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2023-07-19 11:08:29
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我可畀多些您: 焦点访谈 Topics in Focus 东方时空 Oriental Horizon 社会经纬 Net of Justice 夕阳红 Sunset Glow 新闻调查 News Probe 新闻30分 News in 30 Minutes 商业电视 Business TV 市场热线 Market Hotline 世界经济报导 World Economic Report 股市分析 Stock Market Analysis 足球之夜 Soccer Night 健康俱乐部 Health Club 春节联欢晚会 Spring Festival Gala Evening 半边天 Half the Sky 综艺大观 Super Variety Show 戏迷园地 Garden for Opera F 大风车 Big Pinwheel 七巧板 Tangram 12演播室 Twelve Studio 中华民族 Chinese Ethnic Peoples 科技博览 Science and Technology Review 人与自然 Man and Nature 正大综艺 Zhengda Variety Show 书坛画苑 Gallery of Calligraphy Painting 天涯共此时 Time Together across the Strait 华夏风情 China Kaleidoscope 中国新闻 China News 中国报导 China Report 旅行家 Travelogue 中国各地 Around China 今日中国 China Today 周日话题 Sunday Topics 英语新闻 English News 东方时尚 Oriental Fashion 厨艺 Chinese Cooking 中华医药 Traditional Chinese Medicine



旅行家 Travelogue旅行家 Traveler
2023-07-18 15:09:172


  旅行社,世界旅游组织给出的定义为“零售代理机构向公众提供关于可能的旅行、居住和相关服务,包括服务酬金和条件的信息。旅行组织者或制作批发商或批发商在旅游需求提出前,以组织交通运输,预订不同的住宿和提出所有其他服务为旅行和旅居做准备。那么你知道旅行用英语怎么说吗?下面来学习一下吧。    旅行英语说法1:   travel    旅行英语说法2:   trip    旅行英语说法3:   journey    旅行英语说法4:   tour    旅行的相关短语:   旅行家 Travelogue ; Traveler ;   旅行包 travelling bag ; Travel Bags ; handbag ; THE TRAVEL   徒步旅行 hiking ; hike ; Walkabout ; walking tour   单程旅行 outward journey ; viaje de ida ; One way trip   旅行团 Life Journey ; tour group ; touring party ; Package tour   包办旅行 package tour inclusive tour ; inclusive tour ; Packaged tour ; package tour,inclusive tour   旅行计划 Travel Plans ; itinerary ; The Plan of the Tour ; Traveling Plans   旅行商 TSP ; traveling salesman ; drummer ; Traveler    旅行的英语例句:   1. The journey ends in the ancient city of Marrakesh.   旅行的终点是马拉喀什古城。   2. We spent years travelling around in a rusty old van.   我们多年来都开着一辆生锈的旧货车四处旅行。   3. She travels con-stantly, moving among her several residences around the world.   她经常旅行,穿梭于她在世界各地的多处住所。   4. She travelled to India after taking her A levels.   她参加完高等程度考试后去印度旅行了。   5. They are planning on a trip to Guyana next month.   他们计划下个月去圭亚那旅行。   6. He has almost certainly blown his chance of touring India this winter.   他几乎肯定失去了今冬去印度旅行的机会。   7. At 84, John feels his age precludes too much travel.   84岁的约翰感到自己年事已高,不能进行太多的旅行。   8. Ray and I ate our meal and reminisced about the trip.   雷和我吃着饭,回忆起那次旅行。   9. Even carrying the camcorder while hiking in the forest was an effort.   在森林中徒步旅行时,即便带的是便携式摄像机也非常费力。   10. Clothes were thrown in the luggage in an untidy heap.   衣服被乱糟糟地扔进旅行箱里。   11. He found the rigours of the tour too demanding.   他发现这次旅行非常艰苦。   12. He"d like to go on safari to photograph snakes and tigers.   他想进行一次观兽旅行,拍摄一些蛇类和老虎的照片。   13. When his master"s off traveling, Caleb stays with Pierre"s parents.   凯莱布在主人外出旅行时与皮埃尔的父母住在一起。   14. It became impractical to make a business trip by ocean liner.   乘坐远洋班轮进行商务旅行变得不合时宜了。   15. Looking back, she feels she should never have hung up her backpack.   回首过去,她觉得自己真不该放下背包不再徒步旅行。
2023-07-18 15:09:261


2023-07-18 15:09:392


游记 travelogue
2023-07-18 15:09:492


Michele Lean:全名Michele Yi Wen Samantha Lean,1982年9月1日出生于(西)马来西亚的首都吉隆坡(Kuala Lumpur),小学是在吉隆坡的英式学校Garden International School,中学去了用英语授课的香港 Island School,大学飘洋过海到澳大利亚著名学府墨尔本大学主攻大众传媒;她工作之外好静,喜欢旅行。这个?
2023-07-18 15:09:561


游记英文为:travels、travel notes、account of a journey、book of travels、travel book。一、短语搭配:1、读游记:read travels。2、《马可波罗游记》:Travels of Marco Polo。二、双语例句:1、著名的游记作家弗蕾亚·斯塔克。The distinguished travel writer Freya Stark.2、格列佛游记,你知道吗?慧马国。Gulliver"s Travels. You know?The Houyhnhnms?3、它戳在这段时间内的游记乐趣。It pokes fun at the travelogues of this time period.4、好的论言语,不是探索过程的游记。A good paper is not a travelogue of your search process.5、格列佛游记(罗伯·莱特曼)。"Gulliver"s Travels,"(Rob Letterman).
2023-07-18 15:10:031


游白鹿洞记的翻译为The Travelogue of White Deer Hollow。一、《游白鹿洞记》简介《游白鹿洞记》是唐代诗人白居易所作,共分六十回,描写了唐朝贞观年间白居易在岳州白鹿洞隐居两年半的经历。作品语言简练,情节曲折,深刻揭示了唐代风尚和白居易的观念。二、白居易的隐逸生活白居易在岳州白鹿洞隐居期间,生活清苦,志存高远,兢兢业业地谋生产业,同时,他不断思考天下大势,并用笔记录下来。在此期间,他结交各种人物,从中体会人生百态。三、唐代社会风貌《游白鹿洞记》揭示了唐代社会风气,包括士族文化、玄门道教、山水田园等。通过作品,我们可以更好地了解唐代社会的面貌。四、白居易的哲学思想白居易的隐逸生活处处彰显出他对人生的哲学思考。他认为“人生如梦”,凡事要看得淡些,不让名利冲昏了头脑,保持内心的平静和深度。五、女性形象的塑造作品中,白居易将女性形象刻画得栩栩如生,有厚重感。女子在唐代社会位置比较低下,然而,白居易借小说的形式,将女性描述得极为真实,赢得了读者喜爱。六、《游白鹿洞记》的艺术价值《游白鹿洞记》不仅是一部包罗万象的故事集,更是一部文化史和人类史的研究案例。无论从艺术、历史、文化等方面来看,这部作品都具有重大的价值,是中国古典小说的经典之一。总之,《游白鹿洞记》是中国古典小说的珍贵遗产,在历史、文化、艺术等多个领域都有着重要的地位。通过阅读这部作品,我们可以更好地了解唐代社会和历史,并从中汲取智慧和力量。
2023-07-18 15:10:341


旅行家 : Travelogue | Traveler | Nubira | Clyde
2023-07-18 15:11:034


2023-07-18 15:11:121

求翻译英文:1.驻华使节苍南行 2.驻华使节苍南行活动。不要百度翻译上找这个不准备的

1Diplomatic envoys in Cangnan. 2 Envoys in Cangnan activities
2023-07-18 15:11:312


2023-07-18 15:11:392


有一首歌词你是远方是什么歌 答 你是远方
2023-07-18 15:11:4710


2023-07-18 15:12:081


分类: 文化/艺术 >> 书画美术 解析: 艺术人生 Art life 中央台的节目大家注意一下 官方翻译是 1.实话实说 Tell it like it is 2.艺术人生 Art life 3.收视率 audience rating === (1)收视率(Audience Rating) 收视率是指在一定时间内,目标市场上收听(视)某一特定电视节目或广播节目的人数(或家庭数)占总人数的比例。信息收视率是广播电视媒体最重要的数量指标。广告主和广告公司根据该指标购买广播节目和电视节目,以判断他们的广告信息将有多少人收听(视)。通常,节目收听(视)率高则刊播广告的单位费用就高。 (2)开机率(Homes Using TV,简称HUT) 开机率是指在一天中的某一特定时间内,拥有电视机的家庭中收看节目的户数占总户数的比例。例如,某一目标市场上有1000户家庭拥有电视机,在2000年12月8日18—22时,有125户在看A节目,100户在收看B节目,50户在收看C节目,25户在收看D节目,此时的开机率为30%。 (3)节目视听众占有率 节目视听众占有率是指在一定时间内,收看某一特定节目的消费者家庭数目占总开机家庭数的百分比。依照上例,节目B的视听众 占有率为33.3%(总开机户为300,而收看B节目的户数为100)。节目视听众占有率并不表示拥有电视机的户数,而只是说在某一特定时间那些正在看电视的家庭数。 收视率、开机率与节目视听众占有率有密切的关系,它们相互的计算公式如下: 收视率=开机率*听众占有率 焦点访谈 Topics in Focus 新闻调查 News Probe 新闻30分 News in 30 Minutes 商业电视 Business TV 市场热线 Market Hotline 世界经济报道 World Economic Report 股市分析 Stock Market Analysis 足球之夜 Soccer Night 健康俱乐部 Health Club 春节联欢晚会 Spring Festival Gala Evening 半边天 Half the Sky 综艺大观 Super Variety Show 戏迷园地 Garden for Opera Fans 大风车 Big Pinwheel 七巧板 Tangram 12演播室 Twelve Studio 中华民族 Chinese Ethnic Peoples 科技博览 Science and Technology Review 人与自然 Man and Nature 正大综艺 Zhengda Variety Show 书坛画苑 Gallery of Calligraphy Painting 天涯共此时 Time Together across the Strait 华夏风情 China Kaleidoscope 中国新闻 China News 中国报道 China Report 旅行家 Travelogue 中国各地 Around China 今日中国 China Today 周日话题 Sunday Topics 英语新闻 English News 东方时尚 Oriental Fashion 厨艺 Chinese Cooking
2023-07-18 15:12:171


