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2023-07-19 15:40:02

七日杀摩托车怎么做 摩托车制作方法

你要先拿到摩托车手册 读过之后就可以制作 底座在熔炉里面做 摩托车把手和车座在工作台做 电池和发动机需要去剥车(扳手左键) 轮胎砍地上的轮胎就有 多砍几个 能拿到紫色的 篮子在商店里面捡 组装就按另一个哥们说的组装

七日杀摩托车怎么开 七日杀摩托车使用方法解析




修理方法的话对着摩托按E不放,出现菜单,放大镜就是查看摩托的信息以及修理摩托。锁的标志跟之前一样上锁只能自己开密码就是设置密码。(如果说得不好,我只有一个要求 ,请别骂人谢谢。。。我纯手敲的)










哪个MOD? 我还活着和行尸走肉应该是在熔炉做车架,在工作台做车垫和车把手,电瓶和引擎可以拆车得到,轮胎可以打地图里地上的轮胎 有机率得到轮胎,货架可以在商店里捡到,车锁就靠搜刮了 我是传奇2.3里是在应该是在电焊机或者熔炉做车架 其他的都一样






看见路上有 轮胎 的可以用斧头砍,撬汽车偶尔会掉落。





七日杀11.5有摩托车么,前几个部件需要图纸制作吗?图纸大概在哪? 20分


七日杀a13.2怎么做摩托车? 正版的 !

首先要材料 点那个框架 上面会有一个齿轮样的选项 点开 然后把材料往里拖放


在工作台做 工作台可以在工具店或者加油站遇到 用扳手敲回家



parted moustache不一定对,仅供参考。
2023-07-19 02:02:476


Handlebars 是 JavaScript 一个语义模板库,通过对view和data的分离来快速构建web模板。它采用"Logic-less template"(无逻辑模版)的思路,在加载时被预编译,而不是到了客户端执行到代码时再去编译,这样可以保证模板加载和运行的速度。Handlebars兼容Mustache,你可以在Handlebars中导入Mustache模板。使用与安装Handlebars的安装非常简单,你只需要从github下载最新版本,你也可访问下面网址获取最新信息:。目前handlebars.JS已经被许多项目广泛使用了,handlebars是一个纯js库,因此你可以像使用其他JS脚本一样用script标签来包含handlebars.js<script type="text/javascript" src=".js/handlebars.js"></script> 基本语法Handlebars expressions 是handlebars模板中最基本的单元,使用方法是加两个花括号{{value}}, handlebars模板会自动匹配相应的数值,对象甚至是函数。例如:<div class="demo"> <h1>{{name}}</h1> <p>{{content}}</p></div> 你可以单独建立一个模板,ID(或者class)和type很重要,因为你要用他们来获取模板内容例如:<script id="tpl" type="text/x-handlebars-template"> <div class="demo"> <h1>{{title}}</h1> <p>{{content.title}}</p> </div></script> handlebars会根据上下文来自动对表达式进行匹配,如果匹配项是个变量,则会输出变量的值,如果匹配项是个函数,则函数会被调用。如果没找到匹配项,则没有输出。表达式也支持点操作符,因此你可以使用{{content.title}}这样的形式来调用嵌套的值或者方法,handlebars会根据当前上下文输出content变量的title属性的值。在JavaScript中,使用Handlebars.compile()方法来预编译模板例如:(这是一套规则) //用jquery获取模板 var tpl = $("#tpl").html(); //原生方法 var source = document.getElementById("#tpl").innerHTML; //预编译模板 var template = Handlebars.compile(source); //模拟json数据 var context = { name: "zhaoshuai", content: "learn Handlebars"}; //匹配json内容 var html = template(context); //输入模板 $(body).html(html);Handlebar的表达式Block表达式有时候当你需要对某条表达式进行更深入的操作时,Blocks就派上用场了,在Handlebars中,你可以在表达式后面跟随一个#号来表示Blocks,然后通过{{/表达式}}来结束Blocks。如果当前的表达式是一个数组,则Handlebars会“自动展开数组”,并将Blocks的上下文设为数组中的元素。例如:<ul> {{#programme}} <li>{{language}}</li>{{/programme}}</ul> 有以下JSON数据{ programme: [ {language: "JavaScript"}, {language: "HTML"}, {language: "CSS"} ]}编译模板代码同上……上面的代码会自动匹配programme数据并展开数据,渲染DOM后就是这样的<ul> <li>JavaScript</li> <li>HTML</li> <li>CSS</li></ul> Handlebars的内置块表达式(Block helper)1.each block helper你可以使用内置的{{#each}} helper遍历列表块内容,用this来引用遍历的元素例如:<ul> {{#each name}} <li>{{this}}</li> {{/each}}</ul> 对应适用的json数据{ name: ["html","css","javascript"]};这里的this指的是数组里的每一项元素,和上面的Block很像,但原理是不一样的这里的name是数组,而内置的each就是为了遍历数组用的,更复杂的数据也同样适用。2.if else block helper{{#if}}就你使用JavaScript一样,你可以指定条件渲染DOM,如果它的参数返回false,undefined, null, "" 或者 [] (a "falsy" value),Handlebar将不会渲染DOM,如果存在{{#else}}则执行{{#else}}后面的渲染例如:{{#if list}}<ul id="list"> {{#each list}} <li>{{this}}</li> {{/each}}</ul> {{else}} <p>{{error}}</p>{{/if}}对应适用json数据var data = { info:["HTML5","CSS3","WebGL"], "error":"数据取出错误"}这里{{#if}}判断是否存在list数组,如果存在则遍历list,如果不存在输出错误信息3.unless block helper{{#unless}}这个语法是反向的if语法也就是当判断的值为false时他会渲染DOM例如:{{#unless data}}<ul id="list"> {{#each list}} <li>{{this}}</li> {{/each}}</ul> {{else}} <p>{{error}}</p>{{/unless}}4.with block helper{{#with}}一般情况下,Handlebars模板会在编译的阶段的时候进行context传递和赋值。使用with的方法,我们可以将context转移到数据的一个section里面(如果你的数据包含section)。这个方法在操作复杂的template时候非常有用。<div class="entry"> <h1>{{title}}</h1> {{#with author}} <h2>By {{firstName}} {{lastName}}</h2> {{/with}}</div> 对应适用json数据{ title: "My first post!", author: { firstName: "Charles", lastName: "Jolley" }}Handlebar的注释(comments)Handlebars也可以使用注释写法如下{{! handlebars comments }}Handlebars的访问(Path)Handlebar支持路径和mustache,Handlebar还支持嵌套的路径,使得能够查找嵌套低于当前上下文的属性可以通过.来访问属性也可以使用../,来访问父级属性。例如:(使用.访问的例子)<h1>{{}}</h1> 对应json数据{ title: "My First Blog Post!", author: { id: 47, name: "Yehuda Katz" }, body: "My first post. Wheeeee!" };例如:(使用../访问){{#with person}} <h1>{{../}}</h1>{{/with}}对应适用json数据{ "person": { "name": "Alan" }, company: {"name": "Rad, Inc." }};自定义helperHandlebars,可以从任何上下文可以访问在一个模板,你可以使用Handlebars.registerHelper()方法来注册一个helper。调试技巧把下面一段"debug helper"加载到你的JavaScript代码里,然后在模板文件里通过{{debug}}或是{{debug someValue}}方便调试数据Handlebars.registerHelper("debug", function(optionalValue) { console.log("Current Context"); console.log("===================="); console.log(this); if (optionalValue) { console.log("Value"); console.log("===================="); console.log(optionalValue); }});handlebars的jquery插件(function($) { var compiled = {}; $.fn.handlebars = function(template, data) { if (template instanceof jQuery) { template = $(template).html(); } compiled[template] = Handlebars.compile(template); this.html(compiled[template](data)); };})(jQuery);$("#content").handlebars($("#template"), { name: "Alan" });
2023-07-19 02:03:021


2023-07-19 02:03:091


2023-07-19 02:03:193


2023-07-19 02:03:262

帮翻译 公路自行车车架英文术语

竞争符合涡流适合法国健美座椅管范围的C - C 座椅管范围的C -吨顶管长度茎长 BB心跳鞍位置鞍手把鞍挫折
2023-07-19 02:04:031


2023-07-19 02:04:302


问题一:七日杀怎么开车和修车 摩托车能被开启的前提是各部位配件齐全,没有车锁也可以开。最重要的是要有油。对着车按住E键,选择油桶的图标鼠标“点”4下就能加满,当然可以不加满。然后按E键骑上摩托就可以走了。修理是按住E,选择车前盖打开的那个图标,然后选择use.......什么的英文字母,就可以修车了 ,但是背包里必须有修理枪支的工具包,就是绿色的方块的东西。 问题二:七日杀摩托车怎么做 摩托车制作方法 你要先拿到摩托车手册 读过之后就可以制作 底座在熔炉里面做 摩托车把手和车座在工作台做 电池和发动机需要去剥车(扳手左键) 轮胎砍地上的轮胎就有 多砍几个 能拿到紫色的 篮子在商店里面捡 组装就按另一个哥们说的组装 问题三:七日杀a13车框架怎么做 先造个熔炉,然后打开熔炉,里面有 问题四:七日杀a12车怎么加油 您好 你造好车辆之后 然后E键就会显示一圈的选项 你就用鼠标滑到左下角 那个相识油桶然后有一滴水就行了 瞄到那里 然后松开E 在重复 直到没有油桶的图标就能开车了 F键是开车灯 空格键急刹车 问题五:七日杀武器摩托合成表 制作材料: 发动机、框架、锁(加密码)、电池、车垫、点灯 车子会无缘无故的消失,物品快捷键改成TAB键,车子的零件颜色越好,车子就越好,紫色是最好的。 制作教程: 物品栏第一排就是摩托车所需要的所有零件,前三个是自己做的,后4个是捡的,其实只要前5个摩托就能跑了,电池能让摩托放大灯,照明效果拔群,篮子可以让摩托车有储物箱功能,非常实用。 摩托车的做法就是把支架先放在地上,然后对支架按E,直接从物品栏把其他零件拖进支架画面就行,要拆卸也很简单,点击支架左面的那些文字,注意拆的时候不要先点第一个支架,不然所有东西都会同时掉下来,如果刚好物品栏满的,就很尴尬了。 这是可以自己合成的摩托配件,不过像铁丝和车大灯还是得从车里搜寻得到,handlebar手柄既可以搜寻得到,也可以自己合成 问题六:七日杀可以开车吗 七日杀怎么开车和修车 有车,不过是摩托车,需要用部件组装,熔炉,工作台,还有拆解小汽车得到配件,路上的轮胎打几下就能收集到 问题七:七日杀14.6摩托车咋做 需先找到摩托车图纸,全世界掉落,高频率刷新点依次是空投,书架,保险柜,其他地方只能看脸了,我在垃圾堆里找到过,看脸。 问题八:七日杀a14.6创造模式怎么造汽车 摩托车的话学手册,汽车不能开是装饰 问题九:七日杀车把手怎么获得 5分 汽车啊里面一大堆 问题十:七日杀摩托车零件怎么得 车把手、车坐垫、车架可以自己做。(要学习技能书) 电池、发电机可以撬完整的汽车。 看见路上有 轮胎 的可以用斧头砍,撬汽车偶尔会掉落。 车锁只能收刮(汽车,木桩,工具店等) 车篮框去商店里面收。
2023-07-19 02:04:421


2023-07-19 02:04:491


死飞车架尺寸参数是指,死飞车架立管的高度,以厘米为单位。如47cm、49cm等。不同的车架尺寸会有对应的身高,也就是可以根据自己的身高来选择不同尺寸的车架。主要零件:1、车架组Frame Group车架组一般包括车架Frame、前叉Fork、碗组Headsets。车架是一辆死飞自行车的核心零件。车架设计的合理性、安全性应该是挑选车架的首要因素。2、轮组Wheel Group轮组系统也是构成自行车的重要部件,高强度的轮组在死飞自行车上更为重要。分为前轮组Front Wheel Group和后轮组Rear Wheel Group,一般由车圈Rim、花鼓Hub、辐条Spokes、辐条帽Spoke cap、内胎Tube、外胎Tyre组成。前后轮组的不同主要是花鼓的不同,后花鼓需要为固齿设计螺纹。3、把组Handlebar Gruop把组一般指把立/鹅颈Stem和车把handlebar由于车架设计的不同,25.4mm头管一般适配有牙前叉,使用鹅颈;头管更粗的车架适配无牙前叉,使用把立。扩展资料:死飞的特点:死飞脱胎于场地自行车,飞轮固齿飞轮和飞轮锁死环固定在花鼓上无法自由旋转,和常见的采用单向自由轮的城市车,公路自行车,山地自行车所区分。“死飞”一词的来源是对飞轮固定这一特征的客观描述。死飞和其他种类自行车的根本区别即在于飞轮的差异。采用单向自由轮设计的自行车又称为活飞车。区分死飞的唯一方法,就是观察后飞轮是否为死飞轮。死飞的传动系统不支持单向滑行,对脚踏的反向制动即可完成制动。与活飞自行车不同的是,由于死飞轮的特征,本身拥有后轮制动系统,手刹不是必须零件。市场上销售的死飞车有些也是不配备手刹的。死飞刹车时可以通过反向作用脚踏,辅助制动。车体静止状态下反向蹬踩脚踏板可以倒行。死飞车的设计趋于简洁。死飞通常是不配备前后变速装置的单速齿轮车,有固定的齿比;由于一些死飞比赛有准入规则,不能加装可能对选手造成伤害的零件,死飞也通常没有支架,挡泥板,车锁,车铃等部件。参考资料来源:百度百科-死飞自行车百度百科-死飞
2023-07-19 02:04:581


