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run away 为什么是离心复合词?

2023-07-19 13:07:06
TAG: away run awa ay aw
一招搞定,看是否有中心词,如call-girl, girl 就是中心词,可以代替整个词语,这就是向心词。
而run away逃跑,失控,这个词里每一个单词都有自己的不可替代的作用,少哪个也不行。所以是离心的。



runawayadj.逃走的,逃亡的; 私奔的; 失去控制的; 物价飞涨的n.逃跑,逃亡; 逃走者,逃亡者; 脱缰之马; 失控双语例句1. The runaway car careered into a bench, hitting an elderly couple. 那辆失控的车猛冲到一条长椅上,撞伤了一对老夫妇。来自柯林斯例句2. The story tells of a runaway slave girl in Louisiana, circa 1850. 故事大约发生在1850年,讲的是路易斯安那州一个逃跑的年轻女奴。来自柯林斯例句3. Our Grand Sale in June was a runaway success. 我们6月份的大型促销一举成功。如有疑问,请追问!
2023-07-18 19:43:501

run away 意思与用法

runaway: [ "ru028cnu0259wei ] n. 逃走的人,逃亡,亡命者 a. 逃亡的,逃走的 例句与用法: 1. The runaway of the traffic accident is wanted by the police. 警方正在通缉交通事故的逃逸者. 2. The runaway horse was cornered in a field. 那匹跑掉的马在田地里被圈住了. 3. Controlled inflation is a different breed of cat from runaway inflation. 有控制的通货膨胀与抢劫控制的通货膨胀是两回事. 4. His runaway with the money stolen from the bank gave his family a rough time. 他携带从银行偷来的钱外逃,使他的家人吃尽了苦头. 英英解释: 名词runaway: 1. an easy victory 同义词:blowout, romp, laugher, shoo-in, walkaway 2. someone who flees from an uncongenial situation 同义词:fugitive, fleer 形容词runaway: 1. completely out of control
2023-07-18 19:44:381


2023-07-18 19:44:477

run away是什么意思

[释义] 逃跑,走掉; 逃脱; 流走[掉](使); 出奔;
2023-07-18 19:45:024


2023-07-18 19:45:301


2023-07-18 19:45:372

run away后面加什么介词?

run away,介词 from逃跑;失控。run away from逃跑,逃离;从…逃出run away with轻易获得;偷走;同……私奔
2023-07-18 19:45:561

“run away”和“run off”有什么区别?

run away是口语用语,强调动作迅速。run off 也是逃跑,通常还包括携带着某人或者某物。run away口语用语,强调动作迅速.run away跑掉:The thief had run away when the policemen came.警察来时小偷已经跑了.run off 也是逃跑,通常还包括携带着某人或者某物.run off跑掉;迅速离开:You must run off now.The rain is coming.雨来了,你现在快走吧.
2023-07-18 19:46:052

run away中文翻译

run away 潜逃,失控To flee; escape.跑开;逃走To leave one"s home, especially to elope.离家出走,尤指私奔To stampede.
2023-07-18 19:46:515

run away是什么意思

runaway的意思是(尤指小孩)离家出走者。离家出走,是指在家庭中的某一个成员因与其他家庭成员产生矛盾或因其他原因而离开家的一种行为。离家出走的人有些是孩子和青少年,也有些是不愿再忍受家庭环境的成年男子、妇女以及老人。离家出走的原因是多方面的,比如小孩觉得与父母长辈有代沟、不能被理解,成年男女觉得家庭压力大、夫妻感情破裂,贫困家庭老人不愿增加子女负担等等,也有很多人因为婚姻不幸福而离家出走。离家出走心里学分析:首先是人际关系紧张。其次是人格异常与逆反心理。还有学生感到学习负担过重,厌学情绪就会产生;以及角色观念变异与拜金心理。最后就是盲目从众心理。runaway双语例句1、His second book turne dout to be a runaway best-seller.他的第二本书成了抢手的畅销书。2、A runaway monk never praises his convent.逃出来的和尚从来不会说自己的庙好。
2023-07-18 19:47:061


Runaway陶喆Ultrasound乐之路1997-2003无名的怒火有说不出的无力想敲打我自己太阳快要下山了,什么都不做,只拿着遥控器,一直不停的换台麻木的神经感觉自己像个机器快不能呼吸打开冰箱,看看里面的东西,处了酱瓜什么也没有,算了吧,去外面吃吧火辣的太阳 永远在前方无尽的公路 无尽的追求我想要 runaway runaway不想再怀疑自己对不对甩开一切无所谓runaway runaway像困在雾里焦躁的想从茫然的现实中逃避你想得太简单了吧,你觉得你想做的都可以做得到吗淡掉的感情还坚持下去又有什么样的意义喂,你拿着车钥匙要去哪里啊,你别忘了明天还要上班的,别在外面鬼混了风吹乱头发 黑夜星空下无尽的公路 无尽的自由不想再怀疑自己对不对甩开一切无所谓就快点去runaway我可以runaway runaway不想再怀疑自己对不对是为自己不为谁不在乎的runaway yeah yeah(rap)很多人再说,不断的一直说,必须这个样子做,不能够那样做,却又没有办法在自己的生命中突破oh yeah,如果再不走,就永远不会走,别让自己在回头,没挣扎怎能够有自由 快走现在就runaway runaway不想再怀疑自己对不对甩开一切无所谓 runaway runaway快点去runaway runaway不想再怀疑自己对不对是为自己不为谁不在乎的runaway现在要runaway runaway今天要runaway runaway现在要runaway runaway今天要runaway runaway
2023-07-18 19:47:311


