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2023-07-19 17:59:40
TAG: 爱情







这位名叫Simon Leviev的骗子,利用了女生想要和“理想型男生”谈恋爱的心理,一步一步精心设计,让渴望脱单的女生落入负债累累的圈套。




神经科学家发现,爱情荷尔蒙“催产素”会对身体与酒精类似的影响(Mitchell et al., 2015)。也就是说,看到心仪的对象,人们就像喝醉酒一样,产生恋爱宿醉(love drunk)的感觉——快乐和兴奋的同时,自制力降低,判断力变差,对危险的信号视而不见,甘愿为虚无缥缈的承诺做出所谓的牺牲。




美国心理治疗师Colette Dowling(1981)认为,有一部分女性对“独立”有一种复杂的恐惧,无意识中总想要得到依赖男性。她将这种心态称为“灰姑娘情结(The Cinderella Complex)”。

有着灰姑娘情结的女性在潜意识中,会将属于自己的人生责任,寄托在未来的亲密关系中。她们就如同童话里等待王子来拯救的辛德瑞拉,对男性有着不切实际的期待,甚至会偶像化男性(Saha & Safri,2016)。














然而,直接给关系下断论(jump to the conclusion)可能导致人们因为表面的东西否定了更深层的、本质的东西,错过一份本来很美好的亲密关系。



= =刘德华演的那个吗
2023-07-19 07:21:332


Flo-Rida - Right Round
2023-07-19 07:21:433

美国电影《宿醉》(《the hangover》)里三主角去拉斯维加斯赌城里赢钱时,刚下楼梯时开的音乐叫什么

2023-07-19 07:21:535

哪位大神有宿醉22011年上映的由 布莱德利·库珀主演的百度云资源

《宿醉2》百度网盘高清资源免费在线观看:链接: 提取码: 4ba5 《宿醉2 The Hangover Part II》导演: 托德·菲利普斯编剧: 斯科特·阿姆斯特朗、克雷格·麦辛、托德·菲利普斯主演: 布莱德利·库珀、扎克·加利凡纳基斯、艾德·赫尔姆斯、杰米·钟、贾斯汀·巴萨、郑肯、托德·菲利普斯、迈克·泰森、李淳类型: 喜剧制片国家/地区: 美国语言: 英语、泰语上映日期: 2011-05-26(美国)片长: 102分钟又名: 醉后大丈夫2:醉加一等(台)、醉爆伴郎团2(港)、醉醒时分2、The Hangover 2、Timburmenn 2《宿醉2》由原班人马打造,延续上集的搞笑风格。上集中经历了情感纠葛的Stu (艾德赫尔·姆斯 Ed Helms 饰)这集中新婚,众好友Phil(布莱德利·库珀 Bradley Cooper 饰)、Alan(扎克·加利费安纳基斯 Zach Galifianakis 饰)和 Doug(贾斯汀·巴萨 Justin Bartha饰)前去泰国参加他的婚礼。不料宿醉事件又发生了,一帮兄弟醒来后发现身在曼谷,并且新娘的弟弟(李淳 饰)神秘失踪,亚洲黑帮“周先生”(肯·郑 Ken Jeong 饰)突然出现,于是一场疯狂冒险在异国又卷土重来!值得一提的是李安的儿子李淳在片中饰演了新娘的弟弟,一名成绩优秀的高材生。
2023-07-19 07:22:472

21 guns的歌曲歌词

Do you know what"s worth fighting for"When it"s not worth dying forDoes it take your breath awayAnd you feel yourself suffocatingDoes the pain weigh out the prideAnd you look for a place to hideDid someone break your heart insideYou"re in ruinsOne" 21 gunsLay down your armsGive up the fightOne" 21 gunsThrow up your arms into the sky"You and IWhen you"re at the end of the roadAnd you lost all sense of controlAnd you"re throughts have taken their tollWhen your mind breaks the spirit of your soulYour faith walks on broken glassAnd the hangover doesn"t passNothing"s ever built to lastYou"re in ruinsOne" 21 gunsLay down your armsGive up the fightOne" 21 gunsThrow up your arms into the sky"You and IDid you try to live on your ownWhen you burned down the house and homeDid you stand too close to the fireLike a liar looking for forgiveness from a stoneWhen it"s time to live and let dieAnd you can"t get another trySomething side this heart has diedYou"re in ruinsOne" 21 gunsLay down your armsGive up the fightOne" 21 gunsThrow up your arms into the sky"One" 21 gunsLay down your armsGive up the fightOne" 21 gunsThrow up your arms into the sky"You and I 你是否明白为何而奋斗  当这一切不值得为之牺牲?  你是否感觉呼吸被带走  自己慢慢窒息?  那痛苦是否压过荣耀?你是否在找寻藏身之所?  又可曾有人刺穿你的心脏?  你,只剩残骸  鸣炮,21响  放下武器  停止战斗  鸣炮,21响  将武器抛向天空  只剩你和我  当你无路可走  迷失于狂乱  当你心中丧钟敲响  心智将灵魂磨灭  你的信仰在玻璃上赤足行走  一夜宿醉恒久弥留  天长地久又何曾有过  你,只剩残骸  鸣炮,21响  放下武器  停止厮杀  鸣炮,21响  将武器抛向天空  只剩你和我  你可曾活出真正的自己  当你烧毁你的房屋和家园?  你可曾玩火自焚?  想骗子妄图从石头那儿寻求宽恕  到了生死即定的时刻  没有任何后悔的余地  心中的某些东西早已化为乌有  你,只剩残骸  鸣炮,21响  放下武器  停止厮杀  鸣炮,21响  将武器抛向天空  鸣炮,21响  放下武器  停止厮杀  鸣炮,21响  将武器抛向天空  只剩你和我
2023-07-19 07:23:081

求电影 the hangover 里面的插曲(舞曲)

I think that music is " shake it", you can try to chack?
2023-07-19 07:23:222

21 guns这首歌想要表达什么意思?

21Guns 又是一首反战的歌曲,很容易想到另外一首经典之作 Wake me up when september endsGreen Day 总是能把“ 救赎 原谅 VS 战火 死亡 ”诠释得如此悲壮,然后给人们前进的力量。比照Viva La Gloria的俏皮和另类,21Guns 这首延续了绿日经典曲风和反战情结的作品,也许更能打动听众。21GunsDo you know what"s worth fighting forWhen it"s not worth dying for?Does it take you breath awayAnd you feel yourself suffocating?Does the pain weight out the pride?And you look for a place to hide?Does someone break your heart inside?You"re in ruinsOne, 21 gunsLay down your armsGive up the fightOne, 21 gunsThrow up your arms into the skyYou and IWhen you"re at the end of the roadAnd you lost all sense of controlAnd your thoughts have taken their tollWhen your mind breaks the spirit of your soulYour faith walks on broken glassAnd the hangover doesn"t passNothing"s ever built to lastYou"re in ruinsOne, 21 gunsLay down your armsGive up the fightOne, 21 gunsThrow up your arms into the skyYou and IDid you try to live on your ownWhen you burned down the house and home?Did you stand too close to the fire?Like a liar looking for forgiveness from a stoneWhen it"s time to live and let dieAnd you can"t get another trySomething inside this heart has diedYou"re in ruinsOne, 21 gunsLay down your armsGive up the fightOne, 21 gunsThrow up your arms into the skyYou and I 出自GREENDAY吧,感谢吧友
2023-07-19 07:23:301

宿醉3 所有插曲

2023-07-19 07:23:403


霹雳娇娃 一二部
2023-07-19 07:24:025

21 guns歌词中文

2023-07-19 07:24:203

21 guns是什么意思?寓意着什么?

礼炮在国家庆祝大典可增添一种隆重的气氛。 礼炮仪式起源于德国的中世纪。当时在奥格斯堡城为了隆重地迎接一位从前线凯旋的皇帝,决定鸣礼炮100响。但负责鸣炮的军官数到后来数糊涂了,鸣了101响。从此,鸣礼炮101响的传统就沿袭下来了。 另一说,鸣放礼炮起源于英国。17至18世纪,英国已成为当时头号殖民帝国,世界上几乎每块大陆都有它们的殖民地。英国军舰驶过国外炮台或驶入外国港口时,蛮横地要求所在国内向他们鸣炮致礼,以示对英国的尊重和臣服。作为回礼,英舰一般鸣炮7响。但是,英国殖民主义者认为弱国与强国、殖民地与宗主国不能平起平坐。英舰鸣一声礼炮,别国应报3声。这样三七二十一声,礼炮的习俗就诞生了。不过,后来随着英国在国际上的地位逐渐走下坡路,英国军舰也开始改为鸣 21响礼炮,以示平等。 举行盛大庆典鸣放礼炮的规格各国不尽相同。美国国庆日鸣放50响,表示每州鸣一声。在迎宾仪式中鸣放礼炮,最高规格是21响,一般国家元首鸣放;其次19响,为政府首脑鸣放。GD的本意是为战死的士兵举行国葬时,鸣礼炮21响
2023-07-19 07:24:284

21guns 歌词翻译`

绿日 - 二十一响你知道什么值得战斗/ 当它不值得死的? / 是否您屏息凝神/ 你觉得你窒息? / 权衡是否疼痛的骄傲? / 你找一个藏身之地? / 没有人打破你的心吗? / 你在废墟/ 其中, 21枪/ 放下你的武器/ 放弃斗争/ 其中, 21枪/ 扔掉你的武器天空/ 你和我/ 当你在路的尽头/ 和你失去了所有意义上的控制/ 和您的想法已经考虑了他们的人数/ 当你考虑到休息的精神,你的灵魂/ 你们的信仰走在碎玻璃/ 和宿醉没有通过/ 没有有史以来建造的最后/ 你在废墟/其中, 21枪/ 放下你的武器/ 放弃斗争/ 其中, 21枪/ 扔掉你的武器天空/ 其中, 21枪/ 放下你的武器/ 放弃斗争/ 其中, 21枪/ 扔掉你的武器天空/ 你和我/
2023-07-19 07:24:362


2023-07-19 07:24:431

Dark Fantasy Kanye West(黑暗幻想曲)You might think you"ve picked a sceneBut you haven"tThe real ones far to meanThe watered down oneThe one you knowWas made up centuries agoIt made it sound all wack and cornyYes, it"s all full blasted boringTwisted fictionSick addictionWell gather round childrenZip it listen!Can we get much higherSo high oh oh ohh oh oh ohhh ohOhh can we get much higherSo high oh oh ohh oh oh ohhh ohYeah, yeah, yeah, yeahI fantasized about this back in Chicagomercy, mercy me, that Murcielagothat"s me, the first year that I blowhow you say broke in Spanish? Me no hablome drown sorrow in that Diablome found bravery in my bravadoDJ"s need to listen to the model"sYou ain"t got no fuckin" Yeezy in your Serrato?(You ain"t got no Yeezy, nigga?)stupid, but what the fuck do I know?I"m just a Chi-town nigga with a Nas flowand my bitch in that new Phoebe Philoso much head, I woke up to Sleepy HollowCan we get much higher?oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh,Look like a fat booty Celine Dionsex is on fire, I"m the King of Leon-a Lewisbeyond the truesthey, teacher, teachertell me how do you respond to students?and refresh the page and restart the memory?respark the soul and rebuild the energy?we stopped the ignorance, we killed the enemiessorry for the night demons still visit methe plan was to drink until the pain overbut what"s worse, the pain or the hangover?fresh air, rolling down the windowtoo many Urkels on your team, that"s why your wins lowdon"t make me pull the toys out, huhdon"t make me pull the toyyyysand fire up the engines huhand then they make noooiseCan we get much higherSo high oh oh ohh oh oh ohhhh oh ohAt the mall there was a seancejust kids, no parentsthen the sky filled with heron(I saw the devil) In a Chrysler LeBaronAnd the hell, it wouldn"t spare us(And the fires did declare us)(But after that, took pills, kissed an heiress)(And moved her back in Paris)Can we get much higherSo high oh oh ohh oh oh ohhhh oh
2023-07-19 07:24:535

