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2023-07-20 07:27:14
TAG: 英语

被动语态的谓语动词要用“助动词be + 过去分词 prompted”,把原来的宾语 such bloody protests 改为主语,原来主语 what 用介词短语 by 引入,即:

  • By what were such bloody protests prompted?

口语中往往要把 by 后置,说成

  • What were such bloody protests prompted by?

Were … prompted by 已经是表示过去的被动语态,不能用 did … be prompted by。



不过这样写更好:what was such bloody protests prompted by?




可以的,what did such bloody protests be prompted by 语法上没有错;意思也没有错。



2023-07-19 22:05:2011


句子主干为:“Occupy Wall Street”protests have shown the anger of Americans over the economic problems.which后引导定语从句,修饰protests,且started的主语和空格的主语都是protests。句子的意思是:这场自9月中旬在纽约开始并蔓延至美国多个城市的“占领华尔街”的游行显示出了美国民众对于经济问题的愤怒。意思上理解,这场游行自9月中旬开始并持续到现在,还有扩张之势,且句子谓语动词“have showed”也表明这个趋势和影响是持续的。所以用现在完成时,which指代protests复数,谓语动词用have,所以选C
2023-07-19 22:05:511


2023-07-19 22:06:122


The recent gang-rape of a young woman in India has caused major protests by those outraged by the crime. 最近一名印度年轻女子被轮奸,造成被该暴行激怒的人士举行的大规模抗议活动。protests by somebody 抗议outraged by something 激怒share the country"s anger over the crime.(分享)本国对该罪行的愤怒,(还可以找个更贴切的词)Police have arrested six people accused of the attack which took place on December sixteenth.警方已经逮捕了6人,他们被指控参加了这起发生在十二月十六日的攻击。accused of the attack 修饰 six people
2023-07-19 22:06:522


2023-07-19 22:07:022


2023-07-19 22:07:284

急求英语高手 哥哥姐姐帮忙翻译下面文章,要手动翻译的 拿翻译软件糊弄的人的请别来了 再此感谢 谢谢

First, the English slang in the translation, euphemism euphemism in slang proportion is bigger. Euphemism, often is the life of people contacts, embarrassment, is unable or easily hurt the feelings of the situation, people avoid direct touch, but a gentle, gentle and image, the words to express their views and opinions and feelings. This expression is often in Chinese, English, and sometimes in the same semantic is identical or similar expression. Therefore in english-chinese translation, can be equally translation.Second, the English slang in the translation of the spell on gamblingIn both Chinese and English languages, all useful, swear, curse qi shi to emphasize, monk evil, resentment, hope and other emotional words. But, it is worth noting, swear words have meanings, more often than not, the literal meaning. Therefore, when translation should adopt the way of translation. In the process of translation, which will retain its original meaning, also very according to different cultural backgrounds and foreign language translation, the adjustment, which conforms to the native people"s habits. From the following examples, can the translation of the original slang.Third, the English translation of the saying of coarse slangSo-called coarse proverb is generally refers to the human ear, insulting, it"s rude words of the literal meaning and practical than that. Its purpose is to use vulgar words to express their dissatisfaction, worry, anger, surprise and contempt and intense emotion. Protests, etc. Therefore, the translation of this kind words should be especially careful and cautious.呵呵O(∩_∩)O~我哥帮我翻译的。
2023-07-19 22:08:316

Despite strong protests from his people, the emperor still refused to lighten the burden

2023-07-19 22:08:473


2023-07-19 22:08:556


2023-07-19 22:09:123


2023-07-19 22:09:373


Over ruled. 例如当一方律师 提出objection (抗议), 法官说over ruled (抗议无效),然后 jury (陪审团)报告 We"ve reached a verdict (我们做出判决了)。
2023-07-19 22:10:141


lay-laid-laid 放置lie-lied-lied 是说谎的意思
2023-07-19 22:10:213


1, for a second night, (将继续)第二晚句子比较难直译,大致意思是,示威者在周六晚和周日早晨与警方发生冲突,而今晚示威者将会继续抗争。政府剩余的手段已经十分有限,而民运中的暴力成分正逐渐升温,和平解决变得更加困难。2, 梁似乎已经束手无策,无法找到折衷方案,因为他既不想对明运妥协给大陆带来负面影响,也不想使用更多武力,因为更多武力只会进一步激怒年轻示威者而没有其他作用。3, "extremely tolerant" policing had not stopped protests becoming more "radical or violent".这句没有修饰谁,是Andy Tsang说的话。他说,警察采取极度容忍的处理方式来对待抗议者,但这并没有阻止他们变得更激进和暴力。4, radicalized是radicalize的过去分词,作形容词。副词可以修饰副词,形容词,动词。The government was depicting their campaign as an increasingly radicalized and violent campaign. 政府把他们的这场运动描述成一个越来越激进、暴力的明运。
2023-07-19 22:10:291


又到了为小伙伴们解惑的时候了 (*u2766ωu2766),reporter通常是指那些在现场采访、收集信息、对外发布新闻的人员;而journalist则更为广泛,除了采访和报道新闻外,也可以担任编辑、撰稿人、新闻评论员等职位。这里就给大家总结了一个它们基础知识的表格,可以先简单了解一下先:了解完reporter和journalist的基础知识后,现在就来看看它们的具体区别~(@^_^@)~1、职责的不同Reporter通常是指那些在现场采访、收集信息、对外发布新闻的人员;而journalist则更为广泛,除了采访和报道新闻外,也可以担任编辑、撰稿人、新闻评论员等职位。例句:- The reporter was sent to cover the protests downtown.(记者被派往市中心采访示威活动。)- The journalist wrote an article on the impact of the coronavirus.(记者撰写了一篇关于新冠病毒的影响的文章。)2、生产的不同Reporter通常制作新闻报道,比较注重现场采访、新闻事件时间性,更关注事件的细节;而journalist则可以从多个角度分析和报道新闻事件,比如从政治、经济、文化、社会等方面进行分析。例句:- The reporter interviewed eyewitnesses at the scene of the car accident.(记者在车祸现场采访了目击者。)- The journalist"s report on the political scandal analyzed the potential impact on the upcoming election.(记者就政治丑闻所发表的报道分析了对即将到来的选举可能产生的影响。)3、工作环境的不同Reporter往往在新闻媒体、报社、电视台等组织中工作;而journalist可以在各种场合和媒体中担任职务,比如杂志社、广告公司、出版社等。例句:- The reporter filed his story from the newsroom late last night.(记者昨晚在新闻编辑室提交了他的报道。)- The journalist works for a magazine that covers issues related to the environment.(这位记者在一家绿色环保杂志社工作。)
2023-07-19 22:10:371


