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求一篇英语作文, 题目是 我的梦想。 内容要 写梦想是过平平淡淡的生活 要快

2023-07-19 12:33:32

英文; Dream, historically, countless people in dream in suantiankula compiled. In the night, when the dark dream brings people bring fire, the farther and nearer and hope. It floating in the imagination and expect in, is people"s hearts are endlessly pursuit.

In reality, under the impact of dreams is just peace of mind, make the boundless life road a many bright. Dream forever in persistent, sweat, and establish above efforts and tears, looking at the past: the great Madame Curie to benefit human, the arduous struggle, octylic acid extracted a lifetime, finally the pure radium. Her life though because long-term accept radioactive substances stimulation and fades away, but she chasing the dream will never stop steps. She used her dream, write down the life of eternity.

And we? Because countless obstacles stopped pace, or because of laziness heart and give up the dream. Don"t longings showy dream will come true, also do not immersed in a prosperous and noise of. Choose the right this way, they must go down, no matter how long the road ahead, no matter is fraught with dangers, as long as the heart to have "go a little went to" belief, difficult way, the joy of dreams will away from you?

Seed dream is to blossom and bear fruit, the eagle"s dream is ready to fly. "An costraint", even a nag at dream to support the weak body. So, the young are we more should take advantage of this wonderful time chasing the dream trace?

Dream, it like the butterfly, pian-pian with colorful wings attract we capture it; But it is more like a wisp of fragrant, with tangy scent temptation, end we look to the "caught only once." floral Also no wonder that someone will give up the right to pursue their dreams, because "the real dream too can see but cannot and". Don"t dream really so hard to reach? No, because those people too have lust, will dream on the high place with days together, but never considered himself ever reach the capability to dream. Wait until to discover it is, he is already dispirited and discouraged, no interest in exploring dream again.

Dream really so far? In fact, it might be far ahead, are you eagerly waved, looking forward to your coming. Or, it in the corner, prepare intersections in your when unexpected jumped out scare you jump, give you a surprise. It may be false dreams, maybe is immensely. The life forever is because dream and flash, and bright.

In the streets to see a beggar girl, sweet songs should have sung on stage, but now eyes in charity to sing. Silence Oh, don"t bother her, also don"t think she is poor, you know, she is in order to realize her dream and play good matting. In persistent efforts, sweat, and tears filled with after your heart in turn, your dreams will release belongs to its real light!









My Dream

Everyone has a lot of dreams. Some people want to be rich, dreaming of becoming millionaires overnight. Others want to be famous, dreaming of suddenly jumping to great fame. I have a lot of dreams,too. When I was a young girl, I dreamed of becoming a scientist like Hua Imogen in future. However, I knew very well that I could not succeed without painstaking efforts. So I studied hard in the middle school and college in order to attain my goal.After graduating from, college, I found a job as a teacher. Although I was very busy with teaching, I never gave up my goal. I read a lot of books to get more knowledge. I made experiments to practise and apply what I had learnt from the books. Sometimes, I was so deeply indulged in my research that I forgot my meals and time. Now I have made great progress. Several of my research papers have been published. The methods proposed in my papers have been proven to be valuable for the solution of some problems. I am very happy. The ladder of becoming a scientist is still far ahead, but I have climbed the first rung anyway.

My dream

Everyone has a dream. Now I"ll talk about my dream. What is my dream? I often ask myself. To my mind, everyone should have his own dream. I think that we have dream meaning we have a ideal, then we do everything all is for the target .So we have a goal to realize it, I think we don"t blindness at least. My dream is become a successful actor helping the sick and saving their lives. Of course, to be a good doctor. It"s very difficult. But I will by all means to keep everyone healthy. That"s my dream. I want to try my best to help the poor sick people of our country. I want to let them have an opportunity to receive excel-lent treatments for their illnesses without having to pay much or any money. China is a develop-ing country. She needs good medicine and good doctors, especially in the countryside and lonely villages. Now I"m a junior Grade One student, all my classmates and I are working hard, we all know the entrance exam of high schools which will come in the year of 2009 is a big problem for us. We must study harder and harder in order to go to a good high school, then when we finish our school, we can go to a good university. Finally we can find a good job in society. My dream is also that. Although now I"m good at study, I"ll try my best to be the study winer. Now everything I do all is close to my dream. I fell the life is fill with hope and colorful, and have enough confidence to realize it. I know fantasy is hard to come true, but dream can. I"ll work hard for my dreams,I"ll never give up.


My Dream

Everyone has a lot of dreams. Some people want to be rich, dreaming of becoming millionaires overnight. Others want to be famous, dreaming of suddenly jumping to great fame. I have a lot of dreams,too. When I was a young girl, I dreamed of becoming a scientist like Hua Imogen in future. However, I knew very well that I could not succeed without painstaking efforts. So I studied hard in the middle school and college in order to attain my goal.After graduating from, college, I found a job as a teacher. Although I was very busy with teaching, I never gave up my goal. I read a lot of books to get more knowledge. I made experiments to practise and apply what I had learnt from the books. Sometimes, I was so deeply indulged in my research that I forgot my meals and time. Now I have made great progress. Several of my research papers have been published. The methods proposed in my papers have been proven to be valuable for the solution of some problems. I am very happy. The ladder of becoming a scientist is still far ahead, but I have climbed the first rung anyway.


Dream, historically, countless people in dream in suantiankula compiled. In the night, when the dark dream brings people bring fire, the farther and nearer and hope. It floating in the imagination and expect in, is people"s hearts are endlessly pursuit. In reality, under the impact ofdreams is just peace of mind, make the boundless life road a many bright. Dream forever in persistent, sweat, and establish above efforts and tears, looking at the past: the great Madame Curie to benefit human, the arduous struggle, octylic acid extracted a lifetime, finally the pure radium. Her lifethough because long-term accept radioactive substances stimulation and fades away, but she chasing the dream will never stop steps. She used her dream, write down the life of eternity. And we? Because countless obstacles stopped pace, or because of laziness heart and give up the dream. Don"t longings showy dream will come true, also do not immersed in a prosperous and noise of. Choose the right this way, they must go down, no matter how longthe road ahead, no matter is fraught with dangers, as long as the heart to have "go a little went to" belief, difficult way, the joy of dreams will away from you? Seed dream is to blossom andbear fruit, the eagle"s dream is ready to fly. "An costraint", even a nag at dream to support the weak body. So, the young are we more should take advantage of this wonderful time chasing the dream trace?


peace of mind是什么意思

peace of mind 英[pi:s u0254v maind] 美[pis u028cv mau026and] [词典] 内心的宁静; 神安气定; [例句]Whatever troubles arise, we"ll have peace of mind amidst seeming chaos.无论出现什么样的麻烦,我们都会在貌似混乱的情形中保持平和的心态。
2023-07-18 18:39:251

peace of mind是什么意思

peace of mind心灵的平静双语对照词典结果:peace of mind[英][pi:s u0254v maind][美][pis u028cv mau026and]内心的宁静; 神安气定; 以上结果来自金山词霸例句:1.But for those who rushed to buy near the top, peace of mind was costly. 但对于那些贸然在高位买进的人来说,这份心安的代价高昂。2.It gives you peace of mind. 本源能量给予你内心的平静。
2023-07-18 18:39:331

五年级上册英语 平虑复数怎么写

你好,平虑这个是一个固定英语词组,没有复数形式。重点词汇平虑───Peace of mind双语使用场景The main appeal these bonds hold for individual investors is the safety and peace of mind they offer.───这些债券对于个人投资者的主要吸引力在于它们提供的安全感和心灵的平静。I hope to find a little peace of mind.───我想找回那一点点自我.Health administers to peace of mind.───健康有助于身心的安宁.House of green onion flavor, so that peace of mind of men.───满屋葱花的香味, 让男人心安.A man who is wanted by the police can have little peace of mind.───被警察追捕的人的心情是不会太平静的.Get peace of mind and rest easy. Protect your equipments now!───为心情舒畅、睡的安稳, 现在开始保护你的装备吧!Oh, were I rich in calm and peace of mind, my grief you then would not here written find!───哦,要是我能保持冷静,心态平和,你就不会在这里看到我悲伤!He began to insist upon a bullet-proof limousine, just for peace of mind.───他开始坚持要防弹豪华轿车,仅仅是为了安心而已。英语使用场景I could not have complete peace of mind before they returned.
2023-07-18 18:39:431

Have a peace of mind什么意思?

