2023-07-19 23:23:561


2023-07-19 23:24:0510

大多数 学生 是 社会 智障的翻译是:什么意思

大多数 学生 是 社会 智障翻译成英文是:Most students are social retarded相关单词学习:retarded 英[ru026au02c8tɑ:du026ad] 美[ru026au02c8tɑ:rdu026ad] adj. 智力迟钝的; 智力发育迟缓的; v. 使减速(retard的过去式和过去分词); 妨碍; 阻碍(某人/某事物)的进步或发展; [例句]Two major areas in which mentally retarded children require help are memory and attention.智障儿童主要是在记忆力和注意力这两方面需要帮助。[其他] 原型: retard
2023-07-19 23:24:411

“mentally retarded”翻译成汉语是什么意思?

弱智人士一、mentally retarded1、英[u02c8mentu0259lu026a riu02c8tɑ:du0259d]2、美[u02c8mu025bntl:u026a ru026au02c8tɑrdu026ad]3、[医]智能发育迟缓的4、[例句]Forgotten children : techniques in teaching the mentally retarded.被遗忘的孩子:弱智人士教学中的方法
2023-07-19 23:24:481


问题一:你是智障吗英语怎么说 你是智障吗 Are you mentally retarded 你是智障吗 Are you mentally retarded 问题二:你是智障用英语怎么说 You are mentally retarded. 问题三:你是智障吗?用英文怎么说 你是智障吗? Are you mentally disabled? 问题四:英语骂人“你这个智障”怎么说? “你这个智障” You retard. You moron You idiot Fucking retard “真不愧是智障!不错嘛!” What a moron! 埂o *** ing nice! “我真佩服你这个智障!” You the monron, *** ing stupid! 这样的话语太烂,会降低个人的品味,尽量少说或不说。 问题五:你是智障用英语怎么说 you are a handicap 问题六:智障用英语怎么读 英文原文: retarded 英式音标: [r??t?d?d] 美式音标: [r??t?rd?d] 问题七:你是弱智,大家都知道,这是事实 英文翻译 You"re idiot, everybody knows, that"s the trurh. 问题八:弱智用英语怎么说? 书面表达: You are foolish/silly! 你真蠢(弱智)! 口语表达更随便: You fool/idiot! 你个傻子! 问题九:你家智障英语怎么说 你家智障的英文翻译_百度翻译 你家智障 Your mental retardation retardation_百度翻译 retardation 英[?ri:t:"de??n] 美[?ritr?de??n] n. 延迟; 留级; 制动; 光程差; [例句]The risk of mental retardation and disturbed behaviour. 智力迟钝和行为失常的可能危险。 双语例句 柯林斯词典 英英释义
2023-07-19 23:25:111


问题一:你是智障用英语怎么说 You are mentally retarded. 问题二:你是智障吗英语怎么说 你是智障吗 Are you mentally retarded 你是智障吗 Are you mentally retarded 问题三:你是智障用英语怎么说 you are a handicap 问题四:英语骂人“你这个智障”怎么说? “你这个智障” You retard. You moron You idiot Fucking retard “真不愧是智障!不错嘛!” What a moron! 埂o *** ing nice! “我真佩服你这个智障!” You the monron, *** ing stupid! 这样的话语太烂,会降低个人的品味,尽量少说或不说。 问题五:智障用英语怎么读 英文原文: retarded 英式音标: [r??t?d?d] 美式音标: [r??t?rd?d] 问题六:你是智障吗?用英文怎么说 你是智障吗? Are you mentally disabled? 问题七:智障的英语怎么说 mental retardation 问题八:你家智障英语怎么说 你家智障的英文翻译_百度翻译 你家智障 Your mental retardation retardation_百度翻译 retardation 英[?ri:t:"de??n] 美[?ritr?de??n] n. 延迟; 留级; 制动; 光程差; [例句]The risk of mental retardation and disturbed behaviour. 智力迟钝和行为失常的可能危险。 双语例句 柯林斯词典 英英释义 问题九:弱智用英语怎么说? 书面表达: You are foolish/silly! 你真蠢(弱智)! 口语表达更随便: You fool/idiot! 你个傻子!
2023-07-19 23:25:181


你是智障吗英语怎么说 你是智障吗 Are you mentally retarded 你是智障吗 Are you mentally retarded你是智障用英语怎么说 You are mentally retarded. 你是智障吗?用英文怎么说 你是智障吗? Are you mentally disabled? 英语骂人“你这个智障”怎么说? “你这个智障” You retard. You moron You idiot Fucking retard “真不愧是智障!不错嘛!” What a moron! 埂o *** ing nice! “我真佩服你这个智障!” You the monron, *** ing stupid! 这样的话语太烂,会降低个人的品味,尽量少说或不说。 你是智障用英语怎么说 you are a handicap 智障用英语怎么读 英文原文: retarded 英式音标: [ru026au02c8tɑu02d0du026ad] 美式音标: [ru026au02c8tɑu02d0rdu026ad] 你是弱智,大家都知道,这是事实 英文翻译 You"re idiot, everybody knows, that"s the trurh. 弱智用英语怎么说? 书面表达: You are foolish/silly! 你真蠢(弱智)! 口语表达更随便: You fool/idiot! 你个傻子! 你家智障英语怎么说 你家智障的英文翻译_百度翻译 你家智障 Your mental retardation retardation_百度翻译 retardation 英[u02ccri:tɑ:"deu026au0283n] 美[u02ccritɑru02c8deu0283u0259n] n. 延迟; 留级; 制动; 光程差; [例句]The risk of mental retardation and disturbed behaviour. 智力迟钝和行为失常的可能危险。 双语例句 柯林斯词典 英英释义
2023-07-19 23:25:241


