barriers / 阅读 / 详情


2023-07-19 23:44:39
TAG: 翻译 生活

Quote by Carl Sandburg(引用卡尔·桑德堡 -- 美国诗人、传记作家):

Life is like an onion; you peel it off one layer at a time,and sometimes you weep.



2023-07-19 21:14:242


2023-07-19 21:14:346

please peel off this mask是什么意思

2023-07-19 21:14:525

plaese peel off this mask after application是什么意思

翻译:在完成后请剥离掩膜 在完成应用操作后剥掉此层这里具体要剥掉什么,要根据语境peel off 剥掉,脱落,把……脱掉mask假面具application申请,申请书,应用,施用,敷用搽剂
2023-07-19 21:15:181

平板电脑屏幕上please peel off this mask after application completed什么意思

2023-07-19 21:15:293


2023-07-19 21:15:432

peel of 还是peel off

peel the orange off
2023-07-19 21:15:511

剥多音 怎么组词

2023-07-19 21:15:583


2023-07-19 21:16:086

Please peel off the mask with this sticker before application

2023-07-19 21:16:254

墙皮裂了,脱落 英语是哪个???

clip off这个比较专业
2023-07-19 21:16:587

Please peel off this mask before applicattion 是什么意思

2023-07-19 21:17:133

手机贴膜提示Please peel off the mask with this sticker before application是什么意思

2023-07-19 21:17:222


14、forward bring forward 提出 put forward 提出 15、in break in 打断;破门而入,强行闯入 call in 短暂访问 check in 办理登记待续,报到 cut in 超车抢挡;插入,打断 deal in 经营 draw in (车)到站;吸人 fill in/out 填写 get in 进入;插(话);收获;到达,进站 hand in 上交 贮备 live in 住宿 look in 顺便拜访 pull in 车到站,船靠岸 put in 花费(时间,精力等);申请 send in 递交,呈报 set in 开始 take in 欺骗;理解 tuck in 给…盖好被子;把…塞好 turn in 上缴;呈上;上床睡觉 16、into break into 破门而人,强行闯人 get into 陷入,染上(习惯);进入 give into 投降,屈服 go into 叙述,探究;调查;进人,投人 look into 调查;窥视,朝里面看 run into 偶然遇见;碰见 talk...into 说服某人做 17、like feel like 想要 18、off break off 突然停止,中断,中止 call off 放弃,取消 carry off 拿走;夺去(生命);获得(奖品,锦标) come off 发生,举行;成功;脱落 切断;中断供应;割断 drop off 睡着;下降,减少;允许下车 fall off 下降,减少 get off 从…下来;脱下;起飞;逃脱处分 give off 释放 go off 爆炸,被发射;离去,走掉 hold off 延迟 keep off 不接近,使避开 lay off (临时)解雇 leave off 停止,中断 let off 放(鞭),使爆炸;排放,放掉;宽恕 pay off 还清;付工资予以解雇 peel off 剥掉,脱掉衣服;脱落;<飞机)离队腑冲目标 pull off 脱(毛衣,袜子,帽子等) put off 拖延 ring off 挂断电话 给…送行 send off 邮寄,发送 set off/out 动身,出发 set off 引爆;爆炸 shrug off 对…毫不在乎 switch off 关掉…的电源 take off 脱下;起飞 tick off 用记号勾出,列举;责备 ward off 防止:挡开,避开 wear off 磨损掉;慢慢消失 write off 勾销、注捎 19、on carry on 坚持下去 come on 来吧,快点;开始,来临;进展,成长 dwell on/upon 老想着;详述 embark on/upon 着手,开始 figure on 指望 reckon on 依靠,指望 get on 发生 go on 发生,继续 hand on 把…传给他人 hang on 紧握不放;坚持下去;(打电话)别挂断 hold on 等会儿 let on 泄露 live on 靠…生活;以…为主食;继续生活 pass on 传递(给别人) prey on 猎食,捕食,杀害;劫掠;折磨,损害 pull on 穿上(毛衣,袜子等) put on 上演;假装 switch on 接通…的电源 take on 承担;呈现;雇用;较量 try on 试穿 20、onto hang onto 抓紧,抓住…不放 21、out ask...out 邀请某人外出 back out 食言,背信 blow out 漏气 break out 突然发生,爆发;逃出 bring out 明白表示出来;使显出 check out 结帐后离开 come out 传出;露出;结果;出版,刊出 cross...out/off 划掉,取消 cut...out 停止;戒烟 die out 消失,灭绝 dine out 在外(尤指在餐馆里)进餐 drop out 退出;退学 edit out (编辑时)删除 fall out 争吵 figure...out 计算出;推测 get out (使)离开,出去;(消息等)泄露;取出,除去 give out 分发;耗尽,精疲力竭 go out 熄灭,停止;过时 hand out 分发 hold out 伸出;提出,提供;坚持不退让 knock out 把…打昏迷 1ay out 设计,布局;摆开,陈列 leave out 遗漏、省略 let out 泄露(秘密),透露;发出 look out 注意,小心 make out 写出;认出,看清楚 pass out 失去知觉 pick out 挑选出;分辨出 put out 熄灭,关(灯);公布,发布;产生 run out 用完,结束 stand out 显眼;杰出 talk...out of 说服某人不做 try out 试验 turn out 生产、制造;结果是、证明是;驱逐:关掉 wear out 穿破、磨损;使精疲力竭 work out 解决,算出;制订,设计
2023-07-19 21:17:301

please peel off this step mask before use是什么意思

2023-07-19 21:17:394

Please peel off this mask before applicattion 是什么意思

Please peel off this mask before applicattion 请剥离这面具后的应用双语对照例句:1.Take off your mask before you eat now. 在你吃东西前把面具给拿下.
2023-07-19 21:17:481

翻译please peel off this mask BEFORE application是什么意思!

2023-07-19 21:17:562


2023-07-19 21:18:053

德国daytox peel-off mask 怎么用啊?

