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2023-07-19 12:01:28
TAG: 英语 阅读


   Why Honest People Do Dishonest Things

   A failure to anticipate an ethical decision makes men and women more likely to lie or cheat.


  By Jessica Schmerler | May 22, 2015

  Every day we are bombarded with temptations — to cheat on our diets, to spend instead of save our paychecks, to tell little white lies. It can be exhausting to have to continually remind ourselves that, long-term, we want to be upstanding people, so we shouldnu2019t make tempting but unethical short-term decisions. But what if simply thinking about dishonesty could make it easier for us to behave ethically? This novel possibility comes from a set of studies published May 22 in the Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, which demonstrate that anticipating temptation decreases the likelihood of a person engaging in poor behavior.

  In this set of studies, lead researcher Oliver Sheldon, a specialist in organizational behavior at Rutgers University, and co-author Ayelet Fishbach, a social psychologist at the University of Chicago, set out to understand the factors that influence self-control in ethical decision-making. The results suggest “a potential solution to curb dishonesty,” according to Francesca Gino, a behavioral scientist at Harvard Business School who was not involved in the work.

  Sheldon and Fishbach designed three experiments to investigate thoughts that occur to people just before they make an ethical decision. In each, they recorded the behavior of groups of participants during an exercise after the individuals were given different combinations of prompts designed to activate thoughts of either past temptation or social and moral integrity. “We predicted, and found, that such forewarningu2026 helps people better prepare to proactively counteract the influence of impending ethical temptations on their behavior,” Sheldon says.

  In the first experiment, 196 business school students were designated as buyers (realtors) or sellers of historical homes, with sellers being told to sell only to buyers who would preserve the homes and buyers being told to conceal the fact their clients would tear down the homes. Before interacting with one another, half the participants in each group were prompted to write about a time they felt tempted to “bend the rules” and the other half were prompted to write about an arbitrary neutral topic, namely a time when having a back-up plan aided in a negotiation. As the buyers were the group that faced an ethical conflict in the interaction, theirs was the behavior under analysis. Of the buyers, 67 percent of those who had not been asked to reflect on unethical behavior lied in order to close the deal, as compared to 45 percent of those who were reminded of temptation.

  In the second experiment, 75 college students were told to flip a coin labeled “short” and “long” on either side, to determine whether they had to proofread short or long passages of text. Before the exercise, the students were divided into two groups and given the same writing assignments as in the buyer-seller experiment. The two groups were further divided in half, with one half of each group being told that at their stages of life a personu2019s values, life goals and personalities are stable; the other half were told that these personal elements can change. By adding this twist to the experiment, the researchers wanted participants to think about how their actions during the exercise could be indicative of their future selves. Students who both thought about temptation and were told their traits were stable were honest about the outcome of their coin flips, whereas most of the remaining participants lied about the outcome in order to do less work. Clearly, thinking ahead served to prepare people for temptation and make them more honest — provided it was combined with thinking about moral integrity.

  In the final experiment, the researchers showed 161 online participants six workplace scenarios in which an employee might be tempted to behave unethically, such as stealing office supplies. Once again, the participants completed one of the same writing assignments used in the previous experiments and then were shown the six scenarios either all at once (suggesting that just one unethical decision would be made, thus the behavior constituted an isolated incident) or on six separate screens (suggesting unethical behavior would be a recurring event). Participants who recalled grappling with temptation and considered the scenarios all at once were significantly less inclined to support unethical workplace behavior than those in the other groups. The results of this experiment suggest a similar conclusion to that of the second experiment — that thinking ahead and thinking of moral integrity keeps people honest.

  In considering the results of the three experiments, a distinct pattern emerged: First, people who recall previous wrongdoing seem a little less likely to repeat their mistakes; the researchers believe this exercise causes subjects to better “anticipate” temptation. But this effect is not an absolute preventative against dishonesty. The second part of the pattern is that even if people anticipate temptation, they are less likely to resist if they think their decision will have no impact on their future integrity, social acceptance, or self-image. The first part of the pattern constitutes a novel perspective on self-control, whereas the second part is “consistent with previous theorizing on why good people behave badly,” notes Ann Tenbrunsel, an ethicist at Mendoza College of Business who was not part of the study.

  Another researcher not involved in this study, Andrea Pittarello, a behavioral psychologist at Ben-Gurion University of the Negev in Israel, proposes that the mechanism behind ethical decision-making in these experiments is that thinking of previous dishonesty “make moral standards more salient and in turn decrease dishonesty.” He points out that thoughts of previous dishonesty might create a sense of guilt that influences people to behave ethically in an attempt to make up for past wrongdoing.

  So why do good people do bad things? This new research suggests that the answer could be as simple as a lack of anticipation of conflict and temptation. Dan Ariely, a behavioral economist at Duke University, says the results fit with research by him and others on the idea that seemingly honest people are dishonest “only because of a kind of u2018wishful blindness,u2019 when we donu2019t pay attention to our thoughts.”

  This area of research could someday pave the way for more practical interventions that could help ensure that ethical decisions are made. In this study, participants had to complete a writing assignment to induce the anticipation that influenced their behavior. Unfortunately, this method is time-consuming and thus impractical for use in day-to-day life. But it does offer a few lessons that could apply to how we think about making decisions. So the next time you are facing an ethical challenge, stop to think about the person you were, the person you are, and the person you want to be. In the words of Warren Buffett, “It takes 20 years to build a reputation and five minutes to ruin it. If you think about that, youu2019ll do things differently.”


be bombarded with 中文意思

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There is a growing realizationhad Saddam Hussein focused his missile-development programs on this sort of hardware rather than developing targets in Saudi Arabia and Israe
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The advertising campaign didn " t have much effect on sales 这些 广告攻势 对销售额并没有起到多大作用 The advertising campaign didn " t have much effect on sales 这些 广告攻势 对销售额并没有起到多大作用。 Namhoon ! ad campaign 南宏! 广告攻势 We had planned to start a massive advertising campaign in january this year 我们原来打算在今年的一月份进行一次大规模的 广告攻势 。 The vast consumption market of china has attracted numerous enterprises home and abroad , and they have launched their advertising campaigns 摘要中国是一个巨大的消费者市场,令众多的中外企业趋之若鹜,纷纷展开 广告攻势 。 Merrell dow inc . is so sure its nicorette gum will help puffers kick the weed , it has launched a $ 300 , 000ad campaign to promote it 梅若道公司对他们的尼古丁口香糖能帮助瘾君子戒烟极有把握,已展开耗资30万元的 广告攻势 ,推广该项产品。 That j . k . toys , the manufacturer , will mount an extensive advertising campaign to coincide with the launch date of the product and the maipng date of your catalogue 玩具公司将在产品上市日和你的产品目录投递日展开大范围的 广告攻势 。 Chinese consumers are bombarded with advertisements and panies launching a brand will have to invest heavily to be heard above the roar 中国消费者被强烈的 广告攻势 所包围,公司要想推出新品牌,非得进行大量投资,才能让消费者知道自己的品牌。 Tv campaign depvers 500 grps and reaches 74 % of all people . what is the average frequency of exposure ( ots ) to the advertising amongst people who were exposed to it 在一个电视 广告攻势 里,如果可以得到500收视点, 74 %的覆盖率,请问目标受众收看的平均频次有多少 A tv campaign depvers 500 grps and reaches 74 % of all people . what is the average frequency of exposure ( ots ) to the advertising amongst people who were exposed to it 在一个电视 广告攻势 里,如果可以得到500收视点, 74 %的覆盖率,请问目标受众收看的平均频次有多少
2023-07-18 17:25:551


