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2023-07-19 22:03:28
TAG: 暗黑
关于FO与blizzard,fireball与firewall哪个更好的问题,现在大家还是各有说法。单从攻击方式来说各有特点,很难得出结论,但我推荐的是blizzard/iceblast+meteor/fire ball的组合,而且由于blizzard的实用性强,建议把攻击向冰系倾斜.

技能分配:91级就能成型,此时技能102点,冰系53点:blizzard20,iceblast20,CM10,icebolt 1,GS 1, 冰环1;火系46点:FB20,Meteor20,Firebolt1,FM1,warmth1,FW1,Inferno1,Blaze1;
电系3点,包括SF1,telek1,tele 1。以后的全部加在icebolt上。



STR 够穿装备就行
Dex 跟装备一起格挡75%
Vit 剩下的都+这里
Eng 不+


鞋子:最佳选择是sandstorm(+20frw/20fhr/1xstr/1x vit/pr)。因为到现在为止,sor的毒防还是很低的,fhr也不够,所以必须用这个来进行适当补充。因为三系sor用的不同配置都普遍缺少FHR和毒防,所以用这个补足就最适合了,当然最好选择wx的.mf时可以换wt.




FCR:一般来说,法师应该保证达到63,9frame。 并不仅仅因为37的fcr在tele的时候比较痛苦,更是因为它跟sor的攻击密切相关的。因为我试了一下,在施放blizzard后1.8秒的延时内,63fcr能放出四个ice blast,而37fcr只够放三个。这就是fcr两个档次的区别。这身装备可以使FCR达到70,满足9f的需求.
FHR:应该保证sor的FHR为42或60,再高就没必要了,毕竟是4R75的block sor,被连续打得前仰后合的情况是基本不会遇到的,加上又是PVC,对FHR要求不用太高。由于tlx套装有25FHr的加成,鞋子有20FHR的加成,配合charm我们也可以轻松达到60.


套装+6skill,+15cd,-15fr,2soj+2skill,拿本人来说,带3cgc,装备上镶2个5/5冰猪.这样共+11cold skill,25%冰攻,-10%冰防
成型后blizzard dam大约是3200左右(依照本人).
而法师之拳+1fire skill,这样共+9fire skill,不带fgc.
则成形后 fireball dam 2817-3111
meteor dam 6772-7095
考虑到套装+的-敌人15%火防的效果相当于在总fire dam的基础上增加20%左右的攻击.
所以实际的fireball dam为 3700左右.
meteor dam为 8400左右.
配合上强力的pet(建议用丧钟,可以对付冰免+火免+物免的变态),solo pvc完全没有问题.8人难度带baby 敲石头也完全可以胜任.单人开bus个人感觉哪个职业都不可行(如果你慢慢墨迹过act4/5也算那我也没办法),就不讨论了.想mf时更换几件装备就可达到接近400的mf值,且除了pr其余3r保持75的高状态.即使是平时也拥有套装带来的高mf,pass与打宝两不误.
七 mf与pet

KA:完全不用pet,飞到跟前sf 2下,一个blizzard,两下fireball就KO了。
个人感觉wx丧钟(13#)比较好。我的搭配是年纪冠(ed/ias猪)+WX YMP