2023-07-19 21:18:121


2023-07-19 21:18:262


读“bao” 我已经学过那课了
2023-07-19 21:19:187


2023-07-19 21:20:102


多音字 在着儿应念bao
2023-07-19 21:20:181


2023-07-19 21:20:361


带-ing词尾的介词 barring:except,not including除.....外 concerning:about,regarding论及,关于 excepting=except failing:in default of因缺少.....;在缺少...时 following:after in time;as a sequel to在....以后 including:if we include如果包括我.....包括在内 pending:during/until在....期间/直到.....为止 regarding:about,concerning,in respect of 成语介词 according tas stated by/ in proportion根据....../依照...... ahead of:further forward in space or time sb/sth; ealier tan sb/sth; further advanced than sb/sth along with:in addition to;together with另外,加之,还有 apart from:exceping,not considering; in addition to除......外/且莫说;除....之外尚有 as for:with regard to至于 as from:on and after(a specified time)从一特定时间开始 黄金机经预测 as of=as from as regards:about,concerning至于,就......而论 as twith regard to关于,至于 because of:on account of,by reason but for:without the help or hindrane etc.of假如没有.....(帮助或障碍等);要不是 by means of凭借.......的方法 due tbecause of由于 except for:not including,other than除了 in accordance with:in conformity to一致;依据 in front of:ahead of ,in the presence of在前面;当着.......的面 in place of:in exchange for,instead of作为......的交换 in spite of:notwithstanding不管,不顾 instead of:in place of in view of:considering由于,鉴于 with a view twuth the hope or intention of指望,考虑到 near tto or at a short distance from(in space,time,condition,or resemnlance) next talmost,virtually几乎 on account of: beause of on behalf of:in the interests of;as representative为了......的利益/代表 owing tbecause of由于 prior tbefore在前,居先 together with:as well as和,连同 up tuntil/below or equal to直到/不多于 in regard to=with regard tas concerns,in respect of in that由于,因为 now that由于 1、aboutbring about 带来;招致,实现come about 发生go about 着手干hang about 闲逛,徘徊see about 负责处理;考虑考虑set about 开始着手2、acrosscome across 偶然碰见,偶然发现cut across 抄近道get across 把…讲清楚;使通过put across 解释清楚run across 不期而遇stumble across/on 偶遇;碰巧发现3、afterask after 问候,询问go after 追求take after 与…相象4、againsthold...against 反对;不愉快5、alongcome along 赶快;一道走;进展get along(with) 相处融洽;进展顺利1eave alone 听其自然,不要去管let alone 更不用说;听其自然;别惊动aparttake apart 拆卸set apart 使分离6、aroundrevolve around 以…为中心,以…为主要内容7、asidelay aside 把…搁在一旁;留存,储蓄put aside 储存,保留set aside 拨出,存蓄8、atget at 到达;了解,掌握work at 致力于9、awaydo away with 去掉,废除get away with 走开;逃避惩罚,逃脱give...away 赠送;泄露,出卖pass away 去世put away 把…收拾好;储存,积攒take away 减去;使离去;拿走tick away/by 时间一分一秒地过去tuck away 把…隐藏起来turn away 拒绝10、backcut back 削减;缩短draw back 退后;迟疑;不守诺言fall back on 退却;求助手,转而依靠give back 归还hold...back 踌躇,退缩不前;阻止,阻挡keep back 隐瞒,保留;阻止keep down 压制,镇压;放低,压look back 回头看,向后看;回忆pay back 偿还;报复set back 推迟,阻碍11、bydrop by/in 顺便拜访get by 通过,走过;勉强过得去go by 经过,过去;依照stand by 袖手旁观;支持,站在…一边;准备行动12、down back down/off 放弃,退却,让步break down 损坏,故障;(身体、精神等)衰竭;失败bring down 降低,打倒cut down 减少,降低die down 渐渐消失get down 从…上下来,下车;记下,写下get down to 开始认真对待go down 下降;下沉;倒台hand down 把…传下来knock down 撞倒,击倒let down 放下;使失望pull down 拆毁;拉下,降低put down 记下;放下;镇压run down 撞倒;贬低,,减少,缩减;追捕.追查set down 记下smash down 撞倒,捣毁take down 拆除;记下tumble down 倒塌turn down 调低、使变小;拒绝13、forask for 请示,要求;自找(麻烦等)go for 去找,去取;袭击;—适用go in for 开始,参加;沉迷于make for 走向,朝…前进send for 派人去请stand for 代表;主张,支持;容忍,容许take...for... 把…误当作…14、forwardbring forward 提出put forward 提出15、inbreak in 打断;破门而入,强行闯入call in 短暂访问check in 办理登记待续,报到cut in 超车抢挡;插入,打断deal in 经营draw in (车)到站;吸人fill in/out 填写get in 进入;插(话);收获;到达,进站hand in 上交 贮备live in 住宿look in 顺便拜访pull in 车到站,船靠岸put in 花费(时间,精力等);申请send in 递交,呈报set in 开始take in 欺骗;理解tuck in 给…盖好被子;把…塞好turn in 上缴;呈上;上床睡觉16、intobreak into 破门而人,强行闯人get into 陷入,染上(习惯);进入give into 投降,屈服go into 叙述,探究;调查;进人,投人look into 调查;窥视,朝里面看run into 偶然遇见;碰见talk...into 说服某人做17、likefeel like 想要 18、offbreak off 突然停止,中断,中止call off 放弃,取消carry off 拿走;夺去(生命);获得(奖品,锦标)come off 发生,举行;成功;脱落 切断;中断供应;割断drop off 睡着;下降,减少;允许下车fall off 下降,减少get off 从…下来;脱下;起飞;逃脱处分give off 释放go off 爆炸,被发射;离去,走掉hold off 延迟keep off 不接近,使避开lay off (临时)解雇leave off 停止,中断let off 放(鞭),使爆炸;排放,放掉;宽恕pay off 还清;付工资予以解雇peel off 剥掉,脱掉衣服;脱落;<飞机)离队腑冲目标pull off 脱(毛衣,袜子,帽子等)put off 拖延ring off 挂断电话 给…送行send off 邮寄,发送set off/out 动身,出发set off 引爆;爆炸shrug off 对…毫不在乎switch off 关掉…的电源take off 脱下;起飞tick off 用记号勾出,列举;责备ward off 防止:挡开,避开wear off 磨损掉;慢慢消失write off 勾销、注捎19、oncarry on 坚持下去come on 来吧,快点;开始,来临;进展,成长dwell on/upon 老想着;详述embark on/upon 着手,开始figure on 指望reckon on 依靠,指望get on 发生go on 发生,继续hand on 把…传给他人hang on 紧握不放;坚持下去;(打电话)别挂断hold on 等会儿let on 泄露live on 靠…生活;以…为主食;继续生活pass on 传递(给别人)prey on 猎食,捕食,杀害;劫掠;折磨,损害pull on 穿上(毛衣,袜子等)put on 上演;假装switch on 接通…的电源take on 承担;呈现;雇用;较量try on 试穿20、ontohang onto 抓紧,抓住…不放21、outask...out 邀请某人外出back out 食言,背信blow out 漏气break out 突然发生,爆发;逃出bring out 明白表示出来;使显出check out 结帐后离开come out 传出;露出;结果;出版,刊出cross...out/off 划掉,取消cut...out 停止;戒烟die out 消失,灭绝dine out 在外(尤指在餐馆里)进餐drop out 退出;退学edit out (编辑时)删除fall out 争吵figure...out 计算出;推测get out (使)离开,出去;(消息等)泄露;取出,除去give out 分发;耗尽,精疲力竭go out 熄灭,停止;过时hand out 分发hold out 伸出;提出,提供;坚持不退让knock out 把…打昏迷1ay out 设计,布局;摆开,陈列leave out 遗漏、省略let out 泄露(秘密),透露;发出look out 注意,小心make out 写出;认出,看清楚pass out 失去知觉pick out 挑选出;分辨出put out 熄灭,关(灯);公布,发布;产生run out 用完,结束stand out 显眼;杰出talk...out of 说服某人不做try out 试验turn out 生产、制造;结果是、证明是;驱逐:关掉wear out 穿破、磨损;使精疲力竭work out 解决,算出;制订,设计22、overcheck over 检查get over 从…中恢复过来;克服go over 流产,检查;复习;重读一遍;走过去hand...over 移交look over 查看,审阅;看一道put over 解释清楚run over 浏览,复习;(车)从…上碾过去、撞倒take over 接管;盛行起来talk...over 讨论tick over 停滞,进展缓慢;(机器)空转,慢转tumble over... 被…绊倒turn over 翻过来;移交;仔细考虑23、roundbring round 劝使;使恢复知觉come round to 接受(别人看法)come to/round 苏醒go round/around 四处走动,绕道;(消息等)传开;足够分配 :24、throughbreak through 突破,突围come through 获胜fall through 失败,落空get through 干完,完成;接通电话go through 审查,检查;搜查live through 度过,经受住look through (从头到尾迅速)浏览;核查pull through 成功;恢复健康run through 贯穿;浏览see through 看穿,识破;将…干到底;帮助度过难关25、toadd up to 意味着;加起来总计keep to 遵守,信守;坚持see to 负责,照料take to 开始,养成…习惯;开始喜欢tumble to (终于)明白.恍然大悟turn to 变成;求助于26、upback...up...支持,援助blow...up... 炸毁;发脾气break up 结束,终止;打碎,拆散bring up 提出;教育,培养call up 打电话给;征召check up 检查,调查come up 走近;发生;被提出come up agains 偶然碰到(困难,反对等)come up to 等于;比得上come up with 赶上,提出curl up 卷起(衣袖等);使蜷曲draw up 停止dress up 穿上盛装face up tO 大胆面对feel up to 以为能foul up 把…弄糟gear up 使换快档,促进go up 上升;被炸(烧)毁hang up 把…挂起来;挂断电话hold...up 举起;阻挡,使停顿;拦截,抢劫keep...up 坚持,保持;使继续下去keep up with 跟上let up 减弱,渐停look up 查找;看望,拜访make up 组成,构成;捏造,编造;和解;化妆打扮mess up 把…弄糟;把…弄脏pick up 拾起;(车、船)搭(人),带(货);获得,学会pull up (使)停下put up 建造。搭起;张贴;进行(抵抗等);投宿,为…提供住宿;提(价)ring up 打电话smash up 捣毁snap up 抢购;迅速snatch up 猛然抓住summon up 鼓起(勇气),唤起take up (开始)从事;拿起;继续;接受,接纳;占去(时间、精力)turn up 出现;卷起(衣袖等);把(收音机等)开大一些work…up 激起27、withdeal with 应付;与…做生意;涉及,关于,论述face...with... 使面对…mess with 打扰reckon with 应付,处理;对…加以考虑tangle with 与…发生争执28、withoutdo without 没有…也行go without 没有…也能对付;没有也能行
2023-07-19 21:20:441


