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Adeste Fideles 歌词

2023-07-19 21:00:01
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歌曲名:Adeste Fideles
歌手:Tennessee Ernie Ford
专辑:The Star Carol

Adeste Fideles (0 Come All Ye Faithful)
O Come All Ye Faithful
Joyful and triumphant,
O come ye, O come ye to Bethlehem.
Come and behold Him,
Born the King of Angels;
O come, let us adore Him,
O come, let us adore Him,
O come, let us adore Him,
Christ the Lord.
Adeste fideles,
laeti triumphantes,
Venite, venite in Bethlehem!
Natum videte,
Regem angelorum
Venite adoremus,
Venite adoremus,
Venite adoremus,
Adeste fideles,
laeti triumphantes,
Venite, venite in Bethlehem!
Natum videte,
Regem angelorum
Venite adoremus,
Venite adoremus,
Venite adoremus,




2023-07-19 14:30:185


Katy Perry-Roar
2023-07-19 14:30:352


你好!旗开得胜Win victory the moment one raises one"s standard
2023-07-19 14:30:432

请问Sounding triumphant 中的两个词分别是什么词性,比如sound是动词,tri

sound 系动词,triumphant形容词 两者构成系表结构。
2023-07-19 14:30:501

triumphant crab is extremely sweet

不知为何,你的言语对我来说是如此甜蜜. Not knowing why your words sound extremely sweet to me. 可能是因为,那些话语披上了英语的外衣,我对你的进步深信不疑; Possibly because they are dressed in english which convinced me utterly of the progress you have made. 从你整理房间看出,你是多么乐于帮助父母干家务活,这股冲劲给我留下了深刻印象. possibly because i was impressed by your willingness to share the housework with parents by cleaning the room. 如今像你这样年龄段的女孩几乎没这样干过. you know nowadays girls of your age seldom do it. 你把父母对子女们所做所为,都认为是对的. take whatever their parents do for them for granted. 顺便一提,你最后几句话语把我逗乐了, by the way, your last few words did amuse me 因为恭维一个人的最好方法,莫过于使其深信他的话语是多么有价值,或者使他相信其他人都赞同他所说. as nothing works better to flatter a person than making him convinced of how much his words have been valued and appreciated by others.
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2023-07-19 14:31:051


成功success; succeed成功的successful; prosperous; blest; made; triumphant
2023-07-19 14:31:261


1. 预祝比赛成功的成语有哪些 马到成功,旗开得胜,凯旋而归,满载而归,独占鳌头 1.【成语】: 马到成功 【拼音】: mǎ dào chéng gōng 【解释】: 形容工作刚开始就取得成功。 【出处】: 元·无名氏《小尉迟》第二折:“那老尉迟这一去,马到成功。” 【举例造句】: 只要不轻敌,相信你们一定会马到成功。 【拼音代码】: mdcg 【近义词】: 旗开得胜、水到渠成 【反义词】: 屡战屡败 【歇后语】: 骑马打胜仗;穆桂英破洪州 【灯谜】: *** 妙着;诸葛遗计斩魏延 【用法】: 作谓语、定语、宾语;常与“旗开得胜”连用 【英文】: begin successfully 【故事】: 唐朝时期,绎州龙门大黄庄农民薛仁贵,自幼喜欢武术,到20岁时已学成十八般武艺。他一心想投军报国,父母担心他并劝阻他。他对父母说:“今当国家用人之际,要扫除夷虎,肃靖边疆,凭你孩儿学成武艺,智勇双全,若在两阵之间,怕不马到成功。” 2.【成语】: 旗开得胜 【拼音】: qí kāi dé shèng 【解释】: 刚一打开旗帜进入战斗,就取得了胜利。比喻事情刚一开始,就取得好成绩。 【出处】: 元·无名氏《射柳捶丸》第四折:“托赖主人洪福,旗开得胜,马到成功。” 【举例造句】: 旗开得胜姜文焕,一怒横行劈董忠。 明·许仲琳《封神演义》第九十四回 【拼音代码】: qkds 【近义词】: 马到成功、百战百胜 【反义词】: 一溃千里、一触即溃 【歇后语】: 常胜将军临敌 【用法】: 作谓语、定语;指顺利成功 【英文】: win in the first battle 3.【成语】: 凯旋而归 【拼音】: kǎi xuán ér guī 【解释】: 打仗得胜后返回。 【举例造句】: 我们打了胜仗,凯旋而归,受到表彰。 【拼音代码】: kxeg 【近义词】: 得胜回朝 【歇后语】: 常胜将军还朝 【用法】: 作谓语;指胜利归来 【英文】: triumphant return 4.【成语】: 满载而归 【拼音】: mǎn zài ér guī 【解释】: 载:装载;归:回来。装得满满地回来。形容收获很大。 【出处】: 明·李贽《焚书·又焦弱侯》:“然林汝宁向者三任,彼无一任不往,往必满载而归。” 【举例造句】: 将卫国府库,及民间存留金粟之类,劫掠一空,堕其城郭,满载而归。 明·冯梦龙《东周列国志》第二十三回 【拼音代码】: mzeg 【近义词】: 满载而回 【反义词】: 一无所获、空手而归 【歇后语】: 草船借剑 【灯谜】: 草船借剑;采购回家;返程货物多 【用法】: 作谓语、定语;指收获大 【英文】: return with full load of presents 5.【成语】: 独占鳌头 【拼音】: dú zhàn áo tóu 【解释】: 鳌头:宫殿门前台阶上的鳌鱼浮雕,科举进士发榜时状元站此迎榜。科举时代指点状元。比喻占首位或第一名。 【出处】: 元·无名氏《陈州粜米》楔子:“殿前曾献升平策,独占鳌头第一名。” 【举例造句】: 一战胜群贤,独占鳌头高选。 明·谢谠《四喜记·乡荐荣欢》 【拼音代码】: dzat 【近义词】: 超群绝伦、鹤立鸡群、独一无二 【反义词】: 名落孙山 【灯谜】: 敖 【用法】: 作谓语、定语;指第一名 【英文】: emerge first in the civil service examination of former time 【故事】: 宋朝时期,包公奏请宋仁宗加试恩科,湖广武昌府江夏县南安善村的范仲禹得知消息后暗自叹息,同乡得知他的才华,一定会独占鳌头、金榜题名的。刘洪义资助他100两白银与一头黑驴上京。范仲禹果然不出众望得中状元。 2. 形容比赛精彩的四字成语 形容比赛场面的成语 1、热火朝天:形容群众性的活动情绪热烈,气氛高涨,就象炽热的火焰照天燃烧一样。 2、如火如荼:荼:茅草的白花。像火那样红,像荼那样白。原比喻军容之盛。现用来形容大规模的行动气势旺盛,气氛热烈。 3、欢声雷动:欢笑的声音象雷一样响着。形容热烈欢乎的动人场面。 4、鸦雀无声:连乌鸦麻雀的声音都没有。形容非常静。 5、不相上下:分不出高低好坏。形容水平相当。 6、人山人海:人群如山似海。形容人聚集得非常多。 7、鼓乐齐鸣:击鼓和奏乐声一齐响。形容热闹景象。 8、摩拳擦掌:形容战斗或劳动之前,人们精神振奋,跃跃欲试的样子。 9、连战皆捷:①打仗接连取得胜利。②今多指体育比赛或考试等接连取得好成绩。 10、熙熙攘攘:熙熙:和乐的样子;攘攘:纷乱的样子。形容人来人往,非常热闹拥挤。 11、争先恐后:抢着向前,唯恐落后。 12、封刀挂剑:比喻运动员结束竞技生涯,不再参加正式比赛。 13、你追我赶:形容竞赛激烈,大家都不甘落后。 14、人声鼎沸:鼎:古代煮食器;沸:沸腾。形容人群的声音吵吵嚷嚷,就象煮开了锅一样。 15、精彩绝伦:精:精巧。绝伦:无与伦比。精彩美妙到了极点。 16、锣鼓喧天:喧:声音大。锣鼓震天响。原指作战时敲锣击鼓指挥进退。后多形容喜庆、欢乐的景象。 3. 形容比赛的四字成语 形容比赛场面的成语 1、热火朝天:形容群众性的活动情绪热烈,气氛高涨,就象炽热的火焰照天燃烧一样。 2、如火如荼:荼:茅草的白花。像火那样红,像荼那样白。 原比喻军容之盛。现用来形容大规模的行动气势旺盛,气氛热烈。 3、欢声雷动:欢笑的声音象雷一样响着。形容热烈欢乎的动人场面。 4、鸦雀无声:连乌鸦麻雀的声音都没有。形容非常静。 5、不相上下:分不出高低好坏。形容水平相当。 6、人山人海:人群如山似海。形容人聚集得非常多。 7、鼓乐齐鸣:击鼓和奏乐声一齐响。形容热闹景象。 8、摩拳擦掌:形容战斗或劳动之前,人们精神振奋,跃跃欲试的样子。 9、连战皆捷:①打仗接连取得胜利。 ②今多指体育比赛或考试等接连取得好成绩。 10、熙熙攘攘:熙熙:和乐的样子;攘攘:纷乱的样子。 形容人来人往,非常热闹拥挤。 11、争先恐后:抢着向前,唯恐落后。 12、封刀挂剑:比喻运动员结束竞技生涯,不再参加正式比赛。 13、你追我赶:形容竞赛激烈,大家都不甘落后。 14、人声鼎沸:鼎:古代煮食器;沸:沸腾。形容人群的声音吵吵嚷嚷,就象煮开了锅一样。 15、精彩绝伦:精:精巧。绝伦:无与伦比。 精彩美妙到了极点。 16、锣鼓喧天:喧:声音大。 锣鼓震天响。原指作战时敲锣击鼓指挥进退。 后多形容喜庆、欢乐的景象。望采纳。 4. 关于竞赛的四字成语 争先恐后 龙争虎斗 百家争鸣 针锋相对 唇枪舌战 翻云覆雨 瞬息万变 如火如荼 你追我赶 生龙活虎 龙腾虎跃 力争上游 不甘落后 奋勇向前 你争我夺 蠢蠢欲动 摩拳擦掌 团结互助 不耻最后 并驾齐驱 快马加鞭 逐峰追日 奔轶绝尘 灭景追风 遥遥领先 5. 关于比赛的四字词语(20个以上) 争先恐后 龙争虎斗 百家争鸣 针锋相对 唇枪舌战 翻云覆雨 瞬息万变 如火如荼 你追我赶 生龙活虎 龙腾虎跃 力争上游 不甘落后 奋勇向前 你争我夺 蠢蠢欲动 摩拳擦掌 团结互助 不耻最后 并驾齐驱 快马加鞭 逐峰追日 奔轶绝尘 灭景追风 遥遥领先 自己看看吧,希望能帮助到你!
2023-07-19 14:31:411

微笑面对生活 翻译英文

微笑面对生活be smile to face life
2023-07-19 14:31:497

给我带一件厚衣服 翻译

1.It"s cold outside,so please bring me thick clothes when you come here to pick me up.2.It"s hot there ,so we just need to pack up light clothes.3.I am fully confident in you to achieve the task.4.We await your triumphant return! 5.Which clothes is beautiful on me do you think?6.which a pair of shode suit me do you think? Please give me some advice.希望能帮到你。
2023-07-19 14:32:173


