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"在昨天晚上"翻译为英文的话是翻译成on last night还是at last night

2023-07-19 16:42:37

当然是直接用last night 了。U0001f606


直接last night


最后一晚 英语怎么说

表示为完整的句子是:The last night. the不可省略,the last为最后的,night 为夜晚。
2023-07-19 04:26:511

王力宏的《Last Night》 歌词

Last Night作词:王力宏 作曲:王力宏演唱:王力宏Last night I watched you sleep as you lay thereI dropped down to my knees and said a prayerI leaned over softly to kiss your beautiful faceBut I could not cross the ocean of your graceThe moonlight held you aloft a picture of peaceThe only sound was the soft breeze from the eastMy heart beat down in my chestto the rhythm of your gentle breathAnd the whole world calmed downor this moment of restNow I"m...I"m standing above youtrying so hard not to tell you I love youAnd all that I want in this world is youIf you"d only wake upyou"d know it was trueOh baby I love you can be so hard to sayEspecially when it"s meant in this strong a wayBut at this momentwhile you lie asleep I am suddenly freeAnd my trembling arms reach out for youAs if you could seeNow I"m...I"m standing above youtrying so hard not to tell you I love youAnd all that I want in this world is youIf you"d only wake upyou"d know it was trueIf you"d only wake upyou"d know it was true
2023-07-19 04:27:211

Barcelona的Last Night的中英对照歌词

Last night昨夜Nervous. I getnervous紧张,我开始变得紧张Wanna tell that weneed to give up从心底里想要告诉我们都需要放弃Higher. I need toget higher激动,我需要振奋自己Gotta push down maketo I known努力想让事情都变得让我知晓I can"t leave outwe go old我不能抽身离开直到我们老去I can"t give upyou with home我不可以放弃你和家园I am father I socold我愿化身为神父,尽管这感觉很寒冷When u said lastight当你提起昨晚It"s drive me outof my mind让我快要丧失理智All this feel cometrue所有的感觉都那么真实I wake up and thenI leave you我起身离开你So tell me onemore time但请再跟我诉说一遍And I be in yourbed tonight今晚我愿陪你入睡All i feel it iscome true所有的感觉都变得真实I can say that Ilove you我可以告诉你我爱你But we still giveup但是我们还是放弃了We still goodbye(x2)我们一直在说着再见,再见Crazy, I feelcrazy疯狂,我感到疯狂You got meclimbing up the walls in this house你让我攀爬墙壁进入房里目睹你容颜Lady, you tastelike candy你尝起来的味道就像糖果I keep telling mybreath to cut you out我告诉自己控制呼吸I can"t leave outwe go old我不能抽身离开直到我们老去I can"t give upyou with home我不能放弃你和我的家I am father I socold即使我成为神父,我也一样感觉到寒冷When u said lastight当你提起昨晚It"s drive me outof my mind让我快要丧失理智All this feel cometrue所有的感觉都那么真实I wake up and thenI leave you我起身离开你So tell me onemore time但请再跟我诉说一遍And I be in yourbed tonight今晚我愿陪你入睡All i feel it iscome true所有的感觉都变得真实I can say that Ilove you我可以告诉你我爱你But we still giveup但是我们还是放弃了We still goodbye(x2)我们一直在说着再见,再见Listen to the wordin my head请聆听我脑海中所描述的词汇With you gostrange into your bed也许你会感觉陌生般地走向你的床铺I don"t reallywant to leave ya我真的不想就这样离开你Yeah. I know yousomething是的,我知道你的一些事情Look out in yourwings to keep you看穿一直守护着你的翅膀From any other wayI need too似乎我也需要I don"t reallywant to leave you我真的不想离开你I don"t reallywant to stay但我真的留不住自己When u said lastight当你提起昨晚It"s drive me outof my mind让我快要丧失理智All this feel cometrue所有的感觉都那么真实I wake up and thenI leave you我起身离开你So tell me onemore time但请再跟我诉说一遍And I be in yourbed tonight今晚我愿陪你入睡All i feel it iscome true所有的感觉都变得真实I can say that Ilove you我可以告诉你我爱你But we still giveup但是我们还是放弃了We still goodbye(x2)我们一直在说着再见,再见---斯哥---学渣一枚,听音乐翻的中英文,有些单词听不出来,译成音节相近的,所以歌词不准确,翻译也有漏洞,见谅
2023-07-19 04:27:271

求王力宏《LAST NIGHT》的翻译

昨晚我看了你的睡眠你躺在那里, 我扔掉了,我的双膝,并表示祈祷,我俯身轻轻地吻你的美丽的脸, 但我不能越过大洋的宽限期,月光下举行了您的图片高举和平, 唯一的声音是和风形成了东,我的心跳在我的胸口的节奏你的温柔气息, 和整个世界平静下来的这一刻的休息 现在我站在上面你想这样很难不告诉你我爱你 和所有,我希望在这个世界上是你 如果您只唤醒您想知道这是真的 哦 宝贝我爱你可以这样很难说 尤其是当它意味着在这强烈的方式 但是在这个时刻,而在于你睡着了,我突然自由 颤抖的武器和我达成了你,如果你能看到
2023-07-19 04:27:513

Where did you sleep last night所要表达的是什么意思

2023-07-19 04:28:143

初中初一作文700字:last night

作文标题: last night 关 键 词: 初中初一 700字 字 数: 700字作文 本文适合: 初中初一 作文来源: 本作文是关于初中初一700字的作文,题目为:《last night》,欢迎大家踊跃投稿。 拂晓 黎明 曙光 绝望谁在低吟黑夜的丛林里可没有善人哟无人可以走出这片雾霭来自最阴暗的心灵的阴森的浓雾我听到野兽濒临死亡的呻吟丧尸肢解尸体的声音恐怖 恐怖没人走得出这片丛林一个人穿着被诅咒的红鞋在这片林子里被迫不停旋转旋转 交织 旋转 交织是肮脏的血诅咒了这双鞋无奈的结局旋转着的是双脚交织着的是血腥与阴郁的味道看不透前方的路走不出这片丛林沦落到这里的人啊最终总是会在心里死去少数人则堕落食用同伴的血液不要了尊严和野兽相提并论与恶魔臭名昭著只有三个人能活下来活下来成为圣者我眼前是一篇森林充满薄雾脚停不下落寞的眼闪着琉璃色的光长发过了腰间在心中唱着守护心灵的圣歌不要被低贱的肮脏血液弄脏了心智身上散发着圣光继续在这行进吧只要不迷茫神会为你指路的高唱吧holy sing song holy bloody不是神也是半个贤者不灭的光心中的光永恒的光这样的人才能成为圣者走出人生中的最后一个夜晚last nightlast night眼前就是出口满是骸骨的大地人们啊为了当上圣者为了金钱美色就苟且偷生就善恶不分贪婪 死骸 贪婪 死骸这样的人永远也当不上圣者神会抛弃你们的啊这是你们自选的没有后悔的路跟随着低翔的白鸦就是在追随神的脚步在伊甸园在伊甸园没有犯错的人还没被驱逐请不要悲伤请不要绝望就跟着白鸦吧神的使者 白鸦我面前永久的光明阳光温暖The holy sunThe holy sunmy godmy god才来到了伊甸园终于从那个万恶的丛林抽出了脚步名师点评:每个人的人生都会有一段彷徨期,但是我们要学会适当的调试,最终迎来光明。文章句子通顺,语调抑扬顿挫,情感得到丰富的表达,不失为一篇佳作。如果作者能适当的运用标点,如:“恐怖恐怖”后加个感叹号将更能体现气氛,文章将会更加精彩。文章中也要注意英语的写作格式,单词与单词之间要有间隔。(学乐中国特聘教师:吴萍老师)2010-4-22 22:23:00
2023-07-19 04:28:211

Last night 英语作文 跪求! 六年级的..不少于8句..

