barriers / 阅读 / 详情


2023-07-19 12:06:43



是不可数名词,n. U.

表示uncountable noun.





spaghetti 英[spəˈgeti] 美[spəˈɡɛti] n.意大利面条;[电]漆布绝缘管 1.He"s a dab hand at cooking spaghetti.x05 他是煮意大利面条的高手. 来自《权威词典》 2.She ate three platefuls of spaghetti.x05 她吃了三盘意大利面条. 来自《权威词典》 3.Is the spaghetti ready yet,Dad?x05 爸爸,意大利面好了吗? 来自《简明英汉词典》 4.People served a spaghetti supper in the parish house.x05 人们在教堂交谊厅吃意大利面晚餐. 来自辞典例句 5."sure,you two go right ahead," he said."I"ll concentrate on my veal and spaghetti."x05 “没关系,你俩只管说你们的意大利语吧,”他说,“我可要集中精力干我的小牛肉和细条实心面.”
2023-07-18 17:36:461


2023-07-18 17:36:552


  spaghetti英 [spu0259u02c8geti] 美 [spu0259u02c8ɡu025bti]  n.意大利面条; [电] 漆布绝缘管;  [网络]绝缘套管; 意大利式细面条; 意大利粉;  [例句]Nicholas ate a dish of spaghetti.  尼古拉斯吃了一盘意大利面条。
2023-07-18 17:38:021

spaghetti 这个英语单词 怎么读

这就是不同种类的面条~spaghetti 就是普通的意大利面,vermicelli 是意大利细面,但是英文中也代表粉条。还有下面许多不同种类的意大利面:Fusilli  螺旋面Macaroni 通心粉Farfalle 蝴蝶结面
2023-07-18 17:38:092


2023-07-18 17:38:361


spaghetti 英[spu0259u02c8geti] 美[spu0259u02c8ɡu025bti] n. 意大利面条;[电]漆布绝缘管 [例句]Susan : what kind of spaghetti sauce is this?苏珊:这是哪种意大利面条酱?
2023-07-18 17:38:522

spaghetti 和PASTA 有什么区别。

2023-07-18 17:39:293


意大利面条双语对照词典结果:spaghetti[英][spu0259u02c8geti][美][spu0259u02c8ɡu025bti]n.意大利面条; [电]漆布绝缘管; 很高兴为您解答祝你生活愉快,学习进步答题不易,您的采纳是我答题的动力如果你对这个答案有什么疑问,请追问如果满意记得采纳哦·~~
2023-07-18 17:39:432

spaghetti 和PASTA 有什么区别。

pasta 是所有面条的统称,里面包括SPAGHETTI(细长面条),MACCHERONI(短的通心粉),FUSILLI(螺旋的面条),LASAGNE(千层面)等等。
2023-07-18 17:39:523

spaghetti 与 fettuccine 有什么区别?

pasta 是所有面条的统称,里面包括SPAGHETTI(细长面条),MACCHERONI(短的通心粉),FUSILLI(螺旋的面条),LASAGNE(千层面)等等。拓展资料:意大利面,也被称为意粉,是西餐正餐中最接近中国人饮食习惯的面点。意大利面条有很多种类,每种都有自己的名称,长短有差,其空心的种类被部分汉语使用者称为通心粉。关于意大利面条的起源,有说是源自古罗马,也有的说是由马可·波罗从中国经由西西里岛传至整个欧洲的讲法。 作为意大利面的法定原料,杜兰小麦是最硬质的小麦品种,具有高密度、高蛋白质、高筋度等特点,其制成的意大利面通体呈黄色,耐煮、口感好。意大利面根据种类形状也各不相同,除了中国人认为是面条的的直身粉外还有螺丝型的、弯管型的、蝴蝶型的、空心型,贝壳型的林林总总数百种。
2023-07-18 17:40:351


