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2023-07-19 13:35:21
TAG: 英语

Everybody has his own thought.

Everybody has his own idea.

Everyone is entitled to his own opinion.

Everyone has his own point of view.




each people have own opinion


everyone is opinionated


every one has his own opinion.


Everyone has their own sight/ view/ opinion.



opinionated是执己见的,武断的; 自用; 师心自用;
2023-07-18 21:12:073


问题一:有主见用英文怎么说? self-determination inner-directed 问题二:“有主见”怎么用英文翻译? think for yourself 满意请采纳 问题三:她很有主见 用英语怎么说 这样说 She is very opinionated. opinionated 有主见的,固执的。 问题四:“有主见”英文怎么说 strong-minded或者inner directed 例句 She knows her own mind . 她这个人很有主见。 One must have one "s own opinions and not drift with the current . 遇事要有主见,决不能随波逐流。 问题五:她很有主见 用英语怎么说 她很有主见 英文:She is very independent 或者:She is very assertive She knows her own mind. 她这个人很有主见. Her daughter, Celia observed before, was already a person of strong opinions. 西莉亚早就注意到, 她的女儿已经是个很有主见的人了. Although she is young, she is very independent. 虽然她很年轻, 但是很有主见. 问题六:有主见的英语作文 15分 手工翻译,保证准确! She knows her own mind.
2023-07-18 21:12:131


沾沾自喜、自以为是、固执己见..英文 怎么说?许多学英文的人,常常会苦闷于中文里的成语,在英文里面有没有一个单字就可以解决。这篇文章介绍如何在英文里面说出沾沾自喜、自以为是、固执己见这三个意思。这三个单字分别是: *** ug/ self-righteous/ opinionated。如果你还不知道这三个单字的意思,那就赶快学起来吧! 下面整理了 *** ug/ self-righteous/ opinionated 的英文例句与中文意思,赶快学起来吧! 1. *** ug 沾沾自喜的 *** ug的意思是指「too pleased or satisfied about something you have achieved or something you know」,简单的说,就是对于自己完成的或知道的某些事情感到自满,也就是沾沾自喜的意思啦。 下面列出 *** ug 英文例句与中文意思。 例: a *** ug grin 洋洋得意的笑 例: She was very *** ug and self-satisfied about getting the promotion. 她对获得晋升感到非常自满和自满。 例: Don"t be *** ug! 别单单自喜了! 2.self-righteous 自以为是的 self-righteous的意思是指「believing that your ideas and behaviour are morally better than those of other people」,简单的说,就是自已为是的意思啦。 下面列出self-righteous 英文例句与中文意思。 例: Don"t be self-righteous. 别自以为是了。 例: He"s so self-righteous. 他很自以为是。 3.opinionated 固执己见的 opinionated的意思是指「固执己见的」,也就是说很有自己的想法,并且认为自己的想法才是对的。 下面列出opinionated 英文例句与中文意思。 例: He"s very opinionated. 他很固执己见。 例: I found him very arrogant and opinionated. 我发现他非常傲慢且固执己见。 opinionated, opinionated 中文, opinionated 意思, self-righteous, self-righteous 中文, self-righteous 意思, *** ug, *** ug 中文, *** ug 意思, 固执己见 英文, 沾沾自喜 英文, 自以为是 英文
2023-07-18 21:12:221

be opinionated什么意思

be opinionated自以为是
2023-07-18 21:12:473


2023-07-18 21:12:563


consider oneself always rightfancy oneself asget above oneselfself-approbation
2023-07-18 21:13:115

请告诉我一些good and bad feeling的单词。快快!!!

你确定这个是你自己想知道的东西吗?还是别人叫你去找这么毛病的词语,如果是别人不要理他。如果自己:如果and表示而且的话,我帮你查了下什么叫做:矛盾 máo dùn 1.[Philosophy] (a) contradiction2.contradictory; conflicting; incompatible; discrepant; conflict; to contradict; to be at variance (with):忐忑 adj. (Trad=忐忑, Pinyin=tan3 te4) perturbed, mentally affected
2023-07-18 21:13:373


In the center of your heart an
2023-07-18 21:14:032


2023-07-18 21:14:2311

外向的的英文单词 怎么写?

2023-07-18 21:14:484


bold->cocky->hubris褒->多用->贬 复制粘帖者去 死
2023-07-18 21:15:223


  外向一指指好活动、好交往,活泼而开朗的性格特征。那么你知道外向用英语怎么说吗?下面和我一起来学习一下外向的英语说法吧。   外向的英语说法1:   extroversion   外向的英语说法2:   Outgoing   外向相关英语表达:   外向化 exteriorization   开朗外向 Pleasant and outgoing personality   性格外向 Outgoing personality   外向经济 outward economy export-oriented economy   外向的英语例句:   1. He was a showman, an extrovert who revelled in controversy.   他是个爱出风头、性格外向而且喜欢争论的人。   2. He has a lively sense of humour and appears naturally confident.   他有一种活泼外向的幽默感,看上去大方自信。   3. She is such a gregarious and outgoing person.   她很外向,喜欢交朋结友。   4. Underneath his outgoing behaviour Luke was shy.   在外向活泼的外表下,卢克其实很害羞。   5. He"s not the thoroughly outgoing character you"d predict, although he has his moments.   虽然他也有活泼的时候,但他并非如你所想的那么外向。   6. Sue is the extrovert in the family; opinionated, talkative and passionate about politics.   苏是家中的外向行动派,性格固执,能说会道,而且对政治非常热衷。   7. To prove the point, again we need only look for substantiation to Japan, China, and the international situation.   要证明这一点, 仍不外向日本 、 中国 、 国际三方面找根据.   8. In the second half, the students were criticized. Extroverts were unfazed.   在后半部分, 举不动时学生要受批评,外向性格的学生表现出不满.   9. Extrovert prefer lively conversation to brood on the meaning of life.   性格外向的人喜欢高谈阔论,而不愿思索人生的意义。   10. She"s very outgoing.   她很外向。   11. And you must be friendly and outgoing.   你必须好相处,性格外向.   12. She has a very outgoing personality.   她性格外向.   13. Extroverts prefer lively conversation to brooding on the meaning of life.   性格外向的人喜欢高谈阔论,而不愿思索人生的意义.   14. The contrast between extroversion and introversion is entirely superficial.   在外向和内向之间所作的对比完全是表面的.   15. The oft - drawn contrast extroversion and introversion is entirely superficial.   在外向和内向之间通常所作的对比完全是表面的.
2023-07-18 21:15:281


刚  exactly;immediately;just;strong;firm;freshness;  刚刚;刚才;  柔;  刚  (1)  刚  gāng  (2)  (形声。从刀,冈声。本义:坚硬)  (3)  同本义 [hard]  刚,坚也。――《增韵》  刚,彊断也。――《说文》  挢然刚折。――《荀子·臣道》  断之以刚。――《左传·昭公六年》  柔则茹之,刚则吐之。――《诗经·烝民》  (4)  又如:刚巨(坚硬锐利的爪);刚条(坚硬的树枝);刚木(木质坚硬的树木);刚土(硬土)  (5)  坚强 [firm]  刚,强也。――《广韵》  柔弱胜刚强。――《老子》  刚而塞。――《书·皋谟》  吾未见刚者。――《论语·公冶长》  强者必刚斗其意。――《商君书·立本》  鲍叔牙为人,刚愎而上悍。――《韩非子·十过》  子曰:“刚毅木讷,近仁。”――《论语·子路》  (6)  又如:刚明(严明);刚绠(刚强正直);刚气儿(刚强的气质);刚傲(刚强傲岸);刚猛(刚强勇猛)  (7)  刚正,刚直方正 [upright]  瑞生平为学,以刚为主,因自号刚峰,天下称刚峰先生。――《明史·海瑞传》  祭彤武节刚方,动用安重。――《后汉书·祭彤传》论  (8)  又如:刚特(刚正而不随流俗);刚峭(刚正严峻);刚亮(刚正信实);刚方(刚直方正)  (9)  倔强固执 [forward]  性刚愎,好自用。――《金史·赤盏合喜传》  (10)  又如:刚戾(固执凶暴;不讲道理);刚褊(固执而气量狭小);刚求(强求);刚隘(刚愎褊急);刚狠(刚愎)  (11)  刚直 [outspoken and upright]  然而刚肠激发,不遑辞候,惊扰宫中,复忤宾客。――唐·李朝威《柳毅传》  允性刚棱疾恶。――《后汉书·王允传》  (12)  又如:刚硬(刚直倔犟);刚棱(刚直而有锋芒);刚折(刚直不阿);刚切(刚直恳切)  (13)  年富力强,坚强有力 [firm and powerful]。如:刚捷(刚健敏捷);刚武(刚健勇武)  刚  (1)  刚  gāng  (2)  表示行为、动作只及于某个范围,相当于“仅仅”、“只” [barely]。如:这山洞刚能容一人进去;刚强(偏偏,偏要)  (3)  表示事物正好达到某种程度,有“不多不少”的意思,相当于“恰好” [just right]。如:水刚剩下一杯了  (4)  表示动作、行为或情况发生在不久之前,相当于“刚才” [just now]  刚被太阳收拾去,却叫明月送将来。――宋·苏轼《花影》  (5)  又如:战斗刚结束;刚然(刚,刚刚);刚子(刚只。刚刚,刚才)  (6)  用在复句里,后面用“就”等相呼应,表示两件事紧接着进行 [as soon as]。如:他刚进教室,上课铃就响了  刚愎  gāngbì  (1)  [headstrong]∶倔强执拗,固执己见  其佐先縠,刚愎不仁,未肯用命。――《左传·宣公十二年》  (2)  [opinionated]∶反对正确、合理、恰当或公认事物的性格与意向  刚愎自用这个就是刚子
2023-07-18 21:15:431


人嘴两张皮 怎么说都行 叼他们做鸟
2023-07-18 21:16:134


2023-07-18 21:16:201


I need inprove my exist shortage that poor sociability, opinionated. I will learn Putonghua in the future and communicate with strangers initiative, also I will takecare my character"s change that from introvert extroversion. Strength personal development.
2023-07-18 21:16:303


Confidence is the key to success!I was having a word with one of my friend today and during whole conversation, I felt that he lacked on one point and that was self confidence. All the way, he was comparing himself from those people who were successful in his field of work, people around him. And he was just keeping himself “low” from them.Well, it"s the self confidence which can make and break things. This thing applies in blogging too. Feel confident about the things you do and don"t just think that because other"s are doing well, then you are any less than them. You are equally good and it"s only you who can realize that where exactly you are good.Here are few things which you should follow when you are losing self confidence :1. Stop thinking that what other are achieving : Instead think that what is making them achieve that success and then work on those areas and try to gain that same success.2. Think on the lines, where you are lacking but don"t make them the hurdle in your success : Instead, think that how you can improve on those weak points. No body is perfect and no one will ever be, so if you do lack somewhere, you just have to think that do you really lack or do other are making you feel that. If at all you think that yes, you do lack in a particular area, then go ahead and work on it.3. Improve the areas where you have the mastery : Again, no one is perfect and there is always a scope of improvement and by talking to various people in that niche, you"ll only gain knowledge and will be able to know more in that field. So talk to your fellow bloggers, and see how they do things differently and how they blog, I"m sure you"ll learn something new than what you already know.4. Teach someone in that niche : When you"ll talk to someone in that niche who is still new, then you"ll be able to share those things which you already know and that way your confidence level will increase, because you"ll realize that you know much more than others and that will give enormous amount of confidence.5. Success is what you feel with in : Well, its all about setting the standards. Everyone knows what he or she is capable of but just because you get influenced with someone, you start to feel that you are not successful. Instead think that what you"ve achieved and start to feel good about it.Again there is a very think line between self confidence and over confidence. Feel confident about things you"ve achieved but don"t be over confident and don"t think that anyone is less than you. You can"t know each and everything but you can be good in many areas and sharing things will only make you better. So, never feel that you are any less than anyone else and never let others think that you are any less than them.今天我与我的朋友谈话,在整个谈话过程中,我觉得他缺少一点,那就是自信。整个过程中,他都在把自己和他工作领域内的成功人士比较,他周围的那些人。他总是把自己摆在比人家低的位置上。成也自信,败也自信。这个道理也适用于写博客。对自己做的事情觉得自信,不要觉得是其他人做得好,而你不如他们。你和他们一样棒,也只有你才能意识到你真正优秀的地方。这里是一些当你失去自信时你不应该做的事情:1、停止思考其他人的成功:而要思考是什么使他们获得成功,然后在这些方面努力,争取获得同样的成功。2、线性思考你缺乏的东西,但不要让它们成为你成功道路上的阻碍:相反,你该思考如何可以改善这些薄弱环节。没有人是完美的,也没有人会变得完美,所以如果你缺乏某方面的东西,你就要想你是真的缺乏这种东西还是其他人让你这样觉得。如果你觉得你的确在某一方面缺乏,那就开始在这方面努力。3、提高自己的优势所在:再一次,没有人是完美的总是有一个说话的进步,通过在该利基不同的人,你只是在获取知识,也能够知道在这个领域更宽。所以应该告诉你的同胞博客,看看他们如何做不同的事情,以及他们如何博客,我敢肯定你将学到的东西比你知道新的了。4。教别人在这利基:当你将讨论在该利基谁是新人一个人,那么你就可以分享这些事情,你已经知道,这样你的信心水平会增加,因为你会认识到,你知道的比别人多,这将使大量的信心。5。成功是你在感到:哦,它的一切有关设置标准。每个人都知道他或她有能力,但就因为你与别人的影响,你开始觉得你不会成功。而是认为自己实现目标,开始觉得它不好。又是一个非常有信心,认为之间的界限自信及以上。对你的感觉已经实现,但不要过于自信,不认为任何人比你少的东西有信心。你无法知道每一切但你可以在许多领域有着良好的和共享的东西只会让你更好。所以,从来不觉得你比任何人任何其它成份,绝不让别人觉得你比他们任何少。
2023-07-18 21:16:402


