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search可以直接跟名词连用吗?与search for 有什么区别啊?

2023-07-19 23:14:44



KK: []

DJ: []


1. 搜查;在...中搜寻[(+for)]

Police searched everyone present at the scene of crime.


He searched every room in the house.


2. 细看;仔细检查;(用外科仪器)探查(伤)[(+for)]

I"ve searched my memory, but I can"t remember that man"s name.


3. (风等)穿过;刺透

The sunlight searched the room"s dark corners.


4. 使(火力)向纵深展开


1. 搜查;搜寻[(+for/through)]

He searched for work at the various stores.


2. 探究;调查[(+into)]

The general manager promised to search into the matter.



1. 搜查,搜寻[C][U][(+for)]

They made a long search for the lost child.


2. 检查;探索,调查[C][(+for)]






1. 搜查;在...中搜寻[(+for)]

Police searched everyone present at the scene of crime.


He searched every room in the house.


2. 细看;仔细检查;(用外科仪器)探查(伤)[(+for)]

I"ve searched my memory, but I can"t remember that man"s name.


3. (风等)穿过;刺透

The sunlight searched the room"s dark corners.


4. 使(火力)向纵深展开



1. 搜查;搜寻[(+for/through)]

He searched for work at the various stores.


2. 探究;调查[(+into)]

The general manager promised to search into the matter.




search的意思是 搜 意思是 搜哪里

search for是 为了...而搜

举个例子 search the house意思是 搜这个房子(为了搜到另一样东西)

search for the house意思 就是找到这个房子



crime scene investigation是什么意思

2023-07-19 20:00:523


crime scene photo犯罪现场照片The techniques of composition and viewfinding, which are widely used in artistic photography, are usually neglected in crime scene photo taking.取景构图在各种艺术摄影中广泛引起重视,但在现场照相中常常忽略了取景构图的重要性。
2023-07-19 20:01:002


一个主题 不同的地方啊 人员也不一样基本算是三部独立的电视剧有的案子会联合
2023-07-19 20:01:093


Crime Scene Investigation犯罪现场调查
2023-07-19 20:01:183


2023-07-19 20:01:262

简单的英语题 The policemen compared the suspect’s footprints with _____ found at the crime scene.

选 DThose ,表示 那些指纹(即在犯罪现场发现的指纹)
2023-07-19 20:01:344

案发的英文翻译 案发英文怎么说 案发的英文例句

案发的英文翻译与发音 案发 案发的中英文例句与用法 提交更多案发的相关例句 案发的英文翻译与发音 [àn fā] to investigate a crime on the spot to occur (of a crime) to be discovered (of a crime) investigate [in"vestigeit] v.调查,研究 crime [kraim] n.犯罪,犯罪行为,罪行,罪恶 spot [spu0254t] n.班点,污点,地点,场所,现场 v.沾污,弄脏,侦察 vt.认出,发现 occur [u04d9"ku04d9:(r)] vi.发生,出现 案发的中英文例句与用法 一罪案发生后, 有作案动机的人自然受到怀疑。After a crime, suspicion naturally falls on the person who has a motive for it.警方根据匪徒内部情报,在劫案发生前把他们一网打尽。Acting on inside information, the police were able to arrest the gang before the robbery occurred.劫案发生后警方立即跟踪追击。After the robbery the police immediately gave chase.有人看见她约在案发时进入了该建筑物。She was seen to enter the building about the time the crime was mitted.□工程施工方案发生变更Alterations occur to project construction plan.都是他把短手枪放置在案发现场He either planted that derringer at the crime scene证人宣誓证明在谋杀案发生那天他曾看见被告。The witness depose that he have see the accused on the day of the murder.那有助于缩小第一案发现场的范围Help narrow down the primary crime scene.枪击案发生前一天The day before the shooting... 提交更多案发的相关例句
2023-07-19 20:01:521

哪些属于经典老牌美剧犯罪现场调查(Crime Scene Investigation)?

wepidajj,你是想问哪些属于经典老牌美剧犯罪现场调查(Crime Scene Investigation)?这个你完全可以去baidu搜索①吓 YYTvO影视 你就知道了,ytjvcp53一般人我还真不会告诉滴~ 你懂 的~求采纳, 采纳不会有孩子滴~~fiifny67
2023-07-19 20:02:003


2023-07-19 20:02:0915


2023-07-19 20:02:566


个人喜欢看 迈阿密的真不错啊
2023-07-19 20:03:405

csi 第六季第十八集里的marlon是谁演的

Crime Scene Investigation Season 6 Episode 18中出现的那个Marlon West饰演者叫Douglas Smith。参考资料:
2023-07-19 20:04:302

