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according tot

2023-07-19 17:06:37

handling stress,这里是动名词短语,做介词for的宾语.

according 这里不是accord的现在分词或者动名词,而是according to是一个介词短语


according to,according 有什么区别呢,在用法上. 请举例说明,

according是形容词!可以在后面加上ly,构成副词. We have receive your letter and have alter the contract accordingly. 我们已收到你的信,因此修改了合同. according to一般可以引出表示原因或者参考等的状语 1. ...
2023-07-19 05:26:342

according to 是什么意思?

2023-07-19 05:27:0811

depend (on)和according to有什么区别吗?求解答

所以其后多跟名词及名词性短语。在句子中只能作状语。你说的句子according to what he said“依他所说/据他所说”,其后面的what he said就是一个名词性从句,它可以拆分成the words that he said.depend on是一个动词,其后可以跟名词、名词性短语、从句,作宾语。它本身在句子中做谓语。请看下面的例句:According to his ability, we can arrange him for this job.“依据他的能力,我们可以安排他做这项工作”。“他能否做这项工作全在(依靠)于他的能力”。
2023-07-19 05:27:481

高考英语语法:according as和according to的用法区别【2】

《according as和according to的用法区别【2】》由英语我整理,更多请访问:。本内容整理时间为05月12日,如有任何问题请联系我们。 according as,according to 这两个词组虽然相似,但它们的结构和使用场合并不相同。according to表示“根据”、“按照”;而according as表示“视乎”,有depending及according to whether的意味。 According as是连词词组,其后接从句;according to 是介词短语,其后接名词。例: The thermometer rises or falls according to the high or low temperature. 寒暑表根据气温的高低而升降。 They will be praised or blamed according as their work is good or bad. 给他们的赏罚将视乎他们工作的好坏来决定。 应当在此指出,在现代英语中,according as的句型结构已很少有人使用,正如 Bergen Evans和 Cornelia Evans在A Dictionary of Contemporary American Usage 中指出的那样:“This construction is not often heard today”。 下面是according to的例句: According to the weather report,we shall have cold weather next week. 根据天气报告,下星期天气将要转冷。 You should act according to circumstances.你们要随机应变。 According to有个同义短语,即 in accordance with,但它们的涵义有细微的区别,前者强调“根据u2026所言”,后者则强调“与u2026要一致”。另外 in accordance with多用于正式场合,例如表示与一些原则、规律一致。例: According to police report,five luxury cars were stolen in Kowloon yesterday. 根据警方报告,昨天在九龙有五辆豪华汽车失窃。 We must proceed in accordance with the rules. 我们必须按照规章办事。 That sentence is not in accordance with the rules of grammar. 那个句子不符合语法规则。 请注意,in accordance with 既可引导 adverbial phrase,又可引导adjectival phrase作verb“to be”的补语(见上面 in accordance with的第一和第二个例句);according to则不能。例如,我们不能说: The news is according to Hong Kong"s broadcasting station.(错) 另一点需要补充说明的是,in accord with 和 in accordance with同义,它们可以互换使用,但前者远不及后者用得普遍。英国学者F.T.Wood认为,我们最好在强凋“与u2026一致”(agreement)的时候,用in accord with;在强调“服从”或“遵照执行”(obeying or following)的涵义时,用 in accordance with。例如: What he has done is not in accord with your instructions. In accordance with your instructions we have suspended work on the heating apparatus. 《according as和according to的用法区别【2】》由英语我整理,更多请访问:
2023-07-19 05:28:381

according to引导什么状语

原因状语。according to根据;按照;取决于;据...所载;据...所说;所以according to后引导的成分一般做原因状语。according to是介词词组,不引导从句,后边可以跟词组或单词,在句子中做状语。 according to引导什么状语 eg.They divided themselves into three groups according to age. 他们按年龄分成三组. He will be punished according to the seriousness of his crime. 他将据其罪行的轻重受到处罚. according的用法与搭配 1. 用于according to,意为“根据”,为复合介词,后接名词或代词。注意以下用法: (1) 主要用来表示“根据”某学说、某书刊、某文件、某人所说等或表示“按照”某法律、某规定、某惯例、某情况等。 (2) according to 表示“根据”,通常是指根据别人或别处,而不能根据自己,所以其后不能接表示第一人称的代词(如me, us),同时也很少接表示第二人称的代词(you),但用于第三人称(如 him, her, Jim, Mary, the doctor等)则属正常用法。 2. 用于according as,意为“根据”“随……而定”,后接从句。 但是,对于那些由what, which, whether, how, when, where等引导的句子,其前要用according to,不用according as。
2023-07-19 05:29:061

according as与according to的区别和用法

according as与according to的区别和用法 1. according as 根据,随……而定(后接从句)。如: Everyone contributes according as he is able. 每个人根据自己的能力作出贡献。 You will be praised or blamed according as your work is good or bad. 根据你工作的好坏,你会得到表扬或批评。 According as you are studying now, you won"t make much progress. 根据你现在学习情况来看,你不会有多大的进步。 2. according to (1) 根据,按照(主要引出状语)。如: Everything went off according to plan. 一切都按照计划实现了。 According to my watch it is five o"clock. 照我的表,现在是五点钟。 Each man will be paid according to his ability. 每个人将根据他的能力获得报酬。 注:according to 后一般不接 view(看法)和 opinion(意见)这类词,也不接表示第一人称的代词(me, us)。如: 依我看,这部电影很不错。 正:In my opinion, the film is wonderful. 误:According to my opinion, the film is wonderful. 误:According to me, the film is wonderful. (2) 合乎,符合(主要引出表语)。如: It is not according to his nature to give praise. 他本性不喜欢颂扬。
2023-07-19 05:29:411


Aer you ok?
2023-07-19 05:30:0610

according to/as的区别

according as与according toaccording to的用法区别 1. according as 根据,随……而定(后接从句)。如:Everyone contributes according as he is able. 每个人根据自己的能力作出贡献。Everyone contributes according as he is able. 每个人You will be praised or blamed according as your work is good or bad. 根据你工作的好坏,你会得到表扬或批评。 According as you are studying now, you won"t make much progress. 根据你现在学习情况来看,你不会有多大的进步。 2. according to(1) 根据,按照(1) (主要引出状语)。如:Everything went off according to plan. 一切都按照计划实现了。According to my watch it is five o"clock. 照我的表,现在是五点钟。Each man will be paid according to his ability. 每个人将根据他的能力获得报酬。注:according to 后一般不接 view(看法)和 opinion(意见)这类词,也不接表示第一人称的代词(me, us)。如:依我看,这部电影很不错。正:In my opinion, the film is wonderful. 误:According to my opinion, the film is wonderful. 误:误:According to me, the film is wonderful. (2) 合乎,符合(主要引出表语)。如:It is not according to his nature to give praise. 他本性不喜欢颂扬I will give you the money according to your behave.I will give you the money according as what you have done.
2023-07-19 05:30:501

【高一英语】according to与by的区别~谢咯!

according to是根据.的意思. by的意思就很多了,当两者都表通过.或者根据.的意思时候,according to更多的是表原因,而by则是表示方式,字数有限.有什么可以给我留言,希望能帮到你
2023-07-19 05:31:091

according to 后加动词?

