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2023-05-19 17:21:59

各位大哥,小弟正在学UG 现在还对好多经常用的命令不太熟悉, 有那为同道中人交下小弟我, 有这种的网站也行 , 小弟不剩感谢了



2 Curve Fillet 两曲线倒圆角

2-D Distance 平面距离

2D Exchange 二维交换

3-D Distance 空间距离

A Single Symbol 单个符号

Above Plane 在平面上面

Above Text 在文本上面

Absolute coordinate system ( ACS ) 绝对坐标系

Accept Result 接受产生的结果

Active view 激活视图

Actual 实际的

Add a components 加一个组件

Add Attribute Search to Filter 给过滤器加属性搜索特性

Add Exclude Filter 加排除过滤器

Add Proximity Filter 加接近的过滤器

Add Tangent Edges 加相切边

Add to Filter 加到过滤器

Add View to Drawing 加视图到图纸

Add View 加视图

Add Zone to Filter 加区域到过滤器

Adding a view distance 加一个视图的距离

Adding an orthographic view 加一个正投影视图

Adding entries 加记录

Adding members to assembly 加成员到装配体中

Adding poles 加极点

Additional GD&T symbols 增加的形位公差符号

Adjacency Tolerance 邻接公差

Adjacent Edges Deviation 邻接边偏差

Advantages over interpart expressions 超过部件间表达式的优点

After Text 在文本后面

Align 对齐

Align curve 曲线对齐

Align View 对齐视图

Aligning drawing views 视图对齐

Alignment Method 对齐方法

Alignment options 对齐选项

All But Selected 除被选择之外的所有对象

All Components 所有组件

All Objects 所有对象

Allow Duplicate Values 允许相同的值

Allow substitution 允许替换

Along curve 沿曲线

Along direction 沿某一方向

Along driver normals 沿驱动的法向

Along face normals 沿表面的法向

Along fixed vector 沿定固定矢量方向

Along vector 沿矢量方向

Alternate Solution 替换方法

Alternate Thickness 改变的厚度

Alternates 替换

Always Confirm 一直确认

Analysis and Reporting Functions 分析和报告功能

Analysis Data Set Functions 分析数据集功能

Analysis Functions 分析功能

Analysis type 分析类型

Analyze Angle 分析角度

Analyze Distance 分析距离

Analyzing 分析

Anchor and orientation point 锚点和方位点

Anchor point 锚点

Angle 角度

Angle tolerance 角度公差

Angle 角度

Angled extensions 角度延伸

Angular 角度的

Angular dimensions 角度尺寸

Angular Format 角度的格式

Angular law 角度规律

Angular 角度的

Angularity 角状

Animation 动画

Anisotropic material 各向异性材料

Annotation Editor 注释编辑器

Annotation Preferences 注释设置

ANSI Diameter Symbol ANSI直径符号

ANSI Spherical Diameter Symbol ANSI球形直径符号

ANSI Standard Section Line Display ANSI标准截面线显示

Ansys solver Ansys 求解器

ANT 装配导航工具

Apex string 顶点线

Apparent intersection point 表观交叉点

Appended 附加的

Appended Text 附加的文本

Appended text controls 附加文本控制

Application context 应用上下文

Applications 应用

Applications of WAVE WAVE的应用

Apply Filter 使用过滤器

Approximate Rho 近似的 Rho 值

Aquamarine 碧绿色

Arc 弧

Arc Center 弧中心

Arc Length 弧长

Arc/Circle 圆弧/圆周

Arc/ellipse center 弧/椭圆的中心

Architectural Feet/Inches 建筑上的英寸/英尺

Arclength 弧长

Area Fill 区域填充

Area law 面积规律

Arow segment 箭头段

Arrow line display 箭头线显示

Arrow Lines 箭头线

Arrow Position 箭头位置

Arrowhead 箭头

ASCII 美国信息交换标准码

Aspect Ratio 纵横比

Assemblies Clearance 装配间隙

Assembly 装配

Assembly analysis 装配体分析

Assembly Crosshatching 装配剖面线

Assembly Filtering 装配过虑

Assembly Hidden Line Removal 装配隐藏线去除

Assembly Modeling 装配建模

Assembly Navigator 装配导航器

Assembly Navigator Tool 装配导航工具

Assembly part 装配部件

Assembly preferences 装配参数预设置

Assembly views 装配视图

Assembly Zone 装配区域

Associate Note 相关注释

Associated Objects 关联对象

Associative direction 关联方向

Associative offsets 相关偏置

Associative taper plane reference point 相关的拔模面参考点

Associative View Scale 相关视图比例

Associative 关联的

Associativity 相关性

Associativity Manager 关联性管理器

Associativity of utility symbols 实用符号的相关性

At angle to vector 与 矢量方向成角度

Attached Target 附着的目标体

Attachment methods 附着方式

Attribute editor 属性编辑器

Attribute Filter 属性过滤器

Attribute Name 属性名

Attribute Type 属性类型

Attributes 属性

Attributes From All Objects 从所有对象得到的属性

Attributes From One Object 从一个对象的属性

Attributes hierarchy 属性级别

Auto dimension 自动尺寸标注

Auto Ordinate Dimensions 自动坐标尺寸标注

Automatic 自动的

Automatic Placement 自动放置

Automatic Preview 自动预览

Automatic Rectangle 自动生成矩形

Automatic Update 自动更新

Auto-size Cells 自动大小的单元

Auxiliary 辅助的

Auxiliary View 辅助视图

Axis 轴

Axisymmetric analysis 轴对称分析

Axisymmetric loading 轴对称加载





2023-01-03 22:22:111


could think out; for the world of a man"s life is
2023-01-03 22:22:172

fluent中axisymmetric和axisymmetric swirl有什么区别

2023-01-03 22:22:261

各向同性的英语翻译 各向同性用英语怎么说

各向同性 [词典] isotropy; [医] isotropy; [例句]研究了层状横观各向同性饱和地基上弹性圆板的非轴对称振动问题。The non-axisymmetrical vibration of elastic circular plate resting on a layered transversely isotropic saturated ground is studied.
2023-01-03 22:22:321


2023-01-03 22:22:371

ansys中选择单元类型Element behavior:Plane stress、Axisymmetric、Plane strain是什么意思

很高兴为你解答:Plane stress---(平面应力) Axisymmetric--(轴对称)Axisymmetric--( Plane strain---(平面应变)你的说法不准确,不是说适合什么场合,而是你需要什么数据。press应力,为物体单位面积上受力大小,单位为Pa或者MPa。而应变是没有单位的,是一个百分比值,反映变形量的大小,比如超过某个规定的临界值即发生破坏,这个ansys里需要自己设置,谢谢
2023-01-03 22:22:431


真实问题都是三维的如果某一维的变化可以忽略不计,则可以选用二维直角坐标下,简化为二维,如果存在对称,可以设定对称边界条件圆柱坐标下,如果可以忽略周向的变化,也可以用 2D,但这是得用 axisymmetric
2023-01-03 22:22:491

fluent中axisymmetric和axisymmetric swirl有什么区别

2023-01-03 22:22:541


axisymmetric英 [æksɪsɪ"metrɪk] 美 [æksɪsɪ"metrɪk] adj. 轴对称的
2023-01-03 22:23:001


错误描述原因解决方法双击无法打开cas或者路径出现乱码路径出现中文,或者fluent没有添加到全局变量重命名路径中所有中文名称;打开fluent之后读入文件读入网格时,error:File has wrong dimensions(2)2D网格导进了3D fluent求解器中调整求解器为2Dthe use of axis boundary conditions is not appropriate for 2D/3D flow problem.对称轴条件设不合理,坐标轴不合理要进行2D对称模拟时候,需要将求解器设置为 axisymmetric 或者axisymmetric Swirl,并且fluent要求将模型的对称轴设置为X轴,网格计算域因为Y轴的正方向。error:divergence detected in AMG solver代数多重网格计算发散,出现原因一般是网格质量比较低,或者是时间步长太大提高网格质量,对网格加密,采用结构化四边形或六面体网格。turbulent viscosity limited to viscosity ratio of 1.000000e+5 in湍流粘性超过了粘性之比;出现的原因一般是网格质量较低尽可能提高网格质量,最好采用结构化六面体网格。
2023-01-03 22:23:051

fluent中axisymmetric和axisymmetric swirl有什么区别

2023-01-03 22:23:141


2023-01-03 22:23:203


2023-01-03 22:23:314


1.双击无法打开cas或者路径出现乱码路径出现中文,或者fluent没有添加到全局变量。此时应重命名路径中所有中文名称;打开fluent之后读入文件2.读入网格时,error:File has wrong dimensions(2)2D网格导进了3D fluent求解器中,此时应调整求解器为2D3.the use of axis boundary conditions is not appropriate for 2D/3D flow problem.对称轴条件设不合理,坐标轴不合理。要进行2D对称模拟时候,需要将求解器设置为 axisymmetric 或者axisymmetric Swirl,并且fluent要求将模型的对称轴设置为X轴,网格计算域因为Y轴的正方向。4.error:divergence detected in AMG solver代数多重网格计算发散,出现原因一般是网格质量比较低,或者是时间步长太大。此时应提高网格质量,对网格加密,采用结构化四边形或六面体网格。5. error:temperature divergence detected in AMG solver代数多重网格计算发散,出现原因一般是网格质量比较低,或者是时间步长太大。此时应提高网格质量,对网格加密,采用结构化四边形或六面体网格。另外一个可能是能量相关设置不合理。此时应关闭能量方程再次计算,检验问题所在。 无error 则改能量设置,仍有error则是网格精度不够。6.turbulent viscosity limited to viscosity ratio of 1.000000e+5 in湍流粘性超过了粘性之比;出现湍流粘性比超限的原因基本概括为三个方面: 湍流相关参数(k和e)的初始条件不合理;不合理的湍流边界条件;高扭曲度网格。如果是网格扭曲度过高,那解决方案非常清晰明确——提高网格质量(一般需要重新划分)。如果确认网格没有问题,那么可以尝试这样来避免出现湍流粘性比超限;① 在求解控制内关闭湍流相关的项,求解100-200步;② 打开湍流项继续求解。如果是在求解的过程中出现了湍流粘性比超限的提示,那么可以尝试这样解决:① 停止迭代,在求解控制内关闭除湍流项相关的所有项;② 将湍流项相关的亚松弛因子调整为1,迭代20-50步;③ 在求解控制内恢复所有的项,然后将湍流项相关的亚松弛因子调整为0.5-0.8,继续迭代;④ 重复上述①-③步数次。计算过程中,可以先用k-e模型求解初始的湍流场,然后再切换为更高级的湍流模型,这样可以加快收敛。另外需要说明的是,湍流流动严格来说都是非稳态的,计算之前需要对流动状态有个初步的预判,如果里面有非稳态的流动状态且影响较大,那就需要切换为瞬态计算选取一个合适的时间步长进行计算
2023-01-03 22:23:461


若要进行3D分析,则ANSYS WORKBENCH是首选。但是如何在ANSYS WORKBENCH中进行2D分析呢?首先,需要在DESIGNMOEDLER中创建或打开一个面物体,或者从任何可以创建面物体的CAD系统中导入。模型必须在X-Y平面内。2D平面物体可以使用,但是2D线状物体不可用。然后,先在VIEW中打开properties,然后在项目示意图选中geometry单元,则其属性会在右边的属性栏显示出来,在图示地方选择2D。然后关联前面几何体。clip_image002 clip_image004双击model单元而把模型连接到mechanical应用中,仅当把模型连接后才可以进行2D分析,一旦连接后,就不能把2D分析改成3D分析了。2D分析有下述特征:对树中的geometry条目,在其细节视图中的2d behavior域,有下述选项:平面应力(plane stress缺省的)--假设在Z方向上应力为0,但是应变不为0.这对于那种Z方向的尺寸远远小于X,Y两个方向尺寸的结构是合适的。如受到面内载荷的平板,或在压力或径向载荷下的圆盘。如果想输入这种模型的厚度,可以在thickness域中输入。轴对称(axisymmetric)----假设一个3-D模型及其载荷可以通过围绕Y轴旋转一个2D的截面而形成。对称轴必须和全局的Y轴保持一致。几何体必须是在正X轴和X-Y面内。方向是:Y轴是轴向的,X轴是径向的,Z轴是环向。环向位移是0,环向应力和环向应变通常很重要。典型的例子是压力容器,直管,轴等。在形状优化分析中不能使用轴对称行为。平面应变(plain strain)---假设Z方向上没有应变。这对于Z方向的尺寸远大于X,Y尺寸的结构是合适的。Z方向的应力不为0.例子如常的等截面构建如结构线性物体。平面应变行为在热分析或形状优化分析中不可用。一般的平面应变(generalized plane strain)—相对于标准的平面应变问题而言,假设在Z方向上有一个有限的变形域。对于存在Z方向尺寸的物体,它提供了一个更实际的结果。基于物体(by body)这允许对geometry下单个的物体设置平面应力,平面应变或者轴对称选项。如果你选择了by body,则请选择单个的物体,然后为其设置单独的2-D选项。对于2-D分析,可以使用在3-D分析中同样的方式以施加载荷和支撑,载荷和结果都是X-Y面内而没有Z向分量。下述载荷在2-D分析中不能使用:螺栓预紧载荷,线性压力,简单支撑,固定转动。压力只能施加在边界上。轴承载荷和圆柱支撑只能施加在圆形边界上。对于有轴对称行为的分析,旋转速度载荷只能施加在Y轴上。对于施加在圆形边界上的力,Z方向的投影分量会被忽略。
2023-01-03 22:23:521