2023-07-18 17:40:491

梁咏琪的《Spaghetti》 歌词

歌曲名:Spaghetti歌手:梁咏琪梁咏琪词:王中言 曲:黄韦皓喜欢夏天的儿童乐园喜欢周未拥挤的电影院喜欢有流星的夜可以许愿独坐在电视面前失去语言孤独的SPAGHETTI 一个人的星期天好想找个人在爱情中沦陷寂寞的海洋公园 海豚在水中流泪只想等那个人出现吃我煮的意大利面当游泳池的星星太美只会叫人有悲伤的体会买新的睡衣我却还是失眠没有你 我的食欲少得可怜孤独的SPAGHETTI 卖弄痛心的滋味只好用奶油融化想你的甜等待的火花熄灭 温柔在夜里冷却在每一个想你的夜傻傻的煮意大利面GOOD-BYE!!!
2023-07-18 17:41:491


spaghetti和pasta的区别为:指代不同、语法不同、侧重点不同。一、指代不同1、spaghetti:意大利面。2、pasta:意大利面食。二、语法不同1、spaghetti:spaghetti served with a tomato sauce意大利面配番茄酱。2、pasta:shaped and dried dough made from flour and water and sometimes egg用面粉和水,有时还有鸡蛋做成的形状干燥的面团。三、侧重点不同1、spaghetti:特指意大利面。2、pasta:泛指意大利的面食。
2023-07-18 17:42:201


spaghetti [spa·ghet·ti || spu0259"getu026a]n. 意大利面条
2023-07-18 17:42:355


表达细的意思 spaghetti strap细肩带
2023-07-18 17:42:511


2023-07-18 17:43:012


History of PastaNothing says Italy like its food, and nothing says Italian food like pasta. Wherever Italians have immigrated they have brought their pasta and so today it is basically an international staple. Unlike other ubiquitous Italian foods like Pizza and tomato sauce, which have a fairly recent history pasta may indeed have a much older pedigree going back hundreds if not thousands of years. To begin to unravel the long an often complex world of pasta we have to look at its origins and some of the myths surrounding this now worldwide food.Many schoolchildren were taught that the Venetian merchant Marco Polo brought back pasta from his journeys in China. Another version states that Polo discovery was actually a rediscovery of a foodstuff that was once popular in Italy in Etruscan and Roman times. Well Marco Polo might have done amazing things on his journey but bringing pasta to Italy was not one of them, it was already there in Polo"s time. There is some evidence of an Etrusco-Roman noodle made from the same durum wheat as modern pasta called "lagane" (origin of the modern word for lasagna). However this food, first mentioned in the 1st century AD was not boiled like pasta, it was cooked in an oven. Therefore ancient lagane had some similarities, but cannot be considered pasta. The next culinary leap in the history of pasta would take place a few centuries later.Pasta TodayIt is estimated that Italians eat over sixty pounds of pasta per person, per year easily beating Americans, who eat about twenty pounds per person. This love of pasta in Italy far outstrips the large durum wheat production of the country; therefore Italy must import most of the wheat it uses for pasta. Today pasta is everywhere and can be found in dried (pasta secca) and fresh (pasta fresca) varieties depending on what the recipes call for. The main problem with pasta today is the use of mass production to fill a huge worldwide demand. And while pasta is made everywhere the product from Italy keeps to time-tested production methods that create a superior pasta.Dried PastaThere are roughly 350 different shapes and varieties of dried pasta in Italy, even more counting regional differences. Shapes range from simple tubes to bow ties (farfalle, which actually means "butterfly"), to unique shapes like tennis rackets (racchette). Many, but not all of these types are usually available wherever pasta is made. By Italian law dried pasta must be made with 100% durum semolina flour and water, a practice that all but the worst quality pasta makers worldwide have since adhered to. However there are two factors in dried pasta from Italy that make it typically better than most other products: extrusion and drying methods.Dried pasta, especially the more complex shapes (such as radiatore) are designed for grabbing and holding onto sauces. Dried tube pasta (ziti or penne) often has ridges or slight abrasions on the surface to hold onto the pasta sauce as well. These ridges and bumps are created during the extrusion process, when the pasta is forced from a copper mold and cut to desired length before drying. These molds, while expensive and prone to wear are favored for making the best dried pasta. However most producers worldwide use steel molds that produce pasta that is too smooth to hold onto sauce. Fortunately more pasta makers outside of Italy are starting to use the older style copper molds.After the pasta is cut it must be dried using a process of specific temperature and time. This is another area where mass produced pasta falls short of good Italian pasta made the correct way. The mass produced pastas are dried at very high temperatures for a shorter time than quality pasta. Traditional pasta is allowed to dry slower, up to 50 hours at a much lower temperature. It is after the pasta is fully dried that it is packaged. The result is a product with a much better mouth-feel, quicker cooking time, and superior sauce holding noodles.
2023-07-18 17:43:081