accord to do sth
2023-07-19 05:31:173


1. 我认为健康是最重要的英语作文二百单词有翻译 How to Stay Healthy(如何保持健康) 1.健康很重要; 2.如何保持健康?(可从适当的营养、充足的睡眠、经常的锻炼方向考虑。) [写作导航]第一段写虽然人们越来越重视健康,认为健康是最重要的财富,但对如何保持健康却不一定清楚,引出“我”的建议。第二段写“我”有三条建议,一是吃富含蛋白质的食品、蔬菜和水果,不要吃得过甜、过油腻以及过量;二是保证充足睡眠,至少每天睡8小时,如有可能,也应午休;三是适度锻炼,因为“生命在于运动”。第三段总结全文。 [范文] People are beginning to attach much more importance to their health these days than ever before. They begin to realize that good healthis the most valuable possession a person can have. However, many people don"t know how to stay healthy although great efforts have been made in this regard. In my opinion, there are three things we can do if we want to be in good. First, we should have the right food, because proper nutrition is the most important for good health. Avoid foods with lots of sugar and fat. Eat plenty of high protein foods, vegetables and fruits. Do not overeat. Secondly, we should get proper amount of sleep, because without enough sleep, we will often feel tired and irritable. Allow ourselves at least eight hours of sleep each day. Have a nap at noon if time permits. Finally, we should exercise regularly, because"life depends on exercise". Regular exercise strengthens our hearts andlungs. In addition, it prevents us from putting on weight. If everyone is to do so, there will be much less plaining about poor health and there will be much more happiness in our life. 2. 以我认为生活中健康更重要为方向写一篇英语短文 Nothing in this world is more important than health !Some one says that money is the most important thing in the world, but I don"t think so. As the proverb says, “No one knows the value of health until he loses it.” It is clear that health is the foundation of one"s future success. If you bee sick, it is nearly impossible to pursue your career effectively, much less make your dreams e true. On the other hand, if you are healthy and strong, you can go out to overe the obstacles that lie ahead of you. People in the 21st century are so crazy about money that they fet their own health. Money is very important, but if you don"t have a healthy body, money will be useless for you. If I can choose, I prefer health to money. Health can help you to earn more money. Now we know that health is the resource of our energy, what we should do to keep fit? First, we should exercise every day to strengthen our muscles. Second, we might keep good hours as well. If we can go to bed early and get up early, we can have enough time to sleep and enjoy fresh air every morning. Third, there is a proverb that says, “Prevention is better than cure.” If you pay attention to your health, you can avoid getting sick, or at least cure yourself of a disease in its early stage. Money is important, but health is more important than money. Those who are rich but lose their health are no more fortunate than those who are poor. With money, you can buy almost everything in this world except good health. Therefore, health is the most important ingredient of your success if you want your wish to e true. Nothing is more valuable than。 3. 健康的重要性,英语作文,带翻译 Healthy eating is important for us in our daily life. Food can give us energy and help us build up our body. What and how should we eat to be healthier? First, we should have enough clean food each meal. Second, it"s important to keep a balanced diet. Different kinds of food provide us different nutrition we need every day. Third, we should have a regular meal. In this way, we"ll be strong and healthy, and we"ll do well in our study. I"m sure we will all be healthy one day! 健康饮食对我们很重要在我们的日常生活中。 食物能给我们能量,帮助我们建立我们的身体。我们又该如何吃更健康吗?首先,我们应该有足够的干净的食物。 第二,重要的是要保持一个均衡的饮食。不同的食物提供不同的营养我们需要每一天。 第三,我们应该有规律的吃饭。通过这种方式,我们将会强壮和健康,我们将在我们的研究中。 我相信总有一天我们都身体健康。 4. 用英文写一篇关于健康重要性的短文,要求120词左右 Chinese:---每个人都想保持身体健康,如果你健康的话,那么你能做你想做的任何事情,你的家庭会充满欢笑,你的工作也会变得简单轻松。 你想有个健康的身体吗?那么试着做以下事情吧!首先,每天保持你脸上的笑容,保持良好的心情。多参加一些运动,比如跑跑步,打打球。那样才会有一个强健的身体。其次,要注意自己的饮食,不要喝太多的酒,多饮水,每天至少八杯水;不要刻意的去减肥,那样对你的健康没有任何好处。再次,造成不要吸烟,对你自己和其它人都没有好处! 为了保持身体健康让我们行动起来吧,这样,这个世界才充满了欢笑! English:---Everyone wants to maintain good health, if you are healthy, then you can do you want to do anything, your family will be full of laughter, your work will be much more simple. You want to have a healthy body? Then try to do the following thing! First, you face daily *** ile, maintain a good mood. Take part in some sports, such as running and running, playing baseball. It is in a strong body. Secondly, we must pay attention to their diet, not to drink too much wine, water, every day at least eight cups of water; Deliberately not to lose weight, did you have no health benefits. Again, resulting from *** oking on your own and other people is not good! To maintain good health let us do it. Thus, the world"s only full of laughter! 打的好累。 5. 求一篇关于健康的重要性的英语作文 There are many people who think that wealth is better than health. I used to think so until one day I read a story about Howard Hughes. He was an American billionaire who got anything he wanted. However, in the last enty years of his life, his health began to deteriorate and he was miserable. He had the best doctors and nurses. However, he could still find no relief. I realized that health is worth all the money in the world. If you have millions of dollars but your health is poor, you will not be able to do what you want to do. So I would like to say don"t hurt yourself trying to make money. Instead take care of your body and be happy with what you do have. Health is more important.Which is more important, health or wealth? It is a hot topic among people. I can hardly answer this question. I didn"t realize that health is more imporant until I saw a busines *** an"s real life.A successful busines *** an, one of my father"s friends, devoted himseff to his business. He works from morning to night every day. There is no weekends in his mind. He often says, "I must earn much money so that I can get what I want. "Lately, he is ill. Though he has a lot of money, he can do nothing but lie in the hospital"s bed.So I think health is more important than wealth. People can do nothing if they are always in poor health, let alone happiness. No matter we are rich or not, we can not ignore the importance of health.【译文】很多人都认为财富宫比健康更重要。 在读到Howard Hughes的故事之前,我也是这么认为的。Howard Hughes是美国的一个亿万富翁,能得到他想得到的任何东西。 但是在他生命最后的二十年中,他的身体变得很糟糕,他很悲惨。他有最好的医生和护士,但仍得不到解脱。 我意识到在这个世界上,好的身体抵得上所有的金钱。因为即使你有百万美元但身体糟糕,也不能做你想做的事情。 因此我想说的是关心你的身体,对你所拥有的一切感到高兴,不要为挣钱损害你的身体。健康更重要。 健康和财富哪个更重要?这是人们常爱谈论的一个话题。我以前回答不出这个问题,但是现在从一个商人的真实生活中我意识到健康更重要。 我父亲的一位朋友,一个成功的商人,全身心投入到他的工作中。每天从早工作到晚,在他心目中根本没有周末的概念。 他经常说:“我必须多挣钱,这样就可以想干什么就干什么。”近来,他病倒了,除了躺在医院病床上,什么也不能做。 所以,我认为健康比财富更重要。如果一个人身体总是不好,他什么也做不成,更不用谈幸福了。 不管我们贫穷还是富有,都不能忽视健康的重要性。o(∩_∩)o 希望能帮助到你!o(∩_∩)o 请及时给予好评或采纳,万分感谢! (*^__^*)。 6. 以我认为生活中健康更重要为方向写一篇英语短文 Nothing in this world is more important than health ! Some one says that money is the most important thing in the world, but I don"t think so. As the proverb says, “No one knows the value of health until he loses it.” It is clear that health is the foundation of one"s future success. If you bee sick, it is nearly impossible to pursue your career effectively, much less make your dreams e true. On the other hand, if you are healthy and strong, you can go out to overe the obstacles that lie ahead of you. People in the 21st century are so crazy about money that they fet their own health. Money is very important, but if you don"t have a healthy body, money will be useless for you. If I can choose, I prefer health to money. Health can help you to earn more money. Now we know that health is the resource of our energy, what we should do to keep fit? First, we should exercise every day to strengthen our muscles. Second, we might keep good hours as well. If we can go to bed early and get up early, we can have enough time to sleep and enjoy fresh air every morning. Third, there is a proverb that says, “Prevention is better than cure.” If you pay attention to your health, you can avoid getting sick, or at least cure yourself of a disease in its early stage. Money is important, but health is more important than money. Those who are rich but lose their health are no more fortunate than those who are poor. With money, you can buy almost everything in this world except good health. Therefore, health is the most important ingredient of your success if you want your wish to e true. Nothing is more valuable than 7. 健康的重要性英文作文 People often prefers wealth over health. ONce there were a story talking about the fact that money wasnt everything. The story was rejected by many readers because they think life is very realistic. Nowdays, young girls marry old men because of their money. They believe that with money, you can anything. Unfortuaely, the truth was beyond. It is true that you can do many things when you are very rich. But you can never buy your health and your healthy relationship with others. currenly, a lot of rich people are on drugs that keep them look young and give them more energy. But i think that people would look young if they are more healthy. It is just a very natural thing. i was amazed by the fact that many people were stuggling with the choice beeen wealth and health. People would get richer if they life longer and they work harder. With a healthy body, you can do many things that just having a lot of money. so, the message that im delivering is wake up everyday, start making right choices! so health is very important thing in our dairy life. 8. 一篇八年级的英语作文要求:你认为保持健康有什么重要性 It"s very important to keep helthy because without good health,we"ll do nothing at all. Besides, we will bring troublesome and burden to our family and the society. I think there are many ways to keep healthy. Firstly, doing exercise is one of the best way. We should go out do do sports and breathe the fresh air. Secondly, we should eat three healthy meals every day. We"d better eat enough vegetables and fuit because they are rich in vitamines which are good for our health. Thirdly, relax when we feel tired. We can listen to some light music.。 9. 健康重要的英语作文 Good health is very important for us. If we don"t have good health, how can we work hard? And if we cannot work hard, how can we succeed and how can we be happy? A number of useful rules can do much to make good health, if we follow them. Firstly, we must have exercises. Secondly, we must have enough sleep. Finally, work. Making ourselves busy at work . Lazy people can never enjoy good health and can never succeed and be happy.
2023-07-19 05:28:261


2023-07-19 05:28:271


2023-07-19 05:28:271

全网公敌第三章jim手机怎么解锁 jim手机解锁方法一览

全网公敌游戏的第三章jim手机的解锁密码为21349,先点2,划到1,然后连3,4,9,他的九宫格最上面一排是123,和键盘上的反过来,然后再按照图形画出来,这样就可以解开密码了。 全网公敌第三章jim手机怎么解锁 jim手机解锁方法一览 游戏的第三章jim手机的解锁密码为21349。 先点2,划到1,然后连3,4,9。 他的九宫格最上面一排是123,和键盘上的反过来,然后再按照图形画出来。 这样就可以解开密码了。
2023-07-19 05:28:281

Drowning in Darkness 歌词

你说的是eminem的新歌 Drowning in Darkness 吧 这个歌应该是翻唱的Shadows 曲调是完全一样的 就是rap 不一样现在这个歌刚出来 网上还找不到歌词 只能先给你Shadows的歌词了(歌唱部分完全一样 只是说唱部分不同)Shadows (Ft. DaViglio)(Produced by Mart85) K-LamWhen my world was crashing all around me all my hope was goneI was drowning in darkness, barely hanging on,out of the shadows you appeared, and helped me breathe againso when it all goes to black, I won"t start to fallCause I can find you in the shadowsVerse 1: when I was done with haley dick, when I was done cryin over my friends when I accepted that my grandmothermother died, I looked up in the sky and as I shed a tear and cried, I prayed to god someone, a person new in my life a person that would never leave, a person with the same joy that wouldn"t be a kill joy, who didn"t treat my like a toy I knew that I was blatant, but damn it I knew what I wanted nothing that wanted to be flaunted, got it and every single day went by, nothing new had come around until I decided to go to chunkys with friend, her hair flowin" down her shoulders and I was grownin" colder, but at that very instant, that very minute I was like oh my god I gotta be with you forever, don"t you ever leave me, please don"t ever decieve me cuz I"ve been hurt, I"ve been burnt but you resurrected me ejected me, from my frame of mind, gave me the energy (Chorus)When my world was crashing all around me all my hope was goneI was drowning in darkness, barely hanging on,out of the shadows you appeared, and helped me breathe againso when it all goes to black, I won"t start to fallCause I can find you in the shadowsVerse 2:now there"s a certain point where you wanna snap where you wanna snap on people you don"t wanna rap you"ve had enough of that, you"ve just been talkin" smack you"ve been projectin" words at eahcother, protectin" eachothers brothers callin" all their mother names, you don"t gotta fuckin" brain then you resort to dissin" their lovers, its really annoying, but im not toying anymore theirs a certian point where you cross the line, thats a fine line, I"d just like to make it clear I would go and take your fear, and throw it in your face, I was outta place, I"ll admit it I was vindictive, I was addicted to causin" drama, but I now I know I have a problem and theirs a way to solve it you just gotta stop believing that your superman, you can"t fly, theirs certain things that you can"t do, if everybody could to this then everything would undo, but we can"t even do it whats the world come too (Chorus)When my world was crashing all around me all my hope was goneI was drowning in darkness, barely hanging on,out of the shadows you appeared, and helped me breathe againso when it all goes to black, I won"t start to fallCause I can find you in the shadowsVerse 3:theirs a certain mystique to me, don"t mean that I"m a freak once you people learn this then I will honest withthe peeps cuz everybodys treatin" me different, indifferent of my feeling theirs no consideration, my preperation for the day includes defensive systems I"m going on the offensive bitches, I"ve got enough courage stirred up, yup with kelly backed behind and with devan on my side, my little cousins on my right nothing can stop me tonight, man I"m feelin" fired up I launch right in to the sky, every second hire up I break the atmohsphere of hate, and it finally collapses the enviroment relaxes and nobody relapses, I try to be inactive my soul is layed to rest, finally the best of the best is down for the count he is over and out, this song is dedicated to the people who I"ve found in my shadows, and who have never left my sight, I love you guys(Chorus)When my world was crashing all around me all my hope was goneI was drowning in darkness, barely hanging on,out of the shadows you appeared, and helped me breathe againso when it all goes to black, I won"t start to fallCause I can find you in the shadows
2023-07-19 05:28:301