问题一:你是智障吗英语怎么说 你是智障吗 Are you mentally retarded 你是智障吗 Are you mentally retarded 问题二:你是智障用英语怎么说 You are mentally retarded. 问题三:你是智障吗?用英文怎么说 你是智障吗? Are you mentally disabled? 问题四:英语骂人“你这个智障”怎么说? “你这个智障” You retard. You moron You idiot Fucking retard “真不愧是智障!不错嘛!” What a moron! 埂o *** ing nice! “我真佩服你这个智障!” You the monron, *** ing stupid! 这样的话语太烂,会降低个人的品味,尽量少说或不说。 问题五:你是智障用英语怎么说 you are a handicap 问题六:智障用英语怎么读 英文原文: retarded 英式音标: [r??t?d?d] 美式音标: [r??t?rd?d] 问题七:你是弱智,大家都知道,这是事实 英文翻译 You"re idiot, everybody knows, that"s the trurh. 问题八:弱智用英语怎么说? 书面表达: You are foolish/silly! 你真蠢(弱智)! 口语表达更随便: You fool/idiot! 你个傻子! 问题九:你家智障英语怎么说 你家智障的英文翻译_百度翻译 你家智障 Your mental retardation retardation_百度翻译 retardation 英[?ri:t:"de??n] 美[?ritr?de??n] n. 延迟; 留级; 制动; 光程差; [例句]The risk of mental retardation and disturbed behaviour. 智力迟钝和行为失常的可能危险。 双语例句 柯林斯词典 英英释义
2023-07-19 23:25:421


是god is a girl 吧 百度上就有
2023-07-19 23:25:584

lets get retarded中文翻译 歌词

一个两步(1尺2步)  女士们,先生们  女士们,先生们  这是一个爵士productshizzle黄  小姑娘  公主在这里  “这是Ciara击败  自动超声波催眠时髦的新鲜  让我的身体旋律  这一个拍流的权利,通过我的胸部  每个人都马和罂粟来聚会  抓住别人的工作你的身体的工作你的身体  让我看一看你一两步  岩石它“不要阻止它的  每个人都有在地板上  把聚会上  我们要得到它  让我看看你全部请采纳
2023-07-19 23:26:071


