barriers / 阅读 / 详情


2023-07-19 14:53:21


Elizabeth Bennet (Keira Knightley) was born in the family of small landowners, four sisters and mother Mrs. Bennet (Brenda Blethyn). Shebeginstofall worry about all day with her husband for the daughter looking for satisfactory. New neighbor Bingley to Mr. (Simon woods ornaments) and his friend Darcy (Matthew macfadyen). Shebeginstofall took a break from their family the monotony of country life. Accusative and Elizabeth"s sister Jane and alternate affair Bennet (Pei Chunhua ornaments); darcy Elizabeth of kind, clever and produce the goodwill, while Elizabeth was to Darcy arrogant arrogant biased, not to accept his feelings. However, the unpredictability of life, accusative and Jane because of misunderstanding, relations are at stake; various as Darcy, showing the character and Elizabeth in the same good side, gradually won the favor of Elizabeth. Two pairs of lovers can get married? The Bennet sisters can get the life you want?

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Mary J Blige - Family Affair中文歌词

Family Affair 家务事歌词大意:让我们一起摇滚,一起找点乐子毫不拘束的为我舞动吧我们玩的飘飘欲仙你只要和我一起跳舞什麼都不要烦恼只管一起跳舞什麼都不鸟它只管一起玩,一起舞大家一起来一起跳舞一起摇滚我在这黑夜抚慰你受伤的心(抚慰你)来嘛宝贝,一起High解放你的心灵去舞池用力跳!你的心正蠢蠢欲动啦让我们一起摇滚,一起找点乐子毫不拘束的为我舞动吧我们玩的飘飘欲仙你只要和我一起跳舞什麼都不要烦恼只管一起跳舞什麼都不鸟它只管一起玩,一起舞这只是时间问题在你可以放松开始放松之前摇头晃脑,降温一下为了庆祝我们的人生没有戏剧让我们大家用力跳大力解放狂野的心我知道你的心蠢蠢欲动别当个呆头驴,去舞池用力跳吧!让我们一起摇滚,一起找点乐子毫不拘束的为我舞动吧我们玩的飘飘欲仙你只要和我一起跳舞什麼都不要烦恼只管一起跳舞什麼都不鸟它只管一起玩,一起舞我们什麼都不需要不要执著於旧情人我们只希望大家都快乐就算人生不再有好梦努力工作但薪水只有一角如果你有啥麻烦,那可不关我的事不要再想那些烦人的东东我们要整夜狂欢今晚大家用力玩,不争吵大家一起High一起用力跳舞放开心,不要戒备不管你是白道还是黑道大家一起摇滚,因为玛莉来啦!让我们一起摇滚,一起找点乐子毫不拘束的为我舞动吧我们玩的飘飘欲仙你只要和我一起跳舞什麼都不要烦恼只管一起跳舞什麼都不鸟它只管一起玩,一起舞
2023-07-18 23:58:311

Family Affair歌曲链接 急用
2023-07-18 23:58:391


全家福A Family Affair(1984)类型:剧情/喜剧片长:97分钟导演:石天 Tean Shek主演:许冠杰 Sam Hui郑文雅 Olivia Cheng石天 Tean Shek ...国家/地区: 香港对白语言:粤语上映日期:1984年8月15日 香港 剧情许昌(许冠杰饰)工作因不顺心,而影响到了家庭的和睦。妻子正男(郑文雅饰)向其提出分居,留下了一对儿女美斯与汤美(小彬彬饰),交给外公(石天饰)照顾。而转眼间两人就各自相忘,另寻了新欢。外公不想两个孩子以后落到继父...幕后/花絮《全家福》是许冠杰连续出演城市喜剧而获得成功以来,成功的一次转型。这是一部幽默而又感人至深的喜剧,走的是传统的文艺戏剧路线,欢笑掺杂着泪水。石天扮演的外公和童星小彬彬的表演深邃感人,给人留下的印象至今...
2023-07-18 23:59:001


2023-07-18 23:59:105

family affair背景音乐 mp3

还有歌有相似的前奏,不是很清楚,这首歌是Family Affair - E-Team feat. Ash
2023-07-18 23:59:252

求节奏感强,节拍短促的英文舞曲,类似family affair这种

(Rimini Project - To Be Or Not To Be)(Bigbang - Oh Ma Baby)(英文慢摇 - 音轨)(September - Taboo)(Samantha Mumba - Always Come Back To Your Love)
2023-07-18 23:59:441

急!求一首和family affair类似的慢摇舞曲

楼主找到没有 我也想要
2023-07-18 23:59:513

求一首family affair 改编的hip hop

<A FAMILY AFFAIR >这个是加勒比海盗2的原声音乐歌词Let"s get it crunk, we gon" have fun Up on in this, dance for me We got ya open, now ya floatin" So you gots to dance for me Don"t need no hateration, holleratin" In this dance for me Let"s get it percolatin", while you"re waiting So just dance for me
2023-07-18 23:59:581

Family Affair-Mary J Blige 有一首歌和这首歌的伴奏差不多 我忘记了是什么歌了 知道的大虾帮忙想一下 急

李孝利-- 十分钟 我瞎猜的!
2023-07-19 00:00:052

mary j. blige的family affair很像的一首歌

酷狗上搜索 苏荷酒吧 酒吧常放的英文歌曲 就OK啦
2023-07-19 00:00:146


2023-07-19 00:00:282

麻烦大家给下hey oh 跟 family affair串烧的下载链接...

hey oh: affair:
2023-07-19 00:00:411


两只老虎 很好哦!
2023-07-19 00:00:493


2023-07-19 00:01:083

求 非诚勿扰 里的背景音乐

这首歌是 O Fortuna,,$$.mp3,,[oh+fortune]&gate=1&ct=134217728&tn=baidumt,O%20Fortuna%20Oh%20Fortune&si=;;;;0;;0&lm=16777216&mtid=2&d=6
2023-07-19 00:02:142

hey oh的另一个版本,family affair一样节奏的舞曲请问叫什么,

应该是remix的版本,你可以去QQ 音乐里找AKON的专辑,也许可以找到你的那个版本
2023-07-19 00:02:591

江苏卫视 里面 《非诚勿扰》的男生反选的时候那个背景歌是什么???

男嘉宾出场音乐插曲【我认为是最好听的一个】 《can you feel it》 女嘉宾出场音乐【艾美人的经典之作】 艾薇儿的《girl freid》 女嘉宾被选中走上台的音乐【少女时代的新专辑OH!有收录】 少女时代 《Gee》 男女嘉宾配对成功插曲【经典的现代版】 卓文萱和曹格《梁山伯与朱丽叶》 男生失败退场插曲【伤痛的不止是一个】 可惜不是你-梁静茹 1月31日江苏卫视《非诚勿扰》节目中那段英文插曲 西城男孩的 《you raise me up》 2月7日江苏卫视《非诚勿扰》节目中刘丞找“丸子”表述那段插曲 《序曲 天空之城 吟唱版》 小娟·山谷里的居民 2月7号刘丞跟赵菁成为朋友后,放的一段钢琴曲 久石让的 《菊次郎的夏天 SUMMER》 江苏卫视《非诚勿扰》弃权男生 许乐前任女友那个VCR完 了有段英文背景的插曲,女生唱的,很轻柔,蛮好听的 Sarah Connor和她丈夫Marc Terenzi合唱的《Just one last dance》 江苏卫视《非诚勿扰》第一集第4个男女嘉宾跳舞的背景音乐 《do something》 布兰妮 江苏卫视非诚勿扰1月17日插曲 (3号男生Joseph在做他自己的工作介绍时的背景插曲, 有海豚音,节奏感很强很快) 《relax take it easy》 mika 江苏卫视非诚勿扰介绍男嘉宾个人资料的背景音乐, BOY,Z TWINS《死性不改》钢琴版 叙述男生VCR之前的过场音乐完整版(轻快钢琴曲) 他们居然用偶像剧「蜂蜜幸运草」里的配乐作为过场背景音乐 然后截了前面一小段放出来 曲名:出航吧!幸福快艇 第八期节目李宝宝出来后视频里的16分04秒时孟飞说多好的女孩啊! 音乐就响起来,不过就是一点点 《突如其来的爱情.》东京爱情的故事插曲 女嘉宾入场的歌【第二个入场版本】 the ting tings 的that"s not my name 2010年2月26日第八期,3号选手于波出场的RAP说唱背景音乐 《family affair 》 玛丽布莱姬 每期放男嘉宾VCR的时候都会出现的背景音乐 《命中注定我爱你》99次我爱他_梦幻音乐盒 (音乐盒完整版)记得采纳啊
2023-07-19 00:03:371

