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other than 什么意思?

2023-07-19 17:08:05
























other than 在这里应该怎么翻译?

2023-07-19 05:32:117

other than绝非

既然表示的是“绝非”,说明其概念是否定的,而 other than 中other的含义是肯定概念,即,作为不定代词的意思是“其他的人或事”,形容词是“其他的…”,副词是“以其他方式地”,也就是说——1、never other than 表示“与…比起来在任何时候都不是其他的人或事、其他的…或者以其他方式地”,也就是“绝非”,如: I have never known him behave other than selfishly. 我知道他一向自私自利/我知道他除了自私自利外向来都绝非会以其他方式表现。 (= I have never known him behave other than I know him behave selfishly. 即“比起我知道他以自私的方式表现外,我在从不知道他以其他任何方式去表现行为举止”) ——其中 other 是副词,behave other 表示“以别的方式表示行为”。2、hardly other than 表示“与…比起来在几乎都不是其他的人或事、其他的…或者以其他方式地”,同样也是“绝非”的意思,如: He can hardly be other than annoyed about it. 他当然只会对此感到烦恼/他除了对此感到烦恼外绝不会是其他的感觉。 (= He can hardly be other than he is annoyed about it. 即“比起他感到烦恼外,他几乎不可能会有其他的感觉”) ——其中 other是形容词,用作表语,与后面的形容词性质的过去分词 annoyed 是平行关系。因此前面不可以用肯定。
2023-07-19 05:32:561

other than怎么用?

申明,我转载的,这个写的很好。。。 英语中意思为“除了……”的表达有except/except for/besides/apart from/but/but for/other than等,它们的用法复杂多变、难以掌握,学生常常为之困惑烦恼。本文将对其进行总结、归纳、练习,使学生能够系统地掌握它们的用法,消除学生几多愁。 1. except和besides都可解作“除……之外” 但含义不同。 except表示“从所提到的人或事物中除去,即从整体中除去一部分”,表示递减的概念,含义是否定的。besides表示“除了……之外,还有……”,指“在整体中加入一部分”,表示递加的概念,含义是肯定的。 试比较: ①We all went except him. 除他之外,我们都去了。(他没有去) ②We all went besides him. 除他之外,我们大家也都去了。(他也去了) (1)besides常与other/more/else等词连用 except常与all/every/everyone/none/nobody/everything/nothing等总括词连用。 eg. He had other people to take care of besidesme. All the students in Class One went to the cinema except Li Ping. (2)若句中没有实义动词do的某种形式 except后接动词不定式 而besides后接动词的-ing形式。 eg.I had no choice except to obey/besides obeying his order. (3)若句中有实义动词do的某种形式 二者后面都可以接动词原形。 eg.She has nothing to do except/besides go with him. (4)二者后面都可以接从句。 eg.①Besides that he explained the theory he gave us some examples. ②He is a good student except that he sometimes comes late to school. (5)except后面可接for(构成短语except for)或其他介词短语,而besides不能。 except for主要有三层含义: ①表示对整体主要部分的肯定和对局部的否定 起部分修正主要意思的作用。 eg.Your composition is quite excellent except for several spelling mistakes. ②表示非同类事物进行比较。 eg.The street is empty except for several cars. ③置于句首,表达except的含义。 eg.Except for this everything is in order. except for后接名(代)词 可以转移为except+从句或其他介词短语。 eg.The climate here is good except for some rainy days.(except when it rains;except that it sometimes rains;except on the rainy days) 注意:二者用于否定句时含义相同,意思是一样的。 eg. He did nothing besides (=except) this. 除这件事外,他什么事也没做。 2. apart from兼有besides和except for两种含义,后接名词、代词或动名词。 3. but含义与except相同,都表示递减的概念,二者在多数情况下可以互换,但用法稍有区别。 ①except可以代替but 但but并不一定都可以代替except 如果句中有no、all、nobody、who、where等不定代词或疑问词时,多用but 后跟宾语从句时,多用except。 ②but for含义有时与except for相同,但主要表示“要不是……”,常用于虚拟句,表示一种假设。 ③but位置的变化会引起人称代词主、宾格的变化。 No one but I (=except me) knows it. No one knows it but me (=except me). 4. other than含义与except/but相同,都表示从总体中除去一部分 后接名词、代词或不定式。 eg.In that case there is nothing you can do other than wait. (2001年上海春季高考题)
2023-07-19 05:33:311

other和other than用法

other 其他的 (指属于同一类别的)例:They were just like any other young couple.他们那时就和其他任何年轻夫妇一样。其他例:Four crewmen were killed, one other was injured.四名船员被杀,另外一个受了伤。别的 (指属于不同类型的)例:He would have to accept it; there was no other way.他不得不接受它,没有别的办法。 (两个中) 另一个的例:The captain was at the other end of the room.队长在房间的另一头。其余例:Aubrey"s on his way here, with the others.奥布里和其余的人正在来这儿的路上。 (总称) 他人的例:The suffering of other people appalls me.他人的苦难使我大为震惊。other than除了;不同于例:Their motivation is other than me.他们的动机不同于我的。Do you have any special interests other than your job?你除了工作之外还有什么其他的爱好吗?
2023-07-19 05:33:401

other than到底是加不定式还是加ing形式?

2023-07-19 05:34:352

apart from 与other than 的区别

apart from 是 远离, 除...之外 还有什么什么 的意思other than 只有 除...之外的意思 表示不包括
2023-07-19 05:34:443

rather than other than 用法

other than 不同于,除了,与…不同;与…不同方式 There"s nobody here other than me.除了我这里没别人. You can"t get there other than by swimming.你只能靠游泳游到那边去. rather than 用来表示“是...而不是...”,通常连接两个并列成分 eg:He is an artist rather than a philosopher. 他是位艺术家而不是位哲学家.
2023-07-19 05:35:051

求 other than / except 的区别

一样的意思,一样的用法。就是other than / except和except for不可以混用。exceptfor是同一类的排除,而other than / except不是同一类。举个例子:It‘s always fine this week except for Thursday(除了礼拜四其他几天天气都很好,用except for)Britain in quite good except/other than weather(英国什么都很好,就是天气不好,用except或者other than)
2023-07-19 05:35:131


2023-07-19 05:31:529


步步高点读机t2000e机子上的NIC就是网卡步步高点读机是步步高教育电子有限公司生产的一种学习机,主要针对儿童学习英语使用,也可以学习语文数学等科目。步步高点读机型号包括T300、T400、T500+、T500、T500A、T600、T800、T900,最初一款点读机型号是T300。 目前,最新产品是T2。
2023-07-19 05:31:521


小心心:66、520、1314会有特效;啤酒:99会有特效;樱花:66会有特效;666:要66会有特效;板砖:66会有特效;玫瑰:66、999会有特效。 从抖音的直播页面来看,礼物名字为“抖音”、“棒棒糖”、“仙女棒”、“为你打call”、“Thuglife”、“Boom”等
2023-07-19 05:31:531


