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2023-07-19 17:05:53
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The primary construction goal of the Three Ges project is flood control, so that the flood control capacity of Jingjiang levee will be increased from once in ten years to once in 100 years.


The total installed capacity of the Three Ges project is 18.2 million kilowatts. With an annual generating capacity of 84.7 billion kwh, it will provide cheap and clean power for industrial towns and vast areas along the river. This is the main direct economic benefit of the Three Ges Project and the sufficient condition for the construction of the Three Ges Project.


The formation of the Three Ges reservoir has improved the channel of the canyon reach. The 10000 ton fleet can reach Chongqing for half a year. The navigation capacity can be increased from the current 10 million tons per year to 50 million tons, and the shipping cost can be reduced by 30% - 37%.


The Three Ges project, as an anic link beeen Southwest China and the developed coastal areas in the East, will promote the economic development and take off of the Yangtze River basin with its huge prehensive benefits. It is of great significance to speed up the process of China"s modernization and improve the prehensive national strength.


Three Ges Project and market opportunities. The Three Ges project is of great scale. It is posed of the world"s largest reservoir resettlement project, the world"s largest river dam, hydropower plant, navigation building and large-scale long-distance power tran *** ission and transformation project.


The huge construction scale of the Three Ges Project provides a great market opportunity for the construction industry, material industry, mechanical and electrical manufacturing industry, electric power and information industry in China"s Yangtze River Basin and even the whole country, and also promotes the economic development of this region and the whole country.


The Three Ges project needs the latest technology in the world. It will also provide a market that cannot be ignored for the international engineering, mechanical, electrical and electronic information fields.


About reservoir migration. About one million people have been relocated from the reservoir, and they need to rebuild their homes. The reservoir inundated areas are all poor areas along the river. The investment of a large number of migration funds is a new development opportunity for this area. The migration policy of "development migration" will promote the economic prosperity of the reservoir area. It is reasonable from any point of view of politics, society and economy to move 1 million people in the reservoir area to get the security of 15 million people and 23 million mu of cultivated land in the downstream, especially in Jingjiang area. This is why the construction of the Three Ges project can get the support of the people in the reservoir area.


Reservoir induced earthquake and bank stability


The basic conclusion of the evaluation of the Three Ges Reservoir in the study of induced earthquake is: from the dam site to the 16km long low mountain and hill reservoir section of crystalline rock in Miaohe, the integrity of rock mass is good, the historical and current sensible earthquake activities are rare, the occurrence of shallow source *** all earthquakes is not excluded after impoundment, and the maximum magnitude is expected to be no more than 4 on Richter scale; the 142 km long carbonate Canyon reservoir section from Miaohe to Baidicheng may occur The maximum magnitude of the reservoir induced earthquake is no more than 4 on the Richter scale. The reservoir section above Baidi city is mainly posed of sandstone and mudstone. There is no large fault passing through, and the water permeability of the rock mass is weak, so there is no condition for the reservoir induced earthquake.


According to the long-term geological survey and research results of reservoir induced earthquake, the crust of the Three Ges dam area and the reservoir area is stable, and there is no geological background for serious earthquake. After the impoundment of the Three Ges reservoir, although the possibility of reservoir induced earthquake is not excluded, the highest sei *** ic intensity affecting the dam area will not exceed VI degree from the high estimate, and will not affect the safety of the main buildings fortified according to Vll degree.


The reservoir bank of the Three Ges reservoir is mainly posed of hard rock and semi hard rock, with few large faults and weak neotectonic movement and sei *** ic activity, so the overall stability of the reservoir bank is good. However, some landslides and collapses occurred on the bank slope of the Three Ges River during the undercutting process of the Yangtze river bed, which is a key natural phenomenon in the river development process. It has happened in history and may continue to happen after the reservoir impoundment. It is found that there are 284 large-scale landslides and dangerous rocks with a total volume of about 3 billion cubic meters distributed on the bank slope of the reservoir area. Among them, there are 64 large-scale landslides with poor stability and possible instability after impoundment, with a total volume of 340 million cubic meters. Even if all the landslides fall into the reservoir, there is no substantial impact on the reservoir capacity and service life. In the reservoir section within 26 km from the dam, there is no large-scale sliding mass that may lose stability, so the possible bank sliding will not affect the safety of the pivotal buildings. After the impoundment of the Three Ges reservoir, due to the elevation of water level and the increase of water depth, local landslides and collapses may occur on the reservoir bank, which will not affect the navigation of the channel. After the reservoir impoundment, the new and old towns and residents may be greatly affected by the local collapse of the reservoir bank. Therefore, it is necessary to pay full attention to the geological conditions for the location of new towns and concentrated residential areas, and at the same time, it is necessary to establish the monitoring and prediction work for the possible unstable landslides.



2023-07-19 05:21:129


2023-07-19 05:21:492


You should turn on your computer你应该打开你的电脑【电脑卡顿】1. Computer crash此处的crash作名词使用,指"(电脑系统)崩溃、当机"的意思。例句:A common cause of computer crash is faulty -installed software.电脑死机的一个常见原因是软件安装错误。另外,crash也可作动词使用。例句:When my computer crashed for the third time, I thought I would go insane!当我的计算机第三次死机的时候,我想我真要疯了!2. The system collapses.Collapse指"(电脑系统)崩溃"的意思,和"computer crash"意思一样。例句:The network system collapsed totally!网络系统完全崩溃了!3. The computer freezes.根据柯林斯词典可知,freeze除了我们熟悉的"冰冻、冻结"的意思之外,它还指"电脑屏幕冻结、电脑当机"。例句:My computer freezes so often that I can"t work efficiently.我的电脑经常死机,以至我不能很高效地工作4. System hangSystem hang指电脑系统中止、死机的意思。Hang在这里作名词使用。例句:In computing, a hang occurs when the computer program ceases to respond to inputs.在计算机术语当中,"死机"指电脑程序不再对所输入的信息作出反应的情况。同样地,hang也可作动词使用例句:A computer may seem to hang when in fact it is simply processing very slowly.有时电脑看起来似乎出现死机的情况,其实只是它运行得比较慢而已。
2023-07-19 05:22:041


The world is walking on the edge of crumling.
2023-07-19 05:22:125


股市涨跌常用英语   导语:股市行情是指股票市场的`发展和存在趋势。下面是我收集整理的有关股市行情的英语用语,欢迎参考!   1. 市况上扬:   The market advances/ gains /rises.   2. 市况下挫:   The market declines /falls/loses.   3. 市况活跃:   The market booms.   The market is excited.   The market becomes active.   The market becomes brisk.   4. 市况暴跌停滞:   The market slumps.   The market becomes dull.   The market breaks down.   5. 市况走势上扬,市况攀升走高:   The market is on the up grade.   The market is on an upward trend.   The market tends upward.   6. 市况走势下跌,市况下划走低:   The market is on the down grade.   The market tends downward.   The market is on a downward trend.   The market takes downward.   7. 市况狂跌:   The market declines/drops/sags.   8. 市况暴涨:   The market jumps/advances/soars.   9. 总结:   [动词]上扬情况:   The market improves (好转) / picks up (扬升) /   hardens (转趋坚俏) / stiffens (坚挺) / revives (复苏) / rebounds (反弹) / regains (恢复) / rallies (重振) .   下跌趋势:The market collapses (崩溃) / relaxes (疲软) .   行情波动:The market fluctuates (波动).   [形容词]上扬情况:   The market is strong (强劲) / firm (坚稳) / exciting (活跃) / advancing (爬升) / healthy (健康).   下跌趋势:The market is weak (疲软) / soft (疲软) / easy (缓慢).   平稳不变:The market is quiet(静止) / calm (平静) /   unchanged (不变) / steady (平稳)/ supported (平持). ;
2023-07-19 05:22:391


Astronomers believe that a black hole forms when a massive star runs out of nuclear fuel and is crushed by its own gravitational force. 天文学家相信当一个巨大的星用光核燃料而且被它自己重力的力量粉碎的时候,一个黑色的洞形成。 While a star burns fuel it produces an ouard push that counters the inward pull of gravity. 一个星燃烧燃料,不过它生产制止内部的向外的推动地心引力拉。 When no more fuel remains the internal pressure drops and the star can no longer support its enormous weight. 当没有更多的燃料保持的时候,内在的压力降低 而且星能不再支持它的巨大重量。 It throws off its outer layers in a gigantic explosion and its core collapses. 它在一个巨人般的爆炸中离开它的外部层丢,而且它的核心崩溃。 希望帮到你^^ (我一句一句解) 参考: ptsgi/chinese_2/dictionary/dictionary 天文学家相信 一个黑洞形成当一个巨型的星用尽核燃料和由它自己的引力击碎。当星烧燃料 它导致抵抗重力内部拉扯的向外推挤。当没有其他燃料不依然是 内部降压 和星可能不再支持它极大的重量。它投掷它的外面层数在硕大爆炸并且它的核心崩溃。
2023-07-19 05:22:541

这些英文是什么意思? 急急急!

你要设置什么 F5下移 F6上移
2023-07-19 05:23:011


问题补充:Qiu Baoxing, Vice-minister of Construction of China, has said that our country is "facing a more serious water crisis (危机) than any other country in the world." And the Chinese government would raise the cities" waste water treatment rate from 45.6% to 60% in five years. "Because water plays such an important role in our country"s economy (经济) and people"s life, we must pay much attention to it. We have to solve the problem before it is too late," warned Qiu. He said China should learn lessons from developed countries. They have paid heavy costs in solving the environmental pollution." We must take action before the city water ecosystem collapses (生态恶化)," Qiu said. Qian Yi, professor of environmental engineering, said that two problems-the shortage of water resources and the pollution of water cause China"s water crisis. He said China"s present water availability is still low, about a fourth of the world average level. By 2030, the number will drop much. What"s worse, among China"s seven main rivers, five have been seriously polluted. The worst is the Haihe River near Beijing and Tianjin. Qiu said the government is improving the city water, controlling strictly water quality and safety. The Ministry of Construction of China is now working with the Ministry of Health to work out a new set of standards (标准) for drinking water to keep people healthy.this is english translate
2023-07-19 05:23:124

用英文写 对你印象最深的广告 为什么 各位大侠 快帮帮忙吧 要两个

2023-07-19 05:23:222


b句子缺少谓语部分,b 做合适。
2023-07-19 05:23:352


2023-07-19 05:23:431


英语为:Typhoon台风“登陆”,别乱用冠词!超强台风山竹,这可不是一般的水果哦,而是成为今年最强风王登陆菲律宾及广东沿海一带。在报道山竹“登陆”时,外媒是如何使用的呢?请看下文报道:Joy高斋翻译CATTI和MTI分享:The Guardian:Mangkhut made landfall in the Guangdong city of Taishan at 5pm on Sunday, packing wind speeds of 162 kilometers (100 miles) per hour.CNN:Super Typhoon Mangkhut, also known locally as Ompong, made landfall in the town of Baggao in the country"s northeast in the early hours of Saturday morning,看到外刊报道中“登陆”使用的是 made landfall in,然而发现有童鞋就问为啥made a landfall in 有人加上a呢?到底要不要加上a,甚为纠结呢?最好的方法就是验证,bing或看外媒报道,以上两个表达登陆:made landfall in是取自《卫报》和CNN,我们再看其他媒体的相关报道:再比如新华网英文版在报道琼达里登陆上海时如下:新华网:Typhoon Jongdari likely to make landfall in Shanghai.金融时报:Overwhelmed by the news from Texas since Hurricane Harvey made landfall?自从飓风哈维(Hurricane Harvey)登陆后,来自得克萨斯州的相关新闻可谓铺天盖地。以上这些例句都是取自权威媒体报道,我们会发现都是使用made landfall in,都没有加上冠词a,这是大家很容易出错的地方,一个冠词a就能体现你的语言表达是否地道,一定要牢记哦!再给大家拓展一些台风“袭击”时外媒中的小词表达!The Guardian:Mangkhut earlier lashed the Philippines, sparking landslides and building collapses that killed at least 65 people, with another 43 missing.Lash(风、雨或水)猛抽,狠打,狂扫。If wind, rain, or water lashes someone or something, it hits them violently.举个栗子:The rain lashed at the window.雨点猛烈地打在窗户上。lash的主语常为rain、wind、hail、sea或waves。山竹最早是袭击菲律宾的,在表达袭击时还有其他相关报道如下:CNN:Super Typhoon Mangkhut slammed into the Philippines in the early hours of Saturday.这句话中的 slammed into与slash是同义词,表示猛烈撞击,相关短语:slam into/against sb/sth或者slam sth into/against sb/sth.所以在表达台风袭击时有两个小词是slash和slammed into.大家以后就可以学以致用啦!
2023-07-19 05:23:536


摘要——申请个别的分布式发电机组 能引起许多问题,因为这可能解决这个问题。一个更好的办法 这个新兴的潜力,实现分布式发电 将系统方法的观点和吗 作为一个子系统相关荷载或" microgrid”。这个 源可以并行运作的网格或者可以操作 岛,UPS服务。这个系统将断开 在重大事件的效用(即断层、电压 崩塌),但是也会故意断开的时候 从电网质量低于一定的 标准。利用余热的来源 增加总效率,使项目的更多 有吸引力的。实验验证了 对电气可靠性技术方案联合体 (亮)microgrid控制理念。 索引术语——CHP、分布式发电、故意的 地区性、变频器、microgrid、电力vs.频率下垂, 电压下垂,
2023-07-19 05:24:202

