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2023-07-19 17:02:13
TAG: 英语 关于

1. 关于减肥的办法的英语句子

Apple diet: eat2days apple then normal diet for 3 days, so several cycles, the effect of good.


Lotus leaf slimming method: the lotus leaf, cassia seed, licorice, lemon slice, boiled soup, quantity as appropriate, to effect 2 weeks, every day more import toilet.


Balsam pear diet: as long as you make sure to eat 3bitter gourd roots, at least1 weeks can thin4 catties, is washed raw, though a bit difficult, but also has very good Detox Dongdong, eats, can we achieve the objective of!


2. 关于减肥的英语单词


lose weight

weight loss

Losing Weight

on diet


减肥法 Facial Analysis Diet ; Zone Diet ; Blood Type Diet ; Fair conditioneriing Aningysis Diet

减肥塑身 On a Diet ; Aerobic Dance ; Body shaping ; Lose Weight

腹部减肥 reduce abdomen

3. 50个动词词组英文

1.look into 调查 2.look through 看穿 3.look at 看4.look for 寻找 on sb 拜访某人 at拜访 加地方 up 唤起 回忆起 for 要求 in 收集 邀请 off 取消 put out 召集 up 打电话 forth 引出 显现14.pick off 摘下来 15.pick up 拾起,接收16.pick out 挑出17.send out 发出18.send away 解雇 开除19.send up 发射20.make fun of 取笑21.make the best of充分利用22.make room for 给.让位23.make progress 进步24.make an effort 努力25.make a decision 做决定26.make sure 确信27.make living 谋生28.make ends meet 量入为出29.make sense 合理 有意义30.send for sb 派人去请某人31.send off 散发 发出32.put on 穿上33.put down 放下34.put out 扑灭35.point out 谈及36.point at瞄准37.on time 按时 time 及时39.out of time 过时 all 根本 全然 all 总共 完全42.all in all 总之43.after all 毕竟 终究44.above all 首先 最重要的是45.first of all 第一 首先46.argue with 与某人争辩47.argue for 为 而辩护48.argue against 辩论49.argue a mattter out 把某事辩个水落石出50.get away from摆脱51.take away from 夺走 抢走52.keep away from远离53.break away from 脱离 away from 从 跑开 away from 离开 表状态56.go bad 变坏57.go angry 生气58.go crazy 变疯59.go hard 变硬60.go wrong 走错路61.go hungry 挨饿62.go from bad to worse 每况愈下63.go ahead 进展 进行64.go out 熄灭65.go all out 全力以赴66.go over 复习 检查67.go by (时间)过去68.go through遭受69.go down 下降70.go against 反对71.bring about72.bring down73.bring out74.bring forward75.bring up 抚养长大 呕吐76.bring in 引进77.bring into78.bring back79.give in to sb 屈服80.give up 放弃81.give away 82.give off 散发83.give out84.put on weight 增肥85.lose weight 减肥 weight 按重量87.stand away 远离88.stand in89.stand aside 90.stand by91.stand up for 92.take over 接管93.take away 94.take down95.take back96.take out97.take place 发生98.take pride in 自豪99.get lost 走丢。

4. 减肥用英语怎么说

减肥的英文:lose weight weight 读法 英 [weu026at] 美 [wet] 1、n. 重636f7079e799bee5baa631333431353265量,重力;负担;砝码;重要性 2、vt. 加重量于,使变重 短语: 1、molecular weight distribution [化]分子量分布 2、weight ratio 体重比,重量比;重量 3、dead weight 固定负载;静负载 4、put on weight 体重增加 5、reduce weight 整形美容减肥 例句: 1、I"m lucky really as I never put on weight. 我真的很幸运,体重从未增加过。

2、The scientists involved put different weight on the conclusions of different models. 相关科学家们对不同模型的结论赋予的权重各不相同。 扩展资料weight的用法: 1、weight的基本意思是“重量,分量”,也可指“重的特性”“重力”,是不可数名词,引申可表示“负荷,负担”,作此解时通常只用于单数形式。


weight还可表示“重要性、严重性或影响力(的程度)”,是不可数名词。 3、weight用作动词的基本意思是“使…变重”,指在某物上加重量或用矿物质处理(织物)使之加重,引申可作“偏袒”解,指计划或组织(某事物)使之偏向某人或某集体。

4、weight是及物动词,接名词或代词作宾语,多用于被动结构。 词汇搭配 1、birth weight 出生体重;初生重 2、net weight 净重 3、lose weight 减肥 4、weight loss 失重 5、body weight 体重。

5. 几个英语句子修改

I will go on a diet to lose my weightBecause, first, I don"t think most people get fat is caused by their lacking of exercise. They get fat because of their unhealthy diet, like eating too much high-fat food.Second, I think doing exercise needs hard working and patience, and that"s what I short of.Third, I have no enough spare time to do some sports for the occupied studies and work.Finally, I prefer a healthy diet than do exercise to lose my weight. So. I will go on a diet。


lose weight什么意思

lose weight意思是:体重减轻。lose weight:lose,输掉、遗失、损失、被夺去、减轻、不明白、逃脱、浪费(时间)、走慢、删掉、亏损;weight,重量,分量,体重、重物、重心、重任,重担、权重,重要性、哑铃,杠铃片、砝码,秤砣;lose weight,体重减轻。实用场景例句Denise:You"ll never lose weight if you listen to your stomach.狄妮丝:如果听胃的话,你永远也别想减肥。Say your goal is lose weight by dieting and cutting off sweets.比如说你的目标是节食减肥不吃甜食。He is walking proof that people can lose weight quickly.他是人能迅速变瘦的活见证。If you keep drinking Pu"er tea every day for a long time you will lose weight.长期喝普洱茶有减肥的功效。Lose weight too quickly and you will lose muscle tissue as well as fat.减肥太快会使你的肌肉组织和脂肪一起消失。
2023-07-19 05:12:461


减轻体重的英文是lose weight。lose表示减轻的意思,weight表示体重的意思,减轻体重的英文表述是lose weight。相关例句:People will lose weight when they slim down with a friend人们若和朋友一起减肥,就会减轻体重。相关例句:不管你多大年龄,你都可以通过这个方案减轻体重No matter what your age, you can lose weight by following this programme。
2023-07-19 05:12:591