2023-07-19 05:32:001

so many tears歌词

"So Many Tears"I shall not fear no man but GodThough I walk through the valley of deathI shed so many tears (if I should die before I wake)Please God walk with me (grab a nigga and take me to Heaven)Back in elementary, I thrived on miseryLeft me alone I grew up amongst a dyin breedInside my mind couldn"t find a place to restuntil I got that Thug Life tatted on my chestTell me can you feel me? I"m not livin in the past, you wanna lastBe tha first to blast, remember KatoNo longer with us he"s deceasedCall on the sirens, seen him murdered in the streetsNow rest in peaceIs there heaven for a G? Remember meSo many homies in the cemetery, shed so many tearsAhh, I suffered through the years, and shed so many tears..Lord, I lost so many peers, and shed so many tearsNow that I"m strugglin in this business, by any meansLabel me greedy gettin green, but seldom seenAnd fuck the world cause I"m cursed, I"m havin visionsof leavin here in a hearse, God can you feel me?Take me away from all the pressure, and all the painShow me some happiness again, I"m goin blindI spend my time in this cell, ain"t livin wellI know my destiny is Hell, where did I fail?My life is in denial, and when I die, baptized in eternal fire I"ll shed so many tearsLord, I suffered through the years, and shed so many tears..Lord, I lost so many peers, and shed so many tearsNow I"m lost and I"m weary, so many tearsI"m suicidal, so don"t stand near meMy every move is a calculated step, to bring me closerto embrace an early death, now there"s nothin leftThere was no mercy on the streets, I couldn"t restI"m barely standin, bout to go to pieces, screamin peaceAnd though my soul was deleted, I couldn"t see itI had my mind full of demons tryin to break freeThey planted seeds and they hatched, sparkin the flameinside my brain like a match, such a dirty gameNo memories, just a miseryPaintin a picture of my enemies killin me, in my sleepWill I survive til the mo"nin, to see the sunPlease Lord forgive me for my sins, cause here I come...Lord, I suffered through the years (God) and shed so many tears..God, I lost so many peers, and shed so many tearsLord knows I.. tried, been a witness to homicideSeen drivebys takin lives, little kids dieWonder why as I walk byBroken-hearted as I glance at the chalk line, gettin highThis ain"t the life for me, I wanna changeBut ain"t no future right for me, I"m stuck in the gameI"m trapped inside a mazeSee this Tanqueray influenced me to gettin crazyDisillusioned lately, I"ve been really wantin babiesso I could see a part of me that wasn"t always shadyDon"t trust my lady, cause she"s a product of this poisonI"m hearin noises, think she fuckin all my boys, can"t take no moreI"m fallin to the floor; beggin for the Lord to let me into Heaven"s door -- shed so many tears(Dear God, please let me in)Lord, I"ve lost so many years, and shed so many tears..I lost so many peers, and shed so many tearsLord, I suffered through the years, and shed so many tears..God, I lost so many peers, and shed so many tears
2023-07-19 05:32:011