我们学习Marangoni重音的作用对在蒸发的无柄小滴的流程,通过扩大润滑分析和流程字段的一种有限元素解答在干燥小滴的,及早被开发。 The在小滴之内的温度发行从Laplace"s等式的解答获得,对流期限类似的稳健和忽视在热等式的可以为小被辩解,慢慢地蒸发的小滴。 The蒸发涨潮和沿小滴表面的温度曲线图由简单的分析形式接近并且被用于,边界条件得到从润滑理论的轴对称的分析流程字段相对地平的小滴的。 A有限元素算法也被开发同时解决水汽浓度和在小滴的上升暖流和流程字段,表示,与Marangoni重音的润滑解答为交会角是准确的一样高象40°。 From我们的分析,我们发现表面活化剂污秽,以表面集中一样小象300 molecules/ím2,可能几乎完全地压制在蒸发的小滴的Marangoni流程。
2023-01-03 22:23:574


本案例演示利用Fluent中Multi-Fluid VOF多相流模型计算浆体中气泡上升过程。 在本案例中,两个空气泡悬浮于颗粒浆体中,在浮力作用下运动。案例涉及到三相:空气、液体以及颗粒。采用Fluent中的Multi-Fluid VOF模型进行模拟。 圆柱形容器中盛装有液态浆体,圆柱半径0.03 m,初始浆体深度为0.05 m,颗粒物均匀分散在液相中。两个半径0.008 m的气泡悬浮在浆体内,在浮力作用下气泡上升,导致浆体内颗粒分布变得不再均匀。 计算模型采用2D轴对称处理,利用Fluent多相流模型求解气泡运动过程以及气泡运动过程中引起的浆体浓度分布。 以 2D、Double Precision 方式启动Fluent 利用菜单 File → Read → Mesh… 读取网格文件 slurry-vof.msh.gz 鼠标双击模型树节点 General ,右侧面板激活选项 Transient 及 Axisymmetric 激活选项 Gravity ,设置重力加速度为 X轴-9.81 m/s2 鼠标双击模型树节点 Models > Multiphase 打开多相流设置对话框 如下图所示进行设置 激活选项 Eulerian 设置 Number of Eulerian Phases 为 3 激活选项 Multi-Fluid VOF Model 激活选项 Sharp/Dispersed 点击按钮 Interface Modeling Options… 打开设置对话框 如下图所示,激活选项 Phase Localized Discretization 注:Phase Localized Discretization选项能够确保气液相之间采用清晰界面,而液固相之间采用分散界面。 创建流体材料sol,指定其 Density 为 3000 kg/m3 - 注:Materials对话框中材料sol的粘度值在并不重要。 创建材料 flu ,指定其 密度为1000 kg/m3 ,粘度为 0.1 kg/m-s 右键选择模型树节点 Models > Multiphase > phase-1-Primary Phase ,点击弹出菜单项 Edit… 打开设置对话框 如下图所示设置主相材料为 flu ,修改其名称为 fluid 相同方式设置第二相为 air ,指定其材料为 air 指定第三相为 solid ,指定其材料为 sol 激活选项 Granular 设置 Diameter 为 0.0004 m 设置 Granular Viscosity 为 0.1 kg/m-s 其他参数保持默认设置 右键选择模型树节点 Models > Multiphase > Phase Interaction ,点击弹出菜单项 Edit… 打开设置对话框 进入 Drag 标签页,如下图所示,设置阻力系数 注:浆体中的固体颗粒运动首选Gidaspow模型,相间存在尖锐界面时首选symmetric模型。 进入 Surface Tension ,如下图所示设置空气与水之间表面张力系数为 0.1 n/m 注:表面张力对于气泡的形状影响甚大 进入 Discretization 标签页,如下图所示,设置solid-fulid参数为 0 ,其他参数保持默认设置 注:2表示采用compressive算法用于sharp界面捕捉,0表示采用一阶算法用于扩散界面模拟 如下图所示设置操作条件,指定参考密度为 1.225 kg/m3 进入Controls面板,如下图所示设置亚松弛因子 采用默认参数进行初始化 点击 Patch… 按钮打开设置对话框,如下图所示设置区域 fluid_patch 的solid相体积分数为 0.01 查看solid相体积分数分布,如下图所示 注:图中进行了视图旋转,X轴为向上正方向。 右键选择模型树节点 Cell Registers ,点击弹出菜单项 New → Region… 打开设置对话框 如下图所示创建一个区域 相同方式创建另一个区域 进入Patch对话框,如下图所示patch前一步创建的两个区域的solid相体积分数为0 patch前两个区域的air相体积分数为1,如下图所示 patch完毕后的体积分数分布如下所示 注:图中进行了视图转换及对称操作 如下图所示创建云图显示 显示如下图所示的云图 如下所示设置自动保存 如下图所示创建动画 如下图所示设置 时间步长为0.0001 s , 时间步数为1000 ,点击 Calculate 开始计算 0.03 s气泡体积分数 0.04 s气泡体积分数 0.05 s气泡体积分数 0.08 s气泡体积分数 1 s气泡体积分数
2023-01-03 22:24:121


孙德军,男,1967年生。中国科学技术大学近代力学系教授、博士生导师,流体力学学位点负责人。1983年考入中国科学技术大学近代力学系,主修流体力学专业,1988年获得学士学位(五年制本科),1991年获得硕士学位,1995年获得博士学位,并获中科院院长奖学金。1995年起在中国科学技术大学力学和机械工程系任教。2004年1月晋升教授,同年被批准为博士生导师。曾先后赴美国田纳西大学空间研究院、台湾大学应用力学所等进行合作研究。主要研究方向为:流动稳定性与流动控制、微尺度流体力学、计算流体力学等。1989-1997年参加了两项国家自然科学基金重大项目的研究,主要从事钝物体绕流尾迹特性与控制的研究。1998 年以来负责和参加了国家自然科学基金面上项目6项,中科院创新方向性项目2 项,主要从事旋转射流的稳定性与数值模拟、多流体界面数值模拟与并行算法、微尺度流动、生物运动流体力学等方面的研究。目前负责国家自然科学基金面上项目“旋拧流的最优扰动和和感受性研究”,此外还承担国家自然科学基金重点项目“细长体大攻角绕流非对称涡产生机理、结构演化及其控制研究”、面上项目“磁场作用下晶体生长中热对流的稳定性和非线性演化”、以及863项目等课题的研究。在国内外学术期刊和重要学术会议上发表学术论文60余篇,其中,在权威的国际流体力学刊物Physics of Fluids 上发表论文5 篇,在Journal of Geophysical Research - Oceans,Physics Review E等国际著名刊物上发表论文多篇,并被国际同行在J. Fluid Mech.和Physics of Fluids 等权威刊物上多次引起。合作撰写了专著《旋涡流动的稳定性》。主讲本科生专业基础课《流体力学基础》、研究生专业基础课《高等流体力学》和《计算流体力学》,以及《流动稳定性和湍流》、《流体力学中的渐近方法》等多门课程。 Ma DJ,Sun DJ,Yin XY. Solution of the 2d shallow water equations with source terms in surface elevation splitting form. International Journal for Numerical Methods in Fluids,2007. (in press) Qin FH,Sun DJ,Yin XY. Perturbation analysis on gas in a straight micro-channel. Physics of Fluids,2007,19,027103. Ma DJ,Sun DJ,Yin XY. Multiplicity of steady states in cylindrical Rayleigh-Bernard convection.Physics Review E,2006,74,037302.(SCI: 089HD) Cai Y,Ma DJ,Sun DJ,Yin XY. The numerical simulation of two dimensional interface breakup. Progress in Natural Science,2006,16⑸: 554-558. (SCI: 068EV,EI: 06249938664) Ma DJ,Sun DJ,Yin XY. Axisymmetric breaking to travelling waves in the cylinder with partially heated sidewall. Chinese Physics Letter,2006,23 ⑹: 1515-1518. (SCI : 054Ⅵ) Ma DJ,Sun DJ,Yin XY. A global stability analysis of the wake behind a rotating circular cylinder. Chinese Physics Letter,2005,22⑻:1964-1967. (SCI: 953AY) Sun L,Mu M,Sun D,Yin X. Passive mechanism of decadal variation of thermohaline circulation. Journal of Geophysical Research - Oceans,2005,110 (C7),C07025. (SCI: 951PM) Hu J,Sun D J,Hu G H,Yin X Y. Secondary instabilities of linearly heated falling films. Progress in Natural Science,2005,15⑶:205-212. (SCI: 926YC,EI:05169052976) Hu J,Hu G H,Sun D J,Yin X Y. Instability of liquid film flowing down a linearly heated plate. Progress in Natural Science,2003,13⑻: 568-572. (SCI: 708GJ,EI:03357616020) Sun DJ,Hu GH,Gao Z,Yin XY. Stability and temporal evolution of a swirling jet with centrifugally unstable azimuthal velocity. Physics of Fluids,2002,14⑾. (SCI: 603AQ,EI: 02507266796) Qin FH,Sun DJ,Yin XY. Discussion about the similarity of micro-scale gas flows. International Journal of Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation,2002,3(3-4): 573-576. (SCI: 574RR) Hu G H,Sun D J,Yin X Y,Tong B G. Studies on stability and dynamics of a swirling jet. Acta Mech. Sinica,2001,17⑶: 237-244. (SCI: 466MP,EI: 02096871541) Hu G H,Sun D J,Yin X Y. A numerical study of dynamics of a temporally evolving swirling jet. Physics of Fluids,2001,13⑷: 951-965. (SCI: 411KN,EI: 02096876653) Yin,X Y,Sun D J,Wei M J,Wu J Z. Absolute and convective instability character of slender viscous vortices. Physics of Fluids,2000,12⑸: 1062-1072. (SCI: 303VT,EI: 00055167516) Hu,G.H.,Sun,D.J.,Yin,X.Y.. On the topological bifurcation of flows around a rotating circular cylinder. Acta Mechanica Sinica,1997,13⑶:203-209. (SCI: YC049,EI: 98024090088) Hu,G.H.,Sun D.J.,Yin X.Y.,Tong,B.G.. Hopf bifurcation in wakes behind a rotating and translating circular cylinder. Physics of Fluids,1996,8⑺:1972-1974. (SCI: UU385,EI: 96083262920)
2023-01-03 22:24:171