2023-07-19 17:04:321


2023-07-19 17:04:563


2023-07-19 17:05:031


  沙尘暴的形成需要这三个条件:  一是地面上的沙尘物质。它是形成沙尘暴的物质基础。  二是大风。这是沙尘暴形成的动力基础,也是沙尘暴能够长距离输送的动力保证。  三是不稳定的空气状态。这是重要的局地热力条件。沙尘暴多发生于午后傍晚说明了局地热力条件的重要性。  危害主要有两个:一是风二是沙;  大风的危害也有二:一是风力破坏,二是刮蚀地皮。  风力破坏:大风破坏建筑物,吹倒或拔起树木电杆,撕毁农民塑料温室大棚和农田地膜等等。此外,由于西北地区四、五月正是瓜果、蔬菜、甜菜、棉花等经济作物出苗,生长子叶或真叶期和果树开花期,此时最不耐风吹沙打。轻则叶片蒙尘,使光合作用减弱,且影响呼吸,降低作物的产量;例如,1993年5月5日黑风,使西北地区8.5万株果木花蕊被打落,10.94万株防护林和用材林折断或连根拔起。此外,大风刮倒电杆造成停水停电,影响工农业生产。1993年5月5日黑风造成的停电停水,仅金昌市金川公司一家就造成经济损失8300万元。  刮蚀地皮:大风作用于干旱地区疏松的土壤时会将表土刮去一层,叫做风蚀。例如1993年5月5日黑风平均风蚀深度十厘米(最多50厘米),也就是每亩地平均有60到70立方米的肥沃表土被风刮走。其实大风不仅刮走土壤中细小的黏土和有机质,而且还把带来的沙子积在土壤中,使土壤肥力大为降低。此外大风夹沙粒还会把建筑物和作物表面磨去一层,叫做磨蚀,也是一种灾害。  沙的危害:的危害主要是沙埋。前面说过,狭管,迎风和隆起等地形下,因为风速大,风沙危害主要是风蚀,而在背风凹洼等风速较小的地形下,风沙危害主要便是沙埋了。例如,1993年5月5日黑风中发生沙埋的地方,沙埋厚度平均20厘米,最厚处达到了1.2米。  此外更重要的是,人的生命的损失。例如1993年5月5日黑风中共死亡85人,伤264人,失踪31人。此外,死亡和丢失大牲畜12万头,农作物受灾560万亩,沙埋干旱地区的生命线水渠总长2000多公里,兰新铁路停运31小时。总经济损失超过5.4亿元。[3]  ⑴强风:携带细沙粉尘的强风摧毁建筑物及公用设施,  造成人畜伤亡。  ⑵沙埋:以风沙流的方式造成农田、渠道、村舍、铁路、草场等被大量流沙掩埋,尤其是对交通运输造成严重威胁。  ⑶土壤风蚀:每次沙尘暴的沙尘源和影响区都会受到不同程度的风蚀危害,风蚀深度可达1~10厘米。据估计,中国每年由沙尘暴产生的土壤细粒物质流失高达106~107 吨,其中绝大部分粒径在10微米以下,对源区农田和草场的土地生产力造成严重破坏。  ⑷大气污染:在沙尘暴源地和影响区,大气中的可吸入颗粒物(TSP)增加,大气污染加剧。以1993年“5.5”特强沙尘暴为例,甘肃省金昌市的室外空气的TSP浓度达到1016 mg/m3,室内为80 mg/m3,超过国家标准的40倍。2000年3—4月,北京地区受沙尘暴的影响,空气污染指数达到4级以上的有10天,同时影响到中国东部许多城市。3月24—30日,包括南京、杭州在内的18个城市的日污染指数超过4级。
2023-07-19 17:05:101


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2023-07-19 17:05:312


沙尘暴 (sand duststorm) 是沙暴 (sandstorm) 和尘暴 (duststorm) 两者兼有的总称,是指强风把地面大量沙尘物质吹起并卷入空中,使空气特别混浊,水平能见度小于 一千米的严重风沙天气现象。其中沙暴系指大风把大量沙粒吹入近地层所形成的挟沙风暴;尘暴则是大风把大量尘埃及其它细粒物质卷入高空所形成的风暴。
2023-07-19 17:05:402


2023-07-19 17:05:472


the sandstorm不可数,故用第三人称单数 如果most of +可数名词复数,则用动词复数
2023-07-19 17:05:561

求外研社英语必修3的《Sandstorms in Asia》的全文翻译。

vreperimeter and sending them to their patrol cars in
2023-07-19 17:06:162


近年来, 沙尘暴更加频繁地发生着,北京由沙尘暴攻击了。这, 对某一程度, 与频繁有关拼写异常的天气和全球性高潮变动过去世纪。但是, 增强的沙尘暴威胁有与土地沙漠化的某些连接。 沙尘暴是导致毁灭的灾害的一种自然现象。沙尘暴由猛烈的风造成吹在宽松土壤或沙子, 和非常整理材料, 可见性被减少。它可能使人丢失他们的视觉。它可能埋没农田和带来巨大失去给农夫。它可能损坏运输系统和 交通。最重要, 它损坏人们的健康。
2023-07-19 17:06:382