谁能回答我尼坤的兴趣爱好 性格 有什么生活习惯 详细一点的 越详细越好 谢谢

喜欢的颜色:红色,蓝色,白色   喜欢的饰品:设计简单的戒指,手镯,项链等   喜欢的食物:泰国菜,五花肉(韩国烤肉),砂糖(糖果)   喜欢的饮料:摩卡星冰乐(Mocha Frappuccino)   喜欢的冰激凌:哈根达斯香草口味   不喜欢的食物:补身汤(2pm-it"s time NichKhun第一次提到不喜欢补身汤)   喜欢的水果:草莓,芒果   不喜欢的水果:avocado(鳄梨/牛油果)   喜欢的体育项目:羽毛球、高尔夫球、Snowboarding , 网球,台球,游泳等等   喜欢的电视节目:不看电视节目,喜欢用电视看电影   喜欢的电影:The Gladiator《角斗士》、Man On Fire《怒火救援》、Troy《特洛伊》、 Mrand Mrs Smith《史密斯夫妇》、Romeo & Juliet《罗密欧与朱丽叶》、Finding Nemo《海底总动员》、Pirates Of the Caribbean《加勒比海盗》、The Notebook《恋恋笔记本》、Tropic Thunder《热带惊雷》、TheHangover《宿醉》   喜欢的歌曲:喜欢Bakery公司的love is。在能唱歌的地方就喜欢听慢歌(Bakery是一个泰国的唱片公司)   喜欢的书籍:狂迷巴西作家Paulocoelho的书作   经常去的地方:Starbuck、床、迪士尼  喜欢的演员:Brad Pitt, Jennifer Aniston, John Travolta, Bruce Willis.   喜欢的歌手:Palmy、宇多田光Nop Ponchamni、Boyd Kosiyapong、Ben Chalatit……特别是bakery的歌曲   幸运数字(0-9):8   喜欢的数字:24   喜欢的字母:K   喜欢的动物:猫   想去的地方:Starbuck(星巴克)、泰国、美国、迪士尼、任何感觉像家的地方   珍惜的人:家人,所有真心爱他的饭   想要的东西:一个愉快的家庭   如果不做艺人的话:想做厨师、面包师   起床第一件事:喝水
2023-07-19 07:25:101


