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英语翻译Many groundless opinion are held through sentimental ass?

2023-07-19 15:22:15

Many groundless opinion are held through sentimental associations.The thought is associated with memories.的意思是:





我没看过groundless belief,所以这个翻译是我自己揣摩的,1,许多毫无根据的观点是通过情感协会举行的思想与记忆。,1,许多毫无根据的观点来自于感伤性的联想,而这种联想与记忆息息相关。

自己翻的 不知道对不对 若满意请采纳 谢谢。,1,很多毫无理由的观点来自于非理性的联想。思想与记忆有关。,0,许多毫无根据的观点都是通过情感联想出来的,这种想法通常与记忆相关联。,0,许多毫无根据的观点都是人们感性的联想。思想是跟人的记忆紧密相连的,0,英语翻译

Many groundless opinion are held through sentimental associations.The thought is associated with memories.大学课文里的,那不什么groundless belief信仰那课!



groundless adj. 无根据的例句:Facts have proved these worries groundless.侧重原因,证据,事实irrational adj.无理性的;不合理的 n.无理数例句:The logical definition of the irrational number is rather sophisticated.侧重逻辑上的是否合乎道理,还有无理性的意思
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少飞 SF 飞 [动] fly; flit; float or flutter in the air; [口] volatilize; [形] unexpected; accidental; unfounded; groundless; [副] (形容极快) swiftly; speedily; [例句]飞雪花了。Snowflakes flutter in the air.
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23631:last week a well-rounded study was

你的语法结构所有分析都很正确,就有一点,你分析正确了,却表示的稍微有些“错误”,虽然逻辑上还可以。就是:it was based on 22,000 questionnaires that sent to former graduate students who were enrolled in 24 universities 。主句是it was based on 22,000 questionnaires (这份报告依据的是22000份调查问卷),翻译成:这份报告依据的是(被)发送到前大学毕业生(他们是(来自)24所大学注册过的大学生)的22000份调查问卷。你的译文“一份以2万2千份的调查问卷发送给以前在24所大学上学的生研究生,” ,这儿没有突出句子主题“这份报告依据的是22000份调查问卷”啊。【你还提到了:be based on:以...为基础】可能是疏忽了这一点。另外理解: questionnaires that sent to former graduate students = questionnaires that were sent to former graduate students【被发送到前大学毕业生的调查问卷】 ,因为发送“send”这个动作的主语实际上是“人们”,不可能是(所修饰的)名词“questionnaires”,所以估计应该是省略be的被动语态句。
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1. 浮白主人《笑林》 古文 ⊙金眼睛党进命画工 *** ,写成大怒,责画工曰:“前日见你画大虫,尚用金箔帖眼,偏我消不得一双金眼睛乎?”——(明)浮白斋主人撰《雅谑》⊙秃 字包山寺(在苏州太湖)僧天灵者,博学通文。 有一秀才嘲之曰:“秃驴的秃字如何写?”僧应声答曰:“把秀才的秀字, *** 略弯弯掉转就是。”——(明)浮白斋主人撰《雅谑》⊙韩信主考宋壬戌科,秦桧之子熹,侄昌时、昌龄,一榜登第。 时人愤恨,追问今岁知贡举为谁。一士答曰:“是韩信。” 人争辩其非。士笑曰:“若非韩信主考,如何乃取三秦?”——(明)浮白斋主人撰《雅谑》⊙产 喻一士屡科不利,其妻素患难产,谓夫曰:“中这一节,与生产一般艰难。” 士曰:“你是有在肚里,我却无在肚里。”——(明)浮白主人辑《笑林》⊙名读书车胤囊荧读书,孙康映雪读书。 一日,康往拜胤,不遇,问何往,门者曰:“出外捉萤火虫去了。”已而胤答拜康,见康闲立庭中,问:“何不读书?”康曰:“我看今日这天不像个下雪的。” ——(明)浮白主人辑《笑林》⊙豆 腐一人留客饭,只豆腐一味,自言:“豆腐是我性命,觉他味不及也。”异日至客家,客记其食性所好,乃以鱼肉中各和豆腐。 其人只择鱼肉大啖,客问曰:“汝曰‘豆腐是性命",今日如何不吃?”答曰:“见了鱼肉,性命都不要了。”——(明)浮白主人辑《笑林》⊙卖 糕有叫卖糕者,声甚哑,人问其故,曰:“我饿耳。” 又问:“既饿,何不食糕?”曰:“是馊的。”(两曰皆低声而说)——(明)浮白主人辑《笑林》。 2. 浮白主人《笑林》 古文 ⊙金眼睛 党进命画工 *** ,写成大怒,责画工曰:“前日见你画大虫,尚用金箔帖眼,偏我 消不得一双金眼睛乎?” ——(明)浮白斋主人撰《雅谑》 ⊙秃 字 包山寺(在苏州太湖)僧天灵者,博学通文。有一秀才嘲之曰:“秃驴的秃字如何 写?”僧应声答曰:“把秀才的秀字, *** 略弯弯掉转就是。” ——(明)浮白斋主人撰《雅谑》 ⊙韩信主考 宋壬戌科,秦桧之子熹,侄昌时、昌龄,一榜登第。时人愤恨,追问今岁知贡举为 谁。一士答曰:“是韩信。”人争辩其非。士笑曰:“若非韩信主考,如何乃取三 秦?” ——(明)浮白斋主人撰《雅谑》 ⊙产 喻 一士屡科不利,其妻素患难产,谓夫曰:“中这一节,与生产一般艰难。”士曰: “你是有在肚里,我却无在肚里。” ——(明)浮白主人辑《笑林》 ⊙名读书 车胤囊荧读书,孙康映雪读书。一日,康往拜胤,不遇,问何往,门者曰:“出外 捉萤火虫去了。”已而胤答拜康,见康闲立庭中,问:“何不读书?”康曰:“我 看今日这天不像个下雪的。” ——(明)浮白主人辑《笑林》 ⊙豆 腐 一人留客饭,只豆腐一味,自言:“豆腐是我性命,觉他味不及也。”异日至客家 客记其食性所好,乃以鱼肉中各和豆腐。其人只择鱼肉大啖,客问曰:“汝曰‘ 豆腐是性命",今日如何不吃?”答曰:“见了鱼肉,性命都不要了。” ——(明)浮白主人辑《笑林》 ⊙卖 糕 有叫卖糕者,声甚哑,人问其故,曰:“我饿耳。”又问:“既饿,何不食糕?” 曰:“是馊的。”(两曰皆低声而说) ——(明)浮白主人辑《笑林》 3. 雅谑的文言文翻译 明·浮白斋主人《雅谑》 1、园外狼 宋代大臣石中立为人诙谐幽默,早年做员外郎时,有一次与同僚们去皇帝的御花园观看狮子。同僚中有一人不解地说:“朝廷每天拿五斤肉来饲养它,而我们这些人的俸禄反而不如这头狮子。”石中立笑着说:“那当然啦。我们这些人的职务,只不过是个园(员)外狼(郎),岂敢跟园内的狮子相攀比呢?”众人听了,禁不住大笑起来。 2、吊丧的玩笑 有个年轻人父亲死了,他却并不悲哀。有个叫杨南峰的便特制了一个宽大的帽子戴了前去吊丧。下拜时,帽子脱落下来,滚到了座椅下面,杨南峰便把头伸进去,穿进帽中,再起来,引得年轻人在帘帷中哄然大笑。这个年轻人便蒙上了不孝的名声。 3、免得拆了伴 苏轼到邻人家相聚饮酒,盘中有四个黄雀。一个人接连吃了三个,只剩下一个向苏轼推让。苏轼笑道:“您再吃了吧,免得黄雀拆了伴。” 4、都统惧内 唐朝中书令王铎,很怕老婆。当时正值黄巢兴兵造反,已接近京城,朝廷让王铎做都统官带兵镇守诸宫,出京时他只带了姬妾随行,把夫人留在了京城。有一天,部下忽然来报:“夫人离开京城前来,已在半路上了。”王铎闻报,十分惊恐,对属下说:“黄巢兵渐渐向南逼来,夫人又气冲冲自北方赶来,旦夕之间,就要到达,这可怎么办?”幕僚开玩笑说:“不如投降黄巢吧。”王铎听了也大笑起来。 5、背后无眼 有个叫陈音的官员入朝,把官帽戴反了,冠缨转向了后面。他看到同僚们冠缨下垂,低头看看自己下巴处,看不见冠缨,大惊道:“为何我没有冠缨?”旁边一个人拽着他的冠缨给他把帽子正了过来说:“您自有缨,只不过背后无眼看不见罢了。” 6、供奉真武 南宋奸相贾似道设宴请客,厨师做了鳖,一个客人不吃,还说:“我供奉北方之神真武君,此鳖很像真武君案下的龟,所以不吃。”席桌盘中还有甘蔗,另一个客人也说不吃。贾似道问他为什么,他说:“我也供奉真武君,甘蔗不像真武前面的旗竿吗?”人们听了,哄堂大笑。 7、大姨小姨 薛简肃公有三个女儿,大女儿嫁给欧阳修,二女儿嫁给王拱辰。后来欧阳修丧妻,续娶了薛公的第三个女儿,所以王拱辰与他开玩笑说:“旧女婿为新女婿,大姨夫作小姨夫。”正赶上刘原父晚年再娶,欧阳修用汉代刘晨、阮肇入天台山采药得配仙女的传说,作诗调侃刘原父说:仙家千载一何长,浮世空惊日月忙。洞里桃花莫相笑,刘郎今日老刘郎。刘原父听了不高兴,便寻机报复欧阳修。一天,刘原父、王拱辰、欧阳修三人相会,原父说:“从前有个老学究教小孩念书,朗诵《毛诗》到‘委蛇委蛇"这一句时,告诉小学生:‘这个蛇字要读作姨,切记。"第二天,小学生在路上看乞儿耍蛇,很晚才到学校,学究便责问道:‘你为什么来晚了?"小学生说:‘刚才在路上,碰到有人弄姨(蛇),我便与众人观看。只见他先弄大姨(蛇),又弄小姨(蛇),所以耽误了上学。"”欧阳修听了,不禁放声大笑。 8、皇帝尚且害怕 唐朝大臣房玄龄的夫人性情嫉妒凶悍,房玄龄很怕她,一个妾也不敢娶。唐太宗让皇后召见房夫人,告诉她现今朝廷大臣娶妾有定制,皇帝将赏给房玄龄美女。房夫人听了,坚持不肯。皇帝让人斟了一杯酒,谎称是毒酒,用来吓唬房夫人说:“如果你再坚持不肯,那就是违抗圣旨了,抗旨者应喝毒酒死!”房夫人听了,毫不犹豫,接过酒来,一饮而尽。唐太宗见了,叹道:“这夫人我见了尚且害怕,更何况房玄龄!” 9、狗眼生病 迂公眼睛生病,要出去找个医生诊治一下。出家门时,可巧自家的狗正趴在台阶上,迂公从狗身上跨过去,不小心踩了狗脖子,狗痛得一下子跳起来咬坏了迂公的衣服。迂公来看眼病时,谈到狗咬他的事,并提起衣服给医生看。医生与迂公是老熟人了,便戏弄他说:“这一定是狗眼生病了,不然怎么咬起主人的衣服来了?”迂公听后连连点头,拿了医生给他开的治眼病的药就回家了。迂公寻思着:狗咬主人还是小事,而狗眼有病夜晚不能看家却万万不行。于是,他便把医生开的药煎了先给狗喝了,自己只喝了剩下的一点药汤。 10、嘴有年头 有一次,迂公喝醉了酒,路过鲁参政家门口时,呕吐了一地。鲁家看门人走过来骂道:“哪来的醉鬼,竟敢在我家门前乱吐乱泄!”迂公抬起一双醉眼,很轻蔑地斜视着看门人说:“是你家的大门没盖对地方,竟然与我的嘴对着!”看门人觉得这个醉鬼说话很有趣,就笑着反驳道:“我家的大门建得很久了,岂是今日对着你的嘴建的?”迂公指着自己的嘴说:“老子的嘴也有些年头了!” 4. 浮在文言文中的意思 浮 fú 〈动〉(1) (形声。 从水,孚( fú )声。本义:漂流,漂浮)(2) 同本义 [float]浮,泛也。 ——《说文》载沉载浮。——《诗·小雅·菁菁者莪》浮,漂也。 浮游也。——《广雅》乘桴浮于海。 ——《论语·公冶长》浮于济漯。——《书·禹贡》过夏首而西浮兮。 ——《楚辞·哀郢》浮天无岸。——《文选·桦·海赋》皓月千里,浮光跃金。 ——宋· 范仲淹《岳阳楼记》交语速装束,络绎如浮云。——《玉台新咏·古诗为焦仲卿妻作》(3) 又如:油浮于水面;浮梗(随水漂浮的残梗);浮蛆(酿酒未熟时,漂浮在酒浆上的泡沫);浮没(漂流淹没);浮月(浮在水面的月影)。 也指飘在空中。如:浮香(漂溢的香气);浮气(浮游的云雾);浮踊(飘浮升腾的)(4) 游水(如挥动手脚或摆动翅鳍或尾巴)推进身体 [swim]蒙冲斗舰乃以千数,操悉浮以沿江。 ——《资治通鉴》(5) 又如:浮涉(乘舟渡水);浮淫(划船游乐);浮舟(行船)(6) 超过 [exceed]罪俘于桀。——《书伪泰誓》康乃甘心鹰犬,搏噬善类,其罪又浮于高拱。 ——《明史·海瑞传》(7) 又如:人浮于事;浮征(超额征收);浮冒(虚报;假冒)(8) 游荡,游手好闲 [idle about]。如:浮沉草野(浪迹山野乡间;四处漂泊);浮客(四处漂泊的人);浮户(流动而无定籍的户口);浮人(到处流浪的人)(9) 用满杯酒罚人 [punish *** . with a full cup of wine]使苏子美读之,必浮白曰:“惜乎击之不中!”——《聊斋志异》(10) 又如:浮白(罚酒;借指满饮)词性变化◎ 浮 fú 〈形〉(1) 在表面上 [on the surface;superficial]耻名之浮于行也。 ——《礼记·表记》(2) 又如:浮文套语(不疼不痒的客套话);浮气(非常微弱的气息)(3) 暂时的 [temporary;provisional]。如:浮支;浮世(世事无定,生命短促);浮铺(地摊。 没有固定地点的铺子);浮借(暂借);浮来暂去(刚来就走;来去匆匆)(4) 轻薄;轻佻 [flighty;frivolous]教以乐,以疏其秽,而镇其浮。——《国语·楚语》浮浪书生亦贪利,史笥经箱为盗囊。 ——梅尧臣《闻进士贩茶》(5) 又如:粗心浮气;浮逸(轻浮放荡);浮浪(轻薄放荡)(6) 空虚;无根据。又空虚不实 [hollow;empty;groundless]有苗时采,则虚而浮。 ——宋· 沈括《梦溪笔谈》(7) 又如:浮称(虚名);浮言(没有实际意义的话);浮幻(不切实际的幻想);浮理(捏造的理由);浮文(虚华无实的文章);浮词(虚饰无根据的言辞);浮议(无根据、不足信的言论)◎ 浮 fú 〈名〉(1) 疏松细碎的土 [loose earth]壤土之次曰五浮。——《管子》(2) 通“瓠”( hú)。 葫芦 [bottle gourd]百人抗浮,不若一人挈而趋。——《淮南子》(3) 通“蜉”。 虫名 [worm]浮游有殷。——《大戴礼·夏小正》。 5. 有那个浮梅槛记.(明)黄汝亨的译文 哥遍搜百度,没有答案啊,看你给了200分,我给你手动翻译一下,你就看着给分吧,好吗?有不太准确的地方,时间紧急,我就不深究了,但足够你交作业了。 客夏游黄山、白岳,见竹筏行溪林间,好事者载酒从之甚适。 夏天我去黄山、白岳两地旅游,见竹筏漂行在林间小溪之上,有那好游玩的人们坐着筏子载着酒随着水流而行非常惬意的样子。 因想吾家西湖上,湖水清且广,雅宜此具,归而与吴德聚谋制之。 因为想到我家是住在西湖边上的,西湖那水清澈而且宽广,非常适合竹筏子这种优雅的东西,回来之后我便与友人吴德聚在一起谋划做一个玩。 朱栏青幕,四披之,竟与烟水云霞通为一席,泠泠如也。 竹筏用朱红色的栏杆围起来,并在船四周遮以青色的纱幕,远远看过去竟然跟烟水云霞融为一体,一派清幽凄冷的样子。 按《地理志》云:“有梅湖者,昔人以梅为筏,沉于此湖,有时浮出。至春则开花流满湖面。” 《地理志》里头说过:“金陵有一个叫梅湖的地方,曾有人以梅树和梅花做了一个筏子,沉放在此湖之中,有时候它会浮起来,到春天时这个梅筏会开出梅花来,满湖面的漂流。” 友人周东音至,遂欣然题之曰:“浮梅槛。” 我的朋友周东音到我这看到这个独特的筏子,于是欣然为它题写了“浮梅槛”的名字。 古今人意同不同,未可知也。 古时和现在的意韵相不相同,我不知道。 书联者二,一曰:“湍回急沫上,缆锦杂华浮。”一曰:“指烟霞以问乡,林屿而放泊。” 写了两副对联,一副是“湍回急沫上,缆锦杂华浮。”另外一副是“指烟霞以问乡,林屿而放泊。” 每花月夜,及澄雪山阴,予时与韵人禅衲[2],尚羊六桥[3]。 每逢花月夜,或者是雪天夕阳时候(此句不知何意,揣测),我常和雅士禅衲,徜徉苏堤六桥。 观者如堵,具叹西湖千载以来未有,当时苏、白风流[4],意想不及。 围观者堵塞通道,都感叹说这是西湖千百年来从未有过之景,就算当年苏东坡白居易在杭州时的风流倜傥,怕也逊色于今日几分。 此人情喜新之潭。夫我辈寥廓湛妙之观,岂必此具,乃与梅湖仙人争奇哉?聊述所自,以贻观者。 这是人们喜欢新意的缘故吧,像我们空旷深远、妙圆湛寂之辈,岂不是必须配备此筏以与梅湖的那个仙人争奇斗艳吗?简单记述下这些,以供读者欣赏。 注:“妙圆湛寂”:“我们圆满不可思议,湛就是光明,寂就是寂静。我们不可思议圆满的清净自性充满着光明又是一片寂静。寂就是如的意思,如如不动的如。”——慧律法师语 憨山老人梦游集——楞严经悬镜 6. 梁国吟 全文翻译 又名《梁 园 吟》、《梁苑醉酒歌》 我浮黄河去京阙,挂席欲进波连山。 天长水阔厌远涉,访古始及平台间。 平台为客忧思多,对酒遂作梁园歌。 却忆蓬池阮公咏,因吟“渌水扬洪波”。 洪波浩荡迷旧国,路远西归安可得! 人生达命岂暇愁,且饮美酒登高楼。 平头奴子摇大扇,五月不热疑清秋。 玉盘杨梅为君设,吴盐如花皎白雪。 持盐把酒但饮之,莫学夷齐事高洁。 昔人豪贵信陵君,今人耕种信陵坟。 荒城虚照碧山月,古木尽入苍梧云。 梁王宫阙今安在?枚马先归不相待。 舞影歌声散绿池,空馀汴水东流海。 沉吟此事泪满衣,黄金买醉未能归。 连呼五白行六博,分曹赌酒酣驰晖。 歌且谣,意方远。 东山高卧时起来,欲济苍生未应晚。 我离开了京城,从黄河上乘船而下,船上佳起了风帆,大河中波涛汹涌,状如山脉起伏。航程长,水遥阔,饱尝远游之辛苦,才终于到达宋州的平台,这是古梁园的遗迹。在平台作客依然愁思不断,对酒高歌,即兴来一首《梁园歌》。又感阮籍《咏怀》“徘徊蓬池上”之诗,念及“泽水扬洪波”之句,深感长安与梁园隔着干山万水,道路迢迢,想再重返西京希望已经不大了。 人各有命,天命难违,必须豁达,不必忧愁,且登高楼边赏风景边饮美酒,再让歌女唱我的小曲。身旁有平头奴子摇着扇子,炎热的五月就如同十月清秋一样凉爽。侍女为你端上盛满杨梅的玉盘,再为你端上花皎如雪的吴盐。沾白盐饮美酒,人生不得意也要尽欢,别学周朝的夷齐品行高洁,不食周粟,我拿着皇上的金子买酒喝。 以前这附近有个潇洒豪勇的主人名叫信陵君,如今他的坟地却被人耕种,可见权力风流是空。你看现今这梁园,月光虚照,院墙颓败,青山暮暮,只有古木参天,飘挂流云。当时豪奢的梁园宫阙早已不复存在,当时风流倜傥的枚乘、司马相如哪去了?当时的舞影歌声哪去了?均付池中绿水,只剩下汴水日夜东流到海不复回。 吟到这里,我不由得泪洒衣襟,未能归得长安,只好以黄金买醉。或呼白喊黑,一掷干金;戴分曹赌酒,以遣时日。我且歌且谣,暂以为隐士,但仍寄希望于将来。就像当年谢安东山高卧一样,一旦时机已到,再起来大济苍生,时犹未为晚也! 背景 这首诗写于唐玄宗天宝三载(744年)诗人游大梁(今河南开封一带)和宋州(州治在今河南商丘)的时候。梁园,一句梁苑,汉代梁孝王所建;平台,春秋时宋平公所建。这两个遗迹,都在唐时宋州(今河南商丘)。李白是离长安后来到这一带的。天宝元年(741年),他得到唐玄宗的征召,满怀理想,奔向长安。结果不仅抱负落空,立脚也很艰难,终于被唐玄宗“赐金放还”(《新唐书》本传),离开长安,“浮黄河”以东行,到了梁宋之地,写下此诗。
2023-07-19 01:28:001