你是怎么旋转的啊 用的什么命令啊
2023-01-03 22:24:272


昆明,别称春城,是云南省省会、滇中城市群中心城市,国务院批复确定的中国西部地区重要的中心城市之一。下面是我整理的关于昆明概况的英文 导游词 ,欢迎阅读。 关于昆明概况的英文导游词1 Kunming lake is located in the Summer Palace in Beijing, its area is about three-quarters of the total area. Former northwest Beijing many springs converge into natural lakes, has seven names such as yet, large parking in the lake. Kunming lake, a former northwest Beijing many springs converge into natural lakes, has seven names such as yet, large parking in the lake. Due to the longevity hill after the predecessor has the name of urn hill, also known as urn hill parking. Kunming lake is a natural, artificial lake. Here is the original xishan hill arch fans, former reason springs to assemble a lowland swamp. In 1153 AD, after gold yanjing (as) in its capital, gold master yan hong light out the chicken water land, built in the jinshan palace. More from the west to the aim of yuquan hill spring note at the foot of the jinshan, make it become a plain, storage called the golden stream. This is the precursor of the kunming lake today. To the yuan dynasty, to increase the golden stream of water will be needed to supply the Kyoto grain transportation, water conservancy, guo shoujin guided ChangPing County white water from springs and yuquan hill into the mooring floating village. Jinshan was renamed urn hill, lake was renamed urn hill berth, the surface than had previously been expanded. In the Ming dynasty, white village water channel (white floating weir) disrepair, the water dried up, urn hill parking area is narrow. Emperor qianlong in the qing dynasty carved deep to expand mooring and urn hill, become larger than when Ming dynasty triple giant leaching, the beginning of the kunming lake. This name, is the emperor that is applied in the qianlong emperor in changan capital kunming pool practicing wenhuan allusions. The name used today. After the yuan dynasty Beijing its capital for grain transportation, presided over by the water conservancy experts guo shoujin, upstream water development, changping along the mountain spring water and running water into the lake, became mostly in the city of grain transportation by using the reservoir. Many planting lotus in the lake in the Ming dynasty, around the paddy planting rice, lake have temples, pavilions, wins again, like the jiangnan scenery, hence there are "west lake", "west lake scenery" of reputation. MingWu of land god, Ming has been on a boat to go fishing for fun here. Qing qianlong built qingyi garden, the lake will develop, become the size of the now, and take the emperor in changan kunming digging pool exercises war story, named kunming lake, on the lake every summer training exercise. Kunming lake on the main subject is west dike and six bridge, east dike, the west embankment in the south lake island, the marble seventeen-arch bridge which and so on. Flow around the longevity hill river at the foot of the mountain, known as the lake. 关于昆明概况的英文导游词2 Appropriate county village of Venus, if there are mountain shape lie lion, said fu lion mountain. Five mountains rise steeply, rock mountains towering mountain. Rock under clear spring flowing day and night, good water quality, and large flow. Water xiushan jung, bamboo forest, beautiful YaJing. Because of the landscape, also known as yanquan mountain. "The monk of the ancient mountains". Yuan to early is (about 1341) monk panlong father to name, "MAO as the temples, carry forward the catch. Edge, full followers build patriarch temple consecrate and handed down. After the monks found here is "land", among them. Yanquan ancient concurrently in a way together in the release, and temples. The XFX years (1450 ~ 1450), mu fu man Zhu Fuhai beginning, monks and wide between wanli rebuilt. It is advisable to have said "yanquan wash jade", one of the eight sights "good". Kangxi 26 years (1687 years), city Gao Shilang, teachings to work is glad to invite scholars city investment management, build a pavilion pavilion, built half moon pool. Yanquan has since become something natural and cultural landscape are all places of interest. Salty, with BingXian DianGe damaged. In 1915, the magistrate of a county Qian Liangjun rebuilt pavilions, "half ShanTing". In 1929, city yun-xiang ma, raised mother fights pavilion, jade emperor Chinese style pavilion the cool new pavilion, wide plant flowers and trees, and mass of cliff stone carvings. Temples look brand-new, into the most prosperous period. In 1940, the Japanese bombing of kunming, the disabled in hospital, scenery to avoid damage. Published in July 1987, moya carved stone county, it is advisable to good key cultural relics protection units. In February 1993, the county government approval, yanquan office allot the ownership of the temple of Venus. In recent years, the office on a large scale comprehensive reconstruction. New Ursa major, the great hall, temple, jade emperor Chinese style pavilion, the gate, swimming pool, etc., and wide planting flowers and trees, lawns, and roads, adding stone table bench, making yanquan changes today than yesterday. In April 1999, kunming expo garden gave nameboards headquarters and tourism bureau of yunnan province tourism fixed-point units, for the expo. 20_ , yanquan temple management committee carved stone steles commemorative tee: "professor mu book place", "Yuan Jiagu tea place", "hidden pavilion site". Modern three historical facts recorded yanquan temple, very creative, greatly improving the yanquan temple culture grade. 关于昆明概况的英文导游词3 Andy scenic spot located at the side of the east suburb of kunming mingfeng, covers an area of 1773 mu of 8 km away from downtown. Mirage resorts to create next thirty years wanli (1602) Ming chongzhen decade (1637) moved tongdian struck binchuan chicken foot mountain, the qing emperor kangxi 10 years (1671), the day the king wu sangui reconstruction of the existing building double-hipped roof mountain type zhenwu bronze, bronze weighing 250 tons, is China"s largest copper construction, it is the Summer Palace in Beijing mirage of the longevity hill intact; More than, the wudang mountain in hubei Andy is the largest remaining pure copper temple in China. The famous Andy belongs to taihe palace, as part of the total weight of 250 tons, for double-hipped roof flying pavilion imitation wood square building, the temple 6.7 meters high, 6.2 meters wide, deep, including stone, corrugated roof eaves beams, statues, curtain, bottle opener, you had plaque jacaranda with banners, etc were bronze. Andy since with Chen bin Yu Wanli nonyl Yin (1602) years, ding, has more than 380 years; Wu sangui reconstruction has more than 210 years. Built during Ming wanli period. With Chen bin modeled on hubei all counties within the territory of mount wudang tianzhufeng taihe palace and mirage, built a little change. The late Ming dynasty ruled yunnan mu"s evil, court repeatedly being disciplined, family decline. But, he is not on its own to find root cause, and to seek relief from the superstition. Letter is: YingWuShan in the east of the city, the mountain stands the bronze, "copper is the genera, of the west can g wood", so the tour by Zhang Feng He, mount tongdian down to chicken feet of western yunnan, fengshan mirage, existing Wu Sanjia rebuilt at the beginning of the qing dynasty. There were "on the beam, the qing emperor kangxi 10 years, were the big lv, ten door day, the day prince wu sangui worship", etc. From the bottom up the car and walk, fairy bridge, into the "mingfeng", "first tianmen", "two tianmen" and "three doors. Climbing the tianmen, visible ancient grave taihe palace gate. Al cloud: "painting lianyun, three acres of castle peak, zhu LouYing, don"t drive wizard a heavy day". Again into the temple gate, lingxingmeng door, visible stand tall brick city, blow about several zhangs, just like the Forbidden City. Along the order into the "city", right against the face high steps and is the center of the taihe palace architecture, famous mirage. Spot with three layers of 36 wing Angle of 29 meters high tower, the third floor of the dome, hung Ming yongle (1432) 21 years big bronze, cast by 3.5 metres high, caliber 6.7 meters circumference, 14 tonnes, to yunnan"s largest antique clock. New "China golden expo garden", the wudang mountain in hubei, wutai mountain in shanxi, shandong taishan, and Beijing copper building housed a garden of the longevity hill. Estates in the pile of marble, Bridges water, step rail, road Shi Fang, plant flowers, such as landscape set each other off, form small and exquisite imitation bronze culture landscape. Andy botanical garden has 500 acres of gardens, has built the tea garden, azalea garden, magnolia, rose garden, WenShi District ten park, introduction of more than 20_ kinds of garden plants. Andy area is a combination of humanities landscape, natural landscape features of tourist attractions. Seven kilometers to the northeast in the city of kunming on phoenix mountain, have completely in bronze casting bronze, a house in the hot sun yi yi is unripe brightness, dazzling, so people called the mirage, is key protected cultural relics in China. Spring city in qing dynasty kangxi nine years (AD 1670), wu sangui after peasant uprising, the rate of division into ju kunming, reconstruction of mirage. Can be seen on the mirage girders now ", the qing emperor kangxi 10 years, were the major of ji lu month (October) 6, day prince wu sangui to build "the copper. The inside of the Buddha, signboards, beams, level, doors and Windows, panlong, decoration and so on are made of bronze. Andy, floor, the steps of the railings are unique marble build by laying bricks or stones. The whole house majestic, beautiful and easy. Outside the temple built with walls, gates, battlements. The city on the floor. In behind the side, there are thick folded more than two strains of camellia one individual plant and crape myrtle, legend has it for the kind of the Ming dynasty, before and after the Spring Festival every year, thousands of camellia flowers in full bloom, bonus as fire. 关于昆明概况的英文导游词4 Kunming lake dianchi lake for short, is located in the southwest of yunnan kunming, around 300 square kilometers, in more than 1800 meters above sea level, even your depth of 5 meters. Pool of the surrounding mountains, acquainting, famous countless, wide, green lake, excellent scenery. As a result, was regarded as one of the jewels in the yunnan-guizhou plateau. The formation of the dianchi lake is located in the bottom because the fall of faults, forming lakes. Heave near the mountains, endless miles. Underground cave not counted, liaoning benxi water tunnel and devoted WangTianDong, shenyang Tibetan army hole and its contrast, like a snail and elephants. Composition nets Magnificent grand view pavilion, in the lake. China"s most famous historical records a coupon from the long, recommended by chairman MAO. The western hills near the risks and magnificent, haigeng sports park, zheng he park, famous in the world, nie er"s tomb, let a person respect, stone mountain village, white fish mouth, kuanyinshan magnificent appearance, the prosperity of ancient tomb complex sites let person fancy here. , looking up, lakes and mountains, loud and clear, that look very cool. Why napa lake, breeding and growing fast. Years, built roads and tourism, tourists as a cloud. Brigitte chicken mountains and golden horse very image, between the shores of lake shi, tree forest. A and a looming temple, especially yan temple monks chanting loud voice to the morning bell and evening drum reminders, echoing in the mountains, is a beautiful picture. Many mainland minorities, such as bai, dai, SaNiZu, fine clothes. Stand before is not expensive ethnic handicrafts, such as batik dress and jewelry. Many flavor snack, I just don"t back to the assembly meeting to eat lunch and dinner, as some are full. Yang Dian scholars in Ming dynasty there are poems said: climate is often as one, 4 flowers on spring. Is singing the weather and beautiful scenery here, seems to be added to travel a vacancy. 关于昆明概况的英文导游词5 Huating temple, formerly known as great circle sleep temple, the yuan dynasty to treat three years (1323) XuanFeng monk is adding site of gause villa, the Dali kingdom period tomorrow shun six years (1462), temple monk sheng host rebuilt, the twenty-sixth year of the reign of emperor kangxi (1688) rebuilt after the expansion of the name huating temple. Virtual cloud presided over the old monk rebuilt in 1920, called "by the cloud of Buddha, the most jinzhou.would in kunming area. 1984 to carry out the party"s religious policy, huating temple on the first temple, open wide by courtesy of the merits of good people, to reconstruct the scripture-stored, overhaul hall, the newly built five hundred arhat hall, repair of cultural relics and ancient and modern famous inscriptions, increase the modern calligraphy couplet, fully protect the famous buddhist temple. Huating temple complete structure, layout, exactly, imposing manner is thick, the study of religious culture and ancient architectural art has important value. Main building are: Ursa major, the scripture-stored tower, the clock tower, the abbot, meditation room, ancestor"s hall, monastery, guest room, bell and drum tower, and the sea will tower, etc. A rectangular plane layout, in the buddhist architecture of axisymmetric, closed courtyard type. Have that plastic Ursa iii golden body of Buddha, the south China sea guanyin and f
2023-01-03 22:24:351