2023-07-18 19:47:441

run away造句

He ran away.
2023-07-18 19:47:535


As I walk along, I wonder当我走在街上,我想A what went wrong with our love我们的爱到底哪里出错了A love that was so strong曾经那样坚定的爱And as I still walk on我继续走着I think of the thing"s we"ve done想着从前我们做过的事Together, while our hearts were young我们在一起,当我们拥有一颗年轻的心时I"m a walkin" in the rain我行走在雨中Tears are fallin" and I feel a pain泪落下来我很痛苦A wishin" you were here by me希望你会在这陪我To end this misery结束这场痛苦And I wonder, I wa wa wa wa wonder我也想知道,我wa wa wa wa想知道Why a why why why why why为什么为什么为什么为什么为什么为什么she ran away她要离开And I wonder where she will stay我想知道她会停留在哪My little runaway我的小逃跑家My run run run run runaway我的逃逃逃逃跑家A wishin" you were here by me希望你会在这陪我To end this misery结束这样的痛苦And I wonder, I wa wa wa wa wonder我也想知道,我wa wa wa wa想知道Why a why why why why why为什么为什么为什么为什么为什么为什么she ran away她要离开And I wonder where she will stay我想知道她会停留在哪My little runaway我的小逃跑家A run run run runrunaway 一个逃跑家
2023-07-18 19:48:071


runaway和runoff的区别:读音不同、意思不同、用法不同一、读音不同1.runaway读音:英 [rʌnə"weɪ]     美 [rʌnə"weɪ]    2.runoff读音:英 ["rʌnˌɒf]     美 ["rʌnˌɔːf]    二、意思不同1.runaway意思:逃跑;失去控制2.runoff意思:逃跑;流掉;迅速离开三、用法不同1.runaway用法:除用于动词之后组成短语动词的情况之外, away在句中主要用作状语、表语或补语。偶尔也可用作定语,这时必须前置而不可后置。2.runoff用法:是表示方位的副词,其基本意思是“离开”。用在动词或短语动词之后表示与“离开”有关的各种不同的意思。可以表示“离开”的状态,也可表示“离开”的动作。扩展资料近义短语:chaseawaychaseaway读音:英[tʃeɪsəˈweɪ] 美[tʃeɪsəˈweɪ] 释义:赶走,驱除,逃跑;流掉;离开用法:起引导作用的人或物或遵循他人的计划;chaseaway指为达到某个目的而坚持不懈地紧跟、追赶或追求某人、某物或某种事业。例句:The Vietnamese are slightly better, they just chase us away. 越南人稍微好一些,他们只是把我们赶走。
2023-07-18 19:48:261

谁能给我发一下张根硕run away 国语韩语歌词谢谢

白鸽 uc120uc0c1 uc73cub85c ube60 uc9c0 ub294 uad11uc7a5uc548uac1c ub098ub204uc5b4uc9c0ub2e4 uc774ud6c4 uc758 ubbffuc74c uc774 uc5c8 ub2e4ud587ubcd5 uc740 uc544uc774 uc5bcuad74 uc774ub2e4uc77cubc18uc801uc778 ud3b8uc548 ud588 ub2e4ube44uac00 uc640 ud1a0uc591 uc774 uc816 uc11cub7ecuc6c0 uc774ub2e4ubbfcub4e4ub808 uc544ub2e4 ubc29ud5a5 uc744 uc81cuc2dc ud588 ub2e4ub0c4uc0c8 ub294 uaf43ud5a5uae30 uc704uc218 ud654uba74 uc740 uadf8ub807uc9c0 uc54a uc558 ub2e4uc774ubbf8 ubaa8uc591 uc73cub85c ubcc0 ud588
2023-07-18 19:48:332

run away是什么意思

run away:离开;逃离;私奔;逃避,躲避(问题、新事物等) 例句:He wants to run away from the wild animals. 他要逃离野生动物。 扩展资料   同义词单词:   flee:v.迅速离开;(尤指害怕有危险而)逃避,逃跑   第三人称单数: flees现在分词: fleeing过去式: fled过去分词: fled   例句:   It has proved useless that he once tried to flee his responsibility to the decedent.   他曾试图逃避对死者应有的责任是徒劳的.。   While he flees from an iron weapon, the bronze bow strikes him down.   他逃避过铁器,铜矢必将他射穿。   Flee from every symptom of this deadly foe as you would flee from a viper.   当逃避这样可怕的仇敌失望,犹如逃避一条致命的毒蛇一般。
2023-07-18 19:48:561

run away 是什么英语的意思

2023-07-18 19:49:066

run away的中文

2023-07-18 19:49:232


run away 中run是第一人称,runs away 中runs是第三人称,
2023-07-18 19:49:328

run away和get away有什么区别 after,later和behing有什么区别?pool和river呢

run away 逃跑,逃离 get away 离开,脱身 有时两者的意思还是蛮相近的,在一定语义下可以互换使用. after 在.之后(时间上的) later 后来,稍后 behind 在.后面(位置上的) pool 池子 river 江,河
2023-07-18 19:49:483

