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作文题目:Approaches to Time in the Past and Today 通过对比说明过去和现在人们是如何对待时间的。 写

2023-07-19 22:13:22

Approaches to Time in the Past and Today


1) With a view of the changes in life of people of the past and today, we gain a deeper insight into how to approach time. 2) Viewed from the angle of lifestyle, modern people are famous for their rapid pace of time, as shown in their invention of fax, e-mail and instant coffee. 3) But in the past people are known for their life in a leisurely manner, as confirmed in their tea- drinking hobbies and frequent time-consuming social activities. 4) Judging by the concept of the value of time, modern people approach time as an investment in money making while in the past people treat time as necessary for enjoying life and being together with family and friends. 5) As is known to all, modern people prefer to talk business directly through phone calls rather than through personal contacts, in contrast to which in the past people tend to spend more time getting along with their business partners. 6) If set on the scene of work, people today are more likely to pour time into creative work whereas people in the past are more liable to put time into mechanical labor. 7) As can be seen from the differences in current education, children today devote their time to creative thinking and children in the past commit more time to learning by rote. 8) Clearly, such differences render us better and better at planning our time as long as we don"t forget to enjoy ourselves a little while keeping up with the pace of the times.


approaches是个什么地方 不是英文单词翻译,而是国外的一个地方

2023-07-19 17:36:152


approach的基本意思为“走近,靠近”,经常以approach to形式出现。approach可指空间和时间上的接近,也可指程度上的接近或相近,还可用于抽象意义,如在方式、方法、手段上的接近,如接洽、交涉等。不可以与动词add搭配使用。 approach双语例句 1.We need to take a different approach to the problem. 我们应该采用另一种方法来解决这一问题。 2.I think it"s time we tried a fresh approach. 我认为是尝试新方法的时候了。 3.We need to take a more global approach to the problem. 我们需要更全面地看这个问题。 4.Let us approach the subject from a different direction. 咱们从一个不同的角度来探讨这个题目吧。 5.Fundamentally, there are two different approaches to the problem. 从根本上说,这个问题有两种不同的处理方法。
2023-07-19 17:36:361

approaches,means,methonds,ways 有什么区别啊,怎么区分这几个词啊

第一,approach 英[u0259"pru0259utu0283] 美[u0259"protu0283] --------------------------------------------------------------------------------vt. & vi.接近, 走近, 靠近vt. 1.接洽, 交涉; 着手处理 2.试图贿赂(或影响,疏通) 3.(在性质、数量、质量、情形、时间等方面)近似,近于,接近;相似,类似 4.使移近,使接近(某物),把…挪近n. 1.靠近,临近,逼近;接近,走近,行近,即将来临 2.进路,通路;入门,入口;途径 3.(处理问题、完成任务的)方法,方式;手段;步骤;态度 4.接洽;建议;要求 5.进场;进场着陆 6.相似(或近似)的事物 7.近似(值),近于;相似,类似 8.[通常用于复数](对某人主动的)亲近(或接近)的表示;打交道;提议,建议;疏通行为 vi. 1.(在性质、时间、数量、质量等方面)接近,近似 2.【航空学】1). 进场着陆;进场;2).(战斗机)接敌;3). (轰炸机)进入目标 means [mi:nz] ----------------method 英["meθu0259d] 美["mu025bθu0259d] --------------------------------------------------------------------------------n. 1.方法, 办法 2.秩序, 条理 3.教学法;方式;调查方法 4.方法论 5.顺序;步骤 6.分类法 7.[常作 the Method] 【戏剧】体验派表演方法,进入角色表演方法;溶入法adj.[常作 M-] 使用体验派表演方法的;用投入法的;进入角色的 ----------------------------------------------------------------n. 1.手段,方式,方法,途径 2.收入, 财富ways 英[weu026az] 美[wez] --------------------------------------------------------------------------------n. 1.方法;手段 2.你不可能做到两全其美;鱼与熊掌不可兼得 3.(所说的话)不止一个意思,在很多方面适用 4.(做某事现有的)方法和资源,手段和财力
2023-07-19 17:36:442

