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2023-07-19 21:02:15
TAG: 英语

The town folk envied Horance, becouse he had come into a small fortune with which he bought a big house and obtained a partnership in the biggest grocery in town.


The town folk envied Horance as he had come into a small fortune that he bought a big house and also obtained a partnership in the biggest grocery in town.


The town folk envied Horrance his coming into a small fortune which he bought a big house and obtained a partnership in the biggest grocery in the town.



2023-07-19 14:44:411

英文翻译 我相信距离产生美

I believe that beautiful is from distance
2023-07-19 14:44:525

place of natural beauty什么意思

2023-07-19 14:45:271


1. 关于美的英文名言 1、Time will pierce the adornment on the surface of youth, dig deep trenches and shallow grooves on the forehead of beauty, and eat up rare treasures! Natural beauty, nothing can escape his sweeping sickle. —— Shakespeare 时间会刺破青春表面的彩饰,会在美人的额上掘深沟浅槽;会吃掉稀世之珍!天生丽质,什么都逃不过他那横扫的镰刀。 —— 莎士比亚《哈姆雷特》 2、Man should not live like beasts, but should pursue knowledge and virtue. —— Dante 人不可像走兽那样活着,应该追求知识和美德。 —— 但丁《神曲》 3、Beauty is everywhere. For our eyes, it is not the lack of beauty, but the lack of discovery. —— Rodin 美到处都有。对于我们的眼睛,不是缺乏美,而是缺乏发现。 —— 罗丹《文集》 4、The real perfection of a man lies not in what he has, but in what he is. —— Wilde 人真正的完美不在于他拥有什么,而在于他是什么。 —— 王尔德《王尔德童话》 5、All the really good things are gained from struggle and sacrifice, and the good future should be acquired in the same way. —— Chernishevsky 一切真正美好的东西都是从斗争和牺牲中获得的,而美好的将来也要以同样的方法来获取。 —— 车尔尼雪夫斯基《怎么办》 6、The true beauty is that beauty can show its vivid appearance in itself. Fashion is a bad fashion, because her appearance is not changed by her fashion. —— Rousseau 真正的美,是美在它本身能显出奕奕的神采。爱好时髦是一种不良的风尚,因为她的容貌是不因她爱好时髦而改变的。 —— 卢梭《社会契约论》 7、Youth is only once in a person"s life, and adolescence is the strongest and better than any other period. Therefore, we must not rigidize our spirit, but keep our youth forever. —— Bellinsky 青春在人的一生中只有一次,而青春时期比任何时期最强盛美好。因此,千万不要使自己的精神僵化,而要把青春保持永远。 —— 别林斯基《美好的幻想》 8、Virtue is like a famous fragrance, which is burned or pressed more intensely. Fortune reveals evil virtue most, and misfortune reveals virtue most. —— Bacon 美德有如名香,经燃烧或压榨而其香愈烈,盖幸运最能显露恶德而厄运最能显露美德也。 —— 培根 《培根随笔》 2. 非常美的英文句子 1夏天的飞鸟,飞到我的窗前唱歌,又飞去了。 秋天的黄叶,它们没有什么可唱,只叹息一声,飞落在那里。 stray birds of summer come to my window to sing and fly away. and yellow leaves of autumn, which have no songs, flutter and fall there with a sign. 2 世界上的一队小小的漂泊者呀,请留下你们的足印在我的文字里。 o troupe of little vagrants of the world, leave your footprints in my words. 3 世界对着它的爱人,把它浩翰的面具揭下了。 它变小了,小如一首歌,小如一回永恒的接吻。 the world puts off its mask of vastness to its lover. it becomes small as one song, as one kiss of the eternal. 4 是大地的泪点,使她的微笑保持着青春不谢。 it is the tears of the earth that keep here smiles in bloom. 5 无垠的沙漠热烈追求一叶绿草的爱,她摇摇头笑着飞开了。 the mighty desert is burning for the love of a bladeof grass who shakes her head and laughs and flies away.。 3. 求一些很美的英文句子 And when love speaks, the voice of all the gods makes heaven drowsy with the harmony. ----Shakespeare 当爱说话时,众神的声音是苍天沉浸在和谐的静寂中。 ----莎士比亚 Where there is great love, there are always miracles. 哪里有真爱存在,哪里就有奇迹。 Love is like a butterfly. It goes where it pleases and it pleases where it goes. 爱情就像一只蝴蝶,它喜欢飞到哪里,就把欢乐带到哪里。 If I had a single flower for every time I think about you, I could walk forever in my garden. 假如每次想起你我都会得到一朵鲜花,那么我将永远在花丛中徜徉。 Within you I lose myself, without you I find myself wanting to be lost again. 有了你,我迷失了自我。 失去你,我多么希望自己再度迷失。 At the touch of love everyone becomes a poet. 每一个沐浴在爱河中的人都是诗人。 Look into my eyes - you will see what you mean to me. 看看我的眼睛,你会发现你对我而言意味着什么。 Distance makes the hearts grow fonder. 距离使两颗心靠得更近。 I need him like I need the air to breathe. 我需要他,正如我需要呼吸空气。 If equal affection cannot be, let the more loving be me. 如果没有相等的爱,那就让我爱多一些吧。 Love is a vine that grows into our hearts. 爱是长在我们心里的藤蔓。 If I know what love is, it is because of you. 因为你,我懂得了爱。 Love is the greatest refreshment in life. 爱情是生活最好的提神剂。 Love never dies. 爱情永不死。 The darkness is no darkness with thee. 有了你,黑暗不再是黑暗。 We cease loving ourselves if no one loves us. 如果没有人爱我们,我们也就不会再爱自己了。 I"ll think of you every step of the way. 我会想你,在漫漫长路的每一步。 Wherever you go, whatever you do, I will be right here waiting for you. 无论你身在何处,无论你为何忙碌,我都会在此守候。 Passionate love is a quenchless thirst. 热烈的爱情是不可抑制的渴望。 The most precious possession that ever comes to a man in this world is a woman"s heart. 在这个世界上,男人最珍贵的财产就是一个女人的心。 4. 美的英文句子 1.一个人总要走陌生的路,看陌生的风景,听陌生的歌,然后在某个不经意的瞬间,你会发现,原本是费尽心机想要忘记的事情真的就那么忘记了。 One is always on a strange road, watching strange scenery and listeningto strange music. Then one day, you will find that the things you tryhard to forget are already gone. 2.幸福,不是长生不老,不是大鱼大肉,不是权倾朝野。幸福是每一个微小的生活愿望达成。 当你想吃的时候有得吃,想被爱的时候有人来爱你。 Happiness is not about being immortal nor having food or rights inone"s hand. It"s about having each tiny wish come true, or havingsomething to eat when you are hungry or having someone"s love when youneed love. 3.爱情是灯,友情是影子,当灯灭了,你会发现你的周围都是影子。 朋友,是在最后可以给你力量的人。 Love is a lamp, while friendship is the shadow. When the lamp is off,you will find the shadow everywhere. Friend is who can give youstrength at last. 4.我爱你不是因为你是谁,而是我在你面前可以是谁。 I love you not for who you are, but for who I am in your heart. 5.爱情,要么让人成熟,要么让人堕落。 Love makes man grow up or sink down. 6.举得起放得下的叫举重,举得起放不下的叫负重。 可惜,大多数人的爱情,都是负重的。 If you can hold something up and put it down, it is calledweight-lifting; if you can hold something up but can never put it down,it"s called burden-bearing. Pitifully, most of people are bearing heavyburdens when they are in love. 7.我们每个人都生活在各自的过去中,人们会用一分钟的时间去认识一个人,用一小时的时间去喜欢一个人,再用一天的时间去爱上一个人,到最后呢,却要用一辈子的时间去忘记一个人。 We all live in the past. We take a minute to know someone, one hour tolike someone, and one day to love someone, but the whole life to forgetsomeone. 8.一个人一生可以爱上很多的人,等你获得真正属于你的幸福之后,你就会明白一起的伤痛其实是一种财富,它让你学会更好地去把握和珍惜你爱的人。 One may fall in love with many people during the lifetime. When youfinally get your own happiness, you will understand the previoussadness is kind of treasure, which makes you better to hold and cherishthe people you love. 9.年轻的时候会想要谈很多次恋爱,但是随着年龄的增长,终于领悟到爱一个人,就算用一辈子的时间,还是会嫌不够。 慢慢地去了解这个人,体谅这个人,直到爱上为止,是需要有非常宽大的胸襟才行。 When you are young, you may want several love experiences. But as timegoes on, you will realize that if you really love someone, the wholelife will not be enough. You need time to know, to forgive and to love.All this needs a very big mind. 10.当明天变成了今天成为了昨天,最后成为记忆里不再重要的某一天,我们突然发现自己在不知不觉中已被时间推着向前走,这不是静止火车里,与相邻列车交错时,仿佛自己在前进的错觉,而是我们真实的在成长,在这件事里成了另一个自己。 When tomorrow turns in today, yesterday, and someday that no moreimportant in your memory, we suddenly realize that we r pushed forwardby time. This is not a train in still in which you may feel forwardwhen another train goes by. It is the truth that we"ve all grown up.And we become different.。 5. 很美的一些简单的英文句子 summer whisper - Lida Kiss the rose 亲吻那玫瑰Listen to what it"s singing 听听她在唱些什么I don"t believe 我不相信That there"s no best ending 世上没有最好的结局Walk along the road 沿着小路走下去Don"t mind the storm that feaze me 不让风雨困扰住我I still believe 我仍然坚信That I"ll get the termini 我会到达目的地Catch the tears 抓住眼泪And turn it into diamonds 把它变成水晶Say the words 说出那些话Just like the fairy curse 就象仙女的魔法Over the sea 越过海Just let the sun it leads me 让太阳指引我Now I believe 现在我相信That I"ll return to where I begin 我会回到原地 never grow old-the cranberriesnever grow oldI had a dream Strange it may seems It was my perfect day Open my eyes I realize This is my perfect day Hope you never grow old Hope you never grow old Hope you never grow old Hope you never grow old Do-do-do-do Birds in the sky They look so high This is my perfect day I feel the breeze I feel at ease It is my perfect day Hope you never grow old Hope you never grow old Hope you never grow old Hope you never grow old Forever young I hope you stay Forever young Do-do-do-do dying in the sunDo you remember The things we used to say? I feel so nervous When I think of yesterday How could I let things Get to me so bad? How did I let things get to me? Like dying in the sun Like dying in the sun Like dying in the sun Like dying。 Like dying in the sun Like dying in the sun Like dying in the sun Like dying。 Will you hold on to me I am feeling frail Will you hold on to me We will never fail I wanted to be so perfect you see I wanted to be so perfect Like dying in the sun Like dying in the sun Like dying in the sun Like dying。 Like dying in the sun Like dying in the sun Like dying in the sun Like dying。 6. 求很美的英文句子,大概二十个 1、Great minds have purpose, others have wishes. e799bee5baa6e997aee7ad94e4b893e5b19e31333335306238杰出的人有着目标,其他人只有愿望。 2、Being single is better than being in an unfaithful relationship. 比起谈着充满欺骗的恋爱,单身反而更好。 3、If you find a path with no obstacles, it probably doesn"t lead anywhere. 太容易的路,可能根本就不能带你去任何地方。 4、Getting out of bed in winter is one of life"s hardest mission. 冬天,将自己从被窝里掏出来,是人生最难的任务之一了。 5、The future is scary but you can"t just run to the past cause it"s familiar. 未来会让人心生畏惧,但是我们却不能因为习惯了过去,就逃回过去。 6、I love it when I catch you looking at me then you smile and look away. 我喜欢这样的时刻:我抓到你正在看我,你笑了,然后害羞地别过脸去。 7、Having a calm smile to face with being disdained indicates kind of confidence. 被轻蔑的时候能平静的一笑,这是一种自信。 8、Success is the ability to go from one failure to another with no loss of enthusiasm. 成功是,你即使跨过一个又一个失败,但也没有失去热情。 9、Not everything that is faced can be changed, but nothing can be changed until it is faced. 并不是你面对了,任何事情都能改变但是,如果你不肯面对,那什么也变不了。 10、A guy who whispers in your ears, saying ” It"s alright, I"m here.” Holds you when you"re sad, and treasures everything about you. That"s the guy I want to give my heart to. 那个人会在耳边轻声说:没事,我在这。在你悲伤时给你依靠,与你相关的,他都珍视。 有这样的人,我爱定了。 11、Dream what you want to dream; go where you want to go; be what you want to be, because you have only one life and one chance to do all the things you want to do. 做你想做的梦吧,去你想去的地方吧,成为你想成为的人吧,因为你只有一次生命,一个机会去做所有那些你想做的事。 12、We all have moments of desperation. But if we can face them head on, that"s when we find out just how strong we really are. 我们都有绝望的时候,只有在勇敢面对时,我们才知道我们有多坚强。 13、If they throw stones at you, don"t throw back, use them to build your own foundation instead. 如果别人朝你扔石头,就不要扔回去了,留着作你建高楼的基石。 14、If your happiness depends on what somebody else does, I guess you do have a problem. 如果你的快乐与否取决于别人做了什么,我想,你真的有点问题。 15、When there"s no expectation, losing won"t bring hurt, gaining makes you surprised. 不去期望。 失去了不会伤心,得到了便是惊喜。 16、Sometimes your plans don"t work out because God has better ones. 有时候,你的计划不奏效,是因为上天有更好的安排。 17、How much truth of heart in one"s life is told in a joke? 一辈子,有多少真心话,是以玩笑的方式说了出去? 18、A relationship should be between two people, not the whole world. 爱情是两个人的事,与旁人无关。 19、You can"t have a better tomorrow if you don"t stop thinking about yesterday. 如果你无法忘掉昨天,就不会有一个更好的明天。 20、Today, give a stranger one of your smiles. It might be the only sunshine he sees all day. 今天,给一个陌生人送上你的微笑吧。很可能,这是他一天中见到的唯一的阳光。 望采纳谢谢。 7. 英语有哪些表达爱的好短句子含蓄 After predestining in the previous life,just to change this life the one slip away. 【汉语】:前世的五百次回眸才换来今生的擦肩而过 想你,是一种美丽的忧伤的甜蜜的惆怅,心里面,却是一种用任何语言也无法表达的温馨. It is graceful grief and sweet sadness to think of you, but in my heart, there is a kind of soft warmth that can"t be expressed with any choice of words. 你知道思念一个人的滋味吗,就像喝了一大杯冰水,然后用很长很长的时间流成热泪. Do you understand the feeling of missing someone? It is just like that you will spend a long hard time to turn the ice-cold water you have drunk into tears. 8. 唯美的英文句子比如Ifyouwereatearinmyeyes,Iworldnevercry, 1.You"ll never realize how strong you are until you have no other choice but to be strong.---- 你永远都不会知道自己到底有多坚强,直到有一天你除了坚强别无选择.2.Be yourself,don"t change for anyone.If they don"t like you at your worst,then they don"t deserve you at your best.----- 勇敢的做自己,不要为任何人而改变.如果他们不能接受最差的你,也不配拥有最好的你.3.Fireworks may be beautiful,but who can understand Nama hide the sadness.---- 烟花也许很美,但谁能看懂那抹隐藏其中的悲伤.4.Memories,beautiful very hurt,memories,memories of the past but can not go back.---- 回忆,很美、却很伤;回忆、只是回不到过去的记忆.5.Do you understand the feeling of missing someone?It is just like that you will spend a long hard time to turn the ice-cold water you have drunk into tears.你知道思念一个人的滋味吗,就像喝了一大杯冰水,然后用很长很长的时间流成热泪.6.When you are afraid of losing something ,it means that you have no choice but to abandon it or give up yourself.--- 当你害怕失去一样东西时,这意味着,你只能要么放弃这样东西,要么放弃你自己.7.I"d rather hold you for a minute than live the rest of life knowing I never could.--- 我宁愿牵着你的手,过最后一分钟,也不愿在没有你的世界虚度此生.8.No matter how long the rain lasts,there will be a rainbow in the end.No matter how sad you may be,believe,that happiness is waiting.不管雨下了多久,雨后都将会有彩虹,不管你有多悲伤,要坚信,幸福在等你!9.The reason so many people find it so hard to be happy is that they will always see the past better than it was,the present worse than it is,and the future less resolved than it will be.很多人不快乐,是因为总觉得过去太美好,而现在太糟糕,将来又太飘渺.10.I"m still here waiting for you but you already forgot you"ve been here before.我还在原地等你,你却忘了你曾经来过这里.。
2023-07-19 14:45:351