run away后面加什么介词

run away,介词 from; 逃跑;失控; run away from; 逃跑,逃离;从…逃出; run away with; 轻易获得;偷走;同……私奔。 扩展资料   并列短语:由两部分或者几部分组成,各部分之间谁也不大,谁也不小,无主次之分。并列短语的特点是每部分的词性是一样且在同一范围,如“大李小张老王”都是名词,且都在以姓代名的范围。   如:大李、小张和老王(并列关系);讨论并通过(先后关系即顺承关系);继承并发展;枯藤、老树、昏鸦;出将入相等。   2、偏正短语:由两部分组成,前面修饰或限制后面部分。可分为两类,一类是名词性偏正短语,   如:晴朗的天空(“天空”是中心语,“晴朗”是定语,“晴朗”从性质上修饰了“天空”);   天下父母心(“心”是中心语,”天下父母“是定语“天下父母”限定了“心”的归属);   钓到的.大鲈鱼(”钓到“是定语,”大鲈鱼“是中心语)。   3、动补短语 :由两部分组成 , 前面是动词或形容词,后面是对前面的补充说明,即补语。   如:说明白(“说”是动词,“明白”是补语,从程度上补充了“说”)熟透了(“熟”是形容词,“透”是补语,从程度上补充了“熟”);   打得漂亮(“打”是动词,“漂亮”是补语),活跃在太行山脉(“活跃”是动词,“在太行山脉”是补语)。   4、后补短语:是短语的结构分类之一,它的前后两个组成部分称为述语和补语。补语是用来补充说明述语的动作行为的情况、结果、处所、数量、时间等。   如:想明白、走得急、跑得快、开心极了 、急得团团转 、红得发紫 、好极了、 看清楚、美丽极了、洗得干净。   5、主谓短语 :由两部分构成,前面是被说明的部分,是主语,后面是说明主语的,是谓语。   如、阳光明媚、光阴似箭、祖逖北伐、一轮明月脱水而出(”一轮明月“是主)、挥之不去的是乡愁(“挥之不去的”是主语)。主谓短语加上一定的语调就变成了主谓句。
2023-07-18 19:50:071

Run Away 逃跑吧 歌词

歌曲名:Run Away 逃跑吧歌手:张根硕专辑:The Lounge H vol.1You see the flashy lightsIt"s like a movie sceneThem stunna shades got you lookin like a beauty queenWithout a throneAmerican, but internationalShe got her hair doneStyled in designer jeansHeels on, and her skin type MaybellineI can"t controlThe way you walkin, girl, you got me goneWhen I see her, my mind goes to placesI just can"t focus when she"s on the stageIt"s the way she switches her hips with her bodyJust proves she"s truly the life of the party nowLook at herShe got itShawty knows she"s the shitYou can tell by the look in her eyesShe"s like the devil in disguiseWhen she"s on the runwayWalkin down the runwaySexy down the runwayTake a picture on the runwayThe show is sold outThey say she"s popularWhen she comes out, everybody"s watchin her.She"s got the crownLookin seductive, but still holds a smileShe"s like an angelI"d say she"s heaven sentFrom head to toe, lil mama"s visual medicine you should seeThis shawty"s hotter than the third degreeWhen I see her, my mind goes to placesI just can"t focus when she"s on the stageIt"s the way she switches her hips with her bodyJust proves she"s truly the life of the party nowLook at herShe got itShawty knows she"s the shitYou can tell by the look in her eyesShe"s like the devil in disguiseWhen she"s on the runwayWalkin down the runwaySexy down the runwayTake a picture on the runwayWait a minuteStrike a poseTake a picture (click)And girl I gotta know your nameIs it Mary Jane?Look at herShe got itShawty knows she"s the shitYou can tell by the look in her eyesShe"s like the devil in disguiseWhen she"s on the runwayWalkin down the runwaySexy down the runwayTake a picture on the runway
2023-07-18 19:50:141

run away这两个英语怎么读?

2023-07-18 19:50:366

魏晨《Run Away》中文版 歌词、

I Can"t find a place to go (我找不到去的地方) Nowhere (无处) Sometimes I wanna hide (有时我想藏匿起来) Run Away ah Away ah no (逃亡 啊 分开 啊 不) We"re running out of time (我们的时间不够了) 2735 23 2175 2325/呼吸难受 5369 23 2175 2325/无法稳定 13670309 698393/连天空也变了 everything"s fading away (一切都在慢慢消失) 370535 3023 950123/因为我们的企望 8135 077123 950123/因为我的置之不理 0793 38250309 75/全都失去了 97216795 852693/那曾温馨的记忆 333189 17953975/现在也都消失了 where"d it go I don"t know (它去哪我不清楚) 33970989 27 99/不能在这样了 I wanna run away (我想离开) I wanna run away (我想离开) Can we find a better place (我们能否找到一个再好点的地方) 153331 2923 89 0933 2351 25/看不到我的心疼了起来 032539 7589 698393/天空也渐渐远去 13677589 33 512093/就连这太阳也变了 no Where do we go (不 我们该去何方) I wanna run away oh no (我想离开 哦 不) The sky"s pitch black (这里的天空一片乌黑) painted with shades of grey (上面装饰着灰色区域) clouds can"t recall the last time (那些云彩已无法复原) I"ve seen a sunny day (我曾看到风和日丽的日子) you hear the concrete cry (你听到这里天空的哭声吗) we"re blinded by bright lights (我们已经被这里的光亮蒙住了眼睛) the night life toxic in disguise (夜里的生活被恶毒了) over eyes wide shut (过于大开眼界) 38250309 852691/不存在的那些记忆 3331 1795397589/现在消失 23059931 412691/那些美妙的回想 everything"s fading away (一切都在慢慢消失) 479999 302323 0467/被很大的愿望淹没 13677589 33 698393/就连天空也变了 3703 3105693723/我们背对背 97216795 852693/就连那曾的记忆 333189 17953975/现在也不存在来 where"d it go I don"t know (我不知道它去什么地方) 33970989 27 99/不能再这样下去了 I wanna run away (我想离开) Can we find a better place (我们能否找到一个再好点的地方) 153331 2923 89 0933 2351 25/看不到我的心疼了起来 032539 7589 698393/天空也渐渐远去 13677589 33 512093/就连这太阳也变了 I wanna run away oh no (我想离开 哦 不) I see a lot of broken bottles (我看到很多摔碎的瓶子) scattered on a field of broken dreams (散布在那粉碎的梦里) so many shattered windows (许多粉碎的窗户) from hopes thrown away it seems (看起来像是来自于那些被遗弃的渴望) we enjoy the pain (我们喜欢痛苦) that we bring into our own world light a fire (所以我们带来火苗去点亮我们的世界) and watching it burn (然后慢慢的燃烧) I"m sick and tired (我已经疲惫) I"ve had enough (我很难受) we need time to heal (我们需要时间来治疗伤口) and stop picking at the scars (不再去刮开那些疤痕) if we can grow together instead of growing apart (如果我们能一起成长而不是在不一样的条件下成长) Maybe we can save what wasn"t even ours from the start (那我们就有可能阻止会在我们身上发生的一切) I wanna run away (我想离开) Can we find a better place (我们能否找到一个再好点的地方) 153331 2923 89 0933 2351 25/看不到我的心疼了起来 032539 7589 698393/天空也渐渐远去 13677589 33 512093/就连这太阳也变了 no Where do we go (不 我们该去何方) I wanna run away oh no (我想离开 哦 不) away oh no (离开 噢 不) Runnig out of time (时间已经快没有了)
2023-07-18 19:50:531