"Have a peace of mind"是一种短语,意为“心安理得,感到安心或放心”。它通常用于形容人们得到了某种保障,或者摆脱了某种烦恼或担忧后所感受到的心理状态。例如,当某个人解决了一件大事或得到了某些安全保障之后,他会感觉到有一种“内心的平静和宁静”,从而得到了一种心灵的安慰和满足,这时候就可以说这个人“have a peace of mind”。这一短语常常出现在商业和保险广告中,目的是让消费者感受到他们的服务或产品能够带来安全和宁静的感觉。
2023-07-18 18:39:503


2023-07-18 18:40:015

peace of mind是什么意思

2023-07-18 18:40:183

peace of mind 的中文翻译

2023-07-18 18:40:295

Peace Of Mind 歌词

歌曲名:Peace Of Mind歌手:Rance Allen Group专辑:Capitol Rare, Volume 1歌名:Peace Of Mind<和平之愿>(TV动画)苍穹のファフナー<苍穹之法芙娜> -RIGHT OF LEFT- OP作词:atsuko编曲:KATSU作曲:atsuko-KATSU歌手:angelaどれくらい时间(じかん)があれば 心(こころ)は繋(つな)がるかな<待到何时 我才能与你心心相印>どこか寂(さみ)しげな笑颜(えがお) いゃせたらいいのに<如此希望 抚平你笑容中的寂寞>近(ちか)すぎてきづけなかった 一番(いちばん)大事(だいじ)な人(ひと)<近在咫尺 迟迟才察觉你的珍贵>傍(そば)にいてくれるだけで 幸(しあわ)せを感(かん)じられる<只需相伴 便能沉浸幸福的感觉>悲(かな)しみの夜(ょる)も 喜(ょろこ)びの朝(ぁさ)も<悲伤的夜晚 喜悦的清晨>あたしを见(み)守(まも)ってくれた<都有你在默默将我守护>ただ一言(ひとこと)「ありがとう」 伝(つた)えられないままで<我却始终无法诉说那份感激>素直(すなお)になるのが 少(すこ)し怖(こわ)かった<对于坦白 曾有一丝闪躲>今(いま)あなたの腕(うで)の中(なか) 心(こころ)がほどけてゆく<如今终于安心躺在你的怀中>温(あたた)かい安(やす)らぎに抱(だ)かれて<在温暖与安宁中得到解脱>静(しず)けさにふとまどのそと 雪(ゆき)が舞(ま)い降(お)りている<不知何时 窗外的雪花静静飘落>真白(まっしろ)にそまる世界(せかい)で あなたのおとに寄(ょ)り添(そ)う<雪白世界 默默依偎于你的话语>あたしの弱(ょわ)さも 强(つょ)がり言(い)う癖(くせ)も<我的软弱 我的逞强>受(う)け止(と)めていてくれるから<都有你在默默将我包容>饰(かざ)らない言叶(ことば)だけ こぼれ落(お)ちてくんだね<只流露出几句淡若无事的话语>いつか梦(ゆめ)のように 覚(き)めてゆくのかな<这段幸福 莫非只是美梦一场>忘(わす)れないよこの瞬间(とき)を ずっと离(はな)さないでね<永远不忘此刻 请别离我而去>目(め)を闭(と)じて 愿(ねが)い事(ごと)ひとつ<闭上双眼 诉说这唯一的心愿>涙(なみだ)ひとしずく 頬(ほほ)につたうのは<滑落脸颊的眼泪 那是因为>今(いま)此処(ここ)に见(み)えたから 心(こころ)繋(つな)ぐ光(ひかり)が<此刻我已看见 两人交心的光辉>
2023-07-18 18:40:451

it was the only way i could find the peace of min

2023-07-18 18:40:532

i havepeaceofmind翻译

i have peace of mind我有心灵的平静I don"t need absolution, father. I need peace of mind.我不需要,神甫我需要平静.
2023-07-18 18:41:371

promise yourself to be so strong that nothing can disturb your peace of mind,什么意思

2023-07-18 18:41:452

求柳生十兵卫2 插曲/冈崎律子的《凪~peace of mind》的歌词

《凪~peace of mind~》冈崎律子(十兵卫の逆袭)苦战と思えた 一场苦战敌ごとさえも 但却不是敌人偶然じゃなかった 与你这样相遇こうし会えた 绝不是偶然贵方に狂われて 你已经失去了自我私は今ただの私 我只剩下我自己体の奥から甘く融けて 体内一般甘露正在融化梦を见う梦を见る 一切如梦初醒何度も何度も 多少次 多少次名前を呼んだ 呼唤你的名字心に降る雨 心中的雨冷たかったの 那么的冷心ごと预けて 把心交付给你体の重さも预けて 沉重的身体也交付给你こうたたったこうなりたかった 我的一切的努力仅仅是为了....胸と胸重ねて 能和你拥抱爱していた爱してるよ 打开尘封已久的爱列えどんなを见たことも 即使眼前再发生什么全ては许され何时か融ける 一切都能宽恕,都将冰释山り着く场所がある 苦尽终会甘来REPEAT污れずに步ぃて 小心翼翼地前行列えどんなを见たことも 即使眼前再发生什么思ぃ出してぬとんな时を 勾起的都将是那段回忆求めてたのは爱 我祈求着爱度したかったのも爱 同时把我的爱传递
2023-07-18 18:41:511

我以前听过一首轻音乐,名字叫做:peace of mind ,听起来很平和,让人内心安静,请问哪里有下载?这个吗 Now if you"re feelin" kinda low "bout the dues you"ve been payin" Future"s comin" much too slow And you wanna run but somehow you just keep on stayin" Can"t decide on which way to go Yeah, yeah, yeah Chorus: I understand about indecision But I don"t care if I get behind People living in competition All I want is to have my peace of mind Now you"re climbin" to the top of the company ladder Hope it doesn"t take too long Can"t you see there"ll come a day when it won"t matter Come a day when you"ll be gone Repeat Chorus Take a look ahead Take a look ahead Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah Now everybody"s got advice they just keep on givin" Doesn"t mean too much to me Lot"s of people out to make believe they"re livin" Can"t decide who they should be Repeat Chorus Take a look ahead Take a look ahead Look ahead
2023-07-18 18:42:016


2023-07-18 18:42:195

you are my peace of mind harbor 是什么意思?

2023-07-18 18:42:422

求翻译All of us depend for our peace of mind and our efficiency on hundreds of these cues.

2023-07-18 18:42:511


peace 和平peaceful 和平的
2023-07-18 18:43:015

Promise yourself to be so strong that nothing can disturb your peace of mind.什么意思

你好。Promise yourself to be so strong that nothing can disturb your peace of mind.翻译成中文是:承诺自己要强大到没有任何事能打扰你内心的平静。——————希望帮到你,满意请采纳。
2023-07-18 18:43:231


make up one"s mind下决心have in mind记住,考虑到,想到bear/keep in mind记住change one"s mind改变主意Don"t mind+doing /从句 /名词 不要介意... mind sb. to do 介意...做什么 apply one"s mind to专心于...bear sth. in mind记住(某事)come to one"s mind忽然想起keep in mind记住never mind不要紧,没关系in one"s mind想着,考虑on one"s mind惦记,操心,焦虑to one"s mind照某人的看法,据某人的意见;合某人的心意,为某人所喜欢bear in mind记住,牢记,不忘keep one"s mind on 专心于 mind you听着,请注意 mind readern. 测心术者, 能测人心思者spring to mind突然想到time out of mindadv.很久以前state of mind心情,心态,思想状态presence of mind沉着,镇定;聚精会神,专心志致;不乱方寸frame of mind心境,心情,心绪,情绪slip one"s mind忘记,被忽略peace of mind内心的宁静of unsound mind精神失常, 头脑不健全我知道的就这么多了,还想知道更多的话就去查字典哈~
2023-07-18 18:43:321

Promise yourself to be so strong that nothing can disturb your peace of mind.这句什么意思