对巴菲特对人工智能的担忧,我有以下看法:1. 人工智能的发展确实让许多人产生了担忧,特别是人工智能既有巨大潜力也存在未知风险,这会让人联想到原子技术的崛起。但人工智能目前还远未达到原子能那般具备全面改变人类命运的分岔点。2. 人工智能目前仍处在可控范围内,主要用于特定任务的自动化与优化,整体上仍为人类社会创造着巨大价值。与原子能形式的破坏性差异较大。人工智能的发展还需要持续投入与研究,离真正的“超智能”还有较长的距离。3. 但是,人工智能技术的发展速度的确很难预测,它可能在未来某个时刻出现突破并产生系统性影响,届时可能真的面临全新的风险与挑战。这种担忧并不完全 groundless。所以人工智能的发展仍需要谨慎与控制。4. 人工智能的未来取决于技术本身以及我们如何使用和管理它。不同于原子能,人工智能还可以通过人为监管与引导走向积极向上的方向,造福人类。关键是要在发展中加强对人工智能的管控与适度限制。5. 总体来说,目前将人工智能的兴起与原子弹的发明相提并论还为时过早。但对人工智能未知影响的担忧也不无理由,关键是要在发展过程中持续关注人工智能可能带来的风险与挑战,并采取的管控措施将其引导于积极方向,最大限度利用人工智能的潜力造福人类社会。所以,巴菲特的担忧值得重视,但目前将人工智能与原子弹相提并论尚嫌夸大。关键是在人工智能发展中要保持高度警惕,加强管理,引导其向有利于人类的方向发展。只有在发展的每一步都对人工智能保持警惕心理并加以把控,才能避免在将来它真的产生无法控制的影响,最终被其牵着鼻子走。人工智能的未来取决于我们今天如何管理它。
2023-07-19 01:28:221


不是IS 是男孩的
2023-07-19 01:28:324


Your counter offer is too low and groundless, therefore it cannot serve as a basis for further negotiation with our manufacturers.
2023-07-19 01:28:521