2023-07-18 21:16:494


2023-07-18 21:17:101


Alex Malley FCPA is the chief executive of CPA Australia and the host of the Nine Network television series The Bottom Line. Alex is also a regular contributor to The Huffington Post .   Alex Malley FCPA是澳大利亚CPA公司主管,NIne Network电视节目The Bollom Line节目主持人。他还是Huffington 邮报撰稿人。   What I have learned, after years of experience interviewing people at all levels and walks of life, is that interviewing a job applicant is not dissimilar to interviewing aprospective house mate. You are going to spend a lot of time under the same roof as this person. Accordingly, you need a confidence that they will fit in with the other house mates, that they are all they seem to be, and they are there to make an enduring commitment.   经过多年的面试,我接触到了来自不同行业,不同水平的人。这让我了解到面试一名求职者和了解未来的室友是一样的。你要和这个人在同一屋檐下共度很长时间。而且,你还要保证他可以和其他的室友相处良好、表里如一、可以长期奉献。   To help me with this, there are six characteristics in a conversation with a job applicant I mentally tick-off in order to identify the right person for the job. These tips can be useful for both the interviewer and interviewee.   为了找到合适的人选,面试的时候我会在脑子里勾勒出合格求职者的六大特点。下面的建议对面试官和求职者都会有所帮助。   1. Are they interesting?   1. 他们有趣吗?   My test for this is not about the depth of a person"s ability, but the breadth of their curiosity in life. Do they have genuine outside interests? Do they have friendships spanning different lines and backgrounds?   我对这项的考察并不是取决于一个人能力的高低,而是看这个人对于生活保有多少好奇心。除了关心利益之外,他们是否真诚?他们有没有来自不同行业不同背景的朋友?   I have often found people are more interesting than they project themselves to be. As a chief executive or interviewer, I should not have to work hard at finding out what makes you interesting. An applicant that leaves me wanting to know more about them gets a big tick in my book.   我经常发现有些人比展现出来的更有意思。作为一个高级管理人员或面试官,我不会花费过多时间找出求职者的有趣之处。如果一个求职者可以让我想更多地了解他,那在我面前他已经成功一大半。   2. A holistic perspective   2. 全局观念   One of my great frustrations as a chief executive is people that think solely about the department or section they work in, rather than at the very least showing an interest and appreciation for all departments and how the business in total comes together.   作为一名高管,让我很迷惑的是,人们只关心自己部门的利益,对于整个公司以及这个行业的运转都缺乏最起码的兴趣和了解。   So, when it comes to a job candidate, I look for their intuitive interest in the whole of the business above and beyond the role they are applying for.   所以,在面试求职者的时候,相对于求职者对所求职位的兴趣,我更愿意了解他们对整个行业的兴趣。   3. Passion   3. 热情   It does not matter what the passion, but it is a shut door for me if I do not recognise the applicant"s emotional connection to something or someone in their life.   如果我在求职者身上看不到他对生活中某些人或某些事情充满热情(不管这些热情是在那些方面),我不会录用他。   Without passion, people simply exist, they don"t live: selfishly I want to live with people, not merely exist with them.   没有热情,一个人只是存活,而不是生活。虽然有些自私,我还是愿意和人一起生活,而不是存活。   4. Open about their mistakes   4. 坦诚错误   The only way I have learnt anything in my career is from the mistakes I have made. In some ways, I am proud of them, but even more so, that I have learnt from them. So anyone who in a good, healthy and open conversation claims to being mistake-free, I would prefer it if they went and worked for a soul.   在职业生涯中,我学到的东西就是,从犯错中学习。一定程度来讲,我以这些错误为豪。所以,一次开心、有益、开放的谈话,就不会避谈自己的错误。如果这些错误曾触动心灵,帮助了一个人的进步,我很愿意和人谈这些错误。   5. Opinionated   5. 有主见。   Admittedly, I am not an avid reader, but I am highly aware of the issues going on in my country and the world. What I expect from an interviewee is a natural and comfortable perspective on significant issues relevant, or not, to our business.   必须承认,我不是一个很有热情的读者,但是我很了解国内国外发生的事情。我希望从和求职者的谈话中了解到他对重大事件的直观的看法,无论这些事和工作是否相关。   6. Leadership   6. 领导才能   I look for someone who can tell me a story about a vision they have set, and their journey to achieving it. And, most importantly, I want them to clearly articulate how they mobilised people to achieve those outcomes. These sorts of leadership qualities are something I look for in applicants - at all levels.   我希望求职者可以告诉我一个故事,在这个故事里有他们自己既定的观点,完成一件工作的历程。最重要的是,我希望他们可以清楚的说出自己是如何调动他人共同完成这项工作的。不管一个求职者处于什么水平,我都希望在他们身上发现领导才能。
2023-07-18 21:17:231

老子 名言 英汉互译

2023-07-18 21:17:312


Again governance at the text categories : writing for such instruments of essentially the same with the trade books, Including proposals (proposal), from (request), report (report), replied (approval / disapproval,etc. ), publicity / notification / circular / notification (annoucement / circular / notice), Planning (plan), summary (5,000,000) of these instruments is also being "accurate, concise", but strict requirements solemn serious and have more large fixed format, not "oil first Sun," does not exist in nature and "literary talent," the kind words "elegant" flavor. If there is the Convention / Treaty (convention / treaty), bulletin (communique), note / protest (note/protest) Foreign sexual style, more "official taste" full, the format is not random change. If Section for categories : requests that such instruments in the "accurate", even in "precise" position, the report is often scientific experiments, or scientific theories elaborated, or technical presentations, or new product research note. Such instruments technology professional very strong, not rhetoric rhetoric, the style of writing plain, and "likely", particularly hazardous industries and strong sensitivity of industries (such as high-altitude, high-temperature, high-speed, high-voltage, the nuclear industry, medicine category) instrument, with errors are likely to lead to major accidents, life is precious, non-precision can not be completely rigorous manner randomly change and fiction. Such language translation of the most important faithfully accurate, natural labor, and by no means can be used such "elegant". France also Division categories : all such instruments such as laws and regulations, search warrants, arrest book, prosecution / litigation book, agreements, contracts, and regulations, authorization / orders, identification books, award books, judgement, notarization, the strongest of its seriousness, the same request translation extreme "accurate" Very faithful to the original; Even if the original could not be improvement, it was not even exclude such "loopholes" would be creating one "an opportunity" And translators are only no alternative but to "the word is not missed" as translation can also, if amended to allow for artificial opinionated "beautify" in pursuit of "elegant" Because translators are not lawyers, nor the parties, shall not be eligible for change. Particularly legal provisions, it must behave extremely stressed faithful; Many articles, many professional terms have fixed expression, even seemingly rigid and not open to amendment.
2023-07-18 21:17:526


分太低。给你翻译一下第一段把。It"s the ending of my boyish period. What makes me feel guilty is that different days I have lived is just same. Or thinking about the past, strange paranoid thoughts reminds me. Days pass by, my mind my mind still has no main thought. For me, something may should be done, something might should be written down. The way of my life is truly not flat enough, however, nowadays, there are something must be done.
2023-07-18 21:18:082


Dear TomThank you for your care about 。i took part in the English speech contest ,i thank it was a very good chance to exercise yourself,but i was very tense in the contest .i was eliminate .but i had a good experience,i will be better than before,i think this English contest help me with my English speech,although i am eliminate i still be happy i hope you will spend a good school year
2023-07-18 21:18:163


2023-07-18 21:18:244


问题一:「自以为是」英文怎么说 consider oneself always right self-righteous 问题二:"自以为是"的英文怎么说? self-centered 问题三:请别自以为是用英语怎么说 你好! 请别自以为是 Please don"t self-righteous 问题四:别自以为是用英文怎么说 Who do you think you are ?! 很地道的。 问题五:请问英文"自以为是"怎么讲 self-centered 问题六:拜托请不要自以为是用英语怎么说 Please don"t be conceited. 问题七:英文"自以为是"怎么讲 自以为是 [词典] be opinionated; be self-righteous; believe sth. to be correct opinionately; bumptious; [例句]他很自以为是,喜欢和别人攀谈。He"s very forward and confident and chats happily to other people. 问题八:谁有<薛丁山征西>的免费网址 5分 25bo/xazai/9a10 问题九:“自以为是”的英文怎么说 be opinionated; be self-righteous One should never be presumptuous and opinionated . 切不可自以为是。 She rather fancies herself as a singer . 她自以为是了不起的歌手。 He fancies himself to be an authority . 他自以为是个权威。 May we pursue the right without self-righteousness . 愿我们追求正义而不自以为是。 He fancies himself an authority . 他自以为是个权威。 问题十:"自以为是"英语如何表达比较贴切 self-approbation self-satisfied 这个够口语化吧
2023-07-18 21:18:421


钻牛角尖的英文可以系biased; self-willed; headstrong; opinionated; obstinate; wrong-headed; perverse 参考: YAHOO 字典 Makes things more difficult than necessary the point 钻牛角尖的英文: Makes things more difficult than necessary the point 参考: Lingoes too extreme
2023-07-18 21:18:501


I overrated, I am in your heart. I"m sorry, forgive me thinks himself!
2023-07-18 21:18:592


2023-07-18 21:19:081

用The fact is that sb do things that seem…to sb.造句?

The fact is that many people do things that seem foolish to others.
2023-07-18 21:19:181

人心只能赢得, 不能靠人馈赠。求这句叶芝名言的英文原句,不要百度翻译谢谢!

Hearts are not had as a gift but hearts are earned. ——William ButlerYeats 出自 a prayer for my daughter (为我的女儿祈祷).全文如下:Once more the storm is howling, and half hidUnder this cradle-hood and coverlidMy child sleeps on. There is no obstacleBut Gregory"s wood and one bare hillWhereby the haystack- and roof-levelling wind,Bred on the Atlantic, can be stayed;And for an hour I have walked and prayedBecause of the great gloom that is in my mind.I have walked and prayed for this young child an hourAnd heard the sea-wind scream upon the tower,And under the arches of the bridge, and screamIn the elms above the flooded stream;Imagining in excited reverieThat the future years had come,Dancing to a frenzied drum,Out of the murderous innocence of the sea.May she be granted beauty and yet notBeauty to make a stranger"s eye distraught,Or hers before a looking-glass, for such,Being made beautiful overmuch,Consider beauty a sufficient end,Lose natural kindness and maybeThe heart-revealing intimacyThat chooses right, and never find a friend.Helen being chosen found life flat and dullAnd later had much trouble from a fool,While that great Queen, that rose out of the spray,Being fatherless could have her wayYet chose a bandy-leggèd smith for man.It"s certain that fine women eatA crazy salad with their meatWhereby the Horn of Plenty is undone.In courtesy I"d have her chiefly learned;Hearts are not had as a gift but hearts are earnedBy those that are not entirely beautiful;Yet many, that have played the foolFor beauty"s very self, has charm made wise,And many a poor man that has roved,Loved and thought himself beloved,From a glad kindness cannot take his eyes.May she become a flourishing hidden treeThat all her thoughts may like the linnet be,And have no business but dispensing roundTheir magnanimities of sound,Nor but in merriment begin a chase,Nor but in merriment a quarrel.O may she live like some green laurelRooted in one dear perpetual place.My mind, because the minds that I have loved,The sort of beauty that I have approved,Prosper but little, has dried up of late,Yet knows that to be choked with hateMay well be of all evil chances chief.If there"s no hatred in a mindAssault and battery of the windCan never tear the linnet from the leaf.An intellectual hatred is the worst,So let her think opinions are accursed.Have I not seen the loveliest woman bornOut of the mouth of Plenty"s horn,Because of her opinionated mindBarter that horn and every goodBy quiet natures understoodFor an old bellows full of angry wind?Considering that, all hatred driven hence,The soul recovers radical innocenceAnd learns at last that it is self-delighting,Self-appeasing, self-affrighting,And that its own sweet will is Heaven"s will;She can, though every face should scowlAnd every windy quarter howlOr every bellows burst, be happy still.And may her bridegroom bring her to a houseWhere all"s accustomed, ceremonious;For arrogance and hatred are the waresPeddled in the thoroughfares.How but in custom and in ceremonyAre innocence and beauty born?Ceremony"s a name for the rich horn,And custom for the spreading laurel tree.
2023-07-18 21:19:271


虚己的解释[modesty;be not self-opinionated] 谦虚 , 虚心 。一般用在虚己以听中,意思是以谦虚的 态度 听取 别人 的意见 详细解释 (1).犹 无我 。言人能无我,则凡事不着意。 《庄子·山木》 :“人能虚己以游世,其孰能害之。” 成玄英 疏:“虚己,无心也。” (2).犹 虚心 。 《韩诗外传》 卷二:“ 君子 盛德 而卑,虚己以受人。” 《汉书·霍光传》 :“ 光 每朝见,上虚己敛容,礼下之已甚。” 宋 王安石 《宝文阁待制常公墓表》 :“於是天子悦其至,虚己而问焉。” 《明史·张 居正 传》 :“帝虚己委 居正 , 居正 亦慨然以 天下 为己任,中外想望丰采。” 参见 “ 虚心 ”。 词语分解 虚的解释 虚 ū 空:虚无。虚实。虚度。虚名。虚左( 尊敬 地空出左边的座位,古代以左为尊)。空虚。乘虚而入。 不真实的:虚伪。虚假(?)。虚妄。虚惊。虚夸。虚构。虚传。虚张声势。 内心怯懦:做贼 心虚 。 不 自满 :虚 己的解释 己 ǐ 对别人称本身:自己。知己。反求诸己。推己及人。己所不欲,勿施于人。 天干的第六位,用作 顺序 第六的代称。 人彼 部首 :己。
2023-07-18 21:19:341


The pilot for aircraft fault, and the little prince met in the Sahara desert. So, they began to tell a magic and suddenly so far story. The little prince came from B612 planet, it is said that this is a only a house so big of planet, as long as the chair around and can see the setting sun. He has three volcano and a rose, although he with roses love each other, but they don"t understand each other. And so the little prince began his journey, he visited some planet, meet the king of sorts, vanity, contradictory alcoholic, mercenaries businessman, cautious and conscientious lamp, and geologist. However these adults for him is very strange, they and life, career, golden line, fame, wealth, tightly entwine, may grow to the human is these changes. Even if we now is still a child, but with the passage of time, will become and the king, love vain, alcoholic, industrialists, light the lamps, a geologist similar people, because we like living in the pilot to be adult deceive environment. Maybe the difference between adults and children in here, children due to the thought simple, not winding is not clear clue and will see life is very thoroughly. Adult? They opinionated experience rich, the expansion of the faith that, in the end but is all much ado about nothing. This is probably not their fault, because this is in the world there are many helpless things. Be worth what say is pilot and the little prince the friendship between two people. When the little prince saw the pilot childhood painting works, he clearly understood, said what the meaning of this picture. Before he died in the little prince to pilot the stars in the sky a smile, and the pilot YiGouGou "I will not leave you" "I will not leave you." This story really is moving, and perhaps is two people talk of the deep heart. Anne wrote, didn"t know the difference of the life, will have the possibility of a few times, to the other people to open up. I really is yearning for such feelings, in the boundless huge crowd looking for another themselves. The little prince thought his roses is unique, and care for her, for she covered her water for cover. But he stuck, because on earth for thousands of flower and meet his roses exactly like a rose. However, in his disappointment, the fox told him: only by to see clearly. What is essential is invisible to the eye. For example my father has given people the feeling is a cold-blooded, he seems to have the desire to pursue the far beyond the family friendship and love. But I still believe that, that is not the case, he has been on a way to silently for this home building more happiness, although the way not to be desired. Indeed, some things is invisible to the eye, for example, to love. The little prince end is dead, but the pilot felt he returned to his own planet, to find their own roses. I guess, he might actually saw the stars in the sky smile.
2023-07-18 21:19:412


