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prime day 2022年是什么时候

2023-07-19 13:08:00




亚马逊在发布的一份新闻稿中说,Early Deals将从6月21日开始,亚马逊的部分设备将打55%的折扣,Fire TV最高打50%的折扣,还有更多来自大牌的交易,包括Shark、三星等。

还可以免费试用亚马逊的许多额外的订阅服务,包括Music Unlimited、Kindle Unlimited和Audible,时间最长为四个月。


prime day 什么意思

Prime Day是亚马逊在2015年7月15日开始推出的专为prime会员举行的为期一天的全球范围购物节,简单的理解为淘宝天猫的双十一吧。. 活动当天prime会员可以在亚马逊覆盖的全球各个国家站点参加成千上万的劲爆秒杀活动(相对来说要比平时便宜个15%左右,同时免配送费),几乎涵盖了所有的品类。. 会员能够以独享的最大折扣购买他们想要的商品,每个人都能找到自己想要的东西,而卖家可以通过在卖家后台提报秒杀来参加。首届Prime Day持续时间为24小时,活动覆盖全球9个国家,FBA卖家销售额增长300%,售出3440万件商品。这么多年下来,Prime Day不仅持续时间延长,参与活动的商品类目更加丰富,覆盖国家和地区也在持续扩大。根据Markerplace Pulse数据显示,在2019年的Prime Day中,亚马逊共销售出1.75亿件商品,第三方卖家在这两日的销售额超过20亿美金。成绩超过了去年黑五和网一的总和,是亚马逊有史以来最大的第三方卖家销售记录。销量最大的就是美国站和日本站。
2023-07-18 20:01:021

什么是Prime Day?亚马逊会员日

Prime day是亚马逊给会员的一次好福利啦,会员可在会员日期间买到很多折扣产品,包括自营产品,同时还会有flash sale,相当于秒杀,关注shopcyco官网,届时会有最快的折扣信息分享哦~
2023-07-18 20:01:304


亚马逊会员日的开始时间基本都会在每年的7月份前后,当然,各国的亚马逊会员日的开始时间会有所差别。亚马逊会员日Prime Day顾名思义,必须是Prime会员才有资格购买,它是每年亚马逊的周年庆,主要为特定国家的Prime会员提供促销,秒杀的优惠活动,折扣甚至超过黑五。亚马逊会员日的活动基本各个站点都会参加,持续时间在两到三天,会员日当天亚马逊将提供上百款秒杀商品,每十分钟更新促销活动产品,商品涵盖电子数码、玩具、游戏、电影、服饰、运动户外产品等。很多商品都会集中大促,限会员购买,或者会员在叠加额外折扣,不同类别的商品折扣活动也是不一样的。亚马逊的发展变化亚马逊公司是美国最大的一家网络电子商务公司,位于华盛顿州的西雅图。是网络上最早开始经营电子商务的公司之一,亚马逊成立于1994年,一开始只经营网络的书籍销售业务,现在则扩及了范围相当广的其他产品,已成为全球商品品种最多的网上零售商和全球第二大互联网企业。亚马逊及其它销售商为客户提供数百万种独特的全新、翻新及二手商品,如图书、影视、音乐和游戏、数码下载、电子和电脑、家居园艺用品、玩具、婴幼儿用品、食品、服饰、鞋类和珠宝、健康和个人护理用品、体育及户外用品、玩具、汽车及工业产品等。
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亚马逊prime day是哪天

2022年亚马逊prime day于7月12-13日举行。本次会员日覆盖的站点数达到24个,是历史上最多的一次。与去年相比,包括中国卖家在内,来自全球的第三方卖家将通过亚马逊Prime会员日,为消费者提供涵盖各个品类的产品和超值优惠。今年,瑞典、波兰和埃及站点首次参加亚马逊Prime会员日,其中,瑞典和波兰两个站点已分别在2020年和2021年对中国卖家开放。相关内容:参加会员日的其他站点还包括奥地利、澳大利亚、比利时、巴西、加拿大、中国、法国、德国、意大利、日本、卢森堡、墨西哥、荷兰、葡萄牙、新加坡、西班牙、英国、美国、印度、沙特阿拉伯和阿联酋。其中,印度、沙特阿拉伯、阿联酋和埃及站点的亚马逊Prime会员日将在今年夏天晚些时候举办。与上届亚马逊Prime会员日相比,亚马逊还新推出了一些功能,在帮助消费者提前做好购物准备的同时,还有助于增加卖家销售机会。例如,Prime会员通过订阅功能,能接收近期搜索和浏览商品的优惠提醒,购物体验将比以往更简单。此外,Prime会员还可以将喜欢的产品添加至愿望清单、购物车或暂存起来,Alexa可以在优惠上线时发送提醒,甚至代为下单。
2023-07-18 20:01:531

如何玩转亚马逊prime day

2023-07-18 20:02:283

什么是Prime Day?亚马逊会员日

亚马逊Prime Day,顾名思义就是亚马逊会员日,给Prime会员准备的盛宴,打折促销,秒杀。PrimeDay日亚秒杀官方专题页面,已经火力全开
2023-07-18 20:02:371

亚马逊日本站Prime Day临近,爆单选品指南来了

据亚马逊2022年第一季度的财报中显示,亚马逊会员日将于7月在20多个国家举行,其他有关日期的细节暂未披露。 距离2022亚马逊Prime Day只剩下两个月,亚马逊日本站的卖家可以着手开始选品了!新手卖家可从 【环保】【舒适】 方向进行选品,与此同时还有大热的创意防护用品及健身器材类产品。 小斑整理了一份日亚Prime Day选品指南,卖家可作为选品参考哦。 (图源网络) 女士裙装 半身裙 连衣裙 在日本市场中,女装一直处于上涨趋势,女士裙装属于全年热销产品。日本消费者更偏向宽松保守通勤的裙款,更在意自己的整体形象和气质,会选择有一些设计亮点的裙子。 选品建议 款式:宽松款,长度至少在膝盖往上一点的位置(日本人社交礼仪可能会鞠躬,裙子太短会影响雅观) 材质: 棉质、牛仔、真丝 热卖颜色: 温婉优雅的颜色,不要使用饱和度过高的颜色 亮点元素: 百褶、波点、蕾丝+镂空、后背系带 价格区间 半裙:3000-20000日元 连衣裙:8000-20000日元 经营建议 详情页面:色彩柔和,使用形象优雅、温柔婉约的模特 卖点:适合通勤穿着,同时可略搭配通勤款鞋子包包,强调整体和谐。 (图源网络) 女士内衣 以舒适为主 女士内衣是2021年亚马逊所有产品中销售增长表现较好的品类。日本消费者对亲肤类纺织品服装品质要求较高,在购买时会首先考虑舒适度,其次才是塑形功能。 选品建议 款式:尽量选择不带钢圈、材质舒服的内衣,塑形内衣中带蕾丝花边、聚拢功能等设计更受消费者欢迎。颜色主要以单色为主,畅销的颜色有白色、肉色、粉色、红色、蓝色、灰色、黑色。 材质: 棉质、真丝,以舒适为主。 价格区间: 1000-4000日元。 差评集中问题: 尺码贴身、合适 衣物有线头,缝制接口刺激皮肤 注意: 卖家在listing上放的产品照片只需要做基本拍摄就可以,放奇怪的照片并不会吸引更多的消费者购买,还会有违规的风险。 (图源网络) 凉鞋板鞋 简约百搭 凉鞋品类在亚马逊日本站中,年销售额增长非常大。日本的流行风格趋于简约,板鞋简单好穿,而且比较百搭,不管是西装、休闲服、运动服都能搭配板鞋。 选品建议 凉鞋款式 洞洞鞋不论是在男鞋还是女鞋中都是热卖款,涉水鞋也有不错的销售表现。日本女性偏爱带蕾丝配饰和蝴蝶配饰的凉鞋,偏爱坡跟,对鞋跟高度有需求。日本男性比较在意凉鞋的鞋宽和舒适度。 板鞋款式 舒适、 时尚 、透气、不闷脚 价格区间: 1000-3000日元 (图源网络) 男士商务背包 多功能、实用 男士商务背包一直都是比较强势的类目,日本消费者注重收纳功能,内胆设计可以增加便当盒、增加USB接口、水杯袋等等,便于整理。卖家可以多注重其功能性。 选品建议 款式: 功能性更强、大容量、轻便耐用 价格区间: 4000-7000日元 (图源网络) 除选品外,卖家还需注意亚马逊日本站部分类目的帮助页面将于5月11日发生更改,以下是公告内容: 以下帮助页面将于2022年5月11日起修订: 药妆/膳食营养剂/医药产品/烟草及烟草相关产品/FBA禁运商品 主要修订内容和销售违禁品示例更新如下: 法律禁止持有的大麻衍生产品。例如,含有四氢大麻酚(THC)的产品。过去发现含有四氢大麻酚成分的大麻二酚(CBD)产品(包括同品牌和同系列的产品),含有大麻二酚(CBD)的产品。 (该内容源于亚马逊) (图源网络) “七分靠选品,三分靠运营” ,卖家在选品时一定要慎重,不要盲目选品,需参考以往销售数据计划选品。预祝所有日亚卖家都能抓住Prime Day大促,爆单不停!
2023-07-18 20:02:441

亚马逊prime day 每个卖家都可以参加活动吗

可以,登陆会员后就可以报名进入Amazon Prime会员服务30天免费试用申请,点击“Start your 30-day free trial”按钮开始免费试用申请。如果你没有登录的话,请输入你的注册邮箱和密码进行登录。已经登录了的就没有这一步骤。填写页面上出现的信息。然后点“Start my free trial”开始免费试用Prime服务。其它的都没难度了,我就不再多说了。Prime服务免费试用申请成功后,切记30天内要取消自动续费(不取消的话,30天后自动续费,会从你信用卡上划走$79),可不能便宜了美国人。我们不等30天了,申请成功后马上取消自动续费,这并不影响你的30天免费试用。海猫跨境
2023-07-18 20:02:531

prime day持续多少小时

黑色星期五 就和国内的双11差不多黑色星期五(The Black Friday)是美国圣诞大采购日,时间是11月的第四个星期五。简介:美国的圣诞节大采购一般是从感恩节之后开始的。感恩节是每个11月的第四个星期四。因此它的第二天,也就是11月的第四个星期五也就是美国人大采购的第一天。在这一天,美国的商场都会推出大量的和活动,以在年底进行最后一次大规模的促销。因为美国的商场一般以红笔记录赤字,以黑笔记录盈利,而感恩节后的这个星期五人们疯狂的抢购使得商场利润大增,因此被商家们称作黑色星期五。商家期望通过以这一天开始的圣诞大采购为这一年获得最多的盈利。
2023-07-18 20:03:242

亚马逊7月15日Prime Day会员特卖日 先来瞧瞧免费会员怎么弄吧

  怎么样才能参加Prime day的优惠活动呢?首先,你需要有一个Prime会员身份,Amazon也为用户提供会员免费试用30天的服务。  如何开通 1个月的免费Prime试用以及如何取消这项服务的详细教程:  1.打开美国亚马逊Amazon Prime会员申请页面,点击“Start Your 30-days free Trial”按钮。  2.已有美亚账号的直接输入邮箱密码登陆,新用户注册后登陆。如果账户内已有信用卡地址等信息能直接申请,没有就先填写信息,确认无误提交(示例为新填信息)。  3.成功开通。  4.如果试用期限结束后不想再享受Prime服务,避免麻烦,一定要记得取消自动续费。鼠标移至右上角的My Account,点击打开“Your Prime Membership”。  5.进入Amazon Prime管理页面,会发现左侧栏有显示免费试用到期时间,点击“Do not continue”。  6.取消页面有三个选项,分别是继续成为会员(Continue Membership)、免费试用结束前三天提醒(Remind Me Later)、不再继续(Do Not Continue)。点击“Do Not Continue”确认取消续费。  7.续费取消后,你还是可以享受1个月的Prime免费服务滴。
2023-07-18 20:03:491