通常一部死飞自行车的结构比普通自行车简洁。死飞整车零件可细化分成19个零件,大多数零件都可以替换和自由搭配,少数零件因车架数据的差异无法随意替换。 车架组一般包括车架Frame、前叉Fork、碗组Headsets车架是一辆死飞自行车的核心零件。车架设计的合理性、安全性应该是挑选车架的首要因素。车架设计的合理性主要体现在是否能适应于车的定位。一辆竞速死飞需要一台具有合理几何,便于发力,能有效降低空气阻力等功能的车架;一辆动作死飞则需要一台便于做动作,能有效减震的车架。设计合理的车架能最大化体现自行车的用途。车架的安全性主要体现在车架的材质、质量等。死飞车架主要有钢材质和铝材质两种,顶级竞速死飞也有使用碳纤维材质的高科技车架。切勿选购劣质车架。选择车架需要注意所配前叉有牙还是无牙;不同的身高选择不同的码数。除此之外,选购时还应注意车架数据。如头管口径、坐管口径、五通长度/高度等。 轮组系统也是构成自行车的重要部件,高强度的轮组在死飞自行车上更为重要。分为前轮组Front Wheel Group和后轮组Rear Wheel Group,一般由车圈Rim、花鼓Hub、辐条Spokes、辐条帽Spoke cap、内胎Tube、外胎Tyre组成。前后轮组的不同主要是花鼓的不同,后花鼓需要为固齿设计螺纹。使用辐条的辐条轮有一套科学的编圈方式,新轮组使用有一段磨合期以稳定轮组张力。少数轮组是不需要辐条的一体轮或者封闭轮,这样的轮组在销售时搭配轴承,不需要额外配置花鼓。 把组一般指把立/鹅颈Stem和车把handlebar由于车架设计的不同,25.4mm头管一般适配有牙前叉,使用鹅颈;头管更粗的车架适配无牙前叉,使用把立。车把按照功能的不同也分为燕把、牛角把、羊角弯把、直把等。一般竞速选择牛角或羊角,动作选择燕把或直把,通勤选择直把。 一般包括牙盘Chainring、曲柄Crank set、链条Chain、飞轮Cog、中轴Bottom Bracket竞速死飞的牙盘齿数一般在44T~54T之间,飞轮的齿数一般在13T~19T之间。 座管 Seatpost 、座包 Saddle、脚踏Pedal、狗嘴Toe Clip刹车把 Brake lever 、刹车夹器 Brake 、刹车线组 Brake cable set
2023-07-19 02:05:151


The Origin of BasketballThe challenge that inspired the invention of basketball came from Dr. Luther Halsey Gulick, Jr., the superintendent of physical education at the international YMCA Training School. During the summer session of 1891, Gulick introduced a new course in the psychology of play, and Naismith was one of his students. In class discussions, Gulick brought up an issue that was weighing on his mind: the need for new indoor game "that would be interesting, easy to learn, and easy to play in the winter and by artificial light."Though the class didn"t follow up on Gulick"s challenge to invent such a game, Naismith found himself revisiting the issue a few months later when the physical education faculty met to discuss what was becoming a persistent problem. With the end of the fall sports season, the school once again confronted the distaste many students felt for the gymnasium work that was mandatory during the winter months. One class was particularly incorrigible, and two instructors had already tried and failed to devise activities that would interest them.During the meeting, Naismith later wrote, he expressed his opinion that, "The trouble is not with the men, but with the system that we are using. The kind of work for this particular class should be of a recreative nature, something that would appeal to their play instincts."Though there was general agreement with Naismith, the group nevertheless found itself stymied. In fact, they knew of no indoor game that would inspire the excitement of football or baseball. Before the meeting ended, Gulick placed the problem squarely on Naismith"s lap. "Naismith," he said, "I want you to take that class and see what you can do with it." As they walked down the hall together after the meeting, he added, "Now would be a good time for you to work on that new game you said could be invented."Naismith tried several different approaches in an effort to improve the attitude of his difficult class. He had his students play simple games, such as various types of tag. He introduced a few games others had developed, including one called "battleball." He attempted to modify outdoor games like rugby and soccer so they could be played in a gym. However, as his first two weeks with the class neared an end, he had to admit that his efforts, thus far, had failed.Still not wanting to give up, Naismith tried to deduce the cause of his failure. He saw, once again, the need to offer a totally different kind of game, and he was quite clear about what its characteristics should be. It should be easy to learn, but complex enough to be interesting. It must be playable indoors or on any kind of ground, and by a large number of players all at once. It should provide plenty of exercise, yet without the roughness of football or soccer, since those would threaten bruises and broken bones if played in a confined space.American rugby (football) was the game Naismith considered most interesting, but tackling made it too rough for an indoor sport. Tackling, however, could be eliminated if players were forbidden to run with the ball, but could move it only by passing or batting it to another player, with the use of the fist prohibited. The game of lacrosse suggested the type of goal to be used, but the goal would be horizontal so players would have to throw the ball in an arc, thus limiting the force with which it was hurled. That idea came to Naismith from his memories of a childhood game he had played with his friends in Bennie"s Corners, Ontario."I recalled from my boyhood in the lumbering camps of Canada," he recalled, "that when we played a game called "Duck on a Rock," the goal should be one that could not be rushed, and that the ball could not be slammed through. This called for a goal with a horizontal opening, high enough so the ball would have to be tossed into it, rater than being thrown."The method he adapted for putting the ball into play-the toss-up-borrowed from English rugby, but had only one player from each team vying for the initial toss-up, rather than the whole team.The next morning, Naismith assembled the elements for the new game. First, he considered whether to use a football or soccer ball. "I noticed the lines of the football and realized it was shaped so that it might be carried in the arms," he said. "There was to be no carrying of the ball in the new game, so i walked over, picked up the soccer ball, and started in search of a goal." He asked the school janitor for two 18-inch square boxes to use as goals. Fortunately for the name of the game, the janitor suggested half-bushel peach baskets instead. Naismith nailed them to the lower rail of gymnasium balcony, one at each end. A man was stationed at both goals in the balcony to pick the ball from the basket and put it back into play.Then, Naismith drew up the rules. Besides outlining the method and objective of moving the ball, he described various fouls, such as holding, pushing, or tripping. A referee would be appointed to judge the play, and the game would be divided into two 16-minute halves, with a five-minute rest between. While any number could play, nine on a side was suggested as the ideal.Naismith"s secretary typed the rules and tacked them on the bulletin board while he waited nervously for the class to arrive. Somewhat dubious about "Naismith"s new game," the players nevertheless cooperated with their popular instructor and listened attentively as he outlined the method of play. They wore the then-usual gym costume of black, full-sleeve woolen jerseys and long gray trousers. Most of them also sported the luxuriant handlebar mustaches that were so popular in the Gas-Lit Era.Naismith later described those first moments of play in mid December 1891: "There were eighteen in the class; I selected two captains and had them choose sides. When the teams were chosen, I placed the men on the floor. There were three forwards, three centers, and three backs on each team. I chose two of the center men to jump, then threw the ball between them. It was the start of the first basketball game and the finish of the trouble with that class."The new game was a success from the minute the first ball was tossed into the air. Word got around that something new was going on in Springfield, and spectators began crowding the balconies. Once launched, basketball spread with incredible speed. Some of the students introduced it at their local YMCAs during Christmas vacation, and the rules of the game were soon printed in the school newspaper, The Triangle, which went to YMCAs around the country. Because of the College"s international student body, it wasn"t long before basketball was introduced in more than a dozen countries by these students.Basketball quickly moved beyond the YMCA network, as well. Within a few years, private athletic clubs had organized basketball teams. High schools and colleges launched the new sport as well and, by 1905, it was recognized as a permanent winter sport.此处有原文
2023-07-19 02:05:301


自行车平面构成分解:前轮、辐条、花鼓、前叉、前刹、钢索、刹车及变速把手、车把、竖杆、车架、前变速、车座杆、车座、后刹、货架、飞轮、反光镜 、后轮、后变速、脚撑、气门、后轮、链条、轮盘、脚踏、曲柄。自行车又称脚踏车或单车,是一种以人力踩踏脚踏板驱动的小型陆上车辆,通常是二轮的小型陆上车辆,它没有传动系统,靠两脚蹬地向前滑行,最快只能达到时速20公里。一、车架车架是自行车最重要的基础结构,也是影响骑乘感受的决定因素。选购时应注意车架大小是否符合骑乘者的身高比例,以质量轻、强度高为主要要求。常见的车架材质有:铝合金、钛合金、碳纤维、合成钢材...等。头管 Head Tube-连结上管与下管,前叉从中穿过,内藏车头碗组。上管 Top Tube-连接头管和立管的车架管。下管 Down Tube-连接头管和五通的车架管。立管 Seat Tube-立管长度会直接影响骑乘感受,应依据骑乘者的跨高,选择适合的车架尺寸。后上叉 Seat Stay-连接立管上缘到后钩爪与后轮轴。后下叉 Chain Stay-连接五通到后钩爪与后轮轴。前叉 Fork-控制前轮,有缓冲吸震的效果。座垫 Saddle-支撑骑乘者的体重。挑选时应以舒适性为主要考虑,减少压迫与摩擦。座管 Seat Post-底座垫与车架,支撑来自座垫的重量。座管束 Seat Post Clamp-扣住座管与车架,方便调整座管高度。二、转向系统自行车行进控制的枢纽。车手把 Handlebar-连接龙头,藉以转动前叉,控制行车方向。一般公路车多使用弯把,目的是为了压低上半身以减少风阻,另有平把公路车。手把带 Tape-具防滑、吸震效果,亦可防止汗水侵蚀握把。刹变把Brake / Shift Lever-公路车的刹车把与变速把多为一体成型,以纵向安装在把手上。车头碗组 Head Parts-装在头管上下两端的轴承零件,用以固定前叉转向管,使之能转向活动。上盖 Stem Cap-保护零件,用以防尘、防水的外盖。龙头 Stem-连接车手把与前叉转向管,具备承受踩踏的反向力量、操控行车方向以及保持平衡三大功能。三、刹车系统控制前后轮,使自行车减速并安全停止。刹车夹器Caliper Brake-利用活动件连结刹车块,使车轮减速或停止。公路车常用的是C型刹车夹器(简称C夹),亦有使用碟刹(Disc)。刹车块 Brake Block-箝住轮框抑制车轮转动,藉此减速或停止。刹车线 Brake Cable-连结刹车把与夹器。四、传动系统变速传动系统如同自行车的心脏,是带动自行车前进的力量。这些部件承受了踩踏力道,更因为高度较接近地面,易受到污水或泥沙侵蚀而造成磨损,因此定期保养及检查相当重要。踏板 Pedals-双脚直接施力的踩踏平面,藉此推动自行车。除了适合各类车种的踏板以外,另有搭配卡鞋的卡式踏板。曲柄 Crank-连接五通与踏板的杠杆,将踩踏力量传递至链条。大盘 Chainring / Chainwheel-连接于右曲柄的大型齿轮组。五通/中轴 Bottom Bracket(简称BB)-连结大盘、曲柄与车架的零件组合。链条 Chain-连接大盘与飞轮,将能量传递至后轮,使自行车前进。飞轮 Freewheel / Cassette-由多片齿轮组合,置于后轮棘轮座上。前变速器 Front Derailleur-控制链条在大盘齿片间转换。后变速器 Rear Derailleur-控制链条在飞轮齿片间转换。变速线 Derailleur Cable-连结变速把与变速器。五、轮组自行车依靠轮胎与地面接触摩擦而前进或停止,因此轮组的材质、设计会影响骑行的速度与稳定性。轮框 Rim-车轮的外框,轮胎固定在轮圈上。花鼓 Hub-带动轮圈转动的轴承,分卡式与锁牙式,需跟相对应的飞轮组搭配使用。辐条 Spoke-又称钢丝,连接花鼓与轮圈,主要排列方式为放射状或交叉状。铜头 Nipple-将辐条固定在轮圈上的螺帽。棘轮座 Cassette body-用来固定飞轮。里面是单向棘齿,往前踩踏板可带动后轮,往后踩则空转。快拆 Quick Release-固定轮组的零件,可藉由手柄快速开启或关闭。勾爪(前 / 后) Dropout-前叉和车架后三角末端的小沟槽,可套入轮轴,提供后变速器与车架作动的承受力。轮胎 Tire-根据需求不同,有各种规格及胎纹可供选择。轮胎越细,滚动阻力越小;轮胎越宽,吸震性越好。公路车轮胎一般分为Open胎与管胎,另有无内胎的车胎与轮组。气嘴 Valve-轮胎充气的位置,常见的有美式气嘴与法式气嘴。美式气嘴与汽、机车轮胎相同,可在一般车行及加油站充气;法式气嘴需另外使用转接头。
2023-07-19 02:05:501


2023-07-19 02:06:081

死飞 是什么意思

所谓“死飞”,字面解释就是飞轮是死的。普通的自行车, 飞轮是“活的”,这样,人踩的时候轮子跟着转,但轮子转的时候,人可以不踩。而“死飞”的飞轮,将链条与后轮固定起来,轮子转链条必须转,人也就必须要踩。所以在死飞骑行过程中,人必须一直不停地踩。也正因为飞轮是死的,骑行的人便可以通过脚踏来控制后轮从而减速和刹车,也可以很好地控车,从而玩出多种花样。死飞讲究简约,没有变速等多余零件,也因此重量很轻。“死飞”自行车运动在国外非常流行。有一说法,“死飞”是以前国外的邮差用车,后来才被添加了时尚的元素,成为潮车。
2023-07-19 02:06:185