通知:1. notice音标:英 ["nu0259u028atu026as] 美 ["notu026as] 释义:n. 通知,布告;注意;公告;vt. 通知;注意到;留心;vi. 引起注意变形:[ 过去式 noticed 过去分词 noticed 现在分词 noticing ]2、inform音标:英 [u026an"fu0254u02d0m] 美 [u026an"fu0254rm] 释义:vt. 通知;告诉;报告;vi. 告发;告密
2023-07-19 22:11:001


2023-07-19 22:11:104


成千上万的国家工作人员也在俄亥俄抗议,并且已经受到工会积极分子和那些害怕如果共和政府胜利那么国家将在权利和工会影响方面受到重创的人们的重视。我自己翻译的 有点不是很好 欢迎探讨呵呵
2023-07-19 22:11:192


望远镜的英文是telescope[u02c8telu026asku0259u028ap]。短语搭配:1、色球望远镜。chromospheric telescope.2、空间望远氏戚镜。space telescope.3、光学望远镜。optical telescope.4、无线知铅电望远镜。Radiotelescope.5、折射望远镜。refracting telescope;refracting telescope;refractor.6、高倍望远镜。high-powered telescope;high-power telescope.7、照相望远镜。Phototelescope.8、体视望远镜。stereotelescope;stereoscopic telescope.望远镜的双语例句:1、反对建造30米望远镜的抗议活动已经爆发。Protests have erupted over construction of the Thirty Meter Telescope.2、反对在莫纳克亚山上使用望远镜并不是什么新鲜事。Opposition to telescopes on Mauna Kea is nothing new.3、搭核好为了捕捉这些电波,射电望远镜通常有巨大的天线。To catch these waves,radio telescopes usually have huge antennas.4、莫纳克亚山也是一些世界上最强大的望远镜的所在地。Mauna Kea is also home to some of the world"s most powerful telescope.
2023-07-19 22:12:101


问题一:遗憾的英文是什么? Forever regret 永远的遗憾遗憾: [ yí hàn ]1. regret 2. pity 3. sorry 近义词或词组 mortifying贰 | sorriness | a pity | afraid | sick at 例句与用法 1. 听到这个消息我感到很遗憾。 I"m sorry to hear that. 2. 很遗憾,你没有得到那份工作。 I"m sorry that you didn"t get the job. 3. 我们明天必须离开,真是遗憾。 It is a pity that we shall have to leave tomorrow. 4. 你未能参加聚会,真是遗憾。 It is a pity that you missed the party. 问题二:遗憾英语怎么写? regret英 [r?"ret] 美 [r??r?t] vt. 后悔,悔恨;遗憾,抱歉;悼念,哀悼 vi. 感到后悔,感到抱歉 n. 遗憾,惋惜;后悔,悔恨;哀悼 后悔; 遗憾; 哀悼; 遗憾地 过去式:regretted 过去分词:regretted 现在分词:regretting 第三人称单数:regrets (1) 对…感到后悔;因…遗憾 I simply gave in to him, and I"ve regretted it ever since... 我就向他屈服了,从那以后我一直后悔。 Ellis seemed to be regretting that he had asked the question... 埃利斯好像后悔问了这个问题。 Five years later she regrets having given up her home. 5年后她对当初放弃自己的家感到后悔。 (2)可变名词悔恨;失望;后悔;惋惜 My great regret in life is that I didn"t bring home the America"s Cup... 我这辈子最大的遗憾就是没有把美洲杯捧回家。 Lillee said he had no regrets about retiring. 利里说他没后悔退休 (3)动词为…抱歉;很遗憾地说/通知你 "I very much regret the injuries he sustained," he said... “我对他的受伤感到很遗憾,”他说。 I regret that the United States has added its voice to such protests... 我很遗憾美国也加入了这一 *** 的行列。 Her lack of co-operation is nothing new, I regret to say... 很遗憾,我不得不说她缺少合作精神不是什么新鲜事。 I regret to inform you he died as a consequence of his injuries. 我很遗憾地通知你,他因伤势太重不治身亡。 (4)不可数名词抱歉;遗憾 He expressed great regret and said that surgeons would attempt to reverse the operation... 他深表歉意,说外科医生会努力消除手术造成的损伤。 She has accepted his resignation with regret. 她遗憾地接受了他的辞职。 regret, repent 这两个动词均有“后悔”之意。 regret: 指对已发生或未发生的事或行为表示后悔或婉惜。 repent: 正式用词,语气较强,指对自己所做的错事或不该做的事感到深切的悔恨 1.Failure is never quite so frightening as regret. 比失败更令人恐惧的是懊悔。 2. From Cairo came expressions of regret at the attack. 开罗对此次攻击表示遗憾。 3. Her lack of co-operation is nothing new......>> 问题三:遗憾用英语怎么说? What a pity!多么遗憾呀! regret 遗憾,后悔 regret to do对即将发生的动作感到遗憾 regret doing 对所做过的事情表示后悔,遗憾 问题四:十分遗憾 英文怎么写 It is a pity! 问题五:遗憾地说用英语怎么表达 regret to say/tell 例:we regret to tell you that you are not admitt俯d: 我们很遗憾的通知你,你没有被录取 问题六:“遗憾的是”用英语怎么翻译?? unfortunately 令人遗憾地 adv.副词 问题七:感到遗憾用英语怎么说 Regret I"m sorry about what"s happened. 我为所发生的事情感到遗憾。
2023-07-19 22:12:531