Supplementary reading material:Volcanic Eruptions

As with earthquakes,volcanic activity is linked to plate-tectonic processes. Most of the world"s active above-sea volcanoes are located near convergent plate boundaries where subduction is occurring,particularly around the Pacific basin. However,much more volcanism—producing about three quarters of all lava erupted on Earth—takes place unseen beneath the ocean,mostly along the oceanic spreading centers,such as the Mid-Atlantic Ridge and the East Pacific Rise.Subduction-zone volcanoes like Mount St. Helens ( in Washington State ) and Mount Pinatubo ( Luzon,Philippines) ,are called composite cones and typically erupt with explosive force,because the magma is too stiff to allow easy escape through volcanic gases. As a consequence,tremendous internal pressures mount as the trapped gases expand during ascent, before the pent-up pressure is suddenly released in a violent eruption. Such an explosive process can be compared to putting your thumb over an opened bottle of a carbonated drink,shaking it vigorously,and then quickly removing the thumb. The shaking action separates the gases from the liquid to form bubbles,increasing the internal pressure. Quick release of the thumb allows the gases and liquid to gush out with explosive speed and force.In 1991, two volcanoes on the western edge of the Philippine Plate produced major eruptions. On June 15,Mount Pinatubo spewed ash 40 km into the air and produced huge ash flows ( also called pyroclastic flows ) and mudflows that devastated a large area around the volcano. Pinatubo,located 90 km from Manila,had been dormant for 600 years before the 1991 eruption,which ranks as one of the largest eruptions in this century. Also in 1991,Japan"s Unzen volcano,located on the Island of Kyushu about 40 km east of Nagasaki,awakened from its 200- year slumber to produce a new lava dome at its summit. Beginning in June,repeated collapses of this active dome generated destructive ash flows that swept down its slopes at speeds as high as 200 km per hour. Unzen is one of more than 75 active volcanoes in Japan; its eruption in 1792 killed more than 15,000 people—the worst volcanic disaster in the country"s history.While the Unzen eruptions have caused deaths and considerable local damage,the impact of the June 1991 eruption of Mount Pinatubo was global. Slightly cooler than usual temperatures recorded worldwide and the brilliant sunsets and sunrises have been attributed to this eruption that sent fine ash and gases high into the stratosphere,forming a large volcanic cloud that drifted around the world. The sulfur dioxide ( SO2) in this cloud—about 22 million tons—combined with water to form droplets of sulfuric acid,blocking some of the sunlight from reaching the Earth and thereby cooling temperatures in some regions by as much as 0. 5℃ . An eruption the size of Mount Pinatubo could affect the weather for a few years. A similar phenomenon occurred in April of 1815 with the cataclysmic eruption of Tambora Volcano in Indonesia,the most powerful eruption in recorded history. Tambora"s volcanic cloud lowered global temperatures by as much as 3℃ . Even a year after the eruption,most of the northern hemisphere experienced sharply cooler temperatures during the summer months. In part of Europe and in North America,1816 was known as “the year without a summer. ”Apart from possibly affecting climate,volcanic clouds from explosive eruptions also pose a hazard to aviation safety. During the past two decades, more than 60 airplanes, mostly commercial jetliners,have been damaged by in-flight encounters with volcanic ash. Some of these encounters have resulted in the power loss of all engines,necessitating emergency landings. Luckily,to date no crashes have happened because of jet aircraft flying into volcanic ash.Since the year A. D. 1600,nearly 300,000 people have been killed by volcanic eruptions. Most deaths were caused by pyroclastic flows and mudflows, deadly hazards which often accompany explosive eruptions of subduction-zone volcanoes. Pyroclastic flows,also called nuées ardentes ( “glowing clouds ” in French ) , are fast-moving, avalanche-like, ground-hugging incandescent mixtures of hot volcanic debris,ash,and gases that can travel at speeds in excess of 150 km per hour. Approximately 30,000 people were killed by pyroclastic flows during the 1902 eruption of Mont Pel e on the Island of Martinique in the Caribbean. In March-April 1982,three explosive eruptions of El Chichón Volcano in the State of Chiapas,southeastern Mexico,caused the worst volcanic disaster in that country"s history. Villages within 8 km of the volcano were destroyed by pyroclastic flows,killing more than 2,000 people.Mudflows ( also called debris flows or lahars,an Indonesian term for volcanic mudflows) are mixtures of volcanic debris and water. The water usually comes from two sources: rainfall or the melting of snow and ice by hot volcanic debris. Depending on the proportion of water to volcanic material,mudflows can range from soupy floods to thick flows that have the consistency of wet cement. As mudflows sweep down the steep sides of composite volcanoes,they have the strength and speed to flatten or bury everything in their paths. Hot ash and pyroclastic flows from the eruption of the Nevado del Ruiz Volcano in Colombia,South America,melted snow and ice atop the 5,390-m- high Andean peak; the ensuing mudflows buried the city of Armero,killing 25,000 people.Eruptions of Hawaiian and most other mid-plate volcanoes differ greatly from those of composite cones. Mauna Loa and Kilauea,on the island of Hawaii,are known as shield volcanoes,because they resemble the wide,rounded shape of an ancient warrior"s shield. Shield volcanoes tend to erupt non-explosively,mainly pouring out huge volumes of fluid lava. Hawaiian- type eruptions are rarely life threatening because the lava advances slowly enough to allow safe evacuation of people,but large lava flows can cause considerable economic loss by destroying property and agricultural lands. For example,lava from the ongoing eruption of Kilauea,which began in January 1983,has destroyed more than 200 structures,buried kilometers of highways, and disrupted the daily lives of local residents. Because Hawaiian volcanoes erupt frequently and pose little danger to humans,they provide an ideal natural laboratory to safely study volcanic phenomena at close range. The USGS Hawaiian Volcano Observatory,on the rim of Kilauea,was among the world"s first modern volcano observatories,established early in this century.In recorded history,explosive eruptions at subduction-zone ( convergent-boundary) volcanoes have posed the greatest hazard to civilizations. Yet scientists have estimated that about three quarters of the material erupted on Earth each year originates at spreading mid-ocean ridges. However,no deep submarine eruption has yet been observed “live”by scientists. Because the great water depths preclude easy observation,few detailed studies have been made of the numerous possible eruption sites along the tremendous length ( 50,000 km) of the global mid- oceanic ridge system. Recently however,repeated surveys of specific sites along the Juan de Fuca Ridge,off the coast of the Oregon and Washington,have mapped deposits of fresh lava,which must have been erupted sometime between the surveys. In June 1993,seismic signals typically associated with submarine eruptions—called T-phases—were detected along part of the spreading Juan de Fuca Ridge and interpreted as being caused by eruptive activity.Iceland,where the Mid-Atlantic Ridge is exposed on land,is a different story. It is easy to see many Icelandic volcanoes erupt non-explosively from fissure vents,in similar fashion to typical Hawaiian eruptions; others,like Hekla Volcano,erupt explosively. ( After Hekla"s catastrophic eruption in 1104,it was thought in the Christian world to be the “Mouth to Hell. ”) The voluminous,but mostly non-explosive,eruption at Lakagígar ( Laki) ,Iceland,in 1783,resulted in one of the world"s worst volcanic disasters. About 9,000 people—almost 20% of the country"s population at the time—died of starvation after the eruption,because their livestock had perished from grazing on grass contaminated by fluorine-rich gases emitted during this eight month-long eruption.TsunamisMajor earthquakes occurring along subduction zones are especially hazardous,because they can trigger tsunamis ( from the Japanese word tsunami meaning “harbor wave ”) and pose a potential danger to coastal communities and islands that dot the Pacific. Tsunamis are often mistakenly called“tidal waves”when,in fact,they have nothing to do with tidal action. Rather, tsunamis are seismic sea waves caused by earthquakes,submarine landslides,and,infrequently, by eruptions of island volcanoes. During a major earthquake,the seafloor can move by several meters and an enormous amount of water is suddenly set into motion,sloshing back and forth for several hours. The result is a series of waves that race across the ocean at speeds of more than 800 km per hour,comparable to those of commercial jetliners. The energy and momentum of these transoceanic waves can take them thousands of kilometers from their origin before slamming into far-distant islands or coastal areas.To someone on a ship in the open ocean,the passage of a tsunami wave would barely elevate the water surface. However,when it reaches shallower water near the coastline and “touches bottom,”the tsunami wave increases in height,piling up into an enormous wall of water. As a tsunami approaches the shore,the water near shore commonly recedes for several minutes—long enough for someone to be lured out to collect exposed sea shells,fish,etc. —before suddenly rushing back toward land with frightening speed and height.The 1883 eruption of Krakatau Volcano,located in the Sunda Straits between the islands of Sumatra and Java,Indonesia,provides an excellent example of an eruption-caused tsunami. A series of tsunamis washed away 165 coastal villages on Java and Sumatra,killing 36,000 people. The larger tsunamis were recorded by tide gauges as far away as the southern coast of the Arabian Peninsula-more than 7,000 km from Krakatau!Because of past killer tsunamis,which have caused hundreds of deaths on the Island of Hawaii and elsewhere,the International Tsunami Information Center was created in 1965. This center issues tsunami warnings based on earthquake and wave-height information gathered from seismic and tide-gauge stations located around the Pacific Ocean basin and on Hawaii.Both texts are selected from: This Dynamic Earth: The story of plate tectonics,Online edition,USGS.By: W. Jacquelyne Kious and Robert I. TillingNew words and expressionsPart A地球科学专业英语地球科学专业英语Part B地球科学专业英语
2023-07-19 05:24:391

翻译一下~谢了~~ 一定要是对的!!!

2023-07-19 05:24:472


If you have received possibly have the earthquake warning, continues to maintain listens to the local broadcasting station newest report and the suggestion, like the suggestion switches off the liquid gas, the power source. Greatly but the heavy object from high will put on to take away. The jar, the glass, the chinaware and other brittle things admit in the low cabinet, the baggage shelf should have keeps off the hand by to prevent the object whereabouts. The cabinet gate should shut tightly, moves away to be hanging the object. Below prepares the goods by to prepare urgently needs: Fresh fresh water and emergency food, flashlight, fire extinguisher. Is far away these possibly to fall is pounding your thing, possibly can eradicate in outdoors trees, in the small town construction even if enough is sturdy cannot destroy, the chippings also possibly fall. Runs away spacious to place most ideal, but if does not have the enough time,stays is possibly safer in the room, on the avenue speech, the gas piping or the electric wire which bursts can increase the risk. Passes in and out the human is most dangerous, extremely easily is wounded by the building in bricks and stones.  In room: When the earthquake occurs, if in the indoors, stays in inside, extinguishes the fire, is far away the glass is specially the big window (including mirror and so on). In the room quoin or has the good strut internal way is good seeking asylum place. Perhaps the low ground or the basement can provide the best survival opportunity. Hides in under the table bottom or other firm furniture, this not only can provide the protection to you, moreover also has the big breath space. When store, is far away the big cargo exhibition hall, thesecargos possibly can drop down. Also is loaded with the elevator in the multilayered building in the office, in-situ hides in the desk bottom. Do not enter the elevator, the staircase also possibly can crowd the panic-stricken people. .  Che Zhong: As far as possible quickly and safely stops - but stays in the vehicle may avoid hit by the whereabouts object. Crouches in hiding under the seat, if has the thing to fall on the vehicle, you will be able to obtain the protection. When vibrates stops down, the attention observation obstacle and possibly appears danger: Destroyed the electric cable, damages the path and collapses bridge.  Outdoors: When outdoors lie in the ground, do not have to run. This can throw down, also possibly is embezzled by the crack. Is far away the big construction. Toward derground walk or do not enter the gallery, this can cause to be stranded. Like you already prepared to the outdoors, did not return to in the building. The earthquake causes any construction not too to be all reliable for the first time, if then again occurs slightly shakes, the building can cave in. Is safer to the summit. In the pitch earth stone is easy to fall, if crushes by the number thousand ton heavy soil block or the rock (they to have fearful speed), very little has the opportunity which fortunately survives. Rolls equally on the place like the ball changes the survival.  Beach place: So long as under the cliff cannot the suitable security, but because the tsunami follows the earthquake but to come frequently, therefore after vibrates stops leaving the beach as soon as possible to the higher open field shift. The aftershock risk did not like the tsunami to be so fearful.
2023-07-19 05:24:551


  生活中,很多人都喜欢收到惊喜,特别是大惊喜。那么你知道大惊喜的英文是什么吗?下面是我为你整理的大惊喜的英文,希望大家喜欢!   大惊喜的英文   1.great surprise   2.big surprise   great surprise例句   1. It didn"t come as a great surprise to me, I might say.   可以这么说,这并没有令我大吃一惊。   2. Their elimination from the competition was a great surprise.   他们在比赛中遭到淘汰是个很大的意外.   3. To our great surprise, he won the prize.   使我们感到十分惊奇的是他得了奖.   4. The sudden arrival of the troops in the village came as a great surprise to the inhabitants.   队伍蓦然地进了村子,使居民们大吃一惊.   5. This verdict was a great surprise to me.   这个评语使我大吃一惊.   6. For this reason Marcon"s achievment come as a great surprise.   正因为这样,马可尼的成功产生了巨大的震动.   7. Her election to the board of directors caused great surprise.   她被选进董事会,令人大为吃惊.   8. His failure was a great surprise to us.   他的失败使我们感到意外.   9. His sudden death was a great surprise.   他突然去世了,这件事使人感到非常意外.   10. Instead, to his great surprise, one of his grandmother"s proverbs to mind.   相反的, 令他惊讶的是, 一句他祖母的格言,突然浮现在他脑海.   big surprise的造句   1. I got a big surprise.   我大吃一惊.   2. The moment you leave this tent, you will get a big surprise.   你一离开帐篷就会大吃一惊.   3. Why had Stan"s unhappiness come as such a big surprise?   为什么斯坦的不快乐出现得如此突然 呢 ?   4. But corporate collapses would hardly count as the big surprise of 2009.   然而公司倒闭在2009年可能压根算不上什么大事件.   5. Donna: Yes. But the big surprise this season is purple.   多娜: 也流行,但是这个季节最令人惊讶的是紫色.   6. John: Let"s prepare It"silently and give her a big surprise!   约翰: 让我们悄悄的准备,给她一个大惊喜.   7. That would definitely count as a big surprise.   如果这种情况真的出现可就是一个大意外了.   8. This let me in for a big surprise.   这吓了我一大跳.   9. Jeff and Mia have a big surprise!   杰夫和米雅有一个大惊喜!   10. Ok. It is a big surprise. A dress!
2023-07-19 05:25:021


Snow White
2023-07-19 05:25:174


Lingering on the banks of the ancient Yangtze River, the Leifeng Pagoda stands tall and proud, a testament to the rich cultural heritage of China. This magnificent structure has a history spanning over a thousand years, and is one of the most iconic landmarks of the city of Hangzhou.The Leifeng Pagoda was originally built during the Five Dynasties and Ten Kingdoms period, and has undergone several reconstructions over the years. The current structure is a modern reconstruction, built on the original foundation with modern materials and techniques. It stands at a height of 71 meters, and is composed of eight stories, each adorned with intricate carvings and inscriptions.One of the most notable features of the Leifeng Pagoda is its location. It is situated on the southern bank of the West Lake, one of the most scenic areas in Hangzhou. Visitors can climb to the top of the pagoda and enjoy breathtaking views of the lake and surrounding mountains. The pagoda is also illuminated at night, creating a stunning spectacle that attracts tourists from all over the world.The Leifeng Pagoda is steeped in legends and stories. According to one legend, a white snake spirit once lived in the West Lake, and fell in love with a young man. The two were separated by a monk who trapped the white snake spirit beneath the pagoda. Another legend tells the story of a Tang dynasty emperor who visited the pagoda and wrote a poem about its beauty.In conclusion, the Leifeng Pagoda is a magnificent example of Chinese architecture and culture. Its rich history, stunning location, and fascinating legends make it a must-visit destination for anyone traveling to Hangzhou.
2023-07-19 05:26:193


1.Though he was out of work,he was blessed with his good brother who promised him to bring up his two children.2.Because of overwork,he collapsed,but he went on working on his feet as soon as he resumed.3.What good for signing is it?Summing up counts for the most important.
2023-07-19 05:26:274


烫伤了英文翻译A scald
2023-07-19 05:27:001


The curtain is going to fall and dirty; The window is made without window frame so it is very dangerous; The cupboard"s cover has been broken; There is water on the ground; The vegetables are raw/uncooked; The rice is hard; 窗帘快要挂下和污脏; The curtains are about to drop and get dirty. 窗门没有窗花,非常危险; Windows with grid are very dangerous. 柜门是怀的; The cupboard door is failed. 地下有水溃; The floor has water stain. 菜是生的; The vegetable is raw. 饭很硬; The rice is hard to swallow. 2007-12-11 21:34:31 补充: 文法错误及与原文意思不符! 参考: me The dirty curtain is loosely hanging on the wall. The window does not have window grilles fixed it"s very dangerous. The wardrobe doors are damaged; There are water stains on the floor. The vegetables are not cooked thoroughly. The rice is too hard to eat. 参考: sweetie 1 The window curtains soon hangs and the dirty internal . 2 The window gate does not have the paper-cut window decoration is extremely dangerous. 3 The cabi gate is a bosom. 4 Underground has Shui. 5 The vegetable is fresh. 6 The rice is very hard. The curtain hangs makes the door in a dirty window dirty soon and there is no cutting paper work but the door of a very dangerous box has the vegetable that collapses water with very hard meal to which the held underground gives birth.
2023-07-19 05:27:141


1、追求安稳,是坐以待毙的开始。 The pursuit of stability is the beginning of waiting to die. 2、人不可貌相,海水不可斗量。 A man can"t look, and the sea can"t be measured. 3、只要路是对的,就不怕路远。 As long as the road is right, we are not afraid to go far. 4、面对成功,不必要忘形。 In the face of success, there is no need to forget. 5、比不了得就不比,得不到的就不要。 If you can"t get it, you can"t get it. 6、虽然过去不能改变,未来能够。 Although the past cannot be changed, the future can. 7、人生逆境时,切记忍耐。 Bear in mind when you are in adversity. 8、努力的人,总知道自己收获了什么。 Those who work hard always know what they have gained. 9、没有哪件事,不动手就可以实现。 There is nothing that can be achieved without hands. 10、人生因有梦想,而充满动力。 Life is full of power because of dreams. 11、你改变不了过去,但你可以改变现在。 You can"t change the past, but you can change the present. 12、这一秒不放弃,下一秒就会有希望。 If you don"t give up in one second, there will be hope in the next. 13、请你相信,你的坚持,终将美好。 Please believe that your persistence will be better. 14、成功者找方法,失败者找理由。 Winners find ways, losers find reasons. 15、可以失望,但不许放弃。 You can be disappointed, but you can"t give up. 16、持之以恒,信心坚定,才有曙光出现。 Only by persevering and firm faith can there be a dawn. 17、世事总不能万般如意,有舍才有得。 Things in the world can"t be as good as they should be, only when there is room for them. 18、别落魄,因为一堆人等着落井下石。 Don"t be down, because a lot of people are waiting to fall. 19、当你能梦的时候,就不要放弃梦。 When you can dream, don"t give up the dream. 20、空谈不如实干,踱步何不向前行。 It"s better to talk than to do. Why not walk forward. 21、再冷的石头,坐上三年也会暖。 No matter how cold the stone is, it will be warm after sitting for three years. 22、只要相信自己,总会遇到惊喜! As long as you believe in yourself, there will always be surprises! 23、目光能看多远,你就能走多远。 You can walk as far as your eyes can see. 24、要永远憧憬,永远在现在努力。 We should always look forward to it and strive for it now. 25、可以不做善人,不能为非作歹。 Do not be a good man, do not do evil. 26、突破心理障碍,才能超越自己。 Only by breaking through psychological barriers can we surpass ourselves. 27、你若不去旅行,没人给你风景。 If you don"t travel, no one will give you a view. 28、没有鲜花,学会感受泥土的芬芳。 Without flowers, learn to feel the fragrance of soil. 29、你可以忘掉伤疤,但不能忘却耻辱。 You can forget the scars, but not the shame. 30、梦想是远处的灯塔,指示前进方向。 A dream is a beacon in the distance, indicating the way forward. 31、成功是一个过程,并不是一个结果。 Success is a process, not a result. 32、怀揣希望,逐梦前行。 Hope and dream. 33、人生最大的失败,就是放下。 The biggest failure in life is to let go. 34、把梦想装在心中,用行动舞蹈。 Put your dream in your heart and dance with action. 35、改变自我,挑战自我,从现在开始。 Change yourself, challenge yourself, from now on. 36、坎坎坷坷的是路,永不停歇的是脚步。 Bumps and bumps is the road, never stop is the pace. 37、人生得意时,切记看谈。 When you are happy in life, remember to talk about it. 38、你若不去勇敢,没人替你坚强。 If you don"t be brave, no one will be strong for you. 39、不妄求,则心安,不妄做,则身安。 If you don"t ask in vain, you will be at peace with yourself. If you don"t do in vain, you will be at peace with yourself. 40、就在这儿,必须要成功! It"s here. It has to be successful! 41、只有千锤百炼,才能成为好钢。 Only through hard work can we become good steel. 42、这不是偶然的失误,是必然的结果。 This is not an accidental mistake, but an inevitable result. 43、江河有流尽之时,毅力无倒塌之日。 When rivers run out, perseverance never collapses. 44、不为失败找借口,只为成功找方法。 Don"t make excuses for failure, just find ways to succeed. 45、请赐予我无限的正能量,告别庸懒。 Please give me infinite positive energy to say goodbye to indolence. 46、嘴里说的人生,就是自我以后的人生。 The life in my mouth is the life after myself. 47、不要等待好事降临,你要向幸福进发。 Don"t wait for good things to come, you have to advance to happiness. 48、面对烦恼,不必要回避。 In the face of trouble, there is no need to avoid. 49、在痛苦中微笑,我们坦然了。 Smile in pain, we are calm. 50、成功的道路上,肯定会有失败。 On the road to success, there must be failure. 51、辛苦的付出,不再被无情的辜负。 Hard work, no longer be mercilessly failed. 52、人们痛恨的不是改变,而是被改变。 What people hate is not change, but change. 53、在强者的眼中,没有最好,只有更好。 In the eyes of the strong, there is no best, only better. 54、自己是大海,百川才会来归。 I am the sea, and all rivers will come back. 55、时代不同了,老好人不吃香了。 The times are different. Good people are not popular. 56、学大海,纳百川,让自己容量无限。 Learn from the sea, accept all rivers, and let yourself have unlimited capacity. 57、不怕路远,就怕志短。 Not afraid of a long way, but afraid of a short mind. 58、要想改变命运,首先改变自己。 If you want to change your destiny, first change yourself. 59、平生不做皱眉事,世上应无切齿人。 Do not frown all your life, there should be no incisor in the world. 60、爱自己,靠自己,做自己。 Love yourself, depend on yourself, be yourself. 61、努力,是为了跳出你厌恶的圈子。 Work hard to get out of the circle you hate.
2023-07-19 05:27:211