Good morning,everyone! I`m very happy to have this chance to give my presentation. Before I start my speech, please let me ask you a question. Do you think you are confident in yourself? If you are, do please raise your hand.  My topic today is “ to Be a Confident Person.”  What is confidence? Confidence is to trust yourself. Confidence is to look upon yourself. It is not to indulge in self-admiration. It is not to get extremely arrogant. It is not to get dizzy with success or to be opinionated. It is just to inspire yourself ahead of a quality of mind, in high spirit, full of energy. It is to meet the challenges of life in a positive mood. It is to overcome your inferiority, farewell, to get rid of the trouble of a a ready-made panacea.  Remember, I have just entered junior high school. In the face of the challenge of new environment, in the face of so many new courses and learning contents, I lost faith in my own and gradually developed a psychological sense of inferiority. Achievement glided ceaselessly. It is a teacher and mother who encouraged me and let me regain confidence. Gradually, my grades got higher and higher and everything began to go on well. Gradually I adapted to the life in middle school.  Friends, let"s say goodbye to inferiority. Let"s be a confident person. Because: only if you have self-confidence, can you control yourself; only if you have confidence, can you achieve success and create your a brilliant life of your own!  大家好!  今天我演讲的题目是:做一个自信的人。  什么是自信?自信,就是自己信得过自己,自己看得起自己。它,不是孤芳自赏,也不是夜郎自大,更不是得意忘形和自以为是;而是激励自己奋发进取的一种心里素质,是以高昂的斗志,充沛的干劲迎接生活挑战的一种乐观情绪;是战胜自己,告别自卑,摆脱烦恼的一种灵丹妙药。  还记得,我刚刚升入初中时,面对新的环境,面对那么多的新的课程和学习内容,我对自己失去了信心,逐渐产生了自卑心理,成绩不断下滑,是老师和妈妈及时帮助我、鼓励我,让我重新找回自信。渐渐的,我的学习成绩及各个方面都有明显进步,逐渐适应了初中的生活。  朋友们,让我们告别自卑,做一个自信的人吧。因为:只有拥有自信,才能拥有自我;只有拥有自信,才能走向成功,才能创造自己辉煌的人生。
2023-07-18 21:19:481


