barriers / 阅读 / 详情


2023-07-19 19:09:07

again, also, always, answer, April, as , August, autumn, aah, animal, any, art , absent, America, American, animal, ant, arm, aunt, Australia, Australian.


balloon, be ,bear, big, bike, blue, book, bookmark, breakfast, brown, bus, but ,bye , ball, banana, basketball, biscuit,blackboard,bookcase,bottle,bowl,box,boy,bread,bright,brother,buyby, back, beach, before, beside, bird, birthday, because, best, bookshop, both, back, bathroom, bedroom, behind, blanket, building, backache, bad, beautiful, beautifully, bee, begin, better, British, brush, busy, butterfly.


cake, can ,can"t ,cap ,car, card, cat, cinema, class, classroom, clean, close, colour, , copy, copybook, crayon, chair, China ,chocolate, chopsticks, climb, coffee, come, computer, cook, cup, cupboard, cage, calculator, camera, camp, candle, carrot, Christmas, comb,, costume, cousin, cow, came, centimeter, chat, child, cloudy, concert, cool, countryside, crossing, change, chess, chicken, children, circle, class, clothes, cook, cry, call, can"t, carefully, carry, cartoon, catch, Chinese, choose, city, classmate, club, cold, collect, cough, country.


Dad, desk, do ,don"t . dog, doll, draw, dress, drink, dear, dinner, doctor, driver, danger, date, December, delicious, diary, did, didn"t, doorbell, , day, diamond, dining-room, door, duck, different, dragonfly


eat ,eight, eighteen, eighty, eleven, English, ,ear, egg, eye, early, earphone, Easter, excited, exciting, envelope, everything, elephant, else, evening, earache, e-mail, England, English, er, every, everybody, exercise.


fan, father ,fifteen, fifty, five, for ,forty,four,fourteen,funny,farmer,football,fork,free,fridge,friend,

fruit, farm, favourite, February, festival, fifth, film, fine, fourth, fun, far, fax, finish, fish, floor, flower, fly, follow, food, forget, fast, feel, fever, fine, finger, firefly, follow, foot, France, Friday, from,


give, glove, go, , goodbye, grandma, green, guess, girl, glass, grandfather, grandmother, grape, great, get off, glasses, got, grass, ground, get , glad, glue, goalkeeper, game, garden, grandpa, grandparent, glow, grasshopper, grow.


happy, have, he ,he"s ,hello, her, here, here"s, hey, hi, his, hmm, hot, hundred, hungry, hair, hamburger, head, hospital, how, hurry, had , hairdryer, hers, his , holiday, heavy, history, hotel, Halloween, have, help, hill, him, home, homework, horse, house, housework, half, hand, headache, hear, her, high, hobby, hope, housewife,


I , I"m, ill, in ,it"s, ice-cream, I"ll, insect, interesting, Internet,


January, July, June, join, jump, Japan, Japanese , jacket, jeans, job, juice,


key, kite, kilo, knife, keep, ,keeper, kilometer, kitchen, know, knee.


late, let, let"s, like, lion, long, look, love, lunch, library, last, litter, lake, letter, low, lamp, lantern, large, laugh, learn, lesson, live, left, leg, lie, line, London, loudly


me, Miss, monkey, mother, Mr, Mum, my, man, map ,

minibus, mouth, move, March, May, mean , meet, milk, mine, mirror, moment , mountain, must, machine, met, minute, miss, more, most, museum, magazine, make, mask, maths, model, moon, morning, mouse, music, many, medicine, minus, Monday


new, nice, nine, nineteen, ninety, no , not, notebook, now, name, near,

noodles, nose, nurse, nearby ,nobody, note ,November, next, No. number, need, newspaper, neck, night,


Oh, OK. on ,one, open, orange, ,o"clock, office, old, or, orange, our, October, ours, only, outing, of , only, over, often, order, other


pair, panda, pen, pencil, pencil case, perhaps, photo, please, pretty, puppet, purse,puzzle,park,party,peach,pear,piano,picture,pie,pineapple,plane,plate,play,playground,policeman,policewoman, park, people, pick, point, popular, present, public, penfriend, picnic, place, plan, player, postcard, project, paper, parent, pig, pot, pumpkin, put, past, PE,


question, quickly, quiet, quarter, quick, quietly


rabbit, read, red, rubber, ruler, rice, race, relative, remember, roll, rain, rainy, ran, read, road, row, rectangle , ride, ring, room, ready, really, rest, right


scarf, schoolbag,see,seven,seventeen,seventy,she,she"s,shoe,shop,short,shorts

sit , school, sir, sister, smart, snack bar, sometimes, songbook, spoon, station, student, supermarket, sweet, six, sixteen, sixty, skirt, small, so , socks ,soft drink, some ,sorry, storybook, sure, sweater, sat , saw, seat, second, September, should, shouldn"t, sign, sixth, skateboard, smoke, something, suddenly, sunny, season, shout, slow, snowman, spring, steal, stop, strong, summer, Saturday, shape, show, sing, sit, sitting-room, skate, ski, sleep, slide, sofa, song, square, stand, star, start, stove, street, study, sun, Sunday, sure, sweep, swing, same, say, Science, ship, shoulder, Social Science, soon , speak, special, spend, sport, stamp, stay, still, stomach ache, story, subject, surf



three, tiger, time, tired, too, toy,, twelve, twenty, table, taxi, tea, teacher, theatre, their, them, then, there, there"s, these, those, to ,today, train, tree, try, T-shirt, TV, taste, teapot, theirs, third, twelfth, twentieth, twenty-first, take , tall, than, thief, told, true, twin, teach, telephone, telescope, tent, term, then, thin, thing, tin, tin-opener, together, toilet, tomorrow, towel, triangle, talk, tell, Thursday, time, toe, tooth, town, trick, Tuesday, turn,


umbrella, use, under, us, UK, uncle, USA, usually,


, VCD, volleyball, vase, very, visit, visitor


walk, wall, wash, with, work, world, wallet, was, went, were, weren"t, when, when"s, wonderful, water bottle, what, what"s, where, where"s ,whose, woof, word, write, waiter, waitress, want, watch, watermelon, we ,we"re ,which, white, who, who"s, window, with, woman, worker ,wow, wrong, warm, way, weather, will, windy, winter, wish, water, Wednesday, week, weekend, well, why,


yellow, yes, you ,your, you"re, yuan, yours, yesterday, you"ll, young, year, yo-yo, yet