2023-07-19 05:27:302


First the emperor does not start an undertaking half but the middlecourse death of the emperor, today next three divides, profit state疲弊, fall of the this honest critical life or death. However feudalofficial of the bodyguard unremittingly to in, gentleman of the loyalwill forgets body Yu waizhe, Ge Zhuixian the emperor extremely meets,wants the newspaper to your majesty. Honestly suitably is open forbusiness the saint to listen, first the emperor loses Germany by thelight, gas of the broad person of integrity, not suitably improperlybelittles oneself, directs Yu Shiyi, fills loyally admonishes theroad In the palace in the government office, all is a body, ascendspunishes good and bad, not suitable similarities and differences. Ifhas does deceitful violates the law and for the loyal friendliness,suitably pays has Si Lunqi the punishment to enjoy, by the illustriousyour majesty 平明 principle, not suitably is selfish, causes insideand outside method differently. Waits on vice minister Guo 攸, spends □t, Dong Yun and so on, thisall good reality, the will ponders loyally is pure, is loses yourmajesty by first emperor Jan Bayi. Simplemindedly thought in thepalace the matter, the matter does not have the size, entirelyconsults it, then the execution, must be able the benefit to make up阙漏, has the broad profit. General to favors, natural line of Shu is even, 晓畅 the military,tested to the former days, first the emperor called it saying energy,was discusses take the audiences lifts favors as supervises.Simplemindedly thought in the camp the matter, entirely consults it,must be able to cause a line of harmoniousness, the fit and unfitquality to result in the institute. Ch"in Hsien feudal official, far villain, this first Chinese thereforeis prosperous; Kisses the villain, far virtuous feudal official, thisEastern Han Dynasty therefore is toppling. First emperor when, everytime discusses this matter with the feudal official, has not had doesnot sigh hates Yu Huan, the spirit. Waits on, Shangshu, the longhistory, the enlistment, this entirely loyal good 死节 feudalofficial, is willing your majesty to kiss letter it, then the Chineseroom is prosperous, may count Japan to treat. Feudal official this cotton garment, tills the fields personally toNanyang, preserves at all costs the life to the tumultuous times, doesnot ask the praise and fame to the feudal lord. The emperor to thefeudal official is not first mean, 猥 from 枉屈, three Gu Chenyu inthe thatched house, consults the feudal official matter of by thepresent age, by is feels grateful, then Xu Xiandi by 驱驰. Thelatter value overturns, is appointed when Yu Baijun, follows ordersbetween the danger, 尔来 20 has a year. First the emperor knows the feudal official to be discrete, thereforenear collapses sends the feudal official by the important matter.Since has been ordered to, morning and evening sorrow sighs, fearsdoes not entrust the effect, by wound first emperor bright, thereforein May crosses the lu, is thorough impoverishment. South now hasdecided, 兵甲 already foot, when the prize rate three services,north decide the area south of Yellow River, multitudiously uses up驽钝, 攘除 奸凶, revives the Chinese room, but also Yu Jiudu.This feudal official therefore the newspaper the emperor but is firstloyal your majesty 职分. As for considers the profit and loss,enters the completely honest talk, then 攸, the cotton and kapok,permits no matter what. Is willing your majesty to hold the feudal official to ask for thethief to revive the effect, the effect does not govern crime of thefeudal official, considers first spirit of the emperor. If not ispopular word of the German, then the responsibility 攸, □t, permitsand so on to be slow, by 彰 its fault; Your majesty also suitablyseeks, consults consults the friendly road, observes the natriumelegant word, the depth pursues first the emperor to lose the imperialedict. The feudal official extremely receives favors the gratitude. Now when is far away, weeps near the table, did not know
2023-07-19 05:27:501


The lorry skidded on a stretch of black ice . 货车在薄冰路面上打滑。 Their refusal iced our enthusia *** . 他们的拒绝给我们的热情泼了冷水。 The ice is too thin to bear your weight . 冰太薄,承受不住你的重量。 They ate raspberry tarts and ice cream . 大家吃著木莓馅饼和冰淇淋。 Catherine had been ice up to this moment . 凯瑟琳至此可说是冷若冰霜。 A thin layer of ice is formed over the lake ... 湖面上凝结了一层薄冰。 When water bees sopd we call it ice . 水变成固体时,我们称之为冰。 Ice crystals begin to deform measurably . 冰晶就产生某种程度的变形了。 Does the bar ice the champagne before serving ? 那家酒巴有冰镇香槟吗? The wedding-cake was elaborately iced . 结婚蛋糕上挂著一层精致的糖衣。 The ice is too thin to bear your weights . 冰太薄,承受不了你们的重量。 In other words, the ice begins to melt . 换句话说,冰开始融化了。 The lorry went into a spin on a patch of ice . 卡车在一片冰地上打滑了。 The children clamoured for ice cream . 孩子们聒噪不休,吵著要吃冰淇淋。 What we have to do now is to break the ice . 我们的当务之急是打开僵局。 The boy ate several dishfuls of ice cream . 那小男孩吃了好几满盤冰淇淋。 She turned a pirouette on the ice . 她在冰上做了个单足旋转动作。 Ice has difficulty in negotiating sharp corners . 冰很难越过尖锐的角隅。 The tigers broke the ice with a touchdown . 虎队首先底线得分,打破僵局。 Whereas i am hot, and fire dissolves ice . 而我却是火热的,火能叫冰融化。 Streets are coated with steely ice . 街道上结满坚硬如钢的冰雪。 They kept the invention on ice for ten years . 他们把这项发明搁置了十年。 The train was delayed because of ice on the pne . 火车因铁轨结冰而误点。 His shot reverberated across the ice . 他的枪声在冰面上回荡著。 The mammoth fell into an ice crevasse . 猛犸掉进冰河裂缝里了。 The cold weather iced people"s breath . 寒冷的天气使人们呼出的气凝冻起来。 Mother is dishing the ice cream . 妈妈正在把冰淇淋盛在碟子里。 The bird picked a hole in the ice with its beak . 那鸟在冰上啄出了一个洞。 I suppose we"d better--better break the ice . 我想我们还是--还是开个头吧! Water turns into ice when it freezes . 天气极冷时水能结成冰。 The children were pcking at the ices . 孩子们正舔吃著冰糕。 Snow and ice made the road impassable . 冰雪使道路无法通行。 The cpmbers cut steps in the ice . 登山者在冰上凿出踏脚处。 The ice on the river is thick enough to walk on . 河上的冰已经禁得住人走了。 The thin ice can not bear truckloads . 薄冰承不住卡车重量。 They broke the ice and carried water to the site . 他们打破冰,把水运到工地。 The thin ice can not bear truckloads . 薄冰禁不住卡车重量。 After the heavy frost the road was a sheet of ice . 浓霜过后,路面结了一层冰。 The boy especially pkes the ice on the cake . 那个男孩特别喜欢吃蛋糕上的糖霜。 There"s nothing pke a flattery for breaking the ice . 要搭腔最好先捧人家一下。 When i skate , i "m fearful of the sparkpng ice . 我滑冰的时候很怕那闪亮的冰。 What ice will you have--water ice or cream ice ? 你吃什么冷饮,冰水还是冰淇淋? The stone floor felt pke ice to her bare feet . 她光著脚感到石头地板冰凉刺骨。 The ice forms early and dissolves late in the north . 北方冰结得早,融化得晚。 When ice thaws, its molecular structure collapses . 当冰消融时,其分子结构崩溃。 No one could fail to sense the ice in her voice . 人人都能感到她的冷冰冰的口气。 That will prevent the wings of the aircraft from icing up . 这样可防止机翼结冰。 Cirrus is formed from ice crystals . 卷云是冰晶形成的。
2023-07-19 05:27:581


The MetamorphosisGregor Samsa awakes one morning to find himself inexplicably transformed from a human into a monstrous insect. Rather than lament his transformation, Gregor worries about how he will get to his job as a traveling salesman; Gregor is the sole financial provider for his parents and sister, Grete, and their comfort is dependent on his ability to work. When Gregor"s supervisor arrives at the house and demands Gregor come out of his room, Gregor manages to roll out of bed and unlock his door. His appearance horrifies his family and supervisor; his supervisor flees and Gregor attempts to chase after him, but his family shoos him back into his room. Grete attempts to care for her brother by providing him with milk and the stale, rotten food he now prefers. Gregor also develops the fears of an insect, being effectively shooed away by hissing voices and stamping feet. However, Gregor remains a devoted and loving son, and takes to hiding beneath a sofa whenever someone enters his room in order to shield them from his insect form. When alone, he amuses himself by looking out of his window and crawling up the walls and on the ceiling.No longer able to rely on Gregor"s income, the other family members are forced to take on jobs and Grete"s caretaking deteriorates. One day, when Gregor emerges from his room, his father chases him around the dining room table and pelts him with apples. One of the apples becomes embedded in his back, causing an infection. Due to his infection and his hunger, Gregor is soon barely able to move at all. Later, his parents take in lodgers and use Gregor"s room as a dumping area for unwanted objects. Gregor becomes dirty, covered in dust and old bits of rotten food. One day, Gregor hears Grete playing her violin to entertain the lodgers. Gregor is attracted to the music, and slowly walks into the dining room despite himself, entertaining a fantasy of getting his beloved sister to join him in his room and play her violin for him. The lodgers see him and give notice, refusing to pay the rent they owe, even threatening to sue the family for harboring him while they stayed there. Grete determines that the monstrous insect is no longer Gregor, since Gregor would have left them out of love and taken their burden away, and claims that they must get rid of it. Gregor retreats to his room and collapses, finally succumbing to his wound.The point of view shifts as, upon discovery of his corpse, the family feels an enormous burden has been lifted from them, and start planning for the future again. The family discovers that they aren"t doing financially bad at all, especially since, following Gregor"s demise, they can take a smaller flat. The brief process of forgetting Gregor and shutting him from their lives is quickly completed. The tale concludes with the mother and father taking note of Grete"s new womanhood and growth.
2023-07-19 05:28:071


2023-07-19 05:28:166

Drowning in Darkness 歌词

你说的是eminem的新歌 Drowning in Darkness 吧 这个歌应该是翻唱的Shadows 曲调是完全一样的 就是rap 不一样现在这个歌刚出来 网上还找不到歌词 只能先给你Shadows的歌词了(歌唱部分完全一样 只是说唱部分不同)Shadows (Ft. DaViglio)(Produced by Mart85) K-LamWhen my world was crashing all around me all my hope was goneI was drowning in darkness, barely hanging on,out of the shadows you appeared, and helped me breathe againso when it all goes to black, I won"t start to fallCause I can find you in the shadowsVerse 1: when I was done with haley dick, when I was done cryin over my friends when I accepted that my grandmothermother died, I looked up in the sky and as I shed a tear and cried, I prayed to god someone, a person new in my life a person that would never leave, a person with the same joy that wouldn"t be a kill joy, who didn"t treat my like a toy I knew that I was blatant, but damn it I knew what I wanted nothing that wanted to be flaunted, got it and every single day went by, nothing new had come around until I decided to go to chunkys with friend, her hair flowin" down her shoulders and I was grownin" colder, but at that very instant, that very minute I was like oh my god I gotta be with you forever, don"t you ever leave me, please don"t ever decieve me cuz I"ve been hurt, I"ve been burnt but you resurrected me ejected me, from my frame of mind, gave me the energy (Chorus)When my world was crashing all around me all my hope was goneI was drowning in darkness, barely hanging on,out of the shadows you appeared, and helped me breathe againso when it all goes to black, I won"t start to fallCause I can find you in the shadowsVerse 2:now there"s a certain point where you wanna snap where you wanna snap on people you don"t wanna rap you"ve had enough of that, you"ve just been talkin" smack you"ve been projectin" words at eahcother, protectin" eachothers brothers callin" all their mother names, you don"t gotta fuckin" brain then you resort to dissin" their lovers, its really annoying, but im not toying anymore theirs a certian point where you cross the line, thats a fine line, I"d just like to make it clear I would go and take your fear, and throw it in your face, I was outta place, I"ll admit it I was vindictive, I was addicted to causin" drama, but I now I know I have a problem and theirs a way to solve it you just gotta stop believing that your superman, you can"t fly, theirs certain things that you can"t do, if everybody could to this then everything would undo, but we can"t even do it whats the world come too (Chorus)When my world was crashing all around me all my hope was goneI was drowning in darkness, barely hanging on,out of the shadows you appeared, and helped me breathe againso when it all goes to black, I won"t start to fallCause I can find you in the shadowsVerse 3:theirs a certain mystique to me, don"t mean that I"m a freak once you people learn this then I will honest withthe peeps cuz everybodys treatin" me different, indifferent of my feeling theirs no consideration, my preperation for the day includes defensive systems I"m going on the offensive bitches, I"ve got enough courage stirred up, yup with kelly backed behind and with devan on my side, my little cousins on my right nothing can stop me tonight, man I"m feelin" fired up I launch right in to the sky, every second hire up I break the atmohsphere of hate, and it finally collapses the enviroment relaxes and nobody relapses, I try to be inactive my soul is layed to rest, finally the best of the best is down for the count he is over and out, this song is dedicated to the people who I"ve found in my shadows, and who have never left my sight, I love you guys(Chorus)When my world was crashing all around me all my hope was goneI was drowning in darkness, barely hanging on,out of the shadows you appeared, and helped me breathe againso when it all goes to black, I won"t start to fallCause I can find you in the shadows
2023-07-19 05:28:301

go up是什么意思

2023-07-19 05:28:394


台风“登陆”,别乱用冠词!超强台风山竹,这可不是一般的水果哦,而是成为今年最强风王登陆菲律宾及广东沿海一带。在报道山竹“登陆”时,外媒是如何使用的呢?请看下文报道:Joy高斋翻译CATTI和MTI分享:The Guardian:Mangkhut made landfall in the Guangdong city of Taishan at 5pm on Sunday, packing wind speeds of 162 kilometers (100 miles) per hour.CNN:Super Typhoon Mangkhut, also known locally as Ompong, made landfall in the town of Baggao in the country"s northeast in the early hours of Saturday morning,看到外刊报道中“登陆”使用的是 made landfall in,然而发现有童鞋就问为啥made a landfall in 有人加上a呢?到底要不要加上a,甚为纠结呢?最好的方法就是验证,bing或看外媒报道,以上两个表达登陆:made landfall in是取自《卫报》和CNN,我们再看其他媒体的相关报道:再比如新华网英文版在报道琼达里登陆上海时如下:新华网:Typhoon Jongdari likely to make landfall in Shanghai.金融时报:Overwhelmed by the news from Texas since Hurricane Harvey made landfall?自从飓风哈维(Hurricane Harvey)登陆后,来自得克萨斯州的相关新闻可谓铺天盖地。以上这些例句都是取自权威媒体报道,我们会发现都是使用made landfall in,都没有加上冠词a,这是大家很容易出错的地方,一个冠词a就能体现你的语言表达是否地道,一定要牢记哦!再给大家拓展一些台风“袭击”时外媒中的小词表达!The Guardian:Mangkhut earlier lashed the Philippines, sparking landslides and building collapses that killed at least 65 people, with another 43 missing.Lash(风、雨或水)猛抽,狠打,狂扫。If wind, rain, or water lashes someone or something, it hits them violently.举个栗子:The rain lashed at the window.雨点猛烈地打在窗户上。lash的主语常为rain、wind、hail、sea或waves。山竹最早是袭击菲律宾的,在表达袭击时还有其他相关报道如下:CNN:Super Typhoon Mangkhut slammed into the Philippines in the early hours of Saturday.这句话中的 slammed into与slash是同义词,表示猛烈撞击,相关短语:slam into/against sb/sth或者slam sth into/against sb/sth.所以在表达台风袭击时有两个小词是slash和slammed into.大家以后就可以学以致用啦!
2023-07-19 05:28:532