摺叠脚踏车一般多重啊 你问的是一般 我就回答你一般的重量 29-32斤 好一些的 26斤 超好的 没有 主要是 全钢和铝的分别。炭纤维的摺叠的太少了 摺叠电动脚踏车一般多重?耐用吗? 不是很重,我买了一部FIIDO品牌都市版D1,住三楼,每天自己扛车下来,当然,提着也行,不是很累,放在体重秤上也才显示18公斤,我还能承受这个重量,电嘛,还好吧,我上下班两个来回,每天十公里左右,基本一个星期只需要充一次电。 捷安特摺叠脚踏车一般多少钱 ABIKE的摺叠脚踏车卖350,8寸的轮胎,体积是最小的,铝合金车架 一般摺叠脚踏车载重多少啊? 摺叠脚踏车一般(本载+车载)总共可载175公斤。 摺叠脚踏车(folding bicycle)是属于脚踏车的一个分类。一般摺叠车有车架摺叠关节和立管摺叠关节构成。通过车架摺叠,将前后两轮对折在一起,可减少45%左右的长度。整车在摺叠后可放入登机箱和摺叠包内,以及汽车的后备箱。在摺叠的使用过程中也不需要借助外来工具,可通过手动自行将车摺叠展开,自行摺叠。在摺叠后通过座杆做为支撑点以使摺叠后能立稳。摺叠脚踏车携带和使用方便舒适,生产工艺成熟。 摺叠脚踏车一般多少钱,哪个牌子好? 便宜点的300在左右就可以买到了 品牌果然重要 但也要看 售后服务哦 要不坏了 要换个配件就麻烦了 比如有的小镇上面买辆捷安特的,倒也贵不了多少 但是她的配件就贵了 啊 而普通 的品牌呢 配件一般都是通用的,到哪里都可以买的到 一般摺叠脚踏车能载多重才不超载? 摺叠车的总载重量是125KG。 看骑车人的重量了。 进口最轻摺叠脚踏车多重? CX 10 Product details Frame size 12” Age 2 - 4 years Color Ferrari Red Aessories Wheel Race Panel, Flag, Chain Protector, Reflectors, Rear Mudguard, Training Wheels Guarantee 2 years Technical features Frame Aluminium Fork HI-Ten Tig Welded Handlebar Sport Stem Alloy Crankset Fed OPC Brakes Front V brake, Rear Coaster Brake Rims Alloy 16H W/Black Spokes Tyres Adventure Track 12 1??2 X 2 1/4 Black Cassette Single Chain KMC Saddle Ferrari CX-10 First Race Edition Pedals Wellgo Grips Velo Soft Weight 3.5 KG % assembling 99% Carton size 930 x 180 x 590 mm (L x W x H) 鸟车和KHS都有比较轻的,大约四公斤,好像这就是常见小车里最轻的了,当然不常见的可能还会有更轻的。 最轻的摺叠脚踏车有多重? 这得看材质,材质越轻脚踏车整体重量就会降低。这方面一直在进步 想购买一辆摺叠电动脚踏车一般多重?耐用吗? 能摺叠的电动车的都不会太重,我的大鱼摺叠电动车只有12公斤多点,手提很方便的,也方便摺叠起来。大鱼用的超威锂电池,续航能力不错。
2023-07-19 02:06:351

html中{{if isDetail}}是什么写法?

2023-07-19 02:06:432


2023-07-19 02:06:523


I have a bike , it looks very beautiful , I ride it to school , it"s a moder bike ,Simetimes do some exercise to take it .I like it"s very much .
2023-07-19 02:07:022


  Folding bike car.Its characteristic is the application ShouZha make up the axis upward folded into super small volume of portable type axis of the overall structure of the folding bikes,folded into the bag (bags) in a folding bike integration structure.In the production would need to use lock hinge maximizes frame and leading,car seats connected; Lock hinge spring loaded,cable (line),the gate to operate; Lift ShouZha can control lock hinge,ensure safety and convenient.  The new utility model conceive outline novel,the structure and reasonable,can easily folded and carry on,and easy to use and comfortable,production technology mature,extremely easy popularization,so far very optimistic about the market prospect.  [editor this segment] bicycle-parts  Bicycle-parts (1) body parts:including frame,front fork,handlebar,saddles and fork and pieces as well as the main body of the bicycle,is.  (2) the transmission part:including pedal,crank,wheel,chain,axial and the flywheel,such as by human pedaled pedal,through the rotation of the wheels drive train parts and drove and drove and drove.  (3) :that is part of the action,including the front wheels and rear axle parts,the spokes,rim (circle),tires,etc.
2023-07-19 02:07:121

求英语高手翻译 对自行车了解的进

颜色:不光滑的黑色用图形被服从大小: 520 m/m 、 540 m/m 、 560 m/m 、 580 m/m,600 m/m主要的框架:柄了 Cro-Moly 的钢后面三角形:柄了 Cro-Moly 的钢 e叉子:柄了王冠, 钢Crankset :习惯 Miche Primato, 48T踏板: Wellgo 轨道踏板 w/ 习惯黄金作阳极氧化处理笼,钢的脚趾修剪, & 皮革两倍的脚趾绳前面 derailleur :无后面 derailleur :无Shifters :无盒式磁带/自由飞轮: 18T 修理了轨道镶齿链:仟百万周 Z410, 黄金轮带:大陆的 UltraSport 700 x 23 c管: Kenda presta 管刹车组:无刹车撬开:无耳机:第一黄金作阳极氧化处理穿线于手把:习惯富士黄金作阳极氧化处理轨道酒吧茎:习惯富士黄金作阳极氧化处理羽茎风格茎音带/紧握:无鞍:小溪褐雨燕复以皮革 w/ Cro-Moly 的栏杆位子职位:习惯富士黄金作阳极氧化处理位子螺丝钳:无
2023-07-19 02:07:303


推荐使用Webstorm打开项目。打开项目后,代码结构如下图所示:在主体结构中从上到下介绍。 app 文件夹包含了所有后端代码; build 文件夹中包含了最新数据库备份; config 包含有网站整体的配置; logs 文件夹包含网站后端记录的日志文件; node_modules 是包含所有的 node.js 依赖包(源代码中初始没有此文件夹,运行 npm install 命令后所有加载的依赖包放置在此文件夹中); public文件夹包含了所有的前端代码,包括JavaScript、less、图片、Webfont等; .bowerrc中定义了 bower 管理前端库的下载地址; bower.json 则配置了项目需要的前端库;.jshintre-client 和 .jshintrc-server 分别为前后端JavaScript代码规范检查规则;.travis.yml 为[travis](自动编译配置; app.js 为node.js启动脚本文件; 为单独编写的自动发布bash命令;gruntfile.js为 grunt 配置文件;newrelic.js为 newrelic 的配置文件,用于监控网站性能; package.json 包含了所有node.js依赖包配置。项目后端结构项目后端代码架构如下图所示:主要分为两大部分: app 和 config 。 app 里面按照职责不同来分类,每个脚本文件对应于不同的模块; api 文件夹包含了所有api对应的业务逻辑代码, helper 放置一些公用方法,如邮件发送、日志记录、数据库连接等等; templates 放置的是静态邮件模板; views 是后端页面模板,使用了 handlebar 模板引擎,其中 http 中放置系统错误显示页面, layouts 放置模板页; routes 是 express 对应的路由配置,所有的页面和API的路由配置都在这个文件中。 config 文件夹中为系统配置,按照不同环境分为开发和现场两个环境配置, all.js 放置共通配置, development.js 放置开发环境对应配置而 production.js 放置线上环境配置。配置内容包括邮件发送、数据库连接及一些第三方API所需的key等等。项目前端结构项目前端代码结构如下所示:前端代码全部放置于 public 文件夹下。 data 目录包含一些静态json格式数据,后期可能会考虑放到数据库中。 helper 中是浏览器下载引导页面; images 包含了所有项目中用到的图片,我们尽量使用第三方的图片服务器保存图片,一些小图标也尽量使用webfont。 JavaScripts 文件夹包含所有JavaScript文件,其中 app 子目录放置业务代码,业务代码都是按照业务不同封装成了不同的 angularjs controller; debug 子目录放置调试用代码,而 libs 方式前端JavaScript库,项目中使用得JavaScript库有angularjs 、 jQuery 及一些插件; clients.js 是所有ajax请求函数; erealm.js 是angularjs的主模块; language.js 包含了所有多语言配置,目前支持中英文。stylesheets 包含了所有的css样式及webfont,除了第三方库之外,自定义的样式全部使用了 less 。作为一种惯例,项目中添加了 humans.txt 文件,表明项目的作者信息。有关humans.txt,可以参考官方网站 humans.txt 。自动化构建工具项目自动化构建使用 grunt 。grunt的使用涉及开发、调试、发布阶段。开发阶段使用了图片压缩和前端代码格式美化,使用的工具是 imagemin 和 jsbeautifier ,运行grunt prepare 命令。调试阶段使用了代码规范检查、less编译、自动添加浏览器前缀、自动加载运行nodejs并打开浏览器、实时监控代码变化并刷新页面等。开发中,使用 grunt 命令即可,为默认grunt命令。发布阶段包含了JavaScript及css合并压缩,并在文件路径上添加哈希值来避免浏览器缓存问题,同时删除开发环境中使用的代码,使用 grunt build 命令即可把代码切换为发布环境。具体的使用grunt方法及相关工具的介绍,后期会有专门的技术文章讲解,这里不会详细设计技术细节。后期持续的改进点项目完成的比较仓促,但是我们尽量保持代码的整洁和可维护性,一些编码方式也借鉴当前流行的最佳实践。但理想是美好的,现实总是不会做到那么完美,需要不断的完善。目前存在的问题是后端代码结构不够清晰、整体代码中无用代码还没有来得及移除。框架上期望把 jQuery 去掉,只使用 Angularjs ,目前只做到了尽量不用jQuery 中的方法。小图标的使用上 Bootstrap 和 Font Awesome 重复,后期会逐步删除 Font Awesome 而只使用 Bootstrap 中带的小图标。目前,最大的问题是项目没有完整的自动化测试,这个后期会逐步添加。总结以上是这个开源项目的整体技术结构介绍。在这个项目中,我们会持续使用最流行的Web技术,希望得到大家的持续关注,如果有开发者能一块贡献一些代码,我们将会非常高兴。我们已经在github.io上构建了一个技术平台来发布Web技术文章,网址是。博客网址也同样开源,使用了 Jekyll 构建。 Jekyll 非常强大,最大的特点是使用markdown格式来发布文章。博客的代码在这里: github 。我们做这个开源的项目的目的有两个,其一是通过这个项目来展示我们做Web项目的实力,及培养团队技术水平。其二是借助这个项目,能和同行们有个技术上的互动和交流。如果我们的项目能让一些新手们学到一些做Web项目的经验,我们就很知足了。技术是不断革新的,而国内Web技术向来是落后于国外好几年,这个是不争的事实。我们erealm团队乐意为国内Web贡献自己的力量,也欢迎国内同行们和我们交流Web开发经验。
2023-07-19 02:07:451


  低碳的生活,体现在在生活细节上注重节能减耗。白天并不需要开灯,把窗帘拉开,室内便可以看得很清楚,如何写一篇低碳生活的英语作文呢?下面是我给大家精心挑选的低碳生活高一英语作文,希望大家喜欢!供你参考和阅读!   低碳生活英语作文篇1   In the past, I thought that the water resources of the earth were so many. So, I often wasted water. Our water heater had a cold water before she had hot water. I often wasted it. Once I had a computer About 72% of the Earth"s surface is covered by water, but fresh water accounts for only 0.75% of all water resources. Nearly 70% of fresh water is fixed in the ice of the Antarctic and Greenland, and the rest are mostly soil Water or deep groundwater can not be used by humans. Less than 1% of fresh water on Earth or about 0.007% of the water can be used directly by humans, while China"s per capita freshwater resources account for only a quarter of the world"s per capita freshwater resources, and then I know that People use the water so little ah! I think: I will not waste water later, and do a good night to save water.   Since then, our family began a low-carbon life: with dig rice water dishes, vegetables, water, remove the leaves can be moored, mopping the water can be stored with open flush, a month down to save Lots of water.   In fact, we save so is not that we can not afford to pay for living, but we have to report the resources of nature.   Let us act up! Let us live more blue sky, water cleaner, make our life more beautiful!   低碳生活英语作文篇2   The rapid development of science and technology, the car has become a very important means of transport in people"s lives. In the car to bring us convenient and at the same time, but also brought us the impact of environmental and security risks.   Car exhaust gas is carbon monoxide, the atmosphere caused a very serious pollution. Beijing from the 2008 Olympic Games to today, nearly four years time, although the car every day to open a day car activities have continued, but the car is still increasing, the environment is still very bad, the road is still congested.   Safety is the first, but sometimes sitting in the car without the greatest security guarantee. Remember that Sunday, that is, Mother"s Day, my mother sent me to class, at a crossroads, I saw a white Xiali was about to turn, then a silver Audi to go straight through the traffic lights, suddenly "bang "Soon, two cars hit together. Mom told me that if the turning car and straight car at the same time through the intersection, the turn of the car should let the straight ahead of the car.   For our environment and security, in fact, we can take a bus or subway trip, if a few people can also take a taxi taxi, do not speed when driving, do not run a red light, to avoid pedestrians.   Although our family also has a car, but in the road closer to the situation, I and my parents will choose to take a bus or ride a bike. Even if we drive, we will follow the traffic rules to ensure the safety of us and others. During the Spring Festival, we are ready to drive back home in Shanxi New Year, but for environmental protection and safety reasons, our family still decided to take the train back.   The environment is to let us jointly protect, security is let us together to maintain. The car is to bring us convenient, not to bring us disaster. As long as we make good use of it, let it be our friend, not the creator of the disaster.   Let us act together! Green travel, start from me!   低碳生活英语作文篇3   Now more and more cars on the street, fewer and fewer bicycles. what is the reason?   In the garage bike sister and car brother in the dark quarrel, the car brother said: "Well, look at your shabby look like who ride you! Now people are using the car travel, you out! ... "The bike sister retorted:" Well, even if out what? Your car though nice, but there is no practical what is it used? "Car brother replied:" Well, shabby little broken bike, you can be ten thousand Do not look down on me, I can sit a lot of people, you can only sit one or two fills! "Then, the car turned a white eye to the bike. Bike sister said: "cut, then what?" Car brother said: "You do not say practicality? My body can be more than you go, I have a GPS navigator, you? Well! I have Children"s seat, air conditioning, sound ... ... (This is the green of the composition of the car) "What if you said that I did not, I had only two wheels, a pair of pedals, a handlebar, a ride, but I was more useful than you." "A Small bikes, what can I do with what? "" Tell you, you exhaust the exhaust, not only pollute the environment, but also hurt the health of mankind. Do not you have to realize this? I? I do not have you so novel But I am much more useful than you, I can not only let people exercise, but also will not cause pollution. See, I use it more than you! "Car brother ashamed to bow his head, blush. Then the bike sister to recommend themselves around, the car brother"s mistakes are said out, which under the people recognized the car"s weaknesses, recognizing the benefits of the bike. More and more bicycles in the world, the car is getting less.   I advise people to try not to drive, and to ride a bike, not only can exercise, there is no pollution. We want low carbon green, green travel. Green travel is the responsibility of every good citizen!
2023-07-19 02:07:521