  你知道是什么吗?下面来学习一下吧。    人体英语释义:   human body    人体英语例句:   细胞是人体的基本单位。   Cells are the elements of the human body.   3D印表机术有很多光明前景,其中包括列印复杂的原型产品、款式独一无二的珠宝,甚至是列印人体组织。   The many promises of 3D-printing include intricate product prototypes, one-of-a-kind jewelry, even human tissue.   因为植物中含有的Ω-3脂肪酸转换为能被人体利用的Ω-3脂肪酸效率有限,所以素食者应该吃一些加Ω-3脂肪酸的食品或Ω-3脂肪酸补充物。   Because conversion of the plant-based omega-3 to the types used by humans is inefficient, you may want to consider fortified products or supplements or both.   还有一件事:绝对不要讲「脏话」&对性或是人体低俗的描述。   And one more thing: stay away from “ dirty words ”-vulgar deions of sex or the human body.   祖克博士说,人体时常会受到细菌侵扰,但人体自身的免疫系统会将大部分细菌击退。   The human body is constantly bombarded with microbes, Dr. Zuk says, most of which the immune system fights off.   肌肉的收缩是人体的一种反应。   The contraction of muscle is a reaction of the body.   人体模型如真人大小的、全身或半身的人体模型,用于量试衣服是否合适或展示服装;人体模型   A life-size full or partial representation of the human body, used for the fitting or displaying of clothes; a dummy.   人体脂肪含量是人体测量的一个重要指标,合理地控制人体脂肪含量对人体健康有重要意义。   Content of body fat of a human being is an important parameter of anthropometry.   人体模型人体或部分人体支架模型,用于展示服装。   A model of the human figure or part of it used for displaying clothes.   符合人体工程学:人体工学曲线,后饰柔韧,使用舒适。   Ergonomic streamlining and soft cushioned back means applied fort.   就好像人体是个拼图,我们给每块拼图对应一个专科,却忘记了他们事实上都是整体的一部分,而我们做的每件事都只是从某一专科来影响整个人体。   We have divided the human body into a jigsaw puzzle of ponent parts.   它能提高人体精力和增强人体免疫力。   It boosts energy levels and supports the immune system.   符合人体工程学:人体工学曲线,后饰柔韧,使用舒适。   Ergonomic streamlining and soft cushioned back means applled fort.   联邦法律禁止销售人体器官,但并没有包括人体组织。   Federal law prohibits the selling of organs but not of human tissue.
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  在经济学中,生产者亦称厂商或企业,指能做出统一生产决定的单个经济单位。个人企业个人企业家往往同时就是所有者和经营者。那么,你知道厂商的的英文是什么吗?   厂商 [chǎng shāng]   厂商的英文释义:   pany   firm   manufacturer   supplier   business firm   厂商的英文例句:   关于包装问题,我方将与厂商联络,要求他们对此引起重视。   About packing, we will contact our manufacturers and call their attention to the matter.   我们的供应厂商已迁往巴斯。   Our suppliers have removed to Bath.   新的储存厂商可能以低廉的价格提供组织想要的功能。可能出于 “行政” 考虑更换储存厂商。   Maybe a new storage vendor will include desired functionality in the base price.   竭诚欢迎广大客户和厂商垂询!   We wele the broad masses of customer and vendor rmation!   与厂商和客户保持联络;   Liaise with suppliers and customers.   但是,生产厂商要求贬值的游说声音一直比消费者大很多。   But producer lobbies tend to be more vocal than consumers.   我们非常乐意为各位厂商和客户们提供优质的服务!   We are very happy to all vendors and customers to provide quality service!   这个公司是一个大的汽车制造厂商。   The pany is a major car producer.   大多数大厂商或许会对此感兴趣并且愿意为此花大价钱。   Most big brands would be thrilled to get this and would spend a lot of money.   我也不在任何一家参与竞争的厂商工作。   I do not work for any peting manufacturer of any kind.   在交付那个愿景的片断上,一些厂商要比其它的好一些,但是我们不得不承认这还不是愿景。   Some vendors succeeded better than others at delivering a fraction of that vision,but we have to admit that the vision is not there.   也就是说,这类的发现是为什么我们需要更有力的法律去要求厂商对他们投放到市场的化学物质的安全性提供说明的原因。   That said, I think those kinds of findings are why we need to have stronger lawsthat require manufacturers to demonstrate the safety of chemicals that they put into merce.   开始的情况非常相似.但我认为在这个特殊月份,由于许多厂商都围绕总统日做很多的促销活动,我认为我们的业务将有所改善.   But I think this particular month, with a lot of the promotions that a lot ofmanufacturers are doing around Presidents Day, I think we will see a pickup inbusiness.   当然,构建管理工具需要能够聚集并组织从任何您拥有的开发工具那里来的审计资料,即使这些工具是来自不同的厂商。   Of course, the build management tool needs to be able to aggregate andorganize audit data from whatever development tools you have, even if they e from different vendors.   大部分厂商已经觉悟过来,认识到了这是最合理的途径。   Most vendors have e around to recognizing that this is the most reasonableapproach.   但是这些证明的可信度正接受审查,因为许多都是厂商自己提供的。   But the credibility of these certificates is under scrutiny, as many are provided by the manufacturers themselves.   我们真的期望看到来自厂商更多的推广,帮助他们的客户拥抱这些技术。   We really would like to see more evangelization from the vendors, and help theircustomers embrace these technologies.   他们直接从厂商那里购买了这台机器。   They bought the machine directly from the manufacturer.   这些厂商不仅在中国拥有买家,在非洲和中东地区的新兴市场也大有份额。   These manufacturers found buyers not only in China but also in emergingmarkets in Africa and the Middle East.   在您的这种情况下,改变模式是不大可能的,因为厂商或者行业可能已经明确定义了。   Changing the schema may not be possible in your scenario, as vendors orindustries may have already defined it.   然而,一些厂商宣传它们的视觉化建模工具的用途,但是没有强调将模型与实现过程中的设计决策和变更保持同步的重要性。   However, some vendors promote the use of their visual modeling tools withoutemphasizing the importance of keeping models in synch with design decisionsand changes during implementation.   这也是为什么这种型别的一致性已经被写入了主机厂商制定的标准中。   This is why this sort of consistency is made part of the standards set by theconsole manufacturers.   TV厂商们用“电视的下一个进化就是3D”这样的资讯来轰炸全世界,同时告诉你现在就可以通过购买他们的高阶电视和3D眼镜来享受这种进步。   The TV vendors have bombarded the world with the message that the next big step in television is 3DTV and that you can have it today by buying their newpremium TVs and polarized glasses.   厂商和技术公司,以及与他们合作的公司,对具体的解决方案或技术有独特的认识。   Vendors and technology panies, and panies they collaborate with, typically have unique knowledge around a specific solution or technology.   各种不同的厂商都争相提供用于这类监控的工具,差不多所有这些工具都针对实际的线上事务。   A variety of vendors have lined up to provide tools to help with such monitoring,almost all of which focus on actual wire transactions.   许多厂商曾尝试过不同程度的整合,将一些甚至全部这些装置都安装在主机板上。   Many manufacturers have tried different levels of integration, some or even all ofthese devices are installed on the motherboard.   不过这些技术还没在大型厂商那边取得进展。   But these techniques have not made much headway with large manufacturers.   从本质上说,这些是厂商最被公司看重的。   This, in essence, is what panies most value from vendors.   接下来,把灾难恢复IP地址通知其他职员、分部、厂商和合作伙伴:当前在其安全设定中包含您的主IP地址的所有实体。   Next share the disaster recovery IP address with any other employees, divisions,vendors, partners: Any entity that currently has your primary IP address in itssecurity settings.
2023-07-18 17:26:301


急求一篇英语作文 My dear friend Mary: we feel so sorry for being absent from your birthday party. we had to enter for an art lecture in Beijing,which result in our absence. It"s our mind that hope you can admit us making up for you a biger party. we don"t know how perfect your birthday party was this time, but we can try our best to decorate your further party with candles and ballons, no matter what you like but we can do ,we will prove our promise in the future. Friends Mark and Anna 是以两人的角度道歉么... Being once an athlete, one can easily understand the concept of the sport and provide viewers with an optimal experience. This isn"t the usual retirement path for an athlete, but it has proved to be valid through this case. It is important to realize that not all athlete are able to retire with a lucrative retirement plan and an affluent amount of wealth, thus what better of a job than to be a journalist? When starting the college search, every person has an idea of where they want to attend, what they want to study,want to have bright future, and what they want there college experience to be like. Although the ideas vary from person to person, the basics are still the same.It requires painstaking focus and diligence with studies especially when you are already in the college.I keep in mind my lifelong dream of being a doctor. I have been taking my education very seriously, because I know that a person needs to be not only knowledgeable, but also extremely disciplined in order to bee a doctor.After pletely attending the college, you will then be facing the challenges of real-time hospital encounters involved in medical residency.The route to being a doctor is certainly not easy at all. 如果是找人代写代答, 网路上有许多笔手或写手是需要付费的, 复制的和原创的价格是不一样的, 原创的是需要支付稿酬的, 看来你是想空手套白狼吗? 如果是请别人帮助的话, 应该有句礼貌的语言, 这么旁若无人般的对着电脑大要(英语)作文合适吗? 再说了大家都素不相识的, 这里又不是你个人的秘书处, 别人凭什么要按照你的要求为你写作, 你又凭什么这样无偿的占有别人的劳动果实并连一句礼貌的语言都没有呢? Dear Peter I think good habits are very important to us, because otherwise we cannot stay healthy. Eating is one of the most important part, and we need to eat more fruits and vegetables instead of junk food. Breakfasts supply us essential energy, so do not skip them, and make sure that yo u wash your hands before each meal. Going to bed early and getting up early are great habits too, and last but not the least, exercises every day. Let all pick up these good habits and stay healthy! your friend Li hua Dear Betty : Thanks for your letter.In fact, there"s noting difficult to get along with Chinese students.They"re pretty friendly and outgoing.Don"t be shy and nervous when they talking to you.Most students of them can speak English very well.So ,take it easy.This is also a good chance for you to learn more about Chinese culture. You can also help them with their English and England culture.You are a cute girl,I"m sure you will feel more fortable if you did what I said.Best wishes for you! Yours Lihua Aducation is not an end,but a means to an end.In other words,we do not educate children only for educating them.Our purpose is to fit them for life. In some modern countries it has been fashionable to think that free education for all can solve all the problems of society and build a perfect nation.But we can already see that free education for all is not enough.We find in such countries a far larger number of people with university degrees refusing to do what they think is "low"work, fact,working with one"s hands is thought to be dirty and shameful in such countries. The problem of “white pollution” caused by used plastic is being increasingly serious, in which plastic shopping bags play an important role. In China about three billion plastic shopping bags are consumed every day, which results in a great waste of resources and heavy environmental pollution. Luckily, The government has put a nationwide ban on the use of free plastic bags, demanding that all stores and supermarkets not provide customers with free plastic bags after June 1. The rule will undoubtedly reduce the use of plastic bags and enhance the awareness of environmental protection. It is highly advocated that we should turn to cloth bags and shopping baskets from now on. Plastic bags have found their way into a wide area of everyday life. They are applied in big supermarkets, ordinary shops, *** all stores and street markets. People put in plastic bags everything they buy. They no longer need to carry cloth bags, leather bags or basket bags with them when go shopping. Obviously it is very convenient for plastic bags to be used in people"s everyday life. They are also very cheap. They are usually offered free of charge. However, plastic bags also bring us side effects. Some people throw away plastic bags causally. This causes the white pollution to our environment , which is very harmful because plastic bags can not disappear by natural deposition. This is certainly not beneficial to our future. People have to be careful with the use of plastic bags. They should make sure they put the sued plastic bags into the dustbin when they want to dispose of them. It also might be better for people to use the traditional cloth bags to hold the goods they buy instead of using plastic bags. recently a new law was launched about use of plastic bags the law stipulate all the plastic bag should prohibited which was not meet the reqirement of the goverment the law was promulgated on 2007 6 1 many people showed great support they say this bags may cause damage to our environment and the manufacturer should produce higher quality bags which was ply with the law but many people say it also cause inconvenience if we didnt use plastic bags how could we carry thing and it is almost for us to carry a basket go to work and buy thing after work all these plait like a landmine bombarded the goverment so how should the government do to consolidate the laws and also to make these people satisfied the goverment should pay arduous effect to pacify the temblor and walk their way back to track/normal 不知道能不能帮上你的忙?~ My uncle went to his old friend"s house because he was happy yesterday.And he didn"t leave till the feeding time,so he had a dinner there.they were all drinked on they were all happy.It was very late when he drived to home after playing with them.Maybe too much he drinked,he was catched in a aidend,and then he was send to the hospital.While he was lying on the bed,the police came in and concel his driver licence.he was very upset on this thing. 好了 呵呵 i am li hua . when I entered high school after ,I met a new male teachers.he is medium build, wearing glasses.he looks very young.he is ling shan .he graduated from college in 1997, he was knowledgeable in the classroom lively, serious yet caring
2023-07-18 17:26:401