朋友送我一盒澳大利亚的Natural Beauty护肤品包括口红,不知怎么看上面的生产日期和保质期

2023-07-19 14:45:445

It is appreciated for its natural beauty and historical importance.请问怎么翻译?

It is appreciated for its natural beauty and historical importance.他因它的自然之美和历史之重而(被人)赏识。appreciate是不及物动词,固定用法,直接背下来就好了。也可以理解为for表因为用法同because ,as等。它被欣赏,因为它的美丽和历史。its natural beauty and historical importance are appreciated.也可以这样说。
2023-07-19 14:45:582

自然 自然的 用英语怎么说

natural nature
2023-07-19 14:46:082


2023-07-19 14:46:295


2023-07-19 14:46:474


2023-07-19 14:47:062


  关于杭州的 英语 作文 篇一   A Fairyland --- Hangzhou   Hangzhou is one of the most famous tourist cities in China, not only famous for its natural beauty, but also famous for its history. There are so many tourist attraction in this city like the West Lake, the Temple of General Yuefei, the Six Harmonies Pagoda and Lingyin Temple. You canu2019t go to Hangzhou without visiting these places.   杭州是中国最著名的旅游城市,不仅仅是因为其美丽的自然风光,而且还是因为它的历史。在这个城市有多旅游景点,像西湖,岳飞庙,六和寺和灵隐寺。你去杭州不能不去参观这些地方。   Hangzhou is also famous for its silk and tea products. You can go to the Hangzhou Silk City to buy silk articles. And you can also go to the National Tea Museum to have some Chinese tea.   杭州也是以丝绸和茶叶产品而著名的。你可以去杭州丝绸城买丝绸制品。你也可以去中国茶叶博物馆买一些中国茶。   The best season to visit Hangzhou is spring, because itu2019s warm and sunny during that time. The trees are coming out and the flowers are blooming. Every spring, many people go to Hangzhou to go boating on West Lake. How I wish to visit that beautiful city.   参观杭州的最好季节是春天,因为它那段时间很温暖晴朗。树木都长来了,花儿也开了。每年春天,有很多人去杭州西湖泛舟。我多么希望可以参观这个美丽的城市。   关于杭州的英语作文篇二   Hangzhou is the capital of Zhejiang province and its political, economic and cultural center. With its famous natural beauty and cultural heritages, Hangzhou is one of China"s most important tourist venues.   The City, the southern terminus of the Grand Canal, is located on the lower reaches of the Qiantang River in southeast China, a superior position in the Yangtze Delta and only 180 kilometers from Shanghai. Hangzhou has a subtropical monsoon type climate with four quite distinct seasons. However, it is neither too hot in summer nor too cold in winter making it a year round destination.   The West Lake is undoubtedly the most renowned feature of Hangzhou, noted for the scenic beauty that blends naturally with many famous historical and cultural sites. In this scenic area, Solitary Hill, the Mausoleum of General Yue Fei, the Six Harmonies Pagoda and the Ling Yin Temple are probably the most frequently visited attractions. The "Ten West Lake Prospects" have been specially selected to give the visitor outstanding views of the lake, mountains and monuments.   A number of national museums can be found in Hangzhou and are representative of Chinese culture. Fine examples are the National Silk Museum and Tea Museum. Along with the other museums in Hangzhou, they provide a fascinating insight into the history of Chinese traditional products.   One of the most important parts of traveling is tasting the local delicacies. Hangzhou dishes are noted for their elaborate preparation, sophisticated cooking and refreshing taste. Many local specialties will be sure to make your trip a cultural experience. We recommend that you try Beggar"s Chicken (a chicken baked in clay), West Lake Fish (vinegar coated fish fresh caught from the lake), Dongpo Pork (braised pork) and Fried Shrimps with Longjing Tea, etc.   The shopping environment in Hangzhou is exciting and convenient. Travelers and tourists like to go to Qing He Fang Street. It is one of the most famous and historic streets in the city and reflects many of the features of the Southern Song Dynasty (1127-1279). Shoppers will admire the antique buildings while purchasing items from a wide range of local goods such as silks, tea or maybe a silk parasol, brocade or a beautiful Hangzhou fan. These are just some of the items to be found but there are many more.   关于杭州的英语作文篇三   The West Lake is a like a shining pearl inlaid on the vast land of China, reputed for beautiful scenery, a multitude of historical sites, brilliant cultural relics, and a profusion of native products. Legend has it that the West Lake was a heavenly jewel fallen to earth. Pragmatists insist that it is a mere lagoon on Hangzhou"s western fringe. In any case, West Lake has inspired painters for centuries.   In ancient times, this place had been an shallow sea gulf before it evolved into a residual lake. The Baidi and Sudi causeways provide access to many parts of the lake. Most of the best known tourist sites lie around and within the lake. With a circumference of 15 kilometers , the lake area itself is easy for the visitor to negotiate.   关于杭州的英语作文篇四   National Day is coming, we are very excited, is released, run wild birds, to the bosom of nature.   The first day, National Day with our family went to visit hangzhou is famous for the world. Composition nets arriving   Sat in the car, see everywhere, decorations, pedestrians and head are hung shop "National Day" signs, igawa slip a dime of street stalls came from customers and shouts of bargaining and sound my eyes, my ears at beautiful soft straight. Small lotus composition nets   In the landscape and pedestrians, we came to the west side, see the rippling water reflecting the yews, HuaFang in green lake, let me drive slowly of sushi"s poem: to put a west lake, weak makeup thick than.   Around west lake is a tree made of green edge. Li, the green GuShan siminghu appears to be beautiful and elegant. The east and west GuShan bai causeway of su, like two green sash, gentle floating in water. In the middle of the three islands - small yingzhou, house, RuanGong pier, set in green bosk books. The bright green and white water shook as the reflection, general. Fairyland In this picturesque the lake for a walk, see, how can make people relaxed and happy!   We went on a guided tour of fresh air, and came to the mountain of the dragon. The guide says: "everyone his hands and face cleaning, go LingYinSi pay." Then the father played well, we strived with cool water washing hands and face. Heard that touched the old stone dragon can improve the dragon, I touched the whole half an hour before coming from the longjing village.   Last LingYinSi is. We first came to see the cheerful TianWangDian, pleasure, then came the Ursa major palace, we saw the personality of the Buddha, Buddha is behind the bodhisattva beauty docile, listen to adults said that can keep us safe and healthy bodhisattva, I quickly kneel before KouTou devout bodhisattva in prayer. LingYinSi top layer is YanDian, said China"s guide YanDian bless children learn first, then I set his ass for worship dozens.   But since it was already late, then we LingYinSi left. Then I found a steady stream of visitors is still known as "paradise, hangzhou, no wonder everyone was mosey!    国庆节 到了,我们兴奋极了,犹如出笼的小鸟,脱缰的野马,投向大自然的怀抱。   国庆节第一天,我们全家一起去闻名天下的杭州游玩。   小荷作文网   坐在车上,只见到处张灯结彩,人头济济,车水马龙,商店门口都挂着“庆国庆”的招牌,街边那多如牛毛的小摊上不时传来阵阵吆喝声和顾客门的讨价还价声,看得我两眼冒金花,听得我耳朵直发软。   小 荷 作文网   在山水和行人的伴随下,我们来到了西湖边,只见碧波荡漾的湖水里倒映翠绿的垂柳,画舫在湖中缓缓的行驶,让我想到了苏轼的一句诗:欲把西湖比西子,淡妆浓抹总相宜。   围绕着西湖的是一圈树木织成的绿色镶边。十里明湖中,葱绿的孤山显得格外秀美典雅。孤山东边的白堤和西湖的苏堤,就象两条绿色的绸带,轻柔的漂浮在碧水之上。湖心的三个小岛——小瀛洲、湖心亭、阮公墩,掩映在绿书丛中。明净的湖水晃动着绿岛和白云的倒影,仿佛仙境一般。在这如画的西湖边走一走,看一看,怎么能让人不心旷神怡呢!   我们在导游的带领下,又来到了空气清新的龙井山。导游说:“大家把自己的手和脸清洗一下,再去灵隐寺拜佛。”于是爸爸把井水打了上来,我们争先恐后的用清凉的井水洗手洗脸。听说摸了老龙井石上的龙可以提高成绩,我整整摸了半个小时,才依依不舍的离开了龙井村。   最后一站是灵隐寺。我们先来到了天王殿,看到了乐呵呵的弥勒佛,然后又来到了大雄宝殿,我们看到了慈眉善目的如来佛,如来佛背后是美丽善良的观音菩萨,听大人说,菩萨能保佑我们平安健康,我急忙跪在菩萨前虔诚叩头祈祷。灵隐寺最高一层是华严殿,导游说华严殿是保佑小朋友学习第一的,于是我撅着屁股一连拜了几十个才罢休。   天色已晚,我们意犹未尽的离开了灵隐寺。这时我发现游人依然络绎不绝,杭州素有“人间天堂”的美称,怪不得游人都流连往返呢!