zoo, zebra





2023-07-19 10:10:511


是不是 ding dong song 啊 很好听的一首歌
2023-07-19 10:11:013


最基础的英语单词表   基础英语是英语入门者所必须学习的内容,基础英语是否学得好,关系到以后英语进阶学习的学习效果。以下是我整理的关于最基础的英语单词表,希望大家认真阅读!   ruler n.直尺   pencil n. 铅笔   eraser n. 橡皮   crayon n. 蜡笔   bag [ n.包   pen n. 钢笔   pencil box铅笔盒   book 书   no 不   your 你(们)的   red红色   green 绿色的   yellow 黄色的 黄色   blue 蓝色 蓝色的   black 黑色   brown棕色   white 白   orange 橙色,橙色的   face脸   ear 耳朵   eye 眼睛   nose.鼻子   mouth嘴   ar m 胳膊   hand 手   head 头   body身体   leg 腿   foot 脚   school学校   duck 鸭子   pig 猪   cat 猫   bear 熊   dog 狗   elephant 大象   monkey猴子   bird 鸟   tiger 老虎   panda 熊猫   zoo 动物园   funny 滑稽的   one一   two 二   three 三   four 四   five 五   seven七   eight 八   nine 九   ten 十   brother兄;弟   plate 盘子   UK 英国   USA 美国   China 中国   she 她   student 学生   he 他   teacher 教师   boy 男孩   and 和; 与   girl 女孩   on 在…之上   in 在…里   under 在…下面   chair 椅子   desk 书桌   cap 帽子   ball 球   car小汽车   boat 小船   map 地图   toy 玩具   box 盒;箱   eleven 十一   twelve 十二   thirteen 十三   fourteen 十四   fifteen 十五   sixteen 十六   seventeen 十七   eighteen 十八   nineteen 十九   twenty 二十   kite 风筝   classroom 教室   window 窗户   blackboard 黑板   light 电灯   picture 图画   door 门   teacher"s desk讲台   computer 电脑   fan 风扇   wall 墙   floor 地板   near 在…的旁边   TV 电视   clean 打扫;   help 帮助   schoolbag 书包   math 数学   Story 故事   candy 糖果   notebook笔记   toy 玩具   key 钥匙   find 找到   them 他们   beef [bi:f] 牛肉   chicken 鸡肉   noodle(s)面条   soup 汤   vegetable 蔬菜   chopsticks 筷子   bowl 碗   fork 叉子   knife 小刀   spoon 勺子   dinner 晚餐;正餐   Pass 给;递   try 尝试;试   parents 父母   cousin 表兄妹   uncle 叔叔;舅舅   aunt 姑姑;婶;姨   baby 婴儿   doctor 医生   cook 厨师   driver 司机   farmer 农民   nurse 护士   but 但是   little 小的   puppy 小狗   job 吧、 工作   basketball 篮球   first floor 一楼   second floor 二楼   teacher"s office 教师办公室   library 图书馆   playground 操场   art room美术教室   next to 在…近旁   homework 作业   class 班;班级   forty 四十   way 方向   breakfast 早饭   lunch 午餐;午饭   music class 音乐课   PE class 体育课   dinner 午餐   get up 起床   go to school上学   go home 回家   go to bed 睡觉   over 结束   now 现在;目前   o"clock ……点钟   kid 小孩   thirty 三十   hurry 快点   come on 快;加油   cold 寒冷的;冷的   cool 凉的;凉爽的   warm 温暖的   hot 热的;烫的   sunny 阳光充足的   windy 多风的   cloudy 多云的   snowy 下雪的   rainy 多雨的   outside 在户外   weather 天气   fly 飞   love爱   tomato 西红柿   potato 土豆   carrot 胡萝卜   horse 马   cow 母牛;奶牛   sheep 羊;绵羊   hen 母鸡   these 那些   animal 兽;动物   those 那些   garden 花园;菜园   farm 农场   goat 山羊   eat 吃   clothes 衣服;服装   pants 裤子   hat 带檐的)帽子   dress 连衣裙   skirt 女裙   coat 外衣;大衣   sweater 毛衣   sock 短袜   shorts 短裤   jacket 夹克衫   shirt (男士)衬衫   yours 你的,你们的   whose 谁的   mine 我的   glove手套   umbrella 伞;雨伞   sunglasses 太阳镜   pretty 精致的   expensive 昂贵的   cheap 便宜的   nice 好的   try on 试穿   size 尺码;号   too 太;过于   just 正好;恰好   how much 多少钱   eighty 八十   dollar美元   more 更多的   us 我们(宾格)   old年老的   young 年轻的.   funny 可笑的.   kind和蔼的   strict严格的.   polite有礼貌的   hard-working勤奋   helpful有帮助的   clever 聪明的   shy害羞的   know 知道.了解   our 我们的   sometimes 有时候   robot机器人   him (he的宾格)他   speak 会说,会讲   finish完成;做完   Monday)星期一   Tuesday星期二   Wednesday星期三   Thursday星期四   Friday星期五   Saturday星期六   Sunday星期天.   weekend 周末   wash 洗   watch 看   read 看,读   play 玩play football 踢足球   cooking 做饭   often 常常; 时常   park 公园   sport 体育运动   every 每一个   day一天;一日   sandwich 三明治   salad 蔬菜沙拉   hamburger 汉堡包   ice cream 冰淇淋   tea 茶水; 茶   fresh 新鲜的   healthy健康的   delicious 美味的   hot 辣的;辛辣的   sweet 甜的   drink 喝; 饮   thirsty 口渴的   favorite最喜爱的   food 食物   onion 洋葱;葱头   sing 唱;歌唱   song 歌曲   do kung fu 练武术   dance 跳舞   draw画   cartoon 漫画   cook烹调   swim 游泳   play basketball 打篮球   speak English 说英语   party 聚会;派对   next 下一个   wonderful了不起   learn 学习;学会   any 任何的   problem 问题   want 想要   send 发送;邮寄   clock 钟,时钟   plant 植物   bottle 瓶子   water bottle 水瓶   bike 自行车   photo 照片;相片   in front of在...前面   between在…之间;   above 在……上面   beside 在…旁边   behind在…的后面   there那儿   their 他们的   house 房屋;房子   lots of大量,许多   flower花;花朵   move 搬家   dirty 肮脏的   everywhere 到处,   mouse 老鼠   live 居住   nature 自然界   forest 森林   river 河流   lake 湖泊   mountain 山脉   hill 小山   tree 树;树木   bridge 桥   building建筑物   village 乡村;村庄   house 房子;住宅   boating 划船   go boating 去划船   rabbit 兔子,野兔   high 高的   science 科学   museum 博物馆   post office邮局   bookstore 书店   cinema 电影院   hospital 医院   crossing十字路口   turn 转弯   left 左   straight 笔直地   right 右   ask 问   interesting 有趣的   Italian意大利的   restaurant餐馆   pizza 比萨饼   street大街;街道   get 到达   feature 特点   follow 跟着   far 较远的   tell 告诉   on foot 步行   bus 公共汽车   plane 飞机   taxi 出租汽车   ship (大)船   subway 地铁   train 火车   slow 慢的   down减少;降低   slow down慢下来   stop 停下   Mrs 夫人   early 早到的   helmet 头盔   must 必须   wear 戴   attention 注意   pay attention to 注意   traffic 交通   traffic lights信号灯   Germany 德国   fast 快的   ferry 轮渡   visit 拜访   film 电影   see a film 看电影   trip 旅行   take a trip 去旅行   supermarket超市   evening晚上;傍晚   tonight 在今晚   tomorrow 明天   next week下周   dictionary 词典   comic滑稽的   comic book连环画   word单词   postcard 明信片   lesson 课   space 太空   travel 旅行   half 一半   price 价格   together 一起   get together聚会   mooncake 月饼   poem 诗   moon 月亮   puzzle 谜   hiking 远足   pen pal 笔友   hobby 业余爱好   idea 想法;主意   amazing 令人惊奇   goal 射门   join 加入   club 俱乐部   share分享   factory 工厂   worker 工人   postman 邮递员   businessman商人   police officer警察   fisherman 渔民   scientist 科学家   pilot 飞行员   coach 教练   country 国家   head teacher校长   sea 大海   stay 保持   university 大学   gym 体育馆   if 如果   reporter 记者   use 使用   type 打字   quickly 快速地   secretary 秘书   angry 生气的   afraid 害怕   sad 难过的   worried 担心的;   happy 高兴的   see a doctor 看病   wear 穿   more 更多的   deep 深的   breath 呼吸   take a deep breath 深深吸一口气   count 数数   count to ten数到十   chase 追赶   mice (mouse复数)老鼠   bad 邪恶的;坏的   hurt (使)受伤   ill 有病;不舒服   wrong 有毛病   should 应该   feel 觉得;感到   well 健康;身体好   sit 坐   grass 草坪   hear 听见   ant 蚂蚁   worry担心;担忧   stuck陷住;   mud 泥   pull 拉;拽   everyone 每人   taller 更高的   shorter 更矮的   stronger 更强壮的   older 年龄更大的 ;
2023-07-19 10:11:091


toy shop=玩具店 bookstore=书店 fishmarket=鱼市 foodstore=食物店 barbershop=理发店 chandlery=蜡烛店 drugstore=药房 variety store=杂货店 supermarket=超级市场 jewelry store=珠宝店 clothes shop=衣服店 farming=农场经营 pet shop=宠物店 只想起这些参考: me Bank------银行 Bookstore------书店 Bakery------面包店 Laundry------洗衣店 Butcher------肉店 Optical Shop------眼镜行 Curios Shop------古玩店 Supermarket------超级市场 Gift Shop------礼品店 Pet Shop------宠物店 Restaurant------餐厅 Clothes Shop------衣服店 Shoe Store------鞋店 Night Club------夜总会 Fruit Store------水果店 Pharmacy------药房 Bar------酒吧 Stationery Shop------文具店 Grocery------杂货店 Jewelry store------珠宝店 Toy shop------玩具店 fishmarket=鱼市 例子: Bank------银行 Bookstore------书店 Bakery------面包店 Laundry------洗衣店 Butcher------肉店 Optical Shop------眼镜行 Curios Shop------古玩店 Supermarket------超级市场 Gift Shop------礼品店 Pet Shop------宠物店 Restaurant------餐厅 Clothes Shop------衣服店 Shoe Store------鞋店 Night Club------夜总会 Fruit Store------水果店 Pharmacy------药房 Bar------酒吧 Stationery Shop------文具店 Grocery------杂货店 2008-04-09 20:51:47 补充: Jewelry store------珠宝店 Toy shop------玩具店 参考: 百科全书
2023-07-19 10:11:381


