barriers / 阅读 / 详情


2023-07-19 10:22:24
  1. 机场连接候机门都比较远,很多旅客拿不少行李,这种电梯/步道是方便他们的,国际上都这样。


  1. 电梯是一种以电动机为动力的垂直升降机,亦称垂直电梯(英语:Elevator / Lift),在马来西亚、新加坡和香港俗称“u4882”(lift的译音)。

  2. 垂直电梯装有箱状吊舱,用于多层建筑乘人或载运货物。电梯也有台阶式,踏步板装在履带上连续运行,俗称自动电梯,亦称电动扶梯(英文:Escalator)、行人电梯、扶手电梯等。

  3. 电梯是服务于规定楼层的固定式升降设备,运行在至少两列垂直的或倾斜角小于15°的刚性导轨之间。具有轿厢的电梯,其轿厢尺寸与结构形式便于乘客出入或装卸货物。









escalator 英[u02c8esku0259u02ccleu026atu0259] 美[u02c8u025bsku0259u02ccletu025a] 复数:escalators n. 1.自动扶梯; 电扶梯 ;滚梯 名词 n.1.自动扶梯; 电扶梯 ;滚梯 I don"t like escalator—I"ll climb the stairs.我不喜欢自动扶梯, 我要爬楼梯。
2023-07-18 13:28:152


escalator ["eskəleitə] n. (美)自动扶梯;电动扶梯
2023-07-18 13:29:173


名词 n. [C]1.自动楼梯,电扶梯The new store has escalators to carry customers from one floor to another. 这家新商店有自动扶梯将顾客从一层楼面运送到另一层楼面。2.(工资等)按生活指数作出调整的条款
2023-07-18 13:29:282


自动扶梯英文:moving staircase/stairway/stairs。英语解释:名词 escalator:a clause in a contract that provides for an increase or a decrease in wages or prices or benefits etc. depending on certain conditions (as a change in the cost of living index)同义词:escalator clausea stairway whose steps move continuously on a circulating belt同义词:moving staircase, moving stairway例句:上行自动扶梯。The up escalator。电梯、自动扶梯、升降机检验标准。Inspection standard of elevator, escalator and dumbwaiter。。你可以乘电梯或者自动扶梯上楼。You can take the lift or escalator upstairs。。过马路,别上自动扶梯,就径直走。So you cross the road and instead of going up the escalator, you go straight。。自动扶梯天天送我们上上下下。The escalator wafts us up and down every day。
2023-07-18 13:29:411


2023-07-18 13:30:431


2023-07-18 13:30:524


escalator的中文意思是自动扶梯 方法1.既然已经在百度知道上提问了一次,并且有人为你解答,应该有印象了吧,不要浪费每一次可以学东西的机会 方法2.elevator和escalator的意思可以认为是一样的,现在应该记住了吧 方法3.lator这是个很熟悉的后缀,esca谐音:爱思考 希望这个方法对你有效,谢谢你教给我一个新单词:escalator
2023-07-18 13:31:001


电梯的意思,手扶的那种,不是升降的(升降的叫lift 或者 elevator 一个英式一个美式)用法: 一般可以说 take the escalator (上电梯)go up the escalator / go down the escalator (坐电梯向上/ 坐电梯向下)
2023-07-18 13:31:081


2023-07-18 13:31:332


2023-07-18 13:31:401


2023-07-18 13:32:046

在电梯里应该用in 还是 on?

当然是用in 例 in the bus..
2023-07-18 13:32:235


2023-07-18 13:32:413

求crystal kay escalator中文歌词翻译

日文我全部翻了,因为觉得英文太容易就没必要翻了Crystal Kay - ESCALATOR作词:MONA作曲:KOSUKE MORIMOTO内心矛盾的瞬间松开牵着的手不禁地将之甩开 Dirty talk先迈半步也在温柔地等待狡猾的自己 焦急万分On the Escalator如果回过头 You"re still for away远望过去 Why don"t you follow me你在看哪里,在想什么呀?Thought you always be there for meOne step too far 什么也不说 就这样离开了Two steps too far 最重要的是Oh baby 明明只有你啊渐渐地远离我喜欢的美丽侧脸心痛如绞 如此 Lovin" you意外交接的目光该用怎样的表情来面对呢什么也做不了 悸动是 Escalation在这风中 You"re still for away让你困扰 Why am I hurting too?终于感受到真正的心意Thought you always be there for meOne step too far 什么也不说就这样地远离Two steps too far 明明想要被爱Oh baby 明明一定是一样的心情却连自己的都不清楚如此不坦率的我 真想改变啊One step too far 什么也不说就这样离去Two steps too far 一定要道歉Oh baby 明明知道的One step too far 却什么也不说就这样离去Two steps too far 最重要的Oh baby 只有你One step too far 什么也不说就这样离去Two steps too far 想要被爱Oh baby 明明是一样的心情One step closer 什么也不说就这样离去Two steps closer 最重要的Oh baby 只有你啊
2023-07-18 13:32:501


电梯 阶梯仕电梯呀 什麼用法 它就只是一个名词 与升降式电梯 elevator 不同
2023-07-18 13:32:581


2023-07-18 13:33:051


2023-07-18 13:33:191

英语翻译 要自己翻译的

2023-07-18 13:33:577

you can use the什么,escalator

helped bought Where can you find the signs? Which escalator can I use? You don"t have to book the ticket
2023-07-18 13:34:131


2023-07-18 13:34:232

地铁站里面一直广播的那个“扶梯下行,请摸好扶手”escalator off....., hold

Escalator down, Please hold the handrail for safety.翻译可以有很多种,很难猜到你听到的是啥,反正这句差不多意思。
2023-07-18 13:34:301