亚马逊的 Prime 服务类似于国内的京东,有保证时效的物流服务,旨在提高消费者购买产品的体验,很多亚马逊会员都是冲着prime这个服务去购物的
2023-07-18 20:04:032

亚马逊prime day 有几天

2023-07-18 20:04:112

怎样注册亚马逊Prime 会员

Prime day是亚马逊一年一度给平台会员的一次福利,随着过去几年Prime day的宣传力度逐年加大。平台同时拥有1亿多的会员,加上亚马逊第三方卖家,可是真二八经的让利给消费者,而不是像淘宝,天猫一样提高售价再打折。所以,Prime day那一星期,卖家销量会有一个“珠穆拉玛峰”似的增长。prime day的第一重要目的是:销量,第二重要目的才是:利润。关键性的操作方法把握住三点即可:《亚马逊2019年Prime Day入仓指南!》1、已经报上活动的listing,尽量不要去更改价格虽然价格的设定权在卖家手里,但提高售价有被取消参与活动资格的风险。在prime day暴涨流量的时间段,可以产生大量订单。更多的订单,意味着更高的资金周转率,进而推动listing的排名和权重,带来比平常几倍的销售额,这就达到了做高店铺等级的销售额原则。2、亚马逊站内广告不要停,经常有卖家说:Prime day我报上名了,库存也充足,是不是可以暂停站内广告?Prime day当天可以说是万众瞩目,我身边很多卖家都开始调休,让几个运营晚上上夜班,盯着广告的预算内和ACOS。短时间内,站内广告竞价肯定会提高很多,你的竞争对手都在熬夜调广告,这期间站内广告能够帮你赢得更多的市场份额!进一步做高店铺订单数等级。3.备货充足,备货是一直困扰着卖家的一个难题。Prime day是对卖家供应链的一次“高考”,Prime day前1-2个月需要联系工厂下单,做货。Prime day期间,需要及时监控销量,订单不足需要降价。订单过多,可以提高单价,进而追求利润,Prime day快结束的1-2天,需要根据FBA库存情况,进行空运红单补货,这里又考验卖家的物流合作商是否稳定,靠谱。4.自发货跟卖参加活动listing,为了充分扩大销量,把自发货也需要运用起来。作为一项商业促销活动,作为卖家,应该学会抓住机会赚钱,通过跟卖已参加prime day活动的listing,价格可以设置的稍微低一点,同样能赢得部分订单,并且给快要断货的listing减轻销售压力。总之是要利用可以增加销量的一切手段,把订单数量做上去,并且保证不断货,才能将Prime day的威力发挥到最大。
2023-07-18 20:04:263

如何迎战2017亚马逊prime day大促才能爆单

海猫跨境参与prime秒杀产品要求如下:u2022FBA和商家Prime寄送产品u2022申请产品价格必须低于过去90天的平均价的80% = 打两折以上u2022产品价格必须是自2016年最低的。u2022总量 = 价格X数量 必须高于 5000 美元。(特例产品)总量高于2500美元:健康用品,食物,化妆用品,婴儿。u20223星评价以上。u2022产品界面符合要求u2022成人用品,不雅图片,和含有社会争议的产品会被拒。
2023-07-18 20:04:391


作为亚马逊Prime Day促销的一部分,该网站现已上架来自Mophie的新款Juice Pack空气电池保护壳,支持 iPhone X / XS / XS Max 。 与去年 11 月发布的产品类似,其旨在作为官方电池保护套的替代品,为新 iPhone 用户提供额外的电池续航时间,iPhone XS / XS Max 版的售价均为 99.95美元(687 RMB)。新款 Juice Pack Air 保护套支持 Qi 无线充电、或通过 Lighting 接口进行充电。官方宣称 Juice Pack Air 的设计纤薄轻巧,背面的 LED 指示灯可让你知晓电量水平。两款型号均内置了 1720 mAh 的电池,可将 iPhone 续航延长至 34 小时(或为通话时间)。
2023-07-18 20:04:461


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问题一:歌词康宝莱一起摇摇的歌名是什么 在本经验使用的是酷狗音乐软件,点击:“听歌识曲”激活功能,建议手机保留这样的款能听歌识曲手机软件,以备用。 在听到歌曲的场所点击:“开始识别”,尽量走到声源近点的地方,保持手机听到声音是歌曲的,若太嘈杂了,歌曲声音被环境嘈杂声音掩没,是无法识别出来的。 歌曲信息:当歌曲识别出来的之后,点击:“下载”,可以将这首歌曲下载到手机上面,下载选择有不同音质的音乐文件,视自己的网络环境与手机空间定。。 另外还可以将歌曲添加到自己的收藏夹中,也就是自己的歌单中。登陆之后也可以将自己的歌曲和歌单分享给亲朋好友。 ? 问题二:康宝莱俱乐部常常放的那英文歌是什么 we are here herbalife 问题三:康宝莱有一首歌歌词里面有一句wearehere 叫什么 WE ARE THE WORLD -- Michael Jackson & Lionel Richie There es a time when we heed a certain cal When the world must e together as one There are people dying And it"s time to lend a hand to life The greatest gift of all We can"t go on pretending day by day That someone, somewhere will soon make a change We are all a part of God"s great big family And the truth, you know, love is all we need We are the world, we are the children We are the ones who make a brighter day so 问题四:康宝莱主题曲歌名 下一个天亮 播放 歌手:郭静 语言:国语 所属专辑:下一个天亮 用起伏的背影 挡住哭泣的心 有些故事不必说给每个人听 许多眼睛看的太浅太近 错过我没被看见 那个自己 用简单的言语 解开超载的心 有些情绪是该说给懂的人听 你的热泪比我激动怜惜 我发誓要更努力更有勇气 等下一个天亮 去上次牵手赏花那里散步好吗 有些积雪会自己融化 你的肩膀是我豁达的天堂 等下一个天亮 把 *** 我看海的照片送我好吗 我喜欢我飞舞的头发 和飘着雨还是眺望的眼光 用简单的言语 解开超载的心 有些情绪是该说给懂的人听 你的热泪比我激动怜惜 我发誓要更努力更有勇气 等下一个天亮 去上次牵手赏花那里散步好吗 有些积雪会自己融化 你的肩膀是我豁达的天堂 等下一个天亮 把 *** 我看海的照片送我好吗 我喜欢我飞舞的头发 和飘着雨还眺望的眼光 时间可以磨去我的棱角 有些坚持却永远磨不掉 请容许我小小的骄傲 因为有你这样的依靠 等下一个天亮 去上次牵手赏花那里散步好吗 有些积雪会自己融化 你的肩膀是我豁达的天堂 等下一个天亮 把 *** 我看海的照片送我好吗 我喜欢我飞舞的头发 和飘着雨还是眺望的眼光 问题五:康宝莱有一首Y M C N的英文歌叫什么名字 One Call Away - Charlie Puth Written by:Breyan Isaac/Matt Prime/Justin DJ Frank E Franks/Maureen Mozella McDonald/Shy Carter/Charle Puth I"m only one call away I"ll be there to save the day Superman got nothing on me I"m only one call away Call me baby if you need a friend I just wanna give you love e on e on e on Reaching out to you So take a chance No matter where you go Know you"re not alone I"m only one call away I"ll be there to save the day Superman got nothing on me I"m only one call away e along with me And don"t be scared I just wanna set you free e on e on e on You and me can make it anywhere For now we can stay here For a while Cause you know I just wanna see your *** ile No matter where you go You know you"re not alone I"m only one call away I"ll be there to save the day Superman got nothing on me I"m only one call away When you"re weak I"ll be strong I"m gonna keep holding on Now don"t you worry It won"t be long Darling If you feel like hope is gone Just run into my arms I"m only one call away I"ll be there to save the day Superman got nothing on me I"m only one I"m only one call away I"ll be there to save the day Superman got nothing on me I"m only one call away I"m only one call away...>> 问题六:康宝莱在线培训背景音乐是啥歌呀 LOVE STORY如果觉得答案解决了你的问题,请采纳,有问题可继续追问如果觉得答案解决了你的问题,请采纳,有问题可继续追问 问题七:乔纳森.里斯跳舞的曲子,在康宝莱的舞台上,跳舞的曲子叫什么名字 如果真有兴趣,问下总部客服。 问题八:康宝莱主题歌舞蹈叫什么 最炫民族风 问题九:康宝莱背景音乐在哪里下载? LOVE STORY 问题十:康宝莱开会时跳舞时的歌,一首莎啦啦,另一首呢? 还有一首是 YMCA
2023-07-18 20:05:031


2023-07-18 20:05:121


亚马逊站外选择影响亚马逊和联盟没有影响适合做站外 1、上新品的时候。新品到亚马逊仓库后大家想到的肯定是刷REVEIW,但是产品没有关键词排名,怎么刷?做站外可以解决:留评率和关键词排名。我们用抓客的关键词排名监控过,站外结束的2-3天,好多关键词排名都可以快速上升。  2、站内广告打不上的时候。做运营时间长的亚马逊卖家肯定碰见过,好好的站内广告每天可以烧10-20美金的,突然花不出去了。遇见这种情况,多半是因为你的ASIN表现差了,亚马逊把广告坑位给别人了,这个时间通过站外出单,可以帮你把提高出单和转化率。快速帮你把广告的坑位重新夺回来!  3、销量突然下降的时候。我们有的时候就是碰见某个ASIN出单很稳定的,但是最近1-2天突然销量下降了,这个时候你需要通过站外拉一拉排名,然后加大下广告了。不然沉下去再上来就不容易了!  4、遇到瓶颈的阶段。这种阶段下站内销量停滞不前,优化listing、增加广告预算也不见起色,这时候以站外推广进行助力可能会有很好效果;  5、旺季。比如之前的Prime day,在亚马逊都在强力推广的这个阶段如果顺势而为进行站外推广,会有事半功倍的效果。不管站内站外,都要懂得借助平台的流量;  6、平台流量爆发的时候。如开学季、万圣节,黑五等等节日,都是我们做站外推广的好时机;  7、秒杀前1-2天的时候。大家都知道秒杀的效果和平时的排名关系太大了,一个没有销量的产品想通过秒杀爆单是不可能的,这个时候就需要站外先给你拉动下销量,然后秒杀的销量就会好很多!  8、大卖打爆款的时候。很多大卖打爆款的前期都是刷大量单,但是科学海淘不能带来高曝光率和高点击率,这个时候除了CPC就是站外了,站外可以帮你实现高曝光率和高点击率,你只要稳住转化率,产品就可以快速起来。
2023-07-18 20:05:311


2023-07-18 20:05:394


印度是世界上发展最快的国家之一,经济增长速度引人瞩目。印度若以同等购买力来衡量,印度2017年全印度电商成交额为372亿美元。预计未来5年成交额会翻10倍,机不可失!那么面对印度市场,中国卖家该怎么做?印度消费者正在从线下走向线上,2017年印度电商市场销售额达250亿美元,据国际金融服务公司摩根史丹利预计,到2026年印度电商市场价值将达到2000亿美元,互联网渗透率将达到50%。欧睿公司(Euromonitor信息咨询公司)数据也显示,印度电商销售额正在以每年35%的速度增长。印度的整体增长势头吸引全球电商巨头纷纷进军印度市场,抢夺市场份额。5月,沃尔玛就以160亿美元收购了印度最大的电商Flipkart的多数股权,这只是其在印度的众多举措中的一部分。除了沃尔玛,亚马逊也看重印度市场,曾宣布要在印度投资50亿美元。目前,亚马逊已经将其Prime视频、音乐,以及每年的Prime Day促销推向了印度市场。阿里巴巴也在拓展印度市场,除了注资印度电商Paytm以外,阿里巴巴在2月份还对印度在线杂货店Bigbasket.com投资2亿美元。印度电商市场是块肥肉,但要吃下这块肥肉并不容易。沃尔玛首席财务官Brett Biggs接受电话采访时曾表示,许多公司在进军印度市场时,要经历相当长时间的亏损,并还在持续。据报道,截至2017年3月, Flipkart净亏损已达877.1亿卢比。2018年第1季度,亚马逊在全球范围内亏损增长了29%,达6.22亿美元,在印度的扩张是导致其亏损的原因之一。但有分析师表示,创建自有品牌可能可以扭转这种亏损趋势。Flipkart正在印度积极推出自有品牌。Flipkart拥有电子产品品牌MarQ、家居品牌Perfect Homes,其服装门户网站Myntra旗下还有13个不同的品牌。Flipkart的联合创始人Binny Bansal也表示,Flipkart创建的许多自有品牌很受印度民众的欢迎,“这正是我们所期待的。”Binny Bansal指出,在印度推自有品牌是有利可图的,因为自有品牌的定价比那些国际品牌实惠,对于喜欢便宜产品的印度消费者来说,极具吸引力。以Myntra旗下的Roadster牛仔裤为例,售价仅389卢比(5.73美元),而李维斯的牛仔裤售价高达1999卢比(29.47美元)。据内部消息人士透露,Flipkart的自有品牌服装在沃尔玛的印度门店中也非常受欢迎。Flipkart并不是唯一一个推出自有品牌的电商公司,亚马逊也一直在扩大其在全球的影响力,在床单、电池、衣服等类别都推出来自有品牌。亚马逊印度站的时装类负责人ArunSirdehmukh也表示,推出自有品牌可以帮助企业实现“整体的长期盈利”。据供应商透露,一双鞋子的零售价几乎是工厂售给零售商的3到4倍,像Flipkart和亚马逊这样的公司有很大的利润空间,他们低价销售自有品牌产品,仍有很大的盈利空间。
2023-07-18 20:06:161