一首经典的夜店歌曲 高潮部分大概是i o 的音重复 跟family affair的背景音乐差不多 是什么歌

2023-07-19 00:04:582

以前在夜店听到的一首好听的英文歌 女声唱的 歌词好像有 I like moving moving ,i like shaking shaking

2023-07-19 00:06:036


光光的《对不起》,乌拉呆的《陌生的亲情》,小小蚂蚁,双截棍whatever you like》 超级重,很有感觉。《 blunt ashes 》 慢节奏的说唱。《 》 阿姆的说唱。《sugar 》 很老的歌了。不过节奏还赞哦《g-slide 》 开头小孩子超级痢疾的。《hip hop is dead 》NAS的经典歌曲了,超有感觉的。《 》了了!!《》 个人很喜欢的歌,有小朋友和嘻哈的完美结合。《》BILLBAND 里面排名一直稳居在前五的歌~fort minor 的《london bridge》个人推荐~全是骂人话。《in da club》50 cent 的吊比歌,很嗨。电子加嘻哈。《i do》chingy的嘻哈我一直满喜欢的。《low》夜店歌,去过G的应该听过吧。《break it off》 很适合派对的歌~ RIHANNA的。《hypnotized》很舒服的。 AKON的。 很喜欢《disco inferno》 很重的嘻哈 .《bartender》 T-PAIN的《not going back》这首歌呢,不知道怎么说。其实情景满悲惨的。《dirt off your shoulder》 赞的。《 he said she said》女的声音很性感,爆发力啊毛强的。《petrified 》 做的太吊了!《》 JAY-Z的经典了,听过的应该晓得的。《pocketful of sunshine》 终于找到那首07的混合曲的一首单独曲目了~!《i can》NAS的古典和嘻哈的结合。《pump it》黑眼豆豆的,不过我觉得不比他们的一些节奏差。《》跳街舞绝对赞的歌。《》黑眼豆豆的。很有爆发的。GAGA的歌大家估计都很熟了。在这里不多推荐哈!《that la la la》Rihanna的。在G+听到过。《gimme that》Chirs Brown的老歌,也许你没注意,不过节奏真的重!《nasty girl》Chingy的嘻哈不多介绍了!相信听过的就知道有多赞。《Ass N da Aurr》Chingy的。《what you got》Colby O"donis的。他既是音乐制作人也是歌手,曾经在gaga的 just dance里唱过男声《Whine up》.节奏重。《Yamaha mama》酱爆弟弟的。不错的r&b《Yey》akon的,无意中听到这首。不错的。《hard》Rihanna的。她的声音很赞!《i know youwant me》G+里很红的歌。《I wanna rock》这首略显普通,可以听下哈。《bad boys》高潮很好听的!《》billband上禅连过的冠军歌《carry out》Timbaland的。个人觉得一般哈,可是他排名很不错。《say hey》拉丁曲风的嘻哈。《sweat dream》别忘记Beyonce!《i"ll be missing you》个人推荐!很舒服的说唱。尤其是高潮。适合在嗨后结尾《lose yourself》阿姆的歌《》超老的说唱了。不过依然经典。Dear mama my last serenade 男的声音很好听,不能说是很节奏的流行,个人推荐,好听G+放过的,AKON的。高潮赞WHAT IS IT Baby Bash Ft Sean Kingston 朋友推荐and drive. RIHANNA 的。有点广告歌的感觉gone going 个人推荐的很好听的慢摇。tipsy 这首歌实在是太叼了~耳朵的冲击。sexy can i很早的嘻哈歌了。不过还是蛮有慢摇的感觉的。crowded 听过了哈哈。还不错,又是一首爆发力的重低音need a boss 喜欢。推荐推荐the magic key 老歌老歌了。family affair 又是一首夜店放烂掉的慢摇。free your mind 摇滚加嘻哈的结合。like a boy 节奏不重,但是很嘻哈。harder better faster stronger 这个没有歌词,就是的电子歌曲,蛮嗨的just a lil bit 50 cent的baby by me ne-yo 的. 感觉节奏不错. candyman christina aguilera的. 适合派队christmas tree LADY GAGA 的.g+放过gettin" it chingy 的嘻哈one call away 推荐.重低音的节奏balla baby 国外酒吧会选择放的歌.dem jeans 也是推荐歌曲之一 很不错hotel room g+里面放过的.go girl PITBULL的.个人很喜欢他的歌.夜店歌首选.sticky icky 很不错以下都是PITBULL的好听的HIP HOPmidnightshakeTELL MEculodammit manbeep 朋友推荐的.DONT STOP MUSIC很不错的歌哈。有Justin Biebercandy 重低音慢摇。gangsta Snoop Dogg新歌,节奏重luv drunk超舒服的慢摇。推荐!!Empire State Of Mind G+的歌,JAY-Z的,高潮超级好听。Church 节奏暴快的i"m a f r 慢摇慢摇慢摇~~~The boss 有种很有冲击的感觉,纯说唱tambourine 可以把身体摇起来的歌,G放过。who"s EVE的嘻哈。喜欢的顶!cowboy 喜欢喜欢。SHAKE THAT G+有放last ninght虽然不是最新的嘻哈,不过很慢摇tell me who you aRE。 喜欢这首歌的背景配乐。superstarg+放过。Put yo hood up remix 纯嘻哈的音乐,赞@!!!!Run This TowN G+有时候会放的。i need a girl很好听的慢摇。lets get it startED 黑眼豆豆的嘻哈。thru the phone G+放过。曾经红过一段时间的。locked up绝对有味道的慢摇啊。。。。推荐!!krazy G有放,太嗨了这个insomniaG最近老是会放的歌~也是国外酒吧比较红的歌Shoulder Lean 夜店长放的歌曲。Swagga like us 这首歌的节奏太赞了。一听就会SHAKE~@!!get right 北京MIXDJ会放的歌。now 这首歌总算给我找到了!!太刁了!!Get like Me 不会让你失望的潮歌。move shake drop 北京MIX会放的~Snap yo fingers 爆发力的嘻哈。。太爱了!!The one I love timbaland 的主打新歌嘻哈么。蛮好听的Peanut Butter and Jelly 赞赞!wall to wall 又是一首夜店啊~na-nana-nanelly 的嘻哈。TOUCH THE SKY 节奏不错。stronger g后半夜放的。the next episode 上海夜店必放的歌feel good inc 苹果的广告 歌,也是上海新天地必放的歌Missy Elliot 慢摇。听了很不错呵呵yeyeye~ 奥菲,听了立马扭起来的。love you like mad太好听了!!我超级喜欢的R&Bhate me now r&b和说唱的完美结合!真的好好听!!!Message不知道为什么,很喜欢这首《下一站之后》《海誓山盟》《右边的爱》《怎么做才完美》《越爱越孤单《归》《蛋疼的生活》男声伤感说唱《听梦丢了》男女伤感说唱,《我只是怕寂寞》《Say Goodbye》男声感说唱,《忆》《易碎的青春》《猜疑》《Ce Frumoasa E Iubirea》非常好听《离开》男女伤感说唱《暗淡》挺有深度的生活感悟伤感说唱☆☆☆☆《骗局》男声伤感说唱,《Bye Bye》很有特色的一首男声伤感说唱歌曲,《还能说些什么》《偏爱说唱版》《清晰的痛》女声伤感说唱《哀愿》《你只是转身离开》男女伤感说唱,《十一朵玫瑰》很好听的伤感说唱☆☆☆☆《下一站之后》《海誓山盟》《右边的爱》《怎么做才完美》《越爱越孤单《归》《蛋疼的生活》男声伤感说唱《听梦丢了》男女伤感说唱,《我只是怕寂寞》《Say Goodbye》男声感说唱,《忆》《易碎的青春》《猜疑》《Ce Frumoasa E Iubirea》非常好听《离开》男女伤感说唱《暗淡》挺有深度的生活感悟伤感说唱☆☆☆☆《骗局》男声伤感说唱,《Bye Bye》很有特色的一首男声伤感说唱歌曲,《还能说些什么》《偏爱说唱版》《清晰的痛》女声伤感说唱《哀愿》《你只是转身离开》男女伤感说唱,《十一朵玫瑰》很好听的伤感说唱☆☆☆☆《哭泣的格桑花》很感人的故事,《一个怀念已久的人》男声伤感说唱,好听☆☆☆☆《戒不掉的世界》《天堂悲恋》男女伤感说唱《月夜迷失》女声伤感说唱《我们的约定》男女伤感说唱《樱花落》男女伤感说唱《孤独的传说》男声伤感说唱《去他妈的爱情》这是粗口说唱《一个人爱两个人哭》男女伤感说唱 前面还有电话对白。《时间在流我们在走》《你给的温柔》《你给的曾经》《那么再见》《kiss tattoo》《完美半成》90后男女伤感说唱歌曲《偏爱说唱版》《这他妈才是爱情》《偏爱》《可惜我是摩羯座》90后女生伤感说唱《你是我不能言说的伤》男女伤感说唱《莲花》《亡魂》伤感 男声 女声 韩语《Gloomy Sunday》韩语说唱歌曲,对应的中文说唱是《黑色星期天》《丢了你》女声伤感说唱,《结束》一样《天国》《回来好吗》娃娃2010最新伤感说唱《猜疑》90后非主流男女伤感说唱☆☆☆☆《誓言走过》女声伤感说唱《结束》男生说唱,女生演唱,纪念那段逝去我们的爱情《我的奶奶》感人的亲情说唱,奶奶快走了....《偶遇》和分手过的女友在街上偶遇《灰色年轮》自己的初恋女友怀孕自杀的伤感说唱☆☆☆☆《为什么》《中毒》讲述网瘾少年沉迷网友杀人的事情《劲舞恋歌》发生在劲舞团的恋爱故事☆☆☆☆《不要哭》《依赖》悲伤☆☆☆☆《请求》《我的爱》心酸的恋爱过往《破碎的爱》《不需要爱情的夏天》《醉纸鸢》男女伤感☆☆☆☆《想念》《散场的结局》《时间在流我们在走》好残酷的分手☆☆☆☆《有妈妈这一路》母爱的伟大,先听这位歌手的首支关于妈妈的歌曲《妈妈的爱》《此刻你会在哪里》曲调和《乜野系恋爱》《恋爱的意义》一样《败类》这首不是伤感说唱,但说唱的太好太过瘾太现实了,不喜勿进,因为有XX ☆☆☆☆☆《归魂曲》男女伤感《黑白》《欠你的歌》《不再爱》☆☆☆☆《哭泣的格桑花》很感人的故事,《一个怀念已久的人》男声伤感说唱,好听☆☆☆☆《戒不掉的世界》《天堂悲恋》男女伤感说唱《月夜迷失》女声伤感说唱《我们的约定》男女伤感说唱《樱花落》男女伤感说唱《孤独的传说》男声伤感说唱《去他妈的爱情》这是粗口说唱《一个人爱两个人哭》男女伤感说唱 前面还有电话对白。《时间在流我们在走》《你给的温柔》《你给的曾经》《那么再见》《kiss tattoo》《完美半成》90后男女伤感说唱歌曲《偏爱说唱版》《这他妈才是爱情》《偏爱》《可惜我是摩羯座》90后女生伤感说唱《你是我不能言说的伤》男女伤感说唱《莲花》《亡魂》伤感 男声 女声 韩语《Gloomy Sunday》韩语说唱歌曲,对应的中文说唱是《黑色星期天》《丢了你》女声伤感说唱,《结束》一样《天国》《回来好吗》娃娃2010最新伤感说唱《猜疑》90后非主流男女伤感说唱☆☆☆☆《誓言走过》女声伤感说唱《结束》男生说唱,女生演唱,纪念那段逝去我们的爱情《我的奶奶》感人的亲情说唱,奶奶快走了....《偶遇》和分手过的女友在街上偶遇《灰色年轮》自己的初恋女友怀孕自杀的伤感说唱☆☆☆☆《为什么》《中毒》讲述网瘾少年沉迷网友杀人的事情《劲舞恋歌》发生在劲舞团的恋爱故事☆☆☆☆《不要哭》《依赖》悲伤☆☆☆☆《请求》《我的爱》心酸的恋爱过往《破碎的爱》《不需要爱情的夏天》《醉纸鸢》男女伤感☆☆☆☆《想念》《散场的结局》《时间在流我们在走》好残酷的分手☆☆☆☆《有妈妈这一路》母爱的伟大,先听这位歌手的首支关于妈妈的歌曲《妈妈的爱》《此刻你会在哪里》曲调和《乜野系恋爱》《恋爱的意义》一样《败类》这首不是伤感说唱,但说唱的太好太过瘾太现实了,不喜勿进,因为有XX ☆☆☆☆☆《归魂曲》男女伤感《黑白》《欠你的歌》《不再爱》☆☆☆☆
2023-07-19 00:07:101