2023-07-19 02:08:012


问题一:七日杀摩托车怎么做 摩托车制作方法 你要先拿到摩托车手册 读过之后就可以制作 底座在熔炉里面做 摩托车把手和车座在工作台做 电池和发动机需要去剥车(扳手左键) 轮胎砍地上的轮胎就有 多砍几个 能拿到紫色的 篮子在商店里面捡 组装就按另一个哥们说的组装 问题二:七日杀摩托车怎么开 七日杀摩托车使用方法解析 对着摩托车按E就可以上车开了。 对着摩托按E不放会出现菜单,手标志是喇叭,上面方向盘是开车,那个汽车后备箱的标志就是打开摩托的储物箱、操作很简单、按F是打开摩托的灯、X键是喇叭。 加油的方法就是对着摩托按E键不放,然后会出现菜单,油桶标志就是加油了,前提身上有要有油。 修理方法的话对着摩托按E不放,出现菜单,放大镜就是查看摩托的信息以及修理摩托。锁的标志跟之前一样上锁只能自己开密码就是设置密码。(如果说得不好,我只有一个要求 ,请别骂人谢谢。。。我纯手敲的) 问题三:七日杀武器摩托合成表 制作材料: 发动机、框架、锁(加密码)、电池、车垫、点灯 车子会无缘无故的消失,物品快捷键改成TAB键,车子的零件颜色越好,车子就越好,紫色是最好的。 制作教程: 物品栏第一排就是摩托车所需要的所有零件,前三个是自己做的,后4个是捡的,其实只要前5个摩托就能跑了,电池能让摩托放大灯,照明效果拔群,篮子可以让摩托车有储物箱功能,非常实用。 摩托车的做法就是把支架先放在地上,然后对支架按E,直接从物品栏把其他零件拖进支架画面就行,要拆卸也很简单,点击支架左面的那些文字,注意拆的时候不要先点第一个支架,不然所有东西都会同时掉下来,如果刚好物品栏满的,就很尴尬了。 这是可以自己合成的摩托配件,不过像铁丝和车大灯还是得从车里搜寻得到,handlebar手柄既可以搜寻得到,也可以自己合成 问题四:七日杀a14。6中,摩托车怎么造? 哪个MOD? 我还活着和行尸走肉应该是在熔炉做车架,在工作台做车垫和车把手,电瓶和引擎可以拆车得到,轮胎可以打地图里地上的轮胎 有几率得到轮胎,货架可以在商店里捡到,车锁就靠搜刮了 我是传奇2.3里是在应该是在电焊机或者熔炉做车架 其他的都一样 问题五:七日杀14.6摩托车咋做 需先找到摩托车图纸,全世界掉落,高频率刷新点依次是空投,书架,保险柜,其他地方只能看脸了,我在垃圾堆里找到过,看脸。 问题六:七日杀摩托车零件怎么得 车把手、车坐垫、车架可以自己做。(要学习技能书) 电池、发电机可以撬完整的汽车。 看见路上有 轮胎 的可以用斧头砍,撬汽车偶尔会掉落。 车锁只能收刮(汽车,木桩,工具店等) 车篮框去商店里面收。 问题七:七日杀12.2版本,怎么做摩托车???求大神指导 有书后可以做3样零件。其他的需要收刮。。。然而好不容易做出来了。没5分钟就被系统吃掉。。。 问题八:七日杀11.5有摩托车么,前几个部件需要图纸制作吗?图纸大概在哪? 20分 七日杀如果是原版的就没有 问题九:七日杀a13.2怎么做摩托车? 正版的 ! 首先要材料 点那个框架 上面会有一个齿轮样的选项 点开 然后把材料往里拖放 问题十:七日杀a15摩托车椅垫和车把怎么做 在工作台做 工作台可以在工具店或者加油站遇到 用扳手敲回家
2023-07-19 02:08:321


2023-07-19 02:08:483


电动车用英语怎么说 你好,很高兴在这里回答你的问题: . . .electrombileelectrocar 电动车用英语怎么说 Electric cars electric motor car Electric Vehicle; LEV 电瓶车用英语怎么说 电瓶自行车 electrical bicycle, 电瓶车: 1. electromobile 2. electric power cart 3. battery cart 4. electric truck 5.accumulator car 6. battery truck 电动车的英文怎么说 电动车 electric car; electric motor car; electric power cart; electrically operated motor car; electrocar; electromobile; electromotive; motorcar 电瓶车用英语怎么说啊 电瓶自行车 electrical bicycle 电瓶车: 1. electric power cart 2. battery cart 3. electric truck 4. accumulator car 5. battery truck 助动自行车electric assisted bicycle 助动车storage battery car 电动自行车用英语怎么说 电动自钉车 electric bicycle 希望对你有帮助 如有疑问 请在线交谈 祝你天天开心 心想事成 O(∩_∩)O ... 自行车的各部分用英语怎么说 bicycle and spare parts 自行车及零件 bicycle bell 自行车车铃 bicycle bottom bracket 自行车底架 bicycle brake 自行车刹车 bicycle chain lock 自行车链条锁 bicycle chain set 自行车全链盒 bicycle chain 自行车链条 bicycle chainwheel and crank 自行车链轮曲柄 bicycle dynamo 自行车发电机 bicycle ergomotor 自行车功量仪 bicycle expansion brake 自行车涨闸 bicycle external gear-shaft 自行车外变速器 bicycle frame 自行车架 bicycle freewheel 自行车飞轮 bicycle front fork lock 自行车前叉锁 bicycle front fork 自行车前叉 bicycle gloves 自行车手套 bicycle hand brake 自行车手闸 bicycle handle bar 自行车车把 bicycle handle grip 自行车把套 bicycle hub brake 自行车车轮闸 bicycle light 自行车灯 bicycle lock 自行车锁 bicycle luggage carrier 自行车行李架 bicycle maker"s pliers 自行车钳 bicycle mudguard 自行车挡泥板 bicycle of plastic wheel 塑料轮自行车 bicycle parts production line 自行车零件生产线 bicycle pedal 自行车踏板 bicycle pump 自行车打气筒 bicycle rim 自行车钢圈 bicycle saddle 自行车鞍座 bicycle safety fork 自行车保险叉 bicycle spare parts and accessories 自行车零配件 bicycle spoke 自行车辐条 bicycle stand 自行车支架 bicycle steel ball 自行车钢珠 bicycle tire pump 自行车轮胎打气筒 bicycle tube 自行车内胎 bicycle tyre and tube 自行车内外胎 bicycle tyre 自行车外胎 bicycle wind accelerator 自行车风力增速器 bicycle wrench 自行车扳手 自行车的各部分用英语怎么说 自行车的各部分英语具体如下: cyclist 骑自行车者 bicycle, cycle, bike 自行车 cycle track 自行车赛车道 cycling 自行车赛 to ride a bicycle 骑自行车 hand signals 手势 freewheel 飞轮 tandem 双轮双座自行车 racing cycle 公路赛车 velodrome, cycling stadium 自行车赛车场 handlebars 车把 racing handlebars, drop handlebars 赛车车把 handlebar grips 车把把套 bell 车铃 hooter 喇叭 front brake 前闸 back brake 后闸 brake handle 闸把 brake shoe, brake rubber 闸皮 brake cable 闸线 saddle 车座 saddle springs 车座弹簧 saddlebag 工具包 carrier 行李架 lightweight frame 轻质车架 cros *** ar 大梁 gear lever, gear change 变速杆 (美作: gearshift) front fork 前叉 dynamo 车尾灯 lamp bracket 车灯架 lamp, front light 车灯 rear light 尾灯 reflector 反光灯 ball bearing 滚珠轴承 front wheel 前轮 spoke 轮辐,车条 wing nut, butterfly nut 蝶型螺母 rim 车圈 骑电动车用英语怎么写 by battery car
2023-07-19 02:09:051


Battery Electric Vehicle 1 Technical Overview of Electric Vehicle The advantage of the EVs is the mechanical simplicity of the drivetrain. For example, an EV drive train can convert energy stores into vehicle motion, just like a conventional vehicle, and it can also reverse direction and convert vehicle motion back into energy stores through regeneration barking, which means that theirs energy/work loop is inherent bi-directional. Besides, moving parts of the electric motor in the EVs consist primarily of the armature (DC motors) or rotor (AC motors) and bearings, a relatively simple and far more efficient machine. other advantages include electric motor torque much more suited to the torque demand curve of a vehicle. EV drive train often needs only one gear ratio other than two or more. More-over, a reverse gear is unnecessary because the rotational direction of the motor itself can be reversed simply by reversing the electrical in-put polarity. However, the function capabilities and the cost/benefits profile of electronic system are rather complicated. Electrical power is delivered to the wall outlet in the form of alternating current, and must be converted into direct current in order to charge EV batteries. In the case of EVs powered by DC motor, electricity from the battery must then be “chopped” into small bursts of variable duty cycle in order to control the speed and torque of the motor. With EVs using AC motors, the direct current from the battery must undergo complex power condition in order to deliver alternating current and provide control over motoring output. The main disadvantage of BEVs is limited energy stores due to the limitations of the secondary battery, and HEVs tend to be plagued by increased mass and costs due to the increased complexity of the power system. 2.4 Electric bicycles and scooters E-bicycles are traditional bikes, but with battery-powered assist. They look and perform just like any quality bike but with the ability to cruise unassisted at speed up to 18 mph (29.0 km/h). And have zero emissions. Electric bicycles, as an environment friendly tool of transportation, receive preference in their development policy. How long will an e-bicycle run? The e-bicycle can go for miles with just a little help from. If you use the power assist while pedaling, you can expect a range of up to 15 miles (24.1 km), depending on the bike model, terrain and weight of the rider. Charging takes just a few hours. Automatic and portable, the chargers plug into any standard outlet. Safety circuitry guarantees that the battery pack can"t be overcharged. Batteries can be easily removed, which allows to replace a spent battery with a fresh one, or recharge in the house while leaving the bike in idle. In the densely populated cities, an electric bicycle or scooter, as a convenient commuter, provides solutions to the problem such as pollution and traffic jam, and is energy saving as 2 well. For example, Shanghai strongly supports development of electric bicycle to replace fuel-using two wheel scooters. Besides, Shanghai is geographically plain, which is suitable for driving an electric vehicle and bring superiority to the development of electric vehicle. In the recent years, many companies, like Phoenix, Forever, Unison XinMinWei etc., have brought out electric bicycles and scooters of new styles. The sales have been rising month by month and the export market is quite promising too. 2.4.1 Electric bike Ford TH! NK bikes are used as examples to show the performance of electric bikes. Specification (TH! NK bike traveler): uf0a8Operating size: Length: 55.2 in (1402.08 mm). Width: 21.3 in (541.02 mm). Height: 29.5-35.4 in (749.3-899.16 mm). uf0a8Folding size: Length: 27.6 in (701.04 mm). Width: 19.7 in (500.38 mm). Height: 23.6 in (8.16 mm). uf0a8Frame weight 49 lb (22.23 kg). uf0a8Battery weight 18 lb (8.16 kg) uf0a820 in (508 mm) wheels. uf0a8Load capacity 230 lb (104.33 kg). Performance: uf0a8400 watt motor (peak). uf0a824 volt energy source. uf0a8Up to 16miles (25.7 km) average range. uf0a8Six-hour charging time at 110V AC. uf0a8Aluminum frame and components. uf0a8Dual “V” brakes. uf0a8Electric battery powers assist. Safety/Security: uf0a8Build-in diagnostic system. uf0a8Brake disengages motor output. uf0a8Electric assist up to 18 mph (29.0 km/h). uf0a8Dual-leg bike stand. uf0a8Built-in battery. uf0a8Down-shift indicator. uf0a8Energy-level indicator. Comfort: 3 uf0a8Cruise control. uf0a8Large padded seat. uf0a8Adjustable ergonomic seat & handlebar. Convenience: uf0a8Off-board battery charger. uf0a8Energy-level indicator light. uf0a8Index twist-grip speed shifter. uf0a8Easily removable battery. Price: uf0a8$ 1195 SRP. Excluding tax in USA (in 2001). Benefits: uf0a8Folding frame. uf0a8Compact design for easy transport. uf0a8Quiet DC brush motor. uf0a8Easy pedal-to-motor-drive switching. uf0a8Folds easily for trunk loading. uf0a8Zero-emission electric battery power. uf0a8Hill-grabbing multi-gear power. 2.4.2 Electric scooters Electric scooter development is also propelled by environmental concerns and energy consumption concerns. Moving motorcycles, which are the main transportation tools in many Southeast Asia cities, produce large amount of pollution. In Taiwan Province, electric scooter industry is strongly propelled by the 2% sales quota of electric scooter from 2000, the adoption of “the action Plan for Developing Electric Scooter” is proposed by Taiwan EPA. The following shows some scooters developed: Specifications for HCF 2-wheel scooter: uf0a8Size: 1200m (L) ×540mm (W) ×940mm (H). uf0a8Weight: 27 kg or 60 lb (battery excluded). uf0a8Battery Weight: 13.5 kg or 30 lb (portable). uf0a8Tires: 12 1/2 in×2 1/4 in (317.5mm×57.2mm). uf0a8Rim material: aluminum alloy. uf0a8Battery: Sealed lead-aid battery 24V 20Ah. uf0a8Max Speed: 20-25 km/h or 0-16 mph. uf0a8Cruising Range: 30-35 km or 19-22 miles. uf0a8Motor: DC 24V. uf0a8Charging system: AC 110-220V (with automatic disconnect). uf0a8Charging time: 6-8 hours. uf0a8希望可以帮到你
2023-07-19 02:09:131