retarded ,形容词 a retarded child
2023-07-19 23:26:196


LOL 英雄联盟 ADC 物理型输出以及CARRY APC 法术型输出以及CARRY CARRY 打钱的 GANK 杀人游走的 SUPPORT 辅助 TANK 坦克俗称肉 T:指Tank,肉盾,护甲高,血量多,能够承受大量伤害的英雄。 DPS:damage per second,伤害每秒,特指能够对敌人造成大量伤害的英雄。 Carry:后期,核心,需要大量的金钱去堆积装备的英雄,成型后威力很大,起决定性作用。 Gank:Gangbang Kill的缩写,游戏中的一种常用战术,指两个以上的英雄并肩作战,对敌方英雄进行偷袭、包抄、围杀。通常是以多打少,又称“抓人”。 Stun:带有眩晕效果的技能的总称,也指打断对手持续性施法和施法动作的打断技。 Solo:一条线路上一个人,指英雄单独处于一路兵线上与敌人对峙,经验高升级速度远超其他两路。 Aoe :area of effect,效果范围,引申为有范围效果的技能 补刀:指对血量不多的小兵造成最终一击的技术,也就是攻击小兵最后一下获得小兵的金钱,也可指对英雄的最后一击获得金钱。 KS:Kill Steal的简称,指专门对敌方英雄造成最后一下伤害获得金钱和杀人数,而实际上对这个英雄的多数伤害是由队友造成的,又称“抢人头”。 兵线:指双方小兵交战的线路位置。 对线:指己方英雄和敌方英雄在兵线附近对峙。 控线:高手们通过技能和补刀,把兵线停留在自己希望的地方。 推线:运用技能或者高攻击,快速消灭敌方小兵,并带领己方小兵威胁或摧毁敌方防御塔。 清兵:运用技能或者高攻击,快速消灭敌方小兵,获取金钱。又称刷兵打钱,英文“farm”。 沉默:可以移动,能够进行物理攻击,但不可以使用技能。 禁锢:不能移动,能够使用技能,但不可以进行物理攻击。 眩晕:不能移动,不能攻击,不能使用技能。 召唤师技能:英雄控制者(玩家)自己可以选定的技能,和使用的英雄无关。 技能:英雄一共拥有5个技能,一个英雄专属的被动技能;4个为英雄普通技能普通技能的4个施放键对应为Q、W、E、R,其中前3个技能最高5级、最后一个R键技能为大招,最高3级。) ULT:大招,R键技能。 天赋:随着召唤师的升级,会获得天赋点,玩家可以把天赋点投入到攻击系,防御系和通用系里,增强英雄的能力(不同的英雄可使用不同的天赋)。 符文:召唤师可购买符文来增强英雄的能力(不同的英雄可使用不同的符文)。 草丛:地图上主要道路边的草丛,在草丛中的单位可以隐蔽,草丛外的敌人无法看到你,但是你可以看到草丛外的敌人。 物理攻击:普通攻击,简称物攻,英文简写AD。 魔法攻击:技能攻击,简称法伤,英文简写AP。 护甲:物理防御,减免受到物理攻击的伤害。 魔抗:魔法防御,减免受到技能攻击的伤害。 CD:Cool down,技能冷却时间,技能再次释放所需要的时间,在CD中的技能无法使用。 BUFF:杀死特定的野怪后获得增益魔法,持续一段时间后消失,若持有BUFF的同时被杀死,那么敌人将获得这个BUFF的增益效果。 假眼:岗哨守卫,隐形,可以显示周围的区域。 真眼:真视之眼,隐形,可以显示周围的区域,并且可以侦测隐形。 超级兵:在己方兵营被摧毁后,敌方会生产超级兵,拥有超高攻击,超高防御以及超多的血量,在己方兵营重建后敌方会停止生产超级兵。 阵亡通知书:英雄死亡后,可以查看阵亡通知书,上边记录了你受到的伤害值和伤害来源 Lane – 路 Laning - 对线阶段 Solo – 单路 Top – 上 Mid – 中 Bot – 下 Jungle – 打野怪 MIA – Missing in Action 同路的敌人消失了 (如果同路有2 个敌人, 直接以 "-1", "-2" 表达好了) All MIA - All Missing in Action 敌人全部消失了 RE – Returned 同路的敌人回来了 NVM – Nevermind 没事了 (可作RE使用) } Brb – Be Right back 很快就回来 (一般是回去补血或者买东西) 团战篇 OOM - Out of Mana 没蓝了 FB - First Blood 首杀 EM - Enemy 敌人 BD – Backdooring 偷塔 B – Back 退 Gank – 围剿 Push – 推塔 GG – Good Game 完场 NP - No Problem 不要紧 建筑篇 Turret - 箭塔 Barrack - 兵营 Nexus - 主城 侦察篇 Ward - 洞察棒 (这是$90不显隐的, 要$150显隐请注明"Visible Ward") Oracle - 洞察药 Bush - 草丛 Stealth - 隐身 网络篇 Lag – 卡卡的 DC – Disconnect 掉线 Dced - Disconneced 掉线的过去式 Delay - 延迟 Frozen – 卡得不能动 AFK - Away From Keyboard 闲置状态, 挂机 情绪篇 Pls - Please 请求你做一件事, 最常见是"Pls delete your game"(不解释) Ty – Thankyou 谢谢 Gj - Good Job 干得好 OMW - On My Way 正赶来 Noob – Newbie 新手(骨子里就是说你SB) Delete - 你玩得太烂, 请你删除游戏 OMG – Oh My God 糗了 OMFG – Oh My Fxxking God (不解释) WTF - What the Fxxk 这怎TMD可能啊! (谢11楼提供) Suck - (可作Fxxk 使用) Retarded - 脑残 LOL – Laugh out loud 耻笑你 ROFL – Rolling on floor laugh (同上) 英雄篇 Cham - Champion 英雄 Buff – (动词)将英雄改强 (名词)助益性效果 Debuff - (名词)损害性效果 Nerf - (动词)将英雄改弱 OP – Overpowering 英雄过强 Imba - Imbalance 这英雄的设计不平衡 (同上) Ult – Ultimate 大绝 AD – Attack Damage 物理攻击 AP – Ability Power 法术能量 [因为所谓的法术, 其实是你的q,w,e,r技能(Ability)
2023-07-19 23:26:341


