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red carpet是什么意思

2023-05-19 17:24:17

red carpet[英][red ˈkɑ:pit][美][rɛd ˈkɑrpɪt]


复数:red carpets




He unleashed the marketing power of hollywood and introduced high fashion to the red carpet.



carpet怎么读音 carpet的意思

1、carpet的意思:英[ˈkɑːpɪt]美[ˈkɑːrpɪt] 2、n.(尤指铺满房间的一块)地毯; 覆盖地面的一层厚东西; 3、vt.用地毯铺(房间的)地; 把…厚厚地覆盖; 厚厚地铺上; 训斥; 斥责; 4、[例句]Their new white carpet showed every mark. 5、他们新铺的白地毯有一点脏都看得见。 6、第三人称单数:carpets 复数:carpets 现在分词:carpeting 过去式:carpeted 过去分词:carpeted
2023-01-03 23:02:431


carpet的读音:英 [ˈkɑːpɪt]  美 [ˈkɑːrpɪt] 。n. 地毯;覆盖地面的一层厚东西;<美,非正式>人工球场;地毯衣蛾v. 给……铺地毯;厚厚地铺上;<英,非正式>训斥,斥责【名】 (Carpet)(美、巴、印、法、比)卡尔佩特(人名)短语carpet bombing [军] 地毯式轰炸 ; 彻底无遗漏的轰炸 ; 地毡式轰炸red carpet 红地毯 ; 隆重的接待 ; 隆重接待 ; 隆重的Persian carpet 波斯地毯magic carpet 魔毯 ; 魔法飞毯 ; 飞毯Sierpinski carpet 谢尔宾斯基地毯 ; 尔宾斯基地毯 ; Sierpinski地毯 ; sierpinski垫片red-carpet welcome 隆重欢迎 ; 盛大欢送 ; 隆重接待CPT carpet 地毯同近义词vt. 在…上铺地毯,把地毯铺在…上;斥责tongue , be down onn. [纺]地毯;地毯状覆盖物footclothThe carpet was tacked to the floor. 地毯是用平头钉钉在地板上的。
2023-01-03 23:02:482


carpet作名词时意为“地毯;地毯状覆盖物;(非正式)人工球场;地毯衣蛾;(非正式)斥责;(美、巴、印、法、比)卡尔佩特(人名)”,作动词时意为“把地毯铺在……上;厚厚地铺上;(非正式)斥责”。一、单词发音:英[ˈkɑːpɪt];美[ˈkɑːrpɪt]。二、短语搭配:Sierpinski carpet:谢尔宾斯基地毯。carpet tile:地毯块;小方地毯;方块毯;铺地地毯块。carpet backing:地毯底布;地毯基布;地毯底部。carpet rod:地毯固定棒;地毯棍;地毯坚固棒。oriental carpet:东方地毯;东方式大地毯。carpet sweeper:地毯吸尘器;扫毯器;地毯除尘器。byzantine carpet:拜占廷地毯;拜占庭地毯。Carpet Cleaning:地毯清洗;地毯清洁;清洁地毯;第二名称。printed carpet:印花地毯。Carpet造句1. I hope it doesn"t stain the carpet.希望它别把地毯弄脏。2. The carpet was tacked to the floor.地毯是用平头钉钉在地板上的。3. We rolled up the carpet.我们把地毯卷了起来。4. The carpet had a silvery sheen to it.地毯有种银色的光泽。5. That carpet is wearing well, isn"t it?这地毯很耐用,是不是?6. The curtains and carpet are a good match.窗帘和地毯非常相配。7. The carpet is worn but still serviceable.地毯旧了,但还能用。8. The cigarette burned a hole in the carpet.香烟把地毯烧了个洞。9. What"s all that sticky stuff on the carpet?地毯上那黏乎乎的都是什么玩意儿?10. The carpet had been ripped from the stairs.地毯已经从楼梯上拖走了。11. It landed smack in the middle of the carpet.它正好落在地毯中央。12. The carpet is available in different widths.这款地毯有各种宽度可供选择。13. My bare feet were soundless over the carpet.我光脚踩在地毯上没有声音。14. The carpet of pine needles was soft underfoot.松针铺成的地毯在脚下软软的。15. You should get years of wear out of that carpet.那条地毯你可使用很多年。
2023-01-03 23:03:081