2023-07-19 05:32:013


2023-07-19 05:32:081


2023-07-19 05:32:094

海南旅游景点英文名称介绍 海南著名景点英文介绍

三亚各景点的英文名称有木有晓得的?1,天涯海角游览区,The remotest corners of the globe天涯海角游览区,位于海南省三亚市天涯区,距主城区西南约23公里处,背对马岭山,面向茫茫大海,是国家AAAA级旅游景区。景区海湾沙滩上大小百块石耸立,“天涯石”、“海角石”、“日月石”和“南天一柱”突兀其间,沙滩上大小百块磊石耸立,上有众多石刻。清代雍正年间崖州州守程哲所书,勒石镌字“海判南天”,这是天涯海角最早的石刻。2,南山文化旅游区,NANSAN南山主要景点有南山寺、海上观音、不二法门、观音文化苑、三十三观音堂、天竺圣迹、佛名胜景观苑、十方塔林与归根园、佛教文化交流中心、素斋购物一条街等。其中,108米海上观音是当之无愧的亮点之一,是世界首尊金玉观世音菩萨塑像,闻名全海南的镇岛之宝。3,鹿回头公园,Luhuitou Park鹿回头公园山顶因有鹿的雕塑而出名,站在鹿回头公园山顶,可以看到南海上的东岛和西岛。鹿回头的定位是情爱文化和生态展示并重的主题公园,主要景点包括顺风台、鹿苑、滑道、紫气东来、情爱文化园、黎族歌舞表演、鹿回头雕塑、山顶花园、北亭观景台等。4,西岛,West Island西岛又名玳瑁岛,位于三亚湾国家自然保护区内,全岛总面积 2.68平方公里。岛上风景秀丽,空气清新,沙滩柔和,海水清澈见底;环岛海域生长着大量美丽的珊瑚,保护完好。5,大小洞天风景区,Fairyland大小洞天风景区,原名海山奇观风景区,古称鳌山大小洞天,位于海南省三亚市区以西40公里的南山西南隅,总面积为22.5平方公里,景区已有800多年历史,是著名的道教文化风景区。参考资料来源:百度百科-天涯海角风景区参考资料来源:百度百科-南山文化旅游区参考资料来源:百度百科-鹿回头山顶公园参考资料来源:百度百科-西岛参考资料来源:百度百科-大小洞天用英文介绍海南旅游景点已解决问题 收藏 转载到QQ空间 谁有英语作文是介绍海南海口的 [ 标签:海南 海口,作文,海口 ] SOSO用户 回答:1 人气:12 解决时间:2008-06-29 11:18 满意答案 Haikou, known also as the "Coconut City", is the capital of Hainan Province, China"s second largest island. The city is the provincial administrative center of Hainan as well being the focus of the local economy, culture and transportation. Haikou stands at the northern end of Hainan Island, on the west bank of the Nandu River estuary. This river is the longest on the island and the city"s name appropriately means "Mouth of the Sea".With the sea on three sides Haikou enjoys a long coastline that features excellent bathing beaches and sea side resorts. Holiday Beach is the most popular of these, while Xixiu Beach is where the National sailing and windsurfing teams train and hold competitions.The downtown area of the city has an excellent environment with streets lined with coconut palms. Here there are modern and convenient public transport facilities and all that is best in a tropical seaside city that is pollution free and that meets the needs of the tourist in a friendly and welcoming way.Besides its natural resources, Haikou has a number of important sites of historical interest. The Wugong Temple (The Five Official"s Temple), the Tomb of Hai Rui and the Xiuying Emplacement each serve as reminders of the historical importance of Haikou.求海南各大知名景点的英语介绍海南-天涯海角英文介绍-天涯海角英语导游词[size=4]Fellow friends: Welcome everybody to arrive motherland most South End city Sanya to go sightseeing the traveling. First asks everybody to turn on the glass to feel, the Hainan pure non- pollution air, the sunlight, the sea water, the sand beach and the good environment! Our vehicle now goes this road, is a Sanya most characteristic road - shore sea route. Left side of the vehicle, floats in the sea level that two small islands, is "east the hawk"s-bill turtle state island" and "west the hawk"s-bill turtle state island". East the hawk"s-bill turtle state island now also not the to foreign countries opening up, west the hawk"s-bill turtle state island invests more than 1 billion developments by the Taiwan merchant. Now becomes the tourist to feel the natural scenery and the entertainment best place, by the person is "aquatic small Penglai" these two islands is Sanya one of eight scenery "the wave floats the pair ". [/size][size=4] Has good which a speech said, comes Hainan not to come Sanya - to be equal to has not come Hainan, comes Sanya not to go to the ends of the earth - to be equal to has not come Sanya. That ends of the earth in where Inherits the China traditional culture the people are open the imagination like this the wing, locates the remote place in the ends of the earth. The ends of the earth are used for to describe remote difficulty with is near to, even if can be near to also must pass through thousand tribulation places. [/size][size=4] The ends of the earth tour area is situated with the Chinese most south City of Sanya western suburbs 26 kilometers place, we also take 20 minutes to be possible to arrive. Today each position rushed under the horizon cape many years desire to be very quick may realize. The ends of the earth tour are Hainan travel one of most splendid programs, is line of Hainan Subject Tune. Today lets us in a return nature, happy passed this happy day, leaves behind an unforgettable recollection. This scenic area mainly has the tropics beach granite scenic spot, the shopping area and the country club composition, integrates the tropics sea scenery, the historical vestige, the Chinese folk custom culture is a body traveling scenic spot, we mainly are tour this scenic area subject landscape, the horizon, the cape, south landscape and so on a day column. [/size][size=4][/size] [size=4][/size][size=4] Each group friend, ends of the earth were very quick must arrive, then, how we did understand the ends of the earth We first may look from the wording that, simple mentions, the horizon is border of the day, the cape is angle of the sea. Believed such solid everybody is does not will satisfy. Usually thought the day is limitless, therefore does not matter the ends of the earth. But cape, also the sea bay is real solid, the cape is not everywhere all has Really was too ordinary, we said the cape is each present saw left side this Wang cape, this was angle of the sea. The obvious people usually said ends of the earth certainly not that simple, the ends of the earth are use for the shape with nominal to be remote but difficulty with are near to or must the place which can arrive after the untold hardships, thus it can be seen, from ancient to present, the people often said the ends of the earth certainly refer in particular to some place. Then, why chooses this place to call it the ends of the earth Is bringing this question, lets us tour together, uncovers the happy center this to confuse. [/size][size=4][/size] [size=4] Now we already entered the ends of the earth tour area parking lot, we ride the view lathe finishing stops in here, this was "ties Ma Xuanche" the time, the tour time is a half hour, quite is perhaps laborious in the tour process. Because the scenic area horizon, the cape acts according to the horizon good hard labor, the cape road is endless. Sedulously builds. Everybody wants to see the horizon, the cape carved stone, needs to pass through a section of long tropics seacoasts sand beach to be able to arrive. Achieves after the destination, but also must the old route return, so can realize after the untold hardships the predecessor, rushes the ends of the earth taste. The millennium walks, ends of the earth, a this time life big pleasure. The friend, lets us go to the horizon is together the date, the cape embraces the month, is keeping this happy time. This is we a carved stone which meet along the beach south, above the quarter has "the sea to sentence the day", what meaning sentences in here is Sentences for separates, the separation, the resolution meaning, may think the South China Sea separates with the south day in this. If our back is treating this megalith together, the surface faces south also can comprehend, also may say the sea the belt and south the day, separates or separates. Whether, also may so understand that, The earth, the sea, separates with the south day while this also is in this convergence. We have been turning head have a look, who is this writes writes? Is clear Kanghsi 53 years imperial envoy Miao the Cao soup side, patrols engraves to this topic, this time ends of the earth scenic spot at present discovered earliest carved stone. Proceeds not to be able to go out 20 meters rice, in a seashore megalith, is the world-wide civilization "south a day column". Carved stone, "south a day column" On Funds is engraving, Xuantong Period first year four small characters, the signature at the end of the letter engraves, "Yongan Fan scaling ladder" inscription. "The Xuantong Period first year" also was "in 1909", Yongan was the geographic name, will be refers to "forever Anju" after the textual research, also is the present Guangxi celebrates the state area the manganese mountain county. "The Fan scaling ladder" is "south a day column" inscription author. Character step of month, Yongan sluice village person. Is born in the clear Tongzhi two years, "the Fan scaling ladder" in Hainan for the official around 18 years, the Xuantong Period Yuan lunar new year"s eve clear royal government corrupt is incompetent. The foreign big powers stream in, carves up the Chinese Qing Dynasty to occupy together beset with difficulties both at home and abroad, crisis-ridden in, is precarious, at that time 46 year-old "the Fan scaling ladder" took the post of the cliff state Knowledge State, painstakingly planned a business enterprise Hainan Island this quick barren land. Side one day patrols sees in startled Tao to this a stone column to be indomitable spirit, the surging emotions rush, are filled with emotion. Is correct is, "the country is prosperous, the ordinary man has the responsibility". Italy to the pen, "south a day column" four large brush-written Chinese characters finished a piece of writing at one go. Only sees the typeface solemnly, vigorous is powerful, writes down full, The word is near The aim is far. Completely is the day becomes quite the same as. Ancient times the ancients "the place day circle", thought the earth is a square shape, therefore has four cardinal points view, the day is round, the day cage is covering "the square earth", earth four cardinal points separately has four is supporting the sky with the pillar, the like this south day as soon as leaned on has catered to the people"s saying of place day circle. The people see this "south the day as soon as to lean on" greatly may not need to worry the day must collapse collapses down. [/size][size=4] South the day as soon as leans on in the independent stone rock pil
2023-07-19 05:32:101