您好!意思是:承诺你自己要如此的强大以至于没有什么可以干扰你平静的思绪。 望您采纳,谢谢您对这次!
2023-07-18 18:43:511


爱到最美是陪伴陪到最后是心安The most beautiful love is to accompany accompany finally is peace of mind望采纳,谢谢
2023-07-18 18:43:582

far away from home中文歌词,就是和英语字母调子、发音差不多的汉语

2023-07-18 18:44:063

Promise yourself to be so strong that nothing can disturb your peace of mind

2023-07-18 18:44:142

Taylor Swift2首歌的中文歌词。跪求

  <<what do you say >>  Taylor Swift  -What do you say What do you say, when you just know  That he"s the one, and you wanna go fast  But he"s taking it slow  And what do you do, when he"s next to you  But he"s a little bit shy  Well here"s something you can try  Hey, hey what do you say  We go walking down the river all together  It"s a warm May beautiful day  And I feel like I could  Talk to you forever  With the sun shining bright  It feels just like a day  When everything"s gonna go just right  I know it will be a sweet memory  For you and me someday  What do you say?  What do you see, when you look in his eyes  There"s something there  That he can"t disguise  No matter how he trys  And what do you feel, when you know its real  And you can"t sit still  If you don"t own up will yeah  Hey, hey what do you say  We go walking down the river all together  It"s a warm May beautiful day  And I feel like I could  Talk to you forever  With the sun shining bright  It feels just like a day  When everything"s gonna go just right  I know it will be a sweet memory  For you and me someday  What do you say?  My imaginations, running away  Just dreaming about  What I want you to say  Hey, hey what do you say  We go walking down the river all together  It"s a warm May beautiful day  And I feel like I could  Talk to you forever  With the sun shining bright  It feels just like a day  When everything"s gonna go just right  I know it will be a sweet memory  For you and me someday  What do you say?  What do you say?  What do you say?  <<Drive All Night>>  T.S  She didn"t have a reason to go  She didn"t have a reason to stay either way  She didn"t tell anyone  She looked at her keys and found a reason to run  And time stands still when you"re nowhere bound  But I understand it somehow  If I could drive all night  Would I find my peace of mind  Would it be a million miles of cold white lights  And unfamiliar exit signs  I"d just drive on by  Just south of knowing why  I didn"t really know her that well but I could tell  That her smile was only something to hide behind  She felt so out of touch ‘cause she just felt too much  And you don"t know what you want, nothing"s ever enough  And time stands still when you"re nowhere bound  That"s where I"m headed right now  If I could drive all night  Would I find my peace of mind  Would it be a million miles of cold white lights  And unfamiliar exit signsI"d just drive on byJust south of knowing why  I don"t have a planI don"t have a map  I don"t even know if  I"m ever coming back  I don"t have a when and I don"t have a where  I don"t even know if I"ll know when I"m there  But if I could drive all night  Would I find my peace of mind  Would it be a million miles of cold white lights  And unfamiliar exit signs  I"d just drive on by  Just south of knowing why
2023-07-18 18:44:432


译《化身博士》第七章:最后一夜(四) Dear Utterson, Four days ago, on the 9th of January, I received a letter by the evening post. It was in the handwriting of my old friend Henry Jekyll. I was rather surprised, as we were not in the habit of writing to each other, and I had had dinner with him the night before. When I came to read the letter, I was even more surprised. The letter said: 亲爱的厄特森, 4天前,也就是1月9日,我收到晚班邮差送来的一封信,是老朋友亨利·杰基尔的笔迹。我很奇怪,因为我们没有互相写信的习惯,并且前一天晚上还一起吃过晚饭。看到信的内容我就更奇怪了。信上说: Dear Lanyon You are one of my oldest friends. Although we have sometimes disagreed on scientific matters, I have always remained your friend. I would do anything for you, Lanyon-please will you do something for me now? 亲爱的兰宁, 你是我最老的朋友之一。尽管我们有时在科学问题上存在分歧,但我一直把你当朋友。我能为你做任何事,兰宁――你现在能为我做一些事吗? Please, old friend, come to my house at once with this letter in your hand. Poole, my servant, has his orders. He will be here with a locksmith. Break the lock of my study door, and then you must go in there alone. Open the glass-fronted cupboard on the left-hand side and look on the fourth shelf from the top. On it you will find some packets of chemical powders, a small bottle and a book. Please take everything back to your house. 拜托老朋友,拿上这封信立马去一趟我家。我已吩咐过仆人普尔,让他找个锁匠等着,你们撬开我书房的锁,然后你得独自进屋,打开左边的玻璃柜,往下数到第四格,你会看到一些装有药粉的药包,一个小瓶子和一本书。请拿上这些回家。 If you leave as soon as you receive this letter, you should be back home before midnight. At that time you will receive a visit from a man. Please give him the bottle, the powders and the book, and I shall always be grateful to you. 如果你收到这封信就动身的话,午夜前应该能回家。这时会有人拜访你,请将瓶子,药包和书转交给他,我将感激不尽。 Do not fail me, Lanyon. Believe me, my life and my peace of mind depend on you. I am in fearful danger and only you can save me. Your friend, Henry Jekyll 别让我失望,兰宁。相信我,我的性命和内心的平静都靠你了。我处境危急,只有你能救我了。 你的朋友, 亨利·杰基尔 After reading this letter, I was sure that Doctor Jekyll was mad. But a friend is a friend, and so I went at once to his house. Jekyll"s servant had received by the same post a letter similar to mine, and he was waiting for me with the locksmith. Together we went through the old laboratory and climbed the stairs to the doctor"s private study. The door was very strong, with an excellent lock, but the locksmith knew his job. Soon the door stood open and I entered the study. I opened the cupboard and found the shelf. Sure enough, the powders, the bottle and the book were there, and I took them home with me. 看完这封信,我肯定杰基尔博士是疯了,但朋友就是朋友,所以我还是立马去了他家。杰基尔的仆人也收到晚班邮差的信,和我的差不多。他和锁匠已经在等着我了。我们一起穿过老实验室,上楼到博士的私人书房。书房的门很坚实,锁也很牢,但锁匠知道怎么做。不一会儿,门开了,我进书房,打开玻璃柜找到那个格子。当然,药包、小瓶子和书都在那,我把他们带回家了。 At home I looked at everything more carefully. There were several packets of white powder and a bottle of red strong-smelling liquid. The book contained nothing except a list of dates, going back several years. The last date was nearly a year ago. Here and there the doctor had added a few words. The word "double" appeared very early in the list, followed by the word "Failed!!" "Double" appeared in the list several more times... What was Jekyll doing? The book looked like a list of unsuccessful experiments. How could I, by taking these things to my house, save my friends life and peace of mind? And what was the reason for this midnight visitor? I put my old gun in my pocket, then I put everything in a box for my midnight visitor to collect. 回到家,我仔细查看了一遍。那有几包白色粉末,一瓶红色的液体、气味刺鼻。书上除了一串日期什么也没有,但日期可追溯到几年前。最后的日期大概还是一年前。有些日期旁,博士加了简短的备注。“双份”在书上出现得很早,接着有“失败。”“双份”在书上出现多次……杰基尔在做什么?书就像是一份失败实验的清单。带这些东西回家,怎么能救我朋友的性命,还能让他内心平静呢?还有这次午夜来访又是什么原因?我把常用的枪放进口袋,再把那些东西都收进盒子里,等半夜上门来取的人。 At midnight exactly there was a knock on my door. A short man was standing in the shadows. 正好午夜时分,有人来敲我的门。有个矮个子的人站在暗处。 "Are you from Doctor Jekyll?" I asked. He bent his head. Although I could not see his face, there was something unpleasing about him and I was glad I had a weapon. I invited him into the house and there, in the bright light, I took a closer look at him. “是杰基尔博士让你来的吗?”我问。他低着头,尽管我看不到他的脸,但他还是让我感到不舒服,我很庆幸自己带了枪。我让他进屋,在明亮的灯光下,我仔细看了看他。 His appearance was extremely strange. His clothes were well made and expensive, but they were far too large for him. He looked like a child wearing his fathers clothes, but there was nothing childlike about this man. He was short, as I have said, but very strong. At the same time there was a look of sickness and horror about him, and his face was a mask of pain, violence and hate. As a doctor I could perhaps feel sorry for him; as a man I felt only fear and dislike. 他外表很奇怪。衣服是上等料子、做工精良,但穿他身上太大了,就像是个穿着父亲衣服的孩子,可这人又一点都不像孩子。他子个矮,像我上面说的,但体格健壮。还有他看上去很难受、很害怕,脸被痛苦、不安和仇恨笼罩着。作为一个医生,我也许会为他难过,但作为一个普通人,我只感到恐惧和厌恶。 "Have you got it?" said the stranger impatiently, reaching out his hand and touching my arm. His touch made my blood run cold. I shook off his hand. "Come, sir," I said calmly. "Sit down and introduce yourself." “你拿到了吗?”陌生人不耐烦地问,伸手抓着我的胳膊。他的触碰顿时让我心一凉,我甩开他的手。“这边,先生”我平静地说。“请坐,麻烦介绍下自己。” "I apologize, Doctor Lanyon," the stranger said more politely. "Doctor Henry Jekyll sent me here on an important matter. I have to collect something from you." “抱歉,兰宁医生”陌生人彬彬有礼地说,“亨利·杰基尔博士让我到这办一件重要的事。我必须到你这拿点东西。” 译《化身博士》第八章:兰宁医生的信(二) 更多译文: 《雾都孤儿》(完) 《多里安·格雷的画像》(完) 《秘密花园》(完) PS:本书为牛津系列简易读物,由英国著名作家罗斯玛丽·博德根据英国作家查罗伯特·路易莎·斯蒂文森的同名小说改写。
2023-07-18 18:44:501