托福写作素材:社交网络类   社交网络使不同地区、不同国家的人们能够交流,拉近了人与人之间的距离。下面是我整理的关于社交网络的托福写作素材,希望能帮到大家!  development and expansion of the Internet: 互联网的发展和扩张   the main technological and cultural revolutions : 主要的技术和文化革命   emergence of social media: 社交媒体的出现   have grown extremely fast and become central to the lives of hundreds of millions of people: 已经极快的成为数亿人的生活的重要(部分)   常见的社交网络细节罗列:   communicate with family, friends: 与家人、朋友交流   had the chance to meet regularly: 有机会经常见面   are becoming important tools for our work and business networking:   越来越重要的工具为了我们的工作和业务圈子   spent considerable part of : 花了相当大的一部分   to engage with online social networking: 加入在线社交网络   keep in touch with people : 与人保持联系   reconnect with old friends : 联系老朋友   bridge previously insurmountable physical distances: 跨越之前不可逾越的物理距离   the sense of proximity : 亲近的感觉   Instant messaging services: 即时通讯服务   offer their users the capacity :给他们的用户提供xxx的能力   get almost immediate access to information: 几乎立即获取信息   allow for global interaction with people from different backgrounds.   interacting with people from distant places was almost exclusively the privilege of : 与遥远的地方的人交流是几乎完全的特权   engage in discussions: 参与讨论   establish friendships with people : 与人建立友谊   facilitate people meeting face-to-face: 促进人们面对面的见面   networks such as Couchsurfing allow you to live for some time with people you might have otherwise never met:   网络如Couchsurfing让你跟可能从未见过的人生活一段时间。   specialized in : 擅长于xxx   establish long term relationships: 建立长期的关系   gain visibility for their products and creations : 获得对其产品的视野和创造   to promote public participation and civic engagement: 促进公众参与和公民参与   new means to express their views and defend causes they find worth   fighting for: 用新手段表达自己的观点、捍卫他们认为值得为之战斗的事业   employed social media for the mobilization and organization of protesters   : 使用社交媒体动员和组织抗议者   insulate us from:使我们与xxx隔绝   make communication easier and more flexible : 使交流变得更容易、更灵活   have the opposite impact on our relationships with the people : 负面的影响我们与人的关系   in a family or friends" reunion: 在一个家庭或朋友的聚会   Social networks serve to disseminate information, but the validity of this information cannot always be verified:   社交网络服务于传播信息,但不能总是确保这些信息的有效性。   spread rumors, propaganda, and misleading information: 散布谣言、宣传和误导信息   have negative impact on the lives of people: 对人们的生活有负面影响   flashy erroneous information: 庸俗的错误信息   become a source of entertainment : 成为娱乐的.来源   a means of procrastination: 拖延的一种手段   productivity at work diminishes: 工作效率降低   are constantly bombarded with notifications from social media: 不断地收到社交媒体的通知   turn into an addiction or obsession with negative psychological impacts on our lives: 变成一种瘾或痴迷并给我们的生活带来负面的心理影响   is also at risk : 处于危险境地   circulating through the internet: 通过互联网传播   removing a tag from a somewhat inappropriate picture : 在有点不合适的照片里删除一个标签   also making it more difficult to separate our professional and social lives:   也使得更加难以分离我们的职业和社会生活   store too much information : 储存太多的信息   extract large amounts of information from their users: 从他们的用户那里提取大量的信息   the terms and conditions of use of the platforms: 平台使用的条款和条件   long and extremely technical legal documents: 长并且非常技术性的法律文件   There have been notable cases in which hackers have managed to steal   information about thousands of users.   在有些知名案例中,黑客成功窃取成千上万的用户的信息。   become fertile grounds for offences and crime: 成为罪行和犯罪的肥沃   suffer stalking and bullying : 遭受骚扰和欺凌   This has led to dramatic cases where users have ended up committing   suicide.   这导致了戏剧性的情况, 也就是用户最终自杀。   collect information about victims by kidnappers and burglars: 收集关于绑匪和窃贼的受害者的信息。   recruit members and raise funding : 招募成员和筹集资金   适用题目:   2013.8.10   Some people like to record their life by sharing pictures and other information on social-networking sites. Others keep this information to themselves and never share it online. ;
2023-07-18 17:26:471


Early seedI am a soldier.Belonging to the lowest levelI am shrinking under the cover of the clods.Waiting for the last attackSuddenly I saw the gunfireThe sun is bombarded against the cloudsI suddenly jumped out of the fortificationsRaise the green flagChong! I am signallingThe earth is silentIceberg like winter military campThe forest stands like a captiveI only slowly fall downHow dense is the snow grainI am afraid to alarm my companions.Seeing me die like thisAfter I disappearedSpring naturally got the victoryBrigade team wildflowersGo to the founding ceremonyThey walked through my tombDiscussing the coat of butterfliesI am a little less brave.Will walk with themI have never been known by anyone.So no one has forgottenLive in the memories of othersNot my purpose
2023-07-18 17:27:072

given that 跟 given 有什么区别?意义上有区别么

Their meanings are pretty much the same.The only difference is the usage.given (KNOWING)prepositionknowing about or considering a particular thing:1."Given" is a preposition therefore a noun or a nominal phrase follows it.e.g.Given his age,he"s a remarkably fast learner.e.g.Given the circumstances,you"ve done an excellent job.2.Given (the fact) + that clause,main clause.e.g.Given (the fact) that the earthquake has damaged severely,we still try to enable the evacuees to be as independent as possible.e.g.Given (the fact) that ordinary people are bombarded by all different kinds of ads,selecting a suitable product is not that easy.Hope this helps.CheersNote:来不及用中文解释,如有任何问题,可补而述之._________given与 given that 在意义上没有多大区别,所差在於用法.它们的定义视上下文而定.大致上有如果考虑到.就所知.而论.e.g.given his age,就他的年纪来说,.e.g.given the circumstances,如果考虑到各种情况,.1.Given 为介词,所以后面须接名词或名词片语.就此定义,本人没有看过,其后加动名词.你在哪里看过吗?e.g.Given his age,…..Given为介词.his age为名词片语.2.Given + that clause,main clauseGiven + that 引导的从属子句,后接主要子句.e.g.Given (the fact) that the earthquake has damaged severely,we still try to enable the evacuees to be as independent as possible.Given + that clausethat clause (that 引导的从属子句) = that the earthquake has damaged severelymain clause (主要子句)= we still try to enable the evacuees to be as independent as possible.e.g.Given (the fact) that ordinary people are bombarded by all different kinds of ads,selecting a suitable product is not that easy.Given + that clausethat clause (that 引导的从属子句) = that ordinary people are bombarded by all different kinds of ads main clause (主要子句) = selecting a suitable product is not that easy___________为了增强你的英文能力,本人建议你自己翻译.如有错误,我会加以更正.这些例句都不难,翻翻字典,应能理解.Example #1 Given his age,he"s a remarkably fast learner.Example #2Given the circumstances,you"ve done an excellent job.Example #3Given that the earthquake has damaged severely,we still try to enable the evacuees to be as independent as possible.Example #4Given that ordinary people are bombarded by all different kinds of ads,selecting a suitable product is not that easy.
2023-07-18 17:27:174

2023-07-18 17:27:365


1. 美国队长英文作文 Steve Rogers was born in the Great Depression of a poor, vulnerable youth. Because of the news that the Nazis had invaded and invaded Europe in Europe, they wanted to join the army. But because the infirm refused. Inadvertently learned that Steve Rogers"s sincere desire of general Chester Phillips decided to give him a chance, let him take part in the rebirth program". After several weeks of testing, Steve Rogers was injected with a super soldier serum and was bombarded with ultraviolet irradiation, and finally has the most perfect body of human beings. Then he received a physical and tactical training. After three months, he has been as "Captain America" first job with indestructible shield and well versed in tactical mind, he put in the fight with the red skull, and eventually stop the red skull"s evil plan, but he has therefore been frozen until 70 years after woke up。 2. 写自己喜欢美国队长这部电影英语作文 Steve Rogers was born in the Great Depression of a poor, vulnerable youth. Because of the news that the Nazis had invaded and invaded Europe in Europe, they wanted to join the army. But because the infirm refused. Inadvertently learned that Steve Rogers"s sincere desire of general Chester Phillips decided to give him a chance, let him take part in the rebirth program". After several weeks of testing, Steve Rogers was injected with a super soldier serum and was bombarded with ultraviolet irradiation, and finally has the most perfect body of human beings. Then he received a physical and tactical training. After three months, he has been as "Captain America" first job with indestructible shield and well versed in tactical mind, he put in the fight with the red skull, and eventually stop the red skull"s evil plan, but he has therefore been frozen until 70 years after woke up.。 3. 美国队长用英语写一短篇的介绍 In this 38th issue of Captain America, writer Ed Brubaker continues his recasting of Bucky Barnes as the titular character. The Star-Spangled Avenger continues his mission to stop the bined forces of the Doctor Faustus, Arnim Zola, and the Red Skull—hiding inside ex-Soviet general Aleksander Lukin. Having brought the United States" economy to its knees and destroyed public trust in S.H.I.E.L.D., the neo-fascists have propped up an independent presidential candidate in Senator Gordon Wright—a supposed maverick who advocates a “Third Wing” party. At the same time, ex-S.H.I.E.L.D. agent Sharon Carter—pregnant with Steve Rogers"s child—discovers a clone of Captain that the Skull intends to use against Barnes. For good measure, the latter acpanies Sam Wilson—the Falcon—to a munitions factory used by Arnim Zola as a base of sorts. The o blow stuff up real well, but more importantly, it cements their partnership, thus carrying on Wilson"s relationship with the deceased Rogers. Bucky Barnes continues to slide fortably into the role of Captain . Ed Brubaker practically forces the reader to accept him by resurrecting the 1950s clone of Cap as a foil. It almost says that if you don"t like Barnes, consider the alternative. It also reminds the reader that there have been a few Captain Americas, and Barnes is just one more. But, this issue acplishes something that the series has direly needed for sometime now—it explains the Red Skull"s intentions beyond chaos and destruction. Up until this point, the Skull"s agents and allies have wrought violence and horror on both superheroes and civilians. But, it"s all been to little obvious end other than to hurt the in the name of sheer badness. But, with the introduction of Senator Gordon Wright and his Third Wing presidential bid, it bees clear. The Skull has thus far created economic and civil disorder with the intention of electing a president that will do his bidding. The cover of this issue spells it out: President Skull. With that revelation, Brubaker has given the series an adrenaline shot. Though it has always been enjoyable, Captain "s bined nemeses have long operated with little pretense other than evil itself. It serves the series well to see an end goal of sorts. Steve Epting continues to pencil Captain America with a pleasing reali *** . It does a lot for a series that often reads like Metal Gear Solid by way of Tom Clancy. The series mixes super-heroics and bright costumes with a deadly serious techno-thriller vibe. Whereas it could e off as silly, Epting never blinks or *** irks. He draws like he means it, and makes naysayers feel ashamed for questioning the story. Everything looks dark and gritty, and it makes the reader accept the more outlandish qualities of the Marvel Universe as everyday occurrences. Something more classically super-heroic—evocative of Jack Kirby or John Romita—would not serve this issue or any other as well. Beeen Epting"s realistic characters and D"Armata"s muddy colors, the story gains a weight it might otherwise lack. Captain America continues to impress, even beyond the death of Steve Rogers. If you want to jump on, consider picking up the series from issue #34 before grabbing this one. Noheless, pick this one up.。 4. 美国队长英语作文及中文翻译 The first avenger of MAVEL.He is the sign of America spirit and the leader of Avengers. Of course ,He is a super hero.But what he has is not only power.His integrity,patriotic,courage is beyond any one. paring with other heroes,he is not powerful enough.After all,just a human being.Why can he bee so populer?His spirit is the point. 5. 美国队长英语作文及中文翻译 The first avenger of MAVEL.He is the sign of America spirit and the leader of Avengers. Of course ,He is a super hero.But what he has is not only power.His integrity,patriotic,courage is beyond any one. paring with other heroes,he is not powerful enough.After all,just a human being.Why can he bee so populer?His spirit is the point. 6. 美国队长主要内容用30个字概括(用英语写) Two years after the events of The Avengers,Steve Rogers resides peacefully in Washington,D.C.,struggling to adapt to contemporary society.However,after a S.H.I.E.L.Dpatriot is assailed,Steve bees entangled in a mystery that may endanger the globe.Together with Natasha Romanoff,Captain America attempts to uncover the growing machination while fending off hired hit men.When the entire scheme is discovered。 7. 介绍电影《美国队长3》的英语作文 80词 Anthony and Joe Russo- the sibling director duo behind Marvel"s Captain America franchise have announced plans to promote the latest "Captain America: Civil War" in China. 安东尼·罗素和乔·罗素,这对漫威系列电影《美国队长》的兄弟导演近日宣布,计划将前往中国宣传他们最新的一部电影:《美国队长:内战》。 Russo Brothers have revealed on their weibo account that main cast Captain America-Chris Evans, Winter Soldier-Sebastian Stan and Falcon-Anthony Mackie are also joining them. 罗素兄弟在他们的微博账户上透露,美国队长的扮演者克里斯·埃文斯、冬日战士的扮演者塞巴斯蒂安·斯坦以及猎鹰的扮演者安东尼·麦凯将与他们一道前来。 They are scheduled to meet with media in Beijing on April 19 and unveil the release date of the superhero movie in China at the conference. 他们计划于4月19日在北京与广大媒体见面,并在该见面会上宣布这部超级英雄电影在中国上映的具体日期。 8. 介绍电影《美国队长3》的英语作文 80词 Anthony and Joe Russo- the sibling director duo behind Marvel"s Captain America franchise have announced plans to promote the latest "Captain America: Civil War" in China.安东尼·罗素和乔·罗素,这对漫威系列电影《美国队长》的兄弟636f7079e799bee5baa6e79fa5e9819331333361303131导演近日宣布,计划将前往中国宣传他们最新的一部电影:《美国队长:内战》。 Russo Brothers have revealed on their weibo account that main cast Captain America-Chris Evans, Winter Soldier-Sebastian Stan and Falcon-Anthony Mackie are also joining them.罗素兄弟在他们的微博账户上透露,美国队长的扮演者克里斯·埃文斯、冬日战士的扮演者塞巴斯蒂安·斯坦以及猎鹰的扮演者安东尼·麦凯将与他们一道前来。They are scheduled to meet with media in Beijing on April 19 and unveil the release date of the superhero movie in China at the conference.他们计划于4月19日在北京与广大媒体见面,并在该见面会上宣布这部超级英雄电影在中国上映的具体日期。
2023-07-18 17:27:531