“You are the sun ,not because of the block and lose,I believe you will overcome all difficulties, out the woods, out of diseases troubles , and we will always support you." “你就是太阳,太阳不会因为乌云的遮挡而失去光芒,我相信你会冲破一切困难,走出困境,走出疾病的困扰,而我们会永远支持你。” "xxx is a cute child, you and xxx"s song‘xxx"are very nice,I wish the in the future, the whole family happy will and healthy, I am waiting for 2014 your triumphant return. “xxx是个可爱的小孩,你和xxx的歌曲‘xxx"非常好听,祝今后的日子全家幸福,身体健康,我等着2014你的凯旋归来。”
2023-07-19 14:32:443


worked out the most minute details of a plan destined to wipe out all
2023-07-19 14:32:523


The SleeperSopor AeternusAt midnight, in the month of June在六月的午夜I stand beneath the mystic moon我站在神秘的月亮下An opiate vapor, dewy, dim带着露水微弱、迷幻的雾气Exhales from out her golden rim从它黄金的轮廓中散发And, softly dripping, drop by drop轻柔的水滴,慢慢滴落Upon the quiet mountain top爬上寂静山峰的顶端Steals drowsily and musically懒洋洋唱着歌偷偷Into the universal valley进入了宇宙的山谷The rosemary nods upon the grave迷迭香向坟墓摇摆The lily lolls upon the wave百合花轻轻挥舞Wrapping the fog about its breast浓雾包裹住它的胸膛The ruin molders into rest毁灭腐烂的部分坠入长眠之中Looking like Lethe, see! the lake就像被遗忘,看啊!湖水A conscious slumber seems to take意识的睡眠被And would not, for the world, awake从这个世界上带走All Beauty sleeps ,and lo! where lies所有美丽的沉睡者都将醒来Irene, with her Destinies和平女神和她的命运O, lady bright! can it be right美丽的女神!让一切完美This window open to the night打开夜晚的窗The wanton airs, from the tree-top淫荡的空气,来自树梢顶端Laughingly through the lattice drop笑声穿过格子落下The bodiless airs, a wizard rout无躯体的空气,巫师的盛宴Flit through thy chamber in and outAnd wave the curtain canopy掠过你的房间,进进出出吹皱起苍穹的帷幕So fitfully- so fearfully断断续续Above the closed and fringed lid在流苏遮蔽的穹顶之上′Neath which thy slumb′ring soul lies hid灵魂的谎言隐藏在催眠的雨后That, o′er the floor and down the wall覆盖了大地,冲垮了围墙Like ghosts the shadows rise and fall就像鬼魂的阴影在起起落落Oh, lady dear, hast thou no fear?爱人,你可曾感到恐惧?Why and what art thou dreaming here?这美景为什么只有在梦中浮现?Sure thou art come O′er far-off seas越过遥远深沉海洋A wonder to these garden trees惊讶于花园中树林Strange is thy pallor! strange thy dress惊讶于你的苍白和衣着Strange, above all, thy length of tress惊讶于你的长发,惊讶于所有这些And this all solemn silentness所有这些寂静的庄严The lady sleeps! Oh, may her sleep沉睡的女士Which is enduring, so be deep这忍耐深沉强烈Heaven have her in its sacred keep天堂是她神圣的祭礼This chamber changed for one more holy这房间为更多的神圣改变This bed for one more melancholy这睡眠饱含哀思I pray to God that she may lie我祈祷神只是她的谎言For ever with unopened eye永远不能打开的眼睛While the pale sheeted ghosts go by当灰白色的鬼魂经过My love, she sleeps! Oh, may her sleep我沉睡的爱人As it is lasting, so be deep那是永远,无尽的沉睡Soft may the worms about her creep当蠕虫在她周围爬动Far in the forest, dim and old遥远的树林,阴暗古老For her may some tall vault unfold为她打开墓穴Some vault that oft has flung its black地下的灵堂投入黑色的怀抱And winged panels fluttering back振翅回飞Triumphant, o"er the crested palls胜利,跨过带有顶饰的棺木Of her grand family funerals豪华的家庭葬礼Some sepulchre, remote, alone一些坟墓,偏远孤独Against whose portal she hath thrown她被投进死亡的大门In childhood, many an idle stone在童年,无用的宝石Some tomb from out whose sounding door来自一些坟墓的大门She ne′er shall force an echo more她无力回应Thrilling to think, poor child of sin可怕的思想,罪恶之子It was the dead who groaned within死亡在它内部呻吟
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A. 成语什么什么而归 【成语】:铩羽而归【拼音】:shā yǔ ér guī【解释】:铩羽:羽毛摧落,比喻内失败或不得志。容指失败或不得志而归。【成语】:满载而归【拼音】:mǎn zài ér guī【解释】:载:装载;归:回来。装得满满地回来。形容收获很大。 B. 凯旋而归的成语解释及意思 凯旋而归 kǎi xuán ér guī 【解释】打仗得胜后返回。 【出处】李晓明《平原枪声》:专“等把鬼子打走了属,你们凯旋归来,我带领乡亲们到十里开外去迎接。” 【结构】偏正式成语 【用法】作谓语;指胜利归来 【近义词】得胜回朝 【反义词】铩羽而归 【例句】刘玉民《骚动之秋》第12章:“村里的干部们特意把淑贞派作代表,专程前来迎接凯旋而归的‘英雄们"。” 【英译】triumphant return C. 什么而归的成语有哪些 满载而归,读音mǎn zài ér guī,是一个成语,意思是原指装得满满地回来,形容收获很大,也可以形容学术上取得很大的成果。 D. 誓死不归是成语吗 不是成语,视死如归 才是成语 E. 什么什么而归成语 【成语】复:铩羽而归制 【拼音】:shā yǔ ér guī 【解释】:铩羽:羽毛摧落,比喻失败或不得志。指失败或不得志而归。 【成语】:满载而归 【拼音】:mǎn zài ér guī 【解释】:载:装载;归:回来。装得满满地回来。形容收获很大。 F. 带有而归的成语 带有而归的成语 : 满载而归、 挂冠而归、 企而望归、 铩羽而归、 载誉而归、 乐而忘归、 败兴而归 G. 什么而归的成语 败兴而归 败兴:遇到和想象不一致的事而情绪低落。扫兴地归来。 拂袖而回归 拂袖:甩袖子答,表示意志已决。指毫无留恋,回到家乡归隐。 满载而归 装得满满地回来。形容收获很大。 铩羽而归 铩羽:羽毛摧落,比喻失败或不得志。指失败或不得志而归 H. 而归四字成语大全 归四字成语 : 无家可归、 责有攸归、 衣锦荣归、 同归于尽、 完璧归赵、 满载而归、 言归版于好、 返璞归权真、 改邪归正、 言归正传、 认祖归宗、 实至名归、 早出晚归、 归真返璞、 宾至如归、 众望所归、 归心似箭、 物归原主、 放虎归山、 解甲归田、 挂冠而归、 率土归心、 涓滴归公、 天下归心、 企而望归、 临难如归、 铩羽而归、 天与人归、 载誉而归、 功归冕旒 I. 成语:折戟而归的意思 成语中只有抄“折戟沉袭沙”(意思:断戟沉没在泥沙里,形容失败十分惨重)和“铩羽而归”(意思:比喻失败或不得志,指失败或不得志而归)这两个字面和你所说的“折戟而归”相近的成语。我想你所说的“折戟而归”也就是指“失败而归”的意思吧。 J. “()()而归”的成语是什么 读音:[ kǎi xuán ér guī ] 释义:“凯旋而归”一词回在用法上争议颇多。虽然“凯旋而归”及其类似的用法自古有之,但答是现代学者比较普遍的观点是:“旋”本身已经具有“归来”的含义,因此“凯旋而归”的说法是词义重复,应当视为一种错误用法。 造句: 1 虽然凯旋而归,班师回朝,但师老兵疲,民穷财匮,国力大损,元气大丧。 2 这里的"凯旋而归"用得就不好,凯旋即战胜归来的意思,因而"而归"两字就是画蛇添足了。 3 当胜利的军队凯旋而归时,老百姓都箪食壶浆,热情地犒劳他们。 4 哥哥开始有了自己军旅凯旋而归的时刻,我也基本脱产学习告一段落。 5十年寒窗为此一搏,久经沙场凯旋而归。愿学弟学妹们11高考金榜题名,祝母校事业更加辉煌!
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大家了解 成语 吗?成语有很大一部分是从古代相承沿用下来的,它代表了一个 故事 或者 典故 ,那么旗开得胜是什么意思呢?下面是我给大家带来的旗开得胜是什么意思_旗开得胜的意思及 造句 ,以供大家参考,我们一起来看看吧! ▼ 旗开得胜是什么意思 【意思】: 原指军旗一展开,战斗就取得了胜利。比喻事情刚开始就取得成功。常和“马到成功”连用。 英文解释: win victory the moment one raises one"s standard;As soon as one went into action he won a victory.;be triumphant at one stroke;be triumphant in the first battle; <名>Hell of a good start(出自《斯巴达三百勇士》) ; 【解释】:刚一打开旗帜进入战斗,就取得了胜利。比喻事情刚一开始,就取得好成绩。 【出自】:元·无名氏《射柳捶丸》第四折:“托赖主人洪福,旗开得胜,马到成功。” 【示例】:~姜文焕,一怒横行劈董忠。 ◎明·许仲琳《封神演义》第九十四回 【语法】:连动式;作谓语;含褒义 出 处: 元·无名氏《射柳捶丸》第四折:“托赖主人洪福,旗开得胜,马到成功。” 示 例: ~姜文焕,一怒横行劈董忠。 ★明·许仲琳《封神演义》第九十四回。老舍《女店员》第三幕:“我预祝妇女商店~,成为北京市的一面红旗。” 元·关汉卿《五侯宴》楔子:俺父亲手下兵多将广,有五百义儿女将,人人奋勇,个个英雄,端的是旗开得胜,马到成功 ▼ 旗开得胜的词语辨析 用 法: 连动式;作谓语;含褒义 近义词 : 马到成功、百战百胜,首战告捷 反义词 :一溃千里、一触即溃 ▼ 旗开得胜的造句 1、可是不久又漂来了第二个,这一回啊,我可就旗开得胜啦。 2、小张伤势痊瘉后的第一场比赛就旗开得胜,总算没让支持他的球迷失望。 3、刚刚旗开得胜成为俄国第一个民选总统的叶利钦,来到美国。 4、游戏规则和正式比赛一样, 21分制,画面右侧可以随时查看自己目前的得分,好了,祝各位多多加油,旗开得胜吧! 5、最后,我谨代表香港邮政和全港市民,再一次预祝代表队一路顺风,旗开得胜。 6、在跳水项目中,中国队在前三项中旗开得胜,从8个类别中获得5金5银。 7、我们的实力坚强,必然能够旗开得胜,大家不妨拭目以待。 8、谈到罗琳的排名时,他说: “我们看到最近的一部哈里波特电影在美国旗开得胜。” 9、“好,我祝他们旗开得胜, ”那位经理说, “再来一杯吗? ” 10、如果我今天晚上旗开得胜,我就将走上成就一番大业的通道。 11、我队旗开得胜,在场纺观众们都纷纷起立为球员鼓掌。 12、我 军训 练有素,果然旗开得胜,一举击退来犯的`敌人。 13、他事前没有勤加练习,却夸口声称能够旗开得胜,真是痴人说梦。 14、旗开得胜的中华队,后来又连连过关斩将,最后终于夺得冠军。 15、我队在这次的运动会上第一次出场就旗开得胜,因此士气大增,最后果然获得冠军。 ▼ 形容旗开得胜的诗句 1. 百川东到海,何时复西归?少壮不努力,老大徒伤悲。(汉乐府《长歌行》) 2. 百学须先立志。(朱熹) 3. 宝剑锋从磨砺出,梅花香自苦寒来。 4. 笔落惊风雨,诗成泣鬼神。(杜甫) 5. 别裁伪体亲风雅,转益多师是汝师。(杜甫) 6. 博观而约取,厚积而薄发。(苏轼) 7. 博学之,审问之,慎思之,明辨之,笃行之。(《礼记》) 8. 不登高山,不知天之高也;不临深溪,不知地之厚也。(《荀子》) 9. 不飞则已,一飞冲天;不鸣则已,一鸣惊人。(司马迁) 10. 不患人之不己知,患不知人也。(孔子) 11. 不入虎穴,焉得虎子?(后汉书) 12. 不塞不流,不止不行。(韩愈) 13. 不识庐山真面目,只缘身在此山中。(苏轼) 14. 不畏浮云遮望眼,自缘身在最高层。(王安石) 15. 不以规矩,无以成方园。(孟子) 旗开得胜的相关 文章 : ★ 旗开得胜的意思是什么 ★ 旗开得胜的意思和造句 ★ 旗开得胜的反义词是什么 ★ 大获全胜是什么意思 ★ 马到成功的意思是什么 ★ 成语对联粗茶淡饭下一句是什么 ★ 马到成功的意思和造句 ★ 一帆风顺的意思是什么如何造句 ★ 战役的意思 ★ 棋逢对手的意思是什么 var _hmt = _hmt || []; (function() { var hm = document.createElement("script"); hm.src = ""; var s = document.getElementsByTagName("script")[0]; s.parentNode.insertBefore(hm, s); })();
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look forward to your return home in triumph
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Invincible carry the world before one; carry all before one; ever triumphant; ever victorious; have uninterrupted success; make a clean sweep of all obstacles wherever one goes; mow down all resistance; sweep away all obstacles; (The Army) was sweeping forward from victory to victory.; Wherever they went,the hostile army dispersed. 都表示所向披靡,参考自 新汉英大辞典 例句:So now Arsenal must try to find a formula to beat a team that has been almost invincible this season.所以现在阿森纳必须尽力找个方法在本季打败这支所向披靡的队伍.
2023-07-19 14:33:521