一个 巨难 解释的英语句子 -----务必高手帮忙

1、staked:撑住,buckin: 猛然震荡2、skate away:无法固定,无法支撑,on a bucking escalator:在一个剧烈晃动的电梯上。我的腿就好像在一个剧烈晃动的电梯上无法支撑。
2023-07-18 13:34:402


  从原形词与类比词的联系来看,英语类比构词大致可分以下三大类:   一、数字、色彩类比   先看数字类比,例如,美国总统夫人在英语中称First Lady(第一夫人),通过该词美国人又联想类比出First Family(第一家庭)。First Mother(第一母亲)等词。就连总统的爱犬也身价倍增,获得了First Dog(第一狗)的殊荣,可谓一人得道,鸡犬升天。   再看色彩类比,例如,Black Power(黑人权力)最初是美国黑人在争取自身权力斗争中提出的政治口号,后为美国其他少数种族所借用。为了反歧视争平等。印第安人提出了Red Power,美籍墨西哥人也提出了Brown Power。另外,老年人为维护自身权益则提出Gray Power。美国英语中还因美元为绿色钞票而类比出green power一词,借指“金钱的力量”。green power虽与上述种种Power风马牛不相及,但同属色彩类比,甚是有趣,亦含幽默。   再看一例,较早出现的blue-collar(蓝领阶层的)和white-collar(白领阶层的)分别指“体力工作者的”和“脑力工作者的”,稍后产生的pink-collar(粉领阶层的)和 gray-collar(灰领阶层的),则分别指“典型女性职业工作者的”和“维修保养行业工作者的”。近年来,又有两个新的英语类比词问世,即 gold-collar(金领阶层的)和bright-collar(亮领阶层的),分别表示“高级专业人士的”和“电脑及通讯专业人士的”。   二、反义、对义类比   这方面英语类比词数目不少,俯拾可得。例如,nightmare(梦魇)- daymare(昼魇),brain-drain(人材流失) - brain-gain(人材流入),flashback(倒叙)- flash-forward(超前叙述),high-tech(高技术的)- low- tech(低技术的),等等。   在这方面,有些类比词来得有趣,仿造奇特。例如man Friday源于小说《鲁滨逊飘流记》,指主人公于星期五救出的一个土人,后成其忠仆,故名。该词进入英语词汇后泛指“忠实的仆人”或“得力的助手”。后来出现的girl Friday一词系仿此而造,专指“忠实的女仆”或“得力的女助手”。   又如,boycott(联合抵制)一词的来历可追溯到19世纪末。当年在爱尔兰的梅奥郡有个地主名叫Charles Cunnigham Boycott,他压榨佃农,灾年拒不减租,结果激起公愤。全郡居民联合行动,拒绝与他往来,迫使他逃离本地。此事成了报刊上的头号新闻,Boycott 姓氏不胫而走,成为“联合抵制”的代用语,并为法语、德语、西班牙语等欧洲语言所借用。最为有趣的是,人们将本为姓氏的boycott中的“boy”视为与girl相对应的boy(男子)一词,故意加以错误类比,仿造出girlcott一词,用作“妇女界联合抵制”之意。   三、近似情形类比   在英语类比词中,这部分词为数最多。例如,Olympiad(奥运会)- Asiad(亚运会),baby-sit(临时代人照看孩子)- house- sit(临时代人照看房子),escalator(自动扶手电梯)- travolator(设在机场等处的自动人行道),chain-smoke(一支接一支地抽烟)- chain-drink(一杯接一杯地喝酒或饮料),human rights(人权)- animal rights(动物权),hunger strike(绝食罢工或抗议)- sleep strike(绝眠罢工或抗议),boat people(乘船出逃的难民)- land people(陆路出逃的难民),等等,数目众多,不胜枚举。   有时英语里还发出连锁类比现象,以某原形词为模式仿造出一系列类比词来,令人叹为观止。例如,从marathon(马拉松赛跑)一词中类比出的新词就有好几个:walkathon(步行马拉松),talkathon(马拉松式冗长演说),telethon(马拉松式电视节目),sellathon(马拉松式推销)。又如,以racism(种族歧视)为模式类比出的新词为数也不少;ageism(对老年人的歧视),ableism(对残疾人的歧视),fattism(对胖子的歧视),alphabetism(对姓氏按首字母顺序排列在后面的人的歧视)。-ism实际已成为表歧视之义的后缀。   再如,hamburger(汉堡包)这个词的类比也很有趣,它用作食物名本源于地名,但人们有意进行错误类比,将该词中的“ham”理解为“火腿”,并据此仿造出一系列新词,用以指称类似汉堡包,夹有各种馅子的食品,如 fishburger,cheeseburger,nutburger,beefburger等。
2023-07-18 13:34:581

“请从扶手电梯直上二楼” 英文翻译一句话

pls go to second floor by elervator
2023-07-18 13:35:065


you can go upstairs by escalator. Do you own or rent your video? There is a drugstore on the street.He went the theater last night.
2023-07-18 13:35:521


2023-07-18 13:36:035

I was on the escalator in a market.there was an old man who was about five or six people 的全文