成功人士8个基本技能中英文 A successful person is someone who has achieved what they have set out to to do an often exceeds expectation entirely. Some examples of successful people are Warren Buffet & Bill Gates, both of which have amassed billions of dollars from their efforts in two different avenues of prosperity, but what are the core basic skills that all successful people have? 成功人士就是一个已经完成了他们所要做的,做一个经常完全超过期望事情的人。巴菲特和比尔盖茨是成功人士的一些例子,他们努力通过两种不同途径的成功都积累了数十亿美元,但那些所有的成功人士都有的核心基本技能是什么呢? 1.Motivational Skills 动机技能 In the words of ET the Hip Hop Preacher, “When you want to succeed as bad as you want to breathe, then you will be successful.” Now you may not think that a burning desire to achieve is a skill, but it in essence it is the skill that carries us through to the end, to our final glorious destination that we can then look back and revel in. Lighting your burning desire and keeping it lit is the skill. 在嘻哈牧师ET的演讲中,“当你想要像你想要呼吸那样想要成功时,那么你将会成功。”现在你可能不认为对成功的强烈渴望是一种技能,但本质上这是带我们到达终点,带到我们可以到达然后可以在那回首狂欢的最终的光荣地。点燃你的强烈欲望并把它当作你的技能保持下去。 2.Communication Skills 沟通技巧 As you begin your success journey, for the most part many people will realize quite soon that as fantastic that we all think we are, we need other people in some way shape or form. We need to take to other people, communicate with people; communicating with people can be in the form of writing copy for your ebook, enticing a client to buy your “platinum package,” thanking/acknowledging the lady who cleans your office or even the drunk stranger you might meet in a bar who gives you some overwhelming enlightenment about what you"re doing wrong in your career/business. 当开始你的成功之旅时,大多数情况下许多人很快会意识到当想要做到我们都认为我们是很棒的目标时,我们需要人们以某种方法塑造或成型。我们需要与其他人亲近,与他人沟通;和人沟通可以是给你的电子书写文案,吸引客户购买你的“白金套餐”,感谢/答谢清洁你办公室的女士或甚至是在你事业/生意犯错时给了你一些很有用的启发的醉酒者这样的方式。 3.Organisation Skills 组织技能 Take a shot writing lists for a week, everyday write down a minimum of 5 important things that you know/want/need to do and put a time by all of them, once the clock strikes that time then force yourself to do it; you could do various things, whether its sell your old stuff on eBay, write a blog post, push out 10-20 pushups, it doesn"t matter, break your goal into smaller objectives, write them on paper and complete them step by step. You will see a seemingly magical improvement which in itself will motivate you to continue to organize, achieve and be successful. 试着写下一个简短的周列表,每天至少写下5件你知道/想要/需要做的重要事情,规划好做它们的`时间,一旦时间到了,你要强迫自己去做;你可以做各种事,不论是在eBay上卖旧物品,写一篇博客文章,还是做10-20个俯卧撑,这都没关系,将你的目标分解成较小的目标,把它们在纸上写下来,一步一步完成它们。你会看见看起来很神奇的提升,而它本身会激励你继续组织、实现和成功。 4. Emotional Intelligence Skills 情商技能 Think about someone successful, put yourself in their shoes, and think about a hard decision they will have made and ask yourself whether you would have cowered away due to fear. Throughout life we are bombarded by ups and downs but if you want to be a successful person then you will have to learn to grow exponentially on the up"s and continue to fight through the down"s. Arguments, fights and negativity from other people only slows you down when you deem them to be stronger than you, at the end of the day, emotions are simply bio-chemical fluctuations in your body and you need to see them as such and understand that the “feel” of them will pass. 想想那些成功人士,设身处地,考虑一个他们将要做出的艰难决定并问问你自己是否会因害怕而畏缩。我们的一生会起起伏伏,但如果你想要成为一个成功人士,那么你必须要学会在得意时继续奋进,在失意继续奋斗。争吵、打架和来自其他人的消极情绪只会让你慢下来,然后你认为他们比你强,在一天结束时,情绪只是你身体的生化波动,你需要这样看待它们,明白它们的“感觉”都将过去。 5.Confidence Skills 自信的技能 You don"t have to be confident to be successful, so before you think “okay, I"ve failed, I"m not social nor will I ever be confident,” just wait a moment. You just need to learn to be confident in yourself, and in the fact that you as a person can build something. Many people are blessed from a young age with being a raving extrovert, but the skill comes “secondarily” when you push yourself into new situations, scary or not and do your best to complete what it is you set out to while taking the failures on the chin. 你不必对成功有自信,那么在你认为“好吧,我失败了,我不合群也不会有自信,”之前稍等一会儿。你只需学会自信,事实上你可以做好它。许多很外向的人从小就被看好,但当你将自己置身新的情况下,不管害怕与否都尽力完成你设定的目标而不是对失败忍气吞声时,这个技能就变得次要了。 6.Self-efficacy Skills 自我效能技巧 Successful people complete what they start… That"s why they are successful. It doesn"t take a genius to work out the if you set out to make £1,000,000 and you only make £20,000 that you were unsuccessful, but if you leave what you started at £20,000, you then you are only ever going to be unsuccessful. While we can"t achieve everything that we set out to attempt, what splits the successful people from unsuccessful in the long run is the learning, improving, challenging and overcoming. 成功人士完成他们开始的事情...这就是为什么他们能成功。很容易明白如果你目标是挣£1,000,000,而你只挣了£20,000,那么你不是成功的,但是如果你舍弃了开始时的这 £20,000,那么你只会失败。虽然我们无法实现我们所尝试的每一件事,从长远看来,把成功人士和不成功人士分开的是学习、提高,挑战和克服。 7.Time Management Skills 时间管理技能 Successful people and people that are on track to becoming successful appreciate one thing as the scarcest resource, and that"s Time. Time is the only thing we can"t get more of once it"s spent, money comes and goes, but time once spent, never comes back. 成功人士和有望成功的人会把一件东西看作最为稀缺的资源,那就是时间。时间是唯一一种一旦用去就不能再多得到的东西,金钱来来去去,但是时间一旦用了,就永远不会回来。 8.Luck Attraction Skills 吸引运气技能 Luck, yeah, it"s “random,” but successful people attract luck by working hard and sticking to what they do. When you compile all the above skills, you"ll find you attract more luck, like the successful people you aspire the join and supersede. 运气,是的,它是“随机的”,但成功人士通过努力工作和坚持自己所做的来吸引运气。当你学会上面所有技能时,你会发现你会吸引更多运气,就像你渴望加入和取代的那些成功人士一样。
2023-07-18 17:28:111


the king of stock Buffett
2023-07-18 17:28:194

given that 跟 given 有什么区别?