在美国读书,犯罪学课上BOLO alerts,这是什么意思啊,附原段落

BOLO = Be On the Look Out. 是个警方术语
2023-07-19 20:04:382


要说最好看的破案剧,我想近几年内地播出的 《白夜追凶》 应该算一个。 讲述的是以 灭门案 为基点,刑侦支队队长 关宏峰 为了洗脱弟弟杀人罪名,一路破获多起案件的故事——而其中对的每个案件都会引出一些细节,为灭门案做铺垫。 当然,破案剧能不能吸引人,关键在于剧情。 比如:第二集案子,打完酒吧老板娘的男子,在走出酒吧后被砍伤,没多久就有人承认自己杀了人。 但我们都知道,案件不可能如此简单,果然真凶另有其人。 还有:强迫症杀人案。 死者是一对正在车震的情侣,两个人有拍视频的习惯,关宏峰根据现场证据就推断出凶手具有洁癖和强迫症,从而找到真凶。 短短几集就发生了三起案件,看似没有联系,其实每一个案子都推动了主线案件。灭门案交代了主角的身份背景,之后的案子则引出了当年关宏峰的走私案等。 人物的性格特质,还有那些不为人知的秘密就这样抽丝剥茧,娓娓道来。 值得称赞的是,在这部剧中, 潘粤明 分饰两角,同时扮演警察 关宏峰 和无业游民的弟弟 关宏宇 。 哥哥关宏峰为了早日拿到卷宗,帮弟弟洗脱嫌疑,也因为哥哥有黑暗恐惧症,所以关宏峰和关宏宇在天黑后会互换身份。 弟弟会扮成哥哥到警署去加夜班,而哥哥则将以弟弟的身份躲在家中逃避追查。 这样的设定,在很多破案剧中是未曾存在的,而这样的设定是十分考验演员的演技的。 潘粤明在剧中鲜明地刻画了兄弟俩人的不同特征,别看是亲兄弟,还会互换身份,但一个眼神、一个动作,简单的肢体语言,你能清晰地分辨出谁是哥哥,谁是弟弟。 哥哥的成熟稳重,弟弟的乖戾嚣张,眼神满满的都是戏。 当然,这部剧能获得如此的高口碑,除了剧本质量过硬、演员的演技扎实外,还深刻地挖掘了 社会 现象及人性的阴暗与复杂性、多面性。 比如: 外卖小哥杀人案。 外卖小哥白天拼命赚钱,晚上却不得不做透析以延迟生命。他努力生活却身患重疾,想想上天对他真的不公。 于是,内心偏执敏感的他对周遭人感到愤怒,对世界愤怒,想怒而无处呐喊发泄。 通过每个案件,我们都能感受到宿命的无奈,尤其身处黑夜时。 就像剧中的兄弟俩,哥哥难以猜透,弟弟则是真性情,这样的两个人像不像我们身上所具有的两面性? 所以本剧是最好看的破案剧一点不为过,在观看过后会发人深思,考虑很多现实问题,这样的剧希望能多播出一些! (电影烂番茄编辑部:肥肥) 《法医秦明》是搜狐视频和博集天卷影业联合出品的悬疑刑侦网络剧,由徐昂执导,张若昀、焦俊艳、李现、程皓枫和屈菁菁等联袂主演。 该剧改编自秦明文学作品《第十一根手指》,以法医秦明的视角展开,讲述了其与法医助理李大宝、刑警队大队长林涛组成的黄金组合携手其他警官屡破要案的故事。 该剧于2016年10月13日在搜狐视频上线,并每周四晚8点播出两集。 2016年11月,《法医秦明》荣登2016中国泛 娱乐 指数盛典“中国网生内容榜-网络剧榜top10”。 龙番市刑警队长林涛,与法医科科长秦明是多年的老朋友。秦明的助理因不堪忍受秦明的古怪脾气打报告辞职。痕检科的李大宝被借调加入工作小组。期初秦明对身为女生的大宝不信任,但倔强的大宝在破案中,体现出了相当不错的推理和观察能力,并且嗅觉极度灵敏,挑剔的秦明决定留下大宝。龙番警局的铁三角也初告形成。以这起“油爆奇案”为开端,秦明、大宝和林涛接连破获了各种匪夷所思的案件。 秦明是俊秀儒雅的资深高冷法医,逻辑能力极强,心思缜密。秦明常常通过死者身上的易被忽视的线索入手,为案件侦破提供重要的新思路。 大宝嗅觉灵敏,被秦明和林涛调侃为警犬。虽然只是一名法医助理,但因在学校积累了扎实的解剖功底,所以在秦明颇有阴影的头骨解剖中,她甚至能比老师做的更快。大宝虽为女儿身,但破起案子来丝毫不逊色于男人。 林涛是一名刑警队大队长,行动力极强,在指纹等痕迹勘察领域尤为擅长。法医“让尸体说话”后,“剩下的事情”如抓捕罪犯则交给了他。胆小怕鬼的林涛,是秦明的最佳拍档。 推荐几部我觉得好看的破案剧,不喜勿喷! 1 暗黑者系列,讲述的是一群怪咖相聚在一起,屡破奇案的故事,类似于很久以前的一部小说左晴雯所写的东邦,七个怪咖云集的故事。暗黑者之中的爱喝酸奶的郭金飞每次出场就要舔酸奶的样子, 搞笑 不已,还有李倩一脸熊猫眼出场,还有扮演者经超和法医秦明里那个形象简直是判若两人。 2美人为馅三部曲,白宇和杨蓉主演,杨蓉和小鲜肉演情侣真是毫无违和感帅哥美女搭配就是好,剧情不拖沓,情节紧凑。谁能想到最后的boss居然是我们的好好医生徐司白呢?他喜欢白锦曦那么久,最后居然是这样的下场也是在我们意料之外的。 其中最喜欢的一对就是这白宇饰演的韩沉和白锦曦了 3还有曾经的经典老牌电视剧:梅花档案,沉默的证人,重案六组都是经典中的经典 《沉默的证人》是由姜伟执导并担任编剧,由董勇、王志飞、车晓、曾黎、杜源、林熙越等主演的刑侦悬疑剧 只可惜重案六组都被下架了现在全网都看不到如此经典的剧了,另外还有一些美剧也是不错的,喜欢的可以去看看。就不一一举例了。 重案六组!17年不长不短,不慌不忙,17年对六组的爱从未改变,季洁,杨震,老郑,大曾.......下个17年,下下个17年我依然哼唱,点点星光闪动着,你诚实的眼神..... 神探狄仁杰!一共四部,深入人心,经常拿出来回味! 有些人要说了,这部剧这么不严谨,漏洞很多,你还这么喜欢,你很没品味啊! 我想说,大家都是俗人,或者说,还是俗人多!我记得为什么我看的津津有味,最主要的是那时有一段时间整天陪奶奶看这个剧,奶奶很喜欢看,开始我感觉中间的有些圈套很低级,但是也许这是最简单的套路吧,奶奶看的津津有味!有时候难以理解,我也慢慢爱上了,而且无法自拔! 后来奶奶去世了,每当看到这个剧就想起了和奶奶一起追剧的过程,为了这个剧我们早点吃饭,互相提醒!爱此剧,是为了怀念我的奶奶啊! 《如果蜗牛有爱情》王凯季白 填词一阕咏季白:风起处,彩云南,湄公水畔,依稀季子白衫,云侵雾漫,怎掩朗月璀璨?且珍重,热血化碧,霞映群山,西风烈,奏凯旋! 可惜好片子东方台十点周播,腾讯放了一遍就藏回vip里了,很多人没有看到。 近几年来,断案电视剧凭借题材新颖剧情悬疑紧凑,深深的吸引观众的眼球,下面我给大家介绍几部最值得观看的古装悬疑剧! 1:《河神》 该剧改编自天下霸唱的小说《河神1鬼水怪谈》,讲述了民国天津卫水患频发,河中水怪乱神之事,主人公郭得友追查河中水怪,从而卷入了一桩桩离奇的案件中。剧情的反转悬疑,让人恨不得一刷到底。除了剧本严禁,剧中的人物服装,细节设置,台词撰写,演员的挑选上都可以说是非常的细腻严谨。 2:《神探狄仁杰系列》 这部古装剧可以说是年代久远,可以说给我们的童年带来了很大阴影,该片讲述以武则天治下著名宰相狄仁杰为主角的推理剧,剧中元芳和狄仁杰这对cp可谓是破案大神所在,剧中环环相扣,剧情跌宕起伏,故事围绕着一个又一个离奇的案件开始,让人看了汗毛直立! 3:《名侦探狄仁杰》 这部剧是根据狄仁杰的经典故事改编而成,剧情可以说是一般,该剧是以幽默诙谐的形式探案,该片是万合天宜即《王大锤》系列的又一力作! 4:《长安三怪探》 讲述了晚唐时期,长安城不断发生离奇连环命案,三个“怪探”铲除罪恶的故事,与《河神》模式相似,都是抽丝剥茧一步一步把背后势力牵扯出来的步骤。如同网友评价的那般:“这一部探案剧有着市井智慧和犯罪哲学,台词也值得玩味。” 5:《大明按察使》 该剧讲述了被誉为“冷面寒铁”的铁面御史周新,在民间广传其无私审案,不畏强暴惩恶扬善的故事,《大明按察使》各种细节算是诚意十足。从“洞房投毒案”“林中死尸案”到“白骨案”,前一案件就要结案时每每就会为下一案件埋下引发线索。剧情可谓是环环相扣,险象丛生。剧情画面讲究,色调厚重偏冷,造就电影一般的镜头质感。更多优秀作品,欢迎大家补充指正。 说到破案剧最经典的肯定是刑事侦缉档案系列,剧情经典之处在于人物刻画独到,案件玄疑、剧情紧凑。个人认为带给观众最为深刻的印象就是张大勇、高婕,勇婕恋令人刻骨铭心。刑侦系列当年在香港收视率相当高,每个案件都非常吸引。 张大勇和李忠义可以因为一些细小线索或是因身边人一句话找到破案线索灵感,真是佩服编剧的妙笔。作为刑侦系列,三辑都有非常强的逻辑且相互对应,不会让观众有不明所以之感,我想这也是刑侦成功独到的地方。 剧中许许多多绿叶和配角都相当出色精采,例如:苏玉华、郭蔼明、罗冠兰、廖启智等演员。特别是刑侦三罗冠兰和廖启智之间的感情不会令观众有乏味至极的感觉,反到增添不少可看性,而苏玉华在刑侦一和二的表现也属相当精采。 李忠义这个角色是刑侦迷印象深刻的人物之一,忠义和金枝两人的感情描写得比较吸引。忠义艰难追到金枝,婚后两人却因为金枝贪钱个性,两人经常吵闹争执。当金枝明白到钱并不是最重要的时候,金枝却莫名其妙的死去,使剧情变得更加悬疑。 去年深夜重播《刑事侦缉档案》系列,再度掀起煲剧热潮,最高收视更高达8.3点,以深夜重播剧来说相当理想,网络上也有不少关于此剧的讨论,像早前大赞郭可盈的仙气,最近连陶大宇在剧中对Jessie的叫法,也可以成为被谈论的话题。 破案剧是我最爱的类型,但是从我看剧的 历史 来说,如果一定要推荐,我大概只推荐这两部:一部是2004年的国剧《沉默的证人》,另一部从2000年-2019年的美剧《CSI:LV》篇(犯罪现场调查:拉斯维加斯)系列,两部剧的风格大相径庭,但是带给我的影响是一生的。 1、《沉默的证人》: 导演: 姜伟 编剧: 姜伟 主演: 王志飞 / 林熙越 / 董勇 / 曾黎 / 车晓 类型: 剧情 / 悬疑 / 犯罪 制片国家/地区: 中国大 首播: 2004-10-01(中国大陆) 集数: 25单集 片长: 43分钟 又名: 死亡日记 / The Diary of Death 迄今为止看过的最好的国产侦破剧,王志飞职业生涯里个人认为最有深度的一次演绎。人性中的扭曲和背后的成因体现的淋漓尽致,变态的行为背后让人同情之余也深思。观剧重点是这部剧的台词充满一种冷淡的诗意,犯罪剧里出现让人不反感的文艺范儿,也算独树一帜。王志飞饰演的心理学专家既有知识分子严格严谨的一面,也有犯罪分子扭曲变态的表现,最后情绪被突破部分的人性爆发让人记忆深刻。那些年的好作品虽然层出不穷,但是这部戏真的让人印象深刻。特别说明一句,这部电视剧的导演和编剧姜伟,同时也出品了《绝对控制》、《借枪》、《潜伏》等口碑佳作,实力不容小觑。 2、《犯罪现场调查CSI: Crime Scene Investigation》 导演: Chris Carter 编剧: Chuck Lorre 主演: 威廉·彼德森 / 玛格·海根柏格 / 加里·杜尔丹 / 乔治·艾德斯 / 乔雅·福克斯类型: 剧情 / 悬疑 / 惊悚 / 犯罪 官方网站: 就我个人而言,看过最好看的破案剧当属《重案六组》,也算是童年回忆,有情怀加分吧!关键是剧好看,主要有那么几点: 1、主题表达三观正, 重案六组比较有人情味。而且题材大胆。敢于揭露。 社会 形形色色都有涉猎。对罪犯和相关人物相对比较全面丰富的刻画,并不是千篇一律的罪恶,比较侧重表现人性复杂多面。既复杂和温暖。宣扬正义,面对冰冷的世界 依然会有一颗火热的心。 2、编剧才华横溢。角色基本没有废话,似乎每一句话都是为推动剧情,或者塑造人物而定。时而诙谐逗趣,时而煽情深刻。而且每个六组角色都有自己的个性风采,并不脸谱化。 3、团队用心,演员认真。会让演员体验生活,演员也敢拼。 其实这部片子真正的过人之处是当了一把边缘人群的发现者,瘾君子、妓女、精神病,涉及到了各种领域的犯罪,恶人在经历几十年的非奸即盗,世界在经历几十年的非黑即白后这次终于呈现出它真实的样子,有时候你也搞不清混沌 社会 和这些犯罪者之间的因果关系。这才是关系到 社会 现实的剧,有句话说的好,“艺术源于生活,高于生活”。这剧可以说表达了这意思。
2023-07-19 20:05:031

蝴蝶效应里,监狱里帮男主角脱逃的那个演员 叫什么啊?