With peace of mind to live a simple life, but also over how bad是什么意思

2023-07-18 18:45:203


Groove Coverage- Far Away From Home(中英对照歌词:)~~ I am loving living every single day but sometimes I feel so. 我喜欢过简单的每一天,但是有时我却感觉到.. I hope to find a little peace of mind and I just want to know. 我希望找到一个属于我的小地方,我现在要去知道这个地方. And who can heal those tiny broken hearts, and what are we to be. 谁能帮助这个弱小破碎的心,我将会是什么样的自己? Where is home on the Milky way of stars, I dry my eyes again. 哪里是牛奶星星上的家?我再一次擦干自己的眼泪. In my dreams I am not so far away from home. 远离家,在我的梦想里我什么都没有 What am I in a world so far away from home. 远离家,在这个世界上我是什么? All my life all the time so far away from home. 远离家,在我的整个命运里,在我的整个时间里 Without you I will be so far away from home. 远离家,我将没有你 If we could make it through the darkest night we have a brighter day. 如果我们能打败这个黑暗的晚上,我们将能迎来光明的白天. The world I see beyond your pretty eyes, makes me want to stay. 我看见超越你美丽的眼睛的世界,它让我想留下. And who can heal those tiny broken hearts, and what are we to be. 谁能帮助这个弱小破碎的心,我将会是什么样的自己? Where is home on the Milky way of stars, I dry my eyes again. 哪里是牛奶星星上的家?我再一次擦干自己的眼泪. In my dreams I am not so far away from home. 远离家,在我的梦想里我什么都没有 What am I in a world so far away from home. 远离家,在这个世界上我是什么? All my life all the time so far away from home. 远离家,在我的整个命运里,在我的整个时间里 Without you I will be so far away from home. 远离家,我将没有你 I count on you, no matter what they say, cause love can find it time. 我依靠着你,不管他们什么说,相爱后发现爱就是时间 I hope to be a part of you again, baby let us shine. 我希望我是你的一部分,宝贝,让我们一起发光 And who can heal those tiny broken hearts, and what are we to be. 谁能帮助这个弱小破碎的心,我将会是什么样的自己? Where is home on the Milky way of stars, I dry my eyes again. 哪里是牛奶星星上的家?我再一次擦干自己的眼泪. In my dreams I am not so far away from home. 远离家,在我的梦想里我什么都没有 What am I in a world so far away from home. 远离家,在这个世界上我是什么? All my life all the time so far away from home. 远离家,在我的整个命运里,在我的整个时间里 Without you I will be so far away from home. 远离家,我将没有你 In my dreams I am not so far away from home. 远离家,在我的梦想里我什么都没有 What am I in a world so far away from home. 远离家,在这个世界上我是什么? All my life all the time so far away from home. 远离家,在我的整个命运里,在我的整个时间里 Without you I will be so far away from home. 远离家,我将没有你
2023-07-18 18:45:292


is not peace复数形式是peaces形容词形式是peaceful副词形式是peacefullypeace和平常见释义英[pi_s]美[pi_s]n.和平;太平;平静;安静;宁静;和睦;融洽;和谐;例句Many people were expecting the peace talks would break down.许多人预料和平谈判会破裂。peace是一个英语单词,可以用作名词,可以翻译为和平、和睦,等等。1.Apparently,the U.S. and E.U. can promote peace and business at the same time.显然,美国和欧盟可以既促和平,又兴贸易。2.It gives you peace of mind.本源能量给予你内心的平静。
2023-07-18 18:45:371


Far Away From Home - Groove CoverageI am loving living every single day but sometimes I feel so我是如此的享受每一天的生活,但有时也感到失落I hope to find a little peace of mind and I just want to know想要寻找一个宁静的心灵空间,寻找一个答案And who can heal those tiny broken hearts and what are we to be谁能安抚那些破碎的心,我们将何去何从Where is home on the Milky way of stars I dry my eyes again在广阔的星空下何处寻到我的家,我只得再一次地擦干泪眼In my dreams I am not so far away from home梦中我从未曾远离家园What am I in a world so far away from home现实中却如此远离家园All my life all the time so far away from home有生以来我都远离家园Without you I will be so far away from home没有你的相伴我依然远离家园If we could make it through the darkest night we have a brighter day如果我们能穿越那最为黑暗的夜,我们将能拥有更光明的明天The world I see beyond your pretty eyes透过你那明眸我看到了一个世界makes me want to stay它是如此让我留恋And who can heal those tiny broken hearts谁能治愈那破碎的心and what are we to be我们将何去何从Where is home on the Milky way of stars渺茫星空,何处是家园I dry my eyes again我只得再一次地擦干眼泪In my dreams I am not so far away from home梦中我从未曾远离家园What am I in a world so far away from home现实中却如此远离家园All my life all the time so far away from home有生以来我都远离家园Without you I will be so far away from home没有你的相伴我依然远离家园I count on you no matter what they say我是如此的依恋你,无论世人如何评说cause love can find it time爱能找到属于自己的季节I hope to be a part of you again我渴望再一次的与你相融baby let us shine爱的结晶令我们沐浴光辉And who can heal those tiny broken hearts谁能安慰那些破碎的and what are we to be我们将何去何从Where is home on the Milky way of stars渺茫星空,何处是家园I dry my eyes again我只得再一次地擦干泪眼In my dreams I am not so far away from home梦中我从未曾远离家园What am I in a world so far away from home现实中却如此远离家园All my life all the time so far away from home有生以来我都远离家园Without you I will be so far away from home没有你的相伴我依然远离家园In my dreams I am not so far away from home梦中我从未曾远离家园What am I in a world so far away from home现实中却如此远离家园All my life all the time so far away from home有生以来我都远离家园Without you I will be so far away from home没有你的相伴我依然远离家园
2023-07-18 18:45:451


就一首《We Are Never Ever Getting Back Together》乡村超级明星泰勒u2022斯威夫特终于凭借《We Are Never Ever Getting Back Together》拿下她个人职业生涯首支冠军单曲!这位小天后在2011年拿下了公告牌的年度女艺人,同时在专辑榜、下载榜、电台榜、流行歌曲榜、乡村歌曲榜、乡村专辑榜都曾拿下第一名。她自6年前出道以来,一共在全美卖出了超过1千780万张专辑,单曲下载突破5千万次。现在,她终于拥有了第一首个人热门单曲榜冠军单曲。此前她在2009年和2010年凭借《You Belong With Me》、《Today Was a Fairytale》两度登上亚军,而2010年和2008年的热门单曲《Mine》、《Love Story》则分别最高排名第3、第4位。
2023-07-18 18:45:522


