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2023-07-19 21:08:13
TAG: io os 单机




2、拳击俱乐部Punch Free Club;


Punch Club 是一款具备多条故事线索的拳击大亨管理游戏。你的目标非常明确,但实现方式取决于你希望正当地提高游戏排名还是选择更荒谬、阴险的方式。

3、王国保卫战:起源Kingdom Rush Origins


《王国保卫战:起源 Kingdom Rush Origins》是由乌拉圭 Ironhide 工作室制作的塔防神作《王国保卫战》的续作。游戏背景可能是在“黑暗密林”中的“神秘而紧张”的战斗,其次游戏将拥有全新的世界设定,新的种族以及恶魔,玩法上也将有所创新和突破。绝对是值得一玩的塔防神作。

4、异形2Anomaly 2


Anomaly 2是广受好评的异常战区地球的续集。保持原始的核心元素,异常2增加了新的功能,以单人战役,最后把你的技能,在一个完全独特的经验:动态塔防御与塔进攻多人模式!








意思是 服务器
2023-07-19 15:03:213

is severed和is being severe有什么区别?

is severed和is being severe区别,is severed一般现在时态的被动语态is being severe现在进行时态的被动语态
2023-07-19 15:03:291

severed head什么意思

Severed Head :表演者,首级 1.The common subjects in this period include incomplete bodies, yellow severed head, twisted human figures, and white cloth that symbolizes martyrdom and sacrifice. 这个时期的画面常出现的意象︰不完整的肢体、黄色的断头、扭曲的人像、象徵殉道、牺牲的白布。2.When the severed head landed at his feet, he saw its faceplate suddenly explode. 当头颅滚落到路克脚下时,黑勋爵的头盔突然爆开。
2023-07-19 15:03:371

I severed the man who was wearing a hat

MANAGER: Did you serve this gentleman half an hour ago,caroline? CAROLINE: I can"t remember.THE man who I severd was wearing a hat. 我将其拆分成 两句话 1. I served the man。2.The man was wearing a hat.将句子改成 I severed the man who was wearing a hat.和原句还是一个意思的。仅仅只是先后的次序问题。---------------------------同样的例子还有:MANAGER:Which books did you buy? CUSTOMER: I bought(原课文中没有,讲解说省略了)The books which are on the counter. 拆分为:1.I bought the books.2.The books are on the counter.我将句子改成The books which i bought are on the counter.是和原句还是一个意思。只是 说话的人 重点 放在 哪一个 的意思 上。仅仅是 先后的次序。
2023-07-19 15:03:452


遗珍是游戏里的强力道具,能为玩家们提供许多帮助,下面我们就为大家带来群星遗珍代码有哪些的介绍,感兴趣的玩家快来看看吧!遗珍代码大全add_relic 遗珍代码add_relic all 添加全部遗珍遗珍 代码泽洛魂石 add_relic r_zro_crystal有机全典 add_relic r_omnicodex最后的巴奥 add_relic r_the_last_baol女猎手之刃 add_relic r_ancient_sword扎克兰的头颅 add_relic r_severed_head银河之星 add_relic r_galatron微缩宇宙 add_relic r_galaxy索林原虫虫后 add_relic r_prethoryn_queen碎片整理器 add_relic r_the_defragmentor异次元术士 add_relic r_unbidden_warlock独立的肃正核心 add_relic r_contingency_core时虫之鳞 add_relic r_worm_scales可汗王座 add_relic r_khans_throne赛博勒克斯兵工厂 add_relic r_war_forge沃陶姆现实透孔仪 add_relic r_reality_perforator尤特 add_relic r_cryo_core贾沃珍 add_relic r_pox_sample勘探器 add_relic r_surveyor以太巨龙战利品 add_relic r_dragon_trophy誊录仪 add_relic r_rubricator
2023-07-19 15:04:251

if i die young的中文歌词

If I die young bury me in satin如果我年轻时死了,把我埋在缎中Lay me down on a bed of roses让我躺在满是玫瑰的床上Sink me in the river at dawn让我黎明时沉在河水中Send me away with the words of a love song让情歌中的词句将我带走oh oh oh ohLord make me a rainbow, I"ll shine down on my mother上帝把我变成彩虹,我会照耀我的母亲She"ll know I"m safe with you when she stands under my colors, oh and当她站在我散发的颜色里,她会知道我很安全Life ain"t always what you think it ought to be, no生活不总像你认为的那样 Ain"t even grey, but she buries her baby 甚至是灰色的,但是她埋葬了她的孩子The sharp knife of a short life, well锋利的刀的短暂的生命I"ve had just enough time我有足够的时间If I die young bury me in satin如果我年轻时死了,把我埋在缎中Lay me down on a bed of roses让我躺在满是玫瑰的床上Sink me in the river at dawn让我黎明时沉在河水中Send me away with the words of a love song让情歌中的词句将我带走oh oh oh ohThe sharp knife of a short life, well锋利的刀的短暂的生命I"ve had just enough time我有足够的时间And I"ll be wearing white when I come into your kingdom我穿着白色的衣服走进你的王国I"m as green as the ring on my little cold finger我就像我冰冷的手指上的戒指一样绿I"ve never known the lovin" of a man我从来没有听说过一个人的真爱But it sure felt nice when he was holding my hand但确实感觉很好,当他握着我的手There"s a boy here in town says he"ll love my forever有一个男孩在说他会永远爱我Who would have thought forever could be severed by谁曾想到永远会断绝了The sharp knife of a short life, well锋利的刀的短暂的生命I"ve had just enough time 我有足够的时间So put on your best boys and I"ll wear my pearls所以穿上你最好的,我将会戴上我的珍珠What I never did is done我从来没有完成他A penny for my thoughts, oh no I"ll sell them for a dollar 对于我的想法,一分钱,哦不,我会卖掉一美元*They"re* worth so much more after I"m a goner他们在我离开后会更有价值And maybe then you"ll *hear* the words I been singin" 也许你会听到我在歌唱Funny when your dead how people start listenin"当你死后人们开始听是多么的有趣If I die young bury me in satin 如果我年轻时死了,把我埋在缎中 Lay me down on a bed of roses 让我躺在满是玫瑰的床上 Sink me in the river at dawn 让我黎明时沉在河水中 Send me away with the words of a love song 让情歌中的词句将我带走 oh oh oh oh The ballad of a dove 鸽子的歌声Go with peace and love带着和平和爱离开Gather up your tears, keep ‘em in your pocket收拾你的泪水,把它们放在你的口袋里Save them for a time when your really gonna need them oh拯救他们的时候,你的真正需要他们The sharp knife of a short life, well 锋利的刀的短暂的生命 I"ve had just enough time 我有足够的时间 So put on your best boys and I"ll wear my pearls所以穿上你最好的,我将会戴上我的珍珠
2023-07-19 15:04:452


1、前降支(LAD):走行于前室间沟。起自左主干。2、后降支(PDA):走行于后室间沟。94%起自右冠状动脉,6%起自左旋支。3、左旋支(LCx):走行于左冠状沟。起自左主干。4、右冠脉(RCA):走行于右冠状沟。起自主动脉窦(正常为右前窦)。5、左室前支:分布于左心室前面。一般为细小的分支,部分起自前降支,部分起自左旋支。6、左室后支(PLV):分布于左室后面。为右旋支的分支(或延续)。7、右室前支:分布于右室前面。大部分起自右冠状动脉,小部分起自前降支。8、锐缘支(AM):走行于心脏锐缘。起自右冠状动脉。9、钝缘支(OM):走行于心脏钝缘。起自左旋支。扩展资料:其他缩写:1、脑卒中(stroke):又称脑血管意外(cerebral vascular accident,CVA)是指急性起病,症状持续时间至少24小时,由脑局部血液循环障碍所致的神经功能缺损综合征。2、颅脑损伤(traumatic brain injury,TBI):被定义为“由外力导致脑功能发生改变或者出现脑病理学变化迹象”,即指由于头部受到钝力或锐器作用力后出现脑部功能的改变,如思维混乱、意识水平的改变、癫痫发作、昏迷、局部感觉或运动神经功能的缺损。3、脊髓损伤(spinal cord injury,SCI):是指由外伤、疾病等不同原因引起的脊髓结构和功能损害,导致损伤平面以下运动、感觉、大小便、自主神经功能的障碍,是一种严重的致残性疾病。参考资料:百度百科-冠状动脉
2023-07-19 15:04:522


  事故一般是指造成死亡、疾病、伤害、损坏或者其他损失的意外情况。那么你知道事故用英语怎么说吗?下面跟着我一起来学习一下吧。   事故的英语说法1:   accident   事故的英语说法2:   malfunction   事故的相关 短语 :   bring about an accident;   造成事故   cut down accident;   减少事故   provide against accidents;   预防事故   traffic accident;   交通事故   事故的英语例句:   1. Captain Cook safely navigated his ship without accident for 100 voyages.   库克船长驾驶的船安全出航100次无事故。   2. Accidents are still the number one cause of premature death for Americans.   交通事故仍然是造成美国人过早死亡的头号因素。   3. A wall collapsed and 39 people, were killed in the panic-stricken stampede.   一堵墙倒了,慌乱中有39人死于踩踏事故。   4. The collision took place in the busiest shipping lanes in the world.   撞船事故发生在全世界最繁忙的航道上。   5. He was near to death after a car smash.   他差点在一场撞车事故中丧命。   6. There were also several accidents mainly caused by engine failures on take-off.   还有几次事故主要是起飞时引擎出现故障造成的。   7. Many motor accidents are the result of unthinkingly mixing speed and alcohol.   许多机动车事故都是不计后果地酒后开快车造成的。   8. The accident happened on a notorious black spot on the A43.   事故发生在A43号公路上一个出了名的事故多发地段。   9. We are working on the assumption that it was a gas explosion.   我们假设这是一场燃气爆炸事故。   10. The incident brings the total of people killed to fifteen.   这次事故使死亡总人数达到15人。   11. The accident is already shaping up as a significant environmental disaster.   这次事故已经造成严重的环境灾难。   12. The accident again raises questions about the safety of the plant.   这起事故再一次引发了人们对于工厂安全性的质疑。   13. Weir broke his leg in a freak accident playing golf.   韦尔因为一次打高尔夫时发生的离奇事故折断了腿。   14. Richardson severed his right foot in a motorbike accident.   理查森在一次摩托车事故中失去了他的右脚。   15. What would he tell his parents if he had a wreck?   如果他出了事故,他怎么向他的父母交代?
2023-07-19 15:05:081