减肥 英语怎么说

lose weight
2023-07-19 05:13:103

英语lose weight是什么中文意思

  英语lose weight的中文意思   英 [lu:z weit] 美 [luz wet]   1. 减轻体重:人们为了增进健康(get in shape),减轻体重(lose weight),保持健康(stay in shape)或纯粹仅是为了娱乐(just for fun),从事户外运动的人口越来越多,一年到头都有各种各样、多彩多姿的户外运动.   2. 减轻体重,减肥:remember doing 记得做过某事 | lose weight 减轻体重,减肥 | get into an argument with sb. 与某人吵起架来   3. 体重减轻:lose way 减速 | lose weight 体重减轻 | lose 遗失   英语lose weight的情景对话   健康与健身   A:I don"t know what to do! I"ve been dieting for months and I just can"t seem to lose any weight!   我不知道做什么!我节食已经有好几个月了。好像还不能减少体重!   B:Are you doing any exercise?   你在做一些锻炼吗?   A:No, if I exercise, I get hungry, and then I end up eating too much.   没有,如果我锻炼我会感觉饿,结果是我会吃得更多。   B:I think that might be your problem.   我认为那可能就是你的`问题。   A:Really? Why?   真的吗?为什么?   B:Well, if you want to lose weight and keep it off, you need to exercise as well as watch what you eat.If you don"t eat enough, your body will start going into starvation mode.   唔,如果你想减体重并保持住,除了注意饮食外你必须锻炼。假如你不吃饱,你的身体会开始处于饥饿状态。   A:So, what do you think I should do?   那么你认为我该怎么做?   B:You should make sure to eat at least three meals a day. And, you make sure to eat a balanced diet—dairy, fruit, vegetables, meat or fish, and carbohy drates, like bread and pasta.   你应该保证每天至少吃三顿饭,然后你应该保证均衡每日饮食,包括乳制品、水果、蔬菜、肉或鱼以及碳水化合物,像面包和意大利面。   A:But I heard that if you just eat fruits and vegetables, you would lose weight quickly.   但是我听说假如你光吃水果和蔬菜泥会很快减下重量。   B:You might at first, but then you"ll get hungry and tired and you won"t be able to do much.   这只是在开始,然后你就会感觉饥饿、疲倦,然后不能做太多的事情。   A:Maybe you"re right. I have been hungry and tired--and grumpy lately?   也许你说的对,我近来感觉饥饿、疲倦,脾气也不好!   英语lose weight的单语例句   1. Actress Charlize Theron has revealed that her modelling career was hampered by the fashion industry telling her to lose weight.   2. Four years ago, she was told by her friend that heroin could help her lose weight.   3. Many Chinese believe winter is a good time to gain some weight, but summer is when to lose it.   4. But now the adage has been turned on its head, with the creation of a lip gloss that claims to help women lose weight.   5. Researchers have known that people gain and lose weight at least in part by changing how much fat is in their fat cells.   6. Collins said she tried to feed Samantha fresh fruit and vegetables to help her lose weight but to no avail.   7. Certainly many consistently talk about overeating and needing to lose weight while consuming what Westerners would consider a very small meal.
2023-07-19 05:13:411

lose weight是什么意思

2023-07-19 05:13:513

lose weight可数吗

lose weight v. 减肥;体重减轻 lose当友谊或朋友关系时可数;强调感觉或状态时不可数。 weight即可做可数名词,又可做不可数名词,weight在做“砝码,秤砣”时可数,还有在做“巨大重量之物,重压负担”的意思时可数。表示“重”“重量”“分量”,不可数。 weight在这里是不可数的。 扩展资料   例句:   She"s starving herself to try to lose weight.   她试图通过节食来减肥。   People will lose weight when they slim down with a friend.   人们若和朋友一起减肥,就会减轻体重。   He reacted testily to the suggestion he should lose weight.   有人建议他减肥,对此他很恼火。
2023-07-19 05:13:581

减肥是loose weight 还是lose weight?

lose weight
2023-07-19 05:14:096


2023-07-19 05:14:331

【单词】想减肥,lose weight 怎么用才正确?

Lose weight 夏天到了,很多人又开始减肥了。可是,如果要用英文表达自己想要减肥,那下面这个句子怪在哪里呢?? I want to lose my weight. 粗粗一看好像没什么问题,仔细看好像还是没问题。哈哈,其实问题出在my这个词。如果你说 my weight , 这意味着如果你想要的话,你也是可以减别人的肥的。my 暗示这次是 my 肥,下次可能是your 肥,以后可能是 her 肥,也就是说,你可以选择减谁的肥。 是不是很怪,所以解决办法就是去掉 my: √ I want to lose weight. 只要说lose weight,我们听了都会假定是主语那个人要减肥。 He"s pretty fat. I think he really needs to lose weight. (他很胖,我想他真的需要减肥。) She ate so much during Chinese New Year. Now she wants to lose weight. (她在过年时吃了好多,现在她想要减肥。) lose 与 weight 中间加某个词,通常不是表示谁的肥,而是要减多少肥。 He looks OK, but he needs to lose a little weight. (他看起来还不错,只要稍微减一点肥。) Wow, after she started jogging, she lost a lot of weight. (哇!她慢跑之后瘦了好多。) I"d like to lose some weight. (我想瘦一点。) 当然,如果要说减几公斤时,你可以省略weight这个词: I lost five kilos this summer! (我今年夏天减了五公斤!) I need to lose about ten pounds after eating like a pig during my Christmas vacation. (在圣诞节期间吃得像只猪之后,我需要减个十磅。) * 不用说减谁的肥,说 lose weight 就好了。 祝大家这个夏天瘦成闪电~
2023-07-19 05:14:511

lose weihht用的是动词,而weight loss 为什么后面就要用名词形式?

Lose weight是动词短语,Weight loss是名词短语,两者最大的区别就是,一个做谓语,一个作宾语,所以这里区分了动词形式和名词形式,Weight losing不能直接这样用的
2023-07-19 05:14:581

英语翻译:这个lose weight怎么造句?

2023-07-19 05:15:084


2023-07-19 05:15:164

get lean,lose weight的区别

没有问题,loss weight的意思是减肥,weight loss的意思是体重减轻. 这段话的意思是: 每当女生们在一起,减肥是我们常常争论的一个话题.今天,我将向你们展示一些图片,告诉你们一个关于体重减轻后的真实故事. 现在很多人减肥成功与否的根据就是看体重有没有减轻.体重减轻有可能会导致很多问题,作者的下文可能是展示这一情况的.
2023-07-19 05:15:311

减肥的英文是 keep fit

2023-07-19 05:15:414


Poids perdant
2023-07-19 05:15:573

减肥是用lose weight还是用reduce weight还些??我的想法对吗?