Last nightLast night,I stayed at home.In that night,I did many things.First,I ate a good dinner.After having the dinner,I talked with my mother and father.We talked about many funny things.Then,I help them wash the dishes.After washing ,I watched TV for 1 hour.Then I went to my room to do my homework .It was 9 o"clock.I washed my face and feet and brushed my teeth,then I went to bed.That was my last night.
2023-07-19 04:28:571

艾弗森last night 歌词

2023-07-19 04:29:056

Last night 英语作文 跪求! 六年级的..不少于8句..

Last nightLast night , I stayed at home the whole night for the unfinished homework . After having a delicious supper , my parent and I had a enjoyable walk during 6:30-7:30 . Then we went home . I did my homewok until 8:30 . besides I played computer games for a while . Finally I went to sleep at 10:00 .
2023-07-19 04:29:223

last night 和 yesterday evening 前分别用什么介词?

last night前一般不用介词,但如果要用的话就是at,而yesterday evening则用on。这类词的用法是有规定的。在表示具体的某一天时,用on,如on Monday,on 1st.而表示上午,下午或者晚上的时候用in,如in the evening.而如果在表示上午等词前面有具体的某一天时,则用on,如你提问的那题一样而night,noon则用at
2023-07-19 04:29:322

请问,谁知道艾弗森唱的last night的歌词?

分类: 娱乐休闲 >> 明星 >> 欧美明星 问题描述: 请问,谁知道艾弗森唱的last night的歌词? 解析: last night you were so into it you told me seerets that you never told a soul you were so nervous and,yet oh so fortableas we explored your image of love i drank yourwine as you tasted mine i missed your lips you felt my mind slip into your soul i almost cried cuz it was so beautiful 1-last night i was inside of you last night while making love to you i saw the sun,the moon,the mountains and the rivers i saw heaven when i made sweet love to you last night there was no blood in it it was so special and,so very innocent we talked of memories,our favorite fantasies as we explored,our visious of love deep in the night,right by the fireside you felt my candlelight in your soul you felt incredible,istarted to explode i almost cried cuz it was so beautiful 1-last night i was inside of you last night while making love to you i saw the sun,the moon,the mountains and the rivers i saw heaven when i made sweet love to you sunlight red roses the scent of you it calms the heart the sight of you i fall apart moonlight the things we noticed oh,we\"re in love,that\"s when it es and i\"m so,i\"m so in love 1-last night i was inside of you last night while making love to you i saw the sun,the moon,the mountains and the rivers i saw heaven when i made sweet love to you 呼~~~全在这拉自己看吧!
2023-07-19 04:29:391

王力宏的《Last Night》 歌词

Last Night作词:王力宏 作曲:王力宏演唱:王力宏Last night I watched you sleep as you lay thereI dropped down to my knees and said a prayerI leaned over softly to kiss your beautiful faceBut I could not cross the ocean of your graceThe moonlight held you aloft a picture of peaceThe only sound was the soft breeze from the eastMy heart beat down in my chestto the rhythm of your gentle breathAnd the whole world calmed downor this moment of restNow I"m...I"m standing above youtrying so hard not to tell you I love youAnd all that I want in this world is youIf you"d only wake upyou"d know it was trueOh baby I love you can be so hard to sayEspecially when it"s meant in this strong a wayBut at this momentwhile you lie asleep I am suddenly freeAnd my trembling arms reach out for youAs if you could seeNow I"m...I"m standing above youtrying so hard not to tell you I love youAnd all that I want in this world is youIf you"d only wake upyou"d know it was trueIf you"d only wake upyou"d know it was true
2023-07-19 04:29:471

last night的同义词可不可以是last evening?

答: 确切来说last night 和yesterday evening 意义不是完全相同. night 指的是深夜快要入睡的时间,evening指的是傍晚或晚上人们还在活动交际的时间. 至于last evening,一般不这么用.
2023-07-19 04:30:041

英语完形填空 last night

16.D 17.B 18.C 19.A 20.D 21.D 22.C 23.B 24.A 25.C
2023-07-19 04:30:141


翻译:哟,哟,多么粗野的城镇. 我像一个破落的商人一样。 我打败所有规则出来的规则, 我是一个玷污神明的黑鬼, 所有人一起, 我们都会成为超级明星, 所以所有人都喜欢疯狂野性的样子。 在信仰面前疯狂, 像一个沉默的女人一样, 成为这个大城镇上最好心的超级骗子, 来吧,宝贝儿, 你最好和我一起, 我会成为毫无掩饰的锋利刀口, 让所有人尖叫, 让所有人疯狂, 我是疯狂之王, 或者直到死去。 因为我们在这个地方谈论改变世界, 因为我们会在嘴上改变这个世界, 昨夜上帝拯救了我,现在这就是我所有想要的, 昨夜上帝拯救了我,那儿有个聚会, 昨夜上帝拯救了我,时间暂停了, 昨夜上帝拯救了我,现在开始那儿有个聚会。 哟,错误要一把椅子, 超级黑鬼想要说话了。 街上游荡的黑鬼会爱上一些人, 当我开始害怕有感觉的时候你就是个杀人犯, 宝贝儿们不要去尝试大麻之类的东西, 我们会抽一只雪茄, 就像一个骗子, 会挑衅每一个在聚会上的人, 兄弟们,哥们儿们,酒鬼,所有人会乘坐环绕城市的火车,因为我们都很滑稽, 我们都会被压扁, 像一个超级明星走到最顶端, 谁说都没用,就让我们看看到底有什么本事, 那些在四周抱怨我们的作品的人。 昨夜上帝拯救了我,现在这就是我所有想要的, 昨夜上帝拯救了我,那儿有个聚会, 昨夜上帝拯救了我,时间暂停了, 昨夜上帝拯救了我,现在开始那儿有个聚会。会把所有人的自由拿走。 疯狂的夜晚, 最懦弱的都在杀人, 我们会成为最吊的男人, 我们会在最繁华和最肮脏的城市,诉说这世界, 因为我们从踏进这间酒吧就已经是最厉害的了, 我们仍然会坚持,打败所有流氓, 男人们在最后面, 和我彪舞, 我的舞步让每个人都跟着我, 我会一直跳, 让每个人都会惊讶, 也不会告诉我的人,我会随机应变, 你在和你的大脑争辩, 因为外衣就是你的底线, 来看看吧,我们会毫不掩饰自己, 昨夜上帝拯救了我,现在这就是我所有想要的, 昨夜上帝拯救了我,那儿有个聚会, 昨夜上帝拯救了我,时间暂停了, 昨夜上帝拯救了我,现在开始那儿有个聚会。很少数的人, yeah, come on ,come on ,come on, come on 很少的人yo 都摇起来吧 yo 转二十圈 ,然后飞起来yo 昨夜上帝拯救了我,现在这就是我所有想要的, 昨夜上帝拯救了我,那儿有个聚会, 昨夜上帝拯救了我,时间暂停了, 昨夜上帝拯救了我,现在开始那儿有个聚会。 昨夜上帝拯救了我,现在这就是我所有想要的, 昨夜上帝拯救了我,那儿有个聚会, 昨夜上帝拯救了我,时间暂停了, 昨夜上帝拯救了我,现在开始那儿有个聚会。
2023-07-19 04:30:211