分裂的英文是:split1、Atomic hydrogen was formed as a breakup product of the ions .作为这两种离子分裂的产物,形成了原子状态的氢。2、A disunited nation has to incur unduly high costs of government .一个分裂的国家必须担负起过度高昂的政府费用。3、I consider that, in view of the constitution and the laws, the union is unbroken .从宪法与法律上看,我认为这一联合是不可分裂的。4、The time at which the two reductive divisions occur is not necessarily coincident to the time of ovulation .两次减数分裂的时间不一定与排卵时间相一致。5、Before the 19th century, a suspicious and fragmented world relied on real commodities as its money .在十九世纪以前,互不信任和分裂的世界依靠实际商品作为它的货币。6、Production of yolk in the egg supplies the necessary fuel for the first few rounds of division of the zygote .为了合子头几次分裂的需要,卵的卵黄产物提供必要的能量。7、We have seen how in 1649 there occurred the first grand division in the protestant movement in england .我们已经看到,1649年英国的新教运动是如何发生第一次大分裂的。8、The severed fluid may form a drop or may form an unstable ligament which will later break up into drops .分裂的流体可以形成液滴,或者形成不稳定的液带,随后破裂成液滴。9、The process of mitosis is dynamic and continuous but is subdivided into phases to facilitate its study .丝分裂的过程实际上是机能上连续不断的,为了便于研究,通常把它分为几期。
2023-07-19 15:05:151


1、前降支(LAD):走行于前室间沟。起自左主干。2、后降支(PDA):走行于后室间沟。94%起自右冠状动脉,6%起自左旋支。3、左旋支(LCx):走行于左冠状沟。起自左主干。4、右冠脉(RCA):走行于右冠状沟。起自主动脉窦(正常为右前窦)。5、左室前支:分布于左心室前面。一般为细小的分支,部分起自前降支,部分起自左旋支。6、左室后支(PLV):分布于左室后面。为右旋支的分支(或延续)。7、右室前支:分布于右室前面。大部分起自右冠状动脉,小部分起自前降支。8、锐缘支(AM):走行于心脏锐缘。起自右冠状动脉。9、钝缘支(OM):走行于心脏钝缘。起自左旋支。扩展资料:其他缩写:1、脑卒中(stroke):又称脑血管意外(cerebral vascular accident,CVA)是指急性起病,症状持续时间至少24小时,由脑局部血液循环障碍所致的神经功能缺损综合征。2、颅脑损伤(traumatic brain injury,TBI):被定义为“由外力导致脑功能发生改变或者出现脑病理学变化迹象”,即指由于头部受到钝力或锐器作用力后出现脑部功能的改变,如思维混乱、意识水平的改变、癫痫发作、昏迷、局部感觉或运动神经功能的缺损。3、脊髓损伤(spinal cord injury,SCI):是指由外伤、疾病等不同原因引起的脊髓结构和功能损害,导致损伤平面以下运动、感觉、大小便、自主神经功能的障碍,是一种严重的致残性疾病。参考资料:百度百科-冠状动脉
2023-07-19 15:05:398


 accident的用法:accident的用法1:accident的基本含义是“意外遭遇”,即缺乏主观动机的不测事件,多用于交通事故。accident一般会造成损伤,其损伤程度的范围很大,譬如交通事故,可以是机毁人亡,也可以是遍体鳞伤,还可以是仅伤皮毛,当然也可以安然无恙。accident的用法2:accident还可以表示事先没有预料到的“意外”,即“偶然发生的事”,可以是好事,也可以是坏事,还可以是无所谓好也无所谓坏的事。accident的用法3:表示“某人遭遇不幸或事故”时接介词to或with; 表示“某物遭遇不幸或事故”时接to。accident的用法4:注意accident的拼写及读音——双写cc,读作[ks]。accident的用法5:accident有时可用于委婉说法。例如:She had an accident.她未婚先孕。accident的常用 短语 :用作名词 (n.)by accidentby accident ofin an accidentmeet with an accidentwithout accidentaccident的用法例句:1. Captain Cook safely navigated his ship without accident for 100 voyages.库克船长驾驶的船安全出航100次无事故。2. Through some unfortunate accident, the information reached me a day late.由于发生了不幸的意外,我知道消息的时候已经晚了一天。3. The police say his death was an accident, officially at least.警方说他的死是个意外,起码官方消息如此。4. The accident happened on a notorious black spot on the A43.事故发生在A43号公路上一个出了名的事故多发地段。5. The police say the killing of the young man was an accident.警方说这个年轻人被杀是一个意外。6. His middle son died in a drowning accident five years back.他排行居中的那个儿子5年前意外溺水身亡。7. The accident is already shaping up as a significant environmental disaster.这次事故已经造成严重的环境灾难。8. The accident again raises questions about the safety of the plant.这起事故再一次引发了人们对于工厂安全性的质疑。9. Weir broke his leg in a freak accident playing golf.韦尔因为一次打高尔夫时发生的离奇事故折断了腿。10. Whether by design or accident his timing was perfect.不管是计划好的还是巧合,他对时机的把握堪称完美。11. Richardson severed his right foot in a motorbike accident.理查森在一次摩托车事故中失去了他的右脚。12. It"s not clear whether the incident was an accident or deliberate.还不清楚这起事件是意外还是蓄意所为。13. Steve had told her that he"dbeen in an accident on Wednesday night.史蒂夫已经告诉过她自己周三晚上出了事故。14. She thought the shooting might have been an accident.她想这次枪击可能是一次意外。15. The accident was caused by people slowing down to rubber-neck.事故是由为了看热闹而减速的人引起的。
2023-07-19 15:06:161

エスケープ 歌词

歌曲名:エスケープ歌手:bump.y专辑:COSMOの瞳「エスケープ」作词∶サイトウアカリ作曲∶Ma, Kyung Sik歌∶bump.y现在形 过去形 进行形意味わからない マジわからない现代文 微分 积分 头がクラクラ日本史 世界史 难しい覚えきれない 间に合わない教科书 参考书 単语帐 见てるとウトウトなぜ普段の夜には 夜更かしするのにテストの直前は 眠くなるの?パジャマになって 现実逃避梦の中へ go go go明日の朝 起きてやるわ出来るはずが nai nai nai大人になって 役に立つの?数学なんて why why whyパジャマのまま电车に乗って逃げ出したい bye bye bye恋爱中 募集中 失恋中意味わからない マジわからないその気? 本気? 浮気? 头がグルグル爱しい 寂しい テレパシー本音はどうよ 私ってどうよ一周间 一ヶ月 一光年いつまで待たすの?なぜ试験の前には あんなに眠くてあなたを思う时 眠れないの?パジャマになって あなたに会いに梦の中へ go go go问いつめるわ どうよ? do you love me?出来るはずが nai nai naiそんな时は パジャマでトーク亲友たちと all night long一晩だって 足りないほどぴーちくぱーちく talk talk talk终わり
2023-07-19 15:07:022

If I die young 中英歌词

"If I die young bury me in satin"出自《If I die young》。《If I Die Young》演唱:The Band Perry 歌词:如果我年轻时死了,把我埋在缎中让我躺在满是玫10f8瑰的床上让我黎明时沉在河水中让情歌中的词句将我带走上帝把我变成彩虹,我会照耀我的母亲当她站在我散发的颜色里,她会知道我很安全生活不总像你认为的那样甚至是灰色的,但是她埋葬了她的孩子锋利的刀的短暂的生命我有足够的时间如果我年轻时死了,把我埋在缎中让我躺在满是玫瑰的床上让我黎明时沉在河水中让情歌中的词句将我带走锋利的刀的短暂的生命我有足够的时间我穿着白色的衣服走进你的王国我就像我冰冷的手指上的戒指一样绿我从来没有听说过一个人的真爱但确实感觉很好,当他握着我的手有一个男孩在说他会永远爱我谁曾想到永远会断绝了锋利的刀的短暂的生命我有足够的时间所以穿上你最好的,我将会戴上我的珍珠我从来没有完成他对于我的想法,一分钱,哦不,我会卖掉一美元他们在我离开后会更有价值也许你会听到我在歌唱当你死后人们开始听是多么的有趣如果我年轻时死了,把我埋在缎中让我躺在满是玫瑰的床上让我黎明时沉在河水中让情歌中的词句将我带走鸽子的歌声带着和平和爱离开收拾你的泪水,把它们放在你的口袋里拯救他们的时候,你的真正需要他们锋利的刀的短暂的生命我有足够的时间所以穿上你最好的,我将会戴上我的珍珠
2023-07-19 15:07:193

father in law是什么意思

2023-07-19 15:07:513


2023-07-19 15:08:192


2023-07-19 15:08:438

There were two small rooms in the house, ( )severed as a kitchen. A the swhich B the smalmaller of