2023-01-03 23:03:352


您好,carpet的意思是:地毯详尽释义:n. 名词1,地毯,毛毯,桌毯,绒毯,毡毯,毯子,地毯状覆盖物,似地毯的覆盖物,罩2,【建】磨耗层,磨毛层3,(雷达)电子干扰仪4,一片v. (动词)1,<口>斥责,把叫来责斥,骂,训斥2,在...上铺绒毯,以地毯覆盖,在...铺地毯,用地毯铺地,铺以地毯3,把栽成地毯状,把花草铺在...上4,铺,覆盖,铺盖5,把…厚厚地覆盖,厚厚地铺上例句:用作名词 n.1,This carpet is of Russian style.这块地毯是俄国风格的。2,Our living room is covered with a carpet.我们的起居室里铺了地毯。3,A carpet of leaves covered the ground.一层厚厚的落叶覆盖在地上。用作及物动词 vt.1,The lawn is carpeted with fallen leaves.草坪被落叶覆盖着。2,The rich man even wanted to carpet the stairs of the doorway.那个富人甚至想在门口的台阶上铺上地毯。词语用法:n. (名词)1,carpet的基本意思是“地毯”,多由棉、毛制成,用来铺地板或楼梯,是可数名词。近义词:matrug
2023-01-03 23:03:521


carpet作名词时意为“地毯,地毯状覆盖物,(非正式)人工球场,地毯衣蛾,(非正式)斥责,(美、巴、印、法、比)卡尔佩特(人名)。”作动词时意为“把地毯铺在……上,厚厚地铺上,(非正式)斥责。”短语搭配:Sierpinski carpet 谢尔宾斯基地毯,尔宾斯基地毯,Sierpinski地毯,sierpinski垫片。carpet tile 地毯块,小方地毯,方块毯,铺地地毯块。carpet backing 地毯底布,地毯基布,地毯底部。双语例句:1、The armchair blends well with the colour of the carpet .扶手椅与地毯的颜色很好的混成一体。2、And yet, I despise your world, I hate your carpet and your refrigerator.还有,我对你的世界充满鄙视。我恨你的地毯,你的冰箱。
2023-01-03 23:03:581


carpet 英["kɑ:pɪt] 美[ˈkɑrpɪt] n. 地毯,桌毯;毛毯,绒毯;地毯状覆盖物;(装在飞机上的)雷达电子干... vt. 在…上铺地毯;把地毯铺在…上;斥责 第三人称单数:carpets;过去分词:carpeted;名词复数:carpets;现在分... [例句]He never dreamed of giving up carpet tiles.他从来没有想到要放弃小方地毯。
2023-01-03 23:04:081


2023-01-03 23:04:137


名词 n. [C]1.地毯The floor is covered with a carpet. 地板上铺着地毯。 2.地毯状覆盖物A carpet of leaves covered the ground. 一层厚厚的落叶覆盖在地上。 及物动词 vt. 1.在...上铺地毯;把花草铺在...上[(+with)]The stairs were carpeted. 楼梯上铺着地毯。 2.【口】斥责The maid was carpeted for breaking the plates. 女佣因打碎盆子而受训斥。
2023-01-03 23:04:382


卡皮特 这是音译的中文音标carpet在英语当中的地毯的意思,这个词的两个短语可以积累一下:我因为迟到被叫去训斥了一顿。 I got called on the carpet for being late 他们想要掩盖丑闻。 they tried to sweep the scandal under the carpet
2023-01-03 23:04:471


