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2023-05-19 17:18:56
TAG: 英语

        辅音音素/n/与现代的[n]衔接,拼写为n或nn。对应古英语的n和古法语的n或/ɲ/(上颚或者上颚化的n)。古法语的n的发音在现代法语中消失了,但是在前元音(preceding vowel)的鼻音(nasal quality)上还有迹可寻。例如:no,name,snow,know,gnaw,many,honey,wonder,hundred,



        ant和scant中的-at组合是由于同化了古英语中的æmette,北欧日耳曼语skammt;对比法语中类似的同化过程,在被英语接收之前,在拉丁语中amita(m)(成了古法语中的ante,成了英语中的aunt),拉丁语comitem(成了古法语中的conte,英语中的count)。另一个单词count来自于古法语conte,现成拼作compte(派生于拉丁语comput-);accompt是account的旧式拼法,现在已废弃,compter(城市债务人监狱(city prision for debtors)),发音[‘kauntə] ,仅是counter两种拼法中的一个。-mpt-这种错误的拼法扩散到了control(派生于古法语contre-role

‘counter-roll")似乎与computo关联;因此,尽管有很多游离不定,官方仍然拼写为comptroller。拉丁语生出了在古法语tens中被同化为-ns的-mps (现在法语拼作temps),英语tense派生于tempus。

        古法语上颚音(或上颚音化)n  /ɲ/在法语中拼作gn,被英语效仿作为一个普通的/n/,在/n/之后,如果有一个元音跟在后面,就会出现/j/或/i/。在拼法上,起初通常简单的写为n(如deyne),后来,拼法更向法语的拼法靠拢,效仿法语拼作gn:gndeign,reign,feign, sign,resign,ensign,campaign,这个gn然后错误的应用于sovereign和foreign。在单词poignant[‘poinənt]和champagne[ʃæm"pein]中,法语式的拼法完全保留了下来。再对比Cologne,


        N在单词vine(法语vigne)中单独的写法,是更靠近拉拉丁语的拼法,line(法语ligne);barren(古法语baraigne),此处英语拼写者脑子中没有法语的拼法形式;在join中,以及末尾的-ain,在这种场合,双元音的第二个元素是上颚音的发声:mountain, Spain,British,(com)plain,attain,strain,




        某些情况,有n和无n两种情况并存。这两种形式仍旧用于纯语音变体an(用于元音音素之前)和a(用于辅音音素之前);换句话说,这种区分已经用于各种语法目的:my mine(古英语min),no none(古英语nan),maid maiden,Lent Lenten(古英语mægden,lencten)。这些内容,以及分词(broken,broke),和成对的例如open ope,morn morrow,eve even等,将在第二册中,和以-en结尾的的形容词一起,当作以-en结尾的词一样一起处理。在辅音之前的介词on演变成了o,a。o"这种形式通常与of的简写形式混淆;a作为一个介词出现在Swift晚期(你为何不在星期一出发?<<A New English Dictionary>> 牛津出版社)(注:说的应该是JonathanSwift,是启蒙运动时期(17 世纪du后期---18 世纪中期)的作家)。也存在于许多组合词中:abed,aboard,about,above,afoot,again,-st,ajar,alive,amid,apace,around,ashore,asleep,away,awry,以及其它组合词。一些on的组合可能现在还在使用(onbed,on board,on foot,on shore),但是在另外一些组合中,由于这样那样的原,组合的第二部分感觉上不再是独立的(about: no boat 以这种意义存在,对比but,again,对比gainsay,alive),或者复合部分已经发展成了界线分明的记法或者方式。这个a在动名词和分词的历史上占用重要地位(例如:set the clock a going(把钟拔快),ride a-hunting(骑马狩猎),等等,等等。),参考第二卷-ing专题。以形如asleep(古英语on sl[if !msEquation] [endif]pe)这样的组合开始,我们有一整系列的格式,如a-blaze,a-gaze,a-tingle,等等,后面的章节会详细讲解。在twice a day,two pounds a week,等等中,a原本是on,但是现在用来表示不定冠词,放在句子的头部。同样,介绍in也有简写记为i":i"faith;在th"(the)简写之前,i‘在16世纪和17世纪使用的频率相当高,后来就很少这样用了,除了之前一直就在使用之外(例如,in a,等),在所有位置n的引入,都是由于学校教授拼法时用来辅助类比。现在,I", th"仅在古诗中存在(除了苏格兰和一部北部方言地区),而on和in规范用于介词和副词。也注意handicap(派生于hand-in-cap)。

        仅以-n的形式还保留在单词中的例子:名词:如burthen或burden,token,oven,heaven,weapon(他们经常都以词态变化的形式出现,例如token(s));形容词:如open,fain,(中古英语时期通常以opene的形式出现,等等);数量词:seven(中古英语早期在一个名词之前规范为se(o)ve,单独时规范为se(o)vene),nine,eleven(对比five,类似的单独使用时形式,而名词之前为fif)。-n已经脱落的单词的例子:词态没有变化的单词,如about,but,without,before,above;几乎不以词态变化(复数形式等)的形式出现的名词,例如-red(古英语ræden)的抽像形式:hatred,kindred;动词形式:不定式如:be,love,复数形式如were,loved(古英语lufedon lufeden)。在haughty(古法语hautein)和holly(古英语hole(g)n中,在n脱落后,已经与普通的结尾一致了(hollin在苏格兰仍有使用)。

        由于-n的脱落,产生了一些同音异义词,例如Eve=eve(古英语[if !msEquation][endif]fen,逐渐废弃)。ground名词和分词,saw名词和see的过去式(复数形式)。另一类同意异义词由同一个单词的以前的截然不同的形式或者-n脱落之后看起来很像的根组成,例如do(古英语dd)  sg.和do(古英语d[if !msEquation][endif]n) 不定式或复数,主语,still(e) 名词和不定式,这类同音异义词不会导致歧义性,这种合并被认为仅有一个优点,那就是语言结构的简单化。

        由于类似像a(好似妈妈)和an(好似姑妈)或者my(好似妈妈)和mine(好似舅舅)的这种关系,以及自然音节的划分a|n (好似妈妈,mi|n(好似舅舅)(对比a nox 由于通俗替换了an nox),拼法本能就单词折分而言,在很多场合变得不确定,其结果就是,在一个熟知的单词中,词头的n要么脱落,要么加入。在这些单词中n脱落掉了:an adder(派生于a nadder 古英语nædre),apron(古法语naperon),anger,umpire(古法语nompere),eya(古英语nyas,古法语niais),ouch(古法语nouche)。在这些单词中被加入词头:a newt(派生于anewt古英语efete),nickname(古英语ekename),nawl(16和17世纪为awl),nuncle为uncle,nown为own。nidiot,nobelisk。昵称Nan,Ned,Nell,Noll,Numps源于(mi)ne+Ann,Ed(ward),

Ell(en),Ol(iver),Humph(rey)。也可对比for thenonce(派生于for then once(then派生于古英语 p æm),尽馆n已经阻止了获得[w]音,这仅仅是正确拼法的纠正。在同一个单词末尾加-n和不加-n这种格式同时并存的一个重要的影响就是,在原本词尾不存在-n的单词被加上了-n。从14世纪开始,我们发现often和ofte并存;乔叟在元音和h之前用规整的ofen,其它情况下用ofte;Gill 1621文献中有oft,除外还有oftner,oftnest,oftntjmz。类比的例子是selde(n),这个单词最有说服力。还有bedridden和bedrid(古英语bedrida sb.)并存;稍古老的单词hap,list,height,heart,fright对应的扩展形式分别为happen,listen,heighten,hearten,fighten。在别的章节,我会更详细的讲解这种现象,阐述形容词是如何通过加-en扩展成动词的:broadren,blacken,moisten,等等。要注意,在所有的例子中,不加n的词形不变词和任何时候加入n成词的词的各自使用偏好。乔叟规范使用maid而不是maidens;maiden也在这些单词中:madenlike,madenly,madenhood,maiden speech;也有分词形式如broke和broken,forbid和forbidden,还有brokenly,forbiddenly。类似的,在动词方面,莎士比亚用法(统计):moist(而不是moisted)和moistened,short(而不shorted)和shorten,shortened,shortening,hap(1次happ"d)和happen,happened6次,length(不是lengthed或lengthing)和lengthen,lengthened

4次,lengthing1次,list(不是listed)和listen,listened 2次, 一般现在时listening,threat(而不是threated)和threaten,threatened 11次,threatest

1次,一般现在时threatening,threateningly 1次,threatener1次。


she is a maid------the maiden queen;

it is made of silk------a silken dress;

the door is ope-------the open door;

the man is drunk----the drunken man;


the man is old------in oldren days。(对比oftentimes)

the gold is hid(古英语h[if !msEquation][endif]ded)------the hidden gold。现在,hidden也用于陈述句。


the room is nice------it is nice and warm,

句中,nice and可以认为是一种副词,


New English Dictionary>> .s.v, and 并没有准确说明)。现代的例子由Storm给出,最古老的例子来自Swift。

词中间的/n/脱落比起词尾/n/的脱落的更为少见。在eleven(古英语endlefan)和along(古英语andlong)中,在l之前的/n/很早就脱落了。Westminster,Elphinston,Robinson,Rolandson,Edmondston或Edmundston,按照Elphinston的<<发音和拼法词>>的记载,如果没有n则它们发音相似(最后这两个也没有d,这里估计是指d没有发音),他也记载了Livingstone没有/ ŋ/。(对比Hutcheson与Hutchinson)。奥尔特灵厄姆的城镇离曼彻斯特的城铁很近吗?“口语称为Awtrincham”。在这些词中韵律是一样的,正如我们发现的其它许多单词有相同的韵律一样(可以用maiden queen来比较,等等。)插入/n/或者/ ŋ / ,这种结论是没有根据的,有时候在中音节中有没有鼻音的发音显得游离不定:把Westmister和Westminster放在一起比较,同样messenger和messager放在一起比较,后者最终消失。

        插入/n/的主要的例子有:messager(仍然是乔叟作品)成为messenger,herbeger成为harbinger,passager成为passenger,porrager(potager)成为porringer,*wharfager成为wharfinger,scavager成为scavanger,stakkanger或stallinger源于stallage,ostreger或austreger ‘"keeper of goshawks"成为ostringer,armiger成为Arminger,恰当的名称。法语murager成为murenger,在16和17世纪cottager成为cottinger,papejay成为popinjay,St.Leger成为mod,发音[silin(d)dʒə]。大部分的插入/n/始于15世纪,但是在/t/之前的同样的插入仅在最近的通俗格式中有发现:milintary,solentary和skelinton。