推荐你去花椒、虎牙、斗鱼或者蝴蝶都可以,个人比较推荐去蝴蝶,因为里面比较火辣还有你懂的哈,可以直接 点击这里去观看A. 快手百变帽子羽毛特效怎么弄得打开快手点击特效。首先打开快手短视频app,然后打开毛帽子宝宝的视频,点击视频里面的毛帽子特效后,就可以开始录制了特效会一直在的。B. 快手上面那些女的带那种前面有一点纱的那帽子叫啥防尘帽子。防紫外线帽子。C. 快手小店帽子属于什么类目帽子属于衣服配饰这一商品科目。快手小店是快手官方推出的购买产品的服务程序。用户直接通过快手应用、快手的网站或内容创作者在直播、短视频或用户数据页面中提供的链接访问快手小店。D. 快手里那个戴帽子戴眼镜还有吸烟那个特效怎么弄软件是用Thug life photo sticker maker墨镜鸭舌帽大金链这种自带气场的物件,都是他们常用的装逼道具。他们喜欢用Thug Life来解释自己无法无天、横行霸道的生活方式,于是一些网友在开始在别人装完逼后,给他们加上Thug Life特效,以表现他们的牛逼,而且一些人被加了Thug Life之后,牛逼之余竟然还有点内涵。E. 快手上我的图像上怎么有个帽子系统给的圣诞提示。在圣诞节来临之际,网络平台会给各位玩家一个提示,一般是代表节日特点的东西,圣诞节的标志就是圣诞帽,所以快到圣诞节的时候会发现头像上有个帽子。快手是北京快手科技有限公司旗下的产品。快手的前身,叫“GIF快手”,诞生于2011年3月,最初是一款用来制作、分享GIF图片的手机应用。F. 草帽在快手店铺里属于什么类目,在服饰里的哪一个我冒在快手店铺里削属于什么类目?在服装服饰的利益那个里。草帽也属于在店铺里头。G. 快手有个戴帽子的手势羽毛怎么卡点在创造视频中设置就可以进行卡点了。首先打开手机页面,找到快手app软件后进入,点击正下方的加号按钮,进入到创作视频的页面,找到卡点这个选项,就可以实现功能了。H. 快手里农民戴帽子长胡子是什么特效叫硬汉。使用步骤如下:这个特效的名字叫做“硬汉”,在热门列表中可以找到,点击下载即可使用,打开前置摄像头直接拍摄上传快手;在快手上拍摄好后保存到本地,从本地作品中可以找到这个视频,大家拍摄后选择保存到本地即可;将本地视频直接上传到快手配上一个BGM就可以体验到特效的乐趣了。I. 求快手上这个人这种帽子,没有调大小的有就卖女生小饰品店有卖J. 快手成人帽子属于哪个类目帽子属于什么商品类目,帽子属于衣服配饰这一商品科目,通常是用于购物平台对于商品的分类。商品是为了出售而生产的劳动成果,是人类社会生产力发展到一定历史阶段的产物,是用于交换的劳动产品。
2023-07-19 05:32:151


最佳答案哇 寒假作业的都被你给发上去了? 你牛....气冲斗牛 生龙活虎 画虎类犬 一龙一凤2.1/4+(1/2-1/3)除5/6 =4分之1+(6分之3-6分之2)÷6分之5 =4分之1+6分之1÷6分之5 =4分之1+6分之1 X 5分之6 =4分之1+5分之1 =20分之5+20分之4 =20分之91除28-{(3/8-1/4)除(5/6-1/3)}=1÷{28-(8分之3-8分之2)÷(6分之5-6分之二)}=1÷{28-8分之1÷6分之3}=1÷{28-8分之1X3分之6}=1÷{28-12分之2}=1÷6分之167=6分之1673.抄6年级上册第14页的Splendid china就OK4.小孟读了一本书,第一天读25页,比第二天读得多25%,第二天读的是全书的1/4,这本书共多少页? 25÷(1+25%)÷4分之1=80页5.小美家的时钟分针长6厘米,分针走过15分钟。它的尖端走过多少厘米?分针旋转过的面积是多少平方厘米? 周长: 3.14x6x2÷4=9.42cm 面积:3.14x6x6÷4=28.26cm6..一个圆形花坛的周长是15.7米,在花坛的周围铺一条宽0.4米的环形小路,这条小路的面积是多少平方米? 15.7÷3.14=5米 5÷2=2.5米 3.14x2.5x2.5=19.625平方米2.5+0.4=2.9米 3.14x2.9x2.9=26.4074平方米 26.4074-19.625=6.7824平方米7. 作文自己想8.小明骑自行车从甲地到乙地共用15分钟,自行车每4分钟行驶2/13千米,就甲乙两地的距离。 15/4 *(2/13)=15/26千米9..一根长3米的木料,每3/7米锯一段,每锯一次用时2分钟,锯完这根木料一共用多少分钟?10.两堆沙子共630吨,如果把甲堆沙子的2/5放入乙堆,这是乙堆的沙子是甲堆的4倍。两堆沙子原来各有多少吨? 2x(7-1)=12分钟10. .两堆沙子共630吨,如果把甲堆沙子的2/5放入乙堆,这是乙堆的沙子是甲堆的4倍。两堆沙子原来各有多少吨? 630/(1+4) =126吨 126/(1-2/5) =126/3/5 =42*5 =210吨 甲 11.一个长方形的宽是5/7米,长是宽的2倍,求这个长方形的面积。 5/7*5/7*2=50/49㎡ 12.一辆汽车从甲地出发,以每小时55千米的速度行驶10分钟到达乙地,甲乙两地的路程是多少千米? 10分钟=1/6小时 55*(1/6)=55/6(千米)13.一辆出租车每月要按收入的5%缴营业税,还要按营业税的3%缴养路费,如果这辆出租车月收入8000元,每月应缴税款多少元? 8000*(5%+5%*3%)=41214.一件工艺品按定价卖出可获利960元,若按定价的八折售出则亏损832元,这件工艺品的成本是多少元? 0.2x=960+832 => x=8960 8960-960=8000 唉 好累 呀 你怎么那么笨呀?
2023-07-19 05:32:202


⒈基于802.11b g n标准的网络来连接网络。⒉通俗的讲你的机器带无线网卡,是那种可以连接无线路由器的。⒊一般笔记本自带的都是这种网卡。
2023-07-19 05:32:214