天空之城 吧? 听听看是不是
2023-07-18 18:46:034

莎士比亚 人物分析英文版

做过一个学期的麦克白,现在看到莎士比亚的名字就腿软。不过个人还是很喜欢麦克白夫人这个矛盾的角色的。史上很多评论都觉得是她毁了麦克白这个“英雄”,是她的野心指示了麦克白。但是我更愿意相信是她对麦克白过于强烈的爱而使得她不择手段的做出血腥的事(当然,前提是麦克白自己也是个内心不坚定的人,或者他也太爱她了,不忍爱妻失望)。当时写的时候下面这段东西算是给我不少启发,你看看吧~Lady Macbeth fulfills her role among the nobility and is well respected like Macbeth. King Duncan calls her "our honored hostess." She is loving to her husband but at the same time very ambitious, as shown by her immediate determination for Macbeth to be king. This outcome will benefit her and her husband equally. She immediately concludes that "the fastest way" for Macbeth to become king is by murdering King Duncan. Lady Macbeth"s immediate thoughts may make her appear as thoroughly irreligiously cold and ambitious, but this is not so. To prepare for what she feels must be done she calls on evil spirits to "stop up th" access and passage to remorse" in order to be relentless. Otherwise her conscience would not allow her to act. Furthermore, Lady Macbeth knows her husband well. She thinks he may be too kind in order to murder King Duncan. This is why she represses her conscience so she can later usher Macbeth into commiting the deed. At first Macbeth agrees. But later Macbeth wavers in his decision. But Lady Macbeth is sure that being king is what Macbeth really wants and that this is the best for both of them. So, in response to Macbeth"s uncertainty, Lady Macbeth manipulates him by questioning his manhood and his love for her. She is successful because regardless of his own conscience Macbeth carries out their plan of murder. The almost superhuman strength Lady Macbeth rallies for the occasion and her artful and sly ability are shown through her meticulous attention to detail regarding the murder. When Macbeth returns to their chamber she goes back to the murder scene and cleverly smears the grooms with Duncan"s blood. However, her morals had prevailed just a while before as revealed through her comment that she would have killed Duncan herself had he not "resembled [her] father as he slept." Perhaps Lady Macbeth felt that suppressing her conscience for the deed was enough and that later the thought of the deed would just dissipate. The outcome is not this way, though, because Macbeth and Lady Macbeth often cannot go to sleep, and if they do, they experience terrifying dreams. But still, Lady Macbeth is able to maintain her sanity and composure during the day, even more than her husband. She urges him to be light hearted and merry. Once she practically rescues Macbeth from the frailty of his own conscience. When Macbeth sees Banquo"s ghost she creates an excuse to explain his odd behavior. She attempts to chasten Macbeth by again questioning his manhood. When the situation grows worse though, she takes charge once more and promptly dismisses the lords from the feast. Later, though, the burden of Lady Macbeth"s conscience becomes too great for her and her mental and physical condition deteriorates. A gentlewoman observes her sleepwalking and consults a doctor. The doctor and the lady observe Lady Macbeth sleepwalking, madly trying to cleanse her hands of the blood of Duncan and Macduff"s family. Still in her sleep, Lady Macbeth asks, "what, will these hands ne"re be clean?" foreseeing that she will never have peace of mind. She also retells events of the day Duncan was murdered. The doctor tells the gentlewoman that what Lady Macbeth needs is spiritual and not physical help. Lady Macbeth"s condition worsens, and she goes in and out of sleep with delirious visions. Macbeth asks the doctor to cure her or give her a drug that will erase the troubles of the heart. The doctor responds that he cures physical not moral problems. Later, as the battle ensues outside of Dunsinane, by unspecified means Lady Macbeth commits suicide. At the beginning Lady Macbeth finds strength to entice Macbeth to murder Duncan and to follow through with the murder herself. As time advances though, her pretended strength diminishes as she fights the torments of her conscience. Tending to her conscience engulfs and destabilizes her so that she can not support Macbeth against Malcolm. Lady Macbeth"s attempts to suppress her conscience fail. At the end she chooses death because she can no longer bear the torments of her guilt.
2023-07-18 18:46:212

Peace Of Mind 歌词

歌曲名:Peace Of Mind歌手:The Bagboys专辑:Sensible Music For Troubled TimesDecembeRadio - Peace Of MindGet out of my head get out of my mindI"m starting to unwindGot a bittersweet smile that I"m trying to hideAnd it"s killing me insideTell me whyGive me back my sanityI"m ready to findMy peace of mind, my peace of mindHelp me, God, I"m ready to findMy peace of mind, my peace of mindDon"t get any sleep, don"t get any restWith this weight upon my chestStop givin" my heart cardiac arrest‘Cause you"re killing me insideTell me whyGive me back my sanityGet away, get away from meFed me nothing but liesI see through your disguiseGet away, get away from me‘Cause I"m leavin" it all behindFor my peace of mind
2023-07-18 18:46:391

Peace Of Mind 歌词

歌曲:Peace Of Mind歌手:BostonNow if you"re feelin" kinda low "bout the dues you"ve been payin"Future"s comin" much too slowAnd you wanna run but somehow you just keep on stayin"Can"t decide on which way to goYeah, yeah, yeahChorus:I understand about indecisionBut I don"t care if I get behindPeople living in competitionAll I want is to have my peace of mindNow you"re climbin" to the top of the company ladderHope it doesn"t take too longCan"t you see there"ll come a day when it won"t matterCome a day when you"ll be goneRepeat ChorusTake a look aheadTake a look aheadYeah, yeah, yeah, yeahNow everybody"s got advice they just keep on givin"Doesn"t mean too much to meLot"s of people out to make believe they"re livin"Can"t decide who they should beRepeat ChorusTake a look aheadTake a look aheadLook ahead
2023-07-18 18:46:461

哪个晓得这首歌叫什么名字?是日本人唱的,我在QQ空间看到的名字是这样peace of mind,

歌手:Lauryn Hill 专辑:Mtv Unplugged Peace Of Mind 歌词 Dragged into a dirty gameRetribution, retaliationDo I really need to get even?Revenge, a tooth for a toothAnger makes you blind, blind to the truthTransfixed, confusedEnchanted and usedIt comes and goes, it ebbs and flowsDon"t lose control. Don"t explodeReady or not I"m going to defendI"ll put an end to this intrusive trendGo yeah,I"m defending my peace of mindGo yeah,I"m defending my peace in lifeThrough the anger and deceptionI"m defending my peace of mindGo yeah,I"m defending my peace in lifeWhen I was young, I was toldIf you get hit, turn the other cheekThat in fact, stricking back wasA sign of man that"s weakNow that I"m old I still reactTo invasion of my privacyKeep my cool trying not to releaseWhat"s building up inside of mePS:好象是欧美的。。不是日本的呀。。
2023-07-18 18:46:542

Peace Of Mind 歌词

《雪涅月》歌曲选自:天籁之音《空灵与超脱的音乐》Peace of mind中文填词:Moses Wu(猪红)憔悴暝月 破窗泣雪寒风摇曳 是否能借残影熄灭 寂寞的街外面下着雪 外面下着雪 外面下着雪受伤的月(儿) 冷却遥~的雁 飘~得远花 解不了~前世渊 枯竭~渺成烟惆怅难却 飘泊偶尔玩言嬉乐 一壶自虐两茫岁月 不理世间泪酒沾着写 泪酒沾着写 泪酒沾着写窗外的乐(儿) 渐歇醉~的孽 万万~千 尘~世缘~亏欠睡~的雪 年年~月月 灰成涅呜哦~ 梦被吹憔悴暝月 破窗泣雪寒风摇曳 是否能借残影熄灭 寂寞的街外面下着雪 外面下着雪 外面下着雪受伤的月(儿) 冷却受伤的月(儿) 冷却
2023-07-18 18:47:011

『苍穹のファフナーRIGHT OF LEFT』の主题歌:peace of mind歌词中文翻译?

偶来把动感新势力里的抄给你,请作参考!翻译:どれくらい时间があれば 心は繋がるかな 译:待到何时 我才能与你心心相印どこかさ寂しげな笑颜 愈せたらいいのに 译:如此希望 抚平你笑容中的寂寞近すぎて気づけなかった 一番大事な人 译:近在咫尺 迟迟才察觉你的珍贵傍に居てくれるだけで 幸せを感じられる 译:只需相伴 便能沉浸幸福的感觉悲しみの夜も 喜びの朝も 译:悲伤的夜晚 喜悦的清晨あなたを见守ってくれた 译:都有你在默默将我守护ただ一言「ありがとう」 伝えられないままで 译:我却始终无法诉说那份情感素直になるのが 少し怖かった 译:对于坦白 曾有一丝闪躲今あなたの腕の中 心がほどけてゆく 译:如今终于安心躺在你的怀中温かい安らぎに抱かれて 译:在温暖与安宁中得到解脱静かさにふと窓の外 雪が舞い降りている 译:不知何时 窗外的雪花轻轻飘落真白に染まる世界で あなたの音に寄り添う 译:雪白世界 默默依偎于你的话语あたしの弱さも 强がり言う癖も 译:我的软弱 我的逞强受け止めていてくれるから 译:都有你在默默将我包容饰らない言叶だけ 零れ落ちてくんだね 译:只流露出几句淡若无事的话语いつか梦のように 覚めてゆくのかな 译:这段幸福 莫非只是美梦一场忘れないよこの瞬间を ずっと离さないでね 译:永远不忘此刻 请别离我而去目を闭じて 愿い事ひとつ 译:闭上双眼 诉说这唯一的心愿涙としずく 頬につたうのは 译:滑落脸颊的眼泪 那是因为今此処に见えたから 心繋ぐ光が 译:此刻我已看见 两人交心的光辉悲しみの夜も 喜びの朝も 译: 悲伤的夜晚 喜悦的清晨あたしを见守ってくれた 译:都有你在默默将我守护ただ一言「ありがとう」 伝えられないままで 译:对于坦白 曾有一丝闪躲素直になるのが 少し怖かった 译:对于坦白 曾有一丝闪躲今あなたの腕の中 心がほどけてゆく 译:如今终于安心躺在你的怀中温かい安らぎに抱かれて译:在温暖与安宁中得到解脱
2023-07-18 18:47:092