last night王力宏

2023-07-19 04:30:482

王力宏的《Last Night》 歌词

歌曲名:Last Night歌手:王力宏专辑:情敌贝多芬王力宏 - Last Night作词:王力宏作曲:王力宏Last night I watched you sleep as you lay thereI dropped down to my knees and said a prayerI leaned over softly to kiss your beautiful faceBut I could not cross the ocean of your graceThe moonlight held you aloft a picture of peaceThe only sound was the soft breeze from the eastMy heart beat down in my chestto the rhythm of your gentle breathAnd the whole world calmed downor this moment of restNow I"m...I"m standing above youtrying so hard not to tell you I love youAnd all that I want in this world is youIf you"d only wake upyou"d know it was trueOh baby I love you can be so hard to sayEspecially when it"s meant in this strong a wayBut at this momentwhile you lie asleep I am suddenly freeAnd my trembling arms reach out for youAs if you could seeNow I"m...I"m standing above youtrying so hard not to tell you I love youAnd all that I want in this world is youIf you"d only wake upyou"d know it was trueIf you"d only wake upyou"d know it was true
2023-07-19 04:30:551

last night 在句子里,是状语吗?

首先你有弄清楚什么是定语从句,定语一般来修饰名词的,定语一般由名词和形容词担任,对名词起补充说明修饰的作用,定语从句可以理解为定语是一个句子. 此句中last night相对于he came是时间状语没错,但他本身是个名词,可以被进一步说明,即什么样的last night,因此就有了后面的补充部分when I was out. 这里的when 可以被替换为 on which.
2023-07-19 04:31:031

王力宏 last night 歌词

2023-07-19 04:31:125

Last Night (Single/LP Version) 歌词

歌曲名:Last Night (Single/LP Version)歌手:The Mar-Keys专辑:Stax/Volt - The Complete Singles 1959-1968 - Volume 1Last Nigh AZ yet Last night, you were so into itYou told me secrets that, you never told a soulYou were so nervous and, yet oh so comfortableAs we explored your image of loveI drank your wine as you tasted mineI kissed your lips you felt my mind slipInto your soulI almost cried cuz it was so beautifulLast night I was inside of youLast night while making love to youI saw the sun, the moon, the mountains and the riversI saw heaven when I made sweet love to youLast night there was no blood in itIt was so special and, so very innocentWe talked of memories, our favorite fantasiesAs we explored, our visions of loveDeep in the night, right by the firesideYou felt my candlelight in your soulYou felt incredible, I started to explodeI almost cried cuz it was so beautifulLast night I was inside of youLast night while making love to youI saw the sun, the moon, the mountains and the riversI saw heaven when I made sweet love to youSunlight, (sunlight) red roses (red roses)The scent of you it calms the heartThe sight of you I fall apartMoonlight, the things we noticedOh we"re in love, that"s when it comesAnd I"m so, I"m so in loveLast night I was inside of youLast night while making love to youI saw the sun, the moon, the mountains and the riversI saw heaven when I made sweet love to you
2023-07-19 04:31:391


the last night
2023-07-19 04:32:012

阿伦·艾弗森的Last Night歌词

last night you were so into it you told me seerets that you never told a soulyou were so nervous and,yet oh so comfortableas we explored your image of lovei drank yourwine as you tasted minei missed your lips you felt my mind slipinto your souli almost cried cuz it was so beautiful1-last night i was inside of you last night while making love to you i saw the sun,the moon,the mountains and the riversi saw heaven when i made sweet love to you last night there was no blood in it it was so special and,so very innocentwe talked of memories,our favorite fantasies as we explored,our visious of love deep in the night,right by the fireside you felt my candlelight in your soulyou felt incredible,istarted to explodei almost cried cuz it was so beautiful1-last night i was inside of you last night while making love to you i saw the sun,the moon,the mountains and the riversi saw heaven when i made sweet love to yousunlight red rosesthe scent of you it calms the heartthe sight of you i fall apart moonlight the things we noticedoh,we\"re in love,that\"s when it comesand i\"m so,i\"m so in love 1-last night i was inside of you last night while making love to you i saw the sun,the moon,the mountains and the riversi saw heaven when i made sweet love to you
2023-07-19 04:32:095

last night王力宏

翻译:哟,哟,多么粗野的城镇. 我像一个破落的商人一样。 我打败所有规则出来的规则, 我是一个玷污神明的黑鬼, 所有人一起, 我们都会成为超级明星, 所以所有人都喜欢疯狂野性的样子。 在信仰面前疯狂, 像一个沉默的女人一样, 成为这个大城镇上最好心的超级骗子, 来吧,宝贝儿, 你最好和我一起, 我会成为毫无掩饰的锋利刀口, 让所有人尖叫, 让所有人疯狂, 我是疯狂之王, 或者直到死去。 因为我们在这个地方谈论改变世界, 因为我们会在嘴上改变这个世界, 昨夜上帝拯救了我,现在这就是我所有想要的, 昨夜上帝拯救了我,那儿有个聚会, 昨夜上帝拯救了我,时间暂停了, 昨夜上帝拯救了我,现在开始那儿有个聚会。 哟,错误要一把椅子, 超级黑鬼想要说话了。 街上游荡的黑鬼会爱上一些人, 当我开始害怕有感觉的时候你就是个杀人犯, 宝贝儿们不要去尝试大麻之类的东西, 我们会抽一只雪茄, 就像一个骗子, 会挑衅每一个在聚会上的人, 兄弟们,哥们儿们,酒鬼,所有人会乘坐环绕城市的火车,因为我们都很滑稽, 我们都会被压扁, 像一个超级明星走到最顶端, 谁说都没用,就让我们看看到底有什么本事, 那些在四周抱怨我们的作品的人。 昨夜上帝拯救了我,现在这就是我所有想要的, 昨夜上帝拯救了我,那儿有个聚会, 昨夜上帝拯救了我,时间暂停了, 昨夜上帝拯救了我,现在开始那儿有个聚会。会把所有人的自由拿走。 疯狂的夜晚, 最懦弱的都在杀人, 我们会成为最吊的男人, 我们会在最繁华和最肮脏的城市,诉说这世界, 因为我们从踏进这间酒吧就已经是最厉害的了, 我们仍然会坚持,打败所有流氓, 男人们在最后面, 和我彪舞, 我的舞步让每个人都跟着我, 我会一直跳, 让每个人都会惊讶, 也不会告诉我的人,我会随机应变, 你在和你的大脑争辩, 因为外衣就是你的底线, 来看看吧,我们会毫不掩饰自己, 昨夜上帝拯救了我,现在这就是我所有想要的, 昨夜上帝拯救了我,那儿有个聚会, 昨夜上帝拯救了我,时间暂停了, 昨夜上帝拯救了我,现在开始那儿有个聚会。很少数的人, yeah, come on ,come on ,come on, come on 很少的人yo 都摇起来吧 yo 转二十圈 ,然后飞起来yo 昨夜上帝拯救了我,现在这就是我所有想要的, 昨夜上帝拯救了我,那儿有个聚会, 昨夜上帝拯救了我,时间暂停了, 昨夜上帝拯救了我,现在开始那儿有个聚会。 昨夜上帝拯救了我,现在这就是我所有想要的, 昨夜上帝拯救了我,那儿有个聚会, 昨夜上帝拯救了我,时间暂停了, 昨夜上帝拯救了我,现在开始那儿有个聚会
2023-07-19 04:32:241