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triumphant adj. 成功的;得意洋洋的;狂欢的, triumph 是词根,胜利,凯旋;欢欣的意思。--ant 是名词变形容词的后缀。
2023-07-19 14:34:171


triumphant adj. 成功的;得意洋洋的;狂欢的, triumph 是词根,胜利,凯旋;欢欣的意思。--ant 是名词变形容词的后缀。
2023-07-19 14:34:251

求Mariah carey的Triumphant(独唱版)的中英歌词

Triumphant Get "Em 胜利乐章Mariah Carey,Rick Ross,Meek MillTurn up 加大音量 Get Em, Get Em, Get Em (Go) 上吧!上吧!上吧! Hit Em, Hit Em, Hit Em (Go) 搞定他们!给他们点颜色看看! Get Em, Get Em, Get Em (Go) 上吧!上吧!上吧! Hit Em, Hit Em, Hit Em (Go) 干掉他们!给他们点颜色看看! Get Em, Get Em, Get Em (Go) 冲啊!冲啊!冲啊! Hit Em, Hit Em, Hit Em (Go) 打倒他们!给他们点颜色看看! They told me get em, I got em, 他们叫我 I swear this word to my father 我要以此向我老爸起誓 And the only way to make it to the top 唯一一条走向顶端的路 If you go and get it from the bottom 就是你从谷底开始走出去的那条路 And I ain"t never asked for no hand outs 我永远不会坐以待毙You won"t carry me, no Mariah 你是不会帮我的These haters love when I was dead broke 看我不顺眼的人就是爱看我倒霉的样子 But they ain"t made at me, 但可惜他们打不倒我 I"m on fire and I"m gon" burn 我怒火中烧,我要焚毁一切 And I ain"t gon" learn, 我也不打算就此学乖 I remember they said that it ain"t my turn 我记得他们说过还轮不到我 But it ain"t confirmed, then the tables turned 但这并没实现,风水轮流转 Just look at me now, try to hold me down 现在就看着我,有种就试试看把我拉下来 But I ain"t gon" stop, cause I"m gon" climb 但别指望我会停下,因为我一定要爬上顶峰 To the mountain top, to the mountain top, now let go 到顶峰去!到顶峰去!现在,发射! Can"t fall down stay triumphant keep on living 绝不倒下,昂首阔步地活下去! Stay on your toes保持警觉 Get off the ropes 挣脱桎梏 Don"t let em ever count you out 别让他们再忽视你的存在! Realize all things are possible 要知道一切皆有可能 In your heart who"s the greatest 在你心目中谁最伟大你清楚 Reach for the stars 伸手去摘下星星 Be all that you are 做你所想 And make em all fall down 把他们统统打倒!Path that I choose flashing cameras as I pose 我选好的路上,只要我一摆好姿势相机就闪个不停 Throwing big money as she dances on the pole 将大把美金甩出去好像她在 上跳舞 Lime green Lamborghini dances in the road 橙绿色的兰博基尼在路上狂飙 License still suspended, no I never stop for tolls 许可证还被扣着,不过,我可不会为了付通行费而停下 Born slick talker, twice a week shopper 处境优越的空谈家,一周去购物两次 Blow a hundred wreck she don"t know a footlocker 只会挥霍破坏,制造残骸,不知人间疾苦 Red bottom boss house big as Baltimore 大BOSS的房子大得像巴尔的摩 With a blonde bombshell tryin to bomb with your boy 搂着个金发女人来想让你妒火中烧 In the James Bond Beamer chrome wheel two seater 就坐在有镀铬车轮的007的两座跑车上On a cloudy day baby I can make it rain 如果是阴天我真的可以让它下雨 Rubber band, 50 grand bet it brighten up your day 回复收起回复3楼2012-08-23 17:17举报 |我也说一句我唔系LES赌这样的经历能让你庆幸自己过得还好 Came from humble beginnings 我从最低微卑贱的地位向上爬 Then was Hummers and Benzes 而他们却是一开始就开着悍马、宾治的人 Now it"s hundred and millions this is only the beginning 现在他们一起步便能赚到大把大把的钞票 A don, a diva, the bomb achiever 一位绅士,一位女士,一切祸端的起因 The one believer, the game gets deeper 多一个信徒,这游戏就能玩下去 Can"t fall down stay triumphant keep on living 决不认输,抬头挺胸地活下去! Stay on your toes 保持警觉 Get off the ropes 挣脱桎梏 Don"t let em ever count you out 别让他们再忽视你的存在 Realize all things are possible 要知道一切皆有可能 In your heart who"s the greatest 在你心目中谁最伟大你最清楚 Reach for the stars 伸手去摘下星星 Be all that you are 做你所想 And make em all fall down然后击倒他们! Get Em, Get Em, Get Em (Go) 上吧!上吧!上吧! Hit Em, Hit Em, Hit Em (Go) 搞定他们!给他们点颜色看看! Get Em, Get Em, Get Em (Go) 上吧!上吧!上吧! Hit Em, Hit Em, Hit Em (Go) 干掉他们!给他们点颜色看看! Get Em, Get Em, Get Em (Go) 上吧!上吧!上吧! Hit Em, Hit Em, Hit Em (Go) 打倒他们!给他们点颜色看看! Get Em, Get Em, Get Em (Go) 冲啊!冲啊!冲啊! Hit Em, Hit Em, Hit Em (Go) 打翻他们!给他们点颜色看看! Can"t fall down now, so even when clouds surround you 千万别倒下,即使云雾绕身浮云遮眼 And everyone seems to doubt you 即使每一个人够质疑你 Baby still know who you are亲爱的你还是要清楚你到底是谁 So you gotta keep on climbing因此你要继续攀登 In spite of the chains that bind you 尽管锁链紧绑你身 You can see the mountain top 你还是可以看到远处那峰顶 It"s not too far 其实并不遥远Can"t fall down stay triumphant keep on living 决不能倒下, Stay on your toes 保持警觉 Get off the rope 挣脱桎梏 Don"t let em ever count you out 别让他们再忽视你的存在 Realize all things are possible 需知一切皆有可能 In your heart who"s the greatest 在你心目中谁最伟大你很清楚 Reach for the stars 伸手去摘下星星 Be all that you are 做你所想 And make em all fall down 把他们都打翻在地 Can"t fall down stay triumphant keep on living 不要认输!抬头挺胸地活下去! Stay on your toes 保持警觉 Get off the rope 挣脱桎梏 Don"t let em ever count you out 别让他们再无视你的存在 Realize all things are possible 你知道的,一切皆有可能 In your heart who"s the greatest 在你心目中谁最伟大你最清楚 Reach for the stars 伸手去摘星星 Be all that you are 做你所想 And make em all fall down 把他们踩在脚下!
2023-07-19 14:34:321