是one of two rooms所以要有of
2023-07-19 15:09:103


Master of MordorOne has walked in Mordor. 解锁全部奖杯这个没任何好说You Will ObeyMake an uruk yours. 奴役一个urukRatbag the Great and PowerfulGet Ratbag promoted to Warchief. 将一个ratbag晋升为warchiefThe Bright MasterDiscover some of the Wraith"s past. 挖掘到一些wraith的过去Gorthaur the CruelDestroy the Monument Gate and topple the statue of Sauron. 破坏纪念碑大门和sauron的雕塑The Hammer FallsKill The Hammer. 杀死hammerBeyond HopeSave Lithariel"s life. 拯救litharielThe White WizardLift Lady Marwen"s curse. 解除marwen夫人的诅咒For My BrotherKill the Great White Graug. 杀死great white graugThe Tower CrumblesKill The Tower. 杀死the towerThe Hand is SeveredKill The Black Hand. 杀死the black handTo Rule them AllWitness the creation of The Rings of Power. 目睹权利之戒的诞生以上难度0,主线获得Height of DespairUse Strike From Above while at least 60 feet above your target. 从至少60英尺以上的高空袭击你的目标你的塔高度就可以了,引怪过来R2+□就获得了,难度1Burning VengeancePerform an Execution on a flaming Berserker. 对一个火焰狂战士行刑需要后期tier5的double charge、tier4的fire arrow,砍几刀充能之后对着狂战士(就是那个不能平砍,平砍会被反击拿双斧的怪)L2+R1然后△+○,难度1And it Burns, Burns, BurnsUse the Detonate ability to burn 50 uruks. 使用爆炸能力点燃50个uruk难度0,随进度必然解锁,除非你永远不射火堆Iron of DeathIssue a Death Threat, and then successfully kill the target. 放出死亡威胁,之后成功地杀死你的目标tier4的Death Threat允许你dominate敌人之后对其他已知敌人发出警告,被警告的敌人会携带一队小兵出场,warchief极大几率掉传奇符文,难度1A New MasterBrand a Captain while in combat. 在一场战争中标记一名队长难度1,把队长级敌人打绿了抓住精神控制就行了No Power in NumbersHelp a Captain survive a Recruitment Power Struggle, and then kill him and all his new recruits. 帮助一名队长在新兵招募中存活下来,之后杀死他和他招募的所有新兵用弓射击黄色目标,注意爆头不会被发现,难度2Black CelebrationPoison a Captain at his own Feast. 在一场由队长举办的宴会中毒杀该队长地图上有Feast任务,潜行过去下个毒等一会一群2货就欢天喜地的去吃被你下毒的东西了,难度1Stinking RebelsBrand 5 Bodyguards of a Warchief, turning them against him in combat. 标记一名酋长的5名护卫并使他们对其反目成仇这个不难,但是很费时间,控制5个第二排敌人然后让他们投效一个warchief,然后去打这个warchief把它叫出来之后按上方向键就ok了,难度3A Graug"s HeelCapitalize on a Warchief"s Fear. 利用酋长的恐惧触发一个warchief的fear,这个需要在图表里看,利用弱点,有的怕火、有的怕caragor,看到直接变绿,难度2Divide and ConquerEliminate the bodyguards of two Warchiefs, then draw them out and kill them. 杀死两名酋长的护卫杀两个warchief的护卫队长,难度只在战斗上,难度2Lord and MasterBrand all 5 Warchiefs. 标记全部5名酋长没难度,费时间,不论是直接控制warchief还是帮你控制的兽人篡位都一样,难度2Power VacuumKill all 5 Warchiefs before any uruk take their place. 在uruk篡权之前杀死全部5名酋长做完上一个奖杯正好全杀了,地图上有召唤他们的任务触发点,召出来杀了就是,注意不要在快速移动时按△小心有新的兽人登位,难度0Rise and FallAfter an uruk kills you to become a Captain, help him become a Warchief, then kill him. 在一个uruk通过杀死你晋升为队长后,帮助他晋升为酋长,之后杀了他送死一次,找到他控制之,挑战warchief,再干掉他,很折腾而已,不过也许不知不觉就和上面的奖杯一起完成了,难度2The Spirit of MordorStart a Riot by commanding a Warchief to attack another Warchief. 使两名酋长反目难度1,控制到一个warchief之后让他攻击另一个warchief就可以了The White RiderLiberate 30 slaves in 180 seconds while riding a caragor. 骑着caragor在180秒内解放30个奴隶很恶心的奖杯,相当看RP,做这个奖杯我跑了30分钟,骑着caragor在地图上乱跑,看到白色小三角就是奴隶了,跑过去杀了他们旁边的一两个兽人他们就走了,用弓比用砍+咬咬快,难度5UnleashedFree 5 caragors from cages. 解放5个被关在笼子里的caragor难度1,随便就解了Jaws of DeathAttract caragors with bait 5 times. 通过咬caragor5次来吸引其注意难度1,骑了caragor咬别的几次就跳了Fly you fools!Make 20 uruks flee by dropping Morgai Fly nests. 通过释放morgai虫巢驱散20名uruk难度2,触发烽火之后茫茫多的兽人,找个虫巢一箭即跳Repaid in BloodComplete a Vendetta Mission. 完成一次复仇任务难度1,不解释Legend of VengeanceComplete a Sword Mission and begin growing the legend of Urfael. 完成一个剑的任务来逐步成长为剑术达人Fire of JusticeComplete all Urfael Legend Missions. 完成所有剑术达人任务Legend of ShadowComplete a Dagger Mission and begin growing the legend of Acharn. 完成一个小刀的任务来逐步成长为刺杀达人The Last ShadowComplete all Acharn Legend Missions. 完成所有刺杀达人任务Legend of the MakerComplete a Bow Mission and begin growing the legend of Azkar. 完成一个弓的任务来逐步成长为射术达人The Maker"s BowComplete all Azkar Legend Missions. 完成所有射术达人任务The Cold LightUnlock 3 Sword Rune slots. 解锁三个剑的符文槽Paid in BloodUnlock 4 Dagger Rune slots. 解锁4个小刀的符文槽Strike TrueUnlock 2 Bow Rune slots. 解锁两个弓的符文槽以上都没有难度,只是很杀时间,随着游戏进度慢慢就解了,当然你要一直不做支线拖到最后一起做嫌多我也没办法A Mighty DoomAcquire a level 25 Rune. 获得一个25级符文最难的一个奖杯,条件warchief+2、death threat+1、fear/hate exploited+1、knowing weaknesses+1Crowned with Living LightCollect 50% of the Ithildin. 获得50%的秘银Bearer of the Shining LampCollect 100% of the Ithildin. 获得100%的秘银Paths of the DeadCollect 25% of the Artifacts. 获得25%的宝物Shadows of the Ancient PastCollect 100% of the Artifacts and listen to their memories. 获得100%的宝物并聆听他们的记忆Scout of the MorannonSuccessfully complete a Survivalist Challenge. 成功完成一次生存挑战Ranger of IthilienComplete all Survivalist Challenges. 完成所有生存挑战The Free FolkComplete an Outcast Rescue Mission. 完成一次放逐者拯救任务LiberatorComplete all Outcast Rescue Missions. 完成所有放逐者拯救任务以上都没有难度,只是很杀时间,随着游戏进度慢慢就解了,当然你要一直不做支线拖到最后一起做嫌多我也没办法,artifacts注意拿到一个就转动下把记忆解了,总览里没有是否解除的提示,生存挑战要求的药草可以在地图左上看本地区有什么种类的药草,最烦的是拯救有24个,真是救的手疼Thrill of the HuntSuccessfully complete 4 Hunting Challenges. 成功完成4个狩猎挑战Master of the WildsComplete all Hunting Challenges. 完成所有狩猎挑战难度4,最好做到第6阶段再去推进主线,7阶段之后的稀有怪在主线都是必出的,如果之前就做了想完成就只能看脸了,我为了杀7~10阶段这几个怪跑了差不多有一个小时,去哪里找可以看ign的:点击进入Memories of EregionActivate all Forge Towers. 激活所有锻造塔难度3,为了开传送点,其实是必跳的吧?
2023-07-19 15:09:251

英文翻译 离职证明

Demission certificateThis is to certify that the former employee ______ , (Identity card: _________________) terninated the contract with our company on _____________, and have finished the demission procedure already.Demission department: _______________HR(human resource department)/ General manager office __________________
2023-07-19 15:09:412

Never before has it served so much to connect dif

2023-07-19 15:10:021

be severed with 和 serve for 分别是什么意思?

be severed with 盛放着……东西serve for 用来盛放注意语态就不难理解
2023-07-19 15:10:101

This Joke Sport Severed 歌词

歌曲名:This Joke Sport Severed歌手:Manic Street Preachers专辑:Journal For Plague Loversnic.泽西Loose and guilty and whippedSterility prosecutes and I have plentyBruised and nailed and quitsMerciful and mourned and meekJealousy sows rejection with a kissIn silken palms that tear bone from skinThis joke sport severedI endeavouredTo find a place whereI became untetheredThis joke sport severedI endeavouredTo find a place wherI became untetheredJealousy soaks rejection with a kissIn silken palms that tear bone from skinThis joke sport severedI endeavouredTo find a place whereI became untethered
2023-07-19 15:10:171

severed lips 歌词

歌曲名:severed lips歌手:dinosaur jr专辑:dinosaurI wanna help youI sense you"re riding pretty lowI got the feelingWhen your hair hits the ceilingSomething, babeYou oughta knowI won"t cry if you walk byBut if we both kind of stumbleMaybe i"ll say hiThat"s my bestI never try that muchDinosaur Jr."cause i"m scared of feelingThat appealing touchYou gotta get throughMy maze and pass every test"cause i"m choosin" one loveTattooed across my chestKnow the time has comeI ain"t gonna fester no moreLet the world be freeOf my diseaseI never knew a rubber dollWould be so hard to pleaseOne last burst before i retractNo one will know"til i finally let goOf the one thingI ain"t never going to give backI want to help youBaby can"t you seeYou"re better than my pillow"cause you don"t stain so easilyYou know it"s hardJust to finally let goAnd leave all the pictures behindHope i brought you some happinessI believe i just had to get on"cause just wasn"t a worldI wished to need to find
2023-07-19 15:10:591