Traveling Wilburys的《Last Night》 歌词

《Last Night》 歌词歌手: Pitbull/Havana Brown/Afrojack所属专辑:《Global Warming》歌词Last NightPitbull,Havana Brown,AfrojackAll it takes is, some voli on the rocksHavana brownNext thing you know shes on top of the bar no clothes for sureAfrojackShes telling me to slow down, I live a fast lifeFunny thing is she wasnt saying that last nightI cant believe what we did last nightIm gonna wake up in the morning sunRoll over, telling everyoneI cant believe what we did last nightI wanna say oh my god that was so much funIll never forget it, telling everyone about last nightWhat happens in vegas, stays in vegasWhat happens in miami, never happenedNever happenedLast night we were off the chainYou name it we did it, you loved it for sureI cant remember her name, but her ass that I remember for sureConvenient amnesia, remember the good, forget the badRemember the present, forget the pastShe dont get down, then forget to ask herOne life, two worldsEnglish, spanish, one night, two girlsEnglish, spanish, shes telling to slow downI live a fast lifeFunny thing is she wasnt saying that last nightI cant believe what we did last nightIm gonna wake up in the morning sunRoll over, telling everyoneI cant believe what we did last nightI wanna say oh my god that was so much funIll never forget it, telling everyone about last nightWhat happens in vegas, stays in vegasWhat happens in miami, never happenedNever happenedDifferent night different cityDifferent girl but its all the sameI party every night like my lastBe careful buddy you may run into my pastI dont got a concience, and I don"t got time to deal with the nonsenseI came to get off to everythingSo alert all the bonds menOne life, two worldsEnglish, spanish, one night, two girlsEnglish, spanish, shes telling to slow downI live a fast lifeFunny thing is she wasnt saying that last nightI cant believe what we did last nightIm gonna wake up in the morning sunRoll over, telling everyoneI cant believe what we did last nightI wanna say oh my god that was so much funIll never forget it, telling everyone about last nightWhat happens in vegas, stays in vegasWhat happens in miami, never happened
2023-07-19 04:32:322


  hero,也就是英雄的意思。世界上的各行各业都有英雄。下面是我整理的有关hero的英语 谚语 ,欢迎大家阅读。   有关hero的英语谚语摘抄   英雄是大众说出来的。   hero is the public.   自信是英雄主义的本质。   self-trust is the essence of heroism.   对英雄崇拜可以造就出英雄来。   the hero worship can makes heroes.   没有崇拜者就没有英雄和神使。   and god made no fans, no hero.   我是英雄是因为人们需要英雄。   i am a hero because people need a hero.   有勇气承担命运,这才是英雄好汉。   have the courage to bear the fate, this is the hero.   天荒地老英雄丧,国破家亡事业休。   glebe"s old hero bereavement, hugh death cause.   英雄割据剖己矣,文采风流今尚存。   romantic heroes regime cutting yourself, gift today.   英雄气魄云为被;志士胸怀海作家。   heroic parallelism cloud to be; person of the writer.   英雄一去豪华尽,唯有青山似洛中。   a hero to luxury, only the mountains like a los.   虽无彪炳英雄业,却有忠诚赤子心。   nobody is without its heroic deeds, but it has a loyal heart.   英雄只有一种,那就是人性的英雄。   there is only one kind of hero, it is human nature of the hero.   不作寻常床箦死,英雄含笑上刑场。   do not make unusual ze death bed, the execution ground hero with a smile.   江-山-如-此-多-娇,引无数英雄竞折腰。   jiangshan so much jiao, made countless heroes bow in homage.   时来天地皆同力,运去英雄不自由。   time with force, heaven and earth to ship it to the hero is not free.   有勇气主宰自己命运的人才是英雄。   have the courage to dominate the talent is a hero of his own fate.   唯大英雄能本色,是真名士自风流。   only heroes can ecru, is the true celebrities from wind.   每个英雄的背后都隐藏着一段悲剧。   behind every hero hides a tragedy.   将拒谏则英雄散,策不从则谋士叛。   有关hero的英语谚语精选   will be rejected the suggestion is a hero, not from counsellors rebellious.   英雄,你怎么不问问做英雄的代价!   the hero, why don"t you ask the price of being the hero!   英雄心事无今古,神物风云各有时。   hero worry no today the ancient, sacred clouds sometimes.   英雄第一开心事,撒手千金报德时。   hero for the first time, daughter was good.   像英雄一样战斗,或者像懦夫一样死去。   fight like a hero, or to die like a coward.   你不是一个失败者,你是我心中的英雄。   you are not a loser, you are the hero in my heart.   没有人想成为英雄。是时势创造了英雄。   no one wants to be a hero. is the time to create a hero.   谁高出众人一筹,谁在众人眼里就是英雄。   who is above all, who is a hero in the eyes.   英雄主义是在于为信仰和真理而牺牲自己。   heroism is to sacrifice themselves for the faith and truth.   没人希望做英雄因为一般英雄没有好结局。   有关hero的英语谚语推荐   because no one wants to be a hero general hero no good ending.   骄傲是所有英雄人物都能受到伤害的处所。   pride is all heroes will be hurt.   英雄不会干不成大事,英雄大多容易出事。   hero will not do great things, heroes are accident prone.   我坚信任何困难都难不倒英雄的中国人民。   i firmly believe that the heroic chinese people will not yield to any difficulty.   比起做英雄, 句子 大全#url#我更喜欢做给英雄鼓掌的人。   i prefer to be a hero, hero applause.   有卓越智力作用指导的胆量是英雄的标志。   have remarkable intelligence role guiding the courage is a sign of a hero.   要是没有英雄的话,那就自己成为英雄好了。   if there are no heroes, then himself as a hero.   胆小鬼死后是一具腐尸,英雄死后还是英雄。   after the death of a coward is a carrion, after the death of a hero or a hero.   这并非英雄的 故事 ,不需要立志成为英雄的人。   this is not a hero of the story, do not need to aspire to be a hero.   真正的英雄,他的目标往往都不是成为一个英雄。   the real heroes, his goal often is not be a hero.   全人类对英雄的崇昨天有,今天有,将来也一定有。   mankind of hero worship, yesterday, today also must be in the future.   如果说英雄是真诚的人,那为何我们不能成为英雄呢!   if the hero is a sincere person, that why we can"t become a hero!   你是英雄,所以要死,这个世间从来没有活着的英雄。   you are a hero, so die, the world has never been hero alive.   如果说英雄是真诚的人,那为何我们不能成为英雄呢。   if the hero is a sincere person, that why we can"t become a hero, too.   在人类自由最不受重视的地方,英雄崇拜总是盛行的。   in the place where the most neglected human freedom, hero worship is always popular.   是英雄表现出来,是人才体现出来,是蠢才显现出来。   is a hero, is talented person, is a fool.   世界级的竟争,一律以结果为导向,市场以结果论英雄。 有关hero的英语谚语相关 文章 : 1. 有关狗的经典英语谚语集锦 2. 有关帮助他人的英语名言 3. 有关努力励志的英语谚语 4. 关于朋友的英语名言谚语大全 5. 有关分享的英语名言
2023-07-19 04:30:301