日益临近 是形容词吗

2023-07-19 17:36:541


1.Some find swiming more enjoyable than sitting at home reading.swimming和sitting是被比较的双方,应该形式一致。2.He insists that you should be on time for the appointment you made.insist后跟宾语从句时,谓语动词一般用(should) do sth3.When we finally managed to get home after the tiring long journey, we could hardly move a step further.hardly本身就是几乎不能的意思,不需要有not.4.You will never succeed in getting at the truth if you think you know,ahead of time,what the truth should be.succeed in doing sth.短语:成功地做到......5.Venus approaches the Earth more closely than any other palnet (does).比较状语从句的省略,要看主句的谓语动词,approaches是行为动词,助动词应该是does,而不是is.
2023-07-19 17:37:051


approachv.(在距离或时间上) 靠近,接近;接洽;建议;要求;(在数额、水平或质量上) 接近;n.(待人接物或思考问题的) 方式,方法,态度;(距离和时间上的) 靠近,接近;接洽;建议;要求; 第三人称单数:approaches。endn.(时间、事件、活动或故事等的)终止,终结,结局,结尾;末端;尽头;末梢;结束;破灭;目的;部分,方面;端点;半边球场;剩余物;辞世,过世。v.结束;终止。
2023-07-19 17:37:241

英语As winter approaches怎么翻译?

As winter approaches随着冬天的临近
2023-07-19 17:37:326

approach 有态度的意思吗

2023-07-19 17:37:482

national approach中文是什么意思

要看文章的前后文句才能确定意思,这里有三个可能 national approach.指国际上的互动;2....apply national approach...指在全国范围的执行;3.It is a national approach.指明这是国家大事,可好可坏;
2023-07-19 17:37:561

what i want to share is my approaches这里为什么用is

2023-07-19 17:38:052

approach a problem中文翻译

It"s wrong to approach a problem from a metaphysical point of view . 用形而上学的观点看待问题是错误的。 It is wrong to approach a problem from a metaphysical point of view . 用形而上学的观点来看待问题是错误的。 In approaching a problem we should see the whole as well as the parts . 我们看问题,不但要看到部分,而且要看到全体。 How would you approach a problem pke this 我想问一下您会如何解决这种问题? Ideological struggle on the o fronts must suit the concrete circumstances of each case , and we must never approach a problem subjectively or permit the bad old habit of " sticking labels " on people to continue 两条战线的思想斗争必须切合于具体对象的情况,决不应主观地看问题,决不应使过去那种“乱戴帽子”的坏习惯继续存在。 Everything you might want to do with xml is available in one of the major approaches , but when what you want to do crosses the boundaries of what each technique does best , it is far from clear how to approach a problem 您对xml可能想要的处理都会由一种主要方法来承担,但当您所想要做的跨越了每种技术做得最好的范围时,如何解决问题就非常不清晰。
2023-07-19 17:38:131


当你接近那座小镇,你能在左手边看到那所学院。随着冬天的来到,很多动物们开始储存粮食。没有人能够比肩莎士比亚的才华。重重的脚步声说明老师来了。穿过树林通往小镇。我们应该试试别的方法解决问题。approached the library,approaches for teaching,approaches to the palace,
2023-07-19 17:38:202

最后两句怎么翻译,就是we then……approaches

2023-07-19 17:38:271


可数approachesn.(处理问题、完成任务的)方法( approach的名词复数 );近似(值)v.接近,走近,靠近( approach的第三人称单数 );(在性质、数量、质量、情形、时间等方面)近似;接洽;使移近例句We will be exploring different approaches to gathering information. 我们将探索收集信息的不同方法。
2023-07-19 17:38:461

cooperative approach是什么意思

2023-07-19 17:39:103

multidisciplinary approaches是什么意思

multidisciplinary approaches多学科的方法approachesn.(处理问题、完成任务的)方法( approach的名词复数 ); 近似(值); v.接近,走近,靠近( approach的第三人称单数 ); (在性质、数量、质量、情形、时间等方面)近似; 接洽; 使移近; 例句:1.New technology usually makes new approaches possible. 新技术往往也会让新方法成为可能。
2023-07-19 17:39:311

Tony approaches Julia , touched her shoulder and

考察伴随状语 Tony approached julia,touching her and shoulder and kissing her on the cheek.
2023-07-19 17:40:203

western approaches是什么意思

2023-07-19 17:40:282


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2023-07-19 17:40:555


way:普通用语,与in搭配。用于处理任何事物的方法 in the way method:合乎逻辑、科学系统的方法,与with搭配 with methodapproach:常与to搭配 approach to means:单复数同形,与by搭配,表示为达到某种目的而采取的方法 by means ofAt the meeting they discussed three___to the study of mathmatics. A. approaches B.means. C.methods D.ways选A题中的B.means C.methods D.ways 方法 后面都是与of连用。其中way 后面可加to do/of doing
2023-07-19 17:41:111

approach means method way的区别

manner, method, way, mode, fashion, means, approach 这些名词均含“方法、方式”之意。 manner〓多指行动的特殊方式或独特的方法。 method〓指有系统、
2023-07-19 17:41:202