2023-07-19 05:16:064

lose weight 的反义?

gain weight 增肥;长胖了
2023-07-19 05:16:191

i want to lose weight什么意思

2023-07-19 05:16:295

减肥应该是keep fit还是lose weight?

lose weight
2023-07-19 05:16:562

书面表达英语作文以“how to lose,weight”

一、吃苹果减肥最快:A, eat the apple weight fastest:苹果称得上是金水果,它含有较多的钾,较少的钠,可降低血压;苹果的果胶可以降低胆固醇;苹果含有类黄酮,可以减少冠心病的发生和诱发心脏病;苹果含有非常丰富的抗氧化物ue584 可降低癌症发生的机会。Apple called the golden fruit, it contains more potassium, less sodium, lower blood pressure; apple pectin can lower cholesterol; apples contain flavonoids, can reduce the incidence of coronary heart disease and induced a heart attack; apples contain very rich in antioxidants dead can reduce the chance of cancer.想想,如果三天纯吃苹果,就能减肥3至5公斤,又能保持健康的话,你愿意尝试吗?Think about it, if three days of pure eating apples, you can lose weight 3 to 5 kg, and can keep healthy, would you like to try?吃苹果减肥的好处是不必挨饿,肚子饿就吃苹果。因为它是低热量食物,无论吃多少,都不会比日常生活所摄取的热量还多,所以体重自然减轻。Eat the apple diet benefits are not hungry, hungry eat apples. Because it is low in calories, regardless of how much to eat, not more than the daily caloric intake, so naturally reduce weight.吃苹果操作方法:Eat the Apple operating method:①连续三天只吃苹果,不吃其他水果和食物。The three consecutive days only eat apples, do not eat fruits and other foods.②你可以按照三餐的时间吃苹果,或是肚子饿就吃,吃饱为止。You can eat apples at the time of three meals, or hungry to eat, eat.③不管什么种类的苹果都可以,不过,最好是红苹果。青苹果比较酸,可能会刺激肠胃。No matter what kind of apple can, however, it is best to red apple. Green apple is more acid, may stimulate the stomach.④苹果要吃新鲜的,而且要洗净削皮,避免农药残存。The apples to eat fresh, and peel to clean, to avoid residual pesticides.⑤在这三天内,口渴时,你可以喝开水或没有刺激性的茶水,例如薄荷茶、麦茶、红花茶、鱼腥草茶等。Fifth in the three days, thirsty, you can drink boiled water or no irritant tea, such as mint tea, wheat tea, red tea, Houttuynia tea.⑦在苹果减肥期间,如果出现便秘问题,可以在第三天晚上,喝一两汤匙的橄榄油润肠,促进体内积蓄的毒素排泄。In apple diet period, if there is constipation, on the third day in the evening, drink one or two tablespoons of olive oil Runchang, promote the excretion of toxins accumulated in vivo.三天后的饮食要点Three days after the diet points三天的苹果减肥结束后,因为远离了刺激性食物,所以你的肠胃会很柔嫩,味觉也很敏感,而且胃会变小。Three days after the end of apple diet, as far away from spicy food, so your stomach will be very tender, taste is also very sensitive, and the stomach becomes small.第四天开始,你的饮食要慢慢恢复,不能一下子就吃很多食物,尤其不要吃零食。恢复饮食的头三天,最好先从吃粥、吃豆腐等开始。总之,减肥后恢复饮食时,食物要清淡而且不要过量,这样一来,减肥的效果才会持续。The fourth day, your diet should be gradually restored, can not eat a lot of food at once, especially not to eat snacks. The first three days of refeeding, the best start to eat porridge, eat tofu etc.. In short, the weight loss diet after recovery, food should be light and not too much, as a result, the effect of weight loss will continue.苹果减肥等于身体消化系统的大扫除。如果你真的很胖,想要做一次苹果减肥就恢复身材是不可能的。最好每一两个月就进行一次,直到减至理想体重为止。Apple lose weight is equal to the body"s digestive system cleaning. If you really want to do is fat, an apple on the restoration of body weight loss is not possible. The best every one or two months once, until reduced to ideal body weight.
2023-07-19 05:17:111

以“ways to keep fit”为题写一篇80字左右的英语作文,急急急急。等下就交了。。

Lots of people think dieting is the best way to lose weight, but little do they know, dieting, is actually the worst way to lose weight. Dieting can be hazard to unhealthy eating, which may eventually lead to pancreasic diseases and other diseased. Keeping a fit and losing weight does have a lot in common, but they are not the same. Losing weight is mainly to get rid of the fat, however, keeping fit is how to maintain a heathland body. The best way of keeping fit would be to aviod siting down for too long, and also exercising on a daily bases. But the first thing to being fit, is to have a healthy body.
2023-07-19 05:17:213

How to lose weight?

首先,希望我用中文回答你能看懂,如看不懂,请说出来,我尽量翻译成英文给你;下面开始减肥方法建议:1、一定要用物理疗法,千万别吃药,有氧运动很有效2、跑步就行,不用到马路上跑,在跑步机上,或家里原地慢跑,一般60分钟左右,不要太短,也不要太长,太短会消耗不了体内脂肪,太长会导致疲劳过渡,伤害身体。3、饮食上注意,不要吃脂肪过高的食品,不过吃太多东西,7分饱就行,但也不要节食经过这些大概一个月就会有成效,坚持下来,you may success
2023-07-19 05:18:201

why apples can help people lose weight语法有没有错?

有错。特殊疑问句的结构是:特殊疑问词+助动词/系动词/情态动词+主语+谓语+宾语?这个问句是想问为什么苹果能帮助人们减肥,其正确表达是:Why can apples help people lose weight?
2023-07-19 05:18:271

Determing to lose weight ,she…行吗?答案只给了determined

为您解答一般下决心不用分词形式,而是过去分词表形容词的形式,be determined to
2023-07-19 05:18:462

Many young girls wanted to lose weight有没有错误?

恭喜你,对了。这句话也可以用一般现在时来写,即Many young girls want to lose weight.
2023-07-19 05:18:541

About 70 million Americans are trying to lose weight

大约有7000万美国人正在努力减肥这几乎是美国人口的三分之一。(3)有些人节食,这意味着他们少吃某些食物,特别是脂肪和糖,而有的人则通过运动与专用设备,减肥药,甚至手术。减肥是一项艰苦的工作,它也会花费很多钱。那么,为什么这么多美国人还想减肥呢? 许多美国人担心自己看起来不够年轻不够有吸引力,在他们认为,,好看也意味着瘦。而其他人担心他们的健康。很多医生认为肥胖是不健康的,但美国人真的胖吗? (4)近3000万美国人体重至少超过理想体重的20%。事实上,美国是世界上最肥胖的国家。“美国成年人的储存的脂肪体重2.3万亿磅,”马萨诸塞大学人类学家George Armelagos说。他说,燃烧这些储存能量会产生足够的能量为900000辆汽车去12000英里。 减肥是一项艰苦的工作,但大多数人想找一个快速、简单的方法来脱脂肪。书店出售大量的饮食书,这些书告诉读者如何减肥。每年,许多新书这样写着,每一个都承诺消除脂肪。
2023-07-19 05:19:022

血型减肥用英语怎么说 血型减肥英语翻译?