钢铁是怎样炼成的 英文作者简介

2023-01-03 21:08:193


  曹雪芹,中国古典名著《红楼梦》作者,出身清代内务府正白旗包衣世家,下面是我给大家整理的曹雪芹英文简介,供大家参阅!   曹雪芹简介   Cao Xueqin (about May 17, 1715 - February 12, 1763), the name of dip, the word dream Nguyen, No. snow celery, and the number of celery, celery, Chinese classical "Dream of Red Mansions" author, native of Shenyang (a Said Liaoyang), was born in Nanjing, about 13 years old moved back to Beijing. Cao Xueqin was born in the Qing Dynasty House House is white flag coating family, he is Jiangning weaving Cao Yin"s Sun, Cao Yong"s son (one said Cao Zi son).   Cao Xueqin early years in Nanjing Jiangning weaving house witnessed a Jin Yi Wan Ku, rich romantic life. To Yongzheng six years (1728), Cao was guilty of being guilty of a crime, Cao Xueqin moved back to Beijing with his family. And later moved to the western suburbs of Beijing, by selling calligraphy and friends relief for a living Cao Xueqin plain release, hobbies widely, on the stone, poetry and literature, painting, garden, Chinese medicine, weaving, technology, diet, etc. have been studied. He persevered in perseverance, after years of hardships, and finally create a very ideological, artistic great works - "Dream of Red Mansions."   曹雪芹人物生平   Born giants   Kangxi fifty-four years (1715) the first month, when Jiangning weaving Cao Yong in Beijing during the period of death. Kangxi the emperor to the purpose of Cao Yong cousin overlooking the succession to Cao Yin, took Jiangning weaving. Is the beginning of March in the seventh day, Cao Cao read off: "slaves of the Sao Ma, because pregnant with pregnancy and July." This will be the son of Cao Xueqin, on April 26 (Gregorian calendar May 17, 1715) Weaving in Nanjing Jiangning.   Cao Xueqin a few days after the full moon, the third day of June, Cao Cao read the memorial: "This is the day when the rain stacked Pei, four wild Zhanzhe." This is Cao Xueqin name "dip" the opportunity, "Zhan" word to take "The Book of Songs Xiaoya letter Nanshan" "both excellent both Wei, both bare feet, raw my hundred Valley", "World Zhan Huang En" meaning. "Snow celery," the word from the Su Shi "Dongpo eight" of the three: "mud cedar perennial, an inch sigh alone in; snow celery when the move, the spring can do kuai kuai."   Cao Xueqin"s grandparents have done Kangxi Emperor"s mother, grandfather Cao Yin Kangxi Emperor has been accompanied by reading and the former bodyguard, after Jiangning weaving, as part of the two Huai tour salt monitoring censor. In the Kangxi, Yongzheng two dynasties, Cao family and grandchildren three generations of four people ruling Jiangning weaving up to fifty-eight years, prominent family, powerful, extremely expensive, became the first giants of Nanjing, the world pushed for the family. Kangxi six under Jiangnan, Cao Yin then drive four times. However, Cao Xueqin a few years later, I did not witness the Kangxi South tour event. "Dream of Red Mansions," the first 16 can be a card, the original written than Jia Baoyu long Xifeng have to listen to Zhao mother and other elders oral to understand that period of history.   Qinhuai dream   (In the Changming Longsheng state), the flowers and bustling (Nanjing), the poems of the Han family (Jiangning weaving prefectures), gentleness (Cao) Fugui Township (West Park) to enjoy a Jinyi dandyism, wealthy romantic son of the son of life, the day was satisfied, "every day and sister maidservants only one, or reading, or writing, or playing chess, painting poetry, and even "Lao sprinkle thorns, fighting grass hairpin, whispering quietly, demolition of the word guess", "only in the park in the middle of lying, often willing to charge for the maidservants, actually have to be very busy day." He is all life happy memories of this happy life, in the "Dream of Red Mansions" open book first back to the "author from the cloud" affectionately call "dream".   Childhood Cao Xueqin naughty exception, disgusted eight shares, do not like to read the four books five, anti-imperial examinations, career economy. Although Cao Cao Yan plus discipline, invited the tutor, and on a few days home school, but because of grandmother Lee spoiled, often guarding Xiao Cao Xueqin. Fortunately, Cao family learn deep, grandfather Cao Yin poetry collection in the world, in Yangzhou had control "full Tang" and 20 kinds of hardcover book engraved, and control Yangzhou poem. Cao family books very much, there are as many as 3287 kinds of fine. Cao Xueqin lived in such a very beautiful literary and artistic environment, to accept the father and brother education, teacher and friends discipline, reading books, especially love reading poetry, opera, novels such as literary books, such as opera, food, health , Medicine, tea ceremony, weaving and other Encyclopedia of cultural knowledge and skills Mo search nothing.   Suzhou weaving Li Xu, Hangzhou weaving Sun Wencheng and Cao have contact with relatives, Li Xu and concurrently two Huai salt government (governance in Yangzhou, Cao Xueqin grandfather Cao Yin Sheng also served as the former). Cao Xueqin childhood travel friends and relatives traveled many times in Suzhou, Yangzhou, Hangzhou, Changzhou and other places, on the Jiangnan landscape style love, friends Duncheng, Dun Min poetry that "Qinhuai remnant dream", "Yangzhou old dream."   Home by the desolate   Yongzheng five years (1727), Cao Xueqin thirteen years old (virtual age), in December, when Jiangning weaver Wai Lang"s uncle (one said his father) Cao down to harass the Inn, weaving deficit, transfer of property and other crimes were dismissed imprisonment, The first lunar month before the Lantern Festival was copied (family size men and women and servants 114). Cao Xueqin moved back to Beijing with the family. Cao from the depressed, increasingly declining. Just back to Beijing, there are Chongwen door garlic mouth old house house 17 and a half, three servants, chat to date. But in order to repay the harassment station case owed silver, and to fill the family, forced to sell acres of acres of money, a slave to take advantage of this, and Dongzhuang tax also named to borrow some. And then later, a day off like a day, inevitably cast room to sell, more thieves Kou burglary, as well as even the daily money are not, was forced to take the house book out of the mortgage. Eventually reduced to the portal dying, the population scattered, more than a few years more than rubble. Cao Xueqin for the family thing is not good, more and more made no words, "Although not dare to say eloquent, but the way of human feelings, slightly better comprehend better."   Celebrity celebrities   Yongzheng end of the year, Cao Xueqin year long like a year, began to provoke the burden of the family, and gradually be able to help Cao Caizhe some housework. Because Cao overlooking the staff at home, lazy in the entertainment, Cao Xueqin came out on behalf of the reception, met a number of political celebrities and literary predecessors, under their influence set up a book that Lide speech lofty ambition, Infatuation gradually out of some, in order to revive the family and work hard, once diligent study, visiting the family looking for friends, multi -   Humen morning sunset   Qianlong first year (1736), Cao Xueqin twenty-two years old, encyclical to avoid Cao empty.   Qianlong early years, Cao Xueqin served as secretary of the House of Postscript, and later into the Xidan stone tiger alley right wing (formerly known as "Humen") as a humble little position. Cao Xueqin in the religion of the specific work, there are teaching, teachers, husband, husband, husband, when poor and so on. Cao Xueqin Beijing friends circle Wang Sun son, such as Duncheng, Dunmin, Fu Peng and others. In their contacts with them, Cao Xueqin to enjoy the Beijing government culture.   Qianlong nine years (1744), Cao Xueqin thirty years old. Dun Cheng (1734-1791) eleven years old, Dunmin (1729-1796) 16 years old, into the school. The brothers are very admired Cao Xueqin talent style, appreciate his uninhibited character and open mind. In the long winter night, they sat together, listening to Cao Xueqin witty and humorous, arrogant "male ask", often by Cao Xueqin"s "strange talk", "eloquent" attracted, impressed. "In the morning sunset, the West window cut the candle faint." Record and deeply memorable this memorable day.   Cao Xueqin about the writing of the "Dream of Red Mansions" in the first draft of the draft "Feng Yue Bao Jian."   Yan City song   Qianlong twelve years (1747), Cao Xueqin thirty-three years old, about the year moved to the western suburbs of Beijing. After a few years living in Beijing Xidan Puna Street, Chongwen outside the door of the Buddha Temple, Fragrant Hill is the white flag of the four wang and cave village, inlaid yellow flag camp north slope, white house Tuan (Xizhimen about 50 miles). During this period, Cao Xueqin live grass ham, enjoy wild flowers, live to find poetry, brush, and singing, selling paintings, buy drunk, crazy songs, recollections, the book of seclusion life, a taste of Beijing well culture, side by selling calligraphy and fu Peng, Honest, Dun Min, Zhang Yiquan and other relatives and friends of the relief for a living, frankly "donated Cao Qin" poem: "full of basil is not old, the family eat porridge wine often credit." Cao Xueqin long hate half down, nothing Poverty and fall in the situation, I feel very sad depression, it can not help but sarcastic, self-seeking to send ", the correct and evil of the true feelings of more and more clear.   Written yellow leaves   Cao Xueqin "fill the days" of the blog never slack, until the old age, friends Duncheng "send Huo Xueqin (dip)" is still comfort him: "to persuade Jun Mo Moqin diners, advised Jun Mo Mo Fu door. There is a German color, as the book yellow leaves village. "Means that the identity of the criminals after the identity and other reasons, Cao Xueqin"s personal struggle encountered difficulties and obstacles, Tan advised him to quit, concentrate on the book. Cao Xueqin also live up to expectations, in the seclusion of the Western Hills of more than 10 years, with perseverance perseverance, the old "Fengyue Baojiao" "Phi read ten years, add five times", written as a masterpiece "Dream of Red Mansions."   Re-visit the hometown   Qianlong twenty-four years (1759), Cao Xueqin forty-five years old, about the south tour Jiangning. South reason for the unknown, may be to visit the discrete tribe, may also be other household chores (pass Cao Xueqin at this time before and after the two river governor Yin Jishan"s staff). During the south tour, experience mountains and rivers, pay tribute to the old track, obedient to the past. Zhang Yiquan "Huai Cao Qin Creek" a poem as in this period.   Qianlong twenty-five years (1760), Cao Xueqin forty-six years old, early autumn, Dunmin"s poem "closed-door nostalgia feeling" cloud: "so pay a different years, the past re-mention the dream!" May refer to Cao Xueqin South travel, the years did not return. The southern tour lasted more than a year, before and after the Chung Yeung Festival back to Beijing. Shortly after the holiday, Dunmin in the friend Minglin domestic animal husbandry encounter Cao Xueqin, do "sense of growth sentence" to remember.   Died of illness   Cao Xueqin return to Beijing after the South, still continue to write "Dream of Red Mansions." Qianlong twenty-seven years (noon 1762), Cao Xueqin forty-eight years old, due to premature death, suffering from excessive sadness and grief, bedridden, about this year"s New Year"s Eve died in Beijing. Dun Cheng as "to pull Cao Xueqin", Dunmin for "river dry set drink wall and hanging snow celery", Zhang Yiquan as "injury celery Creek lay".
2023-01-03 21:08:311


2023-01-03 21:08:384

appid is invalid什么意思?

appid is invalid的意思是appid无效。重点词汇解析:invalid常用词汇英 [ɪn"vælɪd]      美 [ɪn"vælɪd]   adj.无效的;病弱的n.病人;残疾者vt.退役;遣送回家Nobody looks after the invalid.没人照顾这个病人。bedridden invalid 卧床不起的病人permanent invalid 长期病人扩展资料同义词辨析——invalid, case, patient这组词的共同意思是“病人”。1.patient的含义是“病人”,跟医生相对而言,可指医生受理的各种病人,包括正在接受或已接受治疗的、住院的或去医院就诊的以及不去医院但接受治疗的所有病员。2.case在作“患病的人”解时含义是“病例”。3.invalid主要指因伤病而身体虚弱的人。例如:At that time, life for families with invalids was even harder.那个时候,家中有病人的生活更苦。
2023-01-03 21:08:532


作者简介;Nikolai Alexeevich Ostrovsky (Russian: Николай Алексеевич Островский) (29 September 1904 – 22 December 1936) was a Soviet socialist realist writer, who published his works during the Stalin era. He is best known for his renowned novel How the Steel Was Tempered on the Russian Civil War.Nikolai was the fifth child of a military officer and a daughter of Czech colonists (according to the official version, in a family of poor worker parents) in Volhynia. He attended the village church school until he was nine and then in 1913 he started working as a herds-boy. In 1914, his family moved to the railroad town of Shepetovka where Nikolai joined an elementary school from which he is expelled by his scripture teacher. He started working in the kitchens at the railroad station, but was dismissed in 1917 for sleeping on the job. He switched jobs working at a timber yard, then becoming a stoker"s mate and then an electrician at the local power station.According to the official biography, when the Germans occupied the town in spring of 1918, Nikolai ran errands for the local Bolshevik underground. In July 1918 he joined the Komsomol and the Red Army in August. He served in the Kotovsky cavalry brigade. In 1920 he was reportedly wounded near Lviv and contracted typhus. He returned to the army only to be wounded again and was demobilized on medical grounds. However, in the autobiographies written by Ostrovsky himself, he never mentioned that he had served in the Red Army. His military service was probably ascribed to him by the official propaganda to make a hero and a martyr of him.In 1921, he began working in railway workshops of Kiev as an electrician and as the secretary of the local Komsomol.Suffering from rheumatism and typhus, in August 1922 he was sent to Berdybsk, a resort on the Sea of Azov, for treatment. In October 1922 he was officially declared an invalid; however he continued working. In 1923 he was appointed Commisar of the Red Army"s Second Training Battalion and Komsomol secretary for Berezdov in western Ukraine. In January 1924 he went to Izyaslav as the head of Komsomol district committee and in August 1924 he joined the Communist Party. In 1925, with his health rapidly declining, he went to Kharkov for medical treatment and in May 1926 he went to a sanatorium in the Crimea. By December 1926 poly-arthritis deprived him of almost all mobility and be became virtually bedridden. In December 1927 Nikolai began a correspondence course at the Sverdlov Communist University in Moscow that he completed it in June 1929. In August, he lost his vision.Undaunted by his paralysis and blindness, in 1930, he began work on first novel, How the Steel Was Tempered which became renowned and influential in the Communist world. He also wrote articles for newspapers and journals and spoke often on the radio. In April 1932 he became a member of the Moscow branch of the Association of Proletarian Writers and in June 1934 he joined the Union of Soviet Writers. On October 1, 1935, he was awarded the Order of Lenin.After suffering for years from paralysis, illness and blindness, the real reason for which were congenital Ankylosing spondylitis as well as complications after the typhus, Nikolai passed away on 22 December 1936, aged 32. His death did not allow him to complete his second novel, Born of the Storm on the Russian civil war in UkraineThe original intention of a Hero of Making introduction to China is that it is educational to the young readers. The novel has a wide scope of spread in 1949-1966 in China and has a unusual effect on readers.It mainly benefits from abundant printing of Chinese translations and popularization of different adaptations. In addition, the spread of various artistic forms such as play,movie and picture-story book meet the demand of different strata. The charming of prevailing of a Hero of Making in 1949-1966 lies in the intervention of government performs a part of promoting function. Of course,the more deep reason is perhaps satisfying the mental and sentimental demand of the youth. It suits and mobilizes their heroic complex.Local reading in China of a Hero of Making in 1949-1966 goes through the change from esteeming Paul"s revolutionary heroism to emphasizing his fighting with the enemy firmly, then from adoring Paul to critizing him. It shows the profound political content and authoritative ideology. According to their different psychological purposes ,the readers of a Hero of Making can generally be divided into educated type"s and writer type"s.Distinctive autobiographic quality and youthful flavour of a Hero of Making have a visible or hidden effect on the texts of autobiography and the novels about the youth growing in 1949-1966. Some biographic texts are invented by the inspiration of a Hero of Making. Many of them are short of artistry characteristics, so biographic value prevails over their literature value. The characters in 1949-1966 literature about growing theme are in accordance with that of Paul, namely from non-consciousness to consciousness and from immaturity to maturity. But there is a distinct narration pattern that it reveals common feeling and natural resistance toward authoritative ideology by super-empirical romantic imagination, a Hero of Making influences personality of youth type in 1949-1966 profoundly. Therefore, strong Paul"s complex is displayed in youth life and literatureFrom the perspective of the relationship between Chinese and foreign literature, this paper tries to see what happened when How the Steel is Refined was introduced into China, and tries to reveal the influence of historical and cultural context, mass cultural psyche, folk elements and business operation, etc. on the receiving subject.On the basis of the analysis, the author of this paper attempts to show that as far as a literary phenomenon caused by a foreign literary text is concerned, multicultural study is more valuable than the study of the text only.Chapter one gives a brief introduction of the historical and cultural background of How the Steel is Refined. On this basis, we can make such an evaluation: although with no high literary value, this novel has a strong vigor because of some elements and has a deep influence.Chapter two examines the translation and introduction of How the Steel is Refined in the 30s before the establishment of the People"s Republic of China. It focuses on the need of such a work in the similar social context as that of the former Soviet Union and in the direction of the same ideology.Chapter three shows the bad treatment of this work from the breakdown of Sino-Soviet Union relationship to the end of the “Cultural Revolution”. In the specific historical context, this chapter sums up both the public and potent reception of this work, and shows the power of its influence.Chapter four gives a description and analysis of the second high interest in this work after the “Cultural Revolution”. Further on, this chapter examines the development of this novel in China and examines the literary phenomenon caused by the work.Chapter five is a summary and extension of the whole paper. It turns to the communication of Chinese and foreign literature, in which all kinds of elements together caused the literary and cultural phenomenon and the exploration of which will be helpful for creating a new situation for the study of the relationship of Chinese and foreign literat
2023-01-03 21:09:132