Eminem Featuring Nate Dogg - Shake That 专辑: Eminem - 《Curtain Call:The Hits》 厂牌: Shady, Aftermath There she goes shaking that ass on the floor Bumpin and grindin that pole The way she"s grindin it oh I think I"m losing control Get buzzed, get drunk, get crunked, get fuucked up Hit the strip club don"t forget once get your dick rubbed Get fucked, get sucked, get wasted, shit faceted Pasted, blasted, puke drink up, get a new drink Hit the bathroom sink, throw up Wipe your shoe clean, got a routine Knowin still got a few chunks on your shoestring Showin I was dehydrated till the beat vibrated I was revibed as soon as this B is gyrated And hips and licked them lips and that was it I had to get Nate Dogg and his sing some shit Two to the one from the one to the three I like good pussy and I like good trees Smoke so much weed you wouldn"t beleive And I get more ass than a toilet seat Three to the one from the one to the three I met a bad bitch last night in the D Let me tell you how I made her leave with me Conversation and Hennessey I"ve been to the muthafuckin mountain top Heard muthafuckers talk, seen and dropped If I ain"t got a weapon I"ma pick up a rock And when I bust yo ass I"ma continue to rock Getcha ass of the wall with your two left feet It"s real easy just follow the beat Don"t let that fine girl pass you byye Look real close cause strobe lights blind We bout to have a party (turn the music up) Let"s get it started (Go head shake your butt) I"m lookin for a girl with a body and a sexy strut Wanna get it poppin baby step right up Some girls they act retarded Some girls are bout it bout it I"m lookin for a girl that will do whatever the fuck I say everday she be givin it up Shake that ass for me, shake that ass for me Come on girl, shake that ass for me, shake that ass for me Ohh girl, shake that ass for me, shake that ass for me Come on girl, shake that ass for me, shake that ass for me I"m a menace, a dentist, an oral hygentist Open your mouth for about four or five minutes Take a little bit of this flouride rinse Swish but don"t spit it, swallow and I"ll finish Yeah me and Nate d-o double g Looking for a couple bitches with some double d"s Pop a little champagne and a couple E"s Slip it in her bubbuly, we finna finna have a party Have a party (turn the music up) Let"s get it started (Go head shake your butt) I"m lookin for a girl I can fuck in my hummer truck Apple Bottom jeans and a big ol slut Some girls they act retarded Some girls are bout it bout it I want a bitch that sit at the crib with no panties on Knows that she can"t but she won"t say no Now look at this lady all in front of me, sexy as can be Tonight I want a slut, will you be mine? I heard you was freaky from a friend of mine Now I hope you don"t get mad at me But I told Nate you was a freak He said he wants a slut, hope you don"t mind I told him that you like it from behind Shake that ass for me, shake that ass for me Cmon girl, shake that ass for me, shake that ass for me Ohh girl, shake that ass for me, shake that ass for me Cmon girl, shake that ass for me, shake that ass for me We bout" to have a party (turn the music up) Let"s get it started (go ahead shake that butt) I"m lookin for a girl with a body and a sexy strut Wanna get it poppin baby step right up Some girls they act retarded Some girls are bout it bout it I"m lookin for a girl that will do whatever the fuck I say everday she be givin it up There she goes, shaking that ass on the floor Bumpin and grindin that pole The way she"s grindin it oh I think I"m losing control God, come one I ain"t leavin" without you bitch Come here home with me And my boy, and his boy, and his boy, and his girl haha, Nate call END 第一段EMINEM唱的是在PUB里喝到吐死为止,疯狂地......第二,三段NATE DOGG的是说无论怎么样都不会停止疯狂喝酒...泡马子.....大多都是故意装老大的话......CHORUS:想看女人了......挑起欲望的歌词第四段:差不多就是在PUB里做些"淫荡"的事....第五段:NATE DOGG开始淫荡了.....BRIDGE:似乎是EM的谈话内容,勾引女人剩下的重复....整个歌词无意义......但歌真是不赖。
2023-07-19 23:27:061