迈克·泰森于1966年6月30日出生于纽约布鲁克林。根据泰森2013年的回忆录《无可争议的真相》,年仅13岁的泰森因涉嫌轻罪被捕38次。在他的刑法制度早期任职期间,他的拳击潜力被少年拘留中心顾问Bobby Stewart发现,他最终将泰森介绍给拳击经理和教练Cus D"Amato。 作为业余爱好者,泰森在1981年和1982年的少年奥林匹克运动会上获得了金牌,其中包括1982年在科罗拉多州进行的一次令人瞩目的表演,该表演以八秒钟的淘汰赛和总决赛的主要胜利为特色。 泰森于1982年母亲去世的那一年被卡茨基尔高中开除。 1984年,达马托(D"Amato)成为泰森的法定监护人。 泰森(Tyson)的第一次职业战斗发生在1985年3月6日,纽约州奥尔巴尼。 18岁的泰森在预定的四回合比赛第一回合淘汰了赫克托·梅赛德斯。 在短短一年多的时间里(准确地说,是一年零四天),泰森连续获得了19场淘汰赛胜利,没有超越第六轮的战斗。其中包括从1985年8月15日到1986年1月11日的这段时间,其中泰森打了10次比赛,并记录了9个首轮KO和一个2轮KO。在职业生涯的前四年中,泰森与培训师凯文·鲁尼(Kevin Rooney)紧密合作,后者在达马托(D"Amato)的领导下声名显赫。 达马托于1985年11月4日死于肺炎,就在泰森将职业纪录提高到11-0之后仅三天。泰森在11月13日再次战斗。 泰森的KO连胜在他的第20场战斗中结束,詹姆斯·提里斯(James Tillis)在1986年5月3日进行的10回合的比赛中将泰森(Tyson)ko记录终结。米奇·格林(Mitch Green)在17天后也同样如此,但泰森随后又是七个连续KO淘汰对手。 在他的第一个重量级冠军争夺战中达到顶峰。 在职业选手首次亮相一年半之后,泰森于1986年11月22日在拉斯维加斯希尔顿酒店击败特雷弗·伯比克,赢得了WBC重量级冠军。此时泰森仅仅只有20岁145天,也当之无愧成为拳击史上最年轻的重量级冠军。 截至今日,该记录仍然未被打破。 在泰森的下一场战斗中, 1987年3月7日以一致的决定击败了詹姆斯·史密斯,赢得了WBA重量级冠军。 1987年5月30日,泰森凭借第六轮TKO对手Pinklon Thomas,战绩升至30-0,并于当年8月1日以一致性判决击败托尼·塔克,为泰森赢得了IBF重量级冠军。 泰森是第一个从所有三个主要制裁机构赢得重量级冠军的人,并且仍然保持着任何部门中最年轻的拳手的记录(21岁32天)。 在1988年1月22日仅仅四回合搞定了重量级传奇Larry Holmes之后,泰森于1988年2月9日在纽约与女演员罗宾·吉文斯(Robin Givens)结婚。 1988年6月,纪文斯(Givens)及其家人因泰森的虐待和人身暴力指控而公开露面。该月晚些时候,泰森起诉长期经理比尔·凯顿(Bill Cayton)断绝合同,指称一切都被凯顿否认了。泰森后来与Cayton达成庭外和解。提起诉讼的几个小时后,泰森在短短91秒内摧毁了以前不败的前重量级冠军迈克尔·斯派克斯(Michael Spinks),将拳坛重量级冠军添加到了他不断扩大的收藏中。 1988年8月23日,泰森在拜访时装设计师达珀·丹(Dapper Dan)时,在哈林区遇到了米奇·格林(Mitch Green)。在深夜的街头打架中,泰森右手骨折。泰森在1986年5月已经击败过格林。 9月4日,泰森将他的宝马猛撞到纽约卡茨基尔(Catskill)的一棵树上时被打昏了。据称,泰森扬言要在事件发生之前和之后多次自杀。泰森失去知觉并遭受了脑震荡,但他没有受到其他严重伤害。从10月到1989年,对弗兰克·布鲁诺(Frank Bruno)的冠军头衔被迫提高。 吉文斯于1988年10月提出离婚,最终于1989年初获准离婚。 10月26日,泰森与拳击比赛发起人唐·金(Don King)签署了合作伙伴关系。 1988年12月,在个人动荡的浪潮中,泰森解雇了长期培训的鲁尼(Rooney)。鲁尼最终在一场诉讼中赢得了440万美元,该诉讼声称泰森违反了终生合同。 在1985年打了15次,1986年打了13次,1987年打了4次,1988年打了3次之后,泰森获得了他在1989年进行的两次回合比赛中的第一场。他在第五回合比赛中TKO弗兰克·布鲁诺,因而获得了所有冠军头衔。 1989年7月21日,泰森通过第一回合TKO卡尔·威廉姆斯将战绩扩大至37-0。 直到1990年2月11日,泰森在日本东京巨蛋与詹姆斯“克星”道格拉斯(Douglas)再次战斗。道格拉斯以42-1出色战绩,令人意想不到的是,在第十回合中TKO泰森,致使泰森在职业拳击生涯中首次失利,从而失去了他所有的三个主要重量级冠军。那个三月,泰森告诉《洛杉矶时报》,他“从不认真打架”,在训练中陷入了“草率的习惯”。 泰森在6月16日重返赛场,并通过首回合KO了亨利·蒂尔曼。蒂尔曼(Tillman)此前曾在1984年洛杉矶奥运会的资格赛中两次击败泰森,导致泰森失去参赛机会。 泰森于12月8日TKO亚历·斯图尔特(Alex Stewart),在1991年3月18日第七回合战胜多诺万·“剃刀”·鲁道克(Donovan“ Razor” Ruddock),后被舆论认为是过早的停职,泰森获得了一致的决定。 1991年6月28日,在比赛中击败Ruddock获胜。这将是他四年多来的最后一场职业比赛。 1991年7月18日,泰森在印第安纳波利斯的一场排练彩排中遇到了一位美国黑人小姐选手西瑞·华盛顿。四天后,华盛顿向警方提起诉讼,指控泰森在她的酒店房间强奸了她。在泰森等待审判期间,由于泰森在训练中受了肋骨伤,定于1991年11月与埃文德·霍利菲尔德(Evander Holyfield)的战斗被推迟。 泰森于1992年2月10日被判犯有一项强奸罪和两项不正当性行为罪。他被判处六年徒刑和4年缓刑,尽管泰森被判有罪,他仍被印第安纳州青年中心还押,尽管25岁已成年。在1995年3月25日被假释之前,泰森在监狱服刑了三年多。 泰森在1995年末进行了两次调教,分别于8月19日和12月16日击败彼得·麦克尼利和小克星·马西斯,并在1996年3月16日对第三回合TKO弗兰克·布鲁诺,夺回了WBC重量级冠军,然后在9月7日通过第一回合TKO击败Bruce Seldon,赢得了WBA重量级冠军。 泰森和唐·金(Don King)排队等待已久的与霍利菲尔德(Holyfield)的战斗时,泰森在9月25日腾出了WBC腰带,作为一项协议的一部分,以避免面对当时的WBC第一强制性挑战者伦诺克斯·刘易斯(Lennox Lewis)。刘易斯最初退居二线,允许塞尔登与泰森争夺冠军头衔,以换取400万美元和下一棒的机会,但是到了5月,这场战斗几乎没有发生的机会。据唐金说,刘易斯与HBO的合同实质上是禁止他出现在泰森签约的Showtime上。在霍利菲尔德被安排参加比赛的四年之后,霍利菲尔德在1996年11月9日通过第11轮TKO击败了泰森。 1997年6月28日的重赛可能成为有史以来最著名的拳击比赛。霍利菲尔德获得了3500万美元,泰森获得了3000万美元,这是在那个年代近十年来最高的联合拳赛记录,因此人们的期望很高。在第三轮比赛中,泰森咬住了霍利菲尔德的右耳,用牙齿拔掉了大部分,而裁判米尔斯·莱恩(Mills Lane)暂停了比赛,直接判泰森丢掉两分。当回合恢复时,泰森咬住了霍利菲尔德的左耳,至此泰森被取消比赛资格。 7月9日,内华达州 体育 委员会撤销了泰森的拳击执照,该执照要到1998年10月19日才能恢复。 1998年3月上旬,泰森对唐·金及其前任经理罗里·霍洛威和约翰·霍恩提起诉讼。 King最终以1亿美元的官司于2004年6月达成和解。1400万美元的和解立即使泰森的债权人支付了超过3800万美元的债务。 在他等待恢复拳击执照的过程中,泰森在WWE中获得了300万至350万美元的短期报酬。在与WWE明星肖恩·迈克尔斯(Shawn Michaels)和流行文化现象D-Generation X保持一致之后,泰森于3月29日在WrestleMania 14上帮助“石冷”史蒂夫·奥斯汀(Steve Austin)从迈克尔斯(Michaels)赢得了当时的世界自然基金会冠军。 1998年8月31日,泰森在马里兰州发生了一起交通事故,据称有两名男子殴打了泰森。 12月1日,泰森没有与该事件有关的轻罪攻击指控提出任何异议。 自从霍利菲尔德重赛以来,泰森在他的第一场比赛中于1999年1月16日通过第五轮KO击败弗朗索瓦·博塔。 2月5日,泰森因与1998年8月的交通事件有关的殴打罪而被判入狱一年,他服刑3.5个月。马里兰假释委员会于5月21日以5-1投票批准泰森获释,5月24日获释数小时,印第安纳州法官裁定终止泰森1992年强奸罪有关的缓刑。 在10月23日与奥林·诺里斯(Orlin Norris)的回合比赛中,泰森在第一回合结束后的钟声后打了一拳,打倒了诺里斯,伤了诺里斯的膝盖,引发了一场无人比赛。 TKO在英国击败了朱利叶斯·弗朗西斯(Julius Francis)(1月29日第二轮)和卢·萨瓦雷斯(Lou Savarese)(6月24日第一轮)。在2000年,泰森为自己的职业生涯奠定了更大的基础,但混乱局面继续存在。 2月,泰森与两名妇女达成了秘密和解,这些妇女涉嫌于1998年3月在华盛顿特区的一家餐馆遭到袭击。 8月22日,泰森因击倒裁判而被罚款187,500美元,因为他在战斗停止后继续拳打萨瓦雷斯。胜利后,泰森在与吉姆·格雷(Jim Gray)进行的战后采访中,对当时的重量级冠军莱诺克斯·刘易斯(Lennox Lewis)做出了臭名昭著的评论,他说:“我想挖你的心。我想要干掉你的孩子。” 10月20日,泰森在第三轮比赛后迫使安德鲁·戈洛塔(Andrew Golota)在凳子上退役,但在泰森在战后药物测试中检测出大麻阳性后,决定改为不参加比赛。 泰森在2001年战斗了一次,10月13日在丹麦击败了布莱恩·尼尔森(Brian Nielsen),这为泰森的职业生涯最后一次与刘易斯(Lewis)的重要斗争奠定了基础。 1月22日,泰森和刘易斯在一次电视新闻发布会上受到打击。原定的4月6日推迟到6月8日,部分原因是内华达州州运动委员会拒绝许可泰森参加比赛,路易斯在第八轮淘汰了泰森。 泰森将在职业生涯中再打三场比赛,未来三年每年一次。他回到了孟菲斯,并于2003年2月22日通过首轮KO击败了克利福德·艾蒂安,并于2004年7月30日在肯塔基州与丹尼·威廉姆斯的第四轮比赛中被淘汰。 对于泰森来说,这是一个缓慢的循环,他于2003年夏天也申请了破产保护。这也是泰森获得他的标志性面部纹身的那一年。 在他的最后一场职业比赛中,泰森在与华盛顿的凯文·麦克布莱德(Kevin McBride)进行的第六轮比赛后退役。 当他的职业生涯结束时,泰森在2006年俄亥俄州举行的一系列展览大战中与科里·“雷克斯”·桑德斯作战。这是他实际参加圈内比赛的最后遗迹,直到泰森原定于2020年重返赛场。 2006年12月,泰森在亚利桑那州被捕,随后在马里科帕县(Maricopa County)被控拥有毒品和在毒品影响下驾驶。 2月7日,泰森(Tyson)律师戴维·切斯诺夫(David Chesnoff)宣布,泰森在等待因2006年12月被捕而遭受的审判时,已经接受了“各种成瘾”的住院治疗计划。 在2007年9月认罪后,泰森进入了亚利桑那州臭名昭著的“帐篷城”露天监狱,该监狱由马里科帕县警长乔·阿尔帕约(Joe Arpaio)负责,为期一天的监禁。泰森还获得了三年的缓刑和360小时的社区服务。 泰森在2009年电影《宿醉》(The Hangover)的主要喜剧片中大放异彩,成为有史以来票房收入最高的R级喜剧电影。泰森扮演了一个虚构的自己的角色,电影中的主要角色四重奏绑架了泰森的宠物老虎。在后来的采访中,泰森表示拍摄影片时他仍在处理药物滥用问题。泰森后来在续集《宿醉第二部分》中回归。泰森还出现在电视节目《兄弟》,《 娱乐 活动》,《法律与秩序:SVU》,《我如何与母亲见面》,《富兰克林与巴什》和《最后的OG》中,其他电影。 2009年5月,泰森经历了一场家庭悲剧,当时他4岁的女儿在泰森凤凰城的家中被一台跑步机的绳子夹住;她第二天死了。事故发生时,泰森在拉斯维加斯。 2009年6月,泰森与他的第三任妻子Lakiha“ Kiki” Spicer结婚,至今仍与他结婚。他于2010年5月5日回到WWE,主持了周一之夜Raw,并“淘汰”了标签团队合作伙伴Chris Jericho。 7月31日至8月31日,泰森在Longacre剧院的百老汇单人表演中演出。 2012年12月12日。该节目以泰森谈论自己的生活困境为基础,由史派克·李(Spike Lee)导演,泰森的妻子琪琪(Kiki)撰写。泰森最终将演出带到了整个美国巡回演出,包括在拉斯维加斯停留,以及2013年在HBO上首映的电影版本。 经过多年的滥用药物和控制体重的问题后,泰森接受了纯素食,减肥了140磅,他在2013年谈到了这一点。 长达12分钟的动画节目“迈克·泰森之谜”于2014年10月27日作为卡通网络成人游泳节目编排的一部分首次亮相。在该节目中,泰森再次扮演虚构的自己,扮演了史酷比(Scooby Doo)风格的谜团,由他自己的布娃娃团队解决。该节目进行了四个季节和70集,结局将于2020年2月16日播出。 2017年12月,泰森在加利福尼亚市的“大麻度假村”破土动工,加利福尼亚州莫哈韦沙漠以北约110英里。 在十多年来积极参与拳击活动的第一场比赛中,泰森于2018年1月30日发布了一条Instagram帖子,其中他为儿子米格尔(Miguel)握住了护垫。 在2019年5月23日,泰森将他的邮箱简历扩展到了对电子竞技的投资。 2020年5月1日,泰森和他的团队在Instagram上发布了一段简短的训练录像片段,这是泰森拳击比赛回归的第一个暗示。三天后的5月4日,录像中的教练拉斐尔·科迪耶罗(Rafael Cordeiro)说,泰森可以卷土重来。 5月11日,在他的Instagram上弹出了扩展的Tyson培训剪辑。泰森在其中说:“我回来了!” 在对他的下一个拳击动作的猜测中,泰森在职业摔角界两次露面。 5月23日,他向Cody Rhodes颁发了新的All Elite Wrestling TNT冠军。他于5月27日回到AEW的每周电视节目《炸药》中,与前WWE对手杰里科(Jericho)进行对抗,其中还包括前UFC明星亨利·塞朱多(Henry Cejudo),拉沙德·埃文斯(Rashad Evans)和维托·贝尔福特(Vitor Belfort)作为泰森随行人员的一部分。 由于6月22日和7月21日可能卷土重来的传闻不断,泰森继续发布更多的培训录像。 7月23日,泰森(Tyson)和小罗伊·琼斯(Roy Jones Jr.)在9月12日的一场比赛中宣布了自己的战斗意图。作为表演赛的一部分,前NBA后卫内特·罗宾逊(Nate Robinson)计划面对YouTube轰动一时的杰克·保罗(Jake Paul)。 漫长而曲折的道路将迈克·泰森带回了拳击场 54岁的迈克·泰森(Mike Tyson)将于周六进入拳击场,这将是15年来的首次比赛。他的对手是51岁的小罗伊·琼斯(Roy Jones Jr.),此次比赛将安排的八回合两分钟,以展览形式出现,这将引起大家的多种情绪,包括好奇心,对安全的关注。 对于其他人而言,这将是 体育 界最独特的故事之一,从作为拳击冠军的 历史 最高点到在印第安纳州监狱中触底反弹。泰森的拳击之旅将在北京时间周日在斯台普斯中心结束吗?泰森暗示他可能不会做。七月份,当First Take的Max Kellerman询问他为什么要重返赛场时,泰森给出了一个简单的答案。“因为我能做到。” 泰森在7月25日接受采访时说,他回到拳击场的动力主要来自能够做到这一点,因为他的感觉很好。他还谈到了自己如何看待针对琼斯的展览所采取的保护措施,使他们两个人都觉得足够安全,可以这样做。 8月9日,泰森和琼斯将战斗日期推迟到11月28日。
2023-07-19 07:25:311


找到答案了没, 我也找呢。
2023-07-19 07:25:394


(to) have a try
2023-07-19 07:25:497

宿醉2 泰森最后唱的什么歌,记住是宿醉2,别说什么宿醉1的歌。不是candy shop 也不是 in the air tonight

one night in bangkok
2023-07-19 07:26:461


2023-07-19 07:26:542

派对英文| Let’s party!认识派对英文

如果有机会去欧美国家,或许你会想体验一下当地的酒吧或clubs,或是被邀请去朋友的party,这时你可能会遇到以下的用语: What can I get you? 您需要什么呢? 通常会有beer 啤酒、cider苹果酒、champagne香槟、spirits烈酒等酒类,当然也有无酒精饮料如: mocktails统称无酒精的调饮、juices 果汁、soft drinks气泡饮料、bottled water 瓶装水。若不想付钱,可以要tap water自来水(很多国外的自来水是可以直接饮用的) 要庆祝,通常会点Bubbly,也就是气泡香槟或气泡葡萄酒 Pop the cork 爆瓶塞 Fill the glasses 斟酒 Make a toast 敬酒 Cheers 干杯(轻轻互碰酒杯) Going out out : going on a big night out 玩得尽兴 Shot 小杯的spirit(烈酒) Down it! Down it! 一口干啦! Facilities/Loo/Toilet/Spend a penny 厕所 toilet attendant 清洁员、厕所小天使: 有些attendant会向你兜售东西,若你拿了,记得要给小费 Throwing a few shapes 跳舞 Handbag dancing 小姐们聚在一起,手上拿着饮品轻轻随音乐摇摆 Dad dancing 男生版的摇摆身体(有点像有年纪的爸爸硬要跳舞的样子) Tipsy 微醺 The Happy Drunk 醉了会很开心的人 The aggressive drunk 醉了会动粗、脾气火爆的人 The sleepy drunk 醉了会想睡的人 The liability 可能有些脱序行为的人(比如脱衣) The crier 醉了会哭的人 The vomiter 开始吐的人 The flirtatious drunk 醉了开始调情的人 Dance the night away 整晚跳舞狂欢 A hangover 宿醉 cheers, Dad dancing, Fill the glasses, Handbag dancing, Make a toast, party, Pop the cork
2023-07-19 07:27:011