2023-07-19 17:06:471

高一英语必修三课文sandstorms in asia翻译

Sandstorms in Asia 模块 4 亚洲的沙尘暴Sandstorms in Asia 亚洲的沙尘暴Sandstorms have been a major ① disaster for many Asian countries for centuries. 几世纪以来,沙尘暴一直是亚洲许多国家的主要灾难. Scientists have tried many ways to solve this problem and in China, a mass campaign ②科学家曾尝试多种方法来解决这个问题,在中国,为了帮助解决这个① major adj. “主要的” . major 还可做动词, major in 表示“专修” . ② compain n. “战役;活动” .注意区别: war “战争” ; campaign “战役” ; fight “战斗” . a mass campaign “大规模的活动” .has been started to help solve it. 问题一个大规模的活动已经开始.Sandstorms are strong, dry winds that carry sand. They are often so thick that 沙尘暴是携带沙粒的强大而干燥的风,它们经常是那么浓,you cannot see the sun, and the wind is so metimes strong enough to move sand dunes 你看不到太阳,有时风大到足够能移动沙丘. ① . The four main places in the world where there are sandstorms are Central Asia, 世界上四个主要的沙尘暴多发区是中亚、 North America, Central Africa and Australia. Ren Jianbo, from Inner Mongolia described 北美、中非和澳洲.来自内蒙古的任建波描述了 a terrible sandstorm he experienced as a child in the desert ② . “ To have been caught 儿时在沙漠上经历的一次可怕的沙尘暴. “遇到沙尘暴 in a sandstorm was a terrible experience, ③” he said. “ There was nothing to be done 是件可怕的事情, ”他说. “你一点办法也没有, ④ . It was the most frightening and the most dangerous situation I " ve ever been in 那是我曾遇到过的最可怕、最危险的情况. ⑤ . Y ou just had to hope you " d survive ⑥ . I thought I was going to disappear under 你只希望能活着,我原以为我会消失在沙丘下. ” the sand. ⑦ Northwest China is part of the sandstorm centre in Central Asia. Sandstorms begin 中国的大西北是中亚沙尘暴的中心,沙尘暴在沙漠地区开始.in desert areas. Sandstorms in China appear to have increased in recent years as a 由于“荒漠化”越发严重,近几年中国的 result of “ desertification ”① . This is a process that happens when land becomes 沙尘暴好像有增加的趋势.由于气候变化和人们滥伐树木、破坏植被, desert because of climate changes and because people cut down trees and dig up grass ② . 当土地变成沙漠时沙尘暴就发生了.Sandstorms sometimes affect ③ Beijing. Citizens wake up to an orange sky and 有时,沙尘暴会影响到北京.居民早上醒来时,strong winds that cover the city in thick, brown-yellow dust ④ . The storms sometimes 看到昏黄的天空,狂风夹杂着黄沙在城里肆虐.continue all day and traffic moves very slowly because the thick dust makes it 沙尘暴有时持续一整天,车辆开得很慢,因为浓浓的尘埃降低了能见度. difficult to see ⑤ . The Chinese Central Weather Station can forecast a sandstorm some weeks before 中央气象台能在沙尘暴袭击北京前几周预报它,it arrives in Beijing, but the strength of the storm sometimes surprises people 但是沙尘暴的力量有时令人惊奇. . When a sandstorm arrives in the city, weather experts advise people not to go 沙尘暴到达城市时,气象专家建议人们不要外出. out. Huang Xiaomei, who lives in Beijing says, “To be cycling in a sandstorm is 住在北京的黄晓梅说: “在沙尘暴中骑车真可怕, frightening ② . The winds are very strong. It " s difficult to breathe and the dust makes 风太大了,我呼吸都困难,而且尘土让我恶心. me ill. So if you want to go out, you " d better wear a mask. ③” 所以,如果你想外出,最好戴着口罩. ” The desert is only 250 kilometres away to the west of Beijing. To prevent it coming 沙漠离北京西部仅仅 250 公里. nearer, the government is planting trees ④ . Already the government has planted more 为了防止沙漠逼近,政府已开始植树. than 30 billion trees and plans to continue planting for the next five years ⑤ . 政府已经植了 30 多亿棵树,并计划在今后的五年里继续植树.
2023-07-19 17:06:571


2023-07-19 17:07:072


沙尘暴 (sand duststorm) 是沙暴 (sandstorm) 和尘暴 (duststorm) 两者兼有的总称,是指强风把地面大量沙尘物质吹起并卷入空中,使空气特别混浊,水平能见度小于 一百米的严重风沙天气现象。其中沙暴系指大风把大量沙粒吹入近地层所形成的挟沙风暴;尘暴则是大风把大量尘埃及其它细粒物质卷入高空所形成的风暴。荒漠化(desertification)是由于大风吹蚀,流水侵蚀,土壤盐渍化等造成的土壤生产力下降或丧失, 有狭义和广义之分,起源于20世纪60年代末和70年代初,非洲西部撒哈拉地区连年严重干旱,造成空前灾难,“荒漠化”名词于是开始流传开来。荒漠化最终结果大多是沙漠化,中国是世界上荒漠化严重的国家之一。
2023-07-19 17:07:152


