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As much as 和As many as的区别是什么?请看下面例句。

2023-07-19 11:36:49

1、as much as修饰不可数名词 ,as many as 修饰可数名词。如:

I would like to watch football games as much as I can. 我尽可能地看很多的足球赛。

2、as much as 表示程度,as many as表示“数目”上的比较(多达...)。如:

He doesn"t think of you as much as he ought to. 他没有像本应该的那样对你好。

In the countries of Africa, there are as many as 700 languages. 非洲国家的语言多达700种。

在比较结构(否定时可以用中,第二个as 是关系代词,引导定语从句。在表示比较意义的同时,as 在从句中充当成分,作从句的宾语或主语。这时的as 不是从属连词。例如:

1、You may take as many chairs as you need. 你需要多少椅子就拿走多少椅子。(as作need的宾语)

2、My parents don"t so much money as I want. 我父母没有我需要的那么多钱。(as作want的宾语)


A pair of Nike trainers, for example, could cost up to five times as much as a similar Li Ning product.


这里修饰价格钱数,所以使用as much as ,不能用as many as

本句省略了money,原句为five times as much(money)as…,所以修饰不可数名词,自然不能使用as nany as了。

as much as 用于修饰不可数名词,as many as 用于修饰可数名词,因为例句的名词是不可数名词,所以要用as much as


之所以用as much as,是因为英语里作为抽象概念的“钱”是不可数的。

二者的差别在于:as many as用于可数名词的比较上,而as much as则用于不可数名词的比较。


as much as用来修饰不可数名词

as many as用来修饰可数名词


As much as 和As many as的区别是什么?请



as much as是什么意思

2023-07-18 16:09:493

as much as

在这个句子中,"as much as" 表示尽管或虽然的意思。它用于引导一个让步状语从句,表达尽管不情愿或不愿意承认,但事实或观点仍然是真实的。在句子 "As much as I hate to admit it" 中,"as much as" 引导了一个让步从句,表达了尽管作者不愿意承认某个事实,但仍然承认它的真实性。这个句子的意思是作者虽然不情愿承认,但仍然承认该事实。例如,"As much as I hate to admit it, he was right."(尽管我不愿意承认,但他是对的。)这句话表示虽然我不愿意承认,但实际上他是正确的。因此,在这个句子中,"as much as" 表示尽管或虽然,用于表达作者不情愿承认的情感态度。
2023-07-18 16:10:143

as much as是什么意思

much 不可数名词的量,as much as 意思是“如...的量一样多”。
2023-07-18 16:10:222

句子中“as much .... as” 的用法是什么?

一、表示数量1. 表示具体的数量,其后通常接有具体数量,其意为“……之多”“多达”“整整”,强调“多”。如:In fact it cost me as much as 100 dollars. 事实上,它整整花了我100美元。We walked as much as 50 miles that day. 那天我们整整走了50英里。She trained hard for the race, sometimes running as much as 60 miles a week. 为了比赛,他拼命地训练,有时一个星期要跑60英里。—Is it hot up there? 那上面热吗?—Of course, as much as 45 degrees. 当然热,高达45度。The speed can vary by as much as 15per cent. 其速度的差别可高达15%。注:如上例所示,as much as 用于表示具体的数量时,其后接的可能是可数名词,但由于它们意义上仍然为不可数,故用as much as,不用as many as。如100 dollars,尽管其中的dollars为可数名词的复数形式,由于100 dollars仍是一个不可数的概念,仍是不可数的。但是下面这句是错的:I read as much as 100 articles today. 因为这里的100 articles表示的是可数概念,故应改为:I read as many as 100 articles.2. 表示模糊的数量,其意为“与……一样多”,有时much后可接被修饰的名词(不可数)。如:I ate as much as I could. 我能吃多少就吃了多少。I"ll spend as much as necessary. 需要花多少钱,我就花多少钱。Give me as much as you gave Jane. 给我的要和你给简的一样多。I haven"t got as much money as I thought. 我不像原来想象的有那么多钱。I"m sorry I haven"t done as much as I should. 我很抱歉,我做得很不够。Some of the doctors are paid almost twice as much as the nurses. 有些医生所获得的报酬差不多是护士的两倍。We can take as much as our buyer can supply. 买主能提供多少我们就能要多少。If you charge as much as that, you"ll scare customers off. 如果你要价那么高,你会把顾客吓跑的。二、表示程度1. 译为“尽量”“尽最大努力(可能)”,主要用于as…as possible [one can]。如:You ought to rest as much as possible. 你应当尽量多休息。I have helped you as much as I can. Now it is up to you. 我已尽我所能地帮助你了。现在该看你自己了。I won"t have a pudding it was as much as I could do to finish the very large first course. 我不要布丁了——我能把第一道大菜吃完就已经很不容易了。2. 译为“像……一样(的程度)”。如:He doesn"t think of you as much as he ought to. 他没有像本应该的那样对你好。We"re in the dark just as much as you are. 我们跟你们一样被蒙在鼓里。I don"t pretend to know as much as he does about it. 我不敢说我对此事的了解有他那样多。He doesn"t think of you as much as he ought to. 他没有像本应该的那样对你好。I like cats as much as dogs. 我喜欢猫和喜欢狗和程度相同。(此句可视为 I like cats as much as I like dogs 之省略)3. 译为“与……一样多”。如:I haven"t as much responsibility as before. 我不再担负过去那样多的责任了。
2023-07-18 16:10:463

as much as 是什么意思?