lose your weight翻译成中文

2023-07-19 05:28:341


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2023-07-19 05:28:384

go up是什么意思

2023-07-19 05:28:394


  在平日的学习、工作和生活里,大家都不可避免地会接触到作文吧,写作文可以锻炼我们的独处习惯,让自己的心静下来,思考自己未来的方向。那么一般作文是怎么写的呢?以下是我整理的高一的英语作文300字10篇,欢迎大家借鉴与参考,希望对大家有所帮助。 高一的英语作文300字 篇1   Dear Linda,   I know it"s hard to start a new life in a strange city. However, just staying at home doing nothing but surf the Internet is not good for you. You"d better go out and join in some social activities. By doing this, you can get to know more people around. And it would be a good idea to help others if possible and show them you are open and friendly as well.   With time going on, people will know you better and like to make friends with you.   Best wishes!   Yours,   Li Hua 高一的英语作文300字 篇2   Weekends to people mean that people can have two days" rest。 They can go out or get together at home。   Everybody spends weekends in his own way。 Some people relax themselves by listening to music, reading in libraries or doing sports outdoors。 In a word, different people have different relaxations。   I often spend weekends with my family。 Sometimes my parents take me to visit our relatives。 Sometimes we go swimming or go dancing and sometimes I go to read some instructive books。 I often enjoy myself at weekends。 高一的英语作文300字 篇3    A Person I knew   Loose,wavy brown hair hung down to her waist at the back--she had a fringe over her forehead that almost hid her pale eyes.The nose--not her best feature--was long but not ugly.She had a regular set of white teeth and was full-lipped.   Her round face often looked rather sallow in complexion;she wasn"t very tall or slim,and she walked with slightly-rounded shoulders.When I knew her,she must have been in her early thirties,about thirty-fifth even-and she even had one or two tell-tale wrinkles round the mouth. 高一的英语作文300字 篇4   Nowadays,the English is becoming more and more important . There are many different ways to learn English well. For example, these are my ways to study English. First,we have to make a hard decision to study English well and never give it up. Second we must do all the homework that the teachers told us on time.   Third, we should read some English books and buy some exercise books to study. Then, we can ask our classmates or teachers when we come across some hard problems. Don"t be afraid of making mistakes. Finally, we must stick these everyday. 高一的英语作文300字 篇5   Almost everyone is fond of music.I am a music lover.Listening to music is a hobby in my life. Listening to music will make me feel relaxed. Whenever I feel sad, I can just turn on theradio and listen to some music. Music can cheer me up when I am sad.   I enjoy different kinds of music. Light music fills my heart with joyfulness. Country music tells me the feelings of country people. Pop music tells me the young people"s concern and I am willing to share their happiness and trouble. Music comes from the heart and flows into the heart. 高一的.英语作文300字 篇6   Dear Peter,   How are you doing?   I"m writing to tell you that my uncle Li Ming is going to your city for a conference, and I"ve asked him to bring you the Chinese painting you"ve asked for before.   Also, I"d like you to do me a favor. Would you please meet my uncle at the airport and take him to his hotel since this is his first visit to the U.S.? Thank you in advance!   His flight number is CA985, and it will arrive at 11:30 am, August 6. My uncle is tall and he is wearing glasses. And he will be in a blue jacket.   Looking forward to your reply.   Yours,   Li Hua 高一的英语作文300字 篇7   This is my family. There are four people in my family. My grandmother, my father, my mother and me.   My grandmother has short white hair. She looks very nice. My father has short black hair and small eyes. He looks very fat, so I often call him “fat man”. He works at a factory. My mother works at a L.D.T. My mother has long black hair. She likes sports and traveling, so I often go on sports with my mother. On holidays my family often go to travel. I study at Guiyuan Primary School. We are very happy.    【译文】 高一的英语作文300字 篇8   假设你叫李华,是一家英文杂志社的心理咨询师。某中学生小王给你写信,提到自己偏胖,想节食减   肥,征求你的意见。请你给她回一封信,谈谈你对该问题的见解。内容要点如下:   1.健康比漂亮更重要;   Thank you!   2.学生以学习为主,不要过于注重外貌和别人的看法;   3.可通过多锻炼身体保持健康,要改变不良的饮食习惯;   4.健康的心态也很重要。   注意: 1.短文必须包括所有内容要点,可适当发挥;   2.词数:100左右。 3.参考词汇:state of mind 心态   Dear Xiao Wang,   I have received and read your letter, in which you mentioned that you wanted to lose weight by dieting.   Yours, 高一的英语作文300字 篇9   我曾认识的一个人A Person I knew   Loose,wavy brown hair hung down to her waist at the back——she had a fringe over her forehead that almost hid her pale eyes。The nose——not her best feature——was long but not ugly。She had a regular set of white teeth and was full—lipped。   Her round face often looked rather sallow in complexion;she wasnt very tall or slim,and she walked with slightly—rounded shoulders。When I knew her,she must have been in her early thirties,about thirty—fifth even—and she even had one or two tell—tale wrinkles round the mouth。 高一的英语作文300字 篇10   The Olympic Games, first held in 776BC, has a history of more than one thousand years. The modern Games is held every four years. Many countries try their best to bid for hosting the Olympic Games. And every country does its best to get more medals in the Games.   There are five rings on the Olympic flag, which are considered to symbolize the five continents: Europe, Asia, Africa, Oceania and America. The Olympic motto is: Swifter, higher, stronger. The Games can promote the understanding and friendship among different peoples and different nations.
2023-07-19 05:28:431