1、不要让别人成为你的习惯,操纵你的生活。 Don"t let others become your habits and manipulate your life. 2、死亡不是失去生命,而是走出时间。 Death is not the loss of life, but out of time. 3、不要拿着别人的地图,找自己的路。 Don"t take other people"s maps and find your own way. 4、遇顺境,处之淡然。遇逆境,处之泰然。 When you are in a favorable situation, you are indifferent. Be calm in adversity. 5、时间不一定能证明很多东西,但一定会让你看透很多东西。 Time may not prove many things, but it will let you see through many things. 6、眼泪是我们已伤到无法言喻时,心灵的倾诉。 Tears are the words of our hearts when we have been hurt beyond words. 7、一个了不起的人,并非可以掌控别人,而是可以掌控自己。 A great man is not in control of others, but of himself. 8、小时候不开心是意外,长大后不开心是常态。 Unhappy childhood is an accident, growing up unhappy is the normal. 9、有时候,后悔本身就是一种无法偿还的代价。 Sometimes regret itself is a price that cannot be paid. 10、牛郎和织女相隔着一条银河,而我们之间却相隔着信任。 Niulang and Zhinv are separated by a galaxy, but we are separated by trust. 11、等一个不爱自己的人该有多心酸,自己都不知道。 Wait for a person who doesn"t love oneself to have how sad, oneself all don"t know. 12、幸福是一种苟且,不愿苟且者不可能幸福。 Happiness is a kind of indomitable, unwilling to indomitable can not be happy. 13、在人之上要看得起人,在人之下要看得起自己。 Look up to people above them, and look up to yourself below them. 14、很多失败不是能力有限,而是因为没有坚持到底。 Many failures are not limited in ability, but because they are not persistent. 15、往往是相爱的人爱闹意见,反而是不相干的人能互相容忍。 People who love each other often quarrel with each other, but unrelated people can tolerate each other. 16、凡在小事上对真理持轻率态度的人,在大事上也是不足信的。 Those who are imprudent of the truth in small matters are also untrustworthy in big ones. 17、世界上只有一件事比被人议论还要糟糕,那就是不被议论。 There is only one thing worse than being talked about in the world, that is, not being talked about. 18、习惯会渐渐养成,也可以渐渐被改变。 Habits will develop and can be changed. 19、好时光总是很短暂,多想身在其中,赖着不走。 Good times are always short. I want to be in them and stay. 20、人最心烦的是没有了青春,却还拥有青春痘。 People are most upset that without youth, they still have acne. 21、有些难以启齿的爱情,是否也在伤害里度过。 Some unspeakable love, whether also spend in the injury. 22、没你那么有人格魅力,但我会努力。 Not as charismatic as you, but I"ll try. 23、如果你因为错过太阳而哭泣,那么你也将错过星星了。 If you cry because you miss the sun, you will miss the stars. 24、我们都是单翅的天使,只有拥抱才能飞翔。 We are all angels with one wing. Only by embracing can we fly. 25、有的人,曾经无话不说,最后,却无话可说。 Some people, once speechless, at last, speechless. 26、就是爱迩想迩在身边,安心甜蜜幸福让涐觉得活着那么美好。 Is to love you want you around, peace of mind sweet happiness let me feel alive so beautiful. 27、这个世界上总有那么一个人,是你的念想,是你的温暖。 There is always a person in the world who is your thoughts and your warmth. 28、人和人刚认识的时候最好,热情又虚伪新鲜又浪漫。 People are best when they first meet. They are warm, hypocritical, fresh and romantic. 29、今天你所受的伤,只会让你明天更坚强。 Today"s injury will only make you stronger tomorrow. 30、每天为你一句爱你,一句晚安,是我最后的默默能为你做的。 Every day for you a love, a good night, is my last silent can do for you. 31、上天没有给你想要的,不是因为你不配,而是你值得更好的。 God didn"t give you what you wanted, not because you didn"t deserve it, but because you deserve better. 32、现在,我觉得只要想哭时,能找到一打电话的人,就是幸福。 Now, I think as long as I want to cry, I can find a caller, that is happiness. 33、人总是在接近幸福时倍感幸福,在幸福进行时却患得患失。 People are always happy when they are close to happiness, but they worry about gain and loss when they are happy. 34、当伤口的作用只剩下用来回忆的时候,那就是真的都过去了。 When the function of the wound is only for recollection, it"s really gone. 35、很多人如果换一个时间认识,就会有不同的结局。 If a lot of people know each other at another time, they will have different endings. 36、有选择时,选最好的。没选择时,尽力做到最好。 When there is a choice, choose the best. When you have no choice, do your best. 37、人生得失并存,你拥有了清风,就要交还明月。 Life gains and losses coexist, you have a breeze, you have to return the moon. 38、我用轻松的语气微笑的说,你过的好就行了。 I smile with a relaxed tone and say, you"re OK. 39、物忌全胜,事忌全美,人忌全盛,涵容以待人,恬淡以处世。 Things are not to be conquered, things are not to be nationwide, people are not to be prosperous, tolerance is to treat people, and indifference is to deal with the world. 40、生活不该带着不满和仇恨,我们都是被爱的世人。 Life should not be filled with discontent and hatred. We are all loved people. 41、所有的时间都用来彷徨,只有一瞬间用来成长。 All time is used for hesitation, only a moment for growth. 42、人不能太贪心,否则什么都抓不住。 People can"t be too greedy, otherwise they can"t catch anything. 43、让你难过的事情,有一天,你一定会笑着说出来。 One day, you will say something sad with a smile. 44、切都会好起来的,即使不是在今天,总有一天会的。 It will get better, even if not today, one day it will. 45、我本来是要行走江湖的,但看见你我觉得可以先停一停。 I was going to wander in the Jianghu, but when I see you, I think I can stop first. 46、没有不会淡的疤,没有不会好的伤,没有不会停下来的绝望。 There is no scar that won"t fade, no wound that won"t be good, no despair that won"t stop. 47、太过考虑别人的感受,注定自己不太好受。 Too much consideration of other people"s feelings, doomed to their own bad. 48、不小了,该成熟了;不早了,该奋斗了。 It"s not small, it"s time to mature; it"s not early, it"s time to struggle. 49、与其等到别人来爱你,不如自己学着努力多爱自己一些。 Instead of waiting for someone to love you, learn to love yourself more. 50、风雅,就是发现存在的美,感觉已经发现的美。 Elegance is to find the beauty of existence and feel the beauty that has been found. 51、人最可悲的是,有自由的思想,却没有冲破羁绊的勇气。 The saddest thing about people is that they have free thoughts but no courage to break through their fetters. 52、人生就像愤怒旳小鸟,当你失败旳时候总有几头猪在笑。 Life is like angry birds. When you fail, there are always a few pigs laughing. 53、有些话,说再多也没用。有些事,只有自己懂。 It"s no use saying more. There are some things that only you know. 54、某一天,天上掉下万把我砸晕了,等我醒来钱给别人捡了! One day, the sky dropped ten thousand to knock me dizzy, wait for me to wake up money to others to pick up! 55、你把秘密说给别人,就要做好有一天被公开的准备。 When you tell a secret to someone else, you have to be prepared to be made public one day. 56、好的爱情,允许你继续做你自己,却使你渴望成为更好的人。 Good love allows you to be yourself, but it makes you want to be a better person. 57、若岁月静好,那就颐养身心;若时光阴暗,那就多些历练。 If the time is quiet and good, you should take care of your body and mind; if the time is dark, you should practice more. 58、从小听了很多大道理,可依旧过不好这一生。 I"ve heard a lot from childhood, but I still can"t live a good life. 59、人生重要的不是所站的位置,而是所朝的方向。 What matters in life is not where we stand, but where we are heading.
2023-07-18 18:47:161

What is peace of mind you are the answer是什么意思?