1、预约券 reservation ticket 2、下午茶 high tea 3、微博 Microblog/ Tweets 4、裸婚 naked wedding 5、亚健康 sub-health 6、平角裤 boxers 7、愤青 young cynic 8、灵魂伴侣 soul mate 9、小白脸 toy boy 10、精神出轨 soul infidelity 11、人肉搜索 flesh search 12、浪女 dillydally girl 13、公司政治 company politics 14、剩女 3S lady(single,seventies,stuck)/left girls 15、山寨 copycat 16、异地恋 long-distance relationship 17、性感妈妈 yummy mummy ; milf(回复中指出的~) 18、钻石王老五 diamond bachelor;most eligible bachelor 20、时尚达人 fashion icon 21、御宅 otaku 22、上相的,上镜头的 photogenic 23、脑残体 leetspeak 24、学术界 academic circle 25、哈证族 certificate maniac 26、偶像派 idol type 27、住房公积金 housing funds 28、个税起征点 inpidual income tax threshold 29、熟女 cougar(源自电影Cougar Club) 30、挑食者 picky-eater 31、伪球迷 fake fans 32、紧身服 straitjacket 33、团购 group buying 34、奉子成婚 shotgun marriage 35、婚前性行为 premarital sex 36、开博 to open a blog 37、家庭暴力 family/domestic violence (由回复更正) 38、问题家具 problem furniture 39、炫富 flaunt wealth 40、决堤 breaching of the dike 41、上市 list share 42、赌球 soccer gambling 43、桑拿天 sauna weather 44、自杀 Dutch act 45、假发票 fake invoice 46、落后产能 outdated capacity 47、二房东 middleman landlord 48、入园难 kindergarten crunch 49、生态补偿 ecological compensation 50、金砖四国 brIC countries 个性潮句很骚的句子 很潮很酷的微信说说2021 1.既然是你选择了与我背道而驰,就不要再回头。 2.活得累是因为心里装了多余的东西,跟吃饱了撑的是一个道理。 3.人生总会遇见两个人,一个冲撞了青春,一个搀扶着人生。有些事不是我不在意,而是我在意了又能怎样。 4.不管什么天气,记得随时带上自己的阳光。不管什么遭遇,记得内心装满开心的童话。 5.你看看,极端,偏激,焦躁,分裂,都是现在的我。 6.往后余生,你好好过,我慢慢走。 7.愿你可以精致到老,眼里长着太阳,笑里全是坦荡。 8.祝你混的风生水起,也祝我的孤独择日而止。 9.如果道歉有用的话,要圣罗兰,纪梵希,古驰,香奈儿,迪奥,兰蔻做什么? 10.不要总拿过去的记忆,来折磨现在的自己,你可以爱得撕心裂肺,也可以走得干干脆脆。 11.自作聪明跟我玩脑子还暗暗自喜,却不知我装疯卖傻掌控全局,早已看破你还陪你一起演戏。 12.总有那么一瞬间,半夜醒来,想起你,然后摇头苦笑。 13.温柔和爱才是生活的止痛剂。 14.你的自由,都给你了,今后的思念你别过问。 15.我不知道什么叫做回头是岸,我只知道青春无悔。 16.这世上,赢的,多半还是薄情人 。 17.不要期望别人为自己雪中送炭,没有人在你脸上抹炭就该感恩了。 18.爱的反面不是恨,而是漠不关心。如果你恨一个人,说明你还在乎他。 19.后来也已经明白,再深的感情最后还是会结束,再爱的人还是会离开。 20.你是景色,我是游客,无可避免让我经过。 21.你不要动不动把我像盘菜似地凉拌了。 22.别想趁我不注意的时候,在背后打我一棒。 23.有时候觉得自己变丑了就拿出身份证,于是发现自己多虑了。 24.当有负面情绪的时候,不要说,管好自己的嘴,有时候做哑巴,是一种境界。 25.生来执拗,喜恶分明,所以我喜欢你,不是一时兴起,也不是心口不一。 26.猛兽总是独自行走,牛羊才成群结队,我与生俱来骨子里的高贵,绝不是为了谄媚生活而委曲求全。 全网很潮很流行的励志说说致自己 1、你现在多学一样本事以后就会少说一句求别人的话,否则以后有一天有人想拉你一把都不知道应该从何下手。 2、我没有太好的运气,只能奋不顾身的努力,被命运打趴下的时候我们还是要爬起来,笑着说 再来一局。 3、谋事在人,成事在天,事在人为,不去做你怎么知道行还是不行。 4、你要逼自己优秀!然后骄傲的生活,余生还长 何必慌张,以为的你会为自己现在所做的努力而感到庆幸,别在最好的年纪选择了安逸,加油! 5、无论过去发生什么,最好的尚未到到来。 6、不逼自己一把,你怎么知道自己有多优秀。 7、人才都是熬出来的,本事都是逼出来的。 8、塑造自己的过程很疼,但最终你能收获一个更好的自己。 9、只有相信自己,才能赢得别人的信任和肯定,为走向成功缩短距离。 10、求人不如求己,求己不如求学 11、生活告诉你,没什么别没钱 12、别喊穷 因为没有人会给你钱,别喊累 因为没有人会替你承受,不要哭泣 因为没有人会在乎,如果有什么不开心也不要轻易的对别人说,因为别人会嘲笑你的。 13、再成功也要低调,再不堪也要微笑,幸运会降临到有准备的人身上。 14、不是每个人都能成为自己想要的样子,但至少每个人都可以努力成为自己想要的样子。 15、接受不能改变的,努力改变可以改变的。 高考励志语录很潮(84条) 一、勤学苦读数春秋,攀登书山学海游。磨剑十年今始成,铁杵成针壮志有。胸有成竹赴考场,大笔一挥锦绣文。才思敏捷人称赞,题无难易都完成。笑容满面出考场,亲朋好友皆欢喜。祝高考取得好成绩! 二、秋风秋雨秋思念,祝愿你美好的一天。黑色高考已过去,新的希望已开始。迈进大学不容易,刻苦奋斗开创世纪。为拥有一个美好的未来而努力学习,将来更可以出人头地。 三、高考即将临,情绪要稳定。不要太激动,夜晚睡不宁。调整好作息,跟上好节奏。劳逸要结合,才能头脑清。考场信心足,金榜题名成。祝你高考取得好成绩! 四、六月艳阳天,高考在眼前,恐慌虽生惧,信念更坚强;心态摆平稳,沉着应考题,心中有天地,考场自奋笔;十年寒窗苦,一朝成名耀,金榜题名日,蟾宫折桂时。 五、悲观些看成功,乐观些看失败。轻松些看自己,宽容些看别人。理智些看问题,纯真些看人生。 六、人生终有许多选择。每一步都要慎重。但是一次选择不能决定一切。不要犹豫,作出选择就不要后悔。只要我们能不屈不挠地奋斗,胜利就在前方。 七、决定心理的那片天空是否阴霾甚至是乌云密布的唯一因素是你自己,不能让自己永远有一个阳光灿烂的心情的人本身就是一个失败。 八、不问收获,但问耕耘!天道酬勤。 九、作为一次经历,失败有时比成功更有价值。失败可以给我们留下更深刻而持久的记忆和思考。 十、心存感激,永不放弃!即使是在最猛烈的风雨中,我们也要有抬起头,直面前方的勇气。因为请相信:任何一次苦难的经历,只要不是毁灭,就是财富! 十一、健康身体是基础,良好学风是条件,勤奋刻苦是前提,学习方法是关键,心理素质是保证。 十二、高考着实是一种丰收,它包蕴着太多的内涵。无论高考成绩如何,你的成长与成熟是任何人无法改变的事实,这三年的辛勤走过,你获得的太多太多。 十三、一份付出十年功,一份坚持一个梦。一朝征战一人行,一笔生金胜宝剑。万千才思似水流,一份考卷圆满完。一举折桂正此时,圆梦成功心甚欢。全国高考日,愿考生们捷报频传。 十四、十年寒窗备高考,务必临门来一脚。衣食住行都正好,心平气和不浮躁。考前莫要吃太饱,绝对不喝凉饮料。正常发挥不潦草,金榜提名少不了。祝君金榜提名! 十五、总想赢者必输,不怕输者必赢。 十六、平日从严,高考坦然。 十七、练习就是高考,高考就是练习。 十八、积一时之跬步,臻千里之遥程。 十九、永远不要以粗心为借口原谅自己。 二十、圣人与常人之间往往只相差一小步,而这一小步却往往需要非凡的毅力才能赶上。 二十一、信心是成功的一半。 二十二、高考加油!亲爱的朋友,平和一下自己的心态,控制自己的情绪,以平常心态应考,考完一门忘一门,让自己尽量放松,好好休息。希望你一举高中喔! 二十三、一分耕耘,一分收获,未必;九分耕耘,会有收获,一定! 二十四、有高水平的集体,才有高水平的个人。 二十五、高考是一个实现人生的省力杠杆,此时是你撬动它的最佳时机,并且以后你的人生会呈弧线上升。 二十六、有时候,洒脱一点,眼前便柳暗花明;宽容一点,心中便海阔天空。身边的世界往往比我们想象的要睿智与宽容。 二十七、高三是集体战斗与个人成就的时期。 二十八、争取时间就是争取成功,提高效率就是提高分数。 二十九、更快、更高、更强。领先就是金牌。 三十、考场不是战场,让心保持平常。自信不要怯场,记得冷静登场。千万不要紧张,放手一搏何妨。别管结果如何,至少无悔衷肠。祝你高考顺利,早日题名金榜! 三十一、高考日到,祝福送你分”,智慧增加比分,做题不会减分,压力别人瓜分,成绩最高得分,快乐定要十分,经过真心打分,定能获得百分。 三十二、生命之中最快乐的是拼搏,而非成功,生命之中最痛苦的是懒散,而非失败。 三十三、中元节,就属你家最元:儿女高考金榜提名中状元;生意兴隆送你滚滚财源;工作顺利朋友照顾左右逢源;爱情甜蜜家人和睦花好月圆! 三十四、紧张而有序,效率是关键。 三十五、海阔凭鱼跃,天高任鸟飞,又到高考时,千万别紧张。放松心态,沉着应对;冷静分析,机智灵活;先易后难,用心答题;步步为营,心气平和;发挥才智,如鱼得水。愿各位学子高考步步顺利,门门优异! 三十六、高考是汇百万人参加的一次练习。 三十七、长风破浪游书海,勤劳掌舵挂云帆。数年磨剑不畏苦,今朝倚剑放光芒。胸中才思汩汩涌,笔下锦绣生光辉。一举高中好花魁,自信奔赴好前程。全国高考日,愿学子胜利而归。 三十八、寒窗苦读,只为一刻,高考在即,不要着急,面对答卷,挥笔有神,轻轻松松,努力学习,终有回报,短信祝愿,实现理想,考上大学,开开心心。 三十九、名列前茅是银,日新月异是金。 四十、面对高考,保持你心灵的善良与纯洁;保持你情感的热情与丰富;保持你精神的进取与激昂! 四十一、试试就能行,争争就能赢。 四十二、辛勤耕作十二载,知识田里成果现。考场之上奋笔书,难易题目都做完。开开心心出考场,笑容满面捷报传。亲朋好友都开颜,祝贺声声赞誉传。祝你高考旗开得胜! 四十三、疲惫,用汗水蒸发;烦躁,用努力冲刷;压力,用热情释放;苦涩,用淡定融化;色彩,用梦想添加;风景,用快乐描画;高考日,问候用祝福表达,祝你顺利,状元你拿! 四十四、善待你的爱好,别让它们为学习让路,要让它们替学习服务。 四十五、淡薄功利,轻装前进;不计付出,坚韧不拔;不达目的,誓不罢休。 四十六、对于18岁的我们来说,有些事情的确会影响我们的一生,但是没有一件事能决定我们的一生! 四十七、高考得高分的秘诀就是少丢分! 四十八、身体常动,内心常静。 四十九、超越自己,向自己挑战,向弱项挑战,向懒惰挑战,向陋习挑战。 五十、诗书满腹才华高,高考成绩一枝俏,理想没有大和小,真实善良就美好,实现价值光闪耀,成功将会把你绕。祝福你被理想学校录取。 五十一、高考试卷是一把刻度不均匀的尺子:对于你自己来说,难题的分值不一定高。 五十二、面对高考试卷的“前120分”,志在必得,细大不捐;“后30分”多多益善,失不足惜。 五十三、又逢一年高考到,呼吸紧张心急跳。良好心态很重要,小小贴士要记牢。莫急莫慌心静好,早睡早起身体好。缓解紧张有妙招,多吃香蕉和核桃。 五十四、学习与坐禅相似,须有一颗恒心。 五十五、读书一年又一年靠的是毅力,考一门过一门那是给力,报一个中一个那是实力,祝福发一个又一个那是友谊,祝高考的同学们考试顺利。 五十六、亲爱的同学,我们在一起这么久了,都是你在为我付出。我却没为你做些什么…下辈子如 果做牛做马,我...我一定拔草给你吃! 高考顺利! 五十七、不要自卑,你不比别人笨。不要自满,别人不比你笨。 五十八、面对机遇,不犹豫;面对抉择,不彷徨;面对决战,不惧怕! 五十九、开启高考成功之门,钥匙有其勤奋的精神;其科学的方法;其良好的心态。 六十、有动力而无压力,紧张而不焦虑,迅速而不慌乱。 六十一、没有目标就没有方向,每一个学习阶段都应该给自己树立一个目标。 六十二、高考加油!亲爱的朋友,平和一下自己的心态,控制自己的情绪,以平常心态应考,考完一门忘一门,让自己尽量放松,好好休息。希望你一举高中喔! 六十三、每天5分钟,写好5个字(用钢笔或圆珠笔)。 六十四、高考是比知识、比能力、比心理、比信心、比体力的一场综合考试。 六十五、不必后悔走过的足迹,只要努力过,就无需在意是好,还是坏,不必彷徨明日的风景,只要坚持过,就无需害怕前景是明,还是暗。庆幸,走过高考,成就自己。 六十六、每道错题做三遍。第一遍:讲评时;第二遍:一周后;第三遍:考试前。 六十七、没有平日的失败,就没有最终的成功。重要的是分析失败原因并吸取教训。 六十八、信心来自于实力,实力来自于勤奋。 六十九、仰望天空时,什么都比你高,你会自卑;俯视大地时,什么都比你低,你会自负;只有放宽视野,把天空和大地尽收眼底,才能在苍穹泛土之间找到你真正的位置。无须自卑,不要自负,坚持自信。 七十、学习是要有坐稳“冷板凳”的毅力。只有不畏艰苦、勇于拼搏的人才能在学习上闯出一片天。当我们心中有一个明确的目标,凭着不屈的斗志,不懈地努力,就没有什么可以难倒我们,我们一定会到达理想的彼岸。 七十一、只求“少丢分”,不说“得高分”! 七十二、又是一年高考到,一心一意祝福你,二份真心伴你行,三分提醒沉着应考,四份好运陪伴你,五份细心要做到,六六大顺金榜题名。 七十三、高考结束了,捷报传来了,大学开学了,梦想打开了,走进新天地,认识新朋友,祝福短信到,盼望你如鱼得水,学业有成,收获满满,将来造福社会! 七十四、读一年又一年,毅力啊!考一门过一门,犀利啊!报一个中一个,实力啊!发一个收一个,情谊啊!祝奋斗在高考一线的朋友们考试顺利! 七十五、高考到,眼直跳,心情紧张上下跳;一路走,一路想,脑海徘徊是试题;街边景,喧闹声,独自沉寂幻想中;迈开步,大声喊,紧张疲劳渐渐跑。 七十六、十几年风霜只为荣耀今夕,十几年奋斗只为创造神奇,七月之后悠悠往事不提,七月之后款款金榜铭记,高考之后莫要心急,报考之时谨慎切记,愿莘莘学子趟过那一片荆棘,迎接下一份惊喜。 七十七、高三不再有,劝君珍惜之。一年之经历,终身之财富 七十八、四分学识智,三心细耐恒,二成应试法,一片平常心。 七十九、高考试卷的“前120分”若能稳拿,“后30分”定不落空。 八十、每天生活:12:9:3。12小时学习,9小时休息吃饭,3小时杂务和体育锻炼。 八十一、十年寒窗,发挥在此时,精神抖擞,奋战考场中,放松心情,沉着来应对,充满信心,考出好成绩,祝高考的学生,身体健康,学业有成。 八十二、自信,是无尽智慧的凝聚。平淡,是成功路上的驿站。 八十三、不必每分钟都学习,但求学习中每分钟都有收获。 八十四、自信是成功的先决条件。
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2023-07-19 10:12:154