Kevin Durand凯文·杜兰 影片中叫Carlos凯文·杜兰是一个性格演员,他曾在电影《蝴蝶效应》(英文:The Butterfly Effect)中饰演主角艾希顿·古查的狱友,一名神化古怪的墨西哥裔美国人,多番保护主角以下复制wj百科的词条 你自己上wj搜一下还能看到他参与的所有影视剧列表----------------------------------------------------------------------生平凯文·杜兰于1974年7月14日在加拿大安大略珊德湾(英文:Thunder Bay)出生,并在圣伊格内修高中(英文:St. Ignatius High School (Thunder Bay))就读,他十五岁时接触戏剧,第一次演出便是在高中戏剧堂中。1994年,凯文·杜兰入读温莎大学戏剧系进修,但是他最后中途辍学,转移到多伦多的地方舞台戏剧工作了好几年。他第一次大型电影演出就是《决战阿拉斯加》(英文:Mystery, Alaska)[1][2][3][4]。[编辑] 影视生涯凯文·杜兰是一个性格演员,他曾在电影《蝴蝶效应》(英文:The Butterfly Effect)中饰演主角艾希顿·古查的狱友,一名神化古怪的墨西哥裔美国人,多番保护主角[5]。[编辑] 电视剧他是电视剧的常客,但大多都是配角和跑龙套的角色,担任配角如占士·金马伦主导的《末世黑天使》中之变种人约书亚、《热血警探》(英文:Touching Evil)中的祖·史路比(英文:Agent Jay Swoopes),以及客串《CSI灭罪鉴证科》(英文:CSI: Crime Scene Investigation)、《鉴证行动组》(英文:CSI: Miami)、《仁心仁术》(英文:ER)、《寻人密探组》(英文:Without a Trace)、《死神有约》(英文:Dead Like Me)等等。他还多次在电视剧《星际之门》(英文:Stargate SG-1)以Lord Zipacna的角色反复出现[4]。直到他饰演《迷失》第四季中的反派雇佣兵马丁·克米共八集,人气急升,其演出得到观众认同[1]。[编辑] 电影凯文·杜兰初期饰演的电影包括有《决战阿拉斯加》的Tree、《捍卫家园》(英文:Walking Tall)的Booth、《荒野大飙客》(英文:Wild Hogs)的飞车党首领Red、《呛烟高手》(英文:Smokin" Aces)的精神病新纳粹党员Jeeves Tremor,但都只是寥寥过场,没有多大机会充分发挥角色[4]。直到罗素·高尔和基斯顿·比尔主演的《决斗犹马镇》(英文:3:10 to Yuma),凯文·杜兰饰演的Tucker才有较多戏份,更加在《Otis E》(英文:Otis E)中担任主角。而制作中的《X战警:金钢狼》(英文:X-Men Origins: Wolverine),宣布由凯文·杜兰饰演波比(英文:Blob)一角。另外他在百老汇舞台剧《汤姆历险记》中出演一角[4]。
2023-07-19 20:05:111

how to become a scientist英语作文

2023-07-19 20:05:212


英文作文:江户川柯南名言 1, the truth is always only one! 2, My name is江户川柯南, is a detective. 3, modus operandi, after all, human beings want to puzzle out just ... ... as long as human racked his brains, or can export a logical answer. For the reasons why people want to kill, no matter how others explained that I still can not understand, even if I can understand, or can not accept, because it can not be a crippling one, after all, creatures of reasons ...... 4, using reasoning bring the perpetrators to end that drive and then watched the other detectives to commit suicide ... ... What is different with the murderer? 5, to get rid of all the factors that can not be left to something ... ... no matter how much you do not want to believe ... ... but it is the truth! 6, need to reason? I never knew the reasons for killing people, but people do not need to save is never justified. 7, the murderer is you! 8, photographs, presented is the most realistic photo. 9, hateful, dare to kill in front of me (tie people)! 10, in the fog on a car and standing, are the way to prove the theory can be Bale. Witch and a curse to this world only exists in the fantasy world! 11, stop, stop doing it, Ray! Whether you are in life by how much more unfortunate, drug abuse and murder is definitely such a thing can not do criminal acts, which would only make you a loser, get a shameful red card. 12, you is not a person"s ah. 13, if we can let you destroy, the public interest, I am very happy to meet their death. 14, as a detective doing inference when there are many parts of the heart hidden and feared that some areas may be negligence which led to still another possibility ... ... so that when the middle of his reasoning when the bull"s eye, this the unparalleled sense of accomplishment! 15, murder is an extremely evil act, find out the truth is my responsibility. 16, in my mind, each supporting both the existence of the meaning and value of each individual"s performance will fluctuate each whole plot, not play a small role, like that you can exit the exit. Moreover, there is no eternal supporting role, in your life, you are always the protagonists, while others are merely supporting role, believe me. 17, as long as a crime, no matter what kind of reasons, can not justifiably. 18, do not escape the original gray, do not escape their destiny. 19, I muster all of the alert, but, in order to break into the crime scene like you alone pay tribute to the artists, mentally prepared, intended to tell you a slug. 译文: 1、真相永远只有一个! 2、我叫江户川柯南,是个侦探。 3、犯罪手法终究是人类想出来的谜题而已……只要人类绞尽脑汁,还是可以导出一个逻辑性的答案。对于人为什么要杀人的理由,不管别人怎么解释我还是无法理解,就算我能够理解,还是无法接受,因为那毕竟不能成为残害一条生灵的理由...... 4、用推理把凶手逼到尽头,再眼睁睁看着对方自杀的侦探……跟凶手又有什么两样? 5、去除掉所有不可能的因素,留下来的东西……无论你多么不愿意去相信……但它就是事实的真相! 6、需要理由吗?我从来不知道人杀人的理由,可是人救人是从来不需要理由的。 7、凶手就是你! 8、照片所呈现的便是最真实的写真。 9、可恶,竟敢在我面前杀人(绑人)! 10、在雾上开车和站立,都是可以用理论证明的手法罢了。这世上魔女和诅咒都只存在于幻想世界里! 11、停下,停止这样做吧,雷!不论你在人生中受到多大的、多不幸的事情,吸毒和杀人这样的事情是绝对不能够做的犯罪行为,那样只会使你成为一位失败者,得到一张可耻的红牌。 12、你可不是一个人的啊。 13、如果可以让你毁灭,为了公众的利益,我很乐意迎接死亡。 14、作为侦探在做推理的时候,心里也有很多地方隐藏著不安,担心可能会疏忽某些地方,而导致还存在另一种可能性……所以说当自己的推理正中靶心的时候,这种成就感就无与伦比! 15、杀人是个极其罪恶的行径,查出真相是我的责任。 16、在我心里,每个配角都有存在的意义与价值,每一个人的每一次演出都会波动整篇剧情,不是跑龙套一样说退场就可以退场的。况且,没有永远的配角,在你的生命里,你就是永远的主角,其他的人都只是配角,相信我。 17、只要是犯罪,无论有什么样的理由,都不可能名正言顺。 18、不要逃避,灰原,不要逃避,自己的命运。 19、我可是鼓起全部的警觉,为了对你这样只身闯进犯罪现场的艺术家表达敬意,做好心理准备,打算跟你一决高下的。
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2023-07-19 20:06:042