意思是: 我想要的宁静, 你便是那答案.
2023-07-18 18:47:351

promise yourself to be so strong that nothing can disturb your peace of mind什么意思

2023-07-18 18:47:432

宝儿的《Dangerous》 歌词

歌曲名:Dangerous歌手:宝儿专辑:Hurricane Venus-S.M. EntertainmentHouse of Heroes - DangerousI think I like where I"m standingI think I hate it too"Cause it"s safe on the side of cautionBut baby, it"s so far away from youAnd if I try my best, I still can"t find a way to let it goAnd it"s so much work pretending to move onI can"t if I"ll never know (Walk in the rain)In love and pain (On and on)"Til we find a new beginningHey, hey, this is dangerousI"ve buried all my dreams but the ones of usI think I never knew you when I knew you beforeAnd every time we meetIt"s like you"re breaking my heart all overGive me peace, give me trust, give me something realLet me know when it"s safe to begin to feelAll the things I knew before, I need something to fight forTalk it out, all these hours, almost every dayStill you fill my lungs (Still I walk in grace)Until I"ve unlearned everything, except to trustI can"t if I"m too afraid of love and pain (Is that so wrong?)Tell me that I"m gaining somethingHey, hey, this is dangerousI"ve buried all my dreams but the ones of usI think I never knew you when I knew you beforeAnd every time we meetIt"s like you"re breaking my heart all overHey, hey, this is dangerousI"m writing all the songs that I"ll play for usI"m crossing off the reasons why I couldn"t believeThat peace of mind was something that I"d ever achieveCome on, come onNothing to be lost or wonCome on, come onI feel as if we"ve just begunI"m standing here aloneCome on, come onNothing ever seemed so clearCome on, come onAnd still I don"t know how to feelI walk this road aloneCome on, come onListen to the sound of the rainCome on, come onCan it take me home again?Take me home again to your armsHey, hey, this is dangerousWaste the night away with usEven if we never find a way back to loveThe desperate and the faithful are the ones we can trustHey, hey, this is dangerousI"ve buried all my dreams but the ones of usI think I never knew you when I knew you beforeAnd every time we meetIt"s like you"re breaking my heart all overCome on, come onNothing to be lost or wonEven if we never find our way back to loveTake me home again
2023-07-18 18:47:511

Crying In The Chapel 歌词

歌曲名:Crying In The Chapel歌手:Elvis Presley专辑:The Top Ten HitsElvis Presley - Crying In The ChapelYou saw me crying in the chapel.The tears I shed were tears of joyI know the meaning of contentmentNow I am happy with the LordJust a plain and simple chapelWhere humble people go to prayI pray the Lord that I"ll grow strongerAs I live from day to dayI"ve searched and I"ve searchedBut I couldn"t findNo way on earthTo gain peace of mindNow I"m happy in the chapelWhere people are of one accordYes we gather in the chapelJust to sing and praise the LordYou"ll search and you"ll searchBut you"ll never findNo way on earthTo gain peace of mindTake your troubles to the chapelGet down on your knees and prayYour burdens will be lighterAnd you"ll surely find the way(And you"ll surely find the way)
2023-07-18 18:47:581

Pieces Of A Dream的《Ocean View》 歌词

歌曲名:Ocean View歌手:Pieces Of A Dream专辑:Goodbye ManhattanOne Day As A Lion - Ocean Viewblood done been running down streets flood with beatspepper spray over cracked concreteso vicious make a rich mans neck splitunderworld bout to wreck shit bet thisbanks closed stomachs churninglines and rows cops blastin out church windowsthey heard word of two on a terror listhid in the pews just two city terrace kidsone held a piece just for peace of mindthe other was spittin poems blowin mindson the picket linebarricades lay cross made with bumpers and burning tiresand you could smell the exhaustand you could hear the kids screaming don"tplay us, too closeyou can have the mic or the heater but you can"t hold bothand they were both...and they were both...ocean of tears rise, rise a flame to tear them downocean of past crimes now fill our hearts to tear them downthe water main"s cut off panic hit the manor of themayor who"s softword hit the streets that the cops got offthey shook to rhythm of heaters that burnedlike claps of thunderyou turn to look at vengeance returned that shatter controlafter the whole shock of the newsthat a bomb hit the bridge at broadwaygridlock full stop every exit wayfrom Chavez to main downtown was the sameevery corner a flame with lines of people stripped of they clothesfreeze hold up your ID"s their houses burned as they watchedthe colonel looked at his clockand they were all...and they were all...oceans of tears rise, rise a flame to tear them downocean of past crimes now fill our hearts to tear them downoceans of tears rise, rise a flame to tear them downocean of past crimes now fill our hearts to tear them down
2023-07-18 18:48:051

Heart of Glass 歌词

歌曲名:Heart of Glass歌手:Blondie专辑:EssentialBlondie - Heart Of Glass (7" Single Version) (Bonus)Once I had a love and it was a gasSoon turned out had a heart of glassSeemed like the real thing, only to findMucho mistrust, love"s gone behindOnce I had a love and it was divineSoon found out I was losing my mindIt seemed like the real thing but I was so blindMucho mistrust, love"s gone behindIn between what I find is pleasingand I"m feeling fine Love is so confusing,there"s no peace of mindIf I fear I"m losing you, it"s just no good,you tease me like you doOnce I had a love and it was a gasSoon turned out had a heart of glassSeemed like the real thing, only to findMucho mistrust, love"s gone behindLost inside, adorable illusion and I cannot hideI"m the one you"re using, please don"t push me asideWe could"ve made it cruising yeahOnce I had a love and it was a gasSoon turned out to be a pain in the assSeemed like the real thing only to findMucho mistrust , love"s gone behindIn between what I find is pleasingand I"m feeling fine Love is so confusing,there"s no peace of mindIf I fear I"m losing you, it"s just no good,you tease me like you do
2023-07-18 18:48:121

Heart Of Glass 歌词

歌曲名:Heart Of Glass歌手:许茹芸专辑:争奇斗艳演唱会实况Artist: BlondieAlbum: Parallel LinesTitle: Heart Of Glass (disco Version)Once i had a love and it was a gas, soon turned out had a heart of glass.Seemed like the real thing, only to find mucho mistrust.Love"s gone behind.Once i had a love and it was divine.Soon found out i was losing my mind.It seemed like the real thing but i was so blind.Mucho mistrust.Love"s gone behind.In between what i find is pleasing and i"m feeling fine, love is so confusing.There"s no peace of mind if i fear i"m losing you.It"s just no good, you teasing like you do.Once i had a love and it was a gas, soon turned out had a heart of glass.Seemed like the real thing, only to find mucho mistrust.Love"s gone behind.Lost inside adorable illusion and i cannot hide.I"m the one you"re using, please don"t push me aside.We coulda made it cruising, yeah.Yeah, riding high on love"s true bluish light.Ooh ooh ooh whoa.Ooh ooh ooh whoa.Ooh ooh ooh whoa.Ooh ooh ooh whoa.Once i had a love and it was a gas, soon turned out to be a pain in the ass.Seemed like the real thing only to find mucho mistrust.Love"s gone behind.In between what i find is pleasing and i"m feeling fine, love is so confusing.There"s no peace of mind if i fear i"m losing you.It"s just no good, you teasing like you do.
2023-07-18 18:48:201


Reasons and plans for reducing pressure Nowadays, more and more people are easily get into troubles and gain pressure almost at every time. For students, most of them are studying under great pressure. For adults, nearly all of them feel stressed out. People of all ages are facing pressure because the growing competition. There"s no exception. For pressure do cause a lot of trouble for our daily life. It"s best for us to make some plans for reducing them. In my point of view, we should first have a right attitude towards failure. We should learn to face our disadvantages and mistakes. No one is perfect.Only if we draw lessons from failure can we improve ourselves. Then, we should take enough exercise to strengthen our body. To be healthy is the most important thing for standing pressure. What"s more, we can spend our holiday going sightseeing. Nature could help us forget all the troubles and relax better than ourselves. Then once we get back to our work or study, we can put all our energy into it. From what has been discussed above, it"s really important to reduce pressure to live a more relaxing life. Let"s just try our best to achieve a comfortable life
2023-07-18 18:48:442