1.腌臜(āzā):(1) [dirty] [方]∶脏的,不干净的.(2) [clumsy]∶[心里] 别扭;不痛快.晚到一步,事没办成,腌臜极了.(3) [nauseating]∶骂人的话,混蛋无赖.腌臜泼才.2.狭隘(xiá"ài)(1) [narrow]∶狭窄。一条狭隘的小巷。(2) [narrow and limited;parochial]∶(指气量、见识等)狭小。不要跟他这种狭隘的人打交道。3.谙熟(ān) 熟悉,精通:~练。~悉。~晓。~达。深~医道。4、刚愎自用(gāngbì-zìyòng):(1) [be obstinate and self-opinionated]∶固执己见,对阻止、劝告或建议不耐烦。由于他这个人过度任性,刚愎自用。(2) [opinionated]∶固执地反对正确、合理、恰当或公认事物的性格与意向。李自成不是刚愎自用的人,他对于明室的待遇也非常宽大——郭沫若《甲申三百年祭》。5.摈除(bìn) 排除,抛弃:~弃。~除。~黜(罢黜并放逐)。~诸门外。6.濒危(bīnwēi)[be critically ill;be in imminent danger] 临近危境,也指病危将死。7.裨益(bìyì)[advantage;benefit;profit] 益处,补益。死何裨益?——《聊斋志异·促织》8.稗官野史:略称稗史。泛称记载轶闻琐事的文字。9.针砭(zhēnbiān) [point out sb."s errors and offer salutary advice]∶比喻指出错误,劝人改正。时时苦语见针砭,邂逅天涯得三益。——范成大《晞真阁留别方道士》,针砭时弊。10.巨擘(jùbò)(1) [thumb]∶大拇指,于齐国之士,吾必以仲子为巨擘焉。——《孟子·滕文公下》(2) [giant]∶比喻杰出人物;在某一方面居于首位的人物。医界巨擘。11忖度(cǔnduó)[conjecture;speculate] 推测;估计。他人有心,予忖度之。——《诗·小雅·巧言》。胸中忖度。12抻面(chēnmiàn)[hand-pulled noodles] 用手扯成的面条儿。抻: 扯,拉长。13。天寒地坼:天气寒冷得已使地面冻裂。形容极度寒冷。13侪辈(chái) 等辈,同类的人们:~类。~辈。吾~(我们这些人)。(2) 婚配:“~男女使莫违”。14鞭笞(biānchī)[flog lash;castigate;thrash] 用鞭子抽打。执敲扑而鞭笞天下。——汉·贾谊《过秦论》15踌躇(chóuchú)(1) [hesitate]∶犹豫不决。操欲立后嗣,踌躇不定 。——《三国演义》。(2) [think;consider]∶思量,考虑。他两个眉来眼去,不由我暗暗踌躇,似这般哑谜儿怎猜做?——元·关汉卿《鲁斋郎》。(3) [hang about;pace up and down]∶停留;徘徊不前。蹇淹留而踌躇。——宋玉《九辩》。(4) [be perfectly content;to one"s heart content]∶得意的样子。踌躇满志。(5) [heartbroken;distressed]∶痛心;心情不愉快。望西都,意踌躇。——张养浩《山坡羊》16如愿以偿(rúyuànyǐcháng)(1) [come out right]∶偿:满足。像所希望的那样得到满足。指愿望实现。17风驰电掣(fēngchí-diànchè)(1) [swift as the wind and quick as the lightning;come like a storm and flash like lightning] 像刮风、闪电那样。形容非常迅速。(2) 亦作“风驰电逝”、“风驰电赴”。18为虎作伥(wèihǔ-zuòchāng):[help a villain do evil;play the jackal to the lion;hold a candle to the devil] 为老虎引路的鬼。比喻给坏人做帮凶,为坏人效劳。亦作“为虎添翼”。19惆怅(chóuchàng)[melancholy] 伤感;愁闷;失意。羁旅而无友生,惘怅兮而私自怜。——《楚辞·九辩》。惆怅人亡书亦绝,后人无复见《青囊》!——《三国演义》。既自以心为形役,奚惆怅而独悲?——陶渊明《归去来兮辞》。20憧憬:向往,如“~~未来”。21瞠目结舌(chēngmù-jiéshé)[stare tongue-tied;stare dumb-founded] 眼睛瞪得大大的,一时语塞。形容惊骇的样子。22蹙迫:逼迫;追逼 [force;compel]。23一蹴而就,一蹴而得(yīcù"érjiù,yīcù"érdé)[expect results overnight;accomplish sth. in one move]形容事情轻而易举,就能完成。24相形见绌:形:对照;绌:不够,不足。和同类的事物相比较,显出不足。25褫职(chǐ )褫: 剥夺:~夺(依法剥夺)。革职。26谶语(chènyǔ):[a prophetic remark made casually which later comes true;a prophecy] 迷信人指将来会应验的话。当时无意中说出,不意日后竟成谶语。27参差(cēncī)(1) [uneven;irregular]∶不齐。参差荇菜。——《诗·周南·关睢》。青树翠蔓,蒙络摇缀,参差披拂。——唐·柳宗元《至小丘西小石潭记》。瓦缝参差,多于周身之帛缕。——唐·杜牧《阿房宫赋》。28寒伧即“寒碜”: (1)丑陋;难看 [ugly;hideous],(2)丢脸,不体面 [lose face],(3) 讥笑,揭人短 [find fault with sb.]。28忏悔(chànhuǐ)[confess;repent;be penitent] 佛教语。梵文 ksama,音译为“忏摩”,省略为忏,意译为悔,合称为“忏悔”。佛教规定,出家人每半年集合举行诵戒,给犯戒者以说过悔改的机会。后遂成为自陈己过,悔罪祈福的一种宗教形式。引申为认识了错误或罪过而感到痛心,决心悔改。29怆然(chuàngrán)[sorrowful] 悲伤的样子。念天地之悠悠,独怆然而涕下。——陈子昂《登幽州台歌》。予怀怆然,感慨今昔,因自度此曲。——姜夔《扬州慢》。怆然泪下。30骀荡(dàidàng)(1) [unconventional;unrestrained]∶放荡。惜乎惠施之才,骀荡而不得,逐万物而不反。——《庄子·天下》。(2) [entirely free from worry;pleasant]∶使人舒畅的(多用来形容春天的景物)。安翔骀荡,以容阐缓。——马融《长笛赋》。舞丝千丈飏晴光,骀青春无际。——宋·赵善扛《烛影摇红》。春风骀荡。31玷污(diànwū):[stain;sully;tarnish;smear;blamish] 弄脏;污损。比喻名誉受污损。玷污了一个人的名誉。32咄咄逼人(duōduō-bīrén):(1) [overbearing;pushy;show one"s teeth;huff and huff]∶形容气势汹汹,盛气凌人使人难堪。时论咄咄逼人,一身利害不足言。——宋·朱熹《答方宾生书》。(2) [pressing]∶形容形势发展很快,促使人努力赶上。33根深蒂固:比喻基础深厚,不容易动摇。34缔结(dìjié):(1) [conclude;form;enter into]∶订立,组织。缔结条约缔结盟约。(2) [establish]∶创立或建立。缔结邦交。35恫吓(dònghè):[threaten;menace;intimidate;scare] 扬言灾祸或苦难就要来临,以此威胁[某人]。36掂量(diānliáng):(1) [weigh in the hand]∶托在手里上下动动以试重量。(2) [think over]∶再三考虑,斟酌。你掂量着办吧。37嫉妒(jídù):[envious;be green with envy;be lost in envy;jealous] 因人胜过自己而产生的忌恨心理。38讹传(échuán)[misrepresentation;unfounder rumor] 与事实、事件等不相符的传闻。39婀娜(ēnuó):[graceful] 轻盈柔美貌。四角龙子幡,婀娜随风转。——《玉台新咏·古诗为焦仲卿妻作》。华容婀娜,令我忘餐。——曹植《洛神赋》。一个女子婀娜的背影。婀娜多姿。40讣告(fùgào):(1) [obituary]∶告丧,报丧。也指死者亲属向亲友及有关方面报告丧事用的文书。(2) [necrology]∶死亡通知。41藏污纳垢(cáng wū nà gòu):比喻隐藏或包容坏人坏事。42桎梏(zhìgù):(1) [fetters and handcuffs]∶脚镣和手铐。(2) [shackle]∶像镣铐般约束、妨碍或阻止自由动作的事物。打碎精神上的桎梏。43日无暇晷(rì wú xiá guǐ):形容没有一点空闲的时候。44尴尬(gāngà):(1) [awkward]∶处于两难境地无法摆脱。处境尴尬,尴尬的局面。这一来,我倒有些尴尬了,下面的话怎么说呢!——《百合花》。(2) [embarrassed]∶行为、态度不正常的。潘虎显得有些尴尬:“我是自己竖竿子的。”——《潘虎》。尴尬人,神情尴尬。(3) [clandestive;sneaking]∶鬼鬼祟祟,不正派。却才有个东京来的尴尬人,在我这里请管营、差拨吃了半日酒。——《水浒》。45犷悍(guǎnghàn):(1) [uncouth] 粗野强悍。龙茸之下,直道有立;犷悍之内,义威必行。——唐·柳宗元《唐故邕管招讨副使试大理寺直兼贵州刺史邓君墓志铭》。(2) (义威:指教化和刑法)。46觥筹交错(gōngchóu-jiāocuò):[goblets flash from hand to hand] 酒杯和酒筹交互错杂,形容许多人聚在一起饮酒的热闹情景觥筹交错,起坐而喧哗者,众宾欢也。——宋·欧阳修《醉翁亭记》。座上觥筹交错。——《三国演义》。47怙恃(hùshì)(1) [rely on]∶依仗;凭借。古恃其险。(2) [parents]∶父母。无父何怙,无母何恃!——《诗·小雅·蓼莪》。(3) 后来用“怙恃”为父母的代称。少失怙恃。48引吭高歌(yǐnháng-gāogē)[stretch one"s neck and sing;sing joyfully in a loud voice] 放开喉咙高声歌唱。49弹劾(tánhé)(1) [impeach;accuse](2) 君主时代担任监察职务的官员检举官吏的罪状。弹劾不避权贵。——《金史·雷渊传》。(3) 由国家专门机关(如国会)对违法失职或职务上犯罪的官吏,采取揭发和追究法律责任的行为。弹劾总统。官吏受贿,议院得弹劾而去之;议院受贿,谁弹劾而去之?——章炳麟《五无篇》。50不容置喙(bù róng zhì huì)不许在一帝插嘴。51豢养(huànyǎng)[feed;raise;keep] 喂养(牲畜),比喻收买并利用。52恫吓(dònghè)[threaten;menace;intimidate;scare] 扬言灾祸或苦难就要来临,以此威胁[某人]。53沟壑(gōuhè)[ravine;gully] 溪谷,山涧。虽少,愿及未填沟壑而托之。——《战国策·赵策》“填沟壑”,此处是死的意思。世间沟壑中水凿之处,皆有植土龛岩,亦此类耳。——宋·沈括《梦溪笔谈》。54一丘之貉(yīqiūzhīhé)[birds of a feather;nothing to choose between them;jackals from the same lair] 同一个山丘上的貉,比喻彼此同是丑类,没有什么差别。55膏肓(huāng ):中医指心下膈上的部位:膏~(中国古代医学称心尖脂肪为“膏”,心脏和膈膜之间为“肓”,认为“膏肓”是药力达不到的地方,所以“病入~~”是指病重到无法医治了)。56菁菁(jīngjīng)[lush; luxuriant] 形容草木繁茂。57箕踞(jījù)[sit on the floor with one"s legs stretched out] 两脚张开,两膝微曲地坐着,形状像箕。这是一种轻慢傲视对方的姿态。箕,名词作状语。箕踞而骂。——《战国策·燕策》箕踞乾明佛殿。——清·邵长蘅《青门剩稿》。58汲取(jíqǔ)(1) [derive;draw]∶吸取。汲取教训。(2) [absorb]∶吸收。汲取养分。59镌刻(juānkè)[engrave] 雕刻。那通碑上镌刻着一篇铭文。60沮丧(jǔsàng)(1) [deject;depress]∶灰心失望。岂识向之夸慢,只足以成今之沮丧耶!——《宋书·颜延之传》。(2) [dispirited]∶失色貌。观者如山色沮丧。——杜甫《观公孙大娘弟子舞剑器行》。61含英咀华(hányīng-jǔhuá)[to study and relish the beauties of literature] 比喻欣赏、体味或领会诗文的精华。沈浸醲郁,含英咀华。——唐·韩愈《进学解》。62龃龉(jǔyǔ)[discord as the upper and lower teeth not meeting properly] 上下牙齿对不齐,比喻意见不合,互相抵触。其志龃龉。——《太玄·亲》谁能坐此苦,龃龉于其中。——白居易《达里》。63僭(jiàn ) 超越本分,古代指地位在下的冒用在上的名义或礼仪、器物:~越。~妄。~伪(封建王朝称割据对立的王朝)。~盗。64醮(jiào ) 道士设坛念经做法事:打~。65觊觎(jìyú)[covet;cast greedy eyes on;harbour aggressive designs against;long for;pretend to] 非分的希望或企图。宜绝横拜,以塞觊觎之端。——《后汉书·杨秉传》。66诘责(jiézé)[closely question] 诘问谴责。诘责甚厉。67同仇敌忾(tóngchóu-díkài)[share a bitter hatred of enemy;a common danger causes common action;with bitter hatred against the common enemy] 全体一致地抱着对敌人的仇恨和愤怒。68岿然(kuīrán)[towering;lofty] 高高挺立而显得稳固的样子。69恪守(kèshǒu)[scrupulously abide by] 谨慎而恭顺地遵守。宜恪守吾言以无负。——《福惠全书》。70缂丝(kèsī)[silk tapestry with cut designs] 中国特有的将绘画移植于丝织品的一种工艺美术品,以细蚕丝为经,色彩丰富的蚕丝作纬,纬丝仅于图案花纹需要处与经丝交织。也作“刻丝”,最早产生在我国宋代。71脍炙人口(kuàizhì-rénkǒu)[be much relished;enjoy great popularity] 切细的烤肉人人都爱吃。比喻好的诗文为众人所称美。一篇一咏,脍炙人口。——林嵩《周朴诗集》。72喟然长叹(kuìrán-chángtàn)[sigh deeply] 深深地叹气。73揆(kuí ) 度:揣测。74铿锵(kēngqiāng)[clangorous;sonorous] 形容乐器声音响亮节奏分明,也用来形容诗词文曲声调响亮,节奏明快。75振聋发聩(zhènlóng-fākuì)[rouse the deaf and awaken the unhearing] 聩:耳聋。比喻唤醒糊涂麻木的人。76鸟瞰(niǎokàn)[get a bird"s-eye view] 从高处往下看。77傀儡(kuǐlěi)(1) [puppet](2) 木偶戏中的木头人。(3) 比喻受人操纵,不能自立的人或组织。78窠臼(kējiù)[old ruts;set pattern] 现成格式;老套子。不落窠臼。79感慨(gǎnkǎi)[sigh with emotion;give vent to one"s feeling about] 心灵受到某种感触而慨叹(感慨不已)。她不免感慨地想道:“……真是事变知人心啦!”——《果树园》。否则不能继述先烈遗志且光大之,而徒感慨于其遗事,斯诚后死者之羞也!——孙文《< 黄花冈七十二烈士事略> 序》。80倥偬( kǒngzǒng)a.事情迫促,如“戎马~~”;b.穷困。81市侩(shìkuài)[sordid merchant;gigman;opportunist] 旧指买卖的中间人,现泛指唯利是图的人。市侩习气。鲁迅这种暴露市侩的锐利的笔锋,充分的表现着他的反中庸的,反自由主义的精神。——《鲁迅的精神》82跬(kuǐ )步: 半步(古代称人行走,举足一次为“跬”,举足两次为“步””,故半步称“跬”)。83魁伟(kuíwěi)[big and strong] 体格壮大;魁梧。84稂莠(lángyǒu)(1) [weeds; tares]∶稂和莠,都是形状像禾苗、妨害禾苗生长的杂草。(2) [the bads;evildoers]∶比喻害群之人。85风声鹤唳(fēngshēng-hèlì)[the whining of the wind and the cry of cranes;a fleeing army"s suspicion of danger at the slightest sound;be so nervous and fearful that a slight movement in the wind is enough to make one jittery] 鹤唳:鹤叫。《晋书·谢玄传》记载,东晋时,秦主苻坚率众攻晋,列阵淝水,谢玄等率精兵击破秦军,秦军在败逃途中极度惊慌疑惧或自相惊扰。“闻风声鹤唳,皆以为王师已至”。形容非常慌张,到了自惊自扰的程度。风声鹤唳,草木皆兵。86囹圄(língyǔ)[prison] 监狱。同“囹圉”。至于守司囹圄,禁制刑罚,人臣擅之,此谓刑劫。——《韩非子·三守》。才出囹圄。87泯灭(mǐnmiè)(1) [die out]∶消灭;消失。往者汉祚衰微,率土分崩,生民之命,几于泯灭。——《三国志·钟会传》。(2) [disappear;vanish]∶[形迹、印象等] 消灭。难以泯灭的印象。88消弭(mǐ )消除,停止。89耄耋之年(mào dié )八十岁的年龄;高龄,高寿。90妩媚(wǔmèi)[lovely;charming] 姿态美好可爱。妩媚忏弱。91阴霾(mái ) 空气中因悬浮着大量的烟、尘等微粒而形成的混浊形象。92愤懑(fènmèn)[resentful] 气愤;抑郁不平。是仆终已不得舒愤懑以晓左右。——司马迁《报任少卿书》。充满了愤懑的情绪。93联袂(liánmèi)[come or go hand in hand together] 联手;联合;携手并肩。联袂度危桥,萦回出林杪。——柳宗元《与崔策登西山诗》。联袂义演。联袂而来。94脉脉(mòmò)[affectionately] 默默地用眼神或行动表达情意。也用以形容水没有声音、好像深含感情的样子。温情脉脉。叶子底下是脉脉的流水。——朱自清《荷塘月色》。95拈轻怕重(niānqīng-pàzhòng)[pick easy jobs and shirk hard ones;prefer the light loads(work) to the heavy] 拣取轻松的工作干,怕苦怕累,怕挑重担。96呶呶不休(náo )说话唠叨,含有使人讨厌的意思。纷~。97赧(nǎn)然:因羞惭而脸红的样子。~愧。~颜。~然汗下。98销声匿迹(xiāoshēng-nìjì)[occultation;disappear from the scene;keep silent and lie low] 指隐藏起来,不公开露面。他生平最是趋炎附势的,如何肯销声匿迹?——清·李宝嘉《官场现形记》。99肆虐(sìnüè)[wreak havoc;indulge in wanton persecution] 肆行暴虐。100越俎代庖(yuèzǔ-dàipáo)[take sb"s job into one"s own hand;exceed one"s functions and meddle in others" affairs] 原意指人各有专职,庖人虽不尽职,主祭者也不越过戉俎去替他办席。比喻超越自己的职分而代人做事。为何擅离职守,越俎代庖。——昆曲《十五贯》。101抨击(pēngjī)(1) [lash out at](2) 以文章评论来攻击。作者抨击了法西斯主义。(3) 用刺痛人的、辛辣的或挖苦人的话攻击。抨击时弊。(4) [launch]∶批评性地说出;斥责。有礼貌地听了十分钟,然后进行抨击。102骈文(piánwén)[rhythmical prose characterized by parallelism and ornateness] 文体名,与散文相对称。也叫骈体文。因其字句皆成对偶而得名,其以四字六字与四字六字相对为基本句法者,别称四六文。并讲究声律的调谐、用字的绮丽、辞汇的对偶和用典。103毗邻(pílín)[adjoin;be adjacent to] 相邻接。104饿殍(èpiǎo)[corpse of the starved] 饿死的人。亦作“饿莩”。涂有饿莩而不知发。——《孟子·梁惠王上》。105媲美(pìměi)[match;equal;compare favourably with;rivol] 美好的程度可以相比;比美。直迈三代而媲美唐虞矣。——达三《宋学渊源记序》。敢与西施媲美。106蹒跚(pánshān)[walk haltingly;stagger] 腿脚不灵便,走起路来摇摇摆摆。天禄行蹒跚。——皮日休《上真观》。天禄,兽名。一个喝醉酒的驾驶员在他的车周围蹒跚。106纰漏(pīlòu)[careless mistake;small accident] 因疏忽而产生的错误疏漏。107剽窃(piāoqiè)(1) [plagiarize]∶抄袭[别人的思想或言词];采用[创作出的产品] 而不说出其来源他的一本学术著作曾被厚颜无耻地剽窃,并以缩写形式发行。(2) [plunder]∶掠夺。108酝酿(yùnniàng)[ferment;brew] 造酒的发酵过程,比喻做准备工作。解决办法正在酝酿中。109收讫:讫:完了,终结。收~。付~。110倩影(qiànyǐng)[beautiful image (of a woman)] 比喻身材美好,亭亭玉立(多指女子)。111挈带(qiè ) 用手提着:提~。(1)提纲~领。(2) 带,领:~带。~眷。扶老~幼。112悭(悭)qiān吝: 小气,吝啬:~吝。~囊。~涩。113掮客(qiánkè)[broker] 为买主与卖主之间签订买卖(如房地产、货物或证券)契约(合同)收取手续费或佣金的人;类似于或比喻为这类人的人。114惬意(qièyì)[be pleased;be satisfied] 称心。天下莫不惬意。——《后汉书·杨彪传》。115罪愆(qiān ) 罪过,过失。116锲而不舍(qiè"érbùshě)[keep on carving unflaggingly] 不停地镂刻。比喻坚持不懈。锲而舍之,朽木不折;锲而不舍,金石可镂。——《荀子·劝学》。117面面相觑(miànmiàn-xiāngqù)[look at each other in blank dismay;be at a loss what to do] 你望我,我望你,惊惧不知所措。此时人困马乏,大家面面相觑,各欲逃生。——《三国演义》。118茕茕孑立(qióngqióng-jiélì)[standing all alone] 茕茕:孤独无依靠的样子。孑立:孤立。形容孤苦伶仃,无依无靠。茕茕孑立,形影相吊。——晋·李密《陈情表》。119天堑(tiānqiàn)) [natural moat]∶天然形成的隔断交通的大壕沟。120肯綮(kěnqìng)[meat joints;crux;key] 筋骨结合的地方,比喻要害或最重要的关键。深中肯綮。121蹊跷(qīqiao)[odd;queer] 奇怪,可疑。宋江见了这个大汉走得蹊跷,慌忙起身赶出茶坊来,跟着那汉走。——《水浒全传》。122畦(qí ) 田园中分成的小区:~田。菜~。123踉跄(liàngqiàng)[staggering] 走路不稳,跌跌撞撞。君来好呼出,踉跄越门限。——韩愈《赠张籍》。124苍穹(cāngqióng)[heaven;sky] 苍天;天空。125逡巡(qūnxún)(1) [hesitate to move forward]∶因为有所顾虑而徘徊不前。126冗员(rǒngyuán)[redundant personnel] 指机关中超过工作需要的人员。127方枘(ruì)圆凿:枘:榫头。凿:卯眼。方的榫头,园的卯眼。比喻格格不入。128睿智(ruìzhì)[wise and farsighted] 见识卓越,富有远见。129妖娆(yāoráo)(1) [enchanting]∶娇艳美好的。看红装素裹,分外妖娆。——毛泽东《沁园春·雪》。130吮吸(shǔnxī)[suck] 合拢嘴唇吸取液体或半流体,现多用于比喻。吮吸人民的血汗。131苫布(shànbù)[tarpaulin] 遮盖东西用的大雨布。苫:泛指用席、布等遮盖东西 [cover]。如:要下雨了,快把麦子苫上。132莘莘(shēnshēn)[numerous] 数量众多的样子。莘莘学子。133婆(pó)——婆娑<联绵词>(1) (形声。从女,波声。本义:舞貌)(2) 舞 [dancing]婆娑,舞也。——《尔雅》(3) 盘旋;停留 [spiraling]婆娑虖术艺之场,休息虖篇籍之囿。——《汉书》(4) 分散;扶疏 [disperse]风鸿洞而不绝兮,优娆娆以婆娑。——《文选·王褒·洞箫赋》(5) 舒展 [limber up]醉时眠石上,肢体自婆娑。——唐·姚合《游河阳河岸》。134悚惧(sǒngjù)[fear] 害怕。悚惧不安。135海市蜃楼(hǎishì-shènlóu)[[mirage] 由于光线在大气层中的折射而产生的自然现象。一般发生在沙漠地区和海边,折射的光线把远处的景物显示在空中或地面,形成奇异的幻景。古人误认为是蜃(大蛤蜊)吐气而成。后用来比喻虚幻的事物.136回溯:追求根源或回想。追~。上~。追本~源。137赡养(shànyǎng)[support] 供给生活所需,特指晚辈供养长辈。138仗恃(zhàngshì)[rely on; depend on] 倚仗;依靠。139朔风(shuòfēng)[north wind] 北风。140众口铄金(zhòngkǒu-shuòjīn)[public clamour can confound right and wrong] 铄金:熔化金属。众口一词,足能熔化金属。比喻谣言多,可以混淆是非。141唆使(suōshǐ)[abet sb. to do evil] 怂恿或挑动别人去干坏事。142鹰隼:鹰和隼,喻凶猛或凶猛的人。~视狼步(喻人举止凶狠)。143歃shà 〔~血〕古人盟会时,嘴唇涂上牲畜的血,表示诚意,如“~~为盟”。144韶光(光)sháoguāng [beautiful springtime]∶美好的时光,多指美丽的春光。145嗾使(sǒushǐ)[egg on sb. to;promote;instigate] 煽动指使人干坏事。146霎时(shàshí)[in a split second;in a twinkling;in a very short time] 极短的时间,片刻。147缫丝(sāosī)[silk reeling;filature reeling] 把蚕茧煮过后抽出丝来。148舐(shì ) 舔:老牛~犊(喻人爱惜儿女)。~犊情深。149怂恿(sǒngyǒng)[promote;instigate;incite] 从旁劝说鼓动。150煽动(shāndòng)[instigate;incite;arouse;foment;provoke] 指怂恿、鼓动人做坏事。151慑服(shèfú)[submit because of fear] 因恐惧而屈服。151禅让(shànràng)[abdicate and hand over the crown to sb.] 中国古代历史上统治权转移的一种方式,皇帝把帝位让给他人。152矍铄(juéshuò)[hale and hearty] 形容老人目光炯炯、精神健旺。153彤云密布(tóngyún-mìbù)[overcloud] 天空布满乌云。154千里迢迢(tiáotiáo)(1) [be far away;remote]∶形容遥远。也作“迢递”。155挞(tà ) 用鞭棍等打人:鞭~。大张~伐(a.使用武力大规模征讨;b.指对人进行声讨或攻击)。156倜傥(tìtǎng) [unconventional]∶洒脱;不拘束。157孝悌(tì ) 敬爱哥哥,泛指敬重长上。158恬不知耻(tiánbùzhīchǐ)[do not feel ashamed at all; past all sense of shame;shameless] 泰然处之,不以为耻。159暴殄天物(bàotiǎn-tiānwù)[reckless waste of natural resources] 任意糟蹋东西。160悲恸(bēitòng)[extremely mournful] 非常悲哀。悲恸欲绝。161湍(tuān ) 急流,急流的水:~急。~流。~濑(石滩上的急流)。162颓废(tuífèi)[dispirited;decadent;declining] 颓毁荒废。163佻(tiāo ) 轻薄,不庄重:轻~。~薄。~巧(a.轻佻巧诈;b.文辞细巧而不严肃)。164荼(tú) 古书上说的一种苦菜:~毒(“荼”是苦菜,“毒”指毒虫毒蛇之类,喻毒害,如“~~生灵”)。(3) 古书上指茅草的白花:如火如~。(4) 古同“涂”,涂炭。165逶迤(wēiyí)[winding;meandering] 蜿蜒曲折;拐来拐去。166绾(wǎn)(2) 把长条形的东西盘绕起来打成结:~结。~起头发。(3) 卷:~起袖子。(4) 控制:~摄。~毂(指控制交通枢纽)。167猥亵(wěixiè)(1) [indecent assault]∶做下流的动作。(2) [obscene]∶下流。一个猥亵的手势。168韦(wéi)编三绝: 比喻读书刻苦。169斡旋(wòxuán) [mediate;use one"s good office to]∶调解周旋。170纤细(xiānxì)[very thin;slender] 细微,细小。171泫然泪下(xuànrán):泫然: 水滴落的样子。形容非常伤心,泪流满面的样子。172抚恤(fǔxù)[comfore and compensate a bereaved family] 对因