A sandstorm is exactly what it sounds like; a very strong windstorm, especially in the desert, that carries clouds of sand or dust, and greatly reduces visibility. These are also known as dust storms. This wind is usually caused by convection currents (which are created by intense heating of the ground), and is usually strong enough to move entire sand dunes. Air is unstable when heated, and this instability in the air will cause the mixture of higher winds in the troposphere with winds in the lower atmosphere, producing strong surface winds. Sandstorms can interfere with travel, and sometimes obliterates entire roads, and dry, flat regions, such as parts of the western United Sates. They can be seen as solid walls of sand that are up to 5,000ft high. Similar dust storms from windborne particles can be found on the planet Mars, and are thought to be seasonal
2023-07-19 17:07:352


沙漠风暴海盗战争破解版v1.16.9类型:飞行射击大小:159.18MB评分:0平台:标签:射击空战第一视角探险沙漠风暴海盗战争sandstormpiratewars怎么刷金币钻石?下面就由作者为大家带来,沙漠风暴海盗战争无限金币钻石修改教程,希望对大家有所帮助!沙漠风暴海盗战争无限金币钻石图文修改教程 八门神器:、首先进入到游戏中,并让八门神器在后台运行。2、打开八门神器,在其中输入当前的金币数量,选择自动搜索,可以看到现在的搜索结果还是比较多的。3、返回到游戏中,点击开始游戏,然后通过任何方式让金币数值变动(如:使用金币等)4、然后再返回到八门神器中搜索变更后的这个数字,可以看到现在的搜索结果变少了不少。5、重复第4、5步知道得到的数值只剩下一个(多个也可以,全部调整了就行)。6、调整这个金币数值。7、然后回到游戏就可以看到金币数量调整成功。
2023-07-19 17:07:431


2023-07-19 17:07:502

most of the sandstorm in our country happens is spring from March为什么不是happen 这里不是复数吗

因为前面是most of ,所以sandstorm看成单数。 例句:Most of the rock in this mountain is shale. 这座山上大部分的岩石都是页岩
2023-07-19 17:08:091


2023-07-19 17:08:181


沙漠风暴海盗战争破解版v1.16.9类型:飞行射击大小:159.18MB评分:0平台:标签:射击空战第一视角探险沙漠风暴海盗战争sandstormpiratewars破解版在哪里下载?下面就由作者为大家带来,沙漠风暴海盗战争破解版下载地址分享,希望对大家有所帮助!问:沙漠风暴海盗战争sandstormpiratewars破解版在哪里下载?答:沙漠风暴海盗战争破解版下载地址: 游戏介绍:? 《沙漠风暴:海盗战争 Sandstorm:Pirate Wars》是一款飞行射击类游戏。玩家在浩瀚的沙漠中穿行,通过击败对方飞船获得战利品,并升级自己的战舰,同时加固自己的防御系统,在沙漠的尽头才是最后胜利的曙光。在沙漠空军飞行战斗,完成任务来赚取现金和建立你的声誉而购买武器来定制你的战机,证明你的技能在探索荒地确认所有你最凶猛的沙尘暴的海盗!
2023-07-19 17:08:261


沙尘暴铺天盖地地撕扯着黑暗中的一切.沙尘暴:天昏地暗,飞沙走石,狂风怒吼,满天黄沙沙石狂舞在苍穹,卡车深陷泥潭中; 刹间乌瘴漫天空,笔直落入人间崩.随着生活质量的提高,人们对自然环境的关注多了起来.特别是世纪之交的沙尘暴,引起人们的极大关注.这不独因为沙尘暴频发度高、来势猛烈,而且影响范围很广,除西北、华北地区外,还波及黑龙江西南部和黄淮等地.尤其是2001年几场席卷北京的沙尘暴,来势之猛烈令人吃惊,五天之内曾导致1200多架次航班延误,甚至有人员在沙尘暴中失踪.Sand dust storm overwhelming tearing in the dark everything. Sandstorm: incredibly hard, feishazoushi, howling wind, all over the sky yellow sand dancing in the sky, truck bogged down in the quagmire; brake Ukrainian miasma of diffuse sky, straight into the world collapse.With the improvement of quality of life, people pay more attention to the natural environment more. Especially at the turn of the century the sandstorm, aroused people"s great concern. This not only because frequent sand dust storm is high, ferocious, but also influences the very wide, in addition to the northwest, North China, wave and the southwest of Heilongjiang Province and the Huang Huai and other. Especially in 2001 a sweeping the sand storms in Beijing, the oncoming fierce a surprised, five days has resulted in more than 1200 flights delays, and even personnel missing in a sandstorm.采纳我
2023-07-19 17:08:331