Someone says, oneself oneself convince, is a kind of rational victory, Was moved by myself, it is a kind of soul, Oneself oneself conquered, is a kind of life. Indeed, the self is a valuable spirit. We often find themselves are admire a person, it is because he is the spirit.The opening of the Olympic Games in recent 10 days, give me the most impressive, is the last piece of women lifters for gold. In a Dutch woman -- hercules added at 147.5 kg weight, I would think brigade player may not. Unexpectedly, she succeeded. When the weight to 165 jins, I saw our players is not easy, I face almost feel her in ourselves: "me? I can?" However, she went up, and succeeded in lifting, I understand what miracles. I saw her eyes while seems to penetrate the tears, that is a person see themselves beyond the self when touched. All the people are to shout, but I didn"t move, I was deeply touched. Gold is how to obtain? Every piece of gold is beyond the others also transcend the self. Olympic tenet is "faster, higher, stronger"? A "more" expresses the human pursuit for thousands of years and will always pursue the spiritual self, limits.Actually, and more sports? Human society is against the spirit and progress. Over self, the human to learn to fear with fire, Over self, fear not only dare to announce the earth Copernicus in the center of the universe.Maybe even say so, did not take this spirit of content utter covered. Beyond the self is not the world champion, great possible, look around us ordinary people, they share the same brilliant light. "Happy" master li minibus at home, wife of two attempted suicide, bedridden, 3 in narrow damp bungalow in poverty hard life, but master li to each passengers took endless joy. He KuaiBanShu, and Spring Festival gala on program comparable. If there is no strong spirit of self, he may lose confidence and some people, life. But now, he smiled with superhuman facing life. People can also great, because people is also transcend the spirit.Most of our innate ability, because the restrictions, not to be great, but we should transcend spirit, good life, grasp every day, even if not gold, also can earn for his life a brilliant.Adenosine triphosphate 2008-08-26 givingBeyond the self (Mr Peng)Have you ever run 3,000 meters of experience? There must be, when run to 1500 metres, feel, more and more heavy legs, sniffing, more and more rapid, fast can"t hold out much longer. Time is up, or bite yaoya sturdy choice? If you keep running down, you may as well as achievements, but at least you beyond your success!"Beyond his success." -- This is my motto. In the learning process, I rarely took his grades with others, I know there are ten fingers longer than short, blindly and than, can only hit his learning enthusiasm and self-confidence, although it is the world"s taste. I"ll arrange in chronological order, look for a period of time since his grades are summarized to improve, or backwards, reason, so to transcend self and others will surpass enormous strides.Most easily transcends self, but most still yourself. Transcend Newton was known as "the greatest scientist of the 20th century, one of his is a very good example of surpassing ourselves, he found the gravitation, founded the Newton the first, second movement theory, which has laid him to become the greatest scientist of the 20th century, his age, no one has his outstanding achievements so, but he doesn"t satisfy the present situation, and not because of some old diehard, but widely involved in mathematics, botany... made great achievement. This is not his transcend themselves and get the result?Behind, some people outside, don"t always thinking of others, make themselves beyond, and mental nothing, with his opponent, yesterday for himself.No beyond their disability of pride, which have hawking"s a, No beyond their physical vision, which has the 110m hurdles champion liu xiang, No beyond their courage, and behold behind China shocked the world "developed"... .Anyhow, transcend themselves, success is on foot有人说,自己把自己说服了,是一种理智的胜利;自己被自己感动了,是一种心灵的升华;自己把自己征服了,是一种人生的成熟。的确,超越自我是一种可贵的精神。我们常常发现自己之所以敬佩一个人,就是因为他有这种精神。 奥运会开幕近10天了,给我印象最深刻的,是女子举重最后一块金牌的争夺。在对手——一位荷兰的女大力士把重量一下子加到147.5公斤时,我就觉得中国队队员可能不行了。没想到,她还是成功了。当重量加到165斤的时候,我看见我们的选手表情很不轻松,我几乎感到她在自问:“我行吗?我能起来吗?”然而她上去了,并且成功了,在举起一刹那,我明白了什么叫奇迹。我看到她眼角边似乎渗透了泪水,那是一个人看到自己超越了自我时的感动。身边所有的人都在欢呼着,而我却一动不动——我被深深打动了。金牌是怎么获得的?每一块金牌都是超越了别人也超越了自我而获得的。奥运会的宗旨不就是“更快、更高、更强” 吗?一个“更”字表达了人类追求了几千年而且将永远追求下去的精神——超越自我,超越极限。 其实,又何止体育运动呢?人类社会本来就是靠着这不断超越的精神而进步的。战胜了自我的恐惧,人类才学会用火;战胜了自我的畏惧彷徨,哥白尼才敢于宣布地球不是宇宙的中心。 或许即使这样说,也还是没有把这种精神所覆盖的内容说尽吧。超越自我并不是世界冠军、伟人才可能做到的,看看我们身边的普通的小人物吧,他们的身上有着同样灿烂的光辉。“开心小巴”的李师傅,妻子患重病在家卧床不起,两次自杀未遂,一家三口在狭小潮湿的平房里过着贫困艰难的生活,然而李师傅给每一个乘客带去了无尽的欢乐。他编的快板书,可以和春节联欢晚会上的节目相媲美。如果没有坚强的超越自我的精神,他或许会和一些人一样失去自信,放任生活。但是现在,他以超人的微笑地面对着人生。普通人同样可以伟大,因为普通人同样有着超越自我的精神。 我们中的大多数,由于先天能力的限制,不会成为伟人,但是,我们应该用超越自我的精神,好好地生活,把握好每一天,即使得不到金牌,也同样可以为自己的人生挣得一份辉煌。三磷酸腺苷 2008-08-26 14:56超越自我(袁 鹏)你有过跑3000米的经历吗?一定有吧,当跑到1500米左右的时候,是不是觉得腿越来越重,越来越不听使唤,呼呼喘气,越来越急促,好难受,快撑不下去了。这时候是选择放弃,还是咬咬牙挺住呢?如果你坚持跑下来了,也许你的成绩还不如人,但你至少超越了自己,成功了!“ 超越自己——成功的必由之路。”这是我的座右铭。在学习过程中,我很少拿自己的成绩跟别人比,我知道十只手指有长有短,一味地和比人比,只会打击自己的学习积极性和自信心,虽然这有点坐井观天的味道。我会按时间顺序排好试卷,看一段时间以来自己的成绩是提高,还是倒退,总结原因,这样不断超越地自我,才会超越他人,取得长足的进步。人最容易超越自我,但其实最难超越的还是自我。牛顿被誉为“20世纪最伟大的科学家之一,他就是一个很好的超越自己的例子,他发现了万有引力,创立了牛顿第一,第二运动理论,这已奠定了他成为20世纪最伟大科学家的地位,他所在的那个时代,没有一个人有他如此卓著的成就,但他不满足于现状,并没有因些固步自封,而是广泛地涉足于数学、植物学……取得了更大的成就。这不是他不断超越自己而得到的结果吗?天外有天,人外有人,不要老想着超越别人,搞得自己心力不济,而一事无成,要以昨天的自己为对手,不断超越自我。没有超越自身残疾的豪情,哪有霍金的《时间简史》;没有超越自身体质的气魄,哪有刘翔的110米栏冠军;没有超越自身落后的勇气,又哪有中国震惊世界的“两弹一星”…….总之,不断超越自己,成功就在脚下
2023-01-03 21:09:231

secret garden的英文介绍

The book tells the story of Mary Lennox, a spoiled, contrary orphan, who is sent to live in her uncle"s manor in Yorkshire. She is left to herself by her uncle, Mr. Craven, who travels trying to escape from being haunted by the death of his wife, and the only one who has any time for her is the chambermaid Martha. It is Martha who tells Mary about the walled garden, Mrs. Craven"s favourite garden, which nobody has seen the inside of since she died; Mr. Craven locked it and buried the key.Exploring the grounds, Mary discovers the key to the secret garden, which has been turned up by a robin digging for worms, then the door. When she is inside the garden, she discovers that although the roses seem lifeless some of the other flowers have survived; she decides to work on the garden herself, but to keep it a secret, in case her uncle should find out and fit another lock for it. Through Martha, she recruits the assistance of Martha"s brother Dickon, who is known for being good with plants and wild animals. Dickon begins by providing gardening implements, bought with money Mary gives him, and demonstrating that the roses, though neglected, are not dead. When Mary"s uncle visits the house briefly (for the first time since she arrived), Mary asks him if she may have a bit of earth to make a flower garden in, and he agrees.On several occasions, Mary hears the sound of someone crying in the night, although all the servants deny hearing it too. Shortly after her uncle"s visit, she goes exploring and discovers her uncle"s son, Colin, who has been a bedridden invalid all his life - shunned by his father as a reminder of his mother - and is as spoiled and as contrary as Mary. (Archibald Craven suffers from hunchback, and is convinced Colin will develop the same condition.) The servants have been keeping Mary and Colin a secret from one another because Colin doesn"t like strange people staring at him, and is prone to terrible tantrums. Colin decides he likes Mary, and insists on her visiting him often. Mary tells him about the secret garden (although not, initially, that she"s found the way in).As spring approaches, Colin becomes put out that Mary is spending more time in the garden with Dickon than with him, and flies into a tantrum after Mary refuses to give way to him. Mary stands up to him (to the horror of the servants, who have been afraid of his temper), and when Colin calms down he asks if he could go out into the garden with her. Mary agrees, as she and Dickon had been planning to suggest it themselves, feeling that it would do Colin good and that in the secret garden, he would not have to worry about anyone staring at him.Dickon comes to visit Colin in his room, bringing various moorland animals with him, and the three children make plans for taking Colin to see the secret garden. Colin"s doctor agrees that it might do him good to have Dickon and Mary taking him around the grounds in a wheelchair, and Colin gives instructions that the gardeners are to keep out of the way while they are outside. Colin is delighted with the garden, and goes out to it with Mary and Dickon whenever the weather allows. As the garden revives and flourishes, so does he.The first person to find out what the children are up to is the old gardener Ben Weatherstaff, who was a favourite of Colin"s mother, and has been secretly visiting her garden once or twice a year since it was locked up by scaling the wall with a ladder. When he visits the garden for the first time since Mary"s arrival (having had to miss several visits because his rheumatism wouldn"t let him go up and down ladders as easily as he used to), he is initially angry with the children until he sees what good they"ve done the garden, and what good they"ve done Colin. Colin orders him not to tell anybody, and he agrees.Colin becomes determined that not only will he get better, by the next time his father returns from abroad he will be able to walk and run like a normal boy. He apparently accomplishes this solely through positive thinking; he refuses to think of himself as crippled, and he invents a kind of mantra to keep himself in the right, or "magic", frame of mind. He makes great progress, but keeps it hidden from everyone but Mary and Dickon and Ben, wanting it to be a surprise.When Mr. Craven next returns home, he arrives while the children are outdoors. He goes out to see Colin for himself, and finds himself drawn to the secret garden, where he is astonished first to hear children"s voices and then to find Colin not only racing Mary and Dickon around the garden, but winning. They take Mr. Craven into the secret garden to tell him what has been going on, then walk back to the house, astonishing the servants (to the delight of Ben Weatherstaff) by how healthy Colin is and how much happier his father has suddenly become.
2023-01-03 21:09:292

A hobby (爱好)can be almost anything a person likes to do in his spare time.

2023-01-03 21:09:384


饰途英语 双语知识创作者 我想大家都应该听说过这个案例,简单来说就是美国一个老太太在买咖啡的时候,不小心烫伤了自己,她就起诉麦当劳公司,说咖啡温度太高了,要求索赔286万美元,并且还赢了官司. 我们正常在国内来讲,无论在哪里,不小心烫伤了自己,应该不至于去起诉哪个公司,但是这个发生在美国的案例胜诉了,下面我们来看一下这个案例. 事情发生在1992年2月,美国新墨西哥州一位79岁高龄的老太太,名字叫Stella Liebeck,她外孙驾驶轿车带着她路过一家麦当劳快餐店时,通过驾驶销售窗口买了一杯咖啡,49美分. It happened in February 1992, a 79 year old woman named Stella Liebeck in New Mexico, USA. when her grandson drove her by a McDonald"s fast food restaurant, she bought a cup of coffee through the driving sales window, 49 cents 离开麦当劳后,她需要往咖啡里添加奶粉和白糖,外孙便停住了车,她把杯子放在双膝之间,左右拿着奶粉袋和糖袋,右手要打开杯盖子,没想到一个意外,整杯子的滚烫咖啡洒在双腿之间,致使大腿内次,腹股沟,臀部等严重烫伤,其中三度烫伤面积占全身皮肤的6%. After leaving McDonald"s, she needed to add milk powder and sugar to the coffee, and her grandson stopped the car. She put the cup between her knees, holding the milk powder bag and sugar bag left and right, and opened the lid of the cup with her right hand. Unexpectedly, the whole cup of scalding coffee was sprinkled between her legs, causing serious burns in her thighs, groins, hips, etc., of which the third degree scalding area accounted for the whole skin 6%. 当时Stella住了八天医院,生命没有大碍,出院后卧床不起,两个多月后伤口才痊愈,后来有做过多次植皮手术,在之后两年的时间里难以自如行走.尽管Stella有医疗保险,但是自费的医疗费仍然很多. At that time, Stella stayed in the hospital for eight days, and her life was not seriously affected. After leaving the hospital, she was bedridden, and the wound healed more than two months later. Later, she had skin grafting for many times, and it was difficult to walk freely in the next two years. Although Stella had medical insurance, she still had a lot of medical expenses at her own expense 在伤势逐渐好了之后,Stella的女儿和家人就感觉麦当劳的咖啡过烫,要求麦当劳赔偿医疗费误工费2万美元,但是当时麦当劳不肯赔付,只同意支付800美元。 After the injury gradually recovered, Stella"s daughter and family felt that McDonald"s coffee was too hot, and asked McDonald"s to compensate 20000 dollars for the medical expenses for work delay, but at that time McDonald"s refused to compensate, only agreed to pay 800 dollars. 在协商没有结果之后,Stella的家人请了律师以咖啡质量缺陷,危及人身安全,酿成责任事故为由将麦当劳告尚当地法庭. After the negotiation failed, Stella"s family asked a lawyer to sue McDonald"s to the local court on the grounds that the coffee quality was defective, endangering personal safety and causing a liability accident 1994年在新墨西哥州联邦地区法院,这个案件开庭,与我们想象的一样,大部分人都支持麦当劳. n 1994, in the Federal District Court of New Mexico, the case opened. As we thought, most people supported McDonald"s 最后大家法官,律师,陪审团等他们的争论点在咖啡的温度,到底多少度成才合适呢?正常来讲,星巴克,汉堡王等美国快餐店出售的咖啡温度在75度左右,而麦当劳的咖啡温度在82到86度,这个温度如果烫到皮肤之后,会很快造成烫伤. In the end, judges, lawyers, juries and so on argue about the temperature of coffee. How much is the right temperature? Normally, Starbucks, Burger King and other American fast-food restaurants sell coffee at about 75 degrees, while McDonald"s coffee at 82 to 86 degrees. If the temperature burns to the skin, it will soon cause burns 最主要的是,麦当劳公司没有在咖啡杯的醒目之处,以法律术语比如高温,警告烫伤等来提醒消费者注意,从法律角度来讲,这是明显的疏忽. The most important thing is that McDonald"s didn"t pay attention to the striking points of coffee cups. It used legal terms such as high temperature, warning and scalding to remind consumers. From a legal point of view, this was an obvious oversight 麦当劳的律师说,滚烫的咖啡会造成严重烫伤,这是基本的尝试,不需要警告提醒. McDonald"s lawyers said that hot coffee can cause serious burns, which is a basic attempt, without warning 控方强调的是,麦当劳咖啡温度过高,超出了基本常识的范畴. The prosecution stressed that McDonald"s coffee temperature is too high, beyond the scope of basic knowledge 最后结果: 陪审团认为麦当劳应该判赔偿她16万美元的损失,并支付原告270万美元的惩罚性赔偿.一共286万. The jury said McDonald"s should pay $160000 in damages and $2.76 million in punitive damages to the plaintiff 法官审理后,最终判决赔偿64万美元给Stella. 双方都提出上诉,但是最红双发达成秘密协议,大约70万美元左右. After the trial, the judge finally awarded Stella $640000 in damages. Both sides appealed, but the most popular two sides reached a secret agreement, about $700000 这个案例之后,我们都觉得无论从法律还是常识上,都感觉这个案子都是荒谬至极,常识性的东西还需要去花这么长时间调查吗,并且还争论到了咖啡的温度到底应该是多少. 还有一个传说,美国一个老太太把刚洗过澡的猫放到微波炉烤干,结果猫死了,她把微波炉高尚法庭,因为说明说上没写不能把猫放进微波炉 这个案例告诉我们有时候你觉得常识行的东西并不一定所有人都认为是对的! Updating............. 关注作者WX: 饰途英语​​​​
2023-01-03 21:09:531