run away前面填什么?

run away英 ["rʌnəweɪ]     美 ["rʌnəweɪ]    n.(名词)逃犯,逃跑者,逃亡者,逃避者
2023-07-18 19:51:002

run away和runaway有什么不同?

run away 逃跑;失控runaway adj. 逃亡的;逃走的 n. 逃跑;逃走的人
2023-07-18 19:51:092


run away(*^ω^*)希望有帮助
2023-07-18 19:51:173

求Runaway –boomkat中文 的歌词翻译

失控——boomkat    最近我一直在affraid  一些东西在我的右大脑  而且它越来越难以解释  但我看到一切    我一直在战斗我生命的全部  似乎总是把我的心在电话线上  和这是一个孤独的路我爬  当我看到一切    当我感觉它的到来  我跑进了阴影  我想假它  假到让它  人们试图拯救我  我只是想逃跑  失控的失控的失控…  我失控的…    你看我们出生与光在我们心里
2023-07-18 19:51:463

求首英文歌,一女的唱的,run away run away runaway,

Cascada runaway?
2023-07-18 19:51:5410

run off和run away的区别。

2023-07-18 19:53:124

词汇精选:run away的用法和辨析

一、详细释义: , phr. , 潜逃,逃跑 , 例句: ,We must not exclude the possibility that the child has run away.,我们不能排除那孩子跑掉的可能性。, 例句: ,He is running away because that is the only opportunity of shuffling off his responsibility.,他跑开了,因为那是推卸责任的唯一机会。, 二、词义辨析: , escape,flee,fly,get away,run away ,这些动物或短语动词都有“逃跑、逃脱”之意。escape侧重逃跑的结果,不强调逃跑时的匆忙或危险情况。flee书面用词,侧重指逃跑时动作匆忙,多含惧怕之意。fly含义与flee相同,但系非正式用词。get away口语用语。侧重指犯罪分子从现场逃跑或被捕时逃走。 run away口语用语,强调动作迅速。, 三、参考例句: ,The monkey has run away from the zoo.,那只猴子已经从动物园里逃跑了。,He has run away with my most valuable books.,他偷了我一些非常珍贵的书跑掉了。,He saw a wolf run away through the trees.,他看见一匹狼从树林里逃跑了。,The thiefs had run away when the policemen came.,警察来时小偷已经跑了,Those new heaters run away with a lot of electricity.,那些新的加热器耗电量很大。,They tried their best to run away from controversial issues.,他们尽力避开有争议的问题。,He"s run away with all my jewels.,他偷走了我全部的珠宝。,Perhaps they have just run away by themselves.,是他们自己逃走了吧。,Your new heaters will run away with a lot of electricity.,你那几只新电炉会非常耗电的。,We must not exclude the possibility that the child has run away.,我们不能排除那孩子跑掉的可能性。
2023-07-18 19:54:401


2023-07-18 19:54:473


Graffiti decorationsUnder the sky of dustA constant wave of tensionOn top of broken trustThe lessons that you taught meI learned were never trueNow I find myself in question(They point the finger at me again)Guilty by association(You point the finger at me again)I wanna run awayNever say goodbyeI wanna know the truthInstead of wondering whyI wanna know the answersNo more liesI wanna shut the doorAnd open up my mindPaper bags and angry voicesUnder a sky of dustAnother wave of tensionHas more than filled me upAll my talk of taking actionThese words were never trueNow I find myself in question(They point the finger at me again)Guilty by association(You point the finger at me again)I"m wanna run awaynever say goodbye  I wanna know the truthInstead of wondering whyI wanna know the answersNo more liesI wanna shut the doorAnd open up my mindI gonna run away and never saygoodbye!!!(Gonna run away Gonna run away)I gonna run away and never wonder why!!!(Gonna run away Gonna run awayGonna run away Gonna run away)I gonna run away and open up my mind!!!(Gonna run away Gonna run away)Mind!!!(Gonna run away Gonna run away)Mind!!!(Gonna run away Gonna run away)Mind----!!!(Gonna run away Gonna run away)I"m wanna run awaynever say goodbye  I wanna know the truthInstead of wondering whyI wanna know the answersNo more liesI wanna shut the doorAnd open up my mindI"m wanna run awayAnd open up my mindI"m wanna run awayAnd open up my mindI"m wanna run awayAnd open up my mindI"m wanna run awayAnd open up my mind
2023-07-18 19:54:551