地毯:carpet 读音:英 [ˈkɑːpɪt]; 美 [ˈkɑːrpɪt]     carpet :n.    地毯;(尤指铺满房间的一块)地毯;覆盖地面的一层厚东西  。    v.    用地毯铺(房间的)地;把…厚厚地覆盖;厚厚地铺上;训斥;斥责 。             第三人称单数:  carpets       复数:  carpets       现在分词:  carpeting       过去式:  carpeted       过去分词:  carpeted 扩展资料:地毯英语carpet 的双语例句:1、They put down wooden boards, and laid new carpets on top.  他们铺好木地板,在上面铺上新地毯。2、The room had been carpeted and the windows glazed with coloured glass  房间里铺了地毯,窗户上安装了有色玻璃。  3、The carpet of leaves in my yard became more and more noticeable.  我的院子里的落叶越来越厚。 4、The ground was thickly carpeted with pine needles.  地上落了厚厚的一层松针。  5、The main gaming room was thickly carpeted.  赌场大厅铺着厚厚的地毯。  6、Beer splashed the carpet  啤酒洒到了地毯上。  7、The carpet had a silvery sheen to it.  这地毯有种银色的光泽。  8、I rolled a ball across the carpet . 我把球滚过地毯。  9、A grey carpet was removed to reveal the original pine floor.  一块灰色的地毯被揭开,露出了原来的松木地板。  10、In the largest room about a dozen children and seven adults are sitting on the carpet.  在最大那间房里,地毯上坐了约12个小孩和7个大人。
2023-01-03 23:04:556


2023-01-03 23:05:243


地毯的英文是carpet,blanket,rug。一、carpet英 [ˈkɑːpɪt],美 [ˈkɑːrpɪt]n. 地毯;(尤指铺满房间的一块)地毯;覆盖地面的一层厚东西v. 用地毯铺(房间的)地;把…...厚厚地覆盖;厚厚地铺上;训斥;斥责例句:The room had been carpeted and the windows glazed with coloured glass翻译:房间里铺了地毯,窗户上安装了有色玻璃。二、rug英 [rʌɡ],美 [rʌɡ]n. 小地毯;垫子;(盖腿的)厚毯子例句:A Persian rug covered the hardwood floors.翻译:硬木地板上铺着一张波斯地毯。三、blanket英 [ˈblæŋkɪt],美 [ˈblæŋkɪt]n. 毯子;毛毯;厚层;厚的覆盖层adj. 包括所有情形(或人员)的;总括的;综合的v. 以厚层覆盖例句:The blanket did not completely cover the bed.翻译:这毯子没能把床全部蒙上。扩展资料:词义辨析carpet,blanket,rug都有“地毯”的意思。其区别在于:1、用来铺地板或楼梯的叫carpet,指厚实的棉、毛地毯。2、用来铺室内地面的叫rug,指小地毯、毛皮地毯。3、blanket指小块地毯,用来铺地面的某一部分,也指盖在膝盖上防寒用的毯子。
2023-01-03 23:05:396