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2023-07-19 05:28:491

有谁吃过SVM LOSE WEIGHT,我想买?到处都找不到这个减肥药

2023-07-19 05:28:501


台风“登陆”,别乱用冠词!超强台风山竹,这可不是一般的水果哦,而是成为今年最强风王登陆菲律宾及广东沿海一带。在报道山竹“登陆”时,外媒是如何使用的呢?请看下文报道:Joy高斋翻译CATTI和MTI分享:The Guardian:Mangkhut made landfall in the Guangdong city of Taishan at 5pm on Sunday, packing wind speeds of 162 kilometers (100 miles) per hour.CNN:Super Typhoon Mangkhut, also known locally as Ompong, made landfall in the town of Baggao in the country"s northeast in the early hours of Saturday morning,看到外刊报道中“登陆”使用的是 made landfall in,然而发现有童鞋就问为啥made a landfall in 有人加上a呢?到底要不要加上a,甚为纠结呢?最好的方法就是验证,bing或看外媒报道,以上两个表达登陆:made landfall in是取自《卫报》和CNN,我们再看其他媒体的相关报道:再比如新华网英文版在报道琼达里登陆上海时如下:新华网:Typhoon Jongdari likely to make landfall in Shanghai.金融时报:Overwhelmed by the news from Texas since Hurricane Harvey made landfall?自从飓风哈维(Hurricane Harvey)登陆后,来自得克萨斯州的相关新闻可谓铺天盖地。以上这些例句都是取自权威媒体报道,我们会发现都是使用made landfall in,都没有加上冠词a,这是大家很容易出错的地方,一个冠词a就能体现你的语言表达是否地道,一定要牢记哦!再给大家拓展一些台风“袭击”时外媒中的小词表达!The Guardian:Mangkhut earlier lashed the Philippines, sparking landslides and building collapses that killed at least 65 people, with another 43 missing.Lash(风、雨或水)猛抽,狠打,狂扫。If wind, rain, or water lashes someone or something, it hits them violently.举个栗子:The rain lashed at the window.雨点猛烈地打在窗户上。lash的主语常为rain、wind、hail、sea或waves。山竹最早是袭击菲律宾的,在表达袭击时还有其他相关报道如下:CNN:Super Typhoon Mangkhut slammed into the Philippines in the early hours of Saturday.这句话中的 slammed into与slash是同义词,表示猛烈撞击,相关短语:slam into/against sb/sth或者slam sth into/against sb/sth.所以在表达台风袭击时有两个小词是slash和slammed into.大家以后就可以学以致用啦!
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jie拼音的汉字如下:1、节(jié),5画,上下结构,部首:艹。组词:泼水节(pō shuǐ jié) | 春节(chūn jié) | 季节(jì jié) | 节日(jié rì) | 清明节(qīng míng jié) | 佳节(jiā jié) 。2、节(jiē),5画,上下结构,部首:艹。组词:小节(xiǎo jiē) 。3、结(jiē),9画,左右结构,部首:纟。组词:结巴(jiē ba) | 结实(jiē shi) | 结果(jiē guǒ) | 结实(jiē shí) | 结结实实(jiē jiē shí shí) | 结结巴巴(jiē jiē bā bā) 。4、姐(jiě),8画,左右结构,部首:女。组词:小姐(xiǎo jiě) | 姐姐(jiě jie) | 师姐(shī jiě) | 空姐(kōng jiě) | 姐夫(jiě fu) | 姐妹(jiě mèi) 。5、结(jié),9画,左右结构,部首:纟。组词:联结(lián jié) | 张灯结彩(zhāng dēng jié cǎi) | 冻结(dòng jié) | 集结(jí jié) | 结合(jié hé) | 结婚(jié hūn) 。6、解(jiè),13画,左右结构,部首:角。组词:押解(yā jiè) | 领解(lǐng jiè) | 解送(jiè sòng) | 解元(jiè yuán) | 绑解(bǎng jiè) 。7、界(jiè),9画,上下结构,部首:田。组词:世界(shì jiè) | 交界(jiāo jiè) | 境界(jìng jiè) | 国界(guó jiè) | 界限(jiè xiàn) | 地界(dì jiè) 。8、洁(jié),9画,左右结构,部首:氵。组词:光洁(guāng jié) | 简洁(jiǎn jié) | 纯洁(chún jié) | 洁净(jié jìng) | 洁白(jié bái) | 清洁(qīng jié) 。9、价(jie),6画,左右结构,部首:亻。组词:成天价(chéng tiān jie) | 别价(bié jie) 。10、接(jiē),11画,左右结构,部首:扌。组词:接着(jiē zhe) | 应接不暇(yìng jiē bù xiá) | 衔接(xián jiē) | 接受(jiē shòu) | 接近(jiē jìn) | 接收(jiē shōu) 。11、借(jiè),10画,左右结构,部首:亻。组词:借款(jiè kuǎn) | 借阅(jiè yuè) | 借用(jiè yòng) | 借口(jiè kǒu) | 借故(jiè gù) | 借据(jiè jù) 。12、诫(jiè),9画,左右结构,部首:讠。组词:告诫(gào jiè) | 劝诫(quàn jiè) | 警诫(jǐng jiè) | 惩诫(chéng jiè) | 谆谆告诫(zhūn zhūn gào jiè) | 诫莫若豫(jiè mò ruò yù) 。13、街(jiē),12画,左中右结构,部首:彳。组词:街道(jiē dào) | 街心(jiē xīn) | 逛街(guàng jiē) | 街头(jiē tóu) | 街坊(jiē fang) | 横街(héng jiē) 。14、芥(jiè),7画,上下结构,部首:艹。组词:芥菜(jiè cài) | 尘芥(chén jiè) | 草芥(cǎo jiè) | 土芥(tǔ jiè) | 芥末(jiè mo) | 心存芥蒂(xīn cún jiè dì) 。15、竭(jié),14画,左右结构,部首:立。组词:精疲力竭(jīng pí lì jié) | 枯竭(kū jié) | 竭尽(jié jìn) | 竭力(jié lì) | 竭诚(jié chéng) | 衰竭(shuāi jié) 。16、楷(jiē),13画,左右结构,部首:木。组词:楷木(jiē mù) 。17、杰(jié),8画,上下结构,部首:木。组词:杰出(jié chū) | 豪杰(háo jié) | 俊杰(jùn jié) | 雄杰(xióng jié) | 四杰(sì jié) | 人杰(rén jié) 。18、睫(jié),13画,左右结构,部首:目。组词:眉睫(méi jié) | 睫毛(jié máo) | 迫在眉睫(pò zài méi jié) | 祸迫眉睫(huò pò méi jié) | 目不见睫(mù bù jiàn jié) | 蜗角蚊睫(wō jiǎo wén jié) 。19、捷(jié),11画,左右结构,部首:扌。组词:敏捷(mǐn jié) | 快捷(kuài jié) | 轻捷(qīng jié) | 捷径(jié jìng) | 简捷(jiǎn jié) | 告捷(gào jié) 。20、劫(jié),7画,左右结构,部首:力。组词:劫难(jié nàn) | 洗劫(xǐ jié) | 浩劫(hào jié) | 劫持(jié chí) | 劫掠(jié lüè) | 劫夺(jié duó) 。21、藉(jiè),17画,上下结构,部首:艹。组词:慰藉(wèi jiè) | 枕藉(zhěn jiè) | 蕴藉(yùn jiè) | 藉口(jiè kǒu) | 顾藉(gù jiè) | 藉以(jiè yǐ) 。22、拮(jié),9画,左右结构,部首:扌。组词:拮据(jié jū)。23、解(jiě),13画,左右结构,部首:角。组词:解闷(jiě mèn) | 解决(jiě jué) | 解释(jiě shì) | 解放(jiě fàng) | 解除(jiě chú) | 解散(jiě sàn) 。24、介(jiè),4画,上下结构,部首:人。组词:介绍(jiè shào) | 中介(zhōng jiè) | 介意(jiè yì) | 耿介(gěng jiè) | 介怀(jiè huái) | 不介意(bù jiè yì) 。25、戒(jiè),7画,右上包围结构,部首:戈。组词:警戒(jǐng jiè) | 戒指(jiè zhi) | 告戒(gào jiè) | 戒律(jiè lǜ) | 戒备(jiè bèi) | 鉴戒(jiàn jiè) 。26、皆(jiē),9画,上下结构,部首:比。组词:草木皆兵(cǎo mù jiē bīng) | 面面皆到(miàn miàn jiē dào) | 鸡犬皆仙(jī quǎn jiē xiān) | 宠辱皆忘(chǒng rǔ jiē wàng) | 一座皆惊(yī zuò jiē jīng) | 全民皆兵(quán mín jiē bīng)。27、截(jié),14画,右上包围结构,部首:隹。组词:截然(jié rán) | 截留(jié liú) | 斩钉截铁(zhǎn dīng jié tiě) | 截然不同(jié rán bù tóng) | 截至(jié zhì) | 拦截(lán jié) 。28、揭(jiē),12画,左右结构,部首:扌。组词:揭发(jiē fā) | 揭开(jiē kāi) | 揭露(jiē lù) | 揭示(jiē shì) | 揭穿(jiē chuān) | 揭幕(jiē mù) 。29、阶(jiē),6画,左右结构,部首:阝。组词:台阶(tái jiē) | 阶段(jiē duàn) | 官阶(guān jiē) | 阶梯(jiē tī) | 阶层(jiē céng) | 阶进(jiē jìn)。30、桔(jié),10画,左右结构,部首:木。组词:桔梗(jié gěng) 。31、秸(jiē),11画,左右结构,部首:禾。组词:麦秸(mài jiē) | 秸杆(jiē gǎn) | 秸秆(jiē gǎn) 。32、家(jie),10画,上下结构,部首:宀。33、价(jiè),6画,左右结构,部首:亻。34、届(jiè),8画,左上包围结构,部首:尸。组词:首届(shǒu jiè) | 应届(yīng jiè) | 上届(shàng jiè) | 届时(jiè shí) | 届期(jiè qī) | 本届(běn jiè) 。35、岕(jiè),7画,上下结构,部首:山。36、诘(jié),8画,左右结构,部首:讠。组词:驳诘(bó jié) | 诘难(jié nàn) | 诘问(jié wèn) | 盘诘(pán jié) | 反诘(fǎn jié) | 辩诘(biàn jié) 。37、袷(jié),11画,左右结构,部首:衤。38、颉(jié),12画,左右结构,部首:页。组词:仓颉(cāng jié) 。39、偈(jié),11画,左右结构,部首:亻。40、嗟(jiē),12画,左右结构,部首:口。组词:嗟叹(jiē tàn) | 嗟乎(jiē hū) | 嗟怨(jiē yuàn) | 嗟夫(jiē fū) | 怨嗟(yuàn jiē) | 叹嗟(tàn jiē) 。41、疖(jiē),7画,左上包围结构,部首:疒。42、喈(jiē),12画,左右结构,部首:口。43、孑(jié),3画,单一结构,部首:乛。组词:孑立(jié lì) | 单孑(dān jié) | 孑孓(jié jué) | 茕茕孑立(qióng qióng jié lì) | 煦煦孑孑(xù xù jié jié) | 孑然无依(jié rán wú yī) 。44、羯(jié),15画,左右结构,部首:ue839。组词:羯鼓催花(jié gǔ cuī huā) | 封胡羯末(fēng hú jié mò)。45、桀(jié),10画,上下结构,部首:木。组词:桀纣(jié zhòu) | 桀骜(jié ào) | 桀傲不驯(jié ào bù xùn) | 桀敖不驯(jié áo bù xùn) | 桀傲不恭(jié ào bù gōng) | 桀骜不逊(jié ào bù xùn) 。46、讦(jié),5画,左右结构,部首:讠。组词:攻讦(gōng jié) | 以讦为直(yǐ jié wéi zhí) | 讦以为直(jié yǐ wéi zhí) 。47、婕(jié),11画,左右结构,部首:女。组词:班婕(bān jié)。48、碣(jié),14画,左右结构,部首:石。组词:碑碣(bēi jié)。49、劼(jié),8画,左右结构,部首:力。50、疥(jiè),9画,左上包围结构,部首:疒。
2023-07-19 05:28:561

fall drop lose区别

lose weight 减肥 这是固定的 不可用 weight lose 且lose是及物动词. drop 表示 价格、温度等下降;声音、风等 变弱, 没有减轻的意思 只有fall 是不及物动词 有 减轻的意思求采纳
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Newage最重要的作曲家及钢琴家之一,Jim Brickman 金布来克曼的钢琴音乐自有其独特之处。 听他的琴声,你会感受到如水般的魅惑,他的琴音,轻爽而柔软,仿佛,来自内心最深处的那种柔媚,可以让所有的聆听者都为之微笑,呵,让人心神俱醉的钢琴哪~~   也许,在刚开始听的时候,你会觉得他的钢琴怎么和凯文、和雅尼有一些相像,但听久了,你会自然地分辨出,金和他们的不同来。。。 若说凯文是绿色的精灵,那么金就是清灵的水,而雅尼,则是狂野的风~~   出生于美国俄亥俄州的Jim Brickman,著名的现代钢琴家。几乎在每一个其涉及的领域都获得成功,从商业歌曲的创作到个人唱片的制作发行;从电台到舞台,无不折射出Jim 非凡的艺术气质与无与伦比的音乐才气。1994年在美国踏上音乐路途至今,总共出版了发行8张专辑。其艺术生命的持久与延续能力是有目共睹的。而这些对一个演奏家而非流行歌手而言,是相当难能可贵的。Kenny G 是一个,Jim Brickman则是另外一个。  Jim Brickman的成名其实也相当的意外。他的成名或许要感谢诸如Michelle Wright 等的歌手。这些歌手利用了他(她)们自己的声音,将Jim Brickman的浪漫情调表现的十分完美。而另一方面,这些歌手自身一定的流行性也把许多原本只是听歌的耳朵吸引到了Jim Brickman的身上。这是Jim Brickman的匠心独运,还是误打误撞,就真的不得而知了。但是,jim Birckman的走红确实是在推出了“Your Love”这首歌曲以后,而在这之前他的唱片销量并不理想。很多人听过了 “Your Love” 以后,才开始去找Jim 以前的钢琴弹奏专辑来听。这或许也是近年来Jim Brickman 94 ,95年的老专辑被再版发行的原因吧。而这里所要提及的另外一个为Jim打响品牌的歌手是 Martina McBride同样是一名乡村歌手,于1998年的情人节推出了一首单曲,便是其与Jim Brickman合作“Valentine”。曲如其名,尽量的制造浪漫的情调,烘托出一个完美的情人节。而歌曲虽然商业气息较浓,但平心而论,也算是不错的作品。也更加证明,钢琴和浪漫,是最完美的组合。   在1998 年年中出版的专辑“Visions Of Love”里,收录了11首Jim Brickman与其他歌手合作的作品,更加收录了其94年的单曲“The Gift – Jim Brickman with Colin Raye and Susan Ashton”。这首早期为人遗忘的歌曲,相当成功的营造了安详的平安夜,恋人相互依偎诉说真情的感人场面 -— 爱就是彼此最好的礼物 。该首歌曲的好听程度绝对不亚于“ Your Love ”和“Valentine”。由于是早期的作品,Jim 可能更加注重音乐本身,所以,“The Gift”没有太重的商业气息,感情真挚,朴实。而在同一年,Jim Brickman 再接再厉,推出了其第六张个人专辑 “Destiny”。  歌曲“Destiny”延续 了Jim 一贯行云流水般流畅舒适的曲风,由 Jordan Hill 与 Billy Porter两位美国歌手演绎,一经推出立刻好评如潮,再次刮起一股 Jim Brickman的钢琴风。该专辑中另外一首歌曲 “Love Of My Life”随后亦创下很好成绩。而该专辑则创下了50万的销量,而Jim Brickman所有专辑累计的全球销量则在99年达到300万张,这对于一个被归于 New Age 音乐类型的演奏家而言是相当不简单的。   Jim Brickman在国内可能极为鲜为人知。但是,我却知道在国内有众多的钢琴乐爱好者,如果您有机会找到他的唱片,请千万不要错过,其在“Destiny ”之前(包括Destiny ) 的专辑都相当耐听,有很高的收藏价值。所以,请记住这个名字,Jim Brickman,或许会在某个阳光灿烂的日子,不经意的给你一份惊喜。 Open专辑:ValentineReflection专辑:ValentineCruella De Vil专辑:The Disney Songbook 迪士尼畅销金曲全纪录Sundown专辑:ValentineYou (W/Tara Maclean, Vocal)专辑:ValentineGood King Wenceslas专辑:HomecomingDream Come True专辑:PureAmazing Grace专辑:GraceBeauty And The Beast专辑:The Disney Songbook 迪士尼畅销金曲全纪录To Hear You Say You Love Me 专辑:Valentine
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抖音thug life是什么意思?