智障儿童英文翻译Mentally retarded children
2023-07-19 23:27:161

eminem《my mom》歌词翻译

Intro] Yeah... Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah Yo Yo Alright, Ima lay the chorus first Here we gooo now Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah Yo Yo 好吧~先来副歌部分 走起~~~ [Chorus] (河蟹)My mom love valium and lots of drugs Thats why I am like I am because I"m like her Because My mom love valium and lots of drugs Thats why I"m on what I"m on cause I"m My Mom! 我老妈爱死安定药和各种丸子 拜她所赐我现在和她一样 因为我老妈爱死安定药和各种丸子 这就是为啥我现在嗑着药都因为我像我老娘! [Verse #1] My mom, my mom, I know your probably tired of hearing "bout my mom, Oooh whooa But this is just a story of when I was just a shorty And how I become hooked on vah-a-l-ium Valium was in everything, food that I ate The water that I drank, fxxkin peas in my plate She sprinkled just enough of it just to season my steak So everyday I"d have at least three stomach aches Now tell me, what kind of mother would want to see her Son to grow up to be an under-afxxkin-chiever My teacher didn"t think I was gunna be nothin either "What the fxxk you stickin gum up under the fxxkin seat for?" "Mrs.(河蟹) Mathers your son has(河蟹) been huffin ether," "Either that or the motherfxxkers (河蟹)been puffin" reefer" But all this huffin and puffin wasn"t what it was either, it was neither I was(河蟹) buzzin but it wasn"t what she thought Pee in teacup? Bitch you ain"t my keeper I"m sleepin What the fxxk you keep on fxxkin" with me for Slut you need to leave me the fxxk alone, I ain"t playin Go find you a white crayon and color a fxxkin" zebra! 我老娘,又谈我老娘~ 我猜你们听到我又谈我老娘感到粉抓狂~oh~whooa~~ 但这只是个我小时候的小事一件 关于我怎么迷上了安定药片 那时安定剂就是我的全世界 我吃的饭喝的水甚至盘子里的豆子都是TMD药片 我老妈把它当作调味剂洒在牛排上 所以每天我至少有三次胃肿胀 现在告诉我,有哪个老妈想看到 自己的儿子长大了却有潜力没实力 我老师也觉得我长大了是个垃圾 “你丫在座位下胡JB搞什么东西?” “Mathers太太你儿子把乙醛吸了进去” “要不就是这个小混蛋已经学会抽那些违禁品” 但这些只是你的猜测,这些东西我没做任何一样 我在嗡嗡做声但那不是她想得那样 在茶杯里撒尿?你个贱人又不是我的监护人我现在在睡觉 你TM干嘛还来对我打扰 你个婊子离我远点这不是开玩笑 找只白粉笔去把斑马刷成彩色! Chorus] My mom love valium and lots of drugs Thats why I am like I am cause I"m like her Because My mom love valium and lots of drugs Thats why I"m on what I"m on cause I"m My Mom! 我老妈爱死安定药和各种丸子 拜她所赐我现在和她一样 因为我老妈爱死安定药和各种丸子 这就是为啥我现在嗑着药都因为我像我老娘! [Verse #2] Wait a minute.. This ain"t dinner, this is paint thinner "You ate it yesterday, I ain"t hear no complaints did I? Now heres a plate full of pain killers, now just wait till I crush the valium and put it in your potatoes, you little motherfxxker, I"ll make you sit there and make that retarded fxxkin face Without even tastin it. You better lick fxxkin" plate you ain"t wastin" it, put your face in it For I throw you in the basement again, and I ain"t givin" in Your gunna just sit there in one fxxkin place spi????(单词不详) Till next Thanksgiving and if you still ain"t finished Then I"ll use the same shit again, then When I make spinach dip It"ll placed in the shit. You little shit Wanna sit there and play innocent A rack filler hit me in K-Mart and they witnessed it Child support? Your father he ain"t sent the shit And so what if he did? Its none of your dang business kid" 等等等等。。这不是晚餐而是油漆颜料 “儿子你昨天吃的也是这个当时可没听到你乱叫” 这儿有一盘止痛药,等我把药片压碎就好 现在把它们混在土豆泥里,小王八羔~ 这样你好像个二B一样乖乖坐下来。别管味道了。 你最好把盘子舔干净,把脸贴到盘子上别浪费了 待会把你丢进地下室我可不会向你投降~ 你得给我老实呆在那哪都不许去 明年感恩节的时候要是你还没吃下去 那我会再折磨你一次,然后我做泡菠菜的时候 再加点东西~ 你个小畜生好好坐那乖一点 在凯马特他们都看到我被一本书给砸了 儿童抚养费?你老爸从来没有给 那他要是给了呢?孩子这不关你鸟事 Bridge #1] My mom, theres no one else quite like my mom I know I should let bigons be bigons But shes the reason why I am high what I"m high on 我老娘,世上没有一个人像她这样 我知道我该让bigon成为bigon 但她是我为什么执著于药物的原因 [Chorus] My mom love valium and lots of drugs Thats why I am like I am cause I"m like her Because My mom love valium and lots of drugs Thats why I"m on what I"m on cause I"m My Mom! 我老妈爱死安定药和各种丸子 拜她所赐我现在和她一样 因为我老妈爱死安定药和各种丸子 这就是为啥我现在嗑着药都因为我像我老娘! [Bridge #2] My mom love valium now while I am Theres a party animal, I am what I am But I"m strong to the finish with me valium spinach But my buzz only last about two minutes But I don"t wanna swallow it without chewin" it I can"t even write a rhyme without doin" it My valium, My valiiiuuuuum 我老娘爱安定呀现在我也一样 舞池动物说得就是我 但我对加了药丸的菠菜感觉强烈 但我只能喃喃有词两分钟不到 但我不想生吞药丸不加咀嚼 没有它的话一个韵脚都没法写 我的止痛药片,我的止痛药片~~~~~~~~ [Verse #3] Man I never thought I could never be a drug addict Nah fxxk that, I can"t have it happen to me But that actually what has ended up happenin" A tradegy, of fxxkin passin it up, catchin" me And its probably where I got aquanted with the taste, Ain"t it Pharmaceuticals are the bomb mom, beautiful She killed a fxxkin dog with the medicine she done fed it Feed a fxxkin asprin and say that it has a headache "Here want a snack, you hungry you fxxkin brat?" "Look at that, its a xanax, take it and take a nap! EAT IT!" But I DONT NEED IT! "WELL FxxK IT, then break it up!" "Take a little piece then beat it, before you wake Nathan up!" Alright ma, you win, I don"t feel like arguin" I"ll do it, pop it gobble it, and start wobblin" Stumble, hoble, tumble, slip, tripped and I fall in bed With a bottle of Meds, and a Heath Ledger bobblehead 哥们我从未想过我会对药物着迷 不,去他的,我可不能这样下去 但这事最终的确的就这样发生了 悲剧呵~牢牢抓住了我~ 可能是我爱上了那种口味~大概吧 药物品就像是炸弹.老妈,太爽了 她给一只狗喂丸子把它给弄死了 吃下一片阿司匹林说头有点痛 有份点心,你饿了么小淘气 “看看这个~是赞安诺~吃了它打个盹吧~给我吃!“ 但我不需要啊 “卧槽,那么把它弄碎!” “吃下一片然后走开,在你把Nathan小弟吵醒之前!” 好吧,妈你赢了,我不想吵了 我吃,大口大口,狼吞虎咽 接着不停翻滚,在床上自己被自己绊倒 只是一瓶最小的剂量,和Heath Ledger bobblehead(这里是个典故,电影看的多的朋友点明下) My mom love valium and lots of drugs Thats why I am like I am cause I"m like her Because My mom love valium and lots of drugs Thats why I"m on what I"m on cause I"m My Mom! 我老妈爱死安定药和各种丸子 拜她所赐我现在和她一样 因为我老妈爱死安定药和各种丸子 这就是为啥我现在嗑着药都因为我像我老娘! MY MOM MY MOM..... MY MOM MY MAMA sorry ma~·I still love u though.... 完结 转自eminem吧 fyshady
2023-07-19 23:27:241