问题一:雷电的英文怎么说 thunder and lightning 问题二:雷电英语怎么写 Thunder 问题三:雷电,闪电的英文 ,lightning是闪电,你说的那是电力 。顺便:雷是thunder( 问题四:“闪电”用英文怎么说 lightning 英[?la?tnu026a?] adj. 闪电般的,快速的; n. 闪电,雷电; vi. 打闪; --精(金山)锐O老师。 问题五:雷电的英语怎么打字 thunder 问题六:闪电的英文怎么说 详细说一下大家给的这两个词,lightning 是比较准确的闪电,当然如果你不较真可以用thunder。 lightning ["laitni?] adj. 闪电的;快速的 n. 闪电 vi. 闪电 短语:lightning arrester避雷器;[电] 避雷针;避雷装置;接闪装置 lightning stroke[气象] 雷击;光射病;闪击;雷电波 lightning protector避雷器;避雷装置;闪电保装置;避雷装配 lightning arrestor避雷针;避雷器;过压保险丝;负荷阻抗 lightning discharge雷闪放电;闪电放电;电闪放电;雷放电 Lightning McQueen闪电麦昆;闪电麦坤;麦奎恩;闪电王麦坤 Lightning Reflexes闪电反射;闪电反应;雷电反射;闪电回避 Black Lightning黑色闪电;暗闪电 Lightning Marriage闪婚 例句:You see lightning and hear thunder.你会看到电闪,听到雷鸣。 Lightning is caused by clouds discharging electricity.闪电是由于云的放电作用造成的。 thunder ["θ?nd?] n. 雷;轰隆声;恐吓 vi. 打雷;怒喝 vt. 轰隆地发出;大声喊出 短语: thunder and lightning 雷电;指责 spring thunder 春雷 thunder storm n. 雷雨 n.[气象]雷;轰隆声;恐吓 vi.打雷;怒喝 vt.轰隆地发出;大声喊出 短语: bark out, 定ellow out Blue Thunder蓝色霹雳号;蓝霹雳;蓝轰雷;蓝色霹雳 Desert Thunder沙漠惊雷;沙漠特遣队;官方秘籍;沙漠雷霆 Thunder KanKan迅雷看看 Thunder Clap雷霆一击;霆一击 thunder cloud雷暴云;雷云;雷云闪光;雷阵云 Thunder Bike霹雳机车 例句:Suddenly, the men heard a sound like thunder. 突然间,这些人听到如雷的声响。 Sometimes there are storms with thunder and lightning. 有时候会有夹着雷鸣闪电的暴风雨。 问题七:雷英语怎么说 thunder ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 问题八:风 雨 雷 电 在英语中都怎么说的 风 wind 雨 rain 雷 thunder 电 lightning
2023-07-19 04:30:361

JN俩声母能组成哪些词?例:jiangnan 江南

技能 今年 纪念 江南 济南 机能 仅能......
2023-07-19 04:30:374


RUNNING FOR GOVERNORBy Mark TwainA few months ago I was nominated for Governor of the great State of New York, to run against Stewart L. Woodford and John T. Hoffman, on an independent ticket. I somehow felt that I had one prominent advantage over these gentlemen, and that was, good character. It was easy to see by the newspapers, that if ever they had known what it was to bear a good name, that time had gone by. It was plain that in these latter years they had become familiar with all manner of shameful crimes. But at the very moment that I was exalting my advantage and joying in it in secret, there was a muddy undercurrent of discomfort "riling" the deeps of my happiness -- and that was, the having to hear my name bandied about in familiar connection with those of such people. I grew more and more disturbed. Finally I wrote my grandmother about it. Her answer came quick and sharp. She said:You have never done one single thing in all your life to be ashamed of -- not one. Look at the newspapers -- look at them and comprehend what sort of characters Woodford and Hoffman are, and then see if you are willing to lower yourself to their level and enter a public canvass with them.It was my very thought! I did not sleep a single moment that night. But after all, I could not recede. I was fully committed and must go on with the fight. As I was looking listlessly over the papers at breakfast, I came across this paragraph, and I may truly say I never was so confounded before:PERJURY. -- Perhaps, now that Mr. Mark Twain is before the people as a candidate for Governor, he will condescend to explain how he came to be convicted of perjury by thirty-four witnesses, in Wakawak, Cochin China, in 1863, the intent of which perjury was to rob a poor native widow and her helpless family of a meagre plantain patch, their only stay and support in their bereavement and their desolation. Mr. Twain owes it to himself, as well as to the great people whose suffrages he asks, to clear this matter up. Will he do it?I thought I should burst with amazement! Such a cruel, heartless charge -- I never had seen Cochin China! I never had beard of Wakawak! I didn"t know a plantain patch from a kangaroo! I did not know what to do. I was crazed and helpless. I let the day slip away without doing anything at all. The next morning the same paper had this -- nothing more:SIGNIFICANT. -- Mr. Twain, it will be observed, is suggestively silent about the Cochin China perjury.[Mem. -- During the rest of the campaign this paper never referred to me in any other way than as "the infamous perjurer Twain."Next came the "Gazette," with this:WANTED TO KNOW. -- Will the new candidate for Governor deign to explain to certain of his fellow-citizens (who are suffering to vote for him!) the little circumstance of his cabin-mates in Montana losing small valuables from time to time, until at last, these things having been invariably found on Mr. Twain"s person or in his "trunk" (newspaper he rolled his traps in), they felt compelled to give him a friendly admonition for his own good, and so tarred and feathered him and rode him on a rail, and then advised him to leave a permanent vacuum in the place he usually occupied in the camp. Will he do this?Could anything be more deliberately malicious than that? For I never was in Montana in my life.[After this, this journal customarily spoke of me as "Twain, the Montana Thief.
2023-07-19 04:30:381