2023-07-18 16:11:216

as muchas的用法是什么

1、as many as的主语是可数名词 其谓语动词用单数,as much as的主语是不可是名词 其谓语动词用复数。2、much 还表示程度,如 I love you as much as I love myself.或者,I like American food as much as I like Chinese food.3、as much as常用在“雨量、水量、时间量、重量、钱数、价格”等方面,表示总量和单位量的大小;as many as 常用在人或物的具体数量前,侧重于具体数目,意思是“和……一样多”,“多达……”例如:Along Amazon rain is plentiful,often as much as seventy inches every year.亚马逊河流域雨水充足,年降水量常达70英寸之多.The hightest price of a jacket in the shop is as much as 5,000 yuan.该店夹克的最高价达5000元.扩展资料一、asu2002muchu2002asu2002的用法u2002: u2002u20021、asu2002muchu2002asu2002 看似简单,但在实际运用中却相当复杂,不仅 用法颇多,而且许多含有asu2002muchu2002asu2002结构的句子往往不好理解(尤其是不好翻译成中文),对许多同学来说都是一个难点。为帮助同学们攻克这一难点,本文拟对此作一个全面的总结和分析。u20022、表示数量u2002u2002表示数量,意为“……之多”“多达”u2002u2002u2002u2002u2002如:u2002u2002 Inu2002factu2002itu2002costu2002meu2002asu2002muchu2002asu2002100u2002dollars.u2002u2002事实上,它整整花了我100美元。(一笔钱)u2002Weu2002walkedu2002asu2002muchu2002asu200250u2002milesu2002thatu2002day.u2002u2002那天我们整整走了50英里。u2002(一段距离)u2002u2002u2002Sheu2002stayedu2002inu2002foru2002asu2002muchu2002asu200220u2002daysu2002lastu2002month。u2002u2002u2002u2002—Isu2002itu2002hotu2002upu2002there?u2002那上面热吗?u2002u2002 —Ofu2002course,asu2002muchu2002asu200245u2002degrees.u2002u2002当然热,高达45度。(一个温度)u2002Theu2002speedu2002canu2002varyu2002byu2002asu2002muchu2002asu200215u2002percentu2002(一段变化范围).u2002其速度的差别可高达15%。u20023、注:如上例所示,asu2002muchu2002asu2002用于表示具体的数量时,其后接的可能是可数名词,但由于它们意义上仍然为不可数,故用u2002asu2002muchu2002as,不用u2002asu2002manyu2002as。二、、“as(否定句中可用so)+adj./adv.+as…”,其基本意思为“……和……一样”。但在实际应用中,此结构在不同的语境中含义差异较大。1、表示不同人或物同一性质的比较,意为“……和……一样……"。The tree is as tall as the building(is).这棵树和那栋楼一样高。Michael is as bright as George(is).迈克尔和乔治一样聪明。2、表示同一个人或物不同性质的比较,意为“既……又……Alice works as happily as(she)plays(happily).艾丽丝愉快地工作,尽情地玩。Danny is not so wise as he is witty.丹尼为人风趣,但欠明智。3、用于表示两个人或物不同性质的比较,表示程度相同或相当,意为“……而……”。He was as handsome as his wife was beautiful.他长得非常英俊,他的妻子也长得非常漂亮。He was as experienced as his brother was green.他经验丰富,而他兄弟却涉世未深。
2023-07-18 16:11:351

as much as和as many as的区别

as many as的主语是可数名词 其谓语动词用单数,as much as的主语是不可是名词,其谓语动词用复数。 扩展资料 as much as常用在“雨量、水量、时间量、重量、钱数、价格”等方面,表示总量和单位量的"大小;as many as 常用在人或物的具体数量前,侧重于具体数目,意思是“和……一样多”,“多达……”。
2023-07-18 16:11:504

as much as的用法

举例说明:He often spends time as much as he can in helping others.他经常尽可能花时间帮助他人。
2023-07-18 16:12:433

as much as 表示“和......一样”,那 as many as 呢?

as much as常用在“雨量、水百量、时间量、重量、钱数、价格”等方面,表示总量和度单位量的大小;as many as 常用在人或物的具体数量前,侧重于具体数目,问意思是“和……一样多”,“多答达……”。例如:Along Amazon rain is plentiful, often as much as seventy inches every year.亚马逊河流域雨水充足,年降水量常达70英寸之多。The hightest price of a jacket in the shop is as much as 5,000 yuan.该店夹克的最惠高价达5000元。In the countries of Africa, there are as many as 700 languages.非洲国家的语言多达700种。The kings of Egypt built as many as 80 pyramids.埃及国王们建造的答金字塔多达80座。as many as的主语是可数名词as much as的主语是不可数名词as much/many……as……意为“和……一样多”,下面说说as much as和as many as的用法。 much ……as……一般与单数或者不可数名词连用,as many……as……则与复数名词连用,如:We need as much time as possible.我们需要尽可能多的时间。We need as many cars as possible我们需要尽可能多的车。2. As much/many也可以使用在下列的非名词结构中,如:I ate as much as I wanted. 我吃了我想吃的。Rest as much as possible 尽可能休息"Can i borrow some books?" "Yes,as many as you like." 我能借一些书吗? 可以,只要你喜欢都可以。
2023-07-18 16:12:521

as much as和as many as有什么区别吗?

"As much as" 和 "as many as" 在用法和含义上有所不同。"As much as" 通常用来比较不可数名词,表示程度或数量。例如:- I love chocolate as much as my sister does. (我和我姐姐一样都很喜欢巧克力。)- He earns as much money as his boss does. (他赚的钱和他老板一样多。)"As many as" 则通常用来比较可数名词的数量。例如:- There are as many as 50 people in the room. (房间里有多达50个人。)- She has visited as many countries as her friend has. (她去过的国家和她朋友一样多。)总之,"as much as" 和 "as many as" 均可以用于表示比较,但前者适用于不可数名词,后者适用于可数名词的数量。
2023-07-18 16:13:111

as much as这个是词组吗?困惑,高手答对加分

2023-07-18 16:13:254

as few as.和as less as 和 as much as 的区别

as few as + 可数名词In this period as few as 3% of swedish men were exempt from militaryservice.在此期间,只有3%的瑞典男子被免除兵役.(人可数)as less as 和...一样少1)no less than=as much as一样多 no more than=as few/little as和...一样少,此处的more是many/much的比较级. 2)no more ...than含义是前后否定,“和...一样不...”.如: He is no more courageous than you are.他和你一样不勇敢。 也可以用not...any more than 表示: He is not courageous, any more than you are. 3)同样,no...any more than 也表示前后否定,“和...一样不...”如: At first glance, it looks as if there is no element of "present involvement" in this use of the Present Perfect, any more than there is in the Simple Past.乍一看,这儿用现在完成时好象没有“涉及现在”的成分,就象在一般过去时里没有“涉及现在”的成分一样。 (注意,no...any more than 和not...any more than的区别是: no后接名词) 本题翻译如下: Stress is a natural part of everyday life and there is no way you can avoid it ,(any more than )you can avoid being hungry.压力是日常生活的平常事,你没有办法避免压力,就象你没法避免肚子饿一样.
2023-07-18 16:13:332

as much as和as many as用法有什么区别呢?

As much as和as many as都用于比较两个相等的数量或程度。它们的不同在于,as much as用于比较不可数名词或单数可数名词,而as many as用于比较复数可数名词。例如,在句子"He drank as much water as he could after the race."中,as much as用于比较不可数名词"water"的数量。而在句子"She has as many friends as I do."中,as many as用于比较复数可数名词"friends"的数量。使用as much as和as many as时,需要注意它们后面名词的单复数以及是否需要使用不定冠词或限定词。具体用法可以参考上面的表格和例句。综上所述,选择as much as或as many as要根据所比较名词的单复数和具体语境来决定。
2023-07-18 16:13:401

as much as 与the same as的区别

2023-07-18 16:13:543

as many as与as much as的区别是什么?

as many as的主语是可数名词 其谓语动词用单数,as much as的主语是不可是名词,其谓语动词用复数。 扩展资料 as much as常用在“雨量、水量、时间量、重量、钱数、价格”等方面,表示总量和单位量的"大小;as many as 常用在人或物的具体数量前,侧重于具体数目,意思是“和……一样多”,“多达……”。
2023-07-18 16:14:081


as much as常用在“雨量、水量、时间量、重量、钱数、价格”等方面,表示总量和单位量的大小;as many as 常用在人或物的具体数量前,侧重于具体数目,意思是“和……一样多”,“多达……”。 例如:In that area rain is plentiful, often as much as seventy inches every year. 在那地区,雨水充足,年降水量常达70英寸之多。 The hightest price of a jacket in the shop is as much as 5,000 yuan. 该店夹克的最高价达5000元。 In the countries of Africa, there are as many as 700 languages. 非洲国家的语言多达700种。 The kings of Egypt built as many as 80 pyramids. 埃及国王们建造的金字塔多达80座。
2023-07-18 16:14:193