2023-07-19 15:11:061

if i die young 是什么意思

The sharp knife of a short life, well 这一句应该是“生命如此短暂” I"ve had just enough time 我已经足够
2023-07-19 15:11:165

If I Die Young 歌词

歌曲名:If I Die Young歌手:The Band Perry专辑:Promo Only Country Radio July 2010The Band Perry - If I Die YoungIf I die young bury me in satinLay me down on a bed of rosesSink me in the river at dawnSend me away with the words of a love songoh oh oh ohLord make me a rainbow, I"ll shine down on my motherShe"ll know I"m safe with youWhen she stands under my colorsOh and life ain"t always what you think it ought to be, noAin"t even grey, but she buries her babyThe sharp knife of a short life, wellI"ve had just enough timeIf I die young bury me in satinLay me down on a bed of rosesSink me in the river at dawnSend me away with the words of a love songThe sharp knife of a short life, wellI"ve had just enough timeAnd I"ll be wearing white when I come into your kingdomI"m as green as the ring on my little cold fingerI"ve never known the lovin" of a manBut it sure felt nice when he was holding my handThere"s a boy here in town says he"ll love me foreverWho would have thought forever could be severed byThe sharp knife of a short life, wellI"ve had just enough timeSo put on your best boys and I"ll wear my pearlsWhat I never did is doneA penny for my thoughts, oh no I"ll sell them for a dollarThey"re worth so much more after I"m a gonerAnd maybe then you"ll hear the words I been singin"Funny when you"re dead how people start listenin"If I die young bury me in satinLay me down on a bed of rosesSink me in the river at dawnSend me away with the words of a love songOh ohThe ballad of a doveGo with peace and loveGather up your tears, keep "em in your pocketSave them for a time when your really gonna need "em ohThe sharp knife of a short life, wellI"ve had just enough timeSo put on your best boys and I"ll wear my pearls
2023-07-19 15:11:421

战车的《Das Model》 歌词

歌曲名:Das Model歌手:战车专辑:MegaMixOK, Im going to attempt to drown myselfYou can try this at homeYou can be just like me!Mic check one two.. we recordin?Im cancerous, so when I diss you wouldnt wanna answer thisIf you responded back with a battle rap you wrote for CanibusI strangled you to death then I choked you againThen break your fuckin legs till your bones poke through your skinYou beef wit me, Ima even the score equallyTake you on Jerry Springer, and beat yer ass legallyI get you blunted off of funny home grownCause when I smoke out I hit the trees harder than Sonny Bono(Ohh no!!) So if I said I never did drugsThat would mean I lie AND get fucked more than the President doesHillary Clinton tried to slap me and call me a pervertI ripped her fuckin tonsils out and fed her sherbet (Bitch!)My nerves hurt, and lately Im on edgeGrabbed Vanilla Ice and ripped out his blonde dreads (Fuck you!)Every girl I ever went out wit is goin lezFollow me and do exactly what the song says:smoke weed, take pills, drop outta school, kill people and drinkAnd jump behind the wheel like it was still legalIm dumb enough to walk in a store and stealSo Im dumb enough to ask for a date with Lauryn HillSome people only see that Im white, ignorin skillCause I stand out like a green hat with a orange billBut I dont get pissed, yall dont even see through the mistHow the fuck can I be white, I dont even existI get a clean shave, bathe, go to a raveDie from an overdose and dig myself up out of my graveMy middle finger wont go down, how do I wave?And this is how Im supposed to teach kids how to behave?Now follow me and do exactly what you seeDont you wanna grow up to be just like me!I slap women and eat shrooms then O.D.Now dont you wanna grow up to be just like me!Me and Marcus Allen went over to see NicoleWhen we heard a knock at the door, must have been Ron GoldJumped behind the door, put the orgy on holdKilled em both and smeared blood in a white Bronco (we did it!)My mind wont work if my spine dont jerkI slapped Garth Brooks out of his Rhinestone shirtIm not a player just a ill rhyme sayerThatll spray an Aerosol can up at the ozone layer (psssssssh)My rap styles warped, Im runnin out the morguewitcha dead grandmothers corpse to throw it on your porchJumped in a Chickenhawk cartoon wit a cape onAnd beat up Foghorn Leghorn with an acornIm bout as normal as Norman Bates, with deformative traitsA premature birth that was four minutes lateMother.. are you there? I love youI never meant to hit you over the head with that shovelWill someone explain to my brain that I just severeda main vein with a chainsaw and Im in pain?I take a breather and sighed; either Im high, or Im nutsCause if you aint tiltin this room, neither am ISo when you see your mom with a thermometer shoved in her assThen it probably is obvious I got it on with herCause when I drop this solo shit its over withI bought Cages tape, opened it, and dubbed over itI came to the club drunk with a fake IDDont you wanna grow up to be just like me!Ive been with 10 women who got HIVNow dont you wanna grow up to be just like me!I got genital warts and it burns when I peeDont you wanna grow up to be just like me!I tie a rope around my penis and jump from a treeYou probably wanna grow up to be just like me!!!
2023-07-19 15:11:491

No Love Lost 歌词

歌曲名:No Love Lost歌手:LCD Soundsystem专辑:All My FriendsCarcass 尸体 - No love lost 无爱可失Sensual awakeningNumbing feeling"s deadConception"s romanticisedSynthesized broken heart"s to bledWithout emotion you heartstring"s playedStrummed and severed to the tune of a tragic serenadeA tragic chorusWithout emotion, your heartstrings breakSnapped and severed to the tune of a tragic, sad clicheNo love lostWhen all is said and doneThere"s no love lostThe low cost of lovingAmorous travestyHuman frailties and weakness are easy preyHow your poor heart will bleedWithout emotion, your heartstrings breakSnapped and severed to the tune of a tragic, sad clicheNo love lostWhen all is said and doneThere"s no love lostNo love lostWhen all is said and doneThere"s no love lostNo love lostWhen all is said and doneThere"s no love lost
2023-07-19 15:11:561

Dead Presidents 中文歌词

"I′m out for dead *fuckin* presidents to represent me (Whose...)"Chorus:"Presidents to represent me" --> Nas "Get money!"Rock... on, Roc-A-Fella y′all"I′m out for presidents to represent me" "Get money!"The saga continues"I′m out for presidents to represent me" "Get money!"Ahh, who wanna bet us that we don′t touch leathersStack cheddars forever, live treacherous all the et ceterasTo the death of us, me and my confidants, we shineYou feel the ambiance, y′all niggaz just rhymeBy the ounce dough accumulates like snowWe don′t just shine, we illuminate the whole show; you feel me?Factions from the other side would love to kill meSpill three quarts of my blood into the street, let alone the heatFuck em, we hate a nigga lovin this lifeIn all possible ways, know the Feds is buggin my lifeHospital days, reflectin when my man laid upOn the Uptown high block he got his side sprayed upI saw his life slippin, this is a minor set backYo, still in all we livin, just dream about the get backThat made him smile though his eyes said, "Pray for me"I′ll do you one better and slay these niggaz faithfullyMurder is a tough thing to digest, it′s a slow processand I ain′t got nothin but timeI had near brushes, not to mention three shotsclose range, never touched me, divine interventionCan′t stop I, from drinkin Mai-Tai′s, with Ta TaDown in Nevada, ha ha, Poppa, word lifeI dabbled in crazy weight without rap, I was crazy straightPotnah, I′m still spendin money from eighty-eight... what?ChorusGeyeah, know what? I′ll and your wack mans fold like bad handsRoll like Monopoly, ad-vance you copy melike white crystals, I gross the mostat the end of the fiscal year than these niggaz can wish toThe dead presidential, canidatewith the sprinkles and the presidental, ice that′ll offend youIn due time when crime fleas my mindAll sneak thieves and playa haters can shineBut until then I keep the trillion cut diamonds shinin brilliantI′ll tell you half the story, the rest you fill it inLong as the villian winI spend Japan yen, attend major eventsCatch me in the joints, convinced my iguanas is bitinJ-A-Y hyphen, controllin, manipulatinI got a good life man, pounds and penceNuff dollars make sense, while you ride the benchCatch me swinging for the fenceDead Presidents, ya knowChorusUh-huh, yeah, uh-huh, so be itThe Soviet, The Unified Steady FlowYou already know, you light I′m heavy roll, heavy doughMic macheted your flow, your paper falls slowlike confetti, mines a steady grow, bet he glowPay five dead it from blow, better believe I haveeleven sixty to show, my doe flip like Tae-KwonJay-Z The Icon, baby, you like Dom, maybe this Cristal′sto change your life huh, roll with the winnersHeavy spenders like hit records: Roc-A-FellaDon′t get it corrected this shit is perfectedfrom chips to chicks just drivin a LexusMake it without your gun, we takin everything you brungWe cake and you niggaz is fake and we gettin it doneCrime Family, well connected Jay-ZAnd you fake thugs is Unplugged like MTVI empty three, take your treasure, my pleasureDead presidentials, politics as usualBla-ouw!"Dead *fuckin* presidents to represent me (Whose...)""Dead *fuckin* presidents to represent me (Whose...)""Dead *fuckin* presidents to represent me (Whose...)""Dead *fuckin* presidents to represent me (Whose...)"Chorus 2X
2023-07-19 15:12:042