陈霁平生日 : 9月2日 血 型 : A+ 身高 : 5" 5" (165cm) 体重 :105lb 47kg 喜爱食物 : 叉烧饭 / 日式炸猪扒 喜爱饮品 : 西瓜汁喜爱人物 : 家人及所有朋友喜爱动物 : 家中小猫喜爱饰物 : 手表 / 高跟鞋喜爱艺人 : Nicole Kidman喜爱卡通人物: South Park最难忘的事 :在关岛玩降落伞最大心愿 : 进军荷里活 ^.^个人座佑铭 ﹕“Always go an extra inch” Education 教育程度 Master of Philosophy, Chinese University of Hong Kong Bachelor of Science, University of TorontoLanguage 语言能力Cantonese 广东话, English 英文, Mandarin 国语, French 法文, Japanese 日文 Talent 专长Yoga 瑜伽, Swimming 游泳, Singing 歌唱, Dancing 舞蹈, Piano 钢琴, Skiing 滑雪, Karate 空手道2005“天幕下的恋人” - Drama“亚旺新传” - Drama“奇幻潮” - Drama“缘来是你” - Drama“胭脂水粉” – Drama 2004“ Yummy Yummy ” - Drama “ 御用闲人 ” – Drama “ 妙手仁心 3 ” – Drama “ 金枝欲孽 ” – Drama 2003 “ 职业英语 ” – RTHK Productions “ 皆大欢喜 ” – Drama “ 医护群英响全城 ” – Variety Show (live) “ SMS 话点就点 ” – Music Program (live) “ 恋爱自由式 ” - Drama “ 东华爱心兢技同乐日 ” – Charity Show 2002 “ 星晨旅游桂林真情趣 ” – Travelogue “ 优质生活派 ” – Lifestyle Magazine Program “ 向左走,向右走 ” – 杨千嬅 MTV “ 妒火线 ” – TV Movie “ 翡翠音乐干线 ” – Music Program “ 星晨旅游台湾真情趣 ” – Travelogue “ 永安旅游特辑 ” – Travelogue “ 谈谈情,练练舞 ” – Drama “ 铁翼惊情 ” – TV Movie 2001 “ 异灵灵异 ” – Documentary on Supernatural Phenomenon “ 万千星煇贺台庆 ” – Variety Show (live) “ 香港艺术节特辑 ” – Variety Show “ 星晨旅游意大利真情趣 ” – Travelogue “ 康泰旅游特辑 ” – Travelogue “ 香港小姐 2001 ” – Guest Entertainer (live) 2000 “ 香港电影节特辑 ” – Variety Show “ 健康快车 ” – Documentary “ 娱乐串烧三姊妹 ” – Entertainment Magazine Program“ 光辉纪元 ” – Documentary 1997-1999 “ Citylife ” – Lifestyle Magazine Program on Pearl Movie - 电影演出 2003 夏之春 多重彩 魔宅 之 铁锤凶灵 2002 幽灵人间 之 鬼魅人间 嫁个有钱人 2001 绝世好 Bra
2023-07-18 15:12:251


1 F 2J 3 A 4 O 5 L 6 M 7I 8C 9 10 H 11 D 12 N 13 K 14B 15G
2023-07-18 15:12:343


中央电视台的栏目大大小小有200多个,其中不少栏目的名称大家都耳熟能详。如何把这些栏目名称准确简洁地译成英文成为不可回避的问题。 栏目名和书名、文章标题一样,是画龙点睛之笔,其翻译应遵循以下原则: 1.能够反映本栏目的中心内容,突出主题。 2.译名必须简洁,明白易懂,朗朗上口。 3.不用句子结构,即主谓宾或主系表结构。 4.不能望文生义。 如《东方时空》译为Oriental Horizon.horizon的意思是地平线,即"向水平方向望去,天与地相交接的线",以此作为栏目名意境深远,给人想象的空间。如果译为Eastern Time and Space,就失去其深邃的意义了。 又如社会经纬是中央电视台最早的一个法制节目,目的是向观众普及法律知识,增强观众的法律意识,弘扬司法公正。"社会经纬"字面上并没有法律,如直译成英文,会显得莫名其妙。但如果译成Net of Justice,就会使人由法律想到公正,由经纬想到天网恢恢。 再如《夕阳红》译为Sunset Glow,比较贴切,又富有诗意。因为glow的意思"throw out light and heat without flame"(The Concise Oxford Dictionary of Current English,p.502)。 下面,笔者把收集到的栏目名称英译与大家分享: 焦点访谈 Topics in Focus 新闻调查 News Probe 新闻30分 News in 30 Minutes 商业电视 Business TV 市场热线 Market Hotline 世界经济报道 World Economic Report 股市分析 Stock Market Analysis 足球之夜 Soccer Night 健康俱乐部 Health Club 春节联欢晚会 Spring Festival Gala Evening 半边天 Half the Sky 综艺大观 Super Variety Show 戏迷园地 Garden for Opera Fans 大风车 Big Pinwheel 七巧板 Tangram 12演播室 Twelve Studio 中华民族 Chinese Ethnic Peoples 科技博览 Science and Technology Review 人与自然 Man and Nature 正大综艺 Zhengda Variety Show 书坛画苑 Gallery of Calligraphy Painting 天涯共此时 Time Together across the Strait 华夏风情 China Kaleidoscope 中国新闻 China News 中国报道 China Report 旅行家 Travelogue 中国各地 Around China 今日中国 China Today 周日话题 Sunday Topics 英语新闻 English News 东方时尚 Oriental Fashion 厨艺 Chinese Cooking 中华医药 Traditional Chinese Medicine
2023-07-18 15:12:411