2023-07-19 21:20:511


2023-07-19 21:20:592

please peel off label before you use it

Please peel off the label请把标签撕掉 后半句英文有误,不知所云
2023-07-19 21:21:061

please peel off the mask with this sticker 这句话什么意

please peel off the mask with this sticker请用这张贴纸把面具揭掉
2023-07-19 21:21:302


这不是引导膜吗 先撕开Back一面的 贴到屏幕上 再撕开Front 手机膜就贴好了
2023-07-19 21:21:534

煞科 的粤语中文音译

煞科(粤语)作词:周礼茂作曲:Joon-Young Choi演唱:郑秀文Wanna make It...Wanna make it for your will for my will咪制冇头冇脑缠住我几个闷场下去冇突破警号点静局 点沉默都响起咗祸一晚直头冇你容易过就让你多讲一声好爱我心内犹如冇事 犹如冇物唔肯相信么? Wooh!你追 我躲 结果已讲得好赤裸你追 我躲 冇乜野可错摸你清 我楚 杀咗光阴太多煞科 煞科 宜家只好煞科Let say gonna make my pointPut your face to the realNot walking like a wheelNot let the time to kill my freedom to stillI wanna make it for the realCan"t peel off my words my style cooler thanchill nothing to see with my skillStill I wanna make a dealStill I wanna make a deal咪制冇头冇脑缠住我几个闷场下去冇突破警号点静局 点沉默都响起咗祸唔应上文下理陪著你事后你方知我嘅唔爱你呢样情甜如蜜 俨如惩罚我决定逃避你追 我躲 结果已讲得好赤裸你追 我躲 冇乜野可错摸你清 我楚 杀咗光阴太多煞科 煞科 宜家只好煞科你追 我躲 已讲得好赤裸你追 我躲 冇乜野可错摸你清 我楚 杀咗光阴太多煞科 煞科 宜家只好煞科煞(saat3) 科(fo1) (粤(jyut6) 语(jyu5/jyu6) )作(zok3) 词(ci4) :周(zau1) 礼(lai5) 茂(mau6) 作(zok3) 曲(guk1/kuk1) :Joon-Young Choi演(jan5/jin2/jin5) 唱(coeng3) :郑(zeng6) 秀(sau3) 文(man4/man6) Wanna make It...Wanna make it for your will for my will咪(mai1/mai6) 制(zai3) 冇(mou5) 头(tau4) 冇(mou5) 脑(nou5) 缠(cin4/zin6) 住(zyu6) 我(ngo5) 几(gei1/gei2) 个(go3) 闷(mun6) 场(coeng4) 下(haa5/haa6) 去(heoi2/heoi3) 冇(mou5) 突(dat6) 破(po3) 警(ging2) 号(hou4/hou6) 点(dim2) 静(zing6) 局(guk6) 点(dim2) 沉(cam4/sam2/zam6) 默(mak6) 都(dou1) 响(hoeng2) 起(hei2) 咗(zo2) 祸(wo5/wo6) 一(jat1) 晚(maan5) 直(zik6) 头(tau4) 冇(mou5) 你(nei5) 容(jung4) 易(ji6/jik6) 过(gwo1/gwo3) 就(zau6) 让(joeng6) 你(nei5) 多(do1) 讲(gong2) 一(jat1) 声(seng1/sing1) 好(hou2/hou3) 爱(oi3) 我(ngo5) 心(sam1) 内(naap6/noi6) 犹(jau4) 如(jyu4) 冇(mou5) 事(si6) 犹(jau4) 如(jyu4) 冇(mou5) 物(mat6) 唔(m4/ng4) 肯(hang2/hoi2) 相(soeng1/soeng3) 信(seon3) 么(maa1/mo1) ? Wooh!你(nei5) 追(zeoi1) 我(ngo5) 躲(do2) 结(git3/lit3) 果(gwo2/gu2) 已(ji5) 讲(gong2) 得(dak1) 好(hou2/hou3) 赤(cek3/cik3) 裸(lo2) 你(nei5) 追(zeoi1) 我(ngo5) 躲(do2) 冇(mou5) 乜(mat1/me1/me5/ne6) 野(je5) 可(ho2) 错(co3/cok3/cou3) 摸(mo2/mok3) 你(nei5) 清(ceng1/cing1) 我(ngo5) 楚(co2) 杀(saai3/saat3) 咗(zo2) 光(gwong1) 阴(jam1) 太(taai3) 多(do1) 煞(saat3) 科(fo1) 煞(saat3) 科(fo1) 宜(ji4) 家(gaa1/gu1) 只(zek3/zi2) 好(hou2/hou3) 煞(saat3) 科(fo1) Let say gonna make my pointPut your face to the realNot walking like a wheelNot let the time to kill my freedom to stillI wanna make it for the realCan"t peel off my words my style cooler thanchill nothing to see with my skillStill I wanna make a dealStill I wanna make a deal咪(mai1/mai6) 制(zai3) 冇(mou5) 头(tau4) 冇(mou5) 脑(nou5) 缠(cin4/zin6) 住(zyu6) 我(ngo5) 几(gei1/gei2) 个(go3) 闷(mun6) 场(coeng4) 下(haa5/haa6) 去(heoi2/heoi3) 冇(mou5) 突(dat6) 破(po3) 警(ging2) 号(hou4/hou6) 点(dim2) 静(zing6) 局(guk6) 点(dim2) 沉(cam4/sam2/zam6) 默(mak6) 都(dou1) 响(hoeng2) 起(hei2) 咗(zo2) 祸(wo5/wo6) 唔(m4/ng4) 应(jing1/jing3) 上(soeng5/soeng6) 文(man4/man6) 下(haa5/haa6) 理(lei5) 陪(pui4) 著你(nei5) 事(si6) 后(hau6) 你(nei5) 方(fong1) 知(zi1/zi3) 我(ngo5) 嘅(ge1) 唔(m4/ng4) 爱(oi3) 你(nei5) 呢(ne1/nei1/nei4/ni1) 样(joeng6) 情(cing4) 甜(tim4) 如(jyu4) 蜜(mat6) 俨(jim5) 如(jyu4) 惩(cing4) 罚(fat6) 我(ngo5) 决(kyut3) 定(deng6/ding6) 逃(tou4) 避(bei6) 你(nei5) 追(zeoi1) 我(ngo5) 躲(do2) 结(git3/lit3) 果(gwo2/gu2) 已(ji5) 讲(gong2) 得(dak1) 好(hou2/hou3) 赤(cek3/cik3) 裸(lo2) 你(nei5) 追(zeoi1) 我(ngo5) 躲(do2) 冇(mou5) 乜(mat1/me1/me5/ne6) 野(je5) 可(ho2) 错(co3/cok3/cou3) 摸(mo2/mok3) 你(nei5) 清(ceng1/cing1) 我(ngo5) 楚(co2) 杀(saai3/saat3) 咗(zo2) 光(gwong1) 阴(jam1) 太(taai3) 多(do1) 煞(saat3) 科(fo1) 煞(saat3) 科(fo1) 宜(ji4) 家(gaa1/gu1) 只(zek3/zi2) 好(hou2/hou3) 煞(saat3) 科(fo1) 你(nei5) 追(zeoi1) 我(ngo5) 躲(do2) 已(ji5) 讲(gong2) 得(dak1) 好(hou2/hou3) 赤(cek3/cik3) 裸(lo2) 你(nei5) 追(zeoi1) 我(ngo5) 躲(do2) 冇(mou5) 乜(mat1/me1/me5/ne6) 野(je5) 可(ho2) 错(co3/cok3/cou3) 摸(mo2/mok3) 你(nei5) 清(ceng1/cing1) 我(ngo5) 楚(co2) 杀(saai3/saat3) 咗(zo2) 光(gwong1) 阴(jam1) 太(taai3) 多(do1) 煞(saat3) 科(fo1) 煞(saat3) 科(fo1) 宜(ji4) 家(gaa1/gu1) 只(zek3/zi2) 好(hou2/hou3) 煞(saat3) 科(fo1)
2023-07-19 21:22:021