莲长在中亚,西亚、北美,印度、中国、日本等亚热带和温带地区。但许多人都误以为莲产于埃及和地中海一带。 公元前约500年,莲传入埃及,可能是由波斯人带去的。古埃及人装饰庙宇柱顶的“莲苞”,仿自睡莲,而荷马史诗“奥莲赛”(Odyssey)其实是喝了用落柘枣(与莲没有关系)酿制的饮料而进入逸然忘却烦恼的境地。希腊作家希罗多托斯描述埃及植物的时候写道:“河中生长着一些像玫瑰的百合;果实生长在像黄蜂窝的荚里。有很多像橄榄核大小的果实可以食用,可以吃鲜的,也可以吃干的。”他所说的显然是莲。特性和一般功用:蓝莲花歌手:许巍 专辑:时光-漫步 LRC歌词 HOT61 搜索 "蓝莲花"mp3 61 下载"蓝莲花"铃声打印预览 没有什么能够阻挡,你对自由的向往.天马行空的生涯,你的心了无牵挂.穿过幽暗的岁月,也曾感到彷徨.当你低头地瞬间,才发觉脚下的路.心中那自由地世界,如此的清澈高远.盛开着永不凋零,蓝莲花. 亚洲一些偏僻的地方至今还有野莲,但大多数的莲都是人工种植,以作为风景点缀和食用。 莲子和藕是亚洲人的常用食品,因此许多人便对它用心栽培,一般在中国莲被作为经济作物种植。 莲的根茎是藕,含有蛋白质、淀粉和维生素C,脆而多汁,可以当水果生吃,也可以用来做汤、炒菜,在藕的空管中填以糯米,蒸熟后是上好的甜品。蒸荷叶饭可用鲜莲叶或干莲叶,蒸出来的饭有特别的荷叶清香。营养丰富的莲子可以用糖来煮,做成糖莲子或莲子汤,莲子也可以加在糕饼里,在中秋的月饼里,莲蓉算是上品。干莲子可以磨成粉,或供药用。例如在斯里兰卡,莲便是一种主要的痔科药物。 莲的用途极广,雄蕊可用为药物,治疗小便失禁和精漏。泰国的孕妇用供过神的荷花花瓣泡茶喝,相信可以减少早上呕吐,并使婴儿强健。宗教与哲学象征: 莲是最常用来作为宗教和哲学象征的植物。过去5千年来,莲分别代表过神圣、女性的美丽纯洁、复活、高雅和太阳。印度教: 一位印度古代诗人用古梵文描写他的爱人道:“卿眼如莲苞,手如莲花,譬如莲藕。”在婆罗门教的神话中,创造之神据说是在毗湿奴入定时,从其肚脐中生出的莲花中钻出来的。居住在印度次大陆中部的比罗尔族在解释世界起源时也有相似的说法:“最初,天下皆水,有莲生出水面。是时巨神居于阴间,经莲茎出至水上,以莲花为座。” 已知的最早与莲有关的艺术品,也是把莲与神结合在一起的,是一尊头上戴着莲花的裸体女神像,在印度的恒河流域出土,是公元前3000年的遗物。文献中有关印度莲花女神的记载,最早见于印度的吠陀文献,说莲神生于莲花,站在莲花上,戴着莲花的花环。佛教: 在佛教问世后,佛教徒也采取了以莲花为佛教的主要象征。据说后来成为佛祖的悉达多太子出世后,立刻下地走了七步,步步生莲。所以莲就成了他诞生的象征。从公元一世纪左右开始,佛祖的塑像便已常常是在莲台上的坐像了,他的坐姿,或为莲花坐或为吉祥坐,成为佛教僧人打坐时的典型坐法。按照大日经的解释:“左足先著右上,右足次著左上,名为莲花坐;单足著右上,名为吉祥坐。” 佛教徒相信莲能反应修行程度,认为高僧诚心念佛,则西方七宝池中即生莲花一朵,若能精进,则其花渐大,倘或退惰,则其花萎落。又相信:“诸天人民以至蜎飞蠕动之类,往生阿弥陀佛刹者,皆于七宝池莲华中化生。” 莲随着佛教,流传到亚洲的每个角落。在爪哇的婆罗浮图佛坛上,在缅甸的蒲日古城,泰国的素可泰市和高棉的吴哥窟等地的大庙里,在斯里兰卡的钟形塔里,巴厘岛的葬蓝上和西藏的符箓上,都可以看到莲的图画,西藏的喇嘛教佛教著名的六字真言:“唵嘛呢叭弥吽”中,其中的“叭弥”的意思便是莲花。其他:日本人主要把莲与死亡以及幽灵世界连在一起。日本花道的典型办法是:用半枯的莲叶和莲蓬、新开的莲叶和莲花、以及未开的莲叶和莲苞,分别代表过去、现在和未来。文化象征: 莲与文化关系最深的是中国。自古以来,中国人便喜爱这种植物,认为它是洁身自好、不同流合污的高尚品德的象征,因此诗人有“莲生淤泥中,不与泥同调”之赞。周敦颐还在《爱莲说》中把莲和各种类型的人物联系起来,“菊,花之隐逸者也;牡丹,花之富贵者也;莲,花之君子者也。”从古至今,许多人都有这种想法。在中国文学里,与莲有关的诗词歌赋,不计其数,莲也有许多不同的名字,最常见的有荷、芙蕖、菡萏等。 中国画以荷花作为夏天的标志,在中国的瓷器、地毯和戏服上也常绘有荷花。荷花盛开是丰收的预兆,也是夏天有代表性的美丽景色。北京故宫附近的北海公园本来是御花园,园中有人工湖,湖面大部分为莲叶所覆,莲叶有时候高出水面将近2米,开着千万朵清雅芳香的花。莲叶下可以行驶小船。 中国有许多与莲有关的话语,莲子代表连生贵子,藕为佳偶。并蒂莲代表一对恋人,藕断丝连是指男女虽然分手,但情意未绝。 据说在公元五世纪,南齐东昏候“凿金为莲花以帖地,令潘妃行其上,”
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应用lim(1 + 1/x)^x = e(x->+∞)
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卡耐基梅隆大学世界综合排名第94名,QS世界大学综合排名第51名,THE高等教育世界大学排名第28名。卡内基梅隆大学(Carnegie Mellon University,简称CMU)坐落于美国宾夕法尼亚州的匹兹堡,是一所拥有14,800名在校学生和1,483名教职及科研人员的大学,被誉为“新常春藤”之一。除了在匹兹堡,CMU还在美国硅谷及卡塔尔设有校区,且在世界各地设有合作研究机构,包括纽约、洛杉矶、华盛顿特区、中国、澳大利亚、葡萄牙、卢旺达等。学校校训:卡耐基先生的名言—My heart is in the work(我心于业),是这所大学的校训,即使经历了百年内数次重大革新,这样的信念依旧根深蒂固融于整个大学文化中。在校训的指引下,卡内基梅隆大学对学生的训练异常严格,课业繁重,在《普林斯顿评论》每年“学生累得像狗的大学排名”中,从来高居前几位,与加州理工学院、麻省理工学院、芝加哥大学、普林斯顿大学等同为美国乃至全世界训练最为残酷的大学。以上内容参考:百度百科--卡耐基梅隆大学
2023-07-19 04:30:451