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唐代是中国封建社会发展的黄金时期,茶文化也在唐朝发展到了巅峰的程度,用我们现在的话来说,就是茶在唐朝被奉为“国家级饮料”。具有中国文化特色的知识经常作为高考英语阅读C、D篇的文化科技文来考察,在大学英语四六级的作文中也非常爱考。如果这样一篇文章作为高考阅读题考出来,那么这样的文章里面会包含哪些重要的语言知识点呢?我这里精选了一段外刊对中国唐朝时代宫廷茶文化的描述,以此为切入点,帮助大家梳理关于中国茶文化文章相关的英语语言点。一旦在高考的时候考出相关的话题,这些语言点是有可能会重复出现的,掌握了这些语言点,在解题的时候自然就能够做到得心应手。标题解析茶在唐朝我相信大多数中国人如果写茶在唐朝很可能会很直白的写成“Tea in Tang Dynasty”,这里面就有比较大的文化差异。如果你按照我们中国人的写法去写标题,老外看到了以后有可能会误以为这一篇文章是讲茶这个植物在唐朝的特点,会觉得也许在那个时期的茶植物和现在的茶有区别。但是,实际上我们中国人讲到茶,要表达的一般是茶道、茶的历史、茶的文化,其实就是在介绍喝茶。要写出让老外看得懂的标题,就必须写成Tea Drinking。类似的还有Coffee Drinking in 某地,Beer Drinking in 某地,在老外写的相关文章中都会经常看到。文章大意宫廷饮茶始于魏晋南北朝时期,至唐代,宫廷对茶叶的需求量逐渐增加,需要向宫廷进贡的茶叶种类也随之增加。据史料记载,当时的贡茶有湖州紫笋和四川蒙山的蒙顶茶。为加强对贡茶加工的监督,唐朝于公元770年设立“贡茶院”(主管贡茶的机构)和郡守,监督贡茶生产。这是前所未有的事件。考点解析① 宫廷饮茶的表达: tea drinking in the palace。 palace其实大家在小学就学过了,是宫殿的意思,在中文语境下,可以翻译成宫廷,皇家等。这类表达其实都非常简单,大家在写的时候就不要写成“皇帝的家”之类的中式表达。② 短语start from,意思是“从……开始”,关于“start”的短语隔三差五就会在高考中出现,属于高频考点。相关的词组短语还有start with、begin with,以……开始,要一并掌握。见于《高中英语1.5万考点》高频部分,第3页第18个。③ 魏晋南北朝的表达中, dynasty采用了复数形式,因为那是两个朝代,而且这个单词是可数名词,很多同学不知道。④ pay tribute to the court 意思是“进贡”,我们都背过contribute,这个单词意思是做贡献, tribute 就是贡献的“贡”,神奇不?court 是考纲内单词,意思是法庭,这里解释为宫廷,算是这个词的熟词生义。⑤ 据史料记载的表达: according to historical records,这种格式化的表达就建议大家直接背下来。⑥ 短语 set up 设立、创立,这个短语不仅仅是在阅读题中考理解,在完形填空经常作为选项来考查,在语法填空中也可以考,在作文有时候也会用到。见于《睡眠记忆法配套词表》高频部分第5页第7单元。⑦ 短语 in charge of,意思是“负责、管理”,这个短语字面意思和实际意思差别很大,高考很爱在阅读中考理解,在完形填空中也经常作为选项考查。见于《高中英语1.5万考点》高频部分,第9页第28个。
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1、失败,其实是放弃! Failure, it is give up! 2、我要像雕塑一样活着! Ill live like a sculpture! 3、我苦,有人比我更苦。 I, someone suffering more than me. 4、没手,没脚,没烦恼。 No arms, no legs, no the dream. 16、当你抱怨没有鞋子的时候,还有人没有脚。 e a miracle. 21、服务他人的热情或许是上帝赐给我们最棒的礼物。 The enthusiasm of the service may be the gift pletely. 31、上帝在我生命中有个计划,通过我的故事给予他人希望。 God has a plan in my life, give hope to others through my story. 32、在掌控你不想要或突然发生的变化时,第一步就是保持。 You dont e a what kind of person. 37、即使是我生命中最糟糕的事情,对于别人依然有着非凡的意义。 Even if is the e a better person, and in the larger dreams expand their boundaries. 47、你不能放弃梦想,但是可以改变方向,因为你不知道在人生的拐角处会遇到什么。 You cant give up the dream, but can change direction, because you never knoent, is the true failure. 53、如果你不违背我,你要什么我就能给你什么,你要什么都可以。把你的心交给我吧! If you dont go against me, I can give you e to this world, the gift of pregnancy the road there are many waiting to be opened. 57、当你怀疑自己能否实现人生的目标时,请相信那些愿意助你一臂之力,以及能够指引你的人。 When you doubt yourself can achieve the goal of life, please believe that those who are willing to help you, and to guide you. 58、或许我不能牵起我妻子的手,但是有那么一天,我会握住她的心,握住她的心是不需要手的。 Maybe I cant take my etimes you inside to outside love their natural beauty, people plete life has nothing to do with his wealth. 74、与其往内缩到自己的世界里,不如向外看看四周;与其带着受伤的心寻求同情,不如去找一个伤得更深、更重的人,然后帮助他治愈伤痛。 Rather than to retreat to their oe what others expect of appearance. When you say: I have this, I dont have those. I would say: so what? I dont care! 81、我不需要改变处境,我不需要手脚,我需要的是圣灵的翅膀,因为藉着这双翅膀,我知道上帝正拖着我翱翔,不要放弃信仰上帝,因为上帝永远不会放弃你。 I dont need to change the situation, I dont need, what I need is the wings of the spirit, because by this pair of wings, I know god is dragging me flying, never give up belief in god, because god will never give up you. 82、我所能讲出的最伟大的信息就是,耶稣是主,也是我生命的救主。他是我的朋友。不论我去哪里他都与我同在。能在我与耶稣的关系中继续成长,我太高兴了。 I can tell is the greatest information, Jesus is Lord, is the savior of my life. He is a friend of mine. No matter where I go he is with me. Can continue to grow in my relationship with Jesus, Im so happy. 尼克胡哲语录 1、勇敢不是不害怕,而是害怕的时候你还去坚持做! 2、我要像雕塑一样活着! 3、生命的意义在于全心全意的投入! 4、如果你不停的纠结于你所没有的或者不想要的,你就会忘记你真正拥有的。 5、只有一次又一次的尝试,没有失败,没有失败者! 6、你身边的朋友似乎可以决定你是谁因而你改变了自己! 7、上帝在我生命中有个计划,通过我的故事给予他人希望。 8、你不用取悦任何人,你就是你! 9、没手,没脚,没烦恼。 10、你不能放弃梦想,但是可以改变方向,因为你不知道在人生的拐角处会遇到什么。 11、你有权选择是去鼓励别人,还是推倒别人!你有权选择走近你的梦想,还是以短暂的事情代替!你有权选择放弃,还是继续前行! 12、如果别人没有给你奇迹,你就去成为奇迹。 13、很多人照镜子时,希望自己有另一个体型,那不是真的你,你只是想成为别人期望的样子。当你说:我有这些,我没有那些。我会说:那又如何?我不在乎! 14、学会感恩,敢于梦想,永不放弃! 15、或许我不能牵起我妻子的手,但是有那么一天,我会握住她的心,握住她的心是不需要手的。 16、如果你失败了,再站起来! 17、即使是我生命中最糟糕的事情,对于别人依然有着非凡的意义。 18、最大的欺骗莫过于以为自己不够好,以为自己毫无价值。 19、拥抱是一种疗伤的方式让对方知道你有多么爱他们不要怀疑话语的力量! 20、忍耐是一种美德,也是最难做到的。 21、在我看来,生活中要遵循一些关键的原则,首要的一条就是要感恩,是时候感恩了! 22、失败,其实是放弃! 23、人生最可悲的并非失去四肢,而是没有生存希望及目标!人们经常埋怨什么也做不来,但如果我们只记挂着想拥有或欠缺的东西,而不去珍惜所拥有的,那根本改变不了问题!真正改变命运的,并不是我们的机遇,而是我们的态度。 24、一个人本色的样子就是最美的。 27、当你在某时刻倒 你感到再无力气站起来 所以你带着面具上学 假装一切安好,然后你回家 躺在床上,没有人看见你 你不用取悦任何人,你就是你 然而恐惧来了 当踏进家门,你便有这种恐惧 或许那是个破碎的家 或许你在生命中感到疑惑 或许你不肯定将来的事,而使你恐惧 或许你担心别人怎样评价你 那恐惧会瘫痪你的生命 28、我今天想问大家,你觉得有希望吗? 我在这里,面向着地,没有手和脚 我应该没可能自己站起来 但事实并非如此 我尝试一百次站起来 如果在第一百次我失败了,我放弃尝试,我能再站起来吗? 不能 失败后,我再尝试,一次次 我知道只要不断尝试,总有站起来的希望 只要你不放弃,那就不会是终点 只要你还在这里,那你总有再次站起来的机会 仍然有希望 29、我说我明白你的痛苦 我未曾遭受被**的痛苦 未曾被叫做胖子或患上饮食失调症 我未曾经历家庭破碎的痛苦 我不明白这些感受 但我明白破碎心灵的痛苦 我知道孤单是怎么一回事 我在耶稣**里找到力量 你也该找出你力量的来源 我想让你明白一切还未结束 重要的是你选择如何结束 你会选择全力冲过终点吗? 你定会找到重新站起来的力量 就像如此(然后力克站了起来) 30、我之所以走出抑郁,成为今天的我 就是因为我抑郁过 八岁时我只注目于我缺乏的东西 我渴望能有手有脚 我渴望能做这做那 但是我真的又能做什么? 我只有一个选择 我可以选择为没有四肢而愤怒 或者我可以选择为仍有“小鸡腿”而感恩 我仍可以做很多事 在家我可以刷牙、梳头 现在甚至能环游世界,真的不可思议 31、我有一个问题我是谁? 我名叫尼克·胡哲,但尼克·胡哲又是谁? 奇怪的是 你身边的朋友似乎可以决定你是谁 因而你改变了自己 同学都说粗话 所以我开始说粗话 周围的人开始吸烟 所以我也开始吸烟 因为这些事很酷 每个人似乎都如此 所以我不想离群 我想被接纳被喜欢 所以我开始说粗话,我开始吸烟 酒桌上同学都喝酒 你也开始喝 这没什么大不了的,因为身边的人都这样做 于是你开始失去自己 你开始把安全感建筑在短暂的事情上 你可以让自己酩酊大醉 但是第二天你从头痛中醒来 这些你依旧要去面对。我告诉你 你本来的样子已经是极美了 很多人照镜子时 希望自己有另一个体型 那不是真的你 你只是想成为别人期望的样子 当你说:我有这些,我没有那些 我会说:那又如何?我不在乎! 32、人生不会常常顺利,不会时刻灿烂 当你找到生命的目标时,就值得好好地过 你会说:“尼克,我不知道有什么目标” 父母想我做这些、老师想要我做那些 朋友让我做些别的,我不知道该怎么办 你四分五裂 为你自己做抉择吧! 如果你一生都充满痛苦,充满眼泪 到人生的尽头时 你却救了别人的性命 你的生命过的有价值吗? 如果你能拯救别人的生命 你的痛苦有价值吗? 33、你遇上很大的困难,你现在想要放弃 有一个比你年长十年的人 完全经历过你的困难 到你面前说:“我明白你的感受,我曾经历跟你一样的痛苦及困境,但我仍然活着。” 这能鼓励你吗? 这样可以救你的生命吗? 是的,会 你有权选择是去鼓励别人,还是推倒别人 你有权选择走近你的梦想,还是以短暂的事情代替 你有权选择放弃,还是继续前行 我想问你,你还好吗? 你背负着怎样的重担? 你忍住了何种眼泪? 你隐藏了什么痛苦,什么恐惧? 你不需要紧紧抓住这些恐惧 你只需每次前行一步 不是说这些恐惧一天内会全部消失 你能原谅伤害你的人吗? 因为医治从宽恕开始 你能立下心志,当有人奚落你 你转而能鼓励另一个人? 34、想象一下,你在一个空旷的地方 没有建筑物,没有遮蔽处 你头上正刮着风暴 那风暴就是生命里的逆境 你不想告诉别人 因为一方面他们不会明白 另一方面,他们帮不到你 你在风暴下,你跪下了 你寒冷、你软弱 你以为这是生命的终结了 你不仍在生存吗?你仍在这里 你不用独自面对这一切 告诉你信任的人 抓住这些你信任的人 他们会对你说 他们阻止不了风暴 但他们会支持你,给你温暖,直到风暴过去 纵然风暴仍在,但他们会支持你 你会继续生活下去 他们会一直陪着你 想想你的朋友 你看着他们的眼睛 知道他们并不开心 你知道他们的伤痕 每一个人都在尝试掩饰 今天你能鼓励一个人吗? 做出选择 做美好的事情 抓住希望 35、眼泪能清洗你灵魂的窗子 流泪后,你会感到舒畅和释放 拥抱是一种疗伤的方式 让对方知道你有多么爱他们 不要怀疑话语的力量 不要放弃自己 无论你的现在如何 总有人会相信你 会爱你 尼克胡哲励志名言句子 尼克说:现在就算你用百万元来引诱我,叫我长出手脚,我也不会考虑 尼克说:只有一次又一次的尝试,没有失败,没有失败者,失败,其实是放弃,生命的意义在于全心全意的投入,做你自己,相信你自己,你能做到,你每天都有选择,要有希望,为梦想而前行。 选择就会被选择,拥有就会被拥有,而给予同样会被给予。因此我们 不免要问:活着还有什么意义?活着就是做有意义的事。而做有意义的事就是活着。 过去的已经过去 ,我们改变不了;未来的还未到来,我们也无法把握。面对人生的 困惑,愚钝,犹豫,无奈。,。。。。。我只想说;快乐进行时,幸福进行时。而且我相信,只要愿意,每个人都可以作到。不是吗? 我告诉人们跌倒了要学会爬起来,并始终爱自己. 1.上帝在我生命中有个计划,通过我的故事给予他人希望。 2.人生最可悲的并非失去四肢,而是没有生存希望及目标!人们经常埋怨什么也做不来,但如果我们只记挂着想拥有或欠缺的东西,而不去珍惜所拥有的,那根本改变不了问题!真正改变命运的,并不是我们的机遇,而是我们的态度。 3.人生的遭遇难以控制,有些事情不是你的错,也不是你可以阻止的。你能选择的不是放弃,而是继续努力争取更好的生活。 4.你不能放弃梦想,但是可以改变方向,因为你不知道在人生的拐角处会遇到什么。 5.即使是我生命中最糟糕的事情,对于别人依然有着非凡的意义。 6.没手,没脚,没烦恼。 7.如果你失败了,再站起来 8.如果发现自己不能创造奇迹,那就努力让自己变成一个奇迹。 9.态度决定高度。 10.失败不可怕,要继续尝试。 11.我热爱我的生活,没什么可以阻挡我,但是我时时刻刻都快乐吗?不,我也会伤心,我有时候也会哭,那倒并不是因为我没有手脚,这倒容易接受,我是担心如果我爱的人受了伤,我却什么也不能做,这会让我感到十分痛苦。 12. 我仍热爱生活,因为我对生存的渴望。 13. 在生命中,我们不能选择什么,却可以改变什么。 14. 只要你一天没有放弃,那么你就还没有失败。 15. 如果你正打算放弃梦想,多撑一天、一个礼拜、一个月、再多撑一年。你会发现拒绝退场的结果令人惊讶。 16. 虽然环境不能改变,但你却可以改变自己的心,改变你看待自己人生的眼光,让我有机会拥抱你,希望透过我自己的故事来激励你。梦想更大,永不放弃! 17. 认为自己不够好,这是最大的谎话;认为自己没价值,这是最大的欺骗。 18. 以生命见证奇迹。 尼克胡哲名言英文版 1、Failure, is to give up! 失败,其实是放弃! 2、No arms, no legs, no eone does not give you the miracle, youll become a miracle. 如果别人没有给你奇迹,你就去成为奇迹。 15、Its a lie to think that you are not good enough. Its a lie to think that you are not e what others expect of. plain about what also do not come, but if we only worry about shoes have or lack of things, and not have to cherish, the fundamental change problem! Real change your fate, not our opportunity, but our attitude. 人生最可悲的并非失去四肢,而是没有生存希望及目标!人们经常埋怨什么也做不来,但如果我们只记挂着想拥有或欠缺的东西,而不去珍惜所拥有的,那根本改变不了问题!真正改变命运的,并不是我们的机遇,而是我们的态度。
2023-07-19 14:48:261