pliase peed off this mask before application是什么意思

原句应该是:please peel off this mask before application。译:请剥离面膜前应用。
2023-07-19 21:22:121


How to Get Started with Your Stamp Collection - Simple TipsCollecting stamp is a famous hobby as well as an easy activity, which provides many lighter moments. If you would like to start your own collection of stamps, here is the list of procedures to get started:1. First you need to decide on what kind of topic you would like to use for your collection to get started with this hobby. It is also recommended to start with general but choosing a specific theme for your stamps will be more exciting. If you would like to collect postage stamps from other countries, you may start narrowing down your collection for the stamps coming from a specific country.2. You can also start the stamp collection by buying new stamps from the market. If you are aiming for the stamps of the specific country will help you to get a good start on your collection and will help to prevent the duplication of your collection. Buying a whole pack will give you different designs and will make more interesting for you and motivate you to collect more.3. If you have limited budget for starting the stamp collection you may have to collect the used stamps from your friends and relatives, which they have received from the mails. They can also help you by asking their friends to donate the stamps to you, which will be exciting since the stamps came from people will be with different themes and special to you. This will make you to valuate the sentimental values of the collected stamps. 4. Once your friends and relatives are informed that you are collecting the stamps, they will make you to learn that they will provide you stamps as a gift for occasions. This kind of helps will make the collection easier for you. Some times your friends and relatives may make use of their maximum effort for getting special editions or commemorative stamps to make you happy and surprise.5. You may then narrow down your collections by considering the new or old stamps, which one is more preferable to you. Many people prefer to collect more old stamps in their collection than the new stamps. On the other hand, the new stamps are easier to find and manage. Once you have decided the type of stamps to keep in your collection, you should not throw away the other stamps because, you can exchange them with other collectors to get the stamps as per your choice. 6. One benefit of stamp collecting is that you need not spend much money for the hobby. You may buy inexpensive tools and supplies, which you need for your collections. For starters, an album is the first thing to acquire. The most popular type of the album is the loose-leaf album. A loose-leaf album has a binder that has removable sheets. This will make the stamps easier to manage and compile.7. It is most important to learn removing the used stamps from envelopes to place them in your album. You may the cut the envelope along with the stamp but it is important to leave the space between the scissors and the edges of the stamps. Now, you can place the stamp by the face turned down in a bowl with warm water. When it becomes completely wet, you can peel off the stamp and place it in the album after drying it properly.8. There are many resources where you can get informations about stamps and stamp collection. The Internet is the most effective way to search for stamps and determine the place you can get the cheapest and even those stamps, which are hard to find. You can also make use of the Internet to make friendship with other stamp collectors, which will help you become more interested in the hobby and they may help you in finding the stamps you are looking for. You can also exchange stamps with one another making your collection bigger and more exciting.The best part of the collection is displaying them to your friends and loved ones. Once you have your own collection, you can show them to your friends and relatives. You may even have your own exhibition in the future. One way to let the people know about your collection is by putting up your own website. You can create the website, where you can exhibit all of your collected stamps and you can also give the notes about the stamps and your efforts to collect them.够长了吧???
2023-07-19 21:22:191

谁有 《Sorry 4 The Wait》 这首歌的歌词。歌手:Lil Wayne。

Sorry 4 The Wait - Lil WayneAin"t Nobody f-cking with meFirst degree murder, you can get your degreeMotherf-ckerAnd you ain"t gotta wonder "bout me wonder womanTune gonna ball, money tall, Paul BunyanReal nigga shit, p-ssy niggas gon hatePound of the Kush call that bitch pound cakeI hit it from the backAnd make that bitch about faceAnd then I gotta splitI"m sorry baby, sour grapesShe wine, baby don"t leaveI duck that bullshit, bob and weaveEverybody tripping, but I ain"t never trippingLeave your ass flatter than my new televisionI"m talking about money and the powerPower and the moneyThis shit is magic Stan Van GundyIma run this shit till I"m the last man runninMack light that shit, then pass that to meYoung Money motherf-cker yeahWe the shit, yeah Weezy go hard like CialisDon"t love that bitch, I f-cked that hoShe pop X I smoke O"s tic-tac-toeAnd I stink cause I got a lot of shit on my mindThey say numbers don"t lie, is that a 6 or a 9?I stand infront of the clockCause I"m ahead of the timeKnock your pussy ass offAnd send your head to your momI ain"t playing with niggas, no sir not meAnd they can"t blindfold what my third eye seeYeah I was locked up, but like a bird I"m freeAnd the coupe transform, no TyreseHello Goodbye, where are you Wayne?I"m somewhere inbetween joy and painAnd I reach for the stars, got stuck in the cloudsGot high as a bitch and left my love on the groundNow ain"t that about a bitch?It ain"t never about a bitchI"ll take your bitch and make her everybody bitchBacked up by a bunch of G ass niggasAnd I just bought your girlfriend some knee pads niggaEagle street where the real niggas hungIma rep that shit till Kingdom comeYeah Sharp brang the drank, I bring the bluntsF-cking with me it"s blood, brains or gutsF-ck yall for real thoughSleep with the hammer under the pillowGet into the room, bend her over like her elbowsSoon as I"m done peel off like velcro, GoneBaby I"m stoned, smoking on the strongGot a huge ass bong, swag off the hookYou can"t use that phoneStopped at the light and put my roof back onOne time for the G"s, the niggas got it lock"dThe niggas with the keys, The niggas on the blockThe niggas on they P"s and Q"sPut your bitch on the evening newsJumping in the game better read the rulesHigh as a bitch yeah that"s me on the moonF-ck with me die soon, not lateAnd I"m sorry for the motherf-cking waitTunechi
2023-07-19 21:22:261