求宿醉1、2所有插曲 能发几首是几首~~会加悬赏

这两个电影在最后都会给出所有出现过的插曲啦,歌曲那么多发给你是不可能了,自己找也不麻烦吧宿醉1 大约在1小时46分30秒; 宿醉2 大约在1小时40分钟40秒下面的歌也是按照那个顺序大体来写的····宿醉1(大体上按歌曲出场顺序来写的 大体上哦><)It"s now or never —— El VezThirteen —— DanzigTake it Off —— The donnasCan"t tell me nothing —— Kanye WestLive Your Life —— T.I ft RihannaWho Let The Dogs Out —— Baha MenYeah! —— Usher ft Ludacris and Lil JonFever —— The CrampsWhat do you say —— Mickey Avalon ft Dirt Nasty, Andre LegacyWedding Bells (Are breaking up that old gang of mine) —— Gene Vincent and His blue capsIn The Air Tonight —— Phil CollinsStu"s Song —— Ed HelmsRhythm and booze —— Treat Her RightIko Iko —— The Belle StarsJoker And The Thief —— WolfmotherThree Best Friends —— Zach GalifianakisRide The Sky II —— Revolution MotherCandy Shop —— George DrakouliasFame —— The Dan BankRight Round —— Flo Rida宿醉2(大体上按歌曲出场顺序来写的 大体上哦><)Bad Man"s World —— Jenny LewisBlack Hell —— DanzigThe Downeaster "Alexa" —— Billy JoelStronger —— Kanye WestPretend —— Ken PeplowskiMonster —— Kanye West ft Jay Z, Rick Ross, Nicki Minaj, Bon IverThe Beast In Me —— Johnny CashChine Khim Lek (For Thai Brass Band) —— Tae Tid TuBangkok Days —— Emir IsilaySmokestack Lighthin —— Howlin" WolfMae Jom Ka Lon —— Dad BandonImma Be —— Black Eyed PeasSofi Needs A Ladder —— Deadmau5Shimmy Shake —— written by george drakouliasAlantown ( To the tune of "Allentown") —— Ed HelmsOne thousand tears of a tarantula —— Dengue FeverTime in a bottle —— Jim CrocePusher Man —— Curtis MayfieldLove train —— WolfmotherI Ran —— George DrakouliasOne Night In Bangkok —— Mike TysonTurn Around (Part 2) —— Flo Rida and PitbullJust The Way You Are —— Ska Rangers
2023-07-19 07:27:512


2023-07-19 07:28:002


英语口语 频道为网友整理的《英语日常口语8000句在家中:从起床到出门》,供大家参考学习。 在家中 ●从起床到出门 ◎闹钟响了吗? Did the alarm clock go off? Did the alarm clock buzz? = Did the alarm clock ring? *go off是闹钟“响”的意思。 ◎该起床了! It"s time to get up! = It"s time to wake up! 该起床了 = It"s time to get out of bed. 该起床了 = It"s time to get ready. 该起床了 I don"t wanna get up. (我真不想起。) ◎快点儿起床! Get up soon. I don"t want to. (我真不想起。) ◎你醒了吗? Are you awake? Are you awake? (你醒了吗?) I am now. (我刚醒。) *get up是动词,表示“起床”、“起”的动作。awake是形容词,表示“醒了”、“没睡”的状态。 ◎你不舒服吗? Are you feeling sick? No, I"m just tired. (没有,只是有点儿累。) ◎睡得好吗? Did you sleep well? Yes, I slept very well. (嗯,睡得挺好。) Did you sleep well? (睡得好吗?) No, I couldn"t fall asleep. (哪儿啊,几乎没睡着。) ◎能帮我关掉闹钟吗? Would you turn off the alarm clock? Please turn off the alarm clock. (请把闹钟关了。) *turn off的原意是“关”,多用于收音机、电视、照明等类的东西。虽然现在有许多东西无需用按钮开关,但一般也用turn off表示。 ◎你终于起来了。You finally got up. I"m still sleepy. (我还困着呢!) ◎今天是个好天! It"s a nice day! = It"s a beautiful day! = It"s a wonderful day! = It"s a great day! It sure is. (是不错啊。) ◎昨晚你熬夜了? Did you stay up late last night? = Did you go to bed late last night? *stay up late“睡得晚”、“熬夜”。 ◎把被子叠好。 Let"s fold up the futon. Let"s put the futon away. (把被子收起来吧。) *fold意为“折叠”,fold up意为“叠好”、“叠整齐”;futon原本是日文,现在英文中也逐渐使用,意为“被子”。 ◎昨天晚上你打呼噜了。 You were snoring last night. = You were sawing logs last night. Did I keep you up? (影响你睡觉了吗?) *snore“打呼噜”。 *saw logs原意为“锯木头”,在此用来表示“打呼噜”。 ◎我做了个可怕的梦。 I had a nightmare. It"s all right now. (现在没事了。) ◎你一直没关灯啊。 You left the light on. = You forgot to turn off the light. (你忘了关灯了。) *left (leave)是“保持某种样子”、“保持某种状态”的意思,表达“电灯一直开着”、“发动机一直开着”、“窗户一直开着”也可以用这种句型。 ◎我得洗脸了。 I have to go wash my face. *go wash是go和wash两个动词连用,口语中常用。可以把它看作是go and wash的缩略形式。 ◎该吃早饭了。 It"s time to eat breakfast. = It"s time to have breakfast. ◎我还困着呢。 I"m still sleepy. = I"m still drowsy. ◎我还打哈欠呢。I"m still yawning. ◎昨天的酒还没醒呢。I have a hangover. ◎我是个夜猫子。 I"m a night person. I"m not. (我可不是。) I"m a morning person. (我喜欢早起。) *“早上起不来”的意思。 ◎我是用咖啡来提神的。 Coffee wakes me up. = Coffee gets me going. ◎刷牙了吗? Did you brush your teeth? = Have you brushed your teeth? ◎我得梳梳头了。I have to comb my hair. ◎穿什么好呢? What should I wear? = Which dress should I wear? = Which one should I wear? = What should I put on? The red one. (穿红的吧!) ◎快换衣服。Hurry up and get dressed. Why? (干嘛?) ◎把睡衣收好。Put those pajamas away! Oh, I"m washing those. (啊,我正要洗呢。) ◎我走了,妈妈。 I"m leaving. Bye mom! Study hard. (好好学习啊!) I"ll see you when I get back. 回头见! I"m taking off now. 我走了! See you. 再见! See you later. 再见! ◎今天我们逃学吧。 Let"s play hooky today! Yeah, let"s. (好哇,走吧!) *play hooky为俚语“逃学”。 ◎你毛衣穿反了。 You"re wearing your sweater inside out. ◎上下颠倒了。It"s upside down. ◎别忘了扔垃圾呀。 Don"t forget to take out the garbage. I won"t. (忘不了!) ◎今天该你扔垃圾了。 It"s your turn to take out the garbage. *garbage也可以用trash和rubbish替代。 ◎今天你干什么? What are you doing today? We"re having a track and field meet. (今天我们开运动会。) ◎你快点儿,我们该迟到了。If you don"t hurry, we"ll be late. = Hurry up or we"ll be late. Okay, Okay. (知道了,知道了。) ◎快点儿,上学该迟到了。Hurry or you"ll be late for school. What time is it? (现在几点?) ◎你锁门了吗? Did you lock the door? = Have you locked the door? ◎没忘了什么东西吧? Aren"t you forgetting something? I don"t think so. (我想没有。) ◎都已经8点了! It"s already 8:00. = It"s 8:00 already. ◎我晚了! I"m late! Hurry up! (快点儿吧!) ◎我得赶紧走! I have to rush! = I have to hurry (up)! = I have to get going! = I have to get moving. ◎你今天会回来得晚吗? Are you gonna be late today? No, I"ll be home at the usual time. (不,和平常一样。) ◎几点回来? What time are you coming home? Around seven o"clock. (大概7点左右吧。) ◎饭盒带了吗? Have you got your lunch box? Yes, right here. (嗯,带了。) ◎今天好像要下雨。 It might rain today. Take your umbrella with you. (带上伞吧!) ◎出门的时候,可别忘了锁门。 Don"t forget to lock the door when you leave. ◎ 早晨好! Good morning.
2023-07-19 07:28:071