蠕变粘弹性问题的辛系统研究本系统研究的创新之处在于以原变量及其对偶变量 (混合变量) 为问题的基本变量,代替传统的单一变量方法;将辛系统引入到粘弹性力学中,在辛几何空间中研究正则问题;而在时域利用展开等化粘弹性力学诸问题为系列具有初应力或初应变的弹性力学问题。这样在时域空间两个方面力求创新,开阔粘弹性力学问题的求解思路。使求解体系上从传统的欧几里德几何形态进入到辛几何的形态。而计算方法上采用了满足守恒律的辛结构数值方法。使粘弹性力学问题解题方法和思路出现一个新的面貌。力学中的Hamilton体系研究哈密顿(Hamilton)体系是在拉格朗日体系的基础上引进对偶变量,利用哈密顿函数和拉格朗日函数的特殊关系导向哈密顿体系连续介质力学中的正则方程。由于哈密顿体系采用了混合变量并且系统具有守恒性,因而在某种程度上具有一些优势。引入了哈密顿体系后,力学问题可以在一个新的平台上进行研究,如弹性力学、结构的振动与波动以及结构的稳定性、流体力学、水波问题、复合材料力学、断裂力学等。从拉格朗日体系向哈密顿体系的换代,其意义在于从传统的欧几里德型的几何形态进入到了辛几何的形态之中,突破了传统观念,从而可使混合变量方法进入到应用力学的广大领域。力学中的Birkhoff体系研究力学中的Birkhoff 体系所研究的问题,包括保守系统问题和非保守系统问题。Birkhoff体系下仍保留了辛的性质。由于在Birkhoff体系下也可将研究的问题在辛几何空间加以讨论,因而许多辛正交,归一及展开等数学工具就可以充分利用。用全状态空间变量概念讨论振动诸问题是一个新的设想,更适合由于计算机的发展对其理论和计算方法的需要。构造诸问题的Birkhoff基本方程,然后建立辛几何空间进行求解方法,进一步借助于辛几何理论的数学工具,与辛矩阵所伴随的守恒性,形成一套计算方法。将其应用到工程问题中。非线性浅水波理论及辛数值方法研究在理想流体非线性浅水波理论中,波高与速度势恰好为一对对偶函数,因而哈密顿体系可以引入到非线性浅水波问题中。这样一类变量的范围内以高阶偏微分方程为标志的拉格朗日体系方法可以由全状态空间变量表示且具有守恒律的正则性控制方程辛方法代替。建立一种一般性的理论方法、实验方法和辛数值方法。进一步解决流固耦合问题,并应用到工程实际中。如三峡工程升船机船厢的稳定性,中国文物力学的“龙洗”机理研究等。向流体力学其他问题渗透并建立求解基本体系和数值方法。应力波传播过程中的前屈曲和后屈曲研究结构的动态屈曲是系统运动失稳的主要形式。人们通常在处理这类问题时是以结构整体振动观点采用相应的方法。而课题组认为 1) 当结构受到冲击载荷时发生屈曲现象应该是从一个局部开始的,而不是整体的屈曲,因而以有局部效应的应力波传播过程中发生局部屈曲的观点更能揭示发生屈曲的关键所在;2)用分叉观点可确定临界载荷及屈曲模态是理想的方法;3)结构动态的前屈曲是零本征值问题,而后屈曲是非零本征值问题。基于上述出发点可以研究弹性和弹塑性梁、板、圆柱壳等端部轴向受到冲击时发生局部屈曲的一系列问题和对称弹塑性桁架结构称冲击载荷作用下出现非对称失稳等问题。这些研究结果可以直接应用与工程实际问题。近期主要部分学术论文[1] Wang Minzhong and Xu Xinsheng, 1990, A generalization of Almansi"s theorem and its application, Appl. Math. Modelling, Vol.14, No.5, 275-279[2] Xu Xinsheng and Wang Minzhong, 1991, General complete solutions of the equations of spatial and axisymmetric Stokes flow, Q. JI. Mech. Appl. Math., Vol.44, Pt4, 537-548[3] Xu Xinsheng and Wang Minzhong, 1993, On the completeness of solutions of the generalized axisymmetric Stokes flow equations, Acta Mathematica Scientia, Vol.13, No.4, 222-228[4] 徐新生、苏先樾、余同希,1993,纵波在率相关塑性软化材料中的传播,中国科学,(A辑),23卷10期,1062-1069[5] 徐新生、王敏中, 1993,关于弹性力学中Boussineq-Galerkin解和胡海昌解的等价性,力学学报,25卷2期,237-241[6] 王炜、徐新生、王敏中, 1994,横观各向同性弹性体轴对称问题的通解及其完备性,中国科学,(A辑), 24卷6期,586-598[7] Xu Xinsheng, Zhong Wanxie and Lu Yulin, 1995, Study of nonlinear long wave approximation in uniform channels via Hamiltonian structure, J. Hydrodynamics, (Ser.B) Vol.7,No.1, 66-76[8] 徐新生、苏先樾、王仁,1995,弹塑性圆柱壳在轴向应力波下的动态屈曲,中国科学,(A辑),25卷2期,166-173[9] 徐新生、钟万勰、吕玉麟,1995,Hamilton 体系下的二维非线性浅水波,大连理工大学学报,35卷6期,796-800[10] 钟万勰、徐新生、张洪武,1996,Hamilton 体系与弹性力学Saint-Venant 问题, 应用数学和力学, 17卷9期, 781-789[11] 徐新生、钟万勰、张洪武,1996, 弹性曲梁问题的直接法,工程力学,13卷4期, 1~8[12] 徐新生、刘书田、刘凯欣、李云鹏,1997,弹性圆柱壳在轴向应力波传播过程中的非对称屈曲,爆炸与冲击,17卷3期,249-253[13] 徐新生、吕玉麟、钟万勰,1997, Hamilton 体系与多层流体中的非线性浅水波,水利学报, 21卷 增刊, 127-136[14] 徐新生、张洪武、齐朝晖、钟万勰,1997,关于弹性回转体问题的直接方法,大连理工大学学报,37卷5期,683-687[15] 徐新生、刘书田、刘凯欣、郭杏林,1997,在轴向应力波传播和反射过程中弹性有限长圆柱壳非对称动态屈曲,计算力学学报,14卷5期,383-388[16] Xu, X.S., Zhong, W.X. and Zhang, H.W. ,1997, The Saint-Venant problem and principle in elasticity, Int. J. Solids Structures, Vol.34, No.22, 2815-2827[17] Xu, X.S., Xu, J.Y., Liu, S.T. and Liu, K.X.,1997, Dynamic axisymmetric and non-axisymmetric buckling of finite cylindrical shells in propagting ang reflecting of axial stress waves, J. Phys iv France, 7, C3-617 - C3-622[18] Xu Xinsheng, Yu Tongxi, Su Xianyue , 1997, Propagation of wave in rate-dependent plastic softening rod and beam, J. Engineering Mechanics, Vol.123, No.3, 190-195[19] Xu, X.S., Zhang, H.W. and Zhong, W.X.,1998, A Direct method for the problem of the solid cylinder in elasticity, Q. J. Math. , Vol.11, No.2 454-465[20] 徐新生、郑新广、张洪武、哈密顿体系与弹性楔体问题,应用力学学报,1999,16卷2期,140-144
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Figures7 show the same two-dimensional plots for the deflected arc as those for the axisymmetric arc.图7 也提供偏移电弧的二维图,用来与轴对称电弧的二维图比较。The plasma arc deflects from the axis to the positive x direction and the arc length is therefore elongated.图中,等离子弧从轴线向x轴正向偏移,使电弧长度加长。This is caused by the deflection of plasma flow, which is in turn driven bythe electromagnetic force from both the self-induced and the externally applied magnetic field.等离子体流的这种偏移是由自感和外加磁场的持续电磁力所产生的。The maximum flow velocity decreases to 203 m/s in comparison with 264 m/s for the axisymmetric case, and the maximum arc temperature drops to 18 840 from 21 550 K.与轴对称电弧相比,等离子弧的最快流速从264m/s降至203m/s,最高电弧温度从21550K降至18840K。The high pressure region on the workpiece drifts with the deflected arc and the maximum pressure is 132 Pa, as compared to 604 Pa for the axisymmetric arc.同时,工件上的高压区随着电弧的偏移而漂移,最高压力从604Pa降至132Pa。The electric potential voltage increases to 12.7 V, a 0.3 V augment from the axisymmetric case.点位(电压)增至12.7V,相比之下增加了0.3V。All these differences are the effects of the elongated plasma arc.这些变化都是电弧的加长所引起的。The electric current density also drifts with the deflected arc and the electromagnetic force at the electrode tip is no longer axisymmetric.电流密度也随着电弧的偏移而漂移,电极端的电磁力也不再呈轴对称状。In the GMAW process, the unbalanced electromagnetic force may taper droplets to a deflected globular shape,40 which may be caused by external magnetic perturbations.在气体保护金属极弧焊过程中,不平衡的电磁力可能导致熔滴呈变形的球状体,这种不平衡的电磁力可能来自于外部磁扰动。
2023-01-03 22:25:023

渗流力学 英文版

流通过多孔介质的能力,使工程师模拟流体流动,通过媒体,如地面岩石,过滤器和催化剂的病床。举例来说,模拟地下流经多孔岩石可以让工程师来预测运动污染的流体从固体垃圾填埋场成为一个饮水供应。在工业应用中,有害粒子能过滤从流体流通过,它通过一个多孔固体,其孔隙太小,允许通过的颗粒。此外,多孔介质,可提供土地的化学催化或吸收的组成部分流体。 流通过多孔介质的能力,既支持各向同性和正交异性材料,并可以计算速度和压力等领域,在一个二维平面,二维或轴对称的3 D配置。多个部分的支持,其中的每一部分,可能有不同的渗透率。地区的流动如果没有多孔介质中存在,也可以包括在内。双方的压力和速度的载荷,可用于。 除了标准的达西定律材料模型(关乎流量和压力降与性能的流体和媒体) ,分数幂达西定律,也是支持。这后一种材料模型包含惯性的影响,为高雷诺数的申请。
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  施加对称约束需要以下条件:1 结构是对称的;2 载荷和约束也是对称的。  对约束,表面载荷,体积载荷和Y方向加速度,可以象对任何非轴对称模型上定义这些载荷一样来精确地定义这些载荷。然而,对集中载荷的定义,过程有所不同。因为这些载荷大小、输入的力、力矩等数值是在360°范围内进行的,即:根据沿周边的总载荷输入载荷值。例如:如果1500磅/单位英寸圆周的轴对称轴向载荷被施加到直径为10英寸的管上,47,124 lb(1500*2n*5 = 47,124) 的总载荷将按下列方法被施加到节点N上:F,N,FY,47124  轴对称结果也按对应的输入载荷相同的方式解释,即:输出的反作用力,力矩等按总载荷(360°)计。  轴对称协调单元要求其载荷以程序能作为傅立叶级数来说明的形式施加。对这些单元,要求用MODE命令 (Main Menu>Preprocessor>Loads>Other>For Harmonic Ele或Main Menu> Solution>Other>For Harmonic Ele), 以及其它载荷命令 (D, F, SF, etc.)。细节参见ANSYS Elements Reference(ANSYS单元参考手册)。  注意要指定足够数量的约束以防止产生不期望的刚体运动、不连续或奇异性。例如,对实心杆这样的实体结构的轴对称模型,缺少沿对称轴的UX约束,在结构分析中,就蕴藏了允许形成虚“voids”。  
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solid sphere
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cad模型怎样进行ansys workbench 分析