2023-07-19 21:22:363


peeled 读音是:["pu026au02d0ld]。去皮的;.剥落; 脱落; 削[剥]去(水果或蔬菜的皮)( peel的过去式和过去分词 ); 覆盖层脱落,剥落;剥皮; 去皮; 剥离;例句The paint on the wall has peeled off.墙上涂料已剥落了。形近词: keeled heeled peelerPeel and wash the carrot and turnip, then cut into sections.青、红萝卜刮皮洗净, 切件备用.peel的基本意思是“剥”“削皮”,可指物体表层自然的脱落,也可指人为的使之脱落(剥掉或拽掉)。peel既可用作及物动词,也可用作不及物动词。用作及物动词时,接简单宾语或者双宾语,其间接宾语可转化为介词for的宾语。skin最常用词,指人的皮肤或动物的皮,也可指水果、植物和种子等的外皮。leather通常指经过加工的熟皮,可用于制作各种皮革制品。fur现多指猫、兔等动物软毛皮,也指其它动物的毛皮。hide多指大型动物的厚皮,也指没有鞣的牛、马等皮革。peel指剩下的或可以剥去的果皮或蔬菜皮。
2023-07-19 21:22:561


last, weekend, I tried to cook a dinner for myself. After I washed the fish, I marinated it with pinch of salt and pepper, rice wine, and oyster sauce for 1/2 hour. Meanwhile, I filled a steamer with water and placed on a high fire. Soon the pots came to a boil, I then placed the fish in the steamer. After steaming for 18 minutes, I sprinkled with shredded scallion and poured a spoon heated oil over fish, serve.
2023-07-19 21:23:212


2023-07-19 21:23:281

Upper lens protector pls peel off this mask

2023-07-19 21:23:372


★★★★★楼主你好!!只选对的,不选多的,本人自己觉得最好听的歌,楼主一定要听听啊! 极力推荐 (((天赖之音))) I"m Gonna Getcha Good!--Shania Twain <一定要听这首哦> Never Had A Dream Come True--S Club 7 最近开始听这首歌的,太好听了 Any Man Of Mine--Shania Twain 还有这个 My name is --Emimem阿姆的经典之作 Happy Boys & Girls---Aqua 他她们的歌很活泼 Barbie Girl--Aqua When You Say Nothing At All--Alison Krauss细心品味,我很喜欢这首歌的 Candy Shop--50 Cent 相信很多人听过吧 Back to you--Bryan Adams The Power Of Love--Celine Dion yellow--coldplay I COULD BE THE ONE--Donna Lewis 声音很甜 Without Me--Eminem 又一首阿姆的经典之作 Don"t Turn Off the Light--Enrique Iglesias Any one Of Us--Gareth Gates 经典 American Idiot--Green Day 朋克乐,我很喜欢 Boulevard of Broken Dreams--Green Day Moonlight Shadow --Groove Coverage Yesterday Yes A Day--Jane Birkin Because You Live--Jesse McCartney 人又帅歌又好 When You Believe--Mariah-Carey 很多地方介绍这首经典的 Nothing gonna chang my love for you We Will Rock You--Queen 摇滚中的经典 better man--Robbie Williams all 4 one - i swear blue--one love blue-all rise bryan adams布莱恩亚当斯-everythingBurning-Maria Arredondo coast to coast-westlife e理查.马克斯-此情可待(richanel marx-right here waiting) sweetbox -more than love 水叮当合唱团-around the world 洛德.斯特华特-sailing(远航) 玛利亚.凯丽 - without you没有你 琳恩玛莲lene marlin-a place nearby 莎曼珊曼芭-always come back to your love 闪灵2人组-i could be the one teriyaki_boyz-tokyo_drift_(fast_and_furious) fannypack- Hey Mami Hands In The Air Put It On Me Remix - Ja Rule don_omar_feat_tego_calderon-bandaleros shadow_feat_mos_def-six_days_the_remix Peel Off Race Wars - BT Idi Banashapan - Roni Size We Ridin Pump It Up 我敢保证一定很好听,只选好听的,不选多的,楼主听下吧。音乐交流群:74487821 (★★★★★) 要是您能喜欢,麻烦请(★★★★★)采纳吧,谢谢 ! 祝您听歌愉快!我们的宗旨是:有了音乐我们是最开心快乐的人!
2023-07-19 21:23:441