2023-07-19 05:32:223


市场上的设备太多了,根本没有特别固定的价格,好一点也就是HTC Vive、 Oculus Rift、PS VR这三款了,但是价格都是偏高的目前市面上的 VR眼镜主要可以分成两大类:PC VR和移动 VR。(1)PC VR 的特点是:需要连接 PC或主机使用往往计算性能比较强,显示效果好,并且可以进行空间行走。(有一个特例就是 PS VR,它连接的是 PS游戏机,可玩的资源更多。)PC VR的代表产品是 HTC Vive和拥有三个摄像头的 Oculus Rift,带上之后你可以在虚拟世界里行走,但是有一定范围限制(比如:HTC Vive大概需要一个 20㎡的场地)。(2)移动VR(又分成手机盒子和一体机)手机盒子代表产品有三星 Gear VR和谷歌 Cardboard,原理就是弄个透镜放在手机上让你看 VR。好处是方便,有手机就能看;但是由于手机体积小,而 VR的运算量大,所以发热严重,用着用着就卡了。而一体机说白了就是个手机,只不过这个手机的核心部件集成在了VR眼镜内部。因为体积大,所以散热更好,性能稳定一些,但是和在旗舰级手机上使用手机盒子的效果是差不多的。(3)NOLO这一款可以理解为是 PC VR和移动 VR的组合款,NOLO由定位接收器、手柄以及一个探测器组成,装在手机盒子上面之后,同样可以让你实现在虚拟空间里行走能力。选购VR看哪几点?分辨率(1)手机盒子的分辨率影响手机盒子品质的因素除了手机自身的屏幕分辨率,最主要的配件就是透镜了;不过各大厂商一般都会宣称自己使用的是进口透镜,但是效果都比较一般,也没有太大的差异,购买时挑选一个评价不错的牌子或者凭个人喜好购买就可以。(2)一体机的分辨率对于一体机而言,2K的屏幕是入门级的选择,所以尽量买 2K或者更高分辨率。(2K是指横向分辨率达到 2000px以上,比如 2160 x 1200px分辨率的设备的就达到了 2K标准)。(3)PC VR的分辨率起点是单目镜达到 1080 x 1200px,此时双目屏幕的分辨率就是 2160 × 1200px,能满足绝大多数游戏的流畅运行;当然也不宜过高,分辨率过高的话图像会在镜头上发生压缩、产生锐化效果,得不偿失。延迟延迟会直接影响玩 VR设备是否会头晕!一般延迟(运行频率)保证在 90Hz即可(各个产品的都会标注这一参数,数值越低越好);如果画面延迟率高,就会头晕。可视角(FOV)可视角:指镜头上能看到的视野范围,一般的 VR设备可视角保持在 96°—120°之间就可以,因为具备体感旋转技术,所以可视角太大也没有必要。另外,大部分都支持调节焦距,也就是说轻微近视的人不戴眼镜也可以看得清楚,一般调节范围在600度左右,超过600度近视就要选择佩戴眼镜了。佩戴的舒适感要说舒适感,最好的还是 PC VR,因为需要外接设备,所以通常被设计成头盔状,无论是舒适度还是贴合度都比较好。PC端 VR也就是:HTC vive、Oculus这两款比较好的而其他的就属于一体机或者是手机+VR设备了,如果可以个人是觉得还是HTC vive的设备在各个方面比较突出一点
2023-07-19 05:32:2311


MES(英文Manufacturing Execution System的缩写)溯源生产制造执行质量追溯系统(DE Manufacturing Execution System,DE MES) 是基于物联网RFID条码技术的制造执行质量追溯系统,主要用于中大型制造型企业。系统通过在生产现场布置专用设备(RFID、条码采集器、PDA、LED生产看板、PLC、传感器、I/O、DCS、PC等硬件)配合条码软件系统实现从原材料上线到成品下线入库的整个生产过程实时的数据采集、跟踪、防错、监控和控制的系统,通过控制包括物料、仓库、设备、人员、品质、工艺、流程指令和设施在内的工厂资源,提升产品生产水平,保证产品质量,提高企业竞争力。同时在产品产生质量问题时实现快速追溯,维护消费者利益和企业形象。广州溯源(DESOFT):运用物联网RFID条码技术推动中国制造业发展!
2023-07-19 05:32:241


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2023-07-19 05:32:372

地面破裂和变形Ground Cracking and Deformation

现场调查发现,5.12汶川大地震在龙门山断裂带沿线产生了大量地表破坏,主要体现在发震断裂处的挤压和走滑破裂、山体失稳引起的地面变形、路堤滑塌引起的路面缺失或开裂、地表结构物差异运动引起的各类破坏等。地震波的传播受到地层与岩性、构造与岩体结构、地形地貌、地表水体、植被等因素的影响,不同类型的大量地表破裂显然是开展地震灾害防灾和减灾工作的前提条件,同时它们也是研究和发现强震作用下地表响应规律的重要现象。路面拉裂Tensile failure in asphalt pavement都江堰市高原村因断裂活动导致的地面剧烈抬升变形Dramatic deformation in Gaoyuan Village,Dujiangyan City caused by the activity of faultSite inspections found that Wenchuan Earthquake caused tremendous ground cracking and deformation along Longmenshan fault zones.A majority of the ground damages were compressive and shearing cracking in the ground along the quake faulting belt,ground deformation due to the slope instability,pavement losing and and tensile fracturing due to collapses and landslides of road embankments,and other damages caused by differential movements of ground structures.The propagation of seismic waves was affected by many factors including strata and lithology,tectonic and rock mass structures,topography and geomorphology,water bodies and vegetations.Consequently,the large amount of different types of ground cracking and deformation are the pre-conditions for undertaking reconstruction works to prevent and mitigate earthquake damages.They are also the factual data with great importance to investigate and understand the actual ground response mechanisms under strong ground quaking.都江堰-映秀公路震陷变形Subsidence in Dujianyan-Yingxiu highway due to ground quaking公路震陷拉裂的漩口Tensile opening in pavement of Xuankou highway due to quake subsidence去映秀的岷江边便道(其上为以被滑坡体掩埋的原公路)Temporary road on Mingjiang river to Yingxiu town(the above is the original highway but was buried by landslide debris)映秀路上山体崩塌破坏了原来的公路The original highway to Yingxiu town was blocked by rock avalanche blocks地震作用下拱桥路面的挤压破裂Quaking induced compressive fracturing in pavements around arch bridges5.12汶川地震地质灾害安县秀水镇城北桥头桥面隆起Bridge deck upheaval at north of Xiushui town in Anxian小鱼镇路面右旋张剪性裂纹,走向N25°EPavement cracking in Xiaoyu town:crack striking N25°E小鱼镇公路地震断层现象Earthquake faulting in road pavement in Xiaoyu town崩塌破坏及路基外侧下沉Rock avalanche damage and subsidence of embankment toward adjacent gully纵向开裂路面和垮塌的路基挡土墙Longitudinal pavement cracking and collapse of road retaining wall都汶公路沿线路面的挤压隆起及破裂Ground compression induced bulging and fracturing in draingage channel and pavement on Dujiangyan-Wenchuan highway路基挡土墙滑塌引起的路面缺失和开裂Collapse and cracks in road pavement due collapse of embankment retaining wall路面隆起Upheaved road surface路面破损Scathing road路面坍塌Embankment fall
2023-07-19 05:32:391


2023-07-19 05:31:471


jie怎么读jiē节 阶 疖 皆 结 秸 接 痎 痎 揭 嗟 喈 街 湝 楷jié孑 节 讦 劫 劼 杰 疌 诘 菨 拮 洁 结 结 桔 倢 桀 捷 接 偈 袺 婕 絜 颉 楬 睫 蜐 截 榤 碣 鲒 竭 羯jiě姐 毑 解 檞jiè丯 介 价 戒 芥 玠 届 界 疥 诫 蚧 借 唶 骱 解 褯 藉
2023-07-19 05:31:461


姓名:许豪恩 David Hsu 棒棒堂名字:拿铁(latte)生日:1988/ 3 /1 星座:双鱼座 血型:A 身高:183cm 体重:68kg 学历:大学,加拿大simon fraser
2023-07-19 05:31:453