2023-07-18 17:28:444

be bombarded with 中文意思

2023-07-18 17:29:041

be bombarded with 中文意思

2023-07-18 17:29:135

歌曲开场白是:listen to me baby,no matter what you do,no matter what you say,you know, i love you

歌名:Right Behind You 歌手:our lady peace 专辑:spiritual machines You haven"t seen the world outside for days You sleep, you hope, you waitImagination disappearsAnd all the dreams you have you saveConfrontation like a mirrorThey try to take your mind awayI don"t know, but I believe in yesterdayAnd what it meansTo bleed and know that you"re okayOur Lady PeaceAre you waiting?No matter what you sayNo matter what you doNo matter what, I"m always right there behind you [x2]Bombarded by the atmosphere You breath, you choke, you breath againConversation disappearsYou realize they"re not your friendsThe panic of the future rearsYou dig, you jerkYou find another wayI don"t know, but I believe in yesterdayTo bleed and know that you"re okayAre you waiting?No matter what you sayNo matter what you doNo matter what, I"m always right there behind youNo matter what you sayNo matter what you doNo matter what, I"m always right there behind youYou open up my veins now i dont feel the sameno no noYou open up my brain but i wont be replacedNo matter what you sayNo matter what you doNo matter what I"m always right there behind you
2023-07-18 17:29:281


  在经济学中,生产者亦称厂商或企业,指能做出统一生产决定的单个经济单位。个人企业个人企业家往往同时就是所有者和经营者。那么,你知道厂商的的英文是什么吗?   厂商 [chǎng shāng]   厂商的英文释义:   pany   firm   manufacturer   supplier   business firm   厂商的英文例句:   关于包装问题,我方将与厂商联络,要求他们对此引起重视。   About packing, we will contact our manufacturers and call their attention to the matter.   我们的供应厂商已迁往巴斯。   Our suppliers have removed to Bath.   新的储存厂商可能以低廉的价格提供组织想要的功能。可能出于 “行政” 考虑更换储存厂商。   Maybe a new storage vendor will include desired functionality in the base price.   竭诚欢迎广大客户和厂商垂询!   We wele the broad masses of customer and vendor rmation!   与厂商和客户保持联络;   Liaise with suppliers and customers.   但是,生产厂商要求贬值的游说声音一直比消费者大很多。   But producer lobbies tend to be more vocal than consumers.   我们非常乐意为各位厂商和客户们提供优质的服务!   We are very happy to all vendors and customers to provide quality service!   这个公司是一个大的汽车制造厂商。   The pany is a major car producer.   大多数大厂商或许会对此感兴趣并且愿意为此花大价钱。   Most big brands would be thrilled to get this and would spend a lot of money.   我也不在任何一家参与竞争的厂商工作。   I do not work for any peting manufacturer of any kind.   在交付那个愿景的片断上,一些厂商要比其它的好一些,但是我们不得不承认这还不是愿景。   Some vendors succeeded better than others at delivering a fraction of that vision,but we have to admit that the vision is not there.   也就是说,这类的发现是为什么我们需要更有力的法律去要求厂商对他们投放到市场的化学物质的安全性提供说明的原因。   That said, I think those kinds of findings are why we need to have stronger lawsthat require manufacturers to demonstrate the safety of chemicals that they put into merce. article.yeeyan   开始的情况非常相似.但我认为在这个特殊月份,由于许多厂商都围绕总统日做很多的促销活动,我认为我们的业务将有所改善.   But I think this particular month, with a lot of the promotions that a lot ofmanufacturers are doing around Presidents Day, I think we will see a pickup inbusiness. .reuters   当然,构建管理工具需要能够聚集并组织从任何您拥有的开发工具那里来的审计资料,即使这些工具是来自不同的厂商。   Of course, the build management tool needs to be able to aggregate andorganize audit data from whatever development tools you have, even if they e from different vendors.   大部分厂商已经觉悟过来,认识到了这是最合理的途径。   Most vendors have e around to recognizing that this is the most reasonableapproach.   但是这些证明的可信度正接受审查,因为许多都是厂商自己提供的。   But the credibility of these certificates is under scrutiny, as many are provided by the manufacturers themselves.   我们真的期望看到来自厂商更多的推广,帮助他们的客户拥抱这些技术。   We really would like to see more evangelization from the vendors, and help theircustomers embrace these technologies.   他们直接从厂商那里购买了这台机器。   They bought the machine directly from the manufacturer.   这些厂商不仅在中国拥有买家,在非洲和中东地区的新兴市场也大有份额。   These manufacturers found buyers not only in China but also in emergingmarkets in Africa and the Middle East. article.yeeyan   在您的这种情况下,改变模式是不大可能的,因为厂商或者行业可能已经明确定义了。   Changing the schema may not be possible in your scenario, as vendors orindustries may have already defined it.   然而,一些厂商宣传它们的视觉化建模工具的用途,但是没有强调将模型与实现过程中的设计决策和变更保持同步的重要性。   However, some vendors promote the use of their visual modeling tools withoutemphasizing the importance of keeping models in synch with design decisionsand changes during implementation.   这也是为什么这种型别的一致性已经被写入了主机厂商制定的标准中。   This is why this sort of consistency is made part of the standards set by theconsole manufacturers. article.yeeyan   TV厂商们用“电视的下一个进化就是3D”这样的资讯来轰炸全世界,同时告诉你现在就可以通过购买他们的高阶电视和3D眼镜来享受这种进步。   The TV vendors have bombarded the world with the message that the next big step in television is 3DTV and that you can have it today by buying their newpremium TVs and polarized glasses. article.yeeyan   厂商和技术公司,以及与他们合作的公司,对具体的解决方案或技术有独特的认识。   Vendors and technology panies, and panies they collaborate with, typically have unique knowledge around a specific solution or technology.   各种不同的厂商都争相提供用于这类监控的工具,差不多所有这些工具都针对实际的线上事务。   A variety of vendors have lined up to provide tools to help with such monitoring,almost all of which focus on actual wire transactions.   许多厂商曾尝试过不同程度的整合,将一些甚至全部这些装置都安装在主机板上。   Many manufacturers have tried different levels of integration, some or even all ofthese devices are installed on the motherboard.   不过这些技术还没在大型厂商那边取得进展。   But these techniques have not made much headway with large manufacturers. article.yeeyan   从本质上说,这些是厂商最被公司看重的。   This, in essence, is what panies most value from vendors.
2023-07-18 17:31:061


The artillery has more firepower than the infantry . 炮兵火力比步兵大。 The peutenant was put in charge of an infantry platoon . 中尉被委任指挥一个步兵排。 He saw service as an infantry officer in the last war . 他在上次战争中当过步兵军官。 Beeen the bridge and the fort, stood a single pany of infantry . 在堡垒和铁路桥之间站着一连步兵。 The 18th infantry of the u.s 1st infantry division took severe losses . 美国步兵第一师第十八团受到严重损伤。 They constituted a near-insuperable obstacle to the besieging infantry . 它们就会形成围城步兵几乎不可逾越的障碍。 She can send to france at the most o infantry divisions and one armoured division . 她派赴法国的兵力最多只能有两个步兵师和一个装甲师。 Short-range squadrons were attached to infantry corps and panzer divisions for this work . 为了进行这项工作,每个步兵军和每个装甲师都配有近程侦察机中队。 We have less infantry and armour than the enemy 我们的步兵和装甲兵均比敌军的少 A spearhead of tanks led the infantry attack 一支坦克前锋部队领导了步兵的攻击。 Colonel r . s . beauregard , of the 1 st aiabama infantry 阿拉巴马州第一步兵团卜上校 Behind the infantry came the sounds of church singing 步兵后面响起了教会的歌声。 Coordinate closely with infantry units at all times 时刻与炮兵保持密切协同。 Right now , the entire apu corps and half the infantry 整个装甲部队和一半的步兵团 They cannot be crewed or transport infantry 它们不能被人员从内部控制或运载士兵。 Half the infantry ? - lf it were up to me , councillor -一半的步兵团? -如果我能作主 Half the infantry ? - lf it were up to me , councillor . . 一半的步兵团? -如果我能作主 Several infantry soldiers ran to the kutafyev gateway 几个步兵朝库塔菲耶夫门跑去。 A pttle behind the pne of cannons were troops of infantry 炮后不远的地方有步兵。 . . . colonel r . s . beauregard , of the 1 st aiabama infantry 阿拉巴马州第一步兵团卜上校 The infantry and tanks were in a critical situation 步兵和坦克形势危急。 This isn " t no infantry *** hole , thank you very much 这儿可不是兵团的妓寨,谢谢,请走 - half the infantry ? - lf it were up to me , councillor . . -一半的步兵团? -如果我能作主 This weapon is effective against infantry and cavalry 这种武器对步兵和骑兵同样有效。 The artillery has more firepower than the infantry 炮兵的火力较步兵大。 The french infantry were in front , firing as they ran 前方法军步兵一面奔跑,一面射击。 Infantry will dominate in urban warfare 步兵在城市作战中将占主导地位。 Our infantry was protected by a curtain of artillery fire 我们的步兵在炮兵火力掩护之下 A spearhead of tanks led the infantry attack 坦克先遣队引导步兵进攻。 Enemy positions were bombarded before our infantry attacked 步兵黎明时开始进入战斗位置 The enemy infantry were made mincemeat of by our artillery 敌步兵让咱们的炮火打得稀巴烂。 Anti tank guns ? increases the anti - tank bonus of infantry 反坦克炮:增加步兵反坦克能力。 The hussars could not now retreat , nor could the infantry 骠骑兵已经没法和步兵一道撤退了。 A long spear formerly used by infantry 长矛,长枪旧时步兵用的长矛 The infantry began to deploy at dawn 步兵黎明时开始进入战斗位置。 Infantry attack range bonus while garrisoned reduced by 25 % 步兵在驻守后攻击范围会减少25 % 。 Infantry , armor , and other bat arms 步兵,装甲兵和其他作战兵种 Enemy positions were bombarded before our infantry attacked 炮轰敌军阵地之后,我步兵开始进攻 The infantry began to deploy at dawn 步兵黎明时开始进入战斗位置 Enemy positions were bombarded before our infantry attacked 炮轰敌军阵地之,我步兵开始进攻 Only apppes when the infantry is standing and not lying prone 仅适用于步兵站着而不是卧倒时。 One infantry squad from 1st battapon , 19th infantry brigade 从第一营和第19步兵训练营来的兄弟 Infantry may function as the pointer for aircraft and artillery 步兵可以为飞机、大炮指示目标。 Our infantry was protected by a curtain of artillery fire 我们的步兵被炮兵的火力的烟幕所保护。 Modern u . s . army ch - 47d crew infantry 现代美军ch - 47d乘员组及步兵 Infantry means , by definition , soldiers who fight on foot 步兵,顾名思义,是指靠步行作战的战士。 Infantry units can also make great use of the game " s environments 步兵也可以极大地利用游戏环境。 Combat system updates : system reverted to coh infantry bat 作战系统升级:系统回复coh步兵战斗。
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在很多情况下,无法通过直译来保持原文的具体性及形象性的时候,意译也并非就是的办法。“变通”也是一条理想的出路。所谓“变通”,即在“信”的前提下,扬汉语之长,用间接的、灵活的手段来维系原文的具体性。具体言之,有以下两种常见的方法。   首先,舍去原文中原有的具体形象,借用或套用本族语中为人熟知的形象或借喻,这是一种值得重视的翻译工作中富有创造性意义的劳动。实践证明,汉语的形象词汇浩如烟海,用之不竭。   Betty stands head and shoulder above her classmates in playing tennis.   名词词组head and shoulder作状语,形象传神,是否可以活用汉语成语“鹤立鸡群”,而将原句译成:贝蒂打网球的水平鹤立全班。   He gave up the sword for the plough.   The sword 和 the plough的内涵意义为:military service和agriculture.若将此句硬译成“放下了刀剑,拿起来犁耙”则有悖于汉语习惯,是否可套用成语,译成:他解甲归农了。   The history teacher told us that making an outline kills two birds with one stone, it makes us study the lesson till we understand it, and it gives us notes to review before the test.   历史老师说立出提纲可以一箭双雕,既可以帮助我们理解课文,又为我们复习应试提供材料。   We ourselves are separated from the wise desicion on these important issues by only the lightest curtain.   我们对这些重要问题作出明智的决定仅一步之遥。   其次,运用“增补词汇”的方法。   How do you expect me to fall in love with someone who speaks like a book all the time?   你怎么能指望我去钟情于一个专爱咬文嚼字的书呆子呢?   There is much woman about him.   他的举止颇带女人气。   That peninsula tongues southward into the sea.   那个半岛呈舌形伸入海中。   The discovery of penicillin was a monument in medical research.   青霉素的发现是医学研究的一块丰碑。   He bombarded her with questions.   他连珠炮似的向她提出了许多问题。   说及以“变通”的方法来维系原文的具体性及形象性,英谚汉译为我们提供了不少值得借鉴的有益经验,如:   He who has a mind to beat his dog will easily find his stick.   欲加其罪,何患无辞。   Two dogs fight for a bone, and a third runs away with it.   鹬蚌相争,渔翁得利。   Faults are thick where love is thin.   一朝情义淡,样样不顺眼。   He that will thrive must rise at five.   五更起床,百业兴旺。   采取所谓“变通”的办法,同样不能停留在语言的表层结构做机械的转换。   John knew he was skating on the ice, but he could not resist teasing her sister about her boyfriend.   句中的skating on the ice貌似与汉语成语“如履薄冰”相吻合,但一经斟酌,我们便发现,此成语用于弟弟同姐姐就其男友问题而开玩笑的情景,未免有点危言耸听,言之过甚。不如将skating on the ice“虚”译成“可不是闹着玩的”。   文章的语体属性也始终应在译者的头脑中占有一席之地。如:   a. The church frowned on palmistry because of its pagan origin.   b. Mary wanted to go to Europe by herself, but her parents frowned on the idea.   句a宜意译:教会反对看手相,因为它源于异教。句b则可直译:马里欲独自去欧洲,对此其父母紧蹙双眉。   以上所述是英语中以实喻虚的表达汉译的问题,下面谈一下英语中以虚代实,即以抽象名词指具体的人或物质的汉译问题。   有人认为: 有必要把它们(指抽象名词)译的比较具体、明确来保证与原文相适应的可读性。我们需要首先弄清的一个问题是:将抽象名词译的比较具体、明确,究竟是指通过“译”这一手段将其“加工”成含义具体的名词呢?还是此类抽象名词本身即含有具体的意义?这是一个涉及如何正确理解及认识英语中一部分抽象名词的带普遍性意义的问题。客观情况是:英语中的一些抽象名词在特定的上下文中的含义是具体的而并非是抽象的。以有人所引的例句为例:As a boy, he was the despair of all his teachers. 句中的despair的固有含义之一是: somebody that causes loss of hope,令人失望的人。   以虚代实的抽象名词能大大简洁英语的表达,是一种不为鲜见的语言现象。就其特征而言,此类抽象名词可作何种分类呢?据笔者管见,似可分成两大类。一类是指形形色色的“人”的抽象名词,如:   Is Jane a possibility (=a suitable person) as a wife for Richard?   简是做理查德妻子的合适人选吗?   Our son has been a disappointment(=someone dissapointing) to us.   我们的儿子成了令我们失望的人。   He"s an influence (= the person that has the power to produce a good moral effect) for good in the town.   他是这城里影响他人行善的人。   His skill at games made him the admiration (= a person that causes such feelings) of his friends.   他的运动技巧使他成为友人称羡的人。   His new car made him the envy (= a person that makes someone wish to be like the person) of every boy in the neighbourhood.   他拥有一辆新轿车,为此他成了邻里男孩们的羡慕者。   My dad has three dependents (= a person who depends on another for material support): my mother, my sister and I.   爸爸需养活三口人:妈妈、姐姐和我。   另一类是指各种各样具体物质的抽象名词,如:   Have you read any humour (= something designed to induce laughter or amusement)recently?   近来你读了什么幽默作品吗?   The big house on the hill is my ambition. (= the object desired)。   山上的那间大屋是我企望得到的东西。   What"s your greatest desire(= something longed for)?   你最想得到的是什么东西?   This is not a real gun, but it is a good imitation (= a thing that imitates something else)。   这不是一支真枪,但却是一件极好的仿制品。   Have the party invitations (=a written request)been sent out?   晚会的请柬发出去了吗?   Their transportation (= a means of transport)was camel.   他们的运输工具是骆驼。   I"m reading all the chief criticisms (= a review or other article expressing such judgement and evaluation) of the play.   我正在阅读有关此剧本的主要批评文章。   最后值得一提的是:人类的语言在其丰富多彩的语言实践中不断发展变化着。比较而言,具体形象的表达总是更易博得人们的青睐。英语中若干具体形象的表达也在影响着汉语,以至于汉语中也出现了若干从英语脱胎而来的新鲜的形象词汇。如:   It was in the 1960s that people in Britain began to talk about the “permissive society” and the “generation gap”。   此句中的generation gap 曾被先后译作“长辈与年轻一代之间的隔阂”以及“世代隔阂”,今天已被广泛地译成“代沟”。与此同时,“代沟”一词亦已始见于国内的书刊及报端,而1978年首版的《现代汉语词典》尚未收入“代沟”一词。   一个新的词汇的出现及其使用是一个复杂的约定俗成的社会性问题。在翻译中切不可为求形象性而主观杜撰令人误解甚至大惑不解的冷词涩字。
2023-07-18 17:31:411