一、详细释义:n.地毯 [C]例句:He rose deliberately from his chair and came towards them across the soundless carpet.他慢吞吞地从椅子上欠身站了起来,走过无声的地毯,向他们这边过来。例句:Red carpet has been rolled ready for the royal party and special guests.为皇室成员和贵宾们准备的红地毯已被铺好。地毯状覆盖物 [C]例句:The carpet of leaves in my yard became more and more noticeable. 我的院子里的落叶越来越厚。 例句:A carpet of leaves covered the ground.一层厚厚的落叶覆盖在地上。 v.在...上铺地毯;把花草铺在...上 [T]例句:The room had been carpeted and the windows glazed with coloured glass.房间里铺了地毯,窗户上安装了有色玻璃。 例句:The main gaming room was thickly carpeted. 赌场大厅铺着厚厚的地毯。 斥责 [T]例句:The maid was carpeted for breaking the plates. 女佣因打碎盆子而受训斥。二、词义辨析:carpet,blanket,rug这些名词均含有“毛毯,地毯”之意。carpet指用来铺地板或楼梯的厚实的棉、毛地毯。blanket指厚实的棉、毛织品,用于铺床或披在身上保暖的毛毯。rug指小地毯或旅行用的小毛毯。 三、相关短语:carpet bombingn. 地毯式轰炸carpet knightn. 游手好闲的骑士red carpetn.(迎接贵宾用的)红地毯,隆重的接待carpet beater地毯拍打器carpet loom地毯织机carpet sweeper地毯清扫机,地毯吸尘器carpet beetlen. 金龟子科之昆虫carpet grass冻结的草地carpet moth毛毡衣蛾carpet slippern. 用绒毡做的室内男用拖鞋四、参考例句:The carpet is Tom"s.这块地毯是汤姆的。That carpet needs a pad under it.那块地毯下面要铺衬垫。The carpet was tacked to the floor.地毯是用大头钉钉在地板上的。This carpet is of Russian style.这块地毯是俄国风格的。The binding of the carpet is beautiful.地毯的镶边很漂亮。Look at the carpet"s thick pile.看看这地毯的厚绒。The carpet won"t double up. 这地毯不能折起来。 This carpet was made in Persia.这块地毯是波斯制造的。She seamed two pieces of carpet together.她将两块地毯缝在一起。This carpet"s getting rather old now.这块地毯现在很旧了。
2023-01-03 23:06:111


2023-01-03 23:06:166

rug, carpet, mat, cushion有什么区别

rug 铺于室内部分地面上的小地毯 (围膝盖的)小毯carpet (统称)地毯mat 地席;草席 (放东西的)垫子cushion (一般是坐人的)垫子
2023-01-03 23:06:403

英语这里red carpet什么意思?

2023-01-03 23:06:514

blanket cushion carpet rug mat towel有什么区别

blanket 毛毯,盖身上的cushion 垫子,起缓冲作用的垫子,可以坐垫,靠垫。carpet 毛毯,放地上给人踩的rug 毛毯,也是给人踩的,跟上一种不同之处在于面积,这里是小块的,carpet是大片的。mat 垫子,塑料的,通常是放门口擦鞋的。towel 这个通常做毛巾,浴巾解释。
2023-01-03 23:07:062

dirty carpet 什么意思

2023-01-03 23:07:274


法语:tapis 意大利:tappeto 西班牙:alfombra、moqueta、tapiz
2023-01-03 23:07:411


2023-01-03 23:07:504


2023-01-03 23:08:071

red carpet是什么意思

2023-01-03 23:08:122


2023-01-03 23:08:204


2023-01-03 23:08:341


2023-01-03 23:08:392

carpet tile什么意思

carpet tile 英[ˈkɑ:pit tail] 美[ˈkɑrpɪt taɪl] n. 小方地毯; [例句]What is in the room now that must stay? You may have a carpet or tile color that dictates the color scheme.现在房间里要保留什么呢?可能有地毯或瓷砖的色彩,决定了配色方案。
2023-01-03 23:08:511


2023-01-03 23:08:562


2023-01-03 23:09:225


carpet: [ kɑ:pit ] n. 地毯,毛毯 v. 铺以地毯,铺盖 [ 过去式carpeted 过去分词carpeted 现在分词carpeting 第三人称单数carpets ] 例句与用法1. My plan will be on the carpet at today"s meeting. 今天的会议将审议我的计划。 2. Our living room is covered with a carpet. 我们的起居室里铺了地毯。 3. The boss had me on the carpet over my expenses claim. 因为索取报销费的事,老板把我叫去训了一顿。 4. Don"t drop cigarette ash on the carpet. 别把烟灰落在地毯上。 5. The acid burnt a hole in the carpet. 酸把地毯烧了个洞。 6. The carpet will stand any amount of wear. 这地毯极其耐用。 7. This carpet is of Russian style. 这块地毯是俄国风格的。 8. He picked the watch up from the carpet. 他从地毯上把表捡起来。
2023-01-03 23:10:081