2023-07-19 05:29:2211


CBD,是英文Central Business District的简称,又称中央商务区或商务中心区。现代比较流行的定义是:在一个大城市内,集中了大量的商务、金融、文化、服务机构和商务办公酒店、公寓等配套设施,具备完善便捷的交通、通信等现代化基础设施和良好的环境,便于开展大规模的商务活动的比较核心的中心区地铁和公交的车站都列一下吧,谢谢 cbd好像4平方公里范围内写字楼多的车站 三元桥 亮马桥,双井都属于cbd吧 在cbd工作的同仁们回答一下谢谢
2023-07-19 05:29:492


never change at any time
2023-07-19 05:30:169


2023-07-19 05:30:452

Good faith lights a lamp_3000字

Is good faith lost after all, still exist? Where did the disappointment return? Where are they and where are they hiding? Is the loss or the existence, has bee a new topic: some people say: the society is built on the good faith, the foundation collapses the house will be stable? Who can understand all this? The lie is still going on. The allusion that ji Bu does one‘s word go to that? Is integrity abandoned in that corner again? In your heart or mine? If, honesty is really lost, what will the world be? What about society? What about humans? Does the world tilt? Will society be upside down? The Master said, “If a man does not keep his word, I do not know how he can be a man.” How can one walk without a cart (key on the beam) or a cart (key on the shaft)? The story of Jibu is still in the textbooks, asking: Who can really put what they have learned into practice and be a modern Jibu? Now, however, honesty may exist in dreams. The nib maybe in some craving! Or perhaps afraid of loss hidden in the heart. Or maybe it exploded in the media. Not long ago, there was a program on CCTV"s Tell it Like It Is -- Please let me believe you! That is our Shantou Party secretary Li Tongshu grandpa facing the national TELEVISION audience about Shantou a few years ago because some enterprises do not speak integrity to the image of Shantou to discredit. Outsiders do not dare to buy Shantou‘s products, shops outside the city do not dare to sell Shantou"s things, foreign busines *** en do not dare to invest in Shantou, some famous enterprises do not dare to say that their products are produced in Shantou, shantou‘s economy suffered serious losses. When watching this episode of the program, deeply feel sad, it is true that the faithless decline, the faithful xing, it tells us a profound issue that makes people ponder - integrity is priceless. Now That China is getting richer, the problem of integrity has suddenly e to the fore. We are surrounded by almost all kinds of dishonest enterprises and individuals. Give the pig some clenbuterol or lots of water; Give turtle eels some birth control pills and so on, it"s amazing. The proliferation of false advertising, products and profits has led to a search for respectable listed panies in China‘s stock market. Why the sudden lack of good faith and we so urgently call for good faith? China should always guard good faith, use good faith! Rebalance a skewed society! Perhaps the good faith has not disappeared! In my hand, somewhere in the corner. It is said that in the early years, few foreigners set foot in the southern foothill of the Himalayas in Nepal. Later, many Japanese came here for sightseeing, which was said to be due to the honesty of a young boy. One day, several Japanese photographers asked a local teenager to buy beer for them, and the teenager ran for more than three hours. The next day the boy volunteered to buy beer for them again. This time the photographer gave him a lot of money, but the boy did not return until the afternoon of the third day. Then, photographers talk, all think that the boy cheated money. On the third night, the teenager knocked on the photographer"s door. It turned out that he had only bought four bottles of beer. Then he climbed a mountain and crossed a river to buy the other six. He came back with three broken bottles. Crying, he took the glass and returned the change to the photographer, touching everyone present. This event moved many foreigners. Since then, more and more tourists have e here... Integrity is so lost but in another form. She passes by some people and disappears, but she grows in others‘ hearts and lives on! Good faith, as the name implies, is sincere to others, seeking truth from facts, letter - based, magnanimous, sincere, aboveboard. Honesty is not an act of paper, nor is it capricious, nor is it an act of cheating. It is about being consistent in what one says, consistent in what one says, and strict with oneself. Only in this way can you sail the boat of your life safely to the destination port of your destination. In the material rich today, we often by the temptation of fame and wealth, and for a moment shortsighted lost integrity, will lose youth and the future! Let good faith light a heart lamp!
2023-07-19 05:30:521


  下面是我整理的关于读书的好处 英语 作文 ,以供大家学习参考。   关于读书的好处英语作文1:   When I"m free or in trouble, I always take out a book and read quietly. In no time, I"ve put my heart into it so that I"ll forget all the troubles. It"s in this way that I"ve formed the habit of reading in any time. Little boys as I was, I was interest in picture books and storybooks. I was struck by them. No sooner had I entered the middle school than I began to read novel, plays, essays and so on. I found I could get much from them. Little by little I took great interest in literature and last term I won the first prize in the composition contest among middle-school students in Zhe Jiang. Reading “The Emperor"s New Clothes”, I had to let out a burst of laughter over his fool. “The Little Match Girl” couldn"t keep me from crying for her misery. “ Robinson Crusoe” took me into a strange world full of danger. And I was also deeply impressed by Helen Keller"s patience and perseveranceu2026 Besides these, books also tell me other thing -how to be a man and how to tell the difference between right and wrong. In a word, good books can make me know what I didn"t before. So I think of a good book as my best friend. I"ll never forget this famous saying,“ Good books are best friends who never turn their backs upon us.”   关于读书的好处英语作文2:   In this modern materialistic world, the majority of people are in hot pursuit of material gains, and money is considered the most valuable thing of all, which, personally speaking, is quite superficial. As far as I am concerned, reading is much more valuable than anything else, for it can benefit us in many ways. The old saying, “to open a book is always beneficial” vividly shows how valuable reading is.   Firstly, it goes beyond doubt that reading is a very important way to gain knowledge. Reading is like travelling, the process of which enables you to experience the colorful world and enlarge your eyes scope. By reading history books, you can understand how a regime prospers or collapses, helping you draw useful lessons and develop more wisdom. By reading books of science, you can keep yourself informed in the field of scientific endeavors, thus appreciating how science creates wonders. In a word, reading can enrich your knowledge and get whatever information you need.   In addition, you can get mental encouragement from reading and improve yourself in all aspects. For instance, the stories of well-known people in books help turn an aimless person into an ambitious one, setting up a short or long-term goal for himself. If the daily troubles make you feel desperate, then you will be mentally stroked and encouraged by reading how famous people such as Beethoven made miracles in the face of insurmountable difficulties. Books are a great source of mental encouragement, giving you motives to move forward.   Finally, reading good books is one of the greatest pleasures in life. It increases our joy when we are in high spirits, and lessens our sorrow when we are discouraged. Reading will always bring us enjoyment and satisfaction. Good books also serve as gentle companions or faithful friends that will never betray us. While reading, we donu2019t feel lonely. Books are ready to give us whatever we need such as knowledge, friendship and encouragement.   To sum up, reading is undoubtedly beneficial to you. To open a book is like opening a door, through which you will enter a museum, where all man-made wonders and unique wisdoms are available for you to appreciate; to open a book is like opening a window, through which you can enjoy fresh air、blue sky and wonderful natural landscapes , making you feel refreshed   关于读书的好处英语作文3:   if we have a book ,we will not be felling of being longlywhen i"m free or in trouble, i always take out a book and read quietly. in no time, i"ve put my heart into it so that i"ll forget all the troubles. it"s in this way that i"ve formed the habit of reading in any time.   little boys as i was, i was interest in picture books and storybooks. i was struck by them. no sooner had i entered the middle school than i began to read novel, plays, essays and so on. i found i could get much from them. little by little i took great interest in literature and last term i won the first prize in the composition contest among middle-school students in zhe jiang.   reading the emperor"s new clothes, i had to let out a burst of laughter over his fool. the little match girl couldn"t keep me from crying for her misery. robinson crusoe took me into a strange world full of danger. and i was also deeply impressed by helen keller"s patience and perseveranceu2026 besides these, books also tell me other thing -how to be a man and how to tell the difference between right and wrong. in a word, good books can make me know what i didn"t before. so i think of a good book as my best friend.   i"ll never forget this famous saying, good books are best friends who never turn their backs upon us.   关于读书的好处英语作文4:   Smoe people say that money is the best thing in the world. But I consider reading books as the best and the most precious thing one can ever have.   Reading books is very important. First of all, it is knowledge that makes society develop and by reading books you can get all kinds of knowledge. Furthemore, reading books makes you a qualified person and makes your life enjoyable.   One is never too old to learn. No matter what time you rcalize the importance of reading books, you can enjoy it during the rest of your life time. Love books, for they are your best friends.   读书的好处   有人说世界上钱最好,我认为读书最好,而且读书是无价宝。   读书是很重要的。首先,知识使社会进步,通过读书你可以得到各种知识,另外,读书使你成为一个合格人才,使你生活愉快。   活到老学到老。不管你什么时候意识到读书的重要性,你都可以享受到余生读书的乐趣。热爱书吧,书是你的挚友。   Speaking of reading, many people are excited because reading brings them both knowledge and entertainment. By reading, we can learn lots of information and know our history. But for some people, reading is not their priority. They will choose to watch movies to have fun. However, I think people can benefit a lot by reading.   说起读书,很多人都很兴奋,读书不仅能带给他们知识,而且也能带给他们娱乐。通过读书,我们能得到很多信息,了解我们的历史。但是对于一部分人来说,阅读并不是他们的首选。他们会选择看电影来找乐子。但是,我认为,读书能让我们获益。   First of all, reading can let us know what have happened in history. Since history is recorded in books, if we read books, then we can not only what have happened in history but also we can better understand the great figures of the age.   第一,读书能让我们知道历史。历史都被记录在数中,如果我们读书的话,我们不仅能了解历史,而且我们也能更加了解时代伟人。   Secondly, reading can enrich our knowledge. By reading, we can know different kinds of things, how things happen and how to avoid bad things from happening. Books record a wide range of things about life. Through reading, we can know various aspects of life.   第二,读书能让我们丰富我们的知识。通过读书,我们能了解很多事物,了解到事件是怎么发生的,怎么避免不利事件的发生。书本记录着社会的方方面面。通过读书,我们能了解生活的方方面面的知识。   Thirdly, reading teaches us skills. There are so many books about how to learn a certain language, how to get a good job, how to become popular in your circle, how to cook and so on. Thus, these kinds of books can make us more skillful if we do a certain thing.   第三,我们能通过读书来学习一些技能。很多书都是写关于怎么学会一门语言,怎么找到一份好工作,怎么让自己在圈子中更受欢迎以及怎么烹饪等之类的东西。通过这些书,我们能在做事的时候更加熟练。   All in all, we can find lots of benefits through reading.   总之,我们能够通过读书收获很多。
2023-07-19 05:31:421


2023-07-19 05:31:529

海南旅游景点英文名称介绍 海南著名景点英文介绍

三亚各景点的英文名称有木有晓得的?1,天涯海角游览区,The remotest corners of the globe天涯海角游览区,位于海南省三亚市天涯区,距主城区西南约23公里处,背对马岭山,面向茫茫大海,是国家AAAA级旅游景区。景区海湾沙滩上大小百块石耸立,“天涯石”、“海角石”、“日月石”和“南天一柱”突兀其间,沙滩上大小百块磊石耸立,上有众多石刻。清代雍正年间崖州州守程哲所书,勒石镌字“海判南天”,这是天涯海角最早的石刻。2,南山文化旅游区,NANSAN南山主要景点有南山寺、海上观音、不二法门、观音文化苑、三十三观音堂、天竺圣迹、佛名胜景观苑、十方塔林与归根园、佛教文化交流中心、素斋购物一条街等。其中,108米海上观音是当之无愧的亮点之一,是世界首尊金玉观世音菩萨塑像,闻名全海南的镇岛之宝。3,鹿回头公园,Luhuitou Park鹿回头公园山顶因有鹿的雕塑而出名,站在鹿回头公园山顶,可以看到南海上的东岛和西岛。鹿回头的定位是情爱文化和生态展示并重的主题公园,主要景点包括顺风台、鹿苑、滑道、紫气东来、情爱文化园、黎族歌舞表演、鹿回头雕塑、山顶花园、北亭观景台等。4,西岛,West Island西岛又名玳瑁岛,位于三亚湾国家自然保护区内,全岛总面积 2.68平方公里。岛上风景秀丽,空气清新,沙滩柔和,海水清澈见底;环岛海域生长着大量美丽的珊瑚,保护完好。5,大小洞天风景区,Fairyland大小洞天风景区,原名海山奇观风景区,古称鳌山大小洞天,位于海南省三亚市区以西40公里的南山西南隅,总面积为22.5平方公里,景区已有800多年历史,是著名的道教文化风景区。参考资料来源:百度百科-天涯海角风景区参考资料来源:百度百科-南山文化旅游区参考资料来源:百度百科-鹿回头山顶公园参考资料来源:百度百科-西岛参考资料来源:百度百科-大小洞天用英文介绍海南旅游景点已解决问题 收藏 转载到QQ空间 谁有英语作文是介绍海南海口的 [ 标签:海南 海口,作文,海口 ] SOSO用户 回答:1 人气:12 解决时间:2008-06-29 11:18 满意答案 Haikou, known also as the "Coconut City", is the capital of Hainan Province, China"s second largest island. The city is the provincial administrative center of Hainan as well being the focus of the local economy, culture and transportation. Haikou stands at the northern end of Hainan Island, on the west bank of the Nandu River estuary. This river is the longest on the island and the city"s name appropriately means "Mouth of the Sea".With the sea on three sides Haikou enjoys a long coastline that features excellent bathing beaches and sea side resorts. Holiday Beach is the most popular of these, while Xixiu Beach is where the National sailing and windsurfing teams train and hold competitions.The downtown area of the city has an excellent environment with streets lined with coconut palms. Here there are modern and convenient public transport facilities and all that is best in a tropical seaside city that is pollution free and that meets the needs of the tourist in a friendly and welcoming way.Besides its natural resources, Haikou has a number of important sites of historical interest. The Wugong Temple (The Five Official"s Temple), the Tomb of Hai Rui and the Xiuying Emplacement each serve as reminders of the historical importance of Haikou.求海南各大知名景点的英语介绍海南-天涯海角英文介绍-天涯海角英语导游词[size=4]Fellow friends: Welcome everybody to arrive motherland most South End city Sanya to go sightseeing the traveling. First asks everybody to turn on the glass to feel, the Hainan pure non- pollution air, the sunlight, the sea water, the sand beach and the good environment! Our vehicle now goes this road, is a Sanya most characteristic road - shore sea route. Left side of the vehicle, floats in the sea level that two small islands, is "east the hawk"s-bill turtle state island" and "west the hawk"s-bill turtle state island". East the hawk"s-bill turtle state island now also not the to foreign countries opening up, west the hawk"s-bill turtle state island invests more than 1 billion developments by the Taiwan merchant. Now becomes the tourist to feel the natural scenery and the entertainment best place, by the person is "aquatic small Penglai" these two islands is Sanya one of eight scenery "the wave floats the pair ". [/size][size=4] Has good which a speech said, comes Hainan not to come Sanya - to be equal to has not come Hainan, comes Sanya not to go to the ends of the earth - to be equal to has not come Sanya. That ends of the earth in where Inherits the China traditional culture the people are open the imagination like this the wing, locates the remote place in the ends of the earth. The ends of the earth are used for to describe remote difficulty with is near to, even if can be near to also must pass through thousand tribulation places. [/size][size=4] The ends of the earth tour area is situated with the Chinese most south City of Sanya western suburbs 26 kilometers place, we also take 20 minutes to be possible to arrive. Today each position rushed under the horizon cape many years desire to be very quick may realize. The ends of the earth tour are Hainan travel one of most splendid programs, is line of Hainan Subject Tune. Today lets us in a return nature, happy passed this happy day, leaves behind an unforgettable recollection. This scenic area mainly has the tropics beach granite scenic spot, the shopping area and the country club composition, integrates the tropics sea scenery, the historical vestige, the Chinese folk custom culture is a body traveling scenic spot, we mainly are tour this scenic area subject landscape, the horizon, the cape, south landscape and so on a day column. [/size][size=4][/size] [size=4][/size][size=4] Each group friend, ends of the earth were very quick must arrive, then, how we did understand the ends of the earth We first may look from the wording that, simple mentions, the horizon is border of the day, the cape is angle of the sea. Believed such solid everybody is does not will satisfy. Usually thought the day is limitless, therefore does not matter the ends of the earth. But cape, also the sea bay is real solid, the cape is not everywhere all has Really was too ordinary, we said the cape is each present saw left side this Wang cape, this was angle of the sea. The obvious people usually said ends of the earth certainly not that simple, the ends of the earth are use for the shape with nominal to be remote but difficulty with are near to or must the place which can arrive after the untold hardships, thus it can be seen, from ancient to present, the people often said the ends of the earth certainly refer in particular to some place. Then, why chooses this place to call it the ends of the earth Is bringing this question, lets us tour together, uncovers the happy center this to confuse. [/size][size=4][/size] [size=4] Now we already entered the ends of the earth tour area parking lot, we ride the view lathe finishing stops in here, this was "ties Ma Xuanche" the time, the tour time is a half hour, quite is perhaps laborious in the tour process. Because the scenic area horizon, the cape acts according to the horizon good hard labor, the cape road is endless. Sedulously builds. Everybody wants to see the horizon, the cape carved stone, needs to pass through a section of long tropics seacoasts sand beach to be able to arrive. Achieves after the destination, but also must the old route return, so can realize after the untold hardships the predecessor, rushes the ends of the earth taste. The millennium walks, ends of the earth, a this time life big pleasure. The friend, lets us go to the horizon is together the date, the cape embraces the month, is keeping this happy time. This is we a carved stone which meet along the beach south, above the quarter has "the sea to sentence the day", what meaning sentences in here is Sentences for separates, the separation, the resolution meaning, may think the South China Sea separates with the south day in this. If our back is treating this megalith together, the surface faces south also can comprehend, also may say the sea the belt and south the day, separates or separates. Whether, also may so understand that, The earth, the sea, separates with the south day while this also is in this convergence. We have been turning head have a look, who is this writes writes? Is clear Kanghsi 53 years imperial envoy Miao the Cao soup side, patrols engraves to this topic, this time ends of the earth scenic spot at present discovered earliest carved stone. Proceeds not to be able to go out 20 meters rice, in a seashore megalith, is the world-wide civilization "south a day column". Carved stone, "south a day column" On Funds is engraving, Xuantong Period first year four small characters, the signature at the end of the letter engraves, "Yongan Fan scaling ladder" inscription. "The Xuantong Period first year" also was "in 1909", Yongan was the geographic name, will be refers to "forever Anju" after the textual research, also is the present Guangxi celebrates the state area the manganese mountain county. "The Fan scaling ladder" is "south a day column" inscription author. Character step of month, Yongan sluice village person. Is born in the clear Tongzhi two years, "the Fan scaling ladder" in Hainan for the official around 18 years, the Xuantong Period Yuan lunar new year"s eve clear royal government corrupt is incompetent. The foreign big powers stream in, carves up the Chinese Qing Dynasty to occupy together beset with difficulties both at home and abroad, crisis-ridden in, is precarious, at that time 46 year-old "the Fan scaling ladder" took the post of the cliff state Knowledge State, painstakingly planned a business enterprise Hainan Island this quick barren land. Side one day patrols sees in startled Tao to this a stone column to be indomitable spirit, the surging emotions rush, are filled with emotion. Is correct is, "the country is prosperous, the ordinary man has the responsibility". Italy to the pen, "south a day column" four large brush-written Chinese characters finished a piece of writing at one go. Only sees the typeface solemnly, vigorous is powerful, writes down full, The word is near The aim is far. Completely is the day becomes quite the same as. Ancient times the ancients "the place day circle", thought the earth is a square shape, therefore has four cardinal points view, the day is round, the day cage is covering "the square earth", earth four cardinal points separately has four is supporting the sky with the pillar, the like this south day as soon as leaned on has catered to the people"s saying of place day circle. The people see this "south the day as soon as to lean on" greatly may not need to worry the day must collapse collapses down. [/size][size=4] South the day as soon as leans on in the independent stone rock pil
2023-07-19 05:32:101