1. The Black Eyed Peas - My Humps 2006葛莱美最佳合唱组合 2. Mariah Carey - It"s Like That 获全美舞曲销售及点播榜冠军 3. Kanye West - Jesus Walks 嘻哈界难得一见快速窜红晋身钻石级全才巨星 4. 50 Cent- Candy Shop 5. Don"t Cha 6. Nelly - N Dey Say 7. Snoop Dogg - Lets Get Blown 吠声响遍美国西半岸 90年代饶舌先锋代表人物8. 2Pac feat. Elton John - Ghetto Gospel 划下90年代嘻哈乐坛不朽新史的天才型艺人 9. Tony Yayo feat. 50 Cent - So Seductive 10. Olivia feat. Lloyd Banks - Twist It 会唱会创作更会弹吉他与钢琴的全才型辣美妹11. The Game - Dreams 12. Locked Up 13. Bobby Valentino - Slow Down 新生代节奏蓝调美声小王子 14. Rihanna - Pon De Replay 漂亮美眉蕾哈娜用热情阳光雷鬼/舞曲节拍 搭配香浓R&B音韵 15. On Fire 16. Dip It Low 17. Teairra Mari - Make Her Feel Good 有全美嘻哈大厂“Roc-A-Fella公主”封号 18. Terror Squad - Lean Back 致力Latino Hip-Hop乐派 19. There It Go (The Whistle Song) 20. Daddy Yankee - Gasolina 藉着拉丁节奏及语言文化 立足世界音乐舞台关键代表 21. Missy Elliott - Work It 葛莱美最佳饶舌女歌手 22. Mary J. Blige Family Affair 由街头太妹摇身一变90年代灵魂乐天后 23. Nelly - Country Grammar 南岸饶舌界新天王24. Ja Rule - Clap Back 音乐王朝‘Murder Inc."旗下红牌一哥25. Redman - Let"s Get Dirty 东岸饶舌先锋二人组EPMD发掘的硬蕊饶舌高手 26. What"s Your Fantasy 27. Busta Rhymes - Gimme Some More 独特快嘴饶舌功力 狠劲十足粗犷嗓音的巨星级人物 28. DMX - Slippin" 接连5张专辑创下全数空降全美冠军惊人纪录 29. LL Cool J - Loungin" 纵横乐坛20年岁月 一位家喻户晓之跨界巨星30. Common - Go 引领80年代黄金时期爵士/灵魂饶舌曲派 31. Baby Bash - Suga Suga 独特诱人饶舌调调 动听32. Sean Paul - Gimme The Light 雷鬼饶舌风潮代表 33. Truth Hurts - The Truth 由德瑞博士力捧之节奏蓝调女歌手 34. City High - What Would You Do 道出社会底层妇女困境的动容之作 35. My Love Is Like Wo 36. Check Yo Self 37. NWA - 100 Miles And Runnin" 首度遭FBI追缉的西岸饶舌猛团 敢怒敢言道出小老百姓心声 38. Beastie Boys - Fight For Your Right 不时沾染硬蕊、庞克、摇滚或甚电子声效、取样等多类元素39. Dy-Na-Mi-Tee40. Move Ya Body41. one time energy 42. 生命要继续 滚石 43. God is a girl DJ加快版44. 恰恰舞曲45. wannabe46. 耶耶耶
2023-07-19 00:07:181


动漫《Angel Beats!》里的由依
2023-07-19 00:07:276


2023-07-19 00:07:446

Family Affair 歌词

歌曲名:Family Affair歌手:齐藤ジョニー专辑:齐藤ジョニーFamily Affair齐藤ジョニー作词:齐藤ジョニー作曲:齐藤ジョニー谢っちゃえ 土下座しちゃえ胡麻すって やりすごして 全部Okay谛めちゃえ 裏切っちゃえ嘲笑っちゃえ ちっぽけな将来なんてOh oh oh don"t wanna such a daydreamOh oh oh ain"t nothing but a moneyわかってんの赠贿 歪曲 局部 ブリザード ドラ息子高慢 満足 続投 ウーロンハイ 灰神楽Oh oh oh don"t wanna such a daydreamOh oh oh ain"t nothing but a moneyOh oh oh don"t wanna such a daydreamOh oh oh ain"t nothing but a moneyわかってんの人灾 催促 即応 内弁庆 経験则空中 中毒 独裁 最先端赠贿 歪曲 局部 ブリザード ドラ息子高慢 満足 続投 ウーロンハイ 灰神楽
2023-07-19 00:08:351