be tired of living是什么意思

2023-01-03 21:10:004


2023-01-03 21:10:211


  spend有花费;浪费;度过;用尽等意思,那么你知道spend的用法吗?下面跟着我一起来学习spend的用法和 短语 例句吧,希望对大家的学习有所帮助!    spend的用法   spend的用法1:spend的基本意思是“花费时间、精力或金钱”,可指人使用、花费金钱,度过时光,也可指某人、物、事使尽〔耗光〕力量、能量、弹药等,还可指人在某物、事方面花费金钱、精力、时间等。   spend的用法2:spend可用作不及物动词,也可用作及物动词。用作及物动词时,只能以人作主语,接名词、代词作宾语。可用于被动结构。   spend的用法3:spend的宾语后可接动词不定式,表示目的,作状语。   spend的用法4:spend的宾语后常可接以介词in〔on,for〕引导的短语表示“把…花在…上”,介词宾语可以是名词,也可以是动名词。以动名词作宾语时介词in常可省略,尤其在口语中。   spend的用法5:spend可用于“主+谓+宾+主补”结构,主语补足语可由形容词或过去分词充当。   spend的用法6:对于“spend sth+ v -ing”结构,语法学家认识不一,有人主张 v -ing是现在分词,在句中作主语补足语(比照本结构可用形容词、过去分词作主语补足语); 有人主张 v -ing是动名词,其前省略了介词in〔on〕。    spend的常用短语   用作动词 (v.)   spend for (v.+prep.)   spend in (v.+prep.)   spend on (v.+prep.)   spend up (v.+adv.)    spend的用法例句   1. I can"t think of a worse way to spend my time.   我想不出更糟的消磨时间的办法。   2. Novello says college students will spend $4.2 billion yearly on alcoholic beverages.   诺韦洛说大学生每年在酒精饮品上会消费掉42亿美元。   3. Businesses need to train their workers better, and spend more on R&D.   各企业需要更好地培训工人,并且在研发方面加大投入。   4. Slow music encourages supermarket-shoppers to browse longer but spend more.   舒缓的音乐会促使超市购物者花更长的时间浏览商品的同时花更多的钱。   5. She has yet to spend a Christmas with her husband.   她还从没和她的丈夫一起过过 圣诞节 。   6. I wanted to spend Sundays holed up together in our flat.   我希望可以一起窝在我们的公寓里度过每个周日。   7. People complain about how children spend so much time on computer games.   人们常抱怨孩子花太多时间玩电脑游戏。   8. They will then have more money to spend on other things.   这样他们就可以有更多的钱花在其他地方。   9. She probably had more money but she didn"t spend it.   她或许有更多的钱,但是她没花过。   10. Kate had invited Alan to spend the Passover with her.   凯特已经邀请了艾伦和她一起过逾越节。   11. It was obscene to spend millions producing unwanted food.   耗资数百万去生产一些不需要的食品,真是令人发指。   12. The couple seem to spend less and less time together.   两口子在一起的时间似乎越来越少。   13. I spend all day running around after the family.   我一整天都跟着这家人跑来跑去。   14. The private sector, by contrast, has plenty of money to spend.   相比之下,私营部门就有很多钱可供开销。   15. He had to spend two years bedridden with an injury.   他因伤不得不卧床两年。   关于花费的英文阅读:男性冲动购物比女性花费更多   modern men spend more on impulse buys than women do, research has revealed。   a study found that men regularly shell out an average of £25-a-week on items they bought on a whim, while women spend close to £19-per-week。   food, beer and dvds are the most common treats for males while clothes, magazines and wine topped the list for women along with books, shoes and toiletries。   the poll of 2,000 customers found that over a typical adult lifetime around £70,217.28 will be frittered away purely to satisfy the overwhelming urge to shop。   researcher emily stag said: "twenty pounds a week might not seem a lot, but can add up to a huge amount over a lifetime。   "for £70,000 you could easily put a large deposit on a house, pay off all your debits or buy a sports car。   "general consensus would suggest consumers are trying to save every penny at the moment, but our research shows we still like to treat ourselves or our loved ones."   the study found triggers such as receiving birthday money, coming into an unexpected windfall such as cash back from a company, or a small win on the lottery often result in spur of the moment purchases。   six out of ten women admit they regularly give in to temptation if there is a sale on and six out of ten also cited retail therapy as the main reason for shopping on impulse。   only four out of ten men said the same thing。   it also emerged one in three girls admit they don"t bother telling their other half about their recent purchases。   furthermore one in five couples argue as a direct result of overspending each week。   调查显示,现代男性冲动购物比女性花费更多。   一项调查发现,男性平均每星期在冲动购物上花费25英镑,而女性花费近19英镑。   男性冲动购物最常买的是食物、啤酒和dvd,而女性冲动购物买得最多的是衣服、杂志和红酒,还有书、鞋子和化妆品。   这项涵盖了2000名消费者的调查发现,成年人一生中因一时兴起而消费的东西平均会花掉约7.02万英镑。   研究人员艾米丽?斯泰格说:“每周20英镑也许看起来不是很多,但一辈子这么积累起来数额就相当大了。”   “有7万英镑你可以轻松地给房子付巨额首付,偿还所有的欠款,或是买辆跑车。   “人们普遍都认为消费者在日常购物中会能省则省,但是我们的研究显示,我们依然愿意花钱满足自己或爱人。”   研究发现,收到生日礼金、或是得到一些意外之财,例如公司返还现金或中了小额彩票等,这些通常都会诱发冲动消费。   十分之六的女性承认自己经常抵制不住特价促销的诱惑,另外还有十分之六的女性说她们冲动消费的主要原因是通过购物让自己开心。   只有十分之四的男性是因为上述原因冲动购物的。   研究还发现,三分之一的女性承认,她们不会告诉另一半自己最近买了什么东西。   另外,五分之一的夫妇会因为每周花费过多而吵嘴。 猜你喜欢: 1. spend的短语有哪些 2. spend的用法和例句 3. 1点05的英文翻译 4. 需要的英文短语 5. 智能用英语怎么说
2023-01-03 21:10:281

ill at ease

be ill at ease词性及解释 局促不安, 心神不宁I"m so ill at ease with strangers.和陌生人在一起,我很不自在The dazzle of the spotlight make him ill at ease.聚光灯的耀眼强光使他局促不安。With two sons bedridden, Mrs Smith was ill at ease.两个儿子病在床上,史密斯夫人非常焦急。
2023-01-03 21:10:356


1, in this 10-month internship, I need meticulous care of every old person, keeping their daily lives, so learning to use their nursing knowledge and work experience, more professional to take care of every old person, and, I during the internship process, I have a SUPERVISOR, she was very patient, teach me English and philosophy of nursing knowledge. 2, used to listen to some studies Jieshuo, "going to take care of the elderly is very troublesome pieces of things, when they pulled, or vomit, you will feel very sick, dirty." At that time I was a little afraid, however, I am very fond of these old people, they are lovely, very kind, very educated, when I really fell in love with them, I simply do not care, and just want to better take care of them, like mom and dad take care of themselves, like . 3 4, I think a good employee, we must work seriously, pragmatism, the right attitude should also be able to observe the new environment, and strive to adapt to the new environment, 5, with regard to health: I found the old people"s diet is very laws, to eat very healthy, cooking, the main steaming and boiling, so you can keep a good food, nutrients, and dinner is also a Head Start This is very healthy is not it? Have maintained for each elderly person in a childlike innocence, like singing, dancing, every day a happy heart. With regard to security: I have found that the British are very attention to detail, security, common sense is very comprehensive, and we do companies often give employees the training of safety knowledge, in the kitchen is also close to the diagram of the safety of the staff who is also to answer questions about security issues answer, the company also regularly checks, security systems, such as fire alarm, check whether the security doors can be automatically shut down, and so on 6, in my internship by the company, work is very regular, and employees towards work and serious attitude gave me great inspiration. Law: general manager, staff nurses, senior carer, event organizers, electrical maintenance personnel, kitchen staff, everyone is very aware of their work to be done, within the prescribed time to complete its work. Serious attitude: to treat employees work very seriously, for each elderly person has a chart, above, to fill in their day"s diet, how much to eat, how much to drink, how much pull for bedridden patients, as well as position of the transformation, When you complete the tasks to be filled out and signed.
2023-01-03 21:11:002

假如你叫He Me,你的笔友Sarah 邀请你去参加聚会。请用英文写一封信给Sarca。i

2023-01-03 21:11:092


1. 2. 3, the terrible of the Internet, 4) serious 5 6 7. Dental fever and headache medicine 9 10 11. Brush teeth, sick 12 pale 13. Toothache 14 up 15 candy 16. Take care of 17. The throat, cough and pills. Boil a rest and see a doctor for cold at night and 24) in 26 sleep well and fever 28 days and nights 29 want to do something 30 rest 31 32 33 medicine brushing with honey too hot 34 35 online 36 take care of 37 lie down and carefully examined. 39. Some pills 40 accidents and then leave 41. 43. Worry 44. 45. Large
2023-01-03 21:11:194


2023-01-03 21:11:354


歌曲《Venom》。《Venom》(Music From The Motion Picture|Explicit),是美国电影大片《毒液2》的主题曲。《Venom》Produced by:Eminem/Luis Resto,演唱:Eminem (埃米纳姆),发自专辑:《Kamikaze》,语种: 英语,流派: Rap/Hip Hop,唱片公司:环球唱片,发行时间:2018-08-31。埃米纳姆(Eminem),原名马歇尔·布鲁斯·马瑟斯三世(Marshall Bruce Mathers III),1972年10月17日出生于美国密苏里州堪萨斯城,美国说唱歌手、演员、音乐制作人。歌词(英文):I got a song filled with sh*t for the strong-willedWhen the world gives you a raw dealSets you off &apos;til you screamPiss offScrew youWhen it talks to you like you don&apos;t belongOr tells you you&apos;re in the wrong fieldWhen something&apos;s in your mitochondrial&apos;Cause it latched on to you likeKnock knock let the devil inManevolent as I&apos;ve ever been head is spinnin&aposThis medicine&apos;s screamin&aposL-l-l-let us inL-l-l-like a salad bowl Edgar Allan PoeBedridden shoulda been dead a long time agoLiquid Tylenol gelatins think my skeleton&apos;s meltin&aposWicked I get all high when I think I&apos;ve smelled the scentOf elephant manurehell I meant KahlúaScrew it to hell with it I went through hell with accelerantsAnd blew up my my myself againVolkswagen tailspin bucket matches my pale skinMayo and went from Hellmann&apos;s and being rail thinFilet-o-Fish to Scribble Jam Rap Olympics &apos;97 FreaknikHow can I be downMe and Bizarre in FloridaProof&apos;s room slept on the floor of "da motel thenDr. Dre said hell yeahAnd I got his stamp like a postcard word to Mel-ManAnd I know they&apos;re gonna hateBut I don&apos;t care I barely can waitTo hit them with the snare and the bassSquare in the face this f**kin&apos; world better prepare to get lacedBecause they&apos;re gonna taste myVenomI got that adrenaline momentumAnd I"m not knowin&apos;when I&apos;mEver gonna slow up and I&apos;mReady to snap any moment I&apos;mThinkin&apos;it&apos;s time to go get &apos;emThey ain&apos;t gonna know what hit &apos;emW-w-when they get bit with theVenomI got that adrenaline momentumAnd I"m not knowin&apos;when I&apos;mEver gonna slow up and I&apos;mReady to snap any moment I&apos;mThinkin&apos;it&apos;s time to go get &apos;emThey ain&apos;t gonna know what hit &apos;emW-w-when they get bit with theI said knock knock let the devil inShotgun p-p-pellets in the felt penCocked f**k around and catch a hot oneIt it&apos;s evident I&apos;m not doneV-venomous the thoughts spunLike a web and you just caught in &apos;emHeld against your will like a hubcap or mud flapBeat strangler attackSo this ain&apos;t gonna feel like a love tapEat painkiller pills f**k up the trackLike what&apos;s her name&apos;s at the wheelDanica PatrickThrew the car into reverse at the Indy a nut crashin&aposInto ya the back of it just mangled steelMy Mustang and the Jeep Wrangler grillWith the front smashed much as my rear fender assassinSlim be a combination of an actual kamikaze and GandhiTranslation I will probably kill us bothWhen I end up backin" into yaYou ain&apos;t gonna be able to tell what the f**k&apos;s happenin&apos; to yaWhen you&apos;re bit with theVenom adrenaline momentumAnd I"m not knowin&apos;when I&apos;mEver gonna slow up and I&apos;mReady to snap any moment I&apos;mThinkin&apos;it&apos;s time to go get &apos;emThey ain&apos;t gonna know what hit &apos;emW-w-when they get bit with theVenomI got that adrenaline momentumAnd I"m not knowin&apos;when I&apos;mEver gonna slow up and I&apos;mReady to snap any moment I&apos;mThinkin&apos;it&apos;s time to go get &apos;emThey ain&apos;t gonna know what hit &apos;emW-w-when they get bit with theI said knock knock let the devil inAlien E-E-Elliot phone homeAin&apos;t no telling when this chokeholdOn this game will end I&apos;m locoBecame a Symbiote soMy fangs are in your throat hoYou&apos;re snake-bitten with myVenomWith the ballpoint pen I&apos;mGun cocked bump stock double aught buckshotTire thumper a garrote tie a couple knotsFired up and caught fire juggernautPunk rock b***h it&apos;s goin&apos;down like Yung Joc&apos;Cause the Doc put me on like sunblockWhy the f**k notYou only get one shotAte sh*t &apos;til I can&apos;t taste itChased it with straight liquorThen paint thinner then drank &apos;til I faintAnd awake with a headacheAnd I take anything in rectangular shapeThen I wait to face the demons I&apos;m bonded to&apos;Cause they&apos;re chasin&apos;me but I&apos;m part of youSo escapin&apos;me is impossibleI latch onto you like aparasiteAnd I probably ruined your parents&apos;lifeAnd your childhood too&apos;Cause if I&apos;m the music that y&apos;all grew up onI&apos;m responsible for you retarded foolsI&apos;m the super villain Dad and Mom was losin&apos;their marbles toYou marvel thatEddie Brock is youAnd I&apos;m the suit so call meVenomI got that adrenaline momentumAnd I"m not knowin&apos;when I&apos;mEver gonna slow up and I&apos;mReady to snap any moment I&apos;mThinkin&apos;it&apos;s time to go get &apos;emThey ain&apos;t gonna know what hit &apos;emW-w-when they get bit with theVenomI got that adrenaline momentumAnd I"m not knowin&apos;when I&apos;mEver gonna slow up and I&apos;mReady to snap any moment I&apos;mThinkin&apos;it&apos;s time to go get &apos;emThey ain&apos;t gonna know what hit &apos;emW-w-when they get bit with the以上内容参考 QQ音乐-Venom
2023-01-03 21:11:501

英语翻译 急急急

Hello, my dear employerI was a girl from China, my name is HAYLEY WANG, 21-year-old, I came to the United Kingdom has a more than a year, and before the study is to sandwich courses, are now studying in England NVQ3 course, I am now a nursing internship and work every day to take care of care of these old people, as I am in China, is to study rehabilitation nursing profession 5 years now graduated, how kind of care for the look after the elderly, I have more experience, I work has a more than a year, at work, I met a lot of bedridden patients, and some stroke patients, I often use the knowledge I have to learn, to integrate into my internship work,For example the standard physical display, you can very effectively reduce the complications of long-term bedridden patients, and so on. . I very much love their work, though very hard, but I"m afraid of what the young, the elderly, very poor in my eyes, the warmth they need me, I have been often used them as their own to take care of the elderly, I am also very love to live in England, over here people are very friendly, life is very rich, pure and simple. So I decided to live in the here after a long time, but also want to convert a student visa as soon as work visas, so I have a hard top in the network to find you and your family, nursing homes, the above said,You can give employees as collateral, you can apply for work visa, I am pleased that my sincere hope that you will give me an opportunity to work with me and you, I promise I will not let you down.The following two pieces of paper that is my manager, my comments希望楼主采纳
2023-01-03 21:12:114

Venom By Eminem Lyric(毒液埃米纳姆正确歌词英文版)