若要进行3D分析,则ANSYS WORKBENCH是首选。但是如何在ANSYS WORKBENCH中进行2D分析呢?首先,需要在DESIGNMOEDLER中创建或打开一个面物体,或者从任何可以创建面物体的CAD系统中导入。模型必须在X-Y平面内。2D平面物体可以使用,但是2D线状物体不可用。然后,先在VIEW中打开properties,然后在项目示意图选中geometry单元,则其属性会在右边的属性栏显示出来,在图示地方选择2D。然后关联前面几何体。双击model单元而把模型连接到mechanical应用中,仅当把模型连接后才可以进行2D分析,一旦连接后,就不能把2D分析改成3D分析了。2D分析有下述特征:对树中的geometry条目,在其细节视图中的2d behavior域,有下述选项:平面应力(plane stress缺省的)--假设在Z方向上应力为0,但是应变不为0.这对于那种Z方向的尺寸远远小于X,Y两个方向尺寸的结构是合适的。如受到面内载荷的平板,或在压力或径向载荷下的圆盘。如果想输入这种模型的厚度,可以在thickness域中输入。轴对称(axisymmetric)----假设一个3-D模型及其载荷可以通过围绕Y轴旋转一个2D的截面而形成。对称轴必须和全局的Y轴保持一致。几何体必须是在正X轴和X-Y面内。方向是:Y轴是轴向的,X轴是径向的,Z轴是环向。环向位移是0,环向应力和环向应变通常很重要。典型的例子是压力容器,直管,轴等。在形状优化分析中不能使用轴对称行为。平面应变(plain strain)---假设Z方向上没有应变。这对于Z方向的尺寸远大于X,Y尺寸的结构是合适的。Z方向的应力不为0.例子如常的等截面构建如结构线性物体。平面应变行为在热分析或形状优化分析中不可用。一般的平面应变(generalized plane strain)—相对于标准的平面应变问题而言,假设在Z方向上有一个有限的变形域。对于存在Z方向尺寸的物体,它提供了一个更实际的结果。基于物体(by body)这允许对geometry下单个的物体设置平面应力,平面应变或者轴对称选项。如果你选择了by body,则请选择单个的物体,然后为其设置单独的2-D选项。对于2-D分析,可以使用在3-D分析中同样的方式以施加载荷和支撑,载荷和结果都是X-Y面内而没有Z向分量。下述载荷在2-D分析中不能使用:螺栓预紧载荷,线性压力,简单支撑,固定转动。压力只能施加在边界上。轴承载荷和圆柱支撑只能施加在圆形边界上。对于有轴对称行为的分析,旋转速度载荷只能施加在Y轴上。对于施加在圆形边界上的力,Z方向的投影分量会被忽略。
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1. Mu Junshan, Gong Shengping, Li Junfeng. Coupled Control of Reflectivity Modulated Solar Sail for GeoSail Formation Flying, Journal of Guidance, Control, and Dynamics, 2014, 37(1):1-122. Zeng Xiangyuan, Gong Shengping, Li Junfeng. Fast solar sail rendezvous mission to near Earth asteroids. Acta Astronautica, 2014, 105:40-56.3. Cai Xingshan, Chen Yang, Li Junfeng. Low-thrust trajectory optimization in a full ephemeris model. Acta Mechanica Sinica, 2014, 30(5):615-6274. He Jing, Gong Shengping, Jiang Fanghua, Li Junfeng. Time-optimal rendezvous transfer trajectory for restricted cone-angle range solar sails. Acta Mechanica Sinica,2014, 30(5):628-6355. Zeng Xiangyuan, Gong Shengping, Li Junfeng.Earth-crossing asteroid intercept mission with a solar sail spacecraft. IEEE Aerospace and Electronic Systems Magazine, 2014, 29(10): 4-156. Gong Shengping, Li Junfeng. Solar sail heliocentric elliptic displaced orbits. Journal of Guidance, Control, and Dynamics, 2014, 37(6): 2021-2025.7. Zhang Zhiguo,Gong Shengping, Li Junfeng. Lorentz force time-optimal transfer trajectory design in Jovian magnetic field. Advances in Space Research, 20148. Zhang Zhiguo,Gong Shengping, Li Junfeng. The fuel-optimal trajectory for finite-thrust LUNAR ASCENT. Aerospace Science and Technology, 2014,39(12): 675-684.9. Gong Shengping, Li Junfeng. Solar Sail Halo Orbit Control using Reflectivity Control Devices. Transactions of the Japan Society for Aeronautical and Space Sciences, 2014, 57(5): 279-288.10. Hu Xiaosai, Gong Shengping, Li Junfeng. Attitude stability criteria of axisymmetric solar sail. Advance in Space Research,2014,54(1): 72-81.11. Gong Shengping, Li Junfeng, Simo Jules. Orbital Motions of a Solar Sail Around the L2 Earth-Moon Libration Point. Journal of Guidance Control and Dynamics, 2014, 37(4): 1349+-12. Gong Shengping, Li Junfeng. Fuel consumption for interplanetary missions of solar sailing. Science China Physics, Mechanics & Astronomy,2014,57(3): 521-531.13. 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Xiangyuan Zeng, Hexi Baoyin, Junfeng Li, Shengping Gong, Three-dimensional time optimal double angular momentum reversal trajectory using solar sails, Celestial mechanics & dynamical astronomy, 2011, 111(4):415-430.37. Xiangyuan Zeng, Hexi Baoyin, Junfeng Li, Shengping Gong, Feasibility analysis of the angular momentum reversal trajectory via hodograph method for high performance solar sails, Science China Technology Sciences, 2011, 54(11): 1-738. Gong S P, Li J F, Gao Y F. Solar sail time-optimal interplanetary transfer trajectory design,Research in Astronomy Astrophysics, 2011, 11(8):981-996.39. Gong S P, Gao Y F, Li J F. Dynamics and control of a solar collector system for near Earth object deflection, Research in Astronomy and Astrophysics , 2011, 11(2): 205-224.40. Gong S P, Li J F, Zeng X Y. Utilization of an H-reversal trajectory of a solar sail of asteroid deflection, Research in Astronomy and Astrophysics, 2011, 11(10): 1123-1133.41. Gong S P, Gao Y F, Li J F. 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Gong, SP; Li, JF; Baoyin, HX, Solar Sail Transfer Trajectory from L1 Point to Sub L1 Point. Aerospace Science and Technology, 10.1016/j.ast.2010.10.00349. Zhu Kaijian, Li Junfeng, Baoyin Hexi. Satellite scheduling considering maximum observation coverage time and minimum orbital transfer fuel cost. Acta Astronautica, 2010, 66 (1-2):220-22950. Baoyin Hexi, Li Junfeng. Coupled trajectory and attitude stability of displaced orbits. Acta Mechanica Sinica, 2010, 26(1):127-14051. Baoyin Hexi,Chen Yang, Li Junfeng. Capturing near earth objects. Research in Astronomy and Astrophysics, 2010, 10(6): 587-59852. Shengping Gong, Junfeng Li, Hexi Baoyin. Formation flying solar-sail gravity tractors in displaced orbit for towing near-Earth asteroids. Celestial Mechanics and Dynamical Astronomy, 2009, 105(1-3):159-177.53. Shengping Gong, Junfeng Li, Hexi Baoyin. Transfer Trajectories Design for a Variable Lightness Solar craft. Journal of Spacecraft and Rockets, 2009, 46(4): 836-84454. Shengping Gong, Hexi Baoyin, Junfeng Li. Coupled attitude–orbit dynamics and control for displaced solar orbits. Acta Astronautica, 2009, 65(5-6):730–73755. Jiang Fanghua, Li Junfeng, Baoyin Hexi, Gao Yunfeng. Two-Point Boundary Value Problem Solutions to Spacecraft Formation Flying. Journal of Guidance Control and Dynamics, 2009, 32(6): 1827-183756. Zhu Kaijian, Li Junfeng, Baoyin Hexi. Multi-swingby optimization of mission to Saturn using global optimization algorithms. Acta Mechanica Sinica, 2009, 25(6):839–84557. Shengping Gong, Junfeng Li, Hexi Baoyin. Solar Radiation Pressure Used for Formation Flying Control around the Sun-Earth Libration Point. Appllied Mathematics and Mechanics, 2009, 30(8):1009-1016.58. Shengping Gong, Junfeng Li, Hexi Baoyin. Relative Motion around Artificial Lagrange Points. Transactions of the Japan Society for Aeronautical and Space Sciences, 2009, 51(174):220-226.59. Shengping Gong, Hexi Baoyin, Junfeng Li. 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ANSYS 谁能给个三维磁场用到SOLID97的实例