Turn up 加大音量 Get Em, Get Em, Get Em (Go) 上吧!上吧!上吧! Hit Em, Hit Em, Hit Em (Go) 搞定他们!给他们点颜色看看! Get Em, Get Em, Get Em (Go) 上吧!上吧!上吧! Hit Em, Hit Em, Hit Em (Go) 干掉他们!给他们点颜色看看! Get Em, Get Em, Get Em (Go) 冲啊!冲啊!冲啊! Hit Em, Hit Em, Hit Em (Go) 打倒他们!给他们点颜色看看! They told me get em, I got em, 他们叫我 I swear this word to my father 我要以此向我老爸起誓 And the only way to make it to the top 唯一一条走向顶端的路 If you go and get it from the bottom 就是你从谷底开始走出去的那条路 And I ain"t never asked for no hand outs 我永远不会坐以待毙 You won"t carry me, no Mariah 你是不会帮我的 These haters love when I was dead broke 看我不顺眼的人就是爱看我倒霉的样子 But they ain"t made at me, 但可惜他们打不倒我 I"m on fire and I"m gon" burn 我怒火中烧,我要焚毁一切 And I ain"t gon" learn, 我也不打算就此学乖 I remember they said that it ain"t my turn 我记得他们说过还轮不到我 But it ain"t confirmed, then the tables turned 但这并没实现,风水轮流转 Just look at me now, try to hold me down 现在就看着我,有种就试试看把我拉下来 But I ain"t gon" stop, cause I"m gon" climb 但别指望我会停下,因为我一定要爬上顶峰 To the mountain top, to the mountain top, now let go 到顶峰去!到顶峰去!现在,发射! Can"t fall down stay triumphant keep on living 绝不倒下,昂首阔步地活下去! Stay on your toes 保持警觉 Get off the ropes 挣脱桎梏 Don"t let em ever count you out 别让他们再忽视你的存在! Realizeall things are possible 要知道一切皆有可能 In your heart who"s the greatest 在你心目中谁最伟大你清楚 Reach for the stars 伸手去摘下星星 Be all that you are 做你所想 And make em all fall down 把他们统统打倒! Path that I choose flashing cameras as I pose 我选好的路上,只要我一摆好姿势相机就闪个不停 Throwing big money as she danceson the pole 将大把美金甩出去好像她在 上跳舞 Lime green Lamborghini dances in the road 橙绿色的兰博基尼在路上狂飙 License still suspended, no I never stop for tolls 许可证还被扣着,不过,我可不会为了付通行费而停下 Born slick talker, twice a week shopper 处境优越的空谈家,一周去购物两次 Blow a hundred wreck she don"t know a footlocker 只会挥霍破坏,制造残骸,不知人间疾苦 Red bottom boss house big as Baltimore 大BOSS的房子大得像巴尔的摩 With a blonde bombshell tryin to bomb with your boy 搂着个金发女人来想让你妒火中烧 In the James Bond Beamer chrome wheel two seater 就坐在有镀铬车轮的007的两座跑车上 On a cloudy day baby I can make it rain 如果是阴天我真的可以让它下雨 Rubber band, 50 grand bet it brighten up your day
2023-07-19 14:34:461

跪求mariah carey 新单triumphant 独唱版歌词

还有独唱版的?!!! 在google上搜嘛 不然就雅虎
2023-07-19 14:34:552


问题一:和“凯旋而归”英语用英语怎么说,还有 triumphant return 英 [tra???mf?nt ri?t?:n] 美 [tra???mf?nt r??t?n] 凯旋; 凯旋而归 [例句]This trip was not like his first triumphant return home in 1990.. 问题二:凯旋的英文怎么拼 1.a triumphant return return in triumph 问题三:凯旋归来怎么用英语翻译 希望我的回答对你有帮助~ 记得采纳哦~ 以下都是凯旋归来的意思~ 不过我建议你用return with flying colours return with drums beating and banners flying e back victorious return home in triumph return with flying colours return with gongs beating and banners flying 问题四:我来自绿园区凯旋小学用英语怎么说 我来自绿园区凯旋小学 英文:I am from the Green Park Triumph Primary School 问题五:等我凯旋归来用英语怎么说? Waif for me to return victoriously
2023-07-19 14:35:021


win in every battle
2023-07-19 14:36:031

关于Sopor Aeternus的歌词

Title: Sopor Aeternus - The Sleeper lyricsArtist: Sopor AeternusAt midnight, in the month of June,I stand beneath the mystic moon.An opiate vapor, dewy, dim,Exhales from out her golden rim,And, softly dripping, drop by drop,Upon the quiet mountain top,Steals drowsily and musicallyInto the universal valley.The rosemary nods upon the grave;The lily lolls upon the wave;Wrapping the fog about its breast,The ruin molders into rest;Looking like Lethe, see! the lakeA conscious slumber seems to take,And would not, for the world, awake.All Beauty sleeps!- and lo! where liesIrene, with her Destinies!O, lady bright! can it be right-This window open to the night?The wanton airs, from the tree-top,Laughingly through the lattice drop-The bodiless airs, a wizard rout,Flit through thy chamber in and out,And wave the curtain canopySo fitfully- so fearfully-Above the closed and fringed lid"Neath which thy slumb"ring soul lies hid,That, o"er the floor and down the wall,Like ghosts the shadows rise and fall!Oh, lady dear, hast thou no fear?Why and what art thou dreaming here?Sure thou art come O"er far-off seas,A wonder to these garden trees!Strange is thy pallor! strange thy dress,Strange, above all, thy length of tress,And this all solemn silentness!The lady sleeps! Oh, may her sleep,Which is enduring, so be deep!Heaven have her in its sacred keep!This chamber changed for one more holy,This bed for one more melancholy,I pray to God that she may lieFor ever with unopened eye,While the pale sheeted ghosts go by!My love, she sleeps! Oh, may her sleepAs it is lasting, so be deep!Soft may the worms about her creep!Far in the forest, dim and old,For her may some tall vault unfold-Some vault that oft has flung its blackAnd winged panels fluttering back,Triumphant, o"er the crested palls,Of her grand family funerals-Some sepulchre, remote, alone,Against whose portal she hath thrown,In childhood, many an idle stone-Some tomb from out whose sounding doorShe ne"er shall force an echo more,Thrilling to think, poor child of sin!It was the dead who groaned within.
2023-07-19 14:36:432

给几个以phant结尾的英文单词. 除了elephant ,triumphant还有什么唉.

确实不多,只找到另外2个:hierophant ,sycophant 还有一个 oliphant - 象牙号角
2023-07-19 14:36:591


1.c 2.b 3.a 4.b 5.c 6.b 7.b/d 8.d 9.b 10.c 11.a 12.b 13.b(?) 14.b 15.a 16.d(uff1fuff09 17.c 18.c 19.a 20.b
2023-07-19 14:37:071


When I was about ten years old, I spotted a mouse running across our living room floor. My four younger siblings( 兄弟姐妹) heard me screaming 16 and joined me on the couch, 17 my father found us standing, yelling and pointing. Dad grabbed 18 and chased that mouse all over the place. We followed him in hot pursuit, 19 him on,“Get it, Dad. Get it!” Finally, the mouse was 20 , but when Dad pushed the broom into it, the mouse 21 a little squeal (尖叫). All 22 of us jumped our father. We 23 his arms and legs, “Don"t hurt him. Let him go!” Dad dropped his head 24 .He pulled the broom away and the mouse scampered off(奔逃). “Run.” we yelled. My father looked at us like we"d turned into numskulls(傻瓜). He bought a trap the next day. Ray, my husband, and I live in the country. Our garage is kept free of field mice by our outdoor cat, Snickers. Her mother was a great mouser and 25 her baby well. I was in the garage one day, 26 a mouse ran across the floor. I 27. Snickers was sleeping, so I 28 her name to get her attention. She had the mouse 29 a nanosecond. Then…I heard 30 . “Let it go,” I yelled. When she refused, I ran into the house to 31 my husband to save it. I watched 32 a crack in the door as my husband donned (戴上) a pair of work gloves, took the mouse out of the cat"s mouth, walked it out to the field. When he came back, he bent down to pet the cat and told her she was a good girl for 33 the mouse. Opening the door 34, I thanked him. Both my husband and the cat looked up at me. They had a 35 look on their faces. I"d seen that look before. It was the same one my father had on his face, all those years ago...16、A .at the top of my lung B .at the top of my voices C. at the top of my lungs D .at the top of the voice17、A . that B. which C. when D. where18、A. a trap B. a broom C. a stick D. a stool19、A. cheering B. urging C. encouraging D. calling20、A. caught B. cornered C. beaten D. killed21、A. left out B. let out C. sent out D. shouted out22、A. five B. four C. three D. six23、A. pulled down B. pulled away C. pulled at D. pulled off24、A. in surprise B. in disappointment C. with pleasure D. in defeat25、A. taught* B. fed C. trained D. educated26、A. while B. as C. when D. until27、A screamed B. escaped C. frozeD. stood28、 A. called B. shouted C. screamed D. whispered29、 A. in B. after C. with D. for 30、 A. the cry B. the shout C. the scream D. the squeal31、A. have B. let C. get* D. make32、A. through B. into C. across D. cross33、A. saving B. catching C. helping D. killing34、A. in the way B. on the way C. all the way D. by the way35、A. disappointed B. surprised C. familiar D. puzzled The tradtional industries on which Britain%27s Industrial Revolution was founded are declining.(选项1). a result of improved methods they are( 选项2) workers even faster than they are declining.(选项3) the last ten years (选项4) of people working in the textile industry has gone down by fourteen percent; in the shipbuilding industry down by fifteen percent; in minging and quarrying down by eighteen percent; in agriculture, (选项5) and fishing down by twenty-five percent. All these industries are based outside London, most of them in the north and Scotland. (选项6) The jobs which are increasing are those in engineering and light industry--up by 24%; jobs in finance, banking and insurance--up by 32%; jobs in (选项7)and wholesale trade-- up by 34% ;andjobs in professional and business services --up by 43%. Yet fobs of this kind tend for many reasons to be(选项8) concentrated in and around London. They are not tied to the (选项9)of raw materials (选项10)is mining; they are free (选项11) various historical factors that (选项12) some industries; there is a natural tendency for head offices to be sited in the capital city; and as the (选项13) of commerce and business becomes ever more international, it is important or (选项14)people to be near an international airport. Indeed, England has always been centralised (选项15) a quite extraordianary degree. London is still four times (选项16) the next biggest city in Britain; its port is the third biggest in the world; the City of London is the financial capital, not merely of Britain(选项17) of the whole sterling area; it is the seat of government and administration, and so (选项18) there is no regional government, central government remains enormous. The centripepal force of this metropolis is (选项19), and it tends to suck the talent, and(选项20) the lifehood, from the rest of the country. (1) (A)With (B)For (C)As (D)Since (2) (A)sharing (B)shedding (C)shaping (D)shaving (3) (A)In (B)For (C)After (D)Since (4) (A)a number (B)the number (C)a amount (D)the amount (5) (A)forests (B)forest (C)forestry (D)woods (6) (A)by contrast (B)in contrast (C)by order (D)in order (7) (A)entail (B)retail (C)detail (D)retail (8) (A)accidentally (B)heavily (C)separately (D)steadily (9) (A)cause (B)source (C)course (D)core (10) (A)that (B)which (C)as (D)where (11) (A)of (B)away from (C)to (D)for (12) (A)effort (B)affect (C)effect (D)infect (13) (A)portion (B)measurement (C)volume (D)scale (14) (A)more or less (B)more and more (C)less (D)fewer (15) (A)to (B)for (C)on (D)with (16) (A)not bigger than (B)so big as (C)as big as (D)bigger as (17) (A)and (B)so (C)but (D)then (18) (A)as soon as (B)as long as (C)provided that (D)supposing (19) (A)colossal (B)glorious (C)triumphant (D)manifold (20) (A)anyhow (B)hence (C)nevertheless (D)somehow
2023-07-19 14:37:141