不知道其他地方哪里来的歌词,都是同一个版本的,听译的还很粗糙,这个是国外版本,我听了一下很正确!! I got a song filled with shit for the strong-willed When the world gives you a raw deal Sets you off "til you scream, “Piss off! Screw you!” When it talks to you like you don"t belong Or tells you you"re in the wrong field When"s something"s in your mitochondrial ‘Cause it latched on to you, like— Knock knock, let the devil in Malevolent as I"ve ever been, head is spinnin" This medicine"s screamin", “L-l-l-let us in!” L-l-lick like a salad bowl, Edgar Allan Poe Bedridden, shoulda been dead a long time ago Liquid Tylenol, gelatins, think my skeleton"s meltin" Wicked, I get all high when I think I"ve smelled the scent Of elephant manure—hell, I meant Kahlúa Screw it, to hell with it, I went through hell with accelerants And blew up my-my-myself again Volkswagen, tailspin, bucket matches my pale skin Medal win, went from Hellmann"s and being rail thin Filet-o-Fish, to Scribble Jam and Rap Olympics "97 Freaknik How can I be down? Me and Bizarre in Florida Proof"s room slept on floor of the motel then Dr. Dre said “hell yeah!” And I got his stamp like a postcard, word to Mel-Man And I know they"re gonna hate But I don"t care, I barely could wait To hit them with the snare and the bass Square in the face, this fuckin" world better prepare to get laced Because they"re gonna taste my— Venom, (I got that) adrenaline momentum Venom, not knowin" when I"m Ever gonna slow up and I"m Ready to snap any moment I"m Thinkin" it"s time to go get "em They ain"t gonna know what hit "em (W-w-when they get bitten with the—) Venom, (I got that) adrenaline momentum Venom, not knowin" when I"m Ever gonna slow up and I"m Ready to snap any moment-I"m Thinkin" it"s time to go get "em They ain"t gonna know what hit "em (W-w-when they get bit with the—) I said knock knock, let the devil in Shotgun p-p-pellets in the felt pen Cocked, fuck around and catch a hot one I-i-it"s evident I"m not done V-venomous, the thought spun Like your web and you just caught in "em Held against your will like a hubcap or a mud flap Be strangled or attacked So this ain"t gonna feel like a love tap Eat painkiller pills, fuck a blood track Like, what"s her name"s at the wheel? Danica Patrick Threw the car into reverse at the Indy, end up crashin" Into ya, the back of it is just mangled steel My Mustang and your Jeep Wrangler grill With the front smashed in, much as my rear fender, assassin Slim be a combination of an actual kamikaze and Gandhi Translation, I will probably kill us both When I end up back in India You ain"t gonna be able to tell what the fuck"s happenin" to you When you"re bit with the— Venom, adrenaline momentum Venom, not knowin" when I"m Ever gonna slow up and I"m Ready to snap any moment I"m Thinkin" it"s time to go get "em They ain"t gonna know what hit "em (W-w-when they get bitten with the—) Venom, (I got that) adrenaline momentum Venom, not knowin" when I"m Ever gonna slow up and I"m Ready to snap any moment-I"m Thinkin" it"s time to go get "em They ain"t gonna know what hit "em (W-w-when they get bit with the—) I said knock knock, let the devil in Alien, E-E-Elliot phone home Ain"t no telling when this chokehold On this game will end, I"m loco Became a Symbiote, so My fangs are in your throat, ho" You"re snake bitten with my—venom With the ballpoint pen I"m Gun cock, bump stock, devil eye, buckshot Tied for the uppercut, tie a couple knots Fired up a Glock, fire, juggernaut Punk rock, bitches goin" down like Yung Joc ‘Cause the Doc put me on like sunblock Why the fuck not? You only get one shot Ate shit "til I can"t taste it Chased it with straight liquor Then paint thinner, then drank "til I faint And I wake with a headache And I take anything in rectangular shape Then I wait to face the demons I"m bonded to ‘Cause they"re chasin" me but I"m part of you So escapin" me is impossible I latch onto you like a—parasite And I probably ruined your parents" life And your childhood too ‘Cause if I"m the music that y"all grew up on I"m responsible for you retarded fools I"m the super villain Dad and Mom was losin" their marbles to You marvel that? Eddie Brock is you And I"m the suit, so call me— Venom, (I got that) adrenaline momentum Venom, not knowin" when I"m Ever gonna slow up and I"m Ready to snap any moment I"m Thinkin" it"s time to go get "em They ain"t gonna know what hit "em (W-w-when they get bitten with the—) Venom, (I got that) adrenaline momentum Venom, not knowin" when I"m Ever gonna slow up and I"m Ready to snap any moment-I"m Thinkin" it"s time to go get "em They ain"t gonna know what hit "em (W-w-when they get bit with the—)
2023-01-03 21:12:271


You must then bedridden for three days without eat greasy food
2023-01-03 21:12:333


  日常生活中,我们有的时候会遇见一些令人不好意思、觉得尴尬的事情,那么你知道不好意思的英文是什么吗?下面是我为你整理的不好意的的英文,希望你喜欢!   不好意思的英文   1.embarrassed ill at ease   3. be ashamed of   embarrassed的用法   adj.局促不安的; 为难的; 尴尬的; 窘迫的   v.(使)窘迫,(使)局促不安( embarrass的过去式和过去分词);   1. They wolf-whistled at me, and I was so embarrassed I tripped up.   他们吹口哨挑逗我,我窘迫之下绊了一跤。   2. This practice embarrassed Luther, but he let it pass without comment.   这种做法让卢瑟难堪,但是他未置一词。   3. Polly, bewildered and embarrassed, dropped her head and scuffed her feet.   波莉既困惑又尴尬,低下头拖着脚走开了。   4. I think she was hugely embarrassed by the whole scene.   我认为整个场面让她极其尴尬。   5. She was embarrassed at showing her fear so nakedly.   她对于如此直接地表露了自己的恐惧感到尴尬不已。   6. "You can tell that he is extremely embarrassed," Mr Brigden added.   “你能看出他尴尬极了,”布里格登先生补充道。   7. He looked a bit embarrassed.   他看起来有点尴尬。   8. Candida admits to having been "mortally embarrassed".   坎迪达承认当时“尴尬得要命”。   9. Do you think she was embarrassed about it?   你觉得她曾为此而难为情吗?   10. William was angered and embarrassed by his oversight.   威廉因为自己的疏忽而羞愤交加。   ill at ease造句   1. With two children bedridden the mother was ill at ease.   两个孩子病得躺在床上,母亲非常焦急.   2. The boy was ill at ease in the presence of the headmaster.   那男孩在校长面前感到局促不安.   3. He always feels rather ill at ease before strangers.   他在陌生人面前总有些不自在.   4. He appeared embarrassed and ill at ease with the sustained applause that greeted him.   向他致意的掌声一直不歇,他显得有些难为情,不知如何是好。   5. Unable to withstand her " once - over, " Jou - chia felt awkward and ill at ease.   柔嘉经不起她这样看一遍, 局促不安.   6. Gral Lagher was ill at ease and then abruptly frantic.   加拉赫愈听愈不安,后来突然就象疯了一样.   7. He was ill at ease until Dawson"s Landing was behind him.   他提心吊胆,直到道生码头被甩在后面,才放下心来.   8. She looked as ill at ease as the Major.   她看来同少校一样地坐立不安.   9. The dazzle of the spotlights made him ill at ease.   聚光灯的耀眼强光使他局促不安.   10. He felt ill at ease in the strange surroundings.   在生疏的环境中,他感到局促不安.
2023-01-03 21:12:461


  An 83-year-old fashion blogger known as Grandpa Kang in Wuhan, Hubei province, inspires millions of people online. [Photo provided to chinadaily]   In the first half of last year, Tan Zhouhai was a villager in the central Chinese province of Hunan, shooting short videos of his rural life and uploading them to the inter to attract potential customers for local agricultural products.   去年上半年,谭周海还是华中地区湖南省一名普通村民。他将自己的农村生活拍成短视频传到网上,为当地农产品吸引潜在客户。   Tan was used to his videos receiving dozens, sometimes a few hundred, likes from his audience on Chinese social media. That changed when he uploaded a video of his 83-year-old grandfather dancing along to a popular song called Little Apple gained 10,000 likes.   当时,谭周海习惯了自己的视频在中国社交媒体上获得观众的数十个、有时是数百个赞。当他把他83岁的爷爷随着流行歌曲《小苹果》跳舞的视频传到社交媒体并得到一万个赞后,情况变了。   Inspired by this unexpected success, Tan asked his grandfather to perform regularly for his account, called Countryside Plump Dahai, in videos featuring the 30-year-old cooking for the elderly man, who has lost all his teeth, wearing a pair of round sunglasses for added ic effect. The account now has 1.6 million fans and has accumulated at least 3 million likes.   受此意外成功启发,谭周海请他爷爷定期为其账号“农村胖大海”表演节目。视频中,这个30岁的年轻人为牙齿全掉光的爷爷做饭。爷爷戴着一副圆形太阳镜,以增加喜剧效果。这个账号现在有160万粉丝,累计点赞数达至少300万个。   谭周海爷爷的日常:   “Before my grandfather joined me, my account was just an ordinary one about food and was unnoticed on the inter,” Tan told the South China Morning Post. “With my grandfather in my videos, my account expresses filial piety, family love and panionship. Many of my fans have said they were touched. They said they liked my grandfather and think he is so cute.”   谭周海对《南华早报》记者说:“在我爷爷加入之前,我的账号只是一个在网上默默无闻的普通美食账号。爷爷出现后,我的视频表现出孝心、亲情和陪伴。我的许多粉丝都说他们很感动。他们说喜欢我爷爷,觉得他很可爱。”   Tan"s grandfather is just one of a number of elderly people, including some octogenarians, who have taken Chinese social media by storm by breaking the public stereotype of the typical senior citizen.   包括一些八旬老人在内的众多老人打破了公众对老年人的刻板印象,征服了中国社交媒体。谭周海的爷爷只是其中之一。   octogenarian [ˌɒktədʒəˈneəriən]:n.八十岁到八十九岁的人   The country"s top two short video apps Douyin and Kuaishou each have more than 400 million monthly active users. More than 70 percent are younger than 35 and, among those, around a third are aged between 24-30, according to Yu Siyao, an *** yst from LeadLeo Research Institute.   中国最大的两个短视频应用程序抖音和快手都有4亿多月活跃用户。头豹研究院分析师于思瑶(音)说,超过70%用户年龄在35岁以下,其中约三分之一在24岁至30岁之间。   “Videos with characters of young people"s parents or grandparents" generation tend to receive multiple likes and ments,” Yu said.   于思瑶说:“有年轻人的父辈或祖辈出镜的视频往往会获得很多赞和评论。”   “This group of online celebrities gives the audiences freshness and surprise because of the contrast – they are old aged, but their mentality is not old at all,” she said, adding that there is a deep-rooted impression that elderly people are slow, bedridden by illness, lead boring lives and have been left behind by fashion and new technology.   她说:“这一类网红给观众带来新鲜感和惊喜是因为其中的反差。他们年龄大了,但心态一点也不老。”她还说,人们有一种根深蒂固的印象,认为老年人行动迟缓、缠绵病榻,过着无聊生活,被时尚和新技术甩在身后。   bedridden [ˈbedrɪdn]:adj.卧床不起的   One well-known online celebrity is a 98-year-old resident of Chengdu in the southwestern province of Sichuan. Nicknamed Food Aficionado Granny, she has 6.6 million fans of her videos in which she eats all kinds of dishes, from hotpot to sweet treats and hamburgers, acpanied with bottles of alcohol. Her exotic choices have included cola and durian.   中国西南部四川省成都市有一位98岁的网红,绰号“吃货奶奶”的她有660万粉丝。在视频中,她吃各种食物,火锅、甜食到汉堡,还佐以美酒。她还会选择具有异国情调的食物,包括可乐和榴莲。   aficionado [əˌfɪʃəˈnɑːdəʊ]:n.迷;狂热爱好者   一起来看看无辣不欢爱火锅的“吃货奶奶”:   Other online favourites include a 79-year-old woman known as Granny Wang Who Only Wears High-heeled Shoes – renowned for her good figure and elegant and stylish clothes – and Yaoyang"s Grandfather, an 80-year-old man who shares humorous stories of his everyday life in the dialect of northeastern China. They have 16 million and 13 million subscribers, respectively.   网络红人还有79岁的“只穿高跟鞋的汪奶奶”,她以身材好、穿着优雅时髦著称,以及80岁、用东北方言分享日常生活趣事的“耀杨他姥爷”。他们分别有1600万和1300万粉丝。   An 83-year-old fashion blogger known as Grandpa Kang in Wuhan, Hubei province, inspires millions of people online. [Photo provided to chinadaily]   Jiang Minci, an 89-year-old retired railway engineer in the southern city of Guangzhou, shot to fame in the past four months after releasing short videos on leading social media website bilibili. The videos, which chronicle her early days and show her cooking local cuisine, are regularly flooded by greetings of “Hello Granny!” from her audience.   在知名社交媒体网站哔哩哔哩上发布短视频后,广州89岁的退休铁路工程师江敏慈在过去4个月中迅速走红。这些视频讲述她的早年生活,展示她烹饪的当地美食,弹幕上常常是铺天盖地的“你好,奶奶!”的问候声。   来看看闯B站的89岁奶奶:   “I am happy to interact with young people. I feel their vitality and I feel I am younger than before. It seems to me that I have many more grandchildren,” Jiang told the Post.   江敏慈对《南华早报》说:“我很高兴与年轻人互动。我感受到他们的活力,感到自己比以前年轻了。我好像有了更多孙子孙女。”   Jiang said she became interested in short videos after seeing her 16-year grandson watching them on the inter and laughing a lot. She decided to share her own life experience with the younger generation.   她说,在看到16岁的孙子在网上观看短视频并哈哈大笑后,她对短视频产生了兴趣。她决定与年轻人分享自己的人生经历。   With her grandson"s help, each video takes about three hours to prepare but Jiang – who municates with friends on WeChat and pays for her shopping via online apps – said she was learning video editing skills and hoped she would soon no longer need his assistance.   在孙子帮助下,她花大约3个小时时间准备每段视频。但是,通过微信与朋友交流、通过网络应用程序支付购物费用的江敏慈说,她正在学习视频编辑技巧,希望很快不再需要孙子帮助。   Chen Duan, a data economy expert from Central University of Finance and Economics in Beijing, said developments in technology had made it easier for elderly people to use digital tools, leading to more of them being fans and bloggers of short videos.   中央财经大学数字经济专家陈端说,技术发展使老年人使用数字工具容易了一些,使更多老年人成了短视频的粉丝和博主。   “Not every old person can be popular on the inter. It depends on their media sense, their feel in front of the camera and their acting skills,” Chen said.   她说:“不是每个老人都能在网上走红。这取决于他们的媒体意识、镜头感和表演技巧。”   来源:南华早报、参考消息网
2023-01-03 21:12:531


According to environmental protection throughout the world and increasing energy conservation requirements, development and people closely related to the highly competitive market, not the compressor can be cooling and heating products. Hong Kong"s interests for the company after years of hard work, overcome the numerous use of new materials, new structures, new techniques of all kinds of problems, after hundreds of improvements and very stringent tests to the earth warming, global promotion of environmental protection, energy saving the occasion of the advent of the use of superconducting technology, will focus on projects "without compressor - cold and hot products" developed. This new "no compressor - cold and hot products" come out, filling the seat and sleep products industry in the blank, not only thousands of years to make up for the traditional sleeping mats, cushion, silk and other materials using resistance can not keep the humidity of the drying heating and not cooling enough, but all are comfortable lead mankind into the well-being, environmental protection, energy-efficient new realm. Benefits for the new generation of "non-compressor - hot and cold products," solve the shortage of the previous generations of products to make it more stable performance, body temperature was more obvious, can be achieved national certification requirements. Can be widely used in the elderly, children, bedridden patients, insomnia and sleep health of those who have high demands of people. Benefits to, healthy sleep for your efforts!
2023-01-03 21:12:593