啦啦 啦 啦啦 啦啦 啦啦 啦啦啦 啦啦啦啦啦啦 啦啦啦 啦啦 啦啦啦 啦啦 啦啦啦 啦啦.............

2023-07-19 10:12:2315

我要最新最流行的歌 有多少要多少 来这里吧,不知道你喜欢那类型的,这里有很多. 特别推荐:alizee
2023-07-19 10:12:594


都是DJ,前几天搜到的,都还行,可以到酷狗上直接搜就行,都可以搜的到的:ererything we touch(优美又不失节奏感); 酒轿芭合捞3笼Turtles(很动感的一首歌,这首是健美操舞曲的)AroundTheWorld(很能感染人)nothingintheworld(虽然不是特别动感,但是我觉得最赞的一首,在MP5里放了好久都舍不得删)CandyToy&--CLUB(里面的女声很是好听)Valium&--Doin"ItAgain(也是音浪很强的一首歌,很赞呢) rhythmofloveyoomiii(很有节奏感的DJ)Starclubfeat.Dr.Alban(有舞曲的风格)banaroo-bayongawamba(好喜欢的,极力推荐!)以上都是我亲自听过整理出来的,希望对你有所帮助!O(∩_∩)O~
2023-07-19 10:13:181

求EMINEM的Like toy soldier 背景事件~~

百度知道搜"like toy soldiers",就啥都知道了
2023-07-19 10:13:282


1,I love CCTV news best.2,Where do your friends come from?3,Wtat the weather is today?4,What a kind boy he is!5,You can walk to school6,I want to join your club7,who teach you math ?8,Let me help you for your English.9,He buys a toy car to his son.10,Are you good at playing the piano?
2023-07-19 10:13:426


2023-07-19 10:13:5814


Dido-Thank youAvril-Adia(Avril翻唱)诱惑本质-Memories娜莉费塔朵-I am like a bird不知道你喜欢不喜欢,但是这是我最近听到的很好听的.
2023-07-19 10:14:2315

candy toy (club)这首个谁知道歌词和歌手?

la la la la la oh oh oh oh oh la la la la la oh oh oh oh la la la la la oh oh oh oh oh la la la la la oh oh oh oh I need you, candy toy feel me up, bring me bring me joy when we kiss, caress and touch taste so sweet gimme oh so much We were made to be fit as one like the two part of an accordino if you pull me apart from you there"ll be half a girl lovin you Bring me joy feel me up taste so sweet never stop feel me up (feel me up) never stop (never stop) candy toy (candy toy) la la la la la oh oh oh oh oh la la la la la oh oh oh oh la la la la la oh oh oh oh la la la la la oh oh oh oh la la la la la oh oh oh oh oh la la la la la oh oh oh oh la la la la la oh oh oh oh oh la la la la la oh oh oh oh Esperame esta noche, tenemos que jugar cuentame tu sueno y vamos a gozar ilena mi vazio despierta mi pasion regalame la vita I need you, candy toy feel me up, bring me bring me joy when we kiss, caress and touch taste so sweet gimme oh so much We were made to be fit as one like the two part of an accordino if you pull me apart from you there"ll be half a girl lovin you Bring me joy feel me up taste so sweet never stop (never stop) feel me up (feel me up) never stop (never stop) candy toy (candy toy) la la la la la oh oh oh oh oh la la la la la oh oh oh oh la la la la la oh oh oh oh oh la la la la la oh oh oh oh la la la la la oh oh oh oh oh la la la la la oh oh oh oh la la la la la oh oh oh oh oh la la la la la oh oh oh oh la la la la la la.....
2023-07-19 10:15:091

candy toy (club)这首个谁知道歌词和歌手?

2023-07-19 10:15:162

性感女声 拉拉拉 哦哦哦 英文歌名字叫什么?