  下面是我整理的关于读书的好处 英语 作文 ,以供大家学习参考。   关于读书的好处英语作文1:   When I"m free or in trouble, I always take out a book and read quietly. In no time, I"ve put my heart into it so that I"ll forget all the troubles. It"s in this way that I"ve formed the habit of reading in any time. Little boys as I was, I was interest in picture books and storybooks. I was struck by them. No sooner had I entered the middle school than I began to read novel, plays, essays and so on. I found I could get much from them. Little by little I took great interest in literature and last term I won the first prize in the composition contest among middle-school students in Zhe Jiang. Reading “The Emperor"s New Clothes”, I had to let out a burst of laughter over his fool. “The Little Match Girl” couldn"t keep me from crying for her misery. “ Robinson Crusoe” took me into a strange world full of danger. And I was also deeply impressed by Helen Keller"s patience and perseveranceu2026 Besides these, books also tell me other thing -how to be a man and how to tell the difference between right and wrong. In a word, good books can make me know what I didn"t before. So I think of a good book as my best friend. I"ll never forget this famous saying,“ Good books are best friends who never turn their backs upon us.”   关于读书的好处英语作文2:   In this modern materialistic world, the majority of people are in hot pursuit of material gains, and money is considered the most valuable thing of all, which, personally speaking, is quite superficial. As far as I am concerned, reading is much more valuable than anything else, for it can benefit us in many ways. The old saying, “to open a book is always beneficial” vividly shows how valuable reading is.   Firstly, it goes beyond doubt that reading is a very important way to gain knowledge. Reading is like travelling, the process of which enables you to experience the colorful world and enlarge your eyes scope. By reading history books, you can understand how a regime prospers or collapses, helping you draw useful lessons and develop more wisdom. By reading books of science, you can keep yourself informed in the field of scientific endeavors, thus appreciating how science creates wonders. In a word, reading can enrich your knowledge and get whatever information you need.   In addition, you can get mental encouragement from reading and improve yourself in all aspects. For instance, the stories of well-known people in books help turn an aimless person into an ambitious one, setting up a short or long-term goal for himself. If the daily troubles make you feel desperate, then you will be mentally stroked and encouraged by reading how famous people such as Beethoven made miracles in the face of insurmountable difficulties. Books are a great source of mental encouragement, giving you motives to move forward.   Finally, reading good books is one of the greatest pleasures in life. It increases our joy when we are in high spirits, and lessens our sorrow when we are discouraged. Reading will always bring us enjoyment and satisfaction. Good books also serve as gentle companions or faithful friends that will never betray us. While reading, we donu2019t feel lonely. Books are ready to give us whatever we need such as knowledge, friendship and encouragement.   To sum up, reading is undoubtedly beneficial to you. To open a book is like opening a door, through which you will enter a museum, where all man-made wonders and unique wisdoms are available for you to appreciate; to open a book is like opening a window, through which you can enjoy fresh air、blue sky and wonderful natural landscapes , making you feel refreshed   关于读书的好处英语作文3:   if we have a book ,we will not be felling of being longlywhen i"m free or in trouble, i always take out a book and read quietly. in no time, i"ve put my heart into it so that i"ll forget all the troubles. it"s in this way that i"ve formed the habit of reading in any time.   little boys as i was, i was interest in picture books and storybooks. i was struck by them. no sooner had i entered the middle school than i began to read novel, plays, essays and so on. i found i could get much from them. little by little i took great interest in literature and last term i won the first prize in the composition contest among middle-school students in zhe jiang.   reading the emperor"s new clothes, i had to let out a burst of laughter over his fool. the little match girl couldn"t keep me from crying for her misery. robinson crusoe took me into a strange world full of danger. and i was also deeply impressed by helen keller"s patience and perseveranceu2026 besides these, books also tell me other thing -how to be a man and how to tell the difference between right and wrong. in a word, good books can make me know what i didn"t before. so i think of a good book as my best friend.   i"ll never forget this famous saying, good books are best friends who never turn their backs upon us.   关于读书的好处英语作文4:   Smoe people say that money is the best thing in the world. But I consider reading books as the best and the most precious thing one can ever have.   Reading books is very important. First of all, it is knowledge that makes society develop and by reading books you can get all kinds of knowledge. Furthemore, reading books makes you a qualified person and makes your life enjoyable.   One is never too old to learn. No matter what time you rcalize the importance of reading books, you can enjoy it during the rest of your life time. Love books, for they are your best friends.   读书的好处   有人说世界上钱最好,我认为读书最好,而且读书是无价宝。   读书是很重要的。首先,知识使社会进步,通过读书你可以得到各种知识,另外,读书使你成为一个合格人才,使你生活愉快。   活到老学到老。不管你什么时候意识到读书的重要性,你都可以享受到余生读书的乐趣。热爱书吧,书是你的挚友。   Speaking of reading, many people are excited because reading brings them both knowledge and entertainment. By reading, we can learn lots of information and know our history. But for some people, reading is not their priority. They will choose to watch movies to have fun. However, I think people can benefit a lot by reading.   说起读书,很多人都很兴奋,读书不仅能带给他们知识,而且也能带给他们娱乐。通过读书,我们能得到很多信息,了解我们的历史。但是对于一部分人来说,阅读并不是他们的首选。他们会选择看电影来找乐子。但是,我认为,读书能让我们获益。   First of all, reading can let us know what have happened in history. Since history is recorded in books, if we read books, then we can not only what have happened in history but also we can better understand the great figures of the age.   第一,读书能让我们知道历史。历史都被记录在数中,如果我们读书的话,我们不仅能了解历史,而且我们也能更加了解时代伟人。   Secondly, reading can enrich our knowledge. By reading, we can know different kinds of things, how things happen and how to avoid bad things from happening. Books record a wide range of things about life. Through reading, we can know various aspects of life.   第二,读书能让我们丰富我们的知识。通过读书,我们能了解很多事物,了解到事件是怎么发生的,怎么避免不利事件的发生。书本记录着社会的方方面面。通过读书,我们能了解生活的方方面面的知识。   Thirdly, reading teaches us skills. There are so many books about how to learn a certain language, how to get a good job, how to become popular in your circle, how to cook and so on. Thus, these kinds of books can make us more skillful if we do a certain thing.   第三,我们能通过读书来学习一些技能。很多书都是写关于怎么学会一门语言,怎么找到一份好工作,怎么让自己在圈子中更受欢迎以及怎么烹饪等之类的东西。通过这些书,我们能在做事的时候更加熟练。   All in all, we can find lots of benefits through reading.   总之,我们能够通过读书收获很多。
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海星(Sea star)属棘皮动物,一些品种表面有尖刺和皮肤腺,腺体可分泌一些有毒的粘性液体,有捕食和防御功能,应避免触摸。
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2023-07-19 05:31:251