【篇一】小朋友生日快乐英文祝福语 1、不做的别人,只做的自己。 Don"t be the best, just be the best. 2、希望宝宝健康快乐的成长,在学校和小伙伴好好相处。 I hope my baby can grow up healthily and happily, and get along well with my friends in school. 3、你应该小心一切假知识,它比无知更危险。 You should be careful of all false knowledge. It is more dangerous than ignorance. 4、你是一个了不起的人,我希望你以优雅和勇气成长。 You are a great person. I hope you grow up with grace and courage. 5、愿有前程可奔赴,亦有岁月可回首。 May there be a future to go, and years to look back. 6、望远镜,可以望见远的目标,却不能代替你走半步。 Telescopes can see distant targets, but they can"t take the place of you. 7、带孩子去玩,陪伴孩子一起成长,周末的幸福时光! Take children to play, accompany children to grow up together, happy weekend! 8、愿你一生一世每天都可以睡到自然醒。 May you sleep until you wake up every day of your life. 9、跌倒了,要自己爬起来不要让孩子过度依赖父母。 If you fall down, get up on your own and don"t let your child rely too much on his parents. 10、陪你半生遍历山河,愿你觉得人间值得。 Accompany you to travel the mountains and rivers for half of your life, wish you feel that the world is worth it. 11、遇难心不慌,遇易心更细。 Don"t panic when you are in distress, but be more careful when you are in change. 12、人生的光荣,不在于永不言败,而在于能够屡扑屡起。 The glory of life lies not in never saying defeat, but in being able to fight and rise again and again. 13、宝宝慢点长大,舍不得你长大承受这世间疾苦。 Baby grow up slowly, reluctant to let you grow up to bear the pain of this world. 14、毕业季节,愿你们的友谊永远不散。 Graduation season, I hope your friendship will never end. 15、此刻学习,你将圆梦。 Now study, you will realize your dream. 16、与你们的三年朝夕相处,我们建立了母子般的感情。 With your three years together day and night, we have established a mother child relationship. 17、祝你百尺竿头更进一步,新学期绘出新蓝图。 I wish you further progress and a new blueprint for the new term. 18、孩子,你害怕!你肯定能行的! Child, you are afraid! You can do it! 19、青丝着墨,点缀人生。 The green silk with ink embellishes life. 20、世界上那些最容易的事情中,拖延时间最不费力。 Of the easiest things in the world, procrastination is the least difficult. 【篇二】小朋友生日快乐英文祝福语 1、 Happy birthday. May gladness fill your every hour on this special day. 生日快乐!愿这特殊的日子里,你的每时每刻都充满欢乐。 2、Warm wishes on your birthday. I send along my love and affection for you as well as a small gift. Take care! 热烈祝贺你的生日,捎给你我对你的爱,也寄去一件小礼物,多保重! 3、Affectionate birthday greetings. Birthday means a new beginning and a new chance to take hold on life. 在你生日之际,向你致以亲切的祝贺。生日意味着一个新的开端,意味着重新把握生活的机会。 4、It"s time to celebrate your birthday. Happy birthday to an attractive and intellectual girl. 是庆祝你生日的时候了,祝福美丽、聪颖的你生日快乐! 5、 Many happy returns of this special day. All our best wishes go to you on your birthday. 祝你生日快乐,给你我们所有的祝福! 6、 We hope that you enjoy this special day and your birthday grows happier by the minute! 我们祝你欢庆这一天,愿你生日的快乐与分俱增! 7、 I want to tell you on this special day that I"m very glad, time hasn"t changed our friendship any. Hoping your birthday is great. 在这特殊的日子里,我想说我真高兴,时光没有改变我们的友谊,祝你生日其乐无穷。 8、Wishing you a birthday that is among your very best. I hope that all the years ahead will be as happy as you have been in the past. 祝你度过一个最美好的生日,希望你未来的日子与以往一样快乐! 9、Congratulations on your birthday. May the coming year be filled with happiness and success. 敬贺诞辰!愿这一切充满欢乐、成功! 10、May every special happiness fill this day for you and may the year bring all the best things you are looking forward to. 愿你的生日特别快乐,愿新的一年中心想事成! 11、 Congratulations and warmest wishes for your birthday and every day. 祝你生日快乐,天天快乐! 12、Time flies. Today comes your birthday. The best of all good things for this special day and all the many more to come. Many happy returns! 时光飞逝,今天又是你的生日,愿今天你拥有一切美丽,来年生日更美好,一年更胜一年。生日快乐! 13、May you keep in good health and good spirit both on your birthday and all through the year. Hope your birthday is happy and your wishes all come true. 祝你生日健康愉快,祝你天天健康愉快,愿你一切愿望都能实现。 14、Happy birthday. I hope today treats you well. 生日快乐,祝你今天过得愉快! 15、Each birthday is a milestone we touch along life"s way. May your birthday be happy in more ways than one. 每个生日都是我们人生之旅的一个里程碑,愿你的生日百事顺意。 【篇三】小朋友生日快乐英文祝福语 1、智者的梦再美,也不如愚人实干的脚印。 No matter how beautiful a wise man"s dream is, it"s not as good as a fool"s footprints. 2、青春须早为,岂能长少年。 Youth must be early, how can we grow young. 3、学乃身之宝,儒为席上珍。君看为宰相,必用读书人。 Learning is the treasure of the body. Confucianism is the treasure of the table. As the prime minister, you must use scholars. 4、努力吧!不管结果怎样,经历过,总会有结果的! Try hard! No matter what the result is, there will always be a result after experience! 5、生日快乐,祝宝宝健康快乐,幸福平安! Happy birthday, I wish the baby health, happiness and peace! 6、不经历风雨,怎能见彩虹。 How can we see a rainbow without experiencing wind and rain. 7、新的一年,请自带光芒,这光芒将照亮你前行的道路。 In the new year, please bring your own light, which will light your way forward. 8、没有失败,只有失败者,没有成功,只有成功者。 No failure, only losers, no success, only winners. 9、你是最棒的,别人能做到的,你一定也能! You are the best, others can do, you must be able to! 10、没有伞的孩子,必须努力奔跑! Children without umbrellas must run hard! 11、一天过完,不会再来。 After a day, I won"t come back. 12、宝贝身体健康、天天开心、做个乖巧懂事的好孩子! Baby health, happy every day, be a clever and sensible good child! 13、自信是你成功的基石,沉着是你飞翔的翅膀。 Confidence is the foundation of your success, and composure is your wings. 14、希望宝贝快快乐乐,健健康康成长! Hope the baby is happy and healthy! 15、身体壮壮,学习棒棒! Strong body, learning stick! 16、不要自卑,你不比别人笨;不要自满,别人不比你笨。 Don"t inferiority, you are not stupid than others; don"t be complacent, others are not stupid than you. 17、你是个聪明的孩子,你的成绩一定会赶上去的! You"re a smart kid, you"ll catch up! 18、孩子,只要愿意努力,一切都还来得及! Children, as long as you are willing to work hard, everything is still in time! 19、学习如赶路,不能慢一步。 If you are in a hurry, you can"t slow down. 20、孩子,自律和不自律的孩子,过的是截然不同的人生。 Children, self-discipline and non discipline children, lead a very different life.
2023-07-18 20:06:541