2023-07-19 05:28:201


1、不见你娇美的姿容已经一个星期了,真如七年一样。在这七天里,你的倩影无时不刻在我心海浮现! It"s been a week since you lost your beautiful appearance. It"s like seven years. Throughout these seven days, your beautiful image has been appearing in my mind all the time! 2、无情不似多情苦,一寸还成千万缕。天涯地角有穷时,只有相思无尽处。 Ruthlessness is not like sentimental suffering, an inch is also tens of millions of strands. When the ends of the earth are endless, there is only endless love. 3、月亮弯的时候,思念也弯,月亮圆的时候,思念也圆,不论月亮是弯是圆,思念都是一首皎洁的诗。 When the moon bends, Miss also bends, when the moon is round, Miss also round, whether the moon is bending or round, miss is a beautiful poem. 4、我不知道离别的滋味是这样凄凉,我不知道说声再见要这么坚强。只有分离,让时间去忘记这一份默契。 I don"t know how sad it is to say goodbye. I don"t know how strong it is to say goodbye. Only separation, let time fet this tacit understanding. 5、岁月如梭,带走了多少快乐,悲伤,带不走的只是记忆,于无声处淡淡的清香。 Years like shuttles, take away how much happiness, sadness, can not take away only memory, in the silent light fragrance. 6、每一段记忆,都有一个密码,而我却忘记了属于你我之间那仅剩的密码。 Every memory has a password, but I fot the only one left beeen you and me. 7、我忽略时间,因为等你出现;我忽略距离,因为等你出现;我忽略语言,因为想你一直未变。亲爱的,想你了。 I neglect time because I wait for you to appear; I neglect distance because I wait for you to appear; I neglect language because I think you have not changed. Honey, I miss you. 8、狗不会瘦,因为它不会思念。人会瘦,因为他思念着别人。人总是被思念折磨,在思念里做一头可怜的流浪狗。 Dogs don"t lose weight because they don"t miss them. People are thin because they miss others. People are always tormented by missing. They are poor stray dogs in missing. 9、山川河流可以使人与人互相阻隔,却无法将心与心阻隔,无论你走到天涯海角。我的心永远陪伴着你。 Mountains and rivers can separate people from each other, but they cannot separate the heart from the heart, whether you go to the ends of the earth. My heart is always with you. 10、时光匆匆,我们都已衰老,只有不停的缅怀;在幻想中将自己还原成年轻的样子。 In a hurry of time, we are all old, only to keep remembering; in fantasy, to restore ourselves to the appearance of young *** s. 11、我的心里已是,万山红遍层林尽染,这个干燥季节,思念是火,不经意地想起你。 My heart is already full of red mountains and forests, this dry season, miss is fire, inadvertently think of you. 12、哦,这思念之河,是一条永不枯竭的河!它日夜地流,不停地流,都流向你的心田,都流向爱的大海! Oh, this river of yearning is an inexhaustible river! It flows day and night, ceaselessly, all to your heart, all to the sea of love! 13、蓝天碧海终有涯,你我之情无时尽,我将浓浓长思念,化作期盼与祝福。 Blue sky and blue sea have a long way to go. You and I have endless feelings. I will miss you deeply and turn it into hope and blessings. 14、想你,思绪如连绵的流云飘向你,时间仿佛不再流动,停留在那美妙的一刻。 Think of you, thoughts like a continuous flow of clouds to you, time seems to no longer flow, stay in that wonderful moment. 15、假如我变成黄土,黄土也爱着你;假如黄土上长满青草,青草也爱着你;假如青草上挂满露珠,露珠也爱着你。 If I bee loess, loess also loves you; if loess is covered with grass, grass loves you; if grass is covered with dew, dew also loves you. 16、你像那水中的萍,流移四方,叫我难以琢磨。你能告诉我吗?怎样才能追上你的身影,怎样才能与你相伴不离? You are like the duckweed in the water, moving in all directions, which makes me hard to figure out. Can you tell me how to catch up with you and stay with you? 17、然后有一天,不再相爱了,本来很近的两个人,变得很远,甚至比以前更远。 Then one day, no longer in love, the o people who were very close became very far, even farther than before. 18、和你坐在公园的长椅上,一边看我们各自的书,一边听着我们喜欢的音乐。 Sitting on the park bench with you, reading our respective books and listening to our favorite music. 19、日日思君不见君,君可知我一片心,见君心中倍感亲,和君投缘若比邻,思念之心常来侵,赋诗一首为君吟。 Every day I miss you, you know that I have a heart, see you feel close to you, and if you are close to you, the heart of yearning often invades, and a poem is written for you to sing. 20、这几天,我真正知道什么叫坠人情网,那种思念那种渴盼那种迷乱那种不安,是怎样的缠人撩人折磨人啊。 These days, I really know what is falling in love, that kind of yearning, that kind of confusion, that kind of uneasiness, how pestering and tormenting ah. 21、明天你要去远航,请把这个小步的礼物装在胸膛,它会化成你的信念和力量,鼓舞你去战胜狂风恶浪。 Tomorrow you are going on a voyage. Please put the gift of this *** all step on your chest. It will turn into your faith and strength and inspire you to overe the storm. 22、孤单的魂,流泪的眼,寂寞似海,忧伤如帆,欲笺心事无从寄,欲诉相思终无言,好想见,你的脸。 Lonely soul, tearful eyes, loneliness like sea, sadness like sail, unable to send thoughts, want to tell lovesickness finally speechless, good to see, your face. 23、若不得不分离,也要好好地说声再见,也要在心里存着感谢,感谢他给了你一分记忆。 If you have to be separated, you should say goodbye and be grateful to him for giving you a memory. 24、我那爱的书签,一千遍一万遍有一种感觉,它没有开端也没有结果,但它却时时刻刻占据我,那就是想你的感觉。 My beloved bookmark, ten thousand times, has a feeling that it has no beginning and no result, but it always occupies me, that is, the feeling of missing you. 25、不是因为寂寞才想你,而是因为想你才寂寞。孤独的感觉之所以如此之重,只是因为想得太深。 I miss you not because I am lonely, but because I miss you. The feeling of loneliness is so heavy, just because I think too much. 26、玫瑰开在九月里,我的心中只有你,好想和你在一起,没有什么送给你,只有一句我爱你! Roses open in September, my heart only you, want to be with you, nothing to give you, only a sentence I love you! 27、别离太久,思念太深,常常失落于无边的期待;冬夜的灯下,过去的故事,总撩起我无尽的幽思。 Leave too long, miss too deep, often lost in endless expectations; winter night under the lamp, the past story, always arouse my endless thoughts. 28、人的一生很短,不管遇到了什么,都是值得我去回,心也好,痛苦也罢,些都在我成的道路上。 People"s life is very short. No matter what happens to them, it"s worthwhile for me to go back. My heart and pain are all on my way to success. 29、是那个粗心的酒保,把无奈和牵挂调在一起,叫我醉不倒也醒不了,莫非这滋味,就是想你的时候。 It"s the careless bartender who mixes helplessness and concern so that I can"t wake up even when I"m drunk. It"s not the taste, but when I miss you. 30、寒流冷却不了我的热爱,飓风吹不走我的思念,喧哗掩不了我的心声,黑夜盖不了我的深情,我真的好想你! The cold current can not cool my love, the hurricane can not blow away my missing, the noise can not hide my voice, the night can not cover my deep feelings, I really miss you! 31、在你遇到困难和挫折时,不要顾忌告诉我,也许我帮不了你,但我希望可以和你一起分担,倾听你的苦闷。 When you encounter difficulties and setbacks, don"t hesitate to tell me that I may not be able to help you, but I hope I can share with you and listen to your distress. 32、思念穿过千山万水扣响你的门窗,你可发现窗前的花瓣多了颗晶莹的泪珠。 Miss through mountains and rivers button your doors and windows, you can find the petals in front of the window more than a crystal tear. 33、人生由多少个偶然构成,有谁能说清楚?每一个偶然带给你的酸甜苦辣,都是你今生最宝贵的财富。 How many contingencies does life consist of? Who can explain clearly? Every contingency brings you sweet and bitter, is your most precious wealth in this life. 34、我那爱的书签一千遍一万遍有一种感觉,它没有开端也没有结果,但它却时时刻刻占据我,那就是想你的感觉。 My beloved bookmark has a feeling that it has no beginning and no result, but it always occupies me, that is, the feeling of missing you. 35、多么希望,时间停住它的脚步,让我们重温过去;多么希望,还能与你在一起,共叙你我之友情。 How I wish time would stop its steps and let us review the past. How I wish I could be with you and share your friendship with you. 36、美丽的相聚如期而至,那隽永的抒情挂在疲备的吉他上,往事成了一首悠远的歌,总在有夕阳的日子里出现。 Beautiful gatherings e on schedule, the meaningful Lyric hanging on the tired guitar, the past has bee a long song, always appear in the sunset days. 37、想你,从嘴到心,从早到晚,无时没有,无处不在,我在想念你!一种欲望无比强烈,想要和你在一起! Miss you, from mouth to heart, from morning to night, from time to time, everywhere, I miss you! A strong desire to be with you! 38、你的眼睛眨一眨,我就死去,你的眼睛再眨一眨,我又活了过来,你的眼睛眨来眨去,于是我就死去活来。 Your eyes blink, I die, your eyes blink again, I e back to life, your eyes blink, so I die and live. 39、想你是痛苦的,那是在我寂寞时想你,想你是甜蜜的,那是在我开心时想你。 It"s painful to miss you when I"m lonely, sweet to miss you when I"m happy. 40、你是春天在我的回忆中灿烂,你是水在我的心底温柔,你是远方在我的思念中走近,你是风景在我的人生中永远! You are the spring in my memory brilliant, you are the water in my heart gentle, you are far away in my missing approach, you are the scenery in my life forever! 41、人生难得遇到知己,你的言语,眼神,一举一动,都会带来无尽的温馨。漫漫人生路从此,不惧严寒,不太孤独。 Life seldom encounters bosom friends, your words, eyes, every move, will bring endless warmth. The long road of life from now on, not afraid of the cold, not very lonely. 42、缘分让我遇见你,感觉让我喜欢你,时间让我爱上你,思念让我记住你,心痛让我想起你。 Fate let me meet you, feeling let me like you, time let me fall in love with you, miss Let me remember you, heartache let me think of you. 43、思念是一种幸福的忧伤,是一种甜蜜的惆怅,是一种温馨的痛苦。思念是对昨日悠长的沉湎和对未来美好的向往。 