英语语法:as much as 的用法解析

2023-07-18 16:15:131

as much as的用法,其中两个as的词性

分类: 外语/出国 解析: 第一个as是副词,第二个as是连词as用法小结 一)as作副词,表示程度,意为“同样地”。在“”,“not”结构中的第一个as是副词,作“和/与...(不)一样”解。eg: Jack is as tall as his father.杰克和他的父亲一样高。 He doesn"t speak English as/so fluently as you.他的英语说得不如你流利。 二)as作介词。 1.作“如,像”解。eg: They got united as one man.他们团结得像一个人一样。 2.作“充当,作为”解。eg: As a writer,he was famous.作为作家,他是很有名的。 三)as作连词,常用来连接主句和状语从句。 1.引导时间状语从句,作“当...的时候”解,有“随着...”之意,与while意义相近,强调两个动作同时发生;或某事一发生,另一事立即发生。eg: He shouted aloud as her ran along.他一边往前跑,一边高声地呼喊。 I was startled as he opened the door.他一开门,我吓了一跳。 as作连词,相当于when。eg; As a little boy (When he was a little boy)he began to learn to play piano.他小时候就开始学弹钢琴。 2.引导原因状语从句,作“因为,由于”解,与because的用法相近。eg; I must stop writing now,as I have rather a lot of work to do.我必须停笔了,因为我还有许多工作要做。 3.引导方式状语从句或比较状语从句,作“正如,(如)像”解。例eg: As in your country,we grow wheat in the north and rice in the south.正如(像)你们国家一样,我们在北方种小麦,在南方种大米。(方式状语从句) When at Rome,do as Romans do.入乡随俗。(方式状语从句) 4.引导让步状语从句,作“虽然,尽管”解。这时从句常用倒装语序,即把从句中的表语、状语或动词原形放在as之前。eg; Strange as it may seem,it is true.尽管这事看上去很奇怪,但却是真的。 Try as he might,Tom could not get out of the difficulties.不管怎样努力,汤姆还是摆脱不了困境。 四)as作关系代词。 1.引导限制性定语从句,用在“”,“the”,“”等结构中,常译作“像...一样的人(或物)”,“凡是...的人(或物)”。例eg: He wished to be such a man as Lei Feng was.他曾希望做一个像雷锋那样的人。 My hometown is no longer the same as it was.我的家乡再也不像过去一样了。 2.引导非限制性定语从句,用来指代它前面的整个句子(即先行句),意思是“这一点”。这个分句可以位于句首、句中或句末。eg: As is well known,oceans cover more than 70% of the earth.我们知道,海洋占地球面积的百分之七十以上。 五)含as的固定词组的用法 soon as作“一…就”解,引导时间状语从句。eg: As soon as I get to Beijing,I"ll write to you.我一到北京,就给你写信。 long as作“只要”解,eg; As/So long as you study hard,you"ll make progress.只要你努力,你就会取得进步。 if/though常用来引导方式状语从句,作“好像,仿佛”解。如果从句中讲的是非真实情况,则用虚拟语气。eg: She loves the child as if/though he were her own.她爱这个孩子如同爱自己的孩子。 As if/though也可用来引导表语从句,常用在“It appears/looks/seems...+as if/though”句型结构中。eg; It appears as if/though it is going to clear up.看起来天要晴了。 It seems as if/though he knew nothing about it.他好像对此事一无所知。 to作“关于,至于”解。eg; There is no doubt as to his honesty.他的诚实是无可置疑的。 much/many as作“多达...”,“达到...之多”解。eg: He can earn as much as 5000 dollars a month.他每月能挣5000美元。 far as I know作“就我所知”解,在句中作插入语。eg: As/So far as I know,he will e here next Monday.据我所知,他将于下星期一到这里来。 a result,as a result of表示“由于...的结果”。eg: She died as a direct result of the accident.她的死是那次事故的直接结果。 8,as well为“也,还”之意。eg: Come early,and bring your brother as well.早点来,把你的弟弟也带来。 as to, to若跟动词原形,表示目的或结果。eg: He studied hard so as to pass the exam.他努力学习以便通过考试。(表示目的)
2023-07-18 16:15:201

as much as 是什么词?

as much as you can现在已经成为惯用法了,意为“尽你所能”。当然了,从词性上来说,这一结构是副词类的,做Keep your pets的状语;其内部结构是:as you can是表示比较的状语从句。请记得采纳。
2023-07-18 16:15:302

as much用法归纳总结

as much ...as的用法归纳总结:表示具体的数量时,意为多达,强调多;表示模糊的数量时,意为与…一样多,much后接不可数名词;表示程度时,意为尽量、像…一样的程度、与…一样多。 扩展资料   as much ...as的用法有哪些   1、表示具体的数量时,其后其后接的可能是可数名词,但由于它们意义上仍然为不可数,故用as much as,不用as many as,含义为……之多”“多达”“整整”,强调“多”。   例句:He doesn"t earn as much as I do.   他挣的钱不如我多。   Temperatures can fluctuate by as much as 10 degrees.   温差可达10度之多。   I want to learn as much as possible about the industry so that I"m better prepared   我想尽可能多学一些关于这个行业的知识,让自己更有备无患。   Clothing prices have not inflated as much as automobiles.   服装价格的涨幅不及汽车那么高。   In fact it cost me as much as 100 dollars.   事实上,它整整花了我100美元。   2、表示模糊的数量时,有时much后可接被修饰的"名词(不可数),意为“与……一样多”。   例句:Cats sleep twice as much as people.   猫睡觉的时间比人长一倍。   I enjoy pleasure as much as the next person.   我和别人一样愉快。   I ate as much as I could.   我能吃多少就吃了多少。   3、表示程度的时候,意思有“尽量”“尽最大努力(可能)”、“像……一样(的程度)”、“与……一样多”。   例句:Find out as much as you can about him and report back to me.   尽量查找有关他的资料,向我汇报。   Sam retorted that it was my fault as much as his.   萨姆反驳说我和他同样有错。   Try to rest the injured limb as much as possible.   尽量不要活动受伤的手臂。   You ought to rest as much as possible.   你应当尽量多休息。   We"re in the dark just as much as you are.   我们跟你们一样被蒙在鼓里。
2023-07-18 16:15:361

as much as 是什么词?

2023-07-18 16:15:502

as many as 和 as muchas的区别

2023-07-18 16:16:126

英语! much as和 as Much as有区别吗

2023-07-18 16:16:292

这里的As much as怎么翻译?

2023-07-18 16:17:171

as more as 和as much as 有什么 异同?