英语作文急救!不少于100字 1:My father and mother sometimes go shopping,my mother does more,she often needs to buy clothes and some life applies,the food and drinks.My mother always buy something carefully calculation and strict budgeting.She only buys excellent quality and reasonable price thing,she is very good at shopping.She doesn"t buy anything that don"t need to buy,she never spend too much time on shopping,she often makes a list before shopping.So does my father.I think my parents both behaves well in shopping. 2:There is a book store near our school,it"s called the "Middle China and Hope"book store,I often go to borrow or buy books there,after the school,I stay in the book store to read books,It"s not a very big book store,but there are many books in it,all kinds of books,such as study materials,aomic strips,famous book,novels,newspaper,magzines.I like to read the science fictions there,especially the fictions of Jules Verne or Dale Carnegie.These are all very good books,I"ve learned a lot from these. 3:My teaching building. My school building is very large tracts of land,though it"s not very tall in hight,4 floors high,the building is built in the middle of the school,there are 200 rooms in it.Each room has 60 seats in it, with lights and electric fans in them.There are also a garden with trees and flowers around it.I am very proud of being study in the building.你上几年级了?小朋友! 用英语介绍一些急救常识,带翻译,100字左右 酒精中毒是因摄入过多含乙醇(酒精)饮料引起中枢神经先兴奋后抑制的失常状态。一般可自愈,极少数严重者可因呼吸循环衰竭而死亡。 濒危状态昏迷不醒,频繁抽搐,呼吸浅慢,心率减慢,心搏无力,血压下降。呼吸心跳不规律,以致呼吸心跳停止。 急救措施: 对轻度中毒者,首先要制止他再继续饮酒;其次可找些梨子、马蹄、西瓜之类的水果给他解酒;也可以用 *** 咽喉的办法(如用筷子等)引起呕吐反射,将酒等胃内容物尽快呕吐出来(对于已出现昏睡的患者不适宜用此方法),然后要安排他卧床休息,注意保暖,注意避免呕吐物阻塞呼吸道;观察呼吸和脉搏的情况,如无特别,一觉醒来即可自行康复。如果患者卧床休息后,还有脉搏加快、呼吸减慢、皮肤湿冷、烦燥的现象,则应马上送医院救治。 严重的急性酒精中毒,会出现烦燥、昏睡、脱水、抽搐、休克、呼吸微弱等症状,应该从速送医院急救。 注意:用咖啡和浓茶解酒不合适。 Alcohol poisoning is due to excessive intake of ethanol (alcohol) beverages containing caused nerve excitation followed by inhibition of abnormal state. General but self-healing, very few serious person can die because of respiratory and circulatory failure. In endangered state, frequent convulsion, slow or shallow breathing, heart rate, feeble heartbeat, blood pressure drop. Breathing irregular heartbeat, resulting in respiratory and cardiac arrest. Emergency measures: mild poisoning, first of all to stop him to continue drinking; second, may find some pears, water chestnut, like watermelon fruit for his hangover; can also be used to stimulate the throat way (such as using chopsticks etc.) cause vomiting reflex, the wine of stomach contents as soon as possible to have appeared vomiting (for sleeping patients not suitable for use this method), and then to arrange for him to stay in bed and rest, pay attention to keep warm, avoid vomit obstructive respiratory tract; observation of respiration and pulse condition, such as no special, wake up can be self rehabilitation. If patients bed rest, and rapid pulse, respiratory rate, clammy skin, fidgety phenomenon, should be immediately sent to hospital for treatment. Severe acute alcohol poisoning, will appear irritability, lethargy, dehydration, convulsions, shock, weak breathing and other symptoms, should be promptly sent to hospital first aid. Note: with coffee and tea hangover inappropriate. 急救100字英语作文 my pet my pet is a toy bear. his name is *** all white. he is white. he has blue eyes and blue ears. his hands and feet are blue too.he is naughty. he likes to make fun of me. he likes reading. when i am unhappy, he acpanies me. he is my good friend. 100字的英语作文带翻译 急救啊 With the development of economy is human standard of living rise, people for daily needs continuously detailed, shoes, too, as people daily necessities of activities by more and more people"s attention, also said it can be divided into type: the formal occasion wear shoes, sports shoes, work shoes, would-be, dancing shoes, boots, sandals, slippers, and so on.But I like best is sports shoes, sports shoes is very convenient and fortable, our class almost all the students to wear sports shoes, not how expensive, I often save money to buy sports shoes由于经济的发展很人类生活水平的提高,人们对于日常生活用品的需求不断细化,鞋子也一样,作为人们日常活动的必需品越来越受到人们的重视,就类型还说就可分为:正式场合穿的鞋子,便鞋,运动鞋,工作鞋,跳舞鞋,靴子,凉鞋,拖鞋等等。 但我最喜欢的还是运动鞋,运动鞋很方便又舒适,我们班几乎所有的同学都穿 ,运动鞋不怎么的贵 ,我经常存钱买运动鞋My favorite musicI am one of music is very interested people. I like the most popular singer is jay Chou. His songs are so perfect. When he is not famous, he work hard to create beautiful songs. I"m very worship of hard work in his attitude.My parents were like music. But they like the singer are older, also not fashion singer. We all think that music is the best way to relax and rest. We all love music.I also like the movieI like the most is the actor Jackie chan, he is very cool have very interesting, shot the movie are very good-looking, he is a very good actor, and very good-hearted, he often help the people in trouble. He also set up a fund to help people, after the death of and mitment to donate all of the money.Jackie chan no star shelf, very friendly, and so we love him.我最喜欢的音乐我是一个对音乐非常感兴趣的人。我最喜欢的流行歌手是周杰伦。 他的歌曲总是那么的完美。当他还没出名的时候,他很努力的创作美妙的歌曲。 我非常崇拜他对工作努力的态度。我的父母也很喜欢音乐。 但是他们喜欢的歌手都是年龄比较大,也不是时尚潮流的歌手。我们都认为音乐是放松与休息最好的方式。 我们都热爱音乐。我也喜欢电影 我最喜欢的演员是成龙 ,他非常的酷有很有有趣,拍的电影都非常好看 ,他是一个非常好的演员,而且非常有爱心, 他经常帮助有困难的人。 他还成立了一个基金会帮助人们 ,并承诺死后捐出所有的钱。成龙没有明星架子,很亲切, 所以我们爱他。 用英语介绍一些急救常识,带翻译,100字左右 酒精中毒是因摄入过多含乙醇(酒精)饮料引起中枢神经先兴奋后抑制的失常状态。 一般可自愈,极少数严重者可因呼吸循环衰竭而死亡。 濒危状态昏迷不醒,频繁抽搐,呼吸浅慢,心率减慢,心搏无力,血压下降。 呼吸心跳不规律,以致呼吸心跳停止。 急救措施: 对轻度中毒者,首先要制止他再继续饮酒;其次可找些梨子、马蹄、西瓜之类的水果给他解酒;也可以用 *** 咽喉的办法(如用筷子等)引起呕吐反射,将酒等胃内容物尽快呕吐出来(对于已出现昏睡的患者不适宜用此方法),然后要安排他卧床休息,注意保暖,注意避免呕吐物阻塞呼吸道;观察呼吸和脉搏的情况,如无特别,一觉醒来即可自行康复。 如果患者卧床休息后,还有脉搏加快、呼吸减慢、皮肤湿冷、烦燥的现象,则应马上送医院救治。 严重的急性酒精中毒,会出现烦燥、昏睡、脱水、抽搐、休克、呼吸微弱等症状,应该从速送医院急救。 注意:用咖啡和浓茶解酒不合适。Alcohol poisoning is due to excessive intake of ethanol (alcohol) beverages containing caused nerve excitation followed by inhibition of abnormal state. General but self-healing, very few serious person can die because of respiratory and circulatory failure. In endangered state, frequent convulsion, slow or shallow breathing, heart rate, feeble heartbeat, blood pressure drop. Breathing irregular heartbeat, resulting in respiratory and cardiac arrest. Emergency measures: mild poisoning, first of all to stop him to continue drinking; second, may find some pears, water chestnut, like watermelon fruit for his hangover; can also be used to stimulate the throat way (such as using chopsticks etc.) cause vomiting reflex, the wine of stomach contents as soon as possible to have appeared vomiting (for sleeping patients not suitable for use this method), and then to arrange for him to stay in bed and rest, pay attention to keep warm, avoid vomit obstructive respiratory tract; observation of respiration and pulse condition, such as no special, wake up can be self rehabilitation. If patients bed rest, and rapid pulse, respiratory rate, clammy skin, fidgety phenomenon, should be immediately sent to hospital for treatment. Severe acute alcohol poisoning, will appear irritability, lethargy, dehydration, convulsions, shock, weak breathing and other symptoms, should be promptly sent to hospital first aid. Note: with coffee and tea hangover inappropriate.。 100字的英语作文带翻译 急救啊 With the development of economy is human standard of living rise, people for daily needs continuously detailed, shoes, too, as people daily necessities of activities by more and more people"s attention, also said it can be divided into type: the formal occasion wear shoes, sports shoes, work shoes, would-be, dancing shoes, boots, sandals, slippers, and so on. But I like best is sports shoes, sports shoes is very convenient and fortable, our class almost all the students to wear sports shoes, not how expensive, I often save money to buy sports shoes 由于经济的发展很人类生活水平的提高,人们对于日常生活用品的需求不断细化,鞋子也一样,作为人们日常活动的必需品越来越受到人们的重视,就类型还说就可分为:正式场合穿的鞋子,便鞋,运动鞋,工作鞋,跳舞鞋,靴子,凉鞋,拖鞋等等。 但我最喜欢的还是运动鞋,运动鞋很方便又舒适,我们班几乎所有的同学都穿 ,运动鞋不怎么的贵 ,我经常存钱买运动鞋 My favorite music I am one of music is very interested people. I like the most popular singer is jay Chou. His songs are so perfect. When he is not famous, he work hard to create beautiful songs. I"m very worship of hard work in his attitude. My parents were like music. But they like the singer are older, also not fashion singer. We all think that music is the best way to relax and rest. We all love music. I also like the movie I like the most is the actor Jackie chan, he is very cool have very interesting, shot the movie are very good-looking, he is a very good actor, and very good-hearted, he often help the people in trouble. He also set up a fund to help people, after the death of and mitment to donate all of the money. Jackie chan no star shelf, very friendly, and so we love him. 我最喜欢的音乐 我是一个对音乐非常感兴趣的人。我最喜欢的流行歌手是周杰伦。他的歌曲总是那么的完美。当他还没出名的时候,他很努力的创作美妙的歌曲。我非常崇拜他对工作努力的态度。 我的父母也很喜欢音乐。但是他们喜欢的歌手都是年龄比较大,也不是时尚潮流的歌手。我们都认为音乐是放松与休息最好的方式。我们都热爱音乐。 我也喜欢电影 我最喜欢的演员是成龙 ,他非常的酷有很有有趣,拍的电影都非常好看 ,他是一个非常好的演员,而且非常有爱心, 他经常帮助有困难的人。 他还成立了一个基金会帮助人们 ,并承诺死后捐出所有的钱。 成龙没有明星架子,很亲切, 所以我们爱他。 英语作文"急救常识"120字比如迅速将溺水者从水中救出来" Frist aid It is important for you to learn some knowledge about first aid in your daily life. If a person has an accident, he needs medical care before a doctor can be found. When you give first aid, you must pay attention to three things. First, when a person stops breathing, open his/her mouth and see if there is food at the bulk of his/her mouth. Second, if a person cannot breathe, do you best to start his/her breathing 急救 在日常生活中,学习一些急救知识,对一个人来说很重要。假如一个人发生车祸,在医生到来之前,需要对他进行医疗护理,做急救时,应注意以下二点。首先,如果他停止了呼吸,掰开他的嘴巴看看喉咙口有无食物。其次,假如他不能呼吸,就采取人工呼吸的方法,尽快使他开始呼吸。再其次,如果他伤的很重,应立即止血,然后送往医院。如果他失血过多,达三分之一,那么他有可能会死。 许多意外事件也有可能在家里发生。因此,家长们应掌握一些急救常识,以便应付一些发生在孩子身上的事件。假如孩子被动物咬伤,先用自来水冲洗伤口,然后送去看医生。如果孩子被烫伤,先用自来水冲洗,降温,然后用一块干净的干布盖住伤口。假如烫伤很严重,应去看医生。如果割伤了手指,应先将伤口处理干净,然后用一块纸包扎伤口。人人都应学习急救知识,这样才能救其他人的性命。 英语急救知识作文(在线等) First we should check the wound to say how serious it is. If it is only a *** all wound and bleeding a little blood,we should use some clean gauze or cotton to press on his wound,give a little strength to stop it. If it is bleeding harder and dark red blood bleeding in flow,wind the bandage in the distal end of the wound and then take him to the hospital. If the wuond is bleeding seriously and the blood is fresh red,wind the bandage in the proximal endof the wound and then take him to the hospital. 急救100字英语作文 my petmy pet is a toy bear. his name is *** all white. he is white. he has blue eyes and blue ears. his hands and feet are blue too.he is naughty.he likes to make fun of me. he likes reading.when i am unhappy, he acpanies me.he is my good friend。 .。
2023-07-19 07:28:161