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初二英语笑话带翻译    初二英语笑话带翻译一:   Perfect Match   A wealthy matron is so proud of a valuable antique vase that she decides to have her bedroom painted the same color as the vase. Several painters try to match the shade, but none comes close enough to satisfy the eccentric woman.   Eventually, a painter approaches who is confident he can mix the proper color. The woman is pleased with the result, and the painter becomes famous.   Years later, he retires and truns the business over to his son. "Dad," says the son, "there"s something I"ve got to know. How did you get those walls to match the vase so perfectly?"   "Son," the father replies, "I painted the vase."   绝 配   一位富婆为拥有一只珍贵的古玩而深感骄傲,以至于她竟要把卧室漆成与花瓶同样的颜色。几名油漆匠试图调出这个底色,但是谁也没有能令那位怪癖的妇女满意。   最后来了位油漆匠。他非常自信能调出那种颜色。那妇女对他的成果非常满意,油漆匠于是一举成名。   多年以后,他退休了,生意也交给儿子。“爸,”儿子说,“有件事我得弄清楚,您是怎样使墙的颜色与花瓶配得那么绝的?”   “儿子,”父亲回答说,“我漆了花瓶。”    初二英语笑话带翻译二:   Three doctors arrived in heaven. St. Peter asked them why they should be let into heaven.   The first doctor said,u2033Because I won the Nobel Peace Prize for my work.u2033 St. Peter let him in.   The second doctor said, u2033I haven"t won any prizes, but I"ve started free clinics and helped those in need forfree.u2033 St. Peter let him in.   The third doctor said, u2033I"m responsible for all the hospitals across the United States.u2033   St. Peter thought about it for a minute and said, u2033OK,I"ll let you in, but you will be responsible for your safety!u2033   3位医生到了天堂。圣彼得问他们,为什么他们能进入天堂。   第一个医生回答因为我获得过诺贝尔和平奖。圣彼得让他进了天堂。   第二个医生回答我没得过什么奖,但我开设过免费门诊,免费治病。圣彼得让他进了天堂。   第三个医生回答我负责管理美国所有的`医院。   圣彼得思考了一分钟,说,好吧,我让你进去,但你要为自己的安全负责!    初二英语笑话带翻译三:   A little old lady goes to the doctor ... and says, "Doctor, I have this problem with gas, but it doesn"t really bother me too much. They never smell and are always silent. As a matter of fact, I"ve farted(放屁) at least 20 times since I"ve been here in your office. You didn"t know I was farting because they don"t smell and are silent."The doctor says, "I see. Here"s a prescription. Take these pills 3 times a day for seven days and come back to see me next week."The next week the lady goes back. "Doctor," she says, "I don"t know what the hell you gave me, but now my farts ... although still silent... stink terribly."The doctor says, "Good! Now that we"ve cleared up yoursinuses(鼻窦) , let"s start working on your hearing."   有位小老太太去看医生:“医生,我有爱放屁的毛病。其实也不是大问题,只是我放屁不臭而且没声音。事实上,我在这里已经放了20多个屁,但是你并不知道对吧,因为我的屁不臭,而且还没声音。”医生说:“好的,我明白了。吃这个药片,一天三次连续吃七天,下星期你再来。”一星期后老太太来了,“医生,你到底给的我什么药,现在我放屁还是没声音,但是怎么这么臭!”医生说:“太好了!你的嗅觉正常了,现在开始治听觉。” ;
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1、自己选择的路、跪着也要把它走完。 Their choice of road, kneeling also want to finish it. 2、成功之秘诀,在始终不变其目的。 The secret of success is always the same. 3、人生没有彩排,每天都是现场直播! Life is not a rehearsal, every day live! 4、心灵**不在,就可能被打败。 Spiritual passion is not, it may be defeated. 5、将相本无主,男儿当自强。 The main phase of the free, strength of men. 6、向日葵也知道,该面向太阳那头的希望。 Sunflower also know that this is the hope of the sun. 7、不努力怎么对得起千疮百孔的自己。 How does live up to myself in a disastrous state. 8、善用内在潜能,你就是走运的人。 Use the inner potential, and you are the lucky one. 9、没有哪一个聪明人会否定痛苦与忧愁的锻炼价值。 No wise man will deny the exercise of pain and sorrow. 10、所有目标都是黑暗的,只有行动才与光明相伴! All goals are dark, only action is with the light! 11、**军的责任是要把不平等的世界打成平等的。 The revolutionary army "s responsibility is to make the world not equal. 12、忍耐和坚持是痛苦的,但它会逐给你好处。 Patience and persistence are painful, but it will do you good. 13、雨是云的梦,云是雨的前世。 Rain is the dream of the cloud, the cloud is the past life of rain. 14、没有人依靠的时候,就必须自己撑过不要懦弱! No one depends on the time, it must be their own do not be weak! 15、许多次失败总会造就一次成功。 Many failures always make a success. 16、除非想成为一流,否则就是二流。 Unless you want to become a first-class, otherwise it is the second. 17、不知道明天干什么的人是不幸的! Don"t know what to do tomorrow! 18、就算全世界都否定我,还有我自己相信我。 Even if the whole world deny me, and I believe in me. 19、我想去丹麦亲眼见识一段,安徒生所谓的爱情。 I want to go to Denmark to see a period, Andersen called love. 20、没有一颗珍珠的闪光,是靠别人涂抹上去的。 Not a pearl of the flash, is to rely on others to smear. 21、别说你最爱的是谁,人生还很长,无法预知明天。 Don"t say you love is who, life is still very long, can not Pdict tomorrow. 22、光景不待人,须臾发成丝。 Time waits for no one, a hair silk. 23、只要你肯奋斗,没有什么是绝对不可能的。 As long as you are willing to fight, nothing is absolutely impossible. 24、为过去的相遇说再见,为现在的相处说感谢。 Say goodbye to the past, say thank you for getting along. 25、学会安静,学会理智,学会坚强,学会努力。 Learn to be quiet, learn to be rational, learn to be strong, learn to work hard. 26、我喜欢读母校的书,更喜欢读母校的人。 I like to read the book of his alma mater, but also like to read his alma mater. 27、活着不是靠泪水博得同情,而是靠汗水赢得掌声。 Live not by tears to win sympathy, but by the sweat to win applause. 28、阻碍我们飞翔的力量,是来自我们内心的恐惧。 The power that Pvents us from flying is the fear that comes from our hearts. 29、超越过去的自己,才能让明天的你立于不败之地。 Beyond the past, in order to let you in an invincible position tomorrow. 30、真者,精诚之至也,不精不诚,不能动人。 True, sincere to also, not fine not sincere, not moving. 31、智者的梦再美,也不如愚人实干的脚印。 A wise man"s dream is not beautiful, it is not as good as the footsteps of a fool. 32、登高山务攻绝顶,赏大雪莫畏严寒。 Climbing the mountain is of extremely, admire the snow Mowei cold. 33、有梦就去追,没有梦想的人,灵魂是空虚的。 Have a dream to chase, no dream of the people, the soul is empty. 34、理想是人生的太阳。 The ideal is the life of the sun. 35、最可怕的敌人,就是没有坚强的信念。 The worst enemy is the lack of strong faith. 36、斩断自己的退路,才能更好地赢得出路。 Cut off their escape route to a better way to win. 37、多用善眼看世界;不必一味讨好别人。 To see more of the world; not to please others. 38、人生在勤,不索何获。 Life in the ground, not Mr. ho. 39、瀑布跨过险峻陡壁时,才显得格外雄伟壮观。 Falls across the steep cliff, it becomes all the more majestic. 40、鹰击天风壮,鹏飞海浪春。 Eagle wind strong, Pengfei wave spring. 41、没有伞的孩子必须努力奔跑! No umbrella child must strive to run! 42、生活就是一种态度,倒霉也是一种另类人生。 Life is a kind of attitude, but also a kind of life. 43、属于自己的,不要放弃。已经失去的,留作回忆。 Belong to your own, do not give up. Have lost, stay for the memories. 44、别想一下造出大海,必须先由小河川开始。 Don"t think about the great ocean starts from a small river. 45、盛年不重来,一日难再晨。 Prime not to - day difficult morning. 46、山路曲折盘旋,但毕竟朝着顶峰延伸。 Mountain road twists and turns, but after all, toward the pinnacle of extension. 47、没有不变的承诺,只有说不完的谎言。 There is no constant promise, only to say endless lies. 48、怕吃苦的人苦一辈子,不怕吃苦的人苦一阵子。 Afraid of hard-working people a lifetime, not afraid to endure hardship for a while. 49、在苦在难也要坚强只为那些期待眼神。 In the hard also to be strong only for those who look forward to the eyes. 50、踏实一些,不要着急,你想要的,岁月都会给你。 Practical some, do not worry, you want, years will give you. 51、失败也是我需要的,它和成功一样有价值。 Failure is what I need, as well as success. 52、幼儿比如幼苗,必须培养得宜,方能发芽滋长。 Children such as seedlings, must develop properly, can only germinate grow. 53、本来无望的事,大胆尝试,往往能成功。 Things that would have been hopeless, a bold attempt, often succeed. 54、好多人做不好自己,是因为总想着做别人! A lot of people do not good, because they always want to do other people! 55、早晨给自己一个微笑,种下一天?阳光。 The morning to give himself a smile, a day of sunshine. 56、我们都是虫,可我是萤火虫。 We"re all worms, but I"m a firefly. 57、天行健,君子以自强不息。 As Heaven keeps vigor through movement, a gentleman should unremittingly practice self-improvement.?。 58、未来美不美,取决于你现在拼不拼。 The future of the United States is not beautiful, depends on you now do not spell. 59、不怕你不懂不会,就怕你不学不干。 Afraid you will not understand, but you do not learn to do. 60、快乐不是因为得到的多而是因为计较的少! Happiness is not because you get much, but because you care less! 61、低调是永恒的美德,缺心眼的话就要学会沉默。 Low-key is the eternal virtue, quexinyan words to learn to silence. 62、忍耐力较诸脑力,尤胜一筹。 Endurance is the mental, dominates. 63、不要让安逸盗取我们的生命力。 Don"t let the comfort of our life. 64、困难里包含着胜利,失败里孕育着成功。 Difficult to contain the victory, the success of failure in breeding. 65、只有走完平凡的路程,才能达到伟大的目标。 Only when we walk the ordinary course, can we achieve the great goal. 66、壮志与毅力是事业的双翼。 Ambition and perseverance is the cause of the wings. 67、健康的身体是实目标的基石。 A healthy body is the foundation of a solid object. 68、男人想通了,女人想开了,世界自然就和平了。 Men think that women want to open, natural world peace. 69、拒绝严峻的冶炼,矿石并不比被发掘前更有价值。 Refuse to be severe smelting, ore is not more valuable than before being excavated. 70、站在巨人的肩上是为了超过巨人。 Standing on the shoulders of giants is to surpass the giant. 71、这个世界最脆弱的是生命,身体健康,很重要。 The world"s most vulnerable is life, physical health, it is very important. 72、今天尚未完成,黄昏即是美好。 Today has not been completed, the evening is beautiful. 73、这种工作实在不适合人做,只适合马做。 This kind of work is not suitable for people to do, only suitable for horses to do. 74、机会只对进取有为的人开放。 Opportunities are only available to those who are ahead. 75、穿透石头的水滴,它的力量来源于日积月累。 Through the stone water, its power comes from days and months multiplying. 76、青春去时不告别,老年来时不招手。 Youth to do not say goodbye, when the elderly do not wave. 77、没有一种不通过蔑视忍受和奋斗就可以征服的命运。 There is not a kind of destiny which cannot be conquered by contempt and struggle. 78、逝者如斯夫,不舍昼夜。 It passes like this. Schiff, regardless of day and night. 79、当悟自时人自悟,人不度人天度人。 When people self realization oneself, not people day people. 80、只有想不到的事,没有做不到的事。 Only think of things, there is no thing to do.
2023-07-18 20:07:421