英音 [ waild ] ; 美音 [ waild ] adj. 1.野生的,未驯化的2.未开化的;野蛮的3.无居民的,荒凉的4.强烈的,狂暴的5.狂热的,发怒的,疯狂的6.对…狂热(着魔)的7.缺乏管教的;无法无天的;放荡的8.感情炽烈的 9.盲目的;瞎抓的10.很棒的;高兴的;令人激动的n. 1.自然环境;野生状态2.偏远地区;人烟稀少的地区词形变化:形容词比较级:wilder,wildest;副词:wildly;名词:wildness;时态:wilded,wilding,wilds。同义词:rampantly;raving,raving mad;groundless,idle,baseless,unfounded,unwarranted;untamed;fantastic;crazy;violent。反义词:tame;tame,tamed。单词分析:这些形容词均含“剧烈的,凶猛的,狂暴的”之意。turbulent:正式用词,多用描写风和水,也可指心神不定或控制不住的感情波动。stormy:指风雨大作,也指人很激动的感情。violent:普通用词,指人时侧重极为不安,异常激,暗含有达或暴力行为;也指破坏性的或不可控制的自然力量。wild:普通用词,既可指自然界的荒芜,未被驯化状态,又指人的无法无天,不文明的野蛮行为。fierce:普通用词,指人或兽的凶猛残酷。
2023-07-19 01:29:011

いい加减 这个词有多少种意思

u30fbいいかげん 【いい加减】いい加减(=かなり)くたびれたI am pretty [rather] tired. 《いい加减に》 u30fb いい加减に(=无作为に)选ぶchoose at random; make a random choice. u30fb 物事をいい加减に(=中途半端に)するなDon"t do things by halves [leave things half-done].(※by halvesは通例否定文で用いる) u30fb 冗谈もいい加减にしろ(=もうたくさんだ)(I"ve had) enough of your jokes./That"s enough joking.(※Enough of...は独立して成句的によく用いる:(それは)もういい加减にしろよEnough of that.)/(度を越すな)Don"t go too far in your jokes. 会话「ちょっと切らないで,待ってて」 「いい加减にしろよ.俺だって忙しいんだぞ」 “Hold on a minute.”“Comeon. We don"t have all day.” u30fb 彼は生まじめな人でどんなことでもいい加减に(=游び半分に)しないやや话 He is a serious man and never plays at everything. いい加减な 〔1〕【适度の】(适当な)proper;(ちょうどよい)just right;(十分な)enough. u30fb ふろはちょうどいい加减だThe bath is just the right temperature [just warm enough]. 〔2〕【でたらめな,不彻底の】(无责任な)irresponsible;(でたらめな)random;(疑わしい)dubious, 话 fishy;(当てにならない)unreliable;(根拠のない)groundless;(あいまいな)vague;(言质(げんち)を与えない)やや书 noncommittal;(中途半端な)halfway. u30fb いい加减な事を言うsay irresponsible [random] things; talk irresponsibly. u30fb いい加减な(=うさんくさい)话a suspicious [× a fishy] story.(※fishyは限定用法には用いない) u30fb いい加减な情报unreliable information. u30fb いい加减なうわさa groundless rumor. u30fb いい加减な返事をするgive a vague [a noncommittal] answer. u30fb いい加减な手段を讲ずるtake halfway measures. u30fb 私はいい加减な仕事はしたくないI don"t want to do a halfway job.
2023-07-19 01:29:112


1. 浮在文言文中的意思 浮 fú 〈动〉 (1) (形声。从水,孚( fú )声。本义:漂流,漂浮) (2) 同本义 [float] 浮,泛也。——《说文》 载沉载浮。——《诗·小雅·菁菁者莪》 浮,漂也。浮游也。——《广雅》 乘桴浮于海。——《论语·公冶长》 浮于济漯。——《书·禹贡》 过夏首而西浮兮。——《楚辞·哀郢》 浮天无岸。——《文选·桦·海赋》 皓月千里,浮光跃金。——宋· 范仲淹《岳阳楼记》 交语速装束,络绎如浮云。——《玉台新咏·古诗为焦仲卿妻作》 (3) 又如:油浮于水面;浮梗(随水漂浮的残梗);浮蛆(酿酒未熟时,漂浮在酒浆上的泡沫);浮没(漂流淹没);浮月(浮在水面的月影)。也指飘在空中。如:浮香(漂溢的香气);浮气(浮游的云雾);浮踊(飘浮升腾的) (4) 游水(如挥动手脚或摆动翅鳍或尾巴)推进身体 [swim] 蒙冲斗舰乃以千数,操悉浮以沿江。——《资治通鉴》 (5) 又如:浮涉(乘舟渡水);浮淫(划船游乐);浮舟(行船) (6) 超过 [exceed] 罪俘于桀。——《书伪泰誓》 康乃甘心鹰犬,搏噬善类,其罪又浮于高拱。——《明史·海瑞传》 (7) 又如:人浮于事;浮征(超额征收);浮冒(虚报;假冒) (8) 游荡,游手好闲 [idle about]。如:浮沉草野(浪迹山野乡间;四处漂泊);浮客(四处漂泊的人);浮户(流动而无定籍的户口);浮人(到处流浪的人) (9) 用满杯酒罚人 [punish *** . with a full cup of wine] 使苏子美读之,必浮白曰:“惜乎击之不中!”——《聊斋志异》 (10) 又如:浮白(罚酒;借指满饮) 词性变化 ◎ 浮 fú 〈形〉 (1) 在表面上 [on the surface;superficial] 耻名之浮于行也。——《礼记·表记》 (2) 又如:浮文套语(不疼不痒的客套话);浮气(非常微弱的气息) (3) 暂时的 [temporary;provisional]。如:浮支;浮世(世事无定,生命短促);浮铺(地摊。没有固定地点的铺子);浮借(暂借);浮来暂去(刚来就走;来去匆匆) (4) 轻薄;轻佻 [flighty;frivolous] 教以乐,以疏其秽,而镇其浮。——《国语·楚语》 浮浪书生亦贪利,史笥经箱为盗囊。——梅尧臣《闻进士贩茶》 (5) 又如:粗心浮气;浮逸(轻浮放荡);浮浪(轻薄放荡) (6) 空虚;无根据。又空虚不实 [hollow;empty;groundless] 有苗时采,则虚而浮。——宋· 沈括《梦溪笔谈》 (7) 又如:浮称(虚名);浮言(没有实际意义的话);浮幻(不切实际的幻想);浮理(捏造的理由);浮文(虚华无实的文章);浮词(虚饰无根据的言辞);浮议(无根据、不足信的言论) ◎ 浮 fú 〈名〉 (1) 疏松细碎的土 [loose earth] 壤土之次曰五浮。——《管子》 (2) 通“瓠”( hú)。葫芦 [bottle gourd] 百人抗浮,不若一人挈而趋。——《淮南子》 (3) 通“蜉”。虫名 [worm] 浮游有殷。——《大戴礼·夏小正》 2. "度"在文言文中的意思 "度"在文言文中的意思如下: 一:度dù 1、量长短的标准。也指按一定计量标准划分的单位。 《郑人买履》:“已得履,乃曰:‘吾忘持度。"”。 译文:已经买到鞋子了,才说:“我忘记带鞋码了” 2、限度。 《论积贮疏》:“生之有时,而用之无度,则物力必屈。”(译文:生产是有季节的 而使用却没有限度,那么物资一定会很快耗尽。 ) 3、制度;法度。 《答司马谏议书》:“谇法度而修之于朝廷。” 译文:议订法令制度,又在朝廷上修正。 4、气度;度量。 《荆轲刺秦王》:“群臣惊愕,卒起不意,尽失其度。” 译文:群臣都惊呆了,事情突然发生,意料不到,大家都失去了气度。 5、计划;打算。 《答司马谏议书》:“盘庚不为怨者故改其度。” 译文:盘庚不因为有人怨恨的缘故就改变自己的计划。 6、渡过;越过。 《木兰诗》:“万里赴戎机,关山度若飞。” 译文:行军万里奔赴战场作战,翻越关隘和山岭就像飞过去一样快。 7、次;回。 《江南逢李龟年》:“岐王宅里寻常见,崔九堂前几度闻。” 译文:当年在岐王宅里,常常见到你的演出;在崔九堂前,也曾多次欣赏你的艺术。 二:度duó 1、量(长短)。 《郑人买履》:“自度其足而置其座。”(译文:先测量好自己脚的尺码,把尺码放在他的座位上。) 2、计算;估计。 《廉颇蔺相如列传》:“相如度秦王虽斋,决负约不偿城。”(译文:蔺相如估计秦王虽说答应斋戒,但必定会负约不把城池给赵国,就派他的随从换上粗布便服。) 3、砍伐。 《左传·隐公十一年》:“山有木,工则度之。” 译文:山上有木材,工匠就砍伐而制成器具。
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【典故出处】:战国 楚 宋玉《风赋》:「臣闻于师:『枳句来巢,空穴来风。』」 【成语意思】:穴:洞、孔;来:招致。有了空隙就会招致风吹来。比喻流言乘机传开来;或比喻消息或传说不是完全没有来由。 【成语注音】:ㄎㄨㄙ ㄒㄩㄝˊ ㄌㄞˊ ㄈㄥ 【通用拼音】:kōng xue lai fēng 【拼音简写】:KXLF 【使用频率】:常用成语 【成语字数】:四字成语 【感 *** 彩】:贬义成语 【成语用法】:空穴来风,主谓式;作谓语、宾语、定语;含贬义。 【成语结构】:主谓式成语 【成语正音】:空,不能读作「konɡ」。 【成语辨形】:风,不能写作「丰」。 【英语翻译】:Wind es from the hollow cavebeingnot a groundless rumour. 【近义词】:流言蜚语、无中生有、捕风捉影 【反义词】:斑斑可考 【成语例句】:棹摇船掠鬓,风动竹捶胸。虽好事托以成之,亦空穴来风之义也。(宋 孙光宪《北梦琐言》卷七) 【成语故事】: 战国时期,宋玉陪楚顷襄王到兰台游玩,楚王迎着凉风感慨他与百姓共享它,宋玉借风劝谏他说:「枳句来巢,空穴来风」,不同条件会产生不同的风,你的风经过明山秀水是芳香的,百姓身处陋巷混浊之地是腐臭的
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It"s groundless.groundless 没有根据例如,The rumor is totally groundless. 这流言毫无根据。
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如何理解groundless belief?