Missing is a kind of happy sadness, a kind of sweet melancholy, a kind of warm pain. Missing is the long indulgence of yesterday and the yearning for a better future. 44、我不断不断陷入,太过太过在乎,想把你留住,看不到爱情的归宿,心永远不会平静,不会满足。 I constantly fall into, too much care, want to keep you, can not see the end of love, the heart will never be calm, will not be satisfied. 45、尽管很长时间未和你见面说话,有时回想在学校的那段日子,不经意就想到了你。 Although I haven"t spoken to you for a long time, sometimes I think back to my school days and think of you inadvertently. 46、若不是因为爱着你,怎么会深夜还没睡意,每个念头都关于你,我想你,好想你。 If not for loving you, how can you not sleep late at night, every thought about you, I miss you, miss you so much. 47、如果爱你是错,那么我不想对,如果因对而失去你,那我宁愿错一辈子。 If it"s wrong to love you, then I don"t want to be right. If it"s right to lose you, I"d rather be wrong all my life. 48、想再躺在你怀里,想再让你为我擦干眼泪,想再让你抱紧我,想再吻你的脸,想要你说声爱我! Want to lie in your arms again, want to let you wipe my tears again, want to let you hold me tight again, want to kiss your face again, want you to say love me! 49、世上最凄绝的距离是两个人本来距离很远,互不相识,忽然有一天,他们相识,相爱,距离变得很近。 The saddest distance in the world is that o people are very far apart and do not know each other. Suddenly, one day, they meet and love each other, and the distance bees very close. 50、有些事,有些人,如果刻意的去忘,那麽表示根本不想忘掉,感情到底,真的是自己的事情。 Some things, some people, if deliberately to fet, then it means that they do not want to fet at all, feelings in the end, it is really their own thing. 51、你把花的形象留下,你把花的芬芳留下,你把我们共同浇灌的希望留下。想起你,我的岁月永远鲜艳,永远芳菲。 You leave behind the image of flowers, you leave behind the fragrance of flowers, you leave behind the hope of our mon watering. Think of you, my years are always bright and beautiful. 52、离别时,希望你能记住我。不要问,善变的世界,明天是否依然如故。 I hope you can remember me when you leave. Don"t ask if tomorrow will be the same in a changeable world. 53、千万个思念,在空气中凝固。扬起风吹向你,带着我的祝福,寂寞我不在乎,你快乐我就满足,想你是我的幸福! Thousands of thoughts solidify in the air. Wind blowing to you, with my blessing, loneliness I do not care, you happy I will be satisfied, think you are my happiness! 54、自从那次见了你之后,我的灵魂好像被你摄去了一般,你的影子,占据了我每一个记忆。你能理解我的痴心吗? Since I saw you that time, my soul seems to have been photographed by you. Your shadow occupies every memory of me. Can you understand my obsession? 55、没有比别离更痛苦的东西了,爱却在遥感与思念中日益深刻,日见清晰。 Nothing is more painful than parting, but love is being more and more profound and clear in remote sensing and missing. 56、我托空气为邮差,把我热腾腾的问候与思念装订成包裹,印上真心为邮戳,度恒温快递,收件人是你。 I hold the air as the postman, bind my warm greetings and miss into a package, printed with a sincere postmark, Dougherm Express, the recipient is you. 57、你的脸是那么靓,你的人是那么棒,想你想得心慌慌,爱你爱得好紧张,不知怎么把口张。嫁给我好吗? Your face is so beautiful, your people are so good, think you want to panic, love you so nervous, do not know how to open your mouth. Will you marry me? 58、回想我们在一起相聚的日子,我的心绪迷迷朦朦。你那充满朝气的身躯总是伴着月光入我梦来,让我牵挂不停。 Looking back on the days when we were together, my heart was lost. Your energetic body always acpanies the moonlight into my dream, let me worry about it. 59、想君、念君、盼君、恋君、醉君、梦君!醉后方知酒浓,别后方知情重! Think of you, read you, hope you, love you, drunk you, dream you! After drunk you know the wine is strong, don"t know the back is heavy!
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互联网信息中心(NIC)—— 域名系统(DNS)将整个Internet划分为多个顶级域,每个顶级域都规定了通用的顶级域名,NIC就是管理这些顶级域的。每一个申请接入Internet的国家(或地区)都可以作为一个顶级域出现,比如cn代表中国、uk代表英国、hk代表香港、ca代表加拿大。中国互联网信息中心(CNNIC)对顶级域的管理权就是NIC授予的。
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随着智能制造的不断深入,越来越多的智能制造软件慢慢成为车间生产制造的好帮手,甚至是“必需品”。比如,在管理层的ERP、PLM、CRM,在执行层的MES、WMS、QMS等。生产车间运营系统中的每一层都是相互联系的,尤其是信息的共享打破了数据孤岛的困局。以ERP和MES举例,一起来看看管理层和执行层的区别和关系吧。一.区别1.ERP系统企业资源计划即 ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning),由美国 Gartner Group 公司于1990年提出。企业资源计划是指建立在信息技术基础上,以系统化的管理思想,为企业决策层及员工提供决策运行手段的管理平台。企业资源计划是 MRP II(企业制造资源计划)下一代的制造业系统和资源计划软件。除了MRP II 已有的生产资源计划、制造、财务、销售、采购等功能外,还有质量管理,实验室管理,业务流程管理,产品数据管理,存货、分销与运输管理,人力资源管理和定期报告系统。2.MES系统生产制造执行系统(MES Manufacturing Execution System)是位于上层计划管理系统与底层工业控制之间的、面向车间层的管理信息系统。早在1990年美国美国先进制造研究协会(AMR)就对其进行了严格的定义,并提出了MES三层结构集成模型:具有管理性、结构性的计划层;对生产计划实施以及生产过程进行动态管理控制的执行层;对设备状态进行控制的控制层。二.关系1. MES是对生产过程中的控制,弥补ERP在企业生产中的不足尽管ERP系统包括了生产执行系统,事实上其无法实时的来对整体生产过程进行把控和管理。然而,生产制造企业需要的是一款能够满足其客户、供应商、内部员工不断变化的需求的一个软件,从这一点来看,显然MES更加适合。2. MES能够切实提供生产所需全部信息由于工作性质的不同的,员工所需要的信息内容以及信息呈现形式也存在一定的差异。ERP的界面大多是为了能够满足企业管理者进行分析决策而设计的,但对于生产部门而言,由于部门内部生产信息变动极快,通常都不会以过去的静态的数据为分析决策依据,而是需要分析正在发生的以及未来的一个发展趋势。而这时,就需要MES系统根据企业不同的职位、不同的需求进行信息分类删选呈现。3. ERP知道原因,MES知道执行对于生产企业而言,ERP系统更适用于帮助管理者去制定策略,而MES系统则更多的是体现操作层面上的一些东西。MES与ERP相辅相成、相互依存,最终实现知道怎么做的人来实现知道为什么这么做的人的想法,知道为什么做的人指导知道怎么做的人来做事情。
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DDN NIC是美国的什么机构?

NIC(Internet Network Information Center)Internet IP地址由NIC(Internet Network Information Center)统一负责全球地址的规划、管理;同时由Inter NIC、APNIC、RIPE等网络信息中心具体负责美国及全球其它地区的IP地址分配。网络接口卡(NIC -Network Interface Card)又称网络适配器 (NIA-Network Interface Adapter),简称网卡。用于实现联网计算机和网络电缆之间的物理连接,为计算机之间相互通信提供一条物理通道,并通过这条通道进行高速数据传输。
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The MetamorphosisGregor Samsa awakes one morning to find himself inexplicably transformed from a human into a monstrous insect. Rather than lament his transformation, Gregor worries about how he will get to his job as a traveling salesman; Gregor is the sole financial provider for his parents and sister, Grete, and their comfort is dependent on his ability to work. When Gregor"s supervisor arrives at the house and demands Gregor come out of his room, Gregor manages to roll out of bed and unlock his door. His appearance horrifies his family and supervisor; his supervisor flees and Gregor attempts to chase after him, but his family shoos him back into his room. Grete attempts to care for her brother by providing him with milk and the stale, rotten food he now prefers. Gregor also develops the fears of an insect, being effectively shooed away by hissing voices and stamping feet. However, Gregor remains a devoted and loving son, and takes to hiding beneath a sofa whenever someone enters his room in order to shield them from his insect form. When alone, he amuses himself by looking out of his window and crawling up the walls and on the ceiling.No longer able to rely on Gregor"s income, the other family members are forced to take on jobs and Grete"s caretaking deteriorates. One day, when Gregor emerges from his room, his father chases him around the dining room table and pelts him with apples. One of the apples becomes embedded in his back, causing an infection. Due to his infection and his hunger, Gregor is soon barely able to move at all. Later, his parents take in lodgers and use Gregor"s room as a dumping area for unwanted objects. Gregor becomes dirty, covered in dust and old bits of rotten food. One day, Gregor hears Grete playing her violin to entertain the lodgers. Gregor is attracted to the music, and slowly walks into the dining room despite himself, entertaining a fantasy of getting his beloved sister to join him in his room and play her violin for him. The lodgers see him and give notice, refusing to pay the rent they owe, even threatening to sue the family for harboring him while they stayed there. Grete determines that the monstrous insect is no longer Gregor, since Gregor would have left them out of love and taken their burden away, and claims that they must get rid of it. Gregor retreats to his room and collapses, finally succumbing to his wound.The point of view shifts as, upon discovery of his corpse, the family feels an enormous burden has been lifted from them, and start planning for the future again. The family discovers that they aren"t doing financially bad at all, especially since, following Gregor"s demise, they can take a smaller flat. The brief process of forgetting Gregor and shutting him from their lives is quickly completed. The tale concludes with the mother and father taking note of Grete"s new womanhood and growth.
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我u2022埃格瑞博士  艾凡,但是我希望它从来没有痛苦。  因为,  我的座右铭是:生活舒适
2023-07-19 05:28:026