求420mask off的歌词

2023-07-19 21:23:512


用规格书当说明吧:● 4 independent charging channels can charge 1-4pcs AA/AAA size Ni-MH/Ni-Cd rechargeable batteries. When charging, different batteries can be mixed either in size or in capacity. And with the USB output ,also can charge for mobile/mp3/mp4/camera/etc.4路独立充电器,可以同时充4节5号或7号镍氢镍镉充电电池,并且不同型号和容量电池可以任意混合装载充电.同时带有USB大电流恒流输出功能,可以对手机/mp3/mp4/相机等数码类产品高速充电.● Widely used at home, in business centers and offices. Can be powered by common power source.可以广泛的应用于家庭,商业和工作环境,使用普通电源接口.● Advanced IC controls the charging process and auto power cut-off function with 0△V and -△V control assures the batteries to be fully charged without being over-charged.先进的单片机IC控制充电全过程,精确的0得它电压和负得它电压控制判断电池充饱情况,保证电池绝不过充.● Over-current protection. The constant current charging mode avoids the influence of current fluctuation to battery"s performance and safety.为消除波动而采用全时恒流的先进充电方式.● Over-heat protection. The charger will automatically stop working if the temperatures of the charger or batteries are too high过热保护,不论充电器或电池温度过高,充电器都会自动侦测并停止充电.● The timer controls the maximum charging time strictly.最大充电时间保护● Detection of non-rechargeable batteries, short-circuited batteries or defective batteries, which the charger will not charge.不论放入不可充电的一次性电池,还是内部短路电池,或者完全失去活性的电池,充电器都会自动识别并拒绝充电.● Automatic alarm function. The indicators flash in red if there"s any problem.通过红色闪烁,充电器会对各种故障和危险情况报警.● The LED displays the charging process: 发光二极管显示含义Red LED on: charging Red LED flicker: unconventionality battery红色恒亮:充电中 红色闪烁:电池故障Green LED on: fully charged and on trickle charging Green LED flicker: refresh complete绿色亮:充电完毕,并在涓流充电中 Red and green LED alternate on: refresh红色绿色交替闪烁:放电中● It is recommended to use the charger with good brand Ni-MH/Ni-CD rechargeable battery for better performance最好是跟质量优良的镍氢/镍镉电池配套使用● Portable in size.袖珍型,同规格最小体积,超薄设计Specification 基本参数● Input: AC100V -240V, 50/60Hz, 8-12VA输入:交流100伏特-240伏特 50/60赫兹 8-12伏安(瓦)● Output: USB DC 5V/1.6A 输出: USB端口-直流5伏特/1.6安培 DC 1.2V AA bat. 1200mA(x4) 单体镍氢充电电池直流 1.2伏特 5号电池 1200毫安(x4): AA bat. (QUICK) 2400Ma(x2) 5号电池 2400毫安(x2) AAA bat. 1200Ma(x2) 7号电池 1200毫安(x2) AAA bat. 600Ma(x4) 7号电池 600毫安(x4)Refresh: AA/AAA 240mA-420mA (x4) 放电电流: 5号/7号 240-420毫安● Exterior dimensions: 65x115x22.7(mm) 外型尺寸: 65x115x22.7● Weight: 105g(without batteries) 重量: 105克 (不含电池)notice: charge AA/AAA battery and USB output cannot use at the same time!!注意:给5号/7号电池充电和USB输出不能同时进行!!About battery check step 关于电量检测的说明Has a “remaining capacity check function” enabling the verification of the battery remaining capacity with 3 color levels. 拥有”电池保有电量检测功能”通过3个颜色的灯来显示电池保有电量水平. Insert battery in “check position”. Waite “Battery balance check LED” tranquillisation. 放入一节电池到”check position”槽(2号槽)等待对应指示灯稳定(会先闪烁3次)● “Battery balance check LED” light at: 当电量显示灯停止在 Green_____ Usable 绿色—表示电量水平高 Yellow_____ Slightly usable 黄色—表示电量水平中等 Red_____ Charging necessary 红色—表示电量水平低 After 8 second and if you add batteries, all batteries start charge. 新加入电池,所有电池开始充电How to charge 如何充电● Insert AA/AAA size Ni-MH/Ni-Cd rechargeable batteries into the corresponding charging channels and ensure the “+/-” of the charger and battery correctly match. Otherwise, the charger will not work..把5号/7号充电电池按照正确的正负极方向放入充电器,负责,充电器将不会正常工作.● Pull the power supply plug in the direction of the arrow and insert it into an electrical socket, check if the indicator lamp is lit, insert the charger in the electrical socket in the direction shown in the figure below, inserting the charger upside down may trigger the "high temperature safety function " lengthening the charging time.把充电器的电源插头插入交流电源,看看充电器是否有正常反应,充电时,充电器应该正面上或悬空,否则可能导致充电器过热而过热保护.,● If there is battery inserted in the second slot, the indicator lamp will light up after the remaining capacity check is complete.如果一节电池放入第二槽,电量检测程序会开始,结束后转入充电程序.● After charging is complete, pull the charger out of the socket and remove the batteries, because this device charges quickly and in a short period, it receives a high amount of electrical current. This heats up the batteries while charging is progress. Remove the batteries from the charger only after the light turns off and enough time has elapsed to let the batteries cool down.充电完成后,取出电池,因为充电器是高速大电流充电器,可能在充电结束时,电池还是一个相当高的温度,只有在充电灯熄灭并且电池冷却后才能把电池从充电器中取出来.● Push down the power supply plug and store the charger. In the event the indicator lamp starts to flash quickly, there is a battery inserted in the charger that cannot be charged. The charger determines the life of the battery within approx.20 minutes after having started charging. In the event the indicator lamp starts to flash slowly, the charger"s internal temperature is too high or the changer is being used in an ambient temperature out side the prescribed range. Charging is stopped while the indicator lamp is stops lashing and charging resumes. Either wait until the temperature of the charger goes down or charge in an area where the ambient temperature is within the prescribed usage temperature range. While charging is in progress, a small noise is heard. This is not a malfunction. If you are bothered by this noise, insert the charger in a socket at least 1 meter away from you.拔下电源插头并收好充电器,在充电中,如果有红色灯闪烁,表示对应的电池槽内电池不能被充电,对于惰性电池,充电器最长在开始的头20分钟内是对电池进行激活,如果红色指示灯慢速闪烁,表示对应槽内的电池温度过高,充电器对这槽的电池进行综合保护,充电器在使用过程中,可能会产生噪音,你可以把充电器插到距离你较远(一米以上)的地方.How to refresh 放电功能操作● Insert the batteries. 放入电池.● Pull the AC wire into an electrical socket.把电源线插入插座.● Push the refresh key over 2 second.按下放电按键2秒以上.● about refresh time, please see “Charging and refresh time ”.关于放电时间,请参考充放电时间表.● When all batteries refresh complete, it start charge auto.当所有电池放电完毕,将马上开始充电.● The charger can keep the batteries completely power if you don"t pull out it.充电完毕不取出电池,充电器将对电池涓流充电,使得电池保持满电状态.Danger 危险● Use specially made charger to charge specially types of batteries.充电器要使用对应的高质量的电池配合充电.● Do not connect directly in a power supply socket or in a vehicle"s cigarette entry port.不要使用没有保险的插座和车载点烟器电源● Do not store of transport the charge along with metal objects such as necklaces or hairpins.不要和金属类的(如发夹,项链等)物品不分开的保存.● Do not modify the shape, dismantle or reconfigure the device.不要擅自改装,修理,拆卸充电器.● In the event of getting battery liquid in the eyes, wash them out with clean water and see a doctor immediately如果电池内的液体溅到你的眼睛,请马上用水清洗,并上医院就医..● Do not modify the shape of the area of the “+” polarity or obstruct the gas exhaust apertures set in it.不要拿尖锐的物品刺空隙,也不要堵住排气的孔洞.Warning警告● If the batteries do not get completely full even if exceeding the prescribed charging time, stop charging.不要让电池中途停止充电.● Do not peel off the exterior tube or make scratches.不要去除电池的绝缘表皮.● Do not connect more than 20 devices in series.不要让20节以上的电池连接使用.● Immediately wash off any battery liquid that gets on your skin or clothes.如果电池内的液体溅到你的皮肤或衣物上面,请马上用水清洗.● Do not use in the event of leaks, discoloration, transformation or other charge.不要使用老化,变色,生锈的充电器(电池).● Store in an area out of reach of small children.放到小孩不能拿到的地方.● In the event of having swallowed a battery, contact a doctor immediately.如果吞咽下了电池,请马上就医.Charging and refresh time 充放电时间表Compatible batteries电池类型 Charge time充电时间 Refresh time放电时间 1-2(QUICK)1-2节在快充中 1-4 1-4Ni-MH镍氢电池 AA (Typ 2700mAh)5号 2700毫安时 65 min.65分钟 130 min.130分钟 9hours.20min.9小时20分钟 AA (Typ 2500mAh)5号 2500毫安时 60 min.60分钟 122 min.122分钟 8hours.40min.8小时40分钟 AAA(Typ 1000mAh)7号 1000毫安时 50min50分钟 100 min.100分钟 210 min.210分钟 AAA (Typ 900mAh)7号 900毫安时 45min45分钟 90 min.90分钟 190 min.190分钟● The USB output can not be use when the charger charge for the AA/AAA batteries(when refresh it can be use)充电器给5号/7号充电的时候,不能使用USB输出功能(放电时可以使用)● The charging times listed above are for completely charging depleted batteries in an ambient temperature of 25℃充电时间是在室温25摄氏度下测试得到的.● Charging with the charger upside down enables the temperature safety function lengthening the charging time. The charging time varies depending on the ambient temperature and power remaining in the batteries.在允许的温度范围内充电使用,充电时间和充电温度及电池的实际容量有关. 型号说明:4是可以充最多的电池数量,12是充最多电池时,每节电池能达到的最大电流,4812就是可以在充4节5号电池时每节电流1200毫安C是电量检测,S是表示带USB输出,R表示带放电。
2023-07-19 21:24:011

gold peel off mask什么意思

兼可gold peel off mask黄金面膜gold peel off mask金剥离面膜
2023-07-19 21:24:105

life is like an onion, you peel it off one layer after another, and sometimes you weep