  溺爱,照顾者和儿童之间的关系的一种特征。此时照顾者(通常是母亲)庇护孩子,同时也妨碍孩子试图作出独立行动的任何努力。同:过分爱护。那么你知道溺爱用英语怎么说吗?下面来学习一下吧。    溺爱英语说法1:   spoil    溺爱英语说法2:   coddle    溺爱英语说法3:   dote on    溺爱的相关短语:   溺爱孩子 Spoil the child ; pamper a child ; Drowning Children love   过分溺爱 Mollycoddle ; Over-indulgent ; Excessive fondness   溺爱放纵 coddle pamper   溺爱终身 three times a lady   溺爱地 fondly   溺爱的 fond ; doting ; indulgent ; coddled   溺爱某人 be indulgent to sb.   溺爱子女 dote on their children ; lavish care and affection on one"s children    溺爱的英语例句:   1. She loved her own children, almost smothering them with love.   她十分疼爱自己的孩子,几乎到了溺爱的程度。   2. People may roll their eyes and talk about overprotective, interfering grandmothers.   人们可能会翻着白眼谈论那些溺爱儿孙、样样都要插手的祖母。   3. His mother overindulged him.   他母亲对他过于溺爱。   4. He was an indulgent father, ever ready to provide new clothes.   他是个溺爱的父亲, 随时乐意给孩子买新衣服.   5. A fond mother may spoil her child.   一个溺爱孩子的母亲会把孩子宠坏.   6. She dotes on her youngest son.   她溺爱最小的儿子.   7. That was how she usually dealt with their protests that she was spoiling her grandchildren.   当他们坚持说她是在溺爱孙儿,她通常会作出那样的回应。   8. If you help your child with his work too much, you may be killing them with kindness.   如果你帮助你的孩子做作业帮得太多, 那你可能由于过分溺爱反而害了他.   9. I"m a laying up sin and suffering for us both, I know.   我太溺爱那孩子, 我也知道这对我俩都不好.   10. And great souls , at one stroke, may do and dote.   和谐的韵律;而凭一张弓,真诚的/灵魂, 可以在勒索、也同时在溺爱.   11. You shouldn"t mollycoddle your kids.   你不应该溺爱你的孩子。   12. She coddled her youngest son madly.   她对小儿子过于溺爱。   13. He dotes on his nine-year-old son.   他溺爱他9岁的儿子。   14. Ah, a gift from a doting grandmother, of course.   啊, 原来是溺爱孙女的祖母给的礼物.   15. Herzog was thinking, how she found the strength to spoil her children.   赫索格心里思忖, 她哪来精力溺爱孩子.
2023-07-19 22:14:021

thousand前面加there are 怎么办?

There are thousands of ways to improve our lives and the lives of those around us. We can start by making small changes in our daily habits, like taking a few extra minutes each day to spend time with family and friends, or committing to a healthier lifestyle by exercising more and eating better foods. We can also volunteer our time to help those in need, or look for ways to reduce our environmental footprint by reducing waste, conserving energy, and reusing materials when possible. By taking these steps, we can make a big difference in the world. Beyond this, there are thousands of organizations and charities that work to make a positive impact on peopleu2019s lives, from providing food and shelter to those in need to protecting endangered species and preserving the environment. We can support these groups by donating money, volunteering time, or spreading awareness of their work. We can even start our own organizations to address issues that matter to us personally. Finally, we can use our voices to advocate for causes we believe in. Whether thatu2019s participating in protests, writing letters to our representatives, or creating petitions, we can take action and stand up for what we believe in. No matter how we choose to make a difference, there are thousands of ways to have an impact and make the world a better place.
2023-07-19 22:14:091

请翻译 谢谢

2023-07-19 22:14:202


"Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast. It"s not proud, it"s not rude, it"s not self-seeking, it"s not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrong. Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. It"s always protests, always trust, always hopes, always perserveres." 爱是恒久忍耐,又有恩慈。爱是不嫉妒 爱是不自夸 不张狂 不作害羞之事 不求自己的益处 不轻易发怒 不计算人的恶 不喜欢不义 只喜欢真理 凡事包容 凡事相信 凡事盼望 凡事忍耐 爱是永不止息。
2023-07-19 22:14:291

kansy造句 kansyの例文 "kansy"是什麼意思

Minister of Posts and Telemunications : Kansy Vi Kinkela, Patriotic Front; Asked what he would call it, Kansy hedged. Dietmar Kansy , a conservative opposition lawmaker, argued during Thursday"s debate. But finding a name that will fit on the plaques is not Kansy "s only headache. Or perhaps the Reichstagsgebaude ( Reichstag building ), a name favored by Dietmar Kansy , a Christian Democratic poptician? Lawmaker Dietmar Kansy said Wednesday that the TV crews would just have to make do, and lawmakers would sacrifice their vanity. The mittee"s chairman, Dietmar Kansy , felt pelled to call a news conference to calm the resulting protests from Berpn. Considering Germany"s reputation as a leader in high-technology, it can"t afford a repeat of those problems, Kansy said. Kansy said the purpose is to avoid a repeat of the embarrassing problems with the sound system that plagued the opening of the new parpament building in Bonn. Kansy rejected " scary and irresponsible " predictions that the move would be postponed for many years, and added, " Cost estimates will not be exceeded ." It"s difficult to see kansy in a sentence. 用 kansy 造句挺难的 "You"re always wele, but not during the measurements, " the chairman of the parpament"s construction mission, Dietmar Kansy , explained . ( pfg-tc) The chairman of the parpament"s building mission, Dietmar Kansy , said he"s waiting for the Bundestag"s senior rule-making council to make a decision before he has signs made.
2023-07-19 22:14:361