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若要进行3D分析,则ANSYS WORKBENCH是首选。但是如何在ANSYS WORKBENCH中进行2D分析呢?首先,需要在DESIGNMOEDLER中创建或打开一个面物体,或者从任何可以创建面物体的CAD系统中导入。模型必须在X-Y平面内。2D平面物体可以使用,但是2D线状物体不可用。然后,先在VIEW中打开properties,然后在项目示意图选中geometry单元,则其属性会在右边的属性栏显示出来,在图示地方选择2D。然后关联前面几何体。clip_image002 clip_image004双击model单元而把模型连接到mechanical应用中,仅当把模型连接后才可以进行2D分析,一旦连接后,就不能把2D分析改成3D分析了。2D分析有下述特征:对树中的geometry条目,在其细节视图中的2d behavior域,有下述选项:平面应力(plane stress缺省的)--假设在Z方向上应力为0,但是应变不为0.这对于那种Z方向的尺寸远远小于X,Y两个方向尺寸的结构是合适的。如受到面内载荷的平板,或在压力或径向载荷下的圆盘。如果想输入这种模型的厚度,可以在thickness域中输入。轴对称(axisymmetric)----假设一个3-D模型及其载荷可以通过围绕Y轴旋转一个2D的截面而形成。对称轴必须和全局的Y轴保持一致。几何体必须是在正X轴和X-Y面内。方向是:Y轴是轴向的,X轴是径向的,Z轴是环向。环向位移是0,环向应力和环向应变通常很重要。典型的例子是压力容器,直管,轴等。在形状优化分析中不能使用轴对称行为。平面应变(plain strain)---假设Z方向上没有应变。这对于Z方向的尺寸远大于X,Y尺寸的结构是合适的。Z方向的应力不为0.例子如常的等截面构建如结构线性物体。平面应变行为在热分析或形状优化分析中不可用。一般的平面应变(generalized plane strain)—相对于标准的平面应变问题而言,假设在Z方向上有一个有限的变形域。对于存在Z方向尺寸的物体,它提供了一个更实际的结果。基于物体(by body)这允许对geometry下单个的物体设置平面应力,平面应变或者轴对称选项。如果你选择了by body,则请选择单个的物体,然后为其设置单独的2-D选项。对于2-D分析,可以使用在3-D分析中同样的方式以施加载荷和支撑,载荷和结果都是X-Y面内而没有Z向分量。下述载荷在2-D分析中不能使用:螺栓预紧载荷,线性压力,简单支撑,固定转动。压力只能施加在边界上。轴承载荷和圆柱支撑只能施加在圆形边界上。对于有轴对称行为的分析,旋转速度载荷只能施加在Y轴上。对于施加在圆形边界上的力,Z方向的投影分量会被忽略。
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【霍金】英文简介Stephen William Hawking CH, CBE, FRS, FRSA (/ˈstiːvən ˈhɔːkɪŋ/; born 8 January 1942) is a British theoretical physicist, cosmologist, author and Director of Research at the Centre for Theoretical Cosmology within the University of Cambridge. His scientific works include a collaboration with Roger Penrose on gravitational singularity theorems in the framework of general relativity, and the theoretical prediction that black holes emit radiation, often called Hawking radiation. Hawking was the first to set forth a theory of cosmology explained by a union of the general theory of relativity and quantum mechanics. He is a vigorous supporter of the many-worlds interpretation of quantum mechanics.He is an Honorary Fellow of the Royal Society of Arts, a lifetime member of the Pontifical Academy of Sciences, and a recipient of the Presidential Medal of Freedom, the highest civilian award in the United States. Hawking was the Lucasian Professor of Mathematics at the University of Cambridge between 1979 and 2009 and has achieved commercial success with works of popular science in which he discusses his own theories and cosmology in general; his book A Brief History of Time stayed on the British Sunday Times best-seller list for a record-breaking 237 weeks.Hawking suffers from a rare early-onset, slow-progressing form of amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS), also known as motor neuron disease or Lou Gehrig"s disease, that has gradually paralysed him over the decades. He now communicates using a single cheek muscle attached to a speech-generating device. Hawking married twice and has three children.【Awards and honours】Hawking has received numerous awards and honours. Already early in the list, in 1974 he was elected a Fellow of the Royal Society (FRS). At that time, his nomination read:"Hawking has made major contributions to the field of general relativity. These derive from a deep understanding of what is relevant to physics and astronomy, and especially from a mastery of wholly new mathematical techniques. Following the pioneering work of Penrose he established, partly alone and partly in collaboration with Penrose, a series of successively stronger theorems establishing the fundamental result that all realistic cosmological models must possess singularities. Using similar techniques, Hawking has proved the basic theorems on the laws governing black holes: that stationary solutions of Einstein"s equations with smooth event horizons must necessarily be axisymmetric; and that in the evolution and interaction of black holes, the total surface area of the event horizons must increase. In collaboration with G. Ellis, Hawking is the author of an impressive and original treatise on "Space-time in the Large".The citation continues:"Other important work by Hawking relates to the interpretation of cosmological observations and to the design of gravitational wave detectors."
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◆获奖:①国家科技进步二等奖“复杂条件下地下工程开挖支护技术的理论方法与应用研究”,2000年度(排名第二)。②国家科技进步二等奖“煤矿千米深部岩巷稳定控制关键技术”,2010年度(排名第一);③湖北省科技进步一等奖“煤矿深部岩巷稳定控制理论与支护成套技术研究及应用”,2009年度(排名第一)④湖北省科技进步一等奖“隧道激光定位与变形监测系统研发及应用”,2010年度(排名第一);⑤中国岩石力学与工程学会青年优秀科技奖金奖,2002年。⑥中国岩石力学与工程学会优秀论文奖“岩石时温等效原理的理论与实验研究”2005年。⑦湖北省优秀硕士学位论文指导教师奖“爆破荷载作用下岩质边坡动态相应的数值模拟研究”,2004年。◆专利:①发明专利“隧道无线激光放样装置”②发明专利“大量程机械式多点位移计”③实用新型专利“可控预应力超高强锚杆”④实用新型专利“锚杆预应力控制装置”⑤实用新型专利“增阻高强预应力锚杆”⑥实用新型专利“大倾角厚煤层留小煤柱沿空掘巷支架”⑦实用新型专利“微生物地下水渗流阻塞观测的装置”⑧实用新型专利“气动锚杆安装装置”⑨实用新型专利“一种软弱膨胀型围岩巷道支护装置”◆软件著作权登记:①钻爆法隧道爆破炮孔设计软件V1.0②隧道变形监测系统V1.0③隧道掘进自动定位系统V1.0④围岩多场耦合分析建模系统V1.0◆专著:1、刘泉声,高玮,袁亮,《煤矿深部岩巷稳定控制理论与支护技术及应用》,科学出版社,2010年1月;2、高玮,袁亮,《基于仿生计算智能的地下工程反分析——理论与应用》,科学出版社,2009年5月;◆主要论文:1. Liu Quansheng, Xu Xichang, Wang Chongge, T. Yamaguchi, Time-Temperature Equivalence for Rocks, Vol. 306-308: 1397-1402, March 2006, Key Engineering Materials.2. Liu Quansheng, Xu Guangmiao, Study on Basic Mechanical Behaviors of Rocks at Low Temperatures, Vol. 306-308: 1479-1484, March 2006, Key Engineering Materials.3. Liu Quansheng, Hu Yunhua, On Stability and Support Measures of Rock Mass Surrounding A Diphead of A Coal Mine, Vol.326-328: 1611-1616, Sept. 2006, Key Engineering Materials.4. Quansheng Liu, Guangmiao Xu, Xiaoyan Liu, Experimental and Theoretical Study on Freezying-Thawing Damage Propagation of Saturated Rocks, Issues 7 and 8 , March 2008, International Journal of Modern Physics B.5. LIU Quansheng, LIU Bin, GAO Wei, Study On the Damage Evolution Equation of Rockburst, Vol. 33-37:663-668, Mar. 2008, Advanced Materials Research.6. Liu Quansheng, Xu Guangmiao, Wu Yuexiu, The Thermo-Hydro Coupled Model of Low-Temperature Rock in Consideration of Phase Change, Vol. 33-37:645-650, Mar. 2008, Advanced Materials Research.7. Liu Quansheng, Zhang Chengyuan, Liu Xiaoyan, Numerical Modelling and Simulation of Coupled THM Processes in Task_D of DECOVALEX_Ⅳ, Vol. 25: 709-720, April 2006, Yanshilixue Yu Gongcheng Xuebao/Chinese Journal of Rock Mechanics and Engineering.8. Liu Quansheng, Xu Xichang, Tsutomu Yamaguchi, Mechanical Properties of TGP Granite in Dependence on Temperature and Time, Sept., 2001, Proc. 2nd ARMS, Beijing.9. Liu Quansheng, Ding Duowen, Zhu Weishen, The Design and Effect of Anchoring Supporting for Weak Rockmass Surrounding Galleries, Ninth Int. Conf Assoc. for the Computer Methods and Advances in Geomechanics, Wuhan, China, Sep., 1997.10. Quansheng Liu et al,Analysis on the Reinforcement of an Under-ground Civil-Defence Gallery beneath a Building, Proc. Regional Symposium on Sedimentary Rock Engineering, Taipei, Nov. 20~22, 199811. Q.S. Liu, X.Y. Liu & C.Y. Zhang, Numerical Simulation of THM Coupled Processes in Task_D of Decovalex_IV, part I, Proceedings of International Symposium on Engineered Barriers for High Level Radioactive Waste Disposal(ISEB-2005), pp178-184, 2005/9/8-2005/9/10, Tongji University and Ecole National des Ponts et Chaussee.12. Q.S. Liu, X.Y. Liu & C.Y. Zhang,Numerical Simulation of THM Coupled Processes in Task_D of Decovalex_IV, part Ⅱ, pp185-193, 2005/9/8-2005/9/10, Tongji University and Ecole National des Ponts et Chaussee.13. Q.Liu, C.Wang, Study on time-temperature equivalence principle for rocks, Geoproc2003, International Conference on Coupled THMC Processes in Geo-systems, KTH, Stockholm, Sweden, october 2003.14. 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Xiaoyan Liu, Chengyuan Zhang, Quansheng Liu,Multiple-point statistical prediction on fracture networks at Yucca Mountain ,Environmental Geology2009.Volume57,Issue6,pp1361-1370 .34. Xiaoyan Liu, Chengyuan Zhang, Quansheng Liu, ANALYSIS OF COMPLEXITY IN COUPLED Thermal-Hydraulic-Mechanical process SIMULATION, Issues 7 and 8 , March 2008, International Journal of Modern Physics B.35. Chengyuan Zhang, Xiaoyan Liu, Quansheng Liu, An rock-physics-based complex pore-fluid-distribution model to seismic Dynamical response, Issues 7 and 8 , March 2008, International Journal of Modern Physics B.36.Xiaoyan Liu, Chengyuan Zhang, Quansheng Liu, Coupled THM Model and Simulation of the Yucca Mountain and FEBEX Case Study within DECOVALEX-THMC Framework, Vol. 33-37:639-644, Mar. 2008,Advanced Materials Research.37.Chengyuan Zhang, Xiaoyan Liu, Quansheng Liu, Study on Uncertainty and Criterion in Model Optimization of Coupled THM Simulation, Vol. 33-37:1135-1140, Mar. 2008,Advanced Materials Research.38.Xiaoyan Liu, Chengyuan Zhang, Quansheng Liu, Analysis of uncertainty in coupled THM simulations of the FEBEX case example for Task D of the DECOVALEX THMC project, Proceedings of the GEOPRC2006 International Symposium:2nd International Conference on Coupled THMC Processes in Geo-systems, Nanjing, China, May, 200639. Zhang Chengyuan, Liu Xiaoyan, Liu Quansheng, Coupled THM processes modeling and stochastic simulation considering spatial variability of hydraulic conductivity in underground storage caverns, Vol.326-328: 561-564, Sept. 2006, Key Engineering Materials.40. Liu Xiaoyan, Zhang Chengyuan, Liu Quansheng, Experimental and theoretical study of frequency and temperature dependence on seismic attenuation of saturated rocks, Vol.326-328: 1149-1152, Sept. 2006, Key Engineering Materials.41. Zhang Chengyuan, Liu Xiaoyan, Liu Quansheng,Coupled THM Processes modelling and stochastic simulation considering spatial variability of hydraulic conductivity in underground storage caverns, Proc. of International Workshop on Underground Storage of Oil and Gas in Rock Caverns, Nov. 2004, Beijing.42. Jiao Yuyong, Liu Quansheng, Guoqijun, Numerical simulation of Yangjiachao landslide, Environment Geology, Sept., 2000, Nanjing, China.43 Yuyong Jiao,. Xiuli Zhang, Jiao Zhao and Quansheng Liu. Viscous Boundary of DDA for Modeling Stress Wave Propagation in Jointed Rock Mass. International. Journal of Rock Mechanics and Mining Sciences.44. Yuyong Jiao, Quansheng Liu, Shucai Li, A three-dimensional numerical model for simulating deformation and failure of blocky rock structures, vol306-308: 1391-1396, 2006, Key Engineering Materials.45. Wang CG, Song ZQ, Chen WZ, Liu QS, Yang CH,study of thermo-rheology characters of rock under the uni-axial compression, vol261-263: 639-644, 2004 , Key Engineering Materials.46. 徐光苗,刘泉声,彭万巍,常小晓,低温作用下岩石基本力学性质试验研究,岩石力学与工程学报,2006,25(12)47. 徐光苗,刘泉声,岩石冻融破坏机理分析及冻融力学试验研究,岩石力学与工程学报,2005,24(17)48. 徐光苗,刘泉声,张秀丽,冻结温度下岩体THM完全耦合的理论初步分析,岩石力学与工程学报.,2004,23(21)49. 焦玉勇,张秀丽,刘泉声,陈卫忠,用非连续变形分析方法模拟岩石裂纹扩展,岩石力学与工程学报.,2007,26(4)50. 刘亚晨, 刘泉声等, 岩体裂隙结构面的温度-应力-水力耦合本构关系,岩土工程学报,2002,24(2)51. 许锡昌,刘泉声, 高温下花岗岩基本力学性质初步研究,岩土工程学报,2000,22(3)52. 刘亚晨,刘泉声,蔡永庆,吴玉山, 核废料贮库围岩介质不可逆过程热力学和热弹性,岩石力学与工程学报,2000,19(3)53. 王志俭,刘泉声, 密实砂-膨润土混合物膨胀特性的试验研究,岩土力学,2000,21(4)54. 刘亚晨,刘泉声,蔡永庆,吴玉山, 温度饱和水下的裂隙岩体力学特性,岩石力学与工程学报,2002,21(2)55. 刘亚晨,吴玉山,刘泉声,核废料贮存裂隙岩体藕合分析研究综述,地质灾害与环境保护, 1999,10(3)56. 许锡昌,刘泉声,跨世纪的岩石力学与工程难题——核废料处理,中国岩石力学与工程学会第五次学术大会论文集,pp540-546,中国科学技术出版社,1998年9月57. 郭启军,刘泉声,白冰,长江沿线堤防工程渗透破坏类型及其防渗治理,长江流域洪涝灾害与科技对策,科学出版社,pp152-157,1999年1月58. 焦玉勇,葛修润,刘泉声,冯树仁,三维离散单元法及其在滑坡分析中的应用,岩土工程学报, 2000,22(1)(EI收录)59. 张秀丽,焦玉勇,刘泉声,陈卫忠. 用改进的DDA方法模拟公路隧道的稳定性. 岩土力 学60. 张秀丽 焦玉勇 刘泉声. 节理对爆炸波传播影响的数值研究. 岩土力学61. 张秀丽,焦玉勇,刘泉声. 非连续变形分析(DDA)方法中的预应力锚杆模拟. 地下空间与工程学报62. 焦玉勇,刘泉声,张秀丽. 岩溶地区隧道稳定性数值模拟研究. 第五届海峡两岸隧道与地下工程学术与技术研讨会. 台北,2006,A9-1~A9-763. 张程远,席道瑛,刘泉声,快速模拟退火淬火反演研究,岩石力学与工程学报,2004,23(2)64. 杨永香,刘泉声,焦玉勇,龙潭隧道的流固耦合分析,采矿与安全工程学报,2006,23(3)65. 王崇革,刘泉声,刘双跃,蒋宇静,单轴应力下岩石的热-粘弹塑性模型研究,岩石力学与工程学报,2002,21(2)66. 戴永浩, 陈卫忠,刘泉声,易小明,深部高地应力巷道断面优化研究,岩石力学与工程学报,2004,23(2)。67. 朱维申,李术才,白世伟,刘泉声,施工过程力学原理的若干发展和工程实例分析,岩石力学与工程学报,2003,22(10)68. 徐燕萍,项阳,刘泉声,吕爱钟,等参元逆变插值法的研究及其应用,岩土力学,2001,22(2)69.Hu Yunhua,Liu Quansheng,Experimental study on mechanical properties of granite under repeated loading and unloading,Issues 7 and 8 , March 2008, International Journal of Modern Physics B70.Liu Bin,Liu Quansheng,Stress analysis of transversely isotropic cylinder under arbitrary axisymmetric load,Issues 7 and 8 , March 2008, International Journal of Modern Physics B71.WuYuexiu,Liu Quansheng,The analysis on dynamical response of transversely isotropic material under blasting load,Issues 7 and 8 , March 2008, International Journal of Modern Physics B
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一般用coupled或者simple/simplec 还是得根据你具体的物理模型来说
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想帮你,但是现在的我 无能为力啊。。。。。。。
2023-01-03 22:28:113