spaghetti:意大利面条;[电]漆布绝缘管[例句]Nicholas ate a dish of spaghetti.尼古拉斯吃了一盘意大利面条。lasagna : 烤宽面条(上浇肉末番茄汁); [例句]What are you making? Is that going to be lasagna?你做了什么菜?是否做了千层面?pasta:面团(用以制意大利通心粉,细面条等),意大利面食; [例句]The Chinese also eat a type of pasta as part of their staple diet中国人也把一种面食作为他们的主食之一。
2023-07-18 17:43:161


这篇文章可以解除你的疑惑:Grow Your Own Spaghetti On April Fool"s Day in 1957, an English TV program showed Swiss farmers picking spaghetti from trees. Hundreds of people called the TV station and asked how to grow spaghetti trees. They were told to “place a sprig of spaghetti in a tin of tomato sauce and hope for the best”. Because spaghetti was an exotic food in England at that time, many people didn"t know where it came from. They believed that it could grow on trees! 种你自己的意大利面 1957年的愚人节,一家英国电视台播放了瑞士的农夫从树上采摘意大利面的节目。成百的人给电视台打电话询问如何种植意大利面树。他们被告知“只要在一罐番茄酱里放上意大利面树枝,然后就祝自己好运吧。” 因为在那时的英国,意大利面还是种异域食品,很多人还不知道它是怎么来的。他们真以为意大利面是长在树上的! spaghetti: a type of Italian noodle. 意大利式细面条 sprig: a small piece of a plant with its leaves. 树枝,枝叶
2023-07-18 17:43:251


spaghetti 意大利面 不可数 cereal 谷类食物 不可数
2023-07-18 17:43:331

德语中的auf gehtfreutmichspaghetti如何解释

auf是和其他动词连用的固定搭配geht原形是gehenfreut原形是freuen 使某人高兴mich是我ich的第四格spaghetti是长面条的复数不知你具体想问什么 如果是用这几个词组句的话,意思应该是:我喜欢吃长长面条。
2023-07-18 17:44:043


意大利面有很多种,spagetti 是其中的一种,那种常见的细细长长的,和中国的一卷卷的干面很象,而且根据粗细不同有不同的号码,pasta是各种意大利面的总称.除了spagetti 在中国我们常见的还有fusilli,penne等,一般说来spagetti翻译成意大利面,pasta翻译成通心粉.
2023-07-18 17:44:143