2023-07-18 16:17:264

英语语法:as much as 的用法解析

as much a part of our lives as are our meals,第一个as是副词修饰形容词muchas much是形容词修饰名词a part本句as much a part是表语of our lives是定语 。我们生活中很重要的一部分第二个as是关系代词 引导定语从句 修饰much a part of our livesas在从句中作表语 are是从句中的系动词 our meals是从句中的主语从句是倒装句意思是 与一日三餐同等重要的生活中的一部分
2023-07-18 16:17:361

as much as该怎么用

2023-07-18 16:17:433

as much as 是什么意思 以及用法

1. 尽…那样多;差不多eg. Sleep as much as possible. 尽可能多睡吧。2. 和...一样多eg. I eat as much as you. 我吃得和你一样多。
2023-07-18 16:17:521

as much as

两句的much都是在as句式中的,没有如何不同。不要把much单独地拿出来和后面的名词一起考虑,要只看as much..as句式,该句式表示强调的语气。1.Small as it is, the ant is as much a creature as are all other animals on earth.虽然个体小,蚂蚁和地球上的其他生物是一样一样的。 was as much of a success as i had hoped.这正是我所希望的胜利。补充问题:倒装的确使用了。引导倒装的正是as.1.句里开头部分Small as it is和后半句都as are all other animals 是倒装, 2.句中as i had hoped也是。这里可以用汉语的语气来理解,英汉差别不大。
2023-07-18 16:17:591

as much as是什么意思

2023-07-18 16:18:182

as much as是什么意思?

1、表示具体的数量,其后通常接有具体数量,其意为“……之多”“多达”“整整”,强调“多”。2、表示模糊的数量,其意为“与……一样多”,有时much后可接被修饰的名词(不可数)。3、译为“尽量”“尽最大努力(可能)”,主要用于as…as possible [one can]。4、译为“像……一样(的程度)”。5、译为“与……一样多”。6、译为“好像”“几乎”“并不多”“等于”。扩展资料as much as 的用法第一个as是副词,第二个as是连词as用法。1、第二个 as 有时为关系代词,用以引导定语从句。如:I gave him as much as he could eat. 他能吃多少,我就给了他多少。As much as he earned was given to his girlfriend. 他赚的钱都给了他的女朋友。2、当连接两个成分作主语时,其后谓语动词习惯上要与前面一个成分保持一致。如:John, as much as his brothers, was responsible for the loss. 不仅约翰的兄弟要对这损失负责,而且约翰自己也要对这损失负责。
2023-07-18 16:18:261

as much as什么意思?

1、表示具体的数量,其后通常接有具体数量,其意为“……之多”“多达”“整整”,强调“多”。2、表示模糊的数量,其意为“与……一样多”,有时much后可接被修饰的名词(不可数)。3、译为“尽量”“尽最大努力(可能)”,主要用于as…as possible [one can]。4、译为“像……一样(的程度)”。5、译为“与……一样多”。6、译为“好像”“几乎”“并不多”“等于”。扩展资料as much as 的用法第一个as是副词,第二个as是连词as用法。1、第二个 as 有时为关系代词,用以引导定语从句。如:I gave him as much as he could eat. 他能吃多少,我就给了他多少。As much as he earned was given to his girlfriend. 他赚的钱都给了他的女朋友。2、当连接两个成分作主语时,其后谓语动词习惯上要与前面一个成分保持一致。如:John, as much as his brothers, was responsible for the loss. 不仅约翰的兄弟要对这损失负责,而且约翰自己也要对这损失负责。
2023-07-18 16:18:381

as much as什么意思?

您好!as much as一、表示数量1. “……之多”“多达”“整整”,强调“多”。  In fact it cost me as much as 100 dollars.  We walked as much as 50 miles that day.2. “与……一样多”。如:  I ate as much as I could.  I"ll spend as much as necessary.  Give me as much as you gave Jane.  二、表示程度1. “尽量”“尽最大努力(可能)”,主要用于 possible/one can。I have helped you as much as I can. Now it is up to you.I won"t have a pudding—it was as much as I could do to finish the very large first course.2. “像……一样(的程度)”。  We"re in the dark just as much as you are.  I don"t pretend to know as much as he does about it.3. “与……一样多”。如:  I haven"t as much responsibility as before.4. “好像”“几乎”“差不多”“等于”,as much as to say [saying] “等于说”。  That is as much as saying I am a liar.  He as much as admitted that it was his fault.You said “all right”, which was as much as to say that you were satisfied.5. “既……又”“不仅……而且”。  It is as much your responsibility as mine.  He retorted that it was my fault as much as his.  I expect to weep as much as (to) laugh.6. 有时有较灵活的译法:His latest play is not as much a farce as a burlesque tragedy.他最近的一个剧本与其说是一个滑稽剧,不如说是一个滑稽的悲剧。  三、表示经常性  Do you dine out as much as you did in Paris?  Grandma"s getting on a bit and doesn"t go out as much as she used to.
2023-07-18 16:18:511