Family Affair 歌词

歌曲名:Family Affair歌手:Mary J. Blige专辑:Ministry of Sound: R&B Anthems整理人;强强Family AffairLet"s get it crunk, we gon" have funUp on in this, dance for meWe got ya open, now ya floatin"So you gots to dance for meDon"t need no hateration, holleratin"In this dance for meLet"s get it percolatin", while you"re waitingSo just dance for meCome on everybody get on upCause you know we gots to get it crunkMary J. is in the spot tonightAs I"mma make it feel alright (Make it feel alright)Come on baby just party with meLet loose and set your body freeLeave your situations at the doorSo when you step inside jump on the floorLet"s get it crunk, we gon" have funUp on in this, dance for meWe got ya open, now ya floatin"So you gots to dance for meDon"t need no hateration, holleratin"In this dance for meLet"s get it percolatin", while you"re waitingSo just dance for meIt"s only gonna be about a matter of timeBefore you get loose and start loose your mindCop you a drink, go head and rock your iceCause we celebrating No More Drama in our lifeWith a great track pumpin", everybody"s jumpin"Goin ahead and twist your back and get your body bumpin"I told you leave your situations at the doorSo grab somebody and get your ass on the dance floorLet"s get it crunk, we gon" have funUp on in this, dance for meWe got ya open, now ya floatin"So you gots to dance for meDon"t need no hateration, holleratin"In this dance for meLet"s get it percolatin", while you"re waitingSo just dance for meWe don"t need, don"t need, no hatersJust try to love one anotherWe just want y"all have a good timeNo more drama in your lifeWork real hard to make a dimeIf you got beef, your problem, not mineLeave all that BS outsideWe"re gonna celebrate all nightLet"s have fun, tonight, no fightsTurn the great track wayMaking you dance all night and IGot some real heat for ya this timeDoesn"t matter if you"re white or blackLet"s get crunk cuz Mary"s backLet"s get it crunk, we gon" have funUp on in this, dance for meWe got ya open, now ya floatin"So you gots to dance for meDon"t need no hateration, holleratin"In this dance for meLet"s get it percolatin", while you"re waitingSo just dance for meLet"s get it crunk, we gon" have funUp on in this, dance for meWe got ya open, now ya floatin"So you gots to dance for meDon"t need no hateration, holleratin"In this dance for meLet"s get it percolatin", while you"re waitingSo just dance for me
2023-07-19 00:08:421

Family Affair (Lp Version) 歌词

歌曲名:Family Affair (Lp Version)歌手:Herbie Mann专辑:Turtle Bay整理人;强强Family AffairLet"s get it crunk, we gon" have funUp on in this, dance for meWe got ya open, now ya floatin"So you gots to dance for meDon"t need no hateration, holleratin"In this dance for meLet"s get it percolatin", while you"re waitingSo just dance for meCome on everybody get on upCause you know we gots to get it crunkMary J. is in the spot tonightAs I"mma make it feel alright (Make it feel alright)Come on baby just party with meLet loose and set your body freeLeave your situations at the doorSo when you step inside jump on the floorLet"s get it crunk, we gon" have funUp on in this, dance for meWe got ya open, now ya floatin"So you gots to dance for meDon"t need no hateration, holleratin"In this dance for meLet"s get it percolatin", while you"re waitingSo just dance for meIt"s only gonna be about a matter of timeBefore you get loose and start loose your mindCop you a drink, go head and rock your iceCause we celebrating No More Drama in our lifeWith a great track pumpin", everybody"s jumpin"Goin ahead and twist your back and get your body bumpin"I told you leave your situations at the doorSo grab somebody and get your ass on the dance floorLet"s get it crunk, we gon" have funUp on in this, dance for meWe got ya open, now ya floatin"So you gots to dance for meDon"t need no hateration, holleratin"In this dance for meLet"s get it percolatin", while you"re waitingSo just dance for meWe don"t need, don"t need, no hatersJust try to love one anotherWe just want y"all have a good timeNo more drama in your lifeWork real hard to make a dimeIf you got beef, your problem, not mineLeave all that BS outsideWe"re gonna celebrate all nightLet"s have fun, tonight, no fightsTurn the great track wayMaking you dance all night and IGot some real heat for ya this timeDoesn"t matter if you"re white or blackLet"s get crunk cuz Mary"s backLet"s get it crunk, we gon" have funUp on in this, dance for meWe got ya open, now ya floatin"So you gots to dance for meDon"t need no hateration, holleratin"In this dance for meLet"s get it percolatin", while you"re waitingSo just dance for meLet"s get it crunk, we gon" have funUp on in this, dance for meWe got ya open, now ya floatin"So you gots to dance for meDon"t need no hateration, holleratin"In this dance for meLet"s get it percolatin", while you"re waitingSo just dance for me
2023-07-19 00:08:501

Family Affair (Acapella) 歌词

歌曲名:Family Affair (Acapella)歌手:B.E.F. Featuring Lalah Hathaway专辑:1981-2011Let"s get it crunk, we gon" have funUp on in this, dance for meWe got ya open, now ya floatin"So you gots to dance for meDon"t need no hateration, holleratin"In this dance for meLet"s get it percolatin", while you"re waitingSo just dance for meCome on everybody get on upCause you know we gots to get it crunkMary J. is in the spot tonightAs I"mma make it feel alright (Make it feel alright)Come on baby just party with meLet loose and set your body freeLeave your situations at the doorSo when you step inside jump on the floorLet"s get it crunk, we gon" have funUp on in this, dance for meWe got ya open, now ya floatin"So you gots to dance for meDon"t need no hateration, holleratin"In this dance for meLet"s get it percolatin", while you"re waitingSo just dance for meIt"s only gonna be about a matter of timeBefore you get loose and start loose your mindCop you a drink, go head and rock your iceCause we celebrating No More Drama in our lifeWith a great track pumpin", everybody"s jumpin"Goin ahead and twist your back and get your body bumpin"I told you leave your situations at the doorSo grab somebody and get your ass on the dance floorLet"s get it crunk, we gon" have funUp on in this, dance for meWe got ya open, now ya floatin"So you gots to dance for meDon"t need no hateration, holleratin"In this dance for meLet"s get it percolatin", while you"re waitingSo just dance for meWe don"t need, don"t need, no hatersJust try to love one anotherWe just want y"all have a good timeNo more drama in your lifeWork real hard to make a dimeIf you got beef, your problem, not mineLeave all that BS outsideWe"re gonna celebrate all nightLet"s have fun, tonight, no fightsTurn the great track wayMaking you dance all night and IGot some real heat for ya this timeDoesn"t matter if you"re white or blackLet"s get crunk cuz Mary"s backLet"s get it crunk, we gon" have funUp on in this, dance for meWe got ya open, now ya floatin"So you gots to dance for meDon"t need no hateration, holleratin"In this dance for meLet"s get it percolatin", while you"re waitingSo just dance for me
2023-07-19 00:08:571

Family Affair (Percussion Jam) 歌词

歌曲名:Family Affair (Percussion Jam)歌手:Sheila E专辑:Sex CymbalLet"s get it crunk, we gon" have funUp on in this, dance for meWe got ya open, now ya floatin"So you gots to dance for meDon"t need no hateration, holleratin"In this dance for meLet"s get it percolatin", while you"re waitingSo just dance for meCome on everybody get on upCause you know we gots to get it crunkMary J. is in the spot tonightAs I"mma make it feel alright (Make it feel alright)Come on baby just party with meLet loose and set your body freeLeave your situations at the doorSo when you step inside jump on the floorLet"s get it crunk, we gon" have funUp on in this, dance for meWe got ya open, now ya floatin"So you gots to dance for meDon"t need no hateration, holleratin"In this dance for meLet"s get it percolatin", while you"re waitingSo just dance for meIt"s only gonna be about a matter of timeBefore you get loose and start loose your mindCop you a drink, go head and rock your iceCause we celebrating No More Drama in our lifeWith a great track pumpin", everybody"s jumpin"Goin ahead and twist your back and get your body bumpin"I told you leave your situations at the doorSo grab somebody and get your ass on the dance floorLet"s get it crunk, we gon" have funUp on in this, dance for meWe got ya open, now ya floatin"So you gots to dance for meDon"t need no hateration, holleratin"In this dance for meLet"s get it percolatin", while you"re waitingSo just dance for meWe don"t need, don"t need, no hatersJust try to love one anotherWe just want y"all have a good timeNo more drama in your lifeWork real hard to make a dimeIf you got beef, your problem, not mineLeave all that BS outsideWe"re gonna celebrate all nightLet"s have fun, tonight, no fightsTurn the great track wayMaking you dance all night and IGot some real heat for ya this timeDoesn"t matter if you"re white or blackLet"s get crunk cuz Mary"s backLet"s get it crunk, we gon" have funUp on in this, dance for meWe got ya open, now ya floatin"So you gots to dance for meDon"t need no hateration, holleratin"In this dance for meLet"s get it percolatin", while you"re waitingSo just dance for me
2023-07-19 00:09:051