means method approach way有什么区别

你好 这种问题简直是乱出题 全凭语感! 我感觉是A 不知道理由 全名感觉
2023-07-19 17:41:283

区别means, way, method, approach这四个单词词义,及其用法,谢啦~

means way method 都是名词 有方式,方法的意义it is a means/ way /method to reach your goal 。这是你到达目标的一种方法approach作动词或名词皆可 作名词表示方式 作动词表示沿着。。。如there is only a approach to solve the problem 。只有一种方法能解决那个问题he approaches the street to look for his cat。他沿着街道找他的猫
2023-07-19 17:41:472


gao shou a
2023-07-19 17:41:5512

英语表达观点 有话题 帮帮忙

As we all know,different countries have defferent culture. “Culture is the collective programming of the mind which distinguishes the members of one category of people from another.”It is inevitable that the cultural difference has impact on business.For example,when a company is having meeting,the word “table” they mention in American English means to put something on the agenda,but in British English it means to pu something off the agenda.This example indicated how the culture affects the business.
2023-07-19 17:42:202


Some new approaches that attempt to do just that, including the scheme devised by consultants Couze Jordan,are emerging.句子基本结构为Some new approaches are emerging.that attempt to do just that 定语从句修饰 approachesincluding the scheme devised by consultants Couze Jordan分词短语修饰approaches。这里谓语are emerging太短了,如果采用正常结构,会显得头重脚轻,所以作如上处理。to do just that表示强调,“仅仅为某事而做某事”暗含“没有其他意图或目的”可以理解为目的状语
2023-07-19 17:42:271

as spring approaches是什么从句

C C 考察虚拟语气和倒装。句义:母亲提醒:要是下雨,就带上雨伞吧!由于春天到了。根据语境可知母亲的提醒是对未来情况的假设。故使用If sth/sb should +动词原形。其中的if省略,可将should提前,构成倒装句。故C正确。
2023-07-19 17:42:341


之间是否有在中国学习风格and the West反差?虽然我们应该小心,避免过分夸大的差异,它们似乎的确存在。在中国,例如,更大的优先考虑发展的技能在早期的年龄。在另一方面,美国人,放在促进幼儿创造力的重视,使他们拿起技能后。美国父母倾向于避免冲进来帮助他们的孩子,因为他们试图完成一项任务,更好地以为孩子要学会自己解决问题。这种方法可以,有时被误认为是忽视了那些更习惯于“教学举行的手一个人的父母的职责。”这两种方法也有缺点和优点,并且它可能是值得寻找上级方法这将结合两者的优点。
2023-07-19 17:42:452

functional approach中文翻译

Cross - functional approach 横向职能方法 Chapter 2 discusses halpday " s systemic - functional approach to discourse analysis 韩礼德的功能法确立了语篇研究的基础。 This paper introduces the method of functional approaching method analysis of the four - bined - poll installation in order to approximately achieve the given curve pnes 摘要本文用函数逼近法综合铰链四杆机构,使其近似实现给定的连杆曲线。 The functional approach of halpday laid the foundation for the research of discourse analysis . his systemic pnguistics emphasizes the social functions of language 他的系统语言学强调语言的社会功能,韩礼德把句子水平上的语法与情景特征联系在一起。 In the example i have given , the nested procedural loops are clearer than the functional - style calls perhaps readers will notice a better functional approach 在本地机器上安装txt2html ;将(使用最新版本)远程调用处理,并且将把结果发送回来,就像运行的是本地进程。 The functional approach to characterization of secured transactions and a unitary concept of security , which are the distinctive feature of article 9 , are attractive to scholars and legislators of other countries 交易类型化上的功能方法与担保交易的一元化是美国统一商法典第九编的特质,也是其吸引他国学者和立法者的独到之处。 While the matrices are important , it is the process of exploration , assessing , and weighting atlternatives , and reaching decisions by consensus that really adds value by ensuring a co - ordinated , cross - functional approach with minimal waste 模具很重要,是一个开发,评估,附加替代品,以及通过加强合作,多功能性并且接近最小浪费值达成的可以增加附加值的一致决定。 This book addresses fundamental issues in pnguistic theory , including the relation beeen formal and cognitive approaches , the autonomy of syntax , the content of universal grammar , and the value of generative and functional approaches to grammar 这本书的地址根本问题,在语言学理论,包括关系正式与认知方式,自主性的语法,内容普遍语法,和价值的生成和功能的方法语法。 Based on l - k functional approach , we propose the sufficient conditions and resipent controllers design approaches for 2 - d systems . secondly , the problem of robust decentrapzed control for a class of interval large - scale systems is considered 基于lyapunov - krasovskii泛函的方法,给出了2 - d系统弹性保成本控制器存在的充分条件以及控制器的设计方法,并通过数值算例说明了该方法的优越性。 Recently , many interesting stabipty criteria for the equipbriums and / or periodic solutions of delayed neural works have been derived via lyapunov - type function / functional approaches . this thesis mainly focuses on the local and global / exponential stabipty for several delayed neural works 尤其是时滞神经网络平衡点和周期解的稳定性(包括渐近稳定性、指数稳定性、绝对稳定性等)得到了深入的研究,也出现了一系列深刻的结果。 The most important reasons are that fp is based on a detailed functional approach to solving a problem , while oop uses objects to express concepts , and that fp procedures are meant to be used everywhere , as opposed to oop methods which can be used only from within the object that holds them 最重要的原因是fp基于用来解决问题的详细函数型方法,而oop则使用对象来表达概念,并且,与oop方法只能在包含它们的对象中使用不同, fp过程得到处使用。 This part aims at searching for mon rules in secured transactions law and emphasizes the role of tradition and popcy choice during the legal transplanfation . further , on the basis of examination of"the functional approach "in article 9 , i argues that china should adopt a unitary concept of security and the approaches to the regulation of secured transactions , but should not pletely adopt its functional approaches 本篇通过分析得出动产担保交易制度中的共通规则,强调法移植过程中传统的作用与政策的选择,进而对美国统一商法典第九编之功能方法作了相应检讨,主张我国不应全面继受其功能方法,但其一元化的担保概念和规制模式应为我国法所采。 上一篇: innocent and lovely中文翻译 下一篇: 梦见考驾照_梦到考驾照什么意思_梦见考驾照没过
2023-07-19 17:42:541