as much as什么意思

2023-07-18 16:18:584

As much as的用法

一、表示数量1. 表示具体的数量,其后通常接有具体数量,其意为“……之多”“多达”“整整”,强调“多”。如:In fact it cost me as much as 100 dollars. 事实上,它整整花了我100美元。We walked as much as 50 miles that day. 那天我们整整走了50英里。She trained hard for the race, sometimes running as much as 60 miles a week. 为了比赛,他拼命地训练,有时一个星期要跑60英里。—Is it hot up there? 那上面热吗?—Of course, as much as 45 degrees. 当然热,高达45度。The speed can vary by as much as 15per cent. 其速度的差别可高达15%。注:如上例所示,as much as 用于表示具体的数量时,其后接的可能是可数名词,但由于它们意义上仍然为不可数,故用as much as,不用as many as。如100 dollars,尽管其中的dollars为可数名词的复数形式,由于100 dollars仍是一个不可数的概念,仍是不可数的。但是下面这句是错的:I read as much as 100 articles today. 因为这里的100 articles表示的是可数概念,故应改为:I read as many as 100 articles.2. 表示模糊的数量,其意为“与……一样多”,有时much后可接被修饰的名词(不可数)。如:I ate as much as I could. 我能吃多少就吃了多少。I"ll spend as much as necessary. 需要花多少钱,我就花多少钱。Give me as much as you gave Jane. 给我的要和你给简的一样多。I haven"t got as much money as I thought. 我不像原来想象的有那么多钱。I"m sorry I haven"t done as much as I should. 我很抱歉,我做得很不够。Some of the doctors are paid almost twice as much as the nurses. 有些医生所获得的报酬差不多是护士的两倍。We can take as much as our buyer can supply. 买主能提供多少我们就能要多少。If you charge as much as that, you"ll scare customers off. 如果你要价那么高,你会把顾客吓跑的。二、表示程度1. 译为“尽量”“尽最大努力(可能)”,主要用于as…as possible [one can]。如:You ought to rest as much as possible. 你应当尽量多休息。I have helped you as much as I can. Now it is up to you. 我已尽我所能地帮助你了。现在该看你自己了。I won"t have a pudding it was as much as I could do to finish the very large first course. 我不要布丁了——我能把第一道大菜吃完就已经很不容易了。2. 译为“像……一样(的程度)”。如:He doesn"t think of you as much as he ought to. 他没有像本应该的那样对你好。We"re in the dark just as much as you are. 我们跟你们一样被蒙在鼓里。I don"t pretend to know as much as he does about it. 我不敢说我对此事的了解有他那样多。He doesn"t think of you as much as he ought to. 他没有像本应该的那样对你好。I like cats as much as dogs. 我喜欢猫和喜欢狗和程度相同。(此句可视为 I like cats as much as I like dogs 之省略)3. 译为“与……一样多”。如:I haven"t as much responsibility as before. 我不再担负过去那样多的责任了。4. 译为“好像”“几乎”“并不多”“等于”。如:That is as much as saying I am a liar. 那无异于说我撒谎。He as much as admitted that it was his fault. 他几乎承认说是他的错。You said “all right”, which was as much as to say that you were satisfied. 你当是说“行”,这就等于说你认为满意。注:as much as to say [saying] 可视为习语,意为“等于说”。5. 译为“既……又”“不仅……而且”。如:It is as much our responsibility as yours. 这既是你们的责任,也是我们的责任。It is as much your responsibility as mine. 这件事你和我一样都有责任。He retorted that it was my fault as much as his. 他反驳说那不仅是他的错,而且也是我的错。或:他反驳说我的错误并不比他的错误小。I expect to weep as much as (to) laugh. 我简直又想哭,又想笑。6. 有时有较灵活的译法:His latest play is not so much a farce as a burlesque tragedy. 他最近的一个剧本与其说是一个滑稽剧,不如说是一个滑稽的悲剧。三、表示经常性Do you dine out as much as you did in Paris? 你还像在巴黎那样常常在外面吃饭吗?Grandma"s getting on a bit and doesn"t go out as much as she used to. 奶奶年事日高, 不像从前那样常出门了。四、两点特点说明1. 第二个as有时为关系代词,用以引导定语从句。如:I gave him as much as he could eat. 他能吃多少,我就给了他多少。As much as he earned was given to his girlfriend. 他赚的钱都给了他的女朋友。2. 当连接两个成分作主语时,其后谓语动词习惯上要与前面一个成分保持一致。如:John, as much as his brothers, was responsible for the loss. 不仅约翰的兄弟要对这损失负责,而且约翰自己也要对这损失负责。
2023-07-18 16:19:061

as much as在句子中用作什么成分?

As much as.在句子中做的是介词成分the sameIf you accept my handshake, please give me a thumbs up.
2023-07-18 16:19:232


2023-07-18 16:19:572

as much as的用法

as much as看似简单,但是实际运用中却相当复杂,不仅用法颇多,而且许多含有as much as结构的句子往往不好理解。它可以表示数量,表示程度,还可以表示经常性(=as often as)。 表示数量 1.表示数量,意为“……之多”、“多达” (1)In fact it cost me as much as 100 dollars. 事实上,它整整花了我100美元。(一笔钱) (2)We walked as much as 50 miles that day. 那天我们整整走了50英里。(一段距离) (3)The speed can vary by as much as 15 percent.(一段变化范围) 其速度的差别可高达15%。 2.表示模糊的数量,其意为“与……一样多”,有时much后可接被修饰的名词(不可数)。 (1)I ate as much as I could.我能吃多少就吃了多少。 (2)Give me as much as you gave Jane.给我的要和你给简的一样多。 表示程度 1.译为“尽量”、“尽最大(可能)”,主要用于 possible(one can) (1)You ought to rest as much as possible.你应当尽量多休息。 (2)I have helped you as much as I can.Now it is up to you.我已尽我所能帮助你了,现在该看你自己了。 2.译为“像……一样(的程度)”。 (1)He doesn"t think of you as much as he ought to(think of you). 他没有像本应该的那样对你好。 (2)We"re in the dark just as much as you are. 我们跟你们一样被蒙在鼓里。 3.译为“与……一样多”。 I haven"t as much responsibility as before. 我不再担负过去那样多的责任了。 4.译为“好像”、“几乎”、“差不多”=nearly/as good as (1)That is as much as saying I am a liar. 那无异于说我撒谎。 (2)He as much as admitted that it was his fault. 他几乎承认说是他的错。 5.译为“既……又”、“不仅……而且”(平等的成分) It is as much your responsibility as mine. 这件事你和我一样都有责任。 表示经常性=as often as Do you dine out as much as you did in Paris? 你还像在巴黎那样常常在外面吃饭吗?
2023-07-18 16:20:031

as muchas和as muchas都什么意思?

1、as many as的主语是可数名词 其谓语动词用单数,as much as的主语是不可是名词 其谓语动词用复数。2、much 还表示程度,如 I love you as much as I love myself.或者,I like American food as much as I like Chinese food.3、as much as常用在“雨量、水量、时间量、重量、钱数、价格”等方面,表示总量和单位量的大小;as many as 常用在人或物的具体数量前,侧重于具体数目,意思是“和……一样多”,“多达……”例如:Along Amazon rain is plentiful,often as much as seventy inches every year.亚马逊河流域雨水充足,年降水量常达70英寸之多.The hightest price of a jacket in the shop is as much as 5,000 yuan.该店夹克的最高价达5000元.扩展资料一、asu2002muchu2002asu2002的用法u2002: u2002u20021、asu2002muchu2002asu2002 看似简单,但在实际运用中却相当复杂,不仅 用法颇多,而且许多含有asu2002muchu2002asu2002结构的句子往往不好理解(尤其是不好翻译成中文),对许多同学来说都是一个难点。为帮助同学们攻克这一难点,本文拟对此作一个全面的总结和分析。u20022、表示数量u2002u2002表示数量,意为“……之多”“多达”u2002u2002u2002u2002u2002如:u2002u2002 Inu2002factu2002itu2002costu2002meu2002asu2002muchu2002asu2002100u2002dollars.u2002u2002事实上,它整整花了我100美元。(一笔钱)u2002Weu2002walkedu2002asu2002muchu2002asu200250u2002milesu2002thatu2002day.u2002u2002那天我们整整走了50英里。u2002(一段距离)u2002u2002u2002Sheu2002stayedu2002inu2002foru2002asu2002muchu2002asu200220u2002daysu2002lastu2002month。u2002u2002u2002u2002—Isu2002itu2002hotu2002upu2002there?u2002那上面热吗?u2002u2002 —Ofu2002course,asu2002muchu2002asu200245u2002degrees.u2002u2002当然热,高达45度。(一个温度)u2002Theu2002speedu2002canu2002varyu2002byu2002asu2002muchu2002asu200215u2002percentu2002(一段变化范围).u2002其速度的差别可高达15%。u20023、注:如上例所示,asu2002muchu2002asu2002用于表示具体的数量时,其后接的可能是可数名词,但由于它们意义上仍然为不可数,故用u2002asu2002muchu2002as,不用u2002asu2002manyu2002as。二、、“as(否定句中可用so)+adj./adv.+as…”,其基本意思为“……和……一样”。但在实际应用中,此结构在不同的语境中含义差异较大。1、表示不同人或物同一性质的比较,意为“……和……一样……"。The tree is as tall as the building(is).这棵树和那栋楼一样高。Michael is as bright as George(is).迈克尔和乔治一样聪明。2、表示同一个人或物不同性质的比较,意为“既……又……Alice works as happily as(she)plays(happily).艾丽丝愉快地工作,尽情地玩。Danny is not so wise as he is witty.丹尼为人风趣,但欠明智。3、用于表示两个人或物不同性质的比较,表示程度相同或相当,意为“……而……”。He was as handsome as his wife was beautiful.他长得非常英俊,他的妻子也长得非常漂亮。He was as experienced as his brother was green.他经验丰富,而他兄弟却涉世未深。
2023-07-18 16:20:111

句子中“as much .... as” 的用法是什么?