Scene 场,场景   由单一镜头或数个镜头组成的戏剧单位。   Science-Fiction Film 科幻片   电影类型的一种,其特色的情节包含了科学奇想。乔治里叶的《月球之旅》是电影最早的一部科幻片。   Screwball Comedy 神经喜剧   始于1930年代的一种美国剧情片,特点是嘲讽、性坦白、罗曼史、滑稽突梯之情境,以来自不同社会阶层可爱的人物为号召,并涉及动作激烈的事件。   Screwball Comedy 脱线喜剧   在1930年中期出现的一处美国喜剧电影,描述的往往是荒唐绝伦、体编统尽失的家庭冲突或爱情冲突。   Script 电影剧本   泛指以文字描述整部影片的人物和动作内容,所采取的各种写作形式。   Setting 场景   整部或部分电影的拍摄场地。   Shadow Play 皮影戏   在一张半透明的布幕或纸幕背后,操作平面的皮革道具,利用灯光在幕上形成的剪影进行表演的一种艺术表演。最早起源于中国,是电影发明前的活动光影响到影像。   Shooting Script 分镜剧本   亦称为"导演剧本",包含动作、对白,以及导演和摄影师的重要工作资料之剧本。   Shot 镜头 摄影机单一一次的开机,也指开机所拍摄下来的那段影片。   Slate 场记板   上面以粉笔写着场次、镜次、导演、片名、影片公司等资料的小木板,上缘还附有一段拍扳,上涂黑白相间条纹,一端可以开合,可以拍出清楚响声,以便剪接时声画同步作业的进行。   Soap Opera 肥皂剧   滥情的广播连续剧或电视连续剧。   Sound Boom 麦克风杆   一支供悬挂麦克风用的杆子,可延伸至场景上空随人或物之移动而移动。   Sound Effects 音效   为增进一场面之真实感、气氛或戏剧讯息,而加于声带上的杂音或声音。   Sound Track 声带   位于有声影片边缘的光学声轨或磁性声轨,可承载对白、旁白、音乐和音效。   Special Effects 特殊效果   不是以直接的电影拍摄技巧获取的镜头。包括需要使用轮廓遮幕、多重影像蒙太奇、分割银幕、画面渐量、模型等技巧的镜头。也应用于爆破、弹道效果和机械效果。   Spectacle 大场面电影   具备华丽之美术而设计、史诗主题和雄伟场面等特色之电影。如:《宾汉》(1962)、《星际大战》(1977)、《窈窕淑女》(1964)、《大地震》(1975)。 Splice 接合   接合两段影片的动作——使用的方法包括:粘合、接合、贴胶带,或以钉子或扣眼处理,亦指影片交叠或接合的部分。   Squib 枪击效果   电影制作中的一种引爆装置,用来模拟中弹的状况。   Stand In 定位替身在安排布景、设定摄影机位置、测光、调整灯光等繁琐过程中,暂时代替明星站在表演位置上的人。   Star System 明星制度   透过强调领衔主演的演员而非影片的其他成分的宣传,来吸引观众的制度。   Still 定格   电影镜头运用的技巧手法之一。其表为银幕上映出的活动影像骤然停止成为静止画面(呆照)。   Stills 剧照   为了促销而自一电影场面中拍下来的,或从影片画面上取下的照片。   Straight Man 搭档谐星   在银幕上,以搭档方式演喜剧的谐星。   Structural Film,Perceptual Film 结构电影,知觉电影   使用或慢或快的摄影机运动、重复配音、极长的伸缩镜头、闪烁的影像或拍摄银幕上放映的影像的电影,目的在探讨电影媒体的结构。   Studio Film 片厂电影   在摄影棚内搭景拍摄而非实景拍摄的影片。   Stuntman 特技演员   被雇用来替代电影演员表演需要特别体能、体力的技术动作或危险动作的人。   Subjective Time 主观时间   影片角色所经验或感觉的时间,经由摄影机运动和剪接来表现。   Subtitles 翻译字幕   即印于影片下沿的对白翻译。   Sun Gun 太阳灯   一种可携带的手持轻电池灯具。   Surrealist Film 超现实主义电影   现代电影的一种运动,1920年兴起法国,主要是将意象做特异、不合逻辑的安排,以表现潜意识的种种状态。   Suspense Film 悬疑片   情节使人对主要人物的命运引起关切,而造成高度焦虑和紧张感的一种电影类型。   Tail 尾片白片   一卷影片末端所接的一段不透明胶片,以确保影片完整的放映到最后一格,也对影片有保护作用。   Talent Scout 星探   指专事发掘那些具电影表演才能,而且有可能成为明星的伯乐。   Teaser 片头,   开场戏指放在电影片头字幕前的一场戏,旨在引导观众对以后故事的兴趣。   Thriller 惊悚片   以侦探、神秘事件、罪行、错综复杂的心理变态、或精神分裂状态为题材的一种电影类型。   Timing 动作时机   在一场戏里头,导演或演员为达成某种节奏或其它效果,而对戏剧动作的表演时机特意去加以掌控之意。   Titles 字幕   附加在影片上的种种文字,如影片的片名、演职员表、唱词、译文、对白、说明词以有人物介绍、地名和年代等。   Trailer 预告片   将精华片段,经过刻意安排剪辑,以便制造出令人难忘的印象,而达到吸引人的效果的电影短片。   Travelogue 观光影片   以各种有趣的风土民情为题材的一种纪录片。   Treatment 故事剧本   电影剧本的一种摘要,在内容上包括了完整的故事情节发展,全部的主要场景,以有一些具有关键性的对白。   Underground Cinema 地下电影   做为独立制片影片、前卫电影和实验电影的同义词。也指处理尖锐题材,或故意反传统的电影。   Universal 环球电影公司   由卡尔蓝默尔于1912年成立的一家美国电影公司。   Upstage 后表演区   剧场用语,指一个场景的后边地带,即距离摄影机较远的地带。   Venice Film Festival 威尼斯影展   世界上的第一个国际影展,开始于1932年,所设奖项为 金狮奖。   Voice Over 旁白   说话者不出现在画面上,但直接以语言来介绍影片内容、交待剧情或发表议论,包括对白的使用。   Walk On 龙套演员   电影中的小角色,作用是如背景般陪衬主角,而且多半没有对白,在演职员字幕中也不一定能够列名。   Walk-Through 试戏   即排演,进行时不按摄影机快门。   War Film 战争片   以描写战争或以战争为主要故事背景的电影类型。   Warner Brothers 华纳电影公司   于1919年,由华纳四兄弟成立的一家美国电影制作公   司。拍摄了美国影第一部有声剧情片《爵士歌手》(1927)   Weepie 感伤剧   美式俚语,原意为"掉眼泪",后来转借来指那种专门制造感伤情节的爱情文艺片。   Western 西部片   美国特有的一种电影类型,大多以十九世纪后半斯的美国为背景。第一部西部片是1903年爱德温波特根据1900年匪徒打动火车事件而拍摄的《火车大劫案》。   Whodunit 擒凶片   神秘恐怖片或侦探片的俗称。   Archetype 原型   源自心理学学卡尔容格的名词,指神话、宗教、梦境、幻想、文学中不断重复出现的意象,它源自民族记忆和原始经验的集体潜意识。这种意象可以是描述性的细节、剧情模式,或角色典型,它能唤起观众或读者潜意识中的原始经验,使其产生深刻、强烈、非理性的情绪反应。   Archive 电影资料馆   电影资料馆是基于学术研究、历史研究或社会教育的目的,而收集各种影片、书籍等相关资料,加以归档保存的一种机构。电影资料馆还有一个国际性组织,"国际电影资料馆联盟"(Fiaf)   Atmosphere 气氛   一部电影的主导气氛或情调,能使观众透过电影的动作或背景产生联想,引起心理反应。造成气氛的要素有很多,包括场地、布景、灯光、节奏、摄影机运动和背景音乐等。   Audio 声音   原为拉丁文"听"的意思,电影的构成因素之一。电影的声音在体分为对白、音乐和音效三个部分。   Auteur Theory 作者论   西文从文艺评论移植过来的一种电影批评理论。根据这一理论,一个导演如果说在其一系列作品中表现出题材和风格上的某种一贯的特征,就可算其为自己作品的作者。   Block-Booking 卖片花   指好莱坞制片公司在开始投资和发展自己院线时,所采用的一种影片发行和租映的方式。放映商为了要购买某家制片公司的影片,就必须连带买下这家公司该年计划完成的其它影片,即使许多影片都未试映过。   B/W,Black-And-White Film 黑白片   指在药膜上呈现不同层次的灰色影像的底片所制作的影片。黑白片为表现主义式的光影运用提供了很大的发挥空间,心理意涵往往也可以透过灰色层次的巧妙变化来传达,场面的气氛也可以经由影调的处理来加以创造。   Censorship 电检制度   各国政府对电影检查采取的制度一般包含三个层次:(1)指拍摄前对电影题材之压制;(2)指对完成影片之检查,使其传播管道貌岸然受到阻绝;(3)指由检查人员删剪影片,或鉴于争议性的内容,禁止整部影片。   "美国电影协会"   在1968年设立分级制度,取代好莱坞的自律守则。分级制度依据影片对不同年龄阶层的适宜性,将电影区分四类:G级(普通级,年龄不限)、Pg级(辅导级,年龄不限,但需有家长陪同)、R级(限制级,17岁以下观众需有家长或监护人陪同)、X级(成人电影,17岁以下观众禁止入场)。   Chambara Film 武士片   描述日本武士的古装电影,斗剑是此类电影历久不衰的特色,如《宫本武藏》(1940-41)与《忠臣藏》(1932),这种电影很象我国的武侠片。   Cinecitta 电影城   欧洲的复合式电影片厂,距离罗马市中心约6哩处,建于1937年,形态似好莱坞,所以被称为"泰伯河上的好莱坞"。第二次世界大战后,为了节省制作费和税金的支出,美国电影公司曾在这里大量制作影片。   Cinemascope 新艺综合体   1928年法国人亨利克瑞雄发明,是一种使用变形镜头的宽银幕系统,1952年由二十世纪福斯公司买下专利权。1953年首部新艺综合体的商业电影《圣袍千秋》在纽约首映大受欢迎,使其它大电影公司也相继采用。新艺综合体的35毫米电影画面比例为2。55:1。   Cineorama 圆景电影   最早的多银幕放映系统,是用100公尺长的白色帏幕作成圆形银幕。曾在1900年的巴黎世界博览会上展示,但警方认为这种放映系统易引起火灾,因此,圆景电影展览馆只放映了三次电影,就被警方关闭。   Cahiers Du Cinema 电影笔记   法国的电影杂志。创刊于1951年,奠定电影批语的美学观,与当时批评界的矫饰风气相抗衡,使人重新评估商业电影对电影艺术的贡献。   Camera-Stylo 摄影机钢笔论   该词由法国导演亚历山大阿斯楚克于1948年所创,字面上的意思是"摄影机笔"。它认为电影已成为一项具特定语言的自主艺术,并倡导依此观念而来的电影艺术艺术创作、电影艺术家,不仅是导演,也需自撰剧本,从而能主动的控制整个创作的过程。   Cinerama 新艺拉玛体   一种多银幕放映系统,首度在商业上使用是在1952年。新艺拉玛体使用三架摄影机,三架放映机,一个弧形宽银幕,以及一个复杂的立体声音系统。三个分离的影像同时被投射到弧形银幕上,提供观众165度的开阔视野。第一部以新艺拉玛体拍摄及放映的影片《这就是新艺拉玛体》(1952)基本上只在展示这种系统的特色,但由于引起观众好奇,而在商业上成为一次成功的冒险。   Continuity Sheet   1。场记表由场记记载及保管的记录,注明场景和每一个镜头在场记板上的号码,镜次的号码与其好坏,使用镜头与光圈的种类,拍摄时演员说出的台词、动作、道具、服装的细节等等。   2。套片顺序表   指剪接师在剪接负片拷贝时,将每一个场景的主要号码排列出的顺序表。
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问题一:新闻联播用英语怎么说的音标怎么说 新闻联播 [名] CCTV News; [网络] newscast; news network; tv; [例句]虽然央视方面否认《新闻联播》正式改版,但承认节目做出了一些调整尝试。 Although CCTV News denies radical changes, officials admit that adjustments have been made. 问题二:新闻联播用英文怎么说 CCTV news 或者 News hookup 问题三:新闻联播开头的英文怎么翻译啊? Good evening. You are watc工ing XX TV XX news programs. Here are the reports (stories) in details. 问题四:求英语大神翻译下面的话!! 《新闻联播》是中国中央电视台(CCTV)每 30分 News broadcast is the China central television (CCTV) a news program broadcast daily. Program broadcast time general for 30 minutes at a time. In most places it is mainland China channel broadcast at the same time, this makes it bee one of the most watched show in the world. Since the first broadcast on January 1, 1978, it is in an objective, vivid, rich means of documentary records the changes of Chinese the earth every day. As China"s official news and information programs, news broadcast is famous for its posed, grave style. 问题五:新闻联播 的英语怎么说? News Broadcast和New Express都可以的. 问题六:各个中央电视台的节目用英语怎么说? 新闻联播 CCTV News 东方时空 Oriental Horizon 实话实说 Straight Talking 焦点访谈 Topics in Focus 新闻调查 News Probe 经济30分 Economic 30 Minutes 社会经纬 Net of Justice 第二起跑线 Second Start 夕阳红 Sunset Glow 春节联欢晚会 Spring Festival Gala Evening 综艺大观 Super Variety Show 戏迷园地 Garden for Opera Fans 大风车 Big Pinwheel 万家灯火 Twinkling Lights 天涯共此时 Time Together Across the Strait 中华艺苑 Centre Stage 中国文艺 China Showbiz 旅行家 Travelogue 华夏风情 China Kaleidoscope 中华医药 Traditional Chinese Medicine 东方家园 Oriental Homeland 东方时尚 Oriental Fashion 焦点访谈 Topics in Focus 新闻调查 News Probe 新闻30分 News in 30 Minutes 商业电视 Business TV 市场热线 Market Hotline 世界经济报道 World Economic Report 股市分析 Stock Market Analysis 足球之夜 Soccer Night 健康俱乐部 Health Club 春节联欢晚会 Spring Festival Gala Evening 半边天 Half the Sky 综艺大观 Super Variety Show 戏迷园地 Garden for Opera Fans 大风车 Big Pinwheel 七巧板 Tangram 12演播室 Twelve Studio 中华民族 Chinese Ethnic Peoples 科技博览 Science and Technology Review 人与自然 Man and Nature 正大综艺 Zhengda Variety Show 书坛画苑 Gallery of Calligraphy Painting 天涯共此时 Time Together across the Strait 华夏风情 China Kaleidoscope 中国新闻 China News 中国报道 China Report 旅行家 Travelogue 中国各地 Around China 今日中国 China Today 周日话题 Sunday Topics 英语新闻 English News 东方时尚 Oriental Fashion 厨艺 Chinese Cooking 中华医药 Traditional Chinese Medicine...>> 问题七:"新闻联播播报完了“用英语怎么说!英语高手们帮帮忙蛤~~ So much for today"s broadcast.
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小石潭记Travels of little stone pond朝代:唐代The Tang Dynasty:作者:柳宗元Author: Liu Zongyuan原文:The original:从小丘西行百二十步,隔篁竹,闻水声,如鸣佩环,心乐之。伐竹取道,下见小潭,水尤清冽。全石以为底,近岸,卷石底以出,为坻,为屿,为嵁,为岩。青树翠蔓,蒙络摇缀,参差披拂。(佩环 一作:佩)One hundred and twenty steps across the hill west, bamboo groves, smell underwater,such as Ming Peihuan, heart music. Bamboo cutting through, see Xiao Tan, especiallycool water. All stone that bottom, nearshore, roll stone to a bottom, as Di, as theisland, as Kan, for rock. Sinense Chui vine covered network, shake up, stagger phi. (aPeihuan: PEI)潭中鱼可百许头,皆若空游无所依。日光下澈,影布石上,佁然不动;俶尔远逝,往来翕忽。似与游者相乐。About a hundred fish in the pond, were nothing if travel by air. The sun CHOL, shadecloth on the stone, Yi still; suddenly gone, exchanges Xi suddenly. The similar music and travel.潭西南而望,斗折蛇行,明灭可见。其岸势犬牙差互,不可知其源。Tan southwest and look, winding and zigzagging, flash visible. The bank potentialcanine mutual difference, do not see its source.坐潭上,四面竹树环合,寂寥无人,凄神寒骨,悄怆幽邃。以其境过清,不可久居,乃记之而去。Sit Tan, four bamboos, lonely, chilly magical cold bone, sad and gloomy. The environment being too clear, can not be lived, but remember to.同游者:吴武陵,龚古,余弟宗玄。隶而从者,崔氏二小生:曰恕己,曰奉壹。Tour: Wu Wuling, Gonggu, Yu Dizong xuan. Li from the smallest, Cui said to students:himself, said in a.译文 从小丘向西走一百二十多步,隔着竹林,可以听到水声,就像人身上佩带的佩环相碰击发出的声音,(我)心里感到高兴。砍倒竹子,开辟出一条道路(走过去),沿路走下去看见一个小潭,潭水格外清凉。小潭以整块石头为底,靠近岸边,石底有些部分翻卷过来露出水面。成为了水中高地、小岛、不平的岩...The translation from the foothills west go more than 120 step, across a bamboo forest, you can hear the sound of the water, like the human body wearing Peihuanphase impact sound, (I) feel happy. Chopped bamboo, open up a road (went), down the road and saw a small pool, pool water is very cool and refreshing. Small tan toblock of stone for the bottom, near the shore, rock bottom some part rolled over the exposed surface of the water. As water heights, island, rugged rocks...文言现象Classical phenomena相似词句《记承天寺夜游》庭下如积水空明,水中藻荇交横,盖竹柏影也。—— 日光下澈,影布石上。佁然不动,俶尔远逝,往来翕忽。似与游者相乐。《与朱元思书》游鱼细石,直视无碍。——潭中鱼可百许头,皆若空游无所依。古今异义1.小生:古义:年轻人。(崔氏二小生)今义:戏曲艺术中的一种角色。...Similar words "remember" Chengtian Si night court as empty ponding Ming, wateralgae weed cross, cover Podocarpus Nagi shadow. -- the sun CHOL, shade cloth on the stone. Yi still, suddenly gone, exchanges Xi suddenly. The similar music andtravel. The book of Zhu Yuansi "and" small stone fish, directly affect. -- about a hundred fish in the pond, were nothing if travel by air. Different meanings in ancient and modern times 1 niche: ancient meaning: young people. (Choi Er Xiaosheng) this meaning: a role in traditional opera. ...赏析Appreciation作者在写景中传达出他贬居生活中孤凄悲凉的心境,是一篇情景交融的佳作。全文寂寞清幽,郁郁落落,形似写景,实则写心。文章对潭中游鱼的刻画虽只寥寥几句,却极其准确地写出潭水的空明澄澈和游鱼的形神姿态。此外,文中写潭中游鱼的笔法极妙,无一笔涉及水,只说鱼则“空游无所依”,则水的澄澈透明,...Author in the scenery to convey his exile in life in solitary and desolate desolate mood,is a masterpiece of scenes. The full text lonely quiet, melancholy and set, the shape ofthe scenery, it writes the heart. The characterization of the fish in the lake is only a few, but very accurately write the clean water and fish spirit attitude. In addition, the article written in calligraphy wonderful lake fish, no pen relates to water, saying only that fish is "empty swim no", then the water transparent,...写作背景The writing background柳宗元于唐顺宗永贞元年(805年)因拥护王叔文的改革,被贬为永州司马,王叔文被害。政治上的失意,使他寄情于山水,柳宗元贬官之后,为排解内心的愤懑之情,常常不避幽远,伐竹取道,探山访水,并通过对景物的具体描写,抒发自己的不幸遭遇,此间共写了八篇山水游记,后称《永州八记》。在第一篇《...Liu Zongyuan to Tang Shunzong Nagasada first year (805 years) for reform advocateWang Shuwen, was demoted to Yongzhou Sima, Wang Shuwen killed. Frustratedpolitical, so he always focussed on landscapes, Liu Zongyuan demoted after, toresolve the inner feeling of anger, often do not avoid the remoteness, bamboo cuttingthrough mountains to visit the water, exploration, and through a specific description of the scene, express their misfortunes, the co wrote eight travelogue, later known as"Yongzhou Ba Ji". In the first "...鉴赏Appreciation《小石潭记》是一篇语言精美,含义丰富,形象逼真的优秀山水游记。作者借写小石潭的幽深寂静和清丽之景色,借被遗弃于荒远地区的美好景物,寄寓自己不幸遭遇,倾注怨愤抑郁心情。文章中所使用的那些描绘景物细致入微的手法和巧妙、形象的比喻,都值得我们很好地借鉴。《小石潭记》鉴赏(范培松)《至小..."Travels of little stone pond" is a fine language, rich connotation, realistic image of theoutstanding landscape travel notes. The authors borrow write a little stone pond deepsilence and elegant scenery, beautiful scenery has also been abandoned inHuangyuan area, his own misfortune, pour into resentment depressed mood. Thedescription scenery nuanced methods used in the article and ingenious, vivid metaphor, is worth us a good reference. "Small sokdam Ji" (Fan Peisong) "to the smallappreciation...写作特色Writing characteristics特色 1.移步换景作者在移动变换中带领我们领略各种不同的景致,具有极强的动态的画面感。由小丘到篁竹,由篁竹到闻水声,再由水声寻到小潭,讲述了发现小潭的经过,充满了悬念和探奇的情趣,逐渐在人们面前展开一幅美妙的图画。2.寓情于景情景交融作者在描写景物时,无不渗透着自己的感受和情怀...Characteristics of the 1 King author in mobile transform lead us to enjoy the differentscenery, with dynamic strong sense of pictures. By hillock to bamboo groves, bybamboo groves to sound heard, again by the underwater to find small tan, tan afterher discovery of small, full of suspense and adventure appeal, gradually in front of people started a beautiful picture. 2 the author combining emotion with sceneryscenes in describing the scenery, are all permeated with their feelings and emotions...艺术手法Art technique构思新巧,结构严谨。作者以游踪为序,采用移步换形、依序写景的手法组织材料。写小石潭,先写“声”(水声),后写“形”(潭中景物),写潭中景物又先写“近观”(水、石、树、鱼),后写“远望”(水源),最后概写环境,引发感触。这种构思既新颖,又自然,真是匠心独具。文章按游览顺序,先写发现...Has the advantages of novel design, precise structure. Author to adventures by order,change both shape and essence, sequentially scenery gimmick tissue material. Write a little stone pond, the first to write "sound" (Shui Sheng), written after the "shape"(Lake scenery), lake scenery and write write "close-up" (water, trees, stone, fish),written after the "Yuanwang" (Shui Yuan), the last almost write environment, causefeelings. The idea is novel, and naturally, it is have great originality. According to visitorder, first write found...写作手法The writing technique全文不足二百字,却清晰的记述了作者出游、游览、返回的全过程。寓情于景,情景交融是本文的一大特点。全文寂寥清幽,形似写景,实则写心。文中还运用了移步换景,正侧面描写相结合,动静结合的手法,生动传神,穷为尽妙,意境幽深。...The full text of less than two hundred words, but clear description of the whole process, the author travel tour, return. Combining emotion with scenery, scenery is a major characteristic of this paper. The full text lonely quiet,. The full text lonely quiet,like the scenery, but write heart. The paper also uses king, is the side of the combination of description, dynamic and static combination technique, vivid, poor aswonderful, deep artistic conception. ...文章思路The article thought柳宗元的山水游记在中国文学史上具有独特的地位。其中最著名的,是他被贬谪到永州以后写的《始得西山宴游记》 《钴鉧潭记》 《钴鉧潭西小丘记》《至小丘西小石潭记》《袁家渴记》《石渠记》《石涧记》《小石城山记》,这些作品并称为《永州八记》。这些作品,画廊式地展现了湘桂之交一幅幅山水胜景,...Liu Zongyuan"s landscape travel notes has a unique position in the history of literature Chinese. One of the most famous, he was banished to Yongzhou later wrote"before the Xishan feast travels" "Gumu Tan Ji" "Gumu Tan Xi hillock" remember "tothe foothills west travels of little stone pond" "Yuan Jia thirst remember" "Shiqu remember" "Shi Jian Ji" "Little Rock Mountain", the works and known as the "Yongzhou eight essays". These works, gallery show at the turn of the Hunan Guangxi landscape painting scenery,...写作目的The purpose of writing作者按游览顺序组织材料,抓住景物特征,用生动的语言借景抒发了作者谪居荒原之地的孤寂、凄苦忧伤的感情。作者抓住溪身的曲折、蜿蜒、岸势的参差不齐的的特点,运用了比喻的修辞手法。从“斗折蛇行”看出用了两个比喻,一静一动来描写小溪,准确地抓住According to visit order organizing material, seize the landscape features, with vivid language by King expresses the author demoting the wilderness of the lonely, sad sadfeelings. The authors hold Xi body twists, winding shore, the potential unevencharacteristics, the use of metaphor. From the "winding and zigzagging" that used two metaphors to describe the stream, a static and a dynamic, accurate grasp
2023-07-18 15:13:311