这个就是篮球的 你可以从中截取一段The Origin of BasketballThe challenge that inspired the invention of basketball came from Dr. Luther Halsey Gulick, Jr., the superintendent of physical education at the international YMCA Training School. During the summer session of 1891, Gulick introduced a new course in the psychology of play, and Naismith was one of his students. In class discussions, Gulick brought up an issue that was weighing on his mind: the need for new indoor game "that would be interesting, easy to learn, and easy to play in the winter and by artificial light."Though the class didn"t follow up on Gulick"s challenge to invent such a game, Naismith found himself revisiting the issue a few months later when the physical education faculty met to discuss what was becoming a persistent problem. With the end of the fall sports season, the school once again confronted the distaste many students felt for the gymnasium work that was mandatory during the winter months. One class was particularly incorrigible, and two instructors had already tried and failed to devise activities that would interest them.During the meeting, Naismith later wrote, he expressed his opinion that, "The trouble is not with the men, but with the system that we are using. The kind of work for this particular class should be of a recreative nature, something that would appeal to their play instincts."Though there was general agreement with Naismith, the group nevertheless found itself stymied. In fact, they knew of no indoor game that would inspire the excitement of football or baseball. Before the meeting ended, Gulick placed the problem squarely on Naismith"s lap. "Naismith," he said, "I want you to take that class and see what you can do with it." As they walked down the hall together after the meeting, he added, "Now would be a good time for you to work on that new game you said could be invented."Naismith tried several different approaches in an effort to improve the attitude of his difficult class. He had his students play simple games, such as various types of tag. He introduced a few games others had developed, including one called "battleball." He attempted to modify outdoor games like rugby and soccer so they could be played in a gym. However, as his first two weeks with the class neared an end, he had to admit that his efforts, thus far, had failed.Still not wanting to give up, Naismith tried to deduce the cause of his failure. He saw, once again, the need to offer a totally different kind of game, and he was quite clear about what its characteristics should be. It should be easy to learn, but complex enough to be interesting. It must be playable indoors or on any kind of ground, and by a large number of players all at once. It should provide plenty of exercise, yet without the roughness of football or soccer, since those would threaten bruises and broken bones if played in a confined space.American rugby (football) was the game Naismith considered most interesting, but tackling made it too rough for an indoor sport. Tackling, however, could be eliminated if players were forbidden to run with the ball, but could move it only by passing or batting it to another player, with the use of the fist prohibited. The game of lacrosse suggested the type of goal to be used, but the goal would be horizontal so players would have to throw the ball in an arc, thus limiting the force with which it was hurled. That idea came to Naismith from his memories of a childhood game he had played with his friends in Bennie"s Corners, Ontario."I recalled from my boyhood in the lumbering camps of Canada," he recalled, "that when we played a game called "Duck on a Rock," the goal should be one that could not be rushed, and that the ball could not be slammed through. This called for a goal with a horizontal opening, high enough so the ball would have to be tossed into it, rater than being thrown."The method he adapted for putting the ball into play-the toss-up-borrowed from English rugby, but had only one player from each team vying for the initial toss-up, rather than the whole team.The next morning, Naismith assembled the elements for the new game. First, he considered whether to use a football or soccer ball. "I noticed the lines of the football and realized it was shaped so that it might be carried in the arms," he said. "There was to be no carrying of the ball in the new game, so i walked over, picked up the soccer ball, and started in search of a goal." He asked the school janitor for two 18-inch square boxes to use as goals. Fortunately for the name of the game, the janitor suggested half-bushel peach baskets instead. Naismith nailed them to the lower rail of gymnasium balcony, one at each end. A man was stationed at both goals in the balcony to pick the ball from the basket and put it back into play.Then, Naismith drew up the rules. Besides outlining the method and objective of moving the ball, he described various fouls, such as holding, pushing, or tripping. A referee would be appointed to judge the play, and the game would be divided into two 16-minute halves, with a five-minute rest between. While any number could play, nine on a side was suggested as the ideal.Naismith"s secretary typed the rules and tacked them on the bulletin board while he waited nervously for the class to arrive. Somewhat dubious about "Naismith"s new game," the players nevertheless cooperated with their popular instructor and listened attentively as he outlined the method of play. They wore the then-usual gym costume of black, full-sleeve woolen jerseys and long gray trousers. Most of them also sported the luxuriant handlebar mustaches that were so popular in the Gas-Lit Era.Naismith later described those first moments of play in mid December 1891: "There were eighteen in the class; I selected two captains and had them choose sides. When the teams were chosen, I placed the men on the floor. There were three forwards, three centers, and three backs on each team. I chose two of the center men to jump, then threw the ball between them. It was the start of the first basketball game and the finish of the trouble with that class."The new game was a success from the minute the first ball was tossed into the air. Word got around that something new was going on in Springfield, and spectators began crowding the balconies. Once launched, basketball spread with incredible speed. Some of the students introduced it at their local YMCAs during Christmas vacation, and the rules of the game were soon printed in the school newspaper, The Triangle, which went to YMCAs around the country. Because of the College"s international student body, it wasn"t long before basketball was introduced in more than a dozen countries by these students.Basketball quickly moved beyond the YMCA network, as well. Within a few years, private athletic clubs had organized basketball teams. High schools and colleges launched the new sport as well and, by 1905, it was recognized as a permanent winter sport.
2023-07-19 02:09:221


问题一:自行车用英语怎么说 bike [baik] 拜客 bicycle ["baisikl] 掰西口 问题二:自行车的各部分用英语怎么说 自行车的各部分英语具体如下: cyclist 骑自行车者 bicycle, cycle, bike 自行车 cycle track 自行车赛车道 cycling 自行车赛 to ride a bicycle 骑自行车 hand signals 手势 freewheel 飞轮 tandem 双轮双座自行车 racing cycle 公路赛车 velodrome, cycling stadium 自行车赛车场 handlebars 车把 racing handlebars, drop handlebars 赛车车把 handlebar grips 车把把套 bell 车铃 hooter 喇叭 front brake 前闸 back brake 后闸 brake handle 闸把 brake shoe, brake rubber 闸皮 brake cable 闸线 saddle 车座 saddle springs 车座弹簧 saddlebag 工具包 carrier 行李架 lightweight frame 轻质车架 cros *** ar 大梁 gear lever, gear change 变速杆 (美作: gearshift) front fork 前叉 dynamo 车尾灯 lamp bracket 车灯架 lamp, front light 车灯 rear light 尾灯 reflector 反光灯 ball bearing 滚珠轴承 front wheel 前轮 spoke 轮辐,车条 wing nut, butterfly nut 蝶型螺母 rim 车圈 问题三:自行车的各部分用英语怎么说 bicycle and spare parts 自行车及零件 bicycle bell 自行车车铃 bicycle bottom bracket 自行车底架 bicycle brake 自行车刹车 bicycle chain lock 自行车链条锁 bicycle chain set 自行车全链盒 bicycle chain 自行车链条 bicycle chainwheel and crank 自行车链轮曲柄 bicycle dynamo 自行车发电机 bicycle ergomotor 自行车功量仪 bicycle expansion brake 自行车涨闸 bicycle external gear-shaft 自行车外变速器 bicycle frame 自行车架 bicycle freewheel 自行车飞轮 bicycle front fork lock 自行车前叉锁 bicycle front fork 自行车前叉 bicycle gloves 自行车手套 bicycle hand brake 自行车手闸 bicycle handle bar 自行车车把 bicycle handle grip 自行车把套 bicycle hub brake 自行车车轮闸 bicycle light 自行车灯 bicycle lock 自行车锁 bicycle luggage carrier 自行车行李架 bicycle maker"s pliers 自行车钳 bicycle mudguard 自行车挡泥板 bicycle of plastic wheel 塑料轮自行车 bicycle parts production line 自行车零件生产线 bicycle pedal 自行车踏板 bicycle pump 自行车打气筒 bicycle rim 自行车钢圈 bicycle saddle 自行车鞍座 bicycle safety fork 自行车保险叉 bicycle spare parts and accessories 自行车零配件 bicycle spoke 自行车辐条 bicycle stand 自行车支架 bicycle steel ball 自行车钢珠 bicycle tire pump 自行车轮胎打气筒 bicycle tube 自行车内胎 bicycle tyre and tube 自行车内外胎 bicycle tyre 自行车外胎 bicycle wind accelerator 自行车风力增速器 bicycle wrench 自行车扳手 问题四:自行车的英文怎么读 bike [baik] 拜客 bicycle ["baisikl] 掰西口 问题五:骑自行车的英语单词读什么 riding a bike
2023-07-19 02:09:411