2023-07-18 20:07:501


1. 晋书王导传翻译 王导,字茂弘,光禄大夫览之孙也。父裁,镇军司马。导少有风鉴,识量清远。年十四,陈留高士张公见而奇之,谓其从兄敦曰:“此儿容貌志气,将相之器也。”初袭祖爵。司空刘寻引为东阁祭酒,迁秘书郎、太子舍人,尚书郎,并不行。后参东海王越军事。时元帝为琅琊王,与导素相亲善。导知天下已乱,遂倾心推奉,潜有兴复之志。帝亦雅相器重,契同友执。帝之在洛阳也,导每劝令之国。会帝出镇下邳,请导为安东司马。军谋密策,知无不为。及徙镇建康,吴人不附。居月余,士庶莫有至者,导患之。会敦来朝,导谓之曰:“琅邪王仁德虽厚,而名论犹轻。兄威风已振,宜有以匡济者。”会三月上巳,帝亲现禊,乘肩舆,具威仪。敦、导及诸名胜皆骑从。吴人纪瞻、顾荣,皆江南之望,窃觇之,见其如此,咸惊惧,乃相率拜于道左。导因讲计曰:“古之王者,莫不宾礼故老,存问风俗,虚己倾心,以招俊义。况天下丧乱,九州分裂,大业草创,急于得人者乎!顾荣、贺循,此土之望,未若引之以结人心。二子既至,则无不来矣。”帝乃使导躬造循、荣,二人皆应命而至。由是吴会风靡,百姓归心焉。自此之后,渐相崇奉,君臣之礼始定。(《晋书?王导传》卷六五) 参考译文 王导,字茂弘,光禄大夫王览之孙。父亲名王裁,官至镇军司马。王导年幼时就有风度,有远见。十四岁时,陈留名士张公见到他十分惊奇,对他的堂兄王敦说:“看这个孩子的相貌心志,是做将相的人才。”最初王导承袭祖上的爵位。不久司空刘宴引荐他做东阁祭酒,升秘书郎、太子舍人、尚书郎,他均未赴任。而后做了东海王司马越的参军。当时晋元帝还是琅琊王,与王导一向亲密友善。王导看到天下已经大乱,便全力拥戴(琅琊王),暗自立下复兴(晋室)的心志。晋元帝对他也很器重,志趣相投如挚友,元帝在洛阳时,王导时常劝他到自己的封国去。及至元帝出镇下邳,就请王导做安东司马,凡军国大计,王导都积极筹画。元帝刚出镇建康时,吴人不相依附,过了一个多月,仍没有士人百姓前去拜望,王导为此深感忧虑。待王敦来朝见,王导对他说:“琅琊王仁德虽然厚重,但名望还轻。兄长在此早已声名大振,应该 想办法匡济时局。“到了三月上巳节,元帝亲自前去观看修禊仪式,一路乘坐肩舆,威仪齐备。王敦、王导以及众名臣骏将也都骑马护行。吴人纪瞻、顾荣都是江南一带名望极高的人,他们私下前去观望,看到这种场面,都十分吃惊,于是一起在路旁迎拜。王导于是又向元帝献计说:”古代凡是能够称王天下的,没有不礼遇遗老贤才,存问风土人情,虚心坦诚,以便招揽天下俊杰的。更何况现在天下大乱,国土分裂,我们立国的大业尚在初创,当务之急在于取得民心啊!顾荣、贺循二位是当地的土族首领,不如将他们吸引过来以便广收人心。他们二位一来,其他人便没有不来的了。“元帝于是派王导亲自登门拜请贺循、顾荣,他们两人也就奉命前来朝见元帝,因此吴会受到他们的影响,民心归附。从此之后,各地相继尊奉元帝,开始有了君王与臣子的礼数。 2. 求《晋书 王导传》的译文,多谢 太长,敲下来得一天。 附原文:王导,字茂弘,光禄大夫览之孙也。父裁,镇军司马。 导少有风鉴,识量清远。年十四,陈留高士张公见而奇之,谓其从兄敦曰:「此儿容貌志气,将相之器也。 」初袭祖爵即丘子。司空刘实寻引为东阁祭酒,迁秘书郎、太子舍人、尚书郎,并不行。 后参东海王越军事。 时元帝为琅邪王,与导素相亲善。 导知天下已乱,遂倾心推奉,潜有兴复之志。帝亦雅相器重,契同友执。 帝之在洛阳也,导每劝令之国。会帝出镇下邳,请导为安东司马,军谋密策,知无不为。 及徙镇建康,吴人不附,居月余,士庶莫有至者,导患之。会敦来朝,导谓之曰:「琅邪王仁德虽厚,而名论犹轻。 兄威风已振,宜有以匡济者。」会三月上巳,帝亲观禊,乘肩舆,具威仪,敦、导及诸名胜皆骑从。 吴人纪瞻、顾荣,皆江南之望,窃觇之,见其如此,咸惊惧,乃相率拜于道左。导因进计曰:「古之王者,莫不宾礼故老,存问风俗,虚己倾心,以招俊乂。 况天下丧乱,九州分裂,大业草创,急于得人者乎!顾荣、贺循,此土之望,未若引之以结人心。二子既至,则无不来矣。 」帝乃使导躬造循、荣,二人皆应命而至,由是吴会风靡,百姓归心焉。自此之后,渐相崇奉,君臣之礼始定。 俄而洛京倾覆,中州士女避乱江左者十六七,导劝帝收其贤人君子,与之图事。时荆扬晏安,户口殷实,导为政务在清静,每劝帝克己励节,匡主宁邦。 于是尤见委杖,情好日隆,朝野倾心,号为「仲父」。帝尝从容谓导曰:「卿,吾之萧何也。 」对曰:「昔秦为无道,百姓厌乱,巨猾陵暴,人怀汉德,革命反正,易以为功。自魏氏以来,迄于太康之际,公卿世族,豪侈相高,政教陵迟,不遵法度,群公卿士,皆餍于安息,遂使人乘衅,有亏至道。 然否终斯泰,天道之常。大王方立命世之勋,一匡九合,管仲、乐毅,于是乎在,岂区区国臣所可拟议!愿深弘神虑,广择良能。 顾荣、贺循、纪赡、周?皆南土之秀,愿尽优礼,则天下安矣。」帝纳焉。 永嘉末,迁丹阳太守,加辅国将军。导上笺曰:「昔魏武,达政之主也;荀文若,功臣之最也,封不过亭侯。 仓舒,爱子之宠,赠不过别部司马。以此格万物,得不局迹乎!今者临郡,不问贤愚豪贱,皆加重号,辄有鼓盖,动见相准。 时有不得者,或为耻辱。天官混杂,朝望颓毁。 导忝荷重任,不能崇浚山海,而开导乱源,饕窃名位,取紊彝典,谨送鼓盖加崇之物,请从导始。庶令雅俗区别,群望无惑。 」帝下令曰:「导德重勋高,孤所深倚,诚宜表彰殊礼。而更约己冲心,进思尽诚,以身率众,宜顺其雅志,式允开塞之机。 」拜宁远将军,寻加振威将军。愍帝即位,征吏部郎,不拜。 晋国既建,以导为丞相军谘祭酒。桓彝初过江,见朝廷微弱,谓周顗曰:「我以中州多故,来此欲求全活,而寡弱如此,将何以济!」忧惧不乐。 往见导,极谈世事,还,谓顗曰:「向见管夷吾,无复忧矣。」过江人士,每至暇日,相要出新亭饮宴。 周顗中坐而叹曰:「风景不殊,举目有江河之异。」皆相视流涕。 惟导愀然变色曰:「当共戮力王室,克复神州,何至作楚囚相对泣邪!」众收泪而谢之。俄拜右将军、扬州刺史、监江南诸军事,迁骠骑将军,加散骑常侍、都督中外诸军、领中书监、录尚书事、假节,刺史如故。 导以敦统六州,固辞中外都督。后坐事除节。 于时军旅不息,学校未修,导上书曰: 夫风化之本在于正人伦,人伦之正存乎设庠序。庠序设,五教明,德礼洽通,彝伦攸叙,而有耻且格,父子兄弟夫妇长幼之序顺,而君臣之义固矣。 《易》所谓「正家而天下定」者也。故圣王蒙以养正,少而教之,使化沾肌骨,习以成性,迁善远罪而不自知,行成德立,然后裁之以位。 虽王之世子,犹与国子齿,使知道而后贵。其取才用士,咸先本之于学。 故《周礼》,卿大夫献贤能之书于王,王拜而受之,所以尊道而贵士也。人知士之贵由道存,则退而修其身以及家,正其家以及乡,学于乡以登朝,反本复始,各求诸己,敦朴之业著,浮伪之竞息,教使然也。 故以之事君则忠,用之莅下则仁。孟轲所谓「未有仁而遗其亲,义而后其君者也」。 自顷皇纲失统,颂声不兴,于今将二纪矣。《传》曰:「三年不为礼,礼必坏;三年不为乐,乐必崩。 」而况如此之久乎!先进忘揖让之容,后生惟金鼓是闻,干戈日寻,俎豆不设,先王之道弥远,华伪之俗遂滋,非所以端本靖末之谓也。殿下以命世之资,属阳九之运,礼乐征伐,翼成中兴。 诚宜经纶稽古,建明学业,以训后生,渐之教义,使文武之道坠而复兴,俎豆之仪幽而更彰。方今戎虏扇炽,国耻未雪,忠臣义夫所以扼腕拊心。 苟礼仪胶固,淳风渐著,则化之所感者深而德之所被者大。使帝典阙而复补,皇纲弛而更张,兽心革面,饕餮检情,揖让而服四夷,缓带而天下从。 得乎其道,岂难也哉!故有虞舞干戚而化三苗,鲁僖作泮宫而服淮夷。桓文之霸,皆先教而后战。 今若聿遵前典,兴复道教,择朝之子弟并入于学,选明博修礼之士而为之师,化成俗定,莫尚于斯。 帝甚纳之。 及帝登尊号,百官陪列,命导升御床共坐。导固辞,至于三四,曰:「若太阳下同万物,苍生何由仰照!」帝乃止。 进骠骑。 3. 翻译《晋书·王导传》 Jin is built, in order to guide the army JiJiu for prime minister. 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After removing section things.。 4. 晋书谢尚传原文和翻译 谢尚传 谢尚,字仁祖,为豫章太守谢鲲之子。 从小就有孝亲之情。七岁丧兄长,其哀恸之态超出礼法,亲戚无不感到奇异。 到八岁,显得聪明早熟。谢鲲曾携带谢尚为宾客饯行,有客人说:“这小儿乃是座中的颜回啊。” 谢尚应声答道:“座中无仲尼,怎能辨别出颜回!”一席宾客无不惊叹。十余岁,逢父丧,丹杨尹温峤来家吊唁,谢尚号啕大哭,哀伤至极。 之后擦干眼泪诉说经过,举止言语大异于寻常儿童,温峤十分看重。及至长大成人,聪SLkj.oRg明坦率智能超群,分辨理解无与伦比,行为洒脱不拘细节,不做流俗之事。 喜欢穿绣有花纹的衣裤,叔伯们责怪他,他因此改掉了这一嗜好,于是显名于世。谢尚擅长音乐,广通多种技艺。 司徒王导十分器重他,把他比做王戎,常称他为“小安丰”,召为属官。承袭父亲封爵咸亭侯。 谢尚刚到司徒府通报名帖,王导因为府上正有盛会,便对他说:“听说你能跳《鸲鹆舞》,满座宾客渴望一睹风采,不知你可否满足众人意愿?”谢尚说:“好。”便穿好衣服戴上头巾翩翩起舞。 王导让座中宾客拍掌击节,谢尚在广众之中俯仰摇动,旁若无人。谢尚就是如此率直任意。 5. 晋书谢尚传原文和翻译 谢尚传 谢尚,字仁祖,为豫章太守谢鲲之子。从小就有孝亲之情。七岁丧兄长,其哀恸之态超出礼法,亲戚无不感到奇异。到八岁,显得聪明早熟。谢鲲曾携带谢尚为宾客饯行,有客人说:“这小儿乃是座中的颜回啊。”谢尚应声答道:“座中无仲尼,怎能辨别出颜回!”一席宾客无不惊叹。十余岁,逢父丧,丹杨尹温峤来家吊唁,谢尚号啕大哭,哀伤至极。之后擦干眼泪诉说经过,举止言语大异于寻常儿童,温峤十分看重。及至长大成人,聪SLkj.oRg明坦率智能超群,分辨理解无与伦比,行为洒脱不拘细节,不做流俗之事。喜欢穿绣有花纹的衣裤,叔伯们责怪他,他因此改掉了这一嗜好,于是显名于世。谢尚擅长音乐,广通多种技艺。司徒王导十分器重他,把他比做王戎,常称他为“小安丰”,召为属官。承袭父亲封爵咸亭侯。谢尚刚到司徒府通报名帖,王导因为府上正有盛会,便对他说:“听说你能跳《鸲鹆舞》,满座宾客渴望一睹风采,不知你可否满足众人意愿?”谢尚说:“好。”便穿好衣服戴上头巾翩翩起舞。王导让座中宾客拍掌击节,谢尚在广众之中俯仰摇动,旁若无人。谢尚就是如此率直任意。 6. 晋书王述传全文 起初,王述家里很穷。 请求朝廷试用他担任宛陵县令。在任期间收受了不少贿赂,用来修补房屋增加家具,被当地检察院弹劾,弹劾的内容有一千三百多项。 王导(大丞相)派人对他说:“你父亲是个名士,你就不用担心没有富贵,你在一个小县里面屈尊做官,很不合适。”王述回答说:“我受贿会知足而止。 现在天时人和还没有通达。”后来多次在州郡做官,清廉无比,俸禄赏赐都分散给亲戚朋友,住宅用具很破了都不改换,才开始被当时的人们所称赞。 但是性子急躁、容易失控。有一次吃鸡蛋,用筷子插它,没有插上,就勃然大怒把鸡蛋扔在地上。 鸡蛋在地上转个不停,王述就下床来用木屐踩它,没踩着,大怒不已,拾起来放进嘴里,咬烂它然后吐掉。担任高职以后,总是柔和的处理事情。 谢奕性格粗鲁,有一次被王述惹恼,极言肆骂,不堪入耳。王述一句都不回应,只是面对着墙壁不直面他,过了半天,谢奕离去,王述才重新入座。 当时的人因为这个称赞他。 7. 晋书列传第三十九全文翻译 看见周顗出来,又喊周顗的名字,周顗依旧不搭理他;贼臣王敦倾覆社稷,枉杀忠臣,才将周顗放出,大家都前去探望,周顗却说,我们家这几百口性命就全靠你了!”周顗连看都没看他一下,径自去了,能装他个几百个。” 王导也不以为忤。后来王敦举兵?一次晋元帝大宴群臣、戴若思是人望所在,应当位列三司。 庾亮曾对周顗说:“大家都拿你跟乐广相比呢,看到了周顗营救自己的折子,其中言辞恳切。王敦又说:“就算不列三司,也得作个仆射吧?”王导依旧不答。 王敦说:“如果不能用他们,人称“三日仆射”,被有司弹劾。又有门生持刀伤人?”周顗回答说:“此种空洞无物,但是像你这样的人。 元帝大怒,下诏书将周顗下狱,复礼部尚书之职,浏览以前的宫中奏折。后为吏部尚书,终日醉酒不醒,路过太庙,周顗大声说到:“伯仁?”此人正是周顗,今日名臣共聚一堂,纵使是尧舜之时也不过如此吧?”忽有一人在堂下朗声答道。 先领荆州刺史,与敌军交战,大败。王敦问王导:“如今杀了这 建康地图帮贼子。 回来之后他对他的儿子们说:“吾虽不杀伯仁,伯仁由我而死,以倾王室。”话音未落,左右差役便用戟戳其口,便可换个大官作作。” 出宫之后,周顗又上书朝廷,坚持说王导不可杀。 王导重新掌权之后,神情自若,遂被杀,时年五十四岁,因此连坐罢官。 至太 王敦兴初年,再被起用,因而非常恨他。 后来王敦兵入建康,王氏一族重又得志:“天地先帝之灵。” 当时的宰辅王导非常器重周顗,曾经躺在周顗的腿上指着他的大肚子说:“这里面有什么呢:“我就知道我死不了,恰好遇见正要进宫的周顗。不久,周顗和戴若思果然都被逮捕:“如今的世道怎么能跟尧舜盛世相比呢,正是酒酣歌热之际,元帝高兴得说,血流满地而周顗面不改色,王导叫住周顗说:“众位爱卿,痛哭流涕,悲不自胜周顗年方弱冠便入朝为官,宦海之中沉浮数次,陵虐天下,神祇有灵,只对左右说,殷勤备至。 王导拿着这封奏折,没犯死罪嘛,这是肯定的了。”王导没吱声:“周顗。 而王导却不知道周顗曾经救过自己,当速杀敦,无令纵毒。幽冥之中,负此良友,刘隗劝元帝将王氏一族满门抄斩,司空王导入朝请罪,不日处死。 若干天后元帝愤怒平息,又喝多了酒才出来。此时王导还跪在宫门口谢罪,就只能杀了他们了。” 王导还是不说话。”周顗说:“奈何刻画无盐,唐突西施也。” 意思是说这不是以丑比美吗?我怎么能跟乐广相提并论呢。周顗入宫后向元帝进言,备言王导之忠君爱国,决不可错杀忠良。 元帝采纳了他的建议,他一高兴。 8. 晋书列传三十九 译文 周顗年方弱冠便入朝为官,宦海之中沉浮数次。 先领荆州刺史,与敌军交战,大败。后为吏部尚书,终日醉酒不醒,人称“三日仆射”,被有司弹劾。 又有门生持刀伤人,因此连坐罢官。至太 王敦兴初年,再被起用,复礼部尚书之职。 庾亮曾对周顗说:“大家都拿你跟乐广相比呢。”周顗说:“奈何刻画无盐,唐突西施也。” 意思是说这不是以丑比美吗?我怎么能跟乐广相提并论呢?一次晋元帝大宴群臣,正是酒酣歌热之际,元帝高兴得说:“众位爱卿,今日名臣共聚一堂,纵使是尧舜之时也不过如此吧?”忽有一人在堂下朗声答道:“如今的世道怎么能跟尧舜盛世相比呢?”此人正是周顗。元帝大怒,下诏书将周顗下狱,不日处死。 若干天后元帝愤怒平息,才将周顗放出,大家都前去探望,周顗却说:“我就知道我死不了,没犯死罪嘛。”当时的宰辅王导非常器重周顗,曾经躺在周顗的腿上指着他的大肚子说:“这里面有什么呢?”周顗回答说:“此种空洞无物,但是像你这样的人,能装他个几百个。” 王导也不以为忤。后来王敦举兵,刘隗劝元帝将王氏一族满门抄斩,司空王导入朝请罪,恰好遇见正要进宫的周顗,王导叫住周顗说:“伯仁,我们家这几百口性命就全靠你了!”周顗连看都没看他一下,径自去了。 周顗入宫后向元帝进言,备言王导之忠君爱国,决不可错杀忠良。元帝采纳了他的建议,他一高兴,又喝多了酒才出来。 此时王导还跪在宫门口谢罪,看见周顗出来,又喊周顗的名字,周顗依旧不搭理他,只对左右说:“如今杀了这 建康地图帮贼子,便可换个大官作作。”出宫之后,周顗又上书朝廷,坚持说王导不可杀。 而王导却不知道周顗曾经救过自己,因而非常恨他。 后来王敦兵入建康,王氏一族重又得志。 王敦问王导:“周顗、戴若思是人望所在,应当位列三司,这是肯定的了。”王导没吱声。 王敦又说:“就算不列三司,也得作个仆射吧?”王导依旧不答。王敦说:“如果不能用他们,就只能杀了他们了。” 王导还是不说话。不久,周顗和戴若思果然都被逮捕,路过太庙,周顗大声说到:“天地先帝之灵;贼臣王敦倾覆社稷,枉杀忠臣,陵虐天下,神祇有灵,当速杀敦,无令纵毒,以倾王室。” 话音未落,左右差役便用戟戳其口,血流满地而周顗面不改色,神情自若,遂被杀,时年五十四岁。 王导重新掌权之后,浏览以前的宫中奏折,看到了周顗营救自己的折子,其中言辞恳切,殷勤备至。 王导拿着这封奏折,痛哭流涕,悲不自胜。回来之后他对他的儿子们说:“吾虽不杀伯仁,伯仁由我而死。 幽冥之中,负此良友!”。
2023-07-18 20:08:161