血型减肥在英语中的翻译是”nemotype”,其次还可以说成”losing weight”,在《郎文当代中级英语辞典》中,共找到87个与血型减肥相关的释义和例句。1. is Sensa the Celebrity Diet Secret?2. Blood type is O, RH positive!3. We"re watching our waistlines.4. Yeah? That"s the match we got.5. – Better than being skinny. – Hold on.6. And you told me about slimming down.7. Gonna get back at it myself.8. Teeth… blood group… no genetic disorders…9. i"m tryin" to lose a couple of LBs.10. He"s talking about your blood type, blood type.11. Your very beautiful daughter has a very rare blood type.12. i, um, i needed to lose weight.13. Fingerprints and blood type match.14. This one needs to lose weight.15. The director"s losing weight.自考/成考有疑问、不知道自考/成考考点内容、不清楚当地自考/成考政策,点击底部咨询官网老师,免费领取复习资料:
2023-07-19 05:19:091

i should exercise more to lose weight

Taking more exercises What 对应 动名词
2023-07-19 05:19:161


  她正在努力增加体重,因为她看起来太娇小了。下面就由我为大家带来关于增加体重的英语短语集锦,希望大家能有所收获。   关于增加体重的相关英语短语   1. A nicotine spray can help smokers quit the habit without putting on weight.   尼古丁喷雾剂能够帮助吸烟者在不增加体重的同时戒烟。   2. Much as I hope I may gain weight, ( yet ) I am still as thin as before.   虽然我非常希望增加体重, 但我仍然像以前一样的瘦.   3. You will have a tendency to put on pounds.   有增加体重的可能哦.   4. When people cut on smoking, they often put on weight.   当人们减少吸烟量时, 常会增加体重.   5. You are sure to gain weight and accumulate more cholesterol.   只会增加体重,提高胆固醇.   6. Women who fail to get enough shut - eye each night risk gaining weight.   在夜间缺乏睡眠的女人很有可能增加体重.   7. It is easier put on weight, but it is quite difficult weight.   增加体重较容易, 但是减肥就困难了.   8. Eating the same foods at dinnertime tends to increase weight, blood pressure and heart disease.   但如果你在晚餐吃相同的食物,就更倾向于增加体重, 催高血压和引发心脏病.   9. But we need to give you time to get taller before you add more weight.   但是我们要在你增加体重之前,为你增高多留些时间.   10. Women who fail to get enough shut - eye each night risk weight, a Cleveland - based researcher reported.   克利夫兰研究人员说,在夜间缺乏睡眠的人很有可能增加体重.   11. I"m lucky really as I never put on weight.   我很幸运,因为我的体重从来没有增加过。   12. I have never lost the weight I put on in my teens.   我十几岁时增加的体重一直没有减下去。   13. She gained some 25lb in weight during her pregnancy.   她怀孕期间体重增加了大约25磅。   14. I can eat what I want but I never put on weight.   我能想吃什么就吃什么,但是体重从来不增加。   15. Luther"s put on three stone.   卢瑟体重增加了3英石。   关于增加体重的相关例句   属于这种体型的人不易增加体重与改变形状。   A person with this body shape has difficulty adding weight and shape.   但是我们要在你增加体重之前,为你增高多留些时间。   But we need to give you time to get taller before you add more weight.   但如果你在晚餐吃相同的食物,就更倾向于增加体重,催高血压和引发心脏病。   Eating the same foods at dinnertime tends to increase weight, blood pressure and heart disease.   如果你摄入了比你自身需要更多的卡路里。你就会增加体重。   If you take in more calories than you are burning then you gain weight.   帮助是某个人强迫你去增加体重。   Help is someone forcing you to gain weight.   肌肉。肌肉比脂肪密度高,而且肌肉占据更小的空间,所以增加肌肉能够增加体重,即使你在减肥。   Muscle. Muscle is more dense than fat and it takes up less space, so adding muscle couldincrease your scale weight, even though you"re slimming down.   肌肉比脂肪密度高,而且肌肉占据更小的空间,所以增加肌肉能够增加体重,即使你在减肥。   Muscle is more dense than fat and it takes up less space, so adding muscle could increase your scale weight, even though you"re slimming down.   医生已经告诫过她,如果她再不增加体重的话,很有可能会导致致命的心脏病。   Doctors have warned her she is at risk of a fatal heart attack if she does not put on weight.   那是人类一天只多吃半块小松饼就可能增加体重的一个原因:我们几乎会即刻在我们常规的(“白色”)脂肪细胞中存入我们不需要的大部分卡路里。   That"s one reason humans can gain weight with just an extra half-muffin a day: we almostinstantly store most of the calories we don"t need in our regular ("white") fat cells.   一些研究指出许多成人会在节假日增加体重是因为他们喜欢吃美食,而在节假日期间他们更有可能这么做。   Some studies say many adults gain weight during the holiday season because they like to eattasty foods, and they are more likely to do so during the holidays.   科学家们要求志愿者们在四周的时间里拚命食用快餐,并降低活动量,希望他们增加体重,然后再重新回到正常的体型。   Scientists asked volunteers to gorge on fast food and be less active for four weeks, expectingthem to put on weight but then return to their normal size.   这使它更容易增加体重,也使你更容易遇到肥胖常常带来的健康问题。   This makes it easier to gain weight, and makes you more prone to the health problems thatfatness often brings.   医生已经警告她,如果她还是无法增加体重,将会有患上致命心脏病的危险。   Doctors have warned her she is at risk of a fatal heart attack if she does not put on weight.   保持低脂肪饮食的人们以面包,面条和其他淀粉产品的形式摄入许多碳水化合物,即使他们吃的是全麦和发酵面包,他们只会增加体重。   People on a low-fat diet who eat many carbohydrates in the form of bread, pasta, and otherstarchy products, even if they"re whole-grain and sourdough, will only gain weight.   关于增加体重的双语例句   前几天我看了早间新闻并且听到他们谈论减肥苏打水内的人造甜味剂是如何使人增加体重的(来自于普度大学的一项研究)!   I was watching the morning news the other day and heard them talking about how artificialsweeteners in diet soda can actually cause people to gain weight (from a Purdue Universitystudy)!   如果你是第一次怀孕,你可能会稍微增加体重,但你可能仍能够穿着你喜爱的牛仔裤。   If this is your first pregnancy you may have gained a little weight but youu2019re probably still wearingyour favorite jeans.   最初,他试着吃多吃来增加体重,不过完全无效。   He initially tried to eat more to gain weight, but it had no effect.   它们只不过设立了在一定条件下增加体重的感受性——毫无疑问,这些条件现在无处不在。   They merely set up a susceptibility togaining weight under certain conditions--and withoutquestion, thoseconditions are now ubiquitous.   怎样才能让我感觉满足又不增加体重呢?   How can I feel satisfied without gaining weight?   妊娠纹是一种可以逐渐由红色褪为银色的纹,它形成于你迅速增加体重时。   Stretch marks, red skin striations that can gradually fade to a silvery hue, form when you gain weight rapidly.   甜点可能会在他们渐渐长大时,让他们增加体重或者导致其他食物问题。   This could be setting them up for weight and food problems later in life.   你不需要帮助来增加体重,你需要帮助去减轻体重。   You donu2019t need help gaining weight. You need help losing weight.   我开始重新训练自己的大脑,告诉自己吃东西没什么不好,增加体重并不会使我变成胖子。   I started to retrain my brain, telling myself that it was OK to eat, that putting on weight wouldn"tmake me fat.   我尝试着跑步减肥,但是做这些运动让我一直感觉饿。怎样才能让我感觉满足又不增加体重呢?   I"m trying to lose weight by running, but all the exercise is making me feel hungry all the time.How can I feel satisfied without gaining weight?   卡罗白莉当时的体重只有98磅,是一目了然的小个子,但她很聪明,将她老爸钓鱼用的铅坠子缝在内衣里增加体重,从而蒙混过关。   At 98 pounds, Caro Bayley was simply too small, but she pinned her fatheru2019s fishing weights under her clothes to add weight. Her examiner passed her.   卡罗白莉当时的体重只有98磅,是一目了然的小个子,但她很聪明,将她老爸钓鱼用的铅坠子缝在内衣里增加体重,从而蒙混过关。   At 98 pounds, Caro Bayley was simply too small, but she pinned her fatheru2019s fishing weights under her clothes to add weight. Her examiner passed her.
2023-07-19 05:19:231