Richy Steve 游欧洲.
2023-07-18 15:13:382


综艺节目的英文怎么说 entertainment show 或者variety show “综艺节目”用英文如何翻译? entertainment show 或者variety show英语综艺节目 是要推荐吗?Talk show 我推荐 The Ellen Show,她是非常著名的主持人,上一届奥斯卡好像就是她主持的。她很有善心,经常通过节目来帮助有需要的人,还会报道很多趣事,如果是练习英文的话看这个不错。 其他的: The John Oliver Show, Late Night with Jimmy Fallon etc. 综艺节目,英语怎么说? variety show 节目用英语怎么说 pro揣ram 1.节目单;程序表 The last item on the program was a grand display of fireworks. 最后一项节目是大型烟火表演。 2.节目,表演,演出 What is your favorite television program? 你最喜爱的电视节目是什么? 3.计划;方案;程序 What is the program for tomorrow? 明天计划做什么? 4.(政党的)纲领 5.(教学)大纲;课程 This college offers an excellent art program. 这所大学艺术课程极佳。 6.【电脑】程序;程序设计 及物动词 vt. 1.为...安排节目 2.为...制订计划 3.为(电脑)设计程序 Do you know how to program a puter? 你知道怎样为电脑设计程序吗? 4.使(人)按照预定步骤表现、工作 The children were programmed to make the right responses. 孩子们被弄得反应像机器一样 综艺节目用英语怎么说来着?~ entertainment show 节目形式 用英文怎么说 The style of programmes 或者programming forms,不知道你是什么节目 genre也可以,指(文学、绘画、音乐、电影等艺术作品的) 体裁。 我是英语专业毕业的,老师讲过genre 综艺节目用英语怎么说 十万火急用英语怎么说 variety shows 我喜欢综艺节目。 :I like variety shows 新年联欢晚会是自1983年以来中央电视台举办的综艺节目。 The New Year"s Gala is a variety show held by China Central Television (CCTV) since 1983 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~祝你进步,如对你有帮助,请及时采纳~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~.txt 电视节目用英语怎么说? 新闻联播 CCTV News 东方时空 Oriental Horizon 实话实说 Straight Talking 焦点访谈 Topics in Focus 新闻调查 News Probe 经济30分 Economic 30 Minutes 社会经纬 Net of Justice 第二起跑线 Second Start 夕阳红 Sunset Glow 春节联欢晚会 Spring Festival Gala Evening 综艺大观 Super Variety Show 戏迷园地 Garden for Opera Fans 大风车 Big Pinwheel 万家灯火 Twinkling Lights 天涯共此时 Time Together Across the Strait 中华艺苑 Centre Stage 中国文艺 China Showbiz 旅行家 Travelogue 华夏风情 China Kaleidoscope 中华医药 Traditional Chinese Medicine 东方家园 Oriental Homeland 东方时尚 Oriental Fashion 焦点访谈 Topics in Focus 新闻调查 News Probe 新闻30分 News in 30 Minutes 商业电视 Business TV 市场热线 Market Hotline 世界经济报道 World Economic Report 股市分析 Stock Market Analysis 足球之夜 Soccer Night 健康俱乐部 Health Club 春节联欢晚会 Spring Festival Gala Evening 半边天 Half the Sky 综艺大观 Super Variety Show 戏迷园地 Garden for Opera Fans 大风车 Big Pinwheel 七巧板 Tangram 12演播室 Twelve Studio 中华民族 Chinese Ethnic Peoples 科技博览 Science and Technology Review 人与自然 Man and Nature 正大综艺 Zhengda Variety Show 书坛画苑 Gallery of Calligraphy Painting 天涯共此时 Time Together across the Strait 华夏风情 China Kaleidoscope 中国新闻 China News 中国报道 China Report 旅行家 Travelogue 中国各地 Around China 今日中国 China Today 周日话题 Sunday Topics 英语新闻 English News 东方时尚 Oriental Fashion 厨艺 Chinese Cooking 中华医药 Traditional Chinese Medicine... 综艺节目在英文里面叫什么? 想知道个专业点的答案! 综艺节目:V伐riety show 综艺:Variety 节目:.a program; a show; an item in a program
2023-07-18 15:13:561