有首歌和FAMILY AFFAIR音乐很像的说唱歌曲是什么名字

hey oh 法语的
2023-07-19 00:09:232

和《family affair》前奏差不多,但不是《HEY OH》

That"s Not My Name
2023-07-19 00:09:302


Yesterday my friend asked me what I would like to do for the coming New Year. Here is my plan. Firstly, I would like to visit my old friends and my grandparents because we haven"t seen each other for a long time. Secondly, I am going skiing with my father because I like skiing very much and it is fun to go skiing. Thirdly, I am going to finish doing my homework and prepare for the new lessons. I am sure I will have a meaningful and wonderful New Year holiday.
2023-07-19 00:09:383

Inbred的《dead time》 歌词

歌曲名:dead time歌手:Inbred专辑:a family affairTime is all we"ve got and we help them tie theknot around our necks everytime we give ourtime to them!Calendar Stopwatch Punch the TimeclockDeadline Dead time None of it is mineFrom the time we open our eyesInbredfor the first time "til we dieAll our time gets taken from usand gets turned into a lieTime is to create ourselvesTo realize ourselves it can"t be measuredbut we"re not alive, we barely surviveunder constant pain and pressure!"Cause all we are to themis how much we spendDoind what they want, being one of them!Think of something you don"t dobecause no time is your excuseThen think of how much time you spenddoing things that you don"t want toSell your time so you can spendand the circle never endsAnd in the end your only roleis just another thing to be bought &sold!"Cause all we are to themis how much time we spendDoing what they want, being one of them!Deadline Dead time None of it is mine!
2023-07-19 00:09:451


2023-07-19 00:10:014

推荐一个慢摇的论坛 七度舞曲慢摇论坛不错。下面是一些比较好的慢摇。1. Flo rida Low Feat T Pain__(Flo Rida - Shone ) 08年北美HIPPOP金奖歌曲 2. always come back to your love __ (samantha.mumba) 3. can"t get you out of my head __(Kylie Minogue) 4. beautiful girls__(sean kingston) 在最高潮中出现的曲。 5. Cu Capul In Nori__(3rei Sud Est) 意大利慢摇 6. Candy Toy__(dj) 7. babi女唱C LUBHOUSE__(DJ音乐) 8. Faraway__(Gala) 9. crash__(gwen stefani) 10. I will survive__(diana。ross ) 现场版了!!更老的曲 但总能推动现场气分 11. DdeuKeo__(HOT) 12. relax-take it easy__(Mika) 13. Ne Govori (Не говори мне ничего) ___(Otpetye Moshenniki) 俄罗斯歌曲 ~ 大家也常说<NI KA WA LI> 14. country road take me home__(John Denver) 15. Family Affair__(mary j. blige) 16. Kattrina Fly Project __(Kattrina) 罗马尼亚慢摇 17. Outta my head ay ya ya__(Ashlee Simpson) 18. Gabry Ponte Pump Up the Phyrhm___(DJ) 19. hollaback girl_(gwen stefani) 20. sorry sorry sorry__(Key West ) COCO主打 21. Hello Mr dj__(Groove Coverage) 还是在去年能听到的,不过确实很好听。 22. Hey oh__(Tragedie组合) 也是首老曲了,法文的,都很熟悉了吧~ 23. get the party start pink__(劲舞里的舞曲) 24. Its ok__(Atomic Kitten) 很老的曲了,可是不知为什么,最近又开始放了... 25. bounce__(sarah connor) 26. Let"s get it started__(black eyed peas) 27. 法则 生活12__(mc mong) 28. En dag tilbage__(Nik & Jay) 29. never say never dj__(Dj) 30. My hump__(黑眼豆豆) 31. Tu diras que estoy loco__(Miguel Angel Mu oz) 西班牙慢摇 在百度里搜so loko也能找到的 32. smack that__(feat.Akon) 33. Don"t matter__(feat.Akon) 34. right now__(feat.Akon) 35. 4 minutes__(麦当娜) 36. Highland Solo Tu__(Highland ) 37. GT Banana__(DJ) 38. Tell Me Once again __(Again) 39. Thankyou__(Dido) 40. the magic key__(One-T And Cool-T乐队) 41. the next episode__(dr.dre) 42. Those were the Days__(Hemes House Band ) 43. One love__(blue) 44. umbrella__(rihanna) 45. you better not come home__(energy) 46. 公开警告__(mc mong) 47. Maria__(金雅中) 48. 我爱台妹__(哈狗帮) 不用多作介绍了吧! 49. 最爱怡红院__(二马人圭 ) 在夜店很有名的曲 以上都是比较极品的,听听
2023-07-19 00:10:141


2023-07-19 00:10:237

推荐一些 特别 嗨的歌曲 要特别嗨 哦

2023-07-19 00:10:383

谁能把2000年至今的billboard上面 每一个星期的冠军单曲 发给我啊 感激涕零!