捷安特atx830 2016款 配置

2023-07-19 02:09:502


骑自行车的好处与坏处  骑自行车的好处:  1、自行车是克服心脏功能毛病的最佳工具之一。世界上有半数以上的人是死于心脏病的,骑单车不只能藉腿部的运动压缩血液活动,以及把备注从血管末梢抽转意脏,事实上却同时强化了微血管组织,这叫附带循环。强化血管可以使你不受年龄的威胁,青春永驻。  2、习惯性的单车运动,更能扩大你的心脏。  否则血管愈来愈细,心脏愈来愈退化,到了晚年,你就会体验到它所带来的烦恼,那时你会发现,自行车运动是多么的完美。  单车是需要大量氧气的运动,曾经有个老年人以6天时间,完成了460公里的单车旅行。他说:  老年人一周至少要有3次运动,使心脏强化起来,恢复正常功能。你要使心脏激烈跳动,但不可过久。  如此它将能适应紧急状况,如赶车或抵抗困境。  3、单车运动同时也能防止高血压,有时比药物更有效。还能防止发胖、血管硬化,并使骨骼强半。  自行车使你不必用药物来维持健康,而且毫无害处。  4、自行车是减肥的工具,根据统计,75公斤重的人,每小时以9英里半的速度,骑73英里时,可减少半公斤体重,但必须天天持之以恒。  5、单车运动,不只可以减肥,还使你的身段更为匀称迷人。  藉运动减肥,或边节食边运动的人,身材比只先靠节食减肥的人来得更好,更迷人。  不知道如何来描述更迷人,但事实上,运动所带来的结实肌肉,和单车运动所练成的细小足踝,比令人憔悴、青筋突起的节食,总好看多了吧!适当的运动能分泌一种荷尔蒙,这种荷尔蒙使你心胸开朗、精神愉快。从经验中,可知道单车运动就能产生这种荷尔蒙。  6、事实上由于踩单车压缩血管,使得血液循环加速,大脑摄进更多的氧气,因此你吸进了更多的新鲜空气。  骑过一阵子之后,你会觉得脑筋更清楚。  7、骑着这种靠本身体力往踩的双轮脚踏车,你会感觉十分自由且令人畅快无比,可以忘记工作和生活中的不快和困难,释放不必存在的压力。  8、自行车能带你免车费旅游观光。只要周末你有时间,可以骑着爱车,跟随好友,与大自然亲密接触。时间充足的话,可以长途旅行,领略不同的风土人情,感受不同的文化魅力,增长你的知识和阅历,增进您和朋友的沟通和交流。它不止是一种减肥运动,更是心灵愉悦的放逐。骑自行车的坏处:  一、最有争议的伤害:“对性的影响”。  原因:骑车时会压迫会阴部,影响局部血液循环,造成阴部不适,甚至引起前列腺炎和“阳痿”。  男性前列腺充血与“阳痿”:不少骑自行车的男士骑车后会感到阴部胀痛、肛门坠胀、有便意、阴茎麻木,或发生尿急、尿频、睾丸不适等。  其原因是骑车时阴部受到挤压,致使前列腺充血、肿胀而引起的。而传统的自行车车座,特别是后部狭窄,前部尖突的鞍座可使男性陷入阳痿的难堪  女性阴部充血肿胀:有些妇女患者长期骑自行车上下班,如果车座过高、过硬或是车把高低不适,身体重量会过多地集中在车座上,通过狭窄  的车座前端反作用于会阴部,压迫尿道上段、外括约肌,造成泌尿系统充血,引发排尿不畅或尿频、尿急,或导致阴部充血肿胀等炎症。  对策:  1.选择合适的座驾  选择自行车时一定要根据自己的身高、体重、甚至身材比例来选择适合的自行车,也可以,根据自身情况把自行车进行调整。总之,应该让自行车服务于你,是你健康、时尚生活中的积极分子。  2.选择和调整车座  如果车座太高,而骑车的人个子比较矮,这样,不仅造成骑自行车时身体不舒服,动作不协调,而且由于骑车人只能勉强上下左右摇摆地踏,  使会阴部与车座不断摩擦。特别是车座前部较高而使骑车人重心靠后,或道路崎岖不平使车子行驶时严重的颠跛,就更容易刺激会阴部,造成前列腺充血,肿胀和损伤。因此,要注意选择和调整车座。  二、毋庸争辨的害处:对手的伤害。  原因:主要是在骑行中上肢长时间受压且运动量极小,上肢的血循环减少造成的。  不少人长时间骑车后会感到两手木麻、酸胀无力,就连握笔写字、用筷进餐也会受到影响,医生称这种情况为“腕尺管综合症”。腕关节与手  掌相交处的尺侧有一个腕尺管,由豌豆大小的豌豆骨和纤维组成,尺神经由此管穿过,分布到手部尺侧。骑车时若双手紧握车把,手掌尺侧与  车把接触,豌豆骨卡居当中,当蹬车上坡或逆风前进,加快速度、身体前倾时,腕关节必然会过度背伸,使尺神经受到牵拉;同时上肢的支撑  力增加,腕尺管内的压力也随之增大,因而引起上述症状。  对策:长时间骑行时,应每一个小时左右下车活动一下上肢。另外加强对上肢的针对锻炼,如拍蓝球、哑铃。  三、应该注意的伤害:对颈椎与腰椎的伤害。  原因:主要是骑姿的问题。  骑车者身体过度前倾(如骑跑车)时,为了观察前方,必然要抬头仰颈,这是一种强迫性姿势,可造成颈部肌肉紧张。骑车时腰部的负担最重。  因此,长期远距离骑车可能会导致颈肌和腰肌劳损。  对策:骑车时间较长时,要注意变换骑车姿势。正确的骑车姿势是:上体较低,头部稍倾斜前伸;双臂自然弯屈,便于腰部弓屈,降低身体重心,同时防止由于车子颠簸而产生的冲击力传到全身;双手轻而有力地握把,臀部坐稳车座位。为了保证正确的骑行姿势,必须根据自己的实际情况,做好车辆的选择、车座的选择、车座的调整和车把的调整。  四、不容忽视的伤害:骨折和脑外伤。  原因:道路坎坷不平,车速过快,不遵守交通规则。  在坎坷不平的道路上加劲骑车,上下颠簸、碰撞,可能引起尾骨骨折。  与人与车抢道、横冲直撞、闯红灯、骑车大撒把或骑车遇到紧急情况时,骑车者可因紧张而失去平衡,加上车速快和车的惯性,往往会刹不住车,身体前倾冲向地面,导致头部受伤。五、可能较小的危害:尿路结石。  原因:主要是骑行时大量出汗后,造成小便量少,尿液中的代谢产物浓度过高所致。  对策:出门骑行时,一定要带足够的水。  六、自行车的骑车姿势会让你养成不良习惯,驼背的青少年就是最好的受害范例。  虽然骑自行车的确有一些不好的地方,但是主要注意骑行的动作姿势,长途骑行需要做好准备工作等,也无需过于担心骑自行车的害处方面的问题。Cycling pros and consCycling benefits:A bicycle is one of the best tools to overcome the problems of cardiac function. More than half of the people are dying of heart disease, cycling is not only compressed by the movement of the leg blood activity, as well as the notes from the peripheral blood vessels pumping escaping dirty, in fact at the same time strengthen the microvascular organization in the world, called incidental cycle. Strengthen blood vessels can make you free from the threat of age, and young.2, habitual cycling, more and expand your heart.Otherwise, more and more fine blood vessels, heart more and more degraded, late in life, you will experience it brings trouble, then you will find how cycling is perfect.Cycling is a sport requires a lot of oxygen, there was a time the elderly to six days to complete the 460 kilometers of bicycle travel. He said:At least three times older one week campaign to make up the heart to strengthen and restore normal function. You make the heart beat fierce, but not too long.So it will be able to adapt to an emergency situation, such as the plight of the coachman or resistance.3, cycling also can prevent high blood pressure, and sometimes more effective than drugs. But also to prevent weight gain, hardening of the arteries, and bones strong half.Bike so you do not have to use drugs to maintain health, and there is no harm.4, the bike is a tool to lose weight, according to statistics, 75 kg weight person, an hour and a half at a speed of nine miles, riding 73 miles, you can reduce half kilogram of body weight, but you must persevere every day.5, cycling, not only can lose weight, but also make your figure more shapely and charming.By exercise to lose weight, or side diet side movement, first by the body than just dieting to lose weight much better and more attractive.I do not know how to describe the more attractive, but in fact, the movement brought strong muscles, and excel at the sport of cycling as small ankle, than it is haggard, blue veins protruding diet, total pretty much it! Proper exercise can secrete a hormone, a hormone makes you mind cheerful, happy spirit. From experience, know cycling can produce this hormone.6, in fact, riding a bicycle due to compression of blood vessels, making blood circulation and accelerate the brain more oxygen intake, so you inhale more fresh air.After riding a while, you"ll feel clearer brains.7, riding this by itself physically to step on a two-wheeled bicycle, you will feel very free and very very fun, you can forget the work and life of unhappiness and difficulties, release the pressure does not have to exist.8, a bike can take you avoid tourist fare. As long as you have time on weekends, you can ride your car, follow friends, intimate contact with nature. Enough time, you can travel long distances and enjoy different customs, different cultures experience the charm, increase your knowledge and experience, improve your communication and exchange with friends. It is not just a weight loss exercise is exiled spiritual pleasure.Cycling disadvantages:First, the most controversial injury: "The nature of the impact."Cause: When the rider will oppress the perineum, the impact of local blood circulation, resulting in perineal discomfort, and even lead to prostatitis and "impotence."Prostate congestion and "impotence": Many cyclists men will feel perineal pain, anal, it is intended, penile numbness, or the occurrence of urinary urgency, urinary frequency, testicular discomfort after the ride.The reason is that the rider genitals squeezed, resulting in prostate congestion, swelling caused. The traditional bicycle seat, especially narrow rear, the front of the saddle can cusp male impotence into embarrassmentFemale genital congestion and swelling: Some women patients on long bike ride to work, if the seat is too high, excellent handlebar height or discomfort, body weight will be too much focus on the seat, through the narrowCounterproductive in the front seat perineum, urethral pressure on the segment, the external sphincter, causing urinary tract congestion, causing urination or frequent urination, urgency, or cause genital congestion and swelling of inflammation.Strategy:1. Choose the right carMust be based on their height, weight, body proportions and even to choose the right bike when choosing a bike, you can, according to their bike to adjust. In short, you should let the bike to serve you, you health, fashion life activists.2. Select and adjust the seatIf the seat is too high, while the cyclist sub relatively short, so that not only cause physical discomfort when riding a bike, incoordination, and because the rider can barely swing around to step down,Perineum constant friction with the seat. In particular, the higher the rider leaving the front seat rearward center of gravity, or when the car is driving on bumpy roads so serious Britain lame, it is easy to stimulate the perineum, prostate cause redness, swelling and damage. So, pay attention to select and adjust the seat.Second, argued needless harm: the harm the opponent.Reason: time pressure is mainly in the upper limbs and riding exercise is extremely small, upper extremity blood circulation caused by the reduction.Many people will feel numb after a long ride wooden hands, soreness, weakness, and even hold a pencil, using chopsticks to eat will also be affected, doctors call this condition the "cubit tunnel syndrome." Wrist and handUlnar palm at the intersection of a cubit tube, peas from pea-sized bone and fibers, thus tube through the ulnar nerve, ulnar distribution of hand. If cycling handlebar with both hands, palms and ulnarHandlebar contact, peas bone card ranks among forward when pedaling uphill or headwind, speed up, leaning forward, the wrist dorsiflexion bound over to make ulnar nerve traction; while the support armForce increases, the pressure inside the tube cubit also increased, thus causing the symptoms.Solution: When a long ride, every hour or so to get off should look at the activities of upper limb. Also strengthening exercises for the upper extremity, such as basketball shoot, dumbbells.Third, it should be noted that the damage: cervical and lumbar spine injuries.The reason: The main problem is the riding position.Cyclist excessive body lean forward (such as riding a sports car), in order to observe the front, Yang neck is bound to rise, which is a forced position can cause neck muscle tension. The heaviest burden on the waist when cycling.Therefore, long distance cycling may lead to cervical and lumbar muscle worry too much about the problem of harmful aspects of cycling.
2023-07-19 02:10:041


2023-07-19 02:10:111

Fixed gear死飞

2023-07-19 02:10:201


题库内容:龙头的解释(1) [head of any group,esp.of gangsters]∶江湖上称帮会的头领 (2) [tap;cock;faucet]∶管道上放出液体的活门 (3) [handlebar of a bicycle]∶自行车的车把 (4) [the first part of mud-rock flow]∶泥石流又叫龙扒。它的前端 习惯 上叫龙头 详细解释 (1).龙之头。 《三国志·吴志·吴主权潘 夫人 传》 :“﹝ 潘夫人 ﹞得幸有娠,梦有以龙头授己者,己以蔽膝受之,遂生 亮 。” (2).指杰出人物的首领。 《三国志·魏志·华歆传》 “ 议论 持平,终不毁伤人” 裴松之 注引 三国 魏 鱼豢 《魏略》 :“ 歆 与 北海 邴原 、 管宁 俱 游学 ,三人相善,时人号三人为‘一龙", 歆 为龙头, 原 为龙腹, 宁 为龙尾。” 唐 王勃 《送白七序》 :“当益友之龙头,处通侯之燕颔。” 唐 罗隐 《寄 礼部 郑员外》 诗:“班资冠鸡舌, 人品 压龙头。” (3).状元的别称。 唐 黄滔 《辄吟七言四韵攀寄翁文尧 拾遗 》 诗:“龙头龙尾前年梦,今日须怜应若神。”旧注:“ 滔 卯年冬在 宛陵 ,梦 文尧 作状头及第。” 宋 王辟之 《渑水燕谈录·知人》 :“ 孙何 、 孙仅 ,学行文辞倾动场屋。 何 既为状元, 王黄州 览 仅 文编,书其后曰:‘ 明年 再就 尧 阶试,应被人呼小状元。"后牓 仅 果为第一……﹝ 黄州 ﹞并寄 何 诗曰:‘惟爱君家棣华牓, 《 登科 记》 上并龙头。"” 明 谢谠 《四喜记·琼英闺闷》 :“淡扫眉妆不整,可叹鸾镜分影,此去龙头独领, 断肠 鸳帐冷。” 清 纪昀 《阅微草堂笔记·如是我闻一》 :“ 浙 士曰:‘龙头竟不能属君矣。"” (4).如龙形事物的顶端。(1)大山之巅。 《吴子·治兵》 :“无当天灶,无当龙头。天灶者大谷之口,龙头者大山之端。”(2) 堪舆 家语。气脉如龙的山脉之主峰。 唐 张约 《相崔巽墓》 :“安龙头,枕龙角,不三年,自消铄。”(3)藤萝的末端。 宋 司马 光 《和安之喜雨》 :“蔓喜龙头举,泉惊虎爪添。”(4)幡竿之顶端。 《隋书·沉光传》 :“ 光 以口衔索,拍竿而上,直至龙头。系绳毕,手足皆放,透空而下,以掌拒地,倒行数十步。” (5). 《礼记·明堂位》 “其勺, 夏后氏 以龙勺” 汉 郑玄 注:“龙,龙头也。”后因以“龙头”指柄端刻成龙头形的酒勺。 唐 李贺 《秦王饮酒》 诗:“龙头泻酒邀酒星,金槽琵琶夜枨枨。” 宋 梅尧臣 《和江邻几景德寺避暑诗》 :“龙头费挹酌,犊鼻彊遮蒙。” 元 顾瑛 《三迭前韵》 :“剪雪作花云作絮,浪浪酒泻龙头注。” (6).饰有龙头的琴。 元 张昱 《宫中词》 :“宫中 无以 消长日,自擘龙头 十二 弦。” (7).龙船的船头。 唐 温庭筠 《春江 花月 夜词》 :“珠翠丁星复明灭,龙头劈浪哀笳发。” (8).榨床上的酒液出口处。取其如龙之吐水。故名。 宋 范成大 《次韵子文》 :“但促小槽添压石,龙头珠滴夜 珊珊 。” (9).自来水管的放水活门。有 旋转 装置,可以 打开 或关上。 夏衍 《上海 屋檐 下》 第一幕:“前面是自来水龙头和水门汀砌成的水斗。” (10).帝王的 头颅 。 清 李渔 《 玉搔头 ·微行》 :“ 青衫 覆却赭黄袍,将一顶鶡皮冠把龙头轻罩。” 聂绀弩 《 * 的最后》 :“今天,想不到吧,金瓜武士,御林军,都 不知 到哪里去了,万岁们自己的龙头要被老百姓给砍下来了。” (11).近代 三合 会、哥老会等的首领。 陈少白 《兴中会 革命 史要》 :“我入了会,龙头就当堂封我为白扇。” 范 文澜 《 中国 近代史》 第七章第七节:“兴中会会员 华永年 联络 两湖 龙头 杨 鸿钧 、 李云彪 等数十人归附兴中会, 杨 李 所开山堂, 势力 最大。” (12).自行车的车把。如:他 小心翼翼 地把住龙头。 (13).火车的机车。如:龙头,就是火车头,人们已沿用成习。 词语分解 龙的解释 龙 (龙) ó 传说中的一种长形、有鳞、有角的神异 动物 ,能走,能飞,能游泳,能兴云作雨:龙舟。龙灯。龙宫。龙驹(骏马,喻 才华 出众的 少年 )。画龙点睛。龙蟠虎踞。 古生物学中指一些 巨大 的有四肢有尾或兼有翼 头的解释 头 (头) ó 人身体的最上部分或动物身体的最前的部分:头骨。 头脑 。头脸(a.头和脸;b.指面貌;c.指面子, 体面 )。头角(僶 )(喻 青年 的气概或才华)。 指头发或所 留头 发的样式:留头。 剃头 。
2023-07-19 02:10:361