……we are beautiful, 歌词 欧美英语歌 歌调比较特别,前面是几个词几个词的

这个we are beautiful 是歌词吗
2023-07-18 15:14:043

金银岛英文读后感 100来字就行。不要太多。。。。。急急急急急!!!!!

2023-07-18 15:14:132

中国电视节目的英文名称 10个

今日关注:focus of today新闻联播 CCTV News 东方时空 Oriental Horizon 实话实说 Straight Talking 焦点访谈 Topics in Focus 新闻调查 News Probe 经济30分 Economic 30 Minutes 社会经纬 Net of Justice 第二起跑线 Second Start 夕阳红 Sunset Glow 春节联欢晚会 Spring Festival Gala Evening 综艺大观 Super Variety Show 戏迷园地 Garden for Opera Fans 大风车 Big Pinwheel 万家灯火 Twinkling Lights 天涯共此时 Time Together Across the Strait 中华艺苑 Centre Stage 中国文艺 China Showbiz 旅行家 Travelogue 华夏风情 China Kaleidoscope 中华医药 Traditional Chinese Medicine 东方家园 Oriental Homeland 东方时尚 Oriental Fashion
2023-07-18 15:14:351


Focus Interview
2023-07-18 15:14:513


TREASURE ISLAND《金银岛》英文读后感(book report)IntroductionThe writor"s name is Robert Louis Stevenson. He was born in Edinburgh on November 13th 1850.His grandfather and father were civil engineering,made great achievements in the lighthouse construction. And they wished that Stevenson would take over their own enterprise. In 1867, Stevenson received his father"s decree to enter the Edinburgh University to study civil engineering. In fact, he loved literature when he was a child. So he asked his father to study literature, and was refused. But his father let him study law.In 1878, Stevenson published his first travel notes "Inland river Range". A year later, he published "Jilv roaming in mind" and "Man and the casual theory". Since then, he gave up his business lawyer, writing with great concentration. In a short period of his life, he wrote a large number of essays, travelogues, essays, novels and poems.1894, only 44-year-old Stevenson suddenly suffered from stroke,and died of illness in the Pacific south of the capital, Apia, Western Samoa and was buried in the local mountains overlooking the Pacific.summaryMy name was Jim Hawkins. An old seaman called Bill came to my father"s inn. He asked me to keep my eyes open for a seaman with one leg. But one day, a man named Black Dog came to the inn suddenly. And he fighted with Bill for something. Black Dog ran away with his blood running down. And Bill lay on the floor when he was going to leave.Then the Blind Man came and gave Bill a Black Spot. But Bill died just then. I told mother that I knew. And then my mother and I decided to ask for help in the neighboring village, but failed. Fortunately, several men were willing to ride to Dr Liversery. And my mother and I went back to the inn to get our lawful money, and I took the oil cloth packet of papers. Then we ran away and hid under the bridge. The Blind Man brought some other pirates in the inn for the oil cloth packet of papers, and failed, of course. But the Blind Man didn"t believe. So they quarreled when Dirk sent signals to let them run away. And the Blind Man was left along and killed by the running houses.We rode to Dr Liversery"s house. I gave the oil cloth packet of papers to him. And we decided to ready to find that money. Several days later, a letter came and asked Red Ruth and I to go to Bristol. The squire gave me a note to take to John Silver when I arrived here. And I found the Black Dog was also here and ran away. John deceived me into believing his innocence.The captain was a sharp man and he was afraid of a mutiny. So we moved the powder and arms to the room near by ours. Then we started the voyage. The voyage was very good, except Mr. Arrow. He drank too much after a day or two at sea. At last, he disappeared entirely with no reason. Before arrived the island, I want a apple. But the apple barrel was nearly empty, so I had to climb into it, and had a sleep there. When I was awake, I heard that Silver asked Dick to join him to create a mutiny. And so did Dick. They wanted to kill us on the island. I told all I had known to my friend.When we arrived in the island, some of them carelessly obey orders. The captain decided to make some of them go to the island for keeping them calm and let the mutiny came late. I quickly went over the ship"s side and into the nearest boat. I arrived first and ran towards the trees. And then I witnessed that Silver killed Tom and admitted having killed Alan. Because they didn"t join Silver. I was scared. I left there as silent as I could, and met Ben Gunn who had lived on the island for 3 years. My friends" boat was turned over by wind. All of our stores sank to the bottom, and only two guns of five could be used. They found the stockade and stayed here after they landed. Ben Gunn killed one of pirate at night. So Silver came to talk about peace, but failed. After an hour, fighting began. Our defence was very good, and we had a good place -----in the house. So we wan first. Then Dr Liversery was going to see Ben. And I went away secretly with filling both pockets of my coat with food. I took the boat which made by Ben Gunn to cut the “Hispania” loose. After that, I climbed onto the ship, and striked the pirate"s flag , and killed Israel Hands before he killed me.I climbed down the rope and left the “Hispania” on the bay. I found that my friends were not in the stockade when I walked in. I was survived by Silver. Because other pirates all wanted to kill me. But Silver persuaded them to not do it. I also knew that Dr Liversery gave the map to Silver. So they decided to search the money. They difficultly found the place where the treasure was. But the money was missing. Because GUNN had moved it to a hole. The other pirates were very angry, and ready to kill Silver and me. But Dr Liversery ,Gunn and Gray saved us. One of them was shotted to die, and others ran away.The end of the adventure was that we removed the treasure to the ship, and left the tree pirates on the island. Silver went back with us because Dr Liversery had promised to him.CommentAfter reading this book, I admire the little dramatis personae very much. And it make me feeling more. Jim Hawkins was a timid and shy boy at first. At the beginning of the voyage, Jim was only a waiter in the cabin. But he was able to fight with enemys, and recapture the ship from the enemys at last. Although he was always prone to became actuation. His courage and insight that had been represented make me admirable. I have learned many things from him, like brave, resource, accommodating and so on. If we also have the spirit that Jim has, many difficult questions must be readily solved.参考资料:此答案来至百度知道赛团《东南大学》避免恶意举报,如果采纳,希望加为好友,以后有问题尽可能为您解答.
2023-07-18 15:14:591

cctv9旅游指南的主持人叫什么名字 貌似是个混血儿

陈音 出生于北京,五岁移民美国,毕业于美国Cornell大学,主修Economics and International Relations专业。21岁任教于外交学院,后凭借实力成为cctv9 Travelogue和Culture Express节目的主持人。 刘长颖 cctv9 Travelogue主持人。97年毕业于北京大学英语语言文学系,随后在CCTV海外中心从事英语新闻工作,以国际新闻时事评论、综述为主,cctv9主打新闻《环球了望》最早制作人之一。2001年初转向国内新闻报道。 段妍玲 曾经是cctv9 Travelogue节目主持人。毕业于斯德哥尔摩大学广告与传媒大学,纽约pace university研究生院进修后加入纽约kapel集团,在纽约佩斯大学攻读国际广告和媒体研究生课程,oxfordmuse基金会北京代表 致力于奥林匹克前北京人一书英汉双语创作 看看是哪个。
2023-07-18 15:15:381

谁知道上面写的什么 是歌词 什么歌啊???急

手上写的是“All romantics meet the same fate somehow.”引用的是下面这首歌的歌词~歌曲名:The Last Time I Saw Richard歌手:Joni Mitchell专辑:TravelogueJoni Mitchell - The Last Time I Saw RichardThe last time i saw richard was detroit in "68,And he told me all romantics meet the same fate somedayCynical and drunk and boring someone in some dark cafeYou laugh, he said you think you"re immune, go look at your eyesThey"re full of moonYou like roses and kisses and pretty men to tell youAll those pretty lies, pretty liesWhen you gonna realise they"re only pretty liesOnly pretty lies, just pretty liesHe put a quarter in the wurlitzer, and he pushedThree buttons and the thing began to whirrAnd a bar maid came by in fishnet stockings and a bow tieAnd she said "drink up now it"s gettin" on time to close.""richard, you haven"t really changed," i saidIt"s just that now you"re romanticizing some pain that"s in your headYou got tombs in your eyes, but the songsYou punched are dreamingListen, they sing of love so sweet, love so sweetWhen you gonna get yourself back on your feet?Oh and love can be so sweet, love so sweetRichard got married to a figure skaterAnd he bought her a dishwasher and a coffee percolatorAnd he drinks at home now most nights with the tv onAnd all the house lights left up brightI"m gonna blow this damn candle outI don"t want nobody comin" over to my tableI got nothing to talk to anybody aboutAll good dreamers pass this way some dayHidin" behind bottles in dark cafesDark cafesOnly a dark cocoon before i get my gorgeous wingsAnd fly awayOnly a phase, these dark cafe days
2023-07-18 15:15:461

CCTV9 travelogue节目的男外国外景主持人是谁

2023-07-18 15:16:061

cctv9 travelogue外景男主持人 marc edwards 资料简介

The Marc Edwards storyHe was born to a Welsh father and a Chinese mother in Paris, Europe"s gastronomic heaven. Before long, his father refuted that claim, having come to the epiphany that English food was decidedly better than its French equivalent….so at the tender age of 7,He was sent off to the greasy land of Fish and Chips. There he learned all the life skills that the UK had to offer: to enjoy bland food, to keep down multiple drinks, to stay in good spirits despite the gloomy weather, and most excitingly, how to queue! After 15 years of schooling (having spent a year in Italy and Mexico studying both of these romance languages) and armed with a BA in Business, Italian and French, He decided that he had finally reached an appropriate age to be able to understand what his mum had been saying to punish him when he was a kid. This also meant adding another language to his CV: Mandarin. After a full year of eating Roast Duck and watching people spit with cunning aim, he returned to comparatively sunny London to take on the corporate world (and please my parents). Two soul-destroying years of work later, he realised that he actually missed the never-ending traffic, the smog and the cheap clothes of China. And so here he is!!!
2023-07-18 15:16:131