歌曲:Candy Toy下载:《靓).wma》复制《。。。》,用讯雷下载。
2023-07-19 10:15:232


toy car 英[tɔi kɑ:] 美[tɔɪ kɑr]n. 玩具车;[例句]This is my toy car.这是我的玩具汽车。
2023-07-19 10:16:403

求 50CENT 的My Toy Soldier的歌词

分类: 娱乐休闲 >> 音乐 问题描述: 这首歌很好听,就是找不到歌词 解析: 我大概听了一下,是对的。就是intro部分他语速太快了,可能有一点点不对,但可能是我的听力不好。你听听看吧。 歌手:50 CENT 歌曲:"My Toy Soldier"歌词: [Intro- 50 Cent] You ready? OK let me wind you up Do it exactly the way i say do it man, these niggas are pussy, you heard me? Get up nice and close (yeah!) [Chorus- 50 Cent] I put that battery in his back I"m the reason why he move like that That"s my mu" *** in toy Soldier I tell him pop that gat, he gon" pop that gat You dont wanna play wit my Toy Soldier I say it"s on, then it"s on Until ya life is over, Fuckin wit my Toy Soldier If he"s a casualty in war, trust me I got more You don"t want it wit my Toy Soldier [Verse 1: 50 Cent] This is so close, now follow instructions Catch a nigga slippin, run up on him and buck him I ain"t got no conscience, them whores are nothin" They ain"t wit us, they against us, We supposed to touch em Here"s what to do if you see him approach me, Pop that nigga, "I dont care if you know me. Half the niggas hatin on me used to be homies I don"t trust em when they *** ile or when they frown, cause they foney Everytime I e around they call the police on me Thats why the D"s in the precinct know me They know "bout my rap shit, they know bout how i clap people I"m like I"m in a track meet, swift wit the mack , B You could see the envy in they eyes fa sho mayne Mad as a motha *** a that I"m holdin See me in the back of the Phantom Rollin Quick to make examples outta niggas fa sho man Hold me down [Chorus] [Verse 2: 50 Cent] Shoot, Stab, Kill mu *** a You ain"t bout it I don"t want ya around, cocksucker Every word out my mouth is felt That uz I pop, them hollow"s so hot, yo ass will melt Barber razor in the club, stunt n I"ll give you a ?? stich, gored, ya head all taped up niggas know how I get down, see they know when I"m around Haha, my soldiers around in this, some shit go down, and a nigga get laid down Its no surprise cause niggas know how I get down Black tint on the Testarossa, Hammer out the holster, gat in my lap in case u gotta get clapped You monkey niggas swing through my hood, we on that gorilla shit You clap off and miss, we e back and start killin shit Catch us on the corner wearin black chinchilla shit We anize discipline, plus we militant [Chorus] [Verse 3: Tony Yayo] [Wierd intro by Yayo] I"m in that coupe phantom, and the bodies kitted Waves in my head, lookin like tsunamis hit it niggas scheme, the infrared beam"s on the mac I put green on yo head like an Oakland A"s hat My boy was a dolja, now he a soulja My lil" son ?? lettin off the ruger In a whip mashed up, lookin for his enemies Ridin and gassed up off double D batteries Mass casualties, is hooked to them IV"s 50 gimme the word, thats when I squeeze Click clack, take that, fall back, its a contract 50 grand, and 50 man [chorus]
2023-07-19 10:16:531


1.l want a toy car for my birthday 划线提问 a toy car 是划线的. What do you want for your birthday? 完成对话 1.A:can you ( play )table tennis? B:yes ,l ( can )l like( playing )it A:( Does )your friends like to play with you? B:yes ,we often play ( after )class A:Hello ,Nancy !l"d like to join the football club( Do )you like to join me? B:sure ,l"d ( like )to l think Alice likes to play it Let"s go and ( ask )her 有不明白的请继续追问,
2023-07-19 10:17:091


window -shopping!
2023-07-19 10:17:173


2023-07-19 10:15:031


原因是你家的电源滤波不稳定造成的,电源没虚标的话的完全够用的。建议你换个电源试试也好找出原因,你现在都不知道哪里出问题把保护关了要是烧了硬件就太不划算了。华硕的新卡出问题的可能也不是没有但是很小,把卡放到别机器上一试便知了。第二种情况:USB设备故障,插拔静电损伤 ,主板若有+5V SB 待机电源跳线,跳线不良(及电路故障)前者麻烦,一般人无法处理。最好处理是后者,清理跳针(多次插拔)一般能解决。
2023-07-19 10:15:052


2023-07-19 10:15:061


2023-07-19 10:15:091


2023-07-19 10:15:131

求英语的翻译 关于全球的温度

2023-07-19 10:15:148

Hi there.

2023-07-19 10:15:145


2023-07-19 10:15:203


B and B, B&B, bed-and-breakfast, country inn, guest house, hotel, inn, lodging houseReference:
2023-07-19 10:15:212


2023-07-19 10:15:234

“holiday inn”和“holiday inn express”有什么区别?

“holiday inn”【假日酒店】“holiday inn express”【智选假日酒店】假日酒店:假日酒店目前有六个种类:人所皆知的传统“假日酒店”、位于世界各主要城市及度假胜地、服务设施更全的“皇冠假日”和“皇冠假日度假村”、流行于美洲地区的“假日快线酒店”、集中在欧洲、具有假日传统的舒适和价值,但不配有餐厅、酒吧、会议厅的“庭院假日酒店”以及位于游乐胜地、为中价游客提供舒适、全面饭店服务的“假日阳光度假酒店”。凯蒙斯·威尔逊先生于1952年创建第一个假日酒店,不到20年间,他就把假日酒店开到了1000家,遍布全美国高速公路可以通达的每个地方,并走向全世界,从而使假日酒店集团成为世界上第一家达到10亿美元规模的酒店集团。现在的假日酒店集团已被英国BASS集团收购,成为世界上第二大酒店集团的重要组成部分。假日酒店在70年代的创新当首推对方付费800电话的发明。为了便于客人查询假日酒店的价格等各方面的资讯,假日酒店在电话局买下了1-800-HolidayInn的特别号码,凡是拨打这个号码的电话,都由假日酒店统一付费,这一举措把假日酒店的服务水准推向了又一个颠峰。如今,800免费电话已在全世界范围内广泛使用,甚至成为能否向客户提供周到服务的一个标准。率先采用佣金集中付款系统、LANmark综合酒店电脑管理系统以及提供国际互联网预订是假日酒店在八十到九十年代利用高新技术所进行的创新之举;创建带有玻璃天顶的Holidome室内娱乐中心、E-ZONE电子游戏厅以及设立儿童套房等是假日酒店在服务设施完善方面的创新。创新给假日酒店带来了永恒不落的地位和声誉。
2023-07-19 10:15:282


有关跳槽英语作文4篇   在平日的学习、工作和生活里,许多人都写过作文吧,写作文是培养人们的观察力、联想力、想象力、思考力和记忆力的重要手段。那么一般作文是怎么写的呢?以下是我整理的跳槽英语作文4篇,供大家参考借鉴,希望可以帮助到有需要的朋友。 跳槽英语作文 篇1   My View on Job-hopping   Directions: For this part, you are allowed thirty minutes to write a composition on the topic My View on dob-hopping. You should write at least 120 words and you should base your composition on the outline (given in Chinese) below:   文章包含以下内容:   1.有些人喜欢始终从事一种工作,因为……   2.有些人喜欢经常更换工作,因为……   3.我的看法。   My View on Job-hopping people have different attitudes towards their work. Some prefer to stick to one occupation as their lifelong career. These people are of the opinion that one can never do his work well unless he is devoted to only one job in his lifetime. So if one changes his job frequently, he will not get the necessary experience needed in his work. Others, on the other hand, like to change their jobs at times. In their opinion, people work in order to make more money. If they havea chance to get a better paid job, they will certainly try to get this chance. Besides, if a person does only one job all his life, he will certainly be bored with it. My idea is that interest is the most important if one wants to excel others in his job. So if a person is not interested in his job, job hopping is normal and even necessary. Otherwise, he will suffer from his work, and inevitably, he is not likely to succeed in his career.   对于求职者,我有不同的态度,有些倾向于终身职业。他们认为只有专心做一份工作才能做得好。 如果一个人经常换工作,他不会得到他所追求的。他不会得到他所需要的工作经验 。另外那些经常换工作的人, 他们认为人工作是为了挣钱。另外那些经常换工作的人,他们认为人工作是为了挣钱。如果有机会得到一份更高薪的工作,当然要抓住机会。另外,如果一个人一生只做一份工作,那太无聊了。我认为兴趣是人找工作的第一考虑要素。如果一个人不喜欢他的"工作,换工作就很需要了。 不然,他会痛苦 。甚至不会成功 跳槽英语作文 篇2   Some people tend to stick to their positions all the time, as they think the longer one works in a particular field, the more skillful one will be at it. Some have been teachers all their lives. Some devote their life energy to scientific research. Such people love their work and turn out to be specialists in their own field. They are usually high achievers.   Some are different. They are in the habit of job-hopping, for they always pursue (follow) what is new and stimulating (interesting). They never seem content with their present situation. Some like to meet more people, make more money and new acquaintances, so they hop from job to job.   As far as I am concerned, I want to be professionally strong. I am not in favor of constant job-hopping, as the saying goes “Jack of all trades, master of none”. But I want to cooperate and communicate with someone else so as to be more creative and less partial.    【参考译文】   一些人坚持自己的立场的时候,他们认为时间越长中的一个特定领域的作品,更多的人会熟练它。有些人被老师所有的生命。一些贡献自己的科研生命能量。这样的人热爱自己的工作,并最终被证明在自己领域的专家。他们通常是高成就。   有些是不同的。他们在工作习惯是跳槽,因为他们始终奉行(后续)什么是新的,刺激(有趣)。他们似乎永远与他们目前的状况的内容。有些人喜欢以满足更多的人,赚更多的钱,并结识新朋友,让他们跳的转换工作。   至于我本人而言,我想成为专业强。我不是在不断跳槽了赞成票,因为俗话说“人不可貌相,不精。”但我想与人合作和沟通,否则,以更多的创造性,少部分。 跳槽英语作文 篇3   My View on Job-Hopping   Many people are inclined to do one job in their lives. In their opinions, people who change their jobs frequently are superficial and tactless. They believe that the only way to success is to stick to one job, because constant practice in a professional field helps make an expert.   But there are still many people who don"t agree. They argue that change means progress. If you are not satisfied with your present job or you have some better opportunities, of course you have the right to replace it with a more challenging and better paid one. Every hange is a step to further success. This idea may be the reason why they change their jobs so often.   For my part, I think it reasonable to change your job if you have a better opportunity. But once you have found a position where you can fully display your ability, it is advisable to settle down to it and put all your efforts into it. Only in this way, can you get the true joy of achieving your goal and improving your capability. 跳槽英语作文 篇4   1.有些人喜欢始终从事一种工作,因为……   2.有些人喜欢经常换工作,因为…   3.我的看法   参考范文:   Nowadays,the phenomenon of job-hopping has arouse wide concern among the people who care about the young people.Especially to the young generation living in the big cities, they tend to regard the job-hopping as a ordinary thing,ignoring the fact that this behavior may pose underlying threat to their present career and may even endanger futures.   Does anyone maintain the same attitude towards this issue?Definitely not,as a matter of fact,opinions vary from person to person.Some argue that something is beneficial to them,because, by this way,they can earn mare money.However,quite a few people hold the opposite opinion that something is detrimental to learn the skills which can only get through hard works.And,most of people agree that The demerits of job-hopping far outweigh its merits.   To my way of thinking,the problem mentioned above will bound to generate severe consequences if we keep turning a blind eye and deaf ear to it,the phenomenon of young people"s job-hopping.It is high time that all of us,parents,educators,and the authorities,make combined efforts to give an advice to this situation.With this measure taken,it is reasonable for us to believe that this problem can be perfectly solved in the near future. ;
2023-07-19 10:15:301