  曼德拉是唯一一个突破的意识形态,唯一一个能让资本主义阵营和社会主义阵营,君主封建制阵营等等国家都认同的一个人。为大家分享了曼德拉经典语录,欢迎欣赏!   曼德拉经典语录1   1、我是我命运的主宰。   I am the master of my fate.   2、是不是真的有人以为,他们没有得到过去曾经拥有的东西,是因为他们才疏学浅、势单力薄、恒心不足、不敢担当呢?   Is not really think people, they do not get what had, because their talent or the strength, lack of perseverance, did not dare to play it?   3、当我们爬上一座高山时,我们会发现更多的高山。   When we climb a high mountain, we will find more mountains.   4、当我走出囚室迈向通往自由的大门时,我已经清楚,自己若不能把痛苦与怨恨留在身后,那么其实我人在狱中。   When I walked out of the cell towards the road leading to the door for free, I already know. If I had failed to pain and resentment left behind, so in fact I in prison.   5、我梦见,通过非洲各国领导人齐心协力共同解决非洲的种种问题,非洲实现了统一。我梦见那广袤的沙漠、茂密的森林,还有那无际的荒野。   I dream of, through the African leaders to work together to solve all kinds of problems in Africa, Africa to achieve a unified. I dream of the vast desert, dense forests, and the endless wilderness.   6、当我们决定拿起武器时,那是因为我们唯一剩余的选择就是屈服,服从奴隶制度。   When we decide to take up arms, it is because the only choice we have left is to give in to the slave system.   7、如果你以一种外语和一个人交流,你的话只是进入他的大脑;如果你以他的母语和他交流,你的话深入他的内心。   If you communicate with one another in a foreign language, you are only in his mind; if you communicate with him in his native language, you can go deep into his heart.   8、生命中最伟大的光辉不在于永不坠落,而是坠落后总能再度升起。我欣赏这种有弹性的生命状态,快乐的经历风雨,笑对人生。   The greatest glory in life is not in never falling, but in rising every time that you fall. I appreciate this kind of flexible life, happy experience of wind and rain, smile to life.   9、我们人类的恻隐之心使我们彼此关系密切——不是加以怜悯或者居高临下,而是作为已经认识到如何把我们共同的苦难转化为对未来之希望的人类。   Our human compassion to our relationships with each other closely, not be pity or condescending, but as has to know how to put our common misery into the future hope of mankind.   10、恐怖阴影阴森的逼近。   The dark shadow of terror approximation.   11、我很快认识到,我必须以自己的能力而不是凭借血统开辟自己的道路。   I soon realized that I had to open up my own way with my own ability rather than by descent.   12、我已经演完了我的角色,现在只求默默无闻地生活。我想回到故乡的村寨,在童年时嬉戏玩耍的山坡上漫步。   I have finished my role, but now unknown to the public life. I want to go back home in the village, childhood frolicking hillside walk.   13、教育是可以用来改变世界的最强有力的武器。   Education is the most powerful weapon that can be used to change the world.   14、任凭命运百般作弄。   Under the bludgeonings of chance.   15、有建设美好南非的梦想,就有通向梦想的道路。善良和宽恕就是其中的两条大道。   There is a dream to build a better South Africa, there is a path to the dream. Kindness and forgiveness are two of them.   16、自由是看不见摸不着的,我的人民任何一个人身上戴着枷锁就等于所有人身上都戴着枷锁,而我的人民身上都戴着枷锁也就等于我的身上也戴着枷锁。   Freedom is invisible to the touch, the people of my people who wear a yoke is equal to all people who are wearing shackles, and my people who are wearing shackles is also equal to my body also wearing shackles.   17、曼德拉之后,还有后来人。我们有很多有能力的年轻人。   After Mandela, there was a man. We have a lot of young people.   18、是法律让我变成了一个罪犯,但是我的罪并不是因为我的所作所为,而是因为我的主张,因为我的思想,因为我的良心。   It is the law that makes me a criminal, but my sin is not because of what I do, but because of my claim, because of my thought, because of my conscience.   19、我头破血流但不低头。   But I do not bow head broken and bleeding.   20、无论承受多么深重的责罚。   No matter how much punishment bear.   21、揭示一个社会的灵魂,最敏锐的途径莫过于看这个社会对待小孩的方式。   Reveal the soul of a society, the most acute way is to see the way the society treats the child.   22、知晓一个社会的灵魂,就看这个社会对待小孩的方式,除此以外,没有更好的办法。   To know the soul of a society, to see the way the society treats the child, there is no better way than that.   23、勇者并非指那些不感到害怕的人,而是那些能克服自身恐惧的人。   Courage is not the person who does not feel afraid, but those who can overcome their fear of people.   24、透过覆盖着我的夜幕。   Through the night that covers me.   25、生命中最重要的东西不仅仅是或者,而是我们给别的生命带来何种不同。这才是生活的意义。   The most important things in life are not just or, but the different things that we bring to life. This is the meaning of life.   26、自由之路从不平坦,我们中的许多人都不得不一次又一次地穿过死神笼罩的山谷,才能抵达愿望的顶峰。   The Freedom Trail from the uneven, many of us have had to pass through the valley of death over and over again, in order to reach the pinnacle of the desire.   27、没有人生来就是勇敢的,勇敢并不是不害怕,而是要假装勇敢,并学会克服恐惧。   No one is born to be brave, to be brave is not to be afraid, but to pretend to be brave, and to learn to overcome the fear.   28、事情未完成之前,一切都看似不可能。   Everything seems impossible until it is finished.   29、我已经发现了一个秘密,那就是,在登上一座大山之后,你会发现还有更多的山要去攀登。   I have discovered a secret, that is, after climbing a mountain, you will find that there are more mountains to climb.   30、人性真正伟大的光辉并不在于永不坠落,而在于坠落后总能再度升起。   The greatest glory of humanity is not in never falling, but in rising every time it falls.   31、无人生来会因肤色、背景、宗教而憎恨他人,憎恨是人们后天习得的。如果人们能学会恨,他们也能被教会去爱。因为对于人的心灵来说,爱比恨来的更加自然。   No one is born with the color, the background, the religion, but the other people. If people can learn to hate, they can also be taught to love. For a man"s heart, love is more natural than hate.   32、如果你用他人听得懂的语言与之交谈,那么你的话只能说到他的脑子里;但是如果你用他人的本族语言与之交谈,那么你的话就能说到他的心坎里。   If you with others listen to understand the language and talk to, then you would only say his brain in; but if you with others of the native language and talk to, then you can when it comes to his heart.   33、假如你想和你的敌人构建和平,那你必须和你的敌人一起努力。那样他就变成了你的战友。   If you want to build peace with your enemy, you must work with your enemy. That he"d be your comrade.   34、无论大门何等狭窄。   No matter how narrow the gate.   35、我不会畏缩也不会哭叫。   I have not winced nor crying.   36、我决不会屈服,并且斗争对我来说并没有结束,而是以不同的形式刚刚开始。   I will never give in, and the struggle is not over for me, but in different forms.   37、只有自由的人才能谈判,身陷牢笼的人没有谈判的资格。你们的自由和我的自由是不可分割的。   Only a free man can negotiate, and the man in prison has no qualification to negotiate. Your freedom and my freedom are inseparable.   曼德拉经典语录2   1、勇敢的人并不是感觉不到畏惧的人,而是征服了畏惧的人。   A brave man is not the one who can"t feel the fear, but the one who has conquered the fear.   2、不要习惯了黑暗就为黑暗辩护。   Don"t get used to the darkness.   3、就算被地狱牢牢抓住。   Even if it is firmly seize the hell.   4、我反复提醒大家,解放斗争并不是一种反对任何一个团体或种族的战斗,而是反对一种压迫制度的斗争。   I have repeatedly reminded you that the liberation struggle is not a fight against any group or race, but a struggle against a system of oppression.   5、决不愿以酋长身份统治一个受压迫的部族,而要以一个战士的名义投身于民族解放事业。   Never want to rule an oppressed clan in the name of the chief, but in the name of a soldier to join the cause of national liberation.   6、别担心,放轻松,要快乐!   Don"t worry, relax and be happy!   7、登上高峰后,你会发现还有更多的山峰要翻越。   After climbing a great hill, one only finds that there are many more hills to climb。   8、冒大险的人常常需要承担大的责任。   People who take big risks often have to take big responsibilities.   9、但愿普天下所有的人有工作、面包、水和盐。   I hope all the people in the world have jobs, bread, water and salt.   10、自由不仅仅意味着摆脱自身的枷锁,还意味着以一种尊重并增加他人自由的方式生活。   Liberty means not only to get rid of the shackles of one"s own, but also to live in a way that respects and increases the freedom of others.   11、人们不能对正义无所作为、无所表示、无所反应,不能不抗议压迫,不能不为建设一个好的社会、好的生活而作出努力。   People will not be able to just do nothing, which said, no reaction, protests against oppression, not for the construction of a good society, good life and efforts.   12、在那漫长而孤独的岁月中,我对自己的人民获得自由的渴望变成了一种对所有人,包括白人和黑人,都获得自由的渴望。   In the long and lonely years, my desire to be free of my own people has become a desire for all, including the white and the black, to be free.   13、黑暗层层无底。   The dark layers have no bottom.   14、作为领袖,最好是在后方领导,让其他人站在前线,尤其是在庆祝胜利或好事时;但在危险时,你要站在前线。这样,人们会欣赏你的领导力。   As a leader, it is best to lead in the rear, so that other people stand on the front line, especially in celebration of victory or a good thing, but in danger, you have to stand on the front line. In this way, people will appreciate your leadership.   15、我决心继续为争取自由而奋斗,直到咽气的一刻为止。   I am determined to continue fighting for freedom, until the end of my days.   16、假如有寻求和平对策的意志和承诺,那么南非会一直是处于冲突中的国家可以效仿的例子。   If there is the will and commitment to seek peace policy, then South Africa will always be in the conflict in the country can follow the example.   17、勇者并非是没有畏惧心理的人,而是征服畏惧心理的人。   A brave man is not without fear, but to conquer fear people.   18、压迫者和被压迫者一样需要获得解放。夺走别人自由的人是仇恨的囚徒,他被偏见和短视的铁栅囚禁着。   The oppressed and the oppressed need to be liberated. The man who took the liberty of others was a prisoner of hatred, and he was imprisoned by the prejudice of the iron gate of the short-sighted.   19、评判一个国家不应看它如何对待地位最高的.民众,而是看它如何对待穷人或一无所有的人。   Judge a nation not to see how it treats its people, but to see how it treats the poor or the poor.   20、教育是最强有力的武器,你能用它来改变世界。   Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world。   21、你若光明,这世界就不会黑暗。你若心怀希望,这世界就不会彻底绝望。你如不屈服,这世界又能把你怎样。   If you are bright, the world will not be dark. If you have hope, the world will not despair. If you don"t give in, what can the world do to you.   22、年纪大的优势之一就是,人们会因为你的灰白头发而尊敬你,会说各种各样的赞美之词,但这些话可能并不与你本人相符。   One of the advantages of the age is that people will respect you for your gray hair, and speak a variety of compliments, but these words may not be consistent with your own.   23、我们必须明智地利用时间,必须永远意识到,主持公平正义的时机已经成熟。   We must make wise use of time, we must always realize that the timing of justice is ripe.   24、我已准备好为事情的结果付出代价,尽管我知道这么做会有多么痛苦,尽管我知道在这个国家的监狱里一个非洲人的绝望状况。   I"m ready to pay the price for the outcome, even though I know how painful it will be, even though I know the despair of an African in the country"s prisons.   25、我是我灵魂的统帅。   I am the captain of my soul.   26、进步绝不是个人努力的结果,它永远是集体努力的结果,是集体的胜利。   Progress is by no means an individual effort, and it is always the result of collective effort, a victory for the group.   27、我们最大的恐惧不是来自于我们的不足,而是因为我们超常的强大。通常让我们受到威胁的不是我们的弱点,而是我们的长处。   Our greatest fear is not from our shortcomings, but because we are so powerful. Often, it"s not our weakness, but our strengths, that make us feel threatened.   28、在事情还未完成之前,一切都看似不可能。   Everything seems impossible until it is finished.   29、要想与敌人求和平,就需与敌人合作,然后他就会变成你的伙伴。   In order to seek peace with the enemy, you need to work with the enemy, and then he will become your partner.   30、一个受过教育的人不会遭受压迫,因为他具有独自思考的能力。   An educated person will not be oppressed, because he has the ability to think independently.   31、怨恨如同牢狱,原谅别人,等于升华自己。   Hate is like a prison, forgive others, is equal to the sublimation of their own.   32、攀上一座高山后,你才会发现,原来还有更多的山头等着你。   After climbing a high mountain, you will find that there are more mountains waiting for you.   33、不过,即使岁月不停恐吓。   However, even if the years are not stop intimidation.   34、尊重过去的敌人,就是尊重今天的同胞。   Respect the enemy of the past, respect for the people of today.   35、如果天空总是黑暗的,那就摸黑生存;如果发出声音是危险的,那就保持沉默;如果自觉无力发光,那就蜷伏于墙角。   If the sky is dark, then dark survival; if the sound is dangerous, it is silent; if conscious weakness glowing, then crouched in the corner.   36、我们最大的恐惧不是我们没有能力,我们最大的恐惧是我们有无与伦比的力量。是我们的光芒而不是我们的黑暗使我们震惊。   Our greatest fear is not that we have no power, our greatest fear is that we have no power. It is our light, not our darkness that makes us shocked.   37、在事情未成功之前,一切总看似不可能。   It always seems impossible until its done。
2023-07-19 22:14:431