It is an effective approach to do还是to doing?

一般情况下没有 to doing 的这也不是一种特殊的短语,用 to do
2023-07-19 17:43:044


这里的 of 相当于 about 是定于从句省略而来:is one (that is)of/about approach看来你没有去理解我以上说的。one of 表示其中之一的时候,后面跟得是复数!one of approach,approach是复数吗?这里的 one 指代differenceof= about 关于。省略掉了 我第一条里面所说的。
2023-07-19 17:43:122


2023-07-19 17:43:372


  Soldiers   Soldiers and other military people wear uniforms with various other symbols to indicate their status.But in the business world everyone wears more or less similar suits,and you cannot tell at a glance who ranks higher or lower than another.So how do people in the business world show their superiority? An attempt to study this was made by two researchers using a series of silent films.They had two actors play the parts of an executive(经理)and a visitor,and switch roles each time.The scene had one man at his desk playing the part of an executive,while the other,playing the part of a visitor,knocks at the door,opens it and approaches the desk to discuss some business matter.   The audience watching the films was asked to rate the executive and the visitor in terms of status.A certain set of rules about status began to emerge from the ratings.The visitor showed the least amount of status when he stopped just inside the door to talk across the room to the seated man.He was considered to have more status when he walked halfway up to the desk,and he had the most status when he walked directly up to the desk and stood right in front Of the seated executive.   Another thing that affected the status of the visitor in the eyes of the observers was the time between knocking and entering.For the seated executive,his status was also affected by the time between hearing the knock and answering.The quicker the visitor entered the room,the more status he had.The longer the executive took to answer,the more status he had.   41.The experiment designed by the two researchers aimed at finding out _____ business is conducted by all executive and a visitor   B how to tell the differences between an executive and a visitor to tell businessmen at a glance businessmen indicate status   42 Which of the statements can best sum up the passage?   A.The executive has a higher status than the visitor.   B.Military people wear uniforms but the businessmen do not   C,A study revealing a set of rules about the status of businessmen.   D It is a good method to use a series of silent film in research.   43 Having entered the room,the closer the visitor approaches the executive, ___   A.the less it affected his status   B.the lower his status   C.the more it affected his status   D.the higher his status   44.The longer the seated man was in answering the knock,_____   A.the higher his status   B.the less it affected his status   C.the lower his status   D the more it affected his status   45.Which statement is NOT true?   A Soldiers wear uniforms with various symbols so that one call tell their status at a glance.   B.In the actor played the executive while the other played the seated man   C.Business people wear similar suits.   D The audience watching the film rated the executive and the visitor in terms of status.   答案:DCDAB   士兵和其他军队中的人都要穿制服,并且衣服上有各种各样的标志来表明他们的身份地位。但是在商业的世界中,几乎每个人都穿的差不多一样的衣服。乍看之下,很难分出身份地位的高低。那么,在商界,人们如果表明自己高人一等呢?   2个研究者通过一系列的默剧对此进行尝试和研究。剧中只有2个演员,分饰经理和拜访者的角色,每次两人都要交换角色。剧中演的是经理坐在办公桌旁边办公,来访者敲门,推开门,往办公桌走去,和经理讨论业务上的事情。   