英译中书信的开头"hi there"是什么意思

你好,对面的人。如果信里面就是 你好的意思
2023-07-19 10:15:302


twenty-five degree celsius
2023-07-19 10:15:312


2023-07-19 10:15:311


The Beatles - I Want To Hold Your Hand [1964年2月1日夺冠,在榜首停留7周]Billboard Top Listing for 1964 [年终排行版] 1964-001 Beatles - I Want To Hold Your Hand 1964-002 Beatles - She Loves You 1964-003 Louis Armstrong - Hello, Dolly 1964-004 Roy Orbison -Oh, Pretty Woman 1964-005 Beach Boys - I Get Around 1964-006 Dean Martin - Everybody Loves Somebody 1964-007 Mary Wells - My Guy 1964-008 Gale Garnett - We"ll Sing In The Sunshine 1964-009 J. Frank Wilson and the Cavalier - Last Kiss 1964-010 Supremes - Where Did Our Love Go 1964-011 Barbra Streisand - People 1964-012 Al Hirt - Java 1964-013 Beatles - A Hard Day"s Night 1964-014 Beatles - Love Me Do 1964-015 Manfred Mann - Do Wah Diddy Diddy 1964-016 Beatles - Please Please Me 1964-017 Martha and the Vandellas - Dancing In The Street 1964-018 Billy J. Kramer and the Dakotas - Little Children 1964-019 Ray Charles Singers - Love Me With All Your Heart 1964-020 Drifters - Under The Boardwalk 1964-021 Dixie Cups - Chapel Of Love 1964-022 Terry Stafford - Suspicion 1964-023 Dave Clark Five -Glad All Over 1964-024 Four Seasons - Rag Doll 1964-025 Four Seasons - Dawn (Go Away) 1964-026 Newbeats - Bread And Butter 1964-027 Gene Pitney - It Hurts To Be In Love 1964-028 Jan and Dean - Dead Man"s Curve 1964-029 Jay and the Americans - Come A Little Bit Closer 1964-030 Peter and Gordon - A World Without Love 1964-031 Honeycombs - Have I The Right 1964-032 Serendipity Singers - Don"t Let The Rain Come Down 1964-033 Supremes - Baby Love 1964-034 Betty Everett and Jerry Butler - Let It Be Me 1964-035 Dusty Springfield - Wishin" And Hopin" 1964-036 Lesley Gore - You Don"t Own Me 1964-037 Dionne Warwick - Walk On By 1964-038 Animals - House Of The Rising Sun 1964-039 Ronnie and the Daytonas - G.T.O. 1964-040 Beatles - Twist And Shout 1964-041 Johnny Rivers - Memphis 1964-042 Danny Williams - White On White 1964-043 Rip Chords - Hey, Little Cobra 1964-044 Betty Everett - The Shoop Shoop Song (It"s In His Kiss) 1964-045 Dave Clark Five - Bits And Pieces 1964-046 Millie Small - My Boy Lollipop 1964-047 Major Lance - Um, Um, Um, Um, Um, Um 1964-048 Jan and Dean - Little Old Lady (From Pasadena) 1964-049 Gerry and The Pacemakers - Don"t Let The Sun Catch You Crying 1964-050 Chad Stewart and Jeremy Clyde - A Summer Song 1964-051 Stan Getz and Astrud Gilberto - The Girl From Ipanema 1964-052 Beatles - Can"t Buy Me Love 1964-053 Shangri-Las - Remember (Walkin" In The Sand) 1964-054 Bobby Freeman - C"mon And Swim 1964-055 Beatles - Do You Want To Know A Secret 1964-056 Impressions - Keep On Pushing 1964-057 Four Tops - Baby I Need Your Loving 1964-058 Dianne Renay - Navy Blue 1964-059 Bachelors - Diane 1964-060 Marketts -Out Of Limits 1964-061 Hondells - Little Honda 1964-062 Roger Miller - Chug-A-Lug 1964-063 Bobby Goldsboro - See The Funny Little Clown 1964-064 Dave Clark Five - Because 1964-065 Reflections - (Just Like) Romeo And Juliet 1964-066 Ricky Nelson - For You 1964-067 New Christy Minstrels - Today 1964-068 Dave Clark Five - Can"t You See That She"s Mine 1964-069 Shangri-Las - Leader Of The Pack 1964-070 Joe Hinton - Funny 1964-071 Temptations - The Way You Do The Things You Do 1964-072 Dionne Warwick - Anyone Who Had A Heart 1964-073 Al Martino - I Love You More And More Every Day 1964-074 Roy Orbison - It"s Over 1964-075 Four Seasons - Ronnie 1964-076 Trashmen - Surfin" Bird 1964-077 Tams - What Kind Of Fool (Do You Think I Am) 1964-078 Dean Martin - The Door Is Still Open To My Heart 1964-079 Kinks - You Really Got Me 1964-080 Sammy Davis Jr. - The Shelter Of Your Arms 1964-081 Impressions - I"m So Proud 1964-082 Jellybeans - I Wanna Love Him So Bad 1964-083 Roger Miller - Dang Me 1964-084 Al Hirt - Cotton Candy 1964-085 Nancy Wilson - (You Don"t Know) How Glad I Am 1964-086 Kingsmen - Money 1964-087 Searchers - Don"t Throw Your Love Away 1964-088 Tommy Tucker - Hi-Heel Sneakers 1964-089 Gerry and the Pacemakers - How Do You Do It 1964-090 Ventures - Walk-Don"t Run 1964-091 Dave Clark Five - Do You Love Me 1964-092 Robert Maxwell, His Harp and Orchestra - Shangri-la 1964-093 Gene Simmons - Haunted House 1964-094 Jimmy Hughes - Steal Away 1964-095 Beatles - I Saw Her Standing There 1964-096 Andy Williams - A Fool Never Learns 1964-097 Billy J Kramer and Dakotas - Bad To Me 1964-098 Bobby Vinton - There! I "ve Said It Again 1964-099 Kingsmen - Louie Louie 1964-100 Searchers - Needles And Pins
2023-07-19 10:15:021