AFK 离开 AOE 范围伤害 B是回城吧。。。BUFF是增益效果 CARRY 是带的意思 也就是带动全场节奏, FARM 发育 GG 是GOOD GAME 称赞对方或者嘲讽对方 GANK是协助其他线上人攻击 SOLO 是单挑 TANK 是坦克肉盾前排的意思 TP 是传送 支援的意思 我就知道这么多- -。哦对还有OMG 是个战队的名字 国内的牛B战队。个人非常喜欢的队伍。
2023-07-19 23:27:323

Ignorant Shit 歌词

歌曲名:Ignorant Shit歌手:Drake专辑:Almost FamousDrake Ft. Lil Wayne - Ignorant ShitYeah, I appreciate ya patience tonightIt"s been a moment since I"ve done some public speakingI find now-a-days it"s just best to keep quietBut uh, sometimes you jus gotta let it outYoung angel and young lionYou know what it is, uhDrake:Look, I"m the property of octoberI ain"t drive here I got chauferredBring me champagne flutes,Rose and some shots overI think better when I"m not soberI smoke good ain"t no glaucomaI"m a stockholder,Private flights back home no stop overStill spittin that shit that they shot pac overThe shit my mother look shocked overYeah, but with a canvas I"m a group of sevenA migraine, take two excedrinI"m the one twice over I"m the new elevenAnd if I die I"m a do it reppin, I never do a secondI swear niggas be eyein me all hardAnd lyin to they girls and drivin the same carsSittin there wishin they problems became oursCause we have nothin in commonSince I done became starI done became bigger swervin writin in my peer"s laneSame dudes that used to holla my engineer"s nameOne touch I could make the drapes and the sheers changeAn show me the city that I without fear claimWhat I set seems to never extinguishCoolest kid out baby word to chuck inglishCount my own money see the paper cut fingersMy song is ya girlfriend"s wakin up ringerHeh, or alarm, or whateverShe be here at six in the morn if I let herBut I never get attracted to fansCause the eager beaver could be the collapse of a damI always knew that I could figgaHow to get these label heads to offer "em good figuresAnd me doin them shows gettin everyone nervous causeThem hipsters gon have to get alone with them hood niggasIt"s all good I"m goin off like lights when the show"s overMake pasta rent a movie called hoes overRest in peace to heath ledger but I"m no jokerI"ll slow roast ya, got no holsterWet glass on ya table nigga no coasterBurn bread everyday boy no toasterG and tez got a cig but I"m no smokerThey jus handin chips to me nigga no pokerI"m with it, young money, cash money soldierMy cup runneth over,The same niggas I ball with, I fall withOn some southern drawl shitRookie of the year, "06 chris paul shitD.r., c.j, an po" I see y"allThese cases don"t workout I hope we can agree onMakin enough to pay any judge judy offFirst thing I"m a do is free weezy, goLil Wayne:And I take probationI don"t want that t.I. and vick vacationPrivate plane, big locationGoin to the bank to make a big donationYeah, I don"t stunt, I stunt hardAnd if the food ain"t on the stove I hunt for itBut in the meantime you can call me young royJones junior fightin the drugs and gun chargeShit, don"t leave me un-guardedAnd I"m a cheese head word to vince lombardiWord to marky mark leave a snitch departedAll that blood like the red sea partedMy gun go crazy like it"s retardedRed light on it like it"s recordinI ain"t recordin I"m jus C-4"inMy currency foreignWe are in a league they aren"tBetter dig in ya pocket an pay homageBetter cover ya eyes ya face fallinWatch the game from the side I"m play callinNo I didn"t say that I"m flawlessBut I, damn sure don"t tarnishMy piss don"t got comments for ya garmentsI"m so high I can vomit on a cometK-y no homo I"m on itWeezy f baby new born bitchYou know what they say bout when ya palm itchI"m gon get money money I"m gon getYoung money in ya tummy and we gon shitAn get that toilet paper quick like when bones spitThat"s right bitch I"m back on my grown shitThat oughta marvin gaye no ice just chrome shitAnd ya boyfriend softer than a phone bitI scream fuck the world with a long dickMotherfucker I"m me, yeah bitch I"m meYou niggas sweet like the pussy in which I eatFireman burn down ya entire streetSo fly I"m a take off when I leap, byeAnd you can suck my wingsStand on my money headbutt yao mingPutcha hand in the oven if ya touch my thingsI"m shufflin the cards bout to cut my queensBut I ain"t the dealerHouse full of bitches like tila tequilaYeah, I"m the man in the mirrorMy swagger jus screamin mothafucker do you hear herDrizzy drake what the lick readWe make magic boy roy and sigfreidWhoo! young mulah baby, yeahEndDrake Ft. Lil Wayne - Ignorant Shit
2023-07-19 23:27:401