2000 Billboard #1 Hits!!2000-01-15 02 Christina Aguilera -- What a Girl Wants 2000-01-29 03 Savage Garden -- I Knew I Loved You 2000-02-19 01 Mariah Carey featuring Joe and 98 Degrees -- Thank God I Found You 2000-02-26 01 Savage Garden -- I Knew I Loved You 2000-03-04 02 Lonestar -- Amazed 2000-03-18 03 Destiny"s Child -- Say My Name 2000-04-08 10 Santana featuring The Product G&B -- Maria Maria 2000-06-17 01 Aaliyah -- Try Again 2000-06-24 03 Enrique Iglesias -- Be with You 2000-07-15 01 Vertical Horizon -- Everything You Want 2000-07-22 01 Matchbox Twenty -- Bent 2000-07-29 02 "N Sync -- It"s Gonna Be Me 2000-08-12 02 Sisqó -- Incomplete 2000-08-26 03 Janet Jackson -- Doesn"t Really Matter 2000-09-16 04 Madonna -- Music 2000-10-14 04 Christina Aguilera -- Come on Over Baby (All I Want Is You) 2000-11-11 01 Creed -- With Arms Wide Open 2000-11-18 11 Destiny"s Child -- Independent Women Part I2001 Billboard #1 Hits!!2001-02-03 02 Shaggy featuring Ricardo "RikRok" Ducent -- It Wasn"t Me 2001-02-17 01 OutKast -- Ms. Jackson 2001-02-24 04 Joe featuring Mystikal -- Stutter 2001-03-24 01 Crazy Town -- Butterfly 2001 Billboard #1 Hits!!2001-03-31 01 Shaggy featuring Rayvon -- Angel 2001-04-07 01 Crazy Town -- Butterfly 2001-04-14 07 Janet Jackson -- All for You 2001-06-02 05 Christina Aguilera, Lil" Kim, Mya and Pink -- Lady Marmalade 2001-07-07 04 Usher -- U Remind Me 2001-08-04 02 Destiny"s Child -- Bootylicious 2001-08-18 03 Alicia Keys -- Fallin" 2001-09-08 03 Jennifer Lopez featuring Ja Rule -- I"m Real (Murder Remix) 2001-09-29 03 Alicia Keys -- Fallin" 2001-10-20 02 Jennifer Lopez featuring Ja Rule -- I"m Real (Murder Remix) 2001-11-03 06 Mary J. Blige -- Family Affair 2001-12-15 01 Usher -- U Got It Bad 2001-12-22 04 Nickelback -- How You Remind MeAnd The Year Chart No.1 Is:Lifehouse -- Hanging By A Moment (With No Hot 100 #1)2002-01-19 05 Usher -- U Got It Bad 2002-02-23 02 Ja Rule featuring Ashanti -- Always on Time 2002-03-09 06 Jennifer Lopez featuring Ja Rule -- Ain"t It Funny (Murder Remix) 2002-04-20 10 Ashanti -- Foolish 2002-06-29 07 Nelly -- Hot in Herre 2002-08-17 07 Nelly featuring Kelly Rowland -- Dilemma 2002-10-05 02 Kelly Clarkson -- A Moment like This 2002-10-19 03 Nelly featuring Kelly Rowland -- Dilemma 2002-11-09 12 Eminem -- Lose Yourself2003 Billboard #1 Hits!!2003-02-01 01 B2K featuring P. Diddy -- Bump, Bump, Bump 2003-02-08 04 Jennifer Lopez featuring LL Cool J -- All I Have 2003-03-08 09 50 Cent -- In Da Club 2003-05-10 03 Sean Paul -- Get Busy 2003-05-31 04 50 Cent featuring Nate Dogg -- 21 Questions 2003-06-28 02 Clay Aiken -- This Is the Night 2003-07-12 08 Beyoncé featuring Jay-Z -- Crazy in Love 2003-09-06 04 Nelly, P. Diddy and Murphy Lee -- Shake Ya Tailfeather 2003-10-04 09 Beyoncé featuring Sean Paul -- Baby Boy 2003-12-06 01 Ludacris featuring Shawnna -- Stand Up 2003-12-13 09 OutKast -- Hey Ya!2004 Billboard #1 Hits!!2004-02-14 01 OutKast featuring Sleepy Brown -- The Way You Move 2004-02-21 01 Twista featuring Kanye West and Jamie Foxx -- Slow Jamz 2004-02-28 12 Usher featuring Lil Jon and Ludacris -- Yeah! 2004-05-22 07 Usher -- Burn 2004-07-10 01 Fantasia -- I Believe 2004-07-17 01 Usher -- Burn 2004-07-24 02 Usher -- Confessions Part II 2004-08-07 02 Juvenile featuring Soulja Slim -- Slow Motion 2004-08-21 03 The Terror Squad -- Lean Back 2004-09-11 07 Ciara featuring Petey Pablo -- Goodies 2004-10-30 06 Usher and Alicia Keys -- My Boo 2004-12-11 03 Snoop Dogg featuring Pharrell -- Drop It Like It"s Hot2005 Billboard #1 Hits!!2005-01-01 09 Mario -- Let Me Love You 2005-03-05 09 50 Cent featuring Olivia -- Candy Shop 2005-05-07 04 Gwen Stefani -- Hollaback Girl 2005-06-04 04 Mariah Carey -- We Belong Together 2005-07-02 01 Carrie Underwood -- Inside Your Heaven 2005-07-09 10 Mariah Carey -- We Belong Together 2005-09-17 10 Kanye West featuring Jamie Foxx -- Gold Digger 2005-11-26 05 Chris Brown -- Run It! 2005-12-31 02 Mariah Carey -- Don"t Forget About Us2006 Billboard #1 Hits!!2006-01-14 01 D4L -- Laffy Taffy 2006-01-21 02 Nelly featuring Paul Wall, Ali and Gipp -- Grillz 2006-02-04 05 Beyoncé featuring Slim Thug -- Check on It 2006-03-11 01 James Blunt -- You"re Beautiful 2006-03-18 02 Ne-Yo -- So Sick 2006-04-01 01 Sean Paul -- Temperature 2006-04-08 05 Daniel Powter -- Bad Day 2006-05-13 03 Rihanna -- SOS 2006-06-03 02 Chamillionaire featuring Krayzie Bone -- Ridin" 2006-06-17 02 Shakira featuring Wyclef Jean -- Hips Don"t Lie 2006-07-01 01 Taylor Hicks -- Do I Make You Proud 2006-07-08 06 Nelly Furtado featuring Timbaland -- Promiscuous 2006-08-19 03 Fergie -- London Bridge 2006-09-09 07 Justin Timberlake -- SexyBack 2006-10-28 02 Ludacris featuring Pharrell -- Money Maker 2006-11-11 03 Justin Timberlake featuring T.I. -- My Love 2006-12-02 02 Akon featuring Snoop Dogg -- I Wanna Love You 2006-12-16 10 Beyoncé -- Irreplaceable2007 Billboard #1 Hits!!2007-02-24 01 Nelly Furtado -- Say It Right 2007-03-03 01 Justin Timberlake -- What Goes Around... Comes Around2007-03-10 02 MIMS -- This Is Why I"m Hot2007-03-24 02 Fergie featuring Ludacris -- Glamorous2007-04-07 02 Akon -- Don"t Matter2007-04-21 02 Timbaland featuring Nelly Furtado and Justin Timberlake -- Give It to Me2007-05-05 01 Avril Lavigne -- Girlfriend2007-05-12 02 Maroon 5 -- Makes Me Wonder2007-05-26 01 T-Pain featuring Yung Joc -- Buy U a Drank (Shawty Snappin")2007-06-02 01 Maroon 5 -- Makes Me Wonder2007-06-09 07 Rihanna featuring Jay-Z -- Umbrella2007-07-28 02 Plain White T"s -- Hey There Delilah2007-08-11 04 Sean Kingston -- Beautiful Girls2007-09-08 01 Fergie -- Big Girls Don"t Cry2007-09-15 02 Soulja Boy -- Crank That (Soulja Boy)2007-09-29 01 Kanye West -- Stronger2007-10-06 05 Soulja Boy -- Crank That (Soulja Boy)2007-11-10 03 Chris Brown featuring T-Pain -- Kiss Kiss2007-12-01 05 Alicia Keys - No One2008 Billboard #1 Hits!!2008-01-05 10 Flo-Rida Featuring T-Pain -- Low2008-03-15 03 Usher Featuring Young Jeezy -- Love In This Club2008-04-05 01 Leona Lewis -- Bleeding Love2008-04-12 02 Mariah Carey -- Touch My body2008-04-26 01 Leona Lewis -- Bleeding Love2008-05-03 01 Lil" Wayne Featuring Static Major -- Lollipop2008-05-10 02 Leona Lewis -- Bleeding Love2008-05-24 01 Rihanna -- Take A Bow2008-05-31 04 Lil" Wayne Featuring Static Major -- Lollipop2008-06-28 01 Coldplay -- Viva La Vida 2008-07-05 07 Katy Perry -- I Kissed A Girl2008-08-23 02 Rihanna -- Disturbia2008-09-06 03 T.I. -- Whatever You Like2008-09-27 01 Pink -- So What 2008-10-04 02 T.I. -- Whatever You Like2008-10-18 01 T.I. Featuring Rihanna -- Live Your Life2008-10-25 01 Britney Spears -- Womanizer 2008-11-01 02 T.I. -- Whatever You Like2008-11-15 04 T.I. Featuring Rihanna -- Live Your Life2008-12-13 01 Beyonce -- Single Ladies2008-12-20 01 T.I. Featuring Rihanna -- Live Your Life 2008-12-27 03 Beyonce -- Single Ladies2009 Billboard #1 Hits!!2009-01-17 03 Lady Gaga Featuring Colby O"Donis -- Just Dance2009-02-07 02 Kelly Clarkson -- My Life Would Suck Without You2009-02-21 01 Eminem -- Crack A Bottle2009-02-28 06 Flo Rida -- Right Round2009-04-11 01 Lady Gaga -- Poker Face2009-04-18 12 Black Eyed Peas -- Boom Boom Pow2009-07-11 14 Black Eyed Peas -- I Gotta Feeling2009-10-17 01 Jay Sean Featuring Lil Wayne -- Down2009-10-24 01 Britney Spears -- 32009-10-31 01 Jay Sean Featuring Lil Wayne -- Down2009-11-07 01 Owl City -- Fireflies2009-11-14 01 Jason DeRulo -- Whatcha Say2009-11-21 01 Owl City -- Fireflies2009-11-28 05 Jay-Z Featuring Alicia Keys -- Empire State Of Mind
2023-07-19 00:10:451