以下是关于“我喜欢公园”的英语作文,供您参考:I Like the ParkI like the park. It"s a peaceful and beautiful place where I can enjoy myself. Every time I go there, I feel relaxed and refreshed.There are many things I can do in the park. I can take a walk along the paths, breathe in the fresh air and enjoy the greenery of the trees and plants. Sometimes, I will sit on a bench and watch people passing by. It"s interesting to see people of all ages doing different things in the park. Some are exercising, some are playing games, and some are simply enjoying the scenery.In addition to the natural beauty, the park also has recreational facilities. There are basketball and tennis courts, skateboard ramps, and a large playground for children. I often join in the games with my friends or just watch people playing.What"s more, I like the park because it provides a great opportunity for me to get close to nature. I can see birds, butterflies, squirrels, and various other creatures. In the park, I feel closer to the natural world, and I learn to appreciate the beauty and wonder of nature.Overall, the park is a wonderful place to spend some time. I always enjoy going there, and it will always hold a special place in my heart.
2023-07-19 14:48:352


  人民公园到处有美丽的景色,说也说不尽,希望你也有机会去细细玩赏。下面是我收集整理的描写公园的景色英文作文,希望对您有所帮助!   公园景色英文作文一   Green grasses,blue lakes and beautiful mountains are waiting for you!Welcome to colorful nature pare!   绿色的草,蓝色的湖和美丽的山等着你!欢迎来到多彩的自然公园!   There is a clean river. There are some colorful flowers. There is a beautiful mountain near the nature park. The air is fresh. The sky is blue. The clouds are white. The tree is green. The bridge is tall. The grass is green. I can run on the grass. There is a path near the lake. There are many fish in the lake. There is a forest in the nature park. There are many trees on the mountains. There are many flowers near the path.   有一条干净的河。有一些五颜六色的花。自然公园附近有一座美丽的山。空气清新。天空是蓝色的。云朵是白色的。树是绿色的。这座桥很高。草是绿色的。我可以在草地上奔跑。湖附近有一条小路。湖里有许多鱼。自然公园里有一片森林。山上有许多树。有许多花在路径附近。   Look! There are some birds in the sky. One, two, threeu2026u2026 oh! So many!   看!天空中有一些鸟。一、二、三、哦!这么多!   公园景色英文作文二   ast Saturday,with all my classmates and teachers,I went on a trip to the nature park .We departed from school at about half past seven and spent about 40 minutes travelling to our destination.When we first entered into the park,all of us were shocked by the natural beauty and the hamonized ecosystem of the park.Then,happily we were playing games on the sand; swimming in the pool and taking with our friends on the grassplot.After lunch break,our programs were continued with an contest of story narating held and each of us was immerging within the funny stories We left the part at about 5 o"clock,and unitl now,most of us are still haunted by the beautiful memory of that trip.   公园景色英文作文三   In Haimen there is a park. Itu2019s a big and beautiful park. It has two gates. They are the North Gate and the West Gate. Many people park their bikes in front of the gates.   There is a shop at the North Gate. When you go into the park through the North Gate, you will find a large square on your right and you will see lots of trees and flowers around you. In the west of the park, there is a playground.   Sometimes some children fly kites on it and some people sit on the grass and chat. In the middle of the park, there is a lake. There are many boats on it. There is a hill in the east of the park.   The park is very beautiful. I love it very much. Will you come to visit it some day?   公园景色英文作文四   The Yellow Mountain is one of the most famous mountains in China . It lies in the south of Anhui . Every year thousands of Chinese and foreigners pay a visit there . It"s not far from here . It takes you about three hours to get there by bus . You can also go there by train or by plane . While you are climbing the mountain , you can enjoy the sea o   公园景色英文作文五   Yesterday was Sunday ,the weather was sunny.And my friends asked me to go to the park with them.We went to the park by bike,and brought some foods and fruits with us .   The park was very quiet ,and we saw many old persons sang songs or dance in it.We looked for a long time .Then we went to see the beautiful flowers and also took some photoes .   At last ,we sat down on the glasses and had a picnic.   We all had a good time yesterday.
2023-07-19 14:48:511


1、音乐可以治心病。 Music can cure heart disease. 2、音乐是空气的诗歌。 Music is the air of poetry. 3、音乐常使死亡迟延。 Music often makes delay death. 4、钟声是音乐的笑声。 The bell is the laughter of the music. 5、舞蹈音乐是爱情之子。 Dance music is the son of love. 6、跳舞的人总要付音乐钱。 Dance music always have to pay for it. 7、学音乐的孩子不会变坏。 Learn music kids won"t go bad. 8、做音乐的窍门不过诚实而已。 Do tricks but honest music. 9、我愿意是我的作品成为战歌。 I like to be my work become a battle hymn. 10、音乐是医治思想疾病的良药。 Music is the medicine of the disease cure thought. 11、没有音乐,生命是没有价值的。 Without music, life is of no value. 12、音乐只对安宁的心境具有魅力。 Music only for peaceful state of mind has the charm. 13、它好似一曲持续而静止的音乐。 It is like a song and sustained the stillness of the music. 14、离开了生活和斗争就没有音乐。 Out of the life and struggle, there is no music. 15、变死音为活曲,化歌者为文人。 Death note at the live music, the singer to the literati. 16、没有触及内心,就不可能有音乐。 Didn"t touch the heart, there is no music. 17、一切好的音乐都是为了拨动心弦。 All good music is for the sake of the heartstrings. 18、只要有音乐,就不会有世界末日。 As long as there is music, there won"t be the end of the world. 19、对我来说,音乐是灵魂的完美表现。 For me, music is the perfect exPssion of the soul. 20、八卦终究会过去,但音乐会留下来。 Gossip will eventually in the past, but the concert to stay. 21、音乐应当使人类的精神爆发出火花。 Music should make human spirit broke out sparks. 22、德者,性之端也;乐者,德之乐也。 It"s virtue,; Joy, the joy of DE also. 23、许多年轻人在学习音乐时学会了爱。 Many young people in learning music has learned to love. 24、美是上帝的微笑,音乐是上帝的声音。 Beauty is the smile of god, music is the voice of god. 25、音乐是属于群众的,这是人人有份的。 Music belongs to the people, this is everyone has a. 26、通过音乐并在音乐中教育我们的孩子。 Through the music in the music education of our children. 27、音乐用理想的纽带把人类结合在一起。 Music together with the ideal link between humans. 28、通过与诗的内在联系,音乐获得了新生。 Through the inner link with poetry and music for new life. 29、月光奏鸣曲,拉的像杀猪,月光救命曲。 Moonlight sonata, like kill pig, the moonlight for help. 30、技术只有为高尚的目的服务,才有价值。 Technology is only for the purpose of the noble service, worthwhile. 31、乐听其音,则知其俗;见其俗,则知其化。 Listen to the sound, is known by its vulgar; See the vulgar, while the other. 32、要我不玩音乐不可能,因为音乐是不死的。 It"s impossible I don"t play music, because music is immortal. 33、音乐是比一切智慧、一切哲学更高的启示。 Music is a higher revelation than all wisdom and philosophy. 34、我深信质朴和真实是一切艺术作品的美的原则。 I"m convinced that the principle of plain and real are all works of art of beauty. 35、老音乐好听,旧情人好相处,旧钞票容易贬值。 Good old music, old flames, old money easily deva lued. 36、音乐是我的生命,所以谢谢大家肯定我的生命。 Music is my life, so thank you for your affirmation of my life. 37、感觉真实的音乐,认真和坚持是非常有必要的! Feel real music, serious and persistence is necessary! 38、除了音乐,我在生活的其他方面完全是个白痴。 In addition to music, I in other aspects of life is a complete idiot. 39、爵士乐使你的肌肉发痒,交响乐能舒展你的灵魂。 Jazz tickles your muscles, symphonies stretch your soul. 40、没有热情,就不可能创造出任何真正的艺术作品。 Without passion, it is impossible to create any real work of art. 41、音乐不只是表达的艺术,它还是能引起激动的艺术。 Music not only the exPssion of art, it can lead to emotional art. 42、勤勉而顽强地钻研,永远可以使你百尺竿头更进一步。 Industrious and stubbornly study, can always make you moved on. 43、对于富有才华和热爱劳动的人来说,不存在任何障碍。 For talented and love of labor, there is no obstacle. 44、我喜欢一切和音乐有关的东西!包括关于音乐的故事! I like everything and anything related to music! Including the story about the music! 45、欲改造国民之品质,则诗歌音乐为精神教育之一要件。 For reconstruction of the national quality, poetry music as one of the mental education requirements. 46、对美的感知和理解是审美教育的核心,是审美的要点。 Awareness and understanding of beauty is the core of aesthetic education, is the point of aesthetics. 47、艺术的真正意义在于使人幸福,使人得到鼓舞和力量。 The real meaning of art is to make people happy, make people get inspiration and strength. 48、音乐从我耳边飘过,就像邮差送来一封不属于我的信。 Music from my ears, like the postman delivered a letter does not belong to me. 49、真正的朴实性是最难能可贵的,而且是最难以企及的造诣。 Real simple is the most valuable, and it is the most difficult to achieve. 50、你攻击我什么都没关系,但是你攻击我的音乐我就火大了。 What it doesn"t matter you against me, but I can fire you attack my music. 51、人生如音乐,要用听觉、感情和本能谱成,不能只凭规律。 Life is like music. It must set by hearing, feeling and instinct, not by rule. 52、真正创作音乐的是人民,作曲家只不过把它们编成曲子而已。 Really creative music is the people, the composer just put them into song. 53、我做音乐的最大满足感是希望有人能够通过我的音乐来懂我。 I do my music is the biggest satisfaction hope someone can understand me through my music. 54、音乐使一个民族的气质更高贵音乐使一个民族的气质更高贵。 The temperament of music makes a people more noble music of a nation more noble temperament. 55、不要试图去填满生命的空白,因为,音乐就来自那空白深处。 Don"t try to fill the blank of life, because, the music is from the depths of the blank. 56、真正创造音乐的是人民,作曲家只不过是把它们编成曲子而已。 Actually create music it is the people, the composer just put them into song. 57、感情和气味是这么一种东西:它们犹如光之于太阳,音乐之于风。 Love and the smell is such a thing: they like the light from the sun, the music to the wind. 58、正如建筑可以说是凝固的音乐一样,它也可以说是一种空间音乐。 Just like architecture is solidification of music, it also can say that music is a kind of space. 59、一首我喜爱的乐曲,所传给我的思想和意义是不能用语言表达的。 One of my favorite music, to which my thought and can"t use the language to exPss meaning. 60、音乐人都是寂寞的,而且也是自虐的,太好的环境作不出好音乐。 Musicians are lonely, but also the masochistic, too good environment for good music. 61、因为音乐这种艺术就其性质而言,对神经有着直接的生理上的作用。 Because music this kind of art in terms of the nature, and there is a direct physiological function of nerve. 62、新唱片音乐部分已近结束,进入视觉创意阶段,几乎每天脑浆沸腾。 New record music section is nearly complete, into the visual creative stage, nearly every day his brains. 63、当我坐在那架破旧古钢琴旁边的时候,我对最幸福的国王也不羡慕。 When I sat next to the shabby ancient piano, I also don"t envy to the happiest king. 64、就算世界上最美妙的音乐,也比不上真诚的笑声那样能令人鼓舞振奋。 Even if the world"s most beautiful music, is no match for the sincere laughter can so encouraging. 65、如果你问我,怎样成为好的钢琴家,那么你先告诉我,练了多少音阶。 If you ask me how to become a good pianist, you first tell me, how many scales. 66、音乐与音符并没有任何关系,音符不过是传达音乐实体的媒介物而已。 Music with notes and has nothing to do, notes are just exPss music entity vehicle. 67、灵感全然不是漂亮地挥着手,而是如犍牛能竭尽全力工作时的心理状态。 Inspiration is completely not beautifully waved, but as a bullock"s state of mind can do their best to work. 68、练习音阶和琶音必须坚持不懈,这些技巧都帮助学生掌握扎实的钢琴技巧。 Practicing scales and arpeggios must unremitting, these skills to help the students master the solid piano skills. 69、开启人类智慧的宝库有三把钥匙:一把是数字,一把是字母,一把是音乐。 Open the treasure house of human wisdom has three keys: one is digital, a is the alphabet, one is music. 70、让自由的艺术和音乐本身美的规律冲破技术的樊篱,给思想和心灵以自由。 Beautiful law of art and music itself to break through technical barriers, to the minds and hearts to freedom. 71、我不是一个新闻很多的人,我不愿意我的名字和音乐以外的东西一起出现。 I"m not a news a lot of people, I don"t want to my name with something beyond the music. 72、百事音乐榜很好,它有很强的隐蔽性,到最后才揭晓,评判也是非常的公正。 Pepsi music list is very good, it has a very strong concealment, until finally, eva luation is very fair. 73、幸福是灵魂的一种香味,是一颗歌唱的心的和声。而灵魂的最美的音乐是慈悲。 Happiness is the soul of a fragrance, it is a heart to sing in harmony. And the most beautiful music of the soul is compassion. 74、和弦能增强音程的感觉,弹奏的力量与稳定,并能训练手在钢琴上的合适位置。 Chord can enhance the feeling of interval, the strength and stability of play, and the right place to train their hands on the piano. 75、音乐有血一样的炽热,有无以言表的**;我们聚坐在一起,领悟着自己的心声。 Music has the same hot blood, have an incredible passion; We were sitting together, the understanding of his own voice. 76、我做的音乐,希望所有的歌迷,你们都不要失望,我觉得我是很用心的在做音乐! I do music, I hope all the fans, you are not disappointed, I think I"m very attentively in doing music! 77、在科学思维中常常伴着诗的因素,真正的科学和真正的音乐要求同样的想象过程。 In scientific thinking is often accompanied by the factors of poetry, the real science and real music demand the same thought process. 78、躺那儿看书,躺那儿自己做点事,都特舒服,其实生活有音乐,整个是有颜色的。 Reading lie there, lie there do something themselves, are comfortable, actually life is music, the whole is colored. 79、音乐,是人生最大的快乐;音乐,是生活中的一股清流;首先,是陶冶性情的熔炉。 Music is the greatest happiness of existence; Music, is a desire in life; First of all, it is s temperament melting pot. 80、没有油画、雕塑、音乐、诗歌以及各种自然美所引起的情感,人生乐趣会失掉一半。 No oil painting, sculpture, music, poetry and emotion, caused by a variety of natural beauty will lose half the fun of life. 81、周杰伦像爸妈一样很提携我们,因为他,我们的音乐、文字才会被歌迷看到、听到。 Jay Chou is affirmative we as parents, because of him, our music, words will be fans to see and hear. 82、音乐,是人生最大的快乐;音乐,是生活中的一股清泉;音乐,是陶冶性情的熔炉。 Music is the greatest happiness of existence; Music, is a clear spring of life; Music, is temperament melting pot. 83、拥有音乐,对人的一生而言已然足够,但是,只用有限的一生去拥抱音乐,是不够的。 With music, is already enough for one"s life, but only limited to embrace music during his lifetime, is not enough.
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1,方塔公园--常熟城内著名的旅游胜地,因园内有一南宋方塔崇教兴福寺塔而得名。公园北部以水为主景,富有江南园林特色;中部为南宋方塔,南部则极具城市山林情趣。园内宋塔、宋井、古银杏又誉为园景三绝。 Square Tower Park - Changshu city, a famous tourist destination, because of the park there is a square tower of the Southern Song Chong-taught Kofukuji tower named. Park north of the main water scenery, rich in southern garden features; central part of the Southern Song Dynasty square tower, the southern mountains is a very fun city. Park Tower Song, Song Jing, the ancient tree"s acclaimed landscape Ruin. 2,沙家浜:因京剧《沙家浜》而家喻户晓。抗日战争时期,在芦苇荡的绿色帐蔓里,新四军战士和沙家浜人民共同谱写了一首首壮丽的战斗诗篇。现辟有芦苇荡、教育馆、春来茶馆等景点。 沙家浜南邻阳澄湖,是享誉中外的阳澄湖大闸蟹的主要产地。Shajiabang: Due to Peking Opera, "Sha Jia Bang" and a household name. Anti-Japanese War, in the reed marshes off the green vine, the New Fourth Army soldiers and Shajiabang peoples, wrote a song after another magnificent epic battle. Reed marshes are Biyou, education, hall, spring tea and other attractions. Shajiabang south Yangcheng Lake is a renowned at home and abroad Yangcheng Lake hairy crabs main producing area.3,尚湖:尚湖位于常熟城西约2公里处。相传商末姜尚避纣隐居于此,故名。北面虞山映照,四周芦苇丛生,岸上田舍,气氛融融。元代大画家黄公望常于山麓湖畔饮酒长歌,观摩湖山胜景。 Shang Lake: Jean Lake is located about 2 kilometers west of Changshu. According to legend, by the end of Jiang Shang Zhou seclusion to avoid this, hence the name. Yushan mapping the north and surrounded by reeds profusion, shore lands and the atmosphere cozy. Yuan Dynasty painter Huang Gongwang often drinking long lake in the foothills of songs, watch Hushan scenery.4, 虞山:虞山横卧于常熟城西北,北濒长江,南临尚湖,因商周之际江南先祖虞仲(即仲雍)卒葬于此而得名。虞山东南麓伸入古城,故有“十里青山半入城”之誉,现已辟为国家森林公园。  山上建有虞山公园、书台公园、石梅园等园林。众多古迹名胜融于自然美景,使虞山的文化悠久绵长。 Yushan: Yushan Changshu City, lying in the northwest, north Endangered Yangtze River, the south still lake, because the ancestors of the Shang and Zhou YU Zhong occasion of Jiangnan (ie, Zhong Yong) soldier was buried in the named. Yu stretching from the southern foot of the ancient city of Shandong Province, and therefore, "ten-mile Aoyama and a half into the city" reputation has been turned into national forest park. Mountains built Yushan Park, the book sets park, plum and other stone garden. A number of historic spots and into the natural beauty, so that a long and rich culture of Yushan.其他推荐
2023-07-19 14:49:191