生活就像洋葱, 你一片一片地剥开, 总有一片会让你流泪。
2023-07-19 21:25:084


英语是一种活的语言,是当今世界上应用最广泛的语言。掌握英语并能灵活运用是许多人都想做到的事,掌握英语,首先必须学好语音、语法,然后就要开展大量的阅读。阅读是理解和吸收书面信息的能力,是人类活动的基本方式之一。它是获取知识,认识客观事物,发展智力和情感的重要途径。阅读能力是英语四会能力中最基本最重要的能力之一。培养阅读能力有助于扩大词汇量,丰富语言知识,提高语言的运用能力,是大面积提高中学英语教学质量的关键。众所周知,由于各民族生活的地域、环境、社会制度、文明礼貌等诸多方面的不同,从而导致了各民族的思维方式,语言交往,行为举止等方面的很大差异,正是由于这种差异造成了各民族间人们交往时的许多困难与障碍。一个初到国外的留学生,往往感到最突出的问题之一就是对当地文化的不适应。而其原因就在于他虽然学习了不少的英语语言知识,但对于该种语言息息相关的背景知识,即载体于该种语言的政治、经济、历史、地理、生活方式、文学艺术、政治结构、社会制度、价值观念等方面的知识都知之不多,这就告诉我们,在学习语言的同时,必须了解该种语言所附属的文化背景知识,阅读可以帮助解决这个问题,并通过开启这一窗口来保持和提高学生的学习兴趣。阅读是他们学习外语最需要的技能。因为,他们中学毕业后,进大学深造,或从事口语工作,或出国的机会相对来说比较少,而阅读外文书报和杂志的机会却很多,因此可以说,阅读的重要性怎样强调也不会过分。阅读分为精读,泛读,朗读,默读等几种。阅读可以保持学习外语的持久兴趣,可以巩固加深所学知识,可以提高学生运用语言的综合能力,可以发展学生的智力,阅读有助于开阔他们的视野,面向世界,不仅是语言本身而且包括大量的非语言性的知识,阅读在很多情况下,正是我们学习外语的目的,没有阅读能力的提高我们对一门外语的掌握不可能是全面的牢固的,更谈不上达到学习外语的目的。既然阅读这么重要,那么我们就应该重视培养阅读能力。掌握提高阅读能力的方法就显得尤为重要了。我想在本文中就我的教学体会,浅谈一下提高学生英语阅读能力的方法。一、查阅法。查阅法是一种查寻式阅读,它是从阅读材料中有目的,有选择地迅速查找某一具体事实或特定信息的技能,其要求是快速,准确。即没有必要通读全文,只要能快速找到想索取的有关内容就算完成了阅读任务。在考试中,学生做阅读理解题时,这一方法就可以应用,即学生先把文章后面的问题读一遍,看清每个题干是什么意思,然后,带着这些问题去读文章,这样,就有明确的目标,没有必要每个词,每个句子都要弄清楚,而仅能回答问题即可。总之,这一方法要求学生在不连贯的、跳跃式的阅读中能够迅速掌握所需信息。二、猜测词义有些学生在阅读时,一遇到新词就不知所措,总是去查字典以求得正确解释,结果影响了阅读速度,从而达不到阅读的目的,也使阅读量大打折扣。阅读中的生词大致可分两类:一类是基本上不影响对文章理解的生词;另一类是对文章理解直接相关的生词。对于第一类生词,既使我们不知它的确切含义,仍可较为准确地理解原文,因此完全可以跳过去不予理会。阅读时,应切记的一点是:不要试图弄清文章中每一个词的确切含义,否则既影响速度,又影响理解。至于与文章理解直接相关的生词,我们可以采用以下方法推测词义。1、利用上下文来猜测词义,例如:The Biggest in the wordPeter dozed off while his teacher was talking.Teacher: Peter!Tell us,what is the biggest in the world?Peter: Well,well ....eyelids.Teacher: What?Eyelids?Peter:Yes,sir Because as soon as I shut my eyes ,the eyelids cover everything of the world .该短文中,“eyelids ”一词根据上文中的“shut eyes”档住眼睛的东西,猜出是“眼皮”之意。2、通过原文中提供的例子来理解词义。例如:suffxes: such as _ ing 、 _ed 、 _s 、_ful and _less, may cause spelling changes when added to words .句中给出了“suffixes ”的几个例子,_ing、 _ed、 _s 、_ful ,这些都有是常见的单词后缀。通过这些例子,我们便可知道“suffixes”的意思是“后缀”。3、运用对比法猜测词义对比法常用的词或词组有:but ,while ,however,yet ,otherwise...通过使用这些词,我们可以对生词进行对比猜词义。如:( 1) The paint on the cottage had peeled in a few places,otherwise they looked well kept。句中的“peel”可从“otherwise”后面对比猜出是“脱落”之意。( 2 ) Jack was thin while his wife was really obese句中的“obese”通过while 与 thin对比那意思为“胖”通过定义或同位语来理解词义如:(1)Meterologists,people who study weather and weather patterns still have difficulty predictly the weather.该句中“ people who study weather and weather pattern”作为“meterologists”的同位语,其实是对“meterologists”的解释和说明。由此可判断,“meterloogists ”的意思是“气象学家”。(2)Acrophobia,or fear of height,can make life difficult for tight rope walker who suffer from it.这个句子中“fear of height”是对“acrophobia”的解释是“恐高症”之意.三、根据构词法猜测词义有时,我们在阅读中会遇到 一些似曾相识的词。这些词大多是由熟悉的单词派生或合成的。遇到 这类词不必去查字典,我们可利用构词法知识推测其词义,掌握了这一技巧,就会在很大程度上减少生词的数量。英语可以通过三种形式构成新词,即转换、派生、合成。1、转换:一个单词或词组由某一种词类转化为另一种词类,叫转换。转换后的词义与转换前有密切的关系,例如:(1 )The sick and wounded were to be taken good care of by the nurses.(2) These clothes are intended for the old .以上两个句子中的划线部分是由形容词加定冠词转化而来的名词,表示一类的概念指具有某种特点的一类人,不是指个别人。(1)句中的“the sick and wounded ”意为“伤病员”(2)句中的“the old ”意为“老年人。”2、派生:在一个单词前或后加上一个词缀,变成一个新词,这种方法叫派生。词缀有前缀,后缀两种,通过加前后缀派生的新词,在意思上与原来的词相关。但前缀改变词义,例如:happy(高兴的)—unhappy(不高兴的 )、 like(喜欢的) —unlike(不喜欢的) 、 regular(规则的)—irregular(无规则的) 。后缀改变词类,例如:kind(adj和蔼的)—kindness(n和蔼);、 help (n ) — helpful (adj),由名词转化为形容词或由形容词转化为名词。由此可见懂得前后缀的基本作用和意义,便于我们阅读的进行。3、合成:将两个或两个以上的词合成一个新词,这种构词法叫作合成。合成的词义也很容易从每个词原来的词义中推测出来。例如:You can buy such things as toilet soap toothbrushes and toothpaste.句中的“toothbrush and toothpaste ”是合成词,分别由tooth(牙齿)+brush(刷子);tooth(牙齿)+paste(糊膏)构成;由此可猜出“toothbrush”为“牙刷”,“toothpaste”为“牙膏”之意。四、理解句义的技巧。培养学生抓句子中的关键词,领会句子大意,以及分意群理解,明确全句大意等。例如:Edisson planted vegetables/ in his garden/ and sold them to buy / what he needed for his lab .此句共有十七个词有些学生往往看一个词想一个词,逐词注视,阅读速度既慢而且不易掌握全句的意思。如按上面的斜线处停顿时,则全句只要“注视”四次即可。阅读速度可以提高几倍而对句子的理解也要完整得多。五 、对意思含糊的段落的处理由于词的意思不明,而造成段落的意思模糊不清,这是阅读中常遇到的。解决这一问题较好的办法是反复阅读。一般地说,多次阅读的过程是逐渐加深理解的过程。往往开头难但看了几遍之后,就能逐步明白其意义了。有些难懂的句子,根据上下文,仍可以猜出它的意思。一篇短文,如果我们能看懂百分之七十五以上的意思容许有百分之二十五左右的误差,这是正常的现象,例如下面一段:The two largest islands of Great British Isles are the Great British and Ireland .There are three regions in Great Britain.They are England ,Scotland and Walse.此段中“regions”一词未学过,但通过上下文中所提供的线索以及学过的地理知识,不难猜出它的词义是“地区,行政区”。六、利用标题猜测我认为,当拿到一篇陌生材料时,不要急于通读,更不要放弃,而应先看标题,理解标题,根据标题预测文章的大意;其次提取各段的主题句,分析,理解主题句的内容,预测各段的大意;最后弄清一些指代关系,尤其注意文中的斜体或黑体的醒目的部分,因为这些可能是文章的重点之处或关键词语。如果做到耐心、冷静地去阅读一些新材料,就可以达到预期的目的,同时也有利于提高阅读理解能力和阅读速度。培养学生的阅读能力,不仅要靠课堂教学,而且要靠课外辅导。目前中学教材后都有补充读物,必须课内与课外相结合,但课外要注意不能加重学生的负担。很多教师想了不少办法,如办手抄报,或成立课外阅读小组等。做到既不加重学生的负担,又能培养学生的阅读兴趣,养成自觉阅读的习惯,我就在课下收集了大量的幽默,笑话,谜语,谚语,成语,小故事,加以精选 改编。如在一张卡片上编了这样一个谜语:I do not have a mouth,but I can blow things awayI do not have legs, but I can run quicklyI always shout loudly while I am movingBut when standing still I am nothing.在卡片反面印上谜底“风”灵活的取材极大地调动了学生的主动性,激发了学生的阅读兴趣,有利于提高学生的阅读能力。总之,阅读是学习英语的一个主要途径,对多数人来说,它本身也是一个目的。如果掌握了一定的阅读方法,那么阅读能力也会有显著的提高,特别是中学生的英语成绩的提高更依赖于阅读能力的提高。
2023-07-19 21:25:301