ki米瓦买beautiful hangover hangover Yeah ki米瓦买beautiful hangover hangover 卡噶呀故headlight类目男啦一骂起也 are you ready 口口嘎啦够说多 啊塞拉自拟给嘎一马库sei嘎代购那大类radio 奇迹没雾kio已有 瑞gi萨ki瓦拉大 咿呀那已有 Honey close your eyesWe"re gonna get down down give me love love love 擦噶喜摩托没嘚(dei)当LADY擦类你摩托没拉内那一making love ki刚苏母吗嘚goki米瓦买beautiful hangover hangover Yeah ki米瓦买beautiful hangover hangover Is me GD ma-ma -ma_ma_ma(i know you love me)MY beautiful girl123 TO the4 sho one like you there ain"nobody can do them things youdo so ture i"m so excited delightedi won"t deny it nor fight itbaby you got what i need got me jumpin-jumpin off my feetBaby that"s no playin" delayin" always got me feelin" that healin" everyday I"m smilin" and wildin" when I think about you- think about you Got me up flyin" so high"n and I won"t stop bringin" and bringin" that(BANGB-I-G(BANG!) T-O-P(BANG!)baby that"s how it be We"re gonna get down down give me love love love 擦噶喜摩托没嘚(dei)当LADY擦类你摩托没拉内那一making love雾努努有雾米路球度 ki米瓦买beautiful hangover hangover Yeah ki米瓦买beautiful hangover hangover You got my heart love game mu Make me crazy baby Kiss my lips 苦若哇say 360°莫拉如有你大如西嘎拉伊 We"re gonna get down down give me love love love 擦噶喜摩托没嘚(dei)当LADY擦类你摩托没拉内那一making love ki刚苏母吗嘚goki米瓦买beautiful hangover hangover Yeah ki米瓦买beautiful hangover hangover Yeah, baby let"s go We"ll let you wake up in love Anytime I can"t get enough But that Kindness Sweetness I Don"t want it ever to endSo amazing more than above Baby when you take it show love You defing us and nudge usWanna give you all my baby Beautiful Beautiful Beautiful Beautiful my baby
2023-07-19 07:28:231


Guns- Green DayDo you know what"s worth fighting for你知道什么才是值得为之战斗的?When it"s not worth dying for当并不值得为之而死Does it take your breath away它有没有让你无法呼吸And you feel yourself suffocating你是否感觉到了窒息?Does the pain weigh out the pride难道遍体鳞伤才能凸显尊严的价值?And you look for a place to hide而你只是在寻找一个藏身之地?Did someone break your heart inside是不是有人深深地伤了你的心?You"re in ruins你 分崩离析One 21 guns嘿,21声炮响Lay down your arms Give up the fight 放下你的武器放弃这场战斗one 21 guns Throw up your arms into the sky嘿,21声炮响把武器都抛向天空吧You and I When you"re at the end of the road我和你当你身困路的尽头And you lost all sense of control而丧失了所有的控制力And you"re throughts have taken their toll你的想法已开始制造混乱When your mind breaks the spirit of your soul当你的头脑背叛了灵魂Your faith walks on broken glass你的信仰行走在碎玻璃渣上And the hangover doesn"t pass宿醉不会醒来Nothing"s ever built to last You"re in ruins没有什么得以永恒你 分崩离析One 21 guns Lay down your arms Give up the fight嘿,21声炮响放下你的武器放弃这场战斗One 21 guns嘿,21声炮响Throw up your arms into the sky把武器都抛向天空吧You and I Did you try to live on your own我和你你是否尝试过自力更生When you burned down the house and home当你焚毁房子和家园?Did you stand too close to the fire你是否站得离火焰太近了?Like a liar looking for forgiveness from a stone如一个向石头寻求谅解的骗子When it"s time to live and let die当准许生与死的时刻到来And you can"t get another try而你没有了再次选择的机会Something side this heart has died You"re in ruins心灵深处有些东西已如死灰你 分崩离析One 21 guns Lay down your arms Give up the fight嘿,21声炮响放下你的武器放弃这场战斗One 21 guns Throw up your arms into the sky嘿,21声炮响把武器都抛向天空吧One 21 guns Lay down your arms Give up the fight嘿,21声炮响放下你的武器放弃这场战斗One 21 guns Throw up your arms into the sky嘿,21声炮响把武器都抛向天空吧You and I我和你
2023-07-19 07:29:211


21 guns或者not meant to be不是我再找。。
2023-07-19 07:29:293

21 guns的中文歌词

16) 21 GUNS 21支枪 do you know what"s worth fighting for, 当已不值得用死亡来争取 when it"s not worth dying for? 你还知道什么是值得奋斗的吗? does it take your breath away 它是否带走了你的呼吸 and you feel yourself suffocating? 让你透不过气? does the pain weigh out the pride? 这痛苦能承载荣誉? and you look for a place to hide? 而你却在寻找藏身之处? did someone break your heart inside? 有人从内心击垮你了吗? you"re in ruins 你正在毁灭 * one, 21 guns 一,二十一支枪 lay down your arms 放下你的武器 give up the fight 放弃这战斗 one, 21 guns 一,二十一支枪 throw up your arms into the sky 把你的武器扔向空中 you and i * 我和你 when you"re at the end of the road 当你走达道路的尽头 and you lost all sense of control 你失去了控制感 and your thoughts have taken their toll 你为你的想法已经付出代价 when your mind breaks the spirit of your soul 当你的头脑击碎灵魂 your faith walks on broken glass 你的信念在玻璃碎片上行走 and the hangover doesn"t pass 余波还未平息 nothing"s ever built to last 没有什么是永存的 you"re in ruins. 你正在毁灭 repeat * did you try to live on your own 当你把房屋付之一炬时 when you burned down the house and home? 你试过自己生存吗? did you stand too close to the fire? 你是不是太靠近大火 like a liar looking for forgiveness from a stone 像个骗子似的从石头里寻求宽恕? when it"s time to live and let die 当生存还是死亡的时刻已到 and you can"t get another try 你再也没有重试的机会 something inside this heart has died 你内心的一些东西已经消亡 you"re in ruins. 你正在毁灭 repeat * SEE THE LIGHT 看见光明 i crossed the river 我穿越河流 fell into the sea 掉进海洋 where the non-believers go beyond belief 那里无信仰者令人难以置信 then I scratched the surface 然后我在地狱的出口 in the mouth of hell 撕开表面的伪装 running out of service in the I fell 筋疲力尽掉入鲜血中 * i just want to see the light 我只是想看见光明 i don"t want to lose my sight 我不想忽视 i just want to see the light 我只是想看见光明 i need to know what"s worth the fight 我需要知道什么值得战斗 i"ve been wasted 我已经被遗弃 pills and alcohol 药品和酒精 i"ve been chasing 我一直在被追逐 down the pool halls 直到桌球房 then I drank the water from a hurricane 然后我从暴风雨中喝了水 and I set a fire 我点燃了火 just to see the flame *只想看见火焰 repeat * i crossed the desert 我穿越沙漠 reaching higher ground 寻求高地处 then I pound the pavement 然后我重重敲打地面 to take the liars down 想让骗子们都摔倒 but it"s gone forever 但这些都永久地逝去了 but never too late 但永不为时过晚 where the ever after is in the hands of fate 此后,在命运的手中 repeat *
2023-07-19 07:29:372

一首英文歌曲 男的唱的,沙哑的声音,开始是轻唱, 大概意思是希望没有战争的,诶!急死人了

john lennon<<imagine>>
2023-07-19 07:29:463


<Pretend> —— Ken Peplowski
2023-07-19 07:29:552


Hangover hangover hangover hangover (hangover)Hangover hangover hangover hangover (hangover)Party"s over, it ain"t overTryna" make a bad memory over and overHangover hangover hangover hangover (hangover)Hangover hangover hangover hangover (hangover)Party"s over, it ain"t overTryna find a single piece of me game overHangover. Hangover. Hangover. HangoverTryna find a single piece of me game overDrink til you drunkSmoke like a broke" stoveDon"t quit take flightI can"t remember last nightIt"s aight this the life of a superstarPsy-fi with that boy trooping hard couping cars snoopy hardIn the paint drink another cup until i fall flatAll lead and then some 1-5-1 done dillyReally for sure thatI"m tow back intoxicatedChange over, game over, hangover, fadedBody shit missDeche reoki yes kkoekkori moschajgesseuI-i-inimanimo catch a lady by the toeAnyeppeumyeon yeppeoboilttae kkaji pparabeorigoDrink it up and get sickBottoms up get wastedPour it up drink it up live it up give it upOh my god dammit there"s the fucking limitPour it up drink it up live it up give it upBadeusioBut i can"t stopMaking bottles pop until the wheels fall offBadeusioAnd i can"t quitI wake up in the morning do the same shitWake up in the morning do the same shitHangover. Hangover. Hangover. HangoverTryna find a single piece of me game overWaking and baking, shaking the fleesCaking and baking, raking the cheeseEarly in the morning in the bathroom on my kneesTipping and dripping, flipping the flowWhipping and dripping a drink on the floorThis it the only way that i was taught a long time agoSeoul, korea, you"ll see a g-ah like me-ahNever would there ever be another like he-ahG-a-n-g-s-t-a, nothing left to sayI done smoked my whole dayBaby nareul siheomhaeEoseo na siheomhaeGeosigiga geosigihani geosigihago jjage geosigihaeNaeireun eopsda eraMoreugessda nae bae jjaeraNaeirui naneun oneurui neoreul baekpeuro mollaDrink it up get sickBottoms up get wastedPour it up drink it up live it up give it upOh my god dammit there"t the fucking limitPour it up drink it up live it up give it upBadeusioBut i can"t stopMaking bottles pop until the wheels fall offBadeusioAnd i can"t quitI wake up in the morning do the same shitWake up in the morning do the same shitWaking and baking, shaking the fleesCaking and baking, raking the cheeseEarly in the morning in the bathroomOn my knees tipping and dripping, flipping the flowWhipping and dripping a drink on the floorThis it the only way that i was taught a long time agoSeoul, korea, you"ll see a g-a like me-ahNever would there ever be another like he-ahG-A-N-G-S-T-A, nothing left to sayI done smoked my whole dayHangover hangover hangover hangoverHangover hangover hangover hangoverHangover hangover hangover hangoverHangover hangover hangover hangoverDrink it up get sickBottoms up get wastedPour it up drink it up live it up give it upOh my god dammit there"t the fucking limitPour it up drink it up live it up give it upBadeusioBut i can"t stopMaking bottles pop until the wheels fall offBadeusioAnd i can"t quitI wake up in the morning do the same shitHangover hangover hangover hangover (hangover)Hangover hangover hangover hangover (hangover)Party"s over, it ain"t overTryna" make a bad memory over and overHangover hangover hangover hangover (hangover)Hangover hangover hangover hangover (hangover)Party"s over, it ain"t overTryna find a single piece of me game over
2023-07-19 07:30:141

i got a handover woo是什么歌

Locked Away播放歌手:R. City语言:英语所属专辑:Locked AwayLocked Away - R. City,Adam LevineIf I got locked awayAnd we lost it all todayTell me honestly would youStill love me the sameIf I showed you my flawsIf I couldn"t be strongTell me honestly would youStill love me the sameRight about nowIf I judge for life man
2023-07-19 07:30:241

求Taylorythm — Coda (The Superheroes Hangover Theme)这首歌下载地址

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2023-07-19 07:30:311

求Taylorythm — Coda (The Superheroes Hangover Theme)这首歌下载地址

Taylorythm - Coda (The Superheroes Hangover Theme) 已经发送,请注意查收。若符合你所求的资源,还请选为满意回答。
2023-07-19 07:30:381

if the love go away,only stay with a hangover.