克丽丝塔在1994年的电视电影《艾曼妞》系列中担任主角。在1996~1999年期间她也出演了 《我们的日子》电视节目中的Billie Reed, 1996年的Married with Children日历女孩和2000~2001年《海滩救护队》中的Jenna Avid角色。 克丽丝塔也出演了《危险思想的自白》,《愤怒管理》和恐怖片Project Greenlight中的Feast角色。电视剧集《X档案》中她所饰演的性感虚拟现实人物 Maitreya/Jade蓝色霞光一角色为人所熟悉,同样在Jim Carrey戏剧低电影《大话王》中由她所饰演的“电梯女孩”也记忆犹新。 2001年,她出演了电视剧集《FRIENDS朋友》,《The One Where Joey Dates Rachel》中的Joey的女友Mable。2005年,她参与了FOX公司下的情景喜剧《头号案件》中的演出。在《超人前传》和《异种战士》中,她所饰演的女性可以通过她的激素来控制男性。2001年,克丽丝塔客串了共三集电视剧《圣女魔咒》中的“The Oracle”一角。她也曾出现在Toby Keith的视频A Little Too Late中,也曾在2000年10月6日预告片CSI中饰演了Kristy Hopkins,一名在剧中勾引了Nick Stokes的这一小角色。后来她回到在第一季中又出演了被谋杀的受害者。2005年,她出演了HBO的Unscripted,扮演她自己作为一名女演员如何于以往不良形象做斗争然后赢得更多正式角色的故事。克丽丝塔也出现在Maxim杂志中画廊的女孩以及在Maxim杂志2005年最热门100榜上排名第70位。在ABC电视剧《最后的单身汉》系列中她饰演Bridget一角,勉强的但是暗恋着由Barry Watson所饰演的男主角Brian布莱恩。2007年,克丽丝塔出演了ABC真实电视剧《明星与赛车》中普通小汽车比赛时的名流角色。在第一轮中她与滑板手Tony Hawk和竞技冠军Ty Murray配合。2009年6月7日热播的电视剧Denise Richards: It"s Complicated第二季中她也参与了其中的演出。她也在2011年参与了NBC的Love Bites《缘来就是你》。表演以外,克丽丝塔也拥有自己的T恤系列名为SuperEXcellent。 FilmRolling Thunder(1996) 《雷电》Raven(1996) 《雷文》The Haunted Sea(1997) 《鬼海》Liar Liar(1997) 《大话王》Sunset Strip(2000) 《阳光带》Face Value(2001) 《面值》Totally Blonde(2001) 《完全布伯雷》Confessions of a Dangerous Mind(2002) 《危险思想的自白》Paycheck(2003) 《记忆裂痕(空头支票)》Anger Management(2003) 《愤怒管理》Shut Up and Kiss Me(2004) 《闭嘴和吻我》Feast(2005)《兽宴》All Along(2007)Leo(2007)Tony n" Tina"s Wedding(2007) 《东尼和蒂娜的婚礼》The Third Nail(2008) 《第三指甲》Meet Market(2008)Silent Venom(2009) 《变种蛇患》Alien Presence(2009)Shannon"s Rainbow(2009)Locker 13(2009)Black Widow(2009)《黑寡妇》The Final Destination(2009) 《死神来了》as Samantha Ally Lane Emmanuelle in space(first contact,1994)《艾曼妞》Diagnosis: Murder(1 episode, 1996) 《诊断:谋杀》Married... with Children(1 episode, 1996)High Tide(3 episodes, 1995–1996)Weird Science(1 episode, 1996)Days of our Lives(426 episodes, 1996–1999)Pacific Blue(2 episodes, 1996–1999)Avalon: Beyond the Abyss(1999)The X-Files(1 episode, 2000) 《X档案》18 Wheels of Justice(1 episode, 2000)CSI: Crime Scene Investigation(3 episodes, 2000–2001)Baywatch(27 episodes, 2000–2001)Arli$$(1 episode, 2001)Spin City(1 episode, 2001))《旋转城市》Charmed(3 episodes, 2001)Inside Schwartz(1 episode, 2001)Zero Effect(2001)Friends(1 episode, 2002)Glory Days(1 episode, 2002)Mutant X(1 episode, 2002) 《异种战士》Smallville(1 episode, 2002) 《超人前传》Fastlane(2 episodes, 2003) 《极速型警》Andromeda(1 episode, 2003)Just Shoot Me!(1 episode, 2003)The Lyon"s Den(2 episodes, 2003)Frasier(1 episode, 2003)Two and a Half Men(1 episode, 2003)I"m with Her(1 episode, 2004)The Screaming Cocktail Hour(2004)Monk(1 episode, 2005)Jake in Progress(1 episode, 2005)Head Cases(2 episodes, 2005) 《头号档案》Out of Practice(1 episode, 2006)Freddie(1 episode, 2006)What About Brian(11 episodes, 2006–2007)Fast Cars and Superstars: The Gillette Young Guns Celebrity Race(Unknown episodes, 2007) 《明星与赛车》Business Class(2007)Held Up(2008)Cashmere Mafia(1 episode, 2008) 《女人帮》The Starter Wife(5 episodes, 2008))《离婚女人当自强》Dirty Sexy Money(2 episodes, 2009) 《黑金家族》The Philanthropist(1 episode, 2009)Modern Family(1 episode, 2009) 《当代家庭》Jesse Stone: No Remorse(2010)Life Unexpected(2010)《意外生活》
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科幻电影经典系列 《魔宫帝国1、2、3》《再生侠》《神鬼传奇1、2》《魔鬼终结者2》《哈里波特》《第七卷轴1、2、3》《魔域龙影》《星球大战》《隐形人》《蜘蛛侠1》《蜘蛛人》《古墓丽影1》《刀锋战士2、3》《卢浮魅影》《夜魔侠》《超人1、2、3、4》《DNA终极战士》《双龙奇兵》《黑侠2》《惊情400年》《魔戒》《黑客帝国》《帝都大战》 美剧历史上电视剧排行榜Top 100《电视剧》杂志的美剧史上百大剧集排行1《老友记》 Friends,1994—2004,NBC2《我爱露西》I Love Lucy,1951-1957,CBS ?3《宋飞传》Seinfeld,1989-1998,NBC ?nbsp; ?nbsp; 4《风流医生俏护士》M*A*S*H,1972-1983,CBS5《六尺之下》Six Feet Under,2001-2005,HBO6《急诊室的故事》ER,1994- ,NBC ?nbsp; 7《黑道家族》The Sopranos,1999-2007,HBO 8《星际迷航之银河飞龙》Star Trek: The Next Generation,1987-1994,Syndicated9《24小时》24,2001-,FOX10《X档案》The X Files,1993-2002,FOX11《兄弟连》Band of Brothers,2001,HBO12《欲望城市》 Sex and the city,1998—2004,HBO13《星际之门》Stargate SG-1,1997- ,Sci-Fi 14《白宫风云》The West Wing,1999- ,NBC ?nbsp; ?nbsp; 15《犯罪现场》Crime Scene Investigation,2000-,CBS ?16《犯罪现场:迈阿密》CSI Miami,2002— ?,CBS ?nbsp; ?nbsp; 17《犯罪现场:纽约》CSI NY,2004-— ,CBS ?18《威尔和格蕾丝》 Will and Grace,1998—2006,NBC19《朱门恩怨》DALLAS,1978-1991,CBS20《豪门恩怨》Dynasty,1981-1989,ABC21《鹰冠庄园》Falcon Crest,1981-1990,CBS22《雪山镇》Everwood,2002-2006,WB 23《太空堡垒卡拉狄加》Battlestar Galactica,2003- ,Sci-Fi24《迈阿密风云》Miami Vice,1984-1990,NBC 25《西部风云》Into The West,2005,TNT26《神探科伦布》Columbo,1968,1971-1978,1989-2003,NBC27《疯狂主妇》 Desperate Housewives,2004— ?,ABC28《整容室》Nip/Tuck,2003-,FX29《罗马》Rome,2005-2007,HBO/BBC30《抑制热情》Curb Your Enthusiasm,2000-2005,HBO 31《盾牌》The Shield,2002-2008,FX32《希尔街的布鲁斯》Hill Street Blues ,1981-1987,NBC33《家有仙妻》Bewitched,1964-1972,ABC34《霹雳游侠》Knight Rider,1982-1986,NBC ?nbsp; ?nbsp; ?nbsp; 35《双峰镇》Twin peaks,1990-1991,ABC36《辛普森家族》The Simpsons,1989- ,FOX ?37《豪斯医生》 House, M.D.,2004- ,FOX ?38《监狱风云》OZ,1997-2003,HBO ?nbsp; ?nbsp; ?39《法与制》Law & Order,1990- ,NBC ?nbsp; ?nbsp; ?nbsp; 《法与制:犯罪倾向》Law & Order Criminal Intent,2001- ,NBC ?《法与制:特殊受害者》Law & Order:Special Victims Unit,1999- ,NBC ?《法与制:陪审团》Law & Order:Trial by Jury,2005- ,NBC ?40《佩里·梅森》PERRY MASON,1957-1966,CBS 41《纽约重案组》NYPD Blue,1993-2005,ABC42《欢乐一家亲》Frasier,1993-2004,NBC ?nbsp; ?nbsp; 43《南方公园》South Park,1997- ,CC ?nbsp; ?nbsp; ?44《海军罪案调查组》 NCIS: Naval Criminal Investigative Service,2003- ,CBS 45《全家福》 All in the Family,1971-1979,CBS 46《露易斯和克拉克:超人新冒险》Lois & Clark: The New Adventures of Superman,1993—1997,ABC47《发展受阻》Arrested Development,2003-2006,FOX48《迷失》Lost,2004-,ABC49《太空仙女恋》I DREAM OF JEANNIE,1965-1970,NBC50《大淘金》Bonanza,1959-1973,NBC 51《双面女间谍》Alias,2001-2006,ABC52《蜜月期》The Honeymooners CBS53《根》Roots,1977,ABC54《荒野大镖客》 Gunsmoke,1955--1975,CBS55《阴阳魔界》 The Twilight Zone,1959--1964,CBS56《干杯》 Cheers,1982—1993,NBC57《斯蒂尔传奇》Remington Steele,1982-1987,NBC58《好时光》Good Times,1974-1979,CBS59《美国天使》Angels in America,2003,HBO60《朽木》Deadwood,2004-2007,HBO61《逃亡者》The Fugitive,1963-1967,ABC62《生动的颜色》In Living Color,1990-1994,FOX63《犯罪心理》 Criminal Minds,2005- ,CBS64《海滩救护队》Baywatch,1989-2001,NBC65《超人的冒险》Adventures of Superman,1952-1958,Syndicated66《4400》 The 4400,2004—,USA67《百战天龙》 Macgyver,1985—1994,ABC 68《嘉年华》Carnivale,2003-2005,HBO69《欢乐满屋》 full house,1987--1995,ABC70《洛城法网》 L.A. Law,1986--1994,NBC 71《波城杏话》 St. Elsewhere,1982--1988,NBC72《综合医院》 General Hospital,1963---,ABC73《启示录》 The Rockford Files,1974—1980,NBC74《玛丽·泰勒·摩尔秀》The Mary Tyler Moore Show,1970-1977,CBS75《草原上的小屋》 Little House On The Prairie, 1974--1984,NBC 76《霍根英雄》 Hogan"s Heroes,1965--1971,CBS77《波士顿法律》Boston Legal,2004- ,ABC78《蝙蝠侠》 Batman,1966--1968,ABC79《查理的天使》Charlie"s Angels,1976-1981,ABC80《正义前锋》 The Dukes of Hazzard,1979-1985,CBS81《蓝色月光侦探社》 Moonlighting,1985-1989,ABC82《超人前传》Smallville,2001-,WB83《龙虎少年队》21 Jump Street,1987-1991,FOX84《死亡地带》The Dead Zone,2002- , USA85《神探阿蒙》Monk,2002— ?,USA86《实习医生格蕾》Grey"s Anatomy,2005— ,ABC87《捉鬼者芭菲》Buffy the Vampire Slayer,1997-2003,FOX 88《同志亦凡人》Queer as Folk (US),2000-2005,Showtime ?89《伪装者》The Pretender,1996-2000,NBC、TNT90《纽沃特》 Newhart,1982--1990,CBS91《橘镇男孩》The O.C.,2003- ,FOX92《罪案终结者》 The Closer,2005— ?,TNT 93《萤火虫》Firefly,2002-2004,FOX94《人人都爱雷蒙德》Everybody Loves Raymond,1996-2005,CBS 95《明星伙伴》Entourage,2004- ,HBO96《成长的烦恼》 Growing Pains,1985—1992,ABC97《实习医生风云》Scrubs,2001- ,NBC98《天才保姆》The Nanny,1993-1999,CBS99《70年代秀》That "70s Show,1998--2006,FOX100《越狱》Prison Break,2005-,FOx
2023-07-19 20:06:266