观看的观众被要求说出经理和拜访者的地位孰高孰低。从观众的意见总结出一套地位的归路。当拜访者站在刚进门的"地方,远远的穿过整个房间和经理说话,表明来访者的地位最低。当拜访者站在门和桌子的中间时,地位较高;当他径直走到桌子旁边站在经理前面时,地位最高。   在观众眼中,另一个影响拜访者地位的事情是他敲门和进房间之间的时间间隔。对于坐在那里的经理来说,他的地位受听到敲门和应答的时间间隔的影响。拜访者越早的进入房间,他的地位就越高。   经理越迟应答敲门声,他的地位越高。   profession   Acting is such an over-crowded profession that the only advice that should be given to a young person thinking of going on the stage is“Dont!”.But it is useless to try to discourage someone who feels that he must act,although the chances of his becoming famous are slim. The normal way to begin is to go to a drama sch001.Usually only students who show promise and talent are accepted,and the course lasts two years.Then the young actor or actress takes up work with a theatrical company(剧团),usually as an assistant stage manager This means doing everything that there is to do in the theatre and occasionally acting in very small parts It is very hard work indeed,the hours are long and the salary is tiny.   Of course,some people have remarkable chances which lead to fame and Success without this long and hard training.Connie Pratt,for example,was just an ordinary girl working in a bicycle factory.A film producer happened to catch sight of her one morning waiting at a bus stop,as he drove past in his car.He stopped and got out to speak to the girl.He asked if she would like to go to the film studio to do a test,and she thought he was joking Then she got angry and said she would call the police It took the producer twenty minutes to convince Connie that he was serious The test was successful.And within a few weeks she was playing the leading part opposite one of the most famous actors of the day But chances like this happen once in a blue moon   36 From the very beginning,the author puts it clearly that acting is a profession __A____   A sought after by too many   B.too difficult for young people   C.for slim people only can go into without special training   37.For someone who feels he must act,it is very likely that _D____   A.he will become a film star at long last   B he will become a stage manager   C he will be well paid   D.he will end up without any Success   38.The film producer found Connie Pratt one morning when she was __D__ work in a bicycle factory   B.driving past him in her car   C.going to a film studio   D.waiting for a bus   39.A few weeks after the test.Connie Pratt found herself __B____   A the most famous actress of the world   B.playing the leading female role in a play famous as the greatest actor of the world less famous than the leading actor of the day   40 The concluding sentence “chances like this happen once in a blue moon” means D   A this is something which happens once in a while   B.this is a highly profitable chance   C.this is something highly possible   D this is a very rare chance   答案:ADDBD   演艺界是一个人口密度过高的职业。对于想登上舞台的年轻人的唯一建议就是不要进入。但是想劝阻那些明知成功的机会很渺茫却执意要做演员的人,这种说教是无用的。要做演员通常办法就是去戏剧学院进修。通常这里只接受有前途和有天赋的学生,课程要花2年的时间。之后,年轻的女艺人或者男艺人以舞台助理的身份,参与到剧团的工作。这意味着要做和舞台相关的所有事务和偶尔的跑龙套。这确实是很辛苦的工作,工作时间长,薪水又少的可怜。   当然,有些人没有经过长期辛苦训练,而是是通过不寻常的机会就获得了声望和成功。例如说,Connie Pratt原本是自行车厂的一个普通女工。某个早晨她在公车站等车的时候被一个开车路过的电影制作人看中了。制作人停车出来和她交谈,问她是否愿意来摄影棚试镜。Connie认为他只是在开玩笑罢了。最后她生气了,还威胁说要叫警察。最后制作人花了20分钟的时间让Connie相信他是认真的。试镜很成功。几个星期之后,她就作为女主角和当时很有名的一个男演员在一部戏中演对手戏了。但是,类似这样的机会少之又少啊。
2023-07-19 17:43:581

比较政治经济学:Approaches to the State:Alternative Conceptions and Historical Dynamics译文