翻译下 谢谢~~

Hangzhou - "paradise"The famous Italian traveler Marco Polo was so impressed by the beauty of hangzhou described him: "this is one of the world"s most fascinating city, it makes people feel oneself to be in heaven." In China, there are words: "under heaven, suzhou and hangzhou." Hangzhou"s famous west lake lies mainly in the picturesque scenery. Throughout the west lake dynasty, famous poet su dongpo beauty with "weak makeup thick always fitting lines to praise of west lake. In hangzhou west lake, you can enjoy the beauty of the landscape, also might as well try walking street town, hangzhou dishes, also can buy a point on a few samples of special fields.And the west lake, bai causeway into two green ribbon, elegant in waves. Lake center has three islands: RuanGong pier, house and small yingzhou. The ripples, around the lake, LouTaiTingGe trees with thick, is China"s most famous tourist attractions.Hangzhou west lake has a watch says, "fine rain, rain lake lake not as night lake lake." You must go in hangzhou, xihu appreciating the charm and see whether this sense.Hangzhou is a famous ancient Chinese, one 2,000 years of history. Hangzhou is not only to the natural beauty, and a famous traditional culture charm. Not only has the 题咏 scholars alike, and there are delicious and beautiful handicrafts.Hangzhou is "Chinese silk, silk product variety, which is particularly eye-catching tapestry. Hangzhou also produces black paper and sandalwood fan. Other products are west China and one of the top ten ex-umbrella man retreated of west lake dragon.Hangzhou has many famous restaurants, supply, and under its more than 100 hotels hotel for tourists and provide comfortable accommodation.Generally speaking, the tour around west lake scenic spots and spent two days more appropriate. To hangzhou, pleasant, tourism and cultural enjoyment can get.
2023-07-19 14:49:261


1 the babies won"t stop crying till they see their mom2 he lay on the lawn,enthralled by the beautiful nature3 he look up to see the blackboard4 the old man is too tired to move any further5 I left my book home yesterday6 We played very happy in the park last Sunday7 it"s time of us to go home8 I marked down his name9 I"m standing a dinner for you next week
2023-07-19 14:49:354


I like travelling very much. Beijing is one of the cities i have visited.My stay there is most unforgettable. I have visited many spots of historical interest,such as the Great wall, the Summer Palace, the Palace Museum and Ming Tombs. I was proud of the wisdom and talent of ancient people.I have also been to the Revolution History Museum of China and the Military Museum of China, and i was deeply impressed by achievements our country has made over these years. The trip to Fragrant Hill was extremely exciting. The scenery of red maple leaves all over the hill was so spectacular that I took many photos. The unique cultural tradition and the distinctive natural beauty of Beijing will be a wonderful memory of my life.,5,
2023-07-19 14:49:543


写作思路:写出自己成为小鸟的梦想,小鸟可以飞翔遨游的各种情况。I really want to be a bird. I can fly freely and freely in the sky.I can fly to the hills and see the natural beauty between heaven and earth; I can fly to the fields to see the hard-working farmers farming crops; I can fly to the sea to see the blue sea water rolling; I can fly to the playground to play and play with children. From then on, I don"t have to go to school or listen to classes during the day, and I don"t have to do my homework and practice piano at night.我真想成为一只小鸟,可以无拘无束、自由自在地在天空中飞翔。我可以飞到山岗,看看天地之间大自然的美景;可以飞到田野,看看辛苦的农民耕种庄稼;可以飞到海洋,看看蔚蓝的海水翻滚起伏;可以飞到操场上,和小朋友们一起玩耍、游戏。从此白天不用上学、听课,晚上不用写作业、练琴,趴在自己的小窝里美美地睡大觉。
2023-07-19 14:50:111