《百战天龙 第一季 (2016)》在线免费观看百度云资源,求下载

《百战天龙 第一季 (2016)》百度网盘高清资源免费在线观看:链接: 提取码: eedn 《百战天龙 第一季 (2016)》导演: 温子仁、大卫·凡·安肯编剧: 皮特·M·列科夫、李·大卫·兹洛托夫主演: 贾斯汀·海尔斯、卢卡斯·提尔、乔治·艾德斯、何家蓓、特里斯汀·梅斯、埃琳娜·迪兹恩、科里·斯科特·艾伦、比利·布莱尔、约戈·康斯坦丁、维尼·琼斯类型: 动作制片国家/地区: 美国语言: 英语上映日期: 2016-09-23(美国)季数: 1集数: 21片长: 60分钟又名: 玉面飞龙、新百战天龙1985-92播出7季,还拍了两部电视电影的ABC老剧《百战天龙 MacGyver》,被CBS接手翻拍。MacGyver在原剧中是个不喜用枪的人,但却能用一把瑞士刀等东西解决各种事件。CBS对本剧的关注度很高。新版主演会年轻10年,讲述20多岁的MacGyver被招入一个隐秘的部门,剧中会解释他是如何学到一身如何解决难题的不同技能。 定档秋档的《百战天龙 MacGyver》预订后重选演员﹑编剧及导演,原班底只留下主角Lucas Till及George Eads。 在拍摄试映集时把导演从温子仁换成David Von Ancken,但当预告片放出后恶评如潮,CBS因此清洗了大部份演员﹑编剧与导演。温子仁再次走马上任,负责执导这部CBS有很高期待的新剧。 《X战警 X-Men》系列中饰演Alex Summers(冲击波/Havok)的Lucas Till饰演主角MacGyver。他在美国政府一个绝密部门,运用他过人的天赋﹑非传统的解决方式﹑丰富的科学知识去拯救别人。《犯罪现场调查 CSI: Crime Scene Investigation》的George Eads角色重新设定为特立独行的前CIA特工Jack Dalton,跟MacGyver一同在全球出生入死,进行高风险的任务。 Sandrine Holt将饰演前前线特工Patricia Thornton,现行动部门「对外特勤局(Department of External Services)」局长。她不喜欢自己被「领导」一词所框框,并且愿意自己亲身上前线,她才不想让自己的手下把乐趣都抢了。Justin Hires饰演有雄心壮志的Wilt Bozer,MacGyver的室友。 Tristin Mays饰演常规角色Riley Davis,她是个带怨恨﹑不可预测的电脑骇客,脑子有着各种计算机编码的知识;原本她在狱中服刑,因此她更是乐意在MacGyver的队伍中工作,而不是留在监狱……不过她懒得表示谢意。 在对外特勤局(Department of External Services)支持下,MacGyver肩负起保护世界的责任﹑武装到牙齿的他,得到的工具不止是香口胶及回纹针。
2023-07-19 20:06:521


2023-07-19 20:07:313

《The Bride Collector》txt下载在线阅读全文,求百度网盘云资源

《The Bride Collector》(Ted Dekker)电子书网盘下载免费在线阅读链接: 提取码: a32k书名:The Bride Collector作者:Ted Dekker出版社:Center Street出版年份:2011-3页数:480内容简介:FBI Special agent Brad Raines is facing his toughest case yet. A Denver serial killer has killed four beautiful young women, leaving a bridal veil at each crime scene, and he"s picking up his pace. Unable to crack the case, Raines appeals for help from a most unusual source: residents of the Center for Wellness and Intelligence, a private psychiatric institution for mentally ill individuals whose are extraordinarily gifted.It"s there that he meets Paradise, a young woman who witnessed her father murder her family and barely escaped his hand. Diagnosed with schizophrenia, Paradise may also have an extrasensory gift: the ability to experience the final moments of a person"s life when she touches the dead body.In a desperate attempt to find the killer, Raines enlists Paradise"s help. In an effort to win her trust, he befriends this strange young woman and begins to see in her qualities that most "sane people" sorely lack. Gradually, he starts to question whether sanity resides outside the hospital walls...or inside.As the Bride Collector picks up the pace-and volume-of his gruesome crucifixions, the case becomes even more personal to Raines when his friend and colleague, a beautiful young forensic psychologist, becomes the Bride Collector"s next target.The FBI believes that the killer plans to murder seven women. Can Paradise help before it"s too late?
2023-07-19 20:07:391


9月中旬开始,具体时间还没星期一糊涂间谍天才蛋(Chuck)(NBC)惊世(The Event)(NBC)追踪(Chase)(NBC)豪斯医生(House)(Fox)黑欲(Lonestar)(Fox)与星共舞(Dancing with the Stars)(ABC)灵书妙探(Castle)(ABC)老爸老妈的浪漫史(How I Met Your Mother)(CBS)约会规则(Rules Of Engagement)(CBS)好汉两个半(Two And A Half Men)(CBS)胖子的爱情(Mike & Molly)(CBS)天堂执法者(Hawaii Five-0)(CBS)飞跃比佛利(90210)(CW)绯闻女孩(Gossip Girl)(CW)星期二减肥达人(The Biggest Loser)(NBC)为人父母(Parenthood)(NBC)欢乐合唱团(Glee)(Fox)希望之心(Raising Hope)(Fox)富贵与爱情(Running Wilde)(Fox)非凡家庭(No Ordinary Family)(ABC)与星共舞结果秀(Dancing with the Stars the Results Show)(ABC)187重案组(Detroit 1-8-7)(ABC)海军罪案调查处(NCIS)(CBS)海军罪案调查处:洛杉矶(NCIS: Los Angeles)(CBS)傲骨贤妻(The Good Wife)(CBS)独木岭(One Tree Hill)(CW)随缘(Life Unexpected)(CW)星期三秘谍夫妻(Undercovers)(NBC)法律与秩序:特殊受害者(Law & Order: Special Victims Unit)(NBC)法律与秩序:洛杉矶(Law & Order: Los Angeles)(NBC)别对我说谎(Lie To Me)(Fox)地狱厨房(Hell"s Kitchen)(Fox)中之道(The Middle)(ABC)婚姻狂想曲(Better Together)(ABC)当代家庭(Modern Family)(ABC)熟女镇(Cougar Town)(ABC)真相背后(The Whole Truth)(ABC)生存者游戏(Survivor)(CBS)犯罪心理(Criminal Minds)(CBS)辩护律师(The Defenders)(CBS)全美超模大赛(America"s Next Top Model)(CW)地狱猫(Hellcats)(CW)星期四社区大学(Community)(NBC)我为喜剧狂(30 Rock)(NBC)爆笑办公室(The Office)(NBC)服务外包(Outsourced)(NBC)爱痕(Love Bites)(NBC)识骨寻踪(Bones)(Fox)危机边缘(Fringe)(Fox)我们这一代(My Generation)(ABC)实习医生格蕾(Grey"s Anatomy)(ABC)私人诊所(Private Practice)(ABC)生活大爆炸(The Big Bang Theory)(CBS)俺老爸说了……($#*! My Dad Days)(CBS)犯罪现场调查(CSI: Crime Scene Investigation)(CBS)超感警探(The Mentalist)(CBS)吸血鬼日记(The Vampire Diaries)(CW)尼基塔(CW)星期五明星探秘(Who Do You Think You Are?)(NBC)School Pride(NBC)Dateline NBC(NBC)法网恢恢(Outlaw)(NBC)替身标靶(Human Target)(Fox)两个好人(The Good Guys)(Fox)秘密大富翁(Secret Millionaire)(ABC)逝者之证(Body of Proof)(ABC)20/20(ABC)灵媒缉凶(Medium)(CBS)犯罪现场调查:纽约(CSI: New York)(CBS)警察世家(Blue Bloods)(CBS)超人前传(Smallville)(CW)邪恶力量(Supernatural)(CW)星期日Dateline NBC(2011年)(NBC)一分钟过关(Minute to Win It)(2011年)(NBC)名人学徒(The Celebrity Apprentice)(2011年)(NBC)辛普森一家(The Simpsons)(Fox)克里夫兰秀(The Cleveland Show)(Fox)恶搞之家(Family Guy)(Fox)美国老爸(American Dad)(Fox)美国滑稽家庭录像集锦(America"s Funniest Home Videos)(ABC)家庭改变之彻底再造(Extreme Makeover: Home Edition)(ABC)绝望的主妇(Desperate Housewives)(ABC)兄弟姐妹(Brothers & Sisters)(ABC)60 Minutes(CBS)极速前进(The Amazing Race)(CBS)Undercover Boss(CBS)犯罪现场调查:迈阿密(CSI: Miami)(CBS)
2023-07-19 20:08:052


CQI是英国专业的协会机构以促进品质管理活动的健康发展,它的前身是于1919年成立的工程检验协会。CQI协会的宗旨是  *提升行业和商业的效率和竞争力。  *促进品质教育和培训的活动。  *提升品质问题的调查机制。  *维护审计员的培训课程以及审计员的质量和标准。CSI是CrimeSceneInvestigation缩写意思是:犯罪现场调查
2023-07-19 20:08:121