carpet[英]["kɑ:pɪt] [美][ˈkɑrpɪt] 生词本简明释义n.地毯,桌毯;毛毯,绒毯;地毯状覆盖物;(装在飞机上的)雷达电子干扰仪vt.在…上铺地毯;把地毯铺在…上;斥责复数:carpets第三人称单数:carpets过去式:carpeted过去分词:carpeted现在分词:carpeting易混淆的单词:Carpet以下结果由 金山词霸 提供柯林斯高阶英汉词典 网络释义 短语词组 同反义词1.N-VAR地毯A carpet is a thick covering of soft material which is laid over a floor or a staircase.They put down wooden boards, and laid new carpets on top.他们铺好木地板,在上面铺上新地毯。...the stain on our living-room carpet.我们客厅地毯上的污迹2.VERB给…铺地毯If a floor or a room is carpeted, a carpet is laid on the floor.
2023-01-03 23:10:141


2023-01-03 23:10:201


地毯:carpet,读音:英【kɑpt】;美【kɑrpt】n.地毯;(尤指铺满房间的一块)地毯;覆盖地面的一层厚东西。v.用地毯铺(房间的)地;把…厚厚地覆盖;厚厚地铺上;训斥;斥责。地毯英语carpet 的双语例句:1、They put down wooden boards, and laid new carpets on top. 他们铺好木地板,在上面铺上新地毯。2、The room had been carpeted and the windows glazed with coloured glass.房间里铺了地毯,窗户上安装了有色玻璃。 3、The ground was thickly carpeted with pine needles. 地上落了厚厚的一层松针。  4、The main gaming room was thickly carpeted.赌场大厅铺着厚厚的地毯。  5、Beer splashed the carpet  啤酒洒到了地毯上。  
2023-01-03 23:10:251


carpet [ˈkɑ:pɪt]n. 地毯,桌毯; 毛毯,绒毯; 地毯状覆盖物; (装在飞机上的) 雷达电子干扰仪;vt. 在…上铺地毯; 把地毯铺在…上; 斥责;
2023-01-03 23:10:411


carpetn. 地毯; (尤指铺满房间的一块) 地毯; 覆盖地面的一层厚东西;v. 用地毯铺(房间的)地; 把…厚厚地覆盖; 厚厚地铺上; 训斥; 斥责;
2023-01-03 23:10:541


一般茶几底下床头床边那个小地毯就能叫rug. carpet是铺满整个房间的地毯 mat是垫子,塑料的什么的都行,一般不会是地毯这样的.比如说垫在地上给小孩子爬的垫子叫play mat cushion就是我们沙发上的靠枕,或者是坐着的垫子,基本上跟坐着有关好的
2023-01-03 23:10:591


2023-01-03 23:11:042

carpet; fortunate; fortunately 这英语在美式英语中怎么读? 求谐音的读法 ~

carpet(地毯) n. :美 [ˈkɑːrpɪt] 谐音:卡批特fortunate(幸运的) adj. :美 [ˈfɔːrtʃənət] 谐音:佛缺那特fortunately(幸运地) adv. :美 [ˈfɔːrtʃənətli] 谐音:佛缺那特力以上仅供参考~
2023-01-03 23:11:151


2023-01-03 23:11:242


2023-01-03 23:11:321

the flying carpet原文翻译大概意思?