1, where she heard the unfortunate experience of the people who are sympathetic to 2, he put the issue out of curiosity, not out of thirst for knowledge 3, the young scholars dedicated to the development of a new type of computer translation software, he was confident that in the near future they will become famous 4, Do not treat it as one thing, what I have said does not mean you 5, that the gate so low that tall when they can not straighten up the room, can only bow into the Maoyao 6, the squad leader two weeks of sudden high fever, has been bedridden since then 7, it is hard to believe that within two years, he went so far as these ordinary girl has become a world-class training for long-distance runners 8, to persuade them to give up her lawsuit, but all to no avail 9, who lived a rich life of the farmers never thought of living to move to big cities 10, in his restaurant to enjoy delicious dinner, hear the sound of car alarms, Meng Ranjian reminded him of his stop in the street outside the car is not locked 11, a teacher is obviously a great effort to teach students how to do test 12, I would like to Vice-Chancellor of the young job-seekers bias 13, until you told me that after I learned that he had met with all 14, two very brave police, they were ready to take the smugglers opened fire at the risk of preparation 15, for the week there will be three Sundays, I will never be convinced 16, the majority of the delegates strongly opposed to the construction of large-scale urban playground plan 17, professor at the end of the speech, the room suddenly burst into thunderous applause 18, I would rather you work independently from the failure to find a new way, you do not follow the beaten track, has achieved absolutely nothing, "he said of the instructors 19, we would rather be a Yusui, not Waquan 20, the city"s first world-class celebration of the completion of the bridge held a motorcycle procession
2023-01-03 21:13:113


伊索寓言Aesop"s Fables, "Du Hougan If the world is a Marine, then I this is a small fish in the ocean, despite the sea in my book free to travel. One day, I found a bright Linlang Shanzhao as shiny pearl, this pearl is "Aesop"s Fables." I上上下下"Daliang" End The "pearl", also found that these "pearls of a major feature - on the one moving story, the story of Huanbaohanzhe all kinds of profound truth. I found a "The monkeys lying", the story is this: a love of monkeys lying to Athens on board, the boat was on the storm"s attack, turned the boat. Dolphins are very much like a human conversation, access to knowledge. Dolphins to Monkeys as human care on the surface of the water, and chat with monkeys, monkeys and in conversations with the lying, exposed the dolphins were indignant after the dolphins, monkeys put up sea, drowned. This is fable to tell us that life, must not lie , Lying and who will therefore be retribution! Therefore, we have to do an honest person, so that we can into it, the lives of the masses, so that would not be despised by the people of the world! As the saying goes well: "Honesty is the golden key to the door of knowledge. "So, honestly treat people, equivalent to respect other people! "Aesop"s Fables" is a world known as "the King" of a novel, moving it to one interesting story, describing the text included in a number of knowledge and truth, I see a return to taste, Aha ! Not blowing, this book and China"s four famous are evenly matched, can really Niua! I still remember the author of the book "Aesop" said such a sentence: "the United States over the wisdom of the body of the United States." Yes Ah, some people devoted to the appearance of the axis origin, the United States is now the one, the ugly one is negative, they absolutely do not know is that the U.S. is the real heart of the United States. I think that, like "Aesop"s Fables" symbolic of this knowledge, better than the aesthetic, you say which » Now, I have long to The "pearl" Treasures in mind, the impression that it is always reverberated in my mind! I love you - "Aesop"s Fables"! 《伊索寓言》读后感 若书的世界是一片海洋,那我便是这片海洋中的一条小鱼,任凭我在书海中自由自在地遨游。有一天,我发现了一颗闪着璀璨琳琅般光泽的珍珠,这颗珍珠便是《伊索寓言》! 我上上下下“打量”完这颗“珍珠”时,又发现了这“珍珠的一大特点——讲述着一个个动人的故事,故事中还包含着种种深刻的道理。我找到了一篇《说谎的猴子》,故事是这样的:一个爱说谎的猴子上船去雅典,可船在路上遭到了暴风雨的袭击,翻了船。有一条海豚十分喜欢与人类交谈,从而获取知识。海豚把猴子当作人类托上水面,并与猴子交谈,交谈中猴子又在说谎,被海豚揭穿后海豚愤愤不平,便把猴子弄下海,淹死了。这则寓言要告诉我们,做人,千万不能说谎,说谎的人也会因此而受到报应!所以我们要做一个诚实的人,这样,才能使其融入到大家、群众的生活中去;这样,才不会被世人鄙视!俗话说得好:“诚实是通往知识大门的金钥匙。”所以,诚实待人,等于尊重别人! 《伊索寓言》是一本世人称之为“书王”的一本名著,它以其中动人有趣的故事,述说了包含在文内的一些知识与道理,我亲身品味了一回,啊哈!不是吹的,这本书与我国的四大名著势均力敌,可真牛啊!我还记得本书的作者“伊索”说过这么一句话:“智慧的美胜过形体的美。”不错啊,有些人专门以外表为数轴上的原点,美的是正的一列,丑的是负的一列,可他们万万不知道的是内心的美才是真正的美。我认为,像《伊索寓言》这种知识象征性书,胜过于美学,您说哪? 如今,我早已把这颗“珍珠”珍藏在心,可它的印象,却时时在我的脑中回荡! 我爱你——《伊索寓言》!!!
2023-01-03 21:13:246


Sorry,I cannot make it due to some situation.
2023-01-03 21:13:472


朱古力奖门人(Charlie and the Chocolate Factory) 朱古力厂制造商王卡卫,发出了五张幸运金卡,藏在朱古力巴内,五个幸运儿可凭卡进入15年来都未曾开放给人参观的神奇朱古力厂。,住在朱古力厂侧,自少就梦想可以进入这间朱古力神秘乐园,他与其他四个小孩终于梦想成真,得以进入前所未见的朱古力世界,并在王卡卫带领下,经历了一段滋味无穷的奇幻旅程。 人物简介: 1. (主角)查理 - 生长于穷家的好孩子 2. 朱古力厂的主人王卡卫 - 富有丰富的想像力,经常有一些奇特的新发明 3. 查理的父母 祖父阿祖 祖母约瑟芬 祖父佐治 祖母佐芝娜. 4.岳少 - 不停食的肥仔 5. 嘉嘉 - 野蛮有钱女 见到任何合心意的东西,都会「命令」父母买下。 6. 波波娃- 吹吹波胶冠军 什么都要威要第一 7. 咪仔 - 自以为是 破坏王 8. 小 矮人 - 在朱古力厂工作 影评: globalfamilytimes/movie/0805/m008 filmcritics/big5/critici *** _section_article?catid=101&id=203 darthmikemovie.blogspot/2005/08/charlie-and-chocolate-factory shadowzo.mysinablog/index?op=ViewArticle&articleId=44101 Charlie Bucket es from a poor family and spends most of his time dreaming about the chocolate that he loves but usually can"t afford. Things change when Willy Wonka head of the very popular Wonka Chocolate empire announces a contest in which five gold tickets have been hidden in chocolate bars and sent throughout the country. The kids who find the tickets will be taken on a tour of Wonka"s chocolate factory and get a special glimpse of the wonders within. Charlie miraculously finds a ticket along with four other children much naughtier than him. The tour of the factory will hold more than a few surprises for this bunch. Characters: 1. Charlie Bucket - a poor kindhearted boy who lives in a *** all home on the edge of a large city with his parents and his four bedridden grandparents. 2. Willy Wonka - a wacky creative man the owner of the largest chocolate factory in the world. 3. Charlie"s parents grandparents: Joe Josephine Gee and Geina 4. Augustus Gloop a gluttonous boy 5. Veruca Salt a spoiled brat who wants everything and wants it now. 6. Violet Beauregarde - a pulsive gum chewer 7. Mike Teavee - a video game addict 8. "Oompa Loompas" - a group of pygmy-sized people from the nation of Loompaland who agreed to bee Wonka"s workforce because of his ability to supply unlimited quantities of their greatest delicacy the cacao bean (the raw ingredient in chocolate). rogerebert.suntimes/apps/pbcs.dll/article?AID=/20050714/REVIEWS/50628001/1023 reel/movie?MID=140369&buy=closed&Tab=reviews&CID=13#tabs imdb/reviews/0367594 参考: imdb yahoo
2023-01-03 21:13:551


Florence Nightingale (Florence Nightingale) is the English nursingstudy pioneer, the woman nurse professional founder and the modern agenurses the education the founder. On May 12, 1820, Nightingale hadbeen born in an Italian Florence wealthy family, the good education,she has once gone study in the University of Paris. In 1850, she didnot look after the household person"s opposition, goddaughter held thegentleman school study to German Caesar Swell the Christ to nurse, andstarted to country"s and so on England, law, Germany to nurse the workto conduct the inspection research, wrote many the nursing studymonograph. In 1853 took the post of London to be sick the woman tonurse can supervise. From 1854 to 1856, Crimea war period, Nightingaletake its humanity, the charitable heart as joins battle the bilateralcasualty service, has saved many person of lives, is called by thebattlefield soldier "the inspection lamp goddess". After the warended, she is regarded as the national heroes. In 1857, in herdiligently under, the English imperial family army health committeehad been established. In the same year, the medical service school istenable. In 1860, she used the Nightingale fund which the publicdonated in the English St. Thomas hospital to establish in the worldthe first nursing school - Nightingale nursing school, impelled theWestern Europe various countries and even world each place nurses thedevelopment which the work and the nurse educated. Afterwards, shebegins the midwife and helps the poor the courtyard nurse"s trainingwork. She "Hospital Writes down", "Nurses Writes down" and so on themain work to become the foundation teaching material which thehospital management, the nurse educates. As a result of hers endeavor,nursing study becomes a science. Her school thought passes to Europeanand American by England and the Asian various countries, Nightingaleis nursed by the reputation for the modern times the specialized firstancestor. In 1901, she because worked hard excessively, unfortunateboth eyes lost one"s sight. In 1907, was commends Nightingale"s inmedical practice remarkable contribution, English kings awards her thelegion of merit, caused her to become the woman which the Englishfirst place attained this great honor. In 1910 Nightingale passedaway 2 . In 1912, the international nurse council ━ ━ on May 12 decided asNightingale"s birth birthday the international nurse festival, was forthe purpose of driving the general nurses inherited and develop nursethe enterprise the glorious tradition, by "the compassion, thepatience, are careful, the sense of responsibility" treat eachpatient, complete nurse the work. At first called "the hospital date",also called "the Nightingale date", is called "the international nursefestival" in China. In this day, vigorously propagandizes nurses thework, encourages humanitarianism spirit which the nurses studies savesfrom impending death assists the wounded, already became a variouscountries nursing grand occasion.
2023-01-03 21:14:042


  Someone says, oneself oneself convince, is a kind of rational victory, Was moved by myself, it is a kind of soul, Oneself oneself conquered, is a kind of life. Indeed, the self is a valuable spirit. We often find themselves are admire a person, it is because he is the spirit.The opening of the Olympic Games in recent 10 days, give me the most impressive, is the last piece of women lifters for gold. In a Dutch woman -- hercules added at 147.5 kg weight, I would think brigade player may not. Unexpectedly, she succeeded. When the weight to 165 jins, I saw our players is not easy, I face almost feel her in ourselves: "me? I can?" However, she went up, and succeeded in lifting, I understand what miracles. I saw her eyes while seems to penetrate the tears, that is a person see themselves beyond the self when touched. All the people are to shout, but I didn"t move, I was deeply touched. Gold is how to obtain? Every piece of gold is beyond the others also transcend the self. Olympic tenet is "faster, higher, stronger"? A "more" expresses the human pursuit for thousands of years and will always pursue the spiritual self, limits.Actually, and more sports? Human society is against the spirit and progress. Over self, the human to learn to fear with fire, Over self, fear not only dare to announce the earth Copernicus in the center of the universe.Maybe even say so, did not take this spirit of content utter covered. Beyond the self is not the world champion, great possible, look around us ordinary people, they share the same brilliant light. "Happy" master li minibus at home, wife of two attempted suicide, bedridden, 3 in narrow damp bungalow in poverty hard life, but master li to each passengers took endless joy. He KuaiBanShu, and Spring Festival gala on program comparable. If there is no strong spirit of self, he may lose confidence and some people, life. But now, he smiled with superhuman facing life. People can also great, because people is also transcend the spirit.Most of our innate ability, because the restrictions, not to be great, but we should transcend spirit, good life, grasp every day, even if not gold, also can earn for his life a brilliant.Adenosine triphosphate 2008-08-26 givingBeyond the self (Mr Peng)Have you ever run 3,000 meters of experience? There must be, when run to 1500 metres, feel, more and more heavy legs, sniffing, more and more rapid, fast can"t hold out much longer. Time is up, or bite yaoya sturdy choice? If you keep running down, you may as well as achievements, but at least you beyond your success!"Beyond his success." -- This is my motto. In the learning process, I rarely took his grades with others, I know there are ten fingers longer than short, blindly and than, can only hit his learning enthusiasm and self-confidence, although it is the world"s taste. I"ll arrange in chronological order, look for a period of time since his grades are summarized to improve, or backwards, reason, so to transcend self and others will surpass enormous strides.Most easily transcends self, but most still yourself. Transcend Newton was known as "the greatest scientist of the 20th century, one of his is a very good example of surpassing ourselves, he found the gravitation, founded the Newton the first, second movement theory, which has laid him to become the greatest scientist of the 20th century, his age, no one has his outstanding achievements so, but he doesn"t satisfy the present situation, and not because of some old diehard, but widely involved in mathematics, botany... made great achievement. This is not his transcend themselves and get the result?Behind, some people outside, don"t always thinking of others, make themselves beyond, and mental nothing, with his opponent, yesterday for himself.No beyond their disability of pride, which have hawking"s a, No beyond their physical vision, which has the 110m hurdles champion liu xiang, No beyond their courage, and behold behind China shocked the world "developed"... .Anyhow, transcend themselves, success is on foot
2023-01-03 21:14:121

英语的 写一篇关于同学运动会受伤 的慰问信

January 01, 2013Dear Tom,Sorry it"s been so long since I last wrote you. I heard from our ex-classmate Sally that you broke your ankle playing basketball. My sympathies on your injury. I remember that you were always very active in school, so I"m not surprised that you still play sports. But I am curious as to how you hurt yourself. Of course, if the memory is too painful, you don"t have to tell me.Since you will be bedridden for the next few weeks, I thought you might like some books to read. I am sending you copies of two of my favorite novels. I hope you enjoy them. Take good care of yourself; don"t try to get out of bed until your ankle is healed! Get well soon.Your friend,Dan Wilson
2023-01-03 21:14:171