I was on the escalator in a market. Therewas an old man who was about five or six people in the front of me. Peoplebehind him were all in a hurry and saw him as a rock. The old man knew theseclearly and tried hard to step aside.I remember…Sometimes when walking ordriving behind an older person, I"ve gotten impatient and upset.“I"m sorry. Please forgive me!” said theold man, “I don"t mean to hold you up.” He then tried his best to get off theescalator.I suddenly saw this in a whole new light. Ifelt sick to my stomach. The old man was apologizing to everyone, when weshould have helped him to calm his fears.One by one, people went around him quickly.By the time I got to him, I asked,“Sir, can I help you?”The man thought for a while, then said,“Well, yes, thank you!”I placed my hand under his left arm andwalked away from the rush of people quickly.“So what are you shopping for, sir?”“Oh, today is Mother"s Day. I want to buysomething for my neighbor. She"s a single mother and she is always so nice to me.” he said, stoppingsuddenly as he searched his pocket.“Oh, it"s here! I always carry them withme,” he said. Then he took out some business cards and handed me one whichread:“John Smith.Friend to all…enemy to no one!Isaid a prayer today and you were the answer.Thank you!”“That"s for you,” he said. “Thanks forstopping to help an old man.”“My friend, you helped me. I discovered whyI was unhappy with the world. Now I know how to solve the problem. No more withme!”( )41.Why did the old man try hard to step aside?A.Because he was in a hurry. B.Because he didn"t want to be in otherpeople"s way.C.Because the escalator was very crowded.D.Because he was as heavy as a rock.( )42.The writer felt sick to his stomach most because  .A.the old man tried hard to step asideB.the old man was difficult to get off theescalatorC.he was impatient and upset for the oldmanD.the old man was apologizing to everyone( )43.What did the writer think about the people that passedby?A.Cold. B.Boring. C.Warm. D.Friendly.( )44.The sentence “Isaid a prayer today and you were the answer”probably means that .A.the old man needed the writer"s help thenhe cameB.the writer was always friendly to otherpeopleC.the old man believed everyone could befriendsD.the old man had lots of friends and noenemies( )45.From the passage we can see that  .A.we should always help old peopleB.we should share our enjoyment with was valuable to make friends with theold manD.if we are kind to others, we will behappy in our lifeI was on the escalator in a market. Therewas an old man who was about five or six people in the front of me. Peoplebehind him were all in a hurry and saw him as a rock. The old man knew theseclearly and tried hard to step aside.I remember…Sometimes when walking ordriving behind an older person, I"ve gotten impatient and upset.“I"m sorry. Please forgive me!” said theold man, “I don"t mean to hold you up.” He then tried his best to get off theescalator.I suddenly saw this in a whole new light. Ifelt sick to my stomach. The old man was apologizing to everyone, when weshould have helped him to calm his fears.One by one, people went around him quickly.By the time I got to him, I asked,“Sir, can I help you?”The man thought for a while, then said,“Well, yes, thank you!”I placed my hand under his left arm andwalked away from the rush of people quickly.“So what are you shopping for, sir?”“Oh, today is Mother"s Day. I want to buysomething for my neighbor. She"s a single mother and she is always so nice to me.” he said, stoppingsuddenly as he searched his pocket.“Oh, it"s here! I always carry them withme,” he said. Then he took out some business cards and handed me one whichread:“John Smith.Friend to all…enemy to no one!Isaid a prayer today and you were the answer.Thank you!”“That"s for you,” he said. “Thanks forstopping to help an old man.”“My friend, you helped me. I discovered whyI was unhappy with the world. Now I know how to solve the problem. No more withme!”( )41.Why did the old man try hard to step aside?A.Because he was in a hurry. B.Because he didn"t want to be in otherpeople"s way.C.Because the escalator was very crowded.D.Because he was as heavy as a rock.( )42.The writer felt sick to his stomach most because  .A.the old man tried hard to step asideB.the old man was difficult to get off theescalatorC.he was impatient and upset for the oldmanD.the old man was apologizing to everyone( )43.What did the writer think about the people that passedby?A.Cold. B.Boring. C.Warm. D.Friendly.( )44.The sentence “Isaid a prayer today and you were the answer”probably means that .A.the old man needed the writer"s help thenhe cameB.the writer was always friendly to otherpeopleC.the old man believed everyone could befriendsD.the old man had lots of friends and noenemies( )45.From the passage we can see that  .A.we should always help old peopleB.we should share our enjoyment with was valuable to make friends with theold manD.if we are kind to others, we will behappy in our life
2023-07-18 13:36:191


.up-escalator 上行扶梯down-escalator 下行扶梯up-escalator 上行扶梯down-escalator 下行扶梯up-escalator 上行扶梯down-escalator 下行扶梯
2023-07-18 13:36:292


the escalator upwards and the escalator downwardsi"m pretty sure that"s the way they are calledeg. Take the first escalator downwards. Other people can also be seen riding the same escalator upwards, ...
2023-07-18 13:36:362