1. 预祝比赛成功的成语有哪些 马到成功,旗开得胜,凯旋而归,满载而归,独占鳌头 1.【成语】: 马到成功 【拼音】: mǎ dào chéng gōng 【解释】: 形容工作刚开始就取得成功。 【出处】: 元·无名氏《小尉迟》第二折:“那老尉迟这一去,马到成功。” 【举例造句】: 只要不轻敌,相信你们一定会马到成功。 【拼音代码】: mdcg 【近义词】: 旗开得胜、水到渠成 【反义词】: 屡战屡败 【歇后语】: 骑马打胜仗;穆桂英破洪州 【灯谜】: *** 妙着;诸葛遗计斩魏延 【用法】: 作谓语、定语、宾语;常与“旗开得胜”连用 【英文】: begin successfully 【故事】: 唐朝时期,绎州龙门大黄庄农民薛仁贵,自幼喜欢武术,到20岁时已学成十八般武艺。他一心想投军报国,父母担心他并劝阻他。他对父母说:“今当国家用人之际,要扫除夷虎,肃靖边疆,凭你孩儿学成武艺,智勇双全,若在两阵之间,怕不马到成功。” 2.【成语】: 旗开得胜 【拼音】: qí kāi dé shèng 【解释】: 刚一打开旗帜进入战斗,就取得了胜利。比喻事情刚一开始,就取得好成绩。 【出处】: 元·无名氏《射柳捶丸》第四折:“托赖主人洪福,旗开得胜,马到成功。” 【举例造句】: 旗开得胜姜文焕,一怒横行劈董忠。 明·许仲琳《封神演义》第九十四回 【拼音代码】: qkds 【近义词】: 马到成功、百战百胜 【反义词】: 一溃千里、一触即溃 【歇后语】: 常胜将军临敌 【用法】: 作谓语、定语;指顺利成功 【英文】: win in the first battle 3.【成语】: 凯旋而归 【拼音】: kǎi xuán ér guī 【解释】: 打仗得胜后返回。 【举例造句】: 我们打了胜仗,凯旋而归,受到表彰。 【拼音代码】: kxeg 【近义词】: 得胜回朝 【歇后语】: 常胜将军还朝 【用法】: 作谓语;指胜利归来 【英文】: triumphant return 4.【成语】: 满载而归 【拼音】: mǎn zài ér guī 【解释】: 载:装载;归:回来。装得满满地回来。形容收获很大。 【出处】: 明·李贽《焚书·又焦弱侯》:“然林汝宁向者三任,彼无一任不往,往必满载而归。” 【举例造句】: 将卫国府库,及民间存留金粟之类,劫掠一空,堕其城郭,满载而归。 明·冯梦龙《东周列国志》第二十三回 【拼音代码】: mzeg 【近义词】: 满载而回 【反义词】: 一无所获、空手而归 【歇后语】: 草船借剑 【灯谜】: 草船借剑;采购回家;返程货物多 【用法】: 作谓语、定语;指收获大 【英文】: return with full load of presents 5.【成语】: 独占鳌头 【拼音】: dú zhàn áo tóu 【解释】: 鳌头:宫殿门前台阶上的鳌鱼浮雕,科举进士发榜时状元站此迎榜。科举时代指点状元。比喻占首位或第一名。 【出处】: 元·无名氏《陈州粜米》楔子:“殿前曾献升平策,独占鳌头第一名。” 【举例造句】: 一战胜群贤,独占鳌头高选。 明·谢谠《四喜记·乡荐荣欢》 【拼音代码】: dzat 【近义词】: 超群绝伦、鹤立鸡群、独一无二 【反义词】: 名落孙山 【灯谜】: 敖 【用法】: 作谓语、定语;指第一名 【英文】: emerge first in the civil service examination of former time 【故事】: 宋朝时期,包公奏请宋仁宗加试恩科,湖广武昌府江夏县南安善村的范仲禹得知消息后暗自叹息,同乡得知他的才华,一定会独占鳌头、金榜题名的。刘洪义资助他100两白银与一头黑驴上京。范仲禹果然不出众望得中状元。 2. 预祝比赛成功的成语 马到成功_金山词霸 【拼 音】: mǎ dào chéng gōng 【解 释】: 战马一到阵前就取得胜利.形容迅速取得成就. 【出 处】: 元·郑廷为《楚昭公》:“管取马到成功;奏凯回来也.” 【示 例】: 无论什么事;只要你一出面;定会~. 马到成功_金山词霸 【拼 音】: mǎ dào chéng gōng 【解 释】: 战马一到阵前就取得胜利.形容迅速取得成就. 【出 处】: 元·郑廷为《楚昭公》:“管取马到成功;奏凯回来也.” 【示 例】: 无论什么事;只要你一出面;定会~. 马到成功_金山词霸 【拼 音】: mǎ dào chéng gōng 【解 释】: 战马一到阵前就取得胜利.形容迅速取得成就. 【出 处】: 元·郑廷为《楚昭公》:“管取马到成功;奏凯回来也.” 【示 例】: 无论什么事;只要你一出面;定会~. 马到成功_金山词霸 【拼 音】: mǎ dào chéng gōng 【解 释】: 战马一到阵前就取得胜利.形容迅速取得成就. 【出 处】: 元·郑廷为《楚昭公》:“管取马到成功;奏凯回来也.” 【示 例】: 无论什么事;只要你一出面;定会~. 3. 形容比赛精彩的四字成语 1、热火朝天:形容群众性的活动情绪热烈,气氛高涨,就象炽热的火焰照天燃烧一样。 2、如火如荼:荼:茅草的白花。像火那样红,像荼那样白。原比喻军容之盛。现用来形容大规模的行动气势旺盛,气氛热烈。 3、欢声雷动:欢笑的声音象雷一样响着。形容热烈欢乎的动人场面。 4、鸦雀无声:连乌鸦麻雀的声音都没有。形容非常静。 5、不相上下:分不出高低好坏。形容水平相当。 6、人山人海:人群如山似海。形容人聚集得非常多。 7、鼓乐齐鸣:击鼓和奏乐声一齐响。形容热闹景象。 4. 关于比赛的四字词语(20个以上) 争先恐后 龙争虎斗 百家争鸣 针锋相对 唇枪舌战 翻云覆雨 瞬息万变 如火如荼 你追我赶 生龙活虎 龙腾虎跃 力争上游 不甘落后 奋勇向前 你争我夺 蠢蠢欲动 摩拳擦掌 团结互助 不耻最后 并驾齐驱 快马加鞭 逐峰追日 奔轶绝尘 灭景追风 遥遥领先 自己看看吧,希望能帮助到你! 5. 关于祝福的四字成语 1、祝愿同学:金榜题名,名列前茅,名列前茅,毛遂自荐,见贤思齐,旗开得胜,胜友如云,云天高谊,意气风发,发奋图强。 2、你在我心中印象:如花似玉,欲言又止,指日可待,待字闺中,中正无私,思前想后,后起之秀,秀外慧中。3、祝愿祖国,国富民强,强本节用,用兵如神,神采焕发,发奋图强,强兵富国,国泰民安,安居乐业。 4、祝愿烦恼:烟消云散,散失殆尽,进寸退尺,尺寸之地,低眉顺眼,湮灭灰飞,非请莫入,如泣如诉,素不相识,石沉大海,海枯见底!5、祝福工作:事事顺心,心想事成,成就伟业,业有专攻,攻无不克,克己奉公,功到自然成,祝你工作愉快。6、祝愿朋友:龙马精神神采奕奕意气风发发愤图强强颜欢笑笑颜满面面如桃花花容月貌貌似潘安安眉带眼。 7、祝愿国家:繁荣昌盛,盛世强国,国泰民安,安国富民,民殷国富,富国强兵,兵精粮足,足食丰衣,一匡九合。8、祝小朋友,龙精虎猛,猛虎添翼,翼翼飞鸾,鸾凤齐飞,飞黄腾达,达士通人,人中骐骥,骥子龙文。 9、祝你平安,安然无恙,扬眉吐气,气壮山河,和颜悦色,色彩弥漫,满面春风,丰衣足食,十全十美,眉开眼笑,笑口常开。10、祝福同学:勤奋好学,学业有成,成竹在胸,胸有大志,志向高远,渊博学识,实事求是,事事顺心,心想事成,成就辉煌。 11、祝您事业:马到成功,功成名遂,遂心应手,手到拈来,来者可追,锥处囊中,中流砥柱,柱石之坚,坚韧不拔,拔萃出类!12、祝愿孩子,活泼可爱,爱憎分明,明辨是非,飞黄腾达,大富大贵,规行矩步,步月登云,云程万里。13、开春大吉,吉祥如意,意气风发,发愤图强,抢先一步,步步高升,升官发财,财运亨通,通古博今,金玉满堂,接龙短信祝福你万事如意!14、祝朋友,龙年吉祥,祥云瑞气,气吞山河,河清云庆,情深意重,重金兼紫,紫气东来,来情去意,意气风发,发愤图强。 15、祝你好运,运旺时盛,升官发财,才华超众,众星捧月,月圆花好,好事成双,爽心悦目,目达耳通,通达万事,事事如意!16、兔去龙来,来日方长。长话短说,说吉道祥!想祝愿你:龙马精神,神采飞扬,扬名立万,万 *** 程!17、祝愿朋友:平易近人仁义和善善眉善眼眼笑眉飞飞眼传情情投意合和蔼可亲亲仁善邻邻里和睦目 挑心悦。 18、祝愿朋友:如日中天天天向上上勤下顺顺风顺水水涨船高高高在上上情下达达官显贵贵富显荣荣华富贵。19、祝福兄弟:天天开心,心想事成,成家立计,济困扶危,微言大义,义正辞严,言从计行,行云流水,水到渠成,成名成家。 20、祝友雍容,容光焕发,发家致富,富甲天下,下笔成文,文武双全,全智全能,能屈能伸,伸张正义,义薄云天,天天恭祝,祝友雍容。21、祝商业:财运亨通,通权达变,便宜从事,事半功百,百尺竿头,投桃报李,礼贤下士,士饱马腾,腾达飞黄。 22、祝愿老人:福如东海,海屋添寿,寿比南山,山高水长,长寿百岁,岁岁平安,安如泰山,山河同寿,寿城宏开,开眉眼笑,笑口常开!23、祝愿心情:风和日丽荔红枝绿绿草如茵殷天蔽日日丽风清青山绿水水木清华华星秋月 月白风清。24、祝福朋友:福禄千万,万事大吉,吉祥如意,意气风发,发愤图强,强身健体,体贴入微,威慑四方,芳香四溢,一路顺风,风风火火。 25、祝福女友:如花似玉,玉洁冰清,清歌曼舞,舞裙歌扇,扇枕温席,席丰履厚,后福无量,量如江海,海内无双!26、祝你龙年,龙年吉祥,祥风时雨,雨顺风调,调神畅情,情投意合,合衷共济,济苦怜贫,贫而乐道,道而不径,径情直遂,遂心快意,意气奋发,发扬光大,大功毕成!27、祝福爱人,人见人爱,爱心常在,在水一方,芳华永驻,驻颜有术,书不释手,授受不亲,亲如一家。28、你在我心中是最美,美丽动人,人见人爱,爱你久久,久闻大名,名不虚传,传情眉目,目不转睛,金童玉女,女大当嫁,嫁给我吧。 29、祝福今天,天天向上,上下求索,索玛花开,开开心心,心想事成,成就斐然,燃情岁月,越来越好,好人好梦,梦想成真!30、祝福同学:金榜题名,名高天下,下笔有神,神通广大,大仁大义,义薄云天,天下无双,双喜临门!31、祝你健康,慷慨激昂,昂首挺胸,胸有成竹,助人为乐,乐善好施,十全十美,美满幸福,福如东海。32、祝生活:春风和煦旭日东升生机盎然冉冉波光光风霁月月白风清清爽宜人人欢马跃悦目赏心欣欣向荣。 33、祝福亲人,人人平安,安居乐业,业精于勤,勤以修身,身强体壮,壮气凌云,云程万里!34、祝你华贵,贵不可言,言出必行,行步如飞,飞黄腾达,达官贵人,人中龙凤,凤舞九天,天天快乐!35、祝福生活:幸福美满,满园春色,色彩缤纷,纷纷而至,质朴纯真,真的快乐开心。36、你在我心中印象:玉树临风,风度翩翩,翩翩少年,年轻力壮,壮气凌云,云中白鹤,赫赫有名,名下无虚,须眉男子。 37、恭祝吉祥,祥光万年,年年开心,心想事成,成双成对,对酒当歌,歌颂祖国,国泰民安,安身为乐,乐在其中。38、祝福朋友,有情有义,义结金兰,兰芝常生,生龙活虎,虎虎生。
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Singing voices
2023-07-19 14:37:422