spaghetti Bolognese是什么意思

2023-07-18 17:44:405


2023-07-18 17:44:581


2023-07-18 17:45:073

s开头 食品英语

2023-07-18 17:45:163


2023-07-18 17:45:234


  面条是一种制作简单,食用方便,营养丰富,即可主食又可快餐的健康保健食品。早已为世界人民所接受与喜爱,那么你知道是什么吗?下面我为大家带来和例句,希望对你有所帮助。   :   noodles   英 [u02c8]   美 [u02c8nudlu0323]   面条相关英语表达:   义大利式面条 spaghetti   一些面条 some noodles   浆面条 Soybean Milk Noodle   爽口面条 cold wheat noodles    例句:   这种面条口感不错。   These noodles have a nice chewy texture.   早饭我通常吃面条。   I usually have noodles for breakfast.   将面条下到水里。   Drop the noodles into the water.   全麦面条拌蔬菜   Vegetables with wholewheat noodles   这么大碗面条,他足足吃了三下。   He wolfed down three large bowls of noodles.   面条煮得太面糊了。   The noodles are cooked too soft.   他喜欢吃米饭不十分喜欢面条。   He prefers rice to noodles.   他囫囵吞下一碗面条。   He bolted down a bowl of noodles.   义大利式细面条是我喜欢的食品之一。   Spaghetti is one of my favorite foods.   他在面条里放了些醋。   He put some vinegar in the noodles.   细面条,线面做成长条形,比义大利式细面条更细的义大利面食   Pasta made in long strands thinner than spaghetti.   当你饿了的时候就可以煮一碗面条吃。   When you are hungry you can cook a bowl of noodles to eat.   你喜欢米饭还是面条。   Do you prefer rice or noodles?   这些水可以用来煮面条或蔬菜几次。   This water can be used several times to boil pasta or vegetables.   你呢?我要一些面条。   How about you? I"d like some noodles.   然而,我发现还有另外三个要素值得考虑,那就是:面条、米饭和饺子。   However, I"ve e to realize there is another set of three important factors to consider: noodles, rice and dumplings.   这样你就可以将面条轻轻地、稳稳地绕起来避免碗里的汤或调料溅出来。   Then you can wind noodle threads lightly but firmly, to avoid splattering soup or sauces in the bowl.   只需10秒,就可把新鲜面条炸脆,因此每秒钟都必须仔细把握。   It only takes 10 seconds to fry up the fresh noodles, so every second must be carefully monitored.   我们正餐天天吃面条,吃得我都发腻了。   We"ve had noodles for dinner day in and day out, till i"m cheesed off with them.
2023-07-18 17:45:301


“pasta 主要指通心粉及面条” ,谢谢提供! spaghetti 是指“意大利细面条”,拉丁文是讲求精确的,不同的面条有不同的说法是可以理解的。 以下是金山词霸2006+的翻译 pasta [5pB:stE] n. 意大利面制品, 意大利面食(包括通心粉及面条等) pasta pas.ta AHD:[p01s“t…] D.J.[6p$8st*] K.K.[6p$st*] n.(名词) Paste or dough made of wheat flour, eggs, and water, often formed into shapes and dried and used in a variety of recipes after being boiled. 意大利面制品:由小麦面、鸡蛋和水做成的面糊或面团,通常加工成一些形状并烘干,做熟后可用于种种烹饪 A prepared dish containing pasta as its main ingredient. 意大利面条:一盘已做好,以意大利面制品为主要配料的菜 Italian 意大利语 from Late Latin [paste, pastry cake] * see paste 1 源自 后期拉丁语 [面糊,糕点] *参见 paste1 pasta /"pAstE; - "pa:stE; "pastE/ [U] dried paste made from flour, eggs and water and cut into various shapes, eg macaroni, spaghetti, ravioli 意大利面食(如通心粉、 细面条、 方形饺): * [attrib 作定语] a pasta dish, eg lasagne 一盘面食(如宽面). Cf 参看 noodle. spaghetti [spE5^eti] n. 意大利式细面条 spaghetti spa.ghet.ti AHD:[sp…-g08t“09] D.J.[sp*6geti8] K.K.[sp*6gWti] n.(名词) A pasta made into long solid strings and cooked by boiling. 意大利面条:做成长而硬的条并用开水煮食的面糊 Electricity A slender tube of insulating material that covers bare wire. 【电学】 绝缘套管:由绝缘材料制成的裹在裸线上的软管 Italian [pl. diminutive of] spago [cord] 意大利语 [] spago的复数小后缀 [线] spaghetti /spE"geti; spE"geti/ [U] Italian pasta made in long thin rods, cooked in boiling water until soft and usu served with a sauce 意大利面条.
2023-07-18 17:45:381


SPAGHETTI英 [spu0259u02c8geti] 美 [spu0259u02c8ɡu025bti] n. 意大利面条;[电]漆布绝缘管 意大利面条; 我当然要了; 意大利粉 不可数名词意大利式细面条 Spaghetti is a type of pasta. It looks like long pieces of string and is usually served with a sauce. 1He"s a dab hand at cooking spaghetti. 他是煮意大利面条的高手。 2. She ate three platefuls of spaghetti. 她吃了三盘意大利面条。 3. Is the spaghetti ready yet, Dad? 爸爸,意大利面好了吗? 4. People served a spaghetti supper in the parish house. 人们在教堂交谊厅吃意大利面晚餐。 5. "sure, you two go right ahead," he said. "I"ll concentrate on my veal and spaghetti." “没关系,你俩只管说你们的意大利语吧,”他说,“我可要集中精力干我的小牛肉和细条实心面。”
2023-07-18 17:45:592