国外旅游服务台常用英语词汇   导语:导游需要帮助游客登记入住退房等与服务台相关事项,所以也需要积累服务台常用英语词汇,下面是我收集整理的服务台常用英语词汇,希望对大家有帮助!   management 经营、管理   market price 市价   cashier"s desk 兑换处   coin 硬币   accounting desk 帐务处   check-out time 退房时间   voucher 证件   price list 价目表   check, cheque 支票   sign (动)签字   interest 利息   form 表格   reservation 预订   reception desk 接待处   tip 小费   reservation desk 预订处   luggage office 行李房   u2026per thousand 千分之u2026   spare (形)多余的"   postpone (动)延期   cancel (动)取消   traveleru2019s cheque 旅行支票   pay (动)付款   fill (动)填写   administration 管理、经营   note 纸币   registration desk 入宿登记处   lobby 前厅   luggage rack 行李架   visit card 名片   identification card 身份证   rate of exchange 兑换率   conversion rate 换算率   charge (动)收费   bill 帐单   change money 换钱   procedure 手续、程序   information desk 问询处   luggage label 行李标签   overbooking 超额订房   u2026per cent 百分之u2026   reasonable (形)合理的   cash (动)兑换   keep (动)保留、保存   bank draft 汇票   accept (动)接受   procedure fee 手续费   fill in the form 填表   ■ 电讯服务   operator 电话员   house phone 内部电话   special line 专线   dial a number 拨号码   hold the line 别挂电话   can"t put somebody through 接不通   ordinary telegram 普通电话   receiver 听筒   city phone 城市电话   telephone number 电话号码   replace the phone 挂上电话   Line, please. 请接外线   The line is busy(engaged) 占线   send a telegram(cable) 发电报   long distance 长途电话   telephone directory 电话簿   call somebody up 打电话给某人   can"t hear somebody 听不见   can"t get through 打不通   inland telegram 国内电报   ordinary mail 平信   switchboard 交换台   central exchange 电话总局   The connection is bad. 听不清   express telegram 加快电报   special dispatch 专电   registered fee 挂号邮资   postcard 明信片   ■ 客房设备、用品   escalator 自动楼梯   bookshelf 书架   ground floor (英)底,层,一楼   cabinet 橱柜   switch 开关   Venetian blind 百叶窗帘   curtain 窗帘   wastebasket 字纸篓   tea trolley 活动茶几   night table 床头柜   first floor (英)二楼,(美)一楼   folding screen 屏风   hanger 挂钩   plug 插头   wall plate 壁上挂盘   Chinese painting 国画   elevator, lift 电梯   drawer 抽屉   second floor (英)三楼,(美)二楼   spring 弹簧   cushion 靠垫,垫子   socket 插座,插口   sitting room 起居室   voltage 电压   floor 楼层,地板   carpentry (总称)木器   tea table 茶几   bedclothes 床上用品   quilt 被子   mattress 床垫   thermos 热水瓶   transformer 变压器 ;
2023-07-18 13:36:441

先翻译 后解答

2023-07-18 13:36:562


联想记忆法、谐音记忆法的应用可以很快的把单词记住. 譬如escalator. es 耳屎 ca 擦 lat 邋遢 邋遢的人把耳屎擦在电动扶梯 我有一整套的教程.我发给你
2023-07-18 13:37:1815


仔细阅读从文章A中挑选出来的下列句子,注意斜体部分,并翻译a,b,c句。1.她要去伦敦读硕士学位。a.我要去首都读博士学位。b.The couple are going to the training centre for their driving licences.c.My brother is going to the northwest region as a volunteer for a year.2.所有这些都让玛丽很高兴。a.所有的信息都使秘书很担心。b.His resume makes the company satisfying.c.The news makes the boss confused.3.现代大学里点名是很常见的。a.现代建筑中玻璃墙是很常见的。b.Escalator is very common in modern markets.c.Multi-media classrooms are very common in modern universities.4.它们在没有电话和邮件时被创造出来。a.很多低效率的工具是在农民没有机器时造出来的。b.Telegraph is widely used when there is no faxes.c.People ate row meat when they haven"t learnt to heat.5.现在,老师有很多其他的方式与学生联系。a.现在,人们有很多其他的方式与人联系。b.Now,there are many other ways to express ourselves opinions to public.c.Now,sutdents have many other ways to get loan from the bank.6.学生向辅导员寻求帮助的最简便的方法就是发邮件。a.人们获取最新信息的最有效的方式就是上网。b.The most common way for students getting pocket money is doing part-time job.c.The best way to understand our parents is communication.7.这就是为什么它被叫做一揽子旅游。a.这就是为什么这个地区被称为面包篮子。b.This is why it is called golden week during this time.c.This is why he is called the walking dictionary in our department. 8.这就是如今年轻人看待世界的方式。a.这就是许多老年人看待时尚的方式。b.This is how chinese wait for foreigners these days.c.This is how most parents deal with the problem of the only one child.9.我们要决定的那时候,正在看很多的小册子。a.他们喊着,争论着,想要解决争议。b.The police are searching the building to get the thief that they wanted.c.The students are searching the internet to find information that they needed.10.事实上,我们想来个汽车旅行a.事实上,我们正在考虑矿产资源,通讯业和其他部门合并的问题。b.As a matter of fact, there will be more tourists come to our city.c.As a matter of fact, they are talking about how to expand the product sales.11.这确实是个很不错的旅行,但是会以地球的环境作为代价。a.这次会议确实意义重大,但是我们得取消之前的会议了。b.The experience will be worthy,of course,but it will take us half a year.c.This holiday will be fantasy,of course,but i need someone to charge the job for me。12.你看,我们得先乘飞机到南美洲,然后搭乘公交到达秘鲁。a.你看,你们会先参加关于东方文化的会议,然后去游颐和园。b.You see,he will enjoy the Gold Beach in San Francisco first,and then take the fligh to tokyo。c.You see,we will have meal with several leaders of their company,and then go to the Wangfujing Street and do some shopping。
2023-07-18 13:37:431


escalator是自动扶梯 lift,elevator是电梯(升降的) lift 是英式的 elevator 是美式的elevator提升(举)与lift或raise同义,但较不常用,当用于指位置或高度,此词语气很正式.The clerk was elevated to a managerial position.这个职员被提升到了经理的职位The balloon had been elevated 800 feet.人们使气球升高了800尺He elevated his voice slightly.他微微提高了自己的嗓音lift提升(举),抬高.就一般的字面意义而言,此词指使用一定的体力将某物提举到一个较高的位置The box is too heavy for me to lift.这箱子太重,我提不起来The crane lifts the bales and puts them down into the hold.起重机提举起大包并把它们放到货舱中to lift a pail of water from the ground.把一桶水从地面提举起来He lifted his cup and emptied it at one gulp.他举起酒杯,一饮而尽(有时用于引申,指不大费力地提举,或用于喻意)(fig.喻)Richard"s success lifts him in our eyes.理查德的成功抬高了他在我们心目中的地位参考资料:汉英双解英语同义词词典
2023-07-18 13:37:511