Pantera的《The Sleep》 歌词

The SleeperAt midnight, in the month of June在六月的午夜I stand beneath the mystic moon我站在神秘的月亮下An opiate vapor, dewy, dim带着露水微弱、迷幻的雾气Exhales from out her golden rim从它黄金的轮廓中散发And, softly dripping, drop by drop轻柔的水滴,慢慢滴落Upon the quiet mountain top爬上寂静山峰的顶端Steals drowsily and musically懒洋洋唱着歌偷偷Into the universal valley进入了宇宙的山谷The rosemary nods upon the grave迷迭香向坟墓摇摆The lily lolls upon the wave百合花轻轻挥舞Wrapping the fog about its breast浓雾包裹住它的胸膛The ruin molders into rest毁灭腐烂的部分坠入长眠之中Looking like Lethe, see! the lake就像被遗忘,看啊!湖水A conscious slumber seems to take意识的睡眠被And would not, for the world, awake从这个世界上带走All Beauty sleeps ,and lo! where lies所有美丽的沉睡者都将醒来Irene, with her Destinies和平女神和她的命运O, lady bright! can it be right美丽的女神!让一切完美This window open to the night打开夜晚的窗The wanton airs, from the tree-top淫荡的空气,来自树梢顶端Laughingly through the lattice drop笑声穿过格子落下The bodiless airs, a wizard rout无躯体的空气,巫师的盛宴Flit through thy chamber in and outAnd wave the curtain canopy掠过你的房间,进进出出吹皱起苍穹的帷幕So fitfully- so fearfully断断续续Above the closed and fringed lid在流苏遮蔽的穹顶之上′Neath which thy slumb′ring soul lies hid灵魂的谎言隐藏在催眠的雨后That, o′er the floor and down the wall覆盖了大地,冲垮了围墙Like ghosts the shadows rise and fall就像鬼魂的阴影在起起落落Oh, lady dear, hast thou no fear?爱人,你可曾感到恐惧?Why and what art thou dreaming here?这美景为什么只有在梦中浮现?Sure thou art come O′er far-off seas越过遥远深沉海洋A wonder to these garden trees惊讶于花园中树林Strange is thy pallor! strange thy dress惊讶于你的苍白和衣着Strange, above all, thy length of tress惊讶于你的长发,惊讶于所有这些And this all solemn silentness所有这些寂静的庄严The lady sleeps! Oh, may her sleep沉睡的女士Which is enduring, so be deep这忍耐深沉强烈Heaven have her in its sacred keep天堂是她神圣的祭礼This chamber changed for one more holy这房间为更多的神圣改变This bed for one more melancholy这睡眠饱含哀思I pray to God that she may lie我祈祷神只是她的谎言For ever with unopened eye永远不能打开的眼睛While the pale sheeted ghosts go by当灰白色的鬼魂经过My love, she sleeps! Oh, may her sleep我沉睡的爱人As it is lasting, so be deep那是永远,无尽的沉睡Soft may the worms about her creep当蠕虫在她周围爬动Far in the forest, dim and old遥远的树林,阴暗古老For her may some tall vault unfold为她打开墓穴Some vault that oft has flung its black地下的灵堂投入黑色的怀抱And winged panels fluttering back振翅回飞Triumphant, o"er the crested palls胜利,跨过带有顶饰的棺木Of her grand family funerals豪华的家庭葬礼Some sepulchre, remote, alone一些坟墓,偏远孤独Against whose portal she hath thrown她被投进死亡的大门In childhood, many an idle stone在童年,无用的宝石Some tomb from out whose sounding door来自一些坟墓的大门She ne′er shall force an echo more她无力回应Thrilling to think, poor child of sin可怕的思想,罪恶之子It was the dead who groaned within死亡在它内部呻吟。
2023-07-19 14:37:492


  在苍茫的大海上,狂风卷集着乌云。在乌云和大海之间,海燕像黑色的闪电,在高傲地飞翔。  一会儿翅膀碰着波浪,一会儿箭一般地直冲向乌云,它叫喊着,──就在这鸟儿勇敢的叫喊声里,乌云听出了欢乐。  在这叫喊声里──充满着对暴风雨的渴望!在这叫喊声里,乌云听出了愤怒的力量、热情的火焰和胜利的信心。  海鸥在暴风雨来临之前呻吟着,──呻吟着,在大海上面飞窜,想把自己对暴风雨的恐惧,掩藏到大海深处。  海鸭也在呻吟着,──它们这些海鸭啊,享受不了生活的战斗的欢乐:轰隆隆的雷声就把它们吓坏了。  蠢笨的企鹅,胆怯地把肥胖的身体躲藏到悬崖底下……只有那高傲的海燕,勇敢地,自由自在地,在泛起白沫的大海上飞翔!  乌云越来越暗,越来越低,向海面直压下来,而波浪一边歌唱,一边冲向高空,去迎接那雷声。  雷声轰响。波浪在愤怒的飞沫中呼叫,跟狂风争鸣。看吧,狂风紧紧抱起一层层巨浪,恶狠狠地把它们甩到悬崖上,把这些大块的翡翠摔成尘雾和碎沫。  海燕叫喊着,飞翔着,像黑色的闪电,箭一般地穿过乌云,翅膀掠起波浪的飞沫。  看吧,它飞舞着,像个精灵──高傲的、黑色的暴风雨的精灵,——它在大笑,它又在号叫……它笑那些乌云,它因为欢乐而高叫!  这个敏感的精灵,它从雷声的震怒里,早就听出了困乏,它深信,乌云遮不住太阳,──是的,遮不住的!  狂风吼叫……雷声轰响……  一堆堆乌云,像青色的火焰,在无底的大海上燃烧。大海抓住闪电的剑光,把它们熄灭在自己的深渊里。这些闪电的影子,活像一条条火蛇,在大海里蜿蜒浮动,一晃就消失了。  “暴风雨!暴风雨就要来啦!”  这是勇敢的海燕,在闪电中间,高傲地飞翔;这是胜利的预言家在叫喊:  ──让暴风雨来得更猛烈些吧!  中英原文翻译  High above the silvery ocean winds are gathering the storm-clouds, and between the clouds and ocean proudly wheels the Stormy Petrel, like a streak of sable lightning.  Now his wing the wave caresses, now he rises like an arrow, cleaving clouds and crying fiercely, while the clouds detect a rapture in the bird"s courageous crying.  In that crying sounds a craving for the tempest! Sounds the flaming of his passion, of his anger, of his confidence in triumph.  The gulls are moaning in their terror--moaning, darting o"er the waters, and would gladly hide their horror in the inky depths of ocean.  And the grebes are also moaning. Not for them the nameless rapture of the struggle. They are frightened by the crashing of the thunder.  And the foolish penguins cower in the crevices of rocks, while alone the Stormy Petrel proudly wheels above the ocean, o"er the silver-frothing waters.  Ever lower, ever blacker, sink the stormclouds to the sea, and the singing waves are mounting in their yearning toward the thunder.  Strikes the thunder. Now the waters fiercely battle with the winds. And the winds in fury seize them in unbreakable embrace, hurtling down the emerald masses to be shattered on the cliffs.  Like a streak of sable lightning wheels and cries the Stormy Petrel, piercing storm-clouds like an arrow, cutting swiftly through the waters.  He is coursing like a Demon, the black Demon of the tempest, ever laughing, ever sobbing--he is laughing at the storm-clouds, he is sobbing with his rapture.  In the crashing of the thunder the wise Demon hears a murmur of exhaustion. And he is knows the strom will die and the sun will be triumphant; the sun will always be triumphant!  The waters roar. The thunder crashes. Livid lightning flares in stormclouds high above the seething ocean, and the flaming darts are captured and extinguished by the waters, while the serpentine reflections writhe, expiring, in the deep.  It"s the storm! The storm is breaking!  Still the valiant Stormy Petrel proudly wheels amond the lightning, o"er the roaring, raging ocean, and his cry resounds exultant, like a prophecy of triumph--  Let it break in all its fury!  中俄原文翻译  Над седой равниной моря ветер тучи собирает. Между тучами и морем гордо реет Буревестник, черной молнии подобный.  在苍茫的大海上,狂风卷集着乌云。在乌云和大海之间,海燕像黑色的闪电高傲地飞翔。  То крылом волны касаясь, то стрелой взмывая к тучам, он кричит, и ----тучи слышат радость в смелом крике птицы.  一会儿,翅膀碰着海浪,一会儿,箭一般的直冲云霄,它叫喊着...... 在这鸟儿勇敢的叫喊声里,乌云听到了欢乐。  В этом крике ----жажда бури! Силу гнева, пламя страсти и уверенность в победе слышат тучи в этом крике.  在这叫喊声里,充满着对暴风雨的渴望! 在这叫喊声里,乌云感到了愤怒的力量、热情的火焰和胜利的信心。  Чайки стонут перед бурей, ---- стонут, мечутся над морем и на дно его готовы спрятать ужас свой пред бурей.  海鸥在暴风雨到来之前呻吟着,---呻吟着,在大海上空飞窜,想把自己对暴风雨的恐惧,掩藏到大海深处。  И гагары тоже стонут, ----им, гагарам, недоступно наслажденье битвой жизни: гром ударов их пугает.  海鸭也在呻吟着,---这些愚蠢的海鸭呀,享受不了生活的战斗的欢乐,轰隆隆的雷声就把它们吓坏了。  Глупый пингвин робко прячет тело жирное в утесах... Только гордый Буревестник реет смело и свободно над седым от пены морем!  愚蠢的企鹅,畏缩地把肥胖的身体躲藏在峭崖底下... 只有那高傲的海燕,勇敢地,自由自在地,在翻起白沫的大海上飞翔。  Все мрачней и ниже тучи опускаются над морем, и поют, и рвутся волны к высоте навстречу грому.  乌云越来越暗,越来越低,向海面直压下来; 波浪一边歌唱,一边冲向高空去迎接那雷声。  Гром грохочет. В пене гнева стонут волны, с ветром споря. Вот охватывает ветер стаи волн объятьем крепким и бросает их с размаху в дикой злобе на утесы, разбивая в пыль и брызги изумрудные громады.  雷声轰响。波浪在愤怒的飞沫中呼叫,跟狂风争鸣。看吧,狂风紧紧抱起一层层巨浪,恶狠狠地把它们甩到悬崖上,把这些大块的翡翠摔成尘雾和碎末。  Буревестник с криком реет, черной молнии подобный, как стрела пронзает тучи, пену волн крылом срывает.  海燕叫喊着,飞翔着,像黑色的闪电,箭一般的穿过乌云,翅膀刮起波浪的飞沫。  Вот он носится, как демон, ---- гордый, черный демон бури, ---- и смеется, и рыдает... Он над тучами смеется, он от радости рыдает!  看吧,它飞舞着像个精灵---高傲的,黑色的暴风雨的精灵,---它一边大笑,它一边高叫...它笑那些乌云,它为欢乐而高叫!  В гневе грома, ---- чуткий демон, ---- он давно усталость слышит, он уверен, что не скроют тучи солнца, ---- нет, не скроют!  这个敏感的精灵,从雷声的震怒里早就听出困乏,它深信乌云遮不住太阳,----是的,遮不住的!  Ветер воет... Гром грохочет...  风在狂吼...雷在轰响...  Синим пламенем пылают стаи туч над бездной моря. Море ловит стрелы молний и в своей пучине гасит. Точно огненные змеи, вьются в море, исчезая, отраженья этих молний.  一堆堆的乌云像青色的火焰,在无底的大海上燃烧。大海抓住闪电的箭光,把它熄灭在自己的深渊里。闪电的影子,像一条条的火舌,在大海里蜿蜒浮动,一晃就消失了。----  - Буря! Скоро грянет буря!  暴风雨! 暴风雨就要来啦!  Это смелый Буревестник гордо реет между молний над ревущим невно морем; то кричит пророк победы:  这是勇敢的海燕,在闪电之间,在怒吼的大海上高傲地飞翔。这是胜利的预言家在叫喊:  ---- Пусть сильнее грянет буря!..  让暴风雨来得更猛烈些吧!
2023-07-19 14:37:571