最佳答案哇 寒假作业的都被你给发上去了? 你牛....气冲斗牛 生龙活虎 画虎类犬 一龙一凤2.1/4+(1/2-1/3)除5/6 =4分之1+(6分之3-6分之2)÷6分之5 =4分之1+6分之1÷6分之5 =4分之1+6分之1 X 5分之6 =4分之1+5分之1 =20分之5+20分之4 =20分之91除28-{(3/8-1/4)除(5/6-1/3)}=1÷{28-(8分之3-8分之2)÷(6分之5-6分之二)}=1÷{28-8分之1÷6分之3}=1÷{28-8分之1X3分之6}=1÷{28-12分之2}=1÷6分之167=6分之1673.抄6年级上册第14页的Splendid china就OK4.小孟读了一本书,第一天读25页,比第二天读得多25%,第二天读的是全书的1/4,这本书共多少页? 25÷(1+25%)÷4分之1=80页5.小美家的时钟分针长6厘米,分针走过15分钟。它的尖端走过多少厘米?分针旋转过的面积是多少平方厘米? 周长: 3.14x6x2÷4=9.42cm 面积:3.14x6x6÷4=28.26cm6..一个圆形花坛的周长是15.7米,在花坛的周围铺一条宽0.4米的环形小路,这条小路的面积是多少平方米? 15.7÷3.14=5米 5÷2=2.5米 3.14x2.5x2.5=19.625平方米2.5+0.4=2.9米 3.14x2.9x2.9=26.4074平方米 26.4074-19.625=6.7824平方米7. 作文自己想8.小明骑自行车从甲地到乙地共用15分钟,自行车每4分钟行驶2/13千米,就甲乙两地的距离。 15/4 *(2/13)=15/26千米9..一根长3米的木料,每3/7米锯一段,每锯一次用时2分钟,锯完这根木料一共用多少分钟?10.两堆沙子共630吨,如果把甲堆沙子的2/5放入乙堆,这是乙堆的沙子是甲堆的4倍。两堆沙子原来各有多少吨? 2x(7-1)=12分钟10. .两堆沙子共630吨,如果把甲堆沙子的2/5放入乙堆,这是乙堆的沙子是甲堆的4倍。两堆沙子原来各有多少吨? 630/(1+4) =126吨 126/(1-2/5) =126/3/5 =42*5 =210吨 甲 11.一个长方形的宽是5/7米,长是宽的2倍,求这个长方形的面积。 5/7*5/7*2=50/49㎡ 12.一辆汽车从甲地出发,以每小时55千米的速度行驶10分钟到达乙地,甲乙两地的路程是多少千米? 10分钟=1/6小时 55*(1/6)=55/6(千米)13.一辆出租车每月要按收入的5%缴营业税,还要按营业税的3%缴养路费,如果这辆出租车月收入8000元,每月应缴税款多少元? 8000*(5%+5%*3%)=41214.一件工艺品按定价卖出可获利960元,若按定价的八折售出则亏损832元,这件工艺品的成本是多少元? 0.2x=960+832 => x=8960 8960-960=8000 唉 好累 呀 你怎么那么笨呀?
2023-07-19 05:32:202

地面破裂和变形Ground Cracking and Deformation

现场调查发现,5.12汶川大地震在龙门山断裂带沿线产生了大量地表破坏,主要体现在发震断裂处的挤压和走滑破裂、山体失稳引起的地面变形、路堤滑塌引起的路面缺失或开裂、地表结构物差异运动引起的各类破坏等。地震波的传播受到地层与岩性、构造与岩体结构、地形地貌、地表水体、植被等因素的影响,不同类型的大量地表破裂显然是开展地震灾害防灾和减灾工作的前提条件,同时它们也是研究和发现强震作用下地表响应规律的重要现象。路面拉裂Tensile failure in asphalt pavement都江堰市高原村因断裂活动导致的地面剧烈抬升变形Dramatic deformation in Gaoyuan Village,Dujiangyan City caused by the activity of faultSite inspections found that Wenchuan Earthquake caused tremendous ground cracking and deformation along Longmenshan fault zones.A majority of the ground damages were compressive and shearing cracking in the ground along the quake faulting belt,ground deformation due to the slope instability,pavement losing and and tensile fracturing due to collapses and landslides of road embankments,and other damages caused by differential movements of ground structures.The propagation of seismic waves was affected by many factors including strata and lithology,tectonic and rock mass structures,topography and geomorphology,water bodies and vegetations.Consequently,the large amount of different types of ground cracking and deformation are the pre-conditions for undertaking reconstruction works to prevent and mitigate earthquake damages.They are also the factual data with great importance to investigate and understand the actual ground response mechanisms under strong ground quaking.都江堰-映秀公路震陷变形Subsidence in Dujianyan-Yingxiu highway due to ground quaking公路震陷拉裂的漩口Tensile opening in pavement of Xuankou highway due to quake subsidence去映秀的岷江边便道(其上为以被滑坡体掩埋的原公路)Temporary road on Mingjiang river to Yingxiu town(the above is the original highway but was buried by landslide debris)映秀路上山体崩塌破坏了原来的公路The original highway to Yingxiu town was blocked by rock avalanche blocks地震作用下拱桥路面的挤压破裂Quaking induced compressive fracturing in pavements around arch bridges5.12汶川地震地质灾害安县秀水镇城北桥头桥面隆起Bridge deck upheaval at north of Xiushui town in Anxian小鱼镇路面右旋张剪性裂纹,走向N25°EPavement cracking in Xiaoyu town:crack striking N25°E小鱼镇公路地震断层现象Earthquake faulting in road pavement in Xiaoyu town崩塌破坏及路基外侧下沉Rock avalanche damage and subsidence of embankment toward adjacent gully纵向开裂路面和垮塌的路基挡土墙Longitudinal pavement cracking and collapse of road retaining wall都汶公路沿线路面的挤压隆起及破裂Ground compression induced bulging and fracturing in draingage channel and pavement on Dujiangyan-Wenchuan highway路基挡土墙滑塌引起的路面缺失和开裂Collapse and cracks in road pavement due collapse of embankment retaining wall路面隆起Upheaved road surface路面破损Scathing road路面坍塌Embankment fall
2023-07-19 05:32:391


爱士特拉慢慢敞开了大门。这是一点钟上午,谁可能被敲如此有力?几乎没有不知道她的混乱是去打扰她安静的夜晚。她棕色的大眼睛睁得大大的,当她看到拜伦的刚健建立填补门口。他的男子气概的原因爱士特拉的心,以英镑为他大声天上掉下来的。已经4个月以来他们分手,但她再次在恋爱心情后欣赏拜伦的强大框架。 “我必须见你, ”他敌对。 挑衅期待在他眼里是一个爱士特拉无法抗拒。她请求他和关内的大门。 拜伦失误的沙发和崩溃。爱士特拉看到血迹的拜伦的胸部。她的眼泪从她的长袍,这对他的压力机荡漾的肌肉,所以很容易在潮湿的表面衬衫。由于爱士特拉的快速行动,拜伦复苏。 “爱士特拉,我需要你的帮助。如果您不再憎恨我,请,请,隐瞒了我。 ” “噢,拜伦,我不恨你。你知道你来的理想场所隔离。让我们不要自欺欺人了。我们是一支优秀的队伍,我们欺骗自己,认为我们可以更好地工作或爱情独自。 “ “我爱你,也爱士特拉。不幸的是,没有时间来美化我的故事,即使它是一个很好的一个。道理很简单,我正在追赶。 。 。 。 ” 爱士特拉微笑和拉拜伦她。忘记关闭的危险,他们拥抱在一起。阿碰撞门很快打破他们的兴奋。 “我们知道你在那里,拜伦。我们正在打破了大门。 ”
2023-07-19 05:34:464


2023-07-19 05:34:552


1、行动是成功的阶梯,行动越多点,篇登得越高。 Action is the ladder to success. The more actions you take, the higher your paper will be. 2、如果不是你的工作,而你做了,这就是机会。 If it"s not your job and you do it, it"s an opportunity. 3、人生志气立,所贵功业昌。 Life ambition, the valuable achievements. 4、宁可失败在你喜欢的事情上,也不要成功在你所憎恶的事情上。 It is better to fail in what you like than to succeed in what you hate. 5、要克服生活的焦虑和沮丧,得先学会做自己的主人。 To overcome the anxiety and depression of life, we must first learn to be our own master. 6、火把倒下,火焰依然向上。 The torch fell and the flame still went up. 7、肯承认错误则错已改了一半。 If you are willing to admit your mistakes, you are half right. 8、果断的放弃是面对人生面对生活的一种清醒的选择。 Giving up decisively is a sober choice to face life. 9、掉进河流里不见得会淹死,不爬出来才会淹死。 You don"t drown if you fall into a river, you drown if you don"t climb out. 10、吃得苦中苦,你长大开路虎,少壮不努力,你长大开夏利。 When you grow up, you drive Land Rover. When you are young, you don"t work hard. When you grow up, you drive Xiali. 11、当遇到困难之时,就是离成功不远之时。 When we meet difficulties, we are not far away from success. 12、要成功,先发狂,下定决心往前冲。 To succeed, go crazy and make up your mind to go ahead. 13、盆景秀木正因为被人溺爱,才破灭了成为栋梁之材的梦。 Bonsai show wood is because of being spoiled, just shattered the dream of becoming a pillar. 14、那些受过的苦,流过的泪,都将照亮我们的路。 Those who have suffered and shed tears will light our way. 15、成熟不是人的心变老,而是泪在眼眶里打转还能微笑。 Maturity is not that one"s heart grows old, but that one can still smile with tears in his eyes. 16、人成熟的标志,就是该动脑的时候,不再动情。 The sign of a person"s maturity is that when it"s time to use his brain, he will no longer be emotional. 17、吃别人所不能吃的苦,忍别人所不能忍的气,做别人所不能做的事。 Eat what others can"t eat, endure what others can"t bear, and do what others can"t do. 18、你全力以赴了,才有资格说自己运气不好。 Only when you do your best can you say that you are not lucky. 19、没有做不成的事情,只有做不成事情的人。 There is nothing that can"t be done, only people who can"t be done. 20、只要学不死,就往死里学。少年,你想要好的生活凭什么不去奋斗。 As long as you can"t learn, learn from death. Young man, why don"t you fight if you want a good life. 21、不要总是要求别人给我什么,要想我能为别人做什么。 Don"t always ask for what others give me, think about what I can do for others. 22、每一次发奋努力的背后,必有加倍的赏赐。 Behind every effort, there will be a double reward. 23、面对命运不妥协,面对困难不退缩,这样才能做自己的英雄。 Only in this way can we be our own heroes. 24、糟糕的日子熬过去了,剩下的就是好运气。 The bad days are over, and the rest is good luck. 25、只要面对现实,你才能超越现实。 As long as you face the reality, you can transcend it. 26、大道理人人都懂,小情绪却是难以自控。 Everyone knows the big truth, but it"s hard to control the small emotions. 27、为了心之所愿,吾当披荆斩棘。 For the sake of my heart"s wish, I should cut through the thorns. 28、心志要坚,意趣要乐。 The mind must be strong, the interest must be happy. 29、要么你主宰生活,要么你被生活主宰。 Either you dominate life, or you are dominated by life. 30、只要我们充满希望,我相信上帝会给我们幸福的机会。 As long as we are full of hope, I believe God will give us a chance to be happy. 31、就算全世界都说我漂亮,但你却说我不漂亮,那么我就是不漂亮。 Even if the world says I"m beautiful, but you say I"m not, then I"m not. 32、如果我没有,我就一定要,我一定要,就一定能。 If I don"t, I must, I must, I can. 33、接受自己的普通,然后拼尽全力去与众不同。 Accept your own commonness and try your best to be different. 34、做一个向日葵族,面对阳光,不自艾自怜,每天活出最灿烂的自己。 Do a sunflower family, face the sun, not self pity, live the most brilliant themselves every day. 35、江河有流尽之时,毅力无倒塌之日。 When rivers run out, perseverance never collapses. 36、你这年龄,风月都好看,爱恨都浪漫。 At your age, you are beautiful and romantic. 37、你若花开,蝴蝶自来。 If you bloom, the butterfly will come. 38、一颗花种,只有付出汗水才能浇灌出世间最美的花朵。 A flower seed, only pay sweat can irrigate the world"s most beautiful flowers. 39、如果你把金钱当成上帝,它便会像魔鬼一样折磨你。 If you regard money as God, it will torture you like devil. 40、让信念坚持下去,梦想就会实现。 Keep faith and your dream will come true. 41、唯有学,才会进;唯有行,才有果;唯有新,才能精。 Only by learning, can we advance; only by doing, can we have results; only by being new, can we be refined. 42、泪,自己尝。痛,自己扛。未来,自己去闯。 Tears, taste for yourself. Pain, carry it yourself. In the future, go ahead on your own. 43、我的青春还在继续,再多荆棘也要向前奔跑。 My youth is still going on, no matter how many thorns we have to run forward. 44、我跟自己说,就算成长的环境再阴暗,也有开花的权利。 I told myself that no matter how dark my growing environment is, I still have the right to blossom. 45、使人疲惫的不是远方的高山,而是鞋里的一粒沙子。 What makes people tired is not the mountain in the distance, but a grain of sand in their shoes. 46、人不能像走兽那样活着,就应追求知识和美德。 Man can"t live like a beast, he should pursue knowledge and virtue. 47、如果敌人让你生气,那说明你没有胜他的把握。 If the enemy makes you angry, it means that you are not sure of winning him. 48、让我们一起变成更好的人,成为彼此的骄傲。 Let"s become better people and be proud of each other. 49、不甘心的时候,就是在进步。痛苦的时候,就是在成长。 When you are not reconciled, you are making progress. When it"s painful, it"s growing. 50、我可以一落千丈,但我一定要一鸣惊人。 I can go down, but I have to be a blockbuster.
2023-07-19 05:35:011