The lorry skidded on a stretch of black ice . 货车在薄冰路面上打滑。 Their refusal iced our enthusia *** . 他们的拒绝给我们的热情泼了冷水。 The ice is too thin to bear your weight . 冰太薄,承受不住你的重量。 They ate raspberry tarts and ice cream . 大家吃著木莓馅饼和冰淇淋。 Catherine had been ice up to this moment . 凯瑟琳至此可说是冷若冰霜。 A thin layer of ice is formed over the lake ... 湖面上凝结了一层薄冰。 When water bees sopd we call it ice . 水变成固体时,我们称之为冰。 Ice crystals begin to deform measurably . 冰晶就产生某种程度的变形了。 Does the bar ice the champagne before serving ? 那家酒巴有冰镇香槟吗? The wedding-cake was elaborately iced . 结婚蛋糕上挂著一层精致的糖衣。 The ice is too thin to bear your weights . 冰太薄,承受不了你们的重量。 In other words, the ice begins to melt . 换句话说,冰开始融化了。 The lorry went into a spin on a patch of ice . 卡车在一片冰地上打滑了。 The children clamoured for ice cream . 孩子们聒噪不休,吵著要吃冰淇淋。 What we have to do now is to break the ice . 我们的当务之急是打开僵局。 The boy ate several dishfuls of ice cream . 那小男孩吃了好几满盤冰淇淋。 She turned a pirouette on the ice . 她在冰上做了个单足旋转动作。 Ice has difficulty in negotiating sharp corners . 冰很难越过尖锐的角隅。 The tigers broke the ice with a touchdown . 虎队首先底线得分,打破僵局。 Whereas i am hot, and fire dissolves ice . 而我却是火热的,火能叫冰融化。 Streets are coated with steely ice . 街道上结满坚硬如钢的冰雪。 They kept the invention on ice for ten years . 他们把这项发明搁置了十年。 The train was delayed because of ice on the pne . 火车因铁轨结冰而误点。 His shot reverberated across the ice . 他的枪声在冰面上回荡著。 The mammoth fell into an ice crevasse . 猛犸掉进冰河裂缝里了。 The cold weather iced people"s breath . 寒冷的天气使人们呼出的气凝冻起来。 Mother is dishing the ice cream . 妈妈正在把冰淇淋盛在碟子里。 The bird picked a hole in the ice with its beak . 那鸟在冰上啄出了一个洞。 I suppose we"d better--better break the ice . 我想我们还是--还是开个头吧! Water turns into ice when it freezes . 天气极冷时水能结成冰。 The children were pcking at the ices . 孩子们正舔吃著冰糕。 Snow and ice made the road impassable . 冰雪使道路无法通行。 The cpmbers cut steps in the ice . 登山者在冰上凿出踏脚处。 The ice on the river is thick enough to walk on . 河上的冰已经禁得住人走了。 The thin ice can not bear truckloads . 薄冰承不住卡车重量。 They broke the ice and carried water to the site . 他们打破冰,把水运到工地。 The thin ice can not bear truckloads . 薄冰禁不住卡车重量。 After the heavy frost the road was a sheet of ice . 浓霜过后,路面结了一层冰。 The boy especially pkes the ice on the cake . 那个男孩特别喜欢吃蛋糕上的糖霜。 There"s nothing pke a flattery for breaking the ice . 要搭腔最好先捧人家一下。 When i skate , i "m fearful of the sparkpng ice . 我滑冰的时候很怕那闪亮的冰。 What ice will you have--water ice or cream ice ? 你吃什么冷饮,冰水还是冰淇淋? The stone floor felt pke ice to her bare feet . 她光著脚感到石头地板冰凉刺骨。 The ice forms early and dissolves late in the north . 北方冰结得早,融化得晚。 When ice thaws, its molecular structure collapses . 当冰消融时,其分子结构崩溃。 No one could fail to sense the ice in her voice . 人人都能感到她的冷冰冰的口气。 That will prevent the wings of the aircraft from icing up . 这样可防止机翼结冰。 Cirrus is formed from ice crystals . 卷云是冰晶形成的。
2023-07-19 05:27:581


环烷烃 含有脂环结构的饱和烃。有单环脂环和稠环脂环。含有1个脂环且环上无取代烷基的环烷烃,分子通式为CnH2n。环戊烷、环己烷及它们的烷基取代衍生物是石油产品中常见的环烷烃。
2023-07-19 05:27:571

jim like his father

因为第一个like不是动词啊. 这句话是说“Jim像他爸爸一样,喜欢玩儿soccer”. like做动词时,是“喜欢”,做介词时,是“像”. 例如:Jack likes Mary.是说Jack喜欢Mary,但是不会是Jack像Mary.如果想表达Jack像Mary,那就要写成Jack looks like Mary,需要系动词或者助动词.
2023-07-19 05:27:561


岁末辞旧迎新,米国群众除了向亲友互祝Happy New Year和购物之外,还有那些有意思的事情呢?朋友,你听说过安利,啊不是,New Year Resolution和the Ball Drop吗?The Ball Drop 新年降球 The ball drop在美国各地都有,但最有名的还是纽约时代广场的跨年活动之一,即watching the ball drop in Times Square观看时代广场的水晶球降落。这项活动始于1907年跨年,由《纽约时报》的老板Adolph Ochs组织,现在由Times Square Alliance and Countdown Entertainment公司承办。 时代广场球Times Square Ball坐落于纽约时代广场的屋顶,是时代广场除夕庆典的重要组成部分,通常被称为the ball drop(这个貌似还没有官方名称)。和倒计时Countdown一起,在纽约所在时区的东部时间午夜11:59:00开始,由特邀嘉宾按下按钮,球沿着特别设计的旗杆,在60秒内缓缓下降141英尺(43米),并在12点整降落到底,倒计时随之结束。标志着新年的开始。近年来,庆祝活动之前有现场音乐表演等等众多活动和现场直逼,相比之前坐在家里看电视,聚集在广场上集体跨年成为年轻人的流行。 从网上找了视频,大家可以看看2016年跨年倒计时和新年降球的模样。Times Square ball drop celebrates NewYear"s 2016 New Year Resolution 新年决心 可能有人和我一样,是从新概念3中知道“新年决心”这个词。在这一课中,作者描述可以说很扎心了:The New Year is a time for resolutions. Mentally, at least, most of us could compile formidable lists of "dos" and "don"ts". The same old favorites recur year in year out with monotonous regularity. 新年是下决心的时候,至少在大多数人的心里会编排出一份“应做什么”和“不应做什么”的令人生畏的单子。相同的决心以单调的规律年复一年地出现。 Resolution 是一个名词,查查搭配词典,意思是坚定地决定做或不做某事,常用firm、good修饰或者与make 或keep搭配。因此New Year Resolution可以理解成为下定决心在未来一年要完成的计划清单,通常在一年年初完成。那么人们一般都会制定哪些计划呢?总结起来,大约包括注重健康、财务自由、自我提升和享受生活是四大主题,看来不论国籍和生活环境,世界人民都很一致呀: Improve physical well-being: eat healthy food, loseweight, exercise more, eat better, drink less alcohol, quit smoking, stopbiting nails, get rid of old bad habits Improve mental well-being: think positive, laugh moreoften, enjoy life Improve finances: get out of debt, save money, makesmall investments Improve career: perform better at current job, get abetter job, establish own business 改善身体健康:吃健康食物,减肥,多运动,多吃,少喝酒,戒烟,停止咬指甲,摆脱旧的不良习惯 提高心理健康:积极思考,多笑,享受生活 改善财务状况:摆脱债务,省钱,做小额投资 改善职业:在现有工作中表现更好,找到更好的工作,创业 Improve education: improve grades, get a bettereducation, learn something new (such as a foreign language or music), studyoften, read more books, improve talents Improve self: become more organized, reduce stress, beless grumpy, manage time, be more independent, perhaps watch less television,play fewer sitting-down video games Take a trip Volunteer to help others, practice life skills, usecivic virtue, give to charity, volunteer to work part-time in a charityorganization 改善教育:提高成绩,获得更好的教育,学习新的东西(如外语或音乐),经常学习,阅读更多的书籍,变更有才 改善自我:变得更有组织,减少压力,减少脾气,管理时间,更独立,也许看电视更少,玩更少的坐下视频游戏 旅行 自愿帮助他人,实践生活技能,践行公民美德,捐助慈善机构,在慈善组织帮忙 Get along better with people, improve social skills,enhance social intelligence Make new friends Spend quality time with family members Settle down, get engaged/get married, have kids Pray more, be more spiritual Be more involved in sports or different activities Spend less time on social media (such as Facebook,Instagram, Twitter, Tumblr etc.) 与人相处融洽,提高社交能力,增强社交能力 结交新朋友 与家人共度美好时光 安顿下来,订婚/结婚,有孩子 多多祷告,多注重精神 更多地参与运动或参与不同的活动 在社交媒体(如Facebook,Instagram,Twitter,Tumblr等)上花更少的时间。然而,在拖延症成为流行疾病的当今,新年决心的完成情况如何呢?2007年,一项有3000人参与的研究显示,有88%制定了新年决心的人未能完成(failing their New Years" Resolutions)。最常见原因是为自己设定了不切实际的目标(35%),而33%的人没有跟踪他们的进步,还有23%的人忘记了,约10%参与者声称他们提出了太多的决议。 看来今年下决心的时候,还是悠着点来,免得立的FLAG在年底被狠狠打脸……
2023-07-19 05:27:521