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  一点自以为是的狂A little opinionated crazy 失败从来不受伤Failure is never hurt 两只四处张望的眼Two looked around the eye 寻找胜利的方向Looking for victory direction 一往无前的向前闯Indomitable forward his power 爱是不变的信仰Love is the same beliefs 他是他们的狼He is their Wolf 是我温柔的郎Is my gentle lang 认真 执着 顽强Earnest and rigid toughness 要嫁就嫁灰太狼Marry marry big big Wolf 这样的男人是榜样Such a man is an example 女人就像花 经不起风浪A woman is like a flower can"t afford to waves 顶多一点刺 带着玫瑰的香At most a little thorn with roses incense 要嫁就嫁灰太狼Marry marry big big Wolf 这样的爱情才像样Such love only decent 你是我的墙 遮挡风和霜You are my walls keep out the wind and frost 我是你的宝 一生不能忘I am your precious life can not forget
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  通过对演讲稿语言的推究可以提高语言的表现力,增强语言的感染力。现如今,越来越多地方需要用到演讲稿,那么一般演讲稿是怎么写的呢?以下是我精心整理的英语励志演讲稿,欢迎阅读与收藏。 英语励志演讲稿1   Whether there"s afterlife, the answer has never been the same. The atheists deny after life, believing that our life is no more than from the cradle to the grave. They may care about their illustrious names after death; they may feel attached to the affection of their offspring, but they never lay their hopes on their afterlife. They may also say that good will be rewarded with good, and evil with evil, but they don"t really believe any retribution in their after life.   However, in the religious world or among the superstitious people, the belief in afterlife is very popular. They do not only believe in afterlife, but thousands of reincarnations as well. In the mysterious world, there are the paradise and the hell, the celestial beings and the gods, the Buddha and the Bodhisattvas.   Maybe they really believed it, or maybe they just wanted to make use of people"s veneration, the ancient emperors always declared that they were the real dragons, the sons of God, while the royal ministers claimed to be the reincarnations of various constellations. But can the stars reincarnate?   Many people burn incense and kowtow, do good deeds and strive for virtues, not just for the present, but mainly to let God see their sincerity so as to be reborn into a better afterlife, or to achieve the highest enlightenment after several lives of practice. They do believe in afterlife. But I can"t help asking: Suppose there were no afterlife, would you still do good deeds and strive for virtues? And If God does not see what you are doing, would you still be so upright and selfless? If you work, not for serving the public and liberating the others, but just for a better afterlife of your own, isn"t it a little too selfish? Comparing with this kind of believers, those who don"t believe in afterlife, but still keep doing good deeds, are the most sincere and honest philanthropists, because they do them not for themselves but for other.   You may wonder if I believe in afterlife. My answer is: I know nothing about my previous life, so I dare not make improper comments on afterlife. But I do hope there"s afterlife! Because our present life is so short that so many things slip away before our proper understanding. I have so many dreams, so many wishes, so many ambitions, as well as so many regrets and concerns. If there were no afterlife, all of them will remain unrealized!   been mine but have been washed away by the hurrying time, and I yearn for the perfection and maturity if I could start all over again. So believe it or not, I"d rather there were afterlife. 英语励志演讲稿2   Good morning,everyone! I`m very happy to have this chance to give my presentation. Before I start my speech, please let me ask you a question. Do you think you are confident in yourself? If you are, do please raise your hand.   My topic today is “ to Be a Confident Person.”   What is confidence? Confidence is to trust yourself. Confidence is to look upon yourself. It is not to indulge in self-admiration. It is not to get extremely arrogant. It is not to get dizzy with success or to be opinionated. It is just to inspire yourself ahead of a quality of mind, in high spirit, full of energy. It is to meet the challenges of life in a positive mood. It is to overcome your inferiority, farewell, to get rid of the trouble of a a ready-made panacea.   Remember, I have just entered junior high school. In the face of the challenge of new environment, in the face of so many new courses and learning contents, I lost faith in my own and gradually developed a psychological sense of inferiority. Achievement glided ceaselessly. It is a teacher and mother who encouraged me and let me regain confidence. Gradually, my grades got higher and higher and everything began to go on well. Gradually I adapted to the life in middle school.   Friends, let"s say goodbye to inferiority. Let"s be a confident person. Because: only if you have self-confidence, can you control yourself; only if you have confidence, can you achieve success and create your a brilliant life of your own!   大家好!   今天我演讲的题目是:做一个自信的人。   什么是自信?自信,就是自己信得过自己,自己看得起自己。它,不是孤芳自赏,也不是夜郎自大,更不是得意忘形和自以为是;而是激励自己奋发进取的一种心里素质,是以高昂的斗志,充沛的干劲迎接生活挑战的一种乐观情绪;是战胜自己,告别自卑,摆脱烦恼的一种灵丹妙药。   还记得,我刚刚升入初中时,面对新的环境,面对那么多的新的课程和学习内容,我对自己失去了信心,逐渐产生了自卑心理,成绩不断下滑,是老师和妈妈及时帮助我、鼓励我,让我重新找回自信。渐渐的,我的学习成绩及各个方面都有明显进步,逐渐适应了初中的生活。   朋友们,让我们告别自卑,做一个自信的人吧。因为:只有拥有自信,才能拥有自我;只有拥有自信,才能走向成功,才能创造自己辉煌的人生。 英语励志演讲稿3 各位老师、领导们:   大家好!   两年前,我从xx英语教育院校毕业,踌躇满志地从大学校门里走出来,满怀信心地踏进了这满是孩子们的天堂。在我开始接任四年级二班的.英语教程那一刻,我的心情忐忑不安,不知能否把课上好,当我真正走上工作岗位,走上四二班教室的讲台时,面对一个个鲜活可爱的面孔,面对一双双求知的眼睛,我总是一次次默默的告诉自己,要努力,要加油,要成为深受学生欢迎的好老师。   有人说儿童是一本书虽然要读懂这本书并非易事,但要成为一位出色的教师就必须去读它,有人说,儿童是花木,教师是园丁,园丁悉心照料着花木,但需要尊重它们自然地成长。实际上,儿童比花木要复杂的多,教师的工作比园丁的工作也复杂的多,尽管他们拥有着共同或共通的规律。法国文学家雨果在他的诗里曾经写到:“花是尊贵的,果实是甜美的,让我们都来做叶吧,因为叶,是平凡而谦逊的。”我觉得这首诗就是为教师写的,因为教师就像那默默奉献的绿叶,时时刻刻衬托着鲜花的娇艳。今天,在庆祝教师节的日子里,我荣幸地站上这方讲台,诵读这样意味深长的诗句,即将开始我至真至诚的讲述,我心中无比激动,也感到万分的骄傲自豪。   时光匆匆,转眼间我已走过了四年的从教生涯。虽然在大家看来这段时间有些短暂。但细数往昔岁月的点点滴滴,我还是要长叹:生活原来给了我们那么多感动。为了这真情付出后得到的感动,我一直在追求着。刚刚参加工作时,信心百倍。记得第一次以教师的身份走进课堂,感觉一切都是那样美好。然而,醉酒方知酒味浓,为师才知为师难。一段时间之后,我先前良好的自我感觉早就一扫而空,面对一群求知欲渴的孩子们,我才真正意识到教师职业是何等的艰辛和琐碎,三尺讲台站上去容易,要站好可真难啊!   每个人都希望自己的人生风和日丽,莺歌燕舞。但月有阴晴圆缺,人有旦夕祸福,挫折和失败总是不断地踩痛我们的心。我们是把失意的怨气撒在孩子身上,还是收起此时内心的苦楚用微笑面对纯真可爱的孩子?我想没有人愿意选择前者,因为你的心中有爱!鲁迅先生有句话“教育是植根与爱的”。是的,爱是教育的源泉,教师有了爱,才会用伯乐的眼光去发现孩子们的闪光点,才会对自己的教育对象充满了信心和爱心,才会有追求卓越的精神和创新的精神。   今天,我是一名小学英语教师,爱我的学生,我会像母亲一样无私和不求索取;爱我的学生,我会像手足一样把心和他们贴得更近;爱我的学生,我会像朋友一样与他们风雨同舟;爱我的学生,我会不溺爱不袒护,在他们跌倒时,鼓励他们勇敢的站起来!我相信“人民教师”这光荣而神圣的称谓,它总能让我拥有无穷的力量。   谢谢大家! 英语励志演讲稿4   Self-Confidence Is Essential to Success自信是成功的决定因素   Nothing succeeds like confidence.When you are truly confident,it radiates from you like sunlight,and attracts success to you like a magnet.信心成就一切,当你真正自信时,它就像灿烂的阳光一样从你身上散发出来,就像磁铁一样将成功吸引到你身上。   It"s important to believe in yourself.Believe that you can do it under any circumstances,because if you believe you can,then you really will.The belief keeps you searching for answers,which means that pretty soon you will get them.相信自己非常重要。要相信自己无论在任何情况下都会成功。因为如果你相信你能做到,那么你就真的会做到。这种信念促使你不断的去寻找答案,而不断的探索就意味着你很快就会找到答案。   Confidence is more than an attitude. It comes from knowing exactly where you are going and exactly how you are going to get there. It comes from acting with integrity and confidence.It comes from a strong sense of purpose.It comes from a strong commitment to take responsibility,rather than just letting life happen.信心不只是一种态度,它来源于你确切地知道自己要去干什么并且确切地知道怎么去干。它来源于正直和自信地去行动。它来源于强烈的目标感。它来源于强烈地勇于承担责任的许诺,而不是让生命放任自流。   One way to develop self-confidence is to do the thing you fear and to get a record of successful experiences behind you.培养自信的一种方法是去做你害怕做的事情,并将它做成功。   Confidence is compassionate and understanding.It is not arrogant. Arrogance is born out of fear and insecurity,while confidence comes from strength and integrity.信心是富有同情心和善解人意的。它一点都不傲慢自大。傲慢是由于害怕和缺乏安全感才产生的,而信心则出于坚强的决心和诚实正直。   Confidence is not just believing you can do it. Confidence is knowing you can do it.Know that you are capable of accomplish anything you want,and live your life with confidence.信心并不是仅仅认为你可能会成功,而是确信你一定能成功。确信你有能力实现自己的愿望,并充满信心的生活着。   Anything can be achieved through focused,determined effort and self-confidence.If your life is not what you want it to be,you have the power to change it,and you must make the changes on a moment by moment basis. Live your priorities. Live with your goals and your plan of action. Live each moment with your priorities in mind. Act with your own purpose,and you will have the life you want.如果你足够专心、坚决和自信,那么任何事都能做成。如果生活不像你预想的那样,你有力量去改变它,并且你必须一步一步的去实现这些改变。铭记你生命中最重要的事情。有目标并且有计划的去生活。为你的目标而奋斗,你就会拥有自己想要的生活。 英语励志演讲稿5   Someone said “we are reading the first verse of the first chapter of a book, whose pages are infinite”. I don"t know who wrote these words, but I"ve always liked them as a reminder that the future can be anything we want it to be. We are all in the position of the farmers. If we plant a good seed ,we reap a good harvest. If we plant nothing at all, we harvest nothing at all.   We are young. “How to spend the youth?” It is a meaningful question. To answer it, first I have to ask “what do you understand by the word youth?” Youth is not a time of life, it"s a state of mind. It"s not a matter of rosy cheeks, red lips or supple knees. It"s the matter of the will. It"s the freshness of the deep spring of life.   A poet said “To see a world in a grain of sand, and a heaven in a wild flower, hold infinity in the palm of your hand, and eternity in an hour. Several days ago, I had a chance to listen to a lecture. I learnt a lot there. I"d like to share it with all of you. Let"s show our right palms. We can see three lines that show how our and life is. I have a short line of life. What about yours? I wondered whether we could see our future in this way. Well, let"s make a fist. Where is our future? Where is our love, career, and life? Tell me.Yeah, it is in our hands. It is held in ourselves.   We all want the future to be better than the past. But the future can go better itself. Don"t cry because it is over, smile because it happened. From the past, we"ve learnt that the life is tough, but we are tougher. We"ve learnt that we can"t choose how we feel, but we can choose what about it. Failure doesn"t mean you don"t have it, it does mean you should do it in a different way. Failure doesn"t mean you should give up, it does mean you must try harder.   As what I said at the beginning, “we are reading the first verse of the first chapter of a book, whose pages are infinite”. The past has gone. Nothing we do will change it. But the future is in front of us. Believe that what we give to the world, the world will give to us. And from today on, let"s be the owners of ourselves, and speak out “We are the world, we are the future.” 英语励志演讲稿6   Good afternoon, my dear teachers and friends,   Suppose you are in a dark cave alone now. Maybe you can not find any hope, you are trembling and frightened. What will you do? What will you say? Will you give up? (……) No we should not give up. We should try our best to find hope. So today, I am honored to stand here to share my opinion with you---- Let"s say NO to Give UP. 英语励志演讲稿7   Ladies and Gentlemen, Good afternoon!   I"m very glad to stand here andgive you a short speech. today my topic is “Life”. I hope you will like it , Man"s life is a process of growing up, actually I"m standing here is a growth. If a person"s life must constituted by various choices, then I grow up along with these choices.   Once I hope I can study in a college in future, however that"s passed, as you know I come here, now I wonder what the future holds for (= what will happen to) me. When I come to this school, I told to myself: this my near future, all starts here. Following I will learn to become a man, a integrated man, who has a fine body, can take on important task, has independent thought, an open mind, intensive thought, has the ability to judge right and wrong, has a perfect job.   Once my teacher said :” you are not sewing, you are stylist; never forget which you should lay out to people is your thought, not craft.” I will put my personality with my interest and ability into my study, during these process I will combine learning with doing.   If I can achieve this “future”, I think that I really grow up. And I deeply believe kindred, good-fellowship and love will perfection and happy in the future. How to say future? Maybe it"s a nice wish. Lets make up our minds, stick to it and surely well enjoy our life.
2023-07-18 21:20:351