My father was driving very slowly down the highway. The closer we got to the
2023-07-19 17:08:552


wind breakersand breaker反防风林防沙林
2023-07-19 17:09:0614


less 是比较级和few对应的是little可数就是few不可数就little但是这词我不认识
2023-07-19 17:09:443


2023-07-19 17:10:0913


Beijing witnessed its second sandstorm on March 22, 2010, two days after the first one over the weekend affected some 270 million people in 16 provinces, covering 2 million sq km across the country. At the same time, the dust storms originated from the deserts of Mongolia were carried east by prevailing winds and arrived in China Taiwan, China Hong Kong, Japan and South Korea.Another eight to 10 sandstorms are expected to hit North China in April and May as a result of the frequent cold spells, meteorologists predicted.The areas affected by the sandstorms in March 2010:
2023-07-19 17:12:392

高一英语必修三课文sandstorms in asia翻译

Sandstorms in Asia 模块4 亚洲的沙尘暴Sandstorms in Asia 亚洲的沙尘暴Sandstorms have been a major①disaster for many Asian countries for centuries. 几世纪以来,沙尘暴一直是亚洲许多国家的主要灾难。Scientists have tried many ways to solve this problem and in China, a mass campaign②科学家曾尝试多种方法来解决这个问题,在中国,为了帮助解决这个①major adj.“主要的”。major还可做动词,major in表示“专修”。②compain n.“战役;活动”。注意区别:war“战争”;campaign“战役”;fight“战斗”。a mass campaign“大规模的活动”。has been started to help solve it. 问题一个大规模的活动已经开始。Sandstorms are strong, dry winds that carry sand. They are often so thick that 沙尘暴是携带沙粒的强大而干燥的风,它们经常是那么浓,you cannot see the sun, and the wind is so metimes strong enough to move sand dunes 你看不到太阳,有时风大到足够能移动沙丘。①. The four main places in the world where there are sandstorms are Central Asia, 世界上四个主要的沙尘暴多发区是中亚、North America, Central Africa and Australia. Ren Jianbo, from Inner Mongolia described 北美、中非和澳洲。来自内蒙古的任建波描述了a terrible sandstorm he experienced as a child in the desert②.“To have been caught 儿时在沙漠上经历的一次可怕的沙尘暴。“遇到沙尘暴in a sandstorm was a terrible experience,③”he said. “There was nothing to be done 是件可怕的事情,”他说。“你一点办法也没有,④. It was the most frightening and the most dangerous situation I"ve ever been in 那是我曾遇到过的最可怕、最危险的情况。⑤. You just had to hope you"d survive⑥. I thought I was going to disappear under 你只希望能活着,我原以为我会消失在沙丘下。”the sand.⑦Northwest China is part of the sandstorm centre in Central Asia. Sandstorms begin 中国的大西北是中亚沙尘暴的中心,沙尘暴在沙漠地区开始。in desert areas. Sandstorms in China appear to have increased in recent years as a 由于“荒漠化”越发严重,近几年中国的result of “desertification”①. This is a process that happens when land becomes 沙尘暴好像有增加的趋势。由于气候变化和人们滥伐树木、破坏植被,desert because of climate changes and because people cut down trees and dig up grass②. 当土地变成沙漠时沙尘暴就发生了。Sandstorms sometimes affect③Beijing. Citizens wake up to an orange sky and 有时,沙尘暴会影响到北京。居民早上醒来时,strong winds that cover the city in thick, brown-yellow dust④. The storms sometimes 看到昏黄的天空,狂风夹杂着黄沙在城里肆虐。continue all day and traffic moves very slowly because the thick dust makes it 沙尘暴有时持续一整天,车辆开得很慢,因为浓浓的尘埃降低了能见度。difficult to see⑤. The Chinese Central Weather Station can forecast a sandstorm some weeks before 中央气象台能在沙尘暴袭击北京前几周预报它,it arrives in Beijing, but the strength of the storm sometimes surprises people 但是沙尘暴的力量有时令人惊奇。. When a sandstorm arrives in the city, weather experts advise people not to go 沙尘暴到达城市时,气象专家建议人们不要外出。out. Huang Xiaomei, who lives in Beijing says, “To be cycling in a sandstorm is 住在北京的黄晓梅说:“在沙尘暴中骑车真可怕,frightening②. The winds are very strong. It"s difficult to breathe and the dust makes 风太大了,我呼吸都困难,而且尘土让我恶心。me ill. So if you want to go out, you"d better wear a mask.③”所以,如果你想外出,最好戴着口罩。”The desert is only 250 kilometres away to the west of Beijing. To prevent it coming 沙漠离北京西部仅仅250公里。nearer, the government is planting trees④. Already the government has planted more 为了防止沙漠逼近,政府已开始植树。than 30 billion trees and plans to continue planting for the next five years⑤. 政府已经植了30多亿棵树,并计划在今后的五年里继续植树。
2023-07-19 17:12:491