Maroon 5 - RunawayWhat am I supposed to do with this time?If there"s so many holes, I stay afloatBut I feel out of controlSo petrified, I"m petrifiedWhat am I supposed to do to get by?Did I lose everything? I need to survive"Cause at 4am, when the sweat sets inDid you get my message? did it send?Or did you just get on with your life? (Oh)I"m taking time to thinking IDon"t think it"s fair for us toTurn around and say goodbyeI have this feeling when IFinally find the words to sayBut I can"t tell you if you turn around andRunaway, runawayWhat am I supposed to do with these clothes?It"s my twisted way of keeping you close yeah yeahI"m a nervous wreck, I"m a broken manDid you get my message? did it send?Or do get along on your own? ohI"m taking time to thinking IDon"t think it"s fair for us toTurn around and say goodbyeI have this feeling when IFinally find the words to sayBut I can"t tell you if you turn around andRunaway, runawayAnd it breaks me down when I see your faceYou look so different but you feel the sameAnd I do not understandI cannot comprehendThe chills your body sendsWhy did it have to end?I"m taking time to thinking IDon"t think it"s fair for us toTurn around and say goodbyeI have this feeling when IFinally find the words to sayBut I can"t tell you if you turn around andRunaway, runaway ohh ohI"m taking time to thinking IDon"t think it"s fair for us toTurn around and say goodbyeAnd I have this feeling when IFinally find the words to sayBut I can"t tell you if you turn around andRunaway, runawayRunaway, runawayTurn around andRunaway, runawayRunaway, runawayBut I can"t tell you if youRunaway, runawayTurn around and runaway
2023-07-18 19:55:341


runaway和runoff的区别:读音不同、意思不同、用法不同一、读音不同1.runaway读音:英 [rʌnə"weɪ]     美 [rʌnə"weɪ]    2.runoff读音:英 ["rʌnˌɒf]     美 ["rʌnˌɔːf]    二、意思不同1.runaway意思:逃跑;失去控制2.runoff意思:逃跑;流掉;迅速离开三、用法不同1.runaway用法:除用于动词之后组成短语动词的情况之外, away在句中主要用作状语、表语或补语。偶尔也可用作定语,这时必须前置而不可后置。2.runoff用法:是表示方位的副词,其基本意思是“离开”。用在动词或短语动词之后表示与“离开”有关的各种不同的意思。可以表示“离开”的状态,也可表示“离开”的动作。扩展资料近义短语:chaseawaychaseaway读音:英[tʃeɪsəˈweɪ] 美[tʃeɪsəˈweɪ] 释义:赶走,驱除,逃跑;流掉;离开用法:起引导作用的人或物或遵循他人的计划;chaseaway指为达到某个目的而坚持不懈地紧跟、追赶或追求某人、某物或某种事业。例句:The Vietnamese are slightly better, they just chase us away. 越南人稍微好一些,他们只是把我们赶走。
2023-07-18 19:55:481


陶喆(Tao, Che David) | 无名的怒火 有说不出的无力想敲打我自己 麻木的神经 感觉自己像个机器快不能呼吸 火辣的太阳 永远在前方 无尽的公路 无尽的追求 我想要 runaway runaway 不想再怀疑自己对不对 甩开一切无所谓 runaway runaway 像困在雾里 焦躁的想从茫然的现实中逃避 淡掉的感情 还坚持下去又有甚麼样的意义 风吹乱头发 黑夜星空下 无尽的公路 无尽的追求 我想要 runaway runaway 不想再怀疑自己对不对 甩开一切无所谓 就快去runaway runaway 我可以runaway runaway 不想再怀疑自己对不对 是为自己不为谁 不在乎的runaway runaway (rap) 很多人再说/不断的一直说/必须这个样子做/不能够那样做/却又没有办法在自己的生命中突破oh yeah/ 如果再不走/就永远不会走/别让自己在回头/没挣扎怎能够有自由 快走 现在就runaway runaway 不想再怀疑自己对不对 甩开一切无所谓 runaway runaway 快点去runaway runaway 不想再怀疑自己对不对 是为自己不为谁 不在乎的runaway runaway 现在要runaway runaway 今天要runaway runaway 现在要runaway runaway 今天要runaway runaway
2023-07-18 19:55:561

魏晨run away中文版歌词

I Can"t find a place to go Nowhere Sometimes I wanna hide Run Away ah Away ah no We"re running out of time Where do we go 白鸽飞过的广场雾散之后的信仰阳光在孩子脸上不是一般的安详雨湿了伤感和土壤蒲公英飞去的方向上面闻到花香可画面不是这样已经变了形状别在意 就这样 X X 的绝望I Wanna run away Where do we go I wanna run away Where do we hide 宁愿被灌醉Where do we go 翻过的相册里再也回不来心里面藏满真爱直到被遗忘掩埋 oh noWhere do we go I wanna run away oh no oh ah awy oh no RAP(手拿着威士忌 心里面所有事情 在这里我又失去 一旦提起又生气 别等到来不及 才学会反省 如你还不懂what I mean 请你仔细听)草原不再那么宽广我心遮蔽了阳光是谁打破了暗香在耳边跌跌撞撞河流变成干和土壤风中枯萎的树梢上只残留一片忧伤我深爱的那个她将我的心抛下别在意 就这样 X X 的绝望I Wanna run away Where do we go I wanna run away Where do we hide 宁愿被灌醉Where do we go 翻过的相册里再也回不来心里面藏满真爱直到被遗忘掩埋 oh noWhere do we go I wanna run away oh no oh ah awy oh no RAP(每当我打开电视机 想问里面说的事情 可是离我有些距离 可其实又很近 很近 可是 我已 曾经 藏在天机草里害羞 就可以摸到星星 只是最近 我的眼睛 漫天的星星 在城市灯火通明 难道非要等到来不及 才能自我反省 星星 醒醒 oh 才看清美好的回忆)I Wanna run away Where do we go I wanna run away Where do we hide 宁愿被灌醉Where do we go 翻过的相册里再也回不来心里面藏满真爱直到被遗忘掩埋 oh noWhere do we go I wanna run away oh no oh ah awy oh no
2023-07-18 19:56:164