[短篇翻译]汽车等待的时候汽车等待的时候[美] 欧·亨利薄暮时分,那身穿灰衣的姑娘又来到了小公园的一处安静角落。她在一个长凳上作下来,开始看书。在一个半小时内,她还可以看清书上的字。重申一遍:她的衣服是灰色的。挺单调,式样却十分优雅,而且合身。一张大孔面纱罩住了她的帽子和脸。她有着恬静的面容,一种自然美在不经意间流露出来。她在昨天的同一时间就来过这里,前天也来过;而有个人知道这些。他是个年轻人,正在附近等候。他的耐心得到了回报,姑娘正要翻过一页,那书从她的指尖滑落,掉到了离长凳足有一码的地方。年轻人鼓足勇气把书捡起来,还给了它的主人,脸上满是殷勤和期待。他冒险用愉快的语气说了句简单的关于天气的话——这带有开场白性质的话题导致了世上诸多不幸——然后站在一边,等待着他的命运。姑娘随意地看看他,他衣着普通,但很整洁,脸上已经没了什么特别的表情。“如果你愿意,请坐吧。”她说,那是个饱满、平缓的女低音,“我很高兴你这样做了。这光线不太适合阅读。我到更乐意说说话。”他彬彬有礼地在她身边坐下。“你可知道,”他说,这是公园里那些长凳绅士们在见面时所惯用的套路,“你是我长久以来所见过的最美的姑娘?我昨天就注意到你了。有人被你那双漂亮的眼睛给迷住了,你可知道,杜鹃花儿?”“不管你是谁,”姑娘冷冰冰地说,“都不该忘了我是位女士。我可以原谅你刚才的那番言辞,毫无疑问,在你这一阶层里,它并不是个罕见的错误。我请你坐下,但如果我的邀请让我成了你的小杜鹃花儿,那么我收回我的邀请。”“我真诚地请你原谅,”年轻人恳求说,“这是我的错,你知道,——我是说,公园里有些女孩,你知道——我是说,当然,你不会明白,但是——”“好啦,请别提啦。我当然明白。现在,跟我说说这些人,他们在一条条道路上来来往往、聚聚散散。他们要去哪儿?为什么都如此匆忙?他们快乐吗?”年轻人无法猜测他应当扮演的角色。“看着他们很有趣。”他答道,“这就是妙不可言的人生戏剧。有些人正奔向晚餐,也有些人要去——呃——别的地方。谁都想弄清他们的过去。”“我可不想,”姑娘说,“我没那么好奇。只有来到这儿、坐在这儿,我才能感受到伟大而平凡的人类的心跳。而在生活中,我永远也无法感知这样的跳动。你知道为什么我会和你聊天吗?——先生?”“我叫帕肯斯泰克。”年轻人说,他看上去显得急切而充满期望。“不,别问我的名字。”姑娘说,举起纤细的手指,微微一笑,“你立刻就会认出它来的。想让自己的名字不在报纸上登出来,根本不可能,就连照片也一样。这面纱和我女仆的帽子掩饰了我的身份。你真该瞧瞧司机瞪着时的表情,他还以为我没看到呢。说实话,有那么五、六个是属于声名显赫的家族的,而真不巧,我就出身在其中一个里。我之所以和你聊天,斯泰克波特先生——”“是帕肯斯泰克。”年轻人纠正道,一脸谦逊。“帕肯斯泰克先生,因为我想,就一次,和一个平凡的人——一个未被金钱、装腔作势的社会优越感所腐蚀的人——说说话。哦,你不知道,我是多么地厌倦——金钱、金钱、金钱!我真伪的那些人,都是一个模子里做出来的跳舞娃娃。我彻底厌倦了,玩乐、珠宝、社交,一切奢华的东西。”“我倒是常想,”年轻人犹犹豫豫地低声说,“金钱一定样不错的东西。”“能满足舒适生活的金钱是不错。但当你拥有几百万时——”打着绝望的手势,她结束了这句话,“那可就乏味透顶了。”她接着说,“实在是无趣。兜风、午宴、看戏、舞会、晚宴,到处透着一股奢靡味儿。有时候听着冰块在我的香槟酒里叮当作响,我都觉得我要疯了。”帕肯斯泰克先生看上去十分感兴趣。“我一直喜欢,”他说,“去读,或者去听人说,那些时髦的有钱人是怎样生活的。我想我有些势利眼,但我喜欢总能掌握准确牢靠的信息。我总以为香槟酒是被冰冻在瓶子里的,而不是往酒杯里加冰块。”姑娘乐了。她的笑声如音乐一般动听。“你该知道,”她耐心地解释说,“在我们这一无用的阶层里,总巴望着一些更新期的乐趣。往香槟里放冰块也是最近才兴起来的。首创者是位鞑靼王子,那时他正在沃尔多夫饭店用餐。不过它很快就得给其它新法子让道。就在这礼拜麦迪逊大街的宴席上,每只盘子边都多了一只绿手套,是让客人们吃橄榄时戴的。”“我明白,”年轻人谦逊地承认道,“这些圈子里独特的娱乐方式是不会让公众知道的。”“有时候,”姑娘微微欠身,算是对他谦恭态度的回应,并继续说,“我总觉得,自己也许会爱上一个地位并不高的男人,他热爱劳作,而非整日无所事事。但毫无疑问,对等级和财富的要求会比我的理想更为强烈。我为什么要跟你说这些呢?帕—帕肯斯泰克先生?”“帕肯斯泰克。”年轻人舒了口气,说,“我万分感激你的信任。真的,这你知道。”姑娘看着他,神情平静而漠然,这正好符合了他们地位上的悬殊。“你是做什么的,帕肯斯泰克先生?”她问道。“我的工作很卑微。但我希望在社会上出人头地。你刚刚说你会爱上一个地位卑微的人,是认真的吗?”“我是说过,但我说的是‘也许"。有个大公爵,还有个侯爵,都在追求我。不过,使得,只要我愿意,地位再低也无所谓。”“我,”帕肯斯泰克郑重地说,“在饭馆里干活。”姑娘微微退缩了一下。“是侍者吗?”她说,几乎是用恳求的语气,“劳动是光荣的,但,——服侍别人,你知道,侍从和——”“我不是侍者,是会计,在——”他们正面对的那条街,就在公园对面,有一块闪闪发光很是耀眼的牌子,写着“餐厅”。“——我就在你能看到的那家饭馆里做会计。”姑娘瞥了眼左腕手链上嵌着的小表,急忙站了起来。她把书往一个亮闪闪的手袋里塞,不过那书对于手袋来说太大了。“你现在怎么不在工作?”她问。“我值夜班。”年轻人说,“离我去换班还有一个小时。我们还能再见面吗?”“我不知道。也许吧——但我应该不再会有这种奇怪的主意了。我得赶紧走了。有场晚宴要赴,还要去包厢看戏——然后,哎!还不是老一套。你来公园的时候也许注意到了那辆车了吧,在拐弯口那儿,白色的。”“车轮是红的吗?”年轻人若有所思地皱着眉,问道。“没错,我总是乘那个来。彼埃尔正等着我呐。他以为我去广场那头的商场买东西了。想想这种生活吧,连自己的司机都要欺骗。晚安。”“可现在天已经黑了,”帕肯斯泰克说,“公园里有很多粗鲁的家伙。我可不可以——”“如果你能够对我的愿望保有丝毫的尊重,”姑娘坚决地说,“请你在我离开后十分钟再走。我不是想指责你,但你也许知道,车上一般都有主人姓名的缩写。我再次祝你晚安。”她庄重地站起来,迅速地离开,步入了夜色之中。年轻人看着她优雅的身影走到公园外的人行道上,转身向听着汽车的角落走去。然后他站起身,偷偷摸摸,却是毫不犹豫地沿着树和灌木丛走着一条与她平行的路线,一边牢牢将她锁定在视线之内。当她走到角落那边,她回头看了眼那辆汽车,然后走过它,一直穿过小街。年轻人躲在一辆停靠着的计程车后,紧紧盯住她的行踪。沿着公园对面那条街的人行道,她走进了那家有着闪烁招牌的饭馆。这是这些最显眼的建筑中的一座,是白色的,有玻璃作装饰,在这儿可以吃得很便宜。姑娘走进饭馆,跑到里面的某个地方,很快又出来了,这回没戴帽子和面纱。会计的桌子正好在店的前边。一个红头发的女孩从凳子上爬下来,还特有所指地看了眼钟。穿灰衣服的姑娘爬上了那位子。年轻人两手插进口袋里,慢悠悠地回到了人行道上。在拐角处,他的脚碰上了一本小巧的平装书。那漂亮的封面让他认出来者正是那姑娘所读的书。他随意地将它捡起,瞅瞅书名,《新天方夜谭》,作者是史蒂文森。他把它扔在草地上,站着犹豫了一会儿,然后走进车里,往垫子上一靠,对司机吐了两个词:“俱乐部,亨利。”[translation] cars waiting for a short timeCars waiting[beauty] ou HenryDusk cent, clothed in grey coat girl came to a small park in a quiet corner. Her on a bench for down and began to read. During the one and half hour, she still can see in the book of word.Repeat: her clothing is grey. Pretty monotonous, style is elegant, and fit. A big hole surface veil caught her hat and face. She has a tranquil face, a kind of natural beauty in casual reveal. She in yesterday"s at the same time just came here, the day before yesterday also came, And someone know these.He is a young man, was nearby waiting. His patience was rewarded, girl was about to turn over the page, that book from her finger down and fallen from the bench feet have a yard place.Young people get up the courage and picked up the book, back to its owner, face was covered with courteous and expectation. His adventure with pleasant tone say a sentence with simple words about the weather - this smacks of opening nature topic led to the world many unfortunate - then stood there, waiting for his fate.Girl casually look at him, he dresses in plain clothes, but very untidy, face is not what special expression."If you like, please sit down." She said, that"s a full, gentle alto, "I"m glad you do. This light doesn"t suit reading. I talk to more willing to."He well-manneredly sat down beside her."You know," he said, this is a park bench gentlemen who meet in a standard routines, "you are my long-cherished has seen the prettiest girl? I"d noticed you yesterday. Someone you pair of beautiful eyes swept him, do you know, cuckoo flower?""No matter who you are," the girl said coldly. "shouldn"t forget I am a lady. I can forgive you just of the kindness words, no doubt, in your class, it is not a rare mistakes. I ask you to sit down, but if my invitation let I became your little cuckoo flower, so I take my invitation.""I sincerely ask you to forgive," young man entreaty said, "this is my fault, you know, -- I mean, the park some girls, you know - I mean, of course, you won"t understand, but --""Okay, please don"t mention it. I certainly understand. Now, tell me about these people, they come and go, get together season-a road dowdy. Where they are going? Why are so soon? Are they happy?"Young people cannot guess he should play the role. "Looking at their very interesting." He replied, "it is wonderful life drama. Some people are rush to dinner, also some people want to - uh -- somewhere else. Everybody wants to clarify their past.""I don"t want to," the girl said, "I"m not so curious. Only come here, sit here, I can feel great and ordinary human heartbeat. But in life, I will never be able to perceive such beating. Do you know why I chat with you? -- sir?""I call palmer Ken si tektronix." Said the young man, he looks a eager and full of expectations."No, don"t ask my name." The girl said, raise the slender finger and smiled, "you"ll recognize it immediately. Want their names in newspapers published, impossible, even photos, too. This veil and my maids hat hid my identity. You should see the driver stare"s face when he thought I didn"t see it. To be honest, have so five or six belongs to prominent family, but unfortunately, I was born in one. I was chatting with you, Steven tektronix Mr. Potter --""Paavo Ken si tektronix." Young people correct way, a face of humility.", Mr Palmer Ken tektronix, because I want to, once, and an ordinary man - a is not money, AIRS and social superiority eroded people - talk. Ooh, don"t you know how much I tired -- money, money, money! I authenticity, and those who are a mold to make dance dolls. I thoroughly tired, entertainment, jewelry, social, all costly things.""I"d often thought," the young man hesitated and whispered, "the money must sample good thing.""Can satisfy the comfortable life money is very good. But when you have millions --" dozen the gesture of despair, she finished this sentence, "that would be downright tedious." She went on to say, "is really boring. Rides, luncheon, theatre, ball, dinner, everywhere appearing a shares extravagant saame. Sometimes listen ice in my champagne jingled in, I feel I"m going crazy."Palmer Ken, Mr Tektronix look very interested."I"ve always liked," he said, "go to read, or to hear people say, is how the snazzy rich life. I think I have some real snob, but I like total can master the accurate reliable information. I always thought that the champagne were frozen in the bottle of wine, and not to add ice."Girl happy. Her laughter is the music general enchanting."You should know," she explained, patiently say, "in our the useless class, always wanted the some renewal cycle fun. Put into champagne ice is also recently come up. Which is a tartar prince, he was at the time the waldorf hotel dining. But it soon have to give other new way my way. In this week"s banquet on Madison avenue, each dish side a green gloves, is let guests eat olive wear.""I know," the young man humbly admits, "these circles unique entertainment won"t make the public know.""Sometimes," the girl slightly QianShen is his attitude courteous response, and continued, "I always think, they might be in love with a position is not tall man. He loves to work, rather than naught. But there is no doubt that wealth to level and the demanding than my ideal more strongly. Why should I tell you these? -- padme pato, Ken tektronix sir?""Parma Ken si tektronix." Young people with a deep breath and say, "I appreciate your trust. Really. You know that."The girl looked at him, her face calm and indifferent, it just accord with their status in the disparity."What do you do, Mr. Palmer Ken si tektronix?" She asked."My job is very humble. But I hope that thrive in society. You just said you will fall in love with a lowly position, is serious?""I mean, but I said is" perhaps". There is a big duke, there is also a marquis, in pursuit of me. However, make, as long as I want, status again low also doesn"t matter.""I,", pat Ken tektronix solemnly said, "in a restaurant working."Girl slightly shrink back a bit."Waiter?" She said, almost entreaty tone, "labor is glorious, but serve others, -, you know, squire and --""I am not the waiter, is an accountant, in - -" they are facing the street, just in front of the park, and a shining very is shining sign that read "dining-room". "- I"ll in you can see that restaurant in do accounting."The girl left wrist bracelet glanced at the eye on the small table set with, quickly stood up. She put the books into a sparkling handbag plug, but the book is too big for the handbag."You now why weren"t work?" She asked."My duty." Young man said, "leave me to switch with an hour. We can meet again?""I don"t know. Maybe I should - but there is no longer such a strange idea. I have to rush. There"s a dinner to keep, should go to the balcony theatre - then ah! Is not old. Will you come to the park when maybe noticed that car now, in turn, white mouth there.""Wheel is red?" Young people cryptically frown, asked."Yes, I always take that come. He Elmer was waiting for me yet. He thinks I am to square the head shopping. Just think of this life, connect oneself of driver has to cheat. Good night."But now it had already become dark," pat Ken si tektronix said, "in the park, there are many rude dude. Can I --""If you to my wish retain any respect," the girl said resolutely, "please in after I left ten minutes to walk again. I don"t like to blame you, but you probably know, the car have commonly master initials. Once again, I wish you good evening."Her grave to stand up and away quickly, entered the night in. The young man looked at her graceful figure walked to the park outside the sidewalk, and turned to listen to the corner of the car started. Then he stood up, secretive, but without hesitation, walking along the trees and bushes with her a parallel course, side firmly her locks within sight.When she reached the corner over there, she looked eye that car, then walk it, has been through streets. Young people hid in a parked a taxi, were fixed on her whereabouts. Along the park across the street pavements, she walked into the house with flashing placard restaurant. This is the most prominent building one of white, is a glass makes decoration, here can eat very cheap. Girl entered the restaurant, ran inside somewhere soon coming out again, this time didn"t wear a hat and veil.Accounting table in front of the shop just. A girl with red hair from the bench, also referred to climb down at the peculiar eye clock. Wear gray dresses girl had climbed up the table.Young hands inserted into his pockets, gliding slowly back to the pavement. In the corner, with his feet with a compact paperback. The pretty cover let him to recognize him just the girl by reading the book. He optionally will it picks up, Chou Chou title, "new aribian night", the author is Stevenson. He threw it on the grass, standing hesitate for a while, and then walked into the car and went to cushion a depend, for drivers vomitted two words:"The club, Henry."
2023-07-19 14:50:421