新视野大学英语3课文原文及翻译 温斯顿丘吉尔爵士原文与翻译

1、As a young boy, Britain"s great Prime Minister, Sir Winston Churchill, attended a public school called Harrow. He was not a good student, and had he not been from a famous family, he probably would have been removed from the school for deviating from the rules. Thankfully, he did finish at Harrow and his errors there did not preclude him from going on to the university. He eventually had a premier army career whereby he was later elected prime minister. He achieved fame for his wit, wisdom, civic duty, and abundant courage in his refusal to surrender during the miserable dark days of World War II. His amazing determination helped motivate his entire nation and was an inspiration worldwide. 英国的伟大首相温斯顿·丘吉尔爵士,小时候在哈罗公学上学。当时他可不是个好学生,要不是出身名门,他可能早就因为违反纪律被开除了。谢天谢地,他总算从哈罗毕业了,在那里犯下的错误并没影响到他上大学。后来,他凭着军旅生涯中的杰出表现当选为英国首相。他的才思、智慧、公民责任感以及在二战痛苦而黑暗的时期拒绝投降的无畏勇气,为他赢得了美名。他非凡的决心,不仅激励了整个民族,还鼓舞了全世界。 2、Toward the end of his period as prime minister, he was invited to address the patriotic young boys at his old school, Harrow. The headmaster said, "Young gentlemen, the greatest speaker of our time, will be here in a few days to address you, and you should obey whatever sound advice he may give you." The great day arrived. Sir Winston stood up, all five feet, five inches and 107 kilos of him, and gave this short, clear-cut speech: "Young men, never give up. Never give up! Never give up! Never, never, never, never! 在他首相任期即将结束时,他应邀前往母校哈罗公学,为满怀报国之志的同学们作演讲。校长说:“年轻的先生们,当代最伟大的演说家过几天就会来为你们演讲,他提出的任何中肯的建议,你们都要听从。”那个激动人心的日子终于到了。温斯顿爵士站了起来——他只有5英尺5英寸高,体重却有107公斤。他作了言简意赅的讲话:“年轻人,要永不放弃。永不放弃!永不放弃!永不,永不,永不,永不!”
2023-07-18 20:08:231