【 #英语资源# 导语】accident有保护;投保等意思,那么你知道accident的用法吗?以下是 无 整理发布的accident的用法和短语例句,希望对大家的学习有所帮助! 【篇一】accident的用法   accident的用法1:accident的基本含义是“意外遭遇”,即缺乏主观动机的不测事件,多用于交通事故。accident一般会造成损伤,其损伤程度的范围很大,譬如交通事故,可以是机毁人亡,也可以是遍体鳞伤,还可以是仅伤皮毛,当然也可以安然无恙。   accident的用法2:accident还可以表示事先没有预料到的“意外”,即“偶然发生的事”,可以是好事,也可以是坏事,还可以是无所谓好也无所谓坏的事。   accident的用法3:表示“某人遭遇不幸或事故”时接介词to或with; 表示“某物遭遇不幸或事故”时接to。   accident的用法4:注意accident的拼写及读音——双写cc,读作[ks]。   accident的用法5:accident有时可用于委婉说法。例如:She had an accident.她未婚先孕。 【篇二】accident的常用短语   用作名词 (n.)   by accident   by accident of   in an accident   meet with an accident   without accident 【篇三】accident的用法例句   1. Captain Cook safely navigated his ship without accident for 100 voyages.   库克船长驾驶的船安全出航100次无事故。   2. Through some unfortunate accident, the information reached me a day late.   由于发生了不幸的意外,我知道消息的时候已经晚了一天。   3. The police say his death was an accident, officially at least.   警方说他的死是个意外,起码官方消息如此。   4. The accident happened on a notorious black spot on the A43.   事故发生在A43号公路上一个出了名的事故多发地段。   5. The police say the killing of the young man was an accident.   警方说这个年轻人被杀是一个意外。   6. His middle son died in a drowning accident five years back.   他排行居中的那个儿子5年前意外溺水身亡。   7. The accident is already shaping up as a significant environmental disaster.   这次事故已经造成严重的环境灾难。   8. The accident again raises questions about the safety of the plant.   这起事故再一次引发了人们对于工厂安全性的质疑。   9. Weir broke his leg in a freak accident playing golf.   韦尔因为一次打高尔夫时发生的离奇事故折断了腿。   10. Whether by design or accident his timing was perfect.   不管是计划好的还是巧合,他对时机的把握堪称完美。   11. Richardson severed his right foot in a motorbike accident.   理查森在一次摩托车事故中失去了他的右脚。   12. It"s not clear whether the incident was an accident or deliberate.   还不清楚这起事件是意外还是蓄意所为。   13. Steve had told her that he"dbeen in an accident on Wednesday night.   史蒂夫已经告诉过她自己周三晚上出了事故。   14. She thought the shooting might have been an accident.   她想这次枪击可能是一次意外。   15. The accident was caused by people slowing down to rubber-neck.   事故是由为了看热闹而减速的人引起的。
2023-07-19 15:12:111


  accident有保护;投保等意思,那么你知道accident的用法吗?下面跟着我一起来学习一下,希望对大家的学习有所帮助!    accident的用法:   accident的用法1:accident的基本含义是“意外遭遇”,即缺乏主观动机的不测事件,多用于交通事故。accident一般会造成损伤,其损伤程度的范围很大,譬如交通事故,可以是机毁人亡,也可以是遍体鳞伤,还可以是仅伤皮毛,当然也可以安然无恙。   accident的用法2:accident还可以表示事先没有预料到的“意外”,即“偶然发生的事”,可以是好事,也可以是坏事,还可以是无所谓好也无所谓坏的事。   accident的用法3:表示“某人遭遇不幸或事故”时接介词to或with; 表示“某物遭遇不幸或事故”时接to。   accident的用法4:注意accident的拼写及读音——双写cc,读作[ks]。   accident的用法5:accident有时可用于委婉说法。例如:She had an accident.她未婚先孕。   accident的常用 短语 :   用作名词 (n.)   by accident   by accident of   in an accident   meet with an accident   without accident    accident的用法例句:   1. Captain Cook safely navigated his ship without accident for 100 voyages.   库克船长驾驶的船安全出航100次无事故。   2. Through some unfortunate accident, the information reached me a day late.   由于发生了不幸的意外,我知道消息的时候已经晚了一天。   3. The police say his death was an accident, officially at least.   警方说他的死是个意外,起码官方消息如此。   4. The accident happened on a notorious black spot on the A43.   事故发生在A43号公路上一个出了名的事故多发地段。   5. The police say the killing of the young man was an accident.   警方说这个年轻人被杀是一个意外。   6. His middle son died in a drowning accident five years back.   他排行居中的那个儿子5年前意外溺水身亡。   7. The accident is already shaping up as a significant environmental disaster.   这次事故已经造成严重的环境灾难。   8. The accident again raises questions about the safety of the plant.   这起事故再一次引发了人们对于工厂安全性的质疑。   9. Weir broke his leg in a freak accident playing golf.   韦尔因为一次打高尔夫时发生的离奇事故折断了腿。   10. Whether by design or accident his timing was perfect.   不管是计划好的还是巧合,他对时机的把握堪称完美。   11. Richardson severed his right foot in a motorbike accident.   理查森在一次摩托车事故中失去了他的右脚。   12. It"s not clear whether the incident was an accident or deliberate.   还不清楚这起事件是意外还是蓄意所为。   13. Steve had told her that he"dbeen in an accident on Wednesday night.   史蒂夫已经告诉过她自己周三晚上出了事故。   14. She thought the shooting might have been an accident.   她想这次枪击可能是一次意外。   15. The accident was caused by people slowing down to rubber-neck.   事故是由为了看热闹而减速的人引起的。
2023-07-19 15:12:171


歌曲名:If I Die Young歌手:The Band Perry专辑:The Band PerryIf I die young bury me in satin若我英年早逝,请将我葬在绸缎中Lay me down on a bed of roses让我躺在铺满玫瑰的床上Sink me in the river at dawn在黎明时分将我沉入河中Send me away with the words of a love song用情歌中的词句为我送行oh oh oh ohLord make me a rainbow, I"ll shine down on my mother主啊,请让我化作彩虹,我想要照耀我的母亲she"ll know I"m safe with you when she stands under my colors, oh and当她站在我的七彩之下,她便会知道我和您在一起如此平安Life ain"t always what you think it ought to be, no生活并不总像你所预料的那样Ain"t even grey, but she buries her baby总是那样灰暗,尽管她埋葬了她的孩子The sharp knife of a short life, well须臾生命的尖锐刀锋啊i"ve had just enough time我已经活了足够的时间If I die young bury me in satin若我英年早逝,请将我葬在绸缎中Lay me down on a bed of roses让我躺在铺满玫瑰的床上Sink me in the river at dawn在黎明时分将我沉入河中Send me away with the words of a love song用情歌中的词句为我送行oh oh oh ohThe sharp knife of a short life, well须臾生命的尖锐刀锋啊I"ve had just enough time我已经活了足够的时间And I"ll be wearing white when I come into your kingdom我会穿着纯白的衣服走进你的王国I"m as green as the ring on my little cold finger就像是我冰冷的手指上的指环那样青涩I"ve never known the lovin" of a man我从未感受过一个男子的温柔But it sure felt nice when he was holding my hand但当他握着我的手的时候,那感觉应的确那样美好There"s a boy here in town says he"ll love my forever这座小镇中有一个男孩说他会永远爱我Who would have thought forever could be severed by但谁知道永远竟会就这样天人两隔The sharp knife of a short life, well须臾生命的尖锐刀锋啊I"ve had just enough time我已经活了足够的时间So put on your best boys and I"ll wear my pearls所以穿上你最好的衣装,我也会戴上我的珍珠What I never did is done我终于完成了我从未做到的事A penny for my thoughts, oh no I"ll sell them for a dollar一分钱想买我的思想,哦不,我的出价是一块钱They"re worth so much more after I"m a goner当我成为逝者之后他们将更有价值And maybe then you"ll *hear* the words I been singin"也许到那时你才会真正听懂我唱的那些歌儿Funny when you"re dead how people start listenin"在你死后人们才开始倾听,这是多么可笑啊If I die young bury me in satin若我英年早逝,请将我葬在绸缎中Lay me down on a bed of roses让我躺在铺满玫瑰的床上Sink me in the river at dawn在黎明时分将我沉入河中Send me away with the words of a love song用情歌中的词句为我送行oh oh oh ohThe ballad of a dove鸽子的歌谣Go with peace and love总是带着平静和爱Gather up your tears, keep ‘em in your pocket攒起你的泪水吧,将它们收进你的口袋里Save them for a time when your really gonna need them oh好好保留着直到你真正需要它们的时候The sharp knife of a short life, well须臾生命的尖锐刀锋啊I"ve had just enough time我已经活了足够的时间So put on your best boys and I"ll wear my pearls请穿上你最好的衣装吧,我也会戴上我的珍珠扩展资料:歌曲来源《If I Die Young》为美国乡村音乐乐队The Band Perry的作品,为其同名专辑《The Band Perry》中的单曲,发行于2010年6月,该专辑发行于同年10月。所获奖项此歌在Itunes乡村榜取得榜首位置,获得了第53届格莱美最佳乡村歌曲的提名。Billboard Hot100最高排名14名的成绩。参考资料来源:百度百科-if i die young
2023-07-19 15:12:262

No Love Lost 歌词

歌曲名:No Love Lost歌手:Joy Division专辑:ControlCarcass 尸体 - No love lost 无爱可失Sensual awakeningNumbing feeling"s deadConception"s romanticisedSynthesized broken heart"s to bledWithout emotion you heartstring"s playedStrummed and severed to the tune of a tragic serenadeA tragic chorusWithout emotion, your heartstrings breakSnapped and severed to the tune of a tragic, sad clicheNo love lostWhen all is said and doneThere"s no love lostThe low cost of lovingAmorous travestyHuman frailties and weakness are easy preyHow your poor heart will bleedWithout emotion, your heartstrings breakSnapped and severed to the tune of a tragic, sad clicheNo love lostWhen all is said and doneThere"s no love lostNo love lostWhen all is said and doneThere"s no love lostNo love lostWhen all is said and doneThere"s no love lost
2023-07-19 15:12:431