Film about World War II, the United States was injected with a super soldier serum of young Steve Rogers has the most perfect body. Steve was appointed as Captain America. He was wearing a red, white and blue colors of combat service, with indestructible shield and well versed in tactical mind, to the organization of the occult sciences in Nazi Evil Hydra Legion war.
2023-07-18 17:31:492


Task 2:Do you agree or disagree that it is good for students" learning if the teacher assign a lot of homework?参考范文一:I don"t think it is a good thing coz first students are not examination machines; they need to develop in an all-round way; if they are always bombarded with endless homework or examinations, they wouldn"t have enough time to read widely and think freely; their creativity will be stifled, that will only backfire rather than contribute to their development; second, too much homework not only adds unnecessary burden to students academic life, their physical health will also be at stake. Numerous cases already show that quite a number of students fall victims to myopia, obesity and even diabetes due to overburdened homework assignments, who basically have no time at all to workout; some school even cancel PE classes to make students do more math drills, that is simply crazy.参考范文二:I disagree that students would learn more with a big load of schoolwork. I mean, a moderate amount is necessary for students to understand deeper of the class content and master difficult point, but too much work is hardly beneficial. I once had a very strict and experienced math teacher in junior high. Basically the classes were good, the only problem was what was left after - we just couldn"t handle the load of work he assigned. I had a friend back then who was talented in math, but because of the workload, he gradually lost interest in solving math problems. And because the homework was hard to finish, many of us didn"t improve as the teacher expected. Basically it was a frustrating experience.
2023-07-18 17:31:591


2023-07-18 17:32:073


2023-07-18 17:32:363


Dear Natalie 1. Scheduled ETD : 6-28 (SHA) BY SEA 1X40 "Later burglary warehouses, to ETD : 7-5 1X40 ". Owing to domestic export tax rebates in July 1 cut, where on July 1 and after shipping the goods have losses. Therefore, we can only find a consignment distribution warehouses, now equipped with the keenly routes, ETD :6-27 Name : OOCL Atlanta 18w25 ETA :7-25. Price : Freight : USD2300.00 + + 10% BAFUSD496.00 CAF. Dear Natalie 2. Scheduled ETD : 5-31 (SHA) BY SEA 2X40 "Later burglary warehouses, to ETD : 6-7 1X40 ", ETD : 6-14 1X40 "dereliction of duty because we did not promptly notify the Department of Operations with you, in the future I will inform you the first time. 3. I want to address this issue a few suggestions : Instrumentation specified consignment in this year"s four-June has happened three times matched the allocation module, always on the bill of lading when bombarded with the consignment before we say no embarkation. 3rd not loading the boat Details : a. the original ETD :4-29, until ETA :5-6. B. original ETD :5-31, until ETA :6-14. C. original ETD :6-28, until ETA :7-5. Always lack of timely information to the adjustment program, we will disrupt the series of plans. Hope customers solve the above problem. 2. ETD scheduled :5-31 (SHA) BY SEA 2X40 "Later burglary warehouses, ETD to :6-7 1X40 ", ETD : 6-14 1X40 "dereliction of duty because we did not promptly notify the Department of Operations with you, in the future I will inform you the first time. 3. I want to address this issue a few suggestions : Instrumentation specified consignment in this year"s four-June has happened three times matched the allocation module, always on the bill of lading when bombarded with the consignment before we say no embarkation. 3rd not loading the boat Details : a. the original ETD :4-29, until ETA :5-6. B. original ETD :5-31, until ETA :6-14. C. original ETD :6-28, until ETA :7-5. Always lack of timely information to the adjustment program, we will disrupt the series of plans. Hope customers solve the above problem.
2023-07-18 17:32:431


2023-07-18 17:32:545


好的 :1. We depend on television for entertaiment , news, education, culture, weather, sports .2.We listen to music, since the advent of music videos.3. Educational programming can develop young children"s socialization and learning skills.坏的 :1. Wasting time2. Not all kinds of movies are suitable for kids or teenagers that are below 18.
2023-07-18 17:33:112

The power of persuasion

Advertising follows us everywhere. Whenever we turn on the television, listen to the radio or open a newspaper or magazine, we are bombarded with advertisements. They invite us to try a new type of orange juice, wear X-brand jeans or watch the latest film. They beg us to notice the difference and discover the advantages.They exist to make us want what they are selling. Strangely,the more we are exposed to advertising the less we notice it. We get so used to seeing advertisements everywhere that they become largely invisible, as if they were another part of our everyday lives. But does that mean that we are no longer affected by them? One advertising expert believes that the special power of advertising lies in the fact that we do not pay much attention to it. Dr.Herbert Krugman,who was head of research for a major advertising company for many years, says that the less we notice ads, the more we are affected by them. Dr.Krugman believes that when we stop noticing advertisements, we lower our defenses, allowing the messages of the adverrisements to be taken in and stored, ready to be triggered into action at the right moment. He says that the effects of advertising on the individual are small, but over a period of time they have a powerful effect on the masses.
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2023-07-18 17:34:245

完型most of us have had one of those days when

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完形填空most of us have had one of those