1、马到成功马到成功是一个汉语成语,读音为mǎ dào chéng gōng,意思是形容事情顺利,刚开始就取得成功。出自元·郑廷为《楚昭公》。2、旗开得胜旗开得胜,汉语成语。拼音:qí kāi dé shèng,原指军旗一展开,战斗就取得了胜利。比喻事情刚开始就取得成功。常和“马到成功”连用。3、满载而归满载而归,读音mǎn zài ér guī,是一个成语,意思是原指装得满满地回来,形容收获很大,也可以形容学术上取得很大的成果。另外有同名湖北菜“满载而归”和满文军演唱的歌曲《满载而归》。4、独占鳌头独占鳌头,读音dú zhàn áo tóu,是一个成语,意思是鳌头:宫殿门前台阶上的鳌鱼浮雕,科举进士发榜时状元站此迎榜,皇帝在殿前召见新考中的状元、榜眼等人。状元跪在前面,正好是飞龙巨鳌浮雕的头部。原指科举时代考试中了状元。现泛指占首位或第一名。5、功成名就功成名就是一个成语,读音是gōng chéng míng jiù,意思是功业建立了,名声也有了。出自《墨子·修身》。
2023-07-19 14:38:061

countless ships bore us triumphant to a hidden te

countless ships bore us triumphant to a hidden temple, it was at home you proved a shallow friend.]无数的船只孔我们胜利的一个隐藏的寺庙,它是在家里,你证明了一个浅浅的朋友。
2023-07-19 14:38:201

The Sleeper 歌词

歌曲名:The Sleeper歌手:Camel专辑:BreathlessThe SleeperSopor AeternusAt midnight, in the month of June在六月的午夜I stand beneath the mystic moon我站在神秘的月亮下An opiate vapor, dewy, dim带着露水微弱、迷幻的雾气Exhales from out her golden rim从它黄金的轮廓中散发And, softly dripping, drop by drop轻柔的水滴,慢慢滴落Upon the quiet mountain top爬上寂静山峰的顶端Steals drowsily and musically懒洋洋唱着歌偷偷Into the universal valley进入了宇宙的山谷The rosemary nods upon the grave迷迭香向坟墓摇摆The lily lolls upon the wave百合花轻轻挥舞Wrapping the fog about its breast浓雾包裹住它的胸膛The ruin molders into rest毁灭腐烂的部分坠入长眠之中Looking like Lethe, see! the lake就像被遗忘,看啊!湖水A conscious slumber seems to take意识的睡眠被And would not, for the world, awake从这个世界上带走All Beauty sleeps ,and lo! where lies所有美丽的沉睡者都将醒来Irene, with her Destinies和平女神和她的命运O, lady bright! can it be right美丽的女神!让一切完美This window open to the night打开夜晚的窗The wanton airs, from the tree-top淫荡的空气,来自树梢顶端Laughingly through the lattice drop笑声穿过格子落下The bodiless airs, a wizard rout无躯体的空气,巫师的盛宴Flit through thy chamber in and outAnd wave the curtain canopy掠过你的房间,进进出出吹皱起苍穹的帷幕So fitfully- so fearfully断断续续Above the closed and fringed lid在流苏遮蔽的穹顶之上′Neath which thy slumb′ring soul lies hid灵魂的谎言隐藏在催眠的雨后That, o′er the floor and down the wall覆盖了大地,冲垮了围墙Like ghosts the shadows rise and fall就像鬼魂的阴影在起起落落Oh, lady dear, hast thou no fear?爱人,你可曾感到恐惧?Why and what art thou dreaming here?这美景为什么只有在梦中浮现?Sure thou art come O′er far-off seas越过遥远深沉海洋A wonder to these garden trees惊讶于花园中树林Strange is thy pallor! strange thy dress惊讶于你的苍白和衣着Strange, above all, thy length of tress惊讶于你的长发,惊讶于所有这些And this all solemn silentness所有这些寂静的庄严The lady sleeps! Oh, may her sleep沉睡的女士Which is enduring, so be deep这忍耐深沉强烈Heaven have her in its sacred keep天堂是她神圣的祭礼This chamber changed for one more holy这房间为更多的神圣改变This bed for one more melancholy这睡眠饱含哀思I pray to God that she may lie我祈祷神只是她的谎言For ever with unopened eye永远不能打开的眼睛While the pale sheeted ghosts go by当灰白色的鬼魂经过My love, she sleeps! Oh, may her sleep我沉睡的爱人As it is lasting, so be deep那是永远,无尽的沉睡Soft may the worms about her creep当蠕虫在她周围爬动Far in the forest, dim and old遥远的树林,阴暗古老For her may some tall vault unfold为她打开墓穴Some vault that oft has flung its black地下的灵堂投入黑色的怀抱And winged panels fluttering back振翅回飞Triumphant, o"er the crested palls胜利,跨过带有顶饰的棺木Of her grand family funerals豪华的家庭葬礼Some sepulchre, remote, alone一些坟墓,偏远孤独Against whose portal she hath thrown她被投进死亡的大门In childhood, many an idle stone在童年,无用的宝石Some tomb from out whose sounding door来自一些坟墓的大门She ne′er shall force an echo more她无力回应Thrilling to think, poor child of sin可怕的思想,罪恶之子It was the dead who groaned within死亡在它内部呻吟
2023-07-19 14:38:341

countless ships bore us triumphant to a hidden te

2023-07-19 14:38:421


合作者的英文:partner,下面的英文也可以翻译成合作者:coagent n.帮手;合作者;共事者;collaborator n.通敌者;合作者cooperator n.合作者;合作社社员;partner n.合作者;股东;合伙人;搭档;同伴;配偶;伴侣;伙计co-worker n.同事;copartner n.合作者;合伙人;helpmeet n.合作者; 伙伴; 配偶合作者中英文造句:1、Brinson and his associates have also shown that material anisotropy exerts an effeet on plastic - zone shapes.Brinson和他的合作者还表明,材料各向导性对塑性区的形状会产生影响.2、When the music is skillful and inspired and the collaborators well matched, the results are triumphant.如果音乐技巧精湛,充满灵感,而合作者们又是相互配合得很好的话,那么, 结果必定十分圆满.3、He became one of my best collaborators, a resident conscience, and a close friend.他成了我最好的合作者之一, 是我永恒的知己和密友.
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2023-07-19 14:39:312


重聚的英文是Reunite。拼音:chóng-jù;笔画:ㄔㄨㄥˊㄐㄨˋ;英文:Reunite。基本解释:又一次聚在一起,老友重聚。家有儿女剧组重聚详细解释:离散的双方再次见面。如:「此次分手何时再能重聚?想来令人悲伤!」1、这个协会每年举行一次重聚会。The association holds an annual reunion.2、这两位耶鲁57届的同学从未错过一次重聚联欢会。These two members of Yale"s Class of "57 never miss a reunion.3、你期望这次重聚会产生什么样的成果呢?What do you hope will come out of the reunion?4、我曾经在一个重聚的活动上,看到了多年前拓展训练时我的一个学生。I had the experience of seeing one of my outward bound students years ago at a reunion event.5、一道道光线将重聚于满月中,这一圆月在水中摇曳着胜利者归来的光芒。The rays were to return to the strengthened moon that shook upon the water in triumphant reassumption.6、一切看起来都像是个重聚的节日。Everything was class-reunion festive.7、我们许诺一定要重聚。We vowed to have reunions.8、当他和以扫重聚的时候我们便可看出这一点。We see this immediately in his reunion with Esau.9、这次特殊的聚会是她们十五年来第一次重聚。This special reunion is their first time together in almost fifteen years.10、这绝不是我设想中和我古怪、烦人的母亲的重聚。It"s not how I ever imagined a reunion with my odd, obsessed mother.
2023-07-19 14:39:381

哪位大神知道Sopor Aeternus的《sleep》的歌词啊~~~

a million milos an hour swallowed dotted lines tonight we ingeest the pavement ignore the passing lines and the streets they call our names we"ll nevei feel the same tearing through this ghost town beyond the lifeless streets
2023-07-19 14:40:251


2023-07-19 14:40:4115


【歌词原文】"Forever (Rome : Total War)"by Angela & Jeff van DyckWhat awaits us?A cloud has fallen on our shoreThe mighty hand and sword of Roman warAnd I"ll be brave, be strong, be true, my loveAnd I"ll be waiting for you, forever...My love you march to war defiantMay god returneth you triumphantAnd you"ll be brave, be strong, be true, my loveAnd I"ll be waiting for you, forever..."And remember this above all: Our Roman gods are watching. Make surethey are not ashamed!"How can I wait unknowing?This is the price of warWe rise with noble intentionsAnd we risk all that is pureWe are only as great as our hearts will allowWhat awaits us?Forever...What will become of us? What will be, will beBut I hope and I pray, every single dayYou"ll come to me, come home to me, come home to me...【歌词翻译】永远等待我们的将是什么?乌云已降临我们的海岸那是罗马人的强权和刀剑我将会勇敢,变得坚强并且更为忠诚,我的爱人我将为你等候直到永远......你无畏地奔赴战场我的爱人或许神明将使你凯旋而还你将会勇敢,变得坚强并且更为忠诚,我的爱人我将为你等候直到永远......“所有人都要铭记在心:罗马的众神在注视着我们,绝不要让他们为我们而蒙羞!”我怎会无知地等待? 这就是战争的代价我们为崇高的目的而奋起我们怀着纯洁之心而历险 我们和我们心灵所允许的一样伟大等待我们的将是什么?永远...我们的未来将会如何...将会如何?我期待并且祈求在我孤单的每一天希望你会回到我身旁,回到我身旁,回到我身旁...
2023-07-19 14:41:102