英语面试中最难的问题 "Tell Me About Yourself"   “请你谈谈你自己”   Don Straits, CEO and Dragon Slayer, Corporate Warriors   面试中必会被问到的问题之一就是“请你谈谈你自己”。很多人对这个问题的回答就是简略的`背一下简历。事实上这样的回答枯燥无味。那么,该怎样回答这个问题呢?   When you, as a job seeker, are asked the most common, and toughest, interview question, "Tell me about yourself," your answer can make or break you as a candidate. Usually job seekers will respond with their "30 second commercial," and then elaborate on their background. While almost every career book and career counselor will tell you that is the appropriate response, I totally disagree.   Many people fail in their job search because they are too often focused on what they want in a job including industry, type of position, location, income, benefits, and work environment. Their "30 second commercial" is centered around this premise. The commercial describes the job seekeru2019s career history and what they are looking for. Too often, this is in direct contrast to what employers are looking for.   There are two dominant reasons why job seekers are successful in the job search. The first is focusing on the needs of the organization. The second is focusing on the needs of the people within that organization. In this article, we are going to examine how to focus on the needs of the people within organizations. This will assist in rethinking your response to that all-important question, "Tell me about yourself."   In order to learn how to respond to the needs of the interviewer, letu2019s first learn more about ourselves. We can then apply that knowledge about ourselves to knowing how to understand and respond to the needs of others.   Most social psychologists recognize four basic personality styles: Analytical, Amiable, Expressive, and Driver. Usually, each of us exhibits personality characteristics unique to one of the styles. However, we also possess characteristics to a lesser degree in the other styles. To determine your unique style, you can take a Myers-Briggs assessment or go to the following site for a free Keirsey Temperament Sorter assessment test: w   Here are the characteristics that are most commonly associated with each of the styles:   Analytical: 分析型   Positive Traits: Precise, Methodical, Organized, Rational, Detail Oriented   Negative Traits: Critical, Formal, Uncertain, Judgmental, Picky   Amiable: 和蔼可亲型   Positive Traits: Cooperative, Dependable, Warm, Listener, Negotiator   Negative Traits: Undisciplined, Dependent, Submissive, Overly Cautious, Conforming   Expressive: 表达型   Positive Traits: Enthusiastic, Persuasive, Outgoing, Positive, Communicator   Negative Traits: Ego Centered, Emotional, Exploitive, Opinionated, Reacting   Driver: 驱动型   Positive Traits: Persistent, Independent, Decision Maker, Effective, Strong Willed   Ok, now you are really getting some insight into your style and the style of others. It is time for the interviews. Throw out your 30-second commercial. Think on your feet.   You will be interviewing with the human resource manager, the finance manager, the sales manager, and the CEO. The first question each of them will ask you is: "Tell me about yourself." How should you respond? Remember the second reason for succeeding in a job search: focus on the needs of the people in the organization. Here are just a few examples of how to respond to that question: "Tell me about yourself?"   Response to Finance Manager: "I have been successful in my career by making well-thought-out decisions based on careful analysis of all factors. I approach problems with logic and sound reasoning. I would enjoy working with you in developing the appropriate systems and procedures to make our two departments function efficiently together."   Response to Human Resource Manager: "My career has been characterized by my ability to work well with diverse teams. I seek out opportunities to involve others in the decision-making process. This collaboration and communication is what has enabled me to achieve success in my department. People are the most valuable resource of any organization."   Response to Sales Manager: "Throughout my career I have always adhered to the principle that everyone in the organization must be sales-focused. My department is always trained in customer service, providing outstanding support to the sales team and to our customers. Without sales, the rest of use would not have a job. I look forward to helping you drive sales in any way possible."   Response to CEO: "I have achieved success in my career because I have been focused on the bottom line. I have always sought out innovative solutions to challenging problems to maximize profitability. Regardless of the task or challenge, I always established benchmarks of performance and standards of excellence. I have never sought to maintain the "status quo." An organization that does not change and grow will die. I would enjoy working with you to help define new market opportunities in order to achieve the organizationu2019s goals."   In each instance, we responded to the "needs of the individual." It is almost guaranteed that, when you respond appropriately to the diverse needs of the different managers, you will become the standard by which all of the other candidates will be measured.   I challenge you to learn about your personality and leadership style, learn about the styles of others, and learn how to think on your feet when responding to questions. Whether you are seeking a job or you are gainfully employed, by understanding the needs of others you will become a more valuable person, employee, manager and leader ;
2023-07-18 21:20:421