Most of us have had one of those days when we"ve thought, Wouldn"t it be nice if I could be a kid again, without all the stress of my job and the pressure to succeed? But did you ever consider that many kids today are feeling the same stress that adults feel?In a culture that emphasizes success, children are bombarded daily to grow up too quickly. They are pressured to learn to read and count even before they can walk; to outperform the other kids in their kindergarten class; to be self-sufficient, productive and disciplined. This rushed childhood creates undue stress that many psychologists believe can have devastating effects.Children who suffer the stresses of adulthood will also exhibit the ailments of adulthood. Many children are suffering from stress-related health problems, sleep disorders and bedwetting. Suicide and depression, once restricted to adults, have found their way into the child"s community. To complicate matters, many children have blocked their learning skills because of anxiety-promoted memory lapses and an exaggerated fear of failure.Single parents and two-career families often push their children as hard as they push themselves. These children develop a feeling that they are unworthy of their busy parents" time and feel rejected when their parents leave them behind with multiple sitters and caretakers.Many parents seek to create "super kids," pressuring their children into becoming premature adults and making them overly-competitive. Ironically, in their eagerness to create an academic prodigy, overzealous parents often create an underachiever. When these children fail to live up to their parents" expectations (which are often unrealistic and created by media hype), the children become so anxiety-ridden that they cannot perform.Dr. David Elkind, author of The Hurried Child, advises parents to let children be children. His research suggests that students are more likely to have academic success if they are not hurried through their early childhood by parents who overestimate their competence and overexpose them to academic pressures.Children have a heavy burden to bear when they feel that their performance is connected with the love they receive and they are letting down their parents if they are not successful. These feelings even carry into their adult careers.How do we avoid hurrying our children through childhood?Remember that play is an important part of childhood. Pure play is needed to reduce stress, foster creativity and experience joy. Adults shouldn"t turn play into work, and they shouldn"t try to teach children during their play period. When parents must leave their kids with others, they should tell their kids that they are going to miss them and that they wish they didn"t have to go away.Remember, it"s impossible to accelerate emotional maturation. Children may act grown up, but they don"t feel grown up. They may speak "adult" while their feelings are crying "child." In the final analysis, childhood is a significant part of life, and it should be respected and valued. Kids are entitled to their childhood, and we shouldn"t hurry them through this stage.
2023-07-18 17:35:061


1.岳飞Yue Fei is famous national hero in china. He lived in Chinese Song Dynasty. Song Dynasty was be invaded by Jing nationality which was north nomad then. Yue Fei leaded his army to attack Jing"s army. He was often win. Later he was be killed by lurcher of Song Dynasty. makes astronaut杨利伟"national hero"Posted: 7:31 PM (Manila Time) | Oct. 16, 2003Agence France-PresseBEIJING - China hailed the success of its first manned space flight Thursday and immediately declared astronaut Yang Liwei a national hero, as tens of thousands of messages of pride and praise flooded Internet chatrooms. "As a Chinese person, I am very proud of my country," said one of more than 40,000 messages, almost all congratulatory, posted on the Chinese portal "Long live the motherland! Long live the Chinese nationality!" Another nearly 40,000 messages bombarded rival portal"s discussion forum just a few hours after Yang"s capsule touched down at 6:23 a.m. (2223 GMT Wednesday) in the grasslands of Inner Mongolia. "Welcome back our hero!!!" one Internet writer exclaimed. After completing a 21-hour mission in which he orbited the Earth 14 times, Yang, 38, looked set to be feted for the rest of his life as a pillar of the country"s drive to be accepted as a global power. Described as a "warrior" by President Hu Jintao Wednesday, Yang was declared a "national hero" by officials Thursday. "As the very first Chinese to fly in a space craft, I believe Mr. Yang Liwei is not only a hero in aerospace technology, but also a national hero," said Xie Mingbao, director of the Office of the China Manned Space Program. Speaking at a press conference after the successful landing, Xie recognized the high publicity value Yang holds. Activities with Yang and the public "will certainly be good for national patriotic fervor," Xie said. In a country where the government is eager to boost patriotism and national unity to divert public attention from social problems, and to bolster waning popularity for the Communist Party, Yang would be a useful symbol of national dedication. "They want to build the astronaut into a national hero that you can rally people around," said Derek Mitchell, a senior fellow for the International Security Program at the US-based Center for Strategic and International Studies. "It"s like anywhere, even in the US. It could help the leaders in power," he said. Yang"s hometown in Suizhong county, northern Liaoning province, wasted no time trying to capitalize on the fame of a local son done good. County officials held a press conference Wednesday and unabashedly asked reporters to promote the county"s products and its tourist attractions. Yang"s alma mater, the Suizhong County Number Two High School, has named a class after Yang. Even Chinese basketball superstar Yao Ming might have to move over for the top fighter pilot. "He"s China"s (Yuri) Gagarin," said Deng Yachao, a curator at the science museum, referring to the first man who went up in space 42 years ago. "He"ll be more famous than Yao Ming. He represents China," said Deng, who had answered many questions from museum visitors about Yang.
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Because they were bombed several times, the city has become a ruin. Asked about her mother"s hideout, she remained silent. Did not take notes because I forgot my homework. Because despair, he left China to the United States. Sichuan suffered the earthquake in 2008, so the people homeless
2023-07-18 17:35:584


China makes astronaut杨利伟 "national hero" Posted: 7:31 PM (Manila Time) | Oct. 16, 2003 Agence France-Presse BEIJING - China hailed the success of its first manned space flight Thursday and immediately declared astronaut Yang Liwei a national hero, as tens of thousands of messages of pride and praise flooded Internet chatrooms. "As a Chinese person, I am very proud of my country," said one of more than 40,000 messages, almost all congratulatory, posted on the Chinese portal "Long live the motherland! Long live the Chinese nationality!" Another nearly 40,000 messages bombarded rival portal"s discussion forum just a few hours after Yang"s capsule touched down at 6:23 a.m. (2223 GMT Wednesday) in the grasslands of Inner Mongolia. "Welcome back our hero!!!" one Internet writer exclaimed. After completing a 21-hour mission in which he orbited the Earth 14 times, Yang, 38, looked set to be feted for the rest of his life as a pillar of the country"s drive to be accepted as a global power. Described as a "warrior" by President Hu Jintao Wednesday, Yang was declared a "national hero" by officials Thursday. "As the very first Chinese to fly in a space craft, I believe Mr. Yang Liwei is not only a hero in aerospace technology, but also a national hero," said Xie Mingbao, director of the Office of the China Manned Space Program. Speaking at a press conference after the successful landing, Xie recognized the high publicity value Yang holds. Activities with Yang and the public "will certainly be good for national patriotic fervor," Xie said. In a country where the government is eager to boost patriotism and national unity to divert public attention from social problems, and to bolster waning popularity for the Communist Party, Yang would be a useful symbol of national dedication. "They want to build the astronaut into a national hero that you can rally people around," said Derek Mitchell, a senior fellow for the International Security Program at the US-based Center for Strategic and International Studies. "It"s like anywhere, even in the US. It could help the leaders in power," he said. Yang"s hometown in Suizhong county, northern Liaoning province, wasted no time trying to capitalize on the fame of a local son done good. County officials held a press conference Wednesday and unabashedly asked reporters to promote the county"s products and its tourist attractions. Yang"s alma mater, the Suizhong County Number Two High School, has named a class after Yang. Even Chinese basketball superstar Yao Ming might have to move over for the top fighter pilot. "He"s China"s (Yuri) Gagarin," said Deng Yachao, a curator at the science museum, referring to the first man who went up in space 42 years ago. "He"ll be more famous than Yao Ming. He represents China," said Deng, who had answered many questions from museum visitors about Yang.
2023-07-18 17:36:093


  20th Century Fox"s film, a cartoon, in the 2000 exhibition of investment and issue 5 million dollars in 1000 cartoon "frozen planet AE (Titan AE)." The film lost in a rigidly playing stereotypical myth of the heroic old routines, whether it is the story or script style screen, "Frozen planet AE" failed to keep up with a new era, the box office only Qianqiancancan more than 1,000 2 million. This almost makes Fox the same period were a number of large production of a new style cartoon film distribution companies, such as Disney, DreamWorks and SONY, completely expelled from the millennium cartoon film market.  But 20th Century Fox is not fuel-efficient lights. Two years of meticulous planning, "Ice Age" will be in March 2002, leading the company to return to Fox Lung Poon Huju cartoon film market. In order to not repeat the "frozen planet AE" mistake at the same time, avoid overcharging floating in the stunt effects, 20th Century Fox drastic reduction in the "frozen planet AE" unsatisfactory performance of the Fox CG production group, in turn won 99 opening of the Academy Awards best cartoon film director Chris--(Chris Wedge), and its outstanding production team - blue sky studio (Blue Sky Studios). Such great abolition of its own subsidiaries, the Fox It is a "burn his bridges, and determined to win."  July 2000, "Ice Age" major animation production in New York, started work indoors. July 2001 "Ice Age" trailers to the release of the film become the focus of Hollywood films. In this short notice for a few seconds the screen, showing an appearance not cheap to the strange squirrel to a hiding in the ice on the pineal, has led to the avalanche tragedy, in the face of icicle and ice bombarded RUF murder and folders thrilling scenes, the strange squirrel bring it had not forgotten the pineal fled, Enron is not easy landing, as it ran Jiaotu Mammoth to be a giant foot pressure top! Although this film trailers and the story has nothing to do with the main theme, but one vivid cartoon image exaggerated by the greatly appreciated. Trailers success proves that director Chris. Weizhi blue sky with the success of the production group portfolio, but also to Fox once again become the focus of observers, strengthened them to return cartoon market confidence. The integration of the production team, its strength should not be denied small  阿拉伯文到英语朝鲜语到英语德语到法语德语到英语俄语到英语法语到德语法语到英语荷兰语到英语葡萄牙语到英语日语到英语西班牙语到英语希腊语到英语意大利语到英语英语到阿拉伯文英语到朝鲜语英语到德语英语到俄语英语到法语英语到荷兰语英语到葡萄牙语英语到日语英语到西班牙语英语到希腊语英语到意大利语英语到中文(繁体)英语到中文(简体)中文到英语中文(繁体到简体)中文(简体到繁体)  更好的翻译建议  感谢您为 Google 翻译提供翻译建议。我们会利用您的建议在将来更新我们的系统时提高翻译质量。 20th Century Fox"s film, a cartoon, in the 2000 exhibition of investment and issue 5 million dollars in 1000 cartoon "frozen planet AE (Titan AE)." The film lost in a rigidly playing stereotypical myth of the heroic old routines, whether it is the story or script style screen, "Frozen planet AE" failed to keep up with a new era, the box office only Qianqiancancan more than 1,000 2 million. This almost makes Fox the same period were a number of large production of a new style cartoon film distribution companies, such as Disney, DreamWorks and SONY, completely expelled from the millennium cartoon film market.  But 20th Century Fox is not fuel-efficient lights. Two years of meticulous planning, "Ice Age" will be in March 2002, leading the company to return to Fox Lung Poon Huju cartoon film market. In order to not repeat the "frozen planet AE" mistake at the same time, avoid overcharging floating in the stunt effects, 20th Century Fox drastic reduction in the "frozen planet AE" unsatisfactory performance of the Fox CG production group, in turn won 99 opening of the Academy Awards best cartoon film director Chris--(Chris Wedge), and its outstanding production team - blue sky studio (Blue Sky Studios). Such great abolition of its own subsidiaries, the Fox It is a "burn his bridges, and determined to win."  July 2000, "Ice Age" major animation production in New York, started work indoors. July 2001 "Ice Age" trailers to the release of the film become the focus of Hollywood films. In this short notice for a few seconds the screen, showing an appearance not cheap to the strange squirrel to a hiding in the ice on the pineal, has led to the avalanche tragedy, in the face of icicle and ice bombarded RUF murder and folders thrilling scenes, the strange squirrel bring it had not forgotten the pineal fled, Enron is not easy landing, as it ran Jiaotu Mammoth to be a giant foot pressure top! Although this film trailers and the story has nothing to do with the main theme, but one vivid cartoon image exaggerated by the greatly appreciated. Trailers success proves that director Chris. Weizhi blue sky with the success of the production group portfolio, but also to Fox once again become the focus of observers, strengthened them to return cartoon market confidence. The integration of the production team, its strength should not be denied small
2023-07-18 17:36:171