一、表示数量1.表示数量,意为“……之多”“多达” 如:She stayed in for as much as 20 days last month。—Is it hot up there, 那上面热吗,—Of course,as much as 45 degrees.当然热,高达45度。(一个温度)The speed can vary by as much as 15 percent(一段变化范围). 其速度的差别可高达15,。 注:如上例所示,as much as 用于表示具体的数量时,其后接的可能是可数名词,但由于它们意义上仍然为不可数,故用 as much as,不用 as many as。但是下面这句是错的:I read as much as 100 articles today.因为这里的 100 articles 表示的是可数概念,故应改为: I read as many as 100 articles.2. 表示模糊的数量,其意为“与……一样多”,有时 much 后可接被修饰的名词(不可数)。 如:I ate as much as I could. 我能吃多少就吃了多少。I"ll spend as much as necessary.需要花多少钱,我就花多少钱。Give me as much as you gave Jane.给我的要和你给简的一样多。I haven"t got as much money as I thought.我不像原来想象的有那么多钱。I"m sorry I haven"t done as much as I should.我很抱歉,我做得很不够。Some doctors are paid almost twice as much as the nurses.有些医生所获得的报酬差不多是护士的两倍。We can take as much as our buyer can supply.买主能提供多少我们就能要多少。If you charge as much as that, you"ll scare customers off.如果你要价那么高,你会把顾客吓跑的。二、表示程度1. 译为“尽量”“尽最大(可能)”,主要用于 possible ,one can,。如:You ought to rest as much as possible. 你应当尽量多休息。I have helped you as much as I can. Now it is up to you.我已尽我所能地帮助你了。现在该看你自己了。2. 译为“像……一样(的程度)”。如:He doesn"t think of you as much as he ought to (think of you). 他没有像本应该的那样对你好。We"re in the dark just as much as you are.我们跟你们一样被蒙在鼓里。I don"t pretend to know as much as he does about it. 我不敢说我对此事的了解有他那样多。I like cats as much as dogs. 我喜欢猫和喜欢狗的程度相同。(此句可视为 I like cats as much as I like dogs 之省略)3. 译为“与……一样多”。如:I haven"t as much responsibility as before.我不再担负过去那样多的责任了。4. 译为“好像”“几乎”“差不多”“等于”=nearly/as good as。如:That is as much as saying(表语) I am a liar.那无异于说我撒谎。He as much as admitted that it was his fault. 他几乎承认说是他的错。You said “all right”, which was as much as to say that you were satisfied. 你当时说“行”,这就等于说你认为满意。注:as much as to say ,saying, 可视为习语,意为“等于说”。5. 译为“既……又”“不仅……而且”(平等的成分)。如:It is as much your responsibility as mine. 这件事你和我一样都有责任。He retorted that it was my fault as much as his.他反驳说那不仅是他的错,而且也是我的错。I expect to weep as much as (to) laugh.我简直又想哭,又想笑。6. 有时有较灵活的译法:[not as与其说(前者),不如说(后者),即否定前者,肯定后者His latest play is not as much a farce as a burlesque tragedy.他最近的一个剧本与其说是一个闹剧,不如说是一个滑稽的悲剧。It is not so much the language_____the cultural background thatmakes the book difficult to understand. B.nor C.but D.like短语 twice much as作为为两倍 | 两倍多 | 作为两次作为多2.For-as-much As鉴于 much as possible尽可能多 | 尽可能 | 尽量 | 越多越好4.twice as much as一个是另一个两倍 | 两倍之多 | 多了一倍 | 两倍 much food as尽可能多的食物 | 作为多食物 much again as比7.As much as meditation尽量多的打坐 as much as做多达…的9.amount as much as高达
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much as与as much用法的区别

2023-07-18 16:20:442

as much as什么意思

您好!as much as一、表示数量1. “……之多”“多达”“整整”,强调“多”。  In fact it cost me as much as 100 dollars.  We walked as much as 50 miles that day.2. “与……一样多”。如:  I ate as much as I could.  I"ll spend as much as necessary.  Give me as much as you gave Jane.  二、表示程度1. “尽量”“尽最大努力(可能)”,主要用于 possible/one can。I have helped you as much as I can. Now it is up to you.I won"t have a pudding—it was as much as I could do to finish the very large first course.2. “像……一样(的程度)”。  We"re in the dark just as much as you are.  I don"t pretend to know as much as he does about it.3. “与……一样多”。如:  I haven"t as much responsibility as before.4. “好像”“几乎”“差不多”“等于”,as much as to say [saying] “等于说”。  That is as much as saying I am a liar.  He as much as admitted that it was his fault.You said “all right”, which was as much as to say that you were satisfied.5. “既……又”“不仅……而且”。  It is as much your responsibility as mine.  He retorted that it was my fault as much as his.  I expect to weep as much as (to) laugh.6. 有时有较灵活的译法:His latest play is not as much a farce as a burlesque tragedy.他最近的一个剧本与其说是一个滑稽剧,不如说是一个滑稽的悲剧。  三、表示经常性  Do you dine out as much as you did in Paris?  Grandma"s getting on a bit and doesn"t go out as much as she used to.
2023-07-18 16:20:581

as many as与as much as区别

as much as常用在“雨量、水量、时间量、重量、钱数、价格”等方面,表示总量和单位量的大小;as many as 常用在人或物的具体数量前,侧重于具体数目,意思是“和……一样多”,“多达……”。 例如:Along Amazon rain is plentiful, often as much as seventy inches every year. 亚马逊河流域雨水充足,年降水量常达70英寸之多。 The hightest price of a jacket in the shop is as much as 5,000 yuan. 该店夹克的最高价达5000元。 In the countries of Africa, there are as many as 700 languages. 非洲国家的语言多达700种。 The kings of Egypt built as many as 80 pyramids. 埃及国王们建造的金字塔多达80座。
2023-07-18 16:21:083

句子中as much .... as 的用法是?