spaghetti 英[spu0259u02c8geti] 美[spu0259u02c8ɡu025bti] n. 意大利面条;[电]漆布绝缘管 1. He"s a dab hand at cooking spaghetti. 他是煮意大利面条的高手。来自《权威词典》2. She ate three platefuls of spaghetti. 她吃了三盘意大利面条。来自《权威词典》3. Is the spaghetti ready yet, Dad? 爸爸,意大利面好了吗?来自《简明英汉词典》4. People served a spaghetti supper in the parish house. 人们在教堂交谊厅吃意大利面晚餐。来自辞典例句5. "sure, you two go right ahead," he said. "I"ll concentrate on my veal and spaghetti." “没关系,你俩只管说你们的意大利语吧,”他说,“我可要集中精力干我的小牛肉和细条实心面。”
2023-07-18 17:46:061


spaghetti [spu0259"ɡeti]n.[意](意大利式)实心面条【电】绝缘套管 特殊用法canned spaghetti 罐头细面条egg spaghetti 鸡蛋面条名词 n.1.意大利面条 Is the spaghetti ready yet, Dad?爸爸, 意大利面好了吗?
2023-07-18 17:46:144


  spaghetti英 [spu0259u02c8geti] 美 [spu0259u02c8ɡu025bti]  n.意大利面条; [电] 漆布绝缘管;  [网络]绝缘套管; 意大利式细面条; 意大利粉;  [例句]Nicholas ate a dish of spaghetti.  尼古拉斯吃了一盘意大利面条。
2023-07-18 17:47:071


spaghetti 英[spu0259u02c8ɡeti] 美[spu0259u02c8ɡu025bti]n. 1.意大利面条 名词 n.1.意大利面条 Is the spaghetti ready yet, Dad?爸爸, 意大利面好了吗?
2023-07-18 17:47:221


2023-07-18 17:48:521


意大利面英文是spaghetti。词汇分析音标:英 [spu0259"getu026a] 美 [spu0259"ɡu025bti] 释义:n. 意大利式细面条n. (Spaghetti)人名;(意)斯帕盖蒂短语spaghetti bowl 意大利面碗 ; 意大利面条碗canned spaghetti 细面条罐头 ; 面条罐头 ; 罐头细面条Spaghetti Chart 意大利面条图Spaghetti Straps 吊带 ; 细肩带 ; 意大利面皮带 ; 面带spaghetti factory 空心面工厂例句1、Susan: What kind of spaghetti sauce is this? 苏珊:这是哪种意大利面条酱?2、Bond spreads can go up, down, sideways or even resemble a bowl of spaghetti. 债券差价能上能下,能左能右,甚至与一碗意大利面条相似。3、Standing in the next room, in the middle of what looked like piles of concrete spaghetti, I began to feel overpowered. 站在下一个房间里,在这一大堆看起来就像水泥做的意大利细面条中间,我真有点受不了了。4、"People go from "Where can I get spaghetti and meatballs in Silicon Valley" to "italian food san jose" really fast, " she said. 人们的搜索词从"我在硅谷的什么地方能吃到意大利面条和肉丸"变成"意大利食物圣荷塞",转变十分迅速,"她说.5、A:How about spaghetti? 意大利面条怎么样?
2023-07-18 17:49:261


2023-07-18 17:49:341


一、含义不同“spaghetti”意思是:1、n.意大利式细面条2、n.(Spaghetti)人名;(意)斯帕盖蒂“pasta”意思是:1、n.意大利面食;面团2、n.(Pasta)人名;(英、意)帕斯塔二、用法不同1、spaghetti:通常用于指长形的意大利面。例句:The reporter announced that there would be no more spaghetti because they had stoppedgrowing it.译文:这个记者宣布将不再有意大利式细面条,因为他们已经停止生产它了。2、pasta:通常用于泛指所有意大利面食。例句:Is that enough pasta for four of us?译文:那份意大利面食够我们四人吃的吗?三、包含范围不同:pasta 是所有面条的统称,里面包括SPAGHETTI(细长面条),MACCHERONI(短的通心粉),FUSILLI(螺旋的面条),LASAGNE(千层面)等等。
2023-07-18 17:49:411

spaghetti , pasta , macaroni 都是意大利面的意思 有啥区别呢?