Self-Confidence Is Essential to Success自信是成功的决定因素  Nothing succeeds like confidence.When you are truly confident,it radiates from you like sunlight,and attracts success to you like a magnet.信心成就一切,当你真正自信时,它就像灿烂的阳光一样从你身上散发出来,就像磁铁一样将成功吸引到你身上。  It"s important to believe in yourself.Believe that you can do it under any circumstances,because if you believe you can,then you really will.The belief keeps you searching for answers,which means that pretty soon you will get them.相信自己非常重要。要相信自己无论在任何情况下都会成功。因为如果你相信你能做到,那么你就真的会做到。这种信念促使你不断的去寻找答案,而不断的探索就意味着你很快就会找到答案。  Confidence is more than an attitude. It comes from knowing exactly where you are going and exactly how you are going to get there. It comes from acting with integrity and confidence.It comes from a strong sense of purpose.It comes from a strong commitment to take responsibility,rather than just letting life happen.信心不只是一种态度,它来源于你确切地知道自己要去干什么并且确切地知道怎么去干。它来源于正直和自信地去行动。它来源于强烈的目标感。它来源于强烈地勇于承担责任的许诺,而不是让生命放任自流。  One way to develop self-confidence is to do the thing you fear and to get a record of successful experiences behind you.培养自信的一种方法是去做你害怕做的事情,并将它做成功。  Confidence is compassionate and understanding.It is not arrogant. Arrogance is born out of fear and insecurity,while confidence comes from strength and integrity.信心是富有同情心和善解人意的。它一点都不傲慢自大。傲慢是由于害怕和缺乏安全感才产生的,而信心则出于坚强的决心和诚实正直。  Confidence is not just believing you can do it. Confidence is knowing you can do it.Know that you are capable of accomplish anything you want,and live your life with confidence.信心并不是仅仅认为你可能会成功,而是确信你一定能成功。确信你有能力实现自己的愿望,并充满信心的生活着。  Anything can be achieved through focused,determined effort and self-confidence.If your life is not what you want it to be,you have the power to change it,and you must make the changes on a moment by moment basis. Live your priorities. Live with your goals and your plan of action. Live each moment with your priorities in mind. Act with your own purpose,and you will have the life you want.如果你足够专心、坚决和自信,那么任何事都能做成。如果生活不像你预想的那样,你有力量去改变它,并且你必须一步一步的去实现这些改变。铭记你生命中最重要的事情。有目标并且有计划的去生活。为你的目标而奋斗,你就会拥有自己想要的生活。  关于自信的英语演讲稿(范文二)  Good morning,everyone! I`m very happy to have this chance to give my presentation. Before I start my speech, please let me ask you a question. Do you think you are confident in yourself? If you are, do please raise your hand.  My topic today is “ to Be a Confident Person.”  What is confidence? Confidence is to trust yourself. Confidence is to look upon yourself. It is not to indulge in self-admiration. It is not to get extremely arrogant. It is not to get dizzy with success or to be opinionated. It is just to inspire yourself ahead of a quality of mind, in high spirit, full of energy. It is to meet the challenges of life in a positive mood. It is to overcome your inferiority, farewell, to get rid of the trouble of a a ready-made panacea.  Remember, I have just entered junior high school. In the face of the challenge of new environment, in the face of so many new courses and learning contents, I lost faith in my own and gradually developed a psychological sense of inferiority. Achievement glided ceaselessly. It is a teacher and mother who encouraged me and let me regain confidence. Gradually, my grades got higher and higher and everything began to go on well. Gradually I adapted to the life in middle school.  Friends, let"s say goodbye to inferiority. Let"s be a confident person. Because: only if you have self-confidence, can you control yourself; only if you have confidence, can you achieve success and create your a brilliant life of your own!  大家好!  今天我演讲的题目是:做一个自信的人。  什么是自信?自信,就是自己信得过自己,自己看得起自己。它,不是孤芳自赏,也不是夜郎自大,更不是得意忘形和自以为是;而是激励自己奋发进取的一种心里素质,是以高昂的斗志,充沛的干劲迎接生活挑战的一种乐观情绪;是战胜自己,告别自卑,摆脱烦恼的一种灵丹妙药。  还记得,我刚刚升入初中时,面对新的环境,面对那么多的新的课程和学习内容,我对自己失去了信心,逐渐产生了自卑心理,成绩不断下滑,是老师和妈妈及时帮助我、鼓励我,让我重新找回自信。渐渐的,我的学习成绩及各个方面都有明显进步,逐渐适应了初中的生活。  朋友们,让我们告别自卑,做一个自信的人吧。因为:只有拥有自信,才能拥有自我;只有拥有自信,才能走向成功,才能创造自己辉煌的人生。  关于自信的英语演讲稿(范文三)  Self-confidence Confidence is power--the power to attract, persuade, influence, and succeed. Imagine what your life would be like if you had an abundance of selfconfidence ! Confidence isn"t an inherited trait, it" s a learned one. This means that you can have an abundance of self-confidence. Start here, right now.  Confidence starts in the mind.What you think of yourself very much influences the way you feel about yourself. This, in turn, affects the way you speak and act.  No one can make you feel inferior without your consent. The very first thing you have to do to create abundant  self-confidence is to start thinking ourselves with confidence. Pay attention to your internal dialogue, and learn to notice when you allow negativity or doubt to control the course of your thinking.  Your environment has a tremendous influence on you. The books you read, the people you spend time with, and the music you listen to all influence the way you think and feel about yourself and the world around you.  In a nutshell, your environment can either build up your self-confidence or drag it down.  If you"re in a situation where you"re discouraged, such as an unhealthy relationship or a miserable job, you have to change that situation if you want your self-confidence level to grow.  Create an environment that supports you if your desire to have abundant self-confidence. Spend time with confident people. Remember those, self-confidence can be yours. Take it!  自信  自信就是力量——吸引人、说服人、影响人并取得成功的力量。设想一下,如果你充满自信,你的生活会是怎样一番景象!  自信并非来自遗传,是需要后天学习的。这就意味着,你也可以充满自信。从现在、从这里开始。  自信必须首先从想法开始。你怎么样看待自己,很大程度就影响了你觉得自己怎样。转而也影响了你说话、做事的方式。 没有你的默认,谁也无法将你看低一等。  充满自信的第一步是要开始自信地看待自己。注意自己的内心对话,注意你什么时候让消极和怀疑控制了自己的思想。  你周围的环境对你有着莫大的影响。你读的书,和你呆在一起的人,你听的音乐都对你的思维方式、对自己的感觉以及对世界的看法产生影响。 一言蔽之,你的周遭环境不是增加你的自信就是打击你的自信。 如果你现在所处的环境让你备受打击,比如说有一段不健康的关系或者一份痛苦的工作,如果你想提高自信的话,你就要改变你现在的处境。如果你渴望充满自信,就创造一个支持你的环境,与自信的人多待在一起。 记住这些,自信就属于你。抓住它!  关于自信的英语演讲稿(范文四)  Self-confidence  There are many factors that can contribute to a person"s success in life. Whether he is at school or at work, a person is more likely to succeed if he is hard-working, honest, intelligent, responsible, and so on. But of all the possible characteristics that can affect one"s success, I believe self-confidence to be the most important for the following reasons.  The first reason is that when a person has self-confidence he believes in himself. He believes that he can and will succeed, and this gives him the courage to try new things. In order to be successful we must be willing to take some risks, so having self-confidence is very important. Another reason is that a confident person rarely gives up. When he fails he tries again and again until he wins. A final reason is that confident people are not afraid to show off their achievements. This is not to say that they should brag, but that they should gracefully and confidently accept the compliments of others. When their achievements are noticed more by others at school or work, they are more likely to succeed.  In short, I believe self-confidence to be the most important factor in success. It enables people to take risks, try again when they fail, and enjoy their accomplishments when they win. With these abilities, a confident person can succeed easily at school or work.  自信  促成一个人成功的因素有很多。不论是念书或工作,如果可以努力、诚实、聪明、负责任等,就比较有可能成功。但在所有可能影响成功与否的特点中,基于下列理由,我认为自信最重要。  第一个理由就是,当一个人有自信的时候,就会相信自己的能力。他会相信自己可以而且一定会成功,这一点让他有勇气尝试新事物。想要成功,我们必须愿意冒险,所以有自信是很重要的。另一个理由是,有信心的人很少放弃,即使失败了,还是会不断尝试,直到成功。最后一个理由是,有信心的人不怕炫耀自己的成就,这并不表示他们应该自夸,而是应该优雅、有信心地接受别人的赞美。当他们在学业或工作上的成就更受人注目时,成功的可能性就更高了。  简言之,我认为自信是成功最重要的因素。自信使人勇于冒险,失败了会再接再厉,成功时能享受自己的成就。有了这些能力,有信心的人就能够轻易地在学业或工作上获得成功。
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【 #英语资源# 导语】广义地讲,自信本身就是一种积极性,自信就是在自我评价上的积极态度。狭义地讲,自信是与积极密切相关的事情。没有自信的积极,是软弱的、不彻底的、低能的、低效的积极。自信是发自内心的自我肯定与相信。自信无论在人际交往上、事业上还是在工作上都非常重要。只有自己相信自己,他人才会相信你。 为大家准备了《以自信为主题的英语演讲稿》,供大家参考阅读。 【篇一】以自信为主题的英语演讲稿 dear teacher, dear students:   Good morning,everyone! I`m very happy to have this chance to give my presentation. Before I start my speech, please let me ask you a question. Do you think you are confident in yourself? If you are, do please raise your hand.   My topic today is “ to Be a Confident Person.”   What is confidence? Confidence is to trust yourself. Confidence is to look upon yourself. It is not to indulge in self-admiration. It is not to get extremely arrogant. It is not to get dizzy with success or to be opinionated. It is just to inspire yourself ahead of a quality of mind, in high spirit, full of energy. It is to meet the challenges of life in a positive mood. It is to overcome your inferiority, farewell, to get rid of the trouble of a a ready-made panacea.   Nothing succeeds like confidence.When you are truly confident,it radiates from you like sunlight,and attracts success to you like a magnet.   It"s important to believe in yourself.Believe that you can do it under any circumstances,because if you believe you can,then you really will.The belief keeps you searching for answers,which means that pretty soon you will get them.   Confidence is more than an attitude. It comes from knowing exactly where you are going and exactly how you are going to get there. It comes from acting with integrity and confidence.It comes from a strong sense of purpose.It comes from a strong commitment to take responsibility,rather than just letting life happen.   One way to develop self-confidence is to do the thing you fear and to get a record of successful experiences behind you.   Confidence is compassionate and understanding.It is not arrogant. Arrogance is born out of fear and insecurity,while confidence comes from strength and integrity.   Confidence is not just believing you can do it. Confidence is knowing you can do it.Know that you are capable of accomplish anything you want,and live your life with confidence.   Anything can be achieved through focused,determined effort and self-confidence.If your life is not what you want it to be,you have the power to change it,and you must make the changes on a moment by moment basis. Live your priorities. Live with your goals and your plan of action. Live each moment with your priorities in mind. Act with your own purpose,and you will have the life you   Remember, I have just entered junior high school. In the face of the challenge of new environment, in the face of so many new courses and learning contents, I lost faith in my own and gradually developed a psychological sense of inferiority. Achievement glided ceaselessly. It is a teacher and mother who encouraged me and let me regain confidence. Gradually, my grades got higher and higher and everything began to go on well. Gradually I adapted to the life in middle school. 【篇二】以自信为主题的英语演讲稿   Founder of Success Napoleon Hill said: "The self-confidence, manage human use and the only channel universe, Infinite Intelligence is all the "miracle" of the foundation of all scientific laws can not be the birthplace of the mystery of miracles . "he also said that such a thought-provoking words:" If we analyze the personality of those outstanding figures, you will see they have a common characteristic: they start work before, always fully believe in themselves the ability to remove all difficulties and obstacles, until victory! "   Indeed, in large part to promote confidence in a person"s success, many people start from the history we are all evident. Confident people from distress to rescue, you can see the successful people in the dark light, can give people the power struggle. Perhaps you could say: "With confidence, you have half the success."   Work the same two people, self-confidence of people at work in a more relaxed when the Association of the way through: Dang good job done, we will consider it for our own strength, in the event Shizaiwufa completed The task, then that might be really difficult task in itself. The lack of self-confidence of people will bring success to good luck, the ability to not fail as their own home. However, as this little psychological difference, although the two spent time and energy are similar, but often more self-confident side of the gain is much greater.   How many scientists at home and abroad, especially inventors, which is not tackled on his own confidence in what the project? Will fail again and again again and again aroused their fighting spirit - they think: the more failures, the more successful near distance. But confidence is not an innocent person will be attached to the body, first of all who have genuine talent, then can there be real self-confidence, and use it as an extremely useful power. Empty full of confidence, it would only say it is presumptuous Bale. This so-called "confidence", not only failed to promote human progress, but unfriendly.   King of the hill Network commentator said: "There is no real thing, only the confidence, the future is only one - dead, and done for." This sentence sounds excessive, but in fact the only self-confidence if it is indeed a very dangerous.   Similarly, in our study, only self-confidence is not enough, self-confidence and efforts should be organically combined. Some students often see the occasion of the examination, not the least bit nervous, confidently into the examination room. However, after examination, this part of the students in some scores of deadly accuracy, and some fraction is ashamed to see people. This seems unreasonable thing is very simple: this part is both a kind of self-confidence in students, but also hard to study hard; a single self-confidence, but did not pay the effort. These two types of students are full of confidence seems to examination, but usually not the same as the accumulation of knowledge, different consequences. 【篇三】以自信为主题的英语演讲稿 dear teacher, dear students:   hello everybody!   my topic today is "making the self-confidence."   thomas edison once said: "confidence is the first secret of success." yes, in life, we can not do without self-confidence everywhere. a person without faith, is bound to be abandoned by the society of a person, a person has been abandoned by successful, one was abandoned by the people themselves! therefore, we can say without hesitation: self-confidence is a person"s soul!   self-confidence does not equal arrogance. it is a determination, has the power over life and death. never blindly self-confidence, it is hard honing the ability of the condensed. ability is like the crown, it is only mounted on a self-confident fengyun sparkling diamonds, will become eye-catching and gorgeous. similarly, there is no ability to foil, and let confidence no matter how brilliant, but also like the loss of green flowers, value greatly reduced.   i believe we all heard of "with confidence" the idiom story! good at the northern song painter painting paper with bamboo, when pen to paper without thinking each time they claimed a life-like bamboo map. how did he do it? it turned out that his daily observation of the bamboo hut, seasons, his unshakeable. over time, the length of bamboo thickness, leaf shape color, he is familiar with the heart, naturally, put the bamboo painted superb.   this is the power of self-confidence!   how, if there is no confidence to support him, to encourage him, even though the text was the same with earth-shattering, then do not believe in their own strength and what is the use? he would be buried in the chinese long history of five thousand years in the dust.   self-confidence can pass through time and space, it come and go like the wind, but in everyone around to stay. but if you can not catch it, it will as the yellow river water gone.   in life, we need to seize confidence. hold self-confidence, we can turn in the highest satisfaction of life; in growth, we need to seize confidence. hold self-confidence is the most perfect pass into the society; in the struggle, we need to seize confidence. hold self-confidence, success is not far away in front of you!
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1. 文言文中所有‘师"的意思 ◎ 师shī〈名〉(1) (会意。 从币,从垖。垖( duī)是小土山,帀( zā)是包围。 四下里都是小土山,表示众多。本义:古代军队编制的一级。 二千五百人为一师)(2) 同本义 [division]师,二千五百人为师。——《说文》王乃犬巡六师。 ——《书·伪泰誓》陈师鞠旅。——《诗·小雅·采芑》五人为伍,五伍为两,四两为卒,五卒为旅,五旅为师。 ——《周礼·地官·小司徒》(3) 师今为隶属于军的单位,下辖若干旅或团(4) 泛指军队[army;troops]十年春,齐师伐王。——《左传·庄公十年》九国之师,逡巡而不敢进。 ——汉· 贾谊《过秦论》蹇叔之子与师,哭而送之曰:“ 晋人御师必于 肴。”——《左传·僖公三十三年》(5) 又如:水师(水军);挥师(指挥并带领军队);师旅(军队的通称,亦用来指战争);师船(师舶,兵船,兵舰);师老(军队疲劳,士气低落,战斗力衰弱);师吏(军吏);师令(军令);师干(本指军队的防御力量。 后指军队);师禁(军队的禁令)(6) 军师 [strategist]千乘之国,摄乎大国之间,加之以师旅,因之以饥馑。——《论语·先进》(7) 民众,徒众 [the masses]溥彼韩城, 燕师所完。 ——《诗·大雅·韩奕》师,众也。——《尔雅》师锡帝曰。 ——《书·尧典》天子所都曰京师。地下之众者,莫过于水,地上之众者,莫过于人,京大师众也。 (8) 又如:师锡(众人的意见;舆论)(9) 古代行政区划单位八家而为邻,三邻而为朋,三朋而为里,五里而为邑,十邑而为都,十都而为师,州十有二师焉。——《尚书大传》(10) 老师 [teacher;master]古之学者必有师。 师者,所以传道受业解惑也。——唐· 韩愈《师说》又患无硕师名人与游。 ——明· 宋濂《送东阳马生序》(11) 又如:师儒(乡里教人道艺的人);师生关系;师风(老师的风度);师台(对老师的尊称);师保(负责教导贵族子弟的官);师课(由书院负责人主持的对学生进行的月考)(12) 对僧、尼、道士的尊称 [Master]。如:师太(对年长尼姑的尊称);师丈(对老僧的尊称);师姑堂(尼姑庵);师婆(巫婆);师哥(寺院中伺候客人的小和尚);师娘(巫婆);师巫(巫师);师姥(巫婆);师姨(比丘尼。 即女僧)(13) 长,首领 [leader]甸师,下士二人。——《周礼》(14) 亦以称专司一事的神道或官员(15) 首都,京城 [capital]因入京师,观太学,遂通五经,贯六艺。 ——《后汉书·张衡传》(16) 擅长某种技术或在某个领域里有特殊技能的人 [a person skilled in a certain trade or expert in a certain profession] 而渔工水师虽知而不能言。——宋· 苏轼《石钟山记》(17) 又如:工程师;医师;厨师;技师;师工(技工。 亦指厨师与烧火工人);师家(师傅门下)(18) 乐师;乐官 [musician]师旷鼓琴。——《盐铁论·相刺》(19) 又如:师工(古称主事制曲奏乐的人。 即乐师);师襄(春秋卫国的乐官)(20) 学习的榜样 [model;fine example]。如:前事不忘,后事之师(21) 姓词性变化◎ 师师 shī〈动〉(1) 效法;学习 [imitate]生乎吾前,其闻道也固先乎吾,吾从而师之。 ——唐· 韩愈《师说》(2) 又如:师古(效法古代);师仰(师法敬仰);师师(互相效法);师式(学习或效法的典范);师效(效法)(3) 出兵征伐,进军 [dispatch troops]若国作民而师田行役之事。——《周礼·地官·州长》(4) 又如:师祭(古代军队出兵时所行祭祀祈祷之礼);师期(出师的日期)。 2. 文言文句子中含“师”的意思 1 军队的编制 师,二千五百人为师。 ——《说文》 王乃犬巡六师。——《书·伪泰誓》2 泛指军队 十年春,齐师伐王。 ——《左传·庄公十年》 九国之师,逡巡而不敢进。——汉· 贾谊《过秦论》3 老师 古之学者必有师。 师者,所以传道受业解惑也。——唐· 韩愈《师说》 又患无硕师名人与游。 ——明· 宋濂《送东阳马生序》 4 古代行政单位 八家而为邻,三邻而为朋,三朋而为里,五里而为邑,十邑而为都,十都而为师,州十有二师焉。——《尚书大传》5 首都,京城 因入京师,观太学,遂通五经,贯六艺。 ——《后汉书·张衡传》6 效法;学习 生乎吾前,其闻道也固先乎吾,吾从而师之。——唐· 韩愈《师说》。 3. 师字在文言文中有哪些意思 “师”字在文言文中有 军队、老师、学习的意思 简体部首: 巾 ,部外笔画: 3 ,总笔画: 6释义◎ 教人的人:老~。 导~。~傅。 ~生。~徒。 ~德。良~益友。 好(hào )为人~。◎ 擅长某种技术的人:工程~。 医~。技~。 ◎ 效法:~法古人。◎ 榜样:~范。 ◎ 指由师徒或师生关系产生的:~母。~兄。 ~弟。~妹。 ◎ 对和尚或道士的尊称:法~。禅~。 ◎ 军队:会~。出~。 ◎ 军队的编制单位,团或旅的上一级:~长。~座。 ◎ 一国的首都:京~。◎ 姓。 组词◎ 师生 shīshēng[teacher and student] 老师和学生师生关系◎ 师徒 shītú(1) [master and apprentice; teacher and student]∶师傅和徒弟;师生师徒之谊(2) [soldier]∶兵士率彼师徒,捣其窟穴◎ 师事 shīshì[serve as master (teacher)] 以师礼相待故孟懿子与南宫敬叔师事仲尼。——《左传·昭公七年》◎ 师团 shītuán[division] 某些国家军队编制的一级,大致相当于中国的师◎ 师心自用 shīxīn-zìyòng[regard oneself as infallible;consider oneself always in the right;be opinionated] 师心,本指以己意为师,后称固执己见、自以为是为师心自是,或师心自用造句1. 唐僧师徒西天取经,经历了许多苦难。 2. .唐僧师徒四人望着波涛汹涌的通天河,正掂量着如何过去时,千年神龟及时帮助他们解决了问题。3. 师徒二人步调一致,一方掩护同时另一方进攻。 4. 师徒俩又亲密无间地拉起家常,就像刚才并没有发生过争吵似的。5. 唐僧师徒一路跋山涉水,百折不饶,终于取得真经。 4. 师字在文言文中有哪些意思 “师”字在文言文中有 军队、老师、学习的意思 简体部首: 巾 ,部外笔画: 3 ,总笔画: 6 释义 ◎ 教人的人:老~。导~。~傅。~生。~徒。~德。良~益友。好(hào )为人~。 ◎ 擅长某种技术的人:工程~。医~。技~。 ◎ 效法:~法古人。 ◎ 榜样:~范。 ◎ 指由师徒或师生关系产生的:~母。~兄。~弟。~妹。 ◎ 对和尚或道士的尊称:法~。禅~。 ◎ 军队:会~。出~。 ◎ 军队的编制单位,团或旅的上一级:~长。~座。 ◎ 一国的首都:京~。 ◎ 姓。 组词 ◎ 师生 shīshēng [teacher and student] 老师和学生 师生关系 ◎ 师徒 shītú (1) [master and apprentice; teacher and student]∶师傅和徒弟;师生 师徒之谊 (2) [soldier]∶兵士 率彼师徒,捣其窟穴 ◎ 师事 shīshì [serve as master (teacher)] 以师礼相待 故孟懿子与南宫敬叔师事仲尼。——《左传·昭公七年》 ◎ 师团 shītuán [division] 某些国家军队编制的一级,大致相当于中国的师 ◎ 师心自用 shīxīn-zìyòng [regard oneself as infallible;consider oneself always in the right;be opinionated] 师心,本指以己意为师,后称固执己见、自以为是为师心自是,或师心自用 造句 1. 唐僧师徒西天取经,经历了许多苦难。 2. .唐僧师徒四人望着波涛汹涌的通天河,正掂量着如何过去时,千年神龟及时帮助他们解决了问题。 3. 师徒二人步调一致,一方掩护同时另一方进攻。 4. 师徒俩又亲密无间地拉起家常,就像刚才并没有发生过争吵似的。 5. 唐僧师徒一路跋山涉水,百折不饶,终于取得真经。
2023-07-18 21:22:201