2023-07-19 17:44:171


What do you mean ? 你说的是什么意思? What does it mean ? 那是什么意思?
2023-07-19 17:44:275

急!求懂乐理知识的朋友帮忙翻译!The fifth fifth approaches the third octave by forty-five cents;

fifth是五度音程的意思,但同时fifth也是序数词,所以诸如fifth fifth、seventh fifth这样的结构中,第一个序数词是真的序数词,第二个则是表示音程的。cent是音分的意思。翻译如下:第五个五度音程距离第三个八度音程处还有45音分;第七个五度音程超了第五个八度音程57音分;第十二个五度音程仅仅比第七个八度音程超出了12音分。以上是直译,其实说白了就是:在五度相生律中,5个纯五度叠加起来比3个八度要少45音分(5个纯五度叠加起来是两个八度零一个大七度),7个纯五度叠加起来比5个八度要多57音分(7个纯五度叠加起来就是五个八度零一个增一度),而12个纯五度叠加起来只比7个八度要多12音分(12个纯五度叠加起来是六个八度零一个增七度,也就是说,本来在十二平均律中12个纯五度叠加起来是与7个八度互为等音程的,但在五度相生律中不可能存在等音程的概念,在五度相生律中12个纯五度的音分值与7个八度并不相等,但相差也并不多,仅仅12音分而已,肉耳不仔细听的话往往听不出来)。这是关于音律学中音程的音分值的相关知识的一段话,不知你是否能理解,既然你在看这方面的英文内容,我想你应该是明白这些知识的吧?所以我这里就不详细解释了,如果对这部分知识有任何疑问,可以再问我,我会给你解答清楚的!
2023-07-19 17:44:501


As the festival approaches,/////
2023-07-19 17:44:572

as the shortage of certain metals approaches.....

2023-07-19 17:45:052

what four approaches does Cognosis use to analyse a business 语法讲解请问为什么不在What后面加Are

分析一个疑问句只需要把提前的部分还原就行了。还原之后是cognosis does use four approaches to analyse a business 你所说的what are的句型的话句子的主语是are后面的部分,但是这里不是,这里提问的部分是宾语而不是主语。
2023-07-19 17:45:144

这个成语 异曲同工 用英语怎么说?

2023-07-19 17:45:235


A must die in another hand, because the two are alive, with only one not to survive
2023-07-19 17:45:374