run away与run off区别,详细点

run away 跑掉: The thief had run away when the policemen came. 警察来时小偷已经跑了。 离家出走;私奔: He left his home and ran away at the age of fifteen,and has never been heard of since. 他十五岁离家出走,至今杳无音信。 (液体)流掉;(钱)花掉: There is a hole in my washbasin,and the water is running away. 我的脸盆上有一个洞,水都流走了。 run off 跑掉;迅速离开: You must run off now.The rain is coming. 雨来了,你现在快走吧。 逃走;逃脱(责任等): Mike ran off when he heard that the police were hunting for him. 迈克听说警方正在搜捕他,就逃跑了。 使(比赛等)进行;比完: The final of the 100 metres will be run off tomorrow. 百米决赛将于明天举行。 快速写出(或背诵出): He could run off an article in an hour. 他能在一小时内快速写出一篇文章。 印出;复印出;打印出: We have to run off a few copies of the letter on the duplicating machine. 我们必须用复印机把这封信复印几份。 (使)流掉: You must first run off the water from the tank. 首先必须把水从水槽中流掉。 驱逐,赶走: We saw a hare jumping into our garden and ran it off. 我们看见一只野兔窜入花园里,便把它赶跑了。 偷偷赶走(牛、羊等): I heard someone running the cattle off last night. 昨天夜里我听见有人偷偷把牛赶跑了。 百度专家组为您解答,请采纳、好评!谢谢!
2023-07-18 19:56:241

run away与run out的区别

2023-07-18 19:56:479

求Run Away歌词,最好有中文翻译

Run Away韩文版歌手:魏晨所属专辑:破晓韩语歌词:I Can t find a place to goNowhereSometimes I wanna hideRun Away ah Away ah noWe re running out of timeuc228uc744 uc274 uc218uac00 uc5c6uc5b4 ud3b8ud788 uc274 uc218uac00 uc5c6uc5b4ubcc0ud574ubc84ub9b0 ud558ub298ub3c4 everything s fading awayuc6b0ub9acuc758 uc695uc2ec ub54cubb38uc5d0 ub098uc758 ubb34uad00uc2ec ub54cubb38uc5d0ubaa8ub450 uc783uc5b4ubc84ub9b0 uac78ub530uc2a4ud588ub358 uae30uc5b5ub3c4 uc774uc81cub294 uc0acub77cuc838uac00where d it go I don t know uc774ub300ub85cub294 uc548 ub3fcI wanna run away I wanna run awayCan we find a better place ubcf4uc774uc9c0 uc54auc544 ub0b4 ub9d8uc774 uc544ud30c uc640uba40uc5b4uc838 uac00ub294 ud558ub298ub3c4 ubcc0ud574uac00ub294 uc800 ud0dcuc591ub3c4no Where do we go I wanna run away oh noThe sky s pitch black painted with shades of greyclouds can t recall the last time I ve seen a sunny dayyou hear the concrete cry we re blinded by bright lightsthe night life toxic in disguise over eyes wide shutuc783uc5b4ubc84ub9b0 uae30uc5b5ub4e4 uc774uc81c uc0acub77cuc838uac00ub294uc544ub984ub2e4uc6b4 ucd94uc5b5ub4e4 everything s fading awayucee4ub2e4ub780 uc695uc2ecuc5d0 ubb3bud600 ubcc0ud574uac00ub294 uc800 ud558ub298ub3c4uc6b0ub9b4 uc678uba74ud558uc796uc544ub530uc2a4ud588ub358 uae30uc5b5ub3c4 uc774uc81cub294 uc0acub77cuc838uac00where d it go I don t know uc774ub300ub85cub294 uc548 ub3fcI wanna run away I wanna run awayCan we find a better place ubcf4uc774uc9c0 uc54auc544 ub0b4 ub9d8uc774 uc544ud30c uc640uba40uc5b4uc838 uac00ub294 ud558ub298ub3c4 ubcc0ud574uac00ub294 uc800 ud0dcuc591ub3c4no Where do we go I wanna run away oh noI see a lot of broken bottles scattered on a field of broken dreamsso many shattered windows from hopes thrown away it seemswe enjoy the pain that we bring into our own world light a fireand watching it burn I m sick and tired I ve had enough we need timeto heal and stop picking at the scars if we can grow togetherinstead of growing apartmaybe we can save what wasn t even ours from the startI wanna run away I wanna run awayCan we find a better place ubcf4uc774uc9c0 uc54auc544 ub0b4 ub9d8uc774 uc544ud30c uc640uba40uc5b4uc838 uac00ub294 ud558ub298ub3c4 ubcc0ud574uac00ub294 uc800 ud0dcuc591ub3c4 noWhere do we go I wanna run away oh no oh ahaway oh no Runnig out of time中文歌词:I Can"t find a place to goNo where~ Sometimes I wanna hideRun Away! ah~~~ Away~ ah~~noWe"re running out of time~ where do we go ~白鸽飞过的广场雾散去后的晴朗阳光在孩子脸上如诗一般的安详雨水流向干涸土壤蒲公英飞去的方向闭上眼闻到花香可画面已不是这样已经变了形状别再继 续这样对着镜子说谎I wanna run awayWhere do we goI wanna run away那些美好被关在Where do we hideWhere do we run泛黄的相册里再也回不来别让心灵的窗沾满尘埃直到被欲望掩埋 NO~Where do we goI wanna run away oh no~Oh 打开电视机新闻里面说的事情感觉离我有些距离但其实又很近不要等到来不及才学会反省如果你还不懂what I mean继续仔细听草原不再那么宽广灰尘遮蔽了阳光是谁打破的安详在耳边跌跌撞撞河流变成干涸土壤风中枯萎的树梢上只残留一片忧伤留下来的泪滚烫将我的心烫伤别再继 续这样对着镜子说谎I wanna run awayWhere do we goI wanna run awaywhere do we hide那些美好被关在where do we run泛黄的相册里再也回不来别让心灵的窗沾满尘埃直到被欲望掩埋 NO~Where do we go I wanna run awayOh no~Oh 每天当我打开电视机新闻里面说的事情感觉离我有些距离但其实又很近 很近开始回忆 曾经躺在田间草地抬手就可以 摸到星星只是如今(只是如今)我的眼睛(已看不清)满天的星星淹没在这城市灯火通明难道非要等到来不及才能学会自我反省提醒醒后 才看清美好都已经变成回忆I wanna run awayWhere do we goI wanna run awaywhere do we hide那些美好被关在where do we run泛黄的相册里再也回不来别让心灵的窗沾满尘埃直到被欲望掩埋 NO~Where do we goI wanna run awayOh no on~ah~~away ah~~noWe"re running out of timeWhere do we go Oh
2023-07-18 19:57:033