2023-07-19 22:15:518


歌曲:Rock Is Dead所属专辑:Lest We Forget: The Best Of演唱者:Marilyn Manson作词:Marilyn Manson作曲:Twiggy Ramirez / Madonna Wayne Gacy编曲:Twiggy Ramirez / Madonna Wayne Gacy歌词:All simple monkeys with alien babiesAmphetamines for boysCrucifixes for ladiesSampled and soullessWorldwide and real webbedYou sell all the livingFor more safer deadAnything to belongAnything to belongRock is deader than deadShock is all in your headYour sex and your dope is all that we"re fedSo fuck all your protests andput them to bedGod is on the T.V.Rock (lalalalala……)Rock (lalalalala……)Rock (lalalalala……)Rock (lalalalala……)1,000 mothers are praying for itWe"re so full of hopeAnd so full of shitBuild a new godto medicate and to apeSell us ersatzdressed up and real fakeAnything to belongAnything to belongRock is deader than deadRock is deader than deadRock is deader than deadShock is all in your headShock is all in your headShock is all in your headYour sex and your dope is all that we"re fedYour sex and your dope is all that we"re fedYour sex and your dope is all that we"re fedSo fuck all your protests andSo fuck all your protests andSo fuck all your protests andput them to bedput them to bedput them to bedGod is on the T.V.Rock (lalalalala……)Rock (lalalalala……)Rock (lalalalala……)Rock (lalalalala……)
2023-07-19 22:16:162