2023-07-18 13:38:072


2023-07-18 13:38:185

每个句子中有一个错误,请改正! 英语(在线等)

can you tell me how can I get to ibrary
2023-07-18 13:38:476


It was already 5p.m. The sun sank below the horizon.The crowd was packed like sardines in the MRT(捷运)station. Jane and her friends were preparing to return home from a camp. When they got out of MRT,Jane was talking about camping happily with her friends. Just then, she noticed that her best friend Mary was in front of her ."Bye, everyone! I saw one of my friends, I will go home with her,see you tomorrow !" Jane chased after Mary .When she ran through the escalator,there was a banana peel. But she did not see it, so she stepped on it .Suddenly,she was tumbling and rolling down the stairs of the escalator. In front of Jane,there was a teenager who was listening to songs leisurely. He did not realize what had happened around him."Help me!"Jane gave a loud shriek."Did you heard someone screaming?" One of the Jane"s friends asked the others."Oh no! It is Jane!" They immediately ran towards the sound and were astounded by the scene. Jane"s face was injured and her arms were scratched. There were many passengers around her and a kind-hearted lady was already calling the ambulance."Jane! Are you ok?" Jane"s friends asked with concern. Soon, the ambulance was arrived and Jane was sent to the hospital. It was not serious . After this lesson, Jane understood that she shouldn"t have run so quickly that she failed to see the banana peel. We should not throw rubbish anywhere as it might hurt someone.
2023-07-18 13:39:373


Please hold stand firmPlease bring your childPlease do not playing on the escalatorPlease stand behind the yellow lineBanned climbBanned retrograde, moving goodsBanned under the shopping cart escalatorBan on barefoot escalatorThe old man, the child must be escorted the elevator in others.
2023-07-18 13:39:462