compare的读音是:英[k_m"pe_(r)]。compare的读音是:英[k_m"pe_(r)]。compare的详尽释义是v.(动词)比较;进行比较;相比;对比对照;参照比得上,不亚于,匹敌 ;可跟?相比把...比作为,比喻为,比作【语法】把(形容词、副词)变成比较级与?类似;表明?与?相似交换看法值得比较被认为相似,视作相等。compare【近义词】balance。一、详尽释义点此查看compare的详细内容v.(动词)比较;进行比较;相比;对比对照;参照比得上,不亚于,匹敌 ;可跟?相比把...比作为,比喻为,比作【语法】把(形容词、副词)变成比较级与?类似;表明?与?相似交换看法值得比较被认为相似,视作相等n.(名词)比较相比对照二、双解释义v.(动词)vt. & vi. 比较,对照 show or find out in what ways two or more things are like each other or are different from each other三、网络解释1. 比对:弹簧平衡器天津弹簧吊车 发布单位:津宇雷(JYL)起重设备(天津)有限公司 公司地址:天津市红桥区...[摘要]电源自动控制, 高速缓存设计, 加快执行速度复制方式采同步独立式,包括格式化(FORMAT), 复制(COPY), 比对(COMPARE),清除(ERASE)等皆可同时完成,四、例句I compared the copy with the original, but there was not much difference.我比较了复印件和原件,但是差别不是很大。The police compared the suspect"s fingerprints with those found at the crime scene.警察将嫌疑犯的指纹和犯罪现场的指纹进行了对比。Life is poetically compared to the morning dew.在诗歌中,人生被比喻为朝露。She is lovely beyond compare.她真是可爱得无与伦比。Compare respirations and breath sounds with previous findings.将本次呼吸与呼吸音与前次检查结果相对照。Compare your answers with those at the back of the book to see if they are right.把你的答案同书后面的答案对照一下,看看是否正确。五、词汇搭配用作动词 (v.)~+名词compare ideas交换看法compare notes对笔记,对质compare results比较结果~+副词compare advantageously比?好compare certainly比?好compare disadvantageously比?差compare entirely全面地比较compare favourably比?好compare poorly比?差compare unfavourably比?差~+介词compare in colour从颜色上比较compare in shape从外形上比较compare in size从型号上比较compare in weight从重量上比较compare to把?比作compare with和?比较六、情景对话订货B:Here are the quotations that you asked for .这是你的报的价。A:How do theycompare to last year‘s ?与去年的相比怎么样。B:The price increases haven‘t been too bad at all .没有涨太多。A:That‘s good to hear .let‘s take a look at your prices .那好,我们来看看你的报价吧。International Trade -Insurance-(国际贸易-保险)B:I"m calling to discuss the level of insurance coverage you"ve requested for your order.我打电话来是想讨论你所要求的订单保险额的级别。A:I believe that we have requested an amount twenty-five percent above the invoice value?我想我们要求的是高于发票价值百分之二十五的保险金额。B:Yes, that"s right. We have no problem in complying with your request, but we think that the amount is a bit excessive.是的,没错。我们可以答应这个要求,但是我们觉得金额有点太高。A:We"ve had a lot of trouble in the past with damaged goods.我们过去有太多货物毁损的困扰。compare在线翻译B:I can understand your concern. However, the normal coverage for goods of this type is to insure them for the total invoice amount plus ten percent.我能了解你的考虑。然而,一般这类产品的保险额度是发票总额再加百分之十。A:We would feel more comfortable with the additional protection.有额外的保障会让我们觉得安全些。B:Unfortunately, if you want to increase the coverage, we will have to charge you extra for the additional cost.很遗憾,如果你们想增加保险额的话,我们就得向你们收取额外的费用。A:But the insurance was supposed to be included in the quotation.但是保险应该包含在报价里了。B:Yes, but we quoted you normal coverage at regular rates.是的,但是我们向你们报的价是一般比例下的正常保险额。A:I see.我了解。compareB:We can, however, arrange the extra coverage. But I suggest you contact your insurance agent there andcompare rates.不过超出的保险额我们可以再商量。但是我建议你和你们那边的保险代理商联络并比较一下价格。compare的反义词A:You"re right. It might be cheaper on this end.你说得没错,在这边可能会比较便宜。B:Fax me whatever rates you find there and I"llcompare them with what we can offer.不论你那里找到的是那一种价格都传真给我,我会和我们可以提供的价格来做比较。七、词语用法v.(动词)compare的基本意思是“比较,对照”,主要用于比较事物的典型特征及其价值,而不在于比较相同与不同。compare用作及物动词时接名词或代词作宾语,用作不及物动词时,主动形式常具有被动意义。compare接with或to可表示“与?相比”,接to还可用于比喻,意为“比作”。接with还可表示“比得上”,这种用法常出现在疑问句或否定句中,且常与can连用。compare with与compare to的区别:compare with 的意思是“把??跟??比较”,一般用于两个同类事物之间,着重区别。compare to的意思是“把??比作??看待”,一般用于两个不同性质的事物比较。She compares me with my sister.她把我和我妹妹进行比较。We may well compare the little girl to a kitten.我们可能把这个小姑娘比作小猫来看待。当compare用作不及物动词时,解释为“比的上”,“值得比较”,只能用with,不能用to;否定形式可表示为not to be compared with/to;compare together的表达中,together是多余的。compare的相关近义词balance、collate、correspond、equal、match、parallelcompare的相关临近词comparison、comparative、comparer、Comparet、Comparelli、Comparetti、Compareson、compare to、Comparetto、compared to、compare with、compare byte点此查看更多关于compare的详细信息
2023-07-19 20:08:191


2023-07-19 20:08:2915

at the scene of the crime中文翻译

He stated categorically that he was not at the scene of the crime . 他一口咬定当时不在现场。 Or the number 666 ieft at the scene of the crime 或者在犯罪现场留下的数字666 Or the number 666 ieft at the scene of the crime 或者在犯罪现场留下的数字666 The suspect was apprehended at the scene of the crime 嫌疑犯在犯罪现场被捕 By following the footprints left at the scene of the crime 是根据犯罪现场留下的脚印 You " ve been discovered at the scene of the crime 你们在犯罪现场被发现 Her fingerprints match those found at the scene of the crime 她的指纹与犯罪现场的指纹相吻合。 Amy " s brother was caught red - handed at the scene of the crime 艾米的哥哥在犯罪现场被逮了个正著。 You left one damning piece of evidence at the scene of the crime 不过还是在现场漏了一样重要的证据 You left one damning piece of evidence at the scene of the crime 不过还是在现场漏了一样重要的证据 A balpstics expert was taking evidence at the scene of the crime 一位弹道学家正在犯罪现场提取证据。 The witness stated that she saw the accused at the scene of the crime 证人陈述说她在犯罪现场见过被告。 Back at the scene of the crime , 我们回到犯罪的现场来, Can you testify that you saw the defendant at the scene of the crime 你能证明你亲眼见到被告在犯罪现场吗 You can " t assume he is guilty simply because he was at the scene of the crime 你不能只因为他人在犯案现场就假定他有罪。 In your statement you allege that the accused man was seen at the scene of the crime 在你的口供中,你供述曾经看到被告在犯罪现场。 In your statement you allege that the accused man was seen at the scene of the crime 在你的口供中,你供述曾经看到被告在犯罪现场。 I " m afraid you can " t bluff the popce into bepeving that you were not at the scene of the crime 恐怕你是骗不过警方,使他们相信案发时你不在犯罪现场的。 Three witnesses saw her at the scene of the crime and so the popce naturally thought they had an open and shut case 三个目击者证明她在犯罪现场,所以警方认为解决问题的办法已非常清楚。 Then , a detective drives them back to the parking lot to see if any evidence can be found at the scene of the crime 然后,一位侦探开车带他们回到停车场,看看作案现场是否能找到什么线索。 “ there are some pretty stupid criminals around , but to leave your own name at the scene of the crime takes the biscuit "也有一些相当愚蠢的罪犯靠近,但留下自己的名字,在犯罪现场采取饼干" 。 When the newspaper pubpshed his photo , everything fell into place : he was the man i " d seen at the scene of the crime 当报纸登出他的照片时,每件事都再清楚不过了;他就是我在犯罪现场看到的那个人。 Not only did he have a motive , but he had the opportunity ? is footprints were found at the scene of the crime ? nd he had a weapon of the capber used in the shootings 他不仅有作案动机,而且有作案条件,他的脚印在犯罪现场发现,枪击的子弹也和他的武器吻合。
2023-07-19 20:08:541


2023-07-19 20:09:152

Your mind is the scene of the crime怎么翻译?

He reviewed the scene of the crime. 他再观察了犯罪的现场。Criminals often return to the scene of the crime. 罪犯常回到犯罪现场。你的犯罪现场
2023-07-19 20:09:585

we have the accused at the scene of the crime 翻译一下这句话。特别是ACCUSED 这个词在这里是什么意思

我们被告在犯罪现场the accused n.被告
2023-07-19 20:10:134

翻译以下短语。 1. on the scene _____2. the scene of the crime _____3. behind the scenes ____4.

1. 在现场;当场2. 犯罪现场3. 暗中,秘密地,在幕后4. 出现,到场,5. (为……)作好准备,(为……)设置舞台
2023-07-19 20:10:201

She was seen _______ away from the scene of the crime.

都对see sb doing sth (看某人正在做某事)see sb do sth (看某人做某事,看到整个过程)
2023-07-19 20:10:283

Scene Of A Perfect Crime 歌词

歌曲名:Scene Of A Perfect Crime歌手:Concrete Blonde专辑:Recollection - The Best OfAlbum:FreeTitle:Scene Of A Perfect CrimeMy eyes are jaded and complicated,tired of the liars and the masqueradedWho steals our innocence away,like a thief in the night?Who took away our faith in what we know to be right?That was another world, thenthat was another timeYou can never go back to the scene of a perfect crime.Whatever became of the child I wasI never want to lose her noI won"t give her upand now my heart is harder,my skin is getting tougher and tougherThat was another world thenThat was another timeYou can never go back to the place where love is blindYou can never go back to the scene of a perfect crimeWhatever became of our sweet blind loveAs long as we could be together it was more than enoughNow we"re all grown up and we need so muchI never knew that the price would go up as suchThat was another world then, thenThat was another timeWell you can never go back to the place where love is blind.Well you can never go back to the place where love is blind.Well you can never go back to the place where love is blind.You can never go back to the scene of a perfect crime.
2023-07-19 20:10:351