Angel Beats里TK都说过啥

TK台词语录: 第1话 Departure Ah huh Oh yeah 06:57 Right Oh yeah 07:00 Shit... 10:26 Come on Let"s dance 11:27 Oh yeah Don"t be afraid 11:28 Beatiful man Yep 11:32 Yeah Have fun 11:37 Give you a little kiss 20:43 Oh my god 21:04 Hmm... It"s so delicious! I want ya 22:43 第2话 Guild Alright let"s go 02:47 Just wild then 04:31 Oh god crazy 05:46 Hurry up!今なら间に合う 08:13 Oh 飞んでって抱きしめてやれ 08:14 第3话 My song Get chance and luck 04:47 Yes Where Uh-huh 04:06 Dance Dance Dance Oh 04:13 Dance Dance Dance Dance Alright 04:25 第4话 Day Game Crazy baby 02:32 Woo! 10:55 Wow! 11:59 Don"t stop Dancing 11:06 第5话 Favorite Flavor Oh yeah 01:43 Uh-huh 01:44 Yeah Yeah 01:53 第6话 Family Affair Ouch 03:45 Oh you serious? 03:46 Ah Just wild then 03:52 I will be back 04:46 第7话 Alive One Two 01:43 Here we go and Let"s dance! 01:44 Crazy for you 21:05 Chop Chop Chop Chop 22:08 第8话 Dancer in the Dark Hey yo! Check this out! 10:14 It"s a moon walk! It"s a moon walk! 10:16 Headspin! 10:18 Trap 14:31 It"s my turn! 16:34 Get chance and luck 16:36 Wooowahaha! 16:39 第10话 Goodbye Days 今のやつ、俺のように踊れない 11:09 Don"t let me cry! 11:14 山篭り、In the mountain 11:18 Kiss you! 12:49 I kiss you! 13:29 Easy come Easy go! 14:02 Here we go... Oh Woaaaah! 14:09 Scamble it Tremble down 14:57 第11话 Change the World Wow Dancing in the shadow 08:46 I KISS YOU 08:54 诱い乱れるCarnival 09:46
2023-07-19 00:11:031


村上春树(1949年1月12日-),日本小说家、美国文学翻译家。29岁开始写作,第一部作品《且听风吟》即获得日本群像新人赏,1987年第五部长篇小说《挪威的森林》在日本畅销四百万册,广泛引起“村上现象”。村上春树的作品展现写作风格深受欧美作家影响的轻盈基调,少有日本战后阴郁沉重的文字气息。被称作第一个纯正的“二战后时期作家”,并誉为日本1980年代的文学旗手。 毕业于早稻田大学第一文学部演剧科,亦擅长美国文学的翻译。是在日本与台湾乃至韩国相当受欢迎的作家。在中国,由林少华翻译的村上小说风靡一时。2001年,上海译文出版社出版了简体中文版的村上春树全集。在台湾,村上的作品大多由赖明珠翻译、时报出版社出版。 村上春树也以自我训练跑长途马拉松、和喜欢爵士乐、猫、古典音乐及美国作家史考特·费兹杰罗闻名。 2010年11月15日,【在中国最赚钱的外国作家富豪榜】重磅发布,村上春树以1250万元人民币的版税收入排名第4位,引发广泛关注。 长篇小说 著作年代 日文书名 大陆译名 台湾译名 英文译名 挪威的森林 1979年 风の歌を聴け Kaze no uta wo kike 且听风吟 听风的歌 Hear the Wind Sing 1980年 1973年のピンボール 1973-nen no pinbōru 一九七三年的弹子球 1973年的弹珠玩具 Pinball, 1973 1982年 羊をめぐる冒険 Hitsuji o meguru bōken 寻羊冒险记 寻羊冒险记 A Wild Sheep Chase 1985年 世界の终りとハードボイルド?ワンダーランド Sekai no owari to hādoboirudo wandārando 世界尽头与冷酷仙境 世界末日与冷酷异境 Hard-Boiled Wonderland and the End of the World 1987年 ノルウェイの森 Noruwei no mori 挪威的森林 挪威的森林 Norwegian Wood 1988年 ダンス?ダンス?ダンス Dansu dansu dansu 舞!舞!舞! 舞·舞·舞 Dance Dance Dance 1992年 国境の南、太阳の西 国境之南太阳以西 Kokkyō no minami, taiyō no nishi 国境以南、太阳以西 国境之南、太阳之西 South of the Border, West of the Sun 1992年-1995年 ねじまき鸟クロニクル Nejimaki-dori kuronikuru 奇鸟行状录 发条鸟年代记 The Wind-Up Bird Chronicle 1999年 スプートニクの恋人 Supūtoniku no koibito 斯普特尼克恋人 人造卫星情人 Sputnik Sweetheart 2002年 海辺のカフカ Umibe no Kafuka 海边的卡夫卡 海边的卡夫卡 Kafka on the Shore 2004年 アフターダーク Afutādāku 天黑以后 黑夜之后 After Dark 短篇小说集 发表年代 日文名称 中英译名 发表于 且听风吟 1980年 中国行きのスロウ?ボート Chūgoku-yuki no surou bōto 开往中国的慢船(A Slow Boat to China) The Elephant Vanishes 1980年 贫乏な叔母さんの话 Binbō na obasan no hanashi A "Poor Aunt" Story Blind Willow, Sleeping Woman 1981年 ニューヨーク炭鉱の悲剧 Nyū Yōku tankō no higeki New York Mining Disaster Blind Willow, Sleeping Woman 1981年 スパゲティーの年に Supagetī no nen ni The Year of Spaghetti Blind Willow, Sleeping Woman 1981年 四月のある晴れた朝に100パーセントの女の子に出会うことについて Shigatsu no aru hareta asa ni 100-paasento no onna no ko ni deau koto ni tsuite 遇见百分之百的女孩On Seeing the 100% Perfect Girl One Beautiful April Morning The Elephant Vanishes 1981年 かいつぶり Kaitsuburi Dabchick Blind Willow, Sleeping Woman 1981年 カンガルー日和 Kangarū-biyori (A Perfect Day for Kangaroos) Blind Willow, Sleeping Woman 1981年 カンガルー通信 Kangarū tsūshin The Kangaroo Communique The Elephant Vanishes 1982年 午后の最后の芝生 Gogo no saigo no shibafu The Last Lawn of the Afternoon The Elephant Vanishes 1983年 镜 Kagami 镜子(The Mirror) Blind Willow, Sleeping Woman 1983年 とんがり焼の盛衰 Tongari-yaki no seisui The Rise and Fall of Sharpie Cakes Blind Willow, Sleeping Woman 1983年 萤 Hotaru 萤火虫(Firefly) Blind Willow, Sleeping Woman 1983年 纳屋を焼く Naya wo yaku Barn Burning The Elephant Vanishes 1984年 野球场 Yakyūjō 棒球场(Crabs) Blind Willow, Sleeping Woman 1984年 呕吐1979 ōto 1979 Nausea 1979 Blind Willow, Sleeping Woman 1984年 ハンティング?ナイフ Hantingu naifu 猎刀(Hunting Knife) Blind Willow, Sleeping Woman 1984年 踊る小人 Odoru kobito 跳舞的矮人(The Dancing Dwarf) The Elephant Vanishes 1985年 レーダーホーゼン Rēdāhōzen Lederhosen The Elephant Vanishes 1985年 パン屋再袭撃 Panya saishūgeki 面包店再袭击(The Second Bakery Attack) 面包店再袭击( The Second Bakery Attack ) 1985年 象の消灭 Zō no shōmetsu 象的消失(The Elephant Vanishes) 面包店再袭击( The Second Bakery Attack ) 1985年 ファミリー?アフェア Famirī afea 家务事A Family Affair 面包店再袭击( The Second Bakery Attack ) 1986年 ローマ帝国の崩壊?一八八一年のインディアン蜂起?ヒットラーのポーランド侵入?そして强风世界 Rōma-teikoku no hōkai?1881-nen no indian hōki?Hittorā no pōrando shinnyū?soshite kyōfū sekai 罗马帝国的瓦解?一八八一年群起反抗的印地安人?希特勒入侵波兰?以及强风世界The Fall of the Roman Empire, The 1881 Indian Uprising, Hitler"s Invasion of Poland, And The Realm of Raging Winds 面包店再袭击( The Second Bakery Attack ) 1986年 ねじまき鸟と火曜日の女たち Nejimaki-dori to kayōbi no onnatachi 发条鸟与星期二的女人们The Wind-up Bird And Tuesday"s Women 面包店再袭击( The Second Bakery Attack ) 1989年 眠り Nemuri 眠(Sleep) The Elephant Vanishes 1989年 TVピープルの逆袭 TV pīpuru no gyakushū 电视人(TV People) The Elephant Vanishes 1989年 飞行机―あるいは彼はいかにして诗を読むようにひとりごとを言ったか Hikōki-arui wa kare wa ika ni shite shi wo yomu yō ni hitorigoto wo itta ka Aeroplane: Or, How He Talked to Himself as if Reciting Poetry Blind Willow, Sleeping Woman 1989年 我らの时代のフォークロア―高度资本主义前史 Warera no jidai no fōkuroa-kōdo shihonshugi zenshi A Folklore for My Generation: A Prehistory of Late-Stage Capitalism Blind Willow, Sleeping Woman 1990年 トニー滝谷 Tonī Takitani 东尼泷谷Tony Takitani Blind Willow, Sleeping Woman 1991年 沈黙 Chinmoku 沈默(The Silence) The Elephant Vanishes 1991年 绿色の獣 Midori-iro no kemono 绿色的兽The Little Green Monster The Elephant Vanishes 1991年 冰男 Kōri otoko 冰男The Ice Man Blind Willow, Sleeping Woman 1991年 人喰い猫 Hito-kui neko Man-Eating Cats Blind Willow, Sleeping Woman 1995年 めくらやなぎと、眠る女 Mekurayanagi to, nemuru onna 盲柳?与睡觉的女人Blind Willow, Sleeping Woman Blind Willow, Sleeping Woman 1996年 七番目の男 Nanabanme no otoko 第七个男人The Seventh Man Blind Willow, Sleeping Woman 1999年 UFOが钏路に降りる UFO ga kushiro ni oriru UFO in Kushiro after the quake 1999年 アイロンのある风景 Airon no aru fūkei Landscape with Flatiron after the quake 1999年 神の子どもたちはみな踊る Kami no kodomotachi wa mina odoru 神的孩子都在跳舞(All God"s Children Can Dance) after the quake 1999年 タイランド Tairando 泰国Thailand after the quake 1999年 かえるくん、东京を救う Kaeru-kun, Tōkyō wo sukū Super-Frog Saves Tokyo after the quake 2000年 蜂蜜パイ Hachimitsu pai Honey Pie after the quake 2002年 バースデイ?ガール Bāsudei gāru Birthday Girl Blind Willow, Sleeping Woman 2005年 偶然の旅人 Gūzen no tabibito 偶然的旅人Chance Traveller 东京奇谭集 东京奇谭集 2005年 ハナレイ?ベイ Hanarei Bei 哈那雷湾Hanalei Bay 东京奇谭集 2005年 どこであれそれが见つかりそうな场所で Doko de are sore ga mitsukarisō na basho de 不管是哪里,只要是能找到那个地方Where I"m Likely to Find It 东京奇谭集 2005年 日々移动する肾臓のかたちをした石 Hibi idō suru jinzō no katachi wo shita ishi 日日移动的肾脏石The Kidney-Shaped Stone That Moves Every Day 东京奇谭集 2005年 品川猿 Shinagawa saru 品川猿A Shinagawa Monkey 东京奇谭集 2006年 东京奇谭集 东京奇谭集 随笔 1983 - 象工厂的Happy End(象工场のハッピーエンド)安西水丸/插图 1984 - 村上朝日堂(村上朝日堂) 1986 - 村上朝日堂的卷土重来(村上朝日堂の逆袭) 1986 - 朗格汉岛的午后(ランゲルハンス岛の午后) 1987 - 怀念的一九八0年("The Scrap", 懐かしの一九八〇年代) 1987 - 日出国的工厂(日出る国の工场)安西水丸/插图 1989 - 村上朝日堂 嗨嗬!(村上朝日堂 はいほー!) 1994 - 终究悲哀的外国语(やがて哀しき外国语) 2001 - 村上收音机(村上ラジオ) 旅游文学 1990 - 遥远的太鼓/远方的鼓声(远い太鼓) 1990 - 雨天炎天(雨天炎天) 1998 - 边境·近境(辺境·近境) 2000 - 如果我们的语言是威士忌 报导文学 1997 - 地下铁事件(アンダーグラウンド) 1998 - 约束的场所:地下铁事件Ⅱ(约束された场所で) 2004 - 雪梨! 翻译 1996 - バビロンに帰る(Babylon Revisited) 1996 - 心臓を贯かれて(Shot In The Heart) 2002 - 诞生日の子どもたち(Children On Their Birthday) 2002 - 英雄を讴うまい(The Complete Works of Raymond) 2003 - キャッチャー?イン?ザ?ライ(The Catcher in the Rye) 2006 - 大亨小传グレート?ギャツビー(The Great Gatsby) 共同创作作品 1985 - 羊男的圣诞节/佐佐木MAKI 绘图,村上写作 1996 - 村上春树去见河合隼雄/与河合隼雄共同写作 1998 - 爵士群像/和田 诚 绘图,村上写作 2003 - 爵士群像2/和田 诚 绘图,村上写作 改篇 2004 - 短篇小说〈东尼泷谷〉改篇成电影,片长70分钟,由市川隼执导,宫泽里惠主演。 最新 2009 - 当我谈跑步时我谈些什么 2009年5月29日-小说/1Q84/作者:(日)村上春树/出版社: 新潮社/装帧: 单行本(BOOK1/BOOK2) 2010年4月16日 - 小说/1Q84 BOOK3出版
2023-07-19 00:11:121