一、表示数量1. 表示具体的数量,其后通常接有具体数量,其意为“……之多”“多达”“整整”,强调“多”。如:In fact it cost me as much as 100 dollars. 事实上,它整整花了我100美元。We walked as much as 50 miles that day. 那天我们整整走了50英里。She trained hard for the race, sometimes running as much as 60 miles a week. 为了比赛,他拼命地训练,有时一个星期要跑60英里。—Is it hot up there? 那上面热吗?—Of course, as much as 45 degrees. 当然热,高达45度。The speed can vary by as much as 15per cent. 其速度的差别可高达15%。注:如上例所示,as much as 用于表示具体的数量时,其后接的可能是可数名词,但由于它们意义上仍然为不可数,故用as much as,不用as many as。如100 dollars,尽管其中的dollars为可数名词的复数形式,由于100 dollars仍是一个不可数的概念,仍是不可数的。但是下面这句是错的:I read as much as 100 articles today. 因为这里的100 articles表示的是可数概念,故应改为:I read as many as 100 articles.2. 表示模糊的数量,其意为“与……一样多”,有时much后可接被修饰的名词(不可数)。如:I ate as much as I could. 我能吃多少就吃了多少。I"ll spend as much as necessary. 需要花多少钱,我就花多少钱。Give me as much as you gave Jane. 给我的要和你给简的一样多。I haven"t got as much money as I thought. 我不像原来想象的有那么多钱。I"m sorry I haven"t done as much as I should. 我很抱歉,我做得很不够。Some of the doctors are paid almost twice as much as the nurses. 有些医生所获得的报酬差不多是护士的两倍。We can take as much as our buyer can supply. 买主能提供多少我们就能要多少。If you charge as much as that, you"ll scare customers off. 如果你要价那么高,你会把顾客吓跑的。二、表示程度1. 译为“尽量”“尽最大努力(可能)”,主要用于as…as possible [one can]。如:You ought to rest as much as possible. 你应当尽量多休息。I have helped you as much as I can. Now it is up to you. 我已尽我所能地帮助你了。现在该看你自己了。I won"t have a pudding it was as much as I could do to finish the very large first course. 我不要布丁了——我能把第一道大菜吃完就已经很不容易了。2. 译为“像……一样(的程度)”。如:He doesn"t think of you as much as he ought to. 他没有像本应该的那样对你好。We"re in the dark just as much as you are. 我们跟你们一样被蒙在鼓里。I don"t pretend to know as much as he does about it. 我不敢说我对此事的了解有他那样多。He doesn"t think of you as much as he ought to. 他没有像本应该的那样对你好。I like cats as much as dogs. 我喜欢猫和喜欢狗和程度相同。(此句可视为 I like cats as much as I like dogs 之省略)3. 译为“与……一样多”。如:I haven"t as much responsibility as before. 我不再担负过去那样多的责任了。
2023-07-18 16:21:571

as much as和as many as有什么区别?

"As much as" 和 "as many as" 在用法和含义上有所不同。"As much as" 通常用来比较不可数名词,表示程度或数量。例如:- I love chocolate as much as my sister does. (我和我姐姐一样都很喜欢巧克力。)- He earns as much money as his boss does. (他赚的钱和他老板一样多。)"As many as" 则通常用来比较可数名词的数量。例如:- There are as many as 50 people in the room. (房间里有多达50个人。)- She has visited as many countries as her friend has. (她去过的国家和她朋友一样多。)总之,"as much as" 和 "as many as" 均可以用于表示比较,但前者适用于不可数名词,后者适用于可数名词的数量。
2023-07-18 16:22:041

as much as和as many as的用法区别是什么?

As much as和as many as都用于比较两个相等的数量或程度。它们的不同在于,as much as用于比较不可数名词或单数可数名词,而as many as用于比较复数可数名词。例如,在句子"He drank as much water as he could after the race."中,as much as用于比较不可数名词"water"的数量。而在句子"She has as many friends as I do."中,as many as用于比较复数可数名词"friends"的数量。使用as much as和as many as时,需要注意它们后面名词的单复数以及是否需要使用不定冠词或限定词。具体用法可以参考上面的表格和例句。综上所述,选择as much as或as many as要根据所比较名词的单复数和具体语境来决定。
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As much as 和As many as的区别是什么?请看下面例句。

1、as much as修饰不可数名词 ,as many as 修饰可数名词。如:I would like to watch football games as much as I can. 我尽可能地看很多的足球赛。2、as much as 表示程度,as many as表示“数目”上的比较(多达...)。如:He doesn"t think of you as much as he ought to. 他没有像本应该的那样对你好。In the countries of Africa, there are as many as 700 languages. 非洲国家的语言多达700种。 在比较结构(否定时可以用中,第二个as 是关系代词,引导定语从句。在表示比较意义的同时,as 在从句中充当成分,作从句的宾语或主语。这时的as 不是从属连词。例如:1、You may take as many chairs as you need. 你需要多少椅子就拿走多少椅子。(as作need的宾语)2、My parents don"t so much money as I want. 我父母没有我需要的那么多钱。(as作want的宾语)例句解析:A pair of Nike trainers, for example, could cost up to five times as much as a similar Li Ning product.译为:例如,一双耐克运动鞋,可以卖到类似李宁产品的五倍价格一样。这里修饰价格钱数,所以使用as much as ,不能用as many as
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as much as和as many as的区别是什么?

1、as many as的主语是可数名词 其谓语动词用单数,as much as的主语是不可是名词 其谓语动词用复数。2、much 还表示程度,如 I love you as much as I love myself.或者,I like American food as much as I like Chinese food.3、as much as常用在“雨量、水量、时间量、重量、钱数、价格”等方面,表示总量和单位量的大小;as many as 常用在人或物的具体数量前,侧重于具体数目,意思是“和……一样多”,“多达……”例如:Along Amazon rain is plentiful,often as much as seventy inches every year.亚马逊河流域雨水充足,年降水量常达70英寸之多.The hightest price of a jacket in the shop is as much as 5,000 yuan.该店夹克的最高价达5000元.扩展资料一、asu2002muchu2002asu2002的用法u2002: u2002u20021、asu2002muchu2002asu2002 看似简单,但在实际运用中却相当复杂,不仅 用法颇多,而且许多含有asu2002muchu2002asu2002结构的句子往往不好理解(尤其是不好翻译成中文),对许多同学来说都是一个难点。为帮助同学们攻克这一难点,本文拟对此作一个全面的总结和分析。u20022、表示数量u2002u2002表示数量,意为“……之多”“多达”u2002u2002u2002u2002u2002如:u2002u2002 Inu2002factu2002itu2002costu2002meu2002asu2002muchu2002asu2002100u2002dollars.u2002u2002事实上,它整整花了我100美元。(一笔钱)u2002Weu2002walkedu2002asu2002muchu2002asu200250u2002milesu2002thatu2002day.u2002u2002那天我们整整走了50英里。u2002(一段距离)u2002u2002u2002Sheu2002stayedu2002inu2002foru2002asu2002muchu2002asu200220u2002daysu2002lastu2002month。u2002u2002u2002u2002—Isu2002itu2002hotu2002upu2002there?u2002那上面热吗?u2002u2002 —Ofu2002course,asu2002muchu2002asu200245u2002degrees.u2002u2002当然热,高达45度。(一个温度)u2002Theu2002speedu2002canu2002varyu2002byu2002asu2002muchu2002asu200215u2002percentu2002(一段变化范围).u2002其速度的差别可高达15%。u20023、注:如上例所示,asu2002muchu2002asu2002用于表示具体的数量时,其后接的可能是可数名词,但由于它们意义上仍然为不可数,故用u2002asu2002muchu2002as,不用u2002asu2002manyu2002as。二、、“as(否定句中可用so)+adj./adv.+as…”,其基本意思为“……和……一样”。但在实际应用中,此结构在不同的语境中含义差异较大。1、表示不同人或物同一性质的比较,意为“……和……一样……"。The tree is as tall as the building(is).这棵树和那栋楼一样高。Michael is as bright as George(is).迈克尔和乔治一样聪明。2、表示同一个人或物不同性质的比较,意为“既……又……Alice works as happily as(she)plays(happily).艾丽丝愉快地工作,尽情地玩。Danny is not so wise as he is witty.丹尼为人风趣,但欠明智。3、用于表示两个人或物不同性质的比较,表示程度相同或相当,意为“……而……”。He was as handsome as his wife was beautiful.他长得非常英俊,他的妻子也长得非常漂亮。He was as experienced as his brother was green.他经验丰富,而他兄弟却涉世未深。
2023-07-18 16:22:381