He"s been enjoying the bachelor life of late, but Benedict Cumberbatch was back filming scenes for Sherlock on Wednesday, where he faced off against a new foe. 本尼迪克特-康伯巴奇近日很享受单身生活,但是他周三又重新拍摄《神探夏洛克》,而且遭遇了一个劲敌。 Lars Mikkelsen - star of Danish crime drama The Killing - is the latest villain to be pit against the genius detective, as Charles Augustus Magnussen. 拉尔斯-米克尔森——丹麦犯罪剧《谋杀》主演所饰演的查尔斯-奥古斯都-马格努森是最新一季中对抗天才侦探的反派。 Known in the literary tale as the "King of Blackmailers", Lars, 49 - brother of Danish film and TV star Mads Mikkelsen - brought him to life as the o actors came face-to-face in an Italian restaurant in Cardiff. 在柯南道尔的原著小说中,这个角色被誉为是“敲诈之王”,49岁的拉尔斯赋予这个人物生命,在加的夫的一家意大利餐厅他与夏洛克正面相逢。拉尔斯是丹麦电影和电视剧明星麦德斯-米克尔森的兄长。 Cumberbatch, 36, was seen in the typical Holmes outfit consisting of trench coat and grey scarf, but in beeen takes he threw on an oversized winter jacket to keep himself warm in the Welsh capital. 36岁的康伯巴奇穿着一身标准的福尔摩斯装,风衣加灰色围巾,但他还外加了一件大号的羽绒服,来抵御威尔士的寒风。 At least he was forted by the hundreds of fans waiting to watch the production, however, the windows of Giovanni"s restaurant were blacked out in order to create a night time scene which means the conversation beeen Sherlock and his new nemesis was kept under wraps. 但至少他很欣慰,有许多粉丝等待着看拍摄过程,可是为了营造出夜晚的场景,乔瓦尼餐厅的窗子被遮上了,这也就意味着夏洛克和他新对手的具体谈话内容就不得而知了。 Also joining the actors on set came Mark Gatiss, returning to the series as the older Holmes brother working for the government. 现场我们还能看到马克·加蒂斯,他将回归剧集出演夏洛克为 *** 工作的哥哥。   at that moment, i think i can understand what he wants. he wants to protect. he won"t kill people just for the boring sense ofjustice although magnussen is such a disgusting man who preys on others"secrets. magnussen is not usual kind of sherlock"s puzzle. the behavior he didis not just killing. he is sacrificing himself. for people he loves. a *** agnussensaid, the leverage is a circle. sherlock is the most important link in it. ok,each link in the circle is essential, but no one in this circle can do the samething as sherlock did. it doesn"t mean others are cowardly or timid, they justhave something that cannot let them as free as sherlock. mycroft cannot leavebecause the british security services have to be manded by him; watsoncannot leave because he have a pregnant wife and of course, an unborn baby. sherlockknows it clearly. that"s why he did it to kill magnussen and bee a murder. theonly receivable value is the freedom of others in the circle. it is obviously that watson is significant for sherlock because theyare true friends. the friend in need is the friend indeed. he can do anythingto watson same that watson would like to desert several girlfriends for him. sherlockknows the importance of mrs. watson for john, so he tries to get back theevidences about mary from magnussen. that"s why he asked watson to get awayfrom him---“stay well back.” the last sentence he told john before he wasarrested is: “tell her she"s safe now!” it"s a promise. the promise he made in theirwedding. mycroft said that magnussen is a necessary evil, but sherlock and heboth know magnussen is a bomb, in irregular time. when he bombs, whole worldwill be affected. maybe he never cares about the world, but actually, he careshis brother and knows what his brother cares about. he won"t let his brotherunder magnussen"s thumb. i was moved by the scene that sherlock kneeled. it"san apology. an apology to his brother. anda determination as well. mycroft"s words that lose sherlock will break hisheart is not a joke. sherlock is sorry for that but never regret of his action.he is weak to say love, and the only things he can do is acting to them. he is most inexorable but most emotive. 转自神探夏洛克吧
2023-07-19 20:10:431

【百分悬赏】求一首英文男女对唱英文歌!大概歌词如下,是结尾啲女生唱啲~ 万谢!

Timeless——Kelly clarkson、Justin Guarini?
2023-07-19 20:11:104


问题一:警察画家和画罪犯的画像的英文怎么写 警察画家和画罪犯的画像 A portrait of a policeman and a painter 重点词汇释义 画家painter; artist; Byzantine; drawer; penman 罪犯criminal; offender; culprit; badman; outlaw 画像portrait; draw a portrait; portray; portrayal; figure 问题二:罪犯 英语怎么说 badman 不法之徒 criminal 犯罪者 culprit 犯人 offender 冒犯者 outlaw 歹徒 问题三:警察画家和画罪犯的画像 的英文怎么写? thepoliceartistpaintingportraitsofcriminals这样可以么? 问题四:警察画家和画罪犯的画像 的英文怎么写? thepoliceartistpaintingportraitsofcriminals 问题五:一张罪犯的画像英语 正常人的身高是脚长的7倍 问题六:你能画出一张这个罪犯的画吗?(英语)) Can you draw a picture of this criminal?礼貌点可以用 could 再礼貌点用 Would you please 问题七:英语,画一副犯罪的图怎么翻译 Draw a crime scene sketch. The crime scene sketch is an invaluable aid in recording investigative data. 问题八:罪犯和犯罪活动用英语怎么读 犯罪活动 criminal activities
2023-07-19 20:11:181


2023-07-19 20:11:251


inspect造句如下:1、The security guard will inspect your bags before allowing you to enter the building. (保安会检查你的包在允许你进入大楼之前。)2、It is important to inspect the quality of the products before shipping them out to customers. (在将产品发运给客户之前检查其质量非常重要。)3、The food inspector visited the restaurant to inspect their kitchen and hygiene practices. (食品检查员访问了餐厅,检查了他们的厨房和卫生习惯。)4、The teacher asked the students to inspect their work before submitting it for grading. (老师要求学生在提交作业前自行检查一遍。)5、The engineer inspected the bridge for any signs of wear and tear. (工程师检查了桥梁是否有磨损的迹象。)6、The health inspector visits the school annually to inspect the cafeteria and food storage areas. (卫生检查员每年都会来学校检查餐厅和储存食品的区域。)7、I need to inspect this apartment thoroughly before deciding whether or not to rent it. (我需要仔细检查这个公寓,决定是否要租它。)8、The police will inspect the crime scene to gather evidence. (警方将现场勘查以收集证据。)9、The mechanic was asked to inspect the car"s brakes as they were making a strange noise. (机修工被要求检查汽车制动器,因为它们发出奇怪的噪音。)10、The quality control team will inspect the finished products before they are packaged and shipped. (质量控制团队会在产品包装和发货之前检查成品。)11、The inspector will inspect the construction site to ensure that all safety regulations are being followed. (检查员将检查建筑工地,以确保遵守所有安全规定。)12、The doctor will inspect your injuries and prescribe appropriate treatment. (医生将检查你的伤势,并开具适当的治疗方案。)13、The building inspector found many code violations during his inspection of the property. (建筑检查员在对物业进行检查时发现了许多违反规定的问题。)14、The environmental agency will inspect the factory for any violations of pollution laws. (环境机构将检查工厂是否有违反污染法规的行为。)15、The fire inspector will inspect the building"s fire exits to ensure they are unobstructed and functional. (消防检查员将检查建筑物的消防出口,以确保其畅通无阻并且功能正常。)
2023-07-19 20:11:321

用 I want to be a detective when I grow up 为题写一篇80字左右的英语作文

Hello!Boys and girls.I am a boy,I am study in a middle school,I am a monitor,I think I"m a good student!I have many dreams,like teacher,doctor,scientists.But I want to be a detective now.Because my father is a detective .I think he is very tired but happy,And this job still very cool .As for study,I want to study English better!I think my English is not very well.English make me sad...So my parents spend lots of money to improve my English.I think my parents give me a lot of expectations.If my grades don"t well,That would be sorry to them.So I must study better!I think I‘ll study progress!Please believe me!in a word. I want to be a detective when I grow up 楼主选我吧thanks!
2023-07-19 20:11:562

谁能告知BSB的not for me的歌词哈?谢谢拉!

wayne static of static x - not meant for meyou think you"re smartyou"re not, it"s plain to seethat you want me to followit"s killing me let"s seeyou"ve got the gallcome take it allthe jury is comingcoming to tear me apartall this bitching and moaningcome on it"s oni"m trapped in this worldlonely and fadingheartbroke and waitingfor you to comewe are stuck in this worldthat"s not meant for mefor meso what you gotone last shotit seems to methat you"re not neededcome onit"s killing me let"s seeyou got the gallcome take it allthe jury is comingcoming to tear me apartall this bitching and moaningcome on it"s oni"m trapped in this worldlonely and fadingheartbroke and waitingfor you to comewe are stuck in this worldthat"s not meant for mefor mei"m trapped in this worldlonely and fadingheartbroke and waitingfor you to comewe are stuck in this worldthat"s not meant for mefor mei"m trapped in this worldlonely and fadingheartbroke and waitingfor you to comewe are stuck in this worldthat"s not meant for mefor mefor meend
2023-07-19 20:12:342


2008秋季播出时间表(5月15日更新)星期一Chuck / Heroes / My Own Worst Enemy / Samantha Who? / Boston LegalDancing With The Stars / Gossip Girl / One Tree Hill / CSI: MiamiThe Big Bang Theory / How I Met Your Mother / Two And A Half Men / Worst Week星期二Kaith & Kim / Law and Order: SVU / Eli Stone / 90210 / Surviving the Filthy RichOpportunity Knocks / Dancing With The Stars / NCIS / The Mentalist / Without A Trace星期三Knight Rider / Lipstick Jungle / Pushing Daisies / Private Practice / Dirty Sexy MoneyCSI: NY / The New Adventures Of Old Christine / Project Gary / Criminal MindsAmerica"s Next Top Model / Stylista星期四Ugly Betty / Grey"s Anatomy / Life On Mars / Smallville / Supernatural / Eleventh HourMy Name is Earl / 30 Rock / The Office / ER / Survivor / CSI: Crime Scene Investigation星期五Crusoe / Life / Wife Swap / Supernanny / 20/20 / Ghost Whisperer / The Ex List / Numb3rs星期日America"s Funniest Home Videos / Extreme Makeover: Home Edition / Desperate HousewivesBrothers & Sisters / Everybody Hates Chris / The Game / America"s Next Top Model / 60 MinutesThe Amazing Race / Cold Case / The Unit / TRANSFORMERS.ANIMATED
2023-07-19 20:13:083


2023-07-19 20:13:172


* 《这个杀手不太冷》:01. Noon * 《这个杀手不太冷》:02. Cute Name * 《这个杀手不太冷》:03. Ballad For Mathilda * 《这个杀手不太冷》:04. What"s Happening Out There? * 《这个杀手不太冷》:05. A Bird In New York * 《这个杀手不太冷》:06. She Is Dead * 《这个杀手不太冷》:07. Fatman * 《这个杀手不太冷》:08. Leon The Cleaner * 《这个杀手不太冷》:09. Can I Have A Word With You? * 《这个杀手不太冷》:10. The Game Is Over 《这个杀手不太冷》:11. Feel The Breath * 《这个杀手不太冷》:12. Room 4602 * 《这个杀手不太冷》:13. Very Special Delivery * 《这个杀手不太冷》:14. When Leon Does His Best * 《这个杀手不太冷》:15. Back On The Crime Scene * 《这个杀手不太冷》:16. Birds Of Storm * 《这个杀手不太冷》:17. Tony The IBM * 《这个杀手不太冷》:18. How Do You Know It"s Love * 《这个杀手不太冷》:19. The Fight (part 1:The Swat Squad) * 《这个杀手不太冷》:20. The Fight (part 2:Bring Me Everyone) * 《这个杀手不太冷》:21. The Fight (part 3:The Big Weapon) * 《这个杀手不太冷》:22. The Fight (part 4:One Is Alive) * 《这个杀手不太冷》:23. Two Ways Out * 《这个杀手不太冷》:24. Hey Little Angel
2023-07-19 20:13:231