I agree with you !
2023-07-19 05:35:093

作文 关于防震减灾的600字作文

作文 关于防震减灾的600字作文 防震减灾,共创美好家园 自然灾害,包括人造灾害,都是人们最大的敌人。自然灾害有许多,比如,地震、酸雨、温室效应、台风等。人造灾害有火灾、水土流失等。远在古代,人们没有防范意识,都是求神拜佛保佑平安。随着社会的发展,人们懂得用科学道理、实用的方法来保护自己,减少灾害威胁到自己的生命。本文将告诉大家怎样用科学的方法来防震减灾,保护自己,保护家园。 据调查,全国有许多地方发生大地震,如1514年云南大理大地震,1975年辽宁海城大地震,1605年海南琼州大地震,1786年四川康定南地地震,1976年唐山大地震……如此多灾害,损伤惨重,特别是唐山大地震,有20多万人死亡和受伤。 其实,有些灾害是可以预防的。地震发生前,会有些预兆。比如马等牲畜会挣脱缰绳,并疯狂地往外跑;正在冬眠的蛇会涌出洞外;蜜蜂会惊飞、逃窜;狗会狂吠,还有一些家畜会出圈,到处窜跑;老鼠成群结队搬家……这些预兆可以让人们提前知道将发生地震,如果发现这些动物有这些反常现象,须先辨别真假,再向地震局报告,以防在先,及早撤离。 地震发生了并不是就必死无疑,其实,还有很多自救的方法。例如:地震了,你被压在废墟的底下,这时候,你不要盲目乱动,要冷静,先把手抽出来,慢慢地挪动废墟,先保持呼吸顺畅,再想办法呼吸,喊人员来救你。如果发生地震时你在家里,必须马上钻到坚硬、并且没有倒塌的小房间中躲避,以免砸伤。还有,要贴著坚固的墙壁或在门口蹲著,在房子倒塌后,再求生,要避免被弄伤。如果在野外,一定要避开陡崖,防止掉下山。还有要预防山体滑坡,以免滑下去。如果在学校,一定要听从老师的指挥,躲到课桌下,注意保护头部,如果在上体育课,要避免高大的建筑物,不要被砸伤。如果在电影院,要躲在观看椅底下避震,要避开挂在天花板上的灯、空调的悬挂物,用东西保护头部,听从指挥人员指挥撤离现场。在商场发生了地震,要避开玻璃柜,避开货物、广告牌、灯等物品。如果在公共汽车内,要躲在椅子底下或蹲下,要稳住重心,扶好扶手。 关于防震减灾的作文 防震减灾,共创美好家园 自然灾害,包括人造灾害,都是人们最大的敌人。自然灾害有许多,比如,地震、酸雨、温室效应、台风等。人造灾害有火灾、水土流失等。远在古代,人们没有防范意识,都是求神拜佛保佑平安。随着社会的发展,人们懂得用科学道理、实用的方法来保护自己,减少灾害威胁到自己的生命。本文将告诉大家怎样用科学的方法来防震减灾,保护自己,保护家园。 据调查,全国有许多地方发生大地震,如1514年云南大理大地震,1975年辽宁海城大地震,1605年海南琼州大地震,1786年四川康定南地地震,1976年唐山大地震……如此多灾害,损伤惨重,特别是唐山大地震,有20多万人死亡和受伤。 其实,有些灾害是可以预防的。地震发生前,会有些预兆。比如马等牲畜会挣脱缰绳,并疯狂地往外跑;正在冬眠的蛇会涌出洞外;蜜蜂会惊飞、逃窜;狗会狂吠,还有一些家畜会出圈,到处窜跑;老鼠成群结队搬家……这些预兆可以让人们提前知道将发生地震,如果发现这些动物有这些反常现象,须先辨别真假,再向地震局报告,以防在先,及早撤离。 地震发生了并不是就必死无疑,其实,还有很多自救的方法。例如:地震了,你被压在废墟的底下,这时候,你不要盲目乱动,要冷静,先把手抽出来,慢慢地挪动废墟,先保持呼吸顺畅,再想办法呼吸,喊人员来救你。如果发生地震时你在家里,必须马上钻到坚硬、并且没有倒塌的小房间中躲避,以免砸伤。还有,要贴著坚固的墙壁或在门口蹲著,在房子倒塌后,再求生,要避免被弄伤。如果在野外,一定要避开陡崖,防止掉下山。还有要预防山体滑坡,以免滑下去。如果在学校,一定要听从老师的指挥,躲到课桌下,注意保护头部,如果在上体育课,要避免高大的建筑物,不要被砸伤。如果在电影院,要躲在观看椅底下避震,要避开挂在天花板上的灯、空调的悬挂物,用东西保护头部,听从指挥人员指挥撤离现场。在商场发生了地震,要避开玻璃柜,避开货物、广告牌、灯等物品。如果在公共汽车内,要躲在椅子底下或蹲下,要稳住重心,扶好扶手。 其他自然灾害不像地震一样不可避免,有时是完全可以控制的。 酸雨,被人们称为“空中死神”,因为人们的工厂排放出的废气,(硫化物)飘到空中,一下雨,便和雨一起下来,就成了酸雨。酸雨会导致湖水变酸,鱼虾类死亡;森林渐渐衰老;农田变贫瘠;一旦滴到文物古迹,珍贵字画上,马上会被腐蚀烂……可见,酸雨对人们的危害有多大! 温室效应就是指大气层中有气体吸收红外线,导致气温升高的一种效应。它的危害也不小,会导致很多人丧失生命,尤其是老人和小孩子。温室效应会使人得哮喘病等肺病,还会引发许多疾病,如脑炎、高烧。并会造成干旱、洪水,粮食减少,许许多多地方财物损失重大。 还有许多自然灾害,其中有许多是人类自己的“杰作”。所以,我们要有这方面的知识,不要自己害了自己。 不止自然灾害,还有人造灾害。如火灾、泥石流、水土流失等,都是人类自己砍伐树木而造成了不必要的损失。 所以,我倡议大家做好以下几点: 1、 保护森林,种植树木,保护水土。 2、 工厂不要排放太多废气,多用取之不尽的太阳能。 3、 要保护臭氧层,汽车不要排放废气。 4、 小心用火,不乱丢菸头。 5、 要多学防震、防灾方面的知识,有防范意识。 6、 节约用水,珍惜每一滴水。 如果先做好了这几点,会减少灾害的发生,或者一旦灾难发生时会挽回不少人的生命。 保护我们的家园——地球,便是保护自己。让我们行动起来,共同防止灾害的发生,让明天的地球更加光明,更加灿烂! 可能太长了,不过你可以简写嘛!例如删掉一部分等等。 关于防震减灾一类的作文 地震发生了并不是就必死无疑,其实,还有很多自救的方法。例如:地震了,你被压在废墟的底下,这时候,你不要盲目乱动,要冷静,先把手抽出来,慢慢地挪动废墟,先保持呼吸顺畅,再想办法呼吸,喊人员来救你。如果发生地震时你在家里,必须马上钻到坚硬、并且没有倒塌的小房间中躲避,以免砸伤。还有,要贴著坚固的墙壁或找一个柔软的东西顶在头上,如:枕头。在房子倒塌后,再求生,要避免被弄伤。如果在野外,一定要避开陡崖,防止掉下山。还有要预防山体滑坡,以免滑下去。如果在学校,一定要听从老师的指挥,躲到课桌下,注意保护头部,如果在上体育课,要避免高大的建筑物,不要被砸伤。 地震是一种常见的自然现象,给人类带来很大的自然灾害,我国处于世界地震带之间,是一个多地震的国家,预测和预报地震,是现在的重要工作。 长久以来,地震带给人们的威胁就如同夏天午后的雷阵雨般威力强大且令人走避不及。 还有许多人造灾害。如火灾、泥石流、水土流失等,都是人类自己砍伐树木而造成的。 防震减灾的科普作文2000字作文 震是群灾之首 破坏性地震会给国家经济建设和人民生命财产安全造成直接和间接的危害和损失,尤其是强烈的地震会给人类带来巨大的灾难。目前,每年全世界由地震灾害造成的平均死亡人 数达8000一10000人/次,平均经济损失每次达几十亿美元。据联合国统计,本世纪以来,全世界因地震死亡人数达260万,占全球自然灾害所造成的死亡总和的58%。从某种意义 上说,地震是群灾之首。 大地震如果发生在渺无人烟的地方是不会造成伤害的,如果发生在城市或农村的活,就会造成房倒屋塌,甚至建筑物与重要工程也会遭至"破坏并危及人员的生命安全,给人们造成严重灾害, 1976年唐山大地震,在几十秒钟的时间内,将一座百万人口的工业城市变成了废墟,伤亡侧万人,直接经济损失100亿元以上,救灾花了6亿多元,重建用了50亿元,而且在这之后长时间内,造成全国人民的恐震心理。1995年1月17日日本皈神大地震造成5438人死亡,直接经济损失高达1000亿美元。 有关防震减灾的作文450字  2008年5月12日,四川汶川发生8.0级特大地震,震惊了全世界。为了在发生地震时,减少学校的伤亡,国家规定各中、 小学要进行地震演练。这可把我们给累坏了,每天的大课间都改为“地震演练”,你看这不是要活活累死我们吗?嗳。   大课间的上课铃敲响了,全班处于“高度戒备”状态中,稍有风吹草动,便叽里呱啦讲个不停。再看看同桌陈晗星,显得有些激动和紧张,手不停摆弄头发,嘴里念叨:死也要死得好看点。唉,女人就是这样,死都得好看。   正说着呢,那个铜铃“铛、铛、铛”地响了起来,大伙不慌不忙,悠哉游哉、大摇大摆地“摇”下楼梯,没想到全校就我们这个班级最后到,校长气得气不打一处来,早已在楼梯口“恭候”我们多时,劈头盖脸的一顿臭骂是少不了的,可怜的是我们的班主任。嘘,小声点,听说是5000字的《防震减灾的重要性》的检讨呢!   第二天,我可没注意到老师的右手是否能动,可今天班上的气氛实在是太凝重了,大课间的上课铃如约而至。我连大气都不敢出,敬候“警钟声”。“铛、铛、铛、”,大家现在是惊弓之鸟,如潮水般涌出教室,飞驰而下,到楼梯口时,没想到大伙又和校长“如约而至”,“你们到底是怎么搞得?昨天迟到,今天我连钟声都还没来得及敲呢,你们倒好,来个先下手为强!”校长今天“终于”被我们气炸了。据说老师5000字的检讨变成了10000字,难怪这几天的语文作业都没有批改,原来如此。呵呵,开个玩笑,其实我们都很认真在演练。   通过大家不懈的努力,我们已经通过省级检查、验收,成为“防震减灾优秀示范学校”。 关于防震减灾的作文四百到八百 自然灾害,包括人造灾害,都是人们最大的敌人。自然灾害有许多,比如,地震、酸雨、温室效应、台风等。人造灾害有火灾、水土流失等。远在古代,人们没有防范意识,都是求神拜佛保佑平安。随着社会的发展,人们懂得用科学道理、实用的方法来保护自己,减少灾害威胁到自己的生命。本文将告诉大家怎样用科学的方法来防震减灾,保护自己,保护家园。 据调查,全国有许多地方发生大地震,如1514年云南大理大地震,1975年辽宁海城大地震,1605年海南琼州大地震,1786年四川康定南地地震,1976年唐山大地震……如此多灾害,损伤惨重,特别是唐山大地震,有20多万人死亡和受伤。 其实,有些灾害是可以预防的。地震发生前,会有些预兆。比如马等牲畜会挣脱缰绳,并疯狂地往外跑;正在冬眠的蛇会涌出洞外;蜜蜂会惊飞、逃窜;狗会狂吠,还有一些家畜会出圈,到处窜跑;老鼠成群结队搬家……这些预兆可以让人们提前知道将发生地震,如果发现这些动物有这些反常现象,须先辨别真假,再向地震局报告,以防在先,及早撤离。 地震发生了并不是就必死无疑,其实,还有很多自救的方法。例如:地震了,你被压在废墟的底下,这时候,你不要盲目乱动,要冷静,先把手抽出来,慢慢地挪动废墟,先保持呼吸顺畅,再想办法呼吸,喊人员来救你。如果发生地震时你在家里,必须马上钻到坚硬、并且没有倒塌的小房间中躲避,以免砸伤。还有,要贴著坚固的墙壁或在门口蹲著,在房子倒塌后,再求生,要避免被弄伤。如果在野外,一定要避开陡崖,防止掉下山。还有要预防山体滑坡,以免滑下去。如果在学校,一定要听从老师的指挥,躲到课桌下,注意保护头部,如果在上体育课,要避免高大的建筑物,不要被砸伤。如果在电影院,要躲在观看椅底下避震,要避开挂在天花板上的灯、空调的悬挂物,用东西保护头部,听从指挥人员指挥撤离现场。在商场发生了地震,要避开玻璃柜,避开货物、广告牌、灯等物品。如果在公共汽车内,要躲在椅子底下或蹲下,要稳住重心,扶好扶手。 其他自然灾害不像地震一样不可避免,有时是完全可以控制的。 酸雨,被人们称为“空中死神”,因为人们的工厂排放出的废气,(硫化物)飘到空中,一下雨,便和雨一起下来,就成了酸雨。酸雨会导致湖水变酸,鱼虾类死亡;森林渐渐衰老;农田变贫瘠;一旦滴到文物古迹,珍贵字画上,马上会被腐蚀烂……可见,酸雨对人们的危害有多大! 温室效应就是指大气层中有气体吸收红外线,导致气温升高的一种效应。它的危害也不小,会导致很多人丧失生命,尤其是老人和小孩子。温室效应会使人得哮喘病等肺病,还会引发许多疾病,如脑炎、高烧。并会造成干旱、洪水,粮食减少,许许多多地方财物损失重大。 还有许多自然灾害,其中有许多是人类自己的“杰作”。所以,我们要有这方面的知识,不要自己害了自己。 不止自然灾害,还有人造灾害。如火灾、泥石流、水土流失等,都是人类自己砍伐树木而造成了不必要的损失。 所以,我倡议大家做好以下几点: 1、 保护森林,种植树木,保护水土。 2、 工厂不要排放太多废气,多用取之不尽的太阳能。 3、 要保护臭氧层,汽车不要排放废气。 4、 小心用火,不乱丢菸头。 5、 要多学防震、防灾方面的知识,有防范意识。 6、 节约用水,珍惜每一滴水。 如果先做好了这几点,会减少灾害的发生,或者一旦灾难发生时会挽回不少人的生命。 保护我们的家园——地球,便是保护自己。让我们行动起来,共同防止灾害的发生,让明天的地球更加光明,更加灿烂! 关于防震.减灾作文 防震减灾,共创美好家园 自然灾害,包括人造灾害,都是人们最大的敌人。自然灾害有许多,比如,地震、酸雨、温室效应、台风等。人造灾害有火灾、水土流失等。远在古代,人们没有防范意识,都是求神拜佛保佑平安。随着社会的发展,人们懂得用科学道理、实用的方法来保护自己,减少灾害威胁到自己的生命。本文将告诉大家怎样用科学的方法来防震减灾,保护自己,保护家园。 据调查,全国有许多地方发生大地震,如1514年云南大理大地震,1975年辽宁海城大地震,1605年海南琼州大地震,1786年四川康定南地地震,1976年唐山大地震……如此多灾害,损伤惨重,特别是唐山大地震,有20多万人死亡和受伤。 其实,有些灾害是可以预防的。地震发生前,会有些预兆。比如马等牲畜会挣脱缰绳,并疯狂地往外跑;正在冬眠的蛇会涌出洞外;蜜蜂会惊飞、逃窜;狗会狂吠,还有一些家畜会出圈,到处窜跑;老鼠成群结队搬家……这些预兆可以让人们提前知道将发生地震,如果发现这些动物有这些反常现象,须先辨别真假,再向地震局报告,以防在先,及早撤离。 地震发生了并不是就必死无疑,其实,还有很多自救的方法。例如:地震了,你被压在废墟的底下,这时候,你不要盲目乱动,要冷静,先把手抽出来,慢慢地挪动废墟,先保持呼吸顺畅,再想办法呼吸,喊人员来救你。如果发生地震时你在家里,必须马上钻到坚硬、并且没有倒塌的小房间中躲避,以免砸伤。还有,要贴著坚固的墙壁或在门口蹲著,在房子倒塌后,再求生,要避免被弄伤。如果在野外,一定要避开陡崖,防止掉下山。还有要预防山体滑坡,以免滑下去。如果在学校,一定要听从老师的指挥,躲到课桌下,注意保护头部,如果在上体育课,要避免高大的建筑物,不要被砸伤。如果在电影院,要躲在观看椅底下避震,要避开挂在天花板上的灯、空调的悬挂物,用东西保护头部,听从指挥人员指挥撤离现场。在商场发生了地震,要避开玻璃柜,避开货物、广告牌、灯等物品。如果在公共汽车内,要躲在椅子底下或蹲下,要稳住重心,扶好扶手。 其他自然灾害不像地震一样不可避免,有时是完全可以控制的。 酸雨,被人们称为“空中死神”,因为人们的工厂排放出的废气,(硫化物)飘到空中,一下雨,便和雨一起下来,就成了酸雨。酸雨会导致湖水变酸,鱼虾类死亡;森林渐渐衰老;农田变贫瘠;一旦滴到文物古迹,珍贵字画上,马上会被腐蚀烂……可见,酸雨对人们的危害有多大! 温室效应就是指大气层中有气体吸收红外线,导致气温升高的一种效应。它的危害也不小,会导致很多人丧失生命,尤其是老人和小孩子。温室效应会使人得哮喘病等肺病,还会引发许多疾病,如脑炎、高烧。并会造成干旱、洪水,粮食减少,许许多多地方财物损失重大。 还有许多自然灾害,其中有许多是人类自己的“杰作”。所以,我们要有这方面的知识,不要自己害了自己。 不止自然灾害,还有人造灾害。如火灾、泥石流、水土流失等,都是人类自己砍伐树木而造成了不必要的损失。 所以,我倡议大家做好以下几点: 1、 保护森林,种植树木,保护水土。 2、 工厂不要排放太多废气,多用取之不尽的太阳能。 3、 要保护臭氧层,汽车不要排放废气。 4、 小心用火,不乱丢菸头。 5、 要多学防震、防灾方面的知识,有防范意识。 6、 节约用水,珍惜每一滴水。 如果先做好了这几点,会减少灾害的发生,或者一旦灾难发生时会挽回不少人的生命。 保护我们的家园——地球,便是保护自己。让我们行动起来,共同防止灾害的发生,让明天的地球更加光明,更加灿烂! 防震减灾英语作文 Family: The earthquake early warning time is short, in the room shocks proof has the feasibility, after but in the room the house collapses the triangle space which forms, often is the relative security place which the people can fortunately survive, may call it for shocks proof the space. This mainly is refers to the bulk collapse body and the strutting constitution space.In the room easy to form the triangle space the place is: * Under kang edge, nearby firm furniture; * Inner wall wall with, corner of a wall; * Kitchen, restroom, storeroom and so on standard width *** all places. 求一篇防震减灾作文700字 在我们生活的地球上,有着各种各样天气状况,地表运动,地震就是其中一种。 2008年5月12日,我们永远也不会忘记,这是一个令人悲痛欲绝的日子,汶川大地震,它带走了多少生命,拆散了多少家庭,多少个孩子因此成为孤儿,多少人因此将要孤单一生。时光不能倒流,我们也无力改变这个事实,只有坚强面对,才能在这个悲痛的关头挺下来,勇敢地活下去。 灾难,我们无法改变,但是可以避免,地震发生前,会有些预兆。比如马等牲畜会挣脱缰绳,并疯狂地往外跑;正在冬眠的蛇会涌出洞外;蜜蜂会惊飞、逃窜;狗会狂吠,还有一些家畜会出圈,到处窜跑;老鼠成群结队搬家……这些预兆可以让人们提前知道将-发-生-地-震,如果发现这些动物有这些反常现象,须先辨别真假,再向地震局报告,以防在先,及早撤离。 地震发生了并不是就必死无疑,其实,还有很多自救的方法。例如:地震了,你被压在废墟的底下,这时候,你不要盲目乱动,要冷静,先把手抽出来,慢慢地挪动废墟,先保持呼吸顺畅,再想办法呼吸,喊人员来救你。如果发生地震时你在家里,必须马上钻到坚硬、并且没有倒塌的小房间中躲避,以免砸伤。还有,要贴著坚固的墙壁或在门口蹲著,在房子倒塌后,再求生,要避免被弄伤。如果在野外,一定要避开陡崖,防止掉下山。还有要预防山体滑坡,以免滑下去。如果在学校,一定要听从老师的指挥,躲到课桌下,注意保护头部,如果在上体育课,要避免高大的建筑物,不要被砸伤。如果在电影院,要躲在观看椅底下避震,要避开挂在天花板上的灯、空调的悬挂物,用东西保护头部,听从指挥人员指挥撤离现常在商场发生了地震,要避开玻璃柜,避开货物、广告牌、灯等物品。如果在公共汽车内,要躲在椅子底下或蹲下,要稳住重心,扶好扶手。 地震是一种常见的自然现象,给人类带来很大的自然灾害,我国处于世界地震带之间,是一个多地震的国家,预测和预报地震,是现在的重要工作。 长久以来,地震带给人们的威胁就如同夏天午后的雷阵雨般威力强大且令人走避不及。遗憾的是,气象预报有能力告诉我们雷阵雨即将发生,但是对于地震,人们至今仍束手无策。究竟地震能不能预测?从70年代初期开始,日本、美国、俄国的科学家们都急于寻找这个问题的答案。在研究的过程中,各种探测技术,例如观测地壳变动、地磁及地电流的变化、地下水位及水质的变化等方法纷纷被提出。 地球内部应力能量累积到超过岩石强度,岩层断裂释出能量而发生地震。其中又以板块运动造成的构造性地震为主:我们知道地球的外壳为大小不同的板块拼凑而成,相邻的板块以分离、聚合或侧向错动的方式相互移 动,使板块的边界发生变形而累积应变,当应变增加至板块内岩层无法负荷的程度时,岩层即突然断裂、滑动而产生地震,此滑动面称为断层面。除了在板块边界外,在板块内部地区的岩层亦可以感受到板块挤压或拉张的力而变形断裂,引发地震。 我们看了许多资料,作了许多调查,证实发生地震的原因是:地震表面和地壳外部条件发展不平恒,产生地壳内部热量不能顺利均匀的散发出去,造成地震的发生。所以科学发展抗震防震就很有必要了。我们除了普及抗震防震知识,预报地震外,还可以在建筑上下功夫等等。 总之,地球是我们美丽的家,但有时会出现一些事故,只有靠我们积极面对,发展科技,造福人类,才可以幸福快乐的生活在这个美丽的家中。
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中央商务区的英语表达是Central Business District,常简称为CBD。