英语 谚语 以其令人们熟知的形象和比喻体现了人们世代积累的 经验 和形成的价值观,以下是我精心收集整理的英语谚语,下面我就和大家分享,来欣赏一下吧。 英语谚语篇1 1、温固而知新,能够为师已。 Wengu knows new things and can be a teacher and a teacher. 2、一艺不精,误了终身。 A poor skill, a lifelong mistake. 3、牛怕晨霜,马怕夜雨。 Cattle fear morning frost, horses fear night rain. 4、只要功夫深,铁杵磨成针。 As long as the work is deep, the pestle is ground into a needle. 5、要得会,天天累;要得精,用命拼。 Get to know, tired every day; Get to know, work hard. 6、水往下流,人争上游。 Water flows downstream and people compete upstream. 7、好狗不咬鸡,好汉不打妻。 A good dog does not bite a chicken, a good man does not beat his wife. 8、泰山不是垒的,学问不是吹的。 Mount Tai is not a base, learning is not blowing. 9、长兄如父,老嫂比母。 Brothers are like fathers and sisters-in-law are better than mothers. 10、不会烧香得罪神,不会讲话得罪人。 He will not burn incense to offend God, nor speak to offend people. 11、生人不生胆,力大也枉然。 A stranger does not dare, and his strength is in vain. 12、病人心多,忙人事多。 Patient heart, busy personnel. 13、生命有尽头,学问无止境。 Life has an end and learning has no end. 14、知不足者好问,耻下问者自满。 He who knows not enough asks well, but he who asks shamefully is complacent. 15、山中无老虎,猴子称大王。 There are no tigers in the mountains. Monkeys are called kings. 16、种瓜得瓜,种豆得豆。 You get what you grow, you get what you grow. 17、不会做小事的人,也做不出大事来。 People who can"t do small things can"t do big things. 18、吃得好,穿得好,不如两口白头老。 It"s better to eat well and dress well than to be old in two mouths. 19、不吃饭则饥,不读书则愚。 If you don"t eat, you will be hungry; if you don"t read, you will be foolish. 20、读书破万卷,下笔如有神。 Reading ten thousand volumes, writing like God. 21、子不嫌母丑,狗不嫌家贫。 Dogs don"t dislike their mother"s ugliness or their family"s poverty. 22、不怕学不成,就怕心不诚。 If you are not afraid of failing to learn, you are afraid of sincerity. 23、艺高人胆大,胆大人艺高。 Artists are bold, bold and artistic. 24、不磨不炼,不成好汗。 No temper, no sweat. 25、人往大处看,鸟往高处飞。 People look up and birds fly up. 26、饭来张口,衣来伸手。 Open your mouth for meals and stretch your hand for clothes. 27、冬吃萝卜夏吃姜,不老医生开药方。 Eat turnips in winter and ginger in summer. No old doctor prescribes. 28、只要自己上进,不怕人家看轻。 As long as they advance, they are not afraid of being looked down upon by others. 29、理不短,嘴不软。 Reason is not short, mouth is not soft. 30、病好不谢医,下次无人医。 If you are ill, thank the doctor. Next time there will be no doctor. 英语谚语篇2 1、耕地没巧,粪要上饱。 It"s no coincidence that farmland is full of dung. 2、清早起海云,风雨霎时临。 Early in the morning, sea clouds, rain and wind are coming. 3、种瓜得瓜,种豆得豆。 Sow a melon, grow a bean, get a bean. 4、学习如赶路,不能慢一步。 If you are in a hurry, you can"t slow down. 5、男到五旬正当年,战马弓箭不离身。 When men are in their prime in May, the horses and bows are always there. 6、肥料与农业肥料建设。 Fertilizer and agricultural fertilizer construction. 7、黑夜下雨白天晴,打的粮食没处盛。 It rains in the night and clears in the day, and there is no place for grain to be harvested. 8、一尺不坚,万丈不牢。 One foot is not strong, ten thousand feet are not strong. 9、坐吃山空,立吃地陷。 Sit and eat, eat and sink. 10、家选不如场选,场选不如地洗。 Home selection is better than field selection, field selection is better than field washing. 11、冬雪条被,春雪一把刀。 Winter snow quilt, spring snow knife. 12、金子是黄的,但它可以使人的心变成黑的。 Gold is yellow, but it can turn a person"s heart into black. 13、生嘴的要吃,生根的要肥。 Eat raw mouths and grow fat roots. 14、接受表扬要低下头来,接受批评要抬起头来。 Accept praise with your head down and criticism with your head up. 15、西风随日落止,不止刮倒树。 Westerly winds end at sunset, not only knocking down trees. 16、闲人叫冷,忙人叫热。 The idle call cold, the busy call hot. 17、龙无云不行,鱼无水不生。 Dragon can"t live without clouds, fish can"t live without water. 18、宁苦干,不苦熬。 Better work than suffer. 19、 春分 不种麦,别怨收成坏。 Don"t complain about the bad harvest. 20、蚊子咬得怪,天气要变坏。 Mosquitoes bite strangely and the weather will get worse. 英语谚语篇3 1、锻炼不刻苦,纸上画老虎。 Exercise is not hard. Draw tigers on paper. 2、相骂无好言,相打无好拳。 There is no good word for scolding and no good punch for fighting. 3、冻死迎风站,饿死不弯腰。 Frozen to death in windward station, hungry to death without bending down. 4、胸有凌云志,无高不可攀。 He has a lofty ambition and can not be climbed. 5、疮怕有名,病怕无名。 Fear of fame, fear of namelessness. 6、心如磐石固,志比松柏坚。 The heart is as solid as a rock, and the ambition is stronger than the pine and cypress. 7、一艺不通一世穷。 A poor man is a poor man. 8、不吃苦,不赚钱,坐吃三年海也干。 If you don"t work hard or make money, you can do it for three years. 9、人怕伤心,树怕伤根。 People are afraid of sadness, but trees are afraid of roots. 10、寒蝉抱枯木,泣尽不回头。 The cicada holds the dead wood and weeps without turning back. 11、鱼生火、肉生痰,白菜豆腐保平安。 Fish makes fire, meat makes phlegm, cabbage tofu keeps safety. 12、一日舞几舞,活到九十五。 Dance a few dances a day and live to ninety-five. 13、喝开水、吃热饭,身体健康无病害。 Drink boiled water and eat hot meals, healthy and disease-free. 14、养儿防老,积谷防荒。 Raise children and prevent old age, accumulate grain and prevent famine. 15、把握一个今天,胜似两个明天。 One today is better than two tomorrows. 16、一顿吃伤,十顿吃汤。 One meal hurts, ten meals soup. 17、飞蛾扑火,非死不止。 The moth will not stop fighting the fire. 18、吃饭勿忘种田人,喝水要想掘井人。 Don"t forget the farmer when you eat, but the man who drinks water wants to dig a well. 19、刀坚易断,弓硬易折。 The knife is hard and easy to break, the bow is hard and easy to break. 20、冻冻晒晒身体壮,捂捂盖盖脸发黄。 Frozen and sun-dried body strong, cover up face yellowing. 21、日光不照门,医生便上门。 Doctors come to the door when the sun does not shine. 22、一日三大笑,有病也会好。 Laugh three times a day and you"ll get well if you"re ill. 23、不做亏心事,哪怕半夜鬼叫门。 Don"t feel guilty, even if ghosts call in the middle of the night. 24、讳疾忌医,难求良药。 It is difficult to seek good medicine for taboos and taboos. 25、睡前洗脚,胜服补药。 Washing your feet before bed is better than taking tonics. 26、日发千言,不劳自伤。 Thousands of words are spoken every day. 27、刀不磨要生锈,水不流要发臭。 If the knife is not ground, it will rust; if the water does not flow, it will stink. 28、药难医假病,酒不解真愁。 Drugs are hard to cure, but wine is hard to understand. 29、好人光睡成病人,病人光睡成死人。 A good man sleeps like a sick man, but a sick man sleeps like a dead man. 30、正月二十五刮南风,春天多雨。 The south wind blows on the twenty-fifth day of the first month, and it rains in spring. 31、不担三分险,难练一身胆。 It is difficult to practise courage without taking three risks. 32、宁向直中取,不向曲中求。 Better to go straight than to go straight. 33、路遥知马力,日久见人心。 Lu Yaoyao knows horsepower, and has seen people"s hearts and minds for a long time. 34、儿不嫌母丑,狗不嫌家贫。 Children don"t dislike ugly mothers, dogs don"t dislike poor families. 35、大水不到先垒坝,疾病未来早预防。 If the flood does not reach the first barrier, the disease will be prevented in the future. 36、宁叫嘴受穷,莫教病缠身。 Better cry out and suffer from poverty than teach illness. 37、人望高处走,水向低处流。 People look up and water flows down. 38、挥霍金钱是败坏物,虚度年华是败坏人。 Spending money is bad, spending time is bad. 39、不怕不识货,就怕货比货。 If you are afraid of not knowing the goods, you are afraid of comparing them. 40、一夜不宿,十夜不足。 One night is not enough, ten nights are not enough. 41、严冬识贞木,三九见功夫。 Winter knows Zhenmu, 39 see kungfu. 42、饭后走百步,永不进药铺。 Take a hundred steps after meals and never go to the pharmacy. 43、有志不在年高,无志空长百岁。 The ambition is not to be old, but to be a hundred years old. 44、人不可貌相,海水不能用斗量。 Man can"t look, and the sea can"t be measured in buckets. 45、好话一句三冬暖,恶语伤人六月寒。 A good word is warm in winter, but a bad word hurts in June. 46、不干不净,吃了得病。 Not clean, eating sick. 47、苗黄缺肥,人黄有病。 Yellow seedlings lack fertilizer, yellow people are sick. 48、有钱难买老来瘦。 It"s hard to buy a thin old man with money. 49、话多劳神、食多伤胃,忧多伤脾、气大伤身。 Words and food hurt the stomach, sorrow hurt the spleen and Qi hurt the body. 50、好卖不用招呼,招呼没好货。 Good sales do not need to greet, greeting does not have good goods. 英语谚语简短经典汇总合集相关 文章 : ★ 经典常见的英文谚语精选100句合集 ★ 简短的英语谚语精编集锦 ★ 简短的英语谚语精华集锦篇 ★ 经典英语谚语90句精选合集 ★ 经典英语谚语精选合集90句 ★ 20条经典英语谚语合集 ★ 经典常见的英文谚语100句合集 ★ 简短的英语谚语集锦90句 ★ 经典英语谚语汇总90句 ★ 20条经典有趣英语谚语合集
2023-07-18 20:08:301

Word came ______ our Prime Minister was going to visit Japan the next day

恩 选最后一个翻译为有传闻说我们的首相将在明天访问日本。that在这里做主语补足语。
2023-07-18 20:08:441


因为已经有谓语put了。登广告是为了找工作 后面的ask不是实意动词 只能作状语 主动关系所以用ing形式
2023-07-18 20:08:555


伴随状态是对前面的主语或者宾语的一种解释,也就相当于形容词。he is man (who is) crying。他是一个男人,什么样的男人? 正在哭泣的男人后面的伴随,是对前面的解释
2023-07-18 20:09:142

谁能帮我找一篇介绍winson churchill的英语演讲稿
2023-07-18 20:09:582


The world"s very first bottle of coka cola was born in the United States during the year of 1886, and it has a history of 113 years already. This magical drink has conquered billions of consumers with its irresistable charm, became "the world champion of drinks", and even won the praise of "the infallible empire of drinks in the day". But, when Coka Cola was at its prime, there was another company who held its "coke flag" high, and dared to challenge them. They declared that they would become "the world consumers" favourite company" They became stronger and stronger over the battles with Coka cola, and finally stood at even ground. This is the company of Pepsi.New coke vs. Old cokeThe world very first bottle of Pepsi also was born in the United States, in the year 1898, who came into the world 12 later than Coka Cola. It was their 100th birthday last year. Its taste was similar to that of Coka Cola, and therefore took the name of Pepsi coke, riding on Coka Cola"s wave. Since Coka Cola has started opening its market over ten years ago, with its name was already well known, controlling the majority of the carbonated drinks market, became rooted in people"s hearts, whenever they mention coke, it has to be Coka Cola, Pepsi wasn"t doing well before World War II, and came close to bankruptcy twice, the drinks market still belonged to Coka Cola. Even through the threats beginning 1929 and the wars, Pepsi lowered its price to 5 cents per pound for suvival, and was half the price of Coka Cola, so that almost all the American knew the saying of 5 cents can buy twice as much Pepsi coke.
2023-07-18 20:10:091


2023-07-18 20:10:196


#1 the sum of two numbers is 28.find the numbers if the sum of their squares is a minimum.#2two numbers have a difference of 16.. find the numbers if the result of adding their sum and their product is a minimum#3a uniform border on a framed photograph has the same area as athe photograph. what are the outside dimensions of the border if the dimensions of the photograph are 25 cm by 20 cm .#4a bus company carries about 20000 riders per day for a fare of 90 $ a survey indicates that if the fare is decreased. the number of riders will increase by 2000 for every 5$ of decrease. what ticket price would result in the greatest revenue ? #6a lifeguard marks off a rectangular swimming area at a beach with 200 m of rope. what is the greatest area of water she can enclose ?1.The sum of n different natural numbers is less than50.the greatest possible value of n is----2.Let a be the average of all odd prime numbers less than 50.The inreger,most close to a is----3.If two even natural numbers x,y satisfy equation x的平方加100等于y的平方,x大于y then x乘y等于----an equation of the line tangent to the graph of f(x)=x(1-2x)^3 at the point (1,-1) is?A.y= -7x+6B.y= -6x+5C.y= -2x+1D.y= 2x-3E.y= 7x-81、if the product of two positive integers is a prime number what must be the value of the smaller integer? high tide2、a mark M, on a cliff is 1.96m below sea level at high tide .at low tide the sea level is 4.18m lower than at high tide. ————————| | 1.96m M * | ———————— |low tide问题是:at a certain time the sea level is exactly half way between high tide and low tide .how far is the sea level below M at this time?3、the number 168 and 324,written as the products of thier prime factors ,are 168=2^3 * 3 * 7 324=2^3 * 3^4问题:the smallest positive integer value of n for which 168n is a multiple of 324?4、it is required ti find a rational number which is equal to the recurring decimal number 0.73737373……问题:hence express 0.737373……in the form a/b where a and b are integers?5、find, in its simplest form, the fraction which is exactly halfway between 13/17 and 14/17?6、each of the 50 seats at the front of a cinema sells for half the price of one of the remaining seats . there are 200seats altogether and when every seat is sold the takings are $525.问题:find the price of a seat at the front of the cinema.7、an athlete walks a distance of 1 km at an average speed of 6 km/h and then,without stopping, runs further distance of 800 meters in 2minutes.问题:his average speed for the whole journey in km/h.
2023-07-18 20:10:341


  挑战权威类Dare and the world always yields。 If it beats you sometimes, dare it again and again and it will succumb。 ——W.M ThackerayImagination is more important than knowledge。 Knowledge is limited。 Imagination encircles the world。——Albert EinsteinI start where the last man left off。 ——Thomas EdisonThe further backward you can look, the further forward you will see。——Winston ChurchillYou"ll learn more about a road by traveling it than by consulting all the maps in the world。Don‘t bother just to be better than your contemporaries or predecessors.Try to be better than yourself。——William Faulkner American writerFollow your own course, and let people talk。——Italian poet Alghieri Dante  成功幸福根源类Genius is one percent inspiration and ninety-nine percent perspiration。 ——Thomas EdisonFew things are impossible to diligence and skill。 ——Samuel JohnsonSuccess is the sum of small efforts, repeated day in and day out。 ——Robert Collier American writerI"m a great believer in luck, and I find the harder I work, the more I have of it。 ——Thomas Jefferson the 3rd American presidentLuck is what happens when preparation meets opportunity。 Luck is not chance。 It"s toil。 Fortune"s expensive smile is earned。 ——Emily Dickinson 事物两面性类Prosperity is a great teacher; adversity is a greater。 ——William HazlittWe choose to go to the moon and other things, not because they are easy, but because they are hard。 —— John F。 KennedyIn the middle of difficulty lies opportunity。 ——Albert Einstein American physicistThose who aim at great deeds must suffer greatly。 ——CrassusNo pains, no palm; no thorns, nothrone; no gall, no glory; no cross, no crown。——William PennIn every adversity there lies the seed of an equivalent advantage。 In every defeat there is a lesson showing you how to win the victory next time。 ——Robert CollierNothing is particularly hard if you divide it into small jobs。 ——Henry Ford American entrepreneur主观与客观类An optimist sees an opportunity in every calamity; a pessimist sees a calamity in every opportunity。 —— British prime minister Winston ChurchillA sad soul can kill you quicker, far quicker, than a germ。——John SteinbeckWhile the world is full of suffering, it is also full of overcoming it。——Helen KellerBirds sing after a storm。 Why shouldn‘t people feel as free to delight in whatever sunlight remains to them?——Rose Kennedy个人与他人类What we do for ourselves dies with us。 What we do for others and the world remains and is immortal。——Albert Pine English criticTwo heads are better than one。 三个臭皮匠,顶个诸葛亮。One boy is a boy; two boys halfboy; three boys no boy。 一个和尚挑水吃,两个和尚抬水吃,三个和尚没水吃A stake with three fences, a good brave fellow three help。 一个篱笆三个桩,一个好汉三个帮In unity there is strength。 团结就是力量A friend indeed is known by sharing hardships。 患难是朋友试金石。A hedge between keeps friendship green。 君子之交淡如水A life without a friend is a life without a sun。 人若无友,犹如只有生命没有太阳。United we stand, divided we fall。合即立,分即垮。One swallow does not make asummer。 一燕不成夏。
2023-07-18 20:10:411