首先按结构进行传统分析,共计25段的文章,第1段是Introduction,第2—24段属于Main Body部分,第25段则是Conclusion.首先引出话题,生活中充满了毫无根据的观点,有些言传至今或被我们奉为圭臬的观点并不是正确的。这里我们可以想到,耳熟能详的兔子爱吃胡萝卜这件事我们是从何得知的?父母口中亦或是儿时童谣?事实真就如此吗?很容易让人想到子非鱼焉知鱼之乐,我们从何而知兔子的喜好。主体部分论述了Groundless Beliefs产生的原因:首先是external /living environment,举了英国婴儿从小被德国人养育而不知其亲生父母存在的情况下,为外部生长环境所深深影响,成为一个实在的德国人的例子。第二个原因是parroting(鹦鹉学舌,拾人牙慧):这部分的影响同样是潜移默化的,我们无意识地、简单被动地接受那些诸如报纸广告上所传递的东西,接受那些口口相传的东西,仅是由于“everybody says so”.第三个Groundless Beliefs 的成因是Self-interest(自身利益):我们接受并坚持某些观点的原因是因为能从中有所获self-interest包括个人谋生致富方式、社会地位、事业中的利益等等。坚持这类观点能让我们有所获,同样放弃它们即有所失。第四个Groundless Beliefs的成因是Sentimental Associations(emotion connection):我们会更倾向于我们青睐之人所持的观点,而对一个人的敌对情绪往往会殃及其所持有的观点。甚至于我们对一个人不满时,会依靠攻击其所持有的观点、保持的看法来获得极大的满足感。我们审视一个观点时,并不可只凭个人好恶。Groundless Beliefs 的第五个成因是Fashion:我们的观点很大程度上受影响于某一阶段流行的事物或人,我们的观点并不会始终追随潮流变化,因为我们的思维模式是会固化的,fashion就是你曾经所追随的某个阶段的f一时的时尚。我们常常思考的代沟问题(generation gap),可能也是基于这个原因。不同时代有不同的fashion,父母思维模式固化而无法跟上如今的fashion就易产生代沟问题。这篇文章谈到了诸多Groundless Beliefs的成因(non-rational factors),可谓渗透我们的方方面面。可是总有一部分人,自然不是所有人、不是多数人,只是少数的一部分人,愿意不惜一切代价去寻找真理(in a clear and rational way).
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浮 fú 〈动〉(1) (形声。从水,孚( fú )声。本义:漂流,漂浮)(2) 同本义 [float]浮,氾也。——《说文》载沉载浮。——《诗·小雅·菁菁者莪》浮,漂也。浮游也。——《广雅》乘桴浮于海。——《论语·公冶长》浮于济漯。——《书·禹贡》过夏首而西浮兮。——《楚辞·哀郢》浮天无岸。——《文选·桦·海赋》皓月千里,浮光跃金。——宋· 范仲淹《岳阳楼记》交语速装束,络绎如浮云。——《玉台新咏·古诗为焦仲卿妻作》(3) 又如:油浮于水面;浮梗(随水漂浮的残梗);浮蛆(酿酒未熟时,漂浮在酒浆上的泡沫);浮没(漂流淹没);浮月(浮在水面的月影)。也指飘在空中。如:浮香(漂溢的香气);浮气(浮游的云雾);浮踊(飘浮升腾的)(4) 游水(如挥动手脚或摆动翅鳍或尾巴)推进身体 [swim]蒙冲斗舰乃以千数,操悉浮以沿江。——《资治通鉴》(5) 又如:浮涉(乘舟渡水);浮淫(划船游乐);浮舟(行船)(6) 超过 [exceed]罪俘于桀。——《书伪泰誓》康乃甘心鹰犬,搏噬善类,其罪又浮于高拱。——《明史·海瑞传》(7) 又如:人浮于事;浮征(超额征收);浮冒(虚报;假冒)(8) 游荡,游手好闲 [idle about]。如:浮沉草野(浪迹山野乡间;四处漂泊);浮客(四处漂泊的人);浮户(流动而无定籍的户口);浮人(到处流浪的人)(9) 用满杯酒罚人 [punish sb. with a full cup of wine]使苏子美读之,必浮白曰:“惜乎击之不中!”——《聊斋志异》(10) 又如:浮白(罚酒;借指满饮)词性变化◎ 浮 fú 〈形〉(1) 在表面上 [on the surface;superficial]耻名之浮于行也。——《礼记·表记》(2) 又如:浮文套语(不疼不痒的客套话);浮气(非常微弱的气息)(3) 暂时的 [temporary;provisional]。如:浮支;浮世(世事无定,生命短促);浮铺(地摊。没有固定地点的铺子);浮借(暂借);浮来暂去(刚来就走;来去匆匆)(4) 轻薄;轻佻 [flighty;frivolous]教以乐,以疏其秽,而镇其浮。——《国语·楚语》浮浪书生亦贪利,史笥经箱为盗囊。——梅尧臣《闻进士贩茶》(5) 又如:粗心浮气;浮逸(轻浮放荡);浮浪(轻薄放荡)(6) 空虚;无根据。又空虚不实 [hollow;empty;groundless]有苗时采,则虚而浮。——宋· 沈括《梦溪笔谈》(7) 又如:浮称(虚名);浮言(没有实际意义的话);浮幻(不切实际的幻想);浮理(捏造的理由);浮文(虚华无实的文章);浮词(虚饰无根据的言辞);浮议(无根据、不足信的言论)◎ 浮 fú 〈名〉(1) 疏松细碎的土 [loose earth]壤土之次曰五浮。——《管子》(2) 通“瓠”( hú)。葫芦 [bottle gourd]百人抗浮,不若一人挈而趋。——《淮南子》(3) 通“蜉”。虫名 [worm]浮游有殷。——《大戴礼·夏小正》
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浮 fú〈动〉(1) (形声。从水,孚( fú)声。本义:漂流,漂浮)(2) 同本义 [float]浮,氾也。——《说文》载沉载浮。——《诗·小雅·菁菁者莪》浮,漂也。浮游也。——《广雅》乘桴浮于海。——《论语·公冶长》浮于济漯。——《书·禹贡》过夏首而西浮兮。——《楚辞·哀郢》浮天无岸。——《文选·桦·海赋》皓月千里,浮光跃金。——宋· 范仲淹《岳阳楼记》交语速装束,络绎如浮云。——《玉台新咏·古诗为焦仲卿妻作》(3) 又如:油浮于水面;浮梗(随水漂浮的残梗);浮蛆(酿酒未熟时,漂浮在酒浆上的泡沫);浮没(漂流淹没);浮月(浮在水面的月影)。也指飘在空中。如:浮香(漂溢的香气);浮气(浮游的云雾);浮踊(飘浮升腾的)(4) 游水(如挥动手脚或摆动翅鳍或尾巴)推进身体 [swim]蒙冲斗舰乃以千数,操悉浮以沿江。——《资治通鉴》(5) 又如:浮涉(乘舟渡水);浮淫(划船游乐);浮舟(行船)(6) 超过 [exceed]罪俘于桀。——《书伪泰誓》康乃甘心鹰犬,搏噬善类,其罪又浮于高拱。——《明史·海瑞传》(7) 又如:人浮于事;浮征(超额征收);浮冒(虚报;假冒)(8) 游荡,游手好闲 [idle about]。如:浮沉草野(浪迹山野乡间;四处漂泊);浮客(四处漂泊的人);浮户(流动而无定籍的户口);浮人(到处流浪的人)(9) 用满杯酒罚人 [punish sb. with a full cup of wine]使苏子美读之,必浮白曰:“惜乎击之不中!”——《聊斋志异》(10) 又如:浮白(罚酒;借指满饮)词性变化◎ 浮 fú〈形〉(1) 在表面上 [on the surface;superficial]耻名之浮于行也。——《礼记·表记》(2) 又如:浮文套语(不疼不痒的客套话);浮气(非常微弱的气息)(3) 暂时的 [temporary;provisional]。如:浮支;浮世(世事无定,生命短促);浮铺(地摊。没有固定地点的铺子);浮借(暂借);浮来暂去(刚来就走;来去匆匆)(4) 轻薄;轻佻 [flighty;frivolous]教以乐,以疏其秽,而镇其浮。——《国语·楚语》浮浪书生亦贪利,史笥经箱为盗囊。——梅尧臣《闻进士贩茶》(5) 又如:粗心浮气;浮逸(轻浮放荡);浮浪(轻薄放荡)(6) 空虚;无根据。又空虚不实 [hollow;empty;groundless]有苗时采,则虚而浮。——宋· 沈括《梦溪笔谈》(7) 又如:浮称(虚名);浮言(没有实际意义的话);浮幻(不切实际的幻想);浮理(捏造的理由);浮文(虚华无实的文章);浮词(虚饰无根据的言辞);浮议(无根据、不足信的言论)◎ 浮 fú〈名〉(1) 疏松细碎的土 [loose earth]壤土之次曰五浮。——《管子》(2) 通“瓠”( hú)。葫芦 [bottle gourd]百人抗浮,不若一人挈而趋。——《淮南子》(3) 通“蜉”。虫名 [worm]浮游有殷。——《大戴礼·夏小正》
2023-07-19 01:31:442


2023-07-19 01:31:543


首先按结构进行传统分析,共计25段的文章,第1段是Introduction,第2—24段属于Main Body部分,第25段则是Conclusion.首先引出话题,生活中充满了毫无根据的观点,有些言传至今或被我们奉为圭臬的观点并不是正确的。这里我们可以想到,耳熟能详的兔子爱吃胡萝卜这件事我们是从何得知的?父母口中亦或是儿时童谣?事实真就如此吗?很容易让人想到子非鱼焉知鱼之乐,我们从何而知兔子的喜好。主体部分论述了Groundless Beliefs产生的原因:首先是external /living environment,举了英国婴儿从小被德国人养育而不知其亲生父母存在的情况下,为外部生长环境所深深影响,成为一个实在的德国人的例子。第二个原因是parroting(鹦鹉学舌,拾人牙慧):这部分的影响同样是潜移默化的,我们无意识地、简单被动地接受那些诸如报纸广告上所传递的东西,接受那些口口相传的东西,仅是由于“everybody says so”.第三个Groundless Beliefs 的成因是Self-interest(自身利益):我们接受并坚持某些观点的原因是因为能从中有所获self-interest包括个人谋生致富方式、社会地位、事业中的利益等等。坚持这类观点能让我们有所获,同样放弃它们即有所失。第四个Groundless Beliefs的成因是Sentimental Associations(emotion connection):我们会更倾向于我们青睐之人所持的观点,而对一个人的敌对情绪往往会殃及其所持有的观点。甚至于我们对一个人不满时,会依靠攻击其所持有的观点、保持的看法来获得极大的满足感。我们审视一个观点时,并不可只凭个人好恶。Groundless Beliefs 的第五个成因是Fashion:我们的观点很大程度上受影响于某一阶段流行的事物或人,我们的观点并不会始终追随潮流变化,因为我们的思维模式是会固化的,fashion就是你曾经所追随的某个阶段的f一时的时尚。我们常常思考的代沟问题(generation gap),可能也是基于这个原因。不同时代有不同的fashion,父母思维模式固化而无法跟上如今的fashion就易产生代沟问题。这篇文章谈到了诸多Groundless Beliefs的成因(non-rational factors),可谓渗透我们的方方面面。可是总有一部分人,自然不是所有人、不是多数人,只是少数的一部分人,愿意不惜一切代价去寻找真理(in a clear and rational way).
2023-07-19 01:32:011

groundless beliefs是说明文还是议论文?

groundless beliefs毫无根据的信仰这个题目应该以议论文来写
2023-07-19 01:32:442


2023-07-19 01:32:523


对巴菲特对人工智能的担忧,我有以下看法:1. 人工智能的发展确实让许多人产生了担忧,特别是人工智能既有巨大潜力也存在未知风险,这会让人联想到原子技术的崛起。但人工智能目前还远未达到原子能那般具备全面改变人类命运的分岔点。2. 人工智能目前仍处在可控范围内,主要用于特定任务的自动化与优化,整体上仍为人类社会创造着巨大价值。与原子能形式的破坏性差异较大。人工智能的发展还需要持续投入与研究,离真正的“超智能”还有较长的距离。3. 但是,人工智能技术的发展速度的确很难预测,它可能在未来某个时刻出现突破并产生系统性影响,届时可能真的面临全新的风险与挑战。这种担忧并不完全 groundless。所以人工智能的发展仍需要谨慎与控制。4. 人工智能的未来取决于技术本身以及我们如何使用和管理它。不同于原子能,人工智能还可以通过人为监管与引导走向积极向上的方向,造福人类。关键是要在发展中加强对人工智能的管控与适度限制。5. 总体来说,目前将人工智能的兴起与原子弹的发明相提并论还为时过早。但对人工智能未知影响的担忧也不无理由,关键是要在发展过程中持续关注人工智能可能带来的风险与挑战,并采取的管控措施将其引导于积极方向,最大限度利用人工智能的潜力造福人类社会。所以,巴菲特的担忧值得重视,但目前将人工智能与原子弹相提并论尚嫌夸大。关键是在人工智能发展中要保持高度警惕,加强管理,引导其向有利于人类的方向发展。只有在发展的每一步都对人工智能保持警惕心理并加以把控,才能避免在将来它真的产生无法控制的影响,最终被其牵着鼻子走。人工智能的未来取决于我们今天如何管理它。
2023-07-19 01:32:591


2023-07-19 01:33:185


On behalf of the Chinese first of all, I wish to express opposition to Japan"s military buildup.China"s position in the aspect of Japan"s military has always been consistent and clear.China believes that Japan"s military buildup on the peripheral and caused a great influence in the asia-pacific region.Peace and stability in the asia-pacific region not only conforms to the interests of the Chinese, also accord with the interests of the party concerned.We have taken note of relevant reports, America and Japan to China"s critics are untenable, China in recent years for policy full compliance with international law and international practice.According to statistics, in recent years, such as the military buildup is hurt China"s security interests, seriously interfere with the parties concerned economic and trade activities, harm the homeland security, is the root of cause security issues between China and Japan.We hope the Japanese side through dialogue and consultation, from a peaceful means to solve the current problem.(纯手工)
2023-07-19 01:33:353


the __ we talkswe talks为定语从句,作所填入的词的定语。talk通常用不作及物动词,因此,所填入的词在宾语从句应该作状语。所以选way(方式)比较好。在口语中或其他非正式场合,that有时可用来代替关系副词或相当于关系副词的“介词+ which”结构,有时也可省略。例如:The reason that (=why) you were absent is groundless. 你缺席的理由是站不住脚的。The direction (that) (= in which) a force is acting can be changed. 力作用的方向是可改变的。I don"t like the way (that) (= in which) he talks. 我讨厌他谈话的方式。
2023-07-19 01:33:421