生活英文| 从健身学英文

大家有运动习惯吗?不论是上健身房还是单纯跑步,你有想过跟健身有关的英文要怎么说吗? 喜欢健身的朋友不要错过了,让Anna用实际的动作示范给大家看吧! 健身原因: Lose weight 减重 Tone up 练肌肉 Get fit 有线条 Warm up 暖身 Muscles 肌肉: (一般人比较知道的肌肉) biceps 二头肌 triceps 三头肌 pectoral (pecs) 胸肌 abdominal (abs) 腹肌 gluteus maximus (glutes) 臀大肌 thigh 大腿肌 hamstring 大腿后肌 calf 小腿肌 常见健身动作: Sit ups 仰卧起坐 Crunches 不完全起来的仰卧起坐 Press ups (Push up) 扶地挺身 Plank 棒式 Pull ups 拉单杠 Bench press 举重(仰躺,拿举重杠片) Squat 深蹲 Lunges 弓箭步 Tricep dips 三头肌撑体 be shredded 有完美肌肉(透过衣服都看的出来) shed pounds 甩肉 Cardio (Cardiovascular) 心肺的/ Aerobic有氧运动: Running 跑步 Skipping 跳(绳) Jumping Jacks (Star Jump) 开合跳 Burpee 波比 (深蹲+伏地挺身+跳跃) Circuit Training 循环训练(几个动作循环) Dumbells 哑铃 Barbell 举重(有杠片) Cool down 最后的缓和运动(让身体静下来) 健身
2023-07-19 05:19:301

she ate less to lose weight为什么不能for losing weight

2023-07-19 05:19:404

she will lose weight. she goes on a diet.用if写句子

你好,正确答案:If she goes on a diet,she will lose weight.She will lose weight if she goes on a diet.
2023-07-19 05:19:484

英语翻译Do you want to be thin?Doyou want to lose weight?Read th?

你想要瘦吗?你想要减肥吗?阅读这篇文章并且你不必停止吃你喜爱的食物,同样,你不用做大 量的运动.瘦的人有下列习惯.你只要遵寻和保持,你就可以变瘦. 起床 当你早晨醒来,慢慢坐起来不要使用你的手,伸直双腿.向前弯曲直到背部感觉到疼痛.这将会消耗大约10卡路里. 开始喝汤 当你吃饭的时候,做一碗清爽的汤.并且在吃主食前喝了它.这样,你会觉得有些饱,所以,你会吃的少一点当主食上来时. 每天一个苹果 如果你在吃饭前吃一个苹果.你的胃会希望少量的食物,有研究表明,人一天吃至少3个苹果能减肥.,7,你想瘦吗?你不是要减肥?阅读这篇短文,你不必停止进食的食物你爱的人。同样,你不必做大量的数学练习。瘦的人有以下的习惯。你可以遵循和遵守,你就会变瘦。 起床 当你早上醒来时,慢慢地坐起来不使用你的手。双腿伸直,向前弯曲,直到你感觉痛苦,你的背后。它能消耗掉约10卡路里。 先喝点汤 当你吃完饭,做一个清汤,有前你的...,2,你想变瘦吗?你想减肥吗?看下面的信息,你可以不必停止吃你喜欢的食物。而且,你也不需要做太多的运动。苗条的人有以下的习惯,你可以遵照它们去做并且你将会变瘦哦。 起床 当你在早上醒来的时候,不要用你的手,慢慢坐起来,双腿伸直,,向前弯曲,直到你感觉痛,它能消耗掉约10卡路里。 先喝点汤 当你吃完饭,做一个清汤,有前你的主要食物。这样一来,你就会感到有点紧,所以你的食量就...,2,你想瘦吗,先减肥吗。。。自己学习,别人无法代替,2,就是这样: 你想瘦吗?你想减肥吗?读这篇短文,你没有停止进食的食物你爱。此外,你不用多做运动。薄有以下的习惯。你可以跟踪和保持他们,你会变得很薄。 起床 当你在早上醒来,慢慢地坐起来不使用你的手。把腿伸直,向前弯曲,直到你感到疼痛的背部。它会燃烧10卡路里。 开始与汤 当你吃饭,作出明确的汤,和它在你的主要食物。这样,你会觉得有点...,0,起床 当你在早上醒来,慢慢地坐起来不使用你的手。把腿伸直,向前弯曲,直到你感到疼痛的背部。它会燃烧10卡路里。 开始与汤 当你吃饭,作出明确的汤,和它在你的主要食物。这样,你会觉得有点满,所以你会吃得少时的主要食物来源。 一天一个苹果 如果你吃苹果前一餐,你的胃会要少的食物。一项研究表明,人谁至少吃三个苹果一天可以减...,0,英语翻译 Do you want to be thin?Doyou want to lose weight?Read this passage and you don"t have to stop eating the food you love.Also,you needn"t do much exercise.Thin people have the following habits.You can follow and keep them,andyou"ll bee thin. Get up When you wake up in the morning,sit up slowly without using your hands.With legs straight out,bend forward until you feel pain in your back.It"ll burn about 10 calories. Begin with soup When you have a meal,make a clear soup,and have it before having your main food.In this way,you"ll feel a little full,so you"ll eat less when the main food es. An apple a day If you eat an apple before a meal,your stomach will want less food.A study shows that people who eat at least three apples a day can lose weight.
2023-07-19 05:19:551

lose weight等于什么

Be on diet?在减肥,在节食
2023-07-19 05:20:293


“增强身体机能”的正确英文表达是 A.improvebloodflow B.spurcellgrowth C.loseweight D.boostourwholebodycapacity 正确答案:D
2023-07-19 05:20:361

请用lose weight 造一个英语句子谢谢

I want to lose wighe,because I am heavy.
2023-07-19 05:20:473

lose weight 和be thinner是同义词吗

2023-07-19 05:20:541

lost much weight什么意思

2023-07-19 05:21:233

lose weight为什么不加the? lose the weight为什么不可以?