Adeste Fideles 歌词

歌曲名:Adeste Fideles歌手:Mijares专辑:Eterna NavidadAdeste Fideles (0 Come All Ye Faithful)O Come All Ye FaithfulJoyful and triumphant,O come ye, O come ye to Bethlehem.Come and behold Him,Born the King of Angels;O come, let us adore Him,O come, let us adore Him,O come, let us adore Him,Christ the Lord.Adeste fideles,laeti triumphantes,Venite, venite in Bethlehem!Natum videte,Regem angelorumVenite adoremus,Venite adoremus,Venite adoremus,Dominum.Adeste fideles,laeti triumphantes,Venite, venite in Bethlehem!Natum videte,Regem angelorumVenite adoremus,Venite adoremus,Venite adoremus,Dominum.
2023-07-19 14:41:251

Adeste Fideles 歌词

歌曲名:Adeste Fideles歌手:Soeur Marie Keyrouz专辑:Chants Sacres D Orient Et D OccidentAdeste Fideles (0 Come All Ye Faithful)O Come All Ye FaithfulJoyful and triumphant,O come ye, O come ye to Bethlehem.Come and behold Him,Born the King of Angels;O come, let us adore Him,O come, let us adore Him,O come, let us adore Him,Christ the Lord.Adeste fideles,laeti triumphantes,Venite, venite in Bethlehem!Natum videte,Regem angelorumVenite adoremus,Venite adoremus,Venite adoremus,Dominum.Adeste fideles,laeti triumphantes,Venite, venite in Bethlehem!Natum videte,Regem angelorumVenite adoremus,Venite adoremus,Venite adoremus,Dominum.
2023-07-19 14:41:431

Adeste Fideles 歌词

歌曲名:Adeste Fideles歌手:Taverner Choir&Taverner Consort&Taverner Players&Andrew Parrott专辑:Christmas CarolsAdeste Fideles (0 Come All Ye Faithful)O Come All Ye FaithfulJoyful and triumphant,O come ye, O come ye to Bethlehem.Come and behold Him,Born the King of Angels;O come, let us adore Him,O come, let us adore Him,O come, let us adore Him,Christ the Lord.Adeste fideles,laeti triumphantes,Venite, venite in Bethlehem!Natum videte,Regem angelorumVenite adoremus,Venite adoremus,Venite adoremus,Dominum.Adeste fideles,laeti triumphantes,Venite, venite in Bethlehem!Natum videte,Regem angelorumVenite adoremus,Venite adoremus,Venite adoremus,Dominum.
2023-07-19 14:41:501

超级粗口的士高/46-48分钟那首女声唱的舞曲 我要做Remix 大神们请砸我邮.箱 Thanks

Triumphant (Get "Em) - Mariah CareyGet Em, Get Em, Get Em (Go)Hit Em, Hit Em, Hit Em (Go)Get Em, Get Em, Get Em (Go)Hit Em, Hit Em, Hit Em (Go)Get Em, Get Em, Get Em (Go)Hit Em, Hit Em, Hit Em (Go)They told me get em, I got em,I swear this word to my fatherAnd the only way to make it to the topIf you go and get it from the bottomAnd I ain"t never asked for no hand outsYou won"t carry me, no MariahThese haters love when I was dead brokeBut they ain"t made at me,I"m on fire and I"m gon" burnAnd I ain"t gon" learn,I remember they said that it ain"t my turnBut it ain"t confirmed, then the tables turnedJust look at me now, try to hold me downBut I ain"t gon" stop, cause I"m gon" climbTo the mountain top, to the mountain top, now let goCan"t fall down stay triumphant keep on livingStay on your toesGet off the ropesDon"t let em ever count you outRealize all things are possibleIn your heart who"s the greatestReach for the starsBe all that you areAnd make em all fall downPath that I choose flashing camera"s as I poseThrowing big money as she dances on the poleLime green Lamborghini dances in the roadLicense still suspended, no I never stop for tollsBorn slick talker, twice a week shopperBlow a hundred wreck she don"t know a footlockerRed bottom boss house big as BaltimoreWith a blonde bombshell tryin to bomb with your boyIn the James Bond Beamer chrome wheel two seaterSmoking like Pimp C, spoken like a trill niaOn a cloudy day baby I can make it rainRubber band, 50 grand bet it brighten up your dayCame from humble beginningsThen was Hummers and BenzesNow it"s hundred and millions this is only the beginningA don, a diva, the bomb achieverThe one believer, the game gets deeperCan"t fall down stay triumphant keep on livingStay on your toesGet off the ropesDon"t let em ever count you outRealize all things are possibleIn your heart who"s the greatestReach for the starsBe all that you areAnd make em all fall downGet Em, Get Em, Get Em (Go)Hit Em, Hit Em, Hit Em (Go)Get Em, Get Em, Get Em (Go)Hit Em, Hit Em, Hit Em (Go)Get Em, Get Em, Get Em (Go)Hit Em, Hit Em, Hit Em (Go)Get Em, Get Em, Get Em (Go)Hit Em, Hit Em, Hit Em (Go)Can"t fall down now, so even when clouds surround youAnd everyone seems to doubt youBaby still know who you areSo you gotta keep on climbingIn spite of the chains that bind youYou can see the mountain topIt"s not too farCan"t fall down stay triumphant keep on livingStay on your toesGet off the ropeDon"t let em ever count you outRealize all things are possibleIn your heart who"s the greatestReach for the starsBe all that you areAnd make em all fall downCan"t fall down stay triumphant keep on living(get em, get em, get em)Stay on your toes get off the ropes(stay on your toes)Don"t let em ever count you out(no, no, no, no)Realize all things are possible(get em, get em, get em, get em go)In your heart who"s the greatestReach for the starsBe all that you areAnd make em all fall down
2023-07-19 14:41:591


揠苗助长(To Pull up the Seedlings to Help Them Grow) Once upon a time,an old farmer planted a plot of rice.Everyday he went to the field to watch the seedlings grow.He saw the young shoots break through the soil and grow taller each day.But still,he thought they were growing too slowly.He got impatient with the young plants."How could the plants grow faster?" He tossed in bed during the night and could not sleep.Suddenly he hit upon an idea.He had an idea not wait for daybreak.He jumped out of the bed and dashed to the field.By the moonlight,he began working on the rice seedlings.One by one,he pulled up the young plants by half an inch.When he finished pulling,it was already morning.Straightening his back,he said to himself,"What a wonderful idea!Look,how much taller the plants have grown one night!" With great satisfaction,he went back home.He told his son what he had done in a triumphant tone.His son was shocked.Now the sun had risen.The young man was heart-broken to see all the pulled-up young plants dying. People now use " Ba Miao Zhu Zhang" to describe the behavior of those who are too eager to get something done only to make it worse.The idiom is a bit like the English proverb "Haste makes waste" ------to spoil things by excessive enthusiasm. 异译 古时候宋国有个农夫,种了稻苗后,便希望能早早收成. 每天他到稻田时,发觉那些稻苗长得非常慢.他等得不耐烦,心想:"怎么样才能使稻苗长得高,长很快呢?想了又想,他终了想到一个"最佳方法",就是将稻苗拨高几分. 经过一番辛劳后,他满意地扛锄头回家休息.然后回去对家里的人表白:"今天可把我累坏了,我帮助庄稼苗长高一大截!" 他儿子赶快跑到地里去一看,禾苗全都枯死了. 人们现在用拔苗助长形容急于求成,违法客观规律,只会把事情办坏.成语有点像西方的谚语“欲速则不达”——过度的热情只会把事情办坏
2023-07-19 14:42:071


将军百战死,壮士十年归After battle, some soldiers died battlefield, and some soldiers triumphant return. Magnolia returned fortunately after ten years
2023-07-19 14:42:141


德英对照版(德文为原文,英文为翻译)The "Bridal Chorus" "Treulich geführt", from the opera Lohengrin, by German composer Richard Wagner1The wedding party sings these words at the beginning of Act Three:德Treulich geführt ziehet dahin, wo euch der Segen der Liebe bewahr"! Siegreicher Mut, Minnegewinn eint euch in Treue zum seligsten Paar. Streiter der Tugend, schreite voran! Zierde der Jugend, schreite voran! Rauschen des Festes seid nun entronnen, Wonne des Herzens sei euch gewonnen! Duftender Raum, zur Liebe geschmückt, nehm" euch nun auf, dem Glanze entrückt. Treulich geführt ziehet nun ein, wo euch der Segen der Liebe bewahr"! Siegreicher Mut, Minne so rein eint euch in Treue zum seligsten Paar. 英Faithfully guided, draw near to where the blessing of love shall preserve you! Triumphant courage, the reward of love, joins you in faith as the happiest of couples! Champion of virtue, proceed! Jewel of youth, proceed! Flee now the splendour of the wedding feast, may the delights of the heart be yours! This sweet-smelling room, decked for love, now takes you in, away from the splendour. Faithfully guided, draw now near to where the blessing of love shall preserve you! Triumphant courage, love so pure, joins you in faith as the happiest of couples! 2Eight women then sing a blessing to a separate melody.德Wie Gott euch selig weihte, zu Freude weihn euch wir. In Liebesglücks Geleite denkt lang" der Stunde hier! 3Eventually, the chorus returns with these words, gradually proceeding offstage:德Treulich bewacht bleibet zurück, wo euch der Segen der Liebe bewahr"! Siegreicher Mut, Minne und Glück eint euch in Treue zum seligsten Paar. Streiter der Tugend, bleibe daheim! Zierde der Jugend, bleibe daheim! Rauschen des Festes seid nun entronnen, Wonne des Herzens sei euch gewonnen! Duftender Raum, zur Liebe geschmückt, nahm euch nun auf, dem Glanze entrückt. Treulich bewacht bleibet zurück, wo euch der Segen der Liebe bewahr"! Siegreicher Mut, Minne und Glück eint euch in Treue zum seligsten Paar. 英Faithfully guarded, remain behind where the blessing of love shall preserve you! Triumphant courage, love and happiness join you in faith as the happiest of couples. Champion of youth, remain here! Jewel of youth, remain here! Flee now the splendows of the wedding feast, may the delights of the heart be yours! This sweet-smelling room, decked for love, has now taken you, away from the splendour. Faithfully guarded, remain behind where the blessing of love shall preserve you! Triumphant courage, love and happiness join you in faith as the happiest of couples.
2023-07-19 14:42:221