(1) Lidan Wang, Yang Xiaofan. Generation of multi-scroll delayed chaotic oscillator.,Electronics Letters.2006, 42(25):1439-1441.(SCI)(2) 段书凯, 胡小方, 王丽丹(通信作者), 李传东, Pinaki Mazumder. 忆阻器阻变随机存取存储器及其在信息存储中的应用.中国科学F辑: 信息科学.(2011年8月8日录用)(3) Shukai Duan, Xiaofang Hu, Lidan Wang, Chuandong Li, Pinaki Mazumder. Memristor-Based RRAM with Applications.Science China:Information Sciences. (SCI)(4) Xiaofang Hu, Shukai Duan, Lidan Wang, Xiaofeng Liao. Memristive Crossbar Array with Applications in Image Processing.Science China:Information Sciences. 2011, 54( 1): 1-12. (SCI)(5) 胡小方, 段书凯, 王丽丹, 廖晓峰. 忆阻器交叉阵列及在图像处理中的应用.中国科学F辑: 信息科学. 2011, 41(4): 500-512.(6) Lidan Wang, Shukai Duan, Guangyuan Liu. Adaptive chaotic controlling method of a chaotic neural network model.Lecture Notes in Computer Science.2005, 3496: 363-368. (SCI)(7) Xiaofan Yang, Xingchang Liu, Lidan Wang. Stability of a generalized Putnam equation.Applied Mathematics Letters. 2009,22(4):565-568.(SCI)(8) Lidan Wang, Shukai Duan. Adaptive Synchronization of Delayed Chaotic Systems.Lecture Notes in Computer Science. 2008, 5263(1):357-363. (EI)(9) Shukai Duan, Lidan Wang. A novel delayed chaotic neural model and its circuitry implementation.Computers & Mathematics with Applications. 2009, 57(11-12):1736-1742. Jun 2009 (SCI)(10)Lidan Wang, Shukai Duan. Novel chaotic neural network for automatic material ratio system.Lecture Notes in Computer Science.2004, 3174: 813-819. ((SCI)(11) Lidan Wang, Xiaofan Yang, Shukai Duan. Analysis of Fault Tolerance of Cellular Neural Networks,and Applications to Image Processing.,Third International Conference on Natural Computation.2007, 3: 252-256. (EI)(12)Shukai Duan, Lidan Wang. Associative chaotic neural network via exponential decay spatio-temporal effect.,Lecture Notes in Computer Science.2005, 3496: 491-496. (SCI)(13) Lidan Wang, Shukai Duan. Generation and Circuitry Implementation of an N-double Scroll Delayed Chaotic Neuron.IEEE Fourth International Conference on Natural Computation.2008,2: 389-393. Oct 18-20, 2008. (EI)(14)胡柏林, 王丽丹(通信作者), 黄艺文, 胡小方, 张宇阳, 段书凯. 忆阻器Simulink建模和图形用户界面设计.西南大学学报(自然科学版), 2011, 33(9):109-116.(15)何朋飞,王丽丹(通信作者), 段书凯, 李传东. 忆容器的Simulink模型及其主要特性分析.电子科技大学学报, 2011, 40(5):648-651. (EI)(16) Shukai Duan,Lidan Wang. Circuitry Analog and Synchronization of Hyperchaotic Neuron Model.Lecture Notes in Computer Science.2008, 5264(2): 580-587. (EI)(17) Lidan Wang, Shukai Duan. Adaptive Synchronization between Two Delayed Chaotic Systems Based on Parameter Identification.IEEE Fourth International Conference on Natural Computation.2008,4: 590-594. Oct 18-20,2008 (EI)(18) Lidan Wang, Shukai Duan, Xiaofan Yang. Generation of Delayed Chaotic Neuron with an Axisymmetric Activation Function.IEEE Seventh World Congress on Intelligent Control and Automation.2008: 1123-1126. June 25-27, 2008, Chongqing, China. (EI)(19) Shukai Duan, Lidan Wang. Associative Memory and Successive Learning in Chaotic Neural Network.Third International Conference on Natural Computation.2007, 3: 118-122. (EI)(20) Shukai Duan, Guangyuan Liu, Lidan Wang, Yuhui Qiu. A novel chaotic neural network for many-to-many associations and successive learning.IEEE International Conference on Neural Networks and Signal Processing.2003, (1-2): 135-138. (ISTP: BY77R).
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我安工大的受内压作用的球体的有限元建模与分析计算分析模型如图所示:受均匀内压的球体计算分析模型(截面图)1 进入ANSYS程序 →ANSYSED 10.0 →change the working directory into yours →input Initial jobname: sphere→OK2设置计算类型 ANSYS Main Menu: Preferences… →select Structural → OK3选择单元类型ANSYS Main Menu: Preprocessor →Element Type→Add/Edit/Delete →Add →select Solid Quad 4node 42 →OK (back to Element Types window) → Options… →select K3: Axisymmetric →OK→Close (the Element Type window)4定义材料参数ANSYS Main Menu: Preprocessor →Material Props →Material Models →Structural →Linear →Elastic →Isotropic →input EX:1.1e11, PRXY:0.3 → OK5生成几何模型 生成特征点ANSYS Main Menu: Preprocessor →Modeling →Create →Keypoints →In Active CS →依次输入四个点的坐标:input:1(0.3,0),2(0.5,0),3(0,0.5),4(0,0.3) →OK 生成球体截面ANSYS 命令菜单栏: Work Plane>Change Active CS to>Global Spherical →ANSYS Main Menu: Preprocessor →Modeling →Create →Lines →In Active Coord →依次连接1,2,3,4点→OK →Preprocessor →Modeling →Create →Areas →Arbitrary →By Lines →依次拾取四条边→OK →ANSYS 命令菜单栏: Work Plane>Change Active CS to>Global Cartesian6 网格划分 ANSYS Main Menu: Preprocessor →Meshing →Mesh Tool→(Size Controls) lines: Set →拾取两条直边:OK→input NDIV: 10 →Apply→拾取两条曲边:OK →input NDIV: 20 →OK →(back to the mesh tool window)Mesh: Areas, Shape: Quad, Mapped →Mesh →Pick All (in Picking Menu) → Close( the Mesh Tool window)7 模型施加约束 给水平直边施加约束ANSYS Main Menu: Solution →Define Loads →Apply →Structural →Displacement →On Lines →拾取水平边:Lab2: UY → OK, 给竖直边施加约束ANSYS Main Menu: Solution →Define Loads →Apply →Structural →Displacement Symmetry B.C. →On Lines →拾取竖直边 →OK 给内弧施加径向的分布载荷ANSYS Main Menu: Solution →Define Loads →Apply →Structural →Pressure →On Lines →拾取小圆弧;OK →input VALUE:100e6 →OK 8 分析计算 ANSYS Main Menu: Solution →Solve →Current LS →OK(to close the solve Current Load Step window) →OK9 结果显示 ANSYS Main Menu: General Postproc →Plot Results →Deformed Shape… → select Def + Undeformed →OK (back to Plot Results window) →Contour Plot →Nodal Solu… →select: DOF solution, UX,UY, Def + Undeformed , Stress ,SX,SY,SZ,Def + Undeformed→OK10 退出系统 ANSYS Utility Menu: File→ Exit…→ Save Everything→OK
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2002.07-2004.11 清华大学工程物理系助理研究员2004.12-2011.11 清华大学工程物理系副研究员(08年起担任博士生导师)2011.12- 清华大学工程物理系教授、博士生导师2004.04-2004.07日本国家核融合研究所文部省客员副教授2006.04-2006.07 美国普林斯顿大学PPPL,访问学者2007.07-2007.10 日本国家核融合研究所,文部省客员副教授2010.04-2010.07 法国南锡一大、德国于利希中心,访问科学家2009.01- 中国科学院磁约束聚变理论中心,研究员、副主任 Plasma Science and Technology编委中国物理学会等离子体物理分会理事蔡诗东等离子体物理奖奖励委员会委员中国等离子体暑期学校组织委员会委员中国计算物理学会计算等离子体物理分会理事国际托卡马克物理活动组织(ITPA)专题组成员中国等离子体物理暑期学校2010共同主席ISTW 2008, 2010国际程序委员会委员 等离子体物理和磁约束核聚变相关研究,尤其是微观不稳定性、湍流输运与湍流自组织结构、射频波-等离子体相互作用(波加热、电流驱动与流驱动)、球形托卡马克物理主讲或合讲课程:等离子体物理基础(本科生,秋季学期)核能与核技术概论-聚变 (本科生,春季学期)等离子体物理导论(研究生,秋季学期)高温等离子体物理(研究生,春季学期)气体和等离子体动理力论(研究生,秋季学期)暑期学校课程包括:Introduction to spherical tokamak (杭州,2005),平板几何下的静电漂移不稳定性(杭州, 2009),带状流与测地声模简介:理论(杭州,2009),Basic principles of RF heating and current drive (Daejeon, Korea, 2009), 波加热与电流驱动原理(上海,2010), 平板位形下的漂移不稳定性(武汉,2013)。曾经负责基金委、科技部、教育部多项科研项目,包括14.01-17.12 国家杰出青年基金项目:磁约束等离子体中波与不稳定性若干问题研究13.04-17.07 国家磁约束聚变能发展研究专项(ITER计划专项国内研究项目):磁约束聚变物理前沿问题研究--波与等离子体相互作用理论研究及实验探索12.08-17.07 国家自然科学基金委中日韩A3前瞻项目:球形环中托卡马克等离子体电流启动与电流驱动的创新研究12.01-15.12 国家自然科学基金委面上项目:SUNIST中阿尔芬波的激励及其对MHD行为的影响12.07-15.06 国际原子能机构IAEA小装置联合研究:Plasma startup by rf waves in Spherical Tokamak10.01-13.12 国家自然科学基金重大项目之重点课题:射频波触发高约束模的理论和模拟研究(清华课题组负责人)08.04-12.08 科技部973课题:球形(小环径比)托卡马克等离子体电流启动及基本特性的研究09.08-12.07 科技部ITER国内配套项目课题:射频波与聚变等离子体相互作用研究(清华课题组负责人)06.01-09.12 国家自然科学基金重点项目:球形环等离子体电流非感应建立及维持的研究05.01-09.12 教育部优秀博士学位论文作者专项基金:环形等离子体中阿尔芬特征模与阿尔芬波电流驱动的理论与实验研究.05.01-08.12 国际原子能机构IAEA小装置联合研究:ECR plasma current startup with/without electrode discharge assistance.05.01-07.12 国家自然科学基金青年科学基金:任意环径比、非圆截面、轴对称等离子体中的多尺度微观不稳定性与扩散损失研究. 清华大学优秀毕业生暨清华大学优秀博士学位论文奖(一等)(02年)蔡诗东等离子体物理奖(03年)全国优秀博士学位论文奖(04年)教育部新世纪人才支持计划(08年)北京市科技新星计划(08年)清华大学优秀博士论文指导教师奖(09年)蔡诗东等离子体物理指导教师奖(09年)清华大学221基础研究人才支持计划(11年)清华大学学术新人奖(11年)教育部霍英东基金会青年教师奖(12年)清华大学学术新人奖(13年) 发表论文50余篇,大部分被SCI收录,部分论文如下:[1] Z. Gao, J. Chen and N. J. Fisch, Parallel rf Force Driven by the Inhomogeneity of Power Absorption in Magnetized Plasma, Physical Review Letters 110, 235004 (2013)[2] A. Zhao and Z. Gao, Convective amplification of a three-wave parametric instability in inhomogeneous plasma, Physics of Plasmas 20,114503 (2013)[3] G. Z. Jia, Z. Gao and A. Zhao, Effects of electron temperature and electron flow on O-X conversion, Physics of Plasmas 20,102509 (2013)[4] J. Chen and Z. Gao, Second-order radio frequency kinetic theory revisited: Resolving inconsistency with conventional fluid theory, Physics of Plasmas 20, 082508 (2013)[5] A. Zhao and Z. Gao, Parameter study of parametric instabilities during lower hybrid wave injection into tokamaks, Nuclear Fusion 53, 083015 (2013)[6] Z. Gao, Collsional damping of the geodesic acoustic mode, Physics of Plasmas 20, 032501 (2013)[7] X. J. Shi, Y. M. Hu and Z. Gao, Optimization of Lower Hybrid Current Drive E±ciency for EAST Plasma with Non-Circular Cross Section and Finite Aspect-Ratio, Plasma Science and Technology 14, 215(2012)[8] G.-Z. Jia and Z. Gao, Effect of electron flow on the ordinary-extraordinary mode conversion, Physics of Plasmas 18, 104511 (2011)[9] Z. Gao, N. J. Fisch, and H. Qin, Radial electric field generated by resonant trapped electron pinch with radio frequency injection in a tokamak plasma, Physics of Plasmas 18, 082507 (2011)[10] Y. Tan, Z. Gao, L. Wang, W.H. Wang, L.F. Xie, X.Z. Yang and C.H. Feng, Transient process of a spherical tokamak plasma startup by electron cyclotron waves, Nuclear Fusion 51, 063021(2011)[11] L. Zeng, Z Gao, Y. Tan, W. H. Wang, H. Q. Xie, L. F. Xie, C. H. Feng, J. Liu, L. Wang, X. Z Yang, Y. B. Wu, F. C. Zhong and X. Gao, Investigation of some MHD events in the SUNIST Spherical Tokamak, Plasma Science and Technology 13, 420 (2011)[12] Z. Gao, Analytical theory of the geodesic acoustic mode in the small and large orbit drift width limits and its application in a study of plasma shaping effect, Plasma Science and Technology 13, 15 (2011)[13] Y. Tan, Z. Gao and L. Wang, Simulation of ECR startup and comparison with experimental observations in SUNIST, Plasma Science and Technology 13, 30 (2011)[14] Z. Gao, Plasma shaping effects on the geodesic acoustic mode in the large orbit drift width limit, Phys. Plasmas 17, 092503 (2010)[15]Y. Tan, Z. Gao and Y. X. He, Analysis and design of the Alfven wave antenna system for the SUNIST spherical tokamak, Fusion Eng. Design 84, 2064 (2009)[16]Z. Gao, L. L. Peng, P. Wang, J. Q. Dong and H. Sanuki, Plasma Elongation Effects on Temperature Gradient Driven Instabilities and Geodesic Acoustic Modes, Nuclear Fusion 49, 045014 (2009).[17] Z. Gao, P. Wang and H. Sanuki, Plasma shaping effects on the geodesic acoustic mode in toroidally axisymmetric plasmas, Phys. Plasmas 15, 074502 (2008)[18] Z. Gao, K. Itoh, H. Sanuki, and J. Q. Dong, Eigenmode analysis of geodesic acoustic modes, Phy. Plasmas 15, 072511 (2008).[19] X. Q. Xu, Z. Xiong, Z. Gao, W. M Nevins, and G. R. Mckee, TEMPEST simulations of collisionless damping of geodesic-acoustic mode in edge plasma pedestal, Phys. Rev. Lett. 100, 215001 (2008).[20] Z. Gao, N. J. Fisch, H. Qin and J. R. Myra, Nonlinear nonresonant forces by radio-frequency waves in plasmas, Physics of Plasmas 14, 084502 (2007).[21] Z. Gao, N. J. Fisch and H. Qin, Nonlinear ponderomotive force by low frequency waves and nonresonant current drive, Physics of Plasmas 13, 112307 (2006).[22] Z. Gao, K. Itoh, H. Sanuki, and J. Q. Dong, Multiple eigenmodes of geodesic acoustic mode in collisionless plasma, Physics of Plasmas 13, 100702 (2006).[23] Z. Gao, H. Sanuki, K. Itoh, and J. Q. Dong, Critical gradients of short wavelength ion temperature gradient instabilities, Journal of Plasmas Physics 72, 1249 (2006).[24] Z. Gao, H. Sanuki, K. Itoh, and J. Q. Dong, Short wavelength ion/electron temperature gradient instability in toroidal plasmas, Physics of Plasmas 12, 022502/022503 (2005).
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直接套用 著录格式: [序号] 编著者. 书名[M]. 版本,出版地:出版者,出版年. 页码.例:[1] 刘谋佶, 吕志咏, 丘成昊. 边条翼与旋涡分离流[M]. 北京: 北京航空学院出版社, 1988. 24~27.[2] Isidori A. Nonlinear control systems[M]. 2nd, New York: Springer Press, 1989. 32~33.注:初版书不标注版本,页码是可选项。(2) 期刊著录格式: [序号] 作者. 题目[J]. 刊名,年,卷(期):页码.例:[1] 傅惠民. 二项分布参数整体推断方法[J]. 航空学报,2000,21(2): 155~158.[2] Moustafa G H. Interaction of axisymmetric supersonic twin jets[J]. AIAA J, 1995, 33(5): 871~875.注:外文期刊的刊名可用简称;请注意标注文章的年、卷、期、页,不要遗漏。(3) 学位论文 著录格式:[序号] 作者. 题目[D]. 地点:单位,年.例:[1] 朱刚. 新型流体有限元法及叶轮机械正反混合问题[D]. 北京:清华大学,1996.[2] Sun M. A study of helicopter rotor aerodynamics in ground effect[D]. Princeton: Princeton Univ, 1983.(4)论文集,会议录 著录格式:[序号] 主要责任者. 题名[C]. 出版地:出版者,出版年.例:[1] 辛希孟. 信息技术与信息服务国际研讨会论文集:A集[C]. 北京:中国社会科学出版社,1994.[2] 北京空气动力研究所. 第九届高超声速气动力会议论文集[C]. 北京:北京空气动力研究所,1997.(5)论文集中析出的文献 著录格式:[序号] 作者. 题目[A]. 见:主编. 论文集名[C]. 论文集名. 出版地:出版者,出版年:页码.例:[1] 陈永康,李素循,李玉林. 高超声速流绕双椭球的实验研究[A]. 见:北京空气动力研究所编. 第九届高超声速气动力会议论文集[C]. 北京:北京空气动力研究所,1997:9~14.[2] Peng J, Luo X Z, Jin C J. The study about the dynamics of the approach glide-down path control of the carrier aircraft[A]. In: GONG Yao-nan ed. Proceedings of the Second Asian-Pacific Conference on Aerospace Technology and Science[C]. Beijing: Chinese Society of Aeronautics and Astronautics, 1997: 236~241.注:会议文集的出版者可能不是正式的出版社;出版地指出版者所在地,不一定是会议地点。(6)科技报告 著录格式:[序号] 作者. 题名[R]. 报告题名及编号,出版地:出版者,出版年.例:[1] 孔祥福. FD-09风洞带地面板条件下的流场校测报告[R]. 北京空气动力研究所技术报告 BG7-270,北京:北京空气动力研究所,1989.[2] Carl E J. Analysis of fatigue, fatigue-crack propagation and fracture data[R]. NASA CR-132332, 1973.注:对于NASA报告,AIAA Paper等航空航天领域知名报告,出版地和出版者可以省略。(7)国际、国家标准,行业规范 著录格式:[序号] 标准编号,标准名称[S]. 出版地:出版者,出版年.例:[1] MIL-E-5007 D, 航空涡轮喷气和涡轮风扇发动机通用规范[S]. 美国空军,1973.[2] GB 7713-87, 科学技术报告、学位论文和学术论文的编写格式[S].注:对于国标GB等,出版地、出版者和出版年可省略。(8)专利 著录格式:[序号] 设计人. 专利题名[P]. 专利国别:专利号,公告日例:[1] 黎志华,黎志军. 反馈声抵消器[P]. 中国专利:ZL85100748,1986-09-24.
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The mandrel is a hollow metal pipe with even wall thickness, and it is axial symmetry.这句话翻译为 该轴是一个空心金属管壁厚均匀,这是轴对称 该轴是一个空心金属管壁厚均匀,这是轴对称翻译为英语应是The shaft is a hollow metal pipe wall thickness uniformity, which is axisymmetric
2023-01-03 22:29:391