as much as的用法

1、表示具体的数量,其后通常接有具体数量,其意为“……之多”“多达”“整整”,强调“多”。2、表示模糊的数量,其意为“与……一样多”,有时much后可接被修饰的名词(不可数)。3、译为“尽量”“尽最大努力(可能)”,主要用于as…as possible [one can]。4、译为“像……一样(的程度)”。5、译为“与……一样多”。6、译为“好像”“几乎”“并不多”“等于”。扩展资料as much as 的用法第一个as是副词,第二个as是连词as用法。1、第二个 as 有时为关系代词,用以引导定语从句。如:I gave him as much as he could eat. 他能吃多少,我就给了他多少。As much as he earned was given to his girlfriend. 他赚的钱都给了他的女朋友。2、当连接两个成分作主语时,其后谓语动词习惯上要与前面一个成分保持一致。如:John, as much as his brothers, was responsible for the loss. 不仅约翰的兄弟要对这损失负责,而且约翰自己也要对这损失负责。
2023-07-18 16:23:171

as much 加 形容词或名词 as 可以吗?

第二句话,什么意思?只要语意不通,就可以认为不正确。第二句,你想说明他们像其他小孩一样是个好孩子?那你应该说:they are as good boys as 0ther children 第一句,和第三句,没有问题。as much as 的用法:一、表示数量    1.表示具体的数量,其后通常直接跟具体数量,其意为“……之多”“多达”“整整”,强调“多”。如:  In fact it cost me as much as 100 dollars. 事实上,它整整花了我100美元。  We walked as much as 50 miles that day. 那天我们整整走了50英里。  She trained hard for the race, sometimes running as much as 60 miles a week. 为了比赛,她拼命地训练,有时一个星期要跑60英里。  —Is it hot up there? 那上面热吗?  —Of course, as much as 45 degrees. 当然热,高达45度。  The speed can vary by as much as 15 percent. 其速度的差别可高达15%。  注:如上例所示,as much as 用于表示具体的数量时,其后接的可能是可数名词,但由于它们意义上仍然为不可数,故用 as much as,不用 as many as。如 100 dollars,尽管其中的 dollars 为可数名词的复数形式,由于 100 dollars 仍是一个不可数的概念,仍是不可数的。但是下面这句是错的:I read as much as 100 articles today. 因为这里的 100 articles 表示的是可数概念,故应改为:I read as many as 100 articles.  2. 表示模糊的数量,其意为“与……一样多”,有时 much 后可接被修饰的名词(不可数)。如:  I ate as much as I could. 我能吃多少就吃了多少。  I"ll spend as much as necessary. 需要花多少钱,我就花多少钱。  Give me as much as you gave Jane. 给我的要和你给简的一样多。  I haven"t got as much money as I thought. 我不像原来想象的有那么多钱。  I"m sorry I haven"t done as much as I should. 我很抱歉,我做得很不够。  Some of the doctors are paid almost twice as much as the nurses. 有些医生所获得的报酬差不多是护士的两倍。  We can take as much as our buyer can supply. 买主能提供多少我们就能要多少。  If you charge as much as that, you"ll scare customers off. 如果你要价那么高,你会把顾客吓跑的。    二、表示程度    1. 译为“尽量”“尽最大努力(可能)”,主要用于 possible [one can]。如:  You ought to rest as much as possible. 你应当尽量多休息。  I have helped you as much as I can. Now it is up to you. 我已尽我所能地帮助你了。现在该看你自己了。  I won"t have a pudding—it was as much as I could do to finish the very large first course. 我不要布丁了——我能把第一道大菜吃完就已经很不容易了。 2. 译为“像……一样(的程度)”。如:   He doesn"t think of you as much as he ought to. 他没有像本应该的那样对你好。   We"re in the dark just as much as you are. 我们跟你们一样被蒙在鼓里。   I don"t pretend to know as much as he does about it. 我不敢说我对此事的了解有他那样多。   I like cats as much as dogs. 我喜欢猫和喜欢狗的程度相同。(此句可视为 I like cats as much as I like dogs 之省略)   3. 译为“与……一样多”。如:   I haven"t as much responsibility as before. 我不再担负过去那样多的责任了。   4. 译为“好像”“几乎”“差不多”“等于”。如:   That is as much as saying I am a liar. 那无异于说我撒谎。   He as much as admitted that it was his fault. 他几乎承认说是他的错。   You said “all right”, which was as much as to say that you were satisfied. 你当时说“行”,这就等于说你认为满意。   注:as much as to say [saying] 可视为习语,意为“等于说”。   5. 译为“既……又”“不仅……而且”。如:   It is as much your responsibility as mine. 这件事你和我一样都有责任。   He retorted that it was my fault as much as his. 他反驳说那不仅是他的错,而且也是我的错。或:他反驳说我的错误并不比他的错误小。   I expect to weep as much as (to) laugh. 我简直又想哭,又想笑。   6. 有时有较灵活的译法:   His latest play is not as much a farce as a burlesque tragedy. 他最近的一个剧本与其说是一个滑稽剧,不如说是一个滑稽的悲剧。      三、表示经常性      Do you dine out as much as you did in Paris?你还像在巴黎那样常常在外面吃饭吗?   Grandma"s getting on a bit and doesn"t go out as much as she used to. 奶奶年事日高, 不像从前那样常出门了。   四、两点特别说明   1. 第二个 as 有时为关系代词,用以引导定语从句。如:   I gave him as much as he could eat. 他能吃多少,我就给了他多少。   As much as he earned was given to his girlfriend. 他赚的钱都给了他的女朋友。   2. 当连接两个成分作主语时,其后谓语动词习惯上要与前面一个成分保持一致。如:   John, as much as his brothers, was responsible for the loss. 不仅约翰的兄弟要对这损失负责,而且约翰自己也要对这损失负责。具体应用时,要根据语意来灵活运用,也不要太拘泥于语法!
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