一、引出开头1:It is well-known to us that……(我们都知道……)==As far as my knowledge is concerned, …( 就我所知…)2:Recently the problem of…… has been brought into focus. ==Nowadays there is a growing concern over ……(最近……问题引起了关注)3:Nowadays(overpopulation)has become a problem we have to face.(现今,人口过剩已成为我们不得不面对的问题)4:Internet has been playing an increasingly important role in our day-to-day life. It has brought a lot of benefits but has created some serious problems as well.(互联网已在我们的生活扮演着越来越重要的角色,它给我们带来了许多好处但也产生了一些严重的问题)5:With the rapid development of science and technology,more and more people believe that……(随着科技的迅速发展,越来越多的人认为……)6:It is a common belief that……==It is commonly believed that……(人们一般认为……)7:A lot of people seem to think that……(很多人似乎认为……)8:It is universally acknowledged that + 句子(全世界都知道...)二、表达不同观点1:People"s views on……vary from person to person. Some hold that……However, others believe that……(人们对……的观点因人而异,有些人认为……然而其他人却认为……)2:People may have different opinions on……(人们对……可能会持有不同见解)3:Attitudes towards (drugs)vary from person to person.==Different people hold different attitudes towards(failure)(人们对待吸毒的态度因人而异)4:There are different opinions among people as to……(对于……人们的观点大不相同)三、表示结尾1:In short, it can be said that……(总之,他的意思是……)2:From what has been mentioned above, we can come to the conclusion that……(从上面提到的,我们可以得出结论……)3:Taking all these factors into consideration, we naturally/reasonably come to the conclusion that……(把所有的这些因素加以考虑,我们自然可以得出结论……)4:Hence/Therefore, we"d better come to the conclusion that……(因此,我们最好的出这样的结论……)5:There is no doubt that (job-hopping)has its drawbacks as well as merits.(毫无疑问,跳槽有优点也有缺点)6:All in all, we cannot live without……,but at the same time we must try to find out new ways to cope with the problems that would arise.(总之,我们没有……无法生活,但同时我们必须寻求新的解决办法来面对可能出现的新问题)四、提出建议1:It is high time that we put an end to the (trend).(该是我们停止这一趋势的时候了)2:There is no doubt that enough concern must be paid to the problem of……(毫无疑问,对……问题应予以足够重视)3:Obviously ,if we want to do something … it is essential that……(显然,如果我们想要做么事,很重要的是……)4:Only in this way can we ……(只有这样,我们才能……)5:Spare no effort to + V (不遗余力的)五、预示后果1:Obviously,if we don"t control the problem, the chances are that……will lead us in danger.(很明显,如果我们不能控制这一问题,很有可能我们会陷入危险)2:No doubt, unless we take effective measures, it is very likely that ……(毫无疑问,除非我们采取有效措施,否则我们很可能会……)3:It is urgent that immediate measures should be taken to stop the situation(很紧迫的是应立即采取措施阻止这一事态的发展)
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Jam 困境作词、作曲:Michael JacksonNation To Nation All The World 全世界所有的国家Must Come Together 必须团结起来Face The Problems That We See 去面对我们所看到的问题Then Maybe Somehow We Can Work It Out 如此我们才可能将它解决I Asked My Neighbor For A Favor 我请邻居帮个忙She Said Later 她说下回吧What Has Come Of All The People 人们这都是怎么了Have We Lost Love Of What Its About 我们是否遗失爱的真谛了I Have To Find My Peace Cuz 我得让自己冷静一下No One Seems To Let Me Be 因为人们似乎不愿成全我False Prophets Cry Of Doom 伪先知哭泣着世界末日What Are The Possibilities 究竟会发生什么I Told My Brother Therell Be Problems,Times And Tears For Fears,我曾告诉过我的同胞定会多次因畏惧而生问题、痛哭流涕We Must Live Each Day Like Its The Last我们必须珍惜眼前每一天Go With It 解决它Go With It 解决它Jam 困境It Aint Too Much Stuff 这不算什么问题It Aint Too Much 不算什么It Aint Too Much For Me To Jam 对我来说根本不是问题It Aint 这不算It Aint Too Much Stuff 不算什么问题It Aint 不算Dont You It Aint Too Much For Me To... 告诉你这对我来说根本……The World Keeps Changing 世界片刻不停地变化Rearranging Minds And Thoughts 冲击着思想和观念Predictions Fly Of Doom 预言飞来横祸The Baby Boom Has Come Of Age 生于这时代的婴孩如今已主沉浮Well Work It Out 我们会处理好I Told My Brothers 我曾告诉我的同胞们Dont You Ask Me For No Favors 别指望我能帮你什么忙Im Conditioned By 我已融入了The System 这个体系Dont You Talk To Me 我不要听你们说话Dont Scream And Shout 别叫叫嚷嚷She Pray To God, To Buddha 她求神拜佛Then She Sings A Talmud Song Confusions Contradict The Self在唱犹太圣歌的惶惑中迷失自我Do We Know Right From Wrong 我们能从错误中汲取教训吗?I Just Want You To Recognize Me 我要要你认清我(Recognize Me) (看清我的脸)I"m The Temple 我便是圣人,(In The Temple) (在圣殿里)You Cant Hurt Me Within Myself 坚不可摧,I Found Peace Within Myself 我终于寻得真谛。Go With It 解决它Go With It 解决它Jam 困境It Aint Too Much Stuff 这不算什么问题It Aint Too Much 不算什么It Aint Too Much For Me To Jam 对我来说根本不是问题It Aint 这不算It Aint Too Much Stuff 不算什么问题It Aint 不算Dont You It Aint Too Much For Me To... 告诉你这对我来说根本…(Rap Performed By Heavy D) (Heavy D说唱:)Jam Jam 困境 困境Here Comes The Man 他来了Hot Damn 老天The Big Boy Stands 看他踮起脚尖Movin Up A Hand 抬起一只手。Makin Funky Tracks With My Man 跟我兄弟一同做这醉人音乐Michael Jackson迈克尔杰克逊Smooth Criminal 犯罪高手Thats The Man 就是此人Mikes So Relaxed麦克是如此无拘无束Mingle Mingle Jingle 联手团结In The Jungle 敲响警钟Bum Rushed The Door 3 And 4s In A Bundle 游民三五成群冲破门槛Execute The Plan 要执行这个计划First I Cooled Like A Fan 我得先拿扇子冷静下来Got With Janet 先是和珍妮合作如此Then With Guy 然后是那个家伙Now With Michael 如今是迈克尔Cause It Aint Hard To... 这难不倒……(Michael) (说唱束)Jam 困境It Aint 这可不是It Aint Too Much Stuff 这可不算什么问题It Aint Too Much 还够不上It Aint Too Much For Me To Jam 这无法难倒我Get On It 拿出冲劲It Aint Too Much Stuff 这根本不算It Aint 不算Dont Stop 片刻别停It Aint Too Much For Me To Jam 我不会怯步It Aint 这不是It Aint Too Much Stuff 不是什么问题It Aint 不是Dont You 听好了It Aint Too Much For Me To Jam 这根本难不倒我It Aint 这算什么It Aint Too Much Stuff 这算什么问题It Aint 算不上Dont You 告诉你It Aint Too Much For Me To 它不过是……It Aint Too Hard For Me 这对我称不上To Jam (x9)Get On It 继续努力Jam 束手无策了It Aint 这是什么It Aint Too Much Stuff 这算什么问题It Aint Too Much 算不上It Aint Too Much For Me To Jam 这根本就难不倒我It Aint 就这个It Aint Too Much Stuff 这点问题It Aint 算什么Dont You 告诉你It Aint Too Much For Me To Jam 这根本难不倒我It Aint Too Much Stuff 这算得上什么It Aint Too Much 算不上It Aint Too Much For Me To Jam 我不会被这些给难倒It Aint? 这也?It Aint Too Much Stuff 这也算问题?It Aint 这也?Dont You 听好了It Aint Too Much For Me To 这点问题对我来说……Get On It 拿出冲劲Get On It 勇往直前Give It Baby 努力吧Give It To Me相信我吧Come On 来吧You Really Give It Too Me 我值得你信任Got To Give It 必须奉献出You Just Want To Give It 你正想奉献出
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句式就是句子的结构方式,也就是句子的式样或格式。不同的思想内容要用不同的句式来表达;而同一思想内容也可以用不同的句式来表达。句式不同,表达效果也就不同。一、改变句子开头许多学生在写作中倾向于用与人有关系的词性,用名词和代词作为句子的开头,如 People,We,I,He,They,She等。但这种开头见多了,难免让人厌倦。试比较:A.People throughout the country have greatly demanded all kinds of nutritious food.B.There is a great demand across the country for all kinds of nutritious food.第一句改用非人称名词作为主语开头,第二句则用there +be句型开头。这样既改变了主语+谓语+宾语单调句型,又把想强调的意思突出出来。实际上,为了把文章写得生动活泼,除了用主语开头外,还可以用句子的其他成分开头。1.用副词开头Too often,students stray into the habit of cheating on tests.2.用同位语开头Air,water and oxygen,everything that is necessary for life.3.用状语开头Dark and empty,the house looked very different from the way I remembered it.4.用表语开头Equally essential to the highest success in learning a language are intense interest plus persistent effort.5.用宾语开头My advice you would not listen to;my helps you laughed at.Now you will have what you asked for.6.以短语修饰语开头1)以介词短语开头To me the news was very interesting,but to my wife very boring.2)以分词短语开头Disturbed by the discord of American life in recent decades,Menchester took flight for the pacific islands.3)以不定式短语开头To pass the exam,you should work very hard.二、巧用连接词有的学生在作文中使用过多简单句,成了简单句堆砌;有的写复杂句时,动辄用so, and,then,but,or,however,yet等非但达不到丰富表达方式的目的,反而使句子结构松散、呆板。为了避免这种现象,可以通过使用连接词,尤其是一些表示从属关系的连接词,如 who,which,that,because,since,although,after,as,before,when,whenever,if,unless,as if等,不仅能够丰富句型,而且还能够把思想表达得更清楚,意义更连贯。例如:Natural resources are very limited.They will be exhausted in the near future.It is not true.But it becomes a major concern around the world.This is a widely accepted fact.这段文字用简单句表达,它们之间内在的逻辑关系含糊不清,意思支离破碎。如果使用连接词,将单句与其前后合并,形成主次关系,就把一个比较复杂的内容和关系表达得层次清楚、结构严谨。例如:It is a widely accepted fact that there is a major concern around the world for the exhaustion of limited natural resources in the near future,though it is unlikely to be true.再如:The Mississippi River is one of the longest rivers in the world,and in spring time it often overflows its banks,and the lives of many people are endangered.此句用and把三个分句一贯到底,既乏味又可笑。如果使用了关系代词which,语义就会更连贯,语言也会更流畅:The Mississippi River,which is one of the longest rivers in the world,often overflows its banks in the spring time,endangering the lives of many people.三、长短句交插长句和短句是就句子的字数多少、形体长短而言的。长句和短句各有其优点和缺点。长句,因为使用的定语、状语较多,限制了概念的外延,增大了概念的内涵,所以比较精确、严密,但使用起来不够活泼简便。短句,由于字数少,直截了当,一般比较简洁、明快、有力,但不利于表达复杂的语义内容。在具体语言活动中,最好长短句交替使用。这既体现了节奏上的要求,也是意义上的需要。例如:(1)We can imagine the beautiful surroundings.(2)There are many trees along the streets.(3)There is a clean river in the city.(4) There are many fishes in the river.(5)There are willow trees on the one side.(6)There are some pieces of grassland on the other side.(7)There are many flowers on them.文中七个句子都是简单句,句型结构单一,而且句子长短同一,都在七、八词左右,十分单调。下面是修改后的段落:(1)Just imagine the beautiful surroundings if we make our cities greener.(2)Green trees line the streets.(3)A clean river winds through the city,in which a lot of fishes abound.(4)On the one side stand rows of willow trees.(5)On the other side lies a stretch of grassland sprinkled with many yellow and red flowers.改写后的这段文字,有长句(1)、(3)、(5),也有短句(2)和(4),一长一短,抑扬顿挫的节奏感就出来了。不仅句子长短交插,而且句型结构变化也很大,使文章流畅自然,生动活泼。四、利用倒装结构英语的基本句型是S+V+O,如果偶尔打破常规,改变某一成分的位置,不仅可以丰富句型,而且能强调、突出被倒装的部分,收到意想不到的表达效果。例如:1)In no other place in the world can one find such enthusiasm for applying for hosting the 2008 Olympic Games.2)Faith in the Chinese economic reforms the majority of people will never lose.总之,英语的句式是多种多样的,只要从要表达的内容出发合理选用,文章的句式就会富于变化。同时,在学习写作的过程中,学生应不断练习构造各种各样句式,以提高语言表达能力。
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minus 8 degrees centigrade
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它就像蓄电池一样!“UPS是不间断电源(uninterruptible power system)的英文简称,是能够提供持续、稳定、不间断的电源供应的重要外部设备。 从原理上来说,UPS是一种集数字和模拟电路,自动控制逆变器与免维护贮能装置于一体的电力电子设备; 从功能上来说,UPS可以在市电出现异常时,有效地净化市电;还可以在市电突然中断时持续一定时间给电脑等设备供电,使你能有充裕的时间应付; 从用途上来说,随着信息化社会的来临,UPS广泛地应用于从信息采集、传送、处理、储存到应用的各个环节,其重要性是随着信息应用重要性的日益提高而增加的。 UPS按工作原理分成后备式、在线式与在线互动式三大类; 其中,我们最常用的是后备式UPS,如四通HO系列与SD系列,它具备了自动稳压、断电保护等UPS最基础也最重要的功能,虽然一般有10ms左右的转换时间,逆变输出的交流电是方波而非正弦波,但由于结构简单而具有价格便宜,可靠性高等优点,因此广泛应用于微机、外设、POS机等领域; 在线式UPS结构较复杂,但性能完善,能解决所有电源问题,如四通PS系列,其显著特点是能够持续零中断地输出纯净正弦波交流电,能够解决尖峰、浪涌、频率漂移等全部的电源问题;由于需要较大的投资,通常应用在关键设备与网络中心等对电力要求苛刻的环境中; 另外四通、APC等厂商还提供在线互动式UPS,同后备式相比较,在线互动式具有滤波功能,抗市电干扰能力很强,转换时间小于4ms,逆变输出为模拟正弦波,所以能配备服务器、路由器等网络设备,或者用在电力环境较恶劣的地区;尤其四通MD系列的UPS,价格又远低于在线式,是应该向用户大力推荐的一种更好的选择。 据IDC统计,全部电脑故障的45%是由电源问题引起的;在中国,大城市停电的次数平均为0.5次/月,中等城市为2次/月,小城市或村镇为4次/月,电网存在至少九种问题:断电、雷击尖峰、浪涌、频率震荡、电压突变、电压波动、频率漂移、电压跌落、脉冲干扰;因此从改善电源质量的角度来说给电脑配备一台UPS是十分必要的。 另外,精密的网络设备和通信设备是不允许电力有间断的,以服务器为核心的网络中心要配备UPS是不言而喻的,即使是一台普通电脑,其使用三个月以后的数据文件等软件价值就已经超过了硬件价值,因此为防止数据丢失而配备UPS也是十分必须的。”
2023-07-19 10:14:461