2023-07-19 02:10:552


Groucho Marx There are few mustaches more iconic than that of Groucho Marx the witty American film star and edian. What some people don"t realize however is that Groucho"s mustache wasn"t real it was all grease paint makeup! Later in his life he did grow a real one and he wore it until his death in 1977. 有些胡子形象比马克思的大胡子还有经典,这位美国幽默电影的演员就是。人们不难发现,Groucho的胡子实际上是用化妆品画上去的!不过在这之后一直到他去世,他确实留了个一模一样的胡子。 John Waters Legendary Hollywood film maker John Waters is known for his quirky movies. He has been sporting this mustache since the 1970"s. 好莱坞传奇电影导演John Waters一直以其一点英闻名,从70年代,它就留这两撇胡子了。 Tom Selleck Sex symbol Tom Selleck would look downright unrecognizable without his lip-warmer! Tom Selleck的胡子让他看起来性感迷人。 Hulk Hogan It takes dedication to look this brawny... and to grow a handlebar mustache this awesome. 这肌肉和八字胡绝对吸人眼球。 Geraldo Rivera TV journalist Geraldo Rivera is famous for many things... including the mustache he has rocked for over 50 years. 电视记者Geraldo Rivera有名的原因很多,其中之一便是他留了50余年的胡子。 Charlie Chaplin Silent film star Charlie Chaplin was never seen on film without his iconic mustache saying it "add[ed] age without changing my expression." 默剧明星卓别林与他的标志性胡子永远都是如影随形,仿佛在说:“它是我成熟,但不老成”。 Freddie Mercury The Queen front man rocked people with an awesome"stache! 这位的胡子震撼了全场。 Burt Reynolds Thanks to plastic surgeries his face has changed a lot over the years. One thing that has never changed though is his kickin"stache. 因为整容手术,他的样貌改变了许多,唯一不变的是他的经典小胡子。 Borat Sacha Baron Cohen made the character of Borat a household name... and Borat wouldn"t be the same without his thick awesome mustache. Sacha Baron Cohen把Borat这一角色塑造成了经典,但也少不了这条厚厚的帅气小胡子的功劳。 Albert Einstein He was one of the greatest minds in history... and he also had a very cool mo! 他拥有史上最伟大的心灵,和最酷的胡子。 Wilford Brimley When we think of actor Wilford Brimley we think of three things: Quaker Oatmeal Diabeetus [sic] and this kick-butt mustache. 当人们想到演员Wilford Brimley名人们总是最先想起三样东西:桂格麦片,糖尿病 和这两撇胡子。 Salvador Dali Spanish surrealist painter Salvador Dali"s mustache mirrors his artistic nature. 西班牙超现实主义画家Salvador Dali的胡子体现了他艺术家本质。 Theodore Roosevelt U.S. President Teddy Roosevelt was a known bad-ass and his macho man mustache told the world that he meant business. 美国总统Teddy Roosevelt虽然下身瘫痪,但他的胡子告诉全世界他能也能成就一番事业。 Clark Gable Hollywood heart throb Clark Gable made this look famous especially when he wore it as Rhett Butler in the film Gone With The Wind. 好莱坞著名影星Clark Gable塑造的形象十分经典,尤其是《飘》中的Rhett Butler。 Yosemite Sam The Looney Toons cowboy with anger management issues has possibly the coolest mustache of all time! 兔宝宝里的牛仔总是一副生气的模样,他的超酷胡子恐怕是最永恒的经典了。
2023-07-19 02:11:021

急 帮忙写下对电影《小鬼当家》的英语简介

《小鬼当家》是一部美国的喜剧片。讲述的是一个小男孩独自一人度过圣诞之夜的故事。 主人公——小男孩凯文,尽管他只有8岁,但十分聪明。可惜他的父母、兄弟姐妹都讨厌他,觉得他总是惹祸,是个无用的人。圣诞节前一天,父母准备去巴黎度过这个节日,请来了料理这见事的 警官。该收拾自己的行李了,凯文不会,兄弟们又嘲笑了他一番。晚,上,他去哥哥的房间,问自己能不能在这里睡觉,哥哥不同意,凯文失望极了。忽然,他从窗口里看到一个在冰上撒盐的老头,又从哥哥那听到许多他的可怕传说。最后,凯文终于被安顿在阁楼里。这时,他圣诞节的愿望就是家人全部消失。第二天,由于他睡过了头。全家人都乘飞机走了。凯文高兴极了。他大看电视,大吃零食。但最后,还是想起了爸爸妈妈。夫妇带着孩子到了巴黎,母亲才想起了凯文,极着要回去,可飞机已经没有了。就在她无奈之下,一个乐队用自己的车把她送回了家。 凯文一个人在家,小偷来了,领头的就是那个警官。凯文给他们设下了陷阱。终于打败了小偷。这时,妈妈回来了。凯文十分开心。不一会儿,爸爸、姐姐、哥哥、妹妹、弟弟都回来了。他们等了好长时间才等到飞机。 看完这部影片,我感触很深:我们现在都是家里的“小公主”“小王子”,是父母的掌上明珠。每天过着衣来伸手,饭来张口的日子。什么都不会,我们应该象凯文一样,有十分坚固的基础(自理能力),培养自己。 Home Alone" is an American comedy. Is about a little boy alone to spend Christmas Eve story. Hero - the little boy Kevin, even though he was only 8 years old, but very clever. Unfortunately, his parents, brothers and sisters all hated him, that he always ask for trouble, is a useless person. The day before Christmas, the parents prepared to spend the holiday in Paris, were invited to see the things that police officers cuisine. The pick up their luggage, and Kevin does not, the brothers who laughed at him then some. Late last he went to his brother"s room, and asked where he could not sleep, my brother did not agree, Kevin was extremely disappointed. Suddenly, he saw a window, sprinkle salt on the ice man, and from his brother that he was terrible to hear many legends. Finally, Kevin was finally settled in the attic. At this time, his Christmas wish is that the family all but disappeared. The next day, as he slept too far. Whole family flew away. Kevin was elated. Then he watch TV, eat snacks. But in the end, or thought of Mom and Dad. Married couples with children to Paris, the mother only thought of Kevin, a very forward to going back, can the aircraft no longer available. In her desperation, a band with their own handlebar her back home. Kevin a at home alone, thieves came, and the lead is that police officers. Kevin caught in a trap set for them. Finally defeated the thief. At this time, my mother returned. Kevin very happy. Soon, dad, sister, brother, sister, brother, have returned. They"ve been waiting a long time to wait until the aircraft. Finish watching this film, I has strong feelings: We are now at home "Little Princess" "The Little Prince" is the daughter of parents. Live every day clothes to hand out rice to mouth opening day. Nothing will, we should be like Kevin, have a very strong base (self-care ability) and develop its own.
2023-07-19 02:11:091


l have a bicycle . lt is red . l like it very much.
2023-07-19 02:11:203


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2023-07-19 02:11:271


龙 lóng <名> (象形。甲骨文,象龙形。本义:古代传说中一种有鳞有须能兴云作雨的神异动物) 同本义 [dragon] 龙,鳞虫之长。能幽能明,能细能巨,能短能长。春分而登天,秋分而潜渊。——《说文》。徐铉注:“象宛转飞动之貌。”饶炯注:“龙之为物,变化无端,说解因着其灵异如此,以能升天,神其物,而命之曰灵。” 飞龙在天。——《易·乾》 麟、凤、龟、龙,谓之四灵。——《礼记·礼运》 甲虫三百有六十,而龙为之长。——《孔子家语·执辔》 叶公子高好龙。——刘向《新序·叶公好龙》 又如:龙工(像龙一样熟悉水性之功。也作“龙功”);龙公(指龙王,龙神);龙渊(龙所栖止的深渊);龙章(龙形的图案);龙蛇(龙和蛇);龙文(龙状花纹);龙伯(传说中的水神);龙沼(龙池);龙旌凤翣(有龙凤图案的旌旗和大掌扇);龙门(本是跨在黄河上游的山名。神话传说,鱼类跳过龙门,就可以变成神龙。后借指乡试考场的二门或三门为龙门) 封建时代用龙作为皇帝的象征 [imperial] 祖龙死,谓始皇也。祖,人之本;龙,人君之象也。——《论衡·纪妖》 又如:龙升(龙的升子。比喻天子即位);龙辇(天子的乘车);龙颜(额头隆起似龙。后世以喻皇帝的容貌。也用以指皇帝);龙腾(比喻帝王的兴起);龙鳞(喻指皇帝或皇帝的威严);龙驭(皇帝车驾。代指皇帝);龙兴(帝业兴旺;创立帝业);龙节(皇帝所授与的符节);龙衮(帝王的礼服);龙下蛋(比喻不可能);龙穴(最适宜埋棺材的好地方);龙御(皇帝的车驾);龙凤(旧时用以形容帝王的相貌) 喻不凡之士,豪杰之士 [outstanding person] 丞尉等并衣冠之龟龙,人物之标准。——唐·李白《化城寺大钟铭序》 又如:龙虎(比喻杰出的人物);龙蛇(比喻非常的人);龙逸(如龙隐逸。比喻贤人隐居于野);龙凤(比喻才能优异的人);龙驹(比喻俊才);龙鹏(龙和鹏。比喻贤俊豪杰);龙翰凤翼(比喻君子、贤者);龙蟠凤逸(比喻才能卓越超群而未为世用的人) 喻骏马 [fine horse] 马八尺以上为龙。——《周礼·夏官》 又如:龙子(良马名);龙文(骏马名);龙姿(骏马的形貌);龙孙(良马名);龙驹(骏马);龙骥(骏马);龙媒(指天马、骏马) 喻文章,书法的雄健华丽 [vigorous]。如:龙蛇(龙蛇走。形容笔势如龙蛇,蜿蜒盘曲);龙文(比喻文章的雄健);龙虎(比喻文章的雄健);龙章(比喻文章富丽华美,如龙的文采);龙藻(比喻华丽的辞藻);龙骧豹变(比喻书法气势雄放,变化无穷) 比喻性格亢直 [upright]。如:龙亢(个性刚直不屈);龙性(指性格倔强,难以驯服) [方]∶[瓦圈] 歪扭不圆 [not round]。如:自行车前轱辘龙了 姓 龙船 lóngchuán [dragon boat] 龙舟,前面饰有龙头的细长条船,多桨,民间用于端午赛船 龙胆 lóngdǎn [rough gentian] 一种多年生草本植物,叶对生,卵形至披针形,花蓝紫色,聚伞花序顶生,根可入药 龙胆紫 lóngdǎnzǐ [gentian violet] 一种染料,含有副玫瑰红的一个或多个甲基的衍生物,用作生物学着色剂以及杀菌剂、杀霉菌剂和打虫药 龙灯 lóngdēng [dragon lantern] 中国民间游艺时特制的布龙,内有彩灯,由多节构成,每人持一节,与锣鼓音乐配合起舞 龙洞 lóngdòng [natural cave (cavern)] 溶洞,是石灰岩被含有碳酸气的水溶解而部分消失后形成的 龙飞 lóngfēi [promote] 旧时比喻升官提职 吾兄既凤翔,王子亦龙飞。——傅咸《赠何劭王济》 龙宫 lónggōng [Palace of the Dragon King] 神话中龙王居住的海底宫殿 龙骨 lónggǔ [dragon"s bone]∶中药名。别名“花龙骨”。为古代大形哺乳动物,如象类、犀牛类、三趾马等的骨骼化石 [keel]∶沿船底中心线从船头至船尾的纵通桁材 龙骨车 lónggǔchē [dragon-bone water lift; square pallet chain-pump] 一种木制的水车,带水的木 板用木榫连接或环带以戽水,多用人力或畜力转动 龙虎 lónghǔ [manner of an emperor]∶形容皇帝的气派 [hero; warrior]∶比喻英雄豪杰 皆为龙虎。——《史记·项羽本纪》 龙井 lóngjǐng [Longjing tea;Longjing green tea; Dragon well green tea of Hangzhou] 浙江杭州龙井一带产的一种绿茶 龙卷风 lóngjuǎnfēng [tornado; cyclone; twister] 亦称“龙挂”。某块地面(或海面)的空气受热上升,四周的冷空气急速补充而形成的空气大漩涡,由于旋转很快,卷起了地面的灰尘(或海水),看上去就像一条摇摆飞腾的巨龙,所以叫龙卷风。这种风,破坏力很大 龙君 lóngjūn [Dragon King] 龙王 洞庭龙君。——唐·李朝威《柳毅传》 龙口夺食 lóngkǒu-duóshí [snatch food from the dragon"s mouth—speed up the summer harvesting before the storm breaks] 指庄稼收获期内于连雨天抢收粮食 龙脉 lóngmài [dragon vein] 相地看风水用的术语。说地势如游龙 龙脉起伏 龙门 lóngmén [the east city gate of the capital of Chu State in Warring States Period of 475-221 B.C.] 楚国都城郢城(现在在湖北省江陵县西北)的东门 龙门刨 lóngménbào [double housing planer] 刨床的一种,机床的立柱和横梁结构形状像门,适用于加工较大的平面。加工时工件固定在工作台上做往复运动,刀具沿着横梁或立柱做相应的间歇运动 龙门吊车 lóngmén diàochē [portal jib crane] 安装在固定结构或移动式结构上的转臂起重机,车辆等可以直接从起重机下面的通道中通过 龙脑 lóngnǎo [borneol; bornes camphor] 蒸馏龙脑树的树干而得到像樟脑的物质,有清凉气味。可制香料,也可入药 龙蟠 Lóngpán [longpan—a name of place in Nanking city] 龙蟠里,在现在南京市清凉山下 龙蟠凤逸 lóngpán-fèngyì [outstanding talents like dragons crouching and phoenix flying] 如龙盘曲,不得舒展,如凤闲逸,不见飞舞。比喻怀才不遇 所以龙蟠凤逸之士,皆欲收名定价于君侯。——唐·李白《与韩荆州书》 龙袍 lóngpáo [dragon robe] 皇帝的朝服,上面绣着龙形图案 龙湫 Lóngqiū [Longqiu Waterfall in Yandang mountain] 雁荡山著名的大瀑布 龙沙 lóngshā [desert beyond the Chinese Great Wall] 泛指塞外沙漠之地 定远慷慨,专功西遐,坦步葱、雪,咫尺龙沙。——《后汉书·班超传赞》 龙舌兰 lóngshélán [century plant] 龙舌兰属的任何植物,叶肉质,簇生成莲座状,多年才成熟开花一次,然后死去 龙蛇 lóngshé [dragons and snakes] 比喻非常的人物 深山大泽,实生龙蛇。——《左传·襄公二十一年》。杜预注:“言非常之地,各生非常之物。” 龙潭虎穴 lóngtán-hǔxué [dangerous spot as a dragon"s pool and tiger"s den——a danger spot] 藏龙深潭,卧虎洞穴。喻极其危险的处所 卢俊义撇却锦簇珠围,来试龙潭虎穴。——《水浒传》 龙套 lóngtào [actor playing a walk-on part in Chinese old-style opera]∶中国戏曲中成队的随从或兵卒所穿的戏装,上面绣有龙纹 [utility man]∶演各种配角兼做戏院杂工的演员 跑龙套 龙腾虎跃 lóngténg-hǔyuè [dragons rising and tigers leaping—a scene of bustling activity] 如蛟龙飞腾,猛虎跳跃。形容威武雄壮 想见项羽之暗鸣,高帝之漫骂,龙腾虎跃,千军万马,大弓长戟,交集而齐呼。——宋·马存《赠盖邪式序》 龙体 lóngtǐ [health of an emperor] 皇帝之身 龙体无恙 龙庭 lóngtíng [royal or imperial court] 指朝廷 坐龙庭 龙头 lóngtóu [head of any group,esp.of gangsters]∶江湖上称帮会的头领 [tap;cock;faucet]∶管道上放出液体的活门 [handlebar of a bicycle]∶自行车的车把 [the first part of mud-rock flow]∶泥石流又叫龙扒。它的前端习惯上叫龙头 龙头蛇尾 lóngtóu-shéwěi 现多作“虎头蛇尾” 龙王 lóngwáng [Dragon King,the God ofRain] 神话传说中在水里统领水族并掌管行云降雨的神 龙虾 lóngxiā [lobster] 一种很大的螯虾科海洋十足甲壳动物,身体长一尺左右,生活在海底,肉味鲜美 龙涎香 lóngxiánxiāng [ambergris] 抹香鲸内脏分泌物,为蜡状灰黑色香料 龙骧虎步 lóngxiāng-hǔbù [walk like a dragon and pace like a tiger;martial gait] 指昂首阔步,气概威武 将如毛公蔺生之龙骧虎步,慕为壮士乎?——三国魏·稽康《卜疑》 龙骧虎视 lóngxiāng-hǔshì [prance like the dragon and glance like the tiger——to cherish great ambition;be awesome and inspiring with dragon tread and tiger glance] 骧:马昂头。形容气宇轩昂,气概威武。比喻有雄才大略 亮之素志,进欲龙骧虎视,苞括四海。——《三国志·诸葛亮传》 龙行虎步 lóngxíng-hǔbù [dignified manner of an emperor] 形容仪态威武轩昂 太宗龙行虎步,生时有异,他日必为太平行子,福德吾所不及。——《宋史·太祖记》 龙须菜 lóngxūcài [eucheuma][口]∶麒麟菜 [asparagus][方]∶石刁柏 龙眼 lóngyǎn [longan] 桂圆,与荔枝相近的一种果实,它由东印度群岛的一种乔木(Euphoria longana)产生 产生龙眼果实的一种乔木 龙跃凤鸣 lóngyuè-fèngmíng [bright or brilliant in intellect] 如龙腾跃,如凤和鸣。比喻才气纵逸 龙钟 lóngzhōng [decrepit;senile] 年老体衰、行动不便的样子。也指潦倒不得志的样子 交结惭时辈,龙钟似老翁。——李端《赠薛戴》 老态龙钟 另指湿漉漉的样子 龙舟 lóngzhōu [dragon boat] 狭长的龙形舟船,多人同时划动数浆,用作竞渡比赛 赛龙舟 龙子幡 lóngzǐfān [long narrow banner with the dragon-painting on it on the boat] 船上作装饰用的旗幡,上面画有龙形。幡,挑起来竖着挂的长条旗子 龙 (龙) lóng ㄌㄨㄥˊ 传说中的一种长形、有鳞、有角的神异动物,能走,能飞,能游泳,能兴云作雨:~舟。~灯。~宫。~驹(骏马,喻才华出众的少年)。画~点睛。~蟠虎踞。 古生物学中指一些巨大的有四肢有尾或兼有翼的爬虫:恐~。 封建时代用作皇帝的象征,或称关于皇帝的东西:~颜。~体。~袍。 姓。 郑码:GM,U:9F99,GBK:C1FA 笔画数:5,部首:龙,笔顺编号:13534
2023-07-19 02:11:341