2023-07-19 05:21:371

lose weihht用的是动词,而weight loss 为什么后面就要用名词形式?

2023-07-19 05:21:462

英语作文how to lose weight and keep fit

1规律饮食2经常锻炼3良好生活习惯4其他A healthy body is very important to every one of us. When you are sick, you feel painful all over your body, have no energy to work; and the only thing you want to do is lying on the bed. When you are healthy, you can eat well, sleep well, sing and jump happily, do all the things you like to enjoy life. The methods to keep us fit vary. In the morning, you can get up early, go outdoors, breathe the fresh air, and do physical exercises. Running and swimming are extremely helpful to keep one fit. If you are a busy person and have no special time allocated to do these things, there are still some ways useful for you to keep fit. The easiest way is to walk to your office instead of riding a bike or taking a bus. You also have to take a routine physical check - up. Your doctor will know the condition of your body most clearly, and he will give you the most valuable advice to keep fit. You should always try to make yourself happy. If you feel happy, you can eat well, sleep well, and your body is sure to be in an excellent condition. Health is the most valuable possession a person expects in his life. Trying every means to keep fit is my advice to the people who want to live a happy life in this beautiful world.健康的身体对于我们每个人来说都很重要,当你生病的时候,你感到全身疼痛,没有精力工作,你唯一想做的一件事就是躺在床上。如果你身体健康,你就能吃得好、睡得好,能够快快乐乐的唱啊跳啊,你可以做你喜欢做的事情去享受生活。 保健的方法不尽相同。早晨你可以早起,去户外散步,呼吸新鲜空气、进行体育锻炼。跑步和游泳对于保持健康确实有用。如果你是个大忙人,抽不出特定的时间进行这些活动,也有其它有用的方法让你保健,最简单的方法就是步行到你所在的公司,而不是骑自行车或乘坐公共汽车。你还必须进行常规的体检,这样医生才会彻底知道你的身体状况,你应当尽可能的使自己的心情愉悦,如果你心情好,你才能吃得好、睡得好,你的身体状况就一定非常好。 健康是一个人一身中所期待的最具价值的财富,尝试使用每种方法去保健是我给想快乐生活在这个美好世界的所有人的建议。
2023-07-19 05:22:071

If you keep exercise,you will lose weight.是什么意思?