Cloudy多云2、Sunny晴3、Overcast阴二、雨1. Drizzle毛毛雨2. Shower阵雨3. Thunder Storm雷雨4. Thunder Shower雷阵雨5. Light Rain小雨6. Moderate rain中雨7. Heavy Rain大雨三、雪1. Snow Shower阵雪2. Sleet雨夹雪3. Hail冰雹4. Blizzard大风雪5. Snowstorm暴风雪6. Light Snow小雪7. Moderate Snow中雪8. Heavy Snow大雪四、风1. Windy有风2. Breeze微风3. Gale大风4. Typhoon台风5. Hurricane飓风五、其他1. Haze霾2. Foggy雾3. Frosty霜冻4. Lightning闪电5. Sandstorm沙尘暴
2023-07-19 17:12:561

以“sandstorm”为题目写一篇英语作文 水平别太高了

Beijing witnessed its second sandstorm on March 22,2010,two days after the first one over the weekend affected some 270 million people in 16 provinces, covering 2 million sq km across the country.At the same time,the dust storms originated from the deserts of Mongolia were carried east by prevailing winds and arrived in China Taiwan,China Hong Kong,Japan and South Korea. Another eight to 10 sandstorms are expected to hit North China in April and May as a result of the frequent cold spells,meteorologists predicted. The areas affected by the sandstorms in March 2010:
2023-07-19 17:13:171


关于天气的英语单词有:1、动词:rain 下雨;snow 下雪;shine 照耀;blow 刮风;thunder 打雷2、形容词:rainy 下雨的;sunny 晴朗的;windy 有风的;foggy 有雾的;stormy 暴风雨的snowy 下雪的;cloudy 阴天的3、名词:rain 雨;snow 雪;sun 太阳;wind 风;cloud 云;storm 暴雨 ;haze 霾 ;fog 雾;sandstorm 沙尘暴;shower 阵雨;drizzle 毛毛雨;typhoon 台风;hurricane 飓风
2023-07-19 17:14:001


I come from Inner Mongolia.My hometown suffered from sand storm seriously.sand storm is really terrible:when it comes, the sky will probably turn yellow and in contrast all the lightening bars" color turn into blue.Strong wind will follow, all the people will hurry home.If you 作文No.1 原创作文 stand in the wind for 3minutes, your hair will need 3time-wash after the disaster! The cause for it is the over-herding,which make the grass land into desert.sand storm can do great harm to the live stock of the farms,it can spread desert and kill cattle,making the traffic disabled,the invisibility let the planes cancelled.What" more, plants in the farmland will be buried,food supply will lose. There are some way to prevent it from happening: Plant grass and tress according to the topography;set limit to herding;search for International backup.Here is a good news for it.China, Korea,Mongolia and Japan will cooperate to father sand storm On May.29, in the conference " International conference of Women and prevention and fathering work for desertification" held in Beijing, the director for sand storm prevention office of State forestry administration, Liu Tuo said that China, Korea, Mongolia and Japan have constituted the general layout for fathering the sand storm in order to meet the harm by it.
2023-07-19 17:14:231