I dont"t know why so many people like them very (much).One of my friend(改为friends)told me that he love(d) this band very much.Then I seach sth about them and I found (that)many people love their music! I want to know why. "I listened some songs of them tonight."感觉改为I listened some of their songs 好点~ 应该是They don"t sounds bad but I just don"t like.“Maybe I"m not have a right of comment because I nearly don"t understand music. ”应改为“maybe I don"t have the right to comment because i hardly understand music" " I"ll listen more music of them and then maybe I"ll like their music because of knowing them. "感觉变成"i"ll try to listen to their music more often and then probably i"ll change my mind."最后一句最好改成"don"t make a comment so fast before you truly know it
2023-07-18 21:22:325


2023-07-18 21:22:514


1、你的眼睛,如花般斑斓。 Your eyes, like beautiful flowers. 2、一次的邂逅,一辈子的伤。 A chance encounter, a lifetime of injury. 3、曾经相遇,总胜过从未碰头。 Once met, total than never to meet. 4、原先笑靥如花,后来满是伤疤。 The original smile, then full of scars. 5、删了一个好友,空了一个分组。 Delete a friend, a group of empty. 6、电影散场,你等的人却仍然没有来。 The movie, you and other people still do not have to. 7、太怕失去你,所以笑里都写满孤寂。 Too afraid to lose you, so smile all write full of loneliness. 8、无人与我立黄昏,无人问我粥可温。 No one with me in the evening, no one asked me porridge. 9、后来我继续喜欢你,继续心酸与孤独。 Then I continue to love you, to sad and lonely. 10、我还留在原地等待,你却从未回头看。 I still stay where you are, but you never look back. 11、曾被爱伤得彻底才把自己关的那么紧。 Once you have to completely shut myself so tight. 12、你的世界如此辽阔,我会在哪个角落。 Your world is so vast, I will be in the corner. 13、你真幽默,用分手来试探我有多爱你。 You really humorous, with the break up to test how much I love you. 14、你不要再回来了我已经没有力气讨好。 You don"t want to come back, I have no strength to please. 15、你微笑着站在远方,我在这里寂寞流浪。 You smiled and stood in the distance, I am here lonely wandering. 16、若未来你能想起我,希望那是温暖瞬间。 If you can think of me in the future, I hope it is a warm moment. 17、最恐惧寂寞、却总是被这种恐惧缠绕着。 The most afraid of loneliness, but is always haunted by this fear. 18、如果你不能爱我,就不该打扰我的平静。 If you can"t love me, don"t disturb my peace. 19、老师唯一没骗我们的就是,三年真的很短! The only teacher didn"t deceive us is that three years is really short! 20、你若对我沉默,对不起,我只好对你冷漠。 If you are silent to me, I am sorry, I have to be indifferent to you. 21、我只能任凭回忆,嘲笑我自己到底有多孤单 I can only let the memories, laugh at me in the end how lonely 22、陪你走完这一段路,你也变成我路过的路。 Accompany you to go through this section of the road, you have become my way through the road. 23、黑白色的心底最柔软的地方也被你击碎了。 The black and white color of the bottom of the heart of the most soft place you have shattered. 24、其实,我一直都在你身后,就差你一个回头。 In fact, I have been behind you, you will be sent back. 25、我若不爱你,又怎会允许你践踏我的自尊心? If I don"t love you, how can I allow you to trample on my pride? 26、你想要一个关于永久的承诺,我真的给不起。 You want a permanent commitment, I really can not afford to. 27、对于你,我始终只能以陌生人的身份去怀念。 For you, I always can only to the identity of a stranger to miss. 28、不要接近我,熟悉我,心疼我,然后离开我。 Don"t be close to me, know me, love me, then leave me. 29、我没有饮过最烈的酒,但我放弃过最爱的人。 I have never drunk the strongest wine, but I have given up on the most loved one. 30、我就是一个笑话,逗笑了别人,笑疼了自己。 I was a joke, laugh others, smile hurt yourself. 31、承受自己能承受住的,忍受自己不能承受的。 Bear oneself can bear, bear oneself can not bear. 32、喜欢喝白开水,因为这样可以温暖我冰凉的心。 Like drinking water, because it can warm my cold heart. 33、我喜欢笑,因为我想把悲伤融合在我的笑容里。 I like to laugh, because I want to put the sadness in my smile. 34、远离对你忽冷忽热的人,别做别人寂寞时的玩伴。 Apart from the people you don"t do what others sometimes hot and sometimes cold, lonely playmates. 35、据说,一个男孩喜欢你,他会一直不叫你的名字。 It is said that a boy likes you, he will not call you by name. 36、要么一直骄傲的单身,要么全心全意只为一个人。 Either have been proud of single, or heart and soul only for a person. 37、曾经我爱你爱到骨子里,如今我恨你恨进血液里。 I love you, love to the bones, now I hate you into the blood. 38、能不能。有那么一个肩膀。让我可以一辈子依靠。 Can not. There is a shoulder. Let me be able to depend on. 39、以前觉得撕心裂肺的事,变成回忆后就成了笑话。 I think the piercing thing, become a memory after a joke. 40、你是我的可遇不可求,可遇不可留,可遇不可有。 You are my can not seek, can not stay, can not have. 41、我多想画个圈,把自己关在里面,把一切挡在外面。 I want to draw a circle, put myself in it, and put everything in the outside. 42、幸福的事不是有很多人爱你,而是你爱的人也爱你。 The happy thing is not that there are many people love you, but you love the people who love you. 43、错爱,是喜欢却不合适的鞋,穿了脚疼,扔了心疼。 So, love is not the right shoes, wearing foot pain, threw distressed. 44、我拒绝了所有暧昧,只为等你的一个不确定的未来。 I refused all ambiguous, only to wait for you an uncertain future. 45、上学换座位的时候,和喜欢的人一桌,是最幸福的事。 Go to school for a seat, and like a table, is the most happy thing. 46、曾经莪以为念念不忘?人,也就在一念之间都忘记了。 Once I thought about the people, also it have forgotten. 47、少走了弯路,也就错过了风景。无论如何,感谢经历。 Less detours, but also missed the scenery. Anyway, thanks for the experience. 48、幸福请了假,漂流在何方;若不曾迷茫,又何来悲伤? Happiness please leave, drifting in where; if not lost, and what to sad? 49、相遇,是一种美丽,像一座小城向晚,映着夕阳的绚烂。 Meet, is a kind of beauty, like a small town in the evening, reflecting the splendid sunset. 50、时光你总是那么自以为是,我的心却被你伤的零零落落。 The time you are always so opinionated, but my heart was hurt you and zero zero. 51、孤单不是与生俱来,而是由你爱上一个人的那一刻开始。 Alone is not born, but by the moment you fall in love with a person. 52、我说我爱他。他说他也爱我。那么。这样可以继续很久吧。 I said I loved him. He said he loved me too. Then. This will continue for a long time. 53、害怕太主动反而被敷衍,只好把自己的想念和热情都收敛。 Fear too much initiative but be put to a superficial, have their own thoughts and enthusiasm are converging. 54、如果时光是记忆的橡皮擦,我希望自己从来没有使用过它。 If time is a memory eraser, I hope I never used it. 55、我不会再继续喜欢你了,这段文字打完后我就准备离开你了。 I will not continue to like you, this section of the text after I was ready to leave you. 56、终于如你所愿,我已将你视为平常,连看你一眼都觉得多余。 Finally, as you wish, I have seen you as a normal, even if you have a look at the excess. 57、明知道你的说说写的不是为我,而我却自欺欺人的对号入座。 You know about writing is not for me, but I was talking. 58、疼吗?疼也不要说,有事自己扛着,别人不是你,不会懂你。 Does it hurt? Don"t say, you have to carry, others are not you, will not understand you. 59、哭的再歇斯底里也代表不了有多伤心,只有笑的灿烂才最坚强。 Cry again the hysteria can not rePsent how sad, only the brilliant smile is the most strong. 60、能不能告诉我,你和我的关系,要么让我安心,或者,让我死心! Can you tell me the relationship between you and me, or let me, or let me up! 61、当你看惯了任何人的忽冷忽热,你也就习惯了所有人的渐行渐远。 When you see anyone you are accustomed to sometimes hot and sometimes cold, drifting away all the people. 62、真希望自己变回小孩,因为,摔破的膝盖总比破碎的心要容易修补。 I hope to be a child, because skinned knees are easier to fix than broken hearts. 63、眼泪的存在是为了证明一切都不是幻觉,好想让我想得都成为现实。 The existence of tears is to prove that everything is not illusion, want to make me want to be a reality. 64、男人喜欢漂亮脸蛋,女人喜欢甜言蜜语。所以女人化妆,男人撒谎。 Men like beautiful face, women like sweet. So women make up, men lie. 65、走着走着,就散了,回忆都淡了;回头发现,你不见了,忽然我乱了。 Walk, walk, walk away, the recollection is weak; turn head to discover, you are gone, suddenly my disorderly. 66、世界上最远的距离,不是爱,也不是恨,而是熟悉的人,渐渐得陌生。 The furthest distance in the world, is not love, not hate, but familiar with people, gradually unfamiliar. 67、真的想成为你的遗憾,等你老了,想起我来,如我现在这般,苦笑不堪。 I want to be your regret when you are old, I think, as I do now, smile. 68、我不敢奢求太多,只想把瞬间当成永远,把现在都变成回忆,一点一滴。 I dare not to expect too much, just the moment as always, to now become memories, every little bit. 69、该走的人迟早会走,与其费力勒紧手里的线,不如等风来的时候就放手。 The right people will go sooner or later, its effort to tighten his line, such as when the wind comes to let go. 70、知道什么叫多余吗?夏天的棉袄,冬天的风扇,还有已经心冷后的殷勤。 Do you know what is redundant? Summer cotton padded jacket, winter fan, and have the heart after the hospitality. 71、有没有过班主任不在班上时教室声音很大,可是有时会诡异的安静几秒。 There is not a class teacher is not in class when the classroom sounds great, but sometimes the strange quiet a few seconds. 72、华丽的姿态,能有几人知其内幕?逞强的成熟,又有谁能知其内心的幼稚? Gorgeous posture, can have a few people know its insider? To mature, and who can know the inner childish? 73、很多人不需要再见,因为只是路过而已。遗忘就是我们给彼此最好的纪念。 A lot of people don"t need good-bye, because it"s just passing by. Forgetting is the best memorial to each other. 74、曾经我以为真心对待一个自己爱的人就能永远,现在想来,不过就是个笑话。 Once I thought to be true to one"s own love can be forever, and now want to come, but is a joke. 75、对不起,没长成你喜欢的样子,没养成你喜欢的性格,没有让你心动的感觉。 Sorry, not the way you like, did not develop your favorite character, did not make you feel the heart. 76、我什么都没有忘,但是有些事只适合收藏,不能说,也不能想,却又不能放。 I have nothing to forget, but some things are only suitable for collection, can not say, can not think, but can not put. 77、以后的岁月还那么漫长,漫长到我可以重新喜欢上别人,就像当初喜欢你那样。 After the years is so long, long to I can love others, just like you do. 78、我希望你幸福,因为那是我最大的心愿;我又怕你幸福,因为那样你就会忘了我。 I hope you are happy, because it is my biggest wish; I"m afraid you happiness, because then you will forget me. 79、我不知道异地恋能坚持多久,不能见面,不能拥抱,不能亲吻,就连牵手都是奢侈。 I do not know how long distance love can persist, can not meet, can not hug, can not kiss, even in hand is a luxury.
2023-07-18 21:23:061


分类: 外语/出国 问题描述: The NIRVANA I dont"t know why so many people like them very.Or maybe i just can"t enjoy their music... One of my friend told me that he love this band very much. Then I seach sth about them and I found many people love their music! So I want to know why. I listened some songs of them tonight. I try to find some songs I like! But I couldn"t . To be honest, I don"t like that kind of music very much. They"re not sounds bad but I just don"t like. Maybe I"m opinionated because I just heard a few songs of them. Maybe I"m not have a right of ment because I nearly don"t understand music. I"ll listen more music of them and then maybe I"ll like their music because of knowing them. Do not make a ment too fast before you know it, I think.这里面应该有很多语法错误才对> < 如果可以的话希望能有一些写作建议,比如其他的表达法等等 谢谢大家 如果改得详细的话我会追加赏分哦!!! 解析: I dont"t know why so many people like them very. 首先don"t写错了,very也不能放在句尾,应该去掉 Or maybe i just can"t enjoy their music... I大写,其他没错,但觉得不太通顺,如果你想说"或许我只是不懂得欣赏他们的音乐",你可以说maybe I don"t know how to appreciate their music 更好一些 One of my friend told me that he love this band very much. 应该是one of my friends,told为过去式,后面时态一致应为loved Then I seach sth about them and I found many people love their music! 搜索是search 不是seach,整句话时态都不清楚,前面search是一般现在时,后面found是过去式,再后面love又为现在时,应统一. So I want to know why. 这句对了 I listened some songs of them tonight. 应该是listened to I try to find some songs I like! 应该是tried But I couldn"t . To be honest, I don"t like that kind of music very much. To be honest?你是不是想说"说句实话",那应该表达为 In fact,后面用very much不妥,最好说I don"t like that kind of music at all,我一点也不喜欢那种音乐. They"re not sounds bad but I just don"t like. 这里错了,应该是they don"t sound bad,而不应该用被动 Maybe I"m opinionated because I just heard a few songs of them. 也许我自以为是因为我只听了一点,heard应该改成listened to,一点点应该是few而不是a few. Maybe I"m not have a right of ment because I nearly don"t understand music. 应该是I don"t have a right ment,后面对了 I"ll listen more music of them and then maybe I"ll like their music because of knowing them. listen后面加to,后面没有语法错误 Do not make a ment too fast before you know it, I think. 没错 我觉得你的英语表达能力应该注意训练啊,虽然有些看起来是对的,但是读起来很不通顺,应该避免写成中国式英语,希望你继续努力.
2023-07-18 21:23:151


Once upon a time..." A half-ruined merchant lives in the country with his son Ludovic and his three daughters. Two of the daughters, Felicie and Adelaide, are real shrews, selfish, pretentious, evil. They exploit the third daughter, Belle, as a servant. One day, the merchant get lost in the forest and enters a strange castle. He picks up a rose for Beauty, what makes the castle"s owner appear. He is a monster, half-human (body) and half-beast (paws, head), and he has magic powers. He sentenced the merchant to death, unless one of his daughters replaces him. Beauty sacrifices herself for her father and go to the castle. She will discover that the Beast is not so wild and inhuman than it looks.
2023-07-18 21:23:362


1.the charming folk song is popular among students"especiallygirl students2.he failed many times in his experiments,but he believed that failure is the mother of success3.算了太累人了小孩子的作业还是自己完成比较好
2023-07-18 21:23:577


2023-07-18 21:24:155