If you keep exercise,you will lose weight.如果继续运动,将会减轻体重。
2023-07-19 05:22:141

有没有人知道SVM LOSE WEIGHT这种减肥药的?想找个好点的上家?具体情况如下图

2023-07-19 05:22:4510


  在学习、工作、生活中,大家都有写作文的经历,对作文很是熟悉吧,作文可分为小学作文、中学作文、大学作文(论文)。那么你有了解过作文吗?下面是我收集整理的话题英语作文5篇,欢迎阅读,希望大家能够喜欢。 话题英语作文 篇1   如果今年6月份再出一个新的题型,我们也就只能依靠同学们自己在考场上的发挥来获得高分了,接下来我们讲第二个专题,那就是进行话题的分类,不管它以何种形式考察那么它都会携带一个话题,这些话题包括了社会的各个现象各个层面,那么我们对这些现象和层面有一个了解之后,在考试的时候可能会更加胸有成竹或者说是更有准备,写起来也更加富有信心。   首先我们把这个话题分成了十个角度,分成了十个方向。   角度十:永恒话题   最后一个叫做永恒话题,永恒话题讲的就是人生哲理个人价值观这样的话题,那么如果是给你这么一幅您看一下,这两个我们就直接给出答案了。   这幅图讲的是行动的重要性,如果你只会去看这一个自己喜欢的东西,而在那幻想不去行动是永远都得不到梦想的,所以这个可能就是要你去论述,人一定要积极地采取行动去获得成功。这种话题关于行动的重要性、乐趣、毅力、坚持、创新等等,就是我们说得永恒话题。   再来探讨一个健康和财富的话题,到底哪个更重要,或者说幸福的定义到底是什么等等,这种话题都是我们说得永恒话题,在写的时候我们只要论述话题的意义和积极性和重要性就可以了。不用去解释它的原因,也不用去分析它的根源,你只要说它对我们达成成功,或者说幸福美满人生的好处就行了。 话题英语作文 篇2    网上购物的缺点 The Disadvantages of Shopping Online   Nowadays, as the development of high technology, people like to use computer, they use computer to read the news, to play the game and so on. Now more and more computer functions have been developed, people like to do business on the computer, it saves people a lot of time and it is very convenient. Shopping online is most people"s choice today, but it has disadvantages. First, the products will be not in good quality, people can"t touch the products, they only can see the pictures, so they can"t figure out the real products" quality. Second, when people pay the money online, they will have the chance to leak out their message, their online account will be attacked by the hackers and thus to lose the money. Of course, shopping online is more and more popular, we must take care of personal message when shopping online.   如今,随着高科技的发展,人们喜欢使用电脑,他们使用电脑来阅读信息,玩游戏等等。现在越来越多的电脑功能被开发了出来,人们喜欢在电脑上进行交易,这节省了很多时间,很方便。网上购物如今是很多人的选择,但是也存在缺点。第一,产品的质量可能质量不好,人们不能接触到产品,只能看图片,因此他们不能分辨出真正的产品的质量。第二,当人们在网上付款时,他们有可能会泄露信息,网上的账号会遭到黑客的攻击,导致失去金钱。当然,网上购物越来越受欢迎,我们必须在购物时注意个人信息。    减肥的正确方法 The Right Way to Lose Weight   People around me are talking about their weight, they always worry about their body shapes, they show me how hard they have been struggling with their appetites, when they want to eat, they just refuse to the delicious food. In my opinion, people should not depress their appetites, they need to eat when they are hungry. The right way to lose weight is not to refuse the food, on the contrary, people should eat it, but not eat over what they can bear. The person who doesn"t take in food when they are hungry will hurt their stomach, in the long run, when they eat food, they will get fat soon, what"s more, their bodies become weeker. Besides eating the appropriate food, people also need to take exercise, they need to do the regular exercise so that they can keep fit. The right way to lose weight can help people stay healthy.   在我周围的人总是谈论他们的体重,他们很担忧自己的体型,向我展示了他们是如何艰苦地和他们的"胃口做斗争,当他们想要吃东西的时候,拒绝美味的食物。在我看来,人们不应该压抑胃口,他们饿的时候需要吃东西,但是不应该吃到撑。那些在饥饿的时候不吃东西的人会伤害了他们的胃,长此下去,他们一吃东西就会很快变胖,而且,他们的身体也变得更弱。除了适当的吃些东西,他们也要锻炼,人们需要定时做一些运动,这样才能保持健美。正确减肥的方法能帮助人们保持健康。    军训日子 The Days of Military Training   The first day of my high school, I was told that the freshmen would need to join the military training. I felt so scared, because in the summer days, the sun was so hot and I would be burned like a black man. But there was no way for the freshman to refuse to join the military training. The training lasted for a week, in the first two days, we stood under the hot sun, moving around the playground and song. It was tough, but in the coming days, we got used to it and started to enjoy the free time. All the students were like a group, we trained together, we sweated and played. In the evening, we would song in the playground. Now when I think of these days, I will smile and treat these military training days as the unforgettable memory in my life.   在我上高中的第一天,我被告知将需要参加军训。我觉得很害怕,因为在夏天里,太阳很大,我会被晒成一个黑人。但是对于新生来讲,他们不能拒绝参加军训。训练维持了一周,在开始的两天里,我们站在炎热的太阳下,在操场移动并且唱歌。虽然艰苦,但是在接下来的日子里,我们习惯了,开始享受这自由的时光。所有的学生就像一个团体,我们一起训练,一起流汗和玩耍。在晚上,我们会在操场上唱歌。现在当我回想起这些日子,我会笑,把这些军训的日子当成人生中难忘的记忆。    伦敦塔 Tower of London   Have you ever been to the tower of London? I feel very curious about it. I hope I can have a chance to have a look. It is said that it is the symbol of British Royalty and built in 1087. It has been the World Cultural Heritage. It was the palace of ruler. James I is the last owner. But it was used for many purposes after no rulers living in it, such as, fort, armory, treasury, observatory, prison and so on. Now it is one of the most popular historical cite in British. The yeoman warders manage it now. There are seven ravens in it as lucky mascot. No one is allowed to come in or go out at night because of the Ancient legend. Every night they will hold the old lock ceremony. How am I not interested in such place?   你去过伦敦塔吗?我对它很好奇。我希望能有机会去看一看。据说伦敦塔是英国皇室的象征,建于1087年。它已成为世界文化遗产。它是统治者们的宫殿。詹姆士一世是最后一位住在里面的统治者。在没有统治者在里面住后,伦敦塔就被用于多方面,比如:堡垒,军械库,库房,天文台,监狱等。现在它是大不列颠群岛最受欢迎的历史景点之一。如今是御用侍从卫士在管理。里面有七只乌鸦,被誉为吉祥物。因为古老的传说,所以没有人可以在晚上进出。他们每天晚上都会进行古老的锁门仪式。我怎么能对这样的地方不感兴趣呢?    疯狂购物Shopping Without Limitation   It has been admitted that shopping is every girl"s nature, I am one of them. Since I take the part-time job, I have little money to support me to buy something. The first time I got my salary, I thought of buying clothes, so that I could have a new look. But when I went to many shops, there were so many beautiful clothes, I had no idea which to buy, I wished I could buy them all. So I told myself I could buy it next time when I got my salary. So when the boss pays for me, I use the money to buy the clothes. I have tried to tell myself to stop buying clothes, because I have enough, but when I see the fashionable styles, I will buy it without hesitation. Shopping without limitation makes me spend so much money, I must stop, I hope I can do it.   据说购物是女人的天性,我就是爱购物的一员。打从我有了一份兼职,我开始有点小钱买东西。第一次拿到工资,我就想到了买衣服,这样我就能看起来不一样。但是当我去了很多家商店,我看到了很多漂亮的衣服,我不知道买哪一件好,我希望我能买下所有的衣服。所以我告诉自己下次发薪水的时候就可以买了。因此当老板发工资给我的时候,我用这些来买衣服。我已经尝试着告诉自己不要再买衣服了,因为我已经有很多了,但是当我看到新潮的款式时,我会毫不犹豫就买。疯狂购物让我花费了很多钱,我必须停下来,我希望我能做到。    参加英语角的好处 The Advantages of Going to English Corner   Since we go to school, English is one of our main subjects, the government pays special attention to the English education. In the class, we have learned the grammar and sentence structure for a long time, some students are no more satisfied with what we learn in the class, they want to speak English fluently, so they can take advantage of what they learn in the class. Nowadays, English corner has be the main symbol for the English learners, most people join the corner in the weekends. Joining the English corner can enhance people"s ability of speaking English. Students have less chance to speaking in the class, but in the English corner, they can speak what they want. As there are people from all classes in the English corner, people can share their experience for each other, they can learn more from each other. If you have time, I suggest you to join the English corner.   打从我们上学,英语就成为了我们的主要科目之一,政府也格外注重英语教育。在课上,我们在很长一段时间里学习了语法和句子结构,一些学生不再满足于在课上学习到的,他们想要讲一口流利的英语,因此他们可以充分利用在课上学习到的。现在,英语角已经成为了英语学习者的主要象征,大部分人在周末参加英语角。参加英语角可以增强他们讲英语的能力。学生在课上很少有机会讲英语,但是在英语角,他们可以讲自由发话。英语角里有来自社会各界的人士,人们可以彼此交流经验,互相学习。如果你有时间,我建议你来参加英语角。 话题英语作文 篇3   Doing Morning Exercises   You can take a horse to the water, but you cannot make him drink.However, many university authorities fail to fully appreciate such a seemingly simple principle in their management. In some universities, no matter they like it or not, students are forced to take morning exercise in the form of running or jogging. Without a minimum record in the physical exercises, there is little chance for students to be conferred with their diploma even if all the other graduation requirements are met. For my part, this policy is too rigid to play a positive role in encouraging sports activities among students.   强扭的瓜不甜。然而,许多校领导在领导的时候都没能充分地遵从这个简单的原则。有些大学,无论学生想不想,都要参加跑步或者慢跑这种晨练。如果没有这些记录,学生们就有可能不被授予文聘,即使他们满足了其他的毕业条件。对我来说,这种政策太严厉了,无法激励学生参加运动。   First of all, this established regulation may go against some students living rhythms and throw their biological clock into order. In some university, students are required to run 800 meters between six thirty to seven AM for at least 50 times in one semester. For those who are accustomed to studying late at night, this regulation has posed much difficulty in balancing their life order. If they maintain their old style of working at night, if will surely be quite hard to get up and do the running in the next morning. And whats more, lack of sufficient rest will interfere with the morning classes. We can imagine how hard they will struggle studying at night. They may find themselves functioning less effectively during the day. 话题英语作文 篇4   针对学生辍学问题,你班的学生展开了讨论,有人辍学因为家里太穷而读不起书,有人因为辍学是因为父母不重视,认为读书无用,请你根据自己的观点写一篇文章。   Now in the country areas, there are many children out of school. I think one of the reasons is that their families are too poor to afford their school. As a result, they have to stay at home to make money to keep their families. Another reason is that many parents think it useless for the girls to study and they would not like them to go to school. A third reason is that some children are not interested in their lessons, and would not like to go to school.   In my opinion all the children including the girls should have the chance to receive education. All the people should pay attention to the education of the children who will play a very important part in the future of our country. 话题英语作文 篇5   Nowadays, quite a few college students lack conciousness of being grateful。 They turn to take such things for granted, as parents supporting them, teachers helping them, and waiters serving them。 They are even mean to say "Thank you" to others。 This phenomenon has caused great attention from the whole society。   The following reasons can account for the lack of gratefulness conciousness。 First of all, unsound family education plays an important role。 Many parents turn to pay too much attention to children"s academic performance, but ignore their value orientation。 Moreover, schools don"t input enough time and money in moral education。 Besides, nowadays, college students get so much love that they are insenstive to others" care and help。   Considering the seriousness of the problem, it is high time to take effective measures to strengthen college students conciousness of being grateful。 First, parents should improve self—quality and influence children by their own behaviors。 Second, our society and schools must increase input in moral education, and try to build the atmosphere of being grateful。 Finally, we college students should learn to express our gratefulness to people around us, just beginning from the simple "Thank you"。
2023-07-19 05:23:171