My name is opens the day, I am a very lively boy, I in sixth-grade level 4 classes, 11 years old. I am born in Datong. I like painting pictures, play soccer, what but I most like plays the computer! I hoped that grows up is a premier
2023-07-18 20:11:024


三文学堂英语听力听力原文Text 1M:I"ve got two tickets for the movie.Would you like to go with me?W:I"m sorry.I was asked to have a discussion with my cousin about his son"s education.Text 2M:How much are the tickets?W:4 dollars for adults and children are half-price.M:OK.I"d like two adult tickets and two children"s tickets.Text 3M:Why didn"t you attend the class?W:I"m sorry.But my brother was hit by a car and I had to care for him in the hospital.Text 4M:Hi,Maria.I"ve heard there is an interesting film.Shall we see it tonight?W:I"d like to.But Mr.Black told me to type some important notices and send them to him by 9:00 pm.M:The job is the most important.Text 5W:Manhattan Square,please.M:All right,madam.When are we supposed to be there?W:I"d like to go around the city,if you don"t mind.Text 6M: Hello! This is City Police Station.W:I need help.My house has been broken into.M:Can you tell me some details?W:When I came home,I found my door broken,and my money,my jewelry,and my camera were gone.M:Was there anybody home?W:No.My son,husband,and I all happened to be out having our dinner after work.M:What is your address?W:No.13,Downing Street.Could you come over at once?M:OK.Don"t worry,madam.We"ll be there in 10 minutes.Text 7M:Hi.What can I do for you?W:I"m hunting for a part-time job.M:Then,you"ve come to the right place.Our office is aimed at helping those like you to find jobs.W:Glad to hear that.I really need to earn some money for my education.M:How many hours would you like to work?W:Ten to twenty hours a week.M:And when are you free to work?W:Every weekday since noon.And I wouldn"t mind working on weekends.M:Great.Now please fill out this form.W:When can I get to work?M:I will call you tomorrow.W:Thank you.Text 8M:This is Henry.I"d like to make sure when we can expect you for a get-together.W:Er...What party is it?M:Our former classmates are planning a get-together.W:Oh,that"s good.M:Are you free these days?W:A little busy somehow.M:Can you come this Saturday evening?W:I"m very sorry,I"ve promised to go to the movies with my daughter.M:Well,how about Sunday then?W:That sounds fine.M:Good.Shall we make it at a quarter to seven?W:I"m sure to be there.Shall we have a dance after that?M:It"s up to you.I"ve learned a new dance these days.Then we can share it.W:That"s great.Text 9W:I"ll take part in a very important party for my friend Amy.M:Really?W:Amy has just been awarded the first prize for her English speech.M:Great.W:Today is her 26th birthday.M:Then you must buy a gift for her.W:What do you think I should buy for her?M:A birthday cake.W:No,she has got one from her boy friend.M:Then,what else?W:I think an MP3 player will be OK.M:Hasn"t she had one already?W:But it is broken.She likes music.I think it"s the best for her.M:You"re right.Then shall I drive you there?W:No.I"ll do it myself.You have to care for my pet dogs and cats.Text 10Hello,everyone.Welcome to our hospital.Now I"m going to tell you something about my hospital,Friendship Hospital.It looks very new and modern.But it has a history going back to three quarters of a century.It was designed to sleep 200 patients,and then 400.With the development of the new building blocks,it can now sleep 900 patients.It started its life as a general hospital.But now it has developed its new departments and become the teaching hospital that is famous all over the area.It has created new fields for treating heart diseases and eye diseases with a lot of experienced and famous doctors.During the teaching process,it includes a school of baby nursing.In 2001,the President along with the mayor visited the children from flooded areas,and on Christmas Day last year,the Prime Minister had lunch with the patients,talking about their life after the AIDS disease.Ⅰ.听力(共两节,满分30分)第一节(共5小题;每小题1.5分,满分7.5分)听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听完每段对话后,你都有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。1.Why can"t the woman go to the cinema with the man?A.She will have a discussion about her cousin"s education.B.She would ask her cousin to go there.C.She will have a talk with her cousin.2.How much will the man pay for those tickets?A.4 dollars.B.8 dollars.C.12 dollars.3.What happened to the woman"s brother?A.He had a car accident.B.He cared for his sister.C.He attended the class.4.What did Mr.Black ask the woman to do?A.To type something important.B.To see an interesting movie.C.To send a notice to him.5. What"s the possible relationship between the two speakers?A.Passenger and driver.B.Husband and wife.C.Guide and visitor.第二节(共15小题;每小题1.5分,满分22.5分)听下面5段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题5秒钟;听完后,各小题将给出5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。请听第6段材料,回答第6、7题。6.What was the woman probably doing when the thief entered her house?A.She was working in her company.B.She was looking for her jewelry.C.She was eating in a restaurant.7.What is the man going to do after the call?A.Drive to her home.B.Find the camera.C.Have his supper.¥5.9百度文库VIP限时优惠现在开通,立享6亿+VIP内容立即获取三文学堂英语听力博汇2018三文学堂英语听力听力原文Text 1M:I"ve got two tickets for the movie.Would you like to go with me?W:I"m sorry.I was asked to have a discussion with my cousin about his son"s education.Text 2M:How much are the tickets?W:4 dollars for adults and children are half-price.M:OK.I"d like two adult tickets and two children"s tickets.第 1 页Text 3M:Why didn"t you attend the class?W:I"m sorry.But my brother was hit by a car and I had to care for him in the hospital.Text 4M:Hi,Maria.I"ve heard there is an interesting film.Shall we see it tonight?W:I"d like to.But Mr.Black told me to type some important notices and send them to him by 9:00 pm.M:The job is the most important.Text 5
2023-07-18 20:11:171

Once Effendi had a joke with the Prime Minister. He said the Minister would die the next day.翻译"

2023-07-18 20:11:285

the other day是什么意思

the other day另外一天
2023-07-18 20:11:452

No Days Off 歌词

2023-07-18 20:11:522


2023-07-18 20:12:152

October 22 might be one of _________ busiest days for China’s Foreign Ministry as three prime m..

B 试题分析:句意:10月22日可能是中国外交部最忙的一天,因为邻国的三位总理—俄罗斯,蒙古和印度,在同一天开始对中国的访问。第一个空,表示“特指”,故用定冠词the;第二个空,专有名词,抽象名词和物质名词之前一般不用冠词,可知选B。
2023-07-18 20:12:231

i want free two-day shipping with amazon prime什么意思

2023-07-18 20:13:043

想取个英文名 懂得进 高分!!

simon chen
2023-07-18 20:02:124

跪求 x-japan 的 tears 和 endless rain 指弹谱

2023-07-18 20:02:141


先看几段Java8以前经常会遇到的代码: 创建线程并启动 比较数组 给按钮添加单击事件 对于这三段代码,我们已经司空见惯了。 Java复杂冗余的代码实现一直被程序员所诟病,好在随着JVM平台语言Scala的兴起以及函数式编程风格的风靡,让Oracle在Java的第8个系列版本中进行了革命性的变化,推出了一系列函数式编程风格的语法特性,比如Lambda表达式以及Stream。 如果采用Lambda表达式,上面三段代码的实现将会变得极为简洁。 创建线程并启动(采用Lambda版本) 比较数组(采用Lambda版本) 给按钮添加单击事件(采用Lambda版本) 格式:(参数) -> 表达式 其中: 一个参数 多个参数 0个参数 表达式块 在Java8中新增加了一个注解: [@FunctionalInterface],函数式接口。 什么是函数式接口呢?它包含了以下特征: Lambda表达式的本质就是函数式接口的匿名实现。只是把原有的接口实现方式用一种更像函数式编程的语法表示出来。 Java8的java.util.function包已经内置了大量的函数式接口,如下所示: 从中可以看出: 以下是一个综合的例子: 如果觉得这些内置函数式接口还不够用的话,还可以自定义自己的函数式接口,以满足更多的需求。 如果Lambda表达式已经有实现的方法了,则可以用方法引用进行简化。 方法引用的语法如下: 这样前面提到的Lambda表达式: 则可以替换为: 另一个例子: 可以替换为: 注意:方法名后面是不能带参数的! 可以写成System.out::println,但不能写成System.out::println(“hello”) 如果能获取到本实例的this参数,则可以直接用this::实例方法进行访问,对于父类指定方法,用super::实例方法进行访问。 下面是一个例子: 构造器引用和方法引用类似,只不过函数接口返回实例对象或者数组。 构造器引用的语法如下: 举个例子: 其中的相当于>new Button(label)) 再看个数组类型的构造器引用的例子: 把Stream直接转成了数组类型,这里用Button[]::new来标示数组类型。 先看一段代码: 一个lambda表达式一般由以下三部分组成: 参数和表达式好理解。那自由变量是什么呢? 它就是在lambda表达式中引用的外部变量,比如上例中的text和count变量。 如果熟悉函数式编程的同学会发现,Lambda表达式其实就是”闭包”(closure)。只是Java8并未叫这个名字。 对于自由变量,如果Lambda表达式需要引用,是不允许发生修改的。 比如下面的代码: 先说说为什么要在Java8接口中新增默认方法吧。 比如Collection接口的设计人员针对集合的遍历新增加了一个forEach()方法,用它可以更简洁的遍历集合。 比如: 但如果在接口中新增方法,按照传统的方法,Collection接口的自定义实现类都要实现forEach()方法,这对广大已有实现来说是无法接受的。 于是Java8的设计人员就想出了这个办法:在接口中新增加一个方法类型,叫默认方法,可以提供默认的方法实现,这样实现类如果不实现方法的话,可以默认使用默认方法中的实现。 一个使用例子: 默认方法的加入,可以替代之前经典的接口和抽象类的设计方式,统一把抽象方法和默认实现都放在一个接口中定义。这估计也是从Scala的Trait偷师来的技能吧。 除了默认方法,Java8还支持在接口中定义静态方法以及实现。 比如Java8之前,对于Path接口,一般都会定义一个Paths的工具类,通过静态方法实现接口的辅助方法。 接口中有了静态方法就好办了, 统一在一个接口中搞定!虽然这看上去破坏了接口原有的设计思想。 这样Paths类就没什么意义了~ 使用Lambda表达式后可以大幅减少冗余的模板式代码,使把更多注意力放在业务逻辑上,而不是复制一堆重复代码, 除非你在一个用代码行数来衡量工作量的公司,你觉得呢?
2023-07-18 20:02:141

英语作文the solutions to global warning

At present,with the development of economies around the world may feel that the climate is becoming more and more warmer.CO2 makes up about 70% of the greenhouse gases.It is considered to be one of the greatest reasons of global warming.It"s very serious,but many people can"t recognize that because the only think about themselves.They don"t mind the climate becoming warmer.They don"t mind the ice melting.They don"t mind how many animals become extinct.
2023-07-18 20:02:071

求Endless Rain 的 贝司谱, xjapan的歌,,Taiji弹的。。

GTP乐队谱 里面就有贝斯部分 请查收 记得采纳 谢谢
2023-07-18 20:02:071