2023-07-18 17:50:131


spaghetti的英语读音是[spu0259u02c8ɡeti] 。指的是那种意大利传统的长条形状的面条。在意大利有超过130种不同形状的干面,常见的有以下这些:1.Alphabets - 字母面。通常字母面是用来放在汤里起点缀作用的。2.Macaroni---通心粉。短于4CM才叫通心粉哦,大了就是另外的种类了。3.Rotini ("Spirals" or "Twists") -螺旋粉。一般短于4CM。4.Angel Hair, Capellini ("Fine Hairs") - 天使面。细长如发丝,意大利人亲切地称之“天使的发丝”。5.Manicotti - 大通心面(袖筒面)。直径很大,内部可填充馅料。6.Jumbo Shells -大扇贝面。内部体积大,可填充馅料。7.Bow Ties, Farfalle ("Butterflies") -蝴蝶结面。因其形状深受女性的欢迎。8.Medium Egg Noodles (From "Nudel," German meaning paste with egg) - 蛋面扁形。9.Medium Shells, Conchiglie ("Shells") - 扇贝面。大扇贝面的缩小版,里面不填馅。10.Ditalini----手指面(顶针面)。如同顶针一样的外形。
2023-07-18 17:50:471

梁咏琪的《Spaghetti》 歌词

歌曲名:Spaghetti歌手:梁咏琪专辑:梁咏琪同名专辑梁咏琪词:王中言 曲:黄韦皓喜欢夏天的儿童乐园喜欢周未拥挤的电影院喜欢有流星的夜可以许愿独坐在电视面前失去语言孤独的SPAGHETTI 一个人的星期天好想找个人在爱情中沦陷寂寞的海洋公园 海豚在水中流泪只想等那个人出现吃我煮的意大利面当游泳池的星星太美只会叫人有悲伤的体会买新的睡衣我却还是失眠没有你 我的食欲少得可怜孤独的SPAGHETTI 卖弄痛心的滋味只好用奶油融化想你的甜等待的火花熄灭 温柔在夜里冷却在每一个想你的夜傻傻的煮意大利面GOOD-BYE!!!
2023-07-18 17:51:381

spaghetti 和PASTA 有什么区别?

一、意思不同“spaghetti”意思是:1、n.意大利式细面条2、n.(Spaghetti)人名;(意)斯帕盖蒂“pasta”意思是:1、n.意大利面食;面团2、n.(Pasta)人名;(英、意)帕斯塔二、用法不同1、spaghetti:通常用于指长形的意大利面。例句:The reporter announcedthat there wouldbe nomore spaghetti because theyhad stoppedgrowing it. 译文:这个记者宣布将不再有意大利式细面条,因为他们已经停止生产它了。2、pasta:通常用于泛指所有意大利面食。例句:Is that enough pasta for four of us? 译文:那份意大利面食够我们四人吃的吗?扩展资料“spaghetti”的近义词:Linguine读音:英 [lɪŋ"gwiːneɪ;-nɪ] 意思是:n.意大利扁面条例句:Pasta disheslike linguine sometimescontainsquidink aswellasshellfish and prawns. 译文:意大利扁面条就拌有墨鱼汁、海鱼和虾子。
2023-07-18 17:51:462

梁咏琪的《Spaghetti》 歌词

歌曲名:Spaghetti歌手:梁咏琪专辑:顺时针 新歌+精选(首批特别版)梁咏琪词:王中言 曲:黄韦皓喜欢夏天的儿童乐园喜欢周未拥挤的电影院喜欢有流星的夜可以许愿独坐在电视面前失去语言孤独的SPAGHETTI 一个人的星期天好想找个人在爱情中沦陷寂寞的海洋公园 海豚在水中流泪只想等那个人出现吃我煮的意大利面当游泳池的星星太美只会叫人有悲伤的体会买新的睡衣我却还是失眠没有你 我的食欲少得可怜孤独的SPAGHETTI 卖弄痛心的滋味只好用奶油融化想你的甜等待的火花熄灭 温柔在夜里冷却在每一个想你的夜傻傻的煮意大利面GOOD-BYE!!!
2023-07-18 17:52:001