100yearsagotoday,afallofasuperstar.However,heistheeternallife.Hehastimetogolongyears,DengShen"swork,butalsohaveprovokedthemostofthegloryofthemostdifficultresponsibilitytocultivateconscience,humanenlightenment.Hewascursedandblessedtogo:TheCurseofthepast,bytheblessingsofthefuture.Gentlemen,thisisthehonorintheformoftwobeautiful.InhisLayDying,asideofthecontemporaryandfuturegenerationsofjoyandpraise,ontheothersidethereishisprofoundhatredoftheoldtimeshavetriumphantlycalledthehushandhatred.Voltaireisnotonlyahumanbeing,heisacentury.Heexercisedthefunctionsofone,hehadcompletedamission.Itisclearthathewasborninthisselectionofpiecesbyhiminthefateofthelawandnaturallawinthemostnobleaspirationsofthecompletedwork.Hehadbeenlivingin1995,experiencedapeakofthemonarchyandShuguangchuxianrevolutionaryera.Hewasborn,isstilltheruleofLouisXIV,hisdeath,LouisXVIhasputonthecrown.Therefore,hereflectsthecradleofthedynasty"sprosperitycanlook,hiscoffinintothelargeinitialprojectionofthelowlightlevel.(Applause) Ladies,beforetheRevolution,thesocialconstructionlikethis:belowisthepeople;ofthepeopleabove,byrepresentativesofthereligiousclergy;religiousside,thejudgesonbehalfoftheadministrationofjustice. Andatthatstageofhumansociety,thepeoplewhatisit?Isignorance.Whatreligionisintolerance.Whatisjustice?Isnotfair. Asaresult,Voltaire,ah,youcryoutindisgust,notevenyouwillbeeternalglory!(Burstintoapplause) Asaresult,inthepastandyoubegintofightaterriblecase.Youhumancaseofthedefense,andXiongShenrejectedtyrant,youwinthe.Thegreatcharacters,youalwayshavetobeblessed!(Anewroundofapplause) Voltairedirectlyinthefaceofthissenselessthin,melancholymiserablesocial,alone,isinfrontofthejointforces,thecourt,nobles,thefinancialsector;notonlyconsciousofthepowerofalargegroupofblindpeople;theseUnscrupulousjudges,theirbully-meion,toprostrateourselvesbeforethekingonbeforethepeopleabovetheabove(applause);thishypocrisy,fanaticismandinsidiouscombinationoftheclergy,Voltaire,Irepeat,aloneontheAllthissocialevilforcesofthecoalition,thisvastworldofterrordeclarationofwar,heacceptedthefight.Whatarehisarms?Thislightweaponsintothewind,thunderandlightning,suchasMeng-apen.(Applause) Heusedtheweaponsinthisbattle,heusedtheweaponsdefeattheenemy. Voltairevictoryovertheenemy.Healone,theLatinbigbattle,thiswasagreatwar.Thinkingofthematerialisagainstthewarisarationalbiasagainstthewar,justiceagainsttheinjusticeofwar,theoppressedagainsttheoppressorsofthewar,isthekindofwar,softwar.Voltairewomenhaveheroesandthewarmthofanger,hehasagreatmindandtheheartofthevastboundless.(Applause) Hebeattheoldcode,theolddogma,hedefeatedthefeudalmonarchy,themedievalerajudges,theRomanCatholicpriest-like.He"sgiventhedignityofthepeopleMin.Hetaughtpeople,topacifypeople,personseducation.HeSilvanWangandMengBayiforthefight,asheandCallasGrabarstruggle.Hesufferedathreattoall,aninsulttoeverything,allthepersecution,slander,inexile.Hisperseverance,determination.Hesmiledtoovercomeviolence,toridiculedefeattyranny,toridiculedefeatoftheself-righteousreligion,inordertoovercomethestubborndeterminationtoovercometheignoranceoftruth. Ihaveusedtheword,asmile,Italkabout.Smile,isVoltaire. Ladies,wehavetosaythis,becauseitiscalmandcarrytoomuchofaphilosopher-wei,abalancedstateofmindintheVoltairewhowilleventuallyre-established.Nomatterhowmuchangerhe"sjustalwaysinthepast,veryangryVoltaire"salwaysgivenwaytocalmtheVoltaire.Asaresult,fromdeepintheeyessmiled. Thisisawisesmile.Thatsmile,Isayitagain.Voltaireis.Itturnedintoasmileandsometimeslaugh,butthereisoneimplicationofthephilosophyofsadness.Forthestrong,heisChaoXiaozhe;fortheweak,heistoappease.Hedisturbedtheoppressed,sothatpeaceofmindoftheoppressed.Inordertoridiculethoseinpowertodealwith:inordertoappeasethepeoplemercy.Ah!Weshouldsmiletouchedbythis.Evenwithasmile,sunrise.Itlightoftruth,justice,mercyandhonesty;itasasuperstitionoftheinternaltransparent,sothatisgoodtolookattheugly,sohideousitisdisplayed.Itslight,thebirth.Thenewcommunity,equality,andthedesiretogiveitcalledthebeginningoftheloveoftoleranceandmutualgoodwill,inordertogivepeopletherighttomatch,isthehighestrecognitionofintellectualremoveprejudiceandpreconceivedideas,thesouloftheserene,andthegenerousspiritofforgiveness,Harmony,peace,whichareinthisgreatsmile. Ladies,onlyGreece,ItalyandFranceinordertoenjoythecharacternamedprerogativeofthetimes,whichisthehighestmarkofcivilization.Voltaireinpriortothatonlysomeoftheleadersnamedaprecedentforthetimes;Voltaireismoreimportantthannationalleaders,heisthinkingoftheleaders.ToVoltaire,anewerahasbegun.Weare,fromnowonthehighesthumanauthorityoftherulewouldbethinking.Civilizationshavebeensubjecttoforce,willbesubjecttoideologicalcivilization.Andtherighttobattleswordhasbeenbrokenandwillbereplacedbyabright,thatistosaytheauthorityhasbecomefree.Nolongerthehighestlevelofpower,onlythepeopleofthelaw,onlytheindividualconscience.Foreachofus,thetwosidesoftheprogressoftheshowisveryclear,andthatis:aperson,wehavetoexercisetheirrights;tobeacitizen,wehavetofulfilltheirduties. Letuslookedattheturnofthedeceased,thelifeofthisgreatspirit.Letusinthisrespectisthetombofthebow.Let"sadvicetothisperson,helivesinthebenefitofmankind100yearsagohasbeenextinguished,buthisworkisimmortal.Letus,likeotherpowerfulthinkersadvicetoRousseau,DiderotandMontesquieutotheadvice.Let"sworkwiththosevoicesofthegreatresonance.Toputanendtofurtherbloodshedandhuman.Enough!Enough!Theytyrant.Ah!Isstillbrutal,well,sothatphilosophyprotest.Furioussword,soangrilyintocivilization.Letthe18thcenturytohelpthe19thcentury;wephilosophersisapioneeradvocateofthetruth,letusprayforthesoulsoftheseoutstanding;theminthefaceofwarplanningdynastymonarch,whopubliclyannouncedthattherighttolife,therighttofreedomofconscience,"sHighestauthority,thesanctityoflabor,peaceandmercy.SincethenightfromtheThrone,letoutlightfromthegrave!(Unanimousechoingwithprolongedcheers.Fromalldirectionsshouting:"Victor.LongliveHugo!") May30,1878
2023-07-18 18:48:521

A statesman I like作文?

A variety of reasons have led me to choose this occupation over other more lucrative ones. First, teaching is learning. To make my lectures more constructive and stimulating, I have to read more books, explore new knowledge and gain a better understanding of the world the very thing I enjoy in my life. Second, teaching means freedom and independence. As a teacher, I"m free to use my own ideas and make my own decisions, a privilege not everyone can have, even those with highly-paid positions. Finally, I like teaching because it offers certain peace of mind. No more rushing to catch a morning bus, no more anxiety to please a boss, no more worries about your paycheck which is steady, if not handsome.由于多种原因,LED我选择这个职业比其他更有利可图的`。第一,教学是学习。为了让我的课更加有建设性的刺激,我要读更多的书,探索新知识和有了更好的了解世界在我的生活中我喜欢的东西。第二,教学手段的自由和独立。作为一名教师,我可以自由地使用自己的想法和自己做决定,不是每个人都能拥有特权,即便是那些高薪职位。最后,我喜欢教学,因为它提供了某种心灵的平静。不再急于赶上早班车,没有更多的焦虑,请老板,不再担心你的薪水是稳定的,如果不漂亮。Nothing, not even a big salary, can equal for the opportunity to continue learning,The satisfaction of being your own boss,and a gentle peace of life.没有什么,甚至没有一个大的工资,能有机会继续学习,满意的是自己的老板,和温和的和平生活。
2023-07-18 18:48:591


2023-07-18 18:49:088

HOW TO BE HAPPY 英语竞赛演讲题,速度,高分

How to Be Happy Firstly, we should relax. Don"t take yourself too seriously. Happiness is largely a choice. Feel gratitude for all of the good in your life. Secondly, plenty of smile. Once you have enough to pay for life"s basics think to yourself: “I"ve won.” Happiness is contagious: find someone who is happy and stand close to them. Finally, just enjoy playing. Create. Happiness is attainable. Slow down and enjoy the scenery. Be spontaneous. Happiness is perched on your windowsill, invite it in.Success is not the key to happiness; happiness is the key to success. Surround yourself with positive, life-affirming people. 看你的语速自己调整吧 ----------Well, I"m gonna talk about how to be happy.Perhaps above all, be as healthy as you can. Nothing is more valuable than your health and little is more likely to make you unhappy than ill-health. Besides,stay close to nature. Have flowers and plants in your home and office. Spend time in the garden or local park. Take walks in the countryside and by the seaside. Finally, make a will. The only thing certain about your life is that it will end, so have peace of mind that the circumstances that follow your death will as far as possible be as you wish them to be. 后面一篇是国外网站上找来的,经过我修改的. 不会有雷同的,放心
2023-07-18 18:49:242