2023-07-19 23:28:002

Every Chance I Get 歌词

歌曲名:Every Chance I Get歌手:T.I.专辑:Paper TrailT.I. - Every Chance I GetReal talk, true story (uh-huh)No nuts, no glory (uh-uh)Y"knowmsayin? (Real talk)Ay dawg (yeah yeah)I"ma tell you like thisHey I"m so raw, and I"m so richAnd you so flawed niggaz ain"t "bout shitI"ll take yo" broad, I can fuck yo" bitchKnow that I"m gon" ball every chance I getEvery chance I get, real talk, no shitEvery chance I get, make money on thisI"ll take yo" broad, I can fuck yo" bitchKnow that I"m gon" ball every chance I get, every chance I getThey say it"s lonely at the top, but I don"t feel lonelyGot my homies out in Hollywood so I don"t feel phonyAin"t another nigga colder, cribs all overFlash-in-pan, these other rappers catch a number, Coca-ColaI"m exceedin expectations, you barely meetin quotaI give it to "em straight, you cut it with baking sodaYou said I ain"t Zone One, nigga ha, that"s a funny oneI"m King like my 3 year-old, Major like my youngest sonGot one named Domani, so you know what I"m gettin (guap)Deyjah and Neek-Neek and Messiah like "Daddy, get "em"Got an angel named Leah here to keep me outta prisonAnd my partner Jason Geter to help me see about a billionListen; Grand Hustle, best respect this visionMy records sell about a million, but shit that just the beginninWhat with Club Crucial and Grand Hustle film divisionMultiplication to get the paper, I let the clique do the divisionPlus "A King of Oneself," high fashion, I"m flashinI"m, ready for whatever though, trained to go you better knowPut dick up in whoever hoe, let "em knowHey I"m so raw, and I"m so richAnd you so flawed niggaz ain"t "bout shitI"ll take yo" broad, I can fuck yo" bitchKnow that I"m gon" ball every chance I getEvery chance I get, real talk, no shitEvery chance I get, make money on thisI"ll take yo" broad, I can fuck yo" bitchKnow that I"m gon" ball every chance I get, every chance I getI gotta thank my lucky stars cause it came so farDope game, rap game, "bout the same so farBrag about your lil" Benz, nigga that ain"t no carI got some shit in my garage that requires a chauffeurHigh as gas is, the country at war and people are starvinAnd I pay a million dollars for Ferrari"s, retarded, huh?Sorry bruh, been a dick that been ballin since it started upSeason hoe, get "em all to fuck cause they know this dough stack tall as fuckNah, it ain"t that I"m rich that they hate so muchLeast I could do it, not rub it in niggaz face so muchSo I"m tryin now while I"m rhymin not to brag about the islandOr the crib in Hawaii where all the walls slide inHouse is wide open, we could bring the outside inI think you should hear about it, but fuck it I"ll be quietI just spit it how I live it homie I don"t be lyinWould it make you feel better if I put my pockets on the die?If I made less money, started to dress bummyWould the haters and the critics have more respect for me?Should I downgrade the crib and the way I live?Now how about I don"t and we just say I did, niggaHey I"m so raw, and I"m so richAnd you so flawed niggaz ain"t "bout shitI"ll take yo" broad, I can fuck yo" bitchKnow that I"m gon" ball every chance I getEvery chance I get, real talk, no shitEvery chance I get, make money on thisI"ll take yo" broad, I can fuck yo" bitchKnow that I"m gon" ball every chance I get, every chance I getAy say homeboyIt"s real talk comin at you live and direct homeboy, you dig that?Heh, you could hate all you want partnaI"ma give you somethin to hate on, bitch niggaHa ha! Grand Hustle, you understand?DJ Toomp you did yo" muh"fuckin thang as usualAy-hey look, P$C partna, Pimp Squad ClickAy, Big Kuntry you up next homieIt"s the king, BITCH!Yeahhhhhh, they say I ain"t Zone One, bitch niggaMy grandmama been livin on Center Hill 43 years, hoe-ass niggaYou understand that? Nigga come meet me niggaSee me nigga! You know?Why niggaz gotta wait "til a nigga got the police watchin youand start kickin that fuck shit, you know?You know how I get down, you know what it was niggaYou know you don"t wanna see me, bitch nigga!Yeahhhhhh, AY!Hey I"m so raw, and I"m so richAnd you so flawed niggaz ain"t "bout shitI"ll take yo" broad, I can fuck yo" bitchKnow that I"m gon" ball every chance I getEvery chance I get, real talk, no shitEvery chance I get, make money on thisI"ll take yo" broad, I can fuck yo" bitchKnow that I"m gon" ball every chance I get, every chance I get
2023-07-19 23:28:121