中国是世界上面积最大的国家之一,在清朝中叶,中国的国土面积曾经达到了1300多万平方公里。不过在4000年前的夏朝,其主要范围还在河南境内。经过了夏商周、秦汉、隋唐、元明清等阶段的开拓,最终使得中国的疆域达到了顶峰。1,中原地区和河西地区中原地区有狭义和广义的两种概念,狭义的中原指的就是河南省,甚至只是洛阳一带,广义的中原指的是黄河中下游地区,包括陕西省、山西省、京津冀、甘肃省、山东省和淮北地区。在而中国在春秋到秦汉时期的意思就是中原。这一带就是中国得以兴起的本源之一。中原地区河南是夏朝的主要活动范围,《国语》记载:“昔伊洛竭而夏亡”,可见夏朝的核心区域在洛阳一带。洛阳就是最早的“中国”,西周时期的周武王也说洛阳是“中国”。商朝兴起于于黄河下游的河北和山东一带。商朝灭夏之后,其疆域大概北到燕山、南到淮河,西到潼关,东到大海。而商朝的核心地区就位于河北、山东、河南交界一带。周朝兴起于关中地区,在灭商后将殷商地区整体纳入了版图。西周的疆域北到燕山,南到江淮,江汉,西到陇西一带。周朝版图而河西走廊纳入版图则在汉朝。汉武帝时期,对匈奴发动了河西之战,之后设立了武威郡、张掖郡、酒泉郡、敦煌郡。标志着河西纳入中国版图。由于后来汉武帝又在此地化为凉州凉州刺史部,因而“凉州”成为了这里的新名字,这个名字一直持续到魏晋南北朝。隋唐时期设立陇右道,两宋时期,隶属于西夏。元朝时期建立了甘肃行省。2,长江中下游长江中下游主要是湖北,湖南,安徽,江苏,浙江,江西一带。夏商周三代的势力并没有到达这里。这里在上古时期曾有三苗等强大的民族,在周朝时期出现了楚国、吴国、越国、徐国等十分强大的地方方国。吴国是吴太伯的国家,最早并非建立在江浙一带,在西周建立后才迁徙到了苏州。吴国的建立标志着苏南一带纳入了西周版图。春秋时期,吴国强盛,称霸一时。越国主要活动在浙江一带,春秋末期灭吴国,称霸中原。楚国(湖北、湖南、安徽,江西,南阳等)曾经和西周长期对抗,直到春秋早期还自称“我蛮夷也,不与中国之号谥”。不过楚国逐渐吸收了中原文化,在春秋中后期就已经融入了华夏文明,成为了诸夏的一部分了。楚国在战国时期,灭越国等国,疆域更大广阔。前223年,秦灭楚国,将整个长江中下游地区纳入了中央王朝的版图。3,西南地区西南地区在上古时代被称为“西南夷”,这里曾经存在着许多古老的国家,如蜀国、巴国、夜郎、滇国等。巴蜀地区被纳入到华夏版图的时间发生在战国时期。公元前316年,秦国的张仪、司马错率领10万大军灭蜀国和巴国。巴蜀灭亡后,秦国在此设立了巴郡和蜀郡,正式纳入了秦国的版图。巴蜀地区为秦国的统一战争做出了贡献:由于成都平原地形平坦,水利资源丰富,又少有战争破坏,因此成为了秦国的大后方。云贵高原位于巴蜀之南,武陵山以西,南盘江以北,横断山以东,这一带沟壑纵横,地形崎岖,森林密度,因而开发难度十分大。在西汉早期,这里还存在着夜郎、滇国等国。汉武帝时期,通过外交和军事征服,使得夜郎、滇国等纷纷臣服于汉朝,汉武帝在此地设立了益州郡和牂牁郡,标志着云贵地区开始纳入中央王朝的版图。东汉时期,哀牢国归附,又设置永昌郡,滇西地区开始纳入中国版图。不过,汉朝之后,中央王朝对云贵高原的控制就十分薄弱。魏晋南北朝时期到隋唐时期,都只能依靠羁縻的方式进行了管理。在这样的条件下,云南一带又建立了强大的南诏、大理等王国,而贵州则出现了四大土司。他们都名义上向唐、宋、元王朝称臣纳贡,实际上具有很大的独立性。元朝时期,灭大理国,驻扎大量军队,并完善土司制度,这是一个转折点。明朝时期,开始在贵州进行“改土归流”,建立了贵州省。清朝完成了改土归流,实现了云贵高原和内地同样的治理体系,正式成为汉地十八省的一部分明朝贵州省4,岭南地区这里所说的岭南不仅是广东,广西,还包括福建,台湾,越南,海南等。岭南地区古代是越族的活动区域,福建有闽越东瓯,广东有南越,广西有西瓯,越南有骆越,统称为“百越”。秦朝统一六国后,派遣50万大军南征,将岭南地区纳入了版图,并在福建设置闽中郡,在广东设立南海郡,在越南设置象郡,标志着岭南的大陆地区已经基本纳入了中国版图。秦汉之际,南海尉赵佗统一了南海,桂林,象郡三郡,建立了南越国,而闽中郡地区的越族势力又建立了东越等国。汉武帝时期,南征百越等,重新将百越纳入了版图,在南越地区设置了9个郡,其中有两个郡位于海南岛,标志着海南岛纳入了中国版图。南越九郡而台湾纳入中国版图是在明清之际。台湾在古代被称为“流求”,明朝时期称为“小琉球国”。宋、元、明三朝曾经在澎湖列岛设置澎湖巡检司,将澎湖列岛纳入中国版图。明朝末年,郑芝龙和荷兰殖民势力都在台湾岛进行发展。郑芝龙先后几次组织向台湾岛移民,为台湾纳入中国版图奠定了基础。1661年,郑成功登陆台湾岛驱逐了荷兰殖民势力,标志着台湾成为了中国的一部分。1683年,清朝康熙统一台湾岛,标志着台湾正式纳入了中央王朝版图。台湾府地图5,东北地区这里东北地区主要有三部分组成,分别是辽河流域,黑龙江流域和朝鲜半岛。其地区西到大兴安岭,北到外兴安岭,南到山海关,东到朝鲜海峡。在上古时期,这里分布着肃慎、扶余、东胡、山戎、秽貊等渔猎民族。殷商灭亡后,箕子带领商朝残余势力迁徙到了辽东朝鲜半岛一带,建立了箕子朝鲜政权,并且向西周称臣。西周时期,周武王所:“肃慎 、 燕 、 亳 ,吾北土也”。实际上西周并未控制东北地区。东北地区最早纳入版图的是辽河流域。战国时期,燕国的大将秦开征服了破东胡,随后燕国在此地设立辽西、辽东等郡,并修建长城,正式将辽河流域纳入了版图。从此,辽河流域就正式成为了中央王朝开拓东北的基地,汉朝、唐、明都以辽东、辽西为据点来控制东北。
2023-07-19 05:27:511


First the emperor does not start an undertaking half but the middlecourse death of the emperor, today next three divides, profit state疲弊, fall of the this honest critical life or death. However feudalofficial of the bodyguard unremittingly to in, gentleman of the loyalwill forgets body Yu waizhe, Ge Zhuixian the emperor extremely meets,wants the newspaper to your majesty. Honestly suitably is open forbusiness the saint to listen, first the emperor loses Germany by thelight, gas of the broad person of integrity, not suitably improperlybelittles oneself, directs Yu Shiyi, fills loyally admonishes theroad In the palace in the government office, all is a body, ascendspunishes good and bad, not suitable similarities and differences. Ifhas does deceitful violates the law and for the loyal friendliness,suitably pays has Si Lunqi the punishment to enjoy, by the illustriousyour majesty 平明 principle, not suitably is selfish, causes insideand outside method differently. Waits on vice minister Guo 攸, spends □t, Dong Yun and so on, thisall good reality, the will ponders loyally is pure, is loses yourmajesty by first emperor Jan Bayi. Simplemindedly thought in thepalace the matter, the matter does not have the size, entirelyconsults it, then the execution, must be able the benefit to make up阙漏, has the broad profit. General to favors, natural line of Shu is even, 晓畅 the military,tested to the former days, first the emperor called it saying energy,was discusses take the audiences lifts favors as supervises.Simplemindedly thought in the camp the matter, entirely consults it,must be able to cause a line of harmoniousness, the fit and unfitquality to result in the institute. Ch"in Hsien feudal official, far villain, this first Chinese thereforeis prosperous; Kisses the villain, far virtuous feudal official, thisEastern Han Dynasty therefore is toppling. First emperor when, everytime discusses this matter with the feudal official, has not had doesnot sigh hates Yu Huan, the spirit. Waits on, Shangshu, the longhistory, the enlistment, this entirely loyal good 死节 feudalofficial, is willing your majesty to kiss letter it, then the Chineseroom is prosperous, may count Japan to treat. Feudal official this cotton garment, tills the fields personally toNanyang, preserves at all costs the life to the tumultuous times, doesnot ask the praise and fame to the feudal lord. The emperor to thefeudal official is not first mean, 猥 from 枉屈, three Gu Chenyu inthe thatched house, consults the feudal official matter of by thepresent age, by is feels grateful, then Xu Xiandi by 驱驰. Thelatter value overturns, is appointed when Yu Baijun, follows ordersbetween the danger, 尔来 20 has a year. First the emperor knows the feudal official to be discrete, thereforenear collapses sends the feudal official by the important matter.Since has been ordered to, morning and evening sorrow sighs, fearsdoes not entrust the effect, by wound first emperor bright, thereforein May crosses the lu, is thorough impoverishment. South now hasdecided, 兵甲 already foot, when the prize rate three services,north decide the area south of Yellow River, multitudiously uses up驽钝, 攘除 奸凶, revives the Chinese room, but also Yu Jiudu.This feudal official therefore the newspaper the emperor but is firstloyal your majesty 职分. As for considers the profit and loss,enters the completely honest talk, then 攸, the cotton and kapok,permits no matter what. Is willing your majesty to hold the feudal official to ask for thethief to revive the effect, the effect does not govern crime of thefeudal official, considers first spirit of the emperor. If not ispopular word of the German, then the responsibility 攸, □t, permitsand so on to be slow, by 彰 its fault; Your majesty also suitablyseeks, consults consults the friendly road, observes the natriumelegant word, the depth pursues first the emperor to lose the imperialedict. The feudal official extremely receives favors the gratitude. Now when is far away, weeps near the table, did not know
2023-07-19 05:27:501


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