你杀不了我 歌词

歌名:你杀不了我歌手:铁竹堂词:张敖杰 王威登 曲:林迈可 Vince: They call me the VNZ but they pronounce it Vince        And I was raised by OG"s for a while ever since        the "80s seen druggd babiez        Growin in2 teenz with rabiez        Hustling in the "90s everseen thugz like theze        Even in this new millenium        I see fake thugz by the million        Enemies with no loyalty guilty of muthfukin treason        Informatis call da copz, cock ur glox give me a reason        I hurt u backstabberz for as long as I"m breathin        从我很小的时候我就学会怎么卖货        大哥教我怎么做要小心敌人要杀我        我不怕我更可怕 我们的武器最大        他们最好小心 也不能随便嗑药        我会利用这个机会把他们全部干掉        我现在来讲道 我给网民预告        因为我有义气 我就是神的最爱        他给我这个能力 把敌人全部打败Vince+Michael:I say fuck no u suckaz cant get me shot        U holla on no as I knock u off your spot        Best call 5-O cuz u gonna need copz        U should lay low while I"m headed 4 da top        I say fuck no u suckaz cant get me shotJason: 你说我看起来很坏datz rite我就是混帮派        识相的快点走开挡路狗死的最快        和兄弟走在路上看到别人的眼光        好像看到有把枪插在我的腰上        我够狠够准兄弟多的吓人        管你是什么帮 看到我都要闪人        Bang bang 让你倒在地上不能呼吸        要后悔的时候 sorry已经来不及        什么叫做兄弟 就是我们最讲义气        凡是都会讲道理 我也会说请谢谢对不起        看到门口停的那台奔驰了没        那就是我们兄弟标准配备        我有车子 房子还有大把银子        还有几把枪 这是我生存的方式        没有比我坏 不要跟我说你是帮派        U cant" neva eva get in2 my thug lifeVince: It seems so many wanna end my existence on earth        and this even b4 the day of my muthfukin birth        So it make me straight up crazy        Made me diehard and hardcore        Punx are sweet like candy        I got product they can score        They need some chill pills        I shoot them up like dope        I kill"em with the ill will        I"m uncut like pure coke        I"m raw like intense pain        So don"t u start drama        I"ll b slaying u insane        Show u how my flow kill ya        敌人一直说他们都要杀我        他们不代表街头 这是我的生活        我看很多人在装流氓        他们的帮自以为自己很ㄅㄧㄤˋ        我兄弟马上开枪 到底谁最狠        我风格是最暴力 敢跟我挑战        我会杀你们的兄弟        我是最猛最凶 我就是恐怖        你们这些流氓 就好像是废物Vince: All u bitches who wanna get me shot   And all u snitches can go ahead and plot   And I really think u gonna need 2 call da copz   Now we"re gonna see who"s gonna make it 2 da top        All u bitches who wanna get me shot
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MES系统是一种生产执行系统,英文全称为Manufacturing Execution System,简称MES。MES系统是一套适用于生产制造领域的信息化管理系统,旨在提高生产效率、降低生产成本、提高产品质量和优化生产流程。MES系统可以实时监控生产状态,管理生产过程中的各个业务流程,包括物料管理、生产计划、设备维护、质量管理和实时数据分析等功能。MES系统的基本功能包括生产计划管理、生产执行管理、质量管理、设备维护管理、供应链管理、人力资源管理、成本管理等。通过MES系统,企业可以实现生产过程的数字化、精细化和透明化管理,提高企业的生产效率和产品质量,降低生产成本,提高企业的竞争力。制造执行系统MES在不同场景下有不同的应用方式,但总体来说,MES系统是一种用于优化生产制造过程的信息化管理系统,可以提高生产效率、降低生产成本、提高产品质量和优化生产流程。MES管理系统
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局域网可以理解为一个小型的Enternet,直接连接入广域网是可以的,这里说的局域网只是一个宽泛的概念。只要网卡遵循TCP/IP协议,并且能够进行相关数据的传输工作,就是可以接入广域网的。网卡(Network Interface Card,简称NIC),也称网络适配器,是电脑与局域网相互连接的设备。无论是普通电脑还是高端服务器,只要连接到局域网,就都需要安装一块网卡。如果有必要,一台电脑也可以同时安装两块或多块网卡。 电脑之间在进行相互通讯时,数据不是以流而是以帧的方式进行传输的。我们可以把帧看做是一种数据包,在数据包中不仅包含有数据信息,而且还包含有数据的发送地、接收地信息和数据的校验信息。一块网卡包括OSI模型的两个层——物理层和数据链路层。物理层定义了数据传送与接收所需要的电与光信号、线路状态、时钟基准、数据编码和电路等,并向数据链路层设备提供标准接口。数据链路层则提供寻址机构、数据帧的构建、数据差错检查、传送控制、向网络层提供标准的数据接口等功能。 网卡的功能主要有两个:一是将电脑的数据封装为帧,并通过网线(对无线网络来说就是电磁波)将数据发送到网络上去;二是接收网络上其它设备传过来的帧,并将帧重新组合成数据,发送到所在的电脑中。网卡能接收所有在网络上传输的信号,但正常情况下只接受发送到该电脑的帧和广播帧,将其余的帧丢弃。然后,传送到系统CPU做进一步处理。当电脑发送数据时,网卡等待合适的时间将分组插入到数据流中。接收系统通知电脑消息是否完整地到达,如果出现问题,将要求对方重新发送。
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张泽禹:My tea"s gone coldI"m wondering whyI got out of bed at allThe morning rainClouds up my windowAnd I can"t see at allAnd even ifI could it"d all be greyBut your picture on my wallIt reminds meThat it"s not so badIt"s not so bad张峻豪:第一次我在屏幕上看到感受到我内心加速心跳想拥有专属暗号不拿你和别人比较下次表演多给你一票要拥有你旁边的座位机票很重要想要收到你的回信让我们距离更近我一直在想办法靠近希望在楼下等到你不会说我干扰你没有别人占有你我只想要陪伴你朱志鑫:记得初次见面这感觉像是初恋心动的瞬间欲望在蔓延舞台上你的样子是我心中的王子我们的故事就从了解你的名字开始找到你的住处穿上你的衣服表达爱慕吞下嫉妒是作为爱守护和你呼吸空气来分享你的秘密记录我们之间的点点滴滴请你放弃这样的生活看一看我朱志鑫/张峻豪:啦啦啦啦啦啦啦啦啦啦啦ohoh我不可能再回头啦啦啦啦啦啦啦啦啦啦啦ohoh我只能一直往前走张泽禹:如果伤害我是你的天性那怜悯是我的左右铭左航:想爱我想杀我没结果唉我就是玩张泽禹:如果要我照亮你回家的路那我会送你们手电筒左航:走路在我后面你还是小孩你的生活张泽禹:每天东奔西走行踪不定远处我所有大炮都架着跟车我驾照被下了都还没看清你私下真正素颜的样子甩头就走别人能拍就你不能拍吗?不站你门口别人还会觉得你是idou吗掉了多少粉丝不知道吗还不想我们苦苦哀求我在被你无视消息你消失在十八楼朱志鑫:见不到你无法入睡感到负累和疲惫不想家人不想上课这些什么都无所谓渴望占有渴望触摸只要你的都是对你的思想你的行为你在上升会下坠左航:走你正在走的每一步学你平时走的路子针孔摄像头帮我回忆出你身上有过的污渍我想睡你睡过床我还想吃你吃剩的糖我正在爱着杀你Enjoy这Party疯狂的舞步可只有我自己合:起来,起来左航:这是只有我们的Battle舞台揭开你丑陋的嘴脸别再装的人畜无害人不可能没有缺点你的光辉早已不在反击你感激你有伤亡对不起怪你自己我正在爱着杀你Enjoy这Party疯狂的舞步可只有我自己合:起来,起来左航:这是只有我们的Battle舞台揭开你丑陋的嘴脸别再装的人畜无害人不可能没有缺点你的光辉早已不在反击你感激你有伤亡对不起怪你自己我正在爱着杀你Enjoy这Party疯狂的舞步可只有我自己合:起来,起来左航:这是只有我们的Battle舞台揭开你丑陋的嘴脸别再装的人畜无害人不可能没有缺点你的光辉早已不在反击你感激你有伤亡对不起怪你自己张泽禹/张峻豪:今天晚上来到你家敲响你的门肆无忌惮的干扰你除非警察掏警棍你让我不在清纯没了青春每天都惹受着恶意评论毁掉你毁掉你合:亲吻你的灵魂(啦啦啦啦啦)My tea"s gone cold(啦啦啦啦啦)I"m wondering why(啦啦啦啦啦)I got out of bed at all(啦啦啦啦啦)The marning rain(ohoh)Clouds up my window(我不可能再回头)And I can"t see at all(啦啦啦啦啦)And even if(啦啦啦啦啦)I could it"d all be grey(啦啦啦啦啦)But your picture on my wall(啦啦啦啦啦)It reminds me(ohoh)That it"s not so bad(我只能一直往前走)It"s not so bad(啦啦啦啦啦)My tea"s gone cold(啦啦啦啦啦)I‘m wondering why(啦啦啦啦啦)I got out of bed at all(ohoh)The morning rain(ohoh)Clouds up my window(我不可能再回头)And I can"t see at all(啦啦啦啦啦)And even if(啦啦啦啦啦)I could it"s all be grey(啦啦啦啦啦)But your picture on my wall(ohoh)It reminds me(我只能一直往前走)That it"s not so bad左航:实在不好意思因为最近真的太忙了而且你写的信有的篇幅真的太长了我现在还不够高度你的要求真的不能满足我现在还是个小孩实在是没有大人的大度张峻豪:我清楚你想表达的意思不应该说这样过离的话一定要清除狡猾的意识不想要最后的火势恶化或许你认为这样的方式可以对我的成长有帮助你们对我们的支持应该是理性而不是盲目朱志鑫:不要打着爱的名号做我们不喜欢的事这样没有意义这是我写下的字一时私欲失去人生我们并非那么神圣不要再来偷窥我的隐私张泽禹:我们也渴望自由不必在门口一直看守甩不掉你不是你的对手一直跟在我们身后看到你们我只想逃并不想把事情给闹大以爱之名的谋杀合:它真的很可怕
2023-07-19 05:31:193