2023-07-18 13:39:541


1. 适合咖啡店的英文句子 1:There was a smell of coffee pervading the atmosphere. 空气里弥漫着咖啡的香味。 2:I"d like some coffee with a laced brandy. 我想喝一点加少量白兰地的咖啡。 3:I have coffee after dinner, as is my usual practice. 我饭后喝咖啡,这是我的习惯。 4:Here, have some coffee on me. 来,我请你喝咖啡关于咖啡的英文句子 16句关于咖啡的英文句子 16句。 5:He used to have a cup of coffee preparatory to his work. 在工作之前,他总要喝上一杯咖啡。 2. 关于咖啡的英语作文(只给一些段落,句子也行)做好是全篇的 你可以在谷歌直接搜索,关键词:coffee promotion 你会看到一些网页,自己借鉴一下。 我找了一篇台湾星巴克的促销文章。 如果你们店只是卖咖啡,就请特别注意看e5a48de588b67a6431333330353561一下最后两段,这篇文章写的还是不错的。 Here is some good news for people who like to hang out in Starbucks. The Starbucks “Cafe & Dining” store near MRT Neihu Station in Taipei officially opened last Monday. It is the first ever Starbucks store in the nation to put main courses on its menu. Starbucks has begun to serve homemade breakfasts, lunches, and dinners with some experimental culinary concepts to fill up the hungry stomachs of customers.The store manager Sasha Yang told the Taipei Times last Saturday that the new menu is designed to preserve the natural, original flavors of the ingredients. Since opening, the store has attracted a steady stream of customers, most of whom have given positive feedback to the new meals. Unfortunately, everything on the menu at the moment contains meat, so some customers have suggested that the store should follow the recent popularity in healthy vegetarian food and provide a vegetarian-friendly menu. The store will continue to gather customers" opinions and create recipes that cater to a Taiwanese palate, said Yang.Following the introduction of “Cafe & Dining” stores in Hong Kong and Singapore, Taiwan has become the third Asian nation with one. The store serves a menu of five new dishes during lunch hours (from 11am to 2pm) and dinner hours (from 5pm to 8pm). These include “chicken salad with pesto sauce,” “Tuscan tomato and vegetable soup,” and “French potato and bacon quiche,” with two entrees of “penne rigate with Sicilian meat sauce” and “bacon lasagna with basil pesto sauce.” In addition, the store offers freshly baked “rye and mixed grain bread” during breakfast hours before 11am and a dessert, “creme brulee,” all day long. Everything can be ordered a la carte or as an entree, and the prices range from NT$50 to NT$370.As part of the store"s sales promotion, people can get a free tall-size coffee with a set meal during the lunch and dinner hours prior to the 15th of this month, so that gives you four more days. There will be other promotions starting from next week. Although the new menu only serves a few selections and is based on Italian cuisine, people have been generally satisfied. As the store manager was speaking, the line of customers waiting to place their orders at the counter was stretching nearly to the door. The store"s popularity is a testament to the fact that customers are embracing Starbucks" new food concept.Set in a contemporary art style decor, the laid-back two-story “Cafe & Dining” store is separated into as many as 10 different unique seating areas with tables that can fit anywhere from one person to 12 people. Its wooden interior design creates a warm and cozy dining atmosphere. Now, eating steaming-hot main course meals at Starbucks is no longer a dream.。 3. 有关咖啡的英语俗语 Flavor 【风味】 是香气、酸度、与醇度的整体印象,可以用来形容对比咖啡的整体感觉。 Acidity【酸度】 是所有生长在高原的咖啡所具有的酸辛、强烈的特质。此处所指的酸辛与苦味或发酸(sour)不同,也无关酸碱值,而是促使咖啡发挥提振心神、与涤清味觉等功能的一种清新、活泼的特质。 Body【醇度】 是调理完成的咖啡饮用后的,在舌头对咖啡留有的口感。醇度的变化可分为清淡如水到淡薄、中等、高等、脂状,甚至某些印尼的咖啡如糖浆般浓稠。 Aroma【气味】 Aroma是指调理完成后,咖啡所散发出来的气息与香味。Bouquet是比较不常用的字,专指研磨咖啡粉的味道。Aroma通常具有特异性,并且是综合性。用来形容气味(Aroma)的词包括:焦糖味、碳烤味、巧克力味、果香味、草味、麦芽味、浓郁、丰富、香辛等。 Bitter【苦味】 苦是一种基本味觉,感觉区分布在舌根部分。深色烘焙法的苦味是刻意营造出来的,但最常见的苦味发生原因,是咖啡粉用量过多,而水太少。苦味并不是发酸(sour)的同意字。 Bland【清淡】 生长在低地的咖啡,口感通常相当清淡、无味。咖啡粉份量不足、而水太多的咖啡,也会造成同样的清淡效果。 Briny【咸味】 咖啡冲泡后,若是加热过度,将会产生一种含盐的味道。有部分咖啡店的咖啡属于这种味道。 Earthy【泥土的芳香】 通常用来形容辛香而具有泥土气息的印尼咖啡。但这些所指的泥味并非指咖啡豆沾上泥土的味道。某些商业用咖啡会以廉价的咖啡混合,其中所含的泥味可能会变的脏脏的,这显然是因为将咖啡豆铺在地上进行干燥、粗操的加工技术所造成的。 Exotic【独特性】 形容咖啡具有独树一格的芳香与特殊气息,如花卉、水果、香料般的甜美特质。东非与印尼所产的咖啡,通常具有这种特性。 Mellow【芳醇】 是对低至中酸度、平衡性佳的咖啡所形容的形容词。 Mild【温和】 表示某种咖啡具有调和、细致的风味。生长于高原的拉丁美洲高级咖啡,通常被形容为质地温和。此外、它也是一种咖啡界的术语,用来指所有除了巴西生产的高原咖啡。 Soft【柔润】 形容如印尼咖啡般的低酸度咖啡;亦可以形容为芳醇或香甜。 Sour【发酸】 一种感觉区主要位于舌头后侧的味觉,是浅色烘焙咖啡的特点。 Spicy【香辛】 指一种令人联想到某种特定香料的风味或气味。某种印尼所产的高原咖啡(尤其是陈年咖啡),蕴含小豆蔻般香甜的气味。 Strong【浓烈】 就技术上而言,形容的是各种味觉优缺点的多寡,或指特定的调理成品中,咖啡与水的相对比例。就通俗的用法而言,浓烈形容的是深色烘焙咖啡强烈的风味。此外,它也误导人们产生含有大量咖啡因的错觉。事实上,咖啡因含量高的是罐装的清淡咖啡,因为其中含有较多的低因咖啡。 Sweet【香甜】 是一种普遍使用的形容词,本质上几乎像是水果味,与酒味也有关。生长于哥斯达黎加高原的咖啡通常具有辛烈的风味。 Wild【狂野】 形容咖啡具有极端的口味特性。一般人若是无法接受的话,会称之为古怪,但也可能是吸引的特色,看个人喜好了。 Winy【葡萄酒味】 形容一种令人联想到葡萄酒般的迷人风味。水果般的酸度与滑润的醇度,所营造出来的对比特殊风味。肯亚咖啡便是含有葡萄酒风味的最佳典范。 4. 英语 -——coffee ( )milk? _____only coffee,please. 答案: coffee with mike? only coffee, please. 括号里用with还是or 对于介词的选择主要是看起在句子中起的作用, 那么这个介词的选择需要根据对话的内容来选择, 根据后面一句话 only coffee, please. 表明前面的问题一定是在两者在一起的事物. 根据所给的介词, with ,or 如果用with , 则表示询问, coffee (加) milk ? 所以回答 only coffee, please. 如果中间用 or 表示在牛奶和咖啡中选一个,那么在回答中,不需要 only , 而是说 coffee, please.。 5. 咖啡厅英语日常交际用语 问候语:早上/中午/下午好,**先生,**小姐,**女士。 Good morning/afternoon/evening, sir/madam. 先生/小姐,请问有预定吗? Have you made a reservation, sir/madam? Do you have reservations? 请问您需要一张几人台?/请问一共几个人? How many are there in your party? 请问您喜欢中餐还是西餐? What would you like, Chinese food or Western food? 请问您喜欢点菜还是自助餐?/我们备有自助餐,38元一位。 How would you like your dinner, buffet or a la carte? We"ve got buffet and it costs 38 Yuan per person. 请坐! Please take your seats. 请您稍候,我马上为您安排。 Please wait for a moment. I"ll arrange for you at once. 请先看一下菜单。 Here is the menu. 请一直往前走。 Please walk along this road. 请在这里稍候,我为您查询一下。 Please wait here a moment. I"ll check for you.请向左/右边转,您会看到***Please turn left/right and you will see ***我带您过去,请跟我来。 I"ll lead you there. Step this way, please.请乘坐电梯/自动扶梯。Please take the elevator/escalator. 谢谢光临!欢迎您再次光临!再见!明天见! Thank you for coming. Welcome come again. See you./Goodbye. See you tomorrow.1. 先生/女士/小姐,早上/中午/下午好。 Good morning/afternoon/evening, sir/madam.请问您喜欢喝哪种茶,我们备有红茶,绿茶,普洱,菊花茶和铁观音。What kind of teas would you like? We have brown tea, green tea, puer tea, jasmine tea and oolong tea. 先生/小姐,请用茶,毛巾。 Here is your tea/the towel, sir/madam. 我能为您点菜吗? May I take your order now?请问,您用餐时需要些什么饮料?What kind of drink would you like with your meal? 请问现在可以上菜了吗?May I serve your dishes now?请问还需要些什么?What else would you like? / Is there anything else you need?您的菜上齐了,请慢用!Enjoy your dinner.先生/女士,这是您点的酒,请问是现在开吗?Here is your drink/wine/beer, sir/madam. May I open it for you now?对不起,打扰了,请原谅!Excuse me!我可以撤掉这个盘子吗?Can I take this dish/plate away?对不起,请再说一遍。I"m sorry, could you say it again? / Pardon?对不起,我没听清,请再重复一遍可以吗?Sorry, I haven"t got it. Could you say it again?对不起,让您久等了。 I"m sorry to have kept you waiting.很抱歉,请原谅。I"m sorry.给您带来不便,请原谅。 Sorry to have troubled you.请问先生/小姐,可以上果盘了吗?Excuse me, may I serve the fruit now?请用水果。Enjoy the fruit.先生,这是您的账单。 Here is your bill, sir.谢谢!希望您吃得满意。Thank you. I hope you enjoy your dinner.感谢您的光临,欢迎您下次再来。 Thank you for your coming. Welcome come again.谢谢,请慢走。欢迎您再次光临!Thank you. Welcome come again.对不起,我们不收小费。 非常感谢您!Thanks, but we can"t take the tip. Thank you very much.这是我应该做的。It"s my pleasure!为您服务我很荣幸!It"s my honor to serve you. (总之,在处理问题时,语气要婉转,亲切。) 自助餐:您喜欢几成熟的鸡蛋?How would you like the eggs done?先生/女士,您需要盐还是胡椒(糖)?What would you like, salt, pepper or sugar, sir/Madam?先生/女士,您需要奶油还是番茄酱?What would you like, cream or ketchup sir/Madam?请问先生,我可以清理桌子吗?Can I clean the table, sir?您认为这个汤可口吗?Do you like this soup?先生,对不起,没有不加糖/奶的咖啡。I"m sorry, sir. We haven"t got the coffee without sugar or milk.请稍候,我将另外给您换一块干净的餐巾。 Please wait for a moment. I"ll change another clean towel for you.点餐:我们有各式批萨/汉堡/沙律。We"ve got all kinds of pizza/hamburger and salad?餐前您需要一些开胃酒吗?/开胃小吃吗?Would you like appetizers before dinner?圣诞节快乐/新年快乐/新年好!Merry Christmas/Happy New Year!祝您生日快乐!Happy Birthday!祝您愉快!Happiness is with you!。
2023-07-18 13:40:021