您好 原文翻译如下:Biff"s carpet was torn.Biff的地毯被撕裂。It had a big hole in it.里面有个大洞。Biff showed Dad but he said,Biff给爸爸看了说,"We can"t afford a new one. Sorry, Biff."“我们买不起新的。对不起,Biff。”Biff and Chip were shopping with Dad.Biff和Chip和爸爸一起购物。Dad wanted to buy a bookcase for Kipper"s room.爸爸想给Chip的房间买一个书柜。They saw one outside the junk shop. "I"ll get this for Kipper," said Dad.他们在旧货商店外面看到一个。爸爸说:“我要给Chip买这个。”Biff found an old carpet in the back of the shop.Biff在商店的后面发现了一块旧地毯。"This would do for my room,"she said.“这对我的房间刚刚好,”她说。She asked Dad if she could have it.她问爸爸能不能买。Dad looked at the old carpet.爸爸看了看那个旧地毯。"You don"t want that thing." he said. "It"s old and dirty."“你不会喜欢这玩意儿的。”他说,“它又脏又旧。”But I like it, said Biff. "Please may I have it?"So Dad said, "Yes, as long as it doesn"t cost too much."“但是我喜欢它”,Biff说,“求你了,爸爸,给我买了吧。”于是爸爸答应了,“好吧,只要它别太贵。”Biff beat the carpet.Biff敲打这块地毯。It was full of dust and dirt.地毯上落满了灰尘。"I didn"t think a carpet could be so dusty," she said.“我从来不知道,一块地毯可以变得这么脏” 她说。"I wonder who had it last.Someone who didn"t wipe their feet!“不知道它的上一任主人是谁。一定是个进门前不蹭脚的家伙!”Biff and Mum gave the carpet a shampoo.Biff和妈妈给地毯涂上香波。"I don"t think it has ever had a shampoo before, said Biff.“我觉得这块地毯以前从来没擦过香波”,Biff说。"It looks better already."“现在,它看起来干净多了。”The carpet looked beautiful."It is a nice carpet, "said Biff,地毯看起来非常漂亮!“真是一块美丽的地毯”,Biff说。"It told you so!“我就知道它很好看!It looks quite old, so maybe it"s worth a lot of money."它看起来这么古老,说不定值很多钱呢!”Biff was in her bedroom reading a book.Biff正在她的卧室里读书。Kipper came in and they sat on Biff s new carpet.Kipper走进来,跟她一起坐在Biff的新地毯上。Kipper was learning to read and he wanted to read to Biff.Kipper正在学认字,他想读给Biff听。Suddenly, the magic key began to glow.突然间,魔法钥匙开始发光了。Another adventure had begun.又一场冒险开始了。This time Biff and Kipper were on a flying carpet.这次Biff和Kipper在一块会飞的地毯上。"This is a new kind of adventure." said Biff."The carpet is coming with us."“这是一场新的冒险”Biff说,“这块地毯跟我一起来了。”The carpet went very fast.地毯飞得快极了。"Oh help." said Kipper. "I hope we don"t fall off.“哦,救命啊!”Kipper喊道,“希望我们不要从毯子上掉下去。”The carpet flew on and on.魔毯飞啊飞。It flew over deserts and mountains.飞过来山川和沙漠。"I wonder where we"re going?" said Biff.“我想知道我们要飞去哪里”,Biff说。At last, the carpet slowed down.终于,魔毯慢下来了。Biff and Kipper looked over the side.Biff和Kipper从毯子的一边往下看。The carpet was flying over a town.魔毯在一个城镇的上方。"I"ve never seen a town like this one," said Biff.“我从来没见过这样的城镇。”Biff说。"I wonder if we"re going to land."“我在想我们会不会降落。”But the carpet didn"t land.但是魔毯并没有降落。Instead it went slower and slower.它只是越来越慢了。Then it stopped by a window at the top of a tower.然后,在一座塔尖上,它被窗户拦了下来。"I wonder why weve stopped here,"said Kipper.“我想知道为什么我们在这被拦下来了”,Kipper说。Biff and Kipper looked through the window. They saw a little boy.Biff和Kipper透过窗户往里看,他们看到一个小男孩。He was crying and he looked very unhappy.他正在哭,看起来非常难过。"He must be a prisoner, "said Biff.“他一定是个囚犯。”Biff说。Biff and Kipper climbed into the little room.Biff和Kipper爬进这个小房间。When the boy saw them, he jumped up in surprise.那个小男孩看到他们时,他惊喜地跳了起来。"Why are you locked up in this tower?" asked Biff.“为什么你会被锁在这个塔里?” Biff问。"What have you done?"“你做了什么?”"I am the real king of this land," said the boy sadly.“我是这个国家的真正的国王”,小男孩伤心地说。"but my wicked uncle locked me in this tower."“我邪恶的叔叔把我锁在了塔里。”When I was king everyone was happy.我是国王时,大家都很快活。I promised to rule the country wisely and well.我发誓要明智而仁慈地统治整个国家。But my uncle was jealous.但是我叔叔非常嫉妒我。He wanted to be the king, instead.他想取代我成为国王。One day my uncle and his soldiers attacked the palace.一天,我的叔叔和他的士兵袭击了宫殿。They captured me and put me in prison.My mother escaped.他们抓住了我,把我关进了监狱。我的母亲逃脱了。She ran away to the mountains and took her army with her.她带着她的军队跑到山里。