  你知道泪的英文是什么吗?一起来学习一下吧!    泪的英文: tear   泪的英文:   tear one"s hair out   1. (非正式)极度绝望   tear someone off a strip (或 tear a strip off someo   1. (英,非正式)怒叱;训斥   tear someone/thing to shreds (或pieces)   1. (非正式)把u2026驳得体无完肤;毫不留情地攻击   that"s torn it   1. (英,非正式)这下完蛋了;那就糟了   in tears   1. 泪汪汪地;流着泪,哭着   她的态度使他大受伤害,几乎快哭出来了。   he was so hurt by her attitude he was nearly in tears.   without tears   1. (科目)浅显的;简单易学的   容易学会的网球。   tennis without tears.   tear someone/thing apart   1. 毁坏,破坏(某物,尤指良好关系)   血腥的内战毁了这个国家。   a bloody civil war had torn the country apart.   2. 使烦透   别哭了,我已经烦得不行了。   stop crying—it"s tearing me apart.   3. 彻底搜查   我一定帮你找到它;需要的话,我会把你的屋子翻个底朝天。   I"ll help you find it; I"ll tear your house apart if I have to.   4. 把u2026批评得体无完肤   tear oneself away   1. 勉强离开,忍痛离开   她对那景致流连忘返。   she couldn"t tear herself away from the view.   tear someone/thing down   1. 拆卸;拆毁(某物,尤指建筑物)   2. (美,非正式)严厉批评;严惩   tear around 【非正式用语】   1. 四处狂跑:兴奋地,经常是愤怒地匆忙地走来走去   2. 生活放荡   tear at   1. 撕扯:猛裂地撕扯或进攻   狗撕扯肉   The dog tore at the meat.   2. 严重伤害   他们的困境让他感到很难过   Their plight tore at his heart.   tear away   1. 使u2026勉强地离开:使(例如某人自己)不情愿地或勉强地离开   tear down   1. 拆毁   拆毁旧住房   tear down old tenements.   2. 拆开;拆散   拆开发动机   tear down an engine.   3. 贬低,诋毁   tear into   1. 猛攻:以巨大的勇气或暴力进攻   抢夺食物;猛攻他的对手   tore into the food; tore into his opponent.   tear的例句:   1. Eventually, you"ll learn to cry that on the inside.   终有一天,你会学会让泪往心里流。   2. Timothy was crying, mostly from exhaustion, and his nose was running.   由于太累了,蒂莫西哭的一把鼻涕一把泪。   3. Troops used tear gas and rifle butts to break up the protests.   军队使用催泪瓦斯和枪托驱散示威者。   4. Police used tear gas to break up a demonstration.   警察使用催泪瓦斯驱散示威人群。   5. Riot police hurled tear gas canisters and smoke bombs into the crowd.   防暴警察向人群中投掷了催泪瓦斯罐和烟幕弹。   6. The army responded with gunfire and tear gas.   军队用炮火和催泪瓦斯予以反击。   7. Police used tear gas to disperse the demonstrators.   警察动用催泪瓦斯驱散示威人群。   8. The novel is comic and tragic.   这部小说令人笑中带泪。   9. I had cried oceans of tears.   我泪流成河。   10. This cinema is so impressive that we can"t help crying.   这影片如此感人以至我们禁不住流下泪来.   11. Mother went home. Many a tear did she shed at night.   母亲回家了, 晚上她流了许多泪.   12. I made a terrific effort to refrain from tears.   我狠着心把泪止住.   13. Her eyes moistened as she listened to the sad story.   她两眼噙泪地听着这个悲哀的故事.   14. Her nose twitched and she began to weep.   她鼻子一酸,流下泪来.   15. Tears stood in her eyes.   她两眼含着泪.
2023-07-19 22:16:231


2023-07-19 22:16:383


conceivably adv 令人信服地conceivably supposedly 想像上Could Conceivably Point 可以气派一点Or conceivably for some of these things, perhaps it mitigates it; it minimizes it inone way or another. 跟读或者对于有些事情,也许它减弱了它的坏处;,它以某种方式减少了它的伤害。*******************************您好,答案已经给出,请您浏览一遍有什么不懂的地方欢迎回复我!如果满意请及时点击【采纳为满意答案】按钮或者客户端的朋友在右上角评价点【满意】您的采纳,是我答题的动力也同时给您带来知识和财富值***************************************************
2023-07-19 22:16:462


是匹兹堡匹兹堡是全美治安最好的城市之一,同时也多次被评为全美最适宜居住城市[1] ,兼具悠久的历史记忆与现代化的都市景象,向东可至大纽约区,向北可通达五大湖区,可以说是美国东海岸连接中西部的重要地点。想娶那里旅游可以关注下八十天环游网
2023-07-19 22:17:213


2023-07-19 22:17:432

求助一个短语:Pet Cause

pet cause宠物因素
2023-07-19 22:17:544


In some countries where racial prejudice is acute, violence has so come to be taken for granted as a means of solving differences,that it is not even questioned. There are countries where the white man imposes his rule by brute force; there are countries wherethe black man protests by setting fire to cities and by looting and pillaging. Important people on both sides, who would in other respects appear to be reasonable men, get up and calmly argue in favor of violence – as if it were a legitimate solution, like any other. What is really frightening, what really fills you with despair, is the realization that when it comes to the crunch, we have made no actual progress at all. We may wear collars and ties instead of war-paint, but our instincts remain basically unchanged. The whole of the recorded history of the human race, that tedious documentation of violence, has taught us absolutely nothing. We have still not learnt that violence never solves a problem but makes it more acute. The sheer horror, the bloodshed, the suffering mean nothing. No solution ever comes to light the morning after when we dismally contemplate the smoking ruins and wonder whathit us.Before we can even begin to contemplate peaceful co-existence between the races, we must appreciate each other"s problems. And to do this, we must learn about them: it is a simple exercise in communication, in exchanging information. “Talk, talk, talk,” the advocates of violence say, “all you ever do is talk, and we are none the wiser.” It"s rather like the story of the famous barrister who painstakingly explained his case to the judge. After listening to a lengthy argument the judge complained that after all this talk, he was none the wiser. “Possible, my lord,” the barrister replied, “none the wiser, but surely far better informed.”Knowledge is the necessary prerequisite to wisdom: the knowledge that violence creates the evils it pretends to solve.
2023-07-19 22:18:052