Thehazards,anditsharmsandstormwaygenerallycanbeclassifiedintofourtypes:sandburied,wind,windandatmosphericpollutionenvironment.Duetotheeffectofsand,thewholeeartheveryyeartothedustpersquarekilometer2~200tons.AccordingtotheobservationofthecentralregionanddustcanbewesterlieshandlingtolmillionkilometersoftheHawaiianislands.Thesedustcontainsmanyminerals,andtoxictohumanandlivestock,andcrops,trees,etc,andcancauseharmpeople"seyediseasesandrespiratoryinfections. 1thedesertificationareaofsciencedevelopment.Cultivatethetechnologystrength,perfectingruralmarketsandimprovetechnologyservice,toimprovetheculturaltechnologydesertificationarea.2establishingeffectivepreventiondesertificationinvestmentmechanismandtheoperationmechanismwithpresentsituation. Sandstormtoomuchweshouldprotecttheenvironment
2023-07-19 17:14:332


2023-07-19 17:14:402


唐代王之涣的这首形容沙尘暴的诗句《凉州词》 黄沙直上白云间, 一片孤城万仞山。 羌笛何须怨杨柳, 春风不度玉门关。 译文一 黄河好像从白云间奔流而来,玉门关孤独地耸峙在高山中。 将士何须哀怨那柳树不发芽,春风根本吹不到玉门关外。 译文二 纵目望去,黄河渐行渐远,好像奔流在缭绕的白云中间,就在黄河上游的万仞高山之中,一座孤城玉门关耸峙在那里,显得孤峭冷寂。 何必用羌笛吹起那哀怨的杨柳曲去埋怨春光迟迟不来呢,原来玉门关一带春风是吹不到的啊! 天昏地暗_成语解释 【拼音】:tiān hūn dì àn 【释义】:昏:天黑。天地昏黑无光。形容刮大风时漫天沙土的景象。也比喻政治腐败,社会黑暗。 【出处】:唐·韩愈《龙移》诗:“天昏地黑蛟龙移,雷惊电激雄雌随。” 沙尘暴 (sand duststorm) 是沙暴 (sandstorm) 和尘暴 (duststorm) 两者兼有的总称,是指强风把地面大量沙尘物质吹起并卷入空中,使空气特别混浊,水平能见度小于一千米的严重风沙天气现象。其中沙暴系指大风把大量沙粒吹入近地层所形成的挟沙风暴;尘暴则是大风把大量尘埃及其他细颗粒物卷入高空所形成的风暴。
2023-07-19 17:14:591


2023-07-19 17:15:092

首字母填空 Have you heard of sandstorm?

Have you heard of sandstorm?It"s a natural disaster.It often happens in the desert.A sandstorm is like_____ a snowstormu3002They both cause a lot of trouble____ for people.In sandstorms,the wind carries the sand____.Sandstorms are different_____ from othe disasters.They come with a warning but other dissasters come without___ any warnings.So when you see that clouds have a dark_____ colour,it means there is going to be a sandstorm.If there is no rain____ for a long time,sandstorms may happen.When there are sandstorms in cities,there will be no planes in the sky______. It would be dangerous_____ for a pilot to fly a plane because he cannot see clearly.There would also be more traffic accidents in the street.The sky is gray and people cannot see very far______.
2023-07-19 17:15:162


沙漠风暴海盗战争破解版v1.16.9类型:飞行射击大小:159.18MB评分:0平台:标签:射击空战第一视角探险沙漠风暴海盗战争sandstormpiratewars可以在电脑上玩吗?下面就由作者为大家带来,沙漠风暴海盗战争电脑版安装教程,希望对大家有所帮助!沙漠风暴海盗战争电脑版安装方法: 1.我们必须安装最新版的安卓模拟器。(本站下载:点击安装本地APK,找到我们已经下载的《沙漠风暴海盗战争》安卓文件开始安装,安装完毕后点击游戏图标就能进入游戏了。3.安装好可以看到沙漠风暴海盗战争的图标,点击沙漠风暴海盗战争的图标就可以进入游戏了
2023-07-19 17:15:241

天气的英文 越多越好 难一点的

一楼的基本正确,按照楼主的追问,雾霾是 haze,龙卷风有三种说法,typhoon(台风),cyclone(飓风)hurricane(旋风),这三个都可以互相替代,只要不是学地理的,一般人不会区别他们
2023-07-19 17:15:322


Sand storm has three elements: wind, sand source and unstable air.
2023-07-19 17:15:403