My uncle is a bad man.我叔叔是个坏人。He is cruel and greedy.他既残忍又贪婪。He makes the people pay him money even if they are poor.他让人们付给他钱,即使他们很穷。If they cant pay. he puts them in prison...如果他们付不起。他把他们关进监狱……Nobody is happy.没有人幸福。Every day the people ask my mother and her army to attack the city.每天,人们都要我母亲和她的军队进攻这个城市。She will not give the order to attack because she is afraid my uncle will harm me.I am a hostage in this palace."她不会下令进攻,因为她怕我叔叔会伤害我。我是这座宫殿的人质。”"Then we must set you free," said Biff.“那么我们必须让你自由,”Biff说。"The carpet will take us to your mother."“地毯会把我们送到你母亲那里。”Biff and Kipper helped the boy to climb out of the window.Biff和Kipper帮助男孩爬出了窗户。Then they all sat on the carpet.然后他们都坐在地毯上。"How do we make it fly?" asked Kipper.“我们怎么让它飞起来?”Kipper问。"How will it know where to take us?""Make a wish," said Biff.“它怎么知道把我们带到哪里去呢?”“许个愿,”Biff说。Then it"ll go where we want it to.然后它会到我们想要的地方。They made a wish, and the carpet zoomed off.他们许了一个愿,地毯也迅速消失了。The carpet sped towards the mountains.地毯向群山疾驰。At last it began to slow down.最后,它开始减速了。"I hope it knows how to land," said Kipper."It looks a long way down.“我希望它知道怎么降落,”Kipper说。‘看起来很遥远。"The carpet landed safely.地毯上安全着陆。When the boy"s mother saw him, she couldn"t believe her eyes.当男孩的妈妈看到他时,她简直不敢相信自己的眼睛。She looked at the carpet and she looked at Biff and Kipper.她看着地毯,看着Biff和Kipper。"My son is safe! she said, "thank you."“我的儿子是安全的!她说,“谢谢你们。”The boy"s mother called all her soldiers.男孩的母亲叫了所有的士兵。She told them her son was free.她告诉他们,她的儿子是自由的。"Now he is safe, we can attack the city," she said.“现在他安全了,我们可以进攻这个城市,”她说。"My son will be king again."“我的儿子将再次成为国王。”"Hooray! shouted the soldiers.“万岁!”士兵们喊道。They came down from the mountains and marched to the city.他们从山上下来,游行到城里。There was a big battle.有一场大战。Biff, Kipper, and the boy watched the battle from a safe place.Biff, Kipper,和这个男孩从一个安全的地方看了战场。When the battle was over everyone was pleased that the boy was king again.当战争结束时,每个人都很高兴这个男孩再次成为国王。But the boy was not pleased.但男孩并不高兴。"Where is my uncle?" he asked.“我的叔叔在哪里?” 他问。"He must be punished for what he did.""他必须为他所做的事受到惩罚。"Biff and Kipper saw someone running away.Biff和Kipper看见有人逃跑了。It was the wicked uncle.是那个邪恶的叔叔。"Oh no! said Kipper, "he "s getting away.How can we stop him?"“哦,不!”Kipper说,“他要走了。”我们怎么能阻止他呢?Biff had the magic carpet with her."I wonder if..?"? she thought.Biff带着她的魔毯。"我想如果..."她思考着。Biff made a wish and the magic carpet flew after the wicked uncle.Biff许了一个愿,魔毯飞向邪恶的叔叔。The wicked uncle rode as fast as he could but the carpet was faster.邪恶的叔叔骑得很快,但地毯更快。"Stop him!" called Biff.“阻止他!“叫Biff。The carpet pulled the wicked uncle from his horse.地毯把那个邪恶的叔叔从他的马身上拉了下来。It wrapped it self around him and then it rolled him back to the city.它把自己包裹在他的周围,然后又把他滚回了城市。"Help! Help!" called the wicked uncle."Get this carpet off me!"“救命!救命!”那个坏叔叔叫道。“把这块地毯从我身上拿开!”Biff and Kipper took the wicked uncle to the boy.Biff和Kipper把那个坏孩子的叔叔给了那个男孩。"Thank you, "he said. "It"s my uncle"s turn to go to prison.“谢谢你们,”他说。“我叔叔要进监狱了。Now I can be a good king and look after my people again."现在我可以成为一个好国王,再照顾我的人民。”The boy gave Biff and Kipper a present.那男孩给了Biff和Kipper一份礼物。It was a beautiful to camel."Thank you," they said.它是一个美丽的骆驼。“谢谢你,”他们说。Suddenly the magic key began to glow.突然,神奇的钥匙开始发光。"It"s time for us to go," said Biff, but we"ll take our carpet if you don"t mind.“我们该走了,”Biff说,“但如果你不介意的话,我们就把地毯拿走。”The magic key took Biff and Kipper home.魔法钥匙带着Biff和Kipper回家。"What an adventure!" said Kipper. "Do you think if I wish very hard, the carpet will take me to school each day?"“多么神奇的冒险啊!”Kipper说。“你觉得如果我真的愿意,地毯每天都要送我去学校吗?”‘You"ll be lucky! "said Biff.“你会很幸运的”Biff说。望采纳 谢谢
2023-01-03 23:11:371