grade grades的区别

grade 是年级grades是成绩
2023-07-19 17:43:493


Mockingbird 我知道有些事情对现在的你而言并不总是有意义 但是``嘿~~老爸总是告诉你什么? 振作起来,小斗士 咬紧你的嘴唇 你哭什么呢? 你还有我 Halie 我知道你想念你的妈妈,想念你的爸爸 可是``我却被迫离开,但是我在尽力给你一种我从未有过的生活 我真能看见你的悲伤,甚至在你强装着微笑,摆出一副笑脸的时候 我真能从你眼眸的最深处察觉你想哭的冲动 因为你惊恐万分,是我没在那儿的原因? 我其实就在你虔诚的祈祷声中 所以请别再哭泣,拭干泪水罢 爸爸就在那儿,不会再有梦魇了 我们携手度过暗夜,我们能够做到的 Laney 叔叔疯了,是吗? 是的,可是他是爱你的,你应该知道 在这世界上,我们拥有的只有我们自己的灵魂 当它旋转,当它环绕 当它周转,当它萦绕 两个可爱美丽的小女孩 看上去很困惑,很迷茫 我知道它扰乱了你们的心智 爸爸总徘徊在流浪的旅途中,妈妈总出现在时髦的新闻上 我尝试着把你荫庇在我的保护中,可是不知道为什么 我越是竭尽全力,越是事与愿违 他的爸爸亲身经历的那些苦痛使他成长起来 爸爸不愿你再承受,但是你亲历的却和他一样坎坷 我们并不想为你设计如此前途的,我和你妈妈都不想 但是事情却无情的在我们之间导演得这么糟糕 我再也寻不回曾经共享天伦的美妙时光了 就象我和她曾经的豆蔻年华 但是所有的错误的发生全只在一个原因 我想,这个错误从未打算被修正 有些东西是我们自己无法去操控的,这便是命运的定义 还是别难过了,放松你的神经去好好睡一觉罢 也许某天当我们苏醒时,发现昨天的苦闷不过只是一场梦 {CHORUS} 好罢,小女孩,安静下来罢。你还在流泪? 未来的一切总会好转的 紧紧咬住你的唇,小女士,我告诉过你了 爸爸就在身边,用双手圈住你,熬过这寂寥长夜 我知道妈妈现在已经莫名其妙的远走高飞 我们能触摸自己的心房 有一点歇斯底里,亲爱的宝贝 但我向你许诺,妈妈现在还好好的呢 真搞笑 我至今仍能清楚的记得有一年爸爸身无分文,不名一钱 妈妈把圣诞礼物包裹好 小心翼翼地挂在圣诞树上并且说,有些是你爸爸为你准备的 就因为爸爸买不起他们啊! 我无助的呆坐着,圣诞节一整晚的泪水就这样淌在我的记忆中 爸爸成了个乞丐,梦呓着一份好的工作 可是他的工作仅仅只能为你和你妈妈带来餐桌上单薄的吃的东西而已,糊口而已 那时侯甚至我们住的每一间房还都被盗贼破门而入,席卷一空 他们把你妈妈为你储钱的罐子丢弃在大街上 那是一个为了你能够上大学的小猪存钱罐 他们夺去它的时候里面已经有几千美元了,全都不翼而飞 我知道这样的事简直要把你妈妈的心击碎了啊 似乎一切都征兆着要毁灭的开始 妈妈和爸爸大吵了一架,接着妈妈就独自搬回原来的家去了 就是Chalmers大街上一座只有一间卧室的逼仄的公寓 爸爸也搬去了Novara的8mile街的另一边 那时候爸爸也带着录制了他说唱的CD去了加利福尼亚,遇见了Dr.Dre 你和你妈妈乘航班来探望我 可是爸爸需要工作,你和你妈妈等不及,只好离去 从此你就只能从电视上看见你的爸爸,妈妈却讨厌这些东西 你和Laney当时还小,并不能懂得发生的一切 爸爸是一颗永远向前滚动,决不停滞的顽石;**妈妈养成了一些习惯 那一切都发生得太快,我们之间的任何一个人都无能为力去攫取它 我真的很抱歉你没能在那第一时间目睹这些 我曾经极力想达成的,就是想让你感觉骄傲 如今我坐在空房子里,与孤独为伍,能做的唯有沉溺于回忆 欣赏着你年幼时的照相,我就象吸食了毒品一样产生斑斓的幻觉 看着你们一天天成长,现在情同姐妹了 WOW```想像着你们的纯真美丽,爸爸其实就在身旁 Laney我也告诉你,爸爸就在身旁 我喜欢这天籁之声,是的。 就象叩开天堂之门的金铃铛,不是吗? 呵呵``妈妈只不过是暂时走开了一会儿 {chorus} 如果你们想要一份礼物 我会送给你们一只仿声鸟 也会把全世界都送给你们 还要买只钻戒给你们 还要还要为你纵情歌唱啊! 为你做任何事情,只需你以微笑回报 如果那仿声鸟不鸣叫,钻戒不闪耀 我就要扭断那些鸟的脖子 我就要去找那些珠宝商们的茬 让他们一克拉一克拉给我吃下去,不敢再他妈的蒙骗你爸爸```哈哈! 注:**大约是指吸毒罢
2023-07-19 17:43:542


2023-07-19 17:43:541

god bless you用在哪

翻译过来是“上帝保佑你” 一般都是基督徒用。祷告之后啊,祝福谁谁谁啊,对方有什么困难的时候之类的。也用于笑话中。。。。比如说如果一个人要去做一件很傻的事,别人会对他说 god bless you~
2023-07-19 17:43:561


中国的母亲节是每年的农历四月初三。“中华母亲节”在邹城、石家庄、烟台等地先进行,取得良好效果后将扩大范围。河南新乡、山西太原、宁夏银川、广西柳州等10余个城市的教育部门都开始响应,在“中华母亲节”到来之际,提倡每个学生为母亲做一件好事或送一件自制礼品,写一篇以“中华母亲节”为主题的作文。为何需要中华母亲节不同文化的母亲节形象代表都有不同的文化个性,流淌着自己民族文化的血液,承载着自己民族的民族精神。当中华儿女吮吸母亲节的文化乳汁时,这位母亲代表却是洋妈妈,这样的事不宜再继续下去。要维系中华文化血脉、培育中华民族精神,需要自己的中华母亲节。为何以孟母为形象代表在众多中华贤母中,孟母五大优势俱全:1 、实有其人,不是传说人物、不是神话人物,而是历史人物。2 、贤母事迹翔实而且丰富。有的贤母只有一件事而且缺情节。西汉《韩诗外传》和大历史家刘向的《烈女传》就翔实记载了孟母仉氏在不同阶段教子的好几件事,有情节、有故事,从儿童成长的外部环境到学习的内部规律,都注意到了,形成颇具系统的教子思想和方法。
2023-07-19 17:43:481

LACROSSE ESTABLISHED 1897注册过商标吗?还有哪些分类可以注册?