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马胜中1,2 陈炎标1 陈太浩1(1.广州海洋地质调查局 广州 510760;2.中国地质大学(北京)北京 100083)第一作者简介:马胜中,男,1968年生,高级工程师,在职工程硕士,主要从事地震资料解释、环境工程地质、海洋地质及综合研究工作。摘要 根据地球物理探测、海底取样、钻探及现场测试等实测资料详细分析,发现粤港澳跨海大桥海域具有独特的自然条件以及复杂的海洋工程地质特征。海底地形地貌较为复杂,存在含浅层气区、活动性断层、沙波、地震活动、不规则基岩、埋藏古河道、冲刷槽沟和水下浅滩等潜在灾害地质因素,尤其粤港澳跨海大桥是特大型建筑,它经过的海域分布着多种潜在的地质灾害,应引起重视。关键词 工程地质 灾害地质因素 粤港澳跨海大桥1 前言粤港澳跨海大桥是连接广东深圳、珠海和香港、澳门的特大型桥梁,桥址海域处于珠江口伶仃洋,伶仃洋是北江、西江、东江三大水系汇集的入海口,呈向南展开的巨型喇叭状,是一条通达五洲四海的黄金水道。从20世纪90年代以来,珠江东、西两岸的经济发展呈现很不平衡的态势。因此,加强珠江两岸的经济联系,已经是刻不容缓,势在必行。同时,横跨两岸唯一的大桥——虎门大桥,预测5~8年后达到饱和状态。早在1992年,珠海市政府提出了粤港澳跨海大桥的工程方案。跨海大桥工程规模巨大,工程条件异常复杂,工程地质工作显得特别重要。众所周知,为保障这些海上工程及作业安全,必须了解海底的工程地质条件,查清潜在灾害地质因素。为此,本文根据大量地球物理探测、海底取样、钻探及现场测试等实测资料,结合周边区域资料,对粤港澳跨海大桥区海域的海底地形地貌、浅地层、底质及灾害地质因素进行分析,为粤港澳大桥区选择和架桥提供基础地质资料和科学参考。2 海底地形地貌伶仃洋三面靠陆,南向南海,为珠江三角洲断陷盆地的泄水洼地,其为带状河口湾和潮汐通道,由于河流和海水潮汐、波浪的共同作用,湾内岸浅曲折,湾汊众多,岬角奇突,阶地、沙滩依岸,岛屿、沙坝分列,淇澳岛、内伶仃岛东西扼守,珠江口外群岛星罗。珠江口-伶仃洋既是通航要道,又是天然良港,万吨轮自由舶驶,海水终年无封冻。伶仃洋海底地形总体上呈三滩两槽分布,从西向东依次为:西滩、伶仃水道、中滩(矾石浅滩)、矾石水道、东滩。水下地形走势受其影响,东西向地形变化较大,起伏相间。等深线大致沿水道呈NNW—NW方向分布。主航道基本在河床中央一线,由天然冲刷和人工疏浚的伶仃水道、矾石水道组成,水深一般6~10m,在香港烂角嘴以西矾石水道最深,超过22m。向东西两岸河水变浅至0.2~2.0m。在番禺新垦以东,两水道汇合,与北面的龙穴水道相接。主航道在部分河段有东向偏移的现象。伶仃洋为喇叭形河口湾,湾内较大的地貌单元为三滩两槽,其上发育有许多小地貌类型。伶仃洋海底地貌类型主要包括:槽沟、沙波、洼地和浅滩等。主要的槽沟为三滩两槽中的两槽,西槽——伶仃水道和东槽——矾石水道,两水道上溯至蕉门口附近汇合,形成一条大槽沟,连通龙穴水道和川鼻水道,直抵虎门。槽沟内地形起伏较大,凹凸不平,大小不等的洼地居于其中,以及发育NE向的小型沙波。西槽——伶仃水道受蕉门来沙和西滩迫淤的影响,水道严重淤浅萎缩。槽沟属于自然和人工相互作用的地貌类型。河流和潮流的冲淤作用,在口门处形成水道,由于人类的需要(通航或泄洪等),在原有的槽沟上或周围,进行了挖沙清淤或围垦造地活动,既改变了槽沟的面貌,也改变了周围的水动力环境。在伶仃洋的西岸,承泄了虎门、蕉门、洪奇门、横门等众多水道的来水和携沙,受水流分异作用和泄载冲积,水道口外多有浅滩、沙坝堆积或槽沟发育。临岸港湾则多见软泥淤填,有围垦造田,水产养殖之便,伶仃洋出口有淇澳岛和内伶仃岛。3 浅层地球物理特征及层序根据3.5 kHz浅层剖面和单道地震剖面,依据反射波的特征划分出三个反射层序A、B、C(图1)。层A:为水平层,反射能量较弱,连续性好,为平行整一的披盖式反射结构。该层厚度变化较大,为0~26.4m,总体上近岸和近岛厚度小,离岸和河道范围内厚度变大的趋势。内伶仃洋北部厚度最大,东部的大铲岛附近该层缺失。层B:为一套中低频、中振幅、中低连续的反射层组,杂乱式充填、河谷充填型,基本平行、亚平行反射结构。层B全区广泛分布,与层A呈不整合接触,层B顶面经严重削蚀,底面为起伏的基岩,与下伏地层呈上超关系。层B内部有些反射较为紊乱、无层次,反射能量时强时弱,地层有起伏,具有河谷充填型的陆相沉积特征,可能是一个冲刷剥蚀、沉积较活跃的异常地区,局部可见小范围的河道侵蚀特征。层C:为一套中低频、中振幅、低连续的弱反射层组,杂乱反射结构,为基岩面。根据层C内部的反射特征,结合钻探、陆地和附近岛屿地层的分布情况,认为层C主要为基岩风化物和基岩。深圳香港-珠海澳门海域的基岩有三种类型:一是花岗岩,主要为燕山三期( )、四期( )的花岗岩类;二是第三系沉积岩,多为第三系沉积砂岩、白垩系含砾粗砂岩和硅化角砾岩;三是变质岩,震旦系和前古生代花岗片麻岩等。基岩埋深变化较大,为0~-64.1m,总体上近岸边和近岛变浅,离岸和河道内变深的趋势。图1 单道地震剖面显示的层序和断层、埋藏古河道Fig.1 Sea-floor buried ancient-river channels and Fault钻孔揭露层A的沉积物主要为粘土质砂和砂-粉砂-粉砂质粘土。据浅层剖面反射特征,结合区域地质资料、海底取样和钻孔资料分析,层A地质时代为全新世冰后期海侵以来逐渐堆积而成的沉积物,层A反射层序主要为全新世浅海相沉积,但局部受河流影响,有河道沉积。岩性主要为粘土质砂和粉砂质粘土,含贝壳等生物碎屑。钻探揭示层B为一套粘土质粉砂、细砂-粗砂(含砾)、粉砂质粘土—粘土,以陆相沉积和剥蚀为主,局部为海陆交互相沉积。从其顶界R1界面起伏不平被侵蚀的特点,对比伶仃洋段大桥钻探的地层资料,据14C测年,层B取得的样品测年年龄均大于15000 a(B.P.),结合区域岩性和古生物资料,可以认为是层B沉积后期受到侵蚀所造成的,推断层B的地质时代为晚更新世,它以凹谷充填在前第四系基底的河谷低地。4 工程地质特征表层沉积土类型共有四类,即:流泥、淤泥、淤泥质土、淤泥混砂或砂混淤泥。海底表层土微型贯入承载力为15.5~52.1kPa,平均值为30.6kPa。扭力十字板不排水剪切强度为2.8~11.6kPa,平均值为6.7kPa。海底表层土凝聚力(三轴抗剪)为0.3~18.6kPa,平均值为8.8kPa。在淇澳岛至内伶仃岛、内伶仃岛至大铲岛一带变化较大,为1.6~10.0kPa。海底表层土摩擦角(三轴抗剪)为2.31°~14.9°,平均值为4.88°。在淇澳岛至内伶仃岛、内伶仃岛至大铲岛一带变化较大,为3.7°~10.2°。海底表层土天然含水率为27.6%~111%,平均值为76.7%。在内伶仃岛以北至大铲岛、淇澳岛以北区域变化较大,为43%~95%,总体变化趋势为由岸边至江心逐渐减小。海底表层土天然孔隙比为0.701~2.861,平均值为2.016。在内伶仃岛以北至大铲岛区域、淇澳岛附近以北区域变化稍大,为1.0~2.2、1.6~2.5,总体变化趋势为由岸边至中心逐渐减小。海底表层土压缩系数为0.44~3.380MPa-1,平均值为1.55MPa-1。在淇澳岛以北区域变化较大,为1.0~2.2MPa-1。综上所述,海底表层土的凝聚力、摩擦角、天然含水率、天然孔隙比和压缩系数在淇澳岛-内伶仃岛-大铲岛一带变化较大,在其余区域变化较为平缓;天然含水率和天然孔隙比的总体变化趋势还有一个特点,即由岸边至江心逐渐减小。自海底而下工程地质层有:(1)覆盖层a.全新世海相淤泥,灰-黑灰色,流塑,饱和,富含有机质,厚度6.0~25.0m。b.粘土,褐黄、橘红、灰白等杂色,不规则花斑状构造,可塑为主,为沉积间断时期的风化产物。仅见于东、西部,厚1.5~5.6m。c.淤泥质土,全新世海相沉积,暗灰、灰黑,流塑-软塑,全区广布,厚度平均10.0m。d.砂层,发育于晚更新世晚期,有粉、细砂、中、粗砂和砾砂、圆砾、卵石,分选差,相互交错过渡,常呈透镜状,厚薄不等,楔状产出,具有上细下粗的层序结构。砂层多为中密-密实,上部稍密-中密,向两岸厚度在10~15m,且变薄尖灭,中间地段最大厚度在24.0~37.0m。(2)基岩由燕山期花岗岩、古生代花岗片麻岩、震旦纪花岗片麻岩、白垩纪含砾粗砂岩和硅化角砾岩、碎裂花岗岩组成,岩性复杂多变,明显受区内构造断层影响,岩石单轴饱和抗压强度25.0~106.0MPa。基岩面在东西两端高差起伏很大,埋深0~45.0m之下,中部埋深多在55.0~60.0m。5 主要地质灾害因素海底地质灾害因素是指海底及以下地层中,对于海上构筑物的建设和安全具有某种直接或潜在危险的地质因素(冯志强等,1995)。分析结果表明,区内主要地质灾害因素有浅层气、活动性断层、沙波、地震活动、不规则基岩、埋藏古河道、冲刷槽沟和水下浅滩(图2)。它们对海上构筑物均有直接或潜在危险性。5.1 浅层气(反射模糊区)海底浅层气主要分布于河口与陆架海区的浅沉积层中,既是一种常见的地质现象,也是一种十分危险的海洋灾害地质因素。据调查,在我国东南沿海及长江流域的冲积平原区,如江苏、浙江、安徽、上海、福建、广东、湖北、湖南等地都有浅层气分布(叶银灿等,2003;陈少平等,2004)。图2 深圳香港—珠海澳门海域潜在地质灾害因素分布示意图Fig.2 Distribution map of potential geological hazard factors in LingdingYang area珠江口浅层气以生物成因为主,主要成分为甲烷、二氧化碳、硫化氢、氮气、氨气等。受上覆水层、土层、岩层压力作用,浅层气多沿断层或裂隙向上运移。浅层气以沉积物中气的形式存在时,沉积物中的气体改变了沉积层土质的力学性质,使其强度降低,结构变松,破坏了土质原始稳定性,减小了基底支撑力,在外载荷重下,含气沉积物会发生蠕变,可能导致下陷,侧向或旋转滑动,导致其上的建筑物最终失去平衡,发生倾斜压塌。层状储集的浅层气层,其含气量大,有一定的压力,一旦平台桩腿插于其上,轻则造成设备受损,重则造成钻井过程中的“井喷”事故,危害巨大。在美国墨西哥湾、英国北海、印度尼西亚爪哇海、阿拉斯加海、波斯湾、加勒比海等水域进行海洋油气资源勘探开发时,由于对浅层气调查和认识不足,都曾造成一定的灾害损失(冯志强等,1995)。珠江口沉积物厚度较大,以富含有机质的陆源碎屑沉积物为主,尤其在泥质沉积层中以腐殖型为主的有机质丰度颇高,在生物降解作用下,有利于生物气(沼气)等生成,这类气体无需经长距离运移,就可能被陆架水下河道沙体、三角洲沙体等类型的储集层近源捕获而聚集,亦可呈游离状分散在区域层间,形成大范围的含气沉积物。浅层剖面和单道地震记录显示,含气沉积物层间反射杂乱,连续性较好的反射波突然中断,同相轴时隐时现,或完全消失,或反射模糊,伴有空白带,呈柱状、囊状、条带状或不规则状(图3),在不同水深,都发现了这种沉积层的含气特征。这是由于地层含气量增加,使地震传播速度降低,反射波能量快速衰减造成剖面上形成声学空白带,即浅层气在剖面上表现为“反射模糊区”(冯志强等,1995)。在浅层气大量溢出的地方常引起海底地形的凹凸不平,声呐记录上多为麻坑状显示。浅层气与古河道关系密切,古河道常出现异常地震反射,即声波被吸收或严重屏蔽,产生反射空白带、区,为含气沉积物。古河道的沉积物、充填物,以陆源碎屑为主,含有比较丰富的有机质,河流的快速搬运堆积,将其迅速掩埋,随着河流体系、岩相古地理条件的改变,有机质在一定热变质或生物作用下,可能演化成甲烷、沼气,这些气体呈分散状渗透在河道沉积物的层间,或者聚集在河流沙体中产生气囊,成为含气地层。图3 浅层剖面显示的反射模糊区Fig.3 Soil layer with gas珠江口近岸共发现一处大的浅层气区和多处小范围的浅层气区,浅层气区总面积大约420km2,其中以伶仃洋西侧海域浅层气分布范围最广,浅层气区位于伶仃洋水道西侧,从东四门沿水道下行,至桂山岛南侧,但埋藏深度不甚清楚,含气地层厚度不明。总体说来浅层气分布主要沿珠江的八大门下行,在河流下切形成的入海古河道、分支河道、河漫滩等分布较广,主要贮存于第四纪沉积物中,淤泥层为盖层。5.2 活动性断层在海洋工程上一般将其定义为晚更新世以来仍有活动的断层。其形成原因是由于地壳活动和沉积作用引起地层的错动,造成两盘沉积物厚度不同。断层引起的地面错动及其伴生的地面变形,往往会损害跨断层修建或建于附近的建筑物,同时断层还会导致海底产生过大的差异沉降,对海洋工程危害巨大。区内中部发现一条第四纪以来有过活动的浅正断层(图1),位于114°45′00″~114°50′00″E,22°25′30″~22°29′00″N之间,内伶仃岛以北1.5km。呈北西向延伸,长7km,断层距海底25m以内,基岩被切割,其上第四系部分错移,断距7~25m,从西北往东南断距变大,倾角50°~80°,钻探也揭示该断层的存在。根据钻探和区域地质构造资料,NEE向五华-深圳断裂带潜入伶仃洋后,可分为九尾岭断裂和横岗-罗湖断裂,并切穿桥址基岩。a.九尾岭断裂:该断裂东起深圳横岗,呈NEE断续延伸,过蛇口,出赤湾,在内伶仃岛西北处斜切桥轴线,直插珠海唐家湾,其走向为NE45°~60°,断面倾向东南,倾角70°以上。b.横岗-罗湖断裂:该断裂东起横岗,NEE延伸达罗湖,基本平行深圳湾的南岸,在香港烂角咀外斜切桥轴线,贯穿伶仃洋,过横琴岛北侧,继而西延,以及NW走向的龙头山断裂、白泥-沙湾断裂、淇澳-桂山岛断裂切过桥址。区内是珠江三角洲断陷盆地区,多组断裂在此交会,活动断裂的交会地带是发生强烈差异运动的场所,经常伴生地震,引发次生地质灾害。5.3 沙波沙波是砂质海底在水动力作用下所形成的。当水动力条件改变时,特别是在风暴潮的作用下,沙波的形态和分布都会发生变化,并产生移动。当地震活动发生时,振动可能引起沙体液化。沙波的迁移、活动和改造,不但直接影响锚泊,而且对其上的工程设施会造成极大的危害。沙波的迁移对其移动前方的工程设施,亦有掩埋、冲击、拖曳等严重威胁,因此对活动沙波的移动方向和速率的研究极为重要。在物探剖面上,海底沙波表现为海底反射呈连续锯齿起伏,强振幅,海底二次反射波较强,在浅层剖面上砂质结构的海底对其下形成反射屏蔽;通过对旁侧声呐图像分析,表现为有规律的黑白深浅相间的反射。区内发现有多处海底沙波,沙波主要沿槽沟分布。波高一般小于1m,波峰走向以NE向为主,与水流方向近正交。它们的存在指示海底泥沙运动较强,海底稳定性差,当台风或飓风发生引起风暴潮时,沙波的形态及分布均可能发生变化和位移。5.4 不规则浅埋基岩不规则浅埋基岩在物探剖面上主要表现为其界面反射多为圆锥状或尖峰状强反射,而其内部反射模糊,无层次,反射形态为随机的高低起伏,部分可见绕射波。对于工程建设,基岩是很好的承力层,但若基岩面起伏不平,高低差异较大,由于其与围岩岩性的不均一,就会产生承载力的差异。区内不规则浅埋基岩广泛分布,不规则基岩面埋深为-14.4~-67.3m,起伏变化较大,东部大铲岛周围,西南部淇澳岛东面,内伶仃岛北面,埋深较小,变化大,局部地方,出露海底成为暗礁。5.5 埋藏古河道在单道地震剖面上,埋藏古河道(图1)的底界呈连续波状起伏的强反射,内部的杂乱相为辫状河道沉积。有的底界面反射波下凹,内部反射有些杂乱,为砂砾充填物;有些为弱反射,为泥质充填所形成。浅层剖面上可看到河道底界面下凹、连续强反射特征,内部充填物结构清晰,还可见到侧向加积、顶部加积、充填物的旋回性及斜层理等特征。埋藏古河道的内部沉积与其围岩岩性有较大的差异,承载力明显不均匀,对海洋工程设施有不可忽视的潜在性危害。古河道的沉积物、充填物以粗碎屑砂砾石为主,孔隙度较大,层间水循环快,具有较强的渗透性,在地层中经长期的侵蚀、冲刷,上覆荷载下容易引起局部塌陷,破坏地层的原始结构,造成基底的不稳定。古河道纵向切割深度不同,横向沉积相变迅速,在近距离范围以内存在完全不同的力学支撑,诸如河床沙体和河漫滩泥质沉积物,显然具有不同的抗剪强度,软的粘土沉积在不均匀压实或受重力和地震力的作用下,极易产生蠕变,引起滑坡,导致地质灾害。古河道的沉积物、充填物,以陆源碎屑为主,含有比较丰富的有机质,河流的快速搬运堆积,将其迅速掩埋,在一定热变质或生物作用下,可能演化成甲烷、沼气,这些气体呈分散状渗透在河道沉积物的层间,或者聚集在河流沙体中产生气囊,成为含浅层气地层,形成地质灾害。区内埋藏古河道发育,层A、层B均有古河道存在。这两层的河道有的自成体系,更多的是互相叠置长期发育,河床多次迁移,形成很大的河道沉积物体系,难于划分出具体的河道,其规模及走向无法详细描述。有的河道直接暴露于海底,往往与海底浅槽共存,说明水动力作用较强。这种河道会直接给工程带来麻烦。5.6 槽沟槽沟是海底表层沉积物遭受侵蚀冲刷而成的。主要分布在两侧岛屿狭束,潮流或水流较急的区域,是海洋工程应当避让或必须处理的不利条件。它在各种物探调查资料上表现为海底反射波的波形发生明显扭曲,反射界面突然断开或下陷,两侧对称,与周围地形差异较大。珠江口内伶仃洋段冲刷槽沟的发育受控于地形,槽沟是较大型的冲刷槽,伶仃洋槽沟发育。槽沟人工开挖痕迹明显,槽沟的高度和坡度变化较大,陡峭的冲刷槽形成陡坎可能伴生滑坡。岛屿附近易发育水下冲刷槽,水下冲刷槽多与不规则基岩相伴生。槽沟可以说是较大型的冲刷槽,槽沟可以形成航道,但对海上工程则具有明显的制约作用。5.7 水下浅滩水下浅滩的形成是在近岸泥沙供应较为丰富,水动力条件较弱的环境下形成的,是一种水下堆积物。当水动力条件改变时,特别是在风暴潮的作用下,浅滩的形态和分布都会发生变化,并产生移动。浅滩的迁移、活动和改造,不但直接影响锚泊,而且对其上的海洋工程设施会造成极大的危害,并对其移动前方的工程空间,亦有掩埋、冲击、拖曳等严重威胁。桥区内存在许多浅滩,与周围地形高差1~3m。6 讨论粤港澳跨海大桥海域具有独特的自然条件以及复杂的海洋工程地质特征。海底地形地貌呈三滩两槽分布,地貌类型主要包括:槽沟、沙波、洼地和浅滩等;表层沉积土类型有流泥、淤泥、淤泥质土、淤泥混砂或砂混淤泥四类;海底以下为淤泥、粘土、淤泥质土、砂层和基岩;存在浅层气、活动性断层、沙波、地震活动、不规则浅埋基岩、埋藏古河道、冲刷槽沟和水下浅滩等潜在灾害地质因素,这些地质灾害是潜在的威胁;当然,这些潜在的地质灾害并非一触即发,在有断层活动、地震或较大的灾害性天气影响下可能诱发。桥址区厚层状、流塑、高压缩性淤泥质软土层,具有低强度、高压缩性、灵敏度较高特性,在震动作用下则可能会产生触变现象,其工程性质极差,不利于工程筑构;粉砂、细砂层存在地震液化问题;岩石残积土、全-强风化岩遇水具崩解性。基岩风化深槽的巨大差异,新鲜基岩的岩面埋深变化,不利于工程构筑基础的选型,不利于持力层的选择,尤其对荷载较大的跨海大桥,从其持久耐用、安全牢靠,不得不到较深部基岩中去选择持力层时,增加了基础工程的难度。伶仃洋面临南海,是台风和热带风暴登陆点之一,台风和热带风暴也是区内最严重自然灾害之一。特别是,极端的风荷载不利于高层建筑或长距离、大跨度悬空构筑。对付地质灾害主要以预防为主,首先查明各种地质灾害的成因、分布和发育规律,并对一些具有较大潜在危险的地质灾害进行必要的监测、预报以便防避,或制订抑制灾害形成和发育的有效措施,对于渐发性的地质灾害则要加强灾害成生规律的研究。1)各种地质灾害因素,如大型活动断层等。由于无法控制这些地质灾害因素,工程必须谨慎而行。2)对于较小的、不具活动能力的限制性地质条件,可以采取措施予以清除,如用爆破的方式清除底部出露或浅埋基岩。3)对一些规模小、处于能量积累过程中的地质灾害因素,可以采取人工方法,诱使其提前发生,减小能量,增强稳定性。4)对一些小规模的地质灾害因素,在施工期较短的情况下可采用加固的方法,使工程顺利进行。参考文献陈少平,孙家振,沈传波,等.2004.杭州湾地区浅层气成藏条件分析.海洋地质与第四纪地质,24(2):85~88冯志强,冯文科,薛万俊,等.1996.南海北部地质灾害及海底工程地质条件评价.南京:河海大学出版社,5~123叶银灿,陈俊仁,潘国富,等.2003.海底浅层气的成因、赋存特征及其对工程的危害.东海海洋,21(1):27~36Engineering Geological Features of The Bridge of Guangdong And Hong Kong And MacaoMa Shengzhong1,2 Chen Yanbiao1 Chen Taihao1(1.Guangzhou Marine Geological Survey,Guangzhou,510760;2.China University of Geosciences,Beijing,100083,China)Abstract:Based on geophysical prospectings,acoustic survey,core sampling and geotechnical test,the offshore of Hong Kong is found to has special natural conditions but complex topographical and geomorphological sea floor features.There are many geological hazard factors such as seismic,landslide collapses,buried river channels,faults,sand wave,shallow gas and possible liquefaction of sand,which will bring potential dangers to this area.Especially at the edge of the continental shelf and slope of the study area,the deep slope may cause potential geological hazard.Attention should be paid to dangerous factors.Key Words:engineering geology geological hazard factors the bridge of Guangdong and Hong Kong and Macao
2023-07-19 05:35:451