She()the carpet and the pudding went... A.fell down B.slipped on 选哪个请解释?

选择B答案。A. fall down是一个不及物性质的动词短语,后面不能加宾语,所以不能跟carpet。也就是说只能用sth fell down, 不可说fell down sth.B. slipped on中slip当“滑倒”意思时,是不及物动词,介词on和后面的the carpet组成地点状语。意思为在地毯上滑倒。故选择B。
2023-01-03 23:11:436


2023-01-03 23:12:108


carpet [car·pet || "kɑːpɪt]n. 地毯, 毛毯v. 铺以地毯, 铺盖
2023-01-03 23:12:371


2023-01-03 23:12:421


Antiskid plastic carpet
2023-01-03 23:12:472

tufted carpet是什么地毯

tufted carpet词典簇绒地毯双语例句1Tufted carpet of wool or fine animal hair ( excl. floor covering underlays) 羊毛或动物细毛制栽绒地毯(不包括铺地用品底衬)2Modra Technology: new tufted carpet sample machine Modra技术公司:新型簇绒地毯小样机
2023-01-03 23:12:551


2023-01-03 23:13:011

red carpet是什么意思

您好!red carpet 红地毯 一般指隆重的接待
2023-01-03 23:13:103

What colour is Mrs. White is carpet是什么意思

2023-01-03 23:13:211