哪位知道travelogue的marc edwards 什么口音,答对肯定加分

2023-07-18 15:16:202

举例与travel有关的合成词, 例如travel agency 大概5个 谢谢~

Travel group Travel guide Travel clothes
2023-07-18 15:16:283


如果是那个海飞丝广告里的男模的话这就是他的档案,在贴吧里找到的姓名:Anthony 曾用名:Tony,Anthlsy 身高:183cm 体重:79kg 人种:四国混血--爱尔兰,印第安,中国,挪威 出生地:加拿大 国籍:加拿大 工作地:泰国 语言:英语,泰语,法语 职业:男模,DJ 经历: 大约10年前没正式出道时曾拍男体写真.青春大胆,裸露尺度相当大!之后便在网上轰动并流传.成为众多同志们的梦中情人. 近一两年曾拍广告:De beers 钻石之惹祸篇 olympus之创意由你 nokia 6100 2005海飞丝广告冬日篇(和范冰冰)等 曾为正大集团旗下易初莲花拍摄海报宣传 曾在成都为香港名表走秀 曾为某些时尚媒体拍定装照 现在走向:欲进军演艺届,05年下期曾来台洽谈电影.已被某些电影商看中.
2023-07-18 15:16:433


问题一:在假期,很多人都喜欢去旅行用英语怎么说 您好,翻译为 : During holidays , many people like teaveling 希望帮助你 问题二:我也喜欢旅游 去过很多地方英文怎么说 I like traveling too. I have been to many places. 问题三:他喜欢到全国各地去旅游英语翻译 He enjoys visiting every place of the country. He likes touring all through the country. He loves travelling all over the country. 问题四:你喜欢去哪旅行英语怎么说 Where do you like to travel? Where do you want to have a journey? 问题五:我喜欢去旅游用英语怎么说 I like traveling。 问题六:你为什么喜欢去旅行英语作文带翻译 Why do people like travelling? Travel, popular point is to play outside. Probably all love at all times and in all countries. Confucius from Sichuan to play Li Bai travel through all the kingdoms, to the Mount Lu in Jiangxi, Xu Xiake loves of his life in China landscape. From the age of twenty-two, traveling around the country, exploring the mysteries of nature. Hiking for 34 years, footprints all over the river north and South investigated and recorded the Jiangsu, Zhejiang, Fujian, Shandong, Hebei, Shanxi, Shaanxi, Henan, Hubei, Hunan, Jiangxi, Guangdong, Guangxi, Yunnan and other provinces and cities in more than 20 mountains terrain. Abroad, Marco Polo, Dias, Columbo, Gama Magellan, they or introduced the Oriental civilization, or discovered the new route, the new continent. These are famous people whose touri *** purposes are certainly not the same as those of us.. Confucius traveled around the world to preach his claim of governing a country, Li Bai is because the rich flavor of the gallant, before enter the Changan travel is in order to expand your horizons; the Changan after is to spit the timid gas. Xu Xiake is to study and look at the brave the wind and dew, travel over land and water. These famous touri *** home and abroad are in order to achieve some of their aspirations and across the ocean, had all kinds of hardships. We mortal travel not so high pursuit. Many people travel all over the world, neither leave cliff stone, did not leave a semi travelogue. Most of the p......>> 问题七:去旅行 的英语怎么说 go on a trip
2023-07-18 15:16:501


艺术人生 Art life 中央台的节目大家注意一下 官方翻译是 1.实话实说 Tell it like it is 2.艺术人生 Art life 3.收视率 audience rating === (1)收视率(Audience Rating) 收视率是指在一定时间内,目标市场上收听(视)某一特定电视节目或广播节目的人数(或家庭数)占总人数的比例.信息收视率是广播电视媒体最重要的数量指标.广告主和广告公司根据该指标购买广播节目和电视节目,以判断他们的广告信息将有多少人收听(视).通常,节目收听(视)率高则刊播广告的单位费用就高. (2)开机率(Homes Using TV,简称HUT) 开机率是指在一天中的某一特定时间内,拥有电视机的家庭中收看节目的户数占总户数的比例.例如,某一目标市场上有1000户家庭拥有电视机,在2000年12月8日18—22时,有125户在看A节目,100户在收看B节目,50户在收看C节目,25户在收看D节目,此时的开机率为30%. (3)节目视听众占有率 节目视听众占有率是指在一定时间内,收看某一特定节目的消费者家庭数目占总开机家庭数的百分比.依照上例,节目B的视听众 占有率为33.3%(总开机户为300,而收看B节目的户数为100).节目视听众占有率并不表示拥有电视机的户数,而只是说在某一特定时间那些正在看电视的家庭数. 收视率、开机率与节目视听众占有率有密切的关系,它们相互的计算公式如下: 收视率=开机率*听众占有率 焦点访谈 Topics in Focus 新闻调查 News Probe 新闻30分 News in 30 Minutes 商业电视 Business TV 市场热线 Market Hotline 世界经济报道 World Economic Report 股市分析 Stock Market Analysis 足球之夜 Soccer Night 健康俱乐部 Health Club 春节联欢晚会 Spring Festival Gala Evening 半边天 Half the Sky 综艺大观 Super Variety Show 戏迷园地 Garden for Opera Fans 大风车 Big Pinwheel 七巧板 Tangram 12演播室 Twelve Studio 中华民族 Chinese Ethnic Peoples 科技博览 Science and Technology Review 人与自然 Man and Nature 正大综艺 Zhengda Variety Show 书坛画苑 Gallery of Calligraphy Painting 天涯共此时 Time Together across the Strait 华夏风情 China Kaleidoscope 中国新闻 China News 中国报道 China Report 旅行家 Travelogue 中国各地 Around China 今日中国 China Today 周日话题 Sunday Topics 英语新闻 English News 东方时尚 Oriental Fashion 厨艺 Chinese Cooking
2023-07-18 15:17:111


问题一:节目用英语怎么说 pro揣ram 1.节目单;程序表 The last item on the program was a grand display of fireworks. 最后一项节目是大型烟火表演。 2.节目,表演,演出 What is your favorite television program? 你最喜爱的电视节目是什么? 3.计划;方案;程序 What is the program for tomorrow? 明天计划做什么? 4.(政党的)纲领 5.(教学)大纲;课程 This college offers an excellent art program. 这所大学艺术课程极佳。 6.【电脑】程序;程序设计 及物动词 vt. 1.为...安排节目 2.为...制订计划 3.为(电脑)设计程序 Do you know how to program a puter? 你知道怎样为电脑设计程序吗? 4.使(人)按照预定步骤表现、工作 The children were programmed to make the right responses. 孩子们被弄得反应像机器一样 问题二:电视节目用英语怎么说? 新闻联播 CCTV News 东方时空 Oriental Horizon 实话实说 Straight Talking 焦点访谈 Topics in Focus 新闻调查 News Probe 经济30分 Economic 30 Minutes 社会经纬 Net of Justice 第二起跑线 Second Start 夕阳红 Sunset Glow 春节联欢晚会 Spring Festival Gala Evening 综艺大观 Super Variety Show 戏迷园地 Garden for Opera Fans 大风车 Big Pinwheel 万家灯火 Twinkling Lights 天涯共此时 Time Together Across the Strait 中华艺苑 Centre Stage 中国文艺 China Showbiz 旅行家 Travelogue 华夏风情 China Kaleidoscope 中华医药 Traditional Chinese Medicine 东方家园 Oriental Homeland 东方时尚 Oriental Fashion 焦点访谈 Topics in Focus 新闻调查 News Probe 新闻30分 News in 30 Minutes 商业电视 Business TV 市场热线 Market Hotline 世界经济报道 World Economic Report 股市分析 Stock Market Analysis 足球之夜 Soccer Night 健康俱乐部 Health Club 春节联欢晚会 Spring Festival Gala Evening 半边天 Half the Sky 综艺大观 Super Variety Show 戏迷园地 Garden for Opera Fans 大风车 Big Pinwheel 七巧板 Tangram 12演播室 Twelve Studio 中华民族 Chinese Ethnic Peoples 科技博览 Science and Technology Review 人与自然 Man and Nature 正大综艺 Zhengda Variety Show 书坛画苑 Gallery of Calligraphy Painting 天涯共此时 Time Together across the Strait 华夏风情 China Kaleidoscope 中国新闻 China News 中国报道 China Report 旅行家 Travelogue 中国各地 Around China 今日中国 China Today 周日话题 Sunday Topics 英语新闻 English News 东方时尚 Oriental Fashion 厨艺 Chinese Cooking 中华医药 Traditional Chinese Medicine...>> 问题三:表演节目,用英文怎么说? perform 表演,表演节目,动词。 例:I am going to perform at the New攻Year Party。 performance 表演,表演节目,名词。The best performance at the New Year Party is the solo. 问题四:“表演节目”用英语怎么说 表演节目 Perform 在线翻译的,不知道你要做什么用, 仅供参考,不一定是正确的,还请斟酌处置,如有冒犯见谅!! 问题五:参加某个节目用英语怎么说 Attend a show. 参加一个节目 Attend a TV show. 参加一个电视节目 问题六:综艺节目的英文怎么说 entertainment show 或者variety show 问题七:表演节目,用英文怎么说 Performances of the 问题八:“广播节目”用英语怎么说 broadcast program/column 问题九:节目形式 用英文怎么说 The style of programmes 或者programming forms,不知道你是什么节目 genre也可以,指(文学、绘画、音乐、电影等艺术作品的) 体裁。 我是英语专业毕业的,老师讲过genre 问题十:访谈节目用英语怎么说 访谈节目可以用chat show或者talk show 表示。 chat show [释义] 访谈节目; [例句] For being the chat show legend that you became? 对日后成就传奇式访谈节目人有所裨益吗? She has since appeared by satellite on many of the major us chat shows. 从那以后,她已通过转播在出现在美国多档大型电视访谈节目中。 talk show 英[t?:k ?u0259耿u] 美[t?k ?o] n. 谈话节目; 脱口秀; 现场访谈; [例句]You used to go on a french talk show? 你上过法国的脱口秀节目?
2023-07-18 15:17:181