求电影《man on fire》的原声音乐

2023-07-19 20:13:313


1. put sth. over one"s ears He always puts his mother"s words over his ears. 2. by helping protect our environment We make our city more and more beautiful by helping protect our environment 3. sound great Your idear sounds great! 4. hear sb. doing The policeman grabbed the stick when he heared someone going downstairs. hear sb. do The policeman grabbed the stick when he heared someone fall off stairs. 5. allow sb. to do sth. Our parents never allow us to play until we finish our homework. 6. describe sth. to sb. I tried to describe the crime scene to the police. 7. sth. happen to sb. He had been saved before something happened to him. 8. lead sb. to somewhere The president led the new teacher to the office yesterday. 9. use sth. for donging sth.=use sth. to do sth. We use bamboo for building. 10. be useful for doing sth. His words are always useful for preparing for exams. 11. as fast as sb. could =as fast as possibe He ran as fast as possible to save the girl. 12. decide to do sth. I decide to make contribution to aerospace industry. 13. keep one"s balance It"s difficulty for me to keep my balance on a single-plank bridge. 14. in the left hand corner What is put in the left hand corner by the teacher? 15. as well Lily is a pretty girl.Tom is nice as well. 16. in a way In a way, I"m glad you made that mistake, for it will serve as a warning to you. 17. run the air conditioner I have to run the air conditioner to keep cool. 18. shake one"s head He shook his head when he heard the noisy song. 19. with a big smile on one"s face The girl helped the old lady with a big smile on her face. 20. to use it safely The knife is sharp.A child don"t know how to use it safely. 21.leave sth. on Don"t leave the light on when you go out.希望采纳
2023-07-19 20:13:511


罗伯特·德尼罗 Robert De Niro ....Wayne "Mad Dog" Dobie乌玛·瑟曼 Uma Thurman ....Glory比尔·默瑞 Bill Murray ....Frank Milo大卫·卡罗素 David Caruso ....Mike迈克·斯塔尔 Mike Starr ....HaroldTom Towles ....AndrewKathy Baker ....LeeDerek Annunciation ....ShooterDoug Hara ....DriverEvan Lionel ....Dealer in CarAnthony Cannata ....PavletzJ.J. Johnston ....ShanlonGuy Van Swearingen ....CopJack Wallace ....Tommy理查德·贝尔泽 Richard Belzer ....M.C./ComicClem Caserta ....Guy at TableFred Squillo ....Frank"s GangChuck Parello ....Frank"s GangAnthony Fitzpatrick ....Detective at Crime SceneEric Young ....Detective at Crime SceneBruce Jarchow ....Detective at Crime SceneBob Rice ....Uniform CopWilliam King ....Dealer in the ParkKevin Hurley ....Dealer in the Park理查德·普莱斯 Richard Price ....Detective in RestaurantJohn Polce ....DispatcherDick Sollenberger ....SaulPaula Killen ....IreneEddie Bo Smith Jr. ....Big JohnGilbert CruzLouis EppolitoDavid ForsythSeth GilliamGeorge GonneauShelley Love LethamPamela LewisDominic MarcusRosalinde MilanCraig SechlerRose Stockton钱德拉·威尔森 Chandra WilsonTony Castillo ....Maitre"d (uncredited)Brian Reed Garvin ....Detective Burns (uncredited) 导演:约翰·麦克诺顿 John McNaughton编剧:理查德·普莱斯 Richard Price ....(written by)制作人:Barbara De Fina ....producerSteven A. Jones理查德·普莱斯 Richard Price ....executive producer马丁·斯科塞斯 Martin Scorsese ....producer
2023-07-19 20:13:581


原声大碟 -《怒火救援》(Man on Fire)[MP3!] 若LZ特别想要,又不闲麻烦的话-----方法:电驴下载,得一首一首的听。 链接地址: 所有曲目的名称如下,希望可以帮到LZ 1.Una Palabra - Carlos Varela (01:19) 2.Main Title (03:05) 3.Taxi (00:53) 4.El Paso (00:41) 5.Creasy"s Room (00:34) 6.The Rave (04:23) 7.Pita"s Sorrow (01:47) 8.Nightmare (01:06) 9.Bullet Tells The Truth (01:36) 10.Followed (01:02) 11.Smiling (00:48) 12.You Are Her Father (01:45) 13.No Mariachi (00:43) 14.The Drop (02:58) 15.Angel Vengador - Gabriel Gonzalez (01:22) 16.You Betrayed Me (01:25) 17.She"s Dead (00:43) 18.The Crime Scene (00:57) 19.Pita"s Room (01:48) 20.Gonzalez (01:57) 21.Oye Como Va - Kinky (04:40) 22.La Ni馻 (01:49) 23.Creasy"s Art Is Death (00:54) 24.The Voice (02:59) 25.Sanchez Family (04:45) 26.The Rooftop (05:07) 27.The End - Harry Gregson-Williams & Lisa Gerrard (09:34) 28.Man On Fire - Hybrid Remix Featuring Lisa Gerrard (03:41)
2023-07-19 20:14:111


中国爱大歌会,2014年中秋之夜,2014年元宵喜乐会,2014-2015年跨年演唱会(湖南),M countdown,音乐银行,EXO"s showtime,炽热的瞬间 XOXO EXOEXO 90:2014,Roommate (灿烈),丛林的法则-索罗门群岛篇(TAO),MBC偶像明星运动会(Xiumin、Luhan、Tao),演艺家中介(全体),快乐大本营(全体),最强天团(全体),星星的密室(Lay),星厨驾到(Lay),Running Man(Kai、Sehun),SurpLINEs EXO篇,EXOCAST #ONAIR,扑通扑通印度(Suho),我独自恋爱中(灿烈),Super Junior-M的Guest House(Suho、Chen),MBC 偶像运动会(Xiumin、Tao),明星金钟(灿烈),快乐大本营(Lay),大国民脱口秀-你好(伯贤、Chen、灿烈)4种秀(伯贤),问题男人(Suho),Crime Scene 2(Xiumin),叮咯隆咚呛(Chen、Tao),一路上有你(Tao),MV BANK STARDUST(全体),Heart A Tag(Suho、伯贤、Chen、世勋),音乐风云榜(伯贤、Chen、灿烈、D.O.、Kai、世勋),奔跑吧兄弟 2(Lay),腾讯名人坊(Lay),音悦大来宾(全体),EXO CHANNEL....
2023-07-19 20:14:181

Murder Murder 歌词

歌曲名:Murder Murder歌手:Ghetto Twiinz专辑:I M Bout ItLeft the keys in the van,with a gat in each handWent up in Eastland and shot a policemanFuck a peace plan of citizen bystandsBut shit is in my hands, here"s your life spanFor what your life"s worththis money is twice thanGrab a couple grand and live a nice landSee I"m a nice man but money turned me to SatanI"m thirsty for this green so bad I"m dehydratin"Hurry up with the cash bitch,I got a ride waitin"Shot a man twice in the backwhen he tried escapin"I want the whole plot,I won"t be denied nathanMaybe I need my head inside straightenedBrain contemplatin", clean out the registerDip before somebody catches yaOr gets ya description an" sketches yaThe connection was the prime suspectBut I ain"t set to flee the sceneof the crime just yetCuz I got a daughter to feedAnd $200 ain"t enough to water the seedThe best thing would be for meto leave Taco Bell an" hit up Chess KingAnd have the lady at the desk bringMoney from the safe in the back,stepped in wavin" the MacCooperate and we can operate and save an attackThis bitch tried escapin" the jackGrabbed her by the throat,it"s murder she wroteYou barely heard a word as she chokedIt wasn"t nuttin" for her to be smokedBut I slammed her on herback "til her vertebrae brokeJust then the pigs bust in yellin" "Freeze!"But I"m already wanted for sellin" keysAnd bunch of other feloniesfrom A to Z like spellin" beesSo before I dropped to the ground and fell on kneesI bust shots, they bust backHit the square in the chest,he wasn"t wearin" a vestLeft the house, pullin" out the drive backin" outNeed a backin" out this lady"s Jag started blackin" outPulled the Mac-10 out, stuck it in her faceShut ya yackin" mouth before I blow the brainfrom out the back ya scalpDrug her by her hair, smacked her upThinkin" fuck it, mug her while you"re there,jacked her upStole her car, made a profitGrabbed the tape from out the deckand offed it out the windowLike the girl on Set It Off didJetted off kid, stole the whip,now I"m a criminalDrove in thru somebody"s yard,dove into they swimmin" poolClimbed out and collapsed on the patioI made it out alive but I"m injured badly thoughParents screamin": "Son, go in and call the policeTell "em there"s a crazy man disturbing all of the peace!"Tried to stall him at least long enough to let me leap upRun in they crib and at least leavewith some little cheap stuffActin" like they never seen nobody hit a nick beforeSmashed the window, grabbed the Nintendo 64When they sell out in stores the price triplesI ran up the block jumpin" kids on tricyclesAnd colliding with an 80-year old lady with groceriesThere goes the cheese, eggs, milk and Post ToastiesStood up and started to see starsToo many siren sounds, it seemedlike a thousand police carsBarely escaped, must-a been some dumb luckJumped up and climbed the back of a movin" dump truckBut I think somebody seen me maybePlus I lost the damn Nintendo and I must-a dropped the Beanie BabyFuck it I give up, I"m surrounded in blue suitsCame out with a white flag hollerin" "TRUCE TRUCE!"Surrendered my weapon to copsWasn"t me! It was the gangsta rapand the peppermint Schnopps
2023-07-19 20:14:261