according to 后加动词?

accord to do sth
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2023-07-19 05:31:171

All of the Lights 歌词

歌曲名:All of the Lights歌手:Kanye West专辑:My Beautiful Dark Twisted FantasyKanye West - All Of The Lights (Featuring Various Artists)All of the lights (all of the lights)(Lights, lights)All of the lights (all of the lights)Rihanna: Turn up the lights in here babyExtra bright, I want y"all to see thisTurn up the lights in here, babyYou know what I needWant you to see everythingWant you to see all of the lightsFast cars, shooting stars(all of the lights, all of the lights)Until it"s Vegas everywhere we are(all of the lights, all of the lights)If you want it you can get it for the rest of your lifeIf you want it you can get it for the rest of your lifeKanye West: Something wrongI hold my headMJ gone...our n-gga dead!I slapped my girl, she called the fedsI did that time and spent that breadI"m heading home, I"m almost thereI"m on my way, heading up the stairsTo my surprise, a n-gga replacing meI had to take "em to that ghetto universityAll of the lightsCop lights, flash lights, spot lightsStrobe lights, street lights(all of the lights, all of the lights)Fast life, drug lifeThug life, rock lifeEvery night(all of the lights)Rihanna: Turn up the lights in here, babyExtra bright, I want y"all to see thisTurn up the lights in here, babyYou know what I need, want you to see everythingWant you to see all of the lightsKanye West: Restraining orderCan"t see my daughterHer mother, brother, grandmother hate me in that orderPublic visitationWe met at BordersTold her she take me backI"ll be more supportiveI made mistakesI bump my headCourts suck me dryI spent that breadShe need a daddyBaby please, can"t let her grow up in that ghetto universityAll of the lightsCop lights, flash lights, spot lightsStrobe lights, street lights(all of the lights, all of the lights)Fast life, drug lifeThug life, rock lifeEvery night(all of the lights)Rihanna: Turn up the lights in here, babyExtra bright, I want y"all to see thisTurn up the lights in here, babyYou know what I need, want you to see everythingWant you to see all of the lightsKid Cudi: Getting mine, babyGotta let these n-ggas know, yeahGet it right, ayYou should go and get your ownGetting mine, babyGotta let these n-ggas know, yeahGet it right, ayYou should go and get your ownFergie: Unemployment line, credit card declinedDid I not mention I was about to lose my mind?(my mind, my mind, my mind)And also was about to do that lineOkay, okay, you know we going all the way this time(this time, this time, this time)We going all the way this time(time, time, time, time)We going all the way this timeWe going all the way this timeWe going all the way this timeTurn up the lights in here, babyExtra bright, I want y"all to see thisTurn up the lights in here, babyYou know what I need, want you to see everythingWant you to see all of the lightsAlicia Keys: Whoaa-oh-whoaWhoaa-oh-whoa-ohElton John: I tried to tell you but all I could say is ohhhhAlicia Keys: Whoaa-oh-whoaWhoaa-oh-whoa-ohElton John: I tried to tell you but all I could say is ohhhhAlicia Keys: Whoaa-oh-whoaWhoaa-oh-whoa-ohElton John: I tried to tell you but all I could say is ohhhhAlicia Keys: Whoaa-oh-whoaWhoaa-oh-whoa-ohElton John: I tried to tell you but all I could say is ohhhh
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