第一,在北京北部的京津周边地区建立以植树造林为主的生态屏障; 第二,在内蒙古浑善达克中西部地区建起以退耕还林为中心的生态恢复保护带; 第三,在河套和黄沙地区建起以黄灌带和毛乌素沙地为中心的鄂尔多斯生态屏障; 第四,尽快与蒙古国建立长期合作防治沙尘暴的计划框架,设置到蒙古国的保护屏障。
2023-07-19 17:15:503


2023-07-19 17:16:146


翻译就算了,你自己搞下吧A great deal of truth to the proof, wetland degradation is one of the important reasons caused sandstorm stretches 81.3 kilometers, the country"s second largest inland in heihe, Inner Mongolia and gansu provinces in the downstream of large formed the lake wetland and marsh wetland, river formed a ribbon of p. euphratica and willow thickets wetlands. These wetlands are important ecological barrier to adjust regional climate, and has very important for windbreak and sand-fixation role. In the 1950s, west JuYanHai area is about to JuYanHai 267 square kilometers, east area approximately 35 square kilometers. In China"s western region the Euphrates poplar forests with the largest area of death, ecological environment has deteriorated, become one of the cradles of the sandstorm. Be like again, flowing through the tarim river in xinjiang, China"s central first, the world"s second-largest 1321 kilometers inland, the span, the 4th century LuoBuBo rear wing lakes in the water when still have about 2 million square kilometers, the beginning of the 20th century the water and more than 1,000 square kilometers. Ethnics-people of the tarim river area in 1958, the tarim river basin has the Euphrates poplar forests 7.8 million acres, now have been reduced to 420 million acres. With the Euphrates poplar forests of factors, desertification area of tarim river basin from 66 percent rise to 84%, causing the taklamakan desert LuoBuBo completely in the birthplace of dried up, and become sandstorm. In the northern sichuan province, and"70s zoige grassland load for improving the utilization ratio and pasture flocks, located in some places in zoige plateau swamp wetland open ditch water, causing the ground water levels fall, soil harden sclerosis and quickly to desertification transition. Located in the arid and semi-arid area wetland ecosystem, formation and development speed is slow, ecological status was very fragile, once the destruction, it is difficult to recover. After long-term natural succession in rainfall, runoff wetland, wind and other natural power and, under the action of many tiny dust deposited, has become a huge ShaYuanDe. As is known to all, wetland has not only the rich resources, there is a huge environment regulating function and ecological benefits. Various types of wetland in protecting biodiversity, maintain freshwater resources, adjusting the climate, desertification, such as the degradation of pollutants play a huge ecological functions. In China"s western region numerous rivers, lakes and swamps, give full play to the protection of water resources, improving the wetland regional climate, prevention of soil erosion and resist the important role of the sandstorm, etc. Therefore, desertification, improve the western regional ecosystem wetland protection, must work shall be treated as important.
2023-07-19 17:16:482

帮我写 How do sandstorms come into being,的英语作文,谢谢

the surface of the earth is easy to be blowing dust and sand, but due to lose move large particle size, is formed not easily movable (suspension movement, it is small particle material guarantee to lose the necessary conditions of long distance move), and therefore can not move long lost, this is far from the dust in the dust and rare only micrometeorology main reason. If the wind last time is very long, form the dust suspended loads can be transported to a very far place, through which areas will appear sandstorm; When the winds weaken to certain degree, floating dust will the landing, the dust weather will appear. If the precipitation, can form the so-called "NiYu".The formation process from the four conditions look, the loess plateau and vast desert and by the destruction of the human factors in the process of desertification is in the land of the north, at the end of the spring farming land and in the construction process of infrastructure (such as high speed road, etc.) for the dust storm occurrence providing full source material; And the spring drought in the north, and the likelihood of the sandstorm strengthened; The winds generated is a complex phenomenon, mainly is the cold air activities or to the circulation of the regulatory role longitude results. This shows the generation of sandstorm is DuoZhong complex factors results of human activity on the natural world to disruption of the desertification intensifies, dust storms happen to have an important role, and in recent years the global drought (the cause isn"t yet known) abnormal weather phenomenon also to the dust storm occurrence have played an important role. So that human activities for the generation of dust storms only play a role, and can"t say dust storms are caused by human factors.
2023-07-19 17:16:591


The moral of the sandstorm
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2023-07-19 17:17:383

terrible sandstorm

新年快乐~O(∩_∩)O~ What a terrible sandstorm it is!
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