英国的英语有三种形式:1.Britain;2. England;3. the United Kingdom。 扩展资料   1.Britain   例句示范:   Henceforward France and Britain had a common interest. 自此法国和英国有了共同的利益。   Britain and Argentina reopened diplomatic relations.英国和阿根廷重新建立了外交关系。   Britain and France have expressed some disagreement with the proposal.英国和法国对这项提案已经发表了一些反对意见。   The department said many countries had reciprocal agreements for health care with Britain.该部门称许多国家和英国签订了医疗卫生互惠协议。   2.England   例句示范:   She severed her ties with England.她断绝了和英国的往来。   I boarded the plane bound for England.我登上了飞往英格兰的"飞机。   He had lost his place in the England team.他失去了在英格兰队的位置。   In a warm-up game for the World Cup, Uruguay have beaten England.在世界杯热身赛中,乌拉圭队打败了英格兰队。   3.the United Kingdom   例句示范:   This television program provoked a spirited debate in the United Kingdom.这个电视节目在英国引起了激烈的辩论。   He visited various penal institutions in the United Kingdom in the late 1930s. 20世纪30年代末他探访了英国各种各样的服刑机构。   The study was supported by the Medical Research Council in the United Kingdom and Cancer Research UK.这项研究获得了英国医学研究委员会和英国癌症研究所的支持。   They have pen pals in the United Kingdom and Australia.他们已经有英国和澳大利亚的笔友。   We are a company based both in the United Kingdom and nigeria.我公司建立于英国和尼日利亚。
2023-07-19 15:13:021


2023-07-19 15:13:305

请教英语牛人 辨析几组词汇

1.sever 物理上的切割(强调动作),或比喻意义上的终止结束sever a rope 割断绳子She has severed her connection with the firm. 她已同那家公司脱离了关系. separate (使事物或人与人)分离, 分开(强调状态)The two parts of the pipe have separated at the joint.这个管子从接口处分成两截了England is separated from France by the Channel. 英国和法国之间隔着英吉利海峡2.pretend 假装The children pretended to eat the mud pies. 孩子们假装吃泥饼simulate 假装有或感到(尤指情感),伪装simulate anger,insects that simulate dead leaves 伪装成枯叶的昆虫3.landscape (陆上)风景, 景色a bleak urban landscape 单调的市区景色scenery 景色,风光(自然)mountain scenery 山景4.interpretation 解释(特殊的方式)the conductor"s controversial interpretation of the symphony 该指挥对那交响乐曲值得商榷的理解explanation 解释,说明He left the room without explanation. 他离开了房间而未加解释.5.endless 无止境的; 无穷尽的(个人感觉就是2维空间无限,没有尽头的路)endless road ,endless patience(可以用时间衡量)infinite 3维空间的无限,或无法衡量的(想象力等)infinite space 无限的空间 the infinite goodness of God 上帝无限的恩惠
2023-07-19 15:13:431


英国的英语有三种形式:1.Britain;2. England;3. the United Kingdom。 扩展资料   1.Britain   例句示范:   Henceforward France and Britain had a common interest. 自此法国和英国有了共同的利益。   Britain and Argentina reopened diplomatic relations.英国和阿根廷重新建立了外交关系。   Britain and France have expressed some disagreement with the proposal.英国和法国对这项提案已经发表了一些反对意见。   The department said many countries had reciprocal agreements for health care with Britain.该部门称许多国家和英国签订了医疗卫生互惠协议。   2.England   例句示范:   She severed her ties with England.她断绝了和英国的往来。   I boarded the plane bound for England.我登上了飞往英格兰的"飞机。   He had lost his place in the England team.他失去了在英格兰队的位置。   In a warm-up game for the World Cup, Uruguay have beaten England.在世界杯热身赛中,乌拉圭队打败了英格兰队。   3.the United Kingdom   例句示范:   This television program provoked a spirited debate in the United Kingdom.这个电视节目在英国引起了激烈的辩论。   He visited various penal institutions in the United Kingdom in the late 1930s. 20世纪30年代末他探访了英国各种各样的服刑机构。   The study was supported by the Medical Research Council in the United Kingdom and Cancer Research UK.这项研究获得了英国医学研究委员会和英国癌症研究所的支持。   They have pen pals in the United Kingdom and Australia.他们已经有英国和澳大利亚的笔友。   We are a company based both in the United Kingdom and nigeria.我公司建立于英国和尼日利亚。
2023-07-19 15:13:511

有一首英文歌,歌词大意是:如果我死了。请把我放在小船上随着河流飘走。 这是什么歌啊!

2023-07-19 15:14:164


This is what I found in the garden of the cat. This is the most interesting that I have ever seen the movie. She is yesterday I served with the lady.
2023-07-19 15:14:286


  accident表示意外事件; 事故; 机遇,偶然;的意思,那么你知道accident的短语有哪些吗?接下来我为大家整理了accident的短语,希望对你有帮助哦!   accident的短语:   动词+~   avoid an accident 避免事故   bring about an accident 造成事故   cause an accident 酿成事故   create an accident 造成事故   cut down accidents 减少事故   expose an accident 遭遇灾祸   形容词+~   awful accident 可怕的事故   bad accident 横祸   dreadful accident 可怕的事故   fatal accident 毁灭性的事故fearful accident 可怕的事故   frightful accident 可怕的事故   happy accident 巧事   介词+~   against accident 预防事故   by accident 偶然地   by accident of 因u2026的机会   by no accident 决非偶然; 并非出于偶然   in an accident 由于事故; 遭遇事故   to an accident 由于事故; 出于偶然   with accident 意外; 偶然   without accident 安全地   accident的短语例句:   1. Captain Cook safely navigated his ship without accident for 100 voyages.   库克船长驾驶的船安全出航100次无事故。   2. Through some unfortunate accident, the information reached me a day late.   由于发生了不幸的意外,我知道消息的时候已经晚了一天。   3. The police say his death was an accident, officially at least.   警方说他的死是个意外,起码官方消息如此。   4. The accident happened on a notorious black spot on the A43.   事故发生在A43号公路上一个出了名的事故多发地段。   5. The police say the killing of the young man was an accident.   警方说这个年轻人被杀是一个意外。   6. His middle son died in a drowning accident five years back.   他排行居中的那个儿子5年前意外溺水身亡。   7. The accident is already shaping up as a significant environmental disaster.   这次事故已经造成严重的环境灾难。   8. The accident again raises questions about the safety of the plant.   这起事故再一次引发了人们对于工厂安全性的质疑。   9. Weir broke his leg in a freak accident playing golf.   韦尔因为一次打高尔夫时发生的离奇事故折断了腿。   10. Whether by design or accident his timing was perfect.   不管是计划好的还是巧合,他对时机的把握堪称完美。   11. Richardson severed his right foot in a motorbike accident.   理查森在一次摩托车事故中失去了他的右脚。   12. It"s not clear whether the incident was an accident or deliberate.   还不清楚这起事件是意外还是蓄意所为。   13. Steve had told her that he"dbeen in an accident on Wednesday night.   史蒂夫已经告诉过她自己周三晚上出了事故。   14. She thought the shooting might have been an accident.   她想这次枪击可能是一次意外。   15. The accident was caused by people slowing down to rubber-neck.   事故是由为了看热闹而减速的人引起的。
2023-07-19 15:14:441

Set You Free 歌词

歌曲名:Set You Free歌手:3OH!3专辑:Set You Free - Single3OH!3 - Set You FreeWhoooo are you anywaysI can"t count how many days you weren"t herethe walls were closing in on mebut I don"t live in there no moreThere"s a place in my headthat repeats what you said,that repeats what you said that day.You"re afraid the mistakes that you madedug you gravebut, baby, that"s the price you pay.So don"t shut down this town,ain"t big enough for both of us, whoa.And now I"ve foundyou"ll never get enough from me,so, baby, I"mma set you free,yeah I"mma set you free.Whoooo are you anywaysI can"t count how many days you weren"t herethe walls were closing in on mebut I don"t live in there no moreWhoooo are you anywaysI can"t count how many days you weren"t herethe walls were closing in on mebut I don"t live in there no moreNow you"re trying to relate toall the things that make youact the crazy ways you do.But that will take patience and headachesto make sense some the things you put me trough.So don"t shut down this town,ain"t big enough for both of us, whoa.And now I"ve foundyou"ll never get enough from me.So, baby, I"mma set you free,yeah, I"mma set you free.Whoooo are you anywaysI can"t count how many days you weren"t herethe walls were closing in on mebut I don"t live in there no moreWhoooo are you anywaysI can"t count how many days you weren"t herethe walls were closing in on mebut I don"t live in there no moreAll the pictures and the windows on the wall are closing in on me.I thought that you"re suppose to learn from what went wrong in history.So you keep doing everything you can and never will get to me.I bet you remember the day you were better, as soon as we severed, and you were free.All the pictures and the windows on the wall are closing in on me.I thought that you"re suppose to learn from what went wrong in history.So you keep doing everything you can and never will get to me.I bet you remember the day you were better, as soon as we severed, and you were free.Whoooo are you anywaysI can"t count how many days you weren"t herethe walls were closing in on mebut I don"t live in there no moreWhoooo are you anywaysI can"t count how many days you weren"t herethe walls were closing in on mebut I don"t live in there no moreWhoa, Whoa, Whoa, Whoa...
2023-07-19 15:14:511