2023-07-19 05:23:413


2023-07-19 05:23:482

lose fat到底是什么意思呢?

lose weight~
2023-07-19 05:24:085

if i just eat less, i will lost weight.many peop

if i eat less, i will lose weight. many people only focus on the amount of food they take each day.
2023-07-19 05:24:246


  While I recognize that weight control is a sensitive subject, it would be irresponsible of me to have a blog teaching you the little things that will help you enjoy greater success and fulfillment but neglect this important subject. Please know I care about each of you and would never want to hurt you. I share this type of information because your weight does matter.   Because our weight is primarily dependent on what and how much we eat, how frequently we eat, and how much exercise we get, itu2019s essential to recognize that for most of us, our weight is a choice. Even if itu2019s harder for you than most people to lose weight, it doesnu2019t change the fact that it is a choice.   I also want to acknowledge that for some people it doesnu2019t matter what they eat or how frequently they exercise, they just arenu2019t able to lose weight. Reasons could range from genes to endocrine disorders and from medications to psychiatric illness. We should all be sensitive to the fact that losing weight is not a simple choice for everyone. I know this for a fact because I have a couple close friends who fall into this category.   Based on my 20 years in the health and wellness field, I have compiled what I have learned from working with thousands of people who have testified to the benefits of getting their weight under control. Although there are many more reasons your weight matters, I have listed the ten reasons most commonly reported and widely accepted.   Ten Reasons Your Weight Matters   1. Your health will improve.   There are literally 101 health benefits of maintaining an optimal weight. This list includes simple things like reduced stress on bones and joints to more serious problems like sleep apnea, high blood pressure and heart disease.   Here are some of the most severe and prevalent life-threatening illnesses correlated with obesity:   80% of type II diabetes is related to obesity   70% of cardiovascular disease is related to obesity   42% of breast and colon cancer is related to obesity   30% of gall bladder surgery is related to obesity   2. Your life expectancy will increase   We were not designed to carry excess weight. Our bodies do not function at optimal levels when we have added surplus pounds. An Oxford University study analyzed nearly one million people from around the world and found that obesity can trim as much as ten years off your life. This ten-year loss is equal to the effects of lifelong smoking.   3. You will be a better example to your children.   According to the center for disease control (CDC), obesity has increased 74% in the last 15 years. Today 27% of all children are obese. For children, obesity suppresses growth hormone, which is responsible for bone growth, organ growth, and muscle growth. This has huge implications on the health of our worldu2019s children. If you make it a priority to get your weight under control by changing your familyu2019s diet and exercising, you will be setting an example for your children to follow.   4. You will have more energy.   Whether you attribute it to an increased metabolic rate that comes from exercise, improved sleep, or the absence of sluggishness, people who effectively control their weight report more energy.   5. You will experience greater self-esteem.   With rare exception, the No.1 thing I sense from people who have lost weight is an increase in their self-esteem. They smile more. They are happier. They are proud of themselves. Looking good physically equals feeling good mentally and emotionally. When we employ the discipline required to get our weight under control, we feel great about ourselves—and rightly so!   6. You will be more confident.   Confidence may start on the inside, but it definitely shows on the outside. Because weight control is difficult, people who experience success in this area show it in the way they walk and talk, as well as in the way they look and interact with people.   7. You will have more personal initiative.   Success breeds success. Accomplishing something big—like getting your weight under control—naturally builds your confidence. When you combine improved self-esteem, self-confidence, and increased energy you will feel like you can tackle anything.   8. You will enjoy an enhanced quality of life.   By most peopleu2019s standards, an active lifestyle is more enjoyable than a sedentary lifestyle. Excessive weight often limits us from getting out in the world and doing the things we enjoy. Some of the most exciting weight loss stories I hear people share are the things they are now able to do that they couldnu2019t do before.   9. You will be held in higher regard.   The negative characteristics commonly associated with being overweight—whether perceived or real—are no longer an obstacle when your weight is under control.   One study done by Yale University quantified the stigma that people attach to overweight and obese individuals. Their research revealed negative stigmatization of obese individuals on the part of managers, teachers, doctors, and nurses as well as friends and family, and even dietary professionals.   10. Your value to the market will increase.   Regardless of whether or not we agree with it, weight discrimination is a reality. Whether two candidates are vying for a new job or promotion or two sales people are competing for the sale, with all other factors equal, the person whose weight is under control will often have the advantage. Furthermore, studies have demonstrated a correlation between obesity and lower earnings for both men and women.   Resolve to Take Control   One of the most powerful emotions that brings about change is resolve. Itu2019s what gives you the determination to change when you have had enough. Itu2019s when deep inside you say with grit and determination, “Iu2019ve had it!” Itu2019s the time when you say, “Itu2019s over; I am going to change this area of my life. I know it wonu2019t be easy, but I AM GOING TO DO IT.”   Are you ready to take control of your weight? Here are seven steps to get you started.   Make better food choices. You know the foods you should and shouldnu2019t be eating. If you donu2019t know, make it a point to educate yourself.   Drink water. Avoid drinks with chemical additives like sodas as well as drinks that contain high amounts of liquid carbohydrates.   Find an exercise you enjoy—even if itu2019s as simple as walking and do it regularly.   Donu2019t eat between meals. This is prime fat burning time. If you absolutely must snack, keep it healthy.   Increase your dietary fiber intake to a minimum of 28 grams a day.   Donu2019t overeat.   Avoid desserts.
2023-07-19 05:24:461

______ your eating habits is the best way to lose weightuff0e

2023-07-19 05:24:531