【成语】:闲言碎语【拼音】:xián yán suì yǔ【解释】:闲:与正事无关;碎:指说话唠叨。唠叨些与正事无关的话。【出处】:明·冯惟敏《端正好·徐我亭归田》:“一个道紧急军情奉火牌,闲言碎语须耽待。”【示例】:我们尽量不要让别人说~。【近义词】:流言蜚语【反义词】:【语法】:作主语、宾语、定语;指恶意中伤的议论或话【英文】:groundless talk【德文】:Geschwǎtz
2023-07-19 01:33:511


善于目前对巴菲特对人工智能的担忧,我有以下看法:1. 人工智能的发展确实让许多人产生了担忧,特别是人工智能既有巨大潜力也存在未知风险,这会让人联想到原子技术的崛起。但人工智能目前还远未达到原子能那般具备全面改变人类命运的分岔点。2. 人工智能目前仍处在可控范围内,主要用于特定任务的自动化与优化,整体上仍为人类社会创造着巨大价值。与原子能形式的破坏性差异较大。人工智能的发展还需要持续投入与研究,离真正的“超智能”还有较长的距离。3. 但是,人工智能技术的发展速度的确很难预测,它可能在未来某个时刻出现突破并产生系统性影响,届时可能真的面临全新的风险与挑战。这种担忧并不完全 groundless。所以人工智能的发展仍需要谨慎与控制。4. 人工智能的未来取决于技术本身以及我们如何使用和管理它。不同于原子能,人工智能还可以通过人为监管与引导走向积极向上的方向,造福人类。关键是要在发展中加强对人工智能的管控与适度限制。5. 总体来说,目前将人工智能的兴起与原子弹的发明相提并论还为时过早。但对人工智能未知影响的担忧也不无理由,关键是要在发展过程中持续关注人工智能可能带来的风险与挑战,并采取的管控措施将其引导于积极方向,最大限度利用人工智能的潜力造福人类社会。所以,巴菲特的担忧值得重视,但目前将人工智能与原子弹相提并论尚嫌夸大。关键是在人工智能发展中要保持高度警惕,加强管理,引导其向有利于人类的方向发展。只有在发展的每一步都对人工智能保持警惕心理并加以把控,才能避免在将来它真的产生无法控制的影响,最终被其牵着鼻子走。人工智能的未来取决于我们今天如何管理它。
2023-07-19 01:33:581


  【篇1】  如果圆规的两只脚都动,永远也画不出一个圆。  If the compasses feet moving, forever also cannot draw a circle.  命运给予我们的不是失望之酒,而是机会之杯。  Our destiny offers not the cup of despair, but the.  一帆风顺,并不等于行驶的是一条平坦的航线。  Smooth sailing, does not mean that the road is a flat route.  用自己的能力证明自己,胜过用空话吹嘘自己。  With their own ability to prove himself, than with empty talk about their own.  世界上的噪音是人们的抱怨。不要再增加了。  The biggest noise in the world is people"s complaints. Don"t add any more.  山涧的泉水经过一路曲折,才唱出一支美妙的歌。  The mountain spring water after a tortuous road, just sing a wonderful song.  萤火虫的光点虽然微弱,但亮着便是向黑暗挑战。  Although the light spot of the firefly is weak, it is a challenge to the dark.  勤奋是你生命的密码,能译出你一部壮丽的史诗。  Diligence is the code of your life, and you can translate a magnificent epic.  望远镜可以望见远的目标,却不能代替你走半步。  The telescope can see far, cannot take the place of you take half a step.  相信别人,放弃自己,这是许多失败人生的开始!  Believe in others, give up yourself, this is the beginning of many failures in life!  再好的种子,不播种下去,也结不出丰硕的果实。  A good seed will not sow, nor will it bear fruit.  沉湎于希望的人和守株待兔的樵夫没有什么两样。  Indulge in the hope of the people and for the no what two.  拒绝严峻的冶炼,矿石并不比被发掘前更有价值。  Refuse to be severe smelting, ore is not more valuable than before being excavated.  在茫茫沙漠,唯有前时进的脚步才是希望的象征。  In the vast desert, only when in the footsteps is a symbol of hope.  种子牢记着雨滴献身的叮嘱,增强了冒尖的勇气。  Keep in mind the seeds of raindrops devotion exhortations, and enhanced the conspicuous courage.  稗子享受着禾苗一样的待遇,结出的却不是谷穗。  The tares enjoying seedlings treated like, bear is not an.  美丽的蓝图,落在懒汉手里,也不过是一页废纸。  The beautiful blueprint, falls on the idle hands, but is also a page of paper.  没有激流就称不上勇进,没有山峰则谈不上攀登。  No current will not venture, no peaks are not climb.  只要能收获甜蜜,荆棘丛中也会有蜜蜂忙碌的身影。  As long as the harvest is sweet, there will be a busy bee among thorns.  只要不放弃努力和追求,小草也有点缀春天的价值。  As long as you do not give up the efforts and the pursuit, the grass also has the value of dotted spring.  只有脚踏实地的人,才能够说:路,就在我的脚下。  Only down to earth, to be able to say: the road, just under my feet.  我们这个世界,从不会给一个伤心的落伍者颁发奖牌。  We this world, never give a sad behind the old people presented a medal.  不要只因一次失败,就放弃你原来决心想达到的目的。  Do not, for one failure, give up the purpose that you resolved to effort.  【篇2】  忍耐是痛苦的,但它的果实是甜蜜的。  Patience is bitter, but its fruit is sweet.  教育是人才的娘家,社会是人才的婆家。  Education is the talent "s family, society is her talent.  智者的梦再美,也不如愚人实干的脚印。  A wise man"s dream is not beautiful, it is not as good as the footsteps of a fool.  忙于采集的蜜蜂,无暇在人前高谈阔论。  Busy collecting bees to talk with eloquence in front of people.  如果把才华比作剑那么勤奋就是磨刀石。  If the talent to the sword so hard is the grindstone.  经受了火的洗礼泥巴也会有坚强的体魄。  Through the baptism of the fire will also have a strong body of mud.  通过云端的道路,只亲吻攀登者的足迹。  Through the clouds of the road, only to kiss the footsteps of the climbers.  希望,只有和勤奋作伴,才能如虎添翼。  Only hope and hard work for company, to a tiger with wings added.  如果你想攀登**,切莫把彩虹当作梯子。  If you want to climb the peak, do not regard as the rainbow.  生命有如铁砧,愈被敲打,愈能发出火花。  Life is like an anvil, the more to be beat, the more able to spark.  脚步怎样才能不断前时?把脚印留在身后。  How can we reach the pace? Leave footprints behind.  自然界没有风风雨雨,大地就不会春华秋实。  The nature of the earth would not not groundless talk, chunhua.  生命力顽强的种子,从不对瘠土唱诅咒的歌。  The seed vitality, sing songs from the poor not curse.  让生活的句号圈住的人,是无法前时半步的。  Let life periods around people, is unable to reach a half step.  做一切事都应尽力而为,半途而废永远不行。  Do everything you can to give your best, never give up halfway.  没有一颗珍珠的闪光,是靠别人涂抹上去的。  Not a pearl of the flash, is to rely on others to smear.  你既然认准一条道路,何必去打听要走多久。  Since you look for a road, why go to inquire about how long to go.  瀑布跨过险峻陡壁时,才显得格外雄伟壮观。  Falls across the steep cliff, it becomes all the more majestic.  要奋斗,要探索,要有所发现,而不要屈服。  To strive, to seek, to find, and not to yield.  【篇3】  有志者,事竟成。  Where there is a will, there is a way.  艰难之路,唯勇者行。  Difficult road, only for the brave.  人只要奋斗就会犯错误。  As long as the struggle will make mistakes.  事常与人违,事总在人为。  Things often contrary to people, things always in the.  行路人,用足音代替叹息吧!  The traveller, with footsteps instead of sigh!  机会只对进取有为的人开放。  Opportunities are only available to those who are ahead.  天才只意味着终身不懈的努力。  Genius only means hard-working all one"s life.  进步是今天的活动明天的保证。  Progress is the activity of today and the assurance of tomorrow.  站在巨人的肩上是为了超过巨人。  Standing on the shoulders of giants is to surpass the giant.  骄傲是断了引线的风筝稍纵即逝。  Pride is a broken wire kite transient.  骏马是跑出来的,强兵是打出来的。  The horse is running out, therefore is playing out.  山路不象坦途那样匍匐在人们足下。  Not as smooth as prostrate on the mountain people you.  为原则而斗争比实践该原则要容易。  It is easier to fight for principles than to practice it.  泉水,奋斗之路越曲折,心灵越纯洁。  Spring, the struggle of the road twists and turns, the more pure heart.  只有登上山顶,才能看到那边的风光。  Only board the top of the mountain, to see the scenery there.  哪里没有希望,哪里就不可能有努力。  Where there is no hope, there can be no hard work.  山路曲折盘旋,但毕竟朝着顶峰延伸。  Mountain road twists and turns, but after all, toward the pinnacle of extension.  耕耘者的汗水是哺育种子成长的乳汁。  The sweat of the plough is the milk that feeds the seed.  
2023-07-19 01:34:061