If i die young的中英歌词

if i die young 歌手:the band pe 试听歌曲 下载歌曲 [ti:if i die young][ar:the band perry][00:-2.00]the band perry - if i die young[00:-1.00]lyrics by 小春qq:981104930www.bzmtv.comif i die young bury me in satinlay me down on a bed of rosessink me in the river at dawnsend me away with the words of a love songoh oh oh ohlord make me a rainbow, i"ll shine down on my mothershe"ll know i"m safe with you when she stands under my colorsoh and life ain"t always what you think it ought to be, noain"t even grey, but she buries her babythe sharp knife of a short life, welli"ve had just enough timeif i die young bury me in satinlay me down on a bed of rosessink me in the river at dawnsend me away with the words of a love songthe sharp knife of a short life, welli"ve had just enough timeand i"ll be wearing white when i come into your kingdomi"m as green as the ring on my little cold fingeri"ve never known the lovin" of a manbut it sure felt nice when he was holding my handthere"s a boy here in town says he"ll love me foreverwho would have thought forever could be severed bythe sharp knife of a short life, welli"ve had just enough timeso put on your best boys and i"ll wear my pearlswhat i never did is donea penny for my thoughts, oh no i"ll sell them for a dollarthey"re worth so much more after i"m a gonerand maybe then you"ll hear the words i been singin"funny when you"re dead how people start listenin"if i die young bury me in satinlay me down on a bed of rosessink me in the river at dawnsend me away with the words of a love songoh ohthe ballad of a dovego with peace and lovegather up your tears, keep "em in your pocketsave them for a time when your really gonna need "em ohthe sharp knife of a short life, welli"ve had just enough timeso put on your best boys and i"ll wear my pearls没有中文,不好意思
2023-07-19 15:14:582


aw/Xploder格式(M)9027524C 0C04637CMax Vitality204BD8C8 0F000F00Max Weapon & Helmet Durability201A208C 00000000Have 1-Hit Boss Kills201B8B80 24038001201B8B84 34030000Have All Profiles105520B0 0000FFFFSecrets of Rome CodesSalvo Master List Complete40550FD0 00100001FFFFFFFF 00000000Unlock All Secrets of Rome & Cheats20550998 FFFFFFFFStats CodesOverallNo Continues Used205522CC 80000000Max Distance Traveled20552350 8FFFFFFFMax Enemies Killed205522BC 8098967FMax Total Salvo Points-All Games20551BE4 05F5E0FFMost Points From Single Salvo20552378 8098967FMax Salvo Points In One Event205522C4 8098967FLongest Chain Combo205522D0 8098967FMax Bare-Handed Clears205522F8 8098967FWeaponsMax Weapons Thrown205522D4 8098967FMax Thrown Weapon Hits205522D8 8098967FMax Thrown Weapon Kills205522DC 8098967FMax Weapons Broken205522E0 8098967FNo Weapons Broken205522E0 80000000Max Weapons Stolen From Enemies205522FC 8098967FNo Weapons Stolen By Enemies20552300 80000000Max Weapons Dropped20552320 8098967FMax Enemy Weapons Dropped20552324 8098967FMax Successful Supra Attacks20552330 8098967FFightingNever Knocked Down205522E4 80000000Max Times Knocked Enemies Down205522E8 8098967FMax Enemies Pulled To Their Feet205522EC 8098967FMax Enemies Chased and Attacked205522F0 8098967FMax Enemies Chased and Killed205522F4 8098967FMax Attacks Received By Enemies2055231C 8098967FMax Enemy Attacks Blocked20552328 8098967FMax Attacks Blocked By Enemies2055232C 8098967FNo Attacks Blocked By Enemies2055232C 80000000Max Helmets Broken By Enemies20552334 8098967FNo Helmets Broken By Enemies20552334 80000000Max Enemy Helmets Broken20552338 8098967FVictories By Weapon TypeGladius2055237C 8098967FScimitar20552380 8098967FMace20552384 8098967FHalberd20552388 8098967FMaul2055238C 8098967FMorningstar20552390 8098967FDagger20552394 8098967FSpear2055239C 8098967FBow205523A0 8098967FFire Bow205523F4 8098967FRoma Sai205523BC 8098967FGerman Hand Axe205523C4 8098967FGuardian Gladius205523CC 8098967FSling205523A4 8098967FOil Sling205523F8 8098967FTorch205523A8 8098967FBarrel20552420 8098967FRock20552398 8098967FPower Gladius205523D8 8098967FPower Scimitar205523DC 8098967FGrand Mace205523E0 8098967FPower Maul205523E8 8098967FWar Chain205523EC 8098967FGrand Halberd205523E4 8098967FApollp Spear205523F0 8098967FMagnus205523B8 8098967Fstick205523FC 8098967FRudis205523AC 8098967FWhip205523B0 8098967FTrident205523B4 8098967FLong Axe205523C8 8098967FBarca Axe205523C0 8098967FValcross Bow20552424 8098967FClaw Shard20552428 8098967FZedo Spear205523D4 8098967FGedo Spear205523D0 8098967FParma20552408 8098967FSpike Shield2055240C 8098967FGerman Shield20552410 8098967FRoma Shield20552414 8098967FGuardian Shield20552418 8098967FArm20552404 8098967FHead20552400 8098967FNo Weapon2055241C 8098967FVictories By Enemy TypeMax Large Warriors2055246C 8098967FMax Mid-Size Warriors20552470 8098967FMax Small Warriors20552474 8098967FMax Female Warriors20552478 8098967FMax Elite Large Warriors205524C0 8098967FMax Elite Mid-Size Warriors205524C4 8098967FMax Elite Small Warriors205524C8 8098967FMax Elite Female Warriors205524CC 8098967FMax Roman Soldiers2055247C 8098967FMax German Fighters20552480 8098967FMax Soldiers of Antonius20552484 8098967FMax Bandits20552488 8098967FMax Pirates2055248C 8098967FMax Elephants205524B8 8098967FMax Vultures205524BC 8098967FMax Tigers205524B4 8098967FMax Barcas20552490 8098967FMax Arcanus205524A0 8098967FMax Narclastese205524A4 8098967FMax Askari205524A8 8098967FMax Decius20552498 8098967FMax Zedo205524AC 8098967FMax Gedo205524B0 8098967FMax Sextus20552494 8098967FMax Antonius2055249C 8098967FAmputationsMax Heads Severed20552444 8098967FMax Arms Severed20552448 8098967FMax Torsos Hacked2055244C 8098967FMax Heads Crushed20552450 8098967FBones BrokenMax Necks Broken20552454 8098967FMax Arms Broken20552458 8098967FDistance Traveled DetailsMax Distance Ran205524D0 8FFFFFFFMax Distance Walked205524D4 8FFFFFFFMax Distance Crawled205524D8 8FFFFFFFOtherMax Pieces of Meat Thrown to Crowd20552304 8098967FMax Roses Thrown to Crowd20552308 8098967FMax Weapons Thrown to Crowd2055230C 8098967FMax Appeals20552310 8098967FMax Successful Appeals20552314 8098967FNever Caught On Fire2055233C 80000000Max Enemies Caught On Fire20552340 8098967FNever Doused in Oil20552344 80000000Max Enemies Doused in Oil20552348 8098967FMax Pieces of Meat Eaten2055234C 8098967F.
2023-07-19 15:15:201

if i die young 歌词 顺便翻译也没问题

2023-07-19 15:15:282


1-3: B D B
2023-07-19 15:15:461


英国的英语有三种形式:1.Britain;2. England;3. the United Kingdom。 扩展资料   1.Britain   例句示范:   Henceforward France and Britain had a common interest. 自此法国和英国有了共同的利益。   Britain and Argentina reopened diplomatic relations.英国和阿根廷重新建立了外交关系。   Britain and France have expressed some disagreement with the proposal.英国和法国对这项提案已经发表了一些反对意见。   The department said many countries had reciprocal agreements for health care with Britain.该部门称许多国家和英国签订了医疗卫生互惠协议。   2.England   例句示范:   She severed her ties with England.她断绝了和英国的往来。   I boarded the plane bound for England.我登上了飞往英格兰的"飞机。   He had lost his place in the England team.他失去了在英格兰队的位置。   In a warm-up game for the World Cup, Uruguay have beaten England.在世界杯热身赛中,乌拉圭队打败了英格兰队。   3.the United Kingdom   例句示范:   This television program provoked a spirited debate in the United Kingdom.这个电视节目在英国引起了激烈的辩论。   He visited various penal institutions in the United Kingdom in the late 1930s. 20世纪30年代末他探访了英国各种各样的服刑机构。   The study was supported by the Medical Research Council in the United Kingdom and Cancer Research UK.这项研究获得了英国医学研究委员会和英国癌症研究所的支持。   They have pen pals in the United Kingdom and Australia.他们已经有英国和澳大利亚的笔友。   We are a company based both in the United Kingdom and nigeria.我公司建立于英国和尼日利亚。
2023-07-19 15:15:541