问题一:电视台英语怎么说 TV station最简单 给分么? 问题二:电视机用英文怎么写? 电视机TV set; television receiver; vision receiver; televisor; television set 黑白电视机跌价了。The prices of BW TV sets have gone down. 旅馆每个房间都有电视机作为额外优待。Television is available in each of the hotel rooms as an extra. 我打开电视机好吗?--好,请打开吧。 Shall I turn on the TV? -- Yes, please. 旧式电视机telehor 开电视机turn on the TV 电视机出了毛病。Something has gone wrong with the TV set. 他修理电视机很内行。He is very expert at repairing TV sets. 电视机维修手册a television servicing manual 没有任何东西能把孩子们从电视机前诱开。Nothing will entice the children from television. 他对电视机很在行。He knows a lot about TV set. 电视机的遥控失灵了。The TV"s remote control malfunctioned. 别瞎鼓捣我的电视机。Don"t tinker with my television. 问题三:各个中央电视台的节目用英语怎么说? 新闻联播 CCTV News 东方时空 Oriental Horizon 实话实说 Straight Talking 焦点访谈 Topics in Focus 新闻调查 News Probe 经济30分 Economic 30 Minutes 社会经纬 Net of Justice 第二起跑线 Second Start 夕阳红 Sunset Glow 春节联欢晚会 Spring Festival Gala Evening 综艺大观 Super Variety Show 戏迷园地 Garden for Opera Fans 大风车 Big Pinwheel 万家灯火 Twinkling Lights 天涯共此时 Time Together Across the Strait 中华艺苑 Centre Stage 中国文艺 China Showbiz 旅行家 Travelogue 华夏风情 China Kaleidoscope 中华医药 Traditional Chinese Medicine 东方家园 Oriental Homeland 东方时尚 Oriental Fashion 焦点访谈 Topics in Focus 新闻调查 News Probe 新闻30分 News in 30 Minutes 商业电视 Business TV 市场热线 Market Hotline 世界经济报道 World Economic Report 股市分析 Stock Market Analysis 足球之夜 Soccer Night 健康俱乐部 Health Club 春节联欢晚会 Spring Festival Gala Evening 半边天 Half the Sky 综艺大观 Super Variety Show 戏迷园地 Garden for Opera Fans 大风车 Big Pinwheel 七巧板 Tangram 12演播室 Twelve Studio 中华民族 Chinese Ethnic Peoples 科技博览 Science and Technology Review 人与自然 Man and Nature 正大综艺 Zhengda Variety Show 书坛画苑 Gallery of Calligraphy Painting 天涯共此时 Time Together across the Strait 华夏风情 China Kaleidoscope 中国新闻 China News 中国报道 China Report 旅行家 Travelogue 中国各地 Around China 今日中国 China Today 周日话题 Sunday Topics 英语新闻 English News 东方时尚 Oriental Fashion 厨艺 Chinese Cooking 中华医药 Traditional Chinese Medicine...>> 问题四:"在某电视台播出”用英语怎么说? Aired(televise) on a certain TV channel 问题五:电视台记者用英语怎么说 TV reporter
2023-07-18 15:17:241


transportable a. 可移动的; twinge n. (生理,心理上的)剧痛,刺痛; trounce vt. 痛打;严责;痛骂; transfuse v. 输血,充满; transitive a. 及物的; thimble n. 顶针,嵌环,套管; topple v. 倾覆,推倒 扩展资料   treasonable a. 叛逆的,谋叛的,不忠的   tentacle n. 触角   trade vi.经商,进行贸易   tyrannize vi. 施行虐政,压制,欺压   thieve vt. 偷,行窃   terrible a.可怕的;极度的   three num.三   twinkle vi.&vt.闪闪发光   tousle v. 弄乱(头发)   tutelage n. 保护;教育;监护,指导;守护   tepee n. (圆帷形)帐篷   torque n. 转(力)矩,扭(力)矩;项圈;火炬,火把;(英)手电筒   timetable n.时间表,时刻表   transference n.调   trance n.恍惚;出神;发呆   tare n. 莠草,杂草   transmute v. 变化,变作   trapeze n. 吊秋千   testificate 证件   trample vt.&vi.&n.践踏,蹂躏   tactile adj. 有触觉的   tangle vt.使缠结,使纠缠   triphosphate n. 三磷酸盐   toilsome a. 费力的,辛苦的,劳苦的   the art.这(那)个;这些   thane n. 大乡绅,领主   transpire v. 发生,蒸发,泄露   troglodyte n. 古代穴居者;隐士   temperate adj. 自制的   traverse vt.横越,横切,横断   tease vt.逗乐,戏弄;强求   tinge v. 给……染色   trombone n. 长号   thrice ad. 三倍,三次,屡次,十分地   tonne n. 公吨   tangible adj. 可触摸的   traduce v. 中伤,诽谤   thrive vi.兴旺,繁荣,旺盛   tincture n. 颜色,色调,染料,气味,特征,   truncate v. 把(某物)截短,去尾   turpitude n. 邪恶,卑鄙(行为)   taste vt.尝;尝到 n.味觉   tube n.管;电子管,显像管   tensive a. 张力的,引起张力的   transpose vt. 交换;调换   tale n.传说;故事   tennessee 田纳西(美国州名)   trouble n.烦恼;困难 vi.烦恼   turquoise n. 绿松石,adj. 碧绿的   titmouse n. 山雀类的小鸟   theme n.题目;词干;主旋律   triplicate a. 三倍的,三重的",三乘的   timbre n. (音乐)音色,音质   trundle n. 小车轮,脚轮,滚动   tolerate vt.忍受,容忍,宽恕   tame adj.驯服的   tantalize v. 挑惹,挑逗   take v.拿,取;就座   tractable adj. 易于驾御的,温顺的   technique n.技术,技巧;技能   troupe n. 歌唱团,剧团   translate vt.翻译,译 vt.翻译   tripe n. 肚子,内脏   tribute n.贡物;献礼,贡献   twine n. 合股线,麻线,搓   tranquilize vt. 使平静;使镇定   teethe vi. 生牙,出乳齿   tadpole n. 蝌蚪   temperance n. 自制,节制,禁酒   toothache n. 牙痛   threadlike a. 丝状的,象丝的,细长的   touchstone n. 试金石,标准   travelogue n. 旅行见闻,游记   trifle vi.玩忽;闲混;嬉耍   theatre n. 剧场,戏院; (阶梯式)教室;戏剧效果;舞台;剧院(theatre=theater)   textile n.纺织品 a.纺织的   transverse a.横切的 n.横轴   tone n.色调,光度;风气   throe n. 剧痛,阵痛   tingle vi. 兴奋,激动,感到刺痛,抖动
2023-07-18 15:17:311

Joni Mitchell的《Woodstock》 歌词

歌曲名:Woodstock歌手:Joni Mitchell专辑:TravelogueWoodstockI came upon a child of GodHe was walking along the roadAnd I asked him "Tell me where are you going?”This he told me"I"m going down to Yasgur"s farmGonna join in a rock and roll bandGot to get back to the landAnd get my soul free”We are stardust, we"re goldenAnd we"ve got to get ourselves back to the gardenCan I walk along beside youI have come here to lose the smogAnd I feel like I"m a partOf something turning round and roundAnd maybe it"s the time of yearMaybe it"s the time of manAnd I don"t know who I amBut life is for learning ...We are stardust, we"re goldenAnd we"ve got to get ourselves back to the gardenBy the time we got to WoodstockWe were half a million strongAnd everywhere was the songAnd the celebrationAnd I dreamed I saw the bomber jet planesRiding shotgun in the skyAnd they were turning into butterfliesAbove our nation ...We are stardust, we"re goldenAnd we"ve got to get ourselves back to the garden献给yaoyaoyanyihe制作哈哈哈哈哈哈
2023-07-18 15:17:381


Priestley"s first major success came with a novel,The Good Companions (1929),which earned him the James Tait Black Memorial Prize for fiction and made him a national figure. His next novel,Angel Pavement (1930) further established him as a successful novelist. However,some critics were less than complimentary about his work,and Priestley began legal action against Graham Greene for what he took to be a defamatory portrait of him in the novel Stamboul Train (1932).In 1934 he published the travelogue English Journey,which is an account of what he saw and heard while travelling through the country in the autumn of the previous year.He moved into a new genre and became equally well known as a dramatist. Dangerous Corner was the first of a series of plays that enthralled West End theatre audiences. His best-known play is An Inspector Calls (1945),later made into a film starring Alastair Sim released in 1954. His plays are more varied in tone than the novels,several being influenced by J. W. Dunne"s theory of time,which plays a part in the plots of Dangerous Corner (1932) and Time and the Conways (1937).Many of his works have a socialist aspect. For example,An Inspector Calls,as well as being a Time Play,contains many references to socialism — the inspector was arguably an alter ego through which Priestley could express his views.During World War Ⅱ,he was a regular broadcaster on the BBC. The Postscript,broadcast on Sunday night through 1940 and again in 1941,drew peak audiences of 16 million; only Churchill was more popular with listeners. But his talks were cancelled. It was thought that this was the effect of complaints from Churchill that they were too left-wing; however,Priestley"s son has recently revealed in a talk on the latest book being published about his father"s life that it was in fact Churchill"s Cabinet that brought about the cancellation by supplying negative reports on the broadcasts to Churchill.Priestley chaired the 1941 Committee,and in 1942 he was a co-founder of the socialist Common Wealth Party. The political content of his broadcasts and his hopes of a new and different England after the war influenced the politics of the period and helped the Labour Party gain its landslide victory in the 1945 general election. Priestley himself,however,was distrustful of the state and dogma.Priestley"s name was on Orwell"s list,a list of people which George Orwell prepared in March 1949 for the Information Research Department,a propaganda unit set up at the Foreign Office by the Labour government. Orwell considered these people to have pro-communist leanings and therefore to be inappropriate to write for the IRD.He was a founding member of the Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament in 1958.Although Priestley never wrote a formal book of memoirs,his literary reminiscences,Margin Released (1962),provide valuable insights into his work. The section dealing with his job as a teenage clerk in a Bradford wool-sorter"s office manages to weave fine literature from an outwardly unpromising subject – a characteristic of many of his novels.His interest in the problem of time led him to publish an extended essay in 1964 under the title of Man and Time (Aldus published this as a companion to Carl Jung"s Man and His Symbols). In this book he explored in depth various theories and beliefs about time as well as his own research and unique conclusions,including an analysis of the phenomenon of precognitive dreaming,based in part on a broad sampling of experiences gathered from the British public,who responded enthusiastically to a televised appeal he made while being interviewed in 1963 on the BBC programme,Monitor. Priestley managed the treatment of this potentially esoteric subject matter with warmth and competence.Priestley was one of the interviewees for the documentary series The World at War (1973),in the episode Alone: May 1940 – May 1941. He declined lesser honours before accepting the Order of Merit in 1977.The University of Bradford awarded Priestley the title of honorary Doctor of Letters in 1970,and he was awarded the Freedom of the City of Bradford in 1973. His connections with the city were also marked by the naming of the J. B. Priestley Library at the University of Bradford,which he officially opened in 1975,[7] and by the larger-than-life statue of him,commissioned by the Bradford City Council after his death,which now stands in front of the National Media Museum.[8]A special collector"s edition of Bright Day was re-issued by Great Northern Books in 2006,celebrating the 60th anniversary of the publication of this novel.
2023-07-18 15:17:451