run away 和run past的区别

2023-07-18 19:57:111

本兮run away的歌词

歌词如下:《Run away》【所属专辑:《Run away》发行时间: 2012-06-30歌曲原唱: 本兮(原名马晓晨)】词曲:本兮演唱:本兮想再回到旧生活怎样都找不到出口迟早会断了念头什么是对或错判断能力可能减弱谁现在会来帮我你说是我找借口其实并没想逃脱总觉得情绪压迫也不是我的错反正我没有落魄反正没有太过火反正怎样都要活为何不选择run away run away run awayi"m happy in factbut i don"t want to get backjust let me tell yourun away run away run awaythis is my freeoh this is my free想再回到旧生活怎样都找不到出口迟早会断了念头什么是对或错判断能力可能减弱谁现在会来帮我你说是我找借口其实并没想逃脱总觉得情绪压迫也不是我的错反正我没有落魄反正没有太过火反正怎样都要活为何不选择run away run away run awayi"m happy in factbut i don"t want to get backjust let me tell yourun away run away run awaythis is my freeoh this is my freerun away run away run awayi"m happy in factbut i don"t want to get backjust let me tell yourun away run away run awaythis is my freeoh this is my free想再回到旧生活怎样都找不到出口迟早会断了念头什么是对或错判断能力可能减弱谁现在会来帮我run away run away run awayi"m happy in factbut i don"t want to get backjust let me tell yourun away run away run awaythis is my freeoh this is my freerun away run away run awayi"m happy in factbut i don"t want to get backjust let me tell yourun away run away run awaythis is my freeoh this is my freerun away run away run awayi"m happy in factbut i don"t want to get backjust let me tell yourun away run away run awaythis is my freeoh this is my freerun away run away run awayi"m happy in factbut i don"t want to get backjust let me tell yourun away run away run awaythis is my freeoh this is my free所属专辑 :《Run away》发行时间: 2012-06-30歌曲原唱: 本兮(原名马晓晨)
2023-07-18 19:57:333

Groove Coverage的《Runaway》 歌词

歌曲名:Runaway歌手:Groove Coverage专辑:7 Years & 50 DaysRunawayGroove Coveragei wannna knowthe structure of your heartwhy did you tearmy broken soul apartis it a dreamor my realityloved and withoutafter warrantyOoO i want to runawayyou tell me nothing else but liesi"m singinOoO i try to runawaycause i just want to live my lifei"m singinOoO i want to runawayas long you are by my sidei"m singinOoO i try to runawaybut i can′t find a place to hideno i am notyour Xing second choiceno i am notturnin down my voiceuntil you understandthere"s nothing to commanduntil you realizethat we can touch the skycan"t you feelinside us controlcan"t you feelthere"s nothing at allOoO i want to runawayyou tell me nothing else but liesi"m singinOoO i try to runawaycause i just want to live my lifei"m singinOoO i want to runawayas long you are by my sidei"m singinOoO i try to runawaybut i can′t find a place to hide
2023-07-18 19:57:401


On the street where you live girls talk about their social lives.They"re made of lipstick, plastic and paint, a touch of sable in their eyes.All your life all you"ve asked when"s your Daddy gonna talk to you.You were living in another world tryin" to get your message through.No one heard a single word you said.They should have seen it in your eyeswhat was going around your heart.Ooh, she"s a little runaway.Daddy"s girl learned fastall those things he couldn"t say.Ooh, she"s a little runaway.A different line every night guaranteed to blow your mind.See you out on the streets, call me for a wild time.So you sit home alone "cause there"s nothing left that you can do.There"s only pictures hung in the shadows left there to look at you.You know she likes the lights at nights on the neon Broadway signsShe don"t really mind,it"s only love she hoped to find.Ooh, she"s a little runaway.Daddy"s girl learned fastall those things he couldn"t say.Ooh, she"s a little runaway.No one heard a single word she said.They should have seen it in your eyeswhat was going around your heart.Ooh, she"s a little runaway.Daddy"s girl learned fastall those things he couldn"t say.Ooh, she"s a little runaway.Daddy"s girl learned fast,now she works the night away.Ooh, she"s a little runaway.Daddy"s girl learned fastall those things he couldn"t say.Ooh, she"s a little runaway.Daddy"s girl learned fast,now she works the night away.Ooh, she"s a little runaway.
2023-07-18 19:57:471