【 #英语资源# 导语】生命会给你所需要的东西,只要你不断地向它要,只要你在向它要地时候说得一清二楚。欢迎阅读 !1、科学研究好象钻木板,有人喜欢钻薄的;而我喜欢钻厚的。Scientific research seems to drill the board, some people like to drill thin; and I like to drill thick. 2、世间最美好的东西,莫过于几个有头脑和心地都很正直的的严正的朋友。 The most beautiful things in the world, more than a few minds and the mind are just solemn friend. 3、法律本身并不能保证*;要做到这一点,必需要所有的人都有着包容的心。 The law itself does not guarantee freedom of speech; to do this, it is necessary for all people to have a tolerant heart. 4、一个人的真正价值首先决定于他在什么程度上和什么意义上从自我解放出来。 The true value of a person is determined by the extent to which and in what sense. 5、在小事上对真理持轻率态度的人,在大事上也是不足信的。 A man who is reckless in truth on small matters is also a lack of faith in great things. 6、一个人被工作弄得神魂颠倒直至生命的最后一息,这的确是幸运。 A man was made until the last breath entranced life, this is really lucky. 7、科学是一件美好的事,如果人无需赖此维生的话。 Science is a wonderful thing if people don"t have to live on it. 8、一个物体的质量就是其所含能量的度量单位。 The mass of an object is the measure of the energy contained in it. 9、科学是永无止境的,它是一个永恒之谜。 Science is endless, it is an eternal mystery. 10、凡在小事上对真理持轻率态度的人,在大事上也是不可信任的。 A man who holds a hasty attitude to truth in small things is also beyond belief. 11、物理学的概念是人类心智的自由产物,它不是全然由外在世界决定的,无论它看来是否如此。 The concept of physics is the free product of the human mind, and it is not entirely determined by the outside world, whether it appears or not. 12、一个人的价值,应该看他贡献什么,而不应当看他取得什么。 The value of a man should be seen in what he gives, not by what he has achieved. 13、我喜欢旅行,但不喜欢到达目的地。 I like to travel, but I don"t like to arrive. 14、在你阅读的书中找出可以把自己引向深处的东西,把其他一切统统抛掉。 When you read the book to find himself into the depths of things, the other all thrown away. 15、天才和愚蠢之间的区别就是天才是有极限的。 The difference between genius and stupidity is that genius has its limits. 16、一个人对社会的价值,首先取决于他的感情、思想和行动对增进人类利益有多大作用。 The value of a person to society, first of all depends on his feelings, ideas and actions to enhance the effectiveness of human interests. 17、对一个人来说,所期望的不是别的,而仅仅是他能全力以赴和献身于一种美好事业。 For a man, what he expects is nothing else but a man who can go all out and devote himself to a good cause. 18、我从来不把安逸和快乐看作是生活目的本身---这种*基础,我叫它猪栏的理想。 I never put comfort and happiness as the purpose of life itself --- this ethical basis I call the ideal of a pigsty. 19、伟大的心灵总是会遭逢凡夫俗子顽强的抵抗。 Great minds will always encounter strong resistance ordinary people. 20、只有为别人而活的生命才是值得的。 It is only worth living for others. 21、我没有什么特别才能,不过喜欢寻根刨底地追究问题罢了。 I have no what special talents, but love end plane roots to pursue the issue. 22、不是每件可以算数的事都可以计算,不是每件可以计算的事都可以算数。 Not everything that counts can be counted, not everything that counts can be counted. 23、只有爱才是的教师,它远远超过责任感。 Only love is the best teacher, it is far more than a sense of responsibility. 24、独立思考和独立判断的一般能力,应当始终放在首位。 The general ability of independent thinking and independent judgment should always be in the first place. 25、对于我来说,生命的意义在于设身处地替别人着想,忧他人之忧,乐他人之乐。 For me, the meaning of life is to put yourself in for the sake of others, worry about others worry about the joy of music to others. 26、我要做的只是以我微薄的绵力来为真理和正义服务。 I want to do is to help my poor service for truth and justice. 27、一个人的价值,应当看到他贡献什么,而不应当看他取得什么。 The worth of a man should be seen in what he gives, not by what he has achieved. 28、不要试图去做一个成功的人,要努力成为一个有价值的人。 Try not to become a man of success but rather try to become a man of value. 29、我没有特殊天赋,我只是极为好奇。 I have no special talent, I"m just curious. 30、我从来不把安逸和享乐看作是生活目的本身。 I never consider ease and joyfulness as the purpose of life itself. 31、原子能的释放并没有创造新的问题。它仅仅是把解决一个现有问题的工作变得更为急迫。 The release of atomic energy did not create new problems. It is only a matter of urgency to solve the problem of an existing problem. 32、我用比相对论还多的脑力在量子论上。 I have more brains than relativity in quantum theory. 33、数学法则只要与现实有关的,都是不确定的;若是确定的,都与现实无关。 As long as the laws of mathematics are related to reality, they are not certain; if it is determined, it has nothing to do with reality. 34、我没有什么特别的才能,不过是喜欢寻根究底地追求问题罢了。 I have no what special ability, but the problem is the pursuit of love to search. 35、学习知识要善于思考,思考,再思考。我就是靠这个方法成为科学家的。 Learning knowledge should be good at thinking, thinking, thinking. That"s how I became a scientist. 36、科学研究能破除迷信,因为它鼓励人们根据因果关系来思考和观察事物。 Scientific research to superstition, because it encourages people to think and observe things according to the causal relationship. 37、上帝难以捉摸,但并不心怀恶意。 God is elusive, but not malicious. 38、知识不能单从经验中得出,而只能从理智的发明同观察到的事实两者比较中得出。 Knowledge cannot be gained only from experience, but only from the comparison between the rational invention and the observed fact. 39、一个人的真正价值,首先决定于他在什么程度上和在什么意义上从自我解放出来。 The true value of a man is determined by the extent to which and in what sense he is liberated. 40、时间存在的惟一理由是,如此才不会所有事情同时发生。 The only reason for the existence of time is that it does not happen at the same time. 41、不要努力成为一个成功者,要努力成为一个有价值的人。 Try not to become a man of success but rather try to become a man of value. 42、如果我们知道我们在做什么,那就不能称为研究了,不是吗? If we knew what we were doing, it would not be called research, would it? 43、书读得太多,而脑筋用得太少的人,都会落入懒得思考的习惯。 Too many books to read, and people with too little brains, will fall into the habit of thinking too lazy. 44、在真理和认识方面,任何以权威自居的人,必将在上帝的戏笑中垮台! In terms of truth and knowledge, any authority who will collapse in God"s drama laugh! 45、人只能有献身社会,才能找出那实际上是短暂而有风险的生命的意义。 One can only devote oneself to the society in order to find out the meaning of life which is actually short and risky. 46、照亮我的道路,并且不断地给我新的勇气去愉快地正视生活的理想,是善、美和真。 The ideals which have lighted my way, and time after time have given me new courage to face life cheerfully have been kindness, beauty and truth. 47、一个人所能做的就是做出好榜样,要有勇气在风言风语的社会中坚定地高举*的信念。 A man can do is make a good example, to have the courage to hold in the social ethical beliefs groundless talk. 48、重点是:发展儿童般渴望认知的*,并将这儿童引导至重要的社会领域。 The emphasis is on developing a child"s desire for recognition and leading the child to an important social field. 49、知学校的目标应是培养有独立行动和独立思考的人。 The goal of the school should be to cultivate independent and independent thinking. 50、我所要做的只是以我微薄之力来为真理和正义服务,即使不为人所喜欢也在所不惜。 I have to do is take my meager power to serve the truth and justice, even if people do not love it.
2023-07-19 01:34:241


1. 括号内给出的单词错误。2. I bought this magazine on the recommendation of one of my friends.3. His command of English is staggering.4. Children spent their vacations with great freedom.5. Her comments are largely on just grounds, though some prove groundless.6. Zhang Qiang is a boy with strong self-discipline.7. Currently many financial experts are trying to find out solutions to the financial crisis.8. Do remember to check in one hour prior to the take-off of the plane.9. You may, if possible, take the direct shuttle from Beijing to Shanghai.10. Why not compete in the track events?
2023-07-19 01:34:322


2023-07-19 01:34:437


【典故出处】:明·冯惟敏《正宫端正好·徐我亭归田》:「一个道紧急军情奉火牌,闲言碎语须耽待。」 【成语意思】:1不满意的话;没有根据的话。2与正事无关的话。 【成语注音】:ㄒㄧㄢˊ ㄧㄢˊ ㄙㄨㄟˋ ㄧㄩˇ 【通用拼音】:xian yan sui yǔ 【拼音简写】:XYSY 【使用频率】:常用成语 【成语字数】:四字成语 【感 *** 彩】:贬义成语 【成语用法】:闲言碎语,作主语、宾语、定语;指恶意中伤的议论或话。 【成语结构】:联合式成语 【英语翻译】:groundless talk <nonsense> 【日语翻译】:恶口(わるくち)を闻(き) 【其他翻译】:<德>Geschwǎtz <Klatsch> 【近义词】:流言蜚语 【成语例句】:路遥《平凡的世界》第一卷第12章:「两个男女晚上呆在一块说话,闲言碎语不光双水村,整个石圪节公社都会传得风一股雨一股。」
2023-07-19 01:34:581

求助几篇英语作文[继续追分] should history be taughthistory is everything that happened in the past, no matter recorded or not. An old saying goes " The is the mirror which can predict the future " , so how history should be taught is a very significant issue. In my opinion, I think history should be taught as itself. I strongly feel that the history books should like a video recorder that record what exactly had happened without any prejudice. Only in such case can we learn something from it. For example, if we are only taught the good part of the history, then how can we avoid making the same mistakes as our forefathers did. what we really need is the facts. what is more. I think the history teachers should provide us a model that shows how to find the right wax to judge the value of a certain event of the history, so that we can attain the ability to analyse and judge the other events on the history. Only if we were taught with the facts, can we dig out the way for our development.
2023-07-19 01:35:095


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2023-07-19 01:35:453


In 1959, in celebrating William way, the primary school was built, the children will be a ceremony to make his own painting on the time capsule, and they were buried in the ground, one of them looks rather mysterious little girl lucinda in her painting went on to write down the Numbers. There is no rule lookIn the past 50 years, in the way of primary school, William, 50 years anniversary, the university opened on time capsule 50 years ago and will be handed out to students" masterpiece students now. Lucinda of paper to a draw that kelly cloth), Michael children, this piece of paper in his hand painted by the ouster of the cloth father--the Massachusetts institute of technology, professor of astronomy) attention. Professor Michael had found, this piece of paper on the figure of drawing accurately record of what happened in the past 50 years, the major disaster ?
2023-07-19 01:35:553


Of course, the quiet rural world has become in the past, however, that dominate the passion of people"s lives but unshaken. Time rolls on, move in circles, but love as in the past, violently inexorably burning. Weisibo is a long forgotten village. Wear gowns, live in the cottage, as villagers, at least from the appearance, and their four century predecessors of no two. Any thing can raise a Babel of criticism of much, remove a shed even not a thing, get well into the pump in the Wei Thurber Lee was a revolution. But since Bathsheba, St. landed here, also became a suzerain, the calm days gone for ever. As she came up with the outside world -- a romantic affair all grief at separation and joy in Union, be immersed in love story. There is a new set of Shepherd named Gabriel oak, his big and tall, red-faced, he put out the fire, otherwise that Rick had burns to ashes. From then on he stayed, help Bathsheba. This thing, and maid Fanny Robin was wearing a red army mounted soldiers abducted the thing, is the village folk were broken in at night and I ear hot debate major issues issues of right and wrong question. If they know the single Gabriel oak weeks ago to be penniless by Bathsheba to marry him, even to shake his head like a rattle. People have good and bad fortune, Weisibo in the death of one man, a dog to a flock of sheep to catch up with the dead end, this life is inevitable misfortunes. But the first thing suddenly to Bathsheba became heir, then one thing forcing Gabriel along Avenue Road, worked for a living. Chance and fate lit a fire, gable had saved the wheat to be like birds flying in different directions, and was pulling together. Seeing the girl he loved by others to win, the Gabriel is a kind of pain! But this is not to be able to see her to feel better. He had thought that ending. Bathsheba young and beautiful, and rich, but these are more rare is that she has a very high heart gas. " She has a great mother"s character. She is the older generation of dependence, housewife at one"s leisure damaged object, the owner had to curry favor with the customer, the critical moment of the savior." Later on she proceed without hesitation to save them time, her this flash quality is highlighted. In the Weisibo, only one man to her charm completely indifferent, he was the William Byrd Wood. " In the rural parish, he is the most noble one." Bathsheba can not stand is being ignored, she sent him a Valentine"s day card. This inconsiderate behaviour, it ignited the Byrd Wood Tech in the heart of tenderness. In the large fodder warehouse at a shearing assembly meal, Gabriel noted bird Wood suit more crisp. Bode Wood jumped in, Bathsheba never refuse. That night, in the shearer like wild times people did eat and drink reel right and left, Bathsheba sang a song. When she and Larry Wood who also didn"t sing the content carefully pondering, but it later, they recalled she floated to sing the lyrics, often shiver all over though not cold. A soldiers find she is his lovely bride like candy in Alan Lake ah girl happy who can match on that night, the soldiers broke into her life, when she was on the ranch on safety. When she was through a shudder with fear at the beginning of the fir forest, her skirt hanging on the branches, at the same time she heard a man deep voice. A faint lantern show a sharp thorn caught her skirt. She also saw a wearing a scarlet uniform body upright young man, clothes buckle of flashing lights. It is boring days flashed a romantic light. But later, when Bathsheba"s memory, the red army mounted into many painful aura. That guy is sergeant Troy, a dandy. He set a compliment if a woman in Bathsheba sounds, than Gabriel or bird Wood mutter and mumble but affectionate listen more. Sergeant courtship is Luo Mandi, he often wield his sword. Understanding of a few days, Bathsheba in an empty grass standing in the middle, see his sword around her body to be ridden as snake. Live so close to her in the air, swished it is portrayed her good figure. As he turned to leave the moment, he suddenly possessed kissed her on the lips. Gabriel had advised her against him, but she warned a contemptuous disregard for his. He only then silently suffer grief, didn"t tell her that Troy is the little Fanny Robin from Thurber Webster, who said. Byrd Wood is usually a woman never to move a man, but not depression filled with anger. He put away his whole life happy Troy called to pour out a torrent of abuse. His manic but the situation to him afraid to see ending -- Bathsheba married troy. A hasty marriage soon to Bathsheba brings pain, is the ultimate tragedy. Troy is in the hay barns do wedding. Happy village to my music, soon all be dead drunk. Gabriel didn"t dare drink with them. The night crawlers kept walking and flock together. Tell him, the storm is coming, and the fields of wheat and barley high stack heap are not covered. After the wind, the moon is gone, in the distant horizon appeared on the flames. The original low hot now lightning thunder. Flash of lightning is more and more strong, Gabriel in order to protect the grain, to work with quiet hard application. Then, Bathsheba"s also appeared beside him. Like a snake fell like lightning in two working body contour. Gabriel that gross care hand feel the warmth of her arms in horror. She is someone else"s wife, she didn"t love gabriel. Fate in a strange way to bring her so close to me, although not her voluntary, but Gabriel felt a joy. This was the beginning. Fanny Robin crawling back, she just died in his hometown. Her body, and her children were Park, where she once worked. Bathsheba standing on the edge of the coffin, know Troy took Fanny, but never loved her, but because he and Fanny and bear the stigma, until your life. Then Troy from Thurber Webster Lee ran away, someone told Bathsheba he swept out to sea and drowned. Bucket for the star moves, sad to Bathsheba"s face lost their smile, which makes it produce somewhat fondly. Bode Wood renewed his dream. Bathsheba promised him, but within six years of not considering marriage. Byrd Wood prepared a Christmas Eve party, to celebrate. Count Troy is missing for more than a year. It was during this night, Troy just like a phantom in be jubilant crowd appeared. He came to Bathsheba, Guo Li where she, like soft voice, that he must have possessed. However, Troy to shout at her and violently grabbed her arm, this may not be the ghost apparitions. She staggered body, they could not say anything. Then hear a loud scream at the neck, then an ear-splitting roar. See Troy had jumped to the ground, no up. Look at Wood station on the side, still holding a smoking pistol. Until August second, Bathsheba had just recovered, started in the village. Larry Wood has been sentenced to life imprisonment for some time now. Two love her man, a killed another, the murderer will sit for life. Now, the message is passed to Bathsheba ears, honest and sincere Gabriel to leave her. She know in this world only then he can in a time of need to help her. She was Gabriel narrow farmhouse found him. Gabriel tells her that he wants to go, because there are people in the groundless talk to their relationship. "How can you think of such a thing, it"s absurd, too early!" She cried. Gabriel down she said it was" ridiculous", Bathsheba said she did not want to say ridiculous, but only to say" too early". Even at this time, Gabriel in several minutes later realized that he has been the pursuit of people to come. The two of them whether in the day or at the critical moment, as it had on each other. Do marriage, people are very surprised:" my wife" Gabriel turned to speak so fluently, compared to married 20 years people do not appear curt. They also say that, before long, he called up more intimate. Gabriel her laugh. Bathsheba was a grin, but now she had just come as simple Weisibo village middle so loving smile.
2023-07-19 01:36:031