这是一篇介绍新西兰风土人情的文章,希望你满意:New Zealand is a small country situated in the South Pacific Ocean with a population of about 4 million.It consists of two principal islands.New Zealand has a temperate climate, neither too cold in winter nor too hot in summer. For the natural beauty of its environment beyond compare,many people regard it as the last piece of clean land on the earth.New Zealanders, or rather the Kiwis, are friendly and hospitable. The early settlers, the Maori, are thought to have originated from the Pacific islands or Asia over 1,000 years ago. European migration began in the mid-18th century. Today, the majority of New Zealanders are of European descent. New Zealand is now becoming a multicultural society. New Zealand enjoys advantageous social welfare and developed economy reputed for top-quality fruit, meat and dairy products.New Zealanders lead an easygoing, relaxed lifestyle. They have stood their ground retaining all that is old and natural. They enjoy peace in solitude and hate the hustle and bustle of modern life. In short, New Zealand is an idyllic, beautiful place.
2023-07-19 14:50:502


好象是音乐之声呵呵1.Maria has already 改成Maria had already.因为在太阳没有升起之前她已经在做了,应该比现在完成时早,所以用过去完成时.2.Me, and my lovely seven children改成 my lovely seven children and me这是英语里的说法,和中文表达不一样.3.teach us singing改成 teach us to sing 固定搭配
2023-07-19 14:50:591


English: 1, UK: year-end night, people sing the song of toast, then poet CiSui instead of famous words will burns lang syne. 2, Japan: people at midnight, the bells to expel evil to 108. In the early hours of the morning to the shrine visits. To make friends with a home, white towel. 3, Canada: Snow White as the New Year auspicious Snow White, the home that can resist evil around the invasion. 4, Argentina: that water is holy, New Year"s day, the whole family to bathe in the river bath, put in a basket of flowers, then wash. 5 and the greeks did a year: the big cake, inside a coin, everyone who wishes to eat silver send. 6, Germany: new game up trees, the first guy who was called "hero", meaning "new" risen. 中文: 1、英国:年终之夜,人们举杯高唱《辞岁歌》,后来诗人彭斯将歌词改为著名的《友谊地久天长》。 2、日本:人们在午夜要敲钟108下,来驱逐恶魔。清晨的时候去神社参拜。到亲友家拜年,还要带一条白毛巾留恋。 3、加拿大:把白雪看作吉祥,新年时把白雪堆在家周围,认为可以抵挡妖魔入侵。 4、阿根廷:认为水是圣洁的,元旦,全家老小去江河洗澡,在洗澡前把一篮鲜花撒在水面,然后再洗。 5、希腊人:新年时做一个大蛋糕,里面放一个银币,大家对吃银币人送祝福。 6、德国:新年小伙子比赛登高爬树,第一名被称为“新年英雄”,寓意“步步高升”。
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简介要吗?度娘 嗨三清山Brief DescriptionMount Sanqingshan National Park, a 22,950 ha property located in the west of the Huyaiyu mountain range in the northeast of Jiangxi Province (in the east of central China) has been inscribed for its exceptional scenic quality, marked by the concentration of fantastically shaped pillars and peaks: 48 granite peaks and 89 granite pillars, many of which resemble human or animal silhouettes. The natural beauty of the 1,819 metre high Mount Huaiyu is further enhanced by the juxtaposition of granite features with the vegetation and particular meteorological conditions which make for an ever-changing and arresting landscape with bright halos on clouds and white rainbows. The area is subject to a combination of subtropical monsoonal and maritime influences and forms an island of temperate forest above the surrounding subtropical landscape. It also features forests and numerous waterfalls, some of them 60 metres in height, lakes and springs.
2023-07-19 14:51:183


1.Rose language 玫瑰花语 Rose: love, love and beauty, radiant Dousou 玫瑰:恋爱、爱与美、容光抖擞 Rose (red): passion, love with your 玫瑰(红):热情、酷爱着您 Rose (pink): moved, declaration of love, engraved in the heart, love 玫瑰(粉红):打动、爱的宣言、铭刻于心 、初恋 Rose (white): flexibility, innocence, reverence 玫瑰(白):灵活、纯真、尊崇 Rose (yellow): infidelity, jealousy 玫瑰(黄):不贞、妒忌 Roses (bouquet): Happy Love 玫瑰(捧花):幸福之爱 Rose (bud): beautiful and she explains 玫瑰 (花苞): 优美和芳华 Rose (Red + White): A total of 玫瑰 (红+白): 共有 Rose (red + yellow): happy 玫瑰 (红+黄): 高兴 Rose (Black): You are evil, and everything for me 玫瑰(黑) :你是恶魔,且为我一切 2.Tulip florid 郁金香花语 Tulip: expression of love, honor, and wish a permanent 郁金香:爱的表达、荣誉、祝愿永久 Tulip (red): declaration of love, happiness, love 郁金香(红):爱的宣言、高兴、酷爱 Tulip (pink): beauty, love, happiness 郁金香(粉):尤物、酷爱、幸福 Tulip (yellow): noble, take care, property 郁金香(黄):高尚、保重、财产 Tulip (purple): Endless love, love 郁金香(紫):无尽的爱、最爱 Tulip (white): innocent, pure 郁金香(白):纯情、纯真 Tulip (color): beautiful you, happy encounter 郁金香(双色):优美的你、喜邂逅 Tulip (Feather): mind rain 郁金香(羽毛):心意绵绵 3.Lily Language 百合花语 Lily: well, all wishes come true, wishes and noble. (No more than it is ominous in Japan, flower, beautiful words on their own that it was "beheaded") 百合:顺遂、心想事成、祝愿、高尚。(不外它在日本是很不祥的花,日自己说它的花语是“斩头”) Lily (white): innocence, dignity, out of tune 百合(香水):纯真、婚礼的祝愿、高尚 Lily (AOI): success, honor, and rank 百合(葵):成功、荣誉、贫贱 Lily (JI): property, honor, charity, vulgar 百合(姬):财产、荣誉、清纯、庸俗 Lily (wild): permanent happiness 百合 (野) : 永久幸福 Foxtail lily: elegance, prosperity, good 狐尾百合:高贵、欣欣向荣、出色 Corn lily: stubborn love, heroic 玉米百合:固执的爱、英勇 Lily Li Code: competence, dignity, good 编笠百合:才干、威严、出色 Christmas Lily: The Joy, celebration, the truth 圣诞百合:乐陶陶、庆贺、真情 Narcissus Lily: happy, wait for encounter 水仙百合:高兴、等待邂逅 White Lily: mean Bainianhaohe, great love 白百合:意味百年好合、巨大的爱 Lilies: means pure, vulgar 粉百合:意味清纯、庸俗 Yellow Lily: means the property, noble 黄百合:意味财产、高尚 4.Carnation Flower language 康乃馨花语 Carnation: Mother I love you, passion, truth 康乃馨:母亲我爱您、热情、真情 Carnation (red): the confidence of your love 康乃馨(红):置信你的爱 Carnation (pink): love, beautiful 康乃馨(粉红):酷爱、亮丽 Carnation (white): my love everlasting, real love, innocence 康乃馨(白):吾爱永在、真情、纯真 5.Alice florid 爱丽斯花语 Iris (Alice): good audio, Jade Bird to nostalgia for you 鸢尾(爱丽斯):好音讯、青鸟使、缅怀你Iris germanica: Sacred Small德国鸢尾:神圣 Iris: third resist, concentric 小鸢尾:协力抵御、同心 6.Hyacinth florid 风信子花语 Hyacinth: happy, love, happiness, passion 风信子:高兴、爱意、幸福、浓情 Hyacinth (white): comfortable 风信子(白):安适 Hyacinth (blue): perseverance, chastity 风信子(蓝):恒心、贞操 Hyacinth (purple): sad 风信子(紫):伤心 7.Camellia florid 山茶花语 Camellia: love, politely refuse, the love of ambition, which may not be the charm 山茶花:心爱、辞让、抱负的爱、了不得的魅力 Camellia (white): a simple naive 山茶花 (白) : 单纯天真 Camellia (red): natural beauty 山茶花 (红) :天生丽质 8.Chrysanthemum Flower language 菊花花语 Chrysanthemum: pure, noble, I love you, the truth 菊花:清净、高洁、我爱你、真情 Aster: recollected, reliable and love, please believe me 翠菊:追想、可靠的爱情、请相信我 Chun Ju: for love divination 春菊:为爱情占卜 June Ju: parting 六月菊:别离 Dong Ju: leave 冬菊:别离 France Kogiku: patience 法国小菊:忍耐 Cineraria: happy 瓜叶菊:快乐 Cosmos: wild beauty 波斯菊:野性美 Cosmos: innocent girl 大波斯菊:少女纯情 Marigold: Friendship 万寿菊:友情 Cornflower: slim, elegant 矢车菊:纤细、优雅 Ju straw: the eternal memory, characterized in mind 麦杆菊:永恒的记忆、刻画在心 Ju care scales: everlasting love 鳞托菊:永远的爱 9.Florid pink 石竹花语Carnation: pure love, talent, bold, feminine 石竹:纯洁的爱、才能、大胆、女性美Clove pink: a bold, positive 丁香石竹:大胆、积极Colorful pink: female beauty 五彩石竹:女性美Carnation: enthusiastic 香石竹:热心 10.Lotus Flower language 莲花花语Silver Lotus Flower language: Expecting 银莲花 花语:期待White Lotus, a symbol of regret nostalgia. 白莲花, 象征惋惜怀念之情 Snow lotus beautiful words: pure heart 雪片莲 花语:纯洁的心 Snow lotus, Whisper; renegade 雪莲花,花语;变节 </SPAN></SPAN>
2023-07-19 14:51:261

Natural Beauty 歌词

歌曲名:Natural Beauty歌手:Immortal Technique专辑:The MartyrImmortal Technique Feat. Mela Machinko - Natural Beauty...natural beauty, so beautiful, yeah, natural love, yeah...They corrupted the priceless African image of IsisReplaced it with a lifeless anorexic white bitchThe fashion industry got "em in a funny spotSelf-hatred leaking out they mouth like a money shotMovie star, Hollywood Babylon fantasyBuncha peacock bitches in a cocaine canopyAnd if you healthy they make you think you"re a manateeLook how they invented this euro-centric insanityGot you brain washed to the point you bleaching your skinBlind to the truth, you can"t see the beauty withinCause ain"t nothing wrong with exercise to tighten your thighsBut there"s something wrong with contacts that lighten ya eyesWe"re goin backwards, from hip hop in the parkTo the experiments by Dr. Kenneth ClarkSo after the cannabis I"ma have to handle thisRelease the pressure on her and open her like an amythistTheir lies cant fade ya beautyYou gotta know who you areStay strong and always rememberThe truth in your heartDon"t forget there are those whoBenefit from your scarsAnd who deny what"s naturalCheck it uh,The business of beauty isn"t a natural modelIt"s built to be the opposite of the cultures we toppleThese magazines got you caught in a hustleCause when you starve yourselfYour body doesn"t burn fat it burns muscleAnd men don"t even like women control the businessThat"s why the women look like menAnd the men like bitchesI break it down as god is my witnessRemember Sambo charicature characteristicsNow who got the collagen under they lipstickImplanted Arabic hips, surgical sicknessA bi-polar society that claims to be righteousSpray paintin artificial melaninTryin to be like usLivin in a pathetic epidemic of schizophrenic buying aSynthetic body with creditYou mad that I said itBut you know that I"m rightFind a natural beauty and get you some natural lovin" tonightTheir lies cant fade your beautyYou gotta know who you areStay strong and always remember,The truth in your heartDon"t forget there are those whoBenefit from your scarsAnd who deny what"s naturalTheir lies can"t fade your beautyYou gotta know who you areAlways remember, truth lies in your heartEndImmortal Technique Feat. Mela Machinko - Natural Beauty
2023-07-19 14:52:061


The charm of life lies in its unpredictibility.
2023-07-19 14:52:142

natural beauty basic是什么牌子

2023-07-19 14:52:291

Mt. Qingcheng is worth ( ) for its natural beauty and Taoism culturE.

【答案】:B解析:be worth doing sth. 值得做某事;青城山因其自然风光和道教文化而值得一游。
2023-07-19 14:52:371

求英语作文! 假设你是李华,写信邀请你的美国朋友john参加玉龙山露营活动.