这个相当于作文,可以用的。 " Hamlet " of Shakespear is a classical representative work. This book certainly does not have the big difference in the superficial plot with the historical fable, spoke or the Danish prince the story which revenged for the father, in which fills the rank smell of blood violence and dies.Just like the dramatis personae Horatio said: " you may hear to to rape massacre, the unusual repair behavior, the dark center decision, accidental slaughter, borrows the hand murder , as well as falls into suicide result." Windingly elects the plot, tightly centers on the revenge to launch. Hamlet Wittenberg hurries back the home in a hurry from Germany, is attends his father"s funeral, enables him to accept, he not catches up with father"s funeral, actually witnessed the mother and the Uncle Claudius" wedding ceremony, this had caused Hamm the Wright suspicion at the heart, added night above meets in the royal palace castle with father"s ghost, the ghost sorrow sued, this pile atrocity was Uncle Hamlet the behavior, and wanted him to revenge for the father.To this, he started the difficult revenge course, launched the life and death contest with Claudius. Finally, sent out sword the revenge to ClaudiusHamlet is a man with contradictory,he had many chances to kill Claudius,but he hesitated,which reflects the religious thought poisons.
2023-07-19 04:30:462


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2023-07-19 04:30:522


同学你好,如果想申请CMU的话,还是要好好规划一下的。首先你的标化成绩要保证 GPA 3.8+(这个要综合参考你在年级的排名,以及去年你相同排名的学生申请到的学校),托福 105+,SAT1 1450+, SAT2 两门即可,AP视情况而定,这也是最低的标准了。另外,就是你的背景这块,很显然含金量是AMC>国内奥赛,当然如果在国内奥赛可以拿到名次的话也有一定帮助。但就这两年而言,参加竞赛的人太多了,很难从众多candidates 里脱颖而出,所以你得好好思考一下,为什么CMU要选择你,这就需要你自己好好挖掘一下自己的亮点了。还有就是,如果你的dream school 就是CMU的话,需要好好研究一下学校往年录取学生的偏好,正所谓知己知彼,方可百战不殆。
2023-07-19 04:30:295


JN.12345 J:火箭军。N:南部战区 所以说南部战区火箭军单位。
2023-07-19 04:30:294

英语中get in 和get into哪一个表示上车(小汽车等)。U000233b4清楚别来误导我

Why don"t we get in the car and drive home? 我们为什么不上车,开回家去呢?He saw them get into the car and on an impulse he followed them. 他看见他们钻进汽车,一时冲动之下他跟了进去。两个都行的。into强调动作的“进入”。get in比较常用些。
2023-07-19 04:30:266


百度搜索 站长素材PPT 那边就有了
2023-07-19 04:30:251


伟迪捷 依玛仕 多米诺 威利 美创立 日立 KGK 是进口的多米诺速度可以,KGK比较省墨,美创立分两种,罗特威尔是组装的,等于国产,整体首推多米诺英特玛可 杰特 东方商机 赛腾 国诺 雷德杰 航宇 成顺和 爱乐 博大 LINX 舒康迪 文 易可码 多特 科宝德中科汇百 伟辰 科诺华是国产的,稳定性上有待继续提高,价格便宜,部分机器因量、价都上不去,服务也跟不上去,国产机首推科诺华ECJET MARKING没见过
2023-07-19 04:30:245