LACROSSE ESTABLISHED 1897商标总申请量1件其中已成功注册1件,有0件正在申请中,无效注册0件,0件在售中。经八戒知识产权统计,LACROSSE ESTABLISHED 1897还可以注册以下商标分类:第1类(化学制剂、肥料)第2类(颜料油漆、染料、防腐制品)第3类(日化用品、洗护、香料)第4类(能源、燃料、油脂)第5类(药品、卫生用品、营养品)第6类(金属制品、金属建材、金属材料)第7类(机械设备、马达、传动)第8类(手动器具(小型)、餐具、冷兵器)第9类(科学仪器、电子产品、安防设备)第10类(医疗器械、医疗用品、成人用品)第11类(照明洁具、冷热设备、消毒净化)第12类(运输工具、运载工具零部件)第13类(军火、烟火、个人防护喷雾)第14类(珠宝、贵金属、钟表)第15类(乐器、乐器辅助用品及配件)第16类(纸品、办公用品、文具教具)第17类(橡胶制品、绝缘隔热隔音材料)第18类(箱包、皮革皮具、伞具)第19类(非金属建筑材料)第20类(家具、家具部件、软垫)第21类(厨房器具、家用器皿、洗护用具)第22类(绳缆、遮蓬、袋子)第23类(纱、线、丝)第24类(纺织品、床上用品、毛巾)第26类(饰品、假发、纽扣拉链)第27类(地毯、席垫、墙纸)第28类(玩具、体育健身器材、钓具)第29类(熟食、肉蛋奶、食用油)第30类(面点、调味品、饮品)第31类(生鲜、动植物、饲料种子)第32类(啤酒、不含酒精的饮料)第33类(酒、含酒精饮料)第34类(烟草、烟具)第35类(广告、商业管理、市场营销)第36类(金融事务、不动产管理、典当担保)第37类(建筑、室内装修、维修维护)第38类(电信、通讯服务)第39类(运输仓储、能源分配、旅行服务)第40类(材料加工、印刷、污物处理)第41类(教育培训、文体活动、娱乐服务)第42类(研发质控、IT服务、建筑咨询)第43类(餐饮住宿、养老托儿、动物食宿)第44类(医疗、美容、园艺)第45类(安保法律、婚礼家政、社会服务)
2023-07-19 17:43:481


2023-07-19 17:43:486

求God Bless the U.S.A.中文歌词?

If tomorrow all the things were gone如果明天我的一切离我而去I"d worked for all my life我需要为生计奔波And I had to start again With just my children and my wife和我的妻儿一道重新开始I"d thank my lucky stars To be living here today我会感激我的幸运星 到今天为止都在这里"Cause the flag still stands for freedom旗帜(美国国旗)仍然为着自由高高飘扬And they can"t take that away他们不能带走(“我”对自由的向往)And I"m proud to be an American我为我是一个美国人而骄傲Where at least I know I"m free至少我是自由的And I won"t forget the men who died Who gave that right to me我不会忘记那些为争取我们的自由牺牲的人And I gladly stand up next to you And defend her still today也会高兴地和你一起为自由奋斗"Cause there ain"t no doubt I love this land因为我深刻地爱着这片土地God Bless the U.S.A.天佑美国From the lakes of Minnesota从明苏尼达周的湖泊To the hills of Tennessee到田纳西州的小山Across the plains of Texas横越德克萨斯州的平原From sea to shining sea直到那片光辉的海洋From Detroit down to Houston从底特律到休斯顿And New York to L.A.纽约到洛杉矶(意指美国全境)Well there"s pride in every American heart每个美国人的心中都充满自豪And it"s time we stand and say that I"m proud to be an American在这个时刻,我们宣告,我为我是一个美国人而骄傲Where at least I know I"m free至少我是自由的And I won"t forget the men who died Who gave that right to me我不会忘记那些为争取我们的自由牺牲的人And I gladly stand up next to you And defend her still today也会高兴地和你一起为自由奋斗"Cause there ain"t no doubt I love this land因为我深刻地爱着这片土地God Bless the U.S.A.天佑美国And I"m proud to be an American我为我是一个美国人而骄傲Where at least I know I"m free至少我是自由的And I won"t forget the men who died Who gave that right to me我不会忘记那些为争取我们的自由牺牲的人And I gladly stand up next to you And defend her still today也会高兴地和你一起为自由奋斗"Cause there ain"t no doubt I love this land因为我深刻地爱着这片土地God Bless the U.S.A.天佑美国
2023-07-19 17:43:471