有一首英文歌开头大概是she sliding she sliding ...节奏感比较强,不知道叫什么名字?是谁的?

应该是Charlotte Gainsbourg的Heaven Can Wait 吧!以下是部分歌词:Heaven Can Wait She"s sliding she"s sliding down to the depth of the worldShe"s fighting she"s fighting the urge to make a sand I"ve posedHeaven can waitAnd house too far to goSomewhere betweenWhat you need and what you knowAnd they"re trying to drive that escalator into the groundShe"s hiding she"s hiding on a battleship of baggage and bonesThere"s thunder there"s lightening in an avalanche of faces you knowHeaven can waitAnd house too far to goSomewhere betweenWhat you need and what you knowAnd they"re trying to drive that escalator into the groundYou left your credentials in a greyhound stationWith a first aid kit and a flashlightGoing to a desert I"ve knownHeaven can waitAnd house too far to goSomewhere betweenWhat you need and what you knowAnd they"re trying to drive that escalator into the ground
2023-07-18 13:40:091


和美语在读音上的差异主要反映在元音字母a, o 和辅音字母r 的不同读音上。   1.在ask, can"t, dance, fast, half, path 这一类的中,英国人将字母a 读作[a:],而美国人则读作[?],所以这些词在美国人口中就成了[?sk][k?nt][d?ns][f?st][h?f]和[p??]。   2.在box, crop, hot, ironic, polish, spot这一类中,英国人将字母o读作[)],而美国人则将o读作近似[a:]音的[a]。所以这些词在美国人读起来就成了[baks][krap][hat][ai"ranik][paliJ] 和[spat]。   3.辅音字母r在中是否读音是与美语的又一明显差异。在的r音节中不含卷舌音[r],而美语的r音节中含卷舌音[r],如下列词在和美语中读音是不同的:   读音 美语读音   car [ka:] [kar]   door [d):] [dor]   river [‘riv2] [‘riv2r]   party [‘pa:ti] [‘parti]   board [b):d] [bord]   dirty [‘d2ti] [‘d2rti]   morning [‘m):ni9] [‘morni9]   中只有在far away, for ever, far and wide等连读情况下,字母r才明显的读作卷舌音[r]: [fa:r2‘wei][f2‘rev2][far2ndwaid]。   4.在以-ary或-ory结尾的多音节词中,英国人通常将a或o弱读,而美国人不仅不弱读,还要将a或o所在的音节加上次重音,所以这些词在和美语中不仅读音有差异,节奏也显然不同,例如:   读音 美语读音   dictionary [‘dikJ2n2ri] [‘dikJ2nori]   laboratory [le‘b):r2tri] [‘l?br2,tori]   necessarily [‘nesis2rili] [,nesi‘serili]   preparatory [pri‘p?r2t2ri] [pri‘p?r2,tori]   secretary [‘sekr2tri] [‘sekr2,tori]   5.在以-ile结尾的另一类中,英国人将尾音节中的字母i读作长音[ai];而美国人则弱读作[2],例如:   读音 美语读音   docile [‘dousail] [‘das2l]   fertile [‘f2tail] [‘f2rtl]   fragile [‘fr?d3ail] [‘fr?d32l]   hostile [‘hostail] [‘hastl]   missile [‘misail] [‘mis2l]   除此之外,另有一些难于归类的在和美语中读音也各有不同:   读音 美语读音   clerk [kla:k] [kl2rk]   either [‘ai92] [‘i:92r]   figure [‘fig2] [‘figj2r]   issue [‘isju:] [‘iJu:]   leisure [‘le32] [‘li:32r]   neither [‘nai92] [‘ni:92r]   schedule [‘Jedju:l] [‘sked32l]   以上关于和美语读音不同的比较,是仅就大多人的读音或标准读音而言的,不考虑地区或方言的影响。
2023-07-18 13:40:342