竞选州长 ■〔美〕马克.吐温 唐萌荪译 几个月之前,我被提名为纽约州州长候选人,代表独立党与斯坦华脱u2022勒u2022伍福特先生 和约翰u2022特u2022霍夫曼先生竞选。我总觉得自己有超过这两位先生的显著的优点,那就是我的 名声好。从报上容易看出:如果说这两位先生也曾知道爱护名声的好处,那是以往的事。 近几年来,他们显然已将各种无耻罪行视为家常便饭。当时,我虽然对自己的长处暗自庆幸, 但是一想到我自己的名字得和这些人的名字混在一起到处传播,总有一股不安的混浊潜流在 我愉快心情的深处“翻搅”。我心里越来越不安,最后我给祖母写了封信,把这件事告诉 她。她很快给我回了信,而且信写得很严峻,她说:“你生平没有做过一件对不起人的事— 一件也没有做过。你看看报纸吧——一看就会明白伍福特和霍夫曼先生是一种什么样子的人,然后再看你愿不愿意把自己降低到他们那样的水平,跟他们一起竞选。” 这也正是我的想法!那晚我一夜没合眼。但我毕竟不能打退堂鼓。我已经完全卷进去 了,只好战斗下去。 当我一边吃早饭,一边无精打采地翻阅报纸时,看到这样一段消息,说实在话,我以前 还从来没有这样惊慌失措过: “伪证罪——那就是1863年,在交趾支那的瓦卡瓦克,有34名证人证明马克u2022吐 温先生犯有伪证罪,企图侵占一小块香蕉种植地,那是当地一位穷寡妇和她那群孤儿靠着活命的唯一资源。现在马克u2022吐温先生既然在众人面前出来竞选州长,那么他或许可以屈尊解释一下如下事情的经过。吐温先生不管是对自己或是对要求投票选举他的伟大人民,都有责任澄清此事的真相。他愿意这样做吗?” 我当时惊愕不已!竟有这样一种残酷无情的指控。我从来就没有到过交趾支那!我从来 没听说过什么瓦卡瓦克!我也不知道什么香蕉种植地,正如我不知道什么是袋鼠一样!我不知道要怎么办才好,我简直要发疯了,却又毫无办法。那一天我什么事情也没做,就让日子白白溜过去了。第二天早晨,这家报纸再没说别的什么,只有这么一句话: “意味深长——大家都会注意到:吐温先生对交趾支那伪证案一事一直发人深省地保持缄默。”〔备忘——在这场竞选运动中,这家报纸以后但凡提到我时,必称“臭名昭著的伪证犯吐温”。〕 接着是《新闻报》,登了这样一段话:“需要查清——是否请新州长候选人向急于等着要投他票的同胞们解释一下以下一件小事?那就是吐温先生在蒙大那州野营时,与他住在同一帐篷的伙伴经常丢失小东西,后来这 些东西一件不少地都从吐温先生身上或“箱子”(即他卷藏杂物的报纸)里发现了。大家为他着想,不得不对他进行友好的告诫,在他身上涂满柏油,粘上羽毛,叫他坐木杠①,把他撵出去,并劝告他让出铺位,从此别再回来。他愿意解释这件事吗?”难道还有比这种控告用心更加险恶的吗?我这辈子根本就没有到过蒙大那州呀。此后,这家报纸照例叫我做“蒙大那的小偷吐温”。〕 于是,我开始变得一拿起报纸就有些提心吊胆起来,正如同你想睡觉时拿起一床毯子, 可总是不放心,生怕那里面有条蛇似的。有一天,我看到这么一段消息:“谎言已被揭穿!——根据五方位区的密凯尔u2022奥弗拉纳根先生、华脱街的吉特u2022彭斯先生和约翰u2022艾伦先生三位的宣誓证书,现已证实:马克u2022吐温先生曾恶毒声称我们尊贵的领袖约翰u2022特u2022霍夫曼的祖父曾因拦路抢劫而被处绞刑一说,纯属粗暴无理之谎言,毫无事 实根据。他毁谤亡人,以谰言玷污其美名,用这种下流手段来达到政治上的成功,使有道德之人甚为沮丧。当我们想到这一卑劣谎言必然会使死者无辜的亲友蒙受极大悲痛时,几乎要被迫煽动起被伤害和被侮辱的公众,立即对诽谤者施以非法的报复。但是我们不这样!还是让他去因受良心谴责而感到痛苦吧。(不过,如果公众义愤填膺,盲目胡来,对诽谤者进行人身伤害,很明显,陪审员不可能对此事件的凶手们定罪,法庭也不可能对他们加以惩罚。)” 最后这句巧妙的话很起作用,当天晚上当“被伤害和被侮辱的公众”从前进来时,吓得 我赶紧从床上爬起来,从后门溜走。他们义愤填膺,来时捣毁家具和门窗,走时把能拿动的财物统统带走。然而,我可以手按《圣经》起誓:我从没诽谤过霍夫曼州长的祖父。而且直到那天为止,我从没听人说起过他,我自己也没提到过他。顺便说一句,刊登上述新闻的那家报纸此后总是称我为“拐尸犯吐温”。〕 引起我注意的下一篇报上的文章是下面这段:“好个候选人——马克u2022吐温先生原定于昨晚独立党民众大会上作一次损伤对方的演说,却未履行其义务。他的医生打电报来称他被几匹狂奔的拉车的马撞倒,腿部两处负伤— 卧床不起,痛苦难言等等,以及许多诸如此类的废话。独立党的党员们只好竭力听信这一拙劣的托词,假装不知道他们提名为候选人的这个放荡不羁的家伙未曾出席大会的真正原因。有人见到,昨晚有一个人喝得酩酊大醉,摇摇晃晃地走进吐温先生下榻的旅馆。独立党人责无旁贷须证明那个醉鬼并非马克u2022吐温本人。这一下我们终于把他们抓住了。此事不容 避而不答。人民以雷鸣般的呼声询问:‘那人是谁?"” 我的名字真的与这个丢脸的嫌疑联在一起,这是不可思议的,绝对地不可思议。我已经 有整整三年没有喝过啤酒、葡萄酒或任何一种酒了。〔这家报纸在下一期上大胆地称我为“酒疯子吐温先生”,而且我知道,它会一直这样称呼下去,但我当时看了竟毫无痛苦,足见这种局势对我有多大的影响。〕那时我所收到的邮件中,匿名信占了重要的部分。那些信一般是这样写的: “被你从你寓所门口一脚踢开的那个要饭的老婆婆,现在怎么样了?”好管闲事者也有这样写的:“你干的一些事,除我之外没人知道,你最好拿出几块钱来孝敬鄙人,不然,报上有你 好看的。” 惹不起大致就是这类内容。如果还想听,我可以继续引用下去,直到使读者恶心。 不久,共和党的主要报纸“宣判”我犯了大规模的贿赂罪,而民主党最主要的报纸则把 一桩大肆渲染敲诈案件硬“栽”在我头上。这样,我又得到了两个头衔:“肮脏的贿赂犯吐温”和“令人恶心的讹诈犯吐温”。〕这时候舆论哗然,纷纷要我“答复”所有对我提出的那些可怕的指控。这就使得我们党的报刊主编和领袖们都说,我如果再沉默不语,我的政治生命就要给毁了。好像要使他们的控诉更为迫切似的,就在第二天,一家报纸登了这样一段话: “明察此人!独立党这位候选人至今默不吭声。因为他不敢说话。对他的每条控告都有 证据,并且那种足以说明问题的沉默一再承认了他的罪状,现在他永远翻不了案了。独立党的党员们,看看你们这位候选人吧!看看这位声名狼藉的伪证犯!这位蒙大那的小偷!这位拐尸犯!好好看一看你们这个具体化的酒疯子!你们这位肮脏的贿赂犯!你们这位令人恶心的讹诈犯!你们盯住他好好看一看,好好想一想——这个家伙犯下了这么可怕的罪行,得了这么一连串倒霉的称号,而且一条也不敢予以否认,看你们是否还愿意把自己公正的选票投 给他!” 我无法摆脱这种困境,只得深怀耻辱,准备着手“答复”那一大堆毫无根据的指控和卑 鄙下流的谎言。但是我始终没有完成这个任务,因为就在第二天,有一家报纸登出一个新的恐怖案件,再次对我进行恶意中伤,说因一家疯人院妨碍我家的人看风景,我就将这座疯人院烧掉,把院里的病人统统烧死了,这使我万分惊慌。接着又是一个控告,说我为了吞占我叔父的财产而将他毒死,并且要求立即挖开坟墓验尸。这使我几乎陷入了精神错乱的境地。 在这些控告之上,还有人竟控告我在负责育婴堂事务时雇用老掉了牙的、昏庸的亲戚给育婴堂做饭。我拿不定主意了——真的拿不定主意了。最后,党派斗争的积怨对我的无耻迫害达到了自然而然的高潮:有人教唆9个刚刚在学走路的包括各种不同肤色、穿着各种各样的破 烂衣服的小孩,冲到一次民众大会的讲台上来,紧紧抱住我的双腿,叫我做爸爸! 我放弃了竞选。我降下旗帜投降。我不够竞选纽约州州长运动所要求的条件,所以,我 呈递上退出候选人的声明,并怀着痛苦的心情签上我的名字: “你忠实的朋友,过去是正派人,现在却成了伪证犯、小偷、拐尸犯、酒疯子、贿赂犯 和讹诈犯的马克u2022吐温。”● ①坐木杠;这是当时美国的一种私刑。把认为犯有罪行的人绑住,身上涂上柏油,粘上羽毛,让他跨坐在一根木棍上,抬着他游街示众。——译注
2023-07-19 04:30:222


传说天山有一种蓝色的莲花,俗称蓝莲花,能使死去的人复生。自由这个东西在这里不太好把握,说起来也比较抽象了.可以说整首歌基本就是围绕现实中的彷徨来展开的,而蓝莲花恰好代表着希望,可以说是自由,或者,还有更多的东西.用歌词中的"当你低头的瞬间,才发现脚下的路"来理解可能更生动一点. 当然,每个听者肯定都会形成自己独到的见解.
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PS 里显示 2.0,这是什么字体??

叶根友毛笔行书2.0版 常规
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