臆 yì ㄧˋ (1) 胸:胸~(心里,多指心里的话或想法,如“直抒~~”)。 (2) 主观地,缺乏客观依据的:~造。~测。~度(duó)。~断。~见。 郑码:QSKW,U:81C6,GBK:D2DC 笔画数:17,部首:月
2023-07-19 01:36:133


2023-07-19 01:36:239


爱因斯坦励志名言英文   我用比相对论还多的脑力在量子论上。下面由就由我为大家整理的爱因斯坦励志名言英文,欢迎大家观看~   1、科学是一件美好的事,如果人无需赖此维生的话。   Science is a wonderful thing if people don"t have to live on it.   2、我没有特殊天赋,我只是极为好奇。   I have no special talent, I"m just curious.   3、一个人的真正价值,首先决定于他在什么程度上和在什么意义上从自我解放出来。   The true value of a man is determined by the extent to which and in what sense he is liberated.   4、我没有什么特别的才能,不过是喜欢寻根究底地追求问题罢了。   I have no what special ability, but the problem is the pursuit of love to search.   5、一个人所能做的就是做出好榜样,要有勇气在风言风语的社会中坚定地高举伦理的信念。   A man can do is make a good example, to have the courage to hold in the social ethical beliefs groundless talk.   6、学习知识要善于思考,思考,再思考。我就是靠这个方法成为科学家的。   Learning knowledge should be good at thinking, thinking, thinking. That"s how I became a scientist.   7、态度上的弱点会变成性格上的弱点。   Weakness of attitude becomes weakness of character.   8、每个人都有一定的理想,这种理想决定着他的努力和判断的方向。在这个意义上,我从来不把安逸和快乐看作是生活目的本身——这种伦理基础,我叫它猪栏式的理想。照亮我的道路,并且不断地给我新的勇气去愉快地正视生活的理想,是善、美和真。   Everyone has a certain ideal, this ideal determines the direction of his efforts and judgment. In this sense, I never bring comfort and happiness as the purpose of life itself - the ethical basis, I call it the ideal pigsty. The ideals which have lighted my way, and time after time have given me new courage to face life cheerfully have been kindness, beauty and truth.   9、我喜欢旅行,但不喜欢到达目的地。   I like to travel, but I don"t like to arrive.   10、重点是:发展儿童般渴望认知的欲望,并将这儿童引导至重要的社会领域。   The emphasis is on developing a child"s desire for recognition and leading the child to an important social field.   11、每一个有良好愿望的人的责任,就是要尽其所能,在他自己的小天地里做坚定的努力,使纯粹人性的教义,成为一种有生命的力量。如果他们在这方面,作了一番忠诚的努力,而没有被他同时代的人践踏在脚下,那么,他可以认为他自己和他个人处的社会都是幸福的了。   The duty of every man who has a good wish is to do his best to make a firm effort in his own little world, to make the doctrine of pure human nature a living force. If they had made a loyal effort in this respect, and not trampled by his contemporaries, he would have thought himself and his own community to be happy.   12、照亮我的道路,并且不断地给我新的勇气去愉快地正视生活的理想,是善、美和真。   The ideals which have lighted my way, and time after time have given me new courage to face life cheerfully have been kindness, beauty and truth.   13、在真理和认识方面,任何以权威自居的人,必将在上帝的戏笑中垮台!   In terms of truth and knowledge, any authority who will collapse in God"s drama laugh!   14、一个物体的质量就是其所含能量的度量单位。   The mass of an object is the measure of the energy contained in it.   15、如果我给你一个芬尼,你的财富增长而我的财富缩减,幅度都是一个芬尼。但如果我给你一点想法,尽管你有了新的想法,我却并没损失什么。   If I give you a Finney, your wealth will increase and my wealth will be reduced by a Finney. But if I give you a little thought, even if you have a new idea, I have nothing to lose.   16、生命会给你所需要的东西,只要你不断地向它要,只要你在向它要地时候说得一清二楚。   Life will give you what you need, as long as you keep to it, as long as you want it to say when the crystal clear.   17、学习知识要善于思考,思考,再思考。   Learning knowledge should be good at thinking, thinking, thinking.   18、情感和愿望是人类一切努力和创造背后的动力,不管呈现在我们面前的这种努力和创造外表上是多么高超。   Emotion and desire are the driving force behind all human effort and creativity, no matter how high the effort and the appearance of the present is presented to us.   19、一个人对社会的价值,首先取决于他的感情、思想和行动对增进人类利益有多大作用。   The value of a person to society, first of all depends on his feelings, ideas and actions to enhance the effectiveness of human interests.   20、科学研究好象钻木板,有人喜欢钻薄的;而我喜欢钻厚的。   Scientific research seems to drill the board, some people like to drill thin; and I like to drill thick.   21、精神错乱:一遍又一遍地重复作同一件事,而期待会有不同的结果。   Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again, and expecting different results.   22、不要试图去做一个成功的人,要努力成为一个有价值的人。   Try not to become a man of success but rather try to become a man of value.   23、只有爱才是最好的教师,它远远超过责任感。   Only love is the best teacher, it is far more than a sense of responsibility.   24、我用比相对论还多的脑力在量子论上。   I have more brains than relativity in quantum theory.   25、人是为别人而生存的——首先是为那样一些人,他们的喜悦和健康关系着我们自己全部的幸福,然而是为许多我们所不认识的人,他们的命运通过同情的纽带同我们密切结合在一起。我每天上百次地提醒自己,我的精神生活和物质生活都依靠着别人(包括活着的和死去的)的劳动,我必须尽力以同样的分量来报偿我所领受了的和至今还在领受着的东西。我强烈地向往着俭朴的生活,并且常为发觉自己占有了同胞过多的劳动而难以忍受。   People live for others: the first is that for some people, their happiness and well-being our own happiness is for all, but we have many people who do not know their fate by sympathy with us together. A hundred times every day I remind myself that my inner and outer life are based on the others (including living and dead) work, I must try to give in the same measure as I have received and am still receiving. I am strongly drawn to a frugal life, and often found himself possessed compatriots too much labor and unbearable.   26、不管时代的潮流和社会的风尚怎样,人总可以凭着自己高尚的品质,超脱时代和社会,走自己正确的道路。现在,大家都为了电冰箱、汽车、房子而奔波、追逐、竞争。这就是我们这个时代的特征了。但是也还有不少人,他们不追求这些物质的东西,他们追求理想和真理,得到了内心的自由和安宁。   Regardless of the trend of the times and social fashion, people can always rely on their own noble quality, detached from the times and society, take their own right path. Now, we are in order to refrigerators, cars, houses and run, chase, competition. This is the characteristic of our times. But there are a lot of people who do not pursue these material things, they pursue the ideal and truth, get the freedom and peace of mind.   27、如果一个人掌握了他的学科的基础理论,并且学会了独立地思考和工作,他必定会找到他自己的道路。而且,比起那种主要以获得细节知识为其培训内容的人来,他一定会更好地适应进步和变化。   If one master the basic theory of his subject and learn to think and work independently, he will find his own way. Moreover, he will be better able to adapt to the progress and change than the people who are mainly trained in the details.   28、学习知识要善于思考,思考,再思。我就是靠这个方法成为科学家的。   Learning knowledge should be good at thinking, thinking, thinking. That"s how I became a scientist.   29、世界上最让我难以理解的就是所得税。   The most difficult thing in the world to understand is the income tax.   30、你要知道科学方法的实质,不要去听一个科学家对你说些什么,而要仔细看他在做什么。   You need to know the nature of the scientific method, don"t listen to what a scientist says to you, but look closely at what he is doing.   31、世间最美好的东西,莫过于几个有头脑和心地都很正直的的严正的朋友。   The most beautiful things in the world, more than a few minds and the mind are just solemn friend.   32、天才和愚蠢之间的区别就是天才是有极限的。   The difference between genius and stupidity is that genius has its limits.   33、上帝难以捉摸,但并不心怀恶意。   God is elusive, but not malicious.   34、科学是永无止境的,它是一个永恒之谜。   Science is endless, it is an eternal mystery.   35、书读得太多,而脑筋用得太少的人,都会落入懒得思考的习惯。   Too many books to read, and people with too little brains, will fall into the habit of thinking too lazy.   36、提出一个问题往往比解决一个问题更重要,因为解决问题也许仅是一个数学上或实验上的技能而已。而提出新的问题、新的可能性,从新的角度去看旧的问题,却需要有创造性的想象力,而且标志着科学的.真正进步。   Asking a question is often more important than solving a problem, because the solution may be just a mathematical or experimental skill. It is necessary for us to put forward new problems and new possibilities and look at the old problems from a new angle.   37、只有为别人而活的生命才是值得的。   It is only worth living for others.   38、每个人都有一定的理想,这种理想决定着他的努力和判断的方向。就在这个意义上,我从来不把安逸和快乐看作生活目的的本身——这种伦理基础,我叫它猪栏的理想。   Everyone has a certain ideal, this ideal determines the direction of his efforts and judgment. In this sense, I never bring comfort and happiness as the purpose of life itself - the ethical basis, I call the ideal of a pigsty.   39、人只有献身于社会,才能找出那实际上是短暂而有风险的生命的意义。   One can only find the meaning of life, which is actually short and risky, if he is dedicated to society.   40、我要做的只是以我微薄的绵力来为真理和正义服务。   I want to do is to help my poor service for truth and justice.   41、人生的价值,应当看他贡献什么,而不应该看他取得什么。   The value of life should be seen in what he gives, not by what he has achieved.   42、时间存在的惟一理由是,如此才不会所有事情同时发生。   The only reason for the existence of time is that it does not happen at the same time.   43、对一个人来说,所期望的不是别的,而仅仅是他能全力以赴和献身于一种美好事业。   For a man, what he expects is nothing else but a man who can go all out and devote himself to a good cause.   44、学习知识要善于思考、思考、再思考,我就是靠这个学习方法成为科学家的。   Learning knowledge to be good at thinking, thinking, thinking, I rely on this way to become a scientist.   45、我所要做的只是以我微薄之力来为真理和正义服务,即使不为人所喜欢也在所不惜。   I have to do is take my meager power to serve the truth and justice, even if people do not love it.   46、物理学的概念是人类心智的自由产物,它不是全然由外在世界决定的,无论它看来是否如此。   The concept of physics is the free product of the human mind, and it is not entirely determined by the outside world, whether it appears or not.   47、在你阅读的书中找出可以把自己引向深处的东西,把其他一切统统抛掉。   When you read the book to find himself into the depths of things, the other all thrown away.   48、知学校的目标应是培养有独立行动和独立思考的人。   The goal of the school should be to cultivate independent and independent thinking.   49、一个人的价值,应当看到他贡献什么,而不应当看他取得什么。   The worth of a man should be seen in what he gives, not by what he has achieved.   50、学校的目标应当是培养有独立行动和独立思考的个人,不过他们要把为社会服务看作是自己人生的最高目标。   The goal of the school is to cultivate individuals who have independent and independent thinking, but they want to see the social service as the highest goal in their lives.   51、一个人被工作弄得神魂颠倒直至生命的最后一息,这的确是幸运。   A man was made until the last breath entranced life, this is really lucky.   52、我从来不把安逸和快乐看作是生活目的本身---这种伦理基础,我叫它猪栏的理想。   I never put comfort and happiness as the purpose of life itself --- this ethical basis I call the ideal of a pigsty.   53、我没有什么特别才能,不过喜欢寻根刨底地追究问题罢了。   I have no what special talents, but love end plane roots to pursue the issue.   54、一个人在科学探索的道路上,走过弯路,犯过错误,并不是坏事,更不是什么耻辱,要在实践中勇于承认和改正错误。   A person in the scientific exploration of the road, detours, mistakes, not a bad thing, but not a shame, to admit and correct mistakes in practice.   55、一个人的真正价值首先决定于他在什么程度上和什么意义上从自我解放出来。   The true value of a person is determined by the extent to which and in what sense.   56、人只能有献身社会,才能找出那实际上是短暂而有风险的生命的意义。   One can only devote oneself to the society in order to find out the meaning of life which is actually short and risky.   57、原子能的释放并没有创造新的问题。它仅仅是把解决一个现有问题的工作变得更为急迫。   The release of atomic energy did not create new problems. It is only a matter of urgency to solve the problem of an existing problem.   58、在所阅读的书本中找出可以把自己引到深处的东西把其它一切统统抛掉,就是抛掉使头脑负担过重和会把自己诱离要点的一切。   In the reading books to find himself into the depths of the thing, the other is all thrown away, throw away the mind burden and will own all the points from the trap.   59、不是每件可以算数的事都可以计算,不是每件可以计算的事都可以算数。   Not everything that counts can be counted, not everything that counts can be counted.   60、我从来不把安逸和享乐看作是生活目的本身。   I never consider ease and joyfulness as the purpose of life itself. ;
2023-07-19 01:36:551