2023-07-19 07:30:571

Betty Boo的《Hangover》 歌词

歌曲名:Hangover歌手:Betty Boo专辑:Grrr!...It"S Betty Boo(Taio Cruz - Hook)I got a hangover, wo-oh!I"ve been drinking too much for sureI got a hangover, wo-oh!I got an empty cupPour me some moreSo I can go until I blow up, ehAnd I can drink until I throw up, ehAnd I don"t ever ever want to grow up, ehI wanna keep it going, keep keep it going, going, going, going....Taio Cruz - Hangover (Feat. Flo Rida)(Taio)I got a little bit trashed last night, nightI got a little bit wasted, yeah yeahI got a little bit mashed last night, nightI got a little shhh faced it, yeah yeahOh oh oh oh ohI"m on the roofIf you don"t knowWell now you know(Taio Cruz - Hook)I got a hangover, wo-oh!I"ve been drinking too much for sureI got a hangover, wo-oh!I got an empty cupPour me some moreSo I can go until I blow up, ehAnd I can drink until I throw up, ehAnd I don"t ever ever want to grow up, ehI wanna keep it going, keep keep it going, come on!Taio Cruz - Hangover (Feat. Flo Rida)(Flo Rida - Rap)Drink up, cause a body in a body til you ride, I"d do itEnd up on the floor with cameraman you cluelessOfficer oh What the hell you"re doingStopping it, trouble it, you know you know what? come againGive me Henn, give me gin, give me liquor, give me champagneBubbles til the endWhat happens at the leather, if you inspired it til I"m tenLike oh my homie Taio, we can all sip againAgain and againWasted so much, irrelevantWe"re kicked to the head, who"s selling itI got the hang of it, that"s my limousineDon"t mean like I said, I"m too intelligentA little jack can"t hurt this veteranI show up but I never throw up, so let the drinks go up, go up(Taio Cruz - Hook)I got a hangover, wo-oh!I"ve been drinking too much for sureI got a hangover, wo-oh!I got an empty cupPour me some moreSo I can go until I blow up, ehAnd I can drink until I throw up, ehAnd I don"t ever ever want to grow up, ehI wanna keep it going, keep keep it going, come on!I got a hangover, wo-oh!I"ve been drinking too much for sureI got a hangover, wo-oh!I got an empty cupPour me some moreSo I can go until I blow up, ehAnd I can drink until I throw up, ehAnd I don"t ever ever want to grow up, ehI wanna keep it going, keep keep it going, going, going, goingTaio Cruz - Hangover (Feat. Flo Rida) Lyrics By (都市神话)
2023-07-19 07:31:061

Taio Cruz的《Hangover》 歌词

歌曲名:Hangover歌手:Taio Cruz专辑:NRJ 200% Hits 2012(Taio Cruz - Hook)I got a hangover, wo-oh!I"ve been drinking too much for sureI got a hangover, wo-oh!I got an empty cupPour me some moreSo I can go until I blow up, ehAnd I can drink until I throw up, ehAnd I don"t ever ever want to grow up, ehI wanna keep it going, keep keep it going, going, going, going....Taio Cruz - Hangover (Feat. Flo Rida)(Taio)I got a little bit trashed last night, nightI got a little bit wasted, yeah yeahI got a little bit mashed last night, nightI got a little shhh faced it, yeah yeahOh oh oh oh ohI"m on the roofIf you don"t knowWell now you know(Taio Cruz - Hook)I got a hangover, wo-oh!I"ve been drinking too much for sureI got a hangover, wo-oh!I got an empty cupPour me some moreSo I can go until I blow up, ehAnd I can drink until I throw up, ehAnd I don"t ever ever want to grow up, ehI wanna keep it going, keep keep it going, come on!Taio Cruz - Hangover (Feat. Flo Rida)(Flo Rida - Rap)Drink up, cause a body in a body til you ride, I"d do itEnd up on the floor with cameraman you cluelessOfficer oh What the hell you"re doingStopping it, trouble it, you know you know what? come againGive me Henn, give me gin, give me liquor, give me champagneBubbles til the endWhat happens at the leather, if you inspired it til I"m tenLike oh my homie Taio, we can all sip againAgain and againWasted so much, irrelevantWe"re kicked to the head, who"s selling itI got the hang of it, that"s my limousineDon"t mean like I said, I"m too intelligentA little jack can"t hurt this veteranI show up but I never throw up, so let the drinks go up, go up(Taio Cruz - Hook)I got a hangover, wo-oh!I"ve been drinking too much for sureI got a hangover, wo-oh!I got an empty cupPour me some moreSo I can go until I blow up, ehAnd I can drink until I throw up, ehAnd I don"t ever ever want to grow up, ehI wanna keep it going, keep keep it going, come on!I got a hangover, wo-oh!I"ve been drinking too much for sureI got a hangover, wo-oh!I got an empty cupPour me some moreSo I can go until I blow up, ehAnd I can drink until I throw up, ehAnd I don"t ever ever want to grow up, ehI wanna keep it going, keep keep it going, going, going, goingTaio Cruz - Hangover (Feat. Flo Rida) Lyrics By (都市神话)
2023-07-19 07:31:131

Gomez的《Hangover》 歌词

歌曲名:Hangover歌手:Gomez专辑:Liquid SkinHey Monday - HangoverHit me out of nowhere like a car crash on the street,Suddenly colliding into me.Now I"m broken bruised and beat up tangled in my sheets,How can this feel so bad when you seem so good for me?Oh my god what"s wrong with my head sweating with the chillsStill in my bed.Tell me how I"ll ever make it throughIt"s the short hellos, and the long goodbyesThe shake in my lip from the look in your eyesMakes me want to die, I"ve got the worst hangover from you.Swimming in the deep end trying to keep from turning blueDanger danger hoping not to drownSinking in the quick sand just to walk right up to youYou"re so easy to pick up and so hard to put downOh my god what"s wrong with my head sweating with the chillsStill in my bed.Tell me how I"ll ever make it throughIt"s the short hellos, and the long goodbyesThe shake in my lip from the look in your eyesMakes me want to die, I"ve got the worst hangover from you.All that I really wanted was a habit I could drop anytime that I wanted toAnd what I really got was you(No medicine is gonna cut it)Oh my god what"s wrong with my head sweating with the chillsStill in my bed.Tell me how I"ll ever make it through(Tell me how I"ll ever make it through)It"s the short hellos, and the long goodbyesThe shake in my lip from the look in your eyesMakes me want to die, I"ve got the worst hangover from you.Oh my god what"s wrong with my head sweating with the chillsStill in my bed.Tell me how I"ll ever make it throughTell me, tell me, tell me, tell meIt"s the short hellos, and the long goodbyesThe shake in my lip from the look in your eyesMakes me want to die, I"ve got the worst hangover from you.
2023-07-19 07:31:311

Taio Cruz hangover 的歌词音译

歌曲名:Hangover歌手:Taio Cruz专辑:NRJ 200% Hits 2012(Taio Cruz - Hook)I got a hangover, wo-oh!I"ve been drinking too much for sureI got a hangover, wo-oh!I got an empty cupPour me some moreSo I can go until I blow up, ehAnd I can drink until I throw up, ehAnd I don"t ever ever want to grow up, ehI wanna keep it going, keep keep it going, going, going, going....Taio Cruz - Hangover (Feat. Flo Rida)(Taio)I got a little bit trashed last night, nightI got a little bit wasted, yeah yeahI got a little bit mashed last night, nightI got a little shhh faced it, yeah yeahOh oh oh oh ohI"m on the roofIf you don"t knowWell now you know(Taio Cruz - Hook)I got a hangover, wo-oh!I"ve been drinking too much for sureI got a hangover, wo-oh!I got an empty cupPour me some moreSo I can go until I blow up, ehAnd I can drink until I throw up, ehAnd I don"t ever ever want to grow up, ehI wanna keep it going, keep keep it going, come on!Taio Cruz - Hangover (Feat. Flo Rida)(Flo Rida - Rap)Drink up, cause a body in a body til you ride, I"d do itEnd up on the floor with cameraman you cluelessOfficer oh What the hell you"re doingStopping it, trouble it, you know you know what? come againGive me Henn, give me gin, give me liquor, give me champagneBubbles til the endWhat happens at the leather, if you inspired it til I"m tenLike oh my homie Taio, we can all sip againAgain and againWasted so much, irrelevantWe"re kicked to the head, who"s selling itI got the hang of it, that"s my limousineDon"t mean like I said, I"m too intelligentA little jack can"t hurt this veteranI show up but I never throw up, so let the drinks go up, go up(Taio Cruz - Hook)I got a hangover, wo-oh!I"ve been drinking too much for sureI got a hangover, wo-oh!I got an empty cupPour me some moreSo I can go until I blow up, ehAnd I can drink until I throw up, ehAnd I don"t ever ever want to grow up, ehI wanna keep it going, keep keep it going, come on!I got a hangover, wo-oh!I"ve been drinking too much for sureI got a hangover, wo-oh!I got an empty cupPour me some moreSo I can go until I blow up, ehAnd I can drink until I throw up, ehAnd I don"t ever ever want to grow up, ehI wanna keep it going, keep keep it going, going, going, goingTaio Cruz - Hangover (Feat. Flo Rida) Lyrics By (都市神话)
2023-07-19 07:31:381