The True Story of RudolphThe story behind the story--------------------------------------------------------------------------------On a December night in Chicago many years ago, a little girl climbed onto her father"s lap and asked a question. It was a simple question, asked in children"s curiosity, yet it had a heart-rending effect on Robert May. "Daddy," four-year-old Barbara May asked, "Why isn"t my mommy just like everybody else"s mommy?"Bob May stole a glance across his shabby two-room apartment. On a couch lay his young wife, Evelyn, racked with cancer. For two years she had been bedridden. For two years, all of Bob"s small income and smaller savings had gone to pay for treatments and medication. The terrible ordeal had already shattered two adult lives. Now, Bob suddenly realized the happiness of his growing daughter was also in jeopardy. As he ran his fingers through Barbara"s hair, he groped for some satisfactory answer to her question. Bob May knew only too well what it meant to be "different". As a child he had been weak and delicate. With the innocent cruelty of children, his playmates had continually goaded the stunted, skinny lad to tears. Later, at Dartsmouth, from which he graduated in 1936, Bob May was so small that he was always being mistaken for someone"s little brother. Nor was his adult life much happier. Unlike many of his classmates who floated from college into plush jobs, Bob became a lowly copy writer for Montgomery Ward, the big Chicago mail order house. Now at 33, Bob was deep in debt, depressed and sad. Although, he didn"t know it at the time, the answer he gave the little child on his lap was to bring him fame and fortune. It was also to bring joy to countless thousands of children like his own Barbara. On that December night in the shabby Chicago apartment, Bob cradled the little girl"s head against his shoulder and began to tell a story . . . "Once upon a time, there was a reindeer named Rudolph, the only reindeer in the world that had a big red nose. Naturally people called him "Rudolph, the red-nosed reindeer." As Bob went on to tell about Rudolph, he tried desperately to communicate to Barbara the knowledge that, even though some creatures of God are strange and different, they often enjoy the miraculous power to make others happy. "Rudolph," Bob explained, "was terribly embarrassed by his unique nose. Other reindeer laughed at him; his mother and father and sister were mortified, too. Even Rudolph wallowed in self pity." "Why was I born with such a terrible nose?" he cried."Well," continued Bob, "one Christmas eve, Santa Claus got his team of husky reindeer - Dasher, Dancer, Prancer, and Vixen, and the others -- ready for their yearly trip around the world. The entire reindeer community assembled to cheer these great heroes on their way. But, a terrible fog engulfed the earth that evening, and Santa knew that the mist was so thick that he wouldn"t be able to find a single chimney." "Suddenly Rudolph appeared, his read nose glowing brighter than ever. Santa sensed at once that here was the answer to his perplexing problem. He led Rudolph to the front of the sleigh, fastened the harness and climbed in. They were off! Rudolph guided Santa safely to every chimney that night. Rain, and fog, snow and sleet -- nothing bothered Rudolph for his bright red nose penetrated like a beacon." "And, so it was that Rudolph became the most famous and beloved of all the reindeer. The huge red nose he once hid in shame was now the envy of every buck and doe in the reindeer world. Santa Claus told everyone that Rudolph had saved the day, and from that Christmas on, Rudolph has been living serenely and happy." Little Barbara laughed with glee when her father had finished. Every night she begged him to repeat the tale until finally Bob could rattle it off in his sleep. Then, at Christmas time, he decided to make the story into a poem like the "Night Before Christmas" and prepare it in a booklet form with crude illustrations, for Barbara"s personal gift. Night after night, Bob worked on the verses after Barbara had gone to bed, for he was determined that his daughter should have a worthwhile gift, even though he could not afford to buy one.Then, as Bob was about to put the finishing touches on Rudolph, tragedy struck. Evelyn May died. Bob, his hopes crushed, turned to Barbara as his chief comfort. Yet, despite his grief, he sat at his desk in the quiet, now lonely apartment, and worked on Rudolph with tears in his eyes. Shortly after Barbara had cried with joy over his handmade gift on Christmas morning, Bob was asked to an employee"s holiday party at Montgomery Wards. He didn"t want to go, but his office associates insisted. When Bob finally agreed, he took with him the poem and read it to the crowd. At first the noisy throng listened in laughter and gaiety. Then, they became silent, and at the end broke into spontaneous applause. That was in 1938. By Christmas of 1947, some 6 million copies of the booklet had been given away or sold, making Rudolph one of the most widely distributed books in the world. The demand for Rudolph sponsored products increased so much in variety and number that educators and historians predicted Rudolph would occupy a permanent niche in the Christmas legend. Through the years of unhappiness, the tragedy of his wife"s death and his ultimate success with Rudolph, Bob May has captured a sense of serenity. And as each Christmas rolls around he recalled with thankfulness the night when his daughter"s questions inspired him to write the story. 希望采纳
2023-01-03 21:14:222

she must be in bed

答案:must-has to
2023-01-03 21:14:311

if you t____to some towns in India,you will be lucky enough to be waited upon by

第一个空travel 后面没显示了
2023-01-03 21:14:363

the zip code you entered is invalid什么意思

2023-01-03 21:14:464

英语翻译 急急

1, in this 10-month internship, I need meticulous care of every old person, keeping their daily lives, so learning to use their nursing knowledge and work experience, more professional to take care of every old person, and, I during the internship process, I have a SUPERVISOR, she was very patient, teach me English and philosophy of nursing knowledge. 2, used to listen to some studies Jieshuo, "going to take care of the elderly is very troublesome pieces of things, when they pulled, or vomit, you will feel very sick, dirty." At that time I was a little afraid, however, I am very fond of these old people, they are lovely, very kind, very educated, when I really fell in love with them, I simply do not care, and just want to better take care of them, like mom and dad take care of themselves, like . 3 4, I think a good employee, we must work seriously, pragmatism, the right attitude should also be able to observe the new environment, and strive to adapt to the new environment, 5, with regard to health: I found the old people"s diet is very laws, to eat very healthy, cooking, the main steaming and boiling, so you can keep a good food, nutrients, and dinner is also a Head Start This is very healthy is not it? Have maintained for each elderly person in a childlike innocence, like singing, dancing, every day a happy heart. With regard to security: I have found that the British are very attention to detail, security, common sense is very comprehensive, and we do companies often give employees the training of safety knowledge, in the kitchen is also close to the diagram of the safety of the staff who is also to answer questions about security issues answer, the company also regularly checks, security systems, such as fire alarm, check whether the security doors can be automatically shut down, and so on 6, in my internship by the company, work is very regular, and employees towards work and serious attitude gave me great inspiration. Law: general manager, staff nurses, senior carer, event organizers, electrical maintenance personnel, kitchen staff, everyone is very aware of their work to be done, within the prescribed time to complete its work. Serious attitude: to treat employees work very seriously, for each elderly person has a chart, above, to fill in their day"s diet, how much to eat, how much to drink, how much pull for bedridden patients, as well as position of the transformation, When you complete the tasks to be filled out and signed.我查的好象和上面一样的。。。
2023-01-03 21:15:072


1. This fabric is very soft touch2. Flower is very fragrant smell3. He was a total silence during the meeting4. Since then, he was crazy5. He did not much time on the rich6. She is sick in bed
2023-01-03 21:15:154


I have some oranges.复数形式yes ,there is.写出肯定回答No,I can not写出否定回答 What day is today.就括号部分提问How many books are there in the desk.就括号部分提问Please do not wash your face,Tom.改为否定句
2023-01-03 21:15:324


大概的意思:目前,用户必须支付自己和家人的医疗费用和30%的老人必须支付10%至20%. 从广义上说,日本的医疗制度(一)负责医疗保险、(2)为老年人服务,(三)政府支付医疗费用. 医疗保险规定的雇员 健康保险(社会保险),其中主要包括私营公司的员工和家属,以及全民健保,就需要自雇人士. 两者都有自己的医疗服务项目的退休人员及其家属. 老人医疗制度,是75岁以上人,65岁以下的人,长期卧床 以上. 该系统适用于医疗金 急性胰腺炎患者 还有一种制度下,政府支付全部或部分的医疗费和/或不包括的医疗费用保险. 这一系统称为 集体为"医疗费支付制度". 为了支付医疗费用的制度,是提高和发展社会福利和公共卫生. 该系统是由国家和地方政府在其正常资金(例如税收). 这个系统提供一系列服务,如医疗基础生活保障 法; 医疗津贴依据「儿童福利法」、「母婴保健法、结核病防治法、法律、心理健康与福利; 医疗证明原子炸弹的受害者; 根据法律援助的效益伤病退役士兵; 为解决医疗及特定疾病,包括急性胰腺炎. 特定疾病医疗援助 1973年,指定医疗病即医疗费用支付制度,开展由卫生部、劳动和社会福利的措施,以减少死亡率棘手的疾病. 它的目的是为了降低成本 医疗费用由患者严重和/或罕见疾病棘手(目前45个指定的条件). 急性胰腺炎是一种特定的疾病,而整个医疗费用的处理这些特定疾病康复公款从何时申请证书,接受治疗的疾病,提出具体. 病人或其家属支付申请当地卫生所或县政府 (视居住)提出(一)申请表领取证书治疗特定疾病、(2)居留证、(3)临床检验记录自己编写的医生.
2023-01-03 21:15:451


  篇一:白帝城英文导游词   Welcome everybody to treasure! I am your tour guide, my name is x, you can call me little x. For a fun filled visit to in order to facilitate everyone, let me first introduce you.   Treasure is located on the north of qutang gorge mouth Bai Dishan, about five kilometers away from the fengjie county. Bai Dishan when three gorges portal, the eastern chongqing, throat is very important strategic position.   Treasure formerly known as "red city", in the western han dynasty was taken three years (AD) in eight years. General GongSunShu easy to keep difficult tapping and strengthening the city, see here after in Wells with white mist rising in the city, as a "white dragon in delight, that claim to be" filled with "change city called treasure. GongSunShu for 12 years, according to shu proclaimed himself after being Liu Xiu perished by the destroyer. GongSunShu were destroyed after shu people think about people"s life is relatively stable during his rule bashu, then filled in the mountain temple to mark. In A.D. 222, liu bei cut the defeat, wu retreat to treasure, hence the "treasure entrust an orphan to" story. Liu2 bei4 also died of incredible treasure palace. The Ming dynasty zhengde eight years (AD 1513), according to the sichuan governor lam chun GongSunShu proclaimed himself the tampering, cannot enjoy sacrifice, will GongSunShu statues destroyed, change to have discouraged GongSunShu proclaimed himself ma yuan and the han river, the land, god changed name to "three power feeding". Twelve years jiajing, the governor Zhu Tingli and according to the agreement was made in the company such as jian zhang liu bei, zhuge liang of reverence in The Three Kingdoms period, to sacrifice to liu bei, zhuge liang, change a word called "it" is word, Ming jiajing 36 years, governor Duan Jin added to zhang fei to the shrine, the statue of guan yu and jeske, zhuge is since then, filled with temple to become martyrs of shu this temple.   Treasure now has more than 2600 square meters, the door still book title "filled with temple", "treasure". Within the body building MingLiang temple, magnificent, plastic statue of liu bei, guan yu, zhang fei, zhuge liang, etc; West temple of marquis zhuge liang, jeske, conceal zhuge statue of three generations of a still, the new plastic "liu2 bei4 entrust an orphan to clay sculpture group and du fu HangYin large porcelain painting, more treasure added cultural connotation, before the temple" stargazing pavilion "six eaves and twelve pillars, modelling ethnic style, the legend is the place where the various ge is bright night star treasure in painting and calligraphy is extremely rich collection of cultural relics. The poetic history hall with li bai, du fu, lu you"s square wood like version and statues and part of poetry.   Calligraphy studio "is zhou enlai in 1958 writing are displayed in the" early onset treasure "and modern famous calligraphy and painting works." Cultural relic room "there are hundreds of local unearthed cultural relics. MingLiang things on both sides of the house in the forest of steles, display all kinds of painting and calligraphy inscriptions more than seventy, is the earliest sui dynasty" longshan cemetery monument ", set the south (wang xizhi) north (SuoJing) the essence of the two parties calligraphy. The qing emperor kangxi six words ShiBei also has distinguishing feature very much. The phoenix tablet "and" bamboo tablet "is a unique art treasure. Treasure to famous places since ancient times, since the tang and song dynasty, dynasties famous poet li bai, du fu and bai juyi, liu yuxi, Su Wu, lu you, Fan Chengda had to this tour fude. Left many precious ink. Du fu thatched cottage built along the river after the treasure more" thatched cottage ", in two years. Poetry writing more than 1, four hundred, is the golden age of du fu"s creation, renowned "qiu xing 8 first", "cooper bank" is written in this time. So treasure have "poetry city" reputation.   The first song li bai, the layman four-line early onset treasure. Let us all together here chanting: "the filled with clouds, Trinidad jiangling also on the 1st. On both sides of the YuanSheng crow, boats already past thousands of mountains".   篇二:白帝城英文导游词   Welcome to here!   Treasure is one of the three gorges scenery, attracts many Chinese and foreign visitors, this time I had the privilege and coldness education commission organized Tours to the three gorges tourism, came to the treasure, happy mood.   Treasure is located in the Yangtze river north shore thatched cottage at the mouth, is located on the purple QiuLing called Bai Dishan. Although perspective under the drizzle, the sky is no effect to my good mood. Look up, see the lush forest, ambiguously see treasure one horn, around the cloud, like a fairyland in general.   Came to the door of the treasure is to jump into the eye is three eye-catching Chinese characters "filled with temple", these three words stiffness, last is famous book. Into the front door, he came to the "entrust an orphan to hall", here tells a story of The Three Kingdoms "liu2 bei4 entrust an orphan to". Look! Entrust an orphan to front hall, a pale, bedridden, is well-known liu bei, standing next to the intelligence of zhuge liang, holding a feather fan stand straight, looked at two son of liu bei, kneeling on the ground under a will before death, this is liu bei asked zhuge liang to take good care of her two sons. Entrust an orphan to hall of every character depicting, sculpture, vivid, lifelike.   Before we came to the east forest of steles. One tablet engraved with regular script, official script, running script and cursive script, seal character and font each font characteristics, great. Among them, the most notable is the famous monuments, "phoenix" and "bamboo tablet". Phoenix stone high 175 cm, 96 cm wide, BeiMian black shiny, smooth as a mirror. This monument essence of beauty, a treasure. Phoenix stone is also called the "three Kings tablet", because the king of the tablet on the tree at the moment - phoenix tree; The king of flowers - peony; The king of all birds - phoenix, so called "three king tablet". Thick bamboo tablet, BeiMian is three bamboo, bamboo leaves shu lang. Scan the original bamboo leaves deftly formed a woo poem "not Xie Dong in meaning, painters name alone. Don"t too lonely leaf light, durable not zero". At the moment which has reached the calligraphy and painting, one integrated mass of artistic realm. The author designs different, the style is unique! I couldn"t help produce of the ancient wisdom and exquisite calligraphy admiration of love.   Treasure and a quiet, elegant garden. There is a lotus pond in the garden, the water clear trainspotter, slick with pieces green lotus leaf, lotus leaf, the water drops on were shining brilliantly, carefree playing on the green plate, an ill-deserved mesh. There are a few big banyan tree! The canopy is dark green all the year round. Its trunk and branches, there are many lenticels, grow many stomata root vertical growth. Down to the ground, soil is fast, so "dry branches and branches of life". Over time, they can"t distinguish who is the trunk. What a wonderful!   Treasure of the landscape is real! Hope it holds the motherland glorious cultural heritage, carry forward!   篇三:白帝城英文导游词   Welcome everybody to treasure! I am your tour guide, my name is x, you can call me little x. For a fun filled visit to in order to facilitate everyone, let me first introduce you.   Qutang gorge mouth fengjie chongqing is located in the north shore of the Yangtze river, east to KuiMen, surrounded by eight waterfall, surrounded on three sides by water, in water levels, 451 km away from chongqing downtown. Is at the end of the western han dynasty, sichuan GongSunShu regime, claim to be the king of shu, due to see this place has a tendency to white smoke, a well shaped like a white dragon, so the claim to be filled, hence in the capital, and ziyang city name to treasure. Existing treasure is the Ming and qing dynasties repair site. Treasure is the perfect place to view "KuiMen world male". All previous dynasties famous poet li bai, du fu, bai juyi, liu yuxi, su shi, huang tingjian, Fan Chengda, lu you have filled, swam KuiMen, leaving a large number of poems.   Li bai "filled with clouds, Trinidad jiangling also on the 1st, cross-strait YuanSheng crow, boats already past thousands of mountains" of verse, is more popular. So the treasure "poetry city" reputation. Three kingdoms shu han emperor liu bei punitive dongwu, defeat, sorrow into a disease, dying to zhuge liang in incredible treasure palace, entrust an orphan to. Filled inside the temple is now displayed "liu2 bei4 entrust an orphan to large-scale clay sculpture". Temple also on display are located within the hanging coffins of the cultural relics and sui and tang dynasties since 73 pieces of painting and calligraphy inscriptions, and in 1000 pieces of cultural relics, ancient and modern famous calligraphy and painting more than 100. The word "bamboo tablet" unity, unique style; "Three king tablet" engrave phoenix, peony, phoenix tree, is exquisite, is a treasure. There were famous for the spring and autumn period and the warring states period of bashu bronze swords, its shape like a willow, exquisite workmanship.   East, west two forest of steles, displaying more than 70 pieces of intact stele, the sui dynasty steles 1034 million-year-old history of one hundred years. After the completion of the three gorges project, the water level will raise. Surrounded by water, treasure will become a fairy tale, the scenery will be more beautiful charming, capable of reaching the city by boat.
2023-01-03 21:15:501