关于“塑料袋”的调查报告 急用

2023-07-18 17:36:263


2023-07-18 17:28:383


开机后屏幕上出现“Error loading operating system”或“Missing operating system”的提示信息,   故障原因:1,该故障一般是DOS引导记录出现错误引起的。DOS引导记录位于逻辑0扇区,是由高级格式化命令FORMAT生成的。主引导程序在检查分区表正确之后,根据分区表中指出的DOS分区的起始地址,读DOS引导记录,若连续读五次都失败,则给出“Error loading opearting system”的错误提示,若能正确读出DOS引导记录,主引导程序则会将DOS引导记录送入内存0:7C00h处,然后检查DOS引导记录的最后两个字节是否为55AAH,若不是这两个字节,则给出“Missing operation system”的提示。2,可能是计算机的 BIOS 不能正确地管理或支持您正在其上安装 Windows XP 的硬盘的容量3,也可能是数据无法正确传输造成的 解决方法:对于情况1:法一、一般情况下用NDD修复即可。若不成功,只好用FORMAT C:/S命令重写DOS引导记录,也许你会认为格式化后C盘数据将丢失,其实不必担心,数据仍然保存在硬盘上,格式化C盘后可用NU8.0中的UNFORMAT恢复。如果曾经用DOS命令中的MIRROR或NU8.0中的IMAGE程序给硬盘建立过IMAGE镜像文件,硬盘可完全恢复,否则硬盘根目录下的文件全部丢失,根目录下的第一级子目录名被更名为DIR0.DIR1.DIR2……,但一级子目录下的文件及其下级子目录完好无损,至于根目录下丢失的文件,你可用NU8.0中的UNERASE再去恢复即可。法二、用xp安装光盘进入故障恢复控制台,用fixmbr,fixboot命令修复对于情况2:一、检查BIOS的设置 二、确保计算机使用的是最新的 BIOS 版本。对于情况3:换数据线或是硬盘重新跳线后再试试这是 DOS 引导记录出现错误。一般情况下用 NDD 修复即可。若不成功,只好用 FORMAT C:/S 命令重写DOS 引导记录。硬盘不能启动大都是由于硬盘上的主引导记录、DOS 引导记录、三个系统隐含文件出现错误导致的你说放系统盘都不管用,关键在于你有没有设置光驱启动,如果有,能确定你的光驱正常没事吗?设置bios启动先在开机时按小数字键盘下的“del”键,然后进入bios,见到一项叫“Advanced Bios Features”一般在第二项进入后会见到1st Boot Device 按+,- 号选启动项选到CDROM就是光驱启动然后按F10保存,按OK,重启后应该可以读到光盘如果还不行最好就拿去维修电脑的地方去检查一下
2023-07-18 17:28:392


2023-07-18 17:28:402


You can"t connect the dots looking forward, you can only connect them looking backwards. So you have to trust that the dots will somehow connect in your future. You have to trust in something, your gut, destiny, life, karma, whatever. Because believing in the dots will connect down the road will give you the confidence to follow your heart, even when it leads you off the well-worn path and that will make all the difference.  Your time is limited. So don"t waste it living someone else"s life. Don"t be trapped by dogma which is living with the results of other people"s thinking. Don"t let the noise of other"s opinions drown down your own inner voice. You"ve got to find what you love. And that is true for your work as it is for your lovers. Your work is gonna fill large part of your life. And the only way to be truly satisfied is to do what you believe is great work. And the only way to do great work is to love what you do.  If you haven"t found it yet, keep looking and don"t settle. Have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. They somehow already know what you truly want to become.  But you gonna have some ups, you gonna have some downs. Most people give up on themselves easily. You know the human spirit is powerful? (?)There"s nothing that powerful. It"s hard to kill the human spirit. Anybody can feel good when they have their health, their bills paid, they have happy relationships. Anybody can be positive then. Anybody can have large ambition then. Anybody can have faith on those circumstances. The real challenge of growth mentally, emotionally, spiritually comes when you get knocked down. It takes courage to act. (?)How to be in humbly when you are being defeated. It takes courage to start over again.  Fear kills dreams. Fear kills hope. Fear put people in the hospital. Fear can age you, can hold you back from doing something that you know within yourself, that you are capable of doing but it will paralyze you.  At the end of your feelings, it"s nothing. But at the end of every principle, it"s a promise. (?)Behind you look philos, you might not be absolutely at the end you look philos. But behind every principle, it"s a promise. (?)As some of you aren"t what you like, the reason why you not reach your goal right now, it"s all about your feelings. And you are all on your feelings. You aren"t feeling like waking up. So who does? Everyday you say no to your dreams, you might be push your dreams back a whole six months, a whole year. That one single day, that one day you didn"t get up could push you stuck back I don"t know how long.  Don"t allow your emotions to control you. We are emotional. But we wanna begin to discipline your emotion. (?)If you don"t discipline it, it contains your emotions, they will use you!  You want it, and you gonna go all out to had it. It"s not going to be easy when you want to change. It"s not easy. If it were that easy, everyone would do it. But if you are serious, you go all out. I am in control here. I am not gonna let this get me down. I"m not gonna let this destroy me. I"m coming back. And I"ll be stronger and better because of it. You have to make a determination(视频中说的是decoration?). This is what you stand for. You are standing up for your dreams. You are standing up for piece of mind. You are standing for health. Take full responsibility for your life. It"s accepted where you are and responsibility that you wanna take yourself where you want to go.  You can decide that I"m gonna live each day as if it were my last. Live your life with your passion, with some drive. Decide that you/re gonna push yourself. The last chapter to your life has not been written yet. And it doesn"t matter about what happened yesterday. It doesn"t matter about what happens to you. What matters is what you are gonna do about.  This year I will make this goal become reality. I won"t talk about it anymore. I can. I can. I can.  The portion I took important for everybody - don"t give up, don"t give a yearn. There"s always an answer to everything.
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2023-07-18 17:28:311

android kernel和标准linux kernel的区别

Android kernel和linxu kernel 比较,Android 系统的Kernel 主要增加如下内容“ 1. 基于 ARM 架构增加 Gold-Fish 平台 , 相应增加的目录如下 : kernel/arch/arm/mach-goldfish kernel/include/asm-arm/arch-goldfishGold-Fish 平台采用的是 ARM926T CPU 作为 BaseBand 处理器 , 该 CPU 主频至少为 200MHZ. 而要流畅运行Android 系统的CPU 主频至少要在400MHZ 以上,也就是说如果你要上Android 系统,最好是选用基于ARM11 及以上平台进行开发。2. 增加了 yaffs2 FLASH 文件系统 , 增加的目录为 :kernel/fs/yaffs2 实际上, Android 包经过编译后生成的 system.img 和 ramdisk.img 文件就 yaffs2 格式的包 .3. 增加了 Android 的相关 Driver, 相应目录为 : kernel/drivers/android主要分为 : Android IPC 系统 : Binder Android 日志系统 : Logger Android 电源管理 : Power Android 闹钟管理 : Alarm Android 内存控制台 : Ram_console Android 时钟控制的 gpio: Timed_gpio4. 增加了 switch 处理 , 相应的目录为 :kernel/drivers/switch/5. 增加了一种新的共享内存处理方式 , 相应增加的文件为 :kernel/mm/ashmem.c6. 其他为 Linux-2.6.25 内核所做的补丁等等,例如 BlueTooth,另外 GoldFish 平台相关的驱动文件如下 :1. 字符输出设备 : kernel/drivers/char/goldfish_tty.c2. 图象显示设备 : (Frame Buffer) kernel/drivers/video/goldfishfb.c3. 键盘输入设备 : kernel/drivers/input/keyboard/goldfish_events.c4. RTC 设备 : (Real Time Clock) kernel/drivers/rtc/rtc-goldfish.c5. USB Device 设备 : kernel/drivers/usb/gadget/android_adb.c6. SD 卡设备 : kernel/drivers/mmc/host/goldfish.c7. FLASH 设备 : kernel/drivers/mtd/devices/goldfish_nand.c kernel/drivers/mtd/devices/goldfish_nand_reg.h8. LED 设备 : kernel/drivers/leds/ledtrig-sleep.c9. 电源设备 : kernel/drivers/power/goldfish_battery.c10. 音频设备 : kernel/arch/arm/mach-goldfish/audio.c11. 电源管理 : kernel/arch/arm/mach-goldfish/pm.c12. 时钟管理 : kernel/arch/arm/mach-goldfish/timer.c
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简介:北京新潮楼顶文化传媒有限公司成立于2022-06-01,法定代表人为徐菲,注册资本为100万元人民币,统一社会信用代码为 91110108MABPW38N1F,企业地址位子北京市海淀区安宁庄东路(原丝绸广附属用房2号楼)1层1618,所属行业为文化艺术业,经营范围包含:一般项目:组织文化艺术交流活动;文艺创作;会议及展览服务;专业设计服务;广告发布;摄影扩印服务;电影摄制服务:°互联网销售(除销售需要许可的商品)珠宝首饰批发;珠宝首饰零售;珠宝首饰回收修理服务。人(除依法须经批准的项目外孙凭营业执照依法自主开展经营活动)许可项目:演出经纪;电影发行;网络文化经营;广播电视节目传送;营业性演出;包装装潢印刷品印刷。(依法须经批准的项目,经相关部门批准后方可开展经营活动,具体经营项目以相关部门批准文件或许可证件敏为准)(不得从事国家和本市产业政策禁止和限制类项目的经营活动。)。北京新潮楼顶文化传媒有限公司目前的经营状态为存续(在营、开业、在册)。
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