问题一:专业演出节目单用英文怎么说? professional programme 问题二:节目单/表,用英语怎么说如题 节目单 [词典] program; playbill; card; [例句]节目单已排好了。 The programme has been arranged. 问题三:节目用英语怎么说 pro揣ram 1.节目单;程序表 The last item on the program was a grand display of fireworks. 最后一项节目是大型烟火表演。 2.节目,表演,演出 What is your favorite television program? 你最喜爱的电视节目是什么? 3.计划;方案;程序 What is the program for tomorrow? 明天计划做什么? 4.(政党的)纲领 5.(教学)大纲;课程 This college offers an excellent art program. 这所大学艺术课程极佳。 6.【电脑】程序;程序设计 及物动词 vt. 1.为...安排节目 2.为...制订计划 3.为(电脑)设计程序 Do you know how to program a puter? 你知道怎样为电脑设计程序吗? 4.使(人)按照预定步骤表现、工作 The children were programmed to make the right responses. 孩子们被弄得反应像机器一样 问题四:节目英文怎么写。 program 问题五:节目形式 用英文怎么说 The style of programmes 或者programming forms,不知道你是什么节目 genre也可以,指(文学、绘画、音乐、电影等艺术作品的) 体裁。 我是英语专业毕业的,老师讲过genre 问题六:电视节目用英语怎么说? 新闻联播 CCTV News 东方时空 Oriental Horizon 实话实说 Straight Talking 焦点访谈 Topics in Focus 新闻调查 News Probe 经济30分 Economic 30 Minutes 社会经纬 Net of Justice 第二起跑线 Second Start 夕阳红 Sunset Glow 春节联欢晚会 Spring Festival Gala Evening 综艺大观 Super Variety Show 戏迷园地 Garden for Opera Fans 大风车 Big Pinwheel 万家灯火 Twinkling Lights 天涯共此时 Time Together Across the Strait 中华艺苑 Centre Stage 中国文艺 China Showbiz 旅行家 Travelogue 华夏风情 China Kaleidoscope 中华医药 Traditional Chinese Medicine 东方家园 Oriental Homeland 东方时尚 Oriental Fashion 焦点访谈 Topics in Focus 新闻调查 News Probe 新闻30分 News in 30 Minutes 商业电视 Business TV 市场热线 Market Hotline 世界经济报道 World Economic Report 股市分析 Stock Market Analysis 足球之夜 Soccer Night 健康俱乐部 Health Club 春节联欢晚会 Spring Festival Gala Evening 半边天 Half the Sky 综艺大观 Super Variety Show 戏迷园地 Garden for Opera Fans 大风车 Big Pinwheel 七巧板 Tangram 12演播室 Twelve Studio 中华民族 Chinese Ethnic Peoples 科技博览 Science and Technology Review 人与自然 Man and Nature 正大综艺 Zhengda Variety Show 书坛画苑 Gallery of Calligraphy Painting 天涯共此时 Time Together across the Strait 华夏风情 China Kaleidoscope 中国新闻 China News 中国报道 China Report 旅行家 Travelogue 中国各地 Around China 今日中国 China Today 周日话题 Sunday Topics 英语新闻 English News 东方时尚 Oriental Fashion 厨艺 Chinese Cooking 中华医药 Traditional Chinese Medicine...>> 问题七:表演节目,用英文怎么说 Performances of the 问题八:表演节目的英文怎么说 表演节目 Perform 表演节目 Perform 问题九:表演节目,用英文怎么说? perform 表演,表演节目,动词。 例:I am going to perform at the New攻Year Party。 performance 表演,表演节目,名词。The best performance at the New Year Party is the solo.
2023-07-18 15:17:581

Blues Traveler的《Run-Around》 歌词

歌曲名:Run-Around歌手:Blues Traveler专辑:Travelogue: Blues Traveler ClassicsRun AroundBY:Blues Traveler -once upon a midnight deariei woke with something in my headi couldn"t escape the memoryof a phone call and of what you saidlike a game show contestant with a parting gifti could not believe my eyeswhen i saw through the voice of a trusted friendwho needs to humor me and tell me liesyeah humor me and tell me liesand i"ll lie too and say i don"t mindand as we seek so shall we findand when you"re feeling open i"ll still be herebut not without a certain degree of fearof what will be with you and mei still can see things hopefullybut youwhy you wanna give me a run-aroundis it a sure-fire way to speed things upwhen all it does is slow me downand shake me and my confidenceabout a great many thingsbut i"ve been there i can see it cowerlike a nervous magician waiting in the wingsof a bad play where the heroes are rightand nobody thinks or expects too muchand hollywood"s calling for the movie rightssinging hey babe let"s keep in touchhey baby let"s keep in touchbut i want more than a touch i want you to reach meand show me all the things no one else can seeso what you feel becomes mine as welland soon if we"re lucky we"d be unable to tellwhat"s yours and mine the fishing"s fineand it doesn"t have to rhyme so don"t feed me a linebut youwhy you wanna give me a run-aroundis it a sure-fire wa to speed things upwhen all it does is slow me downSOLO^_^tra la la la la bomba dear this is the pilot speakingand i"ve got some news for youit seems my ship still stands no matter what you dropand there ain"t a whole lot that you can dooh sure the banner may be torn and the wind"s gotten colderperhaps i"ve grown a little cynicalbut i know no matter what the waitress bringsi shall drink in and always be fulloh i like coffeeand i like teai"d like to be able to enter a final pleai still got this dream that you just can"t shakei love you to the point you can no longer takewell all right okayso be that wayi hope and praythat there"s something left to saybut youwhy you wanna give me a run-aroundis it a sure-fire way to speed things upwhen all it does is slow me downbut youwhy you wanna give me a run-aroundis it a sure-fire way to speed things upwhen all it does is slow me down
2023-07-18 15:18:051


问题一:综艺节目的英文怎么说 entertainment show 或者variety show 问题二:“综艺节目”用英文如何翻译? entertainment show 或者variety show 问题三:综艺节目用英语怎么说来着?~ entertainment show 问题四:节目形式 用英文怎么说 The style of programmes 或者programming forms,不知道你是什么节目 genre也可以,指(文学、绘画、音乐、电影等艺术作品的) 体裁。 我是英语专业毕业的,老师讲过genre 问题五:节目用英语怎么说 pro揣ram 1.节目单;程序表 The last item on the program was a grand display of fireworks. 最后一项节目是大型烟火表演。 2.节目,表演,演出 What is your favorite television program? 你最喜爱的电视节目是什么? 3.计划;方案;程序 What is the program for tomorrow? 明天计划做什么? 4.(政党的)纲领 5.(教学)大纲;课程 This college offers an excellent art program. 这所大学艺术课程极佳。 6.【电脑】程序;程序设计 及物动词 vt. 1.为...安排节目 2.为...制订计划 3.为(电脑)设计程序 Do you know how to program a puter? 你知道怎样为电脑设计程序吗? 4.使(人)按照预定步骤表现、工作 The children were programmed to make the right responses. 孩子们被弄得反应像机器一样 问题六:综艺节目用英语怎么说 十万火急用英语怎么说 variety shows 我喜欢综艺节目。 :I like variety shows 新年联欢晚会是自1983年以来中央电视台举办的综艺节目。 The New Year"s Gala is a variety show held by China Central Television (CCTV) since 1983 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~祝你进步,如对你有帮助,请及时采纳~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~.txt 问题七:表演节目,用英文怎么说 Performances of the 问题八:电视节目用英语怎么说? 新闻联播 CCTV News 东方时空 Oriental Horizon 实话实说 Straight Talking 焦点访谈 Topics in Focus 新闻调查 News Probe 经济30分 Economic 30 Minutes 社会经纬 Net of Justice 第二起跑线 Second Start 夕阳红 Sunset Glow 春节联欢晚会 Spring Festival Gala Evening 综艺大观 Super Variety Show 戏迷园地 Garden for Opera Fans 大风车 Big Pinwheel 万家灯火 Twinkling Lights 天涯共此时 Time Together Across the Strait 中华艺苑 Centre Stage 中国文艺 China Showbiz 旅行家 Travelogue 华夏风情 China Kaleidoscope 中华医药 Traditional Chinese Medicine 东方家园 Oriental Homeland 东方时尚 Oriental Fashion 焦点访谈 Topics in Focus 新闻调查 News Probe 新闻30分 News in 30 Minutes 商业电视 Business TV 市场热线 Market Hotline 世界经济报道 World Economic Report 股市分析 Stock Market Analysis 足球之夜 Soccer Night 健康俱乐部 Health Club 春节联欢晚会 Spring Festival Gala Evening 半边天 Half the Sky 综艺大观 Super Variety Show 戏迷园地 Garden for Opera Fans 大风车 Big Pinwheel 七巧板 Tangram 12演播室 Twelve Studio 中华民族 Chinese Ethnic Peoples 科技博览 Science and Technology Review 人与自然 Man and Nature 正大综艺 Zhengda Variety Show 书坛画苑 Gallery of Calligraphy Painting 天涯共此时 Time Together across the Strait 华夏风情 China Kaleidoscope 中国新闻 China News 中国报道 China Report 旅行家 Travelogue 中国各地 Around China 今日中国 China Today 周日话题 Sunday Topics 英语新闻 English News 东方时尚 Oriental Fashion 厨艺 Chinese Cooking 中华医药 Traditional Chinese Medicine...>>
2023-07-18 15:18:121


2023-07-18 15:18:322


今日关注:focus of today新闻联播 CCTV News 东方时空 Oriental Horizon实话实说 Straight Talking 焦点访谈 Topics in Focus 新闻调查 News Probe 经济30分 Economic 30 Minutes 社会经纬 Net of Justice 第二起跑线 Second Start 夕阳红 Sunset Glow 春节联欢晚会 Spring Festival Gala Evening综艺大观 Super Variety Show 戏迷园地 Garden for Opera Fans 大风车 Big Pinwheel 万家灯火 Twinkling Lights 天涯共此时 Time Together Across the Strait中华艺苑 Centre Stage 中国文艺 China Showbiz 旅行家 Travelogue 华夏风情 China Kaleidoscope中华医 Traditional Chinese Medicine东方家园 Oriental Homeland 东方时尚 Oriental Fashion
2023-07-18 15:18:411


Toaster TVThe SimpsonsCold CaseBig BrotherThank God You"re Here
2023-07-18 15:18:563


He is born in 1805 , 11-year-old loses father, since the family is poor, the childhood period can not be at school , he studies the sewing technology with person. Theatre works when being 14-year-old to one , has been at school under a few warmhearted households help afterwards. Accept higher education in 1828 (higher education). The queen who graduates dedicates self to literature (literature) , he persists in writing a novel , poetry and song waits. He makes great efforts to create , wins very big successes. He creates more than 160 story all self"s life together , passes away in 1875
2023-07-18 15:19:042

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2023-07-18 15:19:142