save water英文200字短文,并附上翻译。

节约水资源 Have you ever seen the pictures of those suffering people who struggle every day for just a few drops of water - the life-giving liquid? Water is not a never-ending resource, but a precious resource that is more valuable than anything else on the planet. Water is the most important thing for life, even greater than food. It is crucial that people understand this and establish an ideology that conserving water is the proper thing to do. According to a senior official, China is facing a water crisis more severe and urgent than any other country in the world. Urgent measures must be taken to save water in its booming cities before the urban water ecosystem collapses. Per capita water availability in China is about one-quarter of the world average and expected to fall further. The crisis is caused by widespread drought, pollution, rapid economic growth and waste. It is important to use water wisely. With so many ways to save water, here are the highlights to help you capture the water savings around your home. By following these simple suggestions, you will save money on your water bill while conserving the supply we all depend on. Vegetables and fruit should be washed in a bowl rather than under a running tap and the leftover water can be used for watering plants. Never put water down the drain when there may be another use for it such as watering a plant or cleaning. Avoid flushing the toilet unnecessarily. Do not use your toilet as a wastebasket. Dispose of tissues, insects and other such waste in the trash rather than the toilet. Take shorter showers. Do not let water run while shaving, brushing your teeth or washing your hair or face. Recently, Singaporeans were urged to shower a minute less as part of a national water conservation effort. Operate automatic dishwashers and clothes washers only when they are fully loaded or properly set the water level for the size of load you are using. Many silent leaks allow water and your money to go down the drain. Verify that your home is leak-free, because many homes have hidden water leaks. Check your water meter for any possible leaks. By thinking carefully about your water use in the home and changing some water-wasting habits, it is easy to save water. --电脑翻译-- 您几曾看了那些的图片为水--给予生命的几滴液体奋斗每天的遭受的人民? 水是没有一种无休止的资源, 而是比别的可贵的在行星的一种珍贵的资源。水是最重要的事为生活, 甚而大于食物。它是关键的, 人们了解这和建立思想体系保存的水是适当的事做。 根据一位高级官员, 中国面对水危机严厉和迫切比其他国家在世界上。迫切措施必须被采取对保存水在它兴旺的城市在都市水生态系崩溃之前。水可及性在中国人均是世界平均的大约四分之一和准备进一步下落。危机由普遍天旱、污染、迅速经济增长和废物造成。 它重要明智地使用水。以许多方式保存水, 这聚焦帮助您夺取水储款在您的家附近。由跟随这些简单的建议, 您将存金钱在您的水费当保存供应我们所有依靠。 菜和果子应该被洗涤在碗而不是在连续轻拍和残余水之下可能被使用为浇灌的植物。从未投入水在流失下当那里也许是其它用途为它譬如浇灌植物或清洗。 避免多余地冲洗洗手间。不要使用您的洗手间作为废字纸篓。处理组织、昆虫和其它这样的废物在垃圾而不是洗手间。 洗更短的澡。不要让水跑当刮, 刷牙或洗您的头发或面孔。最近, 新加坡敦促淋浴一分钟作为全国节水努力一部分。 操作自动洗碟机和给洗衣机穿衣只当他们全负荷或适当地设置水平面为您使用装载的大小。 许多沈默泄漏允许水和您的金钱化为乌有。核实, 您的家leak-free, 因为许多家掩藏了水泄漏。检查您的水表所有可能的泄漏。 由仔细地考虑您的水用途在家和改变一些水浪费的习性, 它是容易保存水。
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洞 时间长了所有红线 该接管 所有smokelike溪流 该流入梦中 大开放海蓝色 不能越过 不能攀登 刚出生之间 两白啊 消退的迹象,远神 所有这些都得Lites 你挑一Tonite 洞,挖小Moles 愤怒嫉妒间谍 对眼睛有电话 朋友,你来 所有这些目标无休止 不能绑 他们使我笑呀 总是让我哭, "胡麻他们像苍蝇落 沉石象及装饰品 所有我丢石头 请问这首歌到老 请问这首歌到老 阶、幽默的小计划 这是绝对行不通的不错 它表明tonite 成梦,把我放了,并答应归还 我们用什么方法,这样才能满足,你是我的香烟点燃 空中跟踪方式,成为主流,并在订定 你选择,失去了一方,你两分 <你是这样,很久以前,你是一个walkin"内战 但你忘记,还路,它表明tonite 为你的灵魂,我试图攀爬,发现洞高 我离开,我用我的经验,我认为不能把 树的方式,Fallin"雨,我提醒方式 你是如何,我们今天开会,你是我的香烟点燃 这样的改变,到一个陌生、华语波特 但你忘了,这首歌还如何,它表明tonite 编号40 她并投掷了一整夜像个肆虐海 自杀的觉醒和攀登器 她和她的西班牙蜡烛波斯诗歌 在一片惊讶和石头砸死编号40 她的脾气和手腕下大雨 她在倒塌下来的洋底 再度 泪水在波心中消防 仅贵方夜 泪水在波心中消防 仅贵方夜 catskilled大宅,埋葬梦想 "我活着"哭 "但我不知道这是什么意思" 各地出现了一些,但沙月明 有划线,像在自己手线 她的眼睛,用力,门上锁 她在倒塌下来的洋底 再度
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