tree planting day是什么意思

中文翻译为:Tree Planting Day植树节例句:1、Today, the topic of our speech is “ welcome the tree planting day joyfully, plant a pot of flower actively ”.今天我们演讲的主题是:年年喜迎植树节,人人栽种一盆花。2、On January 4, 1872, Morton first proposed a tree-planting holiday to be called “ Arbor Day ” at a meeting of the State Board of Agriculture.1872年元月四日,在内布拉斯加州农业委员会的一次会议上,莫尔顿首先提议设立植树的节日,即“植树节”。3、Thousands celebrated the 39th anniversary of Earth Day Wednesday across the globe, with protests in the Philippines, tree-planting in Jakarta, trash sculptures in Italy and more.星期三在全球范围内,成千上万人庆祝地球日建立39周年,活动包括:在菲律宾的抗议活动,雅加达人进行植树,意大利举行垃圾桶雕塑展。4、Day by day, week by week, your relationship will grow, slowly, like a tree sprouting from a seed, planting it"s roots firmly in the soil.日复一日,周复一周,你们的关系会慢慢成长,就像一颗树紧紧地扎根在土壤之中,最终会从一颗小树苗长到参天,祝福你们。
2023-07-19 22:18:122


2023-07-19 22:16:091

QDII的含义是(  )。

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2023-07-19 22:16:081

somewhere 和anywhere的区别

somewhere常用作副词,意为“到某处,在某处”;anywhere“在任何地方,到任何地方”。(1)somewhere用于肯定句,而在否定句、疑问句、if(whether)从句中,则用anywhere.例如:The church must be somewhere around here.那座教堂一定就在附近.I want to live somewhere else.我想住到别的地方.I remember seeing him somewhere.我记得在哪儿见过他.Have you seen my watch anywhere?你在什么地方见到过我的手表吗?I don"t want to go anywhere else.我哪儿也不想去了.(2)somewhere有时与修饰语或短语连用,或成为宾语而当名词用.这时候,其修饰语或短语要置于somewhere之后.例如:They need somewhere to stay.他们需要找个地方呆一会.Let"s find somewhere quiet to have a rest.我们找某个安静的地方休息一会吧.(3)即使形式为疑问句,但说话者心中的肯定意识较强时,或实际上表示请求劝诱时,有时不用anywhere而用somewhere.例如:Shall we go somewhere else?我们去别的地方好吗?
2023-07-19 22:16:072


1、QDII,是“Qualified Domestic Institutional Investor”的首字缩写,合格境内机构投资者,是指在人民币资本项目不可兑换、资本市场未开放条件下,在一国境内设立,经该国有关部门批准,有控制地,允许境内机构投资境外资本市场的股票、债券等有价证券投资业务的一项制度安排。2、QFII(Qualified Foreign Institutional Investor)合格的境外机构投资者的英文简称,QFII机制是指外国专业投资机构到境内投资的资格认定制度。QFII是一国在货币没有实现完全可自由兑换、资本项目尚未开放的情况下,有限度地引进外资、开放资本市场的一项过渡性的制度。这种制度要求外国投资者若要进入一国证券市场,必须符合一定的条件,得到该国有关部门的审批通过后汇入一定额度的外汇资金,并转换为当地货币,通过严格监管的专门账户投资当地证券市场。应答时间:2021-05-28,最新业务变化请以平安银行官网公布为准。 [平安银行我知道]想要知道更多?快来看“平安银行我知道”吧~
2023-07-19 22:16:063


2023-07-19 22:16:021

求free loop 的中英文歌词

2023-07-19 22:16:019

somewhere 和anywhere的区别

somewhere常用作副词,意为“到某处,在某处”;anywhere“在任何地方,到任何地方”.(1)somewhere用于肯定句,而在否定句、疑问句、if(whether)从句中,则用anywhere.例如:The church must be somewhere around here.那座教堂一定就在附近.I want to live somewhere else.我想住到别的地方.I remember seeing him somewhere.我记得在哪儿见过他.Have you seen my watch anywhere?你在什么地方见到过我的手表吗?I don"t want to go anywhere else.我哪儿也不想去了.(2)somewhere有时与修饰语或短语连用,或成为宾语而当名词用.这时候,其修饰语或短语要置于somewhere之后.例如:They need somewhere to stay.他们需要找个地方呆一会.Let"s find somewhere quiet to have a rest.我们找某个安静的地方休息一会吧.(3)即使形式为疑问句,但说话者心中的肯定意识较强时,或实际上表示请求劝诱时,有时不用anywhere而用somewhere.例如:Shall we go somewhere else?我们去别的地方好吗?
2023-07-19 22:15:594