Marketplace supermarket is the "face" Marketplace creative vitality depends on the store design and layout of furnishings of goods, merchandise performance, with the color and lighting applications, the design of the background music. First, the import and export design, Carrefour through serious study concluded that the export and import stores should be separate, each have one, and connect with the main channel so that it could not guarantee that the entire corner stores, customers can transfer as much as possible全场times. Secondly, in the interior design stores, fresh areas of bright red meat counters layout, the yellow food counter layout, the light blue fish counter layout, with white ground environment, a one-time storage and packaging facilities in high-grade stainless steel , Bright lighting and other conditions, all of a sudden will arouse the customers to buy. Again, Carrefour also practical benefits to consumers in mind, some of the facilities within the Marketplace for creative design. The first is the ladder-type crawler-type escalator to escalator. More security to facilitate the crawler-type escalator, consumer confidence, happy shopping mood. This was followed by the Shouyin Tai"s "transformation." Shouyin Tai contents of each drawer has a telephone inside, outside and also the three short Gangzi - used to link the shopping bag. This is not only a Shouyin Tai improve the efficiency of dealing with unexpected incidents, and to increase customer bagging services also increased the value of customer service, saving time for shopping. Depression. The purchase price of products to the first manufacturers signed a contract with the agreed terms of price, whichever is. If changes, the new Gong Huojia must be notified in advance in writing. Secondly, in the management of fresh food, fresh goods guarantee, price concessions. Carrefour of fresh products to the classification of different seasons have different combinations of fresh. In addition, management is the guarantee for the procurement of goods fresh one of the most important part. Appropriate time to buy, the higher frequency of orders. Carrefour fresh foods are different for different stocks, on the same day Maibuchuqu throw away, as far as possible to zero inventory.
2023-07-18 13:40:431


Marketplace supermarket is the "face" Marketplace creative vitality depends on the store design and layout of furnishings of goods, merchandise performance, with the color and lighting applications, the design of the background music. First, the import and export design, Carrefour through serious study concluded that the export and import stores should be separate, each have one, and connect with the main channel so that it could not guarantee that the entire corner stores, customers can transfer as much as possibletimes. Secondly, in the interior design stores, fresh areas of bright red meat counters layout, the yellow food counter layout, the light blue fish counter layout, with white ground environment, a one-time storage and packaging facilities in high-grade stainless steel , Bright lighting and other conditions, all of a sudden will arouse the customers to buy. Again, Carrefour also practical benefits to consumers in mind, some of the facilities within the Marketplace for creative design. The first is the ladder-type crawler-type escalator to escalator. More security to facilitate the crawler-type escalator, consumer confidence, happy shopping mood. This was followed by the Shouyin Tai"s "transformation." Shouyin Tai contents of each drawer has a telephone inside, outside and also the three short Gangzi - used to link the shopping bag. This is not only a Shouyin Tai improve the efficiency of dealing with unexpected incidents, and to increase customer bagging services also increased the value of customer service, saving time for shopping. Depression. The purchase price of products to the first manufacturers signed a contract with the agreed terms of price, whichever is. If changes, the new Gong Huojia must be notified in advance in writing. Secondly, in the management of fresh food, fresh goods guarantee, price concessions. Carrefour of fresh products to the classification of different seasons have different combinations of fresh. In addition, management is the guarantee for the procurement of goods fresh one of the most important part. Appropriate time to buy, the higher frequency of orders. Carrefour fresh foods are different for different stocks, on the same day Maibuchuqu throw away, as far as possible to zero inventory.
2023-07-18 13:40:542

这个小姑娘 是哪个动漫人物啊

2023-07-18 13:41:024


1 seem to 2 where to3 the left4 if was5 will you/won"t you?
2023-07-18 13:41:113


e of heart attack or stroke caused by tumultuous endeavor. Anxiety would be extinct.
2023-07-18 13:41:212


0124是驱动反馈错误,包括N多子代码,77UN61UN30开关卡死会造成,旋转编码器故障也能造成,只要电梯不正常启动都会生成0124。电梯是一种以电动机为动力的垂直升降机,亦称垂直电梯(英语:Elevator / Lift),在马来西亚、新加坡和香港俗称“u4882”(lift的译音)。垂直电梯装有箱状吊舱,用于多层建筑乘人或载运货物。电梯也有台阶式,踏步板装在履带上连续运行,俗称自动电梯,亦称电动扶梯(英文:Escalator)、行人电梯、扶手电梯等。电梯是服务于规定楼层的固定式升降设备,运行在至少两列垂直的或倾斜角小于15°的刚性导轨之间。具有轿厢的电梯,其轿厢尺寸与结构形式便于乘客出入或装卸货物。曳引系统:曳引系统的主要功能是输出与传递动力,使电梯运行。曳引系统主要由曳引机、曳引钢丝绳,导向轮,反绳轮组成。导向系统:导向系统的主要功能是限制轿厢和对重的活动自由度,使轿厢和对重只能沿着导轨作升降运动。导向系统主要由导轨,导靴和导轨架组成。
2023-07-18 13:41:371

指示牌 英语怎么说

可以具体到什么指示牌吗?因为环境不同可能要用不同的单词~~一般来说的指示牌是 sign.
2023-07-18 13:42:082