Spaghetti is a long, thin form of pasta. It is versatile, popular, and available throughout the Western world. Spaghetti is the plural form of the Italian word spaghetto, which is a diminutive of spago, meaning "thin string" or "twine". The word spaghetti can be literally translated as "little strings."SERVING: Most spaghetti sold and consumed is commercially prepared, then dried. Spaghetti is cooked by reducing the pasta with seasoning in water until soft. The consistency or texture of spaghetti changes as it is reduced. The most popular consistency is detensi which is translated from the Italian as "to the tooth"; that is soft but with texture, sometimes even with bite in the center. Others prefer their spaghetti overly cooked, which gives it a much softer consistency. The best dried spaghetti is made from yeast, semolina and egg yolks. Inferior spaghetti is not tolerated. Fresh spaghetti should be prepared with grade "01" flour.Spaghetti is used as a base in cooking for meals such as Lasagna and Pizza. Lasagna is a multi layered meal whereas pizza is not.An emblem of Italian cuisine, spaghetti is frequently served in tomato sauce, which may contain various herbs (especially oregano and basil), olive oil, meat, or vegetables. Other toppings include any of several hard cheeses, such as Pecorino Romano, Parmesan or Asiago. Outside Italy it is often served with mea
2023-07-18 17:52:151


问题一:吊带背心用英语怎么说 vest 问题二:女式吊带背心用英语怎么说? 就叫做top就可以了 问题三:防走光打底吊带小背心用英语怎么说 防走光打底吊带小背心 The exposed render of condole belt *** all vest 望采纳!谢谢! 问题四:吊带用英语怎么说? 您好!吊带要看您指的是什么内容,不同的内容英语说法都不一样,如下: 背带,吊裤带:gallus 吊床,吊带:hammock 吊带背心(女用):camisole 吊带裙:braces skirt 希望能帮到您! 问题五:吊带背心 英文怎么说?女生穿的 有肩带背心 shoulder vest (吊带背心) 问题六:带胸罩背心用英语怎么说 Bra vest 带胸罩背心 问题七:吊带衫用英语怎么说呢 double-band t-shirt 问题八:吊带衫英语怎么说 吊带衫 diàodàishān halter top spaghetti strap top sun top 问题九:吊带衫英语怎么说? Ladies Spaghetti String Shirt 我记得美国人讲课就用Spaghetti Shirt(面条衫) 参见:kingofthecage/...抱讥html 可目睹吊带衫的风采. 问题十:女士背心英文怎么写 背心 a vest(内衣类似的); a waistcoat(西服内的背心); a sleevele珐s jacket(无袖的外套); a singlet(无袖汗衫;运动背心) 没有特别表明女士的...
2023-07-18 17:52:241

spaghetti 与 fettuccine 有什么区别?

spaghetti是细面 fettuccine是宽面
2023-07-18 17:52:324


spaghetti:意大利面条;[电]漆布绝缘管[例句]Nicholas ate a dish of spaghetti.尼古拉斯吃了一盘意大利面条。lasagna : 烤宽面条(上浇肉末番茄汁); [例句]What are you making? Is that going to be lasagna?你做了什么菜?是否做了千层面?pasta:面团(用以制意大利通心粉,细面条等),意大利面食; [例句]The Chinese also eat a type of pasta as part of their staple diet中国人也把一种面食作为他们的主食之一。
2023-07-18 17:52:591


吊带衫diàodàishān halter topspaghetti strap topsun top
2023-07-18 17:53:082


2023-07-18 17:53:182


Pizza is the most famous Italian dish all over the world. Its name comes from Piza,an old Italian city.It is famous for the Leaning Tower of Piza.In pizza,there are lots of things,such as mutton,butter and pepper.It is delicious.In general,pizza is a mixture of lots of nourishing and tasty things.So it is a popular food all over the world. Spaghetti is also a tasty Italian food.
2023-07-18 17:53:402