a knowledge based system 怎么翻译(专业翻译)

2023-01-03 22:29:488


【霍金】英文简介Stephen William Hawking CH, CBE, FRS, FRSA (/ˈstiːvən ˈhɔːkɪŋ/; born 8 January 1942) is a British theoretical physicist, cosmologist, author and Director of Research at the Centre for Theoretical Cosmology within the University of Cambridge. His scientific works include a collaboration with Roger Penrose on gravitational singularity theorems in the framework of general relativity, and the theoretical prediction that black holes emit radiation, often called Hawking radiation. Hawking was the first to set forth a theory of cosmology explained by a union of the general theory of relativity and quantum mechanics. He is a vigorous supporter of the many-worlds interpretation of quantum mechanics.He is an Honorary Fellow of the Royal Society of Arts, a lifetime member of the Pontifical Academy of Sciences, and a recipient of the Presidential Medal of Freedom, the highest civilian award in the United States. Hawking was the Lucasian Professor of Mathematics at the University of Cambridge between 1979 and 2009 and has achieved commercial success with works of popular science in which he discusses his own theories and cosmology in general; his book A Brief History of Time stayed on the British Sunday Times best-seller list for a record-breaking 237 weeks.Hawking suffers from a rare early-onset, slow-progressing form of amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS), also known as motor neuron disease or Lou Gehrig"s disease, that has gradually paralysed him over the decades. He now communicates using a single cheek muscle attached to a speech-generating device. Hawking married twice and has three children.【Awards and honours】Hawking has received numerous awards and honours. Already early in the list, in 1974 he was elected a Fellow of the Royal Society (FRS). At that time, his nomination read:"Hawking has made major contributions to the field of general relativity. These derive from a deep understanding of what is relevant to physics and astronomy, and especially from a mastery of wholly new mathematical techniques. Following the pioneering work of Penrose he established, partly alone and partly in collaboration with Penrose, a series of successively stronger theorems establishing the fundamental result that all realistic cosmological models must possess singularities. Using similar techniques, Hawking has proved the basic theorems on the laws governing black holes: that stationary solutions of Einstein"s equations with smooth event horizons must necessarily be axisymmetric; and that in the evolution and interaction of black holes, the total surface area of the event horizons must increase. In collaboration with G. Ellis, Hawking is the author of an impressive and original treatise on "Space-time in the Large".The citation continues:"Other important work by Hawking relates to the interpretation of cosmological observations and to the design of gravitational wave detectors."
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Warning: The use of axis boundary conditions is not appropriate for

2023-01-03 22:30:202

element behavior是什么意思

单元行为方式 在 Element behavior(单元行为方式)下拉列表选择 Axisymmetric(轴对称)选项
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2023-01-03 22:30:362

fluent 检查网格出错了,帮忙解决一下啊!

2023-01-03 22:30:443


与他人合著:《金属腐蚀学》---该教材获北京科技大学优秀教材奖与他人合著:《金属防腐蚀技术》 先后在国内外科技期刊上共发表了180多篇论文,其中80余篇被SCI、EI收录 。[1]Guan Wang,Yu Hongying,Jin Ying,Sun Dongbai.Effect of Pickling on Plating Porosity and Related Electrochemical Test[J].Surface Engineering, 2012,28(6):430-434.   [2]Tan Li,Cao Lijing,YangMu,Ge Wang,Dongbai Sun. Formationof dual-responsive polystyrene/polyaniline microspheres with sea urchin-likeand core-shell morphologies[J]. Polymer,2011,(52): 4770-4776.   [3]Jin Ying,Yu Hongying,Yang Dejun,Sun Dongbai.Electrochemical Essence of Metal Catalytic Activity for ElectrolessDeposition[J]. Rare metal materials and engineering, 2010, 39(8): 1365-1369.   [4]Jin Ying,Yu Hongying,Yang Dejun,Sun Dongbai.Effects of complexing agents on acidic electroless nickel deposition[J]. Raremetals,2010,29(4): 401-406.   [5]Cao Li-Jing,Wang Ge,Shi Lin,Yang Mu,SunDong-Bai. Preparation and Catalytic Application of Poly 4-VinylpyridineMicrospheres[J]. Journal of applied polymer science,2010,116(6): 3178-3183.   [6]Yang Jing-hong,Liu Qing-you,Sun Dong-bai.Microstructure and Transformation Characteristics of Acicular Ferrite in HighNiobium-Bearing Microalloyed Steel[J]. Journal of iron and steel researchinternational,2010,17(6): 53-59.   [7]Xu J.,Zhang Z. L.,Ostby E.,Nyhus B.,SunDongbai. Constraint effect on the ductile crack growth resistance ofcircumferentially cracked pipes[J]. Engineering fracture mechanics,2009,77(4):671-684.   [8]Cao Lijing,Yang Mu,WangGe,Wei Yen,Sun Dongbai. AGreen Epoxidation System with Poly(4-vinylpyridine) Microsphere-SupportedMolybdenum Catalyst[J]. Polymer Chemistry,2010,48(3): 558-562.   [9]Yang Jinghong, Liu Qingyou,Sun Dongbai,LiXiangyang. Microstructure and transformation characteristics of acicularferrite in a high Nb-bearing microalloyed steel[J]. The Journal of Iron andSteel Research International, 2010, 17(6): 53-59.   [10]Xu J.,Zhang Z. L.,Ostby E,Nyhus B,SunDongbai. Effects of crack depth and specimen size on ductile crack growth ofSENT and SENB specimens for fracture mechanics evaluation of pipelinesteels[J]. international journal of pressure vessels and piping,2009,86(12):787-797.   [11]Yuan Xue-tao,Sun Dong-bai,Yu Hong-ying.Effect of nano-SiC particles on the corrosion resistance of NiP-SiC compositecoatings[J]. international journal of minerals metallurgy and materials,16(4):444-451.   [12]Wang DaPengHongYing.Preparation of one-dimensional nickel nanowires by self-assembly process[J].materials chemistry and physics,2008,113(1): 227-232.   [13]Yuan Xuetao,Sun Dongbai,Yu Hongying,MengHuimin. Structure and mechanical properties of Ni-P electrodepositedcoatings[J]. applied surface science,2008,255(6): 3613-3617.   [14]Yang Jing-hong,Liu Qing-you,Sun Dong-bai.Recrystallization Behavior of Deformed Austenite in High Strength MicroalloyedPipeline Steel[J]. Journal of iron and steel research international,2009,16(1):75-80.  [15]Wang DaPengYu HongYing.Preparation of one-dimensional nickel nanowires by self-assembly process[J].materials chemistry and physics,2008,113(1): 227-232.  [16]Ye Zhi-Guo,Meng Hui-Min,Sun Dong-Bai. Newdegradation mechanism of Ti/IrO2 + MnO2 anode for oxygen evolution in 0.5 MH2SO4 solution[J]. Electrochimica acta,2008,53(18): 5639-5643.  [17]Wang Ying,Yu Hongying,Cheng Yuan,ShanHaiTao,Zhang LiXin,Sun Dong Bai. Corrosion Behaviors of X80 Pipeline Steel inDifferent Simulated Alkaline Soil Solution[C]. Advanced materialsresearch,2011,189-193: 4261-4266.   [18]Yuan Xuetao,Sun Dongbai,Hua Zhiqiang,WangLei. Initial electrodeposition behavior of amorphous Ni-P alloys[C]. AdvancedMaterials Research, 2011,154-155:535-539.   [19]Wu Anqi,Yu Hongying,Sun Dongbai. ComputerSimulation of Uniform Corrosion Process for Carbon Steel[C]. Advanced MaterialsResearch,2011,201-203: 234-240.   [20]Cheng Yuan,Yu Hongying,Wang Ying,MengXu,Zhang Lixin,Sun DongBai. Effect of Potentials on Stress Corrosion Crackingof X80 Pipeline Steel in Simulated Soil Solution[C]. Advanced MaterialsResearch,2011,197-198:1549-1554.   [21]Yuan Xuetao,Hua Zhiqiang,Wang Lei,SunDongbai,Chen Songlin. Effect of nano-Al2O3 particles on the NiP/nano-Al2O3coatings" properties[C].Applied Mechanics and Materials, 2011,66-68:1668-1675.   [22]Cao Lijing,Yang M.U,Wang G.E,Wei Yen,SunDongbai. A green epoxidation system with poly(4-vinylpyridine)microsphere-supported molybdenum catalyst[J]. Journal of Polymer Science,2010,48(3):558-562.   [23]Zhang Bingcong,Yu Hongying,Sun Dongbai.Shape-controlled synthesis and formation mechanism of cobalt nanopowders by aPVP-assisted method[C].Materials Science Forum, 2010,654-656:1186-1189.   [24]Xu Jie,Zhang, Zhiliang,Østby Erling,NyhusBård,Sun Dongbai. Axisymmetric modeling of constraint effect on the ductilecrack growth resistance of circumferentially cracked pipes[C].ASME 2010 29thInternational Conference on Ocean, Offshore and ArcticEngineering,2010,5:133-142.   [25]Xu Jie,Zhang Zhiliang,Østby Erling,NyhusBård,Sun Dongbai. Numerical analyses of ductile fracture behavior in 2D planestrain and axisymmetric models using the complete Gurson model[C]. Proceedingsof the ASME Pressure Vessels and Piping Conference 2009 - Materials andFabrication,2010,6(PART B):815-1824.   [26]Zhang Limin,Sun Dongbai,Yu Hongying. Effect of niobiumon the microstructure and wear resistance of iron-based alloy coating producedby plasma cladding[J]. Materials Science and Engineering A,2008,490(1-2):57-61.
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