杞人忧天  【英文翻译】  1.[Idiom] The man of Chi worried that the sky might fall down.   2.A man entertains imaginary or groundless fears. labor under a baseless fear; to meet trouble halfway   4.have groundless worries or anxieties
2023-07-19 01:37:181


对巴菲特对人工智能的担忧,我有以下看法:1. 人工智能的发展确实让许多人产生了担忧,特别是人工智能既有巨大潜力也存在未知风险,这会让人联想到原子技术的崛起。但人工智能目前还远未达到原子能那般具备全面改变人类命运的分岔点。2. 人工智能目前仍处在可控范围内,主要用于特定任务的自动化与优化,整体上仍为人类社会创造着巨大价值。与原子能形式的破坏性差异较大。人工智能的发展还需要持续投入与研究,离真正的“超智能”还有较长的距离。3. 但是,人工智能技术的发展速度的确很难预测,它可能在未来某个时刻出现突破并产生系统性影响,届时可能真的面临全新的风险与挑战。这种担忧并不完全 groundless。所以人工智能的发展仍需要谨慎与控制。4. 人工智能的未来取决于技术本身以及我们如何使用和管理它。不同于原子能,人工智能还可以通过人为监管与引导走向积极向上的方向,造福人类。关键是要在发展中加强对人工智能的管控与适度限制。5. 总体来说,目前将人工智能的兴起与原子弹的发明相提并论还为时过早。但对人工智能未知影响的担忧也不无理由,关键是要在发展过程中持续关注人工智能可能带来的风险与挑战,并采取的管控措施将其引导于积极方向,最大限度利用人工智能的潜力造福人类社会。所以,巴菲特的担忧值得重视,但目前将人工智能与原子弹相提并论尚嫌夸大。关键是在人工智能发展中要保持高度警惕,加强管理,引导其向有利于人类的方向发展。只有在发展的每一步都对人工智能保持警惕心理并加以把控,才能避免在将来它真的产生无法控制的影响,最终被其牵着鼻子走。人工智能的未来取决于我们今天如何管理它。
2023-07-19 01:37:261


Fan Wenyi:Life is like a kaleidoscope, a sweet bitter spicy. Acid. Many things of the past. "Chinese. There is a proverb says:" this idiom. "All sufferings have their reward. is unable to be found in some of your son"s dictionary." they are to hand clothes, eat a ready-cooked meal. Never need to have scruples, but they don"t know this is their wonderfull life their parents get, is "All sufferings have their reward." their parents have to experience many groundless talk. "Their parents get the start empty-handed, have experienced years of wind and frost." there are a lot of people know that there is a "Li Jiacheng", he is the most influential international figure. "A few years ago Li Jiacheng reported:" a yuan of money to bend over to pick it up. "We all know that he is a very rich man." even for a yuan of money......! Why some Fujiazidi. "But ignoring the existence of money and we have." Money to sit up and take notice. "Why such a difference between people." why graded. "The rich can be a good school, eat, wear, use and so on." but we are not rich children of the opposite. "Why... Why...?Let me talk about some of my sweet things to do "Since I can remember, I often in some errands to earn money. "I"m a little, you can earn 2-3 yuan, much of it, that is 10-20 yuan." this is not my business again "Hua Hua, help me to buy a pack of cigarettes, "Dad said"Oh, I"mcoming., "I said cheerfully"To me, there are 20 yuan of money, to help me buy a pack of cigarettes to "Abba" Oh. "Dad hurriedly said"Oh, but my legs are so sore! What can I do, I pretend like I do "Oh... I know. That"s all for the 20 yuan. "Dad seems to know what"s in my bottle gourd"Really? Then I"ll go now. "I went to the store with vigorous strides. At this time I feel very satisfied." I thought this kind of thing is a glorious thing. "But in my junior high school." I know this behavior is wrong to me dad, mom. "Outside money is how hard ah! I am... Hey... I really is not ah!How much I want to return to their parents! But I always fail to live up to, let parents dissatisfied, even said that my performance in front of others. "I dare not... I........!Well, I do not say! I"ll say goodbye "I told the masses, in one"s life, it is not always possible to have a Everything is going smoothly., how is the so-called "frustration.". All sufferings have their reward. regardless of what is after the first bitter sweet. "" has become the Chinese All sufferings have their reward. story "Model essay two:Life is happy, life is beautiful, life is rough, life is often the All sufferings have their reward. This is my classmate wrote in the composition of a rich philosophical words, this point I have deep feelings.I am a flute learner, but also a flute enthusiasts, participated in the county competition. In my line of flute is a "regular army", this year has been admitted to a level 9.From 2005 onwards, every summer there is a star of the future of primary and secondary school TV contest, all Sheyang County students can participate. I also began to participate in the competition in 2006, but it is not a good start, will not cut, won a prize out (Narrator: you say ah).I refused to accept, decided to work hard this year, to win the first prize. So, I started a hard year, this year, there are song, there are ups and downs, but the idea is always not discourage -- hard work, won first prize in the contest this year!!The flight of time, Time flies like a shuttle. 2007, summer is coming, I am in my flute teacher Yang teacher"s guidance, constantly in practice, all the acceptance of all the way through, directly into the preliminaries, the preliminaries of my training and strict -- 3 hours a day, though it will take a lot of time, but I still prefer to play, the first round, I play a prominent, as easy as blowing off dust on the final stage, but also the position of first prize contest.The final is coming, I have been trained, can sometimes get backache, sometimes after the practice of two eyes hanging underneath the two circle, sometimes can practice computer can"t touch the TV, but these things are for what?? The first prize!!The final is coming, I came to the Great Hall of the people, in the process of the competition, I played well, blew the audience overwhelmed with admiration for the 96. 6 points, is the children"s group (1 - 6 grade) first, in order to get the first prize of the competition, the key is in the text message.The message deadline is August 15th, in these 15 days (July 30th game), I not only in the online votes, with parents of PHS call people to vote, do not know how much waste slobber, telephone charges, and finally gathered some people.Awards will be held on the 28 day, there will be a famous star Alfa"s performance, I really hope that we can play with Alfa.Sometime, all on the 25 day, the organizing committee should star no message at all, until 26 days before:"Son, to practice the flute, just television, people call it, you have a group of children first prize, but also the first place, tomorrow is public, don"t make a fool of yourself." This is my mother"s call at the school meeting. What??????? First prize? Haha, I can show you the Lord and Alfa on the same stage!!
2023-07-19 01:37:331


问题一:心用英语怎么说 心: [ xīn ] [ 国标码:D0C4 部首:心 笔画:4 笔顺:4544 ] 1. mind 2. heart 其它相关解释: 例句与用法: 1. 他有一副铁石心肠。 He has a heart of丹granite. 2. 我有一颗赤子之心。 I have a pure heart of a newborn baby. 3. 【谚】眼不见,心不念。 Far from eye, far from heart. 4. 他是一个心胸宽阔的人。 He is broad-minded. 5. 他心地善良。 He has a kind heart. 6. 他外表粗鲁,心地善良。 He has a rough outside, but a good heart. 7. 让我们谈谈这件事的核心部分。 Let"s get to the heart of the matter. 8. 看到这个小女孩哭起来,他的心软了。 His heart melted when he saw the little girl crying. 问题二:跟着你的心走,用英语怎么怎么说 follow your heart. 问题三:心慌慌用英语怎么说 心慌 1.palpitation 2.Summer Heat 3.butterflies 4.di *** ayed令人心慌 1.furry心慌 1.Cube使心慌 1.perturb心慌慌 1.Halloween Resurrection 2.teresa 问题四:我发现对你慢慢有了感觉 可是我不知怎么表达 依旧要隐藏自己的心 用英语怎么说 我发现对你慢慢有了感觉 可是我不知怎么表达 依旧要隐藏自己的心 I find I"ve got a soft spot for you now, but I have no idea how to tell, and still, I need to bury it in my heart deep inside. 问题五:心形用英语怎么说 心形 1.heart-shaped diamond 2.heart 3.shape of my heart 4.cardioid面心;形心 1.centroid 2.westbank centroid心形的 1.cordiform 2.heart心形线 1.cardioid心形线;心形的 1.cardioid 问题六:身心疲惫用英语怎么翻译 身心疲惫 mental/physical exhaustionfeel exhaustion of body and mind. 问题七:别有用心用英语怎么说 别有用心 [词典] have an ulterior motive; be done with ulterior motives; be ill-intentioned; have an axe to grind; [例句]他们的无端攻击是别有用心的。 Their groundless accusation is made with ulterior motives. 问题八:心寒用英语怎么写? You make me bitterly disappointed. disappointed 英[?d?s?u02c8鼎p??nt?d] 美[?d?s??p??nt?d] adj. 失望的; 沮丧的,失意的; v. 使(人)失望( disappoint的过去式和过去分词); 使破灭,使落空; [例句]Growth-hungry financial markets could be very disappointed. 渴望看到增长的金融市场将会感到非常失望。 问题九:跟着心走用英文怎么说 Follow your heart 问题十:心用英文怎么说 heart 英音:[h:t]美音:[hrt] 哈(读第四声)特(读轻生)
2023-07-19 01:37:461