Indoor Cycling is a group exercise class done on stationary bikes. During the class the instructor simulates a ride. Together, you travel on flat roads, climb hills, sprint and race! It is truly a fantastic cardiovascular class. The beauty of indoor cycling is that you can do it even when its raining or snowing outside! You are kept motivated by the instructor, the people around you and by the music! Its lots of fun.When I teach, I like to make my ride match my music. When the music is slow I like to do hill climbs. I usually sprint to fast music... and with music that has constantly changing tempos, I like to do intervals... For me, the music makes the class. Where I teach, we cycle in a dark room with a disco ball in the middle of the ceiling. As the music plays, the colored lights flash to the music! It"s a real trip!
2023-07-19 02:11:432


Zuoxie I told the mother of young Zuoxie also like to wear home to do Huaxie. At that time, saying: "Shouqiao blind not to wear shoes, wear shoes blind hand stupid." Blind Zhahua shoes is not the shoes. Shouqiao mother, do Huaxie very beautiful. I went to Shiyi Er-year-old mother on the teaching I Zhahua, satisfied that at the end of Shang shoes. I will Zuoxie from, not even wear shoes of the blind. I carefully study, various law will be embroidered, and embroidered very well. Wear new Huaxie the Spring Festival, to the entire New Year, I remember one year the Spring Festival, I do to master a pair of Hua Xie. Mother told me to bring Huaxie and snacks delivered to the master. Master home from my home is not too far away, but I walk very slowly, because the feet wearing the new Hua Xie, not brisk walking. Mother walk in front of me, Tiaozhuo good child, I took Huaxie and snacks with the behind. Haorong Yi to, into the door, into Huaxie. Chefs like, she said, "you give me a pair of embroidered, well, this will break the two-shoes." I told the mother from the home out of them, are outside under the snow. Days is not very cold, snow and below-ground all muddy. No snow inverted, is the new shoes feet Let me distressed. Fast mother told me, I would become slow, because a Tiaozhuo Road walk. "Girl, wearing such a good pair of embroidered shoes, stamping on the muddy pity, on the train! On!" Pull a rickshaw while North Korea says the side I walked. I Duozhuo him, he can follow me and said: "! On!" My mother said: "on it, the children, this two-shoes is not muddy the pedal." I have listened to the mother, Zuo Shangju , Pull the car lifted handlebar leave. I saw the mother is still snow, Manghan: "stop, stop……" to pull people did not listen, still Paozhao. I said, "my mother in below, she is also on the train it." Pull the car that "two people on the train to double Ta money." Bian Paobian the first to the mother, said: "Zouba………… there Zouba A few steps, walk on a home. " In this way, I sat in the car, the mother to a dime in money, in the mud, running, his legs are all muddy. Home gate, the alight, but there is still a way to the house. I could not bear this new double-Hua Xie, in the vehicle take off on it and socks, hold in arms, barefoot down. Which winter, the cold truth, left a few steps, from the house to see his mother used a pair of break Mianxie, the original I have been to her in order to sprints first home. At home, look at the dirty Huaxie not only put a heart. Over the past decades, I have been home to wear the shoes. Many people envy my house to do the shoes that wear comfortable. Some people say that I mean, stingy, I also do not mind a little bit. My children from my mother to wear on their shoes to do, but they suspected the shoes Buhao Kan-do, I do not know love, bad fast, the mother had to give them a few more double.
2023-07-19 02:11:513

into 这个词怎麼用啊????

  into  一、词性:介词 prep.  二、意思:  1、(表示方向)进入…中;  2、(表示所属)输入;  3、(表示状态)进入…状态;  4、(表示时间)持续到  三、用法:  1、PREP(放)到…里面If you put one thing into another, you put the first thing inside the second.  (1)Combine the remaining ingredients and put them into a dish...  把剩下的配料调和好,放到一个盘子里。  (2)Until the 1980s almost all olives were packed into jars by hand.  直到 20 世纪 80 年代,几乎所有的橄榄都是手工装罐的。  2.PREP进入(地方、车辆)If you go into a place or vehicle, you move from being outside it to being inside it.  (1)I have no idea how he got into Iraq...  我不知道他是怎样进入伊拉克的。  (2)She got up and went into an inner office...  她站起来走进里间的办公室。  (3)He got into bed and started to read.  他钻进被窝开始读书。  3.PREP(打破或损坏表面而)进入,插入If one thing goes into another, the first thing moves from the outside to the inside of the second thing, by breaking or damaging the surface of it.  (1)Flavell had accidentally discharged a pistol, firing it into the ceiling...  弗拉维尔不小心扳动了一把手枪的扳机,子弹射入了天花板。  (2)The rider came off and the handlebar went into his neck.  骑车人从自行车上摔了下来,车把插进了他的脖子里。  4.PREP(融)入;(渗)入;(进)入If one thing gets into another, the first thing enters the second and becomes part of it.  (1)Poisonous smoke had got into the water supply...  毒烟已经进入供水系统。  (2)The money went into a common fund.  这笔钱被放到了一个普通基金里。  5.PREP(碰)上;(撞)上If you are walking or driving a vehicle and you bump into something or crash into something, you hit it accidentally.  (1)A train plowed into the barrier at the end of the platform...  火车撞上了月台尽头的栅栏。  (2)Joanna heard him bump into the table and curse again.  乔安娜听见他撞到了桌子上,又骂骂咧咧的。  6.PREP(穿)上;(换)上When you get into a piece of clothing, you put it on.  (1)She could change into a different outfit in two minutes...  她能在两分钟内换上一套不同的行头。  (2)He put on his underwear and got into his suit.  他穿好内衣,然后穿上西装。  7.PREP进入(…状态)If someone or something gets into a particular state, they start being in that state.  (1)He had too much time on his hands and that caused him to get into trouble...  他手头时间太富裕了,反倒为他惹来了麻烦。  (2)I slid into a depression.  我逐渐消沉了。  (3)...the group"s plunge into financial crisis earlier in the year.  该集团年初陷入财政危机  8.PREP(说服某人)去做…If you talk someone into doing something, you persuade them to do it.  Gerome tried to talk her into taking an apartment in Paris.  杰罗姆试图说服她在巴黎买一套公寓。  9.PREP成为;转变为If something changes into something else, it then has a new form, shape, or nature.  (1)...his attempt to turn a nasty episode into a joke.  他想把一段很不愉快的插曲变成一则笑话的尝试  (2)...learning what she needs to know to grow into a competent adult.  学习那些要想成为真正意义上的成年人她必须知道的东西  (3)...Irish fairytales that had been translated into English.  被翻译成英语的爱尔兰童话故事  10.PREP(分)成;(撕)成If something is cut or split into a number of pieces or sections, it is divided so that it becomes several smaller pieces or sections.  (1)Sixteen teams are taking part, divided into four groups...  有16个队参加,分为4组。  (2)Roll out the pastry and cut into narrow strips...  把油酥面团擀薄然后切成长条。  (3)Now if a great lake like Victoria were to dry up partially, it would be split into a number of separate, smaller lakes.  现在如果像维多利亚湖这样的大湖部分干涸,它就会被分成若干独立的小湖泊。  11.PREP关于;涉及An investigation into a subject or event is concerned with that subject or event.  (1)The concert will raise funds for research into Aids...  这场音乐会将为艾滋病研究筹集资金。  (2)We are beginning to have some insight into drug therapy.  我们开始对药物治疗有了一些深入了解。  12.PREP进入,转向(某一职业、行业)If you move or go into a particular career or business, you start working in it.  (1)In the early 1990s, it was easy to get into the rental business...  20 世纪 90 年代早期,进入租赁行业很容易。  (2)He closed down the business and went into politics.  他关闭公司投身政治。  13.PREP持续到,进入(时间段)If something continues into a period of time, it continues until after that period of time has begun.  (1)He had three children, and lived on into his sixties...  他有3个孩子,已经60多岁了。  (2)The Open Golf Championship will be getting into its second day in a few hours.  再过几个小时,高尔夫公开锦标赛将进入第二天的比赛。  14.PREP对…很感兴趣;极喜欢If you are very interested in something and like it very much, you can say that you are intoit.  I"m into electronics myself.  我本身对电子很感兴趣。  四、例句  1.But serious issues wormed their way into the talk.  但是严肃的话题也不知不觉进入到谈话中。  2.I tried to come into christianity this way.  我也曾试图以自我控制的形式进入到基督教。  3.Then you can dive into your morning ritual.  这样你就可以进入到你早间的正确轨道中了。  4.It"s really the right-wingers who need to be integrated into danish society.  倒是右翼人士需要进入到丹麦的社会生活当中来。  5.Why does hamas fire missiles into israel?  为什么哈马斯要向以色列发射导弹?  6.Water changes into a gas.  因为水转化成了气体。  7.This discussion developed into twitter.  他们的讨论最后发展成了twitter。  8.Is turning sweden into america.  中右翼党正在让瑞典向美国靠拢。  9.Ronnie called into the bushes.  罗尼向灌木丛里喊道。  10.The mixture hardened into a little ball.  混合物板结硬化成一个小球。  11.The winners fall into two camps.  胜利者分为两个阵营。  12.These essentially fall into two camps.  它们主要分为两类。  13.Spin guilt into a positive action.  把内疚感化为积极行动。  14.Some burrow into the bottom.  有些还在海底打个洞钻进去。  15.There is no infrastructure or equipment that could move carbon into them.  也无任何基础设施或设备能把二氧化碳储藏进去。  16.Label your file folders, then put your papers into them.  给文件夹贴上标签,然后把相关的文件放进去。  17.True, farmers never inserted a bacterial gene into a plant.  诚然,农民不会将一个细菌基因转入植物中。  18.A transaction that could be done on the market moves into the firm.  这样本需要通过市场的交易就可以转入公司内部完成。  19.Getting reconstruction aid into gaza will be tricky.  将重建援助输入加沙会是一个“烫手山芋”。  20.She then plugged the data into a computer simulation of early earth-like planets.  然后,她将分析数据输入对早期类地行星的模拟系统中。
2023-07-19 02:12:001


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2023-07-19 02:12:201


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2023-07-19 02:12:343


2023-07-19 02:12:433


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2023-07-19 02:12:581


into 英 ["u026antu0259]     美 ["u026antu0259]    prep. 到 ... 里;进入;朝;除;词汇搭配back into 退入,倒入,倒车时撞上bang into 撞到,偶然碰见常见句型用作介词 (prep.)The meeting carried on into the afternoon.会议一直延续到下午。
2023-07-19 02:13:064

请问捷安特Rincon和美利达Matt sub 40 买哪个好?急!

2023-07-19 02:13:524