Dear John,I hope this letter finds you well. It has been a while since we last caught up, and I have some exciting news to share with you. I am writing to invite you to join me for a camping trip at Jade Dragon Mountain.First of all, let me tell you about Jade Dragon Mountain. It is a breathtakingly beautiful mountain located in the Yunnan province of China. The mountain is known for its stunning scenery, with majestic peaks, lush forests, and picturesque lakes. It offers a perfect setting for outdoor activities and exploration.I believe that you will thoroughly enjoy the camping experience at Jade Dragon Mountain. We will have the opportunity to set up our tents amidst nature"s beauty, surrounded by towering trees and fresh mountain air. We can go hiking along the trails, exploring the hidden gems of the mountain, and taking in the awe-inspiring views. There are also crystal-clear lakes nearby where we can swim and relax.Moreover, during the camping trip, we will have the chance to immerse ourselves in the local culture. We can try traditional Yunnan cuisine, which is known for its unique flavors and fresh ingredients. We can also visit nearby villages and interact with the friendly locals, learning about their customs and way of life.The camping trip is planned for the weekend of July 15th to July 17th. I understand that it might require some adjustments to your schedule, but I assure you that the experience will be worth it. The natural beauty of Jade Dragon Mountain is something that shouldn"t be missed.Please let me know at your earliest convenience if you are able to join us for this camping adventure. I will be more than happy to provide you with further details and assist with any necessary arrangements. We would be thrilled to have you as part of our group and share this memorable experience together.Looking forward to your positive response and hoping to see you soon!Best regards,Li Hua
2023-07-19 14:52:472


Put each verb in its appropriate form, into one of the spaces in the followingsentences.  place, location, site, position, neighborhood, territory, land, premises, plot, zone1.   When I retire I want to live in thecountry, and I have already bought a _plot__ of land by the sea where I am goingto build  a  house.2.   This hotel is built on the __site_of an old monastery.3.   The police have not yet been able to find the exact__location_ of the crime.4.   It is regarded as _place_of great natural beauty, and people often come here to paint.5.   My grandfather"s house stood in a very exposed _position__, on the top of a hill.6.   The __zone__between the two frontiers in No-Man"s land.7.   The ‘Green Dragon is the most popular pub in the __neighborhood__.8.   No unauthorized people are allowed on the __premises__.9.   The Plans are arable _land_ but the hills are not cultivated.10.   Those islands are still British __territory__, but thehills are not cultivated
2023-07-19 14:52:541


countryside英语读音:英[u02c8ku028cntrisau026ad]美[u02c8ku028cntrisau026ad]。countryside释义:n.乡村,农村,乡村居民。countryside易错点:拼写错误:"countryside"是一个容易拼写错误的单词。一些常见的拼写错误包括将 "countryside"拼写为"countrysdie"、"countrydise"或者"countriside"。为了避免这样的错误,可以多加练习和复习这个单词的拼写。语义误解:有时候,可能会将"countryside"与"country"混淆。"countryside"指的是乡村地区,而"country"是一个更广泛的概念,可以指国家或国家的领土。因此,在使用这两个词时要注意语境和准确的含义。countryside的双语例句:1、I love the peacefulness of the countryside.我喜欢乡村的宁静。2、The countryside is full of natural beauty.乡村充满了自然美景。3、I enjoy taking long walks in the countryside.我喜欢在乡村里长时间散步。4、The countryside offers a refreshing escape from the city.乡村为人们提供了一个清新的远离城市的机会。5、The countryside has a slower pace of life.乡村的生活节奏更慢。
2023-07-19 14:53:011

英语作文 自然公园的 求 5句

Last Saturday, with all my classmates and teachers, I went on a trip to the nature park . We departed from school at about half past seven and spent about 40 minutes travelling to our destination. When we first entered into the park, all of us were shocked by the natural beauty and the hamonized ecosystem of the park. Then, happily we were playing games on the sand; swimming in the pool and taking with our friends on the grassplot. After lunch break, our programs were continued with an contest of story narating held and each of us was immerging within the funny stories We left the part at about 5 o"clock, and unitl now, most of us are still haunted by the beautiful memory of that trip.
2023-07-19 14:53:441

Jane Darling - Big Natural Beauty种子下载急求!!!

2023-07-19 14:53:511


moisturize[英][u02c8mu0254u026astu0283u0259rau026az][美][u02c8mu0254u026astu0283u0259u02ccrau026az]vt.给…增加水分; 使湿润; vi.增加水分; 变潮湿; 例句:1.Moisturize immediately after your morning cleansing with a moisturizing cream. 早上洁面后立即涂抹保湿霜来保湿。2.Moisturize before bed to keep the natural beauty of your skin. 上床睡觉之前为皮肤进行保湿,保持皮肤天然的美丽。
2023-07-19 14:54:001


第一篇:The first question still remains a mystery. It is uncertain if it took shape due to esrthquakes, landslides or mud-rock flow. The source of the water comes from springs from the forests and snow on the mountains around. The way of draining off water in the lake is to evaporate and permeate into the ground. In the lake the water never overflows in summer, and it never dried up in winter. The lake has no fish probably because it is too cold in the lake. a legend says that a monster had eaten yp all the fish a long time ago. The lake is 7.5km in aength, and in some parts it is 103m i9n depth. The lake,tyhe largest one in Jiuzhaigou, glimmers like jade, nibbling at the distant hills covered with snow. Green forests around grow verdant, casting shadows on the lake ,From here you have a view of the unruffled lake, floating clouds, water birds frolic below across the lake, displaying them merrily. as you sit here, such natural beauty strikes you as vast and imagination. Whether or not a creator exists, this sight will make you feel that there must surely be one. It seems strange that such wondwrs are set in the remote areas like this, where hundreds of years may have passed before you come along to appreciate them. The daily tour to jiuzhaigou is steadily and serenely approaching to the end. Anticipation, curiosity, delight are all held in delicate balance. Reluctantly you are prepared to return to the reality of our own everyday world after you have enjoyed the brief glimpses of Jiuxhaigou where cool greenery rests your eyes, running water soothes your ears, the great void revives your spirit and the utter quietness refreshes your hearts. 下面是我曾经写的一篇:We are girls, beautiful or ugly, wise or stupid, elegant or arrogant. We are girls, who are on the way to be ladies. But we are not born girls, we are educated to be. Back in our early childhood, we were given doll instead of gun; we were dressed in colourful skirts rather than trousers; we were told about the fairy tales: of Cinderella, of Snow white, of Sleeping Beauty... and you will see, we are educated to be patient, to be beautiful and to be quiet; and to believe: life will pay us for our beauty - with prince charming, and with happines life can ever offer to mortals or that is envied by immortalities. That"s how we are educated, bit by bit, to be a girl, through archetypal unconsciousness. However, since we are educated to be, what girls we will be depends on how we are educated. If fairy tale changes, or if the heroines in the fairy tale change, what girls will we be? "Même s"il n"y a pas de prince, je suis toujours la princesse." I learn this sentence from a french poem, it is rather different from what I have ever learned in a fairy tale. Yes, I have never imagined whether a princess still a princess without a prince to rescue her from the displaced life. I see no difference between a common girl and a displaced princess. Am I wrong or is the education I had wrong? My gender was determined even when I was in my mother"s womb. Thus, there must be something wrong in my education. It gives me an illusion that my identity depends on a others, instead of myself. But the french sentence told me to trust in myself. I am who I am, rather than who I am told to be. Since, I am influenced by my education in the past, I can also be influenced by the education now and in the future. Since I know now girls are educated to be, I have the right to choose. So girls, how about you? What girls would you like to be educated to be as long as you have the right to choose your own education?希望对你有帮助
2023-07-19 14:54:162


This is a good spot for picnic where a river flows on one side and a large tree provides shade
2023-07-19 14:54:248


今天FIONA带我们去了她朋友家的农场,农场非常大,感觉上有点像宽阔的蒙古草原。Today FIONA took us to her friend"s farm, farm is so big, a bit like the broad grasslands of Mongolia feel.农场主教我们怎样挤牛奶,我知道了挤牛奶的时候是,手指不能上下移动,手向上的时候,手指应捏住奶头,这样奶才会出来。我照着农场主的示范做了,白花花的牛奶从奶头中喷射出来,溅得我满脸。Farm bishop we how to milk a cow, I know the milking time, fingers can not move up and down, hands up, fingers pinch the nipple, so that milk will come out. I follow the farmers do the demonstration, shining white milk is ejected from the nipple, I face a splash.随后同行的REX也开始学着挤,谁知好玩的事情发生了,他刚一伸手,奶牛竟开始撒尿了,搞得大家笑作一团,可以用人仰马翻来形容我们当时的情景。Then the counterparts of REX also began to learn to squeeze, who knows the funny thing happened, he just put out a hand, the cow began to urinate, make you laugh, can be used to describe the scene at that time we utterly routed.在农场里我用奶瓶喂小奶牛BB,它把奶瓶扯来扯去,特别调皮。On the farm I bottle fed small cow BB, it put the bottle to pull, very naughty.农场里所有的家禽都有,牛、羊、鸡、鸭、猪。。。。。。,我还抱了小兔子,在我怀里软软的一团,毛发很光滑。All the farm poultry, cattle, sheep, chicken, duck, pig...... Also, I hold the little rabbit, in my arms a blob, hair very smooth.今天参观农场,让我领略了澳大利亚的原生态美景Today to visit the farm, I appreciate the natural beauty of Australia
2023-07-19 14:54:393


The person I admire most is my mother. She is a beloved mother with a selfless love. First, she does housework from morning to evening without complaint. She is so busy every day that she almost has no time to rest. However, in the evening, as soon as she finishes her housework, she usually comes to me and begins to check my homework. No matter how tired she is, she always serves as my learning helper. With her help, I have made much progress in my studies. Moved by her great love, I will never stop learning. Such is a great mother I admire most.你改一下,就可以了!
2023-07-19 14:54:502

Natural Sea Beauty是哪个国家的牌子,有多少年历史了?NSB产品有哪些好用。

2023-07-19 14:54:572

__Grand Canyon is famous for its natural beauty as__ wonder of nature.A.The;a B/;the C The;/ D /;a

2023-07-19 14:55:243

Had my friend not been there, I woud have missed part of the natural beauty of Yunnan.

2023-07-19 14:55:312

请问法国知名化妆品,有NATURAL Sea Beauty吗?

2023-07-19 14:56:482


今天FIONA带我们去了她朋友家的农场,农场非常大,感觉上有点像宽阔的蒙古草原。Today FIONA took us to her friend"s farm, farm is so big, a bit like the broad grasslands of Mongolia feel.农场主教我们怎样挤牛奶,我知道了挤牛奶的时候是,手指不能上下移动,手向上的时候,手指应捏住奶头,这样奶才会出来。我照着农场主的示范做了,白花花的牛奶从奶头中喷射出来,溅得我满脸。Farm bishop we how to milk a cow, I know the milking time, fingers can not move up and down, hands up, fingers pinch the nipple, so that milk will come out. I follow the farmers do the demonstration, shining white milk is ejected from the nipple, I face a splash.随后同行的REX也开始学着挤,谁知好玩的事情发生了,他刚一伸手,奶牛竟开始撒尿了,搞得大家笑作一团,可以用人仰马翻来形容我们当时的情景。Then the counterparts of REX also began to learn to squeeze, who knows the funny thing happened, he just put out a hand, the cow began to urinate, make you laugh, can be used to describe the scene at that time we utterly routed.在农场里我用奶瓶喂小奶牛BB,它把奶瓶扯来扯去,特别调皮。On the farm I bottle fed small cow BB, it put the bottle to pull, very naughty.农场里所有的家禽都有,牛、羊、鸡、鸭、猪。。。。。。,我还抱了小兔子,在我怀里软软的一团,毛发很光滑。All the farm poultry, cattle, sheep, chicken, duck, pig...... Also, I hold the little rabbit, in my arms a blob, hair very smooth.今天参观农场,让我领略了澳大利亚的原生态美景Today to visit the farm, I appreciate the natural beauty of Australia~如果你认可我的回答,请及时点击【采纳为满意回答】按钮~~手机提问者在客户端右上角评价点【满意】即可。~你的采纳是我前进的动力~~~如还有新的问题,请另外向我求助,答题不易,敬请谅解~~O(∩_∩)O,记得好评和采纳,互相帮助
2023-07-19 14:57:111


Tengwang Pavilion has long been ranked first among the three famous pavilions in the south of Yangtze River. Standing by the North Fuhe Avenue in Nanchang, the magnificent pavilion is located at the convergent point of Ganjiang River and the old Fu River, taking the city as its background and the river as its mirror. Its splendor and majesty was lauded by Wang Bo, the leader of the four excellences in early Tang Dynasty, in one of his masterpieces, Preface to Tengwang Pavilion, and thus has been famous throughout the world as well as maintained the glory with the years going. Preface to Tengwang Pavilion is so popular among the mass that it has been passed down from generation to generation. Named after the pavilion, the masterpiece in turn brought to the architecture high reputation to enduring the historical baptism. Tenwang Pavilion was initially built by Li Yuanying in 653 (the fourth year of the Yonghui Reign in Tang Dynasty), when he was appointed as the commander-in-chief of Hongzhou. As one of the sons of Li Yuan, the first emperor in Tang Dynasty, Li Yuanying had grown in amonarch home and nourished by the royalty elegance.He “mastered in painting, calligraphy and musicand was fascinated by the natural beauty,frequently indulging himself in the balmy islesand gorgeous boats, which had reached the summitof the prosperity at that time”. (Narration for the Rebuilding of Tenwang Pavilion written by Chen Wenzhu in Ming Dynasty). According to history records, as the former inspector of Suzhou, Li Yuanying had brought a group of singing and dancing artists from Suzhou to Hongzhou, when he was transferred to be a commander- in – chief there, and immerged in banquets and amusements all day long. Later, he specially built the pavilion by the river to enjoy the pleasure and merry in the music and dance, thus the pavilion taken the name of Tengwang that was a title awarded to him in Zhenguan Reign.……
2023-07-19 14:57:201

听说Natural Sea Beauty NSB家的产品挺好用,请问大家都是在什么渠道购买的?

以色列护肤品NSB面膜产品、NSB身体霜这些产品都很好用,我是在淘宝Natural Sea Beauty海外旗舰店购买的。
2023-07-19 14:57:401

natural sea beauty以色列护肤品NSB细胞空间对接技术是什么高科技?

2023-07-19 14:57:471