别人对你说Hi there怎么回复

hi there的意思就是你好,但是比较口语,估计跟你说这个是老外把 你就说hi,how are u doing活着 hello,how are u 一开始我也不习惯 后来也开始说了
2023-07-19 10:14:451


英语六级作文必备句型一:Taking allthese factors into consideration, we naturally come to the conclusion that..把所有这些因素加以考虑,我们自然会得出结论u2026Taking into account all these factors,we may reasonably come to the conclusion that.考虑所有这些因素,我们可能会得出合理的结论u2026Hence/Therefore,wed better come to the conclusion that..因此,我们得出这样的结论.There is no doubt that (job-hopping)has its drawbacks as well as merits.室无疑问,跳槽有优点也有缺点All in all, we cannot live without..But at the same time we must try to find out new wa ys to cope with the problems that would arise.总之,我们没有u2026是无法生活的.但同时,我们必须寻求新的解决办法来对付可能出现的新问题.英语六级作文必备句型二:1)lt"s well known to us that 2)As is known to us,..3)This is a topic that is being widely talked about.4)From the graph(table,chart)listed above,it can be seen thatu2026u2026 5)As aproverb says,"Where there is a will,there is a way.例如∶As is well known to us,it is important for the students to know the world outside cam pus.The reason for this is obvious.Nowadays,the society is changing and developing rapid ly,and the campus is no longer an"ivory tower.As college students,we must get in touc h with the world outside the campus.Only in this way can we adapt ourselves to the society quickly after we graduate.再如∶ Does it pay to be honest?This is a topic that is being widely talked about and dif ferent people have different opinions on it.英语六级作文必备句型有哪些?小编就说到这里了,更多关于大学英语六级考试备考技巧,备考干货,新闻资讯,成绩查询,英语六级准考证打印入口,准考证打印时间等内容,小编会持续更新。祝愿各位考生都能认真备考,顺利通过考试。
2023-07-19 10:14:411


45摄氏度,用英语怎么读 45 degree centigrade 或者 45 Degrees Celsius 扩展补充: 摄氏度数 degree centigrade ; degree celsius ; centigrade ; centigrade degree 耐温摄氏度 anti-temperature centigrade温度摄氏度 temp deg celsius 零下40摄氏度 Minus 40 degrees Celsius Centigrade摄氏度 degree 摄氏度数℃ centigrade degree 二十七摄氏度 ventisette gradi 零下20摄氏度 minus 20 degrees centigrade ; minus 20 degrees Celsius 在7摄氏度 In 7 degrees Celsius 摄氏度用英语怎么说 degrees centigrade (celsius) 希望能帮到你, 如有疑问,可追问~ 摄氏度和华氏度用英语怎么说 摄氏度 degree Celsius/degree centigrade 华氏度 Fahrenheit 零下1摄氏度 minus one偿degree Celsius/minus one degree centigrade 0摄氏度用英语怎么说 0摄氏度 Zero degrees Celsius 0摄氏度 Zero degrees Celsius 5摄氏度用英文如何表达?可不可以直接说5degrees 5摄氏度 5 degrees Celsius 双语对照 双语例句 1 将近5.8摄氏度,在下个世纪。 By nearly 5. 8 degrees centigrade over the ing century. 2 橄榄树比较喜欢漫长炎热的夏季和温度不低于5摄氏度的寒冬。 Olive trees like long hot summers and intensified winter temperatures no lower than minus 5 centigrade.
2023-07-19 10:14:381


2023-07-19 10:14:3715


不间断电源 市电中断供电时,能不间断供电
2023-07-19 10:14:362


“吉他jam主要是指即兴演奏或合奏,人数不限,表达的是一种随意、激情、和相互对弹时让人屏住呼吸的感觉。 做jam前需要有两点要准备:要有吉他或keyboard做和弦铺垫,不然容易出错。要有鼓和bass来keep time,不然容易出错。 吉他(意大利语:Chitarra),又译为结他或...”
2023-07-19 10:14:343


2023西北政法大学研究生招生人数有1600余人。西北政法大学(Northwest University of Political Science and Law)简称“西法大”,坐落于陕西省会西安,由中央与陕西省共建,是一所法学特色鲜明,哲学、经济、管理、文学等多学科相互支撑、协调发展的多科性大学;是陕西省省属高水平大学、陕西省“一流学科”建设高校,入选国家首批“卓越法律人才教育培养计划”、国家级大学生创新创业训练计划,为法学传统“五院四系”成员、全国政法大学“立格联盟”和陕西高校“长安联盟”创始成员,是西北地区法学教育研究中心。
2023-07-19 10:14:331