shake that 歌手:eminem 专辑:curtin call Eminem Shake That [ Intro ] [ Eminem ] Woo! Shady, Aftermath There she goes shaking that ass on the floor Bumpin and grindin" that pole The way she"s grindin that pole I think I"m losing control [ Verse 1 ] [ Eminem ] Get buzzed, get drunk, get crunked, get fucked up Hit the strip club don"t forget ones get your dick rubbed Get fucked, get sucked, get wasted, shit faceted Pasted, blasted, puke drink up, get a new drink Hit the bathroom sink, throw up Wipe your shoe clean, got a routine goin" Still got a few chunks on them shoestring showin" I was dehydrated till the beat vibrated I was revibed as soon as this bitch gyrated Them hips and licked them lips and that was it I had to get Nate Dogg here to sing some shit [ Verse 2 ] [ Nate Dogg ] Two to the one from the one to the three I like good pussy and I like good trees Smoke so much weed you wouldn"t believe And I get more ass than a toilet seat Three to the one from the one to the three I met a bad bitch last night in the D Let me tell you how I made her leave with me Conversation and Hennessey I"ve been to the muthafuckin mountain top Heard muthafuckers talk, seen "em dropped Eminem If I ain"t got a weapon I"ma pick up a rock And when I bust yo" ass I"m gon" continue to rock Getcha ass off the wall with your two left feet It"s real easy just follow the beat Don"t let that fine girl pass you by Look real close cause strobe lights blind [ Verse 3 ] [ Nate Dogg ] We bout to have a party (turn the music up) Let"s get it started (Go head shake your butt) I"m lookin for a girl with a body and a sexy strut Wanna get it poppin baby step right up Some girls they act retarded Some girls are bout it bout it I"m lookin for a girl that will do whatever the fuck I say everday she be givin it up Now, [ Chorus ] [ Nate Dogg ] Shake that ass for me, shake that ass for me Come on girl, shake that ass for me, shake that ass for me Ohh girl, shake that ass for me, shake that ass for me Come on girl, shake that ass for me, shake that ass for me [ Verse 4 ] [ Eminem ] I"m a menace, a dentist, an oral hygentist Open your mouth for about four or five minutes Take a little bit of this fluoride fillin" Swish but don"t spit it, swallow and I"ll finish Yeah me and Nate d-o double g Looking for a couple bi-tches with some double d"s Pop a little champagne and a couple E"s Slip it in her bubbuly, we finna finna have a party [ Verse 5 ] [ Nate Dogg ] Have a party (turn the music up) Let"s get it started (Go head shake your butt) I"m lookin for a girl I can fuck in my hummer truck Apple Bottom jeans and a big ol SLUT Some girls they act retarded I want a bitch to sit at the crib with no panties on Knows that she can but she won"t say no Now look at this lady all in front of me, sexy as can be Tonight I want a slut, would you be mine? I heard you was freaky from a friend of mine [ Bridge ] [ Eminem ] Now I hope you don"t get mad at me But I told Nate you was a freak He said he wants a slut, hope you don"t mind I told him how you like it from behind [ Chorus ] [ Nate Dogg ] Shake that ass for me, shake that ass for me Cmon girl, shake that ass for me, shake that ass for me Ohh girl, shake that ass for me, shake that ass for me Cmon girl, shake that ass for me, shake that ass for me We bout" to have a party (turn the music up) Let"s get it started (go ahead shake your butt) I"m lookin for a girl with a body and a sexy strut Wanna get it poppin baby step right up Some girls they act retarded Some girls are bout it bout it I"m lookin for a girl that will do whatever the fuck I say everday she be givin it up [ Outro ] [ Eminem ] There she goes, shaking that ass on the floor Bumpin and grindin that pole The way she"s grindin that pole I think I"m losing control God! (Eminem makes noises) I ain"t leavin" without you bitch You"re Coming Home With Me And my boy, and his boy, and his boy, and his girl Haha, Nate Dogg!
2023-07-19 23:28:202