英语作文on hobbies

2023-01-03 21:15:552


  spend表示用钱,花钱的意思,那么你知道spend的短语有哪些吗?接下来我为大家整理了spend的短语搭配,希望对你有帮助哦!   spend的短语:   spend up(v.+adv.)   把钱花光 have no money left   I can"t afford a ticket,I"m spent up.我把钱花光了,没钱买票了。   spend on(v.+prep.)   把…花在… use sth for sth/sb   He doesn"t spend much time on his homework.他花在做作业上的时间不多。   She spent half her salary on clothing.她把工资的一半用于买衣服。   spend in(v.+prep.)   在…上花费 use up or consume sth   〔说明〕 spend in后接动名词时,介词in常常可省略。   I spent a week in Spain this summer.今年夏季我在西班牙度过了一星期。   同义词辨析:   cost, expend, spend, take   这些动词均含"花费"之意。   cost : 指花费时间、金钱、劳力等。其主语是物,而不能由人充当,也不用被动形式。   expend : 较正式用词,通常指为某一专门目的而花费大量金钱、时间或精力。   spend : 普通用词,与cost基本同义,但主语必须是人。   take : 普通用词,指需要占用空间、时间或精力等,其主语可以是人,也可以是一件事情。   spend的短语例句:   1. I can"t think of a worse way to spend my time.   我想不出更糟的消磨时间的办法。   2. Novello says college students will spend $4.2 billion yearly on alcoholic beverages.   诺韦洛说大学生每年在酒精饮品上会消费掉42亿美元。   3. Businesses need to train their workers better, and spend more on R&D.   各企业需要更好地培训工人,并且在研发方面加大投入。   4. Slow music encourages supermarket-shoppers to browse longer but spendmore.   舒缓的音乐会促使超市购物者花更长的时间浏览商品的同时花更多的钱。   5. She has yet to spend a Christmas with her husband.   她还从没和她的丈夫一起过过圣诞节。   6. I wanted to spend Sundays holed up together in our flat.   我希望可以一起窝在我们的公寓里度过每个周日。   7. People complain about how children spend so much time on computer games.   人们常抱怨孩子花太多时间玩电脑游戏。   8. They will then have more money to spend on other things.   这样他们就可以有更多的钱花在其他地方。   9. She probably had more money but she didn"t spend it.   她或许有更多的钱,但是她没花过。   10. Kate had invited Alan to spend the Passover with her.   凯特已经邀请了艾伦和她一起过逾越节。   11. It was obscene to spend millions producing unwanted food.   耗资数百万去生产一些不需要的食品,真是令人发指。   12. The couple seem to spend less and less time together.   两口子在一起的时间似乎越来越少。   13. I spend all day running around after the family.   我一整天都跟着这家人跑来跑去。   14. The private sector, by contrast, has plenty of money to spend.   相比之下,私营部门就有很多钱可供开销。   15. He had to spend two years bedridden with an injury.   他因伤不得不卧床两年。
2023-01-03 21:16:051


2023-01-03 21:16:161


DarwinCharles Darwin was born in 1809 in the small town of Shrewsbury, England where he attended Shrewsbury School in 1818. The headmaster described Charles as a boy who was always fooling around with nonsense, while never doing anything useful. By "useful", the headmaster was referring to Charles" studies in Greek and Latin verbs. By "fooling around", he was referring, among many other things, to the fact that Charles usually spent his time collecting beetles of all kinds.In an attempt to give Charles a distinguished and respectable career, Robert Darwin (Charles" father) took Charles out of Shrewsbury and in 1825 sent him to Edinburgh University to study medicine. Charles had no ambition or interest in medicine and found the medical curriculum extremely boring. He was disgusted and outraged by the sounds and sights of autopsies and amputations. Charles eventually ended up wasting as much time in Edinburgh as in Shrewsbury. Although he thought his stay in Edinburgh was an incredible waste of time, it was quite significant.In Edinburgh, Charles made friends with a zoologist, Robert Grant, who was the first person to expose Charles to Lamarck"s theory of evolution. He also made friends with a taxidermist who taught him how to skin and stuff birds. This skill proved to be very useful on his voyage around the world.Eventually, Robert Darwin saw that Charles was useless with medicine. In result, he sent Charles to Cambridge University to study holy orders. At Cambridge, Charles met a clergyman botanist, John Stevens Henslow, who would often take Charles on plant-collecting expeditions. It was at Cambridge where Charles received the reputation of a natural scientist. Charles graduated from Cambridge University in April 1831.In August of 1831, he received a letter from John Henslow that would change his life. Henslow wrote, "I have been requested to recommend a naturalist to go as companion to Captain Fitzroy, who has been commissioned by the government to survey the southern coasts the southern coasts of South America. I have stated that I consider you to be the best-qualified person I know of whom is likely to undertake such a situation. As far as the financial side of it is concerned, I have no notion. The voyage is to last two years...I have stated that I consider you to be the just qualified person I know of who is likely to undertake such as situation. I state this no in the supposition of you being a finished naturalist, but as amply qualified for collecting, observing and noting anything worthy to be noted in Natural History...Captain Fitzroy wants a man (I understand) more as a companion than a mere collector, and would not take anyone, however good a naturalist who wan not recommended to him like-wise as a gentlemen...Don"t put any doubts or fears about your disqualifications, for I assure you I think you are the very man they are in search of."Charles dearly wished to take the opportunity, but in his days, nobody did anything without their parents" consent. After much convincing and persuasion, his father still would not allow Charles to go on the trip. Eventually, Josiah, Charles" uncle and the father of his future wife, would help Robert overcome the paternal opposition.Captain Fitzroytools that Captain Fitzroy had Darwin bring with him when he was on the Beagle.In December of 1831, Charles set sail with Captain Fitzroy aboard the HMS Beagle. The two years on the Beagle turned into five and the expedition to South America turned into a voyage around the world. The Beagle sailed from Plymouth to South America, then across the Pacific to New Zealand, Australia and South Africa. They then sailed back to South America before finally returning to London. Darwin, himself, considered his time aboard the Beagle undoubtedly the most significant event in his life. For the first years, the Beagle sailed up and down the coast of South America. This allowed Darwin to study the Galapagos Islands, located in the Pacific west of South America. It was in the Galapagos Islands where Darwin made some of his most important discoveries and observations.When Charles returned from his voyage, he started nursing and revising his theory of evolution. It wasn"t until 1856 when he finally published On the Origin of Species by Means of Natural Selection, or the Preservation of Favored Races in the Struggle for Life.Prior to writing The Origin of Species, Charles married Emma Wedgwood, his cousin and the daughter of Josiah Wedgwood, in November of 1838. While keeping a public front of traditional Christianity, he was privately sketching out a completely revolutionary theory. In 1842, he wrote a 35-page outline of what he called "my theory". In 1844, Charles expanded his outline into a 230-page essay. In the same year an anonymous book entitled The Vestiges of the Natural History of Creation suggested that the succession of fossil types was evidence of an unceasing transformation of what God had created at the beginning of time. The book caused such shock and controversy that Darwin delayed the publication of his own work.It may have been the pressure of keeping his theory secret that made Charles so ill that he retreated from city life and turned to a rural life in the countryside. It may also have been the Chagas disease. The Chagas disease is transmitted through a bug called the Benchuca. The Benchuca may have bitten Charles while he was in the South American pampas.It was during the latter half of his life (he lived in the Down House which is shown below) when he was experiencing bouts of illness when Charles slowly developed his controversial theory of evolution.Einstein married Mileva Maric on 6 January 1903. They had two sons but their daughter Lieserl died in childhood. At the time of Mileva"s death in 1948 her eldest son Hans Albert was a Professor in Hydraulic Engineering at the University of California, Berkley. Mileva Maric, a Serbian mathematician, was Einstein"s companion, colleague and confidante whose influence was enormous during Einstein"s most creative years.At the age of 21, Mileva enrolled with the Swiss Federal Polytechnic in 1896, the same year as Einstein, who was three-and-a-half years younger than Mileva. Then, she was the only woman studying in the mathematical section of the School for Mathematics and Science teachers.Newly married Einstein was working 6 days a week at the Patent Office, and the rest of his time was spent on physics. Mileva tried to cope with the loss of her career and the loss of her daughter. Just before their second wedding anniversary, Marie and Pierre Curie were awarded Nobel Prize in Physics. A stinging reminder that Mileva once hoped for a career.The following year went well. Albert got a raise and Mileva gave birth to Hans Albert.In 1905, at the age of 26, Einstein published fundamental contributions to three different areas of physics, a unique event in the history of science. In 1921, Einstein was nominated for the Nobel Prize for those contributions, but received the Prize in 1922.Mileva came into Einstein"s life in a crucial period of his scientific achievements and helped him in his endeavor. This marriage was an intellectual partnership. Einstein admired Mileva"s calm independence and intellectual ambitions. He considered himself lucky to have “a creature who is my equal and who is strong and independent as I am”.In 1909, Einstein resigned from the University of Bern, quit his job at the Patent Office, and became a Professor in Zurich. There were some marital problems and to restore peace, the Einsteins went on vacation. Their second son, Eduard, was born in 1910.The following year, Albert moved with his family to Prague. It was a horrible experience and in 1912, they returned to Zurich, but not to happiness.The crisis comes during 1914, when Albert accepts a job in Berlin; and Mileva, at first, refused to join him. Finally, she joined him in April and Albert delivered a long list of rules to Mileva to follow. In July, the situation did not work and she takes the boys back to Zurich.The onset of the Einstein"s family feud coincides with the start of World War I. Mileva and her sons stay in a boardinghouse, waiting for Albert"s return. During that period, Albert completes his General Theory of Relativity.In 1916, he demands a divorce, where Mileva breaks down and is hospitalized. In August, Mileva"s friend, Helene Savic comes to check on her and finds her bedridden. Helene takes the boys for a month, giving Mileva time to recover. In October, still ill, her sister, Zorka, is sent to take care of the boys, but she too has a medical problem.The family feud finally ends, and Mileva agrees to a divorce, on the condition that any future Nobel Prize money will be hers. Oddly enough Albert agrees. A Brief Chronology of Edison"s Life: Einstein: Darwin"s%20life.html
2023-01-03 21:16:211


Dear Tom,Sorry it"s been so long since I last wrote you. I heard from our ex-classmate Sally that you broke your ankle playing basketball. My sympathies on your injury. I remember that you were always very active in school, so I"m not surprised that you still play sports. But I am curious as to how you hurt yourself. Of course, if the memory is too painful, you don"t have to tell me.Since you will be bedridden for the next few weeks, I thought you might like some books to read. I am sending you copies of two of my favorite novels. I hope you enjoy them. Take good care of yourself; don"t try to get out of bed until your ankle is healed! Get well soon.Your friend,Dan Wilson
2023-01-03 21:16:271


Stepmother don"t want to let the soldiers know home has a Cinderella"s existence, so take advantage of the two daughters when I try on shoes, secretly threw out Cinderella mushroom. But a miracle, the two girls can be put on the shoe, soldiers unknowingly startled to stare big eyes, can"t tell exactly which girl is the bride of the prince really want. So, in desperation, the soldiers had to take her stepmother and two girls back to the castle, let the king and the prince himself. The king knew that there are two girls can wear that only after the glass slipper, unavoidably some shocked, commanded the soldiers to the prince first secret, their first step to meet with the two girls, and the girl"s mother. Prince insisted that this life only to marry a bride, while his bride was left slipper girl that night, ? now,Can put on crystal shoe has two girls, to think they can use the glass slipper prince find his only wife, this is how ironic thing! In order to keep the prince"s face, stepmother and advice to the king, let the king for the prince in the two girls elect a, as the prince"s bride. The king chose the eldest daughter. So, knowing the prince took her stepmother"s daughter is the girl dancing with him that night, two people held a grand wedding in the castle, and Cinderella continues to stay at home, and do not over of housework every day, year after year, gradually, to yield to the reality of Cinderella couldn"t help start suspicious, that evening, she and the prince dance so that the dance party, if only her night本人纯手打,但在打完后和翻译软件做了对比,所以大部分相同请谅解!
2023-01-03 21:16:3216


casualties伤亡(人数);disabled残疾的;handicapped 残废的;deformed畸形的;mentally handicapped精神障碍的;mentally retarded智障的;crippled/lame跛腿的;bedridden卧床不起的;paralysed瘫痪的,麻痹的;mutilated截肢的;maimed重度伤残的;traumatized遭受精神创伤的
2023-01-03 21:17:221


记住什么在圣经契合在书mathew chapt 18对6,那将是在这种交易将束缚我们俩的我们的物理契约。 我在您的名字要您再确认对我您的使能我的联络信息发誓旅店一份宣誓书从Fedral司法部宣称整体heartedly我在COBACI银行中法律上和正式地做您受益人对我的继承这里在阿比将,因此,即使我是没有您从那里将继续请求银行做调动到您在您的目的地,不用任何交锋从所有身体。 信息如下是; 1.Your全名 2.Your联系人地址和国名 3.Phone和传真号。 Immediately i received these informations i will forward to you the contact of the bank for you request them to make the transfer to you in your country"s as the new beneficiary appointed by me. Bear in mind that you will not receive any communication from me incase if the sister nurse who devoted her time to help me in typing this messages to you is in her off duty. You can also reach the hospital where i am bedridden with the bellow address; Chu De Cocody Hospital Abidjan Cote d"ivoire Doctor; DR.Remond Please,remember to put me in your daily prayers for God"s healing. Thanks and God bless you. Yours Mrs Marie Keita
2023-01-03 21:17:312

The Sweet Life 歌词

歌曲名:The Sweet Life歌手:It S Immaterial专辑:Life S Hard And Then You DieEvery Time I Die - The Sweet LifeYeah, I know I look worse for the wearBut I have everything at my fingertipsI"ve been infantilized by a pat on the back and an endless go-aheadAin"t nothing gonna break my strideAin"t nothing gonna slow me downOh no, when there"s no one disapprovingYet it"s women not lack of ambition that keeps good men bedriddenJesus Christ, I am forever making the same mistakesI continue to stumble around as long as everyone cheers me onAm I the only one without the weapon to end the war?Deaf men in the city of sirensBlind men in the presence of snakesI told you, I told youBut I"m adrift in a sea of temptationA newborn with inadequate skillsTurn the party up, honesty be damnedHow fucking pathetic of me?I can"t go this way not when I have your heartOh, what a childish life I have led?God, what a wicked man I have beenBut ain"t nothing gonna break my strideOh no, when there"s no on disapproving
2023-01-03 21:17:391

英语高手来!! 初二的一道英语问题!!

2023-01-03 21:17:442