bigbang hangover 日语歌词 其中汉字请标注平假名

「BEAUTIFUL HANGOVER」作词∶Nadir Benkahla,Saeed Molavi,Perry Borja作曲∶SHIKATA,G-DRAGON,iNoZzi,Perry Borja歌∶BIGBANG君(きみ)は MY BEAUTIFUL HANGOVER君(きみ)は MY BEAUTIFUL HANGOVER辉(てる) くヘッドライト 眠(ねむ)らない街(まち)へ ARE YOU READYここからが胜负(しょうぶ) アセらずに 限界(げんかい)まで全开(ぜんかい)で行(い)こう!流(ながれ)れる RADIO 缩(ちぢ)める距离(きょり)を Oh Oh Oh行(ゆ)き先(さき)はまだ 言(い)えないよ HONEY CLOSE YOUR EYESWE"RE GONNA GET DOWN DOWN DOWN! GIMME LOVE LOVE LOVE!探(さが)し求(もと)めてた LADY 谁(だれ)にも止(と)められない MAKIN LOVE 気(き)が済(す)むまで GO!君(きみ)は MY BEAUTIFUL HANGOVER君(きみ)は MY BEAUTIFUL HANGOVERMa-ma-ma-ma-ma my beautiful-girl1 , 2 , 3 to the 4 -sho one like you there ain"t no-body can do them things you do so trueI"m so excited delighted I won"t deny it nor fight itBaby you got what I need got meJumpin" -jumpin" off my feetBaby that"s no playin" delayin"Always got me feelin" that healin"Everyday I"m smilin" and wildin"When I think about you - think about youGot me up flyin" so high "nAnd I won"t stop bringin" and bringin" that(BANG!)B-I-G (BANG!) T-O-P (BANG!) baby that"sHow it beWE"RE GONNA GET DOWN DOWN DOWN! GIMME LOVE LOVE LOVE!探(さが)し求(もと)めてた LADY 谁(だれ)にも止(と)められない MAKIN LOVE 炎(えん) のように热(あつ)く君(きみ)は MY BEAUTIFUL HANGOVER君(きみ)は MY BEAUTIFUL HANGOVERYOU GOT MY HEART ラブゲーム MAKE ME CRAZY BABYKISS MY LIPS 狂(くる)わせ,360°,もうなるように なるしかないWE"RE GONNA GET DOWN DOWN DOWN! GIMME LOVE LOVE LOVE!探(さが)し求(もと)めてた LADY 谁(だれ)にも止(と)められない MAKIN LOVE 気(き)が済(す)むまで GO!君(きみ)は MY BEAUTIFUL HANGOVERReady yo let"s go!What a life to wake up in love君(きみ)は MY BEAUTIFUL HANGOVERAnytime I can"t get enough of your kindness,Sweetness I don"t want it ever to endSo amazin" all the aboveAnyway you take you show loveYou the finest and I just...Wanna give you all my baby (ohhh...)Beautiful - beautiful - beautiful (ohhh...)Beautiful my baby
2023-07-19 07:31:452

Beautiful Hangover 歌词

歌曲名:Beautiful Hangover歌手:Bigbang专辑:Beautiful HangoverBeautiful HangoverBigbang君は MY BEAUTIFUL HANGOVER君は MY BEAUTIFUL HANGOVER辉 くヘッドライト 眠らない街へARE YOU READYここからが胜负 アセらずに限界まで全开で行こう!流れる RADIO 缩める距离を Oh Oh Oh行き先はまだ 言えないよHONEY CLOSE YOUR EYESWE"RE GONNA GET DOWN DOWN DOWN!GIMME LOVE LOVE LOVE!探し求めてた LADY 谁にも止められないMAKIN LOVE 気が済むまで GO!君は MY BEAUTIFUL HANGOVER君は MY BEAUTIFUL HANGOVERMa-ma-ma-ma-ma my beautiful-girl1 , 2 , 3 to the 4 -shoone like you there ain"t no-body can do them things you do so trueI"m so excited delightedI won"t deny it nor fight itBaby you got what I need got meJumpin" -jumpin" off my feetBaby that"s no playin" delayin"Always got me feelin" that healin"Everyday I"m smilin" and wildin"When I think about you - think about youGot me up flyin" so high "nAnd I won"t stop bringin" and bringin" that(BANG!)B-I-G (BANG!) T-O-P (BANG!) baby that"sHow it beWE"RE GONNA GET DOWN DOWN DOWN!GIMME LOVE LOVE LOVE!探し求めてた LADY 谁にも止められないMAKIN LOVE 炎 のように热く君は MY BEAUTIFUL HANGOVER君は MY BEAUTIFUL HANGOVERYOU GOT MY HEART ラブゲームMAKE ME CRAZY BABYKISS MY LIPS 狂わせ,360°,もうなるように なるしかないWE"RE GONNA GET DOWN DOWN DOWN!GIMME LOVE LOVE LOVE!探し求めてた LADY 谁にも止められないMAKIN LOVE 気が済むまで GO!君は MY BEAUTIFUL HANGOVER君は MY BEAUTIFUL HANGOVERReady yo let"s go!What a life to wake up in loveAnytime I can"t get enough of your kindness,Sweetness I don"t want it ever to endSo amazin" all the aboveAnyway you take you show loveYou the finest and I just...Wanna give you all my baby (ohhh...)Beautiful - beautiful - beautiful (ohhh...)Beautiful my baby
2023-07-19 07:31:521


2023-07-19 07:27:094


clc,clear % 清屏x=[7.0 10.5 13.0 17.5 34 40.5 44.5 48 56 61 68.5 76.5 80.5 91 96 101 104 106 111.5 118 123.5 136.5 142 146 150 157 158];y1=[44 45 47 50 50 38 30 30 34 36 34 41 45 46 43 37 33 28 32 65 55 54 52 50 66 66 68];y2=[44 59 70 72 93 100 110 110 110 117 118 116 118 118 121 124 121 121 121 122 116 83 81 82 86 85 68];plot(x,y1,"k.","markersize",25); % 画出原数据的图像hold on % 将多组数据显示在一张图像里plot(x,y2,"k.","markersize",25);hold ont=7:0.5:158;u1=interp1(x,y1,t,"cubic"); % 插值(cubic意为三次函数差值)plot(t,u1); % 画出插值后的图像hold onu2=interp1(x,y2,t,"cubic");plot(t,u2);S1=[trapz(x,y2)-trapz(x,y1)]*2222*2222 % trapz意为采用梯形法求积分,积分后得到y2与y1之间围成的面积S2=[trapz(t,u2)-trapz(t,u1)]*2222*2222
2023-07-19 07:27:092


2023-07-19 07:27:137


2023-07-19 07:27:131


院校专业:沈阳航空航天大学始建于 1952年,学校现已建设成为以航空宇航为特色,以工为主,工、理、文、经、管、艺等学科协调发展的多科性高等院校,是辽宁省人民政府与教育部、中国航空工业集团公司三方共建高校,是辽宁省人民政府与国家国防科工局共建高校。学校先后获评全国先进基层党组织、全国模范职工之家、全国优秀易班共建高校等荣誉称号。,学校占地面积1731.63亩,建筑面积82.96万平方米,固定资产总值23.49亿元,教学科研仪器设备总值6.42亿元。图书馆入藏纸质、电子图书共计210万余册。各类在校学生2万余人。,学校具有博士学位授予权和硕士研究生推免权。现有2个一级学科博士学位授权点,15个一级学科硕士学位授权点,7个专业学位类别。学校工程学学科进入世界ESI排名前1%,军工制造及其自动化等5个学科先后获批国防特色学科(方向),省双一流建设优势特色学科2个。,学校下设26个教学、科研单位。现有52个本科招生专业,其中国家级一流本科专业建设点13个,国家卓越工程师教育培养计划3个,国防科工局国防重点专业和国防紧缺专业2个,国家级综合改革试点专业1个,7个专业通过教育部工程教育专业认证。有省级一流本科教育示范专业33个,省级示范专业6个。拥有2个国家级实验教学示范中心,2个国家级工程实践教育中心,1个国家级实践教育基地,1个国家级虚拟仿真实验教学项目。有国家级一流本科课程3门,教育部来华留学英文授课品牌课程2门。获国家级教学成果奖2项。2018年以来,获省级以上教学成果奖32项,其中省级一等奖11项。,学校现有3个国家级科研平台,26个省部级重点实验室(工程中心),1个省级协同创新中心,2个省级新型重点智库,1个省级军民融合发展研究基地。学校承担各类国家级项目350余项。近五年,科研经费总额达10亿元,成果转化额5.1亿元。发表高水平论文3400余篇,授权发明专利400余项。获得省部级科技奖励50项,其中省部级一等奖10项。学校获批省科技厅科技成果转化政策激励试点单位,被授予省教育厅高校服务辽宁振兴发展科技成果省内转化十强高校等称号。,学校2011年组建省属事业单位——辽宁通用航空研究院,系统开展新能源电动飞机研制工作,相继有多款型号取得型号合格证、完成首飞、科研试飞等工作,奠定了学校电动飞机研制国际领先、国内一流的地位。2021年10月,国家工信部新能源航空器专项确定由辽宁通用航空研究院牵头负责,获批国拨经费2.39亿元;2021年11月,国家科技部初步确定,依托辽宁通用航空研究院承担兆瓦级电动飞机研制,专项经费1.75亿元。,学校现有教职工1600余人,专任教师1063人,博士学位教师占比57.4%。有中国工程院院士1人,特聘院士11人,国家级人才称号4人,享受国务院政府特殊津贴专家28人,各类省级人才称号116人次。有国家国防科工局国防科技创新团队1个,辽宁省“兴辽英才”高水平创新创业团队1个,辽宁省高校创新团队18个,辽宁省黄大年式教师团队3个。,学校坚持开放办学,2011年获批中国政府奖学金生培养院校资格,2013年获评“辽宁省来华留学教育示范基地”,2018年获评“辽宁省来华留学示范建设高校”,2021年获评“辽宁省来华留学教育先进集体”。学校与俄、美、法、英、韩、日等40多个国家170余所高校和科研院所建立了合作关系。现有教育部批准中外合作办学本科教育项目2个,1个中外合作办学机构正在教育部审批中。与国(境)外友好院校开展校际联合培养和长短期交流项目40余个。,在近70年的发展历程中,学校凝炼了“德能并进、勇毅翔远”的校训,形成了“勤奋、严谨、求实、创新”的校风。学校始终坚持以“立足航空、明德育人、求实拓新、志在卓越”为办学宗旨,培养了12万余名被用人单位评价为“用得上、留得住、干得好”“务实、踏实、忠实”的合格毕业生。沈阳航空航天大学将在服务国家国防事业、国家航空航天事业发展和辽宁振兴发展的神圣使命中,努力把学校建设成为特色鲜明的高水平研究应用型大学,。其他信息:沈阳航空航天大学是教育部、中国航空工业集团有限公司与辽宁省人民政府三方共建高校,国防科工局与辽宁省人民政府共建高校,空军依托培养后备军官的全国18所地方院校之一,入选教育部“卓越工程师教育培养计划”试点。学校始建于1952年,是原航空工业部所属的6所本科航空院校之一,初命名为“沈阳航空工业学校”,历经“东北第一工业学校”、“沈阳第一工业学校”、“沈阳航空工业学校”、“沈阳航空工业专科学校”、“沈阳航空学院”、“沈阳航空工业学院”等阶段,于2010年3月正式更名为“沈阳航空航天大学”。
2023-07-19 07:27:081


serum其实就是一种浓缩液体 化妆品里多指精华素。hydrating serum是保湿精华素总体来说SERUM就是一种质地比TONER浓但不及LOTION浓的液体。
2023-07-19 07:27:062


自由行? 我用了不到一周...
2023-07-19 07:27:056

forever 是形容词还是副词?forever friend是错误的吗

谁说一定要按字典来?尽信书不如无书native speaker就经常说字典上没有的词,或者对字典有异议!forever是绝对可以用来做形容词的!相当于everlasting王力宏就有首歌叫《Forever Love》,他的英文很溜~歌名和歌词不会错的
2023-07-19 07:27:045