Sky  银牌 PJ  银牌 BURBERRYqq  铜牌 xiaOt 8强 16强 Fly100% 16强 66 16强WCG2007世界总决赛已经进入到最后的阶段,12个项目的名次都将在10月8日揭晓。中国选手在War3和SC项目都进入了最后的决赛。下面让我们来看看全部12个比赛项目的前三名: 魔兽争霸3:冰封王座 4K^Creolophus在War3项目决赛中以2比1击败了WE.Sky,勇夺冠军。这是挪威天才暗夜4K^Creolophus继BN第5赛季全球总决赛冠军之后获得的又一个世界冠军。而且4K^Creolophus早在三个月前已经退出职业圈,专注于学业,赛前并没有多少人看好他能夺冠。至于连续三年进入该项目决赛的WE.Sky,这次虽然在巨大的压力下卫冕失败,但他在本届WCG上还是表现出了非常强大的实力,中国的War3爱好者们还是会一如既往地支持他。另外,在7日凌晨进行的季军赛里,MYM]Moon以2比1击败fnatic.Xyligan,获得了该项目的季军。其余几位中国选手方面,mouz.Fly100%在十六强惜败于MYM]Moon,wNv.xiaOt在八强惜败于4K^Creolophus。而XG-EsM.HRU和PhoeNix_Nicholas未能从各自小组出线。 金牌:[挪威]Olav"Creolophus"Undheim 银牌:[中国]Xiaofeng"Sky"Li 铜牌:[韩国]JaeHo"Moon"Jang 星际争霸:母巢之战 在刚刚结束的决赛里,中国选手WE.Pj在决赛里0比2负于Stork,获得银牌。而Stork夺得的金牌也是韩国人获得的第7枚SC项目单打金牌(韩国选手还夺得过2002和2003年的双打金牌)。在八强比赛里,WE.Pj以2比1淘汰目前韩国SC界的第一人ipxzerg,WE.Pj也是首位打进SC项目单打比赛的中国选手(中国选手曾在2001年夺得SC项目双打金牌)。在7日凌晨进行的季军赛里,德国名将Mondragon击败White-Ra,获得了该项目的季军。另一位中国选手Phoenix66在十六强负于WE.Pj。 金牌:[韩国]Byunggu"Stork"Song 银牌:[中国]Junchun"Pj"Sha 铜牌:[德国]Christoph"Mondragon"Semke 反恐精英 反恐精英项目方面,中国战队wNv在十六强的时候和NoA打了一场历时5个小时的大战,最终以1比2落败,遗憾地告别了本次WCG世界总决赛。决赛在挪威兵队NoA和法国的Emulaet之间展开.尽管法国队在比赛前一直不未人所知,而且法国人从未在FPS领域获得什么象样的成绩.然而在决赛中这支队伍表现出来的速度,爆发力,技术和配合都让人眼前一亮.而近几年来就没有停止过动荡的NoA无法承受新兴队伍的冲击,以2:0的大比分落败。 金牌:[法国]emulate 银牌:[丹麦]NoA 铜牌:[乌克兰]Amazing Gaming FIFA足球2007 FIFA足球2007是一款深受大家喜爱的足球游戏,上届冠军SK_hero在决赛里击败了Delfin-1,成功卫冕。几位中国选手的表现都不大理想,WE.Skyline小组未能出线,Zhengban止步三十二强。保加利亚选手[LnX]Slavkov获得了该项目的季军。2003和2005年的WCG冠军、FIFA界的传奇人物SK_Styla在八强被Delfin-1淘汰。 金牌:[德国]Daniel"SK_hero"Schellhase 银牌:[西班牙]VictorSanchez"Delfin-1"Munoz 铜牌:[保加利亚]Ognyan"[LnX]Slavkov"Tomov 命令与征服3 命令与征服3项目的决赛将在8日早上进行,对阵双方是Xeon和Apollooo。该项目的季军是德国选手Dackel。中国的命令与征服3高手GT.CTC止步十六强,未能更进一步。而中国香港选手Hobby未能从小组中出线。 金牌:[英格兰]Apollooo 银牌:[德国]Xeon 铜牌:[德国]Pascal"Dackel"Pfefferle 帝国时代3 帝国时代3项目的决赛在8日凌晨4点半进行,对阵双方是parfait和iamgrunt。结果iamgrunt以全胜战绩夺冠。该项目的季军是德国人SkWzZ_Phoenix。8la888和Live4Son均未能从各自的小组出线。 金牌:[韩国]Byeonggeon"iamgrunt"Kang 银牌:[美国]Raghav"parfait"Phadke 铜牌:[德国]Karsten"SkWzZ_Phoenix"Hager 战争机器 战争机器是一款4对4的XBox360游戏,该项目的两场半决赛正在进行,分别是InFiNiTy对Infused-Gaming和QualityGaming对Malice。我国台湾战队HiNet-Z.A.C.K未能从小组出线。 金牌:[美国]InFiNiTy 银牌:[荷兰]QualityGaming 铜牌:[英格兰]Infused-Gaming 托尼霍克极限滑板8 托尼霍克极限滑板8项目一共只有4位选手参加,他们分别是DuVaL_AK47、Ripcurl、Zaccubus和plan-B_WC_Ente。结果DuVaL_AK47在8日凌晨的决赛里击败了Zaccubus获得金牌。而季军则由plan-B_WC_Ente获得,他在7日凌晨进行的季军赛里击败了Ripcurl。 金牌:[美国]Dustin"DuVaL_AK47"Valcalda 银牌:[英格兰]David"Zaccubus"Treacy 铜牌:[澳大利亚]Mario"plan-B_WC_Ente"Hunger 极品飞车 极品飞车是大家非常熟悉的一款赛车游戏,本届WCG世界总决赛极品飞车项目的比赛已经全部结束。巴西人playArt_SpeedNG夺得冠军。来自我国宝岛台湾的选手IKC-SYM在小组赛里发挥出色以小组头名出线,但却在十六强比赛输给了一位波兰选手,未能更进一步。以下是极品飞车项目的前三名: 金牌:[巴西]Rodrigo"playArt_SpeedNG"Nunes 银牌:[荷兰]Steffan"Steffan"Amende 铜牌:[俄罗斯]Alan"Alan"Enileev 生死格斗4 格斗游戏生死格斗4项目共有23位参赛者,主场作战的美国选手获得了不错的成绩,black_mamba和perfect_legend分别获得冠军和季军。亚军是来自瑞典的SkatanMilla。KideaQQ和Edwin均未能获得小组出线。 金牌:[美国]Jeremy"black_mamba"Florence 银牌:[瑞典]Niklas"SkatanMilla"Lagerborg 铜牌:[美国]Carl"perfect_legend"White 世界街头赛车3 世界街头赛车3是本届WCG的另一个赛车游戏项目,来自我国宝岛台湾的高手D2C-BURBERRYqq发挥出色,以8胜1负的战绩拿到季军。冠军和亚军分别是荷兰选手Handewasser和美国选手chompr。 金牌:[荷兰]Wouter"Handewasser"vanSomeren 银牌:[美国]Wesley"chompr"Cwiklo 铜牌:[中国台北]Youchen"D2C-BURBERRYqq"Liu Carom3D台球 Carom3D是一款台球游戏,该项目的比赛已经全部结束。巴西选手在这个项目的比赛里面发挥出色,TheVilMan和iOi_BR分别获得冠军和季军,而意大利人Duccio获得了亚军。中国香港选手Eaglestar未能获得小组出线。 金牌:[巴西]Renan"TheVilMan"Masserani 银牌:[意大利]Valerio"Duccio"Affuso 铜牌:[巴西]Guilherme"iOi_BR"Cerqueira
2023-07-19 22:15:581