推荐几首比较好听的英文歌曲把! 谢谢!

ding ~`!看在你提了邦的IT"S MY LIFE ,偶就推荐你几首:take me away——avrilcomplicated——avril don it tell me——avril nobody is home——艾薇儿 stop crying your heart out ——oasisjust one last dance --- Sarah Connorif you come back--blueimagine--约翰.列浓
2023-07-19 00:11:217


挪威的森林 好风长吟 百分之百的女孩 海边的卡夫卡(刚出几年才 强烈建议看)这几部感觉经典
2023-07-19 00:11:376


2023-07-19 00:11:523


someday I will understanddon"t tell me 他约我去迪士尼
2023-07-19 00:12:016


我来介绍最近好听的几首。你不像她(南拳妈妈)外滩十八号I MISS YOU (罗百吉,中国的曲风终于慢慢改变)
2023-07-19 00:12:2415

how to lose weight

2023-07-19 00:12:559


do choresdo housework
2023-07-19 00:13:243


2023-07-19 00:13:3214


推荐超赞的劲歌,千万要下来听或,真的很好听lucky 强力推荐,保证首首经典:保你会喜欢 i"m gonna getcha good!--shania twain超棒节奏Hollaback Girl - Gwen Stefani超棒的节奏don"t push me --sweet box 糖果盒子佳音it"s my life--特步 中国广告one more time--jewelry(首尔中国广告曲,LG广告曲 超棒)this is how we do it--best 2008super hero--best2008i"m outta love-Anastacia(世界杯火爆音乐)hips don"t lie-shakira (MV相当好看)Happy Boys & Girls--Aqua Barbie Girl--Aquamy oh my --水鬼hey oh--悲剧乐队大作pop-n sync byebyebye-n"sync i will survive-超好听i love rock and roll-布兰妮hollaback girl-gwenrich girl-辣妹all rise-blue巨作the call-后街超棒botton-pussycat doll性感小墅猫(所有的歌都好听)韩国劲爆歌曲bigbang-最后的问候bigbang-lalalasuper junior-U (所有的歌都好听)东方神起-正反合 (所有的歌都好听)jewelry-one more time李贞贤-阿里阿里SG-wannabe-狂李孝利-anyclub李孝利-hey mr big李孝利-U-go-girl蔡研- 一个人never say goodble 以下都是非主流英文名曲!希望你喜欢You"re not gonna score 必下Loca-Arsenium dreams-nana 必下Despre tine——O-ZONE 7 Years And 50 Days-Groove Coverage 必下PREZIOSOsolotudotaGullia oops jaime pas langlaisfamily affair mary jDolly Song Holly DollyS.O.S FOR LOVE爱情求救号 tell meAyimay Do Mi Nonikjay endagtilbage high fort minor-remember the namemy love 西城男孩一年后 Brown eyesSarah Connor One More Night哈根达斯Ⅰlet"s talk about a man 意大利语DJ舞曲Time To RockNothing in the world-Attomic KittenFlash minii zahiadoobedooEverything but the girl Darin zanyarTALALAstars in the night-solid basehow do you doNEVER YOUR GONE
2023-07-19 00:13:5711


Creep|I Need your love|super bass
2023-07-19 00:15:315


mario - i choose yourihanna - take a bowthe pussycat dolls - stickwituTLC - no scrubsusher - u remind mecraig david - unbelievabledeepside - what i needfrankie j - don"t wanna try
2023-07-19 00:15:4815