魏晨 run away 歌词

I Can"t find a place to goNowhereSometimes I wanna hideRun Away ah Away ah noWe"re running out of timeSum-eul swil suga eobs-eoPyeonhi swil suga eobs-eoByeonhaebeolin haneuldoEverything"s fading awayUliui yogsim ttaemun-eNaui mugwansim ttaemun-eModu ilh-eobeolin geolTtaseuhaessdeon gieogdoIjeneun salajyeogaWhere"d it go I don"t knowIdaeloneun an dwaeI wanna run away I wanna run awayCan we find a better placeBoiji anh-a nae mam-i apa waMeol-eojyeo ganeun haneuldoByeonhaeganeun jeo taeyangdono Where do we goI wanna run away oh noThe sky"s pitch blackpainted with shades of greyclouds can"t recall the lasttime I"ve seen a sunny dayyou hear the concrete crywe"re blinded by bright lightsthe night life toxic indisguise over eyes wide shutIlh-eobeolin gieogdeulIje salajyeoganeunAleumdaun chueogdeulEverything"s fading awayKeodalan yogsim-e mudhyeoByeonhaeganeun jeo haneuldoUlil oemyeonhajanh-aTtaseuhaessdeon gieogdoIjeneun salajyeoga Where"d it goI don"t know Idaeloneun an dwaeI wanna run away I wanna run awayCan we find a better placeBoiji anh-a nae mam-i apa waMeol-eojyeo ganeun haneuldoByeonhaeganeun jeo taeyangdono Where do we goI wanna run away oh noI see a lot of brokenbottles scattered on a field ofbroken dreamsso many shattered windows fromhopes thrown away it seemswe enjoy the pain that we bringinto our own world light a fireand watching it burn I"m sickand tired I"ve had enoughwe need timeto heal and stop picking at thescars if we can grow togetherinstead of growing apart maybewe can save what wasn"t evenours from the startI wanna run awayI wanna run awayCan we find a better placeBoiji anh-a nae mam-i apa waMeol-eojyeo ganeun haneuldo byeonhaeganeunJeo taeyangdo noWhere do we goI wanna run away oh no oh ah Away oh noRunnig out of time
2023-07-18 19:58:027

run away过去式

ran awayrun-ran
2023-07-18 19:58:174


runaway和runoff的区别:读音不同、意思不同、用法不同一、读音不同1.runaway读音:英 [rʌnə"weɪ]     美 [rʌnə"weɪ]    2.runoff读音:英 ["rʌnˌɒf]     美 ["rʌnˌɔːf]    二、意思不同1.runaway意思:逃跑;失去控制2.runoff意思:逃跑;流掉;迅速离开三、用法不同1.runaway用法:除用于动词之后组成短语动词的情况之外, away在句中主要用作状语、表语或补语。偶尔也可用作定语,这时必须前置而不可后置。2.runoff用法:是表示方位的副词,其基本意思是“离开”。用在动词或短语动词之后表示与“离开”有关的各种不同的意思。可以表示“离开”的状态,也可表示“离开”的动作。扩展资料近义短语:chaseawaychaseaway读音:英[tʃeɪsəˈweɪ] 美[tʃeɪsəˈweɪ] 释义:赶走,驱除,逃跑;流掉;离开用法:起引导作用的人或物或遵循他人的计划;chaseaway指为达到某个目的而坚持不懈地紧跟、追赶或追求某人、某物或某种事业。例句:The Vietnamese are slightly better, they just chase us away. 越南人稍微好一些,他们只是把我们赶走。
2023-07-18 19:58:361

The Afters的《Runaway》 歌词

歌曲名:Runaway歌手:The Afters专辑:Light Up the Sky (Album)The Afters - RunawayHear your voice on the floorAnd my heart just doubtWhen you said you were not going homeWhere are youI saveAre you trying to escape from what you can"t undoHoping that the world forget youBut I can"t, No I won"tForget youI know you"re out there tonightLooking for somewhere to hideHey Hey Hey...You don"t have to run awayYou"re hanging over the edgeIs not to let you look backHey Hey Hey...You don"t have to run awayEverywhere let you turnSomehow every face"s not the the bridgeThat you burnSo you thinkYou can"t stayIf you could find another life and another placeAnd hope the world forget your nameBut I can"t, No I won"tForget youI know you"re out there tonightLooking for somewhere to hideHey Hey Hey...You don"t have to run awayYou"re hanging over the edgeIs not to let you look backHey Hey Hey...You don"t have to run awayYou think you"ve lost enoughAnd there"s nothing left of youThere"s nowhere you can fallBut Love won"t catch you(Love won"t catch you...)Love won"t catch you...I know you"re out there tonightLooking for somewhere to hideHey Hey Hey...You don"t have to run awayYou"re hanging over the edgeIs not to let you look backHey Hey Hey...You don"t have to run awayHey Hey Hey...Hey Hey Hey...You don"t have to run awayYou think you"ve lost enoughYou think you"ve lost enoughYou don"t have to run awayYou don"t have to run awayYou think you"ve lost enoughYou don"t have to run away歌词靠听力,有错请勿喷 :P
2023-07-18 19:58:431

run away和get away有什么区别

区别是意思不同。run away指的是逃跑,逃离。get away指的是离开,脱身。详细解释:run away 英[ru028cn u0259u02c8wei] 美[ru028cn u0259u02c8we] [词典] 逃跑,走掉; 逃脱; (使) 流走[掉]; 出奔; [例句]I ran away from home when I was sixteen我16岁的时候离家出走了。get away 英[ɡet u0259u02c8wei] 美[ɡu025bt u0259u02c8we] [词典] 离开,脱身; 逃掉; 抽身; 拔身; [例句]She"d gladly have gone anywhere to get away from the cottage只要能离开那个小屋,去哪儿她都乐意。
2023-07-18 19:58:522