歌曲OK(julie peel)的翻译

Screaming your name高声喊出你的名字I"d top off my lung我将用它填满我的呼吸Doesn"t make a change虽然看起来微不足道But it makes me feel stronger但我却感觉强壮了许多I"m finally ready to but may we were both wrong我终于准备好了但希望我们两人都是错的It took me a while to realize it"s gone and we"re done我一下反应不过来原来已经结束了我们已经完成了I"m ok now but I want you to stay away我还好但我希望你离远一点I don"t feel sad and I"m not going alone我并不觉得悲伤而且我不会孤身一人Don"t you worry any more所以别担心It"s easier to leave then be left behind主动离开比被丢下要简单多了You know , now I"m ok , but I want you away你知道,我现在还好,只是想让你离远一点At first I thought, it was just about a dream一开始我想,这只是个梦But chain of words leading to a dead end, end但一连串的单词引向了死胡同I sharpen my eyes to make you believe I "ll survive我尽力让眼睛雪亮些让你相信我会活下来You did you good but you killed me inside~ide你做了该做的事但却从内心杀了我I"m ok now but I want you to stay away我还好但我希望你离远一点I don"t feel sad and I"m not going alone我并不觉得悲伤而且我不会孤身一人Don"t you worry any more所以别担心It"s easier to leave then be left behind主动离开比被丢下要简单多了You know , now I"m ok , but I want you away你知道,我现在还好,只是想让你离远一点Now I"m ok , but I want you away我还好但我希望你离远一点
2023-07-19 21:25:401


1.scrawl a teaspoon of butter on the bread.2. This cup banana milkshake is my own doing.3. Turn on the radio. I want to hear news.4.Can you help me mix the flour and eggs together?5. Do you want some milk in the coffee?6. You should first put off apple peel .7. How do you do salad with fruit and vegetable ?8. I think that is very simple to cook noodles.9. First of all, Wash the apple clean. Then cut it into small pieces.10. Would you like popcorn?11. We just need a small amount of sugar.
2023-07-19 21:25:483

翻译短文 阅读理解。 Even before my father left us, my moth

2023-07-19 21:25:582

King (BBC Radio One John Peel Session) 歌词

歌曲名:King (BBC Radio One John Peel Session)歌手:UB40专辑:Signing OffAudio Adrenaline - KingToday I finally found a melody that fitsA melody that fitsToday I finally found a song that I can singA song that I can singYou are my King, You are my KingI bow down before You and crown You the King of all KingsForever I"ll sing, forever I"ll singI"ll sing of Your mercy and how I have been set freeThe rulers of the earth will bow before Your throneThey"ll bow before Your throneThe nations You have made will worship You aloneThey"ll worship You aloneThey"ll sing for YouYou are my King, You are my KingI bow down before You and crown You the King of all KingsForever I"ll sing, forever I"ll singI"ll sing of Your mercy and how I have been set freeIf the King has set you freeYou are free indeedIf the King has set you freeYou are free indeedYou are my King, You are my KingI bow down before You and crown You the King of all KingsForever I"ll sing, forever I"ll singI"ll sing of Your mercy and how I have been set free
2023-07-19 21:26:051

Feist的《still true》 歌词

歌曲名:still true歌手:Feist专辑:monarchFeist - Still TrueLRC123 带你心飞I like my covers to be heavySo I don"t get cold when I sleepMy love affairs always seem unsteadyAnd I never go half-way when I weepTake me anywhereWith youTake me in your careWith youTake me anywhereWith youTake me anywhereWith youI"m still trueTake on my spine and spit shine itPull on my heart and unwind itFold my wings back offmy shoulderbladesAnd peel meTake me anywhereWith youTake me anywhereWith youTake me anywhereWith youTake me anywhereWith youTake me anywhereWith youTake me anywhereWith youTake me anywhereWith youTake me anywhereWith youStill true
2023-07-19 21:26:121