求一首英文歌曲 好像男女混唱 嘿搜fly i watch you do黑搜fry i wis

Watch What You Do ,你听听对不对
2023-07-19 15:16:082

一个女生唱的很嗨的英文歌开头唔那那 整首歌里很多唔那那 求解答

Because Of You-Ne-Yo
2023-07-19 15:16:163


呵呵,刚好前几天做了一个 Pride and Preduice 的论文,你看看这有没有你要的,不对在找我啊01:03:38,560 --> 01:03:41,757 -Shall I call for some tea?- No, thank you.01:03:45,640 --> 01:03:48,313 Good day, Miss Elizabeth, it"s been a pleasure.01:03:54,560 --> 01:03:57,916 What on earth have you done to poor Mr Darcy?01:03:58,080 --> 01:04:00,355 I have no idea.01:04:01,520 --> 01:04:04,114 Every mind must have some counsellor01:04:04,280 --> 01:04:07,795 to whom it may apply for consolation in distress.01:04:07,960 --> 01:04:12,556 There are many conveniences which others can supply and we cannot procure.01:04:12,720 --> 01:04:14,517I have in view those objects01:04:14,720 --> 01:04:17,678 which are only to be obtained through intercourse...01:04:19,960 --> 01:04:24,954 Forgive me, through the intercourse of friendship or civility.01:04:25,160 --> 01:04:30,678 On such occasions, the proud man steps forth to meet you not with cordiality,01:04:30,880 --> 01:04:35,476 but with the suspicion of one who reconnoitres an enemy...01:04:35,680 --> 01:04:39,116 -How long do you plan to stay?- As long as Darcy chooses.01:04:39,280 --> 01:04:42,397 -I am at his disposal.- Everyone appears to be.01:04:42,560 --> 01:04:46,155 I wonder he does not marry and secure a lasting convenience of that kind.01:04:46,360 --> 01:04:49,955 -She would be a lucky woman.- Really?01:04:50,160 --> 01:04:53,118 Darcy is a most loyal companion.01:04:53,320 --> 01:04:56,596 He recently came to the rescue of one of his friends.01:04:56,760 --> 01:04:58,113 What happened?01:04:58,280 --> 01:05:00,316 He saved him from an imprudent marriage.01:05:00,520 --> 01:05:01,635 Who"s the man?01:05:07,080 --> 01:05:10,595 His closest friend, Charles Bingley.01:05:12,880 --> 01:05:15,713 Did Mr Darcy give a reason for this interference?01:05:15,880 --> 01:05:18,917 There were apparently strong objections to the lady.01:05:19,120 --> 01:05:22,237 What kind of objections? Her lack of fortune?01:05:22,440 --> 01:05:26,479 I think it was her family that was considered unsuitable.01:05:27,960 --> 01:05:32,476 -So he separated them?- I believe so. I know nothing else.01:06:01,520 --> 01:06:03,078 Miss Elizabeth.01:06:03,240 --> 01:06:05,754 I have struggled in vain and can bear it no longer.01:06:05,920 --> 01:06:09,913 These past months have been a torment. I came to Rosings only to see you.01:06:10,080 --> 01:06:13,117 I have fought against judgement, my family"s expectation,01:06:13,320 --> 01:06:16,039 the inferiority of your birth, my rank.01:06:16,200 --> 01:06:18,714 I will put them aside and ask you to end my agony.01:06:18,880 --> 01:06:21,917 -I don"t understand.- I love you.01:06:23,960 --> 01:06:26,235 Most ardently.01:06:29,120 --> 01:06:33,113 Please do me the honor of accepting my hand.01:06:34,480 --> 01:06:38,234 Sir, I appreciate the struggle you have been through,01:06:38,440 --> 01:06:40,874 and I am very sorry to have caused you pain.01:06:41,080 --> 01:06:43,036 It was unconsciously done.01:06:44,400 --> 01:06:46,118 -Is this your reply? - Yes, sir.01:06:46,280 --> 01:06:48,874 -Are you laughing at me? - No.01:06:49,040 --> 01:06:50,155 Are you rejecting me?01:06:50,360 --> 01:06:55,673 I"m sure the feelings which hindered your regard will help you overcome it.01:06:55,840 --> 01:06:58,877 Might I ask why with so little civility I am thus repulsed?01:06:59,080 --> 01:07:04,074 I might enquire why you told me you liked me against your better judgement?01:07:04,240 --> 01:07:06,435 If I was uncivil, then that is some excuse.01:07:06,600 --> 01:07:09,478 -But you know I have other reasons.- What reasons?01:07:09,640 --> 01:07:13,076 Do you think anything might tempt me to accept the man who has ruined01:07:13,240 --> 01:07:16,277 the happiness of a most beloved sister?01:07:16,440 --> 01:07:20,956 Do you deny that you separated a young couple who loved each other,01:07:21,120 --> 01:07:23,395 exposing your friend to censure for caprice01:07:23,560 --> 01:07:26,279 and my sister to derision for disappointed hopes,01:07:26,440 --> 01:07:28,396 involving them both in acute misery?01:07:28,600 --> 01:07:31,876 -I do not deny it.- How could you do it?01:07:32,040 --> 01:07:34,793 I believed your sister indifferent to him.01:07:34,960 --> 01:07:37,520 I realised his attachment was deeper than hers.01:07:37,680 --> 01:07:38,635 She"s shy!01:07:38,840 --> 01:07:41,354 Bingley was persuaded she didn"t feel strongly.01:07:41,520 --> 01:07:43,476 -You suggested it.- For his own good.01:07:43,640 --> 01:07:46,359 My sister hardly shows her true feelings to me.01:07:50,400 --> 01:07:52,834 I suppose his fortune had some bearing?01:07:53,040 --> 01:07:55,474 I wouldn"t do your sister the dishonor.01:07:55,640 --> 01:07:57,596 -It was suggested...- What was?01:07:57,760 --> 01:08:00,115 It was clear an advantageous marriage...01:08:00,280 --> 01:08:02,555 -Did my sister give that impression?- No!01:08:02,760 --> 01:08:06,673 -No. There was, however, your family...- Our want of connection?01:08:06,840 --> 01:08:09,195 -No, it was more than that.- How, sir?01:08:09,400 --> 01:08:14,076 The lack of propriety shown by your mother, younger sisters and your father.01:08:17,360 --> 01:08:22,115 Forgive me. You and your sister I must exclude from this.01:08:26,440 --> 01:08:28,158 And what about Mr Wickham?01:08:30,320 --> 01:08:31,275 Mr Wickham?01:08:31,480 --> 01:08:34,119 What excuse can you give for your behavior?01:08:34,280 --> 01:08:37,397 -You take an eager interest.- He told me of his misfortunes.01:08:37,560 --> 01:08:40,120 -Oh, they have been great.- You ruin his chances01:08:40,280 --> 01:08:42,396 yet treat him with sarcasm.01:08:42,560 --> 01:08:44,516 So this is your opinion of me?01:08:44,720 --> 01:08:47,996 Thank you. Perhaps these offences might have been overlooked01:08:48,160 --> 01:08:52,278 had not your pride been hurt by my scruples about our relationship.01:08:52,480 --> 01:08:55,517 I am to rejoice in the inferiority of your circumstances?01:08:55,680 --> 01:08:58,240 And those are the words of a gentleman.01:08:58,400 --> 01:09:02,916 Your arrogance and conceit, your selfish disdain for the feelings of others01:09:03,080 --> 01:09:08,598 made me realize you were the last man in the world I could ever marry.01:09:19,520 --> 01:09:24,196 Forgive me, madam, for taking up so much of your time.01:11:23,200 --> 01:11:25,236 I came to leave you this.01:11:35,200 --> 01:11:38,875 I shall not renew the sentiments which were so disgusting to you.01:11:39,080 --> 01:11:43,153 But if I may, I will address the two offences you have laid against me.01:11:49,480 --> 01:11:52,677 <i>My father loved Mr Wickham as a son.</i>01:11:52,880 --> 01:11:56,475 <i>He left him a generous living. But upon my father"s death,</i>01:11:56,640 --> 01:12:01,077 <i>Mr Wickham announced he had no intention of taking orders.</i>01:12:01,280 --> 01:12:06,798 <i>He demanded the value of the living, which he"d gambled away within weeks.</i>01:12:09,040 --> 01:12:12,077 <i>He then wrote, demanding more money, which I refused.</i>01:12:12,240 --> 01:12:15,198 <i>After which, he severed all acquaintance.</i>01:12:15,400 --> 01:12:19,598 <i>He came back to see us last summer, and declared passionate love for my sister,</i>01:12:19,760 --> 01:12:23,514 <i>whom he tried to persuade to elope with him.</i>01:12:23,680 --> 01:12:27,195 <i>She is to inherit ? 0,000.</i>01:12:27,360 --> 01:12:32,559 <i>When it was made clear he would never receive a penny of it, he disappeared.</i>01:12:32,720 -->01:12:36,235 <i>I will not attempt to convey the depth of Georgiana"s despair.</i>01:12:36,440 --> 01:12:39,398 <i>She was 15 years old.</i>01:12:41,280 --> 01:12:44,795 <i>As to the other matter, of your sister and Mr Bingley,</i>01:12:45,000 -->01:12:48,356 <i>though the motives which governed me may appear insufficient,</i>01:12:48,560 --> 01:12:51,757 <i>they were in the service of a friend.</i>01:12:51,920 --> 01:12:53,876 Lizzie.01:12:56,960 --> 01:12:58,757 Are you all right?01:12:58,960 --> 01:13:02,157 I hardly know.01:13:09,920 --> 01:13:12,798 Lizzie. How fortunate you have arrived.01:13:13,000 --> 01:13:16,515 Your aunt and uncle are here to deliver Jane from London.01:13:16,680 --> 01:13:19,877 -How is Jane?- She"s in the drawing room.01:13:22,400 --> 01:13:28,236 I"m quite over him. If he passed me in the street, I"d hardly notice.01:13:28,440 --> 01:13:32,115 London is so diverting. It"s true.01:13:33,840 --> 01:13:36,400 There"s so much to entertain.01:13:41,880 --> 01:13:43,757 What news from Kent?01:13:45,680 --> 01:13:47,477 Nothing.01:13:49,080 --> 01:13:51,196 At least not much to entertain.01:13:51,360 --> 01:13:53,078 Lizzie, tell Mama!01:13:53,280 --> 01:13:55,840 Stop making such a fuss.01:13:56,000 --> 01:13:59,675 -Why didn"t she ask me as well?- Because I"m better company.01:13:59,880 --> 01:14:02,314 -What"s the matter?- I"ve just as much right.01:14:02,480 --> 01:14:04,596 Let"s all go.01:14:04,760 --> 01:14:07,593 Lydia"s been invited to Brighton with the Forsters.
2023-07-19 15:16:263


2023-07-19 15:16:357